-- Copyright 2005, 2006 MITEL Networks Corporation -- All rights reserved. -- This MITEL SNMP Management Information Base Specification -- (Specification) embodies MITEL's confidential and -- proprietary intellectual property. MITEL retains all -- title and ownership in the Specification, including any -- revisions. -- This Specification is supplied "AS IS", and MITEL makes -- no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, -- operation, condition, or performance of the Specification. MITEL-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, enterprises, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF ifIndex FROM IF-MIB; mitel MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201402111200Z" ORGANIZATION "MITEL Networks Corporation" CONTACT-INFO "Standards Group, Postal: MITEL Networks Corporation 350 Legget Drive, PO Box 13089 Kanata, Ontario Canada K2K 2W7 Tel: +1 613 592 2122 Fax: +1 613 592 4784 URL: www.mitel.com" DESCRIPTION "Replace E-Mail: std@mitel.com with URL: www.mitel.com." REVISION "201402111200Z" DESCRIPTION "The top-level MITEL MIB module." REVISION "201107140000Z" DESCRIPTION "Restoring the mitelIdCallServers from previous revision" REVISION "200601010000Z" DESCRIPTION "To be consistent with all other products this MIB was sanitized." REVISION "200504122134Z" DESCRIPTION "Small mods to naming convention to be consistent." REVISION "200402230000Z" DESCRIPTION "MITEL-MIB Version - Draft" REVISION "9902230000Z" DESCRIPTION "MIB Version 2.0" REVISION "9604260000Z" DESCRIPTION "MIB Version 1.0" ::= { enterprises 1027 } -- **************************************************************** -- MITEL-specific Textual Conventions -- **************************************************************** MitelIfType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MITEL-defined interface type. Additions to this list must be provided by the MITEL Standards Group." SYNTAX INTEGER { dnic(1) -- DNIC interface (example only) } MitelNotifyTransportType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The method of transporting a notification to an interested manager." SYNTAX INTEGER { mitelNotifTransV1Trap(1), -- use SNMPv1 trap PDU mitelNotifTransV2Trap(2), -- use SNMPv2 trap PDU mitelNotifTransInform(3) -- use InformRequest PDU } -- **************************************************************** -- MITEL sub-tree -- **************************************************************** mitelIdentification OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identification subtree. Leaves in this subtree are used for the sysObjectID field in the MIB-II system tree or other similar OID fields." ::= { mitel 1 } mitelExperimental OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The experimental MIB development subtree. The branches in this subtree should follow the format of the mitelProprietary subtree." ::= { mitel 2 } mitelExtensions OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The standards extension subtree. Used for extensions to any of the standard subtrees under the MIB-II subtree." ::= { mitel 3 } mitelProprietary OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The managed information subtree. Leaves in this subtree are generic devices or protocols that can be managed." ::= { mitel 4 } mitelConformance OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conformance subtree. Leaves in this subtree identify compliance grouping and requirements." ::= { mitel 5 } -- **************************************************************** -- The mitelIdentification subtree... platform/test identification. -- **************************************************************** mitelIdMgmtPlatforms OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Products used to manage MITEL equipment." ::= { mitelIdentification 1 } mitelIdCallServers OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Products providing call processing capabilities." ::= { mitelIdentification 2 } mitelIdTerminals OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Desktop products." ::= { mitelIdentification 3 } mitelIdInterfaces OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Products providing the interface between a call processing entity and a network or terminal." ::= { mitelIdentification 4 } mitelIdCtiPlatforms OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Products providing computer-telephony integration capabilities." ::= { mitelIdentification 5 } mitelIdApplicationPlatforms OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Products providing application-based platforms that provide value-added capabilities." ::= { mitelIdentification 6 } -- mitelIdApplications ::= { mitelIdentification 7 } Located in MTL-APPLIST-MIB -- **************************************************************** -- The mitelIdentification subtree... platform/test identification. -- **************************************************************** -- mitelIdMgmtPlatforms subtree -- ::= { mitelIdMgmtPlatforms 1 } this OID is obsolete -- mitelIdCallServers subtree mitelIdCsMc2 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MC-2 Call Server." ::= { mitelIdCallServers 1 } mitelIdCs2000Light OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Mitel SX-2000 LIGHT Call Server." ::= { mitelIdCallServers 2 } mitelIdCsIpera3000 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MITEL Networks 3300 ICP Call Server." ::= { mitelIdCallServers 3 } -- mitelIdApplicationPlatforms subtree -- mitelIdAppPlatMasServer OBJECT-IDENTITY -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION "The Mitel Networks 3300 MAS application server platform." -- ::= { mitelIdApplicationPlatforms 1 } -- **************************************************************** -- The mitelExperimental subtree... prototype MIB development. -- **************************************************************** -- **************************************************************** -- The mitelExtensions subtree... extensions to MIB-II. -- **************************************************************** mitelExtInterfaces OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Proprietary extensions to the MIB-II subtree." ::= { mitelExtensions 2 } -- the Interfaces table -- The Interfaces table contains information on the entity's -- interfaces. Each sub-layer below the internetwork-layer -- of a network interface is considered to be an interface. mitelIfNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of MITEL proprietary interfaces (regardless of their current state) present on this system." ::= { mitelExtInterfaces 1 } mitelIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MitelIfTableEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of interface entries. The number of entries is given by the value of mitelIfNumber. The table consists of one row for each MITEL-specific interface, and is indexed by the ifIndex value of the corresponding row in the MIB-II ifTable." ::= { mitelExtInterfaces 2 } mitelIfTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MitelIfTableEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing management information applicable to a particular interface." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { mitelIfTable 1 } MitelIfTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mitelIfTblType MitelIfType } mitelIfTblType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MitelIfType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of interface. Additional values for mitelIfTblType are assigned by the Standards Group, through updating the syntax of the MitelIfType textual convention. This row is deleted automatically when the corresponding ifTable row is deleted." ::= { mitelIfTableEntry 1 } -- **************************************************************** -- The mitelProprietary subtree... proprietary managed objects. -- **************************************************************** mitelPropApplications OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manageable applications." ::= { mitelProprietary 1 } mitelPropTransmission OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MITEL proprietary transmission media." ::= { mitelProprietary 2 } mitelPropProtocols OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manageable proprietary protocols." ::= { mitelProprietary 3 } mitelPropUtilities OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manageable utilities and middleware." ::= { mitelProprietary 4 } mitelPropHardware OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Management of proprietary hardware." ::= { mitelProprietary 5 } mitelPropNotifications OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Control and history of proprietary notifications." ::= { mitelProprietary 6 } mitelPropReset OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Access for remote reset of agent and platform." ::= { mitelProprietary 7 } -- ::= { mitelProprietary 8 } Located in MITEL-xx-MIB mitelPropCommon OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manageable of common information that can span hardware, middleware, and utilities." ::= { mitelProprietary 9 } -- **************************************************************** -- The mitelPropApplications subtree... Manageable Applications. -- **************************************************************** mitelAppCallServer OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manageable Mitel Call Servers." ::= { mitelPropApplications 1 } -- mitelAppCommon ::= { mitelPropApplications 2 } Located in MTL-APPCMN-MIB -- ::= { mitelPropApplications 5 } this OID is obsolete -- **************************************************************** -- The mitelPropCommon subtree... Management of common information -- that may apply many manageable entities. -- **************************************************************** -- mitelPropCommon ::= { mitelCmnAlarms 1 } Located in MTL-CMNALM-MIB -- **************************************************************** -- The mitelConformance subtree. -- **************************************************************** mitelConfCompliances OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance subtree. Leaves in this subtree are used for defining the ways in which an agent can claim compliance with this or other MITEL MIBs." ::= { mitelConformance 1 } mitelConfGroups OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group subtree. Leaves in this subtree identify object groupings used in the compliance statements." ::= { mitelConformance 2 } mitelGrpCommon OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The groups associated with the MITEL MIB." ::= { mitelConfGroups 1 } -- ::= { mitelConfGroups 2 } this OID is obsolete mitelGrpCs2000 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The groups associated with the MITEL SX2000 MIB." ::= { mitelConfGroups 3 } mitelGrpIpera3000 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The groups associated with the MITEL 3300 ICP MIB." ::= { mitelConfGroups 4 } mitelConfAgents OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent capabilities subtree. Leaves in this subtree are used for defining the capabilities of a particular agent implementation regarding the MIB compliance statements." ::= { mitelConformance 3 } -- ::= { mitelConfAgents 1 } this OID is obsolete -- ::= { mitelConfAgents 2 } Located in MITEL-SX2000-MIB -- ::= { mitelConfAgents 3 } Located in MITEL-3300ICP-MIB -- **************************************************************** -- The mitelConfCompliances subtree. -- **************************************************************** mitelComplMitel MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMPv2 entities which implement the MITEL MIB." MODULE -- compliance to the MITEL MIB module GROUP mitelGrpCmnInterfaces DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for systems with MITEL-proprietary interfaces." ::= { mitelConfCompliances 1 } -- ::= { mitelConfCompliances 2 } This OID is obsolete -- ::= { mitelConfCompliances 3 } Located in MITEL-SX2000-MIB -- ::= { mitelConfCompliances 4 } Located in MITEL-3300ICP-MIB -- ::= { mitelConfCompliances 5 } Located in MITEL-APPCMN-MIB -- **************************************************************** -- The mitelConfGroups common subtree. -- **************************************************************** -- mitelGrpCmnNotifTraps ::= { mitelGrpCommon 1 } (preserved) -- mitelGrpCmnNotifBasic ::= { mitelGrpCommon 2 } (preserved) -- mitelGrpCmnNotifManagers ::= { mitelGrpCommon 3 } (preserved) -- mitelGrpCmnNotifHistory ::= { mitelGrpCommon 4 } (preserved) -- mitelGrpCmnNotifAck ::= { mitelGrpCommon 5 } (preserved) mitelGrpCmnInterfaces OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mitelIfNumber, mitelIfTblType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects in the MIB-II interfaces extension." ::= { mitelGrpCommon 6 } -- mitelGrpCmnReset ::= { mitelGrpCommon 7 } (preserved) END