IBM-LES-LECS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- From file: "ibmlesrv.mi2" -- Compile options "G A T M" IMPORTS OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 RowStatus, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC-v1 mssServerLanE, AtmPrivateAddrEsi, AtmSelector, AtmVccTrafficType, Bandwidth FROM NWAYSMSS-MIB; ibmLesLecsMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mssServerLanE 2 } -- MODULE-IDENTITY -- LastUpdated -- 9701171200Z -- OrgName -- IBM Corporation -- ContactInfo -- Florian K Kandefer -- Postal: IBM Corporation -- 800 Park Offices Drive -- Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 -- US -- Tel: +1 919 254 0685 -- Fax: +1 919 254 0391 -- E-mail: -- Descr -- -- These are proprietary extensions for managing -- the interface between LECS and LES/BUS pairs. -- RevDate -- 9701161200Z -- RevDescr -- -- 2) Updated MIB import names to match ATM Forum MIB names. -- -- Updated some of the description fields. -- RevDate -- 9608281200Z -- RevDescr -- -- 1) This is the first version of this MIB ibmLesLecsConfGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibmLesLecsMIB 1 } ibmLesLecsMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibmLesLecsMIB 2 } ibmLesLecsMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibmLesLecsMIBConformance 1 } ibmLesLecsMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibmLesLecsMIBConformance 2 } lesLecsConfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LesLecsConfEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the the configuration for LES-LECS interfaces." ::= { ibmLesLecsConfGroup 1 } lesLecsConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LesLecsConfEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table contains configuration parameters for the LES-LECS operation for an individual ATM physical interface. Object lesLecsRowStatus is required during row creation and deletion." INDEX { lesLecsAtmDevNum } ::= { lesLecsConfTable 1 } LesLecsConfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { lesLecsOperStatus INTEGER, lesLecsAdminStatus INTEGER, lesLecsAtmDevNum INTEGER, lesLecsUseBurnedInEsi TruthValue, lesLecsConfiguredEsi AtmPrivateAddrEsi, lesLecsConfiguredSelector AtmSelector, configDirectVccType AtmVccTrafficType, configDirectPcr Bandwidth, configDirectScr Bandwidth, lesLecsAtmDevLineSpeed UInteger32, lesLecsConfRowStatus RowStatus } lesLecsOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), up(2), down(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The operational state of LES/LECS on this entry. Other defines the transition states between up and down." ::= { lesLecsConfEntry 1 } lesLecsAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(2), down(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The administrative state of the LES/LECS on this entry." ::= { lesLecsConfEntry 2 } lesLecsAtmDevNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Identifies ATM device to be used to interface with LECS." ::= { lesLecsConfEntry 3 } lesLecsAtmDevLineSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UInteger32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line Speed of LECS ATM Device. This should not exposed to the user." ::= { lesLecsConfEntry 4 } lesLecsUseBurnedInEsi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue -- Rsyntax INTEGER { -- true(1), -- false(2) -- } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether a MAC Address burned into the ATM device should be used as the End System Identifier component of local ATM Address used when calling LECS." ::= { lesLecsConfEntry 5 } lesLecsConfiguredEsi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmPrivateAddrEsi -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(6)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Locally Administered End System Identifier that is to be used as the ESI component of the local ATM Address used when calling the LECS." ::= { lesLecsConfEntry 6 } lesLecsConfiguredSelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmSelector -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(1)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies value to be used as Selector field component of local ATM Address used when calling the LECS." ::= { lesLecsConfEntry 7 } configDirectVccType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmVccTrafficType -- Rsyntax INTEGER { -- bestEffort(1), -- reservedBandwidth(2) -- } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies type of traffic characteristics to be associated with Configuration Direct VCC to LECS. Bandwidth is not reserved for best effort traffic." ::= { lesLecsConfEntry 8 } configDirectPcr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Bandwidth -- Rsyntax Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies the Peak Cell Rate (PCR) Traffic Parameter for the Configuration Direct VCC to the LECS. The specified rate is used for both forward and backward directions. When a best effort connection is rejected due to the PCR, the call may be automatically retried with a lower PCR. Retries are performed under the following conditions: if (rejected PCR > 100 Mbps) retry with PCR = 100 Mbps else if (25 < rejected PCR <= 100 Mbps) retry with PCR = 25 Mbps" ::= { lesLecsConfEntry 9 } configDirectScr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Bandwidth -- Rsyntax Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies the Sustained Cell Rate (SCR) Traffic Parameter for the Configuration Direct VCC to the LECS. The specified rate is used for both forward and backward directions. If the SCR equals the PCR specified in LECS-INTF-7, the call is signalled with PCR only. If SCR is signalled, the Maximum Burst Size traffic parameter is set to accomodate the maximum control frame size of 1516 bytes." ::= { lesLecsConfEntry 10 } lesLecsConfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus -- Rsyntax INTEGER { -- active(1), -- notInService(2), -- notReady(3), -- createAndGo(4), -- createAndWait(5), -- destroy(6) -- } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object is used to create or delete entries in the lesLecsConfTable." REFERENCE "RFC 1903, Textual Conventions for version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)." ::= { lesLecsConfEntry 11 } ibmLesLecsCConfGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibmLesLecsMIBGroups 1 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -- mandatory -- Descr -- A collection of objects providing configuration information -- about the LES/LECS interface. -- objects -- lesLecsOperStatus, lesLecsAdminStatus, lesLecsAtmDevNum, -- lesLecsAtmDevLineSpeed, lesLecsUseBurnedInEsi, -- lesLecsConfiguredEsi, lesLecsConfiguredSelector, -- configDirectVccType, configDirectPcr, configDirectScr, -- lesLecsConfRowStatus ibmLesLecsMIBCompliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibmLesLecsMIBCompliances 1 } -- MODULE-COMPLIANCE -- Status -- mandatory -- Descr -- The compliance statement for SNMP IBM extensions -- to for ATM emulated LANS. -- Module -- >>current<< -- OptGroup -- ibmLesLecsCConfGroup END