-- ================================================================= -- Copyright (C) 2016 by HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES. All rights reserved. -- Description: MIB interface of BFD protocol configuration. -- The Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) protocol -- is standardized by the IETF. BFD detects the -- traffic forwarding capability of the link or system by -- quickly sending BFD control packets (the UDP packets in -- a specified format) at intervals between two nodes. -- Reference: -- Version: V1.55 -- -- ================================================================= HUAWEI-BFD-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS hwDatacomm FROM HUAWEI-MIB EnabledStatus FROM P-BRIDGE-MIB OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF IpAddress, Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI RowStatus, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC Ipv6Address FROM IPV6-TC InetAddressType, InetAddress FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB; hwBFDMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201601080000Z" ORGANIZATION "Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: support@huawei.com " DESCRIPTION "MIB interface of BFD protocol configuration. The Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) protocol is standardized by the IETF. BFD detects the traffic forwarding capability of the link or system by quickly sending BFD control packets (the UDP packets in a specified format) at intervals between two nodes. " -- Revision history REVISION "201601080000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.55, add hwBfdSessConfbImpactFlag and hwBfdSessConfbImpactFlag." REVISION "201601080000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.54, add hwBfdSessFsmDiscordant and hwBfdSessFsmAccordant." REVISION "201511080000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.53, add hwBfdPWSessDownTrap and hwBfdPWSessUpTrap for Pw Bfd session." REVISION "201510230000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.52, add hwBfdSessApOperFailed for virtual access." REVISION "201508040000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.51, add hwBfdSessFaultDown and hwBfdSessResume." REVISION "201507290000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.50, modify the DESCRIPTION of hwBfdSessGlobalDefaultIpAddr." REVISION "201507140000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.49, move hwBfdSessCfgRemoteFailType from hwBfdAlarmTraps to hwBfdNotifications." REVISION "201507030000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.48, add hwBfdSessCfgRemoteFailType and hwBfdSessCfgRemoteFail for virtual access." REVISION "201409040000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.47, modified the revision history." REVISION "201409010000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.46, modified the date of copyright." REVISION "201406300000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.45, add hwBfdDynamicSessionTos for dynamic session tos in hwBfdScalarsObjects, add hwBfdv6MultiHopSessUpTrap,hwBfdv6MultiHopSessDownTrap for IPv6 MultiHop. Add hwBfdSessPeerAddr,hwBfdSessBindType,hwBfdSessVrfIndex for hwBfdSessUpTrap and hwBfdSessDownTrap, add hwBfdv6SingleHopSessUpTrap,hwBfdv6SingleHopSessDownTrap for IPv6 SingleHop. Add hwBfdDynamicSessionTos for dynamic session tos." REVISION "201405230000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.44, modified the scope of hwBfdIfConfName ." REVISION "201401220000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.43, modified the description of hwBfdSessBindAppTypeMask for VTE/VPW/FRP/BGPLSP." REVISION "201309220000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.42, modified the value and the description of hwBfdSessConfBindType for new bfd type bgpTunnel, modified the value and the description of hwBfdSessBindType for new bfd type bgpTunnel." REVISION "201308160000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.41, modified the value and the description of hwBfdSessConfBindType for new bfd type ldpTunnel, modified the value and the description of hwBfdSessBindType for new bfd type ldpTunnel." REVISION "201211230000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.40, add hwBfdStaticSessionTos for static session tos. Add hwBfdDynamicSessionTosEx for extend hwBfdDynamicSessionTos. Add hwBfdSessConfTOSEx for extend hwBfdSessConfTOS. Add hwBfdSessDscp to display dscp value when it is enable in a bfd session." REVISION "201108170000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.25, add hwBfdSessBindAppTypeMask." REVISION "201107140000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.24, add hwBfdDynamicSessionTos for dynamic session tos." REVISION "201105110000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.23, modified BfdInterval to Integer32." REVISION "201104270000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.22, removed the range of hwBfdSessActualRxInterval, hwBfdSessActualTxInterval, added the default value of hwBfdAdminStatus, hwBfdSessConfWTRInterval, hwBfdSessDetectMult, hwBfdSessDiscrAuto, hwBfdSessDynamicNumber, hwBfdSessInterfaceLimitNumber, hwBfdSessLimitNumber, hwBfdSessStaticNumber, hwBfdVersionNumber." REVISION "201104130000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.21, modified the description of hwBfdIfConfEnable, hwBfdSessConfWTRInterval, hwBfdSessConfPSTFlag." REVISION "201101120000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.20, modified for bfd mib standardization." REVISION "201010200000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.19, updated the description and format." REVISION "201008250000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.18, modified the trap nodes of hwBfdSessGroupUpTrap and hwBfdSessGroupDownTrap. Updated the description and format." REVISION "201008020000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.17, modified BfdInterval to Unsigned32." REVISION "201008020000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.16, modified hwBfdSessConfRemoteDiscr and hwBfdSessRemoteDiscr's range from 1...16384 to 0...4294967295." REVISION "201007220000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.15, modified the description and format." REVISION "201005190000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.14, modified syntax of hwBfdSessPerfLastSessDownTime and hwBfdSessionPerStartTime." REVISION "201004250000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.13, modified description of all leaves." REVISION "201004120000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.12, updated the description and format." REVISION "201002120000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.11, modified syntax of hwBfdSessPerfLastSessDownTime and hwBfdSessionPerStartTime." REVISION "201001130000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.10, added four trap nodes of hwBfdSessUpTrap, hwBfdSessDownTrap, hwBfdSessGroupUpTrap and hwBfdSessGroupDownTrap." REVISION "200912240000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.09, changed the range of leaves hwBfdSessConfDesiredMinRxInterval and hwBfdSessConfDesiredMinRxInterval." REVISION "200911270000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.08, changed the range of leaf hwBfdSessRemoteDiscr as 0-4294967295." REVISION "200903040000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.07, added flagNoPW, entireDynamic, staticAuto enum." REVISION "200806060000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.06, added leaf hwBfdSessConfVlanID in table hwBfdSessionTable and changed the attribute of leaf hwBfdSessConfBindIfIndex as read-create." REVISION "200604270000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.00, initial version." ::= { hwDatacomm 38 } -- -- Textual conventions -- BfdInterval ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bfd Time Interval Type." SYNTAX Integer32 BfdDiag ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Diagnostic code specifying the local system's reason for the last session state changed. " SYNTAX Integer32 -- -- Node definitions -- hwBfdScalarsObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBFDMIB 1 } hwBfdVersionNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current version number of the BFD protocol is 1. Default: 1 " ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 1 } hwBfdAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describe the administrative status of a BFD protocol. Options: 1. enabled(1) -denotes that the BFD Process is active on all interface 2. disabled(2) -denotes that the BFD process is disabled on all interfaces Default: 2 " ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 2 } hwBfdSessLimitNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define the maximum number of BFD sessions allowed in the logic router. Default: 0 " ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 3 } hwBfdSessInterfaceLimitNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define the maximum number of BFD sessions allowed per board. Default: 0 " ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 4 } hwBfdSessStaticNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of BFD static sessions. Default: 0 " ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 5 } hwBfdSessDynamicNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of BFD dynamic sessions. Default: 0 " ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 6 } hwBfdSessGlobalDefaultIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define the default multicast IP address used in BFD multicast detection. Default: " ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 7 } hwBfdEchoPassiveStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The passive Echo function of BFD. Options: 1. enabled(1) -denotes that the BFD EchoPassive capability is enabled 2. disabled(2) -denotes that the BFD EchoPassive capability is disabled Default: 2 " ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 8 } hwBfdEchoAclNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 2000..2999) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Acl Number for passive Echo function of BFD. Default: 0 " ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 9 } hwBfdSessDynamicPingInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (30..600) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define the sending interval of the MPLS echo packet. Default: 60 Unit: second " ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 10 } hwBfdSessDynamicSupportPassive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The capability of automatically creating BFD sessions on the LSP egress. Options: 1. enabled(1) -denotes that the egress can create BFD sessions 2. disabled(2) -denotes that the egress can not create BFD sessions Default: 2 " ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 11 } hwBfdSessDelayUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..600) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define delay interval before the session turns to up. Unit: second Default: 0 " ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 12 } hwBfdSessMultiDstPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0|3784|4784) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The destination UDP port of multi-hop BFD session. When the administrative status of BFD protocol is disabled, this value will be 0. Default: 3784 " ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 13 } hwBfdTrapSendInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0|1..600) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define the sending interval of TRAP message. Unit: second Default: 120 " ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 14 } hwBfdLimitDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device name which session number reached up limit." ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 15 } hwBfdDynamicSessionTos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Tos-Exp of dynamic session. Default: 7 " ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 16 } hwBfdStaticSessionTos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7 | 255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Tos-Exp of static session. Default: 7 " ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 17 } hwBfdDynamicSessionTosEx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7 | 255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The extended Tos-Exp of dynamic session. Default: 7 " ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 18 } hwBfdSessCfgRemoteFailType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { localDiscriminatorNonsupport(101), localDiscriminatorConflict(102) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The virtual access AP notify process bfd session configuration failed. Options: 1. localDiscriminatorNonsupport(101) 2. localDiscriminatorConflict(102) " ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 19 } hwBfdObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBFDMIB 2 } hwBfdIfConfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBfdIfConfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface configuration table of BFD. The index of this table is hwBfdIfConfIndex. " ::= { hwBfdObjects 1 } hwBfdIfConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwBfdIfConfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface configuration table of BFD. The index of this entry is hwBfdIfConfIndex. " INDEX { hwBfdIfConfIndex } ::= { hwBfdIfConfTable 1 } HwBfdIfConfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwBfdIfConfIndex Integer32, hwBfdIfConfName OCTET STRING, hwBfdIfConfEnable Integer32, hwBfdIfConfDeleting Integer32, hwBfdIfConfAvailable Integer32, hwBfdIfConfSessCnt Integer32, hwBfdIfConfRowStatus RowStatus } hwBfdIfConfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the configuration index of this interface. This index is automatically allocated inside the system and is not user-configurable. " ::= { hwBfdIfConfEntry 1 } hwBfdIfConfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the name of this Interface." ::= { hwBfdIfConfEntry 2 } hwBfdIfConfEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The flag whether the interface has enabled BFD. Options: 1. disable(0) -Indicates that the interface has disabled BFD 2. enable(1) -Indicates that the interface has enabled BFD " ::= { hwBfdIfConfEntry 3 } hwBfdIfConfDeleting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The flag that whether the interface is in deleting. Options: 1. notDeleted(0) -the interface is not deleted 2. deleted(1) -the interface is deleted " ::= { hwBfdIfConfEntry 4 } hwBfdIfConfAvailable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The flag that whether the interface is available. Options: 1. notAvailable(0) -the interface is not available 2. available(1) -the interface is available " ::= { hwBfdIfConfEntry 5 } hwBfdIfConfSessCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of sessions that has been bound to this interface." ::= { hwBfdIfConfEntry 6 } hwBfdIfConfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to manage the creation and deletion of conceptual rows." ::= { hwBfdIfConfEntry 7 } hwBfdSessionConfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBfdSessionConfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BFD Session Configuration Table. Use this table to get/configure BFD sessions. The index of this table is hwBfdSessConfName. " ::= { hwBfdObjects 2 } hwBfdSessionConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwBfdSessionConfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BFD Session Configuration Table. Use this table to get/configure BFD sessions. The index of this entry is hwBfdSessConfName. " INDEX { hwBfdSessConfName } ::= { hwBfdSessionConfTable 1 } HwBfdSessionConfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwBfdSessConfName OCTET STRING, hwBfdSessConfMIndex Unsigned32, hwBfdSessConfLocalDiscr Unsigned32, hwBfdSessConfRemoteDiscr Unsigned32, hwBfdSessConfPeerAddr IpAddress, hwBfdSessConfBindIfIndex Unsigned32, hwBfdSessConfBindIfName OCTET STRING, hwBfdSessConfDemandEnable Integer32, hwBfdSessConfDemandTimerInterval Unsigned32, hwBfdSessConfDetectMult Unsigned32, hwBfdSessConfDesiredMinRxInterval BfdInterval, hwBfdSessConfDesiredMinTxInterval BfdInterval, hwBfdSessConfWTRInterval Integer32, hwBfdSessConfTOS Integer32, hwBfdSessConfPSTFlag Integer32, hwBfdSessConfCommitFlag Integer32, hwBfdSessConfAdminStatus Integer32, hwBfdSessConfRowStatus RowStatus, hwBfdSessConfSourceAddr IpAddress, hwBfdSessConfVrfIndex Unsigned32, hwBfdSessConfVPNName OCTET STRING, hwBfdSessConfDefaultIp INTEGER, hwBfdSessConfPISFlag INTEGER, hwBfdSessConfBindType INTEGER, hwBfdSessConfNextHop IpAddress, hwBfdSessConfStaticLspName OCTET STRING, hwBfdSessConfPWSecondaryFlag INTEGER, hwBfdSessConfTunnelDetectType INTEGER, hwBfdSessConfVcId Unsigned32, hwBfdSessConfVsiName OCTET STRING, hwBfdSessConfVsiPeerAddr IpAddress, hwBfdSessConfDiscrAuto EnabledStatus, hwBfdSessConfPeerIpv6Addr Ipv6Address, hwBfdSessConfSourceIpv6Addr Ipv6Address, hwBfdSessConfIpv6NextHop Ipv6Address, hwBfdSessConfIsIpv6Addr TruthValue, hwBfdSessConfKeychainName OCTET STRING, hwBfdSessConfMeticulous EnabledStatus, hwBfdSessConfLooseAuthentication TruthValue, hwBfdSessConfOneArmEcho EnabledStatus, hwBfdSessConfMinEchoRxInterval Unsigned32, hwBfdSessConfPWTtlMode INTEGER, hwBfdSessConfPWTtl Integer32, hwBfdSessConfRemotePeerIpType InetAddressType, hwBfdSessConfRemotePeerIp InetAddress, hwBfdSessConfSelectBoard DisplayString, hwBfdSessConfPWSPE INTEGER, hwBfdSessConfPWTrackIfName DisplayString, hwBfdSessConfIsPWTrackIf EnabledStatus, hwBfdSessConfEncapsulationType DisplayString, hwBfdSessConfPEVid Unsigned32, hwBfdSessConfCEVid Unsigned32, hwBfdSessConfTOSEx Integer32, hwBfdSessConfbImpactFlag INTEGER } hwBfdSessConfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..15)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the name of this configuration model." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 1 } hwBfdSessConfMIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the configuration index of this session." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 2 } hwBfdSessConfLocalDiscr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define the local discriminator of the BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 3 } hwBfdSessConfRemoteDiscr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define the remote discriminator of the BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 4 } hwBfdSessConfPeerAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define the IP address of the peer in the BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 5 } hwBfdSessConfBindIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the index of the binding interface in the BFD configuration." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 6 } hwBfdSessConfBindIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the name of the binding interface in the BFD configuration." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 7 } hwBfdSessConfDemandEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the flag of the BFD demand mode. Options: 1. disabled(0) -disable the BFD demand mode 2. enabled(1) -enable the BFD demand mode " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 8 } hwBfdSessConfDemandTimerInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 500..300000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define the detecting interval in the BFD session with the demand mode. Unit: millisecond " ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 9 } hwBfdSessConfDetectMult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..50) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is Detect time multiplier of the configuration. The negotiated transmit interval, multiplied by this value, provides the detection time for the transmitting system in Asynchronous mode. " ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 10 } hwBfdSessConfDesiredMinRxInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BfdInterval (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the minimum interval of the configuration,in milliseconds, between received BFD Control packets that this system is capable of supporting. Unit: millisecond " ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 11 } hwBfdSessConfDesiredMinTxInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BfdInterval (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the minimum interval of the configuration, in milliseconds, that the local system would like to use when transmitting BFD Control packets. Unit: millisecond " ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 12 } hwBfdSessConfWTRInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..60) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wait-to-restore (WTR) time of the BFD session. The event that indicates the session changing into the Up state is reported to the application program only after the WTR times out. Unit: minute " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 13 } hwBfdSessConfTOS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the TOS value of bfd packet." DEFVAL { 7 } ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 14 } hwBfdSessConfPSTFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PST flag of the BFD session configuration. It indicates the status association between the current BFD session and the interface bound to the session. Options: 1. disabled(0) -indicates that the PST capability of the BFD session is disabled 2. enabled(1) -indicates that the PST capability of the BFD session is enabled " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 15 } hwBfdSessConfCommitFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the commit flag of the configuration entry. Options: 1. notCommit(0) -not commit 2. commit(1) -commit " ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 16 } hwBfdSessConfAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A BFD session can be administratively enabled or disabled. The AdminStatus field indicates the BFD session status. Options: 1. 0 -disable 2. 1 -enable " ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 17 } hwBfdSessConfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to manage the creation and deletion of conceptual rows." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 18 } hwBfdSessConfSourceAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define the source IP address of the BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 19 } hwBfdSessConfVrfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the VPN interface." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 20 } hwBfdSessConfVPNName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of VPN interface." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 21 } hwBfdSessConfDefaultIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(1), yes(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BFD session use default multicast IP as the detect peer-ip Options: 1. no(1) -do not use the default multicast IP 2. yes(2) -use the default multicast IP " DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 22 } hwBfdSessConfPISFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { false(1), true(2), subif(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of BFD session is associated with the state of the binding interface Options: 1. false(1) -do not associate with interface state 2. true(2) -associate with interface state 3. subif(3) -associate with interface and correlative sub interface " DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 23 } hwBfdSessConfBindType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { interfaceIp(1), peerIp(2), sourceIp(3), ifAndSourceIp(4), fec(5), tunnelIf(6), ospf(7), isis(8), ldpLsp(9), staticLsp(10), teLsp(11), teTunnel(12), pw(13), vsiPw(15), ldpTunnel(21), bgpTunnel(22) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The binding type of the BFD session. Options: 1. interfaceIp(1) -BFD for IP with peer-ip and interface 2. peerIp(2) -BFD for IP only with peer-ip 3. sourceIp(3) -BFD for IP with peer-ip and source-ip 4. ifAndSourceIp(4) -BFD for IP with peer-ip, interface and source-ip 5. fec(5) -BFD for FEC(NOT support now) 6. tunnelIf(6) -BFD for Tunnel interface(NOT support now) 7. ospf(7) -BFD for OSPF 8. isis(8) -BFD for ISIS 9. ldpLsp(9) -BFD for LDP-LSP 10. staticLsp(10) -BFD for static LSP 11. teLsp(11) -BFD for TE-LSP 12. teTunnel(12) -BFD for TE-Tunnel 13. pw(13) -BFD for PW 14. vsiPw(15) -BFD for VSI PW 15. ldpTunnel(21) -BFD for LDP-Tunnel 16. bgpTunnel(22) -BFD for BGP-Tunnel " ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 24 } hwBfdSessConfNextHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the next hop of the BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 25 } hwBfdSessConfStaticLspName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the static LSP name of the BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 26 } hwBfdSessConfPWSecondaryFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { flagMasterPW(1), flagSecondaryPW(2), flagNoPW(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The role of the PW bound with BFD session. Options: 1. flagMasterPW(1) -master PW 2. flagSecondaryPW(2)-secondary PW 3. flagNoPW(3) -no PW " DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 27 } hwBfdSessConfTunnelDetectType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { flagBothDown(1), flagNeighborDown(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the failure notifies policy type. Options: 1. flagBothDown(1) -notify applications when detecting both Detect-Down and Neighbor-Down 2. flagNeighborDown(2) -notify applications only when detecting Neighbor-Down " DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 28 } hwBfdSessConfVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the ID of VC." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 29 } hwBfdSessConfVsiName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the name of VSI." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 30 } hwBfdSessConfVsiPeerAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the peer-ip of VSI." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 31 } hwBfdSessConfDiscrAuto OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describe whether the discriminator can be auto allocated. Options: 1.enabled(1) -the discriminator can be allocated automatically 2.disabled(2) -the discriminator can not be allocated automatically " DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 32 } hwBfdSessConfPeerIpv6Addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ipv6Address MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define the peer IPv6 address of the BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 33 } hwBfdSessConfSourceIpv6Addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ipv6Address MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define the source IPv6 address of the BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 34 } hwBfdSessConfIpv6NextHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ipv6Address MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the next hop of the BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 35 } hwBfdSessConfIsIpv6Addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether the peer address of the BFD session is IPv6 address." DEFVAL { false } ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 36 } hwBfdSessConfKeychainName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..47)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the name of the keychain for authentication." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 37 } hwBfdSessConfMeticulous OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether enable meticulous authentication for MD5 or SHA-1 type. Options: 1. enabled(1) -enable meticulous authentication for MD5 or SHA-1 type 2. disabled(2) -disabled meticulous authentication for MD5 or SHA-1 type " DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 38 } hwBfdSessConfLooseAuthentication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether loose authentication check. Options: 1.True(1) -loose-check 2.False(2) -do not loose-check " ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 39 } hwBfdSessConfOneArmEcho OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies whether a session works in one-arm-echo mode. Options: 1. enabled(1) -indicates that the session works in one-arm-echo mode 2. disabled(2) -indicates that the session does not work in one-arm-echo mode " DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 40 } hwBfdSessConfMinEchoRxInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0|1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the minimum interval between received BFD Control packets, in milliseconds.This value reflects the capability of receiving BFD Control packets. Unit: millisecond " ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 41 } hwBfdSessConfPWTtlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { config(1), auto(2), default(3), none(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the configuration mode of a TTL used by the BFD session for PW. Options: 1. config(1) -indicates that the TTL is manually set 2. auto(2) -indicates that the TTL is automatically calculated based on an IP address 3. default(3)-indicates that the TTL is 255 by default 4. none(4) -indicates that the TTL is not in PW mode " ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 42 } hwBfdSessConfPWTtl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the TTL used by the BFD session for PW. The vlaue is configurable only when the configuration mode of a TTL is config. " ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 43 } hwBfdSessConfRemotePeerIpType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the type of the destination address of the BFD session for PW. " ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 44 } hwBfdSessConfRemotePeerIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the destination IP address of the BFD session for PW. " ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 45 } hwBfdSessConfSelectBoard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..47)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the main processing board of a BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 46 } hwBfdSessConfPWSPE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upe(1), spe(2), none(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the node on which a BFD session is set up. The values are as follows. Options: 1. upe(1) -indicates that a BFD session is set up on a UPE to detect a PW 2. spe(2) -indicates that a BFD session is set up on an SPE to detect a PW 3. none(3) -indicates that a BFD session does not detect a PW Default: none " ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 47 } hwBfdSessConfPWTrackIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the interface monitored by the BFD session for PW." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 48 } hwBfdSessConfIsPWTrackIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies whether the BFD session for PW monitors an interface. The values are as follows. Options: 1. enabled(1) -enables the BFD session for PW to monitor the interface 2. disabled(2)-disables the BFD session for PW from monitoring the interface " ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 49 } hwBfdSessConfEncapsulationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the VC encapsulation type on an SPE. The values are as follows: fr atm-aal5-sdu atm-trans-cell vlan ethernet hdlc ppp atm-nto1-vcc atm-nto1-vpc ip-layer2 atm-1to1-vcc atm-1to1-vpc atm-aal5-pdu satop-e1 satop-t1 esopsn-basic ip-interworking " ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 50 } hwBfdSessConfPEVid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the outer tag of a sub-interface for QinQ VLAN tag termination or the VLAN ID of a sub-interface for dot1q VLAN tag termination. " ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 51 } hwBfdSessConfCEVid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the inner tag in QinQ packets." ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 52 } hwBfdSessConfTOSEx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7 | 255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the extended TOS value of bfd packet." DEFVAL { 7 } ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 53 } hwBfdSessConfbImpactFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(1), yes(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BFD session impact interface when the device reboot Options: 1. no(1) -do not impact interface when the device reboot 2. yes(2) -impact interface when the device reboot " DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 54 } hwBfdSessionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBfdSessionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The BFD Session Table describes the BFD sessions. The index of this table is hwBfdSessIndex. " ::= { hwBfdObjects 3 } hwBfdSessionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwBfdSessionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The BFD Session Table describes the BFD sessions. The index of this entry is hwBfdSessIndex. " INDEX { hwBfdSessIndex } ::= { hwBfdSessionTable 1 } HwBfdSessionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwBfdSessIndex Unsigned32, hwBfdSessMIndex Unsigned32, hwBfdSessBindVRRP Integer32, hwBfdSessCfgName OCTET STRING, hwBfdSessPeerAddr IpAddress, hwBfdSessBindIfIndex Integer32, hwBfdSessBindIfName OCTET STRING, hwBfdSessLocalDiscr Unsigned32, hwBfdSessRemoteDiscr Unsigned32, hwBfdSessOperMode Integer32, hwBfdSessDetectMult Unsigned32, hwBfdSessDemandTimerInterval BfdInterval, hwBfdSessActualRxInterval BfdInterval, hwBfdSessActualTxInterval BfdInterval, hwBfdSessWTRInterval Integer32, hwBfdSessTOS Integer32, hwBfdSessState Integer32, hwBfdSessDiag Integer32, hwBfdSessSourceAddr IpAddress, hwBfdSessVrfIndex Unsigned32, hwBfdSessVPNName OCTET STRING, hwBfdSessType INTEGER, hwBfdSessBindAppType INTEGER, hwBfdSessDefaultIp INTEGER, hwBfdSessPISFlag INTEGER, hwBfdSessBindType INTEGER, hwBfdSessNextHop IpAddress, hwBfdSessStaticLspName OCTET STRING, hwBfdSessLspIndex Unsigned32, hwBfdSessPWSecondaryFlag INTEGER, hwBfdSessTunnelDetectType INTEGER, hwBfdSessVcId Unsigned32, hwBfdSessVsiName OCTET STRING, hwBfdSessVsiPeerAddr IpAddress, hwBfdSessDiscrAuto EnabledStatus, hwBfdSessPeerIpv6Addr Ipv6Address, hwBfdSessSourceIpv6Addr Ipv6Address, hwBfdSessIpv6NextHop Ipv6Address, hwBfdSessIsIPv6Addr TruthValue, hwBfdSessMeticulous EnabledStatus, hwBfdSessLooseAuthentication TruthValue, hwBfdSessAuthenticationStatus Integer32, hwBfdSessOneArmEcho EnabledStatus, hwBfdSessPWTtlMode INTEGER, hwBfdSessPWTtl Integer32, hwBfdSessRemotePeerIpType InetAddressType, hwBfdSessRemotePeerIp InetAddress, hwBfdSessSelectBoard DisplayString, hwBfdSessPWSPE INTEGER, hwBfdSessPWTrackIfName DisplayString, hwBfdSessIsPWTrackIf EnabledStatus, hwBfdSessEncapsulationType DisplayString, hwBfdSessPEVid Unsigned32, hwBfdSessCEVid Unsigned32, hwBfdSessPeerInetAddrType InetAddressType, hwBfdSessPeerInetAddr InetAddress, hwBfdSessInetNextHopType InetAddressType, hwBfdSessInetNextHop InetAddress, hwBfdSessBindAppTypeMask OCTET STRING, hwBfdSessDscp Integer32, hwBfdSessPWId Unsigned32 } hwBfdSessIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is unique and the Index of this session. This index is automatically allocated inside the system and is not user-configurable. " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 1 } hwBfdSessMIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value indicate the configuration has Main Index." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 2 } hwBfdSessBindVRRP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describe the capability of bound with VRRP for the BFD session. Options: 1. notBind(0) -not bind 2. bind(1) -bind " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 3 } hwBfdSessCfgName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..15)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicate the name of the session which will be display course information or statistic information of the session. " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 4 } hwBfdSessPeerAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define the peer IP address of the BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 5 } hwBfdSessBindIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the index of the binding interface in the BFD session" ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 6 } hwBfdSessBindIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the name of the binding interface in the BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 7 } hwBfdSessLocalDiscr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique, nonzero discriminator value generated by the transmitting system, used to demultiplex multiple BFD sessions between the same pair of system. " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 8 } hwBfdSessRemoteDiscr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The discriminator received from the corresponding remote system. This field reflects back the received value of My Discriminator, or is zero if that value is unknown. " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 9 } hwBfdSessOperMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describe the current operating mode configured with the BFD session. Options: 1. 0 -asynchronous mode with echo function 2. 1 -asynchronous mode without echo function 3. 2 -demand mode with echo function 4. 3 -demand mode without echo function 5. 4 -asynchronous One-arm-echo mode " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 10 } hwBfdSessDetectMult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..50) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Detect time multiplier. The negotiated transmit interval, multiplied by this value, provides the detection time for the transmitting system in Asynchronous mode. Default: 3 " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 11 } hwBfdSessDemandTimerInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BfdInterval MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the detecting interval in the BFD session with the demand mode. Unit: millisecond " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 12 } hwBfdSessActualRxInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BfdInterval MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the minimum interval, in milliseconds, between received BFD Control packets that this system is capable of supporting. Unit: millisecond " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 13 } hwBfdSessActualTxInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BfdInterval MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the minimum interval, in milliseconds, that the local system would like to use when transmitting BFD Control packets. Unit: millisecond " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 14 } hwBfdSessWTRInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..60) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The WTR interval of the BFD session. Unit: minute " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 15 } hwBfdSessTOS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the TOS value of bfd packet." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 16 } hwBfdSessState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..3) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describe the current state of the BFD session. Options: 1. 0 -admin down 2. 1 -down 3. 2 -init 4. 3 -up " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 17 } hwBfdSessDiag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..31) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A diagnostic code specifying the local system's reason for the last session state change. Options: 1. 0 -no diagnostic 2. 1 -control detection time expired 3. 2 -echo function failed 4. 3 -neighbor signaled session down 5. 4 -forwarding plane reset 6. 5 -path down 7. 6 -concatenated path down 8. 7 -administratively down 9. 8 -reverse concatenated path down 10. 9 -neighbor signaled session down (receive admindown) 11. 10-31 -reserved for future use " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 18 } hwBfdSessSourceAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The source address of the session." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 19 } hwBfdSessVrfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the VPN interface." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 20 } hwBfdSessVPNName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of VPN interface." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 21 } hwBfdSessType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dynamic(2), entireDynamic(3), auto(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of the BFD session. Options: 1. static(1) -static 2. dynamic(2) -dynamic 3. entireDynamic(3) -entire dynamic 4. auto(4) -auto " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 22 } -- other or unknown hwBfdSessBindAppType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noApplication(1), vrrp(2), ifnet(3), vrrpAndIfnet(4), bgp(5), ospf(6), bgpAndOspf(7), oamLspmL2vpn(8), oamTnlL2vpn(9), lspmL2vpnTnlps(10), oamMplsfwL2vpn(11), isis(12), vsiPw(13), vrrpOamLspmL2vpn(14), vrrpOamTnlL2vpn(15), vrrpLspmL2vpnTnlps(16), vrrpOamMplsfwL2vpn(17), pim(18), bgpIsis(19), bgpPim(20), ospfIsis(21), ospfPim(22), isisPim(23), bgpOspfIsis(24), bgpOspfPim(25), bgpIsisPim(26), ospfIsisPim(27), bgpOspfIsisPim(28), bgp6(29), ospfv3(30), isis6(31), pim6(32), bgp6Ospfv3(33), bgp6Isis6(34), bgp6Pim6(35), ospfv3Isis6(36), ospfv3Pim6(37), isis6Pim6(38), bgp6Ospfv3Isis6(39), bgp6Ospfv3Pim6(40), bgp6Isis6Pim6(41), ospfv3Isis6Pim6(42), bgp6Ospfv3Isis6Pim6(43), auto(44), autoIsis(45), autoOspf(46), autoBgp(47), autoPim(48), autoIsisOspf(49), autoIsisBgp(50), autoIsisPim(51), autoOspfBgp(52), autoOspfPim(53), autoBgpPim(54), autoIsisOspfBgp(55), autoIsisOspfBgpPim(56), autoIsis6(57), autoOspfv3(58), autoBgp6(59), autoPim6(60), autoIsis6Ospfv3(61), autoIsis6Bgp6(62), autoIsis6Pim6(63), autoOspfv3Bgp6(64), autoOspfv3Pim6(65), autoBgp6Pim6(66), autoIsis6Ospfv3Bgp6(67), autoIsis6Ospfv3Bgp6Pim6(68), etrunk(69), etrunkIfnet(70), etrunkVrrp(71), etrunkVrrpIfnet(72), etrunkOamLspmL2vpn(73), etrunkOamTnlL2vpn(74), etrunkLspmL2vpnTnlps(75), etrunkOamMplsfwL2vpn(76), etrunkvsiPw(77), etrunkOamLspmL2vpnVrrp(78), etrunkOamTnlL2vpnVrrp(79), etrunkLspmL2vpnTnlpsVrrp(80), etrunkOamMplsfwL2vpnVrrp(81), rip(82), bgpRip(83), ospfRip(84), isisRip(85), pimRip(86), bgpOspfRip(87), bgpIsisRip(88), bgpPimRip(89), ospfIsisRip(90), ospfPimRip(91), isisPimRip(92), bgpOspfIsisRip(93), bgpOspfPimRip(94), ospfIsisPimRip(95), autoRip(96), autoBgpRip(97), autoOspfRip(98), autoIsisRip(99), autoPimRip(100), autoBgpOspfRip(101), autoBgpIsisRip(102), autoBgpPimRip(103), autoOspfIsisRip(104), autoOspfPimRip(105), autoIsisPimRip(106), autoBgpOspfIsisRip(107), autoBgpOspfPimRip(108), autoOspfIsisPimRip(109), autoIsisOspfBgpPimVrrp(110), autoIsisOspfPimVrrp(111), autoIsisOspfBgpVrrp(112), autoIsisBgpPimVrrp(113), autoOspfBgpPimVrrp(114), autoIsisOspfVrrp(115), autoIsisBgpVrrp(116), autoOspfBgpVrrp(117), autoIsisPimVrrp(118), autoOspfPimVrrp(119), autoBgpPimVrrp(120), autoIsisVrrp(121), autoOspfVrrp(122), autoBgpVrrp(123), autoPimVrrp(124), autoVrrp(125), autoVrrpBgp6(126), autoOspfv3Isis6Pim6(127), autoOspfBgpPim(128), autoIsisOspfPim(129), autoIsisPimBgp(130), bgpOspfIsisPimRip(131), autoBgpOspfIsisPimRip(132), bgpRsvp(133), ospfRsvp(134), isisRsvp(135), pimRsvp(136), ripRsvp(137), bgpOspfRsvp(138), bgpIsisRsvp(139), bgpPimRsvp(140), bgpRipRsvp(141), ospfIsisRsvp(142), ospfPimRsvp(143), ospfRipRsvp(144), isisPimRsvp(145), isisRipRsvp(146), pimRipRsvp(147), bgpOspfIsisRsvp(148), bgpOspfPimRsvp(149), bgpOspfRipRsvp(150), bgpIsisPimRsvp(151), bgpIsisRipRsvp(152), bgpPimRipRsvp(153), ospfIsisPimRsvp(154), ospfIsisRipRsvp(155), isisPimRipRsvp(156), bgpOspfIsisPimRsvp(157), bgpOspfIsisRipRSvp(158), bgpOspfPimRipRsvp(159), bgpIsisPimRipRsvp(160), ospfIsisPimRipRsvp(161), bgpOspfIsisPimRipRsvp(162), autoRsvp(163), autoBgpRsvp(164), autoOspfRsvp(165), autoIsisRsvp(166), autoPimRsvp(167), autoRipRsvp(168), autoBgpOspfRsvp(169), autoBgpIsisRsvp(170), autoBgpPimRsvp(171), autoBgpRipRsvp(172), autoOspfIsisRsvp(173), autoOspfPimRsvp(174), autoOspfRipRsvp(175), autoIsisPimRsvp(176), autoIsisRipRsvp(177), autoPimRipRsvp(178), autoBgpOspfIsisRsvp(179), autoBgpOspfPimRsvp(180), autoBgpOspfRipRsvp(181), autoOspfIsisPimRsvp(182), autoOspfIsisRipRsvp(183), autoIsisPimRipRsvp(184), autoBgpOspfIsisPimRsvp(185), autoBgpOspfIsisRipRsvp(186), autoOspfIsisPimRipRsvp(187), rsvp(188) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Application type that this BFD session has been bound to Options: 1. noApplication(1) -No application 2. vrrp(2) -VRRP 3. ifnet(3) -IFNET 4. vrrpAndIfnet(4) -VRRP&IFNET 5. bgp(5) -BGP 6. ospf(6) -OSPF 7. bgpAndOspf(7) -BGP&OSPF 8. oamLspmL2vpn(8) -OAM&LSPM&L2VPN (for LDP LSP and static LSP) 9. oamTnlL2vpn(9) -OAM&TUNNEL&L2VPN (for TE_Tunnnel) 10. lspmL2vpnTnlps(10) -LSPM&TUNNEL_PS&L2VPN (for TE_LSP) 11. oamMplsfwL2vpn(11) -OAM&MPLSFW&L2VPN (for PW) 12. isis(12) -ISIS 13. vsiPw(13) -VSIPW (for VSI PW) 14. vrrpOamLspmL2vpn(14) -VRRP&OAM&LSPM&L2VPN 15. vrrpOamTnlL2vpn(15) -VRRP&OAM&TUNNEL&L2VPN 16. vrrpLspmL2vpnTnlps(16) -VRRP&LSPM&TUNNEL_PS&L2VPN 17. vrrpOamMplsfwL2vpn(17) -VRRP&OAM&MPLSFW&L2VPN 18. pim(18) -PIM 19. bgpIsis(19) -BGP&ISIS 20. bgpPim(20) -BGP&PIM 21. ospfIsis(21) -OSPF&ISIS 22. ospfPim(22) -OSPF&PIM 23. isisPim(23) -ISIS&PIM 24. bgpOspfIsis(24) -BGP&OSPF&ISIS 25. bgpOspfPim(25) -BGP&OSPF&PIM 26. bgpIsisPim(26) -BGP&ISIS&PIM 27. ospfIsisPim(27) -OSPF&ISIS&PIM 28. bgpOspfIsisPim(28) -BGPOSPF&ISIS&PIM 29. bgp6(29) -BGP6 30. ospfv3(30) -OSPFV3 31. isis6(31) -ISIS6 32. pim6(32) -PIM6 33. bgp6Ospfv3(33) -BGP6&OSPFV3 34. bgp6Isis6(34) -BGP6&ISIS6 35. bgp6Pim6(35) -BGP6&PIM6 36. ospfv3Isis6(36) -OSPFV3&ISIS6 37. ospfv3Pim6(37) -OSPFV3&PIM6 38. isis6Pim6(38) -ISIS6&PIM6 39. bgp6Ospfv3Isis6(39) -BGP6&OSPFV3&ISIS6 40. bgp6Ospfv3Pim6(40) -BGP6&OSPFV3&PIM6 41. bgp6Isis6Pim6(41) -BGP6&ISIS6&PIM6 42. ospfv3Isis6Pim6(42) -OSPFV3&ISIS6&PIM6 43. bgp6Ospfv3Isis6Pim6(43) -BGP6&OSPFV3&ISIS6&PIM6 44. auto(44) -AUTO 45. autoIsis(45) -AUTO&ISIS 46. autoOspf(46) -AUTO&OSPF 47. autoBgp(47) -AUTO&BGP 48. autoPim(48) -AUTO&PIM 49. autoIsisOspf(49) -AUTO&ISIS&OSPF 50. autoIsisBgp(50) -AUTO&ISIS&BGP 51. autoIsisPim(51) -AUTO&ISIS&PIM 52. autoOspfBgp(52) -AUTO&OSPF&BGP 53. autoOspfPim(53) -AUTO&OSPF&PIM 54. autoBgpPim(54) -AUTO&BGP&PIM 55. autoIsisOspfBgp(55) -AUTO&ISIS&OSPF&BGP 56. autoIsisOspfBgpPim(56) -AUTO&ISIS&OSPF&BGP&PIM 57. autoIsis6(57) -AUTO&ISIS6 58. autoOspfv3(58) -AUTO&OSPFV3 59. autoBgp6(59) -AUTO&BGP6 60. autoPim6(60) -AUTO&PIM6 61. autoIsis6Ospfv3(61) -AUTO&ISIS6&OSPFV3 62. autoIsis6Bgp6(62) -AUTO&ISIS6&BGP6 63. autoIsis6Pim6(63) -AUTO&ISIS6&PIM6 64. autoOspfv3Bgp6(64) -AUTO&OSPFV3&BGP6) 65. autoOspfv3Pim6(65) -AUTO&OSPFV3&PIM6) 66. autoBgp6Pim6(66) -AUTO&BGP6&PIM6 67. autoIsis6Ospfv3Bgp6(67) -AUTO&ISIS6&OSPFV3&BGP6 68. autoIsis6Ospfv3Bgp6Pim6(68) -AUTO&ISIS6&OSPFV3&BGP6&PIM6 69. etrunk(69) -ETRUNK 70. etrunkIfnet(70) -ETRUNK&IFNET 71. etrunkVrrp(71) -ETRUNK&VRRP 72. etrunkVrrpIfnet(72) -ETRUNK&VRRP&IFNET 73. etrunkOamLspmL2vpn(73) -ETRUNK&OAM&LSPM&L2VPN 74. etrunkOamTnlL2vpn(74) -ETRUNK&OAM&TNL&L2VPN 75. etrunkLspmL2vpnTnlps(75) -ETRUNK&LSPM&L2VPN&TNLPS 76. etrunkOamMplsfwL2vpn(76) -ETRUNK&OAM&MPLSFW&L2VPN 77. etrunkvsiPw(77) -ETRUNK&VSIPW 78. etrunkOamLspmL2vpnVrrp(78) -ETRUNK&OAM&LSPM&L2VPN&VRRP 79. etrunkOamTnlL2vpnVrrp(79) -ETRUNK&OAM&TNL&L2VPN&VRRP 80. etrunkLspmL2vpnTnlpsVrrp(80) -ETRUNK&LSMP&L2VPN&TNLPS&VRRP 81. etrunkOamMplsfwL2vpnVrrp(81) -ETRUNK&OAM&MPLSFW&L2VPN&VRRP 82. rip(82) -RIP 83. bgpRip(83) -BGP&RIP 84. ospfRip(84) -OSPF&RIP 85. isisRip(85) -ISIS&RIP 86. pimRip(86) -PIM&RIP 87. bgpOspfRip(87) -BGP&OSPF&RIP 88. bgpIsisRip(88) -BGP&ISIS&RIP 89. bgpPimRip(89) -BGP&PIM&RIP 90. ospfIsisRip(90) -OSPF&ISIS&RIP 91. ospfPimRip(91) -OSPF&PIM&RIP 92. isisPimRip(92) -ISIS&PIM&RIP 93. bgpOspfIsisRip(93) -BGP&OSPF&ISIS&RIP 94. bgpOspfPimRip(94) -BGP&OSPF&PIM&RIP 95. ospfIsisPimRip(95) -OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RIP 96. autoRip(96) -AUTO&RIP 97. autoBgpRip(97) -AUTO&BGP&RIP 98. autoOspfRip(98) -AUTO&OSPF&RIP 99. autoIsisRip(99) -AUTO&ISIS&RIP 100. autoPimRip(100) -AUTO&PIM&RIP 101. autoBgpOspfRip(101) -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&RIP 102. autoBgpIsisRip(102) -AUTO&BGP&ISIS&RIP 103. autoBgpPimRip(103) -AUTO&BGP&PIM&RIP 104. autoOspfIsisRip(104) -AUTO&OSPF&ISIS&RIP 105. autoOspfPimRip(105) -AUTO&OSPF&PIM&RIP 106. autoIsisPimRip(106) -AUTO&ISIS&PIM&RIP 107. autoBgpOspfIsisRip(107) -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&ISIS&RIP 108. autoBgpOspfPimRip(108) -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&PIM&RIP 109. autoOspfIsisPimRip(109) -AUTO&OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RIP 110. autoIsisOspfBgpPimVrrp(110) -AUTO&ISIS&OSPF&BGP&PIM&VRRP 111. autoIsisOspfPimVrrp(111) -AUTO&ISIS&OSPF&PIM&VRRP 112. autoIsisOspfBgpVrrp(112) -AUTO&ISIS&OSPF&BGP&VRRP 113. autoIsisBgpPimVrrp(113) -AUTO&ISIS&BGP&PIM&VRRP 114. autoOspfBgpPimVrrp(114) -AUTO&OSPF&BGP&PIM&VRRP 115. autoIsisOspfVrrp(115) -AUTO&ISIS&OSPF&VRRP 116. autoIsisBgpVrrp(116) -AUTO&ISIS&BGP&VRRP 117. autoOspfBgpVrrp(117) -AUTO&OSPF&BGP&VRRP 118. autoIsisPimVrrp(118) -AUTO&ISIS&PIM&VRRP 119. autoOspfPimVrrp(119) -AUTO&OSPF&PIM&VRRP 120. autoBgpPimVrrp(120) -AUTO&BGP&PIM&VRRP 121. autoIsisVrrp(121) -AUTO&ISIS&VRRP 122. autoOspfVrrp(122) -AUTO&OSPF&VRRP 123. autoBgpVrrp(123) -AUTO&BGP&VRRP 124. autoPimVrrp(124) -AUTO&PIM&VRRP 125. autoVrrp(125) -AUTO&VRRP 126. autoVrrpBgp6(126) -AUTO&VRRP&BGP6 127. autoOspfv3Isis6Pim6(127) -AUTO&OSPFV3&ISIS6&PIM6 128. autoOspfBgpPim(128) -AUTO&OSPF&BGP&PIM 129. autoIsisOspfPim(129) -AUTO&ISIS&OSPF&PIM 130. autoIsisPimBgp(130) -AUTO&ISIS&BGP&PIM 131. bgpOspfIsisPimRip(131) -BGP&OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RIP 132. autoBgpOspfIsisPimRip(132) -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RIP 133. bgpRsvp(133) -BGP&RSVP 134. ospfRsvp(134) -OSPF&RSVP 135. isisRsvp(135) -ISIS&RSVP 136. pimRsvp(136) -PIM&RSVP 137. ripRsvp(137) -RIP&RSVP 138. bgpOspfRsvp(138) -BGP&OSPF&RSVP 139. bgpIsisRsvp(139) -BGP&ISIS&RSVP 140. bgpPimRsvp(140) -BGP&PIM&RSVP 141. bgpRipRsvp(141) -BGP&RIP&RSVP 142. ospfIsisRsvp(142) -OSPF&ISIS&RSVP 143. ospfPimRsvp(143) -OSPF&PIM&RSVP 144. ospfRipRsvp(144) -OSPF&RIP&RSVP 145. isisPimRsvp(145) -ISIS&PIM&RSVP 146. isisRipRsvp(146) -ISIS&RIP&RSVP 147. pimRipRsvp(147) -PIM&RIP&RSVP 148. bgpOspfIsisRsvp(148) -BGP&OSPF&ISIS&RSVP 149. bgpOspfPimRsvp(149) -BGP&OSPF&PIM&RSVP 150. bgpOspfRipRsvp(150) -BGP&OSPF&RIP&RSVP 151. bgpIsisPimRsvp(151) -BGP&ISIS&PIM&RSVP 152. bgpIsisRipRsvp(152) -BGP&ISIS&RIP&RSVP 153. bgpPimRipRsvp(153) -BGP&PIM&RIP&RSVP 154. ospfIsisPimRsvp(154) -OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RSVP 155. ospfIsisRipRsvp(155) -OSPF&ISIS&RIP&RSVP 156. isisPimRipRsvp(156) -ISIS&PIM&RIP&RSVP 157. bgpOspfIsisPimRsvp(157) -BGP&OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RSVP 158. bgpOspfIsisRipRSvp(158) -BGP&OSPF&ISIS&RIP&RSVP 159. bgpOspfPimRipRsvp(159) -BGP&OSPF&PIM&RIP&RSVP 160. bgpIsisPimRipRsvp(160) -BGP&ISIS&PIM&RIP&RSVP 161. ospfIsisPimRipRsvp(161) -OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RIP&RSVP 162. bgpOspfIsisPimRipRsvp(162) -BGP&OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RIP&RSVP 163. autoRsvp(163) -AUTO&RSVP 164. autoBgpRsvp(164) -AUTO&BGP&RSVP 165. autoOspfRsvp(165) -AUTO&OSPF&RSVP 166. autoIsisRsvp(166) -AUTO&ISIS&RSVP 167. autoPimRsvp(167) -AUTO&PIM&RSVP 168. autoRipRsvp(168) -AUTO&RIP&RSVP 169. autoBgpOspfRsvp(169) -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&RSVP 170. autoBgpIsisRsvp(170) -AUTO&BGP&ISIS&RSVP 171. autoBgpPimRsvp(171) -AUTO&BGP&PIM&RSVP 172. autoBgpRipRsvp(172) -AUTO&BGP&RIP&RSVP 173. autoOspfIsisRsvp(173) -AUTO&OSPF&ISIS&RSVP 174. autoOspfPimRsvp(174) -AUTO&OSPF&PIM&RSVP 175. autoOspfRipRsvp(175) -AUTO&OSPF&RIP&RSVP 176. autoIsisPimRsvp(176) -AUTO&ISIS&PIM&RSVP 177. autoIsisRipRsvp(177) -AUTO&ISIS&RIP&RSVP 178. autoPimRipRsvp(178) -AUTO&PIM&RIP&RAVP 179. autoBgpOspfIsisRsvp(179) -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&ISIS&RSVP 180. autoBgpOspfPimRsvp(180) -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&PIM&RSVP 181. autoBgpOspfRipRsvp(181) -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&RIP&RSVP 182. autoOspfIsisPimRsvp(182) -AUTO&OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RSVP 183. autoOspfIsisRipRsvp(183) -AUTO&OSPF&ISIS&RIP&RSVP 184. autoIsisPimRipRsvp(184) -AUTO&ISIS&PIM&RIP&RSVP 185. autoBgpOspfIsisPimRsvp(185) -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RSVP 186. autoBgpOspfIsisRipRsvp(186) -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&ISIS&RIP&RSVP 187. autoOspfIsisPimRipRsvp(187) -AUTO&OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RIP&RSVP 188. rsvp(188) -RSVP " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 23 } hwBfdSessDefaultIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(1), yes(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BFD session use default multicast IP as the detect peer-ip Options: 1. no(1) -do not use the default multicast IP 2. yes(2) -use the default multicast IP " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 24 } hwBfdSessPISFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { false(1), true(2), subif(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of BFD session is associated with the state of the binding interface Options: 1. false(1) -do not associate with interface state 2. true(2) -ssociate with interface state 3. subif(3) -associate with interface and correlative sub interface " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 25 } hwBfdSessBindType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { interfaceIp(1), peerIp(2), sourceIp(3), ifAndSourceIp(4), fec(5), tunnelIf(6), ospf(7), isis(8), ldpLsp(9), staticLsp(10), teLsp(11), teTunnel(12), pw(13), vsiPw(15), ldpTunnel(21), bgpTunnel(22) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The binding type of the BFD session. Options: 1. interfaceIp(1) -BFD for IP with peer-ip and interface 2. peerIp(2) -BFD for IP only with peer-ip 3. sourceIp(3) -BFD for IP with peer-ip and source-ip 4. ifAndSourceIp(4) -BFD for IP with peer-ip, interface and source-ip 5. fec(5) -BFD for FEC(NOT support now) 6. tunnelIf(6) -BFD for Tunnel interface(NOT support now) 7. ospf(7) -BFD for OSPF 8. isis(8) -BFD for ISIS 9. ldpLsp(9) -BFD for LDP-LSP 10. staticLsp(10) -BFD for static LSP 11. teLsp(11) -BFD for TE-LSP 12. teTunnel(12) -BFD for TE-Tunnel 13. pw(13) -BFD for PW; 14. vsiPw(15) -BFD for VSI PW 15. ldpTunnel(21) -BFD for LDP-Tunnel 16. bgpTunnel(22) -BFD for BGP-Tunnel " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 26 } hwBfdSessNextHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the next hop of the BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 27 } hwBfdSessStaticLspName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the static LSP name of the BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 28 } hwBfdSessLspIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the index of the static LSP or LDP LSP in BFD session, mapping the channel index in MPLS network." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 29 } hwBfdSessPWSecondaryFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { flagMasterPW(1), flagSecondaryPW(2), flagNoPW(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The role of the PW bound with BFD session. Options: 1. flagMasterPW(1) -master PW 2. flagSecondaryPW(2) -secondary PW 3. flagNoPW(3) -no PW Default: 1 " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 30 } hwBfdSessTunnelDetectType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { flagBothDown(1), flagNeighborDown(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the failure notifies policy type. Options: 1. flagBothDown(1) -notify applications when detecting both Detect-Down and Neighbor-Down 2. flagNeighborDown(2) -notify applications only when detecting Neighbor-Down Default: 1 " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 31 } hwBfdSessVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the ID of VC." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 32 } hwBfdSessVsiName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the name of VSI." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 33 } hwBfdSessVsiPeerAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the peer-ip of VSI." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 34 } hwBfdSessDiscrAuto OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describe whether the discriminator can be auto allocated. Options: 1. enabled(1) -the discriminator can be allocated automatically 2. disabled(2) -the discriminator can not be allocated automatically Default: disabled " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 35 } hwBfdSessPeerIpv6Addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ipv6Address MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define the peer IPv6 address of the BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 36 } hwBfdSessSourceIpv6Addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ipv6Address MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define the source IPv6 address of the BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 37 } hwBfdSessIpv6NextHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ipv6Address MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the next hop of the BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 38 } hwBfdSessIsIPv6Addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether the peer address of the BFD session is IPv6 address. Default: false " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 39 } hwBfdSessMeticulous OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether enable meticulous authentication for MD5 or SHA-1 type. Options: 1. enabled(1) -enable meticulous authentication for MD5 or SHA-1 type 2. disabled(2) -disabled meticulous authentication for MD5 or SHA-1 type Default: 2 " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 40 } hwBfdSessLooseAuthentication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether loose authentication check. Options: 1. True(1) -loose-check 2. False(2) -do not loose-check Default: false " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 41 } hwBfdSessAuthenticationStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Authentication status of the bfd session Options: 1. 0 -authentication disable 2. 1 -interface board do not support bfd authentication 3. 2 -keychain does not exist 4. 3 -auth BFD session number exceed 5. 4 -authentication in operation normally 100. 100 -exception Default: 0 " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 42 } hwBfdSessOneArmEcho OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies whether a session works in one-arm-echo mode. Options: 1. enabled(1) -indicates that the session works in one-arm-echo mode 2. disabled(2) -indicates that the session does not work in one-arm-echo mode Default: disabled " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 43 } hwBfdSessPWTtlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { config(1), auto(2), default(3), nottl(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the configuration mode of a TTL used by the BFD session for PW. Options: 1. config(1) -indicates that the TTL is manually set 2. auto(2) -indicates that the TTL is automatically calculated based on an IP address 3. default(3) -indicates that the TTL is 255 by default 4. nottl(4) -indicates that the TTL is not in PW mode " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 44 } hwBfdSessPWTtl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the TTL used by the BFD session for PW." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 45 } hwBfdSessRemotePeerIpType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the type of the destination address of the BFD session for PW. " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 46 } hwBfdSessRemotePeerIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the destination IP address of the BFD session for PW. " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 47 } hwBfdSessSelectBoard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..47)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the main processing board of a BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 48 } hwBfdSessPWSPE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upe(1), spe(2), none(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the node on which a BFD session is set up. The values are as follows. Options: 1. upe(1) -indicates that a BFD session is set up on a UPE to detect a PW 2. spe(2) -indicates that a BFD session is set up on an SPE to detect a PW 3. none(3) -indicates that a BFD session does not detect a PW Default: none " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 49 } hwBfdSessPWTrackIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the interface monitored by the BFD session for PW." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 50 } hwBfdSessIsPWTrackIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies whether the BFD session for PW monitors an interface. The values are as follows. Options: 1. enabled(1) -enables the BFD session for PW to monitor the interface 2. disabled(2) -disables the BFD session for PW from monitoring the interface " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 51 } hwBfdSessEncapsulationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the VC encapsulation type on an SPE. The values are as follows: fr atm-aal5-sdu atm-trans-cell vlan ethernet hdlc ppp atm-nto1-vcc atm-nto1-vpc ip-layer2 atm-1to1-vcc atm-1to1-vpc atm-aal5-pdu satop-e1 satop-t1 esopsn-basic ip-interworking " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 52 } hwBfdSessPEVid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the outer tag of a sub-interface for QinQ VLAN tag termination or the VLAN ID of a sub-interface for dot1q VLAN tag termination. " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 53 } hwBfdSessCEVid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the inner tag in QinQ packets." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 54 } hwBfdSessPeerInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the type of the destination address of the BFD session. " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 55 } hwBfdSessPeerInetAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the destination IP address of the BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 56 } hwBfdSessInetNextHopType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the type of the next hop of the BFD session. " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 57 } hwBfdSessInetNextHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the next hop of the BFD session." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 58 } hwBfdSessBindAppTypeMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value which indicates the set of applications that this BFD session binds. Every bit indicates a application. The corresponding bit and applications are as follows: bit application 0 IFNET 1 Route-Management 2 OSPF 3 ISISL1 4 ISISL2 5 PIM 6 ISISL1L2 7 BGP 8 VRRP 9 LSPM 10 RSVP 11 LDP 12 TE 13 Product Private APP 14 L2VPN 15 OAM_MANAGER 16 VTE 17 VPW 18 MPLSFW 19 VGMP 20 LSPV 21 VSI_PW 22 ETHOAM 23 AUTO 24 E-TRUNK 25 OSPFv3 26 ISISL1_6 27 ISISL2_6 28 PIM6 29 ISISL1L2_6 30 BGP6 31 RM6 32 RBS 33 RIP 34 FRP 35 BGPLSP " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 59 } hwBfdSessDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..63 | 255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the dscp value of bfd packet. 255 is invalid value. " ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 60 } hwBfdSessPWId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the ID of PW." ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 61 } hwBfdSessionPerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBfdSessionPerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies BFD Session performance counters. The index of this table is hwBfdSessPerIndex. " ::= { hwBfdObjects 4 } hwBfdSessionPerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwBfdSessionPerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies BFD Session performance counters. The index of this entry is hwBfdSessPerIndex. " INDEX { hwBfdSessPerIndex } ::= { hwBfdSessionPerTable 1 } HwBfdSessionPerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwBfdSessPerIndex Unsigned32, hwBfdSessPerfPktIn Counter32, hwBfdSessPerfPktInHC Counter32, hwBfdSessPerfPktOut Counter32, hwBfdSessPerfPktOutHC Counter32, hwBfdSessPerfBadIn Counter32, hwBfdSessPerfBadInHC Counter32, hwBfdSessPerfBadOut Counter32, hwBfdSessPerfBadOutHC Counter32, hwBfdSessPerfLastSessDownTime OCTET STRING, hwBfdSessPerfSessDownCount Unsigned32, hwBfdSessPerfSessShortBreakCount Unsigned32, hwBfdSessionPerStartTime OCTET STRING } hwBfdSessPerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of BFD session statistics. This index is automatically allocated inside the system and is not user-configurable. " ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 1 } hwBfdSessPerfPktIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistical information of the received Octets in local system in this session.The total received packet number. " ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 2 } hwBfdSessPerfPktInHC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistical information of the received Octets in local system in this session.The high 4 bytes of total received packet number. " ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 3 } hwBfdSessPerfPktOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistical information of the send Packets in local system in this session. " ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 4 } hwBfdSessPerfPktOutHC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistical information of the send Packets in local system in this session.The high 4 bytes of total send packet number. " ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 5 } hwBfdSessPerfBadIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistical information of the received Errors in local system in this session. " ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 6 } hwBfdSessPerfBadInHC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistical information of the received Errors in local system in this session.The high 4 bytes of total received wrong packet number. " ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 7 } hwBfdSessPerfBadOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistical information of the send Errors in local system in this session. " ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 8 } hwBfdSessPerfBadOutHC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistical information of the send Errors in local system in this session.The high 4 bytes of total send wrong packet number. " ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 9 } hwBfdSessPerfLastSessDownTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time of session last time down." ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 10 } hwBfdSessPerfSessDownCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total count of session down." ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 11 } hwBfdSessPerfSessShortBreakCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total count of session shortbreak." ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 12 } hwBfdSessionPerStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time that session start detection." ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 13 } hwBfdSlotTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBfdSlotEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Slot table of BFD. BFD statistics on specify board of containing the following objects. The index of this table is hwBfdSlotID. " ::= { hwBfdObjects 5 } hwBfdSlotEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwBfdSlotEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Slot table of BFD. BFD statistics on specify board of containing the following objects. The index of this entry is hwBfdSlotID. " INDEX { hwBfdSlotID } ::= { hwBfdSlotTable 1 } HwBfdSlotEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwBfdSlotID Unsigned32, hwBfdSlotReserveOneHopSessNum Unsigned32, hwBfdSlotOneHopSessNum Unsigned32, hwBfdSlotCurrentSessNum Unsigned32, hwBfdSlotRowStatus RowStatus } hwBfdSlotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..31) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ID of slot." ::= { hwBfdSlotEntry 1 } hwBfdSlotReserveOneHopSessNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..512) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of session reserving for one-hop session on the board." ::= { hwBfdSlotEntry 2 } hwBfdSlotOneHopSessNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..512) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The number of session for one-hop session on the board." ::= { hwBfdSlotEntry 3 } hwBfdSlotCurrentSessNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..512) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of session on the board on current." ::= { hwBfdSlotEntry 4 } hwBfdSlotRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to manage the creation and deletion of conceptual rows." ::= { hwBfdSlotEntry 5 } hwBfdTtlConfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBfdTtlConfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TTL configuration table. The index of this table is hwBfdTtlConfAddr, hwBfdTtlConfMaskLen and hwBfdTtlConfType." ::= { hwBfdObjects 6 } hwBfdTtlConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwBfdTtlConfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TTL configuration table. The index of this entry is hwBfdTtlConfAddr, hwBfdTtlConfMaskLen and hwBfdTtlConfType." INDEX { hwBfdTtlConfAddr, hwBfdTtlConfMaskLen,hwBfdTtlConfType} ::= { hwBfdTtlConfTable 1 } HwBfdTtlConfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwBfdTtlConfAddr IpAddress, hwBfdTtlConfMaskLen Integer32, hwBfdTtlConfType INTEGER, hwBfdTtlConfValue Integer32, hwBfdTtlConfRowStatus RowStatus } hwBfdTtlConfAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address." ::= { hwBfdTtlConfEntry 1 } hwBfdTtlConfMaskLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (8..32) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Length of IP address mask." ::= { hwBfdTtlConfEntry 2 } hwBfdTtlConfType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { singleHop(1), multiHop(2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of BFD session. Options: 1. singleHop(1) -single hop bfd session 2. multiHop(2) -multi hop bfd session " ::= { hwBfdTtlConfEntry 3 } hwBfdTtlConfValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TTL value." ::= { hwBfdTtlConfEntry 4 } hwBfdTtlConfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry." ::= { hwBfdTtlConfEntry 50 } hwBfdPassiveAuthTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBfdPassiveAuthEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The authentication configuration table for entire dynamic bfd session on egress. The index of this table is hwBfdPassiveAuthPeerAddr and hwBfdPassiveAuthProtocol. " ::= { hwBfdObjects 7 } hwBfdPassiveAuthEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwBfdPassiveAuthEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The authentication configuration table for entire dynamic bfd session on egress. The index of this entry is hwBfdPassiveAuthPeerAddr and hwBfdPassiveAuthProtocol. " INDEX { hwBfdPassiveAuthPeerAddr, hwBfdPassiveAuthProtocol} ::= { hwBfdPassiveAuthTable 1 } HwBfdPassiveAuthEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwBfdPassiveAuthPeerAddr IpAddress, hwBfdPassiveAuthProtocol Integer32, hwBfdPassiveAuthKeychainName OCTET STRING, hwBfdPassiveAuthMeticulous EnabledStatus, hwBfdPassiveAuthLoose TruthValue, hwBfdPassiveAuthRowStatus RowStatus } hwBfdPassiveAuthPeerAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the Lsr-id IP address of the ingress." ::= { hwBfdPassiveAuthEntry 1 } hwBfdPassiveAuthProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the protocol on ingress. Options: 1. te(1) -MPLS TE protocol 2. ldp(2) -MPLS LDP protocol " ::= { hwBfdPassiveAuthEntry 2 } hwBfdPassiveAuthKeychainName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..47)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the name of the keychain for authentication of entire dynamic bfd session." ::= { hwBfdPassiveAuthEntry 3 } hwBfdPassiveAuthMeticulous OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether enable meticulous authentication for MD5 or SHA-1 type. Options: 1. enabled(1) -enable meticulous authentication for MD5 or SHA-1 type 2. disabled(2) -disabled meticulous authentication for MD5 or SHA-1 type Default: 2 " ::= { hwBfdPassiveAuthEntry 4 } hwBfdPassiveAuthLoose OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether loose authentication check. Options: 1. True(1) -loose-check 2. False(2) -do not loose-check Default: false " ::= { hwBfdPassiveAuthEntry 5 } hwBfdPassiveAuthRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry." ::= { hwBfdPassiveAuthEntry 50 } hwBfdNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBFDMIB 3 } hwBfdSessDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessCfgName, hwBfdSessPeerAddr, hwBfdSessBindIfIndex, hwBfdSessBindIfName, hwBfdSessDiag, hwBfdSessVrfIndex, hwBfdSessVPNName, hwBfdSessType, hwBfdSessDefaultIp, hwBfdSessBindType, hwBfdSessStaticLspName, hwBfdSessPWSecondaryFlag, hwBfdSessNextHop, hwBfdSessVcId, hwBfdSessVsiName, hwBfdSessVsiPeerAddr, hwBfdSessDiscrAuto, hwBfdSessPeerIpv6Addr, hwBfdSessIpv6NextHop } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap occurred when the state of the BFD session became down. The BFD session is characterized by the objects in this node. " ::= { hwBfdNotifications 1 } hwBfdSessUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessCfgName, hwBfdSessPeerAddr, hwBfdSessBindIfIndex, hwBfdSessBindIfName, hwBfdSessDiag, hwBfdSessVrfIndex, hwBfdSessVPNName, hwBfdSessType, hwBfdSessDefaultIp, hwBfdSessBindType, hwBfdSessStaticLspName, hwBfdSessPWSecondaryFlag, hwBfdSessNextHop, hwBfdSessVcId, hwBfdSessVsiName, hwBfdSessVsiPeerAddr, hwBfdSessDiscrAuto, hwBfdSessPeerIpv6Addr, hwBfdSessIpv6NextHop } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap occurred when the state of the BFD session became up. The BFD session is characterized by the objects in this node. " ::= { hwBfdNotifications 2 } hwBfdSessReachLimit NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessLimitNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "There is the notify when the session number reach the global limit." ::= { hwBfdNotifications 3 } hwBfdSessReachLimitBindIf NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessConfBindIfName, hwBfdSessInterfaceLimitNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "There is the notify when the session number reach the interface limit." ::= { hwBfdNotifications 4 } hwBfdSessReachLimitResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessLimitNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "There is the notify when the session number reach the global limit was cleared. " ::= { hwBfdNotifications 5 } hwBfdSessReachLimitBindIfResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessConfBindIfName, hwBfdSessInterfaceLimitNumber, hwBfdLimitDeviceName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "There is the notify when the session number reach the interface limit was cleared. " ::= { hwBfdNotifications 6 } hwBfdSessCfgRemoteFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessCfgName, hwBfdSessLocalDiscr, hwBfdSessCfgRemoteFailType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the virtual access AP process BFD configuration failed." ::= { hwBfdNotifications 7 } hwBfdSessFaultDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessCfgName, hwBfdSessLocalDiscr, hwBfdSessDiag, hwBfdSessBindIfName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap occurred when the state of the BFD session became down. The BFD session is characterized by the objects in this node. " ::= { hwBfdNotifications 8 } hwBfdSessResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessCfgName, hwBfdSessLocalDiscr, hwBfdSessDiag, hwBfdSessBindIfName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap occurred when the state of the BFD session resume from down state. The BFD session is characterized by the objects in this node. " ::= { hwBfdNotifications 9 } hwBfdSessApOperFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdCfgApUserName, hwBfdCfgApIPAddress, hwBfdCfgApID, hwBfdCfgApOperation, hwBfdCfgApReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operation failed to config access point." ::= { hwBfdNotifications 10 } hwBfdSessFsmDiscordant NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessCfgName, hwBfdSessLocalDiscr, hwBfdSessDiag, hwBfdSessBindIfName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap occurred when the state of the BFD session FSM's board is different from the monitored link's board. The BFD session is characterized by the objects in this node. " ::= { hwBfdNotifications 11 } hwBfdSessFsmAccordant NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessCfgName, hwBfdSessLocalDiscr, hwBfdSessDiag, hwBfdSessBindIfName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap occurred when the state of the BFD session FSM's board is the same as the monitored link's board. The BFD session is characterized by the objects in this node. " ::= { hwBfdNotifications 12 } hwBfdConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBFDMIB 4 } hwBfdCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBfdConformance 1 } -- this module hwBfdFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement the Huawei BFD MIB. " MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { hwBfdGroup, hwBfdSessGroup, hwBfdObsoleteGroup, hwBfdNotificationGroup } ::= { hwBfdCompliances 1 } hwBfdGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBfdConformance 2 } hwBfdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwBfdVersionNumber, hwBfdAdminStatus, hwBfdSessLimitNumber, hwBfdSessInterfaceLimitNumber, hwBfdSessStaticNumber, hwBfdSessDynamicNumber, hwBfdSessGlobalDefaultIpAddr, hwBfdEchoPassiveStatus, hwBfdEchoAclNum, hwBfdSessDynamicPingInterval, hwBfdSessDynamicSupportPassive, hwBfdSessDelayUpTime, hwBfdSessMultiDstPort, hwBfdTrapSendInterval, hwBfdIfConfName, hwBfdIfConfDeleting, hwBfdIfConfAvailable, hwBfdIfConfSessCnt, hwBfdIfConfRowStatus, hwBfdSlotReserveOneHopSessNum,hwBfdSlotCurrentSessNum, hwBfdSlotRowStatus, hwBfdLimitDeviceName, hwBfdDynamicSessionTos, hwBfdStaticSessionTos, hwBfdDynamicSessionTosEx } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing BFD global information." ::= { hwBfdGroups 1 } hwBfdSessGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwBfdSessConfMIndex, hwBfdSessConfLocalDiscr, hwBfdSessConfRemoteDiscr, hwBfdSessConfPeerAddr, hwBfdSessConfBindIfIndex, hwBfdSessConfBindIfName, hwBfdSessConfDemandEnable, hwBfdSessConfDemandTimerInterval, hwBfdSessConfDetectMult, hwBfdSessConfDesiredMinRxInterval, hwBfdSessConfDesiredMinTxInterval, hwBfdSessConfWTRInterval, hwBfdSessConfTOS, hwBfdSessConfPSTFlag, hwBfdSessConfCommitFlag, hwBfdSessConfAdminStatus, hwBfdSessConfRowStatus, hwBfdSessConfSourceAddr, hwBfdSessConfVrfIndex, hwBfdSessConfVPNName, hwBfdSessConfDefaultIp, hwBfdSessConfPISFlag, hwBfdSessConfBindType, hwBfdSessConfNextHop, hwBfdSessConfStaticLspName, hwBfdSessConfPWSecondaryFlag, hwBfdSessConfTunnelDetectType, hwBfdSessConfVcId, hwBfdSessConfVsiName, hwBfdSessConfVsiPeerAddr, hwBfdSessConfDiscrAuto, hwBfdSessConfPeerIpv6Addr, hwBfdSessConfSourceIpv6Addr, hwBfdSessConfIpv6NextHop, hwBfdSessConfIsIpv6Addr, hwBfdSessConfKeychainName, hwBfdSessConfMeticulous, hwBfdSessConfLooseAuthentication, hwBfdSessConfPWTtlMode, hwBfdSessConfPWTtl, hwBfdSessConfRemotePeerIp, hwBfdSessConfRemotePeerIpType, hwBfdSessConfPWSPE, hwBfdSessConfPWTrackIfName, hwBfdSessConfIsPWTrackIf, hwBfdSessConfEncapsulationType, hwBfdSessConfPEVid, hwBfdSessConfCEVid, hwBfdSessConfTOSEx, hwBfdSessConfbImpactFlag, hwBfdSessMIndex, hwBfdSessBindVRRP, hwBfdSessCfgName, hwBfdSessPeerAddr, hwBfdSessBindIfIndex, hwBfdSessBindIfName, hwBfdSessLocalDiscr, hwBfdSessRemoteDiscr, hwBfdSessOperMode, hwBfdSessDetectMult, hwBfdSessDemandTimerInterval, hwBfdSessActualRxInterval, hwBfdSessActualTxInterval, hwBfdSessWTRInterval, hwBfdSessTOS, hwBfdSessState, hwBfdSessDiag, hwBfdSessSourceAddr, hwBfdSessVrfIndex, hwBfdSessVPNName, hwBfdSessType, hwBfdSessBindAppType, hwBfdSessDefaultIp, hwBfdSessPISFlag, hwBfdSessBindType, hwBfdSessNextHop, hwBfdSessStaticLspName, hwBfdSessLspIndex, hwBfdSessPWSecondaryFlag, hwBfdSessTunnelDetectType, hwBfdSessVcId, hwBfdSessVsiName, hwBfdSessVsiPeerAddr, hwBfdSessDiscrAuto, hwBfdSessPeerIpv6Addr, hwBfdSessSourceIpv6Addr, hwBfdSessIpv6NextHop, hwBfdSessIsIPv6Addr, hwBfdSessMeticulous,hwBfdSessLooseAuthentication, hwBfdSessAuthenticationStatus, hwBfdSessPWTtlMode, hwBfdSessPWTtl, hwBfdSessRemotePeerIp, hwBfdSessRemotePeerIpType, hwBfdSessSelectBoard, hwBfdSessPWSPE, hwBfdSessPWTrackIfName, hwBfdSessIsPWTrackIf, hwBfdSessEncapsulationType, hwBfdSessPEVid, hwBfdSessCEVid, hwBfdSessPeerInetAddrType, hwBfdSessPeerInetAddr, hwBfdSessInetNextHopType, hwBfdSessInetNextHop, hwBfdSessBindAppTypeMask, hwBfdSessDscp, hwBfdSessPerfPktIn, hwBfdSessPerfPktInHC, hwBfdSessPerfPktOut, hwBfdSessPerfPktOutHC, hwBfdSessPerfBadIn, hwBfdSessPerfBadInHC, hwBfdSessPerfBadOut, hwBfdSessPerfBadOutHC, hwBfdSessPerfLastSessDownTime, hwBfdSessPerfSessDownCount, hwBfdSessPerfSessShortBreakCount, hwBfdSessionPerStartTime, hwBfdTtlConfValue, hwBfdTtlConfRowStatus, hwBfdPassiveAuthPeerAddr, hwBfdPassiveAuthProtocol, hwBfdPassiveAuthKeychainName, hwBfdPassiveAuthMeticulous, hwBfdPassiveAuthLoose, hwBfdPassiveAuthRowStatus, hwBfdSessPWId} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing BFD session information." ::= { hwBfdGroups 2 } hwBfdObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwBfdIfConfEnable ,hwBfdSlotOneHopSessNum} STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects which are obsolete." ::= { hwBfdGroups 3 } hwBfdNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hwBfdSessDown, hwBfdSessUp, hwBfdSessReachLimit, hwBfdSessReachLimitResume, hwBfdSessReachLimitBindIf, hwBfdSessReachLimitBindIfResume, hwBfdSessCfgRemoteFail } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of traps." ::= { hwBfdGroups 4 } hwBfdTrapsVbOids OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBFDMIB 5 } hwBfdSessVlanID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VLANID binding to BFD session. " ::= { hwBfdTrapsVbOids 1 } hwBfdCfgApUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of user failed to configure access point." ::= { hwBfdTrapsVbOids 2 } hwBfdCfgApIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP-address of user failed to configure access point." ::= { hwBfdTrapsVbOids 3 } hwBfdCfgApID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8191) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ID of access point failed to be configured." ::= { hwBfdTrapsVbOids 4 } hwBfdCfgApOperation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operation of confiuration to access point." ::= { hwBfdTrapsVbOids 5 } hwBfdCfgApReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The reason of failed to configure access point." ::= { hwBfdTrapsVbOids 6 } hwBfdTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBFDMIB 6 } hwBfdCommonTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBfdTraps 1 } hwBfdAlarmTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBfdTraps 2 } hwBfdAlarmTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBfdAlarmTraps 0 } hwBfdSessUpTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessLocalDiscr, hwBfdSessVlanID, hwBfdSessSourceAddr, hwBfdSessNextHop, hwBfdSessIndex, hwBfdSessPeerAddr, hwBfdSessBindType, hwBfdSessVrfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the bfdSessState object for one entry in bfdSessionTable is about to enter the up(3) state from some other state. " ::= { hwBfdAlarmTraps 0 1 } hwBfdSessDownTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessLocalDiscr, hwBfdSessVlanID, hwBfdSessSourceAddr, hwBfdSessNextHop, hwBfdSessIndex, hwBfdSessPeerAddr, hwBfdSessBindType, hwBfdSessVrfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the bfdSessState object for one entry in bfdSessionTable is about to enter the down(1) or adminDown(0) states from some other state. " ::= { hwBfdAlarmTraps 0 2 } hwBfdv6SingleHopSessUpTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessIndex, hwBfdSessVlanID, hwBfdSessSourceIpv6Addr, hwBfdSessPeerIpv6Addr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the bfdSessState object for one entry in bfdSessionTable is about to enter the up(3) state from some other state. " ::= { hwBfdAlarmTraps 0 3 } hwBfdv6SingleHopSessDownTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessIndex, hwBfdSessVlanID, hwBfdSessSourceIpv6Addr, hwBfdSessPeerIpv6Addr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the bfdSessState object for one entry in bfdSessionTable is about to enter the down(1) or adminDown(0) states from some other state. " ::= { hwBfdAlarmTraps 0 4 } hwBfdv6MultiHopSessUpTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessIndex, hwBfdSessVrfIndex, hwBfdSessSourceIpv6Addr, hwBfdSessPeerIpv6Addr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the bfdSessState object for one entry in bfdSessionTable is about to enter the up(3) state from some other state. " ::= { hwBfdAlarmTraps 0 5 } hwBfdv6MultiHopSessDownTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessIndex, hwBfdSessVrfIndex, hwBfdSessSourceIpv6Addr, hwBfdSessPeerIpv6Addr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the bfdSessState object for one entry in bfdSessionTable is about to enter the down(1) or adminDown(0) states from some other state. " ::= { hwBfdAlarmTraps 0 6 } hwBfdPWSessUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessIndex, hwBfdSessCfgName, hwBfdSessLocalDiscr, hwBfdSessDiag, hwBfdSessBindType, hwBfdSessPWSecondaryFlag, hwBfdSessPWId, hwBfdSessVsiName, hwBfdSessVsiPeerAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the bfdSessState object for one entry in bfdSessionTable is about to enter the up(3) state from some other state. " ::= { hwBfdAlarmTraps 0 7 } hwBfdPWSessDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwBfdSessIndex, hwBfdSessCfgName, hwBfdSessLocalDiscr, hwBfdSessDiag, hwBfdSessBindType, hwBfdSessPWSecondaryFlag, hwBfdSessPWId, hwBfdSessVsiName, hwBfdSessVsiPeerAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the bfdSessState object for one entry in bfdSessionTable is about to enter the down(1) or adminDown(0) states from some other state. " ::= { hwBfdAlarmTraps 0 8 } END -- -- HUAWEI-BFD-MIB.mib --