-- ***************************************************************************** -- Juniper-Interfaces-CONF -- -- SNMP Agent Capabilities definitions for the Interfaces MIBs. -- -- Copyright (c) 2001 Unisphere Networks, Inc. -- Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. -- Copyright (c) 2004 Juniper Networks, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- ***************************************************************************** Juniper-Interfaces-CONF DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI AGENT-CAPABILITIES FROM SNMPv2-CONF juniAgents FROM Juniper-Agents; juniInterfacesAgent MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200307162138Z" -- 16-Jul-03 05:38 PM EDT ORGANIZATION "Juniper Networks, Inc." CONTACT-INFO " Juniper Networks, Inc. Postal: 10 Technology Park Drive Westford, MA 01886-3146 USA Tel: +1 978 589 5800 E-mail: mib@Juniper.net" DESCRIPTION "The agent capabilities definitions for the Interfaces component of the SNMP agent in the Juniper E-series family of products." -- Revision History REVISION "200402042138Z" -- 04-Feb-04 05:38 PM EDT - JUNOSe 6.1 DESCRIPTION "Added mib table rsIfCountTable to count systemwide interfaces by if type." REVISION "200307162138Z" -- 16-Jul-03 05:38 PM EDT - JUNOSe 5.1 DESCRIPTION "IF-INVERTED-STACK-MIB: Added support for RFC 2864, the Inverted Stack Table." REVISION "200212161443Z" -- 16-Dec-02 09:43 AM EST - JUNOSe 5.0 DESCRIPTION "Juniper-UNI-IF-MIB: Replaced Unisphere names with Juniper names." REVISION "200104271424Z" -- 27-Apr-01 10:24 AM EDT - JUNOSe 3.2 DESCRIPTION "The initial release of this management information module." ::= { juniAgents 20 } -- ***************************************************************************** -- Interfaces SNMP Agent Capabilities definitions -- ***************************************************************************** juniInterfacesAgentV1 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 1 of the Interfaces component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the Interfaces component was supported in JUNOSe 1.0 thru 5.0 system releases." STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the Interfaces application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when support was added for the IF-INVERTED-STACK-MIB." SUPPORTS IF-MIB INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, ifFixedLengthGroup, ifHCFixedLengthGroup, ifPacketGroup, ifHCPacketGroup, ifVHCPacketGroup, ifStackGroup2, ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup } VARIATION ifAlias DESCRIPTION "This Agent limits the lenght of an alias to 15 octets excect for IP, ATM and ATM 1483 interfaces, which may have a length of up to 255 octets." VARIATION ifStackStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ifStackTable cannot be modified with this Agent." SUPPORTS Juniper-UNI-IF-MIB INCLUDES { juniIfGroup, juniIfInvStackGroup } ::= { juniInterfacesAgent 1 } juniInterfacesAgentV2 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 2 of the Interfaces component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the Interfaces component is supported in JUNOSe 1.0 and subsequent 2.0, 3.x, 4.x and 5.x system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the Interfaces application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when support was added for the ifCountTable." SUPPORTS IF-MIB INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, ifFixedLengthGroup, ifHCFixedLengthGroup, ifPacketGroup, ifHCPacketGroup, ifVHCPacketGroup, ifStackGroup2, ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup } VARIATION ifAlias DESCRIPTION "This Agent limits the lenght of an alias to 15 octets excect for IP, ATM and ATM 1483 interfaces, which may have a length of up to 255 octets." VARIATION ifStackStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ifStackTable cannot be modified with this Agent." SUPPORTS IF-INVERTED-STACK-MIB INCLUDES { ifInvStackGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-UNI-IF-MIB INCLUDES { juniIfGroup, juniIfInvStackGroup } ::= { juniInterfacesAgent 2 } juniInterfacesAgentV3 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 3 of the Interfaces component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the Interfaces component is supported in JUNOSe 1.0 and subsequent system releases." STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the Interfaces application in JUNOSe." SUPPORTS IF-MIB INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, ifFixedLengthGroup, ifHCFixedLengthGroup, ifPacketGroup, ifHCPacketGroup, ifVHCPacketGroup, ifStackGroup2, ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup } VARIATION ifAlias DESCRIPTION "This Agent limits the lenght of an alias to 15 octets excect for IP, ATM and ATM 1483 interfaces, which may have a length of up to 255 octets." VARIATION ifStackStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ifStackTable cannot be modified with this Agent." SUPPORTS IF-INVERTED-STACK-MIB INCLUDES { ifInvStackGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-UNI-IF-MIB INCLUDES { juniIfGroup, juniIfInvStackGroup, juniIfCountGroup } ::= { juniInterfacesAgent 3 } END