-- ================================================================== -- Copyright (C) 2017 by HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES. All rights reserved. -- -- Description: HUAWEI mac flapping management MIB -- Reference: -- Version: V2.19 -- History: -- ================================================================== -- ================================================================== -- -- Varibles and types be imported -- -- ================================================================== HUAWEI-MFLP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS hwDatacomm FROM HUAWEI-MIB DisplayString, RowStatus, MacAddress FROM SNMPv2-TC VlanId FROM Q-BRIDGE-MIB ifIndex, ifName, InterfaceIndex,InterfaceIndexOrZero,ifAdminStatus,ifOperStatus,ifDescr FROM IF-MIB EnabledStatus FROM P-BRIDGE-MIB NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI NOTIFICATION-GROUP, OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF IpAddress, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32, MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI; hwMFlpMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201704050000Z" ORGANIZATION "Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: support@huawei.com " DESCRIPTION "Add Objects to hwMflpBdLinkBlocked hwMflpBdLinkResumed." REVISION "201704050000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add Objects to hwMflpTrapGroup." REVISION "201703030000Z" DESCRIPTION "Mac flapping management MIB." REVISION "201604270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add Objects to hwMflpBdCfgTable." REVISION "201507170000Z" DESCRIPTION "Fix the errors." REVISION "201507140000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add Objects to hwMflpNewAlarm." REVISION "201412230000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add Objects to hwMflpLinkBlkedIfName." REVISION "201403150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add Objects to hwMflpDefaultAlarm and hwMflpDefaultResume ." REVISION "201403150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add Objects to hwMflpVsiAlarm." REVISION "201309070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Fix the errors checked by a tool." REVISION "200801020600Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.00, initial version." ::= { hwDatacomm 160 } -- ================================================================== -- -- ======================= definition begin ========================= -- -- ================================================================== hwMflpObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwMFlpMIB 1 } -- Configured mac flapping table hwMflpVlanCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwMflpVlanCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mac flapping table.The table that contains the mac flapping information currently operating in VLAN mode on this device." ::= { hwMflpObjects 1 } hwMflpVlanCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwMflpVlanCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entries of the mac flapping table in VLAN mode." INDEX { hwMflpVlanId } ::= { hwMflpVlanCfgTable 1 } HwMflpVlanCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwMflpVlanId VlanId, hwMflpVlanCfgLoopTimes Unsigned32, hwMflpVlanCfgDetectCycle Unsigned32, hwMflpVlanCfgCycles Unsigned32, hwMflpVlanCfgAction INTEGER, hwMflpVlanCfgBlockTime Unsigned32, hwMflpVlanCfgRetryTimes Unsigned32, hwMflpVlanCfgIfName DisplayString, hwMflpVlanCfgAlarmReason DisplayString, hwMflpVlanCfgRowstatus RowStatus, hwMflpVlanDetectMAC DisplayString, hwMflpVlanCfgMacAddr MacAddress, hwMflpVlanCfgPreIfName DisplayString } hwMflpVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanId MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VLAN ID referring to the VLAN which is correlative to the hwMflpVlanCfg table." ::= { hwMflpVlanCfgEntry 1 } hwMflpVlanCfgLoopTimes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of mac move-times." ::= { hwMflpVlanCfgEntry 2 } hwMflpVlanCfgDetectCycle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..30) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interval of detecting the mac move-times." ::= { hwMflpVlanCfgEntry 3 } hwMflpVlanCfgCycles OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..15) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of interval." ::= { hwMflpVlanCfgEntry 4 } hwMflpVlanCfgAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { block(1), alarmOnly(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action switch of this entry. The meanings of the values are: block(1), alarmOnly(2)" DEFVAL { block } ::= { hwMflpVlanCfgEntry 5 } hwMflpVlanCfgBlockTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The blocked time of the interface. When the value of hwMflpAction is 1, value of hwMflpBlockTime should be between 10 and 65535." ::= { hwMflpVlanCfgEntry 6 } hwMflpVlanCfgRetryTimes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..5) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The retry times of permanent interdiction." ::= { hwMflpVlanCfgEntry 7 } hwMflpVlanCfgIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface name, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpVlanCfgEntry 8 } hwMflpVlanCfgAlarmReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm reason, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpVlanCfgEntry 9 } hwMflpVlanCfgRowstatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operating state of the row." ::= { hwMflpVlanCfgEntry 10 } hwMflpVlanDetectMAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The detect MAC, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpVlanCfgEntry 11 } hwMflpVlanCfgMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MAC address, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpVlanCfgEntry 12 } hwMflpVlanCfgPreIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface name, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpVlanCfgEntry 13 } hwMflpVsiCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwMflpVsiCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mac flapping table .The table that contains the mac flapping information currently operating in VSI mode on this device." ::= { hwMflpObjects 2 } hwMflpVsiCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwMflpVsiCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entries of The mac flapping table in VSI mode." INDEX { hwMflpVsiName } ::= { hwMflpVsiCfgTable 1 } HwMflpVsiCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwMflpVsiName OCTET STRING, hwMflpVsiCfgLoopTimes Unsigned32, hwMflpVsiCfgDetectCycle Unsigned32, hwMflpVsiCfgCycles Unsigned32, hwMflpVsiCfgAction INTEGER, hwMflpVsiCfgBlockTime Unsigned32, hwMflpVsiCfgRetryTimes Unsigned32, hwMflpVsiCfgBlockPolicy INTEGER, hwMflpVsiCfgAcName DisplayString, hwMflpVsiCfgAlarmReason DisplayString, hwMflpVsiCfgIpAddr IpAddress, hwMflpVsiCfgPwId Unsigned32, hwMflpVsiCfgRowstatus RowStatus, hwMflpVsiDetectMAC DisplayString, hwMflpLinkBlkedIfName DisplayString, hwMflpVsiCfgAcNameEx1 DisplayString, hwMflpVsiCfgAcNameEx2 DisplayString } hwMflpVsiName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VSI name referring to the VSI which is correlative to the hwMflpVsiCfg table." ::= { hwMflpVsiCfgEntry 1 } hwMflpVsiCfgLoopTimes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of loop-times." ::= { hwMflpVsiCfgEntry 2 } hwMflpVsiCfgDetectCycle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..30) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interval of detecting the loop-times." ::= { hwMflpVsiCfgEntry 3 } hwMflpVsiCfgCycles OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..15) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of detect-cycle." ::= { hwMflpVsiCfgEntry 4 } hwMflpVsiCfgAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { block(1), alarmOnly(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action switch of this entry. The meanings of the values are: block(1), alarmOnly(2)" DEFVAL { block } ::= { hwMflpVsiCfgEntry 5 } hwMflpVsiCfgBlockTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The blocked time of the interface . When the value of hwMflpAction is 1, value of hwMflpBlockTime should be between 10 and 65535." ::= { hwMflpVsiCfgEntry 6 } hwMflpVsiCfgRetryTimes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..5) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The retry times of permanent interdiction." ::= { hwMflpVsiCfgEntry 7 } hwMflpVsiCfgBlockPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { default(1), acFirst(2), pwFirst(3), acOnly(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The block policy switch of this entry. The meanings of the values are: default(1), acFirst(2), pwFirst(3), acOnly(4)" DEFVAL { default } ::= { hwMflpVsiCfgEntry 8 } hwMflpVsiCfgAcName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The AC interface name, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpVsiCfgEntry 9 } hwMflpVsiCfgAlarmReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm reason, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpVsiCfgEntry 10 } hwMflpVsiCfgIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer IP address, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpVsiCfgEntry 11 } hwMflpVsiCfgPwId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PW ID, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpVsiCfgEntry 12 } hwMflpVsiCfgRowstatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operating state of the row." ::= { hwMflpVsiCfgEntry 13 } hwMflpVsiDetectMAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The detect MAC, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpVsiCfgEntry 14 } hwMflpLinkBlkedIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC-Flapping association, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpVsiCfgEntry 15 } hwMflpVsiCfgAcNameEx1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The AC interface name, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpVsiCfgEntry 16 } hwMflpVsiCfgAcNameEx2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The AC interface name, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpVsiCfgEntry 17 } hwMflpBdCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwMflpBdCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mac flapping table .The table that contains the mac flapping information currently operating in Bd mode on this device." ::= { hwMflpObjects 3 } hwMflpBdCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwMflpBdCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entries of The mac flapping table in Bd mode." INDEX { hwMflpBdIndex } ::= { hwMflpBdCfgTable 1 } HwMflpBdCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwMflpBdIndex Unsigned32, hwMflpBdCfgBlockTime Unsigned32, hwMflpBdCfgAcName DisplayString, hwMflpBdCfgAlarmReason DisplayString, hwMflpBdDetectMAC DisplayString, hwMflpBdCfgAcNameEx1 DisplayString, hwMflpBdCfgAcNameEx2 DisplayString, hwMflpBdCfgVsiName OCTET STRING, hwMflpBdCfgIpAddr IpAddress, hwMflpBdCfgPwId Unsigned32 } hwMflpBdIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Bd ID referring to the BD which is correlative to the hwMflpBdCfg table." ::= { hwMflpBdCfgEntry 1 } hwMflpBdCfgBlockTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The blocked time of the interface in units of seconds. When the value of hwMflpAction is 1, value of hwMflpBlockTime should be between 10 and 65535." ::= { hwMflpBdCfgEntry 2 } hwMflpBdCfgAcName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The AC interface name, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpBdCfgEntry 3 } hwMflpBdCfgAlarmReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm reason, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpBdCfgEntry 4 } hwMflpBdDetectMAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The detect MAC, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpBdCfgEntry 5 } hwMflpBdCfgAcNameEx1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The AC interface name, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpBdCfgEntry 6 } hwMflpBdCfgAcNameEx2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The AC interface name, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpBdCfgEntry 7 } hwMflpBdCfgVsiName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VSI name referring to the VSI which is correlative to the hwMflpBdCfgEntry table." ::= { hwMflpBdCfgEntry 8 } hwMflpBdCfgIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer IP address, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpBdCfgEntry 9} hwMflpBdCfgPwId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PW ID, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpBdCfgEntry 10 } hwMflpGeneralObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwMFlpMIB 2 } hwMflpTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the enable sign of MFLP notification." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { hwMflpGeneralObjects 1 } hwMflpBdId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The BdId of mac flapping, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpGeneralObjects 2 } hwMflpIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface name of mac flapping, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpGeneralObjects 3 } hwMflpAlarmReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm reason of mac flapping, only used for trap." ::= { hwMflpGeneralObjects 4 } -- -- MFLP MIB Trap Definitions -- hwMflpMIBTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwMFlpMIB 3 } hwMflpIfBlock NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVlanCfgIfName, hwMflpVlanCfgBlockTime, hwMflpVlanCfgAlarmReason, hwMflpVlanDetectMAC } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates the interface blocked." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 1 } hwMflpIfResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVlanCfgIfName, hwMflpVlanCfgBlockTime, hwMflpVlanCfgAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates the interface resumed." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 2 } hwMflpAcBlock NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVsiCfgAcName, hwMflpVsiCfgBlockTime, hwMflpVsiCfgAlarmReason, hwMflpVsiDetectMAC } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates the interface blocked." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 3 } hwMflpAcResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVsiCfgAcName, hwMflpVsiCfgBlockTime, hwMflpVsiCfgAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates the interface resumed." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 4 } hwMflpPwBlock NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVsiCfgIpAddr, hwMflpVsiCfgPwId, hwMflpVsiCfgBlockTime, hwMflpVsiCfgAlarmReason, hwMflpVsiDetectMAC } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates the PW blocked." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 5 } hwMflpPwResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVsiCfgIpAddr, hwMflpVsiCfgPwId, hwMflpVsiCfgBlockTime, hwMflpVsiCfgAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates the PW resumed." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 6 } hwMflpVlanAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVlanCfgAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates alarm only when loop existed in vlan." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 7 } hwMflpVsiAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVsiCfgAlarmReason, hwMflpVsiDetectMAC, hwMflpVsiCfgAcName, hwMflpVsiCfgAcNameEx1, hwMflpVsiCfgAcNameEx2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates alarm only when loop existed in vsi." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 8 } hwMflpMacAddrAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVlanCfgMacAddr, hwMflpVlanCfgBlockTime, hwMflpVlanCfgPreIfName, hwMflpVlanCfgIfName, hwMflpVlanCfgAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates the MAC locked." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 9 } hwMflpMacAddrResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVlanCfgMacAddr, hwMflpVlanCfgBlockTime, hwMflpVlanCfgPreIfName, hwMflpVlanCfgIfName, hwMflpVlanCfgAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates the MAC resumed." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 10 } hwMflpQuitVlanAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVlanCfgIfName, hwMflpVlanCfgAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates the interface leaved from vlan because mac move detected." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 11 } hwMflpQuitVlanResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVlanCfgIfName, hwMflpVlanCfgAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates the Interface leaved from vlan resumed." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 12 } hwMflpVlanLoopAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVlanId, hwMflpVlanCfgPreIfName, hwMflpVlanCfgIfName,hwMflpVlanCfgIfName, hwMflpVlanCfgAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates alarm only when loop existed in vlan." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 13 } hwMflpVlanLoopAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVlanId, hwMflpVlanCfgPreIfName, hwMflpVlanCfgIfName,hwMflpVlanCfgIfName, hwMflpVlanCfgAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates alarm only when loop existed in vlan." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 14 } hwMflpDefaultAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVlanId, hwMflpVsiName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates alarm only when loop existed." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 15 } hwMflpDefaultResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVlanId, hwMflpVsiName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates alarm only when loop resumed." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 16 } hwMflpBdAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpBdId, hwMflpIfName, hwMflpIfName, hwMflpIfName, hwMflpAlarmReason} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates alarm only when loop existed in bd." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 17 } hwMflpBdAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpBdId, hwMflpIfName, hwMflpIfName, hwMflpIfName, hwMflpAlarmReason} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates alarm only when loop existed in bd." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 18 } hwMflpBdPeriodicTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpBdId, hwMflpIfName, hwMflpIfName, hwMflpIfName, hwMflpAlarmReason} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification only for bd mac flapping periodic send." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 19 } hwMflpVlanLoopPeriodicTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVlanId, hwMflpVlanCfgPreIfName, hwMflpVlanCfgIfName,hwMflpVlanCfgIfName, hwMflpVlanCfgAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification only for vlan mac flapping periodic send." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 20 } hwMflpBdAcBlock NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpBdCfgAcName, hwMflpBdCfgBlockTime, hwMflpBdCfgAlarmReason, hwMflpBdDetectMAC } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates the interface blocked." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 21 } hwMflpBdAcResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpBdCfgAcName, hwMflpBdCfgBlockTime, hwMflpBdCfgAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates the interface resumed." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 22 } hwMflpBdPwBlock NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpBdCfgVsiName, hwMflpBdCfgIpAddr, hwMflpBdCfgPwId, hwMflpBdCfgBlockTime, hwMflpBdCfgAlarmReason, hwMflpBdDetectMAC } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates the interface blocked." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 23 } hwMflpBdPwResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpBdCfgVsiName, hwMflpBdCfgIpAddr, hwMflpBdCfgPwId, hwMflpBdCfgBlockTime, hwMflpBdCfgAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates the interface resumed." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 24 } hwMflpBdAlarmOnly NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpBdCfgAcName, hwMflpBdCfgAcNameEx1, hwMflpBdCfgAcNameEx2, hwMflpBdCfgAlarmReason, hwMflpBdDetectMAC} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates alarm only when loop existed in BD." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 25 } hwMflpLinkBlocked NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVsiName, hwMflpVsiCfgAcName, hwMflpLinkBlkedIfName, hwMflpVsiCfgBlockTime} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main interface has been blocked due to MAC-Flapping association." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 26 } hwMflpLinkResumed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpVsiName, hwMflpVsiCfgAcName, hwMflpLinkBlkedIfName} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main interface has been unblocked due to MAC-Flapping association." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 27 } hwMflpBdLinkBlocked NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpBdCfgAcName, hwMflpLinkBlkedIfName, hwMflpBdCfgBlockTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main interface has been blocked due to MAC-Flapping association." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 28 } hwMflpBdLinkResumed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMflpBdCfgAcName, hwMflpLinkBlkedIfName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The main interface has been unblocked due to MAC-Flapping association." ::= { hwMflpMIBTraps 29 } -- IEEE 802.1Q MIB - Conformance Information hwMflpConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwMFlpMIB 4 } hwMflpCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwMflpConformance 1 } -- units of conformance hwMflpFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { hwMflpVlanCfgGroup, hwMflpVsiCfgGroup, hwMflpTrapEnableGroup, hwMflpTrapGroup } ::= { hwMflpCompliances 1 } hwMflpGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwMflpConformance 2 } hwMflpVlanCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwMflpVlanCfgLoopTimes, hwMflpVlanCfgDetectCycle, hwMflpVlanCfgCycles, hwMflpVlanCfgRetryTimes, hwMflpVlanCfgAction, hwMflpVlanCfgBlockTime, hwMflpVlanCfgIfName, hwMflpVlanCfgAlarmReason, hwMflpVlanCfgRowstatus, hwMflpVlanDetectMAC, hwMflpVlanCfgMacAddr, hwMflpVlanCfgPreIfName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information about mac flapping table." ::= { hwMflpGroups 1 } hwMflpVsiCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwMflpVsiCfgLoopTimes, hwMflpVsiCfgDetectCycle, hwMflpVsiCfgCycles, hwMflpVsiCfgRetryTimes, hwMflpVsiCfgAction, hwMflpVsiCfgBlockTime, hwMflpVsiCfgBlockPolicy, hwMflpVsiCfgAcName, hwMflpVsiCfgAlarmReason, hwMflpVsiCfgIpAddr, hwMflpVsiCfgPwId, hwMflpVsiCfgRowstatus, hwMflpVsiDetectMAC, hwMflpLinkBlkedIfName, hwMflpVsiCfgAcNameEx1, hwMflpVsiCfgAcNameEx2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information about mac flapping table." ::= { hwMflpGroups 2 } hwMflpTrapEnableGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwMflpTrapEnable, hwMflpBdId, hwMflpIfName, hwMflpAlarmReason} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Mflp trap enable group." ::= { hwMflpGroups 3 } hwMflpTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hwMflpIfBlock, hwMflpIfResume, hwMflpAcBlock, hwMflpAcResume, hwMflpPwBlock, hwMflpPwResume, hwMflpVlanAlarm, hwMflpVsiAlarm, hwMflpMacAddrAlarm, hwMflpMacAddrResume, hwMflpQuitVlanAlarm, hwMflpQuitVlanResume, hwMflpVlanLoopAlarm, hwMflpVlanLoopAlarmResume, hwMflpDefaultAlarm, hwMflpDefaultResume, hwMflpBdAlarm, hwMflpBdAlarmResume, hwMflpBdPeriodicTrap, hwMflpVlanLoopPeriodicTrap, hwMflpBdAcBlock, hwMflpBdAcResume, hwMflpBdPwBlock, hwMflpBdPwResume, hwMflpBdAlarmOnly, hwMflpLinkBlocked, hwMflpLinkResumed, hwMflpBdLinkBlocked, hwMflpBdLinkResumed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mflp Trap Group." ::= { hwMflpGroups 4 } hwMflpBdCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwMflpBdCfgBlockTime, hwMflpBdCfgAcName, hwMflpBdCfgAlarmReason, hwMflpBdDetectMAC, hwMflpBdCfgAcNameEx1, hwMflpBdCfgAcNameEx2, hwMflpBdCfgVsiName, hwMflpBdCfgIpAddr, hwMflpBdCfgPwId, hwMflpVsiCfgPwId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information about BD mac flapping table." ::= { hwMflpGroups 5 } END