--/**************************************************************************** -- -- Copyright (C), 2011-2016, Huawei Tech. Co., Ltd. -- --***************************************************************************** -- File Name : HUAWEI-SERVER-IBMC-MIB.mib -- --****************************************************************************/ HUAWEI-SERVER-IBMC-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE,Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI Counter32, IpAddress, Gauge32, Unsigned32, TimeTicks, Opaque, Counter64 FROM SNMPv2-SMI RowStatus, StorageType FROM SNMPv2-TC SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB; huawei OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 2011 } products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { huawei 2 } hwServer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::={ products 235 } hwBMC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::={ hwServer 1 } hwiBMC MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201110250000Z" ORGANIZATION "Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd." CONTACT-INFO " http://www.huawei.com Zip:518129 E-mail:support@huawei.com " DESCRIPTION "The HUAWEI-SERVER-IBMC-MIB contains objects to Manage the server." ::= { hwBMC 1 } -- ****** uspSystem Location ******************************* system OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 1 } systemHealth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "systemHealth information about system present state of health. This value will be one of the following: (1-OK, 2-Minor, 3-Major, 4-Critical)" ::= { system 1 } systemBootsequence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noOverride(1), pxe(2), hdd(3), cdDvd(4), floppyPrimaryRemovableMedia(5), unspecified(6), biossetup(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Decide the system's first boot device. 1 - No override 2 - Force PXE 3 - Force boot from default Hard-drive 4 - Force boot from default CD/DVD 5 - Force boot from Floppy/primary removable media 6 - boot flags valid. The bit should be set to indicate that valid flag data is present. This bit may be automatically cleared based on the boot flag valid bit clearing parameter, above.(This option is read-only.) 7 - Force boot into BIOS SETUP The default value is 6 (unspecified)" ::= { system 2 } systemTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "systemTime information about iBMC system time, based on UTC. the value such as (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)." ::= { system 3 } systemTimeZone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-720..840) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "systemTimeZone information about iBMC time zone. The value is in [-720, 840]." ::= { system 4 } safepowerofftime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system safe poweroff time, the value 0 indicates non-timeout." ::= { system 5 } deviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device name value between 1 to 63 characters." ::= { system 6 } deviceSerialNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device serial number value between 1 to 63 characters." ::= { system 7 } powerOnPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { stayoff(1), restorePreviousState(2), turnon(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "1 - Stay Off 2 - Restore Previous State 3 - Turn On Default value is turnon(3)." ::= { system 8 } hostName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The host name between 1 to 64 characters. Supported characters: 0-9 a-z A-Z - ('-' is not allowed to be the first/last character). Default value is huawei." ::= { system 9 } systemGuid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The GUID is hex string such as ********-****-****-****-************." ::= { system 10 } identify OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "identify use to control on or off of led. identify mode: 0 - Off 1 - Temporary On 2 - Force Identify On set format: ,[ontime] get format: When = 0 or = 2, the format is only . [ontime] is option and value is in [1,255], When set Temporary On without [ontime], The default Temporary On time are 15 seconds." ::= { system 11 } systemPowerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normalPowerOff(1), powerOn(2), forcedSystemReset(3), forcedPowerCycle(4), forcedPowerOff(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System Power Status Get. 1 - Power Off 2 - Power On System Power Status Set. 1 - Normal Power Off 2 - Power On 3 - Forced System Reset 4 - Forced Power Cycle 5 - Forced Power Off The set actions are a process which will take effect in a while. When system in poweroff state, Power Off/Reset/PowerOffThenOn commonds are not supported." ::= { system 12 } presentSystemPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Display the present system power." ::= { system 13 } deviceOwnerID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device owner ID, maxlength is 64 characters." ::= { system 14 } deviceslotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device slot ID of a server exists, the value ranges from 1 to 80. Otherwise, the value is 0." ::= { system 15 } remoteOEMInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remoteOEMinfo, maxlength is 255 characters." ::= { system 16 } deviceLocationInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The deviceLocationInfo between 0 and 64 characters. Default value is server room." ::= { system 17 } deviceRemoteManageID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The deviceRemoteManageID between 0 and 64 characters." ::= { system 18 } bmcReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reboot(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reboot the BMC management system.When set, the value is only 1, write only." ::= { system 19 } powerOnPermit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notPermit(1), permit(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set power on permission. notPermit 1, permit 2." ::= { system 20 } autoDiscoveryEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), enable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Auto discovery state. disable 1, enable 2. Default value is disable(1)." ::= { system 21 } productUniqueID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The productUniqueID is hex string." ::= { system 22 } systemCpuUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percent of CPU usage. The value defined as: -1: invalid current CPU usage. [0,100]: represents the current CPU usage." ::= { system 23 } systemBootOnce OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { once(1), permanent(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System boot once or permanent. once 1, permanent 2. Default value is once(1)." ::= { system 24 } systemMemUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percent of memory usage. The value defined as: -1: invalid current memory usage. [0,100]: represents the current memory usage." ::= { system 25 } systemCpuUsageThre OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percent of CPU usage threshold. This value is in [0,100]." ::= { system 26 } systemMemUsageThre OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percent of memory usage threshold. This value is in [0,100]." ::= { system 27 } systemDiskPartitionUsageThre OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percent of hard disk partition usage threshold. This value is in [0,100]." ::= { system 28 } systemTimeZoneStr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "systemTimeZone information about iBMC time zone. The value can be time-offset : GMT-12:00~GMT+14:00 e.g. GMT+08:00,GMT-04:30. The value can be city name , e.g. Asia/Shanghai,America/New_York." ::= { system 29 } -- ****** systemHealthEvent Information ******************************* -- systemHealthEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 30 } systemHealthEventDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemHealthEventDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the part component." ::= { system 50 } systemHealthEventDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemHealthEventDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." INDEX { eventIndex } ::= { systemHealthEventDescriptionTable 1 } SystemHealthEventDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { eventIndex INTEGER, eventSensorName DisplayString, eventAlertTime DisplayString, eventAlertSeverity INTEGER, eventDescription DisplayString, eventCode DisplayString, eventOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER } eventIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about event id." ::= { systemHealthEventDescriptionEntry 1 } eventSensorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sensor name between 1 to 16 characters." ::= { systemHealthEventDescriptionEntry 2 } eventAlertTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The format of alert time is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, based on UTC." ::= { systemHealthEventDescriptionEntry 3 } eventAlertSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The information about event level." ::= { systemHealthEventDescriptionEntry 4 } eventDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The event description between 1 to 255 characters." ::= { systemHealthEventDescriptionEntry 5 } eventCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The information about event code." ::= { systemHealthEventDescriptionEntry 6 } eventOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object identification of current event." ::= { systemHealthEventDescriptionEntry 7 } -- ****** DNS Location ******************************* -- systemDiskPartition OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 51 } systemDiskPartitionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemDiskPartitionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the hard disk partition information." ::= { system 51 } systemDiskPartitionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemDiskPartitionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." INDEX { diskPartitionIndex } ::= { systemDiskPartitionTable 1 } SystemDiskPartitionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { diskPartitionIndex INTEGER, diskPartitionName DisplayString, totalCapacityGiB DisplayString, diskPartitionUsage INTEGER } diskPartitionIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about hard disk Partition Index." ::= { systemDiskPartitionEntry 1 } diskPartitionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hard disk partition name between 1 to 64 characters." ::= { systemDiskPartitionEntry 2 } totalCapacityGiB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hard disk partition total capactity, unit GB." ::= { systemDiskPartitionEntry 3 } diskPartitionUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The usage of hard disk partion." ::= { systemDiskPartitionEntry 4 } -- ****** DNS Location ******************************* domainNameSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 2 } domainName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Domain Name between 0 to 67 characters. A domain name supports all characters except space,double quotation,equal and the following characters:#'&." ::= { domainNameSystem 1 } preferredDNSServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Preferred DNS server IPv4 address. this value is right IPv4 address or empty, the default value is empty." ::= { domainNameSystem 2 } alternateDNSServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alternate DNS server IPv4 address. this value is right IPv4 address or empty, the default value is empty." ::= { domainNameSystem 3 } dnsSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manual (1), auto (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about DNS source." ::= { domainNameSystem 4 } bindNetPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eth0 (1), eth1 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Information about DNS bind net port." ::= { domainNameSystem 5 } bindIPProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ipv4 (1), ipv6 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about DNS bind ip protocol." ::= { domainNameSystem 6 } -- ****** LDAP Location ******************************* ldap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 3 } ldapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of LDAP. Default value is disable(1)." ::= { ldap 1 } ldapDomainServer1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP domain server between 1 to 255 characters. Default value is Max length is 255 characters." ::= { ldap 2 } ldapUserDomain1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP user domain if the string consists of numbers, letters, and special characters, the maximum length is 255 characters. E.g. CN=employee,OU=company,DC=ldap,DC=ibmc,DC=com or OU=department,OU=company,DC=ldap,DC=ibmc." ::= { ldap 3 } ldapPort1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the port number for the LDAP service. Value: an integer ranging from 1 to 65535 The default value is 636." ::= { ldap 4 } ldapDomainServer2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP domain server between 1 to 255 characters. Default value is Max length is 255 characters." ::= { ldap 5 } ldapUserDomain2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP user domain if the string consists of numbers, letters, and special characters, the maximum length is 255 characters. E.g. CN=employee,OU=company,DC=ldap,DC=ibmc,DC=com or OU=department,OU=company,DC=ldap,DC=ibmc." ::= { ldap 6 } ldapPort2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the port number for the LDAP service. Value: an integer ranging from 1 to 65535 The default value is 636." ::= { ldap 7 } ldapDomainServer3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP domain server between 1 to 255 characters. Default value is Max length is 255 characters." ::= { ldap 8 } ldapUserDomain3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP user domain if the string consists of numbers, letters, and special characters, the maximum length is 255 characters. E.g. CN=employee,OU=company,DC=ldap,DC=ibmc,DC=com or OU=department,OU=company,DC=ldap,DC=ibmc." ::= { ldap 9 } ldapPort3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the port number for the LDAP service. Value: an integer ranging from 1 to 65535 The default value is 636." ::= { ldap 10 } ldapDomainServer4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP domain server between 1 to 255 characters. Default value is Max length is 255 characters." ::= { ldap 11 } ldapUserDomain4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP user domain if the string consists of numbers, letters, and special characters, the maximum length is 255 characters. E.g. CN=employee,OU=company,DC=ldap,DC=ibmc,DC=com or OU=department,OU=company,DC=ldap,DC=ibmc." ::= { ldap 12 } ldapPort4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the port number for the LDAP service. Value: an integer ranging from 1 to 65535 The default value is 636." ::= { ldap 13 } ldapDomainServer5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP domain server between 1 to 255 characters. Default value is Max length is 255 characters." ::= { ldap 14 } ldapUserDomain5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP user domain if the string consists of numbers, letters, and special characters, the maximum length is 255 characters.. E.g. CN=employee,OU=company,DC=ldap,DC=ibmc,DC=com or OU=department,OU=company,DC=ldap,DC=ibmc." ::= { ldap 15 } ldapPort5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the port number for the LDAP service. Value: an integer ranging from 1 to 65535 The default value is 636." ::= { ldap 16 } ldapDomainServer6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP domain server between 1 to 255 characters. Default value is Max length is 255 characters." ::= { ldap 17 } ldapUserDomain6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP user domain if the string consists of numbers, letters, and special characters, the maximum length is 255 characters. E.g. CN=employee,OU=company,DC=ldap,DC=ibmc,DC=com or OU=department,OU=company,DC=ldap,DC=ibmc." ::= { ldap 18 } ldapPort6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the port number for the LDAP service. Value: an integer ranging from 1 to 65535 The default value is 636." ::= { ldap 19 } ldapGroupInfoDescription1Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LDAPGroupInfoDescription1Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the list of LDAP information." ::= { ldap 50 } ldapGroupInfoDescription1Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LDAPGroupInfoDescription1Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." INDEX { groupIndex } ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription1Table 1 } LDAPGroupInfoDescription1Entry ::= SEQUENCE { groupIndex INTEGER, groupName DisplayString, groupDomain DisplayString, groupPrivilege INTEGER, groupInterfaces INTEGER } groupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP group index." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription1Entry 1 } groupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP group name if the string consists of numbers, letters, and special characters, the maximum length is 255 characters." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription1Entry 2 } groupDomain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP group domain if the string consists of numbers, letters, and special characters, the maximum length is 255 characters. E.g. Group0 CN=group0,DC=ldap,DC=ibmc,DC=com." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription1Entry 3 } groupPrivilege OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { commonUser(1), noAccess(0), operator(2), administrator(3), customRole1(4), customRole2(5), customRole3(6), customRole4(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "0 - no access 1 - common user 2 - operator 3 - administrator 4 - custom role1 5 - custom role2 6 - custom role3 7 - custom role4 Default value is commonUser(1)." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription1Entry 4 } groupInterfaces OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about LDAP group login interfaces. bit0 - Web: 0 disabled; 1 enabled bit3 - SSH: 0 disabled; 1 enabled bit7 - Redfish: 0 disabled; 1 enabled" ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription1Entry 5 } ldapGroupInfoDescription2Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LDAPGroupInfoDescription2Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the list of LDAP information." ::= { ldap 51 } ldapGroupInfoDescription2Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LDAPGroupInfoDescription2Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." INDEX { groupIndex2 } ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription2Table 1 } LDAPGroupInfoDescription2Entry ::= SEQUENCE { groupIndex2 INTEGER, groupName2 DisplayString, groupPrivilege2 INTEGER, groupInterfaces2 INTEGER, groupDomain2 DisplayString } groupIndex2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP group index." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription2Entry 1 } groupName2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP group name if the string consists of numbers, letters, and special characters, the maximum length is 255 characters." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription2Entry 2 } groupPrivilege2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { commonUser(1), noAccess(0), operator(2), administrator(3), customRole1(4), customRole2(5), customRole3(6), customRole4(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "0 - no access 1 - common user 2 - operator 3 - administrator 4 - custom role1 5 - custom role2 6 - custom role3 7 - custom role4 Default value is commonUser(1)." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription2Entry 3 } groupInterfaces2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about LDAP group login interfaces. bit0 - Web: 0 disabled; 1 enabled bit3 - SSH: 0 disabled; 1 enabled bit7 - Redfish: 0 disabled; 1 enabled" ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription2Entry 4 } groupDomain2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP group domain if the string consists of numbers, letters, and special characters, the maximum length is 255 characters. E.g. Group0 CN=group0,DC=ldap,DC=ibmc,DC=com." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription2Entry 5 } ldapGroupInfoDescription3Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LDAPGroupInfoDescription3Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the list of LDAP information." ::= { ldap 52 } ldapGroupInfoDescription3Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LDAPGroupInfoDescription3Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." INDEX { groupIndex3 } ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription3Table 1 } LDAPGroupInfoDescription3Entry ::= SEQUENCE { groupIndex3 INTEGER, groupName3 DisplayString, groupPrivilege3 INTEGER, groupInterfaces3 INTEGER, groupDomain3 DisplayString } groupIndex3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP group index." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription3Entry 1 } groupName3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP group name if the string consists of numbers, letters, and special characters, the maximum length is 255 characters." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription3Entry 2 } groupPrivilege3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { commonUser(1), noAccess(0), operator(2), administrator(3), customRole1(4), customRole2(5), customRole3(6), customRole4(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "0 - no access 1 - common user 2 - operator 3 - administrator 4 - custom role1 5 - custom role2 6 - custom role3 7 - custom role4 Default value is commonUser(1)." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription3Entry 3 } groupInterfaces3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about LDAP group login interfaces. bit0 - Web: 0 disabled; 1 enabled bit3 - SSH: 0 disabled; 1 enabled bit7 - Redfish: 0 disabled; 1 enabled" ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription3Entry 4 } groupDomain3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP group domain if the string consists of numbers, letters, and special characters, the maximum length is 255 characters. E.g. Group0 CN=group0,DC=ldap,DC=ibmc,DC=com." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription3Entry 5 } ldapGroupInfoDescription4Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LDAPGroupInfoDescription4Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the list of LDAP information." ::= { ldap 53 } ldapGroupInfoDescription4Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LDAPGroupInfoDescription4Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." INDEX { groupIndex4 } ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription4Table 1 } LDAPGroupInfoDescription4Entry ::= SEQUENCE { groupIndex4 INTEGER, groupName4 DisplayString, groupPrivilege4 INTEGER, groupInterfaces4 INTEGER, groupDomain4 DisplayString } groupIndex4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP group index." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription4Entry 1 } groupName4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP group name if the string consists of numbers, letters, and special characters, the maximum length is 255 characters." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription4Entry 2 } groupPrivilege4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { commonUser(1), noAccess(0), operator(2), administrator(3), customRole1(4), customRole2(5), customRole3(6), customRole4(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "0 - no access 1 - common user 2 - operator 3 - administrator 4 - custom role1 5 - custom role2 6 - custom role3 7 - custom role4 Default value is commonUser(1)." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription4Entry 3 } groupInterfaces4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about LDAP group login interfaces. bit0 - Web: 0 disabled; 1 enabled bit3 - SSH: 0 disabled; 1 enabled bit7 - Redfish: 0 disabled; 1 enabled" ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription4Entry 4 } groupDomain4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP group domain if the string consists of numbers, letters, and special characters, the maximum length is 255 characters. E.g. Group0 CN=group0,DC=ldap,DC=ibmc,DC=com." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription4Entry 5 } ldapGroupInfoDescription5Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LDAPGroupInfoDescription5Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the list of LDAP information." ::= { ldap 54 } ldapGroupInfoDescription5Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LDAPGroupInfoDescription5Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." INDEX { groupIndex5 } ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription5Table 1 } LDAPGroupInfoDescription5Entry ::= SEQUENCE { groupIndex5 INTEGER, groupName5 DisplayString, groupPrivilege5 INTEGER, groupInterfaces5 INTEGER, groupDomain5 DisplayString } groupIndex5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP group index." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription5Entry 1 } groupName5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP group name if the string consists of numbers, letters, and special characters, the maximum length is 255 characters." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription5Entry 2 } groupPrivilege5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { commonUser(1), noAccess(0), operator(2), administrator(3), customRole1(4), customRole2(5), customRole3(6), customRole4(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "0 - no access 1 - common user 2 - operator 3 - administrator 4 - custom role1 5 - custom role2 6 - custom role3 7 - custom role4 Default value is commonUser(1)." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription5Entry 3 } groupInterfaces5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about LDAP group login interfaces. bit0 - Web: 0 disabled; 1 enabled bit3 - SSH: 0 disabled; 1 enabled bit7 - Redfish: 0 disabled; 1 enabled" ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription5Entry 4 } groupDomain5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP group domain if the string consists of numbers, letters, and special characters, the maximum length is 255 characters. E.g. Group0 CN=group0,DC=ldap,DC=ibmc,DC=com." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription5Entry 5 } ldapGroupInfoDescription6Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LDAPGroupInfoDescription6Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the list of LDAP information." ::= { ldap 55 } ldapGroupInfoDescription6Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LDAPGroupInfoDescription6Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." INDEX { groupIndex6 } ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription6Table 1 } LDAPGroupInfoDescription6Entry ::= SEQUENCE { groupIndex6 INTEGER, groupName6 DisplayString, groupPrivilege6 INTEGER, groupInterfaces6 INTEGER, groupDomain6 DisplayString } groupIndex6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP group index." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription6Entry 1 } groupName6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP group name if the string consists of numbers, letters, and special characters, the maximum length is 255 characters." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription6Entry 2 } groupPrivilege6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { commonUser(1), noAccess(0), operator(2), administrator(3), customRole1(4), customRole2(5), customRole3(6), customRole4(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "0 - no access 1 - common user 2 - operator 3 - administrator 4 - custom role1 5 - custom role2 6 - custom role3 7 - custom role4 Default value is commonUser(1)." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription6Entry 3 } groupInterfaces6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about LDAP group login interfaces. bit0 - Web: 0 disabled; 1 enabled bit3 - SSH: 0 disabled; 1 enabled bit7 - Redfish: 0 disabled; 1 enabled" ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription6Entry 4 } groupDomain6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LDAP group domain if the string consists of numbers, letters, and special characters, the maximum length is 255 characters. E.g. Group0 CN=group0,DC=ldap,DC=ibmc,DC=com." ::= { ldapGroupInfoDescription6Entry 5 } -- ****** Trap Location ******************************* trap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 4 } trapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of Trap. Default value is enable(2)." ::= { trap 1 } trapCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP trap community between 1 to 18 characters. A community supports all characters except space." ::= { trap 2 } trapLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level of trap send. Default level is minor. ok:send all level message. minor:send minor and above level message. major:send major and above level message. critical:send critical level message." ::= { trap 3 } trapMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eventCodeMode(1), trapOidMode(2), trapPreciseAlarmMode(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap mode." ::= { trap 4 } trapVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { v1(1), v2c(2), v3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap version." ::= { trap 5 } trapRearm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rearm(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Send rearm commomnd." ::= { trap 6 } trapServerIdentity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { boardSN(1), productAssetTag(2), hostName(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Choose the server Identity when sending trap." ::= { trap 7 } trapSecurityUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The security user name for SNMP TRAP V3, the user should be one of the BMC local user." ::= { trap 8 } trapLevelDetail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level of trap send. Support set/get any combination of the 4 alarm levels(critical,major,minor,normal), use comma to separate them. none/all is also supported,but never use it with the 4 levels together. e.g. To set critical + major level message, just set: critical,major To set critical level message, just set: critical To set all level message, just set: all" ::= { trap 9 } --Trap trapInfoDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TrapInfoDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the list of Trap information." ::= { trap 50 } trapInfoDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrapInfoDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a trap group." INDEX { trapReceiverIndex } ::= { trapInfoDescriptionTable 1 } TrapInfoDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { trapReceiverIndex INTEGER, trapReceiverEnable INTEGER, trapReceiverAddress DisplayString, trapReceiverPort INTEGER, trapSendType INTEGER, trapTest INTEGER, trapBobEnable INTEGER } trapReceiverIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { trapInfoDescriptionEntry 1 } trapReceiverEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), enable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap Receiver state enable 2, disable 1." ::= { trapInfoDescriptionEntry 2 } trapReceiverAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap Receiver IPv4 addrsss, IPv6 address or domain name. Default value is empty." ::= { trapInfoDescriptionEntry 3 } trapReceiverPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP trap port, default is 162." ::= { trapInfoDescriptionEntry 4 } trapSendType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { snmpTrap(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Send message type snmptrap." ::= { trapInfoDescriptionEntry 5 } trapTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Test the SNMP trap or syslog whether could send. When set, the value is only 1." ::= { trapInfoDescriptionEntry 6 } trapBobEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), enable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BOB: iBMC over iBMA. Use in-band channel forwarding trap: enabled 2, disabled 1." ::= { trapInfoDescriptionEntry 7 } -- ****** SMTP Location ******************************* smtp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 5 } smtpEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of SMTP. Default value is disable(1)." ::= { smtp 1 } smtpSendSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The severity of SMTP send. Default Severity is ok(1). ok:Send all level message. minor:Send minor and above level message. major:Send major and above level message. critical:Send critical level message." ::= { smtp 2 } smtpServerIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SMTP server IPv4 address, IPv6 address or domain name. Default value is empty." ::= { smtp 3 } smtpLoginType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { anonymous(1), account(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SMTP login type anonymous 1, account 2. Default value is anonymous(1)." ::= { smtp 4 } smtpLoginAccount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Login account between 1 to 64 characters. A login account supports all characters except space,double quotationthe,equal and the following characters:#'&." ::= { smtp 5 } smtpLoginPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set user login SMTP password. Login password between 1 to 50 characters." ::= { smtp 6 } smtpSendFrom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Send from between 0 to 255 characters. A send from supports all characters except space,double quotation,equal and the following characters:#'&." ::= { smtp 7 } smtpTLSEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TLS state for SMTP. Default value is enable(2)." ::= { smtp 8 } smtpSendSeverityDetail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The severity of SMTP send. Support set/get any combination of the 4 alarm levels(critical,major,minor,normal), use comma to separate them. none/all is also supported,but never use it with the 4 levels together. e.g. To set critical + major level message, just set: critical,major To set critical level message, just set: critical To set all level message, just set: all" ::= { smtp 9 } smtpReceiverDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SmtpReceiverDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the list of SMTP Receiver information." ::= { smtp 50 } smtpReceiverDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SmtpReceiverDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about SMTP Receiver information." INDEX { smtpReceiverIndex } ::= { smtpReceiverDescriptionTable 1 } SmtpReceiverDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { smtpReceiverIndex INTEGER, smtpReceiverState INTEGER, smtpReceiverAddress DisplayString, smtpReceiverDescription DisplayString, smtpReceiverTest INTEGER } smtpReceiverIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Smtp receiver index." ::= { smtpReceiverDescriptionEntry 1 } smtpReceiverState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), enable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SMTP receiver enable state. Disable 1, enable 2. Default value is disable(1)." ::= { smtpReceiverDescriptionEntry 2 } smtpReceiverAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Email address between 0 to 255 characters. A email address supports all characters except space,double quotation,equal and the following characters:#'&." ::= { smtpReceiverDescriptionEntry 3 } smtpReceiverDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Email description between 0 to 255 characters. A email description supports all characters except double quotation,equal and the following characters:#'&." ::= { smtpReceiverDescriptionEntry 4 } smtpReceiverTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Test whether could send email. When set, the value is only 1." ::= { smtpReceiverDescriptionEntry 5 } -- ****** Syslog Location ******************************* syslog OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 34 } syslogEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The enable state of syslog. Default value is disable(1)." ::= { syslog 1 } syslogIdentity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { boardSN(1), productAssetTag(2), hostName(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Choose the server Identity when sending syslog." ::= { syslog 2 } syslogSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4), none(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level of syslog send. Default level is ok. ok:send all level message. minor:send minor and above level message. major:send major and above level message. critical:send critical level message. none:send nothing." ::= { syslog 3 } syslogProtocolType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { udp(1), tcp(2), tls(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The syslog protocol type. Default value is TCP. udp:When receiving messages using the UDP protocol. tcp:When receiving messages using the TCP protocol. tls:When receiving messages using the TCP protocol" ::= { syslog 4 } syslogAuthType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { one-way(1), mutual(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The syslog auth type. Default value is one way authentication. one way authentication:authenticate the server. mutual authentication:authenticate the server and client." ::= { syslog 5 } syslogImportRootCertificate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Import root certificate of the syslog server,write only. eg:/tmp/cacert.pem" ::= { syslog 6 } syslogImportClientCertificate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Import client certificate of the syslog server,write only. eg:/tmp/client.pfx;password" ::= { syslog 7 } --Syslog syslogInfoDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SyslogInfoDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the list of Syslog information." ::= { syslog 50 } syslogInfoDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SyslogInfoDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a syslog group." INDEX { syslogReceiverIndex } ::= { syslogInfoDescriptionTable 1 } SyslogInfoDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { syslogReceiverIndex INTEGER, syslogReceiverEnable INTEGER, syslogReceiverAddress DisplayString, syslogReceiverPort INTEGER, syslogSendLogType DisplayString, syslogReceiverTest INTEGER } syslogReceiverIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { syslogInfoDescriptionEntry 1 } syslogReceiverEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), enable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Syslog Receiver state enable 2, disable 1." ::= { syslogInfoDescriptionEntry 2 } syslogReceiverAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Syslog Receiver IP addrsss. Default value is empty." ::= { syslogInfoDescriptionEntry 3 } syslogReceiverPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Syslog port." ::= { syslogInfoDescriptionEntry 4 } syslogSendLogType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The log type of syslog send. Support set/get any combination of the 3 log type(OperationLogs,SecurityLogs,EventLogs), use comma to separate them. none/all is also supported,but never use it with the 3 log types together. e.g. To set OperationLogs + SecurityLogs log type message, just set: OperationLogs,SecurityLogs To set EventLogs message, just set: EventLogs To set none level message, just set: none To set all level message, just set: all" ::= { syslogInfoDescriptionEntry 5 } syslogReceiverTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Test the syslog. When set, the value is only 1." ::= { syslogInfoDescriptionEntry 6 } --syslog cert syslogCertInfoDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SyslogCertInfoDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the list of Syslog cert information. 1:root CA. 2:client cert." ::= { syslog 51 } syslogCertInfoDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SyslogCertInfoDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a syslog cert group." INDEX { syslogCertType } ::= { syslogCertInfoDescriptionTable 1 } SyslogCertInfoDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { syslogCertType INTEGER, syslogCertIssuedTo DisplayString, syslogCertIssuedBy DisplayString, syslogCertValidFrom DisplayString, syslogCertValidTo DisplayString, syslogCertSerialNumber DisplayString } syslogCertType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "1: The root CA of syslog server. 2: The client certificate of iBMC." ::= { syslogCertInfoDescriptionEntry 1 } syslogCertIssuedTo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Provides information about the user (current server) of an SSL certificate." ::= { syslogCertInfoDescriptionEntry 2 } syslogCertIssuedBy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Provides information about the issuer of an SSL certificate. The fields contained in Issued By are the same as those in Issued To." ::= { syslogCertInfoDescriptionEntry 3 } syslogCertValidFrom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the date when an SSL certificate starts to take effect." ::= { syslogCertInfoDescriptionEntry 4 } syslogCertValidTo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the date when an SSL certificate will expire." ::= { syslogCertInfoDescriptionEntry 5 } syslogCertSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the serial number of an SSL certificate, used for identifying and migrating the certificate." ::= { syslogCertInfoDescriptionEntry 6 } -- ****** PowerSupply Location ******************************* powerSupplyInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 6 } powerSupplyEntireStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4), absence(5), unknown(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about all power supply health status." ::= { powerSupplyInfo 1 } settedPowerSupplyEntireMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loadBalance(1), activeStandby(2), unsupport(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setted power supply entire mode. Power supply entire mode get: 1:loadBalance(1) 2:activeBackup(2) 3:unsupport(3) Power supply entire mode set: 1:loadBalance(1) 2:activeBackup(2) " ::= { powerSupplyInfo 2 } actualPowerSupplyEntireMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loadBalance(1), activeStandby(2), unknown(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual power supply entire mode." ::= { powerSupplyInfo 3 } settedActivePowerSupply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setted active power supply. per bit represents a PS, bit0 is PS1, and so on, the bit value of 1 indicates the PS is active.can not set all PS are active or backup.The result 0x7FFFFFFF is unsupport." ::= { powerSupplyInfo 4 } powerSupplyDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PowerSupplyDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the list of power supply information." ::= { powerSupplyInfo 50 } powerSupplyDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PowerSupplyDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about power supply." INDEX { powerSupplyIndex } ::= { powerSupplyDescriptionTable 1 } PowerSupplyDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { powerSupplyIndex INTEGER, powerSupplymanufacture DisplayString, powerSupplyInputMode INTEGER, powerSupplyModel DisplayString, powerSupplyVersion DisplayString, powerSupplyPowerRating INTEGER, powerSupplyStatus INTEGER, powerSupplyInputPower INTEGER, powerSupplyPresence INTEGER, powerSupplyProtocol INTEGER , powerSupplyLocation DisplayString, powerSupplyFunction DisplayString, powerSupplyDevicename DisplayString, powerSupplyWorkMode INTEGER, powerSupplySN DisplayString } powerSupplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power supply index." ::= { powerSupplyDescriptionEntry 1 } powerSupplymanufacture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about power manufacture." ::= { powerSupplyDescriptionEntry 2 } powerSupplyInputMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { acInput(1), dcInput(2), acInputDcInput(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about power input." ::= { powerSupplyDescriptionEntry 3 } powerSupplyModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about power Model." ::= { powerSupplyDescriptionEntry 4 } powerSupplyVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about power version." ::= { powerSupplyDescriptionEntry 5 } powerSupplyPowerRating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about power rating." ::= { powerSupplyDescriptionEntry 6 } powerSupplyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4), absence(5), unknown(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about power status." ::= { powerSupplyDescriptionEntry 7 } powerSupplyInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about input power. The unit is watt." ::= { powerSupplyDescriptionEntry 8 } powerSupplyPresence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { absence(1), presence(2), unknown(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about power presence status." ::= { powerSupplyDescriptionEntry 9 } powerSupplyProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { psmi(1), pmbus(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about power protocol." ::= { powerSupplyDescriptionEntry 10 } powerSupplyLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power supply physical location." ::= { powerSupplyDescriptionEntry 11 } powerSupplyFunction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power supply logic function." ::= { powerSupplyDescriptionEntry 12 } powerSupplyDevicename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power supply devicename." ::= { powerSupplyDescriptionEntry 13 } powerSupplyWorkMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), backup(2), unknown(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "power supply actual work mode." ::= { powerSupplyDescriptionEntry 14 } powerSupplySN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power supply SN." ::= { powerSupplyDescriptionEntry 15 } -- ****** FRU Power Control Property ******************************* fruPowerProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 7 } fruPowerDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FruPowerDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the list of fru power information." ::= { fruPowerProperty 50 } fruPowerDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FruPowerDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about fru power supply." INDEX { fruNum } ::= { fruPowerDescriptionTable 1 } FruPowerDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fruNum INTEGER, fruPowerControl INTEGER } fruNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the FRU power." ::= { fruPowerDescriptionEntry 1 } fruPowerControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normalPowerOff(1), powerOn(2), forcedSystemReset(3), forcedPowerCycle(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about fru power control." ::= { fruPowerDescriptionEntry 2 } -- ****** FAN Information ******************************* fanProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 8 } fanMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan control mode manual or auto. fan mode: 0 - auto 1 - manual set format: ,[timeout] get format: ,[timeout] When = 0, the format is only . [timeout] is option and value is in [0,300],unit is second, When set, if fan mode is manual and without [timeout], The default out time is 30 seconds." ::= { fanProperty 1 } fanLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percent of fan speed. This value is in [MIN_FANLEVEL,100]. MIN_FANLEVEL is the minimum fanlevel according to systems, particular, when get, 255 represent fan mode is auto." ::= { fanProperty 2 } fanEntireStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4), absence(5), unknown(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about all fan health status." ::= { fanProperty 3 } fanDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FanDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the list of fan information." ::= { fanProperty 50 } fanDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FanDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about fan information." INDEX { fanIndex } ::= { fanDescriptionTable 1 } FanDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fanIndex INTEGER, fanSpeed INTEGER, fanPresence INTEGER, fanStatus INTEGER, fanLocation DisplayString, fanFunction DisplayString, fanDevicename DisplayString, fanSpeedRatio INTEGER } fanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan index." ::= { fanDescriptionEntry 1 } fanSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about fan speed, Unit is RPM." ::= { fanDescriptionEntry 2 } fanPresence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { absence(1), presence(2), unknown(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about fan presence." ::= { fanDescriptionEntry 3 } fanStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4), absence(5), unknown(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about fan health status." ::= { fanDescriptionEntry 4 } fanLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan physical location." ::= { fanDescriptionEntry 5 } fanFunction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan logic function." ::= { fanDescriptionEntry 6 } fanDevicename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan devicename." ::= { fanDescriptionEntry 7 } fanSpeedRatio OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan speed ratio." ::= { fanDescriptionEntry 8 } -- ****** FRU LED Information ******************************* fruLedProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 9 } fruLedDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FruLedDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the list of led information." ::= { fruLedProperty 50 } fruLedDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FruLedDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about led." INDEX { fruID, ledName } ::= { fruLedDescriptionTable 1 } FruLedDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fruID INTEGER, ledName DisplayString, ledColorCapbilities DisplayString, ledColorInLocalControlState DisplayString, ledColorInOverrideState DisplayString, ledColor DisplayString, ledMode INTEGER, ledStatus INTEGER, ledLitOnLastTime INTEGER, ledLitOffLastTime INTEGER } fruID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FRU Led index." ::= { fruLedDescriptionEntry 1 } ledName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FRU Led name." ::= { fruLedDescriptionEntry 2 } ledColorCapbilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Led capbility: BLUE,RED,GREEN,AMBER,ORANGE,WHITE. Return value seprate by ','." ::= { fruLedDescriptionEntry 3 } ledColorInLocalControlState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Led control state: BLUE,RED,GREEN,AMBER,ORANGE,WHITE." ::= { fruLedDescriptionEntry 4 } ledColorInOverrideState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Led override: BLUE,RED,GREEN,AMBER,ORANGE,WHITE." ::= { fruLedDescriptionEntry 5 } ledColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Led color now: BLUE,RED,GREEN,AMBER,ORANGE,WHITE." ::= { fruLedDescriptionEntry 6 } ledMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { localControl(1), override(2), test(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about LED mode." ::= { fruLedDescriptionEntry 7 } ledStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), on(2), blinking(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information LED status now." ::= { fruLedDescriptionEntry 8 } ledLitOnLastTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unit:10ms(Blinking),100ms(Test) Range:(1~250)*10ms(Blinking), (1~127)*100ms(Test)." ::= { fruLedDescriptionEntry 9 } ledLitOffLastTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unit:10ms(Blinking) Range:(1~250)*10ms(Blinking)." ::= { fruLedDescriptionEntry 10 } -- ****** Component Information ******************************* componentProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 10 } componentDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ComponentDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the part component." ::= { componentProperty 50 } componentDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ComponentDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about led." INDEX { componentName } ::= { componentDescriptionTable 1 } ComponentDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { componentName DisplayString, componentType INTEGER, componentPCBVersion DisplayString, componentBoardID DisplayString, componentStatus INTEGER } componentName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about component name." ::= { componentDescriptionEntry 1 } componentType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { baseBoard(1), mezzCard(2), amcController(3), mmcController(4), hddBackPlane(5), raidCard(6), cpuBoard(10), ioBoard(11), memoryBoard(12), riserCard(16), m2TransferCard(46), lomCard(13), pcieCard(9), gpuBoard(64), pcieTransferCard(39), fanBoard(24), passThroughCard(68), logicalDrive(69), pcieRetimer(70) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about component type." ::= { componentDescriptionEntry 2 } componentPCBVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about PCB version." ::= { componentDescriptionEntry 3 } componentBoardID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about board ID." ::= { componentDescriptionEntry 4 } componentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4), absence(5), unknown(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about board health status." ::= { componentDescriptionEntry 5 } -- ****** Firmware Information ******************************* firmwareProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 11 } firmwareDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FirmwareDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the part firmware." ::= { firmwareProperty 50 } firmwareDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FirmwareDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about firmware." INDEX { firmwareName } ::= { firmwareDescriptionTable 1 } FirmwareDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fruNumber INTEGER, firmwareName DisplayString, firmwareType INTEGER, firmwareReleaseDate DisplayString, firmwareVersion DisplayString, firmwareLocation DisplayString, firmwareBoard DisplayString } firmwareName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about firmware name." ::= { firmwareDescriptionEntry 1 } firmwareType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { iBMC(1), fpga(2), cpld(3), bios(4), uboot(5), lcd(6), backupUboot(7), ioboardCpld(8), cpuboardCpld(9), hddBackPlaneCpld(10), pcieRiserCardCpld(11), raidCardCpld(12), peripheralFirmware(13), gpuBoardCpld(14) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about firmware type." ::= { firmwareDescriptionEntry 2 } firmwareReleaseDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about firmware release date." ::= { firmwareDescriptionEntry 3 } firmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about firmware version." ::= { firmwareDescriptionEntry 4 } firmwareLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about firmware location." ::= { firmwareDescriptionEntry 5 } fruNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about FRU id." ::= { firmwareDescriptionEntry 6 } firmwareBoard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about firmware Board." ::= { firmwareDescriptionEntry 7 } -- ****** Network Information ******************************* networkProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 12 } networkDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NetworkDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the ethernet." ::= { networkProperty 50 } networkDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NetworkDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about ethernet." INDEX { ethNum } ::= { networkDescriptionTable 1 } NetworkDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ethNum INTEGER, ethIPAddress IpAddress, ethNetmask IpAddress, ethDefaultGateway IpAddress, ethIPSource INTEGER, ethMACAddress DisplayString, ethType INTEGER, ethHostPort INTEGER, ethEnable INTEGER, ethMode INTEGER, vlanID DisplayString, ethInfo DisplayString, ethIPv4Enable INTEGER } ethNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about ethernet port number." ::= { networkDescriptionEntry 1 } ethIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about ethernet IP address." ::= { networkDescriptionEntry 2 } ethNetmask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about netmask." ::= { networkDescriptionEntry 3 } ethDefaultGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about default gateway." ::= { networkDescriptionEntry 4 } ethIPSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dhcp(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about IP source." ::= { networkDescriptionEntry 5 } ethMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about MAC address." ::= { networkDescriptionEntry 6 } ethType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mgmt(1), share(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about ethernet port type." ::= { networkDescriptionEntry 7 } ethHostPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), port1(2), port2(3), port3(4), port4(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about share ethernet binded host port." ::= { networkDescriptionEntry 8 } ethEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), enable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Information about eth enabled." ::= { networkDescriptionEntry 9 } ethMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dedicated (1), lomShare(2), adaptive(3), pcieShare(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about ethernet Mode." ::= { networkDescriptionEntry 10 } vlanID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Disable or enable VLAN and set ID. Set 'off' to disabled VLAN. Set [1,4094] to enable VLAN and set ID." ::= { networkDescriptionEntry 11 } ethInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set IPaddr,Netmask,Gateway. eg.:,," ::= { networkDescriptionEntry 12 } ethIPv4Enable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), enable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about eth IPv4 enabled." ::= { networkDescriptionEntry 13 } -- ****** Sensor Information ******************************* sensorProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 13 } sensorDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SensorDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the sensor." ::= { sensorProperty 50 } sensorDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about sensor." INDEX { sensorName } ::= { sensorDescriptionTable 1 } SensorDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sensorName DisplayString, sensorReading DisplayString, sensorUpperNonRecoverable DisplayString, sensorUpperCritical DisplayString, sensorUpperMinor DisplayString, sensorLowerNonRecoverable DisplayString, sensorLowerCritical DisplayString, sensorLowerMinor DisplayString, sensorStatus DisplayString, sensorType INTEGER, sensorPositiveHysteresis INTEGER, sensorNegativeHysteresis INTEGER, sensorPositiveHysteresisString DisplayString, sensorNegativeHysteresisString DisplayString, sensorUnit INTEGER, sensorEventReadingType INTEGER } sensorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about sensor name." ::= { sensorDescriptionEntry 1 } sensorReading OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sensor current reading." ::= { sensorDescriptionEntry 2 } sensorUpperNonRecoverable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about sensor upper nonrecoverable threshold." ::= { sensorDescriptionEntry 3 } sensorUpperCritical OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about sensor upper crtical threshold." ::= { sensorDescriptionEntry 4 } sensorUpperMinor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about sensor upper minor threshold." ::= { sensorDescriptionEntry 5 } sensorLowerNonRecoverable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about sensor lower nonrecoverable threshold." ::= { sensorDescriptionEntry 6 } sensorLowerCritical OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about sensor lower crtical threshold." ::= { sensorDescriptionEntry 7 } sensorLowerMinor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about sensor lower minor threshold." ::= { sensorDescriptionEntry 8 } sensorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about sensor status." ::= { sensorDescriptionEntry 9 } sensorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about sensor type." ::= { sensorDescriptionEntry 10 } sensorPositiveHysteresis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Positive-going Threshold Hysteresis Value. Set to 00h if sensor does not support positive-going threshold hysteresis. This value is subtracted from positive going thresholds to determine the point where the asserted status for that threshold will clear. See section 35.13.2, Hysteresis and Event Status and section 35.13.3, High-going versus Low-going Threshold Events. " ::= { sensorDescriptionEntry 11 } sensorNegativeHysteresis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Negative-going Threshold Hysteresis Value. This value is added to negative going thresholds to determine the point where the asserted status for that threshold will clear. Set to 00h if sensor does not support negative-going threshold hysteresis. " ::= { sensorDescriptionEntry 12 } sensorPositiveHysteresisString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Positive-going Threshold Hysteresis Value. Set to 'na' if sensor does not support positive-going threshold hysteresis. This value is subtracted from positive going thresholds to determine the point where the asserted status for that threshold will clear. See section 35.13.2, Hysteresis and Event Status and section 35.13.3, High-going versus Low-going Threshold Events. " ::= { sensorDescriptionEntry 13 } sensorNegativeHysteresisString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Negative-going Threshold Hysteresis Value. This value is added to negative going thresholds to determine the point where the asserted status for that threshold will clear. Set to 'na' if sensor does not support negative-going threshold hysteresis. " ::= { sensorDescriptionEntry 14 } sensorUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unspecified (0), degrees-c (1), degrees-f (2), degrees-k (3), volts (4), amps (5), watts (6), rpm (18) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about sensor unit." ::= { sensorDescriptionEntry 15 } sensorEventReadingType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about event reading type." ::= { sensorDescriptionEntry 16 } -- ****** Local User Information ******************************* userProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 14 } userDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UserDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the user." ::= { userProperty 50 } userDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UserDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about user." INDEX { userID } ::= { userDescriptionTable 1 } UserDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { userID INTEGER, userEnable INTEGER, userName DisplayString, userPassword DisplayString, userGroupID INTEGER, userDelete INTEGER, userInterfaces INTEGER, userPublicKeyAdd DisplayString, userPublicKeyDelete DisplayString, userPublicKeyHash DisplayString, userSNMPPrivacyPassword DisplayString, } userID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about user id, the vaule is in [2, 17]." ::= { userDescriptionEntry 1 } userEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), enable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about user enable status , disable 1, enable 2. Default value is disable(1)." ::= { userDescriptionEntry 2 } userName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User name length is 1 to 16 characters. The value can contain letters, digits, and special characters. The value cannot contain spaces, double quotation and the following special characters: , \ : < > & ' / %, and cannot start with a number sign (#)." ::= { userDescriptionEntry 3 } userPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about user password. User password length is 1 to 20 characters." ::= { userDescriptionEntry 4 } userGroupID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { commonUser(1), operator(2), administrator(3), noAccess(4), customRole1(5), customRole2(6), customRole3(7), customRole4(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about user group. When set, this vaule will be one of the following:(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8). 1 - common user 2 - operator 3 - administrator 4 - no access(only for get) 5 - custom role1 6 - custom role2 7 - custom role3 8 - custom role4." ::= { userDescriptionEntry 5 } userDelete OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { delete(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about delete user. This vaule will be one of the following: (delete(1))." ::= { userDescriptionEntry 6 } userInterfaces OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about user login interfaces. bit0 - Web: 0 disabled; 1 enabled bit1 - SNMP: 0 disabled; 1 enabled bit2 - IPMI: 0 disabled; 1 enabled bit3 - SSH: 0 disabled; 1 enabled bit4 - SFTP: 0 disabled; 1 enabled bit6 - Local: 0 disabled; 1 enabled bit7 - Redfish:0 disabled; 1 enabled" ::= { userDescriptionEntry 7 } userPublicKeyAdd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Add PublicKey, the set format is: , with max length 256." ::= { userDescriptionEntry 8 } userPublicKeyDelete OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Delete PublicKey" ::= { userDescriptionEntry 9 } userPublicKeyHash OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PublicKey Hash" ::= { userDescriptionEntry 10 } userSNMPPrivacyPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about SNMP privacy password of user. Password length is 1 to 20 characters. It is not supported on server of V3 series." ::= { userDescriptionEntry 11 } -- ****** CPU Information ******************************* cpuProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 15 } cpuEntireStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4), absence(5), unknown(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about all cpu health status." ::= { cpuProperty 1 } cpuDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CPUDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the CPU information." ::= { cpuProperty 50 } cpuDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CPUDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about CPU." INDEX { cpuIndex } ::= { cpuDescriptionTable 1 } CPUDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpuIndex INTEGER, cpuManufacturer DisplayString, cpuFamily DisplayString, cpuType DisplayString, cpuClockRate DisplayString, cpuStatus INTEGER, cpuAvailability INTEGER, cpuLocation DisplayString, cpuFunction DisplayString, cpuDevicename DisplayString, cpuProcessorID DisplayString, cpuCoreCount INTEGER, cpuThreadCount INTEGER, cpuMemoryTechnology DisplayString, cpuL1Cache-K INTEGER, cpuL2Cache-K INTEGER, cpuL3Cache-K INTEGER } cpuIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about CPU index." ::= { cpuDescriptionEntry 1 } cpuManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about CPU manufacturer." ::= { cpuDescriptionEntry 2 } cpuFamily OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about CPU family." ::= { cpuDescriptionEntry 3 } cpuType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about CPU type." ::= { cpuDescriptionEntry 4 } cpuClockRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about CPU clock rate." ::= { cpuDescriptionEntry 5 } cpuStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4), absence(5), unknown(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about CPU health status." ::= { cpuDescriptionEntry 6 } cpuAvailability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), disabled(2), backup(3), active(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about CPU availability." ::= { cpuDescriptionEntry 7 } cpuLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU physical location." ::= { cpuDescriptionEntry 8 } cpuFunction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU logic function." ::= { cpuDescriptionEntry 9 } cpuDevicename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU devicename." ::= { cpuDescriptionEntry 10 } cpuProcessorID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU ProcessorID." ::= { cpuDescriptionEntry 11 } cpuCoreCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU CoreCount." ::= { cpuDescriptionEntry 12 } cpuThreadCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU ThreadCount." ::= { cpuDescriptionEntry 13 } cpuMemoryTechnology OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU memory technology." ::= { cpuDescriptionEntry 14 } cpuL1Cache-K OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU Cache." ::= { cpuDescriptionEntry 15 } cpuL2Cache-K OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU Cache." ::= { cpuDescriptionEntry 16 } cpuL3Cache-K OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU Cache." ::= { cpuDescriptionEntry 17 } -- ****** Memory Information ******************************* memoryProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 16 } memoryEntireStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4), absence(5), unknown(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about all memory health status." ::= { memoryProperty 1 } memoryDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MemoryDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the memory." ::= { memoryProperty 50 } memoryDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MemoryDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about memory." INDEX { memoryDimmIndex } ::= { memoryDescriptionTable 1 } MemoryDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { memoryDimmIndex INTEGER, memoryLogic DisplayString, memoryManufacturer DisplayString, memorySize DisplayString, memoryClockRate DisplayString, memoryStatus INTEGER, memoryAvailability INTEGER, memoryLocation DisplayString, memoryFunction DisplayString, memoryDevicename DisplayString, memoryType DisplayString, memorySN DisplayString, memoryMinimumVoltage INTEGER, memoryRank INTEGER, memoryBitWidth INTEGER, memoryTechnology DisplayString } memoryDimmIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about memory DIMM index." ::= { memoryDescriptionEntry 1 } memoryLogic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about memory logic channel." ::= { memoryDescriptionEntry 2 } memoryManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about memory manufacturer." ::= { memoryDescriptionEntry 3 } memorySize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about memory capacity." ::= { memoryDescriptionEntry 4 } memoryClockRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about memory clock rate." ::= { memoryDescriptionEntry 5 } memoryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4), absence(5), unknown(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about memory health status." ::= { memoryDescriptionEntry 6 } memoryAvailability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), disabled(2), backup(3), active(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about memory availability." ::= { memoryDescriptionEntry 7 } memoryLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory physical location." ::= { memoryDescriptionEntry 8 } memoryFunction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory logic function." ::= { memoryDescriptionEntry 9 } memoryDevicename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory devicename." ::= { memoryDescriptionEntry 10 } memoryType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about memory type." ::= { memoryDescriptionEntry 11 } memorySN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about memory SN." ::= { memoryDescriptionEntry 12 } memoryMinimumVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about memory minimum voltage." ::= { memoryDescriptionEntry 13 } memoryRank OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about memory rank." ::= { memoryDescriptionEntry 14 } memoryBitWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about memory bit width." ::= { memoryDescriptionEntry 15 } memoryTechnology OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about memory technology." ::= { memoryDescriptionEntry 16 } -- ****** LOM(LAN on motherboard) Information ******************************* lomProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 17 } lomDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LOMDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the LOM." ::= { lomProperty 50 } lomDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LOMDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about LOM." INDEX { lomIndex } ::= { lomDescriptionTable 1 } LOMDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { lomIndex INTEGER, lomMACAddress DisplayString } lomIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about LOM index." ::= { lomDescriptionEntry 1 } lomMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about LOM MAC address." ::= { lomDescriptionEntry 2 } -- ****** HardDisk Information ******************************* hardDiskProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 18 } hardDiskEntireStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4), absence(5), unknown(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about all hard disk health status." ::= { hardDiskProperty 1 } hardDiskDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HardDiskDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the hard disk." ::= { hardDiskProperty 50 } hardDiskDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HardDiskDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about hard disk." INDEX { hardDiskIndex } ::= { hardDiskDescriptionTable 1 } HardDiskDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hardDiskIndex INTEGER, hardDiskPresence INTEGER, hardDiskStatus INTEGER, hardDiskLocation DisplayString, hardDiskFunction DisplayString, hardDiskDevicename DisplayString, hardDiskSerialNumber DisplayString, hardDiskModelNumber DisplayString, hardDiskManufacturer DisplayString, hardDiskFwState INTEGER, hardDiskFwVersion DisplayString, hardDiskCapacityInGB INTEGER, hardDiskMediaType INTEGER, hardDiskInterfaceType INTEGER, hardDiskPowerState INTEGER, hardDiskRebuildProgress INTEGER, hardDiskPatrolReadStatus INTEGER, hardDiskCapableSpeedInMbps INTEGER, hardDiskNegotiatedSpeedInMbps INTEGER, hardDiskTemperature INTEGER, hardDiskSASAddr1 DisplayString, hardDiskSASAddr2 DisplayString, hardDiskPrefailState INTEGER, hardDiskHotSpareState INTEGER, hardDiskRemnantWearout INTEGER, hardDiskMediaErrCount INTEGER, hardDiskPrefailErrCount INTEGER, hardDiskOtherErrCount INTEGER, hardDiskLocationState INTEGER, hardDiskCapacityInMB INTEGER, hardDiskPowerOnHours INTEGER } hardDiskIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about hard disk index." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 1 } hardDiskPresence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { absence(1), presence(2), unknown(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about hard disk presence." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 2 } hardDiskStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4), absence(5), unknown(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about hard disk health." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 3 } hardDiskLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk physical location." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 4 } hardDiskFunction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk logic function." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 5 } hardDiskDevicename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk devicename." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 6 } hardDiskSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk serial number." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 7 } hardDiskModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk model number." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 8 } hardDiskManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk manufacturer." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 9 } hardDiskFwState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unconfigured-good(1), unconfigured-bad(2), hot-spare(3), offline(4), failed(5), rebuild(6), online(7), copyback(8), jbod(9), unconfigured-shielded(10), hot-spare-shielded(11), configured-shielded(12), foreign(13), active(14), standby(15), sleep(16), dst(17), smart(18), sct(19), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk firmware state. 1: Unconfigured Good Can be set from Unconfigured Bad state, or JBOD state when raidControllerJBODEnable = Enabled. 2: Unconfigured Bad (read only) 3: Hot Spared (read only) 4: Offline Can be set from Online state. 5: Failed (read only) 6: Rebuild (read only) 7: Online Can be set from Offline state. 8: Copyback (read only) 9: JBOD Can be set from Unconfigured Good state when raidControllerJBODEnable = Enabled. 10: Unconfigured Shielded (read only) 11: Hot Spare Shielded (read only) 12: Configured Shielded (read only) 13: Foreign (read only) 14: Active (read only) 15: Stand-by (read only) 16: Sleep (read only) 17: DST executing in background (read only) 18: SMART Off-line Data Collection executing in background (read only) 19: SCT command executing in background (read only) 255: Unknown (read only)" ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 10 } hardDiskFwVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk firmware version." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 11 } hardDiskCapacityInGB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(4294967295) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk capacity (GB)." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 12 } hardDiskMediaType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hdd(1), ssd(2), ssm(3), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk media type." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 13 } hardDiskInterfaceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(1), parallel-scsi(2), sas(3), sata(4), fiber-channel(5), sata-sas(6), pcie(7), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk interface type. SAS, SATA...etc. 1: Undefined 2: Parallel-SCSI 3: SAS 4: SATA 5: Fiber Channel 6: SATA/SAS 7: PCIe 255: Unknown" ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 14 } hardDiskPowerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { spun-up(1), spun-down(2), transition(3), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk power state." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 15 } hardDiskRebuildProgress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk rebuild progress (0 - 100%)." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 16 } hardDiskPatrolReadStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { stopped(1), in-progress(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk patrol read status." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 17 } hardDiskCapableSpeedInMbps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(4294967295) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk maximum supported speed." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 18 } hardDiskNegotiatedSpeedInMbps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(4294967295) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk negotiated speed." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 19 } hardDiskTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk temperature (in Celsius)." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 20 } hardDiskSASAddr1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk SAS address 1." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 21 } hardDiskSASAddr2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk SAS address 2." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 22 } hardDiskPrefailState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(1), yes(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk prefail state." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 23 } hardDiskHotSpareState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), global(2), dedicated(3), commissioned(4), emergency(5), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk hot spare state. 1: None Cancel the global/dedicated hot spare setting, can be set when hardDiskHotSpareState is Global/Dedicated. 2: Global Can be set only when hardDiskFwState = Unconfigured Good. 3: Dedicated Can be set only when hardDiskFwState = Unconfigured Good. Setting value described as following: Byte1 - Indicating the hard disk used as dedicated hot spare, fixed to 3. Byte2 - The logical drive index which the hard disk spared for, started from 1. For example: Set this hard disk as dedicated hot spare for logical drive 2, the setting value should be 0x0203 = 2 * 256 + 3 = 515. 4: Commissioned (read only) 5: Emergency (read only) 255: Unknown (read only)" ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 24 } hardDiskRemnantWearout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk remnant wearout (100% - 0). Only valid for SSD." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 25 } hardDiskMediaErrCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(4294967295) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk media error count." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 26 } hardDiskPrefailErrCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(4294967295) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk prefail error count." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 27 } hardDiskOtherErrCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(4294967295) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk other error count." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 28 } hardDiskLocationState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), off(2), on(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk location state. 1: Unknown (read only) 2: Off 3: On" ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 29 } hardDiskCapacityInMB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(4294967295) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk capacity (MB)." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 30 } hardDiskPowerOnHours OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power-On Hours." ::= { hardDiskDescriptionEntry 31 } -- ****** fru Product information Location ******************************* fruInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 19 } fruDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FruDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the FRU information." ::= { fruInfo 50 } fruDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FruDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about FRU information." INDEX { fruId } ::= { fruDescriptionTable 1 } FruDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fruId INTEGER, fruBoardManufacturer DisplayString, fruBoardProductName DisplayString, fruBoardSerialNumber DisplayString, fruBoardPartNumber DisplayString, fruBoardMfgDate DisplayString, fruBoardFileID DisplayString, fruProductManufacturer DisplayString, fruProductName DisplayString, fruProductSerialNumber DisplayString, fruProductPartNumber DisplayString, fruProductVersion DisplayString, fruProductAssetTag DisplayString, fruProductFileID DisplayString } fruId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about FRU id." ::= { fruDescriptionEntry 1 } fruBoardManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FRU board manufacturer." ::= { fruDescriptionEntry 2 } fruBoardProductName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FRU board product name." ::= { fruDescriptionEntry 3 } fruBoardSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FRU board serial number." ::= { fruDescriptionEntry 4 } fruBoardPartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FRU board part number." ::= { fruDescriptionEntry 5 } fruBoardMfgDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FRU borad maufacturer date." ::= { fruDescriptionEntry 6 } fruBoardFileID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FRU board file id." ::= { fruDescriptionEntry 7 } fruProductManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FRU product maufacturer." ::= { fruDescriptionEntry 8 } fruProductName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FRU product name." ::= { fruDescriptionEntry 9 } fruProductSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FRU product serial number." ::= { fruDescriptionEntry 10 } fruProductPartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FRU product part number ." ::= { fruDescriptionEntry 11 } fruProductVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FRU product version." ::= { fruDescriptionEntry 12 } fruProductAssetTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FRU product asset tag. The value define as: A string of up to 48 bytes, including digits, letters, and special characters." ::= { fruDescriptionEntry 13 } fruProductFileID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FRU product file id." ::= { fruDescriptionEntry 14 } fruExtendedELabelDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FruExtendedELabelDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the FRU extend E-label." ::= { fruInfo 60 } fruExtendedELabelDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FruExtendedELabelDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about label." INDEX { fruid,fruExtendedELabelIndex } ::= { fruExtendedELabelDescriptionTable 1 } FruExtendedELabelDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fruid INTEGER, fruExtendedELabelIndex INTEGER, fruExtendedELabelInfo DisplayString } fruid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Extened fru ID." ::= { fruExtendedELabelDescriptionEntry 1 } fruExtendedELabelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fru extend E-label index." ::= { fruExtendedELabelDescriptionEntry 2 } fruExtendedELabelInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "format: key=value" ::= { fruExtendedELabelDescriptionEntry 3 } -- ****** powerStatistic Information ******************************* powerStatistic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 20 } peakPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System peak power, unit is W." ::= { powerStatistic 1 } peakPowerOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System peak power occur time, based on UTC" ::= { powerStatistic 2 } averagePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System average power, unit is W." ::= { powerStatistic 3 } powerConsumption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power consume from power statistic start time, unit is kWh." ::= { powerStatistic 4 } powerStatisticStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The start time of power statistic, based on UTC. the value such as (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)." ::= { powerStatistic 5 } clearPowerStatistic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { clearall(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "clear all power statistic, write only." ::= { powerStatistic 6 } heat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Heat consume from power statistic start time, unit is kcal." ::= { powerStatistic 7 } -- ****** powerManagement Information ******************************* powerManagement OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 23 } powerCappingEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), enable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power capping status. disable 1, enable 2. Default value is disable(1)." ::= { powerManagement 1 } powerCappingValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power capping value, the vaule is in [1, 9999]." ::= { powerManagement 2 } powerCappingFailureAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eventlog(1), eventlogAndPowerOff(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When power capping failed, host system action. Default value is eventlog(1)." ::= { powerManagement 3 } pCIeDeviceProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 24 } pCIeDeviceEntireStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4), absence(5), unknown(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about all standard PCIe device health status." ::= { pCIeDeviceProperty 1 } pCIeDeviceDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PCIeDeviceDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the standard PCIe device." ::= { pCIeDeviceProperty 50 } pCIeDeviceDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PCIeDeviceDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about PCIe device." INDEX { pCIeDeviceIndex } ::= { pCIeDeviceDescriptionTable 1 } PCIeDeviceDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pCIeDeviceIndex INTEGER, pCIeDevicePresence INTEGER, pCIeDeviceStatus INTEGER, pCIeAvailability INTEGER, pCIeDeviceLocation DisplayString, pCIeDeviceFunction DisplayString, pCIeDeviceDevicename DisplayString, pCIeDeviceVID INTEGER, pCIeDeviceDID INTEGER, pCIeDeviceManufacturer DisplayString, pCIeDeviceDescription DisplayString } pCIeDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about PCIe device index." ::= { pCIeDeviceDescriptionEntry 1 } pCIeDevicePresence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { absence(1), presence(2), unknown(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about PCIe device presence." ::= { pCIeDeviceDescriptionEntry 2 } pCIeDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4), absence(5), unknown(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about PCIe device health." ::= { pCIeDeviceDescriptionEntry 3 } pCIeAvailability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), disabled(2), backup(3), active(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about PCIe device availability." ::= { pCIeDeviceDescriptionEntry 4 } pCIeDeviceLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PCIe physical location." ::= { pCIeDeviceDescriptionEntry 5 } pCIeDeviceFunction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PCIe logic function." ::= { pCIeDeviceDescriptionEntry 6 } pCIeDeviceDevicename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PCIe devicename." ::= { pCIeDeviceDescriptionEntry 7 } pCIeDeviceVID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe device VID." ::= { pCIeDeviceDescriptionEntry 8 } pCIeDeviceDID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe device DID." ::= { pCIeDeviceDescriptionEntry 9 } pCIeDeviceManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PCIe device manufacturer." ::= { pCIeDeviceDescriptionEntry 10 } pCIeDeviceDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PCIe device description." ::= { pCIeDeviceDescriptionEntry 11 } netCardProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 25 } netCardDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NetCardDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the net card information." ::= { netCardProperty 50 } netCardDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NetCardDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about net card." INDEX { netCardIndex } ::= { netCardDescriptionTable 1 } NetCardDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { netCardIndex INTEGER, netCardLocation DisplayString, netCardFunction DisplayString, netCardDevicename DisplayString, netCardNICModel DisplayString, netCardNICType INTEGER, netCardNICName DisplayString, netCardChipModel DisplayString, netCardNICManufacturer DisplayString, netCardChipManufacturer DisplayString, netCardDriverName DisplayString, netCardDriverVersion DisplayString, netCardFirmwareVersion DisplayString, netCardPCBVersion DisplayString, netCardBoardId INTEGER, netCardResourceOwnership INTEGER, netCardRootBDF DisplayString } netCardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information about net card index." ::= { netCardDescriptionEntry 1 } netCardLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Net card physical location." ::= { netCardDescriptionEntry 2 } netCardFunction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Net card logic function." ::= { netCardDescriptionEntry 3 } netCardDevicename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Net card device name." ::= { netCardDescriptionEntry 4 } netCardNICModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Net card model." ::= { netCardDescriptionEntry 5 } netCardNICType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pcieCard (8), mezzCard (11), nic (13) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " NIC type define as: 8: PCIe card, 11: Mezz card, 13: NIC." ::= { netCardDescriptionEntry 6 } netCardNICName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Net card name." ::= { netCardDescriptionEntry 7 } netCardChipModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Net card chip model." ::= { netCardDescriptionEntry 8 } netCardNICManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Net card manufacturer." ::= { netCardDescriptionEntry 9 } netCardChipManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Net card chip manufacturer." ::= { netCardDescriptionEntry 10 } netCardDriverName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Net card driver name." ::= { netCardDescriptionEntry 11 } netCardDriverVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Net card driver version." ::= { netCardDescriptionEntry 12 } netCardFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Net card firmware version." ::= { netCardDescriptionEntry 13 } netCardPCBVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Net card PCB version." ::= { netCardDescriptionEntry 14 } netCardBoardId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Net card board ID." ::= { netCardDescriptionEntry 15 } netCardResourceOwnership OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pch (254), pcieSwitch (255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Net card resource ownership. The value n is defined as: 1~253: CPU[n], 254: PCH, 255: PCIe Switch." ::= { netCardDescriptionEntry 16 } netCardRootBDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Net card root port BDF." ::= { netCardDescriptionEntry 17 } temperatureProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 26 } temperatureEntireStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4), unknow(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about all temperature sensor health status." ::= { temperatureProperty 1 } temperatureDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TemperatureDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the temperature infomation." ::= { temperatureProperty 50 } temperatureDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TemperatureDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about temperature." INDEX { temperatureIndex } ::= { temperatureDescriptionTable 1 } TemperatureDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { temperatureIndex INTEGER, temperatureObject DisplayString, temperatureReading INTEGER, temperatureUpperNonRecoverable INTEGER, temperatureUpperCritical INTEGER, temperatureUpperMinor INTEGER, temperatureLowerNonRecoverable INTEGER, temperatureLowerCritical INTEGER, temperatureLowerMinor INTEGER } temperatureIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information about temperature index." ::= { temperatureDescriptionEntry 1 } temperatureObject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information about temperature object." ::= { temperatureDescriptionEntry 2 } temperatureReading OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information about temperature reading,the unit is 1/10 Celsius degree. If power off, the CPU temperature cannot be readable and is set to 65535." ::= { temperatureDescriptionEntry 3 } temperatureUpperNonRecoverable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information about temperature upper nonrecoverable threshold,the unit is 1/10 Celsius degree,65535 represent NA." ::= { temperatureDescriptionEntry 4 } temperatureUpperCritical OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information about temperature upper critical threshold,the unit is 1/10 Celsius degree,65535 represent NA." ::= { temperatureDescriptionEntry 5 } temperatureUpperMinor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information about temperature upper minor threshold,the unit is 1/10 Celsius degree,65535 represent NA." ::= { temperatureDescriptionEntry 6 } temperatureLowerNonRecoverable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information about temperature lower nonrecoverable threshold,the unit is 1/10 Celsius degree,65535 represent NA." ::= { temperatureDescriptionEntry 7 } temperatureLowerCritical OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information about temperature lower critical threshold,the unit is 1/10 Celsius degree,65535 represent NA." ::= { temperatureDescriptionEntry 8 } temperatureLowerMinor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information about temperature lower minor threshold,the unit is 1/10 Celsius degree,65535 represent NA." ::= { temperatureDescriptionEntry 9 } -- ****************** networkTimeProtocol information ********************** networkTimeProtocol OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 27 } ntpSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nosupport (1), support (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about whether the system support NTP.If the system does not support NTP,then we can ignore the value returned by working the nodes of networkTimeProtocol." ::= { networkTimeProtocol 1 } ntpEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable NTP." ::= { networkTimeProtocol 2 } preferredNTPServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Preferred NTP server IPv4 or IPv6 address. This value is right IP address or empty, the default value is empty." ::= { networkTimeProtocol 3 } alternateNTPServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alternate DNS server IPv4 or IPv6 address. This value is right IP address or empty, the default value is empty." ::= { networkTimeProtocol 4 } ntpServersource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manual (1), auto (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about NTP source." ::= { networkTimeProtocol 5 } bindNTPIPProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ipv4 (1), ipv6 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about NTP bind ip protocol." ::= { networkTimeProtocol 6 } ntpAuthEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable NTP authentication." ::= { networkTimeProtocol 7 } ntpImportGroupkey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Import group key." ::= { networkTimeProtocol 8 } ntpGroupkeyState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notimported (1), imported (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about NTP Group key." ::= { networkTimeProtocol 9 } ntpMinimumPollingInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { interval8s (3), interval16s (4), interval32s (5), interval64s (6), interval128s (7), interval256s (8), interval512s (9), interval1024s (10), interval34m (11), interval68m (12), interval2h (13), interval4h (14), interval9h (15), interval18h (16), interval36h (17) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum poll intervals for NTP messages, in seconds to the power of two. The value range is 3 to 17." ::= { networkTimeProtocol 10 } ntpMaximumPollingInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { interval8s (3), interval16s (4), interval32s (5), interval64s (6), interval128s (7), interval256s (8), interval512s (9), interval1024s (10), interval34m (11), interval68m (12), interval2h (13), interval4h (14), interval9h (15), interval18h (16), interval36h (17) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum poll intervals for NTP messages, in seconds to the power of two. The value range is 3 to 17." ::= { networkTimeProtocol 11 } snmpMIBConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 29 } snmpV3Algorithm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mD5andDES (1), mD5andAES (2), sHA1andDES (3), sHA1andAES (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the authentication and encryption algorithm for SNMP V3. the format is AUTHORITYandENCRPTION: MD5andDES(1), MD5andAES(2), SHA1andDES(3), SHA1andAES(4). NOTE: the snmp will restart after this value changed. " ::= { snmpMIBConfig 1 } firmwareUpgrade OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 30 } firmwareUpgradeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Start upgrade firmware, The set format is: ,[effect mode], with max length 256. The format is: /PATH/FILE. The [effect mode] is an optional parameter. It only refers to upgrading iBMC firmware. The definition is as following and default is 2. 1: manually reboot later; 2: auto reboot after upgrade; In addition, This parameter is ignored in iBMC which is 2.36 and above. e.g.: /tmp/image.hpm,1. NOTE: 1.Do not power off the server or restart the iBMC during the firmware upgrade. 2.If the firmware fails to upgrade, check whether the iBMC's memory capacity is sufficient and the upgrade file is correct. 3.Upgrade BIOS firmware, system needs two minutes of preparation time. 4.Do not shut down or restart the OS during a BIOS upgrade. 5.If OS is power on,the BIOS upgrade file is uploaded to BMC and take effect when OS is power-off or reseted next time." ::= { firmwareUpgrade 1 } firmwareUpgradeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about firmware upgrading state. the value defined as: -1: upgrade not start or completed, -2: file uploading, -3: checking preUpgrade, -4: invalid URI or file not exist, -5: file upload failed, -6: file too large or memory not enough, -7: invalid upgrade package, -8: not support upgrade in current state, -9: upgrade failed, -10: The upgrade file does not match the device to be upgraded, -11: The BIOS upgrade fails because the ME status is not correct, -12: Unknown error, [0,100]:represents upgrade progress in percentage while firmware being upgrading." ::= { firmwareUpgrade 2 } firmwareUpgradeDetailedResults OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Detailed results about firmware upgrade." ::= { firmwareUpgrade 3 } -- ******* currentCertInfo Information ******************************* certificate OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 31 } currentCertInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { certificate 1 } ownerCountry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner country of current certificate, with length of 2." ::= { currentCertInfo 1 } ownerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner state of current certificate, with length of [0,64]." ::= { currentCertInfo 2 } ownerLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner location of current certificate, with length of [0,64]." ::= { currentCertInfo 3 } ownerOrganization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner organization of current certificate, with length of [0,64]." ::= { currentCertInfo 4 } ownerOrganizationUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner organization unit of current certificate, with length of [0,64]." ::= { currentCertInfo 5 } ownerCommonName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner common name of current certificate, with length of [1,64]." ::= { currentCertInfo 6 } issuerCountry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Issuer country of current certificate, with length of 2." ::= { currentCertInfo 7 } issuerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Issuer state of current certificate, with length of [0,64]." ::= { currentCertInfo 8 } issuerLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Issuer location of current certificate, with length of [0,64]." ::= { currentCertInfo 9 } issuerOrganization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Issuer organization of current certificate, with length of [0,64]." ::= { currentCertInfo 10 } issuerOrganizationUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Issuer organization unit of current certificate, with length of [0,64]." ::= { currentCertInfo 11 } issuerCommonName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Issuer common name of current certificate, with length of [1,64]." ::= { currentCertInfo 12 } certStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Start time of current certificate." ::= { currentCertInfo 13 } certExpiration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Expiration of current certificate." ::= { currentCertInfo 14 } csrRequestInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { certificate 2 } reqCountry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner country of request certificate, with length of 2, contains any letters." ::= { csrRequestInfo 1 } reqState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner state of request certificate, with length of [0,64], contains any digits, letters, or the symbol spaces." ::= { csrRequestInfo 2 } reqLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner location of request certificate, with length of [0,64], contains any digits, letters, or the symbol spaces." ::= { csrRequestInfo 3 } reqOrganization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner organization of request certificate, with length of [0,64], contains any digits, letters, or - _ . spaces symbol." ::= { csrRequestInfo 4 } reqOrganizationUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner organization unit of request certificate, with length of [0,64], contains any digits, letters, or - _ . spaces symbol." ::= { csrRequestInfo 5 } reqCommonName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner common name of request certificate, with length of [1,64], contains any digits, letters, or - _ . spaces symbol." ::= { csrRequestInfo 6 } csrGenerate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { csrGenerate(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Start to generate CSR of request certificate." ::= { csrRequestInfo 7 } csrExport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Acquire the CSR of request certificate. The value is empty if request csr not exist." ::= { csrRequestInfo 8 } certificateImport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Import server certificate and the server certificate must be in the .pem format." ::= { csrRequestInfo 9 } csrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notStartedOrHasSuccessfullyCompleted (1), beingGenerated (2), failsGenerated (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of generating CSR. CSR generation has not started or has successfully completed(1) A CSR is being generated (2) A CSR fails to be generated (3)." ::= { csrRequestInfo 10 } customCertInsert OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { certificate 3 } customCertificateContent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set custom certificate content and the custom certificate must be in the .pfx format." ::= { customCertInsert 1 } customCertificatePasswd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set custom certificate password, with max len 127." ::= { customCertInsert 2 } customCertificateImport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { customCertificateImport(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action of import custom certificate." ::= { customCertInsert 3 } caCertInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CACertInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the list of certificate information." ::= { certificate 4 } caCertInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CACertInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about certificate." INDEX { certIndex } ::= { caCertInfoTable 1 } CACertInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { caCertIndex INTEGER, caCertType DisplayString, caCertOwnerCountry DisplayString, caCertOwnerState DisplayString, caCertOwnerLocation DisplayString, caCertOwnerOrganization DisplayString, caCertOwnerOrganizationUnit DisplayString, caCertOwnerCommonName DisplayString, caCertIssuerCountry DisplayString, caCertIssuerState DisplayString, caCertIssuerLocation DisplayString, caCertIssuerOrganization DisplayString, caCertIssuerOrganizationUnit DisplayString, caCertIssuerCommonName DisplayString, caCertStartTime DisplayString, caCertExpiration DisplayString, caCertSN DisplayString } caCertIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about certificate index." ::= { caCertInfoEntry 1 } caCertType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about certificate type." ::= { caCertInfoEntry 2 } caCertOwnerCountry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner country of current certificate, with length of 2." ::= { caCertInfoEntry 3 } caCertOwnerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner state of current certificate, with length of [0,64]." ::= { caCertInfoEntry 4 } caCertOwnerLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner location of current certificate, with length of [0,64]." ::= { caCertInfoEntry 5 } caCertOwnerOrganization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner organization of current certificate, with length of [0,64]." ::= { caCertInfoEntry 6 } caCertOwnerOrganizationUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner organization unit of current certificate, with length of [0,64]." ::= { caCertInfoEntry 7 } caCertOwnerCommonName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner common name of current certificate, with length of [1,64]." ::= { caCertInfoEntry 8 } caCertIssuerCountry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Issuer country of current certificate, with length of 2." ::= { caCertInfoEntry 9 } caCertIssuerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Issuer state of current certificate, with length of [0,64]." ::= { caCertInfoEntry 10 } caCertIssuerLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Issuer location of current certificate, with length of [0,64]." ::= { caCertInfoEntry 11 } caCertIssuerOrganization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Issuer organization of current certificate, with length of [0,64]." ::= { caCertInfoEntry 12 } caCertIssuerOrganizationUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Issuer organization unit of current certificate, with length of [0,64]." ::= { caCertInfoEntry 13 } caCertIssuerCommonName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Issuer common name of current certificate, with length of [1,64]." ::= { caCertInfoEntry 14 } caCertStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Start time of current certificate." ::= { caCertInfoEntry 15 } caCertExpiration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Expiration of current certificate." ::= { caCertInfoEntry 16 } caCertSN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Serial Number of current certificate." ::= { caCertInfoEntry 17 } hwTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 500 } hwTrapVar OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwTrap 1 } hwTrapSeq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap sequence" ::= { hwTrapVar 1 } hwTrapSensorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap sensor name" ::= { hwTrapVar 2 } hwTrapEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap description " ::= { hwTrapVar 3 } hwTrapSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap severity 1 - ok, 2 - minor, 3 - major, 4 - critical." ::= { hwTrapVar 4 } hwTrapEventCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap EventCode" ::= { hwTrapVar 5 } hwTrapEventData2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap Event Data 2" ::= { hwTrapVar 6 } hwTrapEventData3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap Event Data 3" ::= { hwTrapVar 7 } hwTrapServerIdentity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap Sever Identity" ::= { hwTrapVar 8 } hwTrapLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap location" ::= { hwTrapVar 9 } hwTrapTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap time" ::= { hwTrapVar 10 } -- ****** hwServerTRAPObject Begin ****** hwServerTRAPObject OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwTrap 10 } hwOEM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 1} hwOEMEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapEvent,hwTrapSeverity,hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Huawei OEM event" ::= { hwOEM 1 } hwPhysicalSecurity OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 5} hwChassisIntrusion NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "General Chassis Intrusion" ::= { hwPhysicalSecurity 1 } hwChassisIntrusionDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "General Chassis Intrusion Deassert" ::= { hwPhysicalSecurity 2 } hwCPU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 7} hwCPUCATError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU CAT error" ::= { hwCPU 1 } hwCPUCATErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU CAT error deassert" ::= { hwCPU 2 } hwCPUThermalTrip NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU thermal trip" ::= { hwCPU 17 } hwCPUThermalTripDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU thermal trip deassert" ::= { hwCPU 18 } hwCPUSelfTestFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU FRB1/BIST failure" ::= { hwCPU 33 } hwCPUSelfTestFailDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU FRB1/BIST failure deassert" ::= { hwCPU 34 } hwCPUCfgError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU configure error" ::= { hwCPU 81 } hwCPUCfgErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU configure error deassert" ::= { hwCPU 82 } hwCPUPresence NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU Presence" ::= { hwCPU 113 } hwCPUPresenceDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU Presence deassert" ::= { hwCPU 114 } hwCPUOffline NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU offline" ::= { hwCPU 129 } hwCPUOfflineDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU offline deassert" ::= { hwCPU 130 } hwCPUMCE NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU MCE occured" ::= { hwCPU 177 } hwCPUMCEDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU MCE deassert" ::= { hwCPU 178 } hwVMSELinkFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VMSE link failure in mirror mode" ::= { hwCPU 193 } hwVMSELinkFailDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VMSE link failure in mirror mode deassert" ::= { hwCPU 194 } hwPowerSupply OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 8} hwPowerSupplyFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power Supply Fault" ::= { hwPowerSupply 17 } hwPowerSupplyFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power Supply Fault Deassert" ::= { hwPowerSupply 18 } hwPowerSupplyPredictiveFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power Supply Predictive Failure" ::= { hwPowerSupply 33 } hwPowerSupplyPredictiveFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power Supply Predictive Failure Deassert" ::= { hwPowerSupply 34 } hwPowerSupplyInputLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power Supply input lost" ::= { hwPowerSupply 49 } hwPowerSupplyInputLostDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power Supply input lost Deassert" ::= { hwPowerSupply 50 } hwPowerSupplyACLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC lost or out-of-range" ::= { hwPowerSupply 65 } hwPowerSupplyACLostDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC lost or out-of-range Deassert" ::= { hwPowerSupply 66 } hwPowerSupplyOvertemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSU overheating. (Generated)" ::= { hwPowerSupply 81 } hwPowerSupplyOvertempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSU overheating. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPowerSupply 82 } hwMemory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 12} hwCorrectableECC NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "memory correctable ECC error occurred" ::= { hwMemory 1 } hwCorrectableECCDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "memory correctable ECC error deassert" ::= { hwMemory 2 } hwUncorrectableECC NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "memory uncorrectable ECC error occurred" ::= { hwMemory 17 } hwUncorrectableECCDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "memory uncorrectable ECC error deassert" ::= { hwMemory 18 } hwMemoryECCLimitation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "memory correctable ECC logging limit reached detected" ::= { hwMemory 81 } hwMemoryECCLimitationDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "memory correctable ECC logging limit reached deassert" ::= { hwMemory 82 } hwMemoryPresence NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "memory presence detected" ::= { hwMemory 97 } hwMemoryPresenceDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "memory presence deassert" ::= { hwMemory 98 } hwMemoryCfgError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "memory config error detected" ::= { hwMemory 113 } hwMemoryCfgErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "memory config error deassert" ::= { hwMemory 114 } hwMemorySpare NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "memory spare detected" ::= { hwMemory 129 } hwMemorySpareDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "memory spare deassert" ::= { hwMemory 130 } hwMemoryOvertemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "memory overtemperature detected" ::= { hwMemory 161 } hwMemoryOvertempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "memory overtemperature deassert" ::= { hwMemory 162 } hwStorageDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 13} hwStorageDevicePresence NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Storage device presence detected" ::= { hwStorageDevice 1 } hwStorageDevicePresenceDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Storage device presence deassert" ::= { hwStorageDevice 2 } hwStorageDeviceFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Storage device fault detected" ::= { hwStorageDevice 17 } hwStorageDeviceFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Storage device fault deassert" ::= { hwStorageDevice 18 } hwStorageDevicePredictiveFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Storage device predictive failure" ::= { hwStorageDevice 33 } hwStorageDevicePredictiveFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Storage device predictive failure deassert" ::= { hwStorageDevice 34 } hwRAIDArrayFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID array fail detected" ::= { hwStorageDevice 97 } hwRAIDArrayFailDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID array fail deassert" ::= { hwStorageDevice 98 } hwRAIDRebuild NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID rebuild detected" ::= { hwStorageDevice 113 } hwRAIDRebuildDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID rebuild deassert" ::= { hwStorageDevice 114 } hwRAIDRebuildAborted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID rebuild aborted detected" ::= { hwStorageDevice 129 } hwRAIDRebuildAbortedDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID rebuild aborted deassert" ::= { hwStorageDevice 130 } hwSysFWProgress OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 15} hwSystemFirmwareHang NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System firmware hang" ::= { hwSysFWProgress 17 } hwSystemFirmwareHangDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System firmware hang deassert" ::= { hwSysFWProgress 18 } hwPS2USBFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unrecoverable PS/2 or USB keyboard failure" ::= { hwSysFWProgress 1793 } hwPS2USBFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unrecoverable PS/2 or USB keyboard failure deassert" ::= { hwSysFWProgress 1794 } hwVideoControllerFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unrecoverable video controller failure" ::= { hwSysFWProgress 2305 } hwVideoControllerFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unrecoverable video controller failure deassert" ::= { hwSysFWProgress 2306 } hwCPUVoltageMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU voltage mismatch" ::= { hwSysFWProgress 3073 } hwCPUVoltageMismatchDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU voltage mismatch deassert" ::= { hwSysFWProgress 3074 } hwSystemNoMemory NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System no memory detected" ::= { hwSysFWProgress 257 } hwSystemNoMemoryDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System no memory detected deassert" ::= { hwSysFWProgress 258 } hwSysEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 18} hwSysEventInstance NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PEF action" ::= { hwSysEvent 65 } hwSystemError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System hang up/reset. For more information, see the background log" ::= { hwSysEvent 33 } hwSystemErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System hang up/reset deassert" ::= { hwSysEvent 34 } hwButton OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 20} hwPowerButtonPressed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power button pressed" ::= { hwButton 1 } hwPCIeHotSwapButtonPressed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card hot-swap button pressed" ::= { hwButton 65 } hwCable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 27} hwCableStatus NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SAS or Harddisk backplane cable config error" ::= { hwCable 17 } hwCableStatusDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SAS or Harddisk backplane cable config error deassert" ::= { hwCable 18 } hwSysRestart OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 29} hwSysRestartUnknown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "system restart cause unknown" ::= { hwSysRestart 113 } hwSysRestartChassisCtrl NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "system restart cause chassis control" ::= { hwSysRestart 369 } hwSysRestartPowerButton NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "system restart cause power button pressed" ::= { hwSysRestart 881 } hwSysRestartWatchdogCtrl NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "system restart cause Watchdog control" ::= { hwSysRestart 1137 } hwSysRestartBMCCtrl NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "system restart cause BMC control" ::= { hwSysRestart 1393 } hwSysRestartAlwaysRestore NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "system restart cause always power up" ::= { hwSysRestart 1649 } hwSysRestartRestorePrevState NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "system restart cause always restore previous state" ::= { hwSysRestart 1905 } hwBootError OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 30} hwNoBootableMedia NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "boot error, no bootable media" ::= { hwBootError 1 } hwNoBootableMediaDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "boot error, no bootable media deassert" ::= { hwBootError 2 } hwNoBootableDisk NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "boot error, Non-bootable disk in drive" ::= { hwBootError 17 } hwNoBootableDiskDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "boot error, Non-bootable disk in drive deassert" ::= { hwBootError 18 } hwPXENotFound NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "boot error, PXE server not found" ::= { hwBootError 33 } hwPXENotFoundDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "boot error, PXE server not found deassert" ::= { hwBootError 34 } hwInvalidBootSector NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "boot error, Invalid boot sector" ::= { hwBootError 49 } hwInvalidBootSectorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "boot error, Invalid boot sector deassert" ::= { hwBootError 50 } hwDeviceFault OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 33} hwHardwareAddrFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hardware address in fault status" ::= { hwDeviceFault 1 } hwHardwareAddrFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hardware address in fault status deassert" ::= { hwDeviceFault 2 } hwLossBmaHeartBeat NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Heartbeat signals between the iBMC and iBMA are lost" ::= { hwDeviceFault 17 } hwLossBmaHeartBeatDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Heartbeat signals between the iBMC and iBMA are normal" ::= { hwDeviceFault 18 } hwDeviceInstall NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device installed" ::= { hwDeviceFault 33 } hwDeviceInstallDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device installed deassert" ::= { hwDeviceFault 34 } hwEthLinkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System Eth link down" ::= { hwDeviceFault 129 } hwEthLinkDownDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System Eth link down deassert" ::= { hwDeviceFault 130 } hwMemBrdMigrate NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Spare Device" ::= { hwDeviceFault 145 } hwMemBrdMigrateDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Spare Device deassert" ::= { hwDeviceFault 146 } hwPCIEStatus NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe Error" ::= { hwDeviceFault 257 } hwPCIEStatusDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe Error deassert" ::= { hwDeviceFault 258 } hwFanFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fan in fault status" ::= { hwDeviceFault 2049 } hwFanFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fan in fault status deassert" ::= { hwDeviceFault 2050 } hwPCIeFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe in fault status" ::= { hwDeviceFault 2305 } hwPCIeFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe in fault status deassert" ::= { hwDeviceFault 2306 } hwACPIStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 34} hwACPIStatusS0 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ACPI status S0" ::= { hwACPIStatus 1 } hwACPIStatusS4S5 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ACPI status, S4/S5 soft-off, particular when S4/S5 state cannot be determined" ::= { hwACPIStatus 97 } hwWatchDog OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 35} hwWatchDogOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "watchdog overflow, no action" ::= { hwWatchDog 1 } hwWatchDogOverflowDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "watchdog overflow, no action deassert" ::= { hwWatchDog 2 } hwWatchDogReset NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "watchdog overflow, hard reset" ::= { hwWatchDog 17 } hwWatchDogResetDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "watchdog overflow, hard reset deassert" ::= { hwWatchDog 18 } hwWatchDogPowerDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "watchdog overflow, power down" ::= { hwWatchDog 33 } hwWatchDogPowerDownDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "watchdog overflow, power down deassert" ::= { hwWatchDog 34 } hwWatchDogPowerCycle NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "watchdog overflow, power cycle" ::= { hwWatchDog 49 } hwWatchDogPowerCycleDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "watchdog overflow, power cycle deassert" ::= { hwWatchDog 50 } hwLANHeartBeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 39} hwLANHeartLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LAN heart beat lost" ::= { hwLANHeartBeat 1 } hwLANHeartLostDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LAN heart beat lost deassert" ::= { hwLANHeartBeat 2 } hwMngmntHealth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 40} hwSensorAccessibleFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sensor access degraded or unavailable" ::= { hwMngmntHealth 1 } hwSensorAccessibleFailDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sensor access degraded or unavailable deassert" ::= { hwMngmntHealth 2 } hwControllerAccessibleFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controller access degraded or unavailable" ::= { hwMngmntHealth 17 } hwControllerAccessibleFailDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controller access degraded or unavailable deassert" ::= { hwMngmntHealth 18 } hwControllerUnavailableFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Management controller unavailable" ::= { hwMngmntHealth 49 } hwControllerUnavailableFailDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Management controller unavailable deassert" ::= { hwMngmntHealth 50 } hwFruFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FRU failure" ::= { hwMngmntHealth 81 } hwFruFailDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FRU failure deassert" ::= { hwMngmntHealth 82 } hwBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 41} hwRTCBatterylow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTC battery or RAID card BBU voltage low" ::= { hwBattery 1 } hwRTCBatterylowDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTC battery or RAID card BBU voltage low deassert" ::= { hwBattery 2 } hwRAIDCardBBUFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID card BBU failed" ::= { hwBattery 17 } hwRAIDCardBBUFailedDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID card BBU failure deassert" ::= { hwBattery 18 } hwRAIDCardBBUPresence NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID card BBU is present" ::= { hwBattery 33 } hwRAIDCardBBUPresenceDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID card BBU is absent" ::= { hwBattery 34 } hwVerChange OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 43} hwHardwareChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hardware change detected with associated Entity" ::= { hwVerChange 1 } hwFirmwareChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Firmware or software change detected with associated Entity" ::= { hwVerChange 17 } hwFirmwareIncompatibility NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Firmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity" ::= { hwVerChange 49 } hwFirmwareIncompatibilityDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Firmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity deassert" ::= { hwVerChange 50 } hwLCD OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 1052} hwLCDFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LCD fault " ::= { hwLCD 17 } hwLCDFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LCD fault deassert" ::= { hwLCD 18 } hwHotSwap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 240} hwHotSwaptoM0 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fru hot swap to M0 status" ::= { hwHotSwap 1 } hwHotSwaptoM1 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fru hot swap to M1 status" ::= { hwHotSwap 17 } hwHotSwaptoM2 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fru hot swap to M2 status" ::= { hwHotSwap 33 } hwHotSwaptoM3 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fru hot swap to M3 status" ::= { hwHotSwap 49 } hwHotSwaptoM4 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fru hot swap to M4 status" ::= { hwHotSwap 65 } hwHotSwaptoM5 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fru hot swap to M5 status" ::= { hwHotSwap 81 } hwHotSwaptoM6 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fru hot swap to M6 status" ::= { hwHotSwap 97 } hwHotSwaptoM7 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fru hot swap to M7 status" ::= { hwHotSwap 113 } hwIPMBLink OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 241} hwIPMBLinkStateAll NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPMB-A disabled. IPMB-B disabled" ::= { hwIPMBLink 1 } hwIPMBLinkStateAllDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPMB-A disabled. IPMB-B disabled deassert" ::= { hwIPMBLink 2 } hwIPMBLinkStateB NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPMB-A enabled.IPMB-B disabled" ::= { hwIPMBLink 17 } hwIPMBLinkStateBDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPMB-A enabled.IPMB-B disabled deassert" ::= { hwIPMBLink 18 } hwIPMBLinkStateA NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPMB-A disabled.IPMB-B enabled" ::= { hwIPMBLink 33 } hwIPMBLinkStateADeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPMB-A disabled.IPMB-B enabled deassert" ::= { hwIPMBLink 34 } hwIPMBLinkStateNoFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPMB bus no fault" ::= { hwIPMBLink 49 } hwTrapTest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 256} hwTrapTestInstance NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "trap test" ::= { hwTrapTest 1 } hwOvertemperature OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 257} hwOvertempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "temperature above minor threshold" ::= { hwOvertemperature 113 } hwOvertempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "temperature above minor threshold deassert" ::= { hwOvertemperature 114 } hwOvertempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "temperature above major threshold" ::= { hwOvertemperature 145 } hwOvertempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "temperature above major threshold deassert" ::= { hwOvertemperature 146 } hwOvertempCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "temperature above critical threshold" ::= { hwOvertemperature 177 } hwOvertempCriticalDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "temperature above critical threshold deassert" ::= { hwOvertemperature 178 } hwNoSDCard OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 781} hwNoSDCardAssert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No SD Card Assert" ::= { hwNoSDCard 17 } hwNoSDCardDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No SD Card Deassert" ::= { hwNoSDCard 18 } hwBoardMismatch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 786} hwBoardMismatchAssert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Board Mismatch Assert" ::= { hwBoardMismatch 17 } hwBoardMismatchDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Board Mismatch Deassert" ::= { hwBoardMismatch 18 } hwAddInCard OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 791} hwPCIeError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe Error" ::= { hwAddInCard 17 } hwPCIeErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe Error Deassert" ::= { hwAddInCard 18 } hwChipSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 793} hwPCHError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uncorrectable PCH error" ::= { hwChipSet 17 } hwPCHErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uncorrectable PCH error Deassert" ::= { hwChipSet 18 } hwUIDButton OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 788} hwUIDButtonPressed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UID button pressed" ::= { hwUIDButton 17 } hwPowerCapping OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 1042} hwPowerCapFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power capping fail assert" ::= { hwPowerCapping 17 } hwPowerCapFailDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power capping fail deassert" ::= { hwPowerCapping 18 } hwCardFault OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 1047} hwCardStatusFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID or NIC card fault" ::= { hwCardFault 17 } hwCardStatusFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID or NIC card fault deassert" ::= { hwCardFault 18 } hwCPUUsage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 1287} hwCPUUsageHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU usage over threshold " ::= { hwCPUUsage 17 } hwCPUUsageHighDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU usage over threshold deassert" ::= { hwCPUUsage 18 } hwMemoryUsage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 1292} hwMemoryUsageHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory usage over threshold " ::= { hwMemoryUsage 17 } hwMemoryUsageHighDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory usage over threshold deassert" ::= { hwMemoryUsage 18 } hwDiskUsage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 1293} hwDiskUsageHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Disk usage over threshold " ::= { hwDiskUsage 17 } hwDiskUsageHighDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Disk usage over threshold deassert" ::= { hwDiskUsage 18 } hwLowPower OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 1800} hwPsInsufficient NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insufficient power supply to the chassis" ::= { hwLowPower 33 } hwPsInsufficientDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insufficient power supply to the chassis deassert" ::= { hwLowPower 34 } hwSysNotice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 1810} hwSystemWarmReset NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uncorrectable system error. Unable to locate the specific failure, please warm reset the host to try to solve the problem" ::= { hwSysNotice 129 } hwSystemWarmResetDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uncorrectable system error deassert" ::= { hwSysNotice 130 } hwModule OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 1813} hwModuleCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "transition to Critical from less severe" ::= { hwModule 33 } hwPSPresenceStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 2057} hwPSPresence NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "power supply presence " ::= { hwPSPresenceStatus 17 } hwPSPresenceDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "power supply presence deassert" ::= { hwPSPresenceStatus 18 } hwFanPresenceStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 2058} hwFanAbsent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fan absent " ::= { hwFanPresenceStatus 1 } hwFanAbsentDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fan absent deassert" ::= { hwFanPresenceStatus 2 } hwCardPresenceStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 2071} hwCardPresence NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "card presence " ::= { hwCardPresenceStatus 17 } hwCardPresenceDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "card presence deassert" ::= { hwCardPresenceStatus 18 } hwLCDPresenceStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 2076} hwLCDAbsent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LCD absent" ::= { hwLCDPresenceStatus 1 } hwLCDAbsentDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LCD absent deassert" ::= { hwLCDPresenceStatus 2 } hwMemoryRiser OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 2583} hwMemoryRiserOnline NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory board online " ::= { hwMemoryRiser 49 } hwMemoryRiserOnlineDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory board online deassert" ::= { hwMemoryRiser 50 } hwMemoryRiserOffline NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory board offline " ::= { hwMemoryRiser 65 } hwMemoryRiserOfflineDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory board offline deassert" ::= { hwMemoryRiser 66 } hwMemoryRiserInstallError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory riser install error " ::= { hwMemoryRiser 129 } hwMemoryRiserInstallErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory riser install error deassert" ::= { hwMemoryRiser 130 } hwCPUCore OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 2311} hwCPUCoreIsolation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU core isolation" ::= { hwCPUCore 1 } hwCPUCoreIsolationDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU core isolation deassert" ::= { hwCPUCore 2 } hwPSRedundancy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 2824} hwPSRedundancyLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PS Redundancy lost" ::= { hwPSRedundancy 17 } hwPSRedundancyLostDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PS Redundancy lost deassert" ::= { hwPSRedundancy 18 } hwSELStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 16} hwSELClearedAssert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SEL log area is cleared" ::= { hwSELStatus 33 } hwSELAlmostFullAssert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SEL almost full assert" ::= { hwSELStatus 81 } hwSELAlmostFullDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SEL almost full deassert" ::= { hwSELStatus 82 } hwBMCBootUp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 2326} hwBMCBootUpAssert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BMC boot up" ::= { hwBMCBootUp 17 } hwLog OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 1808} hwLogFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational" ::= { hwLog 129 } hwLogFullDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational deassert" ::= { hwLog 130 } hwVoltage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 258} hwLowerVoltageMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage below lower major threshold" ::= { hwVoltage 33 } hwLowerVoltageMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage below lower major threshold deassert" ::= { hwVoltage 34 } hwOverVoltageMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage over upper major threshold" ::= { hwVoltage 145 } hwOverVoltageMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage over upper major threshold deassert" ::= { hwVoltage 146 } hwOverVoltageCritcal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage over upper critcal threshold" ::= { hwVoltage 177 } hwOverVoltageCritcalDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage over upper critcal threshold deassert" ::= { hwVoltage 178 } hwCPUProchot OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObject 775} hwCPUProchotState NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU Prochot state asserted" ::= { hwCPUProchot 17 } hwCPUProchotStateDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU Prochot state deasserted" ::= { hwCPUProchot 18 } -- ****** hwServerTRAPObject End ****** -- ****** hwServerTRAPObjectV2 Begin ****** hwServerTRAPObjectV2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwTrap 11 } hwCPUEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 1 } hwCPUOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU underclocking will be caused by high temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 3 } hwCPUOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU underclocking will be caused by high temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 4 } hwCPUVDDQOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VDDQ overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 5 } hwCPUVDDQOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VDDQ overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 6 } hwCPUVRDOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VRD overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 7 } hwCPUVRDOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VRD overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 8 } hwCPUCoreLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 11 } hwCPUCoreLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 12 } hwCPUCoreOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 13 } hwCPUCoreOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 14 } hwCPUOverTempCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OS was shut down due to CPU overheating. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 15 } hwCPUOverTempCriticalDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OS was shut down due to CPU overheating. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 16 } hwCPUSelfTestFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU self-test failed. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 17 } hwCPUSelfTestFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU self-test failed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 18 } hwCPUCFGError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Incorrect CPU configuration. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 19 } hwCPUCFGErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Incorrect CPU configuration. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 20 } hwCPUInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU installed." ::= { hwCPUEvent 21 } hwCPURemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU removed." ::= { hwCPUEvent 23 } hwCPULowerDiffTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CPU is about to reach the Max. temperature of minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 25 } hwCPULowerDiffTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CPU is about to reach the Max. temperature of minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 26 } hwCPUIerrFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU IERR error. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 27 } hwCPUIerrFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU IERR error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 28 } hwCPUUncorrectableErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU MCE/AER error. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 29 } hwCPUUncorrectableErrDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU MCE/AER error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 30 } hwCPUCoreIsolated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU core isolated. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 31 } hwCPUCoreIsolatedDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU core isolated. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 32 } hwCPUFaultyIsolated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU isolated. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 33 } hwCPUFaultyIsolatedDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU isolated. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 34 } hwCPUAccessCoreTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU core temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 35 } hwCPUAccessCoreTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU core temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 36 } hwCPUAccessVDDQTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU VDDQ temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 37 } hwCPUAccessVDDQTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU VDDQ temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 38 } hwCPUVRDOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VRD overheating major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 39 } hwCPUVRDOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VRD overheating major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 40 } hwCPULowerDiffTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU temperature is about to reach the upper major threshold. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 41 } hwCPULowerDiffTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU temperature is about to reach the upper major threshold. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 42 } hwCPUMIMC0CH0MirrorFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory mirroring failed in channel 0, iMC 0 of CPU. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 43 } hwCPUMIMC0CH0MirrorFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory mirroring failed in channel 0, iMC 0 of CPU. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 44 } hwCPUMIMC0CH1MirrorFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory mirroring failed in channel 1, iMC 0 of CPU. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 45 } hwCPUMIMC0CH1MirrorFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory mirroring failed in channel 1, iMC 0 of CPU. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 46 } hwCPUMIMC0CH2MirrorFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory mirroring failed in channel 2, iMC 0 of CPU. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 47 } hwCPUMIMC0CH2MirrorFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory mirroring failed in channel 2, iMC 0 of CPU. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 48 } hwCPUMIMC0CH3MirrorFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory mirroring failed in channel 3, iMC 0 of CPU. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 49 } hwCPUMIMC0CH3MirrorFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory mirroring failed in channel 3, iMC 0 of CPU. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 50 } hwCPUMIMC1CH0MirrorFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory mirroring failed in channel 0, iMC 1 of CPU. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 51 } hwCPUMIMC1CH0MirrorFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory mirroring failed in channel 0, iMC 1 of CPU. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 52 } hwCPUMIMC1CH1MirrorFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory mirroring failed in channel 1, iMC 1 of CPU. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 53 } hwCPUMIMC1CH1MirrorFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory mirroring failed in channel 1, iMC 1 of CPU. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 54 } hwCPUMIMC1CH2MirrorFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory mirroring failed in channel 2, iMC 1 of CPU. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 55 } hwCPUMIMC1CH2MirrorFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory mirroring failed in channel 2, iMC 1 of CPU. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 56 } hwCPUMIMC1CH3MirrorFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory mirroring failed in channel 3, iMC 1 of CPU. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 57 } hwCPUMIMC1CH3MirrorFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory mirroring failed in channel 3, iMC 1 of CPU. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 58 } hwCPUAccessDTSTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU DTS temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 59 } hwCPUAccessDTSTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU DTS temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 60 } hwCPUVCCPOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VCCP overvoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 61 } hwCPUVCCPOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VCCP overvoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 62 } hwCPUVCCPLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VCCP undervoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 63 } hwCPUVCCPLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VCCP undervoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 64 } hwCPUAccessVCCPVoltFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU VCCP voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 65 } hwCPUAccessVCCPVoltFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU VCCP voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 66 } hwCPUVSAOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VSA overvoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 79 } hwCPUVSAOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VSA overvoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 80 } hwCPUVSALowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VSA undervoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 81 } hwCPUVSALowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VSA undervoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 82 } hwCPUAccessVSAVoltFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU VSA voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 83 } hwCPUAccessVSAVoltFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU VSA voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 84 } hwCPUVCCIOOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VCCIO overvoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 85 } hwCPUVCCIOOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VCCIO overvoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 86 } hwCPUVCCIOLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VCCIO undervoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 87 } hwCPUVCCIOLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VCCIO undervoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 88 } hwCPUAccessVCCIOVoltFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU VCCIO voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 89 } hwCPUAccessVCCIOVoltFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU VCCIO voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 90 } hwCPUVMCPOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VMCP overvoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 91 } hwCPUVMCPOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VMCP overvoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 92 } hwCPUVMCPLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VMCP undervoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 93 } hwCPUVMCPLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VMCP undervoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 94 } hwCPUAccessVMCPVoltFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU VMCP voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 95 } hwCPUAccessVMCPVoltFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU VMCP voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 96 } hwCPUAccessVRDTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU VRD temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 97 } hwCPUAccessVRDTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU VRD temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 98 } hwCPUAccessCoreVoltFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU Core voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 99 } hwCPUAccessCoreVoltFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU Core voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 100 } hwCPUVoltLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU undervoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 101 } hwCPUVoltLowDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU undervoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 102 } hwCPUVoltHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU overvoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 103 } hwCPUVoltHighDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU overvoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 104 } hwCPUVDDQOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VDDQ overheating major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 105 } hwCPUVDDQOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU VDDQ overheating major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 106 } hwCPUMarginFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU margin. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 107 } hwCPUMarginFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU margin. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 108 } hwCPUCoreOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CPU core temperature exceeds the overtemperature threshold. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 109 } hwCPUCoreOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CPU core temperature exceeds the overtemperature threshold. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 110 } hwCPUNimbusLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU Nimbus voltage is lower than the undervoltage threshold. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 111 } hwCPUNimbusLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU Nimbus voltage is lower than the undervoltage threshold. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 112 } hwCPUNimbusOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU Nimbus voltage exceeds the overvoltage threshold. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 113 } hwCPUNimbusOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU Nimbus voltage exceeds the overvoltage threshold. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 114 } hwCPUAbsence NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to start the system. CPU 1 was not detected. " ::= { hwCPUEvent 115 } hwCPUNVRHot NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU has a vr hot error. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 117 } hwCPUNVRHotDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU has a vr hot error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 118 } hwCPUNVDDQVRHot NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU has a vddq hot error. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 119 } hwCPUNVDDQVRHotDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU has a vddq hot error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 120 } hwCPUCEHardFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU health status degradation detected by PFAE. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 121 } hwCPUCEHardFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU health status degradation detected by PFAE. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUEvent 122 } hwMemoryEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 2 } hwMemoryOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM overheating major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 1 } hwMemoryOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM overheating major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 2 } hwMemoryVDDQ1LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM VDDQ1 undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 3 } hwMemoryVDDQ1LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM VDDQ1 undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 4 } hwMemoryVDDQ1OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM VDDQ1 overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 5 } hwMemoryVDDQ1OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM VDDQ1 overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 6 } hwMemoryVDDQ2LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM VDDQ2 undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 7 } hwMemoryVDDQ2LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM VDDQ2 undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 8 } hwMemoryVDDQ2OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM VDDQ2 overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 9 } hwMemoryVDDQ2OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM VDDQ2 overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 10 } hwMemoryCorrectableECC NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM ECC error count exceeded. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 13 } hwMemoryCorrectableECCDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM ECC error count exceeded. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 14 } hwMemoryInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM installed." ::= { hwMemoryEvent 15 } hwMemoryRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM removed." ::= { hwMemoryEvent 17 } hwMemoryCFGErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Incorrect memory configuration. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 21 } hwMemoryCFGErrDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Incorrect memory configuration. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 22 } hwMemoryUncorrectableErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM MCE error. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 23 } hwMemoryUncorrectableErrDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM MCE error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 24 } hwMemoryVPP1LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM VPP1 undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 25 } hwMemoryVPP1LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM VPP1 undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 26 } hwMemoryVPP1OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM VPP1 overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 27 } hwMemoryVPP1OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM VPP1 overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 28 } hwMemorySwitchToStdbyBoard NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMMs go standby. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 29 } hwMemorySwitchToStdbyBoardDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMMs go standby. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 30 } hwMemoryVDDQ1AccessVoltageFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read DIMM VDDQ1 voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 31 } hwMemoryVDDQ1AccessVoltageFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read DIMM VDDQ1 voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 32 } hwMemoryVDDQ2AccessVoltageFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read DIMM VDDQ2 voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 33 } hwMemoryVDDQ2AccessVoltageFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read DIMM VDDQ2 voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 34 } hwMemoryVPP1AccessVoltageFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read DIMM VPP1 voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 35 } hwMemoryVPP1AccessVoltageFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read DIMM VPP1 voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 36 } hwMemoryConfigError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Incorrect memory configuration. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 37 } hwMemoryConfigErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Incorrect memory configuration. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 38 } hwMemoryInitializationError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory initialization error. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 39 } hwMemoryInitializationErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory initialization error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 40 } hwMemoryCEHardFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory CE hard failure. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 45 } hwMemoryCEHardFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory CE hard failure. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 46 } hwMemoryMRCFatalError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory MRC fatal error. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 47 } hwMemoryMRCFatalErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory MRC fatal error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 48 } hwMemoryVPP2OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory VPP2 overvoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 51 } hwMemoryVPP2OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory VPP2 overvoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 52 } hwMemoryVPP2LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory VPP2 undervoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 53 } hwMemoryVPP2LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory VPP2 undervoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 54 } hwMemoryAccessVPP2VoltFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read the memory VPP2 voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 55 } hwMemoryAccessVPP2VoltFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read the memory VPP2 voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 56 } hwMemoryOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory overtemperature minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 59 } hwMemoryOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory overtemperature minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 60 } hwMemoryOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory overtemperature major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 61 } hwMemoryOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory overtemperature major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 62 } hwMemoryAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read memory temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 63 } hwMemoryAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read memory temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryEvent 64 } hwDiskEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 3 } hwDiskInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk installed." ::= { hwDiskEvent 3 } hwDiskRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk removed." ::= { hwDiskEvent 5 } hwDiskFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 7 } hwDiskFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 8 } hwDiskPredictiveFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk predictive fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 9 } hwDiskPredictiveFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk predictive fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 10 } hwDiskRAIDArrayInvalid NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID array invalid. (Generated)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 11 } hwDiskRAIDArrayInvalidDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID array invalid. (Cleared)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 12 } hwDiskRAIDRebuildStart NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Starting to rebuild RAID." ::= { hwDiskEvent 13 } hwDiskRAIDRebuildComplete NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk RAID rebuild completed." ::= { hwDiskEvent 15 } hwDiskUncorrectableErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk MCE/AER error. (Generated)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 19 } hwDiskUncorrectableErrDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk MCE/AER error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 20 } hwDiskOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 21 } hwDiskOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 22 } hwDiskAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read hard disk temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 23 } hwDiskAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read hard disk temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 24 } hwDiskOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk overheating major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 25 } hwDiskOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk overheating major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 26 } hwDiskPwrFailMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The power signal of the disk is abnormal. (Generated)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 27 } hwDiskPwrFailMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The power signal of the disk is abnormal. (Cleared)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 28 } hwDiskRemMediaWearoutLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The disk remnant media wearout is lower than the threshold. (Generated)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 29 } hwDiskRemMediaWearoutLowDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The disk remnant media wearout is lower than the threshold. (Cleared)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 30 } hwDiskCEHardFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk health status degradation detected by PFAE. (Generated)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 31 } hwDiskCEHardFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk health status degradation detected by PFAE. (Cleared)" ::= { hwDiskEvent 32 } hwPSUEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 4 } hwPSUInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSU installed." ::= { hwPSUEvent 3 } hwPSURemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSU removed." ::= { hwPSUEvent 5 } hwPSURedundancyLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power supply redundancy lost. (Generated)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 7 } hwPSURedundancyLostDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power supply redundancy lost. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 8 } hwPSUFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSU fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 9 } hwPSUFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSU fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 10 } hwPSUPredictiveFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSU predictive fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 11 } hwPSUPredictiveFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSU predictive fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 12 } hwPSUInputLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input power lost. (Generated)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 13 } hwPSUInputLostDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input power lost. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 14 } hwPSUFanFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSU fan fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 15 } hwPSUFanFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSU fan fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 16 } hwPSUOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSU overheating. (Generated)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 17 } hwPSUOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSU overheating. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 18 } hwPSUCommunicationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Communication with PSU failed. (Generated)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 19 } hwPSUCommunicationFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Communication with PSU failed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 20 } hwPSUOutputOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output power overvoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 21 } hwPSUOutputOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output power overvoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 22 } hwPSUOutputLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output power undervoltage or no output. (Generated)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 23 } hwPSUOutputLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output power undervoltage or no output. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 24 } hwPSUOutputOverCurrent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output power overcurrent. (Generated)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 25 } hwPSUOutputOverCurrentDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output power overcurrent. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 26 } hwPSUInputOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input power overvoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 27 } hwPSUInputOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input power overvoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPSUEvent 28 } hwPSUServerPowerFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Server power failure." ::= { hwPSUEvent 31 } hwFanEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 5 } hwFanInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan installed." ::= { hwFanEvent 1 } hwFanRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan removed." ::= { hwFanEvent 3 } hwFanRedundancy NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan redundancy lost. (Generated)" ::= { hwFanEvent 5 } hwFanRedundancyDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan redundancy lost. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFanEvent 6 } hwFanSpeedDeviation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Large fan speed deviation. (Generated)" ::= { hwFanEvent 7 } hwFanSpeedDeviationDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Large fan speed deviation. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFanEvent 8 } hwDiskBackplaneEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 6 } hwDiskBackplanePSFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk backplane power failure. (Generated)" ::= { hwDiskBackplaneEvent 1 } hwDiskBackplanePSFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk backplane power failure. (Cleared)" ::= { hwDiskBackplaneEvent 2 } hwDiskBackplaneCPLDSelfTestFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk backplane CPLD self-test failed. (Generated)" ::= { hwDiskBackplaneEvent 3 } hwDiskBackplaneCPLDSelfTestFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk backplane CPLD self-test failed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwDiskBackplaneEvent 4 } hwDiskBackplaneLowerVoltMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk backplane undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwDiskBackplaneEvent 5 } hwDiskBackplaneLowerVoltMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk backplane undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwDiskBackplaneEvent 6 } hwDiskBackplaneOverVoltMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk backplane overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwDiskBackplaneEvent 7 } hwDiskBackplaneOverVoltMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk backplane overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwDiskBackplaneEvent 8 } hwDiskBackplaneAccessVoltFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read hard disk backplane voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwDiskBackplaneEvent 9 } hwDiskBackplaneAccessVoltFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read hard disk backplane voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwDiskBackplaneEvent 10 } hwDiskBackplanePowerFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power supply to disk backplane failed. (Generated)" ::= { hwDiskBackplaneEvent 11 } hwDiskBackplanePowerFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power supply to disk backplane failed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwDiskBackplaneEvent 12 } hwDiskBackplaneAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain data of the disk backplane temperature detection point temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwDiskBackplaneEvent 13 } hwDiskBackplaneAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain data of the disk backplane temperature detection point temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwDiskBackplaneEvent 14 } hwRAIDCardEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 7 } hwRAIDCardInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card installed." ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 1 } hwRAIDCardRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card removed." ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 3 } hwRAIDCardFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 5 } hwRAIDCardFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 6 } hwRAIDCardUncorrectableErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card MCE/AER error. (Generated)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 7 } hwRAIDCardUncorrectableErrDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card MCE/AER error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 8 } hwRAIDCardOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 11 } hwRAIDCardOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 12 } hwRAIDCardAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read RAID controller card temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 13 } hwRAIDCardAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read RAID controller card temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 14 } hwRAIDBBULowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card BBU undervoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 15 } hwRAIDBBULowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card BBU undervoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 16 } hwRAIDBBUFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card BBU fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 17 } hwRAIDBBUFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card BBU fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 18 } hwRAIDBBUNotPresent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card BBU not detected." ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 19 } hwRAIDBBUPresent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card BBU detected." ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 21 } hwRAIDCardOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card overheating major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 23 } hwRAIDCardOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card overheating major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 24 } hwRAIDCardBBUOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card BBU overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 25 } hwRAIDCardBBUOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card BBU overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 26 } hwRAIDCardBBUAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read RAID controller card BBU temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 27 } hwRAIDCardBBUAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read RAID controller card BBU temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 28 } hwRAIDCardCEHardFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card health status degradation detected by PFAE. (Generated)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 35 } hwRAIDCardCEHardFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RAID controller card health status degradation detected by PFAE. (Cleared)" ::= { hwRAIDCardEvent 36 } hwPCIeCardEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 9 } hwPCIeCardUncorrectableErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card MCE/AER error. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 1 } hwPCIeCardUncorrectableErrDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card MCE/AER error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 2 } hwPCIeCardOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 3 } hwPCIeCardOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 4 } hwPCIeCardAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCIe card temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 5 } hwPCIeCardAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCIe card temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 6 } hwPCIeCardAccessFRULableFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCIe card FRU data. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 7 } hwPCIeCardAccessFRULableFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCIe card FRU data. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 8 } hwPCIeCardDIMMOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card DIMM overheating. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 9 } hwPCIeCardDIMMOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card DIMM overheating. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 10 } hwPCIeCardOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card overheating major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 11 } hwPCIeCardOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card overheating major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 12 } hwPCIeCardCPUOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card CPU overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 13 } hwPCIeCardCPUOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card CPU overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 14 } hwPCIeCardCPUOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card CPU overheating major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 15 } hwPCIeCardCPUOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card CPU overheating major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 16 } hwPCIeCardBattLowerVoltMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card battery undervoltage minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 17 } hwPCIeCardBattLowerVoltMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card battery undervoltage minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 18 } hwPCIeCardLowerVoltMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 19 } hwPCIeCardLowerVoltMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 20 } hwPCIeCardOverVoltMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 21 } hwPCIeCardOverVoltMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 22 } hwPCIeCardAccessVoltFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCIe card voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 23 } hwPCIeCardAccessVoltFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCIe card voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 24 } hwPCIeCardBootEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card system startup status. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 25 } hwPCIeCardBootEventDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card system startup status. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 26 } hwPCIeCardHardwareFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card hardware fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 27 } hwPCIeCardHardwareFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card hardware fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 28 } hwPCIeCardBootDiskAbsent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card boot disk not detected. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 29 } hwPCIeCardBootDiskAbsentDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card boot disk not detected. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 30 } hwPCIeCardDIMMFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card memory fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 31 } hwPCIeCardDIMMFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card memory fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 32 } hwPCIeCardFWInitFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card firmware initialization failed. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 33 } hwPCIeCardFWInitFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card firmware initialization failed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 34 } hwPCIeCardCPUInitFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card CPU initialization failed. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 35 } hwPCIeCardCPUInitFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card CPU initialization failed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 36 } hwPCIeCardWatchDogTimeout NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card watchdog timed out. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 37 } hwPCIeCardWatchDogTimeoutDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card watchdog timed out. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 38 } hwPCIeCardBBULowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card BBU undervoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 57 } hwPCIeCardBBULowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card BBU undervoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 58 } hwPCIeCardBBUFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card BBU fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 59 } hwPCIeCardBBUFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card BBU fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 60 } hwPCIeCardBBUNotPresent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card BBU not detected." ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 61 } hwPCIeCardBBUPresent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card BBU detected." ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 63 } hwPCIeCardPwrFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card power fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 65 } hwPCIeCardPwrFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card power fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 66 } hwPCIeCardFPGALoadFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card FPGA load failure. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 67 } hwPCIeCardFPGALoadFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card FPGA load failure. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 68 } hwPCIeCardEEPROMFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card EEPROM fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 69 } hwPCIeCardEEPROMFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card EEPROM fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 70 } hwPCIeCardInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card installed." ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 71 } hwPCIeCardRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card removed." ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 73 } hwPCIeRAIDCardFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe RAID card fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 75 } hwPCIeRAIDCardFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe RAID card fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 76 } hwPCIeCardPlugIn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card pluged in. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 77 } hwPCIeCardPlugInDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card pluged in. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 78 } hwPCIeCardPlugOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card pluged out. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 79 } hwPCIeCardPlugOutDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card pluged out. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 80 } hwPCIEClockLockLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The clock is out of lock. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 81 } hwPCIEClockLockLostDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The clock is out of lock. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 82 } hwPCIEDDRCalibrationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DDR calibration failed. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 83 } hwPCIEDDRCalibrationFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DDR calibration failed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 84 } hwPCIEDDRWorkAbnormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DDR on PCIe card is malfunctioning. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 85 } hwPCIEDDRWorkAbnormalDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DDR on PCIe card is malfunctioning. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 86 } hwPCIELinkAbnormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The link on PCIe card is faulty. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 87 } hwPCIELinkAbnormalDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The link on PCIe card is faulty. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 88 } hwPCIEBusinessAbnormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Services on PCIe card are interrupted. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 89 } hwPCIEBusinessAbnormalDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Services on PCIe card are interrupted. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 90 } hwPCIeCardAccessPowerFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the power of PCIe card in slot.(Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 91 } hwPCIeCardAccessPowerFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the power of PCIe card in slot. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 92 } hwPCIESelfTestFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card self-test failed. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 93 } hwPCIESelfTestFailDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card self-test failed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 94 } hwPCIERecovError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Recoverable errors are detected on PCIe card. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 95 } hwPCIERecovErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Recoverable errors are detected on PCIe card. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 96 } hwPCIEUnrecovError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unrecoverable errors detected on PCIe card. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 97 } hwPCIEUnrecovErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unrecoverable errors detected on PCIe card. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 98 } hwPCIeCardOMOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card optical module overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 99 } hwPCIeCardOMOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card optical module overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 100 } hwPCIeCardCEHardFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card health status degradation detected by PFAE. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 101 } hwPCIeCardCEHardFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card health status degradation detected by PFAE. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 102 } hwPCIeCardEnumerationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration of the PCIe device failed. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 103 } hwPCIeCardEnumerationFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration of the PCIe device failed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 104 } hwPCIeCardInspectionFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PCIe card inspection failed. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 105 } hwPCIeCardInspectionFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PCIe card inspection failed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 106 } hwPCIeCardAccessDIMMTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the DIMM temperature of PCIe card. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 107 } hwPCIeCardAccessDIMMTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the DIMM temperature of PCIe card. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 108 } hwPCIeCardMemoryFaultCount NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card memory fault count exceeds the threshold. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 109 } hwPCIeCardMemoryFaultCountDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card memory fault count exceeds the threshold. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeCardEvent 110 } hwMezzCardEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 12 } hwMezzCardOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 1 } hwMezzCardOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 2 } hwMezzCardOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card overheating major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 3 } hwMezzCardOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card overheating major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 4 } hwMezzCardUncorrectableErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card MCE/AER error. (Generated)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 5 } hwMezzCardUncorrectableErrDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card MCE/AER error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 6 } hwMezzCardAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 7 } hwMezzCardAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 8 } hwMezzCardAccessFRULableFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card electronic label. (Generated)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 9 } hwMezzCardAccessFRULableFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card electronic label. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 10 } hwMezzCardOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 11 } hwMezzCardOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 12 } hwMezzCardLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 13 } hwMezzCardLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 14 } hwMezzCardSVIDChipFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card failed to obtain WFR chip SVID. (Generated)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 31 } hwMezzCardSVIDChipFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card failed to obtain WFR chip SVID. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 32 } hwMezzCardVoltageFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 33 } hwMezzCardVoltageFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 34 } hwMezzCardCEHardFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card health status degradation detected by PFAE. (Generated)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 35 } hwMezzCardCEHardFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card health status degradation detected by PFAE. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMezzCardEvent 36 } hwNetworkCardEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 14 } hwNetworkCardUncorrectableErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The NIC triggered an uncorrectable error.(Generated)" ::= { hwNetworkCardEvent 1 } hwNetworkCardUncorrectableErrDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The NIC triggered an uncorrectable error.( Cleared)" ::= { hwNetworkCardEvent 2 } hwNetworkCardOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NIC overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwNetworkCardEvent 3 } hwNetworkCardOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NIC overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwNetworkCardEvent 4 } hwNetworkCardAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read NIC temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwNetworkCardEvent 5 } hwNetworkCardAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read NIC temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwNetworkCardEvent 6 } hwNetworkCardCEHardFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NIC health status degradation detected by PFAE. (Generated)" ::= { hwNetworkCardEvent 7 } hwNetworkCardCEHardFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NIC health status degradation detected by PFAE. (Cleared)" ::= { hwNetworkCardEvent 8 } hwMemoryBoardEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 15 } hwMemoryBoardLowerTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory board undertemperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryBoardEvent 1 } hwMemoryBoardLowerTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory board undertemperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryBoardEvent 2 } hwMemoryBoardAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read memory board temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryBoardEvent 3 } hwMemoryBoardAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read memory board temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryBoardEvent 4 } hwMemoryBoardSMI2TainingError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Initialization error on SMI2 link of memory board. (Generated)" ::= { hwMemoryBoardEvent 5 } hwMemoryBoardSMI2TainingErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Initialization error on SMI2 link of memory board. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMemoryBoardEvent 6 } hwPCIeRiserEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 16 } hwPCIeRiserInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe riser card installed." ::= { hwPCIeRiserEvent 1 } hwPCIeRiserRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe riser card removed." ::= { hwPCIeRiserEvent 3 } hwPCIeRiserOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe riser card temperature exceeds the overtemperature threshold.(Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeRiserEvent 5 } hwPCIeRiserOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe riser card temperature exceeds the overtemperature threshold.(Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeRiserEvent 6 } hwPCIeRiserAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain data of the PCIe riser card temperature.(Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeRiserEvent 7 } hwPCIeRiserAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain data of the PCIe riser card temperature.(Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeRiserEvent 8 } hwPCIeRiserlowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe riser voltage at detection point is lower than the undervoltage threshold.(Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeRiserEvent 9 } hwPCIeRiserlowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe riser voltage at detection point is lower than the undervoltage threshold.(Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeRiserEvent 10 } hwPCIeRiserOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe riser voltage at detection point exceeds the overvoltage threshold.(Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeRiserEvent 11 } hwPCIeRiserOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe riser voltage at detection point exceeds the overvoltage threshold.(Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeRiserEvent 12 } hwPCIeRiserAccessVoltageFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the voltage at detection point on the PCIe riser.(Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeRiserEvent 13 } hwPCIeRiserAccessVoltageFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the voltage at detection point on the PCIe riser.(Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeRiserEvent 14 } hwPCIeRiserOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pebpa backplane power supply over temperature.(Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeRiserEvent 15 } hwPCIeRiserOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pebpa backplane power supply over temperature.(Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeRiserEvent 16 } hwPCIeRiserPowerFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe riser card power failure.(Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeRiserEvent 17 } hwPCIeRiserPowerFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe riser card power failure.(Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeRiserEvent 18 } hwMainboardEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 17 } hwMainboard3V3LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System 3.3V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 1 } hwMainboard3V3LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System 3.3V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 2 } hwMainboard3V3OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System 3.3V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 3 } hwMainboard3V3OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System 3.3V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 4 } hwMainboard5VLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System 5V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 5 } hwMainboard5VLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System 5V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 6 } hwMainboard5VOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System 5V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 7 } hwMainboard5VOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System 5V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 8 } hwMainboard12VLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System 12V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 9 } hwMainboard12VLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System 12V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 10 } hwMainboard12VOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System 12V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 11 } hwMainboard12VOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System 12V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 12 } hwMainboardRTCLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard RTC battery undervoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 13 } hwMainboardRTCLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard RTC battery undervoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 14 } hwMainboardStdby3V3LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 3.3V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 15 } hwMainboardStdby3V3LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 3.3V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 16 } hwMainboardStdby3V3OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 3.3V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 17 } hwMainboardStdby3V3OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 3.3V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 18 } hwMainboardIncorrectHWAddr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Incorrect hardware address of board. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 19 } hwMainboardIncorrectHWAddrDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Incorrect hardware address of board. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 20 } hwMainboardCPLDSelfTestFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard CPLD self-test status. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 21 } hwMainboardCPLDSelfTestFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard CPLD self-test status. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 22 } hwMainboardPSFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard power supply failure. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 23 } hwMainboardPSFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard power supply failure. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 24 } hwMainboardAccessSlotFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Incorrect slot number. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 25 } hwMainboardAccessSlotFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Incorrect slot number. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 26 } hwMainboardNotProperlyInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Board not securely installed. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 27 } hwMainboardNotProperlyInstalledDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Board not securely installed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 28 } hwMainboardAccessBoardIDFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Incorrect board ID. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 29 } hwMainboardAccessBoardIDFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Incorrect board ID. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 30 } hwMainboardStdby1VLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard standby 1V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 31 } hwMainboardStdby1VLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard standby 1V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 32 } hwMainboardStdby1VOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard standby 1V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 33 } hwMainboardStdby1VOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard standby 1V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 34 } hwMainboardStdby2V5LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard standby 2.5V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 35 } hwMainboardStdby2V5LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard standby 2.5V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 36 } hwMainboardStdby2V5OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard standby 2.5V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 37 } hwMainboardStdby2V5OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard standby 2.5V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 38 } hwMainboard1VLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard 1V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 39 } hwMainboard1VLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard 1V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 40 } hwMainboard1VOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard 1V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 41 } hwMainboard1VOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard 1V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 42 } hwMainboard1V5LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard 1.5V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 43 } hwMainboard1V5LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard 1.5V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 44 } hwMainboard1V5OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard 1.5V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 45 } hwMainboard1V5OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard 1.5V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 46 } hwMainboardMOSOverVoltageMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Large voltage difference on mainboard MOSFET (major alarm). (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 47 } hwMainboardMOSOverVoltageMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Large voltage difference on mainboard MOSFET (major alarm). (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 48 } hwMainboardMOSOverVoltageCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Large voltage difference on mainboard MOSFET (critical alarm). (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 49 } hwMainboardMOSOverVoltageCriticalDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Large voltage difference on mainboard MOSFET (critical alarm). (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 50 } hwMainboardStdby5VLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 5V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 51 } hwMainboardStdby5VLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 5V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 52 } hwMainboardStdby5VOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 5V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 53 } hwMainboardStdby5VOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 5V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 54 } hwMainboard1V1LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System 1.1V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 59 } hwMainboard1V1LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System 1.1V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 60 } hwMainboard1V1OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System 1.1V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 61 } hwMainboard1V1OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System 1.1V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 62 } hwMainboardStdby1V2LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard standby 1.2V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 63 } hwMainboardStdby1V2LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard standby 1.2V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 64 } hwMainboardStdby1V2OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard standby 1.2V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 65 } hwMainboardStdby1V2OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard standby 1.2V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 66 } hwMainboardNotInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard not installed." ::= { hwMainboardEvent 75 } hwMainboardNotPowerOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard installed but powered off." ::= { hwMainboardEvent 77 } hwMainboardReqPowerOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard requesting power-on." ::= { hwMainboardEvent 79 } hwMainboardBeingPowerOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard in power-on process." ::= { hwMainboardEvent 81 } hwMainboardPoweredOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard powered on." ::= { hwMainboardEvent 83 } hwMainboardReqPowerOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard requesting power-off." ::= { hwMainboardEvent 85 } hwMainboardBeingPowerOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard in power-off process." ::= { hwMainboardEvent 87 } hwMainboardAndManageBoardCommLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard-MM communication interrupted. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 89 } hwMainboardAndManageBoardCommLostDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard-MM communication interrupted. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 90 } hwMainboardMOSOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Soft-start circuit overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 91 } hwMainboardMOSOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Soft-start circuit overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 92 } hwMainboardSoftStartPGAbnormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Soft-start circuit power supply abnormal. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 93 } hwMainboardSoftStartPGAbnormalDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Soft-start circuit power supply abnormal. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 94 } hwMainboardSoftStartFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Critical fault on soft-start circuit. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 95 } hwMainboardSoftStartFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Critical fault on soft-start circuit. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 96 } hwMainboardVideoControlFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Video controller fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 97 } hwMainboardVideoControlFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Video controller fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 98 } hwMainboardAccess3V3Failure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read system 3.3V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 99 } hwMainboardAccess3V3FailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read system 3.3V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 100 } hwMainboardAccess5VFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read system 5V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 101 } hwMainboardAccess5VFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read system 5V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 102 } hwMainboardAccess12VFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read system 12V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 103 } hwMainboardAccess12VFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read system 12V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 104 } hwMainboardAccess1V1Failure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read system 1.1V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 105 } hwMainboardAccess1V1FailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read system 1.1V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 106 } hwMainboardAccess1V5Failure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read system 1.5V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 107 } hwMainboardAccess1V5FailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read system 1.5V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 108 } hwMainboardAccessStdby5VFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read standby 5V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 109 } hwMainboardAccessStdby5VFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read standby 5V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 110 } hwMainboardAccessStdby3V3Failure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read standby 3.3V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 111 } hwMainboardAccessStdby3V3FailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read standby 3.3V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 112 } hwMainboardAccessStdby2V5Failure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read standby 2.5V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 113 } hwMainboardAccessStdby2V5FailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read standby 2.5V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 114 } hwMainboardAccessStdby1V5Failure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read standby 1.5V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 115 } hwMainboardAccessStdby1V5FailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read standby 1.5V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 116 } hwMainboardAccessStdby1V2Failure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read standby 1.2V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 117 } hwMainboardAccessStdby1V2FailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read standby 1.2V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 118 } hwMainboardAccessStdby1V1Failure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read standby 1.1V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 119 } hwMainboardAccessStdby1V1FailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read standby 1.1V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 120 } hwMainboardAccessStdby1VFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read standby 1V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 121 } hwMainboardAccessStdby1VFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read standby 1V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 122 } hwMainboardMOSAccessVoltageFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read MOSFET voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 123 } hwMainboardMOSAccessVoltageFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read MOSFET voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 124 } hwMainboardAccessFRULableFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mainboard FRU data. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 137 } hwMainboardAccessFRULableFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mainboard FRU data. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 138 } hwMainboardStdby1V1LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 1.1V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 139 } hwMainboardStdby1V1LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 1.1V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 140 } hwMainboardStdby1V1OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 1.1V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 141 } hwMainboardStdby1V1OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 1.1V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 142 } hwMainboardStdby1V5LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 1.5V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 143 } hwMainboardStdby1V5LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 1.5V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 144 } hwMainboardStdby1V5OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 1.5V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 145 } hwMainboardStdby1V5OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 1.5V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 146 } hwMainboardKeyboardControllerFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PS/2 or USB keyboard controller fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 147 } hwMainboardKeyboardControllerFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PS/2 or USB keyboard controller fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 148 } hwMainboardSMI2TainingError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Initialization error on SMI2 link of mainboard. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 155 } hwMainboardSMI2TainingErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Initialization error on SMI2 link of mainboard. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 156 } hwMainboardMOS2OverVoltageMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Large MOS2 voltage difference on mainboard (major alarm). (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 157 } hwMainboardMOS2OverVoltageMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Large MOS2 voltage difference on mainboard (major alarm). (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 158 } hwMainboardStdby1V8LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 1.8V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 161 } hwMainboardStdby1V8LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 1.8V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 162 } hwMainboardStdby1V8OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 1.8V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 163 } hwMainboardStdby1V8OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby 1.8V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 164 } hwMainboardAccessStdby1V8Failure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read standby 1.8V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 165 } hwMainboardAccessStdby1V8FailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read standby 1.8V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 166 } hwMainboardAccessVoltFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 167 } hwMainboardAccessVoltFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 168 } hwMainboardClockSignalLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard clock signals lost. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 169 } hwMainboardClockSignalLostDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard clock signals lost. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 170 } hwMainboardRemoteBMCBoard NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Master iBMC not present. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 171 } hwMainboardRemoteBMCBoardDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Master iBMC not present. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 172 } hwMainboardSPIStatusError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SPI Flash switching status error. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 173 } hwMainboardSPIStatusErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SPI Flash switching status error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 174 } hwMainboardPowerLackAlertAbnormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert signal check failed. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 175 } hwMainboardPowerLackAlertAbnormalDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert signal check failed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 176 } hwMainboardLOMUncorrectableErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LOM MCE/AER error. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 177 } hwMainboardLOMUncorrectableErrDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LOM MCE/AER error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 178 } hwMainboardSYSLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard voltage undervoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 179 } hwMainboardSYSLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard voltage undervoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 180 } hwMainboardSYSOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard voltage overvoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 181 } hwMainboardSYSOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard voltage overvoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 182 } hwMainboardSoftStartLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Soft-start circuit undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 183 } hwMainboardSoftStartLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Soft-start circuit undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 184 } hwMainboardWOLSignalError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The WOL signal triggered by the mezzanine card is abnormal.(Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 185 } hwMainboardWOLSignalErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The WOL signal triggered by the mezzanine card is abnormal.(Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 186 } hwMainboardRAIDLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard RAID chip voltage at detection point is lower than the undervoltage threshold. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 187 } hwMainboardRAIDLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard RAID chip voltage at detection point is lower than the undervoltage threshold. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 188 } hwMainboardRAIDOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard RAID chip voltage at detection point is exceeds the overvoltage threshold. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 189 } hwMainboardRAIDOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard RAID chip voltage at detection point is exceeds the overvoltage threshold. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 190 } hwMainboardRAIDAccessVoltageFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the voltage at detection point on the Mainboard RAID chip. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 191 } hwMainboardRAIDAccessVoltageFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the voltage at detection point on the Mainboard RAID chip. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 192 } hwMainboardStartUpOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System is forcibly shut down due to high temperature of the soft-start circuit. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 193 } hwMainboardStartUpOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System is forcibly shut down due to high temperature of the soft-start circuit. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 194 } hwMainboardAccessRTCTimeFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the RTC Time on the mainboard. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 195 } hwMainboardAccessRTCTimeFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the RTC Time on the mainboard. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 196 } hwMainboardAccessRTCClockFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the RTC clock on the mainboard. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 197 } hwMainboardAccessRTCClockFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the RTC clock on the mainboard. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 198 } hwMainboardAccess10GEPHYClockFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the 10GE_PHY clock on the mainboard. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 199 } hwMainboardAccess10GEPHYClockFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the 10GE_PHY clock on the mainboard. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 200 } hwMainboardAccessI2CDeviceFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "I2C device access exception. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 201 } hwMainboardAccessI2CDeviceFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "I2C device access exception. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 202 } hwMainboardSoftStartPGErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Soft-start circuit power supply on the mainboard abnormal. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 203 } hwMainboardSoftStartPGErrDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Soft-start circuit power supply on the mainboard abnormal. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 204 } hwMainboardLOMCEHardFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LOM health status degradation detected by PFAE. (Generated)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 205 } hwMainboardLOMCEHardFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LOM health status degradation detected by PFAE. (Cleared)" ::= { hwMainboardEvent 206 } hwLCDEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 18 } hwLCDInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LCD installed." ::= { hwLCDEvent 1 } hwLCDRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LCD removed." ::= { hwLCDEvent 3 } hwLCDModuleFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LCD fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwLCDEvent 5 } hwLCDModuleFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LCD fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwLCDEvent 6 } hwChassisEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 19 } hwChassisInletOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Air inlet overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwChassisEvent 1 } hwChassisInletOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Air inlet overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwChassisEvent 2 } hwChassisInletOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Air inlet overheating major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwChassisEvent 3 } hwChassisInletOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Air inlet overheating major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwChassisEvent 4 } hwChassisCoverOpened NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chassis cover opened." ::= { hwChassisEvent 5 } hwChassisCoverClosed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chassis cover closed." ::= { hwChassisEvent 7 } hwChassisOutletOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Air outlet overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwChassisEvent 9 } hwChassisOutletOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Air outlet overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwChassisEvent 10 } hwChassisInletOverTempCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Air inlet overheating critical alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwChassisEvent 15 } hwChassisInletOverTempCriticalDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Air inlet overheating critical alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwChassisEvent 16 } hwChassisInsufficientPower NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insufficient power supply to chassis. (Generated)" ::= { hwChassisEvent 17 } hwChassisInsufficientPowerDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insufficient power supply to chassis. (Cleared)" ::= { hwChassisEvent 18 } hwChassisAccessInletTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read air inlet temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwChassisEvent 19 } hwChassisAccessInletTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read air inlet temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwChassisEvent 20 } hwChassisInletLowerTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Air inlet undertemperature major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwChassisEvent 21 } hwChassisInletLowerTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Air inlet undertemperature major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwChassisEvent 22 } hwChassisAccessOutletTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read the air outlet temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwChassisEvent 23 } hwChassisAccessOutletTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read the air outlet temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwChassisEvent 24 } hwChassisRightMountingEarNotPresent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Right mounting ear is not present. (Generated)" ::= { hwChassisEvent 25 } hwChassisRightMountingEarNotPresentDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Right mounting ear is not present. (Cleared)" ::= { hwChassisEvent 26 } hwChassisDeviceTempOverShortTermSpecification NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system operating temperature exceeds the short-term temperature range." ::= { hwChassisEvent 27 } hwNCBoardEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 20 } hwNCBoardOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NCM chip overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwNCBoardEvent 5 } hwNCBoardOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NCM chip overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwNCBoardEvent 6 } hwNCBoardBandwidthDegrade NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NCM chip bandwidth decreased by 50% or ECC error. (Generated)" ::= { hwNCBoardEvent 7 } hwNCBoardBandwidthDegradeDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NCM chip bandwidth decreased by 50% or ECC error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwNCBoardEvent 8 } hwNCBoardSEV2Fault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SEV2 fault occurred on NCM chip. (Generated)" ::= { hwNCBoardEvent 9 } hwNCBoardSEV2FaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SEV2 fault occurred on NCM chip. (Cleared)" ::= { hwNCBoardEvent 10 } hwNCBoardAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read NCM chip temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwNCBoardEvent 11 } hwNCBoardAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read NCM chip temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwNCBoardEvent 12 } hwNCBoardCPLDSelfTestFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NCM CPLD self-test failed. (Generated)" ::= { hwNCBoardEvent 13 } hwNCBoardCPLDSelfTestFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NCM CPLD self-test failed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwNCBoardEvent 14 } hwNCBoard12VOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NCM 12V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwNCBoardEvent 15 } hwNCBoard12VOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NCM 12V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwNCBoardEvent 16 } hwNCBoardAccess12VFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read NCM 12V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwNCBoardEvent 19 } hwNCBoardAccess12VFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read NCM 12V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwNCBoardEvent 20 } hwNCBoardAccess12VLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NCM 12V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwNCBoardEvent 17 } hwNCBoardAccess12VLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NCM 12V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwNCBoardEvent 18 } hwNCBoardConfigCDRFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to configure CDR of NC board. (Generated)" ::= { hwNCBoardEvent 65 } hwNCBoardConfigCDRFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to configure CDR of NC board. (Cleared)" ::= { hwNCBoardEvent 66 } hwSwitchModuleEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 21 } hwSwitchModuleOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Switch module overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchModuleEvent 1 } hwSwitchModuleOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Switch module overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchModuleEvent 2 } hwSwitchModuleLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Switch module voltage below lower major threshold. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchModuleEvent 3 } hwSwitchModuleLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Switch module voltage below lower major threshold. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchModuleEvent 4 } hwSwitchModuleAccessVoltageFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Switch module voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchModuleEvent 5 } hwSwitchModuleAccessVoltageFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Switch module voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchModuleEvent 6 } hwSwitchModuleClockPower NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power supplies to clock chips on the Switch module abnormal. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchModuleEvent 7 } hwSwitchModuleClockPowerDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power supplies to clock chips on the Switch module abnormal. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchModuleEvent 8 } hwSwitchModuleClock NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Switch module clock chips abnormal. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchModuleEvent 9 } hwSwitchModuleClockDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Switch module clock chips abnormal. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchModuleEvent 10 } hwSwitchModulePower NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Switch module power signal abnormal. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchModuleEvent 11 } hwSwitchModulePowerDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Switch module power signal abnormal. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchModuleEvent 12 } hwHMMEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 24 } hwHMMAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain data of the HMM temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwHMMEvent 1 } hwHMMAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain data of the HMM temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwHMMEvent 2 } hwHMMVersionLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An earlier version of HMM is used. (Generated)" ::= { hwHMMEvent 3 } hwHMMVersionLowDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An earlier version of HMM is used. (Cleared)" ::= { hwHMMEvent 4 } hwBMCEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 27 } hwBMCEEPSelfCheckFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BMC EEPROM self-test status. (Generated)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 7 } hwBMCEEPSelfCheckFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BMC EEPROM self-test status. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 8 } hwBMCStatelessCFGFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Stateless computing event in chassis. (Generated)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 9 } hwBMCStatelessCFGFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Stateless computing event in chassis. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 10 } hwBMCVersionChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version changed." ::= { hwBMCEvent 11 } hwBMCRestartedAfterPowerRestored NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BMC started after AC power restored." ::= { hwBMCEvent 13 } hwBMCEventCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event log cleared." ::= { hwBMCEvent 15 } hwBMCEventSpaceExceedThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event log is about to full. (Generated)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 17 } hwBMCEventSpaceExceedThresholdDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event log is about to full. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 18 } hwBMCMMHeartBeatFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "iBMC-MM heartbeat abnormal. (Generated)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 19 } hwBMCMMHeartBeatFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "iBMC-MM heartbeat abnormal. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 20 } hwBMCBaseplaneHeartBeatFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "iBMC-Base heartbeat abnormal. (Generated)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 21 } hwBMCBaseplaneHeartBeatFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "iBMC-Base heartbeat abnormal. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 22 } hwBMCFabricplaneHeartBeatFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "iBMC-Fabric heartbeat abnormal. (Generated)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 23 } hwBMCFabricplaneHeartBeatFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "iBMC-Fabric heartbeat abnormal. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 24 } hwBMCSlaveBMCHeartBeatFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active-standby iBMC heartbeat abnormal. (Generated)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 25 } hwBMCSlaveBMCHeartBeatFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active-standby iBMC heartbeat abnormal. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 26 } hwBMCOPLogSpaceExceedThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operation log is about to full. (Generated)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 27 } hwBMCOPLogSpaceExceedThresholdDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operation log is about to full. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 28 } hwBMCSecureLogSpaceExceedThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Security log is about to full. (Generated)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 29 } hwBMCSecureLogSpaceExceedThresholdDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Security log is about to full. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 30 } hwBMCLSWFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Management LSW chip fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 31 } hwBMCLSWFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Management LSW chip fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 32 } hwBMCResetandStarted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "iBMC reset and started." ::= { hwBMCEvent 33 } hwBMCCertOverDue NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Certificate expiration check. (Generated)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 35 } hwBMCCertOverDueDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Certificate expiration check. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 36 } hwBMCLostBmaHeartBeat NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "iBMC-BMA heartbeat lost. (Generated)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 37 } hwBMCLostBmaHeartBeatDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "iBMC-BMA heartbeat lost. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 38 } hwBMCNodeBMCHeartBeatFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "iBMC-Node heartbeat abnormal. (Generated)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 39 } hwBMCNodeBMCHeartBeatFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "iBMC-Node heartbeat abnormal. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 40 } hwBMCTimeHopping NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BMC time hopping." ::= { hwBMCEvent 41 } hwBMCNTPSynchronizeFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to synchronize time with the NTP server. (Generated)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 43 } hwBMCNTPSynchronizeFailedDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to synchronize time with the NTP server. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 44 } hwBMCStandbyMMHeartBeatFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Abnormal heartbeat signal between the iBMC and standby management module. (Generated)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 45 } hwBMCStandbyMMHeartBeatFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Abnormal heartbeat signal between the iBMC and standby management module. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBMCEvent 46 } hwBMCNandFlashRemainingLifeMntr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The service life of the NAND flash is less than threshold. " ::= { hwBMCEvent 47 } hwBMCNandFlashReservedBlockMntr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remaining reserved blocks of the NAND flash are less than threshold." ::= { hwBMCEvent 49 } hwBasePlaneEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 30 } hwBasePlaneNotInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base module not installed." ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 1 } hwBasePlanePowerOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base module installed but powered off." ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 3 } hwBasePlanePowerOnReq NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base module requesting power-on." ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 5 } hwBasePlaneBeingPowerOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base module in power-on process." ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 7 } hwBasePlanePoweredOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base module powered on." ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 9 } hwBasePlanePowerOffReq NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base module requesting power-off." ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 11 } hwBasePlaneBeingPowerOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base module in power-off process." ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 13 } hwBasePlaneLSWFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base module service LSW fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 17 } hwBasePlaneLSWFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base module service LSW fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 18 } hwBasePlaneLSWOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base plane LSW overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 19 } hwBasePlaneLSWOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base plane LSW overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 20 } hwBasePlaneLSWOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base plane LSW overheating major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 21 } hwBasePlaneLSWOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base plane LSW overheating major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 22 } hwBasePlaneLSWAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Base plane LSW temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 23 } hwBasePlaneLSWAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Base plane LSW temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 24 } hwBasePlaneLSWLowerVoltMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base plane switch voltage below lower major threshold. (Generated)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 25 } hwBasePlaneLSWLowerVoltMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base plane switch voltage below lower major threshold. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 26 } hwBasePlaneLSWOverVoltMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base plane switch overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 27 } hwBasePlaneLSWOverVoltMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base plane switch overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 28 } hwBasePlaneLSWAccessVoltFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Base plane switch voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 29 } hwBasePlaneLSWAccessVoltFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Base plane switch voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 30 } hwBasePlaneCPULowerVoltMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base plane CPU voltage below lower major threshold. (Generated)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 31 } hwBasePlaneCPULowerVoltMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base plane CPU voltage below lower major threshold. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 32 } hwBasePlaneCPUOverVoltMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base plane CPU overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 33 } hwBasePlaneCPUOverVoltMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base plane CPU overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 34 } hwBasePlaneCPUAccessVoltFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Base plane CPU voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 35 } hwBasePlaneCPUAccessVoltFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Base plane CPU voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 36 } hwBasePlaneCPUOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base plane CPU overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 37 } hwBasePlaneCPUOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base plane CPU overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 38 } hwBasePlaneCPUOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base plane CPU overheating major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 39 } hwBasePlaneCPUOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base plane CPU overheating major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 40 } hwBasePlaneCPUAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Base plane CPU temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 41 } hwBasePlaneCPUAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Base plane CPU temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 42 } hwBasePlanePSFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base plane PS fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 43 } hwBasePlanePSFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base plane PS fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 44 } hwBasePlaneRestart NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane Restart." ::= { hwBasePlaneEvent 45 } hwFabricPlaneEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 31 } hwFabricPlaneLSWVDDLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane LSW chip VDD undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 1 } hwFabricPlaneLSWVDDLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane LSW chip VDD undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 2 } hwFabricPlaneLSWVDDOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane LSW chip VDD overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 3 } hwFabricPlaneLSWVDDOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane LSW chip VDD overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 4 } hwFabricPlaneLSWVcoreLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane LSW chip Vcore undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 5 } hwFabricPlaneLSWVcoreLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane LSW chip Vcore undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 6 } hwFabricPlaneLSWVcoreOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane LSW chip Vcore overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 7 } hwFabricPlaneLSWVcoreOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane LSW chip Vcore overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 8 } hwFabricPlaneLSWOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane LSW chip overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 9 } hwFabricPlaneLSWOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane LSW chip overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 10 } hwFabricPlaneLSWOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane LSW chip overheating major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 11 } hwFabricPlaneLSWOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane LSW chip overheating major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 12 } hwFabricPlaneCPUOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane CPU overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 15 } hwFabricPlaneCPUOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane CPU overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 16 } hwFabricPlaneCPUOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane CPU overheating major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 17 } hwFabricPlaneCPUOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane CPU overheating major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 18 } hwFabricPlaneLSWFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane LSW chip fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 21 } hwFabricPlaneLSWFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane LSW chip fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 22 } hwFabricPlaneNotInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric module not installed." ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 23 } hwFabricPlanePowerOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric module installed but powered off." ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 25 } hwFabricPlaneReqPowerOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric module requesting power-on." ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 27 } hwFabricPlaneBeingPoweredOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric module in power-on process." ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 29 } hwFabricPlanePoweredOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric module powered on." ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 31 } hwFabricPlaneReqPoweredOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric module requesting power-off." ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 33 } hwFabricPlaneInProgressPoweredOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric module in power-off process." ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 35 } hwFabricPlaneLSWAccessVDDFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Fabric plane LSW chip VDD voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 39 } hwFabricPlaneLSWAccessVDDFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Fabric plane LSW chip VDD voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 40 } hwFabricPlaneLSWAccessVcoreFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Fabric plane LSW chip Vcore voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 41 } hwFabricPlaneLSWAccessVcoreFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Fabric plane LSW chip Vcore voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 42 } hwFabricPlaneLSWAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Fabric plane LSW temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 43 } hwFabricPlaneLSWAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Fabric plane LSW temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 44 } hwFabricPlaneLSWAccessCPUTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Fabric plane CPU temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 45 } hwFabricPlaneLSWAccessCPUTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Fabric plane CPU temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 46 } hwFabricPlaneSWLowerVoltMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane switch voltage below lower major threshold. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 47 } hwFabricPlaneSWLowerVoltMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane switch voltage below lower major threshold. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 48 } hwFabricPlaneSWOverVoltMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane switch overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 49 } hwFabricPlaneSWOverVoltMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane switch overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 50 } hwFabricPlaneSWAccessVoltFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Fabric plane switch voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 51 } hwFabricPlaneSWAccessVoltFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read Fabric plane switch voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 52 } hwFabricPlaneSWOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane switch overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 53 } hwFabricPlaneSWOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane switch overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 54 } hwFabricPlaneSWOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane switch overheating major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 55 } hwFabricPlaneSWOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane switch overheating major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 56 } hwFabricPlaneSWFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane switch fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 57 } hwFabricPlaneSWFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane switch fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 58 } hwFabricPlaneSWEEPROMFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane switch EEPROM fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 59 } hwFabricPlaneSWEEPROMFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane switch EEPROM fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 60 } hwFabricPlaneSWClock NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane switch clock abnormal. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 61 } hwFabricPlaneSWClockDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane switch clock abnormal. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 62 } hwFabricPlaneRestart NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fabric plane Restart." ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 63 } hwFabricPlaneSWAccessSVIDFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the switch chip SVID value for the Fabric plane. (Generated)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 65 } hwFabricPlaneSWAccessSVIDFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the switch chip SVID value for the Fabric plane. (Cleared)" ::= { hwFabricPlaneEvent 66 } hwSwitchMezzEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 32 } hwSwitchMezzFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 5 } hwSwitchMezzFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 6 } hwSwitchMezz2V5LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 2.5V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 7 } hwSwitchMezz2V5LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 2.5V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 8 } hwSwitchMezz2V5OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 2.5V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 9 } hwSwitchMezz2V5OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 2.5V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 10 } hwSwitchMezz3V3LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 3.3V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 11 } hwSwitchMezz3V3LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 3.3V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 12 } hwSwitchMezz3V3OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 3.3V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 13 } hwSwitchMezz3V3OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 3.3V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 14 } hwSwitchMezz12VLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 12V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 15 } hwSwitchMezz12VLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 12V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 16 } hwSwitchMezz12VOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 12V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 17 } hwSwitchMezz12VOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 12V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 18 } hwSwitchMezz1VLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 1V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 19 } hwSwitchMezz1VLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 1V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 20 } hwSwitchMezz1VOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 1V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 21 } hwSwitchMezz1VOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 1V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 22 } hwSwitchMezz1V8LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 1.8V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 23 } hwSwitchMezz1V8LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 1.8V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 24 } hwSwitchMezz1V8OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 1.8V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 25 } hwSwitchMezz1V8OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 1.8V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 26 } hwSwitchMezz1V5LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 1.5V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 27 } hwSwitchMezz1V5LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 1.5V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 28 } hwSwitchMezz1V5OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 1.5V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 29 } hwSwitchMezz1V5OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card 1.5V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 30 } hwSwitchMezzStdby3V3LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card standby 3.3V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 31 } hwSwitchMezzStdby3V3LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card standby 3.3V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 32 } hwSwitchMezzStdby3V3OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card standby 3.3V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 33 } hwSwitchMezzStdby3V3OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card standby 3.3V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 34 } hwSwitchMezzNotInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card not installed." ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 35 } hwSwitchMezzPowerOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card installed but powered off." ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 37 } hwSwitchMezzReqPowerOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card requesting power-on." ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 39 } hwSwitchMezzBeingPoweredOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card in power-on process." ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 41 } hwSwitchMezzPoweredOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card powered on." ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 43 } hwSwitchMezzReqPowerOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card requesting power-off." ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 45 } hwSwitchMezzBeingPoweredOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card in power-off process." ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 47 } hwSwitchMezzAccess2V5Failure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card 2.5V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 51 } hwSwitchMezzAccess2V5FailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card 2.5V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 52 } hwSwitchMezzAccess3V3Failure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card 3.3V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 53 } hwSwitchMezzAccess3V3FailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card 3.3V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 54 } hwSwitchMezzAccess12VFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card 12V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 55 } hwSwitchMezzAccess12VFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card 12V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 56 } hwSwitchMezzAccess1V5Failure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card 1.5V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 57 } hwSwitchMezzAccess1V5FailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card 1.5V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 58 } hwSwitchMezzAccess1VFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card 1V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 59 } hwSwitchMezzAccess1VFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card 1V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 60 } hwSwitchMezzAccessStdby3V3Failure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card standby 3.3V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 61 } hwSwitchMezzAccessStdby3V3FailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card standby 3.3V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 62 } hwSwitchMezzAccessStdby1V8Failure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card 1.8V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 63 } hwSwitchMezzAccessStdby1V8FailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read mezzanine card 1.8V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 64 } hwSwitchMezzPSFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card ps fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 65 } hwSwitchMezzPSFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mezzanine card ps fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSwitchMezzEvent 66 } hwSDEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 34 } hwSDInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SD card installed." ::= { hwSDEvent 1 } hwSDRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SD card removed." ::= { hwSDEvent 3 } hwSDSRAIDArrayInvalid NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SD card RAID lost. (Generated)" ::= { hwSDEvent 5 } hwSDSRAIDArrayInvalidDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SD card RAID lost. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSDEvent 6 } hwSDRAIDRebuildStart NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SD card starting to rebuild RAID." ::= { hwSDEvent 7 } hwSDRAIDRebuildFinish NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SD card RAID rebuild completed." ::= { hwSDEvent 9 } hwSDRAIDRebuildFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SD card RAID rebuild failed. (Generated)" ::= { hwSDEvent 11 } hwSDRAIDRebuildFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SD card RAID rebuild failed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSDEvent 12 } hwSDFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SD card fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwSDEvent 13 } hwSDFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SD card fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSDEvent 14 } hwSDDetectCardFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SD card not detected. (Generated)" ::= { hwSDEvent 15 } hwSDDetectCardFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SD card not detected. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSDEvent 16 } hwTPMEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 35 } hwTPMSelfTestFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TPM self-test failed. (Generated)" ::= { hwTPMEvent 1 } hwTPMSelfTestFailedDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TPM self-test failed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwTPMEvent 2 } hwIOBoardEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 36 } hwIOBoardInletMOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Middle of I/O board air inlet overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 1 } hwIOBoardInletMOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Middle of I/O board air inlet overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 2 } hwIOBoardInletROverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Right of I/O board air inlet overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 3 } hwIOBoardInletROverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Right of I/O board air inlet overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 4 } hwIOBoardInletLOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Left of I/O board air inlet overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 5 } hwIOBoardInletLOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Left of I/O board air inlet overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 6 } hwIOBoardInletMAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read temperature of the middle of I/O board air inlet. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 7 } hwIOBoardInletMAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read temperature of the middle of I/O board air inlet. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 8 } hwIOBoardInletRAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read temperature of the right of I/O board air inlet. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 9 } hwIOBoardInletRAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read temperature of the right of I/O board air inlet. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 10 } hwIOBoardInletLAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read temperature of the left of I/O board air inlet. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 11 } hwIOBoardInletLAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read temperature of the left of I/O board air inlet. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 12 } hwIOBoardCPLDSelfTestFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "I/O board CPLD self-test failed. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 13 } hwIOBoardCPLDSelfTestFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "I/O board CPLD self-test failed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 14 } hwIOBoard12VOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "I/O board 12V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 15 } hwIOBoard12VOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "I/O board 12V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 16 } hwIOBoard12VLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "I/O board 12V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 17 } hwIOBoard12VLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "I/O board 12V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 18 } hwIOBoardAccess12VFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read I/O board 12V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 19 } hwIOBoardAccess12VFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read I/O board 12V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 20 } hwIOBoardClockSignalLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "I/O board clock signals lost. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 21 } hwIOBoardClockSignalLostDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "I/O board clock signals lost. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 22 } hwIOBoardStdby3V3OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "I/O board standby 3.3V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 23 } hwIOBoardStdby3V3OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "I/O board standby 3.3V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 24 } hwIOBoardStdby3V3LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "I/O board standby 3.3V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 25 } hwIOBoardStdby3V3LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "I/O board standby 3.3V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 26 } hwIOBoardAccessStdby3V3Failure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read I/O board standby 3.3V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 27 } hwIOBoardAccessStdby3V3FailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read I/O board standby 3.3V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 28 } hwIOBoardClockPower NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power supplies to clock chips on the IO board abnormal. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 29 } hwIOBoardClockPowerDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power supplies to clock chips on the IO board abnormal. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 30 } hwIOBoardClock NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IO board clock chips abnormal. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 31 } hwIOBoardClockDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IO board clock chips abnormal. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 32 } hwIOBoardPower NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IO board power signal abnormal. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 33 } hwIOBoardPowerDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IO board power signal abnormal. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 34 } hwIOBoardVCC3V3OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "I/O board VCC 3.3V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 35 } hwIOBoardVCC3V3OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "I/O board VCC 3.3V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 36 } hwIOBoardVCC3V3LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "I/O board VCC 3.3V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 37 } hwIOBoardVCC3V3LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "I/O board VCC 3.3V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 38 } hwIOBoardAccessVCC3V3Failure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read I/O board VCC 3.3V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 39 } hwIOBoardAccessVCC3V3FailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read I/O board VCC 3.3V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 40 } hwIOBoardAccessBoardIDFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain data of the board id. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 41 } hwIOBoardAccessBoardIDFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain data of the board id .(Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 42 } hwIOBoardInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IO board installed." ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 43 } hwIOBoardRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IO board removed." ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 45 } hwREEACLostMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entire REE enclosure is powered off. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 47 } hwREEACLostMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entire REE enclosure is powered off. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 48 } hwIOBoardStartUpOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System is forcibly shut down due to high temperature of the soft-start circuit I/O board. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 49 } hwIOBoardStartUpOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System is forcibly shut down due to high temperature of the soft-start circuit I/O board. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 50 } hwIOBoardInletLOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Left of the I/O board air inlet overtemperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 51 } hwIOBoardInletLOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Left of the I/O board air inlet overtemperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwIOBoardEvent 52 } hwCPUBoardEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 37 } hwCPUBoardOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU board overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUBoardEvent 1 } hwCPUBoardOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU board overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUBoardEvent 2 } hwCPUBoardAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU board temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUBoardEvent 3 } hwCPUBoardAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU board temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUBoardEvent 4 } hwCPUBoardCPLDSelfTestFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU board CPLD self-test failed. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUBoardEvent 5 } hwCPUBoardCPLDSelfTestFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU board CPLD self-test failed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUBoardEvent 6 } hwCPUBoardClockSignalLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU Board clock signals lost. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUBoardEvent 7 } hwCPUBoardClockSignalLostDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU Board clock signals lost. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUBoardEvent 8 } hwCPUBoardStartUpOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System is forcibly shut down due to high temperature of the soft-start circuit. (Generated)" ::= { hwCPUBoardEvent 9 } hwCPUBoardStartUpOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System is forcibly shut down due to high temperature of the soft-start circuit. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCPUBoardEvent 10 } hwPCHEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 40 } hwPCHOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 1 } hwPCHOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 2 } hwPCHUncorrectableErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH MCE/AER error. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 3 } hwPCHUncorrectableErrDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH MCE/AER error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 4 } hwPCHLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Southbridge undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 5 } hwPCHLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Southbridge undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 6 } hwPCHOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Southbridge overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 7 } hwPCHOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Southbridge overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 8 } hwPCHClockSignalLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Southbridge clock lost. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 9 } hwPCHClockSignalLostDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Southbridge clock lost. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 10 } hwPCHAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCH temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 11 } hwPCHAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCH temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 12 } hwPCHAccessVoltageFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCH voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 13 } hwPCHAccessVoltageFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCH voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 14 } hwPCHVpvnnOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH VPVNN overvoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 15 } hwPCHVpvnnOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH VPVNN overvoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 16 } hwPCHVpvnnLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH VPVNN undervoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 17 } hwPCHVpvnnLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH VPVNN undervoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 18 } hwPCHAccessVpvnnVoltageFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCH VPVNN voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 19 } hwPCHAccessVpvnnVoltageFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCH VPVNN voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 20 } hwPCHPRIMVoltOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH PRIM 1.05V overvoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 21 } hwPCHPRIMVoltOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH PRIM 1.05V overvoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 22 } hwPCHPRIMVoltLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH PRIM 1.05V undervoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 23 } hwPCHPRIMVoltLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH PRIM 1.05V undervoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 24 } hwPCHPRIMAccessVoltageFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCH PRIM 1.05V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 25 } hwPCHPRIMAccessVoltageFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCH PRIM 1.05V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 26 } hwPCHIOVoltLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH IO undervoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 27 } hwPCHIOVoltLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH IO undervoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 28 } hwPCHIOVoltOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH IO overvoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 29 } hwPCHIOVoltOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH IO overvoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 30 } hwPCHIOAccessVoltageFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCH IO voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 31 } hwPCHIOAccessVoltageFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCH IO voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 32 } hwPCHPvnnLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH pvnn undervoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 33 } hwPCHPvnnLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH pvnn undervoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 34 } hwPCHPvnnOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH pvnn overvoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 35 } hwPCHPvnnOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH pvnn overvoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 36 } hwPCHOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH overtemperature major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 37 } hwPCHOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH overtemperature major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 38 } hwPCHStdbyLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH standby undervoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 45 } hwPCHStdbyLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH standby undervoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 46 } hwPCHStdbyOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH standby overvoltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 47 } hwPCHStdbyOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH standby overvoltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 48 } hwPCHAccessStdbyFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCH standby voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 49 } hwPCHAccessStdbyFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCH standby voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 50 } hwPCHCEHardFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH health status degradation detected by PFAE. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 51 } hwPCHCEHardFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCH health status degradation detected by PFAE. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCHEvent 52 } hwCableEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 41 } hwCableSASIncorrectConnection NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Incorrect SAS cable connection. (Generated)" ::= { hwCableEvent 1 } hwCableSASIncorrectConnectionDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Incorrect SAS cable connection. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCableEvent 2 } hwCableCPLDIncorrectConnection NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Improper CPLD signal cable connection. (Generated)" ::= { hwCableEvent 3 } hwCableCPLDIncorrectConnectionDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Improper CPLD signal cable connection. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCableEvent 4 } hwCableQPILinkFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Abnormal QPI link between CPUs. (Generated)" ::= { hwCableEvent 5 } hwCableQPILinkFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Abnormal QPI link between CPUs. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCableEvent 6 } hwCableCXPLinkFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CXP cable lane drop or some logical link down. (Generated)" ::= { hwCableEvent 7 } hwCableCXPLinkFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CXP cable lane drop or some logical link down. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCableEvent 8 } hwCableCXPLinkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CXP cable link down major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwCableEvent 9 } hwCableCXPLinkDownDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CXP cable link down major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCableEvent 10 } hwCableQPILinkDegrade NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU QPI connection degraded. (Generated)" ::= { hwCableEvent 11 } hwCableQPILinkDegradeDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU QPI connection degraded. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCableEvent 12 } hwCablePSBackplaneDisconnection NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Improper PS back plane cable connection. (Generated)" ::= { hwCableEvent 13 } hwCablePSBackplaneDisconnectionDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Improper PS back plane cable connection. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCableEvent 14 } hwCableFanBackplaneDisconnection NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Improper fan back plane cable connection. (Generated)" ::= { hwCableEvent 15 } hwCableFanBackplaneDisconnectionDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Improper fan back plane cable connection. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCableEvent 16 } hwCableAggregationPortDisconnection NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Improper aggregation port cable connection. (Generated)" ::= { hwCableEvent 17 } hwCableAggregationPortDisconnectionDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Improper aggregation port cable connection. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCableEvent 18 } hwCableSLIMIncorrectConnection NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SLIM cable connection is abnormal. (Generated)" ::= { hwCableEvent 19 } hwCableSLIMIncorrectConnectionDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SLIM cable connection is abnormal. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCableEvent 20 } hwCableQPILinkCEHardFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU QPI/UPI link health status degradation detected by PFAE. (Generated)" ::= { hwCableEvent 21 } hwCableQPILinkCEHardFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU QPI/UPI link health status degradation detected by PFAE. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCableEvent 22 } hwCablePowerIncorrectConnection NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power cable is connected incorrectly. (Generated)" ::= { hwCableEvent 23 } hwCablePowerIncorrectConnectionDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power cable is connected incorrectly. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCableEvent 24 } hwCableSLIMNotPresent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SLIM cable is not connected. (Generated)" ::= { hwCableEvent 27 } hwCableSLIMNotPresentDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SLIM cable is not connected. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCableEvent 28 } hwPortEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 42 } hwPortDisconnected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NIC port link down. (Generated)" ::= { hwPortEvent 1 } hwPortConnected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NIC port link down. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPortEvent 2 } hwPortInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port connected." ::= { hwPortEvent 5 } hwPortRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port removed." ::= { hwPortEvent 7 } hwPortFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwPortEvent 9 } hwPortFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPortEvent 10 } hwPortNIPortDisconnected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NCM NI port disconnected. (Generated)" ::= { hwPortEvent 11 } hwPortNIPortDisconnectedDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NCM NI port disconnected. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPortEvent 12 } hwPortOpticalModuleVoltageAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optical module voltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPortEvent 15 } hwPortOpticalModuleVoltageAlarmDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optical module voltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPortEvent 16 } hwPortOpticalModulePowerAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optical module power major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPortEvent 23 } hwPortOpticalModulePowerAlarmDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optical module power major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPortEvent 24 } hwPortOpticalModuleSpeedMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NIC and optical module speeds mismatch. (Generated)" ::= { hwPortEvent 39 } hwPortOpticalModuleSpeedMismatchDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NIC and optical module speeds mismatch. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPortEvent 40 } hwPortOAMLostLink NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OAM Lost Link. (Generated)" ::= { hwPortEvent 41 } hwPortOAMLostLinkDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OAM Lost Link. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPortEvent 42 } hwPortOAMErrorPackage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OAM Error Package. (Generated)" ::= { hwPortEvent 43 } hwPortOAMErrorPackageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OAM Error Package. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPortEvent 44 } hwPortConfigureFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to configure the PHY port.(Generated)" ::= { hwPortEvent 45 } hwPortConfigureFailDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to configure the PHY port.(Cleared)" ::= { hwPortEvent 46 } hwPHYEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 44 } hwPHYMDIOErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PHY fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwPHYEvent 1 } hwPHYMDIOErrDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PHY fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPHYEvent 2 } hwSASPHYErrIncreasedTooFast NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SAS PHY bit error increased too fast." ::= { hwPHYEvent 3 } hwSystemEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 45 } hwSystemCPUOverLoad NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High CPU usage. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 1 } hwSystemCPUOverLoadDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High CPU usage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 2 } hwSystemMemoryOverLoad NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High memory usage. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 3 } hwSystemMemoryOverLoadDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High memory usage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 4 } hwSystemPowerFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System powered off exceptionally. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 7 } hwSystemPowerFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System powered off exceptionally. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 8 } hwSystemACPIWorkingState NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ACPI in operating status." ::= { hwSystemEvent 9 } hwSystemACPISoftOffState NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ACPI in down status." ::= { hwSystemEvent 11 } hwSystemACPINoMemory NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No memory detected in system POST. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 13 } hwSystemACPINoMemoryDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No memory detected in system POST. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 14 } hwSystemUnknownReasonRestart NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System restarted due to unknown reason." ::= { hwSystemEvent 15 } hwSystemRestartByCommand NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System restarted by system control command." ::= { hwSystemEvent 17 } hwSystemRestartByPowerButton NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System restarted by power button." ::= { hwSystemEvent 19 } hwSystemRestartByWatchDogTmout NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System restarted by watch dog timed out." ::= { hwSystemEvent 21 } hwSystemRestartByTurnOnStrategy NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System restarted as per power-on strategy Turn On." ::= { hwSystemEvent 23 } hwSystemRestartByRestorePreviousStrategy NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System restarted as per power-on strategy Restore Previous State." ::= { hwSystemEvent 25 } hwSystemOSStartNoBootDevice NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OS failed to start due to lack of boot media." ::= { hwSystemEvent 27 } hwSystemOSStartNoBootDisk NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OS failed to start due to lack of boot disk." ::= { hwSystemEvent 29 } hwSystemOSStartNoPXEService NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OS failed to start due to lack of PXE server." ::= { hwSystemEvent 31 } hwSystemOSStartInvalidBootPartition NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OS failed to start due to invalid boot partition." ::= { hwSystemEvent 33 } hwSystemWTDTmoutNoAction NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No action upon watch dog timeout. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 35 } hwSystemWTDTmoutNoActionDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No action upon watch dog timeout. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 36 } hwSystemWTDTmoutForceReset NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Forced restart upon watch dog timeout. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 37 } hwSystemWTDTmoutForceResetDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Forced restart upon watch dog timeout. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 38 } hwSystemWTDTmoutForcePowerOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System power-off upon watch dog timeout. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 39 } hwSystemWTDTmoutForcePowerOffDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System power-off upon watch dog timeout. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 40 } hwSystemWTDTmoutForcedPowerOffThenOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Forced power cycle upon watch dog timeout. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 41 } hwSystemWTDTmoutForcedPowerOffThenOnDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Forced power cycle upon watch dog timeout. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 42 } hwSystemPowerOnTmout NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power-on timed out. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 43 } hwSystemPowerOnTmoutDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power-on timed out. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 44 } hwSystemPowerCapFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power capping failed. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 45 } hwSystemPowerCapFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power capping failed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 46 } hwSystemAbnormallyReset NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System information. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 47 } hwSystemAbnormallyResetDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System information. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 48 } hwSystemFaultCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System error. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 49 } hwSystemFaultCriticalDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 50 } hwSystemDiffCPUModule NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inconsistent CPU models. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 55 } hwSystemDiffCPUModuleDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inconsistent CPU models. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 56 } hwSystemSuspended NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System suspended during startup. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 57 } hwSystemSuspendedDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System suspended during startup. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 58 } hwSystemInconsistenMemoryBoard NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inconsistent models of memory boards. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 59 } hwSystemInconsistenMemoryBoardDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inconsistent models of memory boards. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 60 } hwSystemInconsistenCPUBoard NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inconsistent models of CPU boards. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 61 } hwSystemInconsistenCPUBoardDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inconsistent models of CPU boards. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 62 } hwSystemInsufficientCPU NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insufficient number of CPUs. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 63 } hwSystemInsufficientCPUDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insufficient number of CPUs. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 64 } hwSystemDiffCPUType NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inconsistent CPU types. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 65 } hwSystemDiffCPUTypeDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inconsistent CPU types. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 66 } hwSystemDiffHPCBoardType NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inconsistent HPC models. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 67 } hwSystemDiffHPCBoardTypeDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inconsistent HPC models. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 68 } hwSystemMismatchHPCBoardOrCPU NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPC type and CPU do not match. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 69 } hwSystemMismatchHPCBoardOrCPUDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HPC type and CPU do not match. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 70 } hwSystemPSUCFGErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Incorrect PSU configuration in SCE. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 73 } hwSystemPSUCFGErrDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Incorrect PSU configuration in SCE. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 74 } hwCPUMemoryConfigError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM configuration error. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 75 } hwCPUMemoryConfigErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DIMM configuration error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 76 } hwCPUMRCFatalError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System critical error detected in memory initialization check. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 77 } hwCPUMRCFatalErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System critical error detected in memory initialization check. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 78 } hwNoAvailableMemoryError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No available memory. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 79 } hwNoAvailableMemoryErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No available memory. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 80 } hwSystemDiskPartitionOverLoad NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High disk partition usage. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 83 } hwSystemDiskPartitionOverLoadDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High disk partition usage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 84 } hwSystemMemoryInitializationError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System error with memory initialization. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 87 } hwSystemMemoryInitializationErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System error with memory initialization. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 88 } hwSystemMainboardDiskBPMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard does not match hard disk backplane. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 91} hwSystemMainboardDiskBPMismatchDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mainboard does not match hard disk backplane. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 92} hwSystemAccessPowerFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read the total system power. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 93 } hwSystemAccessPowerFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read the total system power. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 94 } hwSystemProductIndentityFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to identify the product. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 95 } hwSystemProductIndentityFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to identify the product. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 96 } hwSystemNetworkBandwidthUsageHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High bandwidth usage at NIC network port. (Generated)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 97 } hwSystemNetworkBandwidthUsageHighDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High bandwidth usage at NIC network port. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSystemEvent 98 } hwSystemRestartByBMC NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System restarted by the BMC." ::= { hwSystemEvent 99 } hwSystemCPUMismatchChassis NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The chassis does not support high-power CPUs." ::= { hwSystemEvent 103 } hwPICCard OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 49 } hwPICCard3V3LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card 3.3V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 1 } hwPICCard3V3LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card 3.3V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 2 } hwPICCard3V3OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card 3.3V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 3 } hwPICCard3V3OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card 3.3V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 4 } hwPICCard1V2LowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card 1.2V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 5 } hwPICCard1V2LowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card 1.2V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 6 } hwPICCard1V2OverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card 1.2V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 7 } hwPICCard1V2OverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card 1.2V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 8 } hwPICCard1VLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card 1V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 9 } hwPICCard1VLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card 1V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 10 } hwPICCard1VOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card 1V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 11 } hwPICCard1VOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card 1V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 12 } hwPICCard12VLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card 12V undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 13 } hwPICCard12VLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card 12V undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 14 } hwPICCard12VOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card 12V overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 15 } hwPICCard12VOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card 12V overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 16 } hwPICCardOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 17 } hwPICCardOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 18 } hwPICCardOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card overheating major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 19 } hwPICCardOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card overheating major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 20 } hwPICCardInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card installed." ::= { hwPICCard 21 } hwPICCardRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card removed." ::= { hwPICCard 23 } hwPICCardPSFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card power failure. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 25 } hwPICCardPSFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card power failure. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 26 } hwPICCardFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 27 } hwPICCardFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 28 } hwPICCardAccess3V3Failure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PIC card 3.3V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 29 } hwPICCardAccess3V3FailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PIC card 3.3V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 30 } hwPICCardAccess1V2Failure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PIC card 1.2V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 31 } hwPICCardAccess1V2FailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PIC card 1.2V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 32 } hwPICCardAccess1VFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PIC card 1V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 33 } hwPICCardAccess1VFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PIC card 1V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 34 } hwPICCardAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PIC card temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 35 } hwPICCardAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PIC card temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 36 } hwPICCardAccess12VFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PIC card 12V voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 37 } hwPICCardAccess12VFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PIC card 12V voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 38 } hwPICCardLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card voltage below lower major threshold. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 39 } hwPICCardLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card voltage below lower major threshold. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 40 } hwPICCardOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 41 } hwPICCardOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 42 } hwPICCardAccessVoltageFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PIC card voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 43 } hwPICCardAccessVoltageFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PIC card voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 44 } hwPICCardClockSignalLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card clock signals lost. (Generated)" ::= { hwPICCard 45 } hwPICCardClockSignalLostDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PIC card clock signals lost. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPICCard 46 } hwButtonEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 50 } hwButtonPowerButtonPressed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power button pressed." ::= { hwButtonEvent 1 } hwButtonUIDButtonpressed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UID button pressed." ::= { hwButtonEvent 3 } hwButtonPCIeHotSwapButtonPressed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe card hot-swap button pressed." ::= { hwButtonEvent 5 } hwExpandEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 51 } hwExpandFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk backplane expander fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwExpandEvent 1 } hwExpandFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk backplane expander fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwExpandEvent 2 } hwJCChipEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 57 } hwJCChipVMSEFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU-JC VMSE error. (Generated)" ::= { hwJCChipEvent 1 } hwJCChipVMSEFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU-JC VMSE error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwJCChipEvent 2 } hwJCChipOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU JC overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwJCChipEvent 3 } hwJCChipOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU JC overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwJCChipEvent 4 } hwJCChipOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU JC overheating major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwJCChipEvent 5 } hwJCChipOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU JC overheating major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwJCChipEvent 6 } hwJCChipAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU JC temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwJCChipEvent 7 } hwJCChipAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read CPU JC temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwJCChipEvent 8 } hwSCMEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 58 } hwSCMEventMemoryBrdCFGErr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory board configuration error. (Generated)" ::= { hwSCMEvent 1 } hwSCMEventMemoryBrdCFGErrDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory board configuration error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSCMEvent 2 } hwSDRAIDEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 59 } hwSDRAIDCardFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SD card RAID controller fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwSDRAIDEvent 1 } hwSDRAIDCardFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SD card RAID controller fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwSDRAIDEvent 2 } hwPCIeSwitchEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 63 } hwPCIeSwitchCoreVoltLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe switch core-volt undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 1 } hwPCIeSwitchCoreVoltLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe switch core-volt undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 2 } hwPCIeSwitchCoreVoltOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe switch core-volt overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 3 } hwPCIeSwitchCoreVoltOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe switch core-volt overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 4 } hwPCIeSwitchCoreVoltFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCIe switch core voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 5 } hwPCIeSwitchCoreVoltFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCIe switch core voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 6 } hwPCIeSwitchVDDVoltLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe switch VDD undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 7 } hwPCIeSwitchVDDVoltLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe switch VDD undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 8 } hwPCIeSwitchVDDVoltOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe switch VDD overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 9 } hwPCIeSwitchVDDVoltOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe switch VDD overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 10 } hwPCIeSwitchVDDVoltFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCIe switch VDD voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 11 } hwPCIeSwitchVDDVoltFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCIe switch VDD voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 12 } hwPCIeSwitchInputVoltLowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe switch input-volt undervoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 13 } hwPCIeSwitchInputVoltLowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe switch input-volt undervoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 14 } hwPCIeSwitchInputVoltOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe switch input-volt overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 15 } hwPCIeSwitchInputVoltOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe switch input-volt overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 16 } hwPCIeSwitchInputVoltFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCIe switch input voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 17 } hwPCIeSwitchInputVoltFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCIe switch input voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 18 } hwPCIeSwitchOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe switch overheating minor alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 19 } hwPCIeSwitchOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe switch overheating minor alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 20 } hwPCIeSwitchOverTempMajor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe switch overheating major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 21 } hwPCIeSwitchOverTempMajorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe switch overheating major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 22 } hwPCIeSwitchAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCIe switch temperature. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 23 } hwPCIeSwitchAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read PCIe switch temperature. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 24 } hwPCIeSwitchFileFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain PCIe Switch update file. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 25 } hwPCIeSwitchFileFailDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain PCIe Switch update file. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 26 } hwPCIeSwitchUpdateFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to update PCIe Switch eeprom. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 27 } hwPCIeSwitchUpdateFailDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to update PCIe Switch eeprom. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 28 } hwPCIeSwitchUncorrectableError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uncorrectable PCIe Switch error. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 29 } hwPCIeSwitchUncorrectableErrorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uncorrectable PCIe Switch error. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeSwitchEvent 30 } hwConnectionBoardEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 64 } hwConnBoardNotProInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Connection board not securely installed. (Generated)" ::= { hwConnectionBoardEvent 1 } hwConnBoardNotProInstalledDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Connection board not securely installed. (Cleared)" ::= { hwConnectionBoardEvent 2 } hwConnBoardAbsent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Connection board not detected. (Generated)" ::= { hwConnectionBoardEvent 3 } hwConnBoardAbsentDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Connection board not detected. (Cleared)" ::= { hwConnectionBoardEvent 4 } hwConnBoardFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Connection board fault. (Generated)" ::= { hwConnectionBoardEvent 5 } hwConnBoardFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Connection board fault. (Cleared)" ::= { hwConnectionBoardEvent 6 } hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 65 } hwGPUCarrierBoardlowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GPU carrier board voltage below lower major threshold. (Generated)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 1 } hwGPUCarrierBoardlowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GPU carrier board voltage below lower major threshold. (Cleared)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 2 } hwGPUCarrierBoardOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GPU carrier board overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 3 } hwGPUCarrierBoardOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GPU carrier board overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 4 } hwGPUCarrierBoardAccessVoltageFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the voltage of GPU carrier board.(Generated)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 5 } hwGPUCarrierBoardAccessVoltageFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the voltage of GPU carrier board.(Cleared)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 6 } hwGPUCarrierBoardOverTempMinor NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GPU carrier board temperature at detection point exceeds the overtemperature threshold.(Generated)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 7 } hwGPUCarrierBoardOverTempMinorDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GPU carrier board temperature at detection point exceeds the overtemperature threshold.(Cleared)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 8 } hwGPUCarrierBoardAccessTempFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the temperature at detection point on the GPU carrier board.(Generated)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 9 } hwGPUCarrierBoardAccessTempFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the temperature at detection point on the GPU carrier board.(Cleared)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 10 } hwGPUCarrierBoardClockSignalLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GPU carrier board clock signals lost.(Generated)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 11 } hwGPUCarrierBoardClockSignalLostDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GPU carrier board clock signals lost.(Cleared)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 12 } hwGPUCarrierBoardCPLDSelfTestFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GPU carrier board CPLD self-check error.(Generated)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 13 } hwGPUCarrierBoardCPLDSelfTestFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GPU carrier board CPLD self-check error.(Cleared)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 14 } hwGPUCarrierBoardAccessPowerFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the power of GPU carrier board.(Generated)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 15 } hwGPUCarrierBoardAccessPowerFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to obtain the power of GPU carrier board.(Cleared)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 16 } hwGPUCarrierBoardPowerOnFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to power on GPU carrier board.(Generated)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 17 } hwGPUCarrierBoardPowerOnFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to power on GPU carrier board.(Cleared)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 18 } hwGPUCarrierBoardInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GPU carrier board installed." ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 19 } hwGPUCarrierBoardRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GPU carrier board removed." ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 21 } hwGPUCarrierBoardMOSOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The soft-start circuit MOS FET temperature at detection point of GPU carrier board is too high. (Generated)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 23 } hwGPUCarrierBoardMOSOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The soft-start circuit MOS FET temperature at detection point of GPU carrier board is too high. (Cleared)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 24 } hwGPUCarrierBoardSoftStartPGAbnormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The soft-start circuit power supply at detection point of GPU carrier board is abnormal. (Generated)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 25 } hwGPUCarrierBoardSoftStartPGAbnormalDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The soft-start circuit power supply at detection point of GPU carrier board is abnormal. (Cleared)" ::= { hwGPUCarrierBoardEvent 26 } hwDiskBaseboardEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 66 } hwDiskDrawerClose NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk drawer closed." ::= { hwDiskBaseboardEvent 1 } hwDiskDrawerOpen NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hard disk drawer opened." ::= { hwDiskBaseboardEvent 3 } hwEIUABoardEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 67 } hwEIUABoardlowerVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EIUA board voltage below lower major threshold. (Generated)" ::= { hwEIUABoardEvent 1 } hwEIUABoardlowerVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EIUA board voltage below lower major threshold. (Cleared)" ::= { hwEIUABoardEvent 2 } hwEIUABoardOverVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EIUA board overvoltage major alarm. (Generated)" ::= { hwEIUABoardEvent 3 } hwEIUABoardOverVoltageDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EIUA board overvoltage major alarm. (Cleared)" ::= { hwEIUABoardEvent 4 } hwEIUABoardAccessVoltageFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read EIUA board voltage. (Generated)" ::= { hwEIUABoardEvent 5 } hwEIUABoardAccessVoltageFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to read EIUA board voltage. (Cleared)" ::= { hwEIUABoardEvent 6 } hwLogicaldriveEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 69 } hwLogicalDriveFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Logical drive degraded or partially degraded or offline. (Generated)" ::= { hwLogicaldriveEvent 1 } hwLogicalDriveFaultDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Logical drive degraded or partially degraded or offline. (Cleared)" ::= { hwLogicaldriveEvent 2 } hwFanBoardEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 25 } hwFanBoardOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan backplane power supply over temperature.(Generated)" ::= { hwFanBoardEvent 1 } hwFanBoardOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan backplane power supply over temperature.(Cleared)" ::= { hwFanBoardEvent 2 } hwFanBoardPowerFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan backplane power failure.(Generated)" ::= { hwFanBoardEvent 3 } hwFanBoardPowerFailureDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan backplane power failure.(Cleared)" ::= { hwFanBoardEvent 4 } hwPCIeRetimerEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 70 } hwPCIeRetimerUpdateFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe retimer upgrade failure." ::= { hwPCIeRetimerEvent 1 } hwPCIeRetimerConfigureFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to configure the Retimer. (Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeRetimerEvent 3 } hwPCIeRetimerConfigureFailDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to configure the Retimer. (Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeRetimerEvent 4 } hwPCIeRetimerLoadFileFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe retimer load failure.(Generated)" ::= { hwPCIeRetimerEvent 5 } hwPCIeRetimerLoadFileFailDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCIe retimer load failure.(Cleared)" ::= { hwPCIeRetimerEvent 6 } hwBMAEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 74 } hwBMAForwardFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to create a forward mapping table on the iBMA. (Generated)" ::= { hwBMAEvent 1 } hwBMAForwardFailedDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to create a forward mapping table on the iBMA. (Cleared)" ::= { hwBMAEvent 2 } hwCableSASRedriverEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 41 } hwCableSASRedriverConfigureFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to configure the SAS. (Generated)" ::= { hwCableSASRedriverEvent 25 } hwCableSASRedriverConfigureFailDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to configure the SAS. (Cleared)" ::= { hwCableSASRedriverEvent 26 } hwPWRBoardEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 26 } hwPWRBoardOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSU backplane power supply overtemperature.(Generated)" ::= { hwPWRBoardEvent 1 } hwPWRBoardOverTempDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSU backplane power supply overtemperature.(Cleared)" ::= { hwPWRBoardEvent 2 } hwRepeaterPCIeEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 71 } hwRepeaterPCIeConfigureFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to configure the Repeater. (Generated)" ::= { hwRepeaterPCIeEvent 1 } hwRepeaterPCIeConfigureFailDeassert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failed to configure the Repeater. (Cleared)" ::= { hwRepeaterPCIeEvent 2 } hwPassThroughCardEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hwServerTRAPObjectV2 68 } hwPassThroughCardInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The pass-through card installed." ::= { hwPassThroughCardEvent 1 } hwPassThroughCardRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwTrapSeq, hwTrapSensorName, hwTrapEvent, hwTrapSeverity, hwTrapEventCode, hwTrapEventData2, hwTrapEventData3, hwTrapServerIdentity, hwTrapLocation, hwTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The pass-through card removed." ::= { hwPassThroughCardEvent 3 } -- ****** hwServerTRAPObjectV2 End ****** -- ****** remoteManagement Information ******************************* remoteManagement OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 28 } powerOnControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The powerOnControl format: IP,PORT,ENABLE(eg,6999,1), maxlength is 255 characters." ::= { remoteManagement 1 } -- ****** SDCard Information ******************************* sdCardProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 32 } sdCardControllerManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about SD card controller manufacturer." ::= { sdCardProperty 1 } sdCardControllerVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about SD card controller version." ::= { sdCardProperty 2 } sdCardEntireStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4), absence(5), unknown(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about all sdcard health status." ::= { sdCardProperty 3 } sdCardDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SdCardDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the sd card." ::= { sdCardProperty 50 } sdCardDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdCardDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about sd card." INDEX { sdCardIndex } ::= { sdCardDescriptionTable 1 } SdCardDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sdCardIndex INTEGER, sdCardPresence INTEGER, sdCardStatus INTEGER, sdCardCapacity INTEGER, sdCardManufacturer DisplayString, sdCardSN DisplayString } sdCardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about sd card index." ::= { sdCardDescriptionEntry 1 } sdCardPresence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { absence(1), presence(2), unknown(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about sd card presence." ::= { sdCardDescriptionEntry 2 } sdCardStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4), absence(5), unknown(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about sd card health." ::= { sdCardDescriptionEntry 3 } sdCardCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "sd card capacity(MB)." ::= { sdCardDescriptionEntry 4 } sdCardManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "sd card manufacturer." ::= { sdCardDescriptionEntry 5 } sdCardSN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "sd card sn." ::= { sdCardDescriptionEntry 6 } -- ****** securityModuleProperty Information ******************************* securityModuleProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 33 } presence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { absence(1), presence(2), unknown(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence of security module." ::= { securityModuleProperty 1 } specificationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specification type of security module." ::= { securityModuleProperty 2 } specificationVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specification version of security module." ::= { securityModuleProperty 3 } manufacturerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manufacturer name of security module." ::= { securityModuleProperty 4 } manufacturerVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manufacturer firmware version of security module." ::= { securityModuleProperty 5 } -- ****** fileTransfer Information ******************************* fileTransfer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 35 } fileTransferUrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The file transfer URL format is: The maximum length of the URL is 1024 bytes. The parameters in the URL are described as follows: The download means download file to BMC. The upload means upload file to the destination server. The ID is the file ID, ranging from 0 to 255. The supported protocols include https, sftp, cifs, scp, and nfs. The username and password are those of the destination server. The IP can be set to an IPv4/IPv6 address or a domain name. The directory and filename are those on the destination server. Example URLs are as follows: download;0;https://root:test1234@ upload;1;sftp://root:test1234@[2001::178]/home/options0.ini The URL can contain only letters, digits, and special characters. The directory or file name cannot contain @." ::= { fileTransfer 1 } fileTransferState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about file transfer state. the value defined as: -1 : unknown error, -101: download unavailable, -102: file name too long, -103: failed to obtain the file length, or the file length out of MAXlength or memory, -104: set file update flag error, -105: libcurl run error, -106: upload unavailable, -107: upload file unavailable, -108: protocol not supported, -109: url format error, [0,100]:represents transfer progress in percentage while file being transfered." ::= { fileTransfer 2 } -- ****** RAID Controller Information ******************************* raidControllerProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 36 } raidControllerDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RAIDControllerDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the RAID controller." ::= { raidControllerProperty 50 } raidControllerDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RAIDControllerDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller." INDEX { raidControllerIndex } ::= { raidControllerDescriptionTable 1 } RAIDControllerDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { raidControllerIndex INTEGER, raidControllerName DisplayString, raidControllerType DisplayString, raidControllerComponentName DisplayString, raidControllerSupportOOBManagement INTEGER, raidControllerMode INTEGER, raidControllerHealthStatus INTEGER, raidControllerFwVersion DisplayString, raidControllerNVDataVersion DisplayString, raidControllerMemorySizeInMB INTEGER, raidControllerDeviceInterface INTEGER, raidControllerSASAddress DisplayString, raidControllerCachePinned INTEGER, raidControllerMaintainPDFailHistory INTEGER, raidControllerDDREccCount INTEGER, raidControllerBBUPresence INTEGER, raidControllerBBUType DisplayString, raidControllerBBUHealthStatus INTEGER, raidControllerMinStripSupportInBytes INTEGER, raidControllerMaxStripSupportInBytes INTEGER, raidControllerCopybackEnable INTEGER, raidControllerSMARTerCopybackEnable INTEGER, raidControllerJBODEnable INTEGER, raidControllerRestoreSettings INTEGER, raidControllerCreateLD DisplayString, raidControllerAddLD DisplayString, raidControllerDriverName DisplayString, raidControllerDriverVersion DisplayString, raidControllerSupportedRAIDLevels DisplayString, } raidControllerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller index." ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 1 } raidControllerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller name." ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 2 } raidControllerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller type." ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 3 } raidControllerComponentName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller component name." ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 4 } raidControllerSupportOOBManagement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(1), yes(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller if support OOB management. 1: No 2: Yes" ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 5 } raidControllerMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none-raid(1), raid(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller mode. 1: None-RAID 2: RAID 255: Unknown" ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 6 } raidControllerHealthStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(0), unknown(65535) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller health status. bit0: 1- memory correctable error bit1: 1- memory uncorrectable error bit2: 1- memory ECC error reached limit bit3: 1- NVRAM uncorrectable error other: reserved" ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 7 } raidControllerFwVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller firmware version." ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 8 } raidControllerNVDataVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller NVData version." ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 9 } raidControllerMemorySizeInMB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(65535) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller memory size (MB)." ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 10 } raidControllerDeviceInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { spi(1), sas-3G(2), sata-1-5G(3), sata-3G(4), sas-6G(5), sas-12G(6), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller device interface type. 1: SPI 2: SAS-3G 3: SATA-1.5G 4: SATA-3G 5: SAS-6G 6: SAS-12G 255: Unknown" ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 11 } raidControllerSASAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller SAS address." ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 12 } raidControllerCachePinned OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(1), yes(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller if cache is pinned. 1: No 2: Yes 255: Unknown" ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 13 } raidControllerMaintainPDFailHistory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(1), yes(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller if maintain PD fail history. 1: No 2: Yes 255: Unknown" ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 14 } raidControllerDDREccCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(65535) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller DDR ECC count." ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 15 } raidControllerBBUPresence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { absent(1), present(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller's BBU presence. 1: Absent 2: Present 255: Unknown" ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 16 } raidControllerBBUType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller' BBU type." ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 17 } raidControllerBBUHealthStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller's BBU health status. bit0: 1 - voltage is low bit1: 1 - need replace pack bit2: 1 - learn cycle failed bit3: 1 - learn cycle timeout bit4: 1 - pack is about to fail bit5: 1 - remaining capacity low bit6: 1 - no space for cache offload others: reserved" ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 18 } raidControllerMinStripSupportInBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the minimum strip size that RAID controller support." ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 19 } raidControllerMaxStripSupportInBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the maximum strip size that RAID controller support." ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 20 } raidControllerCopybackEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), disabled(2), enabled(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the copyback state of RAID controller. 1: Unknown (read only) 2: Disabled 3: Enabled" ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 21 } raidControllerSMARTerCopybackEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), disabled(2), enabled(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the copyback state on SMART error of RAID controller. 1: Unknown (read only) 2: Disabled 3: Enabled Note: Set action is available only when raidControllerCopybackEnable = Enabled." ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 22 } raidControllerJBODEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), disabled(2), enabled(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the JBOD state of RAID controller. 1: Unknown (read only) 2: Disabled 3: Enabled" ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 23 } raidControllerRestoreSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Restore RAID controller settings (write only). The argument is: 1: Restore RAID controller settings. others: invalid" ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 24 } raidControllerCreateLD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Create new logical drive on this RAID controller. The arguments are seperated by semicolons; The arguments format is =;=;...;=; example: rl=r1;pd=1,2;name=example;size=100.375g;ss=256k;sc=1;rp=ra;wp=wb;iop=cio;ap=rw;dcp=enabled;init=quick; or rl=r50;pd=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9;name=example;size=500g;ss=1M;sc=3;rp=ra;wp=wb;iop=cio;ap=rw;dcp=enabled;init=quick; Options and arguments: rl= The RAID level of logical drive. It is mandatory. When 'cachecade=1' is specified, RAID level 0/1 is valid. r0: RAID0 r1: RAID1 r5: RAID5 r6: RAID6 r10: RAID10 r50: RAID50 r60: RAID60 pd= The physical drives IDs which participate this logical drive. It is mandatory. name= The name of logical drive. The maximum is 15 printable ASCII characters except ';'. It is optional. size= The size of logical drive and unit can be 'm'(megabytes),'g'(gigabytes), or 't'(terabytes). It is optional and not necessary when 'cachecade=1' is specified. ss= The strip size of logical drive. The valid values are 64k,128k,256k,512k,1M. It is optional and not necessary when 'cachecade=1' is specified. sc= The span count of logical drive. The default is 1 when RAID level is RAID0/1/5/6 and 2 when RAID level is RAID10/50/60. It is optional and not necessary when 'cachecade=1' is specified. rp= The read policy of logical drive. It is optional and not necessary when 'cachecade=1' is specified. ra: Read Ahead nra: No Read Ahead wp= The write policy of logical drive. It is optional. wt: Write Through wbwithbbu: Write Back with BBU wb: Write Back iop= The IO policy of logical drive. It is optional and not necessary when 'cachecade=1' is specified. cio: Cached IO dio: Direct IO ap= The access policy of logical drive. It is optional and not necessary when 'cachecade=1' is specified. rw: Read Write ro: Read only blocked: Blocked dcp= The disk cache policy of logical drive. It is optional and not necessary when 'cachecade=1' is specified. enabled: Enable disk cache disabled: Disable disk cache default: Unchanged(Disk's default) init= The initialization type of logical drive. It is optional and not necessary when 'cachecade=1' is specified. no: No init quick: Quick init full: Full init cachecade=1 Logical drive is used for secondary cache. It is optional. It must be supported by RAID controller first. Note: Character ';' is not valid for logical drive name string because it is used as separator." ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 25 } raidControllerAddLD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Add logical drive on array on this RAID controller. The arguments are seperated by semicolons; The arguments format is =;=;...;=; example: array=1;name=example;size=100.375g;ss=512k;rp=ra;wp=wb;iop=cio;ap=rw;dcp=enabled;init=quick; Options and arguments: array= The array on which the logical drive will be added. It is mandatory. name= The name of logical drive and maximum is 15 printable ASCII characters except ';'. It is optional. size= The size of logical drive and unit can be 'm'(megabytes),'g'(gigabytes), or 't'(terabytes). It is optional. ss= The strip size of logical drive. The valid values are 64k,128k,256k,512k,1M. It is optional. rp= The read policy of logical drive. It is optional. ra: Read Ahead nra: No Read Ahead wp= The write policy of logical drive. It is optional. wt: Write Through wbwithbbu: Write Back with BBU wb: Write Back iop= The IO policy of logical drive. It is optional. cio: Cached IO dio: Direct IO ap= The access policy of logical drive. It is optional. rw: Read Write ro: Read only blocked: Blocked dcp= The disk cache policy of logical drive. It is optional. enabled: Enable disk cache disabled: Disable disk cache default: Unchanged(Disk's default) init= The initialization type of logical drive. It is optional. no: No init quick: Quick init full: Full init Note: Character ';' is not valid for logical drive name string because it is used as separator." ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 26 } raidControllerDriverName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller driver name." ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 27 } raidControllerDriverVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller driver version" ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 28 } raidControllerSupportedRAIDLevels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller supported levels." ::= { raidControllerDescriptionEntry 29 } -- ****************** Logical Drive information ********************** logicalDriveProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 37 } logicalDriveDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LogicalDriveDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the logical drive created by RAID controller." ::= { logicalDriveProperty 50 } logicalDriveDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LogicalDriveDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive." INDEX { logicalDriveRAIDControllerIndex, logicalDriveIndex } ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionTable 1 } LogicalDriveDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { logicalDriveRAIDControllerIndex INTEGER, logicalDriveIndex INTEGER, logicalDriveRAIDLevel DisplayString, logicalDriveState INTEGER, logicalDriveDefaultReadPolicy INTEGER, logicalDriveDefaultWritePolicy INTEGER, logicalDriveDefaultIOPolicy INTEGER, logicalDriveCurrentReadPolicy INTEGER, logicalDriveCurrentWritePolicy INTEGER, logicalDriveCurrentIOPolicy INTEGER, logicalDriveSpanDepth INTEGER, logicalDriveNumDrivePerSpan INTEGER, logicalDriveStripeSizeInBytes INTEGER, logicalDriveStripeSizeInMB INTEGER, logicalDriveSizeInMB INTEGER, logicalDriveDiskCachePolicy INTEGER, logicalDriveConsistencyCheckStatus INTEGER, logicalDriveBootable INTEGER, logicalDriveName DisplayString, logicalDriveAccessPolicy INTEGER, logicalDriveInitState INTEGER, logicalDriveBGIEnable INTEGER, logicalDriveIsSSCD INTEGER, logicalDriveSSCDCachingEnable INTEGER, logicalDriveAssociatedLDs DisplayString, logicalDriveDedicatedSparePD DisplayString, logicalDriveDelete INTEGER, logicalDriveOSLetter DisplayString, } logicalDriveRAIDControllerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller index to which this logical drive belongs." ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 1 } logicalDriveIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive index in current RAID controller." ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 2 } logicalDriveRAIDLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive RAID level." ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 3 } logicalDriveState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { offline(1), partial-degraded(2), degraded(3), optimal(4), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive state. 1: Offline 2: Partial degraded 3: Degraded 4: Optimal 255: Unknown" ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 4 } logicalDriveDefaultReadPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no-read-ahead(1), read-ahead(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive default read policy. 1: No read ahead 2: Read ahead 255: Unknown (read only) Note: Set action is not available when logical drive is used for secondary cache(logicalDriveIsSSCD = Yes)." ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 5 } logicalDriveDefaultWritePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { write-through(1), write-back-with-bbu(2), write-back(3), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive default write policy. 1: Write through 2: Write back with BBU 3: Write back This option value is not settable when logical drive is used for secondary cache(logicalDriveIsSSCD = Yes). 255: Unknown (read only)" ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 6 } logicalDriveDefaultIOPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cached-IO(1), direct-IO(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive default IO policy. 1: Cached IO 2: Direct IO 255: Unknown (read only) Note: Set action is not available when logical drive is used for secondary cache(logicalDriveIsSSCD = Yes)." ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 7 } logicalDriveCurrentReadPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no-read-ahead(1), read-ahead(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive current read policy. 1: No read ahead 2: Read ahead 255: Unknown" ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 8 } logicalDriveCurrentWritePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { write-through(1), write-back-with-bbu(2), write-back(3), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive current write policy. 1: Write Through 2: Write Back with BBU 3: Write Back 255: Unknown" ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 9 } logicalDriveCurrentIOPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cached-IO(1), direct-IO(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive current IO policy. 1: Cached IO 2: Direct IO 255: Unknown" ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 10 } logicalDriveSpanDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive span depth." ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 11 } logicalDriveNumDrivePerSpan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive number of drives per span." ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 12 } logicalDriveStripeSizeInBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(4294967295) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive stripe size in bytes." ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 13 } logicalDriveStripeSizeInMB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(4294967295) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive stripe size in mega-bytes." ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 14 } logicalDriveSizeInMB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(4294967295) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive size (MB)." ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 15 } logicalDriveDiskCachePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disk-default(1), enabled(2), disabled(3), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive disk cache policy. 1: Disk's default 2: Enabled 3: Disabled 255: Unknown (read only) Note: Set action is not available when logical drive's participated physical drives are SSD." ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 16 } logicalDriveConsistencyCheckStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { stopped(1), in-progress(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive consistency check status. 1: Stopped 2: In-progress 255: Unknown" ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 17 } logicalDriveBootable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(1), yes(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive if it is bootable. 1: No (read only) 2: Yes 255: Unknown (read only) Note: 1. CacheCade logical drive can't be set as bootable drive. 2. Noraml logical drive(not cachecade) during offline state can be set bootable successfully, but readback value of logicalDriveBootable is still 'No' unless change the logical drive state to online." ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 18 } logicalDriveName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive name. The maximum is 15 printable ASCII characters." ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 19 } logicalDriveAccessPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), read-write(2), read-only(3), blocked(4), hidden(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive access policy. 1: Unknown (read only) 2: Read Write 3: Read Only 4: Blocked 5: Hidden (read only) Note: Set action is not available when logical drive is used for secondary cache(logicalDriveIsSSCD = Yes)." ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 20 } logicalDriveInitState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), no-init(2), quick-init(3), full-init(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive init state. 1: Unknown 2: No Init 3: Quick Init 4: Full Init" ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 21 } logicalDriveBGIEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), disabled(2), enabled(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive BGI state. 1: Unknown (read only) 2: Disabled 3: Enabled Note: Set action is not available when logical drive is used for secondary cache(logicalDriveIsSSCD = Yes)." ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 22 } logicalDriveIsSSCD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), no(2), yes(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive if it is used for secondary cache. 1: Unknown 2: No 3: Yes" ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 23 } logicalDriveSSCDCachingEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), disabled(2), enabled(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive SSCD caching state if it is not used for secondary cache and it's participated physical drives are not SSD. 1: Unknown (read only) 2: Disabled 3: Enabled" ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 24 } logicalDriveAssociatedLDs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive associated logical drives IDs seperated by commas if it is used for secondary cache." ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 25 } logicalDriveDedicatedSparePD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive dedicated hot spare physical drives IDs seperated by commas." ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 26 } logicalDriveDelete OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Delete logical drive (write only). The argument is : 1: delete others: invalid" ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 27 } logicalDriveOSLetter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive OS letter." ::= { logicalDriveDescriptionEntry 28 } -- ****************** Disk Array information ********************** diskArrayProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 39 } diskArrayDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DiskArrayDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the disk array managed by RAID controller." ::= { diskArrayProperty 50 } diskArrayDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskArrayDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive." INDEX { diskArrayRAIDControllerIndex, diskArrayIndex } ::= { diskArrayDescriptionTable 1 } DiskArrayDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { diskArrayRAIDControllerIndex INTEGER, diskArrayIndex INTEGER, diskArrayUsedSpaceInMB INTEGER, diskArrayFreeSpaceInMB INTEGER, diskArrayLDCount INTEGER, diskArrayLDId DisplayString, diskArrayPDCount INTEGER, diskArrayPDId DisplayString, } diskArrayRAIDControllerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about RAID controller index to which this disk array belongs." ::= { diskArrayDescriptionEntry 1 } diskArrayIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about disk array index in current RAID controller." ::= { diskArrayDescriptionEntry 2 } diskArrayUsedSpaceInMB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(4294967295) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the used space in MB of disk array." ::= { diskArrayDescriptionEntry 3 } diskArrayFreeSpaceInMB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(4294967295) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the free space in MB of disk array." ::= { diskArrayDescriptionEntry 4 } diskArrayLDCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive count in the disk array." ::= { diskArrayDescriptionEntry 5 } diskArrayLDId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about logical drive IDs in the disk array, seperated by commas." ::= { diskArrayDescriptionEntry 6 } diskArrayPDCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about physical drive count in the disk array." ::= { diskArrayDescriptionEntry 7 } diskArrayPDId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about physical drive IDs in the disk array, seperated by commas." ::= { diskArrayDescriptionEntry 8 } -- ****** remoteControl Information ******************************* remoteControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 40 } localKVMState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), enable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Local KVM display state. disable 1, enable 2. Default value is enable(2)." ::= { remoteControl 1 } -- ****** two-factor authentication Location ******************************* twoFactorAuthentication OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 41 } twoFactorAuthenticationEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The enable state of two-factor authentication. disable 1, enable 2. Default value is disable(1)." ::= { twoFactorAuthentication 1 } twoFactorAuthenticationRevocationCheck OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The enable state of certificate revocation check. disable 1, enable 2. Default value is disable(1)." ::= { twoFactorAuthentication 2 } --root certificate rootCertificateDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RootCertificateDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the list of root certificate information." ::= { twoFactorAuthentication 50 } rootCertificateDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RootCertificateDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about root certificate." INDEX { rootCertificateIndex } ::= { rootCertificateDescriptionTable 1 } RootCertificateDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rootCertificateIndex INTEGER, rootCertificateIssuedTo DisplayString, rootCertificateIssuedBy DisplayString, rootCertificateValidFrom DisplayString, rootCertificateValidTo DisplayString, rootCertificateSerialNumber DisplayString, rootCertificateImport DisplayString, rootCertificateDelete INTEGER } rootCertificateIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { rootCertificateDescriptionEntry 1 } rootCertificateIssuedTo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "root certificate subject." ::= { rootCertificateDescriptionEntry 2 } rootCertificateIssuedBy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "root certificate issuer." ::= { rootCertificateDescriptionEntry 3 } rootCertificateValidFrom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "root certificate valid start data." ::= { rootCertificateDescriptionEntry 4 } rootCertificateValidTo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "root certificate valid end date." ::= { rootCertificateDescriptionEntry 5 } rootCertificateSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "root certificate serial number." ::= { rootCertificateDescriptionEntry 6 } rootCertificateImport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Import root certificate,write only. eg:/tmp/cacert.pem" ::= { rootCertificateDescriptionEntry 7 } rootCertificateDelete OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about delete root certificate. This vaule will be one of the following: (delete(1))." ::= { rootCertificateDescriptionEntry 8 } --client certificate clientCertificateDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ClientCertificateDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the list of client certificate information." ::= { twoFactorAuthentication 51 } clientCertificateDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClientCertificateDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about client certificate." INDEX { clientCertificateIndex } ::= { clientCertificateDescriptionTable 1 } ClientCertificateDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { clientCertificateIndex INTEGER, clientCertificateFingerPrint DisplayString, clientCertificateImport DisplayString, clientCertificateDelete INTEGER } clientCertificateIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { clientCertificateDescriptionEntry 1 } clientCertificateFingerPrint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The client certificate finger print." ::= { clientCertificateDescriptionEntry 2 } clientCertificateImport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Import client certificate,write only. eg:/tmp/clientcert.pem" ::= { clientCertificateDescriptionEntry 3 } clientCertificateDelete OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about delete client certificate. This vaule will be one of the following: (delete(1))." ::= { clientCertificateDescriptionEntry 4 } -- ****** configuration Information ******************************* configuration OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 42 } exportconfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Starting to export all configuration of BMC , BIOS and RAID Controller. The exported RAID Controller configurations are valid only if they are exported after the POST is complete. The input parameter is file path or URL of configuration file. Filepath e.g.: /tmp/config.xml File URL : protocol://username:password@IP:[port]/directory/filename The parameters in the URL are described as follows: The protocol must be https,sftp,cifs,scp or nfs. The username and password are those of the destination server. The directory and filename are those on the destination server." ::= { configuration 1 } importconfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Starting to import all configuration of BMC , BIOS and RAID Controller. The input parameter is file path or URL of configuration file. Filepath e.g.: /tmp/config.xml File URL : protocol://username:password@IP:[port]/directory/filename The parameters in the URL are described as follows: The protocol must be https,sftp,cifs,scp or nfs. The username and password are those of the destination server. The directory and filename are those on the destination server." ::= { configuration 2 } configprogress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Query the progress of exporting/importing all configuration of BMC , BIOS and RAID Controller. Query the progress of uploading configuration file to remote host or download configuration file from remote host. The positive value means percentage of exporting/importing or uploading/downloading. The negative value(-1) means error." ::= { configuration 3 } configerrorinfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Query the error information of exporting/importing all configuration of BMC , BIOS and RAID Controller. Query the error information of uploading configuration file to remote host or download configuration file from remote host. If error happened, configerrorinfo value shows the error information. If error don't happened, configerrorinfo value is null." ::= { configuration 4 } businessPortProperty OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwiBMC 43 } businessPortDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BusinessPortDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the net card business port information." ::= { businessPortProperty 50 } businessPortDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BusinessPortDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about net card business port." INDEX { businessPortIndex } ::= { businessPortDescriptionTable 1 } BusinessPortDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { businessPortIndex INTEGER, businessPortSilkNum INTEGER, businessPortLocation DisplayString, businessPortLinkStatus DisplayString, businessPortMacAddr DisplayString, businessPortBDF DisplayString } businessPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information about business port logical resource index within all net card." ::= { businessPortDescriptionEntry 1 } businessPortSilkNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information about business port silk number within a net card." ::= { businessPortDescriptionEntry 2 } businessPortLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Information about businessport belongs to which net card." ::= { businessPortDescriptionEntry 3 } businessPortLinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Business port link status." ::= { businessPortDescriptionEntry 4 } businessPortMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Business port MAC address." ::= { businessPortDescriptionEntry 5 } businessPortBDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Business port BDF." ::= { businessPortDescriptionEntry 6 } END