LIEBERT-GP-SRC-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS sysUpTime FROM RFC1213-MIB MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI lgpSrc, liebertSrcModuleReg FROM LIEBERT-GP-REGISTRATION-MIB ; -- ============================================================================= -- Module Identification and Registration -- ============================================================================= liebertGlobalProductsSrcModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201711100000Z" ORGANIZATION "Liebert Corporation" CONTACT-INFO "Contact: Technical Support Postal: Liebert Corporation 1050 Dearborn Drive P.O. Box 29186 Columbus OH, 43229 US Tel: +1 (800) 222-5877 E-mail: Web: Author: Colby Lin " DESCRIPTION "The MIB module used to register Liebert POWER related SNMP OIDs. Copyright 2008-2008 Liebert Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this document is authorized on the condition that the forgoing copyright notice is included. This Specification is supplied 'AS IS' and Liebert Corporation makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the Specification." REVISION "201711100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added unknown(2147483647) for invalid SRC device readings" REVISION "201710160000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added Temperature High/Low Threshold" REVISION "201708180000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial Version" ::= { liebertSrcModuleReg 1 } lgpSrcTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LgpSrcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing information about SRC device." ::= { lgpSrc 1 } lgpSrcEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LgpSrcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry defines the contents of the rows for the table 'lgpSrcTable'. A row in this table cannot be created or deleted by SNMP operations on columns of the table." INDEX { lgpSrcDevId } ::= { lgpSrcTable 1 } LgpSrcEntry ::= SEQUENCE { lgpSrcDevId Unsigned32, lgpSrcDevAddress Unsigned32, lgpSrcDevState INTEGER, lgpSrcDevTemperatureDegF INTEGER, lgpSrcDevTemperatureSetpointDegF INTEGER, lgpSrcDevTemperatureDegC INTEGER, lgpSrcDevTemperatureSetpointDegC INTEGER, lgpSrcDevFanSpeed INTEGER, lgpSrcDevPowerStatus INTEGER, lgpSrcDevOperatingMode INTEGER, lgpSrcDevTemperatureHighThresholdDegF INTEGER, lgpSrcDevTemperatureLowThresholdDegF INTEGER, lgpSrcDevTemperatureHighThresholdDegC INTEGER, lgpSrcDevTemperatureLowThresholdDegC INTEGER } lgpSrcDevId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value must remain constant between agent initializations. This Device ID is used as an index of the table 'lgpSrcTable'." ::= { lgpSrcEntry 1 } lgpSrcDevAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value must remain constant between agent initializations. This Device Address is used as an index of the table 'lgpSrcTable'." ::= { lgpSrcEntry 2 } lgpSrcDevState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), standbyOffline(2), unavailableOffline(3), absent(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the current state of SRC device. The value of this object is set to enabled(1) if the SRC device has been enabled. The value of this object is set to standbyOffline(2) if the SRC device is waiting for an external action to activate it. The value of this object is set to unavailableOffline(3) if the SRC device is present but cannot be used. The value of this object is set to absent(4) if the SRC device is not present or not detected. The value of this object will be one of the valid device state: enabled(1), standbyOffline(2), unavailableOffline(3), or absent(4)." ::= { lgpSrcEntry 3 } lgpSrcDevTemperatureDegF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(2147483647) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The measured temperature value in Fahrenheit. The value of this object is only vaild if the lgpSrcDevState object is set to enabled(1). The value of this object will be set to unknown(2147483647) if the value of lgpSrcDevState object is set to one of the following values: standbyOffline(2), unavailableOffline(3) or absent(4)." ::= { lgpSrcEntry 4 } lgpSrcDevTemperatureSetpointDegF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(2147483647) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature setting in Fahrenheit for SRC. This setting may or may not be the setting used from control. Some systems have the capability to dynamically change the control setting based on environmental conditions and/or user configuration. The value of this object is only vaild if the lgpSrcDevState object is set to enabled(1). The value of this object will be set to unknown(2147483647) if the value of lgpSrcDevState object is set to one of the following values: standbyOffline(2), unavailableOffline(3) or absent(4)." ::= { lgpSrcEntry 5 } lgpSrcDevTemperatureDegC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(2147483647) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The measured temperature value in Celsius. The value of this object is only vaild if the lgpSrcDevState object is set to enabled(1). The value of this object will be set to unknown(2147483647) if the value of lgpSrcDevState object is set to one of the following values: standbyOffline(2), unavailableOffline(3) or absent(4)." ::= { lgpSrcEntry 6 } lgpSrcDevTemperatureSetpointDegC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(2147483647) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature setting in Celsius for SRC. This setting may or may not be the setting used from control. Some systems have the capability to dynamically change the control setting based on environmental conditions and/or user configuration. The value of this object is only vaild if the lgpSrcDevState object is set to enabled(1). The value of this object will be set to unknown(2147483647) if the value of lgpSrcDevState object is set to one of the following values: standbyOffline(2), unavailableOffline(3) or absent(4)." ::= { lgpSrcEntry 7 } lgpSrcDevFanSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { low(1), middle(2), high(3), auto(4), unknown(2147483647) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The present fan speed of the SRC device. This object will be one of the valid fan speed: low(1), middle(2), high(3) or auto(4) if the value of lgpSrcDevState object is set to enabled(1). The value of this object will be set to unknown(2147483647) if the value of lgpSrcDevState object is set to one of the following values: standbyOffline(2), unavailableOffline(3) or absent(4)." ::= { lgpSrcEntry 8 } lgpSrcDevPowerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1), unknown(2147483647) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object specifies the power status of SRC device. Power status cannot be configured by an operator. The value of this object is set to off(0) if the SRC device is powered off. The value of this object is set to on(1) if the SRC device is powered on. The value of this object will be one of the valid power status: off(0) or on(1) if lgpSrcDevState is enabled(1). The value of this object will be set to unknown(2147483647) if the value of lgpSrcDevState object is set to one of the following values: standbyOffline(2), unavailableOffline(3) or absent(4)." ::= { lgpSrcEntry 9 } lgpSrcDevOperatingMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cooling(0), dehumidify(1), fan(2), ai(3), heating(4), unknown(2147483647) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The present operating mode of the SRC device. This object will be one of the valid operating mode: cooling(0), dehumidify(1), fan(2), ai(3) or heating(4) if the value of lgpSrcDevState object is set to enabled(1). The value of this object will be set to unknown(2147483647) if the value of lgpSrcDevState object is set to one of the following values: standbyOffline(2), unavailableOffline(3) or absent(4)." ::= { lgpSrcEntry 10 } lgpSrcDevTemperatureHighThresholdDegF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(2147483647) } UNITS "degrees Fahrenheit" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The high temperature notification threshold. This is the maximum value of 'lgpSrcDevTemperatureDegF' before the agent sends a notification. The value of this object is only vaild if the lgpSrcDevState object is set to enabled(1). The value of this object will be set to unknown(2147483647) if the value of lgpSrcDevState object is set to one of the following values: standbyOffline(2), unavailableOffline(3) or absent(4)." ::= { lgpSrcEntry 11 } lgpSrcDevTemperatureLowThresholdDegF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(2147483647) } UNITS "degrees Fahrenheit" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The low temperature notification threshold. This is the minimum value of 'lgpSrcDevTemperatureDegF' before the agent sends a notification. The value of this object is only vaild if the lgpSrcDevState object is set to enabled(1). The value of this object will be set to unknown(2147483647) if the value of lgpSrcDevState object is set to one of the following values: standbyOffline(2), unavailableOffline(3) or absent(4)." ::= { lgpSrcEntry 12 } lgpSrcDevTemperatureHighThresholdDegC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(2147483647) } UNITS "degrees Celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The high temperature notification threshold. This is the maximum value of 'lgpSrcDevTemperatureDegC' before the agent sends a notification. The value of this object is only vaild if the lgpSrcDevState object is set to enabled(1). The value of this object will be set to unknown(2147483647) if the value of lgpSrcDevState object is set to one of the following values: standbyOffline(2), unavailableOffline(3) or absent(4)." ::= { lgpSrcEntry 13 } lgpSrcDevTemperatureLowThresholdDegC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(2147483647) } UNITS "degrees Celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The low temperature notification threshold. This is the minimum value of 'lgpSrcDevTemperatureDegC' before the agent sends a notification. The value of this object is only vaild if the lgpSrcDevState object is set to enabled(1). The value of this object will be set to unknown(2147483647) if the value of lgpSrcDevState object is set to one of the following values: standbyOffline(2), unavailableOffline(3) or absent(4)." ::= { lgpSrcEntry 14 } END