LIEBERT-GP-REGISTRATION-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI ; -- ============================================================================= -- Module Identification and Registration -- ============================================================================= liebertGlobalProductsRegistrationModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201807120000Z" ORGANIZATION "Liebert Corporation" CONTACT-INFO "Contact: Technical Support Postal: Liebert Corporation 1050 Dearborn Drive P.O. Box 29186 Columbus OH, 43229 US Tel: +1 (800) 222-5877 E-mail: Web: Author: John Stephen Sark" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module used to register Liebert SNMP OIDs. Copyright 2000-2018 Liebert Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this document is authorized on the condition that the forgoing copyright notice is included. This Specification is supplied 'AS IS' and Liebert Corporation makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the Specification." REVISION "201502020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added registration for GXT3 UPS" REVISION "201409170000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added registration for new Thermal product variants" REVISION "201406240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added registration for EXM and variants" REVISION "201403270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added registration for NXr variants, EXL, NX variants, Air Handlers and RackPDU2" REVISION "201307100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added registration for GXT4 UPS" REVISION "201305140000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added registration for NXL-JD and APS UPS" REVISION "200904170000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added registrations for iCOM PA, XD, XP, SC and CR product families" REVISION "200807020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added PDU MIB registrations" REVISION "200801100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Modified contact email address and added NXL registration." REVISION "200602220000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added support for Liebert DS Unit." ::= { liebertModuleReg 1 } -- ============================================================================= -- Corporate OID identifiers for Emerson Electric and Liebert(changed to Vertiv). -- If there is programmatic code supporting the products sold under Emerson that -- require the enterprise name to remain 'emerson', you can uncomment this block -- and comment out the correspoding block that uses the name 'vertiv' -- ============================================================================= -- --emerson OBJECT-IDENTITY -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION "The enterprise registration for Emerson Electric Corporation." -- ::= { enterprises 476 } -- --liebertCorp OBJECT-IDENTITY -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION "Liebert Corporation obtains it branch from Emerson Electric." -- ::= { emerson 1 } -- ============================================================================= -- Corporate OID identifiers for Vertiv -- ============================================================================= vertiv OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The enterprise registration for Vertiv." ::= { enterprises 476 } liebertCorp OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Liebert Corporation obtains its branch from Vertiv." ::= { vertiv 1 } -- ============================================================================= -- MAJOR branch for Liebert Corporation -- Global Products branches all reside at this level in the MIB. -- ============================================================================= liebertGlobalProducts OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used for Liebert Global Products related information." REFERENCE "All objects registered under this branch must be contained in this registration module." ::= { liebertCorp 42 } -- ============================================================================= -- liebertGlobalProducts - Liebert Global Products Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpModuleReg OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Liebert Global Products MODULE-IDENTITY OIDs are registered via this branch." REFERENCE "The Liebert MODULE-IDENTITY(s) are registered below in this registration module." ::= { liebertGlobalProducts 1 } lgpAgent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "All Liebert agent objects are registered in this branch." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled Liebert SNMP Agent - Registrations." ::= { liebertGlobalProducts 2 } lgpFoundation OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert objects that have common use across product families." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled Liebert Foundation Parameters - Registrations." ::= { liebertGlobalProducts 3 } lgpProductSpecific OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert product specific object identifiers." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled Liebert Product Specific - Registrations." ::= { liebertGlobalProducts 4 } -- ============================================================================= -- lgpModuleReg - Liebert Module Identities -- ============================================================================= liebertModuleReg OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Liebert Global Products MODULE-IDENTITY OIDs are registered via this branch." ::= { lgpModuleReg 1 } liebertAgentModuleReg OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Liebert Global Products AGENT MODULE-IDENTITY OIDs are registered via this branch." ::= { lgpModuleReg 2 } liebertConditionsModuleReg OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Liebert Global Products CONDITIONS MODULE-IDENTITY OIDs are registered via this branch." ::= { lgpModuleReg 3 } liebertNotificationsModuleReg OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Liebert Global Products NOTIFICATIONS MODULE-IDENTITY OIDs are registered via this branch." ::= { lgpModuleReg 4 } liebertEnvironmentalModuleReg OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Liebert Global Products ENVIRONMENTAL MODULE-IDENTITY OIDs are registered via this branch." ::= { lgpModuleReg 5 } liebertPowerModuleReg OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Liebert Global Products POWER MODULE-IDENTITY OIDs are registered via this branch." ::= { lgpModuleReg 6 } liebertControllerModuleReg OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Liebert Global Products CONTROLLER MODULE-IDENTITY OIDs are registered via this branch." ::= { lgpModuleReg 7 } liebertSystemModuleReg OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Liebert Global Products SYSTEM MODULE-IDENTITY OIDs are registered via this branch." ::= { lgpModuleReg 8 } liebertPduModuleReg OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Liebert Global Products Power Distribution (PDU) MODULE-IDENTITY OIDs are registered via this branch." ::= { lgpModuleReg 9 } liebertFlexibleModuleReg OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Liebert Global Products Flexible MODULE-IDENTITY OIDs are registered via this branch." ::= { lgpModuleReg 10 } liebertFlexibleConditionsModuleReg OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Liebert Global Products FLEXIBLE CONDITIONS MODULE-IDENTITY OIDs are registered via this branch." ::= { lgpModuleReg 11 } liebertSrcModuleReg OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Liebert Src Product MODULE-IDENTITY OIDs are registered via this branch." ::= { lgpModuleReg 12 } -- ============================================================================= -- lgpAgent - Liebert SNMP Agent Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpAgentIdent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Liebert Agent Identification - This branch contains OIDS that are used to identify an agent and its managed device." REFERENCE "All objects registered under this branch are implemented by the LIEBERT-GP-AGENT-MIB defined in the file LIEBERT_GP_AGENT.MIB." ::= { lgpAgent 1 } lgpAgentNotifications OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert agent notify object identifiers." REFERENCE "All objects registered under this branch are implemented by the LIEBERT-GP-AGENT-MIB defined in the file LIEBERT_GP_AGENT.MIB." ::= { lgpAgent 3 } lgpAgentDevice OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch contains OIDs that are used to identify a managed device." REFERENCE "All objects registered under this branch are implemented by the LIEBERT-GP-AGENT-MIB defined in the file LIEBERT_GP_AGENT.MIB." ::= { lgpAgent 4 } lgpAgentControl OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch contains objects relating to the control of the agent software." REFERENCE "All objects registered under this branch are implemented by the LIEBERT-GP-AGENT-MIB defined in the file LIEBERT_GP_AGENT.MIB." ::= { lgpAgent 5 } -- ============================================================================= -- lgpFoundation - Liebert Foundation Parameters Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpConditions OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert status condition object identifiers." REFERENCE "All objects registered under this branch are implemented by the LIEBERT-GP-CONDITIONS-MIB defined by the file LIEBERT_GP_COND.MIB." ::= { lgpFoundation 2 } lgpNotifications OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert notification object identifiers." REFERENCE "All objects registered under this branch are implemented by the LIEBERT-GP-NOTIFICATIONS-MIB defined by the file LIEBERT_GP_NOTIFY.MIB." ::= { lgpFoundation 3 } lgpEnvironmental OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert environmental object identifiers." REFERENCE "All objects registered under this branch are implemented by the LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB defined by the file LIEBERT_GP_ENV.MIB." ::= { lgpFoundation 4 } lgpPower OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert power object identifiers." REFERENCE "All objects registered under this branch are implemented by the LIEBERT-GP-POWER-MIB defined by the file LIEBERT_GP_POWER.MIB." ::= { lgpFoundation 5 } lgpController OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert controller object identifiers." REFERENCE "All objects registered under this branch are implemented by the LIEBERT-GP-CONTROLLER-MIB defined by the file LIEBERT_GP_CONTROLLER.MIB." ::= { lgpFoundation 6 } lgpSystem OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert system object identifiers." REFERENCE "All objects registered under this branch are implemented by the LIEBERT-GP-SYSTEM-MIB defined by the file LIEBERT_GP_SYSTEM.MIB." ::= { lgpFoundation 7 } lgpPdu OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert system object identifiers." REFERENCE "All objects registered under this branch are implemented by the LIEBERT-GP-PDU-MIB defined by the file LIEBERT_GP_PDU.MIB." ::= { lgpFoundation 8 } lgpFlexible OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert system object identifiers." REFERENCE "All objects registered under this branch are implemented by the LIEBERT-GP-FLEXIBLE-MIB defined by the file LIEBERT_GP_FLEXIBLE.MIB." ::= { lgpFoundation 9 } lgpSrc OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert system object identifiers." REFERENCE "All objects registered under this branch are implemented by the LIEBERT-GP-SRC-MIB defined by the file LIEBERT_GP_SRC.MIB." ::= { lgpFoundation 10 } -- ============================================================================= -- lgpProductSpecific - Liebert Product Specific Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpUpsProducts OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert UPS object identifiers." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled Liebert UPS Registrations." ::= { lgpProductSpecific 2 } lgpAcProducts OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Environmental object identifiers." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled Liebert Environmental Air Conditioning Registrations." ::= { lgpProductSpecific 3 } lgpPowerConditioningProducts OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Power Conditioning object identifiers." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled Liebert Power Conditioning Registrations." ::= { lgpProductSpecific 4 } lgpTransferSwitchProducts OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Transfer Switch object identifiers." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled Liebert Transfer Switch Registrations." ::= { lgpProductSpecific 5 } lgpMultiLinkProducts OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert MultiLink object identifiers." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled Liebert MultiLink Registrations." ::= { lgpProductSpecific 7 } lgpPowerDistributionProducts OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register stand-alone Liebert Power Distribution object identifiers." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled Liebert Power Distribution Registrations." ::= { lgpProductSpecific 8 } lgpCombinedSystemProducts OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register object identifiers for Combined System devices." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled Combined Power System Product Registrations." ::= { lgpProductSpecific 10 } -- ============================================================================= -- UpsProducts - Liebert UPS Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpSeries7200 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Series 7200 UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 1 } lgpUPStationGXT OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert UPStationGXT UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 2 } lgpPowerSureInteractive OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert PowerSure Interactive UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 3 } lgpNfinity OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Nfinity UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 4 } lgpNpower OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Npower UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 5 } lgpGXT2Dual OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert GXT2 Dual Inverter product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 6 } lgpPowerSureInteractive2 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert PowerSure Interactive 2 UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 7 } lgpNX OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register ENPC Nx UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 8 } lgpHiNet OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Hiross HiNet UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 9 } lgpNXL OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register NXL UPS product information." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled NXL Family Liebert NXL UPS product Registrations." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 10 } lgpSuper400 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Super 400 UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 11 } lgpSeries600or610 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register the Liebert Series 600/610 UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 12 } lgpSeries300 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register the Liebert Series 300 UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 13 } lgpSeries610SMS OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register the Liebert Series 610 Single Module System (SMS) UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 14 } lgpSeries610MMU OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register the Liebert Series 610 Multi Module Unit (MMU) UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 15 } lgpSeries610SCC OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register the Liebert Series 610 System Control Cabinet (SCC) UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 16 } lgpGXT3 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert GXT3 product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 17 } lgpGXT3Dual OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert GXT3 Dual Inverter product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 18 } lgpNXr OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert APM UPS product information." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 19 } lgpITA OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for ITA UPS product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpNXr 1 } lgpNXRb OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for NXRb UPS product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpNXr 2 } lgpNXC OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for NXC(ITAb) UPS product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpNXr 3 } lgpNXC30to40k OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for NXC 30/40k UPS product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpNXr 4 } lgpITA30to40k OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for ITA 30/40k UPS product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpNXr 5 } lgpAPS OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert APS Modular UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 20 } lgpMUNiMx OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert UPS with MUNiMx product information." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled MUNiMx Family Liebert MUNiMx UPS product Registrations." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 22 } lgpGXT4 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert GXT4 product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 23 } lgpGXT4Dual OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert GXT4 Dual Inverter product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 24 } lgpEXL OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert eXL UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 25 } lgpEXM OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register eXM UPS product information." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 26 } lgpEXM208v OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for eXM 208v UPS product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpEXM 1 } lgpEXM400v OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for eXM 400v UPS product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpEXM 2 } lgpEXM480v OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for eXM 480v UPS product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpEXM 3 } lgpEPM OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register ePM UPS product information." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 27 } lgpEPM300k OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for ePM 300k UPS product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpEPM 1 } lgpEPM400k OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for ePM 400k UPS product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpEPM 2 } lgpEPM500k OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for ePM 500k UPS product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpEPM 3 } lgpEPM600k OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for ePM 600k UPS product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpEPM 4 } lgpEPM800k OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for ePM 800k UPS product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpEPM 5 } lgpAPM600 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for APM 600 UPS product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpEPM 9 } lgpEXLS1 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert eXL S1 UPS product information." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 28 } lgpEXLS1UPS OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for EXL S1 UPS product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpEXLS1 1 } lgpEXMMSR OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register eXM M/S/R UPS product information." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 29 } lgpITA2 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register ITA2 UPS product information." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 31 } lgpITA2cap20k OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register ITA2 20k UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpITA2 1 } lgpITA2cap40k OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register ITA2 40k UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpITA2 2 } lgpEXSRackMountAndFrame1 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register EXS Rack Mount and Frame 1 product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpITA2 3 } lgpGXE OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register GXE product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpITA2 4 } lgpITA2cap5k30k OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register ITA2 5k-30k UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpITA2 5 } lgpEXS OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register EXS UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 32 } lgpPowerSureInteractive5 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert PowerSure Interactive 5 UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 33 } lgpGXT5 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert GXT5 UPS product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpUpsProducts 34 } -- ============================================================================= -- NXL Family - Liebert NXL UPS product Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpNXLJD OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert NXL-JD UPS products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpNXL 1 } -- ============================================================================= -- MUNiMx Family - Liebert MUNiMx UPS product Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpNX225to600k OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert NX UPS products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpMUNiMx 1 } -- ============================================================================= -- AcProducts - Liebert Environmental Air Conditioning Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpAdvancedMicroprocessor OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Environmental Advanced Microprocessor control information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpAcProducts 1 } lgpStandardMicroprocessor OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Environmental Standard Microprocessor control information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpAcProducts 2 } lgpMiniMate2 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Environmental Mini-Mate 2 product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpAcProducts 3 } lgpHimod OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Environmental Himod product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpAcProducts 4 } lgpCEMS100orLECS15 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Australia Environmental CEMS100 and LECS15 control information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpAcProducts 5 } lgpIcom OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register the Environmental iCOM control information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpAcProducts 6 } lgpIcomPA OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for the Liebert PA (Floor mount) Environmental product family." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled iCOM PA Family Environmental Registrations." ::= { lgpAcProducts 7 } lgpIcomXD OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for the Liebert XD (Rack cooling with compressor) Environmental product family." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled iCOM XD Family - Liebert XD Environmental Registrations." ::= { lgpAcProducts 8 } lgpIcomXP OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for the Liebert XP (Pumped refrigerant) Environmental product family." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled iCOM XP Family Environmental Registrations." ::= { lgpAcProducts 9 } lgpIcomSC OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for the Liebert SC (Chiller) Environmental product family." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled iCOM SC Family Environmental Registrations." ::= { lgpAcProducts 10 } lgpIcomCR OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for the Liebert CR (Computer Row) Environmental product family." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled iCOM CR Family Environmental Registrations." ::= { lgpAcProducts 11 } lgpIcomAH OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for the Liebert AH (Air Handler) Environmental product family." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled iCOM AH Family Environmental Registrations." ::= { lgpAcProducts 12 } lgpIcomDCL OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for the Liebert DCL Environmental product family." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled iCOM DCL Family Environmental Registrations." ::= { lgpAcProducts 13 } lgpIcomEEV OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for the Liebert EEV Environmental product family." REFERENCE "The registrations for the objects in this branch are defined below in a sub-section titled iCOM EEV Family Environmental Registrations." ::= { lgpAcProducts 14 } -- ============================================================================= -- iCOM PA Family - Liebert PA (Floor mount) Environmental Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpIcomPAtypeDS OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for DS Environmental products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomPA 1 } lgpIcomPAtypeHPM OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for HPM Environmental products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomPA 2 } lgpIcomPAtypeChallenger OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert Challenger Environmental products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomPA 3 } lgpIcomPAtypePeX OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert PeX Environmental products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomPA 4 } lgpIcomPAtypeDeluxeSys3 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert Deluxe Environmental products." ::= { lgpIcomPA 5 } lgpIcomPAtypeDeluxeSystem3 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert Deluxe System 3 and lower Environmental products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomPAtypeDeluxeSys3 1 } lgpIcomPAtypeCW OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert CW146 and lower Environmental products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomPAtypeDeluxeSys3 2 } lgpIcomPAtypeJumboCW OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert CW181 and larger Environmental products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomPA 6 } lgpIcomPAtypeDSE OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert DSE Environmental products." ::= { lgpIcomPA 7 } lgpIcomPAtypeDSE400 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert DSE 400 products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomPAtypeDSE 1 } lgpIcomPAtypePEXS OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert PDX - PCW Small Environmental products." ::= { lgpIcomPA 8 } lgpIcomPAtypePDXsmall OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert PDX Small Environmental products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomPAtypePEXS 1 } lgpIcomPAtypePCWsmall OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert PCW Small Environmental products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomPAtypePEXS 2 } lgpIcomPAtypePDX OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert PDX - PCW Large Environmental products." ::= { lgpIcomPA 9 } lgpIcomPAtypePDXlarge OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert PDX Large Environmental products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomPAtypePDX 1 } lgpIcomPAtypePCWlarge OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert PCW Large Environmental products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomPAtypePDX 2 } lgpIcomPAtypeHPS OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert HPS Environmental products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomPA 10 } lgpMiniMate3 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Environmental Mini-Mate 3 product information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomPA 11 } -- ============================================================================= -- iCOM XD Family - Liebert XD Environmental Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpIcomXDtypeXDF OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert XDF Environmental products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomXD 1 } lgpIcomXDtypeXDFN OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert XDFN Environmental products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomXD 2 } -- ============================================================================= -- iCOM XP Family - Liebert XP (Pumped refrigerant) Environmental Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpIcomXPtypeXDP OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert XDP Environmental products." ::= { lgpIcomXP 1 } lgpIcomXPtypeXDPCray OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert XDP Environmental products for Cray." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomXPtypeXDP 1 } lgpIcomXPtypeXDC OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert XDC Environmental products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomXP 2 } lgpIcomXPtypeXDPW OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert XDP-W Environmental products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomXP 3 } -- ============================================================================= -- iCOM SC Family - Liebert SC (Chillers) Environmental Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpIcomSCtypeHPC OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert HPC Environmental products." ::= { lgpIcomSC 1 } lgpIcomSCtypeHPCSSmall OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert HPC-S Small." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomSCtypeHPC 1 } lgpIcomSCtypeHPCSLarge OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert HPC-S Large." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomSCtypeHPC 2 } lgpIcomSCtypeHPCR OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert HPC-R." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomSCtypeHPC 3 } lgpIcomSCtypeHPCM OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert HPC-M." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomSCtypeHPC 4 } lgpIcomSCtypeHPCL OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert HPC-L." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomSCtypeHPC 5 } lgpIcomSCtypeHPCW OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert HPC-W." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomSCtypeHPC 6 } -- ============================================================================= -- iCOM CR Family - Liebert CR (Computer Row) Environmental Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpIcomCRtypeCRV OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert CRV Environmental products." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomCR 1 } -- ============================================================================= -- iCOM AH Family - Liebert AH (Air Handler) Environmental Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpIcomAHStandard OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert AH Standard (Air Handler)." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpIcomAH 1 } -- ============================================================================= -- PowerConditioningProducts - Liebert Power Conditioning Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpPMP OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Power Distribution product information for the PMP (Power Monitoring Panel) product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpPowerConditioningProducts 1 } lgpEPMP OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Power Distribution product information for the EPMP (Extended Power Monitoring Panel) product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpPowerConditioningProducts 2 } -- ============================================================================= -- Transfer Switch Products - Liebert Transfer Switch Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpStaticTransferSwitchEDS OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Transfer Switch product information for the EDS Static Transfer Switch product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpTransferSwitchProducts 1 } lgpStaticTransferSwitch1 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Transfer Switch product information for the Static Transfer Switch 1 product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpTransferSwitchProducts 2 } lgpStaticTransferSwitch2 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Transfer Switch product information for the Static Transfer Switch 2 product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpTransferSwitchProducts 3 } lgpStaticTransferSwitch2FourPole OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Transfer Switch product information for the Static Transfer Switch 2 - 4Pole product." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpTransferSwitchProducts 4 } -- ============================================================================= -- MultiLink Products - Liebert MultiLink Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpMultiLinkBasicNotification OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert MultiLink MLBN device proxy information." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpMultiLinkProducts 1 } -- ============================================================================= -- Power Distribution Products - Liebert Power Conditioning Distribution -- ============================================================================= lgpRackPDU OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Power Distribution product information for Rack Power Distribution Products (RPDU)." ::= { lgpPowerDistributionProducts 2 } lgpMPX OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Power Distribution product information for the MPX product distribution (PDU) product family." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpRackPDU 1 } lgpMPH OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Power Distribution product information for the MPH product distribution (PDU) product family." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpRackPDU 2 } lgpRackPDU2 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Power Distribution product information for Rack Power Distribution Products (RPDU)." ::= { lgpPowerDistributionProducts 4 } lgpRPC2kMPX OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Power Distribution product information for the MPX product distribution (PDU) product family." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpRackPDU2 1 } lgpRPC2kMPH OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Power Distribution product information for the MPH product distribution (PDU) product family." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpRackPDU2 2 } -- ============================================================================= -- Combined System Product Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpPMPandLDMF OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register Liebert Combined PMP version 4/LDMF Product information." ::= { lgpCombinedSystemProducts 1 } lgpPMPgeneric OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert PMP version 4." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpPMPandLDMF 1 } lgpPMPonFPC OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert PMP version 4 for FPC." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpPMPandLDMF 2 } lgpPMPonPPC OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert PMP version 4 for PPC." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpPMPandLDMF 3 } lgpPMPonFDC OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert PMP version 4 for FDC." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpPMPandLDMF 4 } lgpPMPonRDC OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert PMP version 4 for RDC." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpPMPandLDMF 5 } lgpPMPonEXC OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert PMP version 4 for EXC." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpPMPandLDMF 6 } lgpPMPonSTS2 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert PMP version 4 for STS2." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpPMPandLDMF 7 } lgpPMPonSTS2PDU OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This branch is used to register information for Liebert PMP version 4 for STS2/PDU." REFERENCE "There are currently no objects registered under this branch." ::= { lgpPMPandLDMF 8 } END