HP-SN-ROUTER-TRAP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- Router Trap MIB Release 1.0.0 -- Revision 01/24/03 -- Copyright 1996-1997 Foundry Networks, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- This Foundry SNMP Management Information Base Specification -- (Specification) embodies Foundry's confidential and -- proprietary intellectual property. Foundry retains all -- title and ownership in the Specification, including any -- revisions. -- This Specification is supplied "AS IS," and Foundry makes -- no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, -- operation, condition, or performance of the Specification. -- SECTION 1: Top Level Definitions -- Imports IMPORTS TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 hp FROM HP-SN-ROOT-MIB snOspfRouterId, snOspfIfStatusIpAddress, snOspfIfStatusState, snOspfVirtIfStatusAreaID, snOspfVirtIfStatusNeighbor, snOspfVirtIfStatusState, snOspfNbrIpAddr, snOspfNbrRtrId, snOspfNbrState, snOspfVirtNbrArea, snOspfVirtNbrRtrId, snOspfVirtNbrState, snOspfPacketSrc, snOspfConfigErrorType, snOspfPacketType, snOspfLsdbAreaId, snOspfLsdbType, snOspfLsdbLsId, snOspfLsdbRouterId, snOspfExtLsdbLimit FROM HP-SN-OSPF-GROUP-MIB; -- Textual Conventions -- Groups -- SECTION 2: MIB Objects -- Trap Information -- These definitions use the TRAP-TYPE macro as defined in RFC 1215. -- Foundry Networks, Inc. Specific Traps snTrapOspfIfStateChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hp VARIABLES { snOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap snOspfIfStatusIpAddress, snOspfIfStatusState -- The new state } DESCRIPTION "An ospfIfStateChange trap signifies that there has been a change in the state of a non-virtual OSPF interface. This trap should be generated when the interface state regresses (e.g., goes from Dr to Down) or progresses to a terminal state (i.e., Point-to-Point, DR Other, Dr, or Backup)." --#TYPE "Foundry Trap: OSPF Interface State Change" --#SUMMARY "OSPF router id %s, interface %s state changed to %d." --#ARGUMENTS { 0, 1, 2 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 3 snTrapOspfVirtIfStateChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hp VARIABLES { snOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap snOspfVirtIfStatusAreaID, snOspfVirtIfStatusNeighbor, snOspfVirtIfStatusState -- The new state } DESCRIPTION "An ospfIfStateChange trap signifies that there has been a change in the state of an OSPF vir- tual interface. This trap should be generated when the inter- face state regresses (e.g., goes from Point- to-Point to Down) or progresses to a terminal state (i.e., Point-to-Point)." --#TYPE "Foundry Trap: OSPF Virtual Interface State Change" --#SUMMARY "OSPF router id %s, virtual interface area id %s neighbor %s state changed to %d." --#ARGUMENTS { 0, 1, 2, 3 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 4 snOspfNbrStateChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hp VARIABLES { snOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap snOspfNbrIpAddr, snOspfNbrRtrId, snOspfNbrState -- The new state } DESCRIPTION "An ospfNbrStateChange trap signifies that there has been a change in the state of a non- virtual OSPF neighbor. This trap should be generated when the neighbor state regresses (e.g., goes from Attempt or Full to 1-Way or Down) or progresses to a terminal state (e.g., 2-Way or Full). When an neighbor transitions from or to Full on non-broadcast multi-access and broadcast networks, the trap should be gen- erated by the designated router. A designated router transitioning to Down will be noted by ospfIfStateChange." --#TYPE "Foundry Trap: OSPF Neighbour State Change" --#SUMMARY "OSPF router id %s neighbor area %s, neighbor router id %s state changed to %d." --#ARGUMENTS { 0, 1, 2, 3 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 5 snOspfVirtNbrStateChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hp VARIABLES { snOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap snOspfVirtNbrArea, snOspfVirtNbrRtrId, snOspfVirtNbrState -- The new state } DESCRIPTION "An ospfIfStateChange trap signifies that there has been a change in the state of an OSPF vir- tual neighbor. This trap should be generated when the neighbor state regresses (e.g., goes from Attempt or Full to 1-Way or Down) or progresses to a terminal state (e.g., Full)." --#TYPE "Foundry Trap: OSPF Virtual Neighbour State Change" --#SUMMARY "OSPF router id %s virtual neighbor area %s, virtual neighbor router id %s state changed to %d." --#ARGUMENTS { 0, 1, 2, 3 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 6 snOspfIfConfigError TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hp VARIABLES { snOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap snOspfIfStatusIpAddress, snOspfPacketSrc, -- The source IP address snOspfConfigErrorType, -- Type of error snOspfPacketType } DESCRIPTION "An ospfIfConfigError trap signifies that a packet has been received on a non-virtual in- terface from a router whose configuration parameters conflict with this router's confi- guration parameters. Note that the event op- tionMismatch should cause a trap only if it prevents an adjacency from forming." --#TYPE "Foundry Trap: OSPF Interface Configuration Error" --#SUMMARY "configuration error type %d with packet type %d has been received on interface %s, router id %s from %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 4, 1, 0, 2 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 7 snOspfVirtIfConfigError TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hp VARIABLES { snOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap snOspfVirtIfStatusAreaID, snOspfVirtIfStatusNeighbor, snOspfConfigErrorType, -- Type of error snOspfPacketType } DESCRIPTION "An ospfConfigError trap signifies that a pack- et has been received on a virtual interface from a router whose configuration parameters conflict with this router's configuration parameters. Note that the event optionMismatch should cause a trap only if it prevents an ad- jacency from forming." --#TYPE "Foundry Trap: OSPF Virtual Interface Configuration Error" --#SUMMARY "configuration error type %d with packet type %d has been received on virtual interface area id %s, router id %s from neighbor %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 4, 1, 0, 2 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8 snOspfIfAuthFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hp VARIABLES { snOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap snOspfIfStatusIpAddress, snOspfPacketSrc, -- The source IP address snOspfConfigErrorType, -- authTypeMismatch or -- authFailure snOspfPacketType } DESCRIPTION "An ospfIfAuthFailure trap signifies that a packet has been received on a non-virtual in- terface from a router whose authentication key or authentication type conflicts with this router's authentication key or authentication type." --#TYPE "Foundry Trap: OSPF Interface Authentication Failure" --#SUMMARY "OSPF authentication failed. Router ID %s,Interface %s, packet src %s, error type %d and packet type %d." --#ARGUMENTS { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 } --#SEVERITY MINOR --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 9 snOspfVirtIfAuthFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hp VARIABLES { snOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap snOspfVirtIfStatusAreaID, snOspfVirtIfStatusNeighbor, snOspfConfigErrorType, -- authTypeMismatch or -- authFailure snOspfPacketType } DESCRIPTION "An ospfVirtIfAuthFailure trap signifies that a packet has been received on a virtual interface from a router whose authentication key or au- thentication type conflicts with this router's authentication key or authentication type." --#TYPE "Foundry Trap: OSPF Virtual Interface Authentication Failure" --#SUMMARY "OSPF authentication failed. Router ID %s,virtual interface %s, Neigbor %s, Error type %d and packet type %d." --#ARGUMENTS { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 } --#SEVERITY MINOR --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 10 snOspfIfRxBadPacket TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hp VARIABLES { snOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap snOspfIfStatusIpAddress, snOspfPacketSrc, -- The source IP address snOspfPacketType } DESCRIPTION "An ospfIfRxBadPacket trap signifies that an OSPF packet has been received on a non-virtual interface that cannot be parsed." --#TYPE "Foundry Trap: OSPF Interface Receive Bad Packet" --#SUMMARY "OSPF Router Id %s, interface %s receive bad packet (type %d) from %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0, 1, 3, 2 } --#SEVERITY WARNING --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 11 snOspfVirtIfRxBadPacket TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hp VARIABLES { snOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap snOspfVirtIfStatusAreaID, snOspfVirtIfStatusNeighbor, snOspfPacketType } DESCRIPTION "An ospfRxBadPacket trap signifies that an OSPF packet has been received on a virtual interface that cannot be parsed." --#TYPE "Foundry Trap: OSPF Virt Interface Receive Bad Packet" --#SUMMARY "OSPF router id %s, virtual interface %s received bad packet (type %d) from neighbor %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0, 1, 3, 2 } --#SEVERITY WARNING --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 12 snOspfTxRetransmit TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hp VARIABLES { snOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap snOspfIfStatusIpAddress, snOspfNbrRtrId, -- Destination snOspfPacketType, snOspfLsdbType, snOspfLsdbLsId, snOspfLsdbRouterId } DESCRIPTION "An ospfTxRetransmit trap signifies than an OSPF packet has been retransmitted on a non- virtual interface. All packets that may be re- transmitted are associated with an LSDB entry. The LS type, LS ID, and Router ID are used to identify the LSDB entry." --#TYPE "Foundry Trap: OSPF Retransmit" --#SUMMARY "OSPF router id %s, interface %s retransmited packet type %d,LSDB type %d, LSDB LS ID %s and LSDB router id %s to neightbor router id %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2 } --#SEVERITY WARNING --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 13 ospfVirtIfTxRetransmit TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hp VARIABLES { snOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap snOspfVirtIfStatusAreaID, snOspfVirtIfStatusNeighbor, snOspfPacketType, snOspfLsdbType, snOspfLsdbLsId, snOspfLsdbRouterId } DESCRIPTION "An ospfTxRetransmit trap signifies than an OSPF packet has been retransmitted on a virtual interface. All packets that may be retransmit- ted are associated with an LSDB entry. The LS type, LS ID, and Router ID are used to identify the LSDB entry." --#TYPE "Foundry Trap: OSPF Virt Interface Retransmit" --#SUMMARY "OSPF router id %s, virtual interface area id %s retransmited packet type %d,LSDB type %d, LSDB LS ID %s and LSDB router id %s to neightbor %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2 } --#SEVERITY WARNING --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 14 snOspfOriginateLsa TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hp VARIABLES { snOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap snOspfLsdbAreaId, -- for AS Externals snOspfLsdbType, snOspfLsdbLsId, snOspfLsdbRouterId } DESCRIPTION "An ospfOriginateLsa trap signifies that a new LSA has been originated by this router. This trap should not be invoked for simple refreshes of LSAs (which happesn every 30 minutes), but instead will only be invoked when an LSA is (re)originated due to a topology change. Addi- tionally, this trap does not include LSAs that are being flushed because they have reached MaxAge." --#TYPE "Foundry Trap: OSPF Originate LSA" --#SUMMARY "New LSA (area id %s, type %d, LS Id %s and router id %s) has been originated by router id %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 1, 2, 3, 4, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 15 snOspfMaxAgeLsa TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hp VARIABLES { snOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap snOspfLsdbAreaId, -- for AS Externals snOspfLsdbType, snOspfLsdbLsId, snOspfLsdbRouterId } DESCRIPTION "An ospfMaxAgeLsa trap signifies that one of the LSA in the router's link-state database has aged to MaxAge." --#TYPE "Foundry Trap: OSPF MaxAge LSA" --#SUMMARY "The LSA (area id %s, type %d, LS Id %s and router id %s) in router id %s link-state database has aged to maximum age." --#ARGUMENTS { 1, 2, 3, 4, 0 } --#SEVERITY WARNING --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 16 snOspfLsdbOverflow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hp VARIABLES { snOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap snOspfExtLsdbLimit } DESCRIPTION "An ospfLsdbOverflow trap signifies that the number of LSAs in the router's link-state data- base has exceeded ospfExtLsdbLimit." --#TYPE "Foundry Trap: OSPF LS DB Overflow" --#SUMMARY "The number of LSAs in the OSPF router id %s link-state database has exceeded %d." --#ARGUMENTS { 0, 1 } --#SEVERITY WARNING --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 17 snOspfLsdbApproachingOverflow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hp VARIABLES { snOspfRouterId, -- The originator of the trap snOspfExtLsdbLimit } DESCRIPTION "An ospfLsdbApproachingOverflow trap signifies that the number of LSAs in the router's link- state database has exceeded ninety percent of ospfExtLsdbLimit." --#TYPE "Foundry Trap: OSPF LS DB Near Full" --#SUMMARY "The number of LSAs in the OSPF router id %s link-state database has exceeded ninety percent of %d." --#ARGUMENTS { 0, 1 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 18 END