HP-ICF-SNMP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS hpSwitch FROM HP-ICF-OID ifIndex, InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB InetAddressType, InetAddress FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF Counter32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI; -- hpicfSnmpMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200708240000Z" -- August 24, 2007 at 00:00 GMT ORGANIZATION "Hewlett-Packard Company Procurve Networking Business" CONTACT-INFO "Hewlett-Packard Company 8000 Foothills Blvd. Roseville, CA 95747" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module contains HP proprietary objects for managing SNMP entity." REVISION "200611110000Z" -- November 11, 2006 at 00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Updated description and changed InterfaceIndex to InterfaceIndexOrZero for hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrIfIndex and hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrIfIndex objects." REVISION "200609010000Z" -- September 01, 2006 at 00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Initial revision" REVISION "200708240000Z" -- August 24, 2007 at 00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Added hpicfSnmpNotification information." ::= { hpSwitch 38 } -- -- Node definitions -- -- hpicfSnmpNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfSnmpMIB 0 } -- hpicfSnmpAuthFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hpicfSnmpAuthFailCount, hpicfSnmpAuthFailIPType, hpicfSnmpAuthFailIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The switch sends this notification when an SNMP SET command fails at the authorization check stage. This notification applies to SETs within the hpicf tree that are network security related. This object is controlled by hpicfSnmpAuthNotifyEnable" ::= { hpicfSnmpNotification 1 } -- hpicfSnmpObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfSnmpMIB 1 } -- hpicfSnmpConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfSnmpObjects 1 } -- hpicfSnmpGlobalCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfSnmpConfig 1 } -- hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of entries used to configure the policy for selecting source address while sending SNMP response. When this entry is configured, the source address field in the IP PKT header get modified based on the configured option. There are 4 valid options that can be configured for ipv4 and ipv6 networks a) rfc1517 This is the default behavior if no other policy is configured. In this case the source address will be the address of the interface from which packet goes out of the box. b) user configured ip address In this case the configured address will be used as source address in the SNMP response. c) user configured interface In this case the IP address configured on the specified interface will be used as source address in the SNMP response. In case of multinet interface then smallest IP address present on the interface in lexicographical order will be used as source address while sending SNMP responses for requests. d) dst_ip_of_request In this case, the destination ip address present in the IP header of received SNMP request will be used as source address in the SNMP response." ::= { hpicfSnmpGlobalCfg 1 } -- hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing information about a single source address. This table alows only 2 values that can be used as index to this table. These are: 1) hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddressType = ipv4 Where user wants to configure the source address type used while sending the SNMP response on IPV4 network. 2) hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddressType = ipv6 Where user wants to configure the source address type used while sending the SNMP response on IPV6 network." INDEX { hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddressType } ::= { hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrPolicyTable 1 } HpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddressType InetAddressType, hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrPolicy INTEGER, hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddress InetAddress, hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero } -- hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "We allow only 2 values for this object as an index for hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrPolicyEntry - 1) hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddressType = ipv4 Where user wants to configure the source address type used while sending the SNMP response on IPV4 network 2) hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddressType = ipv6 Where user wants to configure the source address type used while sending the SNMP response on IPV6 network." ::= { hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrPolicyEntry 1 } -- hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rfc1517(1), configuredIP(2), configuredInterface(3), dstIpOfRequest(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This specifies the policy for selecting the source address for outgoing SNMP responses. a) rfc1517 This is the default behavior if no other policy is configured. In this case the source address will be the address of the interface from which packet goes out of the box. b) configuredIP By setting this value will enable the SNMP agent to use IP addresses specified in hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddress object as source address while sending the response. hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddress must be set to a valid and active ip address before setting policy to configuredIP. c) configuredInterface By setting this value will enable the SNMP agent to use IP addresses configured on the interface specified by hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrIfIndex object as source address while sending the response. In case of multinet interface then smallest IP address present on the interface in lexicographical order will be used as source address while sending SNMP responses for requests. hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrIfIndex object must be set to a valid loopback interface number before setting policy to configuredInterface. d) dst_ip_of_request In this case, the destination ip address present in the IP header of received SNMP request will be used as source address in the SNMP response." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrPolicyEntry 2 } -- hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the IP address which will be used as source ip while sending the SNMP response. This object should be used in conjunction with the hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddressType and hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrPolicy." ::= { hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrPolicyEntry 3 } -- hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the interface whose IP address will be used as source IP while sending the SNMP response. This object should be used in conjunction with the hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddressType and hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrPolicy." ::= { hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrPolicyEntry 4 } -- hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of entries used to configure the source address used while generating SNMP Traps. When this entry is configured, the source address field in the IP PKT header get modified based on the configured option." ::= { hpicfSnmpGlobalCfg 2 } -- hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing information about a single source address. This table alows only 2 values that can be used as index to this table. These are: 1) hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddressType = ipv4 Where user wants to configure the source address used while sending the SNMP TRAPs on IPV4 network. 2) hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddressType = ipv6 Where user wants to configure the source address used while sending the SNMP TRAPs on IPV6 network." INDEX { hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddressType } ::= { hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrTable 1 } HpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddressType InetAddressType, hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrPolicy INTEGER, hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddress InetAddress, hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero } -- hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table alows only 2 values that can be used as index to this table. These are: 1) hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddressType = ipv4 Where user wants to configure the source address used while sending the SNMP TRAPs on IPV4 network. 2) hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddressType = ipv6 Where user wants to configure the source address used while sending the SNMP TRAPs on IPV6 network." ::= { hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrEntry 1 } -- hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rfc1517(1), configuredIP(2), configuredInterface(3), dstIpOfRequest(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This specifies the policy for selecting the source address for outgoing SNMP responses. a) rfc1517 This is the default behavior if no other policy is configured. In this case the source address will be the address of the interface from which packet goes out of the box. b) configuredIP By setting this value will enable the SNMP agent to use IP addresses specified in hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddress object as source address while sending the response. hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddress must be set to a valid and active ip address before setting policy to configuredIP. c) configuredInterface By setting this value will enable the SNMP agent to use IP addresses configured on the interface specified by hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrIfIndex object as source address while sending the response. In case of multinet interface then smallest IP address present on the interface in lexicographical order will be used as source address while sending SNMP responses for requests. hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrIfIndex object must be set to a valid loopback interface number before setting policy to configuredInterface." ::= { hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrEntry 2 } -- hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the IP address which will be used as source ip while sending the SNMP TRAPs. This object should be used in conjunction with the hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddressType and hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrPolicy." ::= { hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrEntry 3 } -- hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the interface whose IP address will be used as source ip while sending the SNMP TRAPs. This object should be used in conjunction with the hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddressType and hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrPolicy." ::= { hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrEntry 4 } -- hpicfSnmpAuthNotifyEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls whether hpicfSnmpAuthFail notifications will be generated. The default value is ‘1’ (Enabled). A value of ‘2’ represents Disabled. Writing this object requires authentication, such as provided by SNMPv3. NOTE that hpicfSnmpAuthFail and snmpEnableAuthenTraps (RFC-1157) are mutually exclusive. While they may both be disabled, only one may be enabled at any given time. Notifications enabled by hpicfSnmpAuthFail are more comprehensive and are therefore recommended." ::= { hpicfSnmpGlobalCfg 3 } -- hpicfSnmpNotificationObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfSnmpObjects 2 } -- hpicfSnmpAuthFailCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of SNMP authorization failures detected by the SNMP entity." ::= { hpicfSnmpNotificationObjects 1 } -- hpicfSnmpAuthFailIPType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of IP address contained in hpicfSnmpAuthFailIP." ::= { hpicfSnmpNotificationObjects 2 } -- hpicfSnmpAuthFailIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of sender of message that failed authentication." ::= { hpicfSnmpNotificationObjects 3 } -- hpicfSnmpConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfSnmpMIB 2 } -- hpicfSnmpCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfSnmpConformance 1 } -- hpicfSnmpCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A compliance statement for HP Routing switches with SNMP" MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrTableCompliancesGroup, hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrTableCompliancesGroup } GROUP hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrTableGroup DESCRIPTION "A Collection of Object(s) that allow configuration of policies for selecting source address for SNMP response." GROUP hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrTableGroup DESCRIPTION "A Collection of Object(s) that allow configuration of Trap source Addresses" ::= { hpicfSnmpCompliances 1 } -- hpicfSnmpCompliancesGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfSnmpConformance 2 } -- hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrTableCompliancesGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddressType, hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrPolicy, hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddress, hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrIfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects allowing configuration of policies in the switch for selecting the source address used while generating SNMP response" ::= { hpicfSnmpCompliancesGroups 1 } -- hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrTableCompliancesGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddressType, hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrPolicy, hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddress, hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrIfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects allowing configuration of source addresses for SNMP traps geneated by the switch." ::= { hpicfSnmpCompliancesGroups 2 } -- hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddressType, hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrPolicy, hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddress, hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrIfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hpicfSnmpCompliancesGroups 3 } -- hpicfSnmpTrapSourceAddrTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddressType, hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrPolicy, hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddress, hpicfSnmpResponseSourceAddrIfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hpicfSnmpCompliancesGroups 4 } -- hpicfSnmpNotifyObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hpicfSnmpAuthFailCount, hpicfSnmpAuthFailIPType, hpicfSnmpAuthFailIP, hpicfSnmpAuthNotifyEnable } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational status of hpicfSwitchAuthServerFail notifications. The default value is ‘1’ (Enabled). A value of ‘2’ represents Disabled. Writing this object requires authentication, such as provided by SNMPv3." ::= { hpicfSnmpCompliancesGroups 5 } -- hpicfSnmpNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hpicfSnmpAuthFail } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hpicfSnmpCompliancesGroups 6 } END