           Integer32, IpAddress, TimeTicks,
               FROM SNMPv2-SMI
           DisplayString, RowStatus
               FROM SNMPv2-TC
               FROM SNMPv2-CONF
           hpicfObjectModules, icfSecurity
               FROM HP-ICF-OID
           InetAddress, InetAddressType, InetAddressPrefixLength
               FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB;

       icfSecurityMib MODULE-IDENTITY
            LAST-UPDATED "200710010903Z"  -- October 01, 2007
            ORGANIZATION "Hewlett Packard Company,
                          Network Infrastructure Solutions"
            CONTACT-INFO "Hewlett Packard Company
                          8000 Foothills Blvd.
                          Roseville, CA 95747"
            DESCRIPTION  "This MIB module describes objects for managing
                         the SNMPv1 authorization configuration for
                         devices in the HP Integrated Communication
                         Facility product line."

            REVISION     "200710010903Z"  -- October 01, 2007
            DESCRIPTION  "Deprecated icfAuthIPMgrAddress and icfAuthIPMgrMask."

            REVISION     "200301090112Z"  -- January 9, 2003
            DESCRIPTION  "Deprecated icfCommunityTable and icfAuthMgrTable."

            REVISION     "200011030756Z"  -- November 3, 2000
            DESCRIPTION  "Added icfAuthIPMgrTable.  Updated division name."

            REVISION     "9609100200Z"  -- September 10, 1996
            DESCRIPTION  "Updated division name in ORGANIZATION clause."

            REVISION     "9601250356Z"  -- October 25, 1996
            DESCRIPTION  "Split this MIB module from the former monolithic
                         hp-icf MIB.  Added the SNMP community group."

            REVISION     "9307090000Z"  -- July 9, 1993
            DESCRIPTION  "Initial version of this MIB module."
            ::= { hpicfObjectModules 1 }

       -- The HP ICF Security Group.  This group contains objects for
       -- configuring SNMPv1 (non)security for this agent.

       icfSecurPassword OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..63))
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     deprecated
                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********

                   This variable contains a string which is used
                   both as the community name for the password
                   community, and as the login password for the
                   console port.  This community name is needed for
                   most SET operations.  In addition, the variables
                   in the ICF security group are only visible within
                   the password community, and must use the value of
                   this variable as the community name for GET
                   operations.  If the value of this variable is
                   equal to the null string, the community name
                   'public' or the null string will be treated the
                   same as the password community.

                   This object has been deprecated.  Its functionality
                   has been replaced by the icfCommunityTable."
           ::= { icfSecurity 1 }

       icfSecurAuthAnyMgr OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     deprecated
                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********

                   When this variable is set to enabled, any manager
                   with a valid community name may perform SET
                   operations on this device.  In this configuration,
                   entries in the icfSecurAuthMgrTable are used only
                   for trap destinations.  If this variable is set to
                   disabled, a manager must be in the
                   icfSecurAuthMgrTable and have a valid community
                   name in order to perform SET operations.

                   This object has been deprecated.  Its functionality
                   has been replaced by the icfAuthMgrTable."
           ::= { icfSecurity 2 }

       icfSecurAuthMgrTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IcfSecurAuthMgrEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     deprecated
                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********

                   This table contains a list of addresses of
                   managers that are allowed to perform SET
                   operations on this device, and controls the
                   destination addresses for traps.  If
                   icfSecurAuthAnyMgr is set to disabled, a manager
                   must be in this table and use the correct
                   community name for the password community in order
                   to perform a GET operation on this table.

                   This table has been deprecated.  It is replaced by
                   the icfAuthMgrTable.  The trap destination
                   functionality has been replaced by the
           ::= { icfSecurity 3 }

       icfSecurAuthMgrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     IcfSecurAuthMgrEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     deprecated
                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********

                   An entry in the icfSecurAuthMgrTable containing
                   information about a single manager.

                   This table has been deprecated.  It is replaced by
                   the icfAuthMgrTable.  The trap destination
                   functionality has been replaced by the
           INDEX      { icfAuthMgrIndex }
           ::= { icfSecurAuthMgrTable 1 }

       IcfSecurAuthMgrEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
               icfAuthMgrIndex                 Integer32,
               icfAuthMgrIpAddress             IpAddress,
               icfAuthMgrIpxAddress            OCTET STRING,
               icfAuthMgrRcvTraps              INTEGER

       icfAuthMgrIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..10)
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     deprecated
                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********

                   This object contains the index which uniquely
                   identifies this entry in the

                   This table has been deprecated.  It is replaced by
                   the icfAuthMgrTable.  The trap destination
                   functionality has been replaced by the
           ::= { icfSecurAuthMgrEntry 1 }

       icfAuthMgrIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     deprecated
                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********

                   The IP address of a manager that is allowed to
                   manage this device.  Setting this variable to a
                   nonzero value will clear the corresponding
                   instance of the icfAuthMgrIpxAddress variable.

                   This table has been deprecated.  It is replaced by
                   the icfAuthMgrTable.  The trap destination
                   functionality has been replaced by the
           ::= { icfSecurAuthMgrEntry 2 }

       icfAuthMgrIpxAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (10))
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     deprecated
                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********

                   The IPX address of a manager that is allowed to
                   manage this device.  Setting this variable to a
                   valid IPX address will clear the corresponding
                   instance of the icfAuthMgrIpAddress variable.

                   This table has been deprecated.  It is replaced by
                   the icfAuthMgrTable.  The trap destination
                   functionality has been replaced by the
           ::= { icfSecurAuthMgrEntry 3 }

       icfAuthMgrRcvTraps OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     deprecated
                   "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED *********

                   If this variable is set to enabled, any traps
                   generated by this device will be sent to the
                   manager indicated by the corresponding instance of
                   either icfAuthMgrIpAddress or
                   icfAuthMgrIpxAddress, whichever is valid.

                   This table has been deprecated.  It is replaced by
                   the icfAuthMgrTable.  The trap destination
                   functionality has been replaced by the
           ::= { icfSecurAuthMgrEntry 4 }

       -- icfSecurIntruder objects.  When the agent detects an
       -- authentication failure, it records the violation in the
       -- following objects and in nonvolatile memory.  It uses the
       -- icfSecurIntruderFlag as a throttle to prevent excessive
       -- nvram writes.

       icfSecurIntruder   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfSecurity 4 }

       icfSecurIntruderFlag OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "If this object is set to 'valid', the remainder
                   of the intruder objects contain information about
                   an authentication failure.  The Security LED on
                   the device will blink if this flag is set to 
                   'valid'.  The intruder objects will not be
                   overwritten as long as this flag is set to 
                   'valid'.  Setting this flag to 'invalid' will turn
                   off the Security LED if there are no other
                   current violations, and will allow the intruder
                   objects to be overwritten by subsequent
                   authentication failures."
           ::= { icfSecurIntruder 1 }

       icfSecurIntruderIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "The IP address of the manager that caused the
                   authentication failure.  Only one of
                   icfSecurIntruderIpAddress and
                   icfSecurIntruderIPXAddress will be valid."
           ::= { icfSecurIntruder 2 }

       icfSecurIntruderIpxAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (10))
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "The IPX address of the manager that caused the
                   authentication failure.  Only one of
                   icfSecurIntruderIpAddress and
                   icfSecurIntruderIPXAddress will be valid."
           ::= { icfSecurIntruder 3 }

       icfSecurIntruderTime OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     TimeTicks
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "The value of sysUpTime when the authentication
                   failure occurred.  A value of 0 indicates that the
                   agent has been reset since this authentication
                   failure occurred."
           ::= { icfSecurIntruder 4 }

       -- The SNMP community group.  Used for configuring SNMPv1
       -- (non)security.  Replaces the old icfSecurity group.

       icfCommunityTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IcfCommunityEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     deprecated
                    This table contains information about community
                   names known by this agent."
           ::= { icfSecurity 5 }

       icfCommunityEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     IcfCommunityEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     deprecated
                   An entry in the table, containing information about
                   a single community name."
           INDEX      { icfCommunityIndex }
           ::= { icfCommunityTable 1 }

       IcfCommunityEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
               icfCommunityIndex               Integer32,
               icfCommunityName                OCTET STRING,
               icfCommunityReadView            INTEGER,
               icfCommunityWriteView           INTEGER,
               icfCommunityStatus              RowStatus

       icfCommunityIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     deprecated
                    Uniquely identifies this community name entry."
           ::= { icfCommunityEntry 1 }

       icfCommunityName OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..32))
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     deprecated
                   Community name this entry is about.  Not allowed
                   to have two active rows with the same community
           ::= { icfCommunityEntry 2 }

       icfCommunityReadView OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER { 
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     deprecated
                   The MIB view used for read requests using this
                   community name.  One of the following:
                    'none' is the empty MIB view.
                    'discovery' has access to discovery objects, which
                        will be enough to do an address search, send
                        announce packets, and do a link test.  This
                        view also includes objects under the
                        samplingProbe subtree.  This view is typically
                        used as a writeView for a community used by
                        autodiscovery and autotopology applications.
                    'restricted' has access to a limited subset of the
                        MIB, which includes monitoring objects and
                        limited set of configuration objects.
                    'user' has access to everything except objects
                       under the icfSecurity subtree.
                    'root' has access to everything, including the
                       icfSecurity subtree."
           ::= { icfCommunityEntry 3 }

       icfCommunityWriteView OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER { 
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     deprecated
                   The MIB view used for write requests using this
                   community name.  One of the following:
                    'none' is the empty MIB view.
                    'discovery' has access to discovery objects, which
                        will be enough to do an address search, send
                        announce packets, and do a link test.  This
                        view also includes objects under the
                        samplingProbe subtree.  This view is typically
                        used as a writeView for a community used by
                        autodiscovery and autotopology applications.
                    'restricted' has access to a limited subset of the
                        MIB, which includes monitoring objects and
                        limited set of configuration objects.
                    'user' has access to everything except objects
                       under the icfSecurity subtree.
                    'root' has access to everything, including the
                       icfSecurity subtree."
           ::= { icfCommunityEntry 4 }

       icfCommunityStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     deprecated
                    Status of this entry."
           ::= { icfCommunityEntry 5 }

       icfAuthMgrTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IcfAuthMgrEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     deprecated
                   This table contains a list of manager addresses.
                   Entries in this table are grouped by using a common
                   value for icfCommunityIndex, that identifies the
                   community name that the group of manager addresses
                   has access to.  A community name entry which has
                   a set of entries in this table can only be used by
                   requests originating from one of the addresses in
                   the set.  A community name entry which has no
                   entries in this table can be used by requests
                   originating from any address."
           ::= { icfSecurity 6 }

       icfAuthMgrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     IcfAuthMgrEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     deprecated
                   An entry in the table, containing a single
                   authorized manager address."
           INDEX      { icfCommunityIndex, icfAuthMgrSubIndex }
           ::= { icfAuthMgrTable 1 }

       IcfAuthMgrEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
               icfAuthMgrSubIndex              Integer32,
               icfAuthMgrAddrType              INTEGER,
               icfAuthMgrAddress               OCTET STRING,
               icfAuthMgrMask                  OCTET STRING,
               icfAuthMgrStatus                RowStatus

       icfAuthMgrSubIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     deprecated
                   An index which uniquely identifies an address within
                   a group."
           ::= { icfAuthMgrEntry 1 }

       icfAuthMgrAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     deprecated
                    The network type for this entry."
           ::= { icfAuthMgrEntry 2 }

       icfAuthMgrAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(4|10))
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     deprecated
                   The manager address for this entry, formatted
                   according to the value of icfAuthMgrAddrType.  When
                   icfAuthMgrAddrType is 'ip', this value will consist
                   of four octets, containing the IP address of the
                   manager in network byte order.  When
                   icfAuthMgrAddrType is 'ipx', this value will consist
                   of ten octets.  The first four octets will contain
                   the IPX network number in network byte order, and the
                   remaining six octets will contain the IPX node number
                   in network byte order."
           ::= { icfAuthMgrEntry 3 }

       icfAuthMgrMask OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(4|10))
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     deprecated
                   This object is used to qualify the value of the
                   corresponding instance of icfAuthMgrAddress.  The
                   semantics of this object depend on the corresponding
                   value of icfAuthMgrAddrType.  When icfAuthMgrType
                   is 'ip', this object can be used to allow access
                   by all managers on a particular IP subnet.  When
                   icfAuthMgrType is 'ipx', this object can be used to
                   allow access by all managers with a particular IPX
                   network number."
           ::= { icfAuthMgrEntry 4 }

       icfAuthMgrStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     deprecated
                    Status of this entry."
           ::= { icfAuthMgrEntry 5 }

       icfAuthIPMgrTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IcfAuthIPMgrEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
           DESCRIPTION "This table contains a list of IP manager
                        addresses.  This list is used grant or deny
                        access to HTTP, telnet, and TFTP."
            ::= { icfSecurity 7 }

       icfAuthIPMgrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IcfAuthIPMgrEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
           DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table containing a single
                        IP authorized manager address."
           INDEX       { icfAuthIPMgrIndex }
            ::= { icfAuthIPMgrTable 1 }
       IcfAuthIPMgrEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
                icfAuthIPMgrIndex            Integer32,
                icfAuthIPMgrAddress          IpAddress,
                icfAuthIPMgrMask             IpAddress,
                icfAuthIPMgrAccess           INTEGER,
                icfAuthIPMgrStatus           RowStatus,
                icfAuthIPMgrInetAddrType     InetAddressType,
                icfAuthIPMgrInetAddress      InetAddress,
                icfAuthIPMgrInetAddrMaskType InetAddressType,
                icfAuthIPMgrInetAddrMask     InetAddress

       icfAuthIPMgrIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
           DESCRIPTION "An index which uniquely identifies an address
                        within the group."
           ::= { icfAuthIPMgrEntry 1 }

       icfAuthIPMgrAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated 
           DESCRIPTION "**************deprecated*********************
                        The IP address of the authorized manager for
                        this entry.
                        This object is deprecated new object icfAuthIPMgr
                        InetAddress has been defined to hold version neutral
                        address type."  
           ::= { icfAuthIPMgrEntry 2 }

       icfAuthIPMgrMask OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated 
           DESCRIPTION "**************deprecated**********************
                        This object qualifies the value of the
                        corresponding instance of icfAuthIPMgrAddress.
                        This object can be used to allow access by all
                        managers on a particular IP subnet.
                        This object is deprecated the new objects which are
                        defined to hold this is value are
                        icfAuthIPMgrInetAddrMaskType and icfAuthIPMgrInetAddrMask."
           ::= { icfAuthIPMgrEntry 3 }

       icfAuthIPMgrAccess OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      current 
           DESCRIPTION "This object defines the access level for a
                        given manager.  Operator allows for read only
                        access, and Manager allows for read/write
           ::= { icfAuthIPMgrEntry 4 }

       icfAuthIPMgrStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      current
           DESCRIPTION "Status of this entry."
           ::= { icfAuthIPMgrEntry 5 }

       icfAuthIPMgrInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      current
           DESCRIPTION "Specifies the type of address stored in 
                        icfAuthIPMgrInetAddress object."
           ::= { icfAuthIPMgrEntry 6 }

       icfAuthIPMgrInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      current
           DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the authorized manager for
                        this entry.This object can hold the version
                        neutral IP address."
           ::= { icfAuthIPMgrEntry 7 }

       icfAuthIPMgrInetAddrMaskType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      current
           DESCRIPTION "Specifies the type of IP Mask stored in  
                        icfAuthIPMgrInetAddrMask object."
           ::= { icfAuthIPMgrEntry 8 }

       icfAuthIPMgrInetAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      current
           DESCRIPTION "This object qualifies the value of the
                        corresponding instance of icfAuthIPMgrInetAddress.
                        This object can be used to allow access by all
                        managers on a particular IP subnet.This object can
                        hold the version neutral IP address Mask."
           ::= { icfAuthIPMgrEntry 9 }

       -- Conformance information

           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfSecurityMib 1 }

           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfSecurityConformance 1 }
           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfSecurityConformance 2 }

       -- compliance statements

       icfSecurCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
           STATUS     obsolete --  change to deprecated when new SMI
                   "********* THIS COMPLIANCE IS DEPRECATED *********/

                   A compliance statement for agents implementing
                   the original version of this module."
               MANDATORY-GROUPS { icfSnmpSecurityGroup,
                                  icfSecIntruderGroup }

           ::= { icfSecurityCompliances 1 }

       icfV1CommunityCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
           STATUS     deprecated
                   "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED *********
                   A compliance statement for HP ICF agents
                   implementing SNMPv1 community name management."
               MANDATORY-GROUPS { icfV1CommunityGroup }

               GROUP    icfSecIntruderGroup
                       "This group should be implemented by devices
                       that are able to keep a non-volatile
                       record of authentication failures."

           ::= { icfSecurityCompliances 2 }

       -- units of conformance

       icfSnmpSecurityGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS    { icfSecurPassword,
           STATUS     obsolete --  change to deprecated when new SMI
                   "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED *********

                   A collection of objects for managing the SNMPv1
                   (non-)security configuration on HP networking
           ::= { icfSecurityGroups 1 }

       icfSecIntruderGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS    { icfSecurIntruderFlag,
           STATUS     current
                   "A collection of objects for tracking
                   authentication failures."
           ::= { icfSecurityGroups 2 }

       icfV1CommunityGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS    { icfCommunityName,
           STATUS     deprecated
                   "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED *********
                   A collection of objects for managing SNMPv1
                   community strings."
           ::= { icfSecurityGroups 13 }

       icfAuthIPMgrGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS     { icfAuthIPMgrAddress,
           STATUS      deprecated 
           DESCRIPTION "***************** deprecated ******************
                       A collection of objects for granting or denying
                       access to specific IP addresses for HTTP, telnet,
                       and TFTP.
                       This Group object has been deprecated and a new 
                       group object has been defined with name 
           ::= { icfSecurityGroups 14 }

       icfAuthIPMgrInetGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS     { icfAuthIPMgrInetAddrType, 
           STATUS      current
           DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for granting or denying
                       access to specific IP addresses for HTTP, telnet,
                       and TFTP." 
           ::= { icfSecurityGroups 15 }