-- ***************************************************************************** -- Juniper-Internet-CONF -- -- SNMP Agent Capabilities definitions for the basic Internet MIBs. -- -- Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Unisphere Networks, Inc. -- Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Juniper Networks, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- ***************************************************************************** Juniper-Internet-CONF DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI AGENT-CAPABILITIES FROM SNMPv2-CONF juniAgents FROM Juniper-Agents; juniInternetAgent MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200805191941Z" -- 19-May-08 03:41 PM EDT ORGANIZATION "Juniper Networks, Inc." CONTACT-INFO " Juniper Networks, Inc. Postal: 10 Technology Park Drive Westford, MA 01886-3146 USA Tel: +1 978 589 5800 E-mail: mib@Juniper.net" DESCRIPTION "The agent capabilities definitions for the basic layer 3 and 4 Internet component of the SNMP agent in the Juniper E-series family of products." -- Revision History REVISION "200805191941Z" -- 19-May-08 03:41 PM EDT - JUNOSe 9.3 DESCRIPTION "Added the capability to disable ARP spoof checking for an IP interface." REVISION "200701172302Z" -- 17-Jan-07 06:02 PM EST - JUNOSe 7.3.2 DESCRIPTION "Added warm-restart replay initial sequence preference for an IP interface." REVISION "200503301349Z" -- 30-Mar-05 01:49 PM IST - JUNOSe 7.0 DESCRIPTION "Added IP Route Summary support for Unicast and Multicast Routes." REVISION "200505010040Z" -- 30-Apr-05 08:40 PM EDT DESCRIPTION "RLI 1925: Added support for Source Address Validation Failure traps." REVISION "200409201349Z" -- 20-Sep-04 09:49 AM EDT - JUNOSe 6.1 DESCRIPTION "RLI 1684: Added support for route table limits and traps." REVISION "200409101531Z" -- 10-Sep-04 10:31 AM EST - JUNOSe 6.0 DESCRIPTION "Juniper-IP-MIB: Obsoleted objects rsIpVpnIdOui and rsIpVpnIdIndex." REVISION "200311031531Z" -- 03-Nov-03 10:31 AM EST - JUNOSe 5.2 DESCRIPTION "Juniper-IP-MIB: Added support for IP interface TCP MSS configuration." REVISION "200309161303Z" -- 16-Sep-03 09:03 AM EDT - JUNOSe 5.1 DESCRIPTION "Juniper-IP-MIB: Added support for IP interface summary statistics. Added support for Interface Mirroring. Added support for IP interface auto configure." REVISION "200210242038Z" -- 24-Oct-02 04:38 PM EDT - JUNOSe 5.0 DESCRIPTION "Juniper-IP-MIB: Replaced Unisphere names with Juniper names. Added support for router index and unnumbered interfaces referencing numbered interfaces." REVISION "200210232010Z" -- 23-Oct-02 04:10 PM EDT - JUNOSe 4.1 DESCRIPTION "Juniper-IP-MIB: Added BGP new format support and obsoleted ARP timeout and rate limit objects." REVISION "200204031404Z" -- 03-Apr-02 09:04 AM EST - JUNOSe 4.0 DESCRIPTION "Juniper-IP-MIB: Obsoleted the QoS related objects." REVISION "200203262146Z" -- 26-Mar-02 04:46 PM EST - JUNOSe 3.2 DESCRIPTION "The initial release of this management information module." ::= { juniAgents 21 } -- ***************************************************************************** -- Internet Protocols SNMP Agent Capabilities definitions -- ***************************************************************************** juniInternetAgentV1 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 1 of the Internet component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the Internet component was supported in Juniper 2.x system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the Internet application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when the IP global objects were added to the Juniper-IP-MIB." SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipGroup, icmpGroup } VARIATION ipNetToMediaIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipNetToMediaNetAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { ipForwardCidrRouteGroup } VARIATION ipCidrRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteInfo ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteNextHopAS ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpGroup } SUPPORTS UDP-MIB INCLUDES { udpGroup } VARIATION udpLocalAddress ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." VARIATION udpLocalPort ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." SUPPORTS Juniper-IP-MIB INCLUDES { juniIpInterfaceGroup, juniIpAddressGroup, juniIpRouteGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-HOST-MIB INCLUDES { juniHostGroup } ::= { juniInternetAgent 1 } juniInternetAgentV2 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 2 of the Internet component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the Internet component was supported in JUNOSe 3.0 and 3.1 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the Internet application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when support was added for the RFC1213-MIB.ipRouteTable and the Juniper-IP-MIB.juniIpIfAssocTable." SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipGroup, icmpGroup } VARIATION ipNetToMediaIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipNetToMediaNetAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { ipForwardCidrRouteGroup } VARIATION ipCidrRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteInfo ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteNextHopAS ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpGroup } SUPPORTS UDP-MIB INCLUDES { udpGroup } VARIATION udpLocalAddress ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." VARIATION udpLocalPort ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." SUPPORTS Juniper-IP-MIB INCLUDES { juniIpInterfaceGroup2, juniIpAddressGroup2, juniIpRouteGroup, juniIpGlobalGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-HOST-MIB INCLUDES { juniHostGroup } ::= { juniInternetAgent 2 } juniInternetAgentV3 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 3 of the Internet component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the Internet component was supported in JUNOSe 3.2 and subsequent 3.x system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the Internet application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when the QoS related objects in the Juniper-IP-MIB were obsoleted." SUPPORTS RFC1213-MIB -- The RFC1213-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, we list capabilities by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { ipRouteEntry } VARIATION ipRouteDest ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteNextHop ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteAge ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipGroup, icmpGroup } VARIATION ipNetToMediaIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipNetToMediaNetAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { ipForwardCidrRouteGroup } VARIATION ipCidrRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteInfo ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteNextHopAS ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpGroup } SUPPORTS UDP-MIB INCLUDES { udpGroup } VARIATION udpLocalAddress ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." VARIATION udpLocalPort ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." SUPPORTS Juniper-IP-MIB INCLUDES { juniIpInterfaceGroup3, juniIpAddressGroup2, juniIpRouteGroup, juniIpGlobalGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-HOST-MIB INCLUDES { juniHostGroup } ::= { juniInternetAgent 3 } juniInternetAgentV4 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 4 of the Internet component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the Internet component was supported in JUNOSe 4.0 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the Internet application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when BGP new format objects were added and ARP timeout and rate limit objects were obsoleted in the Juniper-IP-MIB." SUPPORTS RFC1213-MIB -- The RFC1213-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, we list capabilities by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { ipRouteEntry } VARIATION ipRouteDest ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteNextHop ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteAge ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipGroup, icmpGroup } VARIATION ipNetToMediaIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipNetToMediaNetAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { ipForwardCidrRouteGroup } VARIATION ipCidrRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteInfo ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteNextHopAS ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpGroup } SUPPORTS UDP-MIB INCLUDES { udpGroup } VARIATION udpLocalAddress ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." VARIATION udpLocalPort ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." SUPPORTS Juniper-IP-MIB INCLUDES { juniIpInterfaceGroup4, juniIpAddressGroup2, juniIpRouteGroup, juniIpGlobalGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-HOST-MIB INCLUDES { juniHostGroup } ::= { juniInternetAgent 4 } juniInternetAgentV5 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 5 of the Internet component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the Internet component was supported in JUNOSe 4.1 and subsequent 4.x system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the Internet application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when support was added to the Juniper-IP-MIB for router index and unnumbered interfaces referencing numbered interfaces." SUPPORTS RFC1213-MIB -- The RFC1213-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, we list capabilities by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { ipRouteEntry } VARIATION ipRouteDest ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteNextHop ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteAge ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipGroup, icmpGroup } VARIATION ipNetToMediaIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipNetToMediaNetAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { ipForwardCidrRouteGroup } VARIATION ipCidrRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteInfo ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteNextHopAS ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpGroup } SUPPORTS UDP-MIB INCLUDES { udpGroup } VARIATION udpLocalAddress ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." VARIATION udpLocalPort ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." SUPPORTS Juniper-IP-MIB INCLUDES { juniIpInterfaceGroup4, juniIpAddressGroup3, juniIpRouteGroup2, juniIpGlobalGroup2 } SUPPORTS Juniper-HOST-MIB INCLUDES { juniHostGroup } ::= { juniInternetAgent 5 } juniInternetAgentV6 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 6 of the Internet component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the Internet component was supported in JUNOSe 5.0 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the Internet application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when support was added to the Juniper-IP-MIB for analyzer mode and auto configure for interfaces." SUPPORTS RFC1213-MIB -- The RFC1213-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, we list capabilities by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { ipRouteEntry } VARIATION ipRouteDest ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteNextHop ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteAge ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipGroup, icmpGroup } VARIATION ipNetToMediaIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipNetToMediaNetAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { ipForwardCidrRouteGroup } VARIATION ipCidrRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteInfo ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteNextHopAS ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpGroup } SUPPORTS UDP-MIB INCLUDES { udpGroup } VARIATION udpLocalAddress ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." VARIATION udpLocalPort ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." SUPPORTS Juniper-IP-MIB INCLUDES { juniIpInterfaceGroup5, juniIpAddressGroup4, juniIpRouteGroup2, juniIpGlobalGroup2, juniIpInterfaceDeprecatedGroup, juniIpAddressDeprecatedGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-HOST-MIB INCLUDES { juniHostGroup } ::= { juniInternetAgent 6 } juniInternetAgentV7 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 7 of the Internet component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the Internet component was supported in JUNOSe 5.1 system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the Internet application in JUNOSe. These capabilities became obsolete when support for TCP MSS configuration of IP interfaces was added to the Juniper-IP-MIB." SUPPORTS RFC1213-MIB -- The RFC1213-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, we list capabilities by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { ipRouteEntry } VARIATION ipRouteDest ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteNextHop ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteAge ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipGroup, icmpGroup } VARIATION ipNetToMediaIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipNetToMediaNetAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { ipForwardCidrRouteGroup } VARIATION ipCidrRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteInfo ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteNextHopAS ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpGroup } SUPPORTS UDP-MIB INCLUDES { udpGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-IP-MIB INCLUDES { juniIpInterfaceGroup6, juniIpAddressGroup4, juniIpRouteGroup2, juniIpGlobalGroup2, juniIpIfSummaryGroup, juniIpInterfaceDeprecatedGroup, juniIpAddressDeprecatedGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-HOST-MIB INCLUDES { juniHostGroup } ::= { juniInternetAgent 7 } juniInternetAgentV8 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 8 of the Internet component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the Internet component is supported in JUNOSe 5.2 and subsequent system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the Internet application in JUNOSe. These capablities became obsolete when the object rsIpVpnIdOui and rsIpVpnIdIndex were obsoleted." SUPPORTS RFC1213-MIB -- The RFC1213-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, we list capabilities by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { ipRouteEntry } VARIATION ipRouteDest ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteNextHop ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteAge ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipGroup, icmpGroup } VARIATION ipNetToMediaIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipNetToMediaNetAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { ipForwardCidrRouteGroup } VARIATION ipCidrRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteInfo ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteNextHopAS ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpGroup } SUPPORTS UDP-MIB INCLUDES { udpGroup } VARIATION udpLocalAddress ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." VARIATION udpLocalPort ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." SUPPORTS Juniper-IP-MIB INCLUDES { juniIpInterfaceGroup7, juniIpAddressGroup4, juniIpRouteGroup2, juniIpGlobalGroup2, juniIpIfSummaryGroup, juniIpInterfaceDeprecatedGroup, juniIpAddressDeprecatedGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-HOST-MIB INCLUDES { juniHostGroup } ::= { juniInternetAgent 8 } juniInternetAgentV9 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 9 of the Internet component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the Internet component is supported in JUNOSe 6.0 and subsequent system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the Internet application in JUNOSe. when support for route table limits and traps was added to the Juniper-IP-MIB." SUPPORTS RFC1213-MIB -- The RFC1213-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, we list capabilities by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { ipRouteEntry } VARIATION ipRouteDest ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteNextHop ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteAge ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipGroup, icmpGroup } VARIATION ipNetToMediaIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipNetToMediaNetAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { ipForwardCidrRouteGroup } VARIATION ipCidrRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteInfo ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteNextHopAS ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpGroup } SUPPORTS UDP-MIB INCLUDES { udpGroup } VARIATION udpLocalAddress ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." VARIATION udpLocalPort ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." SUPPORTS Juniper-IP-MIB INCLUDES { juniIpInterfaceGroup7, juniIpAddressGroup4, juniIpRouteGroup2, juniIpGlobalGroup3, juniIpIfSummaryGroup, juniIpInterfaceDeprecatedGroup, juniIpAddressDeprecatedGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-HOST-MIB INCLUDES { juniHostGroup } ::= { juniInternetAgent 9 } juniInternetAgentV10 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 10 of the Internet component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the Internet component is supported in JUNOSe 6.1 and subsequent system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the Internet application in JUNOSe." SUPPORTS RFC1213-MIB -- The RFC1213-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, we list capabilities by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { ipRouteEntry } VARIATION ipRouteDest ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteNextHop ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteAge ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipGroup, icmpGroup } VARIATION ipNetToMediaIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipNetToMediaNetAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { ipForwardCidrRouteGroup } VARIATION ipCidrRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteInfo ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteNextHopAS ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpGroup } SUPPORTS UDP-MIB INCLUDES { udpGroup } VARIATION udpLocalAddress ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." VARIATION udpLocalPort ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." SUPPORTS Juniper-IP-MIB INCLUDES { juniIpInterfaceGroup7, juniIpAddressGroup4, juniIpRouteGroup3, juniIpGlobalGroup3, juniIpIfSummaryGroup, juniIpNotificationGroup, juniIpInterfaceDeprecatedGroup, juniIpAddressDeprecatedGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-HOST-MIB INCLUDES { juniHostGroup } ::= { juniInternetAgent 10 } juniInternetAgentV11 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 11 of the Internet component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the Internet component is supported in JUNOSe 7.0 and subsequent system releases." STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the Internet application in JUNOSe." SUPPORTS RFC1213-MIB -- The RFC1213-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, we list capabilities by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { ipRouteEntry } VARIATION ipRouteDest ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteNextHop ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteAge ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES { ipGroup, icmpGroup } VARIATION ipNetToMediaIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipNetToMediaNetAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { ipForwardCidrRouteGroup } VARIATION ipCidrRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteInfo ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteNextHopAS ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpGroup } SUPPORTS UDP-MIB INCLUDES { udpGroup } VARIATION udpLocalAddress ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." VARIATION udpLocalPort ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." SUPPORTS Juniper-IP-MIB INCLUDES { juniIpInterfaceGroup7, juniIpAddressGroup4, juniIpRouteGroup3, juniIpGlobalGroup3, juniIpIfSummaryGroup, juniIpNotificationGroup, juniIpInterfaceDeprecatedGroup, juniIpAddressDeprecatedGroup, juniIpMIBNotificationObjectsGroup, juniIpNotificationGroup1, juniIpRouteSummaryGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-HOST-MIB INCLUDES { juniHostGroup } ::= { juniInternetAgent 11 } juniInternetAgentV12 AGENT-CAPABILITIES PRODUCT-RELEASE "Version 12 of the Internet component of the JUNOSe SNMP agent. This version of the Internet component is supported in JUNOSe 8.2 and subsequent system releases." STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MIBs supported by the SNMP agent for the Internet application in JUNOSe." SUPPORTS RFC1213-MIB -- The RFC1213-MIB is based on SMIv1 and has no conformance groups. -- Therefore, we list capabilities by OID subtree "groups". INCLUDES { ipRouteEntry } VARIATION ipRouteDest ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteNextHop ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteAge ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMask ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." VARIATION ipRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ipRouteTable is read-only in this agent." SUPPORTS IP-MIB INCLUDES INCLUDES { ipGroup, ipv4GeneralGroup, ipv4IfGroup, ipv6GeneralGroup2, ipv6IfGroup, ipLastChangeGroup, ipSystemStatsGroup, ipv4SystemStatsGroup, ipSystemStatsHCOctetGroup, ipSystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv4SystemStatsHCPacketGroup, ipIfStatsGroup, ipv4IfStatsGroup, ipIfStatsHCOctetGroup, ipIfStatsHCPacketGroup, ipv4IfStatsHCPacketGroup, ipAddressPrefixGroup, ipAddressGroup, ipNetToPhysicalGroup, ipv6ScopeGroup, ipDefaultRouterGroup, ipv6RouterAdvertGroup, icmpGroup, icmpStatsGroup } VARIATION ipNetToMediaIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." VARIATION ipNetToMediaNetAddress ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Allowing create/write access on an auxiliary object is absurd." SUPPORTS IP-FORWARD-MIB INCLUDES { ipForwardCidrRouteGroup, inetForwardCidrRouteGroup } VARIATION ipCidrRouteIfIndex ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteType ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteInfo ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteNextHopAS ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric1 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric2 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric3 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric4 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteMetric5 ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." VARIATION ipCidrRouteStatus ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "An ipCidrRouteEntry cannot be created or modified." SUPPORTS TCP-MIB INCLUDES { tcpGroup, tcpBaseGroup, tcpConnectionGroup, tcpListenerGroup, tcpHCGroup } SUPPORTS UDP-MIB INCLUDES { udpGroup, udpBaseGroup, udpHCGroup, udpEndpointGroup } VARIATION udpLocalAddress ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." VARIATION udpLocalPort ACCESS not-implemented DESCRIPTION "The udpTable is not supported." SUPPORTS Juniper-IP-MIB INCLUDES { juniIpInterfaceGroup8, juniIpAddressGroup4, juniIpRouteGroup3, juniIpGlobalGroup3, juniIpIfSummaryGroup, juniIpNotificationGroup, juniIpInterfaceDeprecatedGroup, juniIpAddressDeprecatedGroup, juniIpMIBNotificationObjectsGroup, juniIpNotificationGroup1, juniIpRouteSummaryGroup } SUPPORTS Juniper-HOST-MIB INCLUDES { juniHostGroup } ::= { juniInternetAgent 12 } END