LUM-OA-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF DisplayString, DateAndTime, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC lumModules, lumOaMIB FROM LUM-REG FaultStatus, MgmtNameString, SubrackNumber, SlotNumber, PortNumber, LambdaFrequency, BoardOrInterfaceOperStatus, BoardOrInterfaceAdminStatus, CommandString, ObjectProperty FROM LUM-TC; lumOaMIBModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201906280000Z" -- June 28th 2019 ORGANIZATION "Infinera Corporation" CONTACT-INFO "" DESCRIPTION "The optical amplifier interface MIB. - General - Amplifier interfaces " REVISION "201906280000Z" -- June 28th 2019 DESCRIPTION "Changes for release r33.0: - laserForcedOn set to be persistent" REVISION "201706150000Z" -- June 15th 2017 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r29.0: - Changed ORGANIZATION and CONTACT-INFO" REVISION "201611300000Z" -- November 30th 2016 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r28: - Changes for Finisar ROADM: new alarms moduleWarmingUp and moduleFailure added (moduleFailure previously in roadmAddDropIf). - VCOM threshold is exceeded alarm removed." REVISION "201605300000Z" -- May 30th 2016 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r27: - Output power failed alarm added. - Default value of operStatus set to notPresent." REVISION "201405160000Z" -- May 16th 2014 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r23: - VCOM threshold is exceeded alarm added. - Firmware upgrade available alarm added. - Interface supports fetching monitor insertion loss added. " REVISION "201211010000Z" -- November 20th 2012 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r20: " REVISION "201203300000Z" -- March 30th 2012 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r19: - Voa SFP attributes added." REVISION "201112200000Z" -- December 20th 2011 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r18: - MDU16 features included." REVISION "201104270000Z" -- April 27th 2011 DESCRIPTION "Added new amplifiers." REVISION "200501270000Z" -- January 27th 2006 DESCRIPTION "Added TS-1100 specific alarms." REVISION "200209020000Z" -- September 2nd 2002 DESCRIPTION "The initial revision of this module." ::= { lumModules 20 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Conformance area, containing groups and complicance -- specifications. -- ---------------------------------------------------- lumOaConfs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumOaMIB 1 } lumOaGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumOaConfs 1 } lumOaCompl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumOaConfs 2 } lumOaMinimalGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumOaConfs 3 } lumOaMinimalCompl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumOaConfs 4 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Root for objects in the oa MIB -- ---------------------------------------------------- lumOaMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumOaMIB 2 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- This MIB contains the following groups: -- ---------------------------------------------------- oaGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumOaMIBObjects 1 } oaIfList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumOaMIBObjects 2 } lumentisOaNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumOaMIBObjects 3 } oaVoaIfList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumOaMIBObjects 4 } oaVoaClientIfList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumOaMIBObjects 5 } oaVoaLineIfList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumOaMIBObjects 6 } oaModuleList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumOaMIBObjects 7 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Textual Conventions -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- General group -- ---------------------------------------------------- oaGeneralLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the configuration of the MIB was last changed. " ::= { oaGeneral 1 } oaGeneralStateLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the state of the MIB was last changed. " ::= { oaGeneral 2 } oaGeneralOaIfTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of table " ::= { oaGeneral 3 } oaGeneralVoaIfTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of table " ::= { oaGeneral 4 } oaGeneralVoaClientIfTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of table " ::= { oaGeneral 5 } oaGeneralVoaLineIfTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of table " ::= { oaGeneral 6 } oaGeneralOaModuleTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of table " ::= { oaGeneral 7 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Optical amplifier interfaces -- ---------------------------------------------------- oaIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OaIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface list." ::= { oaIfList 1 } oaIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OaIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the interface list. " INDEX { oaIfIndex } ::= { oaIfTable 1 } OaIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { oaIfIndex Unsigned32, oaIfName MgmtNameString, oaIfDescr DisplayString, oaIfSubrack SubrackNumber, oaIfSlot SlotNumber, oaIfTxPort PortNumber, oaIfRxPort PortNumber, oaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero Unsigned32, oaIfAdminStatus BoardOrInterfaceAdminStatus, oaIfOperStatus BoardOrInterfaceOperStatus, oaIfLaserStatus INTEGER, oaIfAmplifierType INTEGER, oaIfWantedAbsolutePowerLevel Integer32, oaIfWantedRelativePowerLevel Integer32, oaIfWantedGain Integer32, oaIfFrequencyMin LambdaFrequency, oaIfFrequencyMax LambdaFrequency, oaIfNominalTxPower Integer32, oaIfTxPowerLevel Integer32, oaIfRxPowerLevel Integer32, oaIfRxPowerLevelLowThreshold Integer32, oaIfLaserBias Unsigned32, oaIfNominalLaserTemp Unsigned32, oaIfRelativeLaserTemp Integer32, oaIfLossOfSignalThreshold Integer32, oaIfLossOfSignal FaultStatus, oaIfPumpLaserTempHigh FaultStatus, oaIfRegulationProblemRxPowerHigh FaultStatus, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerHigh FaultStatus, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerLow FaultStatus, oaIfReceivedPowerLow FaultStatus, oaIfLaserBiasHigh FaultStatus, oaIfLaserTempControlFault FaultStatus, oaIfHwMissing FaultStatus, oaIfConfigurationCommand CommandString, oaIfPumpLaserTempLow FaultStatus, oaIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold Integer32, oaIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold Integer32, oaIfAmpTypeNotSupportedByHw FaultStatus, oaIfWantedSignalPowerLevel Integer32, oaIfObjectProperty ObjectProperty, oaIfLaserForcedOn INTEGER, oaIfActualLaserTemp Integer32, oaIfAutomaticPowerShutdown INTEGER, oaIfDisabled FaultStatus, oaIfWantedPowerLimit Integer32, oaIfModuleInfo DisplayString, oaIfMonitorInsertionLoss DisplayString, oaIfNumMonitorInsertionLoss Unsigned32, oaIfFunctionalType INTEGER, oaIfActualGain Integer32, oaIfSaturationFault FaultStatus, oaIfWantedGainTilt Integer32, oaIfTxPowerLevelLowThreshold Integer32, oaIfLaserPumpBias Unsigned32, oaIfCaseTempOutOfrange FaultStatus, oaIfLaserTempOutOfRange FaultStatus, oaIfSupportsReadMonitorInsertionLoss TruthValue, oaIfTxSignalStatus INTEGER, oaIfRxSignalStatus INTEGER, oaIfOutputPowerFail FaultStatus } oaIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index assigned to each entry. " ::= { oaIfEntry 1 } oaIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the interface, for example 'oa:1:2:1-2', where the first number indicates sub-rack, the second slot number and the third is the port number. Examples: oa:s:s:p - Optical amplifier interface " ::= { oaIfEntry 2 } oaIfDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User configurable label. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { oaIfEntry 3 } oaIfSubrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the subrack where the interface is located. " ::= { oaIfEntry 4 } oaIfSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the slot where the interface is located. " ::= { oaIfEntry 5 } oaIfTxPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the port where the TX-side of the interface is located. " ::= { oaIfEntry 6 } oaIfRxPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the port where the RX-side of the interface is located. " ::= { oaIfEntry 7 } oaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The row in the invPhysTable for this interface. Set to 0 if not known. " ::= { oaIfEntry 8 } oaIfAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BoardOrInterfaceAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state for the interface. down - The interface should be inactive. service - The interface is activated but alarms are suppressed. Intended for use during service or re-configuration. When service is concluded adminStatus should be set to 'up' again. up - The interface should be activated when it becomes available. Alarms are not suppressed. This attribute can be written via SNMP. " DEFVAL { up } ::= { oaIfEntry 9 } oaIfOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BoardOrInterfaceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for the interface. notPresent - The physical resources are not available. down - The interface is de-activated or the are faults preventing it from going to the 'up'-state. up - The interface is operational. " DEFVAL { notPresent } ::= { oaIfEntry 10 } oaIfLaserStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), on (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state of the laser. off - The laser is turned off. on - The laser is turned on. " ::= { oaIfEntry 11 } oaIfAmplifierType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pre25ad (1), pre25tm (2), pow10 (3), pre10ad (4), pre10tm (5), constantGain (6), constantSignalPower (7), constantPower (8), constantGainLI (9), constantGainHI (10) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of amplifier for this interface. preAmp25GAd - pre-amplifier for 2.5 G, add-drop preAmp25GTm - pre-amplifier for 2.5 G, terminal multiplexor powAmp10G - power amplifier for 10 G preAmp10GAd - pre-amplifier for 10 G, add-drop preAmp10GTm - pre-amplifier for 10 G, terminal multiplexor constantGain - used for pre-amps and other point-to-point links. Uses ASE compensation. => specify wantedGain constantGainLI - Default value. Works as constantGain but uses low input power mode. Please, refer to OA commissioning manual to decideoaIfRxSignalStatus which gain mode that should be used. constantGainHI - Works as constantGain but uses high input power mode. Please, refer to OA commissioning manual to decide which gain mode that should be used. constantSignalPower - used in combination with 2 channel add-drop filters. Uses ASE compensation. => specify wantedSignalPower constantPower - For test purposes No ASE compensation. => specify wantedAbsolutePower " ::= { oaIfEntry 12 } oaIfWantedAbsolutePowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..195) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For powAmp10G and constantPower, the user can give the wanted absolute power level in units of 0.1 dBm. For OA10 and OA17 in constantGain and constantSignalPower, this parameter shows the derived absolute power level. The value is calculated from the other given parameters. " DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { oaIfEntry 13 } oaIfWantedRelativePowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-60..60) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Wanted offset from production setting in units of 0.1 dBm. Applicable for preAmp25GAd and preAmp10GAd. Note that the output power level is dependent on the power of the input signal, so you might not always get the power that you want. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { oaIfEntry 14 } oaIfWantedGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (130..330) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signal gain setting in units of 0.1 dB. Applicable for preAmp25GTm, preAmp10GTm and constantGain/LI/HI. This attribute can be written via SNMP. " DEFVAL { 200 } ::= { oaIfEntry 15 } oaIfFrequencyMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LambdaFrequency MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lowest amplified freqency in hundreds of GHz (0.01 GHz). Supported range 19210 ... 19590 (c921 .. c959) " DEFVAL { ch921 } ::= { oaIfEntry 16 } oaIfFrequencyMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LambdaFrequency MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Highest amplified freqency in hundreds of GHz (0.01 GHz). Supported range 19210 ... 19590 (c921 .. c959) " DEFVAL { ch959 } ::= { oaIfEntry 17 } oaIfNominalTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The production setting for output power in units of 0.1 dBm. " ::= { oaIfEntry 18 } oaIfTxPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The transmitted power level in units of 0.1 dBm. " ::= { oaIfEntry 19 } oaIfRxPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The received power level in units of 0.1 dBm. " ::= { oaIfEntry 20 } oaIfRxPowerLevelLowThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-50..80) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower threshold for received power level relative to the loss of signal threshold, in units of 0.1 dB. " DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { oaIfEntry 21 } oaIfLaserBias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Measures laser bias current value in tenths of mA (0.1 mA). " ::= { oaIfEntry 22 } oaIfNominalLaserTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The pre-set laser temperature (0.1 deg C) " ::= { oaIfEntry 23 } oaIfRelativeLaserTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current offset from the pre-set temperature in units of 0.1 degrees centigrade. " ::= { oaIfEntry 24 } oaIfLossOfSignalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-560..80) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold for loss of signal. Note: Depending on the type of optical amplifier the value range may vary. " DEFVAL { -560 } ::= { oaIfEntry 25 } oaIfLossOfSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of signal. Applicable for all signal formats. A(ctivation): Active loss of signal HW indication. D(e-activation): Inactive loss of signal HW indication. " ::= { oaIfEntry 26 } oaIfPumpLaserTempHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pump laser temperature too high. A(ctivation): Temperature exceedes threshold. D(e-activation): Temperature below threshold again. " ::= { oaIfEntry 27 } oaIfRegulationProblemRxPowerHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The input power is above meassuring range. A: The received power level exceeds the associated threshold. D: The received power level is 0.5 dBm below the threshold. " ::= { oaIfEntry 28 } oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The output power is above meassuring range. A: The received power level exceeds the associated threshold. D: The received power level is 0.5 dBm below the threshold. " ::= { oaIfEntry 29 } oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The output power is below meassuring range. A: The transmitted power level below the associated threshold. D: The transmitted power level is 0.5 dBm above the threshold. " ::= { oaIfEntry 30 } oaIfReceivedPowerLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received power level low threshold exceeded. A: The received power level is below the associated threshold. D: The received power level is 0.5 dBm above the threshold. " ::= { oaIfEntry 31 } oaIfLaserBiasHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Laser bias high threshold exceeded. A: The laser bias current exceeds the associated threshold. D: The laser bias current is 0.5 mA below the associated threshold. " ::= { oaIfEntry 32 } oaIfLaserTempControlFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The pump laser temperature exceeds the associated threshold. A: The temperature exceeds the value. D: The temperature is below the value. " ::= { oaIfEntry 33 } oaIfHwMissing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The HW for this i/f is not present A: Wrong HW is inserted in subrack. D: Correct HW is inserted in subrack. " ::= { oaIfEntry 34 } oaIfConfigurationCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select which amplifier type to use. All modes are not applicable for all type of amplifier boards. constantGain: Amplifier will set output power according to the input power and the given gain constantSignalPower: Amplifier will set a constant output power with noise-compensation constantPower: Amplifier will set a constant output power independent of input power constantGainLI: Amplifier will work with constant gain in the low input power region (-35 to -5 dBm) constantGainHI: Amplifier will work with constant gain in the high input power region (-25 to +8 dBm) pow10: Power amplifier for 10G pre10ad: Pre-amplifier for 10G in add/drop config. pre25ad: Pre-amplifier for 2.5G in add/drop config. pre10tm: Pre-amplifier for 10G in TM configuration pre25tm: Pre-amplifier for 2.5G in TM configuration " ::= { oaIfEntry 35 } oaIfPumpLaserTempLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pump laser temperature too low. A(ctivation): Temperature exceedes threshold. D(e-activation): Temperature above threshold again. " ::= { oaIfEntry 36 } oaIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-100..150) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Threshold for the Laser Temp Low alarm, expressed as an offset from a pre-set nominal temperature, in units of 0.1 degrees centigrade. " DEFVAL { -30 } ::= { oaIfEntry 37 } oaIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-250..450) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Threshold for the Laser Temp High alarm, expressed as an offset from a pre-set nominal temperature, in units of 0.1 degrees centigrade. " DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { oaIfEntry 38 } oaIfAmpTypeNotSupportedByHw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The HW revision does not support the selected amplifier type. " ::= { oaIfEntry 39 } oaIfWantedSignalPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-150..-50) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Wanted offset from production setting in units of 0.1 dBm. Applicable for preAmp25GAd and preAmp10GAd. Note that the output power level is dependent on the power of the input signal, so you might not always get the power that you want. " DEFVAL { -100 } ::= { oaIfEntry 40 } oaIfObjectProperty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectProperty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Property mask. " ::= { oaIfEntry 41 } oaIfLaserForcedOn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When enabled, the laser control is on regardless of whether there is an input signal present or not. disabled - the laser control is activated first after input signal is detected enabled - the laser control is always on " DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { oaIfEntry 42 } oaIfActualLaserTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current laser temperature in units of 0.1 degrees centigrade. " ::= { oaIfEntry 43 } oaIfAutomaticPowerShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When enabled, the laser is turned off if the input signal to the other gain block is lost. disabled - the laser is NOT affected by the other gain block. enabled - the laser is turned off if the input to the other gain block is lost. " DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { oaIfEntry 44 } oaIfDisabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface is disabled. A: Interface disabled. D: Interface enabled. " ::= { oaIfEntry 45 } oaIfWantedPowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-70..195) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applicable for constantGainLI/HI. Sets the maximum allowed output power. This attribute can be written via SNMP. " DEFVAL { 167 } ::= { oaIfEntry 46 } oaIfModuleInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information (for example firmware and serial number) about the module. " ::= { oaIfEntry 47 } oaIfMonitorInsertionLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The insertion loss for the monitor port. When the real insertion loss is not possible to read from unit (older HW revsions), 20 (default) dB will be shown which is the normal value. " ::= { oaIfEntry 48 } oaIfNumMonitorInsertionLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the same parameter as Monitor Port Insertion Loss. The difference is that you will not see if the value can be read from the port or not (if not 20 dB will be shown). " ::= { oaIfEntry 49 } oaIfFunctionalType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined (1), preAmp (2), offLinePreAmp (3), lineAmp (4), booster (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The functional type of amplifier. This attribute is ONLY used by TNM and the traffic is not affected if changed. undefined - default preAmp - pre-amplifier. Receiving amplifier on a terminal node. offLinePreAmp - offline pre-amplifier. Receiving amplifier in a non-terminal node. Offline pre-amplifier amplifies dropped traffic, NOT line traffic. lineAmp - line amplifier. Amplifier situated between the terminal nodes, which amplifies passing line traffic and (if applicable) added traffic. booster - booster. The transmitting amplifier from a terminal node. " DEFVAL { undefined } ::= { oaIfEntry 50 } oaIfActualGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual measured gain in units of 0.1 dB. " ::= { oaIfEntry 51 } oaIfSaturationFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Saturation alarm threshold is passed. Actual Gain < (Wanted Gain -1 dB). The alarm can be cleared be cleared by reducing the wanted gain attribute. " ::= { oaIfEntry 52 } oaIfWantedGainTilt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-20..20) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Settable gain tilt for variable gain OA in units of 0.1 dB. Positive gain tilt is defined as gain increasing wavelength. Negative gain tilt is defined as gain decreasing wavelength. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { oaIfEntry 53 } oaIfTxPowerLevelLowThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..207) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower threshold for transmitted power level transmits to the loss of signal threshold, in units of 0.1 dB. " DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { oaIfEntry 54 } oaIfLaserPumpBias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Measures laser pump bias current in per cent (%) of max value. " ::= { oaIfEntry 55 } oaIfCaseTempOutOfrange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The module has shutdown automatically because of too high case temp (>85 degC) or too low case temp (-40 degC). A(ctivation): Case temperature exceedes pre-set temp range. D(e-activation): Case temperature within pre-set temp range again. " ::= { oaIfEntry 56 } oaIfLaserTempOutOfRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the module has shutdown automatically because of pump laser temp out of range (15-35 degC). A(ctivation): Laser temperature exceedes pre-set value. D(e-activation): Laser temperature below pre-set value again. " ::= { oaIfEntry 57 } oaIfSupportsReadMonitorInsertionLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value tells whether a OA interface has the ability to read the insertion loss value for the monitor port on an interface. true: Insertion loss can be read for this interface false: Insertion loss cannot be read for this interface " ::= { oaIfEntry 58 } oaIfTxSignalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), degraded (2), up (3), notApplicable (2147483647) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for outgoing (TX) signal of the interface. down - A fault that would lead to a protection switch has occurred. degraded - The signal quality is impaired. up - The signal is OK. notApplicable (2147483647) - Attribute is not used on board. " ::= { oaIfEntry 59 } oaIfRxSignalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), degraded (2), up (3), notApplicable (2147483647) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for incoming (RX) signal of the interface. down - A major fault has occurred degraded - The signal quality is impaired. up - The signal is OK. notApplicable (2147483647) - Attribute is not used on board " ::= { oaIfEntry 60 } oaIfOutputPowerFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output power failed alarm threshold is passed. Actual Gain < (Wanted Gain -1 dB) and Output Power < (Power Limit -1 dB). " ::= { oaIfEntry 61 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Variable Optical Attenuator interfaces -- ---------------------------------------------------- oaVoaIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OaVoaIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface list." ::= { oaVoaIfList 1 } oaVoaIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OaVoaIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the interface list. " INDEX { oaVoaIfIndex } ::= { oaVoaIfTable 1 } OaVoaIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { oaVoaIfIndex Unsigned32, oaVoaIfName MgmtNameString, oaVoaIfDescr DisplayString, oaVoaIfSubrack SubrackNumber, oaVoaIfSlot SlotNumber, oaVoaIfTxPort PortNumber, oaVoaIfRxPort PortNumber, oaVoaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero Unsigned32, oaVoaIfAdminStatus BoardOrInterfaceAdminStatus, oaVoaIfOperStatus BoardOrInterfaceOperStatus, oaVoaIfObjectProperty ObjectProperty, oaVoaIfControlMode INTEGER, oaVoaIfWantedOutputPower Integer32, oaVoaIfCurrentOutputPower Integer32, oaVoaIfRegulationRange Unsigned32, oaVoaIfWantedAttenuation Unsigned32, oaVoaIfCurrentAttenuation Unsigned32, oaVoaIfSamplePeriod Unsigned32, oaVoaIfOuputPowerControlFailure FaultStatus, oaVoaIfCurrentPowerOutOfRange FaultStatus, oaVoaIfConfigurationCommand CommandString, oaVoaIfInInstallationMode FaultStatus } oaVoaIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index assigned to each entry. " ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 1 } oaVoaIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the interface, for example 'voa:1:2:1'. " ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 2 } oaVoaIfDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User configurable label. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 3 } oaVoaIfSubrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the subrack where the interface is located. " ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 4 } oaVoaIfSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the slot where the interface is located. " ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 5 } oaVoaIfTxPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the port where the TX part of the interface is located. " ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 6 } oaVoaIfRxPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the port where the RX part of the interface is located. " ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 7 } oaVoaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The row in the invPhysTable for this interface. Set to 0 if not known. " ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 8 } oaVoaIfAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BoardOrInterfaceAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state for the interface. down - The interface should be inactive. service - The interface is activated but alarms are suppressed. Intended for use during service or re-configuration. When service is concluded adminStatus should be set to 'up' again. Note that there is no difference between 'up' and 'service', if no alarms can be rasied from this object. up - The interface should be activated when it becomes available. Alarms are not suppressed. This attribute can be written via SNMP. " ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 9 } oaVoaIfOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BoardOrInterfaceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for the interface. notPresent - The interface is not available. down - The interface is not used. up - The interface is active. " DEFVAL { notPresent } ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 10 } oaVoaIfObjectProperty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectProperty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Property mask. " ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 11 } oaVoaIfControlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { constPower (1), constAttenuation (2), constPowerAtInstallation (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The control mode of the VOA channel. constPower - regulate slowly towards a given output power. constAttenuation - set a fix attenuation constPowerAtInstallation - like constPower but allow faster changes (this mode is not released) " DEFVAL { constPower } ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 12 } oaVoaIfWantedOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-300..170) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wanted output power. Applicable for constPower. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 13 } oaVoaIfCurrentOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The actual output power. " ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 14 } oaVoaIfRegulationRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..200) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An offset below the wanted output power at which the 'Current Power Out Of Range' alarm shall be raised. When the current output power is so far below the wanted output power, the regulation stops and the alarm is raised. Applicable for constPower. " DEFVAL { 40 } ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 15 } oaVoaIfWantedAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..200) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wanted attenuation. voa8ch: applicable for constAttenuation voa2ch: always applicable This attribute can be written via SNMP. " DEFVAL { 200 } ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 16 } oaVoaIfCurrentAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current attenuation. Applicable for constPower. " ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 17 } oaVoaIfSamplePeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The approximate period between 2 consecutive measurements of the output power " ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 18 } oaVoaIfOuputPowerControlFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm raised when the wanted output power can not be obtained. That is, even if the attenuation is reduced to zero, the wanted power can not be obtained. " ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 19 } oaVoaIfCurrentPowerOutOfRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm raised when the current output power is outside the 'regulation range'. The regulation range is defined by Wanted Output Power +/- Regulation Range At this point, no regulation will be performed. The operator must change the wantedOutputPower. " ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 20 } oaVoaIfConfigurationCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select which control mode to use: constPower constAttenuation " ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 21 } oaVoaIfInInstallationMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm raised when the VOA is put in the mode constPowerAtInstallation. " ::= { oaVoaIfEntry 22 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Variable Optical Attenuator Client interfaces -- ---------------------------------------------------- oaVoaClientIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OaVoaClientIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface list." ::= { oaVoaClientIfList 1 } oaVoaClientIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OaVoaClientIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the interface list. " INDEX { oaVoaClientIfIndex } ::= { oaVoaClientIfTable 1 } OaVoaClientIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { oaVoaClientIfIndex Unsigned32, oaVoaClientIfName MgmtNameString, oaVoaClientIfDescr DisplayString, oaVoaClientIfSubrack SubrackNumber, oaVoaClientIfSlot SlotNumber, oaVoaClientIfTxPort PortNumber, oaVoaClientIfRxPort PortNumber, oaVoaClientIfInvPhysIndexOrZero Unsigned32, oaVoaClientIfAdminStatus BoardOrInterfaceAdminStatus, oaVoaClientIfOperStatus BoardOrInterfaceOperStatus, oaVoaClientIfObjectProperty ObjectProperty, oaVoaClientIfControlMode INTEGER, oaVoaClientIfWantedAttenuation Unsigned32, oaVoaClientIfCurrentAttenuation Unsigned32, oaVoaClientIfLambda LambdaFrequency, oaVoaClientIfAbsoluteAttenuation Unsigned32, oaVoaClientIfVoa2CurrentAttenuation Unsigned32, oaVoaClientIfDecreaseAttenuation Unsigned32, oaVoaClientIfIncreaseAttenuation Unsigned32, oaVoaClientIfInsertionLoss Unsigned32, oaVoaClientIfExpectedFrequency LambdaFrequency, oaVoaClientIfSfpMissing FaultStatus, oaVoaClientIfSfpClass DisplayString, oaVoaClientIfSfpTransmitterFailed FaultStatus, oaVoaClientIfSfpMediaMismatch FaultStatus, oaVoaClientIfLossOfSignal FaultStatus, oaVoaClientIfSfpCodeMismatch FaultStatus, oaVoaClientIfAttenuationConfigMismatch FaultStatus } oaVoaClientIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index assigned to each entry. " ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 1 } oaVoaClientIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the interface, for example 'voaClient:1:2:1' which indicates subrack 1, board 2 and port 1. " ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 2 } oaVoaClientIfDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User configurable label. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 3 } oaVoaClientIfSubrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the subrack where the interface is located. " ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 4 } oaVoaClientIfSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the slot where the interface is located. " ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 5 } oaVoaClientIfTxPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the port where the Tx part of the interface is located. " ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 6 } oaVoaClientIfRxPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the port where the Rx part of the interface is located. " ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 7 } oaVoaClientIfInvPhysIndexOrZero OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The row in the invPhysTable for this interface. Set to 0 if not known. " ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 8 } oaVoaClientIfAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BoardOrInterfaceAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state for the interface. down - The interface should be inactive. service - The interface is activated but alarms are suppressed. Intended for use during service or re-configuration. When service is concluded adminStatus should be set to 'up' again. up - The interface should be activated when it becomes available. Alarms are not suppressed. " DEFVAL { up } ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 9 } oaVoaClientIfOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BoardOrInterfaceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for the interface. notPresent - The interface is not available. down - The interface is not used. up - The interface is active. " DEFVAL { notPresent } ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 10 } oaVoaClientIfObjectProperty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectProperty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Property mask. " ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 11 } oaVoaClientIfControlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { constAttenuation (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The control mode of the VOA channel. constAttenuation - set a fix attenuation " DEFVAL { constAttenuation } ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 12 } oaVoaClientIfWantedAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..200|2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wanted attenuation. Applicable for constAttenuation This attribute can be written via SNMP if not set to 2147483647. " DEFVAL { 200 } ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 13 } oaVoaClientIfCurrentAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current attenuation. Applicable in case of MDU40 boards. " ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 14 } oaVoaClientIfLambda OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LambdaFrequency MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frequency given in hundreds of GHz (0.01 GHz). Set to 0 for transparent ports. " ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 15 } oaVoaClientIfAbsoluteAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..300) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wanted absolute attenuation including the insertion loss. This value can never be set below the upper limit of the insertion loss. VOA8CHSFP: The range is dependent on the inserted VOA SFP. This attribute can be written via SNMP. " DEFVAL { 200 } ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 16 } oaVoaClientIfVoa2CurrentAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..300) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value shows the current set absolute attenua- tion on VOA8ch-II and voa8chsfp. This value is usually the same value as the absolute attenuation except when a decrase or increase of attenuation is ongoing or when administrative status is set to down. " DEFVAL { 200 } ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 17 } oaVoaClientIfDecreaseAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..300) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wanted decrease of the current attenuation. This attribute can be written via SNMP. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 18 } oaVoaClientIfIncreaseAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..300) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wanted increase of the current attenuation. This attribute can be written via SNMP. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 19 } oaVoaClientIfInsertionLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..200) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The insertion loss for the port. The attenuation can never be set to a value below this value. " DEFVAL { 25 } ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 20 } oaVoaClientIfExpectedFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LambdaFrequency MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frequency given in hundreds of GHz (0.01 GHz). This value is only used for presentation purposes in name of port. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 21 } oaVoaClientIfSfpMissing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An expected VOA SFP is missing. A(ctivation): An expected SFP is missing. D(e-activation): The missing SFP is inserted. " ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 22 } oaVoaClientIfSfpClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "String that contains general information about the SFP. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 23 } oaVoaClientIfSfpTransmitterFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SFP has detected a failure in the transmitter part. A(ctivation): The transmitter has failed D(e-activation): The transmitter is OK again " ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 24 } oaVoaClientIfSfpMediaMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of the inserted SFP is not the expected one. A(ctivation): Invalid or mismatching SFP media is detected. D(e-activation): The correct SFP is used. " ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 25 } oaVoaClientIfLossOfSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of signal. A(ctivation): Active loss of signal HW indication. D(e-activation): Inactive loss of signal HW indication. " ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 26 } oaVoaClientIfSfpCodeMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inserted SFP does not have a legal manufacturer code. A(ctivation): A SFP with illegal code is inserted. D(e-activation): The SFP with illegal code is removed. " ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 27 } oaVoaClientIfAttenuationConfigMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wanted attenuation is not supported by the inserted SFP. " ::= { oaVoaClientIfEntry 28 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Variable Optical Attenuator Line interfaces -- ---------------------------------------------------- oaVoaLineIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OaVoaLineIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface list." ::= { oaVoaLineIfList 1 } oaVoaLineIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OaVoaLineIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the interface list. " INDEX { oaVoaLineIfIndex } ::= { oaVoaLineIfTable 1 } OaVoaLineIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { oaVoaLineIfIndex Unsigned32, oaVoaLineIfName MgmtNameString, oaVoaLineIfDescr DisplayString, oaVoaLineIfSubrack SubrackNumber, oaVoaLineIfSlot SlotNumber, oaVoaLineIfTxPort PortNumber, oaVoaLineIfRxPort PortNumber, oaVoaLineIfInvPhysIndexOrZero Unsigned32, oaVoaLineIfAdminStatus BoardOrInterfaceAdminStatus, oaVoaLineIfOperStatus BoardOrInterfaceOperStatus, oaVoaLineIfModuleFailure FaultStatus, oaVoaLineIfObjectProperty ObjectProperty } oaVoaLineIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index assigned to each entry. " ::= { oaVoaLineIfEntry 1 } oaVoaLineIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the interface, for example 'VoaLine:1:2:1-2', where the first number indicates sub-rack, the second slot number and the third is the port number. Examples: oaVoaLine:s:s:p - line interface " ::= { oaVoaLineIfEntry 2 } oaVoaLineIfDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User configurable label. This attribute can be written via SNMP. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { oaVoaLineIfEntry 3 } oaVoaLineIfSubrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the subrack where the interface is located. " ::= { oaVoaLineIfEntry 4 } oaVoaLineIfSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the slot where the interface is located. " ::= { oaVoaLineIfEntry 5 } oaVoaLineIfTxPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the port where the TX-side of the interface is located. " ::= { oaVoaLineIfEntry 6 } oaVoaLineIfRxPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the port where the RX-side of the interface is located. " ::= { oaVoaLineIfEntry 7 } oaVoaLineIfInvPhysIndexOrZero OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The row in the invPhysTable for this interface. Set to 0 if not known. " ::= { oaVoaLineIfEntry 8 } oaVoaLineIfAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BoardOrInterfaceAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state for the interface. down - The interface should be inactive. service - The interface is activated but alarms are suppressed. Intended for use during service or re-configuration. When service is concluded adminStatus should be set to 'up' again. up - The interface should be activated when it becomes available. Alarms are not suppressed. " DEFVAL { up } ::= { oaVoaLineIfEntry 9 } oaVoaLineIfOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BoardOrInterfaceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for the interface. notPresent - The interface is not available. down - The interface is not used. up - The interface is active. " DEFVAL { notPresent } ::= { oaVoaLineIfEntry 10 } oaVoaLineIfModuleFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The module HW has detected a failure. A: The module has failed D: The module is OK again " ::= { oaVoaLineIfEntry 11 } oaVoaLineIfObjectProperty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectProperty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Property mask. " ::= { oaVoaLineIfEntry 12 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Optical Module information -- ---------------------------------------------------- oaModuleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OaModuleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The module list." ::= { oaModuleList 1 } oaModuleEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OaModuleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the module list. " INDEX { oaModuleIndex } ::= { oaModuleTable 1 } OaModuleEntry ::= SEQUENCE { oaModuleIndex Unsigned32, oaModuleName MgmtNameString, oaModuleDescr DisplayString, oaModuleSubrack SubrackNumber, oaModuleSlot SlotNumber, oaModuleNumber PortNumber, oaModuleInvPhysIndexOrZero Unsigned32, oaModuleAdminStatus BoardOrInterfaceAdminStatus, oaModuleOperStatus BoardOrInterfaceOperStatus, oaModuleObjectProperty ObjectProperty, oaModuleNominalTemp Integer32, oaModuleRelativeTemp Integer32, oaModuleTempFailure FaultStatus, oaModuleTemperature Integer32, oaModuleCommunicationFailure FaultStatus, oaModuleModuleInfo DisplayString, oaModuleVcomThresholdExceeded FaultStatus, oaModuleFirmwareUpgradeAvailable FaultStatus, oaModuleWarmingUp FaultStatus, oaModuleFailure FaultStatus} oaModuleIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index assigned to each entry. " ::= { oaModuleEntry 1 } oaModuleName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the interface, for example 'module:1:2:1'. " ::= { oaModuleEntry 2 } oaModuleDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User configurable label. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { oaModuleEntry 3 } oaModuleSubrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the subrack where the module is located. " ::= { oaModuleEntry 4 } oaModuleSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the slot where the module is located. " ::= { oaModuleEntry 5 } oaModuleNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the module on the board. " ::= { oaModuleEntry 6 } oaModuleInvPhysIndexOrZero OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The row in the invPhysTable for this interface. Set to 0 if not known. " ::= { oaModuleEntry 7 } oaModuleAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BoardOrInterfaceAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state for the module. up - Alarms are not suppressed. service - Alarms from the module are suppressed. The module is still activated. down - Currently not used. " DEFVAL { up } ::= { oaModuleEntry 8 } oaModuleOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BoardOrInterfaceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for the module. notPresent - The module is not available. down - The module is not used. up - The module is active. " DEFVAL { notPresent } ::= { oaModuleEntry 9 } oaModuleObjectProperty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectProperty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Property mask. " ::= { oaModuleEntry 10 } oaModuleNominalTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The set temperature in units of 0.1 degrees centigrade. " ::= { oaModuleEntry 11 } oaModuleRelativeTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The relative temperature in units of 0.1 degrees centigrade. " ::= { oaModuleEntry 12 } oaModuleTempFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The module temperature is above/below expected one. A: The temperature is not correct. D: The temperature becomes correct. " ::= { oaModuleEntry 13 } oaModuleTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature of the module in 0.1 degrees centigrade " ::= { oaModuleEntry 14 } oaModuleCommunicationFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The communication with the module failed. A(ctivation): Failed to talk to the module D(e-activation): Could talk to the module again " ::= { oaModuleEntry 15 } oaModuleModuleInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information (for example firmware and serial number) about the module. " ::= { oaModuleEntry 16 } oaModuleVcomThresholdExceeded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The common voltage supply in the ROADM module has exceeded recommended threshold. Firmware upgrade is recommended to resolve this alarm. A(ctivation): The VCOM threshold is exceeded D(e-activation): The VCOM threshold is OK again " ::= { oaModuleEntry 17 } oaModuleFirmwareUpgradeAvailable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An upgrade is available for the ROADM module. See release notes for details on how to obtain and install the upgrade " ::= { oaModuleEntry 18 } oaModuleWarmingUp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ROADM module is warming up, the optics has not reached a stable temperature, all channels are blocked. A(ctivation): cold start of ROADM board D(e-activation): the warning is cleared as soon as the module has reached a stable temperature, this takes 3-8 minutes " ::= { oaModuleEntry 19 } oaModuleFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The module HW has detected a failure. A(ctivation): The module has failed D(e-activation): The module is OK again " ::= { oaModuleEntry 20 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Notifications -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- n/a -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Object and event groups -- ---------------------------------------------------- oaGeneralGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaGeneralLastChangeTime, oaGeneralStateLastChangeTime} STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The general objects." ::= { lumOaGroups 1 } oaIfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaIfIndex, oaIfName, oaIfDescr, oaIfSubrack, oaIfSlot, oaIfTxPort, oaIfRxPort, oaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaIfAdminStatus, oaIfOperStatus, oaIfLaserStatus, oaIfAmplifierType, oaIfWantedAbsolutePowerLevel, oaIfWantedRelativePowerLevel, oaIfWantedGain, oaIfFrequencyMin, oaIfFrequencyMax, oaIfNominalTxPower, oaIfTxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserBias, oaIfNominalLaserTemp, oaIfRelativeLaserTemp, oaIfLossOfSignalThreshold, oaIfLossOfSignal, oaIfPumpLaserTempHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemRxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerLow, oaIfReceivedPowerLow, oaIfLaserBiasHigh, oaIfLaserTempControlFault, oaIfHwMissing } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The oa interface objects." ::= { lumOaGroups 2 } oaIfGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaIfIndex, oaIfName, oaIfDescr, oaIfSubrack, oaIfSlot, oaIfTxPort, oaIfRxPort, oaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaIfAdminStatus, oaIfOperStatus, oaIfLaserStatus, oaIfAmplifierType, oaIfWantedAbsolutePowerLevel, oaIfWantedRelativePowerLevel, oaIfWantedGain, oaIfFrequencyMin, oaIfFrequencyMax, oaIfNominalTxPower, oaIfTxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserBias, oaIfNominalLaserTemp, oaIfRelativeLaserTemp, oaIfLossOfSignalThreshold, oaIfLossOfSignal, oaIfPumpLaserTempHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemRxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerLow, oaIfReceivedPowerLow, oaIfLaserBiasHigh, oaIfLaserTempControlFault } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The oa interface objects." ::= { lumOaGroups 3 } oaIfGroupV3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaIfIndex, oaIfName, oaIfDescr, oaIfSubrack, oaIfSlot, oaIfTxPort, oaIfRxPort, oaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaIfAdminStatus, oaIfOperStatus, oaIfLaserStatus, oaIfAmplifierType, oaIfWantedAbsolutePowerLevel, oaIfWantedRelativePowerLevel, oaIfWantedGain, oaIfFrequencyMin, oaIfFrequencyMax, oaIfNominalTxPower, oaIfTxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserBias, oaIfNominalLaserTemp, oaIfRelativeLaserTemp, oaIfLossOfSignalThreshold, oaIfLossOfSignal, oaIfPumpLaserTempHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemRxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerLow, oaIfReceivedPowerLow, oaIfLaserBiasHigh, oaIfLaserTempControlFault, oaIfConfigurationCommand, oaIfPumpLaserTempLow, oaIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, oaIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The oa interface objects." ::= { lumOaGroups 4 } oaGeneralGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaGeneralLastChangeTime, oaGeneralStateLastChangeTime, oaGeneralOaIfTableSize } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The general objects. (3.1)" ::= { lumOaGroups 5 } oaIfGroupV4 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaIfIndex, oaIfName, oaIfDescr, oaIfSubrack, oaIfSlot, oaIfTxPort, oaIfRxPort, oaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaIfAdminStatus, oaIfOperStatus, oaIfLaserStatus, oaIfAmplifierType, oaIfWantedAbsolutePowerLevel, oaIfWantedRelativePowerLevel, oaIfWantedGain, oaIfFrequencyMin, oaIfFrequencyMax, oaIfNominalTxPower, oaIfTxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserBias, oaIfNominalLaserTemp, oaIfRelativeLaserTemp, oaIfLossOfSignalThreshold, oaIfLossOfSignal, oaIfPumpLaserTempHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemRxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerLow, oaIfReceivedPowerLow, oaIfLaserBiasHigh, oaIfLaserTempControlFault, oaIfConfigurationCommand, oaIfPumpLaserTempLow, oaIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, oaIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, oaIfAmpTypeNotSupportedByHw, oaIfWantedSignalPowerLevel } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The oa interface objects. (3.2)" ::= { lumOaGroups 6 } oaIfGroupV5 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaIfIndex, oaIfName, oaIfDescr, oaIfSubrack, oaIfSlot, oaIfTxPort, oaIfRxPort, oaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaIfAdminStatus, oaIfOperStatus, oaIfLaserStatus, oaIfAmplifierType, oaIfWantedAbsolutePowerLevel, oaIfWantedRelativePowerLevel, oaIfWantedGain, oaIfFrequencyMin, oaIfFrequencyMax, oaIfNominalTxPower, oaIfTxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserBias, oaIfNominalLaserTemp, oaIfRelativeLaserTemp, oaIfLossOfSignalThreshold, oaIfLossOfSignal, oaIfPumpLaserTempHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemRxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerLow, oaIfReceivedPowerLow, oaIfLaserBiasHigh, oaIfLaserTempControlFault, oaIfConfigurationCommand, oaIfPumpLaserTempLow, oaIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, oaIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, oaIfAmpTypeNotSupportedByHw, oaIfWantedSignalPowerLevel, oaIfObjectProperty, oaIfLaserForcedOn, oaIfActualLaserTemp, oaIfAutomaticPowerShutdown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The oa interface objects. (4.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 7 } oaIfGroupV6 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaIfIndex, oaIfName, oaIfDescr, oaIfSubrack, oaIfSlot, oaIfTxPort, oaIfRxPort, oaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaIfAdminStatus, oaIfOperStatus, oaIfLaserStatus, oaIfAmplifierType, oaIfWantedAbsolutePowerLevel, oaIfWantedRelativePowerLevel, oaIfWantedGain, oaIfFrequencyMin, oaIfFrequencyMax, oaIfNominalTxPower, oaIfTxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserBias, oaIfNominalLaserTemp, oaIfRelativeLaserTemp, oaIfLossOfSignalThreshold, oaIfLossOfSignal, oaIfPumpLaserTempHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemRxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerLow, oaIfReceivedPowerLow, oaIfLaserBiasHigh, oaIfLaserTempControlFault, oaIfConfigurationCommand, oaIfPumpLaserTempLow, oaIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, oaIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, oaIfAmpTypeNotSupportedByHw, oaIfWantedSignalPowerLevel, oaIfObjectProperty, oaIfLaserForcedOn, oaIfActualLaserTemp, oaIfAutomaticPowerShutdown, oaIfDisabled } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The oa interface objects. (5.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 8 } oaVoaIfGroupV1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaVoaIfIndex, oaVoaIfName, oaVoaIfDescr, oaVoaIfSubrack, oaVoaIfSlot, oaVoaIfTxPort, oaVoaIfRxPort, oaVoaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaVoaIfAdminStatus, oaVoaIfOperStatus, oaVoaIfObjectProperty, oaVoaIfControlMode, oaVoaIfWantedOutputPower, oaVoaIfCurrentOutputPower, oaVoaIfRegulationRange, oaVoaIfWantedAttenuation, oaVoaIfCurrentAttenuation, oaVoaIfSamplePeriod, oaVoaIfOuputPowerControlFailure, oaVoaIfCurrentPowerOutOfRange, oaVoaIfConfigurationCommand, oaVoaIfInInstallationMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The voa interface objects. (5.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 9 } oaIfGroupV7 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaIfIndex, oaIfName, oaIfDescr, oaIfSubrack, oaIfSlot, oaIfTxPort, oaIfRxPort, oaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaIfAdminStatus, oaIfOperStatus, oaIfLaserStatus, oaIfAmplifierType, oaIfWantedAbsolutePowerLevel, oaIfWantedRelativePowerLevel, oaIfWantedGain, oaIfFrequencyMin, oaIfFrequencyMax, oaIfNominalTxPower, oaIfTxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserBias, oaIfNominalLaserTemp, oaIfRelativeLaserTemp, oaIfLossOfSignalThreshold, oaIfLossOfSignal, oaIfPumpLaserTempHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemRxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerLow, oaIfReceivedPowerLow, oaIfLaserBiasHigh, oaIfLaserTempControlFault, oaIfConfigurationCommand, oaIfPumpLaserTempLow, oaIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, oaIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, oaIfAmpTypeNotSupportedByHw, oaIfWantedSignalPowerLevel, oaIfObjectProperty, oaIfLaserForcedOn, oaIfActualLaserTemp, oaIfAutomaticPowerShutdown, oaIfDisabled, oaIfWantedPowerLimit } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The oa interface objects. (6.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 10 } oaIfGroupV8 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaIfIndex, oaIfName, oaIfDescr, oaIfSubrack, oaIfSlot, oaIfTxPort, oaIfRxPort, oaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaIfAdminStatus, oaIfOperStatus, oaIfLaserStatus, oaIfAmplifierType, oaIfWantedAbsolutePowerLevel, oaIfWantedRelativePowerLevel, oaIfWantedGain, oaIfFrequencyMin, oaIfFrequencyMax, oaIfNominalTxPower, oaIfTxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserBias, oaIfNominalLaserTemp, oaIfRelativeLaserTemp, oaIfLossOfSignalThreshold, oaIfLossOfSignal, oaIfPumpLaserTempHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemRxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerLow, oaIfReceivedPowerLow, oaIfLaserBiasHigh, oaIfLaserTempControlFault, oaIfConfigurationCommand, oaIfPumpLaserTempLow, oaIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, oaIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, oaIfAmpTypeNotSupportedByHw, oaIfWantedSignalPowerLevel, oaIfObjectProperty, oaIfLaserForcedOn, oaIfActualLaserTemp, oaIfAutomaticPowerShutdown, oaIfDisabled, oaIfWantedPowerLimit, oaIfModuleInfo } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The oa interface objects. (10.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 11 } oaVoaClientIfGroupV1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaVoaClientIfIndex, oaVoaClientIfName, oaVoaClientIfDescr, oaVoaClientIfSubrack, oaVoaClientIfSlot, oaVoaClientIfTxPort, oaVoaClientIfRxPort, oaVoaClientIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaVoaClientIfAdminStatus, oaVoaClientIfOperStatus, oaVoaClientIfObjectProperty, oaVoaClientIfControlMode, oaVoaClientIfWantedAttenuation, oaVoaClientIfCurrentAttenuation, oaVoaClientIfLambda } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The voa client interface objects. (10.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 12 } oaVoaLineIfGroupV1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaVoaLineIfIndex, oaVoaLineIfName, oaVoaLineIfDescr, oaVoaLineIfSubrack, oaVoaLineIfSlot, oaVoaLineIfTxPort, oaVoaLineIfRxPort, oaVoaLineIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaVoaLineIfAdminStatus, oaVoaLineIfOperStatus, oaVoaLineIfModuleFailure, oaVoaLineIfObjectProperty } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The voa line interface objects. (10.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 13 } oaGeneralGroupV3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaGeneralLastChangeTime, oaGeneralStateLastChangeTime, oaGeneralOaIfTableSize, oaGeneralVoaIfTableSize, oaGeneralVoaClientIfTableSize, oaGeneralVoaLineIfTableSize } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The general objects. (10.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 14 } oaVoaClientIfGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaVoaClientIfIndex, oaVoaClientIfName, oaVoaClientIfDescr, oaVoaClientIfSubrack, oaVoaClientIfSlot, oaVoaClientIfTxPort, oaVoaClientIfRxPort, oaVoaClientIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaVoaClientIfAdminStatus, oaVoaClientIfOperStatus, oaVoaClientIfObjectProperty, oaVoaClientIfControlMode, oaVoaClientIfWantedAttenuation, oaVoaClientIfCurrentAttenuation, oaVoaClientIfLambda, oaVoaClientIfAbsoluteAttenuation, oaVoaClientIfVoa2CurrentAttenuation, oaVoaClientIfDecreaseAttenuation, oaVoaClientIfIncreaseAttenuation, oaVoaClientIfInsertionLoss, oaVoaClientIfExpectedFrequency } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The voa client interface objects. (11.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 15 } oaModuleGroupV1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaModuleIndex, oaModuleName, oaModuleDescr, oaModuleSubrack, oaModuleSlot, oaModuleNumber, oaModuleInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaModuleAdminStatus, oaModuleOperStatus, oaModuleObjectProperty, oaModuleNominalTemp, oaModuleRelativeTemp, oaModuleTempFailure } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The module objects. (11.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 16 } oaGeneralGroupV4 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaGeneralLastChangeTime, oaGeneralStateLastChangeTime, oaGeneralOaIfTableSize, oaGeneralVoaIfTableSize, oaGeneralVoaClientIfTableSize, oaGeneralVoaLineIfTableSize, oaGeneralOaModuleTableSize } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The general objects. (11.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 17 } oaIfGroupV9 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaIfIndex, oaIfName, oaIfDescr, oaIfSubrack, oaIfSlot, oaIfTxPort, oaIfRxPort, oaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaIfAdminStatus, oaIfOperStatus, oaIfLaserStatus, oaIfAmplifierType, oaIfWantedAbsolutePowerLevel, oaIfWantedRelativePowerLevel, oaIfWantedGain, oaIfFrequencyMin, oaIfFrequencyMax, oaIfNominalTxPower, oaIfTxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserBias, oaIfNominalLaserTemp, oaIfRelativeLaserTemp, oaIfLossOfSignalThreshold, oaIfLossOfSignal, oaIfPumpLaserTempHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemRxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerLow, oaIfReceivedPowerLow, oaIfLaserBiasHigh, oaIfLaserTempControlFault, oaIfConfigurationCommand, oaIfPumpLaserTempLow, oaIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, oaIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, oaIfAmpTypeNotSupportedByHw, oaIfWantedSignalPowerLevel, oaIfObjectProperty, oaIfLaserForcedOn, oaIfActualLaserTemp, oaIfAutomaticPowerShutdown, oaIfDisabled, oaIfWantedPowerLimit, oaIfModuleInfo, oaIfMonitorInsertionLoss, oaIfNumMonitorInsertionLoss, oaIfFunctionalType } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The oa interface objects. (11.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 18 } oaModuleGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaModuleIndex, oaModuleName, oaModuleDescr, oaModuleSubrack, oaModuleSlot, oaModuleNumber, oaModuleInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaModuleAdminStatus, oaModuleOperStatus, oaModuleObjectProperty, oaModuleNominalTemp, oaModuleRelativeTemp, oaModuleTempFailure, oaModuleTemperature, oaModuleCommunicationFailure, oaModuleModuleInfo } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The module objects. (12.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 19 } oaModuleGroupV3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaModuleIndex, oaModuleName, oaModuleDescr, oaModuleSubrack, oaModuleSlot, oaModuleNumber, oaModuleInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaModuleAdminStatus, oaModuleOperStatus, oaModuleObjectProperty, oaModuleNominalTemp, oaModuleRelativeTemp, oaModuleTempFailure, oaModuleTemperature, oaModuleCommunicationFailure, oaModuleModuleInfo, oaModuleVcomThresholdExceeded, oaModuleFirmwareUpgradeAvailable } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The module objects. (23.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 24 } oaIfGroupV10 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaIfIndex, oaIfName, oaIfDescr, oaIfSubrack, oaIfSlot, oaIfTxPort, oaIfRxPort, oaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaIfAdminStatus, oaIfOperStatus, oaIfLaserStatus, oaIfAmplifierType, oaIfWantedAbsolutePowerLevel, oaIfWantedRelativePowerLevel, oaIfWantedGain, oaIfFrequencyMin, oaIfFrequencyMax, oaIfNominalTxPower, oaIfTxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserBias, oaIfNominalLaserTemp, oaIfRelativeLaserTemp, oaIfLossOfSignalThreshold, oaIfLossOfSignal, oaIfPumpLaserTempHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemRxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerLow, oaIfReceivedPowerLow, oaIfLaserBiasHigh, oaIfLaserTempControlFault, oaIfConfigurationCommand, oaIfPumpLaserTempLow, oaIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, oaIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, oaIfAmpTypeNotSupportedByHw, oaIfWantedSignalPowerLevel, oaIfObjectProperty, oaIfLaserForcedOn, oaIfActualLaserTemp, oaIfAutomaticPowerShutdown, oaIfDisabled, oaIfWantedPowerLimit, oaIfModuleInfo, oaIfMonitorInsertionLoss, oaIfNumMonitorInsertionLoss, oaIfFunctionalType, oaIfActualGain, oaIfSaturationFault } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The oa interface objects. (15.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 20 } oaIfGroupV11 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaIfIndex, oaIfName, oaIfDescr, oaIfSubrack, oaIfSlot, oaIfTxPort, oaIfRxPort, oaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaIfAdminStatus, oaIfOperStatus, oaIfLaserStatus, oaIfAmplifierType, oaIfWantedAbsolutePowerLevel, oaIfWantedRelativePowerLevel, oaIfWantedGain, oaIfFrequencyMin, oaIfFrequencyMax, oaIfNominalTxPower, oaIfTxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserBias, oaIfNominalLaserTemp, oaIfRelativeLaserTemp, oaIfLossOfSignalThreshold, oaIfLossOfSignal, oaIfPumpLaserTempHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemRxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerLow, oaIfReceivedPowerLow, oaIfLaserBiasHigh, oaIfLaserTempControlFault, oaIfConfigurationCommand, oaIfPumpLaserTempLow, oaIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, oaIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, oaIfAmpTypeNotSupportedByHw, oaIfWantedSignalPowerLevel, oaIfObjectProperty, oaIfLaserForcedOn, oaIfActualLaserTemp, oaIfAutomaticPowerShutdown, oaIfDisabled, oaIfWantedPowerLimit, oaIfModuleInfo, oaIfMonitorInsertionLoss, oaIfNumMonitorInsertionLoss, oaIfFunctionalType, oaIfActualGain, oaIfSaturationFault, oaIfWantedGainTilt } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The oa interface objects. (17.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 21 } oaVoaClientIfGroupV3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaVoaClientIfIndex, oaVoaClientIfName, oaVoaClientIfDescr, oaVoaClientIfSubrack, oaVoaClientIfSlot, oaVoaClientIfTxPort, oaVoaClientIfRxPort, oaVoaClientIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaVoaClientIfAdminStatus, oaVoaClientIfOperStatus, oaVoaClientIfObjectProperty, oaVoaClientIfControlMode, oaVoaClientIfWantedAttenuation, oaVoaClientIfCurrentAttenuation, oaVoaClientIfLambda, oaVoaClientIfAbsoluteAttenuation, oaVoaClientIfVoa2CurrentAttenuation, oaVoaClientIfDecreaseAttenuation, oaVoaClientIfIncreaseAttenuation, oaVoaClientIfInsertionLoss, oaVoaClientIfExpectedFrequency, oaVoaClientIfSfpMissing, oaVoaClientIfSfpClass, oaVoaClientIfSfpTransmitterFailed, oaVoaClientIfSfpMediaMismatch, oaVoaClientIfLossOfSignal, oaVoaClientIfSfpCodeMismatch, oaVoaClientIfAttenuationConfigMismatch } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The voa client interface objects. (19.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 22 } oaIfGroupV12 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaIfIndex, oaIfName, oaIfDescr, oaIfSubrack, oaIfSlot, oaIfTxPort, oaIfRxPort, oaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaIfAdminStatus, oaIfOperStatus, oaIfLaserStatus, oaIfAmplifierType, oaIfWantedAbsolutePowerLevel, oaIfWantedRelativePowerLevel, oaIfWantedGain, oaIfFrequencyMin, oaIfFrequencyMax, oaIfNominalTxPower, oaIfTxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserBias, oaIfNominalLaserTemp, oaIfRelativeLaserTemp, oaIfLossOfSignalThreshold, oaIfLossOfSignal, oaIfPumpLaserTempHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemRxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerLow, oaIfReceivedPowerLow, oaIfLaserBiasHigh, oaIfLaserTempControlFault, oaIfConfigurationCommand, oaIfPumpLaserTempLow, oaIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, oaIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, oaIfAmpTypeNotSupportedByHw, oaIfWantedSignalPowerLevel, oaIfObjectProperty, oaIfLaserForcedOn, oaIfActualLaserTemp, oaIfAutomaticPowerShutdown, oaIfDisabled, oaIfWantedPowerLimit, oaIfModuleInfo, oaIfMonitorInsertionLoss, oaIfNumMonitorInsertionLoss, oaIfFunctionalType, oaIfActualGain, oaIfSaturationFault, oaIfWantedGainTilt, oaIfTxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserPumpBias, oaIfCaseTempOutOfrange, oaIfLaserTempOutOfRange } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The oa interface objects. (20.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 23 } oaIfGroupV13 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaIfIndex, oaIfName, oaIfDescr, oaIfSubrack, oaIfSlot, oaIfTxPort, oaIfRxPort, oaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaIfAdminStatus, oaIfOperStatus, oaIfLaserStatus, oaIfAmplifierType, oaIfWantedAbsolutePowerLevel, oaIfWantedRelativePowerLevel, oaIfWantedGain, oaIfFrequencyMin, oaIfFrequencyMax, oaIfNominalTxPower, oaIfTxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserBias, oaIfNominalLaserTemp, oaIfRelativeLaserTemp, oaIfLossOfSignalThreshold, oaIfLossOfSignal, oaIfPumpLaserTempHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemRxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerLow, oaIfReceivedPowerLow, oaIfLaserBiasHigh, oaIfLaserTempControlFault, oaIfConfigurationCommand, oaIfPumpLaserTempLow, oaIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, oaIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, oaIfAmpTypeNotSupportedByHw, oaIfWantedSignalPowerLevel, oaIfObjectProperty, oaIfLaserForcedOn, oaIfActualLaserTemp, oaIfAutomaticPowerShutdown, oaIfDisabled, oaIfWantedPowerLimit, oaIfModuleInfo, oaIfMonitorInsertionLoss, oaIfNumMonitorInsertionLoss, oaIfFunctionalType, oaIfActualGain, oaIfSaturationFault, oaIfWantedGainTilt, oaIfTxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserPumpBias, oaIfCaseTempOutOfrange, oaIfLaserTempOutOfRange, oaIfSupportsReadMonitorInsertionLoss } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The oa interface objects. (23.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 25 } oaIfGroupV14 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaIfIndex, oaIfName, oaIfDescr, oaIfSubrack, oaIfSlot, oaIfTxPort, oaIfRxPort, oaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaIfAdminStatus, oaIfOperStatus, oaIfLaserStatus, oaIfAmplifierType, oaIfWantedAbsolutePowerLevel, oaIfWantedRelativePowerLevel, oaIfWantedGain, oaIfFrequencyMin, oaIfFrequencyMax, oaIfNominalTxPower, oaIfTxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserBias, oaIfNominalLaserTemp, oaIfRelativeLaserTemp, oaIfLossOfSignalThreshold, oaIfLossOfSignal, oaIfPumpLaserTempHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemRxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerLow, oaIfReceivedPowerLow, oaIfLaserBiasHigh, oaIfLaserTempControlFault, oaIfConfigurationCommand, oaIfPumpLaserTempLow, oaIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, oaIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, oaIfAmpTypeNotSupportedByHw, oaIfWantedSignalPowerLevel, oaIfObjectProperty, oaIfLaserForcedOn, oaIfActualLaserTemp, oaIfAutomaticPowerShutdown, oaIfDisabled, oaIfWantedPowerLimit, oaIfModuleInfo, oaIfMonitorInsertionLoss, oaIfNumMonitorInsertionLoss, oaIfFunctionalType, oaIfActualGain, oaIfSaturationFault, oaIfWantedGainTilt, oaIfTxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserPumpBias, oaIfCaseTempOutOfrange, oaIfLaserTempOutOfRange, oaIfSupportsReadMonitorInsertionLoss, oaIfTxSignalStatus, oaIfRxSignalStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The oa interface objects. (24.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 26 } oaIfGroupV15 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaIfIndex, oaIfName, oaIfDescr, oaIfSubrack, oaIfSlot, oaIfTxPort, oaIfRxPort, oaIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaIfAdminStatus, oaIfOperStatus, oaIfLaserStatus, oaIfAmplifierType, oaIfWantedAbsolutePowerLevel, oaIfWantedRelativePowerLevel, oaIfWantedGain, oaIfFrequencyMin, oaIfFrequencyMax, oaIfNominalTxPower, oaIfTxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevel, oaIfRxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserBias, oaIfNominalLaserTemp, oaIfRelativeLaserTemp, oaIfLossOfSignalThreshold, oaIfLossOfSignal, oaIfPumpLaserTempHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemRxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerHigh, oaIfRegulationProblemTxPowerLow, oaIfReceivedPowerLow, oaIfLaserBiasHigh, oaIfLaserTempControlFault, oaIfConfigurationCommand, oaIfPumpLaserTempLow, oaIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, oaIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, oaIfAmpTypeNotSupportedByHw, oaIfWantedSignalPowerLevel, oaIfObjectProperty, oaIfLaserForcedOn, oaIfActualLaserTemp, oaIfAutomaticPowerShutdown, oaIfDisabled, oaIfWantedPowerLimit, oaIfModuleInfo, oaIfMonitorInsertionLoss, oaIfNumMonitorInsertionLoss, oaIfFunctionalType, oaIfActualGain, oaIfSaturationFault, oaIfWantedGainTilt, oaIfTxPowerLevelLowThreshold, oaIfLaserPumpBias, oaIfCaseTempOutOfrange, oaIfLaserTempOutOfRange, oaIfSupportsReadMonitorInsertionLoss, oaIfTxSignalStatus, oaIfRxSignalStatus, oaIfOutputPowerFail } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The oa interface objects. (27.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 27 } oaModuleGroupV4 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { oaModuleIndex, oaModuleName, oaModuleDescr, oaModuleSubrack, oaModuleSlot, oaModuleNumber, oaModuleInvPhysIndexOrZero, oaModuleAdminStatus, oaModuleOperStatus, oaModuleObjectProperty, oaModuleNominalTemp, oaModuleRelativeTemp, oaModuleTempFailure, oaModuleTemperature, oaModuleCommunicationFailure, oaModuleModuleInfo, oaModuleFirmwareUpgradeAvailable, oaModuleWarmingUp, oaModuleFailure } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The module objects. (28.0)" ::= { lumOaGroups 28 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Compliance -- ---------------------------------------------------- lumOaBasicComplV1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V1." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroup, oaIfGroup} ::= { lumOaCompl 1 } lumOaBasicComplV2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V2." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroup, oaIfGroupV2 } ::= { lumOaCompl 2 } lumOaBasicComplV3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V3." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroup, oaIfGroupV3 } ::= { lumOaCompl 3 } lumOaBasicComplV4 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V4 (3.1)." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroupV2, oaIfGroupV3 } ::= { lumOaCompl 4 } lumOaBasicComplV5 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V5 (3.2)." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroupV2, oaIfGroupV4 } ::= { lumOaCompl 5 } lumOaBasicComplV6 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V6 (4.0)." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroupV2, oaIfGroupV5 } ::= { lumOaCompl 6 } lumOaBasicComplV7 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V7 (5.0)." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroupV2, oaIfGroupV6, oaVoaIfGroupV1 } ::= { lumOaCompl 7 } lumOaBasicComplV8 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V8 (6.0)." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroupV2, oaIfGroupV7, oaVoaIfGroupV1 } ::= { lumOaCompl 8 } lumOaBasicComplV9 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V9 (10.0)." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroupV3, oaIfGroupV8, oaVoaIfGroupV1, oaVoaClientIfGroupV1, oaVoaLineIfGroupV1 } ::= { lumOaCompl 9 } lumOaBasicComplV10 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V10 (11.0)." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroupV4, oaIfGroupV9, oaVoaIfGroupV1, oaVoaClientIfGroupV2, oaVoaLineIfGroupV1, oaModuleGroupV1 } ::= { lumOaCompl 10 } lumOaBasicComplV11 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V11 (12.0)." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroupV4, oaIfGroupV9, oaVoaIfGroupV1, oaVoaClientIfGroupV2, oaVoaLineIfGroupV1, oaModuleGroupV2 } ::= { lumOaCompl 11 } lumOaBasicComplV12 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V12 (15.0)." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroupV4, oaIfGroupV10, oaVoaIfGroupV1, oaVoaClientIfGroupV2, oaVoaLineIfGroupV1, oaModuleGroupV2 } ::= { lumOaCompl 12 } lumOaBasicComplV13 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V13 (17.0)." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroupV4, oaIfGroupV11, oaVoaIfGroupV1, oaVoaClientIfGroupV2, oaVoaLineIfGroupV1, oaModuleGroupV2 } ::= { lumOaCompl 13 } lumOaBasicComplV14 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V14 (19.0)." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroupV4, oaIfGroupV11, oaVoaIfGroupV1, oaVoaClientIfGroupV3, oaVoaLineIfGroupV1, oaModuleGroupV2 } ::= { lumOaCompl 14 } lumOaBasicComplV15 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V14 (20.0)." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroupV4, oaIfGroupV12, oaVoaIfGroupV1, oaVoaClientIfGroupV3, oaVoaLineIfGroupV1, oaModuleGroupV2 } ::= { lumOaCompl 15 } lumOaBasicComplV16 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V16 (23.0)." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroupV4, oaIfGroupV13, oaVoaIfGroupV1, oaVoaClientIfGroupV3, oaVoaLineIfGroupV1, oaModuleGroupV3 } ::= { lumOaCompl 16 } lumOaBasicComplV17 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V16 (24.0)." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroupV4, oaIfGroupV14, oaVoaIfGroupV1, oaVoaClientIfGroupV3, oaVoaLineIfGroupV1, oaModuleGroupV3 } ::= { lumOaCompl 17 } lumOaBasicComplV18 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V16 (27.0)." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroupV4, oaIfGroupV15, oaVoaIfGroupV1, oaVoaClientIfGroupV3, oaVoaLineIfGroupV1, oaModuleGroupV3 } ::= { lumOaCompl 18 } lumOaBasicComplV19 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the OA MIB V17 (28.0)." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroupV4, oaIfGroupV15, oaVoaIfGroupV1, oaVoaClientIfGroupV3, oaVoaLineIfGroupV1, oaModuleGroupV4 } ::= { lumOaCompl 19 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Minimal Compliance -- ---------------------------------------------------- lumOaMinimalComplV1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimal implementation requirements for the OA MIB V1." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { oaGeneralGroupV2, oaIfGroupV5 } ::= { lumOaMinimalCompl 1 } END