-- ================================================================= -- Copyright (C) 2002 by HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES. All rights reserved. -- -- Description: HUAWEI-VGMP-MIB mib -- Reference: This mib describes VRRP Group Management Protocol. -- Version: V1.0 -- History: -- -- =====================DEFINITIONS============================================ HUAWEI-VGMP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS hwDatacomm FROM HUAWEI-MIB OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF Integer32, Integer32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI RowStatus, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION,TimeStamp FROM SNMPv2-TC InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB; hwVgmpMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200701112100Z" -- January 11, 2007 at 21:00 GMT ORGANIZATION "Huawei Technologies co., Ltd." CONTACT-INFO " R&D Nanjing, Huawei Technologies co.,Ltd. Huihong Bld.,NO.91 Baixia Rd., Bai-Xia District Nanjing P.R. China Zip:210001 Http://www.huawei.com E-mail:support@huawei.com " DESCRIPTION "This mib is used for VGMP." REVISION "200701112100Z" -- January 11, 2007 at 21:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "The initial revision of this MIB module." ::= { hwDatacomm 122 } -- =====================DEFINITIONS============================================ -- =====================TrapSnmpCtrl============================================ vgmpGlobalCtrl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwVgmpMib 0 } hwVgmpTrapSnmpCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A switch decides whether the system sends trap info or not." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { vgmpGlobalCtrl 1 } hwVgmpStrictCheck OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A switch decides whether the system carries out strict check or not." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { vgmpGlobalCtrl 2 } -- =====================TrapSnmpCtrl============================================ -- ================== Vgmp notification =================================== vgmpNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwVgmpMib 1 } hwVgmpOtherStateToMaster NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwVgmpGroupCfgState,hwVgmpGroupCfgNextState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the vrrp-group turns to master." ::= { vgmpNotifications 1 } hwVgmpMasterToOtherState NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hwVgmpGroupCfgState,hwVgmpGroupCfgNextState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the vrrp-group changes from master to other state." ::= { vgmpNotifications 2 } -- ================== Vgmp notification end =================================== vgmpOperations OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwVgmpMib 2 } vgmpStatistics OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwVgmpMib 3 } vgmpConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwVgmpMib 4 } -- ================== VGMP configuration table ================== hwVgmpGroupCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HWVgmpGroupCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vrrp-group configuration table. " ::= { vgmpOperations 1 } hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HWVgmpGroupCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the vrrp-group configuration table." INDEX { hwVgmpGroupCfgID } ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgTable 1 } HWVgmpGroupCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwVgmpGroupCfgID Integer32, hwVgmpGroupCfgEnable INTEGER, hwVgmpGroupCfgPri Integer32, hwVgmpGroupCfgUseVrrpPri INTEGER, hwVgmpGroupCfgPriPlusValue Integer32, hwVgmpGroupCfgPreemptEnable INTEGER, hwVgmpGroupCfgPreemptDelayValue Integer32, hwVgmpGroupCfgHelloInterval Integer32, hwVgmpGroupCfgSendEnable INTEGER, hwVgmpGroupCfgState INTEGER, hwVgmpGroupCfgRunPri Integer32, hwVgmpGroupCfgCreateTime Unsigned32, hwVgmpGroupCfgLastChangeTime Unsigned32, hwVgmpGroupCfgPeerState INTEGER, hwVgmpGroupCfgVrrpNum Integer32, hwVgmpGroupCfgReset INTEGER, hwVgmpGroupCfgOperRowStatus RowStatus, hwVgmpGroupCfgNextState INTEGER } hwVgmpGroupCfgID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vrrp-group ID." ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry 1 } hwVgmpGroupCfgEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether to enable vrrp-group or not." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry 2 } hwVgmpGroupCfgPri OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..254) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The priority of the vrrp-group. This attribute cannot be configured if attribute 'hwVgmpGroupCfgUseVrrpPri' is set to 'enable'." ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry 3 } hwVgmpGroupCfgUseVrrpPri OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether using vrrp priority compute vrrp-group priority or not. This attribute is exclusive with attributes 'hwVgmpGroupCfgPri' and 'hwVgmpGroupCfgPriPlusValue', so it is suggested not to configure this attribute together with 'hwVgmpGroupCfgPri' or 'hwVgmpGroupCfgPriPlusValue'. '. " DEFVAL { disable } ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry 4 } hwVgmpGroupCfgPriPlusValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..254) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The plus priority value after an interface added into a group. This attribute cannot be configured if attribute 'hwVgmpGroupCfgUseVrrpPri' is set to 'enable'." ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry 5 } hwVgmpGroupCfgPreemptEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether to enable preempt switch or not." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry 6 } hwVgmpGroupCfgPreemptDelayValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..60000) UNITS "milli-seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The delaying time of vrrp-group enters into new master state." ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry 7 } hwVgmpGroupCfgHelloInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (200..60000) UNITS "milli-seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interval for the vrrp-group to send vgmp hello packets." ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry 8 } hwVgmpGroupCfgSendEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether to enable vrrp-group group-send or not." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry 9 } hwVgmpGroupCfgState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nouse(1), init(2), master(3), slave(4), master2slave(5), slave2master(6), max(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the vrrp-group." ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry 10 } hwVgmpGroupCfgRunPri OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vrrp-group current run priority, it is different from hwVgmpGroupCfgPri. The value calculates according as configured priority attribute." ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry 11 } hwVgmpGroupCfgCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A span of the current time subtract the vrrp-group create time. This attribute is expressed as second." ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry 12 } hwVgmpGroupCfgLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A span of the current time subtract the vrrp-group last change time. This attribute is expressed as second." ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry 13 } hwVgmpGroupCfgPeerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { online(1), offline(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vrrp-group peer state." ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry 14 } hwVgmpGroupCfgVrrpNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..64) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vrrp-group member number." ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry 15 } hwVgmpGroupCfgReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1), unused(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reset sign of vrrp-group statistics." DEFVAL { unused } ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry 16 } hwVgmpGroupCfgOperRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The row status variable." ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry 17 } hwVgmpGroupCfgNextState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nouse(1), init(2), master(3), slave(4), master2slave(5), slave2master(6), unknown(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The next state of vrrp-Group. It provides for trap matching, you can get only unknown state." ::= { hwVgmpGroupCfgEntry 18 } -- ================= VGMP configuration Table End =========================================== -- ================= Group member configuration table ========================================== hwVgmpMemberTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HWVgmpMemberEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vrrp-group member configuration table." ::= { vgmpOperations 2 } hwVgmpMemberEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HWVgmpMemberEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the vrrp-group member configuration table." INDEX { hwVgmpMemberIfIndex,hwVgmpGroupCfgID,hwVgmpMemberVRID } ::= { hwVgmpMemberTable 1 } HWVgmpMemberEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwVgmpMemberIfIndex InterfaceIndex, hwVgmpMemberVRID Integer32, hwVgmpMemberData INTEGER, hwVgmpMemberTran INTEGER, hwVgmpMemberVrrpOnline INTEGER, hwVgmpMemberOperRowStatus RowStatus } hwVgmpMemberIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the member table." ::= { hwVgmpMemberEntry 1 } hwVgmpMemberVRID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vrrp-group member's vitual router id." ::= { hwVgmpMemberEntry 2 } hwVgmpMemberData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It specifies the vrrp-group member's attributes. 'enable' indicates this is the vgmp data channel." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { hwVgmpMemberEntry 3 } hwVgmpMemberTran OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It identifiers a vrrp-group member's attribute, 'enable' indicates this is the vgmp data transfer-only channel. This attribute cannot be configured if attribute 'hwVgmpMemberData' is set to 'disable'. " DEFVAL { disable } ::= { hwVgmpMemberEntry 4 } hwVgmpMemberVrrpOnline OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down(1), peerDown(2), up(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vrrp-group member's peer state." ::= { hwVgmpMemberEntry 5 } hwVgmpMemberOperRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The row status variable." ::= { hwVgmpMemberEntry 6 } -- ================= Group member configuration table end ====================================== -- ================= BFD SESSION table =============================================== hwVgmpTrackBFDTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HWVgmpTrackBFDEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vrrp-group tracking BFD session table." ::= { vgmpOperations 3 } hwVgmpTrackBFDEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HWVgmpTrackBFDEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the vrrp-group tracking BFD session table." INDEX { hwVgmpGroupCfgID,hwVgmpTrackBFDID } ::= { hwVgmpTrackBFDTable 1 } HWVgmpTrackBFDEntry ::= SEQUENCE{ hwVgmpTrackBFDID Integer32, hwVgmpTrackBFDReduceValue Integer32, hwVgmpTrackBFDPreeEnable INTEGER, hwVgmpTrackBFDOperRowStatus RowStatus } hwVgmpTrackBFDID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..8191) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The session id of vrrp-group tracking BFD." ::= { hwVgmpTrackBFDEntry 1 } hwVgmpTrackBFDReduceValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..254) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value which the system will subtract from priority, when a bfd session is down. You can't set zero." ::= { hwVgmpTrackBFDEntry 2 } hwVgmpTrackBFDPreeEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether to enable track BFD slave preempt." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { hwVgmpTrackBFDEntry 3 } hwVgmpTrackBFDOperRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The row status variable." ::= { hwVgmpTrackBFDEntry 4 } -- ================= BFD SESSION table end ====================================== -- ================= packet statistic table =============================================== hwVgmpStatisticTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HWVgmpStatisticEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The packets statistic information table." ::= { vgmpStatistics 1 } hwVgmpStatisticEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HWVgmpStatisticEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the packets statistic information table." INDEX { hwVgmpGroupCfgID } ::= { hwVgmpStatisticTable 1 } HWVgmpStatisticEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwVgmpStatisticCheckFailDropNum Integer32, hwVgmpStatisticDisableDropNum Integer32, hwVgmpStatisticModeTypeErrDropNum Integer32, hwVgmpStatisticAccHelloREQ Integer32, hwVgmpStatisticSendHelloREQ Integer32, hwVgmpStatisticAccHelloACK Integer32, hwVgmpStatisticSendHelloACK Integer32, hwVgmpStatisticAccMasterToSlaveREQ Integer32, hwVgmpStatisticSendMasterToSlaveREQ Integer32, hwVgmpStatisticAccMasterToSlaveACK Integer32, hwVgmpStatisticSendMasterToSlaveACK Integer32, hwVgmpStatisticAccMasterToSlaveNACK Integer32, hwVgmpStatisticSendMasterToSlaveNACK Integer32, hwVgmpStatisticAccSlaveToMasterREQ Integer32, hwVgmpStatisticSendSlaveToMasterREQ Integer32, hwVgmpStatisticAccSlaveToMasterACK Integer32, hwVgmpStatisticSendSlaveToMasterACK Integer32, hwVgmpStatisticAccSlaveToMasterNACK Integer32, hwVgmpStatisticSendSlaveToMasterNACK Integer32 } hwVgmpStatisticCheckFailDropNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of dropped packets due to check failure." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 1 } hwVgmpStatisticDisableDropNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of dropped packets because the vrrp-group is disabled." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 2 } hwVgmpStatisticModeTypeErrDropNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of dropped packets because the vrrp-group mode or type is wrong." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 3 } hwVgmpStatisticAccHelloREQ OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of hello REQ packets received by the vrrp-group." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 4 } hwVgmpStatisticSendHelloREQ OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of hello REQ packets sent by the vrrp-group." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 5 } hwVgmpStatisticAccHelloACK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of hello ACK packets received by the vrrp-group." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 6 } hwVgmpStatisticSendHelloACK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vrrp-group sending hello ACK packets num." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 7 } hwVgmpStatisticAccMasterToSlaveREQ OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of MasterToSlave REQ packets received by the vrrp-group." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 8 } hwVgmpStatisticSendMasterToSlaveREQ OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of MasterToSlave REQ packets sent by the vrrp-group." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 9 } hwVgmpStatisticAccMasterToSlaveACK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of MasterToSlave ACK packets received by the vrrp-group." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 10 } hwVgmpStatisticSendMasterToSlaveACK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of MasterToSlave ACK packets sent by the vrrp-group." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 11 } hwVgmpStatisticAccMasterToSlaveNACK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of MasterToSlave NACK packets received by the vrrp-group." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 12 } hwVgmpStatisticSendMasterToSlaveNACK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of MasterToSlave NACK packets sent by the vrrp-group." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 13 } hwVgmpStatisticAccSlaveToMasterREQ OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of SlaveToMaster REQ packets received by the vrrp-group." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 14 } hwVgmpStatisticSendSlaveToMasterREQ OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of SlaveToMaster REQ packets sent by the vrrp-group." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 15 } hwVgmpStatisticAccSlaveToMasterACK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of SlaveToMaster ACK packets received by the vrrp-group." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 16 } hwVgmpStatisticSendSlaveToMasterACK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of SlaveToMaster ACK packets sent by the vrrp-group." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 17 } hwVgmpStatisticAccSlaveToMasterNACK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of SlaveToMaster NACK packets received by the vrrp-group." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 18 } hwVgmpStatisticSendSlaveToMasterNACK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of SlaveToMaster NACK packets sent by the vrrp-group." ::= { hwVgmpStatisticEntry 19 } -- Conformance information hwVGMPMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgmpConformance 1 } hwVGMPMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwVGMPMIBCompliances 1 } hwVGMPGroAttrGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwVgmpGroupCfgEnable, hwVgmpGroupCfgPri, hwVgmpGroupCfgUseVrrpPri, hwVgmpGroupCfgPriPlusValue, hwVgmpGroupCfgPreemptEnable, hwVgmpGroupCfgPreemptDelayValue, hwVgmpGroupCfgHelloInterval, hwVgmpGroupCfgSendEnable, hwVgmpGroupCfgState,hwVgmpGroupCfgRunPri,hwVgmpGroupCfgCreateTime,hwVgmpGroupCfgLastChangeTime, hwVgmpGroupCfgPeerState,hwVgmpGroupCfgVrrpNum,hwVgmpGroupCfgReset, hwVgmpGroupCfgOperRowStatus,hwVgmpGroupCfgNextState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Attributes of the vrrp-group configuration." ::= { hwVGMPMIBGroups 1 } hwVGMPMenAttrGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwVgmpMemberData, hwVgmpMemberTran, hwVgmpMemberVrrpOnline, hwVgmpMemberOperRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vrrp-group member table's atributes." ::= { hwVGMPMIBGroups 2 } hwVGMPBFDSessionGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwVgmpTrackBFDReduceValue, hwVgmpTrackBFDPreeEnable, hwVgmpTrackBFDOperRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vrrp-group tracking BFD table's atributes." ::= { hwVGMPMIBGroups 3 } hwVGMPStaticGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS {hwVgmpStatisticCheckFailDropNum, hwVgmpStatisticDisableDropNum,hwVgmpStatisticModeTypeErrDropNum, hwVgmpStatisticAccHelloREQ, hwVgmpStatisticSendHelloREQ, hwVgmpStatisticAccHelloACK, hwVgmpStatisticSendHelloACK, hwVgmpStatisticAccMasterToSlaveREQ, hwVgmpStatisticSendMasterToSlaveREQ, hwVgmpStatisticAccMasterToSlaveACK, hwVgmpStatisticSendMasterToSlaveACK, hwVgmpStatisticAccMasterToSlaveNACK, hwVgmpStatisticSendMasterToSlaveNACK, hwVgmpStatisticAccSlaveToMasterREQ, hwVgmpStatisticSendSlaveToMasterREQ, hwVgmpStatisticAccSlaveToMasterACK, hwVgmpStatisticSendSlaveToMasterACK, hwVgmpStatisticAccSlaveToMasterNACK, hwVgmpStatisticSendSlaveToMasterNACK } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vrrp-group packet's statistic info." ::= { hwVGMPMIBGroups 4 } hwVGMPGlobalsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hwVgmpTrapSnmpCtrl, hwVgmpStrictCheck} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vrrp-group global group." ::= { hwVGMPMIBGroups 5 } hwVGMPNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hwVgmpOtherStateToMaster, hwVgmpMasterToOtherState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vrrp-group notification group." ::= { hwVGMPMIBGroups 6 } END -- -- HUAWEI-VGMP-MIB.mib --