ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Counter64, IpAddress, Unsigned32, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DateAndTime, TimeStamp, TruthValue, RowStatus, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC tmnxChassisIndex FROM TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB TmnxPortID, TNamedItemOrEmpty, TmnxActionType, TmnxDisplayStringURL FROM TIMETRA-TC-MIB TmnxPortOperStatus FROM TIMETRA-PORT-MIB aluSARMIBModules, aluSARObjs, aluSARConfs, aluSARNotifyPrefix FROM ALU-SAR-GLOBAL-MIB SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB ; aluMwMIBModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "0809100000Z" ORGANIZATION "Nokia" CONTACT-INFO "Nokia 7x50 Support Web:" DESCRIPTION "This document is the SNMP MIB module to manage and provision the microwave components on the Nokia 7xxx device. Copyright 2012-2014 Nokia. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this document is authorized on the condition that the foregoing copyright notice is included. This SNMP MIB module (Specification) embodies Nokia's proprietary intellectual property. Nokia retains all title and ownership in the Specification, including any revisions. Nokia grants all interested parties a non-exclusive license to use and distribute an unmodified copy of this Specification in connection with management of Nokia products, and without fee, provided this copyright notice and license appear on all copies. This Specification is supplied 'as is', and Nokia makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the Specification." -- -- Revision History -- REVISION "0801090000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.0 09 Jan 2008 00:00 1.0 release of the ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB." ::= { aluSARMIBModules 6 } aluMwObjPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aluSARObjs 7 } aluMwObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aluMwObjPrefix 1 } aluMwNotifyObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aluMwObjPrefix 2 } aluMwMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aluSARConfs 7 } aluMwConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aluMwMIBConformance 1 } aluMwNotifyPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aluSARNotifyPrefix 10 } aluMwNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aluMwNotifyPrefix 0 } -- -- ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB at a glance -- -- timetra (enterprises 6527) -- timetraBasedProducts (6) -- aluServiceAggrRouters (1) -- aluSARObjects (2) -- aluSARMIB (1) -- aluSARConfs (1) -- aluSARObjs (2) -- aluMwObjs (aluSARObjs 7) -- aluSARNotifyPrefix (3) -- --%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- -- ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB textual conventions -- --%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- -- AluMwLinkID -- AluMwLinkID ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A AluMwLinkID is an unique 32 bit number identifying a Packet Microwave Link encoded as shown below. |32 30| 29 26 | 25 22 | 21 16 | 15 13 | 12 1| +-----+-------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ |011 | all zeros | id | all zeros | +-----+-------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ There may be multiple MW Links on each system." SYNTAX Unsigned32 -- -- AluMwLinkRadioActivity -- AluMwLinkRadioActivity ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The AluMwLinkRadioActivity data type is an enumerated integer that describes which radio (main or spare) is active in a particular protection scheme." SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (1), mainRadio (2), spareRadio (3), bothActive (4) } -- -- AluMwLinkRevertiveness -- AluMwLinkRevertiveness ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The AluMwLinkRevertiveness data type is an enumerated integer that describes the revertiveness of a particular protection scheme." SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (1), revertive (2), nonRevertive (3) } -- -- AluMwLinkRadioMaintenanceOp -- AluMwLinkMaintenanceOp ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The AluMwLinkMaintenanceOp data type is an enumerated integer that describes the maintentance operation is active in a particular protection scheme." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), lockout (1), forced (2), manual (3) } -- -- AluMwRadioSwState -- AluMwRadioSwState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AluMwRadioSwState describes the state of software on the MPT. unknown - Indicates s/w version is unknown. dwnldRequested - Software Download Requested dwnldForced - Forced Software Download Requested inProgress - Software download in progress ready - Software is downloaded and ready for upgrade ok - Software is correct and running on MPT mismatch - Radio software is mismatched with running software dwnldFailed - Download of software failed" SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), dwnldRequested (1), dwnldForced (2), inProgress (3), ready (4), ok (5), mismatch (6), dwnldFailed (7) } AluMwPerfMonSection ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "$[OBJECT] is used to select the particular performance monitoring point from which to receive statistics. radioHop - Selects the stats for this radio in a 1+1, or the only possible selection in 1+0. radioLink - Selects the stats for the radio link, combining the main and spare in a 1+1." SYNTAX INTEGER { radioHop (0), radioLink (1) } AluMwPerfMonPeriod ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "$[OBJECT] is used to choose the elapsed time period from which to receive statistics." SYNTAX INTEGER { fifteenMinute (0), twentyFourHour (1) } AluMwPerfMonBin ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "$[OBJECT] is used to select a specific performance monitoring bin. - 0 Selects the current data, and actively retrieves the stats from the radio. - 1..96 Selects one of the historic data bins, from most recent to oldest. Only bins 1 through 8 are available for period twentyFourHour." SYNTAX INTEGER (0 | 1..96) AluMwPerfMonEPSState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "$[OBJECT] is the EPS state at the time the performance monitoring was recorded. notRelevant is returned if the radio is in a 1+0 configuration." SYNTAX INTEGER { notActive (0), active (1), notRelevant (2) } -- -- MW Link Table -- aluMwLinkTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AluMwLinkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The aluMwLinkTable has an entry for each Packet Microwave Link in the system." ::= { aluMwObjs 1 } aluMwLinkEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwLinkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a Packet Microwave Link that is provisioned on the system. Entries can be created and deleted on the system via SNMP SET operations operations using the aluMwLinkRowStatus object. Creation of this entry enables management of Packet Microwave (MW) Links that contain Microwave Radios. The operational state of the link is based on the state of the contained radios and protection scheme provisioned." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, aluMwLinkID } ::= { aluMwLinkTable 1 } AluMwLinkEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aluMwLinkID AluMwLinkID, aluMwLinkRowStatus RowStatus, aluMwLinkOperFlags BITS, aluMwLinkRadioScheme INTEGER, aluMwLinkAlarmState INTEGER, aluMwLinkAlarmsCritical INTEGER, aluMwLinkAlarmsMajor INTEGER, aluMwLinkAlarmsMinor INTEGER, aluMwLinkAlarmsWarning INTEGER, aluMwLinkAlarmsInd INTEGER, aluMwLinkAlarmsCommunication INTEGER, aluMwLinkAlarmsEquipment INTEGER, aluMwLinkEPSActivity AluMwLinkRadioActivity, aluMwLinkTPSActivity AluMwLinkRadioActivity, aluMwLinkRPSActivity AluMwLinkRadioActivity, aluMwLinkEPSRevertiveness AluMwLinkRevertiveness, aluMwLinkTPSRevertiveness AluMwLinkRevertiveness, aluMwLinkRPSRevertiveness AluMwLinkRevertiveness, aluMwLinkEPSMainMaintOp AluMwLinkMaintenanceOp, aluMwLinkEPSSpareMaintOp AluMwLinkMaintenanceOp, aluMwLinkTPSMainMaintOp AluMwLinkMaintenanceOp, aluMwLinkTPSSpareMaintOp AluMwLinkMaintenanceOp, aluMwLinkRPSMainMaintOp AluMwLinkMaintenanceOp, aluMwLinkRPSSpareMaintOp AluMwLinkMaintenanceOp, aluMwLinkPeerID AluMwLinkID, aluMwLinkPeerNEIpAddress IpAddress, aluMwLinkClearStatistics TmnxActionType, aluMwLinkPeerDiscovery TruthValue } aluMwLinkID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwLinkID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkID identifies this Packet Microwave Link. The value of this object is calculated using the TiMOS encoding scheme described in AluMwLinkID." ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 1 } aluMwLinkRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of row entries in the aluMwLinkTable. The manager has to first calculate the aluMwLinkID based on the TiMOS encoding." ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 2 } aluMwLinkOperFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { noRadioCfg (0), -- Link has no radios configured linkAdminDown (1), -- Link is admin down noRadiosPresent (2), -- No Radios detected noRadiosReady (3), -- No Radios are ready incompatibleConfig (4), -- Radio configuration is incompatible radioFailure (5), -- Radio equipment has failure receptionFailure (6), -- Radio reception failure di (7), -- Defect Indication txMuted (8) -- No Radios transmitting } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies all the conditions that affect the operating status of this Packet Microwave Link." ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 3 } aluMwLinkRadioScheme OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), onePlusZero (1), onePlusOneHSB (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkRadioScheme specifies the scheme all the radios contained in this link are operating in." DEFVAL { onePlusZero } ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 4 } aluMwLinkAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok (0), critical (1), major (2), minor (3), warning (4), inderminate (5), notSupported (6), unknown (7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkAlarmState summarizes the alarm state of the link. A value of 'notSupported' indicates the link does not support alarm management." ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 5 } aluMwLinkAlarmsCritical OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkAlarmsCritical indicates the number of critical alarms that are raised on this microwave link." ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 6 } aluMwLinkAlarmsMajor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkAlarmsMajor indicates the number of major alarms that are raised on this microwave link." ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 7 } aluMwLinkAlarmsMinor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkAlarmsMinor indicates the number of minor alarms that are raised on this microwave link." ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 8 } aluMwLinkAlarmsWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkAlarmsWarning indicates the number of warning alarms that are raised on this microwave link." ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 9 } aluMwLinkAlarmsInd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkAlarmsInd indicates the number of indeterminate alarms that are raised on this microwave link." ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 10 } aluMwLinkAlarmsCommunication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkAlarmsCommunication indicates the number of alarms related to radio communications that are raised on this microwave link." ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 11 } aluMwLinkAlarmsEquipment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkAlarmsEquipment indicates the number of alarms related to equipment that are raised on this microwave link." ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 12 } aluMwLinkEPSActivity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwLinkRadioActivity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkEPSActivity indicates the current activity of the equipment protection scheme" DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 13 } aluMwLinkTPSActivity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwLinkRadioActivity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkTPSActivity indicates the current activity of the transport protection scheme" DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 14 } aluMwLinkRPSActivity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwLinkRadioActivity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkRPSActivity indicates the current activity of the radio protection scheme" DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 15 } aluMwLinkEPSRevertiveness OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwLinkRevertiveness MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkEPSRevertiveness configures the revertiveness of the equipment protection scheme" DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 16 } aluMwLinkTPSRevertiveness OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwLinkRevertiveness MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkTPSRevertiveness indicates the revertiveness of the transport protection scheme. This is inherited from the aluMwLinkEPSRevertiveness" DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 17 } aluMwLinkRPSRevertiveness OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwLinkRevertiveness MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkRPSRevertiveness configures the revertiveness of the radio protection scheme" DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 18 } aluMwLinkEPSMainMaintOp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwLinkMaintenanceOp MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkEPSMainMaintOp applies maintenance operations to the main radio in the equipment protection scheme" DEFVAL { none } ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 19 } aluMwLinkEPSSpareMaintOp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwLinkMaintenanceOp MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkEPSSpareMaintOp applies maintenance operations to the spare radio in the equipment protection scheme" DEFVAL { none } ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 20 } aluMwLinkTPSMainMaintOp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwLinkMaintenanceOp MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkTPSMainMaintOp applies maintenance operations to the main radio in the transport protection scheme" DEFVAL { none } ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 21 } aluMwLinkTPSSpareMaintOp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwLinkMaintenanceOp MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkTPSSpareMaintOp applies maintenance operations to the spare radio in the transport protection scheme" DEFVAL { none } ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 22 } aluMwLinkRPSMainMaintOp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwLinkMaintenanceOp MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkRPSMainMaintOp applies maintenance operations to the main radio in the radio protection scheme" DEFVAL { none } ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 23 } aluMwLinkRPSSpareMaintOp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwLinkMaintenanceOp MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkRPSSpareMaintOp applies maintenance operations to the spare radio in the radio protection scheme" DEFVAL { none } ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 24 } aluMwLinkPeerID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwLinkID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkPeerID identifies the peer Microwave Link. The value of this object is calculated using the TiMOS encoding scheme described in AluMwLinkID when connected to 7705 SAR systems and based on peer encoding scheme for other peer types." ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 25 } aluMwLinkPeerNEIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkPeerNEIpAddress identifies the peer NE IPv4 address. " ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 26 } aluMwLinkClearStatistics OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkClearStatistics clears all link level statistics." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 27 } aluMwLinkPeerDiscovery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkPeerDiscovery enables and disables discovery of peer information on managed microwave links. The value of aluMwLinkPeerDiscovery is not used for standalone microwave links." DEFVAL { true } ::= { aluMwLinkEntry 28 } -- -- Microwave Radio Table -- aluMwRadioTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AluMwRadioEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The aluMwRadioTable has an entry for each Microwave Radio in the system." ::= { aluMwObjs 2 } aluMwRadioEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwRadioEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a Microwave Radio that is connected off a physical port on the system. The aluMwRadioPortID contains this port encoded in it. Entries can be created and deleted on microwave-aware ports via SNMP SET operations using the aluMwRadioRowStatus object. Creation of this entry enables management of connected Microwave (MW) Packet Transport Radios. The operational state of the connected radio and it's Microwave Link is represented in the operational state of this entry. Microwave Radios may only be created on ports that support microwave-awareness. There can be only one Microwave Radio on each port." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, aluMwRadioPortID } ::= { aluMwRadioTable 1 } AluMwRadioEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aluMwRadioPortID TmnxPortID, aluMwRadioRowStatus RowStatus, aluMwRadioMode INTEGER, aluMwRadioMwLinkID AluMwLinkID, aluMwRadioOperStatus TmnxPortOperStatus, aluMwRadioOperFlags BITS, aluMwRadioStandalone TruthValue, aluMwRadioName TNamedItemOrEmpty, aluMwRadioDatabaseFilename TNamedItemOrEmpty, aluMwRadioType INTEGER, aluMwRadioFrequency INTEGER, aluMwRadioAlarmState INTEGER, aluMwRadioAlarmsCritical INTEGER, aluMwRadioAlarmsMajor INTEGER, aluMwRadioAlarmsMinor INTEGER, aluMwRadioAlarmsWarning INTEGER, aluMwRadioAlarmsInd INTEGER, aluMwRadioAlarmsCommunication INTEGER, aluMwRadioAlarmsEquipment INTEGER, aluMwRadioTxMuted INTEGER, aluMwRadioReboot TmnxActionType, aluMwRadioLastStateChange TimeStamp, aluMwRadioCommEstablished TimeStamp, aluMwRadioCommLost TimeStamp, aluMwRadioSwState AluMwRadioSwState, aluMwRadioSwDnldProgress INTEGER, aluMwRadioRslHistoryUrl TmnxDisplayStringURL, aluMwRadioRslHistoryClear TmnxActionType, aluMwRadioFfdSuppressFlags BITS, aluMwRadioPMG826Enable TruthValue, aluMwRadioPMG826OperStatus TruthValue, aluMwRadioPMG826Clear TmnxActionType, aluMwRadioPMACMEnable TruthValue, aluMwRadioPMACMOperStatus TruthValue, aluMwRadioPMACMClear TmnxActionType, aluMwRadioPMPowerEnable TruthValue, aluMwRadioPMPowerOperStatus TruthValue, aluMwRadioPMPowerClear TmnxActionType } aluMwRadioPortID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioPortID identifies the port of this microwave radio. The value of this object is calculated using the TiMOS encoding scheme described in TmnxPortID." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 1 } aluMwRadioRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of row entries in the aluMwRadioTable. The manager has to first calculate the aluMwRadioPortID based on the TiMOS encoding. Setting aluMwRadioRowStatus to 'createAndGo(4)', 'createAndWait(5)' or 'destroy(6)' will be rejected if aluMwRadioPortID is set to a TmnxPortID that is the same as either TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1SrcPort or TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2SrcPort." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 2 } aluMwRadioMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), onePlusZero (1), main (2), spare (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioMode specifies the role this microwave radio is operating with respect to the 'mw-link' that it is part of. This radio will be a 'main (1)' or 'spare (2)' radio in an mw-link. This object can only be set with aluMwRadioRowStatus during the creation of the mw-link." DEFVAL { onePlusZero } ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 3 } aluMwRadioMwLinkID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwLinkID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioMwLinkID indicates the AluMwLinkID of the mw-link that this radio is part of. This object must be set during conjunction with aluMwRadioRowStatus during mw-link creation." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 4 } aluMwRadioOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current operational status of this microwave radio." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 5 } aluMwRadioOperFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { portNotPresent (0), -- IDU Port is not present portOperDown (1), -- IDU Port is oper down radioNotPresent (2), -- Radio is not present radioCommError (3), -- Radio communication error radioInit (4), -- IDU is initializing radio softwareDownload (5), -- Radio is downloading software txMuted (6), -- Radio is not transmitting radioNotReady (7), -- Radio not ready radioEqFailure (8), -- Radio equipment failure incompatibleShifter (9), -- Radio incompatible with shifter config incompatibleFreq (10), -- Radio incompatible with frequency cfg incompatiblePower (11), -- Radio incompatible with power config incompatibleModParms (12), -- Radio incompatible with modulation parms di (13), -- Radio Defect Indication radioLinkDown (14), -- Radio Link Down rslThresholdFail (15), -- RSL Threshold Crossed lof (16), -- Loss of Radio Frame protectionFail (17), -- Protection Failure proxyActive (18), -- Proxy Session to radio Active noDbFile (19), -- Radio Database File is Missing dbSyncInProgress (20), -- Radio Database Sync In Progress noDbConfig (21), -- Radio Database config is missing tpsTxMuted (22), -- Radio is Muted due to TPS activity noSoftware (23), -- IDU did not detect any software softwareMismatch (24), -- Radio does not contain correct software issu (25), -- Radio is in In-service software upgrade highBer (26) -- High bit error rate } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies all the conditions that affect the operating status of this radio. Only 'portOperDown' is applicable to radios operating as standalone devices as indicated by aluMwRadioStandalone." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 6 } aluMwRadioStandalone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies whether the radio is operating as a standalone network element or if it is managed by this router. A value of 'true' indicates it is operating as a standalone device." DEFVAL { false } ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 7 } aluMwRadioName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The textual name of the radio." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 8 } aluMwRadioDatabaseFilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioDatabaseFilename specifies the filename of the radio's database. This file must be located at the same path as the system configuration file." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 9 } aluMwRadioType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioType specifies the device type of microwave radio. The type of radio is only available when the microwave radio is managed and is present. aluMwRadioType returns a value of '0' when the radio type is unknown." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 10 } aluMwRadioFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER UNITS "MHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioType specifies the frequency of the microwave radio. The frequency of the radio is only available when the microwave radio is managed and is present." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 11 } aluMwRadioAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok (0), critical (1), major (2), minor (3), warning (4), inderminate (5), notSupported (6), unknown (7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioAlarmState summarizes the alarm state of the radio." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 12 } aluMwRadioAlarmsCritical OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioAlarmsCritical indicates the number of critical alarms that are raised on this microwave radio." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 13 } aluMwRadioAlarmsMajor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioAlarmsMajor indicates the number of major alarms that are raised on this microwave radio." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 14 } aluMwRadioAlarmsMinor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioAlarmsMinor indicates the number of minor alarms that are raised on this microwave radio." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 15 } aluMwRadioAlarmsWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioAlarmsWarning indicates the number of warning alarms that are raised on this microwave radio." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 16 } aluMwRadioAlarmsInd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioAlarmsInd indicates the number of indeterminate alarms that are raised on this microwave radio." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 17 } aluMwRadioAlarmsCommunication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioAlarmsCommunication indicates the number of alarms related to radio communications that are raised on this microwave radio." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 18 } aluMwRadioAlarmsEquipment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioAlarmsEquipment indicates the number of alarms related to equipment that are raised on this microwave radio." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 19 } aluMwRadioTxMuted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), none (1), manual (2), auto (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioTxMuted indicates the current state of the transmitter." DEFVAL { none } ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 20 } aluMwRadioReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioReboot performs a reset of the radio device." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 21 } aluMwRadioLastStateChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The aluMwRadioLastStateChange variable contains the value of the sysUpTime the last time the operational status of the radio link changed state." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 22 } aluMwRadioCommEstablished OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The aluMwRadioCommEstablished variable contains the value of the sysUpTime the last time the radio managment communications was established." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 23 } aluMwRadioCommLost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The aluMwRadioCommLost variable contains the value of the sysUpTime the last time the radio managment communications was lost." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 24 } aluMwRadioSwState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwRadioSwState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioSwState indicates the state of software on the MPT." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 25 } aluMwRadioSwDnldProgress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioSwDnldProgress indicates the progress percentage of an in-progress software download to the MPT." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 26 } aluMwRadioRslHistoryUrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDisplayStringURL MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioRslHistoryUrl specifies the URL of the radio's RSL history. This file must be located on the local compact flash." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 27 } aluMwRadioRslHistoryClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioRslHistoryClear performs a clear of the MPT RSL history." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 28 } aluMwRadioFfdSuppressFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { allfaults (0), -- All Mpt faults highBer (1), -- High bit error rate di (2), -- DI rslThreshold (3) -- RSL Threshold } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the MPT radio fault conditions which can be suppressed." ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 29 } aluMwRadioPMG826Enable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables normalized G.826 performance monitoring statistics to be collected." DEFVAL { false } ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 30 } aluMwRadioPMG826OperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current operational status of normalized G.826 performance monitoring statistics." DEFVAL { false } ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 31 } aluMwRadioPMG826Clear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clears the recorded current and historical normalized G.826 statistics." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 32 } aluMwRadioPMACMEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables Adaptive Coding and Modulation performance monitoring statistics to be collected." DEFVAL { false } ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 33 } aluMwRadioPMACMOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current operational status of Adaptive Coding and Modulation performance monitoring statistics." DEFVAL { false } ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 34 } aluMwRadioPMACMClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clears the recorded current and historical Adaptive Coding and Modulation statistics." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 35 } aluMwRadioPMPowerEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables RX and TX power performance monitoring statistics to be collected." DEFVAL { false } ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 36 } aluMwRadioPMPowerOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current operational status of RX and TX power performance monitoring statistics." DEFVAL { false } ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 37 } aluMwRadioPMPowerClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clears the recorded current and historical RX and TX power statistics." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { aluMwRadioEntry 38 } -- -- Microwave Radio Power Measures Table -- aluMwRadioPowerMeasuresTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AluMwRadioPowerMeasuresEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table contains the radio analogue measurements. " ::= { aluMwObjs 3 } aluMwRadioPowerMeasuresEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwRadioPowerMeasuresEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " An entry of the analogue measurements table. Each entry corresponds to a Radio Synchronous or Plesiochronous Physical Interface (RSPI or RPPI). " INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, aluMwRadioPortID } ::= { aluMwRadioPowerMeasuresTable 1 } AluMwRadioPowerMeasuresEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aluMwRadioLocalTxPower Integer32, aluMwRadioLocalRxMainPower Integer32, aluMwRadioRemoteTxPower Integer32, aluMwRadioRemoteRxMainPower Integer32, aluMwRadioLocalDiversityPower Integer32, aluMwRadioRemoteDiversityPower Integer32 } aluMwRadioLocalTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1000..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the local transmitted power level. It is an integer with associated measure unit expressed in decade of dBm. " ::= { aluMwRadioPowerMeasuresEntry 1 } aluMwRadioLocalRxMainPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1000..0) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the local received power level. In case of space diversity configuration with combiner function in base band it is used to represent the power at the input of the local main receiver. It is a negative integer with associated measure unit expressed in decade of dBm. " ::= { aluMwRadioPowerMeasuresEntry 2 } aluMwRadioRemoteTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1000..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the remote transmitted power level. It is an integer with associated measure unit expressed in decade of dBm. " ::= { aluMwRadioPowerMeasuresEntry 3 } aluMwRadioRemoteRxMainPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1000..0) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the remote received power level. In case of space diversity configuration with combiner function in base band it is used to represent the power at the input of the remote main receiver. It is a negative integer with associated measure unit expressed in decade of dBm. " ::= { aluMwRadioPowerMeasuresEntry 4 } aluMwRadioLocalDiversityPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1000..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the local RSL power for SD (combiner) module input. It is an integer with associated measure unit expressed in decade of dBm." ::= { aluMwRadioPowerMeasuresEntry 5 } aluMwRadioRemoteDiversityPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1000..0) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the remote RSL power for SD (combiner) module input. It is a negative integer with associated measure unit expressed in decade of dBm." ::= { aluMwRadioPowerMeasuresEntry 6 } -- -- Microwave Radio Alarms Table -- aluMwRadioAlarmsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AluMwRadioAlarmsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table contains the radio alarm conditions. " ::= { aluMwObjs 4 } aluMwRadioAlarmsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwRadioAlarmsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " An entry of the alarms table. Each entry corresponds to a Radio alarm conditions that is currently raised or cleared." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, aluMwRadioPortID, aluMwRadioAlarmID } ::= { aluMwRadioAlarmsTable 1 } AluMwRadioAlarmsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aluMwRadioAlarmID INTEGER, aluMwRadioAlarmTime DateAndTime, aluMwRadioAlarmName DisplayString, aluMwRadioAlarmSeverity INTEGER, aluMwRadioAlarmSpecProblem DisplayString, aluMwRadioAlarmType INTEGER, aluMwRadioAlarmObject DisplayString, aluMwRadioAlarmSubObject DisplayString } aluMwRadioAlarmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by Microwave notifications, the OID indicates the identifier of an alarm condition on the radio device." ::= { aluMwRadioAlarmsEntry 1 } aluMwRadioAlarmTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by Microwave notifications, the OID indicates the time at which the event occured on the radio device." ::= { aluMwRadioAlarmsEntry 2 } aluMwRadioAlarmName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the alarm name of the condition." ::= { aluMwRadioAlarmsEntry 3 } aluMwRadioAlarmSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { critical(1), major(2), minor(3), warning(4), indeterminate(5), cleared(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by Microwave notifications, the OID indicates the severity of an alarm condition on the radio device." ::= { aluMwRadioAlarmsEntry 4 } aluMwRadioAlarmSpecProblem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the alarm specific problem description. Indicates further refinements to the problem identified by the alarm type. If more than one specific problem is described in this object, the problem descriptions are separated by <;> characters. The format of the DisplayString is defined as follow: String | OID | ({String;}((OID | Integer);)*)" ::= { aluMwRadioAlarmsEntry 5 } aluMwRadioAlarmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { communication (1), qos (2), processing (3), equipment (4), environment (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by Microwave notifications, the OID indicates the type of alarm condition on the radio device." ::= { aluMwRadioAlarmsEntry 6 } aluMwRadioAlarmObject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by Microwave notifications, the OID indicates the object on the radio device that has the alarm condition." ::= { aluMwRadioAlarmsEntry 7 } aluMwRadioAlarmSubObject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by Microwave notifications, the OID indicates the sub-object on the radio device that has the alarm condition." ::= { aluMwRadioAlarmsEntry 8 } -- -- MW Link Statistics Table -- aluMwLinkStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AluMwLinkStatisticsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The aluMwLinkStatisticsTable has an entry for each Packet Microwave Link in the system." ::= { aluMwObjs 5 } aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwLinkStatisticsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a Packet Microwave Link that is provisioned on the system." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, aluMwLinkID } ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsTable 1 } AluMwLinkStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aluMwLinkAggrFramesTx Counter64, aluMwLinkAggrOctetsTx Counter64, aluMwLinkAggrDiscardedTx Counter64, aluMwLinkQueue1FramesTx Counter64, aluMwLinkQueue1OctetsTx Counter64, aluMwLinkQueue1DiscardedTx Counter64, aluMwLinkQueue2FramesTx Counter64, aluMwLinkQueue2OctetsTx Counter64, aluMwLinkQueue2DiscardedTx Counter64, aluMwLinkQueue3FramesTx Counter64, aluMwLinkQueue3OctetsTx Counter64, aluMwLinkQueue3DiscardedTx Counter64, aluMwLinkQueue4FramesTx Counter64, aluMwLinkQueue4OctetsTx Counter64, aluMwLinkQueue4DiscardedTx Counter64, aluMwLinkQueue5FramesTx Counter64, aluMwLinkQueue5OctetsTx Counter64, aluMwLinkQueue5DiscardedTx Counter64 } aluMwLinkAggrFramesTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkAggrFramesTx specifies the number of ethernet frames to be transmitted over radio link." ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry 1 } aluMwLinkAggrOctetsTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkAggrOctetsTx specifies the number of octets to be transmitted over radio link." ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry 2 } aluMwLinkAggrDiscardedTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkAggrDiscardedTx specifies the number of frames discarded on the radio before transmission." ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry 3 } aluMwLinkQueue1FramesTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkQueue1FramesTx specifies the number of ethernet frames to be transmitted from queue 1 over radio link." ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry 4 } aluMwLinkQueue1OctetsTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkQueue1OctetsTx specifies the number of octets to be transmitted from queue 1 over radio link." ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry 5 } aluMwLinkQueue1DiscardedTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkQueue1DiscardedTx specifies the number of frames discarded on the radio from queue 1 before transmission." ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry 6 } aluMwLinkQueue2FramesTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkQueue2FramesTx specifies the number of ethernet frames to be transmitted from queue 2 over radio link." ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry 7 } aluMwLinkQueue2OctetsTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkQueue2OctetsTx specifies the number of octets transmitted to be from queue 2 over radio link." ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry 8 } aluMwLinkQueue2DiscardedTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkQueue2DiscardedTx specifies the number of frames discarded on the radio from queue 2 before transmission." ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry 9 } aluMwLinkQueue3FramesTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkQueue3FramesTx specifies the number of ethernet frames to be transmitted from queue 3 over radio link." ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry 10 } aluMwLinkQueue3OctetsTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkQueue3OctetsTx specifies the number of octets to be transmitted from queue 3 over radio link." ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry 11 } aluMwLinkQueue3DiscardedTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkQueue3DiscardedTx specifies the number of frames discarded on the radio from queue 3 before transmission." ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry 12 } aluMwLinkQueue4FramesTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkQueue4FramesTx specifies the number of ethernet frames to be transmitted from queue 4 over radio link." ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry 13 } aluMwLinkQueue4OctetsTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkQueue4OctetsTx specifies the number of octets to be transmitted from queue 4 over radio link." ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry 14 } aluMwLinkQueue4DiscardedTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkQueue4DiscardedTx specifies the number of frames discarded on the radio from queue 4 before transmission." ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry 15 } aluMwLinkQueue5FramesTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkQueue5FramesTx specifies the number of ethernet frames to be transmitted from queue 5 over radio link." ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry 16 } aluMwLinkQueue5OctetsTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkQueue5OctetsTx specifies the number of octets to be transmitted from queue 5 over radio link." ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry 17 } aluMwLinkQueue5DiscardedTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkQueue5DiscardedTx specifies the number of frames discarded on the radio from queue 5 before transmission." ::= { aluMwLinkStatisticsEntry 18 } -- -- Microwave Radio Info Table -- aluMwRadioInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AluMwRadioInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The aluMwRadioInfoTable has an entry for each Microwave Radio in the system." ::= { aluMwObjs 6 } aluMwRadioInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwRadioInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a Microwave Radio that is connected off a physical port on the system. The aluMwRadioPortID contains this port encoded in it." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, aluMwRadioPortID } ::= { aluMwRadioInfoTable 1 } AluMwRadioInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aluMwRadioInfoValid TruthValue, aluMwRadioCompanyId SnmpAdminString, aluMwRadioMnemonic SnmpAdminString, aluMwRadioCLEI SnmpAdminString, aluMwRadioHwPartNumber SnmpAdminString, aluMwRadioSwPartNumber SnmpAdminString, aluMwRadioFactoryId SnmpAdminString, aluMwRadioSerialNumber SnmpAdminString, aluMwRadioMfgDateId SnmpAdminString, aluMwRadioMfgDate SnmpAdminString, aluMwRadioCustomerField SnmpAdminString, aluMwRadioTemperature INTEGER } aluMwRadioInfoValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioInfoValid indicates whether the info of the MPT is valid." ::= { aluMwRadioInfoEntry 1 } aluMwRadioCompanyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..4)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inventory company identifier for the microwave radio." ::= { aluMwRadioInfoEntry 2 } aluMwRadioMnemonic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mnemonic inventory value for the microwave radio." ::= { aluMwRadioInfoEntry 3 } aluMwRadioCLEI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..10)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inventory CLEI value for the microwave radio." ::= { aluMwRadioInfoEntry 4 } aluMwRadioHwPartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..14)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inventory Hardware Part + ICS value for the microwave radio." ::= { aluMwRadioInfoEntry 5 } aluMwRadioSwPartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..14)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inventory Software Part number for the microwave radio." ::= { aluMwRadioInfoEntry 6 } aluMwRadioFactoryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..4)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inventory factory identifier for the microwave radio." ::= { aluMwRadioInfoEntry 7 } aluMwRadioSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique inventory serial number for the microwave radio." ::= { aluMwRadioInfoEntry 8 } aluMwRadioMfgDateId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..2)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inventory manufacturing date identifier for the microwave radio." ::= { aluMwRadioInfoEntry 9 } aluMwRadioMfgDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..6)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inventory manufacturing date for the microwave radio." ::= { aluMwRadioInfoEntry 10 } aluMwRadioCustomerField OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..46)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inventory customer field for the microwave radio." ::= { aluMwRadioInfoEntry 11 } aluMwRadioTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwRadioTemperature indicates the temperature of the MPT." ::= { aluMwRadioInfoEntry 12 } -- -- Microwave (System) Table -- aluMwTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AluMwEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The aluMwTable has system information for microwave." ::= { aluMwObjs 7 } aluMwEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a Microwave System." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex } ::= { aluMwTable 1 } AluMwEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aluMwSwPackageValid TruthValue, aluMwSwDownloadTool INTEGER, aluMwSwDownloadState INTEGER } aluMwSwPackageValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwSwPackageValid indicates whether SAR has detected a valid Software package for managed radios." ::= { aluMwEntry 1 } aluMwSwDownloadTool OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), startDownload (1), startForcedDownload (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwSwDownloadTool is used to initiate a software download of radio software to all managed radios." ::= { aluMwEntry 2 } aluMwSwDownloadState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), noSoftwarePackage (1), ready (2), downloadInProgress (3), downloadFailed (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwSwDownloadState is used to indicate the state of the of radio software to all managed radios. noSoftwarePackage - No Valid Software Package Found ready - Software is Ready downloadInProgress - Software Tool Download downloadFailed - Software Tool Failed" ::= { aluMwEntry 3 } -- -- Microwave Link TDA Status -- aluMwLinkTdaStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AluMwLinkTdaStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table contains the MW link Transmit Diversity Antenna status. " ::= { aluMwObjs 8 } aluMwLinkTdaStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwLinkTdaStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " An entry of the Transmit Diversity Antenna status table." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, aluMwLinkID } ::= { aluMwLinkTdaStatusTable 1 } AluMwLinkTdaStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aluMwLinkTdaCmdState INTEGER, aluMwLinkTdaManualCmdStatus INTEGER, aluMwLinkTdaSwitchPosition INTEGER } aluMwLinkTdaCmdState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (0), enabled (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkTdaCmdState is used to get the TDA command state." ::= { aluMwLinkTdaStatusEntry 1 } aluMwLinkTdaManualCmdStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notForced (0), main (1), diversity (2), error (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkTdaManualCmdStatus is used to get the TDA manual command status." ::= { aluMwLinkTdaStatusEntry 2 } aluMwLinkTdaSwitchPosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { main (0), diversity (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "aluMwLinkTdaSwitchPosition is used to get the TDA switch position." ::= { aluMwLinkTdaStatusEntry 3 } aluMwRadioPMG826Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AluMwRadioPMG826Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the current and historic normalized G.826 performance monitoring statistics for the given radio." ::= { aluMwObjs 9 } aluMwRadioPMG826Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwRadioPMG826Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry of the microwave radio G.826 performance monitoring table." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, aluMwRadioPortID, aluMwPMG826Section, aluMwPMG826Period, aluMwPMG826Bin } ::= { aluMwRadioPMG826Table 1 } AluMwRadioPMG826Entry ::= SEQUENCE { aluMwPMG826Section AluMwPerfMonSection, aluMwPMG826Period AluMwPerfMonPeriod, aluMwPMG826Bin AluMwPerfMonBin, aluMwPMG826Date INTEGER, aluMwPMG826Duration INTEGER, aluMwPMG826EPSState AluMwPerfMonEPSState, aluMwPMG826Suspect TruthValue, aluMwPMG826ES Unsigned32, aluMwPMG826SES Unsigned32, aluMwPMG826BBE Unsigned32, aluMwPMG826UAS Unsigned32 } aluMwPMG826Section OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwPerfMonSection MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index to select the radio link or radio hop." ::= { aluMwRadioPMG826Entry 1 } aluMwPMG826Period OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwPerfMonPeriod MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index to select the 15 minute or 24 hour counters." ::= { aluMwRadioPMG826Entry 2 } aluMwPMG826Bin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwPerfMonBin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index to select the current (0) or historic counters." ::= { aluMwRadioPMG826Entry 3 } aluMwPMG826Date OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds since midnight, January 1st 1970 to the start of this counting period (even 15 minutes or beginning of day, depending on selected period)." ::= { aluMwRadioPMG826Entry 4 } aluMwPMG826Duration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds recorded in this period." ::= { aluMwRadioPMG826Entry 5 } aluMwPMG826EPSState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwPerfMonEPSState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The EPS state at the time of recording this period." ::= { aluMwRadioPMG826Entry 6 } aluMwPMG826Suspect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the stats are incomplete for this period, they will be considered suspect." ::= { aluMwRadioPMG826Entry 7 } aluMwPMG826ES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of errored seconds." ::= { aluMwRadioPMG826Entry 8 } aluMwPMG826SES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number severely errored seconds." ::= { aluMwRadioPMG826Entry 9 } aluMwPMG826BBE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of background block errors." ::= { aluMwRadioPMG826Entry 10 } aluMwPMG826UAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of unavailable seconds." ::= { aluMwRadioPMG826Entry 11 } aluMwRadioPMACMTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AluMwRadioPMACMEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the current and historic adaptive coding and modulation performance monitoring statistics for the given radio." ::= { aluMwObjs 10 } aluMwRadioPMACMEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwRadioPMACMEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry of the microwave ACM performance monitoring table." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, aluMwRadioPortID, aluMwPMACMPeriod, aluMwPMACMBin, aluMwPMACMModulation } ::= { aluMwRadioPMACMTable 1 } AluMwRadioPMACMEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aluMwPMACMPeriod AluMwPerfMonPeriod, aluMwPMACMBin AluMwPerfMonBin, aluMwPMACMModulation INTEGER, aluMwPMACMDate INTEGER, aluMwPMACMDuration INTEGER, aluMwPMACMSuspect TruthValue, aluMwPMACMTimeSpent Unsigned32 } aluMwPMACMPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwPerfMonPeriod MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index to select the 15 minute or 24 hour counters." ::= { aluMwRadioPMACMEntry 1 } aluMwPMACMBin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwPerfMonBin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index to select the current (0) or historic counters." ::= { aluMwRadioPMACMEntry 2 } aluMwPMACMModulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index to select the modulation ID." ::= { aluMwRadioPMACMEntry 3} aluMwPMACMDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds since midnight, January 1st 1970 to the start of this counting period (even 15 minutes or beginning of day, depending on selected period)." ::= { aluMwRadioPMACMEntry 4 } aluMwPMACMDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds recorded in this period." ::= { aluMwRadioPMACMEntry 5 } aluMwPMACMSuspect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the stats are incomplete for this period, they will be considered suspect." ::= { aluMwRadioPMACMEntry 6 } aluMwPMACMTimeSpent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of milliseconds spent at this modulation." ::= { aluMwRadioPMACMEntry 7 } aluMwRadioPMPowerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AluMwRadioPMPowerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the current and historic RX and TX power performance monitoring statistics for the given radio." ::= { aluMwObjs 11 } aluMwRadioPMPowerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwRadioPMPowerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry of the microwave Power performance monitoring table." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, aluMwRadioPortID, aluMwPMPowerDirection, aluMwPMPowerSection, aluMwPMPowerPeriod, aluMwPMPowerBin } ::= { aluMwRadioPMPowerTable 1 } AluMwRadioPMPowerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aluMwPMPowerDirection INTEGER, aluMwPMPowerSection AluMwPerfMonSection, aluMwPMPowerPeriod AluMwPerfMonPeriod, aluMwPMPowerBin AluMwPerfMonBin, aluMwPMPowerDate INTEGER, aluMwPMPowerDuration INTEGER, aluMwPMPowerEPSState AluMwPerfMonEPSState, aluMwPMPowerSuspect TruthValue, aluMwPMPowerMinPowerLevel Integer32, aluMwPMPowerMaxPowerLevel Integer32, aluMwPMPowerMeanPowerLevel Integer32 } aluMwPMPowerDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rx (0), tx (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index to select the received or transmitted power levels." ::= { aluMwRadioPMPowerEntry 1 } aluMwPMPowerSection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwPerfMonSection MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index to select the radio link or radio hop. Radio link is not applicable when the direction is tx." ::= { aluMwRadioPMPowerEntry 2 } aluMwPMPowerPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwPerfMonPeriod MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index to select the 15 minute or 24 hour counters." ::= { aluMwRadioPMPowerEntry 3 } aluMwPMPowerBin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwPerfMonBin MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index to select the current (0) or historic counters." ::= { aluMwRadioPMPowerEntry 4 } aluMwPMPowerDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds since midnight, January 1st 1970 to the start of this counting period (even 15 minutes or beginning of day, depending on selected period)." ::= { aluMwRadioPMPowerEntry 5 } aluMwPMPowerDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds recorded in this period." ::= { aluMwRadioPMPowerEntry 6 } aluMwPMPowerEPSState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwPerfMonEPSState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The EPS state at the time of recording this period. If the direction is tx, EPS state is always notRelevant." ::= { aluMwRadioPMPowerEntry 7 } aluMwPMPowerSuspect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the stats are incomplete for this period, they will be considered suspect." ::= { aluMwRadioPMPowerEntry 8 } aluMwPMPowerMinPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1000..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum power level." ::= { aluMwRadioPMPowerEntry 9 } aluMwPMPowerMaxPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1000..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum power level." ::= { aluMwRadioPMPowerEntry 10 } aluMwPMPowerMeanPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1000..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average power level." ::= { aluMwRadioPMPowerEntry 11 } --%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- -- Notification Definition section -- -- Notification Objects -- aluMwNotifyRadioPortID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by Microwave notifications, the OID indicates the port id where a radio is connected." ::= { aluMwNotifyObjs 1 } aluMwNotifyAlarmTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by Microwave notifications, the OID indicates the time at which the event occured on the radio device." ::= { aluMwNotifyObjs 2 } aluMwNotifyAlarmId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by Microwave notifications, the OID indicates the identifier of an alarm condition on the radio device." ::= { aluMwNotifyObjs 3 } aluMwNotifyAlarmName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the alarm name of the condition." ::= { aluMwNotifyObjs 4 } aluMwNotifyAlarmSpecProblem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the alarm specific problem description. Indicates further refinements to the problem identified by the alarm type. If more than one specific problem is described in this object, the problem descriptions are separated by <;> characters. The format of the DisplayString is defined as follow: String | OID | ({String;}((OID | Integer);)*)" ::= { aluMwNotifyObjs 5 } aluMwNotifyAlarmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { communication (1), qos (2), processing (3), equipment (4), environment (5) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by Microwave notifications, the OID indicates the type of alarm condition on the radio device." ::= { aluMwNotifyObjs 6 } aluMwNotifyAlarmObject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by Microwave notifications, the OID indicates the object on the radio device that has the alarm condition." ::= { aluMwNotifyObjs 7 } aluMwNotifyAlarmSubObject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by Microwave notifications, the OID indicates the sub-object on the radio device that has the alarm condition." ::= { aluMwNotifyObjs 8 } aluMwNotifyTxMute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noMute (1), mute (2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by Microwave notifications, the OID indicates the type of mute on the radio transmitter." ::= { aluMwNotifyObjs 9 } aluMwNotifyLinkPortID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by Microwave notifications, the OID indicates the port id where a microwave link." ::= { aluMwNotifyObjs 10 } aluMwNotifyLinkActivity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { main (1), spare (2), both (3) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by Microwave notifications, the OID indicates the the activity of the link of a protection scheme." ::= { aluMwNotifyObjs 11 } aluMwNotifyLinkProtectionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eps (1), tps (2), rps (3) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by Microwave notifications, the OID indicates the the type of protection." ::= { aluMwNotifyObjs 12 } aluMwNotifyRadioSwState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AluMwRadioSwState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by Microwave notifications, the OID indicates the the state of radio software." ::= { aluMwNotifyObjs 13 } aluMwRadioLinkUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a microwave radio link goes up." ::= { aluMwNotification 1 } aluMwRadioLinkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a microwave radio link goes down." ::= { aluMwNotification 2 } aluMwRadioPresent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a microwave radio device is detected." ::= { aluMwNotification 3 } aluMwRadioNotPresent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a microwave radio device is no longer detected." ::= { aluMwNotification 4 } aluMwRadioSwPackageMissing NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a valid microwave radio software package is not present at startup." ::= { aluMwNotification 5 } aluMwRadioDatabaseUpdated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a microwave radio database has been updated." ::= { aluMwNotification 6 } aluMwRadioCriticalAlarmRaise NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID, aluMwNotifyAlarmId, aluMwNotifyAlarmTime, aluMwNotifyAlarmName, aluMwNotifyAlarmSpecProblem, aluMwNotifyAlarmType, aluMwNotifyAlarmObject, aluMwNotifyAlarmSubObject } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification reports the critical radio defect raise." ::= { aluMwNotification 7 } aluMwRadioCriticalAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID, aluMwNotifyAlarmId, aluMwNotifyAlarmTime, aluMwNotifyAlarmName, aluMwNotifyAlarmSpecProblem, aluMwNotifyAlarmType, aluMwNotifyAlarmObject, aluMwNotifyAlarmSubObject } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification reports critical defect radio clear." ::= { aluMwNotification 8 } aluMwRadioMajorAlarmRaise NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID, aluMwNotifyAlarmId, aluMwNotifyAlarmTime, aluMwNotifyAlarmName, aluMwNotifyAlarmSpecProblem, aluMwNotifyAlarmType, aluMwNotifyAlarmObject, aluMwNotifyAlarmSubObject } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification reports the major radio defect raise." ::= { aluMwNotification 9 } aluMwRadioMajorAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID, aluMwNotifyAlarmId, aluMwNotifyAlarmTime, aluMwNotifyAlarmName, aluMwNotifyAlarmSpecProblem, aluMwNotifyAlarmType, aluMwNotifyAlarmObject, aluMwNotifyAlarmSubObject } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification reports major defect radio clear." ::= { aluMwNotification 10 } aluMwRadioMinorAlarmRaise NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID, aluMwNotifyAlarmId, aluMwNotifyAlarmTime, aluMwNotifyAlarmName, aluMwNotifyAlarmSpecProblem, aluMwNotifyAlarmType, aluMwNotifyAlarmObject, aluMwNotifyAlarmSubObject } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification reports the minor radio defect raise." ::= { aluMwNotification 11 } aluMwRadioMinorAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID, aluMwNotifyAlarmId, aluMwNotifyAlarmTime, aluMwNotifyAlarmName, aluMwNotifyAlarmSpecProblem, aluMwNotifyAlarmType, aluMwNotifyAlarmObject, aluMwNotifyAlarmSubObject } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification reports minor defect radio clear." ::= { aluMwNotification 12 } aluMwRadioWarningAlarmRaise NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID, aluMwNotifyAlarmId, aluMwNotifyAlarmTime, aluMwNotifyAlarmName, aluMwNotifyAlarmSpecProblem, aluMwNotifyAlarmType, aluMwNotifyAlarmObject, aluMwNotifyAlarmSubObject } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification reports the warning radio defect raise." ::= { aluMwNotification 13 } aluMwRadioWarningAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID, aluMwNotifyAlarmId, aluMwNotifyAlarmTime, aluMwNotifyAlarmName, aluMwNotifyAlarmSpecProblem, aluMwNotifyAlarmType, aluMwNotifyAlarmObject, aluMwNotifyAlarmSubObject } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification reports warning defect radio clear." ::= { aluMwNotification 14 } aluMwRadioIndetermAlarmRaise NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID, aluMwNotifyAlarmId, aluMwNotifyAlarmTime, aluMwNotifyAlarmName, aluMwNotifyAlarmSpecProblem, aluMwNotifyAlarmType, aluMwNotifyAlarmObject, aluMwNotifyAlarmSubObject } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification reports the indeterminate radio defect raise." ::= { aluMwNotification 15 } aluMwRadioIndetermAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID, aluMwNotifyAlarmId, aluMwNotifyAlarmTime, aluMwNotifyAlarmName, aluMwNotifyAlarmSpecProblem, aluMwNotifyAlarmType, aluMwNotifyAlarmObject, aluMwNotifyAlarmSubObject } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification reports indeterminate defect radio clear." ::= { aluMwNotification 16 } aluMwRadioTxChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID, aluMwNotifyTxMute } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a microwave radio transmitter changes state." ::= { aluMwNotification 17 } aluMwLinkEPSActivityChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyLinkPortID, aluMwNotifyLinkActivity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a microwave link changes activity for EPS." ::= { aluMwNotification 18 } aluMwLinkTPSActivityChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyLinkPortID, aluMwNotifyLinkActivity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a microwave link changes activity for TPS." ::= { aluMwNotification 19 } aluMwLinkRPSActivityChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyLinkPortID, aluMwNotifyLinkActivity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a microwave link changes activity for RPS." ::= { aluMwNotification 20 } aluMwLinkMaintenanceChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyLinkPortID, aluMwNotifyLinkProtectionType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a microwave link maintenance command changes." ::= { aluMwNotification 21 } aluMwLinkPeerChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyLinkPortID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a microwave link discovered peer changes." ::= { aluMwNotification 22 } aluMwRadioSwStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID, aluMwNotifyRadioSwState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when on microwave radio software state changes." ::= { aluMwNotification 23 } aluMwRadioRslHistoryUploadFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when microwave radio RSL History upload fails." ::= { aluMwNotification 24 } aluMwMptSwReconcileFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when microwave MPT sw reconcile fails." ::= { aluMwNotification 25 } aluMwRadioRslHistoryCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when microwave radio RSL History is cleared." ::= { aluMwNotification 26 } aluMwRadioPMG826OperUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when microwave radio G826 PM becomes operationally up." ::= { aluMwNotification 27 } aluMwRadioPMG826OperDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when microwave radio G826 PM becomes operationally down." ::= { aluMwNotification 28 } aluMwRadioPMACMOperUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when microwave radio ACM PM becomes operationally up." ::= { aluMwNotification 29 } aluMwRadioPMACMOperDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when microwave radio ACM PM becomes operationally down." ::= { aluMwNotification 30 } aluMwRadioPMPowerOperUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when microwave radio power PM becomes operationally up." ::= { aluMwNotification 31 } aluMwRadioPMPowerOperDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when microwave radio power PM becomes operationally down." ::= { aluMwNotification 32 } --%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- -- The compliance specifications. -- aluMwCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aluMwConformance 1 } aluMwGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aluMwConformance 2 } aluMwComp7705 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aluMwCompliances 1 } -- aluMwComp7705V1v0 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aluMwComp7705 1} aluMwComp7705V1v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 1.0 of ALU-MICROWAVE-MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { aluMwGroup, aluMwNotificationGroup, aluMwPeerDiscoveryGroup, aluMwAlarmGroup } ::= { aluMwComp7705 1 } -- units of conformance aluMwGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { aluMwRadioRowStatus, aluMwRadioMode, aluMwRadioMwLinkID, aluMwRadioOperStatus, aluMwRadioOperFlags, aluMwLinkRowStatus, aluMwLinkOperFlags, aluMwLinkRadioScheme, aluMwLinkEPSActivity, aluMwLinkRPSActivity, aluMwLinkTPSActivity, aluMwLinkEPSRevertiveness, aluMwLinkTPSRevertiveness, aluMwLinkRPSRevertiveness, aluMwLinkEPSMainMaintOp, aluMwLinkEPSSpareMaintOp, aluMwLinkTPSMainMaintOp, aluMwLinkTPSSpareMaintOp, aluMwLinkRPSMainMaintOp, aluMwLinkRPSSpareMaintOp, aluMwLinkPeerID, aluMwLinkPeerNEIpAddress, aluMwLinkClearStatistics, aluMwRadioStandalone, aluMwRadioName, aluMwRadioDatabaseFilename, aluMwRadioType, aluMwRadioFrequency, aluMwRadioCompanyId, aluMwRadioMnemonic, aluMwRadioCLEI, aluMwRadioHwPartNumber, aluMwRadioSwPartNumber, aluMwRadioFactoryId, aluMwRadioSerialNumber, aluMwRadioMfgDateId, aluMwRadioMfgDate, aluMwRadioCustomerField, aluMwRadioAlarmState, aluMwRadioAlarmsCritical, aluMwRadioAlarmsMajor, aluMwRadioAlarmsMinor, aluMwRadioAlarmsWarning, aluMwRadioAlarmsInd, aluMwRadioAlarmsCommunication, aluMwRadioAlarmsEquipment, aluMwRadioTxMuted, aluMwRadioReboot, aluMwRadioLastStateChange, aluMwRadioInfoValid, aluMwRadioTemperature, aluMwRadioCommEstablished, aluMwRadioLocalTxPower, aluMwRadioLocalRxMainPower, aluMwRadioRemoteTxPower, aluMwRadioRemoteRxMainPower, aluMwLinkAggrFramesTx, aluMwLinkAggrOctetsTx, aluMwLinkAggrDiscardedTx, aluMwLinkQueue1FramesTx, aluMwLinkQueue1OctetsTx, aluMwLinkQueue1DiscardedTx, aluMwLinkQueue2FramesTx, aluMwLinkQueue2OctetsTx, aluMwLinkQueue2DiscardedTx, aluMwLinkQueue3FramesTx, aluMwLinkQueue3OctetsTx, aluMwLinkQueue3DiscardedTx, aluMwLinkQueue4FramesTx, aluMwLinkQueue4OctetsTx, aluMwLinkQueue4DiscardedTx, aluMwLinkQueue5FramesTx, aluMwLinkQueue5OctetsTx, aluMwLinkQueue5DiscardedTx, aluMwSwPackageValid, aluMwSwDownloadTool, aluMwRadioSwState, aluMwRadioSwDnldProgress, aluMwSwDownloadState, aluMwRadioRslHistoryUrl, aluMwRadioRslHistoryClear, aluMwLinkTdaCmdState, aluMwLinkTdaManualCmdStatus, aluMwLinkTdaSwitchPosition, aluMwRadioLocalDiversityPower, aluMwRadioRemoteDiversityPower, aluMwRadioFfdSuppressFlags, aluMwRadioPMG826Enable, aluMwRadioPMG826OperStatus, aluMwRadioPMG826Clear, aluMwRadioPMACMEnable, aluMwRadioPMACMOperStatus, aluMwRadioPMACMClear, aluMwRadioPMPowerEnable, aluMwRadioPMPowerOperStatus, aluMwRadioPMPowerClear, aluMwPMG826Section, aluMwPMG826Period, aluMwPMG826Bin, aluMwPMG826Date, aluMwPMG826Duration, aluMwPMG826EPSState, aluMwPMG826Suspect, aluMwPMG826ES, aluMwPMG826SES, aluMwPMG826BBE, aluMwPMG826UAS, aluMwPMACMPeriod, aluMwPMACMBin, aluMwPMACMModulation, aluMwPMACMDate, aluMwPMACMDuration, aluMwPMACMSuspect, aluMwPMACMTimeSpent, aluMwPMPowerDirection, aluMwPMPowerSection, aluMwPMPowerPeriod, aluMwPMPowerBin, aluMwPMPowerDate, aluMwPMPowerDuration, aluMwPMPowerEPSState, aluMwPMPowerSuspect, aluMwPMPowerMinPowerLevel, aluMwPMPowerMaxPowerLevel, aluMwPMPowerMeanPowerLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of the microwave aware ports for the remote management of Microwave Awareness on Nokia SAR series systems." ::= { aluMwGroups 1 } aluMwNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { aluMwRadioLinkUp, aluMwRadioLinkDown, aluMwRadioPresent, aluMwRadioNotPresent, aluMwRadioSwPackageMissing, aluMwRadioDatabaseUpdated, aluMwRadioCriticalAlarmRaise, aluMwRadioCriticalAlarmClear, aluMwRadioMajorAlarmRaise, aluMwRadioMajorAlarmClear, aluMwRadioMinorAlarmRaise, aluMwRadioMinorAlarmClear, aluMwRadioWarningAlarmRaise, aluMwRadioWarningAlarmClear, aluMwRadioIndetermAlarmRaise, aluMwRadioIndetermAlarmClear, aluMwRadioTxChange, aluMwLinkEPSActivityChange, aluMwLinkTPSActivityChange, aluMwLinkRPSActivityChange, aluMwLinkMaintenanceChange, aluMwLinkPeerChange, aluMwRadioSwStateChange, aluMwRadioRslHistoryUploadFail, aluMwMptSwReconcileFail, aluMwRadioRslHistoryCleared, aluMwRadioPMG826OperUp, aluMwRadioPMG826OperDown, aluMwRadioPMACMOperUp, aluMwRadioPMACMOperDown, aluMwRadioPMPowerOperUp, aluMwRadioPMPowerOperDown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of microwave awareness on Nokia SAR series systems." ::= { aluMwGroups 2 } aluMwNotificationObjsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { aluMwNotifyRadioPortID, aluMwNotifyAlarmId, aluMwNotifyAlarmTime, aluMwNotifyAlarmName, aluMwNotifyAlarmSpecProblem, aluMwNotifyAlarmType, aluMwNotifyAlarmObject, aluMwNotifyAlarmSubObject, aluMwNotifyTxMute, aluMwNotifyLinkPortID, aluMwNotifyLinkActivity, aluMwNotifyLinkProtectionType, aluMwNotifyRadioSwState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications objs supporting the management of microwave awareness on Nokia SAR series systems." ::= { aluMwGroups 3 } aluMwPeerDiscoveryGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { aluMwLinkPeerDiscovery } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of the peer discovery management of Microwave Awareness on Nokia SAR series systems." ::= { aluMwGroups 4 } aluMwAlarmGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { aluMwLinkAlarmState, aluMwLinkAlarmsCommunication, aluMwLinkAlarmsCritical, aluMwLinkAlarmsEquipment, aluMwLinkAlarmsInd, aluMwLinkAlarmsMajor, aluMwLinkAlarmsMinor, aluMwLinkAlarmsWarning, aluMwRadioAlarmName, aluMwRadioAlarmObject, aluMwRadioAlarmSeverity, aluMwRadioAlarmSpecProblem, aluMwRadioAlarmSubObject, aluMwRadioAlarmTime, aluMwRadioAlarmType, aluMwRadioCommLost } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of the alarm management of Microwave Awareness on Nokia SAR series systems." ::= { aluMwGroups 5 } END