-- *********************************************************************************** -- * NEXANS-BM-MIB (January 29, 2014, HUBERT THEISSEN) -- * Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Nexans Advanced Networking Solutions -- * -- * MIB for Nexans Switches -- * Release version = 4.01 -- * -- * Changes in version 4.01 -- * - bmSwitchAdmin: object adminLedGlobalMode added -- * - bmTraps: trap portErrorDisabled added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: portAdminState: enum bpduDisable(6), udldDisable(7), linkFlapDisable(8), -- * errorCountDisable(9), sfpErrorDisable(10) and redundanyLoopDisable(11) added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: portSecurityForwardingState: enum portBpduDisabled(13), portUdldDisabled(14), -- * portLinkFlapDisabled(15), portErrorCountDisabled(16), portSfpErrorDisabled(17) -- * and portRedundanyLoopDisable(18) added. -- * Changes in version 4.00 -- * - No changes. Renamed to 4.00 only -- * Changes in version 3.98 -- * - bmSwitchAdmin: object adminAlarmNameM1, adminAlarmNameM2 and adminFunctionInputNameF1 added -- * Changes in version 3.97 -- * - bmSwitchAdmin: object adminMemoryCardMode added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: object portPrioDot1p and portPrioIp added -- * - bmSwitchInfo: object infoAlarmStateM1: enum (15)...(16) added -- * - bmSwitchInfo: object infoAlarmStateM2: enum (15)...(16) added -- * - bmSwitchAdmin: object adminAlarmM1: enum (13)...(15) added -- * - bmSwitchAdmin: object adminAlarmM2: enum (13)...(15) added -- * Changes in version 3.96 -- * - bmSwitchInfo: object infoFunctionInputStateF1 and infoTotalConfigChanges added -- * - bmTraps: trap switchFunctionInputAlarm and switchConfigurationChanged added -- * Changes in version 3.95 -- * - Spelling was wrong: "lenght" changed to "length" -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: object portSpeedDuplexSetup: fix1000fdxNoAutoneg(12) added -- * Changes in version 3.94 -- * - bmSwitchInfo: object infoAlarmStateM1/infoAlarmStateM2: enum alarmOnRemoteFunctionInput(12), -- * alarmOnRemoteAlarmDestTable(13) and alarmOnLocalAlarmDestTable(14) added -- * - bmSwitchInfo: object infoLastInternalMgmtWarning added -- * - bmSwitchAdmin: object adminSwitchVlanTableMode: enum staticModeVlans64(3) added -- * - bmSwitchAdmin: object adminSwitchVlanTableMode: enum staticModePortBased(4) added -- * - bmSwitchAdmin: object adminAlarmM1 and adminAlarmM2 added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: object portSpeedDuplexSetup: enum eco(9), ecoOverTemp(10) and ecoPowerSave(11) added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: object portPoeAdminState: enum afHighPower(7) and atHighPower(8) added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: object portLEDGreen: enum showLinkSpeedDuplex added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: object portLimiterPacketType: enum limitAllPacketsBurstsAllowed added -- * - bmTraps: trap clientRemoved and internalMgmtWarning added -- * Changes in version 3.92 -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: portLEDYellow: enum showSpeed added -- * Changes in version 3.91 -- * - bmSwitchInfo: object infoAlarmStateM1: enum (4)...(11) added -- * - bmSwitchInfo: object infoAlarmStateM2: enum (4)...(11) added -- * Changes in version 3.9 -- * - Some textual corrections -- * - bmSwitchInfo: object infoLastSfpAlarmMessage renamed to infoLastSfpEventMessage -- * - bmSwitchSfp: objects sfpAlarmTxBiasCurrentUpperLimit, sfpAlarmTxOutputPowerLowerLimit and -- * sfpAlarmRxInputPowerLowerLimit changed to MAX-ACCESS = read-write -- * Changes in version 3.8 -- * - bmSwitchSfp: bmSwitchSfpTable added -- * - bmSwitchInfo: object infoLastSfpAlarmMessage added -- * - trap sfpEvent added -- * Changes in version 3.7 -- * - bmSwitchInfo: object infoLastTftpMessage added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portSecurityForwardingState: enum (3) renamed from 'noLink' to 'waitingForLink' -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portSecurityForwardingState: enum (5) renamed from 'forwarding' to 'authenticated' -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portSecurityForwardingState: enum (10)...(11) added -- * - trap switchInternalVoltageFailure added -- * - trap tftpMessage added -- * Changes in version 3.6 -- * - trap switchOverTemperature renamed to switchTemperatureFailure -- * Changes in version 3.5 -- * - bmSwitchAdmin: object adminSnmpMacTableMode added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: object portVoiceVlanId added -- * Changes in version 3.4 -- * - bmSwitchAdmin: object adminDot1xAuthFailureVlanId added -- * - bmSwitchAdmin: object adminTftpAccess added -- * - adminMgmtAccessList: enum enableForSnmpAccess(4) added -- * Changes in version 3.3 -- * - Textual changes for compatibility with OmniView -- * Changes in version 3.2 -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portTrunkingMode: enum enableWithoutTagging(3) added -- * Changes in version 3.1 -- * - bmSwitchAdmin: SYNTAX of object infoSecurityFailMacAddr chanded to DisplayString -- * - bmSwitchAdmin: SYNTAX of object infoNewMacAddr chanded to DisplayString -- * - bmSwitchInfo: object infoAlarmStateM1 and infoAlarmStateM2 added -- * - trap switchIndustrialAlarmM1 and switchIndustrialAlarmM2 added -- * Changes in version 3.0 -- * - bmSwitchAdmin: object adminUnsecureVlanId added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: object portLinkType added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: object portAcApSetup added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portSecurityForwardingState: enum (6)...(9) added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portAdminState: enum securityDisable/loopDisable added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portLinkSetup: renamed to portSpeedDuplexSetup -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portSpeedDuplexSetup: enum fix1000Hdx and fix1000Fdx added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portSpeedDuplexSetup: enum autonegAcAp no longer supported -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portLinkState: enum up1000Hdx and up1000Fdx added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portBandwidthLimitRxd: enum's limit16M...limit256M added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portBandwidthLimitTxd: enum's limit16M...limit256M added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portSecurityAdminState: enum (12)...(17) added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portNativeVlanId: renamed to portDefaultVlanId -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portDefaultVlanId: range changed from 1...4095 to 0...4095 -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portDot1qPrioValue: renamed to portDot1qDefaultPrioValue -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portPrioLevel: renamed to portDefaultPrioQueue and access -- * changed to read-only -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portTrunkingMode: enum enableWithoutTagging(3) removed -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portLEDGreen: enum blink(3) no longer supported -- * - bmSwitchPortTable:portLEDYellow: enum blink(3) no longer supported -- * - trap portActiveLoopDetectionFailure added -- * - bmSwitchInfo: object infoMgmtSoftwareVersion renamed to infoMgmtFirmwareVersion -- * Changes in version 2.9 -- * - bmSwitchInfo: object infoPoeInputPower added -- * - bmSwitchAdmin: object adminSwitchPoEPowerLimit added -- * - bmSwitchAdmin: object adminSwitchVlanTableMode added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: object portTagging renamed to portTrunkingMode -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: object portPoePowerLimit added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: object portLimiterPacketType added -- * - trap portLoopBcastFailure added -- * - trap switchPoeVoltageFailure added -- * - trap portPoeOverloadFailure added -- * - trap switchPoeOverloadFailure added -- * Changes in version 2.8 -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: enum ieee802AllowOneMacAddr added to portSecurityAdminState -- * Changes in version 2.7 -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: object portPoeVoltage has the unit volt -- * - bmSwitchInfo: objects renamed from bmSwitchInfo... to info... -- * - bmSwitchAdmin: objects renamed from bmSwitchAdmin... to admin... -- * - trap switchMgmtAuthenticationFailure renamed to switchMgmtAuthFailure -- * - trap radiusMgmtAuthenticationReject renamed to radiusMgmtAuthReject -- * Changes in version 2.6 -- * - bmSwitchInfo: object bmSwitchInfoPoeInputVoltage added -- * Changes in version 2.5 -- * - bmSwitchInfo: bmSwitchInfoType: type 16 and 17 added -- * Changes in version 2.4 -- * - switchMgmtAuthenticationFailure trap added -- * - radiusMgmtAuthenticationFailure trap added -- * - radiusPortSecurityFailure trap added -- * Changes in version 2.3 -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: enum renew added to portSecurityAdminState -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: enum radiusAllowXxxMacAddr added to portSecurityAdminState -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: object portSecurityForwardingState added -- * Changes in version 2.2 -- * - object bmSwitchInfoNoOfUserPorts changed to bmSwitchInfoNoOfPorts -- * - object bmSwitchInfoNoOfUplinkPorts changed to bmSwitchInfoNoOfReboots -- * - description of portSecurityMacAddr1..3 modified -- * Changes in version 2.1 -- * - switchOverTemperature trap: object bmSwitchInfoTemperature added -- * - all traps: message formats for Castlerock's SNMPc added -- * - bmSwitchPortTable: objects portPoeVoltage, portPoeCurrent and portPoePower added -- ************************************************************************************ NEXANS-BM-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, IpAddress, Counter32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI MacAddress, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC nexansANS FROM NEXANS-MIB; bmSwitchMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201401290000Z" ORGANIZATION "Nexans Advanced Networking Solutions" CONTACT-INFO "h.theissen@nexans.com" DESCRIPTION "MIB for Nexans switches" REVISION "201401290000Z" DESCRIPTION "Revision 4.01" ::= { nexansANS 20 } bmTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bmSwitchMIB 0 } bmSwitchInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bmSwitchMIB 1 } bmSwitchAdmin OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bmSwitchMIB 2 } bmSwitchPort OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bmSwitchMIB 3 } bmSwitchVlan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bmSwitchMIB 4 } bmSwitchSfp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bmSwitchMIB 5 } -- **************************************************************************** -- * bmSwitchInfo -- **************************************************************************** -- * Contains global information regarding to the whole BM Switch -- **************************************************************************** infoDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ordering description of the switch" ::= { bmSwitchInfo 1 } infoType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The infoType indentifies the product familie of this switch. Refer to NEXANS-MIB for the currently defined families" ::= { bmSwitchInfo 2 } infoProductNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The product number of the switch (8830xxxx)" ::= { bmSwitchInfo 3 } infoSerie OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..6)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The production series of the switch" ::= { bmSwitchInfo 4 } infoSeriesNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..6)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The production number of the switch" ::= { bmSwitchInfo 5 } infoManufactureDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (10)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The manufacturing date of the switch. The display format is dd.mm.jjjj" ::= { bmSwitchInfo 6 } infoSwitchHardwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..6)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hardware version of the base switch." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 7 } infoMgmtHardwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..6)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hardware version of the plug-in management module." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 8 } infoMgmtFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The firmware version of the management module." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 9 } infoNoOfPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of switching ports within the system. This includes all user and uplink ports." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 10 } infoNoOfReboots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of reboots since the manufacturing date. This counter can't be cleared by any admin command." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 11 } infoTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The case temperature in degree Celsius of the switch." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 12 } infoTemperatureMaxAllowed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper limit of the allowed temperature range in degree Celsius. If the current temperature indicated by infoTemperature exceeds infoTemperatureMaxAllowed, the switch sends an switchOverTemperature alarm trap." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 13 } infoPowerVoltage2500 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 2.5 volt supply voltage in millivolts. The allowed range is 2300...2700 millivolts." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 14 } infoPowerVoltage3300 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 3.3 volt supply voltage in millivolts. The allowed range is 3100...3500 millivolts." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 15 } infoUnauthIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The source IP address of the station which generated the last authentication failure. The infoUnauthAddr is also reported in the switchMgmtAuthFailure alarm trap." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 16 } infoSecurityFailMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..12)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The source MAC address of the station which has generated a the last port security failure. The infoSecurityFailMacAddr is also reported in the portSecurityFailure alarm trap." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 17 } infoNewMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..12)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last new source MAC address seen on a port witch has portsecurity enabled. The infoNewMacAddr is also reported in the newMacAddress trap." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 18 } infoPoeInputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current PoE input voltage delivered from the power supply." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 19 } infoPoeInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current PoE input power delivered from the power supply." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 20 } infoAlarmStateM1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), alarmOff (2), alarmOn (3), alarmOnLinkDown (4), alarmOnForced (5), alarmOffForced (6), alarmOnPowerSupplyS1 (7), alarmOnPowerSupplyS2 (8), alarmOnPowerSupplyS1orS2 (9), alarmOnFunctionInputShorted (10), alarmOnFunctionInputOpen (11), alarmOnRemoteFunctionInput (12), alarmOnRemoteAlarmDestTable (13), alarmOnLocalAlarmDestTable (14), alarmContactForcedShorted (15), alarmContactForcedOpen (16) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state of the industrial alarm output M1." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 21 } infoAlarmStateM2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), alarmOff (2), alarmOn (3), alarmOnLinkDown (4), alarmOnForced (5), alarmOffForced (6), alarmOnPowerSupplyS1 (7), alarmOnPowerSupplyS2 (8), alarmOnPowerSupplyS1orS2 (9), alarmOnFunctionInputShorted (10), alarmOnFunctionInputOpen (11), alarmOnRemoteFunctionInput (12), alarmOnRemoteAlarmDestTable (13), alarmOnLocalAlarmDestTable (14), alarmContactForcedShorted (15), alarmContactForcedOpen (16) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state of the industrial alarm output M2." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 22 } infoLastTftpMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The message of the last successful or failed TFTP transfer. This does not include TFTP transfers executed from Device Manager." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 23 } infoLastSfpEventMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last event message from one of the available SFP modules." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 24 } infoLastInternalMgmtWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The last internal management warning message." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 25 } infoFunctionInputStateF1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), functionInputShorted (2), functionInputOpen (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state of the function input F1." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 26 } infoTotalConfigChanges OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of total configurations changes." ::= { bmSwitchInfo 27 } -- **************************************************************************** -- * bmSwitchAdmin -- **************************************************************************** -- * Contains global administration functions regarding to the whole BM Switch -- **************************************************************************** adminReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { resetIdle (1), resetCounters (2), rebootSwitch (3), rebootToFactoryDefaults (4), renewIpAndVlanParameter (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Writing this object causes the switch to perform a reset operation. The following reset types are supported. Set Values: resetCounters(2) This action resets all error and statistic counters to zero. This actions will NOT reboot the switch. rebootSwitch(3) This action resets switch and management. All counters, timers and other volatile data are reset to there power-up values stored in flash. This actions will reboot the switch. rebootToFactoryDefaults(4) This action resets switch and management. All volatile and nonvolatile data are reset to there power-up or factory default values. This actions will reboot the switch. renewIpAndVlanParameter(5) This action reinitializes the IP and VLAN module of the switch so that the actually set IP and VLAN parameters will take affect. This actions will NOT reboot the switch. Get values: resetIdle(1) Reading this object will allways return resetIdle(1)." ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 1 } adminAgentDhcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable (1), disable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to enable(1), the switch tries to get his IP parameter via DHCP. If set to disable(2), the switch uses the IP parameters defined with adminIpAddress, adminDefRouterIpAddress and adminNetmask. Changes of this value will take affect after the next switch reboot or after setting adminReset to renewIpAndVlanParameter(5)." DEFVAL { enable } ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 2 } adminAgentIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the switch agent's ethernet interface. If the value of adminDHCP is enable(1) this value is read-only. Changes of this value will take affect after the next switch reboot or after setting adminReset to renewIpAndVlanParameter(5)." ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 3 } adminAgentPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Ethernet MAC address of the switch agent." ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 4 } adminAgentDefRouterIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the default Router. If the value of adminDHCP is enable(1) this value is read-only. Changes of this value will take affect after the next switch reboot or after setting adminReset to renewIpAndVlanParameter(5)." ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 5 } adminAgentNetmask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Netmask of the connected network. If the value of adminDHCP is enable(1) this value is read-only. Changes of this value will take affect after the next switch reboot or after setting adminReset to renewIpAndVlanParameter(5)." ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 6 } adminAgentDhcpServerIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the last used DHCP server." ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 7 } adminAgentVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VLAN-ID assigned to the agent. Changes of this value will take affect after the next switch reboot or after setting adminReset to renewIpAndVlanParameter(5)." ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 8 } adminAgentPrioValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IEEE802.1Q priority value and queue assigned to all frames transmitted by the agent. The definition between value, service class and queue are as follows: 0=Best Effort (queue=0), 1=Background (queue=0), 2=Reserved (queue=1), 3=Excellent Effort (queue=1), 4=Controlled Load (queue=2), 5=Video (queue=2), 6=Voice (queue=3), 7=Network Control (queue=3)" ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 9 } adminAddrAgingTimeMinutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..68) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The timeout period in minutes for aging out dynamically learned MAC addresses . The allowed range is 1 minute to 68 minutes." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 10 } adminSwitchPortMirror OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable (1), disable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to enable(1), the switch doesn't use address learning. This affects that any received packet will be forwarded to all ports of the particular VLAN. The switch acts like a hub within each VLAN." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 11 } adminMgmtAccessList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enableForNexManAccess (2), enableForAllAccess (3), enableForSnmpAccess (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to enableForNexManAccess(2) or enableForAllAccess(3), the switch only accepts read or write requests from IP addresses which are listed in the management accesslist." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 12 } adminSwitchPoEPowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The limit for the POE input power from the power supply in VA. If the current power exceeds this value a overload conditions occurs and the inline power for the highest port number will be switched off." ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 13 } adminSwitchVlanTableMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { staticMode (1), dynamicMode (2), staticModeVlans64 (3), staticModePortBased (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to staticMode(1) or staticModeVlans64(3) any existing VLAN table entry must be removed manually by management. With staticMode(1) total 16 VLAN-ID's and with staticModeVlans64(3) total 64 VLAN-ID's are supported. If set to dynamicMode(2) all unused VLAN-ID's are removed automatically by the switch. This means, that all VLAN-ID's not assigned to a port Default-VLAND or to the Unsecure-VLAN will be removed." DEFVAL { staticMode } ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 14 } adminUnsecureVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VLAN-ID of the unsecure VLAN" ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 15 } adminDot1xAuthFailureVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VLAN-ID in the case of an IEEE802.1X authentication failure. Setting the VLAN-ID to 0 disables the authentication failure VLAN." ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 16 } adminTftpAccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { tftpAccessDisable (1), tftpAccessReadOnly (2), tftpAccessReadWrite (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If 'TFTP authentication via SNMP' is disabled, this value is allways tftpAccessDisable(1). If 'TFTP authentication via SNMP' is read/only or read/write, an this object is read, the value is tftpAccessReadOnly(2) and the agent allowes a single TFTP read access of the switch configuration. If 'TFTP authentication via SNMP' is read/write, this value can be set to tftpAccessReadWrite(3) and the agent allowes a single TFTP read or write access to the configuration or a single firmware upgrade. After finishing the TFTP transfer, this value will return to ftpAccessDisable(1) automatically. Note: If the 'NexMan authentication mode' is set to 'none', TFTP read and write access is allways allowed." ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 17 } adminSnmpMacTableMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { listAllPorts (1), listUserPortsOnly (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to listAllPorts(1) the BRIDGE-MIBs dot1dTpFdbTable lits MAC address of all ports. If set to listUserPortsOnly(2) the BRIDGE-MIBs dot1dTpFdbTable lits only MAC addresses of user ports. MAC addresses of uplink/downlink ports are ignored." ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 18 } adminAlarmM1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), alarmLinkDown (2), alarmOnForced (3), alarmOffForced (4), alarmPowerSupply1Failure (5), alarmPowerSupply2Failure (6), alarmPowerSupply1or2Failure (7), alarmLocalFunctionInputShorted (8), alarmLocalFunctionInputOpen (9), alarmRemoteFunctionInput (10), alarmRemoteAlarmDestination (11), alarmLocalAlarmDestination (12), alarmForceContactShorted (13), alarmForceContactOpen (14), alarmForceContactOpenShorted (15) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current setup of the industrial alarm output M1." ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 19 } adminAlarmM2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), alarmLinkDown (2), alarmOnForced (3), alarmOffForced (4), alarmPowerSupply1Failure (5), alarmPowerSupply2Failure (6), alarmPowerSupply1or2Failure (7), alarmLocalFunctionInputShorted (8), alarmLocalFunctionInputOpen (9), alarmRemoteFunctionInput (10), alarmRemoteAlarmDestination (11), alarmLocalAlarmDestination (12), alarmForceContactShorted (13), alarmForceContactOpen (14), alarmForceContactOpenShorted (15) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current setup of the industrial alarm output M2." ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 20 } adminMemoryCardMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), mcEnabled (2), mcDisabled (3), mcPermanentDisabled (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to mcDisabled(2), the memory card is disabled but may be re-enabled later by writing mcEnabled(1). If set to mcPermanentDisabled(3), the memory card is disabled permanently and can't be re-enabled by management or any kind of hardware reset." ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 21 } adminAlarmNameM1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An administratively assigned name for alarm output M1. The configured name will be send as part of alarm message switchIndustrialAlarmM1." DEFVAL { "not defined" } ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 22 } adminAlarmNameM2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An administratively assigned name for alarm output M1. The configured name will be send as part of alarm message switchIndustrialAlarmM2." DEFVAL { "not defined" } ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 23 } adminFunctionInputNameF1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An administratively assigned name for function input F1. The configured name will be send as part of alarm message switchFunctionInputAlarm." DEFVAL { "not defined" } ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 24 } adminLedGlobalMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ledGlobalModeNotSupported (1), ledGlobalModeStandard (2), ledGlobalModeAllOff (3), ledGlobalModeAllOn (4), ledGlobalModeMgmtOnly (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the global mode for all front side LEDs." ::= { bmSwitchAdmin 25 } -- **************************************************************************** -- * bmSwitchPort -- **************************************************************************** -- * The bmSwitchPort object group gives status and control information to every -- * physical port on a switch. -- **************************************************************************** bmSwitchPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of port entries for the switch. The number of entries is defined by ifNumber." ::= { bmSwitchPort 1 } bmSwitchPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A port entry in the table containing information about a port in the switch." INDEX { portIndex } ::= { bmSwitchPortTable 1 } PortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { portIndex Integer32, portDescr DisplayString, portName DisplayString, portAdminState INTEGER, portSpeedDuplexSetup INTEGER, portLinkState INTEGER, portErrorCounter Counter32, portRemoteFault INTEGER, portDefaultVlanId Integer32, portTrunkingMode INTEGER, portDot1qDefaultPrioValue Integer32, portDefaultPrioQueue Integer32, portLEDGreen INTEGER, portLEDYellow INTEGER, portBandwidthLimitRxd INTEGER, portBandwidthLimitTxd INTEGER, portSecurityAdminState INTEGER, portSecurityMacAddr1 MacAddress, portSecurityMacAddr2 MacAddress, portSecurityMacAddr3 MacAddress, portPoeAdminState INTEGER, portPoeVoltage Integer32, portPoeCurrent Integer32, portPoePower Integer32, portSecurityForwardingState INTEGER, portPoePowerLimit Integer32, portLimiterPacketType INTEGER, portAcApSetup INTEGER, portLinkType INTEGER, portVoiceVlanId Integer32, portPrioDot1p INTEGER, portPrioIp INTEGER } portIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..64) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each port. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of ifNumber. The port identified by a particular value of this index is the same port as identified by the same value of ifIndex." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 1 } portDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing information about the interface. Same as ifDescr." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 2 } portName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..15)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An administratively assigned name for this port." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 3 } portAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { allwaysEnable (1), enable (2), adminDisable (3), securityDisable (4), loopDisable (5), bpduDisable (6), udldDisable (7), linkFlapDisable (8), errorCountDisable (9), sfpErrorDisable (10), redundanyLoopDisable (11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value indicating the current state of the port. A SET to this object enables (2) or disables (3) the port. The possible values returned by GET are: allwaysEnable(1) The port is always enabled (usually the uplink port). enable(2) The port is active to transmit or receive data. disable(3) The port is inactive and unable to transmit or receive data. securityDisable(4) The port has been automatically disabled because of security violation. loopDisable(5) The port has been automatically disabled because of the active loop protection. bpduDisable(6) The port has been automatically disabled because a BPDU has been received on a Spanning Tree disabled port. udldDisable(7) The port has been automatically disabled because of the UDLD function. linkFlapDisable(8) The port has been automatically disabled because of the link flap protection. errorCountDisable(9) The port has been automatically disabled because of the error counter incrementation detection. sfpErrorDisable(10) The port has been automatically disabled because of wromg SFP inserted or SFP malfunction. redundanyLoopDisable(11) The port has been automatically disabled because of loop detection while spannung tree was enabled" ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 4 } portSpeedDuplexSetup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { autoneg (1), fix10Hdx (2), fix10Fdx (3), fix100Hdx (4), fix100Fdx (5), -- autonegAcAp (6), no longer supported for V3.x switchsoftware -- please use portAcApSetup for Autoneg.-Autopol. fix1000Hdx (7), fix1000Fdx (8), eco (9), ecoOverTemp (10), ecoPowerSave (11), fix1000fdxNoAutoneg (12) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value indicating the current speed and duplex link setup. Independent of portSpeedDuplexSetup the port may be disabled by portAdminState." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 5 } portLinkState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down (1), up10Hdx (2), up10Fdx (3), up100Hdx (4), up100Fdx (5), up1000Hdx (6), up1000Fdx (7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value indicating the current link state." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 6 } portErrorCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Errors are usually caused by a FDX/HDX mismatch between the switch port and the connected port. If the switch detects a incrementation of this counter, he will send a portErrorCountFailure trap. The counted errors are depending on the switch type. For BM-A, BM+ and Access Switches: - Received packets with bad CRC, - Received packets with bad alignment, - Late collisions (only valid if Link State is 10HDX or 100HDX). For old BM Switches: - Received packets with bad CRC" ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 7 } portRemoteFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), enable (2), disable (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If portRemoteFault is enabled for this port, the port transmitter will be only enabled if the port receiver has a valid link (portLinkState must not be down)." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 8 } portDefaultVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Default-VLAN-ID assigned to this port. This Default-VLAN-ID has differnt affects depending on received or transmited frames: a) All received frames, which have no VLAN-tag, will be assigned to the Default-VLAN-ID. b) All transmited frames, which belong to the Default-VLAN, are send without a VLAN-tag. If portTrunkingMode is set to dot1qTagging, all frames are transmited with a VLAN-tag, except frames which belong to the Default-VLAN-ID. Changes of this value will take affect after the next switch reboot or after setting adminReset to renewIpAndVlanParameter(5). Setting this value to 0 for a port with dot1qTagging will disable the Default-VLAN. This means, that all frames are send tagged." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 9 } portTrunkingMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dot1qTagging (1), disable (2), enableWithoutTagging (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If portTrunkingMode is set to dot1qTagging, all frames are transmited with a VLAN-tag, except frames which belong to portNativeVlanId. If portTrunkingMode is set to enableWithoutTagging, all frames are transmited without a VLAN-tag. Changes of this value will take affect after the next switch reboot or after setting adminReset to renewIpAndVlanParameter(5)." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 10 } portDot1qDefaultPrioValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default IEEE802.1Q priority and queue assigned all frames received on this port, for which no other priorisation applies (IEEE801.1q Tag or IPv4/IPv6). The definition between value, service class and queue are as follows: 0=Best Effort (queue=0), 1=Background (queue=0), 2=Reserved (queue=1), 3=Excellent Effort (queue=1), 4=Controlled Load (queue=2), 5=Video (queue=2), 6=Voice (queue=3), 7=Network Control (queue=3)" ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 11 } portDefaultPrioQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..3) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default priority queue assigned all frames received on this port, for which no other priorisation applies (IEEE801.1q Tag or IPv4/IPv6). A value of 0 means the lowest priority level. A value of 3 means the highest priority level. To change this default queue use object portDot1qDefaultPrioValue." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 12 } portLEDGreen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), showLinkState (2), blink (3), allwaysOff (4), allwaysOn (5), showLinkSpeedDuplex (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The function of the green port LED. Only supported for user ports" ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 13 } portLEDYellow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), showDuplexState (2), blink (3), allwaysOff (4), allwaysOn (5), showPoeEnabled (6), showSpeed (7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The function of the yellow port LED. Only supported for user ports" ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 14 } portBandwidthLimitRxd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), disable (2), limit128k (3), limit256k (4), limit512k (5), limit1M (6), limit2M (7), limit4M (8), limit8M (9), limit16M (10), limit32M (11), limit64M (12), limit128M (13), limit256M (14) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bandwidth limiter for received packets. If set to disable(2) the limiter will be disabled." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 15 } portBandwidthLimitTxd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), disable (2), limit128k (3), limit256k (4), limit512k (5), limit1M (6), limit2M (7), limit4M (8), limit8M (9), limit16M (10), limit32M (11), limit64M (12), limit128M (13), limit256M (14) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bandwidth limiter for transmitted packets. If set to disable(2) the limiter will be disabled." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 16 } portSecurityAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), disable (2), manualSettingMacAddr (3), autoAllowOneMacAddr (4), autoAllowTwoMacAddr (5), autoAllowThreeMacAddr (6), radiusAllowOneMacAddr (7), radiusAllowTwoMacAddr (8), radiusAllowThreeMacAddr (9), renew (10), ieee802AllowOneMacAddr (11), vendorSettingMacAddr (12), ieee802AllowMultiMacAddr (13), ieee802OrRadiusOneMac (14), ieee802AndRadiusTwoMac (15), learnOneMacAddr (16), learnTwoMacAddr (17) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables the port security feature for that port. A value of notSupported(1) means, that port security ist not supported or disabled for that port (i.e. uplink port). The command renew(10) clears all learned MAC addresses and enables the port if it is disabled. See documentation for more details." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 17 } portSecurityMacAddr1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The first MAC address used for port security. If portSecurityAdminState has the value disable(2), portSecurityManualSettingMacAddr(3) or vendorSettingMacAddr(12) then this object will be read-write. In any other mode this object will be read-only and shows the first automatically learned MAC addresses for that port." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 18 } portSecurityMacAddr2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The second MAC address used for port security. If portSecurityAdminState has the value disable(2), portSecurityManualSettingMacAddr(3) or vendorSettingMacAddr(12) then this object will be read-write. In any other mode this object will be read-only and shows the second automatically learned MAC addresses for that port." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 19 } portSecurityMacAddr3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The third MAC address used for port security. If portSecurityAdminState has the value disable(2), portSecurityManualSettingMacAddr(3) or vendorSettingMacAddr(12) then this object will be read-write. In any other mode this object will be read-only and shows the third automatically learned MAC addresses for that port." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 20 } portPoeAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), off (2), forcedOn (3), autoOn (4), overloadFail (5), reset (6), afHighPower (7), atHighPower (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If no POE adapter is installed this object is read-only and will always report notSupported(1). The possible values are: notSupported(1): No adapter installed or not supported for that port (i.e. uplink port). off(2): Adapter installed but inline power for that port is switched off. forcedOn(3): Adapter installed and inline power is asserted permanently. In the case of an IEEE802.3af adapter this setting will disable the IEEE802.3af automatic detection. autoOn(4): This setting is only supported if a IEEE802.3af adapter is installed. The adapter automatically detects if the connected device is IEEE802.3af compliant and will assert the power if possible. overloadFail(5): Adapter installed but inline power for that port is automatically switched off because of a overload condition at that port." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 21 } portPoeVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current PoE output voltage at this port in volts." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 22 } portPoeCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current PoE output current at this port in milliampere." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 23 } portPoePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current PoE output power at this port in milliwatt. The output power is the product of portPoeVoltage and portPoeCurrent." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 24 } portSecurityForwardingState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), portAdminDisabled (2), waitingForLink (3), unsecureVLAN (4), portAuthenticated (5), portSecurityDisabled (6), portLoopDisabled (7), authFailureVLAN (8), securityWarning (9), authenticatingClients (10), waitingForMacAddress (11), allRadiusServersDown (12), portBpduDisabled (13), portUdldDisabled (14), portLinkFlapDisabled (15), portErrorCountDisabled (16), portSfpErrorDisabled (17), portRedundanyLoopDisable(18) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port security forwarding state of that port. See documentation for details." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 25 } portPoePowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The limit for the POE output power at this port in VA. If the current power exceeds this value a overload conditions occurs and the inline power for that port will be switched off." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 26 } portLimiterPacketType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), limitAllPackets (2), limitLoopBcastPackets (3), limitAllPacketsBurstsAllowed (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The packet type for bandwidth limiter. If set to limitAllPacktes(2) then all packets are limited. If set to limitLoppBcastPackets(3) only flooted loop- and broadcast-pakets are limited." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 27 } portAcApSetup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), allwaysEnable (2), enable (3), disable (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If portAcApSetup is enabled, the switch will perform Autocrossover and Autopolarity for this port. This function should only be enabled if portSpeedDuplexSetup ist set to autoneg." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 28 } portLinkType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { user (1), userWithLoopProtection (2), upDownlink (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The link type of that port. If set to upDownlink(3) the portAdminState will be forced to enable." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 29 } portVoiceVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Voide-VLAN-ID assigned to this port. Packets of this Voice-VLAN are allway send with a VLAN-Tag, because IP-Phones normaly need a tagged VLAN. If portTrunkingMode is set to dot1qTagging, ALL frames are transmited with a VLAN-tag, except frames which belong to the Default-VLAN-ID. In this case the Voice-VLAN-ID has no effect. Changes of this value will take affect after the next switch reboot or after setting adminReset to renewIpAndVlanParameter(5). Setting this value to 0 will disable the Voice-VLAN." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 30 } portPrioDot1p OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { prioDot1pDisabled (1), prioDot1pEnabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines whether port prioritisation for IEEE802.1p packets is enabled." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 31 } portPrioIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { prioIpDisabled (1), prioIpEnabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines whether port prioritisation for IPv4/IPv6 packets is enabled." ::= { bmSwitchPortEntry 32 } -- **************************************************************************** -- * bmSwitchPort subtables -- **************************************************************************** -- * Because the bmSwitchPortTable has too many entries for a usefull display -- * we define some meaningful subtables with related objects -- **************************************************************************** PortStatus ::= SEQUENCE { portIndex Integer32, portDescr DisplayString, portName DisplayString, portLinkType INTEGER, portAdminState INTEGER, portSpeedDuplexSetup INTEGER, portAcApSetup INTEGER, portLinkState INTEGER, portErrorCounter Counter32, portRemoteFault INTEGER } PortVlan ::= SEQUENCE { portIndex Integer32, portDescr DisplayString, portName DisplayString, portDefaultVlanId Integer32, portVoiceVlanId Integer32, portTrunkingMode INTEGER } PortPrio ::= SEQUENCE { portIndex Integer32, portDescr DisplayString, portName DisplayString, portDot1qDefaultPrioValue Integer32, portDefaultPrioQueue Integer32, portPrioDot1p INTEGER, portPrioIp INTEGER } PortLEDs ::= SEQUENCE { portIndex Integer32, portDescr DisplayString, portName DisplayString, portLEDGreen INTEGER, portLEDYellow INTEGER } PortSecurity ::= SEQUENCE { portIndex Integer32, portDescr DisplayString, portName DisplayString, portAdminState INTEGER, portSecurityAdminState INTEGER, portSecurityForwardingState INTEGER, portSecurityMacAddr1 MacAddress, portSecurityMacAddr2 MacAddress, portSecurityMacAddr3 MacAddress } PortBandwidthLimiter ::= SEQUENCE { portIndex Integer32, portDescr DisplayString, portName DisplayString, portBandwidthLimitRxd INTEGER, portBandwidthLimitTxd INTEGER, portLimiterPacketType INTEGER } PortPoe ::= SEQUENCE { portIndex Integer32, portDescr DisplayString, portName DisplayString, portLEDYellow INTEGER, portPoeAdminState INTEGER, portPoeVoltage Integer32, portPoeCurrent Integer32, portPoePower Integer32, portPoePowerLimit Integer32 } -- **************************************************************************** -- * bmSwitchVlan -- **************************************************************************** -- * The bmSwitchVlan object group gives status and control information to all -- * VLAN ID's known by the switch. -- **************************************************************************** bmSwitchVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of Virtual LAN instances." ::= { bmSwitchVlan 1 } bmSwitchVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VLAN entry." INDEX { vlanIndex } ::= { bmSwitchVlanTable 1 } VlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vlanIndex Integer32, vlanId Integer32, vlanDescr DisplayString } vlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each VLAN entry. Its value ranges between 1 and 16." ::= { bmSwitchVlanEntry 1 } vlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VLAN-ID assigned to this entry. Only entries with a VLAN-ID greater then 0 are valid entries. Setting a valid VLAN-ID to 0 will disable that entry and also delete the vlanDescr To add a new VLAN-ID first set an valid or non valid entry to the desired VLAN-ID. In a second step you may set the vlanDescr. Only VLAN-ID's listed in the vlanTable are forwarded by the switch." ::= { bmSwitchVlanEntry 2 } vlanDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..50)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing information about the VLAN." ::= { bmSwitchVlanEntry 3 } -- **************************************************************************** -- * bmSwitchSfp -- **************************************************************************** -- * The bmSwitchSfp object group gives status and control information to every -- * installed SFP module. -- **************************************************************************** bmSwitchSfpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SfpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of SFP entries for the switch. The number of entries is defined by ifNumber." ::= { bmSwitchSfp 1 } bmSwitchSfpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SfpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A SFP entry in the table containing information about a SFP in the switch." INDEX { sfpPortIndex } ::= { bmSwitchSfpTable 1 } SfpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sfpPortIndex Integer32, sfpState INTEGER, sfpInfoVendorName DisplayString, sfpInfoPartNumber DisplayString, sfpInfoRevisionNumber DisplayString, sfpInfoSerialNumber DisplayString, sfpInfoDateCode DisplayString, sfpInfoBitRate DisplayString, sfpInfoWavelength DisplayString, sfpInfoLength9um DisplayString, sfpInfoLength50um DisplayString, sfpInfoLength62um DisplayString, sfpInfoConnectorDescr DisplayString, sfpDiagTemperature Integer32, sfpDiagSupplyVoltage Integer32, sfpDiagTxBiasCurrent Integer32, sfpDiagTxOutputPower Integer32, sfpDiagTxOutputPowerDbm Integer32, sfpDiagRxIntputPower Integer32, sfpDiagRxInputPowerDbm Integer32, sfpAlarmTxBiasCurrentUpperLimit Integer32, sfpAlarmTxOutputPowerLowerLimit Integer32, sfpAlarmRxInputPowerLowerLimit Integer32 } sfpPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..64) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each port. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of ifNumber. The port identified by a particular value of this index is the same port as identified by the same value of ifIndex." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 1 } sfpState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), noSfpInserted (2), validSfpNoDiagnostic (3), validSfpWithDiagnostic(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value indicating the current state of the SFP module. The possible values returned are: notSupported(1) The port has no SFP slot. noSfpInserted(2) The port has a SFP slot but there is no valid SFP module inserted. validSfpNoDiagnostic(3) A valid SFP module is inserted but the module doesn't supports diagnostic values. validSfpWithDiagnostic(4) A valid SFP module which supports diagnostic is inserted." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 2 } sfpInfoVendorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing the vendor name of the SFP module." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 3 } sfpInfoPartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing the part number of the SFP module." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 4 } sfpInfoRevisionNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing the revision number of the SFP module." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 5 } sfpInfoSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing the serial number of the SFP module." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 6 } sfpInfoDateCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing the date code of the SFP module." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 7 } sfpInfoBitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing the bit rate of the SFP module. The unit is Mbit/s" ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 8 } sfpInfoWavelength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing the wavelength of the SFP module. The unit is nm." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 9 } sfpInfoLength9um OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing the typically supported fiber length for 9um fiber cable. The unit is meters." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 10 } sfpInfoLength50um OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing the typically supported fiber length for 50um fiber cable. The unit is meters." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 11 } sfpInfoLength62um OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing the typically supported fiber length for 62.5um fiber cable. The unit is meters." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 12 } sfpInfoConnectorDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing the connector description of the SFP module." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 13 } sfpDiagTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current temperature of the SFP module in degree celsius." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 14 } sfpDiagSupplyVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current supply voltage of the SFP module in millivolt." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 15 } sfpDiagTxBiasCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current transmitter bias current of the SFP module in milliampere." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 16 } sfpDiagTxOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current transmitter output power of the SFP module in microwatt." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 17 } sfpDiagTxOutputPowerDbm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current transmitter output power of the SFP module in dbm." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 18 } sfpDiagRxIntputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current receiver input power of the SFP module in microwatt." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 19 } sfpDiagRxInputPowerDbm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current receiver input power of the SFP module in dbm." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 20 } sfpAlarmTxBiasCurrentUpperLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum allowed transmitter bias current in milliampere. If the current value indicated by sfpDiagTxBiasCurrent exceeds sfpAlarmTxBiasCurrentUpperLimit, the switch sends an sfpEvent alarm trap. If the value of this limit is 0 no alarm will be send." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 21 } sfpAlarmTxOutputPowerLowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum required transmitter output power in microwatt. If the power value indicated by sfpDiagTxOutputPower falls below sfpAlarmTxOutputPowerLowerLimit, the switch sends an sfpEvent alarm trap. If the value of this limit is 0 no alarm will be send." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 22 } sfpAlarmRxInputPowerLowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum required received input power in microwatt. If the power value indicated by sfpDiagRxInputPower falls below sfpAlarmRxInputPowerLowerLimit, the switch sends an sfpEvent alarm trap. If the value of this limit is 0 no alarm will be send." ::= { bmSwitchSfpEntry 23 } -- **************************************************************************** -- * bmTraps -- **************************************************************************** -- * The enterprise specific traps -- **************************************************************************** switchTemperatureFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { infoTemperature } STATUS current --&MESG "Temperature failure: Temperature(degree celsius)=$1" DESCRIPTION "A TemperatureFailure signifies that the switch hardware has detected under- or overtemperature condition." ::= { bmTraps 1 } portLinkChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { portIndex, portDescr, portName, portLinkState } STATUS current --&MESG "Port link change: portLinkState=$'4, portIndex=$1, portDescr=$'2, portName=$'3" DESCRIPTION "The trap is sent whenever the link state of a port changes from link-up to link-down or from link-down to link-up" ::= { bmTraps 2 } portNewMacAddress NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { portIndex, portDescr, portName, infoNewMacAddr } STATUS current --&MESG "Port new MAC address: MacAddr=$4, portIndex=$1, portDescr=$'2, portName=$'3" DESCRIPTION "A new source MAC address has been detected on a switch port. This trap is only send for ports which have port-security enabled with the setting autoAllowOneMacAddr, autoAllowTwoMacAddr or autoAllowThreeMacAddr." ::= { bmTraps 3 } portSecurityFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { portIndex, portDescr, portName, infoSecurityFailMacAddr } STATUS current --&MESG "Port security failure: MacAddr=$4, portIndex=$1, portDescr=$'2, portName=$'3" DESCRIPTION "An unauthorized source MAC address has accessed a port which has port-security enabled." ::= { bmTraps 4 } portErrorCountFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { portIndex, portDescr, portName, portErrorCounter } STATUS current --&MESG "Port error counter failure: Counter=$4, portIndex=$1, portDescr=$'2, portName=$'3" DESCRIPTION "The port error counter has incremented by 2 or more within a timewindow of two seconds. An counter increment by 1 ist not reported because single increments often may result because of link-changes." ::= { bmTraps 5 } switchMgmtAuthFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { infoUnauthIpAddr } STATUS current --&MESG "Mgmt authentication failure: IP-Addr=$1" DESCRIPTION "A station has tried to access the switch management with a wrong authentication. This includes wrong user/password for telnet, wrong community for SNMP read/write and wrong accessrights in the accesslist." ::= { bmTraps 6 } radiusMgmtAuthReject NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { infoUnauthIpAddr } STATUS current --&MESG "Radius mgmt authentication reject: IP-Addr=$1" DESCRIPTION "A station has tried to access the switch management with radius authentication enabled and the radius server has rejected the request." ::= { bmTraps 7 } radiusPortSecurityReject NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { portIndex, portDescr, portName, infoSecurityFailMacAddr } STATUS current --&MESG "Radius port security reject: MacAddr=$4, portIndex=$1, portDescr=$'2, portName=$'3" DESCRIPTION "A station has tried to access the switch with radius port security authentication enabled and the radius server has rejected the request." ::= { bmTraps 8 } portLoopBcastFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { portIndex, portDescr, portName} STATUS current --&MESG "Port broadcast/multicast failure: portIndex=$1, portDescr=$'2, portName=$'3" DESCRIPTION "The port broadcast/multicast counter has incremented by 25 packets/second for more then 10 successive seconds. Excessive multicast or broadcast packets may result in case of a loop between two port of the switch." ::= { bmTraps 9 } switchPoeVoltageFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { infoPoeInputVoltage} STATUS current --&MESG "Switch PoE voltage failure: InputVoltage(V)=$1" DESCRIPTION "The switch has detected a PoE over- or undervoltage conditions." ::= { bmTraps 10 } switchPoeOverloadFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { infoPoeInputPower} STATUS current --&MESG "Switch PoE overload failure: InputPower(mW)=$1" DESCRIPTION "The switch has detected a overload for the PoE power supply." ::= { bmTraps 11 } portPoeOverloadFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { portIndex, portDescr, portName, portPoePower} STATUS current --&MESG "Port PoE overload failure: PortPower(mW)=$4, portIndex=$1, portDescr=$'2, portName=$'3" DESCRIPTION "The switch has detected a PoE overload condition at the port." ::= { bmTraps 12 } portActiveLoopDetectionFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { portIndex, portDescr, portName} STATUS current --&MESG "Port active loop detection failure: portIndex=$1, portDescr=$'2, portName=$'3" DESCRIPTION "The active loop protection has disabled the port." ::= { bmTraps 13 } switchIndustrialAlarmM1 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { infoAlarmStateM1, adminAlarmNameM1 } STATUS current --&MESG "Industrial Alarm M1: State=$'1, Name=$'2" DESCRIPTION "The alarm state of the industrial alarm output M1 has changed." ::= { bmTraps 14 } switchIndustrialAlarmM2 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { infoAlarmStateM2, adminAlarmNameM2 } STATUS current --&MESG "Industrial Alarm M2: State=$'1, Name=$'2" DESCRIPTION "The alarm state of the industrial alarm output M2 has changed." ::= { bmTraps 15 } switchInternalVoltageFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { infoPowerVoltage2500, infoPowerVoltage3300 } STATUS current --&MESG "Internal Voltage Failure: Voltage-1(mV)=$1, Voltage-2(mV)=$2" DESCRIPTION "The switch has detected a internal over- or undervoltage conditions." ::= { bmTraps 16 } tftpMessage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { infoLastTftpMessage } STATUS current --&MESG "TFTP Message: $'1" DESCRIPTION "An successful or failed TFTP transfer has been occured. This does not include TFTP transfers executed from Nexan Manager." ::= { bmTraps 17 } sfpEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { portIndex, portDescr, portName, infoLastSfpEventMessage } STATUS current --&MESG "SFP Event: $'4, portIndex=$1, portDescr=$'2, portName=$'3" DESCRIPTION "The switch has detected one of the following SFP events: - a SFP module has been inserted - a SFP module has been removed - the optical receive power has fallen below the configured threshold - the optical transmit power has fallen below the configured threshold - the laser bias current has exceeded the configured threshold In the case of a threshold event, the trap will only send out every five minutes." ::= { bmTraps 18 } clientRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { portIndex, portDescr, portName } STATUS current --&MESG "Client Remove Alarm: portIndex=$1, portDescr=$'2, portName=$'3" DESCRIPTION "The client on this port has been removed because the link down time has exceeded the configured 'Link Down Timeout'." ::= { bmTraps 19 } internalMgmtWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { infoLastInternalMgmtWarning } STATUS current --&MESG "$'1" DESCRIPTION "An internal management warning has been detected. Please consult Nexans for further informations regarding the reported warning code." ::= { bmTraps 20 } switchFunctionInputAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { infoFunctionInputStateF1, adminFunctionInputNameF1 } STATUS current --&MESG "Function Input Alarm: F1-State=$'1, Name=$'2" DESCRIPTION "The state of the function input has changed." ::= { bmTraps 21 } switchConfigurationChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { infoTotalConfigChanges } STATUS current --&MESG "Configuration has been changed: Total-Configuration-Changes=$'1" DESCRIPTION "The configuration of the switch has been changed." ::= { bmTraps 22 } portErrorDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { portIndex, portDescr, portName, portAdminState } STATUS current --&MESG "Port Error disabled: portAdminState=$'4, portIndex=$1, portDescr=$'2, portName=$'3" DESCRIPTION "The port has been error disabled." ::= { bmTraps 23 } END