-- ================================================================= -- Copyright (C) 2013 by HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES. All rights reserved -- Description: The MIB is used for defining Huawei's GPON management common MIB objects for both -- profile-mode and distributing-mode. -- Reference: -- Version: V1.34 -- ================================================================ HUAWEI-XPON-COMMON-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, mib-2, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Counter64, Unsigned32, Integer32, zeroDotZero, IpAddress, Gauge32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI TruthValue, DateAndTime, RowStatus, MacAddress,TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC ifIndex FROM IF-MIB MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF OwnerString, EntryStatus FROM RMON-MIB huaweiMgmt, huaweiUtility FROM HUAWEI-MIB; hwXponCommonMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201307151200Z" ORGANIZATION "Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: support@huawei.com " DESCRIPTION "The MIB is used for defining Huawei's GPON management common MIB objects for both profile-mode and distributing-mode." -- Revision history REVISION "201307151200Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.34, changes in this revision: - Add the enumerate of the leaf hwXponOntInfoAppLoadState. " REVISION "201305291200Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.33, changes in this revision: - Add a leaf hwGponOntPriorityQueueMappingPolicySwitch in table hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects. - Add the table hwXponDeviceOntNoAuthConfigTable. " REVISION "201305202300Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.32, changes in this revision: - Rename hwXponOntPppoeSimuEthPortID to hwXponOntPppoeSimuPortID, and modify the description. - Rename hwGponOntifEthType to hwGponOntifType, and add the enumerate of the leaf hwGponOntifType. - Rename hwGponOntifEthPort to hwGponOntifPort, and modify the description. - modify the description of hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationTable. - modify the description of hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationEntry. - modify the description of hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanIndex. - modify the description of hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanCfgTranslatedVlan. - modify the description of hwGponOntPortMulticastStripSwitch. - Add leaf hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoVdslPortNum in table hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoTable. - Add a table of hwGponOntPortServiceCfgTable. - modify the description of hwXponOntStatProbeConfigParameter to support VDSL port. - Add a table of hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsTable. - Add the enumerate of the leaf hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoDeviceType. - Add the leaf node hwXponOntInfoUsedMutualAuth in table hwXponOntInfoTable. " REVISION "201305072300Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.31, changes in this revision: - Add a table of hwXponOltOpticsModuleExtInfoTable. - Add a leaf hwGponDeviceTcontAutoCreateSwitch in table hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects. " REVISION "201304170900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.30, changes in this revision: - Add the enumerate of the leaf hwXponOntBatchQueryInfo. - rename hwXponPortControlTable to hwGponPortControlTable. - rename hwXponPortControlDbaAssignMode to hwGponPortControlDbaAssignMode. - Add leaf hwGponPortControlPonIdSwitch in table hwGponPortControlTable. - Add leaf hwGponPortControlPonIdInputMode in table hwGponPortControlTable. - Add leaf hwGponPortControlPonIdIdentifier in table hwGponPortControlTable. - Add leaf hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoEthOamSupport in table hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoTable. - Add a leaf hwGponDeviceOntObjectExtendFrameID in table hwXponOntInfoTable. - Modify the name of leaf hwXponOntFtpServerProfileName to hwXponOntFtpServerProfileNameIndex in table hwXponOntFtpServerProfileTable. - Add the enumerate of the leaf hwXponOntInfoInteroperabilityStandard. - Add the table hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15MinTable. - Add leaf hwXponOntInfoInteroperabilityStandard in table hwXponOntInfoTable. - Add the enumerate of the leaf hwGponInteroperModeSwitch. - Add the enumerate of the leaf hwGponOntInteroperabilityMode. - Add a table of hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticTable. - Add a leaf hwGponOntInteroperModeActiveMode in table hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects. - Add the enumerate of the leaf hwXponOntInfoAppLoadState. " REVISION "201301080900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.29, changes in this revision: - Modify the description of leaf hwXponOntInfoAppLoadState. - Add the table hwXponOntStatProbeConfigTable. - Add the table hwXponOntProbeStatTable. - Add leaf hwXponOntWanExtendInfoDetail in table hwXponOntWanInfoTable. - Modify the description of leaf hwXponDeviceOtdrTestFilterPara. " REVISION "201212040900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.28, changes in this revision: - Modify the description of leaf hwXponDeviceOtdrTestDownPowerUsage. - Modify the description of leaf hwXponDeviceOtdrTestPulseWidth. - Modify the description of leaf hwXponDeviceOtdrTestResult. " REVISION "201210181600Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.27, changes in this revision: - Add leaf hwXponOntInfoXmlLoadErrorInfo in table hwXponOntInfoTable. - Add table hwGponInteroperModeConfigTable to config ONT interoperability mode and multicust-auth mode. " REVISION "201209060900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.26, changes in this revision: - Add leaf hwXponDeviceOtdrTestFilterOrder in table hwXponDeviceOtdrTestTable. " REVISION "201209040900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.25, changes in this revision: - Modify the description of leaf hwXponOntBatchQueryItemMask and hwXponOntBatchQueryInfo. " REVISION "201207280900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.24, changes in this revision: - Modify the description of leaf hwXponDeviceOtdrTestOpticalFibreLength. - Modify the description of leaf hwXponOpticalModuleType, hwXponOpticalModuleOltOntType and hwXponOpticalModuleBandwidthType. " REVISION "201207200000Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.23, changes in this revision: - Delete unnecessary en dashes. " REVISION "201206190900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.22, changes in this revision: - Add leaf hwGponOnuTcontPriorityQueuePriorityReverse in table hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects. - Add leaf hwXponDeviceAllowDifferentRangeSwitch in table hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects. - Add table hwXponOpticsParameterRangeTable for xpon optical module info. " REVISION "201204130900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.21, changes in this revision: - Add the table of hwXponDeviceOtdrTestTable and the trap of hwXponPortOtdrResultTrap for OTDR test. - Modify the table name of hwXponPortStateTable from hwXponPortStateTable to hwXponPortInfoTable. - Add the leaf nodes hwXponPortOtdrCapability in table hwXponPortInfoTable. - Delete table hwXponDeviceOntFtpCfgServerTable, the table has never been used. - Delete table hwXponDeviceOntFtpCfgTable, the table has never been used. - Add table hwXponOntVoipConfigTable to config the ONT's voip service. - Add table hwXponOntFtpServerProfileTable to config the FTP server profile. - Modify the name of the leaf node hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgResult to hwGponDeviceOntVoipFtpCfgResult. - Add the table hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTable. " REVISION "201203120900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.20, changes in this revision: - Modify MAX-ACCESS of leaf hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileName to not-accessible. - Modify the string length of hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileUserName from 16 to 50. - Modify the string length of hwXponOntTr069ServerProfilePassword from 16 to 25. - Delete leaf hwXponOntVlanIdForTr069Server from table hwXponOntConfigTable. - Delete leaf hwXponOntPriorityForTr069Server from table hwXponOntConfigTable. - Delete leaf hwXponOntAdminStateForTr069Server from table hwXponOntConfigTable. - Add leaf hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendIpAddress, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendMac, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendSn, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendLoid, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendPolicyName in table hwXponOntAlarmPolicyTable. - Add table hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmTable to set the ONT alarm level. - Modify the range of leaf hwXponOntIpConfigPppoeUserName and hwXponOntIpConfigPppoePassword. " REVISION "201203010900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.19, changes in this revision: - Add leaf hwXponOntUsedTr069ServerProfName in table hwXponOntConfigTable. - Add leaf hwXponOntVlanIdForTr069Server in table hwXponOntConfigTable. - Add leaf hwXponOntPriorityForTr069Server in table hwXponOntConfigTable. - Add leaf hwXponOntAdminStateForTr069Server in table hwXponOntConfigTable. - Add the table of hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileTable for gpon ont server management. - Add leaf hwGponOntMutlicastAuthMode in hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for the ONT multicust-auth mode. - Add leaf hwXponOntControlGracefulReset in hwXponOntControlTable to reset the ONT gracefully. - Add leaf hwXponOntControlGraceTime in hwXponOntControlTable to specify the maximum time to wait for the ONT to reset gracefully. - Modify the chinese description of leaf hwXGponOltOpticsModuleXponTemperatureLevel into English. - Add the table hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileTable to set the power shedding interval. - Add the table hwXponOntPowerSheddingStatusQueryTable to query the power shedding status of the ONT. - Add leaf hwXponOntPowerSheddingProfName in table hwXponOntConfigTable. - Add leaf hwXponOntDeleteVasService in hwXponOntControlTable for omci/oam. - Add the table of hwXponOntCapabilityInfoTable for omci/oam. - Modify the table name of hwXponOntIpConfigTable to hwXponOntIpMaintainTable. - Add the table of hwXponOntIpConfigTable for omci/oam. - Add leaf hwXponPortMacChipState in hwXponPortStateTable. - Add table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable for XGPON everbefore statistics. - Add leaf hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameFecCorrectedBytes in table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable. - Add leaf hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameFecCorrectedCodeWords in table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable. - Add leaf hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameFecUncorrectableCodeWords in table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable. - Add leaf hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameTotalRecCodeWords in table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable. - Add leaf hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameFecSeconds in table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable. - Add leaf hwGponOntEverbeforeRangingTimeCount in table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable. - Add leaf hwGponOntEverbeforeTransmittedGemFrames in table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable. - Add leaf hwGponOntEverbeforeXgemKeyErrorCount in table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable. - Add leaf hwGponOntEverbeforeXgemHecErrorCount in table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable. - Modify hwGponOntPerfDataTable to hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataTable. - Modify the description of hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataTable. - Modify HwGponOntPerfDataEntry to HwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataEntry. - Modify the description of HwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataEntry. - Modify hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFECCorrectByte to hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecCorrectByte. - Modify hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFECCorrectCodeWords to hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecCorrectCodeWords. - Modify hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFECUncorrectCodeWords to hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecUncorrectCodeWords. - Modify hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFECTotalCodeWords to hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecTotalCodeWords. - Modify hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFECSeconds to hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecSeconds. - Add leaf hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinRangingTimeCount in table hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataTable. - Add leaf hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinTransmittedGemFrames in table hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataTable. - Add leaf hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinXgemKeyErrorCount in table hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataTable. - Add leaf hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinXgemHecErrorCount in table hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataTable. - Modify hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFECCorrectByte to hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecCorrectByte. - Modify hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFECCorrectCodeWords to hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecCorrectCodeWords. - Modify hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFECUncorrectCodeWords to hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecUncorrectCodeWords. - Modify hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFECTotalCodeWords to hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecTotalCodeWords. - Modify hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFECSeconds to hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecSeconds. - Add leaf hwGponOntPerfHis15MinRangingTimeCount in table hwGponOntPerfHis15MinTable. - Add leaf hwGponOntPerfHis15MinTransmittedGemFrames in table hwGponOntPerfHis15MinTable. - Add leaf hwGponOntPerfHis15MinXgemKeyErrorCount in table hwGponOntPerfHis15MinTable. - Add leaf hwGponOntPerfHis15MinXgemHecErrorCount in table hwGponOntPerfHis15MinTable. - Modify the description of the object hwXponOntInfoAppLoadState. - Modify the description of the object hwXponOntBatchQueryInfo. - Add a table hwXGponOltOpticsModuleInformationTable. - Modify the description of leaf hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecCorrectCodeWords. - Modify the description of leaf hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecUncorrectCodeWords and hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecTotalCodeWords. - Add leaf hwXponDeviceAlarmClearOnShutdown in hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for clear on shutdown switch. - Add table hwGponCommonOntStatisticTable for the information about the priority queue alarm. - Modify the name of every leaf in table hwXGponOltOpticsModuleInformationTable, modify XGPON to 10GPON. - Add the table hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoTable to query the capability of the GPON ONT. - Add leaf hwXponOntInfoNoOnLineReason in hwXponOntInfoTable. - Modify the description option of hwXponPortSignalDetect. - Change the name of hwXponOntActiveAlarmEntry to hwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmEntry - Add leaf hwXponDeviceSuppressInitialAlarmState in hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects to suppress xpon initial alarm. - Add the enumerate of the leaf hw10GponOltOpticsModuleXponSubType. " REVISION "201109010900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.18, changes in this revision: - Add leaf hwXponDeviceModifyBoundProfileSwitch in hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for enable or disable modify bound profile control. " REVISION "201107250900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.17, changes in this revision: - Delete the node hwXponPortControlDbaCalculatePeriod from table hwXponPortControlTable. " REVISION "201107080900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.16, changes in this revision: - Add leaf hwXponDeviceAutofindConflictCheckSwitch in hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for the ONT autofind conflict-check switch. " REVISION "201106250900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.15, changes in this revision: - Add leaf hwGponOntInteroperabilityMode in hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for interoperability mode. - Add leaf hwGponDeviceOntDefaultLineProfName in hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for default profile. - Add leaf hwGponDeviceOntDefaultSrvProfName in hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for default profile. - Add the table HwGponOntIphostStatsTable to querying and clearing the information about the IPHOST port. - Add the table of hwXponPortControlTable. - Add the table of hwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmTable. - Add hwXponCommonOntCatvDefaultState to support the global settings for ONT CATV ports. - Add leaf hwXponDeviceGroupPowerOffControlState in hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for group power off report switch. - Add the leaf hwXponOntLastDistance in table hwXponOntInfoTable. - Move all TRAP objects from HUAWEI-XPON-COMMON-MIB.mib to HUAWEI-XPON-TRAP-MIB.mib. " REVISION "201105180900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.14, changes in this revision: - Modify the description of leaf hwXponOntBatchQueryInfo. - Modify the description of leaf hwXponOntInfoXmlLoadState and hwXponOntInfoAppLoadState. - Add the object of hwXponDeviceCommonProfileObjects. - Add the table of hwXponOntAlarmPolicyTable. - Add the table of hwXponOntConfigTable. - Modify the description of leaf hwXponOntBatchInfoTable to query the reason why the ONT last went offline. - Add table hwXponOntWanInfoTable to query the information about WAN ports. - Add trap hwGponOntFECUncorrectCodeWordsAlarmTrap,hwGponOntFECUncorrectCodeWordsRecoverAlarmTrap, hwGponOntFECCorrectCodeWordsAlarmTrap and hwGponOntFECCorrectCodeWordsRecoverAlarmTrap. - Add two leaves hwXponCommonOntFECUncorrectCodeWordsThreshold and hwXponCommonOntFECCorrectCodeWordsThreshold in hwXponCommonTrapsVbOids " REVISION "201102280900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.14, changes in this revision: - Add the table of hwGponDevicePerfDataTable. - Add the table of hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationTable for the multicast vlan translation of GPON ONT ETH port. - Add a leaf hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgResult in hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileInfoTable. - Add the table of hwXponDeviceOntFtpCfgServerTable. - Add the table of hwXponDeviceOntFtpCfgTable. - Add a leaf hwXponOntInfoSupportXmlVersion. - Add the table of hwGponOntPerfDataTable. - Add the table of hwGponOntPerfHis15MinTable. - Delete the table of hwGponDevicePerfDataTable. - Add trap hwGponDeviceOntVersionTrap. - Add trap hwGponProfOntVersionTrap. - Add trap hwEponProfOntUpVersionTrap. - Add a leaf hwXponRogueOntManualDetectState in hwXponCommonTrapsVbOids. - Add a trap node hwXponCommonRogueOntManualDetectTrap for notifying the result of rogue ont manual detect. " REVISION "201012100900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.13, changes in this revision: - Add the hwXponOntSurvivalAlarmTrap and hwXponOntSurvivalRecoverAlarmTrap to support the work mode of ONT. - Modify the table of hwXponOntBatchInfoTable to optimize thebatch query. - Modify the nodes in the table of hwXponOntPppoeSimuTestInfoTable to support the priority of vlan. - Modify the trap of hwXponCommonDeviceOntPppoeSimuTrap. " REVISION "201011250900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.12, changes in this revision: - Modify the description of the flowing leaves: hwGponOltMinBandwidth hwGponOltAutoUpdateOntFlag - Add a leaf hwGponOltChangePasswordIntervalTime in hwXponCommonTrapsVbOids for the trap hwXponConfigPmConfigTrap - Modify the member of the trap hwXponConfigPmConfigTrap - Add the table hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for setting or obtaining device common global information of XPON. - Add leaf hwXponDeviceLosAlarmControlState in hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for alarm los-control. " REVISION "201011030900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.11, changes in this revision: - Add the table of hwXponOntBatchInfoTable to query all of the ont information. - Add the table of hwXponOntPppoeSimuTestInfoTable and the trap of hwXponCommonDeviceOntPppoeSimuTrap for PPPOE test. - Modify the node of the hwXponCommonDeviceOntPingResult, add the node of hwXponCommonDeviceReceivedErrorCode for the test of remote ping - Add the table of the hwXponOntControlTable for ONT configration. - Add the node of the hwXponOntInfoCfgFileCrc - Add the node of the hwXponOntInfoAppLoadState and hwXponOntInfoXmlLoadState for ONT load. - Modify the description of the hwGponConfigOntPortNativeVlanTrap. " REVISION "201009280900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.10, changes in this revision: - Modify the description of the MIB file. " REVISION "201008250900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.09, changes in this revision: - Modify the value range of the leaf hwGponOntPortTDMCodeMode. " REVISION "201008110900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.08, changes in this revision: - Add leaf hwGponDeviceTcontAutoCombineSwitch in hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for T-CONT auto-combine." REVISION "201007070900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.07, changes in this revision: Add the leaf nodes hwXponModeSwitchResult, hwXponConfigMode, hwGponOltMinBandwidth, hwGponOltNearestDistance,hwGponOltFarestDistance, hwGponOltAutoFindOntFlag,hwGponOltAutoUpdateOntFlag,hwGponOltDownFecEnableFlag,hwGponOntPortTDMCodeMode,hwGponOntPortManagementStatus, hwGponOntEthPortLoopback,hwGponOntE1PortLoopback,hwGponOntPortVlanDefault, hwGponOntPortVlanDefaultPriority in hwXponCommonTrapsVbOids for standard traps. Add the definition of the trap node: hwXponSwitchModeResultTrap,hwXponConfigModeTrap,hwXponConfigChangeSnmpProfileTrap, hwXponConfigPmConfigTrap,hwXponConfigOltTypeBDparentDelTrap,hwGponConfigOltTypeBDparentTrap,hwGponConfigOltTypeBDparentCreateTrap, hwGponConfigOltTypeBDparentCreateTrap,hwGponConfigOntPortNativeTrap,in hwXponCommonGeneralTraps for standard traps. Modify the definition of the leaf node, include:hwXponCommonDeviceOntRemotePingTrap for trap optimization. Modify the attribute value,include node:hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortPTPSrvState,hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortPTPAdminState, hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortPTPHookState,hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortCTPSrvState,hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortCTPSrvType,hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortCTPSrvCode. " REVISION "201006070900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.06, changes in this revision: Modify the definition difference between MIB file and tree.c " REVISION "201004290900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.05, changes in this revision: Add the table hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects for setting or obtaining device common global information of GPON. Add the leaf nodes hwXponOntInfoMemoryOccupation,hwXponOntInfoCpuOccupation,hwXponOntInfoTemperature,hwXponOntInfoProductDescription in table hwXponOntInfoTable for obtaining ONT information. Add the leaf nodes hwXponDeviceOntControlPrimaryStatus ,hwXponDeviceOntControlSecondaryStatus in table hwXponOntInfoTable for obtaining ONT status of the Board. Add the table hwXponOntIpConfigTable to config the ONT. Add the table hwXponCommonTrapsVbOids and hwXponCommonTraps for standard traps. Add leaf nodes hwXponPortStateChangeTrap and hwXponOntCfgStateChangeTrap in hwXponCommonGeneralTraps for standard traps. Add the table hwXponPortStateTable to query the port state information. " REVISION "201004070900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.04, changes in this revision: Add the table hwXponOntInfoTable to query the ont information. " REVISION "201003170900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.03, changes in this revision: Modify the attribute value,include node:hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortPTPSrvState,hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortPTPAdminState, hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortPTPHookState,hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortCTPSrvState,hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortCTPSrvType, hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortCTPSrvCode. " REVISION "201003100900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.02, changes in this revision: Add the leaf node hwXponOntTransmittingFileLength in table hwXponOntFileTransmitionTable for setting or obtaining the length of the file to be transmit. " REVISION "201001210900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.01, invariant." REVISION "200912300900Z" DESCRIPTION "V1.00, Initial version." ::= { huaweiUtility 145 } hwXponCommonObjectMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwXponCommonMIB 1} hwXponCommonObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwXponCommonObjectMIB 1} hwXponCommonControlObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwXponCommonObjects 1} hwXponCommonStatisticObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwXponCommonObjects 2} hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwXponCommonObjects 3} hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwXponCommonObjects 4} hwXponDeviceCommonProfileObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwXponCommonObjects 5} --Table hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileInfoTable hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileInfoTable is used to query the version information and validation status of the ONT voice configuration file. The indexes of this table are ifIndex and hwGponDeviceOntObjIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 1 } hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileInfoTable is used to query the version information and validation status of the ONT voice configuration file. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex and hwGponDeviceOntObjIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwGponDeviceOntObjIndex } ::= { hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileInfoTable 1 } HwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwGponDeviceOntObjIndex Integer32, hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileState INTEGER, hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileVersion OCTET STRING, hwGponDeviceOntVoipFtpCfgResult INTEGER } hwGponDeviceOntObjIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONT ID, range: 0-127." ::= { hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileInfoEntry 1} hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inactive (1), active (2), initializing (3), fault (4), invalid (-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONT VOIP configuration file state. Options: 1. inactive(1) - Configuration retrieval has not been attempted 2. active(2) - Configuration was retrieved 3. initializing(3) - Configuration is now being retrieved 4. fault(4) - Configuration retrieval process failed 5. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileInfoEntry 2 } hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..25)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONT VOIP file version." ::= { hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileInfoEntry 3 } hwGponDeviceOntVoipFtpCfgResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { success(0), resolvefail(1), notreach(2), notconnect(3), notvalidate(4), notauthenticate(5), responsetimeout(6), responsefail(7), configfileerror(8), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Query the failed alarm information of config XML file. Options: 1. success(0) - The ONT configuration is successful 2. resolvefail(1) - Failed to resolve the configuration server name 3. notreach(2) - Cannot reach configuration server(The port cannot be reached, ICMP errors) 4. notconnect(3) - Cannot connect to configuration server (due to bad credentials or other fault after the port responded) 5. notvalidate(4) - Cannot validate configuration server 6. notauthenticate(5) - Cannot authenticate configuration session (e.g. missing credentials) 7. responsetimeout(6) - Timeout waiting for response from configuration server 8. responsefail(7) - Failure response received from configuration server 9. configfileerror(8) - Configuration file received has an error 10. invalid(-1) - Other errors " ::= { hwGponDeviceOntVoipCfgFileInfoEntry 4 } -- Table hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortStateTable hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortStateTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwGponDeviceOntPotsPortStateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Query the state of ONT POTS port table.The table is used to query the state of ONT POTS port. The indexes of this table are ifIndex, hwGponDeviceOntObjIndex and hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortId. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 2 } hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortStateEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwGponDeviceOntPotsPortStateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Query the state of ONT POTS port table.The table is used to query the state of ONT POTS port. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex, hwGponDeviceOntObjIndex and hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortId. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwGponDeviceOntObjIndex, hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortId } ::= { hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortStateTable 1 } HwGponDeviceOntPotsPortStateEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortId Integer32, hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortPTPSrvState INTEGER, hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortPTPAdminState INTEGER, hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortPTPHookState INTEGER, hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortCTPSrvState INTEGER, hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortCTPSrvType INTEGER, hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortCTPSrvCode INTEGER } hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONT POTS port ID." ::= { hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortStateEntry 1 } hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortPTPSrvState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), fail (2), invalidState (-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONT POTS port physics running state. Options: 1. normal(1) - Normal state 2. fail(2) - Fail state 3. invalidState(-1) - Returned in case of query failure or error " ::= { hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortStateEntry 2 } hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortPTPAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { lock (1), unlock (2), invalidState (-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONT POTS port physics admin state. Options: 1. lock(1) - All user functions of this circuit pack are blocked, and alarm for this managed entity are no longer generated 2. unlock(2) - Unlock state, all user functions of this circuit pack are normal 3. invalidState(-1) - This value is return when can't query or have some errors in query " ::= { hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortStateEntry 3 } hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortPTPHookState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { onHook (1), offHook (2), invalidState (-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONT POTS port physics hook state. Options: 1. onHook(1) - ONT POTS port physics is onHook 2. offHook(2) - ONT POTS port physics is offHook 3. invalidState(-1) - Returned in case of query failure or error " ::= { hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortStateEntry 4 } hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortCTPSrvState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noneOrinitial (1), registered (2), inSession (3), failedRegistration (4), failedInvite (5), portNotconfigured (6), configDone (7), invalidState (-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONT POTS port service running state. Options: 1. noneOrinitial(1) - None or initial state 2. registered(2) - Registered state 3. inSession(3) - In session 4. failedRegistration(4) - Failed in registration 5. failedInvite(5) - Failed in invite 6. portNotconfigured(6) - Port doesn't configure 7. configDone(7) - Config has been done 8. invalidState(-1) - Returned in case of query failure or error " ::= { hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortStateEntry 5 } hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortCTPSrvType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { idleOrnone (1), twoWay (2), threeWay (3), fax (4), telem (5), conference (6), invalidType (-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONT POTS port service type. Options: 1. idleOrnone(1) - Idle or none type 2. twoWay(2) - Two way type 3. threeWay(3) - Three way type 4. fax(4) - Fax type 5. telem(5) - Telem type 6. conference(6) - Conference type 7. invalidType(-1) - Invalid type " ::= { hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortStateEntry 6 } hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortCTPSrvCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pcmu (1), reserved1 (2), reserved2 (3), gsm (4), g723 (5), dvi4ClockRate8000 (6), dvi4ClockRate16000 (7), lpc (8), pcma (9), g722 (10), l16TwoChannels (11), l16OneChannel (12), qcelp (13), cn (14), mpa (15), g728 (16), dvi4ClockRate11025 (17), dvi4ClockRate22050 (18), g729 (19), t38(20), invalidCode (-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONT POTS port code mode. Options: 1. pcmu(1) - Audio data is encoded as eight bits per sample, after logarithmic scaling. PCMU denotes mu-law scaling 2. reserved1(2) - Reserved 3. reserved2(3) - Reserved 4. gsm(4) - GSM denotes the European GSM 06.10 standard for full-rate speech transcoding, ETS 300 961, which is based on RPE/LTP (residual pulse excitation/long term prediction) coding at a rate of 13 kb/ 5. g723(5) - Dual-rate speech coder for multimedia communications transmitting at 5.3 and 6.3 kbit/s 6. dvi4ClockRate8000(6) - DVI4 uses an adaptive delta pulse code modulation (ADPCM) encoding scheme that was specified by the Interactive Multimedia Association (IMA) as the IMA ADPCM wave type, and the clock rate is 8000HZ 7. dvi4ClockRate16000(7) - DVI4 uses an adaptive delta pulse code modulation (ADPCM) encoding scheme that was specified by the Interactive Multimedia Association (IMA) as the IMA ADPCM wave type, and the clock rate is 16000HZ 8. lpc(8) - LPC designates an experimental linear predictive encoding contributed by Ron Frederick, which is based on an implementation written by Ron Zuckerman posted to the Usenet group comp 9. pcma(9) - Audio data is encoded as eight bits per sample, after logarithmic scaling. PCMA denotes A-law scaling 10. g722(10) - 7 kHz audio-coding within 64 kbit/s 11. l16TwoChannels(11) - Two channel encoding 12. l16OneChannel(12) - One channel encoding 13. qcelp(13) - QCELP CODEC compresses each 20 milliseconds of 8,000 Hz 14. cn(14) - Comfort Noise 15. mpa(15) - MPA denotes MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 audio encapsulated as elementary streams 16. g728(16) - Coding of speech at 16 kbit/s using low-delay code excited linear prediction 17. dvi4ClockRate11025(17) - DVI4 uses an adaptive delta pulse code modulation (ADPCM) encoding scheme that was specified by the Interactive Multimedia Association (IMA) as the IMA ADPCM wave type, and the clock rate is 11025HZ. 18. dvi4ClockRate22050(18) - DVI4 uses an adaptive delta pulse code modulation (ADPCM) encoding scheme that was specified by the Interactive Multimedia Association (IMA) as the IMA ADPCM wave type, and the clock rate is 11025HZ. 19. g729(19) - Coding of speech at 8 kbit/s using conjugate structure-algebraic code excited linear prediction 20. t38(20) - T.38 is used by the IFP peer to verify message alignment. It is identified by an ASN.1 Application tag 21. invalidCode(-1) - Invalid code " ::= { hwGponDeviceOntPotsPortStateEntry 7 } --Table hwXponOntFileTransmitionTable hwXponOntFileTransmitionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntFileTransmitionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is ONT file transmission table. This table is used to transmit the config or diagnose files between BMS and ONU. The indexes of this table are ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex and hwXponOntTransmittingSerialNo. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 3 } hwXponOntFileTransmitionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntFileTransmitionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is ONT file transmission table. This table is used to transmit the config or diagnose files between BMS and ONU. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex and hwXponOntTransmittingSerialNo. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex, hwXponOntTransmittingSerialNo } ::= { hwXponOntFileTransmitionTable 1 } HwXponOntFileTransmitionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntIndex Integer32, hwXponOntTransmittingSerialNo Integer32, hwXponOntTransmittingFileValue OCTET STRING, hwXponOntTransmittingFileLength Unsigned32 } hwXponOntIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONT ID, range: 0-254." ::= { hwXponOntFileTransmitionEntry 1} hwXponOntTransmittingSerialNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The serial number of transmission." ::= { hwXponOntFileTransmitionEntry 2 } hwXponOntTransmittingFileValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..8192)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The file to be transmitted." ::= { hwXponOntFileTransmitionEntry 3 } hwXponOntTransmittingFileLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of the file to be transmitted." ::= { hwXponOntFileTransmitionEntry 4 } --Table hwXponOntInfoTable hwXponOntInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ont info table. This table is used to query the ont information. The indexes of this table are ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 4 } hwXponOntInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ont info table. This table is used to query the ont information. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex} ::= { hwXponOntInfoTable 1 } HwXponOntInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntInfoOnlineDuration Gauge32, hwXponOntInfoMemoryOccupation Integer32, hwXponOntInfoCpuOccupation Integer32, hwXponOntInfoTemperature Integer32, hwXponOntInfoProductDescription OCTET STRING, hwXponDeviceOntControlPrimaryStatus INTEGER, hwXponDeviceOntControlSecondaryStatus BITS, hwXponOntInfoCfgFileCrc Integer32, hwXponOntInfoAppLoadState Integer32, hwXponOntInfoXmlLoadState Integer32, hwXponOntInfoSupportXmlVersion OCTET STRING, hwXponOntLastDistance Integer32, hwXponOntInfoNoOnLineReason Integer32, hwXponOntInfoXmlLoadErrorInfo OCTET STRING, hwXponOntInfoInteroperabilityStandard INTEGER, hwGponDeviceOntObjectExtendFrameID Integer32, hwXponOntInfoUsedMutualAuth INTEGER } hwXponOntInfoOnlineDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The one-time online duration of the ONT. Unit: second " ::= { hwXponOntInfoEntry 1 } hwXponOntInfoMemoryOccupation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Memory occupation of the ONT, range: 0-100." ::= { hwXponOntInfoEntry 2 } hwXponOntInfoCpuOccupation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CPU occupation of the ONT, range: 0-100." ::= { hwXponOntInfoEntry 3 } hwXponOntInfoTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "degree centigrade" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature of the ONT. Unit: degree centigrade " ::= { hwXponOntInfoEntry 4 } hwXponOntInfoProductDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..256)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The product description of the ONT." ::= { hwXponOntInfoEntry 5 } hwXponDeviceOntControlPrimaryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { is-nr(1), is-anr(2), is-rst(3), is-anrst(4), oos-au(5), oos-ma(6), oos-auma(7), oos-aurst(8), oos-maanr(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The primary status of the Board.This parameter indicates the current overall service condition of an entity, i.e., whether it is in-service or out-of-service. Options: 1. is-nr(1) - Normal 2. is-anr(2) - Abnormal 3. is-rst(3) - Restricted 4. is-anrst(4) - Abnormal & Restricted 5. oos-au(5) - Autonomous 6. oos-ma(6) - Management 7. oos-auma(7) - Autonomous & Management 8. oos-aurst(8) - Autonomous & Restricted 9. oos-maanr(9) - Management & Abnormal " ::= { hwXponOntInfoEntry 6 } hwXponDeviceOntControlSecondaryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { sst-ains(0), sst-faf(1), sst-flt(2), sst-lpbk(3), sst-mea(4), sst-sgeo(5), sst-stbyh(6), sst-ts(7), sst-uas(8), sst-ueq(9), sst-wrk(10), sst-pwr(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates the secondary status of the board. The parameter provides additional information pertaining to PST and PSTQ. For example, it may indicate the type and/or reason of the external command, the event that occurred in the Network Element, etc. Multiple values may apply to an entity at a given moment. The highest bit of SST value indicates the sst-ains(0) status; The second highest bit of SST value indicates the sst-faf(1) status, and the rest can be deduced by analogy. This BITS structure can report the following status: 1. sst-ains(0) - this bit position positively reports that the status of the board is automatic in-service 2. sst-faf(1) - Facility Failure 3. sst-flt(2) - Fault 4. sst-lpbk(3) - Loopback 5. sst-mea(4) - Mismatch of Equipment and Attributes 6. sst-sgeo(5) - Supporting Entity Outage 7. sst-stbyh(6) - Standby-Hot 8. sst-ts(7) - Test 9. sst-uas(8) - Unassigned 10. sst-ueq(9) - Unequipped 11. sst-wrk(10) - Working 12. sst-pwr(11) - Power " ::= { hwXponOntInfoEntry 7 } hwXponOntInfoCfgFileCrc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CRC value of the ONT." ::= { hwXponOntInfoEntry 8 } hwXponOntInfoAppLoadState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the app load for ONT. 0x01 initstate 0x02 process %0 0x03 ftp load fail 0x04 loaded to mainboard process %10 0x05 loaded to ponboard process %20 0x06 loaded to ponboard fail 0x07 process %80 0x08 fail:user stop 0x09 fail:ont offline 0x0a fail:ont response fail 0x0b fail:ont response timeout 0x0c fail:pon inner error 0x0d process %100,ont restart 0x0e Process %100 the ont now is in survival mode 0x0f fail:system is busy because the ponboard's channel is occupied 0x10 fail:failed to verify the version information 0x11 fail:processing the loading task timed out 0x12 fail:ont file check failure 0x13 fail:code file validate failure 0x14 fail:system buffer is insufficient 0x15 fail:ont not support load 0x16 fail:ont storage space insufficient 0x17 fail:ont image file error 0x18 fail:ont image file existed 0x19 fail:ont activate image file fail 0x1a fail:ont commit image file fail 0x1b fail:ont image file crc error 0xff fail:unknown reason " ::= { hwXponOntInfoEntry 9 } hwXponOntInfoXmlLoadState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the xml load for ONT. 0x01 initstate 0x02 process %0 0x03 ftp load fail 0x04 loaded to mainboard process %10 0x05 loaded to ponboard process %20 0x06 loaded to ponboard fail 0x07 process %80 0x08 process %100 0x09 fail:user stop 0x0a fail:ont not support xml 0x0b fail:ont offline 0x0c fail:ont response unknown fail 0x0d fail:ont response timeout 0x0e fail:xml error ont will reconfigure fail 0x0f fail:xml format error 0x10 fail:xml content error 0x11 fail:ont find xml transfer error 0x12 fail:unknown error from ont 0x13 fail:unknown error from ponboard 0x14 fail:system is busy because the ponboard's channel is occupied 0xff fail:unknown reason " ::= { hwXponOntInfoEntry 10 } hwXponOntInfoSupportXmlVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..25)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The xml version that the ONT supports, it is a V.R.C.SP string." ::= { hwXponOntInfoEntry 11 } hwXponOntLastDistance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "m" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last ranging value of the ONT. Unit: m Options: 1. invalid (-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected." ::= { hwXponOntInfoEntry 12 } hwXponOntInfoNoOnLineReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the reason why the ONT went offline. The value (1) indicates that the reason is lacking third party ont license, the value (-1) indicates that the reason is not lacking third party ont license." ::= { hwXponOntInfoEntry 13 } hwXponOntInfoXmlLoadErrorInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..280)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the error information when the ONT XML configuration fails to be loaded." ::= { hwXponOntInfoEntry 14 } hwXponOntInfoInteroperabilityStandard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { itu-t(1), ctc(2), eric-v1(3), eric-v2(4), itu-t-g984(5), itu-t-g988(6), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interoperability mode of the ONT. Options: 1. itu-t(1) - Indicates that the interoperability standard of the ONT is itu-t 2. ctc(2) - Indicates that the interoperability standard of the ONT ctc 3. eric-v1(3) - Indicates that the interoperability standard of the ONT is eric-v1 4. eric-v2(4) - Indicates that the interoperability standard of the ONT is eric-v2 5. itu-t-g984(5) - Indicates that the interoperability standard of the ONT is itu-t-g984 6. itu-t-g988(6) - Indicates that the interoperability standard of the ONT is itu-t-g988 7. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOntInfoEntry 15 } hwGponDeviceOntObjectExtendFrameID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Extend Frame ID. The issued value (-1) of Extend Frame ID indicates that the ONT is not specified to any Extend Frame." ::= { hwXponOntInfoEntry 16 } hwXponOntInfoUsedMutualAuth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2), invalid (-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the ONT uses mutual authentication. Options: 1. yes (1) -Indicates the ONT uses mutual authentication. 2. no (2) -Indicates the ONT does not use mutual authentication. 3. invalid (-1) -Indicates the invalid value. " ::= { hwXponOntInfoEntry 17 } --Table hwXponOntIpMaintainTable hwXponOntIpMaintainTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntIpMaintainEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ONT IP maintain table. This table is used to config the ONT. The indexes of this table are ifIndex hwXponOntIndex and hwXponOntIpMaintainIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 5 } hwXponOntIpMaintainEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntIpMaintainEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ONT IP maintain table. This table is used to config the ONT. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex hwXponOntIndex and hwXponOntIpMaintainIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex, hwXponOntIpMaintainIndex} ::= { hwXponOntIpMaintainTable 1 } HwXponOntIpMaintainEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntIpMaintainIndex Integer32, hwXponOntIpRemotePingIpAddress IpAddress } hwXponOntIpMaintainIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP index of the ont IP host." ::= { hwXponOntIpMaintainEntry 1 } hwXponOntIpRemotePingIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The destination IP address of the ONT ping." ::= { hwXponOntIpMaintainEntry 2 } --Table hwXponPortInfoTable hwXponPortInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponPortInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XPON port Info table. This table is used to query the port information. The index of this table is ifIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 6 } hwXponPortInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponPortInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "XPON port Info table. This table is used to query the port information. The index of this entry is ifIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex} ::= { hwXponPortInfoTable 1 } HwXponPortInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponPortSignalDetect INTEGER, hwXponPortMacChipState INTEGER, hwXponPortOtdrCapability INTEGER } hwXponPortSignalDetect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), fault (2), unsupport(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Query the signal detect info of the port. Options: 1. normal(1) - Optical signals are detected 2. fault(2) - Optical signals are not detected 3. unsupport(255) - Signal detection is not supported " ::= { hwXponPortInfoEntry 1 } hwXponPortMacChipState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), fail (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Query the mac chipset state info of the port. Options: 1. normal(1) - The XPON MAC chipset is normal 2. fail(2) - The XPON MAC chipset is fault " ::= { hwXponPortInfoEntry 2 } hwXponPortOtdrCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { support(1), notSupport(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the optical module supports the OTDR test. Options: 1. support(1) - Indicates that the optical module supports the OTDR test. 2. notSupport(2) - Indicates that the optical module does not support the EOTDR test. 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected. " ::= { hwXponPortInfoEntry 3 } --Table hwXponOntBatchInfoTable hwXponOntBatchInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntBatchInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to query the ont run state, config state, admin state, load state, equipment ID, software version, system status, CRC value and offline reason. The length of query result can not exceed 7000 BYTEs. This table can not support the operation of get next. The index of this table is hwXponOntBatchQueryIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 7 } hwXponOntBatchInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntBatchInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to query the ont run state, config state, admin state, load state, equipment ID, software version, system status, CRC value and offline reason. The length of query result can not exceed 7000 BYTEs. This table can not support the operation of get next. The index of this entry is hwXponOntBatchQueryIndex. " INDEX { hwXponOntBatchQueryIndex } ::= { hwXponOntBatchInfoTable 1 } HwXponOntBatchInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntBatchQueryIndex Unsigned32, hwXponOntBatchQueryItemMask Unsigned32, hwXponOntBatchQueryList OCTET STRING, hwXponOntBatchQueryInfo OCTET STRING } hwXponOntBatchQueryIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object indicates the index of the table hwXponOntBatchInfoTable." ::= { hwXponOntBatchInfoEntry 1 } hwXponOntBatchQueryItemMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The items of ont status need query, include ont run state, config state, admin state, app load state, xml load state, equipment ID, software version, system status, CRC value, offline reason and hardware version. " ::= { hwXponOntBatchInfoEntry 2 } hwXponOntBatchQueryList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..4096)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object indicates the ONT list, and each ONT takes 4 bytes, include frame(4bit), slot(6bit), port(6bit) and ontid(16bits) and the most number of ONT is 1024. " ::= { hwXponOntBatchInfoEntry 3 } hwXponOntBatchQueryInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of ont status: run state(1byte) : 1-online,2-offline,255-invalid config state(1byte) : 1-init,2-normal,3-fail,4-noresume,5-config,255-invalid admin state(1byte) : 1-activated,2-deactivated,255-invalid app load state(1byte) : 1-init,2-start,3-ftpfail,4-loadtoscu,5-loadtopon,6-loadtoponfail, 7-loadtoont,8-userstop,9-ontoffline,10-ontackfail,11-ontresponsetimeout, 12-errpon,13-ontreset,14-survival,15-channeloccupied, 16-errversion,17-tasktimeout,18-ontfilecheckerr,19-ontfilevalidatefail, 20-bufferinsufficient,255-invalid xml load state(1byte) : 1-init,2-start,3-ftpfail,4-loadtoscu,5-loadtopon,6-loadtoponfail,7-loadtoont, 8-crcreport,9-userstop,10-notsupport,11-ontoffline,12-ontackfail, 13-ontresponsetimeout,14-cfgfail,15-errformat,16-errcontent,17-errtransfer, 18-errontinner,19-errponboardinner,20-channeloccupied,255-invalid equipment ID(20bytes) : the equipment ID of the ONT software version(16bytes): the software version of the ONT system status(1byte) : 1-normal,2-survival CRC value(4bytes) : the CRC value report from the ONT offline reason(1byte) : 1-LOS(Loss of signal),2-LOSi(Loss of signal for ONUi), 3-LOFi(Loss of frame of ONUi),4-SFi(Signal fail of ONUi), 5-LOAi(Loss of acknowledge with ONUi),6-LOAMi(Loss of PLOAM for ONUi), 7-deactive ONT fails,8-deactive ONT success,9-reset ONT,10-re-register ONT, 11-pop up fail,12-authentication fail,13-dying-gasp,255-invalid hardware version(16bytes): the hardware version of the ONT " ::= { hwXponOntBatchInfoEntry 4 } --Table hwXponOntPppoeSimuTestInfoTable hwXponOntPppoeSimuTestInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntPppoeSimuTestInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used for the PPPoE testing. The index of this table is a combination of ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 8 } hwXponOntPppoeSimuTestInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntPppoeSimuTestInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used for the PPPoE testing. The index of this entry is a combination of ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex } ::= { hwXponOntPppoeSimuTestInfoTable 1 } HwXponOntPppoeSimuTestInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntPppoeSimuPortID Integer32, hwXponOntPppoeSimuOuterCVlanID Integer32, hwXponOntPppoeOuterSimuCVlanPri Integer32, hwXponOntPppoeSimuPppoeUsername OCTET STRING, hwXponOntPppoeSimuPppoePassword OCTET STRING, hwXponOntPppoeSimuPppoeAuthProtocol INTEGER, hwXponOntPppoeSimuSwitch INTEGER } hwXponOntPppoeSimuPortID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object indicates the type and ID of the ONT port. port type(2 bytes) + port ID(2 bytes)." ::= { hwXponOntPppoeSimuTestInfoEntry 1 } hwXponOntPppoeSimuOuterCVlanID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object indicts the vlan ID, GPON : 0 - 4095; EPON : 1 - 4094; the value -1 indicts that the query fails." ::= { hwXponOntPppoeSimuTestInfoEntry 2 } hwXponOntPppoeOuterSimuCVlanPri OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -1 | 0..7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The priority of vlan." ::= { hwXponOntPppoeSimuTestInfoEntry 3 } hwXponOntPppoeSimuPppoeUsername OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The user name of PPPoE test." ::= { hwXponOntPppoeSimuTestInfoEntry 4 } hwXponOntPppoeSimuPppoePassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The password of PPPoE test." ::= { hwXponOntPppoeSimuTestInfoEntry 5 } hwXponOntPppoeSimuPppoeAuthProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { chap(1), pap(2), invalid (-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The protocol type of PPPoE test. Options: 1. chap (1) - The protocol type of PPPoE test is chap. 2. pap (2) - The protocol type of PPPoE test is pap. 3. invalid (-1) - Indicates that the query fails. " ::= { hwXponOntPppoeSimuTestInfoEntry 6 } hwXponOntPppoeSimuSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { start(1), stop(2), invalid (-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object is used to start or stop the PPPoE test. Options: 1. start (1) - Start the PPPoE test. 2. stop (2) - Stop the PPPoE test. 3. invalid (-1) - Indicates that the query fails. " ::= { hwXponOntPppoeSimuTestInfoEntry 7 } --Table hwXponOntControlTable hwXponOntControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntControlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponOntControlTable is used to config the ONT. The indexes of this table are ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 9 } hwXponOntControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntControlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponOntControlTable is used to config the ONT. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex } ::= { hwXponOntControlTable 1 } HwXponOntControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntConfigFactoryConfiguration INTEGER, hwXponOntControlGracefulReset INTEGER, hwXponOntControlGraceTime Integer32, hwXponOntDeleteVasService INTEGER } hwXponOntConfigFactoryConfiguration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ restore (1), invalid (-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is used to restore the ONT to factory configuration. Options: 1. restore (1) - Restore 2. invalid (-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOntControlEntry 1 } hwXponOntControlGracefulReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ gracefullyreset (1), invalid (-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is used to reset the ONT gracefully. Options: 1. gracefullyreset (1) - Indicates that the ONT resets gracefully 2. invalid (-1) - Indicates the invalid value " ::= { hwXponOntControlEntry 2 } hwXponOntControlGraceTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is used to specify the maximum time to wait for the ONT to reset gracefully. The default maximum time for wait is 14400 seconds. The invalid value is -1. " ::= { hwXponOntControlEntry 3 } hwXponOntDeleteVasService OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { delete(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Delete the vas service of the ONT. Options: 1. delete(1) - Delete the vas service of the ONT 2. invalid(-1) - invalid value " ::= { hwXponOntControlEntry 4 } --Table hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationTable hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationTable is used to config the multicast vlan translation of GPON ONT port. The indexes of this table are ifindex, hwGponDeviceOntObjectIndex, hwGponOntifType, hwGponOntifPort, hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 10 } hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationTable is used to config the multicast vlan translation of GPON ONT port. The indexes of this entry are ifindex, hwGponDeviceOntObjectIndex, hwGponOntifType, hwGponOntifPort, hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwGponDeviceOntObjIndex, hwGponOntifType, hwGponOntifPort, hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanIndex } ::= { hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationTable 1 } HwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwGponOntifType INTEGER, hwGponOntifPort Integer32, hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanIndex Integer32, hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanCfgTranslatedVlan Integer32, hwGponOntPortMulticastStripSwitch INTEGER, hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanCfgRowStatus RowStatus } hwGponOntifType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { vdsl(37), eth(47) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ONT port type. Options: 1. vdsl(37) -The ONT port type is vdsl 2. eth(47) -The ONT port type is eth " ::= { hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationEntry 1 } hwGponOntifPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ONT port ID." ::= { hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationEntry 2 } hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The multicast vlan index of ONT port. Ranging from 1 to 4095. " ::= { hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationEntry 3 } hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanCfgTranslatedVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The translation vlan of ONT port, when the GPON ONT port multicast vlan transmit mode is translation." ::= { hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationEntry 4 } hwGponOntPortMulticastStripSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { untag(1), tag(2), translation(3), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the multicast vlan transmit mode of GPON ONT port. Options: 1. untag(1) - Indicates that the GPON ONT port multicast vlan transmit mode is untag 2. tag(2) - Indicates that the GPON ONT port multicast vlan transmit mode is tag 3. translation(3) - Indicates that the GPON ONT port multicast vlan transmit mode is translation 4. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationEntry 5 } hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanCfgRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row status. This object is used to differentiate the creation, modification and deletion operations for an object. " ::= { hwGponOntPortMulticastVlanTranslationEntry 6 } --Table hwXponOntVoipConfigTable hwXponOntVoipConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntVoipConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponOntVoipConfigTable is used to config the FTP Server and config the configuration files name. The indexes of this table are ifindex and hwXponOntIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 12 } hwXponOntVoipConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntVoipConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponOntVoipConfigTable is used to config the FTP Server and config the configuration files name. The indexes of this entry are ifindex and hwXponOntIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex } ::= { hwXponOntVoipConfigTable 1 } HwXponOntVoipConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntVoipUsedFtpServerProfile OCTET STRING, hwXponOntVoipFtpFileName OCTET STRING, hwXponOntVoipFtpFileTrigger Integer32, hwXponOntVoipConfigMethod INTEGER } hwXponOntVoipUsedFtpServerProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..15)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The server of used." ::= { hwXponOntVoipConfigEntry 1 } hwXponOntVoipFtpFileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The configuration file name." ::= { hwXponOntVoipConfigEntry 2 } hwXponOntVoipFtpFileTrigger OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This leaf set 1 when config the FTP Server and config the configuration file name. " ::= { hwXponOntVoipConfigEntry 3 } hwXponOntVoipConfigMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { default(1), omci(2), ftp(3), tr069(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Config tht ONT's voip service. Options: 1. default(1) - do not configure, ont default 2. omci(2) - OMCI 3. ftp(3) - configuration file retrieval 4. tr069(4) - tr069 The default value is default(1). " ::= { hwXponOntVoipConfigEntry 4 } --Table hwXponOntConfigTable hwXponOntConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponOntConfigTable is used to config the ONT. The indexes of this table are ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 13 } hwXponOntConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponOntConfigTable is used to config the ONT. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex } ::= { hwXponOntConfigTable 1 } HwXponOntConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntUsedAlarmPolicyName OCTET STRING, hwXponOntPowerSheddingProfName OCTET STRING, hwXponOntUsedTr069ServerProfName OCTET STRING } hwXponOntUsedAlarmPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of alarm policy profile which used by the ONT." ::= { hwXponOntConfigEntry 1 } hwXponOntPowerSheddingProfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the power shedding profile that is bound to the ONT." ::= { hwXponOntConfigEntry 2 } hwXponOntUsedTr069ServerProfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the name of the tr069 service profile that is bound to the ONT." ::= { hwXponOntConfigEntry 3} --Table hwXponOntWanInfoTable hwXponOntWanInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntWanInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponOntWanInfoTable is used to query the information about WAN ports. The indexes of this table are ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 14 } hwXponOntWanInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntWanInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponOntWanInfoTable is used to query the information about WAN ports. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex } ::= { hwXponOntWanInfoTable 1 } HwXponOntWanInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntWanInfoDetail OCTET STRING, hwXponOntWanExtendInfoDetail OCTET STRING } hwXponOntWanInfoDetail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..800)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the information about WAN ports." ::= { hwXponOntWanInfoEntry 1 } hwXponOntWanExtendInfoDetail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1500)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the information about WAN ports including IPv6 WAN. This object consists of length, version, the number of WAN ports (n) and n * WAN ports information. Principles to extend this object: 1. to add parameters, version should be upgraded, and the new parameters should be appended to the tail of each WAN information. 2. if the the version of OLT device or NMS is old, the OLT device or NMS only have to parse the content they can recognize. The format of this object is as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |field |field length | field description | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Total_Length |2 |Length from Version to WAN_port_N_info. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Version |1 |Version indicates the format of WAN port info, which | | | |will be described detailly in SOI document. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |WAN_port_num |1 |Total number of WAN ports. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |WAN_port_1_info|x | x = (Total_Length - 2)/WAN_port_num | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |WAN_port_2_info|x | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |...... |x | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |WAN_port_N_info|x | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " ::= { hwXponOntWanInfoEntry 2 } --Table hwGponPortControlTable hwGponPortControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwGponPortControlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwGponPortControlTable is used to config the information about ports. The index of this table is ifIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 15 } hwGponPortControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwGponPortControlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwGponPortControlTable is used to config the information about ports. The index of this entry is ifIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hwGponPortControlTable 1 } HwGponPortControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwGponPortControlDbaAssignMode INTEGER, hwGponPortControlPonIdSwitch INTEGER, hwGponPortControlPonIdInputMode INTEGER, hwGponPortControlPonIdIdentifier OCTET STRING } hwGponPortControlDbaAssignMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { maxbandwidthusage(1), minloopdelay(2), manual(3), default(4), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to configure the DBA bandwidth assignment mode. Options: 1. maxbandwidthusage(1) - max bandwidth usage mode 2. minloopdelay(2) - min loop delay mode 3. manual(3) - manual mode, this value is read-only 4. default(4) - default mode, the same with global DBA assignment mode 5. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwGponPortControlEntry 1 } hwGponPortControlPonIdSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to configure the PON-ID switch. Options: 1. enable(1) - Indicates that the PON-ID switch is enabled 2. disable(2) - Indicates that the PON-ID switch is disabled 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwGponPortControlEntry 2 } hwGponPortControlPonIdInputMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { text(1), hex(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to configure the input mode of PON-ID identifier. Options: 1. text(1) - Indicates that the input mode of PON-ID identifier is text 2. hex(2) - Indicates that the input mode of PON-ID identifier is hex 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwGponPortControlEntry 3 } hwGponPortControlPonIdIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..7)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to configure the PON-ID identifier. " ::= { hwGponPortControlEntry 4 } --Table hwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmTable hwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmTable is used to query the active alarm about ONT. The indexes of this table are ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 16 } hwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmTable is used to query the active alarm about ONT. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex } ::= { hwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmTable 1 } HwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmNum Integer32, hwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmList OCTET STRING, hwXponDeviceOntPortActiveAlarmNum Integer32, hwXponDeviceOntPortActiveAlarmList OCTET STRING } hwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the active alarm number about ONT." ::= { hwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmEntry 1 } hwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..400)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the active alarm list about ONT." ::= { hwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmEntry 2 } hwXponDeviceOntPortActiveAlarmNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates active alarm number about ONT ports." ::= { hwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmEntry 3 } hwXponDeviceOntPortActiveAlarmList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..600)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the active alarm list about ONT ports." ::= { hwXponDeviceOntActiveAlarmEntry 4 } --Table hwXponOntIpConfigTable hwXponOntIpConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntIpConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ONT IP config table. This table is used to configure and query the IP configuration mode and IP address of an ONT. The indexes of this table are ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex and hwXponOntIpIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 17 } hwXponOntIpConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntIpConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ONT IP config table. This table is used to configure and query the IP configuration mode and IP address of an ONT. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex and hwXponOntIpIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex, hwXponOntIpIndex} ::= { hwXponOntIpConfigTable 1 } HwXponOntIpConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntIpIndex Integer32, hwXponOntIpConfigMode INTEGER, hwXponOntIpConfigVlan Integer32, hwXponOntIpConfigPriority Integer32, hwXponOntIpconfigDscpDefaultPriority Integer32, hwXponOntIpconfigDscpProfIndex Integer32, hwXponOntIpAddress IpAddress, hwXponOntNetMask IpAddress, hwXponOntNetGateway IpAddress, hwXponOntMasterDNS IpAddress, hwXponOntSlaveDNS IpAddress, hwXponOntIpConfigPppoeAccountMode INTEGER, hwXponOntIpConfigPppoeUserName OCTET STRING, hwXponOntIpConfigPppoePassword OCTET STRING, hwXponOntIpconfigDhcpReset INTEGER, hwXponOntIpconfigRowStatus RowStatus } hwXponOntIpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP index of the ont IP host. range(GPON): 0-1 range(EPON): 0 " ::= { hwXponOntIpConfigEntry 1 } hwXponOntIpConfigMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ dhcp(1), static(2), nonOLTconfiguration(3), pppoe(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP configuration mode. Options: 1. dhcp(1) - Indicates the dynamic allocation mode 2. static(2) - Indicates the static allocation mode 3. nonOLTconfiguration(3) - Indicates the nonOLTconfiguration mode(IP configuration mode is not set in the OLT) 4. pppoe(4) - Indicates the pppoe allocation mode " ::= { hwXponOntIpConfigEntry 2 } hwXponOntIpConfigVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VLAN of ONT IP host. range: 0-4095" ::= { hwXponOntIpConfigEntry 3 } hwXponOntIpConfigPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The priority of ONT IP host. range: 0-7, 0xfe: dscp-mapping." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hwXponOntIpConfigEntry 4 } hwXponOntIpconfigDscpDefaultPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default priority for dscp-mapping policy. range: 0-7" ::= { hwXponOntIpConfigEntry 5 } hwXponOntIpconfigDscpProfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The dscp profile index of the ONT ip host, and the range is 1~50" ::= { hwXponOntIpConfigEntry 6 } hwXponOntIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ONT ip address." ::= { hwXponOntIpConfigEntry 7 } hwXponOntNetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Subnet mask." ::= { hwXponOntIpConfigEntry 8 } hwXponOntNetGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default network gateway." ::= { hwXponOntIpConfigEntry 9 } hwXponOntMasterDNS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The active DNS address." ::= { hwXponOntIpConfigEntry 10 } hwXponOntSlaveDNS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The slave DNS address." ::= { hwXponOntIpConfigEntry 11 } hwXponOntIpConfigPppoeAccountMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ oltcfg(1), ontcfg(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The input method of pppoe user account. Options: 1. oltcfg(1) - Indicates the user account is input on the ont 2. ontcfg(2) - Indicates the user account is input on the olt 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails " DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { hwXponOntIpConfigEntry 12 } hwXponOntIpConfigPppoeUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The username of the pppoe allocation mode." ::= { hwXponOntIpConfigEntry 13 } hwXponOntIpConfigPppoePassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The password of the pppoe allocation mode." ::= { hwXponOntIpConfigEntry 14 } hwXponOntIpconfigDhcpReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used for resetting the ip host in the DHCP mode. Options: 1. reset(1) - DHCP reset in the DHCP mode 2. invalid(-1) - invalid " ::= { hwXponOntIpConfigEntry 15 } hwXponOntIpconfigRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponOntIpconfigRowStatus is used to create a new row or to modify or delete an existing row in this table. " ::= { hwXponOntIpConfigEntry 16 } --Table hwXponOntCapabilityInfoTable hwXponOntCapabilityInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntCapabilityInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ont info table. This table is used to query capability of the ont. The indexes of this table are ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 18 } hwXponOntCapabilityInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntCapabilityInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ont info table. This table is used to query capability of the ont. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex} ::= { hwXponOntCapabilityInfoTable 1 } HwXponOntCapabilityInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntSupportVoipCfgMethod BITS, hwXponOntSupportVoipSignalProtocol BITS } hwXponOntSupportVoipCfgMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { omcioam(0), configurationFile(1), tr069(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates the voip configuration mode that the ONT supports. This BITS structure can report the following status: 1. omcioam(0) - This bit position positively reports that the ONT supports omci/oam configuration mode 2. configurationFile(ftp)(1) - This bit position positively reports that the ONT supports configurationFile(ftp) configuration mode 3. tr069(2) - This bit position positively reports that the ONT supports tr069 configuration mode " ::= { hwXponOntCapabilityInfoEntry 1 } hwXponOntSupportVoipSignalProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { sip(0), h248(1), mgcp(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates the voip signal protocol that the ONT supports. This BITS structure can report the following status: 1. sip(0) - This bit position positively reports that the ONT supports SIP Protocol 2. h248(1) - This bit position positively reports that the ONT supports H.248 Protocol 3. mgcp(2) - This bit position positively reports that the ONT supports MGCP Protocol " ::= { hwXponOntCapabilityInfoEntry 2 } --Table hwXponOntPowerSheddingStatusQueryTable begin hwXponOntPowerSheddingStatusQueryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntPowerSheddingStatusQueryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponOntPowerSheddingStatusQueryTable is used to query the power shedding status of the ONT. The indexes of this table are ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 19 } hwXponOntPowerSheddingStatusQueryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntPowerSheddingStatusQueryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponOntPowerSheddingStatusQueryTable is used to query the power shedding status of the ONT. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex } ::= { hwXponOntPowerSheddingStatusQueryTable 1 } HwXponOntPowerSheddingStatusQueryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingStatus Integer32 } hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Binary indication of power shedding status for each shedding class. The ONU sets each bit to 1 when power shedding is active, and clears it to 0 when the service is restored. bit0: Data class bit1: Voice class bit2: Video overlay class bit3: Video return class bit4: DSL class bit5: ATM class bit6: CES class bit7: Frame class bit8: Sdh-sonet class bit[15,9]: Reserved and set to 0 others: Unconcern " ::={ hwXponOntPowerSheddingStatusQueryEntry 1 } --Table hwXponOntPowerSheddingStatusQueryTable end --Table hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoTable begin hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ont capability table. This table is used to query capability of the gpon ont. The indexes of this table are ifIndex and hwGponDeviceOntObjIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 20 } hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ont capability table. This table is used to query capability of the gpon ont. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex and hwGponDeviceOntObjIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwGponDeviceOntObjIndex } ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoTable 1 } HwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoEquipmentID OCTET STRING, hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoUplinkPonPortNum Integer32, hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoPotsPortNum Integer32, hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoEthPortNum Integer32, hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoTdmPortNum Integer32, hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoMocaPortNum Integer32, hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoCatvAniPortNum Integer32, hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoCatvUniPortNum Integer32, hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoGemPortNum Integer32, hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoIpConfigurationMode INTEGER, hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoTrafficSchedulerNum Integer32, hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoTcontNum Integer32, hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoTypeOfFlowControl INTEGER, hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoDeviceType INTEGER, hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoPowerSupplyControl INTEGER, hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoExtOmciMsgFormat INTEGER, hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoNumberOfPqInTcont OCTET STRING, hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoEthOamSupport Integer32, hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoVdslPortNum Integer32 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoEquipmentID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ONT equipment ID." ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 1 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoUplinkPonPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of uplink PON ports. -1 indicates the invalid value." ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 2 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoPotsPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of POTS ports. -1 indicates the invalid value." ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 3 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoEthPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of ETH ports. -1 indicates the invalid value." ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 4 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoTdmPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of TDM ports. -1 indicates the invalid value." ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 5 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoMocaPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of MOCA ports. -1 indicates the invalid value." ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 6 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoCatvAniPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of CATV ANI ports. -1 indicates the invalid value." ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 7 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoCatvUniPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of CATV UNI ports. -1 indicates the invalid value." ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 8 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoGemPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of GEM ports. -1 indicates the invalid value." ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 9 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoIpConfigurationMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notsupport(1), support(2), dhcp(3), static(4), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mode of IP configuration. Options: 1. notsupport(1) - Not support 2. support(2) - Support 3. dhcp(3) - DHCP mode 4. static(4) - Static mode 5. invalid(-1) - Indicates the invalid value " ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 10 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoTrafficSchedulerNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of the traffic scheduler." ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 11 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoTcontNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of T-CONTs. -1 indicates the invalid value." ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 12 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoTypeOfFlowControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pq(1), gemportcar(2), flowcar(3), gemportcarandpq(4), gemportcarorpq(5), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of the ONT flow control. Options: 1. pq(1) - PQ 2. gemportcar(2) - GEMPORT CAR 3. flowcar(3) - FLOW CAR 4. gemportcarandpq(4) - GEMPORT CAR and PQ 5. gemportcarorpq(5) - GEMPORT CAR or PQ 6. invalid(-1) - Indicates the invalid value " ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 13 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sfu(1), hgu(2), sbu(3), cbu(4), mdu(5), mtu(6), sfu-1fe-1pots(7), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the ONT type. Options: 1. sfu(1) - The ONT type is SFU 2. hgu(2) - The ONT type is HGU 3. sbu(3) - The ONT type is SBU 4. cbu(4) - The ONT type is CBU 5. mdu(5) - The ONT type is MDU 6. mtu(6) - The ONT type is MTU 7. sfu-1fe-1pots(7) - The ONT type is SFU(1FE+1POTS) 8. invalid(-1) - Indicates the invalid value " ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 14 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoPowerSupplyControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notsupport(1), support(2), txrxcoupling(3), txrxindependent(4), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates if the ONT supports the power control. Options: 1. notsupport(1) - The ONT doesn't support the power control 2. support(2) - The ONT supports the power control 3. txrxcoupling(3) - The ONT supports the power control.The TX and RX are coupling 4. txrxindependent(4) - The ONT supports the power control.The TX and RX are independent 5. invalid(-1) - Indicates the invalid value " ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 15 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoExtOmciMsgFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notsupport(1), support(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates if the ONT supports Extended OMCI message format. Options: 1. notsupport(1) - The ONT doesn't support the Extended OMCI message format 2. support(2) - The ONT supports the Extended OMCI message format 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates the invalid value " ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 16 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoNumberOfPqInTcont OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..512)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of PQs in T-CONT." ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 17 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoEthOamSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates if the ONT supports the type of ETHOAM by each bit. The ONT sets each bit to 1 when the ONT supports the type of ETHOAM. bit0: Y.1731 bit[31,1]: Reserved and set to 0 " ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 19 } hwGponDeviceOntCapInfoVdslPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of VDSL ports. -1 indicates the invalid value." ::= { hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoEntry 20 } --Table hwGponDeviceOntCapabilityInfoTable end --Table hwXponDeviceOtdrTestTable hwXponDeviceOtdrTestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used for the OTDR testing. The index of this table is ifIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 21 } hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used for the OTDR testing. The index of this entry is ifIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestTable 1 } HwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestOper INTEGER, hwXponDeviceOtdrTestStatus INTEGER, hwXponDeviceOtdrTestResult Integer32, hwXponDeviceOtdrTestWave INTEGER, hwXponDeviceOtdrTestPulseWidth Integer32, hwXponDeviceOtdrClockRate INTEGER, hwXponDeviceOtdrTestSignalType INTEGER, hwXponDeviceOtdrTestFreq INTEGER, hwXponDeviceOtdrTestFilterSwitch INTEGER, hwXponDeviceOtdrTestFilterMode INTEGER, hwXponDeviceOtdrTestFilterPara OCTET STRING, hwXponDeviceOtdrTestAverageTime INTEGER, hwXponDeviceOtdrTestOpticalFibreLength Integer32, hwXponDeviceOtdrTestDownPowerUsage Integer32, hwXponDeviceOtdrUpTestMode INTEGER, hwXponDeviceOtdrServerIpAddress IpAddress, hwXponDeviceOtdrProtocol INTEGER, hwXponDeviceOtdrUserName OCTET STRING, hwXponDeviceOtdrPassword OCTET STRING, hwXponDeviceOtdrFilePath OCTET STRING, hwXponDeviceOtdrTestFilterOrder INTEGER } hwXponDeviceOtdrTestOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { start(1), stop(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OTDR test operation of a port. Options: 1. start(1) - Indicates that the OTDR test is started on the port. 2. stop(2) - Indicates that the OTDR test is stopped on the port. 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 1 } hwXponDeviceOtdrTestStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { untested(1), testing(2), testFinish(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of OTDR test. Options: 1. untested (1) - Indicates that the OTDR test is not performed for the port. 2. testing (2) - Indicates that the OTDR test is being performed for the port. 3. testFinish (3) - Indicates that the OTDR test is complete. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 2 } hwXponDeviceOtdrTestResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the result of OTDR test. Options: 1. Success(1) - Indicates that the OTDR test successfully. 2. FtpFail(2) - Indicates that the result file of OTDR test upload failed. 3. BoardFail(3) - Indicates that the board is faulty during the test. 4. OpticalModuleFail(4) - Indicates that the optical module is faulty during the test. 5. PortShutdown(5) - Indicates that the port is shutdown during the test. 6. SystemSwitchOver(6) - Indicates that the system switchover occurs during the test. 7. unknow(240) - Indicates that an unknown error occurs during the test. 8. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 3 } hwXponDeviceOtdrTestWave OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upWave(1), downWave(2), all(3), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Test wave for the OTDR test. Options: 1.upWave(1) - Indicates that the upstream wavelength is selected for the OTDR test. 2.downWave(2) - Indicates that the downstream wavelength is selected for the OTDR test. 3.all(3) - Indicates that both the upstream and downstream wavelengths are selected for the OTDR test. 4.invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected. Currently, only the downstream wavelength can be selected for the OTDR test. Default:downWave(2). " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 4 } hwXponDeviceOtdrTestPulseWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.01ns" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pulse width of test signals. Unit: 0.01ns The value of this node can be -1 indicates that query fails or no information is detected. Default:2500. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 5 } hwXponDeviceOtdrClockRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fortyMHz(1), eightyMHz(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clock rate of the OTDR test. Options: 1.fortyMHz(1) - Indicates that the clock rate of the OTDR test is 40 MHz, at which, the system works in the low power consumption mode. 2.eightyMHz(2) - Indicates that the clock rate of the OTDR test is 80 MHz, at which, the system works in the high resolution mode. 3.invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected. The clock rate is determined by hardware. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 6 } hwXponDeviceOtdrTestSignalType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { singlePulse(1), singlePnSequence(2), singleGrayCodeSequence(3), consecutivePnSequence(4), consecutiveGrayCodeSequence(5), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of sent OTDR test signals. Options: 1.singlePulse(1) - Indicates single pulse 2.singlePnSequence(2) - Indicates single PN sequence. 3.singleGrayCodeSequence(3) - Indicates single gray code sequence. 4.consecutivePnSequence(4) - Indicates consecutive PN sequence. 5.consecutiveGrayCodeSequence(5) - Indicates consecutive gray code sequence. 6.invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected. Default: consecutiveGrayCodeSequence(5). " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 7 } hwXponDeviceOtdrTestFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { doubleFclk(1), fclk(2), halfFclk(3), quarterFclk(4), eighthFclk(5), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sampling frequency of the OTDR test; Fclk indicates the clock frequency. Options: 1.doubleFclk(1) - Indicates that the sampling frequency of OTDR test is 2 x Fclk. 2.fclk(2) - Indicates that the sampling frequency of OTDR test is Fclk. 3.halfFclk(3) - Indicates that the sampling frequency of OTDR test is 1/2 x Fclk. 4.quarterFclk(4) - Indicates that the sampling frequency of OTDR test is 1/4 x Fclk. 5.eighthFclk(5) - Indicates that the sampling frequency of OTDR test is 1/8 x Fclk. 6.invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected. Default:quarterFclk(4). " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 8 } hwXponDeviceOtdrTestFilterSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable status of the OTDR FIR filter. Options: 1.enable(1) - Indicates that the OTDR FIR filter is enabled. 2.disable(2) - Indicates that the OTDR FIR filter is disabled. 3.invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected. Default:enable(1). " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 9 } hwXponDeviceOtdrTestFilterMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { systemDefault(1), issuedParameters(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Parameter configuration principle of the FIR filter. Options: 1.systemDefault(1) - Indicates that the system default parameters are used for the FIR filter. 2.issuedParameters(2) - Indicates that the issued parameters are used for the FIR filter. 3.invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected. Default:systemDefault(1). " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 10 } hwXponDeviceOtdrTestFilterPara OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Parameters of the FIR filter. If the parameter of hwXponDeviceOtdrTestFilterMode is set to the issued parameter, this parameter is forwarded to the OTDR chip. The first character of this node represents the number of parameters. Starting from the second character, these characters represent parameters. Every four characters (32 bits) from left to right represent a parameter. If a parameter is set with invalid value FFFFFFFF, its default value will be issued. Default values of parameters are as follows: 0x00C5AC58,0x0208F564,0x049C37F2,0x090BF767,0x0F72A0E4,0x17065730,0x1E03A4E2,0x224243C2. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 11 } hwXponDeviceOtdrTestAverageTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { thirtySeconds(1), oneMinute(2), twoMinutes(3), threeeMinutes(4), sixMinutes(5), thirtyMinutes(6), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average sampling times for OTDR test. Options: 1.thirtySeconds(1) - Indicates that the OTDR test is executed every 30 seconds. 2.oneMinute(2) - Indicates that the OTDR test is executed every 1 minute. 3.twoMinutes(3) - Indicates that the OTDR test is executed every 2 minutes. 4.threeeMinutes(4) - Indicates that the OTDR test is executed every 3 minutes. 5.sixMinutes(5) - Indicates that the OTDR test is executed every 6 minutes. 6.thirtyMinutes(6) - Indicates that the OTDR test is executed every 30 minutes. 7.invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected. Only test time is issued for this node, and the test times are calculated by the board. The board queries the test status of the optical module after the test time elapses. If the test is complete, the board reads the data. Otherwise, the board will retry to query the test status of the optical module for three times. If the test is always not complete, the test will be canceled, and a failure message will be returned. Default:thirtySeconds(1). " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 12 } hwXponDeviceOtdrTestOpticalFibreLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Length of the optical fiber to be tested. Options: 1.(1) - Indicates that the length of the optical fiber to be tested is 5 km. 2.(2) - Indicates that the length of the optical fiber to be tested is 10 km. 3.(3) - Indicates that the length of the optical fiber to be tested is 20 km. 4.(4) - Indicates that the length of the optical fiber to be tested is 30 km. 5.(5) - Indicates that the length of the optical fiber to be tested is 40 km. 6.(6) - Indicates that the length of the optical fiber to be tested is 80 km. 7.(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected. The length of the optical fiber to be tested is displayed as the value selected by the user. However, the actual length equals the value selected by the user plus 10 km in background processing. Default:4(30km). " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 13 } hwXponDeviceOtdrTestDownPowerUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Modulation depth of downstream test signals Currently, this value can be set to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100. which indicates that the modulation depth is 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 100%. The vlaue of this node can be -1 indicates that query fails or no information is detected. Default:10 " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 14 } hwXponDeviceOtdrUpTestMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { onlineTest(1), quickTest(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upstream test mode. Options: 1.onlineTest(1) - Indicates that the upstream test mode is online test. 2.quickTest(2) - Indicates that the upstream test mode is quick test. 3.invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected. Based on the selected test mode, the OLT can determine, work out the regularity of sending Trig signals and configure the optical module. Currently, this node cannot be configured. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 15 } hwXponDeviceOtdrServerIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The destination IP address of the OTDR. The vlaue of this node can be FFFFFFFF indicates that query fails or no information is detected. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 16 } hwXponDeviceOtdrProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ftp(1), tftp(2), sftp(3), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transfer protocol of test result. Options: 1.ftp(1) - Indicates that the test result file transfer mode is ftp. 2.tftp(2) - Indicates that the test result file transfer mode is tftp. 3.sftp(3) - Indicates that the test result file transfer mode is sftp. 4.invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected. Default:ftp(1). " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 17 } hwXponDeviceOtdrUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The user name of OTDR test. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 18 } hwXponDeviceOtdrPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The password of OTDR test. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 19 } hwXponDeviceOtdrFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..256)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The file path of OTDR test. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 20 } hwXponDeviceOtdrTestFilterOrder OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fifteenOrder(1), sixteenOrder(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of the FIR filter order. Options: 1.fifteenOrder(1) - Indicates that the FIR filter order is fifteen. 2.sixteenOrder(2) - Indicates that the FIR filter order is sixteen. 3.invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected. Default:fifteenOrder(1). " ::= { hwXponDeviceOtdrTestEntry 21 } -- hwXponDeviceOtdrTestTable end --Table hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTable hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table supports the query of the information about the optical transceiver. The index of this table is ifIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 22 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table supports the query of the information about the optical transceiver. The index of this entry is ifIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTable 1 } HwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTemperatureHighAlarmThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTemperatureLowAlarmThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTemperatureHighWarningThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTemperatureLowWarningThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExSupplyVoltageHighAlarmThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExSupplyVoltageLowAlarmThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExSupplyVoltageHighWarningThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExSupplyVoltageLowWarningThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTxBiasCurrentHighAlarmThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTxBiasCurrentLowAlarmThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTxBiasCurrentHighWarningThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTxBiasCurrentLowWarningThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTxPowerHighAlarmThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTxPowerLowAlarmThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTxPowerHighWarningThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTxPowerLowWarningThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExRxPowerHighAlarmThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExRxPowerLowAlarmThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExRxPowerHighWarningThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExRxPowerLowWarningThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxBiasCurrent Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxBiasCurrentHighAlarmThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxBiasCurrentLowAlarmThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxBiasCurrentHighWarningThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxBiasCurrentLowWarningThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxPower Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxPowerHighAlarmThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxPowerLowAlarmThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxPowerHighWarningThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxPowerLowWarningThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExCatvRxPowerHighAlarmThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExCatvRxPowerLowAlarmThreshold Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExModuleType INTEGER, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExSubType INTEGER, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExPrecision Integer32, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEncapsulationType INTEGER, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExVendorPN OCTET STRING, hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExUsedType INTEGER } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTemperatureHighAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001 C(centigrade)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper alarm threshold of the temperature. Unit: 0.000001 C(centigrade) Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 1 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTemperatureLowAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001 C(centigrade)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower alarm threshold of the temperature. Unit: 0.000001 C(centigrade) Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 2 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTemperatureHighWarningThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001 C(centigrade)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper warning threshold of the temperature. Unit: 0.000001 C(centigrade) Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 3 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTemperatureLowWarningThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001 C(centigrade)" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower warning threshold of the temperature. Unit: 0.000001 C(centigrade) Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 4 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExSupplyVoltageHighAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper alarm threshold of the voltage. Unit: 0.000001V Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 5 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExSupplyVoltageLowAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower alarm threshold of the voltage. Unit: 0.000001V Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 6 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExSupplyVoltageHighWarningThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper warning threshold of the voltage. Unit: 0.000001V Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 7 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExSupplyVoltageLowWarningThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower warning threshold of the voltage. Unit: 0.000001V Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 8 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTxBiasCurrentHighAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper alarm threshold of the bias current. Unit: 0.000001A Options: 1. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 9 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTxBiasCurrentLowAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower alarm threshold of the bias current. Unit: 0.000001A Options: 1. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 10 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTxBiasCurrentHighWarningThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper warning threshold of the bias current. Unit: 0.000001A Options: 1. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 11 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTxBiasCurrentLowWarningThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower warning threshold of the bias current. Unit: 0.000001A Options: 1. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 12 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTxPowerHighAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper alarm threshold of the Tx power. Unit: 0.000001dBm Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 13 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTxPowerLowAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower alarm threshold of the Tx power. Unit: 0.000001dBm Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 14 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTxPowerHighWarningThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper warning threshold of the Tx power. Unit: 0.000001dBm Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 15 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTxPowerLowWarningThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower warning threshold of the Tx power. Unit: 0.000001dBm Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 16 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExRxPowerHighAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper alarm threshold of the Rx power. Unit: 0.000001dBm Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 17 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExRxPowerLowAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower alarm threshold of the Rx power. Unit: 0.000001dBm Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 18 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExRxPowerHighWarningThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper warning threshold of the Rx power. Unit: 0.000001dBm Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 19 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExRxPowerLowWarningThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower warning threshold of the Rx power. Unit: 0.000001dBm Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 20 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxBiasCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current of the 10G EPON optical transceiver. Unit: 0.000001A Options: 1. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 21 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxBiasCurrentHighAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper alarm threshold of the 10G EPON optical transceiver bias current. Unit: 0.000001A Options: 1. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 22 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxBiasCurrentLowAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower alarm threshold of the 10G EPON optical transceiver bias current. Unit: 0.000001A Options: 1. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 23 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxBiasCurrentHighWarningThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper warning threshold of the 10G EPON optical transceiver bias current. Unit: 0.000001A Options: 1. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 24 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxBiasCurrentLowWarningThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower warning threshold of the 10G EPON optical transceiver bias current. Unit: 0.000001A Options: 1. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 25 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.01dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tx optical power of the 10G EPON optical transceiver. Unit: 0.01dBm Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 26 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxPowerHighAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper alarm threshold of the 10G EPON optical transceiver Tx power. Unit: 0.000001dBm Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 27 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxPowerLowAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower alarm threshold of the 10G EPON optical transceiver Tx power. Unit: 0.000001dBm Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 28 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxPowerHighWarningThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper warning threshold of the 10G EPON optical transceiver Tx power. Unit: 0.000001dBm Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 29 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoEx10GTxPowerLowWarningThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower warning threshold of the 10G EPON optical transceiver Tx power. Unit: 0.000001dBm Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 30 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExCatvRxPowerHighAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper AlarmThreshold threshold of the CATV Rx power. Unit: 0.000001dBm Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 31 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExCatvRxPowerLowAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.000001dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower AlarmThreshold threshold of the CATV Rx power. Unit: 0.000001dBm Options: 1. invalid(0x7FFFFFFF) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 32 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExModuleType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { gpon(1), epon(2), epon10g(3), gpon10g(4), wdmpon(5), hybridpon(6), gponepon(7), unknown(8), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Options: 1. gpon(1) - GPON 2. epon(2) - EPON 3. epon10g(3) - 10G EPON 4. gpon10g(4) - 10G GPON 5. wdmpon(5) - WDM PON 6. hybridpon(6) - hybrid PON 7. gponepon(7) - GPON/EPON 8. unknown(8) - Unknown 9. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 33 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExSubType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { classbplus(1), classcplus(2), classb(3), n2a(33), n2b(34), n1(35), px20(65), px20plus(66), pr30(97), pr20(98), prx30(99), prx20(100), classbPlusAndPx20Plus(129), classbAndPx20(130), unknown(145), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Options: 1. classbplus(1) - CLASS B+ 2. classcplus(2) - CLASS C+ 3. classb(3) - CLASS B 4. n2a(33) - N2a 5. n2b(34) - N2b 6. n1(35) - N1 7. px20(65) - PX20 8. px20plus(66) - PX20+ 9. pr30(97) - PR30 10. pr20(98) - PR20 11. prx30(99) - PRX30 12. prx20(100) - PRX20 13. classbPlusAndPx20Plus(129) - GPON CLASS B+/EPON PX20+ 14. classbAndPx20(130) - GPON CLASS B/EPON PX20 15. unknown(145) - Unknown 16. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 34 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExPrecision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the precision of optical power. Unit: 0.1dBm Options: 1. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 35 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEncapsulationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sff2x5(1), sff2x10(2), sfp(3), xfp(4), lxfp(5), bosaonboard(6), unknown(7), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Options: 1. sff2x5(1) - SFF 2x5 2. sff2x10(2) - SFF 2x10 3. sfp(3) - SFP 4. xfp(4) - XFP 5. lxfp(5) - LXFP 6. bosaonboard(6) - BOSA ON BOARD 7. unknown(7) - Unknown 8. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 36 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExVendorPN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the part number." ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 37 } hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExUsedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { olt(1), onu(3), catvtriplex(4), unknown(5), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the application scenario of the optical transceiver. Options: 1. olt(1) - OLT 2. onu(3) - ONU 3. catvtriplex(4) - CATV TriPlex 4. unknown(5) - Unknown 5. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExEntry 38 } -- hwXponOpticsDdmInfoExTable end --Table hwXponOpticsParameterRangeTable begin hwXponOpticsParameterRangeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOpticsParameterRangeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The xpon optics parameter range table. This table is used to query range of the optics parameter. The indexes of this table are hwXponOpticalModuleType, hwXponOpticalModuleSubType, hwXponOpticalModuleOltOntType, and hwXponOpticalModuleBandwidthType. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 23 } hwXponOpticsParameterRangeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOpticsParameterRangeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The xpon optics parameter range table. This table is used to query range of the optics parameter. The indexes of this entry are hwXponOpticalModuleType, hwXponOpticalModuleSubType, hwXponOpticalModuleOltOntType, and hwXponOpticalModuleBandwidthType. " INDEX { hwXponOpticalModuleType, hwXponOpticalModuleSubType, hwXponOpticalModuleOltOntType, hwXponOpticalModuleBandwidthType } ::= { hwXponOpticsParameterRangeTable 1 } HwXponOpticsParameterRangeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOpticalModuleType INTEGER, hwXponOpticalModuleSubType Integer32, hwXponOpticalModuleOltOntType INTEGER, hwXponOpticalModuleBandwidthType INTEGER, hwXponOpticalModuleRxPowerValidValueMax Integer32, hwXponOpticalModuleRxPowerValidValueMin Integer32 } hwXponOpticalModuleType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { gpon(2), epon(3), tengepon(4), xgpon(5), wdmpon(6), mixpon(7), gponepondoublemode(8) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the xpon optical module type. Options: 1. gpon(2) - gpon type. 2. epon(3) - epon type. 3. tengepon(4) - 10gepon type. 4. xgpon(5) - xgpon type. 5. wdmpon(6) - wdmpon type. 6. mixpon(7) - mixpon type. 7. gponepondoublemode(8) - gponepondoublemode type. " ::= { hwXponOpticsParameterRangeEntry 1 } hwXponOpticalModuleSubType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The xpon optical module sub type. GPON:0x2 - CLASS B+, 0x3 - CLASS C+, 0x4 - CLASS B, EPON:0x2 - PX20, 0x3 - PX20+, 10GEPON:0x2 - PR30, 0x3 - PR20, 0x4 - PRX30, 0x5 - PRX20, XG-PON:0x2 to 0x5 - reserved, 0x6 - N2a, 0x7 - N2b, 0x8 - N1, Gpon and Epon double mode: 0x2 - double mode, compatible with GPON CLASS B+ and EPON PX20+." ::= { hwXponOpticsParameterRangeEntry 2 } hwXponOpticalModuleOltOntType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { olt(2), onu(4) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the xpon optical module olt ont type. Options: 1. olt(2) - olt type. 2. onu(4) - onu type. " ::= { hwXponOpticsParameterRangeEntry 3 } hwXponOpticalModuleBandwidthType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bw1g(1), bw10g(2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the xpon optical module bandwidth type. Options: 1. bw1g(1) - bw1g type. 2. bw10g(2) - bw10g type. " ::= { hwXponOpticsParameterRangeEntry 4 } hwXponOpticalModuleRxPowerValidValueMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The xpon optical module Rx power maximum valid value, units of 0.01 dBm." ::= { hwXponOpticsParameterRangeEntry 5 } hwXponOpticalModuleRxPowerValidValueMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The xpon optical module Rx power minimum valid value, units of 0.01 dBm." ::= { hwXponOpticsParameterRangeEntry 6 } --Table hwXponOpticsParameterRangeTable end --Table hwGponInteroperModeConfigTable hwGponInteroperModeConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwGponInteroperModeConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to configure the interoperability mode of the ONT. The indexes of this table are hwGponInteroperModeOntVenderIDInfoIndex, hwGponInteroperModeOntEquipmentIDInfoIndex and hwGponInteroperModeOntSoftwareVersionInfoIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 24 } hwGponInteroperModeConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwGponInteroperModeConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to configure the interoperability mode of the ONT. The indexes of this entry are hwGponInteroperModeOntVenderIDInfoIndex, hwGponInteroperModeOntEquipmentIDInfoIndex and hwGponInteroperModeOntSoftwareVersionInfoIndex. " INDEX { hwGponInteroperModeOntVenderIDInfoIndex, hwGponInteroperModeOntEquipmentIDInfoIndex, hwGponInteroperModeOntSoftwareVersionInfoIndex } ::= { hwGponInteroperModeConfigTable 1 } HwGponInteroperModeConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwGponInteroperModeOntVenderIDInfoIndex OCTET STRING, hwGponInteroperModeOntEquipmentIDInfoIndex OCTET STRING, hwGponInteroperModeOntSoftwareVersionInfoIndex OCTET STRING, hwGponInteroperModeSwitch INTEGER, hwGponInteroperModeOntMutlicastAuthModeSwitch INTEGER, hwGponInteroperModeActiveMode INTEGER, hwGponInteroperModeConfigRowStatus RowStatus } hwGponInteroperModeOntVenderIDInfoIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..4)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the vender ID of the ONT. " ::= { hwGponInteroperModeConfigEntry 1 } hwGponInteroperModeOntEquipmentIDInfoIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..20)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the equipment ID of the ONT. 0 indicates that the equipment ID of the ONT is not specified. " ::= { hwGponInteroperModeConfigEntry 2 } hwGponInteroperModeOntSoftwareVersionInfoIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..14)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the software version of the ONT. 0 indicates that the software version of the ONT is not specified. " ::= { hwGponInteroperModeConfigEntry 3 } hwGponInteroperModeSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { itu-t(1), ctc(2), eric-v1(3), eric-v2(4), itu-t-g984(5), itu-t-g988(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The switch mode of gpon ONT interoperability. Options: 1. itu-t(1) - The switch mode of gpon ONT interoperability is itu-t 2. ctc(2) - The switch mode of gpon ONT interoperability is ctc 3. eric-v1(3) - The switch mode of gpon ONT interoperability is eric-v1 4. eric-v2(4) - The switch mode of gpon ONT interoperability is eric-v2 5. itu-t-g984(5)- The switch mode of gpon ONT interoperability is itu-t-g984 6. itu-t-g988(6)- The switch mode of gpon ONT interoperability is itu-t-g988 " ::= { hwGponInteroperModeConfigEntry 4 } hwGponInteroperModeOntMutlicastAuthModeSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ont-control(1), olt-control(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The switch mode of gpon ONT multicast authentication. Options: 1. ont-control(1) - The switch mode of gpon ONT multicast authentication is ont-control 2. olt-control(2) - The switch mode of gpon ONT multicast authentication is olt-control " ::= { hwGponInteroperModeConfigEntry 5 } hwGponInteroperModeActiveMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { immediate(1), next-startup(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The active mode of gpon ONT interoperability mode. Options: 1. immediate(1) - Indicates that the ONT takes effect immediately 2. next-startup(2) - Indicates that the ONT takes effect after next startup 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwGponInteroperModeConfigEntry 6 } hwGponInteroperModeConfigRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwGponInteroperModeConfigRowStatus is used to create a new row or delete an existing row in this table. " ::= { hwGponInteroperModeConfigEntry 7 } --Table hwGponInteroperModeConfigTable end --Table hwXponOltOpticsModuleExtInfoTable hwXponOltOpticsModuleExtInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOltOpticsModuleExtInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to query the information about the optical transceiver. The index of this table is ifIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 25 } hwXponOltOpticsModuleExtInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOltOpticsModuleExtInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to query the information about the optical transceiver. The index of this entry is ifIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hwXponOltOpticsModuleExtInfoTable 1 } HwXponOltOpticsModuleExtInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOltOpticsModuleInfoRateIdentifier INTEGER, hwXponOltOpticsModuleInfoLength50MicronOM3 Integer32, hwXponOltOpticsModuleInfoCcBaseState INTEGER, hwXponOltOpticsModuleInfoCcExtState INTEGER } hwXponOltOpticsModuleInfoRateIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unspecified (1), rateId4g2g1gRateSelectAs0As1(2), rateId8g4g2gRxRateSelect (3), rateId8g4g2gTxRateSelect (4), rateId8g4g2gRxTxRateSelect (5), rateId16g8g4gRxRateSelect (6), rateId16g8g4gRxTxRateSelect (7), invalid (-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the type of rate select functionality. Options: 1. unspecified (1) - Unspecified 2. rateId4g2g1gRateSelectAs0As1(2) - 4/2/1G Rate_Select & AS0/AS1 3. rateId8g4g2gRxRateSelect (3) - 8/4/2G Rx Rate_Select only 4. rateId8g4g2gTxRateSelect (4) - 8/4/2G Tx Rate_Select only 5. rateId8g4g2gRxTxRateSelect (5) - 8/4/2G Independent Rx & Tx Rate_select 6. rateId16g8g4gRxRateSelect (6) - 16/8/4G Rx Rate_select only 7. rateId16g8g4gRxTxRateSelect (7) - 16/8/4G Independent Rx, Tx Rate_select 8. invalid (-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOltOpticsModuleExtInfoEntry 1 } hwXponOltOpticsModuleInfoLength50MicronOM3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the link length supported for 50 um OM3 fiber, units of 10 m." ::= { hwXponOltOpticsModuleExtInfoEntry 2 } hwXponOltOpticsModuleInfoCcBaseState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { correct (1), incorrect(2), invalid (-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the CC_BASE match state. Options: 1. correct (1) - Correct 2. incorrect(2) - Incorrect 3. invalid (-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOltOpticsModuleExtInfoEntry 3 } hwXponOltOpticsModuleInfoCcExtState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { correct (1), incorrect(2), invalid (-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the CC_EXT match state. Options: 1. correct (1) - Correct 2. incorrect(2) - Incorrect 3. invalid (-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOltOpticsModuleExtInfoEntry 4 } --Table hwXponOltOpticsModuleExtInfoTable end --Table hwGponOntPortServiceCfgTable hwGponOntPortServiceCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwGponOntPortServiceCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to configure the service parameter of the ONT port. The indexes of this table are ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex, hwGponOntifType and hwGponOntifPort. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 26 } hwGponOntPortServiceCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwGponOntPortServiceCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to configure the service parameter of the ONT port. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex, hwGponOntifType and hwGponOntifPort. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex, hwGponOntifType, hwGponOntifPort } ::= { hwGponOntPortServiceCfgTable 1 } HwGponOntPortServiceCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwGponOntPortNativeVlan Integer32, hwGponOntPortNativeVlanPriority Integer32, hwGponOntPortIgmpForwardMode INTEGER } hwGponOntPortNativeVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1|0..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the native VLAN of the port. " ::= { hwGponOntPortServiceCfgEntry 1 } hwGponOntPortNativeVlanPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1|0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the native VLAN priority of the port. " ::= { hwGponOntPortServiceCfgEntry 2 } hwGponOntPortIgmpForwardMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ disable(1), enable(2), invalid (-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object is used to enable or disable the switch of ONT port IGMP forward mode. Options: 1. disable(1) - Disable the switch of ONT port IGMP forward mode 2. enable(2) - Enable the switch of ONT port IGMP forward mode 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwGponOntPortServiceCfgEntry 3 } --Table hwGponOntPortServiceCfgTable end --Table hwXponDeviceOntNoAuthConfigTable hwXponDeviceOntNoAuthConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponDeviceOntNoAuthConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponDeviceOntNoAuthConfigTable is used to configure the type of ONT to be no authentication. The indexs of this table are hwXponDeviceOntAccessType and hwXponDeviceOntModel. " ::= { hwXponCommonControlObjects 27 } hwXponDeviceOntNoAuthConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponDeviceOntNoAuthConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponDeviceOntNoAuthConfigTable is used to configure the type of ONT to be no authentication. The indexs of this table are hwXponDeviceOntAccessType and hwXponDeviceOntModel. " INDEX { hwXponDeviceOntAccessType, hwXponDeviceOntModel } ::= { hwXponDeviceOntNoAuthConfigTable 1 } HwXponDeviceOntNoAuthConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponDeviceOntAccessType INTEGER, hwXponDeviceOntModel OCTET STRING, hwXponDeviceOntNoAuthRowStatus RowStatus } hwXponDeviceOntAccessType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { gpon(1), epon(2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the ONT access type. Options: 1. gpon(1) - The ONT access type is GPON 2. epon(2) - The ONT access type is EPON " ::= { hwXponDeviceOntNoAuthConfigEntry 1 } hwXponDeviceOntModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..20)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the ONT model." ::= { hwXponDeviceOntNoAuthConfigEntry 2 } hwXponDeviceOntNoAuthRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to create a new row or to modify or delete an existing row in this table." ::= { hwXponDeviceOntNoAuthConfigEntry 3 } --Table hwXponDeviceOntNoAuthConfigTable end --Table hwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticTable hwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VOIP perform monitor statistic table. This table is used to query Pots port statistic. The indexes of this table are ifIndex, hwGponDeviceOntObjIndex and hwGponDeviceOntPhyIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonStatisticObjects 1 } hwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VOIP perform monitor statistic table. This table is used to query Pots port statistic. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex, hwGponDeviceOntObjIndex and hwGponDeviceOntPhyIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwGponDeviceOntObjIndex, hwGponDeviceOntPhyIndex } ::= { hwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticTable 1 } HwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwGponDeviceOntPhyIndex Integer32, hwGponDevicePotsStatisticRtpError Gauge32, hwGponDevicePotsStatisticPacketLoss Gauge32, hwGponDevicePotsPortMaxJitter Gauge32, hwGponDevicePotsPortMaxTimeRTCP Gauge32, hwGponDevicePotsStatisticUnderFlowBuff Gauge32, hwGponDevicePotsStatisticOverFlowBuff Gauge32, hwGponDevicePotsStatisticCallSetupFails Gauge32, hwGponDevicePotsPortCallSetupTimer Gauge32, hwGponDevicePotsStatisticCallTerminateFails Gauge32, hwGponDevicePotsStatisticAnalogPortRelease Gauge32, hwGponDevicePotsPortAnalogPortOffHookTimer Gauge32 } hwGponDeviceOntPhyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port index of the ONT." ::={ hwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticEntry 1 } hwGponDevicePotsStatisticRtpError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistic of RTP packet errors." ::={ hwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticEntry 2 } hwGponDevicePotsStatisticPacketLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistic of the fraction of packets lost." ::={ hwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticEntry 3 } hwGponDevicePotsPortMaxJitter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum jitter identified during the measured interval." ::={ hwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticEntry 4 } hwGponDevicePotsPortMaxTimeRTCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum time between RTCP packets." ::={ hwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticEntry 5 } hwGponDevicePotsStatisticUnderFlowBuff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistic of times the reassembly buffer underflows." ::={ hwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticEntry 6 } hwGponDevicePotsStatisticOverFlowBuff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistic of times the reassembly buffer overflows." ::={ hwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticEntry 7 } hwGponDevicePotsStatisticCallSetupFails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistic of call setup failures." ::={ hwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticEntry 8} hwGponDevicePotsPortCallSetupTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The longest duration of a single call setup detected during this interval." ::={ hwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticEntry 9 } hwGponDevicePotsStatisticCallTerminateFails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistic of calls that were terminated with cause." ::={ hwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticEntry 10 } hwGponDevicePotsStatisticAnalogPortRelease OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistic of analog port releases without dialling detected." ::={ hwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticEntry 11 } hwGponDevicePotsPortAnalogPortOffHookTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The longest period of a single off-hook detected on the analog port." ::={ hwGponDevicePotsPortStatisticEntry 12 } --Table hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataTable hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ont performance monitor statistic table. This table is used to query ont statistic in the current 15 minutes. The indexes of this table are ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonStatisticObjects 2 } hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ont performance monitor statistic table. This table is used to query ont statistic in the current 15 minutes. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex } ::= { hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataTable 1 } HwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecCorrectByte Integer32, hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecCorrectCodeWords Integer32, hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecUncorrectCodeWords Integer32, hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecTotalCodeWords Integer32, hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecSeconds Integer32, hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinRangingTimeCount Counter64, hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinTransmittedGemFrames Counter64, hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinXgemKeyErrorCount Counter64, hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinXgemHecErrorCount Counter64 } hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecCorrectByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of bytes that were corrected by the FEC function in the current 15 minutes." ::={ hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataEntry 1 } hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecCorrectCodeWords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of code words that were corrected by the FEC function in the current 15 minutes." ::={ hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataEntry 2 } hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecUncorrectCodeWords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of code words that were not corrected by the FEC function in the current 15 minutes." ::={ hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataEntry 3 } hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecTotalCodeWords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of total received code words in the current 15 minutes." ::={ hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataEntry 4 } hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinFecSeconds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of seconds in the current 15 minutes, when there was a forward error correction anomaly." ::={ hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataEntry 5 } hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinRangingTimeCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of rangingtime in the current 15 minutes." ::={ hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataEntry 6 } hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinTransmittedGemFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of transmitted XGEM frames in the current 15 minutes." ::={ hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataEntry 7 } hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinXgemKeyErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of XGEM key errors in the current 15 minutes." ::={ hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataEntry 8 } hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinXgemHecErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of XGEM hec error in the current 15 minutes." ::={ hwGponOntPerfCurr15MinDataEntry 9 } --Table hwGponOntPerfHis15MinTable hwGponOntPerfHis15MinTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwGponOntPerfHis15MinEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ont performance monitor statistic table. This table is used to query ont statistic. The indexes of this table are ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex and hwGponOntPerfHis15MinNumber. " ::= { hwXponCommonStatisticObjects 3 } hwGponOntPerfHis15MinEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwGponOntPerfHis15MinEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ont performance monitor statistic table. This table is used to query ont statistic. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex,hwXponOntIndex and hwGponOntPerfHis15MinNumber. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex, hwGponOntPerfHis15MinNumber } ::= { hwGponOntPerfHis15MinTable 1 } HwGponOntPerfHis15MinEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwGponOntPerfHis15MinNumber Unsigned32, hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecCorrectByte Integer32, hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecCorrectCodeWords Integer32, hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecUncorrectCodeWords Integer32, hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecTotalCodeWords Integer32, hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecSeconds Integer32, hwGponOntPerfHis15MinRangingTimeCount Counter64, hwGponOntPerfHis15MinTransmittedGemFrames Counter64, hwGponOntPerfHis15MinXgemKeyErrorCount Counter64, hwGponOntPerfHis15MinXgemHecErrorCount Counter64 } hwGponOntPerfHis15MinNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Performance data interval number 1 is the most recent previous 15 minutes interval. Rang:1." ::={ hwGponOntPerfHis15MinEntry 1 } hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecCorrectByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of bytes that were corrected by the FEC function in this interval." ::={ hwGponOntPerfHis15MinEntry 2 } hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecCorrectCodeWords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of code words that were corrected by the FEC function in this interval. -1 indicates the invalid value. " ::={ hwGponOntPerfHis15MinEntry 3 } hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecUncorrectCodeWords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of code words that were not corrected by the FEC function in this interval. -1 indicates the invalid value. " ::={ hwGponOntPerfHis15MinEntry 4} hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecTotalCodeWords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of total received code words in this interval. -1 indicates the invalid value. " ::={ hwGponOntPerfHis15MinEntry 5 } hwGponOntPerfHis15MinFecSeconds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of seconds during this interval, when there was a forward error correction anomaly." ::={ hwGponOntPerfHis15MinEntry 6 } hwGponOntPerfHis15MinRangingTimeCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of rangingtime in this interval." ::={ hwGponOntPerfHis15MinEntry 7 } hwGponOntPerfHis15MinTransmittedGemFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of transmitted XGEM frames in this interval." ::={ hwGponOntPerfHis15MinEntry 8 } hwGponOntPerfHis15MinXgemKeyErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of XGEM key errors in this interval." ::={ hwGponOntPerfHis15MinEntry 9 } hwGponOntPerfHis15MinXgemHecErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of XGEM hec error in this interval." ::={ hwGponOntPerfHis15MinEntry 10 } --Table hwGponOntIphostStatsTable hwGponOntIphostStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwGponOntIphostStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ONT IPHOST port statistics table. The index of this table is a combination of ifIndex, hwGponDeviceOntObjIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonStatisticObjects 4 } hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwGponOntIphostStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ONT IPHOST port statistics table. The index of this entry is a combination of ifIndex, hwGponDeviceOntObjIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwGponDeviceOntObjIndex } ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsTable 1 } HwGponOntIphostStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvOctets Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvPkts Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvMulticastPkts Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvBroadcastPkts Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvPkts64Octets Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvPkts65to127Octets Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvPkts128to255Octets Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvPkts256to511Octets Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvPkts512to1023Octets Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvPkts1024to1518Octets Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvPktsOversize Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvPktsUndersize Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvFCSErrors Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvDropEvents Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendOctets Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendPkts Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticMulticastSendPkts Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendBroadcastPkts Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendPkts64Octets Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendPkts65to127Octets Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendPkts128to255Octets Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendPkts256to511Octets Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendPkts512to1023Octets Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendPkts1024to1518Octets Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendPktsOversize Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticForwardDropEvents Counter64, hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticClear INTEGER } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received bytes." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 1 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received frames." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 2 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received multicast frames." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 3 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received broadcast frames." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 4 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvPkts64Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received 64-octet frames" ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 5 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvPkts65to127Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received 65~127-octet frames" ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 6 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvPkts128to255Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received 128~255-octet frames" ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 7 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvPkts256to511Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received 256~511-octet frames." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 8 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvPkts512to1023Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received 512~1023-octet frames." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 9 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvPkts1024to1518Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received 1024~1518-octet frames." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 10 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvPktsOversize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received oversize frames." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 11 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvPktsUndersize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received undersize frames." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 12 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvFCSErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received FCS error frames." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 13 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticRecvDropEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received drop events." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 14 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent bytes." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 15 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent frames." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 16 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticMulticastSendPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent multicast frames." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 17 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent broadcast frames." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 18 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendPkts64Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent 64-octet frames" ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 19 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendPkts65to127Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent 65~127-octet frames" ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 20 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendPkts128to255Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent 128~255-octet frames" ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 21 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendPkts256to511Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent 256~511-octet frames." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 22 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendPkts512to1023Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent 512~1023-octet frames." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 23} hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendPkts1024to1518Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent 1024~1518-octet frames." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 24 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticSendPktsOversize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent oversize frames." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 25 } hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticForwardDropEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent drop events." ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 26} hwGponOntIphostEthernetStatisticClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ clear(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to clear the statistics. Options: 1. clear(1) - Indicates that clear the statistics 2. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwGponOntIphostStatsEntry 60 } --Table hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ont performance monitor statistic table. This table is used to query ont ever before statistic. The indexes of this table are a combination of ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonStatisticObjects 5 } hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ont performance monitor statistic table. This table is used to query ont ever before statistic. The indexes of this entry are a combination of ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex } ::= { hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataTable 1 } HwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameFecCorrectedBytes Counter64, hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameFecCorrectedCodeWords Counter64, hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameFecUncorrectableCodeWords Counter64, hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameTotalRecCodeWords Counter64, hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameFecSeconds Counter64, hwGponOntEverbeforeRangingTimeCount Counter64, hwGponOntEverbeforeTransmittedGemFrames Counter64, hwGponOntEverbeforeXgemKeyErrorCount Counter64, hwGponOntEverbeforeXgemHecErrorCount Counter64 } hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameFecCorrectedBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of bytes that were corrected by the FEC function ever before" ::={ hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataEntry 1 } hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameFecCorrectedCodeWords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of code words that were corrected by the FEC function ever before." ::={ hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataEntry 2 } hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameFecUncorrectableCodeWords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of code words that were not corrected by the FEC function ever before." ::={ hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataEntry 3} hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameTotalRecCodeWords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of total received code words ever before." ::={ hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataEntry 4 } hwGponOntEverbeforeDownFrameFecSeconds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of seconds ever before, when there was a forward error correction anomaly." ::={ hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataEntry 5 } hwGponOntEverbeforeRangingTimeCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of rangingtime ever before." ::={ hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataEntry 6 } hwGponOntEverbeforeTransmittedGemFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of transmitted XGEM frames ever before." ::={ hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataEntry 7 } hwGponOntEverbeforeXgemKeyErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of XGEM key errors ever before." ::={ hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataEntry 8 } hwGponOntEverbeforeXgemHecErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of XGEM hec error ever before." ::={ hwGponOntPerfEverbeforeDataEntry 9 } --Table hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationTable hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to query the information about the optical transceiver. The index of this table is ifIndex." ::= { hwXponCommonStatisticObjects 6 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to query the information about the optical transceiver. The index of this entry is ifIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationTable 1 } Hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoIdentifier INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoExtCLEICode INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoExtTXRefClock INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoExtCDRFunc INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoExtPowerLevel INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoConnector INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoEncodingRZ INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoEncodingNRZ INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoEncoding8B10B INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoEncoding64B INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoBrMin Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoBrMax Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoSupportLenSMF Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoSupportLenE50um Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoSupportLen50um Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoSupportLen62p5um Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoSupportLenCopper Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoTransmitterSupport INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoDetector INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoCooledTransmitterDevice INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoWavelengthControl INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoTransmitterTechnologySupport INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoVendorName OCTET STRING, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoSupportXFIMode INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoSupportLinesideMode INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoMaxBitRateSupportedByCDR INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoVendorOUI Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoVendorPN OCTET STRING, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoVendorRev OCTET STRING, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoF51 Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoWaveTolerance Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoMaxCaseTemperature Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoCcbase Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoMaxDissipation Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoMaxDissipationPowerDownMode Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoMaximum5P0VSupply Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoMaximum3P3VSupply Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoMaximum1P8VSupply Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoMaximum5P2VSupply Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoVendorSN OCTET STRING, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoDateCode OCTET STRING, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoDiagnoMonitorPowerMeasure INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoDiagnoMonitorTypeFECBER INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoEnhancedOptions Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoAuxInputOne INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoAuxInputTwo INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoCCEXT Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoWavelengthFor2d5G Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoWavelengthFor1d25G Integer32, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoVendorSpecific OCTET STRING, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleXponType INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleXponSubType INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleXponUsedType INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleXponEncapsulationType INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleXponTemperatureLevel INTEGER, hw10GponOltOpticsModuleXponOPMprecision INTEGER } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), gbic(1), solderedToMotherBoard(2), sfp(3), pin300XBI(4), xenpak(5), xfp(6), xff(7), xfep(8), xpak(9), x2(10), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the type of serial transceiver. Options: 1. unknown(0) - Unknown or unspecified 2. gbic(1) - GBIC 3. solderedToMotherBoard(2) - Module soldered to motherboard 4. sfp(3) - SFP 5. pin300XBI(4) - PIN300XBI 6. xenpak(5) - XENPAK 7. xfp(6) - XFP 8. xff(7) - XFF 9. xfep(8) - XFEP 10. xpak(9) - XPAK 11. x2(10) - X2 12. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 1 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoExtCLEICode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonExtCLEICode(0), extCLEICode(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the extclei code. Options: 1. nonExtCLEICode(0) - No CLEI code present in Table 02h 2. extCLEICode(1) - CLEI code present in Table 02h 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 2 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoExtTXRefClock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonExtTXRefClock(0), extTXRefClock(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the txref clock. Options: 1. nonExtTXRefClock(0) - TX Ref Clock Input Not Required 2. extTXRefClock(1) - TX Ref Clock Input Required 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 3 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoExtCDRFunc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonExtCDRFunc(0), extCDRFunc(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the CDR function. Options: 1. nonExtCDRFunc(0) - Non-CDR version of XFP 2. extCDRFunc(1) - Module with CDR function 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 4 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoExtPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { extPowerLevel1(0), extPowerLevel2(1), extPowerLevel3(2), extPowerLevel4(3), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the power level. Options: 1. extPowerLevel1(0) - Power Level 1 Module (1.5 W max. power dissipation.) 2. extPowerLevel2(1) - Power Level 2 Module (2.5W Max) 3. extPowerLevel3(2) - Power Level 3 Module (3.5W max. power dissipation.) 4. extPowerLevel4(3) - Power Level 4 Module (>3.5W max. power dissipation.) 5. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 5 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoConnector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), sc(2), style1Connector(3), style2Connector(4), bnctnc(5) , channelCoaxial(6), fiberJack(7), lc(8) , mtrj(9), mu(10), sg(11), opticalPigtail(12), hssdc(13), copperPigtail(14), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object indicates the code for connector type. Options: 1. unknown(1) - Unknown 2. sc(2) - SC 3. style1Connector(3) - Fibre Channel Style 1 copper connector 4. style2Connector(4) - Fibre Channel Style 2 copper connector 5. bnctnc(5) - BNC/TNC 6. channelCoaxial(6) - Fibre Channel coaxial headers 7. fiberJack(7) - FiberJack 8. lc(8) - LC 9. mtrj(9) - MT-RJ 10. mu(10) - MU 11. sg(11) - SG 12. opticalPigtail(12) - Optical pigtail 13. hssdc(13) - HSSDC II 14. copperPigtail(14) - Copper Pigtail 15. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 6 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoEncodingRZ OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonEncodingRZ(0), encodingRZ(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the EncodingRZ. Options: 1. nonEncodingRZ(0) - Encoding Don't Support RZ 2. encodingRZ(1) - Encoding Support RZ 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 7 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoEncodingNRZ OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonEncodingNRZ(0), encodingNRZ(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the EncodingNRZ. Options: 1. nonEncodingNRZ(0) - Encoding Don't Support NRZ 2. encodingNRZ(1) - Encoding Support NRZ 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 8 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoEncoding8B10B OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonEncoding8B10B(0), encoding8B10B(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Encoding8B10B. Options: 1. nonEncoding8B10B(0) - Encoding Don't Support 8B10B 2. encoding8B10B(1) - Encoding Support 8B10B 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 9 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoEncoding64B OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonEncoding64B(0), encoding64B(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Encoding64B. Options: 1. nonEncoding64B(0) - Encoding Don't Support 64B/66B 2. encoding64B(1) - Encoding Support 64B/66B 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 10 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoBrMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Minimum bit rate, units of 100 MBits/s " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 11 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoBrMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Maximum bit rate, units of 100 MBits/s " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 12 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoSupportLenSMF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Link length supported for SMF fiber in km " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 13 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoSupportLenE50um OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Link length supported for EBW 50/125 ��m fiber, units of 2 m " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 14 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoSupportLen50um OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Link length supported for 50/125 ��m fiber, units of 1 m " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 15 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoSupportLen62p5um OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Link length supported for 62.5/125 ��m fiber, units of 1 m " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 16 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoSupportLenCopper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Link length supported for copper, units of 1m " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 17 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoTransmitterSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonTunable(0), tunable(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the transmitter support. Options: 1. nonTunable(0) - Transmitter Not Support Tunable 2. tunable(1) - Transmitter Support Tunable 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 18 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoDetector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pin(0), apd(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the transmitter support. Options: 1. pin(0) - PIN 2. apd(1) - APD 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 19 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoCooledTransmitterDevice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonSupport(0), support(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the wavelength control. Options: 1. nonSupport(0) - Wavelength control NonSupport 2. support(1) - Wavelength control Support 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 20 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoWavelengthControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonSupport(0), support(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the cooled transmitter device. Options: 1. nonSupport(0) - Cooled transmitter device NonSupport 2. support(1) - Cooled transmitter device Support 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 21 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoTransmitterTechnologySupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { vCSEL850(0), vCSEL1310(1), vCSEL1550(2), fP1310(3), dFB1310(4), dFB1550(5), eML1310(6), eML1550(7), cOPPER(8), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the transmitter technology support. Options: 1. vCSEL850(0) - vCSEL850 2. vCSEL1310(1) - vCSEL1310 3. vCSEL1550(2) - vCSEL1550 4. fP1310(3) - fP1310 5. dFB1310(4) - dFB1310 6. dFB1550(5) - dFB1550 7. eML1310(6) - eML1310 8. eML1550(7) - eML1550 9. cOPPER(8) - cOPPER 10. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 22 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoVendorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the SFP vendor name (ASCII)." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 23 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoSupportXFIMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonSupportXFIMode(0), supportXFIMode(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the XFI mode. Options: 1. nonSupportXFIMode(0) - Don't Support XFI Loopback Mode 2. supportXFIMode(1) - XFI Loopback Mode Supported 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 24 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoSupportLinesideMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonSupportLinesideMode(0), supportLinesideMode(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the XFI mode. Options: 1. nonSupportLinesideMode(0) - Don't Support Lineside Loopback Mode 2. supportLinesideMode(1) - Lineside Loopback Mode Supported 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 25 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoMaxBitRateSupportedByCDR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cdrNosupport(0), maxBitRateSupportedByCDR11p1(1), maxBitRateSupportedByCDR10p7(3), maxBitRateSupportedByCDR10p5(7), maxBitRateSupportedByCDR10p3(15), maxBitRateSupportedByCDR9p95(31), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the max bit rate by CDR. Options: 1. cdrNosupport(0) - CDR not support 2. maxBitRateSupportedByCDR11p1(1) - CDR support for 11.1 Gb/s 3. maxBitRateSupportedByCDR10p7(3) - CDR support for 10.7 Gb/s 4. maxBitRateSupportedByCDR10p5(7) - CDR support for 10.5 Gb/s 5. maxBitRateSupportedByCDR10p3(15) - CDR support for 10.3 Gb/s 6. maxBitRateSupportedByCDR9p95(31) - CDR support for 9.95 Gb/s 7. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 26 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoVendorOUI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Vendor OUI." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 27 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoVendorPN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Vendor PN." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 28 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoVendorRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Vendor rev." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 29 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoF51 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Wavelength." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 30 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoWaveTolerance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Wavelength." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 31 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoMaxCaseTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Maximum Case Temperature in Degrees C." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 32 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoCcbase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Cc_base." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 33 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoMaxDissipation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Maximum Power Dissipation." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 34 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoMaxDissipationPowerDownMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Maximum Total Power Dissipation in Power Down Mode." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 35 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoMaximum5P0VSupply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Maximum current required by +5V Supply." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 36 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoMaximum3P3VSupply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Maximum current required by +3.3V Supply." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 37 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoMaximum1P8VSupply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Maximum current required by +1.8V Supply." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 38 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoMaximum5P2VSupply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Maximum current required by -5.2V Supply." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 39 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoVendorSN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Vendor SN." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 40 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoDateCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..9)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Date code." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 41 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoDiagnoMonitorPowerMeasure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { supportOMA(0), supportAveragePower(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Received power measurement type. Options: 1. supportOMA(0) - OMA 2. supportAveragePower(1) - Average Power 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 42 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoDiagnoMonitorTypeFECBER OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonSupportBER(0), supportBER(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Module Respond to FEC BER. Options: 1. nonSupportBER(0) - No BER Support 2. supportBER(1) - BER Support 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 43 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoEnhancedOptions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates which optional enhanced features are implemented. bit Description of Enhanced Options 7 -Module Supports Optional VPS 6 -Optional Soft TX_DISABLE implemented 5 -Optional Soft P_down implemented 4 -Supports VPS LV regulator mode 3 -Supports VPS bypassed regulator Mode 2 -Active FEC control functions implemented 1 -Wavelength tunability implemented 0 -Optional CMU Support Mode invalid(-1) -Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 44 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoAuxInputOne OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { auxInputType1(0), auxInputType2(1), auxInputType3(2), auxInputType4(3), auxInputType5(4), auxInputType6(5), auxInputType7(6), auxInputType8(7), auxInputType9(8), auxInputType10(9), auxInputType11(10), auxInputType14(13), auxInputType15(14), auxInputType16(15), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the optics Aux Input One. Options: 1. auxInputType1(0) - Auxiliary monitoring not implemented 2. auxInputType2(1) - APD Bias Voltage 3. auxInputType3(2) - 1G Tx Bias Current 4. auxInputType4(3) - TEC Current (mA) 5. auxInputType5(4) - Laser Temperature 6. auxInputType6(5) - Laser Wavelength 7. auxInputType7(6) - +5V Supply Voltage 8. auxInputType8(7) - 1G Tx Power 9. auxInputType9(8) - +1.8V Supply Voltage 10. auxInputType10(9) - -5.2V Supply Voltage 11. auxInputType11(10) - +5V Supply Current 12. auxInputType14(13) - +3.3V Supply Current 13. auxInputType15(14) - +1.8V Supply Current 14. auxInputType16(15) - -5.2V Supply Current 15. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 45 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoAuxInputTwo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { auxInputType1(0), auxInputType2(1), auxInputType3(2), auxInputType4(3), auxInputType5(4), auxInputType6(5), auxInputType7(6), auxInputType8(7), auxInputType9(8), auxInputType10(9), auxInputType11(10), auxInputType14(13), auxInputType15(14), auxInputType16(15), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the optics Aux Input One. Options: 1. auxInputType1(0) - Auxiliary monitoring not implemented 2. auxInputType2(1) - APD Bias Voltage 3. auxInputType3(2) - 1G Tx Bias Current 4. auxInputType4(3) - TEC Current (mA) 5. auxInputType5(4) - Laser Temperature 6. auxInputType6(5) - Laser Wavelength 7. auxInputType7(6) - +5V Supply Voltage 8. auxInputType8(7) - 1G Tx Power 9. auxInputType9(8) - +1.8V Supply Voltage 10. auxInputType10(9) - -5.2V Supply Voltage 11. auxInputType11(10) - +5V Supply Current 12. auxInputType14(13) - +3.3V Supply Current 13. auxInputType15(14) - +1.8V Supply Current 14. auxInputType16(15) - -5.2V Supply Current 15. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 46 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoCCEXT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the CC_EXT ." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 47 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoWavelengthFor2d5G OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Wavelength for 2.5G." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 48 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoWavelengthFor1d25G OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Wavelength for 1.25G." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 49 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInfoVendorSpecific OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..33)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the Vendor specific." ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 50 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleXponType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), gpon(2), epon(3), epon10g(4), xgpon(5), wdmpon(6), hybridpon(7), gponOrEpon(8), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the module type. Options: 1. unknown(1) - Unknown 2. gpon(2) - GPON 3. epon(3) - EPON 4. epon10g(4) - 10G EPON 5. xgpon(5) - XG-PON 6. wdmpon(6) - WDM PON 7. hybridpon(7) - Hybrid PON 8. gponOrEpon(8) - GPON/EPON 9. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 51 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleXponSubType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), classbplus(101), classcplus(102), classb(103), px20(201), px20plus(202), pr30(301), pr20(302), prx30(303), prx20(304), n2a(405), n2b(406), n1(407), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sub module type. Options: 1. unknown(1) - Unknown 2. classbplus(101) - CLASS B+ 3. classcplus(102) - CLASS C+ 4. classb(103) - CLASS B 5. px20(201) - PX20 6. px20plus(202) - PX20+ 7. pr30(301) - PR30 8. pr20(302) - PR20 9. prx30(303) - PRX30 10. prx20(304) - PRX20 11. n2a(405) - N2a 12. n2b(406) - N2b 13. n1(407) - N1 14. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 52 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleXponUsedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), olt(2), ont(3), onu(4), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the application scenario of the optical transceiver. Options: 1. unknown(1) - Unknown 2. olt(2) - OLT 3. ont(3) - ONT 4. onu(4) - ONU 5. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 53 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleXponEncapsulationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), sff2x5(2), sff2x10(3), sfp(4), xfp(5), lxfp(6), bosaonboard(7), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the encapsulation information about the optical transceiver. Options: 1. unknown(1) - Unknown 2. sff2x5(2) - SFF 2x5 3. sff2x10(3) - SFF 2x10 4. sfp(4) - SFP 5. xfp(5) - XFP 6. lxfp(6) - LXFP 7. bosaonboard(7) - BOSA ON BOARD 8. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 54 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleXponTemperatureLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), commercial(2), industry(3), expandTemperature(4), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the application scenario of the optical transceiver. Options: 1. unknown(1) - Unknown 2. commercial(2) - commercial 3. industry(3) - industry 4. expandTemperature(4) - expand temperature 5. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 55 } hw10GponOltOpticsModuleXponOPMprecision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), db3(2), db1(3), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the OPM precision. Options: 1. unknown(1) - Unknown 2. db3(2) - 3db 3. db1(3) - 1db 4. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hw10GponOltOpticsModuleInformationEntry 56 } --Table hwGponCommonOntStatisticTable hwGponCommonOntStatisticTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwGponCommonOntStatisticEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to query the information about the priority queue alarm. The indexes of this table are ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex." ::= { hwXponCommonStatisticObjects 7 } hwGponCommonOntStatisticEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwGponCommonOntStatisticEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to query the information about the priority queue alarm. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex." INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex } ::= { hwGponCommonOntStatisticTable 1 } HwGponCommonOntStatisticEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntUpstreamPQDiscardedBytesAlarmCount OCTET STRING, hwXponOntDownstreamPQDiscardedBytesAlarmCount OCTET STRING, hwXponOntPQDiscardedBytesAlarmCountClear INTEGER } hwXponOntUpstreamPQDiscardedBytesAlarmCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..8192)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of the upstream priority queue alarm due to buffer overflow. One record uses 6 bytes : T-CONT index(1byte)+PQ number(1byte)+alarm number(4bytes)." ::= { hwGponCommonOntStatisticEntry 1 } hwXponOntDownstreamPQDiscardedBytesAlarmCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1280)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of the downstream priority queue alarm due to buffer overflow. One record uses 8 bytes : port type(1byte)+port index(1byte)+reserve(1byte)+PQ number(1byte)+alarm number(4byte)." ::= { hwGponCommonOntStatisticEntry 2 } hwXponOntPQDiscardedBytesAlarmCountClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ clear(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to clear the statistics. Options: 1. clear(1) - Indicates that clear the statistics 2. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwGponCommonOntStatisticEntry 3 } --Table hwXponOntStatProbeConfigTable hwXponOntStatProbeConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntStatProbeConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to configure statistical probe. The indexes of this table are ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex and hwXponOntStatProbeConfigIndex." ::= { hwXponCommonStatisticObjects 8 } hwXponOntStatProbeConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntStatProbeConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to configure statistical probe. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex and hwXponOntStatProbeConfigIndex." INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex, hwXponOntStatProbeConfigIndex } ::= { hwXponOntStatProbeConfigTable 1 } HwXponOntStatProbeConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntStatProbeConfigIndex Integer32, hwXponOntStatProbeConfigType INTEGER, hwXponOntStatProbeConfigParameter OCTET STRING, hwXponOntStatProbeConfigRowStatus RowStatus } hwXponOntStatProbeConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the statistical probe. Range: 1-2147483647, and -1. Value -1 must be issued when this index is configured. Then, the device allocates actual index to the NMS." ::= { hwXponOntStatProbeConfigEntry 1} hwXponOntStatProbeConfigType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ vlanBased(1), gemPortBased(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object Indicates the type of statistic probe. Options: 1. vlanBased(1) - Indicates that the statistics are collected by ONT ETH port, VLAN and VLAN priority. 2. gemPortBased(2) - Indicates that the statistics are collected by GEM port. 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected. " ::= { hwXponOntStatProbeConfigEntry 2 } hwXponOntStatProbeConfigParameter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This node indicates the detailed configurations of the statistical probe. If the type of the probe is vlanBased, the format of this node is 'AABBCCCCDD'. AA: Indicates the hexadecimal value of the ONT port type, VDSL(37) and ETH(47) is valid. BB: Indicates the hexadecimal value of an ONT port. CCCC: Indicates the hexadecimal value of a VLAN. DD: Indicates the hexadecimal value of the VLAN priority. 'FF' identifies all VLAN priorities, indicating that the VLAN priority is not configured. If the type of the probe is gemPortBased, the format of this node is 'AAAA'. AAAA: Indicates the hexadecimal value of GEM port ID for distributing-mode or GEM index for profile-mode. For example, to configure probe with ONT ETH port 1, VLAN 1000, all VLAN priorities, issue '2F0103E8FF'." ::= { hwXponOntStatProbeConfigEntry 3} hwXponOntStatProbeConfigRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "this object is used to create a new row or to modify or delete an existing row in this table. " ::= { hwXponOntStatProbeConfigEntry 4 } --Table hwXponOntProbeStatTable hwXponOntProbeStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntProbeStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to query probe statistics. The indexes of this table are ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex and hwXponOntStatProbeConfigIndex." ::= { hwXponCommonStatisticObjects 9 } hwXponOntProbeStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntProbeStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to query probe statistics. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex and hwXponOntStatProbeConfigIndex." INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex, hwXponOntStatProbeConfigIndex } ::= { hwXponOntProbeStatTable 1 } HwXponOntProbeStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntProbeStatResult Integer32, hwXponOntProbeStatRecvBytes Counter64, hwXponOntProbeStatRecvFrames Counter64, hwXponOntProbeStatSendBytes Counter64, hwXponOntProbeStatSendFrames Counter64, hwXponOntProbeStatClear INTEGER } hwXponOntProbeStatResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This node identifies the result of queried probe statistics. Value 0 indicates that probe statistics are queried successfully. " ::= { hwXponOntProbeStatEntry 1 } hwXponOntProbeStatRecvBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received bytes. " ::={ hwXponOntProbeStatEntry 2 } hwXponOntProbeStatRecvFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received frames. " ::={ hwXponOntProbeStatEntry 3 } hwXponOntProbeStatSendBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent bytes. " ::={ hwXponOntProbeStatEntry 4 } hwXponOntProbeStatSendFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent frames. " ::={ hwXponOntProbeStatEntry 5 } hwXponOntProbeStatClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ clear(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This node is used to clear probe statistics. Options: 1. clear(1) - Indicates that clear probe statistics. 2. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected. " ::= { hwXponOntProbeStatEntry 6 } hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ONT Multicast GEM Port statistics table. The index of this table is a combination of ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " ::= { hwXponCommonStatisticObjects 10 } hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ONT Multicast GEM Port statistics table. The index of this entry is a combination of ifIndex and hwXponOntIndex. " INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex } ::= { hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticTable 1 } HwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticRecvLostFrames Counter64, hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticRecvMisinsertedFrames Counter64, hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticRecvFrames Counter64, hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticRecvBlocks Counter64, hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticSendBlocks Counter64, hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticImpairedBlocks Counter64, hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticSendGemFrames Counter64, hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticClear INTEGER } hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticRecvLostFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the loss of frames." ::= { hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticEntry 1 } hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticRecvMisinsertedFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the misinserted frames." ::= { hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticEntry 2 } hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticRecvFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received frames." ::= { hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticEntry 3 } hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticRecvBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received blocks." ::= { hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticEntry 4 } hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticSendBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent blocks." ::= { hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticEntry 5 } hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticImpairedBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of received impaired data blocks." ::= { hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticEntry 6 } hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticSendGemFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of transmitted GEM frames." ::= { hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticEntry 7 } hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ clear(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to clear the statistics. Options: 1. clear(1) - Indicates that clear the statistics 2. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwGponOntMulticastGemPortStatisticEntry 20 } --Table hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15MinTable hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15MinTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwGponOntTdmPortPerf15MinEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to query ONT TDM port statistics in history 15 minutes. The indexes of this table are ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex, hwGponDeviceOntPhyIndex and hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15minIntervalNum." ::= { hwXponCommonStatisticObjects 11 } hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15MinEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwGponOntTdmPortPerf15MinEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to query ONT TDM port statistics in history 15 minutes. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex, hwGponDeviceOntPhyIndex and hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15minIntervalNum." INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex, hwGponDeviceOntPhyIndex, hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15minIntervalNum } ::= { hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15MinTable 1 } HwGponOntTdmPortPerf15MinEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15minIntervalNum Integer32, hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15minES Gauge32, hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15minSES Gauge32, hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15minUAS Gauge32, hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15minEFS Gauge32 } hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15minIntervalNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the history 15 minutes interval number. value 0 indicates current 15 minutes interval. " ::= { hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15MinEntry 1 } hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15minES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the statistic of the errored seconds. -1 indicates the invalid value. " ::={ hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15MinEntry 2 } hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15minSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the statistic of the serverly erroeds. -1 indicates the invalid value. " ::={ hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15MinEntry 3 } hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15minUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the statistic of the unavailable seconds. -1 indicates the invalid value. " ::={ hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15MinEntry 4} hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15minEFS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the statistic of the error free seconds. -1 indicates the invalid value. " ::={ hwGponOntTdmPortPerf15MinEntry 5 } --Table hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsTable hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ONT port statistics table. The indexes of this table are ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex, hwGponOntifType and hwGponOntifPort." ::= { hwXponCommonStatisticObjects 13 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ONT port statistics table. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex, hwGponOntifType and hwGponOntifPort." INDEX { ifIndex, hwXponOntIndex, hwGponOntifType, hwGponOntifPort } ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsTable 1 } HwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvOctets Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvPkts Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvBroadcastPkts Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvMulticastPkts Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvPkts64Octets Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvPkts65to127Octets Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvPkts128to255Octets Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvPkts256to511Octets Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvPkts512to1023Octets Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvPkts1024to1518Octets Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvPktsOversize Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvPktsUndersize Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvFCSErrors Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvDropEvents Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendOctets Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendPkts Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendBroadcastPkts Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendMulticastPkts Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendPkts64Octets Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendPkts65to127Octets Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendPkts128to255Octets Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendPkts256to511Octets Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendPkts512to1023Octets Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendPkts1024to1518Octets Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendPktsOversize Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticForwardDropEvents Counter64, hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticClear INTEGER } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received bytes." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 1 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 2 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received broadcast frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 3 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received multicast frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 4 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvPkts64Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received 64-octet frames" ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 5 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvPkts65to127Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received 65~127-octet frames" ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 6 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvPkts128to255Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received 128~255-octet frames" ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 7 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvPkts256to511Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received 256~511-octet frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 8 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvPkts512to1023Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received 512~1023-octet frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 9 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvPkts1024to1518Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received 1024~1518-octet frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 10 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvPktsOversize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received oversize frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 11 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvPktsUndersize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received undersize frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 12 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvFCSErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received FCS error frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 13 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticRecvDropEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the received drop events." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 14 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the send drop bytes." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 15 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the send frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 16 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent broadcast frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 17 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent multicast frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 18 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendPkts64Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent 64-octet frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 19 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendPkts65to127Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent 65~127-octet frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 20 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendPkts128to255Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent 128~255-octet frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 21} hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendPkts256to511Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent 256~511-octet frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 22 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendPkts512to1023Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent 512~1023-octet frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 23 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendPkts1024to1518Octets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent 1024~1518-octet frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 24 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticSendPktsOversize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent oversize frames." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 25 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticForwardDropEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the sent drop events." ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 26 } hwXponOntPortEthernetStatisticClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ clear(1), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to clear the statistics. Options: 1. clear(1) - Indicates that clear the statistics 2. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwXponOntPortEthernetStatsEntry 27 } --hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects begin hwGponDeviceChangePasswordIntervalTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 (0 | 5..1440 | 65535) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interval time of ONT's password renew, 0 means no update, 65535 means no configration data. Unit: minutes " ::= { hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects 1 } hwGponDeviceTcontAutoCombineSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The switch value of T-CONT auto-combine. Options: 1. enable(1) - The switch value of T-CONT auto-combine is enable 2. disable(2) - The switch value of T-CONT auto-combine is disable " ::= { hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects 2 } hwGponOntInteroperabilityMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { itu-t(1), ctc(2), eric-v1(3), eric-v2(4), itu-t-g984(5), itu-t-g988(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The switch mode of gpon ont interoperability. Options: 1. itu-t(1) - The switch mode of gpon ont interoperability is itu-t 2. ctc(2) - The switch mode of gpon ont interoperability is ctc 3. eric-v1(3) - The switch mode of gpon ont interoperability is eric-v1 4. eric-v2(4) - The switch mode of gpon ont interoperability is eric-v2 5. itu-t-g984(5) - The switch mode of gpon ont interoperability is itu-t-g984 6. itu-t-g988(6) - The switch mode of gpon ont interoperability is itu-t-g988 " ::= { hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects 3 } hwGponDeviceOntDefaultLineProfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the name of the default line profile that is bound to the ONT." ::= { hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects 4 } hwGponDeviceOntDefaultSrvProfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the name of the default service profile that is bound to the ONT." ::= { hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects 5 } hwGponOntMutlicastAuthMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ont-control(1), olt-control(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mode of gpon ont multicast authentication. Options: 1. ont-control(1) - The mode of gpon multicast authentication is ont-control 2. olt-control(2) - The mode of gpon multicast authentication is olt-control " ::= { hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects 6 } hwGponOnuTcontPriorityQueuePriorityReverse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The priority reverse switch of gpon ont priority queue. Options: 1. enable(1) - The priority reverse switch is enable 2. disable(2) - The priority reverse switch is disable " ::= { hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects 7 } hwGponOntInteroperModeActiveMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { immediate(1), next-startup(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The active mode of gpon ONT interoperability mode. Options: 1. immediate(1) - Indicates that the ONT takes effect immediately 2. next-startup(2) - Indicates that the ONT takes effect after next startup 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails or no information is detected " ::= { hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects 8 } hwGponDeviceTcontAutoCreateSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The switch value of T-CONT auto-create. Options: 1. enable(1) - The switch value of T-CONT auto-create is enable 2. disable(2) - The switch value of T-CONT auto-create is disable The default value is disable(2) " ::= { hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects 9 } hwGponOntPriorityQueueMappingPolicySwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { gem-map(1), cos-map(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The switch value of GPON ONT priority queue mapping policy. Options: 1. gem-map(1) - GPON ONT priority queue mapping policy is gem-map 2. cos-map(2) - GPON ONT priority queue mapping policy is cos-map The default value is gem-map(1) " ::= { hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects 10 } --hwGponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects end --hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects begin hwXponDeviceLosAlarmControlState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object is used to open or close the switch of the advanced los alarm. Options: 1.enable(1) - Open the switch of the advanced los alarm 2.disable(2) - Close the switch of the advanced los alarm The default value is disable(2). " ::= { hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects 1 } hwXponCommonOntCatvDefaultState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set the default status of ONT CATV ports. Options: 1. on(1) - The default status of ONT CATV ports is on 2. off(2) - The default status of ONT CATV ports is off 3. invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails " ::= { hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects 2 } hwXponDeviceGroupPowerOffControlState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to open or close the group power off report switch. Options: 1.enable(1) - Open the group power off report switch 2.disable(2) - Close the group power off report switch The default value is disable(2) " ::= { hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects 3 } hwXponDeviceAutofindConflictCheckSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to open or close the ONT autofind conflict-check switch. Options: 1.enable(1) - Open the switch of the ONT autofind conflict-check 2.disable(2) - Close the switch of the ONT autofind conflict-check The default value is disable(2) " ::= { hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects 4 } hwXponDeviceModifyBoundProfileSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2), invalid(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to enable or disable the bound profile modification switch. Options: 1.enable(1) - Enable to modify bound profile 2.disable(2) - Disable to modify bound profile 3.invalid(-1) - Indicates that the query fails The default value is enable(1). " ::= { hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects 5 } hwXponDeviceAlarmClearOnShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object is used to set whether clear active alarm on shutdown object. Options: 1.enable(1) - Open the switch, clear active alarm on shutdown object 2.disable(2) - Close the switch, does not clear active alarm on shutdown object The default value is disable(2). " ::= { hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects 6 } hwXponDeviceSuppressInitialAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object is used to set whether suppress initial alarm. Options: 1.enable(1) - Open the switch, suppress initial alarm state 2.disable(2) - Close the switch, does not suppress initial alarm state The default value is enable(1). " ::= { hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects 7 } hwXponDeviceAllowDifferentRangeSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to enable or disable the switch of allowing protect group member ports have different distances. Options: 1.enable(1) - Enable the switch of allowing protect group member ports have different distances 2.disable(2) - Disable the switch of allowing protect group member ports have different distances The default value is disable(2). " ::= { hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects 8 } --hwXponDeviceCommonGlobalObjects end --Table hwXponOntAlarmPolicyTable hwXponOntAlarmPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntAlarmPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponOntAlarmPolicyTable is used to config the ONT alarm policy profile. The index of this table is hwXponOntAlarmPolicyNameIndex. " ::= { hwXponDeviceCommonProfileObjects 1 } hwXponOntAlarmPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntAlarmPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponOntAlarmPolicyTable is used to config the ONT alarm policy profile. The index of this entry is hwXponOntAlarmPolicyNameIndex. " INDEX { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyNameIndex } ::= { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyTable 1 } HwXponOntAlarmPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyNameIndex OCTET STRING, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyBindNum Integer32, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyFilterAlarmNum Integer32, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyFilterAlarmList OCTET STRING, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyUnFilterAlarmNum Integer32, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyUnFilterAlarmList OCTET STRING, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyRowStatus RowStatus, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendPolicyName INTEGER, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendIpAddress INTEGER, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendMac INTEGER, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendSn INTEGER, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendLoid INTEGER } hwXponOntAlarmPolicyNameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the ONT alarm policy profile name index." ::= { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyEntry 1 } hwXponOntAlarmPolicyBindNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of ONT bound with alarm policy profile." ::= { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyEntry 2 } hwXponOntAlarmPolicyFilterAlarmNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of filtered alarm of the alarm policy profile." ::= { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyEntry 3 } hwXponOntAlarmPolicyFilterAlarmList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..400)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the filtered alarm list of the alarm policy profile,and each alarm ID takes 4 bytes." ::= { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyEntry 4 } hwXponOntAlarmPolicyUnFilterAlarmNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of unfiltered alarm of the alarm policy profile." ::= { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyEntry 5 } hwXponOntAlarmPolicyUnFilterAlarmList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..400)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the unfiltered alarm list of the alarm policy profile,and each alarm ID takes 4 bytes." ::= { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyEntry 6 } hwXponOntAlarmPolicyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponOntAlarmPolicyRowStatus is used to create a new row or to modify or delete an existing row in this table. " ::= { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyEntry 7 } hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates if the ONT alarm appends ONT alarm policy profile name. Options: 1.enable(1) - The ONT alarm appends ONT alarm policy profile name.. 2.disable(2) - The ONT alarm does not append ONT alarm policy profile name.. The default value is enable(1). " ::= { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyEntry 8 } hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates if the ONT alarm appends IP address. Options: 1.enable(1) - The ONT alarm appends IP address. 2.disable(2) - The ONT alarm does not append IP address. The default value is disable(2). " ::= { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyEntry 9 } hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates if the ONT alarm appends MAC. Options: 1.enable(1) - The ONT alarm appends MAC. 2.disable(2) - The ONT alarm does not append MAC. The default value is disable(2). " ::= { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyEntry 10 } hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendSn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates if the ONT alarm appends SN. Options: 1.enable(1) - The ONT alarm appends SN. 2.disable(2) - The ONT alarm does not append SN. The default value is disable(2). " ::= { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyEntry 11} hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAppendLoid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates if the ONT alarm appends LOID. Options: 1.enable(1) - The ONT alarm appends LOID. 2.disable(2) - The ONT alarm does not append LOID. The default value is disable(2). " ::= { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyEntry 12 } --Table hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileTable begin hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileTable is used to config the ONT power shedding profile. The index of this table is hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileNameIndex. " ::= { hwXponDeviceCommonProfileObjects 2 } hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileTable is used to config the ONT power shedding profile. The index of this entry is hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileNameIndex. " INDEX { hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileNameIndex } ::= { hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileTable 1 } HwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileNameIndex OCTET STRING, hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileBindNum Integer32, hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingIntervalClassData Integer32, hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingIntervalClassVoice Integer32, hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingIntervalClassVideoOverlay Integer32, hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingIntervalClassVideoReturn Integer32, hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingIntervalClassAtm Integer32, hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingIntervalClassDsl Integer32, hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingIntervalClassCes Integer32, hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingIntervalClassFrame Integer32, hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingIntervalClassSdhSonet Integer32, hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingRestoreInterval Integer32, hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileRowStatus RowStatus } hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileNameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the ONT power shedding profile name index." ::= { hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileEntry 1 } hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileBindNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of ONT bound with power shedding profile." ::= { hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileEntry 2 } hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingIntervalClassData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the power shedding interval of data class service. Options: 1: disables power shedding(0) 2: enables immediate power shed(1) 3. 2-65535 - Indicates the time, in seconds, to keep the service active after AC failure before shutting them down and shedding power. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileEntry 3 } hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingIntervalClassVoice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the power shedding interval of voice class service. Options: 1: disables power shedding(0) 2: enables immediate power shed(1) 3. 2-65535 - Indicates the time, in seconds, to keep the service active after AC failure before shutting them down and shedding power. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileEntry 4 } hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingIntervalClassVideoOverlay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the power shedding interval of video overlay class service. Options: 1: disables power shedding(0) 2: enables immediate power shed(1) 3. 2-65535 - Indicates the time, in seconds, to keep the service active after AC failure before shutting them down and shedding power. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileEntry 5 } hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingIntervalClassVideoReturn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the power shedding interval of video return class service. Options: 1: disables power shedding(0) 2: enables immediate power shed(1) 3. 2-65535 - Indicates the time, in seconds, to keep the service active after AC failure before shutting them down and shedding power. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileEntry 6 } hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingIntervalClassDsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the power shedding interval of DSL class service. Options: 1: disables power shedding(0) 2: enables immediate power shed(1) 3. 2-65535 - Indicates the time, in seconds, to keep the service active after AC failure before shutting them down and shedding power. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileEntry 7 } hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingIntervalClassAtm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the power shedding interval of ATM class service. Options: 1: disables power shedding(0) 2: enables immediate power shed(1) 3. 2-65535 - Indicates the time, in seconds, to keep the service active after AC failure before shutting them down and shedding power. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileEntry 8 } hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingIntervalClassCes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the power shedding interval of CES class service. Options: 1: disables power shedding(0) 2: enables immediate power shed(1) 3. 2-65535 - Indicates the time, in seconds, to keep the service active after AC failure before shutting them down and shedding power. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileEntry 9 } hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingIntervalClassFrame OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the power shedding interval of frame class service. Options: 1: disables power shedding(0) 2: enables immediate power shed(1) 3. 2-65535 - Indicates the time, in seconds, to keep the service active after AC failure before shutting them down and shedding power. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileEntry 10 } hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingIntervalClassSdhSonet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the power shedding interval of sdh-sonet class service. Options: 1: disables power shedding(0) 2: enables immediate power shed(1) 3. 2-65535 - Indicates the time, in seconds, to keep the service active after AC failure before shutting them down and shedding power. " ::= { hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileEntry 11 } hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingRestoreInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the time delay, in seconds, before resetting the power-shedding timers after full power restoration." ::= { hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileEntry 12 } hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileRowStatus is used to create a new row or to modify or delete an existing row in this table." ::= { hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileEntry 13 } --Table hwXponDeviceOntPowerSheddingProfileTable end --Table hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileTable hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntTr069ServerProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to create, delete or modify the tr069 server profile. The index of this table is hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileName. " ::= { hwXponDeviceCommonProfileObjects 3 } hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntTr069ServerProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to create, delete or modify the tr069 server profile. The index of this entry is hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileName. " INDEX { hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileName } ::= { hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileTable 1 } HwXponOntTr069ServerProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileName OCTET STRING, hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileBindTimes Integer32, hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileUrl OCTET STRING, hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileUserName OCTET STRING, hwXponOntTr069ServerProfilePassword OCTET STRING, hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileRealm OCTET STRING, hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileRowStatus RowStatus } hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the tr069-server-profile name." ::= { hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileEntry 1 } hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileBindTimes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of ONT bound with tr069-server-profile." ::= { hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileEntry 2 } hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileUrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the server URL. For example: you can set the value of the leaf like 'www.huawei.com'." ::= { hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileEntry 3 } hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..50)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the user name." ::= { hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileEntry 4 } hwXponOntTr069ServerProfilePassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..25)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the user password." ::= { hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileEntry 5 } hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileRealm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..24)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the server realm." ::= { hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileEntry 6 } hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TRow status. This object is used to differentiate the creation, modification and deletion operations for an object. " ::= { hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileEntry 7 } -- hwXponOntTr069ServerProfileTable end --Table hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmTable hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to set the ONT alarm level. The index of this table is hwXponOntAlarmPolicyCfgNameIndex and hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmId. " ::= { hwXponDeviceCommonProfileObjects 4 } hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to set the ONT alarm level. The index of this entry is hwXponOntAlarmPolicyCfgNameIndex and hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmId. " INDEX { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyCfgNameIndex, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmId } ::= { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmTable 1 } HwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyCfgNameIndex OCTET STRING, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmId Integer32, hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmLevel INTEGER } hwXponOntAlarmPolicyCfgNameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the ONT alarm policy profile name index." ::= { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmEntry 1 } hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the ONT alarm ID." ::= { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmEntry 2 } hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { critical(1), major(2), minor(3), warning(4), unconcern(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the ONT alarm level. Options: 1. critical(1) - The ONT alarm level is critical. 2. major(2) - The ONT alarm level is major. 3. minor(3) - The ONT alarm level is minor. 4. warning(4) - The ONT alarm level is warning. 5. unconcern(-1) - The ONT alarm severity is unconcerned in the ONT alarm policy profile. The default value is unconcern(-1). " ::= { hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmEntry 3 } -- hwXponOntAlarmPolicyAlarmTable end --Table hwXponOntFtpServerProfileTable hwXponOntFtpServerProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwXponOntFtpServerProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to create, delete or modify the FTP server profile. The index of this table is hwXponOntFtpServerProfileNameIndex. " ::= { hwXponDeviceCommonProfileObjects 5 } hwXponOntFtpServerProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HwXponOntFtpServerProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to create, delete or modify the FTP server profile. The index of this entry is hwXponOntFtpServerProfileNameIndex. " INDEX { hwXponOntFtpServerProfileNameIndex } ::= { hwXponOntFtpServerProfileTable 1 } HwXponOntFtpServerProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hwXponOntFtpServerProfileNameIndex OCTET STRING, hwXponOntFtpServerProfileAddress OCTET STRING, hwXponOntFtpServerProfilePort Integer32, hwXponOntFtpServerProfileUserName OCTET STRING, hwXponOntFtpServerProfilePassword OCTET STRING, hwXponOntFtpServerProfileRowStatus RowStatus } hwXponOntFtpServerProfileNameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..15)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the name of FTP server profile." ::= { hwXponOntFtpServerProfileEntry 1 } hwXponOntFtpServerProfileAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the address of FTP server profile. the format of string should be like or ftps:// " ::= { hwXponOntFtpServerProfileEntry 2 } hwXponOntFtpServerProfilePort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the port of FTP server profile. The default value is 21." ::= { hwXponOntFtpServerProfileEntry 3 } hwXponOntFtpServerProfileUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..15)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the user name of FTP server." ::= { hwXponOntFtpServerProfileEntry 4 } hwXponOntFtpServerProfilePassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..15)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the password of FTP server." ::= { hwXponOntFtpServerProfileEntry 5 } hwXponOntFtpServerProfileRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hwXponOntFtpServerProfileRowStatus is used to create a new row or to modify or to delete an existing row in this table. " ::= { hwXponOntFtpServerProfileEntry 6 } --hwXponOntFtpServerProfileTable end END