-- PoE Private MIB Ver 2.0 MICROSEMI-PDSINE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Gauge32, Counter32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC enterprises FROM RFC1155-SMI; polPowerOverLan MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201111150000Z" -- Nov 15, 2011 ORGANIZATION "" CONTACT-INFO "" DESCRIPTION "" ::= {enterprises 7428 } -- MIB ObjID entery products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { polPowerOverLan 1} description OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 1 } sysObjectID OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { description 1 } pseDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 2 } portObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pseDevice 1 } mainObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pseDevice 2 } poeNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 3 } -- SysObjID Products list midspanUnknown OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 1} midspan6portAC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 2} midspan6portACDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 3} midspan12portAC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 4} midspan12portACDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 5} midspan24portAC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 6} midspan24portACDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 7} midspan48portAC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 8} midspan48portACDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 9} midspan6portHPAC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 10} midspan6portHPACDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 11} midspan12portHPAC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 12} midspan12portHPACDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 13} midspanGigabit6portAC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 14} midspanGigabit12portAC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 15} midspanGigabit24portAC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 16} midspanHiPoEGigabit6portAC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 17} midspanHiPoEGigabit12portAC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 18} midspanHiPoEGigabit24portAC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 19} midspanHiPoEATGigabit6portAC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 20} midspanHiPoEATGigabit12portACDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 21} midspanHiPoEATGigabit24portACDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 22} midspan4PairATGigabit6portACDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 23} midspan4PairATGigabit12portACDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 24} midspanHiPoEATGigabit6portDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 25} midspanHiPoEATGigabit12portDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 26} midspanHiPoEATGigabit24portDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 27} midspan4PairATGigabit24portACDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 28} midspanEEPoEGigabit24portACDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 29} midspanPoHGigabit6portACDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 30} midspanPoHGigabit12portACDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 31} midspanPoHGigabit24portACDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sysObjectID 32} -- PSE Port Objects portTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of objects that display and control the power characteristics of power Ethernet ports on a Power Source Entity (PSE) device. This group will be implemented in managed power Ethernet switches and mid-span devices. Values of all read-write objects in this table are persistent at restart/reboot." ::= { portObjects 1 } portEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A set of objects that display and control the power characteristics of a power Ethernet PSE port." INDEX { portGroupIndex , portIndex } ::= { portTable 1 } PortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { portGroupIndex Integer32, portIndex Integer32, portConsumptionPower Gauge32, portMaxPower Integer32, portType INTEGER } portGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable uniquely identifies the group containing the port to which a power Ethernet PSE is connected. Group means box in the stack, module in a rack and the value 1 MUST be used for non-modular devices." ::= { portEntry 1 } portIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable uniquely identifies the power Ethernet PSE port within group portGroupIndex to which the power Ethernet PSE entry is connected." ::= { portEntry 2 } portConsumptionPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "Watt" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A read-only value indicates the measured usage power expressed in Watts for a specific port " ::= { portEntry 3 } portMaxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..99) UNITS "Watt" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Read/Write maximum power consumption that PD device may consume in Watts NOTE: 1. For Midspan 60xx,60xxG,6500 series, Max PD power consumption = 17Watt 2. For Midspan 70xxG series, Max PD power consumption = 30Watt 3 .For Midspan 80xx series, this parameter is read-only !! 4. For Midspan 90xxG series, Max PD power consumption = 30/36Watt 5. For Midspan 95xxG series, Max PD power consumption = 60/72Watt (four pair) or 30/36Watt (two pair) 6. For Midspan 55xxG series, Max PD power consumption = 30/36Watt" ::= { portEntry 4 } portType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { twopair(1), fourpair(2), } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable Four-pair/EEPoE PoE Read : Applicable to all Midspan series Write: Applicable only to 95xxG/55xxG Midspan series twopair (1) Two-pair PoE port capable of providing up to 16.8Watt or 30-36Watt. fourpair (2) Four-pair/EEPoE-mode PoE port capable of providing up to 60-72Watt (95xxG) or 30-36W (55xxG)." ::= { portEntry 5 } -- PSE Main Objects mainPseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MainPseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of objects that display and control attributes of the main PSE device." ::= { mainObjects 1 } mainPseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MainPseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A set of objects that display and control the Main PSE device." INDEX { pethMainPseGroupIndex } ::= { mainPseTable 1 } MainPseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mainGroupIndex Integer32, mainVoltage Gauge32 , mainDetectionMethod INTEGER, mainPowerUsageBudget Integer32, mainPSEMaxPower Gauge32, highPowerLegacyPDSupport INTEGER, highPowerExtendedPortPower INTEGER, powerBackupStatus INTEGER, internalPowerSourceStatus INTEGER, externalPowerSourceStatus INTEGER, temperature INTEGER, temperatureformat INTEGER } mainGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable uniquely identifies the group to which power Ethernet PSE is connected. Group means (box in the stack, module in a rack) and the value 1 MUST be used for non-modular devices." ::= { mainPseEntry 1 } mainVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 (1..65535) UNITS "Volt" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power Supply Voltage in Volt." ::= { mainPseEntry 2 } mainDetectionMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ieee8023afat(1), ieee8023afatandlegacy(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Read/Write PD device detection method (802.3af / 802.3af+Legacy)." ::= { mainPseEntry 3 } mainPowerUsageBudget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (10..100) UNITS "%" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Allow external SNMP manager to limit maximum power that all PD's may consume Whenever total power consumption exceeds maximum power, Midspan may turn off automatically Low priority and High priority PSE ports. Percentage Value refers to Midspan maximum power." ::= { mainPseEntry 4 } mainPSEMaxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 (1..65535) UNITS "Watts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum power that Midspan can provide (Watt), after including power budget percentage limitation. Example: Midspan maximum power without power limit = 860Watt, and Power Limit = 50% mainPSEMaxPower = 430Watt" ::= { mainPseEntry 5 } highPowerLegacyPDSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2), notsupported(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applicable only for Midspan 90xxG series enable (1) - Power Cisco 125x access point (pre 802.3at legacy high power PD device). disable(2) - Power only 802.3at compliant devices. notsupported(3) - SNMP GET result for Midspan which doesn't support this feature" ::= { mainPseEntry 6 } highPowerExtendedPortPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2), notsupported(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applicable only for Midspan 90xxG/55xxG series enable (1) - Extend maximum power to PD device beyond 802.3at specification. disable(2) - Maximum power to PD device per 802.3at specification. notsupported(3) - SNMP GET result for Midspan which doesn't support this feature" ::= { mainPseEntry 7 } powerBackupStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standalone(1), powerbackupbyrps(2), powerbackupbymidspan(3), incompatiblepowerbackupdevice(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applicable only for Midspan 90xxG/95xxG/55xxG series standalone - Midspan isn't connected to any power backup device powerbackupbyrps - Redundant power supply (RPS) backup Midspan device powerbackupbymidspan - Two Midspan devices backup each other incompatiblepowerbackupdevice - Midspan was connected to incompatible power backup device. For example RPS 430Watt to Midspan 950Watt" ::= { mainPseEntry 8 } internalPowerSourceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), fail(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applicable only for Midspan 90xxG/95xxG/55xxG series ok(1) - Internal Power Source is OK fail(2) - Internal Power Source failure" ::= { mainPseEntry 9 } externalPowerSourceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), fail(2), notsupported(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applicable only for Midspan 90xxG/95xxG/55xxG series ok(1) - External Power Source is OK fail(2) - External Power Source failure notsupported(3) - SNMP GET result for Midspan which doesn't support this feature" ::= { mainPseEntry 10 } temperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER UNITS "Degree" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unit temperature - Applicable only for Midspan 95xxG series" ::= { mainPseEntry 11 } temperatureformat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { celcius(1), fahrenheit(2), notsupported(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unit temperature format - Applicable only for Midspan 95xxG series Celcius(1) - Report unit temperature in Celcius Fahrenheit(2) - Report unit temperature in Fahrenheit NotSupported(3) - No temperature sensor inside the Midspan unit" ::= { mainPseEntry 12 } -- Notifications Section powerBackupStatusNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { powerBackupStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applicable only for Midspan 90xxG/95xxG/55xxG series This Notification reports power backup status change, and whenever incompatible power backup source is connected (as RPS 430Watt to Midspan 950Watt)" ::= { poeNotifications 1 } internalPowerSourceStatusNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { internalPowerSourceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applicable only for Midspan 90xxG/95xxG/55xxG series This Notification reports internal Power Source failure" ::= { poeNotifications 2 } externalPowerSourceStatusNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { externalPowerSourceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applicable only for Midspan 90xxG/95xxG/55xxG series This Notification reports external Power Source failure" ::= { poeNotifications 3 } END