-- -- HUAWEI-SITE-MONITOR-MIB.mib -- MIB generated by MG-SOFT Visual MIB Builder Version 4.0 Build 347 -- Wednesday, March 30, 2011 at 11:17:42 -- -- HUAWEI-NGPOWER-MIB.mib -- MIB generated by MG-SOFT Visual MIB Builder Version 3.0 Build 253 -- Sunday, June 14, 2009 at 11:04:12 -- HUAWEI-SITE-MONITOR-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS huaweiUtility FROM HUAWEI-MIB OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF Integer32, Unsigned32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; -- September 15, 2010 at 11:00 GMT hwSiteMonitorMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201103040000Z" -- March 04, 2011 at 00:00 GMT ORGANIZATION "Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Floor 5, Block 4, R&D Building, Huawei Longgang Production Base, Shenzhen, P.R.C. http://www.huawei.com Zip: 518129." DESCRIPTION "Site Monitor MIB defines MIB objects which provides load and backup management, patch management NMS interfaces. The current version is V1.01" REVISION "201103040000Z" -- March 04, 2011 at 00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Add hwAcOffLongTimeAlarmTraps, hwAcOffLongTimeAlarmResumeTraps" REVISION "201010310000Z" -- October 31, 2010 at 00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Huawei site monitor mib V1.00" ::= { huaweiUtility 164 } -- -- Textual conventions -- DisplayString ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..64)) RowStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), notInService(2), notReady(3), createAndGo(4), createAndWait(5), destroy(6) } -- Textual conventions -- DateAndTime ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8..11)) RunStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This integer value represents running status of the system. Depending on situation there may be limits on allowed values. Operational values: (1) unknown - status has not yet been defined (2) normal - there are no activated alarms (3) alarm - alarm status " SYNTAX INTEGER { unknow(1), normal(2), alarm(3) } MeasuresRange ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." SYNTAX Integer32 TruthValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), flase(2) } -- -- Node definitions -- -- hwSiteMonitorMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteMonitorMIB 1 } -- hwSiteInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteMonitorMIBObjects 1 } -- hwSiteSummary OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteInfo 1 } -- hwSiteId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site ID, default value: 000,000. Naming rule of the site device ID (six digits): The first three digits indicate the device name and the last three digits indicate the serial number (SN) of the device. If the last three digits are 000, it indicates a virtual device. " ::= { hwSiteSummary 1 } -- hwSiteName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site name, which users can configure, is used to specify a site. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English." ::= { hwSiteSummary 2 } -- hwSiteAdminAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site administrant address, which users can assigned, is the unique ID of a site. It is used for device management by NMS, and value range is 0 to 65535. " ::= { hwSiteSummary 3 } -- hwSiteDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..127)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site description. It is of the character string type. It is used to describe the site information such as the site location, which users can configure. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English." ::= { hwSiteSummary 4 } -- hwNetIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NE ID. It is of the character string type. It is the unique ID of the site (an independent network element (NE)) on the network. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English. " ::= { hwSiteSummary 5 } -- hwSiteIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site IP address, default value is Users need to configure the site IP address." ::= { hwSiteSummary 6 } -- hwSiteNetmask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site netmask, default value is Users need to configure the site netmask. " ::= { hwSiteSummary 7 } -- hwSiteGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site gateway, default value: Users need to configure the site gateway. " ::= { hwSiteSummary 8 } -- hwSiteDGWorkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { idle(1), working(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of the diesel working state. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that the diesel is in the idle state; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates that the diesel is in the working state; If the enumeration value is 255, it indicates diesel operation status unknown. " ::= { hwSiteSummary 9 } -- hwSiteAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteInfo 2 } -- hwDeviceTrapOrdinalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site device event trap serial number (SN) is the unique ID of the device event trap. It is used to resend and synchronize event traps. Its value range is 0 to 4294967296. When the value exceeds the maximum value, the system automatically clears the value and numbers the alarm from 0 to 4294967296. If the network management system (NMS) recieve the alarm number is not consequential, in such case that it notifies the SNMP agent the event trap number required. So the monitor send the 50 event trap messages in maximum, after consequencial number required by NMS again. Specially, if NMS set the value to 0, the agent would clear the alarm queue automatically." ::= { hwSiteAlarms 1 } -- hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site alarm serial number (SN) is the unique ID of the alarm Trap. It is used to resend and synchronize alarms. Its value range is 0 to 4294967296. When the value exceeds the maximum value, the system automatically clears the value and numbers the alarm from 0 to 4294967296. If the network management system (NMS) recieve the alarm number is not consequential, in such case that it notifies the SNMP agent the alarm number required. So the monitor send the 50 alarm messages in maximum, after consequencial number required by NMS again. Specially, if NMS set the value to 0, the agent would clear the alarm queue automatically." ::= { hwSiteAlarms 2 } -- hwAlarmQuantity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm number in site alarm list which are support. It is used for alarm list management by NMS, and value range is 0 to 65535. " ::= { hwSiteAlarms 3 } -- -- hwSiteAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwSiteAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site alarms table. The table containing alarm information on the site management. Use this table to get site alarm name, alarm level, alarm signal description, and alarm port description, which can be used as VB of alarm traps. This table's index is hwAlarmIndex, clone site alarms table." ::= { hwSiteAlarms 100 } -- -- hwSiteAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwSiteAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site alarms table entry." INDEX { hwAlarmIndex } ::= { hwSiteAlarmTable 1 } HwSiteAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwAlarmIndex Integer32, hwAlarmText OCTET STRING, hwAlarmLevel INTEGER, hwAlarmSigDesc OCTET STRING, hwAlarmRowStatus RowStatus } -- hwAlarmIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site alarm table index. It is the unique ID of the site alarm." ::= { hwSiteAlarmEntry 1 } -- hwAlarmText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm name. It is of the character string type, and used to specify the content of a specific alarm. " ::= { hwSiteAlarmEntry 2 } -- hwAlarmLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { critical(1), major(2), minor(3), warning(4), cleared(5), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm level, which users can configure the alarm severity, is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates a critical alarm; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates a major alarm; If the enumeration value is 3, it indicates a minor alarm; If the enumeration value is 4, it indicates a warning; If the enumeration value is 5, it indicates the alarm is cleared." ::= { hwSiteAlarmEntry 3 } -- hwAlarmSigDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..127)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm signal description. It is used to add and describe alarm content. Users can define the description of the alarm. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English." ::= { hwSiteAlarmEntry 4 } -- hwAlarmRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus of site alarms table." ::= { hwSiteAlarmEntry 100 } -- hwSiteMonitors OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteMonitorMIBObjects 2 } -- hwMonitorsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteMonitors 1 } -- hwMonsGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site monitor group ID, is the unique ID of the site monitors." ::= { hwMonitorsGroup 1 } -- hwMonsGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site monitor group name is of the character string type, used to specify the monitor group. Users can configure it. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English. " ::= { hwMonitorsGroup 2 } -- hwMonsQuantity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "pcs" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total site intelligent monitors. " ::= { hwMonitorsGroup 3 } -- hwMonitor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteMonitors 2 } -- hwMonitorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwMonitorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site monitors table. Use this table to get site monitor equipment ID, site monitor equipment name, equipment software version, equipment PCB version, manufacturer, manufacture date, equipment serial No, equipment description, total runing time, and equipment controlled status, as well as to control monitor reset. This table's index is hwMonIndex, clone site monitors table." ::= { hwMonitor 1 } -- hwMonitorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwMonitorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site monitors table entry." INDEX { hwMonIndex } ::= { hwMonitorTable 1 } HwMonitorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwMonIndex Integer32, hwMonEquipId Unsigned32, hwMonEquipName OCTET STRING, hwMonEquipDescription OCTET STRING, hwMonEquipSoftwareVersion OCTET STRING, hwMonEquipPcbVersion OCTET STRING, hwMonEquipManufacturer OCTET STRING, hwMonEquipManuDate OCTET STRING, hwMonEquipSerialNo OCTET STRING, hwMonEquipOperTotalTime Unsigned32, hwSetMonEquipCtrlState INTEGER, hwCtrlMonEquipReset INTEGER, hwMonitorOperStatus INTEGER, hwMonRowStatus RowStatus } -- hwMonIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table index of the site monitors (hwSiteMonsTab) is restricted by the quantity of the site monitors (hwMonsQuantity). Value range: 1 to 100" ::= { hwMonitorEntry 1 } -- hwMonEquipId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1001..1100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site monitor ID. Value range: 001,001 to 001,100, in which the first three digits indicate the device type and the last three digits indicate the device SN. " ::= { hwMonitorEntry 2 } -- hwMonEquipName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Monitor name. It is of the character string type, and users can set the name of the monitor. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English. " ::= { hwMonitorEntry 3 } -- hwMonEquipDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..127)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Monitor description. It is of the character string type. Users can set the description of the monitor. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English." ::= { hwMonitorEntry 4 } -- hwMonEquipSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Monitor software version. It is of the character string type." ::= { hwMonitorEntry 5 } -- hwMonEquipPcbVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Monitor printed circuit board (PCB) hardware version. It is of the character string type." ::= { hwMonitorEntry 6 } -- hwMonEquipManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Monitor manufacture. It is of the character string type, and is an inherent attribute of the device." ::= { hwMonitorEntry 7 } -- hwMonEquipManuDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..127)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Monitor production date. It is of the character string type, and is an inherent attribute of the device. " ::= { hwMonitorEntry 8 } -- hwMonEquipSerialNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..127)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Production SN of the monitor. It is the electronic tag of the products." ::= { hwMonitorEntry 9 } -- hwMonEquipOperTotalTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65536) UNITS "hours" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total monitor runtime. The monitor counts the data in real time. The value is an integer (.0), and unit is hour (h). It is used for performance measurement and evaluation of the monitor." ::= { hwMonitorEntry 10 } -- hwSetMonEquipCtrlState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manualMode(1), autoMode(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Monitor control status. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates the background control; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates the automatic control. In manual state, monitor works under background commands; while monitors runs well automatically in auto state. For details, see the corresponding user manual of the monitor." ::= { hwMonitorEntry 11 } -- hwCtrlMonEquipReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), reset(2), nullOper(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warm-reset control of the monitor. It is an enumeration type: If the network management system (NMS) notifies the SNMP agent that this node is set to 1, it indicates that the reset of the monitor is not triggered; If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that this node is set to 2, it indicates that the background starts the reset of the monitor. " ::= { hwMonitorEntry 12 } -- hwMonitorOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), commRs485Fail(2), commNetFail(3), fault(4), alarmResume(254), other(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of the site monitor module. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that the site monitor module is in the normal state; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates that the monitor module RS485 port communication failed; If the enumeration value is 3, it indicates that the monitor module net port communication failed; If the enumeration value is 4, it indicates that a fault occurs on the monitor module; If the enumeration value is 254, it indicates monitor module alarm resume; If the enumeration value is 255, it indicates monitor module operation status unknown. " ::= { hwMonitorEntry 99 } -- hwMonRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus of site monitor." ::= { hwMonitorEntry 100 } -- hwSiteRectifiers OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteMonitorMIBObjects 3 } -- hwRectsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteRectifiers 1 } -- hwRectsGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device group ID of the rectifier module. It is the unique ID of the rectifier module group, and its default value: 002,000. The first digits indicate the device type and the last three digits indicate the device SN. If the last three digits are 000, it indicates a virtual device. " ::= { hwRectsGroup 1 } -- hwRectsGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the rectifier module group, character string type, is used to specify the rectifier module group. Users can configure it. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English." ::= { hwRectsGroup 2 } -- hwRectsTotalCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..500000) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total current of the rectifier module group on the site. It indicates the real-time statistics of the rectifier module group on the site. unit: A, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1). " ::= { hwRectsGroup 3 } -- hwRectsTotalQuantity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..256) UNITS "pcs" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total quantity of the rectifier modules. Value range: 0 to 256. " ::= { hwRectsGroup 4 } -- hwRectsRatedVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (420..580) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rated voltage of the rectifier module group. It is an inherent attribute. Value range: 42 to 58, Unit: V, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1). " ::= { hwRectsGroup 5 } -- hwModifyRectsOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (420..580) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage adjustment of the rectifier module, which users can configure it. Value range: 42 to 58, Unit: V, and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1). Based on the actual requirements, users can modify the output voltage of the rectifier module by modifying the value of the node. NOTES: Be cautious about changing the value of the node. " ::= { hwRectsGroup 6 } -- hwSetRectsRedundEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), enable(2), funcNotSupport(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sleep function of the rectifier module group on the site. It is an enumeration value: If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that this node is set to 1, it means to disable the sleep function of the rectifier module group; If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that this node is set to 2, it means to enable the sleep function of the rectifier module group. If NMS get the node value is 3, it indicates that this function is not support, and in such case the value set to the agent is invalid. Default value: to disable the sleep function of the rectifier module group. For details, see the corresponding user manual of the monitor." ::= { hwRectsGroup 7 } -- hwCtrlRectsAllOnOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2), nullOper(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power-on or power-off of the rectifier module group (all the rectifier modules) on the site. It is an enumeration value: If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that this node is set to 1, it indicates power-on of all rectifier modules; If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that this node is set to 2, it indicates power-off of all the rectifier modules. " ::= { hwRectsGroup 8 } -- hwRectifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteRectifiers 2 } -- -- hwRectConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwRectConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rectifier config information table. Use this table to get rectifiers equipment ID, software version, manufacturer, rated current, efficency, AC input type, and to control equipment on or off. This table's index is hwRectConfigIndex, clone Rectifier config information table." ::= { hwRectifier 1 } -- -- hwRectConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwRectConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rectifier config table entry." INDEX { hwRectConfigIndex } ::= { hwRectConfigTable 1 } HwRectConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwRectConfigIndex Integer32, hwRectEquipId Unsigned32, hwRectEquipName OCTET STRING, hwRectType INTEGER, hwRectSoftwareVersion OCTET STRING, hwRectManufacturer OCTET STRING, hwRectManuDate OCTET STRING, hwRectSerialNo OCTET STRING, hwRectRatedCurrent Unsigned32, hwRectEfficency Unsigned32, hwRectInputAcType INTEGER, hwCtrlRectOnOff INTEGER, hwRectConfigRowStatus RowStatus } -- -- hwRectConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..256) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the device configuration list for the rectifier modules, which value range: 1 to 256. Lines of the device list are restricted by the total quantity of the rectifier modules (hwRectTotleQuantity). " ::= { hwRectConfigEntry 1 } -- hwRectEquipId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (2001..2255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rectifier module ID. Value range: 002'001 to 002'255. The first digits indicate the device type and last three digits indicate the device SN. " ::= { hwRectConfigEntry 2 } -- hwRectEquipName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device name of the rectifier module, character string type, is used to specify the rectifier module. Users can configure it. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English." ::= { hwRectConfigEntry 3 } -- -- hwRectType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eps5(1), eps15(2), eps30(3), eps50(4), eps100(5), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specific type of the rectifier module. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates a 5A rectifier module; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates a 15A rectifier module; If the enumeration value is 3, it indicates a 30A rectifier module; If the enumeration value is 4, it indicates a 50A rectifier module; If the enumeration value is 5, it indicates a 100A rectifier module. " ::= { hwRectConfigEntry 4 } -- hwRectSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Software version of the rectifier module. It indicates the software version ID of the module. " ::= { hwRectConfigEntry 5 } -- hwRectManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manufacture of the rectifier module." ::= { hwRectConfigEntry 6 } -- hwRectManuDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..127)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manufacture date of rectifiers is of string type." ::= { hwRectConfigEntry 7 } -- hwRectSerialNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..127)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rectifier module SN. It indicates the electronic tag of the product." ::= { hwRectConfigEntry 8 } -- hwRectRatedCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1000) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rated voltage of the rectifier module, is an inherent attribute. Value range: 0 to 100, Unit: A, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1). " ::= { hwRectConfigEntry 9 } -- hwRectEfficency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (800..1000) UNITS "%" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Efficiency of the rectifier module, is an inherent attribute. Value range: 80 to 100, Unit: %, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1)." ::= { hwRectConfigEntry 10 } -- hwRectInputAcType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { single(1), triple(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input AC type of the rectifier module. It is an enumeration value: If the value of the node is 1, it indicates single-phase AC input; If the value of the node is 2, it indicates three-phase AC input. " ::= { hwRectConfigEntry 11 } -- -- hwCtrlRectOnOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2), nullOper(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power-on or power-off of the rectifier module, is an enumeration value. Users can modify the enumeration value of this node, thus controlling of the power-on or power-off of the rectifier module: If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that this node is set to 1, it indicates power-on of the rectifier module; If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that this node is set to 2, it indicates power-off of the rectifier module. " ::= { hwRectConfigEntry 12 } -- -- hwRectConfigRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus of rectifier config table." ::= { hwRectConfigEntry 100 } -- hwRectOperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwRectOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rectifier runing information table. Use this table to get rectifiers output current, output voltage, totle runing time, and current run status. This table's index is hwRectRunIndex, clone rectifier runing information table." ::= { hwRectifier 2 } -- hwRectOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwRectOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rectifier runing table entry." INDEX { hwRectOperIndex } ::= { hwRectOperTable 1 } HwRectOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwRectOperIndex Integer32, hwRectOutputCurrent Unsigned32, hwRectOutputVoltage Unsigned32, hwRectTotalOperTime Unsigned32, hwRectOperStatus INTEGER, hwRectOperRowStatus RowStatus } -- hwRectOperIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..256) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table index of the running rectifier modules, which value range: 1 to 256. Lines of the device list are restricted by the total quantity of the rectifier modules (hwRectTotleQuantity)." ::= { hwRectOperEntry 1 } -- -- hwRectOutputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output current of the rectifier module. It is a real-time analog parameter. Value range: 0 to 200, Unit: A, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1). " ::= { hwRectOperEntry 2 } -- -- hwRectOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..600) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output voltage of the rectifier module. It is a real-time analog parameter. Value range: 0 to 60, Unit: V, the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1). " ::= { hwRectOperEntry 3 } -- hwRectTotalOperTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total runtime of the rectifier module. Value unit: minute (m), and the value is an integer (.0). " ::= { hwRectOperEntry 4 } -- hwRectOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), fault(2), protect(3), commFail(4), switchOff(5), invalid(6), noConfig(7), alarmResume(254), other(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of the rectifier module. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that the rectifier module is in the normal state; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates that a fault occurs on the rectifier module; If the enumeration value is 3, it indicates the automatic protection of the rectifier module; If the enumeration value is 4, it indicates that communication of the rectifier module fails; If the enumeration value is 5, it indicates that the rectifier module is shut down; If the enumeration value is 6, it indicates that the rectifier module is invalid; If the enumeration value is 7, it indicates that this rectifier is not configured; If the enumeration value is 254, it indicates rectifier alarm resume; If the enumeration value is 255, it indicates rectifier operation status unknown. " ::= { hwRectOperEntry 99 } -- hwRectOperRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus of rectifier runing table." ::= { hwRectOperEntry 100 } -- hwSiteBatterys OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteMonitorMIBObjects 4 } -- hwBattsConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteBatterys 1 } -- hwBattsGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery group ID. It is the unique ID of the battery group device. The first digits indicate the device type and the last three digits indicate the device SN. If the last three digits are 000, it indicates a virtual device. " ::= { hwBattsConfig 1 } -- hwBattsGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device name of the battery group. It is of the character string type, which can be configured by users. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English." ::= { hwBattsConfig 2 } -- hwBattsTotalQuantity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "strings" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total quantity of battery strings, which value range: 0 to 100." ::= { hwBattsConfig 3 } -- hwSetBattsHighTempAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { blvd(1), lowerDcOutput(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery high-temperature protection mode. It is an enumeration value, and can be configured. If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates the power-off protection mode; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates the protection mode of lowering the output voltage of the rectifier module. unknown(255) it is do nothing " ::= { hwBattsConfig 4 } -- hwSetBattsHighTempVoltLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..600) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery protection voltage under high temperature. It works with the low-voltage power-off protection in battery high-temperature protection mode, which can be configured by users. If the low-voltage power-off protection mode (that is, the enumeration value is 1) is selected, the node is a low-voltage power-off node. Value range: 0 to 60, unit: V, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1). " ::= { hwBattsConfig 5 } -- hwSetBattsHTDLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper threshold of the battery high temperature disconnection(HTD), can be configured by users. Value range: 0 to 100, Unit: centigrade (°„C), and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwBattsConfig 6 } -- hwSetBattsHTDEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery high temperature disconnection enable. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, enable the operation of the battery disconnection in high temperature; If the enumeration value is 2, disable the operation of the battery disconnection in high temperature. The operation of the battery disconnection in high temperature is disabled by default. " ::= { hwBattsConfig 7 } -- hwSetBattsFloatVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (420..580) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Float charge voltage of the batteries, can be configured by users. Value range: 42 to 58, unit: V, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1)" ::= { hwBattsConfig 8 } -- hwSetBattsBoostVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (420..580) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boostcharge voltage of the batteries, can be configured by users. Value range: 42 to 58, unit: V, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1)." ::= { hwBattsConfig 9 } -- hwSetBattsCurrLimitCoefficient OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (5..25) UNITS "C10" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current-limiting point coefficient of the batteries, can be configured by users. Value range: 0.05 to 0.25, unit: C10, and the value is accurate to two decimal places (.2)." ::= { hwBattsConfig 10 } -- hwSetBattsCompFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..500) UNITS "mV per centigrades" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature compensated coefficient of the batteries, can be configured by user. Value range: 0 to 500, unit: mv per centigrade, and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwBattsConfig 11 } -- hwCtrlBattsBoostFloat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { floatCharge(1), boostCharge(2), nullOper(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Control batteries charge mode between boost and float. It is an enumeration value. Users actively control the conversion. If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that this node is set to 1, it means to start the float charge mode of the batteries; If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that this node is set to 2, it means to start the boost charge mode of the batteries. " ::= { hwBattsConfig 12 } -- hwBattsOperate OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteBatterys 2 } -- hwBattsTotalCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-10000..10000) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total current of the battery group. It indicates the real-time statistics of the battery group on the site. Value range: -1000 to +1000, unit: A, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1). " ::= { hwBattsOperate 1 } -- hwBattsPreDischargeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65536) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery group backup time. It indicates the real-time statistics of the battery group. Value range: 0 to 65536, Unit: minute (m), and the value is an integer (.0). " ::= { hwBattsOperate 2 } -- hwBattsChargeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { floatCharge(1), boostCharge(2), disCharge(3), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery charging state, indicates the charging and discharging information about the battery group. It is an enumeration type. If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates a battery group in the float charging state. If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates a battery group in the boost charging state. If the enumeration value is 3, it indicates a battery group in the discharging state. " ::= { hwBattsOperate 3 } -- hwBattsCurrLimitStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unlimit(1), limit(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery group current-limiting state, indicates the state information about the battery group. It is an enumeration value. If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that the current of the battery group is not limited. If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates the current of the battery group is limited. " ::= { hwBattsOperate 4 } -- hwBattsTest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteBatterys 3 } -- hwBattsTestRecordCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery test records number." ::= { hwBattsTest 1 } -- hwSetBattsManuStdTestTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) UNITS "hours" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery standard test time, It can be configured by users, and its value is an integer (.0). Here, if battery manual test is standard mode, value range defines between 1 to 6000, unit: minutes(m)" ::= { hwBattsTest 2 } -- hwSetBattsManuStdTestEndVolt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (170..220) UNITS "V per cell" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage when the battery test is ended, can be configured by users. Unit: V/cell, and the value is accurate to two decimal place (.2). Here, if battery manual test is standard mode, value range defines between 1.7 to 2.2" ::= { hwBattsTest 3 } -- hwSetBattsManuStdTestCellNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..50) UNITS "cell" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery cell number in each Group, which is used in the battery standard manual test, can be configured by users. Unit: psc or cell, value range defines between 1 to 50. and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.0)." ::= { hwBattsTest 4 } -- hwSetBattsManuShortTestTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..240) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery short test time, It can be configured by users, and its value is an integer (.0). If battery manual test is simple mode, value range defines between 1 to 240, unit: minutes(m)" ::= { hwBattsTest 5 } -- hwSetBattsManuShortTestEndVolt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (400..540) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Voltage when the battery short test is ended, can be configured by users. Unit: V, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1). Here, if battery manual test is standard mode, value range defines between 40 to 54. " ::= { hwBattsTest 6 } -- hwCtrlBattsTestStartStop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { stdTestStart(1), shortTestStart(2), testStop(3), nullOper(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery manualtest start and stop. It is an enumeration value. If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that the node is set to 1, it means to start a standard manual test; If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that the node is set to 2, it means to start a short manual test; If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that the node is set to 3, it means to stop the battery test. Set the parameters, such as battery test time, and voltage when the battery test stops before the node controls the start of the battery test. If the parameters are not set this time, the system uses the configuration parameters by default; and if the battery test is started at the first time, the system uses the default value. Battery test can only start up in some conditions, so that the reason of Start of battery short test failed may be as follow: 1. Interval between this test and the latest AC outage or test is longer than the preset duration. 2. No major alarm is raised. 3. The number of healthy modules is greater than 0. 4. The number of battery strings is greater than 0." ::= { hwBattsTest 7 } -- hwBattsTestResultTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBattsTestResultEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery test result record table. Use this table to get battery test inital time, test result, battery efficiency, battery discharge time, terminated voltage, average current, discharge AH value, test temperature and test terminated course. This table's index is hwBattsTestResultIndex, clone Battery test result record table." ::= { hwBattsTest 100 } -- hwBattsTestResultEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwBattsTestResultEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery test result table entry." INDEX { hwBattsTestResultIndex } ::= { hwBattsTestResultTable 1 } HwBattsTestResultEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwBattsTestResultIndex Integer32, hwBattsTestType INTEGER, hwBattsTestStartTime OCTET STRING, hwBattsTestResult INTEGER, hwBattsEfficiency Integer32, hwBattsDischargeTime Unsigned32, hwBattsDischargeEndVoltage Unsigned32, hwBattsDischargeAvCurrent Integer32, hwBattsDischargeAhValue Unsigned32, hwBattsTestTemprature Integer32, hwBattsTestEndCourse INTEGER, hwBattsTestResultRowStatus RowStatus } -- hwBattsTestResultIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table index of the battery test results. Currently up to 10 times of the battery test results are saved by default. " ::= { hwBattsTestResultEntry 1 } -- hwBattsTestType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manualTest(1), acOffAutoTest(2), timedTest(3), shortTest(4), other(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Record test type of the battery test. It is an enumeration value: If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that this node is set to 1, it indicates a manual test; If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that this node is set to 2, it indicates a simplified test; If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that this node is set to 3, it indicates a timed test; If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that this node is set to 4, it indicates a short test; If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that this node is set to 255, it indicates a other test." ::= { hwBattsTestResultEntry 2 } -- hwBattsTestStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..127)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Test start time of the record in the battery test. It is of the character string type." ::= { hwBattsTestResultEntry 3 } -- hwBattsTestResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { battNoResult(1), battNormal(2), battPreAlarm(3), battAlarm(4), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery test result. It is an enumeration value. If the enumeration value of the node is 1, it indicates that the battery test has no result: If the enumeration value of the node is 2, it indicates that the battery is in the normal state: If the enumeration value of the node is 3, it indicates that the battery is in the minor abnormal state, If the enumeration value of the node is 4, it indicates that the battery is in the alarm state, If the enumeration value of the node is 255, it indicates that the battery state is unknown," ::= { hwBattsTestResultEntry 4 } -- hwBattsEfficiency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "%" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery efficiency test. Value range: 0 to 100, Unit: %, and the value is an integer (.0). If the value is -1, it indicates that the test value is inefficient." ::= { hwBattsTestResultEntry 5 } -- hwBattsDischargeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "hours" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Discharge time of the battery test records. Value range: 0 to 100, unit: hour (h), and the value is accurate to two decimal places (.2)." ::= { hwBattsTestResultEntry 6 } -- hwBattsDischargeEndVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..600) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Discharge termination voltage of the battery test. Value range: 0 to 60, unit: V, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1)." ::= { hwBattsTestResultEntry 7 } -- hwBattsDischargeAvCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-10000..10000) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average discharge current of the battery test. Value range: -10000 to 10000, unit: A, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1)." ::= { hwBattsTestResultEntry 8 } -- hwBattsDischargeAhValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..5000) UNITS "Ah" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Discharge ampere per hour the battery test. Value range: 0 to 5000, Unit: Ah, and the value is an integer (.0). " ::= { hwBattsTestResultEntry 9 } -- hwBattsTestTemprature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-50..100) UNITS "centigrades" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery temperature of the battery test termination. Value range: -50 to +100, Unit: centigrade (°„C), and the value is an integer (.0). If the value is -1024, it indicates that no battery temperature value sensor is detected." ::= { hwBattsTestResultEntry 10 } -- hwBattsTestEndCourse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { voltageToEnd(1), timeToEnd(2), acOnToEnd(3), manulToEnd(4), faultAlarmToEnd(5), other(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Termination factors of the battery test. It is an enumeration value. If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that the voltage value of the battery test reaches the set termination voltage; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates that the voltage value of the battery test reaches the timing limit; If the enumeration value is 3, it indicates that an alarm related to the battery leads to the stop of the battery test; If the enumeration value is 4, it indicates that a battery test is stopped manually, If the enumeration value is 5, it indicates that battery fault alarm happened, If the enumeration value is 255, it indicates that battery test end for other courses." ::= { hwBattsTestResultEntry 11 } -- hwBattsTestResultRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus of battery test table." ::= { hwBattsTestResultEntry 100 } -- hwBattString OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteBatterys 4 } -- hwBattStringConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBattStringConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery string config table. Use this table to get battery string equipment ID and equipment name, to set battery standard capacity and battery install time as well. This table's index is hwBattStringConfigIndex, clone battery string config table." ::= { hwBattString 1 } -- hwBattStringConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwBattStringConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery string config table entry." INDEX { hwBattStringConfigIndex } ::= { hwBattStringConfigTable 1 } HwBattStringConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwBattStringConfigIndex Integer32, hwBattStringEquipId Unsigned32, hwBattStringEquipName OCTET STRING, hwSetBattsTempUpperLimit Integer32, hwSetBattsTempLowerLimit Integer32, hwSetBattsTempMeasureUpperLimit Integer32, hwSetBattsTempMeasureLowerLimit Integer32, hwSetBattStdCapacity Integer32, hwSetBattInstallTime OCTET STRING, hwBattStringConfigRowStatus RowStatus } -- hwBattStringConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device table index of the battery string, which value range: 1 to 100." ::= { hwBattStringConfigEntry 1 } -- hwBattStringEquipId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3001..3100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Batteries device ID, can be configured by users. Value range: 003,001 to 003,100, in which the first three digits specify the device type and the last three specify the device SN." ::= { hwBattStringConfigEntry 2 } -- hwBattStringEquipName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Batteries device name, of the character string type, is used to specify the batteries. Users can configure it. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English." ::= { hwBattStringConfigEntry 3 } -- hwSetBattsTempUpperLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-50..100) UNITS "centigrades" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper threshold of the battery temperature alarm, can be configured by users. Value range: -50 to 100, Unit: centigrade (°„C), and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwBattStringConfigEntry 4 } -- hwSetBattsTempLowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-50..100) UNITS "centigrades" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower threshold of the battery temperature alarm, can be configured by users. Value range: -50 to 100, Unit: centigrade (°„C), and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwBattStringConfigEntry 5 } -- hwSetBattsTempMeasureUpperLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "centigrades" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper threshold of the battery temperature measurement, can be configured by users. Value range: 0 to 100, Unit: centigrade (°„C), and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwBattStringConfigEntry 6 } -- hwSetBattsTempMeasureLowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-50..0) UNITS "centigrades" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower threshold of the battery temperature measurement, can be configured by users. Value range: -50 to 0, Unit: centigrade (°„C), and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwBattStringConfigEntry 7 } -- hwSetBattStdCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..10000) UNITS "Ah" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set battery standard capacity, is an inherent attribute of the device. Value range: 0 to 10000, unit: Ah, the value is an integer (.0). " ::= { hwBattStringConfigEntry 8 } -- hwSetBattInstallTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set battery install time, of the character string type, can be configured by users. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English. " ::= { hwBattStringConfigEntry 9 } -- hwBattStringConfigRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus of battery string config table." ::= { hwBattStringConfigEntry 100 } -- hwBattStringOperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBattStringOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery string runing table. Use this table to get battery string current, persent of remain capacity, battery remain capacity, battery actual capacity, as well as battery temperature. This table's index is hwBattStringRunIndex, clone battery string runing table." ::= { hwBattString 2 } -- hwBattStringOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwBattStringOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery string runing table entry." INDEX { hwBattStringOperIndex } ::= { hwBattStringOperTable 1 } HwBattStringOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwBattStringOperIndex Integer32, hwBattStringCurrent Integer32, hwBattStringRemainCapacityPercent Unsigned32, hwBattStringRemainCapacity Unsigned32, hwBattStringActualCapacity Unsigned32, hwBattStringTemprature Integer32, hwBattStringOperStatus INTEGER, hwBattStringOperRowStatus RowStatus } -- hwBattStringOperIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device table index of the battery string, which value range: 1 to 100." ::= { hwBattStringOperEntry 1 } -- hwBattStringCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-10000..10000) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Batteries current. It is an analog parameter collected by the battery string in real time. Value range: -1000 to +1000, unit: A, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1)." ::= { hwBattStringOperEntry 2 } -- hwBattStringRemainCapacityPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1000) UNITS "%" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remaining capacity percentage of the battery string. Value range: 0 to 100, unit: %, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1)." ::= { hwBattStringOperEntry 3 } -- hwBattStringRemainCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..5000) UNITS "Ah" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remaining capacity of the battery string. It is an analog parameter collected by the battery string in real time. Value range: 0 to 5000, unit: Ah, and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwBattStringOperEntry 4 } -- hwBattStringActualCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..5000) UNITS "Ah" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Batteries actual capacity. It is an analog parameter collected by the battery string in real time.Value range: 0 to 5000, unit: Ah, the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwBattStringOperEntry 5 } -- hwBattStringTemprature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-500..1000) UNITS "centigrades" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery temperature. It is a battery parameter collected in real time. Value range: -50 to +100, unit: centigrade (°„C), and the value is an integer (.1). If the value is -99999, it indicates that battery temperature sensor is not configured." ::= { hwBattStringOperEntry 6 } -- hwBattStringOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), tempHigh(2), tempLow(3), loopBreak(4), overCurrent(5), unbalance(6), alarmResume(254), other(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of the site battery string module. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that the site battery string is in the normal state; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates that the battery string is over upper alarm threshold of temperature; If the enumeration value is 3, it indicates that the battery string is under lower alarm threshold of temperature; If the enumeration value is 4, it indicates that battery string loop has disconnected; If the enumeration value is 5, it indicates that the current of batery is over upper charging threshold; If the enumeration value is 254, it indicates battery string alarm resume; If the enumeration value is 255, it indicates battery string operation status unknown. " ::= { hwBattStringOperEntry 99 } -- hwBattStringOperRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus of battery string runing table." ::= { hwBattStringOperEntry 100 } -- hwSiteAcDistributions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteMonitorMIBObjects 5 } -- hwAcDistributionsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteAcDistributions 1 } -- hwAcsGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC group ID, is the unique ID of the AC group. The first three digits indicate the device type and the last three indicate the device SN. If the last three digits are 000, it indicates a virtual device. " ::= { hwAcDistributionsGroup 1 } -- hwAcsGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device name of the AC group. It is of the character string type, and can be configured by users. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English." ::= { hwAcDistributionsGroup 2 } -- hwAcsTotalCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total current of the AC group. It indicates the real-time statistics of the AC group. Value range: 0 to 1000, unit: A, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1)." ::= { hwAcDistributionsGroup 3 } -- hwAcsTotalQuantity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total quantity of the site ACUs. Value range: 0 to 100. " ::= { hwAcDistributionsGroup 4 } -- hwSetAcsUpperVoltLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (60..500) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper threshold of the AC voltage alarm, can be configured by users. Value range: 60 to 500, unit: V, and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwAcDistributionsGroup 5 } -- hwSetAcsLowerVoltLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (60..500) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower threshold of the AC voltage alarm, can be configured by users. Value range: 60 to 500, unit: V, and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwAcDistributionsGroup 6 } -- hwAcDistribution OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteAcDistributions 2 } -- -- hwAcInputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwAcInputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC input table. Use this table to get AC distribution unit ID, AC distribution unit name, A phase or AB line voltage, B phase or BC line voltage, C phase or CA line voltage, AC input breaker status, as well as AC output breakers quantity, which defines hwAcOutputBreakerTable row number. This table's index is hwAcInputIndex, clone AC input table." ::= { hwAcDistribution 1 } -- -- hwAcInputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwAcInputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC input table entry." INDEX { hwAcInputIndex } ::= { hwAcInputTable 1 } HwAcInputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwAcInputIndex Integer32, hwAcEquipId Unsigned32, hwAcEquipName OCTET STRING, hwApOrAblVoltage Unsigned32, hwBpOrBclVoltage Unsigned32, hwCpOrCalVoltage Unsigned32, hwAphaseCurrent Integer32, hwBphaseCurrent Integer32, hwCphaseCurrent Integer32, hwAcInputBreakersQuantity Unsigned32, hwAcInputOperStatus INTEGER, hwAcRowStatus RowStatus } -- -- hwAcInputIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ACU device table index, which value range: 1 to 100. Lines of the device list are restricted by the total quantity of ACUs (hwAcsInputQuantity)." ::= { hwAcInputEntry 1 } -- hwAcEquipId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (4001..4100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ACU device ID, which users can configure. Value range: 004,001 to 004,100, in which The first digits indicate the device type and the last three digits indicate the device SN." ::= { hwAcInputEntry 2 } -- hwAcEquipName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ACU device name, of the character string type, is used to specify the alternating current unit (ACU). Users can configure it. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English." ::= { hwAcInputEntry 3 } -- -- hwApOrAblVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..5000) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ACU A-phase or AB-line voltage. Value range: 0 to 500, unit: V, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1)." ::= { hwAcInputEntry 4 } -- -- hwBpOrBclVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..5000) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ACU B-phase or BC-line voltage. Value range: 0 to 500, unit: V, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1)." ::= { hwAcInputEntry 5 } -- -- hwCpOrCalVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..5000) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ACU C-phase or CA-line voltage. Value range: 0 to 500, unit: V, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1)." ::= { hwAcInputEntry 6 } -- -- hwAphaseCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1000) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ACU A-phase current. It is an analog parameter collected by the ACU in real time. Value range: 0 to 100, unit: A, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1)." ::= { hwAcInputEntry 7 } -- -- hwBphaseCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1000) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ACU B-phase current. It is an analog parameter collected by the ACU in real time. Value range: 0 to 100, unit: A, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1)." ::= { hwAcInputEntry 8 } -- -- hwCphaseCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1000) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ACU C-phase current. It is an analog parameter collected by the ACU in real time. Value range: 0 to 100, unit: A, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1)." ::= { hwAcInputEntry 9 } -- hwAcInputBreakersQuantity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Quantity of the AC air circuit breakers. As the ACU lower-level subset, the node indicates the quantity of the output air circuit breakers contained by each ACU lower-level subset. Value range: 0 to 100. " ::= { hwAcInputEntry 10 } -- hwAcInputOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), acOff(2), acAbsent(3), voltHigh(4), voltLow(5), alarmResume(254), other(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of the site AC distribution uint. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that the site AC distribution uint is in the normal state; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates that AC distribution uint power off; If the enumeration value is 3, it indicates that AC input phase absent; If the enumeration value is 4, it indicates that AC voltage is over upper alarm threshold; If the enumeration value is 5, it indicates that AC voltage is under lower alarm threshold; If the enumeration value is 254, it indicates AC distribution uint alarm resume; If the enumeration value is 255, it indicates AC distribution uint operation status unknown. " ::= { hwAcInputEntry 99 } -- -- hwAcRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus of ACU." ::= { hwAcInputEntry 100 } -- hwAcInputBreakerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwAcInputBreakerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ac input breaker table. Use this table to get AC input breaker equipment ID, AC input breaker equipment name, and AC input breaker status. This table's index is hwAcInputBreakerIndex, which qualificated by hwAcInputBreakersQuantity in hwAcInputTable, clone Ac input breaker table." ::= { hwAcDistribution 2 } -- hwAcInputBreakerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwAcInputBreakerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ac input breaker table entry." INDEX { hwAcInputIndex, hwAcInputBreakerIndex } ::= { hwAcInputBreakerTable 1 } HwAcInputBreakerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwAcInputBreakerIndex Integer32, hwAcInputBreakerEquipId Unsigned32, hwAcInputBreakerEquipName OCTET STRING, hwAcInputBreakerOperStatus INTEGER, hwAcInputBreakerRowStatus RowStatus } -- hwAcInputBreakerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device table index of the AC air circuit breaker. Value range: 1 to 100. An input air circuit breaker device can be uniquely identified through the ACU table index and device index of the AC air circuit breaker. " ::= { hwAcInputBreakerEntry 1 } -- hwAcInputBreakerEquipId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (5001..5100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC input air circuit breaker ID. Value range: 005,001 to 005,100. The first digits indicate the device type and the last three digits indicate the device SN." ::= { hwAcInputBreakerEntry 2 } -- hwAcInputBreakerEquipName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC input air circuit breaker name, of the character string type, can configured by users. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English." ::= { hwAcInputBreakerEntry 3 } -- hwAcInputBreakerOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), disconnect(2), alarmResume(254), other(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operation state of the site AC input breaker. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that the site AC input breaker is in the normal state; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates that the AC input breaker disconnect; If the enumeration value is 254, it indicates AC input breaker alarm resume; If the enumeration value is 255, it indicates AC input breaker operation status unknown. " ::= { hwAcInputBreakerEntry 99 } -- hwAcInputBreakerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus of AC input breaker." ::= { hwAcInputBreakerEntry 100 } -- hwSiteDcDistributions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteMonitorMIBObjects 6 } -- hwDcDistributionsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteDcDistributions 1 } -- hwDcsGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC group ID: unique ID of the DC group. in which The first digits indicate the device type and the last three digits indicate the device SN. If the last three digits are 000, it indicates a virtual device." ::= { hwDcDistributionsGroup 1 } -- hwDcsGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device name of the DC group, of the character string type, can be configured by users. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English." ::= { hwDcDistributionsGroup 2 } -- hwDcsTotalVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..600) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total voltage of the DC group. Value range: 0 to 60, unit: V, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1)." ::= { hwDcDistributionsGroup 3 } -- hwDcsTotalCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1000000) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total current of the DC group. Value range: 0 to 10000, unit: A, and the value is accurate to one decimal place (.1). " ::= { hwDcDistributionsGroup 4 } -- hwDcsTotalPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..600000) UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total power of the DC group. Value range: 0 to 10000, unit: W, and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwDcDistributionsGroup 5 } -- hwDcsTotalQuantity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total quantity of the DC units, and its Value range: 0 to 100." ::= { hwDcDistributionsGroup 6 } -- hwSetDcsUpperVoltLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (300..600) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper threshold of the DC voltage alarm, can be configued by users. Value range: 30 to 60, unit: V, and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwDcDistributionsGroup 7 } -- hwSetDcsLowerVoltLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (300..600) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower threshold of the DC voltage alarm, can be configued by users. Value range: 30 to 60, unit: V, and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwDcDistributionsGroup 8 } -- hwDcDistribution OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteDcDistributions 2 } -- hwDcOutputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwDcOutputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC output table. Use this table to get DC distribution unit ID, DC distribution unit name, DC output voltage, DC output power, and loads quantity in each DC distribution unit, which defines hwLoadsOutputTable row number. This table's index is hwDcOutputIndex, clone Dc output table." ::= { hwDcDistribution 1 } -- hwDcOutputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwDcOutputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dc output table entry." INDEX { hwDcOutputIndex } ::= { hwDcOutputTable 1 } HwDcOutputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwDcOutputIndex Integer32, hwDcOutputEquipId Unsigned32, hwDcOutputEquipName OCTET STRING, hwDcOutputVoltage Unsigned32, hwDcOutputCurrent Unsigned32, hwDcOutputPower Unsigned32, hwLoadsQuantity Unsigned32, hwDcOutputOperStatus INTEGER, hwDcOutputRowStatus RowStatus } -- hwDcOutputIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device table index of the DC units, which value range: 1 to 100. Lines of the device list are restricted by the total quantity of DC units (hwDcsQuantity)." ::= { hwDcOutputEntry 1 } -- hwDcOutputEquipId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (6001..6100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC unit device ID, which value range: 006,001 to 006,100. The first digits indicate the device type and the last three digits indicate the device SN. " ::= { hwDcOutputEntry 2 } -- hwDcOutputEquipName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC unit device name, of the character string type, can be configued by users. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English." ::= { hwDcOutputEntry 3 } -- hwDcOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..600) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC output voltage. It is an analog parameter collected by the DC power in real time. Value range: 0 to 60, unit: V, and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwDcOutputEntry 4 } -- hwDcOutputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100000) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC output current. It is an analog parameter collected by the DC power in real time. Value range: 0 to 10000, unit: A, and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwDcOutputEntry 5 } -- hwDcOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..600000) UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC output power. It is an analog parameter collected by the DC power in real time. Value range: 0 to 600000, unit: W, and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwDcOutputEntry 6 } -- hwLoadsQuantity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Quantity of the DC load output branches, which value range: 0 to 100. As the DC unit lower-level subset, the node indicates the quantity of the DC load output branches contained by each DC unit lower-level subset." ::= { hwDcOutputEntry 7 } -- hwDcOutputOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), voltHigh(2), voltLow(3), alarmResume(254), other(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of the site DC distribution uint. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that the site DC distribution uint is in the normal state; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates that DC voltage is over the upper alarm threshold; If the enumeration value is 3, it indicates that DC voltage is under the lower alarm threshold; If the enumeration value is 254, it indicates DC distribution uint alarm resume; If the enumeration value is 255, it indicates DC distribution uint operation status unknown. " ::= { hwDcOutputEntry 99 } -- hwDcOutputRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus of Dc output equipments." ::= { hwDcOutputEntry 100 } -- hwLoadBranchTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwLoadBranchEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loads output table. Use this table to get load branch equipment ID, load branch equipment name, load branch current, and load branch power. This table's index is hwLoadBranchIndex, which qualificated by hwloadsQuantity in hwDcOutputTable, clone loads output table." ::= { hwDcDistribution 2 } -- hwLoadBranchEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwLoadBranchEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loads output table entry." INDEX { hwDcOutputIndex, hwLoadBranchIndex } ::= { hwLoadBranchTable 1 } HwLoadBranchEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwLoadBranchIndex Integer32, hwLoadBranchEquipId Unsigned32, hwLoadBranchEquipName OCTET STRING, hwLoadBranchCurrent Unsigned32, hwLoadBranchPower Unsigned32, hwLoadBranchOperStatus INTEGER, hwLoadBranchRowStatus RowStatus } -- hwLoadBranchIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device table index of the DC load output branch, which value range: 1 to 100. A DC load output branch can be uniquely identified through the DC unit table index and device index of the DC load output branch." ::= { hwLoadBranchEntry 1 } -- hwLoadBranchEquipId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (7001..7100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device ID of the DC load output branch. Value range: 007,001 to 007,100. The first digits indicate the device type and the last three digits indicate the SN of the device. " ::= { hwLoadBranchEntry 2 } -- hwLoadBranchEquipName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device name of the DC load output branch, of the character string type, can be configured by users. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English." ::= { hwLoadBranchEntry 3 } -- hwLoadBranchCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100000) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC load output branch current. It is an analog parameter collected by the load branch in real time. Value range: 0 to 10000, unit: A, and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwLoadBranchEntry 4 } -- hwLoadBranchPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..600000) UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC load branch power. It is an analog parameter collected by the DC power in real time. Value range: 0 to 600000, unit: W, and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwLoadBranchEntry 5 } -- hwLoadBranchOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), disconnect(2), alarmResume(254), other(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of the site load output branch. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that the site load output branch is in the normal state; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates that the load output branch disconnect; If the enumeration value is 254, it indicates load output branch alarm resume; If the enumeration value is 255, it indicates load output branch operation status unknown. " ::= { hwLoadBranchEntry 99 } -- hwLoadBranchRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus of loads output branch." ::= { hwLoadBranchEntry 100 } -- hwLvdUnits OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteMonitorMIBObjects 7 } -- hwLvdsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwLvdUnits 1 } -- hwLvdsGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LVD unit group ID. It is the unique ID of the LVD unit group. The first digits indicate the device type. The last three digits indicate the device SN. If the last three digits are 000, it indicates a virtual device." ::= { hwLvdsGroup 1 } -- hwLvdsGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Low-voltage power-off unit group name, of the character string type, can be configured by users. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English." ::= { hwLvdsGroup 2 } -- hwLvdsTotalQuantity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total quantity of power-off units. Value range: 0 to 100." ::= { hwLvdsGroup 3 } -- hwLvdUnit OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwLvdUnits 2 } -- hwLvdBranchTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwLvdBranchEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power-off unit table. Use this table to get Lvd unit equipment ID and power-off unit equipment name, set power-off enable and power-off voltage, as well as control power-off unit disconnected. This table's index is hwLvdBranchIndex, which qualificated by hwLvdsQuantity, clone power-off unit table." ::= { hwLvdUnit 1 } -- hwLvdBranchEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwLvdBranchEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power-off table entry." INDEX { hwLvdBranchIndex } ::= { hwLvdBranchTable 1 } HwLvdBranchEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwLvdBranchIndex Integer32, hwLvdUnitEquipId Unsigned32, hwLvdUnitEquipName OCTET STRING, hwSetLvdEnable INTEGER, hwSetLvdVoltage Integer32, hwCtrlLvd INTEGER, hwLvdBranchOperStatus INTEGER, hwLvdBranchRowStatus RowStatus } -- hwLvdBranchIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device table index of a power-off unit. Value range: 1 to 100. Lines of the device list are restricted by the total quantity of the power-off units (hwLvdsTotalQuantity). " ::= { hwLvdBranchEntry 1 } -- hwLvdUnitEquipId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (8001..8100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device ID of a power-off unit. Value range: 8001 to 8100. The first digits indicate the device type and the last three digits indicate the device SN. " ::= { hwLvdBranchEntry 2 } -- hwLvdUnitEquipName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device name of a power-off unit, of the character string type, is used to specify the low-voltage power-off unit. Users can configure it. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English. " ::= { hwLvdBranchEntry 3 } -- hwSetLvdEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Control power-off unit enabling. It is an enumeration value, and users actively set it. If the enumeration value is 1, it means to enable the power-off unit; If the enumeration value is 2, it means to disable the power-off unit. When the power-off unit control is not configured, the power-off unit is enabled by default." ::= { hwLvdBranchEntry 4 } -- hwSetLvdVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (350..600) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Low-voltage power-off voltage of a power-off unit can be configured by users. Its value range: 35 to 60, unit: V, and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwLvdBranchEntry 5 } -- hwCtrlLvd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { powerOff(1), powerOn(2), nullOper(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Control of the power-off unit. It is an enumeration value, users control it manually. If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that the node is set to 1, it means to power off the power-off unit; If the NMS notifies the SNMP agent that the node is set to 2, it means that the background controls the power-on of the LVD unit. " ::= { hwLvdBranchEntry 6 } -- hwLvdBranchOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), lowVoltOff(2), backgroundOff(3), localManualOff(4), lowTempOff(5), highTempOff(6), alarmResume(254), other(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of the site LVD uint. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that the site LVD uint is in the normal state; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates that the power-off uint disconnect for low voltage; If the enumeration value is 3, it indicates that the power-off uint disconnect bakeground; If the enumeration value is 4, it indicates that the power-off uint local disconnect manually; If the enumeration value is 5, it indicates that the power-off uint disconnect for under temperature; If the enumeration value is 6, it indicates that the power-off uint disconnect for over temperature; If the enumeration value is 254, it indicates that the power-off uint alarm resume; If the enumeration value is 255, it indicates LVD uint operation status unknown. " ::= { hwLvdBranchEntry 99 } -- hwLvdBranchRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus of lvd table." ::= { hwLvdBranchEntry 100 } -- hwSiteEnvUnits OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteMonitorMIBObjects 8 } -- hwEnvUnitsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteEnvUnits 1 } -- hwEnvUnitsGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unit group ID of the site environment. It is the unique ID of the unit group on the site. The first digits indicate the device type. The last three digits indicate the device SN. If the last three digits are 000, it indicates a virtual device. " ::= { hwEnvUnitsGroup 1 } -- hwEnvUnitsGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unit group name of the site environment, of the character string type, can be configured by users. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English." ::= { hwEnvUnitsGroup 2 } -- hwCtrlSmokeReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), reset(2), nullOper(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Smoke sensor reset. It manually controls clearance of the smoke sensor alarm, and this node is of the enumeration type. If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that the reset of the smoke sensor is not required. If the enumeration value of the node is 2, it indicates that the background controls the reset of the smoke sensor. " ::= { hwEnvUnitsGroup 3 } -- hwCtrlDoorReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), reset(2), nullOper(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Door actuator reset control. It manually controls clearance of the door actuator alarm. This node is of the enumeration type. If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that clearance of the door actuator is not required; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates that the background controls clearance of the door actuator. " ::= { hwEnvUnitsGroup 4 } -- hwCtrlBuzzerEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2), nullOper(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Buzzer enabling. It manually controls the enabling of the buzzer alarm. This node is of the enumeration type. When the enumeration value is 1, it means to enable the buzzer; When the enumeration value is 2, it means to disable the buzzer. " ::= { hwEnvUnitsGroup 5 } -- hwEnvTempSensorsTotalQuantity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..256) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Quantity of the environment temperature sensors, and its value range: 0 to 256." ::= { hwEnvUnitsGroup 6 } -- hwEnvHumiSensorsTotalQuantity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..256) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Quantity of the environment humidity sensors, and its value range: 0 to 256." ::= { hwEnvUnitsGroup 7 } -- hwSpareDigitalsTotalQuantity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..256) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Quantity of the Spare digitals, and its value range: 0 to 256." ::= { hwEnvUnitsGroup 8 } -- hwEnvSensor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteEnvUnits 2 } -- hwEnvTempSensorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwEnvTempSensorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site environment temperature table. Use this table to get environment temperature equipment ID, environment temperature equipment name, and environment temperature, set environment temperature upper limit, environment temperature lower limit, and environment temperature alarm enable. This table's index is hwEnvTempSensorIndex, which qualificated by hwEnvTempSensorsQuantity, clone site environment temperature table." ::= { hwEnvSensor 1 } -- hwEnvTempSensorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwEnvTempSensorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site environment temperature table entry." INDEX { hwEnvTempSensorIndex } ::= { hwEnvTempSensorTable 1 } HwEnvTempSensorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwEnvTempSensorIndex Integer32, hwEnvTempEquipId Unsigned32, hwEnvTempEquipName OCTET STRING, hwEnvTemperature Integer32, hwSetEnvTempUpperLimit Integer32, hwSetEnvTempLowerLimit Integer32, hwSetEnvTempMeasureUpperLimit Integer32, hwSetEnvTempMeasureLowerLimit Integer32, hwSetEnvTempAlarmEnable INTEGER, hwEnvTempSensorOperStatus INTEGER, hwEnvTempSensorRowStatus RowStatus } -- hwEnvTempSensorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..256) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table index of the environment temperature sensors. Value range: 1 to 256. Lines of the device table are restricted by the quantity of environment temperature sensors (hwEnvTempSensorsTotalQuantity). " ::= { hwEnvTempSensorEntry 1 } -- hwEnvTempEquipId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (9001..9255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Environment temperature sensor ID. Value range: 009'001 to 009'255, in which the first digits indicate the device type and the last three digits indicate the device SN. " ::= { hwEnvTempSensorEntry 2 } -- hwEnvTempEquipName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Environment temperature sensor name, of the character string type, is used to specify an environment temperature sensor. Users can configure it. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English. " ::= { hwEnvTempSensorEntry 3 } -- hwEnvTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-50..100) UNITS "centigrades" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Environment temperature. It is an environment parameter collected in real time. Value range: -50 to +100, unit: centigrade (°„C), and the value is an integer (.0). If the value is -1024, it indicates that the temperature sensor is not configured." ::= { hwEnvTempSensorEntry 4 } -- hwSetEnvTempUpperLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-50..100) UNITS "centigrades" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper threshold of the environment temperature alarm, can be configured by users. Value range: -50 to 100, unit: centigrade (°„C), and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwEnvTempSensorEntry 5 } -- hwSetEnvTempLowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-50..100) UNITS "centigrades" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower threshold of the environment temperature alarm, can be configured by users. Value range: -50 to 100, unit: centigrade (°„C), and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwEnvTempSensorEntry 6 } -- hwSetEnvTempMeasureUpperLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "centigrades" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper threshold of the environment temperature measurement, can be configured by users. Value range: 0 to 100, unit: centigrade (°„C), and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwEnvTempSensorEntry 7 } -- hwSetEnvTempMeasureLowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-50..0) UNITS "centigrades" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower threshold of the environment temperature measurement, can be configured by users. Value range: -50 to 0, unit: centigrade (°„C), and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwEnvTempSensorEntry 8 } -- hwSetEnvTempAlarmEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Environment temperature alarm. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, enable the alarm of the environment temperature; If the enumeration value is 2, disable the alarm of the environment temperature. " ::= { hwEnvTempSensorEntry 9 } -- hwEnvTempSensorOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), tempHigh(2), tempLow(3), notInslot(4), alarmResume(254), other(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of the site environment temperature sensor. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that the site environment temperature sensor is in the normal state; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates that the environment temperature sensor is over temperature; If the enumeration value is 3, it indicates that the environment temperature sensor is under temperature; If the enumeration value is 4, it indicates that the environment temperature sensor is not in slot; If the enumeration value is 254, it indicates that environment temperature alarm resume; If the enumeration value is 255, it indicates environment temperature sensor operation status unknown. " ::= { hwEnvTempSensorEntry 99 } -- hwEnvTempSensorRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus of Environment temperature table." ::= { hwEnvTempSensorEntry 100 } -- hwEnvHumiSensorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwEnvHumiSensorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Environment humidity table. Use this table to get environment humidity equipment ID , environment humidity equipment name, and environment humidity, set environment humidity upper limit, environment humidity lower limit, and environment humidity alarm enable. This table's index is hwEnvHumiSensorIndex, which qualificated by hwEnvHumiSensorIndex, clone site environment humidity table." ::= { hwEnvSensor 2 } -- hwEnvHumiSensorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwEnvHumiSensorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Environment humidity table entry." INDEX { hwEnvHumiSensorIndex } ::= { hwEnvHumiSensorTable 1 } HwEnvHumiSensorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwEnvHumiSensorIndex Integer32, hwEnvHumiEquipId Unsigned32, hwEnvHumiEquipName OCTET STRING, hwEnvHumidity Integer32, hwSetEnvHumidityUpperLimit Integer32, hwSetEnvHumidityLowerLimit Integer32, hwSetEnvHumidityMeasureUpperLimit Integer32, hwSetEnvHumidityMeasureLowerLimit Integer32, hwSetEnvHumiAlarmEnable INTEGER, hwEnvHumiSensorOperStatus INTEGER, hwEnvHumiSensorRowStatus RowStatus } -- hwEnvHumiSensorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..256) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table index of the environment humility sensors. Value range: 1 to 256. Lines of the device list are restricted by the quantity of environment humility sensors (hwEnvHumiSensorsTotalQuantity). " ::= { hwEnvHumiSensorEntry 1 } -- hwEnvHumiEquipId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (10001..10255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Environment humility sensor ID, can be configured by users. Value range: 010'001 to 010'255, in which the first digits indicate the device type and the last three digits indicate the device SN." ::= { hwEnvHumiSensorEntry 2 } -- hwEnvHumiEquipName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Environment humility sensor name, of the character string type, is used to specify an environment humility sensor. Users can configure it. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English. " ::= { hwEnvHumiSensorEntry 3 } -- hwEnvHumidity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "%RH" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Environment humility. It is an environment parameter collected in real time. Value range: 0 to 100, unit: %RH, and the value is an integer (.0). If the value is 255, it indicates that the humidity sensor is not configured." ::= { hwEnvHumiSensorEntry 4 } -- hwSetEnvHumidityUpperLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "%RH" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper threshold of the environment humility alarm, can be configured by users. Value range: 0 to 100, unit: %RH, and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwEnvHumiSensorEntry 5 } -- hwSetEnvHumidityLowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "%RH" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower threshold of the environment humility alarm, can be configured by users. Value range: 0 to 100, unit: %RH, and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwEnvHumiSensorEntry 6 } -- hwSetEnvHumidityMeasureUpperLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "%RH" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper threshold of the environment humility measurement, can be configured by users. Value range: 0 to 100, unit: %RH, and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwEnvHumiSensorEntry 7 } -- hwSetEnvHumidityMeasureLowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "%RH" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower threshold of the environment humility measurement, can be configured by users. Value range: 0 to 100, unit: %RH, and the value is an integer (.0)." ::= { hwEnvHumiSensorEntry 8 } -- hwSetEnvHumiAlarmEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Environment humility alarm. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, enable the alarm of the environment humility; If the enumeration value is 2, disable the alarm of the environment humility. The environment humility alarm is enabled by default. " ::= { hwEnvHumiSensorEntry 9 } -- hwEnvHumiSensorOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), humidityHigh(2), humidityLow(3), notInslot(4), alarmResume(254), other(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of the site environment humidity sensor. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that the site environment humidity sensor is in the normal state; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates that the environment humidity sensor is over humidity; If the enumeration value is 3, it indicates that the environment humidity sensor is under humidity; If the enumeration value is 4, it indicates that the environment humidity sensor is not in slot; If the enumeration value is 254, it indicates that environment humidity alarm resume; If the enumeration value is 255, it indicates environment humidity sensor operation status unknown. " ::= { hwEnvHumiSensorEntry 99 } -- hwEnvHumiSensorRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus of Environment humidity table." ::= { hwEnvHumiSensorEntry 100 } -- hwSpareDigitalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwSpareDigitalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Spare digital table. Use this table to get Spare digital equipment ID , Spare digital equipment name, and current Spare digital alarm tension, ae well as to set Spare digital alarm enable. This table's index is hwSpareDigitalIndex, which qualificated by hwSpareDigitalsTotalQuantity, clone switch input table." ::= { hwEnvSensor 3 } -- hwSpareDigitalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwSpareDigitalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Spare digital table entry." INDEX { hwSpareDigitalIndex } ::= { hwSpareDigitalTable 1 } HwSpareDigitalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwSpareDigitalIndex Integer32, hwSpareDigitalEquipId Unsigned32, hwSpareDigitalEquipName OCTET STRING, hwSetSpareDigitalAlarmTension INTEGER, hwSetSpareDigitalAlarmEnable INTEGER, hwSpareDigitalOperStatus INTEGER, hwSpareDigitalRowStatus RowStatus } -- hwSpareDigitalIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..256) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Spare digital table index, which value range: 1 to 256. Lines of the device list are restricted by the quantity of Spare digitals (hwSpareDigitalsTotalQuantity). " ::= { hwSpareDigitalEntry 1 } -- hwSpareDigitalEquipId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (11001..11255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Spare digital device ID. Value range: 011'001 to 011'255, in which the first digits indicate the device type and the last three digits indicate the device SN. " ::= { hwSpareDigitalEntry 2 } -- hwSpareDigitalEquipName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Spare digital name, of the character string type, is used to specify Spare digitals. Users can configure it. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English. " ::= { hwSpareDigitalEntry 3 } -- hwSetSpareDigitalAlarmTension OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { low(0), high(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Spare digital alarm state. It is an enumeration value. If the value of the node is 0, it indicates a low-tension alarm; If the value of the node is 1, it indicates a high-tension alarm. " ::= { hwSpareDigitalEntry 4 } -- hwSetSpareDigitalAlarmEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Spare digital alarm enabling. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, it means to enable the alarm; If the enumeration value is 2, it means to disable the alarm. " ::= { hwSpareDigitalEntry 5 } -- hwSpareDigitalOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), alarm(2), alarmResume(254), other(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of the site Spare digital. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that the Spare digital operation state is normal; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates that a alarm occurs on the Spare digital; If the enumeration value is 254, it indicates that spare digital alarm resume; If the enumeration value is 255, it indicates Spare digital operation status unknown." ::= { hwSpareDigitalEntry 99 } -- hwSpareDigitalRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus of Spare digital device table." ::= { hwSpareDigitalEntry 100 } -- hwSitePDEs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteMonitorMIBObjects 9 } -- hwPDEGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSitePDEs 1 } -- hwPDEGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (12000..12255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE unit group ID. It is the unique ID of the PDE unit group. The first digits indicate the device type. The last three digits indicate the device SN. If the last three digits are 000, it indicates a virtual device." ::= { hwPDEGroup 1 } -- hwPDEGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE unit group name, of the character string type, can be configured by users. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English." ::= { hwPDEGroup 2 } -- hwPDEGroupNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Num,Value range: 0 to 100." ::= { hwPDEGroup 3 } -- hwPDEGroupCommNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Communication PDE Num,Value range: 0 to 100." ::= { hwPDEGroup 4 } -- hwPDEGroupTotalPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100000) UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Total Power,Value range: 0.0 to 10000.0.Unit: W.and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwPDEGroup 5 } -- hwPDEGroupTotalCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..3000) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Total Current,Value range: 0.0 to 300.0.Unit: A.and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwPDEGroup 6 } -- hwPDEGroupCommStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { commOk(1), commFail(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Communication Status. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that communication is normal; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates that communication is abnormal. If the enumeration value is 255, it indicates that communication is unknown." ::= { hwPDEGroup 7 } -- hwPDE OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSitePDEs 3 } -- hwPDETable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwPDEEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE table. Use this table to get PDE equipment ID , PDE equipment name, and current PDE status. This table's index is hwPDEIndex." ::= { hwPDE 1 } -- hwPDEEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwPDEEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE table entry." INDEX { hwPDEIndex } ::= { hwPDETable 1 } HwPDEEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwPDEIndex Integer32, hwPDEEquipId Unsigned32, hwPDEEquipName OCTET STRING, hwPDETotalRunningTime Unsigned32, hwPDEBranchNum Unsigned32, hwPDETotalPower Unsigned32, hwPDETotalCurrent Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch1Power Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch2Power Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch3Power Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch4Power Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch1Current Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch2Current Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch3Current Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch4Current Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch1Voltage Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch2Voltage Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch3Voltage Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch4Voltage Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch1Temperature Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch2Temperature Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch3Temperature Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch4Temperature Unsigned32, hwPDEOperStatus INTEGER, hwPDERowStatus RowStatus } -- hwPDEIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE table index, which value range: 1 to 10. Lines of the device list are restricted by the quantity of PDE. " ::= { hwPDEEntry 1 } -- hwPDEEquipId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (12001..12255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE device ID. Value range: 012'001 to 012'255, in which the first digits indicate the device type and the last three digits indicate the device SN. " ::= { hwPDEEntry 2 } -- hwPDEEquipName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE name, of the character string type, is used to specify PDEs. Users can configure it. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English. " ::= { hwPDEEntry 3 } -- hwPDETotalRunningTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..876000) UNITS "H" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Total Running Time,Value range: 0 to 876000.Unit: H." ::= { hwPDEEntry 4 } -- hwPDEBranchNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..6) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch Number,Value range: 0 to 6." ::= { hwPDEEntry 5 } -- hwPDETotalPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100000) UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Total Power,Value range: 0.0 to 10000.0.Unit: W.and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwPDEEntry 6 } -- hwPDETotalCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..300000) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Total Current,Value range: 0.0 to 30000.0.Unit: A.and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwPDEEntry 7 } -- hwPDEBranch1Power OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1000000) UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch1 Power,Value range: 0.0 to 100000.0.Unit: W.and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwPDEEntry 8 } -- hwPDEBranch2Power OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1000000) UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch2 Power,Value range: 0.0 to 100000.0.Unit: W.and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwPDEEntry 9 } -- hwPDEBranch3Power OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1000000) UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch3 Power,Value range: 0.0 to 100000.0.Unit: W.and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwPDEEntry 10 } -- hwPDEBranch4Power OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1000000) UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch4 Power,Value range: 0.0 to 100000.0.Unit: W.and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwPDEEntry 11 } -- hwPDEBranch1Current OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch1 Current,Value range: 0.0 to 1000.0.Unit: A.and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwPDEEntry 12 } -- hwPDEBranch2Current OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch2 Current,Value range: 0.0 to 1000.0.Unit: A.and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwPDEEntry 13 } -- hwPDEBranch3Current OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch3 Current,Value range: 0.0 to 1000.0.Unit: A.and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwPDEEntry 14 } -- hwPDEBranch4Current OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch4 Current,Value range: 0.0 to 1000.0.Unit: A.and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwPDEEntry 15 } -- hwPDEBranch1Voltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..650) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch1 Voltage,Value range: 0.0 to 65.0.Unit: V.and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwPDEEntry 16 } -- hwPDEBranch2Voltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..650) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch2 Voltage,Value range: 0.0 to 65.0.Unit: V.and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwPDEEntry 17 } -- hwPDEBranch3Voltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..650) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch3 Voltage,Value range: 0.0 to 65.0.Unit: V.and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwPDEEntry 18 } -- hwPDEBranch4Voltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..650) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch4 Voltage,Value range: 0.0 to 65.0.Unit: V.and the value is accurate to one decimal space (.1)." ::= { hwPDEEntry 19 } -- hwPDEBranch1Temperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..300) UNITS "deg" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch1 Temperature,Value range: 0 to 300.Unit: deg." ::= { hwPDEEntry 20 } -- hwPDEBranch2Temperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..300) UNITS "deg" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch2 Temperature,Value range: 0 to 300.Unit: deg." ::= { hwPDEEntry 21 } -- hwPDEBranch3Temperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..300) UNITS "deg" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch3 Temperature,Value range: 0 to 300.Unit: deg." ::= { hwPDEEntry 22 } -- hwPDEBranch4Temperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..300) UNITS "deg" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch4 Temperature,Value range: 0 to 300.Unit: deg." ::= { hwPDEEntry 23 } -- hwPDEOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), alarm(2), alarmResume(254), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of the PDE. It is an enumeration type: If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that the PDE is in the normal state; If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates that the PDE is in the alarm state; If the enumeration value is 254, it indicates that the PDE is in the resume state; If the enumeration value is 255, it indicates PDE operation status unknown. " ::= { hwPDEEntry 24 } -- hwPDERowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus of PDE table." ::= { hwPDEEntry 100 } -- hwPDEConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwPDEConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Config table. Use this table to get PDE equipment ID , PDE equipment name, and current PDE config parameter. This table's index is hwPDEConfigIndex." ::= { hwPDE 2 } -- hwPDEConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwPDEConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Config table entry." INDEX { hwPDEConfigIndex } ::= { hwPDEConfigTable 1 } HwPDEConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwPDEConfigIndex Integer32, hwPDEConfigEquipId Unsigned32, hwPDEConfigEquipName OCTET STRING, hwPDEOverTempProtect Unsigned32, hwPDEVolProtectEnable INTEGER, hwPDEOverVoltageProtect Unsigned32, hwPDEUnderVoltageProtect Unsigned32, hwPDEHysteresis Unsigned32, hwPDEReset INTEGER, hwPDEBranch1Control INTEGER, hwPDEBranch2Control INTEGER, hwPDEBranch3Control INTEGER, hwPDEBranch4Control INTEGER, hwPDEBranch1CurrentLimit Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch2CurrentLimit Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch3CurrentLimit Unsigned32, hwPDEBranch4CurrentLimit Unsigned32, hwPDEConfigRowStatus RowStatus } -- hwPDEConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Config table index, which value range: 1 to 10. Lines of the device list are restricted by the quantity of PDE. " ::= { hwPDEConfigEntry 1 } -- hwPDEConfigEquipId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (12001..12255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE device ID. Value range: 012'001 to 012'255, in which the first digits indicate the device type and the last three digits indicate the device SN. " ::= { hwPDEConfigEntry 2 } -- hwPDEConfigEquipName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE name, of the character string type, is used to specify PDEs. Users can configure it. Otherwise, the configured character can not be any other languages except English. " ::= { hwPDEConfigEntry 3 } -- hwPDEOverTempProtect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (100..120) UNITS "deg" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Over Temperature Protect,Value range: 100 to 120.Unit: deg." ::= { hwPDEConfigEntry 4 } -- hwPDEVolProtectEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Over Protect Enable,It is an enumeration value, and users actively set it. If the enumeration value is 1, it means to enable the PDE voltage protect; If the enumeration value is 2, it means to disable the PDE voltage protect. " ::= { hwPDEConfigEntry 5 } -- hwPDEOverVoltageProtect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (58..60) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Over Voltage Protect,Value range: 58 to 60.Unit: V." ::= { hwPDEConfigEntry 6 } -- hwPDEUnderVoltageProtect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (40..48) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Under Voltage Protect,Value range: 40 to 48.Unit: V." ::= { hwPDEConfigEntry 7 } -- -- hwPDEHysteresis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3) UNITS "V" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Hysteresis,Value range: 1 to 3.Unit: V." ::= { hwPDEConfigEntry 8 } -- hwPDEReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Reset Control,It is an enumeration value, and users actively set it. If the enumeration value is 1, it means to reset the PDE; " ::= { hwPDEConfigEntry 9 } -- hwPDEBranch1Control OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open(1), close(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch1 Control,It is an enumeration value, and users actively set it. If the enumeration value is 1, it means to open the branch1; If the enumeration value is 2, it means to close the branch1; " ::= { hwPDEConfigEntry 10 } -- hwPDEBranch2Control OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open(1), close(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch2 Control,It is an enumeration value, and users actively set it. If the enumeration value is 1, it means to open the branch2; If the enumeration value is 2, it means to close the branch2; " ::= { hwPDEConfigEntry 11 } -- hwPDEBranch3Control OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open(1), close(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch3 Control,It is an enumeration value, and users actively set it. If the enumeration value is 1, it means to open the branch3; If the enumeration value is 2, it means to close the branch3; " ::= { hwPDEConfigEntry 12 } -- hwPDEBranch4Control OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open(1), close(2), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch4 Control,It is an enumeration value, and users actively set it. If the enumeration value is 1, it means to open the branch4; If the enumeration value is 2, it means to close the branch4; " ::= { hwPDEConfigEntry 13 } -- hwPDEBranch1CurrentLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..20) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch1 Current Limit,Value range: 1 to 20.Unit: A." ::= { hwPDEConfigEntry 14 } -- hwPDEBranch2CurrentLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..30) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch2 Current Limit,Value range: 1 to 30.Unit: A." ::= { hwPDEConfigEntry 15 } -- hwPDEBranch3CurrentLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..30) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch3 Current Limit,Value range: 1 to 30.Unit: A." ::= { hwPDEConfigEntry 16 } -- hwPDEBranch4CurrentLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..20) UNITS "A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PDE Branch4 Current Limit,Value range: 1 to 20.Unit: A." ::= { hwPDEConfigEntry 17 } -- hwPDEConfigRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus of PDE config table." ::= { hwPDEConfigEntry 100 } -- hwSiteMonitorMIBTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteMonitorMIB 2 } -- hwSiteAlarmTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteMonitorMIBTraps 1 } -- -- hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteAlarmTraps 0 } -- -- hwRectifierFaultAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription, hwRectEquipId, hwRectEquipName,hwRectOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When rectifiers fault alarms happen, a alarm trap will be send. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, rectifier equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 1 } -- -- hwRectifierFaultAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription, hwRectEquipId, hwRectEquipName, hwRectOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rectifier Fault alarm resolved.Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, rectifier equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 2 } -- hwRectifierAbnormalAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription,hwRectEquipId, hwRectEquipName, hwRectOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rectifier abnormal alarm, because of communication failure, module protection, or turnoff. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, rectifier equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 3 } -- hwRectifierAbnormalAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName ,hwSiteAdminAddr , hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription,hwRectEquipId, hwRectEquipName, hwRectOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rectifier abnormal alarm resume. Description.Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, rectifier equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 4 } -- hwBattLoopBreakAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwBattStringEquipId, hwBattStringEquipName, hwBattStringOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery loop disconnect. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, battery string equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 5 } -- hwBattLoopBreakAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwBattStringEquipId,hwBattStringEquipName, hwBattStringOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery loop break alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, battery string equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 6 } -- hwBattLvdAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription,hwLvdUnitEquipId, hwLvdUnitEquipName,hwLvdBranchOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery disconnect for low voltage. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, battery LVD unit equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 7 } -- hwBattLvdAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription,hwLvdUnitEquipId, hwLvdUnitEquipName, hwLvdBranchOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery LVD alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, battery LVD unit equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 8 } -- hwBattOverCurrAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription,hwBattStringEquipId, hwBattStringEquipName, hwBattStringOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Batterys charge in over current. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, battery string equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 9 } -- hwBattOverCurrAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwBattStringEquipId,hwBattStringEquipName, hwBattStringOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Batterys over current alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, battery string equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 10 } -- hwBattStringTempAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwBattStringEquipId, hwBattStringEquipName,hwBattStringOperStatus} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery string temperature is too high or too low. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, battery group ID and group name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 11 } -- hwBattStringTempAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwBattStringEquipId, hwBattStringEquipName, hwBattStringOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery string temperature alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, battery group ID and group name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 12 } -- hwBattDischargeAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription,hwBattsGroupId, hwBattsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery group discharge alarm. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, battery group ID and group name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 13 } -- hwBattDischargeAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwBattsGroupId, hwBattsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery group discharge alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, battery group ID and group name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 14 } -- -- hwAcInputAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwAcEquipId, hwAcEquipName, hwAcInputOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC absent or AC power off alarms happened. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, AC equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 15 } -- -- hwAcInputAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwAcEquipId,hwAcEquipName, hwAcInputOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC input alarm resumed. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, AC equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 16 } -- hwAcVoltAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwAcEquipId, hwAcEquipName, hwAcInputOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC voltage too high or too low. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, AC equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 17 } -- hwAcVoltAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription,hwAcEquipId, hwAcEquipName, hwAcInputOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC voltage alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, AC equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 18 } -- hwDcVoltAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwDcOutputEquipId, hwDcOutputEquipName, hwDcOutputOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC voltage too high or too low. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, DC equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 19 } -- hwDcVoltAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwDcOutputEquipId, hwDcOutputEquipName, hwDcOutputOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC voltage alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, DC equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 20 } -- hwLoadLvdAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription,hwLvdUnitEquipId,hwLvdUnitEquipName,hwLvdBranchOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loads disconnect for low voltage. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, load LVD unit equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 21 } -- hwLoadLvdAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwLvdUnitEquipId, hwLvdUnitEquipName, hwLvdBranchOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Load LVD alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, load LVD unit equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 22 } -- hwLoadFuseAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription,hwLoadBranchEquipId, hwLoadBranchEquipName,hwLoadBranchOperStatus} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Load fuse broken down. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, battery string equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 23 } -- hwLoadFuseAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwLoadBranchEquipId, hwLoadBranchEquipName, hwLoadBranchOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Load fuse alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, battery string equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 24 } -- hwEnvTempAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwEnvTempEquipId,hwEnvTempEquipName, hwEnvTempSensorOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Environment temperature is too high or too low. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, envirenment temperature sensor equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 25 } -- hwEnvTempAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwEnvTempEquipId,hwEnvTempEquipName, hwEnvTempSensorOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Environment temperature alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, envirenment temperature sensor equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 26 } -- hwEnvHumiAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription, hwEnvHumiEquipId, hwEnvHumiEquipName, hwEnvHumiSensorOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Environment humidity is too high or too low. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, envirenment humidity sensor equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 27 } -- hwEnvHumiAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwEnvHumiEquipId, hwEnvHumiEquipName, hwEnvHumiSensorOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Environment humidity alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, envirenment humidity sensor equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 28 } -- hwSpareDigitalAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwSpareDigitalEquipId, hwSpareDigitalEquipName, hwSpareDigitalOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Spare digital fault. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, Spare digital equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 29 } -- hwSpareDigitalAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription,hwSpareDigitalEquipId, hwSpareDigitalEquipName, hwSpareDigitalOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Spare digital alarm resume.Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, Spare digital equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 30 } -- hwDoorAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwEnvUnitsGroupId, hwEnvUnitsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Door open. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, envirenment unit group ID and group name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 31 } -- hwDoorAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwEnvUnitsGroupId, hwEnvUnitsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Door alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, envirenment unit group ID and group name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 32 } -- hwWaterAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwEnvUnitsGroupId, hwEnvUnitsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Water alarm. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, envirenment unit group ID and group name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 33 } -- hwWaterAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwEnvUnitsGroupId, hwEnvUnitsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Water alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, envirenment unit group ID and group name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 34 } -- hwSmokeAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription, hwEnvUnitsGroupId,hwEnvUnitsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site is on fire, which is detected by smoke sensors. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, envirenment unit group ID and group name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 35 } -- hwSmokeAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription,hwEnvUnitsGroupId,hwEnvUnitsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Smoke alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, envirenment unit group ID and group name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 36 } -- hwWireAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription, hwEnvUnitsGroupId, hwEnvUnitsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Wire alarm.Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, envirenment unit group ID and group name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 37 } -- hwWireAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwEnvUnitsGroupId, hwEnvUnitsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Wire alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, envirenment unit group ID and group name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 38 } -- hwAcBreakerAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwAcInputBreakerEquipId, hwAcInputBreakerEquipName, hwAcInputBreakerOperStatus} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC breaker alarm.Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, AC distribution unit ID and its name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 39 } -- hwAcBreakerAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwAcInputBreakerEquipId, hwAcInputBreakerEquipName, hwAcInputBreakerOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC breaker alarm resume.Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, AC distribution unit ID and its name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 40 } -- hwMultiRectFailureAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwRectsGroupId, hwRectsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "More than one rectifier reported fault alarms in the same time. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, rectifier group ID and group name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 41 } -- hwMultiRectFailureAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwRectsGroupId, hwRectsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Multi-rectifiers fault alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, rectifier group ID and group name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 42 } -- hwRectRedundAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription,hwRectsGroupId,hwRectsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rectifiers work redundantly, in this case that some of rectifiers will going to sleep. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, rectifier group ID and group name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 43 } -- hwRectRedundAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwRectsGroupId, hwRectsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rectifiers redundant alarm resume, when the power supply and requirement were in balance. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, rectifier group ID and group name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 44 } -- hwBattUnbalanceAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwBattStringEquipId, hwBattStringEquipName,hwBattStringOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery works in unbalance state. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, battery string equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 45 } -- hwBattUnbalanceAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwBattStringEquipId, hwBattStringEquipName,hwBattStringOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery unbalance alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, battery string equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 46 } -- hwAcFreqFaultAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwAcEquipId,hwAcEquipName, hwAcInputOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC frequency is fault. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, AC equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 47 } -- hwAcFreqFaultAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwAcEquipId, hwAcEquipName,hwAcInputOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC frequency alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, AC equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 48 } -- hwXmuSelfFaultAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription,hwMonEquipId,hwMonEquipName,hwMonitorOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "There are some fault in XMU itself. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, monitor equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 49 } -- hwXmuSelfFaultAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwMonEquipId, hwMonEquipName, hwMonitorOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XMU fault alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, monitor equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 50 } -- hwRs485CommAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwMonEquipId, hwMonEquipName,hwMonitorOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RS485 communication of monitors disconnect. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, monitor equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 51 } -- hwRs485CommAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwMonEquipId, hwMonEquipName, hwMonitorOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RS485 communication alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, monitor equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 52 } -- hwNetCommAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwMonEquipId, hwMonEquipName,hwMonitorOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Network communication of monitors disconnect. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, monitor equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 53 } -- hwNetCommAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwMonEquipId, hwMonEquipName, hwMonitorOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Network communication alarm resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, monitor equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 54 } -- hwAcOffLongTimeAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwAcEquipId, hwAcEquipName, hwAcInputOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC power off for a long time alarms happened. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, AC equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 55 } -- hwAcOffLongTimeAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription, hwAcEquipId, hwAcEquipName,hwAcInputOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC power off for a long time alarms resume. Its correlation binding parameters: Site ID, Site name, Site description, NE ID, Alarm name, Alarm single description, Alarm port description, Alarm severity, and Site alarm SN. Additionally, in order to identify the device, AC equipment ID and equipment name are also include in VB(variable bondings). " ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 56 } -- hwSpdAlarmTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwEnvUnitsGroupId, hwEnvUnitsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 57 } -- hwSpdAlarmResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwEnvUnitsGroupId, hwEnvUnitsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 58 } -- hwBadBatteryTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwBattsGroupId, hwBattsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 59 } -- hwBadBatteryResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwBattsGroupId, hwBattsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 60 } -- hwLvd2DisconnectingTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwLvdUnitEquipId, hwLvdUnitEquipName, hwLvdBranchOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 61 } -- hwLvd2DisconnectingResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwLvdUnitEquipId, hwLvdUnitEquipName, hwLvdBranchOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 62 } -- hwBattHighTempTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwBattStringEquipId, hwBattStringEquipName,hwBattStringOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 63 } -- hwBattHighTempResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription, hwBattStringEquipId, hwBattStringEquipName,hwBattStringOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 64 } -- hwBattLowTempTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwBattStringEquipId,hwBattStringEquipName, hwBattStringOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 65 } -- hwBattLowTempResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwBattStringEquipId, hwBattStringEquipName, hwBattStringOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 66 } -- hwDcUltraOverVoltageTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwDcOutputEquipId, hwDcOutputEquipName, hwDcOutputOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 67 } -- hwDcUltraOverVoltageResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel,hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription, hwDcOutputEquipId, hwDcOutputEquipName, hwDcOutputOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 68 } -- hwDcUltraUnderVoltageTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwDcOutputEquipId, hwDcOutputEquipName, hwDcOutputOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 69 } -- hwDcUltraUnderVoltageResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText,hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwDcOutputEquipId, hwDcOutputEquipName, hwDcOutputOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 70 } -- hwUmiCommFailTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwEnvUnitsGroupId, hwEnvUnitsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 71 } -- hwUmiCommFailResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription,hwEnvUnitsGroupId, hwEnvUnitsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 72 } -- hwShortTestFailTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwRectsGroupId, hwRectsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 73 } -- hwShortTestFailResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwBattsGroupId, hwBattsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 74 } -- hwMissingBattTempSensorTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwBattsGroupId, hwBattsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 75 } -- hwMissingBattTempSensorResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwBattsGroupId, hwBattsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 76 } -- hwBattTempSensorFaultTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwBattsGroupId, hwBattsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 77 } -- hwBattTempSensorFaultResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription,hwBattsGroupId, hwBattsGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 78 } -- hwAcOverVoltageTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwAcEquipId, hwAcEquipName, hwAcInputOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 79 } -- hwAcOverVoltageResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription, hwAcEquipId, hwAcEquipName, hwAcInputOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 80 } -- hwAcUnderVoltageTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwAcEquipId, hwAcEquipName, hwAcInputOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 81 } -- hwAcUnderVoltageResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription,hwAcEquipId, hwAcEquipName, hwAcInputOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 82 } -- hwPDELoadFaultTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEGroupId, hwPDEGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 83 } -- hwPDELoadFaultResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEGroupId, hwPDEGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 84 } -- hwPDENoResponseTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 85 } -- hwPDENoResponseResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 86 } -- hwPDEFailureTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription,hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 87 } -- hwPDEFailureResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 88 } -- hwPDEBr1FailureTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 89 } -- hwPDEBr1FailureResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 90 } -- hwPDEBr2FailureTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 91 } -- hwPDEBr2FailureResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 92 } -- hwPDEBr3FailureTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 93 } -- hwPDEBr3FailureResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 94 } -- hwPDEBr4FailureTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 95 } -- hwPDEBr4FailureResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 96 } -- hwPDEBr1ProtectTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 97 } -- hwPDEBr1ProtectResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 98 } -- hwPDEBr2ProtectTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 99 } -- hwPDEBr2ProtectResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 100 } -- hwPDEBr3ProtectTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 101 } -- hwPDEBr3ProtectResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 102 } -- hwPDEBr4ProtectTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 103 } -- hwPDEBr4ProtectResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription,hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName,hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 104 } -- hwPDELostTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEGroupId, hwPDEGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 105 } -- hwPDELostResumeTraps NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber,hwAlarmText, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEGroupId, hwPDEGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteAlarmTrapsPrefix 106 } -- hwSiteDevicesTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteMonitorMIBTraps 2 } -- hwDevicesTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteDevicesTraps 0 } -- hwRectifiersInslotChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwDeviceTrapOrdinalNumber, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription, hwRectEquipId, hwRectEquipName, hwRectOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the presence status of a rectifier changes, the node reports an event. Then the NMS adds or deletes the corresponding entry to or from hwRectConfigTable or hwRectOperTable. The bound information includes the site address, site name, site description, and NE identifier. In addition, the ID, name, and status of the rectifier are bound to identify the specific rectifier and its operation type. When an entry is added, the device status is reported as normal (1); when an entry is deleted, the device status is reported as commFail (4). This trap is the unique trigger condition that causes the NMS to add or delete entries to or from hwRectConfigTable or hwRectOperTable." ::= { hwDevicesTrapsPrefix 1 } -- hwBatterysInslotChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwDeviceTrapOrdinalNumber, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription, hwBattStringEquipId, hwBattStringEquipName, hwBattStringOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the presence status of a battery string changes, the node reports an event. Then the NMS adds or deletes the corresponding entry to or from hwBatttConfigTable or hwBatttOperTable. The bound information includes the site address, site name, site description, and NE identifier. In addition, the ID, name, and status of the battery string are bound to identify the specific battery string and its operation type. When an entry is added, the device status is reported as normal (1); when an entry is deleted, the device status is reported as loopBreak (4). This trap is the unique trigger condition that causes the NMS to add or delete entries to or from hwBatttConfigTable or hwBatttOperTable." ::= { hwDevicesTrapsPrefix 2 } -- hwBattTestRecordsAdd NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwDeviceTrapOrdinalNumber, hwSiteName, hwSiteDescription, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteAdminAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "After a new discharge test is conducted on a battery group, the node reports an event. The bound information includes the site address, site name, site description, and NE identifier. The NMS needs to add the corresponding entry to the battery test table. The test records are sorted by time in descending order. The battery test table holds a maximum of 10 test records. If the number of test records exceeds 10, the earlier records starting from the last but one record are deleted at a time because the last record is saved permanently. This trap is the unique trigger condition that causes the NMS to add entries from hwBattsTestResultTable. The battery test table allows you only to add entries." ::= { hwDevicesTrapsPrefix 3 } -- hwEnvTempSensInslotChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwDeviceTrapOrdinalNumber, hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwEnvTempEquipId, hwEnvTempEquipName, hwEnvTempSensorOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the presence status of an environment temperature sensor changes, the node reports an event. Then the NMS adds or deletes the corresponding entry to or from hwEvnTempSensorTable. The bound information includes the site address, site name, site description, and NE identifier. In addition, the ID, name, and status of the environment temperature sensor are bound to identify the specific environment temperature sensor and its operation type. When an entry is added, the device status is reported as normal (1); when an entry is deleted, the device status is reported as notInslot (4). This trap is the unique trigger condition that causes the NMS to add or delete entries to or from hwEnvTempSensorTable." ::= { hwDevicesTrapsPrefix 4 } -- hwEnvHumiSensInslotChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwDeviceTrapOrdinalNumber, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwEnvHumiEquipId, hwEnvHumiEquipName, hwEnvHumiSensorOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the presence status of an environment humidity sensor changes, the trap reports an event. Then the NMS adds or deletes the corresponding entry to or from hwEvnHumiSensorTable. The bound information includes the site address, site name, site description, and NE identifier. In addition, the ID, name, and status of the environment humidity sensor are bound to identify the specific environment humidity sensor and its operation type. When an entry is added, the device status is reported as normal (1); when an entry is deleted, the device status is reported as notInslot (4). This trap is the unique trigger condition that causes the NMS to add or delete entries to or from hwEnvHumiSensorTable." ::= { hwDevicesTrapsPrefix 5 } -- hwPDEsInslotChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwDeviceTrapOrdinalNumber,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwDevicesTrapsPrefix 6 } -- hwV101SiteDevicesTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteMonitorMIBTraps 3 } -- hwV101DevicesTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwV101SiteDevicesTraps 1 } -- hwRectifiersInslotChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwDeviceTrapOrdinalNumber, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription, hwRectEquipId, hwRectEquipName, hwRectOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the presence status of a rectifier changes, the node reports an event. Then the NMS adds or deletes the corresponding entry to or from hwRectConfigTable or hwRectOperTable. The bound information includes the site address, site name, site description, and NE identifier. In addition, the ID, name, and status of the rectifier are bound to identify the specific rectifier and its operation type. When an entry is added, the device status is reported as normal (1); when an entry is deleted, the device status is reported as commFail (4). This trap is the unique trigger condition that causes the NMS to add or delete entries to or from hwRectConfigTable or hwRectOperTable." ::= { hwV101DevicesTrapsPrefix 1 } -- hwBatterysInslotChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwDeviceTrapOrdinalNumber, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteDescription, hwBattStringEquipId, hwBattStringEquipName, hwBattStringOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the presence status of a battery string changes, the node reports an event. Then the NMS adds or deletes the corresponding entry to or from hwBatttConfigTable or hwBatttOperTable. The bound information includes the site address, site name, site description, and NE identifier. In addition, the ID, name, and status of the battery string are bound to identify the specific battery string and its operation type. When an entry is added, the device status is reported as normal (1); when an entry is deleted, the device status is reported as loopBreak (4). This trap is the unique trigger condition that causes the NMS to add or delete entries to or from hwBatttConfigTable or hwBatttOperTable." ::= { hwV101DevicesTrapsPrefix 2 } -- hwBattTestRecordsAdd NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwDeviceTrapOrdinalNumber, hwSiteName, hwSiteDescription, hwNetIdentifier, hwSiteAdminAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "After a new discharge test is conducted on a battery group, the node reports an event. The bound information includes the site address, site name, site description, and NE identifier. The NMS needs to add the corresponding entry to the battery test table. The test records are sorted by time in descending order. The battery test table holds a maximum of 10 test records. If the number of test records exceeds 10, the earlier records starting from the last but one record are deleted at a time because the last record is saved permanently. This trap is the unique trigger condition that causes the NMS to add entries from hwBattsTestResultTable. The battery test table allows you only to add entries." ::= { hwV101DevicesTrapsPrefix 3 } -- hwEnvTempSensInslotChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwDeviceTrapOrdinalNumber, hwSiteName,hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwEnvTempEquipId, hwEnvTempEquipName, hwEnvTempSensorOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the presence status of an environment temperature sensor changes, the node reports an event. Then the NMS adds or deletes the corresponding entry to or from hwEvnTempSensorTable. The bound information includes the site address, site name, site description, and NE identifier. In addition, the ID, name, and status of the environment temperature sensor are bound to identify the specific environment temperature sensor and its operation type. When an entry is added, the device status is reported as normal (1); when an entry is deleted, the device status is reported as notInslot (4). This trap is the unique trigger condition that causes the NMS to add or delete entries to or from hwEnvTempSensorTable." ::= { hwV101DevicesTrapsPrefix 4 } -- hwEnvHumiSensInslotChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwDeviceTrapOrdinalNumber, hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwEnvHumiEquipId, hwEnvHumiEquipName, hwEnvHumiSensorOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the presence status of an environment humidity sensor changes, the trap reports an event. Then the NMS adds or deletes the corresponding entry to or from hwEvnHumiSensorTable. The bound information includes the site address, site name, site description, and NE identifier. In addition, the ID, name, and status of the environment humidity sensor are bound to identify the specific environment humidity sensor and its operation type. When an entry is added, the device status is reported as normal (1); when an entry is deleted, the device status is reported as notInslot (4). This trap is the unique trigger condition that causes the NMS to add or delete entries to or from hwEnvHumiSensorTable." ::= { hwV101DevicesTrapsPrefix 5 } -- hwPDEsInslotChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwDeviceTrapOrdinalNumber,hwSiteName, hwSiteAdminAddr, hwNetIdentifier,hwSiteDescription, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDEOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwV101DevicesTrapsPrefix 6 } -- hwSiteMonitorMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteMonitorMIB 3 } -- hwSiteMonitorGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwSiteMonitorMIBConformance 1 } -- -- hwSiteInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwSiteName, hwSiteDescription, hwSiteId, hwSiteIp, hwSiteNetmask, hwAlarmIndex, hwAlarmLevel, hwAlarmSigDesc, hwAlarmQuantity, hwAlarmRowStatus, hwSiteGateway, hwNetIdentifier, hwAlarmText, hwDeviceTrapOrdinalNumber, hwAlarmTrapOrdinalNumber, hwSiteAdminAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site information group." ::= { hwSiteMonitorGroups 1 } -- hwSiteMonitorsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwMonsGroupId, hwMonsGroupName, hwMonIndex, hwMonEquipId, hwMonEquipName, hwMonEquipPcbVersion, hwMonEquipManufacturer, hwMonEquipManuDate, hwMonEquipSerialNo, hwMonEquipDescription, hwCtrlMonEquipReset, hwMonRowStatus, hwMonitorOperStatus, hwMonsQuantity, hwMonEquipOperTotalTime, hwMonEquipSoftwareVersion, hwSetMonEquipCtrlState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site monitor group." ::= { hwSiteMonitorGroups 2 } -- hwSiteRectifiersGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwRectSerialNo, hwRectType, hwRectManufacturer, hwRectOutputCurrent, hwRectOutputVoltage, hwCtrlRectOnOff, hwRectEquipId, hwRectEquipName, hwRectRatedCurrent, hwRectInputAcType, hwRectEfficency, hwRectConfigIndex, hwRectConfigRowStatus, hwRectsGroupId, hwRectsGroupName, hwRectsTotalQuantity, hwRectsRatedVoltage, hwModifyRectsOutputVoltage, hwSetRectsRedundEnable, hwRectManuDate, hwCtrlRectsAllOnOff, hwRectsTotalCurrent, hwRectOperStatus, hwRectOperIndex, hwRectTotalOperTime, hwRectSoftwareVersion, hwRectOperRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site rectifier group." ::= { hwSiteMonitorGroups 3 } -- hwSiteBatterysGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwBattStringCurrent, hwBattStringRemainCapacity, hwSetBattInstallTime, hwBattStringEquipId, hwBattStringEquipName, hwBattStringRemainCapacityPercent, hwBattStringActualCapacity, hwSetBattStdCapacity, hwBattStringTemprature, hwBattsGroupId, hwBattsGroupName, hwSetBattsHighTempAction, hwSetBattsHighTempVoltLimit, hwSetBattsFloatVoltage, hwSetBattsBoostVoltage, hwSetBattsCompFactor, hwBattsChargeStatus, hwBattsCurrLimitStatus, hwCtrlBattsTestStartStop, hwBattsTestResultIndex, hwBattsTestType, hwBattsTestStartTime, hwBattsTestResult, hwBattsEfficiency, hwBattsDischargeTime, hwBattsDischargeEndVoltage, hwBattsDischargeAvCurrent, hwBattsDischargeAhValue, hwBattsTestTemprature, hwBattsTestEndCourse, hwBattsTestResultRowStatus, hwBattStringConfigIndex, hwBattStringConfigRowStatus, hwSetBattsTempUpperLimit, hwSetBattsTempLowerLimit, hwSetBattsCurrLimitCoefficient, hwBattsTotalCurrent, hwSetBattsHTDLimit, hwBattsTestRecordCount, hwBattStringOperStatus, hwSetBattsTempMeasureUpperLimit, hwSetBattsTempMeasureLowerLimit, hwBattsPreDischargeTime, hwBattsTotalQuantity, hwSetBattsManuStdTestTime, hwSetBattsManuStdTestEndVolt, hwSetBattsManuStdTestCellNum, hwSetBattsManuShortTestTime, hwSetBattsManuShortTestEndVolt, hwBattStringOperIndex, hwSetBattsHTDEnable, hwBattStringOperRowStatus, hwCtrlBattsBoostFloat } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site battery group." ::= { hwSiteMonitorGroups 4 } -- hwSiteAcDistributionsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwSetAcsUpperVoltLimit, hwSetAcsLowerVoltLimit, hwApOrAblVoltage, hwBpOrBclVoltage, hwCpOrCalVoltage, hwAphaseCurrent, hwBphaseCurrent, hwCphaseCurrent, hwAcsGroupId, hwAcsGroupName, hwAcInputIndex, hwAcRowStatus, hwAcEquipId, hwAcInputOperStatus, hwAcEquipName, hwAcsTotalCurrent, hwAcsTotalQuantity, hwSiteDescription, hwAcInputBreakerIndex, hwAcInputBreakerEquipId, hwAcInputBreakerEquipName, hwAcInputBreakerOperStatus, hwAcInputBreakerRowStatus, hwAcInputBreakersQuantity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site AC distribution group." ::= { hwSiteMonitorGroups 5 } -- hwSiteDcDistributionsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwSetDcsUpperVoltLimit, hwSetDcsLowerVoltLimit, hwDcOutputIndex, hwDcOutputVoltage, hwDcOutputCurrent, hwDcOutputPower, hwDcOutputRowStatus, hwLoadBranchIndex, hwLoadBranchPower, hwDcOutputEquipId, hwDcOutputEquipName, hwLoadBranchEquipId, hwDcOutputOperStatus, hwLoadBranchOperStatus, hwLoadBranchRowStatus, hwLvdUnitEquipName, hwLoadBranchEquipName, hwDcsGroupId, hwDcsGroupName, hwDcsTotalVoltage, hwDcsTotalCurrent, hwDcsTotalPower, hwDcsTotalQuantity, hwLoadsQuantity, hwLoadBranchCurrent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site DC distribution group." ::= { hwSiteMonitorGroups 6 } -- hwSiteLvdUnitsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwLvdBranchIndex, hwLvdBranchRowStatus, hwLvdUnitEquipId, hwLvdsGroupId, hwLvdUnitEquipName, hwLvdsGroupName, hwSetLvdVoltage, hwCtrlLvd, hwLvdsTotalQuantity, hwLvdBranchOperStatus, hwSetLvdEnable } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site low voltage disconnection unit group." ::= { hwSiteMonitorGroups 7 } -- hwSiteEnvUnitsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwCtrlSmokeReset, hwCtrlDoorReset, hwEnvTempSensorIndex, hwEnvTemperature, hwEnvHumiSensorIndex, hwEnvHumidity, hwEnvHumiEquipId, hwEnvHumiEquipName, hwEnvTempEquipId, hwEnvTempEquipName, hwEnvUnitsGroupId, hwEnvUnitsGroupName, hwSetEnvTempAlarmEnable, hwSetEnvHumiAlarmEnable, hwCtrlBuzzerEnable, hwSetEnvTempUpperLimit, hwSetEnvTempLowerLimit, hwEnvTempSensorRowStatus, hwSetEnvHumidityUpperLimit, hwSetEnvHumidityLowerLimit, hwEnvHumiSensorRowStatus, hwEnvTempSensorOperStatus, hwEnvHumiSensorOperStatus, hwSetEnvTempMeasureUpperLimit, hwSetEnvTempMeasureLowerLimit, hwSetEnvHumidityMeasureUpperLimit, hwSetEnvHumidityMeasureLowerLimit, hwEnvTempSensorsTotalQuantity, hwEnvHumiSensorsTotalQuantity, hwSpareDigitalIndex, hwSpareDigitalEquipId, hwSpareDigitalEquipName, hwSetSpareDigitalAlarmTension, hwSetSpareDigitalAlarmEnable, hwSpareDigitalOperStatus, hwSpareDigitalRowStatus, hwSpareDigitalsTotalQuantity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site envirenment unit group." ::= { hwSiteMonitorGroups 8 } -- -- hwSiteAlarmTrapsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hwAcInputAlarmTraps, hwAcInputAlarmResumeTraps, hwAcVoltAlarmTraps, hwAcVoltAlarmResumeTraps, hwDcVoltAlarmTraps, hwDcVoltAlarmResumeTraps, hwLoadLvdAlarmTraps, hwLoadLvdAlarmResumeTraps, hwBattLvdAlarmTraps, hwBattLvdAlarmResumeTraps, hwBattLoopBreakAlarmTraps, hwBattLoopBreakAlarmResumeTraps, hwEnvTempAlarmTraps, hwEnvTempAlarmResumeTraps, hwEnvHumiAlarmTraps, hwEnvHumiAlarmResumeTraps, hwDoorAlarmTraps, hwDoorAlarmResumeTraps, hwWaterAlarmTraps, hwWaterAlarmResumeTraps, hwSmokeAlarmTraps, hwSmokeAlarmResumeTraps, hwRectifierFaultAlarmTraps, hwRectifierFaultAlarmResumeTraps, hwRectifierAbnormalAlarmTraps, hwRectifierAbnormalAlarmResumeTraps, hwBattOverCurrAlarmTraps, hwBattOverCurrAlarmResumeTraps, hwLoadFuseAlarmTraps, hwLoadFuseAlarmResumeTraps, hwRs485CommAlarmTraps, hwRs485CommAlarmResumeTraps, hwNetCommAlarmTraps, hwNetCommAlarmResumeTraps, hwMultiRectFailureAlarmTraps, hwMultiRectFailureAlarmResumeTraps, hwRectRedundAlarmTraps, hwRectRedundAlarmResumeTraps, hwBattUnbalanceAlarmTraps, hwBattUnbalanceAlarmResumeTraps, hwAcFreqFaultAlarmTraps, hwWireAlarmTraps, hwWireAlarmResumeTraps, hwAcFreqFaultAlarmResumeTraps, hwXmuSelfFaultAlarmTraps, hwAcBreakerAlarmTraps, hwAcBreakerAlarmResumeTraps, hwBattDischargeAlarmTraps, hwBattDischargeAlarmResumeTraps, hwXmuSelfFaultAlarmResumeTraps, hwBattStringTempAlarmTraps, hwBattStringTempAlarmResumeTraps, hwSpareDigitalAlarmTraps, hwSpareDigitalAlarmResumeTraps, hwAcOffLongTimeAlarmTraps, hwAcOffLongTimeAlarmResumeTraps, hwSpdAlarmTraps, hwSpdAlarmResumeTraps, hwBadBatteryTraps, hwBadBatteryResumeTraps, hwLvd2DisconnectingTraps, hwLvd2DisconnectingResumeTraps, hwBattHighTempTraps, hwBattHighTempResumeTraps, hwBattLowTempTraps, hwBattLowTempResumeTraps, hwDcUltraOverVoltageTraps, hwDcUltraOverVoltageResumeTraps, hwDcUltraUnderVoltageTraps, hwDcUltraUnderVoltageResumeTraps, hwUmiCommFailTraps, hwUmiCommFailResumeTraps, hwShortTestFailTraps, hwShortTestFailResumeTraps, hwMissingBattTempSensorTraps, hwMissingBattTempSensorResumeTraps, hwBattTempSensorFaultTraps, hwBattTempSensorFaultResumeTraps, hwAcOverVoltageTraps, hwAcOverVoltageResumeTraps, hwAcUnderVoltageTraps, hwAcUnderVoltageResumeTraps, hwBattTestRecordsAdd, hwPDENoResponseTraps, hwPDENoResponseResumeTraps, hwPDELostTraps, hwPDELostResumeTraps, hwPDELoadFaultTraps, hwPDELoadFaultResumeTraps, hwPDEFailureTraps, hwPDEFailureResumeTraps, hwPDEBr1FailureTraps, hwPDEBr1FailureResumeTraps, hwPDEBr2FailureTraps, hwPDEBr2FailureResumeTraps, hwPDEBr3FailureTraps, hwPDEBr3FailureResumeTraps, hwPDEBr4FailureTraps, hwPDEBr4FailureResumeTraps, hwPDEBr1ProtectTraps, hwPDEBr1ProtectResumeTraps, hwPDEBr2ProtectTraps, hwPDEBr2ProtectResumeTraps, hwPDEBr3ProtectTraps, hwPDEBr3ProtectResumeTraps, hwPDEBr4ProtectTraps, hwPDEBr4ProtectResumeTraps } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site alarm trap group." ::= { hwSiteMonitorGroups 9 } -- hwSiteDeviceTrapsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hwRectifiersInslotChange, hwBatterysInslotChange, hwBattTestRecordsAdd, hwEnvTempSensInslotChange, hwEnvHumiSensInslotChange, hwPDEsInslotChange } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteMonitorGroups 10 } -- hwSiteEfusesGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwPDEGroupId, hwPDEGroupName, hwPDEGroupNum, hwPDEGroupCommNum, hwPDEGroupTotalPower, hwPDEGroupTotalCurrent, hwPDEGroupCommStatus, hwPDEIndex, hwPDEEquipId, hwPDEEquipName, hwPDETotalRunningTime, hwPDEBranchNum, hwPDETotalPower, hwPDETotalCurrent, hwPDEBranch1Power, hwPDEBranch2Power, hwPDEBranch3Power, hwPDEBranch4Power, hwPDEBranch1Current, hwPDEBranch2Current, hwPDEBranch3Current, hwPDEBranch4Current, hwPDEBranch1Voltage, hwPDEBranch2Voltage, hwPDEBranch3Voltage, hwPDEBranch4Voltage, hwPDEBranch1Temperature, hwPDEBranch2Temperature, hwPDEBranch3Temperature, hwPDEBranch4Temperature, hwPDEOperStatus, hwPDERowStatus, hwPDEConfigIndex, hwPDEConfigEquipId, hwPDEConfigEquipName, hwPDEOverTempProtect, hwPDEVolProtectEnable, hwPDEOverVoltageProtect, hwPDEUnderVoltageProtect, hwPDEHysteresis, hwPDEReset, hwPDEBranch1Control, hwPDEBranch2Control, hwPDEBranch3Control, hwPDEBranch4Control, hwPDEBranch1CurrentLimit, hwPDEBranch2CurrentLimit, hwPDEBranch3CurrentLimit, hwPDEBranch4CurrentLimit, hwPDEConfigRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { hwSiteMonitorGroups 11 } END -- -- HUAWEI-SITE-MONITOR-MIB.mib --