-- ================================================================== -- Copyright (C) 2005 by HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES. All rights reserved. -- -- Description: HUAWEI Layer Two MAC management MIB -- Reference: -- Version: V1.0 -- History: -- ================================================================== -- HUAWEI-MPLSOAM-MIB.mib -- ================================================================== -- -- Variables and types to be imported -- -- ================================================================== HUAWEI-MPLSOAM-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS hwMpls FROM HUAWEI-MIB IpAddress, Integer32, Unsigned32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, TruthValue, TimeStamp, RowStatus, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; -- -- April 27, 2005 at 17:24 GMT -- hwMplsOam MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200504271724Z" -- April 27, 2005 at 17:24 GMT ORGANIZATION "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "R&D BeiJing, Huawei Technologies co.,Ltd. Huawei Bld.,NO.3 Xinxi Rd., Shang-Di Information Industry Base, Hai-Dian District Beijing P.R. China Zip:100085 Http://www.huawei.com E-mail:support@huawei.com" DESCRIPTION "The HUAWEI-MPLSOAM-MIB contains objects to configure OAM module. The Operation, Administration and Maintenance (OAM) is an effective means for decreasing the cost of network maintenance. The MPLS OAM is used to administrate and maintain MPLS. " ::= { hwMpls 7 } -- -- Node definitions -- -- Node definitions -- -- -- hwMplsOamPs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwMplsOam 1 } -- -- hwMplsOamObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwMplsOamPs 1 } -- -- hwMplsOamCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether OAM is globally capable. 1: capable; 0: incapable; The default value is incapable." ::= { hwMplsOamObjects 1 } -- -- hwMplsOamIgrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwMplsOamIgrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies per-LSP MPLS OAM capability and associated information, such as IgrTunnName and IgrDetType." ::= { hwMplsOamObjects 2 } -- -- hwMplsOamIgrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwMplsOamIgrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table is created by an LSR for every LSP capable of supporting MPLS OAM at ingress." INDEX { hwMplsOamIgrIndex } ::= { hwMplsOamIgrTable 1 } HwMplsOamIgrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwMplsOamIgrIndex Unsigned32, hwMplsOamIgrTunnName OCTET STRING, hwMplsOamIgrDetType INTEGER, hwMplsOamIgrDetFreq INTEGER, hwMplsOamIgrRevType INTEGER, hwMplsOamIgrRevLspName OCTET STRING, hwMplsOamIgrRevLsrId IpAddress, hwMplsOamIgrRevSessTunnId Integer32, hwMplsOamIgrEnable INTEGER, hwMplsOamIgrValid Integer32, hwMplsOamIgrAvaState Integer32, hwMplsOamIgrDefectType Integer32, hwMplsOamIgrRowStatus RowStatus } -- -- hwMplsOamIgrIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a unique index for an OAM ingress entry in the OAM table." ::= { hwMplsOamIgrEntry 1 } -- -- hwMplsOamIgrTunnName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of a tunnel. For ingress, it means the tunnel name of the detected LSP. For egress, it means the tunnel name of the reverse LSP." ::= { hwMplsOamIgrEntry 2 } -- -- hwMplsOamIgrDetType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cv(1), ffd(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "There are two types of OAM packets, CV and FFD. The CV flow is generated at the source LSR of the LSP with a nominal frequency of 1/s and terminated at the sink LSR of the LSP. FFD provides failure detection option for an LSP independent of the CV based availability model and is not tied to the CV insertion rate. Insertion rates at 1/s or faster may also be used. The CV/FFD packet contains a network-unique identifier (TTSI) so that all types of defects can be detected. 1: CV; 2: FFD." ::= { hwMplsOamIgrEntry 3 } -- -- hwMplsOamIgrDetFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cv1000ms(0), ffd10ms2(1), ffd20ms3(2), ffd50ms4(3), ffd100ms5(4), ffd200ms6(5), ffd500ms7(6), ffd3ms8(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For CV: the frequency is static, per second. For FFD: the frequency is set by user. The value can be 10ms, 20ms, 50ms,100ms,200ms,500ms,3ms. Any other frequency is wrong. 0: 1000ms(only for cv); 1: 10ms; 2: 20ms; 3: 50ms; 4: 100ms; 5: 200ms; 6: 500ms; 7: 3ms." ::= { hwMplsOamIgrEntry 4 } -- -- hwMplsOamIgrRevType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { private(1), share(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When an LSP is found to be in defect, the sink LSR if the LSP should send BDI to inform the source LSR of the LSP, the BDI is transferred through the reverse LSP. The type of reverse LSP can be private or shared. If private, then the reverse LSP can be used only when the only LSP is in defect; If shared, the reverse LSP which is shared between many forward LSPs, whose source LSRs are the same and sink LSRs are the same. 1: private; 2: share." ::= { hwMplsOamIgrEntry 5 } -- hwMplsOamIgrRevLspName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object indicates name of the reverse LSP." ::= { hwMplsOamIgrEntry 6 } -- -- hwMplsOamIgrRevLsrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Only for ingress, the object indicates the ingress LSR ID of the reverse LSP,, expressed in IP address." ::= { hwMplsOamIgrEntry 7 } -- -- hwMplsOamIgrRevSessTunnId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Only for ingress, the object indicates the session tunnel ID of the reverse LSP." ::= { hwMplsOamIgrEntry 8 } -- -- hwMplsOamIgrEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether one LSP is OAM enable. If disable, LSP is not monitored; If enable, CV/FFD is generated at the source LSR of the LSP and checked at the sink LSR of the LSP,and user can set other configuration. 0: The OAM function is disabled on the ingress; 1: The OAM function is enabled on the ingress." ::= { hwMplsOamIgrEntry 9 } -- hwMplsOamIgrValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "0: stop detect; 1: start detect." ::= { hwMplsOamIgrEntry 10 } -- -- hwMplsOamIgrAvaState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the LSP Timer (T1) expires, then the LSP enters the Unavailable state. The start point of the Unavailable state is deemed to be at the entry into the LSP defect state. An LSP re-enters the Available state after the LSP Defect state exists first. T1 defines the length of time the LSP is in the Defect state before declaring an LSP Unavailable or returning to defect free state. 0: available state; 1: unavailable state." ::= { hwMplsOamIgrEntry 11 } -- -- hwMplsOamIgrDefectType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..9) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defect is defined as interruption of the capability of a transport entity (e.g., network connection) to transfer user or OAM information. There are six types of defect: 0: no defect; 1: dServer; 2: dPeerMe; 3: dLOCV, Loss of Connectivity Verification defect; 4: dTTSI-Mismatch, Trail Termination Source Identifier Mismatch defect; 5: dTTSI-Mismerge, Trail Termination Source Identifier Mismerge defect; 6: dExcess, Receiving excess rate of CV/FFD; 7: dUnknown, Unknown defect in the MPLS network.. 8: rlsn down; 9: dIngressDown." ::= { hwMplsOamIgrEntry 12 } -- -- hwMplsOamIgrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable is used to create, modify, and delete a row in this table." ::= { hwMplsOamIgrEntry 13 } -- hwMplsOamEgrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwMplsOamEgrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies per-LSP MPLS OAM capability and associated information, such as DetectType, DetectFrequency." ::= { hwMplsOamObjects 3 } -- hwMplsOamEgrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwMplsOamEgrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table is created by an LSR for every LSP capable of supporting MPLS OAM at egress." INDEX { hwMplsOamEgrLspName, hwMplsOamEgrLsrId, hwMplsOamEgrSessTunnId } ::= { hwMplsOamEgrTable 1 } HwMplsOamEgrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwMplsOamEgrLspName OCTET STRING, hwMplsOamEgrLsrId IpAddress, hwMplsOamEgrSessTunnId Integer32, hwMplsOamEgrDetType INTEGER, hwMplsOamEgrDetFreq INTEGER, hwMplsOamEgrRevType INTEGER, hwMplsOamEgrRevTunnName OCTET STRING, hwMplsOamEgrAutoEn INTEGER, hwMplsOamEgrAutoOvertime Integer32, hwMplsOamEgrBDIFreq INTEGER, hwMplsOamEgrEnable INTEGER, hwMplsOamEgrValid INTEGER, hwMplsOamEgrAvaState Integer32, hwMplsOamEgrDefectType Integer32, hwMplsOamEgrRowStatus RowStatus } -- hwMplsOamEgrLspName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object indicates the name of static LSP at egress." ::= { hwMplsOamEgrEntry 1 } -- hwMplsOamEgrLsrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object indicates the Ingress LSR ID of the LSP." ::= { hwMplsOamEgrEntry 2 } -- hwMplsOamEgrSessTunnId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object indicates the the Ingress session tunnel ID of the LSP.." ::= { hwMplsOamEgrEntry 3 } -- hwMplsOamEgrDetType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { invalid(0), cv(1), ffd(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "0: invalid, if auto-protocol, this detect type is invalid; 1: CV; 2: FFD." ::= { hwMplsOamEgrEntry 4 } -- hwMplsOamEgrDetFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ cv1000ms(0), ffd10ms2(1), ffd20ms3(2), ffd50ms4(3), ffd100ms5(4), ffd200ms6(5), ffd500ms7(6), invalid8(7), ffd3ms9(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "0: 1000ms(only for cv); 1: 10ms; 2: 20ms; 3: 50ms; 4: 100ms; 5: 200ms; 6: 500ms; 7: invalid; 8: 3ms." ::= { hwMplsOamEgrEntry 5 } -- hwMplsOamEgrRevType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { invalid(0), private(1), share(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When an LSP is found to be in defect, the sink LSR of the LSP should send BDI to inform the source LSR of the LSP,the BDI is transferred through the reverse LSP. The type of reverse LSP can be private or shared. If private, then the reverse LSP can be used only when the only LSP in defect; If shared, the reverse LSP, which is shared between many forward LSPs that have the same source LSRs and sink LSRs. 0: invalid, when the reverse LSR does not exist; 1: private; 2: share." ::= { hwMplsOamEgrEntry 6 } -- hwMplsOamEgrRevTunnName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object indicates the name of a reverse tunnel." ::= { hwMplsOamEgrEntry 7 } -- hwMplsOamEgrAutoEn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If autoprotocol, then the egress can process extended FDI sent by ingress. 0: disable; 1: enable; Valid only for the egress configuration." ::= { hwMplsOamEgrEntry 8 } -- hwMplsOamEgrAutoOvertime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This time is set at the egress. If the egress receives CV/FFD, it records the parameters included in the packet, such as OAM type and frequency. If the egress does not receive any OAM packet before the timer expires, the sink LSR will send BDI with dLOCV defect. Valid only for the egress configuration." ::= { hwMplsOamEgrEntry 9 } -- hwMplsOamEgrBDIFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { perSecond(0), detectFrequency(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BDI is generated at the trail termination source point of a return path in response to a defect detected at the trail termination sink point of an LSP in the forwarding direction. The frequency of BDI can be set by user. Only valid for egress configuration. The default value is detect frequency and it is valid only when a backward-LSP exists. 0: per-second; 1: same as detect frequency." ::= { hwMplsOamEgrEntry 10 } -- hwMplsOamEgrEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether one LSP is enabled with OAM. If disable, LSP is not monitored; If enable, CV/FFD is generated at the source LSR of the LSP and checked at the sink LSR of the LSP, and user can set other configuration. 0: The OAM function is disabled on the egress; 1: The OAM function is enabled on the egress." ::= { hwMplsOamEgrEntry 11 } -- hwMplsOamEgrValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { stop(1), start(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "1: stop detect; 2: start detect." ::= { hwMplsOamEgrEntry 12 } -- hwMplsOamEgrAvaState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the LSP Timer (T1) expires, then the LSP enters the Unavailable state. The start point of the Unavailable state is deemed to be at the entry into the LSP defect state. An LSP re-enters the Available state after the LSP Defect State. first exists. T1 defines the length of time the LSP is in the Defect state before declaring an LSP Unavailable or returning to defect free state 0: available state; 1: unavailable state." ::= { hwMplsOamEgrEntry 13 } -- hwMplsOamEgrDefectType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..9) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "0: no defect; 1: dServer, 2: dPeerMe, 3: dLOCV, Loss of Connectivity Verification defect; 4: dTTSI-Mismatch, Trail Termination Source Identifier Mismatch defect; 5: dTTSI-Mismerge, Trail Termination Source Identifier Mismerge defect.; 6: dExcess, Receiving excess rate of CV/FFD; 7: dUnknown, Unknown defect in the MPLS network. 8: rlsn down; 9: dEgressDown." ::= { hwMplsOamEgrEntry 14 } -- hwMplsOamEgrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable is used to create, modify, and delete a row in this table." ::= { hwMplsOamEgrEntry 15 } -- -- hwMplsOamRlsnTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwMplsOamRlsnEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies RLSN capability and associated information, such as RlsnLsrId and RlsnLsrId." ::= { hwMplsOamObjects 4 } -- -- hwMplsOamRlsnEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwMplsOamRlsnEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table is created by an LSR to binding the name, lsr-id and tunnel-id of the LSP at egress." INDEX { hwMplsOamRlsnLspName, hwMplsOamRlsnLsrId, hwMplsOamRlsnSessTunnId, hwMplsOamRlsnIfIndex } ::= { hwMplsOamRlsnTable 1 } HwMplsOamRlsnEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwMplsOamRlsnLspName OCTET STRING, hwMplsOamRlsnLsrId IpAddress, hwMplsOamRlsnSessTunnId Integer32, hwMplsOamRlsnIfIndex Integer32, hwMplsOamRlsnIfName OCTET STRING, hwMplsOamRlsnIsDown INTEGER, hwMplsOamRlsnRowStatus RowStatus } -- -- hwMplsOamRlsnLspName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For egress, the object indicates name of the LSP." ::= { hwMplsOamRlsnEntry 1 } -- -- hwMplsOamRlsnLsrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For egress, the object indicates the Ingress LSR ID of the LSP" ::= { hwMplsOamRlsnEntry 2 } -- -- hwMplsOamRlsnSessTunnId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For egress, the object indicates the Ingress session tunnel ID of the LSP" ::= { hwMplsOamRlsnEntry 3 } -- hwMplsOamRlsnIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object indicates the index of outbound interface." ::= { hwMplsOamRlsnEntry 4 } -- hwMplsOamRlsnIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object indicates the name of outbound interface." ::= { hwMplsOamRlsnEntry 5 } -- hwMplsOamRlsnIsDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "1: up 2: down" ::= { hwMplsOamRlsnEntry 6 } -- hwMplsOamRlsnRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable is used to create, modify, and delete a row in this table. " ::= { hwMplsOamRlsnEntry 7 } -- hwMplsOamTrapOpen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "0: disable 1: enable" ::= { hwMplsOamObjects 5 } -- -- hwMplsOamNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwMplsOamPs 2 } -- -- hwMplsOamIgrLSPOutDefect NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMplsOamIgrIndex, hwMplsOamIgrTunnName, hwMplsOamIgrAvaState, hwMplsOamIgrDefectType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the LSP is found not in the defect state at the LSP ingress." ::= { hwMplsOamNotifications 1 } -- -- hwMplsOamIgrLSPInDefect NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMplsOamIgrIndex, hwMplsOamIgrTunnName, hwMplsOamIgrAvaState, hwMplsOamIgrDefectType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the LSP is found in the defect state at the LSP ingress." ::= { hwMplsOamNotifications 2 } -- -- hwMplsOamIgrLSPAva NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMplsOamIgrIndex, hwMplsOamIgrTunnName, hwMplsOamIgrAvaState, hwMplsOamIgrDefectType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the LSP is found in the available state at the LSP ingress." ::= { hwMplsOamNotifications 3 } -- -- hwMplsOamIgrLSPUnAva NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMplsOamIgrIndex, hwMplsOamIgrTunnName, hwMplsOamIgrAvaState, hwMplsOamIgrDefectType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the LSP is found in the unavailable state at the LSP ingress." ::= { hwMplsOamNotifications 4 } -- hwMplsOamEgrLSPOutDefect NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMplsOamEgrLspName, hwMplsOamEgrLsrId, hwMplsOamEgrSessTunnId, hwMplsOamEgrAvaState, hwMplsOamEgrDefectType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the LSP is found not in the defect state at the LSP egress." ::= { hwMplsOamNotifications 5 } -- hwMplsOamEgrLSPInDefect NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMplsOamEgrLspName, hwMplsOamEgrLsrId, hwMplsOamEgrSessTunnId, hwMplsOamEgrAvaState, hwMplsOamEgrDefectType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the LSP is found in the defect state at the LSP egress." ::= { hwMplsOamNotifications 6 } -- hwMplsOamEgrLSPAva NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMplsOamEgrLspName, hwMplsOamEgrLsrId, hwMplsOamEgrSessTunnId, hwMplsOamEgrAvaState, hwMplsOamEgrDefectType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the LSP is found in the available state at the LSP egress." ::= { hwMplsOamNotifications 7 } -- hwMplsOamEgrLSPUnAva NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMplsOamEgrLspName, hwMplsOamEgrLsrId, hwMplsOamEgrSessTunnId, hwMplsOamEgrAvaState, hwMplsOamEgrDefectType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the LSP is found in the unavailable state at the LSP egress." ::= { hwMplsOamNotifications 8 } -- hwMplsOamEgrFirstPkt NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMplsOamEgrLspName, hwMplsOamEgrLsrId, hwMplsOamEgrSessTunnId, hwMplsOamEgrDetType, hwMplsOamEgrDetFreq } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If autoprotocol is enabled, this notification is generated when egress receives the first CV/FFD packet." ::= { hwMplsOamNotifications 9 } -- hwMplsOamEgrAutoProFDI NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMplsOamEgrLspName, hwMplsOamEgrLsrId, hwMplsOamEgrSessTunnId, hwMplsOamEgrEnable } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The FDI packet is used by the upstream node in an LSP to inform the egress of the defect information. It is also generated when the auto protocol is enabled, with which the LSP ingress notifies the egress to stop the OAM detection." ::= { hwMplsOamNotifications 10 } -- hwMplsOamEgrRlsnDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwMplsOamRlsnLspName, hwMplsOamRlsnLsrId, hwMplsOamRlsnIsDown, hwMplsOamRlsnIfName, hwMplsOamRlsnSessTunnId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the Rlsn is down." ::= { hwMplsOamNotifications 11 } END -- -- HUAWEI-MPLSOAM-MIB.mib --