-- POSEIDON-MIB 2.06 -- History: -- 2.07 7. 10.2009 Marek Koci - sensorUnitString added, traps renamed -- 2.06 10. 9.2009 Marek Koci - universal 1-wire sensor supported -- 2.05 11. 9.2008 Marek Koci - new sensor units added -- 2.04 14. 9.2007 Dusan Ferbas - outMode added, node rename to reflect new behaviour for outputs -- 2.03 20. 4.2007 Dusan Ferbas - inpAlarmState added, also to inpChange trap -- 2.02 5. 9.2006 Rosta Hlebak - unit type and sensor ID, temp -> sens, trap variable list changed -- 2.01 18. 4.2005 Jiri Sindelar - enterprise changed from 17739 (Embedded Technologies s.r.o.) to 21796 (HW group s.r.o) -- - output name & type added -- 1.05 5. 5.2004 Dusan Ferbas - MIB name changed to Poseidon, input and output variables into tables, their names settable -- 1.04 2. 1.2004 Dusan Ferbas - alarm table added -- 1.03 21.11.2003 Dusan Ferbas - Modified -- 1.01 5.11.2003 Dusan Ferbas - Created -- -- -- -- This is a MIB file for Poseidon product family - environment sensors & digital I/O over IP via XML, SNMP, Modbus/TCP -- Availabe sensors: Temperature, Humidity, Voltage, Current, Power comsuption (110/230V) Industrial standards -- -- --------------------- Poseidon Family ---------------------- -- -- Poseidon model 3262: 6 sensors -- Poseidon model 3265: 5 sensors, GSM -- Poseidon model 3266: 3 sensors, 4 Inputs -- Poseidon model 3268: 4 sensors, 4 Inputs, 2 Outputs -- Poseidon model 1250: 42 sensors, 3 Inputs, 2 Outputs, GSM -- Poseidon model 2250: 42 sensors, 3 Inputs, 2 Outputs, GSM -- Poseidon model 2261: 42 sensors, 3 Inputs, 2 Outputs -- Poseidon model 3468: 4 sensors, 4 Inputs, 2 Outputs -- Poseidon model Sitemon: 12 sensors, 16 Inputs, 4 Outputs -- Poseidon model 4001: 16 sensors, 8 Inputs, 4 Outputs, GSM -- Poseidon model 4002: 16 sensors, 6 Inputs, 2 Outputs, GSM POSEIDON-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 Gauge, enterprises FROM RFC1155-SMI DisplayString, sysName FROM RFC1213-MIB; -- -- Type Definitions -- PositiveInteger ::= INTEGER (1..2147483647) -- 0x7FFF FFFF OnOff ::= INTEGER { off (0), on (1) } OutputType ::= INTEGER { onOff (0), rts (1), dtr (2) } OutputMode ::= INTEGER { manual (0), autoAlarm (1), autoTriggerEq (2), autoTriggerHi (3), autoTriggerLo (4) } UnitType ::= INTEGER { celsius (0), fahrenheit (1), kelvin (2), percent(3), volt (4), miliAmper (5), noUnit (6), pulse (7), switch (8), dewPoint (9), absoluteHumidity (10), pressure (11), universal (12) } InputAlarmSetup ::= INTEGER { inactive (0), activeOff (1), activeOn (2) } InputAlarmState ::= INTEGER { normal (0), alarm (1) } SensorState ::= INTEGER { invalid (0), normal (1), alarmstate (2), alarm (3) } SensorID ::= INTEGER (0..65535) IOName ::= DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) SensorName ::= DisplayString (SIZE (0..15)) SensorValue ::= INTEGER SensorString ::= DisplayString (SIZE (0..10)) SensorUnitString ::= DisplayString (SIZE (0..4)) SensorFlags ::= INTEGER -- will hold info that this sensor has alarm (trap) enabled -- and/or sets output pin (thermostat functionality) TimeStamp ::= TimeTicks -- -- Node Definitions -- hwgroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 21796 } charonII OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwgroup 3 } poseidon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { charonII 3 } -- Application Nodes info OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { poseidon 70 } setup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { poseidon 99 } inpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF InpEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of binary input entries." ::= { poseidon 1 } inpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InpEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular binary input." INDEX { inpIndex } ::= { inpTable 1 } InpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { inpIndex PositiveInteger, inpValue OnOff, inpName IOName, inpAlarmSetup InputAlarmSetup, inpAlarmState InputAlarmState } inpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The binary input index." ::= { inpEntry 1 } inpValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOff ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The binary input value." ::= { inpEntry 2 } inpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IOName ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The binary input name." ::= { inpEntry 3 } inpAlarmSetup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InputAlarmSetup ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "You can enable alarm for this binary input. Alarm can be inactive or active for On/Off state." ::= { inpEntry 4 } inpAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InputAlarmState ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The binary input alarm state." ::= { inpEntry 5 } -- outTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OutEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of binary output entries." ::= { poseidon 2 } outEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OutEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular binary output." INDEX { outIndex } ::= { outTable 1 } OutEntry ::= SEQUENCE { outIndex PositiveInteger, outValue OnOff, outName IOName, outType OutputType, outMode OutputMode } outIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The binary output index." ::= { outEntry 1 } outValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOff ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The binary output value. 0 off(open), 1 on(close)" ::= { outEntry 2 } outName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IOName ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The binary output name." ::= { outEntry 3 } outType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OutputType ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The binary output type. 0 relay (off, on), 1 rts (-10,+10V), 2 dtr (0,10V)" ::= { outEntry 4 } outMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OutputMode ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The binary output mode. 0 manual, 1 autoAlarm, 2 autoTriggerEq, 3 autoTriggerHi, 4 autoTriggerLo" ::= { outEntry 5 } -- Table has to be last in a branch to satisfy snmp walk engine implementation sensTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SensEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of sensor table entries. The number of entries corresponds with number of detected sensors." ::= { poseidon 3 } sensEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular sensor." INDEX { sensIndex } ::= { sensTable 1 } SensEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sensIndex PositiveInteger, sensName SensorName, sensState SensorState, sensString SensorString, sensValue SensorValue, sensValueRaw SensorValue, sensID SensorID, sensUnit UnitType, sensUnitString SensorUnitString } sensIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sensor index." ::= { sensEntry 1 } sensName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorName ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sensor name." ::= { sensEntry 2 } sensState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorState ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sensor state." ::= { sensEntry 4 } sensString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorString ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The string representation of sensor value." ::= { sensEntry 5 } sensValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorValue ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The integer (decimal * 10) representation of sensor value." ::= { sensEntry 6 } sensValueRaw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorValue ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The original raw value of sensor (it differs for each sensor type, especially 1-Wire sensors have different precisions)." ::= { sensEntry 7 } sensID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorID ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sensor ID." ::= { sensEntry 8 } sensUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UnitType ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sensor unit." ::= { sensEntry 9 } sensUnitString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorUnitString ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The string representation of sensor unit." ::= { sensEntry 10 } -- The Alarm group. tsAlarm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { poseidon 50 } tsAlarmsPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The present number of active alarm conditions." ::= { tsAlarm 1 } tsAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TsAlarmEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of alarm table entries. The table contains zero, one, or many rows at any moment, depending upon the number of alarm conditions in effect. The table is initially empty at agent startup. The agent creates a row in the table each time a condition is detected and deletes that row when that condition no longer pertains. The agent creates the first row with tsAlarmId equal to 1, and increments the value of tsAlarmId each time a new row is created, wrapping to the first free value greater than or equal to 1 when the maximum value of tsAlarmId would otherwise be exceeded. Consequently, after multiple operations, the table may become sparse, e.g., containing entries for rows 95, 100, 101, and 203 and the entries should not be assumed to be in chronological order because tsAlarmId might have wrapped. The number of rows in the table at any given time is reflected by the value of tsAlarmsPresent." ::= { tsAlarm 2 } tsAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TsAlarmEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular alarm." INDEX { tsAlarmIdx } ::= { tsAlarmTable 1 } TsAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tsAlarmIdx PositiveInteger, tsAlarmId PositiveInteger, tsAlarmDescr INTEGER, tsAlarmSensName SensorName, tsAlarmTime TimeStamp } tsAlarmIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index to alarm table." ::= { tsAlarmEntry 1 } tsAlarmId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ACCESS read-only -- (used in trap variables) STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for an alarm condition. This value must remain constant." ::= { tsAlarmEntry 2 } tsAlarmDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inputStateAlarm(1), temperatureOutOfRange(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the alarm condition." ::= { tsAlarmEntry 3 } -- inputStateAlarm(1) -- Binary input reached a state which meets its alarm setting. -- This means that no such alarm can happenn if alarm is set to no. -- temperatureOutOfRange(2) -- Sensor value is out of limits. tsAlarmSensName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorName ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of sensor with alarm condition." ::= { tsAlarmEntry 4 } tsAlarmTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime when the alarm condition was detected. If the alarm condition was detected at the time of agent startup and presumably existed before agent startup, the value of tsAlarmTime shall equal 0." ::= { tsAlarmEntry 5 } -- Application Info infoAddressMAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..17)) ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address in text form. It is here to distinguish devices in trap messages." ::= { info 1 } -- Application Setup sensSetup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { setup 1 } unitType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UnitType ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Units for displayed values. All setup values are fixed in Celsius" ::= { sensSetup 1 } sensSetupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SensSetupEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of sensor table setup entries. The number of entries corresponds with number of detected sensors." ::= { sensSetup 2 } sensSetupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensSetupEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing setup information for a particular sensor." INDEX { sensSetupIndex } ::= { sensSetupTable 1 } SensSetupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sensSetupIndex PositiveInteger, sensSetupName SensorName, sensFlags SensorFlags, sensLimitMin SensorValue, sensLimitMax SensorValue, sensHysteresis SensorValue } sensSetupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PositiveInteger ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sensor setup table index." ::= { sensSetupEntry 1 } sensSetupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorName ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sensor name." ::= { sensSetupEntry 2 } sensFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorFlags ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The behaviour of sensor - 0x01: range or level detection - 0x02: enable trap sending -- 0x04: output set (thermostat) - 0x08: sensor enabled - 0x10: enable SMS sending - 0x20: enable email sending." ::= { sensSetupEntry 5 } sensLimitMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorValue ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sensor low limit." ::= { sensSetupEntry 6 } sensLimitMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorValue ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sensor high limit." ::= { sensSetupEntry 7 } sensHysteresis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorValue ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sensor hysteresis." ::= { sensSetupEntry 8 } -- Trap Definitions ------------------------------------------------------------ inpAlarmStateChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE poseidon VARIABLES { sysName, infoAddressMAC, inpName, inpValue, inpAlarmState } DESCRIPTION "Input state entered/left alarm condition. This trap always follows tsTrapAlarmStart/tsTrapAlarmEnd." ::= 1 sensAlarmStateChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE poseidon VARIABLES { sysName, infoAddressMAC, sensName, sensID, sensState, sensValue, sensUnit } DESCRIPTION "Nth sensor state entered/left alarm condition. This trap always follows tsTrapAlarmStart/tsTrapAlarmEnd." ::= 2 tsTrapAlarmStart TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE poseidon VARIABLES { sysName, infoAddressMAC, tsAlarmId, tsAlarmDescr } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent each time an alarm is inserted into to the alarm table. It is sent on the insertion of all alarms except for powerFailure." ::= 3 tsTrapAlarmEnd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE poseidon VARIABLES { sysName, infoAddressMAC, tsAlarmId, tsAlarmDescr } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent each time an alarm is removed from the alarm table. It is sent on the removal of all alarms." ::= 4 END