HP-ICF-TRANSCEIVER-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, Integer32, Unsigned32, TimeTicks FROM SNMPv2-SMI SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC hpSwitch FROM HP-ICF-OID ifIndex FROM IF-MIB; hpicfTransceiverMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201107250000Z" -- July 25, 2011 ORGANIZATION "HP Networking" CONTACT-INFO "Hewlett Packard Company 8000 Foothills Blvd. Roseville, CA 95747" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module describes HP transceiver information." REVISION "201107250000Z" -- July 25, 2011 DESCRIPTION "Deprecated hpicfXcvrDiagnosticsTimeStamp, add hpicfXcvrDiagnosticsTimeTicks." REVISION "201106080000Z" -- June 8, 2011 DESCRIPTION "Add objects for reporting phy and cable diagnostics information." REVISION "201103140000Z" -- March 14, 2011 DESCRIPTION "Change hpicfXcvrInfoEntry INDEX to ifIndex and hpicfXcvrPortIndex to Integer32 and read-only." REVISION "201103020000Z" -- March 2, 2011 DESCRIPTION "Management Infromation Base module for transceiver information and statistics." ::= { hpSwitch 82 } -- ******************************************************************* -- Textual Conventions -- ******************************************************************* -- ******************************************************************* -- Transceiver Objects -- ******************************************************************* hpicfXcvrObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfTransceiverMIB 1 } hpicfXcvrInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfXcvrObjects 1 } -- ******************************************************************* -- Transceiver Info -- ******************************************************************* hpicfXcvrInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpicfXcvrInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of objects that display transceiver characteristics." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfo 1 } hpicfXcvrInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HpicfXcvrInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A set of objects that displays information of a transceiver." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoTable 1 } HpicfXcvrInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hpicfXcvrPortIndex Integer32, hpicfXcvrPortDesc SnmpAdminString, hpicfXcvrModel SnmpAdminString, hpicfXcvrSerial SnmpAdminString, hpicfXcvrType SnmpAdminString, hpicfXcvrConnectorType SnmpAdminString, hpicfXcvrWavelength SnmpAdminString, hpicfXcvrTxDist SnmpAdminString, hpicfXcvrDiagnostics INTEGER, hpicfXcvrDiagnosticsUpdate TruthValue, hpicfXcvrTemp Integer32, hpicfXcvrVoltage Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrBias Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrTxPower Integer32, hpicfXcvrRxPower Integer32, hpicfXcvrAlarms BITS, hpicfXcvrErrors BITS, hpicfXcvrTempHiAlarm Integer32, hpicfXcvrTempLoAlarm Integer32, hpicfXcvrTempHiWarn Integer32, hpicfXcvrTempLoWarn Integer32, hpicfXcvrVccHiAlarm Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrVccLoAlarm Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrVccHiWarn Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrVccLoWarn Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrBiasHiAlarm Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrBiasLoAlarm Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrBiasHiWarn Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrBiasLoWarn Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrPwrOutHiAlarm Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrPwrOutLoAlarm Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrPwrOutHiWarn Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrPwrOutLoWarn Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrRcvPwrHiAlarm Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrRcvPwrLoAlarm Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrRcvPwrHiWarn Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrRcvPwrLoWarn Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrDiagnosticsTimeStamp SnmpAdminString, hpicfXcvrPhyLinkStatus INTEGER, hpicfXcvrPhySpeed Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrPhyDuplex INTEGER, hpicfXcvrMdiPairACableStatus INTEGER, hpicfXcvrMdiPairACableLength Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrMdiPairADistanceToFault Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrMdiPairAPolaritySwap INTEGER, hpicfXcvrMdiPairASkew Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrMdiPairBCableStatus INTEGER, hpicfXcvrMdiPairBCableLength Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrMdiPairBDistanceToFault Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrMdiPairBPolaritySwap INTEGER, hpicfXcvrMdiPairBSkew Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrMdiPairCCableStatus INTEGER, hpicfXcvrMdiPairCCableLength Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrMdiPairCDistanceToFault Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrMdiPairCPolaritySwap INTEGER, hpicfXcvrMdiPairCSkew Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrMdiPairDCableStatus INTEGER, hpicfXcvrMdiPairDCableLength Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrMdiPairDDistanceToFault Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrMdiPairDPolaritySwap INTEGER, hpicfXcvrMdiPairDSkew Unsigned32, hpicfXcvrMdiPairABSwap INTEGER, hpicfXcvrMdiPairCDSwap INTEGER, hpicfXcvrDiagnosticsTimeTicks TimeTicks } hpicfXcvrPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface number for this entry." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 1 } hpicfXcvrPortDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the interface." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 2 } hpicfXcvrModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the transceiver model number." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 3 } hpicfXcvrSerial OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the transceiver serial number." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 4 } hpicfXcvrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the transceiver type." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 5 } hpicfXcvrConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the transceiver connector type." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 6 } hpicfXcvrWavelength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..96)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the central optical wavelength. n/a will be reported for copper transceivers." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 7 } hpicfXcvrTxDist OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the link length supported by the transceiver." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 8 } hpicfXcvrDiagnostics OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), dom(1), vct(2), other(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates transceiver diagnostic support. May be one of Virtual Cable Test (VCT), Diagnostic Optical Monitoring (DOM), other or none." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 9 } hpicfXcvrDiagnosticsUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object will cause specific actions depending on the diagnostic support of the transceiver. Transceiver Diagnostic support: None : No action taken. DOM : Will update diagnostic information for the transceiver. VCT : Will update diagnostic information for the transceiver. Other : Vendor specific. The value of the object will be reset after the completion of the update. Please note: VCT and other (cable-diagnostics) may cause a loss of link and take a few second to run for each interface." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 10 } hpicfXcvrTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "thousandths of degrees Celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is transceiver internal temperature in thousandths of degrees Celsius. As an example: 49120 is 49.120 degrees Celsius. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 11 } hpicfXcvrVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "hundreds of microvolts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is transceiver supply voltage in hundreds of microvolts. As an example: 32928 is 3.2928 volts. Will be zero if the transceiver does not report this object. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 12 } hpicfXcvrBias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "microamps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is Tx bias current in microamps. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 13 } hpicfXcvrTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "thousandths of dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is transmit output power in thousandths of dBm. As an example: -5840 is -5.840dBm. -in dBm (0 microwatts) will be reported as -99999999. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 14 } hpicfXcvrRxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "thousandths of dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is received optical power in thousandths of dBm. As an example: -5840 is -5.840dBm. -in dBm (0 microwatts) will be reported as -99999999. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 15 } hpicfXcvrAlarms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { rxPowerLowWarning(0), rxPowerHighWarning(1), txPowerLowWarning(2), txPowerHighWarning(3), txBiasLowWarning(4), txBiasHighWarning(5), vccLowWarning(6), vccHighWarning(7), tempLowWarning(8), tempHighWarning(9), rxPowerLowAlarm(10), rxPowerHighAlarm(11), txPowerLowAlarm(12), txPowerHighAlarm(13), txBiasLowAlarm(14), txBiasHighAlarm(15), vccLowAlarm(16), vccHighAlarm(17), tempLowAlarm(18), tempHighAlarm(19) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bitmask indicating transceiver alarms, Rx power low warning(0) Rx power high warning(1) Tx power low warning(2) Tx power high warning(3) Tx bias low warning(4) Tx bias high warning(5) Vcc low warning(6) Vcc high warning(7) Temp low warning(8) Temp high warning(9) Rx power low alarm(10) Rx power high alarm(11) Tx power low alarm(12) Tx power high alarm(13) Tx bias low alarm(14) Tx bias high alarm(15) Vcc low alarm(16) Vcc high alarm(17) Temp low alarm(18) Temp high alarm(19) Unused(20-31) The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 16 } hpicfXcvrErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { xcvrIOError(0), xcvrChecksum(1), xcvrTypeAndPortConfigMismatch(2), xcvrTypeNotSupported(3), wisLocalFault(4), rcvOpticalPowerFault(5), pmapmdReceiverLocalFault(6), pcsReceiveLocalFault(7), phyXSReceiveLocalFault(8), laserBiasCurrentFault(9), laserTemperatureFault(10), laserOutputPowerFault(11), txFault(12), pmapmdTransmitterLocalFault(13), pcsTransmitLocalFault(14), phyXSTransmitLocalFault(15), rxLossOfSignal(16) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bitmask indicating transceiver errors. Transceiver information I/O error(0) Transceiver information checksum error(1) Transceiver type and port configuration mismatch(2) Transceiver type not supported by port hardware(3) WIS local fault(4) Receive optical power fault(5) PMA/PMD receiver local fault(6) PCS receive local fault(7) PHY XS receive local fault(8) Laser bias current fault(9) Laser temperature fault(10) Laser output power fault(11) TX fault(12) PMA/PMD transmitter local fault(13) PCS transmit local fault(14) PHY XS Transmit Local Fault(15) RX loss of signal(16) Unused(17-31) The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 17 } hpicfXcvrTempHiAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "thousandths of degrees Celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver temperature high alarm threshold limit in thousandths of degrees Celsius. As an example: 49120 is 49.120 degrees Celsius. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 18 } hpicfXcvrTempLoAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "thousandths of degrees Celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver temperature low alarm threshold limit in thousandths of degrees Celsius. As an example: 49120 is 49.120 degrees Celsius. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 19 } hpicfXcvrTempHiWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "thousandths of degrees Celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver temperature high warning threshold limit in thousandths of degrees Celsius. As an example: 49120 is 49.120 degrees Celsius. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 20 } hpicfXcvrTempLoWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "thousandths of degrees Celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver temperature low warning threshold limit in thousandths of degrees Celsius. As an example: 49120 is 49.120 degrees Celsius. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 21 } hpicfXcvrVccHiAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "hundreds of microvolts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver VCC high alarm threshold limit in hundreds of microvolts. As an example: 32928 is 3.2928 volts. Returns zero if not supported on the transceiver. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 22 } hpicfXcvrVccLoAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "hundreds of microvolts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver VCC low alarm threshold limit in hundreds of microvolts. As an example: 32928 is 3.2928 volts. Returns zero if not supported on the transceiver. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 23 } hpicfXcvrVccHiWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "hundreds of microvolts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver VCC high warning threshold limit in hundreds of microvolts. As an example: 32928 is 3.2928 volts. Returns zero if not supported on the transceiver. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 24 } hpicfXcvrVccLoWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "hundreds of microvolts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver VCC low warning threshold limit in hundreds of microvolts. As an example: 32928 is 3.2928 volts. Returns zero if not supported on the transceiver. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 25 } hpicfXcvrBiasHiAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "microamps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver bias high alarm threshold limit in microamps. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 26 } hpicfXcvrBiasLoAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "microamps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver bias low alarm threshold limit in microamps. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 27 } hpicfXcvrBiasHiWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "microamps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver bias high warning threshold limit in microamps. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 28 } hpicfXcvrBiasLoWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "microamps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver bias low warning threshold limit in microamps. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 29 } hpicfXcvrPwrOutHiAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "tenths of microwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver transmit power high alarm threshold limit in tenths of microwatts. As an example: 10000 is 1 milliwatt. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 30 } hpicfXcvrPwrOutLoAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "tenths of microwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver transmit power low alarm threshold limit in tenths of microwatts. As an example: 10000 is 1 milliwatt. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 31 } hpicfXcvrPwrOutHiWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "tenths of microwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver transmit power high warning threshold limit in tenths of microwatts As an example: 10000 is 1 milliwatt. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 32 } hpicfXcvrPwrOutLoWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "tenths of microwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver transmit power low warning threshold limit in tenths of microwatts. As an example: 10000 is 1 milliwatt. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 33 } hpicfXcvrRcvPwrHiAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "tenths of microwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver receive power high alarm threshold limit in tenths of microwatts. As an example: 10000 is 1 milliwatt. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 34 } hpicfXcvrRcvPwrLoAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "tenths of microwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver receive power low alarm threshold limit in tenths of microwatts. As an example: 10000 is 1 milliwatt. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 35 } hpicfXcvrRcvPwrHiWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "tenths of microwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver receive power high warning threshold limit in tenths of microwatts. As an example: 10000 is 1 milliwatt. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 36 } hpicfXcvrRcvPwrLoWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "tenths of microwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver receive power low warning threshold limit in tenths of microwatts. As an example: 10000 is 1 milliwatt. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is DOM." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 37 } hpicfXcvrDiagnosticsTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********* A textual description of the diagnostics information updated for the last time in the transceiver. This object has been deprecated. Its functionality has been replaced by hpicfXcvrDiagnosticsTimeticks." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 38 } hpicfXcvrPhyLinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down(0), up(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the link status as reported by the physical entity. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 39 } hpicfXcvrPhySpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..4294967295) UNITS "megabits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the speed in Mbps as reported by the physical entity. Will be zero if speed and duplex are unresolved. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 40 } hpicfXcvrPhyDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { half(0), full(1), unspecified(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the duplex as reported by the physical entity. Will be unspecified if speed and duplex are unresolved. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 41 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairACableStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), short(1), open(2), failed(3), impedanceMismatch(4), unspecified(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the diagnostics test status on the cable pair. Normal = No cable fault detected. Open = Lack of continuity between ends. Short = Short detected. Impedance mismatch = - Cable pair is not connected properly or - Cable pair is damaged or - Connector is faulty. Failed = TDR test failed on cable pair. Unspecified : This object is unavailable or not reported. As reported through cable diagnostics. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 42 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairACableLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..4294967295) UNITS "meters" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the cable pair length in meters as reported by cable diagnostics. A gigabit link must be present for this object to be non zero. Will be zero if not available or the transceiver does not report this object. Accuracy is +/- 10 meters. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 43 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairADistanceToFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..4294967295) UNITS "meters" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the distance in meters to a fault in the cable pair as reported through cable diagnostics. Will be zero if no fault or the transceiver does not report this object. Accuracy is +/- 2 meters. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 44 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairAPolaritySwap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), reversed(1), unspecified(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates if the cable pair connected to the phy is inverted as reported through cable diagnostics. Will be unspecified if the this object is unavailable or not reported. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 45 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairASkew OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..4294967295) UNITS "nanoseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the delay skew in nanoseconds of this cable pair and the fastest cable pair as reported through cable diagnostics. Will be zero if the lowest of the pairs or if the transceiver does not report this object. Accuracy is +/- 8 ns. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 46 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairBCableStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), short(1), open(2), failed(3), impedanceMismatch(4), unspecified(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the cable diagnostics test status on the cable pair. Normal = No cable fault detected. Open = Lack of continuity between ends. Short = Short detected. Impedance mismatch = - Cable pair is not connected properly or - Cable pair is damaged or - Connector is faulty. Failed = TDR test failed on cable pair. Unspecified : This object is unavailable or not reported. As reported through cable diagnostics. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 47 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairBCableLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..4294967295) UNITS "meters" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the cable pair length in meters as reported by cable diagnostics. A gigabit link must be present for this object to be non zero. Will be zero if not available or the transceiver does not report this object. Accuracy is +/- 10 meters. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 48 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairBDistanceToFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..4294967295) UNITS "meters" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the distance in meters to a fault in the cable pair as reported through cable diagnostics. Will be zero if no fault or the transceiver does not report this object. Accuracy is +/- 2 meters. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 49 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairBPolaritySwap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), reversed(1), unspecified(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates if the cable pair connected to the phy were inverted as reported through cable diagnostics. Will be unspecified if the this object is unavailable or not reported. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 50 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairBSkew OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..4294967295) UNITS "nanoseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the delay skew in nanoseconds of this cable pair and the fastest cable pair as reported through cable diagnostics. Will be zero if the lowest of the pairs or if the transceiver does not report this object. Accuracy is +/- 8 ns. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 51 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairCCableStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), short(1), open(2), failed(3), impedanceMismatch(4), unspecified(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the cable diagnostics test status on the cable pair. Normal = No cable fault detected. Open = Lack of continuity between ends. Short = Short detected. Impedance Mismatch = - Cable pair is not connected properly or - Cable pair is damaged or - Connector is faulty. Failed = TDR test failed on cable pair. Unspecified : This object is unavailable or not reported. As reported through cable diagnostics. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 52 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairCCableLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..4294967295) UNITS "meters" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the cable length in meters of the cable pair as reported through cable diagnostics. A gigabit link must be present for this object to be non zero. Will be zero if not available or the transceiver does not report this object. Accuracy is +/- 10 meters. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 53 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairCDistanceToFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..4294967295) UNITS "meters" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the distance in meters to a fault in the cable pair as reported through cable diagnostics. Will be zero if there is no fault or the transceiver does not report this object. Accuracy is +/- 2 meters. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 54 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairCPolaritySwap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), reversed(1), unspecified(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates if the cable pair connected to the phy were inverted as reported through cable diagnostics. Will be unspecified if the this object is unavailable or not reported. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 55 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairCSkew OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..4294967295) UNITS "nanoseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the delay skew in nanoseconds of this cable pair and the fastest cable pair as reported through cable diagnostics. Will be zero if the lowest of the pairs or if the transceiver does not report this object. Accuracy is +/- 8 ns. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 56 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairDCableStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), short(1), open(2), failed(3), impedanceMismatch(4), unspecified(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the cable diagnostics test status on the cable pair. Normal = No cable fault detected. Open = Lack of continuity between ends. Short = Short detected. Impedance Mismatch = - Cable pair is not connected properly or - Cable pair is damaged or - Connector is faulty. Failed = TDR test failed on cable pair. Unspecified : This object is unavailable or not reported. As reported through cable diagnostics. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 57 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairDCableLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..4294967295) UNITS "meters" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the cable length in meters of the cable pair as reported through cable diagnostics. A gigabit link must be present for this object to be non zero. Will be zero if not available or the transceiver does not report this object. Accuracy is +/- 10 meters. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 58 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairDDistanceToFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..4294967295) UNITS "meters" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the distance in meters to a fault in the cable pair as reported through cable diagnostics. Will be zero if no fault or the transceiver does not report this object. Accuracy is +/- 2 meters. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 59 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairDPolaritySwap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), reversed(1), unspecified(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates if the cable pair connected to the phy were inverted as reported through cable diagnostics. Will be unspecified if the this object is unavailable or not reported. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 60 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairDSkew OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..4294967295) UNITS "nanoseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the delay skew in nanoseconds of this cable pair and the fastest cable pair as reported through cable diagnostics. Will be zero if the lowest of the pairs or if the transceiver does not report this object. Accuracy is +/- 8 ns. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 61 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairABSwap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mdi(0), mdix(1), unspecified(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the if the channels are swapped for channels A and B as reported through cable diagnostics. MDI : Channel A received on MDI[1], Channel B on MDI[0] MDIX : Channel A received on MDI[0], Channel B on MDI[1] Unspecified : This object is unavailable or not reported. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 62 } hpicfXcvrMdiPairCDSwap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mdi(0), mdix(1), unspecified(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates if the channels are swapped for channels C and D as reported through cable diagnostics. MDI : Channel C received on MDI[3], Channel D on MDI[2] MDIX : Channel C received on MDI[2], Channel D on MDI[3]. Unspecified : This object is unavailable or not reported. The value of this object is valid when the value of the hpicfXcvrDiagnostics object is VCT or other." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 63 } hpicfXcvrDiagnosticsTimeTicks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks UNITS "centi-seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime of when this diagnostic information was last updated. If this diagnostic information was never updated, then this object will contain a zero value." ::= { hpicfXcvrInfoEntry 64 } -- ******************************************************************* -- Conformance Section -- ******************************************************************* hpicfXcvrConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfTransceiverMIB 2 } hpicfXcvrGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfXcvrConformance 1 } hpicfXcvrInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hpicfXcvrPortIndex, hpicfXcvrPortDesc, hpicfXcvrModel, hpicfXcvrSerial, hpicfXcvrType, hpicfXcvrConnectorType, hpicfXcvrWavelength, hpicfXcvrTxDist, hpicfXcvrDiagnostics, hpicfXcvrDiagnosticsUpdate, hpicfXcvrTemp, hpicfXcvrVoltage, hpicfXcvrBias, hpicfXcvrRxPower, hpicfXcvrTxPower, hpicfXcvrAlarms, hpicfXcvrErrors, hpicfXcvrTempHiAlarm, hpicfXcvrTempLoAlarm, hpicfXcvrTempHiWarn, hpicfXcvrTempLoWarn, hpicfXcvrVccHiAlarm, hpicfXcvrVccLoAlarm, hpicfXcvrVccHiWarn, hpicfXcvrVccLoWarn, hpicfXcvrBiasHiAlarm, hpicfXcvrBiasLoAlarm, hpicfXcvrBiasHiWarn, hpicfXcvrBiasLoWarn, hpicfXcvrPwrOutHiAlarm, hpicfXcvrPwrOutLoAlarm, hpicfXcvrPwrOutHiWarn, hpicfXcvrPwrOutLoWarn, hpicfXcvrRcvPwrHiAlarm, hpicfXcvrRcvPwrLoAlarm, hpicfXcvrRcvPwrHiWarn, hpicfXcvrRcvPwrLoWarn, hpicfXcvrDiagnosticsTimeStamp, hpicfXcvrPhyLinkStatus, hpicfXcvrPhySpeed, hpicfXcvrPhyDuplex, hpicfXcvrMdiPairACableStatus, hpicfXcvrMdiPairACableLength, hpicfXcvrMdiPairADistanceToFault, hpicfXcvrMdiPairAPolaritySwap, hpicfXcvrMdiPairASkew, hpicfXcvrMdiPairBCableStatus, hpicfXcvrMdiPairBCableLength, hpicfXcvrMdiPairBDistanceToFault, hpicfXcvrMdiPairBPolaritySwap, hpicfXcvrMdiPairBSkew, hpicfXcvrMdiPairCCableStatus, hpicfXcvrMdiPairCCableLength, hpicfXcvrMdiPairCDistanceToFault, hpicfXcvrMdiPairCPolaritySwap, hpicfXcvrMdiPairCSkew, hpicfXcvrMdiPairDCableStatus, hpicfXcvrMdiPairDCableLength, hpicfXcvrMdiPairDDistanceToFault, hpicfXcvrMdiPairDPolaritySwap, hpicfXcvrMdiPairDSkew, hpicfXcvrMdiPairABSwap, hpicfXcvrMdiPairCDSwap } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED ********* A collection of objects representing transceiver information. This object has been deprecated and replaced with hpicfXcvrInfoGroup1." ::= { hpicfXcvrGroups 1 } hpicfXcvrInfoGroup1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hpicfXcvrPortIndex, hpicfXcvrPortDesc, hpicfXcvrModel, hpicfXcvrSerial, hpicfXcvrType, hpicfXcvrConnectorType, hpicfXcvrWavelength, hpicfXcvrTxDist, hpicfXcvrDiagnostics, hpicfXcvrDiagnosticsUpdate, hpicfXcvrTemp, hpicfXcvrVoltage, hpicfXcvrBias, hpicfXcvrRxPower, hpicfXcvrTxPower, hpicfXcvrAlarms, hpicfXcvrErrors, hpicfXcvrTempHiAlarm, hpicfXcvrTempLoAlarm, hpicfXcvrTempHiWarn, hpicfXcvrTempLoWarn, hpicfXcvrVccHiAlarm, hpicfXcvrVccLoAlarm, hpicfXcvrVccHiWarn, hpicfXcvrVccLoWarn, hpicfXcvrBiasHiAlarm, hpicfXcvrBiasLoAlarm, hpicfXcvrBiasHiWarn, hpicfXcvrBiasLoWarn, hpicfXcvrPwrOutHiAlarm, hpicfXcvrPwrOutLoAlarm, hpicfXcvrPwrOutHiWarn, hpicfXcvrPwrOutLoWarn, hpicfXcvrRcvPwrHiAlarm, hpicfXcvrRcvPwrLoAlarm, hpicfXcvrRcvPwrHiWarn, hpicfXcvrRcvPwrLoWarn, hpicfXcvrPhyLinkStatus, hpicfXcvrPhySpeed, hpicfXcvrPhyDuplex, hpicfXcvrMdiPairACableStatus, hpicfXcvrMdiPairACableLength, hpicfXcvrMdiPairADistanceToFault, hpicfXcvrMdiPairAPolaritySwap, hpicfXcvrMdiPairASkew, hpicfXcvrMdiPairBCableStatus, hpicfXcvrMdiPairBCableLength, hpicfXcvrMdiPairBDistanceToFault, hpicfXcvrMdiPairBPolaritySwap, hpicfXcvrMdiPairBSkew, hpicfXcvrMdiPairCCableStatus, hpicfXcvrMdiPairCCableLength, hpicfXcvrMdiPairCDistanceToFault, hpicfXcvrMdiPairCPolaritySwap, hpicfXcvrMdiPairCSkew, hpicfXcvrMdiPairDCableStatus, hpicfXcvrMdiPairDCableLength, hpicfXcvrMdiPairDDistanceToFault, hpicfXcvrMdiPairDPolaritySwap, hpicfXcvrMdiPairDSkew, hpicfXcvrMdiPairABSwap, hpicfXcvrMdiPairCDSwap, hpicfXcvrDiagnosticsTimeTicks } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects representing transceiver information." ::= { hpicfXcvrGroups 2 } hpicfXcvrCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfXcvrConformance 2 } hpicfXcvrCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "********* THIS COMPLIANCE IS DEPRECATED ********* Describes the requirements for conformance to the transceiver MIB. This compliance section has been deprecated and replaced with hpicfXcvrCompliance1." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfXcvrInfoGroup } ::= { hpicfXcvrCompliances 1 } hpicfXcvrCompliance1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the requirements for conformance to the transceiver MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfXcvrInfoGroup1 } ::= { hpicfXcvrCompliances 2 } END