JUNIPER-MPLS-LDP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Integer32, Counter32, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF RowPointer, RowStatus, TimeInterval, TruthValue, TimeStamp, StorageType FROM SNMPv2-TC InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB InetAddressType, InetAddress, InetPortNumber FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB jnxMibs FROM JUNIPER-SMI MplsLabel, MplsLabelDistributionMethod, MplsLdpIdentifier, MplsLdpLabelType, MplsLspType, MplsLsrIdentifier, MplsRetentionMode FROM MPLS-TC-STD-MIB ; jnxMplsLdpMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200605161200Z" -- 16 May 2006 ORGANIZATION "Juniper Networks, Inc." CONTACT-INFO " Juniper Technical Assistance Center Juniper Networks, Inc. 1133 Innovation Way Sunnyvale, CA 94089 E-mail:" DESCRIPTION "This MIB contains managed object definitions for the 'Multiprotocol Label Switching, Label Distribution Protocol, LDP' document." REVISION "200605161200Z" -- 16 May 2006 DESCRIPTION "This mib was earlier supported on JUNOS as ldpmib.mib (MPLS-LDP-MIB)." ::= { jnxMibs 36 } --**************************************************************** jnxMplsLdpObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMplsLdpMIB 1 } jnxMplsLdpNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMplsLdpMIB 2 } jnxMplsLdpConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMplsLdpMIB 3 } --**************************************************************** -- MPLS LDP Objects --**************************************************************** jnxMplsLdpLsrObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMplsLdpObjects 1 } jnxMplsLdpEntityObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMplsLdpObjects 2 } -- -- The MPLS Label Distribution Protocol's -- Label Switching Router Objects -- jnxMplsLdpLsrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLsrIdentifier MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LSR's Identifier." ::= { jnxMplsLdpLsrObjects 1 } jnxMplsLdpLsrLoopDetectionCapable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), other(2), hopCount(3), pathVector(4), hopCountAndPathVector(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A indication of whether this Label Switching Router supports loop detection. none(1) -- Loop Detection is not supported on this LSR. other(2) -- Loop Detection is supported but by a method other than those listed below. hopCount(3) -- Loop Detection is supported by Hop Count only. pathVector(4) -- Loop Detection is supported by Path Vector only. hopCountAndPathVector(5) -- Loop Detection is supported by both Hop Count And Path Vector. Since Loop Detection is determined during Session Initialization, an individual session may not be running with loop detection. This object simply gives an indication of whether or not the LSR has the ability to support Loop Detection and which types." ::= { jnxMplsLdpLsrObjects 2 } -- -- The MPLS Label Distribution Protocol Entity Objects -- jnxMplsLdpEntityLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent addition or deletion of an entry to the jnxMplsLdpEntityTable/jnxMplsLdpEntityStatsTable. If no such changes have occurred since the last re-initialization of the local management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityObjects 1 } jnxMplsLdpEntityIndexNext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains an appropriate value to be used for jnxMplsLdpEntityIndex when creating entries in the jnxMplsLdpEntityTable. The value 0 indicates that no unassigned entries are available. To obtain the jnxMplsLdpEntityIndex value for a new entry, the manager issues a management protocol retrieval operation to obtain the current value of this object. After each retrieval, the agent should modify the value to the next unassigned index." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityObjects 2 } jnxMplsLdpEntityTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF JnxMplsLdpEntityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains information about the MPLS Label Distribution Protocol Entities which exist on this Label Switching Router (LSR)." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityObjects 3 } jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JnxMplsLdpEntityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents an LDP entity. An entry can be created by a network administrator or by an SNMP agent as instructed by LDP." INDEX { jnxMplsLdpEntityLdpId, jnxMplsLdpEntityIndex } ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityTable 1 } JnxMplsLdpEntityEntry ::= SEQUENCE { jnxMplsLdpEntityLdpId MplsLdpIdentifier, jnxMplsLdpEntityIndex Unsigned32, jnxMplsLdpEntityProtocolVersion Integer32, jnxMplsLdpEntityAdminStatus INTEGER, jnxMplsLdpEntityOperStatus INTEGER, jnxMplsLdpEntityTcpDscPort InetPortNumber, jnxMplsLdpEntityUdpDscPort InetPortNumber, jnxMplsLdpEntityMaxPduLength Unsigned32, jnxMplsLdpEntityKeepAliveHoldTimer Integer32, jnxMplsLdpEntityHelloHoldTimer Integer32, jnxMplsLdpEntityInitSesThreshold Integer32, jnxMplsLdpEntityLabelDistMethod MplsLabelDistributionMethod, jnxMplsLdpEntityLabelRetentionMode MplsRetentionMode, jnxMplsLdpEntityPathVectorLimit Integer32, jnxMplsLdpEntityHopCountLimit Integer32, jnxMplsLdpEntityTargetPeer TruthValue, jnxMplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddrType InetAddressType, jnxMplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddr InetAddress, jnxMplsLdpEntityLabelType MplsLdpLabelType, jnxMplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime TimeStamp, jnxMplsLdpEntityStorageType StorageType, jnxMplsLdpEntityRowStatus RowStatus } jnxMplsLdpEntityLdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLdpIdentifier MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LDP identifier." REFERENCE "[RFC3036] LDP Specification, Section on LDP Identifiers." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 1 } jnxMplsLdpEntityIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This index is used as a secondary index to uniquely identify this row. Before creating a row in this table, the 'jnxMplsLdpEntityIndexNext' object should be retrieved. That value should be used for the value of this index when creating a row in this table. (NOTE: if a value of zero (0) is retrieved, that indicates that no rows can be created in this table at this time. A secondary index (this object) is meaningful to some but not all, LDP implementations. For example in an LDP implementation which uses PPP would use this index to differentiate PPP sub-links. Another way to use this index is to give this the value of ifIndex. However, this is dependant on the implementation." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 2 } jnxMplsLdpEntityProtocolVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..65535) -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version number of the LDP protocol which will be used in the session initialization message. Section 3.5.3 in the LDP Specification specifies that the version of the LDP protocol is negotiated during session establishment. The value of this object represents the value that is sent in the initialization message." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 3.5.3 Initialization Message." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 3 } jnxMplsLdpEntityAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative status of this LDP Entity. If this object is changed from 'enable' to 'disable' and this entity has already attempted to establish contact with a Peer, then all contact with that Peer is lost and all information from that Peer needs to be removed from the MIB. (This implies that the network management subsystem should clean up any related entry in the jnxMplsLdpPeerTable). At this point the user is able to change values which are related to this entity. When the admin status is set back to 'up', then this Entity will attempt to establish a new session with the Peer." DEFVAL { enable } ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 4 } jnxMplsLdpEntityOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), enabled(2), disabled(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational status of this LDP Entity." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 5 } jnxMplsLdpEntityTcpDscPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TCP Discovery Port for LDP. The default value is the well-known value of this port." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 2.4.1, Basic Discovery Mechanism, Section 2.4.2, Extended Discovery Mechanism, Section 3.10, Well-known Numbers, and Section 3.10.1. UDP and TCP Ports." DEFVAL { 646 } ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 6 } jnxMplsLdpEntityUdpDscPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The UDP Discovery Port for LDP. The default value is the well-known value for this port." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 2.4.1, Basic Discovery Mechanism, Section 2.4.2, Extended Discovery Mechanism, Section 3.10, Well-known Numbers, and Section 3.10.1. UDP and TCP Ports." DEFVAL { 646 } ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 7 } jnxMplsLdpEntityMaxPduLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (256..65535) UNITS "octets" -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum PDU Length that is sent in the Common Session Parameters of an Initialization Message. According to the LDP Specification [RFC3036] a value of 255 or less specifies the default maximum length of 4096 octets, this is why the value of this object starts at 256. The operator should explicitely choose the default value (i.e. 4096), or some other value. The receiving LSR MUST calculate the maximum PDU length for the session by using the smaller of its and its peer's proposals for Max PDU Length." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 3.5.3. Initialization Message." DEFVAL { 4096 } ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 8 } jnxMplsLdpEntityKeepAliveHoldTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) UNITS "seconds" -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 16-bit integer value which is the proposed keep alive hold timer for this LDP Entity." DEFVAL { 40 } ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 9 } jnxMplsLdpEntityHelloHoldTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) UNITS "seconds" -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 16-bit integer value which is the proposed Hello hold timer for this LDP Entity. The Hello Hold time in seconds. An LSR maintains a record of Hellos received from potential peers. This object represents the Hold Time in the Common Hello Parameters TLV of the Hello Message. A value of 0 is a default value and should be interpretted in conjunction with the jnxMplsLdpEntityTargetPeer object. If the value of this object is 0: if the value of the jnxMplsLdpEntityTargetPeer object is false(2), then this specifies that the Hold Time's actual default value is 15 seconds (i.e. the default Hold time for Link Hellos is 15 seconds). Otherwise if the value of the jnxMplsLdpEntityTargetPeer object is true(1), then this specifies that the Hold Time's actual default value is 45 seconds (i.e. the default Hold time for Targeted Hellos is 45 seconds). A value of 65535 means infinite (i.e. wait forever). All other values represent the amount of time in seconds to wait for a Hello Message. Setting the hold time to a value smaller than 15 is not recommended, although not forbidden according to [RFC3036]." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 3.5.2., Hello Message." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 10 } jnxMplsLdpEntityInitSesThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..100) -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When attempting to establish a session with a given Peer, the given LDP Entity should send out the SNMP notification, 'jnxMplsLdpInitSesThresholdExceeded', when the number of Session Initialization messages sent exceeds this threshold. The notification is used to notify an operator when this Entity and its Peer are possibily engaged in an endless sequence of messages as each NAKs the other's Initialization messages with Error Notification messages. Setting this threshold which triggers the notification is one way to notify the operator. A value of 0 (zero) for this object indicates that the threshold is infinity, thus the SNMP notification will never be generated." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 2.5.3 Session Initialization." DEFVAL { 8 } ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 11 } jnxMplsLdpEntityLabelDistMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLabelDistributionMethod -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For any given LDP session, the method of label distribution must be specified." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 12 } jnxMplsLdpEntityLabelRetentionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsRetentionMode -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LDP Entity can be configured to use either conservative or liberal label retention mode. If the value of this object is conservative(1) then advertized label mappings are retained only if they will be used to forward packets, i.e. if label came from a valid next hop. If the value of this object is liberal(2) then all advertized label mappings are retained whether they are from a valid next hop or not." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 13 } jnxMplsLdpEntityPathVectorLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the value of this object is 0 (zero) then Loop Dection for Path Vectors is disabled. Otherwise, if this object has a value greater than zero, then Loop Dection for Path Vectors is enabled, and the Path Vector Limit is this value. Also, the value of the object, 'jnxMplsLdpLsrLoopDetectionCapable', must be set to either 'pathVector(4)' or 'hopCountAndPathVector(5)', if this object has a value greater than 0 (zero), otherwise it is ignored." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 2.8 Loop Dection, Section 3.4.5 Path Vector TLV." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 14 } jnxMplsLdpEntityHopCountLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the value of this object is 0 (zero), then Loop Detection using Hop Counters is disabled. If the value of this object is greater than 0 (zero) then Loop Detection using Hop Counters is enabled, and this object specifies this Entity's maximum allowable value for the Hop Count. Also, the value of the object jnxMplsLdpLsrLoopDetectionCapable must be set to either 'hopCount(3)' or 'hopCountAndPathVector(5)' if this object has a value greater than 0 (zero), otherwise it is ignored." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 15 } jnxMplsLdpEntityTargetPeer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If this LDP entity uses targeted peer then set this to true." DEFVAL { false } ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 16 } jnxMplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of the internetwork layer address used for the Extended Discovery. This object indicates how the value of jnxMplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddr is to be interpreted." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 17 } jnxMplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the internetwork layer address used for the Extended Discovery." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 18 } jnxMplsLdpEntityLabelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLdpLabelType -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the optional parameters for the LDP Initialization Message. If the value is generic(1) then no optional parameters will be sent in the LDP Initialization message associated with this Entity. If the value is atmParameters(2) then a row must be created in the jnxMplsLdpEntityAtmParms Table, which corresponds to this entry. If the value is frameRelayParameters(3) then a row must be created in the jnxMplsLdpEntityFrameRelayParms Table, which corresponds to this entry." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 3.5.3., Initialization Message." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 19 } jnxMplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which any one or more of this entity's counters suffered a discontinuity. The relevant counters are the specific instances associated with this entity of any Counter32, or Counter64 object contained in the 'jnxMplsLdpEntityStatsTable'. If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last re-initialization of the local management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 20 } jnxMplsLdpEntityStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The storage type for this entry." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 21 } jnxMplsLdpEntityRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An object that allows entries in this table to be created and deleted using the RowStatus convention." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry 22 } -- -- The MPLS LDP Entity Statistics Table -- jnxMplsLdpEntityStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF JnxMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is a read-only table which augments the jnxMplsLdpEntityTable. The purpose of this table is to keep statistical information about the LDP Entities on the LSR." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityObjects 4 } jnxMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JnxMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in this table contains statistical information about an LDP Entity. Some counters contained in a row are for fatal errors received during a former LDP Session associated with this entry. For example, an Ldp Pdu received on a TCP connection during an LDP Session contains a fatal error. That error is counted here, because the session is terminated. If the error is NOT fatal (i.e. and the Session remains), then the error is counted in the jnxMplsLdpSesStatsEntry." AUGMENTS { jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry } ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityStatsTable 1 } JnxMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { jnxMplsLdpAttemptedSessions Counter32, jnxMplsLdpSesRejectedNoHelloErrors Counter32, jnxMplsLdpSesRejectedAdErrors Counter32, jnxMplsLdpSesRejectedMaxPduErrors Counter32, jnxMplsLdpSesRejectedLRErrors Counter32, jnxMplsLdpBadLdpIdentifierErrors Counter32, jnxMplsLdpBadPduLengthErrors Counter32, jnxMplsLdpBadMessageLengthErrors Counter32, jnxMplsLdpBadTlvLengthErrors Counter32, jnxMplsLdpMalformedTlvValueErrors Counter32, jnxMplsLdpKeepAliveTimerExpErrors Counter32, jnxMplsLdpShutdownNotifReceived Counter32, jnxMplsLdpShutdownNotifSent Counter32 } jnxMplsLdpAttemptedSessions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the total attempted sessions for this LDP Entity. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of jnxMplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 1 } jnxMplsLdpSesRejectedNoHelloErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the Session Rejected/No Hello Error Notification Messages sent or received by this LDP Entity. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of jnxMplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 2 } jnxMplsLdpSesRejectedAdErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the Session Rejected/Parameters Advertisement Mode Error Notification Messages sent or received by this LDP Entity. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of jnxMplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 3 } jnxMplsLdpSesRejectedMaxPduErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the Session Rejected/Parameters Max Pdu Length Error Notification Messages sent or received by this LDP Entity. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of jnxMplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 4 } jnxMplsLdpSesRejectedLRErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the Session Rejected/Parameters Label Range Notification Messages sent or received by this LDP Entity. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of jnxMplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 5 } jnxMplsLdpBadLdpIdentifierErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object counts the number of Bad LDP Identifier Fatal Errors detected by the session(s) (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of jnxMplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section" ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 6 } jnxMplsLdpBadPduLengthErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object counts the number of Bad Pdu Length Fatal Errors detected by the session(s) (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of jnxMplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section" ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 7 } jnxMplsLdpBadMessageLengthErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object counts the number of Bad Message Length Fatal Errors detected by the session(s) (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of jnxMplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section" ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 8 } jnxMplsLdpBadTlvLengthErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object counts the number of Bad TLV Length Fatal Errors detected by the session(s) (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of jnxMplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section" ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 9 } jnxMplsLdpMalformedTlvValueErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object counts the number of Malformed TLV Value Fatal Errors detected by the session(s) (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of jnxMplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section" ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 10 } jnxMplsLdpKeepAliveTimerExpErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object counts the number of Session Keep Alive Timer Expired Errors detected by the session(s) (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of jnxMplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section" ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 11 } jnxMplsLdpShutdownNotifReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object counts the number of Shutdown Notfications received related to session(s) (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of jnxMplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 12 } jnxMplsLdpShutdownNotifSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object counts the number of Shutdown Notfications sent related to session(s) (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of jnxMplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime." ::= { jnxMplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 13 } -- -- The MPLS LDP Peer Table -- jnxMplsLdpSessionObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMplsLdpObjects 3 } jnxMplsLdpPeerLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent addition or deletion to the jnxMplsLdpPeerTable/jnxMplsLdpSessionTable." ::= { jnxMplsLdpSessionObjects 1 } jnxMplsLdpPeerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF JnxMplsLdpPeerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about LDP peers known by Entities in the jnxMplsLdpEntityTable. The information in this table is based on information from the Entity-Peer interaction during session initialization but is not appropriate for the jnxMplsLdpSessionTable, because objects in this table may or may not be used in session establishment." ::= { jnxMplsLdpSessionObjects 2 } jnxMplsLdpPeerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JnxMplsLdpPeerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a single Peer which is related to a Session. NOTE: this table is augmented by the jnxMplsLdpSessionTable." INDEX { jnxMplsLdpEntityLdpId, jnxMplsLdpEntityIndex, jnxMplsLdpPeerLdpId } ::= { jnxMplsLdpPeerTable 1 } JnxMplsLdpPeerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { jnxMplsLdpPeerLdpId MplsLdpIdentifier, jnxMplsLdpPeerLabelDistMethod MplsLabelDistributionMethod, jnxMplsLdpPeerPathVectorLimit Integer32 } jnxMplsLdpPeerLdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLdpIdentifier MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LDP identifier of this LDP Peer." ::= { jnxMplsLdpPeerEntry 1 } jnxMplsLdpPeerLabelDistMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLabelDistributionMethod MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For any given LDP session, the method of label distribution must be specified." ::= { jnxMplsLdpPeerEntry 2 } jnxMplsLdpPeerPathVectorLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the value of this object is 0 (zero) then Loop Dection for Path Vectors for this Peer is disabled. Otherwise, if this object has a value greater than zero, then Loop Dection for Path Vectors for this Peer is enabled and the Path Vector Limit is this value." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 2.8 Loop Dection, Section 3.4.5 Path Vector TLV." ::= { jnxMplsLdpPeerEntry 3 } -- -- The MPLS LDP Sessions Table -- jnxMplsLdpSessionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF JnxMplsLdpSessionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of Sessions between the LDP Entities and LDP Peers. Each row represents a single session." ::= { jnxMplsLdpSessionObjects 3 } jnxMplsLdpSessionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JnxMplsLdpSessionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents information on a single session between an LDP Entity and LDP Peer. The information contained in a row is read-only. Please note: the Path Vector Limit for the Session is the value which is configured in the corresponding jnxMplsLdpEntityEntry. The Peer's Path Vector Limit is in noted in the jnxMplsLdpPeerTable. Values which may differ from those configured are noted in the objects of this table, the jnxMplsLdpAtmSesTable and the jnxMplsLdpFrameRelaySesTable. A value will differ if it was negotiated between the Entity and the Peer. Values may or may not be negotiated. For example, if the values are the same then no negotiation takes place. If they are negotiated, then they may differ." AUGMENTS { jnxMplsLdpPeerEntry } ::= { jnxMplsLdpSessionTable 1 } JnxMplsLdpSessionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { jnxMplsLdpSesStateLastChange TimeStamp, jnxMplsLdpSesState INTEGER, jnxMplsLdpSesProtocolVersion Integer32, jnxMplsLdpSesKeepAliveHoldTimeRem TimeInterval, jnxMplsLdpSesMaxPduLength Unsigned32, jnxMplsLdpSesDiscontinuityTime TimeStamp } jnxMplsLdpSesStateLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object is sysUpTime when the most recent change in the jnxMplsLdpSesState object occurred. When the entry is created, then this object has the value of sysUpTime when the entry was created." ::= { jnxMplsLdpSessionEntry 1 } jnxMplsLdpSesState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonexistent(1), initialized(2), openrec(3), opensent(4), operational(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state of the session, all of the states 1 to 5 are based on the state machine for session negotiation behavior." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 2.5.4, Initialization State Machine." ::= { jnxMplsLdpSessionEntry 2 } jnxMplsLdpSesProtocolVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of the LDP Protocol which this session is using. This is the version of the LDP protocol which has been negotiated during session initialization." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 3.5.3, Initialization Message." ::= { jnxMplsLdpSessionEntry 3 } jnxMplsLdpSesKeepAliveHoldTimeRem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The keep alive hold time remaining for this session." ::= { jnxMplsLdpSessionEntry 4 } jnxMplsLdpSesMaxPduLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) UNITS "octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of maximum allowable length for LDP PDUs for this session. This value may have been negotiated during the Session Initialization. This object is related to the jnxMplsLdpEntityMaxPduLength object. The jnxMplsLdpEntityMaxPduLength object specifies the requested LDP PDU length, and this object reflects the negotiated LDP PDU length between the Entity and the Peer." ::= { jnxMplsLdpSessionEntry 5 } jnxMplsLdpSesDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which any one or more of this session's counters suffered a discontinuity. The relevant counters are the specific instances associated with this session of any Counter32 or Counter64 object contained in the jnxMplsLdpSessionStatsTable. The initial value of this object is the value of sysUpTime when the entry was created in this table. Also, a command generator can distinguish when a session between a given Entity and Peer goes away and then is 're-established'. This value would change and thus indicate to the command generator that this is a different session." ::= { jnxMplsLdpSessionEntry 6 } -- -- The MPLS LDP Session Statistics Table -- jnxMplsLdpSesStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF JnxMplsLdpSesStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of statistics for Sessions between LDP Entities and LDP Peers." ::= { jnxMplsLdpSessionObjects 4 } jnxMplsLdpSesStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JnxMplsLdpSesStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents statistical information on a single session between an LDP Entity and LDP Peer." AUGMENTS { jnxMplsLdpPeerEntry } ::= { jnxMplsLdpSesStatsTable 1 } JnxMplsLdpSesStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { jnxMplsLdpSesStatsUnkMesTypeErrors Counter32, jnxMplsLdpSesStatsUnkTlvErrors Counter32 } jnxMplsLdpSesStatsUnkMesTypeErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object counts the number of Unknown Message Type Errors detected during this session. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of jnxMplsLdpSesDiscontinuityTime." ::= { jnxMplsLdpSesStatsEntry 1 } jnxMplsLdpSesStatsUnkTlvErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object counts the number of Unknown TLV Errors detected during this session. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of jnxMplsLdpSessionDiscontinuityTime." ::= { jnxMplsLdpSesStatsEntry 2 } -- -- The MPLS LDP Hello Adjacency Table -- jnxMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMplsLdpSessionObjects 5 } jnxMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF JnxMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of Hello Adjacencies for Sessions." ::= { jnxMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyObjects 1 } jnxMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JnxMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a single LDP Hello Adjacency. An LDP Session can have one or more Hello adjacencies." INDEX { jnxMplsLdpEntityLdpId, jnxMplsLdpEntityIndex, jnxMplsLdpPeerLdpId, jnxMplsLdpHelloAdjIndex } ::= { jnxMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyTable 1 } JnxMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { jnxMplsLdpHelloAdjIndex Unsigned32, jnxMplsLdpHelloAdjHoldTimeRem TimeInterval, jnxMplsLdpHelloAdjType INTEGER } jnxMplsLdpHelloAdjIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An identifier for this specific adjacency." ::= { jnxMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry 1 } jnxMplsLdpHelloAdjHoldTimeRem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time remaining for this Hello Adjacency. This interval will change when the 'next' Hello message which corresponds to this Hello Adjacency is received." ::= { jnxMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry 2 } jnxMplsLdpHelloAdjType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { link(1), targeted(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This adjacency is the result of a 'link' hello if the value of this object is link(1). Otherwise, it is a result of a 'targeted' hello, targeted(2)." ::= { jnxMplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry 3 } -- -- Session Label (LSP) Mapping to LSR MIB's LIB Information. -- jnxMplsLdpLspTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF JnxMplsLdpLspEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of LDP LSP's which map to a Segment Table in the the LSR MIB's (either the mplsInSegmentTable or mplsOutSegmentTable) AND to the LSR MIB's mplsXCTable." ::= { jnxMplsLdpSessionObjects 6 } jnxMplsLdpLspEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JnxMplsLdpLspEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents information on a single LDP LSP which is represented by a session's index triple (jnxMplsLdpEntityLdpId, jnxMplsLdpEntityIndex, jnxMplsLdpPeerLdpId) AND the index tuple (jnxMplsLdpLspIfIndex, jnxMplsLdpLspLabel). The information contained in a row is read-only." INDEX { jnxMplsLdpEntityLdpId, jnxMplsLdpEntityIndex, jnxMplsLdpPeerLdpId, jnxMplsLdpLspIfIndex, jnxMplsLdpLspLabel } ::= { jnxMplsLdpLspTable 1 } JnxMplsLdpLspEntry ::= SEQUENCE { jnxMplsLdpLspIfIndex InterfaceIndex, jnxMplsLdpLspLabel MplsLabel, jnxMplsLdpLspLabelType MplsLdpLabelType, jnxMplsLdpLspType MplsLspType, jnxMplsLdpLspLsrInSegmentPointer RowPointer, jnxMplsLdpLspLsrOutSegmentPointer RowPointer, jnxMplsLdpLspLsrXCPointer RowPointer } jnxMplsLdpLspIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value associated with this LSP." ::= { jnxMplsLdpLspEntry 1 } jnxMplsLdpLspLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLabel MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LDP label for this LSP." ::= { jnxMplsLdpLspEntry 2 } jnxMplsLdpLspLabelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLdpLabelType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Layer 2 Label Type." ::= { jnxMplsLdpLspEntry 3 } jnxMplsLdpLspType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLspType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of LSP connection. The possible values are: unknown(1) -- if the LSP is not known to be one of the following. terminatingLsp(2) -- if the LSP terminates on the LSR, then this is an ingressing LSP which ends on the LSR, originatingLsp(3) -- if the LSP originates from the LSR, then this is an egressing LSP which is the head-end of the LSP, crossConnectingLsp(4) -- if the LSP ingresses and egresses on the LSR, then it is cross-connecting on that LSR." ::= { jnxMplsLdpLspEntry 4 } jnxMplsLdpLspLsrInSegmentPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If this LSP terminates or is cross-connecting on this LSR, then this RowPointer should point to an instance of an object in the mplsLsrInSegmentTable. In other words if the value of jnxMplsLdpLspType is terminatingLsp(2) or crossConnectingLsp(4), then this should point to an instance of an object in the LSR-MIB's mplsInSegmentTable. Otherwise, a value of zeroDotzero indicates that this LSP has no corresponding mplsInSegmentEntry." ::= { jnxMplsLdpLspEntry 5 } jnxMplsLdpLspLsrOutSegmentPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If this LSP originates or is cross-connecting on this LSR, then this RowPointer should point to an instance of an object in the LSR-MIB's mplsOutSegmentTable. In other words if the value of jnxMplsLdpLspType is originatingLsp(3) or crossConnectingLsp(4), then this should point to an instance of an object in the LSR-MIB's mplsOutSegmentTable. Otherwise, a value of zeroDotzero indicates that this LSP has no corresponding mplsOutSegmentEntry." ::= { jnxMplsLdpLspEntry 6 } jnxMplsLdpLspLsrXCPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If this LSP is cross-connecting on this LSR, then this RowPointer should point to an instance of an object in the LSR-MIB's mplsXCTable. In other words if the value of jnxMplsLdpLspType is crossConnectingLsp(4), then this should point to an instance of an object in the LSR-MIB's mplsXCTable. Otherwise, a value of zeroDotzero indicates that this LSP has no corresponding mplsXCEntry." ::= { jnxMplsLdpLspEntry 7 } -- -- Mpls FEC Table -- jnxMplsFecObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMplsLdpSessionObjects 7 } jnxMplsFecIndexNext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains an appropriate value to be used for jnxMplsFecIndex when creating entries in the jnxMplsFecTable. The value 0 indicates that no unassigned entries are available. To obtain the jnxMplsFecIndex value for a new entry, the manager issues a management protocol retrieval operation to obtain the current value of this object. After each retrieval, the agent should modify the value to the next unassigned index." ::= { jnxMplsFecObjects 1 } jnxMplsFecTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF JnxMplsFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table represents the FEC (Forwarding Equivalence Class) Information associated with an LSP." ::= { jnxMplsFecObjects 2 } jnxMplsFecEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JnxMplsFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a single FEC Element." INDEX { jnxMplsFecIndex } ::= { jnxMplsFecTable 1 } JnxMplsFecEntry ::= SEQUENCE { jnxMplsFecIndex Unsigned32, jnxMplsFecType INTEGER, jnxMplsFecAddrLength Integer32, jnxMplsFecAddrFamily InetAddressType, jnxMplsFecAddr InetAddress, jnxMplsFecStorageType StorageType, jnxMplsFecRowStatus RowStatus } jnxMplsFecIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index which uniquely identifies this entry." ::= { jnxMplsFecEntry 1 } jnxMplsFecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { prefix(1), hostAddress(2) } -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of the FEC. If the value of this object is 'prefix(1)' then the FEC type described by this row is for address prefixes. If the value of this object is 'hostAddress(2)' then the FEC type described by this row is a host address." ::= { jnxMplsFecEntry 2 } jnxMplsFecAddrLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..255) -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the value of 'jnxMplsFecType' is 'prefix(1)' then the value of this object is the length in bits of the address prefix represented by 'jnxMplsFecAddr', or if the length is zero then this is a special value which indicates that the prefix matches all addresses. In this case the prefix is also zero (i.e. 'jnxMplsFecAddr' will have the value of zero.)" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { jnxMplsFecEntry 3 } jnxMplsFecAddrFamily OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object is from the Address Family Numbers." ::= { jnxMplsFecEntry 4 } jnxMplsFecAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the value of 'jnxMplsFecType' is 'prefix(1)' then the value of this object is the address prefix. If the value of the 'jnxMplsFecAddrLength' is object is zero, then this object should also be zero. If the value of the 'jnxMplsFecType' is 'hostAddress(2)' then this is the host address." ::= { jnxMplsFecEntry 5 } jnxMplsFecStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The storage type for this entry." ::= { jnxMplsFecEntry 6 } jnxMplsFecRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An object that allows entries in this table to be created and deleted using the RowStatus convention." ::= { jnxMplsFecEntry 7 } -- -- LDP LSP FEC Table -- jnxMplsLdpLspFecTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF JnxMplsLdpLspFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table which shows the relationship between LDP LSP's and FECs. Each row represents a single LSP to FEC association. This table is read-only." ::= { jnxMplsLdpSessionObjects 8 } jnxMplsLdpLspFecEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JnxMplsLdpLspFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry represents a LDP LSP to FEC association." INDEX { jnxMplsLdpEntityLdpId, jnxMplsLdpEntityIndex, jnxMplsLdpPeerLdpId, jnxMplsLdpLspIfIndex, jnxMplsLdpLspLabel, jnxMplsFecIndex } ::= { jnxMplsLdpLspFecTable 1 } JnxMplsLdpLspFecEntry ::= SEQUENCE { jnxMplsLdpLspFecOperStatus INTEGER, jnxMplsLdpLspFecLastChange TimeStamp, jnxMplsLdpLspFecRowStatus RowStatus } jnxMplsLdpLspFecOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), inUse(2), notInUse(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of the operational status of the FEC associated with LDP LSP. unknown(1) - this is a temporary state which may indicate the LSP-FEC association is in a state of transition. inUse(2) - the FEC associated with the LSP is currently being applied. notInUse(3) - the FEC associated with the LSP is not being applied. Eventually, this entry may be aged out." ::= { jnxMplsLdpLspFecEntry 1 } jnxMplsLdpLspFecLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of sysUpTime when the jnxMplsLdpLspFecOperStatus last changed state." ::= { jnxMplsLdpLspFecEntry 2 } jnxMplsLdpLspFecRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus -- MAX-ACCESS read-create MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An object that allows entries in this table to be created and deleted using the RowStatus convention." ::= { jnxMplsLdpLspFecEntry 3 } -- -- Address Message/Address Withdraw Message Information -- -- This information is associated with a specific Session -- because Label Address Messages are sent after session -- initialization has taken place. -- jnxMplsLdpSesPeerAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF JnxMplsLdpSesPeerAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table 'extends' the jnxMplsLdpSessionTable. This table is used to store Label Address Information from Label Address Messages received by this LSR from Peers. This table is read-only and should be updated when Label Withdraw Address Messages are received, i.e. Rows should be deleted as apropriate. NOTE: since more than one address may be contained in a Label Address Message, this table 'extends', rather than 'AUGMENTS' the jnxMplsLdpSessionTable's information." ::= { jnxMplsLdpSessionObjects 9 } jnxMplsLdpSesPeerAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JnxMplsLdpSesPeerAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents information on session's for a single next hop address which was advertised in an Address Message from the LDP peer. The information contained in a row is read-only." INDEX { jnxMplsLdpEntityLdpId, jnxMplsLdpEntityIndex, jnxMplsLdpPeerLdpId, jnxMplsLdpSesPeerAddrIndex } ::= { jnxMplsLdpSesPeerAddrTable 1 } JnxMplsLdpSesPeerAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { jnxMplsLdpSesPeerAddrIndex Unsigned32, jnxMplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddrType InetAddressType, jnxMplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddr InetAddress } jnxMplsLdpSesPeerAddrIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index which uniquely identifies this entry within a given session." ::= { jnxMplsLdpSesPeerAddrEntry 1 } jnxMplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The internetwork layer address type of this Next Hop Address as specified in the Label Address Message associated with this Session. The value of this object indicates how to interpret the value of jnxMplsLdpSessionPeerNextHopAddress." ::= { jnxMplsLdpSesPeerAddrEntry 2 } jnxMplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the next hop address." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification defines only IPv4 for LDP Protocol Version 1, see section 3.4.3." ::= { jnxMplsLdpSesPeerAddrEntry 3 } --- --- Notifications --- jnxMplsLdpNotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMplsLdpNotifications 0 } jnxMplsLdpInitSesThresholdExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { jnxMplsLdpEntityInitSesThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the value of the 'jnxMplsLdpEntityInitSesThreshold' object is not zero, and the number of Session Initialization messages exceeds the value of the 'jnxMplsLdpEntityInitSesThreshold' object." ::= { jnxMplsLdpNotificationPrefix 1 } jnxMplsLdpPathVectorLimitMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { jnxMplsLdpEntityPathVectorLimit, jnxMplsLdpPeerPathVectorLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If this notification is enabled to generated, then this notification is sent when the 'jnxMplsLdpEntityPathVectorLimit' does NOT match the value of the 'jnxMplsLdpPeerPathVectorLimit' for a specific Entity." REFERENCE "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 3.5.3." ::= { jnxMplsLdpNotificationPrefix 2 } jnxMplsLdpSessionUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { jnxMplsLdpSesState, jnxMplsLdpSesDiscontinuityTime, jnxMplsLdpSesStatsUnkMesTypeErrors, jnxMplsLdpSesStatsUnkTlvErrors } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If this notification is enabled to generated, then this notification is sent when the value of 'jnxMplsLdpSesState' enters the 'operational(5)' state." ::= { jnxMplsLdpNotificationPrefix 3 } jnxMplsLdpSessionDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { jnxMplsLdpSesState, jnxMplsLdpSesDiscontinuityTime, jnxMplsLdpSesStatsUnkMesTypeErrors, jnxMplsLdpSesStatsUnkTlvErrors } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If this notification is enabled to generated, then this notification is sent when the the value of 'jnxMplsLdpSesState' leaves the 'operational(5)' state." ::= { jnxMplsLdpNotificationPrefix 4 } --**************************************************************** -- Module Conformance Statement --**************************************************************** jnxMplsLdpGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMplsLdpConformance 1 } jnxMplsLdpCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jnxMplsLdpConformance 2 } -- -- Full Compliance -- jnxMplsLdpModuleFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Module is implemented with support for read-create and read-write. In other words, both monitoring and configuration are available when using this MODULE-COMPLIANCE." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { jnxMplsLdpGeneralGroup, jnxMplsLdpLspGroup, jnxMplsLdpNotificationsGroup } GROUP jnxMplsLdpLsrGroup DESCRIPTION "This group must be supported if the LSR MIB is implemented, specifically the mplsInSegmentTable, the mplsOutSegmentTable or the mplsXCTable." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddrType SYNTAX InetAddressType DESCRIPTION "An implementation is only required to support 'unknown(0)', and IPv4 addresses. Supporting IPv6 addresses is optional." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddr SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16)) DESCRIPTION "An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and may optionally support IPv6 addresses." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityRowStatus SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1) } WRITE-SYNTAX INTEGER { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) } DESCRIPTION "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsFecAddrFamily SYNTAX InetAddressType DESCRIPTION "An implementation is only required to support 'unknown(0)', and IPv4 addresses. Supporting IPv6 addresses is optional." OBJECT jnxMplsFecAddr SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16)) DESCRIPTION "An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and may optionally support IPv6 addresses." OBJECT jnxMplsFecRowStatus SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1) } WRITE-SYNTAX INTEGER { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) } MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not required. Also, the entries in this table may be created by the agent, so strictly speaking read-create functionality is not necessary, but may be nice to have." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpLspFecRowStatus SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1) } WRITE-SYNTAX INTEGER { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) } MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not required. Also, the entries in this table may be created by the agent, so strictly speaking read-create functionality is not necessary, but may be nice to have." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddrType SYNTAX InetAddressType DESCRIPTION "An implementation is only required to support 'unknown(0)', and IPv4 addresses. Supporting IPv6 addresses is optional." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddr SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16)) DESCRIPTION "An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and may optionally support IPv6 addresses." ::= { jnxMplsLdpCompliances 1 } -- -- Read-Only Compliance -- jnxMplsLdpModuleReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Module is implemented with support for read-only. In other words, only monitoring is available by implementing this MODULE-COMPLIANCE." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { jnxMplsLdpGeneralGroup, jnxMplsLdpLspGroup, jnxMplsLdpNotificationsGroup } GROUP jnxMplsLdpLsrGroup DESCRIPTION "This group must be supported if the LSR MIB is implemented, specifically the mplsInSegmentTable, the mplsOutSegmentTable or the mplsXCTable." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityProtocolVersion MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityAdminStatus MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityTcpDscPort MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityUdpDscPort MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityMaxPduLength MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityKeepAliveHoldTimer MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityHelloHoldTimer MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityInitSesThreshold MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityLabelDistMethod MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityLabelRetentionMode MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityPathVectorLimit MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityHopCountLimit MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityTargetPeer MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddrType SYNTAX InetAddressType MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required. An implementation is only required to support 'unknown(0)', and IPv4 addresses. Supporting IPv6 addresses is optional." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddr SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16)) MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required. An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and may optionally support IPv6 addresses." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityLabelType MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityStorageType MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpEntityRowStatus SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1) } MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required, and active is the only status that needs to be supported." OBJECT jnxMplsFecType MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsFecAddrLength MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsFecAddrFamily SYNTAX InetAddressType MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required. An implementation is only required to support 'unknown(0)', and IPv4 addresses. Supporting IPv6 addresses is optional." OBJECT jnxMplsFecAddr SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16)) MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required. An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and may optionally support IPv6 addresses." OBJECT jnxMplsFecStorageType MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT jnxMplsFecRowStatus SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1) } MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required, and active is the only status that needs to be supported." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpLspFecRowStatus SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1) } MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required, and active is the only status that needs to be supported." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddrType SYNTAX InetAddressType DESCRIPTION "An implementation is only required to support 'unknown(0)', and IPv4 addresses. Supporting IPv6 addresses is optional." OBJECT jnxMplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddr SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16)) DESCRIPTION "An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and may optionally support IPv6 addresses." ::= { jnxMplsLdpCompliances 2 } -- units of conformance jnxMplsLdpGeneralGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { jnxMplsLdpLsrId, jnxMplsLdpLsrLoopDetectionCapable, jnxMplsLdpEntityLastChange, jnxMplsLdpEntityIndexNext, jnxMplsLdpEntityProtocolVersion, jnxMplsLdpEntityAdminStatus, jnxMplsLdpEntityOperStatus, jnxMplsLdpEntityTcpDscPort, jnxMplsLdpEntityUdpDscPort, jnxMplsLdpEntityMaxPduLength, jnxMplsLdpEntityKeepAliveHoldTimer, jnxMplsLdpEntityHelloHoldTimer, jnxMplsLdpEntityInitSesThreshold, jnxMplsLdpEntityLabelDistMethod, jnxMplsLdpEntityLabelRetentionMode, jnxMplsLdpEntityPathVectorLimit, jnxMplsLdpEntityHopCountLimit, jnxMplsLdpEntityTargetPeer, jnxMplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddrType, jnxMplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddr, jnxMplsLdpEntityLabelType, jnxMplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime, jnxMplsLdpEntityStorageType, jnxMplsLdpEntityRowStatus, jnxMplsLdpAttemptedSessions, jnxMplsLdpSesRejectedNoHelloErrors, jnxMplsLdpSesRejectedAdErrors, jnxMplsLdpSesRejectedMaxPduErrors, jnxMplsLdpSesRejectedLRErrors, jnxMplsLdpBadLdpIdentifierErrors, jnxMplsLdpBadPduLengthErrors, jnxMplsLdpBadMessageLengthErrors, jnxMplsLdpBadTlvLengthErrors, jnxMplsLdpMalformedTlvValueErrors, jnxMplsLdpKeepAliveTimerExpErrors, jnxMplsLdpShutdownNotifReceived, jnxMplsLdpShutdownNotifSent, jnxMplsLdpPeerLastChange, jnxMplsLdpPeerLabelDistMethod, jnxMplsLdpPeerPathVectorLimit, jnxMplsLdpHelloAdjHoldTimeRem, jnxMplsLdpHelloAdjType, jnxMplsLdpSesStateLastChange, jnxMplsLdpSesState, jnxMplsLdpSesProtocolVersion, jnxMplsLdpSesKeepAliveHoldTimeRem, jnxMplsLdpSesMaxPduLength, jnxMplsLdpSesDiscontinuityTime, jnxMplsLdpSesStatsUnkMesTypeErrors, jnxMplsLdpSesStatsUnkTlvErrors, jnxMplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddrType, jnxMplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddr, jnxMplsFecIndexNext, jnxMplsFecType, jnxMplsFecAddrFamily, jnxMplsFecAddrLength, jnxMplsFecAddr, jnxMplsFecStorageType, jnxMplsFecRowStatus, jnxMplsLdpLspFecOperStatus, jnxMplsLdpLspFecLastChange, jnxMplsLdpLspFecRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects that apply to all MPLS LDP implementations." ::= { jnxMplsLdpGroups 1 } jnxMplsLdpLspGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { jnxMplsLdpLspLabelType, jnxMplsLdpLspType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "These objects are specific to LDP LSPs." ::= { jnxMplsLdpGroups 2 } jnxMplsLdpLsrGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { jnxMplsLdpLspLsrInSegmentPointer, jnxMplsLdpLspLsrOutSegmentPointer, jnxMplsLdpLspLsrXCPointer } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "These objects are optional and only need to be supported for LDP implementations which support the following tables in the LSR MIB: mplsInSegmentTable, mplsOutSegmentTable and mplsXCTable." ::= { jnxMplsLdpGroups 3 } jnxMplsLdpNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { jnxMplsLdpInitSesThresholdExceeded, jnxMplsLdpPathVectorLimitMismatch, jnxMplsLdpSessionUp, jnxMplsLdpSessionDown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification(s) which an MPLS LDP implemention is required to implement." ::= { jnxMplsLdpGroups 4 } END