-- ================================================================== -- Copyright (C) 2020 by HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES. All rights reserved. -- -- Description: HUAWEI GTL MIB -- Reference: -- Version: V2.28 -- History: -- , , -- WangHaiwei 2007-1-16 -- ================================================================== -- ================================================================== -- -- Variables and types are imported -- -- ================================================================== HUAWEI-GTL-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS hwDatacomm FROM HUAWEI-MIB DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF Unsigned32, Integer32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI; hwGtl MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202007171441Z" -- July 17, 2020 at 14:41 GMT ORGANIZATION "Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: support@huawei.com " DESCRIPTION "The private mib file includes the general extent information of the device.hwDatacomm(25).htGtl(142)" REVISION "202007171441Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.28, Add the hwGtlCloudNearDeadline" REVISION "202007031441Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.27, Add the hwGtlItemExpire,hwGtlItemNearExpire" REVISION "201907221000Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.26, Modify the description of hwGtlItemTable" REVISION "201907171700Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.25, Add the hwGtlSnsExpire,hwGtlSnsNearExpire,hwGtlSnsEndDate" REVISION "201810081700Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.24, Add vb for hwGtlFeatureFunInactive,hwGtlFeatureFunInactiveCleared" REVISION "201809151800Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.23, Add the hwGtlLicenseStateChange,hwGtlLicensePreviousState,hwGtlLicenseState" REVISION "201805231136Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.22, Add the hwGtlFeatureFunInactive,hwGtlFeatureFunInactiveCleared" REVISION "201803241606Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.21, Add the hwGtlStackItemEntry" REVISION "201801311626Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.20, Add the hwGtlTrialResFeatureEnable,hwGtlTrialResFeatureDisable" REVISION "201801081643Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.19,Restore deleted hwGtlItemIndex." REVISION "201712191643Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.18,Add hwGtlItemTrialRemainTime, hwGtlTrialFeatureNearExpire, hwGtlTrialFeatureNearExpireCleared, hwGtlTrialFeatureExpire, and hwGtlTrialFeatureExpireCleared." REVISION "201711271643Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.17, Modify para of alarm hwGtlResourceUsedUp, hwGtlResourceLack" REVISION "201710111643Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.16, Modify description of hwGtlItemTable " REVISION "201708171643Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.15, Modify description of hwGtlChassisID " REVISION "201708141700Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.14, Modify INDEX of hwGtlItemEntry, Delete hwGtlItemIndex, Add hwGtlItemState, hwGtlItemExpireDay " REVISION "201607271037Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.13, Modify description of hwGtlFunctionInactive, hwGtlFunctionInactiveCleared, hwGtlResourceLack, hwGtlResourceLackCleared " REVISION "201606282020Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.12, Add hwGtlAbnormal, hwGtlAbnormalCleared, hwGtlAbnormalReason " REVISION "201605191118Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.11, Add hwGtlFunctionInactive, hwGtlFunctionInactiveCleared, hwGtlResourceLack, hwGtlResourceLackCleared " REVISION "201512311501Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.10, Add hwGtlInitial, hwGtlInitialCleared, hwGtlBoardID " REVISION "201508101714Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.09, Add hwGtlItemInactive, hwGtlItemInactiveCleared " REVISION "201507201148Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.08, Add hwGtlEsnMismatchCleared" REVISION "201507141538Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.07, Add hwGtlEsnMismatch" REVISION "201506041538Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.06, Add hwGtlResourceOverload, hwGtlResourceOverloadCleared" REVISION "201412041538Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.05, Add the hwGtlTrialFeatureNearDeadline, hwGtlTrialFeatureNearDeadlineCleared" REVISION "201403051428Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.04, Add the hwGtlTrialFeatureEnable,hwGtlTrialFeatureDisable" REVISION "201308191042Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.03, Add the hwGtlEmergencyStart,hwGtlEmergencyStop" REVISION "201308061134Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.02, Add the hwGtlLicenseNotCommeral" REVISION "201307171614Z" DESCRIPTION "V2.01, Add the hwGtlResourceUsedUpCleared " ::= { hwDatacomm 142 } -- -- Node definitions -- -- ================================================================== -- -- ======================= definition begin ========================= -- -- ================================================================== hwGtlMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwGtl 1 } hwGtlDefaultValueReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object specifies the reason why the system uses the default value." ::= { hwGtlMibObjects 1 } hwGtlResourceItem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object specifies the resource item which is nearly exhausted." ::= { hwGtlMibObjects 2 } hwGtlFeatureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object specifies the feature name which is near deadline." ::= { hwGtlMibObjects 3 } hwGtlRemainTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remain time of the feature which is near deadline.The unit is day." ::= { hwGtlMibObjects 4 } hwGtlVerifyCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The verify code returned when verify license file failed." ::= { hwGtlMibObjects 5 } hwGtlActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (5..127)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active GTL license" ::= { hwGtlMibObjects 6 } hwGtlShowActLCSName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (5..127)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Show active GTL license file name" ::= { hwGtlMibObjects 7 } hwGtlItemTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwGtlItemEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes license control item information, helping you query the name, activation value, use value, description, activation status, and expiration date information about license control items. In a multi-chassis or stack system, performing the SNMP walk operation on the table obtains information about the license control items on the first board. This board may not be the master main control board." ::= { hwGtlMibObjects 8 } hwGtlItemEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwGtlItemEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A GTL license item information entry. Each entry consists of information of a item." INDEX { hwGtlItemIndex} ::= { hwGtlItemTable 1 } HwGtlItemEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwGtlItemIndex Unsigned32, hwGtlItemName DisplayString, hwGtlItemControlValue Unsigned32, hwGtlItemUsedValue Unsigned32, hwGtlItemDescription DisplayString, hwGtlItemState DisplayString, hwGtlItemExpireDay DisplayString, hwGtlItemTrialRemainTime Unsigned32, hwGtlItemTrialResRemainTime Unsigned32 } hwGtlItemIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the GTL license item." ::= { hwGtlItemEntry 1 } hwGtlItemName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the name of a license control item." ::= { hwGtlItemEntry 2 } hwGtlItemControlValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the activation value of a license control item." ::= { hwGtlItemEntry 3 } hwGtlItemUsedValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the use value of a license control item." ::= { hwGtlItemEntry 4 } hwGtlItemDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the description of a license control item." ::= { hwGtlItemEntry 5 } hwGtlItemState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the activation status of a license control item." ::= { hwGtlItemEntry 6 } hwGtlItemExpireDay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the expiration date of a license control item." ::= { hwGtlItemEntry 7 } hwGtlItemTrialRemainTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the remaining trial days of a license control item." ::= { hwGtlItemEntry 8 } hwGtlItemTrialResRemainTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the remaining trial days of resource license control item." ::= { hwGtlItemEntry 9 } hwGtlChassisID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the alarm chassis whose license control items are inconsistent with those of the main chassis." ::= { hwGtlMibObjects 9 } hwGtlBoardID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Show board description." ::= { hwGtlMibObjects 10 } hwGtlAbnormalReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { startLibrary(10), requestRespond(11), processMessage(12), sendRequest(13), processRequest(14), licenseAbnormal(15) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Show abnormal reason of license: startLibrary(10): Failed to start the license library requestRespond(11): The backup request was not responded processMessage(12): Failed to process the backup message sendRequest(13): Failed to send a backup request processRequest(14): Failed to process the backup request licenseAbnormal(15): The license may be abnormal " ::= { hwGtlMibObjects 11 } hwGtlStackItemTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwGtlStackItemEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes license control item information only under stack or cluster device, helping you query the name, activation value, use value, description, activation status, and expiration date information about license control items." ::= { hwGtlMibObjects 12 } hwGtlStackItemEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwGtlStackItemEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A GTL license item information entry. Each entry consists of information of a item." INDEX { hwGtlStackChassisId, hwGtlStackBoardId, hwGtlStackItemIndex} ::= { hwGtlStackItemTable 1 } HwGtlStackItemEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwGtlStackChassisId Unsigned32, hwGtlStackBoardId Unsigned32, hwGtlStackItemIndex Unsigned32, hwGtlStackItemName DisplayString, hwGtlStackItemControlValue Unsigned32, hwGtlStackItemUsedValue Unsigned32, hwGtlStackItemDescription DisplayString, hwGtlStackItemState DisplayString, hwGtlStackItemExpireDay DisplayString } hwGtlStackChassisId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The chassis id of the GTL license item." ::= { hwGtlStackItemEntry 1 } hwGtlStackBoardId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The board id of the GTL license item." ::= { hwGtlStackItemEntry 2 } hwGtlStackItemIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the GTL license item." ::= { hwGtlStackItemEntry 3 } hwGtlStackItemName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the name of a license control item." ::= { hwGtlStackItemEntry 4 } hwGtlStackItemControlValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the activation value of a license control item." ::= { hwGtlStackItemEntry 5 } hwGtlStackItemUsedValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the use value of a license control item." ::= { hwGtlStackItemEntry 6 } hwGtlStackItemDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the description of a license control item." ::= { hwGtlStackItemEntry 7 } hwGtlStackItemState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the activation status of a license control item." ::= { hwGtlStackItemEntry 8 } hwGtlStackItemExpireDay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the expiration date of a license control item." ::= { hwGtlStackItemEntry 9 } hwGtlLicensePreviousState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..16)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "License previous state." ::= { hwGtlMibObjects 13 } hwGtlLicenseState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..16)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "License current state." ::= { hwGtlMibObjects 14 } hwGtlSnsEndDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..16)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "License SnS end date." ::= { hwGtlMibObjects 15 } hwGtlNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwGtl 2 } hwGtlDefaultValue NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlDefaultValueReason, hwGtlChassisID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification represents that the system will use default value if the license file fails to pass the verification." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 1 } hwGtlResourceUsedUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlResourceItem, hwGtlItemDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification represents the resource is nearly exhausted." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 2 } hwGtlNearDeadline NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlFeatureName, hwGtlRemainTime, hwGtlChassisID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification represents the feature is near deadline." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 3 } hwGtlLicenseVerifyFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlVerifyCode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification represents license verification failed. The reason why license verification failed can be: 1 represents that the ESN or version of the device and the license file mismatch. 2 represents that the license file has expired. 3 represents that the product type of the device and the license file mismatch. 4 represents that the license file is invalid." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 4 } hwGtlExpired NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification represents the license has expired." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 5 } hwGtlItemMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlChassisID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "License item mismatch with the main chassis." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 6 } hwGtlDefaultValueCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlDefaultValueReason, hwGtlChassisID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification represents that the system will use default value if the license file fails to pass the verification is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 7 } hwGtlNearDeadlineCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlFeatureName, hwGtlRemainTime, hwGtlChassisID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification represents the feature is near deadline is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 8 } hwGtlItemMismatchCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlChassisID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification represents the license item mismatch with the main chassis is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 9 } hwGtlResourceUsedUpCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlResourceItem, hwGtlItemDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification represents the resource is nearly exhausted is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 10 } hwGtlLicenseNotCommeral NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification represents the license is not commerial." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 11} hwGtlEmergencyStart NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification represents the license emergency is started." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 12 } hwGtlEmergencyStop NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification represents the license mergency is stopped after 7 days." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 13 } hwGtlTrialFeatureEnable NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlFeatureName, hwGtlRemainTime} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification represents the trial feature is enable." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 14 } hwGtlTrialFeatureDisable NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlFeatureName} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification represents the trial feature is disable ." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 15} hwGtlTrialFeatureNearDeadline NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlFeatureName, hwGtlRemainTime, hwGtlChassisID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trial feature is about to expire." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 16 } hwGtlTrialFeatureNearDeadlineCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlFeatureName, hwGtlRemainTime, hwGtlChassisID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm indicating that the trial feature is about to expire is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 17 } hwGtlResourceOverload NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlResourceItem } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification represents the resource has been used up." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 18 } hwGtlResourceOverloadCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlResourceItem } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification represents the resource has been used up is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 19 } hwGtlEsnMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlChassisID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification represents the mismatch between the device ESN and license file." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 20 } hwGtlEsnMismatchCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlChassisID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification represents the mismatch between the device ESN and license file is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 21 } hwGtlItemInactive NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlResourceItem } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification represents the item is inactive." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 22 } hwGtlItemInactiveCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlResourceItem } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification represents the item is inactive is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 23 } hwGtlInitial NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlChassisID, hwGtlBoardID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification represents current license had been initialized." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 24 } hwGtlInitialCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlChassisID, hwGtlBoardID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification represents current license had been initialized is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 25 } hwGtlFunctionInactive NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlItemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm indicates that the control item is not activated." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 26 } hwGtlFunctionInactiveCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlItemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm indicating that the control item is not activated is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 27 } hwGtlResourceLack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlItemName, hwGtlItemControlValue, hwGtlItemUsedValue, hwGtlItemDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm indicates that the current resources are insufficient." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 28 } hwGtlResourceLackCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlItemName, hwGtlItemControlValue, hwGtlItemUsedValue, hwGtlItemDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm indicating that the current resources are insufficient is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 29 } hwGtlAbnormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlChassisID, hwGtlBoardID, hwGtlAbnormalReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification represents license function is abnormal." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 30 } hwGtlAbnormalCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlChassisID, hwGtlBoardID, hwGtlAbnormalReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification represents license function is abnormal is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 31 } hwGtlTrialFeatureNearExpire NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlItemName, hwGtlItemDescription, hwGtlItemTrialRemainTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification indicates that the trial of the license control item is about to expire." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 32 } hwGtlTrialFeatureNearExpireCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlItemName, hwGtlItemDescription, hwGtlItemTrialRemainTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification indicates that the notification indicating that the trial of the license control item is about to expire is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 33 } hwGtlTrialFeatureExpire NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlItemName, hwGtlItemDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification indicates that the trial of the license control item has expired." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 34 } hwGtlTrialFeatureExpireCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlItemName, hwGtlItemDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification indicates that the notification indicating that the trial of the license control item has expired is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 35 } hwGtlTrialResFeatureEnable NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlItemTrialResRemainTime} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification represents the trial of resource item is enable." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 36 } hwGtlTrialResFeatureDisable NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification represents the trial of resource item is disable ." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 37} hwGtlFeatureFunInactive NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlItemName, hwGtlFeatureName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm indicates that the control item is not activated." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 38} hwGtlFeatureFunInactiveCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlItemName, hwGtlFeatureName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm indicating that the control item is not activated is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 39} hwGtlLicenseStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlLicensePreviousState,hwGtlLicenseState} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm indicating that the license status has changed." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 40} hwGtlSnsNearExpire NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlSnsEndDate, hwGtlChassisID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm indicates that the SnS is near deadline." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 41} hwGtlSnsNearExpireCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlSnsEndDate, hwGtlChassisID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm indicating that the SnS is near deadline is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 42} hwGtlSnsExpire NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlChassisID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm indicates that the SnS is near deadline." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 43} hwGtlSnsExpireCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlChassisID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm indicating that the SnS is near deadline is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 44} hwGtlItemNearExpire NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlChassisID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm indicates that the SnS of the cloud-based license sales item has expired." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 45} hwGtlItemNearExpireResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlChassisID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm indicating that the SnS of the cloud-based license sales item has expired is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 46} hwGtlItemExpire NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlChassisID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm indicates that the SnS of the cloud-based license sales item expires." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 47} hwGtlItemExpireResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlChassisID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm indicating that the SnS of the cloud-based license sales item expires is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 48} hwGtlCloudNearDeadline NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlRemainTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification represents the cloud license is near deadline." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 49} hwGtlCloudNearDeadlineCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwGtlRemainTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm indicating that the cloud license is near deadline is cleared." ::= { hwGtlNotifications 50} -- Conformance information hwGtlConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwGtl 3 } hwGtlCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwGtlConformance 1 } hwGtlCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for systems supporting the HUAWEI-GTL-MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { hwGtlObjectGroup, hwGtlNotificationGroup } ::= { hwGtlCompliances 1 } hwGtlGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwGtlConformance 2 } hwGtlObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwGtlDefaultValueReason, hwGtlResourceItem, hwGtlFeatureName, hwGtlRemainTime, hwGtlVerifyCode, hwGtlActive, hwGtlShowActLCSName, hwGtlItemName, hwGtlItemControlValue, hwGtlItemUsedValue, hwGtlItemDescription, hwGtlItemState, hwGtlItemExpireDay, hwGtlItemTrialRemainTime, hwGtlItemTrialResRemainTime, hwGtlChassisID, hwGtlBoardID, hwGtlAbnormalReason, hwGtlStackItemName, hwGtlStackItemControlValue, hwGtlStackItemUsedValue, hwGtlStackItemDescription, hwGtlStackItemState, hwGtlStackItemExpireDay, hwGtlLicensePreviousState, hwGtlLicenseState, hwGtlSnsEndDate} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The GTL attribute group." ::= { hwGtlGroups 1 } hwGtlNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hwGtlDefaultValue, hwGtlResourceUsedUp, hwGtlNearDeadline, hwGtlLicenseVerifyFailed, hwGtlExpired, hwGtlItemMismatch, hwGtlDefaultValueCleared, hwGtlNearDeadlineCleared, hwGtlItemMismatchCleared, hwGtlResourceUsedUpCleared, hwGtlLicenseNotCommeral, hwGtlEmergencyStart, hwGtlEmergencyStop, hwGtlTrialFeatureEnable, hwGtlTrialFeatureDisable, hwGtlTrialFeatureNearDeadline, hwGtlTrialFeatureNearDeadlineCleared, hwGtlResourceOverload, hwGtlResourceOverloadCleared, hwGtlEsnMismatch, hwGtlEsnMismatchCleared, hwGtlItemInactive, hwGtlItemInactiveCleared, hwGtlInitial, hwGtlInitialCleared, hwGtlFunctionInactive, hwGtlFunctionInactiveCleared, hwGtlResourceLack, hwGtlResourceLackCleared, hwGtlAbnormal, hwGtlAbnormalCleared, hwGtlTrialResFeatureEnable, hwGtlTrialResFeatureDisable, hwGtlFeatureFunInactive, hwGtlFeatureFunInactiveCleared, hwGtlLicenseStateChange,hwGtlSnsNearExpire,hwGtlSnsNearExpireCleared,hwGtlSnsExpire,hwGtlSnsExpireCleared,hwGtlItemNearExpire,hwGtlItemNearExpireResume,hwGtlItemExpire,hwGtlItemExpireResume, hwGtlCloudNearDeadline, hwGtlCloudNearDeadlineCleared } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification group." ::= { hwGtlGroups 2 } END