LUM-INVENTORY-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Unsigned32, Integer32, Counter32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, AutonomousType, TruthValue, DateAndTime, TestAndIncr, DisplayString, RowPointer FROM SNMPv2-TC SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB lumModules, lumInventoryMIB FROM LUM-REG MgmtNameString FROM LUM-TC; lumInventoryMIBModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201706150000Z" -- June 15th 2017 ORGANIZATION "Infinera Corporation" CONTACT-INFO "" DESCRIPTION "The inventory MIB. In large parts modeled after the Entity MIB version 2 see RFC2737. - General - Physical entitites " REVISION "201706150000Z" -- June 15th 2017 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r29.0: - Changed ORGANIZATION and CONTACT-INFO" REVISION "201409300000Z" -- Sep 30th 2014 DESCRIPTION "Set invPhysVendorType to deprecated since it is not used any more." REVISION "200509140000Z" -- September 14th 2005 DESCRIPTION "Added minimal compliance groups." REVISION "200409300000Z" -- September 30th 2004 DESCRIPTION "Added table sizes." REVISION "200203080000Z" -- March 8th 2002 DESCRIPTION "Put back softwareRev." REVISION "200110300000Z" -- October 30th 2001 DESCRIPTION "MIB version and testAndIncr hidden - not supported yet. Changed lastChange to DateAndTime." REVISION "200107170000Z" -- July 17th 2001 DESCRIPTION "Added notifications. Added general group with version and testAndIncr. Added addtional alias and persistence meta-information." REVISION "200105110000Z" -- May 11th 2001 DESCRIPTION "Replaced softwareRev with productDataRev. Removed alias and assetId." REVISION "200105100000Z" -- May 10th 2001 DESCRIPTION "The initial revision of this module." ::= { lumModules 5 } -- tbd Further work: Add user configurable asset id for physical entities(?) -- tbd Further work: Add timestamp on physical entries and the notifications -- ... created and lastChange, or is it sufficient with just lastChangeTime? -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Conformance area, containing groups and complicance -- specifications. -- ---------------------------------------------------- lumInventoryConfs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumInventoryMIB 1 } lumInventoryGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumInventoryConfs 1 } lumInventoryCompl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumInventoryConfs 2 } lumInventoryMinimalGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumInventoryConfs 3 } lumInventoryMinimalCompl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumInventoryConfs 4 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Root for objects in the inventory MIB -- ---------------------------------------------------- lumInventoryMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumInventoryMIB 2 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- This MIB contains the following groups: -- ---------------------------------------------------- invPhysical OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumInventoryMIBObjects 1 } invGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumInventoryMIBObjects 2 } lumentisInvNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumInventoryMIBObjects 3 } invEntities OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumInventoryMIBObjects 4 } invRelations OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumInventoryMIBObjects 5 } invInsRemLog OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumInventoryMIBObjects 6 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Textual Conventions -- ---------------------------------------------------- PhysicalClass ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An enumerated value which provides an indication of the general hardware type of a particular physical entity. There are no restrictions as to the number of invPhysicalEntries of each invPhysicalClass, which must be instantiated by an agent. The enumeration 'other' is applicable if the physical entity class is known, but does not match any of the supported values. The enumeration 'unknown' is applicable if the physical entity class is unknown to the agent. The enumeration 'chassis' is applicable if the physical entity class is an overall container for networking equipment. Any class of physical entity except a stack may be contained within a chassis, and a chassis may only be contained within a stack. The enumeration 'backplane' is applicable if the physical entity class is some sort of device for aggregating and forwarding networking traffic, such as a shared backplane in a modular ethernet switch. Note that an agent may model a backplane as a single physical entity, which is actually implemented as multiple discrete physical components (within a chassis or stack). The enumeration 'container' is applicable if the physical entity class is capable of containing one or more removable physical entities, possibly of different types. For example, each (empty or full) slot in a chassis will be modeled as a container. Note that all removable physical entities should be modeled within a container entity, such as field- replaceable modules, fans, or power supplies. Note that all known containers should be modeled by the agent, including empty containers. The enumeration 'powerSupply' is applicable if the physical entity class is a power-supplying component. The enumeration 'fan' is applicable if the physical entity class is a fan or other heat-reduction component. The enumeration 'sensor' is applicable if the physical entity class is some sort of sensor, such as a temperature sensor within a router chassis. The enumeration 'module' is applicable if the physical entity class is some sort of self-contained sub-system. If it is removable, then it should be modeled within a container entity, otherwise it should be modeled directly within another physical entity (e.g., a chassis or another module). The enumeration 'port' is applicable if the physical entity class is some sort of networking port, capable of receiving and/or transmitting networking traffic. The enumeration 'stack' is applicable if the physical entity class is some sort of super-container (possibly virtual), intended to group together multiple chassis entities. A stack may be realized by a 'virtual' cable, a real interconnect cable, attached to multiple chassis, or may in fact be comprised of multiple interconnect cables. A stack should not be modeled within any other physical entities, but a stack may be contained within another stack. Only chassis entities should be contained within a stack." SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined (0), other(1), unknown(2), chassis(3), backplane(4), container(5), -- e.g., chassis slot or daughter-card holder powerSupply(6), fan(7), sensor(8), module(9), -- e.g., plug-in card or daughter-card port(10), stack(11) } -- e.g., stack of multiple chassis entities EntityClass ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tbd" SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined (0), other(1), unknown(2), chassis(3), backplane(4), container(5), -- e.g., chassis slot or daughter-card holder powerSupply(6), fan(7), sensor(8), module(9), -- e.g., plug-in card or daughter-card port(10), stack(11), -- e.g., stack of multiple chassis entities logical(12) } -- e.g. traffic object realized in software } InsRemEventType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of equipment logging event" SYNTAX INTEGER { insert (0), remove (1) } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Physical entities group -- ---------------------------------------------------- invPhysTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF InvPhysEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains one row per physical entity. There is always at least one row for an 'overall' physical entity." ::= { invPhysical 1 } invPhysEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InvPhysEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular physical entity. Each entry provides objects (invPhysicalDescr, invPhysicalVendorType, and invPhysicalClass) to help an NMS identify and characterize the entry, and objects (invPhysicalContainedIn and invPhysicalParentRelPos) to help an NMS relate the particular entry to other entries in this table. " INDEX { invPhysIndex } ::= { invPhysTable 1 } InvPhysEntry ::= SEQUENCE { invPhysIndex Unsigned32, invPhysDescr SnmpAdminString, invPhysVendorType AutonomousType, invPhysContainedIn Unsigned32, invPhysClass PhysicalClass, invPhysParentRelPos Integer32, invPhysName MgmtNameString, invPhysHardwareRev SnmpAdminString, invPhysFirmwareRev SnmpAdminString, invPhysProductDataRev SnmpAdminString, invPhysSerialNum SnmpAdminString, invPhysMfgName SnmpAdminString, invPhysModelName SnmpAdminString, invPhysIsFRU TruthValue, invPhysSoftwareRev SnmpAdminString, invPhysSoftwareProduct SnmpAdminString, invPhysClei DisplayString, invPhysAid DisplayString} invPhysIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index for this entry. " ::= { invPhysEntry 1 } invPhysDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of physical entity. This object should contain a string which identifies the manufacturers name for the physical entity, and should be set to a distinct value for each version or model of the physical entity. " ::= { invPhysEntry 2 } invPhysVendorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AutonomousType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "An indication of the vendor-specific hardware type of the physical entity. Note that this is different from the definition of MIB-IIs sysObjectID. An agent should set this object to a enterprise-specific registration identifier value indicating the specific equipment type in detail. The associated instance of invPhysClass is used to indicate the general type of hardware device. If no vendor-specific registration identifier exists for this physical entity, or the value is unknown by this agent, then the value { 0 0 } is returned. " ::= { invPhysEntry 3 } invPhysContainedIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of invPhysIndex for the physical entity which 'contains' this physical entity. A value of zero indicates this physical entity is not contained in any other physical entity. Note that the set of 'containment' relationships define a strict hierarchy; that is, recursion is not allowed. In the event a physical entity is contained by more than one physical entity (e.g., double-wide modules), this object should identify the containing entity with the lowest value of invPhysIndex. " ::= { invPhysEntry 4 } invPhysClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysicalClass MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity. An agent should set this object to the standard enumeration value which most accurately indicates the general class of the physical entity, or the primary class if there is more than one. If no appropriate standard registration identifier exists for this physical entity, then the value 'other(1)' is returned. If the value is unknown by this agent, then the value 'unknown(2)' is returned. " ::= { invPhysEntry 5 } invPhysParentRelPos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of the relative position of this 'child' component among all its 'sibling' components. Sibling components are defined as invPhysEntries which share the same instance values of each of the invPhysContainedIn and invPhysClass objects. An NMS can use this object to identify the relative ordering for all sibling components of a particular parent (identified by the invPhysContainedIn instance in each sibling entry). This value should match any external labeling of the physical component if possible. For example, for a container (e.g., card slot) labeled as 'slot #3', invPhysParentRelPos should have the value '3'. Note that the invPhysEntry for the module plugged in slot 3 should have an invPhysParentRelPos value of '1'. If the physical position of this component does not match any external numbering or clearly visible ordering, then user documentation or other external reference material should be used to determine the parent-relative position. If this is not possible, then the the agent should assign a consistent (but possibly arbitrary) ordering to a given set of 'sibling' components, perhaps based on internal representation of the components. If the agent cannot determine the parent-relative position for some reason, or if the associated value of invPhysContainedIn is '0', then the value '-1' is returned. Otherwise a non-negative integer is returned, indicating the parent-relative position of this physical entity. Parent-relative ordering normally starts from '1' and continues to 'N', where 'N' represents the highest positioned child entity. However, if the physical entities (e.g., slots) are labeled from a starting position of zero, then the first sibling should be associated with a invPhysParentRelPos value of '0'. Note that this ordering may be sparse or dense, depending on agent implementation. The actual values returned are not globally meaningful, as each 'parent' component may use different numbering algorithms. The ordering is only meaningful among siblings of the same parent component. The agent should retain parent-relative position values across reboots, either through algorithmic assignment or use of non-volatile storage. " ::= { invPhysEntry 6 } invPhysName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The textual name of the physical entity. The value of this object should be the name of the component as assigned by the local device and should be suitable for use in commands entered at the 'console' of the device. This might be a text name, such as 'console' or a simple component number (e.g., port or module number), such as '1', depending on the physical component naming syntax of the device. If there is no local name, or this object is otherwise not applicable, then this object contains a zero-length string. Note that the value of invPhysName for two physical entities will be the same in the event that the console interface does not distinguish between them, e.g., slot-1 and the card in slot-1. " ::= { invPhysEntry 7 } invPhysHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity. The preferred value is the hardware revision identifier actually printed on the component itself (if present). Note that if revision information is stored internally in a non-printable (e.g., binary) format, then the agent must convert such information to a printable format, in an implementation-specific manner. If no specific hardware revision string is associated with the physical component, or this information is unknown to the agent, then this object will contain a zero-length string. " ::= { invPhysEntry 8 } invPhysFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity. Note that if revision information is stored internally in a non-printable (e.g., binary) format, then the agent must convert such information to a printable format, in an implementation-specific manner. If no specific firmware programs are associated with the physical component, or this information is unknown to the agent, then this object will contain a zero-length string. " ::= { invPhysEntry 9 } invPhysProductDataRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor-specific product data revision string for the physical entity. Note that if revision information is stored internally in a non-printable (e.g., binary) format, then the agent must convert such information to a printable format, in an implementation-specific manner. If no specific software programs are associated with the physical component, or this information is unknown to the agent, then this object will contain a zero-length string. " ::= { invPhysEntry 10 } invPhysSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity. The preferred value is the serial number string actually printed on the component itself (if present). On the first instantiation of an physical entity, the value of invPhysSerialNum associated with that entity is set to the correct vendor-assigned serial number, if this information is available to the agent. If a serial number is unknown or non-existent, the invPhysSerialNum will be set to a zero-length string instead. " ::= { invPhysEntry 11 } invPhysMfgName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the manufacturer of this physical component. The preferred value is the manufacturer name string actually printed on the component itself (if present). If the manufacturer name string associated with the physical component is unknown to the agent, then this object will contain a zero-length string. " ::= { invPhysEntry 12 } invPhysModelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor-specific model name identifier string associated with this physical component. The preferred value is the customer-visible product/part number, which may be printed on the component itself. If the model name string associated with the physical component is unknown to the agent, then this object will contain a zero-length string. " ::= { invPhysEntry 13 } invPhysIsFRU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether or not this physical entity is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor. If this object contains the value 'true(1)' then this invPhysEntry identifies a field replaceable unit. For all invPhysEntries which represent components that are permanently contained within a field replaceable unit, the value 'false(2)' should be returned for this object. " ::= { invPhysEntry 14 } invPhysSoftwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity. If no specific software revision string is associated with the physical component, or this information is unknown to the agent, then this object will contain a zero-length string. " ::= { invPhysEntry 15 } invPhysSoftwareProduct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor-specific software part/product number string for the physical entity. If no specific software part/product number string is associated with the physical component, or this information is unknown to the agent, then this object will contain a zero-length string. " ::= { invPhysEntry 16 } invPhysClei OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) code for the product. The format is according to RFC 4152. " ::= { invPhysEntry 17 } invPhysAid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The access identifier (AID) of the equipment. The format is according to GR-833. " ::= { invPhysEntry 18 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- General group -- ---------------------------------------------------- invGeneralLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time the inventory list was last changed. " ::= { invGeneral 1 } invGeneralTestAndIncr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TestAndIncr MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protection against simultaneous access from multiple managers. See SNMPv2-TC. " ::= { invGeneral 2 } invGeneralMibSpecVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of the MIB specification. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { invGeneral 3 } invGeneralMibImplVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of the MIB implementation. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { invGeneral 4 } invGeneralConfigLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the configuration of the MIB was last changed. " ::= { invGeneral 5 } invGeneralPhysTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of rows available in the physical entities list. " ::= { invGeneral 6 } invGeneralEntityTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of rows available in the logical entity list. " ::= { invGeneral 7 } invGeneralRelationTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of rows available in the relation list. " ::= { invGeneral 8 } invGeneralInsRemTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of rows available in the insert and remove list. " ::= { invGeneral 9 } invGeneralInsRemLastSeqNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sequence number last used when creating a new entry in the insert remove log. " ::= { invGeneral 10 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Notifications -- ---------------------------------------------------- invNotifyPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumentisInvNotifications 0 } invNotificationPhysAdded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { invPhysIndex, invPhysDescr, invPhysVendorType, invPhysContainedIn, invPhysClass, invPhysParentRelPos, invPhysName, invPhysHardwareRev, invPhysFirmwareRev, invPhysProductDataRev, invPhysSerialNum, invPhysMfgName, invPhysModelName, invPhysIsFRU } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sent when a physical entity is added to the inventory. " ::= { invNotifyPrefix 1 } invNotificationPhysRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { invPhysIndex, invPhysDescr, invPhysVendorType, invPhysContainedIn, invPhysClass, invPhysParentRelPos, invPhysName, invPhysHardwareRev, invPhysFirmwareRev, invPhysProductDataRev, invPhysSerialNum, invPhysMfgName, invPhysModelName, invPhysIsFRU } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sent when a physical entity is removed from the inventory. " ::= { invNotifyPrefix 2 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Object model group -- ---------------------------------------------------- invEntityTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF InvEntityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entity table." ::= { invEntities 1 } invEntityEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InvEntityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the entity table. " INDEX { invEntityIndex } ::= { invEntityTable 1 } InvEntityEntry ::= SEQUENCE { invEntityIndex Unsigned32, invEntityName MgmtNameString, invEntityObject RowPointer, invEntityClass EntityClass } invEntityIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index assigned to each entry. " ::= { invEntityEntry 1 } invEntityName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the object this entry is related to. " ::= { invEntityEntry 2 } invEntityObject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pointer to the object related to this entry. " ::= { invEntityEntry 3 } invEntityClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EntityClass MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of entity. " ::= { invEntityEntry 4 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Object relation group -- ---------------------------------------------------- invRelationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF InvRelationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Relation table." ::= { invRelations 1 } invRelationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InvRelationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the relation table. " INDEX { invRelationIndex } ::= { invRelationTable 1 } InvRelationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { invRelationIndex Unsigned32, invRelationEntityIndex1 Unsigned32, invRelationEntityName1 MgmtNameString, invRelationType INTEGER, invRelationEntityIndex2 Unsigned32, invRelationEntityName2 MgmtNameString } invRelationIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index assigned to each entry. " ::= { invRelationEntry 1 } invRelationEntityIndex1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index in to the entity table. " ::= { invRelationEntry 2 } invRelationEntityName1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index in to the entity table. " ::= { invRelationEntry 3 } invRelationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined (0), containedIn (1), dependsOn (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates how entity 2 is related to entity 1. containedIn - Physical containment. Entity 2 is physically contained within entity 1. dependsOn - The correct function of entity 2 depends on the function of entity 1. " ::= { invRelationEntry 4 } invRelationEntityIndex2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index in to the entity table. " ::= { invRelationEntry 5 } invRelationEntityName2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the object. " ::= { invRelationEntry 6 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Insert/remove log group -- ---------------------------------------------------- invInsRemTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF InvInsRemEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains one row per insert or remove event of any physical entity." ::= { invInsRemLog 1 } invInsRemEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InvInsRemEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular insert or remove entry. " INDEX { invInsRemIndex } ::= { invInsRemTable 1 } InvInsRemEntry ::= SEQUENCE { invInsRemIndex Unsigned32, invInsRemName MgmtNameString, invInsRemEvent InsRemEventType, invInsRemTimestamp DateAndTime, invInsRemEquipmentType PhysicalClass, invInsRemPhysicalLocation DisplayString, invInsRemClei DisplayString, invInsRemSerialNumber DisplayString, invInsRemPartNumber DisplayString, invInsRemSeqNumber Counter32 } invInsRemIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index for this entry. " ::= { invInsRemEntry 1 } invInsRemName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the object this entry is related to. " ::= { invInsRemEntry 2 } invInsRemEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InsRemEventType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of event. " ::= { invInsRemEntry 3 } invInsRemTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the event occurred. " ::= { invInsRemEntry 4 } invInsRemEquipmentType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysicalClass MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Part Number of the product. " ::= { invInsRemEntry 5 } invInsRemPhysicalLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The physical location of the product. " ::= { invInsRemEntry 6 } invInsRemClei OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) code for the product. " ::= { invInsRemEntry 7 } invInsRemSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The serial number string for the physical entity. " ::= { invInsRemEntry 8 } invInsRemPartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Part Number of the product. " ::= { invInsRemEntry 9 } invInsRemSeqNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last sequence number used when this event occurred. " ::= { invInsRemEntry 10 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Object and event groups -- ---------------------------------------------------- invPhysGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { invPhysIndex, invPhysDescr, invPhysVendorType, invPhysContainedIn, invPhysClass, invPhysParentRelPos, invPhysName, invPhysHardwareRev, invPhysFirmwareRev, invPhysProductDataRev, invPhysSerialNum, invPhysMfgName, invPhysModelName, invPhysIsFRU } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The physical inventory objects." ::= { lumInventoryGroups 1 } invGeneralGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { invGeneralLastChangeTime, invGeneralMibSpecVersion, invGeneralMibImplVersion, invGeneralTestAndIncr } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The physical inventory objects." ::= { lumInventoryGroups 2 } invEventGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { invNotificationPhysAdded, invNotificationPhysRemoved } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inventory notifications." ::= { lumInventoryGroups 3 } invGeneralGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { invGeneralLastChangeTime } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The physical inventory objects." ::= { lumInventoryGroups 4 } invPhysGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { invPhysIndex, invPhysDescr, invPhysVendorType, invPhysContainedIn, invPhysClass, invPhysParentRelPos, invPhysName, invPhysHardwareRev, invPhysFirmwareRev, invPhysProductDataRev, invPhysSerialNum, invPhysMfgName, invPhysModelName, invPhysIsFRU, invPhysSoftwareRev } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The physical inventory objects V2." ::= { lumInventoryGroups 5 } invPhysGroupV3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { invPhysIndex, invPhysDescr, invPhysVendorType, invPhysContainedIn, invPhysClass, invPhysParentRelPos, invPhysName, invPhysHardwareRev, invPhysFirmwareRev, invPhysProductDataRev, invPhysSerialNum, invPhysMfgName, invPhysModelName, invPhysIsFRU, invPhysSoftwareRev, invPhysSoftwareProduct } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The physical inventory objects V3." ::= { lumInventoryGroups 6 } invEntityGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { invEntityIndex, invEntityName, invEntityObject, invEntityClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entity objects V1." ::= { lumInventoryGroups 7 } invRelationGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { invRelationIndex, invRelationEntityIndex1, invRelationEntityName1, invRelationType, invRelationEntityIndex2, invRelationEntityName2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The relation objects V1." ::= { lumInventoryGroups 8 } invGeneralGroupV3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { invGeneralLastChangeTime, invGeneralConfigLastChangeTime} STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The physical inventory objects." ::= { lumInventoryGroups 9 } invGeneralGroupV4 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { invGeneralLastChangeTime, invGeneralConfigLastChangeTime, invGeneralPhysTableSize, invGeneralEntityTableSize, invGeneralRelationTableSize} STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The physical inventory objects v4." ::= { lumInventoryGroups 10 } invPhysGroupV4 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { invPhysIndex, invPhysDescr, invPhysContainedIn, invPhysClass, invPhysParentRelPos, invPhysName, invPhysHardwareRev, invPhysFirmwareRev, invPhysProductDataRev, invPhysSerialNum, invPhysMfgName, invPhysModelName, invPhysIsFRU, invPhysSoftwareRev, invPhysSoftwareProduct } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The physical inventory objects V4 (release R23.1)." ::= { lumInventoryGroups 11 } invPhysGroupV5 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { invPhysIndex, invPhysDescr, invPhysContainedIn, invPhysClass, invPhysParentRelPos, invPhysName, invPhysHardwareRev, invPhysFirmwareRev, invPhysProductDataRev, invPhysSerialNum, invPhysMfgName, invPhysModelName, invPhysIsFRU, invPhysSoftwareRev, invPhysSoftwareProduct, invPhysClei, invPhysAid } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The physical inventory objects V5 (release R28)." ::= { lumInventoryGroups 12 } invInsRemGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { invInsRemIndex, invInsRemName, invInsRemEvent, invInsRemTimestamp, invInsRemEquipmentType, invInsRemPhysicalLocation, invInsRemClei, invInsRemSerialNumber, invInsRemPartNumber, invInsRemSeqNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The insert remove events objects V1 (release R28)." ::= { lumInventoryGroups 13 } invGeneralGroupV5 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { invGeneralLastChangeTime, invGeneralConfigLastChangeTime, invGeneralPhysTableSize, invGeneralEntityTableSize, invGeneralRelationTableSize, invGeneralInsRemTableSize, invGeneralInsRemLastSeqNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The physical inventory objects V5 (release R28)." ::= { lumInventoryGroups 14 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Compliance -- ---------------------------------------------------- lumInventoryBasicComplV1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the inventory MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { invPhysGroup, invGeneralGroup, invEventGroup } ::= { lumInventoryCompl 1 } lumInventoryBasicComplV2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the inventory MIB v2." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { invGeneralGroupV2, invPhysGroup, invEventGroup } ::= { lumInventoryCompl 2 } lumInventoryBasicComplV3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the inventory MIB v3." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { invGeneralGroupV2, invPhysGroupV2, invEventGroup } ::= { lumInventoryCompl 3 } lumInventoryBasicComplV4 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the inventory MIB v4." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { invGeneralGroupV2, invPhysGroupV3, invEventGroup } ::= { lumInventoryCompl 4 } lumInventoryBasicComplV5 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the inventory MIB v5." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { invGeneralGroupV2, invPhysGroupV3, invEventGroup, invEntityGroup, invRelationGroup } ::= { lumInventoryCompl 5 } lumInventoryBasicComplV6 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the inventory MIB v6." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { invGeneralGroupV3, invPhysGroupV3, invEventGroup, invEntityGroup, invRelationGroup } ::= { lumInventoryCompl 6 } lumInventoryBasicComplV7 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the inventory MIB v7." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { invGeneralGroupV4, invPhysGroupV3, invEventGroup, invEntityGroup, invRelationGroup } ::= { lumInventoryCompl 7 } lumInventoryBasicComplV8 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the inventory MIB v8." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { invGeneralGroupV4, invPhysGroupV4, invEventGroup, invEntityGroup, invRelationGroup } ::= { lumInventoryCompl 8 } lumInventoryBasicComplV9 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the inventory MIB v9." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { invGeneralGroupV4, invPhysGroupV5, invEventGroup, invEntityGroup, invRelationGroup } ::= { lumInventoryCompl 9 } lumInventoryBasicComplV10 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the inventory MIB v10. (R28.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { invGeneralGroupV5, invPhysGroupV5, invEventGroup, invEntityGroup, invRelationGroup, invInsRemGroup } ::= { lumInventoryCompl 10 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Minimal object and event groups -- ---------------------------------------------------- inventoryGeneralMinimalGroupV1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { invGeneralLastChangeTime, invGeneralConfigLastChangeTime, invGeneralPhysTableSize, invGeneralEntityTableSize, invGeneralRelationTableSize } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimal general inventory objects." ::= { lumInventoryMinimalGroups 1 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Minimal Compliance -- ---------------------------------------------------- lumInventoryMinimalComplV1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Minimal implementation requirements for the inventory MIB v1." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { inventoryGeneralMinimalGroupV1, invPhysGroupV3, invEntityGroup, invRelationGroup } ::= { lumInventoryMinimalCompl 1 } lumInventoryMinimalComplV2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Minimal implementation requirements for the inventory MIB v1." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { inventoryGeneralMinimalGroupV1, invPhysGroupV4, invEntityGroup, invRelationGroup } ::= { lumInventoryMinimalCompl 2 } lumInventoryMinimalComplV3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimal implementation requirements for the inventory MIB v2." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { inventoryGeneralMinimalGroupV1, invPhysGroupV5, invEntityGroup, invRelationGroup } ::= { lumInventoryMinimalCompl 3 } END