-- ================================================================= -- Copyright (C) 2007 by HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES. All rights reserved -- -- Description: This mib file is used for APS protection -- -- Reference: -- Version: V1.0 -- History: -- V1.0 2007.12.05 create -- -- -- -- -- -- ================================================================= HUAWEI-APS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS hwDatacomm FROM HUAWEI-MIB InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF IpAddress, Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter64, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI sysUpTime FROM SNMPv2-MIB RowStatus, TruthValue, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; hwApsMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200712071432Z" ORGANIZATION "Huawei Technologies co.,Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "VRP Team Huawei Technologies co.,Ltd. Huawei Bld.,NO.3 Xinxi Rd., Shang-Di Information Industry Base, Hai-Dian District Beijing P.R. China http://www.huawei.com Zip:100085 " DESCRIPTION "The HUAWEI-APS-MIB contains objects to Manage configuration and Monitor running state for Class Based APS feature." ::= { hwDatacomm 161 } -- Textual conventions -- Textual conventions hwApsObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwApsMIB 1 } -- ============================================================================== hwApsProtectionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwApsProtectionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APS protection configuration." ::= { hwApsObjects 1 } hwApsProtectionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwApsProtectionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APS protection configuration entry." INDEX { hwApsIfIndex } ::= { hwApsProtectionTable 1 } HwApsProtectionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwApsIfIndex InterfaceIndex, hwApsProtectionGroupNum Unsigned32, hwApsIfType INTEGER, hwApsRestoreWaitTime Integer32, hwApsProtectSwitch INTEGER, hwApsWorkingIfType INTEGER, hwApsRowStatus RowStatus } -- ============================================================================== hwApsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table's index that is a STM-1 or CSTM-1 interface." ::= { hwApsProtectionEntry 1 } hwApsProtectionGroupNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table's index that is APS protection group number from 1 to 8." ::= { hwApsProtectionEntry 2 } hwApsIfType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { work(1), protection(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface type ." ::= { hwApsProtectionEntry 3 } hwApsRestoreWaitTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (5..12) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The latency time of restoration." ::= { hwApsProtectionEntry 4 } hwApsProtectSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { lock(1), force(2), manual(3), auto(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The switch of APS protection." ::= { hwApsProtectionEntry 5 } hwApsWorkingIfType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), inactive(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of the interface." ::= { hwApsProtectionEntry 6 } hwApsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current operation status of the row." ::= { hwApsProtectionEntry 7 } -- ================================================================================== -- ================================================================================== -- alarm hwApsNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwApsMIB 2 } hwApsProtectSwitchOver NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwApsProtectionGroupNum,hwApsIfType,hwApsWorkingIfType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APS protection switch successful." ::= { hwApsNotifications 1 } hwApsProtectSwitchBackOver NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwApsProtectionGroupNum,hwApsIfType,hwApsWorkingIfType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APS protection restore successful." ::= { hwApsNotifications 2 } hwApsProtectModeFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwApsProtectionGroupNum,hwApsIfType,hwApsWorkingIfType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of APS proctection doesn't match." ::= { hwApsNotifications 3 } hwApsProtectChnlFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwApsProtectionGroupNum,hwApsIfType,hwApsWorkingIfType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tunnle of APS proctection doesn't match." ::= { hwApsNotifications 4 } hwApsProtectInvldK1K2Fail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwApsProtectionGroupNum,hwApsIfType,hwApsWorkingIfType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number K byte is unusable. " ::= { hwApsNotifications 5 } hwApsProtectRemoteFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwApsProtectionGroupNum,hwApsIfType,hwApsWorkingIfType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remote is inspected failure." ::= { hwApsNotifications 6 } -- =========================================================================================== hwApsConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwApsMIB 3 } hwApsCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwApsConformance 1 } -- compliance statements -- this module -- this module hwApsCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities that implement extend APS on a router." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { hwApsProtectionGroup,hwApsNotificationsGroup } ::= { hwApsCompliances 1 } hwApsGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwApsConformance 2 } -- units of conformance hwApsProtectionGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwApsProtectionGroupNum,hwApsIfType,hwApsRestoreWaitTime,hwApsProtectSwitch, hwApsWorkingIfType,hwApsRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information." ::= { hwApsGroups 1 } hwApsNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hwApsProtectSwitchOver,hwApsProtectSwitchBackOver,hwApsProtectModeFail, hwApsProtectChnlFail,hwApsProtectInvldK1K2Fail,hwApsProtectRemoteFail } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information." ::= { hwApsGroups 2 } END