-- -- HUAWEI-FWD-RES-TRAP-MIB.mib -- Copyright (C) 2017 by HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES. All rights reserved -- Thursday,Oct 28, 2014 at 18:46:56 -- Version: V3.40 HUAWEI-FWD-RES-TRAP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS entPhysicalName FROM ENTITY-MIB hwDatacomm FROM HUAWEI-MIB OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF Counter64, Unsigned32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI; hwFwdResTrapMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201708172108Z" -- Aug 17, 2017 at 21:08 GMT ORGANIZATION "Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: support@huawei.com " DESCRIPTION "The private mib file includes the alarm information of fowarding engine resouce overload." REVISION "201708172108Z" -- Aug 17, 2017 at 21:08 GMT DESCRIPTION "modify english description " REVISION "201708081100Z" -- Aug 8, 2017 at 11:00GMT DESCRIPTION "add two reasonids for hwFwdResLackReasonId : ipv4O6TnlDecapTblResOverLoad(608), ipv4O6TnlIpv6AddrTblResOverLoad(609)" REVISION "201707272006Z" -- July 27, 2017 at 20:06GMT DESCRIPTION "add hwBoardL3FIBResLack" REVISION "201706222010Z" -- June 22, 2017 at 20:10GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId for ecmp resource: ecmpreswarning(579)" REVISION "201706222010Z" -- June 22, 2017 at 20:10GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId for nhp resource: nhpreswarning(580)" REVISION "201705181015Z" -- May 18, 2017 at 10:15GMT DESCRIPTION "add hwBoardL3NDResLack,hwFwdResLackIPStr,hwFwdResLackVrfId" REVISION "201703222010Z" -- Mar 22, 2017 at 20:10GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : userNumberResLack(582)" REVISION "201703222010Z" -- Mar 22, 2017 at 20:10GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : lacUserNumberResLack(583)" REVISION "201703222010Z" -- Mar 22, 2017 at 20:10GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : l2VcpeUserNumberResLack(584)" REVISION "201703222010Z" -- Mar 22, 2017 at 20:10GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : tnlResVcpeUserResLack(585)" REVISION "201703222010Z" -- Mar 22, 2017 at 20:10GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : fibNumberVcpeUserResLack(586)" REVISION "201703222010Z" -- Mar 22, 2017 at 20:10GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : card0UserExceed90ThresHold(587)" REVISION "201703222010Z" -- Mar 22, 2017 at 20:10GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : card1UserExceed90ThresHold(588)" REVISION "201703222010Z" -- Mar 22, 2017 at 20:10GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : card0UserExceedThresHold(589)" REVISION "201703222010Z" -- Mar 22, 2017 at 20:10GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : card1UserExceedThresHold(590)" REVISION "201703100954Z" -- Mar 10, 2017 at 09:54GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : vfiTable(578)" REVISION "201703031036Z" -- Mar 03, 2017 at 10:36GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : macAccountingResOverLoad(577)" REVISION "201702281130Z" -- FEB 28, 2017 at 11:30GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : vllHardPipeResourceOverLoad(497)" REVISION "201701131130Z" -- JAN 13, 2017 at 11:30GMT DESCRIPTION "add hwNotsuppDecapVxlanFragPackets,hwNoSuppVxlanFragVni,hwNoSuppVxlanFragSourceIp,hwNoSuppVxlanFragPeerIp,hwBoardVbdifResLack,hwVxlanTnlCfgFailed,hwNotsuppDecapVxlanPackets" REVISION "201701131130Z" -- JAN 13, 2017 at 11:30GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : lsL2UserEntryResOverLoad(576)" REVISION "201701131130Z" -- JAN 13, 2017 at 11:30GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : lsStationTcamResOverLoad(575)" REVISION "201701131130Z" -- JAN 13, 2017 at 11:30GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : lsEgrL3IntResOverLoad(574)" REVISION "201701131130Z" -- JAN 13, 2017 at 11:30GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : lsMacResOverLoad(573)" REVISION "201701131130Z" -- JAN 13, 2017 at 11:30GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : apsOutMirrorResOverLoad(572)" REVISION "201701131130Z" -- JAN 13, 2017 at 11:30GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : atmIpoaArpResOverLoad(571)" REVISION "201701121840Z" -- JAN 12, 2017 at 18:40GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : ipv6LongerMaskResOverLoad(570)" REVISION "201701121540Z" -- JAN 12, 2017 at 15:40GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : outVIResExceed90ThresHold(569)" REVISION "201612221000Z" -- Dec 22, 2016 at 10:00GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : l2tpv3TnlResOverLoad(565)" REVISION "201612091137Z" -- Dec 09, 2016 at 11:37GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : vlanEncapResOverload(556)" REVISION "201612081642Z" -- Dec 08, 2016 at 16:42GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : l2tpv3TunnelResOverLoad(555)" REVISION "201611281537Z" -- Nove 28, 2016 at 15:37GMT DESCRIPTION " add some reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : vplsPwSuppStatOverLoad(553), vplsPwSuppStatExceed90ThresHold(554)" REVISION "201611181655Z" -- Nove 18, 2016 at 16:55GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: l2ptCarResExceed90ThresHold(551),l2ptCarResOverLoad(552)" REVISION "201611171421Z" -- Nove 17, 2016 at 14:21GMT DESCRIPTION " add some reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : vplspwHqosOverLoad(550)" REVISION "201610201625Z" -- Oct 20, 2016 at 16:25GMT DESCRIPTION "Add hwFwdSessionResLack,hwFwdSessionResLackResume,hwFwdFastTableResLack,hwFwdFastTableResLackResume." REVISION "201611171421Z" -- Nove 17, 2016 at 14:21GMT DESCRIPTION " add some reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : vplspwHqosOverLoad" REVISION "201611011125Z" -- Nov 01, 2016 at 11:25GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: overlayNhpResOverLoad(549) " REVISION "201610111125Z" -- Oct 11, 2016 at 11:25GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: pwifResOverLoad(548) " REVISION "201610091525Z" -- Oct 09, 2016 at 15:25GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: insegVrfOverLoad(502),dynldbalStatOverLoad(503),communityeOverLoad(504),ipv4TunnelIndexOverLoad(505), smaAsIndexOverLoad(506),smaFibv6OverLoad(507) " REVISION "201609291137Z" -- Sep 29, 2016 at 11:37GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: pwifResExceed90ThresHold(501) " REVISION "201609280937Z" -- Sep 28, 2016 at 09:37GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: e2e1588Res(500) " REVISION "201607191633Z" -- July 19, 2016 at 16:33GMT DESCRIPTION "modify alarm hwFwdEntryInconsistent/hwFwdEntryInconsistentResume index: add index hwServiceIndex2, hwServiceIndex3, hwServiceIndex4 " REVISION "201609241804Z" -- Sep 24, 2016 at 18:04GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: bfdGidNumOverLoad(498) " REVISION "201609231737Z" -- Sep 23, 2016 at 17:37GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: vplsPwNhpResourceOverload(499) " REVISION "201609091447Z" -- Sep 9, 2016 at 14:47GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: tunnelsourceipindex(420) " REVISION "201607111201Z" -- July 11, 2016 at 12:01GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: VSMIPV6AclTCAMNumFull(418),VSMIPV6AclTCAMNumExhaust(419) " REVISION "201606021439Z" -- June 22, 2016 at 11:09GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: mcMfibChipEntryHashConflict(411) " REVISION "201606021439Z" -- June 02, 2016 at 11:09GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: ipv4VXLANVniPeerRes(410) " REVISION "201605281109Z" -- May 28, 2016 at 11:09GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: tunnelnexthop (408) " REVISION "201605241109Z" -- May 24, 2016 at 11:09GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId:mcmofrrResourceNumOverLoad (406),mcmofrrResourceExceedThresHold (407) " REVISION "201605111109Z" -- May 11, 2016 at 11:09GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId:CIRUserQueue(400), EIRUserQueue(401), ShapingFlowqueue (402), ShareShapingFlowqueue (403) " REVISION "201604081609Z" -- Apr 08, 2016 at 16:09GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: ipv4VXLANDecapsulationRes(399)" REVISION "201603081041Z" -- Mar 08, 2016 at 10:41GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: trunkTableResExceedSlotThresHold(398)" REVISION "201603070952Z" -- Mar 07, 2016 at 09:52GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: trunkTableResExceedSlotThresHold(398)" REVISION "201603031415Z" -- Mar 03, 2016 at 14:15GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: ethTestResOverLoad(397)" REVISION "201602261008Z" -- Feb 26, 2016 at 10:08GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: l2ptResExceed90ThresHold(354),l2ptResOverLoad(355)" REVISION "201602031459Z" -- Feb 3, 2016 at 14:59GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: vxlanResExceed90ThresHold(395),vxlanResOverLoad(396)" REVISION "201602011700Z" -- Jan 30, 2016 at 17:00GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: bgpFlowspecReResExceedThresHold(393),bgpFlowspecReResExceed90ThresHold(394)" REVISION "201601282100Z" -- Jan 30, 2016 at 16:00GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: glemNumExceedThresHold(391),localLinkEncapExceedThresHold(392)" REVISION "201601282100Z" -- Jan 28, 2016 at 21:00GMT DESCRIPTION "add MPLS_IC_TRAP_NON_SUPPORT_MPLS,MPLS_IC_TRAP_FWD_RESLACK and MPLS_IC_TRAP_FWD_RESLACKRESUME." REVISION "201601262100Z" -- Jan 26, 2016 at 21:00GMT DESCRIPTION "add hwVpFeatureName table and a trap alarm hwVpresExceed for Virtual Ports." REVISION "201601251500Z" -- Jan 25, 2016 at 15:00GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: pwSourceTunnelCheckResOverLoad(390)." REVISION "201601041400Z" -- Jan 4, 2016 at 14:00GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: spuExtNHPExhaust(381),spuExtNHPExhaustResume(382)" REVISION "201512241320Z" -- Dec 24, 2015 at 13:20GMT DESCRIPTION "add new alarm hwFpResourceThresholdExceed,hwFpResourceThresholdExceedClear,hwFpResourceTotalCountExceed,hwFpResourceTotalCountExceedClear" REVISION "201512181058Z" -- Dec 18, 2015 at 10:58GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: bwLargeBufferExhausted(387),userDefinedFLowAclExceed90ThresHold(388),dynamicLinkProtectionAclExceed90ThresHold(389)" REVISION "201512081516Z" -- Dec 8, 2015 at 15:16GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: mlidExceed75ThresHold(386)" REVISION "201511021051Z" -- Nov 02, 2015 at 10:51GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: pool0FlowWred(353), pool1FlowWred(354), pool0FlowMapping(355), ..., pool1SlotGqResExceed90ThresHold(380)" REVISION "201510161355Z" -- OCT 14, 2015 at 13:55GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: nhpExceedThresHold(348),nhpNumOverload(349),nstExceedThresHold(350),nstNumOverload(351),mlidExceedThresHold(352)" REVISION "201510141123Z" -- OCT 14, 2015 at 11:23GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: mplsSRTELabelStackResLack(347)" REVISION "201510122100Z" -- OCT 12, 2015 at 21:00GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: mplsSRTELabelStackResLack(345)" REVISION "201510122100Z" -- OCT 12, 2015 at 21:00GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: mplsSRTELabelStackResExceedTresHold(346)" REVISION "201510121500Z" -- OCT 12, 2015 at 15:00GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: mplsSRTELabelStackResLack(330)" REVISION "201510121500Z" -- OCT 12, 2015 at 15:00GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: mplsSRTELabelStackResExceedTresHold(331)" REVISION "201510081750Z" -- OCT 08, 2015 at 17:50GMT DESCRIPTION "add hwFwdResTable table and alarms(hwFwdResOverLimit,hwFwdResOverLimitResume,hwFwdResOverThresh,hwFwdResOverThreshResume)." REVISION "201509251750Z" -- Sep 25, 2015 at 17:50GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: BoardAclTCAMNumExhaust(342)" REVISION "201509222010Z" -- Sep 22, 2015 at 20:10GMT DESCRIPTION "add reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: BoardAclTCAMNumExhaust(342)" REVISION "201509221920Z" -- Sep 17, 2015 at 19:20GMT DESCRIPTION " add some reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId:inIPV4UCLTCAMExceedThresHold(334),outIPV4UCLTCAMExceedThresHold(335),inIPV6UCLTCAMExceedThresHold(336),outIPV6UCLTCAMExceedThresHold(337),inIPV4UCLTCAMNumOverload(338),outIPV4UCLTCAMNumOverload(339),inIPV6UCLTCAMNumOverload(340),outIPV6UCLTCAMNumOverload(341)" REVISION "201509171920Z" -- Sep 17, 2015 at 19:20GMT DESCRIPTION " add a new node hwBoardMplsNonSupport." REVISION "201508041920Z" -- Augu 04, 2015 at 19:20GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: pbbResExceed90ThresHold(328). pbbResOverLoad(329)." REVISION "201506241723Z" -- June 24, 2015 at 17:23GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId. ReasonId:trillMcOutIfNumOverload(327)." REVISION "201506231432Z" -- June 23, 2015 at 14:32GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId. ReasonId:ipv4GreDecapsulationRes(325) ipv6GreDecapsulationRes(326)." REVISION "201506171620Z" -- June 17, 2015 at 16:20GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwWholeFwdResLack. ReasonId: pbbBmacRes(324) ." REVISION "201506091520Z" -- June 09, 2015 at 15:20GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: remoteIntfRes(323) ." REVISION "201505220950Z" -- May 22, 2015 at 09:50GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: mfibv4NumExceedThresHold(321) mfibv6NumExceedThresHold(322) ." REVISION "201505080950Z" -- May 08, 2015 at 09:50GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: fibv4NumExceedThresHold(318)." REVISION "201505080950Z" -- May 08, 2015 at 09:50GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: fibv6NumExceedThresHold(319)." REVISION "201505080950Z" -- May 08, 2015 at 09:50GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: ipv6NdExceedThresHold(320)." REVISION "201505051420Z" -- May 05, 2015 at 14:20GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: vplsResOverLoad(316)." REVISION "201505051420Z" -- May 05, 2015 at 14:20GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: evpnResOverLoad(317)." REVISION "201504162200Z" -- APR 16, 2015 at 22:00GMT DESCRIPTION " add a trap info for qos exceed." REVISION "201504162150Z" -- APR 16, 2015 at 21:50GMT DESCRIPTION " add a trap info for mc exceed." REVISION "201504082150Z" -- APR 08, 2015 at 21:50GMT DESCRIPTION " add a trap info for php exceed." REVISION "201503312150Z" -- Mar 31, 2015 at 21:50GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: l2tpv3ResExceed90ThresHold(302)." REVISION "201503312150Z" -- Mar 31, 2015 at 21:50GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: evpnResExceed90ThresHold(301)." REVISION "201503312150Z" -- Mar 31, 2015 at 21:50GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: vplsResExceed90ThresHold(300)." REVISION "201503280950Z" -- Mar 28, 2015 at 09:50GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: multioutlifResExceed90ThresHold(295)." REVISION "201502071011Z" -- Feb 7, 2015 at 10:11GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: erpsResExceed90ThresHold(285)." REVISION "201411181358Z" -- Nov 18, 2014 at 13:58GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: ipsecAclResOverLoad(280)." REVISION "201410281846Z" -- Oct 28, 2014 at 18:46GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: semResOverLoad(279)." REVISION "201410231047Z" -- Oct 23, 2014 at 10:47GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: vlanxlateResOverLoad(277)." REVISION "201410231047Z" -- Oct 23, 2014 at 10:47GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: egressvlanxlateResOverLoad(278)." REVISION "201410171547Z" -- Oct 17, 2014 at 15:47GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: forwardvpnResOverLoad(276)." REVISION "201410171547Z" -- Oct 17, 2014 at 15:47GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: protectgroupResOverLoad(275)." REVISION "201409251058Z" -- Sep 25, 2014 at 10:58GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: outTmSqResExceed90ThresHold(274)." REVISION "201409251058Z" -- Sep 25, 2014 at 10:58GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: inSlotSqResExceed90ThresHold(273)." REVISION "201409251058Z" -- Sep 25, 2014 at 10:58GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: outTmSqResExceed90ThresHold(272)." REVISION "201409251058Z" -- Sep 25, 2014 at 10:58GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: inTmSqResExceed90ThresHold(271)." REVISION "201409031501Z" -- Sep 03, 2014 at 15:01GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: tunnelDecapsulationRes(195),dynLoadbNhpRes(198)." REVISION "201408301156Z" -- Augu 30, 2014 at 11:56GMT DESCRIPTION " add a reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId: trunkDynAdjRes(176)." REVISION "201408221010Z" -- Augu 22, 2014 at 10:10GMT DESCRIPTION " adjust the alarm description ." REVISION "201408191001Z" -- Augu 19, 2014 at 10:01GMT DESCRIPTION " add some reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : tpSlmResExceedThresHold(261),tp1dmResExceedThresHold(262),tp2dmResExceedThresHold(263),tpDlmResExceedThresHold(264),tpSlmResOverLoad(265),tp1dmResOverLoad(266),tp2dmResOverLoad(267),tpDlmResOverLoad(268),tpoamCcResOverLoad(269),apsResOverLoad(270)." REVISION "201408061639Z" -- Augu 06, 2014 at 16:39GMT DESCRIPTION " modified for hwFwdProcFailForLCSOperationId,hwFwdLicenseName,hwFwdProcFailForLCS,hwFwdProcFailForLCSResume to keep same with code." REVISION "201407311922Z" -- July 31, 2014 at 19:22GMT DESCRIPTION " add some reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : pwHqosOverLoad(260)." REVISION "201407281947Z" -- July 28, 2014 at 19:47GMT DESCRIPTION " add some reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : chipinUserQueue(257) chipouUserQueue(258)." REVISION "201407281655Z" -- July 28, 2014 at 16:55GMT DESCRIPTION " add some reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : l2mcastResExceedThresHold(200),fibResExceedThresHold(201),arpResExceedThresHold(202),l3vpnResExceedThresHold(203),greResExceedThresHold(204),mplsResExceedThresHold(205),ldrResExceedThresHold(206),teResExceedThresHold(207),mplsvllResExceedThresHold(208),vllResExceedThresHold(209),vplsResExceedThresHold(210),hqosResExceedThresHold(211),.etc." REVISION "201407261714Z" -- July 26, 2014 at 17:14GMT DESCRIPTION " add some reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : apsRes(255) oamRes(256)." REVISION "201407261538Z" -- July 26, 2014 at 15:38GMT DESCRIPTION " add some reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : flexRes(177) mainsubifRes(178) dcnRes(179) statRes(180) eoamRes(181) qinqRes(189) l2TrafLmtStat(199)." REVISION "201407211554Z" -- July 21, 2014 at 15:54GMT DESCRIPTION " modified for hwFwdProcFailForLCSOperationId,hwFwdLicenseName,hwFwdProcFailForLCS,hwFwdProcFailForLCSResume to keep same with code." REVISION "201407162135Z" -- July 16, 2014 at 21:35GMT DESCRIPTION " add some reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : cpcarQueue(254)." REVISION "201407151935Z" -- July 15, 2014 at 19:35GMT DESCRIPTION " add some reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : popgoRe(253)." REVISION "201407110829Z" -- July 11, 2014 at 08:29GMT DESCRIPTION " add some reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : dp(241) inGQSshaper(242) outGQSshaper(243) inVI(244) outVI(245) inVISshaper(246) outVISshaper(247) inVITemp(248) outVITemp(249) cqWred(250) incqServiceTemp(251) outcqServiceTemp(252)." REVISION "201407081729Z" -- July 8, 2014 at 17:29GMT DESCRIPTION " add some reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : hqosdp(238) hqosgqshaper(239) hqosvi(240) hqosvishaper(241) hqosvitemplate(242)." REVISION "201406090844Z" -- June 9, 2014 at 08:44GMT DESCRIPTION " add some reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : l2TrafLmt(167) vlan(184) bridgeDomain(185) evcRes(190)." REVISION "201406051459Z" -- June 5, 2014 at 14:59GMT DESCRIPTION " add some reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : l2vpn(183)." REVISION "201405301450Z" -- May 30, 2014 at 14:50GMT DESCRIPTION " add some reasonid for hwFwdResLackReasonId : y1564Res(182),vrrpRes(186),twampRes(187),bfdRes(188), ipfpmRes(196), rfc2544Res(197)." REVISION "201405211000Z" -- May 21, 2014 at 10:00GMT DESCRIPTION "hwFwdEntryConflict,hwFwdEntryConflictResume,fwdFibCheck(175)." REVISION "201403081600Z" -- March 08, 2014 at 16:00GMT DESCRIPTION "Add hwFwdProcFailForLCSOperationId,hwFwdProcFailForLCS,hwFwdProcFailForLCSResume." REVISION "201403051526Z" -- March 05, 2014 at 15:26 GMT DESCRIPTION "Add hwBoardIPv6ACLResLack 22." REVISION "201401231657Z" -- Jan 23, 2014 at 16:57 GMT DESCRIPTION " add reasonid fwdInAc(168) fwdOutAc(169) fwdLem(170) fwdL2Entry(171) fwdMcMacfibv4(172) fwdSnoop(173) fwdArp(174) " REVISION "201401211140Z" -- Jan 21, 2014 at 11:40 GMT DESCRIPTION " modified hwBoardResWarningThresholdExceed,hwBoardResWarningThresholdExceedResume." REVISION "201401142146Z" -- Jan 14, 2014 at 21:46 GMT DESCRIPTION "Add hwBoardResThresholdExceed,hwBoardResThresholdExceedResume,hwBoardResWarningThresholdExceed,hwBoardResWarningThresholdExceedResume." REVISION "201401061952Z" -- Jan 06, 2014 at 19:52 GMT DESCRIPTION "Add QPPB alarm type." REVISION "201312121728Z" -- Sep 12, 2013 at 17:28 GMT DESCRIPTION "Add Beavior alarm type." REVISION "201311131028Z" -- Nov 13, 2013 at 10:28 GMT DESCRIPTION "Add hwFwdResLacTrap 17 " REVISION "201305141121Z" -- May 14, 2013 at 11:21 GMT DESCRIPTION "Add alarm type." REVISION "201305141121Z" -- May 14, 2013 at 11:21 GMT DESCRIPTION "Add alarm type." REVISION "201006041043Z" -- June 04, 2010 at 10:43 GMT DESCRIPTION "ver 1.0" ::= { hwDatacomm 227 } -- -- Node definitions -- -- hwFwdResTrapObject OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwFwdResTrapMIB 1 } -- hwEntPhysicalindex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index for this entry." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 1 } -- hwFwdResLackSlotStr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The information for the slot." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 2 } -- hwFwdResLackReasonId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mplsLinkOverLoad(1), fibv4NumOverLoad(2), fibv6NumOverLoad(3), arpNumOverLoad(4), ipv6NdNumOverLoad(5), statNumOverLoad(6), qosNumOverLoad(7), l2vpnLinkOverLoad(8), mcintNumOverLoad(9), bfdaclNumOverLoad(10), mcfibv4NumOverLoad(11), mcfibv6NumOverLoad(12), fwdToken(13), fvrfIndex(14), ndIndex(15), tunnelIndex(16), bfdIndex(17), vplsLearnId(18), vsiIndex(19), nsIndex(20), ringIndex(21), mcRepSerNumOverload(22), mcOutIfNumOverload(23), mcTmgidOverLoad(24), mcMlidOverLoad(25), trillNhpIndex(26), hostTablePrefixTable(27), routingTablePrefixTable(28), ecmpNextHopTable(29), layer3InterfaceTable(30), nextHopTable(31), tunnelDecapsulationTable(32), qvctNumOverload(33), bfdGlobalIndex(34), ipv4FullRull(35), ipv4MaskRull(36), ipv6FullRull(37), ipv6MaskRull(38), dpiRull(39), comRull(40), tcpFlagRull(41), ccSendNum(42), ccRecvNum(43), y1731SlmNum(44), y17311dmNum(45), y17312dmNum(46), ipv6RoutingTablePrefixTable(47), mcv4StatId(48), mcv6StatId(49), nhpNum(50), nscvmNum(51), y1731dlmNum(52), bgpExtNum(53), bgp6ExtNum(54), linkEncap(55), tunnelEncap(56), largeExactlyMatchTable(57), logicalInterface(58), macMulticastIndex(59), virtualPort(60), aclEntry(61), aclGroup(62), meter(63), counter(64), aclEntryOutbound(65), aclGroupOutbound(66), meterOutbound(67), counterOutbound(68), multicastIndex(69), ipfpmAclResOverLoad(70), dhcpsnpBindTableResOverLoad(71), l3aclFailed(72), fibArpFwdModeNumOverLoad(73), l2mcindex(74), ipmcindex(75), arpNumLack(76), ipv6NdNumLack(77), statNumLack(78), qosNumLack(79), l2vpnLinkLack(80), mcintNumLack(81), bfdaclNumLack(82), mcfibv4NumLack(83), mcfibv6NumLack(84), nhpNumLack(85), nscvmNumLack(86), mplsLinkLack(87), fibv4NumLack(88), fibv6NumLack(89), bgpExtNumLack(90), bgp6ExtNumLack(91), l2UserEntryOverload(92), fwdGlobal1Token(93), fwdBoardToken(94), fwdGlobal2Token(95), fwdGlobal3Token(96), fwdGlobal4Token(97), fwdGlobal1ThresHoldToken(98), fwdBoardThresHoldToken(99), fwdGlobal2ThresHoldToken(100), fwdGlobal3ThresHoldToken(101), fwdGlobal4ThresHoldToken(102), atIndex(103), flexQvctNum(104), inFlowWred(105), outFlowWred(106), inFlowMapping(107), outFlowMapping(108), inFlowQueueWfq(109), outFlowQueueWfq(110), inFlowQueueCbs(111), outFlowQueueCbs(112), inFlowQueuePbs(113), outFlowQueuePbs(114), inUserQueue(115), outUserQueue(116), inUserQueueTemp(117), outUserQueueTemp(118), inServiceTemp(119), outServiceTemp(120), inGQ(121), outGQ(122), inGQTemp(123), outGQTemp(124), inIfCar(125), outIfCar(126), inCarRemark(127), outCarRemark(128), gid(129), inAclCar(130), outAclCar(131), aclRe(132), aclNhp(133), inIPv4Acl(134), inIPv6Acl(135), outIPv4Acl(136), outIPv6Acl(137), inQppbCar(138), outQppbCar(139), inMirror(140), outMirror(141), inMirrorCapture(142), outMirrorCapture(143), inSuppressCar(144), outSuppressCar(145), inMirrorCar(146), outMirrorCar(147), aclNst(148), inProfSuppCar(149), outProfSuppCar(150), inProfSuppCarStat(151), outProfSuppCarStat(152), inProfSingleCar(153), outProfSingleCar(154), inProfSingleCarStat(155), outProfSingleCarStat(156), inAclStat(157), outAclStat(158), aclCarStat(159), inIfCarStat(160), outIfCarStat(161), inL2Acl(162), outL2Acl(163), l2TrafLmt(167), inBehaviorSuppCar(191), outBehaviorSuppCar(192), qppbAcl(193), qppbGid(194) , fwdInAc(168), fwdOutAc(169), fwdLem(170), fwdL2Entry(171), fwdMcMacfibv4(172), fwdSnoop(173), fwdArp(174), fwdFibCheck(175), flexRes(177), mainsubifRes(178), dcnRes(179), statRes(180), eoamRes(181), y1564Res(182), l2vpn(183), vlan(184), bridgeDomain(185), vrrpRes(186), twampRes(187), bfdRes(188), qinqRes(189), evcRes(190), tunnelDecapsulationRes(195), ipfpmRes(196), rfc2544Res(197), dynLoadbNhpRes(198), l2TrafLmtStat(199), trunkDynAdjRes(176), l2mcastResExceedThresHold(200), fibResExceedThresHold(201), arpResExceedThresHold(202), l3vpnResExceedThresHold(203), greResExceedThresHold(204), mplsResExceedThresHold(205), ldrResExceedThresHold(206), teResExceedThresHold(207), mplsvllResExceedThresHold(208), vllResExceedThresHold(209), vplsResExceedThresHold(210), hqosResExceedThresHold(211), aclResExceedThresHold(212), carResExceedThresHold(213), diffservResExceedThresHold(214), statResExceedThresHold(215), resmResExceedThresHold(216), fesdrveResExceedThresHold(217), atmResExceedThresHold(218), cesResExceedThresHold(219), mlpppResExceedThresHold(220), devmResExceedThresHold(221), oamResExceedThresHold(222), oam1agResExceedThresHold(223), y1731ResExceedThresHold(224), oam3ahResExceedThresHold(225), nqaResExceedThresHold(226), rfc2544ResExceedThresHold(227), sdResExceedThresHold(228), tpoamResExceedThresHold(229), tpapsResExceedThresHold(230), ipfpmResExceedThresHold(231), ethtestResExceedThresHold(232), bfdResExceedThresHold(233), oammaxResExceedThresHold(234), imsResExceedThresHold(235), tcamResExceedThresHold(236), dcnResExceedThresHold(237), defendResExceedThresHold(238), l3mcastResExceedThresHold(239), dhcpsnpResExceedThresHold(240), dp(241), inGQSshaper(242), outGQSshaper(243), inVI(244), outVI(245), inVISshaper(246), outVISshaper(247), inVITemp(248), outVITemp(249), cqWred(250), incqServiceTemp(251), outcqServiceTemp(252), popgoRe(253), cpcarQueue(254), apsRes(255), oamRes(256), chipinUserQueue(257), chipouUserQueue(258), pwHqosOverLoad(260), tpSlmResExceedThresHold(261), tp1dmResExceedThresHold(262), tp2dmResExceedThresHold(263), tpDlmResExceedThresHold(264), tpSlmResOverLoad(265), tp1dmResOverLoad(266), tp2dmResOverLoad(267), tpDlmResOverLoad(268), tpoamCcResOverLoad(269), apsResOverLoad(270), inTmSqResExceed90ThresHold(271), outTmSqResExceed90ThresHold(272), inSlotSqResExceed90ThresHold(273), outSlotSqResExceed90ThresHold(274), protectgroupResOverLoad(275), forwardvpnResOverLoad(276), vlanxlateResOverLoad(277), egressvlanxlateResOverLoad(278), semResOverLoad(279), ipsecAclResOverLoad(280), erpsResExceed90ThresHold(285), multioutlifResExceed90ThresHold(295), vplsResExceed90ThresHold(300), evpnResExceed90ThresHold(301), l2tpv3ResExceed90ThresHold(302), multicastGroupExceed95ThresHold(303), l2MfibNumExceed95ThresHold(304), inIFCarExceedThresHold(305), outIFCarExceedThresHold(306), gidExceedThresHold(307), inRuleStatExceedThresHold(308), outRuleStatExceedThresHold(309), bhvInCarExceedThresHold(310), bhvOutCarExceedThresHold(311), inIPV4TCAMExceedThresHold(312), outIPV4TCAMExceedThresHold(313), inIPV6TCAMExceedThresHold(314), outIPV6TCAMExceedThresHold(315), vplsResOverLoad(316), evpnResOverLoad(317), fibv4NumExceedThresHold(318), fibv6NumExceedThresHold(319), ipv6NdExceedThresHold(320), mcfibv4NumExceedThresHold(321), mcfibv6NumExceedThresHold(322), remoteIntfRes(323), pbbBmacRes(324), ipv4GreDecapsulationRes(325), ipv6GreDecapsulationRes(326), trillMcOutIfNumOverload(327), pbbResExceed90ThresHold(328), pbbResOverLoad(329), sourceVpTable(330), mplsEntryTable(331), mplsVcAndSwapLabelTable(332), ipTunnelMplsTable(333), inIPV4UCLTCAMExceedThresHold(334), outIPV4UCLTCAMExceedThresHold(335), inIPV6UCLTCAMExceedThresHold(336), outIPV6UCLTCAMExceedThresHold(337), inIPV4UCLTCAMNumOverload(338), outIPV4UCLTCAMNumOverload(339), inIPV6UCLTCAMNumOverload(340), outIPV6UCLTCAMNumOverload(341), boardAclTCAMNumExhaust(342), inGqResExceed90ThresHold(343), outGqResExceed90ThresHold(344), mplsSRTELabelStackResLack(345), mplsSRTELabelStackResExceedThresHold(346), mplsLdpStatResExceedThresHold(347), nhpExceedThresHold(348), nhpNumOverload(349), nstExceedThresHold(350), nstNumOverload(351), mlidExceedThresHold(352), l2ptResExceed90ThresHold(354), l2ptResOverLoad(355), pool1FlowMapping(356), pool0FlowQueueWfq(357), pool1FlowQueueWfq(358), pool0FlowQueueCbs(359), pool1FlowQueueCbs(360), pool0FlowQueuePbs(361), pool1FlowQueuePbs(362), pool0UserQueue(363), pool1UserQueue(364), pool0UserQueueTemp(365), pool1UserQueueTemp(366), pool0ServiceTemp(367), pool1ServiceTemp(368), pool0GQ(369), pool1GQ(370), pool0GQTemp(371), pool1GQTemp(372), chippool0UserQueue(373), chippool1UserQueue(374), pool0TmSqResExceed90ThresHold(375), pool1TmSqResExceed90ThresHold(376), pool0SlotSqResExceed90ThresHold(377), pool1SlotSqResExceed90ThresHold(378), pool0SlotGqResExceed90ThresHold(379), pool1SlotGqResExceed90ThresHold(380), spuExtNHPExhaust(381), spuExtNHPExhaustResume(382), pool0FlowWred(383), pool1FlowWred(384), pool0FlowMapping(385), mlidExceed75ThresHold(386), bwLargeBufferExhausted(387), userDefinedFLowAclExceed90ThresHold(388), dynamicLinkProtectionAclExceed90ThresHold(389), pwSourceTunnelCheckResOverLoad(390), glemNumExceedThresHold(391), localLinkEncapExceedThresHold(392), bgpFlowspecReResExceedThresHold(393), bgpFlowspecReResExceed90ThresHold(394), vxlanResExceed90ThresHold(395), vxlanResOverLoad(396), ethTestResOverLoad(397), trunkTableResExceedSlotThresHold(398), ipv4VXLANDecapsulationRes(399), cirUserQueue(402), eirUserQueue(403), shapingFlowqueue (404), shareShapingFlowqueue (405), mcmofrrResourceNumOverLoad (406), mcmofrrResourceExceedThresHold (407), tunnelnexthop (408), ipv4VXLANVniPeerRes(410), mcMfibChipEntryHashConflict(411), vsmIPV6AclTCAMNumFull(418), vsmIPV6AclTCAMNumExhaust(419), tunnelsourceipindex(420), vllHardPipeResourceOverLoad(497), bfdGidNumOverLoad(498), vplsPwNhpResourceOverload(499), e2e1588Res(500), pwifResExceed90ThresHold(501), insegVrfOverLoad(502), dynldbalStatOverLoad(503), communityeOverLoad(504), ipv4TunnelIndexOverLoad(505), smaAsIndexOverLoad(506), smaFibv6OverLoad(507), pwifResOverLoad(548), overlayNhpResOverLoad(549), vplspwHqosOverLoad(550), l2ptCarResExceed90ThresHold(551), l2ptCarResOverLoad(552), vplsPwSuppStatOverLoad(553), vplsPwSuppStatExceed90ThresHold(554), l2tpv3TunnelResOverLoad(555), vlanEncapResOverload(556), l2tpv3TnlResOverLoad(565), outVIResExceed90ThresHold(569), ipv6LongerMaskResOverLoad(570), atmIpoaArpResOverLoad(571), apsOutMirrorResOverLoad(572), lsMacResOverLoad(573), lsEgrL3IntResOverLoad(574), lsStationTcamResOverLoad(575), lsL2UserEntryResOverLoad(576), macAccountingResOverLoad(577), vfiTable(578), ecmpreswarning(579), nhpreswarning(580), ipv4O6TnlDecapTblResOverLoad(608), ipv4O6TnlIpv6AddrTblResOverLoad(609) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To describe the type of fowarding engine resource." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 3 } -- hwFwdResThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold for trap." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 4 } -- hwL3FailedService OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..128)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Layer 3 services failed to be delivered because of insufficient ACL resource." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 5 } -- hwCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..256)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Command failed to execute." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 6 } -- hwViewName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..256)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The specific view of the command." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 7 } -- hwReasonDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..256)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The specific description for failed reason." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 8 } -- hwFwdResLackVrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current vrid." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 9 } -- hwFwdProcFailForLCSOperationId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { l3vpnFibDownloadFailed(1) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To describe which operation is failed by reason of the license is not authorized." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 10 } -- hwFwdLicenseName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To describe the license name." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 11 } -- hwFwdResTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwFwdResEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides the information of forward flow Table." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 12 } -- hwFwdResEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwFwdResEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Provides the information of a license forward flow entry." INDEX { hwFwdResDevName } ::= { hwFwdResTable 1 } HwFwdResEntry::= SEQUENCE { hwFwdResDevName OCTET STRING, hwFwdResLimit Unsigned32, hwFwdResCurThroughput Counter64 } -- hwFwdResDevName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The information for the dev name." ::= { hwFwdResEntry 1 } -- hwFwdResLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bandwidth configured for the license." ::= { hwFwdResEntry 2 } -- hwFwdResCurThroughput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current average system throughput." ::= { hwFwdResEntry 3 } -- hwFpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index for Fp." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 13 } -- hwFpResourceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { label(1), iid(2), unknown(100) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To describe the type of Fp resource. Options: 1.label(1) -Indicates that the resource is label. 2.iid(2) -Indicates that the resource iid. 3.unknown(100) -Indicates that the resource type is unknown." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 14 } -- hwFpResourceCurrentCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the number of current FP resources." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 15 } -- hwFpResourceTotalCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the total number of FP resources." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 16 } -- hwFpResourceThresholdUpperLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the upper threshold for the number of FP resources." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 17 } -- hwFpResourceThresholdLowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the lower threshold for the number of FP resources." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 18 } -- hwVpFeatureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the feature." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 19 } -- hwServiceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { vsi(1), arp(2), vrrp(3), multicast(4) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type for this service." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 20 } -- hwServiceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index for this service." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 21 } -- hwServiceIndex2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The second index for this service." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 22 } -- hwServiceIndex3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The third index for this service." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 23 } -- hwServiceIndex4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The fourth index for this service." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 24 } -- hwNoSuppVxlanFragVni OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VXLAN Vni." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 25 } -- hwNoSuppVxlanFragSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VXLAN source ip." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 26 } -- hwNoSuppVxlanFragPeerIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VXLAN peer ip." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 27 } -- hwFwdResLackIPStr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ip address." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 28 } -- hwFwdResLackVrfId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VRF ID." ::= { hwFwdResTrapObject 29 } -- hwFwdResTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwFwdResTrapMIB 2 } -- hwFwdResLacTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwFwdResTraps 1 } -- hwWholeFwdResLack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEntPhysicalindex, entPhysicalName, hwFwdResLackReasonId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm is generated when the system's forwarding engine resources are insufficient." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 1 } -- hwWholeFwdResLackResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEntPhysicalindex, entPhysicalName, hwFwdResLackReasonId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm is generated when the system's forwarding engine resources are no longer insufficient." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 2 } -- hwBoardFwdResLack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEntPhysicalindex, entPhysicalName, hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdResLackReasonId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm is generated when a board's forwarding engine resources are insufficient." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 3 } -- hwBoardFwdResLackResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEntPhysicalindex, entPhysicalName, hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdResLackReasonId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm is generated when a board's forwarding engine resources are no longer insufficient." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 4 } -- hwBoardL3FwdResLack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResThreshold, hwEntPhysicalindex, entPhysicalName, hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdResLackReasonId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The L3 forwarding engine resources were overloaded." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 5 } -- hwBoardL3FwdResLackResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResThreshold, hwEntPhysicalindex, entPhysicalName, hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdResLackReasonId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The L3 forwarding engine resources were resumed." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 6 } -- hwBoardL3ACLResLack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwL3FailedService, hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdResLackReasonId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ACL failed to be delivered." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 7 } -- hwBoardL2mcResLack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResThreshold, hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdResLackReasonId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The l2mc index resources were overloaded." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 8 } -- hwBoardL2mcResLackResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResThreshold, hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdResLackReasonId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The l2mc index resources were resumed." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 9 } -- hwBoardIpmcResLack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResThreshold, hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdResLackReasonId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ipmc index resources were overloaded." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 10 } -- hwBoardIpmcResLackResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResThreshold, hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdResLackReasonId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ipmc index resources were resumed." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 11 } -- hwBoardServiceFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwCommand, hwViewName, hwFwdResLackReasonId, hwReasonDescription, hwFwdResLackSlotStr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service failed because resources were overloaded." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 12 } -- hwWholeFwdResThresholdExceed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEntPhysicalindex, entPhysicalName, hwFwdResLackReasonId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Too many services are configured, and the upper limit of the system's forwarding resources is reached." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 13 } -- hwWholeFwdResThresholdExceedResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEntPhysicalindex, entPhysicalName, hwFwdResLackReasonId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies an FP resource type. 1: Label resources (1) 2. IID resources (2) 3. Resources of an unknown type (100)." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 14 } -- hwBoardFwdResThresholdExceed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEntPhysicalindex, entPhysicalName, hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdResLackReasonId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the number of current FP resources." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 15 } -- hwBoardFwdResThresholdExceedResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEntPhysicalindex, entPhysicalName, hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdResLackReasonId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the total number of FP resources." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 16 } -- hwBoardMplsPhpNonsupport NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResLackSlotStr} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One or more boards do not support MPLS PHP." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 17 } -- hwBoardResThresholdExceed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdResThreshold, hwFwdResLackReasonId , hwReasonDescription} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of forwarding resources reaches the alarm threshold." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 18 } -- hwBoardResThresholdExceedResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResLackSlotStr,hwFwdResThreshold, hwFwdResLackReasonId , hwReasonDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of forwarding engine resources is less than the threshold." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 19 } -- hwBoardResWarningThresholdExceed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResLackSlotStr,hwFwdResThreshold, hwFwdResLackReasonId , hwReasonDescription} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of board forwarding engine resources reaches the threshold." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 20} -- hwBoardResWarningThresholdExceedResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResLackSlotStr,hwFwdResThreshold, hwFwdResLackReasonId , hwReasonDescription} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of board forwarding engine resources is less than the threshold." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 21 } -- hwBoardIPv6ACLResLack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwViewName,hwFwdResLackSlotStr} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service failed because of insufficient resources." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 22 } -- hwBoardMplsPhpResLack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {hwFwdResLackSlotStr} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PHP labels added failed because of insufficient resource." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 23 } -- hwFwdProcFailForLCSTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwFwdResTraps 2 } -- hwFwdProcFailForLCS NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdLicenseName, hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdProcFailForLCSOperationId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operation is failed by reason of the license is not authorized." ::= { hwFwdProcFailForLCSTrap 1 } -- hwFwdProcFailForLCSResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdLicenseName, hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdProcFailForLCSOperationId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The license is authorized." ::= { hwFwdProcFailForLCSTrap 2 } -- hwFwdEntryConflictTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwFwdResTraps 3 } -- hwFwdEntryConflict NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdResLackReasonId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Table check failed." ::= { hwFwdEntryConflictTrap 1 } -- hwFwdEntryConflictResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdResLackReasonId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table check failure was removed." ::= { hwFwdEntryConflictTrap 2 } -- hwFwdEntryInconsistent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwServiceType, hwServiceIndex, hwServiceIndex2, hwServiceIndex3, hwServiceIndex4, hwReasonDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Service table check inconsistent." ::= { hwFwdEntryConflictTrap 3 } -- hwFwdEntryInconsistentResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwServiceType, hwServiceIndex, hwServiceIndex2, hwServiceIndex3, hwServiceIndex4, hwReasonDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The service table check inconsistent was removed." ::= { hwFwdEntryConflictTrap 4 } -- hwFwdResTrapConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwFwdResTrapMIB 3 } -- hwFwdResTrapCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwFwdResTrapConformance 1 } -- hwFwdResTrapCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compliance statement for agents that provide full support for hwBaseTrapMIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { hwFwdResObjectGroup } ::= { hwFwdResTrapCompliances 1 } -- hwFwdResTrapGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwFwdResTrapConformance 2 } -- hwFwdResObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwEntPhysicalindex, hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdResLackReasonId, hwFwdResThreshold, hwL3FailedService, hwCommand, hwViewName, hwReasonDescription,hwFwdResLackVrId, hwFwdProcFailForLCSOperationId,hwFwdLicenseName, hwFwdResDevName, hwFwdResLimit, hwFwdResCurThroughput,hwFpId,hwFpResourceType,hwFpResourceCurrentCount,hwFpResourceTotalCount, hwFpResourceThresholdUpperLimit,hwFpResourceThresholdLowerLimit,hwVpFeatureName,hwNoSuppVxlanFragVni,hwNoSuppVxlanFragSourceIp,hwNoSuppVxlanFragPeerIp,hwFwdResLackIPStr,hwFwdResLackVrfId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group for base trap objects." ::= { hwFwdResTrapGroups 1 } -- hwFwdResTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hwWholeFwdResLack, hwWholeFwdResLackResume, hwBoardFwdResLack, hwBoardFwdResLackResume, hwBoardL3FwdResLack, hwBoardL3FwdResLackResume, hwBoardL3ACLResLack, hwBoardL2mcResLack, hwBoardL2mcResLackResume, hwBoardIpmcResLack, hwBoardIpmcResLackResume, hwBoardServiceFailed, hwWholeFwdResThresholdExceed, hwWholeFwdResThresholdExceedResume, hwBoardFwdResThresholdExceed, hwBoardFwdResThresholdExceedResume,hwBoardMplsPhpNonsupport, hwBoardResThresholdExceed,hwBoardResThresholdExceedResume,hwBoardResWarningThresholdExceed,hwBoardResWarningThresholdExceedResume,hwBoardIPv6ACLResLack, hwFwdProcFailForLCS, hwFwdProcFailForLCSResume,hwFwdEntryConflict,hwFwdEntryConflictResume, hwFwdResOverLimit, hwFwdResOverLimitResume, hwFwdResOverThresh, hwFwdResOverThreshResume, hwFpResourceThresholdExceed,hwFpResourceThresholdExceedClear,hwFpResourceTotalCountExceed,hwFpResourceTotalCountExceedClear, hwVpresExceed, hwBoardMplsNonSupport, hwBoardMplsFwdResLack, hwBoardMplsFwdResLackResume, hwFwdSessionResLack, hwFwdSessionResLackResume,hwFwdFastTableResLack, hwFwdFastTableResLackResume,hwNotsuppDecapVxlanFragPackets,hwBoardVbdifResLack,hwVxlanTnlCfgFailed,hwNotsuppDecapVxlanPackets,hwBoardL3NDResLack,hwBoardL3FIBResLack } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group for all base traps." ::= { hwFwdResTrapGroups 2 } -- hwBoardMplsNonSupport NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResLackSlotStr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The board does not support the MPLS function due to hardware limit, it will be reset." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 24 } -- hwBoardMplsFwdResLack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEntPhysicalindex, hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdResLackReasonId, hwFwdResThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MPLS forwarding engine resources were overloaded." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 25 } -- hwBoardMplsFwdResLackResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEntPhysicalindex, hwFwdResLackSlotStr, hwFwdResLackReasonId, hwFwdResThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MPLS forwarding engine resources were resumed." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 26 } -- hwFwdResOverLimit NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResLimit, hwFwdResCurThroughput} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current average system throughput exceeded the bandwidth configured for the license." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 27 } -- hwFwdResOverLimitResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResLimit, hwFwdResCurThroughput} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current average system throughput decreased below the bandwidth configured for the license." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 28 } -- hwFwdResOverThresh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResLimit, hwFwdResCurThroughput} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current average system throughput exceeded 95% of the bandwidth configured for the license." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 29 } -- hwFwdResOverThreshResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResLimit, hwFwdResCurThroughput} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current average system throughput decreased below 95% of the bandwidth configured for the license" ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 30 } -- hwFpResourceThresholdExceed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {hwFpId, hwFpResourceType, hwFpResourceCurrentCount, hwFpResourceTotalCount,hwFpResourceThresholdUpperLimit,hwFpResourceThresholdLowerLimit} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the number of FP resources has exceeded the upper threshold." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 31 } -- hwFpResourceThresholdExceedClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {hwFpId, hwFpResourceType, hwFpResourceCurrentCount, hwFpResourceTotalCount,hwFpResourceThresholdUpperLimit,hwFpResourceThresholdLowerLimit} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the number of FP resources has fallen below the lower threshold." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 32 } -- hwFpResourceTotalCountExceed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {hwFpId, hwFpResourceType, hwFpResourceCurrentCount, hwFpResourceTotalCount} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the number of FP resources has reached the maximum number." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 33 } -- hwFpResourceTotalCountExceedClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {hwFpId, hwFpResourceType, hwFpResourceCurrentCount, hwFpResourceTotalCount} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the number of FP resources fallen below the clear alarm threshold." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 34 } -- hwVpresExceed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {hwVpFeatureName, hwFwdResLackSlotStr} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Virtual Ports exceeded the specification of the forwarding engine resources." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 35 } -- hwFwdSessionResLack NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device session resources were overloadeds." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 36 } -- hwFwdSessionResLackResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device session resources were resumed." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 37 } -- hwFwdFastTableResLack NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device fastforwarding table resources were overloadeds." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 38 } -- hwFwdFastTableResLackResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device fastforwarding table resources were resumed." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 39 } -- hwNotsuppDecapVxlanFragPackets NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The slot does not support decapsulate VXLAN fragments." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 40 } -- hwBoardVbdifResLack NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current configuration of the number of VBDIF has exceeded the maximum number of this slot can support, which may cause traffic forwarding anomalies." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 41 } -- hwVxlanTnlCfgFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to add VXLAN tunnel table due to hash conflict." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 42 } -- hwNotsuppDecapVxlanPackets NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The slot does not support to decapsulate VXLAN packets." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 43 } -- hwBoardL3NDResLack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResLackIPStr, hwFwdResLackVrfId, hwFwdResLackSlotStr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that fail to download ND entry because of Hash Collision." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 44 } -- hwBoardL3FIBResLack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFwdResLackIPStr, hwFwdResLackVrfId, hwFwdResLackSlotStr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that fail to download FIB entry because of LPM failure." ::= { hwFwdResLacTrap 45 } END -- -- HUAWEI-FWD-RES-TRAP-MIB.mib --