NBS-SIGLANE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, Counter64 FROM SNMPv2-SMI InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC NbsCmmcChannelBand FROM NBS-CMMCENUM-MIB nbs, NbsTcMHz, NbsTcMilliDb, NbsTcMicroAmp, NbsTcTemperature FROM NBS-MIB; nbsSigLaneMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201710180000Z" -- Oct 18, 2017 ORGANIZATION "NBS" CONTACT-INFO "For technical support, please contact your service channel" DESCRIPTION "Signaling Lane mib - objects for the management of multi-lane ports such as QSFP, CXP, and CFP." ::= { nbs 236 } -- ******************************************************************* -- NBS-SIGLANE-MIB local defines -- ******************************************************************* nbsSigLanePortGrp OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ports which aggregate multiple signaling lanes" ::= { nbsSigLaneMib 10 } nbsSigLaneLaneGrp OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Individual signaling lanes within a port" ::= { nbsSigLaneMib 20 } nbsSigLaneTraps OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OBJECT-TYPE macros to be used in SNMP NOTIFICATION macros" ::= { nbsSigLaneMib 100 } nbsSigLaneTraps0 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NOTIFICATION-TYPE macros" ::= { nbsSigLaneTraps 0 } -- ******************************************************************* -- -- the nbsSigLanePortGrp -- -- ******************************************************************* -- ****************************************************************** -- -- Objects for the Port Signaling Lane group -- -- ******************************************************************** nbsSigLanePortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NbsSigLanePortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that describes signaling lanes for a QSFP[+] or CFP port." ::= { nbsSigLanePortGrp 1 } nbsSigLanePortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NbsSigLanePortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains a description of a particular port signaling lane." INDEX { nbsSigLanePortIfIndex } ::= { nbsSigLanePortTable 1 } NbsSigLanePortEntry::= SEQUENCE { nbsSigLanePortIfIndex InterfaceIndex, nbsSigLanePortFacility INTEGER, nbsSigLanePortLanes INTEGER -- nbsSigLanePortTherm NbsTcTemperature use nbsCmmcPortTemperature } nbsSigLanePortIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index to the MIB-II Interface table entry which represents this port. This value should be 0 if there is no corresponding MIB-II interface entry." ::= { nbsSigLanePortEntry 1 } nbsSigLanePortFacility OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other (1), fiber (2), lambda (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fiber(2) indicates that lane signaling is conducted on separate fibers. lambda(3) indicates that lane signaling is conducted on different wavelengths on a single SMF fiber." ::= { nbsSigLanePortEntry 10 } nbsSigLanePortLanes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of signaling lanes in this port" ::= { nbsSigLanePortEntry 20 } -- ******************************************************************* -- -- the nbsSigLaneLaneGrp -- -- ******************************************************************* nbsSigLaneLaneTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NbsSigLaneLaneEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that describes (fiber/lambda) network signaling lanes for a multi-lane port." ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneGrp 1 } nbsSigLaneLaneEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NbsSigLaneLaneEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains a description of a particular (fiber/lambda) signaling lane." INDEX { nbsSigLaneLaneIfIndex, nbsSigLaneLaneIndex } ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneTable 1 } NbsSigLaneLaneEntry ::= SEQUENCE { nbsSigLaneLaneIfIndex InterfaceIndex, nbsSigLaneLaneIndex INTEGER, nbsSigLaneLaneFrequency NbsTcMHz, nbsSigLaneLaneWavelengthX DisplayString, nbsSigLaneLaneChannelBand NbsCmmcChannelBand, nbsSigLaneLaneChannelNumber INTEGER, nbsSigLaneLaneTxDisable INTEGER, nbsSigLaneLaneFaultsCaps OCTET STRING, nbsSigLaneLaneFaultsOper OCTET STRING, nbsSigLaneLaneTxPowerLevel INTEGER, nbsSigLaneLaneTxPower NbsTcMilliDb, nbsSigLaneLaneTxPowerAdmin NbsTcMilliDb, nbsSigLaneLaneRxPowerLevel INTEGER, nbsSigLaneLaneRxPower NbsTcMilliDb, nbsSigLaneLaneBiasAmpsLevel INTEGER, nbsSigLaneLaneBiasAmps NbsTcMicroAmp, nbsSigLaneLaneLaserTempLevel INTEGER, nbsSigLaneLaneLaserTemp NbsTcTemperature, nbsSigLaneLaneEthTxAllOctets Counter64, nbsSigLaneLaneEthTxAllFrames Counter64, nbsSigLaneLaneEthRxAllOctets Counter64, nbsSigLaneLaneEthRxAllFrames Counter64 } nbsSigLaneLaneIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index to the MIB-II Interface table entry which contains this (fiber/lambda) lane." ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 1 } nbsSigLaneLaneIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ordinal index for the signaling lane in a port: 1..4 for QSFP[+] 4 x 10G 1..4 for CFP 4 x 25G 1..4 for CFP 4 x 28G 1..10 for CFP 10 x 10G" ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 2 } nbsSigLaneLaneFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NbsTcMHz MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The nominal frequency, in MHz." ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 10 } nbsSigLaneLaneWavelengthX OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(4..8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The nominal wavelength (nanometers) is an ASCII string to be human-readable. CWDM wavelengths use 4 digits. DWDM wavelengths use seven digits and a decimal point. Not supported value: 'N/A'" ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 11 } nbsSigLaneLaneChannelBand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NbsCmmcChannelBand MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ITU grid labels DWDM channels with a letter 'band' and a numeric channel. Within this mib, the band is indicated by this object, and the channel number is shown in the object nbsOsaChannelNumber. Frequencies of at least 180100 GHz but less than 190100 GHz are considered the L spectrum, and frequencies of at least 190100 but less than 200100 GHz are considered the C spectrum. Frequencies evenly divisible by 100 GHz are designated with a 'C' or 'L' prepended to the channel number. Frequencies that are offset by 50 GHz are designated 'H' within the C spectrum, and 'Q' within the L spectrum." ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 12 } nbsSigLaneLaneChannelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The channel number can be derived by extracting the two middle digits from the six digit frequency in GHz." ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 13 } nbsSigLaneLaneTxDisable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), no (2), yes (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object controls the lane's transmitter: notSupported(1), returned if transmitter not configurable, i.e. always enabled; no(2), to enable the transmitter; yes(3), to disable the transmitter" ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 14 } nbsSigLaneLaneFaultsCaps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..2)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the supported nbsSigLaneLaneFaultsOper bit(s). A zero length OCTET STRING indicates this information is not provided." ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 15 } nbsSigLaneLaneFaultsOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..2)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides operational lane fault conditions: The first octet provides Tx information: Bit 0: Tx LOS if set Bit 1: Tx Fault if set Bit 2: Tx LOL if set Bit 3: Tx Adaptive EQ Fault if set The second octet provides Rx information: Bit 0: Rx LOS if set Bit 2: Rx LOL if set OCTET STRING bitmasks count the leftmost bit (MSB) as 0. A zero length OCTET STRING indicates this information is not provided." ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 16 } nbsSigLaneLaneTxPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), lowAlarm (2), lowWarning (3), ok (4), highWarning (5), highAlarm (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the status of this lane's measured received power, reported in nbsSigLaneLaneTxPower: notSupported(1), if (nbsSigLaneLaneTxPower = 0x80000000); lowAlarm(2), if nbsSigLaneLaneTxPower < nbsSigLanePortTxPowerVendorMin; lowWarning(3), if nbsSigLaneLaneTxPower > nbsSigLanePortTxPowerVendorMin and nbsSigLaneLaneTxPower < nbsSigLanePortTxPowerUserMin; ok(4), if nbsSigLaneLaneTxPower is within thresholds; highWarning(5), if nbsSigLaneLaneTxPower < nbsSigLanePortTxPowerVendorMax and nbsSigLaneLaneTxPower > nbsSigLanePortTxPowerUserMax; highAlarm(6), if nbsSigLaneLaneTxPower > nbsSigLanePortTxPowerVendorMax" DEFVAL { ok } ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 20 } nbsSigLaneLaneTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NbsTcMilliDb MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The output power (in milli dBm) of this lane. Not supported value: 0x80000000" DEFVAL { -2147483648 } ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 21 } nbsSigLaneLaneTxPowerAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NbsTcMilliDb MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desired output power (in milli dBm) for this lane; the value should be within the supported bounds of the given pluggable. For a CFP/CFP2 supporting configurable Tx power, this is applied in the corresponding MSA B41x register. Not supported value: 0x80000000" DEFVAL { -2147483648 } ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 22 } nbsSigLaneLaneRxPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), lowAlarm (2), lowWarning (3), ok (4), highWarning (5), highAlarm (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the status of this lane's measured received power, reported in nbsSigLaneLaneRxPower: notSupported(1), if (nbsSigLaneLaneRxPower = 0x80000000); lowAlarm(2), if nbsSigLaneLaneRxPower < nbsSigLanePortRxPowerVendorMin; lowWarning(3), if nbsSigLaneLaneRxPower > nbsSigLanePortRxPowerVendorMin and nbsSigLaneLaneRxPower < nbsSigLanePortRxPowerUserMin; ok(4), if nbsSigLaneLaneRxPower is within thresholds; highWarning(5), if nbsSigLaneLaneRxPower < nbsSigLanePortRxPowerVendorMax and nbsSigLaneLaneRxPower > nbsSigLanePortRxPowerUserMax; highAlarm(6), if nbsSigLaneLaneRxPower > nbsSigLanePortRxPowerVendorMax" DEFVAL { ok } ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 30 } nbsSigLaneLaneRxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NbsTcMilliDb MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The received optical power (in milli dBm) of this lane. Not supported value: 0x80000000" DEFVAL { -2147483648 } ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 31 } nbsSigLaneLaneBiasAmpsLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), lowAlarm (2), lowWarning (3), ok (4), highWarning (5), highAlarm (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the status of laser bias current, as reported in nbsSigLaneLaneBiasAmps: notSupported(1), if (nbsSigLaneLaneBiasAmps = -1); lowAlarm(2), if below nbsSigLanePortBiasAmpsVendorMin; ok(4), if within the recommended operating range; highAlarm(6), if above nbsSigLanePortBiasAmpsVendorMax." DEFVAL { ok } ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 40 } nbsSigLaneLaneBiasAmps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NbsTcMicroAmp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bias current (in microAmps) of this lane. Not supported value: -1" DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 41 } nbsSigLaneLaneLaserTempLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), lowAlarm (2), lowWarning (3), ok (4), highWarning (5), highAlarm (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the status of laser temperature, as reported in nbsSigLaneLaneLaserTemp: notSupported(1), if (nbsSigLaneLaneLaserTemp = 0x80000000); lowAlarm(2), if below nbsSigLanePortLaserTempVendorMin; ok(4), if within the recommended operating range; highAlarm(6), if above nbsSigLanePortLaserTempVendorMax." DEFVAL { ok } ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 50 } nbsSigLaneLaneLaserTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NbsTcTemperature MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature (in degrees Celsius) of this lane. Not supported value: 0x80000000" DEFVAL { -2147483648 } ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 51 } nbsSigLaneLaneEthTxAllOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of bytes in all Ethernet frames transmitted. Not supported value: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 60 } nbsSigLaneLaneEthTxAllFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of all Ethernet frames transmitted. Not supported value: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 61 } nbsSigLaneLaneEthRxAllOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of bytes in all Ethernet frames received. Not supported value: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 70 } nbsSigLaneLaneEthRxAllFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of all Ethernet frames received. Not supported value: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" ::= { nbsSigLaneLaneEntry 71 } END