OPT-IF-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Gauge32, Integer32, Unsigned32, transmission FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, RowPointer, RowStatus, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF ifIndex FROM IF-MIB; -- This is the MIB module for the OTN Interface objects. optIfMibModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200308130000Z" ORGANIZATION "IETF AToM MIB Working Group" CONTACT-INFO "WG charter: http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/atommib-charter.html Mailing Lists: General Discussion: atommib@research.telcordia.com To Subscribe: atommib-request@research.telcordia.com Editor: Hing-Kam Lam Postal: Lucent Technologies, Room 4C-616 101 Crawfords Corner Road Holmdel, NJ 07733 Tel: +1 732 949 8338 Email: hklam@lucent.com" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module to describe pre-OTN and OTN interfaces. Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). This version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3591; see the RFC itself for full legal notices." REVISION "200308130000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version, published as RFC 3591." ::={ transmission 133 } -- textual conventions OptIfAcTI ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trace identifier (TI) accepted at the receiver." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(64)) OptIfBitRateK ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the index 'k' that is used to represent a supported bit rate and the different versions of OPUk, ODUk and OTUk. Allowed values of k are defined in ITU-T G.709. Currently allowed values in G.709 are: k=1 represents an approximate bit rate of 2.5 Gbit/s, k=2 represents an approximate bit rate of 10 Gbit/s, k=3 represents an approximate bit rate of 40 Gbit/s." SYNTAX Integer32 OptIfDEGM ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the threshold level for declaring a Degraded Signal defect (dDEG). A dDEG shall be declared if OptIfDEGM consecutive bad PM Seconds are detected." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (2..10) OptIfDEGThr ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the threshold level for declaring a performance monitoring (PM) Second to be bad. A PM Second is declared bad if the percentage of detected errored blocks in that second is greater than or equal to OptIfDEGThr." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) OptIfDirectionality ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the directionality of an entity." SYNTAX INTEGER { sink(1), source(2), bidirectional(3) } OptIfSinkOrSource ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the directionality of an entity that is allowed only to be a source or sink." SYNTAX INTEGER { sink(1), source(2) } OptIfExDAPI ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Destination Access Point Identifier (DAPI) expected by the receiver." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)) OptIfExSAPI ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Source Access Point Identifier (SAPI) expected by the receiver." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)) OptIfIntervalNumber ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies a 15-minute interval. The interval identified by 1 is the most recently completed interval, and the interval identified by n is the interval immediately preceding the one identified by n-1." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..96) OptIfTIMDetMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the mode of the Trace Identifier Mismatch (TIM) Detection function." SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), dapi(2), sapi(3), both(4) } OptIfTxTI ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trace identifier (TI) transmitted." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(64)) -- object groups optIfObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { optIfMibModule 1 } optIfConfs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { optIfMibModule 2 } optIfOTMn OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { optIfObjects 1 } optIfPerfMon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { optIfObjects 2 } optIfOTSn OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { optIfObjects 3 } optIfOMSn OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { optIfObjects 4 } optIfOChGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { optIfObjects 5 } optIfOCh OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { optIfObjects 6 } optIfOTUk OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { optIfObjects 7 } optIfODUk OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { optIfObjects 8 } optIfODUkT OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { optIfObjects 9 } optIfGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { optIfConfs 1 } optIfCompl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { optIfConfs 2 } -- the optIfOTMn group -- This group defines the OTM structure information of an -- optical interface. -- OTMn Table optIfOTMnTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOTMnEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OTMn structure information." ::= { optIfOTMn 1 } optIfOTMnEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOTMnEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains the OTMn structure information of an optical interface." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOTMnTable 1 } OptIfOTMnEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOTMnOrder Unsigned32, optIfOTMnReduced TruthValue, optIfOTMnBitRates BITS, optIfOTMnInterfaceType SnmpAdminString, optIfOTMnTcmMax Unsigned32, optIfOTMnOpticalReach INTEGER } optIfOTMnOrder OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..900) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the order of the OTM, which represents the maximum number of wavelengths that can be supported at the bit rate(s) supported on the interface." ::= { optIfOTMnEntry 1 } optIfOTMnReduced OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether a reduced or full functionality is supported at the interface. A value of true means reduced. A value of false means full." ::= { optIfOTMnEntry 2 } optIfOTMnBitRates OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { bitRateK1(0), bitRateK2(1), bitRateK3(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is a bit map representing the bit rate or set of bit rates supported on the interface. The meaning of each bit position is as follows: bitRateK1(0) is set if the 2.5 Gbit/s rate is supported bitRateK2(1) is set if the 10 Gbit/s rate is supported bitRateK3(2) is set if the 40 Gbit/s rate is supported Note that each bit position corresponds to one possible value of the type OptIfBitRateK. The default value of this attribute is system specific." ::= { optIfOTMnEntry 3 } optIfOTMnInterfaceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the type of interface. The value of this attribute will affect the behavior of the OTM with respect to presence/absence of OTM Overhead Signal (OOS) processing and TCM activation. For an IrDI interface, there is no OOS processing and TCM activation is limited to n levels as specified by a TCM level threshold. This object contains two fields that are separated by whitespace. The possible values are: field 1: one of the 4-character ASCII strings 'IrDI' or 'IaDI' field 2: free-form text consisting of printable UTF-8 encoded characters Note that field 2 is optional. If it is not present then there is no requirement for trailing whitespace after field 1. The default values are as follows: field 1: 'IaDI' field 2: an empty string." ::= { optIfOTMnEntry 4 } optIfOTMnTcmMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..6) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the maximum number of TCM levels allowed for any Optical Channel contained in this OTM. A new TCM activation will be rejected if the requested level is greater than the threshold. If InterfaceType object specifies a type of 'IaDI' for this OTM, then this attribute is irrelevant. Possible values: unsigned integers in the range from 0 to 6 inclusive. Default value: 3." ::= { optIfOTMnEntry 5 } optIfOTMnOpticalReach OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { intraOffice(1), shortHaul(2), longHaul(3), veryLongHaul(4), ultraLongHaul(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the length the optical signal may travel before requiring termination or regeneration. The meaning of the enumeration are: intraOffice(1) - intra-office (as defined in ITU-T G.957) shortHaul(2) - short haul (as defined in ITU-T G.957) longHaul(3) - long haul (as defined in ITU-T G.957) veryLongHaul(4) - very long haul (as defined in ITU-T G.691) ultraLongHaul(5)- ultra long haul (as defined in ITU-T G.691)" ::= { optIfOTMnEntry 6 } -- the optIfPerfMon group -- This group defines performance monitoring objects for all -- layers. -- PM interval table optIfPerfMonIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfPerfMonIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of 15-minute performance monitoring interval information." ::= { optIfPerfMon 1 } optIfPerfMonIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfPerfMonIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains 15-minute performance monitoring interval information of an interface." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfPerfMonIntervalTable 1 } OptIfPerfMonIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfPerfMonCurrentTimeElapsed Gauge32, optIfPerfMonCurDayTimeElapsed Gauge32, optIfPerfMonIntervalNumIntervals Unsigned32, optIfPerfMonIntervalNumInvalidIntervals Unsigned32 } optIfPerfMonCurrentTimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 (0..900) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds elapsed in the current 15-minute performance monitoring interval. If, for some reason, such as an adjustment in the NE's time-of-day clock, the number of seconds elapsed exceeds the maximum value, then the maximum value will be returned." ::= { optIfPerfMonIntervalEntry 1 } optIfPerfMonCurDayTimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 (0..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds elapsed in the current 24-hour interval performance monitoring period. If, for some reason, such as an adjustment in the NE's time-of-day clock, the number of seconds elapsed exceeds the maximum value, then the maximum value will be returned." ::= { optIfPerfMonIntervalEntry 2 } optIfPerfMonIntervalNumIntervals OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..96) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of 15-minute intervals for which performance monitoring data is available. The number is the same for all the associated sub layers of the interface. An optical interface must be capable of supporting at least n intervals, where n is defined as follows: The minimum value of n is 4. The default of n is 32. The maximum value of n is 96. The value of this object will be n unless performance monitoring was (re-)started for the interface within the last (n*15) minutes, in which case the value will be the number of complete 15-minute intervals since measurement was (re-)started." ::= { optIfPerfMonIntervalEntry 3 } optIfPerfMonIntervalNumInvalidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..96) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of intervals in the range from 0 to optIfPerfMonIntervalNumIntervals for which no performance monitoring data is available and/or the data is invalid." ::= { optIfPerfMonIntervalEntry 4 } -- the optIfOTSn group -- This group handles the configuration and performance -- monitoring objects for OTS layers. -- OTSn config table optIfOTSnConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOTSnConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OTSn configuration information." ::= { optIfOTSn 1 } optIfOTSnConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOTSnConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OTSn configuration information of an interface." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOTSnConfigTable 1 } OptIfOTSnConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOTSnDirectionality OptIfDirectionality, optIfOTSnAprStatus SnmpAdminString, optIfOTSnAprControl SnmpAdminString, optIfOTSnTraceIdentifierTransmitted OptIfTxTI, optIfOTSnDAPIExpected OptIfExDAPI, optIfOTSnSAPIExpected OptIfExSAPI, optIfOTSnTraceIdentifierAccepted OptIfAcTI, optIfOTSnTIMDetMode OptIfTIMDetMode, optIfOTSnTIMActEnabled TruthValue, optIfOTSnCurrentStatus BITS } optIfOTSnDirectionality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfDirectionality MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the directionality of the entity." ::= { optIfOTSnConfigEntry 1 } optIfOTSnAprStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the status of the Automatic Power Reduction (APR) function of the entity. Valid values are 'on' and 'off'." ::= { optIfOTSnConfigEntry 2 } optIfOTSnAprControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is a UTF-8 encoded string that specifies Automatic Power Reduction (APR) control actions requested of this entity (when written) and that returns the current APR control state of this entity (when read). The values are implementation-defined. Any implementation that instantiates this object must document the set of values that it allows to be written, the set of values that it will return, and what each of those values means." ::= { optIfOTSnConfigEntry 3 } optIfOTSnTraceIdentifierTransmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfTxTI MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trace identifier transmitted. This object is applicable when optIfOTSnDirectionality has the value source(2) or bidirectional(3). This object does not apply to reduced-capability systems (i.e., those for which optIfOTMnReduced has the value true(1)) or at IrDI interfaces (i.e., when optIfOTMnInterfaceType field 1 has the value 'IrDI'). If no value is ever set by a management entity for the object optIfOTSnTraceIdentifierTransmitted, system-specific default value will be used. Any implementation that instantiates this object must document the system-specific default value or how it is derived." ::= { optIfOTSnConfigEntry 4 } optIfOTSnDAPIExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfExDAPI MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DAPI expected by the receiver. This object is applicable when optIfOTSnDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It has no effect if optIfOTSnTIMDetMode has the value off(1) or sapi(3). This object does not apply to reduced-capability systems (i.e., those for which optIfOTMnReduced has the value true(1)) or at IrDI interfaces (i.e., when optIfOTMnInterfaceType field 1 has the value 'IrDI')." ::= { optIfOTSnConfigEntry 5 } optIfOTSnSAPIExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfExSAPI MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SAPI expected by the receiver. This object is applicable when optIfOTSnDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It has no effect if optIfOTSnTIMDetMode has the value off(1) or dapi(2). This object does not apply to reduced-capability systems (i.e., those for which optIfOTMnReduced has the value true(1)) or at IrDI interfaces (i.e., when optIfOTMnInterfaceType field 1 has the value 'IrDI')." ::= { optIfOTSnConfigEntry 6 } optIfOTSnTraceIdentifierAccepted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfAcTI MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The actual trace identifier received. This object is applicable when optIfOTSnDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). Its value is unspecified if optIfOTSnCurrentStatus has either or both of the losO(5) and los(6) bits set. This object does not apply to reduced-capability systems (i.e., those for which optIfOTMnReduced has the value true(1)) or at IrDI interfaces (i.e., when optIfOTMnInterfaceType field 1 has the value 'IrDI')." ::= { optIfOTSnConfigEntry 7 } optIfOTSnTIMDetMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfTIMDetMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the mode of the Trace Identifier Mismatch (TIM) Detection function. This object is applicable when optIfOTSnDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). The default value is off(1). This object does not apply to reduced-capability systems (i.e., those for which optIfOTMnReduced has the value true(1)) or at IrDI interfaces (i.e., when optIfOTMnInterfaceType field 1 has the value 'IrDI'). The default value of this object is off(1)." ::= { optIfOTSnConfigEntry 8 } optIfOTSnTIMActEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the Trace Identifier Mismatch (TIM) Consequent Action function is enabled. This object is applicable when optIfOTSnDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It has no effect when the value of optIfOTSnTIMDetMode is off(1). This object does not apply to reduced-capability systems (i.e., those for which optIfOTMnReduced has the value true(1)) or at IrDI interfaces (i.e., when optIfOTMnInterfaceType field 1 has the value 'IrDI'). The default value of this object is false(2)." ::= { optIfOTSnConfigEntry 9 } optIfOTSnCurrentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { bdiP(0), bdiO(1), bdi(2), tim(3), losP(4), losO(5), los(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the defect condition of the entity, if any. This object is applicable when optIfOTSnDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). In reduced-capability systems or at IrDI interfaces the only bit position that may be set is los(6)." ::= { optIfOTSnConfigEntry 10 } -- OTSn sink current table -- Contains data for the current 15-minute performance monitoring -- interval. optIfOTSnSinkCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOTSnSinkCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OTSn sink performance monitoring information for the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOTSn 2 } optIfOTSnSinkCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOTSnSinkCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OTSn sink performance monitoring information of an interface for the current 15-minute interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOTSnSinkCurrentTable 1 } OptIfOTSnSinkCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOTSnSinkCurrentSuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentLowInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentHighInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentHighOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold Integer32 } optIfOTSnSinkCurrentSuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkCurrentEntry 1 } optIfOTSnSinkCurrentInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The optical power monitored at the input." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkCurrentEntry 2 } optIfOTSnSinkCurrentLowInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the input during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkCurrentEntry 3 } optIfOTSnSinkCurrentHighInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the input during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkCurrentEntry 4 } optIfOTSnSinkCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower limit threshold on input power. If optIfOTSnSinkCurrentInputPower drops to this value or below, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkCurrentEntry 5 } optIfOTSnSinkCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper limit threshold on input power. If optIfOTSnSinkCurrentInputPower reaches or exceeds this value, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkCurrentEntry 6 } optIfOTSnSinkCurrentOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The optical power monitored at the output." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkCurrentEntry 7 } optIfOTSnSinkCurrentLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkCurrentEntry 8 } optIfOTSnSinkCurrentHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkCurrentEntry 9 } optIfOTSnSinkCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower limit threshold on output power. If optIfOTSnSinkCurrentOutputPower drops to this value or below, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkCurrentEntry 10 } optIfOTSnSinkCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper limit threshold on output power. If optIfOTSnSinkCurrentOutputPower reaches or exceeds this value, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkCurrentEntry 11 } -- OTSn sink interval table -- Contains data for previous 15-minute performance monitoring -- intervals. optIfOTSnSinkIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOTSnSinkIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of historical OTSn sink performance monitoring information." ::= { optIfOTSn 3 } optIfOTSnSinkIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOTSnSinkIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OTSn sink performance monitoring information of an interface during a particular historical interval." INDEX { ifIndex, optIfOTSnSinkIntervalNumber } ::= { optIfOTSnSinkIntervalTable 1 } OptIfOTSnSinkIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOTSnSinkIntervalNumber OptIfIntervalNumber, optIfOTSnSinkIntervalSuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOTSnSinkIntervalLastInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkIntervalLowInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkIntervalHighInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkIntervalLastOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkIntervalLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkIntervalHighOutputPower Integer32 } optIfOTSnSinkIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfIntervalNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies the interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkIntervalEntry 1 } optIfOTSnSinkIntervalSuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkIntervalEntry 2 } optIfOTSnSinkIntervalLastInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power monitored at the input during the interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkIntervalEntry 3 } optIfOTSnSinkIntervalLowInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the input during the interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkIntervalEntry 4 } optIfOTSnSinkIntervalHighInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the input during the interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkIntervalEntry 5 } optIfOTSnSinkIntervalLastOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power monitored at the output during the interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkIntervalEntry 6 } optIfOTSnSinkIntervalLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkIntervalEntry 7 } optIfOTSnSinkIntervalHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkIntervalEntry 8 } -- OTSn sink current day table -- Contains data for the current 24-hour performance -- monitoring interval. optIfOTSnSinkCurDayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOTSnSinkCurDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OTSn sink performance monitoring information for the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSn 4 } optIfOTSnSinkCurDayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOTSnSinkCurDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OTSn sink performance monitoring information of an interface for the current 24-hour interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOTSnSinkCurDayTable 1 } OptIfOTSnSinkCurDayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOTSnSinkCurDaySuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOTSnSinkCurDayLowInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkCurDayHighInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkCurDayLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkCurDayHighOutputPower Integer32 } optIfOTSnSinkCurDaySuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkCurDayEntry 1 } optIfOTSnSinkCurDayLowInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the input during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkCurDayEntry 2 } optIfOTSnSinkCurDayHighInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the input during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkCurDayEntry 3 } optIfOTSnSinkCurDayLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkCurDayEntry 4 } optIfOTSnSinkCurDayHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkCurDayEntry 5 } -- OTSn sink previous day table -- Contains data for the previous 24-hour performance -- monitoring interval. optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOTSnSinkPrevDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OTSn sink performance monitoring information for the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSn 5 } optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOTSnSinkPrevDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OTSn sink performance monitoring information of an interface for the previous 24-hour interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayTable 1 } OptIfOTSnSinkPrevDayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOTSnSinkPrevDaySuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayLastInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayLowInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayHighInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayLastOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayHighOutputPower Integer32 } optIfOTSnSinkPrevDaySuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayEntry 1 } optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayLastInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power monitored at the input during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayEntry 2 } optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayLowInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the input during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayEntry 3 } optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayHighInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the input during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayEntry 4 } optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayLastOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power monitored at the output during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayEntry 5 } optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayEntry 6 } optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayEntry 7 } -- OTSn source current table -- Contains data for the current 15-minute performance monitoring -- interval. optIfOTSnSrcCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOTSnSrcCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OTSn source performance monitoring information for the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOTSn 6 } optIfOTSnSrcCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOTSnSrcCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OTSn source performance monitoring information of an interface for the current 15-minute interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOTSnSrcCurrentTable 1 } OptIfOTSnSrcCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOTSnSrcCurrentSuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentHighOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentLowInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentHighInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold Integer32 } optIfOTSnSrcCurrentSuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcCurrentEntry 1 } optIfOTSnSrcCurrentOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The optical power monitored at the output." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcCurrentEntry 2 } optIfOTSnSrcCurrentLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcCurrentEntry 3 } optIfOTSnSrcCurrentHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcCurrentEntry 4 } optIfOTSnSrcCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower limit threshold on output power. If optIfOTSnSrcCurrentOutputPower drops to this value or below, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcCurrentEntry 5 } optIfOTSnSrcCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper limit threshold on output power. If optIfOTSnSrcCurrentOutputPower reaches or exceeds this value, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcCurrentEntry 6 } optIfOTSnSrcCurrentInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The optical power monitored at the input." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcCurrentEntry 7 } optIfOTSnSrcCurrentLowInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the input during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcCurrentEntry 8 } optIfOTSnSrcCurrentHighInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the input during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcCurrentEntry 9 } optIfOTSnSrcCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower limit threshold on input power. If optIfOTSnSrcCurrentInputPower drops to this value or below, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcCurrentEntry 10 } optIfOTSnSrcCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper limit threshold on input power. If optIfOTSnSrcCurrentInputPower reaches or exceeds this value, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcCurrentEntry 11 } -- OTSn source interval table -- Contains data for previous 15-minute performance monitoring -- intervals. optIfOTSnSrcIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOTSnSrcIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of historical OTSn source performance monitoring information." ::= { optIfOTSn 7 } optIfOTSnSrcIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOTSnSrcIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OTSn source performance monitoring information of an interface during a particular historical interval." INDEX { ifIndex, optIfOTSnSrcIntervalNumber } ::= { optIfOTSnSrcIntervalTable 1 } OptIfOTSnSrcIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOTSnSrcIntervalNumber OptIfIntervalNumber, optIfOTSnSrcIntervalSuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOTSnSrcIntervalLastOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcIntervalLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcIntervalHighOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcIntervalLastInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcIntervalLowInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcIntervalHighInputPower Integer32 } optIfOTSnSrcIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfIntervalNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies the interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcIntervalEntry 1 } optIfOTSnSrcIntervalSuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcIntervalEntry 2 } optIfOTSnSrcIntervalLastOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power monitored at the output during the interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcIntervalEntry 3 } optIfOTSnSrcIntervalLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcIntervalEntry 4 } optIfOTSnSrcIntervalHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcIntervalEntry 5 } optIfOTSnSrcIntervalLastInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power monitored at the input during the interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcIntervalEntry 6 } optIfOTSnSrcIntervalLowInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the input during the interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcIntervalEntry 7 } optIfOTSnSrcIntervalHighInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the input during the interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcIntervalEntry 8 } -- OTSn source current day table -- Contains data for the current 24-hour performance -- monitoring interval. optIfOTSnSrcCurDayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOTSnSrcCurDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OTSn source performance monitoring information for the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSn 8 } optIfOTSnSrcCurDayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOTSnSrcCurDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OTSn source performance monitoring information of an interface for the current 24-hour interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOTSnSrcCurDayTable 1 } OptIfOTSnSrcCurDayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOTSnSrcCurDaySuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOTSnSrcCurDayLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcCurDayHighOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcCurDayLowInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcCurDayHighInputPower Integer32 } optIfOTSnSrcCurDaySuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcCurDayEntry 1 } optIfOTSnSrcCurDayLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcCurDayEntry 2 } optIfOTSnSrcCurDayHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcCurDayEntry 3 } optIfOTSnSrcCurDayLowInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the input during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcCurDayEntry 4 } optIfOTSnSrcCurDayHighInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the input during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcCurDayEntry 5 } -- OTSn source previous day table -- Contains data for the previous 24-hour performance -- monitoring interval. optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOTSnSrcPrevDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OTSn source performance monitoring information for the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSn 9 } optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOTSnSrcPrevDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OTSn source performance monitoring information of an interface for the previous 24-hour interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayTable 1 } OptIfOTSnSrcPrevDayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOTSnSrcPrevDaySuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayLastOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayHighOutputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayLastInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayLowInputPower Integer32, optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayHighInputPower Integer32 } optIfOTSnSrcPrevDaySuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayEntry 1 } optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayLastOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power monitored at the output during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayEntry 2 } optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayEntry 3 } optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayEntry 4 } optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayLastInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power monitored at the input during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayEntry 5 } optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayLowInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the input during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayEntry 6 } optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayHighInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the input during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayEntry 7 } -- the optIfOMSn group -- This group handles the configuration and performance monitoring -- information for OMS layers. -- OMSn config table optIfOMSnConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOMSnConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OMSn configuration information." ::= { optIfOMSn 1 } optIfOMSnConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOMSnConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OMSn configuration information of an interface." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOMSnConfigTable 1 } OptIfOMSnConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOMSnDirectionality OptIfDirectionality, optIfOMSnCurrentStatus BITS } optIfOMSnDirectionality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfDirectionality MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the directionality of the entity." ::= { optIfOMSnConfigEntry 1 } optIfOMSnCurrentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { ssfP(0), ssfO(1), ssf(2), bdiP(3), bdiO(4), bdi(5), losP(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the defect condition of the entity, if any. This object is applicable only to full capability systems whose interface type is IaDI and for which optIfOMSnDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3)." ::= { optIfOMSnConfigEntry 2 } -- OMSn sink current table -- Contains data for the current 15-minute performance monitoring -- interval. optIfOMSnSinkCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOMSnSinkCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OMSn sink performance monitoring information for the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOMSn 2 } optIfOMSnSinkCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOMSnSinkCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OMSn sink performance monitoring information of an interface for the current 15-minute interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOMSnSinkCurrentTable 1 } OptIfOMSnSinkCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOMSnSinkCurrentSuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentLowAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentHighAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentHighOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold Integer32 } optIfOMSnSinkCurrentSuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkCurrentEntry 1 } optIfOMSnSinkCurrentAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkCurrentEntry 2 } optIfOMSnSinkCurrentLowAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkCurrentEntry 3 } optIfOMSnSinkCurrentHighAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkCurrentEntry 4 } optIfOMSnSinkCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower limit threshold on aggregated input power. If optIfOMSnSinkCurrentAggregatedInputPower drops to this value or below, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkCurrentEntry 5 } optIfOMSnSinkCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper limit threshold on aggregated input power. If optIfOMSnSinkCurrentAggregatedInputPower reaches or exceeds this value, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkCurrentEntry 6 } optIfOMSnSinkCurrentOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The optical power monitored at the output." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkCurrentEntry 7 } optIfOMSnSinkCurrentLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkCurrentEntry 8 } optIfOMSnSinkCurrentHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkCurrentEntry 9 } optIfOMSnSinkCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower limit threshold on output power. If optIfOMSnSinkCurrentOutputPower drops to this value or below, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkCurrentEntry 10 } optIfOMSnSinkCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper limit threshold on output power. If optIfOMSnSinkCurrentOutputPower reaches or exceeds this value, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkCurrentEntry 11 } -- OMSn sink interval table -- Contains data for previous 15-minute performance monitoring -- intervals. optIfOMSnSinkIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOMSnSinkIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of historical OMSn sink performance monitoring information." ::= { optIfOMSn 3 } optIfOMSnSinkIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOMSnSinkIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OMSn sink performance monitoring information of an interface during a particular historical interval." INDEX { ifIndex, optIfOMSnSinkIntervalNumber } ::= { optIfOMSnSinkIntervalTable 1 } OptIfOMSnSinkIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOMSnSinkIntervalNumber OptIfIntervalNumber, optIfOMSnSinkIntervalSuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOMSnSinkIntervalLastAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkIntervalLowAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkIntervalHighAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkIntervalLastOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkIntervalLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkIntervalHighOutputPower Integer32 } optIfOMSnSinkIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfIntervalNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies the interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkIntervalEntry 1 } optIfOMSnSinkIntervalSuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkIntervalEntry 2 } optIfOMSnSinkIntervalLastAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels during the interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkIntervalEntry 3 } optIfOMSnSinkIntervalLowAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels during the interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkIntervalEntry 4 } optIfOMSnSinkIntervalHighAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels during the interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkIntervalEntry 5 } optIfOMSnSinkIntervalLastOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power at the output during the interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkIntervalEntry 6 } optIfOMSnSinkIntervalLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power at the output during the interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkIntervalEntry 7 } optIfOMSnSinkIntervalHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power at the output during the interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkIntervalEntry 8 } -- OMSn sink current day table -- Contains data for the current 24-hour performance -- monitoring interval. optIfOMSnSinkCurDayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOMSnSinkCurDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OMSn sink performance monitoring information for the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSn 4 } optIfOMSnSinkCurDayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOMSnSinkCurDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OMSn sink performance monitoring information of an interface for the current 24-hour interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOMSnSinkCurDayTable 1 } OptIfOMSnSinkCurDayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOMSnSinkCurDaySuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOMSnSinkCurDayLowAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkCurDayHighAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkCurDayLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkCurDayHighOutputPower Integer32 } optIfOMSnSinkCurDaySuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkCurDayEntry 1 } optIfOMSnSinkCurDayLowAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkCurDayEntry 2 } optIfOMSnSinkCurDayHighAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkCurDayEntry 3 } optIfOMSnSinkCurDayLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power at the output during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkCurDayEntry 4 } optIfOMSnSinkCurDayHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power at the output during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkCurDayEntry 5 } -- OMSn sink previous day table -- Contains data for the previous 24-hour performance -- monitoring interval. optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOMSnSinkPrevDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OMSn sink performance monitoring information for the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSn 5 } optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOMSnSinkPrevDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OMSn sink performance monitoring information of an interface for the previous 24-hour interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayTable 1 } OptIfOMSnSinkPrevDayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOMSnSinkPrevDaySuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayLastAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayLowAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayHighAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayLastOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayHighOutputPower Integer32 } optIfOMSnSinkPrevDaySuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayEntry 1 } optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayLastAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayEntry 2 } optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayLowAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayEntry 3 } optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayHighAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayEntry 4 } optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayLastOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power at the output during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayEntry 5 } optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power at the output during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayEntry 6 } optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power at the output during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayEntry 7 } -- OMSn source current table -- Contains data for the current 15-minute performance monitoring -- interval. optIfOMSnSrcCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOMSnSrcCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OMSn source performance monitoring information for the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOMSn 6 } optIfOMSnSrcCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOMSnSrcCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OMSn source performance monitoring information of an interface for the current 15-minute interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOMSnSrcCurrentTable 1 } OptIfOMSnSrcCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOMSnSrcCurrentSuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentHighOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentLowAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentHighAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold Integer32 } optIfOMSnSrcCurrentSuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcCurrentEntry 1 } optIfOMSnSrcCurrentOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The optical power monitored at the output." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcCurrentEntry 2 } optIfOMSnSrcCurrentLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcCurrentEntry 3 } optIfOMSnSrcCurrentHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcCurrentEntry 4 } optIfOMSnSrcCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower limit threshold on output power. If optIfOMSnSrcCurrentOutputPower drops to this value or below, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcCurrentEntry 5 } optIfOMSnSrcCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper limit threshold on output power. If optIfOMSnSrcCurrentOutputPower reaches or exceeds this value, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcCurrentEntry 6 } optIfOMSnSrcCurrentAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The aggregated optical power at the input." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcCurrentEntry 7 } optIfOMSnSrcCurrentLowAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest aggregated optical power at the input during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcCurrentEntry 8 } optIfOMSnSrcCurrentHighAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest aggregated optical power at the input during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcCurrentEntry 9 } optIfOMSnSrcCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower limit threshold on aggregated input power. If optIfOMSnSrcCurrentAggregatedInputPower drops to this value or below, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcCurrentEntry 10 } optIfOMSnSrcCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper limit threshold on aggregated input power. If optIfOMSnSrcCurrentAggregatedInputPower reaches or exceeds this value, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcCurrentEntry 11 } -- OMSn source interval table -- Contains data for previous 15-minute performance monitoring -- intervals. optIfOMSnSrcIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOMSnSrcIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of historical OMSn source performance monitoring information." ::= { optIfOMSn 7 } optIfOMSnSrcIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOMSnSrcIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OMSn source performance monitoring information of an interface during a particular historical interval." INDEX { ifIndex, optIfOMSnSrcIntervalNumber } ::= { optIfOMSnSrcIntervalTable 1 } OptIfOMSnSrcIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOMSnSrcIntervalNumber OptIfIntervalNumber, optIfOMSnSrcIntervalSuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOMSnSrcIntervalLastOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcIntervalLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcIntervalHighOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcIntervalLastAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcIntervalLowAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcIntervalHighAggregatedInputPower Integer32 } optIfOMSnSrcIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfIntervalNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies the interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcIntervalEntry 1 } optIfOMSnSrcIntervalSuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcIntervalEntry 2 } optIfOMSnSrcIntervalLastOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power monitored at the output during the interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcIntervalEntry 3 } optIfOMSnSrcIntervalLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcIntervalEntry 4 } optIfOMSnSrcIntervalHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcIntervalEntry 5 } optIfOMSnSrcIntervalLastAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last aggregated optical power at the input during the interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcIntervalEntry 6 } optIfOMSnSrcIntervalLowAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest aggregated optical power at the input during the interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcIntervalEntry 7 } optIfOMSnSrcIntervalHighAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest aggregated optical power at the input during the interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcIntervalEntry 8 } -- OMSn source current day table -- Contains data for the current 24-hour performance -- monitoring interval. optIfOMSnSrcCurDayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOMSnSrcCurDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OMSn source performance monitoring information for the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSn 8 } optIfOMSnSrcCurDayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOMSnSrcCurDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OMSn source performance monitoring information of an interface for the current 24-hour interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOMSnSrcCurDayTable 1 } OptIfOMSnSrcCurDayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOMSnSrcCurDaySuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOMSnSrcCurDayLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcCurDayHighOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcCurDayLowAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcCurDayHighAggregatedInputPower Integer32 } optIfOMSnSrcCurDaySuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcCurDayEntry 1 } optIfOMSnSrcCurDayLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcCurDayEntry 2 } optIfOMSnSrcCurDayHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcCurDayEntry 3 } optIfOMSnSrcCurDayLowAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest aggregated optical power at the input during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcCurDayEntry 4 } optIfOMSnSrcCurDayHighAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest aggregated optical power at the input during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcCurDayEntry 5 } -- OMSn source previous day table -- Contains data for the previous 24-hour performance -- monitoring interval. optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOMSnSrcPrevDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OMSn source performance monitoring information for the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSn 9 } optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOMSnSrcPrevDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OMSn source performance monitoring information of an interface for the previous 24-hour interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayTable 1 } OptIfOMSnSrcPrevDayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOMSnSrcPrevDaySuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayLastOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayHighOutputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayLastAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayLowAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayHighAggregatedInputPower Integer32 } optIfOMSnSrcPrevDaySuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayEntry 1 } optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayLastOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power monitored at the output during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayEntry 2 } optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayEntry 3 } optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayEntry 4 } optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayLastAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last aggregated optical power at the input during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayEntry 5 } optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayLowAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest aggregated optical power at the input during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayEntry 6 } optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayHighAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest aggregated optical power at the input during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayEntry 7 } -- the optIfOChGroup group -- This group handles the configuration and performance monitoring -- information for OChGroup layers. -- OChGroup config table optIfOChGroupConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOChGroupConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OChGroup configuration information." ::= { optIfOChGroup 1 } optIfOChGroupConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOChGroupConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OChGroup configuration information of an interface." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOChGroupConfigTable 1 } OptIfOChGroupConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOChGroupDirectionality OptIfDirectionality } optIfOChGroupDirectionality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfDirectionality MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the directionality of the entity." ::= { optIfOChGroupConfigEntry 1 } -- OChGroup sink current table -- Contains data for the current 15-minute performance monitoring -- interval. optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOChGroupSinkCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OChGroup sink performance monitoring information for the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOChGroup 2 } optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOChGroupSinkCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OChGroup sink performance monitoring information of an interface for the current 15-minute interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentTable 1 } OptIfOChGroupSinkCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentSuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentLowAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentHighAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentHighOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold Integer32 } optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentSuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentEntry 1 } optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels in the OChGroup." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentEntry 2 } optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentLowAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels in the OChGroup during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentEntry 3 } optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentHighAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels in the OChGroup during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentEntry 4 } optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower limit threshold on aggregated input power. If optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentAggregatedInputPower drops to this value or below, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentEntry 5 } optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper limit threshold on aggregated input power. If optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentAggregatedInputPower reaches or exceeds this value, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentEntry 6 } optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The optical power monitored at the output in the OChGroup." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentEntry 7 } optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output in the OChGroup during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentEntry 8 } optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output in the OChGroup during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentEntry 9 } optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower limit threshold on the output power. If optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentOutputPower drops to this value or below, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentEntry 10 } optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper limit threshold on the output power. If optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentOutputPower reaches or exceeds this value, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentEntry 11 } -- OChGroup sink interval table -- Contains data for previous 15-minute performance monitoring -- intervals. optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOChGroupSinkIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of historical OChGroup sink performance monitoring information." ::= { optIfOChGroup 3 } optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOChGroupSinkIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OChGroup sink performance monitoring information of an interface during a particular historical interval." INDEX { ifIndex, optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalNumber } ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalTable 1 } OptIfOChGroupSinkIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalNumber OptIfIntervalNumber, optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalSuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalLastAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalLowAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalHighAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalLastOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalHighOutputPower Integer32 } optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfIntervalNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies the interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalEntry 1 } optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalSuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalEntry 2 } optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalLastAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels in the OChGroup during the interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalEntry 3 } optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalLowAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels in the OChGroup during the interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalEntry 4 } optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalHighAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels in the OChGroup during the interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalEntry 5 } optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalLastOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power monitored at the output in the OChGroup during the interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalEntry 6 } optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output in the OChGroup during the interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalEntry 7 } optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output in the OChGroup during the interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalEntry 8 } -- OChGroup sink current day table -- Contains data for the current 24-hour performance -- monitoring interval. optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOChGroupSinkCurDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OChGroup sink performance monitoring information for the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroup 4 } optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOChGroupSinkCurDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OChGroup sink performance monitoring information of an interface for the current 24-hour interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayTable 1 } OptIfOChGroupSinkCurDayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOChGroupSinkCurDaySuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayLowAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayHighAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayHighOutputPower Integer32 } optIfOChGroupSinkCurDaySuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayEntry 1 } optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayLowAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels in the OChGroup during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayEntry 2 } optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayHighAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels in the OChGroup during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayEntry 3 } optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output in the OChGroup during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayEntry 4 } optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output in the OChGroup during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayEntry 5 } -- OChGroup sink previous day table -- Contains data for the previous 24-hour performance -- monitoring interval. optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OChGroup sink performance monitoring information for the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroup 5 } optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OChGroup sink performance monitoring information of an interface for the previous 24-hour interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayTable 1 } OptIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDaySuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayLastAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayLowAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayHighAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayLastOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayHighOutputPower Integer32 } optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDaySuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayEntry 1 } optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayLastAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels in the OChGroup during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayEntry 2 } optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayLowAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels in the OChGroup during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayEntry 3 } optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayHighAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest aggregated optical power of all the DWDM input channels in the OChGroup during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayEntry 4 } optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayLastOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power monitored at the output in the OChGroup during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayEntry 5 } optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output in the OChGroup during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayEntry 6 } optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output in the OChGroup during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayEntry 7 } -- OChGroup source current table -- Contains data for the current 15-minute performance monitoring -- interval. optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOChGroupSrcCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OChGroup source performance monitoring information for the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOChGroup 6 } optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOChGroupSrcCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OChGroup source performance monitoring information of an interface for the current 15-minute interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentTable 1 } OptIfOChGroupSrcCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentSuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentHighOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentLowAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentHighAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold Integer32 } optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentSuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentEntry 1 } optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The optical power monitored at the output." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentEntry 2 } optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentEntry 3 } optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentEntry 4 } optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower limit threshold on output power. If optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentOutputPower drops to this value or below, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentEntry 5 } optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper limit threshold on output power. If optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentOutputPower reaches or exceeds this value, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentEntry 6 } optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The aggregated optical power monitored at the input." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentEntry 7 } optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentLowAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest aggregated optical power monitored at the input during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentEntry 8 } optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentHighAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest aggregated optical power monitored at the input during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentEntry 9 } optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower limit threshold on input power. If optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentAggregatedInputPower drops to this value or below, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentEntry 10 } optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper limit threshold on input power. If optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentAggregatedInputPower reaches or exceeds this value, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentEntry 11 } -- OChGroup source interval table -- Contains data for previous 15-minute performance monitoring -- intervals. optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOChGroupSrcIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of historical OChGroup source performance monitoring information." ::= { optIfOChGroup 7 } optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOChGroupSrcIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OChGroup source performance monitoring information of an interface during a particular historical interval." INDEX { ifIndex, optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalNumber } ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalTable 1 } OptIfOChGroupSrcIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalNumber OptIfIntervalNumber, optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalSuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalLastOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalHighOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalLastAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalLowAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalHighAggregatedInputPower Integer32 } optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfIntervalNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies the interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalEntry 1 } optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalSuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalEntry 2 } optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalLastOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power monitored at the output during the interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalEntry 3 } optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalEntry 4 } optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalEntry 5 } optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalLastAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last aggregated optical power monitored at the input during the interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalEntry 6 } optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalLowAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest aggregated optical power monitored at the input during the interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalEntry 7 } optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalHighAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest aggregated optical power monitored at the input during the interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalEntry 8 } -- OChGroup source current day table -- Contains data for the current 24-hour performance -- monitoring interval. optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOChGroupSrcCurDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OChGroup source performance monitoring information for the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroup 8 } optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOChGroupSrcCurDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OChGroup source performance monitoring information of an interface for the current 24-hour interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayTable 1 } OptIfOChGroupSrcCurDayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOChGroupSrcCurDaySuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayHighOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayLowAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayHighAggregatedInputPower Integer32 } optIfOChGroupSrcCurDaySuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayEntry 1 } optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayEntry 2 } optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayEntry 3 } optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayLowAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest aggregated optical power monitored at the input during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayEntry 4 } optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayHighAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest aggregated optical power monitored at the input during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayEntry 5 } -- OChGroup source previous day table -- Contains data for the previous 24-hour performance -- monitoring interval. optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OChGroup source performance monitoring information for the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroup 9 } optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OChGroup source performance monitoring information of an interface for the previous 24-hour interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayTable 1 } OptIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDaySuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayLastOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayHighOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayLastAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayLowAggregatedInputPower Integer32, optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayHighAggregatedInputPower Integer32 } optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDaySuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayEntry 1 } optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayLastOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power monitored at the output during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayEntry 2 } optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayEntry 3 } optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayEntry 4 } optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayLastAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last aggregated optical power monitored at the input during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayEntry 5 } optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayLowAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest aggregated optical power monitored at the input during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayEntry 6 } optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayHighAggregatedInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest aggregated optical power monitored at the input during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayEntry 7 } -- the optIfOCh group -- This group handles the configuration and -- performance monitoring information for OCh layers. -- OCh config table optIfOChConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOChConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OCh configuration information." ::= { optIfOCh 1 } optIfOChConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOChConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OCh configuration information of an interface." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOChConfigTable 1 } OptIfOChConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOChDirectionality OptIfDirectionality, optIfOChCurrentStatus BITS } optIfOChDirectionality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfDirectionality MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the directionality of the entity." ::= { optIfOChConfigEntry 1 } optIfOChCurrentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { losP(0), los(1), oci(2), ssfP(3), ssfO(4), ssf(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the defect condition of the entity, if any. This object is applicable when optIfOChDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). In full-capability systems the bit position los(1) is not used. In reduced-capability systems or at IrDI interfaces only the bit positions los(1) and ssfP(3) are used." ::= { optIfOChConfigEntry 2 } -- OCh sink current table -- Contains data for the current 15-minute performance monitoring -- interval. optIfOChSinkCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOChSinkCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OCh sink performance monitoring information for the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOCh 2 } optIfOChSinkCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOChSinkCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OCh sink performance monitoring information for an interface for the current 15-minute interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOChSinkCurrentTable 1 } OptIfOChSinkCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOChSinkCurrentSuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOChSinkCurrentInputPower Integer32, optIfOChSinkCurrentLowInputPower Integer32, optIfOChSinkCurrentHighInputPower Integer32, optIfOChSinkCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOChSinkCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold Integer32 } optIfOChSinkCurrentSuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOChSinkCurrentEntry 1 } optIfOChSinkCurrentInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The optical power monitored at the input." ::= { optIfOChSinkCurrentEntry 2 } optIfOChSinkCurrentLowInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the input during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOChSinkCurrentEntry 3 } optIfOChSinkCurrentHighInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the input during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOChSinkCurrentEntry 4 } optIfOChSinkCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower limit threshold on input power. If optIfOChSinkCurrentInputPower drops to this value or below, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOChSinkCurrentEntry 5 } optIfOChSinkCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper limit threshold on input power. If optIfOChSinkCurrentInputPower reaches or exceeds this value, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOChSinkCurrentEntry 6 } -- OCh sink interval table -- Contains data for previous 15-minute performance monitoring -- intervals. optIfOChSinkIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOChSinkIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of historical OCh sink performance monitoring information." ::= { optIfOCh 3 } optIfOChSinkIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOChSinkIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OCh sink performance monitoring information of an interface during a particular historical interval." INDEX { ifIndex, optIfOChSinkIntervalNumber } ::= { optIfOChSinkIntervalTable 1 } OptIfOChSinkIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOChSinkIntervalNumber OptIfIntervalNumber, optIfOChSinkIntervalSuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOChSinkIntervalLastInputPower Integer32, optIfOChSinkIntervalLowInputPower Integer32, optIfOChSinkIntervalHighInputPower Integer32 } optIfOChSinkIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfIntervalNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies the interval." ::= { optIfOChSinkIntervalEntry 1 } optIfOChSinkIntervalSuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOChSinkIntervalEntry 2 } optIfOChSinkIntervalLastInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power monitored at the input during the interval." ::= { optIfOChSinkIntervalEntry 3 } optIfOChSinkIntervalLowInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the input during the interval." ::= { optIfOChSinkIntervalEntry 4 } optIfOChSinkIntervalHighInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the input during the interval." ::= { optIfOChSinkIntervalEntry 5 } -- OCh sink current day table -- Contains data for the current 24-hour performance -- monitoring interval. optIfOChSinkCurDayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOChSinkCurDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OCh sink performance monitoring information for the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOCh 4 } optIfOChSinkCurDayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOChSinkCurDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OCh sink performance monitoring information of an interface for the current 24-hour interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOChSinkCurDayTable 1 } OptIfOChSinkCurDayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOChSinkCurDaySuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOChSinkCurDayLowInputPower Integer32, optIfOChSinkCurDayHighInputPower Integer32 } optIfOChSinkCurDaySuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOChSinkCurDayEntry 1 } optIfOChSinkCurDayLowInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the input during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChSinkCurDayEntry 2 } optIfOChSinkCurDayHighInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the input during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChSinkCurDayEntry 3 } -- OCh sink previous day table -- Contains data for the previous 24-hour performance -- monitoring interval. optIfOChSinkPrevDayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOChSinkPrevDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OCh sink performance monitoring information for the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOCh 5 } optIfOChSinkPrevDayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOChSinkPrevDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OCh sink performance monitoring information of an interface for the previous 24-hour interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOChSinkPrevDayTable 1 } OptIfOChSinkPrevDayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOChSinkPrevDaySuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOChSinkPrevDayLastInputPower Integer32, optIfOChSinkPrevDayLowInputPower Integer32, optIfOChSinkPrevDayHighInputPower Integer32 } optIfOChSinkPrevDaySuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOChSinkPrevDayEntry 1 } optIfOChSinkPrevDayLastInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power monitored at the input during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChSinkPrevDayEntry 2 } optIfOChSinkPrevDayLowInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the input during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChSinkPrevDayEntry 3 } optIfOChSinkPrevDayHighInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the input during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChSinkPrevDayEntry 4 } -- OCh source current table -- Contains data for the current 15-minute performance monitoring -- interval. optIfOChSrcCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOChSrcCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OCh source performance monitoring information for the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOCh 6 } optIfOChSrcCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOChSrcCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OCh source performance monitoring information of an interface for the current 15-minute interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOChSrcCurrentTable 1 } OptIfOChSrcCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOChSrcCurrentSuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOChSrcCurrentOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChSrcCurrentLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChSrcCurrentHighOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChSrcCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold Integer32, optIfOChSrcCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold Integer32 } optIfOChSrcCurrentSuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOChSrcCurrentEntry 1 } optIfOChSrcCurrentOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The optical power monitored at the output." ::= { optIfOChSrcCurrentEntry 2 } optIfOChSrcCurrentLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOChSrcCurrentEntry 3 } optIfOChSrcCurrentHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the current 15-minute interval." ::= { optIfOChSrcCurrentEntry 4 } optIfOChSrcCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower limit threshold on output power. If optIfOChSrcCurrentOutputPower drops to this value or below, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOChSrcCurrentEntry 5 } optIfOChSrcCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper limit threshold on output power. If optIfOChSrcCurrentOutputPower reaches or exceeds this value, a Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) should be sent." ::= { optIfOChSrcCurrentEntry 6 } -- OCh source interval table -- Contains data for previous 15-minute performance monitoring -- intervals. optIfOChSrcIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOChSrcIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of historical OCh source performance monitoring information." ::= { optIfOCh 7 } optIfOChSrcIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOChSrcIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OCh source performance monitoring information of an interface during a particular historical interval." INDEX { ifIndex, optIfOChSrcIntervalNumber } ::= { optIfOChSrcIntervalTable 1 } OptIfOChSrcIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOChSrcIntervalNumber OptIfIntervalNumber, optIfOChSrcIntervalSuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOChSrcIntervalLastOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChSrcIntervalLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChSrcIntervalHighOutputPower Integer32 } optIfOChSrcIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfIntervalNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies the interval." ::= { optIfOChSrcIntervalEntry 1 } optIfOChSrcIntervalSuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOChSrcIntervalEntry 2 } optIfOChSrcIntervalLastOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power monitored at the output during the interval." ::= { optIfOChSrcIntervalEntry 3 } optIfOChSrcIntervalLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the interval." ::= { optIfOChSrcIntervalEntry 4 } optIfOChSrcIntervalHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the interval." ::= { optIfOChSrcIntervalEntry 5 } -- OCh source current day table -- Contains data for the current 24-hour performance -- monitoring interval. optIfOChSrcCurDayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOChSrcCurDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OCh source performance monitoring information for the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOCh 8 } optIfOChSrcCurDayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOChSrcCurDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OCh source performance monitoring information of an interface for the current 24-hour interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOChSrcCurDayTable 1 } OptIfOChSrcCurDayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOChSrcCurDaySuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOChSrcCurDayLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChSrcCurDayHighOutputPower Integer32 } optIfOChSrcCurDaySuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOChSrcCurDayEntry 1 } optIfOChSrcCurDayLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChSrcCurDayEntry 2 } optIfOChSrcCurDayHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the current 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChSrcCurDayEntry 3 } -- OCh source previous day table -- Contains data for the previous 24-hour performance -- monitoring interval. optIfOChSrcPrevDayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOChSrcPrevDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OCh source performance monitoring information for the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOCh 9 } optIfOChSrcPrevDayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOChSrcPrevDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OCh source performance monitoring information of an interface for the previous 24-hour interval." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOChSrcPrevDayTable 1 } OptIfOChSrcPrevDayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOChSrcPrevDaySuspectedFlag TruthValue, optIfOChSrcPrevDayLastOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChSrcPrevDayLowOutputPower Integer32, optIfOChSrcPrevDayHighOutputPower Integer32 } optIfOChSrcPrevDaySuspectedFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the data in this entry may be unreliable." ::= { optIfOChSrcPrevDayEntry 1 } optIfOChSrcPrevDayLastOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last optical power monitored at the output during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChSrcPrevDayEntry 2 } optIfOChSrcPrevDayLowOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lowest optical power monitored at the output during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChSrcPrevDayEntry 3 } optIfOChSrcPrevDayHighOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dbm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest optical power monitored at the output during the previous 24-hour interval." ::= { optIfOChSrcPrevDayEntry 4 } -- the optIfOTUk group -- This group handles the configuration -- information for OTUk layers. -- OTUk config table optIfOTUkConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfOTUkConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of OTUk configuration information." ::= { optIfOTUk 1 } optIfOTUkConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfOTUkConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains OTUk configuration information of an interface." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfOTUkConfigTable 1 } OptIfOTUkConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfOTUkDirectionality OptIfDirectionality, optIfOTUkBitRateK OptIfBitRateK, optIfOTUkTraceIdentifierTransmitted OptIfTxTI, optIfOTUkDAPIExpected OptIfExDAPI, optIfOTUkSAPIExpected OptIfExSAPI, optIfOTUkTraceIdentifierAccepted OptIfAcTI, optIfOTUkTIMDetMode OptIfTIMDetMode, optIfOTUkTIMActEnabled TruthValue, optIfOTUkDEGThr OptIfDEGThr, optIfOTUkDEGM OptIfDEGM, optIfOTUkSinkAdaptActive TruthValue, optIfOTUkSourceAdaptActive TruthValue, optIfOTUkSinkFECEnabled TruthValue, optIfOTUkCurrentStatus BITS } optIfOTUkDirectionality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfDirectionality MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the directionality of the entity." ::= { optIfOTUkConfigEntry 1 } optIfOTUkBitRateK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfBitRateK MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the bit rate of the entity." ::= { optIfOTUkConfigEntry 2 } optIfOTUkTraceIdentifierTransmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfTxTI MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trace identifier transmitted. This object is applicable when optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value source(2) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value sink(1). If no value is ever set by a management entity for this object, system-specific default value will be used. Any implementation that instantiates this object must document the system-specific default value or how it is derived." ::= { optIfOTUkConfigEntry 3 } optIfOTUkDAPIExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfExDAPI MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DAPI expected by the receiver. This object is only applicable to the sink function, i.e., only when optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value source(2). This object has no effect when optIfOTUkTIMDetMode has the value off(1)." ::= { optIfOTUkConfigEntry 4 } optIfOTUkSAPIExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfExSAPI MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SAPI expected by the receiver. This object is only applicable to the sink function, i.e., only when optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value source(2). This object has no effect when optIfOTUkTIMDetMode has the value off(1)." ::= { optIfOTUkConfigEntry 5 } optIfOTUkTraceIdentifierAccepted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfAcTI MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The actual trace identifier accepted. This object is only applicable to the sink function, i.e., only when optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value source(2). The value of this object is unspecified when optIfOTUkCurrentStatus indicates a near-end defect (i.e., ssf(3), lof(4), ais(5), lom(6)) that prevents extraction of the trace message." ::= { optIfOTUkConfigEntry 6 } optIfOTUkTIMDetMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfTIMDetMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the mode of the Trace Identifier Mismatch (TIM) Detection function. This object is only applicable to the sink function, i.e., only when optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value source(2). The default value of this object is off(1)." ::= { optIfOTUkConfigEntry 7 } optIfOTUkTIMActEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the Trace Identifier Mismatch (TIM) Consequent Action function is enabled. This object is only applicable to the sink function, i.e., only when optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value source(2). This object has no effect when optIfOTUkTIMDetMode has the value off(1). The default value of this object is false(2)." ::= { optIfOTUkConfigEntry 8 } optIfOTUkDEGThr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfDEGThr UNITS "percentage" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the threshold level for declaring a performance monitoring (PM) Second to be bad. A PM Second is declared bad if the percentage of detected errored blocks in that second is greater than or equal to optIfOTUkDEGThr. This object is only applicable to the sink function, i.e., only when optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value source(2). The default value of this object is Severely Errored Second (SES) Estimator (See ITU-T G.7710)." ::= { optIfOTUkConfigEntry 9 } optIfOTUkDEGM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfDEGM MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the threshold level for declaring a Degraded Signal defect (dDEG). A dDEG shall be declared if optIfOTUkDEGM consecutive bad PM Seconds are detected. This object is only applicable to the sink function, i.e., only when optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value source(2). The default value of this object is 7 (See ITU-T G.7710)." ::= { optIfOTUkConfigEntry 10 } optIfOTUkSinkAdaptActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the sink adaptation function is activated or not. This object is only applicable to the sink function, i.e., only when optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value source(2). The default value of this object is false(2)." ::= { optIfOTUkConfigEntry 11 } optIfOTUkSourceAdaptActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the source adaptation function is activated or not. This object is only applicable to the source function, i.e., only when optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value source(2) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value sink(1). The default value of this object is false(2)." ::= { optIfOTUkConfigEntry 12 } optIfOTUkSinkFECEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Forward Error Correction (FEC) is supported, this object indicates whether FEC at the OTUk sink adaptation function is enabled or not. This object is only applicable to the sink function, i.e., only when optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value source(2). The default value of this object is true(1)." ::= { optIfOTUkConfigEntry 13 } optIfOTUkCurrentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { tim(0), deg(1), bdi(2), ssf(3), lof(4), ais(5), lom(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the defect condition of the entity, if any. This object is only applicable to the sink function, i.e., only when optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value source(2)." ::= { optIfOTUkConfigEntry 14 } -- GCC0 config table optIfGCC0ConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfGCC0ConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of GCC0 configuration information." ::= { optIfOTUk 2 } optIfGCC0ConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfGCC0ConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains GCC0 configuration information of an interface. Each instance must correspond to an instance of optIfOTUkConfigEntry. Separate source and/or sink instances may exist for a given ifIndex value, or a single bidirectional instance may exist, but a bidirectional instance may not coexist with a source or sink instance. Instances of this conceptual row persist across agent restarts." INDEX { ifIndex, optIfGCC0Directionality } ::= { optIfGCC0ConfigTable 1 } OptIfGCC0ConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfGCC0Directionality OptIfDirectionality, optIfGCC0Application SnmpAdminString, optIfGCC0RowStatus RowStatus } optIfGCC0Directionality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfDirectionality MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the directionality of the entity. The values source(2) and bidirectional(3) are not allowed if the corresponding instance of optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value sink(1). The values sink(1) and bidirectional(3) are not allowed if the corresponding instance of optIfOTUkDirectionality has the value source(2)." ::= { optIfGCC0ConfigEntry 1 } optIfGCC0Application OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the application transported by the GCC0 entity. Example applications are ECC, User data channel. The value of this object may not be changed when optIfGCC0RowStatus has the value active(1)." ::= { optIfGCC0ConfigEntry 2 } optIfGCC0RowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This columnar object is used for creating and deleting a conceptual row of the optIfGCC0 config table. It is used to model the addGCC0Access and removeGCC0Access operations of an OTUk_TTP for GCC0 access control as defined in G.874.1. Setting RowStatus to createAndGo or createAndWait implies addGCC0Access. Setting RowStatus to destroy implies removeGCC0Access." ::= { optIfGCC0ConfigEntry 3 } -- the optIfODUk group -- This group handles the configuration information -- for the ODUk layers. -- ODUk config table optIfODUkConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfODUkConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of ODUk configuration information." ::= { optIfODUk 1 } optIfODUkConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfODUkConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains ODUk configuration information of an interface." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfODUkConfigTable 1 } OptIfODUkConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfODUkDirectionality OptIfDirectionality, optIfODUkBitRateK OptIfBitRateK, optIfODUkTcmFieldsInUse BITS, optIfODUkPositionSeqCurrentSize Unsigned32, optIfODUkTtpPresent TruthValue } optIfODUkDirectionality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfDirectionality MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the directionality of the entity." ::= { optIfODUkConfigEntry 1 } optIfODUkBitRateK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfBitRateK MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the bit rate of the entity." ::= { optIfODUkConfigEntry 2 } optIfODUkTcmFieldsInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { tcmField1(0), tcmField2(1), tcmField3(2), tcmField4(3), tcmField5(4), tcmField6(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the TCM field(s) that are currently in use. The positions of the bits correspond to the TCM fields. A bit that is set to 1 means that the corresponding TCM field is used. This object will be updated when rows are created in or deleted from the optIfODUkTConfigTable, or the optIfODUkTNimConfigTable." ::= { optIfODUkConfigEntry 3 } optIfODUkPositionSeqCurrentSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates the current size of the position sequence (i.e., number of TCM function and/or GCC12 access that have been created in the ODUk interface). When the value of this variable is greater than zero, it means that one or more TCM function and/or GCC12 access have been created in the ODUk interface. In this case, there will be as many rows in the optIfODUkPositionSeqTable as the value of optIfODUkPositionSeqCurrentSize corresponding to this ODUk interface, one row for each TCM function or GCC12 access. The position of the TCM function and/or GCC12 access within the sequence is indicated by the optIfODUkPositionSeqPosition variable in optIfODUkPositionSeqTable. The optIfODUkPositionSeqTable also provides pointers to the corresponding TCM function (optIfODUkT) and GCC12 access (optIfGCC12) entities." ::= { optIfODUkConfigEntry 4 } optIfODUkTtpPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object has the value true(1) if the ifEntry under which it is instantiated contains an ODUk Trail Termination Point, i.e., is the endpoint of an ODUk path. In that case there will be a corresponding row in the ODUk TTP config table and it will not be possible to create corresponding rows in the ODUk NIM config table. This object has the value false(2) if the ifEntry under which it is instantiated contains an intermediate ODUk Connection Termination Point. In that case there is no corresponding row in the ODUk TTP config table, but it will be possible to create corresponding rows in the ODUk NIM config table. This object also affects the allowable options in rows created in the GCC12 config table and in the ODUkT config table, as specified in the DESCRIPTION clauses of the columns in those tables." ::= { optIfODUkConfigEntry 5 } -- ODUk Trail Termination Point (TTP) config table optIfODUkTtpConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfODUkTtpConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of ODUk TTP configuration information." ::= { optIfODUk 2 } optIfODUkTtpConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfODUkTtpConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains ODUk TTP configuration information of an interface." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { optIfODUkTtpConfigTable 1 } OptIfODUkTtpConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfODUkTtpTraceIdentifierTransmitted OptIfTxTI, optIfODUkTtpDAPIExpected OptIfExDAPI, optIfODUkTtpSAPIExpected OptIfExSAPI, optIfODUkTtpTraceIdentifierAccepted OptIfAcTI, optIfODUkTtpTIMDetMode OptIfTIMDetMode, optIfODUkTtpTIMActEnabled TruthValue, optIfODUkTtpDEGThr OptIfDEGThr, optIfODUkTtpDEGM OptIfDEGM, optIfODUkTtpCurrentStatus BITS } optIfODUkTtpTraceIdentifierTransmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfTxTI MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trace identifier transmitted. This object is applicable when optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(2) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1). If no value is ever set by a management entity for this object, system-specific default value will be used. Any implementation that instantiates this object must document the system-specific default value or how it is derived." ::= { optIfODUkTtpConfigEntry 1 } optIfODUkTtpDAPIExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfExDAPI MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DAPI expected by the receiver. This object is only applicable to the sink function, i.e., only when optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(2). This object has no effect when optIfODUkTtpTIMDetMode has the value off(1)." ::= { optIfODUkTtpConfigEntry 2 } optIfODUkTtpSAPIExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfExSAPI MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SAPI expected by the receiver. This object is only applicable to the sink function, i.e., only when optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(2). This object has no effect when optIfODUkTtpTIMDetMode has the value off(1)." ::= { optIfODUkTtpConfigEntry 3 } optIfODUkTtpTraceIdentifierAccepted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfAcTI MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The actual trace identifier accepted. This object is only applicable to the sink function, i.e., only when optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(2). The value of this object is unspecified when optIfODUkTtpCurrentStatus indicates a near-end defect (i.e., oci(0), lck(1), ssf(5)) that prevents extraction of the trace message." ::= { optIfODUkTtpConfigEntry 4 } optIfODUkTtpTIMDetMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfTIMDetMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the mode of the Trace Identifier Mismatch (TIM) Detection function. This object is only applicable to the sink function, i.e., only when optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(2). The default value of this object is off(1)." ::= { optIfODUkTtpConfigEntry 5 } optIfODUkTtpTIMActEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the Trace Identifier Mismatch (TIM) Consequent Action function is enabled. This object is only applicable to the sink function, i.e., only when optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(2). This object has no effect when optIfODUkTtpTIMDetMode has the value off(1). The default value of this object is false(2)." ::= { optIfODUkTtpConfigEntry 6 } optIfODUkTtpDEGThr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfDEGThr UNITS "percentage" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the threshold level for declaring a performance monitoring (PM) Second to be bad. A PM Second is declared bad if the percentage of detected errored blocks in that second is greater than or equal to optIfODUkDEGThr. This object is only applicable to the sink function, i.e., only when optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(2). The default value of this object is Severely Errored Second (SES) Estimator (See ITU-T G.7710)." ::= { optIfODUkTtpConfigEntry 7 } optIfODUkTtpDEGM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfDEGM MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the threshold level for declaring a Degraded Signal defect (dDEG). A dDEG shall be declared if optIfODUkDEGM consecutive bad PM Seconds are detected. This object is only applicable to the sink function, i.e., only when optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(2). The default value of this object is 7 (See ITU-T G.7710)." ::= { optIfODUkTtpConfigEntry 8 } optIfODUkTtpCurrentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { oci(0), lck(1), tim(2), deg(3), bdi(4), ssf(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the defect condition of the entity, if any. This object is only applicable to the sink function, i.e., only when optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) or bidirectional(3). It must not be instantiated in rows where optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(2)." ::= { optIfODUkTtpConfigEntry 9 } -- ODUk Position Sequence table optIfODUkPositionSeqTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfODUkPositionSeqEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of ODUk Position Sequence information." ::= { optIfODUk 3 } optIfODUkPositionSeqEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfODUkPositionSeqEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains ODUk position sequence information of an ODUk interface. The ODUk interface is identified by the ifIndex. Associated with each ODUk interface there may be one of more conceptual rows in the optIfODUkPositionSeqTable. Each row represents a TCM or GCC12 access function within the associated ODUk interface. Rows of the optIfODUkPositionSeqTable table are created/deleted as the result of the creation/deletion of the optIfODUkT or optIfGCC12 entities." INDEX { ifIndex, optIfODUkPositionSeqIndex } ::= { optIfODUkPositionSeqTable 1 } OptIfODUkPositionSeqEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfODUkPositionSeqIndex Unsigned32, optIfODUkPositionSeqPosition Unsigned32, optIfODUkPositionSeqPointer RowPointer } optIfODUkPositionSeqIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable identifies a row in the optIfODUkPositionSeqTable Table. Each row of the optIfODUkPositionSeqTable Table represents a TCM or GCC12 access function within the associated ODUk interface." ::= { optIfODUkPositionSeqEntry 1 } optIfODUkPositionSeqPosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates the position of the TCM or GCC12 access function within the sequence of TCMs & GCC12 access functions of the associated ODUk interface. The TCM or GCC12 presented by this row is referenced by the optIfODUkPositionSeqPointer variable." ::= { optIfODUkPositionSeqEntry 2 } optIfODUkPositionSeqPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable identifies the TCM or GCC12 access function by pointing to the corresponding optIfODUkT or optIfGCC12 entity." ::= { optIfODUkPositionSeqEntry 3 } -- ODUk Non-intrusive monitoring (Nim) config table optIfODUkNimConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfODUkNimConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of ODUkNim configuration information." ::= { optIfODUk 4 } optIfODUkNimConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfODUkNimConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains ODUkNim configuration information of an interface. Each instance must correspond to an instance of optIfODUkConfigEntry for which optIfODUkTtpPresent has the value false(2). Instances of this conceptual row persist across agent restarts, and read-create columns other than the status column may be modified while the row is active." INDEX { ifIndex, optIfODUkNimDirectionality } ::= { optIfODUkNimConfigTable 1 } OptIfODUkNimConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfODUkNimDirectionality OptIfSinkOrSource, optIfODUkNimDAPIExpected OptIfExDAPI, optIfODUkNimSAPIExpected OptIfExSAPI, optIfODUkNimTraceIdentifierAccepted OptIfAcTI, optIfODUkNimTIMDetMode OptIfTIMDetMode, optIfODUkNimTIMActEnabled TruthValue, optIfODUkNimDEGThr OptIfDEGThr, optIfODUkNimDEGM OptIfDEGM, optIfODUkNimCurrentStatus BITS, optIfODUkNimRowStatus RowStatus } optIfODUkNimDirectionality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfSinkOrSource MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the monitor point for the ODUk Path non-intrusive monitoring function. The value source(2) is not allowed if the corresponding instance of optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1), and the value sink(1) is not allowed if the corresponding instance of optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(2). Either the value sink(1) or source(2) is allowed if the corresponding instance of optIfODUkDirectionality has the value bidirectional(3). The value sink(1) means monitoring at the sink direction path signal of the ODUk CTP. The value source(2) means monitoring at the source direction path signal of the ODUk CTP. Monitoring the source direction of an ODUk CTP is necessary in those cases where the ODUk CTP is at an SNCP (Subnetwork Connection Protection) end (e.g., see Figure I.1.2/G.874.1). If one would like to get the performance of the protected connection, one cannot use the NIM function at both ODUk CTP sinks (before the matrix), instead one should monitor the signal at the source ODUk CTP after the matrix." ::= { optIfODUkNimConfigEntry 1 } optIfODUkNimDAPIExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfExDAPI MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DAPI expected by the receiver. This object has no effect if optIfODUkNimTIMDetMode has the value off(1) or sapi(3)." ::= { optIfODUkNimConfigEntry 2 } optIfODUkNimSAPIExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfExSAPI MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SAPI expected by the receiver. This object has no effect if optIfODUkNimTIMDetMode has the value off(1) or dapi(2)." ::= { optIfODUkNimConfigEntry 3 } optIfODUkNimTraceIdentifierAccepted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfAcTI MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The actual trace identifier accepted. The value of this object is unspecified if optIfODUkNimCurrentStatus has any of the bit positions oci(0), lck(1), or ssf(5) set or if optIfODUkNimRowStatus has any value other than active(1)." ::= { optIfODUkNimConfigEntry 4 } optIfODUkNimTIMDetMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfTIMDetMode MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the mode of the Trace Identifier Mismatch (TIM) Detection function." ::= { optIfODUkNimConfigEntry 5 } optIfODUkNimTIMActEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the Trace Identifier Mismatch (TIM) Consequent Action function is enabled." ::= { optIfODUkNimConfigEntry 6 } optIfODUkNimDEGThr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfDEGThr UNITS "percentage" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the threshold level for declaring a performance monitoring (PM) Second to be bad. A PM Second is declared bad if the percentage of detected errored blocks in that second is greater than or equal to optIfODUkNimDEGThr." ::= { optIfODUkNimConfigEntry 7 } optIfODUkNimDEGM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfDEGM MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the threshold level for declaring a Degraded Signal defect (dDEG). A dDEG shall be declared if optIfODUkNimDEGM consecutive bad PM Seconds are detected." ::= { optIfODUkNimConfigEntry 8 } optIfODUkNimCurrentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { oci(0), lck(1), tim(2), deg(3), bdi(4), ssf(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the defect condition of the entity, if any. The value of this object is unspecified if optIfODUkNimRowStatus has any value other than active(1)." ::= { optIfODUkNimConfigEntry 9 } optIfODUkNimRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This columnar object is used for creating and deleting a conceptual row of the optIfODUkNim config table. It is used to model the activateNim and deactivateNim operations of an OTUk_CTP for non-intrusive monitoring control as defined in G.874.1. Setting RowStatus to createAndGo or createAndWait implies activateNim. Setting RowStatus to destroy implies deactivateNim." ::= { optIfODUkNimConfigEntry 10 } -- GCC12 config table optIfGCC12ConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfGCC12ConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of GCC12 configuration information. The GCC function processes the GCC overhead bytes passing through them but leave the remainder of the ODUk overhead and payload data alone." ::= { optIfODUk 5 } optIfGCC12ConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfGCC12ConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains GCC12 configuration information of an interface. Each instance must correspond to an instance of optIfODUkConfigEntry. Separate instances providing GCC1-only access and GCC2-only access may exist for a given ifIndex value, or a single instance providing GCC1 + GCC2 may exist, but a GCC1 + GCC2 instance may not coexist with a GCC1-only or GCC2-only instance. Instances of this conceptual row persist across agent restarts." INDEX { ifIndex, optIfGCC12Codirectional, optIfGCC12GCCAccess } ::= { optIfGCC12ConfigTable 1 } OptIfGCC12ConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfGCC12Codirectional TruthValue, optIfGCC12GCCAccess INTEGER, optIfGCC12GCCPassThrough TruthValue, optIfGCC12Application SnmpAdminString, optIfGCC12RowStatus RowStatus } optIfGCC12Codirectional OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the directionality of the GCC12 termination with respect to the associated ODUk CTP. The value true(1) means that the sink part of the GCC12 extracts COMMS data from the signal at the input to the ODUk CTP sink and the source part of the GCC12 inserts COMMS data into the signal at the output of the ODUk CTP source. The value false(2) means that the sink part of the GCC12 extracts COMMS data from the signal at the output of the ODUk CTP source and the source part of the GCC12 inserts COMMS data into the signal at the input of the ODUk CTP sink. This attribute may assume either value when the corresponding instance of optIfODUkTtpPresent has the value false(2). When the value of the corresponding instance of optIfODUkTtpPresent is true(1) then the only value allowed for this attribute is true(1)." ::= { optIfGCC12ConfigEntry 1 } optIfGCC12GCCAccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { gcc1 (1), gcc2 (2), gcc1and2 (3) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the GCC access represented by the entity." ::= { optIfGCC12ConfigEntry 2 } optIfGCC12GCCPassThrough OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls whether the selected GCC overhead bytes are passed through or modified. The value true(1) means that the selected GCC overhead bytes are passed through unmodified from the ODUk CTP input to the ODUk CTP output. The value false(2) means that the selected GCC overhead bytes are set to zero at the ODUk CTP output after the extraction of the COMMS data. This object has no effect if the corresponding instance of optIfODUkTtpPresent has the value true(1). The value of this object may not be changed when optIfGCC12RowStatus has the value active(1)." ::= { optIfGCC12ConfigEntry 3 } optIfGCC12Application OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the application transported by the GCC12 entity. Example applications are ECC, User data channel. The value of this object may not be changed when optIfGCC12RowStatus has the value active(1)." ::= { optIfGCC12ConfigEntry 4 } optIfGCC12RowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This columnar object is used for creating and deleting a conceptual row of the optIfGCC12 config table. It is used to model the addGCC12Access and removeGCC12Access operations of an ODUk_CTP or ODUk_TTP for GCC12 access control as defined in G.874.1. Setting RowStatus to createAndGo or createAndWait implies addGCC12Access. Setting RowStatus to destroy implies removeGCC12Access. Successful addition/removal of the GCC12 access function will result in updating the optIfODUkPositionSeqCurrentSize variable and the optIfODUkPositionSeqTable table of the associated ODUk entry in the optIfODUkConfigTable." ::= { optIfGCC12ConfigEntry 5 } -- the optIfODUkT group -- This group handles the configuration information -- for the ODUkT layers. -- ODUkT config table optIfODUkTConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfODUkTConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of ODUkT configuration information." ::= { optIfODUkT 1 } optIfODUkTConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfODUkTConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains ODUkT configuration information of an interface. Each instance must correspond to an instance of optIfODUkConfigEntry. Rows in this table are mutually exclusive with rows in the ODUkT NIM config table -- in other words, this row object may not be instantiated for a given pair of ifIndex and TCM field values if a corresponding instance of optIfODUkTNimConfigEntry already exists. Instances of this conceptual row persist across agent restarts. Except where noted otherwise, read-create columns other than the status column may be modified while the row is active." INDEX { ifIndex, optIfODUkTTcmField, optIfODUkTCodirectional } ::= { optIfODUkTConfigTable 1 } OptIfODUkTConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfODUkTTcmField Unsigned32, optIfODUkTCodirectional TruthValue, optIfODUkTTraceIdentifierTransmitted OptIfTxTI, optIfODUkTDAPIExpected OptIfExDAPI, optIfODUkTSAPIExpected OptIfExSAPI, optIfODUkTTraceIdentifierAccepted OptIfAcTI, optIfODUkTTIMDetMode OptIfTIMDetMode, optIfODUkTTIMActEnabled TruthValue, optIfODUkTDEGThr OptIfDEGThr, optIfODUkTDEGM OptIfDEGM, optIfODUkTSinkMode INTEGER, optIfODUkTSinkLockSignalAdminState INTEGER, optIfODUkTSourceLockSignalAdminState INTEGER, optIfODUkTCurrentStatus BITS, optIfODUkTRowStatus RowStatus } optIfODUkTTcmField OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..6) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the tandem connection monitoring field of the ODUk OH. Valid values are integers from 1 to 6." ::= { optIfODUkTConfigEntry 1 } optIfODUkTCodirectional OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the directionality of the ODUkT termination point with respect to the associated ODUk CTP. The value true(1) means that the sink part of the ODUkT TP extracts TCM data from the signal at the input to the ODUk CTP sink and the source part of the ODUkT TP inserts TCM data into the signal at the output of the ODUk CTP source. The value false(2) means that the sink part of the ODUkT TP extracts TCM data from the signal at the output of the ODUk CTP source and the source part of the ODUkT TP inserts TCM data into the signal at the input of the ODUk CTP sink. This attribute may assume either value when the corresponding instance of optIfODUkTtpPresent has the value false(2). When the value of the corresponding instance of optIfODUkTtpPresent is true(1) then the only value allowed for this attribute is true(1)." ::= { optIfODUkTConfigEntry 2 } optIfODUkTTraceIdentifierTransmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfTxTI MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trace identifier transmitted. This object is applicable only to the following three cases. (i) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value bidirectional(3), or (ii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value false(2), or (iii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(3) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value true(1). It must not be instantiated in rows for all other cases." ::= { optIfODUkTConfigEntry 3 } optIfODUkTDAPIExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfExDAPI MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DAPI expected by the receiver. This object is applicable only to the following three cases. (i) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value bidirectional(3), or (ii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value true(1), or (iii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(3) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value false(2). It must not be instantiated in rows for all other cases. This object has no effect when optIfODUkTTIMDetMode has the value off(1)." ::= { optIfODUkTConfigEntry 4 } optIfODUkTSAPIExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfExSAPI MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SAPI expected by the receiver. This object is applicable only to the following three cases. (i) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value bidirectional(3), or (ii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value true(1), or (iii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(3) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value false(2). It must not be instantiated in rows for all other cases. This object has no effect when optIfODUkTTIMDetMode has the value off(1)." ::= { optIfODUkTConfigEntry 5 } optIfODUkTTraceIdentifierAccepted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfAcTI MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The actual trace identifier accepted. This object is applicable only to the following three cases. (i) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value bidirectional(3), or (ii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value true(1), or (iii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(3) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value false(2). It must not be instantiated in rows for all other cases. The value of this object is unspecified when optIfODUkTCurrentStatus indicates a near-end defect (i.e., oci(0), lck(1), ssf(5)) that prevents extraction of the trace message." ::= { optIfODUkTConfigEntry 6 } optIfODUkTTIMDetMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfTIMDetMode MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the mode of the Trace Identifier Mismatch (TIM) Detection function. This object is applicable only to the following three cases. (i) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value bidirectional(3), or (ii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value true(1), or (iii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(3) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value false(2). It must not be instantiated in rows for all other cases. The default value of this object is off(1)." ::= { optIfODUkTConfigEntry 7 } optIfODUkTTIMActEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the Trace Identifier Mismatch (TIM) Consequent Action function is enabled. This object is applicable only to the following three cases. (i) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value bidirectional(3), or (ii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value true(1), or (iii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(3) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value false(2). It must not be instantiated in rows for all other cases. This object has no effect when optIfODUkTTIMDetMode has the value off(1). The default value of this object is false(2)." ::= { optIfODUkTConfigEntry 8 } optIfODUkTDEGThr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfDEGThr UNITS "percentage" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the threshold level for declaring a performance monitoring (PM) Second to be bad. A PM Second is declared bad if the percentage of detected errored blocks in that second is greater than or equal to optIfODUkTDEGThr. This object is applicable only to the following three cases. (i) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value bidirectional(3), or (ii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value true(1), or (iii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(3) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value false(2). It must not be instantiated in rows for all other cases. The default value of this object is Severely Errored Second (SES) Estimator (See ITU-T G.7710)." ::= { optIfODUkTConfigEntry 9 } optIfODUkTDEGM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfDEGM MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the threshold level for declaring a Degraded Signal defect (dDEG). A dDEG shall be declared if optIfODUkTDEGM consecutive bad PM Seconds are detected. This object is applicable only to the following three cases. (i) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value bidirectional(3), or (ii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value true(1), or (iii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(3) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value false(2). It must not be instantiated in rows for all other cases. The default value of this object is 7 (See ITU-T G.7710)." ::= { optIfODUkTConfigEntry 10 } optIfODUkTSinkMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { operational (1), monitor (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable specifies the TCM mode at the entity. The value operational(1) means that TCM Overhead (TCMOH) processes (see ITU-T G.798) shall be performed and consequent actions for AIS, Trail Signal Fail (TSF), Trail Signal Degraded (TSD) shall be initiated in case of defects. The value monitor(2) means that TCMOH processes shall be performed but consequent actions for AIS, Trail Server Failure (TSF), Trail Server Degraded (TSD) shall _not_ be initiated in case of defects. This object is applicable only when the value of optIfODUkTtpPresent is false(2) and also either one of the following three cases holds: (i) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value bidirectional(3), or (ii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value true(1), or (iii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(3) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value false(2). It must not be instantiated in rows for all other cases." ::= { optIfODUkTConfigEntry 11 } optIfODUkTSinkLockSignalAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { locked(1), normal(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Provides the capability to provision the LOCK signal, which is one of the ODUk maintenance signals, at the ODUKT sink. When a Tandem Connection endpoint is set to admin state locked, it inserts the ODUk-LCK signal in the sink direction. This object is applicable only when the value of optIfODUkTtpPresent is false(2) and also either one of the following three cases holds: (i) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value bidirectional(3), or (ii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value true(1), or (iii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(3) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value false(2). It must not be instantiated in rows for all other cases." ::= { optIfODUkTConfigEntry 12 } optIfODUkTSourceLockSignalAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { locked(1), normal(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Provides the capability to provision the LOCK signal, which is one of the ODUk maintenance signals, at the source. When a Tandem Connection endpoint is set to admin state locked, it inserts the ODUk-LCK signal in the source direction. This object is applicable only when either one of the following three cases holds: (i) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value bidirectional(3), or (ii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value false(2), or (iii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(3) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value true(1). It must not be instantiated in rows for all other cases." ::= { optIfODUkTConfigEntry 13 } optIfODUkTCurrentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { oci(0), lck(1), tim(2), deg(3), bdi(4), ssf(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the defect condition of the entity, if any. This object is applicable only when either one of the following three cases holds: (i) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value bidirectional(3), or (ii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value true(1), or (iii) optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(3) and optIfODUkTCodirectional has the value false(2). It must not be instantiated in rows for all other cases." ::= { optIfODUkTConfigEntry 14 } optIfODUkTRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This columnar object is used for creating and deleting a conceptual row of the optIfODUkT config table. It is used to model the addTCM and removeTCM operations of an ODUk_CTP or ODUk_TTP for Tandem connection monitoring as defined in ITU-T G.874.1. Setting RowStatus to createAndGo or createAndWait implies addTCM. Setting RowStatus to destroy implies removeTCM. Successful addition/removal of TCM will result in updating the optIfODUkTcmFieldsInUse and optIfODUkPositionSeqCurrentSize variables and the optIfODUkPositionSeqTable table of the associated ODUk entry in the optIfODUkConfigTable." ::= { optIfODUkTConfigEntry 15 } -- ODUkT Non-intrusive monitoring (Nim) config table optIfODUkTNimConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OptIfODUkTNimConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of ODUkTNim configuration information." ::= { optIfODUkT 2 } optIfODUkTNimConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfODUkTNimConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row that contains ODUkTNim configuration information of an interface. Each instance must correspond to an instance of optIfODUkConfigEntry. Rows in this table are mutually exclusive with rows in the ODUkT config table -- in other words, this row object may not be instantiated for a given pair of ifIndex and TCM field values if a corresponding instance of optIfODUkTConfigEntry already exists. Instances of this conceptual row persist across agent restarts, and read-create columns other than the status column may be modified while the row is active." INDEX {ifIndex, optIfODUkTNimTcmField, optIfODUkTNimDirectionality} ::= { optIfODUkTNimConfigTable 1 } OptIfODUkTNimConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { optIfODUkTNimTcmField Unsigned32, optIfODUkTNimDirectionality OptIfSinkOrSource, optIfODUkTNimDAPIExpected OptIfExDAPI, optIfODUkTNimSAPIExpected OptIfExSAPI, optIfODUkTNimTraceIdentifierAccepted OptIfAcTI, optIfODUkTNimTIMDetMode OptIfTIMDetMode, optIfODUkTNimTIMActEnabled TruthValue, optIfODUkTNimDEGThr OptIfDEGThr, optIfODUkTNimDEGM OptIfDEGM, optIfODUkTNimCurrentStatus BITS, optIfODUkTNimRowStatus RowStatus } optIfODUkTNimTcmField OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..6) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the tandem connection monitoring field of the ODUk OH on which non-intrusive monitoring is performed. Valid values are integers from 1 to 6." ::= { optIfODUkTNimConfigEntry 1 } optIfODUkTNimDirectionality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfSinkOrSource MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the monitor point for the ODUk TCM non-intrusive monitoring function. The value source(2) is not allowed if the corresponding instance of optIfODUkDirectionality has the value sink(1), and the value sink(1) is not allowed if the corresponding instance of optIfODUkDirectionality has the value source(2). Either the value sink(1) or source(2) is allowed if the corresponding instance of optIfODUkDirectionality has the value bidirectional(3). The value sink(1) means monitoring at the sink direction TCM signal of the ODUk CTP. The value source(2) means monitoring at the source direction path signal of the ODUk CTP." ::= { optIfODUkTNimConfigEntry 2 } optIfODUkTNimDAPIExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfExDAPI MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DAPI expected by the receiver. This object has no effect if optIfODUkTNimTIMDetMode has the value off(1) or sapi(3)." ::= { optIfODUkTNimConfigEntry 3 } optIfODUkTNimSAPIExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfExSAPI MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SAPI expected by the receiver. This object has no effect if optIfODUkTNimTIMDetMode has the value off(1) or dapi(2)." ::= { optIfODUkTNimConfigEntry 4 } optIfODUkTNimTraceIdentifierAccepted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfAcTI MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The actual trace identifier accepted. The value of this object is unspecified if optIfODUkTNimCurrentStatus has any of the bit positions oci(0), lck(1), or ssf(5) set or if optIfODUkTNimRowStatus has any value other than active(1)." ::= { optIfODUkTNimConfigEntry 5 } optIfODUkTNimTIMDetMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfTIMDetMode MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the mode of the Trace Identifier Mismatch (TIM) Detection function." ::= { optIfODUkTNimConfigEntry 6 } optIfODUkTNimTIMActEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the Trace Identifier Mismatch (TIM) Consequent Action function is enabled." ::= { optIfODUkTNimConfigEntry 7 } optIfODUkTNimDEGThr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfDEGThr UNITS "percentage" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the threshold level for declaring a performance monitoring (PM) Second to be bad. A PM Second is declared bad if the percentage of detected errored blocks in that second is greater than or equal to optIfODUkTNimDEGThr." ::= { optIfODUkTNimConfigEntry 8 } optIfODUkTNimDEGM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OptIfDEGM MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the threshold level for declaring a Degraded Signal defect (dDEG). A dDEG shall be declared if optIfODUkTNimDEGM consecutive bad PM Seconds are detected." ::= { optIfODUkTNimConfigEntry 9 } optIfODUkTNimCurrentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { oci(0), lck(1), tim(2), deg(3), bdi(4), ssf(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the defect condition of the entity, if any. The value of this object is unspecified if optIfODUkTNimRowStatus has any value other than active(1)." ::= { optIfODUkTNimConfigEntry 10 } optIfODUkTNimRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This columnar object is used for creating and deleting a conceptual row of the optIfODUkTNim config table. It is used to model the addTCM and removeTCM operations of an ODUk_CTP or ODUk_TTP for non-intrusive Tandem connection monitoring as defined in ITU-T G.874.1. Setting RowStatus to createAndGo or createAndWait implies addTCM. Setting RowStatus to destroy implies removeTCM. Successful addition/removal of Nim TCM will result in updating the optIfODUkPositionSeqCurrentSize variable and the optIfODUkPositionSeqTable table of the associated ODUk entry in the optIfODUkConfigTable." ::= { optIfODUkTNimConfigEntry 11 } -- units of conformance optIfOTMnGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOTMnOrder, optIfOTMnReduced, optIfOTMnBitRates, optIfOTMnInterfaceType, optIfOTMnTcmMax, optIfOTMnOpticalReach } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of OTMn structure information objects." ::= { optIfGroups 1 } optIfPerfMonGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfPerfMonCurrentTimeElapsed, optIfPerfMonCurDayTimeElapsed, optIfPerfMonIntervalNumIntervals, optIfPerfMonIntervalNumInvalidIntervals } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of performance monitoring interval objects." ::= { optIfGroups 2 } optIfOTSnCommonGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOTSnDirectionality } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of configuration objects applicable to all OTSn interfaces." ::= { optIfGroups 3 } optIfOTSnSourceGroupFull OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOTSnTraceIdentifierTransmitted } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of configuration objects applicable to full-functionality/IaDI OTSn interfaces that support source functions." ::= { optIfGroups 4 } optIfOTSnAPRStatusGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOTSnAprStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects applicable to OTSn interfaces that support Automatic Power Reduction functions." ::= { optIfGroups 5 } optIfOTSnAPRControlGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOTSnAprControl } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects applicable to OTSn interfaces that provide Automatic Power Reduction control functions." ::= { optIfGroups 6 } optIfOTSnSinkGroupBasic OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOTSnCurrentStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of configuration objects applicable to all OTSn interfaces that support sink functions." ::= { optIfGroups 7 } optIfOTSnSinkGroupFull OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOTSnDAPIExpected, optIfOTSnSAPIExpected, optIfOTSnTraceIdentifierAccepted, optIfOTSnTIMDetMode, optIfOTSnTIMActEnabled } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of configuration objects applicable to full-functionality/IaDI OTSn interfaces that support sink functions." ::= { optIfGroups 8 } optIfOTSnSinkPreOtnPMGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOTSnSinkCurrentSuspectedFlag, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentInputPower, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentLowInputPower, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentHighInputPower, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentOutputPower, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentLowOutputPower, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentHighOutputPower, optIfOTSnSinkIntervalSuspectedFlag, optIfOTSnSinkIntervalLastInputPower, optIfOTSnSinkIntervalLowInputPower, optIfOTSnSinkIntervalHighInputPower, optIfOTSnSinkIntervalLastOutputPower, optIfOTSnSinkIntervalLowOutputPower, optIfOTSnSinkIntervalHighOutputPower, optIfOTSnSinkCurDaySuspectedFlag, optIfOTSnSinkCurDayLowInputPower, optIfOTSnSinkCurDayHighInputPower, optIfOTSnSinkCurDayLowOutputPower, optIfOTSnSinkCurDayHighOutputPower, optIfOTSnSinkPrevDaySuspectedFlag, optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayLastInputPower, optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayLowInputPower, optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayHighInputPower, optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayLastOutputPower, optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayLowOutputPower, optIfOTSnSinkPrevDayHighOutputPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of pre-OTN performance monitoring objects applicable to OTSn interfaces that support sink functions." ::= { optIfGroups 9 } optIfOTSnSinkPreOtnPMThresholdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOTSnSinkCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold, optIfOTSnSinkCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of pre-OTN performance monitoring threshold objects applicable to OTSn interfaces that support sink functions." ::= { optIfGroups 10 } optIfOTSnSourcePreOtnPMGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOTSnSrcCurrentSuspectedFlag, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentOutputPower, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentLowOutputPower, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentHighOutputPower, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentInputPower, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentLowInputPower, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentHighInputPower, optIfOTSnSrcIntervalSuspectedFlag, optIfOTSnSrcIntervalLastOutputPower, optIfOTSnSrcIntervalLowOutputPower, optIfOTSnSrcIntervalHighOutputPower, optIfOTSnSrcIntervalLastInputPower, optIfOTSnSrcIntervalLowInputPower, optIfOTSnSrcIntervalHighInputPower, optIfOTSnSrcCurDaySuspectedFlag, optIfOTSnSrcCurDayLowOutputPower, optIfOTSnSrcCurDayHighOutputPower, optIfOTSnSrcCurDayLowInputPower, optIfOTSnSrcCurDayHighInputPower, optIfOTSnSrcPrevDaySuspectedFlag, optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayLastOutputPower, optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayLowOutputPower, optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayHighOutputPower, optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayLastInputPower, optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayLowInputPower, optIfOTSnSrcPrevDayHighInputPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of pre-OTN performance monitoring objects applicable to OTSn interfaces that support source functions." ::= { optIfGroups 11 } optIfOTSnSourcePreOtnPMThresholdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOTSnSrcCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold, optIfOTSnSrcCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of pre-OTN performance monitoring threshold objects applicable to OTSn interfaces that support source functions." ::= { optIfGroups 12 } optIfOMSnCommonGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOMSnDirectionality } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of configuration objects applicable to all OMSn interfaces." ::= { optIfGroups 13 } optIfOMSnSinkGroupBasic OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOMSnCurrentStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of configuration objects applicable to all OMSn interfaces that support sink functions." ::= { optIfGroups 14 } optIfOMSnSinkPreOtnPMGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOMSnSinkCurrentSuspectedFlag, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentLowAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentHighAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentOutputPower, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentLowOutputPower, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentHighOutputPower, optIfOMSnSinkIntervalSuspectedFlag, optIfOMSnSinkIntervalLastAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSinkIntervalLowAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSinkIntervalHighAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSinkIntervalLastOutputPower, optIfOMSnSinkIntervalLowOutputPower, optIfOMSnSinkIntervalHighOutputPower, optIfOMSnSinkCurDaySuspectedFlag, optIfOMSnSinkCurDayLowAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSinkCurDayHighAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSinkCurDayLowOutputPower, optIfOMSnSinkCurDayHighOutputPower, optIfOMSnSinkPrevDaySuspectedFlag, optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayLastAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayLowAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayHighAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayLastOutputPower, optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayLowOutputPower, optIfOMSnSinkPrevDayHighOutputPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of pre-OTN performance monitoring objects applicable to OMSn interfaces that support sink functions." ::= { optIfGroups 15 } optIfOMSnSinkPreOtnPMThresholdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOMSnSinkCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold, optIfOMSnSinkCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of pre-OTN performance monitoring threshold objects applicable to OMSn interfaces that support sink functions." ::= { optIfGroups 16 } optIfOMSnSourcePreOtnPMGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOMSnSrcCurrentSuspectedFlag, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentOutputPower, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentLowOutputPower, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentHighOutputPower, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentLowAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentHighAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSrcIntervalSuspectedFlag, optIfOMSnSrcIntervalLastOutputPower, optIfOMSnSrcIntervalLowOutputPower, optIfOMSnSrcIntervalHighOutputPower, optIfOMSnSrcIntervalLastAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSrcIntervalLowAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSrcIntervalHighAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSrcCurDaySuspectedFlag, optIfOMSnSrcCurDayLowOutputPower, optIfOMSnSrcCurDayHighOutputPower, optIfOMSnSrcCurDayLowAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSrcCurDayHighAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSrcPrevDaySuspectedFlag, optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayLastOutputPower, optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayLowOutputPower, optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayHighOutputPower, optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayLastAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayLowAggregatedInputPower, optIfOMSnSrcPrevDayHighAggregatedInputPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of pre-OTN performance monitoring objects applicable to OMSn interfaces that support source functions." ::= { optIfGroups 17 } optIfOMSnSourcePreOtnPMThresholdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOMSnSrcCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold, optIfOMSnSrcCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of pre-OTN performance monitoring threshold objects applicable to OMSn interfaces that that support source functions." ::= { optIfGroups 18 } optIfOChGroupCommonGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOChGroupDirectionality } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of configuration objects applicable to all OChGroup interfaces." ::= { optIfGroups 19 } optIfOChGroupSinkPreOtnPMGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentSuspectedFlag, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentLowAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentHighAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentLowOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentHighOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalSuspectedFlag, optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalLastAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalLowAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalHighAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalLastOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalLowOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkIntervalHighOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkCurDaySuspectedFlag, optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayLowAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayHighAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayLowOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkCurDayHighOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDaySuspectedFlag, optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayLastAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayLowAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayHighAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayLastOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayLowOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSinkPrevDayHighOutputPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of pre-OTN performance monitoring objects applicable to OChGroup interfaces that support sink functions." ::= { optIfGroups 20 } optIfOChGroupSinkPreOtnPMThresholdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold, optIfOChGroupSinkCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of pre-OTN performance monitoring threshold objects applicable to OChGroup interfaces that support sink functions." ::= { optIfGroups 21 } optIfOChGroupSourcePreOtnPMGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentSuspectedFlag, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentLowOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentHighOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentLowAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentHighAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalSuspectedFlag, optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalLastOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalLowOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalHighOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalLastAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalLowAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcIntervalHighAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcCurDaySuspectedFlag, optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayLowOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayHighOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayLowAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcCurDayHighAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDaySuspectedFlag, optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayLastOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayLowOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayHighOutputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayLastAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayLowAggregatedInputPower, optIfOChGroupSrcPrevDayHighAggregatedInputPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of pre-OTN performance monitoring objects applicable to OChGroup interfaces that support source functions." ::= { optIfGroups 22 } optIfOChGroupSourcePreOtnPMThresholdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold, optIfOChGroupSrcCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of pre-OTN performance monitoring threshold objects applicable to OChGroup interfaces that that support source functions." ::= { optIfGroups 23 } optIfOChCommonGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOChDirectionality } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of configuration objects applicable to all OCh interfaces." ::= { optIfGroups 24 } optIfOChSinkGroupBasic OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOChCurrentStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of configuration objects applicable to all OCh interfaces that support sink functions." ::= { optIfGroups 25 } optIfOChSinkPreOtnPMGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOChSinkCurrentSuspectedFlag, optIfOChSinkCurrentInputPower, optIfOChSinkCurrentLowInputPower, optIfOChSinkCurrentHighInputPower, optIfOChSinkIntervalSuspectedFlag, optIfOChSinkIntervalLastInputPower, optIfOChSinkIntervalLowInputPower, optIfOChSinkIntervalHighInputPower, optIfOChSinkCurDaySuspectedFlag, optIfOChSinkCurDayLowInputPower, optIfOChSinkCurDayHighInputPower, optIfOChSinkPrevDaySuspectedFlag, optIfOChSinkPrevDayLastInputPower, optIfOChSinkPrevDayLowInputPower, optIfOChSinkPrevDayHighInputPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of pre-OTN performance monitoring objects applicable to OCh interfaces that support sink functions." ::= { optIfGroups 26 } optIfOChSinkPreOtnPMThresholdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOChSinkCurrentLowerInputPowerThreshold, optIfOChSinkCurrentUpperInputPowerThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of pre-OTN performance monitoring threshold objects applicable to OCh interfaces that support sink functions." ::= { optIfGroups 27 } optIfOChSourcePreOtnPMGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOChSrcCurrentSuspectedFlag, optIfOChSrcCurrentOutputPower, optIfOChSrcCurrentLowOutputPower, optIfOChSrcCurrentHighOutputPower, optIfOChSrcIntervalSuspectedFlag, optIfOChSrcIntervalLastOutputPower, optIfOChSrcIntervalLowOutputPower, optIfOChSrcIntervalHighOutputPower, optIfOChSrcCurDaySuspectedFlag, optIfOChSrcCurDayLowOutputPower, optIfOChSrcCurDayHighOutputPower, optIfOChSrcPrevDaySuspectedFlag, optIfOChSrcPrevDayLastOutputPower, optIfOChSrcPrevDayLowOutputPower, optIfOChSrcPrevDayHighOutputPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of pre-OTN performance monitoring objects applicable to OCh interfaces that support source functions." ::= { optIfGroups 28 } optIfOChSourcePreOtnPMThresholdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOChSrcCurrentLowerOutputPowerThreshold, optIfOChSrcCurrentUpperOutputPowerThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of pre-OTN performance monitoring threshold objects applicable to OCh interfaces that support source functions." ::= { optIfGroups 29 } optIfOTUkCommonGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOTUkDirectionality, optIfOTUkBitRateK } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of configuration objects applicable to all OTUk interfaces." ::= { optIfGroups 30 } optIfOTUkSourceGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOTUkTraceIdentifierTransmitted, optIfOTUkSourceAdaptActive } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of configuration objects applicable to OTUk interfaces that support source functions." ::= { optIfGroups 31 } optIfOTUkSinkGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfOTUkDAPIExpected, optIfOTUkSAPIExpected, optIfOTUkTraceIdentifierAccepted, optIfOTUkTIMDetMode, optIfOTUkTIMActEnabled, optIfOTUkDEGThr, optIfOTUkDEGM, optIfOTUkSinkAdaptActive, optIfOTUkSinkFECEnabled, optIfOTUkCurrentStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of configuration objects applicable to OTUk interfaces that support sink functions." ::= { optIfGroups 32 } optIfGCC0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfGCC0Application, optIfGCC0RowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of GCC0 configuration objects." ::= { optIfGroups 33 } optIfODUkGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfODUkDirectionality, optIfODUkBitRateK, optIfODUkTcmFieldsInUse, optIfODUkPositionSeqCurrentSize, optIfODUkPositionSeqPosition, optIfODUkPositionSeqPointer, optIfODUkTtpPresent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of configuration objects applicable to all ODUk interfaces." ::= { optIfGroups 34 } optIfODUkTtpSourceGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfODUkTtpTraceIdentifierTransmitted } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of configuration objects applicable to all interfaces that support ODUk trail termination source functions." ::= { optIfGroups 35 } optIfODUkTtpSinkGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfODUkTtpDAPIExpected, optIfODUkTtpSAPIExpected, optIfODUkTtpTraceIdentifierAccepted, optIfODUkTtpTIMDetMode, optIfODUkTtpTIMActEnabled, optIfODUkTtpDEGThr, optIfODUkTtpDEGM, optIfODUkTtpCurrentStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of ODUk configuration objects applicable to all interfaces that support ODUk trail termination sink functions." ::= { optIfGroups 36 } optIfODUkNimGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfODUkNimDAPIExpected, optIfODUkNimSAPIExpected, optIfODUkNimTraceIdentifierAccepted, optIfODUkNimTIMDetMode, optIfODUkNimTIMActEnabled, optIfODUkNimDEGThr, optIfODUkNimDEGM, optIfODUkNimCurrentStatus, optIfODUkNimRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of ODUk Nim configuration objects." ::= { optIfGroups 37 } optIfGCC12Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfGCC12GCCPassThrough, optIfGCC12Application, optIfGCC12RowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of GCC12 configuration objects." ::= { optIfGroups 38 } optIfODUkTCommonGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfODUkTRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of configuration objects applicable to all ODUkT instances." ::= { optIfGroups 39 } optIfODUkTSourceGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfODUkTTraceIdentifierTransmitted, optIfODUkTSourceLockSignalAdminState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of configuration objects applicable to all ODUkT instances that provide source functions." ::= { optIfGroups 40 } optIfODUkTSinkGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfODUkTDAPIExpected, optIfODUkTSAPIExpected, optIfODUkTTraceIdentifierAccepted, optIfODUkTTIMDetMode, optIfODUkTTIMActEnabled, optIfODUkTDEGThr, optIfODUkTDEGM, optIfODUkTCurrentStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of configuration objects applicable to all ODUkT instances that provide sink functions." ::= { optIfGroups 41 } optIfODUkTSinkGroupCtp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfODUkTSinkMode, optIfODUkTSinkLockSignalAdminState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of configuration objects applicable to ODUkT instances not colocated with an ODUk TTP that provide sink functions." ::= { optIfGroups 42 } optIfODUkTNimGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { optIfODUkTNimDAPIExpected, optIfODUkTNimSAPIExpected, optIfODUkTNimTraceIdentifierAccepted, optIfODUkTNimTIMDetMode, optIfODUkTNimTIMActEnabled, optIfODUkTNimDEGThr, optIfODUkTNimDEGM, optIfODUkTNimCurrentStatus, optIfODUkTNimRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of ODUkT Nim configuration objects." ::= { optIfGroups 43 } END