-- ================================================================= -- Copyright (C) 2016 by HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES. All rights reserved -- -- Description: The HUAWEI-DC-BASE-MIB provides information about DataComm TRAPS -- -- Reference: -- Version: V2.08 -- History: -- -- ================================================================= HUAWEI-BASE-TRAP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS ifOperStatus,ifAdminStatus FROM RFC1213-MIB entPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalClass, entPhysicalName FROM ENTITY-MIB hwDatacomm FROM HUAWEI-MIB IANAItuProbableCause, IANAItuEventType FROM IANA-ITU-ALARM-TC-MIB ifIndex, ifName, ifDescr FROM IF-MIB ItuPerceivedSeverity FROM ITU-ALARM-TC-MIB OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF Integer32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC hwStorageSpace FROM HUAWEI-FLASH-MAN-MIB hwStorageSpaceFree FROM HUAWEI-FLASH-MAN-MIB hwStorageName FROM HUAWEI-FLASH-MAN-MIB hwSecStatTrapSlot, hwSecStatTrapCPU FROM HUAWEI-SECURITY-STAT-MIB; hwBaseTrapMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201609091200Z" -- Sep 9, 2016 at 12:00 GMT ORGANIZATION "Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: support@huawei.com " DESCRIPTION "This is the base trap definition for DataCom." -- Revision history REVISION "201609091200Z" DESCRIPTION "v2.08, add new node: hwHdlcIICPacketCrcErr" REVISION "201607251400Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.07,hwEntBandwidthMode, hwEntityBandwidthModeChange" REVISION "201506021411Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.06, hwVsDiskFullAlarm,hwVsDiskResume" REVISION "201410131411Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.05, delete the content modified in V2.04 to rollback to V2.03" REVISION "201410091411Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.04, add ifindex as VB binder under hwPortPhysicalUp, hwPortPhysicalDown" REVISION "201409011411Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.03, add ifOperStatus and ifAdminStatus to objects of hwPortPhysicalDown and hwPortPhysicalUp " REVISION "201306251411Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.02, add hwPortPhysicalDownReason" REVISION "201305240000Z" -- May 24, 2013 at 16:19 GMT DESCRIPTION "V2.01, Add new nodes : hwFESInconsistencyForMemoryLack , hwFESInconsistencyForMemoryLackResume." REVISION "200701170000Z" -- January 17, 2007 at 00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "V1.0, the first draft." ::= { hwDatacomm 129 } -- -- Node definitions -- hwBaseTrapObject OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTrapMIB 1 } hwBaseTrapSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ItuPerceivedSeverity MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To describe the level of trap." ::= { hwBaseTrapObject 1 } hwBaseTrapProbableCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IANAItuProbableCause MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To describe the probable cause of trap." ::= { hwBaseTrapObject 2 } hwBaseTrapEventType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IANAItuEventType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To describe the type of trap." ::= { hwBaseTrapObject 3 } hwBaseTrapRelativeResource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object may contain a key word to indicate the relative resource of an entity. Such as: hwEntityCommunicateError alarm may relate to a resource named 'IPC01'(A specified channel). So the trap may contain such a varbind in DisplayString style." ::= { hwBaseTrapObject 4 } hwBaseTrapReasonDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To describe the reason of trap in DisplayString style." ::= { hwBaseTrapObject 5 } hwBaseThresholdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBaseThresholdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table to config the threshold of each sensor." ::= { hwBaseTrapObject 6 } hwBaseThresholdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwBaseThresholdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entry of threshold table." INDEX { entPhysicalIndex, hwBaseThresholdType, hwBaseThresholdIndex } ::= { hwBaseThresholdTable 1 } HwBaseThresholdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwBaseThresholdType INTEGER, hwBaseThresholdIndex Integer32, hwBaseThresholdValue Integer32, hwBaseThresholdUnit INTEGER, hwBaseThresholdLowCritical Integer32, hwBaseThresholdLowWarning Integer32, hwBaseThresholdHighWarning Integer32, hwBaseThresholdHighCritical Integer32 } hwBaseThresholdType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { temperatureSensor(1), humiditySensor(2), voltageSensor(3), currentSensor(4), powerSensor(5), portTraffic(6), portCrcError(7), portBroadcast(8) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index to indicate the type of threshold for an entry.Such as temperature, humidity ,power supply......" ::= { hwBaseThresholdEntry 1 } hwBaseThresholdIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A subindex to identify each sensor on physical entity." ::= { hwBaseThresholdEntry 2 } hwBaseThresholdValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current value that been measured." ::= { hwBaseThresholdEntry 3 } hwBaseThresholdUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { percentage(1), centigrade1(2), centigrade2(3), voltage1(4), voltage2(5), current1(6), current2(7), power1(8), power2(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unit for this threshold value. percentage(1) ---unit for humidity centigrade1(2) ---unit for temperature centigrade2(3) ---unit for hundredth of centigrade voltage1(4) ---unit for volt (V) voltage2(5) ---unit for thousandth of volt (mV) electric current: current1(6) ---unit for milliampere (mA) current2(7) ---unit for microampere (uA) power1(8) ---unit for dbm(decibels above one milliwatt in 600 ohms) power2(9) ---unit for hundredth of dbm(decibels above one milliwatt in 600 ohms)" ::= { hwBaseThresholdEntry 4 } hwBaseThresholdLowCritical OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The critical alarm threshold for falling alarm. It could be used for a more dangerous instance than hwBaseThresholdLowWarning. It should be equal to hwBaseThresholdLowWarning when don't support this threshold. " ::= { hwBaseThresholdEntry 5 } hwBaseThresholdLowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The normal warning threshold for falling alarm. " ::= { hwBaseThresholdEntry 6 } hwBaseThresholdHighWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The normal warning threshold for rising alarm. " ::= { hwBaseThresholdEntry 7 } hwBaseThresholdHighCritical OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The critical alarm threshold for rising alarm. It could be used for a more dangerous instance than hwBaseThresholdHighWarning. It should be equal to hwBaseThresholdHighWarning when don't support this threshold." ::= { hwBaseThresholdEntry 8 } hwBaseUsageTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBaseUsageEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table to config the threshold for each storage device." ::= { hwBaseTrapObject 7 } hwBaseUsageEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwBaseUsageEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entry for hwBaseUsageTable." INDEX { entPhysicalIndex, hwBaseUsageType, hwBaseUsageIndex } ::= { hwBaseUsageTable 1 } HwBaseUsageEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwBaseUsageType INTEGER, hwBaseUsageIndex Integer32, hwBaseUsageValue Integer32, hwBaseUsageUnit INTEGER, hwBaseUsageThreshold Integer32 } hwBaseUsageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cpuUtilization(1), memoryUtilization(2), diskUtilizatino(3), flashUtilizatino(4), cfCardUtilization(5) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index to indicate the type of threshold for an entry.Such as cpu,memory,flash and so on." ::= { hwBaseUsageEntry 1 } hwBaseUsageIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A subindex to identify each sensor on physical entity." ::= { hwBaseUsageEntry 2 } hwBaseUsageValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current value that been measured." ::= { hwBaseUsageEntry 3 } hwBaseUsageUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { percentage(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unit for this threshold value. percentage(1) ---unit for cpu/men/disk/flash/cfCard " ::= { hwBaseUsageEntry 4 } hwBaseUsageThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold of usage for storage device." ::= { hwBaseUsageEntry 5 } hwFIBOverloadModule OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ipv4(1), ipv6(2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "module is ipv4 or ipv6" ::= { hwBaseTrapObject 8 } hwBaseFlowDirectionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inbound(1), outbound(2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The direction of data flow is specified. " ::= { hwBaseTrapObject 9 } hwPowerDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inbound(1), outbound(2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The direction of photoelectric power." ::= { hwBaseTrapObject 10 } hwBaseTrapTrafficDir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { trafficIn(1), trafficOut(2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The traffic flows in or out of the port." ::= { hwBaseTrapObject 11 } hwEntityRatedPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The rated power of board." ::= { hwBaseTrapObject 12 } hwDevAvailablePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Available power of the device." ::= { hwBaseTrapObject 13 } hwDeviceTotalPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total power of the device." ::= { hwBaseTrapObject 14 } hwBaseTrapCurPortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current type of port." ::= { hwBaseTrapObject 15 } hwBaseTrapLastPortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last type of port." ::= { hwBaseTrapObject 16 } hwPortPhysicalDownReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AUAIS: The RX detects administrative(A) unit(U) alarm(A) indication(I) signal(S). B1TCA: The RX detects b1(B1) threshold(T) crossing(C) alarm(A). B2TCA: The RX detects b2(B2) threshold(T) crossing(C) alarm(A). B3TCA: The RX detects b3(B3) threshold(T) crossing(C) alarm(A). LAIS: The RX detects line(L) alarm(A) indication(I) signal(S). LCD: The RX detects loss(L) of code-group(C) delineation(D). LOF: The RX detects loss(L) of(O) frame(F). LOM: The RX detects loss(L) of(O) multiframe(M). LOP: The RX detects loss(L) of(O) pointer(M). LOS: The RX detects loss(L) of(O) signal(S). LRDI: The RX detects line(L) remote(R) defect(D) indication(I). LREI: The RX detects line(L) remote(R) error(D) indication(I). OOF: The RX detects out(O) of(O) frame(F). PAIS: The RX detects path(P) alarm(A) indication(I) signal(S). PPLM: The RX detects path(P) payload(P) label(L) mismatch(M). PRDI: The RX detects path(P) remote(R) defect(D) indication(I). PREI: The RX detects path(P) remote(R) error(E) indication(I). PUNEQ: The RX detects path(P) unequipped(UNEQ). RDOOL: The RX detects receive(R) data(D) out(O) of(O) lock(L). RROOL: The RX detects receive(R) reference(R) out(O) of(O) lock(L). SD: The RX detects signal(S) degrade(D). SF: The RX detects signal(S) fail(F). TROOL: The TX detects transmit(T) reference(R) out(O) of(O) lock(L). WLINK: The RX detects pcs link has failed (wis mode). TRANSCEIVER_OFFLINE: The transceiver is not in position. TRANSCEIVER_FAIL: A hardware failure occurs when accessing the transceiver. TRANSCEIVER_MISMATCH: The transceiver does not match the port-mode. TRANSCEIVER_UNKNOWN: The transceiver is unknown type. PMA_LOS: The PMA(physical medium attachment) detects loss of signal. PMA_UNLOCK: The PMA(physical medium attachment) detects receive data out of lock. PCS_HIGHBER: The PCS(physical coding sublayer) enter High-BER status. PCS_UNLOCK: The PCS(physical coding sublayer) detects receive data out of lock. LOCAL_FAULT: The RX detects Local Fault signal. REMOTE_FAULT: The RX detects Remote Fault signal. NEGOTIATION_FAIL: Auto-negotiation is not successful. SOFT_FORCE_DOWN: The interface was DOWN triggered by a protocol module or was administratively shut down." ::= { hwBaseTrapObject 17 } hwEntBandwidthMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eth28x10gf(1), eth26x10gf18xgf(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bandwidth mode of card." ::= { hwBaseTrapObject 18 } hwBaseTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTrapMIB 2 } hwEntityTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTraps 1 } hwEntityRemove NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entity has been removed." ::= { hwEntityTrap 1 } hwEntityInsert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entity has been inserted." ::= { hwEntityTrap 2 } hwEntityUnstable NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entity has been inserted but position unstable." ::= { hwEntityTrap 3 } hwEntityUnstableResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Resume from entity position unstable situation." ::= { hwEntityTrap 4 } hwEntityReset NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapReasonDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entity will be reseted." ::= { hwEntityTrap 5 } hwEntityResetDone NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapReasonDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entity has been reseted and in good health now." ::= { hwEntityTrap 6 } hwEntityCommunicateError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapReasonDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Communication error has been detected. Include all kinds of communication error between boards." ::= { hwEntityTrap 7 } hwEntityCommunicateResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapReasonDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Resume from communication error situation." ::= { hwEntityTrap 8 } hwEntityInvalid NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapReasonDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entity is invalid for some reason." ::= { hwEntityTrap 9 } hwEntityResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapReasonDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entity reusme from invalid situation." ::= { hwEntityTrap 10 } hwEntityLeaveMaster NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapReasonDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Redundant entity leave master role." ::= { hwEntityTrap 11 } hwEntityBecomeMaster NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapReasonDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Redundant entity become master role." ::= { hwEntityTrap 12 } hwEntityOffline NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapReasonDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entity change to OFFLINE status." ::= { hwEntityTrap 13 } hwEntityOnline NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapReasonDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entity change to ONLINE status." ::= { hwEntityTrap 14 } hwEntityCheckFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapReasonDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Failure of self-check occurs to the board " ::= { hwEntityTrap 15 } hwEntityCheckResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapReasonDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status is recovered from the failure of board self-check " ::= { hwEntityTrap 16 } hwEntityRegFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapReasonDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entity fail in registration." ::= { hwEntityTrap 17 } hwEntityRegSuccess NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapReasonDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entity success in registration." ::= { hwEntityTrap 18 } hwEntityDyingGasp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapReasonDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dying gasp event is occurred." ::= { hwEntityTrap 19 } hwEntityBandwidthModeChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwEntBandwidthMode} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bandwidth mode of physical entity is changed." ::= { hwEntityTrap 20 } hwEnvironmentTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTraps 2 } hwTempRisingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdHighWarning, hwBaseThresholdHighCritical } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature rise over HIGH threshold." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 1 } hwTempRisingResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdHighWarning, hwBaseThresholdHighCritical } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature back to normal level." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 2 } hwTempFallingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdLowCritical, hwBaseThresholdLowWarning } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature fall below LOW threshold." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 3 } hwTempFallingResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdLowCritical, hwBaseThresholdLowWarning } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature back to normal level." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 4 } hwHumidityRisingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdHighWarning, hwBaseThresholdHighCritical } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Humidity rise over HIGH threshold." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 5 } hwHumidityRisingResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdHighWarning, hwBaseThresholdHighCritical } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Humidity back to normal level." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 6 } hwHumidityFallingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdLowCritical, hwBaseThresholdLowWarning } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Humidity fall below LOW threshold." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 7 } hwHumidityFallingResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdLowCritical, hwBaseThresholdLowWarning } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Humidity back to normal level." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 8 } hwVoltRisingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdHighWarning, hwBaseThresholdHighCritical } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage of power rise over HIGH threshold." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 9 } hwVoltRisingResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdHighWarning, hwBaseThresholdHighCritical } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage back to normal level." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 10 } hwVoltFallingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdLowCritical, hwBaseThresholdLowWarning } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage of power fall below LOW threshold." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 11 } hwVoltFallingResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdLowCritical, hwBaseThresholdLowWarning } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage back to normal level." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 12 } hwCurrentRisingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdHighWarning, hwBaseThresholdHighCritical } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current rise over HIGH threshold." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 13 } hwCurrentRisingResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdHighWarning, hwBaseThresholdHighCritical } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current back to normal level." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 14 } hwCurrentFallingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdLowCritical, hwBaseThresholdLowWarning } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current fall below LOW threshold." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 15 } hwCurrentFallingResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdLowCritical, hwBaseThresholdLowWarning } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current back to normal level." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 16 } hwPowerRisingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdHighWarning, hwBaseThresholdHighCritical, hwPowerDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Photoelectric power rise over HIGH threshold." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 17 } hwPowerRisingResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdHighWarning, hwBaseThresholdHighCritical, hwPowerDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Photoelectric power back to normal level." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 18 } hwPowerFallingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdLowCritical, hwBaseThresholdLowWarning, hwPowerDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Photoelectric power fall below LOW threshold." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 19 } hwPowerFallingResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdLowCritical, hwBaseThresholdLowWarning, hwPowerDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Photoelectric power back to normal level." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 20 } hwPowerInsufficiencyAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwEntityRatedPower, hwDevAvailablePower, hwDeviceTotalPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available power of device is not enough for the board." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 21 } hwPowerInsufficiencyResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwEntityRatedPower, hwDevAvailablePower, hwDeviceTotalPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available power of device becomes sufficient for the board." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 22 } hwAcuSoftwareUpgradeFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ACU current startup system software and next startup system software are difference." ::= { hwEnvironmentTrap 23 } hwPowerTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTraps 3 } hwPowerOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One of the power is shutting down." ::= { hwPowerTrap 1 } hwPowerOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One of the power is starting up." ::= { hwPowerTrap 2 } hwPowerMixed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The power is not of the same type!" ::= { hwPowerTrap 3 } hwPowerMixedResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The power is changed to the same type!" ::= { hwPowerTrap 4 } hwCPUTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTraps 4 } hwCPUUtilizationRisingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseUsageValue, hwBaseUsageUnit, hwBaseUsageThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU utilization exceed threshold." ::= { hwCPUTrap 1 } hwCPUUtilizationResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseUsageValue, hwBaseUsageUnit, hwBaseUsageThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU utilization back to normal level." ::= { hwCPUTrap 2 } hwPortTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTraps 5 } hwPortPhysicalDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwPortPhysicalDownReason, ifOperStatus, ifAdminStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One of the port physical connect down." ::= { hwPortTrap 1 } hwPortPhysicalUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, ifOperStatus, ifAdminStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One of the port physical connect up." ::= { hwPortTrap 2 } hwPortPhysicalNoTrafficAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapTrafficDir } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One of the port has none traffic." ::= { hwPortTrap 3 } hwPortPhysicalNoTrafficClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapTrafficDir } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One of the port traffic resume." ::= { hwPortTrap 4 } hwPortPhysicalTrafficRisingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdHighWarning, hwBaseTrapTrafficDir } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One of the port traffic rise over threshold." ::= { hwPortTrap 5 } hwPortPhysicalTrafficClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdLowWarning, hwBaseTrapTrafficDir } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One of the port traffic resume to normal level." ::= { hwPortTrap 6 } hwPortPhysicalCrcErrorRisingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdHighWarning } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One of the port CRC error rise over threshold." ::= { hwPortTrap 7 } hwPortPhysicalCrcErrorClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdLowWarning } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One of the port CRC error resume to normal level." ::= { hwPortTrap 8 } hwPortPhysicalEthBroadcastRisingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdHighWarning } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One of the Ethernet port broadcast rise over threshold." ::= { hwPortTrap 9 } hwPortPhysicalEthBroadcastClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdLowWarning } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One of the Ethernet port broadcast resume to normal level." ::= { hwPortTrap 10 } hwPortPhysicalEthHalfDuplexAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One of the Ethernet port works on the half-duplex mode." ::= { hwPortTrap 11 } hwPortPhysicalEthFullDuplexClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One of the Ethernet port works on the full-duplex mode." ::= { hwPortTrap 12 } hwPortPhysicalPortTypeChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapLastPortType, hwBaseTrapCurPortType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One of the port type changed." ::= { hwPortTrap 13 } hwPortPhysicalAutoNegotiateFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One of the port auto-negotiation failed." ::= { hwPortTrap 14 } hwPortPhysicalAutoNegotiateResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One of the port auto-negotiation resumed." ::= { hwPortTrap 15 } hwStorageTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTraps 6 } hwStorageUtilizationRisingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseUsageValue, hwBaseUsageUnit, hwBaseUsageThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Storage device utilization rise over threshold." ::= { hwStorageTrap 1 } hwStorageUtilizationResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseUsageValue, hwBaseUsageUnit, hwBaseUsageThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Storage utilization resume to normal level." ::= { hwStorageTrap 2 } hwVsDiskFullAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {hwStorageSpace,hwStorageSpaceFree,hwStorageName} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The disk usage exceeded the overload threadhold." ::= { hwStorageTrap 3 } hwVsDiskResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwStorageSpace,hwStorageSpaceFree,hwStorageName} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The disk usage fall below the clear threashold." ::= { hwStorageTrap 4} hwClockTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTraps 7 } hwFanTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTraps 8 } hwFibTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTraps 9 } hwFIBOverloadSuspend NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, hwFIBOverloadModule, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The board is suspended for IPv4/IPv6 FIB capability overload." ::= { hwFibTrap 1 } hwFIBOverloadSusResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, hwFIBOverloadModule, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The board is recovered for FIB capability overload suspend." ::= { hwFibTrap 2 } hwFIBOverloadForward NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, hwFIBOverloadModule, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The board is forwarding for IPv4/IPv6 FIB capability overload." ::= { hwFibTrap 3 } hwFIBOverloadFwResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, hwFIBOverloadModule, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The board is recovered for IPv4/IPv6 FIB capability overload forward." ::= { hwFibTrap 4 } hwFESInconsistencyForMemoryLack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Because the memory usage of the interface board exceeds the upper threshold, the FES cannot add new entries. As a result, the entries of the interface board is inconsistent with those of the main board." ::= { hwFibTrap 5 } hwFESInconsistencyForMemoryLackResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The memory usage of the interface board reduces to the lower threshold, and the FES can add entries. The entries of the interface board is consistent with those of the main board." ::= { hwFibTrap 6 } hwPppTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTraps 10 } hwPppLoopbackDetect NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, ifIndex, ifName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface Loopback is detected." ::= { hwPppTrap 1 } hwPppLoopbackDetResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, ifIndex, ifName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface is recovered from Loopback." ::= { hwPppTrap 2 } hwFlowControlTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTraps 11 } hwFlowCongestion NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalClass, entPhysicalName, hwBaseFlowDirectionType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The object is in congested state and some of the frames are dropped. " ::= { hwFlowControlTrap 1 } hwFlowCongestionResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalClass, entPhysicalName, hwBaseFlowDirectionType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Alarms of the congested object are cleared. " ::= { hwFlowControlTrap 2 } hwDeviceAbnormalTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTraps 12 } hwDeviceAbnormalRisingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device abnormal or pulled out." ::= { hwDeviceAbnormalTrap 1 } hwResExhaustBfdTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTraps 13 } hwResExhaustBfdAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to allocate resources for BFD because hardware resources were exhausted." ::= { hwResExhaustBfdTrap 1 } hwResExhaustBfdResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BFD recovered from alarms of hardware resources exhausting." ::= { hwResExhaustBfdTrap 2 } hwResExhaustOamTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTraps 14 } hwResExhaustOamAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to allocate resources for OAM because hardware resources were exhausted. MPLS OAM is short for Operation Administration and Maintenance by MPLS. It is used for connectivity verification of MPLS LSP." ::= { hwResExhaustOamTrap 1 } hwResExhaustOamResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OAM recovered from alarms of hardware resources exhausting. MPLS OAM is short for Operation Administration and Maintenance by MPLS. It is used for connectivity verification of MPLS LSP." ::= { hwResExhaustOamTrap 2 } hwHdlcTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTraps 15 } hwHdlcLoopbackDetect NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface Loopback is detected." ::= { hwHdlcTrap 1 } hwHdlcLoopbackDetResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface is recovered from Loopback." ::= { hwHdlcTrap 2 } hwHdlcIICPacketCrcErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {hwSecStatTrapSlot, hwSecStatTrapCPU} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The packet(s) crc error" ::= { hwHdlcTrap 3 } hwAutoFtpTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTraps 16 } hwAutoFtpFailAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapReasonDescr,hwBaseTrapSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the software failure in the automatic upgrade system." ::= { hwAutoFtpTrap 1 } hwBaseOpticalTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTraps 17 } hwOpticalPowerAbnormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapReasonDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optical rxpower or txpower is exceed threshold value." ::= { hwBaseOpticalTrap 1 } hwOpticalPowerResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, entPhysicalContainedIn, entPhysicalName, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwBaseTrapReasonDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optical power resume." ::= { hwBaseOpticalTrap 2 } hwBaseTrapConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTrapMIB 3 } hwBaseTrapCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTrapConformance 1 } hwBaseTrapCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compliance statement for agents that provide full support for hwBaseTrapMIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { hwBaseObjectGroup } ::= { hwBaseTrapCompliances 1 } hwBaseTrapGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBaseTrapConformance 2 } hwBaseObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwBaseTrapSeverity, hwBaseTrapProbableCause, hwBaseTrapEventType, hwBaseThresholdValue, hwBaseThresholdUnit, hwBaseThresholdLowCritical, hwBaseThresholdLowWarning, hwBaseThresholdHighWarning, hwBaseThresholdHighCritical, hwBaseUsageValue, hwBaseUsageUnit, hwBaseUsageThreshold, hwDevAvailablePower, hwEntityRatedPower, hwDeviceTotalPower, hwBaseTrapLastPortType, hwPortPhysicalDownReason, hwBaseTrapCurPortType, hwBaseTrapReasonDescr, hwBaseTrapRelativeResource, hwFIBOverloadModule, hwBaseFlowDirectionType, hwPowerDirection, hwBaseTrapTrafficDir,hwEntBandwidthMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group for base trap objects." ::= { hwBaseTrapGroups 1 } hwBaseTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hwEntityRemove, hwEntityInsert, hwEntityUnstable, hwEntityUnstableResume, hwEntityReset, hwEntityResetDone, hwEntityCommunicateError, hwEntityCommunicateResume, hwEntityInvalid, hwEntityResume, hwEntityLeaveMaster, hwEntityBecomeMaster, hwEntityOffline, hwEntityOnline, hwEntityRegFail, hwEntityRegSuccess, hwEntityDyingGasp, hwTempRisingAlarm, hwTempRisingResume, hwTempFallingAlarm, hwTempFallingResume, hwHumidityRisingAlarm, hwHumidityRisingResume, hwHumidityFallingAlarm, hwHumidityFallingResume, hwVoltRisingAlarm, hwVoltRisingResume, hwVoltFallingAlarm, hwVoltFallingResume, hwCurrentRisingAlarm, hwCurrentRisingResume, hwCurrentFallingAlarm, hwCurrentFallingResume, hwPowerRisingAlarm, hwPowerRisingResume, hwPowerFallingAlarm, hwPowerInsufficiencyAlarm, hwPowerInsufficiencyResume, hwPowerFallingResume, hwPowerOff, hwPowerOn, hwPowerMixed, hwPowerMixedResume, hwCPUUtilizationRisingAlarm, hwCPUUtilizationResume, hwPortPhysicalDown, hwPortPhysicalUp, hwPortPhysicalNoTrafficAlarm, hwPortPhysicalNoTrafficClear, hwPortPhysicalTrafficRisingAlarm, hwPortPhysicalTrafficClear, hwPortPhysicalCrcErrorRisingAlarm, hwPortPhysicalCrcErrorClear, hwPortPhysicalEthBroadcastRisingAlarm, hwPortPhysicalEthBroadcastClear, hwPortPhysicalEthHalfDuplexAlarm, hwPortPhysicalEthFullDuplexClear, hwStorageUtilizationRisingAlarm, hwStorageUtilizationResume, hwVsDiskFullAlarm,hwVsDiskResume,hwFIBOverloadSuspend, hwFIBOverloadSusResume, hwFIBOverloadForward, hwFIBOverloadFwResume, hwFESInconsistencyForMemoryLack, hwFESInconsistencyForMemoryLackResume, hwPppLoopbackDetect, hwPppLoopbackDetResume, hwEntityCheckFail, hwEntityCheckResume, hwFlowCongestion, hwFlowCongestionResume, hwDeviceAbnormalRisingAlarm, hwResExhaustBfdAlarm, hwResExhaustBfdResume, hwResExhaustOamAlarm, hwResExhaustOamResume, hwHdlcLoopbackDetect, hwAutoFtpFailAlarm, hwOpticalPowerResume, hwHdlcLoopbackDetResume, hwPortPhysicalPortTypeChange, hwPortPhysicalAutoNegotiateFail, hwPortPhysicalAutoNegotiateResume, hwOpticalPowerAbnormal, hwAcuSoftwareUpgradeFailure, hwEntityBandwidthModeChange,hwHdlcIICPacketCrcErr} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group for all base traps." ::= { hwBaseTrapGroups 2 } END -- -- HUAWEI-BASE-TRAP-MIB.mib --