TRAPEZE-NETWORKS-ROOT-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI; trpzRootMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200805220008Z" ORGANIZATION "Trapeze Networks" CONTACT-INFO "Trapeze Networks Technical Support US: 866.TRPZ.TAC International: 925.474.2400" DESCRIPTION "Trapeze Networks Root MIB Copyright 2008 Trapeze Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. This Trapeze Networks SNMP Management Information Base Specification (Specification) embodies Trapeze Networks' confidential and proprietary intellectual property. Trapeze Networks retains all title and ownership in the Specification, including any revisions. This Specification is supplied 'AS IS' and Trapeze Networks makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the Specification." REVISION "200805220008Z" DESCRIPTION "v3.1.1: Changed IMPORT of enterprises from RFC1155-SMI to SNMPv2-SMI (this will be published in 7.0 release)" REVISION "200711280007Z" DESCRIPTION "v3.0.0: Added subtree for wireless Management Applications specific MIBs (this will be published in 7.0 release)" REVISION "200604140006Z" DESCRIPTION "v2.0.5: Revised for 4.1 release" REVISION "200501010000Z" DESCRIPTION "v1: initial version, as for 4.0 and older releases" ::= { enterprises 14525 } -- Top level Branches trpzProducts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { trpzRootMib 1 } trpzTemporary OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { trpzRootMib 2 } trpzRegistration OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { trpzRootMib 3 } trpzMibs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { trpzRootMib 4 } trpzTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { trpzRootMib 5 } -- -- 'MgmtAppMibs' is a subtree for MIB modules -- intended to be implemented by wireless Management Applications, -- not by the wireless switch's SNMP agent: -- trpzMgmtAppMibs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { trpzRootMib 6 } END