-- ================================================================== -- Copyright (C) 2017 by HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES. All rights reserved. -- -- Description: HUAWEI-ISIS-CONF-MIB provides information about ISIS -- Reference: -- Version: V2.26 -- History: -- , , -- HUAWEI 2009-08-03 ISIS private MIB -- ================================================================== -- ================================================================== -- -- Variables and types are imported -- -- ================================================================== HUAWEI-ISIS-CONF-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS hwDatacomm FROM HUAWEI-MIB OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP,MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF Integer32, Unsigned32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI ifName FROM IF-MIB isisSysInstance, isisSysLevelIndex, isisCircIfIndex, isisPduLspId, isisAdjState FROM ISIS-MIB TruthValue, RowStatus, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; -- hwISIS MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201708172029Z" -- Aug 17, 2017 at 20:29 GMT ORGANIZATION "Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: support@huawei.com " DESCRIPTION " The HUAWEI PRIVATE MIB contains objects belonging to processes of the IS-IS protocol existing on the system. It defines the model used to represent data that exists elsewhere in the system and on peripheral devices. There are no constraints on this MIB." REVISION "201708172029Z" DESCRIPTION "modify hwIsisAdjChangeReason,hwisisSysInstance,hwisisSysLevelIndex,hwIsisOwnSysID,hwIsisAdjSysID,hwIsisPeerFlappingSuppressStatus,hwIsisSystemID,hwIsisSystemID1,hwIsisSystemID2,hwIsisSystemID3,hwIsisSystemIdConflict discription" REVISION "201705051632Z" DESCRIPTION "revision 2.2.5" REVISION "201611071720Z" DESCRIPTION "revision 2.2.4" REVISION "201609261500Z" DESCRIPTION "revision 2.2.3" REVISION "201607231600Z" DESCRIPTION "revision 2.2.2" REVISION "201606131600Z" DESCRIPTION "revision 2.2.1" REVISION "201602041100Z" DESCRIPTION "revision 2.2.0" REVISION "201511301100Z" DESCRIPTION "revision 2.1.9" REVISION "201510151100Z" DESCRIPTION "revision 2.1.8" REVISION "201508271900Z" DESCRIPTION "revision 2.1.7" REVISION "201504081147Z" DESCRIPTION "revision 2.1.6" REVISION "201503130900Z" DESCRIPTION "revision 2.1.5" REVISION "201411061518Z" DESCRIPTION "revision 2.1.4" REVISION "201401151710Z" DESCRIPTION "revision 2.1.3" REVISION "201308081131Z" DESCRIPTION "revision 2.1.2" REVISION "201304011153Z" DESCRIPTION "revision 2.1.1" REVISION "200308111200Z" DESCRIPTION "init" ::= { hwDatacomm 24 } -- Type definitions SystemID ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A system ID." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(6)) -- -- Textual conventions -- InetAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes a generic Internet address. An InetAddress value is always interpreted within the context of an InetAddressType value. Every usage of the InetAddress textual convention is required to specify the InetAddressType object that provides the context. It is suggested that the InetAddressType object be logically registered before the object(s) that use the InetAddress textual convention, if they appear in the same logical row. The value of an InetAddress object must always be consistent with the value of the associated InetAddressType object. Attempts to set an InetAddress object to a value inconsistent with the associated InetAddressType must fail with an inconsistentValue error. When this textual convention is used as the syntax of an index object, there may be issues with the limit of 128 sub-identifiers specified in SMIv2, STD 58. In this case, the object definition MUST include a 'SIZE' clause to limit the number of potential instance sub-identifiers; otherwise the applicable constraints MUST be stated in the appropriate conceptual row DESCRIPTION clauses, or in the surrounding documentation if there is no single DESCRIPTION clause that is appropriate." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) InetAddressType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value that represents a type of Internet address. unknown(0) An unknown address type. This value MUST be used if the value of the corresponding InetAddress object is a zero-length string. It may also be used to indicate an IP address that is not in one of the formats defined below. ipv4(1) An IPv4 address as defined by the InetAddressIPv4 textual convention. ipv6(2) An IPv6 address as defined by the InetAddressIPv6 textual convention. ipv4z(3) A non-global IPv4 address including a zone index as defined by the InetAddressIPv4z textual convention. ipv6z(4) A non-global IPv6 address including a zone index as defined by the InetAddressIPv6z textual convention. dns(16) A DNS domain name as defined by the InetAddressDNS textual convention. Each definition of a concrete InetAddressType value must be accompanied by a definition of a textual convention for use with that InetAddressType. To support future extensions, the InetAddressType textual convention SHOULD NOT be sub-typed in object type definitions. It MAY be sub-typed in compliance statements in order to require only a subset of these address types for a compliant implementation. Implementations must ensure that InetAddressType objects and any dependent objects (e.g., InetAddress objects) are consistent. An inconsistentValue error must be generated if an attempt to change an InetAddressType object would, for example, lead to an undefined InetAddress value. In -- [Page 6] particular, InetAddressType/InetAddress pairs must be changed together if the address type changes (e.g., from ipv6(2) to ipv4(1))." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2), ipv4z(3), ipv6z(4), dns(16) } InetAddressPrefixLength ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes the length of a generic Internet network address prefix. A value of n corresponds to an IP address mask that has n contiguous 1-bits from the most significant bit (MSB), with all other bits set to 0. An InetAddressPrefixLength value is always interpreted within the context of an InetAddressType value. Every usage of the InetAddressPrefixLength textual convention is required to specify the InetAddressType object that provides the context. It is suggested that the InetAddressType object be logically registered before the object(s) that use the InetAddressPrefixLength textual convention, if they appear in the same logical row. InetAddressPrefixLength values larger than the maximum length of an IP address for a specific InetAddressType are treated as the maximum significant value applicable for the InetAddressType. The maximum significant value is 32 for the InetAddressType 'ipv4(1)' and 'ipv4z(3)' and 128 for the InetAddressType 'ipv6(2)' and 'ipv6z(4)'. The maximum significant value for the InetAddressType 'dns(16)' is 0. The value zero is object-specific and must be defined as part of the description of any object that uses this syntax. Examples of the usage of zero might include situations where the Internet network address prefix is unknown or does not apply. The upper bound of the prefix length has been chosen to be consistent with the maximum size of an InetAddress." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2040) -- -- Node definitions -- -- hwIsisConf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwISIS 2 } -- hwIsisMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwIsisConf 1 } -- hwIsisProcBaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwIsisProcBaseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The set of commands of the Integrated IS-IS protocol existing on the system." ::= { hwIsisMIBObjects 1 } -- hwIsisProcBaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwIsisProcBaseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row defines some commmands to a single process of the IS-IS protocol existing on the system. These commands belong to the IS-IS process." INDEX { hwIsisProcIdIndex } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseTable 1 } HwIsisProcBaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwIsisProcIdIndex Integer32, hwIsisProcVpnName OCTET STRING, hwIsisProcVpn6Name OCTET STRING, hwIsisProcAreaAuthType INTEGER, hwIsisProcAreaAuthPasswordName OCTET STRING, hwIsisProcAreaAuthPacketAuthMode INTEGER, hwIsisProcAreaAuthCode INTEGER, hwIsisProcDomainAuthType INTEGER, hwIsisProcDomainAuthPasswordName OCTET STRING, hwIsisProcDomainAuthPacketAuthMode INTEGER, hwIsisProcDomainAuthCode INTEGER, hwIsisProcLevel INTEGER, hwIsisProcL1FlashFloodCount Integer32, hwIsisProcL1FlashFloodInterval Integer32, hwIsisProcL2FlashFloodCount Integer32, hwIsisProcL2FlashFloodInterval Integer32, hwIsisProcLogPeerChange INTEGER, hwIsisProcTimerRefresh Integer32, hwIsisProcTimerMaxAge Integer32, hwIsisProcL1TimerLspGenMaxInterval Integer32, hwIsisProcL1TimerLspGenInitInterval Integer32, hwIsisProcL1TimerLspGenIncrInterval Integer32, hwIsisProcL2TimerLspGenMaxInterval Integer32, hwIsisProcL2TimerLspGenInitInterval Integer32, hwIsisProcL2TimerLspGenIncrInterval Integer32, hwIsisProcTimerSPFMaxInterval Integer32, hwIsisProcTimerSPFInitInterval Integer32, hwIsisProcTimerSPFIncrInterval Integer32, hwIsisProcCostStyle INTEGER, hwIsisProcDynamicName OCTET STRING, hwIsisProcGREnabled TruthValue, hwIsisProcGRInterval Integer32, hwIsisProcGRSuppresSAEnabled TruthValue, hwIsisProcTEEnableLevel INTEGER, hwIsisProcBFDEnabled TruthValue, hwIsisProcBFDFrrBindEnabled TruthValue, hwIsisProcBFDMinTxInterval Integer32, hwIsisProcBFDMinRecvInteval Integer32, hwIsisProcBFDMultiplier Integer32, hwIsisProcIPv6EnableTopologyType INTEGER, hwIsisProcRowStatus RowStatus, hwIsisProcOptionalChecksumEnabled TruthValue, hwisisProcLsdbMaxLimit Unsigned32, hwIsisProcLsdbUpperThreshold Unsigned32, hwIsisProcLsdbLowerThreshold Unsigned32, hwIsisProcLsdbTotal Unsigned32, hwIsisProcAreaAuthKeychainName OCTET STRING, hwIsisProcDomainAuthKeychainName OCTET STRING } -- hwIsisProcIdIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the IS-IS process ID. The value ranges from 1 to 65535." ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 1 } -- hwIsisProcVpnName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the name of the IPv4 VPN instance bound to the IS-IS process. The value ranges from 0 to 31." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 2 } -- hwIsisProcVpn6Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the name of the IPv6 VPN instance bound to the IS-IS process. The value ranges from 0 to 31. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 3 } -- hwIsisProcAreaAuthType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { null(0), md5(1), simple(2), keychain(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the type of IS-IS area authentication. null (0): Area authentication is not configured. md5 (1): The password is sent after being encrypted through MD5. simple (2): The password is sent in the form of simple text. keychain (3): The key chain table that changes with time is sent after being encrypted through MD5. By default, area authentication is not configured. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 4 } -- hwIsisProcAreaAuthPasswordName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..392)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the password of IS-IS area authentication. The password is a string of characters. If the IS-IS area authentication mode is simple, the password is a string of 0 to 16 characters. If the IS-IS area authentication mode is MD5, the password is a string of 0 to 392 characters. If the IS-IS area authentication mode is keychain, the name is a string of 0 to 47 characters. The length 0 indicates that no IS-IS area authentication password is configured. When read, it always returns length 0." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 5 } -- hwIsisProcAreaAuthPacketAuthMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), authenticateall(1), allsendonly(2), snppacketauthenticationavoid(3), snppacketsendonly(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the packet authentication mode of IS-IS area authentication: none (0): Authentication mode is not configured. authenticateall (1): Encapsulates authentication information for both transmitted and received LSPs and SNPs. allsendonly (2): Encapsulates authentication information for both generated LSPs and SNPs; does not authenticate received LSPs or SNPs. snppacketauthenticationavoid (3): Encapsulates authentication information for only generated LSPs and authenticates received LSPs. snppacketsendonly (4): Encapsulates authentication information for generated LSPs and SNPs; authenticates only received LSPs but does not authenticate received SNPs. By default, authentication is not configured. " DEFVAL { none } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 6 } -- hwIsisProcAreaAuthCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), osi(10), ip(133) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the code of area authentication. none (0): The authentication code is not configured. osi (10): indicates OSI authentication. ip (133): indicates IP authentication." DEFVAL { osi } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 7 } -- hwIsisProcDomainAuthType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { null(0), md5(1), simple(2), keychain(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the type of IS-IS router domain authentication. null (0): Domain authentication is not configured. md5 (1): The password is sent after being encrypted through MD5. simple (2): The password is sent in the form of simple text. keychain (3): The key chain table that changes with time is sent after being encrypted through MD5. By default, IS-IS route domain authentication is disabled. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 8 } -- hwIsisProcDomainAuthPasswordName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..392)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the password of IS-IS routing domain authentication. The password is a string of characters. If the IS-IS routing domain authentication mode is simple, the password is a string of 0 to 16 characters. If the IS-IS routing domain authentication mode is MD5, the password is a string of 0 to 392 characters. If the IS-IS routing domain authentication mode is keychain, the name is a string of 0 to 47 characters. The length 0 indicates that the password of IS-IS routing domain authentication is not configured. When read, it always returns length 0." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 9 } -- hwIsisProcDomainAuthPacketAuthMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), authenticateall(1), allsendonly(2), snppacketauthenticationavoid(3), snppacketsendonly(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the packet authentication mode of IS-IS route domain authentication. none (0): Authentication mode is not configured. authenticateall (1): Encapsulates authentication information for both transmitted and received LSPs and SNPs. allsendonly (2): Encapsulates authentication information for both generated LSPs and SNPs; does not authenticate received LSPs or SNPs. snppacketauthenticationavoid (3): Encapsulates authentication information for only generated LSPs and authenticates received LSPs. snppacketsendonly (4): Encapsulates authentication information for generated LSPs and SNPs; authenticates only received LSPs but does not authenticate received SNPs. By default, authentication is not configured. " DEFVAL { none } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 10 } -- hwIsisProcDomainAuthCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), osi(10), ip(133) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the code of domain authentication. none (0): The authentication code is not configured. osi (10): indicates OSI authentication. ip (133): indicates IP authentication." DEFVAL { osi } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 11 } -- hwIsisProcLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { level1(1), level2(2), level12(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the level of the IS-IS process. level1 (1): indicates level 1. level2 (2): indicates level 2. level12 (3): indicates level 1-2. By default, the level of an IS-IS process is level-1-2. " DEFVAL { level12 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 12 } -- hwIsisProcL1FlashFloodCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..15) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the counter of level-1 LSPs on the interface. The value is an integer ranging from 0 to 15. The value 0 indicates that no counter is configured. The default value is 5. " DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 13 } -- hwIsisProcL1FlashFloodInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 10..50000) UNITS "millionseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the intervals for level-1 LSP flooding. The value ranges from 10 to 50000, in milliseconds. The default value is 10 ms. " DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 14 } -- hwIsisProcL2FlashFloodCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..15) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the counter of level-2 LSPs on the interface. The value is an integer ranging from 0 to 15. The value 0 indicates that no counter is configured. The default value is 5. " DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 15 } -- hwIsisProcL2FlashFloodInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 10..50000) UNITS "millionseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the intervals for level-2 LSP flooding. The value ranges from 10 to 50000 in milliseconds. The default value is 10ms. " DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 16 } -- hwIsisProcLogPeerChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { null(0), enabledwithouttopology(1), enabledwithtopology(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generates a log when the status of the peer changes. null (0): not configured enabledwithouttopology (1): IPv4 topology enabledwithtopology (2): IPv6 topology" DEFVAL { null } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 17 } -- hwIsisProcTimerRefresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65534) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the timer of LSP refreshing. The value ranges from 1 to 65534, in seconds. The default value is 900s. " DEFVAL { 900 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 18 } -- hwIsisProcTimerMaxAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (2..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the maximum Keepalive time of the LSP. The value ranges from 2 to 65535, in seconds. The default value is 1200s. " DEFVAL { 1200 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 19 } -- hwIsisProcL1TimerLspGenMaxInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..120) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the timer for the maximum delay of level-1 LSPs with the same LSP ID. The value ranges from 1 to 120, in seconds. By default, the value is 2s. " DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 20 } -- hwIsisProcL1TimerLspGenInitInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..60000) UNITS "millionseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the delay timer that initially triggers a level-1 LSP. The value ranges from 0 to 60000, in milliseconds. By default, the value is 0. " ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 21 } -- hwIsisProcL1TimerLspGenIncrInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..60000) UNITS "millionseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the delay timer for generating two level-1 LSPs with the same LSP ID. The value ranges from 1 to 60000, in milliseconds. By default, the value is 0. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 22 } -- hwIsisProcL2TimerLspGenMaxInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..120) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the timer for the maximum delay of Level-2 LSPs with the same LSP ID. The value ranges from 1 to 120, in seconds. By default, the value is 2s." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 23 } -- hwIsisProcL2TimerLspGenInitInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..60000) UNITS "millionseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the delay timer that initially triggers a Level-2 LSP. The value ranges from 1 to 60000, in milliseconds. By default, the value is 0. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 24 } -- hwIsisProcL2TimerLspGenIncrInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..60000) UNITS "millionseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the delay timer for generating two Level-2 LSPs with the same LSP ID. The value ranges from 1 to 60000, in milliseconds. By default, the value is 0. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 25 } -- hwIsisProcTimerSPFMaxInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..120) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the maximum intervals for SPF calculation. The value ranges from 1 to 120, in seconds. By default, the value is 5s. " DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 26 } -- hwIsisProcTimerSPFInitInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..60000) UNITS "millionseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the delay timer for initial SPF calculation. The value ranges from 1 to 60000, in milliseconds. By default, the interval is 50ms. " DEFVAL { 50 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 27 } -- hwIsisProcTimerSPFIncrInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..60000) UNITS "millionseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the incremental delay timer for two SPF calculations. The value ranges from 1 to 60000, in milliseconds. By default, the interval is 200ms." DEFVAL { 200 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 28 } -- hwIsisProcCostStyle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { narrow(1), narrowcompatible(2), compatible(3), wide(4), widecompatible(5), narrowcompatiblerelax(6), compatiblerelax(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configures the cost type of the IS-IS process: narrow (1): the narrow type narrowcompatible (2): the narrow-compatible type compatible (3): compatible type wide (4): wide type widecompatible (5): wide-compatible type narrowcompatiblerelax (6): narrow-compatible relax-spf-limit type compatible-relax (7): compatible relax-spf-limit type By default, the cost type of an IS-IS process is narrow. " DEFVAL { narrow } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 29 } -- hwIsisProcDynamicName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configures the name of the IS-IS dynamic host. The value is a string of 1 to 64 characters. When the length is 0, the configured IS-IS dynamic host name is deleted." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 30 } -- hwIsisProcGREnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether to enable IS-IS GR. true (1): enables IS-IS GR. false (2): does not enable IS-IS GR. By default, IS-IS GR is disabled." ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 31 } -- hwIsisProcGRInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 30..1800) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the maximum intervals for enabling GR. The value ranges from 0 to 1800, in seconds. By default, the value is 300 seconds. The value 0 indicates that GR is not configured. " DEFVAL { 300 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 32 } -- hwIsisProcGRSuppresSAEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the SA bit in the sent Hello packet is set to 1 after the GR-enabled device is started: true (1): enables this function. false (2): disables this function. By default, IS-IS does not suppress Hello PDUs from carrying SA bits. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 33 } -- hwIsisProcTEEnableLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), level1(1), level2(2), level12(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables IS-IS TE. none (0): does not enable IS-IS TE. level1 (1): enables level-1 TE. level2 (2): enables level-2 TE. level12 (3): enables level-1-2 TE. By default, IS-IS TE is disabled. " DEFVAL { none } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 34 } -- hwIsisProcBFDEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether to enable BFD on each interface. true (1): enables BFD on each interface. false (2): does not enable BFD on each interface. By default, BFD is disabled on each interface. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 35 } -- hwIsisProcBFDFrrBindEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables BFD-FRR binding on each interface. true (1): enables BFD-FRR binding on each interface. false (2): does not enable BFD-FRR binding on each interface. By default, BFD-FRR binding is disabled on each interface. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 36 } -- hwIsisProcBFDMinTxInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the minimum interval for sending BFD packets. If isis binding to vpn and ipv4-family not enable, The value is zero. " ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 37 } -- hwIsisProcBFDMinRecvInteval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the minimum interval for receiving BFD packets. If isis binding to vpn and ipv4-family not enable, The value is zero." ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 38 } -- hwIsisProcBFDMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the local detection multiplier. The value ranges from 1 to 255. If isis binding to vpn and ipv4-family not enable, The value is zero. " ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 39 } -- hwIsisProcIPv6EnableTopologyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), standard(1), ipv6(2), compatible(3), compatibleenablemtspf(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This objects indicates whether the IPv6 topology is enabled for the IS-IS process: disable(0): disables the IPv6 topology of the IS-IS process. standard(1): specifies the topology type as the standard mode. ipv6(2): enables IPv6 for the IS-IS process in the IPv6 topology. compatible(3): specifies the topology type as the compatible mode. compatibleenablemtspf(4): indicates that SPF calculation is performed in the IPv6 topology in compatible mode. By default, the IPv6 topology is not enabled for the IS-IS process. " DEFVAL { none } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 40 } -- hwIsisProcRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object supports settings of two values. createAndGo(4): A row is created. destroy(6): A row is deleted." ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 41 } -- hwIsisProcOptionalChecksumEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables BFD-FRR binding on each interface. true (1): enables optional checksum for CSNP,PSNP and IIH PDU. false (2): disables optional checksum for CSNP,PSNP and IIH PDU. By default, optional checksum is disabled. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 42 } -- hwisisProcLsdbMaxLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..500000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the maximum limit number of IS-IS LSPs. The value range is from 0 to 500000. The default value 0 means no limit." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 43 } -- hwIsisProcLsdbUpperThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the upper threshold value of LSPs limit. The value range is from 1 to 100. The default means 80." DEFVAL { 80 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 44 } -- hwIsisProcLsdbLowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the lower threshold value of LSPs limit. The value range is from 1 to 100. The default means 70." DEFVAL { 70 } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 45 } -- hwIsisProcLsdbTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to get the number of IS-IS LSPs." ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 46 } -- hwIsisProcAreaAuthKeychainName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..47)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the keychain name of IS-IS area authentication. The name is a string of characters. The name is a string of 0 to 47 characters. The length 0 indicates that no IS-IS area authentication keychain name is configured. When read, it returns the keychain name." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 47 } -- hwIsisProcDomainAuthKeychainName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..47)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the keychain name of IS-IS domain authentication. The name is a string of characters. The name is a string of 0 to 47 characters. The length 0 indicates that no IS-IS domain authentication keychain name is configured. When read, it returns the keychain name." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { hwIsisProcBaseEntry 48 } -- hwIsisNETTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwIsisNETEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set of network entities of process." ::= { hwIsisMIBObjects 2 } -- hwIsisNETEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwIsisNETEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row means one network entity of the process." INDEX { hwIsisProcIdIndex, hwIsisNETIndex } ::= { hwIsisNETTable 1 } HwIsisNETEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwIsisNETIndex OCTET STRING, hwIsisNETStatus RowStatus } -- hwIsisNETIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8..20)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the NET index. It is a string of 8 to 20 bytes." ::= { hwIsisNETEntry 1 } -- hwIsisNETStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the status of the NET table. createAndGo(4): A row is created. destroy(6): A row is deleted." ::= { hwIsisNETEntry 2 } -- hwIsisProcMTExtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwIsisProcMTExtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set of commands of the integrated IS-IS protocol existing on the system, which are different for IP type and MT. " ::= { hwIsisMIBObjects 3 } -- hwIsisProcMTExtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwIsisProcMTExtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row defines some commands specific to a single process of the IS-IS protocol existing on the system. These commands are different from ProcBaseTable for IP type and MT." INDEX { hwIsisProcIdIndex, hwIsisIpTypeIndex, hwIsisMTIdIndex } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtTable 1 } HwIsisProcMTExtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwIsisIpTypeIndex InetAddressType, hwIsisMTIdIndex Integer32, hwIsisMTName OCTET STRING, hwIsisProcDefRoutAdvType INTEGER, hwIsisProcDefRoutAdvPolicyName OCTET STRING, hwIsisProcDefRoutAdvCost Unsigned32, hwIsisProcDefRoutAdvTag Unsigned32, hwIsisProcDefRoutAdvLevel INTEGER, hwIsisProcDefRoutAdvAvoidLearnEnabled TruthValue, hwIsisProcL1CircuitCost Integer32, hwIsisProcL2CircuitCost Integer32, hwIsisProcPrefValue Integer32, hwIsisProcPrefPolicyName OCTET STRING, hwIsisProcMaxLoadBalance Integer32, hwIsisProcL1CircuitDefaultTag Unsigned32, hwIsisProcL2CircuitDefaultTag Unsigned32, hwIsisProcBandWidthReference Unsigned32, hwIsisProcAutoCostEnabled TruthValue, hwIsisProcSetOverLoad INTEGER, hwIsisProcSetOverLoadAllowRoute INTEGER, hwIsisProcOnStartInterval Integer32, hwIsisProcOnStartStartFromPeer OCTET STRING, hwIsisProcOnStartFromPeerInterval Integer32, hwIsisProcOnStartWaitForBgpEnabled TruthValue, hwIsisProcMTStatus RowStatus, hwIsisProcL1RedistMaxLimit Unsigned32, hwIsisProcL2RedistMaxLimit Unsigned32, hwIsisProcL1UpperRedistThreshold Unsigned32, hwIsisProcL2UpperRedistThreshold Unsigned32, hwIsisProcL1LowerRedistThreshold Unsigned32, hwIsisProcL2LowerRedistThreshold Unsigned32, hwIsisProcL1TotalRedist Unsigned32, hwIsisProcL2TotalRedist Unsigned32 } -- hwIsisIpTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the IP protocol type: ipv4(1): indicates IPv4. ipv6(2): indicates IPv6." ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 1 } -- hwIsisMTIdIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..4095) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the MT ID. " ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 2 } -- hwIsisMTName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the name of the topology to be bound to an IS-IS process. The value is a string of 1 to 31 characters." ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 3 } -- hwIsisProcDefRoutAdvType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { null(0), always(1), matchdefault(2), routepolicy(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the mode in which default routes are advertised: null(0): indicates that default routes are not advertised. always(1): indicates that default routes are always advertised. matchdefault(2): If there is the default route that is generated by another routing protocol or another IS-IS process in the routing table, this default route is advertised in an LSP. If this default route is deleted from the routing table, this default route is not advertised in the LSP. routepolicy(3): indicates that default routes are advertised according to the routing policy." DEFVAL { null } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 4 } -- hwIsisProcDefRoutAdvPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the routing policy name. The name is a string of 0 to 40 characters." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 5 } -- hwIsisProcDefRoutAdvCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the cost of a default route." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 6 } -- hwIsisProcDefRoutAdvTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the administrative tag of a default route." ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 7 } -- hwIsisProcDefRoutAdvLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { null(0), level1(1), level2(2), level12(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the level of a default route: level1(1): indicates Level-1. level2(2): indicates Level-2. level12(3): indicates Level-1-2. By default, the level of a default route is Level-2. " DEFVAL { level2 } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 8 } -- hwIsisProcDefRoutAdvAvoidLearnEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether an IS-IS process is prevented from learning default routes or adding them to the routing table: true(1): indicates that an IS-IS process is prevented from learning default routes or adding them to the routing table. false(2): indicates that an IS-IS process can learn default routes and then add them to the routing table. By default, an IS-IS process can learn default routes and then add them to the routing table. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 9 } -- hwIsisProcL1CircuitCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16777215) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Global level-1 cost for all the interfaces. If the costStyle of the process is wide or widecompatible, the range of this value is from 1 to 16777215, else the range of this value is from 1 to 63." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 10 } -- hwIsisProcL2CircuitCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16777215) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Global level-2 cost for all the interfaces. If the costStyle of the process is wide or widecompatible, the range of this value is from 1 to 16777215, else the range of this value is from 1 to 63." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 11 } -- hwIsisProcPrefValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the preference of an IS-IS route. The value ranges from 1 to 255, and the default value is 15. If isis binding to vpn and ip-family not enable, The value is zero." DEFVAL { 15 } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 12 } -- hwIsisProcPrefPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the name of the routing policy used for route filtering. The name is a string of 0 to 40 characters. Zero-length means no configuration." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 13 } -- hwIsisProcMaxLoadBalance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the number of equal-cost routes. The range and the default value depend on license. If isis binding to vpn and ip-family not enable, The value is zero." ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 14 } -- hwIsisProcL1CircuitDefaultTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the default administrative tag of an IS-IS Level-1 route." ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 15 } -- hwIsisProcL2CircuitDefaultTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the default administrative tag of an IS-IS Level-2 route." ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 16 } -- hwIsisProcBandWidthReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483648) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the reference bandwidth." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 17 } -- hwIsisProcAutoCostEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether automatic interface cost calculation is enabled: true(1): indicates that automatic interface cost calculation is enabled. false(2): indicates that automatic interface cost calculation is disabled. By default, automatic interface cost calculation is disabled. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 18 } -- hwIsisProcSetOverLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1), onstartup(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether a device is enabled to notify its neighbors that its status is Overload: disable (0): indicates that a device is disabled from notifying its neighbors that its status is Overload. enable(1): indicates that a device is enabled to notify its neighbors that its status is Overload. onstartup(2): When a device is restarted or becomes faulty, it notifies its neighbors that its status is Overload." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 19 } -- hwIsisProcSetOverLoadAllowRoute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { null(0), external(1), interlevel(2), externalandinterlevel(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the type of routes to be advertised when a device is in the Overload state: null(0): indicates that no route type is specified. external(1): indicates the imported external routes. interlevel(2): indicates the leak routes. externalandinterlevel(3): indicates the imported external and leak routes." DEFVAL { null } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 20 } -- hwIsisProcOnStartInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 5..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the interval for waiting to clear the overload bit after the system is started. The value ranges from 5 to 86400, in seconds. The default value is 600s." DEFVAL { 600 } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 21 } -- hwIsisProcOnStartStartFromPeer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0 | 12..14)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the system ID of a neighbor." ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 22 } -- hwIsisProcOnStartFromPeerInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 5..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the maximum interval for waiting to clear the overload bit after the system is started and the neighbor relationship is established. The value ranges of set is from 5 to 86400, in seconds. The default value is 1200s. 0 means no configuration. " DEFVAL { 1200 } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 23 } -- hwIsisProcOnStartWaitForBgpEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the function of waiting for BGP convergence is enabled: true(1): indicates that the function of waiting for BGP convergence is enabled. false(2): indicates that the function of waiting for BGP convergence is disabled. By default, the function of waiting for BGP convergence is disabled. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 24 } -- hwIsisProcMTStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the row status of this table: createAndGo(4): indicates that a row is created. destroy(6): indicates that a row is deleted." ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 25 } -- hwIsisProcL1RedistMaxLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the maximum limit number of IS-IS Level-1 redistribute routes advertised in LSPs. The value range is from 0 to 10000000. The default value 0 means no limit." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 26 } -- hwIsisProcL2RedistMaxLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the maximum limit number of IS-IS Level-2 redistribute routes advertised in LSPs. The value range is from 0 to 10000000. The default value 0 means no limit." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 27 } -- hwIsisProcL1UpperRedistThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the upper threshold value of level-1 import limit. The value range is from 1 to 100. The default means 80." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 28 } -- hwIsisProcL2UpperRedistThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the upper threshold value of level-2 import limit. The value range is from 1 to 100. The default means 80." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 29 } -- hwIsisProcL1LowerRedistThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the lower threshold value of level-1 import limit. The value range is from 1 to 100. The default means 70." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 30 } -- hwIsisProcL2LowerRedistThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the lower threshold value of level-2 import limit. The value range is from 1 to 100 The default means 70." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 31 } -- hwIsisProcL1TotalRedist OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to get the number of level-1 import routes." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 32 } -- hwIsisProcL2TotalRedist OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to get the number of level-2 import routes." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisProcMTExtEntry 33 } -- hwIsisPrefixPriorityTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwIsisPrefixPriorityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set of commands of priority-based convergence." ::= { hwIsisMIBObjects 4 } -- hwIsisPrefixPriorityEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwIsisPrefixPriorityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry of priority-based convergence, each entry means one priority-based command for IS-IS process." INDEX { hwIsisProcIdIndex, hwIsisIpTypeIndex, hwIsisMTIdIndex, hwIsisPrefixPriorityTypeIndex } ::= { hwIsisPrefixPriorityTable 1 } HwIsisPrefixPriorityEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwIsisPrefixPriorityTypeIndex INTEGER, hwIsisPrefixPriorityL1PolicyType INTEGER, hwIsisPrefixPriorityL2PolicyType INTEGER, hwIsisPrefixPriorityL1IpPrefixName OCTET STRING, hwIsisPrefixPriorityL2IpPrefixName OCTET STRING, hwIsisPrefixPriorityL1TagValue Unsigned32, hwIsisPrefixPriorityL2TagValue Unsigned32 } -- hwIsisPrefixPriorityTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { medium(1), high(2), critical(3) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the preference of a route: medium(1): indicates medium. high(2): indicates high. critical(3): indicates critical." ::= { hwIsisPrefixPriorityEntry 1 } -- hwIsisPrefixPriorityL1PolicyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), prefix(1), tag(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the type of a Level-1 route preference policy: none(0): indicates that no policy type is specified. prefix(1): indicates the IP prefix policy. tag(2): indicates the administrative tag policy." DEFVAL { none } ::= { hwIsisPrefixPriorityEntry 2 } -- hwIsisPrefixPriorityL2PolicyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), prefix(1), tag(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the type of a Level-2 route preference policy: none(0): indicates that no policy type is specified. prefix(1): indicates the IP prefix policy. tag(2): indicates the administrative tag policy." ::= { hwIsisPrefixPriorityEntry 3 } -- hwIsisPrefixPriorityL1IpPrefixName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..169)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the name of a Level-1 IP prefix policy. The name is a string of 0 to 169 characters. Zero-length means no configuration." ::= { hwIsisPrefixPriorityEntry 4 } -- hwIsisPrefixPriorityL2IpPrefixName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..169)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the name of a Level-2 IP prefix policy. The name is a string of 0 to 169 characters. Zero-length means no configuration." ::= { hwIsisPrefixPriorityEntry 5 } -- hwIsisPrefixPriorityL1TagValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the administrative tag of the Level-1 route preference." ::= { hwIsisPrefixPriorityEntry 6 } -- hwIsisPrefixPriorityL2TagValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the administrative tag of the Level-2 route preference." ::= { hwIsisPrefixPriorityEntry 7 } -- hwIsisSummaryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwIsisSummaryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set of IP summary addresses to use." ::= { hwIsisMIBObjects 5 } -- hwIsisSummaryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwIsisSummaryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry contains one IP summary address." INDEX { hwIsisProcIdIndex, hwIsisIpTypeIndex, hwIsisMTIdIndex, hwIsisSummaryIPIndex, hwIsisSummaryMaskIndex } ::= { hwIsisSummaryTable 1 } HwIsisSummaryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwIsisSummaryIPIndex InetAddress, hwIsisSummaryMaskIndex InetAddressPrefixLength, hwIsisSummaryAvoidFeedBackEnabled TruthValue, hwIsisSummaryGenNull0RouteEnabled TruthValue, hwIsisSummaryLevel INTEGER, hwIsisSummaryTag Unsigned32, hwIsisSummaryStatus RowStatus } -- hwIsisSummaryIPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4 | 16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the IP address of the summarized route." ::= { hwIsisSummaryEntry 1 } -- hwIsisSummaryMaskIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength (0..128) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the subnet mask of the summarized route." ::= { hwIsisSummaryEntry 2 } -- hwIsisSummaryAvoidFeedBackEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the function of avoiding learning the summarized routes through SPF calculation is enabled: true(1): indicates that the function is enabled. false(2): indicates that the function is disabled. By default, the summarized routes can be learned through SPF calculation. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hwIsisSummaryEntry 3 } -- hwIsisSummaryGenNull0RouteEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the function of generating Null0 routes during route summarization is enabled: true(1): indicates that the function is enabled. false(2): indicates that the function is disabled. By default, the function of generating Null0 routes during route summarization is disabled. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hwIsisSummaryEntry 4 } -- hwIsisSummaryLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { level1(1), level2(2), level12(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the level of the summarized route: level1(1): indicates Level-1. level2(2): indicates Level-2. level12(3): indicates Level-1-2." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { hwIsisSummaryEntry 5 } -- hwIsisSummaryTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the administrative tag of the summarized route. " ::= { hwIsisSummaryEntry 6 } -- hwIsisSummaryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the row status of this table: createAndGo(4): indicates that a row is created. destroy(6): indicates that a row is deleted." ::= { hwIsisSummaryEntry 7 } -- hwIsisImportRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwIsisImportRouteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set of import route command." ::= { hwIsisMIBObjects 6 } -- hwIsisImportRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwIsisImportRouteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry of import route command." INDEX { hwIsisProcIdIndex, hwIsisIpTypeIndex, hwIsisMTIdIndex, hwIsisImportProtocolIndex, hwIsisImportProcessIdIndex } ::= { hwIsisImportRouteTable 1 } HwIsisImportRouteEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwIsisImportProtocolIndex INTEGER, hwIsisImportProcessIdIndex Integer32, hwIsisImportInheritCostEnabled TruthValue, hwIsisImportCost Unsigned32, hwIsisImportCostType INTEGER, hwIsisImportLevel INTEGER, hwIsisImportTag Unsigned32, hwIsisImportPolicyName OCTET STRING, hwIsisImportRouteStatus RowStatus } -- hwIsisImportProtocolIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { direct(1), static(2), rip(3), ospf(4), isis(5), bgp(6), ospfv3(7), ripng(8), bgpIbgp(9) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the routing protocol of the imported routes: direct(1): indicates direct. static(2): indicates static. rip(3): indicates RIP. ospf(4): indicates OSPF isis(5): indicates IS-IS. bgp(6): For VPN instance, indicates EBGP and IBGP, otherwise indicates EBGP. ospfv3(7): indicates OSPFv3. ripng(8): indicates RIPng. bgpIbgp(9): For VPN instance, this is unusable, otherwise indicates IBGP and EBGP." ::= { hwIsisImportRouteEntry 1 } -- hwIsisImportProcessIdIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Process ID of the route protocols. The range is from 1 to 65535. If the protocol is direct, static or bgp, this value can only be 1." ::= { hwIsisImportRouteEntry 2 } -- hwIsisImportInheritCostEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the original cost of the source route is inherited: true(1): indicates that the original cost of the source route is inherited. false(2): indicates that the original cost of the source route is not inherited." DEFVAL { false } ::= { hwIsisImportRouteEntry 3 } -- hwIsisImportCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4261412864) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Cost of the imported routes. If the costStyle of the process is wide or widecompatible, the range of this value is from 0 to 4261412864, else the range of this value is from 0 to 63. 0 means no configuration." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisImportRouteEntry 4 } -- hwIsisImportCostType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { internal(1), external(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the cost type of the imported external route. This object does not apply to IPv6. internal(1): indicates internal. external(2): indicates external. This node is invalid for IPv6. By default, the cost type of the imported external route is external." ::= { hwIsisImportRouteEntry 5 } -- hwIsisImportLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { level1(1), level2(2), level12(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the local IS-IS level of the imported route: level1(1): indicates Level-1. level2(2): indicates Level-2. level12(3): indicates Level-1-2." ::= { hwIsisImportRouteEntry 6 } -- hwIsisImportTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the administrative tag assigned to an imported route. If this object is not configured, the value will be 0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisImportRouteEntry 7 } -- hwIsisImportPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the name of the routing policy used to import routes. The name is a string of 0 to 40 characters. The length 0 indicates that no name is configured for the routing policy used to import routes. " ::= { hwIsisImportRouteEntry 8 } -- hwIsisImportRouteStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the row status of this table: createAndGo(4): indicates that a row is created. destroy(6): indicates that a row is deleted." ::= { hwIsisImportRouteEntry 9 } -- hwIsisRouteLeakTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwIsisRouteLeakEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set of route leak commands." ::= { hwIsisMIBObjects 7 } -- hwIsisRouteLeakEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwIsisRouteLeakEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry of route leak commands." INDEX { hwIsisProcIdIndex, hwIsisIpTypeIndex, hwIsisMTIdIndex, hwIsisRouteLeakTypeIndex } ::= { hwIsisRouteLeakTable 1 } HwIsisRouteLeakEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwIsisRouteLeakTypeIndex INTEGER, hwIsisRouteLeakTag Unsigned32, hwIsisRouteLeakFilterPolicyType INTEGER, hwIsisRouteLeakFilterPolicyBasicAcl Integer32, hwIsisRouteLeakFilterPolicyPolicyName OCTET STRING, hwIsisRouteLeakStatus RowStatus } -- hwIsisRouteLeakTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { level1intolevel2(1), level2intolevel1(2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the index of the route leaking type: level1intolevel2(1): indicates that Level-1 routes are leaked to Level-2. level2intolevel1(2): indicates that Level-2 routes are leaked to Level-1." ::= { hwIsisRouteLeakEntry 1 } -- hwIsisRouteLeakTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the tag of route leaking. If the tag is not configured, the reading value will be 0." ::= { hwIsisRouteLeakEntry 2 } -- hwIsisRouteLeakFilterPolicyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), basicAcl(1), aclName(2), ipPrefix(3), routePolicy(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the type of the policy used for route leaking: none(0): indicates that no policy type is specified. basicAcl(1): indicates the number of a basic ACL. aclName(2): indicates the ACL name. ipPrefix(3): indicates the IPv4 prefix. routePolicy(4): indicates the routing policy." DEFVAL { none } ::= { hwIsisRouteLeakEntry 3 } -- hwIsisRouteLeakFilterPolicyBasicAcl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 2000..2999) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the number of a basic ACL. The value ranges from 2000 to 2999. 0 means no configuration, The range of this value is from 2000 to 2999. " ::= { hwIsisRouteLeakEntry 4 } -- hwIsisRouteLeakFilterPolicyPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..169)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The policy name of route leak. If policy type is aclName, the length of this value is from 1 to 32. If policy type is ipPrefix the length of this value is from 1 to 169. If policy type is routePolicy, the length of this value is from 1 to 40. The default length is 0." ::= { hwIsisRouteLeakEntry 5 } -- hwIsisRouteLeakStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the row status of this table: createAndGo(4): indicates that a row is created. destroy(6): indicates that a row is deleted." ::= { hwIsisRouteLeakEntry 6 } -- hwIsisFrrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwIsisFrrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set of Frr commands." ::= { hwIsisMIBObjects 8 } -- hwIsisFrrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwIsisFrrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry of frr commands for the specific MT of process." INDEX { hwIsisProcIdIndex, hwIsisIpTypeIndex, hwIsisMTIdIndex } ::= { hwIsisFrrTable 1 } HwIsisFrrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwIsisFrrPolicyName OCTET STRING, hwIsisFrrLoopFreeAltLevel INTEGER, hwIsisFrrEnabled TruthValue } -- hwIsisFrrPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the FRR policy name. The value is a string of 1 to 40 characters. Value 0 indicates that the FRR policy is deleted." ::= { hwIsisFrrEntry 1 } -- hwIsisFrrLoopFreeAltLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { null(0), level1(1), level2(2), level12(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the level of the FRR LFA algorithm. null(0): cancels the operation of the LFA algorithm. level1(1): indicates Level-1. level2(2): indicates Level-2. level12(3): indicates Level-1-2." DEFVAL { null } ::= { hwIsisFrrEntry 2 } -- hwIsisFrrEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the status of FRR: enable(1): enables FRR. disable(2): disables FRR. By default, FRR is disabled. " ::= { hwIsisFrrEntry 3 } -- hwIsisIntfBaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwIsisIntfBaseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set of commands on interface of the Integrated IS-IS protocol existing on the system." ::= { hwIsisMIBObjects 21 } -- hwIsisIntfBaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwIsisIntfBaseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row defines some commands to a single interface of the IS-IS protocol existing on the system." INDEX { hwIsisProcIdIndex, hwIsisInterfaceIndex } ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseTable 1 } HwIsisIntfBaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwIsisInterfaceIndex Unsigned32, hwIsisEnableIPProtocol INTEGER, hwIsisEnableIPv6Protocol INTEGER, hwIsisCircLevel INTEGER, hwIsisCircSimulation INTEGER, hwIsisCircL1HelloInterval Integer32, hwIsisCircL2HelloInterval Integer32, hwIsisCircL1HelloMultiplier Integer32, hwIsisCircL2HelloMultiplier Integer32, hwIsisCircL1AuthMode INTEGER, hwIsisCircL1AuthText OCTET STRING, hwIsisCircL1AuthSendOnly INTEGER, hwIsisCircL1AuthCode INTEGER, hwIsisCircL2AuthMode INTEGER, hwIsisCircL2AuthText OCTET STRING, hwIsisCircL2AuthSendOnly INTEGER, hwIsisCircL2AuthCode INTEGER, hwIsisCircLdpSync INTEGER, hwIsisCircLdpSyncHoldDown Integer32, hwIsisCircLdpHldMaxCost Integer32, hwIsisCircSmallHello INTEGER, hwIsisCircIpIgnore INTEGER, hwIsisCircSenseRpr INTEGER, hwIsisCircPadHello INTEGER, hwIsisCircLspRetransInterval Integer32, hwIsisL1CsnpTimerValue Integer32, hwIsisL2CsnpTimerValue Integer32, hwIsisLspThrottleInterval Integer32, hwIsisLspThrottleCount Integer32, hwIsisCircL1DisPriority Integer32, hwIsisCircL2DisPriority Integer32, hwIsisCircSilent INTEGER, hwIsisCircMeshGroup Unsigned32, hwIsisCircMeshBlock INTEGER, hwIsisCircDisName OCTET STRING, hwIsisCircPppNego INTEGER, hwIsisCircPppOsicpCheck INTEGER, hwIsisIntfRowStatus RowStatus, hwIsisCircL1AuthKeychainName OCTET STRING, hwIsisCircL2AuthKeychainName OCTET STRING, hwIsisCircStrictSnpaCheckEnable INTEGER } -- hwIsisInterfaceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the interface index. " ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 1 } -- hwIsisEnableIPProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the status of IPv4 IS-IS on an interface: enable(1): enables IPv4 IS-IS. disable(2): disables IPv4 IS-IS." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 2 } -- hwIsisEnableIPv6Protocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the status of IPv6 IS-IS on an interface: enable(1): enables IPv6 IS-IS. disable(2): disables IPv6 IS-IS." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 3 } -- hwIsisCircLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { level1(1), level2(2), level12(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the level of an interface: level1(1): indicates Level-1. level2(2): indicates Level-2. level12(3): indicates Level-1-2. By default, the interface is at Level-1-2." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 4 } -- hwIsisCircSimulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies whether the broadcast interface is simulated as a P2P interface: enable(1): indicates that the broadcast interface is simulated as a P2P interface. disable(2): indicates that the broadcast interface is not simulated as a P2P interface. By default, broadcast interfaces are not simulated as P2P interfaces. " DEFVAL { disable } ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 5 } -- hwIsisCircL1HelloInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (3..255) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the interval for sending Level-1 Hello PDUs. The value ranges from 3 to 255, in seconds. By default, the value is 10s. " DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 6 } -- hwIsisCircL2HelloInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (3..255) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the interval for sending Level-2 Hello PDUs. The value ranges from 3 to 255, in seconds. By default, the value is 10s. " DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 7 } -- hwIsisCircL1HelloMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (3..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the number of Level-1 Hello PDUs that fail to received from the IS-IS neighbor before the neighbor declared Down. The value ranges from 3 to 1000. By default, the value is 3." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 8 } -- hwIsisCircL2HelloMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (3..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the number of Level-2 Hello PDUs that fail to received from the IS-IS neighbor before the neighbor declared Down. The value ranges from 3 to 1000. By default, the value is 3." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 9 } -- hwIsisCircL1AuthMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { null(0), md5(1), simple(2), keychain(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the mode of authenticating Level-1 Hello PDUs: null(0): indicates that area-based authentication is not configured. md5(1): indicates that the password is encrypted through MD5 and then sent. simple(2): indicates that the password is sent in plaintext. keychain(3): indicates that the key-chain that varies with the time is encrypted through MD5 and then sent. By default, area-based authentication is not configured. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 10 } -- hwIsisCircL1AuthText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..392)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the authentication password of Level-1 Hello packets. The password is a string of characters. If the packet authentication mode is simple, the password is a string of 0 to 16 characters. If the packet authentication mode is MD5, the password is a string of 0 to 392 characters. If the packet authentication mode is keychain, the name is a string of 0 to 47 characters. The length 0 indicates that the authentication password of Level-1 Hello packets is not configured. When read, it always returns length 0." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 11 } -- hwIsisCircL1AuthSendOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the mode of sending the authentication password of Level-1 Hello PDUs: true(1): indicates that the passwords in only the sent PDUs are authenticated but not in the received PDUs. false(2): indicates that the passwords in both sent and received PDUs are authenticated. By default, the passwords in both sent and received PDUs are authenticated." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 12 } -- hwIsisCircL1AuthCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), osi(10), ip(133) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the authentication code of Level-1 Hello PDUs: none(0): indicates that no authentication is configured. osi(10): indicates OSI authentication. ip(133): indicates IP authentication." DEFVAL { osi } ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 13 } -- hwIsisCircL2AuthMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { null(0), md5(1), simple(2), keychain(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the mode of authenticating Level-2 Hello PDUs: null(0): indicates that area-based authentication is not configured. md5(1): indicates that password is encrypted through MD5 and then sent. simple(2): indicates that the password is sent in plaintext. keychain(3): indicates that the key-chain that varies with the time is encrypted through MD5 and then sent. By default, area-based authentication is not configured. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 14 } -- hwIsisCircL2AuthText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..392)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the authentication password of Level-2 Hello packets. The password is a string of characters. If the packet authentication mode is simple, the password is a string of 0 to 16 characters. If the packet authentication mode is MD5, the password is a string of 0 to 392 characters. If the packet authentication mode is keychain, the name is a string of 0 to 47 characters. The length 0 indicates that the authentication password of Level-2 Hello packets is not configured. When read, it always returns length 0." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 15 } -- hwIsisCircL2AuthSendOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the mode of sending the authentication password of Level-2 Hello PDUs: true(1): indicates that the passwords in only the sent PDUs are authenticated but not in the received PDUs. false(2): indicates that the password is authenticated in the PDUs that are both sent and received. By default, the passwords in both sent and received PDUs are authenticated." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 16 } -- hwIsisCircL2AuthCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), osi(10), ip(133) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the authentication code of Level-2 Hello PDUs: none(0): indicates that no authentication is configured. osi(10): indicates OSI authentication. ip(133): indicates IP authentication." DEFVAL { osi } ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 17 } -- hwIsisCircLdpSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the status of synchronization of IS-IS and LDP: enable(1): enables synchronization of IS-IS and LDP. disable(2): disables synchronization of IS-IS and LDP. By default, synchronization of IS-IS and LDP is disabled." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 18 } -- hwIsisCircLdpSyncHoldDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the timeout period of the Holddown time for synchronization of IS-IS and LDP. The value ranges from 0 to 65535, in seconds. By default, the value is 10s. 0 means to stop Holddown timer. -1 means no configuration." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 19 } -- hwIsisCircLdpHldMaxCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..65536) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the timeout period of the Hold-Max-Cost time for synchronization of IS-IS and LDP. The value ranges from 0 to 65536, in seconds. By default, the value is 10s. The value of 65536 means infinite. 0 means to stop Hold-Max-Cost timer. -1 means no configuration." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 20 } -- hwIsisCircSmallHello OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies whether IS-IS sends small Hello PDUs without the padding field: enable(1): indicates that IS-IS sends small Hello PDUs without the padding field. disable(2): indicates that IS-IS does not send small Hello PDUs without the padding field. By default, the function is disabled." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 21 } -- hwIsisCircIpIgnore OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies whether the segment in an IP address is checked: enable(1): indicates that the segment in an IP address is not checked. disable(2): indicates that the segment in an IP address is checked. By default, the segment in an IP address is checked. This object applies to only P2P interfaces. " ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 22 } -- hwIsisCircSenseRpr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies whether fast RPR loop detection is enabled: enable(1): enables fast RPR loop detection. disable(2): disables fast RPR loop detection. By default, fast RPR loop detection is disabled." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 23 } -- hwIsisCircPadHello OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies whether IS-IS sends standard Hello PDUs with the padding field: enable(1): indicates that IS-IS sends standard Hello PDUs with the padding field. disable(2): indicates that IS-IS does not send standard Hello PDUs with the padding field. By default, the function is disabled." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 24 } -- hwIsisCircLspRetransInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..300) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the interval for resending LSPs. The value ranges from 1 to 300, in seconds. The default value is 5. This object applies to only P2P interfaces. " ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 25 } -- hwIsisL1CsnpTimerValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the interval for sending Level-1 CSNP PDUs on an interface. The value ranges from 1 to 65535, in seconds. The default value is 10." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 26 } -- hwIsisL2CsnpTimerValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the interval for sending Level-2 CSNP PDUs on an interface. The value ranges from 1 to 65535, in seconds. The default value is 10." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 27 } -- hwIsisLspThrottleInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10000) UNITS "milliseconds." MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the interval for sending batch of LSPs or CSNPs on an interface. The value ranges from 1 to 10000, in milliseconds. By default, the value is 50." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 28 } -- hwIsisLspThrottleCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the number of a bundle of LSPs. The value ranges from 1 to 1000. By default, it is 10." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 29 } -- hwIsisCircL1DisPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..127) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the priority of the Level-1 DIS, which is valid only on a broadcast interface. The value ranges from 0 to 127. By default, it is 64. " ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 30 } -- hwIsisCircL2DisPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..127) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the priority of the Level-2 DIS, which is valid only on a broadcast interface. The value ranges from 0 to 127. By default, it is 64." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 31 } -- hwIsisCircSilent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies whether the status of an IS-IS interface is set to silent. enable(1): indicates that the status of IS-IS interface is set to silent. disable(2): indicates that the status of IS-IS interface is not set to silent. By default, the function is disabled." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 32 } -- hwIsisCircMeshGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the mesh-group ID. The value ranges from 0 to 4294967295. Value 0 indicates that the mesh-group ID is not set." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 33 } -- hwIsisCircMeshBlock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the mesh block function. If this function is configured, the set mesh-group ID is deleted. The value of this object can be: enable(1): enables the mesh block function. disable(2): disables the mesh block function. By default, the function is disabled." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 34 } -- hwIsisCircDisName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the DIS name of an interface. The configuration is applicable to only a broadcast interface. The value is a string of 0 to 64 characters. Value 0 indicates that the DIS name is not configured." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 35 } -- hwIsisCircPppNego OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), twoWay(1), threeWay(2), threeWayOnly(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the mode of negotiating the setup of a neighbor relationship on P2P interfaces: none(0): indicates that the negotiation mode used to establish a neighbor relationship is not specified. twoWay(1): indicates that a neighbor relationship is set up through negotiations in two-way handshake mode. threeWay(2): indicates that a neighbor relationship is set up through negotiations in three-way handshake mode. threeWayOnly(3): indicates that a neighbor relationship is set up through negotiations in three-way handshake mode and the backward compatibility is not supported. By default, a neighbor relationship is set up through negotiations in three-way handshake mode." DEFVAL { three-way } ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 36 } -- hwIsisCircPppOsicpCheck OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies whether the OSICP check is required: enable(1): enables the OSICP check. disable(2): disables the OSICP check. By default, the function is disabled. This object applies to only P2P interfaces. " ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 37 } -- hwIsisIntfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the setting of two values: createAndGo(4): creates one row. destroy(6): deletes one row." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 38 } -- hwIsisCircL1AuthKeychainName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..47)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the keychain name of Level-1 Hello packets. The keychain name is a string of characters. The name is a string of 0 to 47 characters. The length 0 indicates that the authentication password of Level-1 Hello packets is not configured. When read, it returns the keychain name." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 39 } -- hwIsisCircL2AuthKeychainName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..47)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the keychain name of Level-2 Hello packets. The keychain name is a string of characters. The name is a string of 0 to 47 characters. The length 0 indicates that the authentication password of Level-2 Hello packets is not configured. When read, it returns the keychain name." ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 40 } -- hwIsisCircStrictSnpaCheckEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies whether the snpa check of lsp and snp is required. enable(1): enables the snpa check. disable(2): disables the snpa check. By default, the function is disabled. This object applies to only simulated P2P interfaces. " ::= { hwIsisIntfBaseEntry 41 } -- hwIsisIntfExtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwIsisIntfExtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set of some specific commands on interface of the Integrated IS-IS protocol existing on the system, which are different of IP type." ::= { hwIsisMIBObjects 22 } -- hwIsisIntfExtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwIsisIntfExtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry of Some specific commands on interface of the Integrated IS-IS protocol existing on the system, which are different of IP type." INDEX { hwIsisProcIdIndex, hwIsisInterfaceIndex, hwIsisIpTypeIndex, hwIsisMTIdIndex } ::= { hwIsisIntfExtTable 1 } HwIsisIntfExtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwIsisCircL1Cost Integer32, hwIsisCircL2Cost Integer32, hwIsisL1TagValue Unsigned32, hwIsisL2TagValue Unsigned32, hwIsisCircSuppReachablity INTEGER, hwIsisCircFrrBackup INTEGER, hwIsisCircMTRowStatus RowStatus } -- hwIsisCircL1Cost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16777215) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the Level-1 cost of an interface. If the cost style is wide or widecompatible, the range of this value is from 0 to 16777215, else the range of this value is from 0 to 63. The value of 0 means undo this configuration, and the cost of the circuit will become the default value." ::= { hwIsisIntfExtEntry 1 } -- hwIsisCircL2Cost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16777215) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the Level-2 cost of an interface. If the cost style is wide or widecompatible, the range of this value is from 0 to 16777215, else the range of this value is from 0 to 63. The value of 0 means undo this configuration, and the cost of the circuit will become the default value." ::= { hwIsisIntfExtEntry 2 } -- hwIsisL1TagValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the tag value of a Level-1 interface. The value ranges from 0 to 4294967295. By default, it is 0, which indicates that the set tag value is deleted. " ::= { hwIsisIntfExtEntry 3 } -- hwIsisL2TagValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the tag value of a Level-2 interface. The value ranges from 0 to 4294967295. By default, it is 0, which indicates that the set tag value is deleted. " ::= { hwIsisIntfExtEntry 4 } -- hwIsisCircSuppReachablity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { null(0), level1(1), level2(2), level12(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies whether the advertisement of the interface address is suppressed: Null(0): indicates that the interface address can be advertised. level1(1): indicates that the advertisement of the Level-1 interface address is suppressed. level2(2): indicates that the advertisement of the Level-2 interface address is suppressed. level12(3): indicates that the advertisement of the Level-1 and Level-2 interface addresses is suppressed. By default, the interface address can be advertised." ::= { hwIsisIntfExtEntry 5 } -- hwIsisCircFrrBackup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { null(0), level1(1), level2(2), level12(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies whether an interface is enabled to become a backup interface in Loop Free Alternate (LFA) calculation. Null(0): disables an interface from becoming a backup interface in LFA calculation. level1(1): specifies an interface as a backup interface in Level-1. level2(2): specifies an interface as a backup interface in Level-2. level12(3): specifies an interface as a backup interface in Level-1 and Level-2." ::= { hwIsisIntfExtEntry 6 } -- hwIsisCircMTRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the row status of this table: createAndGo(4): indicates that a row is created. destroy(6): indicates that a row is deleted." ::= { hwIsisIntfExtEntry 7 } -- hwIsisIntfBfdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwIsisIntfBfdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set of BFD commands on interface of the Integrated IS-IS protocol existing on the system." ::= { hwIsisMIBObjects 23 } -- hwIsisIntfBfdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwIsisIntfBfdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry of BFD commands on interface of the Integrated IS-IS protocol existing on the system." INDEX { hwIsisProcIdIndex, hwIsisInterfaceIndex, hwIsisIpTypeIndex } ::= { hwIsisIntfBfdTable 1 } HwIsisIntfBfdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwIsisCircBfdState INTEGER, hwIsisCircBfdMinTxInterval Integer32, hwIsisCircBfdMinRxInterval Integer32, hwIsisCircBfdMultiplier Integer32, hwIsisCircBfdFrrBinding INTEGER } -- hwIsisCircBfdState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2), static(3), block(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the BFD status: enable(1): enables BFD. disable(2): disables BFD. static(3): configures static BFD. block(4): blocks BFD on an interface. By default, BFD is not enabled." ::= { hwIsisIntfBfdEntry 1 } -- hwIsisCircBfdMinTxInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the minimum interval for sending BFD packets. The value range and default value of this object are determined by the license file." ::= { hwIsisIntfBfdEntry 2 } -- hwIsisCircBfdMinRxInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the minimum interval for sending BFD packets. The value range and default value of this object are determined by the license file." ::= { hwIsisIntfBfdEntry 3 } -- hwIsisCircBfdMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the local BFD detection multiplier. The value range and default value of this object are determined by the license file." ::= { hwIsisIntfBfdEntry 4 } -- hwIsisCircBfdFrrBinding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the BFD status is bound to IS-IS Auto FRR. enable(1): indicates that BFD is bound to IS-IS Auto FRR. disable(2): indicates that BFD is not bound to IS-IS Auto FRR. By default, the BFD session status is not bound to IS-IS Auto FRR." ::= { hwIsisIntfBfdEntry 5 } -- hwIsisTrapsObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwIsisConf 2 } -- hwIsisAdjChangeReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { isNbrHoldTimerExpired(1), isNbrPhysicalInterfaceChange(2), isNbrProtocolReason(3), isNbrBfdSessionDown(4), isNbrConfigurationChange(5), isNbrPeerRouterReason(6), isNbrClear(100) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the cause of the neighbor Down event." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 1 } -- hwisisSysInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the IS-IS process." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 2 } -- hwisisSysLevelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { level1IS (1), level2IS (2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates an IS-IS level." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 3 } -- hwIsisOwnSysID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the system ID of an IS-IS process. The system ID and area address are a major part of a NET." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 4 } -- hwIsisAdjSysID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the system ID of an IS-IS process. The system ID and area address are a major part of a NET." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 5 } -- hwIsisAdjSysName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configures the name of the IS-IS dynamic host. The value is a string of 1 to 64 characters. When the length is 0, the configured IS-IS dynamic host name is deleted." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 6 } -- hwIsisConflictSystemID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ID for this instance of the Integrated IS-IS protocol. This value is appended to each of the area addresses to form the Network Entity Titles. The derivation of a value for this object is implementation-specific. Some implementations may automatically assign values and not permit an SNMP write, while others may require the value to be set manually." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 7 } -- hwIsisAutoSysId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ID for this instance of the Integrated IS-IS protocol. This value is appended to each of the area addresses to form the Network Entity Titles. The derivation of a value for this object is implementation-specific. Some implementations may automatically assign values and not permit an SNMP write, while others may require the value to be set manually." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 8 } -- hwIsisLocalIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Local IP address." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 9 } -- hwIsisRemoteIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the remote end." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 10 } -- hwIsisAdjIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Neighbor IP address." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 11 } -- hwIsisPeerFlappingSuppressStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), holddown(2), holdmaxcost(3) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the mode of the IS-IS neighbor relationship flapping suppression. none(1): IS-IS neighbor relationship flapping suppression is not started yet. holddown(2): IS-IS neighbor relationship flapping suppression works in Hold-down mode. holdmaxcost(3): IS-IS neighbor relationship flapping suppression works in Hold-max-cost mode." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 12 } -- hwIsisRemainingLifetime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remaining-lifetime of LSP." DEFVAL { 1200 } ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 13 } -- hwIsisHostName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The dynamic host name of IS-IS device." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 14 } -- hwIsisHostIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of of IS-IS device." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 15 } -- hwIsisPurgeLspNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IS-IS device purge the lsp number." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 16 } -- hwIsisAffectedNodeNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IS-IS device affect the lsp number." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 17 } -- hwIsisTotalNodeNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IS-IS total node number." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 18 } -- hwIsisInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistic interval." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 19 } -- hwIsisRuledOutDeviceNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The rule out device number." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 20 } -- hwIsisSystemID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..8)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IS-IS System ID." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 21 } -- hwIsisHostName1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a system ID which is used to uniquely identify a host or router in an area." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 22 } -- hwIsisHostIpAddress1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of of IS-IS device." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 23 } -- hwIsisSystemID1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a system ID which is used to uniquely identify a host or router in an area." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 24 } -- hwIsisHostName2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The dynamic host name of IS-IS device." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 25 } -- hwIsisHostIpAddress2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of of IS-IS device." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 26 } -- hwIsisSystemID2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a system ID which is used to uniquely identify a host or router in an area." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 27 } -- hwIsisHostName3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The dynamic host name of IS-IS device." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 28 } -- hwIsisHostIpAddress3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of of IS-IS device." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 29 } -- hwIsisSystemID3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a system ID which is used to uniquely identify a host or router in an area." ::= { hwIsisTrapsObjects 30 } -- hwIsisConfConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwIsisConf 3 } -- hwIsisCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwIsisConfConformance 1 } -- hwIsisModuleFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities implementing the Huawei ISIS MIB" MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { hwIsisProcBaseGroup, hwIsisProcMTExtGroup, hwIsisPrefixPriorityGroup, hwIsisSummaryGroup, hwIsisNETGroup, hwIsisImportRouteGroup, hwIsisRouteLeakGroup, hwIsisFrrGroup, hwIsisIntfBaseGroup, hwIsisIntfExtGroup, hwIsisIntfBfdGroup, hwIsisTrapsObjectsGroup, hwIsisTrapsGroup} ::= { hwIsisCompliances 1 } -- hwIsisConfGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwIsisConfConformance 2 } -- hwIsisProcBaseGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwIsisProcVpnName, hwIsisProcVpn6Name, hwIsisProcAreaAuthType, hwIsisProcAreaAuthPasswordName, hwIsisProcAreaAuthPacketAuthMode, hwIsisProcAreaAuthCode, hwIsisProcDomainAuthType, hwIsisProcDomainAuthPasswordName, hwIsisProcDomainAuthPacketAuthMode, hwIsisProcDomainAuthCode, hwIsisProcLevel, hwIsisProcL1FlashFloodCount, hwIsisProcL1FlashFloodInterval, hwIsisProcL2FlashFloodCount, hwIsisProcL2FlashFloodInterval, hwIsisProcLogPeerChange, hwIsisProcTimerRefresh, hwIsisProcTimerMaxAge, hwIsisProcL1TimerLspGenMaxInterval, hwIsisProcL1TimerLspGenInitInterval, hwIsisProcL1TimerLspGenIncrInterval, hwIsisProcL2TimerLspGenMaxInterval, hwIsisProcL2TimerLspGenInitInterval, hwIsisProcL2TimerLspGenIncrInterval, hwIsisProcTimerSPFMaxInterval, hwIsisProcTimerSPFInitInterval, hwIsisProcTimerSPFIncrInterval, hwIsisProcCostStyle, hwIsisProcDynamicName, hwIsisProcGREnabled, hwIsisProcGRInterval, hwIsisProcGRSuppresSAEnabled, hwIsisProcTEEnableLevel, hwIsisProcBFDEnabled, hwIsisProcBFDMinTxInterval, hwIsisProcBFDMinRecvInteval, hwIsisProcBFDMultiplier, hwIsisProcBFDFrrBindEnabled, hwIsisProcIPv6EnableTopologyType, hwIsisProcRowStatus, hwIsisProcOptionalChecksumEnabled , hwisisProcLsdbMaxLimit, hwIsisProcLsdbUpperThreshold, hwIsisProcLsdbLowerThreshold, hwIsisProcLsdbTotal, hwIsisProcAreaAuthKeychainName, hwIsisProcDomainAuthKeychainName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of hwIsisProcBaseGroup." ::= { hwIsisConfGroups 1 } -- hwIsisProcMTExtGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwIsisProcDefRoutAdvType, hwIsisProcDefRoutAdvPolicyName, hwIsisProcDefRoutAdvCost, hwIsisProcDefRoutAdvTag, hwIsisProcDefRoutAdvLevel, hwIsisProcDefRoutAdvAvoidLearnEnabled, hwIsisProcL1CircuitCost, hwIsisProcL2CircuitCost, hwIsisProcPrefValue, hwIsisProcPrefPolicyName, hwIsisProcMaxLoadBalance, hwIsisProcL1CircuitDefaultTag, hwIsisProcL2CircuitDefaultTag, hwIsisProcAutoCostEnabled, hwIsisProcSetOverLoad, hwIsisProcSetOverLoadAllowRoute, hwIsisProcOnStartInterval, hwIsisProcOnStartStartFromPeer, hwIsisProcOnStartFromPeerInterval, hwIsisMTName, hwIsisProcMTStatus, hwIsisProcL2RedistMaxLimit, hwIsisProcL1RedistMaxLimit, hwIsisProcOnStartWaitForBgpEnabled, hwIsisProcBandWidthReference, hwIsisProcL1UpperRedistThreshold, hwIsisProcL2UpperRedistThreshold, hwIsisProcL1LowerRedistThreshold, hwIsisProcL2LowerRedistThreshold, hwIsisProcL1TotalRedist, hwIsisProcL2TotalRedist } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of hwIsisProcMTExtGroup." ::= { hwIsisConfGroups 2 } -- hwIsisPrefixPriorityGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwIsisPrefixPriorityL1PolicyType, hwIsisPrefixPriorityL2PolicyType, hwIsisPrefixPriorityL1IpPrefixName, hwIsisPrefixPriorityL2IpPrefixName, hwIsisPrefixPriorityL1TagValue, hwIsisPrefixPriorityL2TagValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of hwIsisPrefixPriorityGroup." ::= { hwIsisConfGroups 3 } -- hwIsisSummaryGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwIsisSummaryAvoidFeedBackEnabled, hwIsisSummaryGenNull0RouteEnabled, hwIsisSummaryLevel, hwIsisSummaryTag, hwIsisSummaryStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of hwIsisSummaryGroup." ::= { hwIsisConfGroups 4 } -- hwIsisNETGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwIsisNETStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of hwIsisNETGroup." ::= { hwIsisConfGroups 5 } -- hwIsisImportRouteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwIsisImportInheritCostEnabled, hwIsisImportCost, hwIsisImportCostType, hwIsisImportLevel, hwIsisImportTag, hwIsisImportPolicyName, hwIsisImportRouteStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of hwIsisImportRouteGroup." ::= { hwIsisConfGroups 6 } -- hwIsisRouteLeakGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwIsisRouteLeakTag, hwIsisRouteLeakFilterPolicyType, hwIsisRouteLeakFilterPolicyBasicAcl, hwIsisRouteLeakFilterPolicyPolicyName, hwIsisRouteLeakStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of hwIsisRouteLeakGroup." ::= { hwIsisConfGroups 7 } -- hwIsisFrrGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwIsisFrrPolicyName, hwIsisFrrLoopFreeAltLevel, hwIsisFrrEnabled } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of hwIsisFrrGroup." ::= { hwIsisConfGroups 8 } -- hwIsisIntfBaseGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwIsisEnableIPProtocol, hwIsisEnableIPv6Protocol, hwIsisCircLevel, hwIsisCircSimulation, hwIsisCircL1HelloInterval, hwIsisCircL2HelloInterval, hwIsisCircL1HelloMultiplier, hwIsisCircL2HelloMultiplier, hwIsisCircL1AuthMode, hwIsisCircL1AuthText, hwIsisCircL1AuthSendOnly, hwIsisCircL2AuthMode, hwIsisCircL2AuthText, hwIsisCircL2AuthSendOnly, hwIsisCircLdpSync, hwIsisCircLdpSyncHoldDown, hwIsisCircLdpHldMaxCost, hwIsisCircSmallHello, hwIsisCircIpIgnore, hwIsisCircSenseRpr, hwIsisCircPadHello, hwIsisCircLspRetransInterval, hwIsisL1CsnpTimerValue, hwIsisL2CsnpTimerValue, hwIsisLspThrottleInterval, hwIsisLspThrottleCount, hwIsisCircL1DisPriority, hwIsisCircL2DisPriority, hwIsisCircSilent, hwIsisCircMeshGroup, hwIsisCircMeshBlock, hwIsisCircDisName, hwIsisCircPppNego, hwIsisCircPppOsicpCheck, hwIsisIntfRowStatus, hwIsisCircL1AuthCode, hwIsisCircL2AuthCode, hwIsisCircL1AuthKeychainName, hwIsisCircL2AuthKeychainName, hwIsisCircStrictSnpaCheckEnable } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of hwIsisIntfBaseGroup." ::= { hwIsisConfGroups 21 } -- hwIsisIntfExtGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwIsisCircL1Cost, hwIsisCircL2Cost, hwIsisL1TagValue, hwIsisL2TagValue, hwIsisCircSuppReachablity, hwIsisCircFrrBackup, hwIsisCircMTRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of hwIsisIntfExtGroup." ::= { hwIsisConfGroups 22 } -- hwIsisIntfBfdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwIsisCircBfdMinTxInterval, hwIsisCircBfdMinRxInterval, hwIsisCircBfdMultiplier, hwIsisCircBfdFrrBinding, hwIsisCircBfdState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of hwIsisIntfBfdGroup." ::= { hwIsisConfGroups 23 } -- hwIsisTrapsObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwIsisAdjChangeReason, hwisisSysInstance, hwisisSysLevelIndex, hwIsisOwnSysID, hwIsisAdjSysID, hwIsisAdjSysName, hwIsisConflictSystemID, hwIsisAutoSysId, hwIsisLocalIP, hwIsisAdjIP, hwIsisRemoteIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of adj change reason." ::= { hwIsisConfGroups 24 } -- hwIsisTrapsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hwIsisSystemIdConflict, hwIsisL1ImportRouteExceedLimit, hwIsisL1ImportRouteRestoreToLimit, hwIsisL2ImportRouteExceedLimit, hwIsisL2ImportRouteRestoreToLimit, hwIsisL1ImportRouteThresholdReach, hwIsisL1ImportRouteThresholdReachClear, hwIsisL2ImportRouteThresholdReach, hwIsisL2ImportRouteThresholdReachClear, hwIsisLsdbThresholdReach, hwIsisLsdbThresholdReachClear, hwIsisSystemIdAutoRecover, hwIsisSeqNumExceedThreshold, hwIsisSeqNumExceedThresholdClear, hwIsisAttemptToExceedMaxSequenceClear, hwIsisPeerFlapSuppStatusChange, hwIsisDeleteRouteByPurge, hwIsisDeleteRouteByPurgeClear, hwIsisRouteBeDeletedByPurgeExact, hwIsisRouteBeDeletedByPurgeExactClear, hwIsisRouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexact, hwIsisRouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexactClear, hwIsisRouteBeDeletedByPurge, hwIsisRouteBeDeletedByPurgeClear, hwIsisThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeExact, hwIsisThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeExactClear, hwIsisThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexact, hwIsisThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexactClear, hwIsisThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurge, hwIsisThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeClear } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The collections of notifications sent by an IS." ::= { hwIsisConfGroups 25 } -- hwIsisTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwIsisConf 4 } -- hwIsisSystemIdConflict NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS{ hwisisSysInstance, hwisisSysLevelIndex, hwIsisOwnSysID, hwIsisProcDynamicName, hwIsisAdjSysID, hwIsisAdjSysName, hwIsisLocalIP, hwIsisAdjIP, hwIsisRemoteIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IS-IS detects a system ID conflict in an area." ::= { hwIsisTraps 1 } -- hwIsisL1ImportRouteExceedLimit NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwIsisProcL1RedistMaxLimit, hwIsisProcL1TotalRedist } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ISIS level-1 number of imported routes has exceeded the maximum limit." ::= { hwIsisTraps 2 } -- hwIsisL1ImportRouteRestoreToLimit NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwIsisProcL1RedistMaxLimit, hwIsisProcL1TotalRedist } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ISIS level-1 number of imported routes is restored to less than or equal to the maximum limit." ::= { hwIsisTraps 3 } -- hwIsisL2ImportRouteExceedLimit NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwIsisProcL2RedistMaxLimit, hwIsisProcL2TotalRedist } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ISIS level-2 number of imported routes has exceeded the maximum limit." ::= { hwIsisTraps 4 } -- hwIsisL2ImportRouteRestoreToLimit NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwIsisProcL2RedistMaxLimit, hwIsisProcL2TotalRedist } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ISIS level-2 number of imported routes is restored to less than or equal to the maximum limit." ::= { hwIsisTraps 5 } -- hwIsisL1ImportRouteThresholdReach NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwIsisProcL1RedistMaxLimit, hwIsisProcL1UpperRedistThreshold, hwIsisProcL1LowerRedistThreshold, hwIsisProcL1TotalRedist } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ISIS level-1 number of imported routes has reached the threshold value." ::= { hwIsisTraps 6 } -- hwIsisL1ImportRouteThresholdReachClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwIsisProcL1RedistMaxLimit, hwIsisProcL1UpperRedistThreshold, hwIsisProcL1LowerRedistThreshold, hwIsisProcL1TotalRedist } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ISIS level-1 number of imported routes has been less than the threshold value." ::= { hwIsisTraps 7 } -- hwIsisL2ImportRouteThresholdReach NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwIsisProcL2RedistMaxLimit, hwIsisProcL2UpperRedistThreshold, hwIsisProcL2LowerRedistThreshold, hwIsisProcL2TotalRedist } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ISIS level-2 number of imported routes has reached the threshold value." ::= { hwIsisTraps 8 } -- hwIsisL2ImportRouteThresholdReachClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwIsisProcL2RedistMaxLimit, hwIsisProcL2UpperRedistThreshold, hwIsisProcL2LowerRedistThreshold, hwIsisProcL2TotalRedist } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ISIS level-2 number of imported routes has been less than the threshold value." ::= { hwIsisTraps 9 } -- hwIsisLsdbThresholdReach NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS{ hwisisProcLsdbMaxLimit, hwIsisProcLsdbUpperThreshold, hwIsisProcLsdbLowerThreshold, hwIsisProcLsdbTotal } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of LSP has reached the upper threshold value." ::= { hwIsisTraps 10 } -- hwIsisLsdbThresholdReachClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS{ hwisisProcLsdbMaxLimit, hwIsisProcLsdbUpperThreshold, hwIsisProcLsdbLowerThreshold, hwIsisProcLsdbTotal } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of LSP has been less than the lower threshold value." ::= { hwIsisTraps 11 } -- hwIsisSystemIdAutoRecover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwisisSysInstance, hwIsisConflictSystemID, hwIsisAutoSysId, hwIsisLocalIP, hwIsisRemoteIP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "After a system ID conflict was detected within an IS-IS area, IS-IS changed the system ID automatically." ::= { hwIsisTraps 12 } -- hwIsisAdjacencyChangeClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { isisSysInstance, isisSysLevelIndex, isisCircIfIndex, isisPduLspId, isisAdjState, ifName, hwIsisAdjChangeReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The isisAdjacencyChange alarm was cleared." ::= { hwIsisTraps 13 } -- hwIsisSeqNumExceedThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { isisSysInstance, isisSysLevelIndex, isisPduLspId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LSP sequence number has exceeded the upper threshold value." ::= { hwIsisTraps 14 } -- hwIsisSeqNumExceedThresholdClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { isisSysInstance, isisSysLevelIndex, isisPduLspId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LSP sequence number has been less than the upper threshold value." ::= { hwIsisTraps 15 } -- hwIsisAttemptToExceedMaxSequenceClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { isisSysInstance, isisSysLevelIndex, isisPduLspId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LSP sequence number has been less than the maximum value." ::= { hwIsisTraps 16 } -- hwIsisPeerFlapSuppStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { isisSysInstance, isisCircIfIndex, ifName, hwIsisPeerFlappingSuppressStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object is used to monitor the peer flapping-suppress status of interface in ISIS." ::= { hwIsisTraps 17 } -- hwIsisLspRemainingLifetimeRefresh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { isisSysInstance, isisSysLevelIndex, isisCircIfIndex, ifName, hwIsisAdjSysID, isisPduLspId, hwIsisRemainingLifetime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object is used to monitor the receiving of LSP with small remaining lifetime." ::= { hwIsisTraps 18 } -- hwIsisDeleteRouteByPurge NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwisisSysInstance, hwIsisHostName, hwIsisHostIpAddress, hwIsisSystemID, hwisisSysLevelIndex, hwIsisPurgeLspNum, hwIsisAffectedNodeNum, hwIsisTotalNodeNum, hwIsisInterval } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The local device deleted IS-IS routes advertised by other devices." ::= { hwIsisTraps 19 } -- hwIsisDeleteRouteByPurgeClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwisisSysInstance, hwIsisHostName, hwIsisHostIpAddress, hwIsisSystemID, hwisisSysLevelIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The local device did not delete IS-IS routes advertised by other devices." ::= { hwIsisTraps 20 } -- hwIsisRouteBeDeletedByPurgeExact NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwisisSysInstance, hwIsisHostName, hwIsisHostIpAddress, hwIsisSystemID, hwisisSysLevelIndex, hwIsisPurgeLspNum, hwIsisAffectedNodeNum, hwIsisTotalNodeNum, hwIsisInterval } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IS-IS routes advertised by the local device were deleted by another device." ::= { hwIsisTraps 21 } -- hwIsisRouteBeDeletedByPurgeExactClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwisisSysInstance, hwIsisHostName, hwIsisHostIpAddress, hwIsisSystemID, hwisisSysLevelIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IS-IS routes advertised by the local device were not deleted by another device." ::= { hwIsisTraps 22 } -- hwIsisRouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexact NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwisisSysInstance, hwIsisHostName, hwIsisHostIpAddress, hwIsisSystemID, hwisisSysLevelIndex, hwIsisPurgeLspNum, hwIsisAffectedNodeNum, hwIsisTotalNodeNum, hwIsisInterval, hwIsisRuledOutDeviceNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IS-IS routes advertised by the local device were deleted by another device, and the possibly faulty device did not support IS-IS purge LSP source tracing. Log in to the possibly faulty device. If the device is deleting routes, reset or isolate it from the network. Otherwise, check other devices. Neither of the devices displayed in the display isis purge-source-trace analysis-report command output is the faulty device." ::= { hwIsisTraps 23 } -- hwIsisRouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexactClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwisisSysInstance, hwIsisHostName, hwIsisHostIpAddress, hwIsisSystemID, hwisisSysLevelIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IS-IS routes advertised by the local device were not deleted by another device." ::= { hwIsisTraps 24 } -- hwIsisRouteBeDeletedByPurge NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwisisSysInstance, hwIsisHostName, hwIsisHostIpAddress, hwIsisSystemID, hwisisSysLevelIndex, hwIsisTotalNodeNum, hwIsisHostName1, hwIsisHostIpAddress1, hwIsisSystemID1, hwIsisHostName2, hwIsisHostIpAddress2, hwIsisSystemID2, hwIsisHostName3, hwIsisHostIpAddress3, hwIsisSystemID3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IS-IS routes advertised by the local device were deleted by another device. Log in to the possibly faulty device. If the device is deleting routes, reset or isolate it from the network. Otherwise, check other devices." ::= { hwIsisTraps 25 } -- hwIsisRouteBeDeletedByPurgeClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwisisSysInstance, hwIsisHostName, hwIsisHostIpAddress, hwIsisSystemID, hwisisSysLevelIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IS-IS routes advertised by the local device were not deleted by another device." ::= { hwIsisTraps 26 } -- hwIsisThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeExact NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwisisSysInstance, hwIsisHostName, hwIsisHostIpAddress, hwIsisSystemID, hwisisSysLevelIndex, hwIsisPurgeLspNum, hwIsisAffectedNodeNum, hwIsisTotalNodeNum, hwIsisInterval } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IS-IS routes advertised by another device were deleted. Reset or isolate the faulty device from the network." ::= { hwIsisTraps 27 } -- hwIsisThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeExactClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwisisSysInstance, hwIsisHostName, hwIsisHostIpAddress, hwIsisSystemID, hwisisSysLevelIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IS-IS routes advertised by another device were not deleted." ::= { hwIsisTraps 28 } -- hwIsisThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexact NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwisisSysInstance, hwIsisHostName, hwIsisHostIpAddress, hwIsisSystemID, hwisisSysLevelIndex, hwIsisPurgeLspNum, hwIsisAffectedNodeNum, hwIsisTotalNodeNum, hwIsisInterval, hwIsisRuledOutDeviceNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IS-IS routes advertised by another device were deleted, and the possibly faulty device did not support IS-IS purge LSP source tracing. Log in to the possibly faulty device. If the device is deleting routes, reset or isolate it from the network. Otherwise, check other devices. Neither of the devices displayed in the display isis purge-source-trace analysis-report command output is the faulty device." ::= { hwIsisTraps 29 } -- hwIsisThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexactClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwisisSysInstance, hwIsisHostName, hwIsisHostIpAddress, hwIsisSystemID, hwisisSysLevelIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IS-IS routes advertised by another device were not deleted." ::= { hwIsisTraps 30 } -- hwIsisThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurge NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwisisSysInstance, hwIsisHostName, hwIsisHostIpAddress, hwIsisSystemID, hwisisSysLevelIndex, hwIsisTotalNodeNum, hwIsisHostName1, hwIsisHostIpAddress1, hwIsisSystemID1, hwIsisHostName2, hwIsisHostIpAddress2, hwIsisSystemID2, hwIsisHostName3, hwIsisHostIpAddress3, hwIsisSystemID3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IS-IS routes advertised by another device were deleted. Log in to the possibly faulty device. If the device is deleting routes, reset or isolate it from the network. Otherwise, check other devices." ::= { hwIsisTraps 31 } -- hwIsisThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwisisSysInstance, hwIsisHostName, hwIsisHostIpAddress, hwIsisSystemID, hwisisSysLevelIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IS-IS routes advertised by another device were not deleted." ::= { hwIsisTraps 32 } END -- -- -- HUAWEI-ISIS-CONF-MIB.my --