LUM-IFOTNMON-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF DateAndTime FROM SNMPv2-TC lumModules, lumIfOtnMonMIB FROM LUM-REG SignalStatusWithNA, FaultStatusWithNA, DisplayStringWithNA, MgmtNameString, Unsigned32WithNA, TruthValueWithNA, TcmMode, TcmNumber, OtnTIMDetModeWithNA, EnabledDisabledWithNA, OtnAlarmMode, OtnTypeWithNA, OtnDirectionWithNA FROM LUM-TC; lumIfOtnMonMIBModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201706220000Z" -- June 22nd 2017 ORGANIZATION "Infinera Corporation" CONTACT-INFO "" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module for management of OTN monitor objects (SM, TCM, PM and trace objects). This module describes the SM, TCM and PM in ITU-T Recommendation G.709. The references refers to the following: G.709/Y.1331 (03/2003) G.798 (06/2004) G.806 (03/2006) The tables contained in this MIB are: (1) The General group contains some general attributes as time stamps and tables sizes. (2) The sm group contains information and configuration for the SM section objects. (3) The tandem connection monitoring (tcm) group contains information and configuration for the Tcm layer objects. (4) The path monitoring (pm) group contains information and configu- ration for the Pm layer objects. (5) The trace group contains information and configuration for the trace objects defined in G.709. " REVISION "201706220000Z" -- June 22nd 2017 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r29.0: - Enabled SNMP-write for operator specific transmitted mon-trace. - Corrected SNMP Mon-trace values when N/A. - Changed ORGANIZATION and CONTACT-INFO" REVISION "201611300000Z" -- November 30th 2016 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r28: - Added tp100gotnii board." REVISION "201611040000Z" -- November 4th 2016 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for patch release r27.0.3: - Enabled Read-Write to Loopback and TTI attributes via SNMP." REVISION "201505290000Z" -- May 29th 2015 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r25: - " REVISION "201409300000Z" -- September 30th 2014 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r23.1: - Added mxp100gotn board." REVISION "201405160000Z" -- May 16th 2014 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r23: - Added TcmSwitchCriteria object. - Changed board name from tp10gotn to tphex10gotn." REVISION "201311150000Z" -- November 15th 2013 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r22: - Added tp10gotn, tp100gotn board." REVISION "201305010000Z" -- May 1st 2013 DESCRIPTION "The initial revision of this module." ::= { lumModules 55 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Compliance area, containing groups and compliance -- specifications. -- ---------------------------------------------------- lumIfOtnMonConfs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumIfOtnMonMIB 1 } lumIfOtnMonGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumIfOtnMonConfs 1 } lumIfOtnMonCompl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumIfOtnMonConfs 2 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Root for objects in the IFOTN MIB -- ---------------------------------------------------- lumIfOtnMonMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumIfOtnMonMIB 2 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- This MIB contains the following groups: -- ---------------------------------------------------- ifOtnMonGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumIfOtnMonMIBObjects 1 } ifOtnMonSmList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumIfOtnMonMIBObjects 2 } ifOtnMonTcmList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumIfOtnMonMIBObjects 3 } ifOtnMonPmList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumIfOtnMonMIBObjects 4 } ifOtnMonTraceList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumIfOtnMonMIBObjects 5 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- General group -- ---------------------------------------------------- ifOtnMonGeneralConfigLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the configuration of the MIB was last changed. " ::= { ifOtnMonGeneral 1 } ifOtnMonGeneralStateLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the state of the MIB was last changed. " ::= { ifOtnMonGeneral 2 } ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonSmTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of SM table. " ::= { ifOtnMonGeneral 3 } ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonSmConfigLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the configuration of the table was last changed. " ::= { ifOtnMonGeneral 4 } ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonSmStateLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the state and/or configuration of the table was last changed. " ::= { ifOtnMonGeneral 5 } ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonTcmTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of otn tcm table " ::= { ifOtnMonGeneral 6 } ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonTcmConfigLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the configuration of the table was last changed. " ::= { ifOtnMonGeneral 7 } ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonTcmStateLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the state and/or configuration of the table was last changed. " ::= { ifOtnMonGeneral 8 } ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonPmTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of otn pm table " ::= { ifOtnMonGeneral 9 } ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonPmConfigLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the configuration of the table was last changed. " ::= { ifOtnMonGeneral 10 } ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonPmStateLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the state and/or configuration of the table was last changed. " ::= { ifOtnMonGeneral 11 } ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonTraceTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of otn trace table " ::= { ifOtnMonGeneral 12 } ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonTraceConfigLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the configuration of the table was last changed. " ::= { ifOtnMonGeneral 13 } ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonTraceStateLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the state and/or configuration of the table was last changed. " ::= { ifOtnMonGeneral 14 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- SM group -- ---------------------------------------------------- ifOtnMonSmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IfOtnMonSmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SM group contains information and configuration for the SM section objects." ::= { ifOtnMonSmList 1 } ifOtnMonSmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IfOtnMonSmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the ifOtnMon SM list. " INDEX { ifOtnMonSmIndex } ::= { ifOtnMonSmTable 1 } IfOtnMonSmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ifOtnMonSmIndex Unsigned32, ifOtnMonSmName MgmtNameString, ifOtnMonSmConnIfBasicIfIndex Unsigned32WithNA, ifOtnMonSmTxSignalStatus SignalStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonSmRxSignalStatus SignalStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonSmBackwardDefectIndication FaultStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonSmIncomingAlignmentError FaultStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonSmBackwardIncomingAlignmentError FaultStatusWithNA } ifOtnMonSmIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index assigned to each entry. " ::= { ifOtnMonSmEntry 1 } ifOtnMonSmName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the otn otu, for example 'otu:1:2:1-2', where the first number indicates subrack, the second slot number and the third/fourth are the physical port numbers. " ::= { ifOtnMonSmEntry 2 } ifOtnMonSmConnIfBasicIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32WithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index that describes to which index in ifBasicIf table this object is related. " ::= { ifOtnMonSmEntry 3 } ifOtnMonSmTxSignalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SignalStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state for outgoing (TX) signal of the interface. down - A major fault has occurred. degraded - The signal quality is impaired. up - The signal is OK. " ::= { ifOtnMonSmEntry 4 } ifOtnMonSmRxSignalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SignalStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state for incoming (RX) signal of the interface. down - A major fault has occurred. degraded - The signal quality is impaired. up - The signal is OK. " ::= { ifOtnMonSmEntry 5 } ifOtnMonSmBackwardDefectIndication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Backward defect indication (BDI). Indicates if backward defect indication (BDI) alarm exists or not. Reference: G.709, G.798 alarm: Backward defect indication (in wrapper) active. ok: Backward defect indication (in wrapper) inactive. " ::= { ifOtnMonSmEntry 6 } ifOtnMonSmIncomingAlignmentError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Incoming alignment error (IAE). Indicates an incoming frame alignment error. Reference: G.709, G.798 A: Incoming frame alignment error (IAE) is active. D: IAE is inactive. " ::= { ifOtnMonSmEntry 7 } ifOtnMonSmBackwardIncomingAlignmentError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Backward incoming alignment error (BIAE). Indicates a backward incoming alignment error. Reference: G.709, G.798 A: Backward incoming alignment error (BIAE) is active. D: BIAE is inactive. " ::= { ifOtnMonSmEntry 8 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Otn tcm group -- ---------------------------------------------------- ifOtnMonTcmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IfOtnMonTcmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tandem connection monitoring (tcm) group contains information and configuration for the Tcm layer objects." ::= { ifOtnMonTcmList 1 } ifOtnMonTcmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IfOtnMonTcmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the ifOtnMon tcm list. " INDEX { ifOtnMonTcmIndex } ::= { ifOtnMonTcmTable 1 } IfOtnMonTcmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ifOtnMonTcmIndex Unsigned32, ifOtnMonTcmName MgmtNameString, ifOtnMonTcmConnOduIndex Unsigned32WithNA, ifOtnMonTcmAlarmMode OtnAlarmMode, ifOtnMonTcmMode TcmMode, ifOtnMonTcmTcmNumber TcmNumber, ifOtnMonTcmTxSignalStatus SignalStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonTcmRxSignalStatus SignalStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonTcmBackwardDefectIndication FaultStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonTcmBackwardIncomingAlignmentError FaultStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonTcmRxAlarmIndicationSignal FaultStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonTcmRxOpenConnectionIndication FaultStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonTcmRxLockedDefectIndication FaultStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonTcmLossOfTandemConnection FaultStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonTcmIncomingAlignmentError FaultStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonTcmSwitchCriteria EnabledDisabledWithNA} ifOtnMonTcmIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index assigned to each entry. " ::= { ifOtnMonTcmEntry 1 } ifOtnMonTcmName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the otn tcm, for example 'tcm:1:2:1-2:1', where the first number indicates subrack, the second slot number and the third/fourth are the physical port numbers. The last number tells which TCM in the ODU header it is. " ::= { ifOtnMonTcmEntry 2 } ifOtnMonTcmConnOduIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32WithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index that describes to which index in ifOtnMonOdu table this object is related. " ::= { ifOtnMonTcmEntry 3 } ifOtnMonTcmAlarmMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OtnAlarmMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tells how section specific alarms are handled. ignore - Do not show fault status nor alarms for non-operational sections. display - Show fault status, but do not generate alarms for non-operational sections. alarm - Show fault status and generate alarms also for non-operational sections. " DEFVAL { ignore } ::= { ifOtnMonTcmEntry 4 } ifOtnMonTcmMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TcmMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TCM mode sets the mode of the TCM according to 14.5 in G.798 (06/2004). operational - The TCM overhead is operational. transparent - The TCM overhead is transparent. monitor - If TCM overhead is transparent but consequent actions will be executed in sink adaption. " DEFVAL { transparent } ::= { ifOtnMonTcmEntry 5 } ifOtnMonTcmTcmNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TcmNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TCM number in ODU overhead. Can be tcm1 .. tcm6. " DEFVAL { tcm1 } ::= { ifOtnMonTcmEntry 6 } ifOtnMonTcmTxSignalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SignalStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state for outgoing (TX) signal of the interface. down - A major fault has occurred. degraded - The signal quality is impaired. up - The signal is OK. " ::= { ifOtnMonTcmEntry 7 } ifOtnMonTcmRxSignalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SignalStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state for incoming (RX) signal of the interface. down - A major fault has occurred. degraded - The signal quality is impaired. up - The signal is OK. " ::= { ifOtnMonTcmEntry 8 } ifOtnMonTcmBackwardDefectIndication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Backward defect indication (BDI). Indicates if backward defect indication (BDI) alarm exists or not. Reference: G.709, G.798 alarm: Backward defect indication (in wrapper) active. ok: Backward defect indication (in wrapper) inactive. " ::= { ifOtnMonTcmEntry 9 } ifOtnMonTcmBackwardIncomingAlignmentError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Backward incoming alignment error (BIAE). Indicates a backward incoming alignment error. A: Backward incoming alignment error (BIAE) is active. D: BIAE is inactive. " ::= { ifOtnMonTcmEntry 10 } ifOtnMonTcmRxAlarmIndicationSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Alarm indication signal (AIS). Indicates if alarm indication signal (AIS) alarm exists or not in receiving direction. Reference: 16.5.1 G.709, G.709, G.798 alarm: An AIS in OTU signal is detected. ok: AIS inactive. " ::= { ifOtnMonTcmEntry 11 } ifOtnMonTcmRxOpenConnectionIndication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Open connection indication (OCI). Indicates if an open connection indication (OCI) alarm exists or not in receiving direction. Reference: G.709, G.798 alarm: An 'open connection' in OTU signal is detected. ok: OCI inactive. " ::= { ifOtnMonTcmEntry 12 } ifOtnMonTcmRxLockedDefectIndication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Locked defect indication (LCK). Indicates if locked defect indication alarm exists or not. Reference: G.709, G.798 alarm: Locked defect indication active. ok: Locked defect indication inactive. " ::= { ifOtnMonTcmEntry 13 } ifOtnMonTcmLossOfTandemConnection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of tandem connection (LTC). No operational tandem connection is found in other end. Reference: in G.798 alarm: No other operational TCM is found. ok: An operation TCM is found. " ::= { ifOtnMonTcmEntry 14 } ifOtnMonTcmIncomingAlignmentError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Incoming alignment error (IAE). Indicates an incoming frame alignment error when TCM is in use. A: Incoming frame alignment error (IAE) is active. D: IAE is inactive. Reference: 14 in G.798 " ::= { ifOtnMonTcmEntry 15 } ifOtnMonTcmSwitchCriteria OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledDisabledWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TCM switch criteria set current TCM as protection switch criteria. disable - The TCM is not set as switch criteria. enable - The TCM is set as switch criteria. " DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { ifOtnMonTcmEntry 16} -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Otn pm group -- ---------------------------------------------------- ifOtnMonPmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IfOtnMonPmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The path monitoring (pm) group contains information and configu- ration for the Pm layer objects." ::= { ifOtnMonPmList 1 } ifOtnMonPmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IfOtnMonPmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the ifOtnMon pm list. " INDEX { ifOtnMonPmIndex } ::= { ifOtnMonPmTable 1 } IfOtnMonPmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ifOtnMonPmIndex Unsigned32, ifOtnMonPmName MgmtNameString, ifOtnMonPmConnOduIndex Unsigned32WithNA, ifOtnMonPmAlarmMode OtnAlarmMode, ifOtnMonPmTxSignalStatus SignalStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonPmRxSignalStatus SignalStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonPmRxBackwardDefectIndication FaultStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonPmRxAlarmIndicationSignal FaultStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonPmRxOpenConnectionIndication FaultStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonPmRxLockedDefectIndication FaultStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonPmTxBackwardDefectIndication FaultStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonPmTxAlarmIndicationSignal FaultStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonPmTxOpenConnectionIndication FaultStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonPmTxLockedDefectIndication FaultStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonPmUpPortId Integer32 } ifOtnMonPmIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index assigned to each entry. " ::= { ifOtnMonPmEntry 1 } ifOtnMonPmName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the otn pm, for example 'pm:1:2:1-2:1', where the first number indicates subrack, the second slot number and the third/fourth are the physical port numbers. The last number tells in which of the ODU the PM is located. " ::= { ifOtnMonPmEntry 2 } ifOtnMonPmConnOduIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32WithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index that describes to which index in ifOtnMonOdu table this object is related. " ::= { ifOtnMonPmEntry 4 } ifOtnMonPmAlarmMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OtnAlarmMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tells how section specific alarms are handled. ignore - Do not show fault status nor alarms for non-operational sections. display - Show fault status, but do not generate alarms for non-operational sections. alarm - Show fault status and generate alarms also for non-operational sections. " DEFVAL { alarm } ::= { ifOtnMonPmEntry 5 } ifOtnMonPmTxSignalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SignalStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state for outgoing (TX) signal of the interface. down - A major fault has occurred. degraded - The signal quality is impaired. up - The signal is OK. " ::= { ifOtnMonPmEntry 6 } ifOtnMonPmRxSignalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SignalStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state for incoming (RX) signal of the interface. down - A major fault has occurred. degraded - The signal quality is impaired. up - The signal is OK. " ::= { ifOtnMonPmEntry 7 } ifOtnMonPmRxBackwardDefectIndication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Backward defect indication (BDI), Monitored overhead: ODUk-PM-BDI Direction: Received from the associated physical interface and, unless the ODUk is terminated, the BDI is sent towards the board-internal G.805 Matrix. Reference: G.709, G.798 Values: alarm: The ODUk-PM-BDI overhead is declared as active according to the G.798 processing rules ok: The ODUk-PM-BDI overhead is declared as inactive according to the G.798 processing rules " ::= { ifOtnMonPmEntry 8 } ifOtnMonPmRxAlarmIndicationSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Alarm indication signal (AIS), Monitored overhead: ODUk-PM-AIS Direction: Received from the associated physical interface and, unless the ODUk is terminated, the AIS is sent towards the board-internal G.805 Matrix. Reference: 16.5.1 G.709, G.709, G.798 Values: alarm: The ODUk-PM-AIS overhead is declared as active according to the G.798 processing rules ok: The ODUk-PM-AIS overhead is declared as inactive according to the G.798 processing rules " ::= { ifOtnMonPmEntry 9 } ifOtnMonPmRxOpenConnectionIndication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Open connection indication (OCI). Monitored overhead: ODUk-PM-OCI Direction: Received from the associated physical interface and, unless the ODUk is terminated, the OCI is sent towards the board-internal G.805 Matrix. Reference: G.709, G.798 Values: alarm: The ODUk-PM-OCI overhead is declared as active according to the G.798 processing rules ok: The ODUk-PM-OCI overhead is declared as inactive according to the G.798 processing rules " ::= { ifOtnMonPmEntry 10 } ifOtnMonPmRxLockedDefectIndication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Locked defect indication (LCK). Monitored overhead: ODUk-PM-LCK Direction: Received from the associated physical interface and, unless the ODUk is terminated, the LCK is sent towards the board-internal G.805 Matrix. Reference: G.709, G.798 Values: alarm: The ODUk-PM-LCK overhead is declared as active according to the G.798 processing rules ok: The ODUk-PM-LCK overhead is declared as inactive according to the G.798 processing rules " ::= { ifOtnMonPmEntry 11 } ifOtnMonPmTxBackwardDefectIndication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tx Backward defect indication (BDI). Monitored overhead: ODUk-PM-BDI Direction: Received from the board-internal G.805 Matrix and, if applicable, sent towards the physical interface. Reference: G.709, G.798 Values: alarm: The ODUk-PM-BDI overhead is declared as active according to the G.798 processing rules ok: The ODUk-PM-BDI overhead is declared as inactive according to the G.798 processing rules " ::= { ifOtnMonPmEntry 12 } ifOtnMonPmTxAlarmIndicationSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tx Alarm indication signal (AIS). Monitored overhead: ODUk-PM-AIS Direction: Received from the board-internal G.805 Matrix and, if applicable, sent towards the physical interface. Reference: 16.5.1 G.709, G.709, G.798 Values: alarm: The ODUk-PM-AIS overhead is declared as active according to the G.798 processing rules ok: The ODUk-PM-AIS overhead is declared as inactive according to the G.798 processing rules " ::= { ifOtnMonPmEntry 13 } ifOtnMonPmTxOpenConnectionIndication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tx Open connection indication (OCI). Monitored overhead: ODUk-PM-AIS Direction: Received from the board-internal G.805 Matrix and, if applicable, sent towards the physical interface. Reference: G.709, G.798 Values: alarm: The ODUk-PM-OCI overhead is declared as active according to the G.798 processing rules ok: The ODUk-PM-OCI overhead is declared as inactive according to the G.798 processing rules " ::= { ifOtnMonPmEntry 14 } ifOtnMonPmTxLockedDefectIndication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tx Locked Defect Indication (LCK). Monitored overhead: ODUk-PM-LCK Direction: Received from the board-internal G.805 Matrix and, if applicable, sent towards the physical interface. Reference: G.709, G.798 Values: alarm: The ODUk-PM-LCK overhead is declared as active according to the G.798 processing rules ok: The ODUk-PM-LCK overhead is declared as inactive according to the G.798 processing rules " ::= { ifOtnMonPmEntry 15 } ifOtnMonPmUpPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Internal port reference for traffic unit. " DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { ifOtnMonPmEntry 16 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Otn trace group -- ---------------------------------------------------- ifOtnMonTraceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IfOtnMonTraceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trace group contains information and configuration for the trace objects defined in G.709." ::= { ifOtnMonTraceList 1 } ifOtnMonTraceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IfOtnMonTraceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the ifOtnMon trace list. " INDEX { ifOtnMonTraceIndex } ::= { ifOtnMonTraceTable 1 } IfOtnMonTraceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ifOtnMonTraceIndex Unsigned32, ifOtnMonTraceName MgmtNameString, ifOtnMonTraceConnOtnType OtnTypeWithNA, ifOtnMonTraceConnOtnIndex Unsigned32WithNA, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceTransmitted DisplayStringWithNA, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceReceivedByte0 Unsigned32WithNA, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceReceived DisplayStringWithNA, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceExpected DisplayStringWithNA, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceTransmitted DisplayStringWithNA, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceReceivedByte0 Unsigned32WithNA, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceReceived DisplayStringWithNA, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceExpected DisplayStringWithNA, ifOtnMonTraceOpSpecificTraceTransmitted DisplayStringWithNA, ifOtnMonTraceOpSpecificTraceReceived DisplayStringWithNA, ifOtnMonTraceTraceIdMMDetectionMode OtnTIMDetModeWithNA, ifOtnMonTraceTraceAlarmMode EnabledDisabledWithNA, ifOtnMonTraceTIMConsequenceActionsDisabled TruthValueWithNA, ifOtnMonTraceTxSignalStatus SignalStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonTraceRxSignalStatus SignalStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonTraceTraceMismatch FaultStatusWithNA, ifOtnMonTraceConnOtnDirection OtnDirectionWithNA, ifOtnMonTraceUpPortId Integer32 } ifOtnMonTraceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index assigned to each entry. " ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 1 } ifOtnMonTraceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the OTN trace, for example 'clientSmTrace:1:2:1-2', where the first number indicates subrack, the second slot number and the third/fourth are the physical port numbers. " ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 2 } ifOtnMonTraceConnOtnType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OtnTypeWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "What type of monitoring object the trace is related to. sm - Section monitoring (SM). pm - Path monitoring (PM). tcm1 - Tandem connection monitoring (TCM) tcm2 - Tandem connection monitoring (TCM) tcm3 - Tandem connection monitoring (TCM) tcm4 - Tandem connection monitoring (TCM) tcm5 - Tandem connection monitoring (TCM) tcm6 - Tandem connection monitoring (TCM) " ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 3 } ifOtnMonTraceConnOtnIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32WithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index that describes to which index in SM, TCM or PM table this object is related. " ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 4 } ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceTransmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringWithNA (SIZE(0..15)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Source Access Point Identifier to be transmitted from this interface. Note, it is only possible to enter 15 characters since the first character is added automatically according to standard. The trace _notApplicable_ is used to tell SNMP clients that this attribute is not used in current configuration. The trace _notAvailable_ is used to tell SNMP clients that this attribute is not possible to read at the moment. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 5 } ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceReceivedByte0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32WithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The received Source Access Point Identifier for this interface. The value 255 is used by SNMP agent to show that the attribute is not valid in current configuration. The value 254 is used by SNMP agent to show that the attribute is not possible to read at the moment. " ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 6 } ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringWithNA (SIZE(0..15)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The received Source Access Point Identifier for this interface. The trace _notApplicable_ is used to tell SNMP clients that this attribute is not used in current configuration. The trace _notAvailable_ is used to tell SNMP clients that this attribute is not possible to read at the moment. " ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 7 } ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringWithNA (SIZE(0..15)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SAPI used for matching against the received SAPI. Note, it is only possible to enter 15 characters since first character is added automatically according to standard. The trace _notApplicable_ is used to tell SNMP clients that this attribute is not used in current configuration. The trace _notAvailable_ is used to tell SNMP clients that this attribute is not possible to read at the moment. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 8 } ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceTransmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringWithNA (SIZE(0..15)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Destination Access Point Identifier to be transmitted from this interface. Note, it is only possible to enter 15 characters since first character is added automatically according to standard. The trace _notApplicable_ is used to tell SNMP clients that this attribute is not used in current configuration. The trace _notAvailable_ is used to tell SNMP clients that this attribute is not possible to read at the moment. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 9 } ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceReceivedByte0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32WithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The received Destination Access Point Identifier for this interface. The value 255 is used by SNMP agent to show that the attribute is not valid in current configuration. The value 254 is used by SNMP agent to show that the attribute is not possible to read at the moment. " ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 10 } ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringWithNA (SIZE(0..15)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The received Destination Access Point Identifier for this interface. The trace _notApplicable_ is used to tell SNMP clients that this attribute is not used in current configuration. The trace _notAvailable_ is used to tell SNMP clients that this attribute is not possible to read at the moment. " ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 11 } ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringWithNA (SIZE(0..15)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DAPI used for matching against the received DAPI. Note, it is only possible to enter 15 characters since the first character is added automatically according to standard. The trace _notApplicable_ is used to tell SNMP clients that this attribute is not used in current configuration. The trace _notAvailable_ is used to tell SNMP clients that this attribute is not possible to read at the moment. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 12 } ifOtnMonTraceOpSpecificTraceTransmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringWithNA (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operator specific trace identifier to be transmitted from this interface. Set to empty string for default value. <IP address>:<subrack>:<slot>:<port> Note that only the last part of the address is used. The trace _notApplicable_ is used to tell SNMP clients that this attribute is not used in current configuration. The trace _notAvailable_ is used to tell SNMP clients that this attribute is not possible to read at the moment. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 13 } ifOtnMonTraceOpSpecificTraceReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringWithNA (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The received operator specific trace identifier for this interface. The trace _notApplicable_ is used to tell SNMP clients that this attribute is not used in current configuration. The trace _notAvailable_ is used to tell SNMP clients that this attribute is not possible to read at the moment. " ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 14 } ifOtnMonTraceTraceIdMMDetectionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OtnTIMDetModeWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The method to detect a trace identifier mismatch value. off - Mismatch will be ignored on all levels sapi - Mismatch is based on mismatch in expected and received SAPI trace dapi - Mismatch is based on mismatch in expected and received DAPI trace both - Mismatch is based on both SAPI and DAPI traces. " DEFVAL { off } ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 15 } ifOtnMonTraceTraceAlarmMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledDisabledWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Controls if the trace identifier mismatch alarm should be raised. If trace alarm mode is enabled and if object is set in terminating or monitor mode, BDI is sent in backward direction if received trace and expected trace differs. disabled - The alarm is disabled. enabled - The alarm is raised if expected trace identifier differs from the received trace identifier. " DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 16 } ifOtnMonTraceTIMConsequenceActionsDisabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValueWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls if the trace identifier mismatch should give rise to any consequent actions in the downstream direction. Consequent actions for the upstream direction are always enabled regardless of this value. true - No consequent actions due to trace identifier mis- match alarm. false - Consequent actions enabled. Reference: 9, 13 and 14 in G.798 " DEFVAL { true } ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 17 } ifOtnMonTraceTxSignalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SignalStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state for outgoing (TX) signal of the interface. down - A major fault has occurred. degraded - The signal quality is impaired. up - The signal is OK. " ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 18 } ifOtnMonTraceRxSignalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SignalStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state for incoming (RX) signal of the interface. down - A major fault has occurred. degraded - The signal quality is impaired. up - The signal is OK. " ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 19 } ifOtnMonTraceTraceMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trace identifier mismatch (TIM). Indicates if the expected SM/PM/TCM trace identifier (SAPI and/or DAPI) differs from the received trace identifier. Reference: G.709 alarm: The received trace identifier differs from the expected trace identifier. ok: The identifiers match. " ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 20 } ifOtnMonTraceConnOtnDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OtnDirectionWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Direction of the trail trace identifier object on the interface. none - Direction is unambiguous. rx - Received from the board-internal G.805 Matrix and, if applicable, sent towards the physical interface. tx - Received from the physical interface and, if applicable, sent towards the board-internal G.805 Matrix. " ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 21 } ifOtnMonTraceUpPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Internal port reference for traffic unit. " DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { ifOtnMonTraceEntry 22 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Notifications -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Object and event groups -- ---------------------------------------------------- ifOtnMonGeneralGroupV1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifOtnMonGeneralConfigLastChangeTime, ifOtnMonGeneralStateLastChangeTime, ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonSmTableSize, ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonSmConfigLastChangeTime, ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonSmStateLastChangeTime, ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonTcmTableSize, ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonTcmConfigLastChangeTime, ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonTcmStateLastChangeTime, ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonPmTableSize, ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonPmConfigLastChangeTime, ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonPmStateLastChangeTime, ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonTraceTableSize, ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonTraceConfigLastChangeTime, ifOtnMonGeneralIfOtnMonTraceStateLastChangeTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The general objects." ::= { lumIfOtnMonGroups 1 } ifOtnMonSmGroupV1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifOtnMonSmIndex, ifOtnMonSmName, ifOtnMonSmConnIfBasicIfIndex, ifOtnMonSmTxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonSmRxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonSmBackwardDefectIndication, ifOtnMonSmIncomingAlignmentError, ifOtnMonSmBackwardIncomingAlignmentError } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ifOtnMon sm objects (R20.0)." ::= { lumIfOtnMonGroups 2 } ifOtnMonTcmGroupV1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifOtnMonTcmIndex, ifOtnMonTcmName, ifOtnMonTcmConnOduIndex, ifOtnMonTcmAlarmMode, ifOtnMonTcmMode, ifOtnMonTcmTcmNumber, ifOtnMonTcmTxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonTcmRxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonTcmBackwardDefectIndication, ifOtnMonTcmBackwardIncomingAlignmentError, ifOtnMonTcmRxAlarmIndicationSignal, ifOtnMonTcmRxOpenConnectionIndication, ifOtnMonTcmRxLockedDefectIndication, ifOtnMonTcmLossOfTandemConnection, ifOtnMonTcmIncomingAlignmentError } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The ifOtnMon tcm objects (R20.0)." ::= { lumIfOtnMonGroups 3 } ifOtnMonPmGroupV1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifOtnMonPmIndex, ifOtnMonPmName, ifOtnMonPmConnOduIndex, ifOtnMonPmAlarmMode, ifOtnMonPmTxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonPmRxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonPmRxBackwardDefectIndication, ifOtnMonPmRxAlarmIndicationSignal, ifOtnMonPmRxOpenConnectionIndication, ifOtnMonPmRxLockedDefectIndication } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The ifOtnMon pm objects (R20.0)." ::= { lumIfOtnMonGroups 4 } ifOtnMonTraceGroupV1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifOtnMonTraceIndex, ifOtnMonTraceName, ifOtnMonTraceConnOtnIndex, ifOtnMonTraceConnOtnType, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceTransmitted, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceReceivedByte0, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceReceived, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceExpected, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceTransmitted, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceReceivedByte0, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceReceived, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceExpected, ifOtnMonTraceOpSpecificTraceTransmitted, ifOtnMonTraceOpSpecificTraceReceived, ifOtnMonTraceTraceIdMMDetectionMode, ifOtnMonTraceTraceAlarmMode, ifOtnMonTraceTIMConsequenceActionsDisabled, ifOtnMonTraceTxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonTraceRxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonTraceTraceMismatch } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The ifOtnMon trace objects (R20.0)." ::= { lumIfOtnMonGroups 5 } ifOtnMonPmGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifOtnMonPmIndex, ifOtnMonPmName, ifOtnMonPmConnOduIndex, ifOtnMonPmAlarmMode, ifOtnMonPmTxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonPmRxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonPmRxBackwardDefectIndication, ifOtnMonPmRxAlarmIndicationSignal, ifOtnMonPmRxOpenConnectionIndication, ifOtnMonPmTxBackwardDefectIndication, ifOtnMonPmTxAlarmIndicationSignal, ifOtnMonPmTxOpenConnectionIndication, ifOtnMonPmTxLockedDefectIndication } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The ifOtnMon pm objects (R22.0)." ::= { lumIfOtnMonGroups 6 } ifOtnMonTcmGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifOtnMonTcmIndex, ifOtnMonTcmName, ifOtnMonTcmConnOduIndex, ifOtnMonTcmAlarmMode, ifOtnMonTcmMode, ifOtnMonTcmTcmNumber, ifOtnMonTcmTxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonTcmRxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonTcmBackwardDefectIndication, ifOtnMonTcmBackwardIncomingAlignmentError, ifOtnMonTcmRxAlarmIndicationSignal, ifOtnMonTcmRxOpenConnectionIndication, ifOtnMonTcmRxLockedDefectIndication, ifOtnMonTcmLossOfTandemConnection, ifOtnMonTcmIncomingAlignmentError, ifOtnMonTcmSwitchCriteria } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ifOtnMon tcm objects (R23.0)." ::= { lumIfOtnMonGroups 7 } ifOtnMonTraceGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifOtnMonTraceIndex, ifOtnMonTraceName, ifOtnMonTraceConnOtnType, ifOtnMonTraceConnOtnIndex, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceTransmitted, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceReceivedByte0, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceReceived, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceExpected, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceTransmitted, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceReceivedByte0, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceReceived, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceExpected, ifOtnMonTraceOpSpecificTraceTransmitted, ifOtnMonTraceOpSpecificTraceReceived, ifOtnMonTraceTraceIdMMDetectionMode, ifOtnMonTraceTraceAlarmMode, ifOtnMonTraceTIMConsequenceActionsDisabled, ifOtnMonTraceTxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonTraceRxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonTraceTraceMismatch } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The ifOtnMon trace objects (R23.0)." ::= { lumIfOtnMonGroups 8 } ifOtnMonTraceGroupV3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifOtnMonTraceIndex, ifOtnMonTraceName, ifOtnMonTraceConnOtnType, ifOtnMonTraceConnOtnIndex, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceTransmitted, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceReceivedByte0, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceReceived, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceExpected, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceTransmitted, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceReceivedByte0, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceReceived, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceExpected, ifOtnMonTraceOpSpecificTraceTransmitted, ifOtnMonTraceOpSpecificTraceReceived, ifOtnMonTraceTraceIdMMDetectionMode, ifOtnMonTraceTraceAlarmMode, ifOtnMonTraceTIMConsequenceActionsDisabled, ifOtnMonTraceTxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonTraceRxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonTraceTraceMismatch, ifOtnMonTraceConnOtnDirection } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The ifOtnMon trace objects (R25.0)." ::= { lumIfOtnMonGroups 9 } ifOtnMonPmGroupV3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifOtnMonPmIndex, ifOtnMonPmName, ifOtnMonPmConnOduIndex, ifOtnMonPmAlarmMode, ifOtnMonPmTxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonPmRxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonPmRxBackwardDefectIndication, ifOtnMonPmRxAlarmIndicationSignal, ifOtnMonPmRxOpenConnectionIndication, ifOtnMonPmTxBackwardDefectIndication, ifOtnMonPmTxAlarmIndicationSignal, ifOtnMonPmTxOpenConnectionIndication, ifOtnMonPmTxLockedDefectIndication, ifOtnMonPmUpPortId} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ifOtnMon pm objects (R28.0)." ::= { lumIfOtnMonGroups 10 } ifOtnMonTraceGroupV4 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifOtnMonTraceIndex, ifOtnMonTraceName, ifOtnMonTraceConnOtnType, ifOtnMonTraceConnOtnIndex, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceTransmitted, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceReceivedByte0, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceReceived, ifOtnMonTraceSapiTraceExpected, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceTransmitted, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceReceivedByte0, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceReceived, ifOtnMonTraceDapiTraceExpected, ifOtnMonTraceOpSpecificTraceTransmitted, ifOtnMonTraceOpSpecificTraceReceived, ifOtnMonTraceTraceIdMMDetectionMode, ifOtnMonTraceTraceAlarmMode, ifOtnMonTraceTIMConsequenceActionsDisabled, ifOtnMonTraceTxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonTraceRxSignalStatus, ifOtnMonTraceTraceMismatch, ifOtnMonTraceConnOtnDirection, ifOtnMonTraceUpPortId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ifOtnMon trace objects (R28.0)." ::= { lumIfOtnMonGroups 11 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Compliance -- ---------------------------------------------------- lumIfOtnMonComplV1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the ifOtnMon MIB. (R20.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifOtnMonGeneralGroupV1, ifOtnMonSmGroupV1, ifOtnMonTcmGroupV1, ifOtnMonPmGroupV1, ifOtnMonTraceGroupV1 } ::= { lumIfOtnMonCompl 1 } lumIfOtnMonComplV2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the ifOtnMon MIB. (R22.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifOtnMonGeneralGroupV1, ifOtnMonSmGroupV1, ifOtnMonTcmGroupV1, ifOtnMonPmGroupV2, ifOtnMonTraceGroupV1 } ::= { lumIfOtnMonCompl 2 } lumIfOtnMonComplV3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the ifOtnMon MIB. (R23.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifOtnMonGeneralGroupV1, ifOtnMonSmGroupV1, ifOtnMonTcmGroupV2, ifOtnMonPmGroupV2, ifOtnMonTraceGroupV2 } ::= { lumIfOtnMonCompl 3 } lumIfOtnMonComplV4 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the ifOtnMon MIB. (R25.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifOtnMonGeneralGroupV1, ifOtnMonSmGroupV1, ifOtnMonTcmGroupV2, ifOtnMonPmGroupV2, ifOtnMonTraceGroupV3 } ::= { lumIfOtnMonCompl 4 } lumIfOtnMonComplV5 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the ifOtnMon MIB. (R28.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifOtnMonGeneralGroupV1, ifOtnMonSmGroupV1, ifOtnMonTcmGroupV2, ifOtnMonPmGroupV3, ifOtnMonTraceGroupV4 } ::= { lumIfOtnMonCompl 5 } END