-- HWg-WLD MIB 1.01 -- History: -- -- 1.00 27.11.2009 Marek Hummel - Created -- 1.01 2.8.2010 Marek Hummel - Mib validation, add wldValue -- 1.01-bis 12.5.2021 ChangeOID to avoid collisions with STE-MIB -- HWg-WLD-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 Gauge, enterprises FROM RFC1155-SMI DisplayString, sysName FROM RFC1213-MIB TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215; -- -- Type Definitions -- PositiveInteger ::= INTEGER (1..2147483647) -- 0x7FFF FFFF SensorState ::= INTEGER { invalid (0), normal (1), alarm (3) } SensorValue ::= INTEGER { normal (0), flooded (1), disconnect (2), invalid (3) } SensorSN ::= DisplayString (SIZE (0..16)) SensorName ::= DisplayString (SIZE (0..16)) SensorID ::= INTEGER -- -- Node Definitions -- hwgroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 21796 } x390 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwgroup 4 } hwgwld OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { x390 5 } -- Application Info ------------------------------------------------------------ info OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwgwld 70 } infoAddressMAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..17)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MAC address in text form. It is here to distinguish devices in trap messages." ::= { info 1 } -- Sensors --------------------------------------------------------------------- wldTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WldEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of sensor table entries. The number of entries corresponds with number of detected sensors." ::= { hwgwld 4 } wldEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WldEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular sensor." INDEX { wldIndex } ::= { wldTable 1 } WldEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wldIndex PositiveInteger, wldName SensorName, wldState SensorState, wldSN SensorSN, wldID SensorID, wldValue SensorValue } wldIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensor index." ::= { wldEntry 1 } wldName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorName ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensor name." ::= { wldEntry 2 } wldState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensor state." ::= { wldEntry 3 } wldSN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorSN ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensor Serial number." ::= { wldEntry 4 } wldID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorID ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensor ID." ::= { wldEntry 5 } wldValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensor value." ::= { wldEntry 6 } -- Trap Definitions ------------------------------------------------------------ wldStateToAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hwgwld VARIABLES { sysName, infoAddressMAC, wldIndex, wldName, wldState, wldSN, wldID, wldValue } DESCRIPTION "Sensor n changed to Alarm state." ::= 1 wldStateToNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hwgwld VARIABLES { sysName, infoAddressMAC, wldIndex, wldName, wldState, wldSN, wldID, wldValue } DESCRIPTION "Sensor n changed to Normal state." ::= 2 wldPeriodicAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE hwgwld VARIABLES { sysName, infoAddressMAC, wldIndex, wldName, wldState, wldSN, wldID, wldValue } DESCRIPTION "Sensor n periodic Alarm." ::= 3 END