-- ***************************************************************************** -- Juniper-PPP-CONF -- -- SNMP Agent Capabilities definitions for the PPP MIBs. -- -- Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Unisphere Networks, Inc. -- Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Juniper Networks, Inc. -- Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Juniper Networks, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- ***************************************************************************** Juniper-PPP-CONF DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI AGENT-CAPABILITIES FROM SNMPv2-CONF juniAgents FROM Juniper-Agents; juniPppAgent MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200909180724Z" -- 18-Sep-09 03:24 AM EDT ORGANIZATION "Juniper Networks, Inc." CONTACT-INFO " Juniper Networks, Inc. Postal: 10 Technology Park Drive Westford, MA 01886-3146 USA Tel: +1 978 589 5800 E-mail: mib@Juniper.net" DESCRIPTION "The agent capabilities definitions for the point-to-point protocol (PPP) component of the SNMP agent in the Juniper E-series family of products." -- Revision History REVISION "200909180724Z" -- 18-Sep-09 03:24 AM EDT - JUNOSe 11.1 DESCRIPTION "Added new multiclass multilink objects. Added new traffic class mapping for multiclasses.juniPppMultiLinkAgentV10 was added." REVISION "200908101423Z" -- 10-Aug-09 07:53 PM EST - JUNOSe 11.0 DESCRIPTION "Added juniPppGeneralAgentV8" REVISION "200808271318Z" -- 08-Sep-08 06:48 PM EST - JUNOSe 10.1 DESCRIPTION "Added juniPppGeneralAgentV7" REVISION "200707121215Z" -- 12-Jul-07 08:15 AM EDT - JUNOSe 7.3 DESCRIPTION "Updated juniPppLcpGroup and juniPppMlPppGroup to add ignore magic number. Updated juniPppLcpGroup and juniPppMlpppGroup." REVISION "200510191626Z" -- 19-Oct-05 12:26 PM EDT - JUNOSe 7.2 DESCRIPTION "Juniper-PPP-MIB: Added new object to the multi-link group." REVISION "200410012141Z" -- 01-Oct-04 05:41 PM EDT - JUNOSe 6.0 DESCRIPTION "Updated the juniPppSummary table" REVISION "200311031832Z" -- 03-Nov-03 01:32 PM EST - JUNOSe 5.3 DESCRIPTION "Juniper-PPP-MIB: Added new objects to the multi-link group." REVISION "200309242011Z" -- 24-Sep-03 04:11 PM EDT - JUNOSe 5.1 DESCRIPTION "Juniper-PPP-MIB: Added IPv6 support." REVISION "200301281547Z" -- 28-Jan-03 10:47 AM EST - JUNOSe 5.0 DESCRIPTION "Juniper-PPP-MIB: Replaced Unisphere names with Juniper names. Added new objects to the multi-link group." REVISION "200208302036Z" -- 30-Aug-02 04:36 PM EDT - JUNOSe 4.1 DESCRIPTION "Juniper-PPP-MIB: Added new objects to the LCP and multi-link groups." REVISION "200205092103Z" -- 09-May-02 05:03 PM EDT - JUNOSe 4.0 DESCRIPTION "Juniper-PPP-MIB: Added new objects to the LCP, IP and multi-link groups." REVISION "200205082025Z" -- 08-May-02 04:25 PM EDT - JUNOSe 3.3 DESCRIPTION "Created separate capabilities for multi-link PPP." REVISION "200104101823Z" -- 10-Apr-01 02:23 PM EDT - JUNOSe 3.2 DESCRIPTION "The initial release of this management information module." ::= { juniAgents 32 } -- ***************************************************************************** -- The inclusive PPP SNMP Agent Capabilities definitions -- ***************************************************************************** juniPppAgentV1 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 1 of the PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component was supported in JUNOSe 2.4 thru 3.2 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the PPP application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when the multilink capabilities were separated out." SUPPORTS PPP-LCP-MIB -- The PPP-LCP-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, capabilities are identified by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { pppLinkStatusEntry, pppLinkConfigEntry } SUPPORTS PPP-IP-NCP-MIB -- The PPP-IP-NCP-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, capabilities are identified by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { pppIpEntry, pppIpConfigEntry } SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppLcpGroup3, juniPppIpGroup2, juniPppOsiGroup2, juniPppSessionGroup, juniPppMlPppGroup, juniPppSummaryGroup } ::= { juniPppAgent 1 } -- ***************************************************************************** -- The general PPP interface agent capabilities. -- ***************************************************************************** juniPppGeneralAgent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The registration group of agent capabilities for the general functionality of the PPP application which provides management support for basic (non-multi-link) PPP interfaces via SNMP." ::= { juniPppAgent 2 } juniPppGeneralAgentV1 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 1 of the general PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component was supported in JUNOSe 3.3 and subsequent 3.x system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the basic PPP application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when new LCP and IP objects were added to the Juniper-PPP-MIB." SUPPORTS PPP-LCP-MIB -- The PPP-LCP-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, capabilities are identified by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { pppLinkStatusEntry, pppLinkConfigEntry } SUPPORTS PPP-IP-NCP-MIB -- The PPP-IP-NCP-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, capabilities are identified by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { pppIpEntry, pppIpConfigEntry } SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppLcpGroup3, juniPppIpGroup2, juniPppOsiGroup2, juniPppSessionGroup, juniPppSummaryBasicGroup } ::= { juniPppGeneralAgent 1 } juniPppGeneralAgentV2 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 2 of the general PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component was supported in JUNOSe 4.0 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the basic PPP application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when new LCP objects were added to the Juniper-PPP-MIB." SUPPORTS PPP-LCP-MIB -- The PPP-LCP-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, capabilities are identified by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { pppLinkStatusEntry, pppLinkConfigEntry } SUPPORTS PPP-IP-NCP-MIB -- The PPP-IP-NCP-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, capabilities are identified by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { pppIpEntry, pppIpConfigEntry } SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppLcpGroup4, juniPppIpGroup3, juniPppOsiGroup2, juniPppSessionGroup, juniPppSummaryBasicGroup } ::= { juniPppGeneralAgent 2 } juniPppGeneralAgentV3 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 3 of the general PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component was supported in JUNOSe 4.1 through 5.0 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the basic PPP application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when IPv6 support was added." SUPPORTS PPP-LCP-MIB -- The PPP-LCP-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, capabilities are identified by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { pppLinkStatusEntry, pppLinkConfigEntry } SUPPORTS PPP-IP-NCP-MIB -- The PPP-IP-NCP-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, capabilities are identified by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { pppIpEntry, pppIpConfigEntry } SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppLcpGroup5, juniPppIpGroup3, juniPppOsiGroup2, juniPppSessionGroup, juniPppSummaryBasicGroup } ::= { juniPppGeneralAgent 3 } juniPppGeneralAgentV4 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 4 of the general PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component was supported in JUNOSe 5.1 and subsequent 5.x system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the basic PPP application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when new objects were added." SUPPORTS PPP-LCP-MIB -- The PPP-LCP-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, capabilities are identified by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { pppLinkStatusEntry, pppLinkConfigEntry } SUPPORTS PPP-IP-NCP-MIB -- The PPP-IP-NCP-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, capabilities are identified by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { pppIpEntry, pppIpConfigEntry } SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppLcpGroup5, juniPppIpGroup4, juniPppOsiGroup2, juniPppSessionGroup2, juniPppSummaryBasicGroup2, juniPppIpv6Group } ::= { juniPppGeneralAgent 4 } juniPppGeneralAgentV5 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 5 of the general PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component is supported in JUNOSe 6.0 throught 7.2 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the basic PPP application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when new objects were added." SUPPORTS PPP-LCP-MIB -- The PPP-LCP-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, capabilities are identified by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { pppLinkStatusEntry, pppLinkConfigEntry } SUPPORTS PPP-IP-NCP-MIB -- The PPP-IP-NCP-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, capabilities are identified by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { pppIpEntry, pppIpConfigEntry } SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppLcpGroup5, juniPppIpGroup4, juniPppOsiGroup2, juniPppSessionGroup2, juniPppSummaryBasicGroup3, juniPppIpv6Group } ::= { juniPppGeneralAgent 5 } juniPppGeneralAgentV6 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 6 of the general PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component is supported in JUNOSe 7.3 and subsequent system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the basic PPP application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when new objects were added." SUPPORTS PPP-LCP-MIB -- The PPP-LCP-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, capabilities are identified by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { pppLinkStatusEntry, pppLinkConfigEntry } SUPPORTS PPP-IP-NCP-MIB -- The PPP-IP-NCP-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, capabilities are identified by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { pppIpEntry, pppIpConfigEntry } SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppLcpGroup7, juniPppIpGroup4, juniPppOsiGroup2, juniPppSessionGroup2, juniPppSummaryBasicGroup3, juniPppIpv6Group } ::= { juniPppGeneralAgent 6 } juniPppGeneralAgentV7 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 7 of the general PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component is supported in JUNOSe 10.1 and subsequent system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the basic PPP application in JUNOSe." SUPPORTS PPP-LCP-MIB -- The PPP-LCP-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, capabilities are identified by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { pppLinkStatusEntry, pppLinkConfigEntry } SUPPORTS PPP-IP-NCP-MIB -- The PPP-IP-NCP-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, capabilities are identified by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { pppIpEntry, pppIpConfigEntry } SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppLcpGroup8, juniPppIpGroup5, juniPppOsiGroup2, juniPppSessionGroup2, juniPppSummaryBasicGroup3, juniPppIpv6Group2 } ::= { juniPppGeneralAgent 7 } juniPppGeneralAgentV8 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 8 of the general PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component is supported in JUNOSe 11.0 and subsequent system releases." STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the basic PPP application in JUNOSe.These capabilities became obsolete when new objects were added." SUPPORTS PPP-LCP-MIB -- The PPP-LCP-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, capabilities are identified by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { pppLinkStatusEntry, pppLinkConfigEntry } SUPPORTS PPP-IP-NCP-MIB -- The PPP-IP-NCP-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, capabilities are identified by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { pppIpEntry, pppIpConfigEntry } SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppLcpGroup8, juniPppIpGroup6, juniPppOsiGroup2, juniPppSessionGroup2, juniPppSummaryBasicGroup3, juniPppIpv6Group2 } ::= { juniPppGeneralAgent 8 } -- ***************************************************************************** -- The multi-link PPP interface agent capabilities. -- ***************************************************************************** juniPppMultiLinkAgent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The registration group of agent capabilities for the multi-link functionality of the PPP application which provides management support for multi-link PPP interfaces via SNMP." ::= { juniPppAgent 3 } juniPppMultiLinkAgentV1 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 1 of the multi-link PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component was supported in JUNOSe 3.3 and subsequent 3.x system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIB groups supported by the SNMP agent for the PPP application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when new multi-link objects were added to the Juniper-PPP-MIB." SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppMlPppGroup, juniPppSummaryLinkGroup, juniPppSummaryNetworkGroup } ::= { juniPppMultiLinkAgent 1 } juniPppMultiLinkAgentV2 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 2 of the multi-link PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component was supported in JUNOSe 4.0 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the basic PPP application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when new multi-link objects were added to the Juniper-PPP-MIB" SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppMlPppGroup2, juniPppSummaryLinkGroup, juniPppSummaryNetworkGroup } ::= { juniPppMultiLinkAgent 2 } juniPppMultiLinkAgentV3 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 3 of the multi-link PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component was supported in JUNOSe 4.1 and subsequent 4.x system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIB groups supported by the SNMP agent for the PPP application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when new multi-link objects were added to the Juniper-PPP-MIB" SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppMlPppGroup3, juniPppSummaryLinkGroup, juniPppSummaryNetworkGroup } ::= { juniPppMultiLinkAgent 3 } juniPppMultiLinkAgentV4 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 4 of the multi-link PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component was supported in JUNOSe 5.0 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIB groups supported by the SNMP agent for the PPP application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when IPv6 support was added." SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppMlPppGroup4, juniPppSummaryLinkGroup, juniPppSummaryNetworkGroup } ::= { juniPppMultiLinkAgent 4 } juniPppMultiLinkAgentV5 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 5 of the multi-link PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component was supported in JUNOSe 5.1 and 5.2 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIB groups supported by the SNMP agent for the PPP application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when new multi-link objects were added to the Juniper-PPP-MIB." SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppMlPppGroup4, juniPppSummaryLinkGroup, juniPppSummaryNetworkGroup2 } ::= { juniPppMultiLinkAgent 5 } juniPppMultiLinkAgentV6 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 6 of the multi-link PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component was supported in JUNOSe 5.1 and subsequent 5.x system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIB groups supported by the SNMP agent for the PPP application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when new multi-link objects were added to the Juniper-PPP-MIB." SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppMlPppGroup5, juniPppSummaryLinkGroup, juniPppSummaryNetworkGroup2 } ::= { juniPppMultiLinkAgent 6 } juniPppMultiLinkAgentV7 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 7 of the multi-link PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component is supported in JUNOSe 6.0 through 7.2 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIB groups supported by the SNMP agent for the PPP application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when new multi-link objects were added to the Juniper-PPP-MIB." SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppMlPppGroup5, juniPppSummaryLinkGroup2, juniPppSummaryNetworkGroup3 } ::= { juniPppMultiLinkAgent 7 } juniPppMultiLinkAgentV8 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 8 of the multi-link PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component is supported in JUNOSe 7.2 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIB groups supported by the SNMP agent for the PPP application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when new multi-link objects were added to the Juniper-PPP-MIB." SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppMlPppGroup6, juniPppSummaryLinkGroup2, juniPppSummaryNetworkGroup3 } ::= { juniPppMultiLinkAgent 8 } juniPppMultiLinkAgentV9 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 9 of the multi-link PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component was supported in JUNOSe 7.3 and subsequent system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIB groups supported by the SNMP agent for the PPP application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when new multi-link objects were added to the Juniper-PPP-MIB." SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppMlPppGroup8, juniPppSummaryLinkGroup2, juniPppSummaryNetworkGroup3 } ::= { juniPppMultiLinkAgent 9 } juniPppMultiLinkAgentV10 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 10 of the multi-link PPP component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the PPP component was supported in JUNOSe 11.1 and subsequent system releases." STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MIB groups supported by the SNMP agent for the PPP application in JUNOSe." SUPPORTS Juniper-PPP-MIB INCLUDES { juniPppMlPppGroup9, juniPppSummaryLinkGroup2, juniPppSummaryNetworkGroup3, juniPppMlPppMulticlassTcGroup1 } ::= { juniPppMultiLinkAgent 10 } END