-- ============================================================================ -- Copyright (C)2011 by HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES. All rights reserved. -- Description: The MIB module defines MIB objects which include Environment Monitor Unit, -- Analog Environment data, Digital Environment data, Out data and -- Fan data Monitor management MIB interfaces. -- Reference: -- Version: V3.53 -- ============================================================================ HUAWEI-ENVIRONMENT-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS huaweiUtility FROM HUAWEI-MIB Integer32, BITS, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, RowStatus FROM SNMPv2-TC hwFrameIndex FROM HUAWEI-DEVICE-MIB; hwEnvironment MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201306170900Z" ORGANIZATION "Fix-Net DepT, Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: support@huawei.com " DESCRIPTION "The MIB module defines MIB objects which include Environment Monitor Unit, Analog Environment data, Digital Environment data, Out data and Fan data Monitor management MIB interfaces. " -- Revision history REVISION "201306170900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.53, modified the range of hwORRFPowerLowThreshold and hwORRFPowerHighThreshold for Optical-Receiver in hwEnvironmentInfoTable leaf node." REVISION "201305130900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.52, add hwOpticalReceiverFailTrap, hwOpticalReceiverRecoverTrap, hwOpticalReceiverPowerFailTrap, hwOpticalReceiverPowerRecoverTrap, hwOpticalReceiverRFPowerFailTrap, hwOpticalReceiverRFPowerRecoverTrap for Optical-Receiver." REVISION "201301240900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.51, modified this MIB for supporting Optical-receiver.add hwOpticalreceiverTable (optical-receiver) in hwEnvironmentInfoTable leaf node." REVISION "201211190900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.50, add Digital alarm type(hard-fault:23) in hwDigAlarmID leaf node." REVISION "201211051000Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.49, add emu type(H801PMU:44) in hwEnvEmuType leaf node." REVISION "201210251700Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.48, add emu type(LeadAcidBattery:43) in hwEnvEmuType leaf node." REVISION "201209241700Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.47, add hwEnvEmuTypeName the length is 30 bytes" REVISION "201207231700Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.46, add emu type(H801VESC:42) in hwEnvEmuType leaf node." REVISION "201201140900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.45, add emu type(vpea:41) in hwEnvEmuType leaf node." REVISION "201111100900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.44, add emu type(smu:40) in hwEnvEmuType leaf node." REVISION "201108080900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.43, add the leaf of hwEmmDigitalSwitchOpenTrap and hwEmmDigitalSwitchCloseTrap for ESC digital alarm." REVISION "201105120900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.42, modified the value list of hwFanControlMode. " REVISION "201103180900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.41, added emu type(transemu:39) in hwEnvEmuType leaf node. added digital-alarm(DC voltage and Output switch) in hwDigAlarmID leaf node." REVISION "201101180900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.40, added hwEmmFanCriticalBlockFaultTrap and hwEmmFanCriticalBlockRecoverTrap for Fan critical block." REVISION "201011100000Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.39, modified the description of the alarm objects in this MIB file for standard trap. modified the description of the hwEnvironmentInfoEntry,hwEnvEmuType,hwAnaChannelEntry, hwDigChannelEntry,hwDigAlarmID,hwControlOutEntry,hwControlOutAdminStatus and hwFanEntry." REVISION "201008200900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.38, modified the description of the objects in this MIB file for standard trap. Deleted hwEmmDigMainsupplyFaultTrap and hwEmmDigMainsupplyRecoverTrap,which were moved to HUAWEI-POWER-MIB." REVISION "201007190900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.37, modified the Objects of the hwEmmEmuHardwareRecoverTrap and hwEmmEmuHardwareFaultTrap for standard trap. Modified the value of hwFailureCause. Modified the description of hwFailureCause, hwFanStatus, hwEnvAutofindNodeId, and hwEnvAutofindEmuType." REVISION "201006100900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.36, added enum elabel(liFeBattery:38) in hwEnvEmuType leaf node for the supporting LiFeBattery. " REVISION "201005300900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.35, modified description of hwEnvironmentInfoTable." REVISION "201005180900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.34, modified this MIB for supporting Power3000." REVISION "201004080900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.33, modified this MIB for supporting Temperature Heat Exchange Unit" REVISION "201003270900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.32, modified this MIB for clearing Simple Tester errors and warnings." REVISION "201003240900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.31, modified this MIB for clearing Simple Tester errors and warnings." REVISION "201002220900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.30, added hwEnvAutofindNodeId for DT." REVISION "201002060900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.29, added hwEnvironTraps for DT." REVISION "201001290900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.28, deleted simptester mib compile errors and warnings." REVISION "200907200900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.27, added hwEnvEmuPower." REVISION "200905050000Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.26, added hwEnvCLEICode." REVISION "200211290000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.00, initial version." ::= { huaweiUtility 1 } -- hwEnvironmentMon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwEnvironment 1 } -- hwEnvironmentInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwEnvironmentInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information table of Environment Monitor Unit. The Environment Monitor Unit is some kind of Environment monitoring device and is used to monitor many kinds of Environment data. The maximum number of Environment Monitor Units in one device node is 64. The index of this table is hwEnvEmuIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of one Environment Monitor Unit. " ::= { hwEnvironmentMon 1 } -- hwEnvironmentInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwEnvironmentInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information table of Environment Monitor Unit. The Environment Monitor Unit is some kind of Environment monitoring device and is used to monitor many kinds of Environment data. The maximum number of Environment Monitor Units in one device node is 64. The index of this entry is hwEnvEmuIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of one Environment Monitor Unit. " INDEX { hwEnvEmuIndex } ::= { hwEnvironmentInfoTable 1 } HwEnvironmentInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwEnvEmuIndex Integer32, hwEnvEmuType INTEGER, hwEnvBoardName DisplayString, hwEnvCommState INTEGER, hwEnvRowStatus RowStatus, hwEnvVersion DisplayString, hwEnvFrameId Integer32, hwEnvAdminStatus INTEGER, hwEnvSlaveNodeId Integer32, hwEnvComType INTEGER, hwEnvCLEICode OCTET STRING, hwEnvEmuPower Integer32, hwEnvEmuTypeName DisplayString } -- hwEnvEmuIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2048) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the Environment monitoring unit, used as the index of hwEnvironmentInfoTable. Range: 0 - 2048 " ::= { hwEnvironmentInfoEntry 1 } -- hwEnvEmuType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { h302ESC(1), h303ESC(2), h4875(3), h301ESC(4), switch(5), fanEscFrame(6), fanFrame(7), h4845(8), fanFCBFrame(9), fanFDMUFrame(10), h304ESC(11), pwma(12), h561esc(13), h801esc(14), h612pwbp(15), pse158(16), h4805(19), pdu(20), acrmu(21), acfan(22), dcfan(23), rmun1509(24), onps150(25), h801pmix(26), h4875L(27), miniESC(28), h831VESC(29), h601VESC(30), h4830L(31), h801citx(32), h801citd(33), h831ccuh(34), h831pmu(35), pwr3000(36), tcu(37), liFeBattery(38), transemu(39), smu(40), vpea(41), h801VESC(42), leadAcidBattery(43), h801PMU(44), other(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Type of the physical monitoring devices associated with the environment monitoring unit. Options: 1.h302ESC(1) -Type of the physical monitoring devices is H302ESC 2.h303ESC(2) -Type of the physical monitoring devices is H303ESC 3.h4875(3) -Type of the physical monitoring devices is 4875 power monitoring frame 4.h301ESC(4) -Type of the physical monitoring devices is H301ESC 5.switch(5) -Distribute monitoring frame 6.fanEscFrame(6) -ESC monitoring fan frame 7.fanFrame(7) -monitoring fan frame 8.h4845(8) -4845 power monitoring 9.fanFCBFrame(9) -FCB monitoring fan frame 10.fanFDMUFrame(10) -FDMU monitoring fan frame 11.h304ESC(11) -provides the management function of battery 12.pwma(12) -Type of the physical monitoring devices is pwma 13.h561esc(13) -H561ESC 14.h801esc(14) -H801Esc 15.h612pwbp(15) -H612pwbp 16.pse158(16) -pse158 17.h4805(19) -h4805 18.pdu(20) -pdu 19.acrmu(21) -ac_rmu 20.acfan(22) -ac_fan 21.dcfan(23) -dc_fan 22.rmun1509(24) -rmun1509 23.onps150(25) -onps150 24.h801pmix(26) -h801pmix 25.h4875L(27) -h4875L 26.miniESC(28) -miniESC 27.h831VESC(29) -H831VESC 28.h601VESC(30) -H601VESC 29.h4830L(31) -h4830L 30.h801citx(32) -h801citx 31.h801citd(33) -h801citd 32.h831ccuh(34) -h831ccuh 33.h831pmu(35) -h831pmu 34.pwr3000(36) -a type of power named power 3000, supports 12 rectifier modules 35.tcu(37) -tcu 36.liFeBattery(38) -liFeBattery 37.transemu(39) -a type of emu for transport environment information to managment center 38.smu(40) -site monitoring unit 39.vpea(41) -vector monitoring unit 40.h801VESC(42) -H801VESC 41.h801PMU(44) -H801PMU 42.other(255) -other " ::= { hwEnvironmentInfoEntry 2 } -- hwEnvBoardName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Name of the environment monitoring unit. " ::= { hwEnvironmentInfoEntry 3 } -- hwEnvCommState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), shutdown(2), fault(3), abnormal(4), config(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Status of the communication between the environment monitoring unit and the device. The environmental condition can be tested only when the communication is normal. Options: 1.normal(1) - indicates that communication state is normal 2.shutdown(2) - indicates that communication state is shutdown 3.fault(3) - indicates that communication state is fault 4.abnormal(4) - indicates that communication state is abnormal 5.config(5) - indicates that communication state is config " ::= { hwEnvironmentInfoEntry 4 } -- hwEnvRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " RowStatus standard operation. The creation and deletion operations are supported currently. " ::= { hwEnvironmentInfoEntry 5 } -- hwEnvVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Version information of the environment monitoring unit. " ::= { hwEnvironmentInfoEntry 6 } -- hwEnvFrameId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ID of the shelf housing the environment monitoring unit. " ::= { hwEnvironmentInfoEntry 7 } -- hwEnvAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noOperation(1), reset(2), manage(3), unmanage(4), clearsmokealarm(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The management status of the monitoring unit. Options: 1.noOperation(1) -no any operation 2.reset(2) -reset the monitoring board 3.manage(3) -manage the monitoring unit 4.unmanage(4) -undo manage the monitoring unit 5.clearsmokealarm(5) -clear the smoke alarm for miniEsc " ::= { hwEnvironmentInfoEntry 8 } -- hwEnvSlaveNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ID of the slave object that the environment monitoring unit belongs to. The environment monitoring unit uses the slave object ID to communicate with the upstream equipment. " ::= { hwEnvironmentInfoEntry 9 } -- hwEnvComType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), serialRS485(2), serialRS232(3), serialRS422(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The serial communication protocol type between the monitoring unit and the upstream equipment. The protocol types used are as follows: Options: 1.unknown(1) -The protocol types is unknown 2.serialRS485(2) -The protocol types is serialRS485 3.serialRS232(3) -The protocol types is serialRS232 4.serialRS422(4) -The protocol types is serialRS422 " ::= { hwEnvironmentInfoEntry 10 } -- hwEnvCLEICode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..640)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Environment CLEI Code. " ::= { hwEnvironmentInfoEntry 11 } -- hwEnvEmuPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Power of the environment monitoring equipment associated with the environment monitoring unit. Unit: Watt. " ::= { hwEnvironmentInfoEntry 12 } -- hwEnvEmuTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Name of the environment type. " ::= { hwEnvironmentInfoEntry 13 } -- hwAnaChannelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwAnaChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information table of the analog parameters monitored. The indexes of this table are hwEnvEmuIndex or hwAnaChannelIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the environment monitoring unit, and hwAnaChannelIndex is the index of the analog parameter that is monitored by a monitoring unit. " ::= { hwEnvironmentMon 2 } -- hwAnaChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwAnaChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information table of the analog parameters monitored. The indexes of this entry are hwEnvEmuIndex or hwAnaChannelIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the environment monitoring unit, and hwAnaChannelIndex is the index of the analog parameter that is monitored by a monitoring unit. " INDEX { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwAnaChannelIndex } ::= { hwAnaChannelTable 1 } HwAnaChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwAnaChannelIndex Integer32, hwAnaName DisplayString, hwAnaType INTEGER, hwAnaMeasureType DisplayString, hwAnaWorkHigh Integer32, hwAnaWorkLow Integer32, hwAnaAlmHigh Integer32, hwAnaAlmLow Integer32, hwAnaCurrentValue Integer32, hwAnaAlarmState INTEGER, hwAnaRowStatus RowStatus, hwAnaAlarmID INTEGER } -- hwAnaChannelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Index of the analog parameter that is monitored by the monitoring unit. Range: 0 - 255 " ::= { hwAnaChannelEntry 1 } -- hwAnaName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Name of the analog parameter that is monitored by a monitoring unit. " ::= { hwAnaChannelEntry 2 } -- hwAnaType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { invalid(-1), voltage(1), current(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object indicates the type of the sensor that is used to test the Analog parameter. Options: 1.invalid(-1) -there is no valid sensor 2.voltage(1) -voltage sensor currently 3.current(2) -current sensor currently " ::= { hwAnaChannelEntry 3 } -- hwAnaMeasureType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object indicates the unit of the analog parameter that is tested. " ::= { hwAnaChannelEntry 4 } -- hwAnaWorkHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " High limit of the analog normal work " ::= { hwAnaChannelEntry 5 } -- hwAnaWorkLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Low limit of the analog normal work " ::= { hwAnaChannelEntry 6 } -- hwAnaAlmHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " High limit of the analog alarm. The alarm is produced when the measurement value is higher than this value " ::= { hwAnaChannelEntry 7 } -- hwAnaAlmLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The low limit of the analog alarm. The alarm is produced when the measurement value is lower than this value. " ::= { hwAnaChannelEntry 8 } -- hwAnaCurrentValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "milli" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The actual measurement value of the present analog. Unit: milli " ::= { hwAnaChannelEntry 9 } -- hwAnaAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), overWorkHigh(2), belowWorkLow(3), abnormal(4), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of the present monitored. Options: 1.normal(1) -indicates that the measurement value is lower than the set high limit of the alarm, and higher than the low limit 2.overWorkHigh(2) -indicates that the measurement value is higher than the high limit of the alarm 3.belowWorkLow(3) -indicates that the measurement value is lower than the low limit of the alarm 4.abnormal(4) -indicates that the measurement value is outside the scope of limit of the alarm 5.invalid(-1) -indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " ::= { hwAnaChannelEntry 10 } -- hwAnaRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " RowStatus standard operation. The values 1 and 2 are supported currently. 1 indicates the activation status, and 2 indicates the non-activation status. " ::= { hwAnaChannelEntry 11 } -- hwAnaAlarmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { temperature(1), humidity(2), voltage(3), current(4), userDefinedAlarm0(100), userDefinedAlarm1(101), userDefinedAlarm2(102), userDefinedAlarm3(103), userDefinedAlarm4(104), userDefinedAlarm5(105), userDefinedAlarm6(106), userDefinedAlarm7(107), userDefinedAlarm8(108), userDefinedAlarm9(109), userDefinedAlarm10(110), userDefinedAlarm11(111), userDefinedAlarm12(112), userDefinedAlarm13(113), userDefinedAlarm14(114), userDefinedAlarm15(115), default(65535) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Analog alarm definition. Options: 1.temperature(1) -temperature alarm 2.humidity(2) -humidity alarm 3.voltage(3) -voltage alarm 4.current(4) -current alarm 5.userDefinedAlarm0(100) -analog user-defined alarm 0 6.userDefinedAlarm1(101) -analog user-defined alarm 1 7.userDefinedAlarm2(102) -analog user-defined alarm 2 8.userDefinedAlarm3(103) -analog user-defined alarm 3 9.userDefinedAlarm4(104) -analog user-defined alarm 4 10.userDefinedAlarm5(105) -analog user-defined alarm 5 11.userDefinedAlarm6(106) -analog user-defined alarm 6 12.userDefinedAlarm7(107) -analog user-defined alarm 7 13.userDefinedAlarm8(108) -analog user-defined alarm 8 14.userDefinedAlarm9(109) -analog user-defined alarm 9 15.userDefinedAlarm10(110) -analog user-defined alarm 10 16.userDefinedAlarm11(111) -analog user-defined alarm 11 17.userDefinedAlarm12(112) -analog user-defined alarm 12 18.userDefinedAlarm13(113) -analog user-defined alarm 13 19.userDefinedAlarm14(114) -analog user-defined alarm 14 20.userDefinedAlarm15(115) -analog user-defined alarm 15 21.default(65535) -default analog alarm " ::= { hwAnaChannelEntry 12 } -- hwDigChannelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwDigChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information table of the digital parameters monitored. The indexes of this table are hwEnvEmuIndex and hwDigChannelIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the environment monitoring unit, and hwDigChannelIndex is the index of the digital parameter that is monitored by a monitoring unit. " ::= { hwEnvironmentMon 3 } -- hwDigChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwDigChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information table of the digital parameters monitored. The indexes of this entry are hwEnvEmuIndex and hwDigChannelIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the environment monitoring unit, and hwDigChannelIndex is the index of the digital parameter that is monitored by a monitoring unit. " INDEX { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex } ::= { hwDigChannelTable 1 } HwDigChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwDigChannelIndex Integer32, hwDigChannelName DisplayString, hwAlmCondition INTEGER, hwDigChannelState INTEGER, hwDigRowStatus RowStatus, hwDigAlarmID INTEGER } -- hwDigChannelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Index of the digital parameter that is monitored by a monitoring unit. Range: 0 - 255 " ::= { hwDigChannelEntry 1 } -- hwDigChannelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Name of the digital parameter that is monitored by a monitoring unit. " ::= { hwDigChannelEntry 2 } -- hwAlmCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { lowLevelAlarm(1), highLevelAlarm(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Alarm conditions. Options: 1.lowLevelAlarm(1) -refers to the alarm produced when the digital sensor detects the low level 2.highLevelAlarm(2) -refers to the alarm produced when the digital sensor detects the high level 3.invalid(-1) -indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " ::= { hwDigChannelEntry 3 } -- hwDigChannelState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), alarm(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of the present monitored digital sensor Options: 1.normal(1) -indicates that the digital sensor works normally 2.alarm(2) -indicates that the digital sensor produces the alarm signal 3.invalid(-1) -indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " ::= { hwDigChannelEntry 4 } -- hwDigRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " RowStatus standard operation. The values 1 and 2 are supported currently. 1 indicates the activation status, and 2 indicates the non-activation status. " ::= { hwDigChannelEntry 5 } -- hwDigAlarmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { acvoltage(1), acswitch(2), batteryvoltage(3), batteryfuse(4), loadfuse(5), rectifier(6), dcpower(7), cupboarddoor(8), roomdoor(9), window(10), thief(11), wiring(12), fan(13), fire(14), fog(15), water(16), diesel(17), smell(18), aircondition(19), arrester(20), dcvoltage(21), outputswitch(22), hard-fault(23), userDefinedAlarm0(100), userDefinedAlarm1(101), userDefinedAlarm2(102), userDefinedAlarm3(103), userDefinedAlarm4(104), userDefinedAlarm5(105), userDefinedAlarm6(106), userDefinedAlarm7(107), userDefinedAlarm8(108), userDefinedAlarm9(109), userDefinedAlarm10(110), userDefinedAlarm11(111), userDefinedAlarm12(112), userDefinedAlarm13(113), userDefinedAlarm14(114), userDefinedAlarm15(115), userDefinedAlarm16(116), userDefinedAlarm17(117), userDefinedAlarm18(118), userDefinedAlarm19(119), userDefinedAlarm20(120), userDefinedAlarm21(121), userDefinedAlarm22(122), userDefinedAlarm23(123), userDefinedAlarm24(124), userDefinedAlarm25(125), userDefinedAlarm26(126), userDefinedAlarm27(127), userDefinedAlarm28(128), userDefinedAlarm29(129), userDefinedAlarm30(130), userDefinedAlarm31(131), default(65535) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Digital alarm definition. Options: 1.acvoltage(1) -ac voltage alarm 2.acswitch(2) -ac switch alarm 3.batteryvoltage(3) -battery voltage alarm 4.batteryfuse(4) -battery fuse alarm 5.loadfuse(5) -load fuse alarm 6.rectifier(6) -rectifier alarm 7.dcpower(7) -dc power alarm 8.cupboarddoor(8) -cupboard alarm 9.roomdoor(9) -room door alarm 10.window(10) -window alarm 11.thief(11) -thief alarm 12.wiring(12) -wiring alarm 13.fan(13) -fan alarm 14.fire(14) -fire alarm 15.fog(15) -fog alarm 16.water(16) -water alarm 17.diesel(17) -diesel alarm 18.smell(18) -smell alarm 19.aircondition(19) -air-condition alarm 20.arrester(20) -arrester alarm 21.dcvoltage(21) -dc voltage 22.outputswitch(22) -output swith 23.hard-fault(23) -hard-fault 24.userDefinedAlarm0(100) -digital user-defined alarm 0 25.userDefinedAlarm1(101) -digital user-defined alarm 1 26.userDefinedAlarm2(102) -digital user-defined alarm 2 27.userDefinedAlarm3(103) -digital user-defined alarm 3 28.userDefinedAlarm4(104) -digital user-defined alarm 4 29.userDefinedAlarm5(105) -digital user-defined alarm 5 30.userDefinedAlarm6(106) -digital user-defined alarm 6 31.userDefinedAlarm7(107) -digital user-defined alarm 7 32.userDefinedAlarm8(108) -digital user-defined alarm 8 33.userDefinedAlarm9(109) -digital user-defined alarm 9 34.userDefinedAlarm10(110) -digital user-defined alarm 10 35.userDefinedAlarm11(111) -digital user-defined alarm 11 36.userDefinedAlarm12(112) -digital user-defined alarm 12 37.userDefinedAlarm13(113) -digital user-defined alarm 13 38.userDefinedAlarm14(114) -digital user-defined alarm 14 39.userDefinedAlarm15(115) -digital user-defined alarm 15 40.userDefinedAlarm16(116) -digital user-defined alarm 16 41.userDefinedAlarm17(117) -digital user-defined alarm 17 42.userDefinedAlarm18(118) -digital user-defined alarm 18 43.userDefinedAlarm19(119) -digital user-defined alarm 19 44.userDefinedAlarm20(120) -digital user-defined alarm 20 45.userDefinedAlarm21(121) -digital user-defined alarm 21 46.userDefinedAlarm22(122) -digital user-defined alarm 22 47.userDefinedAlarm23(123) -digital user-defined alarm 23 48.userDefinedAlarm24(124) -digital user-defined alarm 24 49.userDefinedAlarm25(125) -digital user-defined alarm 25 50.userDefinedAlarm26(126) -digital user-defined alarm 26 51.userDefinedAlarm27(127) -digital user-defined alarm 27 52.userDefinedAlarm28(128) -digital user-defined alarm 28 53.userDefinedAlarm29(129) -digital user-defined alarm 29 54.userDefinedAlarm30(130) -digital user-defined alarm 30 55.userDefinedAlarm31(131) -digital user-defined alarm 31 56.default(65535) -digital alarm " ::= { hwDigChannelEntry 6 } -- hwControlOutTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwControlOutEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Monitored digital out table. This table indicates information about whether digital parameter is monitored. The indexes of this table are hwEnvEmuIndex and hwControlOutIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitoring unit, and hwControlOutIndex is the index of the digital out table monitored in the monitoring unit. " ::= { hwEnvironmentMon 4 } -- hwControlOutEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwControlOutEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Monitored digital out table. This table indicates information about whether digital parameter is monitored. The indexes of this entry are hwEnvEmuIndex and hwControlOutIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitoring unit, and hwControlOutIndex is the index of the digital out table monitored in the monitoring unit. " INDEX { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwControlOutIndex } ::= { hwControlOutTable 1 } HwControlOutEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwControlOutIndex Integer32, hwControlOutName DisplayString, hwControlOutAdminStatus INTEGER, hwControlOutRowStatus RowStatus } -- hwControlOutIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Index of the digital out table monitored in the monitoring unit Range: 0 - 255 " ::= { hwControlOutEntry 1 } -- hwControlOutName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Name of the monitored digital out table " ::= { hwControlOutEntry 2 } -- hwControlOutAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Control Out administration: executes the on/off operation. Options: 1. on(1) - trun on 2. off(2) - trun off " ::= { hwControlOutEntry 3 } -- hwControlOutRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " RowStatus standard operation. The values 1 and 2 are supported currently. 1 indicates the activation status, and 2 indicates the non-activation status. " ::= { hwControlOutEntry 4 } -- hwFanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwFanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information table of fan monitoring. The index of this table is hwEnvEmuIndex that comes from hwEnvironmentInfoTable. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitoring unit whose monitoring type is fan. " ::= { hwEnvironmentMon 5 } -- hwFanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwFanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information table of fan monitoring. The index of this entry is hwEnvEmuIndex that comes from hwEnvironmentInfoTable. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitoring unit whose monitoring type is fan. " INDEX { hwEnvEmuIndex } ::= { hwFanTable 1 } HwFanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwFanName DisplayString, hwFanControlMode INTEGER, hwFanControlState BITS, hwESCFanTempAutoOn Integer32, hwESCFanTempAutoOff Integer32, hwFanRowStatus RowStatus, hwCurrentTemp Integer32, hwFanSpeedMode INTEGER, hwFanSpeed Integer32, hwFanTypeDescription DisplayString } -- hwFanName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Fan name " ::= { hwFanEntry 1 } -- hwFanControlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manual(1), emuAuto(2), fixed(3), mainboardAuto(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The fan control modes of the fan frame. Options: 1.manual(1) -indicates that the fan is always on, and the fan speed can be manually adjusted 2.emuAuto(2) -indicates that the fan is in the automatic mode, and can be automatically controlled depending on the temperature of the fan 3.fixed(3) -indicates that the fan is in the fixed mode, and adjusting its speed is not allowed 4.mainboardAuto(4) -indicates that the fan is in the automatic mode, and can be automatically controlled depending on the temperature of the boards in the frame " ::= { hwFanEntry 2 } -- hwFanControlState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { fan1(0), fan2(1), fan3(2), fan4(3), fan5(4), fan6(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " For ESC fan, all should be checked to turn on the fan, while all should not be checked to turn off the fan. Options: 1.fan1(0) -indicates that the first fan needs to be opened 2.fan2(1) -indicates that the second fan needs to be opened 3.fan3(2) -indicates that the third fan needs to be opened 4.fan4(3) -indicates that the fourth fan needs to be opened 5.fan5(4) -indicates that the fifth fan needs to be opened 6.fan6(5) -indicates that the sixth fan needs to be opened " ::= { hwFanEntry 3 } -- hwESCFanTempAutoOn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The fan temperature set, in unit of centigrade. The MIB object only functions for the fan monitoring board of ESC and is not applicable to the type of fan monitoring board. Only when the fan control mode of the fan frame is hwFanControl =auto (3), the temperature control mode will take effect. When detecting the environment temperature higher than the set value, the fan will be on (or increase its rotation). " ::= { hwFanEntry 4 } -- hwESCFanTempAutoOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The fan temperature set, in unit of centigrade. The MIB object only functions for the fan monitoring board of ESC and is not applicable to the type of fan monitoring board. Only when the fan control mode of the fan frame is hwFanControl =auto (3), the temperature control mode will take effect. When detecting the environment temperature is lower than the set value, the fan will be turned off (decrease its rotation). " ::= { hwFanEntry 5 } -- hwFanRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " RowStatus standard operation. " ::= { hwFanEntry 6 } -- hwCurrentTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The present temperature value, in unit of cent-centigrade " ::= { hwFanEntry 7 } -- hwFanSpeedMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { continue(1), discontinue(2), percent(3), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The adjusting rotation mode of the fan. Options: 1.continue(1) -continuous control 2.discontinue(2) -discrete control 3.percent(3) -duty ratio control 4.invalid(-1) -indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " ::= { hwFanEntry 8 } -- hwFanSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " When hwFanSpeedMode is the continue mode, 0 indicates the present wind speed +1, while 1 indicates the present wind speed -1. When hwFanSpeedMode is discontinuous, 0 indicates fixed high speed, while 1 indicates fixed low speed. When hwFanSpeedMode is percent, the value delivered by the main control is the percent value, ranging from 35 to 100, used to initialize the rotation of fan for various device main controls. invalid(-1) indicates that the fan tray does not work normally. For example, the fan tray is disconnected from the control board, or some of the fans in the fan tray are blocked. " ::= { hwFanEntry 9 } -- hwFanTypeDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Fan Type Description. The values 1 and 2 are supported currently. 1 indicates the activation status, and 2 indicates the non-activation status. " ::= { hwFanEntry 10 } -- hwTcuTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwTcuEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information table of temperature control unit. The index of this table is hwEnvEmuIndex that comes from hwEnvironmentInfoTable. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitoring unit whose monitoring type is temperature control unit. " ::= { hwEnvironmentMon 6 } -- hwTcuEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwTcuEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information table of temperature control unit. The index of this entry is hwEnvEmuIndex that comes from hwEnvironmentInfoTable. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitoring unit whose monitoring type is temperature control unit. " INDEX { hwEnvEmuIndex } ::= { hwTcuTable 1 } HwTcuEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwTcuHeatExchangerType DisplayString, hwTcuExternalFanRev Integer32, hwTcuInternalFanRev Integer32, hwTcuStartHeatTemp Integer32, hwTcuStopHeatTemp Integer32 } -- hwTcuHeatExchangerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Heat Exchanger Type Description. " ::= { hwTcuEntry 1 } -- hwTcuExternalFanRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The rev of Heat Exchanger outer fan, in unit of RMP (rotate per minite) " ::= { hwTcuEntry 2 } -- hwTcuInternalFanRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The rev of Heat Exchanger inner fan, in unit of RMP (rotate per minite) " ::= { hwTcuEntry 3 } -- hwTcuStartHeatTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The temperature of Heat Exchanger starts to heat up, in unit of Celsius " ::= { hwTcuEntry 4 } -- hwTcuStopHeatTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The temperature of Heat Exchanger stops heating, in unit of Celsius " ::= { hwTcuEntry 5 } -- hwOpticalreceiverTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwOpticalreceiverEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information table of optical receiver unit. The index of this table is hwFrameIndex that comes from hwFrameTable. hwFrameIndex is the index of the optical receiver unit whose optical receiver type is optical receiver unit. " ::= { hwEnvironmentMon 7 } -- hwOpticalreceiverEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwOpticalreceiverEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information table of optical receiver unit. interface optical receiver config mode. " INDEX { hwFrameIndex } ::= { hwOpticalreceiverTable 1 } HwOpticalreceiverEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwORCOMState INTEGER, hwORModelNumber DisplayString, hwORHardwareVer DisplayString, hwORSoftwareVer DisplayString, hwORProductDate OCTET STRING, hwOROpticalPowerValue Integer32, hwOROpticalPowerAlarmState INTEGER, hwOROpticalPowerLowThreshold Integer32, hwOROpticalPowerHighThreshold Integer32, hwOROpticalAGCStart Integer32, hwORRFPowerValue Integer32, hwORRFPowerAlarmState INTEGER, hwORRFPowerLowThreshold Integer32, hwORRFPowerHighThreshold Integer32, hwORRFAttValue Integer32, hwORRFSwitch INTEGER, hwORBarcode DisplayString, hwOR5VVoltage Integer32, hwOR24VVoltage Integer32, hwORAGCRange DisplayString } -- hwORCOMState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { online(1), offline(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The state of Optical receiver The Optical receiver can be used only when it is online. Options: 1.online(1) - indicates that Optical state is online 2.offline(2) - indicates that Optical state is offline " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 1 } -- hwORModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The model number of Optical receiver " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 2 } -- hwORHardwareVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The hard version of Optical receiver " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 3 } -- hwORSoftwareVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The software version of Optical receiver " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 4 } -- hwORProductDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The product date of Optical receiver field octets contents range ----- ------ -------- ----- 1 1-2 year 0..65536 2 3 month 1..12 3 4 day 1..31 " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 5 } -- hwOROpticalPowerValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The optical power value of Optical receiver Its unit is dbm,its real accuracy is 0.01. SNMP uses it which has been enlarged 100 by host. user uses it which has been lessened 100 by SNMP. " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 6 } -- hwOROpticalPowerAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), low(2), high(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The optical power alarm state of Optical receiver The Optical receiver can be used only when it is normal. Options: 1.normal(1) - indicates that Optical power alarm state is normal 2.low(2) - indicates that Optical power alarm state is low 3.high(3) - indicates that Optical power alarm state is high " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 7 } -- hwOROpticalPowerLowThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The optical power low threshold of Optical receiver Its unit is dbm,its real accuracy is 0.01. SNMP uses it which has been enlarged 100 by host. user uses it which has been lessened 100 by SNMP. Its real range is -10dbm~3dbm,mib range is -1000dbm~300dbm. " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 8 } -- hwOROpticalPowerHighThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The optical power high threshold of Optical receiver Its unit is dbm,its real accuracy is 0.01. SNMP uses it which has been enlarged 100 by host. user uses it which has been lessened 100 by SNMP. Its real range is -10dbm~3dbm,mib range is -1000dbm~300dbm. " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 9 } -- hwOROpticalAGCStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The optical AGC start of Optical receiver Its unit is dBm,its real range is -4dBm~3dBm. " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 10 } -- hwORRFPowerValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The RF power value of Optical receiver Its unit is dBuV,its real accuracy is 0.1. SNMP uses it which has been enlarged 10 by host. user uses it which has been lessened 10 by SNMP. " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 11 } -- hwORRFPowerAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), low(2), high(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The RF power alarm state of Optical receiver The Optical receiver can be used only when it is normal. Options: 1.normal(1) - indicates that RF power alarm state is normal 2.low(2) - indicates that RF power alarm state is low 3.high(3) - indicates that RF power alarm state is high " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 12 } -- hwORRFPowerLowThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The RF power low threshold of Optical receiver Its unit is dBuV,its real accuracy is 0.1. SNMP uses it which has been enlarged 10 by host. user uses it which has been lessened 10 by SNMP. Its real range is 85dBuV~130dBuV,mib range is 850dBuV~1300dBuV. " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 13 } -- hwORRFPowerHighThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The RF power high threshold of Optical receiver Its unit is dBuV,its real accuracy is 0.1. SNMP uses it which has been enlarged 10 by host. user uses it which has been lessened 10 by SNMP. Its real range is 85dBuV~130dBuV,mib range is 850dBuV~1300dBuV. " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 14 } -- hwORRFAttValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The RF ATT value of Optical receiver Its unit is db. Its range is 0db~20db. " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 15 } -- hwORRFSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), on(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The RF switch of Optical receiver The Optical receiver can be used only when it is on. Options: 1.off(1) - indicates that RF Switch state is off 2.on(2) - indicates that RF Switch state is on " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 16 } -- hwORBarcode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The barcode of Optical receiver " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 17 } -- hwOR5VVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The current input voltage of Optical receiver. Its unit is V,its real accuracy is 0.1. SNMP uses it which has been enlarged 10 by host. user uses it which has been lessened 10 by SNMP. +5V is positive voltage. " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 18 } -- hwOR24VVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The current input voltage of Optical receiver. Its unit is V,its real accuracy is 0.1. SNMP uses it which has been enlarged 10 by host. user uses it which has been lessened 10 by SNMP. +24V is positive voltage. " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 19 } -- hwORAGCRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Start value of the AGC range for optical paths of Optical receiver. " ::= { hwOpticalreceiverEntry 20 } -- snmpTrapsDef OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwEnvironment 2 } -- emmsnmpTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpTrapsDef 0 } -- envCommAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The communication alarm of environment monitoring board, reporting the environment monitoring unit ID. This trap message is reported when the communication between the emu and control board is fault. " ::= { emmsnmpTraps 1 } -- envCommAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The communication alarm recovery of the environment monitoring, reporting the environment monitoring unit ID. This trap message is reported when the communication between the emu and control board resumes. " ::= { emmsnmpTraps 2 } -- anaFaultAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwAnaChannelIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The alarm recovery of the analog exception, reporting the environment monitoring unit ID. This trap message is reported when there is an analog exception in emu. " ::= { emmsnmpTraps 3 } -- anaFaultAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwAnaChannelIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The alarm recovery of the analog exception, reporting the environment monitoring unit ID. This trap message is reported when the analog exception recovery in emu. " ::= { emmsnmpTraps 4 } -- anaTooHighAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwAnaChannelIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The alarm of too high an analog, reporting the environment monitoring unit ID and the channel ID of the analog sensor. This trap message is reported when an analog value is too high. " ::= { emmsnmpTraps 5 } -- anaTooHighAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwAnaChannelIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The alarm of too high analog resume, reporting the environment monitoring unit ID. This trap message is reported when an analog value returns to normal range from the high value. " ::= { emmsnmpTraps 6 } -- anaTooLowAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwAnaChannelIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The alarm of too low an analog, reporting the environment monitoring unit ID and the channel ID of the analog sensor. This trap message is reported when an analog value is too low. " ::= { emmsnmpTraps 7 } -- anaTooLowAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwAnaChannelIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The alarm of too low an analog, reporting the environment monitoring unit ID. This trap message is reported when an analog value returns to normal range from the low value. " ::= { emmsnmpTraps 8 } -- controlAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwControlOutIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The control alarm, reporting the environment monitoring unit ID. This trap message is reported when emu control operation fails. " ::= { emmsnmpTraps 9 } -- controlAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwControlOutIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The control alarm, reporting the environment monitoring unit ID. This trap message is reported when emu control operation resumes. " ::= { emmsnmpTraps 10 } -- digtalMeasureAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The digital measure alarm, reporting the environment monitoring unit ID and the channel ID of the digital sensor. This trap message is reported when emu measure operation fails. " ::= { emmsnmpTraps 11 } -- digtaleasureAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The digital measure alarm recovery, reporting the environment monitoring unit ID and the channel ID of the digital sensor. This trap message is reported when emu measure operation resumes. " ::= { emmsnmpTraps 12 } -- fanExistsAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Fan nonexistance alarm. This trap message is reported when there is no fan device connected to control board. " ::= { emmsnmpTraps 13 } -- fanExistsAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Fan nonexistance alarm recovery. This trap message is reported when there is a fan device connected to control board. " ::= { emmsnmpTraps 14 } -- fanRunStateAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Fan running status alarm. This trap message is reported when the fan run state gets abnormal. " ::= { emmsnmpTraps 15 } -- envConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwEnvironment 3 } -- envCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envConformance 1 } -- envGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envConformance 2 } -- hwEnvironTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwEnvironment 4 } -- hwEnvironCommonTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwEnvironTraps 1 } -- hwEnvironCommonTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwEnvironCommonTraps 0 } -- hwEmmEmuAutofindTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwEnvEmuType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when a new EMU autofind. " ::= { hwEnvironCommonTrapsPrefix 1 } -- hwEnvironAlarmTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwEnvironTraps 2 } -- hwEnvironEmuAlarmTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwEnvironAlarmTraps 1 } -- hwEnvironEmuAlarmTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwEnvironEmuAlarmTraps 0 } -- hwEmmEmufailTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwEnvBoardName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the communication of the EMU with the host is abnormal. " ::= { hwEnvironEmuAlarmTrapsPrefix 1 } -- hwEmmEmuRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwEnvBoardName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the communication of the EMU with the host recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironEmuAlarmTrapsPrefix 2 } -- hwEmmEmuHardwareFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the a Hardware exception occurs. " ::= { hwEnvironEmuAlarmTrapsPrefix 3 } -- hwEmmEmuHardwareRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the a Hardware exception Recover " ::= { hwEnvironEmuAlarmTrapsPrefix 4 } -- hwEmmEmuAutofindFailTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvAutofindNodeId, hwEnvAutofindEmuType, hwEnvAutofindBoardName, hwFailureCause } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the emu autofind fail. " ::= { hwEnvironEmuAlarmTrapsPrefix 5 } -- hwEmmEmuFanStateTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwFanStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the fan is not configured or fails. " ::= { hwEnvironEmuAlarmTrapsPrefix 6 } -- hwOpticalReceiverFailTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the communication of the OpticalReceiver with the host is abnormal. " ::= { hwEnvironEmuAlarmTrapsPrefix 7 } -- hwOpticalReceiverRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the communication of the OpticalReceiver with the host recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironEmuAlarmTrapsPrefix 8 } -- hwOpticalReceiverPowerFailTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwOROpticalPowerValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the optical power of OpticalReceiver is abnormal. " ::= { hwEnvironEmuAlarmTrapsPrefix 9 } -- hwOpticalReceiverPowerRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwOROpticalPowerValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the optical power of OpticalReceiver recovers to normal rage. " ::= { hwEnvironEmuAlarmTrapsPrefix 10 } -- hwOpticalReceiverRFPowerFailTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwORRFPowerValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the RF power of OpticalReceiver is abnormal. " ::= { hwEnvironEmuAlarmTrapsPrefix 11 } -- hwOpticalReceiverRFPowerRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwORRFPowerValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the RF power of OpticalReceiver recovers to normal rage. " ::= { hwEnvironEmuAlarmTrapsPrefix 12 } -- hwEnvironAnaAlarmTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwEnvironAlarmTraps 2 } -- hwEnvironAnaAlarmTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwEnvironAnaAlarmTraps 0 } -- hwEmmAnaUnnamedFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwAnaAlarmID, hwEnvEmuType, hwAnaName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when an unnamed analog alarm occurs. " ::= { hwEnvironAnaAlarmTrapsPrefix 1 } -- hwEmmAnaUnnamedRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwAnaAlarmID, hwEnvEmuType, hwAnaName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when an unnamed analog alarm recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironAnaAlarmTrapsPrefix 2 } -- hwEmmAnaTempFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwAnaAlarmID, hwEnvEmuType, hwAnaName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the analog temperature alarm occurs. " ::= { hwEnvironAnaAlarmTrapsPrefix 3 } -- hwEmmAnaTempRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwAnaAlarmID, hwEnvEmuType, hwAnaName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the analog temperature alarm recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironAnaAlarmTrapsPrefix 4 } -- hwEmmAnaHumyFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwAnaAlarmID, hwEnvEmuType, hwAnaName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the analog humidity alarm occurs. " ::= { hwEnvironAnaAlarmTrapsPrefix 5 } -- hwEmmAnaHumyRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwAnaAlarmID, hwEnvEmuType, hwAnaName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the analog humidity alarm recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironAnaAlarmTrapsPrefix 6 } -- hwEmmAnaVoltFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwAnaAlarmID, hwEnvEmuType, hwAnaName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the analog voltage alarm occurs. " ::= { hwEnvironAnaAlarmTrapsPrefix 7 } -- hwEmmAnaVoltRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwAnaAlarmID, hwEnvEmuType, hwAnaName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the analog voltage alarm recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironAnaAlarmTrapsPrefix 8 } -- hwEmmAnaCurrentFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwAnaAlarmID, hwEnvEmuType, hwAnaName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the analog current alarm occurs. " ::= { hwEnvironAnaAlarmTrapsPrefix 9 } -- hwEmmAnaCurrentRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwAnaAlarmID, hwEnvEmuType, hwAnaName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the analog current alarm recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironAnaAlarmTrapsPrefix 10 } -- hwEnvironDigAlarmTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwEnvironAlarmTraps 3 } -- hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTraps 0 } -- hwEmmDigFanBlockFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the fan is blocked. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 1 } -- hwEmmDigFanBlockRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the fan is recovered from block. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 2 } -- hwEmmDigFanTempHighFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the temperature of fan is too high. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 3 } -- hwEmmDigFanTempHighRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the temperature of fan recover from too high. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 4 } -- hwEmmDigUnnamedFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when a unnamed digital fault occurs. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 5 } -- hwEmmDigUnnamedRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when a unnamed digital recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 6 } -- hwEmmDigOutputswitchFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when Output switch digital fault occurs. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 7 } -- hwEmmDigOutputswitchRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when Output switch digital recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 8 } -- hwEmmDigAcvolFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The AC voltage is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 11 } -- hwEmmDigAcvolRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The AC voltage recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 12 } -- hwEmmDigAcswitchFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The AC switch is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 13 } -- hwEmmDigAcswitchRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The AC switch recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 14 } -- hwEmmDigBattvolFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The batt vol is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 15 } -- hwEmmDigBattvolRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The batt vol recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 16 } -- hwEmmDigBattfuseFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The battery fuse is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 17 } -- hwEmmDigBattfuseRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The battery fuse recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 18 } -- hwEmmDigLoadfuseFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The load fuse is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 19 } -- hwEmmDigLoadfuseRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The load fuse recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 20 } -- hwEmmDigRectifierFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The Rectifier is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 21 } -- hwEmmDigRectifierRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The Rectifier recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 22 } -- hwEmmDigDcpowerFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The dc-power is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 23 } -- hwEmmDigDcpowerRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The dc-power recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 24 } -- hwEmmDigRoomdoorFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The Roomdoor is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 25 } -- hwEmmDigRoomdoorRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The Roomdoor recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 26 } -- hwEmmDigTheftFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The Roomdoor is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 27 } -- hwEmmDigTheftRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The Roomdoor recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 28 } -- hwEmmDigWiringFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The WIRING is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 29 } -- hwEmmDigWiringRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The WIRING recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 30 } -- hwEmmDigFanFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The FAN is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 31 } -- hwEmmDigFanRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The FAN recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 32 } -- hwEmmDigFireFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The Fire is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 33 } -- hwEmmDigFireRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The Fire recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 34 } -- hwEmmDigFogFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The Fog is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 35 } -- hwEmmDigFogRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The Fog recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 36 } -- hwEmmDigWaterFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The Water is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 37 } -- hwEmmDigWaterRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The Water recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 38 } -- hwEmmDigDieselFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The Diesel is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 39 } -- hwEmmDigDieselRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The Diesel recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 40 } -- hwEmmDigSmellFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The Smell is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 41 } -- hwEmmDigSmellRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The Smell recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 42 } -- hwEmmDigAirconditionFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The Air condition is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 43 } -- hwEmmDigAirconditionRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The Air condition recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 44 } -- hwEmmDigArrsterFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The arrester is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 45 } -- hwEmmDigArrsterRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The arrester recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 46 } -- hwEmmDigDcvolFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The DC VOL is out of the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 47 } -- hwEmmDigDcvolRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when The DC VOL recovers to the normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 48 } -- hwEmmFanCriticalBlockFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when more than two fans are blocked. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 49 } -- hwEmmFanCriticalBlockRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the critical multi-fan blocking recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 50 } -- hwEmmDigitalSwitchOpenTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the 48V input switch is closed. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 51 } -- hwEmmDigitalSwitchCloseTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwDigChannelName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the 48V input switch is opened. " ::= { hwEnvironDigAlarmTrapsPrefix 52 } -- hwEmmTrapVbOids OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwEnvironment 5} -- hwFanStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notconfig(1), failure(2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of the fan. Options: 1.notconfig(1) -The status of the fan is notconfig 2.failure(2) -The status of the fan is fail " ::= { hwEmmTrapVbOids 1 } -- hwFailureCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fullemu(1), shelfnotsupport(2), emunotsupportautofind(3) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The reason of the auto-finding failure: Options: 1.fullemu(1) -No enough EMU IDs are available 2.shelfnotsupport(2) -The EMU does not support the auto discovery function 3.emunotsupportautofind(3) -The shelf does not support the EMU of this type " ::= { hwEmmTrapVbOids 2 } -- hwEnvAutofindNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The NodeId of the auto-found EMU. " ::= { hwEmmTrapVbOids 3 } -- hwEnvAutofindEmuType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The type of the auto-found EMU. " ::= { hwEmmTrapVbOids 4 } -- hwEnvAutofindBoardName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The board name of the auto-found EMU. " ::= { hwEmmTrapVbOids 5 } END