-- ============================================================================ -- Copyright (C)2013 by HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES. All rights reserved. -- Description: This MIB is used for defining Power Monitor management -- MIB objects. -- Reference: -- Version: V3.35 -- ============================================================================ HUAWEI-POWER-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS hwEnvEmuIndex,hwEnvEmuType,hwDigChannelIndex FROM HUAWEI-ENVIRONMENT-MIB huaweiUtility FROM HUAWEI-MIB Integer32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, RowStatus, TruthValue, DateAndTime, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC hwFrameIndex FROM HUAWEI-DEVICE-MIB; hwPower MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201312280000Z" ORGANIZATION "Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: support@huawei.com " DESCRIPTION " This MIB is used for defining Power Monitor management MIB objects. " -- Revision history REVISION "201312280000Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.35, modify the leaf of hwRectifierOperState." REVISION "201311160000Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.34, modify the leaf of hwRectifierOperState." REVISION "201212280000Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.33, added enumerate etp48150(128) in hwPowerType leaf for smu EMU, added enumerate h801pmu(127) in hwPowerType leaf for H801PMU." REVISION "201212140000Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.32, add the leaf of hwBatteryLogTestBatteryTemperature, hwBatteryLogTestBatteryCurrent and hwBatteryGroupBomCode for battery smart manage. add enumerate sleep(6) in hwChargeOperStatus leaf. add enumerate supplyRecoverAutotestTerminated(7) in hwBatteryTestResult leaf." REVISION "201207240000Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.31, add the leaf of hwPowerModuleRestoreTrap and hwPowerModuleMismatchTrap for SMU digital alarm." REVISION "201206250000Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.30, add enumerate smu(124) in hwPowerType leaf for smu EMU, modified the name of hwBatteryTestPrealarmThreshold to hwBatteryTestAlarmThreshold, modified description of hwBatteryTestDuration,hwBatteryTestTerminateVoltage and hwBatteryTestAlarmThreshold, delete enumerate smu(124), add enumerate etp4830(125) and enumerate etp4890(126) in hwPowerType leaf for smu EMU" REVISION "201201090000Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.29, add the leafs of hwEmmBatt1TempFaultTrap, hwEmmBatt1TempRestoreTrap, hwEmmEnviHumFaultTrap, hwEmmEnviHumRestoreTrap, hwEmmEnvi1TempFaultTrap, hwEmmEnvi1TempRestoreTrap, hwEmmBattTemFaultTrap, hwEmmBattTemRecoverTrap and hwEmmPowerBatteryOffRecoverTrap" REVISION "201112170000Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.28, added hwBatteryLogTestEfficiency the objects of hwEmmPowerBattaryTestStopTrap. add the leaf of hwEmmPowerBatteryUnDetectTrap and ch_hwEmmPowerBatteryDetectRecoverTrap for SMU digital alarm." REVISION "201112080000Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.27, added hwBatteryTestPrealarmThreshold leaf node for getting and setting battery test prealarm threshold. added hwBatteryLogTestEfficiency leaf node for inquiry efficiency setting. " REVISION "201108170000Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.25, add the leaf of hwEmmPowerBatteryOffTrap for battary power-off." REVISION "201103160000Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.25, added enumerate discharge(5) in hwChargeOperStatus leaf for discharge. add enumerate LiFeBattery(123) in hwPowerType leaf for LiFeBattery EMU" REVISION "201012170000Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.24, added Objects hwBatteryLogTestBatteryStatus of hwEmmPowerBattaryTestStopTrap node." REVISION "201011100000Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.23, added enumerate power3000(122) in hwPowerType leaf for Power3000 EMU. Modified the objects of hwEmmPowerBattloopFaultTrap and hwEmmPowerBattloopRecoverTrap. Added hwEmmDigMainsupplyFaultTrap and hwEmmDigMainsupplyRecoverTrap." REVISION "201007180900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.22, added enumerate power3000(122) in hwPowerType leaf for Power3000 EMU. Modified the objects of hwEmmPowerBattloopFaultTrap and hwEmmPowerBattloopRecoverTrap. Added hwEmmDigMainsupplyFaultTrap and hwEmmDigMainsupplyRecoverTrap." REVISION "201006120900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.21, modified description of hwBatteryGroupOperStatus node." REVISION "201004210900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.20, modified node name to avoid conflict." REVISION "201004080900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.19, modified this MIB for clearing simple tester errors and warnings." REVISION "201003090900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.18, added hwBatteryInstallTime leaf node for getting the battery installation time" REVISION "201002060900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.17,Modified the description." REVISION "201001290900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.16,Deleted simple tester MIB compile errors and warnings." REVISION "200611100900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.09,Added hwBatteryHardwareState." REVISION "200610250900Z" DESCRIPTION "V3.08,Added hwBatteryVoltageState." ::= { huaweiUtility 2 } MeasuresRange ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Basic unit of measure: 1.pressure:indicated by mV, 1V = 1000 mV 2.current:indicated by mA, 1A = 1000 mA 3.temperature: indicated by 1% degree centigrade " SYNTAX Integer32 hwPowerMonObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwPower 1 } hwPowerSysInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwPowerSysInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power basic information table. The indexes of this table are hwEnvEmuIndex and hwPowerIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex comes from hwEnvironmentInfoTable and is the index of the monitoring unit. hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. " ::= { hwPowerMonObjects 1 } hwPowerSysInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwPowerSysInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power basic information table. The indexes of this entry are hwEnvEmuIndex and hwPowerIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex comes from hwEnvironmentInfoTable and is the index of the monitoring unit. hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. " INDEX { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } ::= { hwPowerSysInfoTable 1 } HwPowerSysInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwPowerIndex Integer32, hwPowerType INTEGER, hwPowerName DisplayString, hwPowerState INTEGER, hwPowerRowStatus RowStatus, hwPowerControlMode INTEGER, hwPowerRemoteFrameID Integer32, hwPowerProtect INTEGER, hwPowerVersion DisplayString, hwPowerSupplyState INTEGER } hwPowerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit" ::= { hwPowerSysInfoEntry 1 } hwPowerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { power4875(1), power4810(2), power48100(3), power4850(4), power48240(5), power48120(6), power48300(7), power48240SinglePhase(8), universalPower(9), power4845(10), rpower(11), power4805(15), power4820(16), onps(17), power4875l(18), psma(100), perm-al175nt(101), mcs1800(102), mcs1800A(103), mcs3000(104), sm40sm60(105), scu(106), eltek(107), dk04(108), dk04C(109), dpc(110), power4830(120), h831pmua(121), power3000(122), liFeBattery(123), etp4830(125), etp4890(126), h801pmu(127), etp48150(128), other(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of the Power emu device. Options: 1.power4875(1) - Type of the Power emu device is power4875 2.power4810(2) - Type of the Power emu device is power4810 3.power48100(3) - Type of the Power emu device is power48100 4.power4850(4) - Type of the Power emu device is power4850 5.power48240(5) - Type of the Power emu device is power48240 6.power48120(6) - Type of the Power emu device is power48120 7.power48300(7) - Type of the Power emu device is power48300 8.power48240SinglePhase(8) - Type of the Power emu device is power48240SinglePhase 9.universalPower(9) - Type of the Power emu device is universalPower 10.power4845(10) - Type of the Power emu device is power4845 11.rpower(11) - Type of the Power emu device is rpower 12.power4805(15) - Type of the Power emu device is power4805 13.power4820(16) - Type of the Power emu device is power4820 14.onps(17) - Type of the Power emu device is onps 15.power4875l(18) - Type of the Power emu device is power4875l 16.psma(100) - Type of the Power emu device is psma 17.perm-al175nt(101) - Type of the Power emu device is perm-al175nt 18.mcs1800(102) - Type of the Power emu device is mcs1800 19.mcs1800A(103) - Type of the Power emu device is mcs1800A 20.mcs3000(104) - Type of the Power emu device is mcs3000 21.sm40sm60(105) - Type of the Power emu device is sm40sm60 22.scu(106) - Type of the Power emu device is scu 23.eltek(107) - Type of the Power emu device is eltek 24.dk04(108) - Type of the Power emu device is dk04 25.dk04C(109) - Type of the Power emu device is dk04C 26.dpc(110) - Type of the Power emu device is dpc 27.power4830(120) - Type of the Power emu device is power4830 28.h831pmua(121) - Type of the Power emu device is h831pmua 29.power3000(122) - Type of the Power emu device is power3000 30.liFeBattery(123) - Type of the Power emu device is LiFeBattery 31.etp4830(125), - Type of SMU Power emu device is etp4830 32.etp4890(126), - Type of SMU Power emu device is etp4890 33.h801pmu(127), - Type of the Power emu device is h801pmua 34.etp48150(128), - Type of SMU Power emu device is etp48150 35.other(255) - other Power Type " ::= { hwPowerSysInfoEntry 2 } hwPowerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Power name. " ::= { hwPowerSysInfoEntry 3 } hwPowerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), fault(2), protecting(3), switched(4), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power board status: Refers to the status of communication between the internal monitor board of the power device and the external upper board. Options: 1.normal(1) - indicates the normal state 2.fault(2) - indicates the faulty state 3.protecting(3)- indicates that the backup power supply works in the protection state 4.switched(4) - indicates that the main power supply is faulty, and is protected by backup power supply 5.invalid(-1) - indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " ::= { hwPowerSysInfoEntry 4 } hwPowerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus standard operation. The values 1 and 2 are supported currently. 1 indicates the activation status, and 2 indicates the non-activation status." ::= { hwPowerSysInfoEntry 5 } hwPowerControlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manualControl(1), autoControl(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Control mode of the power monitor module. Options: 1.manualControl(1) - control by manual, the remote mode 2.autoControl(2) - auto control mode, the default is auto control mode 3.invalid(-1) - indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { hwPowerSysInfoEntry 6 } hwPowerRemoteFrameID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Apply for remote power system. It is the frame ID that the remote unit exists in" ::= { hwPowerSysInfoEntry 7 } hwPowerProtect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { protect(1), undoProtect(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Apply for remote power system. It is used to enable or disable N+1 protection function. Options: 1.protect(1) - enables the N+1 protection function 2.undoProtect(2) - disables the N+1 protection function" ::= { hwPowerSysInfoEntry 8 } hwPowerVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version of power" ::= { hwPowerSysInfoEntry 9 } hwPowerSupplyState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ac(1), battery(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Power supply modes. Options: 1.ac(1) - indicates the AC power supply 2.battery(2) - indicates power supply by the batteries " ::= { hwPowerSysInfoEntry 10 } hwACInputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwACInputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC input table. Through this table, AC input monitoring parameters of 4875 power supply, 4845 power supply, 4810 power supply, 48100 power supply, and 48240 power supply can be set and queried. The indexes of this table are hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, and hwACLoopIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitoring unit. hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. hwACLoopIndex is the index of the AC input power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. " ::= { hwPowerMonObjects 2 } hwACInputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwACInputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC input table. Through this table, AC input monitoring parameters of 4875 power supply, 4845 power supply, 4810 power supply, 48100 power supply, and 48240 power supply can be set and queried. The indexes of this entry are hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, and hwACLoopIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitoring unit. hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. hwACLoopIndex is the index of the AC input power supply monitored by the monitoring unit." INDEX { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwACLoopIndex } ::= { hwACInputTable 1 } HwACInputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwACLoopIndex Integer32, hwACPowerState INTEGER, hwACVoltA MeasuresRange, hwACCurrentA MeasuresRange, hwACVoltB MeasuresRange, hwACCurrentB MeasuresRange, hwACVoltC MeasuresRange, hwACCurrentC MeasuresRange, hwACVoltageHigh MeasuresRange, hwACVoltageLow MeasuresRange, hwACRowStatus RowStatus, hwACVoltageAState INTEGER, hwACVoltageBState INTEGER, hwACVoltageCState INTEGER } hwACLoopIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input loop index. There are two channels of AC current input, which are the backup for each other." ::= { hwACInputEntry 1 } hwACPowerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), offline(2), exceedVoltage(3), belowVoltage(4), backup(5), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of power supply. Options: 1.normal(1) - indicates that the power supply is normal 2.offline(2) - indicates that the power supply is offline 3.exceedVoltage(3) - indicates that the power supply is overvoltage 4.belowVoltage(4) - indicates that the power supply is undervoltage 5.backup(5) - indicates that the power supply is not supported currently 6.invalid(-1) - indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " ::= { hwACInputEntry 2 } hwACVoltA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC Inuput voltage A. Unit: mV" ::= { hwACInputEntry 3 } hwACCurrentA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mA" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC input Current A. Unit: mA" ::= { hwACInputEntry 4 } hwACVoltB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC input voltage B. Unit: mv" ::= { hwACInputEntry 5 } hwACCurrentB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mA" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC input current B. Unit: mA" ::= { hwACInputEntry 6 } hwACVoltC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC input voltage C. Unit: mV" ::= { hwACInputEntry 7 } hwACCurrentC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mA" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC input current C. Unit: mA" ::= { hwACInputEntry 8 } hwACVoltageHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC input over-voltage alarm threshold. Unit: mV" DEFVAL { 280000 } ::= { hwACInputEntry 9 } hwACVoltageLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC input under-voltage alarm threshold. Unit: mV" DEFVAL { 180000 } ::= { hwACInputEntry 10 } hwACRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Only the add operation, delete operation, and status query operation are supported." ::= { hwACInputEntry 11 } hwACVoltageAState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), belowVoltage(1) , exceedVoltage(2), missing-phase(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Phase AB/A of AC input state. Options: 1. normal(0) - indicates that the Phase AB/A of AC input state is normal 2. belowVoltage(1) - indicates that the Phase AB/A of AC input state is belowVoltage 3. exceedVoltage(2) - indicates that the Phase AB/A of AC input state is exceedVoltage 4. missing-phase(3) - indicates that the Phase AB/A of AC input state is missing-phase " ::= { hwACInputEntry 12 } hwACVoltageBState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), belowVoltage(1) , exceedVoltage(2), missing-phase(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Phase BC/B of AC input state. Options: 1. normal(0) - indicates that the Phase BC/B of AC input state is normal 2. belowVoltage(1) - indicates that the Phase BC/B of AC input state is belowVoltage 3. exceedVoltage(2) - indicates that the Phase BC/B of AC input state is exceedVoltage 4. missing-phase(3) - indicates that the Phase BC/B of AC input state is missing-phase " ::= { hwACInputEntry 13 } hwACVoltageCState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), belowVoltage(1) , exceedVoltage(2), missing-phase(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Phase CA/C of AC input state. Options: 1. normal(0) - indicates that the Phase CA/C of AC input state is normal 2. belowVoltage(1) - indicates that the Phase CA/C of AC input state is belowVoltage 3. exceedVoltage(2) - indicates that the Phase CA/C of AC input state is exceedVoltage 4. missing-phase(3) - indicates that the Phase CA/C of AC input state is missing-phase " ::= { hwACInputEntry 14 } hwDCOutTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwDCOutEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC output table. Through this table, DC output monitoring parameters of 4875 power supply, 4845 power supply, 4810 power supply, 482400 power supply, and 48100 power supply can be set and queried. The indexes of this table are hwEnvEmuIndex and hwPowerIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex, which comes from hwEnvironmentInfoTable, is the index of the monitored unit. hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. " ::= { hwPowerMonObjects 3 } hwDCOutEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwDCOutEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC output table. Through this table, DC output monitoring parameters of 4875 power supply, 4845 power supply, 4810 power supply, 482400 power supply, and 48100 power supply can be set and queried. The indexes of this entry are hwEnvEmuIndex and hwPowerIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex, which comes from hwEnvironmentInfoTable, is the index of the monitored unit. hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. " INDEX { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } ::= { hwDCOutTable 1 } HwDCOutEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwDCVoltageOut MeasuresRange, hwDCCurrentOut MeasuresRange, hwDCVoltageOutHigh MeasuresRange, hwDCVoltageOutLow MeasuresRange, hwDCVoltageOutState INTEGER, hwDCCurrentOutHigh MeasuresRange, hwDCCurrentOutLow MeasuresRange, hwDCCurrentOutState INTEGER, hwDCOutRowStatus RowStatus, hwDCOutLoadCurrent MeasuresRange, hwDCOutLoadTmpHigh MeasuresRange, hwDCOutRunState BITS , hwDCCommunicationState INTEGER } hwDCVoltageOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC voltage output. Unit: mV" ::= { hwDCOutEntry 1 } hwDCCurrentOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mA" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC current output. Unit: mA" ::= { hwDCOutEntry 2 } hwDCVoltageOutHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output DC exceed-voltage alarm point. Default: 58000 Unit: mV" DEFVAL { 58000 } ::= { hwDCOutEntry 3 } hwDCVoltageOutLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output DC below-voltage alarm point . Default value is 45V. Unit: mV" DEFVAL { 45000 } ::= { hwDCOutEntry 4 } hwDCVoltageOutState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), exceedVoltage(2), belowVoltage(3), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "DC output voltage status. Options: 1. normal(1) - indicates that the DC output voltage state is normal 2. exceedVoltage(2) - indicates that the DC output voltage state is exceedVoltage 3. belowVoltage(3) - indicates that the DC output voltage state is belowVoltage 4.invalid(-1) - indicates that device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " ::= { hwDCOutEntry 5 } hwDCCurrentOutHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mA" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output DC exceed-current alarm point . Unit: mA" ::= { hwDCOutEntry 6 } hwDCCurrentOutLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mA" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output below-current alarm point . Unit: mA" ::= { hwDCOutEntry 7 } hwDCCurrentOutState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), exceedVoltage(2), belowVoltage(3), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "DC output current status. Options: 1.normal(1) - indicates that the DC output current state is normal 2.exceedVoltage(2) - indicates that the DC output current state is exceedVoltage 3.belowVoltage(3) - indicates that the DC output current state is belowVoltage 4.invalid(-1) - indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " ::= { hwDCOutEntry 8 } hwDCOutRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus standard operation" ::= { hwDCOutEntry 9 } hwDCOutLoadCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mA" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total load current of DC output . Unit: mA" ::= { hwDCOutEntry 10 } hwDCOutLoadTmpHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "0.01 degree" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The off protection point under the load temperature, by default, it is 65 degrees centigrade. Unit: 0.01 degree" DEFVAL { 6500 } ::= { hwDCOutEntry 11 } hwDCOutRunState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { battery1ChargeCurOver(0), battery2ChargeCurOver(1), batteryVoltageOver(2), batteryVoltageLack(3), loadOff(4), batteryOff(5), communicationFailure(6), dcOutManual(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC output running status. Options: 1.battery1ChargeCurOver(0) - indicates battery 1 charge over-current 2.battery2ChargeCurOver(1) - indicates battery 2 charge over-current 3.batteryVoltageOver(2) - indicates output over-voltage 4.batteryVoltageLack(3) - indicates battery lack-voltage 5.loadOff(4) - indicates load off twice 6.batteryOff(5) - indictes battery protection (off once) 7.communicationFailure(6) - indicates that the communication fails 8.dcOutManual(7) - indicates DC by manual" ::= { hwDCOutEntry 12 } hwDCCommunicationState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), fault(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC communication status. Options: 1.normal(0) - indicates that the DC communication state is normal 2.fault(1) - indicates that the DC communication state is fault " ::= { hwDCOutEntry 13 } hwLoadinfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwLoadinfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Load information table. Through this table, the load parameter can be set and queried. The indexes of this table are hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, and hwLoadIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex, which comes from hwEnvironmentInfoTable, is the index of the monitored unit. hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. hwLoadIndex is the index of the monitored load. " ::= { hwPowerMonObjects 4 } hwLoadinfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwLoadinfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Load information table. Through this table, the load parameter can be set and queried. The indexes of this entry are hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, and hwLoadIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex, which comes from hwEnvironmentInfoTable, is the index of the monitored unit. hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. hwLoadIndex is the index of the monitored load. " INDEX { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex } ::= { hwLoadinfoTable 1 } HwLoadinfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwLoadIndex Integer32, hwLoadInfoAdminState INTEGER, hwLoadInfoOperStatus INTEGER, hwLoadCurrent MeasuresRange, hwLoadVoltage MeasuresRange, hwLoadVoltageHigh MeasuresRange, hwLoadLoadName DisplayString, hwLoadInfoRowStatus RowStatus, hwLoadFuseState INTEGER, hwLoadHoreIndex Integer32 } hwLoadIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loop index: usually each DC output loop corresponds to a load." ::= { hwLoadinfoEntry 1 } hwLoadInfoAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Load operation. Options: 1. on(1) - indicates that the Load is enabled 2. off(2) - indicates that the Load is disabled 3. invalid(-1) - indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { hwLoadinfoEntry 2 } hwLoadInfoOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), abnormal(2), stop(3), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of power supply. Options: 1. normal(1) - indicates that the state of power supply is normal 2. abnormal(2) - indicates that the state of power supply is abnormal 3. stop(3) - indicates that the state of power supply is stopping power supply 4. invalid(-1) - indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " ::= { hwLoadinfoEntry 3 } hwLoadCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mA" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Present current . Unit: mA" ::= { hwLoadinfoEntry 4 } hwLoadVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Present voltage . Unit: mV" ::= { hwLoadinfoEntry 5 } hwLoadVoltageHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Off voltage (Stop external voltage), in unit of mV, When DC output voltage exceeds the value, the load will be automatically cut off. Default: 43500 Unit: mV " DEFVAL { 43500 } ::= { hwLoadinfoEntry 6 } hwLoadLoadName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Load name: usually each DC output loop corresponds to a load." ::= { hwLoadinfoEntry 7 } hwLoadInfoRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus standard operation" ::= { hwLoadinfoEntry 8 } hwLoadFuseState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Load fuse state, including the auxiliary load fuse. Options: 1. on(1) - indicates that the fuse is connected 2. off(2) - indicates that the fuse is disconnected 3. invalid(-1) - indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " ::= { hwLoadinfoEntry 9 } hwLoadHoreIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " load hore index " ::= { hwLoadinfoEntry 10 } hwRectifierTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwRectifierEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rectifier module table. Through this table, the status information of the rectifier module can be set and queried. The indexes of this table are hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, and hwRectifierIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex, which comes from hwEnvironmentInfoTable, is the index of the monitored unit. hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. hwRectifierIndex is the index of the monitored rectifier module under the power supply. " ::= { hwPowerMonObjects 5 } hwRectifierEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwRectifierEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rectifier module table. Through this table, the status information of the rectifier module can be set and queried. The indexes of this entry are hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, and hwRectifierIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex, which comes from hwEnvironmentInfoTable, is the index of the monitored unit. hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. hwRectifierIndex is the index of the monitored rectifier module under the power supply. " INDEX { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwRectifierIndex } ::= { hwRectifierTable 1 } HwRectifierEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwRectifierIndex Integer32, hwRectifierAdminState INTEGER, hwRectifierOperState INTEGER, hwRectifierVoltage MeasuresRange, hwRectifierCurrent MeasuresRange, hwRectifierRowStatus RowStatus, hwRectifierCurrentLimit TruthValue, hwRectifierRunState BITS, hwRectifierChargeState INTEGER } hwRectifierIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rectifier Module index. There are multiple rectifier modules to a power source. " ::= { hwRectifierEntry 1 } hwRectifierAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Switch operation of rectifier module. Options: 1.on(1) - indicates that the Rectifier module is enabled 2.off(2) - indicates that the Rectifier module is disabled 3.invalid(-1) - indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { hwRectifierEntry 2 } hwRectifierOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), fault(2), protect(3), communicationFailure(4), on(5), noConfig(6), offline(7), close(8), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Present state, 5 and 6 respectively indicates the on/off state of the 48100 power device. Options: 1. normal(1) - indicates that the Rectifier operation state is normal 2. fault(2) - indicates that the Rectifier operation state is fault 3. protect(3) - indicates that the Rectifier operation state is protect 4. communicationFailure(4) - indicates that the Rectifier operation state is communicationFailure 5. on(5) - indicates that the Rectifier operation state is on 6. noConfig(6) - indicates that the Rectifier operation state is not Configured 7. offline(7) - indicates that the Rectifier operation state is offline 8. close(8) - indicates that the Rectifier operation state is closed 9. invalid(-1) - indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " ::= { hwRectifierEntry 3 } hwRectifierVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output voltage . Unit: mV" ::= { hwRectifierEntry 4 } hwRectifierCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mA" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output current . Unit: mA" ::= { hwRectifierEntry 5 } hwRectifierRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus standard operation" ::= { hwRectifierEntry 6 } hwRectifierCurrentLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "current limit switch" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { hwRectifierEntry 7 } hwRectifierRunState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { rectifierOn(0), averageCharge(1), output(2), isLimit(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Running state of rectifier module. Options: 1.rectifierOn(0) - indicates that the module is on 2.averageCharge(1) - indicates that the module is being averagely charged. 3.output(2) - indicates that the module has output 4. isLimit(3) - indicates the current limit switch " ::= { hwRectifierEntry 8 } hwRectifierChargeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { float(0), average(1), test(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Charging state of rectifier. Options: 1. float(0) - indicates that the Charge state of Rectifier is float 2. average(1) - indicates that the Charge state of Rectifier is average 3. test(2) - indicates that the Charge state of Rectifier is test " ::= { hwRectifierEntry 9 } hwBatteryGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwPowerMonObjects 6 } hwBatteryGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBatteryGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Basic information table of battery group. The indexes of this table are hwEnvEmuIndex and hwPowerIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitored unit, and hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. " ::= { hwBatteryGroup 1 } hwBatteryGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwBatteryGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Basic information table of battery group. The indexes of this entry are hwEnvEmuIndex and hwPowerIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitored unit, and hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. " INDEX { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } ::= { hwBatteryGroupTable 1 } HwBatteryGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwBatteryGroupCapacity Integer32, hwBatteryGroupCapcaityRemain Integer32, hwBatteryGroups Integer32, hwBatteryGroupVoltageLow MeasuresRange, hwBatteryGroupChargeLimit MeasuresRange, hwBatteryGroupRowStatus RowStatus, hwBatteryGroupOperStatus INTEGER, hwBatteryGroupVoltageHigh MeasuresRange, hwBatteryGroupTwiceOffVoltage MeasuresRange, hwBatteryGroupProtectVoltage MeasuresRange, hwBatteryGroupTmpOffHigh MeasuresRange, hwBatteryInstallTime DisplayString, hwBatteryGroupBomCode DisplayString } hwBatteryGroupCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total capacity of the present battery group. Unit: Ah" ::= { hwBatteryGroupEntry 1 } hwBatteryGroupCapcaityRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total remain capacity of the present battery group . invalid(-1) indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal. Unit: Ah" ::= { hwBatteryGroupEntry 2 } hwBatteryGroups OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of battery group" DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { hwBatteryGroupEntry 3 } hwBatteryGroupVoltageLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the voltage of the battery group is lower than the value set, the battery group will no longer supply power. Its unit is mV. Default: 43000 Unit: mV " DEFVAL { 43000 } ::= { hwBatteryGroupEntry 4 } hwBatteryGroupChargeLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Charge limit point quotient, the product of which and the max capacity of the battery group is the max charge current allowed. Default: 15 Unit: percent " DEFVAL { 15 } ::= { hwBatteryGroupEntry 5 } hwBatteryGroupRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus standard operation" ::= { hwBatteryGroupEntry 6 } hwBatteryGroupOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The State of the battery supply which was connected with Power EMU. To use this function,please confirm that the battery group was connected with Power EMU and the Power EMU state is Normal. When the mains supply is abnormal, the battery group usually supplies power in an emergency. Options: 1.on(1) - indicates that the state of the battery power supply is on 2.off(2) - indicates that the state of the battery power supply is off 3.invalid(-1) - indicates that the device can not get the value,e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal" ::= { hwBatteryGroupEntry 7 } hwBatteryGroupVoltageHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the voltage of the battery group is higher than the value set, the battery group will no longer supply power. Its unit is mV. Default: 43000 Unit: mV " DEFVAL { 43000 } ::= { hwBatteryGroupEntry 8 } hwBatteryGroupTwiceOffVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The twice off protection voltage of the battery group. Its unit is mV. Default: 44000 Unit: mV " DEFVAL { 44000 } ::= { hwBatteryGroupEntry 9 } hwBatteryGroupProtectVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The first off protection voltage of the battery, whose default is 43V. Default: 43000 Unit: mV " DEFVAL { 43000 } ::= { hwBatteryGroupEntry 10 } hwBatteryGroupTmpOffHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "0.01 degree" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The high temperature off protection point of the battery group, whose default is 50 degrees centigrade. Unit: 0.01 degree " DEFVAL { 5000 } ::= { hwBatteryGroupEntry 11 } hwBatteryInstallTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The installing date of battery group. " ::= { hwBatteryGroupEntry 12 } hwBatteryGroupBomCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The BOM code of battery. " ::= { hwBatteryGroupEntry 13 } hwChargeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwChargeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Charge management table. Through this table, the charging parameter of the battery can be set and queried. The indexes of this table are hwEnvEmuIndex and hwPowerIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitored unit, and hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. " ::= { hwBatteryGroup 2 } hwChargeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwChargeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Charge management table. Through this table, the charging parameter of the battery can be set and queried. The indexes of this entry are hwEnvEmuIndex and hwPowerIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitored unit, and hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit." INDEX { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } ::= { hwChargeTable 1 } HwChargeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwChargeAdminStatus INTEGER, hwChargeOperStatus INTEGER, hwAverageChargeVoltage MeasuresRange, hwFloatChargeVoltage MeasuresRange, hwChargeControlRowStatus RowStatus, hwAverageChargeTime Integer32, hwBatteryTmpRedeemingQuotiety Integer32 } hwChargeAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { average(1), float(2), auto(3), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Charge management mode. Options: 1. average(1) - indicates that the charge management mode is average charge 2. float(2) - indicates that the charge management mode is float charge 3. auto(3) - indicates that the charge management mode is auto-control charge 4. invalid(-1) - indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { hwChargeEntry 1 } hwChargeOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { average(1), float(2), full(3), noCharge(4), discharge(5), sleep(6), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Charge operation status. Options: 1. average(1) - indicates that the charge operation state is average charge 2. float(2) - indicates that the charge operation state is float charge 3. full(3) - indicates that the charge operation state is full 4. noCharge(4) - indicates that there is no charge in operation 5. discharge(5) - indicates that there is discharge in operation 6. sleep(6) - indicates that the charge operation state is sleep 7. invalid(-1) - indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " ::= { hwChargeEntry 2 } hwAverageChargeVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage value of average charge, in unit of mV. Default: 56500 Unit: mV " DEFVAL { 56500 } ::= { hwChargeEntry 3 } hwFloatChargeVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage value of float charge . Default: 53500 Unit: mV " DEFVAL { 53500 } ::= { hwChargeEntry 4 } hwChargeControlRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus standard operation" ::= { hwChargeEntry 5 } hwAverageChargeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "day" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timing average charge time interval, effective range is 190 days. Default :value is 60 days Unit: day" DEFVAL { 60 } ::= { hwChargeEntry 6 } hwBatteryTmpRedeemingQuotiety OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature redeeming quotient, used to set the co-relation between the float charge voltage and the battery temperature. It means How much will the float charge voltage decrease with the increasing of every degree centigrade of the battery temperature. The unit is mV. Specific value is determined by the redeem feature curve of floating charge for the battery group used. Default value is 100mV " DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { hwChargeEntry 7 } hwBatteryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBatteryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery group state table. Through this table, the status parameter of a battery group can be set and queried. The indexes of this table are hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, and hwBatteryIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitored unit. hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. hwBatteryIndex is the index of the monitored battery group. " ::= { hwBatteryGroup 3 } hwBatteryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwBatteryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery group state table. Through this table, the status parameter of a battery group can be set and queried. The indexes of this entry are hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, and hwBatteryIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitored unit. hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. hwBatteryIndex is the index of the monitored battery group. " INDEX { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwBatteryIndex } ::= { hwBatteryTable 1 } HwBatteryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwBatteryIndex Integer32, hwBatteryCapacity Integer32, hwBatteryLoopState INTEGER, hwBatteryVoltage MeasuresRange, hwBatteryState INTEGER, hwBatteryCurrent MeasuresRange, hwBatteryTemperature Integer32, hwBatteryRowStatus RowStatus, hwBatteryCurrentHigh MeasuresRange, hwBatteryFuseState INTEGER, hwBatteryContactState INTEGER, hwBatteryRemainCapacity Integer32, hwBatteryProtectState INTEGER, hwBatteryVoltageState INTEGER, hwBatteryHardwareState INTEGER } hwBatteryIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery group loop index" ::= { hwBatteryEntry 1 } hwBatteryCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The permitted max battery capacity of the battery group loop charge. Unit: Ah" DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { hwBatteryEntry 2 } hwBatteryLoopState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The battery group present status. Options: 1. on(1) - indicates that the present state of battery group is on 2. off(2) - indicates that the present state of battery group is off 3. invalid(-1) - indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " ::= { hwBatteryEntry 3 } hwBatteryVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The loop voltage of the battery group. Unit: mV" ::= { hwBatteryEntry 4 } hwBatteryState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { charge(1), discharge(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The present state of the battery group loop. Options: 1. charge(1) - indicates that the present state of the battery group loop is charge 2. discharge(2) - indicates that the present state of the battery group loop is discharge 3. invalid(-1) - indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " ::= { hwBatteryEntry 5 } hwBatteryCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mA" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Present current . Unit: mA" ::= { hwBatteryEntry 6 } hwBatteryTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "degree" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The loop temperature of the battery group. Unit: degree" ::= { hwBatteryEntry 7 } hwBatteryRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus standard operation" ::= { hwBatteryEntry 8 } hwBatteryCurrentHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasuresRange UNITS "mA" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The over-current alarm point of the battery group. Unit: mA" ::= { hwBatteryEntry 9 } hwBatteryFuseState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery fuse state. Options: 1. on(1) - indicates that the fuse is connected 2. off(2) - indicates that the fuse is disconnected 3. invalid(-1) - indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal " ::= { hwBatteryEntry 10 } hwBatteryContactState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the battery contactor. Options: 1. on(1) - indicates that the contactor is connected 2. off(2) - indicates that the contactor is disconnected 3. invalid(-1) - indicates that the device can not get the value, e.g. the EMU does not support this operation, or the EMU state is abnormal" ::= { hwBatteryEntry 11 } hwBatteryRemainCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remain capacity of the battery " ::= { hwBatteryEntry 12 } hwBatteryProtectState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), overtemperature(2), overCurrent(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protection status of the battery. Options: 1. normal(1) - indicates that the Protection status of the battery is normal 2. overtemperature(2) - indicates that the Protection status of the battery is overtemperature 3. overCurrent(3) - indicates that the Protection status of the battery is overCurrent " ::= { hwBatteryEntry 13 } hwBatteryVoltageState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), exceedVoltage(2), belowVoltage(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage state of Battery. Options: 1. normal(1) - indicates that Voltage state of Battery is normal 2. exceedVoltage(2) - indicates that Voltage state of Battery is exceedVoltage 3. belowVoltage(3) - indicates that Voltage state of Battery is belowVoltage " ::= { hwBatteryEntry 14 } hwBatteryHardwareState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), fault(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hardware State of Battery. Options: 1. normal(1) - indicates that the hardware state of Battery is normal 2. fault(2) - indicates that the hardware state of Battery is fault " ::= { hwBatteryEntry 15 } hwBatteryTestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBatteryTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery test table. The indexes of this table are hwEnvEmuIndex and hwPowerIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitored unit, and hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. " ::= { hwBatteryGroup 4 } hwBatteryTestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwBatteryTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery test table. The indexes of this entry are hwEnvEmuIndex and hwPowerIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitored unit, and hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. " INDEX { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } ::= { hwBatteryTestTable 1 } HwBatteryTestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwBatteryTestAdminStatus INTEGER, hwBatteryTestAutoDischargePeriod Integer32, hwBatteryTestResult INTEGER, hwBatteryTestStartTime DateAndTime, hwBatteryTestDuration Integer32, hwBatteryTestTerminateVoltage Integer32, hwBatteryTestTotalDischargeAH Integer32, hwBatteryTestOperStatus INTEGER, hwBatteryTestPhase INTEGER, hwBatteryTestStartHour Integer32, hwBatteryTestAlarmThreshold Integer32 } hwBatteryTestAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { start(1), terminate(2), enableAutoTest(3), disableAutoTest(4), timeautoTest(5), offautoTest(6), timeoffautoTest(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery test admin status. Options: 1. start(1) - indicates that the Battery starts testing 2. terminate(2) - indicates that the Battery terminates testing 3. enableAutoTest(3) - indicates that the Battery enables auto test function 4. disableAutoTest(4) - indicates that the Battery disables auto test function 5. timeautoTest(5) - indicates that the Battery enable timing auto test function 6. offautoTest(6) - indicates that the Battery enable off auto test function 7. timeoffautoTest(7) - indicates that the Battery enable timing+off auto test " ::= { hwBatteryTestEntry 1 } hwBatteryTestAutoDischargePeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "day" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Auto discharge test period. Effective range is 30 -240 days. Default: 120 Unit: day " DEFVAL { 120 } ::= { hwBatteryTestEntry 2 } hwBatteryTestResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { testing(1), complete(2), alarmTerminated(3), hostTerminated(4), overtimeTerminated(5), normal(6), supplyRecoverAutotestTerminated(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Test result: Options: 1. testing(1) - indicates that the Battery test is in operation 2. complete(2) - indicates that the Battery test is completed normally 3. alarmTerminated(3) - indicates that the Battery test is stopped by alarms 4. hostTerminated(4) - indicates that the Battery test is stopped by the host 5. overtimeTerminated(5) - indicates that the Battery test is stopped because of over time 6. normal(6) - indicates that the Battery test is not started 7. supplyRecoverAutotestTerminated(7) - indicates that the Battery test is stopped because of supply recover " ::= { hwBatteryTestEntry 3 } hwBatteryTestStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Time of starting test" ::= { hwBatteryTestEntry 4 } hwBatteryTestDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "hour" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery discharge test duration . Effective range is 1�C100 hours. Default :value is 10 hours Unit: hour " ::= { hwBatteryTestEntry 5 } hwBatteryTestTerminateVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery discharge test end voltage. Effective range (DC lack alarm voltage+0.5V�Cvoltage of floating charge). Default: 45600 Unit: mV " ::= { hwBatteryTestEntry 6 } hwBatteryTestTotalDischargeAH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "mAH" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION " Total discharge AH. Unit: mAH " ::= { hwBatteryTestEntry 7 } hwBatteryTestOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { autoTestPermit(1), autoTestForbid(2), timeautoTestPermit(3), offautoTestPermit(4), timeoffautoTestPermit(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Battery discharge test operate status. Options: 1. autoTestPermit(1) - indicates that auto discharge test is enabled 2. autoTestForbid(2) - indicates that auto discharge test is disabled 3. timeautoTestPermit(3) - indicates that timing auto discharge test is enabled 4. offautoTestPermit(4) - indicates that off auto discharge test is enabled 5. timeoffautoTestPermit(5) - indicates that timing-off auto discharge test is enabled" ::= { hwBatteryTestEntry 8 } hwBatteryTestPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { charge(1), discharge(2), record(3), finish(4), waitingfordischarge(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery test phase. Options: 1. charge(1) - indicates the batter test phase is charge 2. discharge(2) - indicates the batter test phase is discharge 3. record(3) - indicates the power equipment recording test result 4. finish(4) - indicates that the discharge is complete 5.waitingfordischarge(5) - indicates that preparation is ready for discharge command " ::= { hwBatteryTestEntry 9 } hwBatteryTestStartHour OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "hour" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Discharge start time. Effective range is 0 23 Default: 0 Unit: hour " DEFVAL { '0'b } ::= { hwBatteryTestEntry 10 } hwBatteryTestAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The battery discharge test alarm threshold in ratio of the range:1~79." DEFVAL { 70 } ::= { hwBatteryTestEntry 11 } hwBatteryLogTestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBatteryLogTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery test result table, Through this table, the discharging test result of the battery group can be saved and queried. The indexes of this table are hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, and hwBatteryLogTestIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitored unit. hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. hwBatteryLogTestIndex is the index of the monitored battery. " ::= { hwBatteryGroup 5 } hwBatteryLogTestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwBatteryLogTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery test result table, Through this table, the discharging test result of the battery group can be saved and queried. The indexes of this entry are hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, and hwBatteryLogTestIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitored unit. hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. hwBatteryLogTestIndex is the index of the monitored battery. " INDEX { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwBatteryLogTestIndex } ::= { hwBatteryLogTestTable 1 } HwBatteryLogTestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwBatteryLogTestIndex Integer32, hwBatteryLogTestStartTime DateAndTime, hwBatteryLogTestDischargeDuration Integer32, hwBatteryLogTestTerminateVoltage Integer32, hwBatteryLogTestBatteryStatus INTEGER, hwBatteryLogTestTotalDischargeAH Integer32, hwBatteryLogTestFinish INTEGER, hwBatteryLogTestEfficiency Integer32, hwBatteryLogTestBatteryTemperature Integer32, hwBatteryLogTestBatteryCurrent Integer32 } hwBatteryLogTestIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery discharge test result index" ::= { hwBatteryLogTestEntry 1 } hwBatteryLogTestStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery discharge test start time" ::= { hwBatteryLogTestEntry 2 } hwBatteryLogTestDischargeDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "minute" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Duration of discharge. Unit: minute" ::= { hwBatteryLogTestEntry 3 } hwBatteryLogTestTerminateVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "mV" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "End voltage of battery discharge test . Unit: mV" ::= { hwBatteryLogTestEntry 4 } hwBatteryLogTestBatteryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { expectant(1), unexpected(2), unknown(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery status. Options: 1. expectant(1) - indicates the batter test state is expectant 2. unexpected(2) - indicates the batter test state is unexpected 3. unknown(3) - indicates the batter test state is unknown " ::= { hwBatteryLogTestEntry 5 } hwBatteryLogTestTotalDischargeAH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "mAH" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Discharge cumulate AH. Unit: mAH " ::= { hwBatteryLogTestEntry 6 } hwBatteryLogTestFinish OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { testing(1), completed(2), alarmTerminated (3), hostTerminated(4), overtimeTerminated(5), notTest(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery Test result. Options: 1. testing(1) - indicates that it is during testing 2. completed(2) - indicates that the test is completed normally 3. alarmTerminated(3) - indicates that the test is stopped by alarms 4. hostTerminated(4) - indicates that the test is stopped by the host 5. overtimeTerminated(5) - indicates that the test is stopped because of over 100 hours 6. notTest(6) - indicates that the test is not started " ::= { hwBatteryLogTestEntry 7 } hwBatteryLogTestEfficiency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The information of battery test efficiency. " ::= { hwBatteryLogTestEntry 8 } hwBatteryLogTestBatteryTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.01 Degree" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery discharge test end Temperature. Unit: 0.01 Degree " ::= { hwBatteryLogTestEntry 9 } hwBatteryLogTestBatteryCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "mA" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery discharge test average Current. Unit: mA " ::= { hwBatteryLogTestEntry 10 } hwRemoteProvidePowerInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwRemoteProvidePowerInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote provide power basic information table. The indexes of this table are hwEnvEmuIndex and hwPowerIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitored unit, and hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. " ::= { hwPowerMonObjects 7 } hwRemoteProvidePowerInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwRemoteProvidePowerInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote provide power basic information table. The indexes of this entry are hwEnvEmuIndex and hwPowerIndex. hwEnvEmuIndex is the index of the monitored unit, and hwPowerIndex is the index of the power supply monitored by the monitoring unit. " INDEX { hwEnvEmuIndex,hwPowerIndex } ::= { hwRemoteProvidePowerInfoTable 1 } HwRemoteProvidePowerInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwPowerCentralState INTEGER, hwPowerCentralDCInPutState INTEGER, hwPowerCentralDCOutputState INTEGER, hwPowerCentralDCOutputMode INTEGER, hwPowerRemoteCommState INTEGER, hwPowerRemoteDCInputState INTEGER, hwPowerRemoteLineCurState INTEGER, hwPowerRemotePowerState INTEGER, hwPowerRemoteLineState BITS, hwPowerCentralLoadState INTEGER } hwPowerCentralState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), temOver(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of the central module. Options: 1. normal(1) - indicates the normal state 2. temOver(2) - indicates the over-temperature " ::= { hwRemoteProvidePowerInfoEntry 1 } hwPowerCentralDCInPutState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), lack(2), over(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of central module DC input: Options: 1.normal(1) - indicates the normal state 2.lack(2) - indicates the voltage underflow 3.over(3) - indicates the voltage overflow " ::= { hwRemoteProvidePowerInfoEntry 2} hwPowerCentralDCOutputState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), volLack(2), volOver(3), loadOver(4), shortCircuit(5), noLoad(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of central module DC output. Options: 1. normal(1) - indicates the normal state 2. volLack(2) - indicates the voltage underflow 3. volOver(3) - indicates the voltage overflow 4. loadOver(4) - indicates the over-loading 5. shortCircuit(5) - indicates the short circuit 6. noLoad(6) - indicates no load " ::= { hwRemoteProvidePowerInfoEntry 3 } hwPowerCentralDCOutputMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { highVolMode(1), lowVolMode(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mode of central module DC output. Options: 1. highVolMode(1) - indicates the high voltage output mode 2. lowVolMode(2) - indicates the low voltage output mode " ::= { hwRemoteProvidePowerInfoEntry 4 } hwPowerRemoteCommState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), revfault(2), sendfault(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote power module communications state. Options: 1. normal(1) - indicates the normal state 2. revfault(2) - indicates the receiving of fault 3. sendfault(3) - indicates the sending of fault" ::= { hwRemoteProvidePowerInfoEntry 5 } hwPowerRemoteDCInputState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), lack(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of remote module DC input. Options: 1. normal(1) - indicates the normal state 2. lack(2) - indicates that the voltage is underflow " ::= { hwRemoteProvidePowerInfoEntry 6 } hwPowerRemoteLineCurState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), cablejoining(2), curLeakage(3), curOver(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "state of line between central and remote module. Options: 1.normal(1) - indicates the normal state 2.cablejoining(2) - indicates the cable joining 3.curLeakage(3) - indicates the cur Leakage 4.curOver(4) - indicates the cur Over " ::= { hwRemoteProvidePowerInfoEntry 7 } hwPowerRemotePowerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), fault(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "state of remote UA60 power. Options: 1. normal(1) - indicates the normal state 2. fault(2) - indicates the faulty state " ::= { hwRemoteProvidePowerInfoEntry 8 } hwPowerRemoteLineState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { u1state(0), u2state(1), u3state(2), u4state(3), a1state(4), a2state(5), a3state(6), a4state(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of line U1. Options: 1. u1state(0) - indicates the power remote line state is u1 state 2. u2state(1) - indicates the power remote line state is u2 state 3. u3state(2) - indicates the power remote line state is u3 state 4. u4state(3) - indicates the power remote line state is u4 state 5. a1state(4) - indicates the power remote line state is a1 state 6. a2state(5) - indicates the power remote line state is a2 state 7. a3state(6) - indicates the power remote line state is a3 state 8. a4state(7) - indicates the power remote line state is a4 state " ::= { hwRemoteProvidePowerInfoEntry 9 } hwPowerCentralLoadState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), overload(2), nonload(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "state of central load. Options: 1. normal(1) - indicates the normal state 2. overload(2) - indicates overload 3. nonload(3) - indicates non-load " ::= { hwRemoteProvidePowerInfoEntry 10 } hwPowerMibTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwPower 2 } hwPowerTrapOid OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwPowerMibTrap 1 } hwPowerTrapsDefine OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwPowerMibTrap 2 } hwPowerTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwPowerTrapsDefine 0 } powerConnFaultAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap message is reported when the communication between the power module and the monitoring board is fault." ::= { hwPowerTraps 1 } powerConnFaultAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the communication between the power module and the monitoring board resumes." ::= { hwPowerTraps 2 } acInputVoltageAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwACLoopIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when there is a exception of AC input voltage." ::= { hwPowerTraps 3 } acInputVoltageAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwACLoopIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the state of AC input voltage resumes." ::= { hwPowerTraps 4 } acInputVoltageHighAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwACLoopIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the input voltage is too high." ::= { hwPowerTraps 5 } acInputVoltageHighAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwACLoopIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the input voltage resumes to the normal range from a high value." ::= { hwPowerTraps 6 } acInputVoltageLowAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwACLoopIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the input voltage is too low." ::= { hwPowerTraps 7 } acInputVoltageLowAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwACLoopIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the input voltage resumes to the normal range from a low value." ::= { hwPowerTraps 8 } dcOutputVoltageHighAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the output voltage is too high." ::= { hwPowerTraps 9 } dcOutputVoltageHighAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the output voltage resumes to the normal range from a high value." ::= { hwPowerTraps 10 } dcOutputCurrentHighAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the output current is too high." ::= { hwPowerTraps 11 } dcOutputCurrentHighAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the output current resumes to the normal range from a high value." ::= { hwPowerTraps 12 } dcOutputVoltageLowAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the output voltage is too low." ::= { hwPowerTraps 13 } dcOutputVoltageLowAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the output voltage resumes to the normal range from a low value." ::= { hwPowerTraps 14 } dcOutputCurrentLowAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the output current is too low." ::= { hwPowerTraps 15 } dcOutputCurrentLowAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the output current resumes to the normal range from a low value." ::= { hwPowerTraps 16 } overLoadPowerAbnormalAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the state of load power is abnormal." ::= { hwPowerTraps 17 } overLoadPowerAbnormalAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the state of load power recovers to normal." ::= { hwPowerTraps 18 } overBattPowerOffAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the battery is powered off." ::= { hwPowerTraps 19 } overBattPowerOffAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the battery is powered on." ::= { hwPowerTraps 20 } overLoadPowerOffAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the loadpower is powered off." ::= { hwPowerTraps 21 } overLoadPowerOffAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the loadpower is powered on." ::= { hwPowerTraps 22 } acMainsSupplyAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwACLoopIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the AC mains supply is abnormal." ::= { hwPowerTraps 23 } acMainsSupplyAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwACLoopIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the AC mains supply recovers to normal." ::= { hwPowerTraps 24 } batteryLoopAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwBatteryIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the loop of battery group disconnects." ::= { hwPowerTraps 25 } batteryLoopAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwBatteryIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the loop of battery group connects." ::= { hwPowerTraps 26 } batteryFuseAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwBatteryIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the fuse of battery group disconnects." ::= { hwPowerTraps 27 } batteryFuseAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwBatteryIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the fuse of battery group connects. " ::= { hwPowerTraps 28 } batteryContachAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwBatteryIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the contactor of battery group disconnects." ::= { hwPowerTraps 29 } batteryContachAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwBatteryIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the contactor of battery group connects." ::= { hwPowerTraps 30 } userModuleOffAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the user module is powered off." ::= { hwPowerTraps 31 } userModuleOffAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the user module is powered on." ::= { hwPowerTraps 32 } transferModuleOffAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the transfer module is powered off." ::= { hwPowerTraps 33 } transferModuleOffAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the transfer module is powered on." ::= { hwPowerTraps 34 } userModuleSwitchAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the user module is switched off." ::= { hwPowerTraps 35 } transferModuleSwitchAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the transfer module is switched off." ::= { hwPowerTraps 37 } loadFuseAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the load fuse is abnormal." ::= { hwPowerTraps 39 } loadFuseAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the load fuse resumes." ::= { hwPowerTraps 40 } chargeCtrlStateAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the control state of average or floating charge converts." ::= { hwPowerTraps 41 } chargeModeAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the charge state converts." ::= { hwPowerTraps 42 } acCommFailAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the AC panel communication fails." ::= { hwPowerTraps 43 } acCommFailAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the AC panel communication resumes." ::= { hwPowerTraps 44 } batteryChargeOverAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwBatteryIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the Over-current of battery group happens." ::= { hwPowerTraps 45 } batteryChargeOverAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwBatteryIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OThis trap message is reported when the Over-current of battery group resumes." ::= { hwPowerTraps 46 } batteryVoltageLackAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwBatteryIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the voltage of battery group lacks." ::= { hwPowerTraps 47 } batteryVoltageLackAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwBatteryIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the voltage of battery group recovers from lack." ::= { hwPowerTraps 48 } loadTwiceOffAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the load is powered off twice." ::= { hwPowerTraps 49 } loadTwiceOffAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the load recovers from powering off twice." ::= { hwPowerTraps 50 } loadOnceOffAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwBatteryIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the load is powered off once." ::= { hwPowerTraps 51 } loadOnceOffAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwBatteryIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the load recovers from powering off once." ::= { hwPowerTraps 52 } acInputPowerOffAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the AC input is powered off." ::= { hwPowerTraps 53 } acInputPowerOffAlarmResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the AC input power is powered off." ::= { hwPowerTraps 54 } acInputLoopSwtichAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the AC input loop switches to another one." ::= { hwPowerTraps 55 } batteryDischargeTestStartAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the battery discharge test starts." ::= { hwPowerTraps 56 } batteryDischargeTestStopAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the battery discharge test stops." ::= { hwPowerTraps 57 } powerProtectAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the power protection function is enbaled." ::= { hwPowerTraps 58 } powerUndoProtectAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the power protection function is disabled." ::= { hwPowerTraps 59 } powerCentralOutputModeSwtichAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the central output mode swtiches to another one." ::= { hwPowerTraps 60 } powerCentralTempretaureAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the central tempretaure is abnormal." ::= { hwPowerTraps 61 } powerCentralInputAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the central input voltage is abnormal." ::= { hwPowerTraps 62 } powerCentralOutputAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the central output voltage is abnormal." ::= { hwPowerTraps 63 } powerRemoteCommFaultAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the communiction between the remote and central fails." ::= { hwPowerTraps 64 } powerRemoteVoltageAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the remote voltage is abnormal." ::= { hwPowerTraps 65} powerLineAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the power line is abnormal." ::= { hwPowerTraps 66 } powerRemotePowerAlarm1 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the remote power is abnormal." ::= { hwPowerTraps 67 } powerRemotePowerAlarm2 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the Line UA is abnormal." ::= { hwPowerTraps 68 } powerRemotePowerAlarm3 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap message is reported when the Central load is abnormal." ::= { hwPowerTraps 69 } hwACInfomationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwACInfomationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC infomation table. The table is not supported. The indexes of this table are hwEnvEmuIndex and hwPowerIndex." ::= { hwPowerMonObjects 8 } hwACInfomationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwACInfomationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC infomation table. The table is not supported. The indexes of this entry are hwEnvEmuIndex and hwPowerIndex." INDEX { hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex } ::= { hwACInfomationTable 1 } HwACInfomationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwACInfoCommState INTEGER, hwACInfoThunderState INTEGER, hwACInfoCurrentLoop Integer32, hwACInfoMCBTrigger INTEGER, hwACInfoFrequency Integer32, hwACInfoRowStatus RowStatus } hwACInfoCommState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), fault(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "communication state of AC input module. The node is not supported. Options: 1. normal(0) - indicates the communication state of AC is normal 2. fault(1) - indicates the communication state of AC is fault " ::= { hwACInfomationEntry 1 } hwACInfoThunderState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), fault(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Thunder's state. The node is not supported. Options: 1. normal(0) - indicates the state of Thunder is normal 2. fault(1) - indicates the state of Thunder is fault " ::= { hwACInfomationEntry 2 } hwACInfoCurrentLoop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current AC input working loop. The leaf is not supported. " ::= { hwACInfomationEntry 3 } hwACInfoMCBTrigger OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), break-down(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC input MCB trigger state. The leaf is not supported. Options: 1. normal(0) - indicates the AC input MCB trigger state is normal 2. break-down(1)- indicates the AC input MCB trigger state is break-down " ::= { hwACInfomationEntry 4 } hwACInfoFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "HZ" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The infomation of AC input frequency. This leaf is not supported. Unit: HZ " ::= { hwACInfomationEntry 5 } hwACInfoRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus standard operation The leaf is not supported. " ::= { hwACInfomationEntry 6 } powerConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwPower 3 } powerCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerConformance 1 } powerGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerConformance 2 } hwEnvironPowerTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwPower 4 } hwEnvironPowerCommonTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwEnvironPowerTraps 1 } hwEnvironPowerAlarmTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwEnvironPowerTraps 2 } hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTraps 0 } hwEmmPowerBattaryTestStartTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the power device battary discharge test starts. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 1 } hwEmmPowerBattaryTestStopTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType, hwBatteryLogTestBatteryStatus, hwBatteryLogTestEfficiency } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the power device battary discharge test ends. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 2 } hwEmmPowerAcvolFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwACLoopIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the power device AC input voltage is abnormal. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 3 } hwEmmPowerAcvolRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwACLoopIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the power device AC input voltage recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 4 } hwEmmPowerDcvolFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the power device DC output voltage is abnormal. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 5 } hwEmmPowerDcvolRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the power device DC output voltage recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 6 } hwEmmPowerBattloopFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwBatteryIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the power device the battery loop is broken. In this case, the function of he backup power is lost. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 7 } hwEmmPowerBattloopRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwBatteryIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the power device battery loop recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 8 } hwEmmPowerLoadfuseFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the fuse of the power device is broken. In this case, the device is powered off. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 9 } hwEmmPowerLoadfuseRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwLoadIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the fuse of the power device recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 10 } hwEmmPowerRectifierFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwRectifierIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the rectifier module of the power device is abnormal and the spully power may decrease. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 11 } hwEmmPowerRectifierRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwRectifierIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the rectifier module of the power device recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 12 } hwEmmDigMainsupplyFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the main supply digital is faulty. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 13 } hwEmmDigMainsupplyRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwDigChannelIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the main supply digital recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 14 } hwEmmPowerBatteryOffTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the power of battary is off. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 15 } hwEmmBatt1TempFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the battery group 1 temperature sensor fault occurs. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 16 } hwEmmBatt1TempRestoreTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the battery group 1 temperature sensor fault recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 17 } hwEmmEnviHumFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the environment humidity sensor fault occurs. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 18 } hwEmmEnviHumRestoreTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the environment humidity sensor fault recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 19 } hwEmmEnvi1TempFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the environment 1 temperature sensor fault occurs. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 20 } hwEmmEnvi1TempRestoreTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the environment 1 temperature sensor fault recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 21 } hwEmmBattTemFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the battery temperature out of normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 22 } hwEmmBattTemRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the battery temperature recovers to normal range. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 23 } hwEmmPowerBatteryOffRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the power of battary recovers to on state. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 24 } hwEmmPowerBatteryUnDetectTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the one or more batteries are not detected. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 25 } hwEmmPowerBatteryDetectRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the batteries recover. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 26 } hwPowerModuleMismatchTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the the power supply system detects mismatched power module . " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 27 } hwPowerModuleRestoreTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwFrameIndex, hwEnvEmuIndex, hwPowerIndex, hwEnvEmuType, hwPowerType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generates this trap when the power module recovers. " ::= { hwEnvironPowerAlarmTrapsPrefix 28 } END