LUM-IFPHYSICAL-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF DateAndTime, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC lumModules, lumIfPhysicalMIB FROM LUM-REG Unsigned32WithNA, ResetWithNA, SignalStatusWithNA, FaultStatusWithNA, DisplayStringWithNA, Integer32WithNA, TrxMediaWithNA, CommandString, MgmtNameString, SubrackNumber, TruthValueWithNA, AutoLambdaCapability FROM LUM-TC; lumIfPhysicalMIBModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201908300000Z" -- August 30th 2019 ORGANIZATION "Infinera Corporation" CONTACT-INFO "" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module for management of physical port objects. This module describes the physical layer in ITU-T Recommendation G.709. The tables contained in this MIB are: (1) The General group contains some general attributes as time stamps and tables sizes. (2) The Trx group contains information and configuration for all transceiver objects. (3) The Cage group contains information and configuration for all cage objects. " REVISION "201908300000Z" -- August 30th 2019 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r33.1: - Add auto-lambda attribute." REVISION "201903300000Z" -- March 30th 2019 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r32.1: - Add alarm signal format not supported. - Add ifPhysicalTrxTunable attribute. - Add alarm for TRX Encryption Communication Failure. - Add alarm for TRX Self-test data corruption. - Add alarm for TRX Does Not Support Encryption" REVISION "201706150000Z" -- June 15th 2017 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r29.0: - Enabled trxCommunicationFailure alarm for tp100gotnii. - Changed ORGANIZATION and CONTACT-INFO" REVISION "201704210000Z" -- April 21th 2017 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r28.1: - Added trxCommunicationFailure alarm." REVISION "201612120000Z" -- December 12th 2016 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r28.1: - Added trxLowTemp alarm." REVISION "201611300000Z" -- November 30th 2016 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r28: - Added tp100gotnii board. - Added Transceiver Power Out Of Range alarm" REVISION "201512220000Z" -- December 22nd 2015 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r27: - Added fhau1 board - Added fha1udc1 board" REVISION "201510300000Z" -- October 30th 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added tpmrHL16GUni board" REVISION "201501230000Z" -- January 23rd 2015 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r24: - Added Optical Layer Mismatch alarm" REVISION "201410300000Z" -- October 30th 2014 DESCRIPTION "Added tpmrHL16GUni board" REVISION "201409300000Z" -- September 30th 2014 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r23.1: - Added TRX Rx and Tx State attribute. - Added mxp100gotn board." REVISION "201405160000Z" -- May 16th 2014 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r23: - Changed board name from tp10gotn to tphex10gotn. - Added tpmrHL16G board." REVISION "201311150000Z" -- November 15th 2013 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r22: - Added tp10gotn, tp100gotn board." REVISION "201211200000Z" -- November 20th 2011 DESCRIPTION "The initial revision of this module." ::= { lumModules 47 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Compliance area, containing groups and compliance -- specifications. -- ---------------------------------------------------- lumIfPhysicalConfs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumIfPhysicalMIB 1 } lumIfPhysicalGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumIfPhysicalConfs 1 } lumIfPhysicalCompl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumIfPhysicalConfs 2 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Root for objects in the IFPHYSICAL MIB -- ---------------------------------------------------- lumIfPhysicalMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumIfPhysicalMIB 2 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- This MIB contains the following groups: -- ---------------------------------------------------- ifPhysicalGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumIfPhysicalMIBObjects 1 } ifPhysicalTrxList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumIfPhysicalMIBObjects 2 } ifPhysicalCageList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumIfPhysicalMIBObjects 3 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- General group -- ---------------------------------------------------- ifPhysicalGeneralConfigLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the configuration of the MIB was last changed. " ::= { ifPhysicalGeneral 1 } ifPhysicalGeneralStateLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the state and/or configuration of the MIB was last changed. " ::= { ifPhysicalGeneral 2 } ifPhysicalGeneralIfPhysicalTrxTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of transceiver table " ::= { ifPhysicalGeneral 3 } ifPhysicalGeneralIfPhysicalTrxConfigLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the configuration of the table was last changed. " ::= { ifPhysicalGeneral 4 } ifPhysicalGeneralIfPhysicalTrxStateLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the state and/or configuration of the MIB was last changed. " ::= { ifPhysicalGeneral 5 } ifPhysicalGeneralIfPhysicalCageTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of transceiver table " ::= { ifPhysicalGeneral 6 } ifPhysicalGeneralIfPhysicalCageConfigLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the configuration of the table was last changed. " ::= { ifPhysicalGeneral 7 } ifPhysicalGeneralIfPhysicalCageStateLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the state and/or configuration of the MIB was last changed. " ::= { ifPhysicalGeneral 8 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Transceiver group -- ---------------------------------------------------- ifPhysicalTrxTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IfPhysicalTrxEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The if physical trx interface list." ::= { ifPhysicalTrxList 1 } ifPhysicalTrxEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IfPhysicalTrxEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the ifPhysical trx list. " INDEX { ifPhysicalTrxIndex } ::= { ifPhysicalTrxTable 1 } IfPhysicalTrxEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ifPhysicalTrxIndex Unsigned32, ifPhysicalTrxName MgmtNameString, ifPhysicalTrxConnIfBasicIfIndex Unsigned32WithNA, ifPhysicalTrxLaserBias Unsigned32WithNA, ifPhysicalTrxLaserTemp Integer32WithNA, ifPhysicalTrxTrxClass DisplayStringWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMedia TrxMediaWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxActualTrxMedia TrxMediaWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxTxSignalStatus SignalStatusWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxRxSignalStatus SignalStatusWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxTransmitterFailed FaultStatusWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxNonQualifiedTrx FaultStatusWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMissing FaultStatusWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMediaMismatch FaultStatusWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxTrxRxState DisplayStringWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxTrxTxState DisplayStringWithNA , ifPhysicalTrxOpticalLayerMappingMismatch FaultStatusWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxPowerCycleReset ResetWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxUId Unsigned32, ifPhysicalTrxAid DisplayString, ifPhysicalTrxPhysicalLocation DisplayString, ifPhysicalTrxPowerOutOfRange FaultStatusWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxLowTemp FaultStatusWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxCommunicationFailure FaultStatusWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxSignalFormatNotSupported FaultStatusWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxTunable TruthValueWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxEncrCommunicationFailure FaultStatusWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxDoesNotSupportEncryption FaultStatusWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxSelfTestDataCorruption FaultStatusWithNA, ifPhysicalTrxAutoLambdaCapability AutoLambdaCapability} ifPhysicalTrxIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index assigned to each entry. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 1 } ifPhysicalTrxName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the transceiver, for example 'trx:1:2:1-2', where the first number indicates subrack, the second slot number and the third/fourth are the physical port numbers. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 2 } ifPhysicalTrxConnIfBasicIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32WithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index describing to which index in ifBasicIf table this object is related to. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 3 } ifPhysicalTrxLaserBias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32WithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Measures laser bias current value in tenth of mA (0.1 mA). " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 4 } ifPhysicalTrxLaserTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32WithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The actual laser temperature in units of 0.1 degrees Centigrades. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 5 } ifPhysicalTrxTrxClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "String that describes the transceiver class. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 6 } ifPhysicalTrxTrxMedia OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrxMediaWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the transceiver media. For example 'optical' or 'electrical'. " DEFVAL { optical } ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 7 } ifPhysicalTrxActualTrxMedia OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrxMediaWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the media and capability of the TRX. " DEFVAL { optical } ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 8 } ifPhysicalTrxTxSignalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SignalStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state for outgoing (TX) signal of the interface. down - A major fault has occurred. degraded - The signal quality is impaired. up - The signal is OK. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 9 } ifPhysicalTrxRxSignalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SignalStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state for incoming (RX) signal of the interface. down - A major fault has occurred. degraded - The signal quality is impaired. up - The signal is OK. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 10 } ifPhysicalTrxTransmitterFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transmitter failed. The transceiver hardware has detected a failure in the transmitter part. Alarm - The transmitter has failed Ok - The transmitter is OK again " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 11 } ifPhysicalTrxNonQualifiedTrx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Non-qualified transceiver. The inserted transceiver does not have a legal manufacturer code. Alarm - A non-qualified transceiver is inserted. Ok - The transceiver is qualified. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 12 } ifPhysicalTrxTrxMissing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver missing. An expected transceiver is missing. Alarm - An expected transceiver is missing. Ok - The missing transceiver is inserted. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 13 } ifPhysicalTrxTrxMediaMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transceiver media mismatch. The TRX media does not match the expected one. Alarm - Invalid or mismatching trx media is detected. Ok - The (pluggable) transceiver or board is replaced, or the configuration is changed. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 14 } ifPhysicalTrxTrxRxState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current Rx state of the transciever, in case it is a coherent CFP. The unit is ready if state=Ready. The states could be one of the followings: Rx State: Init started. Rx State: Init ready. Rx State: Frequency ready. Rx State: Input signal received. Rx State: A/D Converter ready. Rx State: Dispersion compensated. Rx State: Ready. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 15 } ifPhysicalTrxTrxTxState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current Tx state of the transciever, in case it is a coherent CFP. The unit is ready if state=Ready. The states could be one of the followings: Tx State: Init started. Tx State: Init ready. Tx State: Data path locked. Tx State: Laser ready off. Tx State: Laser ready. Tx State: Laser bias ready. Tx State: Ready. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 16 } ifPhysicalTrxOpticalLayerMappingMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inserted transceiver does not support the configuration of the optical layer mapping. alarm: A transceiver with other supported optical layer mapping than the requested mapping is inserted. ok: The transceiver with the non-requested optical layer mapping is removed, or the object is reconfigured. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 17 } ifPhysicalTrxPowerCycleReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ResetWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the attribute is set to reset the trx power cycle is re-initialised, meaning the trx is cold started. Then the attribute is set to normal again automatically. Note: This function is only to be used as a last resort to resolve a TRX deadlock. Please read I&C manual for further details before usage. reset - Re-initialises the trx power cycle normal - The trx power cycle is in normal state " DEFVAL { normal } ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 18 } ifPhysicalTrxUId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index assigned to each entry. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 19 } ifPhysicalTrxAid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The access identifier (AID) of the trx. The format is according to GR-833. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 20 } ifPhysicalTrxPhysicalLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The physical location of the trx. The format is according to GR-833. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 21 } ifPhysicalTrxPowerOutOfRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The power classification of the transceiver exceeds the design limit of the board. alarm: A transceiver with a power classification that exceeds the design limit of the board is inserted. ok: The transceiver with a power classification that exceeds the design limit of the board is removed. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 22 } ifPhysicalTrxLowTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature of the transceiver is below its designed limit. alarm: The temperature of the transceiver is below its designed limit. ok: The temperature of the transceiver is within designed limits. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 23 } ifPhysicalTrxCommunicationFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The board is unable to communicate with the transceiver. alarm: Protocol errors detected on the transceiver control link. ok: No communication errors detected on the transceiver control link. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 24 } ifPhysicalTrxSignalFormatNotSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The signal format is not supported on this transceiver. alarm: Signal format not supported. ok: Signal format supported. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 25 } ifPhysicalTrxTunable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValueWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The transceiver is of tunable type. " DEFVAL { notAvailable } ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 26 } ifPhysicalTrxEncrCommunicationFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The board is unable to communicate with the transceiver for encryption related configuration. alarm: Protocol errors detected on the transceiver encryption control link. ok: No communication errors detected on the transceiver encryption control link. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 27 } ifPhysicalTrxDoesNotSupportEncryption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Non-Encryption capable TRX installed. alarm: Non-Encryption capable TRX installed. ok: Encryption capable TRX installed. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 28 } ifPhysicalTrxSelfTestDataCorruption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TRX self-test data corruption. alarm: TRX self-test data is corrupted. ok: TRX self-test data is okay. " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 29 } ifPhysicalTrxAutoLambdaCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AutoLambdaCapability MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Auto Lambda capability of the TRX. none - Inserted TRX does not support auto lambda notApplicable - Interface does not support auto lambda or TRX is not inserted dualEndedPeer - TRX for dual ended peer auto lambda " ::= { ifPhysicalTrxEntry 30 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Cage group -- ---------------------------------------------------- ifPhysicalCageTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IfPhysicalCageEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The if physical cage list." ::= { ifPhysicalCageList 1 } ifPhysicalCageEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IfPhysicalCageEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the ifPhysical cage list. " INDEX { ifPhysicalCageIndex } ::= { ifPhysicalCageTable 1 } IfPhysicalCageEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ifPhysicalCageIndex Unsigned32, ifPhysicalCageName MgmtNameString, ifPhysicalCageConnIfBasicIfIndex Unsigned32WithNA, ifPhysicalCageSubrack SubrackNumber, ifPhysicalCageSlot Unsigned32, ifPhysicalCageAid DisplayString, ifPhysicalCagePhysicalLocation DisplayString, ifPhysicalCageEquipped TruthValueWithNA, ifPhysicalCageUId Unsigned32} ifPhysicalCageIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index assigned to each entry. " ::= { ifPhysicalCageEntry 1 } ifPhysicalCageName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the cage, for example 'cage:1:2:1-2', where the first number indicates subrack, the second slot number and the third/fourth are the physical port numbers. " ::= { ifPhysicalCageEntry 2 } ifPhysicalCageConnIfBasicIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32WithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index describing to which index in ifBasicIf table this object is related to. " ::= { ifPhysicalCageEntry 3 } ifPhysicalCageSubrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the subrack in which the cage module is present. " ::= { ifPhysicalCageEntry 4 } ifPhysicalCageSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the slot in which the cage module is present. " ::= { ifPhysicalCageEntry 5 } ifPhysicalCageAid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The access identifier (AID) of the cage. The format is according to GR-833. " ::= { ifPhysicalCageEntry 6 } ifPhysicalCagePhysicalLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The physical location of the cage. The format is according to GR-833. " ::= { ifPhysicalCageEntry 7 } ifPhysicalCageEquipped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValueWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Is the entity equipped. " DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { ifPhysicalCageEntry 8 } ifPhysicalCageUId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index assigned to each entry. " ::= { ifPhysicalCageEntry 9 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Notifications -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Object and event groups -- ---------------------------------------------------- ifPhysicalGeneralGroupV1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifPhysicalGeneralConfigLastChangeTime, ifPhysicalGeneralStateLastChangeTime, ifPhysicalGeneralIfPhysicalTrxTableSize, ifPhysicalGeneralIfPhysicalTrxConfigLastChangeTime, ifPhysicalGeneralIfPhysicalTrxStateLastChangeTime } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The general objects." ::= { lumIfPhysicalGroups 1 } ifPhysicalTrxGroupV1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifPhysicalTrxIndex, ifPhysicalTrxName, ifPhysicalTrxConnIfBasicIfIndex, ifPhysicalTrxLaserBias, ifPhysicalTrxLaserTemp, ifPhysicalTrxTrxClass, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMedia, ifPhysicalTrxActualTrxMedia, ifPhysicalTrxTxSignalStatus, ifPhysicalTrxRxSignalStatus, ifPhysicalTrxTransmitterFailed, ifPhysicalTrxNonQualifiedTrx, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMissing, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMediaMismatch } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The ifPhysical transceiver objects (R20.0)." ::= { lumIfPhysicalGroups 2 } ifPhysicalTrxGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifPhysicalTrxIndex, ifPhysicalTrxName, ifPhysicalTrxConnIfBasicIfIndex, ifPhysicalTrxLaserBias, ifPhysicalTrxLaserTemp, ifPhysicalTrxTrxClass, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMedia, ifPhysicalTrxActualTrxMedia, ifPhysicalTrxTxSignalStatus, ifPhysicalTrxRxSignalStatus, ifPhysicalTrxTransmitterFailed, ifPhysicalTrxNonQualifiedTrx, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMissing, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMediaMismatch, ifPhysicalTrxTrxRxState, ifPhysicalTrxTrxTxState } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The ifPhysical transceiver objects (R23.1)." ::= { lumIfPhysicalGroups 3 } ifPhysicalTrxGroupV3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifPhysicalTrxIndex, ifPhysicalTrxName, ifPhysicalTrxConnIfBasicIfIndex, ifPhysicalTrxLaserBias, ifPhysicalTrxLaserTemp, ifPhysicalTrxTrxClass, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMedia, ifPhysicalTrxActualTrxMedia, ifPhysicalTrxTxSignalStatus, ifPhysicalTrxRxSignalStatus, ifPhysicalTrxTransmitterFailed, ifPhysicalTrxNonQualifiedTrx, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMissing, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMediaMismatch, ifPhysicalTrxTrxRxState, ifPhysicalTrxTrxTxState, ifPhysicalTrxOpticalLayerMappingMismatch } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The ifPhysical transceiver objects (R24)." ::= { lumIfPhysicalGroups 4 } ifPhysicalTrxGroupV4 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifPhysicalTrxIndex, ifPhysicalTrxName, ifPhysicalTrxConnIfBasicIfIndex, ifPhysicalTrxLaserBias, ifPhysicalTrxLaserTemp, ifPhysicalTrxTrxClass, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMedia, ifPhysicalTrxActualTrxMedia, ifPhysicalTrxTxSignalStatus, ifPhysicalTrxRxSignalStatus, ifPhysicalTrxTransmitterFailed, ifPhysicalTrxNonQualifiedTrx, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMissing, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMediaMismatch, ifPhysicalTrxTrxRxState, ifPhysicalTrxTrxTxState, ifPhysicalTrxOpticalLayerMappingMismatch, ifPhysicalTrxPowerCycleReset } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The ifPhysical transceiver objects (R25)." ::= { lumIfPhysicalGroups 5 } ifPhysicalTrxGroupV5 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifPhysicalTrxIndex, ifPhysicalTrxName, ifPhysicalTrxConnIfBasicIfIndex, ifPhysicalTrxLaserBias, ifPhysicalTrxLaserTemp, ifPhysicalTrxTrxClass, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMedia, ifPhysicalTrxActualTrxMedia, ifPhysicalTrxTxSignalStatus, ifPhysicalTrxRxSignalStatus, ifPhysicalTrxTransmitterFailed, ifPhysicalTrxNonQualifiedTrx, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMissing, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMediaMismatch, ifPhysicalTrxTrxRxState, ifPhysicalTrxTrxTxState, ifPhysicalTrxOpticalLayerMappingMismatch, ifPhysicalTrxPowerCycleReset, ifPhysicalTrxUId} STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The ifPhysical transceiver objects (R27.1)." ::= { lumIfPhysicalGroups 6 } ifPhysicalGeneralGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifPhysicalGeneralConfigLastChangeTime, ifPhysicalGeneralStateLastChangeTime, ifPhysicalGeneralIfPhysicalTrxTableSize, ifPhysicalGeneralIfPhysicalTrxConfigLastChangeTime, ifPhysicalGeneralIfPhysicalTrxStateLastChangeTime, ifPhysicalGeneralIfPhysicalCageTableSize, ifPhysicalGeneralIfPhysicalCageConfigLastChangeTime, ifPhysicalGeneralIfPhysicalCageStateLastChangeTime} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The general objects." ::= { lumIfPhysicalGroups 7 } ifPhysicalCageGroupV1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifPhysicalCageIndex, ifPhysicalCageName, ifPhysicalCageConnIfBasicIfIndex, ifPhysicalCageSubrack, ifPhysicalCageSlot, ifPhysicalCageAid, ifPhysicalCagePhysicalLocation, ifPhysicalCageEquipped, ifPhysicalCageUId} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ifPhysical cage objects (R28.0)." ::= { lumIfPhysicalGroups 8 } ifPhysicalTrxGroupV6 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifPhysicalTrxIndex, ifPhysicalTrxName, ifPhysicalTrxConnIfBasicIfIndex, ifPhysicalTrxLaserBias, ifPhysicalTrxLaserTemp, ifPhysicalTrxTrxClass, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMedia, ifPhysicalTrxActualTrxMedia, ifPhysicalTrxTxSignalStatus, ifPhysicalTrxRxSignalStatus, ifPhysicalTrxTransmitterFailed, ifPhysicalTrxNonQualifiedTrx, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMissing, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMediaMismatch, ifPhysicalTrxTrxRxState, ifPhysicalTrxTrxTxState, ifPhysicalTrxOpticalLayerMappingMismatch, ifPhysicalTrxPowerCycleReset, ifPhysicalTrxUId, ifPhysicalTrxAid, ifPhysicalTrxPhysicalLocation, ifPhysicalTrxPowerOutOfRange} STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The ifPhysical transceiver objects (R28.0)." ::= { lumIfPhysicalGroups 9 } ifPhysicalTrxGroupV7 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifPhysicalTrxIndex, ifPhysicalTrxName, ifPhysicalTrxConnIfBasicIfIndex, ifPhysicalTrxLaserBias, ifPhysicalTrxLaserTemp, ifPhysicalTrxTrxClass, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMedia, ifPhysicalTrxActualTrxMedia, ifPhysicalTrxTxSignalStatus, ifPhysicalTrxRxSignalStatus, ifPhysicalTrxTransmitterFailed, ifPhysicalTrxNonQualifiedTrx, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMissing, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMediaMismatch, ifPhysicalTrxTrxRxState, ifPhysicalTrxTrxTxState, ifPhysicalTrxOpticalLayerMappingMismatch, ifPhysicalTrxPowerCycleReset, ifPhysicalTrxUId, ifPhysicalTrxAid, ifPhysicalTrxPhysicalLocation, ifPhysicalTrxPowerOutOfRange, ifPhysicalTrxLowTemp, ifPhysicalTrxCommunicationFailure} STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The ifPhysical transceiver objects (R28.1)." ::= { lumIfPhysicalGroups 10 } ifPhysicalTrxGroupV8 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifPhysicalTrxIndex, ifPhysicalTrxName, ifPhysicalTrxConnIfBasicIfIndex, ifPhysicalTrxLaserBias, ifPhysicalTrxLaserTemp, ifPhysicalTrxTrxClass, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMedia, ifPhysicalTrxActualTrxMedia, ifPhysicalTrxTxSignalStatus, ifPhysicalTrxRxSignalStatus, ifPhysicalTrxTransmitterFailed, ifPhysicalTrxNonQualifiedTrx, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMissing, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMediaMismatch, ifPhysicalTrxTrxRxState, ifPhysicalTrxTrxTxState, ifPhysicalTrxOpticalLayerMappingMismatch, ifPhysicalTrxPowerCycleReset, ifPhysicalTrxUId, ifPhysicalTrxAid, ifPhysicalTrxPhysicalLocation, ifPhysicalTrxPowerOutOfRange, ifPhysicalTrxLowTemp, ifPhysicalTrxCommunicationFailure, ifPhysicalTrxSignalFormatNotSupported, ifPhysicalTrxTunable, ifPhysicalTrxEncrCommunicationFailure, ifPhysicalTrxDoesNotSupportEncryption, ifPhysicalTrxSelfTestDataCorruption} STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The ifPhysical transceiver objects (R32.1)." ::= { lumIfPhysicalGroups 11 } ifPhysicalTrxGroupV9 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ifPhysicalTrxIndex, ifPhysicalTrxName, ifPhysicalTrxConnIfBasicIfIndex, ifPhysicalTrxLaserBias, ifPhysicalTrxLaserTemp, ifPhysicalTrxTrxClass, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMedia, ifPhysicalTrxActualTrxMedia, ifPhysicalTrxTxSignalStatus, ifPhysicalTrxRxSignalStatus, ifPhysicalTrxTransmitterFailed, ifPhysicalTrxNonQualifiedTrx, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMissing, ifPhysicalTrxTrxMediaMismatch, ifPhysicalTrxTrxRxState, ifPhysicalTrxTrxTxState, ifPhysicalTrxOpticalLayerMappingMismatch, ifPhysicalTrxPowerCycleReset, ifPhysicalTrxUId, ifPhysicalTrxAid, ifPhysicalTrxPhysicalLocation, ifPhysicalTrxPowerOutOfRange, ifPhysicalTrxLowTemp, ifPhysicalTrxCommunicationFailure, ifPhysicalTrxSignalFormatNotSupported, ifPhysicalTrxTunable, ifPhysicalTrxEncrCommunicationFailure, ifPhysicalTrxDoesNotSupportEncryption, ifPhysicalTrxSelfTestDataCorruption, ifPhysicalTrxAutoLambdaCapability} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ifPhysical transceiver objects (R33.1)." ::= { lumIfPhysicalGroups 12 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Compliance -- ---------------------------------------------------- lumIfPhysicalComplV1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the ifPhysical MIB. (R20.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifPhysicalGeneralGroupV1, ifPhysicalTrxGroupV1 } ::= { lumIfPhysicalCompl 1 } lumIfPhysicalComplV2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the ifPhysical MIB. (R23.1)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifPhysicalGeneralGroupV1, ifPhysicalTrxGroupV2 } ::= { lumIfPhysicalCompl 2 } lumIfPhysicalComplV3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the ifPhysical MIB. (R24)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifPhysicalGeneralGroupV1, ifPhysicalTrxGroupV3 } ::= { lumIfPhysicalCompl 3 } lumIfPhysicalComplV4 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the ifPhysical MIB. (27.1)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifPhysicalGeneralGroupV1, ifPhysicalTrxGroupV5 } ::= { lumIfPhysicalCompl 4 } lumIfPhysicalComplV5 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the ifPhysical MIB. (28.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifPhysicalGeneralGroupV2, ifPhysicalTrxGroupV6, ifPhysicalCageGroupV1 } ::= { lumIfPhysicalCompl 5 } lumIfPhysicalComplV6 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the ifPhysical MIB. (28.1)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifPhysicalGeneralGroupV2, ifPhysicalTrxGroupV7, ifPhysicalCageGroupV1 } ::= { lumIfPhysicalCompl 6 } lumIfPhysicalComplV7 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the ifPhysical MIB. (32.1)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifPhysicalGeneralGroupV2, ifPhysicalTrxGroupV8, ifPhysicalCageGroupV1 } ::= { lumIfPhysicalCompl 7 } lumIfPhysicalComplV8 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the ifPhysical MIB. (33.1)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifPhysicalGeneralGroupV2, ifPhysicalTrxGroupV9, ifPhysicalCageGroupV1 } ::= { lumIfPhysicalCompl 8 } END