-- ================================================================== -- Copyright (C) 2002 by HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES. All rights reserved. -- -- Description: HUAWEI RPR extend MIB -- Reference: -- Version: V1.0 -- History: -- ================================================================== HUAWEI-RPR-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS hwDatacomm FROM HUAWEI-MIB rprIfIndex, rprIfWrapConfig, rprIfRingOperModes, rprIfCurrentStatus, rprSpanIfIndex, rprSpanId, rprSpanTotalRingletReservedRate, rprTopoImageIfIndex, rprTopoImageMacAddress, rprTopoImageStationIfIndex, rprTopoImageRinglet0Hops, rprTopoImageRinglet1Hops, rprTopoImageWestProtectionStatus, rprTopoImageEastProtectionStatus, rprTopoImageStatus, RprSpan FROM IEEE-802DOT17-RPR-MIB ifIndex, ifPhysAddress, ifName, InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI; hwRPR MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200601090000Z" -- January 09, 2006 at 00:00 GMT ORGANIZATION "Huawei Technologies co.,Ltd." CONTACT-INFO " R&D BeiJing, Huawei Technologies co.,Ltd. Huawei Bld.,NO.3 Xinxi Rd., Shang-Di Information Industry Base, Hai-Dian District Beijing P.R. China Zip:100085 Http://www.huawei.com E-mail:support@huawei.com " DESCRIPTION "The HUAWEI-RPR-TRAP-MIB contains objects to Monitor the RPR TRAPs. ********************************* RPR TRAP ********************************** This RPR TRAP consists of the following TRAPs: 1 : hwRPRexcessReservedRateDefect 2 : hwRPRprotMisconfigDefect 3 : hwRPRtopoChange 4 : hwRPRtopoInvalidDefect 5 : hwRPRduplicateMacAddressDefect 6 : hwRPRtopoInstabilityDefect 7 : hwRPRtopoStabilityRestore 8 : hwRPRPhyIfEventTrap 9 : hwRPRLogicIfEventTrap " ::= { hwDatacomm 36 } -- -- Node definitions -- hwRPRObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwRPR 1 } hwRPRIfEventTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwRPRIfEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of interface event information." ::= { hwRPRObjects 1 } hwRPRIfEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwRPRIfEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interface event information Entry." INDEX { hwRPRLogicIfIndex, hwRPRLogicIfSpanId } ::= { hwRPRIfEventTable 1 } HwRPRIfEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwRPRLogicIfIndex InterfaceIndex, hwRPRLogicIfSpanId RprSpan, hwRPRLogicIfEvent INTEGER, hwRPRPhyIfEvent INTEGER } hwRPRLogicIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex of this RPR logic interface." ::= { hwRPRIfEventEntry 1 } hwRPRLogicIfSpanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RprSpan MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SpanId of this RPR logic interface." ::= { hwRPRIfEventEntry 2 } hwRPRLogicIfEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sd(1), sf(2), mateerr(3) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of logic interface event. SD indicates that SDH Signal of the RPR logic interface degrades; SF indicates that SDH Signal of the RPR logic interface fails; MATEERR indicates that mate cable error caused by mate cable of the RPR physical interface is linked incorrect; " ::= { hwRPRIfEventEntry 3 } hwRPRPhyIfEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sdHFramerSDst(1), sdHFramerSFst(2), sdHFramerLOSst(3), sdHFramerLOFst(4), sdHFramerRDIst(5), sdHFramerAISst(6), sdHFramerREIst(7), miscabling(8), keepalive(9), mateState(10) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of physical interface event. SDHFramerSDst indicates that SDH Signal of the RPR physical interface degrades; SDHFramerSFst indicates that SDH Signal of the RPR physical interface fails; SDHFramerLOSst indicates that SDH Signal of the RPR physical interface loses; SDHFramerLOFst indicates that SDH framer of the RPR physical interface loses; SDHFramerRDIst indicates that remote Defect Indication ; SDHFramerAISst indicates that alarm Indication Signal; SDHFramerREIst indicates that remote ErrorIndication; Miscabling indicates that cable of the RPR physical interface is linked incorrect; Keepalive indicates that an exchange of messages allowing verification that communication between stations is not active; MateState indicates that mate cable of the RPR physical interface is linked incorrect. " ::= { hwRPRIfEventEntry 4 } hwRPRIfConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwRPRIfConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of RPR logic interface configuration information." ::= { hwRPRObjects 2 } hwRPRIfConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwRPRIfConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RPR interface Configuration entry." INDEX { hwRPRIfConfigIfIndex } ::= { hwRPRIfConfigTable 1 } HwRPRIfConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwRPRIfConfigIfIndex InterfaceIndex, hwRPRLogicIfTotalBandWidth INTEGER } hwRPRIfConfigIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex of this RPR logic interface." ::= { hwRPRIfConfigEntry 1 } hwRPRLogicIfTotalBandWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bandwidth1000(1000), bandwidth2488(2488), bandwidth10000(10000) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total bandwidth of this RPR logic interface." ::= { hwRPRIfConfigEntry 2 } hwRPRTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwRPR 2 } hwRPRexcessReservedRateDefect NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rprSpanTotalRingletReservedRate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This defect indicates that the amount of reserved bandwidth on a ringlet exceeds the available LINK_RATE. When an excess reserved rate defect is present, a notification may be generated. " ::= { hwRPRTraps 1 } hwRPRprotMisconfigDefect NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rprIfWrapConfig, rprIfRingOperModes } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A critical severity defect that indicates the presence of mismatched-protection-configuration stations, based on the value returned by MismatchedProtection(). When a protection configuration defect is present on the station, a notification may be generated. " ::= { hwRPRTraps 2 } hwRPRtopoChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rprTopoImageStationIfIndex, rprTopoImageStatus, rprTopoImageWestProtectionStatus, rprTopoImageEastProtectionStatus, rprIfCurrentStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When an topology change is present, a notification may be generated.. " ::= { hwRPRTraps 3 } hwRPRtopoInvalidDefect NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifPhysAddress, rprIfCurrentStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A critical severity defect indicating that an invalid entry has been found within the scope of the topology,the stations on the ring excess the MAX_STATIONS or the local station has one or more duplicate secondary MAC addresses. When a topology entry invalid defect ,exceeing MaxStations or duplicate secondary MAC addresses is present, a notification may be generated. " ::= { hwRPRTraps 4 } hwRPRduplicateMacAddressDefect NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifPhysAddress, rprTopoImageRinglet0Hops, rprTopoImageRinglet1Hops } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A critical severity defect indicating that a duplicateMacAddress has been found on the ring. When a duplicateMacAddress defect is present, a notification may be generated. " ::= { hwRPRTraps 5 } hwRPRtopoInstabilityDefect NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifPhysAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The critical severity Instable topology defect. When an Instable topology defect is present, a notification may be generated. " ::= { hwRPRTraps 6 } hwRPRtopoStabilityRestore NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifPhysAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The critical severity Instable topology restore. When an stable topology is present, a notification may be generated. " ::= { hwRPRTraps 7 } hwRPRPhyIfEventTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwRPRLogicIfIndex, hwRPRLogicIfSpanId, hwRPRPhyIfEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The critical severity physical interface defect. When an physical interface defect is present, a notification may be generated. " ::= { hwRPRTraps 8 } hwRPRLogicIfEventTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwRPRLogicIfIndex, hwRPRLogicIfSpanId, hwRPRLogicIfEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The critical severity Logic interface defect. When an logic interface defect that caused by physical interface event is present, a notification may be generated. " ::= { hwRPRTraps 9 } hwRPRNodeConErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "On RPR ring, to detect the connection, a kind of packet is send between neighbor RPR nodes, This kind of packet is SC(Single-Choke) packet, If a node cannot receive SC packet from neighbor node in KEEPALIVE time, then there is failure between the two nodes. When happened, auto protection is executed by software.!" ::= { hwRPRTraps 10 } hwRPRNodeConErrResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "On RPR ring, to detect the connection, a kind of packet is send between neighbor RPR nodes, This kind of packet is SC(Single-Choke) packet, If a node cannot receive SC packet from neighbor node in KEEPALIVE time, then there is failure between the two nodes. When failure is resumed , this notification is sent.!" ::= { hwRPRTraps 11 } hwRPRNodeMisCabling NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optical fiber is connected in error. i.e the east direction of one node is connected with east direction of another node, or the west direction of one node is connected with west direction of another node!" ::= { hwRPRTraps 12 } hwRPRNodeMisCablingResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "when phenomena that Optical fiber is connected in error disappears, this notification is sent!" ::= { hwRPRTraps 13 } hwRPRMateErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "In double RPR operating mode, east and west directions of one rpr node lay on two RPR cards, These two cards are internally conntected by Gigaibit-ethernet, which is called MATE interface. The RPR nodes cannot work normaly under condition of MATE error.!" ::= { hwRPRTraps 14 } hwRPRMateErrResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "In double RPR operating mode, east and west directions of one rpr node lay on two RPR cards, These two cards are internally conntected by Gigaibit-ethernet, which is called MATE interface. The RPR nodes cannot work normaly under condition of MATE error.when MATE error is resumed ,this notification is sent!" ::= { hwRPRTraps 15 } hwRPRLOS NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "On RPR physical layer, link connection is detected through physical singal. When can't receive physical singal, then local node from neighbor node, LOS(lost of signal) alarm is report, auto protection is executed by software.!" ::= { hwRPRTraps 16 } hwRPRLOSResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "On RPR physical layer, link connection is detected through physical singal. When can't receive physical singal, then local node from neighbor node, LOS(lost of signal) alarm is report, auto protection is executed by software.when LOS is resumed,this notification is sent" ::= { hwRPRTraps 17 } hwRPRTrapConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwRPR 3 } hwRPRTrapCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwRPRTrapConformance 1 } hwRPRTrapCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities that implement RPRTRAP on a router. " MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { hwRPRIfEventGroup, hwRPRTrapGroup } ::= { hwRPRTrapCompliances 1 } hwRPRTrapGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwRPRTrapConformance 2 } hwRPRIfEventGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwRPRLogicIfIndex, hwRPRLogicIfSpanId, hwRPRPhyIfEvent, hwRPRLogicIfEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "provide RPRTRAP objects configuration information. " ::= { hwRPRTrapGroups 1 } hwRPRTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hwRPRexcessReservedRateDefect, hwRPRprotMisconfigDefect, hwRPRtopoChange, hwRPRtopoInvalidDefect, hwRPRduplicateMacAddressDefect, hwRPRtopoInstabilityDefect, hwRPRtopoStabilityRestore, hwRPRPhyIfEventTrap, hwRPRLogicIfEventTrap, hwRPRNodeConErr, hwRPRNodeConErrResume, hwRPRNodeMisCabling, hwRPRNodeMisCablingResume, hwRPRMateErr, hwRPRMateErrResume, hwRPRLOS, hwRPRLOSResume } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide RPRTRAP objects configuration information. " ::= { hwRPRTrapGroups 2 } hwRPRIfConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwRPRLogicIfTotalBandWidth } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwRPRTrapGroups 3 } END -- -- HUAWEI-RPR-MIB.mib --