HP-ICF-GPPC-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, RowStatus FROM SNMPv2-TC SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB PortList FROM Q-BRIDGE-MIB hpSwitch FROM HP-ICF-OID; hpicfGppcMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200709271125Z" ORGANIZATION "Hewlett Packard Company, Procurve Networking Business" CONTACT-INFO "Hewlett Packard Company 8000 Foothills Blvd. Roseville, CA 95747" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module is for HP proprietary General Purpose Packet Control (GPPC)" REVISION "200709271125Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial revision." ::= { hpSwitch 41 } -- *********************************************** -- TEXTUAL Conventions -- *********************************************** HpicfGppcPolicyName ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type definition for the name of a policy. A policy name is a printable string consisting of up to 64 characters from the ASCII character set." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..32)) -- *********************************************** -- Start of MIB Objects -- *********************************************** hpicfGppcConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfGppcMIB 1 } -- *********************************************** -- GPPC application control table -- *********************************************** hpicfGppcAppControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpicfGppcAppControlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The application control table. This keeps track of the applications that use GPPC, the policies set by these applications, and information on where/when/how to apply these policies. This information includes the interfaces and VLANs where the policy should be applied, whether it should be applied at ingress or egress, and when it should expire." ::= { hpicfGppcMIB 2 } hpicfGppcAppControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HpicfGppcAppControlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the application control table." INDEX { hpicfGppcAcAppName, hpicfGppcAcAppInstance, hpicfGppcAcPolicyName } ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlTable 1 } HpicfGppcAppControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hpicfGppcAcAppName SnmpAdminString, hpicfGppcAcAppInstance SnmpAdminString, hpicfGppcAcPolicyName HpicfGppcPolicyName, hpicfGppcAcIngressIfList PortList, hpicfGppcAcIngressVlanMap1k OCTET STRING, hpicfGppcAcIngressVlanMap2k OCTET STRING, hpicfGppcAcIngressVlanMap3k OCTET STRING, hpicfGppcAcIngressVlanMap4k OCTET STRING, hpicfGppcAcEgressIfList PortList, hpicfGppcAcEgressVlanMap1k OCTET STRING, hpicfGppcAcEgressVlanMap2k OCTET STRING, hpicfGppcAcEgressVlanMap3k OCTET STRING, hpicfGppcAcEgressVlanMap4k OCTET STRING, hpicfGppcAcExpPolicy INTEGER, hpicfGppcAcExpString OCTET STRING, hpicfGppcAcLastErrorCode INTEGER, hpicfGppcAcLastErrorString OCTET STRING, hpicfGppcAcRowAdminStatus INTEGER, hpicfGppcAcRowStatus RowStatus } hpicfGppcAcAppName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the application that last modified this row. All applications of the same type should use the same name and should use different instance identifiers to identify themselves uniquely. This is a printable string up to 16 bytes in size." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 1 } hpicfGppcAcAppInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Instance identifier of the application. This is used to distinguish between different instances of the same application. This is a printable string up to 16 bytes in size." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 2 } hpicfGppcAcPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HpicfGppcPolicyName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the policy. Each policy is uniquely identified by its name. It is possible to apply the same policy in different manners to different interfaces and VLANs. This is a printable string up to 64 characters in size." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 3 } hpicfGppcAcIngressIfList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of interfaces to which this policy applies at ingress." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 4 } hpicfGppcAcIngressVlanMap1k OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for VLANS with vlan index values of 0 through 1023. The first octet corresponds to VLANs with vlan index values of 0 through 7, the second octet to VLANs 8 through 15, etc. The most significant bit of each octet corresponds to the lowest vlan index value in that octet. For each VLAN that this policy should apply to at ingress, the corresponding bit is set to '1'." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 5 } hpicfGppcAcIngressVlanMap2k OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for VLANS with vlan index values of 1024 through 2047. The first octet corresponds to VLANs with vlan index values of 1024 through 1031, the second octet to VLANs 1032 through 1039, etc. The most significant bit of each octet corresponds to the lowest vlan index value in that octet. For each VLAN that this policy should apply to at ingress, the corresponding bit is set to '1'." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 6 } hpicfGppcAcIngressVlanMap3k OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for VLANS with vlan index values of 2048 through 3071. The first octet corresponds to VLANs with vlan index values of 2048 through 2055, the second octet to VLANs 2056 through 2063, etc. The most significant bit of each octet corresponds to the lowest vlan index value in that octet. For each VLAN that this policy should apply to at ingress, the corresponding bit is set to '1'." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 7 } hpicfGppcAcIngressVlanMap4k OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for VLANS with vlan index values of 3072 through 4095. The first octet corresponds to VLANs with vlan index values of 3072 through 3079, the second octet to VLANs 3080 through 3087, etc. The most significant bit of each octet corresponds to the lowest vlan index value in that octet. For each VLAN that this policy should apply to at ingress, the corresponding bit is set to '1'." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 8 } hpicfGppcAcEgressIfList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of interfaces to which this policy applies at egress." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 9 } hpicfGppcAcEgressVlanMap1k OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for VLANS with vlan index values of 0 through 1023. The first octet corresponds to VLANs with vlan index values of 0 through 7, the second octet to VLANs 8 through 15, etc. The most significant bit of each octet corresponds to the lowest vlan index value in that octet. For each VLAN that this policy should apply to at egress, the corresponding bit is set to '1'." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 10 } hpicfGppcAcEgressVlanMap2k OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for VLANS with vlan index values of 1024 through 2047. The first octet corresponds to VLANs with vlan index values of 1024 through 1031, the second octet to VLANs 1032 through 1039, etc. The most significant bit of each octet corresponds to the lowest vlan index value in that octet. For each VLAN that this policy should apply to at egress, the corresponding bit is set to '1'." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 11 } hpicfGppcAcEgressVlanMap3k OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for VLANS with vlan index values of 2048 through 3071. The first octet corresponds to VLANs with vlan index values of 2048 through 2055, the second octet to VLANs 2056 through 2063, etc. The most significant bit of each octet corresponds to the lowest vlan index value in that octet. For each VLAN that this policy should apply to at egress, the corresponding bit is set to '1'." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 12 } hpicfGppcAcEgressVlanMap4k OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for VLANS with vlan index values of 3072 through 4095. The first octet corresponds to VLANs with vlan index values of 3072 through 3079, the second octet to VLANs 3080 through 3087, etc. The most significant bit of each octet corresponds to the lowest vlan index value in that octet. For each VLAN that this policy should apply to at egress, the corresponding bit is set to '1'." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 13 } hpicfGppcAcExpPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { permanent(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Expiration policy. This indicates whether a policy should expire automatically. 'permanent' means a policy should never expire automatically." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 14 } hpicfGppcAcExpString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..24)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Expiration string. This is used in conjuntion with hpicfGppcAcExpPolicy to indicate when a policy should expire automatically. The value stored in this object is interpreted differently for different expiration policies. When the expiration policy is 'permanent', this value is ignored." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 15 } hpicfGppcAcLastErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no-error(0), gppc-generic-error(1), gppc-length-error(2), gppc-name-error(3), gppc-parameter-error(4), gppc-not-implemented(5), gppc-malloc-error(6), gppc-too-many-apps(7), gppc-too-many-policies(8), gppc-already-reserved(9), gppc-entry-not-found(10), gppc-entry-exists(11), gppc-platform-error(12), gppc-app-using-policy(13), gppc-invalid-policy-type(14), gppc-not-reserved(15), gppc-no-policy(16), gppc-policy-not-active(17), gppc-policy-has-rules(18), gppc-rule-exists(19), gppc-mac-mirror-mac-exists(30), gppc-mac-mirror-dir-both-conflict(31), gppc-mac-mirror-dir-src-conflict(32), gppc-mac-mirror-dir-dst-conflict(33), gppc-mac-mirror-invalid-session(34), gppc-mac-mirror-invalid-direction(35), gppc-mac-mirror-no-entry(36), gppc-mac-mirror-convert-error(37), gppc-mac-mirror-table-full(38), gppc-cfg-generic-error(50), gppc-cfg-entry-not-found(51), gppc-cfg-set-error(52), gppc-cfg-get-error(53), gppc-cfg-no-record(54), gppc-cfg-add-record-error(55), gppc-cfg-invalid(56), gppc-cfg-malloc-error(57) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Error code of the last error that occurred. A non-zero value indicates that the last operation performed by this instance of the application on the named policy did not succeed. A detailed description of the error is available in hpicfGppcAcLastErrorString." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 16 } hpicfGppcAcLastErrorString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the last error that occurred. This is a printable ASCII string that describes the error in some detail." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 17 } hpicfGppcAcRowAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), enabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrative status of this row. The named policy in this row is applied to the interfaces and/or VLANs by this instance of the application only when the administrative status is enabled. This is the main on/off switch for the row. The row status must be active for this switch to have an effect." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 18 } hpicfGppcAcRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of this row. Row status must be active, and the admin status (see hpicfGppcAcRowAdminStatus) must be enabled for this row to be activated." ::= { hpicfGppcAppControlEntry 19 } -- *********************************************** -- GPPC named policy table -- *********************************************** hpicfGppcNamedPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpicfGppcNamedPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The named policy table. This table lists the name and type of all policies that are applied via GPPC." ::= { hpicfGppcMIB 3 } hpicfGppcNamedPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HpicfGppcNamedPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the named policy table." INDEX { hpicfGppcNpPolicyName } ::= { hpicfGppcNamedPolicyTable 1 } HpicfGppcNamedPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hpicfGppcNpPolicyName HpicfGppcPolicyName, hpicfGppcNpPolicyType INTEGER, hpicfGppcNpRowStatus RowStatus } hpicfGppcNpPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HpicfGppcPolicyName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the policy. The name of a policy is its unique identification. It is a printable string in ASCII characters. It can be up to 64 characters in length" ::= { hpicfGppcNamedPolicyEntry 1 } hpicfGppcNpPolicyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mac-based-mirroring(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of the policy. A policy type of 'mac-based-mirroring' indicates that the policy is used to mirror traffic based on the MAC address of the source or destination." ::= { hpicfGppcNamedPolicyEntry 2 } hpicfGppcNpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of this row. The named policy must be active before rules can be added to it or removed from it. A newly created policy will remain in notReady state until it is given a valid policy type (see hpicfGppcNpPolicyType). A row in the named policy table can not be deleted if the named policy is referenced by a row in the application control table. The application control entries that refer to this row must be deleted before this row can be deleted." ::= { hpicfGppcNamedPolicyEntry 3 } -- *********************************************** -- GPPC policy rules table -- *********************************************** hpicfGppcPolicyRulesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpicfGppcPolicyRulesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The policy rules table. A policy can consist of multiple rules. All of the rules of a policy are listed in this table. Each rule consists of a string and a numeric identifier - the rule id." ::= { hpicfGppcMIB 4 } hpicfGppcPolicyRulesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HpicfGppcPolicyRulesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the policy rules table." INDEX { hpicfGppcNpPolicyName, hpicfGppcPrRuleId } ::= { hpicfGppcPolicyRulesTable 1 } HpicfGppcPolicyRulesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hpicfGppcPrRuleId Integer32, hpicfGppcPrPolicyRule OCTET STRING, hpicfGppcPrRowStatus RowStatus } hpicfGppcPrRuleId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Numeric identifier of the rule. The rules in a policy are processed sequentially in increasing order of their rule ids. These numeric ids are generated by the application that creates the policy. Rules within a policy have unique rule ids." ::= { hpicfGppcPolicyRulesEntry 1 } hpicfGppcPrPolicyRule OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rule string. This is a string that represents one rule in the policy. A policy can consist of one or many rules." ::= { hpicfGppcPolicyRulesEntry 2 } hpicfGppcPrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of this row. A rule must have an active row status in order to take effect. Only active rules within the named policy are applied when an application applies the policy. It is possible to use this row status as an on/off switch for enabling or disabling selected rules within a policy. A newly created rule will remain in notReady state until it is given a valid rule string (see hpicfGppcPrPolicyRule)." ::= { hpicfGppcPolicyRulesEntry 3 } -- ********************************************************************** -- Conformance Information -- ********************************************************************** hpicfGppcMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfGppcConformance 1 } hpicfGppcMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfGppcConformance 2 } hpicfGppcMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for HP routers implementing the HP-ICF-GPPC-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfGppcGroup } GROUP hpicfGppcGroup DESCRIPTION "Support for this group is required for HP routers that implement GPPC." ::= { hpicfGppcMIBCompliances 1 } hpicfGppcGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hpicfGppcAcIngressIfList, hpicfGppcAcIngressVlanMap1k, hpicfGppcAcIngressVlanMap2k, hpicfGppcAcIngressVlanMap3k, hpicfGppcAcIngressVlanMap4k, hpicfGppcAcEgressIfList, hpicfGppcAcEgressVlanMap1k, hpicfGppcAcEgressVlanMap2k, hpicfGppcAcEgressVlanMap3k, hpicfGppcAcEgressVlanMap4k, hpicfGppcAcExpPolicy, hpicfGppcAcExpString, hpicfGppcAcLastErrorCode, hpicfGppcAcLastErrorString, hpicfGppcAcRowAdminStatus, hpicfGppcAcRowStatus, hpicfGppcNpPolicyType, hpicfGppcNpRowStatus, hpicfGppcPrPolicyRule, hpicfGppcPrRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of HP proprietary objects to support GPPC." ::= { hpicfGppcMIBGroups 1 } END