-- ***************************************************************************** -- Juniper-Event-Manager-CONF -- -- SNMP Agent Capabilities definitions for the Event Manager MIBs. -- -- Copyright (c) 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. -- ***************************************************************************** Juniper-Event-Manager-CONF DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI AGENT-CAPABILITIES FROM SNMPv2-CONF juniAgents FROM Juniper-Agents; juniEventManagerAgent MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200310301443Z" -- 30-Oct-03 09:43 AM EST ORGANIZATION "Juniper Networks, Inc." CONTACT-INFO " Juniper Networks, Inc. Postal: 10 Technology Park Drive Westford, MA 01886-3146 USA Tel: +1 978 589 5800 E-mail: mib@Juniper.net" DESCRIPTION "The agent capabilities definitions for the Event Manager component of the SNMP agent in the Juniper E-series family of products." -- Revision History REVISION "200310301443Z" -- 30-Oct-03 09:43 AM EST - JUNOSe 5.3 DESCRIPTION "DISMAN-EVENT-MIB: Added support for existence and boolean triggers. Added support for multiple agent wildcarding. Added support for event Set capabilities. Juniper-DISMAN-EVENT-MIB: Initial release for the proprietary Event Manager MIB." REVISION "200305121422Z" -- 12-May-03 10:22 AM EDT - JUNOSe 5.1 DESCRIPTION "The initial release of this management information module. DISMAN-EVENT-MIB: Added partial support for the draft-ietf-disman-event-mib-v2-01 version (enhancements to RFC 2981): Supports threshold triggers for absolute and delta sampling. Does not support existence or boolean triggers. Does not support wildcarding. Does not support event Set capabilities." ::= { juniAgents 62 } -- ***************************************************************************** -- Event Manager SNMP Agent Capabilities definitions -- ***************************************************************************** juniEventManagerAgentV1 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 1 of the Event Manager component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the Event Manager component was supported in JUNOSe 5.1 and 5.2 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the Event Manager application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when support was added for existence and boolean triggers, multiple agent wildcarding, and event Set capabilities." SUPPORTS DISMAN-EVENT-MIB INCLUDES { dismanEventResourceGroup, dismanEventTriggerGroup, dismanEventEventGroup, dismanEventNotificationObjectGroup, dismanEventNotificationGroup } VARIATION mteTriggerComment ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Comment cannot be modified in this agent. Comment is set to zero length." VARIATION mteTriggerTest ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Trigger test cannot be modified in this agent. Trigger test is set to threshold(2)." VARIATION mteTriggerValueIDWildcard ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Trigger value ID wildcard cannot be modified in this agent. Trigger value ID wildcard is set to false(2)." VARIATION mteTriggerTargetTag ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Target tag can not be modified in this agent. Target tag is set to blank." VARIATION mteTriggerContextName DESCRIPTION "Default value is the current router context name. The router must exist before attempting to change this object value." VARIATION mteTriggerContextNameWildcard ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Trigger context name wildcard cannot be modified in this agent. Trigger context name wildcard is set to false(2)." VARIATION mteTriggerObjectsOwner ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Objects owner cannot be modified in this agent. Objects owner is set to zero length." VARIATION mteTriggerObjects ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Objects cannot be modified in this agent. Objects is set to zero length." VARIATION mteTriggerEntryStorageType DESCRIPTION "Storage type can only be set to nonVolatile in this agent." VARIATION mteTriggerDeltaDiscontinuityIDWildcard ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Trigger delta discontinuity ID wildcard cannot be modified in this agent. Trigger delta discontinuity ID wildcard is set to false(2)." VARIATION mteTriggerExistenceTest ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The trigger existance table is not supported in then agent." VARIATION mteTriggerExistenceStartup ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The trigger existance table is not supported in then agent." VARIATION mteTriggerExistenceObjectsOwner ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The trigger existance table is not supported in then agent." VARIATION mteTriggerExistenceObjects ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The trigger existance table is not supported in then agent." VARIATION mteTriggerExistenceEventOwner ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The trigger existance table is not supported in then agent." VARIATION mteTriggerExistenceEvent ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The trigger existance table is not supported in then agent." VARIATION mteTriggerBooleanComparison ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The trigger boolean table is not supported in then agent." VARIATION mteTriggerBooleanValue ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The trigger boolean table is not supported in then agent." VARIATION mteTriggerBooleanStartup ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The trigger boolean table is not supported in then agent." VARIATION mteTriggerBooleanObjectsOwner ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The trigger boolean table is not supported in then agent." VARIATION mteTriggerBooleanObjects ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The trigger boolean table is not supported in then agent." VARIATION mteTriggerBooleanEventOwner ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The trigger boolean table is not supported in then agent." VARIATION mteTriggerBooleanEvent ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The trigger boolean table is not supported in then agent." VARIATION mteTriggerThresholdRising DESCRIPTION "The value of this object can not be set to a value less than mteTriggerThresholdFalling value." VARIATION mteTriggerThresholdFalling DESCRIPTION "The value of this object can not be set to a value greater than mteTriggerThresholdRising value." VARIATION mteTriggerThresholdDeltaRising DESCRIPTION "The value of this object can not be set to a value less than mteTriggerThresholdDeltaFalling value." VARIATION mteTriggerThresholdDeltaFalling DESCRIPTION "The value of this object can not be set to a value greater than mteTriggerThresholdDeltaRising value." VARIATION mteTriggerThresholdObjectsOwner ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Threshold objects owner cannot be modified in this agent. Threshold objects owner is set to zero length." VARIATION mteTriggerThresholdObjects ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Threshold objects cannot be modified in this agent. Threshold objects is set to zero length." VARIATION mteEventComment ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Comment cannot be modified in this agent. Comment is set to zero length." VARIATION mteEventActions ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Actions cannot be modified in this agent. Actions is set to notification(0)." VARIATION mteEventEntryStorageType DESCRIPTION "Storage type can only be set to nonVolatile in this agent." VARIATION mteEventNotification DESCRIPTION "Event notification can only be set to the following OIDs in this agent: mteTriggerRising mteTriggerFalling mteTriggerFailure " VARIATION mteEventNotificationObjectsOwner ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Notification objects owner cannot be modified in this agent. Notification objects owner is set to zero length." VARIATION mteEventNotificationObjects ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Notification objects cannot be modified in this agent. Notification objects is set to zero length." VARIATION mteEventSetObject ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The event set table is not supported in then agent." VARIATION mteEventSetObjectWildcard ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The event set table is not supported in then agent." VARIATION mteEventSetValue ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The event set table is not supported in then agent." VARIATION mteEventSetTargetTag ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The event set table is not supported in then agent." VARIATION mteEventSetContextName ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The event set table is not supported in then agent." VARIATION mteEventSetContextNameWildcard ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The event set table is not supported in then agent." ::= { juniEventManagerAgent 1 } juniEventManagerAgentV2 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 2 of the Event Manager component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the Event Manager component is supported in JUNOSe 5.3 and subsequent system releases." STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the Event Manager application in JUNOSe." SUPPORTS DISMAN-EVENT-MIB INCLUDES { dismanEventResourceGroup, dismanEventTriggerGroup, dismanEventEventGroup, dismanEventNotificationObjectGroup, dismanEventNotificationGroup } VARIATION mteTriggerComment ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Comment cannot be modified in this agent. Comment is set to zero length." VARIATION mteTriggerTest DESCRIPTION "Trigger test can only be set to one of the following trigger types in this agent: existence(0) boolean(1) threshold(2) " VARIATION mteTriggerValueIDWildcard ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Trigger value ID wildcard cannot be modified in this agent. Trigger value ID wildcard is set to false(2)." VARIATION mteTriggerTargetTag ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Target tag can not be modified in this agent. Target tag is set to blank." VARIATION mteTriggerContextName DESCRIPTION "Default value is the current router context name." VARIATION mteTriggerObjectsOwner ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Objects owner cannot be modified in this agent. Objects owner is set to zero length." VARIATION mteTriggerObjects ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Objects cannot be modified in this agent. Objects is set to zero length." VARIATION mteTriggerEntryStorageType DESCRIPTION "Storage type can only be set to nonVolatile in this agent." VARIATION mteTriggerDeltaDiscontinuityIDWildcard ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Trigger delta discontinuity ID wildcard cannot be modified in this agent. Trigger delta discontinuity ID wildcard is set to false(2)." VARIATION mteTriggerExistenceObjectsOwner ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Objects owner cannot be modified in this agent. Objects owner is set to zero length." VARIATION mteTriggerExistenceObjects ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Objects cannot be modified in this agent. Objects is set to zero length." VARIATION mteTriggerBooleanObjectsOwner ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Objects owner cannot be modified in this agent. Objects owner is set to zero length." VARIATION mteTriggerBooleanObjects ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Objects cannot be modified in this agent. Objects is set to zero length." VARIATION mteTriggerThresholdRising DESCRIPTION "The value of this object can not be set to a value less than mteTriggerThresholdFalling value." VARIATION mteTriggerThresholdFalling DESCRIPTION "The value of this object can not be set to a value greater than mteTriggerThresholdRising value." VARIATION mteTriggerThresholdDeltaRising DESCRIPTION "The value of this object can not be set to a value less than mteTriggerThresholdDeltaFalling value." VARIATION mteTriggerThresholdDeltaFalling DESCRIPTION "The value of this object can not be set to a value greater than mteTriggerThresholdDeltaRising value." VARIATION mteTriggerThresholdObjectsOwner ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Threshold objects owner cannot be modified in this agent. Threshold objects owner is set to zero length." VARIATION mteTriggerThresholdObjects ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Threshold objects cannot be modified in this agent. Threshold objects is set to zero length." VARIATION mteEventComment ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Comment cannot be modified in this agent. Comment is set to zero length." VARIATION mteEventEntryStorageType DESCRIPTION "Storage type can only be set to nonVolatile in this agent." VARIATION mteEventNotification DESCRIPTION "Event notification can only be set to the following OIDs in this agent: mteTriggerFired mteTriggerRising mteTriggerFalling mteTriggerFailure mteEventSetFailure " VARIATION mteEventNotificationObjectsOwner ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Notification objects owner cannot be modified in this agent. Notification objects owner is set to zero length." VARIATION mteEventNotificationObjects ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Notification objects cannot be modified in this agent. Notification objects is set to zero length." VARIATION mteEventSetObjectWildcard ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Set object wildcard cannot be modified in this agent. Set object ID wildcard is set to false(2)." VARIATION mteEventSetTargetTag ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Target tag can not be modified in this agent. Target tag is set to blank." SUPPORTS Juniper-DISMAN-EVENT-MIB INCLUDES { juniMteTriggerTableGroup } ::= { juniEventManagerAgent 2 } END