-- ***************************************************************************** -- Juniper-PPP-PROFILE-MIB -- -- Juniper Networks Enterprise MIB -- PPP Profile MIB -- -- Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Unisphere Networks, Inc. -- Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Juniper Networks, Inc. -- Copyright (c) 2009 Juniper Networks, Inc. -- All Rights Reserved. -- ***************************************************************************** Juniper-PPP-PROFILE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF juniMibs FROM Juniper-MIBs JuniEnable, JuniSetMap, JuniName, JuniNibbleConfig FROM Juniper-TC JuniPppAuthentication FROM Juniper-PPP-MIB; juniPppProfileMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200909180724Z" -- 18-Sep-09 03:24 AM EDT ORGANIZATION "Juniper Networks, Inc." CONTACT-INFO " Juniper Networks, Inc. Postal: 10 Technology Park Drive Westford, MA 01886-3146 USA Tel: +1 978 589 5800 Email: mib@Juniper.net" DESCRIPTION "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Profile MIB for the Juniper Netowrks enterprise. This MIB provides configuration parameters that extend the tables found in the Juniper-PROFILE-MIB to support profiles for PPP interfaces." -- Revision History REVISION "200909180724Z" -- 18-Sep-09 03:24 AM EDT - JUNOSe 11.1 DESCRIPTION "Added new multiclass multilink objects. Added new traffic class mapping for multiclasses." REVISION "200908101423Z" -- 10-Aug-09 07:53 PM EST - JUNOSe 11.0 DESCRIPTION "Added IPCP dns prompt and lockout option element in juniPppProfileTable." REVISION "200707121215Z" -- 12-Jul-07 08:15 AM EDT - JUNOSe 7.3 DESCRIPTION "Added new ignore magic number mismatch element in juniPppProfileEntry MIB. Added new authentication elements to use JuniNibbleConfig." REVISION "200510191626Z" -- 19-Oct-05 12:26 PM EDT - JUNOSe 7.2 DESCRIPTION "Added new object for multilink." REVISION "200311032110Z" -- 03-Nov-03 04:10 PM EST - JUNOSe 5.3 DESCRIPTION "Added support for MLPPP fragmentation and reassembly." REVISION "200309291858Z" -- 29-Sep-03 02:58 PM EDT - JUNOSe 5.2 DESCRIPTION "Increased the maximum range of the PPP Profile LCP keep-alive time." REVISION "200303112159Z" -- 11-Mar-03 04:59 PM EST - JUNOSe 5.1 DESCRIPTION "Added juniPppProfileInitiateIp and juniPppProfileInitiateIpv6." REVISION "200209162144Z" -- 16-Sep-02 05:44 PM EDT - JUNOSe 5.0 DESCRIPTION "Replaced Unisphere names with Juniper names." REVISION "200209032238Z" -- 03-Sep-02 06:38 PM EDT - JUNOSe 4.1 DESCRIPTION "Added juniPppProfileAaaProfile." REVISION "200201251400Z" -- 25-Jan-02 09:00 AM EST - JUNOSe 4.0 DESCRIPTION "Added juniPppProfileAuthenticatorVirtualRouter." REVISION "200201161758Z" -- 16-Jan-02 12:58 PM EST - JUNOSe 3.4 DESCRIPTION "Added support for negotiation of the IPCP option netmask." REVISION "200201081943Z" -- 08-Jan-02 02:43 PM EST - JUNOSe 3.3 DESCRIPTION "Added support for dynamic multilink PPP (MLPPP) interfaces." REVISION "200110021241Z" -- 02-Oct-01 08:41 AM EDT - JUNOSe 3.0 DESCRIPTION "Initial version of this MIB module." ::= { juniMibs 45 } -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- Managed objects -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ juniPppProfileObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { juniPppProfileMIB 1 } juniPppProfile OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { juniPppProfileObjects 1 } -- -- This MIB defines configuration profile structure for PPP interfaces. -- The creation/deletion of profiles and mapping of profile names to profile -- indices is coordinated in the Juniper-PROFILE-MIB. -- -- -- The PPP Profile Table -- juniPppProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF JuniPppProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains profiles for configuring PPP interfaces. Entries in this table are created/deleted as a side-effect of corresponding operations to the juniProfileNameTable in the Juniper-PROFILE-MIB." ::= { juniPppProfile 1 } juniPppProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniPppProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A profile describing configuration of a PPP interface." INDEX { juniPppProfileId } ::= { juniPppProfileTable 1 } JuniPppProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { juniPppProfileId Unsigned32, juniPppProfileSetMap JuniSetMap, juniPppProfileLcpMagicNumber INTEGER, juniPppProfileLcpKeepalive Integer32, juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication JuniPppAuthentication, juniPppProfileIpPeerDnsPriority JuniEnable, juniPppProfileIpPeerWinsPriority JuniEnable, juniPppProfileLcpInitialMRU Integer32, juniPppProfilePacketLog JuniEnable, juniPppProfileStateLog JuniEnable, juniPppProfileChapMinChallengeLength Integer32, juniPppProfileChapMaxChallengeLength Integer32, juniPppProfilePassiveMode JuniEnable, juniPppProfileMlppp JuniEnable, juniPppProfileIpcpNetmask JuniEnable, juniPppProfileAuthenticatorVirtualRouter JuniName, juniPppProfileAaaProfile JuniName, juniPppProfileInitiateIp JuniEnable, juniPppProfileInitiateIpv6 JuniEnable, juniPppProfileFragmentation JuniEnable, juniPppProfileReassembly JuniEnable, juniPppProfileMaxReceiveReconstructedUnit Integer32, juniPppProfileFragmentSize Integer32, juniPppProfileHashLinkSelection JuniEnable, juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication2 JuniNibbleConfig, juniPppProfileIgnoreMagicNumberMismatch JuniEnable, juniPppProfileIpcpPromptDnsOption JuniEnable, juniPppProfileIpcpLockout JuniEnable, juniPppProfileMultilinkMulticlass JuniEnable, juniPppProfileMultilinkMaxMultiClasses INTEGER } juniPppProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The integer identifier associated with this profile. A value for this identifier is determined by locating or creating a profile name in the Juniper-PROFILE-MIB.juniProfileNameTable." ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 1 } juniPppProfileSetMap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniSetMap MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A bitmap representing which objects in this entry have been explicitly configured. See the definition of the JuniSetMap TEXTUAL-CONVENTION for details of use. The INDEX object(s) and this object are excluded from representation (i.e. their bits are never set). When a SET request does not explicitly configure JuniSetMap, bits in JuniSetMap are set as a side-effect of configuring other profile attributes in the same entry. If, however, a SET request explicitly configures JuniSetMap, the explicitly configured value overrides 1) any previous bit settings, and 2) any simultaneous 'side-effect' settings that would otherwise occur. Once set, bits can only be cleared by explicitly configuring JuniSetMap." ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 2 } juniPppProfileLcpMagicNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { false(1), true(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true(2) then the local node will attempt to perform Magic Number negotiation with the remote node. If false(1) then this negotiation is not performed. In any event, the local node will comply with any magic number negotiations attempted by the remote node, per the PPP specification." DEFVAL { false } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 3 } juniPppProfileLcpKeepalive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0|30..64800) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Keepalive interval in seconds. A value of zero disables keepalive. Keepalive is performed using LCP Echo." DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 4 } juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniPppAuthentication MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Specifies the type(s) of authentication, if any, to be negotiated with the peer: none No authentication is negotiated. pap PAP negotiation only. chap CHAP negotiation only. papChap PAP negotiation is attempted first; if fails, attempt CHAP. chapPap CHAP negotiation is attempted first; if fails, attempt PAP. Setting this object to none will set the juniPppProfileAuthenticatorVirtualRouter object to an empty string. This object returns a none value on the get operation. New object juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication2 will reflect the configured values. Setting this object along with the juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication2 object will return an inconsistentValue error." DEFVAL { none } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 5 } juniPppProfileIpPeerDnsPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When enabled, allows peer's DNS address to prevail in the event of a negotiation conflict; when disabled, the local PPP interface's DNS address prevails." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 6 } juniPppProfileIpPeerWinsPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When enabled, allows peer's WINS address to prevail in the event of a negotiation conflict; when disabled, the local PPP interface's WINS address prevails." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 7 } juniPppProfileLcpInitialMRU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1|64..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The initial Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) that the local PPP entity will advertise to the remote entity. If the value of this variable is 1 then the local PPP entity will advertise an MRU value determined by its underlying media interface." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 8 } juniPppProfilePacketLog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When enabled, allows packet logging on dynamic PPP interfaces." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 9 } juniPppProfileStateLog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When enabled, allows state machine logging on dynamic PPP interfaces." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 10 } juniPppProfileChapMinChallengeLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (8..63) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum value of the CHAP authenticator challenge length value. This value is never allowed to be set to a value greater than juniPppProfileChapMaxChallengeLength." DEFVAL { 16 } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 11 } juniPppProfileChapMaxChallengeLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (8..63) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum value of the CHAP authenticator challenge length value. This value is never allowed to be set to a value less than juniPppLinkConfigChapMinChallengeLength." DEFVAL { 32 } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 12 } juniPppProfilePassiveMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When enabled, LCP state machine is forced into passive mode on lower layer UP message. It adds compatibility with slow and buggy clients." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 13 } juniPppProfileMlppp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables the creation of dynamic multi-link PPP interfaces." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 14 } juniPppProfileIpcpNetmask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables the negotiation of the IPCP option netmask (0x90) during IPCP negotiation." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 15 } juniPppProfileAuthenticatorVirtualRouter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniName MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the virtual router (Juniper-ROUTER-MIB.juniRouterName) to be used for authentication on the PPP interface. Setting this object statically binds the authenticating virtual router with the PPP interface. If this object is not explicitly set or it is set to null string, then this object is ignored and the virtual router used for authentication is determined by other means. On a Set operation, if the value of this object is not null and does not correspond to an existing virtual router, then an inconsistentValue error is returned. Setting this object to non null string returns inconsistentValue value error if juniPppProfileConfigAuthentication object is none or not configured." ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 16 } juniPppProfileAaaProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniName MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the AAA profile to be used for authentication on the PPP interface. Setting this object statically binds the aaa profile with the PPP interface. If this object is not explicitly set or it is set to null string, then this object is ignored. On a Set operation, if the value of this object is not null and does not correspond to an existing AAA profile, then an inconsistentValue error is returned." ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 17 } juniPppProfileInitiateIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If enabled, PPP interface will initiate negotiation of IPCP; if disabled, PPP interface will rely on remote PPP client to initiate negotiation of IPCP." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 18 } juniPppProfileInitiateIpv6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If enabled, PPP interface will initiate negotiation of IPv6CP; if disabled, PPP interface will rely on remote PPP client to initiate negotiation of IPv6CP." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 19 } juniPppProfileFragmentation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables MLPPP fragmentation." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 20 } juniPppProfileReassembly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables MLPPP reassembly." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 21 } juniPppProfileMaxReceiveReconstructedUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1|64..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Maximum Received Reconstructed Unit (MRRU) that the local PPP entity will advertise to the remote entity. If the value of this variable is 1, then the MRRU is set to the local MRU value." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 22 } juniPppProfileFragmentSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1|128..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The size of fragments transmitted by the local PPP entity. If the value of this variable is 1, then the fragment size is set to the link's MTU value." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 23 } juniPppProfileHashLinkSelection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables MLPPP hash-based link selection for non-best-effort data." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 24 } juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniNibbleConfig MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A configuration variable comprised of nibbles i.e. 4 bits, such that a client can supply a list of 0 to 8 selections. The least significant nibble is the first value of the list, and the most significant nibble is the last value. The value in each field ranges from 0 to 15, however the first nibble with value 0 indicates the end of the list. Repetition of values is not allowed. Segregation of values is not allowed. Valid Values are: none - 0 pap - 1 chap - 2 eap - 3 Example valid encoding: 0x00000321 0x00000012 Not a valid encoding: 0x00000121 0x01002001 If authentication negotiation is not supported for this PPP interface, then any attempt to explicitly set this object will result in a notWritable error and it will be implicitly set to the DEFVAL on row creation. Setting this object to null will set juniPppProfileAuthenticatorVirtualRouter object to an empty string. Setting this object along with the juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication object will return an inconsistentValue error." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 25 } juniPppProfileIgnoreMagicNumberMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ignore magic number mismatch option of the PPP interface determines the action to be taken, when the peer has not negotiated any value yet sent null or invalid magic number in the LCP echo packets. The two actions that can be configured are: 1) Ignore the mismatch and retain connection 2) Disallow the mismatch and terminate connection" DEFVAL { disable } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 26 } juniPppProfileIpcpPromptDnsOption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Control prompting of IPCP options to remote peer." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 27 } juniPppProfileIpcpLockout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lockout option for IPCP determines whether IPCP can be negotiated when the interface is already running IPV6CP. On enabling this option, the negotiation will be blocked after the IPV6CP service is up and waited for 10 seconds for peer IPCP initiation. The address is restored to the pool after the 10 second timeout. Disabling this option will re enable simultaneous NCP negotiations that are configured." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 28 } juniPppProfileMultilinkMulticlass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniEnable MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables Multiclass Multilink PPP (MCML). Changing this object has an effect when the link is next restarted." DEFVAL {disable} ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 29 } juniPppProfileMultilinkMaxMultiClasses OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of MCML classes to be negotiated. Changing this object has an effect when the link is next restarted." DEFVAL {0} ::= { juniPppProfileEntry 30 } -- -- The Profile Multiclass Traffic class Configuration Table -- JuniPppProfileMulticlassTcName ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the Traffic class. The bundle name is a characteristic of a MLPPP Multiclass." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..64)) juniPppProfileMulticlassTraffiClassTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF JuniPppProfileMulticlassTrafficClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains entries for MLPPP Multiclass to traffic class mapping of the profile present in the system." ::= { juniPppProfile 2 } juniPppProfileMulticlassTrafficClassEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniPppProfileMulticlassTrafficClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry describes the MLPPP multiclass to traffic class mapping of profiles.Other characteristics like fragmentation and reassembly for a particular traffic class can be configured." INDEX { juniPppProfileId, juniPppProfileMulticlassIndex } ::= { juniPppProfileMulticlassTraffiClassTable 1 } JuniPppProfileMulticlassTrafficClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { juniPppProfileMulticlassId Unsigned32, juniPppProfileMulticlassIndex INTEGER, juniPppProfileMulticlassTcName JuniPppProfileMulticlassTcName, juniPppProfileMulticlassFragmentation JuniEnable, juniPppProfileMulticlassReassembly JuniEnable } juniPppProfileMulticlassId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the profile. When creating entries in this table, suitable values for this object are determined by reading juniPppProfileId." ::= { juniPppProfileMulticlassTrafficClassEntry 1 } juniPppProfileMulticlassIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The multiclass index of a particular traffic class type. This can be configured only when MCMP is enabled in the profile." DEFVAL { 15 } ::= { juniPppProfileMulticlassTrafficClassEntry 2 } juniPppProfileMulticlassTcName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniPppProfileMulticlassTcName MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The traffic class index mapped to the MCMP multiclass index. This can be configured only when MCMP is enabled in the profile." ::= { juniPppProfileMulticlassTrafficClassEntry 3 } juniPppProfileMulticlassFragmentation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable fragmentation for a particular multiclass. This can be configured only when MCMP is enaled in the profile." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { juniPppProfileMulticlassTrafficClassEntry 4 } juniPppProfileMulticlassReassembly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JuniEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable rassembly for a particular multiclass. This can be configured only when MCMP is enaled in the profile." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { juniPppProfileMulticlassTrafficClassEntry 5 } -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- Notifications -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- No notifications are defined in this MIB. -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- Conformance information -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ juniPppProfileConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { juniPppProfileMIB 4 } juniPppProfileCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { juniPppProfileConformance 1 } juniPppProfileGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { juniPppProfileConformance 2 } -- -- compliance statements -- juniPppProfileCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Obsolete compliance statement for entities which implement the Juniper PPP Profile MIB. This statement became obsolete when support was added for multi-link PPP interfaces." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { juniPppProfileGroup } ::= { juniPppProfileCompliances 1 } -- JUNOSe 3.0 juniPppProfileCompliance2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Obsolete compliance statement for entities which implement the Juniper PPP Profile MIB. This statement became obsolete when support was added for negotiation of IPCP option netmask." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { juniPppProfileGroup2 } ::= { juniPppProfileCompliances 2 } -- JUNOSe 3.3 juniPppProfileCompliance3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Obsolete compliance statement for entities which implement the Juniper PPP Profile MIB. This statement became obsolete when the juniPppProfileAuthenticatorVirtualRouter object was added." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { juniPppProfileGroup3 } ::= { juniPppProfileCompliances 3 } -- JUNOSe 3.4 juniPppProfileCompliance4 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Obsolete compliance statement for entities which implement the Juniper PPP Profile MIB. This statement became obsolete when the juniPppProfileAaaProfile object was added." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { juniPppProfileGroup4 } ::= { juniPppProfileCompliances 4 } -- JUNOSe 4.0 juniPppProfileCompliance5 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Obsolete compliance statement for entities which implement the Juniper PPP Profile MIB. This statement became obsolete when the juniPppProfileInitiateIp and juniPppProfileInitiateIpv6 objects were added." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { juniPppProfileGroup5 } ::= { juniPppProfileCompliances 5 } -- JUNOSe 4.1 juniPppProfileCompliance6 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Obsolete compliance statement for entities which implement the Juniper PPP Profile MIB. This statement became obsolete when fragmentation and reassembly support was added." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { juniPppProfileGroup6 } ::= { juniPppProfileCompliances 6 } -- JUNOSe 5.1 juniPppProfileCompliance7 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement the Juniper PPP Profile MIB. This statement became obsolete when object juniPppProfileHashLinkSelection was added." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { juniPppProfileGroup7 } ::= { juniPppProfileCompliances 7 } -- JUNOSe 5.3 juniPppProfileCompliance8 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement the Juniper PPP Profile MIB. This statement became obsolete when object juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication2 was added." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { juniPppProfileGroup8 } ::= { juniPppProfileCompliances 8 } -- JUNOSe 7.2 juniPppProfileCompliance9 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement the Juniper PPP Profile MIB. This statement became obsolete when object juniPppProfileIpcpDnsOption and juniPppProfileIpcpLockout was added." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { juniPppProfileGroup10 } ::= { juniPppProfileCompliances 9 } -- JUNOSe 7.3 juniPppProfileCompliance10 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement the Juniper PPP Profile MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { juniPppProfileGroup11 } ::= { juniPppProfileCompliances 10 } -- JUNOSe 11.0 -- -- units of conformance -- juniPppProfileGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { juniPppProfileSetMap, juniPppProfileLcpMagicNumber, juniPppProfileLcpKeepalive, juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication, juniPppProfileIpPeerDnsPriority, juniPppProfileIpPeerWinsPriority, juniPppProfileLcpInitialMRU, juniPppProfilePacketLog, juniPppProfileStateLog, juniPppProfileChapMinChallengeLength, juniPppProfileChapMaxChallengeLength, juniPppProfilePassiveMode } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Obsolete collection of objects providing management of profile functionality for PPP interfaces in a Juniper product. This group became obsolete when support was added for MLPPP." ::= { juniPppProfileGroups 1 } -- JUNOSe 3.0 juniPppProfileGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { juniPppProfileSetMap, juniPppProfileLcpMagicNumber, juniPppProfileLcpKeepalive, juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication, juniPppProfileIpPeerDnsPriority, juniPppProfileIpPeerWinsPriority, juniPppProfileLcpInitialMRU, juniPppProfilePacketLog, juniPppProfileStateLog, juniPppProfileChapMinChallengeLength, juniPppProfileChapMaxChallengeLength, juniPppProfilePassiveMode, juniPppProfileMlppp } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Obsolete collection of objects providing management of profile functionality for PPP interfaces in a Juniper product. This group became obsolete when support was added for negotiation of IPCP option netmask." ::= { juniPppProfileGroups 2 } -- JUNOSe 3.3 juniPppProfileGroup3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { juniPppProfileSetMap, juniPppProfileLcpMagicNumber, juniPppProfileLcpKeepalive, juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication, juniPppProfileIpPeerDnsPriority, juniPppProfileIpPeerWinsPriority, juniPppProfileLcpInitialMRU, juniPppProfilePacketLog, juniPppProfileStateLog, juniPppProfileChapMinChallengeLength, juniPppProfileChapMaxChallengeLength, juniPppProfilePassiveMode, juniPppProfileMlppp, juniPppProfileIpcpNetmask } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Obsolete collection of objects providing management of profile functionality for PPP interfaces in a Juniper product. This group became obsolete when the juniPppProfileAuthenticatorVirtualRouter object was added." ::= { juniPppProfileGroups 3 } -- JUNOSe 3.4 juniPppProfileGroup4 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { juniPppProfileSetMap, juniPppProfileLcpMagicNumber, juniPppProfileLcpKeepalive, juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication, juniPppProfileIpPeerDnsPriority, juniPppProfileIpPeerWinsPriority, juniPppProfileLcpInitialMRU, juniPppProfilePacketLog, juniPppProfileStateLog, juniPppProfileChapMinChallengeLength, juniPppProfileChapMaxChallengeLength, juniPppProfilePassiveMode, juniPppProfileMlppp, juniPppProfileIpcpNetmask, juniPppProfileAuthenticatorVirtualRouter } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Obsolete collection of objects providing management of profile functionality for PPP interfaces in a Juniper product. This group became obsolete when the juniPppProfileAaaProfile object was added." ::= { juniPppProfileGroups 4 } -- JUNOSe 4.0 juniPppProfileGroup5 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { juniPppProfileSetMap, juniPppProfileLcpMagicNumber, juniPppProfileLcpKeepalive, juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication, juniPppProfileIpPeerDnsPriority, juniPppProfileIpPeerWinsPriority, juniPppProfileLcpInitialMRU, juniPppProfilePacketLog, juniPppProfileStateLog, juniPppProfileChapMinChallengeLength, juniPppProfileChapMaxChallengeLength, juniPppProfilePassiveMode, juniPppProfileMlppp, juniPppProfileIpcpNetmask, juniPppProfileAuthenticatorVirtualRouter, juniPppProfileAaaProfile } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Obsolete collection of objects providing management of profile functionality for PPP interfaces in a Juniper product. This group became obsolete when the juniPppProfileInitiateIp and juniPppProfileInitiateIpv6 objects were added." ::= { juniPppProfileGroups 5 } -- JUNOSe 4.1 juniPppProfileGroup6 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { juniPppProfileSetMap, juniPppProfileLcpMagicNumber, juniPppProfileLcpKeepalive, juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication, juniPppProfileIpPeerDnsPriority, juniPppProfileIpPeerWinsPriority, juniPppProfileLcpInitialMRU, juniPppProfilePacketLog, juniPppProfileStateLog, juniPppProfileChapMinChallengeLength, juniPppProfileChapMaxChallengeLength, juniPppProfilePassiveMode, juniPppProfileMlppp, juniPppProfileIpcpNetmask, juniPppProfileAuthenticatorVirtualRouter, juniPppProfileAaaProfile, juniPppProfileInitiateIp, juniPppProfileInitiateIpv6 } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Obsolete collection of objects providing management of profile functionality for PPP interfaces in a Juniper product. This group became obsolete when support was added for fragmentation and reassembly." ::= { juniPppProfileGroups 6 } -- JUNOSe 5.1 juniPppProfileGroup7 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { juniPppProfileSetMap, juniPppProfileLcpMagicNumber, juniPppProfileLcpKeepalive, juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication, juniPppProfileIpPeerDnsPriority, juniPppProfileIpPeerWinsPriority, juniPppProfileLcpInitialMRU, juniPppProfilePacketLog, juniPppProfileStateLog, juniPppProfileChapMinChallengeLength, juniPppProfileChapMaxChallengeLength, juniPppProfilePassiveMode, juniPppProfileMlppp, juniPppProfileIpcpNetmask, juniPppProfileAuthenticatorVirtualRouter, juniPppProfileAaaProfile, juniPppProfileInitiateIp, juniPppProfileInitiateIpv6, juniPppProfileFragmentation, juniPppProfileReassembly, juniPppProfileMaxReceiveReconstructedUnit, juniPppProfileFragmentSize } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Obsolete collection of objects providing management of profile functionality for PPP interfaces in a Juniper product. This group became obsolete when support was added for mlppp hash-based link selection." ::= { juniPppProfileGroups 7 } -- JUNOSe 5.3 juniPppProfileGroup8 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { juniPppProfileSetMap, juniPppProfileLcpMagicNumber, juniPppProfileLcpKeepalive, juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication, juniPppProfileIpPeerDnsPriority, juniPppProfileIpPeerWinsPriority, juniPppProfileLcpInitialMRU, juniPppProfilePacketLog, juniPppProfileStateLog, juniPppProfileChapMinChallengeLength, juniPppProfileChapMaxChallengeLength, juniPppProfilePassiveMode, juniPppProfileMlppp, juniPppProfileIpcpNetmask, juniPppProfileAuthenticatorVirtualRouter, juniPppProfileAaaProfile, juniPppProfileInitiateIp, juniPppProfileInitiateIpv6, juniPppProfileFragmentation, juniPppProfileReassembly, juniPppProfileMaxReceiveReconstructedUnit, juniPppProfileFragmentSize, juniPppProfileHashLinkSelection } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Obsolete collection of objects providing management of profile functionality for PPP interfaces in a Juniper product. This group became obsolete when juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication2 was added." ::= { juniPppProfileGroups 8 } -- JUNOSe 7.2 juniPppProfileGroup9 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { juniPppProfileSetMap, juniPppProfileLcpMagicNumber, juniPppProfileLcpKeepalive, juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication, juniPppProfileIpPeerDnsPriority, juniPppProfileIpPeerWinsPriority, juniPppProfileLcpInitialMRU, juniPppProfilePacketLog, juniPppProfileStateLog, juniPppProfileChapMinChallengeLength, juniPppProfileChapMaxChallengeLength, juniPppProfilePassiveMode, juniPppProfileMlppp, juniPppProfileIpcpNetmask, juniPppProfileAuthenticatorVirtualRouter, juniPppProfileAaaProfile, juniPppProfileInitiateIp, juniPppProfileInitiateIpv6, juniPppProfileFragmentation, juniPppProfileReassembly, juniPppProfileMaxReceiveReconstructedUnit, juniPppProfileFragmentSize, juniPppProfileHashLinkSelection, juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication2 } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Obsolete collection of objects providing management of profile functionality for PPP interfaces in a Juniper product. This group became obsolete when juniPppProfileIgnoreMagicNumberMismatch was added" ::= { juniPppProfileGroups 9 } -- JUNOSe 7.3 juniPppProfileGroup10 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { juniPppProfileSetMap, juniPppProfileLcpMagicNumber, juniPppProfileLcpKeepalive, juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication, juniPppProfileIpPeerDnsPriority, juniPppProfileIpPeerWinsPriority, juniPppProfileLcpInitialMRU, juniPppProfilePacketLog, juniPppProfileStateLog, juniPppProfileChapMinChallengeLength, juniPppProfileChapMaxChallengeLength, juniPppProfilePassiveMode, juniPppProfileMlppp, juniPppProfileIpcpNetmask, juniPppProfileAuthenticatorVirtualRouter, juniPppProfileAaaProfile, juniPppProfileInitiateIp, juniPppProfileInitiateIpv6, juniPppProfileFragmentation, juniPppProfileReassembly, juniPppProfileMaxReceiveReconstructedUnit, juniPppProfileFragmentSize, juniPppProfileHashLinkSelection, juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication2, juniPppProfileIgnoreMagicNumberMismatch } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing management of profile functionality for PPP interfaces in a Juniper product. This group became obsolete when juniPppProfileIpcpDnsOption and juniPppProfileIpcpLockout was added" ::= { juniPppProfileGroups 10 } -- JUNOSe 7.3 juniPppProfileGroup11 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { juniPppProfileSetMap, juniPppProfileLcpMagicNumber, juniPppProfileLcpKeepalive, juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication, juniPppProfileIpPeerDnsPriority, juniPppProfileIpPeerWinsPriority, juniPppProfileLcpInitialMRU, juniPppProfilePacketLog, juniPppProfileStateLog, juniPppProfileChapMinChallengeLength, juniPppProfileChapMaxChallengeLength, juniPppProfilePassiveMode, juniPppProfileMlppp, juniPppProfileIpcpNetmask, juniPppProfileAuthenticatorVirtualRouter, juniPppProfileAaaProfile, juniPppProfileInitiateIp, juniPppProfileInitiateIpv6, juniPppProfileFragmentation, juniPppProfileReassembly, juniPppProfileMaxReceiveReconstructedUnit, juniPppProfileFragmentSize, juniPppProfileHashLinkSelection, juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication2, juniPppProfileIgnoreMagicNumberMismatch, juniPppProfileIpcpPromptDnsOption, juniPppProfileIpcpLockout} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Obsolete collection of objects providing management of profile functionality for PPP interfaces in a Juniper product. This was obsoleted when the support for multiclass MLPPP was added." ::= { juniPppProfileGroups 11 } -- JUNOSe 11.0 juniPppProfileGroup12 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { juniPppProfileSetMap, juniPppProfileLcpMagicNumber, juniPppProfileLcpKeepalive, juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication, juniPppProfileIpPeerDnsPriority, juniPppProfileIpPeerWinsPriority, juniPppProfileLcpInitialMRU, juniPppProfilePacketLog, juniPppProfileStateLog, juniPppProfileChapMinChallengeLength, juniPppProfileChapMaxChallengeLength, juniPppProfilePassiveMode, juniPppProfileMlppp, juniPppProfileIpcpNetmask, juniPppProfileAuthenticatorVirtualRouter, juniPppProfileAaaProfile, juniPppProfileInitiateIp, juniPppProfileInitiateIpv6, juniPppProfileFragmentation, juniPppProfileReassembly, juniPppProfileMaxReceiveReconstructedUnit, juniPppProfileFragmentSize, juniPppProfileHashLinkSelection, juniPppProfileLcpAuthentication2, juniPppProfileIgnoreMagicNumberMismatch, juniPppProfileMultilinkMulticlass, juniPppProfileMultilinkMaxMultiClasses } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing management of profile functionality for PPP interfaces in a Juniper product." ::= { juniPppProfileGroups 12 } -- JUNOSe 11.1 juniPppProfileMulticlassTrafficClassGroup1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { juniPppProfileMulticlassTcName, juniPppProfileMulticlassFragmentation, juniPppProfileMulticlassReassembly } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A collection of object providing management of multiclass MLPPP multiclass to traffic class mapping functionality in the PPP profile in a Juniper product." ::= { juniPppProfileGroups 13 } -- JUNOSe 11.1 END