LUM-WDM-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32, Integer32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Gauge32, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF RowStatus, TestAndIncr, DisplayString, DateAndTime FROM SNMPv2-TC lumModules, lumWdmMIB FROM LUM-REG FaultStatus, MgmtNameString, SubrackNumber, SlotNumber, PortNumber, LambdaFrequency, LambdaType, PortType, BoardOrInterfaceAdminStatus, BoardOrInterfaceOperStatus, CommandString, ObjectProperty, SignalFormat, BerLevel, ResetWithNA, Signed32WithNA, EnabledDisabledWithNA, AdminStatusWithNA, OperStatusWithNA, TruthValueWithNA FROM LUM-TC; lumWdmMIBModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201903310000Z" -- March 31st 2019 ORGANIZATION "Infinera Corporation" CONTACT-INFO "" DESCRIPTION "The WDM trunk interface and protection group MIB. - General - WDM trunk interfaces - WDM passive interfaces - Protection groups " REVISION "201903310000Z" -- March 31st 2019 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r32.1: - added wdmIfTrxTunable" REVISION "201804240000Z" -- Apr 24th 2018 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r31.1: - Added passiveIfIfNo" REVISION "201712150000Z" -- Dec 15th 2017 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r30.0: - Added ChannelStartupCommand in CtrlGroup - Added attrs MaxAttenuation/MinAttenuation/AttenControlOffset/AttenControlDegraded in WdmCtrlChannel - Added wdmCtrlChannelNotFound alarm in WdmCtrlChannel" REVISION "201706220000Z" -- June 22nd 2017 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r29.0: - Added wdmCtrlGroupTotalPower - Changed descr for wdmCtrlGroupOutputPowerMismatch from 1.5dB to 1.4dB - Changed ORGANIZATION and CONTACT-INFO" REVISION "201704170000Z" -- April 17th 2017 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r28.1: - Adjusted limits for current and wanted link delay compensation." REVISION "201611300000Z" -- November 30th 2016 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r28.0: - Added channel descr field on optical ctr groups. - added AID and physical location" REVISION "201607290000Z" -- Jul 29th 2016 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r27.1: - Added delay compensation table. - Added delay compensation link table." REVISION "201601110000Z" -- Jan 11th 2016 DESCRIPTION "Added default value notPresent for operStatus." REVISION "201511300000Z" -- Nov 30th 2015 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r26: - Removed possibility to see tpddgbe broadcast ring since that is no longer supported." REVISION "201408150000Z" -- Aug 15th 2014 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r23.1: - Added a new alarm to wdm ctrl group that will tell if the output power of the OA differs by more than 1.5dB from the monitor port insertion loss." REVISION "201405160000Z" -- May 16th 2014 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r23: - NearEndLoopback for msMxpQMS2G5 - Added two traffic combinations for fhmxp10g board." REVISION "201309260000Z" -- September 26th 2013 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r22: - Added revertive switching for gbe9mxp10gfec, tpq10gfec(i) and msmxp10g - Extended loopback times to 120 hours" REVISION "201305010000Z" -- May 1st 2013 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r21: - Added far end line loopback for tpq10gfec and tpq10gfeci. - Added Near end line loopback for msMxp (3 images), gbeMxp10GFEC, tpD10GbE. - Added tpq10gfeci board. - Added tpq10gfecregi board. - Signal degraded threshold added and Signal Degraded Protection implemented on tpD10GbE and gbeMxp10GFEC. - Added Far end loopback for msMxp (3 images), gbeMxp10GFEC and tpD10GbE." REVISION "201212200000Z" -- Dec 20th 2012 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r20: - Boards msTp40G, msMxp40G added. - Attributes Signal degraded threshold and Signal Degraded Protection added." REVISION "201209210000Z" -- Sept 21st 2012 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r19.0.2: - Traffic combination gbEx3Stm4Oc12x1Stm1Oc3x3Basic and gbESyncEx3Stm4Oc12Stm1Oc3x1Basic added for msmxp." REVISION "201203300000Z" -- March 30th 2012 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r19: -Optical control loop - channel alarms added." REVISION "201112200000Z" -- Dec 20th 2011 DESCRIPTION "Changes made for release r18: - Signal format description updated. - Boards tpqmp and tpq10GfecReg added. - Attribute Actual signal format added. - Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB updated to R18." REVISION "201104120000Z" -- April 12th 2011 DESCRIPTION "Added new compliance group to mark adding write support for trail trace." REVISION "200601270000Z" -- January 27th 2006 DESCRIPTION "Included protection groups in minimal compliance groups for TS-family. Added TS-1100 specific alarms." REVISION "200509260000Z" -- September 26th 2005 DESCRIPTION "Added minimal compliance groups for TS-family" REVISION "200507070000Z" -- July 7th 2005 DESCRIPTION "Added minimal compliance statements for TS-family" REVISION "200212040000Z" -- December 4th 2002 DESCRIPTION "Added trace identifier attributes in the wdm interface table." REVISION "200205310000Z" -- May 31st 2002 DESCRIPTION "Added wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda alarm." REVISION "200205160000Z" -- May 16th 2002 DESCRIPTION "Moved PM thresholds to PM-mib. Added complete set of PM alarms." REVISION "200205150000Z" -- May 15th 2002 DESCRIPTION "Added PM alarm thresholds." REVISION "200202200000Z" -- February 20th 2002 DESCRIPTION "Replaced old protection traps with one trap including status attributes." REVISION "200202010000Z" -- February 1st 2002 DESCRIPTION "Deprecated inbandStatus. Corresponding info will be available in the IP MIB. Changed default value for inbandMode to down. Changed default value for laser temp threshold to 3 (0.3 degrees centigrade). AIS and FDI severity changed to minor." REVISION "200201240000Z" -- January 24th 2002 DESCRIPTION "Updated protection administrative and operational status. Added fec mode on wdm interfaces." REVISION "200201170000Z" -- January 17th 2002 DESCRIPTION "Deprecated wdmPassiveIfLambdaMax. Changed wdmPassiveIfLambdaMin alias to just lambda. Removed '(SDH)' from alarm texts." REVISION "200201160000Z" -- January 16th 2002 DESCRIPTION "Added expected lambda for passive and wdm i/f." REVISION "200201090000Z" -- January 9th 2002 DESCRIPTION "Deprecated passiveIfLastChange, added ifInbandStatus." REVISION "200112030000Z" -- December 3rd 2001 DESCRIPTION "Moved admin and operStatus definitions to LUM-TC" REVISION "200111220000Z" -- November 22nd 2001 DESCRIPTION "Added inband mode and status. Added traps on laserStatus and changed the protection definitions." REVISION "200111090000Z" -- November 9th 2001 DESCRIPTION "lossOfFEC hidden; not supported yet. Added bitrate mismatch. Changed name of protection notification. Added laserBias meter and threshold. Added lossOfSignal threshold. Added j0PathTrace." REVISION "200110300000Z" -- October 30th 2001 DESCRIPTION "MIB versions and testAndIncr hidden - not supported yet. Updated conformance." REVISION "200110230000Z" -- October 23d 2001 DESCRIPTION "Added wdmIfRx port, changed wdmPort to wdmTxPort. Adapted passive interfaces to one port per interface." REVISION "200110100000Z" -- October 10th 2001 DESCRIPTION "Introduced restriction on one wdm trunk i/f per board. Renamed protection group admin- and operStatus values. Moved passive i/f table from the LAMBDA-mib. Updated max-access to indicate attributes for creation. Introduced service admin and operStatus. Updated laserMode and laserStatus. Changed alarm names to 'long' names. Adapted to changes in other MIBs." REVISION "200109050000Z" -- September 5th 2001 DESCRIPTION "Moved lossOfLock to transponder MIB. Added lossOfForwardErrorCorrection." REVISION "200109040000Z" -- September 4th 2001 DESCRIPTION "Default values for protections physical postition is now 0 (undefined)." REVISION "200108240000Z" -- August 24th 2001 DESCRIPTION "Added notification on protection status change. Added time stamp for the protection entry." REVISION "200108140000Z" -- August 14th 2001 DESCRIPTION "Changes after review. Removed most lambda info from the interfaces. Interfaces are rxTx with fixed txLambda and broadband rxLambda. Renamed laserTempDefault to laserTemp. Merged temperature offset thresholds in to one attribute. Added descriptions for all alarms. Added compliance info. Added protection group configuration group proposal." REVISION "200108080000Z" -- August 9th 2001 DESCRIPTION "The initial revision of this module." ::= { lumModules 6 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Conformance area, containing groups and complicance -- specifications. -- ---------------------------------------------------- lumWdmConfs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmMIB 1 } lumWdmGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmConfs 1 } lumWdmCompl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmConfs 2 } lumWdmMinimalGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmConfs 3 } lumWdmMinimalCompl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmConfs 4 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Root for objects in the wdm MIB -- ---------------------------------------------------- lumWdmMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmMIB 2 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- This MIB contains the following groups: -- ---------------------------------------------------- wdmGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmMIBObjects 1 } wdmIfList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmMIBObjects 2 } wdmProtList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmMIBObjects 3 } lumentisWdmNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmMIBObjects 4 } wdmPassiveIfList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmMIBObjects 5 } wdmVc4List OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmMIBObjects 6 } wdmRemoteProtList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmMIBObjects 7 } wdmCtrlChannelList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmMIBObjects 8 } wdmCtrlGroupList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmMIBObjects 9 } wdmSubChannelList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmMIBObjects 10 } wdmCtrlGlobal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmMIBObjects 11 } wdmDelayCompPGList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmMIBObjects 12 } wdmDelayCompLinkList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmMIBObjects 13 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmMIBObjects 14 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumWdmMIBObjects 15 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Textual Conventions -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- General group -- ---------------------------------------------------- wdmGeneralTestAndIncr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TestAndIncr MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protection against simultaneous access from multiple managers. See SNMPv2-TC. " ::= { wdmGeneral 1 } wdmGeneralMibSpecVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MIB specification version. tbd: persistent? " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { wdmGeneral 2 } wdmGeneralMibImplVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MIB implementation version. tbd: persistent? " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { wdmGeneral 3 } wdmGeneralLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the configuration of the MIB was last changed. " ::= { wdmGeneral 4 } wdmGeneralStateLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the state of the MIB was last changed. " ::= { wdmGeneral 5 } wdmGeneralWdmIfTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of table " ::= { wdmGeneral 6 } wdmGeneralWdmPassiveIfTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of table " ::= { wdmGeneral 7 } wdmGeneralWdmProtTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of table " ::= { wdmGeneral 8 } wdmGeneralWdmVc4TableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of table " ::= { wdmGeneral 9 } wdmGeneralWdmRemoteProtTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of table " ::= { wdmGeneral 10 } wdmGeneralWdmCtrlChannelTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of table " ::= { wdmGeneral 11 } wdmGeneralWdmCtrlGroupTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of table " ::= { wdmGeneral 12 } wdmGeneralWdmSubChannelTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of table " ::= { wdmGeneral 13 } wdmGeneralWdmDelayCompPGTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of table " ::= { wdmGeneral 14 } wdmGeneralWdmDelayCompLinkTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of table " ::= { wdmGeneral 15 } wdmGeneralWdmMeanChannelPowerControlTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of table " ::= { wdmGeneral 16 } wdmGeneralWdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of table " ::= { wdmGeneral 17 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- WDM trunk interfaces -- ---------------------------------------------------- wdmIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WdmIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface list." ::= { wdmIfList 1 } wdmIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WdmIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the interface list. " INDEX { wdmIfIndex } ::= { wdmIfTable 1 } WdmIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wdmIfIndex Unsigned32, wdmIfName MgmtNameString, wdmIfDescr DisplayString, wdmIfSubrack SubrackNumber, wdmIfSlot SlotNumber, wdmIfTxPort PortNumber, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero Unsigned32, wdmIfTxLambda LambdaFrequency, wdmIfHighSpeedMin Gauge32, wdmIfHighSpeedMax Gauge32, wdmIfPowerLevel Integer32, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold Integer32, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold Integer32, wdmIfLaserTemp Unsigned32, wdmIfLaserTempOffset Integer32, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold Unsigned32, wdmIfLaserMode INTEGER, wdmIfLaserStatus INTEGER, wdmIfAdminStatus BoardOrInterfaceAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus BoardOrInterfaceOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal FaultStatus, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh FaultStatus, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow FaultStatus, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh FaultStatus, wdmIfErroredSeconds FaultStatus, wdmIfSeverelyErroredSeconds FaultStatus, wdmIfBackgroundBlockErrors FaultStatus, wdmIfUnavailableSeconds FaultStatus, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication FaultStatus, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication FaultStatus, wdmIfLossOfFrame FaultStatus, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal FaultStatus, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication FaultStatus, wdmIfLossOfSync FaultStatus, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection FaultStatus, wdmIfLaserTempHigh FaultStatus, wdmIfLaserTempLow FaultStatus, wdmIfRxPort PortNumber, wdmIfBitrateMismatch FaultStatus, wdmIfLaserBias Unsigned32, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold Unsigned32, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold Integer32, wdmIfJ0PathTrace OCTET STRING, wdmIfInbandMode INTEGER, wdmIfInbandStatus INTEGER, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda LambdaFrequency, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode INTEGER, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda FaultStatus, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode INTEGER, wdmIfTraceTransmitted DisplayString, wdmIfTraceReceived DisplayString, wdmIfTraceExpected DisplayString, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode INTEGER, wdmIfTraceMismatch FaultStatus, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime DateAndTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms INTEGER, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch FaultStatus, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold CommandString, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState INTEGER, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold INTEGER, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros Unsigned32, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes Unsigned32, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber DisplayString, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold Integer32, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch FaultStatus, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable FaultStatus, wdmIfTrxMissing FaultStatus, wdmIfTrxClass DisplayString, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold Integer32, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold Integer32, wdmIfTransmitterFailed FaultStatus, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity Integer32, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold Integer32, wdmIfIllegalFrequency FaultStatus, wdmIfLaserForcedOn INTEGER, wdmIfTrafficCombination INTEGER, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination CommandString, wdmIfObjectProperty ObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel Integer32, wdmIfLaserTempActual Integer32, wdmIfTrxFailed FaultStatus, wdmIfDisabled FaultStatus, wdmIfLoopback FaultStatus, wdmIfContinousOptimization INTEGER, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause DisplayString, wdmIfDistributionRole INTEGER, wdmIfConfigurationCommand CommandString, wdmIfNoFrequencySet FaultStatus, wdmIfFormat SignalFormat, wdmIfConfigurationFormatCommand CommandString, wdmIfOHTransparency INTEGER, wdmIfLinkDown FaultStatus, wdmIfAutoNegotiationMode INTEGER, wdmIfAutoNegotiationStatus INTEGER, wdmIfFlowControlMode INTEGER, wdmIfGroupLineMode INTEGER, wdmIfFecType INTEGER, wdmIfFarEndLoopback INTEGER, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackTimeout Integer32, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackEnabled FaultStatus, wdmIfChangeLoopbackCommand CommandString, wdmIfFecFailure FaultStatus, wdmIfTxSignalStatus INTEGER, wdmIfRxSignalStatus INTEGER, wdmIfNearEndLoopback INTEGER, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackTimeout Integer32, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackEnabled FaultStatus, wdmIfChangeNearEndLoopbackCommand CommandString, wdmIfSignalDegraded FaultStatus, wdmIfHubProtectionMode INTEGER, wdmIfActualFormat SignalFormat, wdmIfTdcDispersion INTEGER, wdmIfTdcDispersionCommand CommandString, wdmIfTdcDispersionMode INTEGER, wdmIfLineControlLoopCurrentState DisplayString, wdmIfSignalDegradeThreshold BerLevel, wdmIfTrxThresholdOptimizationState INTEGER, wdmIfTrxDecisionThreshold Integer32, wdmIfSwControlledLaserShutdown INTEGER, wdmIfChangeSwControlledLaserShutdownCommand CommandString, wdmIfControlledLaserShutdownEnabled FaultStatus, wdmIfAid DisplayString, wdmIfPhysicalLocation DisplayString, wdmIfTrxTunable TruthValueWithNA } wdmIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index assigned to each if entry. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 1 } wdmIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the interface, for example 'wdm:1:2:1'. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 2 } wdmIfDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User configurable label. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { wdmIfEntry 3 } wdmIfSubrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the subrack where the interface is located. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 4 } wdmIfSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the slot where the interface is located. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 5 } wdmIfTxPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the port where the interface is located. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 6 } wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The row in the invPhysTable for this interface. Set to 0 if not known. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 7 } wdmIfTxLambda OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LambdaFrequency MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The transmitted frequency given in hundreds of GHz (0.01 GHz). " ::= { wdmIfEntry 8 } wdmIfHighSpeedMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum speed in units of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this object reports a value of 'n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in the range of 'n-500,000' to 'n+499,999'. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 9 } wdmIfHighSpeedMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum speed in units of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this object reports a value of 'n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in the range of 'n-500,000' to 'n+499,999'. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 10 } wdmIfPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The received power level in units of 0.1 dBm. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 11 } wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-380..-60) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper threshold for received power level in units of 0.1 dBm. Note: Depending on the type of board and interface the value range may vary. " DEFVAL { -80 } ::= { wdmIfEntry 12 } wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-380..-60) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower threshold for received power level in units of 0.1 dBm. Note: Depending on the type of board and interface the value range may vary. " DEFVAL { -270 } ::= { wdmIfEntry 13 } wdmIfLaserTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The pre-set laser temperature in units of 0.1 degrees centigrade. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 14 } wdmIfLaserTempOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current offset from the pre-set temperature in units of 0.1 degrees centigrade. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 15 } wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The absolute value of the offset for the LTL and LTH alarms in units of 0.1 degrees centigrade. " DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { wdmIfEntry 16 } wdmIfLaserMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on (1), als (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state of the TX-side laser. on - The laser is turned on. als - Automatic Laser Shutdown/Turn-Off when lossOfSignal is detected on the RX side of the trunk interface. Note, als is not available for MBA boards. " DEFVAL { als } ::= { wdmIfEntry 17 } wdmIfLaserStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), on (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state of the TX-side laser. off - The laser is turned off. on - The laser is turned on. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 18 } wdmIfAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BoardOrInterfaceAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state for the interface. down - The interface is de-activated. service - The interface is activated but alarms are suppressed. Intended for use during service or re-configuration. When service is concluded adminStatus should be set to 'up' again. Note that there is no difference between 'up' and 'service', if no alarms can be raised from this object. up - The interface will be activated when available. Alarms are not suppressed. This attribute can be written via SNMP. " DEFVAL { up } ::= { wdmIfEntry 19 } wdmIfOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BoardOrInterfaceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for the interface. notPresent - The interface is not available. down - The interface is de-activated or there are faults preventing its transition to the 'up' state. up - The interface is active. " DEFVAL { notPresent } ::= { wdmIfEntry 20 } wdmIfLossOfSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of signal. Applicable for all signal formats. A(ctivation): Active loss of signal HW indication. D(e-activation): Inactive loss of signal HW indication. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 21 } wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received power level is too high. Applicable for all signal formats. A: The received power level exceeds the the built-in overload threshold. D: The received power level is 0.5 dB below the overload threshold. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 22 } wdmIfReceivedPowerLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received power level low threshold exceeded. Applicable for all signal formats. A: The received power level is below the associated threshold. D: The received power level is 0.5 dB above the threshold. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 23 } wdmIfLaserBiasHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Laser bias high threshold exceeded. A: The laser bias current exceeds the associated threshold. D: The laser bias current is 0.5 mA below the associated threshold. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 24 } wdmIfErroredSeconds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Note: This attribute is deprecated! Errored seconds (ES) threshold exceeded. A: The number of errored seconds during a period exceeds the associated threshold. D: At the start of a new period. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 25 } wdmIfSeverelyErroredSeconds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Note: This attribute is deprecated! Severely errored seconds (SES) threshold exceeded. A: The number of severely errored seconds during a period exceeds the associated threshold. D: At the start of a new period. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 26 } wdmIfBackgroundBlockErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Note: This attribute is deprecated! Background block errors (BBE) threshold exceeded. A: The number of errors during a period exceeds the associated threshold. D: At the start of a new period. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 27 } wdmIfUnavailableSeconds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Note: This attribute is deprecated! Unavailable seconds (UAS) threshold exceeded. A: The number of unavailable seconds during a period exceeds the associated threshold. D: At the start of a new period. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 28 } wdmIfForwardDefectIndication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Forward defect indication. Applicable for all signal formats; detected at WDM level. This alarm suppresses the corresponding SDH/Sonet alarm. A: Forward defect indication (in wrapper) active. D: Forward defect indication inactive. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 29 } wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Backward defect indication. Applicable for all signal formats; detected at WDM level. This alarm suppresses the corresponding SDH/Sonet alarm. A: Backward defect indication (in wrapper) active. D: Backward defect indication inactive. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 30 } wdmIfLossOfFrame OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of frame. Applicable for SDH/Sonet signal formats. A: SDH frame can not be located. D: SDH frame is located. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 31 } wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm indication signal. Applicable for SDH/Sonet signal formats. For other proprietary formats, e.g. for the tpDDGbE line signal, a similar functionality is emulated. A: An 'all ones' SDH/Sonet signal is detected. D: SDH/Sonet signal recovered. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 32 } wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote defect indication. Applicable for SDH/Sonet signal formats. A: RDI indication (in SDH/Sonet frame) active. D: RDI indication inactive. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 33 } wdmIfLossOfSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of sync (GbE). Applicable for GbE signal formats. A: GbE 'frame' can not be located. D: GbE 'frame' is located. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 34 } wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of forwarding error correction (FEC). Applicable for all signal formats. A: The interface is unable to perform forwarding error correction. D: The interface is able to perform FEC. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 35 } wdmIfLaserTempHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Laser temperature high threshold exceeded. A: The temperature exceeds the associated threshold. D: Temperature is 0.5 degrees centigrade below the associated threshold. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 36 } wdmIfLaserTempLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Laser temperatur low threshold exceeded. The temperature exceeds the associated threshold. A: The temperature exceeds the associated threshold. D: Temperature is 0.5 degrees centigrade above the associated threshold. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 37 } wdmIfRxPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the port where the interface is located. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 38 } wdmIfBitrateMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bitrate mismatch (Other). Applicable for other signal formats. A: The interface is unable to lock to the inserted signal. D: The interface is able to lock to the inserted signal. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 39 } wdmIfLaserBias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Measures laser bias current value in tenths of mA (0.1 mA). " ::= { wdmIfEntry 40 } wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..300) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sets the threshold for the laser bias alarm. in percentage relative to the value set during production. The preset value is 100%. " DEFVAL { 200 } ::= { wdmIfEntry 41 } wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-380..-220) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper threshold received power level in units of 0.1 dBm. Note: Depending on the type of board and interface the value range may vary. " DEFVAL { -350 } ::= { wdmIfEntry 42 } wdmIfJ0PathTrace OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1 | 16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The received J0 path trace string. Applicable for SDH/Sonet signal formats. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 44 } wdmIfInbandMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), up (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The administrative state the in-band management channel of the WDM interface. down - The management channel is disabled. up - The management channel is in use. " DEFVAL { down } ::= { wdmIfEntry 45 } wdmIfInbandStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), up (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The operational state the in-band management channel of the WDM interface. down - The management channel is disabled. up - The management channel is in use. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 46 } wdmIfExpectedTxLambda OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LambdaFrequency MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The expected frequency or wavelength. ch871 means the frequency 187.1 THz. w1310 means the wavelength 1310 nm. The semantic of this attribute is different depending on the laser frequency type. Fixed frequency: 'Unexpected frequency' is raised if the expected frequency is not equal to actual frequency. Tunable frequency: The attribute is used to tune the laser frequency. 'No frequency set' is raised if no frequency has been selected. This attribute can be written via SNMP. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmIfEntry 47 } wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2), auto (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state of the forwarding error correction function. disabled - FEC is disabled. enabled - FEC is activated. auto - autonegotiation is used to enable or disable FEC. Note, auto is not available for all boards. " DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { wdmIfEntry 48 } wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The actual frequency does not match the pre-configured frequency. A pre-configured frequency of '0' matches all actual frequencies. A: The configured frequency does not match the actual frequency. D: The configured frequency matches the actual frequency. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 49 } wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the trace identifier should be inserted in the transmitted signal. disabled - The trace identifier is taken from the received signal if possible. enabled - The trace identifier set is inserted in the transmitted signal. " DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { wdmIfEntry 50 } wdmIfTraceTransmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..62)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trace identifier to be transmitted from this interface. The identifier length is by default 0 to 15. For mxp8iiSonet boards the length is 0 to 62. Set to empty string for default value: ::: Note that only the last part of the address is used. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { wdmIfEntry 51 } wdmIfTraceReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..62)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The received trace identifier for this interface. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 52 } wdmIfTraceExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..62)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trace identifier used for matching against the received trace identifier. The identifier length is by default 0 to 15. For mxp8iiSonet boards the length is 0 to 62. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { wdmIfEntry 53 } wdmIfTraceAlarmMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls if the trace identifier mismatch alarm should be raised. disabled - The alarm is disabled. enabled - The alarm is raised if expected trace identifier differs from the received trace identifier. " DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { wdmIfEntry 54 } wdmIfTraceMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the expected trace identifier differs from the received trace identifier. A: The received trace identifier differs from the expected trace identifier. D: The identifiers match. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 55 } wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the laser status was last changed. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 56 } wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Suppress AIS, FDI and RDI in the alarm list. The fault status on the port object can, however, be seen. disabled - alarms are not suppressed. enabled - alarms are suppressed. " DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { wdmIfEntry 57 } wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Wrong HW unit installed. The link has not been optimized for this individual, wrong serial number. Action: The installation optimization procedure must be run again. A: The installed board does not match the installation. D: The installed board matches the installation. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 58 } wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optimize the threshold for distinguishing between 1s and 0s. This attribute is of 'action type' - it will always have the value 'normal' normal - just a placeholder, is never set by the user. run - run the optimization procedure. " DEFVAL { "normal" } ::= { wdmIfEntry 59 } wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), started (2), searchingFirstLow (3), searchingSecondLow (4), searchingThirdLow (5), searchingFirstHigh (6), searchingSecondHigh (7), searchingThirdHigh (8), finishedFailed (9), finishedOk (10), searchingFrameLow(11), searchingFrameHigh(12), foundFrame(13), waitOptimize(14) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of the optimization procedure normal - no operation has been started started - the operation is started searchingFirstLow - Search for the first value of the lower flank searchingSecondLow - Search for the second value of the lower flank searchingThirdLow - Search for the third value of the lower flank searchingFirstHigh - Search for the first value of the upper flank searchingSecondHigh - Search for the second value of the upper flank searchingThirdHigh - Search for the third value of the upper flank finishedOk - the operation has been successfully finished finishedFailed - the operation failed searchingFrameLow - Search for the frame at the lower end searchingFrameHigh - Search for the frame at the upper end foundFrame - frame has been found waitOptimize - wait for HW-optimize procedure " ::= { wdmIfEntry 60 } wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), reset (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Use the HW default decision threshold. This attribute is of 'action type' - it will always have the value 'normal' normal - just a placeholder, is never set by the user. reset - reset to the default value stored in HW unit. " DEFVAL { normal } ::= { wdmIfEntry 61 } wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of corrected zeros. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 62 } wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of corrected ones. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 63 } wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field contains the serial number of the transponder unit, for which the decision threshold is optimized and stored. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 64 } wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1000000..1000000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 1/0 decision threshold computed at installation. The threshold is automatically optimized if the 'Continous optimization' functionality is enabled. Press the 'Optimize' button to manually trigger the optimization routine once. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 65 } wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inserted transceiver does not have a legal manufacturer code. A: A transceiver with illegal code is inserted. D: The transceiver with illegal code is removed. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 66 } wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inserted transceiver does not support the requested bit rate. A: A transceiver with other supported bit rate than the requested bit rate is inserted. D: The transceiver with the non-requested bit rate is removed, or the object is reconfigured. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 67 } wdmIfTrxMissing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An expected transceiver is missing. A: An expected transceiver is missing. D: The missing transceiver is inserted. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 68 } wdmIfTrxClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "String that describes the transceiver class. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { wdmIfEntry 69 } wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-100..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Threshold for the Laser Temp High alarm, expressed as an offset from a pre-set nominal temperature, in units of 0.1 degrees centigrade. " DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { wdmIfEntry 70 } wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-100..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Threshold for the Laser Temp Low alarm, expressed as an offset from a pre-set nominal temperature, in units of 0.1 degrees centigrade. " DEFVAL { -10 } ::= { wdmIfEntry 71 } wdmIfTransmitterFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The transceiver HW has detected a failure in the transmitter part. A: The transmitter has failed D: The transmitter is OK again " ::= { wdmIfEntry 72 } wdmIfReceiverSensitivity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest power that the receiver is guaranteed to handle, in units of 0.1 dBm. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 73 } wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-50..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower threshold for received power level in units of 0.1 dB, relative to the receiver sensitivity, or loss of signal threshold. - For fixed transceivers it is measured with respect to the loss threshold. - For pluggable transceivers (SFP/XFP) it is measured with respect to the receiver sensitivity. " DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { wdmIfEntry 74 } wdmIfIllegalFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frequency supported by the transceiver is not recognized by the system. A: Invalid or unknown frequency information is detected in the (pluggable) transceiver or board production data. D: The (pluggable) transceiver or board is replaced. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 75 } wdmIfLaserForcedOn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When enabled, the laser is on regardless of whether there is a client signal or not. disabled - the laser is only on when there is a client signal. enabled - the laser is always on. This is intended to be used at installation to generate light on the WDM-side for the QMR board even if there are not client equipment available. " DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { wdmIfEntry 76 } wdmIfTrafficCombination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined (0), fcGbEx2 (1), fc2G (2), dvbEsconx8 (3), esconx10 (4), framedGbEx10 (5), esconx6FcGbE (6), dvbEsconx4FcGbE (7), mixed (8), framedGbEx10Vc4 (9), fcx2VcatVc4 (10), fc2GVcatVc4 (11), dvbEsconx8VcatVc4 (12), mixedVcatVc4 (13), fcGbEx2VcatVc4 (14), gbEx3Stm1x5 (15), gbEx2Stm4x2Stm1x4 (16), gbEx3Stm4Oc12x1Stm1Oc3x3 (17), gbEx1Stm16Oc48x1Stm1Oc3x3 (18), gbEx4x2 (19), gbEx4Stm16Oc48x2 (20), stm16Oc48x4 (21), gbEx2Fcx2x2 (22), gbESyncEx3Stm4Oc12Stm1Oc3x1 (23), gbEStm16Oc48Stm4Oc12Stm1Oc3 (24), gbEStm16Oc48 (25), syncEx14GLinex2 (26), syncEx10 (27), gbEx3Stm4Oc12x1Stm1Oc3x3Basic (28), gbESyncEx3Stm4Oc12Stm1Oc3x1Basic (29), cpri3x3syncEx2 (30), syncEx1Cpri4x3 (31)} MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies how different traffic formats can be combined on different ports on gxp2500, gxp2500Sfp, fhmxp10g, msMxp10G and msMxp. All combinations can not be used on all boards. undefined - no format selected yet fcGbEx2 - 2 ports can carry either GbE or Fc, or 1 port can carry 2G Fc. dvbEsconx8 - 8 ports can carry either DvB, Escon, or Escon-LL. esconx10 - 10 ports can carry Escon. framedGbEx10 - 10 ports can carry a rate limited GbE. esconx6FcGbE - 6 ports can carry Escon, combined with 1 port carrying Fc or GbE. dvbEsconx4FcGbE - 4 ports can carry DvB, Escon, Escon-LL, combined with 1 port carrying Fc or GbE. mixed - All ports can be freely combined, for experimental use. framedGbEx10Vc4 - Like framedGbEx10, but uses VC4s instead of VC-3 fcx2VcatVc4 - 2 x FC over VCAT VC-4 fc2GVcatVc4 - 2G FC over VCAT VC-4 dvbEsconx8VcatVc4 - Like dvbEsconx8, but uses VCAT VC-4 instead mixedVcatVc4 - Like mixed but uses VCAT VC-4 instead fcGbEx2VcatVc4 - Like fcGbEx2 but uses VCAT VC-4 instead gbEx3Stm4Oc12x1Stm1Oc3x3 - 3 ports carry GbE, 1 port can carry Stm4/Oc12 or Stm1/Oc3, 3 ports can carry only Stm1/Oc3 (MsMxp) gbEx1Stm16Oc48x1Stm1Oc3x3 - 1 port carries GbE, 1 port carries Stm16/Oc48, 3 ports carry Stm1/Oc3 (MsMxp) gbESyncEx3Stm4Oc12Stm1Oc3x1 - 3 ports carry synchron GbE, 1 port can carry Stm4/Oc12 or Stm1/Oc3 (MsMxp) gbEx4Stm16Oc48x2 - 4 ports carry GbE, 2 ports carry Stm16/Oc48 (MsMxp10GTCEr, MsMxp10G) stm16Oc48x4 - 4 ports carry Stm16/Oc48 (MsMxp10GTCEr, MsMxp10G) gbEx4x2 - 2 x (4 ports carry GbE) (MsMxpDQgbe) gbEx2Fcx2x2 - 2 x (2 ports carry GbE, 2 ports carry 1G Fc or 1 port carries 2G Fc) (MsMxpDQgbe) gbEStm16Oc48Stm4Oc12Stm1Oc3 - 2 transponders carry GbE or Stm16/Oc48, 2 transponders carry Stm4/Oc12 or Stm1/Oc3 (MsMxpQMS2G5) gbEStm16Oc48 - 4 transponders carry GbE or Stm16/Oc48 (MsMxpQMS2G5) syncEx14GLinex2 - 2 ports carry 4G MSMXP Lines w. Protection, 1 port carry Synchron GbE (MsMxp10G) syncEx10 - 10 ports carry synchron GbE (MsMxp10G) gbEx3Stm4Oc12x1Stm1Oc3x3Basic - Like gbEx3Stm4Oc12x1Stm1Oc3x3, with an alternative processing of the STM client signal (MsMxp) gbESyncEx3Stm4Oc12Stm1Oc3x1Basic - Like gbESyncEx3Stm4Oc12Stm1Oc3x1, with an alternative processing of STM client signal (MsMxp) cpri3x3syncEx2 - 3 ports carry cpri3 (2457.6 Mbps), 2 ports carry synchron GbE (fhmxp10g) syncEx1Cpri4x3 - 3 ports carry cpri4 (3072.0 Mbps), 1 port carries synchron GbE (fhmxp10g) " DEFVAL { undefined } ::= { wdmIfEntry 77 } wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select the traffic combination of the board. " DEFVAL { "normal" } ::= { wdmIfEntry 78 } wdmIfObjectProperty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectProperty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Property mask. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 79 } wdmIfTxPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The transmitted power level in units of 0.1 dBm. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 80 } wdmIfLaserTempActual OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The actual laser temperature in units of 0.1 degrees centigrade. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 81 } wdmIfTrxFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A transceiver hardware failure is detected. A: The transceiver fails. D: The transceiver is replaced. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 82 } wdmIfDisabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface is disabled. A: Interface disabled. D: Interface enabled. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 83 } wdmIfLoopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface is set in loopback mode. A: Loopback enabled. D: Loopback disabled. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 84 } wdmIfContinousOptimization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Continuously run the optimization of the decision threshold. enabled - continous optimization enabled. disabled - continous optimization disabled. " DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { wdmIfEntry 85 } wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This text descibes the cause why the latest optimize command failed. The information is only valid if the thresholdOptimizationState is finishedFailed. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 86 } wdmIfDistributionRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { terminalMultiplexor (1), broadcastHub (2), broadcastSatellite (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Note: This attribute is deprecated! The distribution role of the line function - terminal: normal point-to-point operation - broadcastHub: broadcast on both lines. - broadcastSatellite: drop-and-continue " DEFVAL { terminalMultiplexor } ::= { wdmIfEntry 87 } wdmIfConfigurationCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Note: This attribute is deprecated! Select the operation mode of the line. - terminal: normal point-to-point operation - broadcastHub: broadcast on both lines. - broadcastSatellite: drop-and-continue " ::= { wdmIfEntry 88 } wdmIfNoFrequencySet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tunable laser frequency has not been set. A: Tunable laser frequency is not set. D: Tunable laser frequency is set. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 89 } wdmIfFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SignalFormat MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The signal format FecLan10GbE1A: iWDM 10G framing format type 1A (TPD10GBE-BU, GBE9/MXP10GFEC) FecLan10GbE1B: iWDM 10G framing format type 1B (TPQ10GFEC, MS-MXP/10G,TPQ10GFECI) Iwdm40Gb: iWDM 40G framing format (MS-TP/40G, MS-MXP/40G) " DEFVAL { gbE } ::= { wdmIfEntry 90 } wdmIfConfigurationFormatCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Command to change the signal format. OTU-2 can be selected. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 91 } wdmIfOHTransparency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), on (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Note: This attribute is deprecated! The 'OH Transparency' setting shall be set to 'off' for standard SDH/SONET mode. Does not work when client wrapper is enabled. When set to 'on', the following tributary OH-bytes are transparently transported: E1, E2, F1, D1-D3, D4-D12, K1, K2, J0 The following are always terminated: B1, B2, M1 and S1. " DEFVAL { off } ::= { wdmIfEntry 92 } wdmIfLinkDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Note: This attribute is deprecated! A: Failure to negotiate a connection with the other party. D: A connection is negotiated. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 93 } wdmIfAutoNegotiationMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), on (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Note: This attribute is deprecated! The wanted auto negotiation mode. off - auto negotiation process is disabled on - auto negotiation process is enabled " DEFVAL { on } ::= { wdmIfEntry 94 } wdmIfAutoNegotiationStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { incomplete (1), half (2), full (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Note: This attribute is deprecated! The result of the auto negotiation procedure incomplete - the result is still pending half - half duplex full - full duplex " ::= { wdmIfEntry 95 } wdmIfFlowControlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noPause (1), rxPause (2), txPause (3), bothPause (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Note: This attribute is deprecated! The mode for handling of pause messages between the peers. noPause - PAUSE frame reception and transmission is disabled rxPause - PAUSE frame reception is enabled (asymmetric) txPause - PAUSE frame transmission is enabled (asymetric) bothPause - send and accept pause messages (symmetric). " DEFVAL { noPause } ::= { wdmIfEntry 96 } wdmIfGroupLineMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the interface is grouped into a ROADM-Line-group. disabled - The interface is not grouped into a ROADM-Line-group. enabled - The interface is grouped into a ROADM-Line-group. " DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { wdmIfEntry 97 } wdmIfFecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enhancedFec (1), g709Fec (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set type of FEC. enhancedFec - 2nd generation Enhanced FEC (rate compatible with G.709 but > 2 dB additional coding gain) g709 - 1st generation FEC according to ITU-T G.709 (near 6 dB coding gain). " DEFVAL { enhancedFec } ::= { wdmIfEntry 98 } wdmIfFarEndLoopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loop the wdm RX signal back to the wdm TX. This is also called Facility loopback. disabled - the signal is not looped enabled - the signal is looped. " DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { wdmIfEntry 99 } wdmIfFarEndLoopbackTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1200) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timeout for far end loopback (a.k.a. facility loopback) to make sure connection to node is not lost if ppp link is broken. The unit is hour. 0.1 means 6 minutes. " DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { wdmIfEntry 100 } wdmIfFarEndLoopbackEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Far end loopback (a.k.a. facility loopback) is enabled. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 101 } wdmIfChangeLoopbackCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Command to change Loopback and loopbacktimeout " ::= { wdmIfEntry 102 } wdmIfFecFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Too many errors to get valid FEC statistics. It is not possible to run control loops based on FEC statistics. A: Too many errors to get valid FEC statistics. D: The FEC statistics is valid. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 103 } wdmIfTxSignalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), degraded (2), up (3), notApplicable (2147483647) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for outgoing (TX) signal of the interface. down - A fault that would lead to a protection switch has occurred. degraded - The signal quality is impaired. up - The signal is OK. notApplicable (2147483647) - Attribute is not used on board. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 104 } wdmIfRxSignalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), degraded (2), up (3), notApplicable (2147483647) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for incoming (RX) signal of the interface. down - A major fault has occurred degraded - The signal quality is impaired. up - The signal is OK. notApplicable (2147483647) - Attribute is not used on board " ::= { wdmIfEntry 105 } wdmIfNearEndLoopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loop the wdm TX signal back to the wdm RX. This is also called Terminal loopback. disabled - the signal is not looped enabled - the signal is looped. " DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { wdmIfEntry 106 } wdmIfNearEndLoopbackTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1200) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timeout for near end loopback (a.k.a. terminal loopback) to make sure connection to node is not lost if ppp link is broken. The unit is hours. 0.1 means 6 minutes. " DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { wdmIfEntry 107 } wdmIfNearEndLoopbackEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Near end loopback (a.k.a. terminal loopback) is enabled. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 108 } wdmIfChangeNearEndLoopbackCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Command to change near end loopback (a.k.a. terminal loopback) and loopbacktimeout " ::= { wdmIfEntry 109 } wdmIfSignalDegraded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Too many error corrected. If more errors are corrected it might effect the client signal in a negative way. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 110 } wdmIfHubProtectionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Choose if the line should be used in hub protection. (needs to be setup in mba) disabled - Port is not in hub protection (default) enabled - Hub protection is enabled " DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { wdmIfEntry 111 } wdmIfActualFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SignalFormat MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The actual signal format. " DEFVAL { unused } ::= { wdmIfEntry 112 } wdmIfTdcDispersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-800..800) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows current dispersion value in the unit. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmIfEntry 113 } wdmIfTdcDispersionCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sets state and dispersion in the unit. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 114 } wdmIfTdcDispersionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { auto (0), startValue(1), manual (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "States the current mode of the TDC dispersion. Mode: auto - The TDC is in auto optimising state. startValue - Starts with the desired value, then it goes to auto afterward. manula - The TDC is in manual/forced mode. " DEFVAL { auto } ::= { wdmIfEntry 115 } wdmIfLineControlLoopCurrentState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state of the unit. The unit is ready if state=Automatic fine-tuning. The states could be one of the followings: Init DPSK. DPSK Tx Locked. Init EDFA. Coarse-tune DPSK. Coarse-tune TDC, first step. Coarse-tune TDC, second step. Fine-tune TDC. Fine-tune DPSK. TDC in manual/forced mode. Automatic fine-tuning. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { wdmIfEntry 116 } wdmIfSignalDegradeThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BerLevel MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Threshold for signal degraded alarm, based on BER value. The threshold is settable on the first line port, affecting all line ports. Predefined BER levels rxBerLevel1 = 1E-12 rxBerLevel2 = 1E-13 rxBerLevel3 = 1E-15 " DEFVAL { rxBerLevel2 } ::= { wdmIfEntry 117 } wdmIfTrxThresholdOptimizationState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { idle (1), searching (2), optimizing (3), steadyState (4), failedTrafficLoss (5), failedLOS (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Threshold Optimization State. Idle - No regulation done Searching - Rough threshold regulation is being performed Optimizing - Fine threshold regulation is being performed Steady State - Regulation at steady state Failed(trafficLoss) - Failure due to traffic loss (FEC failure, Loss of sync, LOF, Bitrate Mismatch) Failed(LOS) - Failure due to loss of singal " DEFVAL { idle } ::= { wdmIfEntry 118 } wdmIfTrxDecisionThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold is automatically optimized if the 'Continous optimization' functionality is enabled. Press the 'Optimize' button to manually trigger the optimization routine once. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmIfEntry 119 } wdmIfSwControlledLaserShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "enabled - the laser is turned off for a specified time, until the timer expires disabled - normal state " DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { wdmIfEntry 120 } wdmIfChangeSwControlledLaserShutdownCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Command to shut the laser down for a user-defined period of time. This setting will over-ride other laser control functions like ALS and protection. The timer can be selected in minutes: [1..30] minutes. When the timer expires, the normal laser control functions will take over the control of the laser. When in the shut-down state, the same command can be issued to cancel the operation prematurely. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 121 } wdmIfControlledLaserShutdownEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Software controlled laser shutdown is enabled. Activation - When the command is successfully applied. De-activation - When the timer expires, or the operation is manually cancelled. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 122 } wdmIfAid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The access identifier (AID) of the interface. The format is according to GR-833. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 123 } wdmIfPhysicalLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The physical location of the if. " ::= { wdmIfEntry 124 } wdmIfTrxTunable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValueWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The transceiver is of tunable type. " DEFVAL { notAvailable } ::= { wdmIfEntry 125 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- WDM VC-4 objects -- ---------------------------------------------------- wdmVc4Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WdmVc4Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface list." ::= { wdmVc4List 1 } wdmVc4Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WdmVc4Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the interface list. " INDEX { wdmVc4Index } ::= { wdmVc4Table 1 } WdmVc4Entry ::= SEQUENCE { wdmVc4Index Unsigned32, wdmVc4Name MgmtNameString, wdmVc4Descr DisplayString, wdmVc4Subrack SubrackNumber, wdmVc4Slot SlotNumber, wdmVc4TxPort PortNumber, wdmVc4RxPort PortNumber, wdmVc4Vc4 Unsigned32, wdmVc4ObjectProperty ObjectProperty, wdmVc4AuAlarmIndicationSignal INTEGER, wdmVc4AuLossOfPointer INTEGER, wdmVc4RxSignalStatus INTEGER, wdmVc4ConcatenationStatus INTEGER, wdmVc4PayloadStatus INTEGER, wdmVc4ConnectionStatus DisplayString, wdmVc4ConnectedForeignIndex Unsigned32, wdmVc4AdminStatus INTEGER } wdmVc4Index OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index assigned to each if entry. " ::= { wdmVc4Entry 1 } wdmVc4Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the vc4/vc3/STS-1, e.g. vc4:1:2:1-2:8 where the first number indicates sub-rack, the second slot number and the third/forth are the port numbers. The last number is the vc4/vc3/STS-1 id within the STM16/STS-48 frame. " ::= { wdmVc4Entry 2 } wdmVc4Descr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User configurable label. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { wdmVc4Entry 3 } wdmVc4Subrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the subrack where the vc4/vc3/STS-1 is located. " ::= { wdmVc4Entry 4 } wdmVc4Slot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the slot where the vc4/vc3/STS-1 is located. " ::= { wdmVc4Entry 5 } wdmVc4TxPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the port where the TX-side of the vc4/vc3/STS-1 is located. " ::= { wdmVc4Entry 6 } wdmVc4RxPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the port where the RX-side of the vc4/vc3/STS-1 is located. " ::= { wdmVc4Entry 7 } wdmVc4Vc4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..64) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The id of the vc4 within the STM64/STM16 frame. When Sonet, the id of the STS3 within the OC192/OC48 frame. " ::= { wdmVc4Entry 8 } wdmVc4ObjectProperty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectProperty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Property mask. " ::= { wdmVc4Entry 9 } wdmVc4AuAlarmIndicationSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok (1), alarm (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm indication signal (AIS). Applicable for SDH/Sonet signal formats. A: An 'all ones' SDH/Sonet signal is detected. D: SDH/Sonet signal recovered. " ::= { wdmVc4Entry 10 } wdmVc4AuLossOfPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok (1), alarm (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of pointer detected. Applicable for SDH/Sonet signal formats. A: A loss of pointer is detected. D: SDH/Sonet signal recovered. " ::= { wdmVc4Entry 11 } wdmVc4RxSignalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), degraded (2), up (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for incoming (RX) signal of the interface. down - A fault that would lead to a protection switch has occurred. degraded - The signal quality is impaired. up - The signal is OK. " ::= { wdmVc4Entry 12 } wdmVc4ConcatenationStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on (1), off (2), vc3 (3), vc4 (4), vc4x4c (5), vc4x16c (6), vc4x64c (7), sts1 (8), sts3c (9), sts12c (10), unknown (11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes if and how the VC4s are concatenated. In case of sonet how the STS3s are concatenated. on - Concatenation is used. off - No concatenation is used. can be vc3 (STS-1), vc4 (STS-3, STM1/OC3), vc4x4c (STM4/OC12), vc4x16c (STS-48, STM16/OC48), vc4x64c (STS-128, STM64/OC192), sts1 (STS-1), sts3c (STS-3 concatenated), sts12c (STS-12 concatenated). " ::= { wdmVc4Entry 13 } wdmVc4PayloadStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { equipped (1), unequipped (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes if the VC4/STS3 contains payload. equipped - VC4/STS3 contains payload. unequipped - No payload in VC4/STS3. " ::= { wdmVc4Entry 14 } wdmVc4ConnectionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the name of the client port and possible subchannel/vc4 that it is connected to or Unconnected if not connected. " DEFVAL { "Not connected" } ::= { wdmVc4Entry 15 } wdmVc4ConnectedForeignIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the index of the connected interface. Or 0 if unconnected. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmVc4Entry 16 } wdmVc4AdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), up (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state for the vc4/vc3/STS-1. down - The vc3/vc4/STS-1 should not be used. This vc4/vc3 will not affect rxSignalStatus. up - The vc4/vc3/STS-1 should be used. This vc4/vc3/STS-1 will affect rxSignalStatus. " DEFVAL { up } ::= { wdmVc4Entry 17 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Protection group definitions -- ---------------------------------------------------- wdmProtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WdmProtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The protection group table." ::= { wdmProtList 1 } wdmProtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WdmProtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the protection group table. " INDEX { wdmProtIndex } ::= { wdmProtTable 1 } WdmProtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wdmProtIndex Unsigned32, wdmProtName MgmtNameString, wdmProtDescr DisplayString, wdmProtRightSubrack SubrackNumber, wdmProtRightSlot SlotNumber, wdmProtRightPort PortNumber, wdmProtLeftSubrack SubrackNumber, wdmProtLeftSlot SlotNumber, wdmProtLeftPort PortNumber, wdmProtLastChangeTime DateAndTime, wdmProtAdminStatus INTEGER, wdmProtOperStatus INTEGER, -- deprecated wdmProtRowStatus RowStatus, wdmProtServiceDegraded FaultStatus, wdmProtServiceFailure FaultStatus, wdmProtActiveSide INTEGER, wdmProtLeftStatus INTEGER, wdmProtRightStatus INTEGER, wdmProtProtectionType INTEGER, wdmProtObjectProperty ObjectProperty, wdmProtWrapperMode INTEGER, wdmProtWrapperState INTEGER, wdmProtLeftCommSubrack SubrackNumber, wdmProtLeftCommSlot SlotNumber, wdmProtLeftCommPort PortNumber, wdmProtRightCommSubrack SubrackNumber, wdmProtRightCommSlot SlotNumber, wdmProtRightCommPort PortNumber, wdmProtLeftCommInterface DisplayString, wdmProtRightCommInterface DisplayString, wdmProtCommunicationFailure FaultStatus, wdmProtHubTrafficConfigMismatch FaultStatus, wdmProtSignalDegradeProtection INTEGER, wdmProtRevertiveSwitch INTEGER, wdmProtRevertiveSwitchWtrTimer Unsigned32, wdmProtRevertiveSwitchPrimaryPath INTEGER, wdmProtRevertiveSwitchSecondaryPath INTEGER, wdmProtSecondaryPathUsed FaultStatus } wdmProtIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index assigned to each entry. " ::= { wdmProtEntry 1 } wdmProtName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the object, for example 'pg:1:2:1-2:1:3:1-2', where the numbers indicate the subrack, slot and TX-RX port number for the left and right interface of the group. The interface is either a client interface or a line interface. This depends on the protection type, which in turn depends on the type of board that is involved. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { wdmProtEntry 2 } wdmProtDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User configurable label. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { wdmProtEntry 3 } wdmProtRightSubrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subrack number for this protected interface. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmProtEntry 4 } wdmProtRightSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The slot number for this protected interface. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmProtEntry 5 } wdmProtRightPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port number for the TX side of this protected interface. Not necessary for boards with only one interface. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmProtEntry 6 } wdmProtLeftSubrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subrack number for the other protected interface. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmProtEntry 7 } wdmProtLeftSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The slot number for the other protected interface. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmProtEntry 8 } wdmProtLeftPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port number for the TX side of the other protected interface. Not necessary for boards with only one interface. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmProtEntry 9 } wdmProtLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time the operational state of the protection group was last changed. " ::= { wdmProtEntry 10 } wdmProtAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), leftForced (2), rightForced (3), auto (4), toggle (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state for the protection group. down - The protection group is inactive. leftForced - The left side is forced active. rightForced - The right side is forced active. auto - The application choses which side should be active. This should be the normal mode of operation. toggle - Switch the active side of the protection group. Only applicable in 'auto' state. After setting adminStatus to 'toggle' it again receives the 'auto' value. " DEFVAL { down } ::= { wdmProtEntry 11 } wdmProtOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bothDown (1), leftDownRightUp (2), leftDownRightStandby (3), leftStandbyRightDown (4), leftStandbyRightUp (5), leftUpRightDown (6), leftUpRightStandby (7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Note: This object is deprecated. The operational state for the protection group. bothDown - both sides down leftDownRightUp - left side down, right side up leftDownRightStandby - left side down (forced), right side standby leftStandbyRightDown - left side standby, right side down (forced) leftStandbyRightUp - left side standby, right side up leftUpRightDown - left side up, right side down leftUpRightStandby - left side up, right side standby " ::= { wdmProtEntry 12 } wdmProtRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manages creation and deletion of conceptual rows. See also SNMPv2-TC. " ::= { wdmProtEntry 13 } wdmProtServiceDegraded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protection service degraded. A: One of the sides of the protection group has signal failure or one side is forced active. D: Both sides of the protection group are available (The signal is recovered or the forced active side is released). " ::= { wdmProtEntry 14 } wdmProtServiceFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protection service failure. A: Both sides of the protection group has signal failure or the side that is forced active has signal failure. D: One of the sides of the protection group is available (The signal is recovered or the forced active side is released). " ::= { wdmProtEntry 15 } wdmProtActiveSide OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), left (2), right (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for the protection group. none - no side is active. left - the left side is active. right - the right side is active. " ::= { wdmProtEntry 16 } wdmProtLeftStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), up (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for the left side of the protection group. down - this side is out of service. up - this side is active. " ::= { wdmProtEntry 17 } wdmProtRightStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), up (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for the right side of the protection group. down - this side is out of service. up - this side is active. " ::= { wdmProtEntry 18 } wdmProtProtectionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eqAndFiberProtection (0), fiberProtectionI (1), fiberProtectionII (2), fiberProtectionIII (3), fiberProtectionIIII (4), singleEndedBiDirLineProtection (5)} MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Different types of protection realisation and modelling. The information is intended for the TNM. eqAndFiberProtection - multiple boards, e.g. two tpMr2500 or tpMr25v2 fiberProtectionI - single board, e.g. FPU fiberProtectionII - single board, e.g. QMR fiberProtectionIII - single board, e.g. tpDDGbE fiberProtectionIIII - single board, e.g. tpD10GbE singleEndedBiDirLineProtection - single ended bidirection line protection, e.g. fhau1 " ::= { wdmProtEntry 19 } wdmProtObjectProperty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectProperty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Property mask. " ::= { wdmProtEntry 20 } wdmProtWrapperMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { followTraffic (1), fixedToDefault (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines how the wrapper will operate in correlation with the traffic switch. followTraffic - use the same interface as the traffic is selected from. fixedToDefaultInterface - wrapper is fixed to the predefined interface. This is the interface over which the PPP-link is defined. " DEFVAL { followTraffic } ::= { wdmProtEntry 21 } wdmProtWrapperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), left (2), right (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows which interface that currently is used for wrapper communication. " ::= { wdmProtEntry 22 } wdmProtLeftCommSubrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subrack number of the left communication link for this protection group. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmProtEntry 23 } wdmProtLeftCommSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The slot number of the left communication link for this protection group. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmProtEntry 24 } wdmProtLeftCommPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port number of the left communication link for this protection group " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmProtEntry 25 } wdmProtRightCommSubrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subrack number of the right communication link for this protection group. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmProtEntry 26 } wdmProtRightCommSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The slot number of the right communication link for this protection group. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmProtEntry 27 } wdmProtRightCommPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port number of the right communication link for this protection group " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmProtEntry 28 } wdmProtLeftCommInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface used for the left communication link for this protection group. " ::= { wdmProtEntry 29 } wdmProtRightCommInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface used for the right communication link for this protection group. " ::= { wdmProtEntry 30 } wdmProtCommunicationFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protection group communication failure A: There are several underlying criterias for this: - Loss of signal on the communication link - Errors on the communication link - Supervision failures - Missing status messages for the protection group D: Status messages are coming in as they should and the link supervision works. " ::= { wdmProtEntry 31 } wdmProtHubTrafficConfigMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traffic configuration received over the two lines differ. A: The traffic configuration received over the two lines do not match. D: Both lines have the same traffic configuration " ::= { wdmProtEntry 32 } wdmProtSignalDegradeProtection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (0), enabled (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Include signal degraded alarm as a protection switch criteria. " ::= { wdmProtEntry 33 } wdmProtRevertiveSwitchWtrTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1440) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When revertive mode is enabled and traffic is running on secondary path, this timer decides when to switch back to primary path (when the primary path is up and working again). Please note! To make sure that the desired timer value is used, always change this separatly from other settings. " DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { wdmProtEntry 34 } wdmProtRevertiveSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (0), enabled (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If revertive protection switch is enabled, the primary path will automaticly be chosen as working path if it is operational. A switch back to the primary path will however be delayed with the period of time given by the user. " DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { wdmProtEntry 35 } wdmProtRevertiveSwitchPrimaryPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { left (2), right (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface in the protection group that should be used as prefered working path. " DEFVAL { left } ::= { wdmProtEntry 36 } wdmProtRevertiveSwitchSecondaryPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { left (2), right (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface in the protection group that is used as prefered protection path. This is set automatically when choosing the primary working path. " DEFVAL { right } ::= { wdmProtEntry 37 } wdmProtSecondaryPathUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm indicating that the alternative secondary path is currently used, when revertive switching is enabled. A: Secondary path is used as working path. D: Primary path is used as working path. " ::= { wdmProtEntry 38 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Remote protection group definitions -- ---------------------------------------------------- wdmRemoteProtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WdmRemoteProtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The protection group table." ::= { wdmRemoteProtList 1 } wdmRemoteProtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WdmRemoteProtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the protection group table. " INDEX { wdmRemoteProtIndex } ::= { wdmRemoteProtTable 1 } WdmRemoteProtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wdmRemoteProtIndex Unsigned32, wdmRemoteProtName MgmtNameString, wdmRemoteProtDescr DisplayString, wdmRemoteProtLocalSubrack SubrackNumber, wdmRemoteProtLocalSlot SlotNumber, wdmRemoteProtLocalPort PortNumber, wdmRemoteProtCommSubrack SubrackNumber, wdmRemoteProtCommSlot SlotNumber, wdmRemoteProtCommPort PortNumber, wdmRemoteProtCommInterface DisplayString, wdmRemoteProtLastChangeTime DateAndTime, wdmRemoteProtIpAddress IpAddress, wdmRemoteProtIdentifier DisplayString, wdmRemoteProtRole INTEGER, wdmRemoteProtAdminStatus INTEGER, wdmRemoteProtRowStatus RowStatus, wdmRemoteProtActiveSide INTEGER, wdmRemoteProtLocalStatus INTEGER, wdmRemoteProtRemoteStatus INTEGER, wdmRemoteProtObjectProperty ObjectProperty, wdmRemoteProtServiceDegraded FaultStatus, wdmRemoteProtServiceFailure FaultStatus, wdmRemoteProtSetup CommandString, wdmRemoteProtSetupFailure FaultStatus, wdmRemoteProtRoleConflict FaultStatus, wdmRemoteProtCommunicationFailure FaultStatus } wdmRemoteProtIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index assigned to each entry. " ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 1 } wdmRemoteProtName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the object, for example 'rpg:1:2:1', where the numbers indicate the subrack, slot and TX port number for the local interface of the group. The interface is either a client interface or a line interface. This depends on the protection type, which in turn depends on the type of board that is involved. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 2 } wdmRemoteProtDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User configurable label. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 3 } wdmRemoteProtLocalSubrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subrack number for this protected interface. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 4 } wdmRemoteProtLocalSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The slot number for this protected interface. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 5 } wdmRemoteProtLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port number for the TX side of this protected interface. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 6 } wdmRemoteProtCommSubrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subrack number of the communication link for this protection group. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 7 } wdmRemoteProtCommSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The slot number of the communication link for this protection group. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 8 } wdmRemoteProtCommPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port number of the communication link for this protection group " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 9 } wdmRemoteProtCommInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port number of the communication link for this protection group " ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 10 } wdmRemoteProtLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time the operational state of the protection group was last changed. " ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 11 } wdmRemoteProtIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP-address of the remote node. " DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 12 } wdmRemoteProtIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identifier (name) of the protection group that is understod by both the local and the remote node. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 13 } wdmRemoteProtRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined (0), master (1), slave (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The role of the node in this protection group. master - the manager should read info from this node. slave - the manager should read from the other node " DEFVAL { undefined } ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 14 } wdmRemoteProtAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), localForced (2), remoteForced (3), auto (4), toggle (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state for the protection group. down - The protection group is inactive. localForced - The local side is forced active. remoteForced - The remote side is forced active. auto - The application choses which side should be active. This should be the normal mode of operation. toggle - Switch the active side of the protection group. Only applicable in 'auto' state. After setting adminStatus to 'toggle' it again receives the 'auto' value. " DEFVAL { down } ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 15 } wdmRemoteProtRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manages creation and deletion of conceptual rows. See also SNMPv2-TC. " ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 16 } wdmRemoteProtActiveSide OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), local (2), remote (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for the protection group. none - no side is active. local - the local side is active. remote - the remote side is active. " ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 17 } wdmRemoteProtLocalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), down (1), up (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for the local side of the protection group. down - this side is out of service. up - this side is working. " ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 18 } wdmRemoteProtRemoteStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), down (1), up (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for the remote side of the protection group. down - this side is out of service. up - this side is working. " ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 19 } wdmRemoteProtObjectProperty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectProperty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Property mask. " ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 20 } wdmRemoteProtServiceDegraded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protection service degraded. A: One of the sides of the protection group has signal failure or one side is forced active. D: Both sides of the protection group are available (The signal is recovered or the forced active side is released). " ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 21 } wdmRemoteProtServiceFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protection service failure. A: Both sides of the protection group has signal failure or the side that is forced active has signal failure. D: One of the sides of the protection group is available (The signal is recovered or the forced active side is released). " ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 22 } wdmRemoteProtSetup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Procedure to setup the protection group. - Communication Interface Select from a list of available interfaces - Remote IP-address Select from a list of discovered addresses or enter a value - Identifier Select from a list of identifiers that have been published by the node with the IP-address selected above, or enter a unique value. The identifier must be unique both in the local node and in the remote node. - Role Select whether the local end of the protection group shall be master or slave. " ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 23 } wdmRemoteProtSetupFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protection group setup failure. A: The defined remote IP-address and/or protection group identifier can not be resolved with the peer node. D: The protection group can be resolved " ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 24 } wdmRemoteProtRoleConflict OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protection group master/slave conflict. A: The protection group is resolved, but the two peers have the same role defined - both master, or both slave D: Their respective roles differ " ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 25 } wdmRemoteProtCommunicationFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protection group communication failure A: There are several underlying criterias for this: - Loss of signal on the communication link - Errors on the communication link - Supervision failures - Missing status messages for the protection group D: Status messages are coming in as they should and the link supervision works. " ::= { wdmRemoteProtEntry 26 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Interface table for passive equipment -- ---------------------------------------------------- wdmPassiveIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WdmPassiveIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface list." ::= { wdmPassiveIfList 1 } wdmPassiveIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WdmPassiveIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the interface list. Each interface consists of a uni- or bi-directional port. " INDEX { wdmPassiveIfIndex } ::= { wdmPassiveIfTable 1 } WdmPassiveIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wdmPassiveIfIndex Unsigned32, wdmPassiveIfName MgmtNameString, wdmPassiveIfDescr DisplayString, wdmPassiveIfSubrack SubrackNumber, wdmPassiveIfSlot SlotNumber, wdmPassiveIfPort PortNumber, wdmPassiveIfInvPhysIndexOrZero Unsigned32, wdmPassiveIfDirection PortType, wdmPassiveIfLambdaType LambdaType, wdmPassiveIfLambda LambdaFrequency, wdmPassiveIfLambdaMax LambdaFrequency, wdmPassiveIfLastChangeTime DateAndTime, -- deprecated wdmPassiveIfExpectedLambda LambdaFrequency, wdmPassiveIfUnexpectedLambda FaultStatus, wdmPassiveIfAdminStatus INTEGER, wdmPassiveIfOperStatus BoardOrInterfaceOperStatus, wdmPassiveIfObjectProperty ObjectProperty, wdmPassiveIfExpectedLambdaMax LambdaFrequency, wdmPassiveIfAid DisplayString, wdmPassiveIfPhysicalLocation DisplayString, wdmPassiveIfIfNo PortNumber} wdmPassiveIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index assigned to each entry. " ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 1 } wdmPassiveIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the interface, for example 'wdmi:1:2:1', where the first number indicates sub-rack, the second slot number and the third is the port number. " ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 2 } wdmPassiveIfDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User configurable label. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 3 } wdmPassiveIfSubrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the subrack where the interface is located. " ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 5 } wdmPassiveIfSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the slot where the interface is located. " ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 6 } wdmPassiveIfPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the port where the interface is located. " ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 7 } wdmPassiveIfInvPhysIndexOrZero OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The row in the invPhysTable for this interface. Set to 0 if not known. " ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 8 } wdmPassiveIfDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of signal the interface expects. rx - Only ingoing signal. LambdaType, LambdaMin and LambdaMax indicates the frequency properties for the ingoing signal. tx - Only outgoing signal. LambdaType, LambdaMin and LambdaMax indicates the frequency properties for the outgoing signal. biDi - Ingoing and outgoing signal on the same port. LambdaType, LambdaMin and LambdaMax indicates the frequency properties for the bi-directional signal. " ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 9 } wdmPassiveIfLambdaType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LambdaType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of wavelengths the port of the interface can accomodate. fixed - The port received or transmits a fixed frequency. range - The port can handle a range of frequencies. Not used. transparent - There are no frequency properties associated with the port. " ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 10 } wdmPassiveIfLambda OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LambdaFrequency MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frequency given in hundreds of GHz (0.01 GHz). Set to 0 for transparent ports. " ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 11 } wdmPassiveIfLambdaMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LambdaFrequency MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum frequency (for the 'wavelength') in GHz. " ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 12 } wdmPassiveIfLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The time when the state of the interface entry was last changed. " ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 13 } wdmPassiveIfExpectedLambda OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LambdaFrequency MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frequency of the 'wavelength' given in hundreds of GHz (0.01 GHz). This attribute can be written via SNMP. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 14 } wdmPassiveIfUnexpectedLambda OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The actual frequency does not match the hundreds of GHz (0.01 GHz). The actual frequency does not match the pre-configured frequency. A pre-configured frequency of '0' matches all actual frequencies. A: The configured frequency does not match the actual frequency. D: The configured frequency matches the actual frequency. " ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 15 } wdmPassiveIfAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), up (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state for the port. down - The alarm are inhibited up - Alarms are reported " DEFVAL { up } ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 16 } wdmPassiveIfOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BoardOrInterfaceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for the port. notPresent - The board is missing down - Admin down up - The board is present and admin up " DEFVAL { notPresent } ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 17 } wdmPassiveIfObjectProperty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectProperty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Property mask. " ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 18 } wdmPassiveIfExpectedLambdaMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LambdaFrequency MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Max frequency of the 'wavelength' range given in hundreds of GHz (0.01 GHz). This attribute can be written via SNMP. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 19 } wdmPassiveIfAid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The access identifier (AID) of the interface. The format is according to GR-833. " ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 20 } wdmPassiveIfPhysicalLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The physical location of the if. The format is according to GR-833. " ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 21 } wdmPassiveIfIfNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the port where the interface is located. " ::= { wdmPassiveIfEntry 22 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Table for optical control loop channels -- ---------------------------------------------------- wdmCtrlChannelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WdmCtrlChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface list." ::= { wdmCtrlChannelList 1 } wdmCtrlChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WdmCtrlChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the interface list. " INDEX { wdmCtrlChannelIndex } ::= { wdmCtrlChannelTable 1 } WdmCtrlChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wdmCtrlChannelIndex Unsigned32, wdmCtrlChannelName MgmtNameString, wdmCtrlChannelSubrack SubrackNumber, wdmCtrlChannelSlot SlotNumber, wdmCtrlChannelTxPort PortNumber, wdmCtrlChannelChannel LambdaFrequency, wdmCtrlChannelGroupNumber Unsigned32, wdmCtrlChannelAdminStatus BoardOrInterfaceAdminStatus, wdmCtrlChannelWantedOutputPower Integer32, wdmCtrlChannelCurrentOutputPower Integer32, wdmCtrlChannelCurrentAttenuation Unsigned32, wdmCtrlChannelForceRegulationCommand CommandString, wdmCtrlChannelOuputPowerControlFailure FaultStatus, wdmCtrlChannelCurrentPowerOutOfRange FaultStatus, wdmCtrlChannelAttenuationOutOfRange FaultStatus, wdmCtrlChannelStartupChannel INTEGER, wdmCtrlChannelStatus INTEGER, wdmCtrlChannelMonitorIndex Unsigned32, wdmCtrlChannelStartupCommand CommandString, wdmCtrlChannelSfpMissing FaultStatus, wdmCtrlChannelSfpMediaMismatch FaultStatus, wdmCtrlChannelLossOfSignal FaultStatus, wdmCtrlChannelDescr DisplayString, wdmCtrlChannelMaxAttenuation Unsigned32, wdmCtrlChannelMinAttenuation Unsigned32, wdmCtrlChannelAttenControlOffset Unsigned32, wdmCtrlChannelAttenControlDegraded FaultStatus, wdmCtrlChannelNotFound FaultStatus } wdmCtrlChannelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index assigned to each entry. The index contains information about subrack, slot and port for controlled channel. " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 1 } wdmCtrlChannelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the channel, for example 'ch:1:2:1:959' (ch:[subrack]:[slot]:[port]:[channel]). " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 2 } wdmCtrlChannelSubrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subrack number of the unit where the controlled channel is attenuated. " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 3 } wdmCtrlChannelSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The slot number of the unit where the controlled channel is attenuated. " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 4 } wdmCtrlChannelTxPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port number of the controlled channel in the unit where the channel is attenuated. " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 5 } wdmCtrlChannelChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LambdaFrequency MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frequency of the 'wavelength' given in hundreds of GHz (0.01 GHz). " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 6 } wdmCtrlChannelGroupNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..64) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the group to which the controlled channel belongs. " DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 7 } wdmCtrlChannelAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BoardOrInterfaceAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state for the channel control. down - The channel control is inactive. Channel attenuation is set to its maximum value. service - The channel control is activated but alarms are suppressed. Intended for use during service or re-configuration. When service is concluded adminStatus should be set to 'up' again. up - The channel control is active. Alarms are not suppressed. " DEFVAL { down } ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 8 } wdmCtrlChannelWantedOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-260..120) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wanted output power. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 9 } wdmCtrlChannelCurrentOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The actual output power. " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 10 } wdmCtrlChannelCurrentAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current attenuation. " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 11 } wdmCtrlChannelForceRegulationCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Starts a regulation manually " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 12 } wdmCtrlChannelOuputPowerControlFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm raised when the wanted output power can not be obtained. That is a) The wanted power has not been obtained after the maximum number of consequent control cycles. b) Failure to read the current output power. c) Failure to set attenuation when regulating channel. " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 13 } wdmCtrlChannelCurrentPowerOutOfRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm raised when the current output power is outside the 'regulation range' for the group. At this point, no regulation will be performed on the channel. The operator must change the wantedOutputPower or the regulationRange. " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 14 } wdmCtrlChannelAttenuationOutOfRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm raised when the attenuation is at the maximum or minimum values for the controlled device and the wantedOutputPower cannot be obtained. At this point, no regulation will be performed on the channel. " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 15 } wdmCtrlChannelStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { initial (1), searching (2), regulating (3), ok (4), notFound (5), error (6), waiting (7)} MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The regulation status of the channel. initial - No regulation has been performed yet. searching - The system is trying to detect the channel. regulating - The system is regulating the output power of the channel to the wanted level. ok - The output power of the channel is at the wanted level. notFound - Channel could not be detected in monitor. error - Regulation of channel output power failed. waiting - Channel is in queue for regulation startup and will be started when ongoing regulations and prior elements in the startup queue have been processed. " DEFVAL { initial } ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 16 } wdmCtrlChannelStartupChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), start (2), blocked (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Initiates a safe startup procedure for the channel when set to 'start'. If the administrative status of the channel is 'down' or the channel is not detected by the monitor unit, the system attempts to detect the channel as follows: 1) The attenuation is set to its maximum value. 2) The attenuation is decreased until the channel is detected by the monitor. When the channel is detected, regulation of the channel is started, ignoring the regulation range. If the channel cannot be detected, channelStatus is set to notFound. If regulation in fails, channelStatus is set to error and an alarm is raised. When the startup sequence is finished, the administrative status of the channel is set to 'up'. If a regulation is ongoing when the startup procedure is initiated, the channel is put on a waiting queue until the ongoing regulation is finished. The startup queue has a limited length. If the queue is filled up with waiting channels, further startup commands will be blocked until all the queued channels have been started. At times when it is not allowed to start the channel, e.g. in commissioning mode or when the queue is full, this attribute is set to 'blocked' and cannot be set to start. NOTE: The 'blocked' state is handled entirely by the system and cannot be set or reset by the user. The state of this attribute immediately returns to 'normal' when the startup procedure has been initiated or the channel is put on the startup queue. " DEFVAL { normal } ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 17 } wdmCtrlChannelMonitorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the index of the connected monitor interface. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 18 } wdmCtrlChannelStartupCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Initiates a safe startup sequence for the channel. If the administrative status of the channel is 'down' or the channel is not detected by the monitor unit, the system attempts to detect the channel as follows: 1) The attenuation is set to its maximum value. 2) The attenuation is decreased until the channel is detected by the monitor. When the channel is detected, regulation of the channel is started, ignoring the regulation range. If the channel cannot be detected, channelStatus is set to notFound. If regulation fails, channelStatus is set to 'error' and an alarm is raised. When the startup sequence is finished, the administrative status of the channel is set to 'up'. If a regulation is ongoing when the startup procedure is initiated, the channel is put on a waiting queue until the ongoing regulation is finished. The startup queue has a limited length. If the queue is filled up with waiting channels, further startup commands will be blocked until all the queued channels have been started. " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 19 } wdmCtrlChannelSfpMissing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An expected SFP is missing. A(ctivation): An expected SFP is missing. D(e-activation): The missing SFP is inserted. " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 20 } wdmCtrlChannelSfpMediaMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of the SFP used for the channel port is not the expected. A(ctivation): Invalid or mismatching SFP media is detected. D(e-activation): The correct SFP is used. " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 21 } wdmCtrlChannelLossOfSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of signal at the channel port. A(ctivation): Active loss of signal HW indication. D(e-activation): Inactive loss of signal HW indication. " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 22 } wdmCtrlChannelDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User configurable label. This attribute can be written via SNMP. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 23 } wdmCtrlChannelMaxAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The max attenuation limit on channel. " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 24} wdmCtrlChannelMinAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The min attenuation limit on channel. " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 25} wdmCtrlChannelAttenControlOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold offset to max/min attenuation on the channel. If the threshold is reached, AttenControlDegraded alarm will be raised. " DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 26} wdmCtrlChannelAttenControlDegraded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm is raised when channel attenuation is crossing threshold to max/min attenuation. A(ctivation): Active the alarm indication. D(e-activation): Inactive the alarm indication. " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 27} wdmCtrlChannelNotFound OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Channel not found. " ::= { wdmCtrlChannelEntry 28 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Table for optical control loop groups -- ---------------------------------------------------- wdmCtrlGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WdmCtrlGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface list." ::= { wdmCtrlGroupList 1 } wdmCtrlGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WdmCtrlGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the interface list. " INDEX { wdmCtrlGroupIndex } ::= { wdmCtrlGroupTable 1 } WdmCtrlGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wdmCtrlGroupIndex Unsigned32, wdmCtrlGroupName MgmtNameString, wdmCtrlGroupDescr DisplayString, wdmCtrlGroupGroupNumber Unsigned32, wdmCtrlGroupSubrack SubrackNumber, wdmCtrlGroupSlot SlotNumber, wdmCtrlGroupPort INTEGER, wdmCtrlGroupMonitorName MgmtNameString, wdmCtrlGroupAdminStatus BoardOrInterfaceAdminStatus, wdmCtrlGroupControlMode INTEGER, wdmCtrlGroupConfigurationCommand CommandString, wdmCtrlGroupForceRegulationCommand CommandString, wdmCtrlGroupLockedRange INTEGER, wdmCtrlGroupRegulationRange Unsigned32, wdmCtrlGroupRegulationLastChangeTime DateAndTime, wdmCtrlGroupCommissioningMode FaultStatus, wdmCtrlGroupAssociateChannel CommandString, wdmCtrlGroupNoOfChannels Unsigned32, wdmCtrlGroupStatus INTEGER, wdmCtrlGroupTimeLeft Unsigned32, wdmCtrlGroupOutputPowerMismatch FaultStatus, wdmCtrlGroupTotalPower Integer32, wdmCtrlGroupChannelStartupCommand CommandString} wdmCtrlGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index assigned to each entry. Index contains information about group number, subrack, slot and port. " ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 1 } wdmCtrlGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the group, for example 'group:1' (group:[groupNumber]). " ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 2 } wdmCtrlGroupDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User configurable label. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 3 } wdmCtrlGroupGroupNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..64) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique number identifying the group. " DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 4 } wdmCtrlGroupSubrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the subrack where the monitor unit is located. " ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 5 } wdmCtrlGroupSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the slot where the monitor is located. " ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 6 } wdmCtrlGroupPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { a (1), b (2), c (3), d (4), e (5), f (6), g (7), h (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The monitor port where the group is connected. Each character represents a port number, as shown: a->1, b->2, c->3, d->4, e->5, f->6, g->7, h->8. " DEFVAL { a } ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 7 } wdmCtrlGroupMonitorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the monitor port, for example 'ocm:1:2:1-A' ([monitortype]:[subrack]:[slot]:[port]). " ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 8 } wdmCtrlGroupAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BoardOrInterfaceAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state for the group. down - The group is de-activated. No regulations will be performed. service - The group is activated but alarms are suppressed. Intended for use during service or re-configuration. When service is concluded adminStatus should be set to 'up' again. up - The group is active. Regulations will be performed regularly and on user orders. Alarms are not suppressed. " DEFVAL { up } ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 9 } wdmCtrlGroupControlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), commissioning (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current control group mode. normal - regulation is performed at the interval defined in General -> Regulation interval commissioning - the regulation is performed continuously. After 15 minutes it will change back to normal mode. Note! When control group is in commissioning mode the corresponding monitor port will still be in 'normal' mode. " DEFVAL { normal } ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 10 } wdmCtrlGroupConfigurationCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select which control mode to use: normal - regulation is performed at the interval defined in General -> Regulation interval commissioning - the regulation is performed continuously. After 15 minutes it will change back to normal mode. " ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 11 } wdmCtrlGroupForceRegulationCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Starts a regulation manually " ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 12 } wdmCtrlGroupLockedRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..30) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To avoid frequent changes of attenuation, a range can be defined around the wanted output power. A control loop will not try to adjust power values within the range. " DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 13 } wdmCtrlGroupRegulationRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An offset below the wanted output power at which the 'Current Power Out Of Range' alarm shall be raised. When the current output power is so far below the wanted output power, the regulation stops and the alarm is raised. Applicable for normal mode. " DEFVAL { 40 } ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 14 } wdmCtrlGroupRegulationLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the group was last regulated. " ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 15 } wdmCtrlGroupCommissioningMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm raised when the group is put in commissioning mode. A: Commissioning mode is used D: Normal mode " ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 16 } wdmCtrlGroupAssociateChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Creates one or several control channel objects and associates them to the selected group. User needs to specify: - The board where the added channels are attenuated. - The port(s) or channel(s) of that board to add. - The wanted output power of the channel. " ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 17 } wdmCtrlGroupNoOfChannels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current number of channels associated with this group. " ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 18 } wdmCtrlGroupStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { starting (1), noRegulation (2), reading (3), regulation (4), idle (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The regulation status for the group starting - the system is starting up noRegulation - the group contains no channels to regulate reading - the control loop is reading the power from the monitor regulating - the control loop is calculating and setting new attenuations idle - the control loop is inactive until next regulation " DEFVAL { starting } ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 19 } wdmCtrlGroupTimeLeft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remaining time (in seconds) to next regulation. " DEFVAL { 1800 } ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 20 } wdmCtrlGroupOutputPowerMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total output power of the OCM differs by more than 1.4dB from the monitor port insertion loss value of the OA. A: The total output power of the OCM differs from the monitor port insertion loss by more than 1.4dB D: Output power of OCM is within 1.4dB of the monitor port insertion loss value again " ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 21 } wdmCtrlGroupTotalPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total power of channels associated to this group, based on OCM measurements. " ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 22 } wdmCtrlGroupChannelStartupCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Initiates a safe startup sequence for all the channels of selected group. If the administrative status of the channel is 'down' or the channel is not detected by the monitor unit, the system attempts to detect the channel as follows: 1) The attenuation is set to its maximum value. 2) The attenuation is decreased until the channel is detected by the monitor. When the channel is detected, regulation of the channel is started, ignoring the regulation range. If the channel cannot be detected, channelStatus is set to notFound. If regulation fails, channelStatus is set to 'error' and an alarm is raised. When the startup sequence is finished, the administrative status of the channel is set to 'up'. If a regulation is ongoing when the startup procedure is initiated, the channel is put on a waiting queue until the ongoing regulation is finished. The startup queue has a limited length. If the queue is filled up with waiting channels, further startup commands will be blocked until all the queued channels have been started. " ::= { wdmCtrlGroupEntry 23 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Table for local link adjustment -- ---------------------------------------------------- wdmMeanChannelPowerControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The list of local links to balance channel power on" ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlList 1 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of links where the channel power will be adjusted " INDEX { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlIndex } ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlTable 1 } WdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlIndex Unsigned32, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlName MgmtNameString, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlDescr DisplayString, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOcmSubrack SubrackNumber, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOcmSlot SlotNumber, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOcmPort INTEGER, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOaSubrack SubrackNumber, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOaSlot SlotNumber, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOaPort PortNumber, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlMonitorName MgmtNameString, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlAdminStatus AdminStatusWithNA, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOperStatus BoardOrInterfaceOperStatus, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlStartRegulation CommandString, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlRegulationRange Unsigned32, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlLatestRegulation DateAndTime, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlLatestChange DateAndTime, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlMonitorOffsetCalibrationFailed FaultStatus, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlRegulationState INTEGER, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlTimeToNextRegulation Unsigned32, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlWantedChannelPower Integer32, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlCurrentChannelPower Integer32, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlCurrentGain Integer32, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlTotalChannelOutputPower Integer32, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlNumberOfChannels Unsigned32, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlAbsolutePowerOffset Integer32, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlRemainingPowerOffset Integer32, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlMonitorOffsetTooLarge FaultStatus, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlChannelPowerOutOfRange FaultStatus, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlRegulationInterval Unsigned32, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlAmplifierOutputPort MgmtNameString, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlLatestAmplifierRxPower Integer32, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlLatestAmplifierTxPower Integer32, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlLocalId Integer32 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index assigned to each entry. The index contains information about subrack, slot and port for controlled channel. " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 1 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the local link adjustment entry 'meanChannelPowerControl:1:2:1' (meanChannelPowerControl[oa subrack]:[oa slot]:[oa port]). " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 2 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User configurable label. " DEFVAL { "" } ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 3 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOcmSubrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subrack number of the ocm reading the oa monitor port. " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 4 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOcmSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The slot number of the ocm reading the oa monitor port. channel is attenuated. " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 5 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOcmPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { a (1), b (2), c (3), d (4), e (5), f (6), g (7), h (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The monitor port of this local link adjustment loop. " DEFVAL { a } ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 6 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOaSubrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubrackNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subrack number of the oa that is being controlled by this local link adjustment entry " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 7 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOaSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The slot number of the oa that is being controlled by this local link adjustment entry " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 8 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOaPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port number of the oa that is being controlled by this local link adjustment entry " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 9 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlMonitorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the monitor port, for example 'ocm:1:2:1-A' ([monitortype]:[subrack]:[slot]:[port]). " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 10 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdminStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state for the local link adjustment entry. down - The link adjustment is disabled service - The link is adjusting the channel power but alarms are suppressed. Intended for use during service or re-configuration. When service is concluded adminStatus should be set to 'up' again. up - The link adjustment is active. Regulations will be performed regularly and on user orders. Alarms are not suppressed. " DEFVAL { down } ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 11 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BoardOrInterfaceOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for the control group down - The control group cannot operate due to missing resources or other complications up - The control group is active " -- TEMPORARY FOR ALARMS TODO fix this DEFVAL { up } ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 12 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlStartRegulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Starts a regulation manually " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 13 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlRegulationRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An offset below the wanted output power at which the 'Current Power Out Of Range' alarm shall be raised. When the current output power is so far below the wanted output power, the regulation stops and the alarm is raised. Applicable for normal mode. " DEFVAL { 40 } ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 14 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlLatestRegulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the link was last regulated. " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 15 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlLatestChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the link was latest adjusted " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 16 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlMonitorOffsetCalibrationFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm raised when calibration of the OCM port fails. A: calibration of OCM port failed D: Normal mode " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 17 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlRegulationState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { starting (1), regulating (2), idle (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The regulation status for the link starting - the local link adjustment loop is reading the power from the monitor regulating - the local link adjustment loop is calculating and setting new attenuation / wanted gain idle - the local link adjustment loop is inactive until next regulation " DEFVAL { starting } ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 18 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlTimeToNextRegulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remaining time (in minutes) to next regulation. " DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 19 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlWantedChannelPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-150..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wanted output power. " DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 20 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlCurrentChannelPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The actual output power. " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 21 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlCurrentGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OA signal gain set by the local link adjustment loop " DEFVAL { 200 } ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 22 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlTotalChannelOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total channel output power " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 23 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlNumberOfChannels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of channels read from OCM " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 24 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlAbsolutePowerOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Absolute power offset " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 25 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlRemainingPowerOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remaining power offset " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 26 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlMonitorOffsetTooLarge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm raised when the OCM monitor port offset is too large A: OCM port offset too large D: Normal mode " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 27 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlChannelPowerOutOfRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm raised when the incomming channelpower is too high or too low to regulate to the wanted mean channel power A: channel power out of range D: Normal mode " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 28 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlRegulationInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (10..30) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum time between two regulations, a random wait time of up to 15 seconds is added to this value when calculating when the next regulation should occurr. " DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 29 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlAmplifierOutputPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the OA port controlled by this control loop " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 30 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlLatestAmplifierRxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The latest amplifier input power " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 31 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlLatestAmplifierTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The latest amplifier output power " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 32 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlLocalId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Store the local ID since it will be needed when reading backup " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlEntry 33 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Table for local link adjustment global -- ---------------------------------------------------- wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bogus table to hold one entry with a dialog attribute to create entries in another table. " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalList 1 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of links where the channel power will be adjusted " INDEX { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalIndex } ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalTable 1 } WdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalIndex Unsigned32, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalName MgmtNameString, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalEntryCreate CommandString } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index assigned to each entry. The index contains information about subrack, slot and port for controlled channel. " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalEntry 1 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of this bogus entry, that only exists to create other entries. 'bogus' " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalEntry 2 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalEntryCreate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Creates a wdmMeanChannelPowerControl entry in another table " ::= { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalEntry 3 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Table for subChannels -- ---------------------------------------------------- wdmSubChannelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WdmSubChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface list." ::= { wdmSubChannelList 1 } wdmSubChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WdmSubChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the interface list. " INDEX { wdmSubChannelIndex } ::= { wdmSubChannelTable 1 } WdmSubChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wdmSubChannelIndex Unsigned32, wdmSubChannelName MgmtNameString, wdmSubChannelId Unsigned32, wdmSubChannelType INTEGER, wdmSubChannelUnequipped FaultStatus, wdmSubChannelConnectionStatus DisplayString, wdmSubChannelConnectedForeignIndex Unsigned32, wdmSubChannelCrossConnect CommandString, wdmSubChannelDisconnect CommandString, wdmSubChannelRemoteAccessInterface DisplayString, wdmSubChannelProtectedChannelIndex Unsigned32 } wdmSubChannelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index assigned to each entry. The index contains information about subrack, slot and port for controlled channel. " ::= { wdmSubChannelEntry 1 } wdmSubChannelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the interface, for example 'channel:1:2:1-2:19' (channel:[subrack]:[slot]:[port]:[channel]). " ::= { wdmSubChannelEntry 2 } wdmSubChannelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..30) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The channelId within the line signal. " ::= { wdmSubChannelEntry 3 } wdmSubChannelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { e1t1 (1), fe (2), gbeFe (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows what format(s) this channel is used for. (e1t1, fe or gbeFe) " ::= { wdmSubChannelEntry 4 } wdmSubChannelUnequipped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows whether the remote node has inserted payload into this channel. A: No payload is received on this channel D: Payload is received again " ::= { wdmSubChannelEntry 5 } wdmSubChannelConnectionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the name of the client port and possible subchannel that it is connected to or Unconnected if not connected. " DEFVAL { "Not connected" } ::= { wdmSubChannelEntry 6 } wdmSubChannelConnectedForeignIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the index of the connected interface. Or 0 if unconnected. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmSubChannelEntry 7 } wdmSubChannelCrossConnect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Connect a subchannel to a specific client and subchannel " ::= { wdmSubChannelEntry 8 } wdmSubChannelDisconnect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommandString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Disconnect existing crossConnections " ::= { wdmSubChannelEntry 9 } wdmSubChannelRemoteAccessInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the name of the client port in the remote access node that terminated the sub channel. For sub channels that are not terminated in the remote node, 'Not Terminated' is shown. " DEFVAL { "Not connected" } ::= { wdmSubChannelEntry 10 } wdmSubChannelProtectedChannelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the index of the protected chanel. Or 0 if not active protection. updates when protection state is changed. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmSubChannelEntry 11 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- CtrlGlobal group -- ---------------------------------------------------- wdmCtrlGlobalRegulationInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER {interval5min (5), interval30min (30)} MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time interval between regulations in normal mode. interval5min - 5 minutes interval interval30min - 30 minutes interval " DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { wdmCtrlGlobal 1 } wdmCtrlGlobalRegulationStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { initial (1), searching (2), reading (3), regulating (4), idle (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current status of the control loop. initial - No regulation has been performed yet. searching - Trying to detect channels. reading - Reading power values from monitor unit. regulating - Adjusting power levels. idle - No regulation is ongoing. " DEFVAL { initial } ::= { wdmCtrlGlobal 2 } wdmCtrlGlobalLastRegulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The date and time of the last regulation. " ::= { wdmCtrlGlobal 3 } wdmCtrlGlobalTimeLeft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time left to next scheduled regulation. Unit: seconds. " ::= { wdmCtrlGlobal 4 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Table for delay compensation for protection groups -- ---------------------------------------------------- wdmDelayCompPGTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WdmDelayCompPGEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Delay compensation for protection groups table." ::= { wdmDelayCompPGList 1 } wdmDelayCompPGEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WdmDelayCompPGEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table. " INDEX { wdmDelayCompPGIndex } ::= { wdmDelayCompPGTable 1 } WdmDelayCompPGEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wdmDelayCompPGIndex Unsigned32, wdmDelayCompPGName MgmtNameString, wdmDelayCompPGUpId Unsigned32, wdmDelayCompPGAdminStatus AdminStatusWithNA, wdmDelayCompPGOperStatus OperStatusWithNA, wdmDelayCompPGAutoCompensationMode EnabledDisabledWithNA, wdmDelayCompPGAutoCompensationState INTEGER, wdmDelayCompPGDelayDifference Signed32WithNA, wdmDelayCompPGDelayCompensationOOR FaultStatus, wdmDelayCompPGFiberLengthDifferenceOOR FaultStatus, wdmDelayCompPGDelayCompensationReset ResetWithNA } wdmDelayCompPGIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index assigned to each entry. The index contains information about subrack, slot and port for controlled channel. " ::= { wdmDelayCompPGEntry 1 } wdmDelayCompPGName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the entry, for example 'dcpg:1:3:17-18:1:3:19-20' (dcpg:[subrack]:[slot]:[leftporttx]-[leftportrx]:[subrack]:[slot]:[rightporttx]-[rightportrx]). " ::= { wdmDelayCompPGEntry 2 } wdmDelayCompPGUpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..30) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The UpId within the table. " ::= { wdmDelayCompPGEntry 3 } wdmDelayCompPGAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdminStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state for the object. service - The object is activated but alarms are suppressed. Intended for use during service or re-configuration. When service is concluded adminStatus should be set to 'up' again. up - The object is active. Regulations will be performed regularly and on user orders. Alarms are not suppressed. " DEFVAL { up } ::= { wdmDelayCompPGEntry 4 } wdmDelayCompPGOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStatusWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state for the object. notPresent - The object is not available. down - The object is de-activated or there are faults preventing its transition to the 'up' state. up - The object is active. " DEFVAL { up } ::= { wdmDelayCompPGEntry 5 } wdmDelayCompPGAutoCompensationMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledDisabledWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The automatic delay compensation mode. " DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { wdmDelayCompPGEntry 6 } wdmDelayCompPGAutoCompensationState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { state1 (1), state2 (2), notApplicable (2147483647) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The automatic delay compensation state. " ::= { wdmDelayCompPGEntry 7 } wdmDelayCompPGDelayDifference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Signed32WithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current delay difference in nanoseconds, after compensation. The difference is calculated as (right line current delay) - (left line current delay). " ::= { wdmDelayCompPGEntry 8 } wdmDelayCompPGDelayCompensationOOR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Delay compensation out-of-range. alarm: The delay compensation is out-of-range. ok: The delay compensation is in range. " ::= { wdmDelayCompPGEntry 9 } wdmDelayCompPGFiberLengthDifferenceOOR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FaultStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fiber length difference out-of-range. alarm: The fiber length difference is out-of-range. ok: The fiber length difference is in range. " ::= { wdmDelayCompPGEntry 10 } wdmDelayCompPGDelayCompensationReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ResetWithNA MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Resets the automatic delay compensation. After a successful reset the default value (normal) is restored in this attribute. " DEFVAL { normal } ::= { wdmDelayCompPGEntry 11 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Table for delay compensation for links -- ---------------------------------------------------- wdmDelayCompLinkTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WdmDelayCompLinkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Delay compensation for protection group links table." ::= { wdmDelayCompLinkList 1 } wdmDelayCompLinkEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WdmDelayCompLinkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table. " INDEX { wdmDelayCompLinkIndex } ::= { wdmDelayCompLinkTable 1 } WdmDelayCompLinkEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wdmDelayCompLinkIndex Unsigned32, wdmDelayCompLinkName MgmtNameString, wdmDelayCompLinkUpId Unsigned32, wdmDelayCompLinkCurrentDelayCompensation Signed32WithNA, wdmDelayCompLinkWantedDelayCompensation Signed32WithNA } wdmDelayCompLinkIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index assigned to each entry. The index contains information about subrack, slot and port for controlled channel. " ::= { wdmDelayCompLinkEntry 1 } wdmDelayCompLinkName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MgmtNameString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management name of the entry, for example 'dclink:1:3:17-18' (dclink:[subrack]:[slot]:[porttx]-[portrx]). " ::= { wdmDelayCompLinkEntry 2 } wdmDelayCompLinkUpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..30) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The UpId within the table. " ::= { wdmDelayCompLinkEntry 3 } wdmDelayCompLinkCurrentDelayCompensation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Signed32WithNA (0..47233) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current delay compensation in nanoseconds. Note, the granularity of this value is determined by the hardware capabilities. " ::= { wdmDelayCompLinkEntry 4 } wdmDelayCompLinkWantedDelayCompensation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Signed32WithNA (0..47233) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wanted delay compensation in nanoseconds. Note, this value is only used by the system when automatic delay compensation mode is disabled. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wdmDelayCompLinkEntry 5 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Notifications -- ---------------------------------------------------- wdmNotifyPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lumentisWdmNotifications 0 } wdmProtOperStatusBothDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { wdmProtIndex, wdmProtName } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Sent when the protection group changes operational status. " ::= { wdmNotifyPrefix 1 } wdmProtOperStatusLeftDownRightUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { wdmProtIndex, wdmProtName } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Sent when the protection group changes operational status. " ::= { wdmNotifyPrefix 2 } wdmProtOperStatusLeftDownRightStandby NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { wdmProtIndex, wdmProtName } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Sent when the protection group changes operational status. " ::= { wdmNotifyPrefix 3 } wdmProtOperStatusLeftStandbyRightDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { wdmProtIndex, wdmProtName } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Sent when the protection group changes operational status. " ::= { wdmNotifyPrefix 4 } wdmProtOperStatusLeftStandbyRightUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { wdmProtIndex, wdmProtName } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Sent when the protection group changes operational status. " ::= { wdmNotifyPrefix 5 } wdmProtOperStatusLeftUpRightDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { wdmProtIndex, wdmProtName } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Sent when the protection group changes operational status. " ::= { wdmNotifyPrefix 6 } wdmProtOperStatusLeftUpRightStandby NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { wdmProtIndex, wdmProtName } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Sent when the protection group changes operational status. " ::= { wdmNotifyPrefix 7 } wdmIfLaserStatusOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sent when the laser of the interface is turned on. " ::= { wdmNotifyPrefix 8 } wdmIfLaserStatusOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sent when the laser of the interface is turned off. " ::= { wdmNotifyPrefix 9 } wdmProtStatusChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { wdmProtIndex, wdmProtName, wdmProtActiveSide, wdmProtLeftStatus, wdmProtRightStatus, wdmProtLastChangeTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sent when the protection group changes operational status. " ::= { wdmNotifyPrefix 10 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Object and event groups -- ---------------------------------------------------- wdmGeneralGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmGeneralTestAndIncr, wdmGeneralMibSpecVersion, wdmGeneralMibImplVersion, wdmGeneralLastChangeTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The general objects." ::= { lumWdmGroups 1 } wdmIfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfErroredSeconds, wdmIfSeverelyErroredSeconds, wdmIfBackgroundBlockErrors, wdmIfUnavailableSeconds, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects." ::= { lumWdmGroups 2 } wdmProtGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmProtIndex, wdmProtName, wdmProtDescr, wdmProtLeftSubrack, wdmProtLeftSlot, wdmProtLeftPort, wdmProtRightSubrack, wdmProtRightSlot, wdmProtRightPort, wdmProtLastChangeTime, wdmProtAdminStatus, wdmProtOperStatus, wdmProtRowStatus, wdmProtServiceDegraded, wdmProtServiceFailure } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Note: This group is deprecated. The protection group objects." ::= { lumWdmGroups 3 } wdmNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { wdmProtOperStatusBothDown, wdmProtOperStatusLeftDownRightUp, wdmProtOperStatusLeftDownRightStandby, wdmProtOperStatusLeftStandbyRightDown, wdmProtOperStatusLeftStandbyRightUp, wdmProtOperStatusLeftUpRightDown, wdmProtOperStatusLeftUpRightStandby, wdmIfLaserStatusOn, wdmIfLaserStatusOff } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The WDM notifications." ::= { lumWdmGroups 4 } wdmPassiveIfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmPassiveIfIndex, wdmPassiveIfName, wdmPassiveIfDescr, wdmPassiveIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmPassiveIfSubrack, wdmPassiveIfSlot, wdmPassiveIfPort, wdmPassiveIfDirection, wdmPassiveIfLambdaType, wdmPassiveIfLambda, wdmPassiveIfLambdaMax, wdmPassiveIfLastChangeTime } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The passive i/f group objects." ::= { lumWdmGroups 5 } wdmGeneralGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmGeneralLastChangeTime } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The WDM general objects v2." ::= { lumWdmGroups 6 } wdmIfGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfErroredSeconds, wdmIfSeverelyErroredSeconds, wdmIfBackgroundBlockErrors, wdmIfUnavailableSeconds, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfJ0PathTrace, wdmIfInbandMode } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V2." ::= { lumWdmGroups 7 } wdmPassiveIfGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmPassiveIfIndex, wdmPassiveIfName, wdmPassiveIfDescr, wdmPassiveIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmPassiveIfSubrack, wdmPassiveIfSlot, wdmPassiveIfPort, wdmPassiveIfDirection, wdmPassiveIfLambdaType, wdmPassiveIfLambda, wdmPassiveIfLambdaMax } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The passive i/f group objects V2." ::= { lumWdmGroups 8 } wdmIfGroupV3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfErroredSeconds, wdmIfSeverelyErroredSeconds, wdmIfBackgroundBlockErrors, wdmIfUnavailableSeconds, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfJ0PathTrace, wdmIfInbandMode, wdmIfInbandStatus } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V3." ::= { lumWdmGroups 9 } wdmPassiveIfGroupV3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmPassiveIfIndex, wdmPassiveIfName, wdmPassiveIfDescr, wdmPassiveIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmPassiveIfSubrack, wdmPassiveIfSlot, wdmPassiveIfPort, wdmPassiveIfDirection, wdmPassiveIfLambdaType, wdmPassiveIfLambda, wdmPassiveIfLambdaMax, wdmPassiveIfExpectedLambda } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The passive i/f group objects V3." ::= { lumWdmGroups 10 } wdmIfGroupV4 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfErroredSeconds, wdmIfSeverelyErroredSeconds, wdmIfBackgroundBlockErrors, wdmIfUnavailableSeconds, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfJ0PathTrace, wdmIfInbandMode, wdmIfInbandStatus, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V4." ::= { lumWdmGroups 11 } wdmPassiveIfGroupV4 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmPassiveIfIndex, wdmPassiveIfName, wdmPassiveIfDescr, wdmPassiveIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmPassiveIfSubrack, wdmPassiveIfSlot, wdmPassiveIfPort, wdmPassiveIfDirection, wdmPassiveIfLambdaType, wdmPassiveIfLambda, wdmPassiveIfExpectedLambda } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The passive i/f group objects V4." ::= { lumWdmGroups 12 } wdmIfGroupV5 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfErroredSeconds, wdmIfSeverelyErroredSeconds, wdmIfBackgroundBlockErrors, wdmIfUnavailableSeconds, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfJ0PathTrace, wdmIfInbandMode, wdmIfInbandStatus, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V5." ::= { lumWdmGroups 13 } wdmProtGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmProtIndex, wdmProtName, wdmProtDescr, wdmProtLeftSubrack, wdmProtLeftSlot, wdmProtLeftPort, wdmProtRightSubrack, wdmProtRightSlot, wdmProtRightPort, wdmProtLastChangeTime, wdmProtAdminStatus, wdmProtRowStatus, wdmProtServiceDegraded, wdmProtServiceFailure, wdmProtActiveSide, wdmProtLeftStatus, wdmProtRightStatus } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The protection group objects v2." ::= { lumWdmGroups 14 } wdmIfGroupV6 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfErroredSeconds, wdmIfSeverelyErroredSeconds, wdmIfBackgroundBlockErrors, wdmIfUnavailableSeconds, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfJ0PathTrace, wdmIfInbandMode, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V6." ::= { lumWdmGroups 15 } wdmNotificationGroupV2 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { wdmIfLaserStatusOn, wdmIfLaserStatusOff, wdmProtStatusChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The WDM notifications V2." ::= { lumWdmGroups 16 } wdmIfGroupV7 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfJ0PathTrace, wdmIfInbandMode, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V7." ::= { lumWdmGroups 17 } wdmGeneralGroupV3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmGeneralLastChangeTime, wdmGeneralStateLastChangeTime } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The WDM general objects v3." ::= { lumWdmGroups 18 } wdmIfGroupV8 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfInbandMode, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V8." ::= { lumWdmGroups 19 } wdmIfGroupV9 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfInbandMode, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V9." ::= { lumWdmGroups 20 } wdmIfGroupV10 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V10." ::= { lumWdmGroups 21 } wdmIfGroupV11 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V11." ::= { lumWdmGroups 22 } wdmIfGroupV12 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V12. (2.2)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 23 } wdmPassiveIfGroupV5 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmPassiveIfIndex, wdmPassiveIfName, wdmPassiveIfDescr, wdmPassiveIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmPassiveIfSubrack, wdmPassiveIfSlot, wdmPassiveIfPort, wdmPassiveIfDirection, wdmPassiveIfLambdaType, wdmPassiveIfLambda, wdmPassiveIfExpectedLambda, wdmPassiveIfUnexpectedLambda, wdmPassiveIfAdminStatus, wdmPassiveIfOperStatus } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The passive i/f group objects V5." ::= { lumWdmGroups 24 } wdmIfGroupV13 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V13. (3.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 25 } wdmGeneralGroupV4 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmGeneralLastChangeTime, wdmGeneralStateLastChangeTime, wdmGeneralWdmIfTableSize, wdmGeneralWdmPassiveIfTableSize, wdmGeneralWdmProtTableSize } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The WDM general objects v4 (3.1)." ::= { lumWdmGroups 26 } wdmProtGroupV3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmProtIndex, wdmProtName, wdmProtDescr, wdmProtLeftSubrack, wdmProtLeftSlot, wdmProtLeftPort, wdmProtRightSubrack, wdmProtRightSlot, wdmProtRightPort, wdmProtLastChangeTime, wdmProtAdminStatus, wdmProtRowStatus, wdmProtServiceDegraded, wdmProtServiceFailure, wdmProtActiveSide, wdmProtLeftStatus, wdmProtRightStatus, wdmProtProtectionType } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The protection group objects v3 (3.1)." ::= { lumWdmGroups 27 } wdmIfGroupV14 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V14. (4.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 28 } wdmPassiveIfGroupV6 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmPassiveIfIndex, wdmPassiveIfName, wdmPassiveIfDescr, wdmPassiveIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmPassiveIfSubrack, wdmPassiveIfSlot, wdmPassiveIfPort, wdmPassiveIfDirection, wdmPassiveIfLambdaType, wdmPassiveIfLambda, wdmPassiveIfExpectedLambda, wdmPassiveIfUnexpectedLambda, wdmPassiveIfAdminStatus, wdmPassiveIfOperStatus, wdmPassiveIfObjectProperty } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The passive i/f group objects V6 (4.0)." ::= { lumWdmGroups 29 } wdmProtGroupV4 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmProtIndex, wdmProtName, wdmProtDescr, wdmProtLeftSubrack, wdmProtLeftSlot, wdmProtLeftPort, wdmProtRightSubrack, wdmProtRightSlot, wdmProtRightPort, wdmProtLastChangeTime, wdmProtAdminStatus, wdmProtRowStatus, wdmProtServiceDegraded, wdmProtServiceFailure, wdmProtActiveSide, wdmProtLeftStatus, wdmProtRightStatus, wdmProtProtectionType, wdmProtObjectProperty } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The protection group objects v4 (4.0)." ::= { lumWdmGroups 30 } wdmProtGroupV5 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmProtIndex, wdmProtName, wdmProtDescr, wdmProtLeftSubrack, wdmProtLeftSlot, wdmProtLeftPort, wdmProtRightSubrack, wdmProtRightSlot, wdmProtRightPort, wdmProtLastChangeTime, wdmProtAdminStatus, wdmProtRowStatus, wdmProtServiceDegraded, wdmProtServiceFailure, wdmProtActiveSide, wdmProtLeftStatus, wdmProtRightStatus, wdmProtProtectionType, wdmProtObjectProperty, wdmProtWrapperMode, wdmProtWrapperState } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The protection group objects v5 (4.1)." ::= { lumWdmGroups 31 } wdmIfGroupV15 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual, wdmIfContinousOptimization, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V15. (5.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 32 } wdmIfGroupV16 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual, wdmIfContinousOptimization, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause, wdmIfDistributionRole, wdmIfConfigurationCommand } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V16. (6.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 33 } wdmIfGroupV17 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual, wdmIfContinousOptimization, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause, wdmIfDistributionRole, wdmIfConfigurationCommand, wdmIfNoFrequencySet } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V17. (9.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 34 } wdmIfGroupV18 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual, wdmIfContinousOptimization, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause, wdmIfDistributionRole, wdmIfConfigurationCommand, wdmIfNoFrequencySet, wdmIfFormat, wdmIfConfigurationFormatCommand } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V18. (9.1)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 35 } wdmIfGroupV19 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual, wdmIfContinousOptimization, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause, wdmIfDistributionRole, wdmIfConfigurationCommand, wdmIfNoFrequencySet, wdmIfFormat, wdmIfConfigurationFormatCommand, wdmIfOHTransparency, wdmIfLinkDown, wdmIfTrxFailed, wdmIfDisabled, wdmIfLoopback, wdmIfAutoNegotiationMode, wdmIfAutoNegotiationStatus, wdmIfFlowControlMode } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V19. (10.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 36 } wdmVc4Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmVc4Index, wdmVc4Name, wdmVc4Descr, wdmVc4Subrack, wdmVc4Slot, wdmVc4TxPort, wdmVc4RxPort, wdmVc4Vc4, wdmVc4ObjectProperty, wdmVc4AuAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmVc4AuLossOfPointer, wdmVc4RxSignalStatus, wdmVc4ConcatenationStatus, wdmVc4PayloadStatus } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The vc4 objects (10.0)." ::= { lumWdmGroups 38 } wdmGeneralGroupV5 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmGeneralLastChangeTime, wdmGeneralStateLastChangeTime, wdmGeneralWdmIfTableSize, wdmGeneralWdmPassiveIfTableSize, wdmGeneralWdmProtTableSize, wdmGeneralWdmVc4TableSize } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The WDM general objects v5 (10.0)." ::= { lumWdmGroups 39 } wdmIfGroupV20 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual, wdmIfContinousOptimization, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause, wdmIfDistributionRole, wdmIfConfigurationCommand, wdmIfNoFrequencySet, wdmIfFormat, wdmIfConfigurationFormatCommand, wdmIfOHTransparency, wdmIfLinkDown, wdmIfTrxFailed, wdmIfDisabled, wdmIfLoopback, wdmIfAutoNegotiationMode, wdmIfAutoNegotiationStatus, wdmIfFlowControlMode, wdmIfGroupLineMode } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V20. (11.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 40 } wdmIfGroupV21 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual, wdmIfContinousOptimization, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause, wdmIfDistributionRole, wdmIfConfigurationCommand, wdmIfNoFrequencySet, wdmIfFormat, wdmIfConfigurationFormatCommand, wdmIfOHTransparency, wdmIfLinkDown, wdmIfTrxFailed, wdmIfDisabled, wdmIfLoopback, wdmIfAutoNegotiationMode, wdmIfAutoNegotiationStatus, wdmIfFlowControlMode, wdmIfGroupLineMode, wdmIfFecType, wdmIfFarEndLoopback, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeLoopbackCommand, wdmIfFecFailure } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V21. (12.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 41 } wdmIfGroupV22 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual, wdmIfContinousOptimization, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause, wdmIfDistributionRole, wdmIfConfigurationCommand, wdmIfNoFrequencySet, wdmIfFormat, wdmIfConfigurationFormatCommand, -- wdmIfOHTransparency, wdmIfLinkDown, wdmIfTrxFailed, wdmIfDisabled, wdmIfLoopback, wdmIfAutoNegotiationMode, wdmIfAutoNegotiationStatus, wdmIfFlowControlMode, wdmIfGroupLineMode, wdmIfFecType, wdmIfFarEndLoopback, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeLoopbackCommand, wdmIfFecFailure } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V22. (13.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 42 } wdmRemoteProtGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmRemoteProtIndex, wdmRemoteProtName, wdmRemoteProtDescr, wdmRemoteProtLocalSubrack, wdmRemoteProtLocalSlot, wdmRemoteProtLocalPort, wdmRemoteProtCommSubrack, wdmRemoteProtCommSlot, wdmRemoteProtCommPort, wdmRemoteProtCommInterface, wdmRemoteProtLastChangeTime, wdmRemoteProtIpAddress, wdmRemoteProtIdentifier, wdmRemoteProtRole, wdmRemoteProtAdminStatus, wdmRemoteProtRowStatus, wdmRemoteProtActiveSide, wdmRemoteProtLocalStatus, wdmRemoteProtRemoteStatus, wdmRemoteProtObjectProperty, wdmRemoteProtServiceDegraded, wdmRemoteProtServiceFailure, wdmRemoteProtSetup, wdmRemoteProtSetupFailure, wdmRemoteProtRoleConflict, wdmRemoteProtCommunicationFailure } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remote protection group objects. (13.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 43 } wdmProtGroupV6 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmProtIndex, wdmProtName, wdmProtDescr, wdmProtLeftSubrack, wdmProtLeftSlot, wdmProtLeftPort, wdmProtRightSubrack, wdmProtRightSlot, wdmProtRightPort, wdmProtLastChangeTime, wdmProtAdminStatus, wdmProtRowStatus, wdmProtServiceDegraded, wdmProtServiceFailure, wdmProtActiveSide, wdmProtLeftStatus, wdmProtRightStatus, wdmProtProtectionType, wdmProtObjectProperty, wdmProtWrapperMode, wdmProtWrapperState, wdmProtLeftCommSubrack, wdmProtLeftCommSlot, wdmProtLeftCommPort, wdmProtRightCommSubrack, wdmProtRightCommSlot, wdmProtRightCommPort, wdmProtLeftCommInterface, wdmProtRightCommInterface, wdmProtCommunicationFailure } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The protection group objects v6 (13.0)." ::= { lumWdmGroups 44 } wdmCtrlChannelGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmCtrlChannelIndex, wdmCtrlChannelName, wdmCtrlChannelSubrack, wdmCtrlChannelSlot, wdmCtrlChannelTxPort, wdmCtrlChannelChannel, wdmCtrlChannelGroupNumber, wdmCtrlChannelAdminStatus, wdmCtrlChannelWantedOutputPower, wdmCtrlChannelCurrentOutputPower, wdmCtrlChannelCurrentAttenuation, wdmCtrlChannelForceRegulationCommand, wdmCtrlChannelOuputPowerControlFailure, wdmCtrlChannelCurrentPowerOutOfRange, wdmCtrlChannelAttenuationOutOfRange } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm optical control channel objects. (13.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 45 } wdmCtrlGroupGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmCtrlGroupIndex, wdmCtrlGroupName, wdmCtrlGroupDescr, wdmCtrlGroupGroupNumber, wdmCtrlGroupSubrack, wdmCtrlGroupSlot, wdmCtrlGroupPort, wdmCtrlGroupMonitorName, wdmCtrlGroupAdminStatus, wdmCtrlGroupControlMode, wdmCtrlGroupConfigurationCommand, wdmCtrlGroupForceRegulationCommand, wdmCtrlGroupLockedRange, wdmCtrlGroupRegulationRange, wdmCtrlGroupRegulationLastChangeTime, wdmCtrlGroupCommissioningMode } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm optical control group objects. (13.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 46 } wdmCtrlGroupGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmCtrlGroupIndex, wdmCtrlGroupName, wdmCtrlGroupDescr, wdmCtrlGroupGroupNumber, wdmCtrlGroupSubrack, wdmCtrlGroupSlot, wdmCtrlGroupPort, wdmCtrlGroupMonitorName, wdmCtrlGroupAdminStatus, wdmCtrlGroupControlMode, wdmCtrlGroupConfigurationCommand, wdmCtrlGroupForceRegulationCommand, wdmCtrlGroupLockedRange, wdmCtrlGroupRegulationRange, wdmCtrlGroupRegulationLastChangeTime, wdmCtrlGroupCommissioningMode, wdmCtrlGroupAssociateChannel, wdmCtrlGroupNoOfChannels, wdmCtrlGroupStatus, wdmCtrlGroupTimeLeft } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm optical control group objects. (14.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 48 } wdmSubChannelGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmSubChannelIndex, wdmSubChannelName, wdmSubChannelId, wdmSubChannelType, wdmSubChannelUnequipped, wdmSubChannelConnectionStatus, wdmSubChannelConnectedForeignIndex, wdmSubChannelCrossConnect, wdmSubChannelDisconnect, wdmSubChannelRemoteAccessInterface } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm subchannel objects. (15.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 49 } wdmGeneralGroupV6 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmGeneralLastChangeTime, wdmGeneralStateLastChangeTime, wdmGeneralWdmIfTableSize, wdmGeneralWdmPassiveIfTableSize, wdmGeneralWdmProtTableSize, wdmGeneralWdmVc4TableSize, wdmGeneralWdmCtrlChannelTableSize, wdmGeneralWdmCtrlGroupTableSize, wdmGeneralWdmSubChannelTableSize } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The WDM general objects v6 (15.0)." ::= { lumWdmGroups 50 } wdmIfGroupV23 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual, wdmIfContinousOptimization, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause, wdmIfDistributionRole, wdmIfConfigurationCommand, wdmIfNoFrequencySet, wdmIfFormat, wdmIfConfigurationFormatCommand, -- wdmIfOHTransparency, wdmIfLinkDown, wdmIfTrxFailed, wdmIfDisabled, wdmIfLoopback, wdmIfAutoNegotiationMode, wdmIfAutoNegotiationStatus, wdmIfFlowControlMode, wdmIfGroupLineMode, wdmIfFecType, wdmIfFarEndLoopback, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeLoopbackCommand, wdmIfFecFailure, wdmIfTxSignalStatus, wdmIfRxSignalStatus, wdmIfNearEndLoopback, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeNearEndLoopbackCommand, wdmIfSignalDegraded } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V23. (15.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 51 } wdmVc4GroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmVc4Index, wdmVc4Name, wdmVc4Descr, wdmVc4Subrack, wdmVc4Slot, wdmVc4TxPort, wdmVc4RxPort, wdmVc4Vc4, wdmVc4ObjectProperty, wdmVc4AuAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmVc4AuLossOfPointer, wdmVc4RxSignalStatus, wdmVc4ConcatenationStatus, wdmVc4PayloadStatus, wdmVc4ConnectionStatus, wdmVc4ConnectedForeignIndex, wdmVc4AdminStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vc4 objects (16.0)." ::= { lumWdmGroups 52 } wdmCtrlChannelGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmCtrlChannelIndex, wdmCtrlChannelName, wdmCtrlChannelSubrack, wdmCtrlChannelSlot, wdmCtrlChannelTxPort, wdmCtrlChannelChannel, wdmCtrlChannelGroupNumber, wdmCtrlChannelAdminStatus, wdmCtrlChannelWantedOutputPower, wdmCtrlChannelCurrentOutputPower, wdmCtrlChannelCurrentAttenuation, wdmCtrlChannelForceRegulationCommand, wdmCtrlChannelOuputPowerControlFailure, wdmCtrlChannelCurrentPowerOutOfRange, wdmCtrlChannelAttenuationOutOfRange, wdmCtrlChannelStatus, wdmCtrlChannelStartupChannel, wdmCtrlChannelMonitorIndex, wdmCtrlChannelStartupCommand } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm optical control channel objects. (16.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 53 } wdmCtrlGlobalGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmCtrlGlobalRegulationInterval, wdmCtrlGlobalRegulationStatus, wdmCtrlGlobalLastRegulation, wdmCtrlGlobalTimeLeft } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wdm optical control general objects. (16.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 54 } wdmSubChannelGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmSubChannelIndex, wdmSubChannelName, wdmSubChannelId, wdmSubChannelType, wdmSubChannelUnequipped, wdmSubChannelConnectionStatus, wdmSubChannelConnectedForeignIndex, wdmSubChannelCrossConnect, wdmSubChannelDisconnect, wdmSubChannelRemoteAccessInterface, wdmSubChannelProtectedChannelIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wdm subchannel objects. (16.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 55 } wdmProtGroupV7 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmProtIndex, wdmProtName, wdmProtDescr, wdmProtLeftSubrack, wdmProtLeftSlot, wdmProtLeftPort, wdmProtRightSubrack, wdmProtRightSlot, wdmProtRightPort, wdmProtLastChangeTime, wdmProtAdminStatus, wdmProtRowStatus, wdmProtServiceDegraded, wdmProtServiceFailure, wdmProtActiveSide, wdmProtLeftStatus, wdmProtRightStatus, wdmProtProtectionType, wdmProtObjectProperty, wdmProtWrapperMode, wdmProtWrapperState, wdmProtLeftCommSubrack, wdmProtLeftCommSlot, wdmProtLeftCommPort, wdmProtRightCommSubrack, wdmProtRightCommSlot, wdmProtRightCommPort, wdmProtLeftCommInterface, wdmProtRightCommInterface, wdmProtCommunicationFailure, wdmProtHubTrafficConfigMismatch } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The protection group objects v6 (17.0)." ::= { lumWdmGroups 56 } wdmIfGroupV24 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual, wdmIfContinousOptimization, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause, wdmIfDistributionRole, wdmIfConfigurationCommand, wdmIfNoFrequencySet, wdmIfFormat, wdmIfConfigurationFormatCommand, -- wdmIfOHTransparency, wdmIfLinkDown, wdmIfTrxFailed, wdmIfDisabled, wdmIfLoopback, wdmIfAutoNegotiationMode, wdmIfAutoNegotiationStatus, wdmIfFlowControlMode, wdmIfGroupLineMode, wdmIfFecType, wdmIfFarEndLoopback, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeLoopbackCommand, wdmIfFecFailure, wdmIfTxSignalStatus, wdmIfRxSignalStatus, wdmIfNearEndLoopback, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeNearEndLoopbackCommand, wdmIfSignalDegraded, wdmIfHubProtectionMode } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V24. (17.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 57 } wdmIfGroupV25 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual, wdmIfContinousOptimization, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause, wdmIfDistributionRole, wdmIfConfigurationCommand, wdmIfNoFrequencySet, wdmIfFormat, wdmIfConfigurationFormatCommand, -- wdmIfOHTransparency, wdmIfLinkDown, wdmIfTrxFailed, wdmIfDisabled, wdmIfLoopback, wdmIfAutoNegotiationMode, wdmIfAutoNegotiationStatus, wdmIfFlowControlMode, wdmIfGroupLineMode, wdmIfFecType, wdmIfFarEndLoopback, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeLoopbackCommand, wdmIfFecFailure, wdmIfTxSignalStatus, wdmIfRxSignalStatus, wdmIfNearEndLoopback, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeNearEndLoopbackCommand, wdmIfSignalDegraded, wdmIfHubProtectionMode, wdmIfActualFormat } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V25. (18.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 58 } wdmCtrlChannelGroupV3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmCtrlChannelIndex, wdmCtrlChannelName, wdmCtrlChannelSubrack, wdmCtrlChannelSlot, wdmCtrlChannelTxPort, wdmCtrlChannelChannel, wdmCtrlChannelGroupNumber, wdmCtrlChannelAdminStatus, wdmCtrlChannelWantedOutputPower, wdmCtrlChannelCurrentOutputPower, wdmCtrlChannelCurrentAttenuation, wdmCtrlChannelForceRegulationCommand, wdmCtrlChannelOuputPowerControlFailure, wdmCtrlChannelCurrentPowerOutOfRange, wdmCtrlChannelAttenuationOutOfRange, wdmCtrlChannelStatus, wdmCtrlChannelStartupChannel, wdmCtrlChannelMonitorIndex, wdmCtrlChannelStartupCommand, wdmCtrlChannelSfpMissing, wdmCtrlChannelSfpMediaMismatch, wdmCtrlChannelLossOfSignal } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm optical control channel objects. (19.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 59 } wdmIfGroupV26 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual, wdmIfContinousOptimization, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause, wdmIfDistributionRole, wdmIfConfigurationCommand, wdmIfNoFrequencySet, wdmIfFormat, wdmIfConfigurationFormatCommand, -- wdmIfOHTransparency, wdmIfLinkDown, wdmIfTrxFailed, wdmIfDisabled, wdmIfLoopback, wdmIfAutoNegotiationMode, wdmIfAutoNegotiationStatus, wdmIfFlowControlMode, wdmIfGroupLineMode, wdmIfFecType, wdmIfFarEndLoopback, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeLoopbackCommand, wdmIfFecFailure, wdmIfTxSignalStatus, wdmIfRxSignalStatus, wdmIfNearEndLoopback, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeNearEndLoopbackCommand, wdmIfSignalDegraded, wdmIfHubProtectionMode, wdmIfActualFormat, wdmIfTdcDispersion, wdmIfTdcDispersionCommand, wdmIfTdcDispersionMode, wdmIfLineControlLoopCurrentState, wdmIfSignalDegradeThreshold } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V26. (20.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 60 } wdmProtGroupV8 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmProtIndex, wdmProtName, wdmProtDescr, wdmProtLeftSubrack, wdmProtLeftSlot, wdmProtLeftPort, wdmProtRightSubrack, wdmProtRightSlot, wdmProtRightPort, wdmProtLastChangeTime, wdmProtAdminStatus, wdmProtRowStatus, wdmProtServiceDegraded, wdmProtServiceFailure, wdmProtActiveSide, wdmProtLeftStatus, wdmProtRightStatus, wdmProtProtectionType, wdmProtObjectProperty, wdmProtWrapperMode, wdmProtWrapperState, wdmProtLeftCommSubrack, wdmProtLeftCommSlot, wdmProtLeftCommPort, wdmProtRightCommSubrack, wdmProtRightCommSlot, wdmProtRightCommPort, wdmProtLeftCommInterface, wdmProtRightCommInterface, wdmProtCommunicationFailure, wdmProtHubTrafficConfigMismatch, wdmProtSignalDegradeProtection } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The protection group objects v8 (20.0)." ::= { lumWdmGroups 61 } wdmProtGroupV9 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmProtIndex, wdmProtName, wdmProtDescr, wdmProtLeftSubrack, wdmProtLeftSlot, wdmProtLeftPort, wdmProtRightSubrack, wdmProtRightSlot, wdmProtRightPort, wdmProtLastChangeTime, wdmProtAdminStatus, wdmProtRowStatus, wdmProtServiceDegraded, wdmProtServiceFailure, wdmProtActiveSide, wdmProtLeftStatus, wdmProtRightStatus, wdmProtProtectionType, wdmProtObjectProperty, wdmProtWrapperMode, wdmProtWrapperState, wdmProtLeftCommSubrack, wdmProtLeftCommSlot, wdmProtLeftCommPort, wdmProtRightCommSubrack, wdmProtRightCommSlot, wdmProtRightCommPort, wdmProtLeftCommInterface, wdmProtRightCommInterface, wdmProtCommunicationFailure, wdmProtHubTrafficConfigMismatch, wdmProtSignalDegradeProtection, wdmProtRevertiveSwitch, wdmProtRevertiveSwitchWtrTimer, wdmProtRevertiveSwitchPrimaryPath, wdmProtRevertiveSwitchSecondaryPath, wdmProtSecondaryPathUsed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The protection group objects v9 (22.0)." ::= { lumWdmGroups 62 } wdmCtrlGroupGroupV3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmCtrlGroupIndex, wdmCtrlGroupName, wdmCtrlGroupDescr, wdmCtrlGroupGroupNumber, wdmCtrlGroupSubrack, wdmCtrlGroupSlot, wdmCtrlGroupPort, wdmCtrlGroupMonitorName, wdmCtrlGroupAdminStatus, wdmCtrlGroupControlMode, wdmCtrlGroupConfigurationCommand, wdmCtrlGroupForceRegulationCommand, wdmCtrlGroupLockedRange, wdmCtrlGroupRegulationRange, wdmCtrlGroupRegulationLastChangeTime, wdmCtrlGroupCommissioningMode, wdmCtrlGroupAssociateChannel, wdmCtrlGroupNoOfChannels, wdmCtrlGroupStatus, wdmCtrlGroupTimeLeft, wdmCtrlGroupOutputPowerMismatch } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm optical control group objects. (23.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 63 } wdmCtrlGroupGroupV4 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmCtrlGroupIndex, wdmCtrlGroupName, wdmCtrlGroupDescr, wdmCtrlGroupGroupNumber, wdmCtrlGroupSubrack, wdmCtrlGroupSlot, wdmCtrlGroupPort, wdmCtrlGroupMonitorName, wdmCtrlGroupAdminStatus, wdmCtrlGroupControlMode, wdmCtrlGroupConfigurationCommand, wdmCtrlGroupForceRegulationCommand, wdmCtrlGroupLockedRange, wdmCtrlGroupRegulationRange, wdmCtrlGroupRegulationLastChangeTime, wdmCtrlGroupCommissioningMode, wdmCtrlGroupAssociateChannel, wdmCtrlGroupNoOfChannels, wdmCtrlGroupStatus, wdmCtrlGroupTimeLeft, wdmCtrlGroupOutputPowerMismatch, wdmCtrlGroupTotalPower } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm optical control group objects. (29.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 75 } wdmCtrlGroupGroupV5 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmCtrlGroupIndex, wdmCtrlGroupName, wdmCtrlGroupDescr, wdmCtrlGroupGroupNumber, wdmCtrlGroupSubrack, wdmCtrlGroupSlot, wdmCtrlGroupPort, wdmCtrlGroupMonitorName, wdmCtrlGroupAdminStatus, wdmCtrlGroupControlMode, wdmCtrlGroupConfigurationCommand, wdmCtrlGroupForceRegulationCommand, wdmCtrlGroupLockedRange, wdmCtrlGroupRegulationRange, wdmCtrlGroupRegulationLastChangeTime, wdmCtrlGroupCommissioningMode, wdmCtrlGroupAssociateChannel, wdmCtrlGroupNoOfChannels, wdmCtrlGroupStatus, wdmCtrlGroupTimeLeft, wdmCtrlGroupOutputPowerMismatch, wdmCtrlGroupTotalPower, wdmCtrlGroupChannelStartupCommand } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wdm optical control group objects. (R30.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 76 } wdmIfGroupV27 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual, wdmIfContinousOptimization, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause, wdmIfDistributionRole, wdmIfConfigurationCommand, wdmIfNoFrequencySet, wdmIfFormat, wdmIfConfigurationFormatCommand, -- wdmIfOHTransparency, wdmIfLinkDown, wdmIfTrxFailed, wdmIfDisabled, wdmIfLoopback, wdmIfAutoNegotiationMode, wdmIfAutoNegotiationStatus, wdmIfFlowControlMode, wdmIfGroupLineMode, wdmIfFecType, wdmIfFarEndLoopback, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeLoopbackCommand, wdmIfFecFailure, wdmIfTxSignalStatus, wdmIfRxSignalStatus, wdmIfNearEndLoopback, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeNearEndLoopbackCommand, wdmIfSignalDegraded, wdmIfHubProtectionMode, wdmIfActualFormat, wdmIfTdcDispersion, wdmIfTdcDispersionCommand, wdmIfTdcDispersionMode, wdmIfLineControlLoopCurrentState, wdmIfSignalDegradeThreshold, wdmIfTrxThresholdOptimizationState } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V27. (23.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 64 } wdmIfGroupV28 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual, wdmIfContinousOptimization, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause, wdmIfDistributionRole, wdmIfConfigurationCommand, wdmIfNoFrequencySet, wdmIfFormat, wdmIfConfigurationFormatCommand, -- wdmIfOHTransparency, wdmIfLinkDown, wdmIfTrxFailed, wdmIfDisabled, wdmIfLoopback, wdmIfAutoNegotiationMode, wdmIfAutoNegotiationStatus, wdmIfFlowControlMode, wdmIfGroupLineMode, wdmIfFecType, wdmIfFarEndLoopback, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeLoopbackCommand, wdmIfFecFailure, wdmIfTxSignalStatus, wdmIfRxSignalStatus, wdmIfNearEndLoopback, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeNearEndLoopbackCommand, wdmIfSignalDegraded, wdmIfHubProtectionMode, wdmIfActualFormat, wdmIfTdcDispersion, wdmIfTdcDispersionCommand, wdmIfTdcDispersionMode, wdmIfLineControlLoopCurrentState, wdmIfSignalDegradeThreshold, wdmIfTrxThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfTrxDecisionThreshold } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V28. (23.1)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 65 } wdmIfGroupV29 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual, wdmIfContinousOptimization, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause, wdmIfDistributionRole, wdmIfConfigurationCommand, wdmIfNoFrequencySet, wdmIfFormat, wdmIfConfigurationFormatCommand, -- wdmIfOHTransparency, wdmIfLinkDown, wdmIfTrxFailed, wdmIfDisabled, wdmIfLoopback, wdmIfAutoNegotiationMode, wdmIfAutoNegotiationStatus, wdmIfFlowControlMode, wdmIfGroupLineMode, wdmIfFecType, wdmIfFarEndLoopback, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeLoopbackCommand, wdmIfFecFailure, wdmIfTxSignalStatus, wdmIfRxSignalStatus, wdmIfNearEndLoopback, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeNearEndLoopbackCommand, wdmIfSignalDegraded, wdmIfHubProtectionMode, wdmIfActualFormat, wdmIfTdcDispersion, wdmIfTdcDispersionCommand, wdmIfTdcDispersionMode, wdmIfLineControlLoopCurrentState, wdmIfSignalDegradeThreshold, wdmIfTrxThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfTrxDecisionThreshold, wdmIfSwControlledLaserShutdown, wdmIfChangeSwControlledLaserShutdownCommand, wdmIfControlledLaserShutdownEnabled } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V29. (25.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 66 } wdmDelayCompPGGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmDelayCompPGIndex, wdmDelayCompPGName, wdmDelayCompPGUpId, wdmDelayCompPGAdminStatus, wdmDelayCompPGOperStatus, wdmDelayCompPGAutoCompensationMode, wdmDelayCompPGAutoCompensationState, wdmDelayCompPGDelayDifference, wdmDelayCompPGDelayCompensationOOR, wdmDelayCompPGFiberLengthDifferenceOOR, wdmDelayCompPGDelayCompensationReset } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wdm delay compensation for PG objects. (27.1)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 67 } wdmDelayCompLinkGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmDelayCompLinkIndex, wdmDelayCompLinkName, wdmDelayCompLinkUpId, wdmDelayCompLinkCurrentDelayCompensation, wdmDelayCompLinkWantedDelayCompensation } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wdm delay compensation for link objects. (27.1)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 68 } wdmCtrlChannelGroupV4 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmCtrlChannelIndex, wdmCtrlChannelName, wdmCtrlChannelSubrack, wdmCtrlChannelSlot, wdmCtrlChannelTxPort, wdmCtrlChannelChannel, wdmCtrlChannelGroupNumber, wdmCtrlChannelAdminStatus, wdmCtrlChannelWantedOutputPower, wdmCtrlChannelCurrentOutputPower, wdmCtrlChannelCurrentAttenuation, wdmCtrlChannelForceRegulationCommand, wdmCtrlChannelOuputPowerControlFailure, wdmCtrlChannelCurrentPowerOutOfRange, wdmCtrlChannelAttenuationOutOfRange, wdmCtrlChannelStatus, wdmCtrlChannelStartupChannel, wdmCtrlChannelMonitorIndex, wdmCtrlChannelStartupCommand, wdmCtrlChannelSfpMissing, wdmCtrlChannelSfpMediaMismatch, wdmCtrlChannelLossOfSignal, wdmCtrlChannelDescr } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm optical control channel objects. (28.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 69 } wdmIfGroupV30 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual, wdmIfContinousOptimization, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause, wdmIfDistributionRole, wdmIfConfigurationCommand, wdmIfNoFrequencySet, wdmIfFormat, wdmIfConfigurationFormatCommand, -- wdmIfOHTransparency, wdmIfLinkDown, wdmIfTrxFailed, wdmIfDisabled, wdmIfLoopback, wdmIfAutoNegotiationMode, wdmIfAutoNegotiationStatus, wdmIfFlowControlMode, wdmIfGroupLineMode, wdmIfFecType, wdmIfFarEndLoopback, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeLoopbackCommand, wdmIfFecFailure, wdmIfTxSignalStatus, wdmIfRxSignalStatus, wdmIfNearEndLoopback, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeNearEndLoopbackCommand, wdmIfSignalDegraded, wdmIfHubProtectionMode, wdmIfActualFormat, wdmIfTdcDispersion, wdmIfTdcDispersionCommand, wdmIfTdcDispersionMode, wdmIfLineControlLoopCurrentState, wdmIfSignalDegradeThreshold, wdmIfTrxThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfTrxDecisionThreshold, wdmIfSwControlledLaserShutdown, wdmIfChangeSwControlledLaserShutdownCommand, wdmIfControlledLaserShutdownEnabled, wdmIfAid, wdmIfPhysicalLocation } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V30. (28.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 70 } wdmPassiveIfGroupV7 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmPassiveIfIndex, wdmPassiveIfName, wdmPassiveIfDescr, wdmPassiveIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmPassiveIfSubrack, wdmPassiveIfSlot, wdmPassiveIfPort, wdmPassiveIfDirection, wdmPassiveIfLambdaType, wdmPassiveIfLambda, wdmPassiveIfExpectedLambda, wdmPassiveIfUnexpectedLambda, wdmPassiveIfAdminStatus, wdmPassiveIfOperStatus, wdmPassiveIfObjectProperty, wdmPassiveIfAid, wdmPassiveIfPhysicalLocation } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The passive i/f group objects V7 (28.0)." ::= { lumWdmGroups 71 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGroupV1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlIndex, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlName, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlDescr, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOcmSubrack, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOcmSlot, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOcmPort, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOaSubrack, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOaSlot, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOaPort, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlMonitorName, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlAdminStatus, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlOperStatus, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlStartRegulation, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlRegulationRange, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlLatestRegulation, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlLatestChange, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlMonitorOffsetCalibrationFailed, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlRegulationState, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlTimeToNextRegulation, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlWantedChannelPower, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlCurrentChannelPower, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlCurrentGain, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlTotalChannelOutputPower, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlNumberOfChannels, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlAbsolutePowerOffset, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlRemainingPowerOffset, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlMonitorOffsetTooLarge, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlChannelPowerOutOfRange, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlRegulationInterval, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlAmplifierOutputPort, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlLatestAmplifierRxPower, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlLatestAmplifierTxPower, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlLocalId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wdm mean channel power control loop objects version 1 (27.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 72 } wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalGroupV1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalIndex, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalName, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalEntryCreate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bogus table used only to create entries in wdmMeanChannelPowerControl v1 (28.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 73 } wdmGeneralGroupV7 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmGeneralLastChangeTime, wdmGeneralStateLastChangeTime, wdmGeneralWdmIfTableSize, wdmGeneralWdmPassiveIfTableSize, wdmGeneralWdmProtTableSize, wdmGeneralWdmVc4TableSize, wdmGeneralWdmCtrlChannelTableSize, wdmGeneralWdmCtrlGroupTableSize, wdmGeneralWdmSubChannelTableSize, wdmGeneralWdmMeanChannelPowerControlTableSize, wdmGeneralWdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalTableSize } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The WDM general objects v7 (28.0)." ::= { lumWdmGroups 74 } wdmCtrlChannelGroupV5 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmCtrlChannelIndex, wdmCtrlChannelName, wdmCtrlChannelSubrack, wdmCtrlChannelSlot, wdmCtrlChannelTxPort, wdmCtrlChannelChannel, wdmCtrlChannelGroupNumber, wdmCtrlChannelAdminStatus, wdmCtrlChannelWantedOutputPower, wdmCtrlChannelCurrentOutputPower, wdmCtrlChannelCurrentAttenuation, wdmCtrlChannelForceRegulationCommand, wdmCtrlChannelOuputPowerControlFailure, wdmCtrlChannelCurrentPowerOutOfRange, wdmCtrlChannelAttenuationOutOfRange, wdmCtrlChannelStatus, wdmCtrlChannelStartupChannel, wdmCtrlChannelMonitorIndex, wdmCtrlChannelStartupCommand, wdmCtrlChannelSfpMissing, wdmCtrlChannelSfpMediaMismatch, wdmCtrlChannelLossOfSignal, wdmCtrlChannelDescr, wdmCtrlChannelMaxAttenuation, wdmCtrlChannelMinAttenuation, wdmCtrlChannelAttenControlOffset, wdmCtrlChannelAttenControlDegraded } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wdm optical control channel objects. (30.0)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 77} wdmIfGroupV31 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual, wdmIfContinousOptimization, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationResultCause, wdmIfDistributionRole, wdmIfConfigurationCommand, wdmIfNoFrequencySet, wdmIfFormat, wdmIfConfigurationFormatCommand, -- wdmIfOHTransparency, wdmIfLinkDown, wdmIfTrxFailed, wdmIfDisabled, wdmIfLoopback, wdmIfAutoNegotiationMode, wdmIfAutoNegotiationStatus, wdmIfFlowControlMode, wdmIfGroupLineMode, wdmIfFecType, wdmIfFarEndLoopback, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfFarEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeLoopbackCommand, wdmIfFecFailure, wdmIfTxSignalStatus, wdmIfRxSignalStatus, wdmIfNearEndLoopback, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackTimeout, wdmIfNearEndLoopbackEnabled, wdmIfChangeNearEndLoopbackCommand, wdmIfSignalDegraded, wdmIfHubProtectionMode, wdmIfActualFormat, wdmIfTdcDispersion, wdmIfTdcDispersionCommand, wdmIfTdcDispersionMode, wdmIfLineControlLoopCurrentState, wdmIfSignalDegradeThreshold, wdmIfTrxThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfTrxDecisionThreshold, wdmIfSwControlledLaserShutdown, wdmIfChangeSwControlledLaserShutdownCommand, wdmIfControlledLaserShutdownEnabled, wdmIfAid, wdmIfPhysicalLocation, wdmIfTrxTunable } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface objects V31. (32.1)" ::= { lumWdmGroups 78 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Compliance -- ---------------------------------------------------- lumWdmBasicComplV1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroup, wdmIfGroup, wdmProtGroup, wdmNotificationGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 1 } lumWdmBasicComplV2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V2." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroup, wdmIfGroup, wdmProtGroup, wdmNotificationGroup, wdmPassiveIfGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 2 } lumWdmBasicComplV3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V3." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV2, wdmIfGroup, wdmProtGroup, wdmNotificationGroup, wdmPassiveIfGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 3 } lumWdmBasicComplV4 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V4." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV2, wdmIfGroupV2, wdmProtGroup, wdmNotificationGroup, wdmPassiveIfGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 4 } lumWdmBasicComplV5 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V5." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV2, wdmIfGroupV3 , wdmProtGroup, wdmNotificationGroup, wdmPassiveIfGroupV2 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 5 } lumWdmBasicComplV6 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V6." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV2, wdmIfGroupV4, wdmProtGroup, wdmNotificationGroup, wdmPassiveIfGroupV3 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 6 } lumWdmBasicComplV7 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V7." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV2, wdmIfGroupV4, wdmProtGroup, wdmNotificationGroup, wdmPassiveIfGroupV4 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 7 } lumWdmBasicComplV8 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V8." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV2, wdmIfGroupV5, wdmProtGroupV2, wdmNotificationGroup, wdmPassiveIfGroupV4 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 8 } lumWdmBasicComplV9 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V9." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV2, wdmIfGroupV6, wdmProtGroupV2, wdmNotificationGroup, wdmPassiveIfGroupV4 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 9 } lumWdmBasicComplV10 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V10." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV2, wdmIfGroupV6, wdmProtGroupV2, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV4 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 10 } lumWdmBasicComplV11 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V11." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV2, wdmIfGroupV7, wdmProtGroupV2, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV4 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 11 } lumWdmBasicComplV12 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V12." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV3, wdmIfGroupV7, wdmProtGroupV2, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV4 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 12 } lumWdmBasicComplV13 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V13." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV3, wdmIfGroupV8, wdmProtGroupV2, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV4 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 13 } lumWdmBasicComplV14 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V14." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV3, wdmIfGroupV9, wdmProtGroupV2, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV4 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 14 } lumWdmBasicComplV15 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V15." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV3, wdmIfGroupV10, wdmProtGroupV2, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV4 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 15 } lumWdmBasicComplV16 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V16." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV3, wdmIfGroupV11, wdmProtGroupV2, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV4 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 16 } lumWdmBasicComplV17 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V17. (2.2)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV3, wdmIfGroupV12, wdmProtGroupV2, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV5 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 17 } lumWdmBasicComplV18 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V18. (3.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV3, wdmIfGroupV13, wdmProtGroupV2, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV5 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 18 } lumWdmBasicComplV19 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V19. (3.1)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV4, wdmIfGroupV13, wdmProtGroupV3, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV5 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 19 } lumWdmBasicComplV20 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V20. (4.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV4, wdmIfGroupV14, wdmProtGroupV4, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 20 } lumWdmBasicComplV21 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V21. (4.1)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV4, wdmIfGroupV14, wdmProtGroupV5, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 21 } lumWdmBasicComplV22 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V22. (5.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV4, wdmIfGroupV15, wdmProtGroupV5, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 22 } lumWdmBasicComplV23 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V23. (6.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV4, wdmIfGroupV16, wdmProtGroupV5, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 23 } lumWdmBasicComplV24 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V24. (8.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV4, wdmIfGroupV16, wdmProtGroupV5, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 24 } lumWdmBasicComplV25 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V25. (9.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV4, wdmIfGroupV17, wdmProtGroupV5, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 25 } lumWdmBasicComplV26 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V26. (9.1)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV4, wdmIfGroupV18, wdmProtGroupV5, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 26 } lumWdmBasicComplV27 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V27. (10.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV5, wdmIfGroupV19, wdmProtGroupV5, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6, wdmVc4Group } ::= { lumWdmCompl 27 } lumWdmBasicComplV28 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V28. (11.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV5, wdmIfGroupV20, wdmProtGroupV5, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6, wdmVc4Group } ::= { lumWdmCompl 28 } lumWdmBasicComplV29 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V29. (12.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV5, wdmIfGroupV21, wdmProtGroupV5, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6, wdmVc4Group } ::= { lumWdmCompl 29 } lumWdmBasicComplV30 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V30. (13.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV5, wdmIfGroupV22, wdmProtGroupV6, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6, wdmVc4Group, wdmRemoteProtGroup, wdmCtrlChannelGroup, wdmCtrlGroupGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 30 } lumWdmBasicComplV31 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V31. (14.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV5, wdmIfGroupV22, wdmProtGroupV6, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6, wdmVc4Group, wdmRemoteProtGroup, wdmCtrlChannelGroup, wdmCtrlGroupGroupV2 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 31 } lumWdmBasicComplV32 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V32. (15.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV6, wdmIfGroupV23, wdmProtGroupV6, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6, wdmVc4Group, wdmRemoteProtGroup, wdmCtrlChannelGroup, wdmCtrlGroupGroupV2, wdmSubChannelGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 32 } lumWdmBasicComplV33 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V33. (16.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV6, wdmIfGroupV23, wdmProtGroupV6, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6, wdmVc4GroupV2, wdmRemoteProtGroup, wdmCtrlChannelGroupV2, wdmCtrlGroupGroupV2, wdmSubChannelGroupV2, wdmCtrlGlobalGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 33 } lumWdmBasicComplV34 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V34. (17.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV6, wdmIfGroupV24, wdmProtGroupV7, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6, wdmVc4GroupV2, wdmRemoteProtGroup, wdmCtrlChannelGroupV2, wdmCtrlGroupGroupV2, wdmSubChannelGroupV2, wdmCtrlGlobalGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 34 } lumWdmBasicComplV35 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V35. (18.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV6, wdmIfGroupV25, wdmProtGroupV7, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6, wdmVc4GroupV2, wdmRemoteProtGroup, wdmCtrlChannelGroupV2, wdmCtrlGroupGroupV2, wdmSubChannelGroupV2, wdmCtrlGlobalGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 35 } lumWdmBasicComplV36 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V36. (19.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV6, wdmIfGroupV25, wdmProtGroupV7, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6, wdmVc4GroupV2, wdmRemoteProtGroup, wdmCtrlChannelGroupV3, wdmCtrlGroupGroupV2, wdmSubChannelGroupV2, wdmCtrlGlobalGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 36 } lumWdmBasicComplV37 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V37. (20.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV6, wdmIfGroupV26, wdmProtGroupV8, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6, wdmVc4GroupV2, wdmRemoteProtGroup, wdmCtrlChannelGroupV3, wdmCtrlGroupGroupV2, wdmSubChannelGroupV2, wdmCtrlGlobalGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 37 } lumWdmBasicComplV38 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V38. (22.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV6, wdmIfGroupV26, wdmProtGroupV9, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6, wdmVc4GroupV2, wdmRemoteProtGroup, wdmCtrlChannelGroupV3, wdmCtrlGroupGroupV2, wdmSubChannelGroupV2, wdmCtrlGlobalGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 38 } lumWdmBasicComplV39 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V38. (22.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV6, wdmIfGroupV27, wdmProtGroupV9, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6, wdmVc4GroupV2, wdmRemoteProtGroup, wdmCtrlChannelGroupV3, wdmCtrlGroupGroupV3, wdmSubChannelGroupV2, wdmCtrlGlobalGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 39 } lumWdmBasicComplV40 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V40. (23.1)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV6, wdmIfGroupV28, wdmProtGroupV9, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6, wdmVc4GroupV2, wdmRemoteProtGroup, wdmCtrlChannelGroupV3, wdmCtrlGroupGroupV3, wdmSubChannelGroupV2, wdmCtrlGlobalGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 40 } lumWdmBasicComplV41 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V41. (25.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV6, wdmIfGroupV29, wdmProtGroupV9, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6, wdmVc4GroupV2, wdmRemoteProtGroup, wdmCtrlChannelGroupV3, wdmCtrlGroupGroupV3, wdmSubChannelGroupV2, wdmCtrlGlobalGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 41 } lumWdmBasicComplV42 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V42. (27.1)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV7, wdmIfGroupV29, wdmProtGroupV9, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV6, wdmVc4GroupV2, wdmRemoteProtGroup, wdmCtrlChannelGroupV4, wdmCtrlGroupGroupV3, wdmSubChannelGroupV2, wdmCtrlGlobalGroup, wdmDelayCompPGGroup, wdmDelayCompLinkGroup, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGroupV1, wdmMeanChannelPowerControlGlobalGroupV1 } ::= { lumWdmCompl 42 } lumWdmBasicComplV43 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V43. (28.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV6, wdmIfGroupV30, wdmProtGroupV9, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV7, wdmVc4GroupV2, wdmRemoteProtGroup, wdmCtrlChannelGroupV4, wdmCtrlGroupGroupV3, wdmSubChannelGroupV2, wdmCtrlGlobalGroup, wdmDelayCompPGGroup, wdmDelayCompLinkGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 43 } lumWdmBasicComplV44 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V44. (29.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV6, wdmIfGroupV30, wdmProtGroupV9, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV7, wdmVc4GroupV2, wdmRemoteProtGroup, wdmCtrlChannelGroupV4, wdmCtrlGroupGroupV4, wdmSubChannelGroupV2, wdmCtrlGlobalGroup, wdmDelayCompPGGroup, wdmDelayCompLinkGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 44 } lumWdmBasicComplV45 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V45. (30.0)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV6, wdmIfGroupV30, wdmProtGroupV9, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV7, wdmVc4GroupV2, wdmRemoteProtGroup, wdmCtrlChannelGroupV5, wdmCtrlGroupGroupV5, wdmSubChannelGroupV2, wdmCtrlGlobalGroup, wdmDelayCompPGGroup, wdmDelayCompLinkGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 45 } lumWdmBasicComplV46 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V46. (30.1)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV6, wdmIfGroupV30, wdmProtGroupV9, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV7, wdmVc4GroupV2, wdmRemoteProtGroup, wdmCtrlChannelGroupV5, wdmCtrlGroupGroupV5, wdmSubChannelGroupV2, wdmCtrlGlobalGroup, wdmDelayCompPGGroup, wdmDelayCompLinkGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 46 } lumWdmBasicComplV47 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Basic implementation requirements for the WDM MIB V47. (32.1)" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralGroupV6, wdmIfGroupV31, wdmProtGroupV9, wdmNotificationGroupV2, wdmPassiveIfGroupV7, wdmVc4GroupV2, wdmRemoteProtGroup, wdmCtrlChannelGroupV5, wdmCtrlGroupGroupV5, wdmSubChannelGroupV2, wdmCtrlGlobalGroup, wdmDelayCompPGGroup, wdmDelayCompLinkGroup } ::= { lumWdmCompl 47 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Minimal object and event groups -- ---------------------------------------------------- wdmGeneralMinimalGroupV1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmGeneralLastChangeTime, wdmGeneralStateLastChangeTime, wdmGeneralWdmIfTableSize, wdmGeneralWdmPassiveIfTableSize } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimal general wdm objects." ::= { lumWdmMinimalGroups 1 } wdmIfMinimalGroupV1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface minimal objects." ::= { lumWdmMinimalGroups 2 } wdmPassiveIfMinimalGroupV1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmPassiveIfIndex, wdmPassiveIfName, wdmPassiveIfDescr, wdmPassiveIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmPassiveIfSubrack, wdmPassiveIfSlot, wdmPassiveIfPort, wdmPassiveIfDirection, wdmPassiveIfLambdaType, wdmPassiveIfLambda, wdmPassiveIfExpectedLambda, wdmPassiveIfUnexpectedLambda, wdmPassiveIfAdminStatus, wdmPassiveIfOperStatus } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The passive i/f group minimal objects." ::= { lumWdmMinimalGroups 3 } wdmIfMinimalGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmIfIndex, wdmIfName, wdmIfDescr, wdmIfSubrack, wdmIfSlot, wdmIfTxPort, wdmIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmIfTxLambda, wdmIfHighSpeedMin, wdmIfHighSpeedMax, wdmIfPowerLevel, wdmIfPowerLevelHighThreshold, wdmIfPowerLevelLowThreshold, wdmIfLaserTemp, wdmIfLaserTempOffset, wdmIfLaserTempOffsetThreshold, wdmIfLaserMode, wdmIfLaserStatus, wdmIfAdminStatus, wdmIfOperStatus, wdmIfLossOfSignal, wdmIfReceivedPowerHigh, wdmIfReceivedPowerLow, wdmIfLaserBiasHigh, wdmIfForwardDefectIndication, wdmIfBackwardDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfFrame, wdmIfAlarmIndicationSignal, wdmIfRemoteDefectIndication, wdmIfLossOfSync, wdmIfLossOfForwardingErrorCorrection, wdmIfLaserTempHigh, wdmIfLaserTempLow, wdmIfRxPort, wdmIfBitrateMismatch, wdmIfLaserBias, wdmIfLaserBiasThreshold, wdmIfLossOfSignalThreshold, wdmIfExpectedTxLambda, wdmIfForwardingErrorCorrectionMode, wdmIfTraceIntrusionMode, wdmIfTraceTransmitted, wdmIfTraceReceived, wdmIfTraceExpected, wdmIfTraceAlarmMode, wdmIfTraceMismatch, wdmIfLaserStatusLastChangeTime, wdmIfSuppressRemoteAlarms, wdmIfSerialNumberMismatch, wdmIfOptimizeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfThresholdOptimizationState, wdmIfUseHwDefaultDecisionThreshold, wdmIfFecCorrectedZeros, wdmIfFecCorrectedOnes, wdmIfOptimizedForSerialNumber, wdmIfRelativeDecisionThreshold, wdmIfTrxCodeMismatch, wdmIfTrxBitrateUnavailable, wdmIfTrxMissing, wdmIfTrxClass, wdmIfLaserTempHighRelativeThreshold, wdmIfLaserTempLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfTransmitterFailed, wdmIfReceiverSensitivity, wdmIfPowerLevelLowRelativeThreshold, wdmIfUnexpectedTxLambda, wdmIfIllegalFrequency, wdmIfLaserForcedOn, wdmIfTrafficCombination, wdmIfSelectTrafficCombination, wdmIfObjectProperty, wdmIfTxPowerLevel, wdmIfLaserTempActual, wdmIfTrxFailed, wdmIfDisabled, wdmIfLoopback } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wdm trunk interface minimal objects." ::= { lumWdmMinimalGroups 4 } wdmPassiveIfMinimalGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { wdmPassiveIfIndex, wdmPassiveIfName, wdmPassiveIfDescr, wdmPassiveIfInvPhysIndexOrZero, wdmPassiveIfSubrack, wdmPassiveIfSlot, wdmPassiveIfPort, wdmPassiveIfDirection, wdmPassiveIfLambdaType, wdmPassiveIfLambda, wdmPassiveIfExpectedLambda, wdmPassiveIfUnexpectedLambda, wdmPassiveIfAdminStatus, wdmPassiveIfOperStatus, wdmPassiveIfIfNo} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The passive i/f group minimal objects." ::= { lumWdmMinimalGroups 5 } -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Minimal Compliance -- ---------------------------------------------------- lumWdmMinimalComplV1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Minimal implementation requirements for the wdm MIB v1." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralMinimalGroupV1, wdmIfMinimalGroupV1, wdmPassiveIfMinimalGroupV1 } ::= { lumWdmMinimalCompl 1 } lumWdmMinimalComplV2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Minimal implementation requirements for the wdm MIB v2." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralMinimalGroupV1, wdmIfMinimalGroupV2, wdmProtGroupV5, wdmPassiveIfMinimalGroupV1 } ::= { lumWdmMinimalCompl 2 } lumWdmMinimalComplV3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Minimal implementation requirements for the wdm MIB v3 (30.1)." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralMinimalGroupV1, wdmIfMinimalGroupV2, wdmProtGroupV5, wdmPassiveIfMinimalGroupV1 } ::= { lumWdmMinimalCompl 3 } lumWdmMinimalComplV4 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimal implementation requirements for the wdm MIB v4 (31.1)." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { wdmGeneralMinimalGroupV1, wdmIfMinimalGroupV2, wdmProtGroupV5, wdmPassiveIfMinimalGroupV2 } ::= { lumWdmMinimalCompl 4 } END