-- ***************************************************************************** -- Juniper-SNMP-CONF -- -- SNMP Agent Capabilities definitions for the SNMP MIBs. -- -- Copyright (c) 2001 Unisphere Networks, Inc. -- Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. -- Copyright (c) 2008 Juniper Networks, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- ***************************************************************************** Juniper-SNMP-CONF DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI AGENT-CAPABILITIES FROM SNMPv2-CONF juniAgents FROM Juniper-Agents; juniSnmpAgent MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200303102027Z" -- 10-Mar-03 03:27 PM EST ORGANIZATION "Juniper Networks, Inc." CONTACT-INFO " Juniper Networks, Inc. Postal: 10 Technology Park Drive Westford, MA 01886-3146 USA Tel: +1 978 589 5800 E-mail: mib@Juniper.net" DESCRIPTION "The agent capabilities definitions for the SNMP entity component of the SNMP agent in the Juniper E-series family of products." -- Revision History REVISION "200303102027Z" -- 10-Mar-03 03:27 PM EST - JUNOSe 5.1 DESCRIPTION "Added support for management application type and MIB access permission to the Juniper-SNMP-MIB." REVISION "200209061654Z" -- 06-Sep-02 12:54 PM EDT - JUNOSe 5.0 DESCRIPTION "Replaced Unisphere names with Juniper names." REVISION "200208201329Z" -- 20-Aug-02 09:29 AM EDT - JUNOSe 4.1 DESCRIPTION "Added support for ping time window and notification log data inclusion in trap varbinds." REVISION "200208141923Z" -- 14-Aug-02 03:23 PM EDT - JUNOSe 3.4 DESCRIPTION "Added support for proxy enable/disable feature." REVISION "200110161344Z" -- 16-Oct-01 09:44 AM EDT - JUNOSe 3.3 DESCRIPTION "Added support for the snmpSetGroup. Added new objects to the Juniper-SNMP-MIB supporting interface compress, trap severities and trap severity filtering." REVISION "200104131544Z" -- 13-Apr-01 11:44 AM EDT - JUNOSe 3.2 DESCRIPTION "The initial release of this management information module." ::= { juniAgents 39 } -- ***************************************************************************** -- SNMP entity SNMP Agent Capabilities definitions -- ***************************************************************************** juniSnmpAgentV1 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 1 of the SNMP entity component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the SNMP entity component was supported in JUNOSe 1.x system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the SNMP entity application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when SNMPv3 support, View support, and Named Access List support were added." SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpObsoleteGroup, systemGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup } VARIATION sysORLastChange ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The system object resource table is not supported." VARIATION sysORID ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The system object resource table is not supported." VARIATION sysORDescr ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The system object resource table is not supported." VARIATION sysORUpTime ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The system object resource table is not supported." SUPPORTS Juniper-SNMP-MIB INCLUDES { juniSnmpGroup, juniSnmpAuthFailGroup } ::= { juniSnmpAgent 1 } juniSnmpAgentV2 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 2 of the SNMP entity component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the SNMP entity component was supported in JUNOSe 2.0 thru 2.2 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the SNMP entity application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when the juniSnmpInterfaceMode object was added." SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpObsoleteGroup, systemGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup } VARIATION sysORLastChange ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The system object resource table is not supported." VARIATION sysORID ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The system object resource table is not supported." VARIATION sysORDescr ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The system object resource table is not supported." VARIATION sysORUpTime ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The system object resource table is not supported." SUPPORTS Juniper-SNMP-MIB INCLUDES { juniSnmpGroup2, juniSnmpAuthFailGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB INCLUDES { snmpEngineGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-MPD-MIB INCLUDES { snmpMPDGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-TARGET-MIB INCLUDES { snmpTargetBasicGroup, snmpTargetResponseGroup, snmpTargetCommandResponderGroup } VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTDomain ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTimeout ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrRetryCount ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTagList ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrParams ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsMPModel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." SUPPORTS SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB INCLUDES { snmpNotifyGroup, snmpNotifyFilterGroup } VARIATION snmpNotifyTag ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileStorType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." SUPPORTS SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB INCLUDES { usmMIBBasicGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB INCLUDES { vacmBasicGroup } ::= { juniSnmpAgent 2 } juniSnmpAgentV3 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 3 of the SNMP entity component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the SNMP entity component was supported in JUNOSe 2.3 thru 3.1 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the SNMP entity application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when SNMPv2-MIB.sysORTable support was added." SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpObsoleteGroup, systemGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup } VARIATION sysORLastChange ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The system object resource table is not supported." VARIATION sysORID ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The system object resource table is not supported." VARIATION sysORDescr ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The system object resource table is not supported." VARIATION sysORUpTime ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The system object resource table is not supported." SUPPORTS Juniper-SNMP-MIB INCLUDES { juniSnmpGroup3, juniSnmpAuthFailGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB INCLUDES { snmpEngineGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-MPD-MIB INCLUDES { snmpMPDGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-TARGET-MIB INCLUDES { snmpTargetBasicGroup, snmpTargetResponseGroup, snmpTargetCommandResponderGroup } VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTDomain ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTimeout ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrRetryCount ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTagList ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrParams ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsMPModel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." SUPPORTS SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB INCLUDES { snmpNotifyGroup, snmpNotifyFilterGroup } VARIATION snmpNotifyTag ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileStorType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." SUPPORTS SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB INCLUDES { usmMIBBasicGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB INCLUDES { vacmBasicGroup } ::= { juniSnmpAgent 3 } juniSnmpAgentV4 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 4 of the SNMP entity component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the SNMP entity component was supported in JUNOSe 3.2 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the SNMP entity application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when SNMPv2-MIB.snmpSetGroup support was added and new Juniper SNMP MIB objects were added supporting interface compress, trap severities and trap severity filtering." SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpObsoleteGroup, systemGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-SNMP-MIB INCLUDES { juniSnmpGroup3, juniSnmpAuthFailGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB INCLUDES { snmpEngineGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-MPD-MIB INCLUDES { snmpMPDGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-TARGET-MIB INCLUDES { snmpTargetBasicGroup, snmpTargetResponseGroup, snmpTargetCommandResponderGroup } VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTDomain ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTimeout ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrRetryCount ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTagList ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrParams ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsMPModel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." SUPPORTS SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB INCLUDES { snmpNotifyGroup, snmpNotifyFilterGroup } VARIATION snmpNotifyTag ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileStorType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." SUPPORTS SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB INCLUDES { usmMIBBasicGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB INCLUDES { vacmBasicGroup } ::= { juniSnmpAgent 4 } juniSnmpAgentV5 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 5 of the SNMP entity component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the SNMP entity component was supported in JUNOSe 3.3 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the SNMP entity application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when support for proxy enable/disable was added." SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpSetGroup, snmpObsoleteGroup, systemGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-SNMP-MIB INCLUDES { juniSnmpGeneralGroup, juniSnmpAccessGroup, juniSnmpTrapGroup, juniSnmpAuthFailGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB INCLUDES { snmpEngineGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-MPD-MIB INCLUDES { snmpMPDGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-TARGET-MIB INCLUDES { snmpTargetBasicGroup, snmpTargetResponseGroup, snmpTargetCommandResponderGroup } VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTDomain ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTimeout ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrRetryCount ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTagList ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrParams ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsMPModel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." SUPPORTS SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB INCLUDES { snmpNotifyGroup, snmpNotifyFilterGroup } VARIATION snmpNotifyTag ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileStorType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." SUPPORTS SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB INCLUDES { usmMIBBasicGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB INCLUDES { vacmBasicGroup } ::= { juniSnmpAgent 5 } juniSnmpAgentV6 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 6 of the SNMP entity component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the SNMP entity component was supported in JUNOSe 3.4 thru 4.0 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the SNMP entity application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when support was added to the Juniper-SNMP-MIB for ping time window and notification log data inclusion in trap varbinds." SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpSetGroup, snmpObsoleteGroup, systemGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-SNMP-MIB INCLUDES { juniSnmpGeneralGroup2, juniSnmpAccessGroup, juniSnmpTrapGroup, juniSnmpAuthFailGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB INCLUDES { snmpEngineGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-MPD-MIB INCLUDES { snmpMPDGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-TARGET-MIB INCLUDES { snmpTargetBasicGroup, snmpTargetResponseGroup, snmpTargetCommandResponderGroup } VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTDomain ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTimeout ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrRetryCount ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTagList ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrParams ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsMPModel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." SUPPORTS SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB INCLUDES { snmpNotifyGroup, snmpNotifyFilterGroup } VARIATION snmpNotifyTag ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileStorType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." SUPPORTS SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB INCLUDES { usmMIBBasicGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB INCLUDES { vacmBasicGroup } ::= { juniSnmpAgent 6 } juniSnmpAgentV7 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 7 of the SNMP entity component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the SNMP entity component is supported in the JUNOSe 4.1 and subsequent system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the SNMP entity application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when support was added to the Juniper-SNMP-MIB for management application type and MIB access permission." SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpSetGroup, snmpObsoleteGroup, systemGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-SNMP-MIB INCLUDES { juniSnmpGeneralGroup2, juniSnmpAccessGroup, juniSnmpTrapGroup2, juniSnmpAuthFailGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB INCLUDES { snmpEngineGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-MPD-MIB INCLUDES { snmpMPDGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-TARGET-MIB INCLUDES { snmpTargetBasicGroup, snmpTargetResponseGroup, snmpTargetCommandResponderGroup } VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTDomain ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTimeout ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrRetryCount ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTagList ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrParams ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsMPModel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." SUPPORTS SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB INCLUDES { snmpNotifyGroup, snmpNotifyFilterGroup } VARIATION snmpNotifyTag ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileStorType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." SUPPORTS SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB INCLUDES { usmMIBBasicGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB INCLUDES { vacmBasicGroup } ::= { juniSnmpAgent 7 } juniSnmpAgentV8 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 8 of the SNMP entity component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the SNMP entity component is supported in JUNOSe 5.1 and subsequent system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the SNMP entity application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when support was added to the Juniper-SNMP-MIB for trap severity filter based on trap categories." SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpSetGroup, snmpObsoleteGroup, systemGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-SNMP-MIB INCLUDES { juniSnmpGeneralGroup3, juniSnmpAccessGroup, juniSnmpTrapGroup2, juniSnmpAuthFailGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB INCLUDES { snmpEngineGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-MPD-MIB INCLUDES { snmpMPDGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-TARGET-MIB INCLUDES { snmpTargetBasicGroup, snmpTargetResponseGroup, snmpTargetCommandResponderGroup } VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTDomain ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTimeout ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrRetryCount ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTagList ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrParams ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsMPModel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." SUPPORTS SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB INCLUDES { snmpNotifyGroup, snmpNotifyFilterGroup } VARIATION snmpNotifyTag ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileStorType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." SUPPORTS SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB INCLUDES { usmMIBBasicGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB INCLUDES { vacmBasicGroup } ::= { juniSnmpAgent 8 } juniSnmpAgentV9 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 9 of the SNMP entity component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the SNMP entity component is supported in JUNOSe 9.3 and subsequent system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the SNMP entity application in JUNOSe." SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpSetGroup, snmpObsoleteGroup, systemGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-SNMP-MIB INCLUDES { juniSnmpGeneralGroup3, juniSnmpAccessGroup, juniSnmpTrapGroup3, juniSnmpAuthFailGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB INCLUDES { snmpEngineGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-MPD-MIB INCLUDES { snmpMPDGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-TARGET-MIB INCLUDES { snmpTargetBasicGroup, snmpTargetResponseGroup, snmpTargetCommandResponderGroup } VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTDomain ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTimeout ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrRetryCount ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTagList ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrParams ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsMPModel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." SUPPORTS SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB INCLUDES { snmpNotifyGroup, snmpNotifyFilterGroup } VARIATION snmpNotifyTag ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileStorType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." SUPPORTS SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB INCLUDES { usmMIBBasicGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB INCLUDES { vacmBasicGroup } ::= { juniSnmpAgent 9 } juniSnmpAgentV10 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 10 of the SNMP entity component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the SNMP entity component is supported in JUNOSe 10.2 and subsequent system releases." STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the SNMP entity application in JUNOSe." SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB INCLUDES { snmpGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, snmpSetGroup, snmpObsoleteGroup, systemGroup, snmpBasicNotificationsGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-SNMP-MIB INCLUDES { juniSnmpGeneralGroup4, juniSnmpAccessGroup, juniSnmpTrapGroup3, juniSnmpAuthFailGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB INCLUDES { snmpEngineGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-MPD-MIB INCLUDES { snmpMPDGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-TARGET-MIB INCLUDES { snmpTargetBasicGroup, snmpTargetResponseGroup, snmpTargetCommandResponderGroup } VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTDomain ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTimeout ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrRetryCount ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrTagList ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrParams ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetAddrRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetAddrTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsMPModel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." VARIATION snmpTargetParamsRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpTargetParamsTable." SUPPORTS SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB INCLUDES { snmpNotifyGroup, snmpNotifyFilterGroup } VARIATION snmpNotifyTag ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileName ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileStorType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterStorageType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Unable to create or set elements of the snmpNotifyFilterTable." SUPPORTS SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB INCLUDES { usmMIBBasicGroup } SUPPORTS SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB INCLUDES { vacmBasicGroup } ::= { juniSnmpAgent 10 } END