TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF Counter32, Counter64, Gauge32, Integer32, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI DateAndTime, DisplayString, MacAddress, RowPointer, RowStatus, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TimeInterval, TimeStamp, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC timetraSRMIBModules, tmnxSRConfs, tmnxSRNotifyPrefix, tmnxSRObjs FROM TIMETRA-GLOBAL-MIB THPolCIRRateOverride, THPolPIRRateOverride, THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, THsmdaWeightOverride, TIngPolicerId, TItemDescription, TItemVeryLongDescription, TLNamedItemOrEmpty, TLevel, TNamedItem, TNamedItemOrEmpty, TPerPacketOffsetOvr, TPlcrBurstSizeBytesOverride, TPolicerBurstSizeBytesOverride, TmnxActionType, TmnxAdminState, TmnxEnabledDisabled, TmnxFPNumber, TmnxIngPolicerStatMode, TmnxIngPolicerStatModeOverride, TmnxInternalSchedWeightMode, TmnxIpSecIsaOperFlags, TmnxOperState, TmnxPortID, TmnxUuid FROM TIMETRA-TC-MIB ; tmnxChassisMIBModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201707010000Z" ORGANIZATION "Nokia" CONTACT-INFO "Nokia SROS Support Web: http://www.nokia.com" DESCRIPTION "This document is the SNMP MIB module to manage and provision the hardware components of the Nokia 7x50 device. Copyright 2003-2018 Nokia. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this document is authorized on the condition that the foregoing copyright notice is included. This SNMP MIB module (Specification) embodies Nokia's proprietary intellectual property. Nokia retains all title and ownership in the Specification, including any revisions. Nokia grants all interested parties a non-exclusive license to use and distribute an unmodified copy of this Specification in connection with management of Nokia products, and without fee, provided this copyright notice and license appear on all copies. This Specification is supplied 'as is', and Nokia makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the Specification." REVISION "201707010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 16.0 01 Jul 2017 00:00 16.0 release of the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." REVISION "201601010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 14.0 01 Jan 2016 00:00 14.0 release of the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." REVISION "201501010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 13.0 01 Jan 2015 00:00 13.0 release of the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." REVISION "201401010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 12.0 01 Jan 2014 00:00 12.0 release of the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." REVISION "201102010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 9.0 01 Feb 2011 00:00 9.0 release of the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." REVISION "200902280000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 7.0 28 Feb 2009 00:00 7.0 release of the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." REVISION "200807010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 6.1 01 Jul 2008 00:00 6.1 release of the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." REVISION "200801010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 6.0 01 Jan 2008 00:00 6.0 release of the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." REVISION "200701010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 5.0 01 Jan 2007 00:00 5.0 release of the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." REVISION "200603160000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 4.0 16 Mar 2006 00:00 4.0 release of the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." REVISION "200508310000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 3.0 31 Aug 2005 00:00 3.0 release of the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." REVISION "200501240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.1 24 Jan 2005 00:00 2.1 release of the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." REVISION "200401150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.0 15 Jan 2004 00:00 2.0 release of the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." REVISION "200308150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.2 15 Aug 2003 00:00 1.2 release of the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." REVISION "200301200000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.0 20 Jan 2003 00:00 Release 1.0 of the TIMETRA-HW-MIB." REVISION "200008140000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 0.1 14 Aug 2000 00:00 Initial version of the TIMETRA-HW-MIB." ::= { timetraSRMIBModules 2 } TmnxAlarmState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxAlarmState is an enumerated integer whose value indicates the current alarm state of a physical or logical component in the Nokia SROS series system." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), alarmActive (1), alarmCleared (2) } TmnxChassisIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxChassisIndex is a unique index that identifies a chassis within an Nokia SROS system. Note that initial releases will support only one chassis in a system." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) TmnxChassisIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxChassisIndexOrZero can be either a nonzero TmnxChassisIndex, or the value zero." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32) TmnxPhysChassisIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxPhysChassisIndex is a unique index that identifies a physical chassis within Nokia SROS system." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..100) TmnxPhysChassisIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxPhysChassisIndexOrZero can be either a nonzero TmnxPhysChassisIndex, or the value zero." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) TmnxHwIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxHwIndex is a unique integer index that identifies an Nokia SROS series manufactured hardware component, such as an IOM, CPM, Fabric or MDA card." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) TmnxHwIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxHwIndexOrZero is a unique integer index that identifies an Nokia SROS series manufactured hardware component, such as an IOM, CPM, Fabric or MDA card. Also TmnxHwIndexOrZero can be zero." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) TmnxHwClass ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxHwClass is an enumerated integer that identifies the general hardware type of a component in the tmnxHwTable." SYNTAX INTEGER { other (1), unknown (2), physChassis (3), container (4), powerSupply (5), fan (6), sensor (7), ioModule (8), cpmModule (9), fabricModule (10), mdaModule (11), flashDiskModule (12), port (13), ccm (15), alarmInputModule (19), pcm (20), powerShelf (21), powerShelfController (22), cpmCarrier (23), xioModule (24) } TmnxPhysChassisClass ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxPhysChassisClass is an enumerated integer that identifies the general physical chassis class in the tmnxPhysChassisTable. It is also used to indicate a sub-class of the TmnxHwClass type in a tmnxHwIndex. A value of 0 instead of 'routerChassis (3)' is used in tmnxHwIndex to represent router chassis. Values: other (1) - Other chassis class unknown (2) - Unknown chassis class routerChassis (3) - Router chassis class ethSatChassis (5) - Ethernet Satellite chassis class tdmSatChassis (6) - Time Division Multiplexing Satellite chassis class esaChassis (7) - Extended Services Appliance chassis class " SYNTAX INTEGER { other (1), unknown (2), routerChassis (3), ethSatChassis (5), tdmSatChassis (6), esaChassis (7) } TmnxPhysChassisRole ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxPhysChassisRole is an enumerated integer that indicates the general Physical Chassis role an individual physical chassis is provisioned to support. Values: standalone (1) - A chassis that is operating in a system with no more than one router chassis master (2) - The master router chassis in a 7950 XRS-40 system extension (3) - An extension router chassis a 7950 XRS-40 system sat-ethernet (6) - An Ethernet satellite chassis sat-tdm (7) - A Time Division Multiplexing satellite chassis " SYNTAX INTEGER { standalone (1), master (2), extension (3), sat-ethernet (6), sat-tdm (7) } TmnxCardType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxCardType is an index into the tmnxCardTypeTable used to identify a specific type of card." SYNTAX Unsigned32 TmnxCardSuppType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxCardSuppType is a bit-mask specifying the valid card types supported for a specific card slot. When multiple bits are set, it can be used to identify a set or list of card types used in the tmnxCardTable and tmnxCpmCardTable to indicate supported cards within a specific chassis slot. Some example card types might be: sfm-400g -- 400g CPM/SF module sfm-200g -- 200g CPM/SF module iom-20g -- 2 x 10-Gig MDA IOM Card" SYNTAX BITS { invalid-card-type (0), unassigned (1), supp-card-type-2 (2), supp-card-type-3 (3), supp-card-type-4 (4), supp-card-type-5 (5), supp-card-type-6 (6), supp-card-type-7 (7), supp-card-type-8 (8), supp-card-type-9 (9), supp-card-type-10 (10), supp-card-type-11 (11), supp-card-type-12 (12), supp-card-type-13 (13), supp-card-type-14 (14), supp-card-type-15 (15), supp-card-type-16 (16), supp-card-type-17 (17), supp-card-type-18 (18), supp-card-type-19 (19), supp-card-type-20 (20), supp-card-type-21 (21), supp-card-type-22 (22), supp-card-type-23 (23), supp-card-type-24 (24), supp-card-type-25 (25), supp-card-type-26 (26), supp-card-type-27 (27), supp-card-type-28 (28), supp-card-type-29 (29), supp-card-type-30 (30), supp-card-type-31 (31), supp-card-type-32 (32), supp-card-type-33 (33), supp-card-type-34 (34), supp-card-type-35 (35), supp-card-type-36 (36), supp-card-type-37 (37), supp-card-type-38 (38), supp-card-type-39 (39), supp-card-type-40 (40), supp-card-type-41 (41), supp-card-type-42 (42), supp-card-type-43 (43), supp-card-type-44 (44), supp-card-type-45 (45), supp-card-type-46 (46), supp-card-type-47 (47), supp-card-type-48 (48), supp-card-type-49 (49), supp-card-type-50 (50), supp-card-type-51 (51), supp-card-type-52 (52), supp-card-type-53 (53), supp-card-type-54 (54), supp-card-type-55 (55), supp-card-type-56 (56), supp-card-type-57 (57), supp-card-type-58 (58), supp-card-type-59 (59), supp-card-type-60 (60), supp-card-type-61 (61), supp-card-type-62 (62), supp-card-type-63 (63), supp-card-type-64 (64), supp-card-type-65 (65), supp-card-type-66 (66), supp-card-type-67 (67), supp-card-type-68 (68), supp-card-type-69 (69), supp-card-type-70 (70), supp-card-type-71 (71), supp-card-type-72 (72), supp-card-type-73 (73), supp-card-type-74 (74), supp-card-type-75 (75), supp-card-type-76 (76), 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supp-card-type-231 (231), supp-card-type-232 (232), supp-card-type-233 (233), supp-card-type-234 (234), supp-card-type-235 (235), supp-card-type-236 (236), supp-card-type-237 (237), supp-card-type-238 (238), supp-card-type-239 (239), supp-card-type-240 (240), supp-card-type-241 (241), supp-card-type-242 (242), supp-card-type-243 (243), supp-card-type-244 (244), supp-card-type-245 (245), supp-card-type-246 (246), supp-card-type-247 (247), supp-card-type-248 (248), supp-card-type-249 (249), supp-card-type-250 (250), supp-card-type-251 (251), supp-card-type-252 (252), supp-card-type-253 (253), supp-card-type-254 (254), supp-card-type-255 (255) } TmnxPEQType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxPEQType is an index into the tmnxPEQTypeTable used to identify a specific type of PEQ" SYNTAX Unsigned32 TmnxPEQSuppType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxPEQSuppType is a bit-mask specifying the PEQ type supported for a specific PEQ slot. When multiple bits are set, it can be used to identify a set or list of PEQ types that can be used in the tmnxChassisPEQTable to indicate supported PEQs within a specific chassis PEQ slot. An example of a PEQ type is: apeq2000 -- apeq-dc-2000." SYNTAX BITS { invalidPEQType (0), unassigned (1), suppPEQType2 (2), suppPEQType3 (3), suppPEQType4 (4), suppPEQType5 (5), suppPEQType6 (6), suppPEQType7 (7), suppPEQType8 (8), suppPEQType9 (9), suppPEQType10 (10), suppPEQType11 (11), suppPEQType12 (12), suppPEQType13 (13), suppPEQType14 (14), suppPEQType15 (15) } TmnxFabricType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxFabricType data type is an integer that specifies an Nokia SROS series fabric card type. A TmnxFabricType value is valid when there is a corresponding row in the tmnxFabricTypeTable." SYNTAX Unsigned32 TmnxFabricSuppType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxFabricSuppType is a bit-mask specifying the valid fabric card types supported for a specific card slot. When multiple bits are set, it can be used to identify a set or list of card types used in the tmnxFabricTable to indicate supported fabric cards within a specific chassis slot. Some example card types might be: integrated -- the CPM/SF Module consists of an integrated fabric card." SYNTAX BITS { invalidCardType (0), unassigned (1), suppCardType2 (2), suppCardType3 (3), suppCardType4 (4), suppCardType5 (5), suppCardType6 (6), suppCardType7 (7), suppCardType8 (8), suppCardType9 (9), suppCardType10 (10), suppCardType11 (11), suppCardType12 (12), suppCardType13 (13), suppCardType14 (14), suppCardType15 (15), suppCardType16 (16), suppCardType17 (17), suppCardType18 (18), suppCardType19 (19), suppCardType20 (20), suppCardType21 (21), suppCardType22 (22), suppCardType23 (23), suppCardType24 (24), suppCardType25 (25), suppCardType26 (26), suppCardType27 (27), suppCardType28 (28), suppCardType29 (29), suppCardType30 (30), suppCardType31 (31), suppCardType32 (32), suppCardType33 (33), suppCardType34 (34), suppCardType35 (35), suppCardType36 (36), suppCardType37 (37), suppCardType38 (38), suppCardType39 (39), suppCardType40 (40), suppCardType41 (41), suppCardType42 (42), suppCardType43 (43), suppCardType44 (44), suppCardType45 (45), suppCardType46 (46), suppCardType47 (47), suppCardType48 (48), suppCardType49 (49), suppCardType50 (50), suppCardType51 (51), suppCardType52 (52), suppCardType53 (53), suppCardType54 (54), suppCardType55 (55), suppCardType56 (56), suppCardType57 (57), suppCardType58 (58), suppCardType59 (59), suppCardType60 (60), suppCardType61 (61), suppCardType62 (62), suppCardType63 (63), suppCardType64 (64), suppCardType65 (65), suppCardType66 (66), suppCardType67 (67), suppCardType68 (68), suppCardType69 (69), suppCardType70 (70), suppCardType71 (71), suppCardType72 (72), suppCardType73 (73), suppCardType74 (74), suppCardType75 (75), suppCardType76 (76), suppCardType77 (77), suppCardType78 (78), suppCardType79 (79) } TmnxCardRebootType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxCardRebootType is an enumerated integer that describes the values used to support reboot operation style commands. GETs and GETNEXTs on a variable of this type always returns 'not-applicable (2)'." SYNTAX INTEGER { cardReset (1), notApplicable (2), cardPowerCycle (3) } TmnxChassisType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxChassisType is an index into the tmnxChassisTypeTable used to identify a specific type of chassis." SYNTAX Unsigned32 TmnxDeviceState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxDeviceState data type is an enumerated integer that describes the values used to identify states of chassis components such as fans and power supplies." SYNTAX INTEGER { deviceStateUnknown (1), deviceNotEquipped (2), deviceStateOk (3), deviceStateFailed (4), deviceStateOutOfService (5), deviceNotProvisioned (6), deviceNotApplicable (7) } TmnxLEDState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxLEDState data type is an enumerated integer that describes the values used to identify state LEDs on Nokia SROS series cards." SYNTAX INTEGER { ledNotApplicable (0), ledOff (1), ledRed (2), ledAmber (3), ledYellow (4), ledGreen (5), ledAmberBlink (6), ledYellowBlink (7), ledGreenBlink (8), ledRedBlink (9) } TmnxMdaType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxMdaType is an index into the tmnxMdaTypeTable used to identify a specific type of MDA." SYNTAX Unsigned32 TmnxXiomType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxXiomType is an index into the tmnxXiomTypeTable used to identify a specific type of XIOM." SYNTAX Unsigned32 TmnxMDASuppType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxMDASuppType data type is a SNMP BIT that is used to identify the kind of Media Dependent Adapter (MDA) supported on a card. When multiple bits are set, it can be used to identify a set or list of supported MDAs within a specific card slot. The MDA types are defined in the tmnxMdaTypeTable." SYNTAX BITS { invalid-MDA-type (0), unassigned (1), supp-MDA-type-2 (2), supp-MDA-type-3 (3), supp-MDA-type-4 (4), supp-MDA-type-5 (5), supp-MDA-type-6 (6), supp-MDA-type-7 (7), supp-MDA-type-8 (8), supp-MDA-type-9 (9), supp-MDA-type-10 (10), supp-MDA-type-11 (11), supp-MDA-type-12 (12), supp-MDA-type-13 (13), supp-MDA-type-14 (14), supp-MDA-type-15 (15), supp-MDA-type-16 (16), supp-MDA-type-17 (17), supp-MDA-type-18 (18), supp-MDA-type-19 (19), supp-MDA-type-20 (20), supp-MDA-type-21 (21), supp-MDA-type-22 (22), supp-MDA-type-23 (23), supp-MDA-type-24 (24), supp-MDA-type-25 (25), supp-MDA-type-26 (26), supp-MDA-type-27 (27), supp-MDA-type-28 (28), supp-MDA-type-29 (29), supp-MDA-type-30 (30), supp-MDA-type-31 (31), supp-MDA-type-32 (32), supp-MDA-type-33 (33), supp-MDA-type-34 (34), supp-MDA-type-35 (35), supp-MDA-type-36 (36), supp-MDA-type-37 (37), supp-MDA-type-38 (38), supp-MDA-type-39 (39), supp-MDA-type-40 (40), supp-MDA-type-41 (41), supp-MDA-type-42 (42), supp-MDA-type-43 (43), supp-MDA-type-44 (44), supp-MDA-type-45 (45), supp-MDA-type-46 (46), supp-MDA-type-47 (47), supp-MDA-type-48 (48), supp-MDA-type-49 (49), supp-MDA-type-50 (50), supp-MDA-type-51 (51), supp-MDA-type-52 (52), supp-MDA-type-53 (53), supp-MDA-type-54 (54), supp-MDA-type-55 (55), supp-MDA-type-56 (56), supp-MDA-type-57 (57), supp-MDA-type-58 (58), supp-MDA-type-59 (59), supp-MDA-type-60 (60), supp-MDA-type-61 (61), supp-MDA-type-62 (62), supp-MDA-type-63 (63), supp-MDA-type-64 (64), supp-MDA-type-65 (65), supp-MDA-type-66 (66), supp-MDA-type-67 (67), supp-MDA-type-68 (68), supp-MDA-type-69 (69), supp-MDA-type-70 (70), supp-MDA-type-71 (71), supp-MDA-type-72 (72), supp-MDA-type-73 (73), supp-MDA-type-74 (74), supp-MDA-type-75 (75), supp-MDA-type-76 (76), supp-MDA-type-77 (77), supp-MDA-type-78 (78), supp-MDA-type-79 (79), supp-MDA-type-80 (80), supp-MDA-type-81 (81), supp-MDA-type-82 (82), supp-MDA-type-83 (83), supp-MDA-type-84 (84), supp-MDA-type-85 (85), supp-MDA-type-86 (86), 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supp-MDA-type-208 (208), supp-MDA-type-209 (209), supp-MDA-type-210 (210), supp-MDA-type-211 (211), supp-MDA-type-212 (212), supp-MDA-type-213 (213), supp-MDA-type-214 (214), supp-MDA-type-215 (215), supp-MDA-type-216 (216), supp-MDA-type-217 (217), supp-MDA-type-218 (218), supp-MDA-type-219 (219), supp-MDA-type-220 (220), supp-MDA-type-221 (221), supp-MDA-type-222 (222), supp-MDA-type-223 (223), supp-MDA-type-224 (224), supp-MDA-type-225 (225), supp-MDA-type-226 (226), supp-MDA-type-227 (227), supp-MDA-type-228 (228), supp-MDA-type-229 (229), supp-MDA-type-230 (230), supp-MDA-type-231 (231), supp-MDA-type-232 (232), supp-MDA-type-233 (233), supp-MDA-type-234 (234) } TmnxMDAChanType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxMDAChanType data type indicates the type of channel that can be created on an MDA." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), sonetSts768 (1), sonetSts192 (2), sonetSts48 (3), sonetSts12 (4), sonetSts3 (5), sonetSts1 (6), sdhTug3 (7), sonetVtg (8), sonetVt15 (9), sonetVt2 (10), sonetVt3 (11), sonetVt6 (12), pdhTu3 (13), pdhDs3 (14), pdhE3 (15), pdhDs1 (16), pdhE1 (17), pdhDs0Grp (18) } TmnxMdaAtmMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxMdaAtmMode is an enumerated integer whose value specifies the maximum number of Virtual Circuits for an ATM-capable Media Dependent Adapter (MDA)." SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), max8kVc (1), max16kVc (2) } TmnxCcmType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxCcmType data type is bit-mask field that describes the values used to identify the kind of Chassis Control module (CCM) installed on the chassis. A TmnxCcmType bit value specifies the index value for the entry in the tmnxCcmTypeTable used to identify a specific type of CCM manufactured by Nokia. When multiple bits are set, it can be used to identify a set or list of CCM types used in the tmnxCcmTable to indicate supported CCMs within a specific chassis slot. Some example CCM types are: unknown -- unknown/uninstalled ccm-v1 -- Chassis Control Module version 1" SYNTAX Unsigned32 TmnxMcmType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The TmnxMcmType data type is bit-mask field that describes the values used to identify the kind of MDA Carrier module (MCM) installed on the chassis. A TmnxMcmType bit value specifies the index value for the entry in the tmnxMcmTypeTable used to identify a specific type of MCM manufactured by Nokia. When multiple bits are set, it can be used to identify a set or list of MCM types used in the tmnxMcmTable to indicate supported MCMs within a specific card slot. This typedef was obsoleted in release 20.2." SYNTAX Unsigned32 TmnxSlotNum ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxSlotNum data type is an integer that specifies a slot in an Nokia SROS series chassis." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..128) TmnxSlotNumOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxSlotNumOrZero data type is an integer that specifies a slot in an Nokia SROS series chassis or zero." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..128) TmnxPortAdminStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desired administrative status of this port." SYNTAX INTEGER { noop (1), inService (2), outOfService (3), diagnose (4) } TmnxChassisMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxChassisMode data type is an enumerated integer that specifies the values used to identify which set of scaling numbers and features are effective for an Nokia SROS series chassis. 'modeD' corresponds to the scaling and features that come with iom3-xp/imm modules or newer modules." SYNTAX INTEGER { modeD (4) } TmnxSETSRefSource ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxSETSRefSource data type is an enumerated integer that describes the values used to identify the Synchronous Equipment Timing Source (SETS) timing reference source." SYNTAX INTEGER { otherCPM (0), reference1 (1), reference2 (2), bits (3), bits2 (4), ptp (5), noReference (6), synce (7), synce2 (8), gnss (9), gnss2 (10) } TmnxSETSRefQualified ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxSETSRefQualified data type is an enumerated integer that describes the values used to identify whether the reference is 'qualified' or 'not-qualified' for use by SETS." SYNTAX INTEGER { qualified (1), not-qualified (2) } TmnxSETSRefAlarm ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxSETSRefAlarm data type is a bitmap that describes the values used to identify the alarms on the SETS timing reference source if the source is 'not-qualified'. 'los' - loss of signal 'oof' - out of frequency range 'oopir' - out of pull in range." SYNTAX BITS { los (0), oof (1), oopir (2) } TmnxSETSStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxSETSStatus textual convention specifies the status of the Synchronous Timing Equipment Source (SETS)." SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent (1), masterFreerun (2), masterHoldover (3), masterLocked (4), slave (5), acquiring (6) } TmnxBITSIfType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxBITSIfType data type is an enumerated integer that describes the values used to identify the interface and framing types of a BITS (Building Integrated Timing Supply) interface." REFERENCE "G.703, 'Physical/Electrical Characteristics of Hierarchical Digital Interfaces', Section 13, November 2001." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), t1-esf (1), t1-sf (2), e1-pcm30crc (3), e1-pcm31crc (4), g703-2048khz (5) } TmnxSSMQualityLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxSSMQualityLevel is an enumerated integer that describes the values used to identify the SSM Quality level of received SSM messages." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), prs (1), stu (2), st2 (3), tnc (4), st3e (5), st3 (6), smc (7), st4 (8), dus (9), prc (10), ssua (11), ssub (12), sec (13), dnu (14), inv (15), pno (16), eec1 (17), eec2 (18), failed (19) } TmnxRefInState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxRefInState is an enumerated integer that describes the values used to identify the state of system timing reference. A value of 'ptpAdminDisabled (17)' means that the PTP timing reference is not in use because 'tmnxPtpClockAdminState' is 'outOfService (3)'. This value only applies to the PTP timing reference. A value of 'ptpOperDown (18)' means that the PTP timing reference is not in use because 'tmnxPtpClockOperState' is 'outOfService (3)'. This value only applies to the PTP timing reference. A value of 'ptpNoParentClock (19)' means that the PTP timing reference is not in use because the local PTP clock has not selected a remote master clock to be the parent clock. This value only applies to the PTP timing reference. A value of 'operSpeedNotSupported (20)' means that the timing reference is not in use because the copper based port is operating at 10 Mbps where recovered timing is not supported. A value of 'cpmUnsupBITS2048khz (21)' means that the timing reference is not in use because the CPM does not meet the specifications for the 2048kHz BITS output signal under G.703." REFERENCE "IEEE Std 1588-2008 'IEEE Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems'. G.703, 'Physical/Electrical Characteristics of Hierarchical Digital Interfaces', Section 13, November 2001." SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (0), unqualified (1), standby (2), up (3), previousFailure (4), lowQuality (5), lof (6), ais (7), ghost (8), validating (9), reserved-10 (10), reserved-11 (11), reserved-12 (12), fer (13), reserved-14 (14), reserved-15 (15), reserved-16 (16), ptpAdminDisabled (17), ptpOperDown (18), ptpNoParentClock (19), operSpeedNotSupported (20), cpmUnsupBITS2048khz (21) } TmnxBITSOutSource ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxBITSOutSource is an enumerated integer that describes the values used to identity the source of the BITS (Building Integrated Timing Supply) output. When TmnxBITSOutSource is 'lineRef (1)', the BITS output timing is selected from either the one of the timing input references, without any filtering. Either the first or second line reference, or the PTP timing input reference may be selected to be transmitted in this manner. The BITS timing input is never selected in this mode. When TmnxBITSOutSource is 'internalClock (2)', the BITS output timing is driven from the system timing." REFERENCE "ITU-T G.8264/Y.1364 Distribution of timing through packet networks, Section A.7." SYNTAX INTEGER { lineRef (1), internalClock (2) } TmnxCcagId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "TmnxCcagId is an integer specifying the cross connect aggregation group. The value '0' is used when a ccag is not defined and is not a valid value when TmnxCcagId is used as an index. This typedef was made obsolete in release 21.2." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..8) TmnxCcagRate ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "TmnxCcagRate is an integer specifying the rate for a CCAG member in Kbps. The range of TmnxCcagRate is from 0 Kbps to 100Gbps. The value '-1' is used for maximum rate available. This typedef was made obsolete in release 21.2." SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..100000000) TmnxCcagRateOption ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "TmnxCcagRateOption specifies how the defined rate is applied to active Cross Connect Adaptors (CCAs). aggregate (1) - the defined rate is equally divided among the CCAs in the CCAG member list based on the number of active CCAs. cca (2) - the defined rate is applied to all CCAs in the CCAG member list. This typedef was made obsolete in release 21.2." SYNTAX INTEGER { aggregate (1), cca (2) } TmnxChassisPemType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxChassisPemType specifies what Power Entry Module (PEM) type is installed in the Chassis. not-applicable (0) - Chassis does not support an installed PEM. unknown (1) - Unknown kind of PEM installed. pem (2) - First generation of the PEM module. pem-3 (3) - Second generation of the PEM module capable of supporting the IOM3/IMM modules. peq (4) - Power Equalizer." SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable (0), unknown (1), pem (2), pem-3 (3), peq (4) } TmnxCardSlotBitMap ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxCardSlotBitMap specifies a bitmap of card slots. A bit value set to '1' indicates the slot is used by the object." SYNTAX BITS { slot1 (0), slot2 (1), slot3 (2), slot4 (3), slot5 (4), slot6 (5), slot7 (6), slot8 (7), slot9 (8), slot10 (9), slot11 (10), slot12 (11), slot13 (12), slot14 (13), slot15 (14), slot16 (15), slot17 (16), slot18 (17), slot19 (18), slot20 (19), slot21 (20), slot22 (21), slot23 (22), slot24 (23) } TmnxTunnelGroupId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxTunnelGroupId is an integer specifying the ISA tunnel-group." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..16) TmnxTunnelGroupIdOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxTunnelGroupIdOrZero is an integer specifying the ISA tunnel-group A value of zero is used when the tunnel-group is not defined." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..16) TmnxPowerSupAssignType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxPowerSupAssignType specifies the type of power supply that is assigned for a platform." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), dc (1), acSingle (2), acMultiple (3), default (4), dcMultiple (5) } TmnxPCMType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxPCMType specifies the type of PCM." SYNTAX INTEGER { unassigned (1), indeterminate (2), dual (3), quad (4) } TmnxFpGeneration ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxFpGeneration specifies the Forwarding Plane (FP) network processor generation." SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable (0), fp2 (1), fp3 (2), fp4 (3), reserved4 (4) } TmnxPMType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxPMType is used to identify a specific type of Power Module (PM)" SYNTAX Unsigned32 TmnxPMSuppType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxPMSuppType is a bit-mask specifying the PM type supported for a specific PM slot. When multiple bits are set, it can be used to identify a set or list of PM types that can be used in the tmnxPhysChassisPMTable. An example of a PM type is: apeq2000 -- apeq-dc-2000." SYNTAX BITS { invalidPMType (0), unassigned (1), suppPMType2 (2), suppPMType3 (3), suppPMType4 (4), suppPMType5 (5), suppPMType6 (6), suppPMType7 (7), suppPMType8 (8), suppPMType9 (9), suppPMType10 (10), suppPMType11 (11), suppPMType12 (12), suppPMType13 (13), suppPMType14 (14), suppPMType15 (15) } TmnxCardFunctionalLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxCardFunctionalLevel data type is an integer that specifies a functional level variant of a given Card." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), unrestricted (1), he (2), er (3), cr (4), he1200g-plus (5), er1200g-plus (6), cr1200g-plus (7), he400g (8), er400g (9), cr400g (10), he400g-plus (11), er400g-plus (12), cr400g-plus (13), he800g-plus (14), er800g-plus (15), cr800g-plus (16), he4800g-plus (17), er4800g-plus (18), cr4800g-plus (19), he4800g (20), er4800g (21), cr4800g (22), he2400g-plus (23), er2400g-plus (24), cr2400g-plus (25), he2400g (26), er2400g (27), cr2400g (28), he9600g (29), er9600g (30), cr9600g (31), he14400g (32), er14400g (33), cr14400g (34), he14400g-plus (35), er14400g-plus (36), cr14400g-plus (37) } TmnxCardFunctionalUpgrade ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxCardFunctionalUpgrade data type is an integer that specifies a functional level upgrade of a given Card" SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), cr-er (1), er-he (2), cr400g-cr1200gp (3), er400g-er1200gp (4), he400g-he1200gp (5), cr-er1200gp (6), er-he1200gp (7), cr-er400gp (8), er-he400gp (9), cr-er800gp (10), er-he800gp (11), cr400g-cr800gp (12), er400g-er800gp (13), he400g-he800gp (14), cr800g-cr1200gp (15), er800g-er1200gp (16), he800g-he1200gp (17), cr-er2400g (18), er-he2400g (19), any2400g-2400gp (20), cr-er4800g (21), er-he4800g (22), any4800g-4800gp (23), cr-er9600g (24), er-he9600g (25), cr-er14400g (26), er-he14400g (27), he9600g-he14400g (28), er9600g-er14400g (29), cr9600g-cr14400g (30), any14400g-14400gp (31) } TmnxMDAFunctionalLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxMDAFunctionalLevel data type is an integer that specifies a functional level variant of a given MDA type." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), unrestricted (1), he2400g (2), he1600g (3), he1200g (4), er2400g (5), er1600g (6), er1200g (7), cr2400g (8), cr1600g (9), cr1200g (10), he2400g-plus (11), er2400g-plus (12), cr2400g-plus (13), he3600g (14), er3600g (15), cr3600g (16), he3600gdd (17), er3600gdd (18), cr3600gdd (19), he4800g (20), er4800g (21), cr4800g (22), he4800g-plus (23), er4800g-plus (24), cr4800g-plus (25), he600g (26), er600g (27), cr600g (28), he1200g-plus (29), er1200g-plus (30), cr1200g-plus (31), he2400g-plus-4t (32), er2400g-plus-4t (33), cr2400g-plus-4t (34), he9600g (35), er9600g (36), cr9600g (37), he9600g-plus (38), er9600g-plus (39), cr9600g-plus (40), he14400g (41), er14400g (42), cr14400g (43), he14400g-plus (44), er14400g-plus (45), cr14400g-plus (46) } TmnxMDAFunctionalUpgrade ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxMDAFunctionalUpgrade data type is an integer that specifies a functional level upgrade of a given MDA." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), cr1200g-cr1600g (1), cr1600g-cr2400g (2), er1200g-er1600g (3), er1600g-er2400g (4), he1200g-he1600g (5), he1600g-he2400g (6), cr1200g-er1200g (7), er1200g-he1200g (8), cr1600g-er1600g (9), er1600g-he1600g (10), cr2400g-er2400g (11), er2400g-he2400g (12), any2400g-2400g-plus (13), cr3600g-cr4800g (14), er3600g-er4800g (15), he3600g-he4800g (16), cr3600g-er3600g (17), er3600g-he3600g (18), cr4800g-er4800g (19), er4800g-he4800g (20), any3600g-3600gdd (21), any4800g-4800g-plus (22), cr600g-cr1200g (23), er600g-er1200g (24), he600g-he1200g (25), cr600g-er600g (26), er600g-he600g (27), any1200g-1200g-plus (28), any2400g-2400g-plus-4t (29), cr-er9600g (30), er-he9600g (31), any9600g-9600g-plus (32), cr-er14400g (33), er-he14400g (34), any14400g-14400g-plus (35) } TmnxXiomFunctionalLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxXiomFunctionalLevel data type is an integer that specifies a functional level variant of a given XIOM type." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), unrestricted (1), he800gPlus (2), er800gPlus (3), cr800gPlus (4), he1500gPlus (5), er1500gPlus (6), cr1500gPlus (7), he1600gPlus (8), er1600gPlus (9), cr1600gPlus (10), he2400gPlus (11), er2400gPlus (12), cr2400gPlus (13), he3000gPlus (14), er3000gPlus (15), cr3000gPlus (16) } TmnxXiomFunctionalUpgrade ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxXiomFunctionalUpgrade data type is an integer that specifies a functional level upgrade of a given XIOM." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), cr800gCr1500gPlus (1), er800gEr1500gPlus (2), he800gHe1500gPlus (3), cr1600gCr2400gPlus (4), er1600gEr2400gPlus (5), he1600gHe2400gPlus (6), cr2400gCr3000gPlus (7), er2400gEr3000gPlus (8), he2400gHe3000gPlus (9), crEr800gPlus (10), erHe800gPlus (11), crEr1500gPlus (12), erHe1500gPlus (13), crEr1600gPlus (14), erHe1600gPlus (15), crEr2400gPlus (16), erHe2400gPlus (17), crEr3000gPlus (18), erHe3000gPlus (19) } TmnxGnssConstellation ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxGnssConstellation specifies or indicates the type of satellites that the GNSS receiver uses to acquire a fix. The value 'gps' specifies that the receiver only uses the United States' Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites. The value 'gps-glonass' specifies that the receiver uses both GPS and Russia's GLONASS satellites." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), gps (1), gps-glonass (2) } TmnxCardFilterProfile ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxCardFilterProfile specifies the filter scale profile for the card. The value 'none' specifies the default filter allocation for the chassis. The value 'profile-a' specifies a different filter allocation allowing additional ingress IPv4 filter entries at the expense of egress IPv4 and IPv6 filter entries." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), profile-a (1) } TmnxCpmPowerShelfCommsFailStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of TmnxCpmPowerShelfCommsFailStatus indicates which CPMs cannot communicate with the power shelf. Values: cpmA (0) - CPM A cannot communicate with the power shelf cpmB (1) - CPM B cannot communicate with the power shelf" SYNTAX BITS { cpmA (0), cpmB (1) } TmnxHwEventType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxHwEventType is an enumerated integer that describes the types of events that can be detected and reported for different types of hardware. Not all types of events are supported on all hardware." SYNTAX INTEGER { soft-error (1), internal-frame-loss (2), memory-error (3), datapath-link-error (4) } TmnxHwEventAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of TmnxHwEventAction describes the action to be taken when event is detected. The actions supported by this system include: none (0) - No action log-only (1) - Log the event reset (2) - Reset to recover the event fail (3) - Fail the equipment" SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), log-only (1), reset (2), fail (3) } TmnxEsaId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxEsaId uniquely identifies an Extended Services Appliance (ESA) within a Nokia SROS system." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16) TmnxEsaIdOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxEsaIdOrZero can be either a nonzero TmnxEsaId, or the value zero." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16) TmnxEsaVmId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxEsaVmId uniquely identifies a virtual machine within an Extended Services Appliance (ESA) within a Nokia SROS system." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4) TmnxEsaVmIdOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxEsaVmIdOrZero can be either a nonzero TmnxEsaVmId, or the value zero." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4) TmnxEsaDeviceState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxEsaDeviceState indicates the status of an ESA device, as follows: - Unknown : Device status not reported. Esa not connected or not booted yet. - Ok : Device status is functioning normally. - Failed : Device status is failed." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), ok (2), failed (3) } tmnxHwObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRObjs 2 } tmnxChassisObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxHwObjs 1 } tmnxChassisTotalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of chassis installed in this system. For the first release of the Nokia 7x50 series product, there is only 1 chassis per system. A multi-chassis system model is supported to allow for future product expansion." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 1 } tmnxChassisLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisLastChange indicates the time, since system startup, when tmnxChassisTable last changed." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 2 } tmnxChassisTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxChassisEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxChassisTable contains Nokia 7x50 system level information." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 3 } tmnxChassisEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxChassisEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxChassisEntry consists of the system level information pertaining to the hardware present in the system. Only one entry is created and maintained by the system, which is assigned the tmnxChassisIndex value '1'. Once this entry is created, it cannot be destroyed. Additional entries cannot be manually created or destroyed. Support of multiple chassis' are managed through the use of tmnxPhysChassisTable." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex } ::= { tmnxChassisTable 1 } TmnxChassisEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxChassisIndex TmnxChassisIndex, tmnxChassisRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxChassisName TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxChassisType TmnxChassisType, tmnxChassisLocation TItemDescription, tmnxChassisCoordinates TItemDescription, tmnxChassisNumSlots Unsigned32, tmnxChassisNumPorts Unsigned32, tmnxChassisNumPwrSupplies Unsigned32, tmnxChassisNumFanTrays Unsigned32, tmnxChassisNumFans Unsigned32, tmnxChassisCriticalLEDState TmnxLEDState, tmnxChassisMajorLEDState TmnxLEDState, tmnxChassisMinorLEDState TmnxLEDState, tmnxChassisBaseMacAddress MacAddress, tmnxChassisCLLICode DisplayString, tmnxChassisReboot TmnxActionType, tmnxChassisUpgrade TmnxActionType, tmnxChassisAdminMode TmnxChassisMode, tmnxChassisOperMode TmnxChassisMode, tmnxChassisModeForce TmnxActionType, tmnxChassisUpdateWaitTime Unsigned32, tmnxChassisUpdateTimeLeft Unsigned32, tmnxChassisOverTempState INTEGER, tmnxChassisMixedModeIomAdminMode TmnxEnabledDisabled, tmnxChassisMixedModeIomUpgrList BITS, tmnxChassisRedForcedSingleSfm TruthValue, tmnxChassisOperNumSlots Unsigned32, tmnxChassisOperTopology INTEGER, tmnxChassisFabricSpeed INTEGER, tmnxChassisPortIdScheme INTEGER, tmnxChassisVsrCongestionMgmt TruthValue, tmnxChassisAlarmLEDState TmnxLEDState, tmnxChassisFPGenerationFP2 TruthValue, tmnxChassisFPGenerationFP3 TruthValue, tmnxChassisFPGenerationFP4 TruthValue, tmnxChassisNumPhysicalPorts Unsigned32, tmnxChassisFPGenerationVFP TruthValue, tmnxChassisSystemProfile INTEGER } tmnxChassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxChassisIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisIndex specifies a system identifier. The value of this object cannot be changed. The only supported value is '1'. Different values of TmnxPhysChassisIndex are used to identify different physical chassis (e.g. in an XRS-40 system) in tmnxPhysChassisTable." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 1 } tmnxChassisRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisRowStatus specifies the row status of the system." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 2 } tmnxChassisName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisName specifies the administrative name that is assigned to the system. Setting tmnxChassisName to the empty string, ''H, resets tmnxChassisName to the TiMOS default value." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 3 } tmnxChassisType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxChassisType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisType indicates the type of chassis used in this Nokia SROS system. The value of this object is the tmnxChassisTypeIndex for the entry in the tmnxChassisTypeTable that represents the Nokia SROS series chassis model for this system. Chassis types are distinguished by their backplane type." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 4 } tmnxChassisLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisLocation specifies the site location of this system. This could be used for a Common Language Location Identifier, CLLI, code string if desired. A CLLI code is an 11 character standardized geographic identifier that uniquely identifies the geographic location of places and certain functional categories of equipment unique to the telecommunications industry. All valid CLLI codes are created, updated and maintained in the Central Location Online Entry System (CLONES) database." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 5 } tmnxChassisCoordinates OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisCoordinates specifies the Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates for the location of the system. N 45 58 23, W 34 56 12 N37 37' 00 latitude, W122 22' 00 longitude N36*39.246' W121*40.121' Two-dimensional GPS positioning offers latitude and longitude information as a four dimensional vector: where Direction is one of the four basic values: N, S, W, E; hours ranges from 0 to 180 (for latitude) and 0 to 90 for longitude, and, finally, minutes and seconds range from 0 to 60. Thus is an example of longitude and is an example of latitude. Four bytes of addressing space (one byte for each of the four dimensions) are necessary to store latitude and four bytes are also sufficient to store longitude. Thus eight bytes total are necessary to address the whole surface of earth with precision down to 0.1 mile! Notice that if we desired precision down to 0.001 mile (1.8 meters) then we would need just five bytes for each component, or ten bytes together for the full address (as military versions provide)." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 6 } tmnxChassisNumSlots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisNumSlots indicates the maximum number of slots that can be made available for plug-in cards if the maximum number of physical router chassis are populated. This includes both CPM and IOM/IMM/XCM slots. For systems that support only a single physical chassis, tmnxChassisNumSlots and tmnxChassisOperNumSlots are the same value and are equal to the number of physical slots in the chassis. Also see tmnxChassisOperNumSlots." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 7 } tmnxChassisNumPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisNumPorts indicates the total number of faceplate ports and connectors currently installed for all of the physical router chassis in the system. This count does not include the Ethernet ports on the CPM cards that are used for management access." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 8 } tmnxChassisNumPwrSupplies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisNumPwrSupplies indicates the total number of power supplies installed for all of the physical router chassis in the system." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 9 } tmnxChassisNumFanTrays OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisNumFanTrays indicates the total number of fan trays installed for all of the physical router chassis in the system." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 10 } tmnxChassisNumFans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisNumFans indicates the total number of fans installed for all of the physical router chassis in the system." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 11 } tmnxChassisCriticalLEDState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLEDState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisCriticalLEDState indicates the current state of the Critical LED in the system." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 12 } tmnxChassisMajorLEDState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLEDState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisMajorLEDState indicates the current state of the Major LED in the system." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 13 } tmnxChassisMinorLEDState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLEDState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisMinorLEDState indicates the current state of the Minor LED in the system." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 14 } tmnxChassisBaseMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisBaseMacAddress indicates the base system ethernet MAC address. Special purpose MAC addresses used by the system software are constructed as offsets from this base address." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 15 } tmnxChassisCLLICode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisCLLICode specifies the Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) code for the system. A CLLI code is an 11 character standardized geographic identifier that uniquely identifies the geographic location of places and certain functional categories of equipment unique to the telecommunications industry. If the set on this object specifies a non-null string, the string will automatically be truncated or padded (with spaces) to 11 characters." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 16 } tmnxChassisReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisReboot specifies if the system will perform a reboot. Setting the value of this object to 'doAction' causes a soft-reboot of the entire system including all the CPM and IOM cards for each physical chassis. Note that the reboot action is likely to occur before the SNMP SET response can be transmitted." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 17 } tmnxChassisUpgrade OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisUpgrade specifies if the system will perform an upgrade of all firmware as well as a reboot of the entire system including all the CPM and IOM cards for each physical chassis. CAUTION: This upgrade and reboot may take several minutes to complete. The chassis MUST NOT be reset or powered down, nor cards inserted or removed, during this process. Any of these prohibited actions may cause the cards to be rendered inoperable. tmnxChassisUpgrade and tmnxChassisReboot must be set together in the same SNMP SET request PDU or else the SET request will fail with an inconsistentValue error. Note that the reboot action is likely to occur before the SNMP SET response can be transmitted." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 18 } tmnxChassisAdminMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxChassisMode MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisAdminMode specifies the scaling and feature set for all of the IOM cards in the system. Setting tmnxChassisAdminMode to a particular mode corresponds to the scaling and feature sets supported on that IOM card type." DEFVAL { modeD } ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 19 } tmnxChassisOperMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxChassisMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisOperMode indicates the operational scaling and feature set for all IOM cards in the system for each physical router chassis. Changing the value of tmnxChassisAdminMode from a greater mode to a lesser mode (downgrade) will result in tmnxChassisAdminMode indicating the new mode while tmnxChassisOperMode indicates previous mode until the configuration is saved and the system rebooted, at which point, the actual downgrade will take effect and both tmnxChassisAdminMode and tmnxChassisOperMode will indicate the new mode. Upgrading from a lesser mode to a greater mode (e.g. From 'modeA' to 'modeB') will take effect immediately and the tmnxChassisOperMode will indicate the same mode as that of tmnxChassisAdminMode." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 20 } tmnxChassisModeForce OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisModeForce specifies the force mode of the system. Setting the value of this object to 'doAction' in the same SNMP SET request where tmnxChassisAdminMode is set to a greater mode than the current mode (e.g. New mode 'modeB', while current is 'modeA') allows each physical chassis in the system to be upgraded to the new mode even if there are IOM cards in the physical chassis with a tmnxCardAssignedType value that does not support the new mode. An attempt to set tmnxChassisModeForce to 'doAction' without also setting tmnxChassisAdminMode, in the same SNMP SET request will fail with an inconsistentValue error." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 21 } tmnxChassisUpdateWaitTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (15..600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisUpdateWaitTime specifies the time to wait before rebooting IOM cards running older software versions following a software upgrade or downgrade activity switchover. This object was obsoleted in release 5.0." DEFVAL { 15 } ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 22 } tmnxChassisUpdateTimeLeft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Following a software upgrade or downgrade activity switchover, the value of tmnxChassisUpdateTimeLeft indicates the time remaining before IOM cards or MDAs running older software versions will be rebooted." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 23 } tmnxChassisOverTempState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { stateOk (1), stateOverTemp (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisOverTempState indicates the over temperature state for the system. stateOk Indicates all physical router chassis are below the temperature threshold. stateOverTemp Indicates at least one physical router chassis is above the temperature threshold." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 24 } tmnxChassisMixedModeIomAdminMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisMixedModeIomAdminMode specifies if the system should allow functionally to run with a mixture of forwarding hardware. When 'enabled(1)' on a 7450 chassis it allows SR functionality to be configured. SR functionality is a superset of ESS functionality. Once tmnxChassisMixedModeIomAdminMode is enabled, additional IOMs can be converted to SR functionality by setting the tmnxCardCapability field of the corresponding tmnxCardEntry. When 'enabled(1)' on a 7750 chassis it allows allows IPv6 functionality without requiring chassis mode C or better. tmnxChassisMixedModeIomAdminMode is only applicable when tmnxChassisType indicates the chassis type is 7450 ESS-6, 7450 ESS-6v, 7450 ESS-7, 7450 ESS-12, 7750 SR-7 or 7750 SR-12." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 25 } tmnxChassisMixedModeIomUpgrList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { iomSlot1 (0), iomSlot2 (1), iomSlot3 (2), iomSlot4 (3), iomSlot5 (4), iomSlot6 (5), iomSlot7 (6), iomSlot8 (7), iomSlot9 (8), iomSlot10 (9) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisMixedModeIomUpgrList specifies the list of IOM slots which are to operate with SR functionality on the 7450 chassis. tmnxChassisMixedModeIomUpgrList is only applicable when tmnxChassisType indicates the chassis type is 7450 ESS-7 or 7450 ESS-12, and should only be set when enabling mixed-mode. tmnxChassisMixedModeIomUpgrList is a bitmap, with a bit for each IOM slot on the chassis. If the bit for a particular IOM slot is '1', the SR functionality will be enabled on the IOM when enabling mixed-mode. If the bit is set to '0', the IOM will continue to operate with ESS functionality. To set a particular bit to '1': 1. The IOM slot must have a configured type of iom3-xp, or any type of IMM. 2. The installed IOM/IMM must be a 7750 IOM/IMM. The platform type for an IOM/IMM can be read using tmnxHwEquippedPlatform. 3. tmnxChassisMixedModeIomAdminMode must be set to 'enabled (1)' in the same Set request packet." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 26 } tmnxChassisRedForcedSingleSfm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisRedForcedSingleSfm specifies whether or not the IGP single-SFM-overload state is forced to 'overload' in the router instances where single-SFM-overload state (referred to as TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrSingleSfmOverloadAdminState) is equal to 'inService'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 27 } tmnxChassisOperNumSlots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisOperNumSlots indicates the number of slots that are available for plug-in cards of all the physical router chassis configured in the system. This includes both CPM and IOM/IMM/XCM slots. For systems that support multiple chassis, this value will change depending on how many chassis the system is configured to be operating with." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 29 } tmnxChassisOperTopology OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standalone (1), extended (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisOperTopology indicates the inter-chassis topology mode in which the system is operating. It indicates how multiple chassis are arranged and operate together as a single system. A value of 'standalone (1)' indicates that the system is comprised of a single physical router chassis. A value of 'extended(2)' in a 7950 XRS based system indicates that two router chassis are connected together in a 'back-to-back' topology with no additional switch fabric chassis. An extended chassis topology is comprised of two XRS-20 chassis and is also known as an XRS-40 system." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 30 } tmnxChassisFabricSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), speed6g (1), speed10g (2), speedS4 (3), speedS5 (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisFabricSpeed indicates the system fabric speed. On systems that do not calculate the system fabric speed the value 'notApplicable (0)' is returned." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 31 } tmnxChassisPortIdScheme OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { schemeA (1), schemeB (2), schemeC (3), schemeD (4), reserved5 (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPortIdScheme indicates the port mapping scheme used by the system for physical ports and channels as represented by the TIMETRA-TC-MIB::TmnxPortID textual convention. Slots, MDAs (if present), ports, and channels are numbered starting with 1. Scheme A: 32 30 | 29 26 | 25 22 | 21 16 | 15 1 | +-----+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |000 | slot | mda | port | zero | Physical Port +-----+-------+-------+-------+-------+ 32 30 | 29 26 | 25 22 | 21 16 | 15 1 | +-----+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |001 | slot | mda | port |channel| Channel +-----+-------+-------+-------+-------+ Scheme B: 32 29 | 28 24 | 23 19 | 18 15 | 14 11 | 10 4 | 3 1 | +-----+-------+-------+-------+--------+------+------+ |0110 | zero | slot | mda | zero | port | zero | Physical Port +-----+-------+-------+-------+--------+------+------+ 32 29 | 28 24 | 23 19 | 18 15 | 14 11 | 10 4 | 3 1 | +-----+-------+-------+-------+--------+------+------+ |0111 | zero | slot | mda | zero | port | zero | Channel (*) +-----+-------+-------+-------+--------+------+------+ (*) The encoding does not specify a value for channel since it is implicitly channel 1. Scheme C: 32 30 | 29 26 | 25 24 | 23 22 | 21 16 | 15 1 | +-----+-------+----------+-------+---------+-------+ |000 | slot | port-hi | mda | port-lo | zero | Physical Port +-----+-------+----------+-------+---------+-------+ 32 30 | 29 26 | 25 24 | 23 22 | 21 16 | 15 1 | +-----+-------+----------+-------+---------+-------+ |001 | slot | port-hi | mda | port-lo |channel| Channel +-----+-------+----------+-------+---------+-------+ (*) 'port-hi' and 'port-lo' are combined make a port." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 32 } tmnxChassisVsrCongestionMgmt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisVsrCongestionMgmt specifies whether Virtual Service Router congestion management is turned on." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 33 } tmnxChassisAlarmLEDState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLEDState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "On systems that have a single alarm LED, the value of tmnxChassisAlarmLEDState indicates the current state of the alarm LED in the system." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 34 } tmnxChassisFPGenerationFP2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisFPGenerationFP2 indicates whether the system contains at least one FP2 based line card." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 35 } tmnxChassisFPGenerationFP3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisFPGenerationFP3 indicates whether the system contains at least one FP3 based line card." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 36 } tmnxChassisFPGenerationFP4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisFPGenerationFP4 indicates whether the system contains at least one FP4 based line card." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 37 } tmnxChassisNumPhysicalPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisNumPhysicalPorts indicates the total number of faceplate ports and connector-ports currently installed for all the pyhsical router chassis in the system. This count does not include the Ethernet ports on the CPM cards that are used for management access." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 38 } tmnxChassisFPGenerationVFP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisFPGenerationVFP indicates whether the system contains at least one VFP based line card." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 39 } tmnxChassisSystemProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), profileA (1), profileB (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisSystemProfile indicates the system profile in the chassis. 'none (0)' - No system profile set, permits the co-existence of FP3 and FP4-based line cards in the system. 'profileA (1)- This system profile is primarily targeted at subscriber services and layer 2/3 VPN business services. 'profileB (2)- This system profile is primarily targeted at infrastructure routing, core, peering, and DC-GW applications." ::= { tmnxChassisEntry 40 } tmnxChassisFanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxChassisFanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This table contains information about fan trays. This table was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 4 } tmnxChassisFanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxChassisFanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Contains information regarding a fan tray. This entry was made obsolete in release 15.0." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxChassisFanIndex } ::= { tmnxChassisFanTable 1 } TmnxChassisFanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxChassisFanIndex Unsigned32, tmnxChassisFanOperStatus TmnxDeviceState, tmnxChassisFanSpeed INTEGER, tmnxChassisFanRevision INTEGER, tmnxChassisFanSpeedPercent Unsigned32 } tmnxChassisFanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..31) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The unique value which identifies a specific fan tray in the chassis. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisFanEntry 1 } tmnxChassisFanOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Current status of the Fan tray. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisFanEntry 2 } tmnxChassisFanSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), unknown (1), halfSpeed (2), fullSpeed (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisFanSpeed indicates if the fans in this fan tray are running at 'halfSpeed' or 'fullSpeed'. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisFanEntry 3 } tmnxChassisFanRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), fan1 (1), hfFan2 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisFanRevision indicates the fan tray revision. fan1 - represents the original fan tray. hfFan2 - represents the high-flow fan tray; second revision. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisFanEntry 4 } tmnxChassisFanSpeedPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisFanSpeedPercent indicates the speed of the fan as a percentage of maximum speed. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisFanEntry 6 } tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This table contains information about power supply trays, also known as PEMs (Power Entry Modules). This table was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 5 } tmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Contains information regarding a power supply tray. This entry was made obsolete in release 15.0." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyId } ::= { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTable 1 } TmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyId Unsigned32, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyACStatus TmnxDeviceState, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyDCStatus TmnxDeviceState, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempStatus TmnxDeviceState, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempThreshold Integer32, tmnxChassisPowerSupply1Status TmnxDeviceState, tmnxChassisPowerSupply2Status TmnxDeviceState, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyAssignedType TmnxPowerSupAssignType, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyInputStatus TmnxDeviceState, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyOutputStatus TmnxDeviceState, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyPemType TmnxChassisPemType, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyPemACRect BITS, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyInFeedDown BITS, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyFanDir INTEGER } tmnxChassisPowerSupplyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..31) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The unique identifier index for a power supply tray in the chassis. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry 1 } tmnxChassisPowerSupplyACStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "If the value of tmnxChassisPowerSupplyACStatus is 'deviceStateOk', the input AC voltage is within range. If the value is 'deviceStateFailed', an AC voltage out of range condition has been detected. A value of 'deviceNotEquipped' indicates that the AC power supply is not present. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry 2 } tmnxChassisPowerSupplyDCStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "If the value of tmnxChassisPowerSupplyDCStatus is 'deviceStateOk', the output DC voltage is within range. If the value is 'deviceStateFailed', a DC voltage out of range condition has been detected. A value of 'deviceNotEquipped' indicates that the power supply is not present or the equipped power supply does not support the reporting of this status. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry 3 } tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "If the value of tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempStatus is 'deviceStateOk', the current temperature is within acceptable range. If the value is 'deviceStateFailed', a temperature too high condition has been detected. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry 4 } tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "degrees celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The temperature threshold for this power supply tray in degrees celsius. When the temperature raises above tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempThreshold, a 'temperature too high' event will be generated. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry 5 } tmnxChassisPowerSupply1Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The overall status of an equipped power supply. For AC multiple power supplies, this represents the overall status of the first power supply in the tray (or shelf). For any other type, this represents the overall status of the power supply. If tmnxChassisPowerSupply1Status is 'deviceStateOk', then all monitored statuses are 'deviceStateOk'. A value of 'deviceStateFailed' represents a condition where at least one monitored status is in a failed state. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry 6 } tmnxChassisPowerSupply2Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The overall status of an equipped power supply. For AC multiple power supplies, this represents the overall status of the second power supply in the tray (or shelf). For any other type, this field is unused and set to 'deviceNotEquipped'. If tmnxChassisPowerSupply2Status is 'deviceStateOk', then all monitored statuses are 'deviceStateOk'. A value of 'deviceStateFailed' represents a condition where at least one monitored status is in a failed state. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry 7 } tmnxChassisPowerSupplyAssignedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPowerSupAssignType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tmnxChassisPowerSupplyAssignedType configures the type of power supply for a platform. Based on the value assigned to this object, various power supply monitoring signals will be interpreted. For example, if a platform is provisioned to use DC power supplies, then the signal that indicates an AC power supply is missing can be ignored. The configuration of this object away from 'default (4)' is required for proper generation of traps and LED management. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." DEFVAL { default } ::= { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry 8 } tmnxChassisPowerSupplyInputStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "If the value of tmnxChassisPowerSupplyInputStatus is 'deviceStateOk', the input voltage of the power supply is within range. If the value is 'deviceStateFailed', an input voltage out of range condition has been detected. A value of 'deviceNotEquipped' indicates that the power supply is not present. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry 9 } tmnxChassisPowerSupplyOutputStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "If the value of tmnxChassisPowerSupplyOutputStatus is 'deviceStateOk', the output voltage of the power supply is within range. If the value is 'deviceStateFailed', an output voltage out of range condition has been detected. A value of 'deviceNotEquipped' indicates that the power supply is not present. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry 10 } tmnxChassisPowerSupplyPemType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxChassisPemType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxChassisPowerSupplyPemType indicates the Power Entry Module (PEM) type installed in the PEM slot. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry 11 } tmnxChassisPowerSupplyPemACRect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { acRect1 (0), acRect2 (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPowerSupplyPemACRect indicates which Power Entry Module AC rectifiers installed in the PEM slot are in a failed state or are missing. acRect1 (0) : The 1st PEM AC rectifier has failed or is missing. acRect2 (1) : The 2nd PEM AC rectifier has failed or is missing. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry 12 } tmnxChassisPowerSupplyInFeedDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { inputFeedA (0), inputFeedB (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPowerSupplyInFeedDown indicates which input feeds are not supplying power. inputFeedA (0) : Input feed A is not supplying power. inputFeedB (1) : Input feed B is not supplying power. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry 13 } tmnxChassisPowerSupplyFanDir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), frontToBack (1), backToFront (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPowerSupplyFanDir indicates if the fan direction is 'frontToBack' or 'backToFront'. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry 14 } tmnxChassisTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxChassisTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The chassis type table has an entry for each chassis model supported by the platform. Some example chassis types are: '7750 SR-12', '7950 XRS-20'." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 6 } tmnxChassisTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxChassisTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Nokia SROS series Chassis model. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxChassisTypeIndex } ::= { tmnxChassisTypeTable 1 } TmnxChassisTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxChassisTypeIndex TmnxChassisType, tmnxChassisTypeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxChassisTypeDescription TItemDescription, tmnxChassisTypeStatus TruthValue } tmnxChassisTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxChassisType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique index value which identifies this type of Nokia SROS series chassis model." ::= { tmnxChassisTypeEntry 1 } tmnxChassisTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative name that identifies this type of Nokia SROS series chassis model. This name string may be used in CLI commands to specify a particular chassis model type." ::= { tmnxChassisTypeEntry 2 } tmnxChassisTypeDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A detailed description of this Nokia SROS series chassis model." ::= { tmnxChassisTypeEntry 3 } tmnxChassisTypeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tmnxChassisTypeStatus has a value of 'true' it indicates that this chassis model is supported in this revision of the management software. When it has a value of 'false' there is no support." ::= { tmnxChassisTypeEntry 4 } tmnxHwLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime when the tmnxHwTable was last changed." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 7 } tmnxHwTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxHwEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxHwTable has an entry for each managed hardware component in the Nokia SROS series system's chassis. Examples of these hardware component types are IOM, Fabric, and CPM cards, and CCM, and MDA modules. Similar information for physical ports is in the tmnxPortObjs." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 8 } tmnxHwEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Nokia SROS series manufactured hardware component. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. When an entry is created in one of the card tables, IOM, CPM, Fabric or MDA, a tmnxHwEntry is created for the common hardware management information for that card in that chassis. When the card is removed from the chassis, its corresponding tmnxHwEntry is deleted. The tmnxHwIndex is bitmapped. The tmnxPhysChassisClass is used to indicate a sub-class of a TmnxHwClass type. A value of 0 instead of 'routerChassis (3)' is used to represent router chassis: | 32 25 | 24 17 | 16 9 | 8 1 | +-------------+----------------------+-------------+-------------+ | TmnxHwClass | TmnxPhysChassisClass | Slot | number | +-------------+----------------------+-------------+-------------+ The Slot field is only used for components on cards in slots. It is zero for all others. The number field starts from 1 and indicates which component. E.g. Power supply 1 or 2." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxHwIndex } ::= { tmnxHwTable 1 } TmnxHwEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxHwIndex TmnxHwIndex, tmnxHwID RowPointer, tmnxHwMfgString SnmpAdminString, tmnxHwMfgBoardNumber OCTET STRING, tmnxHwSerialNumber SnmpAdminString, tmnxHwManufactureDate SnmpAdminString, tmnxHwClass TmnxHwClass, tmnxHwName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxHwAlias TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxHwAssetID SnmpAdminString, tmnxHwCLEI SnmpAdminString, tmnxHwIsFRU TruthValue, tmnxHwContainedIn Integer32, tmnxHwParentRelPos Integer32, tmnxHwAdminState INTEGER, tmnxHwOperState INTEGER, tmnxHwTempSensor TruthValue, tmnxHwTemperature Integer32, tmnxHwTempThreshold Integer32, tmnxHwBootCodeVersion DisplayString, tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion DisplayString, tmnxHwSwLastBoot DateAndTime, tmnxHwSwState INTEGER, tmnxHwAlarmState TmnxAlarmState, tmnxHwLastAlarmEvent RowPointer, tmnxHwClearAlarms TmnxActionType, tmnxHwSwImageSource INTEGER, tmnxHwMfgDeviations SnmpAdminString, tmnxHwBaseMacAddress MacAddress, tmnxHwFailureReason DisplayString, tmnxHwEquippedPlatform INTEGER, tmnxHwMfgAssemblyNumber SnmpAdminString, tmnxHwFirmwareCodeVersion DisplayString, tmnxHwPowerZone Unsigned32, tmnxHwFirmwareRevisionStatus INTEGER } tmnxHwIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwIndex is a unique index that identifies common management information for Nokia SROS series manufactured hardware components within the specified chassis." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 1 } tmnxHwID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwID is an object identifier that points to the table and row entry with additional management information specific to this hardware component's class. If there is no additional information specific to such component then the the tmnxHwID is set to 0.0." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 2 } tmnxHwMfgString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..253)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxHwMfgString contains unspecified Nokia SROS series manufacturing information and includes the Nokia vendor information. This object was made obsolete in release 11.0." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 3 } tmnxHwMfgBoardNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxHwMfgBoardNumber contains the part number information." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 4 } tmnxHwSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique Nokia SROS series serial number of the hardware component." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 5 } tmnxHwManufactureDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The manufacturing date of the hardware component in 'mmddyyyy' ascii format." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 6 } tmnxHwClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwClass MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwClass indicates the general hardware type of this component. If no appropriate enumeration exists for this hardware identify this hardware component then the value 'unknown (2)' is used." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 7 } tmnxHwName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwName is the name of the component as assigned by the system software itself and is suitable for use in CLI commands. This may be a text name such as 'console' or a port ID such as '2/2'. If there is no predefined name then a zero length string is returned. Note that the value of tmnxHwName for two component entries will be the same if the CLI does not distinguish between them, e.g. the chassis slot-1 and the card in slot-1." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 8 } tmnxHwAlias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwAlias is the administrative name assigned to this hardware component by the CLI user or network manager. It is saved across re-initializations and reboots of the system. The object tmnxHwAlias is not supported on rows where the tmnxHwClass is set to 'flashDiskModule (12)'. Attempts to set the tmnxHwAlias object on rows where it is not supported will result in an inconsistentValue error." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxHwEntry 9 } tmnxHwAssetID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwAssetID is an administratively assigned asset tracking identifier for this hardware component. It is saved across re-initializations and reboots of the system. If no asset tracking information is associated with this hardware component, a zero-length string is returned to an SNMP get request. The object tmnxHwAssetID is not supported on rows where the tmnxHwClass is set to 'flashDiskModule (12)'. Attempts to set the tmnxHwAssetID object on rows where it is not supported will result in an inconsistentValue error. Some hardware components do not have asset tracking identifiers. Components for which tmnxHwIsFRU has a value of 'false' do not need their own unique asset tracking identifier. In this case, the agent denies write access to this object and returns a zero-length string to an SNMP get request." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxHwEntry 10 } tmnxHwCLEI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (10)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Common Language Equipment Identifier, CLEI, code is a unique 10 character identifier, that is fixed by the manufacturer. It consists of ten alphanumeric characters. The first seven characters present a concise summary of an equipment entity's circuit or transport capabilities, e.g., functional, electrical, bandwidth, etc. CLEI codes for plug-in or portable equipment with the same first seven characters (CLEI-7) are considered bidirectionally interchangeable and group under a G level record. Most licensees plug-in inventories and records are controlled at the group level. The eighth character denotes the reference source used for coding the item, and the last two characters denote manufacturing vintage or version, and other complementary information. A ten character CLEI code that is developed for a specific piece of equipment is unique within the CLEI code universe and is used in A level records; the code is not assigned to any other equipment piece. Equipment is coded to a first or major application. When the same equipment is usable in another application or system, it is not recorded nor are additional codes developed for that purpose." REFERENCE "Bellcore (Telcordia Technologies) GR-485." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 11 } tmnxHwIsFRU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwIsFRU indicates whether or not this hardware component is a Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) or not. Those components that are permanently contained within a FRU have a value of 'false'." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 12 } tmnxHwContainedIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwContainedIn is the tmnxHwIndex value for the row entry of the hardware component that contains this component. A value of zero indicates that this component is not contained in any other component." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 13 } tmnxHwParentRelPos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwParentRelPos indicates the relative position of this hardware component among all its 'sibling' components. A sibling component shares the same instance values for tmnxHwContainedIn and tmnxHwClass objects. If the associated value of tmnxHwContainedIn is zero, then the value -1 is returned." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 14 } tmnxHwAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noop (1), inService (2), outOfService (3), diagnose (4), operateSwitch (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desired administrative status of this hardware component. Write access will be denied for those components that do not have administrative status. An attempt to set tmnxHwAdminState to 'operateSwitch (5)' will fail if the hardware component is not part of a redundant pair. Some examples of redundant hardware are the CPM cards and fabric cards." DEFVAL { noop } ::= { tmnxHwEntry 15 } tmnxHwOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), inService (2), outOfService (3), diagnosing (4), failed (5), booting (6), empty (7), provisioned (8), unprovisioned (9), upgrade (10), downgrade (11), inServiceUpgrade (12), inServiceDowngrade (13), resetPending (14), softReset (15), preExtension (16), downloading (17) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The actual operational status of this hardware component. unknown (1) Status cannot be determined inService (2) Online - If tmnxHwClass has a value of 'ioModule (8)' or 'cpmModule (9), the card is present, booted, configured, and running. outOfService (3) Ready - The hardware component is OK but is down because tmnxHwAdminState has a value of 'outOfService (3)'. diagnosing (4) Not implemented. failed (5) This hardware component has failed. The value of tmnxHwFailureReason indicates the type of failure. If tmnxHwClass has a value of 'ioModule(8)' or 'cpmModule(9)', there is a card in the slot but it has failed. booting (6) A card is in the transitional startup state. empty (7) There is no card in the slot and it has not been pre-configured. provisioned (8) There is no card in the slot but it has been pre-configured. unprovisioned (9) There is a card in the slot but it is not configured. upgrade (10) Card software version is compatible with and newer than that running on the current active CPM. downgrade (11) Card software version is compatible with and older than that running on the current active CPM. inServiceUpgrade (12) Card is inService and the card software version is compatible with and newer than that running on the current active CPM. This state applies only to a standby CPM card. This enumeration is no longer supported as of release 5.0. inServiceDowngrade (13) Card is inService and the card software is compatible with and older than that running on the current active CPM. This state applies only to a standby CPM card. This enumeration is no longer supported as of release 5.0. resetPending (14) Card is awaiting reset following an upgrade or downgrade activity switch. The card software version is upgrade or downgrade compatible but will be reset in order to update it to match the active CPM software. The value of tmnxChassisUpdateWaitTime indicates the how long the system will wait following an upgrade or downgrade activity switch before it resets IOM cards. This state applies only to IOM cards. This enumeration is no longer supported as of release 5.0. softReset (15) Card is performing a soft reset. The data path is active, but control path transitional changes are suspended until the card leaves this state. preExtension (16) State assigned to an unprovisioned hardware component associated with, or contained in, an (potentially non-existent) extension chassis in a 7950 XRS system that is operating in XRS-20 mode (i.e. tmnxChassisOperTopology is 'standalone(1)'). The extension chassis and/or hardware component may or may not be physically present and connected to the master chassis. The system does not monitor extension chassis equipment when tmnxChassisOperTopology is 'standalone(1)'. In this case, for unprovisioned extension chassis equipment, a value of 'preExtension(16)' is assigned. downloading (17) Card has booted and its configuration is being downloaded. " ::= { tmnxHwEntry 16 } tmnxHwTempSensor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwTempSensor indicates whether or not this hardware component contains a temperature sensor." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 17 } tmnxHwTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "degrees celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current temperature reading in degrees celsius from this hardware component's temperature sensor. If this component does not contain a temperature sensor, then the value -128 is returned." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 18 } tmnxHwTempThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "degrees celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature threshold for this hardware component in degrees celsius. When the value of tmnxHwTemperature raises above tmnxHwTempThreshold, a 'temperature too high' event will be generated." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 19 } tmnxHwBootCodeVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version number of boot eprom on the card in this slot. If no specific software program is associated with this hardware component then this object will contain a zero length string." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 20 } tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The software product release version number for the software image currently running on this IOM or CPM card. If no specific software program is associated with this hardware component then this object will contain a zero length string." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 21 } tmnxHwSwLastBoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The date and time the software running on this IOM or CPM card was last rebooted. If this row entry represents a standby CPM card, the date and time indicated is when the standby completed its initial synchronization process and became ready to take over in case the active card fails or a manual switchover command is issued." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 22 } tmnxHwSwState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), hwFailure (1), swFailure (2), hwInitting (3), swDownloading (4), swInitting (5), swInitted (6), swRunning (7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The state of the software running on this IOM or CPM card. The tmnxHwSwState object is obsolete. The Nokia 7x50 platform cannot distinguish software status separate from the hardware status. Instead of using this object, additional operational states have been added to tmnxHwOperState. If no specific software program is associated with this hardware component then this object will contain a zero." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 23 } tmnxHwAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAlarmState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwAlarmState indicates the current alarm state for this hardware component." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 24 } tmnxHwLastAlarmEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwLastAlarmEvent indicates the object name and instance value that points to the row entry in the ALARM-MIB containing the most recent alarm associated with this hardware component. If tmnxHwAlarmState has a value of 'alarmCleared(2)', the most recent alarm event will be in the cleared alarm table. If it has a value of 'alarmActive(1)', the most recent alarm event will be in the active alarm table. If the value of tmnxHwLastAlarmEvent is '0.0', either no hardware component alarm events have occurred since the system was last booted, or the last hardware component alarm event has aged out and its entry is no longer available in the ALARM-MIB tables. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 25 } tmnxHwClearAlarms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Setting this action variable causes all the active alarms associated with this hardware component to be moved from the ALARM-MIB nlmActiveAlarmTable to the nlmClearedAlarmTable. This action button is primarily meant for use as a code development aid. This object may be removed from the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB before product release. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxHwEntry 26 } tmnxHwSwImageSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), primary (1), secondary (2), tertiary (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwSwImageSource indicates the location in the Boot Options File (BOF) where the software image file was found when the system last rebooted." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 27 } tmnxHwMfgDeviations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxHwMfgDeviations contains a record of changes done by the manufacturing to the hardware or software and which is outside the normal revision control process." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 28 } tmnxHwBaseMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxHwBaseMacAddress contains the base MAC address of the hardware component. It is applicable only if tmnxHwClass is of type 'chassis', 'ioModule', 'cpmModule' or 'mdaModule'." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 29 } tmnxHwFailureReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxHwFailureReason indicates the reason why a hardware component 'failed' as indicated in tmnxHwOperState." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 30 } tmnxHwEquippedPlatform OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pfUnknown (0), pf7750 (1), pf7450 (2), pf7710 (3), pf7950 (4), pf7705 (5), pf7250 (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwEquippedPlatform indicates the platform type of the installed hardware component, as read from the component's EEPROM. For example, 'pf7750' is returned for an installed 7750 iom3-xp. pfUnknown is returned if the component's EEPROM is unreadable, or in the case of an empty slot." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 31 } tmnxHwMfgAssemblyNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwMfgAssemblyNumber may contain an assembly number which indicates manufacturing differences for a given part number." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 32 } tmnxHwFirmwareCodeVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The software product release version number associated with the firmware version currently programmed on this card. If no specific software release is associated with this hardware component then this object will contain a zero length string." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 33 } tmnxHwPowerZone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwPowerZone indicates the managed power-zone on an SROS series system that this device resides. Devices on differing power-zones are managed separately. That is, if power is restricted on one power-zone, higher priority devices may be forcefully powered off, while a power-zone without a power restriction may have low-priority devices boot up. This object maps the corresponding device with a row in the tmnxChassisPowerMgmtTable. A value of zero (0) indicates that this device does not use system power resources and thus does not reside in a power-zone." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 34 } tmnxHwFirmwareRevisionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), acceptable (1), notAcceptable (2), upgradePending (3), upgrading (4), upgradeNextHardReset (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwFirmwareRevisionStatus indicates the firmware/FPGA revision status for the device. A device that does not support a firmware/FPGA revision status will always return 'notApplicable (0)'. The possible values of tmnxHwFirmwareRevisionStatus are: notApplicable (0) - The device does not support this object or the device does support this object but the current firmware revision is not yet known (e.g. the device is currently initializing). acceptable (1) - The device has a firmware revision that is acceptable with the current system configuration. notAcceptable (2) - The device has a firmware revision that is not acceptable with the current system configuration. upgradePending (3) - The device has a firmware revision that is not acceptable with the current system configuration; an upgrade will be issued on the device's firmware to bring it to an acceptable state. upgrading (4) - The device's firmware is currently being upgraded to the latest revision acceptable with the current system configuration. upgradeNextHardReset (5) - The device's firmware is acceptable but a new revision is available and the card will be upgraded to this new revision on the next hard reset." ::= { tmnxHwEntry 35 } tmnxHwContainsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxHwContainsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxHwContainsTable shows the container/containee relationship between entries in the tmnxHwTable. The hardware component containment tree can be constructed from information in the tmnxHwTable, but this table provides the information in a more convenient format for the manager system to use." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 9 } tmnxHwContainsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwContainsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a single container/containee relationship. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { tmnxHwIndex, tmnxHwContainedIndex } ::= { tmnxHwContainsTable 1 } TmnxHwContainsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxHwContainedIndex TmnxHwIndex } tmnxHwContainedIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwContainedIndex indicates the tmnxHwIndex for the contained hardware component." ::= { tmnxHwContainsEntry 1 } tmnxCcmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCcmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains information about CCM." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 10 } tmnxCcmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCcmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains information regarding a CCM." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCcmIndex } ::= { tmnxCcmTable 1 } TmnxCcmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCcmIndex Unsigned32, tmnxCcmOperStatus TmnxDeviceState, tmnxCcmHwIndex TmnxHwIndex, tmnxCcmEquippedType TmnxCcmType } tmnxCcmIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique value which identifies a specific CCM instance in the chassis." ::= { tmnxCcmEntry 1 } tmnxCcmOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current status of the CCM." ::= { tmnxCcmEntry 2 } tmnxCcmHwIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcmHwIndex is the index into the tmnxHwTable for the row entry that represents the hardware component information for this CCM." ::= { tmnxCcmEntry 3 } tmnxCcmEquippedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCcmType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A bit-mask that identifies the CCM type that is physically inserted into this chassis. There will not be more than one bit set at a time in tmnxCcmEquippedType." ::= { tmnxCcmEntry 4 } tmnxCcmTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCcmTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The card type table has an entry for each Nokia 7710 series Chassis Control Module (CCM) model." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 11 } tmnxCcmTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCcmTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Nokia 7710 series CCM model. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxCcmTypeIndex } ::= { tmnxCcmTypeTable 1 } TmnxCcmTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCcmTypeIndex TmnxCcmType, tmnxCcmTypeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxCcmTypeDescription TItemDescription, tmnxCcmTypeStatus TruthValue } tmnxCcmTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCcmType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique index value which identifies this type of Nokia 7710 series CCM model." ::= { tmnxCcmTypeEntry 1 } tmnxCcmTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative name that identifies this type of Nokia 7710 series CCM model. This name string may be used in CLI commands to specify a particular card model type." ::= { tmnxCcmTypeEntry 2 } tmnxCcmTypeDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A detailed description of this Nokia 7710 series CCM model." ::= { tmnxCcmTypeEntry 3 } tmnxCcmTypeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tmnxCcmTypeStatus has a value of 'true' it indicates that this CCM is supported in this revision of the management software. When it has a value of 'false' there is no support." ::= { tmnxCcmTypeEntry 4 } tmnxFanTrayComponentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxFanTrayComponentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The Fan Tray Component table has an entry for every subcomponent of a Fan Tray that has monitored states. Not all fan trays have monitored subcomponents, in this case, this table will be empty for the given fan tray. This table was made obsolete in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 12 } tmnxFanTrayComponentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFanTrayComponentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a fan tray component. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests. This entry was made obsolete in release 16.0." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxChassisFanIndex, tmnxFanTrayCompIndex } ::= { tmnxFanTrayComponentTable 1 } TmnxFanTrayComponentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxFanTrayCompIndex Unsigned32, tmnxFanTrayCompSpeed Gauge32 } tmnxFanTrayCompIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxFanTrayCompIndex specifies an individual fan tray component. This object was made obsolete in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxFanTrayComponentEntry 1 } tmnxFanTrayCompSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 (0..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxFanTrayCompSpeed indicates the current speed of the fan tray component. This object was made obsolete in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxFanTrayComponentEntry 2 } tmnxHwResourceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxHwResourceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxHwResourceTable has an entry for each managed hardware component in the Nokia SROS series system's chassis that supports resource monitoring. Hardware components that do not support resource monitoring will not show up in this table. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 13 } tmnxHwResourceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwResourceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxHwResourceEntry row consists of the current resource levels for a particular managed hardware component." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxHwIndex } ::= { tmnxHwResourceTable 1 } TmnxHwResourceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxHwResourceCurrentVoltage Integer32, tmnxHwResourcePeakVoltage Integer32, tmnxHwResourcePeakVoltageTime TimeStamp, tmnxHwResourceMinVoltage Integer32, tmnxHwResourceMinVoltageTime TimeStamp, tmnxHwResourceCurrentWattage Integer32, tmnxHwResourcePeakWattage Integer32, tmnxHwResourcePeakWattageTime TimeStamp, tmnxHwResourceMinWattage Integer32, tmnxHwResourceMinWattageTime TimeStamp, tmnxHwResourceCurrentAmperage Integer32, tmnxHwResourcePeakAmperage Integer32, tmnxHwResourcePeakAmperageTime TimeStamp, tmnxHwResourceMinAmperage Integer32, tmnxHwResourceMinAmperageTime TimeStamp, tmnxHwResourceMaxRequiredWattage Integer32 } tmnxHwResourceCurrentVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwResourceCurrentVoltage indicates the current voltage use of the managed hardware component in milli-Volts (mV)." ::= { tmnxHwResourceEntry 1 } tmnxHwResourcePeakVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwResourcePeakVoltage indicates the peak voltage use of the managed hardware component in milli-Volts (mV) last recorded at the time indicated by tmnxHwResourcePeakVoltageTime." ::= { tmnxHwResourceEntry 2 } tmnxHwResourcePeakVoltageTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwResourcePeakVoltageTime indicates the time, since system initialization, that tmnxHwResourcePeakVoltage was last updated." ::= { tmnxHwResourceEntry 3 } tmnxHwResourceMinVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwResourceMinVoltage indicates the lowest voltage use of the managed hardware component in milli-Volts (mV) last recorded at the time indicated by tmnxHwResourceMinVoltageTime." ::= { tmnxHwResourceEntry 4 } tmnxHwResourceMinVoltageTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwResourceMinVoltageTime indicates the time, since system initialization, that tmnxHwResourceMinVoltage was last updated." ::= { tmnxHwResourceEntry 5 } tmnxHwResourceCurrentWattage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwResourceCurrentWattage indicates the current power use of the managed hardware component in milli-Watts (mW)." ::= { tmnxHwResourceEntry 6 } tmnxHwResourcePeakWattage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwResourcePeakWattage indicates the peak power use of the managed hardware component in milli-Watts (mW) last recorded at the time indicated by tmnxHwResourcePeakWattageTime." ::= { tmnxHwResourceEntry 7 } tmnxHwResourcePeakWattageTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwResourcePeakWattageTime indicates the time, since system initialization, that tmnxHwResourcePeakWattage was last updated." ::= { tmnxHwResourceEntry 8 } tmnxHwResourceMinWattage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwResourceMinWattage indicates the lowest power use of the managed hardware component in milli-Watts (mW) last recorded at the time indicated by tmnxHwResourceMinWattageTime." ::= { tmnxHwResourceEntry 9 } tmnxHwResourceMinWattageTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwResourceMinWattageTime indicates the time, since system initialization, that tmnxHwResourceMinWattage was last updated." ::= { tmnxHwResourceEntry 10 } tmnxHwResourceCurrentAmperage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwResourceCurrentAmperage indicates the current drawn by the managed hardware component in milli-Amperes (mA)." ::= { tmnxHwResourceEntry 11 } tmnxHwResourcePeakAmperage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwResourcePeakAmperage indicates the peak current drawn by the managed hardware component in milli-Amperes (mA) last recorded at the time indicated by tmnxHwResourcePeakAmperageTime." ::= { tmnxHwResourceEntry 12 } tmnxHwResourcePeakAmperageTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwResourcePeakAmperageTime indicates the time, since system initialization, that tmnxHwResourcePeakAmperage was last updated." ::= { tmnxHwResourceEntry 13 } tmnxHwResourceMinAmperage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwResourceMinAmperage indicates the lowest current drawn by the managed hardware component in milli-Amperes (mA) last recorded at the time indicated by tmnxHwResourceMinAmperageTime." ::= { tmnxHwResourceEntry 14 } tmnxHwResourceMinAmperageTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwResourceMinAmperageTime indicates the time, since system initialization, that tmnxHwResourceMinAmperage was last updated." ::= { tmnxHwResourceEntry 15 } tmnxHwResourceMaxRequiredWattage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "Wattage" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwResourceMaxRequiredWattage indicates the maximum possible power consumption for this device. This value is used to determine the amount of system power to reserve in order to safely power up the device." ::= { tmnxHwResourceEntry 16 } tmnxPEQTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPEQTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPEQTypeTable has an entry for each Power Equalizer (PEQ) type supported by the system. Some example PEQ types are: 'apeq-dc-2000', 'apeq-ac-3000'." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 14 } tmnxPEQTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPEQTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Nokia SROS series Power Equalizer type. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxPEQTypeIndex } ::= { tmnxPEQTypeTable 1 } TmnxPEQTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPEQTypeIndex TmnxPEQType, tmnxPEQTypeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPEQTypeDescription TItemDescription, tmnxPEQTypeNumInputFeed Unsigned32 } tmnxPEQTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPEQType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPEQTypeIndex specifies the unique index which identifies the type of Nokia SROS series Power Equalizer (PEQ)." ::= { tmnxPEQTypeEntry 1 } tmnxPEQTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPEQTypeName indicates the administrative name that identifies the type of Nokia SROS series PEQ. This name string is used in CLI commands to specify a particular PEQ type." ::= { tmnxPEQTypeEntry 2 } tmnxPEQTypeDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPEQTypeDescription indicates the detailed description of this Nokia SROS series PEQ type." ::= { tmnxPEQTypeEntry 3 } tmnxPEQTypeNumInputFeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPEQTypeNumInputFeed indicates the number of input feeds that this PEQ type has." ::= { tmnxPEQTypeEntry 4 } tmnxChassisPEQTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPEQTableLastChg indicates the time, since system startup, that a row in the tmnxChassisPEQTable last changed configuration. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 15 } tmnxChassisPEQTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxChassisPEQEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxChassisPEQTable contains information about Power Equalizer type in the chassis. This table was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 16 } tmnxChassisPEQEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxChassisPEQEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Nokia SROS series PEQ slot. This table augments the tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTable on chassis that support PEQs. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests. This entry was made obsolete in release 15.0." AUGMENTS { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyEntry } ::= { tmnxChassisPEQTable 1 } TmnxChassisPEQEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxChassisPEQLastChangedTime TimeStamp, tmnxChassisPEQAssignedType TmnxPEQType, tmnxChassisPEQEquippedType TmnxPEQType, tmnxChassisPEQSupportedTypes TmnxPEQSuppType, tmnxChassisPEQAvailableWattage Unsigned32, tmnxChassisPEQInputPowerMode Unsigned32 } tmnxChassisPEQLastChangedTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPEQLastChangedTime indicates the time, since system startup, that an object in this row changed configuration. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisPEQEntry 1 } tmnxChassisPEQAssignedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPEQType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPEQAssignedType specifies the administratively assigned (pre-provisioned) PEQ type defined in the tmnxPEQTypeTable that should occupy this PEQ slot in the chassis. If tmnxChassisPEQAssignedType has a value of 1 (unassigned), this slot has not yet been pre-provisioned. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxChassisPEQEntry 2 } tmnxChassisPEQEquippedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPEQType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPEQEquippedType indicates the PEQ type of the PEQ that is physically inserted into this PEQ slot in the chassis. If the slot has been pre-provisioned, tmnxChassisPEQAssignedType is not equal to 1 (unassigned), and the value of tmnxChassisPEQEquippedType is not the same as tmnxChassisPEQAssignedType, a mismatch alarm will be raised. A value of 0 indicates the PEQ type is not recognized by the SROS. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisPEQEntry 3 } tmnxChassisPEQSupportedTypes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPEQSuppType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPEQSupportedTypes is a bit-mask that indicates what PEQ types can be physically supported in this PEQ slot in this chassis. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisPEQEntry 4 } tmnxChassisPEQAvailableWattage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "watts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPEQAvailableWattage indicates the reported available wattage of the PEQ. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisPEQEntry 5 } tmnxChassisPEQInputPowerMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 60 | 80) UNITS "amperes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPEQInputPowerMode specifies the input power mode of the PEQ. A value of zero indicates that the input power mode is not applicable for the PEQ. An SNMP SET request with a value of zero is not permitted. This object was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisPEQEntry 6 } tmnxChassisPowerMgmtTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPowerMgmtTableLastChg indicates the time, since system startup, when a row in the tmnxChassisPowerMgmtTable last changed configuration." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 17 } tmnxChassisPowerMgmtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxChassisPowerMgmtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxChassisPowerMgmtTable manages the power requirements on the SROS series system. This table controls the behavior of the system during power resource contention." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 18 } tmnxChassisPowerMgmtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxChassisPowerMgmtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row in the tmnxChassisPowerMgmtTable represents a managed power-zone on an SROS series system. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtZone } ::= { tmnxChassisPowerMgmtTable 1 } TmnxChassisPowerMgmtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxChassisPwrMgmtZone Unsigned32, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtChangedTime TimeStamp, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtMode INTEGER, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtSafetyLevel Gauge32, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtSafetyAlert Unsigned32 } tmnxChassisPwrMgmtZone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPwrMgmtZone specifies the managed power-zone for this management entity." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerMgmtEntry 1 } tmnxChassisPwrMgmtChangedTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPwrMgmtChangedTime indicates the time, since system startup, when an object in this row changed configuration." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerMgmtEntry 2 } tmnxChassisPwrMgmtMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), basic (1), advanced (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPwrMgmtMode specifies how the system behaves during power contention. none (0) - When set to 'none (0)' the node will bring up as much provisioned equipment in order of priority as possible without exceeding capacity of the equipped or assigned PEQs. In this mode no gradual shutdown of active cards is enforced. Note: No spare capacity is reserved. Any failure may result in brownouts or card failures. basic (1) - When set to 'basic (1)', the node will bring up, in order of priority, as much of the provisioned equipment as possible using the N+1 algorithm. This means enough capacity will be held in reserve to ensure zero impact should the highest rated PEQ fail or be removed. However, subsequent failures may result in brownouts if the system can't shutdown low priority cards in time when the secondary failure/removal occurs. advanced (2) - When set to 'advanced (2)', the system will maintain a spare PEQ as long as possible to make it immune to the possibility of power brownouts. It does this by shutting down low priority cards to restore N+1 when N+1 is no longer in effect." DEFVAL { basic } ::= { tmnxChassisPowerMgmtEntry 3 } tmnxChassisPwrMgmtSafetyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 (0..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPwrMgmtSafetyLevel specifies the percentage of the provisioned power requirement that will cause the system to start powering off lower-priority cards." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tmnxChassisPowerMgmtEntry 4 } tmnxChassisPwrMgmtSafetyAlert OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..120000) UNITS "watts" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPwrMgmtSafetyAlert specifies the power capacity threshold where the SROS will trigger an event indicating a potential trigger of the safety-level state." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxChassisPowerMgmtEntry 5 } tChassisResTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TChassisResEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResTable represents system resource information that are specific to chassis." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 19 } tChassisResEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TChassisResEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResEntry represents chassis specific system resource information." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex } ::= { tChassisResTable 1 } TChassisResEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tChassisResSapIngQosPolTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResSapIngQosPolAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResSapEgrQosPolTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResSapEgrQosPolAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResIngQGrpTmplTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResIngQGrpTmplAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResPortEgrVPortTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResPortEgrVPortAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResIpSecNHEntryTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResIpSecNHEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResSubNHEntryTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResSubNHEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResSapTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResSapAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResEgrStatVlanVoQTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResEgrStatVlanVoQAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResEgrNoStatVlanVoQTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResEgrNoStatVlanVoQAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResIngClassQosPolTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResIngClassQosPolAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResEgrRemarkQosPolTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResEgrRemarkQosPolAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResQueueMgmtQosPolTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResQueueMgmtQosPolAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResApipeSapTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResApipeSapAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResCpipeSapTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResCpipeSapAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResEpipeSapTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResEpipeSapAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResFpipeSapTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResFpipeSapAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResIpipeSapTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResIpipeSapAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResIesSapTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResIesSapAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResMirrorSapTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResMirrorSapAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResVplsSapTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResVplsSapAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResVprnSapTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResVprnSapAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResFastDepthMQueuesTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResFastDepthMQueuesAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResDot1pFCMapTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResDot1pFCMapAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResDscpFCMapTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResDscpFCMapAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResLspExpFCMapTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResLspExpFCMapAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResFCDot1pMapTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResFCDot1pMapAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResFCDscpMapTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResFCDscpMapAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResFCLspExpMapTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResFCLspExpMapAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResPool1LagBundleIdTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResPool1LagBundleIdAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResPool2LagBundleIdTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResPool2LagBundleIdAlloc Unsigned32, tChassisResSystemBundleNumTotal Unsigned32, tChassisResSystemBundleNumAlloc Unsigned32 } tChassisResSapIngQosPolTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResSapIngQosPolTotal represents the total number of sap-ingress QoS policies that are allowed to be provisioned on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResSapIngQosPolTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 1 } tChassisResSapIngQosPolAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResSapIngQosPolAlloc represents the total number of sap-ingress QoS policies that are currently provisioned on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 2 } tChassisResSapEgrQosPolTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResSapEgrQosPolTotal represents the total number of sap-egress QoS policies that are allowed to be provisioned on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResSapEgrQosPolTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 3 } tChassisResSapEgrQosPolAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResSapEgrQosPolAlloc represents the total number of sap-egress QoS policies that are currently provisioned on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 4 } tChassisResIngQGrpTmplTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResIngQGrpTmplTotal represents the total number of ingress queue-group-templates that are allowed to be provisioned on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResIngQGrpTmplTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 5 } tChassisResIngQGrpTmplAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResIngQGrpTmplAlloc represents the total number of ingress queue-group-templates that are currently provisioned on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 6 } tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplTotal represents the total number of egress queue-group-templates that are allowed to be provisioned on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 7 } tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplAlloc represents the total number of egress queue-group-templates that are currently provisioned on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 8 } tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal represents the total number of port egress queue-group instances across all the ports on this chassis including access and network instances that are allowed to be provisioned. When the value of tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 9 } tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstAlloc represents the total number of port egress queue-group instances across all the ports on this chassis including access and network instances that are currently provisioned." ::= { tChassisResEntry 10 } tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstTotal represents the total number of forwarding-plane (FP) ingress queue-group instances across all the FP on this chassis including access and network instances that are allowed to be provisioned. When the value of tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 11 } tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstAlloc represents the total number of forwarding-plane (FP) ingress queue-group instances across all the FP on this chassis including access and network instances that are allowed to be provisioned." ::= { tChassisResEntry 12 } tChassisResPortEgrVPortTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResPortEgrVPortTotal represents the total number of egress virtual ports across all the ports on this chassis that are allowed to be provisioned. When the value of tChassisResPortEgrVPortTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 13 } tChassisResPortEgrVPortAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResPortEgrVPortAlloc represents the total number of port virtual ports across all the ports on this chassis that are currently provisioned." ::= { tChassisResEntry 14 } tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryTotal represents the total number of dynamic service next-hop entries supported on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 15 } tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryAlloc represents the total number of dynamic service next-hop entries currently in use on this chassis. The value of tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryAlloc will always equal to the sum of tChassisResIpSecNHEntryAlloc and tChassisResSubNHEntryAlloc since IPsec next-hop and subscriber next-hop resources are subsets of dynamic service next-hop entry resources." ::= { tChassisResEntry 16 } tChassisResIpSecNHEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResIpSecNHEntryTotal represents the total number of IPsec next-hop entries supported on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResIpSecNHEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis. The value of tChassisResIpSecNHEntryTotal will always be less than or equal to tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryTotal since IPsec next-hop entry resources are a subset of dynamic service next-hop entry resources." ::= { tChassisResEntry 17 } tChassisResIpSecNHEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResIpSecNHEntryAlloc represents the total number of IPsec next-hop entries currently in use on this chassis. The value of tChassisResIpSecNHEntryAlloc will always be less than or equal to tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryAlloc since IPsec next-hop entry resources are a subset of dynamic service next-hop entry resources." ::= { tChassisResEntry 18 } tChassisResSubNHEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResSubNHEntryTotal represents the total number of subscriber next-hop entries supported on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResSubNHEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis. The value of tChassisResSubNHEntryTotal will always be less than or equal to tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryTotal since subscriber next-hop entry resources are a subset of dynamic service next-hop entry resources." ::= { tChassisResEntry 19 } tChassisResSubNHEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResSubNHEntryAlloc represents the total number of subscriber next-hop entries currently in use on this chassis. The value of tChassisResSubNHEntryAlloc will always be less than or equal to tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryAlloc since subscriber next-hop entry resources are a subset of dynamic service next hop entry resources." ::= { tChassisResEntry 20 } tChassisResSapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResSapTotal represents the total number of provisioned SAP entries supported on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResSapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 21 } tChassisResSapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResSapAlloc represents the total number of provisioned SAP entries currently in use on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 22 } tChassisResEgrStatVlanVoQTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResEgrStatVlanVoQTotal represents the total number of stats enabled vlan Voq resources supported on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResEgrStatVlanVoQTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 23 } tChassisResEgrStatVlanVoQAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResEgrStatVlanVoQAlloc represents the total number of stats enabled vlan Voq resources currently in use on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 24 } tChassisResEgrNoStatVlanVoQTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResEgrNoStatVlanVoQTotal represents the total number of stats disabled vlan Voq resources supported on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResEgrNoStatVlanVoQTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 25 } tChassisResEgrNoStatVlanVoQAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResEgrNoStatVlanVoQAlloc represents the total number of stats disabled vlan Voq resources currently in use on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 26 } tChassisResIngClassQosPolTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResIngClassQosPolTotal represents the total number of ingress-classification policies that are allowed to be provisioned on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResIngClassQosPolTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 27 } tChassisResIngClassQosPolAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResIngClassQosPolAlloc represents the total number of ingress-classification policies that are currently provisioned on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 28 } tChassisResEgrRemarkQosPolTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResEgrRemarkQosPolTotal represents the total number of egress-remark policies that are allowed to be provisioned on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResEgrRemarkQosPolTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 29 } tChassisResEgrRemarkQosPolAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResEgrRemarkQosPolAlloc represents the total number of egress-remark policies that are currently provisioned on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 30 } tChassisResQueueMgmtQosPolTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResQueueMgmtQosPolTotal represents the total number of queue mgmt policies that are supported on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResQueueMgmtQosPolTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 31 } tChassisResQueueMgmtQosPolAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResQueueMgmtQosPolAlloc represents the total number of queue mgmt policies that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tChassisResEntry 32 } tChassisResApipeSapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResApipeSapTotal represents the total number of provisioned Apipe entries supported on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResApipeSapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 33 } tChassisResApipeSapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResApipeSapAlloc represents the total number of instances that are currently allocated on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 34 } tChassisResCpipeSapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResCpipeSapTotal represents the total number of provisioned Cpipe entries supported on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResCpipeSapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 35 } tChassisResCpipeSapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResCpipeSapAlloc represents the total number of instances that are currently allocated on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 36 } tChassisResEpipeSapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResEpipeSapTotal represents the total number of provisioned Epipe entries supported on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResEpipeSapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 37 } tChassisResEpipeSapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResEpipeSapAlloc represents the total number of instances that are currently allocated on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 38 } tChassisResFpipeSapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResFpipeSapTotal represents the total number of provisioned Fpipe entries supported on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResFpipeSapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 39 } tChassisResFpipeSapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResFpipeSapAlloc represents the total number of instances that are currently allocated on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 40 } tChassisResIpipeSapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResIpipeSapTotal represents the total number of provisioned Ipipe entries supported on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResIpipeSapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 41 } tChassisResIpipeSapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResIpipeSapAlloc represents the total number of instances that are currently allocated on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 42 } tChassisResIesSapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResIesSapTotal represents the total number of provisioned Ies entries supported on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResIesSapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 43 } tChassisResIesSapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResIesSapAlloc represents the total number of instances that are currently allocated on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 44 } tChassisResMirrorSapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResMirrorSapTotal represents the total number of provisioned Mirror entries supported on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResMirrorSapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 45 } tChassisResMirrorSapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResMirrorSapAlloc represents the total number of instances that atre currently allocated on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 46 } tChassisResVplsSapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResVplsSapTotal represents the total number of provisioned Vpls entries supported on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResVplsSapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 47 } tChassisResVplsSapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResVplsSapAlloc represents the total number of instances that are currently allocated on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 48 } tChassisResVprnSapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResVprnSapTotal represents the total number of provisioned Vprn entries supported on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResVprnSapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 49 } tChassisResVprnSapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResVprnSapAlloc represents the total number of instances that are currently allocated on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 50 } tChassisResFastDepthMQueuesTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResFastDepthMQueuesTotal represents the total number of fast polled queue depth monitored queue resources that are allowed to provisioned on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResFastDepthMQueuesTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 51 } tChassisResFastDepthMQueuesAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResFastDepthMQueuesAlloc represents the total number of fast polled queue depth monitored queue resources that are instances that are currently allocated on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 52 } tChassisResDot1pFCMapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResDot1pFCMapTotal represents the total number of Dot1p FC maps that are allowed on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResDot1pFCMapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 53 } tChassisResDot1pFCMapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResDot1pFCMapAlloc represents the number of Dot1p FC maps that are currently allocatd on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 54 } tChassisResDscpFCMapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResDscpFCMapTotal represents the total number of Dscp FC maps that are allowed on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResDscpFCMapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 55 } tChassisResDscpFCMapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResDscpFCMapAlloc represents the number of Dscp FC maps that are currently allocated on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 56 } tChassisResLspExpFCMapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResLspExpFCMapTotal represents the total number of Dot1p FC maps that are allowed on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResLspExpFCMapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 57 } tChassisResLspExpFCMapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResLspExpFCMapAlloc represents the number of Lsp-Exp FC maps that are currently allocated on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 58 } tChassisResFCDot1pMapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResFCDot1pMapTotal represents the total number of FC Dot1p maps that are allowed on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResFCDot1pMapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 59 } tChassisResFCDot1pMapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResFCDot1pMapAlloc represents the number of FC Dot1p maps that are currently allocated on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 60 } tChassisResFCDscpMapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResFCDscpMapTotal represents the total number of FC Dscp maps that are allowed on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResFCDscpMapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 61 } tChassisResFCDscpMapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResFCDscpMapAlloc represents the number of FC Dscp maps that are currently allocated on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 62 } tChassisResFCLspExpMapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResFCLspExpMapTotal represents the total number of FC Lsp-Exp maps that are allowed on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResFCLspExpMapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 63 } tChassisResFCLspExpMapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResFCLspExpMapAlloc represents the number of FC Lsp-Exp maps that are currently allocated on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 64 } tChassisResPool1LagBundleIdTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResPool1LagBundleIdTotal represents the total number of Pool 1 LAG Bundle Ids that are allowed on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResPool1LagBundleIdTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 65 } tChassisResPool1LagBundleIdAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResPool1LagBundleIdAlloc represents the number of Pool 1 LAG Bundle Ids that are currently allocated on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 66 } tChassisResPool2LagBundleIdTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResPool2LagBundleIdTotal represents the total number of Pool 2 LAG Bundle Ids that are allowed on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResPool2LagBundleIdTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 67 } tChassisResPool2LagBundleIdAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResPool2LagBundleIdAlloc represents the number of Pool 2 LAG Bundle Ids that are currently allocated on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 68 } tChassisResSystemBundleNumTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResSystemBundleNumTotal represents the total number of System Port Numbers that are allowed on this chassis. When the value of tChassisResSystemBundleNumTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 69 } tChassisResSystemBundleNumAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tChassisResSystemBundleNumAlloc represents the number of System Port Numbers that are currently allocated on this chassis." ::= { tChassisResEntry 70 } tmnxPhysChassisTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPhysChassisEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPhysChassisTable maintains the state of the physical chassis' in the system." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 21 } tmnxPhysChassisEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPhysChassisEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row of tmnxPhysChassisEntry consists of the attributes for an individual physical chassis provisioned in the system. Rows are created and destroyed by the system." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPhysChassisClass, tmnxPhysChassisNum } ::= { tmnxPhysChassisTable 1 } TmnxPhysChassisEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPhysChassisClass TmnxPhysChassisClass, tmnxPhysChassisNum TmnxPhysChassisIndex, tmnxPhysChassisRole TmnxPhysChassisRole, tmnxPhysChassisState TmnxDeviceState, tmnxPhysChassisHwIndex TmnxHwIndex, tmnxPhysChassisNumPwrSupplies Unsigned32, tmnxPhysChassisNumFanTrays Unsigned32, tmnxPhysChassisNumFans Unsigned32, tmnxPhysChassisName TNamedItem, tmnxPhysChassisDescription TItemDescription, tmnxPhysChassisMonitorFilterDoor TruthValue, tmnxPhysChassisFilterDoorState INTEGER } tmnxPhysChassisClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPhysChassisClass MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisClass specifies the class of this physical chassis in the SROS system." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisEntry 1 } tmnxPhysChassisNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPhysChassisIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisNum specifies the unique identifier, within a class, for this physical chassis." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisEntry 2 } tmnxPhysChassisRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPhysChassisRole MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisRole indicates the role of which this physical chassis shall perform while active in the system." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisEntry 3 } tmnxPhysChassisState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisState indicates the device state of the physical chassis in the system." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisEntry 4 } tmnxPhysChassisHwIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisHwIndex indicates the index into the tmnxHwTable for the row that represents the hardware component information for this physical chassis in the system." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisEntry 5 } tmnxPhysChassisNumPwrSupplies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisNumPwrSupplies indicates the total number of power supplies that can be installed in this physical chassis." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisEntry 6 } tmnxPhysChassisNumFanTrays OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisNumFanTrays indicates the total number of fan trays installed in this physical chassis." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisEntry 7 } tmnxPhysChassisNumFans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisNumFans indicates the total number of fans installed in this physical chassis. This object was made obsolete in release 16.0." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisEntry 8 } tmnxPhysChassisName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisName indicates the textual name for this physical chassis. Examples: tmnxPhysChassisName tmnxPhysChassisClass tmnxPhysChassisNum 1 'routerChassis(3)' 1" ::= { tmnxPhysChassisEntry 9 } tmnxPhysChassisDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisDescription specifies the description of the physical chassis." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxPhysChassisEntry 10 } tmnxPhysChassisMonitorFilterDoor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisMonitorFilterDoor specifies whether or not a filter door open or missing condition will be monitored by the system." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPhysChassisEntry 11 } tmnxPhysChassisFilterDoorState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), notMonitored (1), closed (2), open (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisFilterDoorState indicates the state of the filter door." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisEntry 12 } tmnxChassisHwEventObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 22 } tmnxCardHwEventTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCardHwEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCardHwEventTable maintains the basic information regarding events detected and reported on provisioned cards on the SROS series system." ::= { tmnxChassisHwEventObjs 1 } tmnxCardHwEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardHwEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A tmnxCardHwEventEntry row is created by the system whenever an event is detected and reported on either the tmnxCpmCardEntry or tmnxCardEntry as specified by the index of the row. All records are cleared on card resets." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardHwEventSlotNum, tmnxCardHwEventType, tmnxCardHwEventComplex } ::= { tmnxCardHwEventTable 1 } TmnxCardHwEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCardHwEventSlotNum TmnxSlotNum, tmnxCardHwEventType INTEGER, tmnxCardHwEventComplex Unsigned32, tmnxCardHwEventNumOccurrences Counter32, tmnxCardHwEventLastOccurTime TimeStamp } tmnxCardHwEventSlotNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSlotNum MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardHwEventSlotNum specifies the slot number of the card to which this event is detected." ::= { tmnxCardHwEventEntry 1 } tmnxCardHwEventType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { tChipParity (1) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardHwEventType specifies the type of event detected and reported against the base card (or one of its complexes). The detectable and reportable events supported by this system include: tChipParity (1) - Parity error on the switch fabric interface." ::= { tmnxCardHwEventEntry 2 } tmnxCardHwEventComplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..12) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardHwEventComplex specifies the card complex in which the event occurred. If the type of event raised does not exist on a complex, the value of '1' will be used." ::= { tmnxCardHwEventEntry 3 } tmnxCardHwEventNumOccurrences OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardHwEventNumOccurrences indicates the number of times the specified tmnxCardHwEventType has occurred on the specified base card (or complex) since startup, last clear, or IOM reboot." ::= { tmnxCardHwEventEntry 4 } tmnxCardHwEventLastOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardHwEventLastOccurTime indicates the last time the specified tmnxCardHwEventNumOccurrences incremented." ::= { tmnxCardHwEventEntry 5 } tmnxMdaHwEventTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxMdaHwEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxMdaHwEventTable maintains the basic information regarding events detected and reported on provisioned MDAs on the SROS series system." ::= { tmnxChassisHwEventObjs 2 } tmnxMdaHwEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMdaHwEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A tmnxMdaHwEventEntry row is created by the system whenever an event is detected and reported on the tmnxMDAEntry as specified by the index of the row. All records are cleared whenever a CPM, IOM or MDA is reset or unprovisioned." INDEX { tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxMDASlotNum, tmnxMdaHwEventType } ::= { tmnxMdaHwEventTable 1 } TmnxMdaHwEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxMdaHwEventType INTEGER, tmnxMdaHwEventNumOccurrences Counter32, tmnxMdaHwEventLastOccurTime TimeStamp } tmnxMdaHwEventType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ingrXplErr (1) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMdaHwEventType specifies the type of event detected and reported against the MDA. The detectable and reportable events supported by this system include: ingrXplErr (1) - Ingress XPL Error" ::= { tmnxMdaHwEventEntry 1 } tmnxMdaHwEventNumOccurrences OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMdaHwEventNumOccurrences indicates the number of times the specified tmnxMdaHwEventType has occurred on the specified MDA since startup, last CPM clear, or IOM reboot." ::= { tmnxMdaHwEventEntry 2 } tmnxMdaHwEventLastOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMdaHwEventLastOccurTime indicates the last time the specified tmnxMdaHwEventNumOccurrences incremented." ::= { tmnxMdaHwEventEntry 3 } tmnxHwEventTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxHwEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxMdaHwEventTable maintains the basic information regarding events detected and reported on provisioned MDAs on the SROS series system." ::= { tmnxChassisHwEventObjs 3 } tmnxHwEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A tmnxHwEventEntry row can be created for each supported event that can be detected and reported on hardware. Rows are created and destroyed using tmnxHwEventRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxHwIndex, tmnxHwEventType } ::= { tmnxHwEventTable 1 } TmnxHwEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxHwEventType TmnxHwEventType, tmnxHwEventRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxHwEventAction TmnxHwEventAction, tmnxHwEventNumOccurrences Counter32, tmnxHwEventLastOccurTime TimeStamp } tmnxHwEventType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwEventType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwEventType specifies the type of event detected and reported against this hardware." ::= { tmnxHwEventEntry 1 } tmnxHwEventRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwEventRowStatus specifies the status of this row. It allows entries to be created and deleted in the tmnxHwEventTable." ::= { tmnxHwEventEntry 2 } tmnxHwEventAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwEventAction MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwEventAction specifies the action to be taken when event is detected." ::= { tmnxHwEventEntry 3 } tmnxHwEventNumOccurrences OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwEventNumOccurrences indicates the number of times the specified tmnxHwEventType has occurred on the specified hardware since startup, last CPM clear, or IOM reboot." ::= { tmnxHwEventEntry 4 } tmnxHwEventLastOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwEventLastOccurTime indicates the last time the specified tmnxHwEventNumOccurrences incremented." ::= { tmnxHwEventEntry 5 } tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 23 } tmnxChassisMgmtEthRed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisMgmtEthRed specifies whether or not the management Ethernet port redundancy feature is enabled or disabled." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedObjs 1 } tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedRevertTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..300) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedRevertTime specifies the amount of time the system will wait before reverting the standby CPM management Ethernet port to the active CPM after the active CPM management Ethernet port becomes operationally up." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedObjs 2 } tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedStandby OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedStandby indicates whether or not the management of the node is operating from the standby CPM's management Ethernet port." ::= { tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedObjs 3 } tmnxPhysChassisObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 24 } tmnxPhysChassisFanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPhysChassisFanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPhysChassisFanTable contains information about fan trays on the physical chassis. Rows are created/destroyed automatically by the system." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisObjs 1 } tmnxPhysChassisFanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPhysChassisFanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPhysChassisFanEntry contains information regarding a fan tray for the physical chassis." INDEX { tmnxPhysChassisClass, tmnxPhysChassisNum, tmnxPhysChassisFanIndex } ::= { tmnxPhysChassisFanTable 1 } TmnxPhysChassisFanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPhysChassisFanIndex Unsigned32, tmnxPhysChassisFanOperStatus TmnxDeviceState, tmnxPhysChassisFanSpeed INTEGER, tmnxPhysChassisFanRevision INTEGER, tmnxPhysChassisFanSpeedPercent Unsigned32, tmnxPhysChassisFanType INTEGER, tmnxPhysChassisFanDirection INTEGER } tmnxPhysChassisFanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..31) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisFanIndex specifies a unique value which identifies a specific fan tray in the physical chassis." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisFanEntry 1 } tmnxPhysChassisFanOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisFanOperStatus indicates the current status of the fan tray in the physical chassis." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisFanEntry 2 } tmnxPhysChassisFanSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), unknown (1), halfSpeed (2), fullSpeed (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisFanSpeed indicates the speed that the fan in the physical chassis is operating at. This object was made obsolete in 15.0 and replaced with tmnxPhysChassisFanSpeedPercent." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisFanEntry 3 } tmnxPhysChassisFanRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), fan1 (1), hfFan2 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisFanRevision indicates the revision of the fan in the physical chassis. Values: unknown (0) - revision is unknown fan1 (1) - represents the original fan tray hfFan2 (2) - represents the high-flow fan tray; second revision" ::= { tmnxPhysChassisFanEntry 4 } tmnxPhysChassisFanSpeedPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisFanSpeedPercent indicates the speed of the fan as a percentage of maximum speed." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisFanEntry 5 } tmnxPhysChassisFanType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { chassis (1), pcm (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisFanType indicates the type of fan tray is represented in this row. Values: chassis (1) - The fan tray is cooling the physical chassis pcm (2) - The fan tray is cooling the Power Connection Modules (PCM)" ::= { tmnxPhysChassisFanEntry 6 } tmnxPhysChassisFanDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), frontToBack (1), backToFront (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisFanDirection indicates the airflow direction of the fans equipped by the tray represented in this row." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisFanEntry 7 } tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyTable contains information about power supply trays, also known as PEMs (Power Entry Modules) in the physical chassis. Rows are created/destroyed automatically by the system." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisObjs 2 } tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry contains information regarding a power supply tray in the physical chassis." INDEX { tmnxPhysChassisClass, tmnxPhysChassisNum, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupId } ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyTable 1 } TmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPhysChassPowerSupId Unsigned32, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupACStatus TmnxDeviceState, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupDCStatus TmnxDeviceState, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupTempStatus TmnxDeviceState, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupTempThrshld Integer32, tmnxPhysChassPowerSup1Status TmnxDeviceState, tmnxPhysChassPowerSup2Status TmnxDeviceState, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupAssignType TmnxPowerSupAssignType, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupInputStatus TmnxDeviceState, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupOutptStatus TmnxDeviceState, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupPemType TmnxChassisPemType, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupPemACRect BITS, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupInFeedDown BITS, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupFanDir INTEGER } tmnxPhysChassPowerSupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..31) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassPowerSupId specifies a unique identifier index for a power supply in the physical chassis." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry 1 } tmnxPhysChassPowerSupACStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassPowerSupACStatus indicates the AC status of the power supply in the physical chassis. If the value is 'deviceStateOk (3)', the input AC voltage is within range. If the value is 'deviceStateFailed (4)', an AC voltage out of range condition has been detected. A value of 'deviceNotEquipped (2)' indicates that the AC power supply is not present." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry 2 } tmnxPhysChassPowerSupDCStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassPowerSupDCStatus indicates the DC status of the power supply in the physical chassis. If the value is 'deviceStateOk (3)', the output DC voltage is within range. If the value is 'deviceStateFailed (4)', a DC voltage out of range condition has been detected. A value of 'deviceNotEquipped (2)' indicates that the DC power supply is not present or the equipped power supply does not support the reporting of this status." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry 3 } tmnxPhysChassPowerSupTempStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassPowerSupTempStatus indicates the status of the power supply's temperature in the physical chassis. If the value is 'deviceStateOk (3)', the current temperature is within acceptable range. If the value is 'deviceStateFailed (4)', a temperature too high condition has been detected." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry 4 } tmnxPhysChassPowerSupTempThrshld OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "degrees celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassPowerSupTempThrshld indicates the temperature threshold in degrees celsius of the power supply in the physical chassis. When the temperature of the power supply raises above tmnxPhysChassPowerSupTempThrshld, a 'temperature too high' event will be generated." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry 5 } tmnxPhysChassPowerSup1Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassPowerSup1Status indicates the overall status of the equipped power supply in the physical chassis. For AC multiple power supplies, this represents the overall status of the first power supply in the tray. For DC multiple power supplies, this represents the status of the first input feed. For any other type, this represents the overall status of the power supply. If the value is 'deviceStateOk (3)', then all monitored statuses are 'deviceStateOk (3)'. A value of 'deviceStateFailed (4)' represents a condition where at least one monitored status is in a failed state." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry 6 } tmnxPhysChassPowerSup2Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassPowerSup2Status indicates the overall status of the equipped power supply in the physical chassis. For AC multiple power supplies, this represents the overall status of the second power supply in the tray. For DC multiple power supplies, this represents the status of the second input feed. For any other type, this object is not applicable and set to 'deviceNotEquipped (2)'. If the value is 'deviceStateOk (3)', then all monitored statuses are 'deviceStateOk (3)'. A value of 'deviceStateFailed (4)' represents a condition where at least one monitored status is in a failed state." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry 7 } tmnxPhysChassPowerSupAssignType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPowerSupAssignType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassPowerSupAssignType specifies the type of power supply that is assigned to the physical chassis. Based on the value assigned to this object, various power supply monitoring signals will be interpreted. For example, if a platform is provisioned to use DC power supplies, then the signal that indicates an AC power supply is missing can be ignored. The configuration of this object away from 'default (4)' is required for proper generation of traps and LED management." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry 8 } tmnxPhysChassPowerSupInputStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassPowerSupInputStatus indicates the status of the input voltage of the power supply in the physical chassis. If the value is 'deviceStateOk (3)', the input voltage of the power supply is within range. If the value is 'deviceStateFailed (4)', an input voltage out of range condition has been detected. A value of 'deviceNotEquipped (2)' indicates that the power supply is not present in the physical chassis." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry 9 } tmnxPhysChassPowerSupOutptStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassPowerSupOutptStatus indicates the status of the output voltage of the power supply in the physical chassis. If the value is 'deviceStateOk (3)', the output voltage of the power supply is within range. If the value is 'deviceStateFailed (4)', an output voltage out of range condition has been detected. A value of 'deviceNotEquipped (2)' indicates that the power supply is not present in the physical chassis." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry 10 } tmnxPhysChassPowerSupPemType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxChassisPemType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassPowerSupPemType indicates the Power Entry Module (PEM) type installed in the PEM slot for the physical chassis." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry 11 } tmnxPhysChassPowerSupPemACRect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { acRect1 (0), acRect2 (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassPowerSupPemACRect indicates which Power Entry Module AC rectifiers installed in the PEM slot are in a failed state or are missing for the physical chassis. Values: acRect1 (0) - the first PEM AC rectifier has failed or is missing acRect2 (1) - The second PEM AC rectifier has failed or is missing" ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry 12 } tmnxPhysChassPowerSupInFeedDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { inputFeedA (0), inputFeedB (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassPowerSupInFeedDown indicates which input feeds are not supplying power. Values: inputFeedA (0) - input feed A is not supplying power inputFeedB (1) - input feed B is not supplying power" ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry 13 } tmnxPhysChassPowerSupFanDir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), frontToBack (1), backToFront (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassPowerSupFanDir indicates the direction of the power supply's fan in the physical chassis. Values: unknown (0) - fan direction is unknown frontToBack (1) - fan direction is from front of chassis to back backToFront (2) - fan direction is from back of chassis to front" ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry 14 } tmnxPhysChassisPEQTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPEQTableLastChg indicates the time, since system startup, that a row in the tmnxPhysChassisPEQTable last changed configuration." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisObjs 3 } tmnxPhysChassisPEQTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPhysChassisPEQEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPhysChassisPEQTable contains information about Power Equalizer type in the physical chassis. This table replaces tmnxChassisPEQTable in release 15.0 of SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisObjs 4 } tmnxPhysChassisPEQEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPhysChassisPEQEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a Nokia SROS series PEQ slot. This table augments the tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyTable on physical chassis that support PEQs. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." AUGMENTS { tmnxPhysChassisPowerSupplyEntry } ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPEQTable 1 } TmnxPhysChassisPEQEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPhysChassisPEQLastChangeTime TimeStamp, tmnxPhysChassisPEQAssignedType TmnxPEQType, tmnxPhysChassisPEQEquippedType TmnxPEQType, tmnxPhysChassisPEQSupportedTypes TmnxPEQSuppType, tmnxPhysChassisPEQAvailableWatt Unsigned32, tmnxPhysChassisPEQInputPowerMode Unsigned32 } tmnxPhysChassisPEQLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPEQLastChangeTime indicates the time, since system startup, that an object in this row changed configuration." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPEQEntry 1 } tmnxPhysChassisPEQAssignedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPEQType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPEQAssignedType specifies the administratively assigned (pre-provisioned) PEQ type defined in the tmnxPEQTypeTable that should occupy this PEQ slot in the chassis. If tmnxPhysChassisPEQAssignedType has a value of 1 (unassigned), this slot has not yet been pre-provisioned." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPEQEntry 2 } tmnxPhysChassisPEQEquippedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPEQType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPEQEquippedType indicates the PEQ type of the PEQ that is physically inserted into this PEQ slot in the chassis. If the slot has been pre-provisioned, tmnxPhysChassisPEQAssignedType is not equal to 1 (unassigned), and the value of tmnxPhysChassisPEQEquippedType is not the same as tmnxPhysChassisPEQAssignedType, a mismatch alarm will be raised. A value of 0 indicates the PEQ type is not recognized by the SROS." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPEQEntry 3 } tmnxPhysChassisPEQSupportedTypes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPEQSuppType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPEQSupportedTypes is a bit-mask that indicates what PEQ types can be physically supported in this PEQ slot in this chassis." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPEQEntry 4 } tmnxPhysChassisPEQAvailableWatt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "watts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPEQAvailableWatt indicates the reported available wattage of the PEQ." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPEQEntry 5 } tmnxPhysChassisPEQInputPowerMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 60 | 80) UNITS "amperes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPEQInputPowerMode specifies the input power mode of the PEQ. A value of zero indicates that the input power mode is not applicable for the PEQ. An SNMP SET request with a value of zero is not permitted." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPEQEntry 6 } tmnxPhysChassisPCMTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPCMTableLastChg indicates the time, since system startup, that a row in the tmnxPhysChassisPCMTable last changed configuration." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisObjs 5 } tmnxPhysChassisPCMTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPhysChassisPCMEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPhysChassisPCMTable contains information about Power Connection Modules (PCM) in the physical chassis." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisObjs 6 } tmnxPhysChassisPCMEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPhysChassisPCMEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a Nokia SROS series PCM slot. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxPhysChassisClass, tmnxPhysChassisNum, tmnxPhysChassisPCMId } ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPCMTable 1 } TmnxPhysChassisPCMEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPhysChassisPCMId Unsigned32, tmnxPhysChassisPCMEntryLastChg TimeStamp, tmnxPhysChassisPCMEquippedType TmnxPCMType, tmnxPhysChassisPCMAssignedType TmnxPCMType, tmnxPhysChassisPCMInFeedDown BITS } tmnxPhysChassisPCMId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..31) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPCMId specifies a unique identifier index for a PCM in the physical chassis." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPCMEntry 1 } tmnxPhysChassisPCMEntryLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPCMEntryLastChg indicates the time, since system startup, that an object in this row changed configuration." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPCMEntry 2 } tmnxPhysChassisPCMEquippedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPCMType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPCMEquippedType indicates the PCM type of the PCM that is physically inserted into the equivalent PEQ slot in the chassis. The following PEQ type(s) support PCM: apeq-dc-4275 (10) If the equipped PEQ does not have a type in this list, then the value of tmnxPhysChassisPCMEquippedType can only take on the values unassigned (1), or dual (2)." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPCMEntry 3 } tmnxPhysChassisPCMAssignedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPCMType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPCMAssignedType specifies the administratively assigned (pre-provisioned) PCM type that should occupy this PCM slot in the chassis. If tmnxPhysChassisPCMAssignedType has a value of unassigned (1), this slot has not yet been pre-provisioned. The following PEQ type(s) support PCM: apeq-dc-4275 (10)" DEFVAL { unassigned } ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPCMEntry 4 } tmnxPhysChassisPCMInFeedDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { inputFeedA (0), inputFeedB2 (1), inputFeedA2 (2), inputFeedB (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPCMInFeedDown indicates which input feeds are not supplying power. Values: inputFeedA (0) - input feed A is not supplying power inputFeedB2 (1) - input feed B2 is not supplying power inputFeedA2 (2) - input feed A2 is not supplying power inputFeedB (3) - input feed B is not supplying power" ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPCMEntry 5 } tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPhysChassisPMTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeTable has an entry for each Power Module (PM) type supported by the system. Some example PM types are: 'apeq-dc-2000', 'apeq-ac-3000', 'ac-single', 'dc-multiple'." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisObjs 7 } tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPhysChassisPMTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Nokia SROS series Power Module type. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Set requests." INDEX { tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeIndex } ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeTable 1 } TmnxPhysChassisPMTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeIndex TmnxPMType, tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeDescription TItemDescription, tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeNumInFeed Unsigned32 } tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPMType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeIndex specifies the unique index which identifies the type of Nokia SROS series Power Module (PM)." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeEntry 1 } tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeName indicates the administrative name that identifies the type of Nokia SROS series PM. This name string is used in CLI commands to specify a particular PM type." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeEntry 2 } tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeDescription indicates the detailed description of this Nokia SROS series PM type." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeEntry 3 } tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeNumInFeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeNumInFeed indicates the number of input feeds that this PM type has." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeEntry 4 } tmnxPhysChassisPMTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPMTableLastChange indicates the time, since system startup, that a row in the tmnxPhysChassisPMTable last changed configuration." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisObjs 8 } tmnxPhysChassisPMTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPhysChassisPMEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPhysChassisPMTable contains information about Power Modules (PM)." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisObjs 9 } tmnxPhysChassisPMEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPhysChassisPMEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a Nokia SROS series PM slot. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxPowerModuleHwIndex } ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPMTable 1 } TmnxPhysChassisPMEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPowerModuleHwIndex TmnxHwIndex, tmnxPhysChassisPMEntryLastChange TimeStamp, tmnxPhysChassisPMAssignedType TmnxPMType, tmnxPhysChassisPMEquippedType TmnxPMType, tmnxPhysChassisPMSupportedTypes TmnxPMSuppType, tmnxPhysChassisPMAvailableWatt Unsigned32, tmnxPhysChassisPMOutputStatus INTEGER, tmnxPhysChassisPMInputFeedDown BITS } tmnxPowerModuleHwIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPowerModuleHwIndex specifies a unique value which identifies the PM." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPMEntry 1 } tmnxPhysChassisPMEntryLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPMEntryLastChange indicates the time, since system startup, that an object in this row changed configuration." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPMEntry 2 } tmnxPhysChassisPMAssignedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPMType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPMAssignedType specifies the administratively assigned (provisioned) PM type defined in the tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeTable that should occupy this PM slot. If tmnxPhysChassisPMAssignedType has a value of 1 (unassigned), this slot has not yet been provisioned." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPMEntry 3 } tmnxPhysChassisPMEquippedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPMType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPMEquippedType indicates the PM type of the PM that is physically inserted into this PM slot. If the slot has been provisioned, and tmnxPhysChassisPMAssignedType is not equal to 1 (unassigned), and the value of tmnxPhysChassisPMEquippedType is not the same as tmnxPhysChassisPMAssignedType, a mismatch alarm will be raised. A value of 0 indicates the PM type is not recognized by the SROS." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPMEntry 4 } tmnxPhysChassisPMSupportedTypes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPMSuppType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPMSupportedTypes is a bit-mask that indicates what PM types can be physically supported in this PM slot." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPMEntry 5 } tmnxPhysChassisPMAvailableWatt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "watts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPMAvailableWatt indicates the reported available wattage of the PM." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPMEntry 6 } tmnxPhysChassisPMOutputStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), ok (1), failed (2), disabled (3), notEquipped (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPMOutputStatus indicates the status of the PM output." ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPMEntry 7 } tmnxPhysChassisPMInputFeedDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { inputFeedA (0), inputFeedB (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPhysChassisPMInputFeedDown indicates which input feeds are not supplying power. Values: inputFeedA (0) - input feed A is not supplying power inputFeedB (1) - input feed B is not supplying power" ::= { tmnxPhysChassisPMEntry 8 } tmnxBluetoothTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBluetoothTableLastChange indicates the time, since system startup, when tmnxBluetoothTable last changed configuration." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 25 } tmnxBluetoothTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 26 } tmnxBluetoothPasskey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (6)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBluetoothPasskey specifies the Bluetooth pairing passkey for the Bluetooth module(s)." DEFVAL { "123456" } ::= { tmnxBluetoothTable 1 } tmnxBluetoothAdvertisingTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 30..3600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBluetoothAdvertisingTimeout specifies the amount of time the Bluetooth module(s) will spend advertising after a button press." DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { tmnxBluetoothTable 2 } tmnxBluetoothPowerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (0), enabled-manual (1), enabled-automatic (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBluetoothPowerState specifies the power state of the Bluetooth Bluetooth module(s). The states are defined as follows: off (0) - The Bluetooth module(s) are disabled. enabled-manual (1) - The Bluetooth module(s) are enabled, but not automatically advertising. enabled-automatic (2) - The Bluetooth module(s) are enabled and automatically advertising." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tmnxBluetoothTable 3 } tmnxBluetoothPairingButton OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBluetoothPairingButton specifies whether the Bluetooth pairing button on the Bluetooth module(s) are enabled (1) or disabled (2)." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxBluetoothTable 4 } tmnxBluetoothDeviceTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBluetoothDeviceTableLastChg indicates the time, since system startup, when tmnxBluetoothDeviceTable last changed configuration." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 27 } tmnxBluetoothDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxBluetoothDeviceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxBluetoothDeviceTable contains information regarding the Bluetooth capable devices that are allowed to connect with the system." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 28 } tmnxBluetoothDeviceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBluetoothDeviceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a Bluetooth capable device that is allowed to connect with the system. Rows are created and destroyed using tmnxBluetoothDeviceRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxBluetoothDeviceMacAddress } ::= { tmnxBluetoothDeviceTable 1 } TmnxBluetoothDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxBluetoothDeviceMacAddress MacAddress, tmnxBluetoothDeviceRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxBluetoothDeviceEntryLastChg TimeStamp, tmnxBluetoothDeviceDescription TItemDescription } tmnxBluetoothDeviceMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBluetoothDeviceMacAddress specifies the MAC address of the Bluetooth capable client device that is allowed to connect with the system." ::= { tmnxBluetoothDeviceEntry 1 } tmnxBluetoothDeviceRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBluetoothDeviceRowStatus specifies the status of this row. It allows entries to be created and deleted in the tmnxBluetoothDeviceTable." ::= { tmnxBluetoothDeviceEntry 2 } tmnxBluetoothDeviceEntryLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBluetoothDeviceEntryLastChg indicates the time, since system startup, that the configuration of the row was last modified." ::= { tmnxBluetoothDeviceEntry 3 } tmnxBluetoothDeviceDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBluetoothDeviceDescription specifies the description of the Bluetooth capable client device that is allowed to connect with the system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxBluetoothDeviceEntry 4 } tmnxBluetoothModuleTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBluetoothModuleTableLastChg indicates the time, since system startup, when tmnxBluetoothModuleTable last changed configuration." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 29 } tmnxBluetoothModuleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxBluetoothModuleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxBluetoothModuleTable contains information regarding the Bluetooth modules in the system." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 30 } tmnxBluetoothModuleEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBluetoothModuleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a Bluetooth module in the system. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Set requests." INDEX { tmnxCpmCardSlotNum } ::= { tmnxBluetoothModuleTable 1 } TmnxBluetoothModuleEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxBluetoothModuleEntryLastChg TimeStamp, tmnxBluetoothModuleCfgIdentifier DisplayString, tmnxBluetoothModuleIdentifier DisplayString, tmnxBluetoothModuleConnected TruthValue, tmnxBluetoothModuleConnectedMac MacAddress } tmnxBluetoothModuleEntryLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBluetoothModuleEntryLastChg indicates the time, since system startup, that the configuration of the row was last modified." ::= { tmnxBluetoothModuleEntry 1 } tmnxBluetoothModuleCfgIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0|1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBluetoothModuleCfgIdentifier specifies the identifier of the Bluetooth module. This is the identifier which is advertised to Bluetooth capable devices when they attempt to pair/connect with the module. If this object is set to its default value, then the value indicated by tmnxBluetoothModuleIdentifier is advertised to bluetooth capable devices." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxBluetoothModuleEntry 2 } tmnxBluetoothModuleIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0|1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBluetoothModuleIdentifier indicates the identifier of the Bluetooth module, determined by the system. This is the identifier which is advertised to Bluetooth capable devices when they attempt to pair/connect with the module, unless a value for tmnxBluetoothModuleCfgIdentifier has been set." ::= { tmnxBluetoothModuleEntry 3 } tmnxBluetoothModuleConnected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBluetoothModuleConnected indicates whether the Bluetooth module is currently connected to a remote Bluetooth client device. If 'true', then the remote client device MAC address will be indicated by the value of tmnxBluetoothModuleConnectedMac" ::= { tmnxBluetoothModuleEntry 4 } tmnxBluetoothModuleConnectedMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBluetoothModuleConnectedMac indicates the MAC address of the remote Bluetooth client device. This value is only valid in the value of tmnxBluetoothModuleConnected is set to 'true'." ::= { tmnxBluetoothModuleEntry 5 } tmnxChassisPowerMgmtStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxChassisPowerMgmtStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxChassisPowerMgmtStatsTable specifies power statistics per power-zone on the SROS series system." ::= { tmnxChassisObjs 31 } tmnxChassisPowerMgmtStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxChassisPowerMgmtStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row in the tmnxChassisPowerMgmtStatsTable represents a managed power-zone on an SROS series system. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtZone } ::= { tmnxChassisPowerMgmtStatsTable 1 } TmnxChassisPowerMgmtStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxChassisPwrMgmtPeakPower Unsigned32, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtReservedPower Unsigned32, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtRqdRestPower Integer32, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtUtilRestPower Integer32, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtOperSafetyLvl Unsigned32, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtOperSafetyAlrt Unsigned32, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtActiveConds BITS } tmnxChassisPwrMgmtPeakPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "watts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPwrMgmtPeakPower indicates the maximum power, in Watts (W), consumed by the power zone." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerMgmtStatsEntry 1 } tmnxChassisPwrMgmtReservedPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "watts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPwrMgmtReservedPower indicates the greatest rated power, in Watts (W), among equipped power supplies." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerMgmtStatsEntry 2 } tmnxChassisPwrMgmtRqdRestPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "watts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPwrMgmtRqdRestPower indicates the difference between the power required by the system and its configured reserved power threshold." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerMgmtStatsEntry 3 } tmnxChassisPwrMgmtUtilRestPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "watts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPwrMgmtUtilRestPower indicates the difference between the power utilized by the system and its configured reserved power threshold." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerMgmtStatsEntry 4 } tmnxChassisPwrMgmtOperSafetyLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "watts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPwrMgmtOperSafetyLvl indicates the operational safety level." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerMgmtStatsEntry 5 } tmnxChassisPwrMgmtOperSafetyAlrt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "watts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPwrMgmtOperSafetyAlrt indicates the operational safety alert." ::= { tmnxChassisPowerMgmtStatsEntry 6 } tmnxChassisPwrMgmtActiveConds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { capacityExceeded (0), lostCapacity (1), insufCapacity (2), overload (3), safetyAlert (4), safetyLevel (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisPwrMgmtActiveConds indicates the active conditions present on a given power zone. When the bit is set, the condition is active. Possible values include: capacityExceeded (0) - a device in the power-zone requires power to boot, but there is insufficient capcity to support it lostCapacity (1) - system power capacity is insufficient to satisfy the safety level while maintaining any applicable power reserve insufCapacity (2) - the provisioned capacity of the power-zone can not support the requirements of the system and provisioned equipment, while maintaining any applicable power reserve overload (3) - the system power capacity is insufficient to power essential equipment while maintaining any applicable power reserve. safetyAlert (4) - the system power capacity has dropped below the safety alert threshold configured by tmnxChassisPwrMgmtSafetyAlert safetyLevel (5) - the peak power consumption has exceeded the safety level threshold configured by tmnxChassisPwrMgmtSafetyLevel" ::= { tmnxChassisPowerMgmtStatsEntry 7 } tmnxSlotObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxHwObjs 2 } tmnxCardObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxHwObjs 3 } tmnxCardLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime when the tmnxCardTable was last changed." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 1 } tmnxCardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCardTable has an entry for each IOM card slot in each chassis in the TMNX system." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 2 } tmnxCardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an IOM card slot in a chassis in the system. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. When a tmnxChassisEntry is created, a tmnxCardEntry is created for each IOM card slot in that chassis. Before a tmnxChassisEntry can be deleted, each tmnxCardEntry for that chassis must be in the proper state for removal." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum } ::= { tmnxCardTable 1 } TmnxCardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCardSlotNum TmnxSlotNum, tmnxCardSupportedTypes TmnxCardSuppType, tmnxCardAllowedTypes TmnxCardType, tmnxCardAssignedType TmnxCardType, tmnxCardEquippedType TmnxCardType, tmnxCardHwIndex TmnxHwIndex, tmnxCardClockSource TItemDescription, tmnxCardNumMdaSlots Unsigned32, tmnxCardNumMdas Unsigned32, tmnxCardReboot TmnxCardRebootType, tmnxCardMemorySize Unsigned32, tmnxCardNamedPoolAdminMode TmnxAdminState, tmnxCardNamedPoolOperMode TmnxAdminState, tmnxCardSoftReset TmnxActionType, tmnxCardLastBootupReason INTEGER, tmnxCardCmplx1IngrFcsOccur Counter32, tmnxCardCmplx1IngrFcsOccurTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardCmplx1EgrFcsOccur Counter32, tmnxCardCmplx1EgrFcsOccurTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardCmplx2IngrFcsOccur Counter32, tmnxCardCmplx2IngrFcsOccurTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardCmplx2EgrFcsOccur Counter32, tmnxCardCmplx2EgrFcsOccurTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardCmplx1MemParityOccur Counter32, tmnxCardCmplx1MemParityOccurTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardCmplx2MemParityOccur Counter32, tmnxCardCmplx2MemParityOccurTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardCapability BITS, tmnxCardCmplx1CAMErrorOccur Counter32, tmnxCardCmplx1CAMErrorOccurTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardCmplx2CAMErrorOccur Counter32, tmnxCardCmplx2CAMErrorOccurTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardFailOnError BITS, tmnxCardCmplx1EgrFcsSrcSlots TmnxCardSlotBitMap, tmnxCardCmplx2EgrFcsSrcSlots TmnxCardSlotBitMap, tmnxCardHardResetUnsupMdas TruthValue, tmnxCardCmpl1BufMemErrOccur Counter32, tmnxCardCmpl1BufMemErrOccurTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardCmpl2BufMemErrOccur Counter32, tmnxCardCmpl2BufMemErrOccurTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardCmpl1StatMemErrOccur Counter32, tmnxCardCmpl1StatMemErrOccurTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardCmpl2StatMemErrOccur Counter32, tmnxCardCmpl2StatMemErrOccurTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardCmpl1IntMemErrOccur Counter32, tmnxCardCmpl1IntMemErrOccurTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardCmpl2IntMemErrOccur Counter32, tmnxCardCmpl2IntMemErrOccurTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfDownOcc Counter32, tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfDownOccTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfDownOcc Counter32, tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfDownOccTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfCellOcc Counter32, tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfCellOccTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfCellOcc Counter32, tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfCellOccTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardResetOnRecoverableError TruthValue, tmnxCardVmHypervisor TItemDescription, tmnxCardVmCpu TItemDescription, tmnxCardVmNumCores Unsigned32, tmnxCardAssignedLevel TmnxCardFunctionalLevel, tmnxCardEquippedLevel TmnxCardFunctionalLevel, tmnxCardLicensedLevel TmnxCardFunctionalLevel, tmnxCardLicensedBandwidth Unsigned32, tmnxCardFilterScaleProfile TmnxCardFilterProfile, tmnxCardPowerSave TruthValue, tmnxCardHashSeedShift Unsigned32, tmnxCardNumEquippedXioms Unsigned32 } tmnxCardSlotNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSlotNum MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique value which identifies this IOM slot within a chassis in the system." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 1 } tmnxCardSupportedTypes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardSuppType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A bit-mask that indicates what card types can be physically supported in this IOM slot in this chassis." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 2 } tmnxCardAllowedTypes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A bit-mask that specifies what IOM card types the administrator has designated be allowed to be inserted into this slot. If the slot has not been pre-provisioned and a card that does not match one of the allowed types is inserted into this slot, a mismatch alarm will be raised. If a specific value has not yet been SET by the manager, tmnxCardAllowedTypes will return the same value to a GET request as tmnxCardSupportedTypes. The object was made obsolete in the 3.0 release." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 3 } tmnxCardAssignedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCardAssignedType specifies the administratively assigned (pre-provisioned) IOM card type defined in the tmnxCardTypeTable that should occupy this slot in this chassis. If tmnxCardAssignedType has a value of 1 (unassigned), this slot has not yet been pre-provisioned." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxCardEntry 4 } tmnxCardEquippedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCardEquippedType indicates the IOM card type that is physically inserted into this slot in this chassis. If the slot has been pre-provisioned, tmnxCardAssignedType is not equal to 1 (unassigned), and the value of tmnxCardEquippedType is not the same as tmnxCardAssignedType, a mismatch alarm will be raised. A value of 0 indicates the IOM card type is not recognized by the software." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 5 } tmnxCardHwIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardHwIndex is the index into the tmnxHwTable for the row entry that represents the hardware component information for this IOM card." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 6 } tmnxCardClockSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The clock source used by the IOM card in this slot." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 10 } tmnxCardNumMdaSlots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Media Dependent Adapter (MDA) slots available on this IOM card." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 11 } tmnxCardNumMdas OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Media Dependent Adapters installed on this IOM card." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 12 } tmnxCardReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardRebootType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to 'cardReset' causes the IOM card to execute a soft-reboot. Setting this variable to 'cardPowerCycle' causes the IOM to turn off and turn on power to the card initiating a hard-reboot." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxCardEntry 13 } tmnxCardMemorySize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Megabytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardMemorySize indicates the amount of memory, in megabytes, populated on this IOM card." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 14 } tmnxCardNamedPoolAdminMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardNamedPoolAdminMode specifies whether or not an IOM is provisioned for the configuration of named pools. If the value of tmnxCardNamedPoolAdminMode is 'inService(2)', the system will change the way default pools are created and allow for the creation of MDA and port level named buffer pools. If the value of tmnxCardNamedPoolAdminMode is 'outOfService(3)', the system will not create per port pools, instead a default network and access pool is created for ingress and egress and is shared by queues on all ports. This object is used in conjunction with tmnxCardNamedPoolOperMode." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tmnxCardEntry 15 } tmnxCardNamedPoolOperMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardNamedPoolOperMode indicates whether or not an IOM provisioned with tmnxCardNamedPoolAdminMode to a value of 'inService(2)' will actively use named pools or not. A value of 'outOfService(3) means that the named pool configurations will not be downloaded to the IOM until after a reset of the IOM is performed. A value of 'inService(2)' means that the named pool configurations are programmed by the IOM. On systems using a separate CPM and IOM combination the value of tmnxCardNamedPoolOperMode and tmnxCardNamedPoolAdminMode will always be in sync due to a mandatory reboot of the IOM. On systems using a combined image (CFM) these values will be out-of-sync until the chassis is rebooted." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tmnxCardEntry 16 } tmnxCardSoftReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardSoftReset, when set to 'doAction(1)', causes the IOM card to re-initialize the applications and protocols running on the card with limited traffic impact." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxCardEntry 17 } tmnxCardLastBootupReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hardReboot (0), softReset (1), powerCycle (2), clearCard (3), activitySwitch (4), configChange (5), runtimeFail (6), bootFail (7), unexpected (8), issuTimeout (9), reinserted (10), issuHardReboot (11), ccmFail (12), powerChange (13), levelChange (14), sfmFailRecovery (15) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardLastBootupReason indicates the type of the last reboot/reset of the IOM card. Not all reasons exist in all software versions. hardReboot - new/different card inserted for first time softReset - user initiated soft reset powerCycle - user initiated power cycle clearCard - user initiated clear card activitySwitch - card rebooted during activity switch configChange - configuration change forced a reboot runtimeFail - card failed while running and was rebooted bootFail - card failed during boot and was rebooted unexpected - card unexpectedly rebooted issuTimeout - ISSU timeout timer expired reinserted - card was removed and reinserted issuHardReboot - card rebooted during ISSU upgrade (soft reset ineligible) ccmFail - Chassis Control Module (CCM) failed. powerChange - Power availability changed. levelChange - Licensed level changed. sfmFailRecovery - SFM failure recovery rebooted the card." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 18 } tmnxCardCmplx1IngrFcsOccur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmplx1IngrFcsOccur indicates the number of times the first complex experienced an occurrence of an FCS error in the ingress direction since startup, last clear, or IOM reboot. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 19 } tmnxCardCmplx1IngrFcsOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmplx1IngrFcsOccurTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmplx1IngrFcsOccur incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 20 } tmnxCardCmplx1EgrFcsOccur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmplx1EgrFcsOccur indicates the number of times the first complex experienced an occurrence of an FCS error in the egress direction since startup, last clear, or IOM reboot. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 21 } tmnxCardCmplx1EgrFcsOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmplx1EgrFcsOccurTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmplx1EgrFcsOccur incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 22 } tmnxCardCmplx2IngrFcsOccur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmplx2IngrFcsOccur indicates the number of times the second complex experienced an occurrence of an FCS error in the ingress direction since startup, last clear, or IOM reboot. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 23 } tmnxCardCmplx2IngrFcsOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmplx2IngrFcsOccurTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmplx2IngrFcsOccur incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 24 } tmnxCardCmplx2EgrFcsOccur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmplx2EgrFcsOccur indicates the number of times the second complex experienced an occurrence of an FCS error in the egress direction since startup, last clear, or IOM reboot. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 25 } tmnxCardCmplx2EgrFcsOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmplx2EgrFcsOccurTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmplx2EgrFcsOccur incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 26 } tmnxCardCmplx1MemParityOccur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmplx1MemParityOccur indicates the number of times the first complex experienced an occurrence of a memory parity error since startup, last clear, or IOM reboot. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 27 } tmnxCardCmplx1MemParityOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmplx1MemParityOccurTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmplx1MemParityOccur incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 28 } tmnxCardCmplx2MemParityOccur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmplx2MemParityOccur indicates the number of times the second complex experienced an occurrence of a memory parity error since startup, last clear, or IOM reboot. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 29 } tmnxCardCmplx2MemParityOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmplx2MemParityOccurTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmplx2MemParityOccur incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 30 } tmnxCardCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { sr (0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCapability indicates special capabilities that are set on this card. tmnxCardCapability is a bitmap with the following values: 'sr': Enable SR capabilities on this card. " ::= { tmnxCardEntry 31 } tmnxCardCmplx1CAMErrorOccur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmplx1CAMErrorOccur indicates the number of times the first complex experienced an occurrence of a CAM error since startup, last clear, or IOM reboot. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 32 } tmnxCardCmplx1CAMErrorOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmplx1CAMErrorOccurTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmplx1CAMErrorOccur incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 33 } tmnxCardCmplx2CAMErrorOccur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmplx2CAMErrorOccur indicates the number of times the second complex experienced an occurrence of a CAM error since startup, last clear, or IOM reboot. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 34 } tmnxCardCmplx2CAMErrorOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmplx2CAMErrorOccurTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmplx2CAMErrorOccur incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 35 } tmnxCardFailOnError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { memoryEventGroupA (0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardFailOnError specifies the set of events that, if triggered, will cause the card to fail. The suppression or generation of the NOTIFICATION-TYPE event is independent of the card failing. The following set of events are configurable: memoryEventGroupA (0) - tmnxEqCardPChipMemoryEvent tmnxEqCardPChipCamEvent tmnxEqCardPChipError tmnxEqCardQChipBufMemoryEvent tmnxEqCardQChipStatsMemoryEvent tmnxEqCardQChipIntMemoryEvent tmnxEqCardChipIfCellEvent tmnxEqCardPChipError will only cause a card failure if all MDAs(s) on the complex are Ethernet or ISAs." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxCardEntry 36 } tmnxCardCmplx1EgrFcsSrcSlots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardSlotBitMap MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmplx1EgrFcsSrcSlots indicates the source slots reported from the last time tmnxCardCmplx1EgrFcsOccur incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 37 } tmnxCardCmplx2EgrFcsSrcSlots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardSlotBitMap MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmplx2EgrFcsSrcSlots indicates the source slots reported from the last time tmnxCardCmplx2EgrFcsOccur incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 38 } tmnxCardHardResetUnsupMdas OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardHardResetUnsupMdas specifies whether to do hard reset of the soft reset incapable MDAs as part setting 'doAction' to tmnxCardSoftReset object." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxCardEntry 39 } tmnxCardCmpl1BufMemErrOccur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl1BufMemErrOccur indicates the number of times the first complex experienced an occurrence of a buffer memory error since startup, last clear, or IOM reboot. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 40 } tmnxCardCmpl1BufMemErrOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl1BufMemErrOccurTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmpl1BufMemErrOccur incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 41 } tmnxCardCmpl2BufMemErrOccur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl2BufMemErrOccur indicates the number of times the second complex experienced an occurrence of a buffer memory error since startup, last clear, or IOM reboot. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 42 } tmnxCardCmpl2BufMemErrOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl2BufMemErrOccurTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmpl2BufMemErrOccur incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 43 } tmnxCardCmpl1StatMemErrOccur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl1StatMemErrOccur indicates the number of times the first complex experienced an occurrence of a statistics memory error since startup, last clear, or IOM reboot. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 44 } tmnxCardCmpl1StatMemErrOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl1StatMemErrOccurTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmpl1StatMemErrOccur incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 45 } tmnxCardCmpl2StatMemErrOccur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl2StatMemErrOccur indicates the number of times the second complex experienced an occurrence of a statistics memory error since startup, last clear, or IOM reboot. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 46 } tmnxCardCmpl2StatMemErrOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl2StatMemErrOccurTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmpl2StatMemErrOccur incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 47 } tmnxCardCmpl1IntMemErrOccur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl1IntMemErrOccur indicates the number of times the first complex experienced an occurrence of an internal memory error since startup, last clear, or IOM reboot. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 48 } tmnxCardCmpl1IntMemErrOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl1IntMemErrOccurTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmpl1IntMemErrOccur incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 49 } tmnxCardCmpl2IntMemErrOccur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl2IntMemErrOccur indicates the number of times the second complex experienced an occurrence of an internal memory error since startup, last clear, or IOM reboot. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 50 } tmnxCardCmpl2IntMemErrOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl2IntMemErrOccurTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmpl2IntMemErrOccur incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 51 } tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfDownOcc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfDownOcc indicates the number of times the first complex experienced an occurrence of an internal datapath problem. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 52 } tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfDownOccTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfDownOccTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfDownOcc incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 53 } tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfDownOcc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfDownOcc indicates the number of times the second complex experienced an occurrence of an internal datapath problem. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 54 } tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfDownOccTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfDownOccTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfDownOcc incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 55 } tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfCellOcc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfCellOcc indicates the number of times the first complex experienced an occurrence of internal datapath cell errors. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 56 } tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfCellOccTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfCellOccTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfCellOcc incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 57 } tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfCellOcc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfCellOcc indicates the number of times the second complex experienced an occurrence of internal datapath cell errors. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 58 } tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfCellOccTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfCellOccTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfCellOcc incremented. This object was obsoleted in release 16.0. A replacement was added to tmnxCardComplexStatsTable." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 59 } tmnxCardResetOnRecoverableError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardResetOnRecoverableError specifies whether or not the system resets the card when there are fatal memory parity errors on one of the Q-chips on that card. If the value of tmnxCardResetOnRecoverableError is 'true (1)' and there is a fatal memory parity error on a Q-chip, the system will reset the card but not fail it, even if tmnxCardFailOnError is 'true (1)'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxCardEntry 60 } tmnxCardVmHypervisor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardVmHypervisor indicates the name of the hypervisor. The value of this object is only relevant in a virtual machine implementation." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxCardEntry 61 } tmnxCardVmCpu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardVmCpu indicates the description of the CPU. The value of this object is only relevant in a virtual machine implementation." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxCardEntry 62 } tmnxCardVmNumCores OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardVmNumCores indicates the number of processor cores available. The value of this object is only relevant in a virtual machine implementation." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 63 } tmnxCardAssignedLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardFunctionalLevel MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer that specifies the administratively assigned (pre-provisioned) Card functional level variant that should occupy this slot in this chassis." DEFVAL { unrestricted } ::= { tmnxCardEntry 64 } tmnxCardEquippedLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardFunctionalLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer that indicates the card functional-level variant that is physically inserted into this slot in this chassis. If the value of tmnxCardAssignedLevel is not equal to the value of tmnxCardEquippedLevel, a mismatch alarm will be raised." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 65 } tmnxCardLicensedLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardFunctionalLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer that indicates the card functional-level that is licensed for this slot in this chassis." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 66 } tmnxCardLicensedBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "gigabps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the amount of licensed bandwidth that is used on the card for this slot in this chassis. Bandwidth becomes licensed as physical connectors are provisioned or physical ports are enabled. Licensed bandwith on cards that have multiple functional levels supported. The system enforces that the licensed bandwidth does not exceed any bandwidth restriction associated with this card's licensed level." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 67 } tmnxCardFilterScaleProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardFilterProfile MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardFilterScaleProfile specifies the filter allocation profile for the card. A profiles modifies the IPv4 and IPv6 ingress/egress filter allocation." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxCardEntry 68 } tmnxCardPowerSave OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardPowerSave specifies whether or not the system prevents the card from loading and keeps it in a low power mode. If the value of tmnxCardPowerSave is 'true (1)', the system will reset the card and keep it in a low power mode." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxCardEntry 69 } tmnxCardHashSeedShift OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..16) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardHashSeedShift specifies the number of bits the hash seed result is shifted. The hash seed result obtained by shifting up to 16 bits is used by the hash polynomial tmnxLoadBalancingHashEcmpPoly and tmnxLoadBalancingHashLagPoly, to optimize the load balancing distribution of packet flows under ECMP and LAG." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { tmnxCardEntry 70 } tmnxCardNumEquippedXioms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardNumEquippedXioms indicates the number of xioms equipped on this slot." ::= { tmnxCardEntry 71 } tmnxCpmCardLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime when the tmnxCpmCardTable was last changed." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 3 } tmnxCpmCardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCpmCardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCpmCardTable has an entry for each CPM card or module in each chassis in the TMNX system." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 4 } tmnxCpmCardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCpmCardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a CPM card or module in a chassis in the system. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. When a tmnxChassisEntry is created, a tmnxCpmCardEntry is created for each CPM card or module in that chassis. Before a tmnxChassisEntry can be deleted, each tmnxCpmCardEntry for that chassis must be in the proper state for removal." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCpmCardSlotNum, tmnxCpmCardNum } ::= { tmnxCpmCardTable 1 } TmnxCpmCardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCpmCardSlotNum TmnxSlotNum, tmnxCpmCardNum Unsigned32, tmnxCpmCardSupportedTypes TmnxCardSuppType, tmnxCpmCardAllowedTypes TmnxCardType, tmnxCpmCardAssignedType TmnxCardType, tmnxCpmCardEquippedType TmnxCardType, tmnxCpmCardHwIndex TmnxHwIndex, tmnxCpmCardBootOptionVersion TItemDescription, tmnxCpmCardBootOptionLastModified DateAndTime, tmnxCpmCardConfigBootedVersion TItemDescription, tmnxCpmCardIndexBootedVersion TItemDescription, tmnxCpmCardConfigLastModified DateAndTime, tmnxCpmCardConfigLastSaved DateAndTime, tmnxCpmCardRedundant INTEGER, tmnxCpmCardClockSource TItemDescription, tmnxCpmCardNumCpus Unsigned32, tmnxCpmCardCpuType INTEGER, tmnxCpmCardMemorySize Unsigned32, tmnxCpmCardSwitchToRedundantCard TmnxActionType, tmnxCpmCardReboot TmnxActionType, tmnxCpmCardRereadBootOptions TmnxActionType, tmnxCpmCardConfigFileLastBooted DisplayString, tmnxCpmCardConfigFileLastSaved DisplayString, tmnxCpmCardConfigFileLastBootedHeader OCTET STRING, tmnxCpmCardIndexFileLastBootedHeader OCTET STRING, tmnxCpmCardBootOptionSource DisplayString, tmnxCpmCardConfigSource INTEGER, tmnxCpmCardBootOptionLastSaved DateAndTime, tmnxCpmCardMasterSlaveRefState INTEGER, tmnxCpmCardConfigUserLastModified SnmpAdminString, tmnxCpmCardCmplxCAMErrOccur Counter32, tmnxCpmCardCmplxCAMErrOccurTime TimeStamp, tmnxCpmCardOscillatorType INTEGER, tmnxCpmCardCmplxMemErrOccur Counter32, tmnxCpmCardCmplxMemErrOccurTime TimeStamp, tmnxCpmCardCmplBufMemErrOcc Counter32, tmnxCpmCardCmplBufMemErrOccTime TimeStamp, tmnxCpmCardCmplStatMemErrOcc Counter32, tmnxCpmCardCmplStatMemErrOccTime TimeStamp, tmnxCpmCardCmplIntMemErrOcc Counter32, tmnxCpmCardCmplIntMemErrOccTime TimeStamp, tmnxCpmCardCmplChipIfDownOcc Counter32, tmnxCpmCardCmplChipIfDownOccTime TimeStamp, tmnxCpmCardCmplChipIfCellOcc Counter32, tmnxCpmCardCmplChipIfCellOccTime TimeStamp, tmnxCpmCardRebootHold TruthValue, tmnxCpmCardUuid TmnxUuid, tmnxCpmCardCmplxIngrFcsOccur Counter32, tmnxCpmCardCmplxIngrFcsOccurTime TimeStamp, tmnxCpmCardCmplxEgrFcsOccur Counter32, tmnxCpmCardCmplxEgrFcsOccurTime TimeStamp, tmnxCpmCardCmplxEgrFcsSrcSlots TmnxCardSlotBitMap, tmnxCpmCardVmHypervisor TItemDescription, tmnxCpmCardVmCpu TItemDescription, tmnxCpmCardVmNumCores Unsigned32 } tmnxCpmCardSlotNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSlotNum MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique value which identifies this slot within a chassis in the system. Depending upon the value of tmnxChassisType, this may represent a fabric slot or a regular card slot. If this CPM module resides on a fabric card, tmnxCpmCardSlotNum has the value the corresponding tmnxFabricSlotNum. If this is a CPM module on a fabric card, tmnxCpmCardSlotNum is the fabric slot number in the chassis where this CPM module is located. Else if this is a CPM card, tmnxCpmCardSlotNum is a regular card slot number." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 1 } tmnxCpmCardNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique value which identifies this CPM module within a specific card slot within a chassis in the system." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 2 } tmnxCpmCardSupportedTypes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardSuppType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A bit-mask that indicates what CPM card types can be physically supported in this slot in this chassis." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 3 } tmnxCpmCardAllowedTypes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A bit-mask that specifies what CPM card types the administrator has designated be allowed to be inserted into this slot. If the slot has not been pre-provisioned and a card that does not match one of the allowed types is inserted into this slot, a mismatch alarm will be raised. If a specific value has not yet been SET by the manager, tmnxCpmCardAllowedTypes will return the same value to a GET request as tmnxCpmCardSupportedTypes. The object was made obsolete in the 3.0 release." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 4 } tmnxCpmCardAssignedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCpmCardAssignedType specifies the administratively assigned (pre-provisioned) CPM card type defined in tmnxCardTypeTable that should occupy this slot in this chassis. If tmnxCpmCardAssignedType has a value of 1 (unassigned), this slot has not yet been pre-provisioned." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 5 } tmnxCpmCardEquippedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCpmCardEquippedType indicates the CPM card type that is physically inserted into this slot in this chassis. If the slot has been pre-provisioned, tmnxCpmCardAssignedType is not equal to 1 (unassigned), and the value of tmnxCpmCardEquippedType is not the same as tmnxCpmCardAssignedType, a mismatch alarm will be raised." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 6 } tmnxCpmCardHwIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardHwIndex is the index into the tmnxHwTable for the row entry that represents the hardware component information for this CPM card or module." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 7 } tmnxCpmCardBootOptionVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version number of boot option file (BOF) read by the CPM card in this slot." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 8 } tmnxCpmCardBootOptionLastModified OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The date and time the boot options file (BOF) for this card was last modified. If tmnxCpmCardBootOptionLastModified is more recent than tmnxHwSwLastBoot, the boot options file has been edited since the software was booted and different software images or configuration will likely be used when this card is next rebooted." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 9 } tmnxCpmCardConfigBootedVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of the configuration file read when this CPM card was last rebooted." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 10 } tmnxCpmCardIndexBootedVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of the index file read when this CPM card was last rebooted." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 11 } tmnxCpmCardConfigLastModified OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The date and time the running configuration was last modified. If tmnxCpmCardConfigLastModified is more recent than tmnxHwSwLastBoot, the current configuration may be different than that in the configuration file read upon system initialization." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 12 } tmnxCpmCardConfigLastSaved OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The date and time the current configuration was last saved. If tmnxCpmCardConfigLastSaved is more recent the value of tmnxHwSwLastBoot, the initial configuration is likely to be different the next time the system is rebooted." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 13 } tmnxCpmCardRedundant OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { singleton (1), redundantActive (2), redundantStandby (3), redundantSplit (4), redundantDisabled (5), redundantSyncing (6), redundantExtActive (7), redundantExtStandby (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardRedundant indicates the role of the CPM card for the redundant pair. The possible values are: singleton (1) - standalone CPM, no redundant pair redundantActive (2) - the active CPM in the redundant pair redundantStandby (3) - the standby CPM in the redundant pair redundantSplit (4) - not implemented redundantDisabled (5) - tmnxHwOperState indicates the specific reason why this redundant CPM is not available redundantSyncing (6) - the redundant pair is syncing redundantExtActive (7) - the active CPM in the redundant pair for the extension chassis redundantExtStandby (8) - the standby CPM in the redundant pair for the extension chassis" ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 14 } tmnxCpmCardClockSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The clock source used by the CPM card in this slot." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 15 } tmnxCpmCardNumCpus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardNumCpus indicates the number of CPU chips populated on this CPM module." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 16 } tmnxCpmCardCpuType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), mips (2), pentium-pc (3), arm (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCpuType indicates the type of CPU chips populated on this CPM module." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 17 } tmnxCpmCardMemorySize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Megabytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardMemorySize indicates the amount of memory, in megabytes, populated on this CPM module." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 18 } tmnxCpmCardSwitchToRedundantCard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to doAction causes the switchover to the redundant CPM card." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 19 } tmnxCpmCardReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to 'doAction' causes the CPM card to execute a soft-reboot." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 20 } tmnxCpmCardRereadBootOptions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to 'doAction' causes the Boot Options File (BOF) to be reread and applied." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 21 } tmnxCpmCardConfigFileLastBooted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxCpmCardConfigFileLastBooted indicates the location and name of the configuration file from which the system last rebooted." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 22 } tmnxCpmCardConfigFileLastSaved OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxCpmCardConfigFileLastSaved indicates the location and name of the file to which the configuration was last saved." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 23 } tmnxCpmCardConfigFileLastBootedHeader OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..512)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxCpmCardConfigFileLastBootedHeader contains the header of the configuration file from which the system last rebooted." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 24 } tmnxCpmCardIndexFileLastBootedHeader OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..512)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxCpmCardIndexFileLastBootedHeader contains the header of the index file from which the system last rebooted." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 25 } tmnxCpmCardBootOptionSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxCpmCardBootOptionSource indicates the compact flash slot where the Boot Options File (BOF) file was found when the system last rebooted. For example, if the BOF file was found on compact flash slot 1, the value of this variable will be 'cf1:'" ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 26 } tmnxCpmCardConfigSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), primary (1), secondary (2), tertiary (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardConfigSource indicates the location in the Boot Options File(BOF) where the configuration file was found when the system last rebooted." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 27 } tmnxCpmCardBootOptionLastSaved OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The date and time the boot options file (BOF) was last saved. If tmnxCpmCardBootOptionLastSaved is more recent than the value of tmnxHwSwLastBoot, the boot options file has been edited since the software was booted and different software images or configuration will likely be used when this card is next rebooted." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 28 } tmnxCpmCardMasterSlaveRefState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { primaryRef (1), secondaryRef (2), notInitialized (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current Master/Slave clocking reference designation. primaryRef Indicates this card is designated as the primary clocking reference in a redundant system for cards within the same physical chassis. secondaryRef Indicates this card is designated as the secondary clocking reference in a redundant system for cards within the same physical chassis. notInitialized Indicates the clock is not initialized." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 30 } tmnxCpmCardConfigUserLastModified OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..65)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardConfigUserLastModified indicates the last user who modified the configuration. If the configuration was last modified by an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2 set operation, the value of this object will indicate the SNMP community string and view name separated by the '/' character. If the configuration was last modified by an SNMPv3 set operation, the value of this object will be the SNMPv3 user and view name separated by the '/' character. If the configuration has not been saved since the last boot, the object will have the value of an empty string." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 31 } tmnxCpmCardCmplxCAMErrOccur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplxCAMErrOccur indicates the number of times the complex experienced an occurrence of a CAM error since startup, or card reboot." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 32 } tmnxCpmCardCmplxCAMErrOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplxCAMErrOccurTime indicates the last time tmnxCpmCardCmplxCAMErrOccur incremented." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 33 } tmnxCpmCardOscillatorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), tcxo (2), ocxo (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardOscillatorType indicates the type of oscillator present on the card. An Oven-Controlled Crystal Oscillator (OCXO) is required for the card to support IEEE 1588 clock recovery. A Temperature-Compensated Crystal Oscillator (TCXO) is not sufficient. The type of oscillator also affects the holdover performance of the system." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 34 } tmnxCpmCardCmplxMemErrOccur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplxMemErrOccur indicates the number of times the complex experienced an occurrence of a memory error since startup, or card reboot." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 35 } tmnxCpmCardCmplxMemErrOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplxMemErrOccurTime indicates the last time tmnxCpmCardCmplxMemErrOccur incremented." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 36 } tmnxCpmCardCmplBufMemErrOcc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplBufMemErrOcc indicates the number of times the complex experienced an occurrence of a buffer memory error since startup, or card reboot." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 37 } tmnxCpmCardCmplBufMemErrOccTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplBufMemErrOccTime indicates the last time tmnxCpmCardCmplBufMemErrOcc incremented." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 38 } tmnxCpmCardCmplStatMemErrOcc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplStatMemErrOcc indicates the number of times the complex experienced an occurrence of a statistics memory error since startup, or card reboot." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 39 } tmnxCpmCardCmplStatMemErrOccTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplStatMemErrOccTime indicates the last time tmnxCpmCardCmplStatMemErrOcc incremented." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 40 } tmnxCpmCardCmplIntMemErrOcc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplIntMemErrOcc indicates the number of times the complex experienced an occurrence of an internal memory error since startup, or card reboot." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 41 } tmnxCpmCardCmplIntMemErrOccTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplIntMemErrOccTime indicates the last time tmnxCpmCardCmplIntMemErrOcc incremented." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 42 } tmnxCpmCardCmplChipIfDownOcc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplChipIfDownOcc indicates the number of times the complex experienced an occurrence of an internal datapath problem." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 43 } tmnxCpmCardCmplChipIfDownOccTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplChipIfDownOccTime indicates the last time tmnxCpmCardCmplChipIfDownOcc incremented." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 44 } tmnxCpmCardCmplChipIfCellOcc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplChipIfCellOcc indicates the number of times the complex experienced an occurrence of internal datapath cell errors." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 45 } tmnxCpmCardCmplChipIfCellOccTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplChipIfCellOccTime indicates the last time tmnxCpmCardCmplChipIfCellOcc incremented." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 46 } tmnxCpmCardRebootHold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardRebootHold specifies putting the standby CPM card in hold on a soft reboot, preventing the standby CPM+SFM from coming back online. To do so, this attribute must be set to 'true(1)' together with tmnxCpmCardReboot set to 'doAction(1)' and only for the standby CPM; otherwise, the set will fail with error 'inconsistentValue'. For the active CPM, tmnxCpmCardRebootHold can't be set to 'true(1)' and will always return a value of 'false(2)'. When tmnxCpmCardRebootHold is set to 'true(1)', the standby CPM reboots as expected, but remains in a booting state (in hold). The setting of tmnxCpmCardRebootHold to 'true(1)' prevents the active CPM from declaring the standby CPM dead because it failed to boot. MIB attribute tmnxHwFailureReason will be updated for the standby CPM indicating that there is no SFM. The system is not redundant while tmnxCpmCardRebootHold is 'true(1)'. If the active CPM fails, or is manually rebooted, the standby CPM will also reboot. tmnxCpmCardRebootHold is set to 'false(2)' when tmnxCpmCardReboot for the standby CPM is set to 'doAction(1)' without also setting tmnxCpmCardRebootHold, or if the active CPM reboots." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 47 } tmnxCpmCardUuid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxUuid MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardUuid indicates the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the CPM card." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 49 } tmnxCpmCardCmplxIngrFcsOccur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplxIngrFcsOccur indicates the number of times the first CPM card complex experienced an occurrence of an FCS error in the ingress direction since startup, last clear, or CPM reboot." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 50 } tmnxCpmCardCmplxIngrFcsOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplxIngrFcsOccurTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmplx1IngrFcsOccur incremented." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 51 } tmnxCpmCardCmplxEgrFcsOccur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplxEgrFcsOccur indicates the number of times the first CPM card complex experienced an occurrence of an FCS error in the egress direction since startup, last clear, or CPM reboot." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 52 } tmnxCpmCardCmplxEgrFcsOccurTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplxEgrFcsOccurTime indicates the last time tmnxCardCmplx1EgrFcsOccur incremented." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 53 } tmnxCpmCardCmplxEgrFcsSrcSlots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardSlotBitMap MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardCmplxEgrFcsSrcSlots indicates the source slots reported from the last time tmnxCpmCardCmplxEgrFcsOccur incremented." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 54 } tmnxCpmCardVmHypervisor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardVmHypervisor indicates the name of the hypervisor. The value of this object is only relevant in a virtual machine implementation." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 55 } tmnxCpmCardVmCpu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardVmCpu indicates the description of the CPU. The value of this object is only relevant in a virtual machine implementation." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 56 } tmnxCpmCardVmNumCores OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmCardVmNumCores indicates the number of processor cores available. The value of this object is only relevant in a virtual machine implementation." ::= { tmnxCpmCardEntry 57 } tmnxFabricLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime when the tmnxFabricTable was last changed." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 5 } tmnxFabricTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxFabricEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxFabricTable has an entry for each fabric card slot in each chassis in the TMNX system." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 6 } tmnxFabricEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFabricEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a fabric card slot in a chassis in the system. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. When a tmnxChassisEntry is created, a tmnxFabricEntry is created for each fabric card slot in that chassis. Before a tmnxChassisEntry can be deleted, each tmnxFabricEntry for that chassis must be in the proper state for removal." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxFabricSlotNum } ::= { tmnxFabricTable 1 } TmnxFabricEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxFabricSlotNum Unsigned32, tmnxFabricAssignedType TmnxFabricType, tmnxFabricEquippedType TmnxFabricType, tmnxFabricHwIndex TmnxHwIndex, tmnxFabricSupportedTypes TmnxFabricSuppType, tmnxFabricReboot TmnxActionType } tmnxFabricSlotNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..16) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique value which identifies this fabric slot within a chassis in the system. The CPM cards and IOM cards cannot be physically inserted into the switch fabric card slots. In some models, the CPM is not a separate card, but rather a module on a Fabric card." ::= { tmnxFabricEntry 1 } tmnxFabricAssignedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFabricType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administratively assigned switch fabric card type that should occupy this fabric slot in this chassis." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxFabricEntry 2 } tmnxFabricEquippedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFabricType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The switch fabric card type that is physically inserted into this slot in this chassis." ::= { tmnxFabricEntry 3 } tmnxFabricHwIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFabricHwIndex indicates the tmnxHwIndex into the tmnxHwTable to locate the row entry that represents the hardware component information for this fabric card." ::= { tmnxFabricEntry 4 } tmnxFabricSupportedTypes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFabricSuppType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A bit-mask that indicates what fabric card types can be configured in this slot in this chassis." ::= { tmnxFabricEntry 5 } tmnxFabricReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to 'doAction' causes the fabric to execute a soft-reboot." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxFabricEntry 6 } tmnxCpmFlashTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCpmFlashEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains information about Flash devices on a CPM card." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 7 } tmnxCpmFlashEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCpmFlashEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains information regarding a CPM card's flash unit." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxCpmFlashId } ::= { tmnxCpmFlashTable 1 } TmnxCpmFlashEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCpmFlashId Unsigned32, tmnxCpmFlashOperStatus TmnxDeviceState, tmnxCpmFlashSerialNumber TItemDescription, tmnxCpmFlashFirmwareRevision TItemDescription, tmnxCpmFlashModelNumber TItemDescription, tmnxCpmFlashCapacity Unsigned32, tmnxCpmFlashUsed Unsigned32, tmnxCpmFlashHwIndex TmnxHwIndex, tmnxCpmFlashPercentageUsed Unsigned32 } tmnxCpmFlashId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique identifier index for a flash device on a CPM card." ::= { tmnxCpmFlashEntry 1 } tmnxCpmFlashOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDeviceState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current status of this flash unit on this CPM card." ::= { tmnxCpmFlashEntry 2 } tmnxCpmFlashSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The serial number for this flash unit on this CPM card." ::= { tmnxCpmFlashEntry 3 } tmnxCpmFlashFirmwareRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision number for this flash unit on this CPM card." ::= { tmnxCpmFlashEntry 4 } tmnxCpmFlashModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The model number for this flash unit on this CPM card." ::= { tmnxCpmFlashEntry 5 } tmnxCpmFlashCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "sectors" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmFlashCapacity indicates the maximum size of this flash unit in 512-byte sectors." ::= { tmnxCpmFlashEntry 6 } tmnxCpmFlashUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "sectors" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmFlashUsed indicates the amount used, in 512-byte sectors, of this flash unit's total capacity." ::= { tmnxCpmFlashEntry 7 } tmnxCpmFlashHwIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmFlashHwIndex indicates the tmnxHwIndex into the tmnxHwTable for the row entry that represents the hardware component information for this flash unit." ::= { tmnxCpmFlashEntry 8 } tmnxCpmFlashPercentageUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCpmFlashPercentageUsed indicates the amount used for this flash unit as a percentage of total capacity." ::= { tmnxCpmFlashEntry 9 } tmnxMDATable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxMDAEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxMDATable has an entry for each MDA slot in each IOM card in this chassis in the TMNX system." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 8 } tmnxMDAEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMDAEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a MDA slot in an IOM card in a chassis in the system. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. When a tmnxCardEntry has tmnxCardAssignedType or tmnxCardEquippedType equal to an IOM card type that supports MDA slots, a tmnxMDAEntry is created by the agent for each MDA slot on that IOM card. Before a tmnxCardEntry can be deleted, each tmnxMDAEntry for that card must be in the proper state for removal." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxMDASlotNum } ::= { tmnxMDATable 1 } TmnxMDAEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxMDASlotNum Unsigned32, tmnxMDASupportedTypes TmnxMDASuppType, tmnxMDAAllowedTypes TmnxMdaType, tmnxMDAAssignedType TmnxMdaType, tmnxMDAEquippedType TmnxMdaType, tmnxMDAHwIndex TmnxHwIndex, tmnxMDAMaxPorts Integer32, tmnxMDAEquippedPorts Unsigned32, tmnxMDATxTimingSelected INTEGER, tmnxMDASyncIfTimingStatus INTEGER, tmnxMDANetworkIngQueues TNamedItem, tmnxMDACapabilities BITS, tmnxMDAMinChannelization TmnxMDAChanType, tmnxMDAMaxChannelization TmnxMDAChanType, tmnxMDAMaxChannels Unsigned32, tmnxMDAChannelsInUse Unsigned32, tmnxMDACcagId TmnxCcagId, tmnxMDAReboot TmnxActionType, tmnxMDAHiBwMcastSource TruthValue, tmnxMDAHiBwMcastAlarm TruthValue, tmnxMDAHiBwMcastTapCount Gauge32, tmnxMDAHiBwMcastGroup Unsigned32, tmnxMDAClockMode INTEGER, tmnxMDADiffTimestampFreq Unsigned32, tmnxMDAIngHsmdaSchedPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtBwPlcyName TNamedItem, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtPriPathLimit Unsigned32, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtSecPathLimit Unsigned32, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtAncPathLimit Unsigned32, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtAdminState TmnxAdminState, tmnxMDAIngNamedPoolPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxMDAEgrNamedPoolPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxMDAIngHsmdaPoolPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaPoolPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtPriInUseBw Gauge32, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtSecInUseBw Gauge32, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtAncInUseBw Gauge32, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtBlkHoleInUseBw Gauge32, tmnxMDASynchronousEthernet INTEGER, tmnxMDAXplErrorTime TimeStamp, tmnxMDAXplFailedCount Gauge32, tmnxMDAAtmMode TmnxMdaAtmMode, tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaThrshLoBrstMult Integer32, tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaThrshHiBrstInc Integer32, tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroup TmnxTunnelGroupIdOrZero, tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroupInUse TruthValue, tmnxMDAHwPowerPriority Unsigned32, tmnxMDAFailOnError BITS, tmnxMDAEgrXplErrThreshold Unsigned32, tmnxMDAEgrXplErrWindow Unsigned32, tmnxMDAIngrXplErrThreshold Unsigned32, tmnxMDAIngrXplErrWindow Unsigned32, tmnxMDAResetOnRecoverableError TruthValue, tmnxMDAAssignedLevel TmnxMDAFunctionalLevel, tmnxMDAEquippedLevel TmnxMDAFunctionalLevel, tmnxMDALicensedLevel TmnxMDAFunctionalLevel, tmnxMDALicensedBandwidth Unsigned32 } tmnxMDASlotNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..16) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique value which identifies this MDA slot within a specific IOM card in the system. Rows with a tmnxMDASlotNum value of zero (0) represent the special case of an IOM card without MDA slots but that instead has its ports directly on the IOM card itself. In that case, there should be only that one row entry in the tmnxMDATable for that IOM card." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 1 } tmnxMDASupportedTypes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMDASuppType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A bit-mask that indicates what MDA card types can be configured in this slot in this chassis." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 2 } tmnxMDAAllowedTypes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMdaType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "An integer that specified what MDA card types the administrator has designated be allowed to be inserted into this slot. If the slot has not been pre-provisioned and a MDA card that does not match one of the allowed types is inserted into this slot, a mismatch alarm will be raised. The object was made obsolete in the 3.0 release." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 3 } tmnxMDAAssignedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMdaType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer that specifies the administratively assigned (pre-provisioned) MDA card type that should occupy this slot in this chassis. If tmnxMDAAssignedType has a value of 'unassigned', this slot has not yet been pre-provisioned." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 4 } tmnxMDAEquippedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMdaType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer that indicates the MDA card type that is physically inserted into this slot in this chassis. If the slot has been pre-provisioned, tmnxMDAAssignedType is not equal 'unassigned', and the value of tmnxMDAEquippedType is not the same as tmnxMDAAssignedType, a mismatch alarm will be raised. A value of 0 indicates the equipped MDA is not supported by this software release." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 5 } tmnxMDAHwIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAHwIndex indicates the tmnxHwIndex into the tmnxHwTable for the row entry that represents the hardware component information for this MDA card." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 6 } tmnxMDAMaxPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of ports or connectors that can be equipped on this MDA card." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 7 } tmnxMDAEquippedPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAEquippedPorts indicates the number of ports or connectors equipped on this MDA card." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 8 } tmnxMDATxTimingSelected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cpmCardA (1), cpmCardB (2), local (3), holdover (4), notApplicable (5), cpmCardC (6), cpmCardD (7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDATxTimingSelected indicates the transmit timing method which is presently selected and being used by this MDA. tmnxMDATxTimingSelected will be set to 'notApplicable (5)' if this MDA does not use the transmit timing subsystem." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 10 } tmnxMDASyncIfTimingStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qualified (1), not-qualified (2), not-applicable (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of the synchronous equipment timing subsystem. If the tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1Qualified and tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2Qualified are both set to 'not-qualified, then tmnxMDASyncIfTimingStatus is set to 'not-qualified'. If any of the timing references is in use, then tmnxMDASyncIfTimingStatus is set to 'qualified'. tmnxMDASyncIfTimingStatus will be set to 'not-applicable' if this MDA does not use the transmit timing subsystem." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 11 } tmnxMDANetworkIngQueues OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Specifies the network queue policy being used for this object to define the queueing structure for this object. This object is obsoleted in 19.5R1 release and has been replaced with tmnxFPIngNetQueuePolicy object." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 12 } tmnxMDACapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { isEthernet (0), isSonet (1), isTDM (2), supportsPPP (3), supportsFR (4), supportsATM (5), supportscHDLC (6), isCMA (7), supportsCEM (8), isSerial (9), isWireless (10), isCellular (11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxMDACapabilities indicates the capabilities of this MDA. It identifies the type of MDA and the protocols that can run on it." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 13 } tmnxMDAMinChannelization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMDAChanType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxMDAMinChannelization indicates the minimum size of the channel that can exist on this MDA." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 14 } tmnxMDAMaxChannelization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMDAChanType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxMDAMaxChannelization indicates the maximum size of the channel that can exist on this MDA." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 15 } tmnxMDAMaxChannels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxMDAMaxChannels is applicable for SONET and TDM MDAs only. It indicates the total number of leaf SONET paths, TDM channels and bundles on the MDA that may be configured to pass traffic." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 16 } tmnxMDAChannelsInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxMDAChannelsInUse is applicable for SONET and TDM MDAs only. It indicates the total number of leaf SONET paths, TDM channels and bundles on the MDA which are in use. A leaf SONET path or TDM channel which is currently capable of passing traffic is considered to be in use. Also, a SONET path or TDM channel which is channelized and has no subchannels capable of passing traffic is considered to be in use. A SONET path or TDM channel which is channelized and has one or more subchannels capable of passing traffic is not considered to be in use, although the subchannels themselves are considered to be in use. A bundle is considered to be a channel in use as are each of its members since they are TDM channels capable of passing traffic." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 17 } tmnxMDACcagId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCcagId MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "When tmnxMDAAssignedType has a value of 'cca' , the value of tmnxMDACcagId specifies the Cross Connect Aggregation Group (CCAG) entry this MDA is provisioned on. If this entry does not represent a 'cca' MDA or is not associated with a CCAG, tmnxMDACcagId has a value of zero. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 18 } tmnxMDAReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to 'doAction' causes the MDA to execute a soft-reboot." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 19 } tmnxMDAHiBwMcastSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAHiBwMcastSource specifies if this MDA should attempt to allocate separate fabric planes to allocate high bandwidth multicast traffic taps. tmnxMDAHiBwMcastGroup must be set in the same SNMP request PDU with tmnxMDAHiBwMcastSource or an 'inconsistentValue' error will be returned. This object was obsoleted from release 15.0R1." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 20 } tmnxMDAHiBwMcastAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAHiBwMcastAlarm specifies if a tmnxChassisHiBwMcastAlarm alarm is raised if there are more than one high bandwidth multicast traffic taps sharing a plane. This object was obsoleted from release 15.0R1." DEFVAL { true } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 21 } tmnxMDAHiBwMcastTapCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAHiBwMcastTapCount indicates the number of high bandwidth multicast traffic taps on this MDA. This object was obsoleted from release 15.0R1." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 22 } tmnxMDAHiBwMcastGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..32) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAHiBwMcastGroup specifies the group of high bandwidth multicast traffic taps to which this tap belongs. A value of '0' specifies that this tap is not a member of any High Bandwidth Multicast group. On an IOM of type 'iom-10g', the value of tmnxMDAHiBwMcastGroup should be the same as the value of tmnxMDAHiBwMcastGroup set on the other MDA residing on the IOM if the tmnxMDAHiBwMcastSource is set to 'true'. Attempt to set to different values will result in an 'inconsistentValue' error. tmnxMDAHiBwMcastGroup must be set in the same SNMP request PDU with tmnxMDAHiBwMcastSource or an 'inconsistentValue' error will be returned. This object was obsoleted from release 15.0R1." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 23 } tmnxMDAClockMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), adaptive (1), differential (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAClockMode specifies the clock mode of the MDA. notApplicable - The MDA does not support any clock modes or domains. adaptive - The MDA is in 'adaptive' clock mode. This allows adaptive clock domains to be created. differential - The MDA is in 'differential clock mode. This allows differential clock domains to be created. The value of tmnxMDAClockMode can be changed when there are no ports created on the MDA. If there are ports created, a shutdown of the MDA is required in order to change the value." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 24 } tmnxMDADiffTimestampFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 19440 | 77760 | 103680) UNITS "kilohertz" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDADiffTimestampFreq specifies the differential timestamp frequency of the differential clock on the MDA. The value must be a multiple of 8 KHz. This value can only be changed if the value of tmnxMDAClockMode is 'differential (2)' and there are no ports created on the MDA. If there are ports created, a shutdown of the MDA is required in order to change the value. If the value of tmnxMDAClockMode is 'differential (2) then the default is 103,680 KHz. If the value of tmnxMDAClockMode is not 'differential (2)' then this value is 0 KHz and cannot be changed." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 25 } tmnxMDAIngHsmdaSchedPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAIngHsmdaSchedPolicy specifies the name of High Scale MDA (HSMDA) scheduler policy to use on the ingress of the MDA. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to a value which does not have a corresponding entry in TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyTable. When the value of tmnxMDAAssignedType specifies a non-HSMDA MDA Type, an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to any non-empty string. This object is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 26 } tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtBwPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtBwPlcyName specifies the multicast policy name configured on the MDA. This object was obsoleted from release 15.0R1." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 27 } tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtPriPathLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2000) UNITS "mega-bits-per-second" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtPriPathLimit specifies the primary path limit for the MDA. This object was obsoleted from release 15.0R1." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 28 } tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtSecPathLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2000) UNITS "mega-bits-per-second" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtSecPathLimit specifies the secondary path limit for the MDA. This object was obsoleted from release 15.0R1." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 29 } tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtAncPathLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..5000) UNITS "mega-bits-per-second" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtAncPathLimit specifies the ancillary path limit for the MDA. This object was obsoleted from release 15.0R1." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 30 } tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtAdminState specifies administrative state of this multicast path on the MDA. This object was obsoleted from release 15.0R1." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 31 } tmnxMDAIngNamedPoolPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAIngNamedPoolPolicy specifies a named pool policy associated with an MDA ingress context. The policy governs the way named pools are created at the MDA level. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 32 } tmnxMDAEgrNamedPoolPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAEgrNamedPoolPolicy specifies a named pool policy associated with an MDA egress context. The policy governs the way named pools are created at the MDA level. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 33 } tmnxMDAIngHsmdaPoolPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAIngHsmdaPoolPolicy specifies the name of High Scale MDA (HSMDA) pool policy to use on the ingress of the MDA. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to a value which does not have a corresponding entry in TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaPoolPolicyTable. When the value of tmnxMDAAssignedType specifies a non-HSMDA MDA Type, an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to any non-empty string. This object is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 34 } tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaPoolPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaPoolPolicy specifies the name of High Scale MDA (HSMDA) pool policy to use on the egress of the MDA. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to a value which does not have a corresponding entry in TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaPoolPolicyTable. When the value of tmnxMDAAssignedType specifies a non-HSMDA MDA Type, an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to any non-empty string." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 35 } tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtPriInUseBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtPriInUseBw indicates the in use ingress multicast bandwidth for the primary forwarding path. This object was obsoleted from release 15.0R1." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 36 } tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtSecInUseBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtSecInUseBw indicates the in use ingress multicast bandwidth for the secondary forwarding path. This object was obsoleted from release 15.0R1." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 37 } tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtAncInUseBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtAncInUseBw indicates the in use ingress multicast bandwidth for the ancillary forwarding path. This object was obsoleted from release 15.0R1." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 38 } tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtBlkHoleInUseBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtBlkHoleInUseBw indicates the bandwidth of the ingress multicast traffic that is being black holed on the MDA. This object was obsoleted from release 15.0R1." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 39 } tmnxMDASynchronousEthernet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable (0), enabled (1), disabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDASynchronousEthernet specifies whether or not the MDA maintains synchronous Ethernet (syncE) communication on all of its ports. not-applicable - The MDA does not support synchronous Ethernet. enabled - The MDA is in synchronous mode. disabled - The MDA is in asynchronous mode (default). On MDAs that do not support synchronous ethernet the only supported value is 'not-applicable (0)'. If tmnxMDASynchronousEthernet is 'enabled (1)' then any port on the MDA can be used as a source port in the tmnxSyncIfTimingTable." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 40 } tmnxMDAXplErrorTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAXplErrorTime indicates the last time when the tmnxEqMdaXplError notification occurred." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 41 } tmnxMDAXplFailedCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAXplFailedCount indicates the number of egress XPL failures on the MDA since startup." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 42 } tmnxMDAAtmMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMdaAtmMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAAtmMode specifies the maximum number of Virtual Circuits for the MDA. On MDA's that do not support ATM, 'notApplicable' is the only allowed value and this is also the default value. On MDA's that support ATM, the default value is 'max8kVc'." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 43 } tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaThrshLoBrstMult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..65536) UNITS "bytes per megabit of rate" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaThrshLoBrstMult specifies the bytes per megabit/second of rate multiplier for the aggregate rate of the queues pertaining to the low burst threshold in the queue group. When set to the default value '-1', the system will adopt the lowest usable threshold as a default setting per rate." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 44 } tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaThrshHiBrstInc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..65536) UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaThrshHiBrstInc specifies the incremental number of bytes above the low burst limit to be used as the high burst threshold for the aggregate rate of the queues pertaining to the high burst threshold in the queue group. When set to the default value '-1', the system will default to a value of '4000' bytes." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 45 } tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxTunnelGroupIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroup specifies the tunnel group identifier associated with this MDA. The tunnel groups are configured by tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTable. When the object is set to a non-default value, the value of 'tmnxMDAIsaMemberPoolAssoc' must be default." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 46 } tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroupInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroupInUse indicates if this MDA is active in the Integrated Service Adaptor (ISA) tunnel group indicated by tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroup. This object has meaning only when the ISA tunnel group is configured to be multi-active (i.e. tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMultiActive in tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTable is 'true (1)'). In all other cases, the value of this object is equal to 'false (2)'" ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 47 } tmnxMDAHwPowerPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..200) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAHwPowerPriority specifies the functional priority of the MDA. Lower priority (higher numerically) MDAs will power off sooner than higher priority (lower numerically) MDAs during a power shortage. Lower priority MDAs will also power up after higher priority MDAs." DEFVAL { 150 } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 48 } tmnxMDAFailOnError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { eventGroupA (0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAFailOnError specifies the set of events that, if triggered, will cause the MDA to fail. The suppression or generation of the NOTIFICATION-TYPE event is independent of the MDA failing. The following set of events are configurable: eventGroupA (0) - tmnxEqMdaXplError - tmnxEqMdaIngrXplError If an XPL error is declared, the MDA is declared failed." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 49 } tmnxMDAEgrXplErrThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1000000) UNITS "xpl errors" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAEgrXplErrThreshold specifies the threshold for egress XPL errors that determine a failure scenario." DEFVAL { 1000 } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 50 } tmnxMDAEgrXplErrWindow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1440) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAEgrXplErrWindow specifies the window size in minutes for egress XPL errors that determine a failure scenario." DEFVAL { 60 } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 51 } tmnxMDAIngrXplErrThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1000000) UNITS "xpl errors" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAIngrXplErrThreshold specifies the threshold for ingress XPL errors that determine a failure scenario." DEFVAL { 1000 } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 52 } tmnxMDAIngrXplErrWindow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1440) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAIngrXplErrWindow specifies the window size in minutes for ingress XPL errors that determine a failure scenario." DEFVAL { 60 } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 53 } tmnxMDAResetOnRecoverableError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAResetOnRecoverableError specifies whether or not the system resets the MDA when there are fatal memory parity errors on one of the Q-chips on the card with which this MDA is associated. If the value of tmnxMDAResetOnRecoverableError is 'true (1)' and there is a fatal memory parity error on a Q-chip, the system will reset the MDA but not fail it, even if tmnxMDAFailOnError is 'true (1)'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 54 } tmnxMDAAssignedLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMDAFunctionalLevel MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer that specifies the administratively assigned (pre-provisioned) MDA functional level variant that should occupy this slot in this chassis." DEFVAL { unrestricted } ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 55 } tmnxMDAEquippedLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMDAFunctionalLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer that indicates the MDA functional-level variant that is physically inserted into this slot in this chassis. If the value of tmnxMDAAssignedLevel is not equal to the value of tmnxMDAEquippedLevel, a mismatch alarm will be raised." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 56 } tmnxMDALicensedLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMDAFunctionalLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer that indicates the MDA functional-level that is licensed for this slot in this chassis." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 57 } tmnxMDALicensedBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "gigabps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the amount of licensed bandwidth that is used on this MDA. Bandwidth becomes licensed as physical connectors are provisioned or physical ports are enabled. Licensed bandwith on MDAs that have multiple functional levels supported. The system enforces that the licensed bandwidth does not exceed any bandwidth restriction associated with this card's licensed level." ::= { tmnxMDAEntry 58 } tmnxCardTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCardTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The card type table has an entry for each card model supported by the system." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 9 } tmnxCardTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Nokia SROS series Card model. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxCardTypeIndex } ::= { tmnxCardTypeTable 1 } TmnxCardTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCardTypeIndex TmnxCardType, tmnxCardTypeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxCardTypeDescription TItemDescription, tmnxCardTypeStatus TruthValue } tmnxCardTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique index value which identifies this type of Nokia SROS series card model." ::= { tmnxCardTypeEntry 1 } tmnxCardTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative name that identifies this type of Nokia SROS series card model. This name string may be used in CLI commands to specify a particular card model type." ::= { tmnxCardTypeEntry 2 } tmnxCardTypeDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A detailed description of this Nokia SROS series card model." ::= { tmnxCardTypeEntry 3 } tmnxCardTypeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tmnxCardTypeStatus has a value of 'true' it indicates that this card model is supported in this revision of the management software. When it has a value of 'false' there is no support." ::= { tmnxCardTypeEntry 4 } tmnxMdaTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxMdaTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MDA type table has an entry for each MDA card model supported by the system." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 10 } tmnxMdaTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMdaTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Nokia SROS series MDA card model. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxMdaTypeIndex } ::= { tmnxMdaTypeTable 1 } TmnxMdaTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxMdaTypeIndex TmnxMdaType, tmnxMdaTypeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxMdaTypeDescription TItemDescription, tmnxMdaTypeStatus TruthValue } tmnxMdaTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMdaType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique index value which identifies this type of Nokia SROS series MDA card model." ::= { tmnxMdaTypeEntry 1 } tmnxMdaTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative name that identifies this type of Nokia SROS series MDA card model. This name string may be used in CLI commands to specify a particular MDA card model type." ::= { tmnxMdaTypeEntry 2 } tmnxMdaTypeDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A detailed description of this Nokia SROS series MDA card model." ::= { tmnxMdaTypeEntry 3 } tmnxMdaTypeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tmnxMdaTypeStatus has a value of 'true' it indicates that this MDA card model is supported in this revision of the management software. When it has a value of 'false' there is no support." ::= { tmnxMdaTypeEntry 4 } tmnxSyncIfTimingTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSyncIfTimingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The synchronous interface timing table has an entry for each cpm card in the system." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 11 } tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSyncIfTimingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row represents the configuration of Synchronous Equipment Timing Source (SETS) of the system. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. When a tmnxCpmCardEntry is created, a tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry is created. SNMP set operations with tmnxCpmCardSlotNum of the secondary CPM will be denied. If the value of the reference source port is a valid Port ID then the reference is a port. If the value of the source hardware is a valid non-zero HWIndex then the source is the hardware specified by the HWIndex." AUGMENTS { tmnxCpmCardEntry } ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingTable 1 } TmnxSyncIfTimingEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSyncIfTimingRevert TruthValue, tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder1 TmnxSETSRefSource, tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder2 TmnxSETSRefSource, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1SrcPort TmnxPortID, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1AdminStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1InUse TruthValue, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1Qualified TmnxSETSRefQualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1Alarm TmnxSETSRefAlarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2SrcPort TmnxPortID, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2AdminStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2InUse TruthValue, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2Qualified TmnxSETSRefQualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2Alarm TmnxSETSRefAlarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingFreqOffset Integer32, tmnxSyncIfTimingStatus TmnxSETSStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder3 TmnxSETSRefSource, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSIfType TmnxBITSIfType, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSAdminStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSInUse TruthValue, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSQualified TmnxSETSRefQualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSAlarm TmnxSETSRefAlarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1SrcHw TmnxHwIndexOrZero, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1BITSIfType TmnxBITSIfType, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2SrcHw TmnxHwIndexOrZero, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2BITSIfType TmnxBITSIfType, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutAdmStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutLineLen INTEGER, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1CfgQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1RxQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2CfgQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2RxQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSCfgQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSRxQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2InUse TruthValue, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2Qualified TmnxSETSRefQualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2Alarm TmnxSETSRefAlarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2RxQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1State TmnxRefInState, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2State TmnxRefInState, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSState TmnxRefInState, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2State TmnxRefInState, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1NationalUse Unsigned32, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2NationalUse Unsigned32, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSNationalUse Unsigned32, tmnxSyncIfTimingQLSelection TmnxEnabledDisabled, tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMInUse TruthValue, tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMQual TmnxSETSRefQualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMAlarm TmnxSETSRefAlarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMState TmnxRefInState, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutRefSel TmnxSETSRefSource, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSTxQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2AdminStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingSystemQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder4 TmnxSETSRefSource, tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPAdminStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPInUse TruthValue, tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPQualified TmnxSETSRefQualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPAlarm TmnxSETSRefAlarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPCfgQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPRxQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPState TmnxRefInState, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutSource TmnxBITSOutSource, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutQlMin TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutSquelch TruthValue, tmnxSyncIfTimingQlMin TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingWaitToRestorTime Unsigned32, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEAdminStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEInUse TruthValue, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEQualified TmnxSETSRefQualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEAlarm TmnxSETSRefAlarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncECfgQltyLevl TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncERxQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEState TmnxRefInState, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2AdmnStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2InUse TruthValue, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2Qualified TmnxSETSRefQualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2Alarm TmnxSETSRefAlarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2RxQltyLevl TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2State TmnxRefInState, tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder5 TmnxSETSRefSource, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssAdminStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssInUse TruthValue, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssQualified TmnxSETSRefQualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssAlarm TmnxSETSRefAlarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssCfgQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssRxQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssState TmnxRefInState, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2AdminStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2InUse TruthValue, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2Qualified TmnxSETSRefQualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2Alarm TmnxSETSRefAlarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2RxQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2State TmnxRefInState } tmnxSyncIfTimingRevert OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRevert indicates whether the reference source will revert to a higher priority source that has been re-validated or newly validated. The synchronous interface timing subsystem is by default non-revertive ('false')." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 1 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefSource MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder1 indicates the most preferred timing reference source. Four different timing input references may be specified in the reference order ('bits', 'reference1', 'reference2', and 'ptp'). The synchronous equipment timing subsystem chooses a reference based on priority." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 2 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefSource MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder2 indicates the second most preferred timing reference for the synchronous equipment timing subsystem." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 3 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1SrcPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1SrcPort indicates the source port of the first timing reference. A value of '1e000000'H indicates that there is no source port for this reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 4 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1AdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1AdminStatus indicates the administrative status of the first timing reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 5 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1InUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1InUse indicates whether the first timing reference is presently being used by the synchronous timing subsystem. If it is in use, tmnxSyncIfTimingFreqOffset indicates the frequency offset for this reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 6 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1Qualified OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefQualified MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1Qualified indicates whether the first timing reference is qualified for use by the synchronous timing subsystem. If tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1Qualified is set to 'not-qualified', then the object tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1Alarm gives the reason for disqualification." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 7 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1Alarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1Alarm indicates the alarms on the first reference. If any of the bits is set to '1', then the first reference is disqualified by the timing subsystem and the value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1Qualified is set to 'not-qualified'. los - loss of signal oof - out of frequency range oopir - out of pull in range" ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 8 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2SrcPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2SrcPort indicates the source port of the second timing reference. A value of '1e000000'H indicates that there is no source port for this reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 9 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2AdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2AdminStatus indicates the administrative status of the second timing reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 10 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2InUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2InUse indicates whether the second timing reference is presently being used by the synchronous timing subsystem." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 11 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2Qualified OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefQualified MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2Qualified indicates whether the second timing reference is qualified for use by the synchronous timing subsystem. If tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2Qualified is 'not-qualified' then the object tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2Alarm gives the reason for disqualification." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 12 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2Alarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2Alarm indicates the alarms on the second reference. If any of the bits is set to '1', then the second reference is disqualified by the timing subsystem and the value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2Qualified is set to 'not-qualified'. los - loss of signal oof - out of frequency range oopir - out of pull in range" ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 13 } tmnxSyncIfTimingFreqOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "parts-per-million" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingFreqOffset indicates the frequency offset of the current selected timing reference in parts per million (ppm)." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 14 } tmnxSyncIfTimingStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingStatus indicates the present status of the Synchronous Timing Equipment Source (SETS)." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 15 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefSource MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder3 is the third most preferred timing reference for the synchronous equipment timing subsystem." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 16 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSIfType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBITSIfType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSIfType indicates the interface type of the BITS (Building Integrated Timing Supply) timing reference. It also indicates the framing type of the interface." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 17 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSAdminStatus indicates administrative status of the BITS (Building Integrated Timing Supply) input timing reference. The value of this object for the extension chassis in an XRS-40 system is always 'inService(2)'." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 18 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSInUse indicates whether the BITS timing reference is presently being used by the synchronous timing subsystem. If it is in use, tmnxSyncIfTimingFreqOffset indicates the frequency offset for this reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 19 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSQualified OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefQualified MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSQualified indicates whether the BITS timing reference is qualified for use by the synchronous timing subsystem. If tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSQualified is 'not-qualified', then the object tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSAlarm gives the reason for disqualification." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 20 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSAlarm indicates the alarms on the BITS reference. If any of the bits is set to '1', then the BITS reference is disqualified by the timing subsystem and the value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSQualified is set to 'not-qualified'." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 21 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1SrcHw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1SrcHw indicates the source HW index of the first timing reference if source is not a port. This object was obsoleted in release 20.5." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 22 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1BITSIfType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBITSIfType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1BITSIfType indicates the interface type of the first timing reference if the source is BITS. It also indicates the framing type of the interface. This object was obsoleted in release 20.5." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 23 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2SrcHw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2SrcHw indicates the source HW index of the second timing reference if source is not a port. This object was obsoleted in release 20.5." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 24 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2BITSIfType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBITSIfType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2BITSIfType indicates the interface type of the second timing reference if the source is BITS. It also indicates the framing type of the interface. This object was obsoleted in release 20.5." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 25 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutAdmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutAdmStatus indicates administrative status of the BITS (Building Integrated Timing Supply) output timing reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 26 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutLineLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { lengthNotApplicable (0), length0To110 (1), length110To220 (2), length220To330 (3), length330To440 (4), length440To550 (5), length550To660 (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutLineLen indicates the length of the line (in feet) for the BITS (Building Integrated Timing Supply) output. The following values are valid: lengthNotApplicable (0) - When BITS output is not supported length0To110 (1) - For line length from 0 to 110 feet length110To220 (2) - For line length from 110 to 220 feet length220To330 (3) - For line length from 230 to 330 feet length330To440 (4) - For line length from 330 to 440 feet length440To550 (5) - For line length from 440 to 550 feet length550To660 (6) - For line length from 550 to 660 feet The default is 'lengthNotApplicable' on CPM cards which do not support line length. Otherwise, the default is 'length0To110'." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 27 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1CfgQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1CfgQltyLevel indicates the configured Quality Level of Reference 1. A value of 'unknown (0)' indicates Reference 1 is not forced to a specific quality level." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 28 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1RxQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1RxQltyLevel indicates the received SSM Quality Level of Reference 1." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 29 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2CfgQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2CfgQltyLevel indicates the configured Quality Level of Reference 2. A value of 'unknown (0)' indicates Reference 2 is not forced to a specific quality level." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 30 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2RxQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2RxQltyLevel indicates the received SSM Quality Level of Reference 2." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 31 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSCfgQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSCfgQltyLevel indicates the configured Quality Level of the BITS interface. A value of 'unknown (0)' indicates the BITS interface is not forced to a specific quality level." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 32 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSRxQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSRxQltyLevel indicates the received SSM Quality Level of the BITS interface." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 33 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2InUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2InUse indicates whether the BITS2 timing reference is presently being used by the synchronous timing subsystem. If it is in use, tmnxSyncIfTimingFreqOffset indicates the frequency offset for this reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 34 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2Qualified OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefQualified MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2Qualified indicates whether the BITS2 timing reference is qualified for use by the synchronous timing subsystem. If tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2Qualified is 'not-qualified', then the object tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2Alarm gives the reason for disqualification." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 35 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2Alarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2Alarm indicates the alarms on the BITS2 reference. If any of the bits is set to '1', then the BITS2 reference is disqualified by the timing subsystem and the value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSQualified is set to 'not-qualified'." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 36 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2RxQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2RxQltyLevel indicates the received SSM Rx Quality Level of the BITS2 interface." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 37 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1State OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRefInState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1State indicates the operational state of the Reference 1 Timing." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 38 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2State OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRefInState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2State indicates the operational state of the Reference 2 Timing." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 39 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRefInState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSState indicates the operational state of the BITS Timing Interface." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 40 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2State OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRefInState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2State indicates the operational state of the BITS2 Timing Interface." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 41 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1NationalUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (4..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1NationalUse indicates the national use bit to carry SSM Messages. This applies only to E1 BITS interfaces. This object was obsoleted in release 20.5." DEFVAL { 8 } ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 42 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2NationalUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (4..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2NationalUse indicates the national use bit to carry SSM Messages. This applies only to E1 BITS interfaces. This object was obsoleted in release 20.5." DEFVAL { 8 } ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 43 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSNationalUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (4..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSNationalUse indicates the national use bit to carry SSM Messages. This applies only to E1 BITS interfaces." DEFVAL { 8 } ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 44 } tmnxSyncIfTimingQLSelection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingQLSelection indicates whether or not the timing reference selection process uses the quality level of each timing reference when making the decision on which reference should provide system timing." REFERENCE "ITU-T Recommendation G.781, June 1999, Section 5.12" ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 45 } tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMInUse indicates whether the timing reference from the other CPM is presently being used by the synchronous timing subsystem on the this CPM." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 46 } tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMQual OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefQualified MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMQual indicates whether the timing reference from the other CPM is qualified for use by the synchronous timing subsystem on the local CPM. If tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMQual is 'not-qualified', then the object tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMAlarm gives the reason for disqualification." DEFVAL { not-qualified } ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 47 } tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMAlarm indicates the alarms on the timing reference from the other CPM. If any of the bits is set to '1', then the reference is disqualified by the timing subsystem and the value of tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMQual is set to 'not-qualified'." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 48 } tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRefInState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMState indicates the operational state of the timing reference from the other CPM on the local CPM." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 49 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutRefSel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefSource MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutRefSel indicates the reference source for BITS output." DEFVAL { noReference } ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 50 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSTxQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSTxQltyLevel indicates the transmitted SSM Tx Quality Level of the BITS interface." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 51 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2AdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2AdminStatus indicates administrative status of the BITS2 (Building Integrated Timing Supply) input timing reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 52 } tmnxSyncIfTimingSystemQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingSystemQltyLevel indicates the quality level of the system timing reference. This is normally the quality level of the selected timing reference. If no timing reference has been selected, it indicates the freerun/holdover quality of the system." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 53 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefSource MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder4 is the fourth most preferred timing reference for the synchronous equipment timing subsystem." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 54 } tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPAdminStatus indicates the administrative status of the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) timing reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 55 } tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPInUse indicates whether the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) timing reference is presently being used by the synchronous timing subsystem. If it is in use, tmnxSyncIfTimingFreqOffset indicates the frequency offset for this reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 56 } tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPQualified OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefQualified MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPQualified indicates whether the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) timing reference is qualified for use by the synchronous timing subsystem. If tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPQualified is set to 'not-qualified', then the object tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPAlarm gives the reason for the disqualification." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 57 } tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPAlarm indicates the alarms on the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) reference. If any of the bits is set to '1', then the PTP reference is disqualified by the timing subsystem and the value of tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPQualified is set to 'not-qualified'. los - loss of signal oof - out of frequency range oopir - out of pull in range" ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 58 } tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPCfgQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPCfgQltyLevel indicates the configured Quality Level of Precision Timing Protocol (PTP). A value of 'unknown (0)' indicates PTP is not forced to a specific quality level." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 59 } tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPRxQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPRxQltyLevel indicates the received SSM RX Quality Level of the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP)." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 60 } tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRefInState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPState indicates the operational state of the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) Timing." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 61 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBITSOutSource MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutSource indicates the source of the BITS (Building Integrated Timing Supply) output." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 62 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutQlMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutQlMin indicates the minimum quality level that a signal must have for it to be selected for BITS output. A value of 'unknown (0)' indicates that there is no minimum quality level selected for the BITS output." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 63 } tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutSquelch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutSquelch indicates whether or not to squelch the output signal. This object is only valid when there is no valid reference selected. If the value is 'true (1)' and there is no valid reference, then no signal is sent out the port. If the value is 'false (2)' and there is no valid reference, then the AIS signal is presented along with the QL-DNU/QL-DUS SSM if the signal format supports SSM." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 64 } tmnxSyncIfTimingQlMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingQlMin indicates the minimum acceptable quality level that a signal must have for it to be considered for selection by the system timing module. A value of 'unknown (0)' indicates that there is no minimum quality level." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 66 } tmnxSyncIfTimingWaitToRestorTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..12) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingWaitToRestorTime indicates the time, in minutes, that a previously failed input reference must be valid before it will be used for either the BITS output or the central clock input reference. A value of '0' indicates that the wait-to-restore timer is disabled." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 67 } tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEAdminStatus indicates the administrative status of the Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) timing reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 68 } tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEInUse indicates whether the Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) timing reference is presently being used by the synchronous timing subsystem. If it is in use, tmnxSyncIfTimingFreqOffset indicates the frequency offset for this reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 69 } tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEQualified OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefQualified MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEQualified indicates whether the Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) timing reference is qualified for use by the synchronous timing subsystem. If tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEQualified is set to 'not-qualified', then the object tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEAlarm gives the reason for disqualification." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 70 } tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEAlarm indicates the alarms on the Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) reference. If any of the bits is set to '1', then the SyncE reference is disqualified by the timing subsystem and the value of tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEQualified is set to 'not-qualified'. los - loss of signal oof - out of frequency range oopir - out of pull in range" ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 71 } tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncECfgQltyLevl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncECfgQltyLevl indicates the configured Quality Level of the Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) timing reference. A value of 'unknown (0)' indicates SyncE is not forced to a specific quality level." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 72 } tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncERxQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncERxQltyLevel indicates the received SSM Quality Level of the Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) timing reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 73 } tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRefInState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEState indicates the operational state of the Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) timing reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 74 } tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2AdmnStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2AdmnStatus indicates the administrative status of the Synchronous Ethernet 2 (SyncE) timing reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 75 } tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2InUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2InUse indicates whether the Synchronous Ethernet 2 (SyncE) timing reference is presently being used by the synchronous timing subsystem. If it is in use, tmnxSyncIfTimingFreqOffset indicates the frequency offset for this reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 76 } tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2Qualified OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefQualified MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2Qualified indicates whether the Synchronous Ethernet 2 (SyncE) timing reference is qualified for use by the synchronous timing subsystem. If tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2Qualified is set to 'not-qualified', then the object tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2Alarm gives the reason for disqualification." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 77 } tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2Alarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2Alarm indicates the alarms on the Synchronous Ethernet 2 (SyncE) reference. If any of the bits is set to '1', then the SyncE 2 reference is disqualified by the timing subsystem and the value of tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2Qualified is set to 'not-qualified'. los - loss of signal oof - out of frequency range oopir - out of pull in range" ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 78 } tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2RxQltyLevl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2RxQltyLevl indicates the received SSM Quality Level of the Synchronous Ethernet 2 (SyncE) timing reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 79 } tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2State OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRefInState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2State indicates the operational state of the Synchronous Ethernet 2 (SyncE) timing reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 80 } tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefSource MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder5 is the fifth most preferred timing reference for the synchronous equipment timing subsystem." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 81 } tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssAdminStatus indicates the administrative status of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) timing reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 82 } tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssInUse indicates whether the GNSS timing reference is presently being used by the synchronous timing subsystem. If it is in use, tmnxSyncIfTimingFreqOffset indicates the frequency offset for this reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 83 } tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssQualified OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefQualified MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssQualified indicates whether the GNSS timing reference is qualified for use by the synchronous timing subsystem. If tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssQualified is set to 'not-qualified', then the object tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssAlarm gives the reason for disqualification." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 84 } tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssAlarm indicates the alarms on the GNSS timing reference. If any of the bits is set to '1', then the GNSS reference is disqualified by the timing subsystem and the value of tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssQualified is set to 'not-qualified'. los - loss of signal oof - out of frequency range oopir - out of pull in range" ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 85 } tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssCfgQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssCfgQltyLevel indicates the configured Quality Level of the GNSS timing reference. A value of 'unknown (0)' indicates Gnss is not forced to a specific quality level." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 86 } tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssRxQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssRxQltyLevel indicates the received SSM Quality Level of the GNSS timing reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 87 } tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRefInState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssState indicates the operational state of the GNSS timing reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 88 } tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2AdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2AdminStatus indicates the administrative status of the GNSS 2 timing reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 89 } tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2InUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2InUse indicates whether the GNSS 2 timing reference is presently being used by the synchronous timing subsystem. If it is in use, tmnxSyncIfTimingFreqOffset indicates the frequency offset for this reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 90 } tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2Qualified OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefQualified MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2Qualified indicates whether the GNSS 2 timing reference is qualified for use by the synchronous timing subsystem. If tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2Qualified is set to 'not-qualified', then the object tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2Alarm gives the reason for disqualification." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 91 } tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2Alarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2Alarm indicates the alarms on the GNSS 2 timing reference. If any of the bits is set to '1', then the GNSS 2 reference is disqualified by the timing subsystem and the value of tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2Qualified is set to 'not-qualified'. los - loss of signal oof - out of frequency range oopir - out of pull in range" ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 92 } tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2RxQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2RxQltyLevel indicates the received SSM Quality Level of the GNSS 2 timing reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 93 } tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2State OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRefInState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2State indicates the operational state of the GNSS 2 timing reference." ::= { tmnxSyncIfTimingEntry 94 } tmnxCcagTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCcagEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCcagTable has an entry for each Cross Connect Aggregation Group,CCAG, configured on this system. This table was made obsolete in release 21.2." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 12 } tmnxCcagEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCcagEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a particular CCAG. Entries are created/deleted by the user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile. This entry was made obsolete in release 21.2." INDEX { tmnxCcagId } ::= { tmnxCcagTable 1 } TmnxCcagEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCcagId TmnxCcagId, tmnxCcagRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxCcagLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxCcagDescription DisplayString, tmnxCcagAdminStatus TmnxAdminState, tmnxCcagOperStatus TmnxOperState, tmnxCcagCcaRate TmnxCcagRate, tmnxCcagAccessAdaptQos INTEGER } tmnxCcagId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCcagId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagId is used to index into the tmnxCcagTable. It uniquely identifies a CCAG entry as configured on this system. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." ::= { tmnxCcagEntry 1 } tmnxCcagRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagRowStatus specifies the row status. It allows entries to be created and deleted in the tmnxCcagTable. tmnxCcagRowStatus does not support createAndWait. The status can only be active or notInService. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." ::= { tmnxCcagEntry 2 } tmnxCcagLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagLastChanged indicates the time this row was last changed. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." ::= { tmnxCcagEntry 3 } tmnxCcagDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagDescription specifies a user provided description string of this CCAG entry. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxCcagEntry 4 } tmnxCcagAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagAdminStatus specifies the desired state of this CCAG. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { inService } ::= { tmnxCcagEntry 5 } tmnxCcagOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagOperStatus indicates the operational state of this CCAG. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." ::= { tmnxCcagEntry 6 } tmnxCcagCcaRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCcagRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagCcaRate specifies the maximum forwarding rate for each CCA member within the CCAG. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxCcagEntry 7 } tmnxCcagAccessAdaptQos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { link (1), distribute (2), portFair (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagAccessAdaptQos specifies how the CCAG SAP queue and virtual scheduler buffering and rate parameters are adapted over multiple active CCAs. link (1) - The CCAG will create the SAP queues and virtual schedulers on each CCA with the actual parameters specified in the tmnxCcagPathCcTable. distribute (2) - Each CCA will receive a portion of the parameters specified in the tmnxCcagPathCcTable. portFair (3) - The LAG will create the SAP queues and virtual schedulers with actual configuration parameters on each port members in the LAG. The bandwidth is distributed among the ports based on each port's bandwidth relative to the total active bandwidth. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { distribute } ::= { tmnxCcagEntry 8 } tmnxCcagPathTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCcagPathEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCcagPathTable has an entry for each Cross Connect Aggregation Group, CCAG, path configured on this system. This table was made obsolete in release 21.2." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 13 } tmnxCcagPathEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCcagPathEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a particular CCAG Path. Entries are created/deleted by the user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile. This entry was made obsolete in release 21.2." INDEX { tmnxCcagId, tmnxCcagPathId } ::= { tmnxCcagPathTable 1 } TmnxCcagPathEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCcagPathId INTEGER, tmnxCcagPathLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxCcagPathRate TmnxCcagRate, tmnxCcagPathRateOption TmnxCcagRateOption, tmnxCcagPathWeight Unsigned32 } tmnxCcagPathId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { alpha (1), beta (2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagPathId is used as the secondary index into the tmnxCcagPathTable. Along with tmnxCcagId, it uniquely identifies a specific path, alpha or beta, on a CCAG. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." ::= { tmnxCcagPathEntry 1 } tmnxCcagPathLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagPathLastChanged indicates the time this row was last changed. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." ::= { tmnxCcagPathEntry 2 } tmnxCcagPathRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCcagRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagPathRate specifies the bandwidth rate limitation for this path on each member cross connect adaptor, CCA, in the CCAG. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxCcagPathEntry 3 } tmnxCcagPathRateOption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCcagRateOption MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagPathRateOption specifies whether the rate in tmnxCcagPathRate is defined as an aggregate path rate for all CCAs in the CCAG or as a per CCA path rate. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { aggregate } ::= { tmnxCcagPathEntry 4 } tmnxCcagPathWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagPathWeight specifies the scheduling percentage for this path. It is applied to all CCAs in the CCAG membership list for this path. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { 50 } ::= { tmnxCcagPathEntry 5 } tmnxCcagPathCcTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCcagPathCcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCcagPathCcTable has an entry for each type of Cross Connection on a Cross Connect Aggregation Group Path configured on this system. This table was made obsolete in release 21.2." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 14 } tmnxCcagPathCcEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCcagPathCcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a particular CCAG Path Cross Connect. Entries are created/deleted by the user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile. This entry was made obsolete in release 21.2." INDEX { tmnxCcagId, tmnxCcagPathId, tmnxCcagPathCcType } ::= { tmnxCcagPathCcTable 1 } TmnxCcagPathCcEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCcagPathCcType INTEGER, tmnxCcagPathCcLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxCcagPathCcEgrPoolResvCbs Integer32, tmnxCcagPathCcEgrPoolSlpPlcy TNamedItem, tmnxCcagPathCcIngPoolResvCbs Integer32, tmnxCcagPathCcIngPoolSlpPlcy TNamedItem, tmnxCcagPathCcAcctPolicyId Unsigned32, tmnxCcagPathCcCollectStats TruthValue, tmnxCcagPathCcQueuePlcy TNamedItem, tmnxCcagPathCcMac MacAddress, tmnxCcagPathCcMtu Unsigned32, tmnxCcagPathCcUserAssignedMac TruthValue, tmnxCcagPathCcHwMac MacAddress } tmnxCcagPathCcType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sapsap (1), sapnet (2), netsap (3) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagPathCcType is used as a third index into the tmnxCcagPathCcTable. Along with tmnxCcagId and tmnxCcagPathId, it uniquely identifies a cross connection type on a specific path in a particular CCAG. The types are: sapsap (1): the cross connection is between two saps, where both services are access. sapnet (2): the cross connection is between a sap and a network service. netsap (3): the cross connection is between a network and a sap service. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." ::= { tmnxCcagPathCcEntry 1 } tmnxCcagPathCcLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagPathCcLastChanged indicates the time this row was last changed. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." ::= { tmnxCcagPathCcEntry 2 } tmnxCcagPathCcEgrPoolResvCbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagPathCcEgrPoolResvCbs specifies the percentage of pool size reserved for the committed burst size, CBS. The value '-1' implies that the reserved CBS should be computed as the sum of the CBS requested by the entities using this pool if the application point is 'network'. For 'access' application points the value '-1' means a default of 30%. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxCcagPathCcEntry 3 } tmnxCcagPathCcEgrPoolSlpPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagPathCcEgrPoolSlpPlcy specifies the slope policy being used for the egress pool. The Slope policies define the nature of the RED Slopes for the high and the low priority traffic. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tmnxCcagPathCcEntry 4 } tmnxCcagPathCcIngPoolResvCbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagPathCcIngPoolResvCbs specifies the percentage of pool size reserved for the committed burst size, CBS. The value '-1' implies that the reserved CBS should be computed as the sum of the CBS requested by the entities using this pool if the application point is 'network'. For 'access' application points the value '-1' means a default of 30%. tmnxCcagPathCcIngPoolResvCbs does not apply to tmnxCcagPathCcType 'netsap'. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxCcagPathCcEntry 5 } tmnxCcagPathCcIngPoolSlpPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagPathCcIngPoolSlpPlcy specifies the slope policy being used for the ingress pool. The Slope policies define the nature of the RED Slopes for the high and the low priority traffic. tmnxCcagPathCcIngPoolSlpPlcy does not apply to tmnxCcagPathCcType 'netsap'. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tmnxCcagPathCcEntry 6 } tmnxCcagPathCcAcctPolicyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..99) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagPathCcAcctPolicyId specifies the accounting policy which must be defined prior to associating it with the port. A non-zero value indicates the tmnxLogApPolicyId index identifying the policy entry in the tmnxLogApTable from the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB which is associated with this port. A zero value indicates that there is no accounting policy associated with this port. It is only meaningful when the tmnxCcagPathCcType is 'netsap'. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxCcagPathCcEntry 7 } tmnxCcagPathCcCollectStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagPathCcCollectStats specifies whether the collection of accounting and statistical data for the network port is enabled/disabled, 'true'/'false'. When applying accounting policies the data by default will be collected in the appropriate records and written to the designated billing file. When the value is set to false, the statistics are still accumulated by the IOM cards, however, the CPU will not obtain the results and write them to the billing file. If the value of tmnxCcagPathCcType is not 'netsap', the value of this object is meaningless and an attempt to set it will result in an inconsistentValue error. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxCcagPathCcEntry 8 } tmnxCcagPathCcQueuePlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagPathCcQueuePlcy specifies the network egress queue policy. If the value of tmnxCcagPathCcType is not 'netsap', the value of this object is meaningless and an attempt to set it will result in an inconsistentValue error. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tmnxCcagPathCcEntry 9 } tmnxCcagPathCcMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagPathCcMac specifies the MAC address of the virtual LAG that maps to tmnxCcagPathId and tmnxCcagPathCcType. The default value of this object is derived from the chassis MAC address pool. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tmnxCcagPathCcEntry 10 } tmnxCcagPathCcMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagPathCcMtu specifies the MTU of the path indexed by tmnxCcagId, tmnxCcagPathId, and tmnxCcagPathCcType. When the value is '0', the real MTU is calculated internally. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxCcagPathCcEntry 11 } tmnxCcagPathCcUserAssignedMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagPathCcUserAssignedMac indicates whether the value of tmnxCcagPathCcMac has been explicitly assigned or inherited from tmnxCcagPathCcHwMac, 'true' and 'false', respectively. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxCcagPathCcEntry 12 } tmnxCcagPathCcHwMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCcagPathCcHwMac is the system assigned MAC address of the virtual LAG that maps to tmnxCcagPathId and tmnxCcagPathCcType. When tmnxCcagPathCcUserAssignedMac is 'false', tmnxCcagPathCcMac inherits its value from this object. This object was made obsolete in release 21.2." ::= { tmnxCcagPathCcEntry 13 } tmnxMcmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxMcmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxMcmTable has an entry for each Mda Carrier module (MCM) on the 7710 system. This table was obsoleted in release 20.2." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 15 } tmnxMcmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMcmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a MCM in a chassis in the 7710 system. Entries in the table cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. When a tmnxChassisEntry is created, a tmnxMcmEntry is created in the chassis. Before a tmnxChassisEntry can be deleted, each tmnxMcmEntry for the chassis must be in the proper state for removal." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxMcmSlotNum } ::= { tmnxMcmTable 1 } TmnxMcmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxMcmSlotNum Unsigned32, tmnxMcmSupportedTypes TmnxMcmType, tmnxMcmAssignedType TmnxMcmType, tmnxMcmEquippedType TmnxMcmType, tmnxMcmHwIndex TmnxHwIndex } tmnxMcmSlotNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..16) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The unique value which identifies this MDA slot within a specific IOM card in the system. Since the MCM occupies two MDA slots in the chassis this value can only be an odd number. This object was obsoleted in release 20.2." ::= { tmnxMcmEntry 1 } tmnxMcmSupportedTypes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMcmType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A bit-mask that indicates what MCM types can be physically supported in this chassis. This object was obsoleted in release 20.2." ::= { tmnxMcmEntry 2 } tmnxMcmAssignedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMcmType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A bit-mask that identifies the administratively assigned (pre-provisioned) MCM type that should occupy this chassis. If tmnxMcmAssignedType has a value of 'unassigned', this slot has not yet been pre-provisioned. There must not be more than one bit set at a time in tmnxMcmAssignedType. This object was obsoleted in release 20.2." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxMcmEntry 3 } tmnxMcmEquippedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMcmType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A bit-mask that identifies the MCM type that is physically inserted into this chassis. If the chassis has been pre-provisioned, tmnxMcmAssignedType is not equal 'unassigned', and the value of tmnxMcmEquippedType is not the same as tmnxMcmAssignedType, a mismatch alarm will be raised. If the chassis has not been pre-provisioned, and the value of tmnxMcmEquippedType is not one of the supported types as specified by tmnxMcmSupportedTypes, a mismatch alarm will be raised. There will not be more than one bit set at a time in tmnxMcmEquippedType. This object was obsoleted in release 20.2." ::= { tmnxMcmEntry 4 } tmnxMcmHwIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMcmHwIndex is the index into the tmnxHwTable for the row entry that represents the hardware component information for this MCM. This object was obsoleted in release 20.2." ::= { tmnxMcmEntry 5 } tmnxMcmTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxMcmTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The card type table has an entry for each Nokia 7710 series Mda Carrier Module (MCM) model. This table was obsoleted in release 20.2." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 16 } tmnxMcmTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMcmTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Nokia 7710 series MCM model. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxMcmTypeIndex } ::= { tmnxMcmTypeTable 1 } TmnxMcmTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxMcmTypeIndex TmnxMcmType, tmnxMcmTypeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxMcmTypeDescription TItemDescription, tmnxMcmTypeStatus TruthValue } tmnxMcmTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMcmType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The unique index value which identifies this type of Nokia 7710 series MCM model. This object was obsoleted in release 20.2." ::= { tmnxMcmTypeEntry 1 } tmnxMcmTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The administrative name that identifies this type of Nokia 7710 series MCM model. This name string may be used in CLI commands to specify a particular card model type. This object was obsoleted in release 20.2." ::= { tmnxMcmTypeEntry 2 } tmnxMcmTypeDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A detailed description of this Nokia 7710 series MCM model. This object was obsoleted in release 20.2." ::= { tmnxMcmTypeEntry 3 } tmnxMcmTypeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "When tmnxMcmTypeStatus has a value of 'true' it indicates that this MCM is supported in this revision of the management software. When it has a value of 'false' there is no support. This object was obsoleted in release 20.2." ::= { tmnxMcmTypeEntry 4 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTable by adding, deleting an entry or change to a writable object in the table. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 17 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table to store entries for Groups of IPSec Integrated Service Adaptors. The table tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTable used to create and remove IPsec ISA groups. An IPsec ISA group is used to represent multiple hardware adaptors as a single entity. This allows for warm redundancy to be run between two IPsec ISAs." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 18 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a single IPsec group entry." INDEX { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpId } ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTable 1 } TmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpId TmnxTunnelGroupId, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpDescription TItemDescription, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpAdminState TmnxAdminState, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpOperState TmnxOperState, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIsaChassis TmnxChassisIndex, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpPrimaryIsa TmnxHwIndexOrZero, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpBackupIsa TmnxHwIndexOrZero, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveIsa TmnxHwIndexOrZero, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTunnels Unsigned32, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMaxTunnels Unsigned32, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTunnelReassembly Integer32, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpOperFlags TmnxIpSecIsaOperFlags, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMultiActive TruthValue, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveMda Unsigned32, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIpTunnels Unsigned32, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIpMaxTunnels Unsigned32, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIPsecRespondOnly TruthValue, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIsaScaleMode INTEGER, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpDpCpuUsageCollEn TruthValue, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTrafficFwdCollEn TruthValue } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxTunnelGroupId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpId specifies the id of a TmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry and is the primary index for the table." ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 1 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxIPsecIsaGrpRowStatus object is used to create and delete rows in the tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTable." ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 2 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 3 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpDescription specifies the user-provided description for each tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry in the table tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTable." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 4 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpAdminState specifies the administrative state of the tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 5 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpOperState indicates the operational status of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry." ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 6 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIsaChassis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxChassisIndex MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIsaChassis specifies the chassis on which the tmnxIPsecIsaGrpPrimaryIsa and tmnxIPsecIsaGrpBackupIsa are present." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 7 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpPrimaryIsa OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpPrimaryIsa specifies the primary IPsec ISA to be used for this module group." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 8 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpBackupIsa OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpBackupIsa specifies the backup IPsec ISA to be used for this module group." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 9 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveIsa OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveIsa indicates the active ISA that is being used for this module group. This object has meaning only when tmnxIPsecIsaGrpPrimaryIsa or tmnxIPsecIsaGrpBackupIsa is configured to a non-default value. In all other cases, the value of this object is equal to zero." ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 10 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTunnels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTunnels indicates the number of IPSec tunnels being used for this module group." ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 11 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMaxTunnels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMaxTunnels indicates the maximum number of IPSec tunnels available for this module group." ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 12 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTunnelReassembly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..5000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTunnelReassembly specifies the maximum number of milliseconds to wait to receive all fragments of a particular IPSec or GRE packet for reassembly. The tmnxGreTunnelReassembly value set to zero indicates that reassembly is disabled. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value is not a multiple of 100 milliseconds." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 13 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpOperFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIpSecIsaOperFlags MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpOperFlags indicates the operational flags to determine the status of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry." ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 14 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMultiActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMultiActive specifies whether this tunnel group will load-balance IPsec traffic on multiple MDAs." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 15 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveMda OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..16) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveMda specifies the number of active MDAs to be used by this tunnel-group to load-balance IPsec traffic." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 16 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIpTunnels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIpTunnels indicates the number of IP tunnels being used for this module group." ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 17 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIpMaxTunnels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIpMaxTunnels indicates the maximum number of IP tunnels available for this module group." ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 18 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIPsecRespondOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIPsecRespondOnly specifies whether the IPsec tunnel will respond to requests only and does not initiate exchanges with the peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 19 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIsaScaleMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { tunnelLimit2k (1), tunnelLimit32k (2), tunnelLimit64k (3), tunnelLimit8 (4), tunnelLimit32 (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIsaScaleMode specifies the set of supported scaling modes for each ISA in this group. The scaling modes can be one of: tunnelLimit2k (1) - maximum 2048 tunnels (e.g., IPsec, GRE and IP) per ISA tunnelLimit32k (2) - maximum 32678 tunnels per ISA tunnelLimit64k (3) - maximum 65536 tunnels per ISA tunnelLimit8 (4) - maximum 8 tunnels per ISA tunnelLimit32 (5) - maximum 32 tunnels per ISA When creating a row, this object must be specified in the same SNMP PDU as tmnxIPsecIsaGrpRowStatus. The value of this object cannot be changed once the row is created. Platform tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIsaScaleMode Default --------- ----------------------------------- VSR 'tunnelLimit2k(1)' SAR-Hm 'tunnelLimit8(4)' SAR-Hm 'tunnelLimit32(5)' Otherwise 'tunnelLimit32k(2)'" ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 20 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpDpCpuUsageCollEn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpDpCpuUsageCollEn specifies whether or not the data-plane CPU usage historical statistics collection is enabled for this group." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 21 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTrafficFwdCollEn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTrafficFwdCollEn specifies whether or not the gateway traffic forwarding statistics collection is enabled for this group. This object is deprecated in release 16.0. Any configuration on this object will be ignored." DEFVAL { true } ::= { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpEntry 22 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrTblLastChangd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrTblLastChangd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value. This object is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 19 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrTable has an entry for each MDA-level HSMDA scheduler override configured on this system. This table is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 20 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular MDA-level HSMDA scheduler override. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxMDASlotNum } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrTable 1 } TmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrMaxRate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrGrp1Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrGrp2Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass1Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass1WtInGrp THsmdaWeightOverride, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass2Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass2WtInGrp THsmdaWeightOverride, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass3Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass3WtInGrp THsmdaWeightOverride, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass4Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass4WtInGrp THsmdaWeightOverride, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass5Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass5WtInGrp THsmdaWeightOverride, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass6Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass6WtInGrp THsmdaWeightOverride, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass7Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass7WtInGrp THsmdaWeightOverride, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass8Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass8WtInGrp THsmdaWeightOverride } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of MDA-level HSMDA scheduler overrides. When the tmnxMDAAssignedType of the tmnxMDAEntry indexed by the same indices of this table is a non-HSMDA MDA Type, creation will fail and return a 'noCreation' error." ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 1 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 2 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrMaxRate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA scheduler. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyMaxRate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 3 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrGrp1Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrGrp1Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for group 1 for this HSMDA scheduler. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp1Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 4 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrGrp2Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrGrp2Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for group 2 for this HSMDA scheduler. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp2Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 5 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass1Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass1Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA scheduler policy level. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 6 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass1WtInGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass1WtInGrp specifies the weight the HSMDA scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass1WtInGrp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1GrpId to a non-zero value. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1WgtInGrp." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 7 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass2Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass2Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA scheduler policy level. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 8 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass2WtInGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass2WtInGrp specifies the weight the HSMDA scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass2WtInGrp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2GrpId to a non-zero value. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2WgtInGrp." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 9 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass3Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass3Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA scheduler policy level. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 10 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass3WtInGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass3WtInGrp specifies the weight the HSMDA scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass3WtInGrp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3GrpId to a non-zero value. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3WgtInGrp." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 11 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass4Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass4Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA scheduler policy level. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 12 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass4WtInGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass4WtInGrp specifies the weight the HSMDA scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass4WtInGrp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4GrpId to a non-zero value. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4WgtInGrp." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 13 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass5Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass5Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA scheduler policy level. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 14 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass5WtInGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass5WtInGrp specifies the weight the HSMDA scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass5WtInGrp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5GrpId to a non-zero value. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5WgtInGrp." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 15 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass6Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass6Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA scheduler policy level. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 16 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass6WtInGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass6WtInGrp specifies the weight the HSMDA scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass6WtInGrp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6GrpId to a non-zero value. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6WgtInGrp." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 17 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass7Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass7Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA scheduler policy level. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 18 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass7WtInGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass7WtInGrp specifies the weight the HSMDA scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass7WtInGrp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7GrpId to a non-zero value. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7WgtInGrp." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 19 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass8Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass8Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA scheduler policy level. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 20 } tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass8WtInGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass8WtInGrp specifies the weight the HSMDA scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass8WtInGrp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8GrpId to a non-zero value. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8WgtInGrp." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrEntry 21 } tmnxFPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxFPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxFPTable has an entry for each Forwarding Plane configuration. An entry is created in this table whenever an entry for card is created in tmnxCardTable. This entry is relevant only for IOM3/IMM." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 21 } tmnxFPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a Forwarding Plane (FP) configuration." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum } ::= { tmnxFPTable 1 } TmnxFPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxFPNum TmnxFPNumber, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtBwPlcyName TNamedItem, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtAdminState TmnxAdminState, tmnxFPLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxFPHiBwMcastSource TruthValue, tmnxFPHiBwMcastAlarm TruthValue, tmnxFPHiBwMcastTapCount Gauge32, tmnxFPHiBwMcastGroup Unsigned32, tmnxFPWredBufAllocMin Unsigned32, tmnxFPWredBufAllocMax Unsigned32, tmnxFPWredResvCbsMin Unsigned32, tmnxFPWredResvCbsMax Unsigned32, tmnxFPWredSlopePolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxFPWredAdminState TmnxAdminState, tmnxFPHiBwMcastDefaultPathsOnly TruthValue, tmnxFPDCpuProtDynEnfrcPlcrPool Integer32, tmnxFPStablePoolSizing TruthValue, tmnxFPIngressBufferAllocation Unsigned32, tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsPool Unsigned32, tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsInUse Unsigned32, tmnxFPInitExtractDropPrioMode INTEGER, tmnxFPEgrHsPoolPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxFPEgrHsFixedHighThreshDelta Integer32, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtPriInUseBw Gauge32, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtSecInUseBw Gauge32, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtBlkHoleInUseBw Gauge32, tmnxFPGeneration TmnxFpGeneration, tmnxFPIngNetQueuePolicy TNamedItem, tmnxFPQosFPResourcePolicy TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxFPPlcyAcctPolicerLimit Unsigned32, tmnxFPPlcyAcctPolicerInUse Unsigned32 } tmnxFPNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFPNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNum identifies the Forwarding Plane." ::= { tmnxFPEntry 1 } tmnxFPMcPathMgmtBwPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPMcPathMgmtBwPlcyName specifies the multicast policy name configured for the FP. tmnxFPMcPathMgmtBwPlcyName can be set only if the policy exists in TIMETRA-MCAST-PATH-MGMT-MIB::tmnxMcPathBwPlcyTable." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 2 } tmnxFPMcPathMgmtAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPMcPathMgmtAdminState specifies administrative state of the multicast path for the FP." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 3 } tmnxFPLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tmnxFPTable." ::= { tmnxFPEntry 4 } tmnxFPHiBwMcastSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPHiBwMcastSource specifies if this FP should attempt to allocate separate fabric planes to allocate high bandwidth multicast traffic taps. tmnxFPHiBwMcastGroup must be set in the same SNMP request PDU with tmnxFPHiBwMcastSource or an 'inconsistentValue' error will be returned." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 5 } tmnxFPHiBwMcastAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPHiBwMcastAlarm specifies if a tmnxChassisHiBwMcastAlarm alarm is raised if there are more than one high bandwidth multicast traffic taps sharing a plane." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 6 } tmnxFPHiBwMcastTapCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPHiBwMcastTapCount indicates the number of high bandwidth multicast traffic taps on this FP." ::= { tmnxFPEntry 7 } tmnxFPHiBwMcastGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..32) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPHiBwMcastGroup specifies the group of high bandwidth multicast traffic taps to which this tap belongs. A value of '0' specifies that this tap is not a member of any High Bandwidth Multicast group. tmnxFPHiBwMcastGroup must be set in the same SNMP request PDU with tmnxFPHiBwMcastSource or an 'inconsistentValue' error will be returned." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 8 } tmnxFPWredBufAllocMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..9999) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPWredBufAllocMin specifies the minimum WRED (Weighted Random Early Detection) queue aggregate buffer allocation which will be set aside for WRED queue buffer pools." DEFVAL { 2500 } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 9 } tmnxFPWredBufAllocMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..9999) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPWredBufAllocMax specifies the maximum WRED queue aggregate buffer allocation which will be set aside for WRED queue buffer pools." DEFVAL { 2500 } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 10 } tmnxFPWredResvCbsMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..9999) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPWredResvCbsMin specifies the minimum buffers within the WRED pool that will be set aside for WRED queues operating within their configured CBS (Committed Buffer Size) thresholds." DEFVAL { 2500 } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 11 } tmnxFPWredResvCbsMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..9999) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPWredResvCbsMax specifies the maximum buffers within the WRED pool that will be set aside for WRED queues operating within their configured CBS (Committed Buffer Size) thresholds." DEFVAL { 2500 } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 12 } tmnxFPWredSlopePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPWredSlopePolicy specifies the name of slope policy being used within WRED pool." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 13 } tmnxFPWredAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPWredAdminState specifies administrative state of the egress WRED queue support on the card." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 14 } tmnxFPHiBwMcastDefaultPathsOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPHiBwMcastDefaultPathsOnly specifies whether only the default paths are to be High Bandwidth Multicast (HBM) (typically paths 0 and 15) and the remaining paths are non-HBM 'true (1)', or all paths are configured HBM on the forwarding path 'false (2)'. This object is only meaningful if tmnxFPHiBwMcastSource is set to the value 'true (1)'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 15 } tmnxFPDCpuProtDynEnfrcPlcrPool OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 1000..32000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPDCpuProtDynEnfrcPlcrPool specifies number of policers that are set aside that can be instantiated as dynamic enforcement policers when Distributed CPU Protection is configured with dynamic enforcement." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 16 } tmnxFPStablePoolSizing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPStablePoolSizing specifies whether the forwarding plane (FP) should split the buffers in a fixed way. When the value of tmnxFPStablePoolSizing is set to 'true', the forwarding plane will evenly split the buffers between all possible MDAs. Then, each MDA buffers will be split between all possible ports based on port max bandwidth adjusted by the port's modify-buffer-allocation-rate percentages. The value of tmnxFPStablePoolSizing cannot be set to 'true' when either tmnxCardNamedPoolAdminMode or tmnxCardNamedPoolOperMode is set to 'inService'. Likewise, the value of tmnxCardNamedPoolAdminMode or tmnxCardNamedPoolOperMode cannot be set to 'inService' when tmnxFPStablePoolSizing is set to 'true'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 17 } tmnxFPIngressBufferAllocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (2000..8000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPIngressBufferAllocation specifies the buffer allocation on a given forwarding plane (FP) which will be set aside for ingress pools." DEFVAL { 5000 } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 18 } tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsPool OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1000..128000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsPool specifies the number of stats resources to reserve for policy-accounting on this forwarding plane (FP). The value of zero indicates no stats resources are allocated to policy accounting." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 19 } tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsInUse indicates the total number of statistics resources currently in use." ::= { tmnxFPEntry 20 } tmnxFPInitExtractDropPrioMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { uniform (1), l3Classify (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPInitExtractDropPrioMode specifies the scheme used to select the initial drop priority of extracted control plane traffic. The initial drop priority of extracted packets can either be of low or high priority. The drop priority can be subsequently altered by mechanisms such as cpu-protection. High priority traffic receives preferential treatment in control plane congestion situations at the expense of low priority traffic. Values: uniform (1) - initialize the drop priority of all extracted control traffic as high priority l3Classify (2) - initialize the drop priority of all layer 3 extracted control traffic based on the QoS classification of the packets - this is useful in networks where the DSCP and EXP markings can be trusted as the primary method to distinguish, protect and isolate good terminating protocol traffic from unknown or potentially harmful protocol traffic" DEFVAL { uniform } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 21 } tmnxFPEgrHsPoolPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPEgrHsPoolPolicy specifies the egress QoS High Scale scheduler policy for this port. This object must correspond to the index of a row in TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsPoolPolicyTable, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error will be returned. When this forwarding plane is on non-High Scale card type, the value for tmnxFPEgrHsPoolPolicy will be ignored. If this forwarding plane is on High Scale card type, the default for this object will be the string 'default'." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 22 } tmnxFPEgrHsFixedHighThreshDelta OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..65536) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPEgrHsFixedHighThreshDelta specifies the egress QoS High threshold delta for this port. This object must correspond." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 23 } tmnxFPMcPathMgmtPriInUseBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPMcPathMgmtPriInUseBw indicates the in use ingress multicast bandwidth for the primary forwarding path." ::= { tmnxFPEntry 24 } tmnxFPMcPathMgmtSecInUseBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPMcPathMgmtSecInUseBw indicates the in use ingress multicast bandwidth for the secondary forwarding path." ::= { tmnxFPEntry 25 } tmnxFPMcPathMgmtBlkHoleInUseBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPMcPathMgmtBlkHoleInUseBw indicates the bandwidth of the ingress multicast traffic that is being black holed on the FP." ::= { tmnxFPEntry 26 } tmnxFPGeneration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFpGeneration MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPGeneration indicates the generation of the FP network processor." ::= { tmnxFPEntry 27 } tmnxFPIngNetQueuePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPIngNetQueuePolicy indicates the network queue policy being used to define the queueing structure for this object." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 28 } tmnxFPQosFPResourcePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPQosFPResourcePolicy indicates the FP resource policy policy being used to define the queueing structure for this object. For FP4 default value is 'default' and it is empty for other FPs." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 29 } tmnxFPPlcyAcctPolicerLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..64000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPPlcyAcctPolicerLimit specifies the number of policer resources to allocate for policy-accounting on this forwarding plane (FP). The value of zero indicates no resources are allocated to policy accounting." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxFPEntry 30 } tmnxFPPlcyAcctPolicerInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPPlcyAcctPolicerInUse indicates the total number of policer resources currently in use." ::= { tmnxFPEntry 31 } tmnxFPAccIngQGrpTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQGrpTableLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tmnxFPAccIngQGrpTable." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 22 } tmnxFPAccIngQGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxFPAccIngQGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQGrpTable defines access Ingress Queue Group Table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of defining the forwarding-plane specific queue groups from the queue-groups existing in the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tQosIngQGroupTable." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 23 } tmnxFPAccIngQGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFPAccIngQGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQGrpEntry defines an entry in the tmnxFPAccIngQGrpTable. Entries are created/deleted in this table by SNMP sets to tmnxFPAccIngQGrpRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpName, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpInstanceId } ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpTable 1 } TmnxFPAccIngQGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpName TNamedItem, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpInstanceId Unsigned32, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpLastChgd TimeStamp, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpAcctgPolId Unsigned32, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpCollectStats TruthValue, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpDescr TItemDescription, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPolicerPol TNamedItemOrEmpty } tmnxFPAccIngQGrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQGrpName defines the forwarding-plane Ingress Queue Group name. It, along with tmnxFPAccIngQGrpInstanceId uniquely identifies a forwarding-plane ingress queue group in the managed system." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpEntry 1 } tmnxFPAccIngQGrpInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQGrpInstanceId defines the unique instance of the forwarding-plane ingress Queue Group. It, along with tmnxFPAccIngQGrpName, uniquely identifies a forwarding-plane ingress queue group in the managed system." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpEntry 2 } tmnxFPAccIngQGrpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQGrpRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tmnxFPAccIngQGrpTable. The creation of an entry in this table will succeed only if the queue-group being created exists in TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tQosIngQGroupTable." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpEntry 3 } tmnxFPAccIngQGrpLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQGrpLastChgd indicates the value of sysUpTime when the queue entry was last modified." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpEntry 4 } tmnxFPAccIngQGrpAcctgPolId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..99) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQGrpAcctgPolId specifies the accounting-policy to be used with this forwarding-plane ingress queue-group. A non-zero value indicates the tmnxLogApPolicyId index identifying the policy entry in the tmnxLogApTable from the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB which is associated with this queue-group. The value zero indicates that the agent should use the default accounting policy, if one exists." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpEntry 5 } tmnxFPAccIngQGrpCollectStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQGrpCollectStats specifies whether statistics should be collected on this forwarding-plane ingress queue-group." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpEntry 6 } tmnxFPAccIngQGrpDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQGrpDescr specifies the description for this forwarding-plane queue-group." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpEntry 7 } tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPolicerPol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPolicerPol specifies the name of the policer control policy to be used with this forwarding-plane ingress queue-group." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpEntry 8 } tmnxFPNetIngQGrpTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQGrpTableLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tmnxFPNetIngQGrpTable." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 24 } tmnxFPNetIngQGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxFPNetIngQGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQGrpTable defines access Ingress Queue Group Table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of defining the forwarding-plane specific queue groups from the queue-groups existing in the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tQosIngQGroupTable." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 25 } tmnxFPNetIngQGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFPNetIngQGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQGrpEntry defines an entry in the tmnxFPNetIngQGrpTable. Entries are created/deleted in this table by SNMP sets to tmnxFPNetIngQGrpRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpName, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpInstanceId } ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpTable 1 } TmnxFPNetIngQGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpName TNamedItem, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpInstanceId Unsigned32, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpLastChgd TimeStamp, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpAcctgPolId Unsigned32, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpCollectStats TruthValue, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpDescr TItemDescription, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPolicerPol TNamedItemOrEmpty } tmnxFPNetIngQGrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQGrpName defines the forwarding-plane Ingress Queue Group name. It, along with tmnxFPNetIngQGrpInstanceId uniquely identifies a forwarding-plane ingress queue group in the managed system." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpEntry 1 } tmnxFPNetIngQGrpInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQGrpInstanceId defines the unique instance of the forwarding-plane ingress Queue Group. It, along with tmnxFPNetIngQGrpName, uniquely identifies a forwarding-plane ingress queue group in the managed system." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpEntry 2 } tmnxFPNetIngQGrpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQGrpRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tmnxFPNetIngQGrpTable. The creation of an entry in this table will succeed only if the queue-group being created exists in TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tQosIngQGroupTable." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpEntry 3 } tmnxFPNetIngQGrpLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQGrpLastChgd indicates the value of sysUpTime when the queue entry was last modified." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpEntry 4 } tmnxFPNetIngQGrpAcctgPolId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..99) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQGrpAcctgPolId specifies the accounting-policy to be used with this forwarding-plane ingress queue-group. A non-zero value indicates the tmnxLogApPolicyId index identifying the policy entry in the tmnxLogApTable from the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB which is associated with this queue-group. The value zero indicates that the agent should use the default accounting policy, if one exists." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpEntry 5 } tmnxFPNetIngQGrpCollectStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQGrpCollectStats specifies whether statistics should be collected on this forwarding-plane ingress queue-group." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpEntry 6 } tmnxFPNetIngQGrpDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQGrpDescr specifies the description for this forwarding-plane queue-group." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpEntry 7 } tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPolicerPol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPolicerPol specifies the name of the policer control policy to be used with this forwarding-plane ingress queue-group." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpEntry 8 } tmnxFabricTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxFabricTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The fabric type table has an entry for each Nokia SROS series Fabric card type." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 26 } tmnxFabricTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFabricTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Nokia SROS series Fabric card. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxFabricTypeIndex } ::= { tmnxFabricTypeTable 1 } TmnxFabricTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxFabricTypeIndex TmnxFabricType, tmnxFabricTypeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxFabricTypeDescription TItemDescription, tmnxFabricTypeStatus TruthValue } tmnxFabricTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFabricType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique index value which identifies this type of Nokia SROS series Fabric card type." ::= { tmnxFabricTypeEntry 1 } tmnxFabricTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative name that identifies this type of Nokia SROS series Fabric card. This name string may be used in CLI commands to specify a particular fabric card type." ::= { tmnxFabricTypeEntry 2 } tmnxFabricTypeDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A detailed description of this Nokia SROS series Fabric card." ::= { tmnxFabricTypeEntry 3 } tmnxFabricTypeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tmnxFabricTypeStatus has a value of 'true' it indicates that this Fabric is supported in this revision of the management software. When it has a value of 'false' there is no support." ::= { tmnxFabricTypeEntry 4 } tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatTable contains forwarding-plane ingress QoS queue group policer statistics on network side." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 27 } tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry defines an entry in the tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatTable. It represents statistics about a specific QoS ingress queue group policer." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpName, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpInstanceId, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatPolicerId } ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatTable 1 } TmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatPolicerId TIngPolicerId, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatMode TmnxIngPolicerStatMode, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioPkts Counter64, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioPktsL Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioPktsH Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioPkts Counter64, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioPktsL Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioPktsH Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioPkts Counter64, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioPktsL Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioPktsH Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioPkts Counter64, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioPktsL Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioPktsH Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioOcts Counter64, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioOctsL Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioOctsH Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioOcts Counter64, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioOctsL Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioOctsH Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioOcts Counter64, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioOctsL Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioOctsH Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioOcts Counter64, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioOctsL Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioOctsH Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfPkts Counter64, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfPktsL Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfPktsH Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfPkts Counter64, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfPktsL Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfPktsH Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfOcts Counter64, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfOctsL Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfOctsH Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfOcts Counter64, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfOctsL Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfOctsH Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolPktsOff Counter64, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolPktsOffL Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolPktsOffH Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolOctsOff Counter64, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolOctsOffL Counter32, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolOctsOffH Counter32 } tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatPolicerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngPolicerId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatPolicerId specifies the index of the ingress QoS policer of this forwarding-plane queue group on network." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 1 } tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIngPolicerStatMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatMode indicates the stat mode used by this policer." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 2 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioPkts indicates the number of high priority packets, as determined by the ingress queue group policer, offered by the Pchip to the Qchip." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 3 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioPkts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 4 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioPktsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioPkts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 5 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioPkts indicates the number of high priority packets, as determined by the ingress queue group policer, dropped by the Pchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 6 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioPkts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 7 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioPktsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioPkts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 8 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioPkts indicates the number of low priority packets, as determined by the ingress queue group policer, offered by the Pchip to the Qchip." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 9 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioPkts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 10 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioPktsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioPkts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 11 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioPkts indicates the number of low priority packets, as determined by the ingress queue group policer, dropped by the Pchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 12 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioPkts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 13 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioPktsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioPkts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 14 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioOcts indicates the number of high priority octets, as determined by the ingress queue group policer, offered by the Pchip to the Qchip." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 15 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioOcts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 16 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioOctsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioOcts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 17 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioOcts indicates the number of high priority octets, as determined by the ingress queue group policer, dropped by the Pchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 18 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioOcts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 19 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioOctsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioOcts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 20 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioOcts indicates the number of low priority octets, as determined by the ingress queue group policer, offered by the Pchip to the Pchip." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 21 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioOcts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 22 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioOctsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioOcts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 23 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioOcts indicates the number of low priority octets, as determined by the ingress queue group policer, dropped by the Pchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 24 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioOcts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 25 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioOctsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioOcts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 26 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfPkts indicates the number of in-profile packets (rate below CIR) forwarded by the ingress Pchip." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 27 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfPkts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 28 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfPktsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfPkts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 29 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfPkts indicates the number of out-of-profile packets (rate above CIR) forwarded by the ingress Pchip." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 30 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfPkts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 31 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfPktsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfPkts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 32 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfOcts indicates the number of in-profile octets (rate below CIR) forwarded by the ingress Pchip." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 33 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfOcts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 34 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfOctsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfOcts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 35 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfOcts indicates the number of out-of-profile octets (rate above CIR) forwarded by the ingress Pchip." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 36 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfOcts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 37 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfOctsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfOcts." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 38 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolPktsOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolPktsOff indicates the number of uncolored packets offered to the ingress Pchip." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 39 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolPktsOffL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolPktsOffL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolPktsOff." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 40 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolPktsOffH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolPktsOffH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolPktsOff." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 41 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolOctsOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolOctsOff indicates the number of uncolored octets offered to the ingress Pchip." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 42 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolOctsOffL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolOctsOffL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolOctsOff." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 43 } tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolOctsOffH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolOctsOffH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolOctsOff." ::= { tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatEntry 44 } tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatTable contains forwarding-plane ingress QoS queue group policer statistics on access side." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 28 } tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry defines an entry in the tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatTable. It represents statistics about a specific QoS ingress queue group policer." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpName, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpInstanceId, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatPolicerId } ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatTable 1 } TmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatPolicerId TIngPolicerId, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatMode TmnxIngPolicerStatMode, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioPkts Counter64, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioPktsL Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioPktsH Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioPkts Counter64, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioPktsL Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioPktsH Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioPkts Counter64, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioPktsL Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioPktsH Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioPkts Counter64, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioPktsL Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioPktsH Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioOcts Counter64, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioOctsL Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioOctsH Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioOcts Counter64, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioOctsL Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioOctsH Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioOcts Counter64, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioOctsL Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioOctsH Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioOcts Counter64, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioOctsL Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioOctsH Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfPkts Counter64, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfPktsL Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfPktsH Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfPkts Counter64, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfPktsL Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfPktsH Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfOcts Counter64, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfOctsL Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfOctsH Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfOcts Counter64, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfOctsL Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfOctsH Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolPktsOff Counter64, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolPktsOffL Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolPktsOffH Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolOctsOff Counter64, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolOctsOffL Counter32, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolOctsOffH Counter32 } tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatPolicerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngPolicerId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatPolicerId specifies the index of the ingress QoS policer of this forwarding-plane queue group on access." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 1 } tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIngPolicerStatMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatMode indicates the stat mode used by this policer." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 2 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioPkts indicates the number of high priority packets, as determined by the ingress queue group policer, offered by the Pchip to the Qchip." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 3 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioPkts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 4 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioPktsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioPkts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 5 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioPkts indicates the number of high priority packets, as determined by the ingress queue group policer, dropped by the Pchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 6 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioPkts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 7 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioPktsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioPkts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 8 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioPkts indicates the number of low priority packets, as determined by the ingress queue group policer, offered by the Pchip to the Qchip." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 9 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioPkts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 10 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioPktsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioPkts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 11 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioPkts indicates the number of low priority packets, as determined by the ingress queue group policer, dropped by the Pchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 12 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioPkts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 13 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioPktsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioPkts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 14 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioOcts indicates the number of high priority octets, as determined by the ingress queue group policer, offered by the Pchip to the Qchip." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 15 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioOcts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 16 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioOctsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioOcts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 17 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioOcts indicates the number of high priority octets, as determined by the ingress queue group policer, dropped by the Pchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 18 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioOcts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 19 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioOctsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioOcts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 20 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioOcts indicates the number of low priority octets, as determined by the ingress queue group policer, offered by the Pchip to the Pchip." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 21 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioOcts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 22 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioOctsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioOcts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 23 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioOcts indicates the number of low priority octets, as determined by the ingress queue group policer, dropped by the Pchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 24 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioOcts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 25 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioOctsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioOcts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 26 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfPkts indicates the number of in-profile packets (rate below CIR) forwarded by the ingress Pchip." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 27 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfPkts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 28 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfPktsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfPkts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 29 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfPkts indicates the number of out-of-profile packets (rate above CIR) forwarded by the ingress Pchip." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 30 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfPkts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 31 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfPktsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfPkts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 32 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfOcts indicates the number of in-profile octets (rate below CIR) forwarded by the ingress Pchip." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 33 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfOcts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 34 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfOctsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfOcts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 35 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfOcts indicates the number of out-of-profile octets (rate above CIR) forwarded by the ingress Pchip." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 36 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfOcts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 37 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfOctsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfOcts." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 38 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolPktsOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolPktsOff indicates the number of uncolored packets offered to the ingress Pchip." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 39 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolPktsOffL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolPktsOffL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolPktsOff." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 40 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolPktsOffH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolPktsOffH indicates the upper 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolPktsOff." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 41 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolOctsOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolOctsOff indicates the number of uncolored octets offered to the ingress Pchip." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 42 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolOctsOffL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolOctsOffL indicates the lower 32 bits of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolOctsOff." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 43 } tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolOctsOffH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolOctsOffH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolOctsOff." ::= { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatEntry 44 } tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrTblLstChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrTable." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 29 } tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrTable contains forwarding-plane QoS ingress queue group policer overrides on access side." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 30 } tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry defines an entry in the tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrTable. It represents policer overrides about a specific forwarding-plane QoS ingress queue group policer." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpName, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpInstanceId, tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrPolicerId } ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrTable 1 } TFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrPolicerId TIngPolicerId, tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrRowStatus RowStatus, tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrLastChgd TimeStamp, tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrAdminPIR THPolPIRRateOverride, tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrAdminCIR THPolCIRRateOverride, tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrStatMode TmnxIngPolicerStatModeOverride, tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrMBS TPolicerBurstSizeBytesOverride, tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrCBS TPolicerBurstSizeBytesOverride, tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrPktOffset TPerPacketOffsetOvr } tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrPolicerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngPolicerId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrPolicerId specifies the index of the ingress QoS policer of this forwarding-plane queue group on access." ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry 1 } tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrRowStatus specifies the Row Status of the entry. This tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrRowStatus object allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry 2 } tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrTable." ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry 3 } tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolPIRRateOverride UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrAdminPIR specifies the administrative PIR specified by the user." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry 4 } tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrAdminCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolCIRRateOverride UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrAdminCIR specifies the administrative CIR specified by the user." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry 5 } tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrStatMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIngPolicerStatModeOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrStatMode specifies the mode of statistics collected by the policer on this forwarding-plane QoS ingress queue group." DEFVAL { noOverride } ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry 6 } tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerBurstSizeBytesOverride UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrMBS specifies the maximum amount of buffer space (in bytes) allowed for the queue by the policer on this forwarding-plane QoS ingress queue group." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry 7 } tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerBurstSizeBytesOverride UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrCBS specifies the amount of reserved buffer space (in bytes) set by the policer on this forwarding-plane QoS ingress queue group." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry 8 } tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrPktOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPerPacketOffsetOvr UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrPktOffset specifies the packet byte offset for addition of policing information by the policer on this forwarding-plane QoS ingress queue group." DEFVAL { -128 } ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry 9 } tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatTable contains forwarding-plane ingress QoS queue group policer statistics on access side." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 31 } tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatEntry defines an entry in the tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatTable. It represents statistics about a specific QoS ingress queue group policer." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpName, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpInstanceId, tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatName } ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatTable 1 } TFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatName TNamedItem, tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPkts Counter64, tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsL Counter32, tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsH Counter32, tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOcts Counter64, tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsL Counter32, tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsH Counter32 } tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatName specifies the name of the ingress QoS arbiter of this forwarding-plane queue group on access." ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatEntry 1 } tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPkts indicates the number of forwarded packets by the ingress queue group arbiter Pchip." ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatEntry 2 } tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPkts." ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatEntry 3 } tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPkts." ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatEntry 4 } tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOcts indicates the number of forwarded octets by the ingress queue group arbiter Pchip." ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatEntry 5 } tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOcts." ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatEntry 6 } tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOcts." ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatEntry 7 } tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatTable contains forwarding-plane ingress QoS queue group arbiter statistics on network side." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 32 } tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatEntry defines an entry in the tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatTable. It represents statistics about a specific QoS ingress queue group arbiter." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpName, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpInstanceId, tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatName } ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatTable 1 } TFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatName TNamedItem, tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPkts Counter64, tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsL Counter32, tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsH Counter32, tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOcts Counter64, tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsL Counter32, tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsH Counter32 } tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatName specifies the name of the ingress QoS arbiter of this forwarding-plane queue group on network." ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatEntry 1 } tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPkts indicates the number of forwarded packets by the ingress queue group arbiter Pchip." ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatEntry 2 } tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPkts." ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatEntry 3 } tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPkts." ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatEntry 4 } tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOcts indicates the number of forwarded octets by the ingress queue group arbiter Pchip." ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatEntry 5 } tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOcts." ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatEntry 6 } tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOcts." ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatEntry 7 } tmnxVirtualSchedulerAdjTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxVirtualSchedulerAdjEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxVirtualSchedulerAdjTable has an entry to fine tune Quality of Service (QoS) parameters." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 33 } tmnxVirtualSchedulerAdjEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVirtualSchedulerAdjEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxVirtualSchedulerAdjEntry allows fine tune Quality of Service (QoS) parameters on the corresponding card. The row exists only if the associated card instance identified by tmnxCardSlotNum exists in the tmnxCardTable." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum } ::= { tmnxVirtualSchedulerAdjTable 1 } TmnxVirtualSchedulerAdjEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCardRateCalcFastQueue Unsigned32, tmnxCardRateCalcSlowQueue Unsigned32, tmnxCardSchedRun Unsigned32, tmnxCardTaskScheduling Unsigned32, tmnxCardSlowQueueThresh Integer32, tmnxCardInternalSchedWghtMode TmnxInternalSchedWeightMode } tmnxCardRateCalcFastQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100000) UNITS "thousandths of a percent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardRateCalcFastQueue specifies the percentage by which fine tuning of Quality of Service (QoS) parameter 'Fast-Queue' is modified." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxVirtualSchedulerAdjEntry 1 } tmnxCardRateCalcSlowQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100000) UNITS "thousandths of a percent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardRateCalcSlowQueue specifies the percentage by which fine tuning of Quality of Service (QoS) parameter 'Slow-Queue' is modified." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxVirtualSchedulerAdjEntry 2 } tmnxCardSchedRun OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100000) UNITS "thousandths of a percent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardSchedRun specifies the percentage by which the minimum amount of time required between the iterations of bandwidth distribution by an Quality of Service (QoS) virtual scheduler is modified." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxVirtualSchedulerAdjEntry 3 } tmnxCardTaskScheduling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100000) UNITS "thousandths of a percent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardTaskScheduling specifies the percentage change in virtual scheduling task wake up interval." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxVirtualSchedulerAdjEntry 4 } tmnxCardSlowQueueThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1000000) UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardSlowQueueThresh specifies the rate at which queues are placed in the 'slow-queue' category." DEFVAL { 1000 } ::= { tmnxVirtualSchedulerAdjEntry 5 } tmnxCardInternalSchedWghtMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxInternalSchedWeightMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardInternalSchedWghtMode specifies the weight-mode adjustment applied on this card." DEFVAL { default } ::= { tmnxVirtualSchedulerAdjEntry 6 } tmnxFpDcpDynEnfrcPlcrStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxFpDcpDynEnfrcPlcrStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxFpDcpDynEnfrcPlcrStatTable has the statistics information of the dynamic enforcement policer per forwarding plane." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 34 } tmnxFpDcpDynEnfrcPlcrStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFpDcpDynEnfrcPlcrStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFpDcpDynEnfrcPlcrStatEntry represents statistics information per forwarding plane for the dynamic enforcement policer." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum } ::= { tmnxFpDcpDynEnfrcPlcrStatTable 1 } TmnxFpDcpDynEnfrcPlcrStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxFpDcpDynPlcrHiWtrMrkHitCnt Counter32, tmnxFpDcpDynPlcrHiWtrMrkTime TimeStamp, tmnxFpDcpDynPlcrAllocFailCount Counter32, tmnxFpDcpDynPlcrInUse Counter32 } tmnxFpDcpDynPlcrHiWtrMrkHitCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFpDcpDynPlcrHiWtrMrkHitCnt indicates the maximum number of dynamic enforcement policers in use at any point of time." ::= { tmnxFpDcpDynEnfrcPlcrStatEntry 1 } tmnxFpDcpDynPlcrHiWtrMrkTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFpDcpDynPlcrHiWtrMrkTime indicates the time at which maximum number of dynamic enforcement policers was hit." ::= { tmnxFpDcpDynEnfrcPlcrStatEntry 2 } tmnxFpDcpDynPlcrAllocFailCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFpDcpDynPlcrAllocFailCount indicated the number of times the system failed to allocate dynamic enforcement policers." ::= { tmnxFpDcpDynEnfrcPlcrStatEntry 3 } tmnxFpDcpDynPlcrInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFpDcpDynPlcrInUse indicated the number of dynamic enforcement policers currently in use by the system." ::= { tmnxFpDcpDynEnfrcPlcrStatEntry 4 } tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrTblLstChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrTable." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 35 } tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrTable contains forwarding-plane QoS ingress queue group policer overrides on network side." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 36 } tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry defines an entry in the tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrTable. It represents policer overrides about a specific forwarding-plane QoS ingress queue group policer." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpName, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpInstanceId, tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrPolicerId } ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrTable 1 } TFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrPolicerId TIngPolicerId, tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrRowStatus RowStatus, tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrLastChgd TimeStamp, tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrAdminPIR THPolPIRRateOverride, tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrAdminCIR THPolCIRRateOverride, tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrStatMode TmnxIngPolicerStatModeOverride, tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrMBS TPolicerBurstSizeBytesOverride, tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrCBS TPolicerBurstSizeBytesOverride, tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrPktOffset TPerPacketOffsetOvr } tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrPolicerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngPolicerId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrPolicerId specifies the index of the ingress QoS policer of this forwarding-plane queue group on network." ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry 1 } tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrRowStatus specifies the Row Status of the entry. This tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrRowStatus object allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry 2 } tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrTable." ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry 3 } tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolPIRRateOverride UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrAdminPIR specifies the administrative PIR specified by the user." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry 4 } tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrAdminCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolCIRRateOverride UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrAdminCIR specifies the administrative CIR specified by the user." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry 5 } tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrStatMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIngPolicerStatModeOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrStatMode specifies the mode of statistics collected by the policer on this forwarding-plane QoS ingress queue group." DEFVAL { noOverride } ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry 6 } tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerBurstSizeBytesOverride UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrMBS specifies the maximum amount of buffer space (in bytes) allowed for the queue by the policer on this forwarding-plane QoS ingress queue group." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry 7 } tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerBurstSizeBytesOverride UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrCBS specifies the amount of reserved buffer space (in bytes) set by the policer on this forwarding-plane QoS ingress queue group." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry 8 } tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrPktOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPerPacketOffsetOvr UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrPktOffset specifies the packet byte offset for addition of policing information by the policer on this forwarding-plane QoS ingress queue group." DEFVAL { -128 } ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrEntry 9 } tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrTable." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 37 } tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains forwarding plane ingress policer control override information." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 38 } tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policer control override information about a specific forwarding plane on the access ingress side." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpName, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpInstanceId } ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrTable 1 } TFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrRowStatus RowStatus, tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLastChgd TimeStamp, tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrMaxRate THPolPIRRateOverride, tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrMinMBSSep TPlcrBurstSizeBytesOverride } tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the Row Status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrEntry 1 } tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrTable." ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrEntry 2 } tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolPIRRateOverride UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrMaxRate specifies the maximum frame based bandwidth limit of this policer override." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrEntry 3 } tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrMinMBSSep OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPlcrBurstSizeBytesOverride UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrMinMBSSep specifies the minimum amount of separation buffer space (in bytes) allowed by this policer override." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrEntry 4 } tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlTblLstChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlTable." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 39 } tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains forwarding plane access ingress policer control override information for the priority level." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 40 } tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policer control priority level override information about a specific forwarding plane on the access ingress side. Entries are created/deleted automatically by the system when entries are created/delete in the tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrTable." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpName, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpInstanceId, tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvl } ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlTable 1 } TFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvl TLevel, tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlLastChgd TimeStamp, tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlMBS TPlcrBurstSizeBytesOverride } tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvl identifies the level of the policer control policy defined by tQosPolicerCtrlPolName." ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlEntry 1 } tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlTable." ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlEntry 2 } tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPlcrBurstSizeBytesOverride UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlMBS specifies the maximum amount of cumulative buffer space (in bytes) allowed for this level by the policer of this level." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlEntry 3 } tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrTable." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 41 } tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains forwarding plane ingress policer control override information." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 42 } tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policer control override information about a specific forwarding plane on the access ingress side." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpName, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpInstanceId } ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrTable 1 } TFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrRowStatus RowStatus, tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLastChgd TimeStamp, tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrMaxRate THPolPIRRateOverride, tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrMinMBSSep TPlcrBurstSizeBytesOverride } tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the Row Status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrEntry 1 } tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrTable." ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrEntry 2 } tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolPIRRateOverride UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrMaxRate specifies the maximum frame based bandwidth limit of this policer override." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrEntry 3 } tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrMinMBSSep OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPlcrBurstSizeBytesOverride UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrMinMBSSep specifies the minimum amount of separation buffer space (in bytes) allowed by this policer override." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrEntry 4 } tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlTblLstChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlTable." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 43 } tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains forwarding plane network ingress policer control override information for the priority level." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 44 } tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policer control priority level override information about a specific forwarding plane on the network ingress side. Entries are created/deleted automatically by the system when entries are created/delete in the tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrTable." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpName, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpInstanceId, tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvl } ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlTable 1 } TFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvl TLevel, tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlLastChgd TimeStamp, tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlMBS TPlcrBurstSizeBytesOverride } tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvl identifies the level of the policer control policy defined by tQosPolicerCtrlPolName." ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlEntry 1 } tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlTable." ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlEntry 2 } tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPlcrBurstSizeBytesOverride UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlMBS specifies the maximum amount of cumulative buffer space (in bytes) allowed for this level by the policer of this level." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlEntry 3 } tCardResTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TCardResEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResTable represents system resource information that are specific to a particular card on a given chassis." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 45 } tCardResEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TCardResEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResEntry represents card specific system resource information." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum } ::= { tCardResTable 1 } TCardResEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tCardResQosUserSchedsTotal Unsigned32, tCardResQosUserSchedsAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResQosIntSchedsTotal Unsigned32, tCardResQosIntSchedsAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResSubSPIQosOvrTotal Unsigned32, tCardResSubSPIQosOvrAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResHsmdaQOvrTotal Unsigned32, tCardResHsmdaQOvrAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstTotal Unsigned32, tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstTotal Unsigned32, tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal Unsigned32, tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResFPIngQGrpInstTotal Unsigned32, tCardResFPIngQGrpInstAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResPortEgrVPortTotal Unsigned32, tCardResPortEgrVPortAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResQosUserSchedOvrsTotal Unsigned32, tCardResQosUserSchedOvrsAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResCategoryEntriesTotal Unsigned32, tCardResCategoryEntriesAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResIntArbiterTotal Unsigned32, tCardResIntArbiterAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResIntArbiterOvrsTotal Unsigned32, tCardResIntArbiterOvrsAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResSLAProfileInstanceTotal Unsigned32, tCardResSLAProfileInstanceAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResEncapGrpMemberTotal Unsigned32, tCardResEncapGrpMemberAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResSapInstanceTotal Unsigned32, tCardResSapInstanceAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResNonEpipeSapInstanceTotal Unsigned32, tCardResNonEpipeSapInstanceAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResApipeSapInstanceTotal Unsigned32, tCardResApipeSapInstanceAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResCpipeSapInstanceTotal Unsigned32, tCardResCpipeSapInstanceAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResEpipeSapInstanceTotal Unsigned32, tCardResEpipeSapInstanceAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResFpipeSapInstanceTotal Unsigned32, tCardResFpipeSapInstanceAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResIpipeSapInstanceTotal Unsigned32, tCardResIpipeSapInstanceAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResIesSapInstanceTotal Unsigned32, tCardResIesSapInstanceAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResMirrorSapInstanceTotal Unsigned32, tCardResMirrorSapInstanceAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResVplsSapInstanceTotal Unsigned32, tCardResVplsSapInstanceAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResVprnSapInstanceTotal Unsigned32, tCardResVprnSapInstanceAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResTLSMcastEntriesAlloc Unsigned32, tCardResTLSMcastEntriesTotal Unsigned32 } tCardResQosUserSchedsTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResQosUserSchedsTotal represents the total amount of QoS user virtual schedulers that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResQosUserSchedsTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 1 } tCardResQosUserSchedsAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResQosUserSchedsAlloc represents the total number of QoS user virtual schedulers that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 2 } tCardResQosIntSchedsTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResQosIntSchedsTotal represents the total number of QoS internal virtual schedulers that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResQosIntSchedsTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card. This objects is obsoleted in 13.0 release." ::= { tCardResEntry 3 } tCardResQosIntSchedsAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResQosIntSchedsAlloc represents the total number of QoS internal virtual schedulers that are currently allocated on this card. This objects is obsoleted in 13.0 release." ::= { tCardResEntry 4 } tCardResSubSPIQosOvrTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResSubSPIQosOvrTotal represents the total number of QoS subscriber sla-profile instance overrides that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResSubSPIQosOvrTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 5 } tCardResSubSPIQosOvrAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResSubSPIQosOvrAlloc represents the total number of QoS subscriber sla-profile instance overrides that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 6 } tCardResHsmdaQOvrTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResHsmdaQOvrTotal represents the total number of HSMDA queue overrides that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResHsmdaQOvrTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 7 } tCardResHsmdaQOvrAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResHsmdaQOvrAlloc represents the total number of HSMDA queue overrides that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 8 } tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstTotal represents the total number of port access egress queue-group instances across all ports on this card that are allowed to be provisioned. When the value of tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 9 } tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstAlloc represents the total number of port access egress queue-group instances across all ports on this card that are currently provisioned." ::= { tCardResEntry 10 } tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstTotal represents the total number of port network egress queue-group instances across all ports on this card that are allowed to be provisioned. When the value of tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 11 } tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstAlloc represents the total number of port network egress queue-group instances across all ports on this card that are currently provisioned." ::= { tCardResEntry 12 } tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal represents the total number of port egress queue-group instances across all ports on this card including access and network instances that are allowed to be provisioned. When the value of tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 13 } tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstAlloc represents the total number of port egress queue-group instances across all ports on this card including access and network instances that are currently provisioned." ::= { tCardResEntry 14 } tCardResFPIngQGrpInstTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResFPIngQGrpInstTotal represents the total number of forwarding-plane (FP) ingress queue-group instances across all FP on this card including access and network instances that are allowed to be provisioned. When the value of tCardResFPIngQGrpInstTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 15 } tCardResFPIngQGrpInstAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResFPIngQGrpInstAlloc represents the total number of forwarding-plane (FP) ingress queue-group instances across all FP on this card including access and network instances that are currently provisioned." ::= { tCardResEntry 16 } tCardResPortEgrVPortTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResPortEgrVPortTotal represents the total number of egress virtual ports across all ports on this card that are allowed to be provisioned. When the value of tCardResPortEgrVPortTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 17 } tCardResPortEgrVPortAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResPortEgrVPortAlloc represents the total number of egress virtual ports across all ports on this card that are currently provisioned." ::= { tCardResEntry 18 } tCardResQosUserSchedOvrsTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResQosUserSchedOvrsTotal represents the total amount of QoS user virtual scheduler overrides that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResQosUserSchedOvrsTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 19 } tCardResQosUserSchedOvrsAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResQosUserSchedOvrsAlloc represents the total number of QoS user virtual scheduler overrides that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 20 } tCardResCategoryEntriesTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResCategoryEntriesTotal indicates the total number of subscriber category entries currently associated with this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 21 } tCardResCategoryEntriesAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResCategoryEntriesAlloc indicates the total number of subscriber category entries that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 22 } tCardResIntArbiterTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResIntArbiterTotal represents the total number of intermediate arbiters that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResIntArbiterTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 23 } tCardResIntArbiterAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResIntArbiterAlloc represents the total number of intermediate arbiters that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 24 } tCardResIntArbiterOvrsTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResIntArbiterOvrsTotal represents the total number of intermediate arbiter overrides that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResIntArbiterOvrsTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 25 } tCardResIntArbiterOvrsAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResIntArbiterOvrsAlloc represents the total number of intermediate arbiter overrides that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 26 } tCardResSLAProfileInstanceTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResSLAProfileInstanceTotal represents the total number of subscriber SLA profile instances that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResSLAProfileInstanceTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 27 } tCardResSLAProfileInstanceAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResSLAProfileInstanceAlloc represents the total number of subscriber SLA profile instances that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 28 } tCardResEncapGrpMemberTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResEncapGrpMemberTotal represents the total number of encap group members that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResEncapGrpMemberTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 29 } tCardResEncapGrpMemberAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResEncapGrpMemberAlloc represents the total number of encap group members that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 30 } tCardResSapInstanceTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResSapInstanceTotal represents the total number of SAP instances that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResSapInstanceTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 31 } tCardResSapInstanceAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResSapInstanceAlloc represents the total number of SAP instances that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 32 } tCardResNonEpipeSapInstanceTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResNonEpipeSapInstanceTotal represents the total number of non-Epipe SAP instances that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResNonEpipeSapInstanceTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 33 } tCardResNonEpipeSapInstanceAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResNonEpipeSapInstanceAlloc represents the total number of non-Epipe SAP instances that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 34 } tCardResApipeSapInstanceTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResApipeSapInstanceTotal represents the total number of Apipe SAP instances that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResApipeSapInstanceTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 35 } tCardResApipeSapInstanceAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResApipeSapInstanceAlloc represents the total number of Apipe SAP instances that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 36 } tCardResCpipeSapInstanceTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResCpipeSapInstanceTotal represents the total number of Cpipe SAP instances that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResCpipeSapInstanceTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 37 } tCardResCpipeSapInstanceAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResCpipeSapInstanceAlloc represents the total number of Cpipe SAP instances that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 38 } tCardResEpipeSapInstanceTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResEpipeSapInstanceTotal represents the total number of Epipe SAP instances that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResEpipeSapInstanceTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 39 } tCardResEpipeSapInstanceAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResEpipeSapInstanceAlloc represents the total number of Epipe SAP instances that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 40 } tCardResFpipeSapInstanceTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResFpipeSapInstanceTotal represents the total number of Fpipe SAP instances that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResFpipeSapInstanceTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 41 } tCardResFpipeSapInstanceAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResFpipeSapInstanceAlloc represents the total number of Fpipe SAP instances that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 42 } tCardResIpipeSapInstanceTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResIpipeSapInstanceTotal represents the total number of Ipipe SAP instances that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResIpipeSapInstanceTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 43 } tCardResIpipeSapInstanceAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResIpipeSapInstanceAlloc represents the total number of Ipipe SAP instances that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 44 } tCardResIesSapInstanceTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResIesSapInstanceTotal represents the total number of Ies SAP instances that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResIesSapInstanceTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 45 } tCardResIesSapInstanceAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResIesSapInstanceAlloc represents the total number of Ies SAP instances that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 46 } tCardResMirrorSapInstanceTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResMirrorSapInstanceTotal represents the total number of Mirror SAP instances that are supported on this card. When the vlaue of tCardResMirrorSapInstanceTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 47 } tCardResMirrorSapInstanceAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResMirrorSapInstanceAlloc represents the total number of Mirror SAP instances that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 48 } tCardResVplsSapInstanceTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResVplsSapInstanceTotal represents the total number of Vpls SAP instances that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResVplsSapInstanceTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 49 } tCardResVplsSapInstanceAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResVplsSapInstanceAlloc represents the total number of Vpls SAP instances that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 50 } tCardResVprnSapInstanceTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResVprnSapInstanceTotal represents the total number of Vprn SAP instances that are supported on this card. When the value of tCardResVprnSapInstanceTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 51 } tCardResVprnSapInstanceAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResVprnSapInstanceAlloc represents the total number of Vprn SAP instances that are currently allocated on this card." ::= { tCardResEntry 52 } tCardResTLSMcastEntriesAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResTLSMcastEntriesAlloc indicates the total number of Egress TLS Mcast Entry resources that are currrently allocated on this Chassis." ::= { tCardResEntry 53 } tCardResTLSMcastEntriesTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCardResTLSMcastEntriesTotal indicates the total number of Egress TLS Mcast Entry resources on this Chassis." ::= { tCardResEntry 54 } tFPResTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFPResEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResTable represents system resource information that are specific to forwarding plane (FP) for a particular card on a given chassis." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 46 } tFPResEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFPResEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEntry represents forwarding plane (FP) specific system resource information." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum } ::= { tFPResTable 1 } TFPResEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFPResSapIngQosPolTotal Unsigned32, tFPResSapIngQosPolAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResDynEgrClassTotal Unsigned32, tFPResDynEgrClassAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResDynEgrClassIUBSE Unsigned32, tFPResDynEgrClassIUBNE Unsigned32, tFPResIngQueueTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngQueueAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrQueueTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrQueueAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngPolicerTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngPolicerAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrPolicerTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrPolicerAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngPolicerStatTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngPolicerStatAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrPolicerStatTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrPolicerStatAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngRootArbiterTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngRootArbiterAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrRootArbiterTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrRootArbiterAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIntArbiterTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIntArbiterAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResDynQueueTotal Unsigned32, tFPResDynQueueAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResDynQueueIUBI Unsigned32, tFPResDynQueueIUBE Unsigned32, tFPResDynPolicerTotal Unsigned32, tFPResDynPolicerAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResDynPolicerIUBI Unsigned32, tFPResDynPolicerIUBE Unsigned32, tFPResDynPolicerStatTotal Unsigned32, tFPResDynPolicerStatAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResDynPolicerStatIUBI Unsigned32, tFPResDynPolicerStatIUBE Unsigned32, tFPResIngAclEntryTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngAclEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngQosEntryTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngQosEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngAclQosEntryTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngAclQosEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrAclEntryTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrAclEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrQosEntryTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrQosEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrAclQosEntryTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrAclQosEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngAclFilterTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngAclFilterAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrAclFilterTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrAclFilterAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResDynSvcEntryTotal Unsigned32, tFPResDynSvcEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResSubHostTotal Unsigned32, tFPResSubHostAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEncapGrpMemberTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEncapGrpMemberAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResMacFdbRecTotal Unsigned32, tFPResMacFdbRecAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResResRvplsFdbRecTotal Unsigned32, tFPResResRvplsFdbRecAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolTotal Unsigned32, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolIUBI Unsigned32, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolIUBE Unsigned32, tFPResIngQ1NamedPoolTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngQ1NamedPoolAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrQ1NamedPoolTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrQ1NamedPoolAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResDynQ2WredPoolTotal Unsigned32, tFPResDynQ2WredPoolAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngIPv6AclFilterTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngIPv6AclFilterAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrIPv6AclFilterTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrIPv6AclFilterAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrQosBypassTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrQosBypassAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResSapInstanceTotal Unsigned32, tFPResSapInstanceAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrHsQGrpTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrHsQGrpAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrHsPrimaryShapersTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrHsPrimaryShapersAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrHsPrimaryShapersIUBES Unsigned32, tFPResEgrHsPrimaryShapersIUBMS Unsigned32, tFPResEgrHsSecondaryShapersTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrHsSecondaryShapersAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrHsTurboQGrpTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrHsTurboQGrpAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngQGrpRedirTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngQGrpRedirAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResSapInstEgrQGrpRedirTotal Unsigned32, tFPResSapInstEgrQGrpRedirAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrUserQueueTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrUserQueueAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrUserPolicerTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrUserPolicerAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResSLAProfileInstanceTotal Unsigned32, tFPResSLAProfileInstanceAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResCamBanksTotal Unsigned32, tFPResCamBanksAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngIPv4QosEntryTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngIPv4QosEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngMacQosEntryTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngMacQosEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngIPv4AclEntryTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngIPv4AclEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngMacAclEntryTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngMacAclEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrIPv4AclEntryTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrIPv4AclEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrMacAclEntryTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrMacAclEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngClassMapTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngClassMapAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngL2ClassMapTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngL2ClassMapAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrRemarkMapTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrRemarkMapAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrExpRemarkMapTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrExpRemarkMapAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIPv6McastEntryTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIPv6McastEntryAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrDot1pDscpRemarkMapTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrDot1pDscpRemarkMapAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResDot1xHostTotal Unsigned32, tFPResDot1xHostAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResFastDepthMQueuesTotal Unsigned32, tFPResFastDepthMQueuesAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResMepsWithIntMegTotal Unsigned32, tFPResMepsWithIntMegAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResMepsWithIccMegTotal Unsigned32, tFPResMepsWithIccMegAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResMepsWithOtherMegTotal Unsigned32, tFPResMepsWithOtherMegAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResUniqueIccsForMepsTotal Unsigned32, tFPResUniqueIccsForMepsAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResPrefixesOfMepMacsTotal Unsigned32, tFPResPrefixesOfMepMacsAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngAclStatTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngAclStatAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrAclStatTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrAclStatAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrHwAssignNonShaperQTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrHwAssignNonShaperQAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrHwAggShapQSetSize8Total Unsigned32, tFPResEgrHwAggShapQSetSize8Alloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrHwAggShapersTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrHwAggShapersAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrHwAggShaperSchedsTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrHwAggShaperSchedsAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngClassProfileTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIngClassProfileAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResEgrRemarkProfileTotal Unsigned32, tFPResEgrRemarkProfileAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngClassNonEpipeProfAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIngClassNonEpipeProfTotal Unsigned32, tFPResOamSathTrafGenBandwAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResOamSathTrafGenBandwTotal Unsigned32, tFPResOamSathTrafGenSvcStrmAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResOamSathTrafGenSvcStrmTotal Unsigned32, tFPResFCDot1pMapIUBE Unsigned32, tFPResFCDscpMapIUBE Unsigned32, tFPResFCLspExpMapIUBE Unsigned32, tFPResDot1pFCMapIUBI Unsigned32, tFPResDscpFCMapIUBI Unsigned32, tFPResLspExpFCMapIUBI Unsigned32, tFPResCamBanksIUBDot1xHostAuth Unsigned32, tFPResMacIPv4CamBanksTotal Unsigned32, tFPResMacIPv4CamBanksAlloc Unsigned32, tFPResIPv6CamBanksTotal Unsigned32, tFPResIPv6CamBanksAlloc Unsigned32 } tFPResSapIngQosPolTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResSapIngQosPolTotal represents the total number of sap-ingress QoS policies that are allowed to be in use on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 1 } tFPResSapIngQosPolAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResSapIngQosPolAlloc represents the total number of sap-ingress QoS policies that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 2 } tFPResDynEgrClassTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynEgrClassTotal represents the total number of QoS dynamic egress classification resources that are allowed to be in use on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 3 } tFPResDynEgrClassAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynEgrClassAlloc represents the total number of QoS dynamic egress classification resources that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 4 } tFPResDynEgrClassIUBSE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynEgrClassIUBSE represents the subset of resources which are currently in use by sap-egress QoS policies out of currently allocated QoS dynamic egress classification resources, tFPResDynEgrClassAlloc." ::= { tFPResEntry 5 } tFPResDynEgrClassIUBNE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynEgrClassIUBNE represents the subset of resources which are currently in use by network egress QoS classification out of currently allocated QoS dynamic egress classification resources, tFPResDynEgrClassAlloc. A network egress QoS classification resource is consumed whenever a network QoS policy has at least one egress DSCP or precedence classification rule provisioned." ::= { tFPResEntry 6 } tFPResIngQueueTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngQueueTotal represents the total number of ingress queues that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngQueueTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 7 } tFPResIngQueueAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngQueueAlloc represents the total number of ingress queues that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 8 } tFPResEgrQueueTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrQueueTotal represents the total number of egress queues that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrQueueTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 9 } tFPResEgrQueueAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrQueueAlloc represents the total number of egress queues that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 10 } tFPResIngPolicerTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngPolicerTotal represents the total number of ingress policers that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngPolicerTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 11 } tFPResIngPolicerAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngPolicerAlloc represents the total number of ingress policers that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 12 } tFPResEgrPolicerTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrPolicerTotal represents the total number of egress policers that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrPolicerTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 13 } tFPResEgrPolicerAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrPolicerAlloc represents the total number of egress policers that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 14 } tFPResIngPolicerStatTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngPolicerStatTotal represents the total number of ingress policer stats that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngPolicerStatTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 15 } tFPResIngPolicerStatAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngPolicerStatAlloc represents the total number of ingress policer stats that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 16 } tFPResEgrPolicerStatTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrPolicerStatTotal represents the total number of egress policer stats that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrPolicerStatTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 17 } tFPResEgrPolicerStatAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrPolicerStatAlloc represents the total number of egress policer stats that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 18 } tFPResIngRootArbiterTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngRootArbiterTotal represents the total number of ingress root arbiters that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngRootArbiterTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 19 } tFPResIngRootArbiterAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngRootArbiterAlloc represents the total number of ingress root arbiters that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 20 } tFPResEgrRootArbiterTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrRootArbiterTotal represents the total number of egress root arbiters that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrRootArbiterTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 21 } tFPResEgrRootArbiterAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrRootArbiterAlloc represents the total number of egress root arbiters that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 22 } tFPResIntArbiterTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIntArbiterTotal represents the total number of intermediate arbiters that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIntArbiterTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP. This object is obsoleted on 16.0R1 release and replaced by tCardResIntArbiterTotal." ::= { tFPResEntry 23 } tFPResIntArbiterAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIntArbiterAlloc represents the total number of intermediate arbiters that are currently allocated on this FP. This object is obsoleted on 16.0R1 release and replaced by tCardResIntArbiterAlloc." ::= { tFPResEntry 24 } tFPResDynQueueTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynQueueTotal represents the total number of dynamic queues that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrRootArbiterTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 25 } tFPResDynQueueAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynQueueAlloc represents the total number of dynamic queues that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 26 } tFPResDynQueueIUBI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynQueueIUBI represents the subset of resources which are currently in use by ingress queues out of currently allocated dynamic queue resources, tFPResDynQueueAlloc." ::= { tFPResEntry 27 } tFPResDynQueueIUBE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynQueueIUBE represents the subset of resources which are currently in use by egress queues out of currently allocated dynamic queue resources, tFPResDynQueueAlloc." ::= { tFPResEntry 28 } tFPResDynPolicerTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynPolicerTotal represents the total number of dynamic policer that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResDynPolicerTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 29 } tFPResDynPolicerAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynPolicerAlloc represents the total number of dynamic policers that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 30 } tFPResDynPolicerIUBI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynPolicerIUBI represents the subset of resources which are currently in use by ingress policer out of currently allocated dynamic policer resources, tFPResDynPolicerAlloc." ::= { tFPResEntry 31 } tFPResDynPolicerIUBE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynPolicerIUBE represents the subset of resources which are currently in use by egress policer out of currently allocated dynamic policer resources, tFPResDynPolicerAlloc." ::= { tFPResEntry 32 } tFPResDynPolicerStatTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynPolicerStatTotal represents the total number of dynamic policer stats that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResDynPolicerStatTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 33 } tFPResDynPolicerStatAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynPolicerStatAlloc represents the total number of dynamic policers stats that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 34 } tFPResDynPolicerStatIUBI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynPolicerStatIUBI represents the subset of resources which are currently in use by ingress policer stats out of currently allocated dynamic policer stats resources, tFPResDynPolicerStatAlloc." ::= { tFPResEntry 35 } tFPResDynPolicerStatIUBE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynPolicerStatIUBE represents the subset of resources which are currently in use by egress policer stats out of currently allocated dynamic policer stats resources, tFPResDynPolicerStatAlloc." ::= { tFPResEntry 36 } tFPResIngAclEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngAclEntryTotal represents the total number of ingress ACL CAM entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngAclEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 37 } tFPResIngAclEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngAclEntryAlloc represents the total number of ingress ACL CAM entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 38 } tFPResIngQosEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngQosEntryTotal represents the total number of ingress QoS CAM entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngQosEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 39 } tFPResIngQosEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngQosEntryAlloc represents the total number of ingress QoS CAM entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 40 } tFPResIngAclQosEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngAclQosEntryTotal represents the total number of combined ingress ACL and QoS CAM entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngAclQosEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 41 } tFPResIngAclQosEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngAclQosEntryAlloc represents the total number of combined ingress ACL and QoS CAM entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 42 } tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryTotal represents the total number of IPv6 ingress ACL CAM entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 43 } tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryAlloc represents the total number of IPv6 ingress ACL CAM entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 44 } tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryTotal represents the total number of IPv6 ingress QoS CAM entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 45 } tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryAlloc represents the total number of IPv6 ingress QoS CAM entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 46 } tFPResEgrAclEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrAclEntryTotal represents the total number of egress ACL CAM entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrAclEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 47 } tFPResEgrAclEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrAclEntryAlloc represents the total number of egress ACL CAM entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 48 } tFPResEgrQosEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrQosEntryTotal represents the total number of egress QoS CAM entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrQosEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 49 } tFPResEgrQosEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrQosEntryAlloc represents the total number of egress QoS CAM entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 50 } tFPResEgrAclQosEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrAclQosEntryTotal represents the total number of combined egress ACL and QoS CAM entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrAclQosEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 51 } tFPResEgrAclQosEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrAclQosEntryAlloc represents the total number of combined egress ACL and QoS CAM entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 52 } tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryTotal represents the total number of IPv6 egress ACL CAM entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 53 } tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryAlloc represents the total number of IPv6 egress ACL CAM entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 54 } tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryTotal represents the total number of IPv6 egress QoS CAM entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 55 } tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryAlloc represents the total number of IPv6 egress QoS CAM entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 56 } tFPResIngAclFilterTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngAclFilterTotal represents the total number of ingress MAC + IP ACL filter policies that are supported on this FP. Note that on 7750 SR-c4/c12 the CPM enforced limit for the total number of ACL filter policies is lower than the value of this object." ::= { tFPResEntry 57 } tFPResIngAclFilterAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngAclFilterAlloc represents the total number of ingress MAC + IP ACL filter policies that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 58 } tFPResEgrAclFilterTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrAclFilterTotal represents the total number of egress MAC + IP ACL filter policies that are supported on this FP. Note that on 7750 SR-c4/c12 the CPM enforced limit for the total number of ACL filter policies is lower than the value of this object." ::= { tFPResEntry 59 } tFPResEgrAclFilterAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrAclFilterAlloc represents the total number of egress MAC + IP ACL filter policies that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 60 } tFPResDynSvcEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynSvcEntryTotal represents the total number of dynamic services that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResDynSvcEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP. The value of tFPResDynSvcEntryTotal will always equal to the sum of tFPResSubHostTotal, tFPResEncapGrpMemberTotal, tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapTotal and tFPResDot1xHostTotal since subscriber host resources, encap-group members resources and egress network queue-group mappings resources are subsets of dynamic service entry resources." ::= { tFPResEntry 61 } tFPResDynSvcEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynSvcEntryAlloc represents the total number of dynamic services that are currently allocated on this FP. The value of tFPResDynSvcEntryAlloc will always equal to the sum of tFPResSubHostAlloc, tFPResEncapGrpMemberAlloc, tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapAlloc and tFPResDot1xHostAlloc since subscriber host resources, encap-group members resources and egress network queue-group mappings resources are subsets of dynamic service entry resources." ::= { tFPResEntry 62 } tFPResSubHostTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResSubHostTotal represents the total number of subscriber hosts that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResSubHostTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP. The value of tFPResSubHostTotal will always be less than or equal to tFPResDynSvcEntryTotal since subscriber host resources are subset of dynamic service entry resources." ::= { tFPResEntry 63 } tFPResSubHostAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResSubHostAlloc represents the total number of subscriber hosts that are currently allocated on this FP. The value of tFPResSubHostAlloc will always be less than or equal to tFPResDynSvcEntryAlloc since subscriber host resources are subset of dynamic service entry resources." ::= { tFPResEntry 64 } tFPResEncapGrpMemberTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEncapGrpMemberTotal represents the total number of encap group members that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEncapGrpMemberTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP. The value of tFPResEncapGrpMemberTotal will always be less than or equal to tFPResDynSvcEntryTotal since encap group members are subset of dynamic service entry resources." ::= { tFPResEntry 65 } tFPResEncapGrpMemberAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEncapGrpMemberAlloc represents the total number of encap group members that are currently allocated on this FP. The value of tFPResEncapGrpMemberAlloc will always be less than or equal to tFPResDynSvcEntryAlloc since encap group members are subset of dynamic service entry resources." ::= { tFPResEntry 66 } tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapTotal represents the total number of egress network queue-group mappings that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP. The value of tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapTotal will always be less than or equal to tFPResDynSvcEntryTotal since egress network queue-group mappings are subset of dynamic service entry resources." ::= { tFPResEntry 67 } tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapAlloc represents the total number of egress network queue-group mappings that are currently allocated on this FP. The value of tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapAlloc will always be less than or equal to tFPResDynSvcEntryAlloc since egress network queue-group mappings are subset of dynamic service entry resources." ::= { tFPResEntry 68 } tFPResMacFdbRecTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResMacFdbRecTotal represents the total number of MAC Forwarding Data-Base (FDB) records that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResMacFdbRecTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 69 } tFPResMacFdbRecAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResMacFdbRecAlloc represents the total number of MAC Forwarding Data-Base (FDB) records that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 70 } tFPResResRvplsFdbRecTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResResRvplsFdbRecTotal represents the total number of reserved R-VPLS Forwarding Data-Base (FDB) records that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResResRvplsFdbRecTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 71 } tFPResResRvplsFdbRecAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResResRvplsFdbRecAlloc represents the total number of reserved R-VPLS Forwarding Data-Base (FDB) records that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 72 } tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolTotal represents the total number of dynamic Q2 named pools that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP. This object is obsolete in 20.2 release." ::= { tFPResEntry 73 } tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolAlloc represents the total number of dynamic Q2 named pools that are currently allocated on this FP. This object is obsolete in 20.2 release." ::= { tFPResEntry 74 } tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolIUBI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolIUBI represents the subset of resources which are currently in use by ingress Q2 named pools out of currently allocated dynamic Q2 named pools resources, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolAlloc. This object is obsolete in 20.2 release." ::= { tFPResEntry 75 } tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolIUBE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolIUBE represents the subset of resources which are currently in use by egress Q2 named pools out of currently allocated dynamic Q2 named pools resources, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolAlloc. This object is obsolete in 20.2 release." ::= { tFPResEntry 76 } tFPResIngQ1NamedPoolTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngQ1NamedPoolTotal represents the total number of ingress Q1 named pools that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngQ1NamedPoolTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP. This object is obsolete in 16.0 release." ::= { tFPResEntry 77 } tFPResIngQ1NamedPoolAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngQ1NamedPoolAlloc represents the total number of ingress Q1 named pools that are currently allocated on this FP. This object is obsolete in 16.0 release." ::= { tFPResEntry 78 } tFPResEgrQ1NamedPoolTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrQ1NamedPoolTotal represents the total number of egress Q1 named pools that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrQ1NamedPoolTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP. This object is obsolete in 16.0 release." ::= { tFPResEntry 79 } tFPResEgrQ1NamedPoolAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrQ1NamedPoolAlloc represents the total number of egress Q1 named pools that are currently allocated on this FP. This object is obsolete in 16.0 release." ::= { tFPResEntry 80 } tFPResDynQ2WredPoolTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynQ2WredPoolTotal represents the total number of dynamic Q2 wred pools that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResDynQ2WredPoolTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 81 } tFPResDynQ2WredPoolAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDynQ2WredPoolAlloc represents the total number of dynamic Q2 wred pools that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 82 } tFPResIngIPv6AclFilterTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngIPv6AclFilterTotal represents the total number of ingress IPv6 ACL filter policies that are supported on this FP. Note that on 7750 SR-c4/c12 the CPM enforced limit for the total number of ACL filter policies is lower than the value of this object." ::= { tFPResEntry 83 } tFPResIngIPv6AclFilterAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngIPv6AclFilterAlloc represents the total number of ingress IPv6 ACL filter policies that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 84 } tFPResEgrIPv6AclFilterTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrIPv6AclFilterTotal represents the total number of egress IPv6 ACL filter policies that are supported on this FP. Note that on 7750 SR-c4/c12 the CPM enforced limit for the total number of ACL filter policies is lower than the value of this object." ::= { tFPResEntry 85 } tFPResEgrIPv6AclFilterAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrIPv6AclFilterAlloc represents the total number of egress IPv6 ACL filter policies that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 86 } tFPResEgrQosBypassTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrQosBypassTotal represents the total number of egress qos bypass entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrQosBypassTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 87 } tFPResEgrQosBypassAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrQosBypassAlloc represents the total number of egress qos bypass entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 88 } tFPResSapInstanceTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResSapInstanceTotal represents the total number of SAP instances that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResSapInstanceTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 89 } tFPResSapInstanceAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResSapInstanceAlloc represents the total number of SAP instances that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 90 } tFPResEgrHsQGrpTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrHsQGrpTotal represents the total number of HS egress queue-group resources that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrHsQGrpTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 91 } tFPResEgrHsQGrpAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrHsQGrpAlloc represents the total number of HS egress queue-group resources that are allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 92 } tFPResEgrHsPrimaryShapersTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrHsPrimaryShapersTotal represents the total number of HS Primary Shapers that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrHsPrimaryShapersTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 93 } tFPResEgrHsPrimaryShapersAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrHsPrimaryShapersAlloc represents the total number of HS Primary Shapers that are allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 94 } tFPResEgrHsPrimaryShapersIUBES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrHsPrimaryShapersIUBES represents the subset of resources which are currently in use by HS Explicit Shapers out of currently allocated Primary Shapers." ::= { tFPResEntry 95 } tFPResEgrHsPrimaryShapersIUBMS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrHsPrimaryShapersIUBMS represents the subset of resources which are currently in use by HS Managed Shapers out of currently allocated Primary Shapers." ::= { tFPResEntry 96 } tFPResEgrHsSecondaryShapersTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrHsSecondaryShapersTotal represents the total number of HS Secondary Shapers that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrHsSecondaryShapersTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 97 } tFPResEgrHsSecondaryShapersAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrHsSecondaryShapersAlloc represents the total number of HS Secondary Shapers that are allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 98 } tFPResEgrHsTurboQGrpTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrHsTurboQGrpTotal represents the total number of HS egress turbo queue-group resources that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrHsTurboQGrpTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 99 } tFPResEgrHsTurboQGrpAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrHsTurboQGrpAlloc represents the total number of HS egress turbo queue-group resources that are allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 100 } tFPResIngQGrpRedirTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngQGrpRedirTotal represents the total number of Ingress Queue Group Redirect List Entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngQGrpRedirTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 101 } tFPResIngQGrpRedirAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngQGrpRedirAlloc represents the total number of Ingress Queue Group Redirect List Entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 102 } tFPResSapInstEgrQGrpRedirTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngQGrpRedirTotal represents the total number of per-SAP instance Egress Queue Group Redirect List Entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResSapInstEgrQGrpRedirTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 103 } tFPResSapInstEgrQGrpRedirAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResSapInstEgrQGrpRedirAlloc represents the total number of per-SAP instance Egress Queue Group Redirect List Entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 104 } tFPResEgrUserQueueTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrUserQueueTotal represents the total number of user provisionable egress queues that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrUserQueueTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 105 } tFPResEgrUserQueueAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrUserQueueAlloc represents the total number of user provisionable egress queues that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 106 } tFPResEgrUserPolicerTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrUserPolicerTotal represents the total number of user provisionable egress policers that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrUserPolicerTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 107 } tFPResEgrUserPolicerAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrUserPolicerAlloc represents the total number of user provisionable egress policers that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 108 } tFPResSLAProfileInstanceTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResSLAProfileInstanceTotal represents the total number of subscriber SLA profile instances that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResSLAProfileInstanceTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 109 } tFPResSLAProfileInstanceAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResSLAProfileInstanceAlloc represents the total number of subscriber SLA profile instances that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 110 } tFPResCamBanksTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResCamBanksTotal represents the total number of CAM banks that are allowed to be in use on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 111 } tFPResCamBanksAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResCamBanksAlloc represents the total number of CAM banks that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 112 } tFPResIngIPv4QosEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngIPv4QosEntryTotal represents the total number of ingress IPv4 QoS CAM entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngIPv4QosEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 113 } tFPResIngIPv4QosEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngIPv4QosEntryAlloc represents the total number of ingress IPv4 QoS CAM entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 114 } tFPResIngMacQosEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngMacQosEntryTotal represents the total number of ingress MAC QoS CAM entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngMacQosEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 115 } tFPResIngMacQosEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngMacQosEntryAlloc represents the total number of ingress MAC QoS CAM entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 116 } tFPResIngIPv4AclEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngIPv4AclEntryTotal represents the total number of ingress IPv4 ACL CAM entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngIPv4AclEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 117 } tFPResIngIPv4AclEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngIPv4AclEntryAlloc represents the total number of ingress IPv4 ACL CAM entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 118 } tFPResIngMacAclEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngMacAclEntryTotal represents the total number of ingress MAC ACL CAM entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngMacAclEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 119 } tFPResIngMacAclEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngMacAclEntryAlloc represents the total number of ingress MAC ACL CAM entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 120 } tFPResEgrIPv4AclEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrIPv4AclEntryTotal represents the total number of egress IPv4 ACL CAM entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrIPv4AclEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 121 } tFPResEgrIPv4AclEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrIPv4AclEntryAlloc represents the total number of egress IPv4 ACL CAM entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 122 } tFPResEgrMacAclEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrMacAclEntryTotal represents the total number of egress MAC ACL CAM entries that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrMacAclEntryTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 123 } tFPResEgrMacAclEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrMacAclEntryAlloc represents the total number of egress MAC ACL CAM entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 124 } tFPResIngClassMapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngClassMapTotal represents the total number of ingress classification maps that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngClassMapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 125 } tFPResIngClassMapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngClassMapAlloc represents the total number of ingress classification maps that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 126 } tFPResIngL2ClassMapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngL2ClassMapTotal represents the total number of ingress L2 classification maps that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngL2ClassMapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 127 } tFPResIngL2ClassMapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngL2ClassMapAlloc represents the total number of ingress L2 classification maps that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 128 } tFPResEgrRemarkMapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrRemarkMapTotal represents the total number of egress remark maps that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrRemarkMapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 129 } tFPResEgrRemarkMapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrRemarkMapAlloc represents the total number of egress remark maps that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 130 } tFPResEgrExpRemarkMapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrExpRemarkMapTotal represents the total number of egress lsp-exp remark maps that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrExpRemarkMapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 131 } tFPResEgrExpRemarkMapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrExpRemarkMapAlloc represents the total number of egress lsp-esp remark maps that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 132 } tFPResIPv6McastEntryTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIPv6McastEntryTotal represents the total number of IPv6 multicast CAM entries reserved on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 133 } tFPResIPv6McastEntryAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIPv6McastEntryTotal represents the total number of IPv6 multicast CAM entries that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 134 } tFPResEgrDot1pDscpRemarkMapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrDot1pDscpRemarkMapTotal represents the total number of egress dot1p and dscp remark maps that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrDot1pDscpRemarkMapTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 135 } tFPResEgrDot1pDscpRemarkMapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrDot1pDscpRemarkMapAlloc represents the total number of egress dot1p and dscp remark maps that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 136 } tFPResDot1xHostTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDot1xHostTotal represents the total number of dot1x authenticated hosts that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResDot1xHostTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP. The value of tFPResDot1xHostTotal will always be less than or equal to tFPResDynSvcEntryTotal since dot1x authenticated host resources are subset of dynamic service entry resources." ::= { tFPResEntry 137 } tFPResDot1xHostAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDot1xHostAlloc represents the total number of dot1x authenticated hosts that are currently allocated on this FP. The value of tFPResDot1xHostAlloc will always be less than or equal to tFPResDynSvcEntryAlloc since dot1x authenticated host resources are subset of dynamic service entry resources." ::= { tFPResEntry 138 } tFPResFastDepthMQueuesTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResFastDepthMQueuesTotal represents the total number of fast polled queue depth monitored queue resources that are allowed to be provisioned on this FP. When the value of tFPResFastDepthMQueuesTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 139 } tFPResFastDepthMQueuesAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResFastDepthMQueuesAlloc represents the total number of fast polled queue depth monitored queue resources that are currently provisioned on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 140 } tFPResMepsWithIntMegTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResMepsWithIntMegTotal indicates the total number of Maintenance End Points (MEP) of Maintenance Entity Groups (MEG) with tmnxDot1agCfmMaMgmtFormat being 'unsignedInt16' that are allowed to be provisioned on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 141 } tFPResMepsWithIntMegAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResMepsWithIntMegAlloc indicates the total number of Maintenance End Points (MEPs) of Maintenance Entity Groups (MEG) with tmnxDot1agCfmMaMgmtFormat being 'unsignedInt16' that are currently provisioned on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 142 } tFPResMepsWithIccMegTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResMepsWithIccMegTotal indicates the total number of Maintenance End Points (MEP) of Maintenance Entity Groups (MEG) with tmnxDot1agCfmMaMgmtFormat being 'iccBased' that are allowed to be provisioned on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 143 } tFPResMepsWithIccMegAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResMepsWithIccMegAlloc indicates the total number of Maintenance End Points (MEP) of Maintenance Entity Groups (MEG) with tmnxDot1agCfmMaMgmtFormat being 'iccBased' that are currently provisioned on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 144 } tFPResMepsWithOtherMegTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResMepsWithOtherMegTotal indicates the total number of Maintenance End Points (MEP) of Maintenance Entity Groups (MEG) with tmnxDot1agCfmMaMgmtFormat not being 'unsignedInt16' nor 'iccBased' that are allowed to be provisioned on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 145 } tFPResMepsWithOtherMegAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResMepsWithOtherMegAlloc indicates the total number of Maintenance End Points (MEP) of Maintenance Entity Groups (MEG) with tmnxDot1agCfmMaMgmtFormat not being 'unsignedInt16' nor 'iccBased' that are currently provisioned on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 146 } tFPResUniqueIccsForMepsTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResUniqueIccsForMepsTotal indicates the total number of unique ICC values for the Maintenance End Points (MEP) that are allowed to be provisioned on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 147 } tFPResUniqueIccsForMepsAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResUniqueIccsForMepsAlloc indicates the total number of unique ICC values for the Maintenance End Points (MEP) that are currently provisioned on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 148 } tFPResPrefixesOfMepMacsTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResPrefixesOfMepMacsTotal indicates the total number of Prefixes (5 bytes) of Maintenance End Points (MEP) Mac Addresses that are allowed to be provisioned on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 149 } tFPResPrefixesOfMepMacsAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResPrefixesOfMepMacsAlloc indicates the total number of Prefixes (5 bytes) of Maintenance End Points (MEP) Mac Addresses that are currently provisioned on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 150 } tFPResIngAclStatTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngAclStatTotal indicates the total number of ingress ACL stats reserved on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngAclStatTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 151 } tFPResIngAclStatAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngAclStatAlloc indicates the total number of ingress ACL stats that are currently allocated on this FP" ::= { tFPResEntry 152 } tFPResEgrAclStatTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrAclStatTotal indicates the total number egress ACL stats reserved on this FP When the value of tFPResEgrAclStatTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 153 } tFPResEgrAclStatAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrAclStatAlloc indicates the total number egress ACL stats that are currently allocated on this FP" ::= { tFPResEntry 154 } tFPResEgrHwAssignNonShaperQTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrHwAssignNonShaperQTotal indicates the total number of assigned non shaper egress queues that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrHwAssignNonShaperQTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 155 } tFPResEgrHwAssignNonShaperQAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrHwAssignNonShaperQAlloc indicates the total number of non aggregate shaper egress queues that are currently allocated on this FP" ::= { tFPResEntry 156 } tFPResEgrHwAggShapQSetSize8Total OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrHwAggShapQSetSize8Total indicates the total number of user provisionable size eight queue groups that are supported on this FP. Each Queue Group has a eight Queues allocated as part of single resource. When the value of tFPResEgrHwAggShapQSetSize8Total is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 157 } tFPResEgrHwAggShapQSetSize8Alloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrHwAggShapQSetSize8Alloc indicates the total number of user provisionable size eight queue groups that are currently allocated on this FP" ::= { tFPResEntry 158 } tFPResEgrHwAggShapersTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrHwAggShapersTotal indicates the total number of user provisionable hardware aggregate shapers that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrHwAggShapersTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 159 } tFPResEgrHwAggShapersAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrHwAggShapersAlloc indicates the total number of user provisionable hardware aggregate shapers that are currently allocated on this FP" ::= { tFPResEntry 160 } tFPResEgrHwAggShaperSchedsTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrHwAggShaperSchedsTotal gives the total number of hardware aggregate shaper schedulers that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrHwAggShaperSchedsTotal is zero then this means that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 161 } tFPResEgrHwAggShaperSchedsAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrHwAggShaperSchedsAlloc gives the total number of hardware aggregate shaper schedulers that are currently allocated on this FP" ::= { tFPResEntry 162 } tFPResIngClassProfileTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngClassProfileTotal represents the total number of ingress classification profile that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngClassProfileTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 163 } tFPResIngClassProfileAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngClassProfileAlloc represents the total number of ingress classification profile that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 164 } tFPResEgrRemarkProfileTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrRemarkProfileTotal represents the total number of egress remark policy profiles that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResEgrRemarkProfileTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 165 } tFPResEgrRemarkProfileAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResEgrRemarkProfileAlloc represents the total number of egress remark policy profiles that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 166 } tFPResIngClassNonEpipeProfAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngClassNonEpipeProfAlloc represents the total number of non-epipe ingress classification profile that are supported on this FP. When the value of tFPResIngClassNonEpipeProfAlloc is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 167 } tFPResIngClassNonEpipeProfTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIngClassNonEpipeProfTotal represents the total number of non-epipe ingress classification profile that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 168 } tFPResOamSathTrafGenBandwAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResOamSathTrafGenBandwAlloc indicates the in-use bandwidth dedicated to traffic generation for OAM service activation test runs on this FP. See the DESCRIPTION of tFPResOamSathTrafGenBandwTotal for more information." ::= { tFPResEntry 169 } tFPResOamSathTrafGenBandwTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResOamSathTrafGenBandwTotal indicates the total supported bandwidth dedicated to traffic generation for OAM service activation test runs on this FP. An OAM service activation test run is started using TIMETRA-OAM-SERV-ACTIV-TEST-MIB::tmnxOamSathCfgSvcTestRunOprState. The bandwidth limit is enforced. For example, suppose tFPResOamSathTrafGenBandwTotal = 15,000,000 kilobps tFPResOamSathTrafGenBandwAlloc = 14,600,000 kilobps. Then, an attempt to start an OAM service activation test run (on this FP) needing 500,000 kilobps will be rejected." ::= { tFPResEntry 170 } tFPResOamSathTrafGenSvcStrmAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "service-streams" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResOamSathTrafGenSvcStrmAlloc indicates the in-use service-stream count for OAM service activation test runs on this FP. See the DESCRIPTION of tFPResOamSathTrafGenSvcStrmTotal for more information." ::= { tFPResEntry 171 } tFPResOamSathTrafGenSvcStrmTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "service-streams" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResOamSathTrafGenSvcStrmTotal indicates the total supported service-stream count for OAM service activation test runs on this FP. An OAM service activation test run is started using TIMETRA-OAM-SERV-ACTIV-TEST-MIB::tmnxOamSathCfgSvcTestRunOprState. The limit is enforced. For example, suppose tFPResOamSathTrafGenSvcStrmTotal = 8 service-streams tFPResOamSathTrafGenSvcStrmAlloc = 7 service-streams. Then, an attempt to start an OAM service activation test run (on this FP) with two enabled service-streams will be rejected." ::= { tFPResEntry 172 } tFPResFCDot1pMapIUBE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResFCDot1pMapIUBE represents the total number of egress dot1p remark maps that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 173 } tFPResFCDscpMapIUBE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResFCDscpMapIUBE represents the total number of egress dscp remark maps that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 174 } tFPResFCLspExpMapIUBE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResFCLspExpMapIUBE represents the total number of egress exp class maps that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 175 } tFPResDot1pFCMapIUBI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDot1pFCMapIUBI represents the total number of ingress dot1p class maps that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 176 } tFPResDscpFCMapIUBI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResDscpFCMapIUBI represents the total number of ingress dscp class maps that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 177 } tFPResLspExpFCMapIUBI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResLspExpFCMapIUBI represents the total number of ingress exp class maps that are currently allocated on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 178 } tFPResCamBanksIUBDot1xHostAuth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResCamBanksIUBDot1xHostAuth represents the total number of CAM banks that are currently allocated on this FP for dot1x per host authentication." ::= { tFPResEntry 179 } tFPResMacIPv4CamBanksTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResMacIPv4CamBanksTotal represents the total number of CAM banks reserved for MAC and IPv4 filters on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 180 } tFPResMacIPv4CamBanksAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResMacIPv4CamBanksAlloc represents the total number of CAM banks currently being used by MAC and IPv4 filters on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 181 } tFPResIPv6CamBanksTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIPv6CamBanksTotal represents the total number of CAM banks reserved for IPv6 filters on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 182 } tFPResIPv6CamBanksAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPResIPv6CamBanksAlloc represents the total number of CAM banks currently being used by IPv6 filters on this FP." ::= { tFPResEntry 183 } tMDAResTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TMDAResEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMDAResTable represents system resource information that are specific to MDA for a particular card on a given chassis." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 47 } tMDAResEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMDAResEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMDAResEntry represents MDA specific system resource information." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxMDASlotNum } ::= { tMDAResTable 1 } TMDAResEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpTotal Unsigned32, tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpAlloc Unsigned32, tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperTotal Unsigned32, tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperAlloc Unsigned32, tMDAResSapInstanceTotal Unsigned32, tMDAResSapInstanceAlloc Unsigned32 } tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpTotal represents the total number of egress HSMDA queue-groups that are supported on this MDA. When the value of tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this MDA." ::= { tMDAResEntry 1 } tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpAlloc represents the total number of egress HSMDA queue-groups that are currently allocated on this MDA." ::= { tMDAResEntry 2 } tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperTotal represents the total number of egress HSMDA secondary-shapers that are supported on this MDA. When the value of tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this MDA." ::= { tMDAResEntry 3 } tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperAlloc represents the total number of egress HSMDA secondary-shapers that are currently allocated on this MDA." ::= { tMDAResEntry 4 } tMDAResSapInstanceTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMDAResSapInstanceTotal represents the total number of SAP instances that are supported on this MDA. When the value of tMDAResSapInstanceTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this MDA." ::= { tMDAResEntry 5 } tMDAResSapInstanceAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMDAResSapInstanceAlloc represents the total number of SAP instances that are currently allocated on this MDA." ::= { tMDAResEntry 6 } tFPEgressFwdEngDRStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFPEgressFwdEngDRStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPEgressFwdEngDRStatsTable specifies per-reason drop statistics for the packets dropped by the forwarding engine." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 52 } tFPEgressFwdEngDRStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFPEgressFwdEngDRStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFPEgressFwdEngDRStatsEntry specifies per-reason drop statistics for the packets dropped by the forwarding engine." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum } ::= { tFPEgressFwdEngDRStatsTable 1 } TFPEgressFwdEngDRStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFwdEngDREgrEncapExceeded Counter64, tFwdEngDREgrMtuExceeded Counter64, tFwdEngDREgrPortMtuExceeded Counter64 } tFwdEngDREgrEncapExceeded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFwdEngDREgrEncapExceeded indicates the total number of packets dropped by the forwarding engine due to the packet header size exceeding the egress encapsulation limit." ::= { tFPEgressFwdEngDRStatsEntry 1 } tFwdEngDREgrMtuExceeded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFwdEngDREgrMtuExceeded indicates the total number of exceptions at egress that need an ICMP cannot fragment response." ::= { tFPEgressFwdEngDRStatsEntry 2 } tFwdEngDREgrPortMtuExceeded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFwdEngDREgrPortMtuExceeded indicates the total number of packets dropped by the forwarding engine due to the final frame exceeding the port MTU size." ::= { tFPEgressFwdEngDRStatsEntry 3 } tmnxCardVFpStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCardVFpStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardVFpStatsTable contains CPU statistics for the virtual forwarding plane (vFP) of a given card." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 53 } tmnxCardVFpStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardVFpStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardVFpStatsEntry consists of CPU statistics for a virtual forwarding plane (vFP) task on a card." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxCardVFpTaskType } ::= { tmnxCardVFpStatsTable 1 } TmnxCardVFpStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCardVFpTaskType INTEGER, tmnxCardVFpCpuCount Unsigned32, tmnxCardVFpAvgUtilization Unsigned32, tmnxCardVFpMaxUtilization Unsigned32 } tmnxCardVFpTaskType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nic (1), worker (2), scheduler (3), collapsed (4), combined (5) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardVFpTaskType specifies the virtual forwarding plane (vFP) task type. Values: nic - task includes only network interface card work worker - task includes only worker work scheduler - task includes only scheduler work collapsed - task includes NIC and scheduler work combined - task includes NIC, scheduler and worker work" ::= { tmnxCardVFpStatsEntry 1 } tmnxCardVFpCpuCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardVFpCpuCount indicates the number of virtual CPUs that the vFP task is running on for the card." ::= { tmnxCardVFpStatsEntry 2 } tmnxCardVFpAvgUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardVFpAvgUtilization indicates the average CPU utilization of the vFP task on the card." ::= { tmnxCardVFpStatsEntry 3 } tmnxCardVFpMaxUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardVFpMaxUtilization indicates the maximum CPU utilization of the vFP task on the card." ::= { tmnxCardVFpStatsEntry 4 } tmnxCardVCpuSchedStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCardVCpuSchedStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardVCpuSchedStatsTable contains virtual CPU scheduling statistics for a given card." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 54 } tmnxCardVCpuSchedStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardVCpuSchedStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardVCpuSchedStatsEntry consists of virtual CPU scheduling statistics for a card." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum } ::= { tmnxCardVCpuSchedStatsTable 1 } TmnxCardVCpuSchedStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCardVCpuSchedHealth Unsigned32, tmnxCardVCpuSchedLastClearedTime TimeStamp } tmnxCardVCpuSchedHealth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardVCpuSchedHealth indicates the scheduling health of the virtual CPU on the card." ::= { tmnxCardVCpuSchedStatsEntry 1 } tmnxCardVCpuSchedLastClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardVCpuSchedLastClearedTime indicates the time, since system startup, when tmnxCardVCpuSchedStatsEntry was last cleared." ::= { tmnxCardVCpuSchedStatsEntry 2 } tmnxCardComplexStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCardComplexStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCardComplexStatsTable contains statistics for all the IOM complexes in the system." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 55 } tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardComplexStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry consists of statistics for the given complex and given IOM card." INDEX { tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxCardComplexNum } ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsTable 1 } TmnxCardComplexStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCardComplexNum Unsigned32, tmnxCardComplexIngFcsError Counter32, tmnxCardComplexIngFcsErrTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardComplexEgrFcsError Counter32, tmnxCardComplexEgrFcsErrTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardComplexMemParError Counter32, tmnxCardComplexMemParErrTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardComplexCamError Counter32, tmnxCardComplexCamErrTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardComplexBufMemError Counter32, tmnxCardComplexBufMemErrTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardComplexStatsMemError Counter32, tmnxCardComplexStatsMemErrTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardComplexIntMemError Counter32, tmnxCardComplexIntMemErrTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardComplexIntDatapathError Counter32, tmnxCardComplexIntDatapthErrTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardComplexIntDpCellError Counter32, tmnxCardComplexIntDpCellErrTime TimeStamp, tmnxCardComplexSrcSlotsEgFcsErr TmnxCardSlotBitMap } tmnxCardComplexNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexNum specifies the number which uniquely identifies the complex on the IOM card." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 1 } tmnxCardComplexIngFcsError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexIngFcsError indicates the number of times the complex experienced a FCS error in the ingress direction since startup, last clear, or card reboot." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 2 } tmnxCardComplexIngFcsErrTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexIngFcsErrTime indicates the last time tmnxCardComplexIngFcsError incremented." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 3 } tmnxCardComplexEgrFcsError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexEgrFcsError indicates the number of times the complex experienced a FCS error in the egress direction since startup, last clear, or card reboot." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 4 } tmnxCardComplexEgrFcsErrTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexEgrFcsErrTime indicates the last time tmnxCardComplexEgrFcsError incremented." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 5 } tmnxCardComplexMemParError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexMemParError indicates the number of times the complex experienced a memory parity error since startup, last clear, or card reboot." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 6 } tmnxCardComplexMemParErrTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexMemParErrTime indicates the last time tmnxCardComplexMemParError incremented." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 7 } tmnxCardComplexCamError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexCamError indicates the number of times the complex experienced a CAM error since startup, last clear, or card reboot." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 8 } tmnxCardComplexCamErrTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexCamErrTime indicates the last time tmnxCardComplexCamError incremented." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 9 } tmnxCardComplexBufMemError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexBufMemError indicates the number of times the complex experienced a buffer memory error since startup, last clear, or card reboot." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 10 } tmnxCardComplexBufMemErrTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexBufMemErrTime indicates the last time tmnxCardComplexBufMemError incremented." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 11 } tmnxCardComplexStatsMemError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexStatsMemError indicates the number of times the complex experienced a statistics memory error since startup, last clear, or card reboot." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 12 } tmnxCardComplexStatsMemErrTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexStatsMemErrTime indicates the last time tmnxCardComplexStatsMemError incremented." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 13 } tmnxCardComplexIntMemError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexIntMemError indicates the number of times the complex experienced an internal memory error since startup, last clear, or card reboot." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 14 } tmnxCardComplexIntMemErrTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexIntMemErrTime indicates the last time tmnxCardComplexIntMemError incremented." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 15 } tmnxCardComplexIntDatapathError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexIntDatapathError indicates the number of times the complex experienced an internal datapath error since startup, last clear, or card reboot." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 16 } tmnxCardComplexIntDatapthErrTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexIntDatapthErrTime indicates the last time tmnxCardComplexIntDatapathError incremented." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 17 } tmnxCardComplexIntDpCellError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexIntDpCellError indicates the number of times the complex experienced an internal datapath cell error since startup, last clear, or card reboot." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 18 } tmnxCardComplexIntDpCellErrTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexIntDpCellErrTime indicates the last time tmnxCardComplexIntDpCellError incremented." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 19 } tmnxCardComplexSrcSlotsEgFcsErr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardSlotBitMap MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardComplexSrcSlotsEgFcsErr indicates the source slots reported from the last time tmnxCardComplexEgrFcsError incremented." ::= { tmnxCardComplexStatsEntry 20 } tmnxCardLevelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCardLevelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The card level table has an entry for each card model variant that is supported by the system. Some example card levels are: 'he-d1', 'cr-d3'" ::= { tmnxCardObjs 56 } tmnxCardLevelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardLevelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Nokia SROS series Card model variant. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxCardTypeIndex, tmnxCardLevelIndex } ::= { tmnxCardLevelTable 1 } TmnxCardLevelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCardLevelIndex Unsigned32, tmnxCardLevelName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxCardLevelId TmnxCardFunctionalLevel, tmnxCardLevelDescription TItemDescription, tmnxCardLevelStatus TruthValue } tmnxCardLevelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique index value which identifies this type of Nokia SROS series card model functional variant." ::= { tmnxCardLevelEntry 1 } tmnxCardLevelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative name that identifies this type of Nokia SROS series card model functional variant. This name string may be used in CLI commands to specify a particular card model level." ::= { tmnxCardLevelEntry 2 } tmnxCardLevelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardFunctionalLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The numeric identifier of this type of Nokia SROS series card model functional variant." ::= { tmnxCardLevelEntry 3 } tmnxCardLevelDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A detailed description of this Nokia SROS series card model functional variant." ::= { tmnxCardLevelEntry 4 } tmnxCardLevelStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tmnxCardLevelStatus has a value of 'true' it indicates that this card level is supported in this revision of the management software. When it has a value of 'false' there is no support." ::= { tmnxCardLevelEntry 5 } tmnxMdaLevelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxMdaLevelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MDA level table has an entry for each MDA card model functional variant supported by the system." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 57 } tmnxMdaLevelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMdaLevelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Nokia SROS series MDA card model. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxMdaTypeIndex, tmnxMdaLevelIndex } ::= { tmnxMdaLevelTable 1 } TmnxMdaLevelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxMdaLevelIndex Unsigned32, tmnxMdaLevelName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxMdaLevelId TmnxMDAFunctionalLevel, tmnxMdaLevelDescription TItemDescription, tmnxMdaLevelStatus TruthValue } tmnxMdaLevelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique index value which identifies this type of Nokia SROS series MDA card model functional variant." ::= { tmnxMdaLevelEntry 1 } tmnxMdaLevelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative name that identifies this type of Nokia SROS series MDA card model functional variant. This name string may be used in CLI commands to specify a particular MDA card model level." ::= { tmnxMdaLevelEntry 2 } tmnxMdaLevelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMDAFunctionalLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The numeric identifier of this type of Nokia SROS series MDA model functional variant." ::= { tmnxMdaLevelEntry 3 } tmnxMdaLevelDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A detailed description of this Nokia SROS series MDA card model functional variant." ::= { tmnxMdaLevelEntry 4 } tmnxMdaLevelStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tmnxMdaLevelStatus has a value of 'true' it indicates that this MDA card level is supported in this revision of the management software. When it has a value of 'false' there is no support." ::= { tmnxMdaLevelEntry 5 } tmnxGnssTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssTableLastChange indicates the time, since system startup, when a row in the tmnxGnssTable last changed configuration." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 58 } tmnxGnssTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxGnssEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tmnxGnssTable contains configuration for each Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver in the system." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 59 } tmnxGnssEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxGnssEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a GNSS receiver. The GNSS receiver is modeled as being contained within an MDA of the system. Entries are created/deleted automatically by the system." INDEX { tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxMDASlotNum } ::= { tmnxGnssTable 1 } TmnxGnssEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxGnssCfgLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxGnssAdminState TmnxAdminState, tmnxGnssConstellation TmnxGnssConstellation, tmnxGnssNmeaAdminState TmnxAdminState, tmnxGnssNmeaSentenceTypes BITS, tmnxGnssNmeaSentenceInterval Unsigned32 } tmnxGnssCfgLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssCfgLastChanged indicates the time, since system startup, that the configuration of the GNSS receiver was last modified." ::= { tmnxGnssEntry 1 } tmnxGnssAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssAdminState specifies the administrative state of the GNSS receiver. When tmnxGnssAdminState has a value of 'outOfService', the GNSS receiver is powered down. When tmnxGnssAdminState is 'inService', the GNSS receiver attempts to acquire a fix from the satellites specified by tmnxGnssConstellation. Changing the value of tmnxGnssAdminState to 'inService' may require the system to reset the MDA in order for GNSS to become operational. The system will automatically reset the MDA if necessary." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tmnxGnssEntry 2 } tmnxGnssConstellation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxGnssConstellation MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssConstellation specifies the type of satellites that the GNSS receiver will use to acquire a fix. The value 'gps' specifies that the receiver will only use the United States' Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites. The value 'gps-glonass' specifies that the receiver will use both GPS and Russia's GLONASS satellites. Changing the satellite constellation requires the MDA to be reset. The MDA will reset automatically when GNSS is enabled after changing the constellation." DEFVAL { gps } ::= { tmnxGnssEntry 3 } tmnxGnssNmeaAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssNmeaAdminState specifies whether the system will stream National Marine Electronics Assocation (NMEA) sentences generated by the GNSS receiver. When the state is 'inService', and there is an IP transport configured with aluIpTransportPortId corresponding to the GNSS receiver, the system will stream NMEA sentences at the rate specified by tmnxGnssNmeaSentenceInterval to the remote hosts configured in the IP transport." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tmnxGnssEntry 4 } tmnxGnssNmeaSentenceTypes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { gga (0), rmc (1), vtg (2), gns (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssNmeaSentenceTypes specifies the type of NMEA sentences that the system will generate and send through an associated IP transport. If multiple bits are set, the system will send multiple NMEA sentence types." REFERENCE "'NMEA 0183', National Marine Electronics Assocation, March 1983." DEFVAL { { gga } } ::= { tmnxGnssEntry 5 } tmnxGnssNmeaSentenceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssNmeaSentenceInterval specifies the interval between sentences sent by the system to the remote hosts specified in the associated IP transport." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { tmnxGnssEntry 6 } tmnxGnssOperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxGnssOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tmnxGnssOperTable contains operational information for each Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver in the system." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 60 } tmnxGnssOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxGnssOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a GNSS receiver. The GNSS receiver is modeled as being contained within an MDA of the system. Entries are created/deleted automatically by the system." INDEX { tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxMDASlotNum } ::= { tmnxGnssOperTable 1 } TmnxGnssOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxGnssOperState TmnxOperState, tmnxGnssPositionValid TruthValue, tmnxGnssDateTime DateAndTime, tmnxGnssLatitude Integer32, tmnxGnssLongitude Integer32, tmnxGnssAltitude Integer32, tmnxGnssHeading Unsigned32, tmnxGnssSpeed Unsigned32 } tmnxGnssOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssOperState indicates the operational state operational state of the GNSS receiver. In order for the operational state to be 'inService(2)', tmnxGnssAdminState must be 'inService(2)', and tmnxHwAdminState for the corresponding MDA must also be 'inService(2)'." ::= { tmnxGnssOperEntry 1 } tmnxGnssPositionValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssPositionValid indicates whether the GNSS receiver has acquired a position fix." ::= { tmnxGnssOperEntry 2 } tmnxGnssDateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime (SIZE (8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssDateTime indicates the GNSS date and time corresponding to the most recent position fixed by the GNSS receiver. If the receiver has not obtained a fix, tmnxGnssDateTime has a value of '0000000000000000'H." ::= { tmnxGnssOperEntry 3 } tmnxGnssLatitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-9000000..9000000) UNITS "0.00001 degrees" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssLatitude indicates the latitude of the GNSS receiver obtained from the last fix. Positive values indicate degrees north of the equator, while negative values indicate degrees south. If the receiver has not obtained a fix, tmnxGnssPositionValid is false, and tmnxGnssLatitude has a value of 0." ::= { tmnxGnssOperEntry 4 } tmnxGnssLongitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-18000000..18000000) UNITS "0.00001 degrees" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssLongitude indicates the longitude of the GNSS receiver obtained from the last fix. Positive values indicate degrees east of the prime meridian, while negative values indicate degrees west. If the receiver has not obtained a fix, tmnxGnssPositionValid is false, and tmnxGnssLongitude has a value of 0." ::= { tmnxGnssOperEntry 5 } tmnxGnssAltitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-10000..100000) UNITS "decimeters" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssAltitude indicates the altitude above mean sea level of the GNSS receiver obtained from the last fix. If the receiver has not obtained a fix, tmnxGnssAltitude has a value of 0." ::= { tmnxGnssOperEntry 6 } tmnxGnssHeading OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..3600) UNITS "decidegrees" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssHeading indicates the true heading of the system, as measured by the GNSS receiver." ::= { tmnxGnssOperEntry 7 } tmnxGnssSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "decameters per hour" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssSpeed indicates the speed of the system, as measured by the GNSS receiver." ::= { tmnxGnssOperEntry 8 } tmnxGnssSatelliteTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxGnssSatelliteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tmnxGnssSatelliteTable contains information for each satellite that is visible to the GNSS receiver." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 61 } tmnxGnssSatelliteEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxGnssSatelliteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a satellite that is visible to the GNSS receiver. Entries are created/deleted automatically by the system." INDEX { tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxMDASlotNum, tmnxGnssSatelliteNumber } ::= { tmnxGnssSatelliteTable 1 } TmnxGnssSatelliteEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxGnssSatelliteNumber Unsigned32, tmnxGnssSatelliteType INTEGER, tmnxGnssSatelliteElevation Unsigned32, tmnxGnssSatelliteAzimuth Unsigned32, tmnxGnssSatelliteSnr Unsigned32 } tmnxGnssSatelliteNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssSatelliteNumber indicates the satellite number of this satellite. GPS satellites have a satellite number in the range 1-32. GLONASS satellites have a satellite number in the range 65-96. These satellite numbers are sometimes referred to as NMEA IDs." REFERENCE "'NMEA 0183 - Standard for Interfacing Marine Electronic Devices', Version 3.01, National Marine Electronics Association, 2002." ::= { tmnxGnssSatelliteEntry 1 } tmnxGnssSatelliteType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { gps (1), glonass (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssSatelliteType indicates the type of this satellite." ::= { tmnxGnssSatelliteEntry 2 } tmnxGnssSatelliteElevation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..90) UNITS "degrees" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssSatelliteElevation indicates the elevation of the satellite." ::= { tmnxGnssSatelliteEntry 3 } tmnxGnssSatelliteAzimuth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..360) UNITS "degrees" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssSatelliteAzimuth indicates the azimuth of the satellite." ::= { tmnxGnssSatelliteEntry 4 } tmnxGnssSatelliteSnr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxGnssSatelliteSnr indicates the signal-to-noise ratio of the signal from the satellite to the GNSS receiver." ::= { tmnxGnssSatelliteEntry 5 } tmnxVmCardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxVmCardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tmnxCardObjs 63 } tmnxVmCardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVmCardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a virtual IOM card slot in a chassis in the system. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. When a tmnxChassisEntry is created, a tmnxVmCardEntry is created for each virtual IOM card slot in that chassis. Before a tmnxChassisEntry can be deleted, each tmnxVmCardEntry for that chassis must be in the proper state for removal." AUGMENTS { tmnxCardEntry } ::= { tmnxVmCardTable 1 } TmnxVmCardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxVmCardHypervisor TItemDescription, tmnxVmCardCpu TItemDescription, tmnxVmCardNumCores Unsigned32 } tmnxVmCardHypervisor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxVmCardHypervisor indicates the name of the hypervisor." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxVmCardEntry 1 } tmnxVmCardCpu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxVmCardCpu indicates the description of the CPU." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxVmCardEntry 2 } tmnxVmCardNumCores OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxVmCardNumCores indicates the number of processor cores available." ::= { tmnxVmCardEntry 3 } tmnxVmCpmCardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxVmCpmCardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tmnxCardObjs 64 } tmnxVmCpmCardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVmCpmCardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a virtual CPM card or module in a chassis in the system. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. When a tmnxChassisEntry is created, a tmnxVmCpmCardEntry is created for each virtual CPM card or module in that chassis. Before a tmnxChassisEntry can be deleted, each tmnxVmCpmCardEntry for that chassis must be in the proper state for removal." AUGMENTS { tmnxCpmCardEntry } ::= { tmnxVmCpmCardTable 1 } TmnxVmCpmCardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxVmCpmCardHypervisor TItemDescription, tmnxVmCpmCardCpu TItemDescription, tmnxVmCpmCardNumCores Unsigned32 } tmnxVmCpmCardHypervisor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxVmCpmCardHypervisor indicates the name of the hypervisor." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxVmCpmCardEntry 1 } tmnxVmCpmCardCpu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxVmCpmCardCpu indicates the description of the CPU." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxVmCpmCardEntry 2 } tmnxVmCpmCardNumCores OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxVmCpmCardNumCores indicates the number of processor cores available." ::= { tmnxVmCpmCardEntry 3 } tmnxCardLevelUpgradesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCardLevelUpgradesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCardLevelUpgradesTable has an entry for each possible upgrade of an IOM card slot based on it's current tmnxCardLicensedLevel." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 65 } tmnxCardLevelUpgradesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardLevelUpgradesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an IOM card slot upgrade in a chassis in the system based on tmnxCardLicensedLevel." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxCardLevelUpgradeId } ::= { tmnxCardLevelUpgradesTable 1 } TmnxCardLevelUpgradesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCardLevelUpgradeId TmnxCardFunctionalUpgrade, tmnxCardLevelUpgradeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxCardUpgradeLevelId TmnxCardFunctionalLevel, tmnxCardUpgradeRequiresReboot TruthValue } tmnxCardLevelUpgradeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardFunctionalUpgrade MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique index value which identifies this type of Nokia SROS series Card model functional upgrade" ::= { tmnxCardLevelUpgradesEntry 1 } tmnxCardLevelUpgradeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative name that identifies this type of Nokia SROS series card model functional upgrade. This name string may be used in CLI commands to specify a particular card model upgrade." ::= { tmnxCardLevelUpgradesEntry 2 } tmnxCardUpgradeLevelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardFunctionalLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer that indicates the card upgraded functional-level with this license applied for this slot in this chassis." ::= { tmnxCardLevelUpgradesEntry 3 } tmnxCardUpgradeRequiresReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxCardUpgradeRequiresReboot indicates whether this upgrade requires a a reboot of the card to be applied for this slot in this chassis." ::= { tmnxCardLevelUpgradesEntry 4 } tmnxCardLevelUpgradeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCardLevelUpgradeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCardLevelUpgradeTable has an entry for each upgrade that has been applied to an IOM card slot." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 66 } tmnxCardLevelUpgradeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardLevelUpgradeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an IOM card slot applied upgrade in a chassis in the system." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxCardLevelUpgradeIndex } ::= { tmnxCardLevelUpgradeTable 1 } TmnxCardLevelUpgradeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCardLevelUpgradeIndex Unsigned32, tmnxCardLevelUpgradeRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxCardAssignedLevelUpgradeId TmnxCardFunctionalUpgrade } tmnxCardLevelUpgradeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..6) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index value which identifies this type of Nokia SROS series Card model functional upgrade" ::= { tmnxCardLevelUpgradeEntry 1 } tmnxCardLevelUpgradeRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCardLevelUpgradeRowStatus specifies the row status of the card level upgrade." ::= { tmnxCardLevelUpgradeEntry 2 } tmnxCardAssignedLevelUpgradeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardFunctionalUpgrade MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique index value which identifies the Nokia SROS series Card model functional upgrade to apply" ::= { tmnxCardLevelUpgradeEntry 3 } tmnxMDALevelUpgradesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxMDALevelUpgradesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxMDALevelUpgradesTable has an entry for each possible upgrade of an MDA based on it's current tmnxMDALicensedLevel." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 67 } tmnxMDALevelUpgradesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMDALevelUpgradesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an MDA slot upgrade in a chassis in the system based on tmnxMDALicensedLevel." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxMDASlotNum, tmnxMDALevelUpgradeId } ::= { tmnxMDALevelUpgradesTable 1 } TmnxMDALevelUpgradesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxMDALevelUpgradeId TmnxMDAFunctionalUpgrade, tmnxMDALevelUpgradeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxMDAUpgradeLevelId TmnxMDAFunctionalLevel, tmnxMDAUpgradeRequiresReboot TruthValue } tmnxMDALevelUpgradeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMDAFunctionalUpgrade MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique index value which identifies this type of Nokia SROS series MDA model functional upgrade" ::= { tmnxMDALevelUpgradesEntry 1 } tmnxMDALevelUpgradeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative name that identifies this type of Nokia SROS series MDA model functional upgrade. This name string may be used in CLI commands to specify a particular card model upgrade." ::= { tmnxMDALevelUpgradesEntry 2 } tmnxMDAUpgradeLevelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMDAFunctionalLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer that indicates the MDA upgraded functional-level with this license applied for this slot in this chassis." ::= { tmnxMDALevelUpgradesEntry 3 } tmnxMDAUpgradeRequiresReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxMDAUpgradeRequiresReboot indicates whether this upgrade requires a a reboot of the MDA to be applied for this slot in this chassis." ::= { tmnxMDALevelUpgradesEntry 4 } tmnxMDALevelUpgradeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxMDALevelUpgradeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxMDALevelUpgradeTable has an entry for each upgrade that has been applied to an MDA slot." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 68 } tmnxMDALevelUpgradeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMDALevelUpgradeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an MDA slot applied upgrade in a chassis in the system." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxMDASlotNum, tmnxMDALevelUpgradeIndex } ::= { tmnxMDALevelUpgradeTable 1 } TmnxMDALevelUpgradeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxMDALevelUpgradeIndex Unsigned32, tmnxMDALevelUpgradeRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxMDAAssignedLevelUpgradeId TmnxMDAFunctionalUpgrade } tmnxMDALevelUpgradeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..6) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index value which identifies this type of Nokia SROS series MDA model functional upgrade" ::= { tmnxMDALevelUpgradeEntry 1 } tmnxMDALevelUpgradeRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDALevelUpgradeRowStatus specifies the row status of the MDA level upgrade." ::= { tmnxMDALevelUpgradeEntry 2 } tmnxMDAAssignedLevelUpgradeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMDAFunctionalUpgrade MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique index value which identifies the Nokia SROS series MDA model functional upgrade to apply" ::= { tmnxMDALevelUpgradeEntry 3 } tmnxMDAIsaTnlStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxMDAIsaTnlStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxMDAIsaTnlStatsTable has an entry for each MDA slot in each IOM card in this chassis in the TMNX system." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 69 } tmnxMDAIsaTnlStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMDAIsaTnlStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a MDA slot in an IOM card in a chassis in the system." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxMDASlotNum } ::= { tmnxMDAIsaTnlStatsTable 1 } TmnxMDAIsaTnlStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxMDAIsaTnlStatsCryptoAcc OCTET STRING } tmnxMDAIsaTnlStatsCryptoAcc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMDAIsaTnlStatsCryptoAcc indicates the cryptographic accelerator information." ::= { tmnxMDAIsaTnlStatsEntry 1 } tmnxEsaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxEsaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEsaTable contains configuration information for Extended Services Appliance (ESA) entries." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 70 } tmnxEsaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEsaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxEsaEntry represents an ESA in the system and contains its configuration information. Entries in this table are created and destroyed via SNMP set operations to tmnxEsaRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxEsaId } ::= { tmnxEsaTable 1 } TmnxEsaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxEsaId TmnxEsaId, tmnxEsaLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxEsaRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxEsaAdminState TmnxAdminState, tmnxEsaDescription TItemDescription, tmnxEsaHwIndex TmnxHwIndex, tmnxEsaReboot TmnxActionType } tmnxEsaId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEsaId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaId specifies the ID of the ESA." ::= { tmnxEsaEntry 1 } tmnxEsaLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaLastChanged indicates the time, since system startup, that the configuration of the row was last modified." ::= { tmnxEsaEntry 2 } tmnxEsaRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaRowStatus specifies the status of the row. It also controls the creation and deletion of the row." ::= { tmnxEsaEntry 3 } tmnxEsaAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaAdminState specifies the admin state of the ESA." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tmnxEsaEntry 4 } tmnxEsaDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaDescription specifies the description of the ESA." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxEsaEntry 5 } tmnxEsaHwIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaHwIndex specifies the tmnxHwIndex into the tmnxHwTable to locate the row entry that represents the hardware component information for this ESA." ::= { tmnxEsaEntry 6 } tmnxEsaReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting the value of tmnxEsaReboot to 'doAction' causes the ESA to execute a reboot." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxEsaEntry 7 } tmnxEsaHostPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxEsaHostPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEsaHostPortTable contains entries for the host ports of each ESA." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 71 } tmnxEsaHostPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEsaHostPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxEsaHostPortEntry represents a host port for an ESA in the system and contains its configuration information. Entries in this table are created and destroyed via SNMP set operations to tmnxEsaHostPortRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxEsaId, tmnxEsaHostPortId } ::= { tmnxEsaHostPortTable 1 } TmnxEsaHostPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxEsaHostPortId TmnxPortID, tmnxEsaHostPortRowStatus RowStatus } tmnxEsaHostPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaHostPortId specifies the port identifier of the ESA host port." ::= { tmnxEsaHostPortEntry 1 } tmnxEsaHostPortRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaHostPortRowStatus specifies the status of the row. It also controls the creation and deletion of the row." ::= { tmnxEsaHostPortEntry 2 } tmnxEsaVmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxEsaVmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEsaVmTable contains entries for the VMs of each ESA." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 72 } tmnxEsaVmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEsaVmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxEsaVmEntry represents a VM on an ESA in the system and contains its configuration information. Entries in this table are created and destroyed via SNMP set operations to tmnxEsaVmRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxEsaId, tmnxEsaVmId } ::= { tmnxEsaVmTable 1 } TmnxEsaVmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxEsaVmId TmnxEsaVmId, tmnxEsaVmLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxEsaVmRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxEsaVmAdminState TmnxAdminState, tmnxEsaVmDescription TItemDescription, tmnxEsaVmType INTEGER, tmnxEsaVmHostPortId TmnxPortID, tmnxEsaVmCoreNumber Unsigned32, tmnxEsaVmMemorySize Unsigned32, tmnxEsaVmReboot TmnxActionType } tmnxEsaVmId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEsaVmId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaVmId specifies the ID of the VM on this ESA." ::= { tmnxEsaVmEntry 1 } tmnxEsaVmLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaVmLastChanged indicates the time, since system startup, that the configuration of the row was last modified." ::= { tmnxEsaVmEntry 2 } tmnxEsaVmRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaVmRowStatus specifies the status of the row. It also controls the creation and deletion of the row." ::= { tmnxEsaVmEntry 3 } tmnxEsaVmAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaVmAdminState specifies the admin state of the ESA VM." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tmnxEsaVmEntry 4 } tmnxEsaVmDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaVmDescription specifies the description of the ESA VM." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxEsaVmEntry 5 } tmnxEsaVmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), aa (1), bb (2), tunnel (3), video (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaVmType specifies to the type of the ESA VM." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxEsaVmEntry 6 } tmnxEsaVmHostPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaVmHostPortId specifies the port identifier of the ESA VM host port. This port must be configured for use on in the tmnxEsaHostPortTable." DEFVAL { '1e000000'H } ::= { tmnxEsaVmEntry 7 } tmnxEsaVmCoreNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..128) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaVmCoreNumber specifies the number of cores given to the ESA VM." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxEsaVmEntry 8 } tmnxEsaVmMemorySize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..256) UNITS "gigabyte" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaVmMemorySize specifies the amount of memory, in gigabytes, given to the ESA VM." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxEsaVmEntry 9 } tmnxEsaVmReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting the value of tmnxEsaVmReboot to 'doAction' causes the esa-vm to execute a reboot." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxEsaVmEntry 10 } tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmTable contains configuration information that associates tunnel-capable ESA virtual machines to tunnel groups. A tunnel group, configured in tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTable, defines a collection of tunnel-capable service devices. A tunnel-capable ESA virtual machine, configured in tmnxEsaVmTable, is one such service device. Examples of services supported by tunnel groups include IPsec tunnels, IP-in-IP tunnels, and GRE tunnels." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 73 } tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmEntry represents an ESA virtual machine association to a tunnel group. Rows are created or destroyed by SNMP Set operations on tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxEsaId, tmnxEsaVmId } ::= { tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmTable 1 } TmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmLastChgd TimeStamp, tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmGroupAssoc TmnxTunnelGroupIdOrZero, tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmActive TruthValue } tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmRowStatus specifies the status of the configuration row for the specified ESA virtual machine tunnel group member. A row in this table may not be created unless the corresponding ESA virtual machine exists in the tmnxEsaVmTable with tmnxEsaVmType of 'tunnel'. The row in tmnxEsaVmTable may not be destroyed or have its tmnxEsaVmType changed from 'tunnel' while a corresponding association exists in this table." ::= { tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmEntry 1 } tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmLastChgd indicates the time, since system startup, when the configuration of the tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmEntry was last modified." ::= { tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmEntry 2 } tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmGroupAssoc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxTunnelGroupIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmGroupAssoc specifies the tunnel group to which the ESA virtual machine is associated. During row creation, one of tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmGroupAssoc or 'tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmPoolAssoc' must be set to a non-default value. These associations can be removed only by destroying the row. When this object is set to a non-default value, the value of 'tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmPoolAssoc' must be default. The tunnel group specified must exist in tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTable. Removal of the tunnel group from tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTable will not be allowed while this association exists." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmEntry 3 } tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmActive indicates whether the ESA virtual machine is active in the tunnel group indicated by tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmGroupAssoc." ::= { tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmEntry 4 } tmnxEsaStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxEsaStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEsaStatsTable contains statistical information for Extended Services Appliance (ESA) entries." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 74 } tmnxEsaStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEsaStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxEsaStatsEntry represents an ESA in the system and contains its statistical information. Entries in this table are created and destroyed automatically by the system." INDEX { tmnxEsaId } ::= { tmnxEsaStatsTable 1 } TmnxEsaStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxEsaStatsOperState INTEGER, tmnxEsaStatsCoresAvailable Unsigned32, tmnxEsaStatsCoresAllocated Unsigned32, tmnxEsaStatsMemoryAvailable Unsigned32, tmnxEsaStatsMemoryAllocated Unsigned32, tmnxEsaStatsSoftwareVersion DisplayString, tmnxEsaStatsOperFlags BITS, tmnxEsaStatsTimeOfBoot DateAndTime, tmnxEsaStatsSystemManufacturer DisplayString, tmnxEsaStatsSystemProductName DisplayString, tmnxEsaStatsSystemSerialNumber DisplayString, tmnxEsaStatsPerformanceEnabled TruthValue, tmnxEsaStatsExportRestricted TruthValue } tmnxEsaStatsOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), inService (2), outOfService (3), booting (4), failed (5), provisioned (6), unprovisioned (7), upgrade (8), fwUpgrade (9) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaStatsOperState indicates the operational state of the ESA." ::= { tmnxEsaStatsEntry 1 } tmnxEsaStatsCoresAvailable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaStatsCoresAvailable indicates the total number of cores on the ESA." ::= { tmnxEsaStatsEntry 2 } tmnxEsaStatsCoresAllocated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaStatsCoresAllocated indicates the total number of allocated cores on the ESA." ::= { tmnxEsaStatsEntry 3 } tmnxEsaStatsMemoryAvailable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "gigabyte" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaStatsMemoryAvailable indicates the total amount of available memory (in GigaBytes) on the ESA." ::= { tmnxEsaStatsEntry 4 } tmnxEsaStatsMemoryAllocated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "gigabyte" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaStatsMemoryAllocated indicates the total amount of allocated memory (in GigaBytes) on the ESA." ::= { tmnxEsaStatsEntry 5 } tmnxEsaStatsSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vlaue of tmnxEsaStatsSoftwareVersion indicates the software version currently running on the ESA." ::= { tmnxEsaStatsEntry 6 } tmnxEsaStatsOperFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { adminDown (0), esaSwMismatch (1), esaMismatch (2), connectFailed (3), fwUpdateFailed (4), bootFailed (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaStatsOperFlags indicates the operational flags that determine the status of the ESA." ::= { tmnxEsaStatsEntry 7 } tmnxEsaStatsTimeOfBoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaStatsTimeOfBoot indicates date and time the software running on this ESA was last rebooted." ::= { tmnxEsaStatsEntry 8 } tmnxEsaStatsSystemManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaStatsSystemManufacturer indicates the system manufacturer of the ESA." ::= { tmnxEsaStatsEntry 9 } tmnxEsaStatsSystemProductName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaStatsSystemProductName indicates the system product name of the ESA." ::= { tmnxEsaStatsEntry 10 } tmnxEsaStatsSystemSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaStatsSystemSerialNumber indicates the system serial number of the ESA." ::= { tmnxEsaStatsEntry 11 } tmnxEsaStatsPerformanceEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaStatsPerformanceEnabled indicates whether the ESA is in performance (true) or functional (false) mode." ::= { tmnxEsaStatsEntry 12 } tmnxEsaStatsExportRestricted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaStatsExportRestricted indicates whether the ESA is in export restricted mode or not. In this mode, some restrictions apply to certain vapp types." ::= { tmnxEsaStatsEntry 13 } tmnxEsaVmStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxEsaVmStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEsaVmStatsTable contains entries for the host ports of each ESA." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 75 } tmnxEsaVmStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEsaVmStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxEsaVmStatsEntry represents a VM on an ESA in the system and contains its statistical information. Entries in this table are created and destroyed automatically by the system." INDEX { tmnxEsaId, tmnxEsaVmId } ::= { tmnxEsaVmStatsTable 1 } TmnxEsaVmStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxEsaVmStatsOperState INTEGER, tmnxEsaVmStatsOperFlags BITS, tmnxEsaVmStatsTimeOfBoot DateAndTime, tmnxEsaVmStatsSoftwareVersion DisplayString, tmnxEsaVmStatsUtilLastChanged DateAndTime } tmnxEsaVmStatsOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), inService (2), outOfService (3), booting (4), failed (5), provisioned (6), unprovisioned (7), upgrade (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaVmStatsOperState specifies the operational state of the ESA VM." ::= { tmnxEsaVmStatsEntry 1 } tmnxEsaVmStatsOperFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { adminDown (0), bootFailure (1), outOfEsaRsrcs (2), connectFailed (3), provisionFail (4), coreFailure (5), forcedFailure (6), iccFailure (7), exportRestricted (8), swVerMismatch (9), insufficientCoreAllocation (10), insufficientMemoryAllocation (11), hostPortConnFail (12), vmCoresExceedOSLimit (13) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaVmStatsOperFlags indicates the operational flags that determine the status of the ESA VM." ::= { tmnxEsaVmStatsEntry 2 } tmnxEsaVmStatsTimeOfBoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaVmStatsTimeOfBoot indicates date and time the software running on this ESA VM was last rebooted." ::= { tmnxEsaVmStatsEntry 3 } tmnxEsaVmStatsSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vlaue of tmnxEsaVmStatsSoftwareVersion indicates the software version currently running on the ESA VM." ::= { tmnxEsaVmStatsEntry 4 } tmnxEsaVmStatsUtilLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaVmStatsUtilLastChanged indicates the time since system startup, when the core utilization statistics were last collected." ::= { tmnxEsaVmStatsEntry 5 } tCoreResTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TCoreResEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tCoreResTable contains entries for ingress and egress resources supported on this core" ::= { tmnxCardObjs 76 } tCoreResEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TCoreResEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tCoreResEntry represents ingress and egress resources supported. Entries in this table are created and destroyed automatically by the system." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum, tmnxCoreNum } ::= { tCoreResTable 1 } TCoreResEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCoreNum INTEGER, tCoreResIngFloatPolicerTotal Unsigned32, tCoreResIngFloatPolicerAlloc Unsigned32, tCoreResIngFloatPolicerStatTotal Unsigned32, tCoreResIngFloatPolicerStatAlloc Unsigned32, tCoreResIngDdctdPolicerTotal Unsigned32, tCoreResIngDdctdPolicerAlloc Unsigned32, tCoreResIngDdctdPolicerStatTotal Unsigned32, tCoreResIngDdctdPolicerStatAlloc Unsigned32, tCoreResVlanVoqTotal Unsigned32, tCoreResVlanVoqAlloc Unsigned32, tCoreResSapTotal Unsigned32, tCoreResSapAlloc Unsigned32, tCoreResIngFloatPlcrStatIUBACL Unsigned32 } tmnxCoreNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { core0 (0), core1 (1) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCoreNum identifies the Core" DEFVAL { core0 } ::= { tCoreResEntry 1 } tCoreResIngFloatPolicerTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCoreResIngFloatPolicerTotal represents the total number of ingress floating policers that are supported on this core. When the value of tCoreResIngFloatPolicerTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this core." ::= { tCoreResEntry 2 } tCoreResIngFloatPolicerAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCoreResIngFloatPolicerAlloc represents the total number of ingress floating policers that are currently allocated on this core." ::= { tCoreResEntry 3 } tCoreResIngFloatPolicerStatTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCoreResIngFloatPolicerStatTotal represents the total number of ingress floating policer stats that are supported on this core. When the value of tCoreResIngFloatPolicerStatTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this core." ::= { tCoreResEntry 4 } tCoreResIngFloatPolicerStatAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCoreResIngFloatPolicerStatAlloc represents the total number of ingress floating policer stats that are currently allocated on this core." ::= { tCoreResEntry 5 } tCoreResIngDdctdPolicerTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCoreResIngDdctdPolicerTotal represents the total number of ingress dedicated policers that are supported on this core. When the value of tCoreResIngDdctdPolicerTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this core." ::= { tCoreResEntry 6 } tCoreResIngDdctdPolicerAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCoreResIngDdctdPolicerAlloc represents the total number of ingress dedicated policers that are currently allocated on this core." ::= { tCoreResEntry 7 } tCoreResIngDdctdPolicerStatTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCoreResIngDdctdPolicerStatTotal represents the total number of ingress dedicated policer stats that are supported on this core. When the value of tCoreResIngDdctdPolicerStatTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this core." ::= { tCoreResEntry 8 } tCoreResIngDdctdPolicerStatAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCoreResIngDdctdPolicerStatAlloc represents the total number of ingress dedicated policer stats that are currently allocated on this core." ::= { tCoreResEntry 9 } tCoreResVlanVoqTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCoreResVlanVoqTotal represents the total number of VLAN Voqs that are supported on this core. When the value of tCoreResVlanVoqTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this core." ::= { tCoreResEntry 10 } tCoreResVlanVoqAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCoreResVlanVoqAlloc represents the total number of VLAN Voqs that are currently allocated on this core." ::= { tCoreResEntry 11 } tCoreResSapTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCoreResSapTotal represents the total number of provisioned SAP entries supported on this core." ::= { tCoreResEntry 12 } tCoreResSapAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCoreResSapAlloc represents the total number of provisioned SAP entries currently in use on this core." ::= { tCoreResEntry 13 } tCoreResIngFloatPlcrStatIUBACL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCoreResIngFloatPlcrStatIUBACL represents the subset of floating policer stats which are currently in use by ingress ACLs for stats collection." ::= { tCoreResEntry 14 } tmnxXiomConfigTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomConfigTableLastChanged indicates the time, since system startup, when tmnxXiomConfigTable last changed configuration." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 77 } tmnxXiomConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxXiomConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxXiomConfigTable contains configuration information regarding the XIOM in the system." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 78 } tmnxXiomConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxXiomConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents XIOM configuration in the system. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Set requests." INDEX { tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxXiomSlotNum } ::= { tmnxXiomConfigTable 1 } TmnxXiomConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxXiomSlotNum Unsigned32, tmnxXiomConfigEntryLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxXiomAssignedType TmnxXiomType, tmnxXiomAssignedLevel TmnxXiomFunctionalLevel, tmnxXiomReboot TmnxActionType, tmnxXiomFailOnError TruthValue, tmnxXiomResetOnRecoverableError TruthValue } tmnxXiomSlotNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique value which identifies this XIOM slot within a card in the system." ::= { tmnxXiomConfigEntry 1 } tmnxXiomConfigEntryLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomConfigEntryLastChanged indicates the time, since system startup, that the configuration of the row was last modified." ::= { tmnxXiomConfigEntry 2 } tmnxXiomAssignedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxXiomType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomAssignedType specifies the XIOM type that was administratively assigned to this slot. A value of 1 indicates this slot is unassigned." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxXiomConfigEntry 3 } tmnxXiomAssignedLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxXiomFunctionalLevel MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomAssignedLevel specifies the administratively assigned (pre-provisioned) XIOM functional level variant that should occupy this slot in this chassis." DEFVAL { unrestricted } ::= { tmnxXiomConfigEntry 4 } tmnxXiomReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomReboot, when set to 'doAction(1)', causes the XIOM to execute a soft-reboot." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxXiomConfigEntry 5 } tmnxXiomFailOnError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomFailOnError specifies the whether or not the XIOM will fail when an error occurs." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxXiomConfigEntry 6 } tmnxXiomResetOnRecoverableError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomResetOnRecoverableError specifies whether or not the system resets the XIOM when there are fatal memory parity errors on one of the Q-chips on the card with which this XIOM is associated. If the value of tmnxXiomResetOnRecoverableError is 'true (1)' and there is a fatal memory parity error on a Q-chip, the system will reset the XIOM but not fail it, even if tmnxXiomFailOnError is 'true (1)'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxXiomConfigEntry 7 } tmnxXiomStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxXiomStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxXiomStatsTable contains status and statistic information regarding the XIOM in the system." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 79 } tmnxXiomStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxXiomStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents XIOM status and statistic information in the system. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Set requests." AUGMENTS { tmnxXiomConfigEntry } ::= { tmnxXiomStatsTable 1 } TmnxXiomStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxXiomEquippedType TmnxXiomType, tmnxXiomEquippedLevel TmnxXiomFunctionalLevel, tmnxXiomLicensedLevel TmnxXiomFunctionalLevel, tmnxXiomAvailableMdaSlots Unsigned32, tmnxXiomNumEquippedMdas Unsigned32, tmnxXiomHwIndex TmnxHwIndex } tmnxXiomEquippedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxXiomType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomEquippedType indicates indicates the XIOM type that is physically inserted into this slot. If the slot has been pre-provisioned and the value of tmnxXiomEquippedType is not the same as tmnxXiomAssignedType, a mismatch alarm will be raised. A value of 0 indicates the equipped XIOM is not supported by this software release." ::= { tmnxXiomStatsEntry 1 } tmnxXiomEquippedLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxXiomFunctionalLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomEquippedLevel indicates the XIOM functional-level variant that is physically inserted into this slot in this chassis. If the value of tmnxXiomAssignedLevel is not equal to the value of tmnxXiomEquippedLevel, a mismatch alarm will be raised." ::= { tmnxXiomStatsEntry 2 } tmnxXiomLicensedLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxXiomFunctionalLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomLicensedLevel indicates the XIOM functional-level that is licensed for this slot in this chassis." ::= { tmnxXiomStatsEntry 3 } tmnxXiomAvailableMdaSlots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomAvailableMdaSlots indicates the number of available MDA slots on this XIOM." ::= { tmnxXiomStatsEntry 4 } tmnxXiomNumEquippedMdas OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomNumEquippedMdas indicates the number of equipped MDAs on this XIOM." ::= { tmnxXiomStatsEntry 5 } tmnxXiomHwIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomHwIndex indicates the hardware index into the tmnxHwTable for the row entry that represents the hardware component information for this XIOM." ::= { tmnxXiomStatsEntry 6 } tmnxXiomTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxXiomTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxXiomTypeTable contains an entry for every XIOM type supported by the system." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 80 } tmnxXiomTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxXiomTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Nokia SROS series XIOM. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxXiomTypeIndex } ::= { tmnxXiomTypeTable 1 } TmnxXiomTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxXiomTypeIndex TmnxXiomType, tmnxXiomTypeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxXiomTypeDescription TItemDescription, tmnxXiomTypeStatus TruthValue } tmnxXiomTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxXiomType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomTypeIndex specifies the unique index value which identifies this type of Nokia SROS series XIOM." ::= { tmnxXiomTypeEntry 1 } tmnxXiomTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomTypeName indicates the administrative name that identifies this type of Nokia SROS series XIOM. This name string may be used in CLI commands to specify a particular XIOM type." ::= { tmnxXiomTypeEntry 2 } tmnxXiomTypeDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomTypeDescription indicates a detailed description of this Nokia SROS series XIOM." ::= { tmnxXiomTypeEntry 3 } tmnxXiomTypeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomTypeStatus indicates whether or not this XIOM is supported in this revision of the management software." ::= { tmnxXiomTypeEntry 4 } tmnxXiomLevelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxXiomLevelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The XIOM level table has an entry for each XIOM card model functional variant supported by the system." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 81 } tmnxXiomLevelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxXiomLevelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Nokia SROS series XIOM card model. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxXiomTypeIndex, tmnxXiomLevelIndex } ::= { tmnxXiomLevelTable 1 } TmnxXiomLevelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxXiomLevelIndex Unsigned32, tmnxXiomLevelName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxXiomLevelId TmnxXiomFunctionalLevel, tmnxXiomLevelDescription TItemDescription, tmnxXiomLevelStatus TruthValue } tmnxXiomLevelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomLevelIndex specifies the unique index value which identifies this type of Nokia SROS series XIOM card model functional variant." ::= { tmnxXiomLevelEntry 1 } tmnxXiomLevelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomLevelName indicates the administrative name that identifies this type of Nokia SROS series XIOM card model functional variant." ::= { tmnxXiomLevelEntry 2 } tmnxXiomLevelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxXiomFunctionalLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomLevelId indicates the numeric identifier of this type of Nokia SROS series XIOM model functional variant." ::= { tmnxXiomLevelEntry 3 } tmnxXiomLevelDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomLevelDescription indicates a detailed description of this Nokia SROS series XIOM card model functional variant." ::= { tmnxXiomLevelEntry 4 } tmnxXiomLevelStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomLevelStatus indicates the status. A value of 'true' it indicates that this XIOM card level is supported in this revision of the management software. A value of 'false' indicates there is no support." ::= { tmnxXiomLevelEntry 5 } tmnxXiomLvlUpgrdTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomLvlUpgrdTableLastChanged indicates the time, since system startup, when tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeTable last changed configuration." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 82 } tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxXiomLevelUpgradeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeTable has an entry for each upgrade that has been applied to an XIOM slot." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 83 } tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxXiomLevelUpgradeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an XIOM slot applied upgrade in a chassis in the system." INDEX { tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxXiomSlotNum, tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeIndex } ::= { tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeTable 1 } TmnxXiomLevelUpgradeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeIndex Unsigned32, tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxXiomAssignedLevelUpgradeType TmnxXiomFunctionalUpgrade } tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..6) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeIndex specifies the index value which identifies this type of Nokia SROS series XIOM model functional upgrade." ::= { tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeEntry 1 } tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeRowStatus specifies the row status of the XIOM level upgrade." ::= { tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeEntry 2 } tmnxXiomAssignedLevelUpgradeType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxXiomFunctionalUpgrade MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomAssignedLevelUpgradeType specifies the unique index value which identifies the Nokia SROS series XIOM model functional upgrade to apply." ::= { tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeEntry 3 } tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxXiomLevelUpgradeTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeTypeTable has an entry for each possible upgrade of an XIOM based on it's current tmnxXiomLicensedLevel." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 84 } tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxXiomLevelUpgradeTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeTypeEntry represents an XIOM slot upgrade type in the system based on tmnxXiomLicensedLevel." INDEX { tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxXiomSlotNum, tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeType } ::= { tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeTypeTable 1 } TmnxXiomLevelUpgradeTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeType TmnxXiomFunctionalUpgrade, tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxXiomUpgradeLevelId TmnxXiomFunctionalLevel, tmnxXiomUpgradeRequiresReboot TruthValue } tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxXiomFunctionalUpgrade MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeType specifies a unique index value which identifies this type of Nokia SROS series XIOM model functional upgrade" ::= { tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeTypeEntry 1 } tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeName indicates the administrative name that identifies this type of Nokia SROS series XIOM model functional upgrade." ::= { tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeTypeEntry 2 } tmnxXiomUpgradeLevelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxXiomFunctionalLevel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomUpgradeLevelId indicates the XIOM upgraded functional-level with this license applied for this slot in this chassis." ::= { tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeTypeEntry 3 } tmnxXiomUpgradeRequiresReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxXiomUpgradeRequiresReboot indicates whether this upgrade requires a reboot of the XIOM to be applied for this slot in this chassis." ::= { tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeTypeEntry 4 } tmnxEsaVmCoreUtilStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxEsaVmCoreUtilStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEsaVmCoreUtilStatsTable contains entries for the core utilization of each esa-vm." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 85 } tmnxEsaVmCoreUtilStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEsaVmCoreUtilStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxEsaVmCoreUtilStatsEntry represents a VM core instance on an esa-vm and contains its utilization information. Entries in this table are created and destroyed automatically by the system." INDEX { tmnxEsaId, tmnxEsaVmId, tmnxEsaVmVirtualCoreId } ::= { tmnxEsaVmCoreUtilStatsTable 1 } TmnxEsaVmCoreUtilStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxEsaVmVirtualCoreId Unsigned32, tmnxEsaVmVirtualCoreRoleName TNamedItem, tmnxEsaVmVirtCoreCurUtilization Unsigned32, tmnxEsaVmVirtCoreAvgUtilization Unsigned32, tmnxEsaVmVirtCorePeakUtilization Unsigned32 } tmnxEsaVmVirtualCoreId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..62) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaVmVirtualCoreId indicates the virtual core number for the given VM." ::= { tmnxEsaVmCoreUtilStatsEntry 1 } tmnxEsaVmVirtualCoreRoleName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaVmVirtualCoreRoleName specifies the esa-vm virtual core role." ::= { tmnxEsaVmCoreUtilStatsEntry 2 } tmnxEsaVmVirtCoreCurUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "hundredths of a percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaVmVirtCoreCurUtilization indicates the current utilization of this virtual core on the esa-vm. For management virtual cores, the current utilization is the percentage of time spent during a 10 second interval running tasks other than the idle task. For worker, nic, and scheduler virtual cores, the current utilization is the percentage of time spent during a 10 second interval performing packet processing tasks and/or housekeeping operations." ::= { tmnxEsaVmCoreUtilStatsEntry 3 } tmnxEsaVmVirtCoreAvgUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "hundredths of a percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaVmVirtCoreAvgUtilization indicates the average utilization of this virtual core on the esa-vm. For management virtual cores, the average utilization is the percentage of time spent during a 15-minute interval running tasks other than the idle task. For worker, nic, and scheduler virtual cores, the average utilization is the percentage of time spent during a 15-minute interval performing packet processing tasks and/or housekeeping operations." ::= { tmnxEsaVmCoreUtilStatsEntry 4 } tmnxEsaVmVirtCorePeakUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "hundredths of a percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEsaVmVirtCorePeakUtilization indicates the all-time peak 10-second utilization of this virtual core on the esa-vm." ::= { tmnxEsaVmCoreUtilStatsEntry 5 } tmnxMdaXConMacTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMdaXConMacTableLastChanged indicates the time, since system startup, when tmnxMdaXConMacTable last changed configuration." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 88 } tmnxMdaXConMacTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxMdaXConMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxMdaXConMacTable contains the MDA Cross-Connect information for the Media Access Control (MAC) instances." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 89 } tmnxMdaXConMacEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMdaXConMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxMdaXConLpbkEntry consists of the MDA Cross-Connect information for a specific MAC." INDEX { tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxMDASlotNum, tmnxMdaXConMacId } ::= { tmnxMdaXConMacTable 1 } TmnxMdaXConMacEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxMdaXConMacId Unsigned32, tmnxMdaXConMacRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxMdaXConMacLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxMdaXConMacDescription TItemVeryLongDescription } tmnxMdaXConMacId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..12) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMdaXConMacId specifies the MAC identifier for the MDA Cross-Connect. This value is the echip number which is the physical location of the loopback on a forwarding complex." ::= { tmnxMdaXConMacEntry 1 } tmnxMdaXConMacRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMdaXConMacRowStatus specifies the row status. It allows the creation and deletion of MDA Cross-Connect entries per MAC." ::= { tmnxMdaXConMacEntry 2 } tmnxMdaXConMacLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMdaXConMacLastChanged indicates the time, since system startup, that the configuration of this MDA Cross-Connect MAC entry was created or modified." ::= { tmnxMdaXConMacEntry 3 } tmnxMdaXConMacDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemVeryLongDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMdaXConMacDescription specifies the description of the MDA Cross-Connect for the specific MAC." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxMdaXConMacEntry 4 } tmnxMdaXConLpbkTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMdaXConLpbkTableLastChanged indicates the time, since system startup, when tmnxMdaXConLpbkTable last changed configuration." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 90 } tmnxMdaXConLpbkTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxMdaXConLpbkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxMdaXConLpbkTable contains the MDA Cross-Connect information for the loopback instances." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 91 } tmnxMdaXConLpbkEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMdaXConLpbkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxMdaXConLpbkEntry consists of the MDA Cross-Connect information for a specific loopback instance." INDEX { tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxMDASlotNum, tmnxMdaXConMacId, tmnxMdaXConLoopbackId } ::= { tmnxMdaXConLpbkTable 1 } TmnxMdaXConLpbkEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxMdaXConLoopbackId Unsigned32, tmnxMdaXConLpbkRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxMdaXConLpbkLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxMdaXConLpbkDescription TItemVeryLongDescription, tmnxMdaXConLpbkBandwidth Unsigned32 } tmnxMdaXConLoopbackId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMdaXConLoopbackId specifies the loopback identifier for the MDA Cross-Connect." ::= { tmnxMdaXConLpbkEntry 1 } tmnxMdaXConLpbkRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMdaXConLpbkRowStatus specifies the row status. It allows the creation and deletion of MDA Cross-Connect entries per loopback." ::= { tmnxMdaXConLpbkEntry 2 } tmnxMdaXConLpbkLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMdaXConLpbkLastChanged indicates the time, since system startup, that the configuration of this MDA Cross-Connect loopback entry was created or modified." ::= { tmnxMdaXConLpbkEntry 3 } tmnxMdaXConLpbkDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemVeryLongDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMdaXConLpbkDescription specifies the description of the MDA Cross-Connect for the specific loopback." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxMdaXConLpbkEntry 4 } tmnxMdaXConLpbkBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (10 | 25 | 40 | 100 | 400) UNITS "gigabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMdaXConLpbkBandwidth specifies the bandwidth of the MDA Cross-Connect for the specific loopback." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tmnxMdaXConLpbkEntry 5 } tCoreDdctdPolicerResTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TCoreDdctdPolicerResEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tCoreDdctdPolicerResTable contains entries for direct-mapped policer resource information on a core" ::= { tmnxCardObjs 92 } tCoreDdctdPolicerResEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TCoreDdctdPolicerResEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry represents core specific direct-mapped policer resource information. Entries in this table are created and destroyed automatically by the system." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum, tmnxCoreNum, tCoreDdctdPolicerPartition } ::= { tCoreDdctdPolicerResTable 1 } TCoreDdctdPolicerResEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tCoreDdctdPolicerPartition INTEGER, tCoreDdctdPolicersTotal Unsigned32, tCoreDdctdPolicersAlloc Unsigned32 } tCoreDdctdPolicerPartition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { per-fc (1), per-fc-unicast-multicast-or-multipoint (2), per-fc-unicast-broadcast-unknown-multicast (3) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCoreDdctdPolicerPartition identifies the policer pool. per-fc per-fc-unicast-multicast-or-multipoint - used for both per-fc-unicast-multicast and per-fc-unicast-multipoint policer allocations per-fc-unicast-broadcast-unknown-multicast" ::= { tCoreDdctdPolicerResEntry 1 } tCoreDdctdPolicersTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCoreDdctdPolicersTotal represents the total number of policers in the partition When the value of tCoreResIngFloatPolicerTotal is zero, it indicates that this resource type is not supported on this core." ::= { tCoreDdctdPolicerResEntry 2 } tCoreDdctdPolicersAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tCoreDdctdPolicersAlloc represents the total number of policers allocated from the partition." ::= { tCoreDdctdPolicerResEntry 3 } tmnxFPtoFPStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxFPtoFPStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxFPtoFPStatTable contains statistics entries for the unicast traffic sent from the specified FP to each destination FP." ::= { tmnxCardObjs 93 } tmnxFPtoFPStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFPtoFPStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry represents the packet and octect statistics for the unicast traffic sent from the specified FP to each destination FP. Entries in this table are created and destroyed automatically by the system." INDEX { tmnxSrcChassisIndex, tmnxSrcCardSlotNum, tmnxSrcFPNum, tmnxSrcTap, tmnxDstChassisIndex, tmnxDstCardSlotNum, tmnxDstFPNum, tmnxDstTap } ::= { tmnxFPtoFPStatTable 1 } TmnxFPtoFPStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSrcChassisIndex TmnxChassisIndex, tmnxSrcCardSlotNum TmnxSlotNum, tmnxSrcFPNum TmnxFPNumber, tmnxSrcTap Integer32, tmnxDstChassisIndex TmnxChassisIndex, tmnxDstCardSlotNum TmnxSlotNum, tmnxDstFPNum TmnxFPNumber, tmnxDstTap Integer32, tmnxBestEffortFptoFpPkts Counter64, tmnxBestEffortFptoFpOcts Counter64, tmnxExpeditedFptoFpPkts Counter64, tmnxExpeditedFptoFpOcts Counter64 } tmnxSrcChassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxChassisIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSrcChassisIndex specifies source FP chassis index. The value of this object cannot be changed. The only supported value is '1'. Different values of TmnxPhysChassisIndex are used to identify different physical chassis (e.g. in an XRS-40 system) in tmnxPhysChassisTable." ::= { tmnxFPtoFPStatEntry 1 } tmnxSrcCardSlotNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSlotNum MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSrcCardSlotNum identifies the source IOM slot within a chassis in the system." ::= { tmnxFPtoFPStatEntry 2 } tmnxSrcFPNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFPNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSrcFPNum identifies the source Forwarding Plane." ::= { tmnxFPtoFPStatEntry 3 } tmnxSrcTap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..128) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSrcTap is the source one based tap offset of a FP in an Nokia SROS series chassis." ::= { tmnxFPtoFPStatEntry 4 } tmnxDstChassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxChassisIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDstChassisIndex specifies destination FP chassis index. The value of this object cannot be changed. The only supported value is '1'. Different values of TmnxPhysChassisIndex are used to identify different physical chassis (e.g. in an XRS-40 system) in tmnxPhysChassisTable." ::= { tmnxFPtoFPStatEntry 5 } tmnxDstCardSlotNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSlotNum MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDstCardSlotNum identifies the destination IOM slot within a chassis in the system." ::= { tmnxFPtoFPStatEntry 6 } tmnxDstFPNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFPNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDstFPNum identifies the destination Forwarding Plane." ::= { tmnxFPtoFPStatEntry 7 } tmnxDstTap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..128) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxDstTap is the destination one based tap offset of a FP in an Nokia SROS series chassis." ::= { tmnxFPtoFPStatEntry 8 } tmnxBestEffortFptoFpPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBestEffortFptoFpPkts indicates the total number of best effort packets forwarded by the specified forwarding engine to destination forwarding engine." ::= { tmnxFPtoFPStatEntry 9 } tmnxBestEffortFptoFpOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBestEffortFptoFpOcts indicates the total number of best effort octets forwarded by the specified forwarding engine to destination forwarding engine." ::= { tmnxFPtoFPStatEntry 10 } tmnxExpeditedFptoFpPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxExpeditedFptoFpPkts indicates the total number of expedited packets forwarded by the specified forwarding engine to destination forwarding engine." ::= { tmnxFPtoFPStatEntry 11 } tmnxExpeditedFptoFpOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxExpeditedFptoFpOcts indicates the total number of expedited octets forwarded by the specified forwarding engine to destination forwarding engine." ::= { tmnxFPtoFPStatEntry 12 } tmnxChassisNotificationObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxHwObjs 6 } tmnxEqNotificationRow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "used by tmnx chassis Notifications, the OID indicates the table and entry." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 1 } tmnxEqTypeNotificationRow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "used by tmnx chassis notifications, the OID indicates the table and entry with the equipment model type information." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 2 } tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxChassisIndex MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnx chassis and port Notifications, indicates the chassis associated with the alarm." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 3 } tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndex MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnx chassis and port Notifications, indicates the entry in the tmnxHwTable for the hardware component associated with an alarm." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 4 } tmnxRedSecondaryCPMStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { online (1), offline (2), fail (3) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by the tmnxRedSecondaryCPMStatusChange Notification, indicates the status of the secondary CPM." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 5 } tmnxChassisNotifyOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by the tmnxChassisNotificationClear trap, the OID identifies the trap which is getting cleared." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 6 } tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notUsed (0), los (1), oof (2), oopir (3) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by synchronous interface timing notifications, the value of tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm indicates the reason a timing reference alarm has been raised." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 7 } tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnxPeSoftwareVersionMismatch, the value of tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer indicates the software version of the mismatched CPM/IOM card." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 8 } tmnxChassisNotifySoftwareLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnxPeSoftwareLoadFailed, the value of tmnxChassisNotifySoftwareLocation contains the location of the software." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 9 } tmnxChassisNotifyCardFailureReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnxEqCardFailure, the value of tmnxChassisNotifyCardFailureReason contains the reason for card failure." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 10 } tmnxChassisNotifyCardName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnxEqCardInserted and tmnxEqCardRemoved, the value of tmnxChassisNotifyCardName specifies the name of the affected card." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 11 } tmnxChassisNotifyCardSyncFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnxCpmCardSyncFileNotPresent, the value of tmnxChassisNotifyCardSyncFile specifies the name of the affected file." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 12 } tmnxCardComplexNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnxEqCardPChipError, the value of tmnxCardComplexNumber specifies the number of the affected Complex." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 13 } tmnxCardFwdDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ingress (1), egress (2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnxEqCardPChipError, the value of tmnxCardFwdDirection specifies the direction of the affected Complex." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 14 } tmnxCardSoftResetState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { initiated (1), aborted (2), complete (3) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnxEqCardSoftResetAlarm, the value of tmnxCardSoftResetState specifies the reset state of the IOM card." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 15 } tmnxMdaNotifyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMdaType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by equipment alarms where the type of MDA isn't supported with the current configuration." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 16 } tmnxCardSrcSlotBitmap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCardSlotBitMap MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnxEqCardPChipError, the value of tmnxCardSrcSlotBitmap specifies the source slots of the affected Complex." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 17 } tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured indicates the actual time the event was detected in the system which may differ from the time that event was collected by the logging infrastructure." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 18 } tmnxDcpMissingNotificationCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDcpMissingNotificationCount indicates the number of events dropped because of event throttling during the last throttle interval for distributed CPU protection events." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 19 } tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSlotNum MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique value of tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum identifies the IOM slot within a chassis in the system." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 20 } tmnxChassisNotifyPowerZone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisNotifyPowerZone indicates, along with the value of tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, the row in the tmnxChassisPowerMgmtTable that is affected by the notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 21 } tmnxChassisNotifyPowerCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisNotifyPowerCapacity indicates the overall power capacity available to the system at the time of the notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 22 } tmnxPlcyAcctTimeEventOccured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPlcyAcctTimeEventOccured indicates the actual time the event was detected in the system which may differ from the time that event was collected by the logging infrastructure." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 23 } tmnxPlcyAcctMissingNotifCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPlcyAcctMissingNotifCount indicates the number of events dropped because of event throttling during the last throttle interval for distributed policy accounting events." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 24 } tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSlotNum MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique value of tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum identifies the CPM slot within a chassis in the system." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 25 } tmnxChassisNotifyFabricSlotNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique value of tmnxChassisNotifyFabricSlotNum identifies the fabric slot within a chassis in the system." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 26 } tmnxIomResourceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nextHop (1), tunnelNextHop (2), stickyHash (3), arpEntry (4), ecmp (5), ecmpNextHop (6), ecmpTunnel (7), ecmpMpls (8), ecmpIp (9), ecmpIpLevel2 (10), reserved11 (11) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnxIomResHighLimitReached, tmnxIomResExhausted and tmnxIomResStateClr, the value of tmnxIomResourceType specifies the type of IOM resource." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 27 } tmnxIomResourceLimitPct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnxIomResHighLimitReached, tmnxIomResExhausted and tmnxIomResStateClr, the value of tmnxIomResourceLimitPct specifies the percentage of IOM Resource being utilized." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 28 } tmnxIomResLimitTimeEventOccured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIomResLimitTimeEventOccured indicates the actual time the event was detected in the system which may differ from the time that event was collected by the logging infrastructure." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 29 } tmnxIomResLimMissingNotifCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIomResLimMissingNotifCount indicates the number of events dropped because of event throttling during the last throttle interval for next hop resource events." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 30 } tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum indicates the Forwarding Plane." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 31 } tmnxChassisNotifyDiskFullReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisNotifyDiskFullReason indicates the reason for the disk full condition." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 32 } tmnxChassisNotifyMgmtEthRedPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisNotifyMgmtEthRedPort indicates the CPM port operating as the system's management interface." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 33 } tmnxMacScaleCardSlotNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSlotNum MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique value of tmnxMacScaleCardSlotNum identifies the card slot within a chassis in the system. It is used by the FDB MAC scale notifications." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 38 } tmnxCpmPowerShelfCommsFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCpmPowerShelfCommsFailStatus MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The values of tmnxCpmPowerShelfCommsFail identify the CPMs which cannot communicate to a given power-shelf." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 39 } tmnxEqNotifyHwEventType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwEventType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnx equipment event Notifications, indicates the type of event detected for the hardware component." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 40 } tmnxEqNotifyHwEventDetail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnx equipment event Notifications, indicates the detail of event detected for the hardware component." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 41 } tmnxEqNotifyHwEventAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwEventAction MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnx equipment event Notifications, indicates the action taken when event detected for the hardware component." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 42 } tmnxEsaNotifyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by traps to indicate the ESA ID that triggered the notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 43 } tmnxEsaVmNotifyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by traps to indicate the ESA VM ID that triggered the notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 44 } tmnxIomRsrcResourceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fecLevel2 (2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIomRsrcResourceType specifies the type of IOM resource." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 45 } tmnxIomRsrcUserType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mpls (1) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIomRsrcUserType specifies the user of the IOM resource." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 46 } tmnxIomRsrcTimeEventOccured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIomRsrcTimeEventOccured indicates the actual time when the event was detected in the system, which may differ from the time that the event was collected by the logging infrastructure." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 47 } tmnxIomRsrcUsagePercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIomRsrcUsagePercent specifies the percentage of the IOM resource being utilized." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 48 } tmnxIomRsrcMissingNotifCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIomRsrcMissingNotifCount indicates the number of events dropped because of event throttling during the last throttle interval for resource events." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 49 } tmnxHwAggShpTimeEventOccured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwAggShpTimeEventOccured indicates the actual time when the event was detected in the system, which may differ from the time that the event was collected by the logging infrastructure." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 50 } tmnxHwAggShpMissingNotifCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHwAggShpMissingNotifCount indicates the number of events dropped because of event throttling during the last throttle interval for resource events." ::= { tmnxChassisNotificationObjects 51 } tmnxChassisAdminObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxHwObjs 8 } tmnxChassisAdminCtrlObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisAdminObjects 1 } tmnxChassisAdminOwner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Who has last initialized the chassis administrative table, who is making all the changes, and who is expected to either commit or re-initialize (ABORT-TRANSACTION). tmnxChassisAdminOwner is advisory only. Before beginning a transaction, read tmnxChassisAdminOwner. if it is empty then proceed with the configuration. Set tmnxChassisAdminOwner after setting tmnxChassisAdminControlApply so that other users will be advised to not make changes to the Admin tables. Agent sets tmnxChassisAdminOwner to empty string after tmnxChassisAdminControlApply is set - either by user initializing or committing, or by agent timing out the uncommitted transactions." ::= { tmnxChassisAdminCtrlObjs 1 } tmnxChassisAdminControlApply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), initialize (2), commit (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxChassisAdminControlApply specifies how tmnxChassisAdminTable object is used in order to update tmnxChassisTable table objects. When set to initialize(2) (BEGIN-TRANSACTION), the objects in tmnxChassisAdminTable are set to the current Operational values, from the tmnxChassisTable. When set to commit(3) (END-TRANSACTION), all of the objects from tmnxChassisAdminTable are copied to the corresponding tmnxChassisTable table objects. When set to none(1) (ABORT-TRANSACTION) any uncommitted changes will be lost. If changes are not committed within a predefined timeout, they will be lost." ::= { tmnxChassisAdminCtrlObjs 2 } tmnxChassisAdminLastSetTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The time remaining until the agent re-initializes the administrative tables. If tmnxChassisAdminControlApply is not set to commit(3) within tmnxChassisAdminLastSetTimeout seconds, the agent will set it to initialize(2) and all uncommitted changes will be lost. This way, uncommitted changes from failed (uncompleted) change sets will eventually be removed, and another transaction can safely begin. this object is reset to tmnxChassisAdminLastSetTimeout after SNMP SET operation to any of the tmnxChassisAdminValue tables." ::= { tmnxChassisAdminCtrlObjs 3 } tmnxChassisAdminLastSetTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Timeout for tmnxChassisAdminLastSetTimer. The value zero is not allowed." DEFVAL { 1800 } ::= { tmnxChassisAdminCtrlObjs 4 } tmnxChassisAdminValueObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisAdminObjects 2 } tSyncIfTimingAdmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSyncIfTimingAdmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Values for the synchronous interface timing for the chassis. The VSR system does not support synchronous interface timing." ::= { tmnxChassisAdminValueObjs 1 } tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSyncIfTimingAdmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the synchronous interface timing. Entries are created by user. Entries are deleted by user. Note that the first Nokia SROS series product release does not support configuration of synchronous timing equipment on the secondary CPM. All SNMP operations with tmnxCpmCardSlotNum of the secondary CPM will be denied. In an XRS-40 system, the configuration of synchronous timing equipment on the extension chassis is not supported. The 7x50 systems supports 3 timing references (reference1, reference2 and bits). The 7710 system only supports 2 timing references (reference1 and reference2). On 7710 system, references can be a source port or a BITS input on a CES CMA. If the value of the reference source port is a valid Port ID then the reference is a source port. If the value of the source hardware is a valid HWIndex of a CES CMA then the source is a BITS on the CES CMA. The VSR system does not support synchronous interface timing." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCpmCardSlotNum, tmnxCpmCardNum } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmTable 1 } TSyncIfTimingAdmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSyncIfTimingAdmRevert TruthValue, tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder1 TmnxSETSRefSource, tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder2 TmnxSETSRefSource, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1SrcPort TmnxPortID, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1AdminStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2SrcPort TmnxPortID, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2AdminStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus, tSyncIfTimingAdmChanged Unsigned32, tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder3 TmnxSETSRefSource, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSIfType TmnxBITSIfType, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSAdminStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1SrcHw TmnxHwIndexOrZero, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1BITSIfType TmnxBITSIfType, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2SrcHw TmnxHwIndexOrZero, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2BITSIfType TmnxBITSIfType, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutAdmStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutLineLen INTEGER, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1CfgQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2CfgQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSCfgQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1NationalUse Unsigned32, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2NationalUse Unsigned32, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSNationalUse Unsigned32, tSyncIfTimingAdmQLSelection TmnxEnabledDisabled, tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder4 TmnxSETSRefSource, tSyncIfTimingAdmPTPAdminStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus, tSyncIfTimingAdmPTPCfgQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutSource TmnxBITSOutSource, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutQlMin TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutSquelch TruthValue, tSyncIfTimingAdmQlMin TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tSyncIfTimingAdmWaitToRestorTime Unsigned32, tSyncIfTimingAdmChangedMask BITS, tSyncIfTimingAdmSyncECfgQltyLevl TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tSyncIfTimingAdmSyncEAdminStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus, tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder5 TmnxSETSRefSource, tSyncIfTimingAdmGnssCfgQltyLevel TmnxSSMQualityLevel, tSyncIfTimingAdmGnssAdminStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus } tSyncIfTimingAdmRevert OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRevert specifies whether the reference source will revert to a higher priority source that has been re-validated or newly validated. The synchronous interface timing subsystem is by default non-revertive ('false')." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 1 } tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefSource MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder1 specifies the most preferred timing reference source. The synchronous equipment timing subsystem chooses a timing reference based on priority. The user can configure the priority order of the following timing reference inputs ('bits', 'reference1', 'reference2', and 'ptp'). If the platform does not support that timing reference input, it cannot be configured in the reference priority order. For example, the 'bits' timing reference cannot be configured on a 7750 SR-c12 system. Other values of TmnxSETSRefSource (e.g. 'bits2') cannot be configured in the reference order." DEFVAL { bits } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 2 } tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefSource MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder2 specifies the second most preferred timing reference for the synchronous equipment timing subsystem." DEFVAL { reference1 } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 3 } tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1SrcPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1SrcPort specifies the source port of the first timing reference." DEFVAL { '1e000000'H } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 4 } tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1AdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1AdminStatus specifies the desired administrative status of the first timing reference." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 5 } tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2SrcPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2SrcPort specifies the source port of the second timing reference." DEFVAL { '1e000000'H } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 6 } tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2AdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2AdminStatus specifies the desired administrative status of the second timing reference." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 7 } tSyncIfTimingAdmChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmChanged is a bitmask that indicates which objects have been set, but not committed. bit values used here are: 0x0001: tSyncIfTimingAdmRevert 0x0002: tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder1 0x0004: tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder2 0x0008: tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1SrcPort 0x0010: tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1AdminStatus 0x0020: tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2SrcPort 0x0040: tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2AdminStatus 0x0080: tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder3 0x0100: tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSIfType 0x0200: tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSAdminStatus 0x0400: tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1SrcHw 0x0800: tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1BITSIfType 0x1000: tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2SrcHw 0x2000: tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2BITSIfType The agent sets these bits when an object in the row is set. This object is cleared to zero by setting tmnxChassisAdminControlApply to initialize(2) or commit(3)." ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 8 } tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefSource MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder3 specifies the third most preferred timing reference for the synchronous equipment timing subsystem." DEFVAL { reference2 } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 9 } tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSIfType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBITSIfType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSIfType specifies the interface type of the BITS (Building Integrated Timing Supply) timing reference." DEFVAL { t1-esf } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 10 } tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSAdminStatus specifies the desired administrative status of the BITS (Building Integrated Timing Supply) input timing reference." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 11 } tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1SrcHw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1SrcHw specifies the source HW Index of the first timing reference if the source is not a port. This can only be set to a valid HW Index if the value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1SrcPort is '1e000000'H. Setting the value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1SrcHw from non-zero to zero will cause the value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1BITSIfType to be reset to its default value of 't1-esf'. This object was obsoleted in release 20.5." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 12 } tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1BITSIfType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBITSIfType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1BITSIfType specifies the interface type of the first timing reference if the source is BITS. This can only be changed if the value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1SrcHw is not 0. This object was obsoleted in release 20.5." DEFVAL { t1-esf } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 13 } tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2SrcHw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHwIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2SrcHw specifies the source HW Index of the second timing reference if the source is not a port. This can only be set to a valid HW Index if the value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2SrcPort is '1e000000'H. Setting the value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2SrcHw from non-zero to zero will cause the value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2BITSIfType to be reset to its default value of 't1-esf'. This object was obsoleted in release 20.5." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 14 } tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2BITSIfType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBITSIfType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2BITSIfType specifies the interface type of the second timing reference if the source is BITS. This can only be changed if the value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2SrcHw is not 0. This object was obsoleted in release 20.5." DEFVAL { t1-esf } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 15 } tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutAdmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutAdmStatus specifies administrative status of the BITS (Building Integrated Timing Supply) output timing reference. In an XRS-40 system, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutAdmStatus is always 'inService(2)', and cannot be changed. In an XRS-40 system, the extension chassis is synchronized with the master chassis via the BITS ports. See the description of tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutSource for details on how the BITS ports are used to synchronize the master and extension chassis of the XRS-40 system." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 16 } tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutLineLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { lengthNotApplicable (0), length0To110 (1), length110To220 (2), length220To330 (3), length330To440 (4), length440To550 (5), length550To660 (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutLineLen specifies the length of the line (in feet) for the BITS (Building Integrated Timing Supply) output. The following values are valid: lengthNotApplicable (0) - When BITS output is not supported length0To110 (1) - For line length from 0 to 110 feet length110To220 (2) - For line length from 110 to 220 feet length220To330 (3) - For line length from 230 to 330 feet length330To440 (4) - For line length from 330 to 440 feet length440To550 (5) - For line length from 440 to 550 feet length550To660 (6) - For line length from 550 to 660 feet The default is 'lengthNotApplicable' on CPM cards which do not support line length. Otherwise, the default is 'length0To110'." DEFVAL { lengthNotApplicable } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 17 } tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1CfgQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1CfgQltyLevel specifies the configured Quality Level of Reference 1. A value of 'unknown (0)' indicates Reference 1 is not forced to a specific quality level." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 18 } tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2CfgQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2CfgQltyLevel specifies the configured Quality Level of Reference 2. A value of 'unknown (0)' indicates Reference 2 is not forced to a specific quality level." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 19 } tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSCfgQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSCfgQltyLevel specifies the configured Quality Level of the BITS interface. A value of 'unknown (0)' indicates the BITS interface is not forced to a specific quality level." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 20 } tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1NationalUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (4..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1NationalUse specifies the national use bit to carry SSM Messages. This applies only to E1 BITS interfaces. This object was obsoleted in release 20.5." DEFVAL { 8 } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 21 } tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2NationalUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (4..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2NationalUse specifies the national use bit to carry SSM Messages. This applies only to E1 BITS interfaces. This object was obsoleted in release 20.5." DEFVAL { 8 } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 22 } tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSNationalUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (4..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSNationalUse specifies the national use bit to carry SSM Messages. This applies only to E1 BITS interfaces." DEFVAL { 8 } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 23 } tSyncIfTimingAdmQLSelection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmQLSelection specifies whether or not the timing reference selection process uses the quality level of each timing reference when making the decision on which reference should provide system timing." REFERENCE "ITU-T Recommendation G.781, June 1999, Section 5.12" DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 24 } tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefSource MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder4 specifies the fourth most preferred timing reference for the synchronous equipment timing subsystem." DEFVAL { ptp } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 25 } tSyncIfTimingAdmPTPAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmPTPAdminStatus specifies the desired administrative status of the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) timing reference." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 26 } tSyncIfTimingAdmPTPCfgQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmPTPCfgQltyLevel specifies the configured Quality Level of the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP). A value of 'unknown (0)' specifies PTP is not forced to a specific quality level." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 27 } tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBITSOutSource MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutSource specifies the source of the BITS (Building Integrated Timing Supply) output. In an XRS-40 system, the extension chassis is synchronized with the master chassis via the BITS ports. Two modes of operation are permitted: 1) The BITS output ports of the master chassis CPMs are connected to the BITS input ports of the extension chassis CPMs. In this mode, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutSource should be set to 'internalClock(2)', to ensure that a valid clock signal is transmitted on the master chassis's CPMs' BITS output ports. 2) The BITS input ports of all 4 CPMs are connected to external BITS equipment. In this mode, the customer may connect the master chassis's BITS output ports to the external BITS equipment's input ports. This allows for recovered line references to be provided as a frequency source into the external BITS equipment following the inter-site synchronization mode of SDH/SONET. In this case, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutSource should be set to 'lineRef(1)'." DEFVAL { lineRef } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 28 } tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutQlMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutQlMin specifies the minimum quality level that a signal must have for it to be selected for BITS output. This can be used to ensure that the signal has traceability to a source with at least a specific quality level so that the attached equipment can function properly. A value of 'unknown (0)' indicates that there is no minimum quality level. Values: 'smc (7)', st4 (8)', 'dus (9)', 'dnu (14)', 'inv (15)', 'pno (16)', and 'failed (19)' are not supported for this object." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 29 } tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutSquelch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutSquelch specifies whether or not to squelch the output signal. This object is only valid when there is no valid reference selected. If the value is 'true (1)' and there is no valid reference, then no signal is sent out the port. If the value is 'false (2)' and there is no valid reference, then the AIS signal is presented along with the QL-DNU/QL-DUS SSM if the signal format supports SSM." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 30 } tSyncIfTimingAdmQlMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmQlMin specifies the minimum acceptable quality level that a signal must have for it to be considered for selection by the system timing module. A value of 'unknown (0)' indicates that there is no minimum quality level. Values: 'st4 (8)', 'dus (9)', 'prc (10)', 'dnu (14)', 'inv (15)', 'pno (16)', and 'failed (19)' are not supported for this object." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 32 } tSyncIfTimingAdmWaitToRestorTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..12) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmWaitToRestorTime specifies the time, in minutes, that a previously failed input reference must be valid before it will be used for either the BITS output or the central clock input reference. A value of '0' indicates that the wait-to-restore timer is disabled." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 33 } tSyncIfTimingAdmChangedMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { tSyncIfTimingAdmRevert (0), tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder1 (1), tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder2 (2), tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1SrcPort (3), tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1AdminStatus (4), tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2SrcPort (5), tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2AdminStatus (6), tSyncIfTimingAdmChanged (7), tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder3 (8), tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSIfType (9), tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSAdminStatus (10), tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1SrcHw (11), tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1BITSIfType (12), tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2SrcHw (13), tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2BITSIfType (14), tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutAdmStatus (15), tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutLineLen (16), tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1CfgQltyLevel (17), tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2CfgQltyLevel (18), tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSCfgQltyLevel (19), tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1NationalUse (20), tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2NationalUse (21), tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSNationalUse (22), tSyncIfTimingAdmQLSelection (23), tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder4 (24), tSyncIfTimingAdmPTPAdminStatus (25), tSyncIfTimingAdmPTPCfgQltyLevel (26), tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutSource (27), tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutQlMin (28), tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutSquelch (29), tSyncIfTimingAdmHoldOffTime (30), tSyncIfTimingAdmQlMin (31), tSyncIfTimingAdmWaitToRestorTime (32), tSyncIfTimingAdmChangedMask (33), tSyncIfTimingAdmSyncECfgQltyLevl (34), tSyncIfTimingAdmSyncEAdminStatus (35), tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder5 (36), tSyncIfTimingAdmGnssCfgQltyLevel (37), tSyncIfTimingAdmGnssAdminStatus (38) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmChangedMask indicates a bitmask of which synchronous interface timing objects have been set, but not committed. The agent sets these bits when an object in tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry is set. All bits are cleared when tmnxChassisAdminControlApply is set to 'initialize (2)' or 'commit (3)'. Bits 'tSyncIfTimingAdmChanged (7)' and 'tSyncIfTimingAdmChangedMask (33)' are not valid. This object replaces the functionality of tSyncIfTimingAdmChanged." ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 34 } tSyncIfTimingAdmSyncECfgQltyLevl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmSyncECfgQltyLevl specifies the configured Quality Level of the Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) timing reference. A value of 'unknown (0)' specifies SyncE is not forced to a specific quality level." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 35 } tSyncIfTimingAdmSyncEAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmSyncEAdminStatus specifies the desired administrative status of the Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) timing reference." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 36 } tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSETSRefSource MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder5 specifies the fifth most preferred timing reference for the synchronous equipment timing subsystem." DEFVAL { noReference } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 37 } tSyncIfTimingAdmGnssCfgQltyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSSMQualityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmGnssCfgQltyLevel specifies the configured Quality Level of the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) timing reference. A value of 'unknown (0)' specifies GNSS is not forced to a specific quality level." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 38 } tSyncIfTimingAdmGnssAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSyncIfTimingAdmGnssAdminStatus specifies the desired administrative status of the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) timing reference." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tSyncIfTimingAdmEntry 39 } tmnxHwConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRConfs 2 } tmnxChassisConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxHwConformance 1 } tmnxChassisCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisConformance 1 } tmnxChassisV4v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxChassisV3v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxMDAV4v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV4v0Group } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 4 } tmnxChassisComp7710 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 5 } tmnxChassisComp7710V3v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features for the 7710 in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxChassisV3v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxMDAV3v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV3v0Group, tmnx7710HwV3v0Group } ::= { tmnxChassisComp7710 1 } tmnxChassisComp7710V5v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features for the 7710 in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxChassisV5v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxMDAV4v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV4v0Group, tmnx7710HwV3v0Group } ::= { tmnxChassisComp7710 2 } tmnxChassisComp7710V6v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features for the 7710 in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxChassisV5v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxMDAV4v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV6v0Group, tmnx7710HwV3v0Group, tmnx77x0CESMDAV6v0Group, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group, tmnx7710SETSRefSrcHwV6v0Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxChassisV6v0Group } ::= { tmnxChassisComp7710 3 } tmnxChassisComp7710V6v1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features for the 7710 in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxChassisV5v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxMDAV6v1Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV6v1Group, tmnx7710HwV3v0Group, tmnx77x0CESMDAV6v0Group, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group, tmnx7710SETSRefSrcHwV6v0Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxChassisV6v1Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group } ::= { tmnxChassisComp7710 4 } tmnxChassisComp7710V7v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features for the 7710 in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxChassisV5v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxMDAV6v1Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV7v0Group, tmnx7710HwV3v0Group, tmnx77x0CESMDAV6v0Group, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group, tmnx7710SETSRefSrcHwV6v0Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxChassisV6v1Group, tmnxChassisV7v0Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxChassisUserModV7v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group, tmnxCardV7v0Group, tmnxFPWredV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecNotifV7v0Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group } ::= { tmnxChassisComp7710 5 } tmnxChassisComp7710V8v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features for the 7710 in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB. This MODULE-COMPLIANCE has been replaced by tmnxChassisV9v0Compliance." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxChassisV5v0Group, tmnxChassisV8v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxMDAV6v1Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV7v0Group, tmnx7710HwV3v0Group, tmnx77x0CESMDAV6v0Group, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group, tmnx7710SETSRefSrcHwV6v0Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxChassisV6v1Group, tmnxChassisV7v0Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxChassisUserModV7v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV8v0Group, tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group, tmnxCardV7v0Group, tmnxFPWredV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecNotifV7v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV8v0Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifV8v0Group, tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group } ::= { tmnxChassisComp7710 6 } tmnxChassisV5v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxChassisV5v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxMDAV4v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV4v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV5v0Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 6 } tmnxChassis7750V6v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on the 7750 in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxChassisV5v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxMDAV4v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV6v0Group, tmnx77x0CESMDAV6v0Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group, tmnxChassisHsmdaV6v0Group, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtV6v0Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxChassisV6v0Group } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 7 } tmnxChassis7450V6v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on the 7450 in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxChassisV5v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxMDAV4v0Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxChassisNotificationV6v0Group, tmnxChassisHsmdaV6v0Group, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtV6v0Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxChassisV6v0Group } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 8 } tmnxChassis7750V6v1Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on the 7750 in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxChassisV5v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxMDAV6v1Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV6v0Group, tmnx77x0CESMDAV6v0Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group, tmnxChassisHsmdaV6v0Group, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtV6v0Group, tmnxChassisV6v1Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV6v1Group, tmnxMDACcagV6v1Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 9 } tmnxChassis7450V6v1Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on the 7450 in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxChassisV5v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxMDAV6v1Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxChassisNotificationV6v0Group, tmnxChassisHsmdaV6v0Group, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtV6v0Group, tmnxChassisV6v1Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV6v1Group, tmnxMDACcagV6v1Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 10 } tmnxChassis7750V7v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on the 7750 in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxChassisV5v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxMDAV6v1Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV7v0Group, tmnx77x0CESMDAV6v0Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group, tmnxChassisHsmdaV6v0Group, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtV6v0Group, tmnxChassisV6v1Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV6v1Group, tmnxMDACcagV6v1Group, tmnxChassisUserModV7v0Group, tmnxCardV7v0Group, tmnxFPWredV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecNotifV7v0Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 11 } tmnxChassis7450V7v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on the 7450 in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxChassisV5v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxMDAV6v1Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxChassisNotificationV7v0Group, tmnxChassisHsmdaV6v0Group, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtV6v0Group, tmnxChassisV6v1Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV6v1Group, tmnxMDACcagV6v1Group, tmnxChassisUserModV7v0Group, tmnxCardV7v0Group, tmnxFPWredV7v0Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 12 } tmnxChassis7x50V8v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on the 7x50 in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxChassisV5v0Group, tmnxChassisV8v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxMDAV6v1Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV7v0Group, tmnx77x0CESMDAV6v0Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group, tmnx7710HwV3v0Group, tmnx7710SETSRefSrcHwV6v0Group, tmnxChassisHsmdaV6v0Group, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtV6v0Group, tmnxChassisV6v1Group, tmnxChassisV7v0Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV6v1Group, tmnxMDACcagV6v1Group, tmnxChassisUserModV7v0Group, tmnxCardV7v0Group, tmnxFPWredV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecNotifV7v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV8v0Group, tmnxChassisMixedModeIomV8v0Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV8v0Group, tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifV8v0Group, tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 13 } tmnxChassisV9v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on SROS series systems in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnx7710HwV3v0Group, tmnx7710SETSRefSrcHwV6v0Group, tmnx77x0CESMDAV6v0Group, tmnxAtmGroup, tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV8v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxCardV7v0Group, tmnxChassisHsmdaV6v0Group, tmnxChassisHwEventGroup, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGroup, tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group, tmnxChassisHwV9v0Group, tmnxChassisMixedModeIomV8v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV7v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxChassisUserModV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV5v0Group, tmnxChassisV6v1Group, tmnxChassisV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV8v0Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV6v1Group, tmnxFPWredV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group, tmnxIPsecNotifV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecV7v0Group, tmnxMDACcagV6v1Group, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtV6v0Group, tmnxMDAV6v1Group, tmnxMDAV9v0Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV9v0Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 14 } tmnxChassisV10v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on SROS series systems in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnx7710HwV3v0Group, tmnx7710SETSRefSrcHwV6v0Group, tmnx77x0CESMDAV6v0Group, tmnxAtmGroup, tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV8v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxCardV7v0Group, tmnxChassisHwEventGroup, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGroup, tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group, tmnxChassisHwV9v0Group, tmnxChassisMixedModeIomV8v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV7v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxChassisUserModV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV5v0Group, tmnxChassisV6v1Group, tmnxChassisV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV8v0Group, tmnxChassisV10v0Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV6v1Group, tmnxFPWredV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group, tmnxIPsecNotifV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecV7v0Group, tmnxMDACcagV6v1Group, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtV6v0Group, tmnxMDAV6v1Group, tmnxMDAV9v0Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV9v0Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxCardV10v0Group, tmnxIpsecV10v0Group, tmnxFPQGrpGroup, tmnxFPQGrpV10v0R4Group, tmnxMdaV10v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxMdaHsmdaPoolV10v0Group, tmnxChassisHwEventGroupV10v0, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGrpV10v0 } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 15 } tmnxChassisV11v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on SROS series systems in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB release 11.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnx7710HwV3v0Group, tmnx7710SETSRefSrcHwV6v0Group, tmnx77x0CESMDAV6v0Group, tmnxAtmGroup, tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV8v0Group, tmnxCardV10v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxCardV7v0Group, tmnxChassisFanV11v0Group, tmnxChassisHwEventGroup, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGroup, tmnxChassisHwV11v0Group, tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group, tmnxChassisHwV9v0Group, tmnxChassisMixedModeIomV8v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV7v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtGroup, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtNotifyGroup, tmnxChassisPowerV11v0Group, tmnxChassisQGrpOvrGroup, tmnxChassisSwitchFabNtfyV11v0Grp, tmnxChassisUserModV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV10v0Group, tmnxChassisV11v0Group, tmnxChassisV6v1Group, tmnxChassisV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV8v0Group, tmnxFPDCpuProtV11v0R0Group, tmnxFPDcpNotifyObjsV11v0Group, tmnxFPDcpNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV6v1Group, tmnxFPQGrpGroup, tmnxFPQGrpV10v0R4Group, tmnxFPWredV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group, tmnxIPsecNotifV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecV7v0Group, tmnxIpsecV10v0Group, tmnxMDACcagV6v1Group, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtV6v0Group, tmnxMDAV6v1Group, tmnxMDAV9v0Group, tmnxMdaHsmdaPoolV10v0Group, tmnxMdaV10v0Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV9v0Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxFPPoolSizingV11v0Group, tmnxCpmCardCmplxMemErrV9v0Group, tmnxCardCmplQChipMemErrV9v0Group, tmnxCardCmplChipIfErrV9v0Group, tmnxChassisSmartPeqV11v0Group, tmnxChassisSmartPeqNtfyV11v0Grp, tmnxChassisHwEventGroupV10v0, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGrpV10v0, tmnxCpmCardRebootHoldV11v0Group } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 16 } tmnxChassisV12v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on SROS series systems in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB release 12.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnx7710HwV3v0Group, tmnx7710SETSRefSrcHwV6v0Group, tmnx77x0CESMDAV6v0Group, tmnxAtmGroup, tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV8v0Group, tmnxCardV10v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxCardV7v0Group, tmnxChassisFabricV11v0Group, tmnxChassisFanV11v0Group, tmnxChassisHwEventGroup, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGroup, tmnxChassisHwV11v0Group, tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group, tmnxChassisHwV9v0Group, tmnxChassisMixedModeIomV8v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV7v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV12v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifV12v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtGroup, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtNotifyGroup, tmnxChassisPowerV11v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerV12v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerNotifV12v0Group, tmnxChassisQGrpOvrGroup, tmnxChassisSwitchFabNtfyV11v0Grp, tmnxChassisUserModV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV10v0Group, tmnxChassisV11v0Group, tmnxChassisV6v1Group, tmnxChassisV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV8v0Group, tmnxCpmCardRebootHoldV11v0Group, tmnxFPDCpuProtV11v0R0Group, tmnxFPDcpNotifyObjsV11v0Group, tmnxFPDcpNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV6v1Group, tmnxFPQGrpGroup, tmnxFPQGrpV10v0R4Group, tmnxFPWredV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group, tmnxIPsecNotifV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecV7v0Group, tmnxIpsecV10v0Group, tmnxMDACcagV6v1Group, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtV6v0Group, tmnxMDAV6v1Group, tmnxMDAV9v0Group, tmnxMdaHsmdaPoolV10v0Group, tmnxMdaV10v0Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV9v0Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisGroup, tmnxFPPoolSizingV11v0Group, tmnxCpmCardCmplxMemErrV9v0Group, tmnxChassisResourceV12v0Group, tmnxFPBufAllocV12v0Group, tmnxCardCmplQChipMemErrV9v0Group, tmnxCardCmplChipIfErrV9v0Group, tmnxFPPlcyAcctV12v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyV9v0Grp, tmnxChassisSmartPeqV11v0Group, tmnxChassisSmartPeqNtfyV11v0Grp, tmnxChassPANotifyObjsV12v0Grp, tmnxChassisPlcyAcctNtfyV12v0Grp, tmnxChassisV12v0Group, tmnxIomResrcNotifyObjsV12v0Grp, tmnxIomResrcNotifyV12v0Group, tmnxChassisHwEventGroupV10v0, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGrpV10v0, tmnxCardResetOnRecoverErGrp, tmnxMDAResetOnRecoverErGrp, tmnxCpmMemSizeNotifGroupV12v0, tmnxCpmPChipFcsObjGroupV12v0 } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 17 } tmnxChassisV13v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on SROS series systems in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB release 13.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnx7710HwV3v0Group, tmnx7710SETSRefSrcHwV6v0Group, tmnx77x0CESMDAV6v0Group, tmnxAtmGroup, tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV8v0Group, tmnxCardV10v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxCardV7v0Group, tmnxChassisFabricV11v0Group, tmnxChassisFanV11v0Group, tmnxChassisHwEventGroup, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGroup, tmnxChassisHwV11v0Group, tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group, tmnxChassisHwV9v0Group, tmnxChassisMixedModeIomV8v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV7v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV12v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifV12v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtGroup, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtNotifyGroup, tmnxChassisPowerV11v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerV12v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerNotifV12v0Group, tmnxChassisQGrpOvrGroup, tmnxChassisSwitchFabNtfyV11v0Grp, tmnxChassisUserModV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV10v0Group, tmnxChassisV11v0Group, tmnxChassisV13v0Group, tmnxChassisV6v1Group, tmnxChassisV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV8v0Group, tmnxCpmCardV13v0Group, tmnxCpmCardRebootHoldV11v0Group, tmnxFPDCpuProtV11v0R0Group, tmnxFPDcpNotifyObjsV11v0Group, tmnxFPDcpNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV6v1Group, tmnxFPQGrpGroup, tmnxFPQGrpV10v0R4Group, tmnxFPWredV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group, tmnxIPsecNotifV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecV7v0Group, tmnxIpsecV10v0Group, tmnxMDACcagV6v1Group, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtV6v0Group, tmnxMDAV6v1Group, tmnxMDAV9v0Group, tmnxMdaHsmdaPoolV10v0Group, tmnxMdaV10v0Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV9v0Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisGroup, tmnxFPPoolSizingV11v0Group, tmnxCpmCardCmplxMemErrV9v0Group, tmnxFPBufAllocV12v0Group, tmnxCardCmplQChipMemErrV9v0Group, tmnxCardCmplChipIfErrV9v0Group, tmnxFPPlcyAcctV12v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyV9v0Grp, tmnxChassisSmartPeqV11v0Group, tmnxChassisSmartPeqNtfyV11v0Grp, tmnxChassPANotifyObjsV12v0Grp, tmnxChassisPlcyAcctNtfyV12v0Grp, tmnxChassisV12v0Group, tmnxIomResrcNotifyObjsV12v0Grp, tmnxIomResrcNotifyV12v0Group, tmnxChassisHwEventGroupV10v0, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGrpV10v0, tmnxChassisResourceV13v0Group, tmnxCardVirtualSchAdjV13v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisV13v0Group, tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedNtfV13v0Grp, tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedV13v0Grp, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtGroupV13v0, tmnxChassisNotifV13v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV13v0Grp, tmnxChassisFpResourceV13v0Group, tmnxFPV13v0Group, tmnxCardResetOnRecoverErGrp, tmnxMDAResetOnRecoverErGrp, tmnxCpmMemSizeNotifGroupV12v0, tmnxCpmPChipFcsObjGroupV12v0 } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 18 } tmnxChassisV14v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on SROS series systems in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB release 14.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxChassisResourceV14v0Group, tmnxCpmFlashV14v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisGroupV14v0, tmnxPhysChassisNotifGroupV14v0, tmnxSyncIfTimingV14v0Group, tFPFwdEngStatsGroup, tmnxIsaMemWMarkNotifGroupV14v0, tmnxCpmMemSizeNotifGroupV12v0, tmnxIsaGrpIsaScaleModeGroupV14v0, tmnxCardVirtualGroupV14v0 } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 19 } tmnxChassisV15v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on SROS series systems in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB release 15.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnx7710HwV3v0Group, tmnx7710SETSRefSrcHwV6v0Group, tmnx77x0CESMDAV6v0Group, tmnxAtmGroup, tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV8v0Group, tmnxCardV10v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxCardV7v0Group, tmnxChassisFabricV11v0Group, tmnxChassisFanV11v0Group, tmnxChassisHwEventGroup, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGroup, tmnxChassisHwV11v0Group, tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group, tmnxChassisHwV9v0Group, tmnxChassisMixedModeIomV8v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV7v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV12v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifV12v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtGroup, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtNotifyGroup, tmnxChassisPowerV11v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerV12v0Group, tmnxChassisQGrpOvrGroup, tmnxChassisSwitchFabNtfyV11v0Grp, tmnxChassisUserModV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV10v0Group, tmnxChassisV11v0Group, tmnxChassisV13v0Group, tmnxChassisV6v1Group, tmnxChassisV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV8v0Group, tmnxCpmCardV13v0Group, tmnxCpmCardRebootHoldV11v0Group, tmnxFPDCpuProtV11v0R0Group, tmnxFPDcpNotifyObjsV11v0Group, tmnxFPDcpNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV6v1Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV15v0Group, tmnxFPQGrpGroup, tmnxFPQGrpV10v0R4Group, tmnxFPWredV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group, tmnxIPsecNotifV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecV7v0Group, tmnxIpsecV10v0Group, tmnxMDACcagV6v1Group, tmnxMdaHsmdaPoolV10v0Group, tmnxMDAV15v0Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV9v0Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisGroup, tmnxFPPoolSizingV11v0Group, tmnxCpmCardCmplxMemErrV9v0Group, tmnxFPBufAllocV12v0Group, tmnxCardCmplQChipMemErrV9v0Group, tmnxCardCmplChipIfErrV9v0Group, tmnxFPPlcyAcctV12v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyV9v0Grp, tmnxChassisSmartPeqV11v0Group, tmnxChassPANotifyObjsV12v0Grp, tmnxChassisPlcyAcctNtfyV12v0Grp, tmnxChassisV12v0Group, tmnxIomResrcNotifyObjsV12v0Grp, tmnxIomResrcNotifyV12v0Group, tmnxChassisHwEventGroupV10v0, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGrpV10v0, tmnxCardVirtualSchAdjV13v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisV13v0Group, tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedNtfV13v0Grp, tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedV13v0Grp, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtGroupV13v0, tmnxChassisNotifV13v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV13v0Grp, tmnxChassisFpResourceV13v0Group, tmnxFPV13v0Group, tmnxCardResetOnRecoverErGrp, tmnxMDAResetOnRecoverErGrp, tmnxCpmMemSizeNotifGroupV12v0, tmnxCpmPChipFcsObjGroupV12v0, tmnxChassisResourceV14v0Group, tmnxCpmFlashV14v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisGroupV14v0, tmnxPhysChassisNotifGroupV14v0, tmnxSyncIfTimingV14v0Group, tFPFwdEngStatsGroup, tmnxIsaMemWMarkNotifGroupV14v0, tmnxCpmMemSizeNotifGroupV12v0, tmnxIsaGrpIsaScaleModeGroupV14v0, tmnxCardVirtualGroupV14v0, tmnxChassisFanV15v0Group, tmnxCardFPEgrHsGroup, tmnxPhysChassisGroupV15v0, tmnxPhysChassisNotifGroupV15v0, tmnxIcmpMtuExceededStatGroup, tmnxChassisGroupV15v0, tmnxCardResMacFdbUsgNotifGroup, tmnxMacScaleNotifyObjsV15v0Grp, tmnxChassisResourceV15v0Group, tmnxCardFPResIngV15v0QGroup, tmnxCardFPResEgrV15v0QGroup, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV15v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisPCMGroupV15v0, tmnxMinFpGenerationGroupV15v0, tmnxPhysChassPCMNotifGroupV15v0 } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 20 } tmnxChassisV16v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on SROS series systems in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB release 16.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnx7710HwV3v0Group, tmnx7710SETSRefSrcHwV6v0Group, tmnx77x0CESMDAV6v0Group, tmnxAtmGroup, tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV8v0Group, tmnxCardV10v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxCardV7v0Group, tmnxChassisFabricV11v0Group, tmnxChassisFanV11v0Group, tmnxChassisHwEventGroup, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGroup, tmnxChassisHwV11v0Group, tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group, tmnxChassisHwV9v0Group, tmnxChassisMixedModeIomV8v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV7v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV12v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifV12v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtGroup, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtNotifyGroup, tmnxChassisPowerV11v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerV12v0Group, tmnxChassisQGrpOvrGroup, tmnxChassisSwitchFabNtfyV11v0Grp, tmnxChassisUserModV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV10v0Group, tmnxChassisV11v0Group, tmnxChassisV13v0Group, tmnxChassisV6v1Group, tmnxChassisV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV8v0Group, tmnxCpmCardV13v0Group, tmnxCpmCardRebootHoldV11v0Group, tmnxFPDCpuProtV11v0R0Group, tmnxFPDcpNotifyObjsV11v0Group, tmnxFPDcpNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV6v1Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV15v0Group, tmnxFPQGrpGroup, tmnxFPQGrpV10v0R4Group, tmnxFPWredV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group, tmnxIPsecNotifV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecV7v0Group, tmnxIpsecV10v0Group, tmnxMDACcagV6v1Group, tmnxMdaHsmdaPoolV10v0Group, tmnxMDAV15v0Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV9v0Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisGroup, tmnxFPPoolSizingV11v0Group, tmnxCpmCardCmplxMemErrV9v0Group, tmnxFPBufAllocV12v0Group, tmnxCardCmplQChipMemErrV9v0Group, tmnxCardCmplChipIfErrV9v0Group, tmnxFPPlcyAcctV12v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyV9v0Grp, tmnxChassisSmartPeqV11v0Group, tmnxChassPANotifyObjsV12v0Grp, tmnxChassisPlcyAcctNtfyV12v0Grp, tmnxChassisV12v0Group, tmnxIomResrcNotifyObjsV12v0Grp, tmnxIomResrcNotifyV12v0Group, tmnxChassisHwEventGroupV10v0, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGrpV10v0, tmnxCardVirtualSchAdjV13v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisV13v0Group, tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedNtfV13v0Grp, tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedV13v0Grp, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtGroupV13v0, tmnxChassisNotifV13v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV13v0Grp, tmnxChassisFpResourceV13v0Group, tmnxFPV13v0Group, tmnxCardResetOnRecoverErGrp, tmnxMDAResetOnRecoverErGrp, tmnxCpmMemSizeNotifGroupV12v0, tmnxCpmPChipFcsObjGroupV12v0, tmnxChassisResourceV14v0Group, tmnxCpmFlashV14v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisGroupV14v0, tmnxPhysChassisNotifGroupV14v0, tmnxSyncIfTimingV14v0Group, tFPFwdEngStatsGroup, tmnxIsaMemWMarkNotifGroupV14v0, tmnxCpmMemSizeNotifGroupV12v0, tmnxIsaGrpIsaScaleModeGroupV14v0, tmnxCardVirtualGroupV14v0, tmnxChassisFanV15v0Group, tmnxCardFPEgrHsGroup, tmnxPhysChassisGroupV15v0, tmnxPhysChassisNotifGroupV15v0, tmnxIcmpMtuExceededStatGroup, tmnxChassisGroupV15v0, tmnxCardResMacFdbUsgNotifGroup, tmnxMacScaleNotifyObjsV15v0Grp, tmnxCardFPResIngV15v0QGroup, tmnxCardFPResEgrV15v0QGroup, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV15v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisPCMGroupV15v0, tmnxMinFpGenerationGroupV15v0, tmnxPhysChassPCMNotifGroupV15v0, tmnxCardV16v0Group, tmnxCardComplexGroupV16v0, tmnxChassisGroupV16v0, tmnxChassisResourceV16v0Group, tmnxChassisCardLevelGroupV15v1, tmnxPhysChassisPMGroupV16v0, tmnxChassisGnssGroup, tmnxChassisGnssNotifGroup, tmnxChassisMdaLevelGroupV15v1, tmnxPhysChassisPMNotifGroupV16v0, tmnxNearFullNotifGroupV16v0, tmnxCardV16v0ObsoleteGroup, tmnxCardV16v0FpgaSoftErrNotifGrp, tmnxMDAIsaTnlStatsV16v0Group, tmnxCardPowerSaveGroupV16v0 } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 21 } tmnxChassisV15v1Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on SROS series systems in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB release 15.1." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxBluetoothGroupV15v1, tmnxOverloadNotifGroupV15v1, tmnxChassisSystemProfGroupV15v1, tmnxCardResourceV15v1Group, tmnxBluetoothNotifGroupV15v1, tmnxFPResourceV15v1Group } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 22 } tmnxChassisV16v5Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on SROS series systems in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB release 16.5." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxCardEncapGrpV16v5Group } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 23 } tmnxChassisV19Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on SROS series systems in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB release 19." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnx7710HwV3v0Group, tmnx7710SETSRefSrcHwV6v0Group, tmnx77x0CESMDAV6v0Group, tmnxAtmGroup, tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV8v0Group, tmnxCardV10v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup, tmnxCardV7v0Group, tmnxChassisFabricV11v0Group, tmnxChassisFanV11v0Group, tmnxChassisHwEventGroup, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGroup, tmnxChassisHwV11v0Group, tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group, tmnxChassisHwV9v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV7v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV12v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifV12v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtGroup, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtNotifyGroup, tmnxChassisPowerV11v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerV12v0Group, tmnxChassisQGrpOvrGroup, tmnxChassisSwitchFabNtfyV11v0Grp, tmnxChassisUserModV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV10v0Group, tmnxChassisV11v0Group, tmnxChassisV13v0Group, tmnxChassisV6v1Group, tmnxChassisV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV19v0Group, tmnxCpmCardV13v0Group, tmnxCpmCardRebootHoldV11v0Group, tmnxFPDCpuProtV11v0R0Group, tmnxFPDcpNotifyObjsV11v0Group, tmnxFPDcpNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV6v1Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV15v0Group, tmnxFPQGrpGroup, tmnxFPQGrpV10v0R4Group, tmnxFPWredV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group, tmnxIPsecNotifV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecV7v0Group, tmnxIpsecV10v0Group, tmnxMDACcagV6v1Group, tmnxMdaHsmdaPoolV10v0Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV9v0Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisGroup, tmnxFPPoolSizingV11v0Group, tmnxCpmCardCmplxMemErrV9v0Group, tmnxFPBufAllocV12v0Group, tmnxCardCmplQChipMemErrV9v0Group, tmnxCardCmplChipIfErrV9v0Group, tmnxFPPlcyAcctV12v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyV9v0Grp, tmnxChassisSmartPeqV11v0Group, tmnxChassPANotifyObjsV12v0Grp, tmnxChassisPlcyAcctNtfyV12v0Grp, tmnxChassisV12v0Group, tmnxIomResrcNotifyObjsV12v0Grp, tmnxIomResrcNotifyV12v0Group, tmnxChassisHwEventGroupV10v0, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGrpV10v0, tmnxCardVirtualSchAdjV13v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisV13v0Group, tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedNtfV13v0Grp, tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedV13v0Grp, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtGroupV13v0, tmnxChassisNotifV13v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV13v0Grp, tmnxChassisFpResourceV13v0Group, tmnxFPV13v0Group, tmnxCardResetOnRecoverErGrp, tmnxMDAResetOnRecoverErGrp, tmnxCpmMemSizeNotifGroupV12v0, tmnxCpmPChipFcsObjGroupV12v0, tmnxChassisResourceV14v0Group, tmnxCpmFlashV14v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisGroupV14v0, tmnxPhysChassisNotifGroupV14v0, tmnxSyncIfTimingV14v0Group, tFPFwdEngStatsGroup, tmnxIsaMemWMarkNotifGroupV14v0, tmnxCpmMemSizeNotifGroupV12v0, tmnxIsaGrpIsaScaleModeGroupV14v0, tmnxCardVirtualGroupV14v0, tmnxChassisFanV15v0Group, tmnxCardFPEgrHsGroup, tmnxPhysChassisGroupV15v0, tmnxPhysChassisNotifGroupV15v0, tmnxIcmpMtuExceededStatGroup, tmnxChassisGroupV15v0, tmnxCardResMacFdbUsgNotifGroup, tmnxMacScaleNotifyObjsV15v0Grp, tmnxCardFPResIngV15v0QGroup, tmnxCardFPResEgrV15v0QGroup, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV15v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisPCMGroupV15v0, tmnxMinFpGenerationGroupV15v0, tmnxPhysChassPCMNotifGroupV15v0, tmnxCardV16v0Group, tmnxCardComplexGroupV16v0, tmnxChassisGroupV16v0, tmnxChassisResourceV16v0Group, tmnxChassisCardLevelGroupV15v1, tmnxPhysChassisPMGroupV16v0, tmnxChassisGnssGroup, tmnxChassisGnssNotifGroup, tmnxChassisMdaLevelGroupV15v1, tmnxPhysChassisPMNotifGroupV16v0, tmnxNearFullNotifGroupV16v0, tmnxCardV16v0ObsoleteGroup, tmnxCardV16v0FpgaSoftErrNotifGrp, tmnxMDAIsaTnlStatsV16v0Group, tmnxCardPowerSaveGroupV16v0, tmnxEsaGroup, tmnxFPNetworkIngressGroupV19v5, tmnxCardV19v5Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV19v0Group, tmnxMDAV19v0Group, tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmGroupV19v0, tmnxChassisResEgrV19v0Group, tmnxChassisResEgrRmrkV19v0Group, tmnxChassisResIngClassV19v0Group, tmnxChassisResDynCAMV19v0Group, tmnxChassisResIpMacCAMV19v0Group, tmnxChassisCoreResV19v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV19v0NotifGroup, tmnxHwEventGroupV19v0, tmnxHwEventNotifyObjsGrpV19v0, tmnxHwEventNotifGroupV19v0, tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmNotifGrpV19v0, tmnxEsaNotificationObjectGroup, tmnxEsaNotificationGroup, tmnxCardSapInstV19v0Group, tmnxChassisResQMgmtV19v0Group, tmnxSapResourceUsageV19v0Group, tmnxIPv6MCastCamV19v0Group, tmnxChassisCoreResPlcrV19v0Group } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 24 } tmnxChassisV20Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on SROS series systems in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB release 20." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxXiomGroupV20v0, tmnxChassisNotifGroupV20v0, tmnx7710HwV3v0Group, tmnx7710SETSRefSrcHwV6v0Group, tmnxAtmGroup, tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV8v0Group, tmnxCardV10v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxCardV7v0Group, tmnxChassisFabricV11v0Group, tmnxChassisFanV11v0Group, tmnxChassisHwEventGroup, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGroup, tmnxChassisHwV11v0Group, tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group, tmnxChassisHwV9v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV7v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV12v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifV12v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtGroup, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtNotifyGroup, tmnxChassisPowerV11v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerV12v0Group, tmnxChassisQGrpOvrGroup, tmnxChassisSwitchFabNtfyV11v0Grp, tmnxChassisUserModV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV10v0Group, tmnxChassisV11v0Group, tmnxChassisV13v0Group, tmnxChassisV6v1Group, tmnxChassisV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV19v0Group, tmnxCpmCardV13v0Group, tmnxCpmCardRebootHoldV11v0Group, tmnxFPDCpuProtV11v0R0Group, tmnxFPDcpNotifyObjsV11v0Group, tmnxFPDcpNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV6v1Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV15v0Group, tmnxFPQGrpGroup, tmnxFPQGrpV10v0R4Group, tmnxFPWredV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group, tmnxIPsecNotifV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecV7v0Group, tmnxIpsecV10v0Group, tmnxMdaHsmdaPoolV10v0Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV9v0Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisGroup, tmnxFPPoolSizingV11v0Group, tmnxCpmCardCmplxMemErrV9v0Group, tmnxFPBufAllocV12v0Group, tmnxCardCmplQChipMemErrV9v0Group, tmnxCardCmplChipIfErrV9v0Group, tmnxFPPlcyAcctV12v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyV9v0Grp, tmnxChassisSmartPeqV11v0Group, tmnxChassPANotifyObjsV12v0Grp, tmnxChassisPlcyAcctNtfyV12v0Grp, tmnxChassisV12v0Group, tmnxIomResrcNotifyObjsV12v0Grp, tmnxIomResrcNotifyV12v0Group, tmnxChassisHwEventGroupV10v0, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGrpV10v0, tmnxCardVirtualSchAdjV13v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisV13v0Group, tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedNtfV13v0Grp, tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedV13v0Grp, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtGroupV13v0, tmnxChassisNotifV13v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV13v0Grp, tmnxChassisFpResourceV13v0Group, tmnxFPV13v0Group, tmnxCardResetOnRecoverErGrp, tmnxMDAResetOnRecoverErGrp, tmnxCpmMemSizeNotifGroupV12v0, tmnxCpmPChipFcsObjGroupV12v0, tmnxChassisResourceV14v0Group, tmnxCpmFlashV14v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisGroupV14v0, tmnxPhysChassisNotifGroupV14v0, tmnxSyncIfTimingV14v0Group, tFPFwdEngStatsGroup, tmnxIsaMemWMarkNotifGroupV14v0, tmnxCpmMemSizeNotifGroupV12v0, tmnxIsaGrpIsaScaleModeGroupV14v0, tmnxCardVirtualGroupV14v0, tmnxChassisFanV15v0Group, tmnxCardFPEgrHsGroup, tmnxPhysChassisGroupV15v0, tmnxPhysChassisNotifGroupV15v0, tmnxIcmpMtuExceededStatGroup, tmnxChassisGroupV15v0, tmnxCardResMacFdbUsgNotifGroup, tmnxMacScaleNotifyObjsV15v0Grp, tmnxCardFPResIngV15v0QGroup, tmnxCardFPResEgrV15v0QGroup, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV15v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisPCMGroupV15v0, tmnxMinFpGenerationGroupV15v0, tmnxPhysChassPCMNotifGroupV15v0, tmnxCardV16v0Group, tmnxCardComplexGroupV16v0, tmnxChassisGroupV16v0, tmnxChassisCardLevelGroupV15v1, tmnxPhysChassisPMGroupV16v0, tmnxChassisGnssGroup, tmnxChassisGnssNotifGroup, tmnxChassisMdaLevelGroupV15v1, tmnxPhysChassisPMNotifGroupV16v0, tmnxNearFullNotifGroupV16v0, tmnxCardV16v0ObsoleteGroup, tmnxCardV16v0FpgaSoftErrNotifGrp, tmnxMDAIsaTnlStatsV16v0Group, tmnxCardPowerSaveGroupV16v0, tmnxEsaGroup, tmnxFPNetworkIngressGroupV19v5, tmnxCardV19v5Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV19v0Group, tmnxMDAV19v0Group, tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmGroupV19v0, tmnxChassisResEgrV19v0Group, tmnxChassisResEgrRmrkV19v0Group, tmnxChassisResIngClassV19v0Group, tmnxChassisResDynCAMV19v0Group, tmnxChassisResIpMacCAMV19v0Group, tmnxChassisCoreResV19v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV19v0NotifGroup, tmnxHwEventGroupV19v0, tmnxHwEventNotifyObjsGrpV19v0, tmnxHwEventNotifGroupV19v0, tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmNotifGrpV19v0, tmnxEsaNotificationObjectGroup, tmnxEsaNotificationGroup, tmnxCardSapInstV19v0Group, tmnxCardFPQosPolicyV20v0Group, tmnxChassisResQMgmtV19v0Group, tmnxSapResourceUsageV19v0Group, tmnxChassisV20v0ObsoleteGroup, tmnx77x0CESMDAV20v0Group, tmnxIPv6MCastCamV19v0Group, tmnxChassisResourceV20v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV20v0ObsoleteGrp, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssV20v0Group, tmnxChassisResEgrRmrkV20v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV20v0NotifGroup, tmnxChassisDot1xHostV20v0Group, tmnxChassisResDepthMQV20v0Group, tmnxChassisFPQppbPolV20v0Group, tmnxChassisCoreResV20v0Group, tmnxFPNotificationV20Group, tmnxChassisCoreResPlcrV19v0Group, tmnxChassisIxrXFanV20v0Group } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 25 } tmnxChassisV21Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on SROS series systems in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB release 21." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxXiomGroupV20v0, tmnxChassisNotifGroupV20v0, tmnx7710HwV3v0Group, tmnx7710SETSRefSrcHwV6v0Group, tmnxAtmGroup, tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group, tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group, tmnxCardPchipV8v0Group, tmnxCardV10v0Group, tmnxCardV3v0Group, tmnxCardV7v0Group, tmnxChassisFabricV11v0Group, tmnxChassisFanV11v0Group, tmnxChassisHwEventGroup, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGroup, tmnxChassisHwV11v0Group, tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group, tmnxChassisHwV9v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV7v0Group, tmnxChassisNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV12v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyV10v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifV12v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtGroup, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtNotifyGroup, tmnxChassisPowerV11v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerV12v0Group, tmnxChassisQGrpOvrGroup, tmnxChassisSwitchFabNtfyV11v0Grp, tmnxChassisUserModV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV10v0Group, tmnxChassisV11v0Group, tmnxChassisV13v0Group, tmnxChassisV6v1Group, tmnxChassisV7v0Group, tmnxChassisV19v0Group, tmnxCpmCardV13v0Group, tmnxCpmCardRebootHoldV11v0Group, tmnxFPDCpuProtV11v0R0Group, tmnxFPDcpNotifyObjsV11v0Group, tmnxFPDcpNotifyV11v0Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV6v1Group, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV15v0Group, tmnxFPQGrpGroup, tmnxFPQGrpV10v0R4Group, tmnxFPWredV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group, tmnxIPsecNotifV7v0Group, tmnxIPsecV7v0Group, tmnxIpsecV10v0Group, tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyV9v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV8v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV9v0Group, tmnxSyncV6v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisGroup, tmnxFPPoolSizingV11v0Group, tmnxCpmCardCmplxMemErrV9v0Group, tmnxFPBufAllocV12v0Group, tmnxCardCmplQChipMemErrV9v0Group, tmnxCardCmplChipIfErrV9v0Group, tmnxFPPlcyAcctV12v0Group, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyV9v0Grp, tmnxChassisSmartPeqV11v0Group, tmnxChassPANotifyObjsV12v0Grp, tmnxChassisPlcyAcctNtfyV12v0Grp, tmnxChassisV12v0Group, tmnxIomResrcNotifyObjsV12v0Grp, tmnxIomResrcNotifyV12v0Group, tmnxChassisHwEventGroupV10v0, tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGrpV10v0, tmnxCardVirtualSchAdjV13v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisV13v0Group, tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedNtfV13v0Grp, tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedV13v0Grp, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtGroupV13v0, tmnxChassisNotifV13v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV13v0Grp, tmnxChassisFpResourceV13v0Group, tmnxFPV13v0Group, tmnxCardResetOnRecoverErGrp, tmnxMDAResetOnRecoverErGrp, tmnxCpmMemSizeNotifGroupV12v0, tmnxCpmPChipFcsObjGroupV12v0, tmnxChassisResourceV14v0Group, tmnxCpmFlashV14v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisGroupV14v0, tmnxPhysChassisNotifGroupV14v0, tmnxSyncIfTimingV14v0Group, tFPFwdEngStatsGroup, tmnxIsaMemWMarkNotifGroupV14v0, tmnxCpmMemSizeNotifGroupV12v0, tmnxIsaGrpIsaScaleModeGroupV14v0, tmnxCardVirtualGroupV14v0, tmnxChassisFanV15v0Group, tmnxCardFPEgrHsGroup, tmnxPhysChassisGroupV15v0, tmnxPhysChassisNotifGroupV15v0, tmnxIcmpMtuExceededStatGroup, tmnxChassisGroupV15v0, tmnxCardResMacFdbUsgNotifGroup, tmnxMacScaleNotifyObjsV15v0Grp, tmnxCardFPResIngV15v0QGroup, tmnxCardFPResEgrV15v0QGroup, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV15v0Group, tmnxPhysChassisPCMGroupV15v0, tmnxMinFpGenerationGroupV15v0, tmnxPhysChassPCMNotifGroupV15v0, tmnxCardV16v0Group, tmnxCardComplexGroupV16v0, tmnxChassisGroupV16v0, tmnxChassisCardLevelGroupV15v1, tmnxPhysChassisPMGroupV16v0, tmnxChassisGnssGroup, tmnxChassisGnssNotifGroup, tmnxChassisMdaLevelGroupV15v1, tmnxPhysChassisPMNotifGroupV16v0, tmnxNearFullNotifGroupV16v0, tmnxCardV16v0ObsoleteGroup, tmnxCardV16v0FpgaSoftErrNotifGrp, tmnxMDAIsaTnlStatsV16v0Group, tmnxCardPowerSaveGroupV16v0, tmnxEsaGroup, tmnxFPNetworkIngressGroupV19v5, tmnxCardV19v5Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV19v0Group, tmnxMDAV21v0Group, tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmGroupV19v0, tmnxChassisResEgrV19v0Group, tmnxChassisResEgrRmrkV19v0Group, tmnxChassisResIngClassV19v0Group, tmnxChassisResDynCAMV19v0Group, tmnxChassisResIpMacCAMV19v0Group, tmnxChassisCoreResV19v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV19v0NotifGroup, tmnxHwEventGroupV19v0, tmnxHwEventNotifyObjsGrpV19v0, tmnxHwEventNotifGroupV19v0, tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmNotifGrpV19v0, tmnxEsaNotificationObjectGroup, tmnxEsaNotificationGroup, tmnxCardSapInstV19v0Group, tmnxCardFPQosPolicyV20v0Group, tmnxChassisResQMgmtV19v0Group, tmnxSapResourceUsageV19v0Group, tmnxChassisV20v0ObsoleteGroup, tmnx77x0CESMDAV20v0Group, tmnxIPv6MCastCamV19v0Group, tmnxChassisResourceV21v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV20v0ObsoleteGrp, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssV20v0Group, tmnxChassisResEgrRmrkV20v0Group, tmnxSyncIfTimingV20v0NotifGroup, tmnxChassisDot1xHostV20v0Group, tmnxChassisResDepthMQV20v0Group, tmnxChassisFPQppbPolV20v0Group, tmnxChassisCoreResV20v0Group, tmnxFPNotificationV20Group, tmnxChassisCoreResPlcrV19v0Group, tmnxChassisIxrXFanV20v0Group, tmnxMdaXConnectGroupV21, tmnxCoreDdctdPolicerResGroupV21, tmnxFPToFPStatGroupV21, tmnxChassisCoreResPlcrV19v0Group, tFPResEgrHwAggShaperV21v0Group, tCardResTLSMcastV21v0Group, tmnxChassisNotifGroupV21v0, tmnxChassisResIngClassV21v0Group, tmnxChassisResEgrRmrkV21v0Group, tmnxChassisResIngrMapsV21v0Group, tmnxChassisResEgrMapsV21v0Group, tmnxChassisResLagBundl1V21v0Grp, tmnxChassisResLagBundl2V21v0Grp, tmnxChassisResSysBundleV21v0Grp, tmnxIomRsrcNotifyObjsV21v0Grp, tmnxIomRsrcNotifyV21v0Grp, tmnxChassisResPerHostAutV21v0Grp, tmnxChassisDrpCntrJ1V21v0Group, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtV21v0Group, tmnxChassisResMacCamBnkV21v0Grp } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 26 } tmnxChassisV22v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of chassis features on SROS series systems in the TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB release 22." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxHwAggShpNotifyObjsV22v0Grp, tmnxHwAggShpNotifGroupV22v0 } ::= { tmnxChassisCompliances 27 } tmnxChassisGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisConformance 2 } tmnxChassisNotifyObjsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxEqNotificationRow, tmnxEqTypeNotificationRow, tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxRedSecondaryCPMStatus, tmnxChassisNotifyOID, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm, tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer, tmnxChassisNotifySoftwareLocation, tmnxChassisNotifyCardFailureReason, tmnxCpmPowerShelfCommsFail } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting chassis hardware notifications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 4 } tmnxChassisNotifyObsoleteGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxHwConfigChange, tmnxEqCpuFailure, tmnxEqMemoryFailure, tmnxEqBackdoorBusFailure, tmnxPeSoftwareError, tmnxPeSoftwareAbnormalHalt, tmnxPeOutOfMemory, tmnxPeConfigurationError, tmnxPeStorageProblem, tmnxPeCpuCyclesExceeded, tmnxRedSecondaryCPMStatusChange, tmnxRedRestoreSuccess, tmnxRedRestoreFail } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of chassis hardware made obsolete for revision 2.1 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 7 } tmnxChassisV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisTotalNumber, tmnxChassisLastChange, tmnxChassisRowStatus, tmnxChassisName, tmnxChassisType, tmnxChassisLocation, tmnxChassisCoordinates, tmnxChassisNumSlots, tmnxChassisNumPorts, tmnxChassisNumPwrSupplies, tmnxChassisNumFanTrays, tmnxChassisNumFans, tmnxChassisCriticalLEDState, tmnxChassisMajorLEDState, tmnxChassisMinorLEDState, tmnxChassisBaseMacAddress, tmnxChassisCLLICode, tmnxChassisReboot, tmnxChassisUpgrade, tmnxChassisAdminMode, tmnxChassisOperMode, tmnxChassisModeForce, tmnxChassisUpdateWaitTime, tmnxChassisUpdateTimeLeft, tmnxChassisFanOperStatus, tmnxChassisFanSpeed, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyACStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyDCStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempThreshold, tmnxChassisPowerSupply1Status, tmnxChassisPowerSupply2Status, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyAssignedType, tmnxChassisTypeName, tmnxChassisTypeDescription, tmnxChassisTypeStatus, tmnxHwLastChange, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwMfgString, tmnxHwMfgBoardNumber, tmnxHwSerialNumber, tmnxHwManufactureDate, tmnxHwClass, tmnxHwName, tmnxHwAlias, tmnxHwAssetID, tmnxHwCLEI, tmnxHwIsFRU, tmnxHwContainedIn, tmnxHwParentRelPos, tmnxHwAdminState, tmnxHwOperState, tmnxHwTempSensor, tmnxHwTemperature, tmnxHwTempThreshold, tmnxHwBootCodeVersion, tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion, tmnxHwSwLastBoot, tmnxHwAlarmState, tmnxHwLastAlarmEvent, tmnxHwClearAlarms, tmnxHwSwImageSource, tmnxHwMfgDeviations, tmnxHwBaseMacAddress, tmnxHwFailureReason, tmnxHwContainedIndex } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of chassis hardware capabilities on release 3.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 9 } tmnxMDAV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDASupportedTypes, tmnxMDAAssignedType, tmnxMDAEquippedType, tmnxMDAHwIndex, tmnxMDAMaxPorts, tmnxMDAEquippedPorts, tmnxMDATxTimingSelected, tmnxMDASyncIfTimingStatus, tmnxMDANetworkIngQueues, tmnxMDACapabilities, tmnxMDAMinChannelization, tmnxMDAMaxChannelization, tmnxMDAMaxChannels, tmnxMDAChannelsInUse, tmnxMDACcagId, tmnxMdaTypeName, tmnxMdaTypeDescription, tmnxMdaTypeStatus, tmnxCcagRowStatus, tmnxCcagDescription, tmnxCcagAdminStatus, tmnxCcagOperStatus, tmnxCcagCcaRate, tmnxCcagLastChanged, tmnxCcagAccessAdaptQos, tmnxCcagPathLastChanged, tmnxCcagPathRate, tmnxCcagPathRateOption, tmnxCcagPathWeight, tmnxCcagPathCcLastChanged, tmnxCcagPathCcEgrPoolResvCbs, tmnxCcagPathCcEgrPoolSlpPlcy, tmnxCcagPathCcIngPoolResvCbs, tmnxCcagPathCcIngPoolSlpPlcy, tmnxCcagPathCcAcctPolicyId, tmnxCcagPathCcCollectStats, tmnxCcagPathCcQueuePlcy, tmnxCcagPathCcMac, tmnxCcagPathCcMtu, tmnxCcagPathCcHwMac, tmnxCcagPathCcUserAssignedMac } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of MDAs on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 10 } tmnxChassisObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxHwSwState, tmnxCardAllowedTypes, tmnxCpmCardAllowedTypes, tmnxMDAAllowedTypes } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the allowed types of CPM cards, IOM cards and MDA made obsolete for revision 3.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 11 } tmnxCardV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardLastChange, tmnxCardTypeName, tmnxCardTypeDescription, tmnxCardTypeStatus, tmnxCardSupportedTypes, tmnxCardAssignedType, tmnxCardEquippedType, tmnxCardHwIndex, tmnxCardClockSource, tmnxCardNumMdaSlots, tmnxCardNumMdas, tmnxCardReboot, tmnxCardMemorySize, tmnxCpmCardLastChange, tmnxCpmCardSupportedTypes, tmnxCpmCardAssignedType, tmnxCpmCardEquippedType, tmnxCpmCardHwIndex, tmnxCpmCardBootOptionVersion, tmnxCpmCardBootOptionLastModified, tmnxCpmCardConfigBootedVersion, tmnxCpmCardIndexBootedVersion, tmnxCpmCardConfigLastModified, tmnxCpmCardConfigLastSaved, tmnxCpmCardRedundant, tmnxCpmCardClockSource, tmnxCpmCardNumCpus, tmnxCpmCardCpuType, tmnxCpmCardMemorySize, tmnxCpmCardSwitchToRedundantCard, tmnxCpmCardReboot, tmnxCpmCardRereadBootOptions, tmnxCpmCardConfigFileLastBooted, tmnxCpmCardConfigFileLastSaved, tmnxCpmCardConfigFileLastBootedHeader, tmnxCpmCardIndexFileLastBootedHeader, tmnxCpmCardBootOptionSource, tmnxCpmCardConfigSource, tmnxCpmCardBootOptionLastSaved, tmnxFabricLastChange, tmnxFabricAssignedType, tmnxFabricEquippedType, tmnxFabricHwIndex, tmnxCpmFlashOperStatus, tmnxCpmFlashSerialNumber, tmnxCpmFlashFirmwareRevision, tmnxCpmFlashModelNumber, tmnxCpmFlashCapacity, tmnxCpmFlashUsed, tmnxCpmFlashHwIndex, tmnxSyncIfTimingRevert, tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder1, tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder2, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1SrcPort, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1AdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1InUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1Qualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1Alarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2SrcPort, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2AdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2InUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2Qualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2Alarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingFreqOffset, tmnxSyncIfTimingStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder3, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSIfType, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSAdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSInUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSQualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSAlarm, tSyncIfTimingAdmRevert, tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder1, tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder2, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1SrcPort, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1AdminStatus, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2SrcPort, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2AdminStatus, tSyncIfTimingAdmChanged, tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder3, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSIfType, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSAdminStatus, tmnxChassisAdminOwner, tmnxChassisAdminControlApply } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of hardware cards on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 12 } tmnxMDAV4v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDASupportedTypes, tmnxMDAAssignedType, tmnxMDAEquippedType, tmnxMDAHwIndex, tmnxMDAMaxPorts, tmnxMDAEquippedPorts, tmnxMDATxTimingSelected, tmnxMDASyncIfTimingStatus, tmnxMDANetworkIngQueues, tmnxMDACapabilities, tmnxMDAMinChannelization, tmnxMDAMaxChannelization, tmnxMDAMaxChannels, tmnxMDAChannelsInUse, tmnxMDACcagId, tmnxMdaTypeName, tmnxMdaTypeDescription, tmnxMdaTypeStatus, tmnxMDAReboot, tmnxCcagRowStatus, tmnxCcagDescription, tmnxCcagAdminStatus, tmnxCcagOperStatus, tmnxCcagCcaRate, tmnxCcagLastChanged, tmnxCcagAccessAdaptQos, tmnxCcagPathLastChanged, tmnxCcagPathRate, tmnxCcagPathRateOption, tmnxCcagPathWeight, tmnxCcagPathCcLastChanged, tmnxCcagPathCcEgrPoolResvCbs, tmnxCcagPathCcEgrPoolSlpPlcy, tmnxCcagPathCcIngPoolResvCbs, tmnxCcagPathCcIngPoolSlpPlcy, tmnxCcagPathCcAcctPolicyId, tmnxCcagPathCcCollectStats, tmnxCcagPathCcQueuePlcy, tmnxCcagPathCcMac, tmnxCcagPathCcMtu, tmnxCcagPathCcHwMac, tmnxCcagPathCcUserAssignedMac, tmnxMDAHiBwMcastSource, tmnxMDAHiBwMcastAlarm, tmnxMDAHiBwMcastTapCount, tmnxMDAHiBwMcastGroup } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of MDAs for release 4.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 13 } tmnxChassisNotificationV4v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEnvTempTooHigh, tmnxEqPowerSupplyFailure, tmnxEqPowerSupplyInserted, tmnxEqPowerSupplyRemoved, tmnxEqFanFailure, tmnxEqCardFailure, tmnxEqCardInserted, tmnxEqCardRemoved, tmnxEqWrongCard, tmnxPeSoftwareVersionMismatch, tmnxRedPrimaryCPMFail, tmnxChassisNotificationClear, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingHoldover, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingHoldoverClear, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef1Alarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef1AlarmClear, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef2Alarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef2AlarmClear, tmnxEqFlashDataLoss, tmnxEqFlashDiskFull, tmnxPeSoftwareLoadFailed, tmnxPeBootloaderVersionMismatch, tmnxPeBootromVersionMismatch, tmnxPeFPGAVersionMismatch, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSAlarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSAlarmClear, tmnxEqCardFirmwareUpgraded, tmnxChassisUpgradeInProgress, tmnxChassisUpgradeComplete, tmnxChassisHiBwMcastAlarm, tmnxEqMdaCfgNotCompatible } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of chassis hardware for release 4.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 14 } tmnx7710HwV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisOverTempState, tmnxCpmCardMasterSlaveRefState, tmnxCcmOperStatus, tmnxCcmHwIndex, tmnxCcmEquippedType, tmnxCcmTypeName, tmnxCcmTypeDescription, tmnxCcmTypeStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyInputStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyOutputStatus, tmnxMDAReboot } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of hardware specific to the Nokia 7710 SR series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 15 } tmnxChassisV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisTotalNumber, tmnxChassisLastChange, tmnxChassisRowStatus, tmnxChassisName, tmnxChassisType, tmnxChassisLocation, tmnxChassisCoordinates, tmnxChassisNumSlots, tmnxChassisNumPorts, tmnxChassisNumPwrSupplies, tmnxChassisNumFanTrays, tmnxChassisNumFans, tmnxChassisCriticalLEDState, tmnxChassisMajorLEDState, tmnxChassisMinorLEDState, tmnxChassisBaseMacAddress, tmnxChassisCLLICode, tmnxChassisReboot, tmnxChassisUpgrade, tmnxChassisAdminMode, tmnxChassisOperMode, tmnxChassisModeForce, tmnxChassisUpdateTimeLeft, tmnxChassisFanOperStatus, tmnxChassisFanSpeed, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyACStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyDCStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempThreshold, tmnxChassisPowerSupply1Status, tmnxChassisPowerSupply2Status, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyAssignedType, tmnxChassisTypeName, tmnxChassisTypeDescription, tmnxChassisTypeStatus, tmnxHwLastChange, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwMfgString, tmnxHwMfgBoardNumber, tmnxHwSerialNumber, tmnxHwManufactureDate, tmnxHwClass, tmnxHwName, tmnxHwAlias, tmnxHwAssetID, tmnxHwCLEI, tmnxHwIsFRU, tmnxHwContainedIn, tmnxHwParentRelPos, tmnxHwAdminState, tmnxHwOperState, tmnxHwTempSensor, tmnxHwTemperature, tmnxHwTempThreshold, tmnxHwBootCodeVersion, tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion, tmnxHwSwLastBoot, tmnxHwAlarmState, tmnxHwLastAlarmEvent, tmnxHwClearAlarms, tmnxHwSwImageSource, tmnxHwMfgDeviations, tmnxHwBaseMacAddress, tmnxHwFailureReason, tmnxHwContainedIndex } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of chassis hardware capabilities on release 5.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 16 } tmnxChassisV5v0ObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisUpdateWaitTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsolete objects for managing the chassis hardware capabilities on release 5.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 17 } tmnx77x0CESMDAV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDAClockMode, tmnxMDADiffTimestampFreq, tmnxMDAIngNamedPoolPolicy, tmnxMDAEgrNamedPoolPolicy } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of CES MDAs for release 6.0 on Nokia 77x0 SR series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 18 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTableLastChanged, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpRowStatus, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpLastChanged, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpDescription, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpAdminState, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpOperState, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIsaChassis, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpPrimaryIsa, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpBackupIsa, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveIsa } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of IPsec MDAs for release 6.0 on Nokia 7750 and 7710 SR series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 19 } tmnxChassisNotificationV3v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEnvTempTooHigh, tmnxEqPowerSupplyFailure, tmnxEqPowerSupplyInserted, tmnxEqPowerSupplyRemoved, tmnxEqFanFailure, tmnxEqCardFailure, tmnxEqCardInserted, tmnxEqCardRemoved, tmnxEqWrongCard, tmnxPeSoftwareVersionMismatch, tmnxRedPrimaryCPMFail, tmnxChassisNotificationClear, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingHoldover, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingHoldoverClear, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef1Alarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef1AlarmClear, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef2Alarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef2AlarmClear, tmnxEqFlashDataLoss, tmnxEqFlashDiskFull, tmnxPeSoftwareLoadFailed, tmnxPeBootloaderVersionMismatch, tmnxPeBootromVersionMismatch, tmnxPeFPGAVersionMismatch, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSAlarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSAlarmClear, tmnxEqCardFirmwareUpgraded, tmnxEqMdaCfgNotCompatible } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of chassis hardware for release 3.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 20 } tmnxChassisNotificationV6v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEnvTempTooHigh, tmnxEqPowerSupplyFailure, tmnxEqPowerSupplyInserted, tmnxEqPowerSupplyRemoved, tmnxEqFanFailure, tmnxEqCardFailure, tmnxEqCardInserted, tmnxEqCardRemoved, tmnxEqWrongCard, tmnxPeSoftwareVersionMismatch, tmnxRedPrimaryCPMFail, tmnxChassisNotificationClear, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingHoldover, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingHoldoverClear, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef1Alarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef1AlarmClear, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef2Alarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef2AlarmClear, tmnxEqFlashDataLoss, tmnxEqFlashDiskFull, tmnxPeSoftwareLoadFailed, tmnxPeBootloaderVersionMismatch, tmnxPeBootromVersionMismatch, tmnxPeFPGAVersionMismatch, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSAlarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSAlarmClear, tmnxEqCardFirmwareUpgraded, tmnxChassisUpgradeInProgress, tmnxChassisUpgradeComplete, tmnxChassisHiBwMcastAlarm, tmnxEqMdaCfgNotCompatible, tmnxCpmCardSyncFileNotPresent, tmnxEqMdaXplError, tmnxEqCardPChipError, tmnxEqCardPChipMemoryEvent } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of chassis hardware for release 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 21 } tmnx7710SETSRefSrcHwV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1SrcHw, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1BITSIfType, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2SrcHw, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2BITSIfType, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1SrcHw, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1BITSIfType, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2SrcHw, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2BITSIfType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of 'Synchronous Equipment Timing' (SETS) when the references are of type 'Building Integrated Timing Supply' (BITS) for release 6.0 on Nokia 7710 SR series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 22 } tmnxChassisHsmdaV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDAIngHsmdaSchedPolicy, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrTblLastChangd, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrRowStatus, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrLastChanged, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrMaxRate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrGrp1Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrGrp2Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass1Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass1WtInGrp, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass2Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass2WtInGrp, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass3Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass3WtInGrp, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass4Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass4WtInGrp, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass5Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass5WtInGrp, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass6Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass6WtInGrp, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass7Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass7WtInGrp, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass8Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass8WtInGrp, tmnxMDAIngHsmdaPoolPolicy, tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaPoolPolicy } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of the 'Queueing MDA' (HSMDA) for release 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 23 } tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtBwPlcyName, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtPriPathLimit, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtSecPathLimit, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtAncPathLimit, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtAdminState, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtPriInUseBw, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtSecInUseBw, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtAncInUseBw, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtBlkHoleInUseBw } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Multicast Path Management feature for release 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 24 } tmnxCardV6v0NamedPoolPlcyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardNamedPoolAdminMode, tmnxCardNamedPoolOperMode } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting named buffer pools for release 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 25 } tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyCardName, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSyncFile } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 6.0 release to support chassis hardware notifications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 26 } tmnxChassisV6v1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyPemType, tmnxCardSoftReset, tmnxCardLastBootupReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 6.1 release on Nokia 7xx0 SR series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 27 } tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV6v1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxFPMcPathMgmtBwPlcyName, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtAdminState, tmnxFPLastChanged, tmnxFPHiBwMcastSource, tmnxFPHiBwMcastAlarm, tmnxFPHiBwMcastTapCount, tmnxFPHiBwMcastGroup, tmnxFPHiBwMcastDefaultPathsOnly } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Multicast Path Management feature for release 6.1 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 28 } tmnxMDAV6v1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDASupportedTypes, tmnxMDAAssignedType, tmnxMDAEquippedType, tmnxMDAHwIndex, tmnxMDAMaxPorts, tmnxMDAEquippedPorts, tmnxMDATxTimingSelected, tmnxMDASyncIfTimingStatus, tmnxMDANetworkIngQueues, tmnxMDACapabilities, tmnxMDAMinChannelization, tmnxMDAMaxChannelization, tmnxMDAMaxChannels, tmnxMDAChannelsInUse, tmnxMdaTypeName, tmnxMdaTypeDescription, tmnxMdaTypeStatus, tmnxMDAReboot, tmnxMDAHiBwMcastSource, tmnxMDAHiBwMcastAlarm, tmnxMDAHiBwMcastTapCount, tmnxMDAHiBwMcastGroup, tmnxMDASynchronousEthernet } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of MDAs for release 6.1 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 29 } tmnxMDACcagV6v1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDACcagId, tmnxCcagRowStatus, tmnxCcagDescription, tmnxCcagAdminStatus, tmnxCcagOperStatus, tmnxCcagCcaRate, tmnxCcagLastChanged, tmnxCcagAccessAdaptQos, tmnxCcagPathLastChanged, tmnxCcagPathRate, tmnxCcagPathRateOption, tmnxCcagPathWeight, tmnxCcagPathCcLastChanged, tmnxCcagPathCcEgrPoolResvCbs, tmnxCcagPathCcEgrPoolSlpPlcy, tmnxCcagPathCcIngPoolResvCbs, tmnxCcagPathCcIngPoolSlpPlcy, tmnxCcagPathCcAcctPolicyId, tmnxCcagPathCcCollectStats, tmnxCcagPathCcQueuePlcy, tmnxCcagPathCcMac, tmnxCcagPathCcMtu, tmnxCcagPathCcHwMac, tmnxCcagPathCcUserAssignedMac } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of MDA CCAG for release 6.1 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 30 } tmnxMdaXplV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDAXplErrorTime, tmnxMDAXplFailedCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 5.0 release to support MDA XPL error indications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 31 } tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardComplexNumber, tmnxCardFwdDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 5.0 release to support chassis hardware notifications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 32 } tmnxChassisNotificationV5v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqMdaXplError, tmnxEqCardPChipError, tmnxEqCardPChipMemoryEvent } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications added in 5.0 release to support the hardware notifications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 33 } tmnxChassisNotificationV6v1Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEnvTempTooHigh, tmnxEqPowerSupplyFailure, tmnxEqPowerSupplyInserted, tmnxEqPowerSupplyRemoved, tmnxEqFanFailure, tmnxEqCardFailure, tmnxEqCardInserted, tmnxEqCardRemoved, tmnxEqWrongCard, tmnxPeSoftwareVersionMismatch, tmnxRedPrimaryCPMFail, tmnxChassisNotificationClear, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingHoldover, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingHoldoverClear, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef1Alarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef1AlarmClear, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef2Alarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef2AlarmClear, tmnxEqFlashDataLoss, tmnxEqFlashDiskFull, tmnxPeSoftwareLoadFailed, tmnxPeBootloaderVersionMismatch, tmnxPeBootromVersionMismatch, tmnxPeFPGAVersionMismatch, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSAlarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSAlarmClear, tmnxEqCardFirmwareUpgraded, tmnxChassisUpgradeInProgress, tmnxChassisUpgradeComplete, tmnxChassisHiBwMcastAlarm, tmnxEqMdaCfgNotCompatible, tmnxCpmCardSyncFileNotPresent, tmnxEqMdaXplError, tmnxEqCardPChipError, tmnxEqCardSoftResetAlarm, tmnxEqCardPChipMemoryEvent, tmnxEqCardPChipCamEvent } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of chassis hardware for release 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 34 } tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV6v1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardSoftResetState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 6.1 release to support chassis hardware notifications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 35 } tmnxChassisNotificationV7v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEnvTempTooHigh, tmnxEqPowerSupplyInserted, tmnxEqPowerSupplyRemoved, tmnxEqCardFailure, tmnxEqCardInserted, tmnxEqCardRemoved, tmnxEqWrongCard, tmnxPeSoftwareVersionMismatch, tmnxRedPrimaryCPMFail, tmnxChassisNotificationClear, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingHoldover, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingHoldoverClear, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef1Alarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef1AlarmClear, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef2Alarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef2AlarmClear, tmnxEqFlashDataLoss, tmnxEqFlashDiskFull, tmnxPeSoftwareLoadFailed, tmnxPeBootloaderVersionMismatch, tmnxPeBootromVersionMismatch, tmnxPeFPGAVersionMismatch, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSAlarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSAlarmClear, tmnxEqCardFirmwareUpgraded, tmnxChassisUpgradeInProgress, tmnxChassisUpgradeComplete, tmnxChassisHiBwMcastAlarm, tmnxEqMdaCfgNotCompatible, tmnxCpmCardSyncFileNotPresent, tmnxEqMdaXplError, tmnxEqCardPChipError, tmnxEqCardSoftResetAlarm, tmnxEqMdaSyncENotCompatible, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveIsaChgd, tmnxEqCardPChipMemoryEvent, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpUnableToSwitch, tmnxEqCardPChipCamEvent, tmnxEqHwEnhancedCapability } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of chassis hardware for release 7.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 36 } tmnxChassisUserModV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCpmCardConfigUserLastModified } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 7.0 release on Nokia 7xx0 SR series systems to track user modifications." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 37 } tmnxCardPchipV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardCmplx1IngrFcsOccur, tmnxCardCmplx1IngrFcsOccurTime, tmnxCardCmplx1EgrFcsOccur, tmnxCardCmplx1EgrFcsOccurTime, tmnxCardCmplx2IngrFcsOccur, tmnxCardCmplx2IngrFcsOccurTime, tmnxCardCmplx2EgrFcsOccur, tmnxCardCmplx2EgrFcsOccurTime, tmnxCardCmplx1MemParityOccur, tmnxCardCmplx1MemParityOccurTime, tmnxCardCmplx2MemParityOccur, tmnxCardCmplx2MemParityOccurTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 5.0 release to support IOM Card Pchip error indications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 38 } tmnxFPWredV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxFPWredBufAllocMin, tmnxFPWredBufAllocMax, tmnxFPWredResvCbsMin, tmnxFPWredResvCbsMax, tmnxFPWredSlopePolicy, tmnxFPWredAdminState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of WRED Queue Management feature for release 7.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 39 } tmnxChassisV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisFanRevision } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 7.0 release on Nokia 7x50 SR series systems to track Fan Tray revisions." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 40 } tmnxIPsecV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTunnels, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMaxTunnels } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 7.0 release on Nokia 7x50 SR series systems related to IPsec feature." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 41 } tmnxIPsecNotifV7v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTnlLowWMark, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTnlHighWMark, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTnlMax } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 7.0 release to support IPsec notifications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 42 } tmnxSyncV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1State, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2State, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 6.0 release on Nokia 7xx0 SR series systems related to system timing." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 43 } tmnxSyncIfTimingV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutAdmStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutLineLen, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1CfgQltyLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1RxQltyLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2CfgQltyLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2RxQltyLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSCfgQltyLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSRxQltyLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2InUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2Qualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2Alarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2RxQltyLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2State, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1NationalUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2NationalUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSNationalUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingQLSelection, tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMInUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMQual, tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMAlarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingOtherCPMState, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutRefSel, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSTxQltyLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2AdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingSystemQltyLevel, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutAdmStatus, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutLineLen, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1CfgQltyLevel, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2CfgQltyLevel, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSCfgQltyLevel, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1NationalUse, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2NationalUse, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSNationalUse, tSyncIfTimingAdmQLSelection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 8.0 release to support new Sync-if-timing features on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 44 } tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifV8v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef1Quality, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef2Quality, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSQuality, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITS2Quality, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRefSwitch, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITS2Alarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITS2AlarmClr, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSOutRefChg, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingSystemQuality } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 8.0 release to support Sync-If-Timing notifications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 45 } tmnxChassisV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxHwEquippedPlatform, tmnxChassisRedForcedSingleSfm, tmnxCardCapability } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 8.0 release on Nokia SR series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 46 } tmnxChassisMixedModeIomV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisMixedModeIomAdminMode, tmnxChassisMixedModeIomUpgrList } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 8.0 release on Nokia SR series systems to support the Mixed Mode IOM feature." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 47 } tmnxCardCamErrorV6v1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardCmplx1CAMErrorOccur, tmnxCardCmplx1CAMErrorOccurTime, tmnxCardCmplx2CAMErrorOccur, tmnxCardCmplx2CAMErrorOccurTime, tmnxCpmCardCmplxCAMErrOccur, tmnxCpmCardCmplxCAMErrOccurTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 6.1 release on Nokia 7xx0 SR series systems related to Card CAM Failures." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 48 } tmnxChassisV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardLastBootupReason } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 6.0 release on Nokia 7xx0 SR series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 49 } tmnxCardV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardFailOnError } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 7.0 release on Nokia 7xx0 SR series systems for card management." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 50 } tmnxAtmGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDAAtmMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects on Nokia 7xx0 SR series systems for ATM management." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 51 } tmnxChassisHwV6v1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxHwMfgAssemblyNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of hardware related objects added in release 6.1 on Nokia 7xx0 SR series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 52 } tmnxChassisHwV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCpmCardOscillatorType, tmnxHwFirmwareCodeVersion } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of hardware related objects added in release 9.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 53 } tmnxSyncIfTimingV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder4, tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPAdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPInUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPQualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPAlarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPCfgQltyLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPRxQltyLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPState, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutSource, tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder4, tSyncIfTimingAdmPTPAdminStatus, tSyncIfTimingAdmPTPCfgQltyLevel, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutSource } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 9.0 release to support new Sync-if-timing features on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 54 } tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyV9v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqSyncIfTimingPTPQuality, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingPTPAlarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingPTPAlarmClear } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications added in 9.0 release to support new Sync-if-timing features on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 55 } tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMdaNotifyType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notification objects extending chassis features for revision 9.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 56 } tmnxMDAV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaThrshLoBrstMult, tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaThrshHiBrstInc } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 9.0 release to support new HSMDA threshold limits on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 57 } tmnxCardPchipV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardCmplx1EgrFcsSrcSlots, tmnxCardCmplx2EgrFcsSrcSlots } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 8.0 release to enhance IOM Card Pchip error indications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 58 } tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardSrcSlotBitmap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 8.0 release to support chassis hardware notifications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 59 } tmnxFPQGrpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxFPAccIngQGrpAcctgPolId, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpCollectStats, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpDescr, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpLastChgd, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpRowStatus, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPolicerPol, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpTableLastChgd, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpAcctgPolId, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpCollectStats, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpDescr, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpLastChgd, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpRowStatus, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPolicerPol, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpTableLastChgd, tmnxFPNetIngQGrpPStatMode, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioPkts, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioPktsL, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioPktsH, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioPkts, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioPktsL, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioPktsH, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioPkts, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioPktsL, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioPktsH, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioPkts, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioPktsL, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioPktsH, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioOcts, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioOctsL, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffHPrioOctsH, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioOcts, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioOctsL, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpHPrioOctsH, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioOcts, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioOctsL, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStOffLPrioOctsH, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioOcts, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioOctsL, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStDrpLPrioOctsH, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfPkts, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfPktsL, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfPktsH, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfPkts, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfPktsL, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfPktsH, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfOcts, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfOctsL, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdInProfOctsH, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfOcts, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfOctsL, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStFwdOutProfOctsH, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolPktsOff, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolPktsOffL, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolPktsOffH, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolOctsOff, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolOctsOffL, tmnxFPNetIngQgPStUncolOctsOffH, tmnxFPAccIngQGrpPStatMode, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioPkts, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioPktsL, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioPktsH, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioPkts, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioPktsL, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioPktsH, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioPkts, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioPktsL, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioPktsH, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioPkts, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioPktsL, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioPktsH, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioOcts, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioOctsL, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffHPrioOctsH, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioOcts, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioOctsL, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpHPrioOctsH, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioOcts, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioOctsL, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStOffLPrioOctsH, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioOcts, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioOctsL, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStDrpLPrioOctsH, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfPkts, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfPktsL, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfPktsH, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfPkts, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfPktsL, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfPktsH, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfOcts, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfOctsL, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdInProfOctsH, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfOcts, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfOctsL, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStFwdOutProfOctsH, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolPktsOff, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolPktsOffL, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolPktsOffH, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolOctsOff, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolOctsOffL, tmnxFPAccIngQgPStUncolOctsOffH, tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPkts, tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsL, tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsH, tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOcts, tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsL, tFPNetIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsH, tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPkts, tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsL, tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsH, tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOcts, tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsL, tFPAccIngQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsH } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 10.0 release to support forwarding-plane queue-group objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 60 } tmnxCardV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardHardResetUnsupMdas, tmnxCardRateCalcFastQueue, tmnxCardRateCalcSlowQueue, tmnxCardSchedRun, tmnxCardTaskScheduling, tmnxCardSlowQueueThresh } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 10.0 release to enhance IOM Card features on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 61 } tmnxIpsecV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTunnelReassembly, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpOperFlags, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIpTunnels, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIpMaxTunnels } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 10.0 release to ipsec features on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 62 } tmnxChassisV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxFanTrayCompSpeed, tmnxFabricSupportedTypes, tmnxFabricReboot, tmnxFabricTypeName, tmnxFabricTypeDescription, tmnxFabricTypeStatus, tmnxHwResourceCurrentVoltage, tmnxHwResourcePeakVoltage, tmnxHwResourcePeakVoltageTime, tmnxHwResourceMinVoltage, tmnxHwResourceMinVoltageTime, tmnxHwResourceCurrentWattage, tmnxHwResourcePeakWattage, tmnxHwResourcePeakWattageTime, tmnxHwResourceMinWattage, tmnxHwResourceMinWattageTime, tmnxHwResourceCurrentAmperage, tmnxHwResourcePeakAmperage, tmnxHwResourcePeakAmperageTime, tmnxHwResourceMinAmperage, tmnxHwResourceMinAmperageTime, tmnxHwFirmwareRevisionStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 10.0 release to enhance hardware functionality on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 63 } tmnxChassisNotificationV9v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxPeFirmwareVersionWarning, tmnxEqCardQChipBufMemoryEvent, tmnxEqCardQChipStatsMemoryEvent, tmnxEqCardQChipIntMemoryEvent, tmnxEqCardChipIfDownEvent, tmnxEqCardChipIfCellEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of chassis hardware for release 9.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 64 } tmnxFPQGrpV10v0R4Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrTblLstChgd, tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrRowStatus, tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrLastChgd, tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrAdminPIR, tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrAdminCIR, tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrStatMode, tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrMBS, tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrCBS, tFPAccIngQGrpPlcrOvrPktOffset } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 10.0 release to support forwarding-plane queue-group policer override objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 65 } tmnxMdaV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroup, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIPsecRespondOnly, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMultiActive, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveMda, tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroupInUse, tmnxMDAFailOnError, tmnxMDAEgrXplErrThreshold, tmnxMDAEgrXplErrWindow, tmnxMDAIngrXplErrThreshold, tmnxMDAIngrXplErrWindow } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 10.0 release to enhance IOM MDA features on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 66 } tmnxMdaObsoletedV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDAIngHsmdaSchedPolicy, tmnxMDAIngHsmdaPoolPolicy, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrTblLastChangd, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrRowStatus, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrLastChanged, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrMaxRate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrGrp1Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrGrp2Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass1Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass1WtInGrp, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass2Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass2WtInGrp, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass3Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass3WtInGrp, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass4Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass4WtInGrp, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass5Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass5WtInGrp, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass6Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass6WtInGrp, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass7Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass7WtInGrp, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass8Rate, tmnxHsmdaMdaSchOvrClass8WtInGrp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects obsoleted in 10.0 release to enhance IOM MDA features on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 67 } tmnxChassisNotifyV10v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroupChange } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of chassis hardware for release 10.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 69 } tmnxMdaHsmdaPoolV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaPoolPolicy } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 10.0 release to enhance IOM MDA features related to HSMDA on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 70 } tmnxChassisV11v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 71 } tmnxFPDCpuProtV11v0R0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxFPDCpuProtDynEnfrcPlcrPool, tmnxFpDcpDynPlcrHiWtrMrkHitCnt, tmnxFpDcpDynPlcrHiWtrMrkTime, tmnxFpDcpDynPlcrAllocFailCount, tmnxFpDcpDynPlcrInUse } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 11.0 release to support forwarding-plane objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV11v0Groups 1 } tmnxFPDcpNotifyObjsV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured, tmnxDcpMissingNotificationCount, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Distributed CPU Protection feature for forwarding-plane on version 11.0 Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV11v0Groups 2 } tmnxFPDcpNotifyV11v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxDcpCardFpEventOvrflw, tmnxDcpCardSapEventOvrflw, tmnxDcpCardVrtrIfEventOvrflw, tmnxDcpFpDynPoolUsageHiAlmRaise, tmnxDcpFpDynPoolUsageHiAlmClear, tmnxDcpCardFpEventOvrflwClr, tmnxDcpCardSapEventOvrflwClr, tmnxDcpCardVrtrIfEventOvrflwClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting management of Distributed CPU Protection feature for forwarding-plane on version 11.0 Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV11v0Groups 3 } tmnxChassisObsoleteGroupV11v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxHwMfgString } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects obsoleted in 11.0 release on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV11v0Groups 4 } tmnxChassisV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisTotalNumber, tmnxChassisLastChange, tmnxChassisRowStatus, tmnxChassisName, tmnxChassisType, tmnxChassisLocation, tmnxChassisCoordinates, tmnxChassisNumSlots, tmnxChassisNumPorts, tmnxChassisCriticalLEDState, tmnxChassisMajorLEDState, tmnxChassisMinorLEDState, tmnxChassisBaseMacAddress, tmnxChassisCLLICode, tmnxChassisReboot, tmnxChassisUpgrade, tmnxChassisAdminMode, tmnxChassisOperMode, tmnxChassisModeForce, tmnxChassisUpdateTimeLeft, tmnxChassisTypeName, tmnxChassisTypeDescription, tmnxChassisTypeStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of generic chassis capabilities on release 11.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV11v0Groups 5 } tmnxChassisFanV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNumFanTrays, tmnxChassisNumFans, tmnxChassisFanOperStatus, tmnxChassisFanSpeed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of chassis Fan hardware capabilities on release 11.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV11v0Groups 6 } tmnxChassisPowerV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNumPwrSupplies, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyACStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyDCStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempThreshold, tmnxChassisPowerSupply1Status, tmnxChassisPowerSupply2Status, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyAssignedType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of chassis power supply hardware capabilities on release 11.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV11v0Groups 7 } tmnxChassisHwV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxHwLastChange, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwMfgBoardNumber, tmnxHwSerialNumber, tmnxHwManufactureDate, tmnxHwClass, tmnxHwName, tmnxHwAlias, tmnxHwAssetID, tmnxHwCLEI, tmnxHwIsFRU, tmnxHwContainedIn, tmnxHwParentRelPos, tmnxHwAdminState, tmnxHwOperState, tmnxHwTempSensor, tmnxHwTemperature, tmnxHwTempThreshold, tmnxHwBootCodeVersion, tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion, tmnxHwSwLastBoot, tmnxHwAlarmState, tmnxHwSwImageSource, tmnxHwMfgDeviations, tmnxHwBaseMacAddress, tmnxHwFailureReason, tmnxHwContainedIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of chassis hardware capabilities on release 11.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV11v0Groups 8 } tmnxChassisQGrpOvrGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrTblLstChgd, tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrRowStatus, tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrLastChgd, tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrAdminPIR, tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrAdminCIR, tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrStatMode, tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrMBS, tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrCBS, tFPNetIngQGrpPlcrOvrPktOffset, tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLastChgd, tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlLastChgd, tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlMBS, tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlTblLstChgd, tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrMaxRate, tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrMinMBSSep, tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrRowStatus, tFPAccIngQGrpPCPOvrTblLastChgd, tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLastChgd, tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlLastChgd, tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlMBS, tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrLvlTblLstChgd, tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrMaxRate, tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrMinMBSSep, tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrRowStatus, tFPNetIngQGrpPCPOvrTblLastChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of policer control policies capabilities on release 11.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV11v0Groups 9 } tmnxFPPoolSizingV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxFPStablePoolSizing } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of policer control policies capabilities on release 11.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV11v0Groups 10 } tmnxChassisPowerMgmtGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisPEQTableLastChg, tmnxChassisPEQLastChangedTime, tmnxChassisPowerMgmtTableLastChg, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtChangedTime, tmnxChassisPEQAssignedType, tmnxChassisPEQAvailableWattage, tmnxChassisPEQEquippedType, tmnxChassisPEQSupportedTypes, tmnxPEQTypeDescription, tmnxPEQTypeName, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtMode, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtSafetyLevel, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtSafetyAlert, tmnxMDAHwPowerPriority, tmnxHwResourceMaxRequiredWattage, tmnxHwPowerZone } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of power utilization capabilities on release 11.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV11v0Groups 11 } tmnxChassisPowerMgmtNotifyObjs OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyPowerZone, tmnxChassisNotifyPowerCapacity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notification-objects supporting the management of power utilization capabilities on release 11.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV11v0Groups 12 } tmnxChassisPowerMgmtNotifyGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqPowerCapacityExceeded, tmnxEqPowerCapacityExceededClear, tmnxEqPowerLostCapacity, tmnxEqPowerLostCapacityClear, tmnxEqPowerOverloadState, tmnxEqPowerOverloadStateClear, tmnxEqPowerSafetyAlertThreshold, tmnxEqPowerSafetyAlertClear, tmnxEqPowerSafetyLevelThreshold, tmnxEqPowerSafetyLevelClear, tmnxEqProvPowerCapacityAlm, tmnxEqProvPowerCapacityAlmClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of power utilization capabilities on release 11.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV11v0Groups 13 } tmnxChassisSmartPeqV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyInFeedDown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of smart PEQ capabilities on release 11.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV11v0Groups 14 } tmnxChassisSmartPeqNtfyV11v0Grp NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqPowerSupplyInputFeedAlm, tmnxEqPowerSupplyInputFeedAlmClr } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of smart PEQ capabilities on release 11.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV11v0Groups 15 } tmnxChassisFabricV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisFabricSpeed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of the system fabric speed on release 11.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV11v0Groups 16 } tmnxChassisSwitchFabNtfyV11v0Grp NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqLowSwitchFabricCap, tmnxEqLowSwitchFabricCapClear } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting chassis switch fabric management on release 11.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV11v0Groups 17 } tmnxCpmCardRebootHoldV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCpmCardRebootHold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting CPM standby reboot hold in release 11.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV11v0Groups 18 } tmnxChassisV9v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 72 } tmnxCpmCardCmplxMemErrV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCpmCardCmplxMemErrOccur, tmnxCpmCardCmplxMemErrOccurTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of CPM complex memory errors on release 9.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV9v0Groups 1 } tmnxCardCmplQChipMemErrV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardCmpl1BufMemErrOccur, tmnxCardCmpl1BufMemErrOccurTime, tmnxCardCmpl2BufMemErrOccur, tmnxCardCmpl2BufMemErrOccurTime, tmnxCardCmpl1StatMemErrOccur, tmnxCardCmpl1StatMemErrOccurTime, tmnxCardCmpl2StatMemErrOccur, tmnxCardCmpl2StatMemErrOccurTime, tmnxCardCmpl1IntMemErrOccur, tmnxCardCmpl1IntMemErrOccurTime, tmnxCardCmpl2IntMemErrOccur, tmnxCardCmpl2IntMemErrOccurTime, tmnxCpmCardCmplBufMemErrOcc, tmnxCpmCardCmplBufMemErrOccTime, tmnxCpmCardCmplStatMemErrOcc, tmnxCpmCardCmplStatMemErrOccTime, tmnxCpmCardCmplIntMemErrOcc, tmnxCpmCardCmplIntMemErrOccTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of card complex Q-chip memory errors on release 9.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV9v0Groups 2 } tmnxCardCmplChipIfErrV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfDownOcc, tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfDownOccTime, tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfDownOcc, tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfDownOccTime, tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfCellOcc, tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfCellOccTime, tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfCellOcc, tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfCellOccTime, tmnxCpmCardCmplChipIfDownOcc, tmnxCpmCardCmplChipIfDownOccTime, tmnxCpmCardCmplChipIfCellOcc, tmnxCpmCardCmplChipIfCellOccTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of card complex chip interface errors on release 9.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV9v0Groups 3 } tmnxChassisHwEventGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardHwEventNumOccurrences, tmnxCardHwEventLastOccurTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting Hardware event detection and reporting in release 9.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV9v0Groups 4 } tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqCardTChipParityEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional notification-types supporting Hardware event detection and reporting in release 9.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV9v0Groups 5 } tmnxChassisPowerSupplyV9v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyPemACRect } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting chassis power supplies in release 9.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV9v0Groups 6 } tmnxChassisV12v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 73 } tmnxChassisResourceV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tChassisResSapIngQosPolTotal, tChassisResSapIngQosPolAlloc, tChassisResSapEgrQosPolTotal, tChassisResSapEgrQosPolAlloc, tChassisResIngQGrpTmplTotal, tChassisResIngQGrpTmplAlloc, tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplTotal, tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplAlloc, tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal, tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstTotal, tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstAlloc, tChassisResPortEgrVPortTotal, tChassisResPortEgrVPortAlloc, tCardResQosUserSchedsTotal, tCardResQosUserSchedsAlloc, tCardResQosIntSchedsTotal, tCardResQosIntSchedsAlloc, tCardResSubSPIQosOvrTotal, tCardResSubSPIQosOvrAlloc, tCardResHsmdaQOvrTotal, tCardResHsmdaQOvrAlloc, tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstTotal, tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstTotal, tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal, tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResFPIngQGrpInstTotal, tCardResFPIngQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResPortEgrVPortTotal, tCardResPortEgrVPortAlloc, tFPResSapIngQosPolTotal, tFPResSapIngQosPolAlloc, tFPResDynEgrClassTotal, tFPResDynEgrClassAlloc, tFPResDynEgrClassIUBSE, tFPResDynEgrClassIUBNE, tFPResIngQueueTotal, tFPResIngQueueAlloc, tFPResEgrQueueTotal, tFPResEgrQueueAlloc, tFPResIngPolicerTotal, tFPResIngPolicerAlloc, tFPResEgrPolicerTotal, tFPResEgrPolicerAlloc, tFPResIngPolicerStatTotal, tFPResIngPolicerStatAlloc, tFPResEgrPolicerStatTotal, tFPResEgrPolicerStatAlloc, tFPResIngRootArbiterTotal, tFPResIngRootArbiterAlloc, tFPResEgrRootArbiterTotal, tFPResEgrRootArbiterAlloc, tFPResIntArbiterTotal, tFPResIntArbiterAlloc, tFPResDynQueueTotal, tFPResDynQueueAlloc, tFPResDynQueueIUBI, tFPResDynQueueIUBE, tFPResDynPolicerTotal, tFPResDynPolicerAlloc, tFPResDynPolicerIUBI, tFPResDynPolicerIUBE, tFPResDynPolicerStatTotal, tFPResDynPolicerStatAlloc, tFPResDynPolicerStatIUBI, tFPResDynPolicerStatIUBE, tFPResIngAclEntryTotal, tFPResIngAclEntryAlloc, tFPResIngQosEntryTotal, tFPResIngQosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngAclQosEntryTotal, tFPResIngAclQosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryTotal, tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryAlloc, tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryTotal, tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrAclEntryTotal, tFPResEgrAclEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrQosEntryTotal, tFPResEgrQosEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrAclQosEntryTotal, tFPResEgrAclQosEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryTotal, tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryTotal, tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngAclFilterTotal, tFPResIngAclFilterAlloc, tFPResEgrAclFilterTotal, tFPResEgrAclFilterAlloc, tFPResDynSvcEntryTotal, tFPResDynSvcEntryAlloc, tFPResSubHostTotal, tFPResSubHostAlloc, tFPResEncapGrpMemberTotal, tFPResEncapGrpMemberAlloc, tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapTotal, tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapAlloc, tFPResMacFdbRecTotal, tFPResMacFdbRecAlloc, tFPResResRvplsFdbRecTotal, tFPResResRvplsFdbRecAlloc, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolTotal, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolAlloc, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolIUBI, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolIUBE, tFPResIngQ1NamedPoolTotal, tFPResIngQ1NamedPoolAlloc, tFPResEgrQ1NamedPoolTotal, tFPResEgrQ1NamedPoolAlloc, tFPResDynQ2WredPoolTotal, tFPResDynQ2WredPoolAlloc, tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpTotal, tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpAlloc, tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperTotal, tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperAlloc } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of System Resource Information on release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 1 } tmnxFPBufAllocV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxFPIngressBufferAllocation } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of buffer allocation for named pools on release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 2 } tmnxFPPlcyAcctV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsPool, tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsInUse } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of stats pool for policy accounting on release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 3 } tmnxPhysChassisGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPhysChassisRole, tmnxPhysChassisState, tmnxPhysChassisHwIndex, tmnxPhysChassisNumPwrSupplies, tmnxPhysChassisNumFanTrays, tmnxPhysChassisNumFans, tmnxPhysChassisName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of physical chassis on release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 4 } tmnxChassisNotifV12v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqDataPathFailureProtImpact, tmnxExtStandbyCpmReboot, tmnxExtStandbyCpmRebootFail } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting chassis management on release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 5 } tmnxCpmCardRebootHoldV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCpmCardRebootHold } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting CPM standby reboot hold in release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 6 } tmnxChassisPlcyAcctNtfyV12v0Grp NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxPlcyAcctStatsPoolExcResource, tmnxPlcyAcctStatsPoolLowResource, tmnxPlcyAcctStatsEventOvrflw, tmnxPlcyAcctStatsEventOvrflwClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of policy accounting on release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 7 } tmnxChassisV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisOperNumSlots, tmnxChassisOperTopology } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of generic chassis capabilities on release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 8 } tmnxChassisObsoleteV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisAdminLastSetTimer, tmnxChassisAdminLastSetTimeout } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects obsoleted in 12.0 release on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 9 } tmnxChassPANotifyObjsV12v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPlcyAcctMissingNotifCount, tmnxPlcyAcctTimeEventOccured } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of policy accounting on release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 10 } tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFabricSlotNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notification-objects supporting management of generic chassis capabilities on release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 11 } tmnxIomResrcNotifyObjsV12v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxIomResourceType, tmnxIomResourceLimitPct, tmnxIomResLimMissingNotifCount, tmnxIomResLimitTimeEventOccured, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of IOM resources on release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 12 } tmnxIomResrcNotifyV12v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxIomResHighLimitReached, tmnxIomResExhausted, tmnxIomResStateClr, tmnxIomEventOverflow, tmnxIomEventOverflowClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of IOM resources on release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 13 } tmnxChassisFabricV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisFabricSpeed } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of the system fabric speed on release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 14 } tmnxChassisPowerV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisPowerSupplyFanDir } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of power supply hardware capabilities on release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 15 } tmnxChassisPowerNotifV12v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxPowerSupplyWrongFanDir, tmnxPowerSupplyWrongFanDirClear } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of power supply hardware capabilities on release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 16 } tmnxMDAResetOnRecoverErGrp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDAResetOnRecoverableError } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxMDAResetOnRecoverErGrp contains objects for the MDA reset on recoverable error capability on Nokia SROS series systems for release 12.0." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 17 } tmnxCardResetOnRecoverErGrp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardResetOnRecoverableError } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCardResetOnRecoverErGrp contains objects for the card reset on recoverable error capability on Nokia SROS series systems for release 12.0." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 18 } tmnxCpmMemSizeNotifGroupV12v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxCpmMemSizeMismatch, tmnxCpmMemSizeMismatchClear } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting CPM memory size mismatch in release 12.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 19 } tmnxCpmPChipFcsObjGroupV12v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCpmCardCmplxIngrFcsOccur, tmnxCpmCardCmplxIngrFcsOccurTime, tmnxCpmCardCmplxEgrFcsOccur, tmnxCpmCardCmplxEgrFcsOccurTime, tmnxCpmCardCmplxEgrFcsSrcSlots } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting CPM PChip management in release 12.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV12v0Groups 20 } tmnxChassisV13v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 74 } tmnxChassisResourceV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryTotal, tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryAlloc, tChassisResIpSecNHEntryTotal, tChassisResIpSecNHEntryAlloc, tChassisResSubNHEntryTotal, tChassisResSubNHEntryAlloc, tChassisResSapIngQosPolTotal, tChassisResSapIngQosPolAlloc, tChassisResSapEgrQosPolTotal, tChassisResSapEgrQosPolAlloc, tChassisResIngQGrpTmplTotal, tChassisResIngQGrpTmplAlloc, tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplTotal, tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplAlloc, tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal, tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstTotal, tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstAlloc, tChassisResPortEgrVPortTotal, tChassisResPortEgrVPortAlloc, tCardResQosUserSchedsTotal, tCardResQosUserSchedsAlloc, tCardResSubSPIQosOvrTotal, tCardResSubSPIQosOvrAlloc, tCardResHsmdaQOvrTotal, tCardResHsmdaQOvrAlloc, tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstTotal, tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstTotal, tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal, tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResFPIngQGrpInstTotal, tCardResFPIngQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResPortEgrVPortTotal, tCardResPortEgrVPortAlloc, tCardResCategoryEntriesTotal, tCardResCategoryEntriesAlloc, tFPResSapIngQosPolTotal, tFPResSapIngQosPolAlloc, tFPResDynEgrClassTotal, tFPResDynEgrClassAlloc, tFPResDynEgrClassIUBSE, tFPResDynEgrClassIUBNE, tFPResIngQueueTotal, tFPResIngQueueAlloc, tFPResEgrQueueTotal, tFPResEgrQueueAlloc, tFPResIngPolicerTotal, tFPResIngPolicerAlloc, tFPResEgrPolicerTotal, tFPResEgrPolicerAlloc, tFPResIngPolicerStatTotal, tFPResIngPolicerStatAlloc, tFPResEgrPolicerStatTotal, tFPResEgrPolicerStatAlloc, tFPResIngRootArbiterTotal, tFPResIngRootArbiterAlloc, tFPResEgrRootArbiterTotal, tFPResEgrRootArbiterAlloc, tFPResIntArbiterTotal, tFPResIntArbiterAlloc, tFPResDynQueueTotal, tFPResDynQueueAlloc, tFPResDynQueueIUBI, tFPResDynQueueIUBE, tFPResDynPolicerTotal, tFPResDynPolicerAlloc, tFPResDynPolicerIUBI, tFPResDynPolicerIUBE, tFPResDynPolicerStatTotal, tFPResDynPolicerStatAlloc, tFPResDynPolicerStatIUBI, tFPResDynPolicerStatIUBE, tFPResIngAclEntryTotal, tFPResIngAclEntryAlloc, tFPResIngQosEntryTotal, tFPResIngQosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngAclQosEntryTotal, tFPResIngAclQosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryTotal, tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryAlloc, tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryTotal, tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrAclEntryTotal, tFPResEgrAclEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrQosEntryTotal, tFPResEgrQosEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrAclQosEntryTotal, tFPResEgrAclQosEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryTotal, tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryTotal, tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngAclFilterTotal, tFPResIngAclFilterAlloc, tFPResEgrAclFilterTotal, tFPResEgrAclFilterAlloc, tFPResDynSvcEntryTotal, tFPResDynSvcEntryAlloc, tFPResSubHostTotal, tFPResSubHostAlloc, tFPResEncapGrpMemberTotal, tFPResEncapGrpMemberAlloc, tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapTotal, tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapAlloc, tFPResMacFdbRecTotal, tFPResMacFdbRecAlloc, tFPResResRvplsFdbRecTotal, tFPResResRvplsFdbRecAlloc, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolTotal, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolAlloc, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolIUBI, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolIUBE, tFPResIngQ1NamedPoolTotal, tFPResIngQ1NamedPoolAlloc, tFPResEgrQ1NamedPoolTotal, tFPResEgrQ1NamedPoolAlloc, tFPResDynQ2WredPoolTotal, tFPResDynQ2WredPoolAlloc, tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpTotal, tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpAlloc, tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperTotal, tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperAlloc, tFPResIngIPv6AclFilterTotal, tFPResIngIPv6AclFilterAlloc, tFPResEgrIPv6AclFilterTotal, tFPResEgrIPv6AclFilterAlloc } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of System Resource Information on release 13.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV13v0Groups 1 } tmnxCardVirtualSchAdjV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardInternalSchedWghtMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of enhancing IOM Card features on release 13.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV13v0Groups 2 } tmnxPhysChassisV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPhysChassisDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of physical chassis on release 13.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV13v0Groups 3 } tChassisResObsoletedV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tCardResQosIntSchedsTotal, tCardResQosIntSchedsAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects obsoleted in release 13.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV13v0Groups 4 } tmnxChassisV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisPortIdScheme } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting the management of chassis capabilities on release 13.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV13v0Groups 5 } tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedNtfV13v0Grp NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqMgmtEthRedStandbyRaise, tmnxEqMgmtEthRedStandbyClear } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting management Ethernet redundancy in release 13.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV13v0Groups 6 } tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedV13v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisMgmtEthRed, tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedRevertTime, tmnxChassisMgmtEthRedStandby } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management Ethernet redundancy in release 13.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV13v0Groups 7 } tmnxChassisPowerMgmtGroupV13v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisPEQInputPowerMode, tmnxPEQTypeNumInputFeed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting the management of power utilization capabilities on release 13.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV13v0Groups 8 } tmnxChassisNotifV13v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxSyncIfTimBITS2048khzUnsup, tmnxSyncIfTimBITS2048khzUnsupClr, tmnxEqBpEpromFail, tmnxEqBpEpromFailClear, tmnxEqBpEpromWarning, tmnxEqBpEpromWarningClear } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional notifications supporting chassis management in release 13.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV13v0Groups 9 } tmnxChassisNotifyObjsV13v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyDiskFullReason, tmnxChassisNotifyMgmtEthRedPort } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of accessible-for-notify objects supporting chassis management in release 13.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV13v0Groups 10 } tmnxChassisFpResourceV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFPResEgrQosBypassTotal, tFPResEgrQosBypassAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of System Resource Information on release 13.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV13v0Groups 11 } tmnxFPV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxFPInitExtractDropPrioMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting management of the forwarding plane on release 13.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV13v0Groups 12 } tmnxCpmCardV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCpmCardUuid } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting management of CPM cards on release 13.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV13v0Groups 13 } tmnxChassisV10v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 75 } tmnxChassisHwEventGroupV10v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMdaHwEventNumOccurrences, tmnxMdaHwEventLastOccurTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting Hardware event detection and reporting in release 10.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV10v0Groups 1 } tmnxChassisHwEventNotifyGrpV10v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqMdaIngrXplError } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional notification-types supporting Hardware event detection and reporting in release 10.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV10v0Groups 2 } tmnxChassisV14v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 76 } tmnxSyncIfTimingV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutQlMin, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutQlMin, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutSquelch, tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSOutSquelch, tmnxSyncIfTimingQlMin, tSyncIfTimingAdmQlMin, tmnxSyncIfTimingWaitToRestorTime, tSyncIfTimingAdmWaitToRestorTime, tSyncIfTimingAdmChangedMask } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting the management of synchronous interface timing capabilities in release 14.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV14v0Groups 1 } tmnxChassisResourceV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tCardResQosUserSchedOvrsTotal, tCardResQosUserSchedOvrsAlloc, tCardResCategoryEntriesTotal, tCardResCategoryEntriesAlloc, tChassisResSapTotal, tChassisResSapAlloc, tFPResSapInstanceTotal, tFPResSapInstanceAlloc, tMDAResSapInstanceTotal, tMDAResSapInstanceAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of System Resource Information on release 14.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV14v0Groups 2 } tmnxCpmFlashV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCpmFlashPercentageUsed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting the management of compact flash in release 14.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV14v0Groups 3 } tmnxPhysChassisGroupV14v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPhysChassisFanOperStatus, tmnxPhysChassisFanSpeed, tmnxPhysChassisFanRevision, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupACStatus, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupDCStatus, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupTempStatus, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupTempThrshld, tmnxPhysChassPowerSup1Status, tmnxPhysChassPowerSup2Status, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupAssignType, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupInputStatus, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupOutptStatus, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupPemType, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupPemACRect, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupInFeedDown, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupFanDir } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of physical chassis in release 14.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV14v0Groups 4 } tFPFwdEngStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFwdEngDREgrEncapExceeded, tFwdEngDREgrPortMtuExceeded } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of forward engine drop statictics on forwarding plane for release 14.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV14v0Groups 5 } tmnxPhysChassisNotifGroupV14v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOvrTmp, tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOvrTmpClr, tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupAcFail, tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupAcFailClr, tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupDcFail, tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupDcFailClr, tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupInFail, tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupInFailClr, tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOutFail, tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOutFailCl, tmnxEqPhysChassisFanFailure, tmnxEqPhysChassisFanFailureClear } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting physical chassis management in release 14.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV14v0Groups 6 } tmnxIsaMemWMarkNotifGroupV14v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tIPsecIsaMemLowWatermark, tIPsecIsaMemHighWatermark, tIPsecIsaMemMax } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting ISA card memory watermarks in release 14.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV14v0Groups 7 } tmnxIsaGrpIsaScaleModeGroupV14v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIsaScaleMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting ISA scale mode in release 14.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV14v0Groups 9 } tmnxCardVirtualGroupV14v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardVFpCpuCount, tmnxCardVFpAvgUtilization, tmnxCardVFpMaxUtilization, tmnxCardVCpuSchedHealth, tmnxCardVCpuSchedLastClearedTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of virtual card statistics for release 14.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV14v0Groups 10 } tmnxChassisV15v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 77 } tmnxCardFPEgrHsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxFPEgrHsPoolPolicy, tFPResEgrHsQGrpTotal, tFPResEgrHsQGrpAlloc, tFPResEgrHsPrimaryShapersTotal, tFPResEgrHsPrimaryShapersAlloc, tFPResEgrHsPrimaryShapersIUBES, tFPResEgrHsPrimaryShapersIUBMS, tFPResEgrHsSecondaryShapersTotal, tFPResEgrHsSecondaryShapersAlloc, tmnxFPEgrHsFixedHighThreshDelta, tFPResEgrHsTurboQGrpTotal, tFPResEgrHsTurboQGrpAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting egress High Scale related objects on Nokia SROS series system." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 1 } tmnxChassisObsoletedV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDAHiBwMcastSource, tmnxMDAHiBwMcastAlarm, tmnxMDAHiBwMcastTapCount, tmnxMDAHiBwMcastGroup, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtBwPlcyName, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtPriPathLimit, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtSecPathLimit, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtAncPathLimit, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtAdminState, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtPriInUseBw, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtSecInUseBw, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtAncInUseBw, tmnxMDAMcPathMgmtBlkHoleInUseBw, tmnxPhysChassisFanSpeed, tmnxChassisFanOperStatus, tmnxChassisFanSpeed, tmnxChassisFanRevision, tmnxChassisFanSpeedPercent, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyACStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyDCStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempThreshold, tmnxChassisPowerSupply1Status, tmnxChassisPowerSupply2Status, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyAssignedType, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyInputStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyOutputStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyPemType, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyPemACRect, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyInFeedDown, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyFanDir, tmnxChassisPEQTableLastChg, tmnxChassisPEQLastChangedTime, tmnxChassisPEQAssignedType, tmnxChassisPEQEquippedType, tmnxChassisPEQSupportedTypes, tmnxChassisPEQAvailableWattage, tmnxChassisPEQInputPowerMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of chassis objects obsoleted in release 15.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 2 } tmnxChassisFanV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisFanSpeedPercent, tmnxPhysChassisFanSpeedPercent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting fans in release 15.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 3 } tmnxPhysChassisGroupV15v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPhysChassisPEQTableLastChg, tmnxPhysChassisPEQLastChangeTime, tmnxPhysChassisPEQAssignedType, tmnxPhysChassisPEQEquippedType, tmnxPhysChassisPEQSupportedTypes, tmnxPhysChassisPEQAvailableWatt, tmnxPhysChassisPEQInputPowerMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of physical chassis in release 15.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 4 } tmnxPhysChassisNotifGroupV15v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxPhysChassPwrSupWrgFanDir, tmnxPhysChassPwrSupWrgFanDirClr, tmnxPhysChassPwrSupPemACRect, tmnxPhysChassPwrSupPemACRectClr, tmnxPhysChassPwrSupInputFeed, tmnxPhysChassPwrSupInputFeedClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional notifications supporting management of physical chassis in release 15.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 5 } tmnxIcmpMtuExceededStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFwdEngDREgrMtuExceeded } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of physical chassis in release 15.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 6 } tmnxChassisGroupV15v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisVsrCongestionMgmt, tmnxChassisAlarmLEDState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of chassis in release 15.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 7 } tmnxChassNotifsObsoletedGrpV15v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqFanFailure, tmnxEqPowerSupplyFailure, tmnxEqPowerSupplyInputFeedAlm, tmnxEqPowerSupplyInputFeedAlmClr, tmnxEqPowerSupplyPemACRectAlm, tmnxEqPowerSupplyPemACRectAlmClr, tmnxPowerSupplyWrongFanDir, tmnxPowerSupplyWrongFanDirClear } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of chassis hardware made obsolete in release 15.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 8 } tmnxCardResMacFdbUsgNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxCardResMacFdbHighUsgSet, tmnxCardResMacFdbHighUsgClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group notifications supporting MAC scale feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 9 } tmnxMacScaleNotifyObjsV15v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMacScaleCardSlotNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of accessible-for-notify objects supporting MAC scale feature in release 15.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 10 } tmnxMDAV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDASupportedTypes, tmnxMDAAssignedType, tmnxMDAEquippedType, tmnxMDAHwIndex, tmnxMDAMaxPorts, tmnxMDAEquippedPorts, tmnxMDATxTimingSelected, tmnxMDASyncIfTimingStatus, tmnxMDANetworkIngQueues, tmnxMDACapabilities, tmnxMDAMinChannelization, tmnxMDAMaxChannelization, tmnxMDAMaxChannels, tmnxMDAChannelsInUse, tmnxMdaTypeName, tmnxMdaTypeDescription, tmnxMdaTypeStatus, tmnxMDAReboot, tmnxMDASynchronousEthernet, tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaThrshLoBrstMult, tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaThrshHiBrstInc, tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroup, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIPsecRespondOnly, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMultiActive, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveMda, tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroupInUse, tmnxMDAFailOnError, tmnxMDAEgrXplErrThreshold, tmnxMDAEgrXplErrWindow, tmnxMDAIngrXplErrThreshold, tmnxMDAIngrXplErrWindow } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of MDAs for release 15.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 11 } tmnxFPMcPathMgmtV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxFPMcPathMgmtPriInUseBw, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtSecInUseBw, tmnxFPMcPathMgmtBlkHoleInUseBw } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting management of the forwarding plane on release 15.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 12 } tmnxChassisResourceV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryTotal, tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryAlloc, tChassisResIpSecNHEntryTotal, tChassisResIpSecNHEntryAlloc, tChassisResSubNHEntryTotal, tChassisResSubNHEntryAlloc, tChassisResSapIngQosPolTotal, tChassisResSapIngQosPolAlloc, tChassisResSapEgrQosPolTotal, tChassisResSapEgrQosPolAlloc, tChassisResIngQGrpTmplTotal, tChassisResIngQGrpTmplAlloc, tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplTotal, tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplAlloc, tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal, tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstTotal, tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstAlloc, tChassisResPortEgrVPortTotal, tChassisResPortEgrVPortAlloc, tCardResQosUserSchedsTotal, tCardResQosUserSchedsAlloc, tCardResSubSPIQosOvrTotal, tCardResSubSPIQosOvrAlloc, tCardResHsmdaQOvrTotal, tCardResHsmdaQOvrAlloc, tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstTotal, tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstTotal, tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal, tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResFPIngQGrpInstTotal, tCardResFPIngQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResPortEgrVPortTotal, tCardResPortEgrVPortAlloc, tCardResCategoryEntriesTotal, tCardResCategoryEntriesAlloc, tFPResSapIngQosPolTotal, tFPResSapIngQosPolAlloc, tFPResDynEgrClassTotal, tFPResDynEgrClassAlloc, tFPResDynEgrClassIUBSE, tFPResDynEgrClassIUBNE, tFPResIngQueueTotal, tFPResIngQueueAlloc, tFPResEgrQueueTotal, tFPResEgrQueueAlloc, tFPResIngPolicerTotal, tFPResIngPolicerAlloc, tFPResEgrPolicerTotal, tFPResEgrPolicerAlloc, tFPResIngPolicerStatTotal, tFPResIngPolicerStatAlloc, tFPResEgrPolicerStatTotal, tFPResEgrPolicerStatAlloc, tFPResIngRootArbiterTotal, tFPResIngRootArbiterAlloc, tFPResEgrRootArbiterTotal, tFPResEgrRootArbiterAlloc, tFPResIntArbiterTotal, tFPResIntArbiterAlloc, tFPResDynQueueTotal, tFPResDynQueueAlloc, tFPResDynQueueIUBI, tFPResDynQueueIUBE, tFPResDynPolicerTotal, tFPResDynPolicerAlloc, tFPResDynPolicerIUBI, tFPResDynPolicerIUBE, tFPResDynPolicerStatTotal, tFPResDynPolicerStatAlloc, tFPResDynPolicerStatIUBI, tFPResDynPolicerStatIUBE, tFPResIngAclEntryTotal, tFPResIngAclEntryAlloc, tFPResIngQosEntryTotal, tFPResIngQosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngAclQosEntryTotal, tFPResIngAclQosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryTotal, tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryAlloc, tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryTotal, tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrAclEntryTotal, tFPResEgrAclEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrQosEntryTotal, tFPResEgrQosEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrAclQosEntryTotal, tFPResEgrAclQosEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryTotal, tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryTotal, tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngAclFilterTotal, tFPResIngAclFilterAlloc, tFPResEgrAclFilterTotal, tFPResEgrAclFilterAlloc, tFPResDynSvcEntryTotal, tFPResDynSvcEntryAlloc, tFPResSubHostTotal, tFPResSubHostAlloc, tFPResEncapGrpMemberTotal, tFPResEncapGrpMemberAlloc, tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapTotal, tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapAlloc, tFPResMacFdbRecTotal, tFPResMacFdbRecAlloc, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolTotal, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolAlloc, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolIUBI, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolIUBE, tFPResIngQ1NamedPoolTotal, tFPResIngQ1NamedPoolAlloc, tFPResEgrQ1NamedPoolTotal, tFPResEgrQ1NamedPoolAlloc, tFPResDynQ2WredPoolTotal, tFPResDynQ2WredPoolAlloc, tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpTotal, tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpAlloc, tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperTotal, tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperAlloc, tFPResIngIPv6AclFilterTotal, tFPResIngIPv6AclFilterAlloc, tFPResEgrIPv6AclFilterTotal, tFPResEgrIPv6AclFilterAlloc } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of System Resource Information on release 15.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 13 } tmnxChassisResrcObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFPResResRvplsFdbRecTotal, tFPResResRvplsFdbRecAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting management of System Resource Information on release 15.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 14 } tmnxCardFPResIngV15v0QGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFPResIngQGrpRedirTotal, tFPResIngQGrpRedirAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting ingress queue group related objects on Nokia SROS series system." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 15 } tmnxCardFPResEgrV15v0QGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFPResSapInstEgrQGrpRedirTotal, tFPResSapInstEgrQGrpRedirAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting egress queue group related objects on Nokia SROS series system." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 16 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpDpCpuUsageCollEn, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTrafficFwdCollEn } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting ISA tunnel group related objects on Nokia SROS series systems for release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 17 } tmnxPhysChassisPCMGroupV15v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPhysChassisFanType, tmnxPhysChassisPCMTableLastChg, tmnxPhysChassisPCMEntryLastChg, tmnxPhysChassisPCMEquippedType, tmnxPhysChassisPCMAssignedType, tmnxPhysChassisPCMInFeedDown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Power Connection Modules in release 15.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 18 } tmnxMinFpGenerationGroupV15v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxFPGeneration, tmnxChassisFPGenerationFP2, tmnxChassisFPGenerationFP3, tmnxChassisFPGenerationFP4, tmnxChassisFPGenerationVFP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting minimum Forwarding Plane (FP) network processor generation requirements in release 15.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 19 } tmnxPhysChassPCMNotifGroupV15v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxPhysChassisPCMInputFeed, tmnxPhysChassisPCMInputFeedClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional notifications supporting management of PCM in release 15.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v0Groups 20 } tmnxChassisV16v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 78 } tmnxCardV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxVmCardHypervisor, tmnxVmCardCpu, tmnxVmCardNumCores, tmnxVmCpmCardHypervisor, tmnxVmCpmCardCpu, tmnxVmCpmCardNumCores, tmnxCardFilterScaleProfile } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of hardware cards that were added in the release 16 of the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV16v0Groups 1 } tmnxCardComplexGroupV16v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardComplexIngFcsError, tmnxCardComplexIngFcsErrTime, tmnxCardComplexEgrFcsError, tmnxCardComplexEgrFcsErrTime, tmnxCardComplexMemParError, tmnxCardComplexMemParErrTime, tmnxCardComplexCamError, tmnxCardComplexCamErrTime, tmnxCardComplexBufMemError, tmnxCardComplexBufMemErrTime, tmnxCardComplexStatsMemError, tmnxCardComplexStatsMemErrTime, tmnxCardComplexIntMemError, tmnxCardComplexIntMemErrTime, tmnxCardComplexIntDatapathError, tmnxCardComplexIntDatapthErrTime, tmnxCardComplexIntDpCellError, tmnxCardComplexIntDpCellErrTime, tmnxCardComplexSrcSlotsEgFcsErr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of card complex statistics on Nokia SROS series systems for release 16.0." ::= { tmnxChassisV16v0Groups 2 } tmnxChassisGroupV16v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNumPhysicalPorts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of chassis objects on Nokia SROS series systems for release 16.0." ::= { tmnxChassisV16v0Groups 3 } tmnxChassisResourceV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryTotal, tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryAlloc, tChassisResIpSecNHEntryTotal, tChassisResIpSecNHEntryAlloc, tChassisResSubNHEntryTotal, tChassisResSubNHEntryAlloc, tChassisResSapIngQosPolTotal, tChassisResSapIngQosPolAlloc, tChassisResSapEgrQosPolTotal, tChassisResSapEgrQosPolAlloc, tChassisResIngQGrpTmplTotal, tChassisResIngQGrpTmplAlloc, tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplTotal, tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplAlloc, tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal, tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstTotal, tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstAlloc, tChassisResPortEgrVPortTotal, tChassisResPortEgrVPortAlloc, tCardResQosUserSchedsTotal, tCardResQosUserSchedsAlloc, tCardResSubSPIQosOvrTotal, tCardResSubSPIQosOvrAlloc, tCardResHsmdaQOvrTotal, tCardResHsmdaQOvrAlloc, tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstTotal, tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstTotal, tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal, tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResFPIngQGrpInstTotal, tCardResFPIngQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResPortEgrVPortTotal, tCardResPortEgrVPortAlloc, tCardResCategoryEntriesTotal, tCardResCategoryEntriesAlloc, tCardResIntArbiterOvrsTotal, tCardResIntArbiterOvrsAlloc, tCardResSLAProfileInstanceTotal, tCardResSLAProfileInstanceAlloc, tFPResSapIngQosPolTotal, tFPResSapIngQosPolAlloc, tFPResDynEgrClassTotal, tFPResDynEgrClassAlloc, tFPResDynEgrClassIUBSE, tFPResDynEgrClassIUBNE, tFPResIngQueueTotal, tFPResIngQueueAlloc, tFPResEgrQueueTotal, tFPResEgrQueueAlloc, tFPResIngPolicerTotal, tFPResIngPolicerAlloc, tFPResEgrPolicerTotal, tFPResEgrPolicerAlloc, tFPResIngPolicerStatTotal, tFPResIngPolicerStatAlloc, tFPResEgrPolicerStatTotal, tFPResEgrPolicerStatAlloc, tFPResIngRootArbiterTotal, tFPResIngRootArbiterAlloc, tFPResEgrRootArbiterTotal, tFPResEgrRootArbiterAlloc, tFPResDynQueueTotal, tFPResDynQueueAlloc, tFPResDynQueueIUBI, tFPResDynQueueIUBE, tFPResDynPolicerTotal, tFPResDynPolicerAlloc, tFPResDynPolicerIUBI, tFPResDynPolicerIUBE, tFPResDynPolicerStatTotal, tFPResDynPolicerStatAlloc, tFPResDynPolicerStatIUBI, tFPResDynPolicerStatIUBE, tFPResIngAclEntryTotal, tFPResIngAclEntryAlloc, tFPResIngQosEntryTotal, tFPResIngQosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngAclQosEntryTotal, tFPResIngAclQosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryTotal, tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryAlloc, tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryTotal, tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrAclEntryTotal, tFPResEgrAclEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrQosEntryTotal, tFPResEgrQosEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrAclQosEntryTotal, tFPResEgrAclQosEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryTotal, tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryTotal, tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngAclFilterTotal, tFPResIngAclFilterAlloc, tFPResEgrAclFilterTotal, tFPResEgrAclFilterAlloc, tFPResDynSvcEntryTotal, tFPResDynSvcEntryAlloc, tFPResSubHostTotal, tFPResSubHostAlloc, tFPResEncapGrpMemberTotal, tFPResEncapGrpMemberAlloc, tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapTotal, tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapAlloc, tFPResMacFdbRecTotal, tFPResMacFdbRecAlloc, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolTotal, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolAlloc, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolIUBI, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolIUBE, tFPResDynQ2WredPoolTotal, tFPResDynQ2WredPoolAlloc, tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpTotal, tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpAlloc, tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperTotal, tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperAlloc, tFPResIngIPv6AclFilterTotal, tFPResIngIPv6AclFilterAlloc, tFPResEgrIPv6AclFilterTotal, tFPResEgrIPv6AclFilterAlloc, tFPResSLAProfileInstanceTotal, tFPResSLAProfileInstanceAlloc } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of System Resource Information on release 16.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV16v0Groups 4 } tmnxChassisResV16v0ObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFPResIngQ1NamedPoolTotal, tFPResIngQ1NamedPoolAlloc, tFPResEgrQ1NamedPoolTotal, tFPResEgrQ1NamedPoolAlloc, tFPResIntArbiterTotal, tFPResIntArbiterAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting management of System Resource Information on release 16.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV16v0Groups 5 } tmnxChassisFanObsoleteGroupV16v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPhysChassisNumFans, tmnxFanTrayCompSpeed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting management of fan information on Nokia SROS series systems for release 16.0." ::= { tmnxChassisV16v0Groups 6 } tmnxPhysChassisPMGroupV16v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeName, tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeDescription, tmnxPhysChassisPMTypeNumInFeed, tmnxPhysChassisPMTableLastChange, tmnxPhysChassisPMEntryLastChange, tmnxPhysChassisPMAssignedType, tmnxPhysChassisPMEquippedType, tmnxPhysChassisPMSupportedTypes, tmnxPhysChassisPMAvailableWatt, tmnxPhysChassisPMOutputStatus, tmnxPhysChassisPMInputFeedDown, tmnxPhysChassisMonitorFilterDoor, tmnxPhysChassisFilterDoorState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Power Module capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems for release 16.0." ::= { tmnxChassisV16v0Groups 7 } tmnxChassisGnssGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxGnssTableLastChange, tmnxGnssCfgLastChanged, tmnxGnssAdminState, tmnxGnssConstellation, tmnxGnssNmeaAdminState, tmnxGnssNmeaSentenceTypes, tmnxGnssNmeaSentenceInterval, tmnxGnssOperState, tmnxGnssPositionValid, tmnxGnssDateTime, tmnxGnssLatitude, tmnxGnssLongitude, tmnxGnssAltitude, tmnxGnssHeading, tmnxGnssSpeed, tmnxGnssSatelliteType, tmnxGnssSatelliteElevation, tmnxGnssSatelliteAzimuth, tmnxGnssSatelliteSnr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the GNSS receiver management." ::= { tmnxChassisV16v0Groups 9 } tmnxChassisGnssNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxGnssAcquiringFix, tmnxGnssAcquiredFix } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting management of GNSS in Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV16v0Groups 11 } tmnxPhysChassisPMNotifGroupV16v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxPhysChassisPMInputFeed, tmnxPhysChassisPMInputFeedClr, tmnxPhysChassisPMOutFail, tmnxPhysChassisPMOutFailClr, tmnxPhysChassisFilterDoorOpen, tmnxPhysChassisFilterDoorClosed, tmnxPhysChassisPMOverTemp, tmnxPhysChassisPMOverTempClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting management of Power Module capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems for release 16.0." ::= { tmnxChassisV16v0Groups 12 } tmnxNearFullNotifGroupV16v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxIPMacFilterIngNearFull, tmnxIPMacFilterIngNearFullClear, tmnxIPMacFilterEgrNearFull, tmnxIPMacFilterEgrNearFullClear, tmnxIPv6FilterIngNearFull, tmnxIPv6FilterIngNearFullClear, tmnxIPv6FilterEgrNearFull, tmnxIPv6FilterEgrNearFullClear } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional notifications supporting management of QoS Criteria, ACL Filter, and CPM Filter router complex overload in release 16.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV16v0Groups 13 } tmnxCardV16v0ObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardVmHypervisor, tmnxCardVmCpu, tmnxCardVmNumCores, tmnxCpmCardVmHypervisor, tmnxCpmCardVmCpu, tmnxCpmCardVmNumCores, tmnxCardCmplx1IngrFcsOccur, tmnxCardCmplx1IngrFcsOccurTime, tmnxCardCmplx1EgrFcsOccur, tmnxCardCmplx1EgrFcsOccurTime, tmnxCardCmplx2IngrFcsOccur, tmnxCardCmplx2IngrFcsOccurTime, tmnxCardCmplx2EgrFcsOccur, tmnxCardCmplx2EgrFcsOccurTime, tmnxCardCmplx1MemParityOccur, tmnxCardCmplx1MemParityOccurTime, tmnxCardCmplx2MemParityOccur, tmnxCardCmplx2MemParityOccurTime, tmnxCardCmplx1CAMErrorOccur, tmnxCardCmplx1CAMErrorOccurTime, tmnxCardCmplx2CAMErrorOccur, tmnxCardCmplx2CAMErrorOccurTime, tmnxCardCmplx1EgrFcsSrcSlots, tmnxCardCmplx2EgrFcsSrcSlots, tmnxCardCmpl1BufMemErrOccur, tmnxCardCmpl1BufMemErrOccurTime, tmnxCardCmpl2BufMemErrOccur, tmnxCardCmpl2BufMemErrOccurTime, tmnxCardCmpl1StatMemErrOccur, tmnxCardCmpl1StatMemErrOccurTime, tmnxCardCmpl2StatMemErrOccur, tmnxCardCmpl2StatMemErrOccurTime, tmnxCardCmpl1IntMemErrOccur, tmnxCardCmpl1IntMemErrOccurTime, tmnxCardCmpl2IntMemErrOccur, tmnxCardCmpl2IntMemErrOccurTime, tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfDownOcc, tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfDownOccTime, tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfDownOcc, tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfDownOccTime, tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfCellOcc, tmnxCardCmpl1ChipIfCellOccTime, tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfCellOcc, tmnxCardCmpl2ChipIfCellOccTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects obsoleted in release 16 of the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV16v0Groups 14 } tmnxCardV16v0FpgaSoftErrNotifGrp NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqFpgaSoftError } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting management of Fpga soft errors in release 16.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV16v0Groups 15 } tmnxCardEncapGrpV16v5Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tCardResEncapGrpMemberTotal, tCardResEncapGrpMemberAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of hardware cards that were added in the release 16R5 of the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV16v0Groups 16 } tmnxMDAIsaTnlStatsV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDAIsaTnlStatsCryptoAcc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of MDA that were added in the release 16.0 of the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV16v0Groups 17 } tmnxCardPowerSaveGroupV16v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardPowerSave } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting card power-save that were added in the release 16.0 of the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV16v0Groups 18 } tmnxChassisV15v1Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 79 } tmnxBluetoothGroupV15v1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxBluetoothTableLastChange, tmnxBluetoothPasskey, tmnxBluetoothAdvertisingTimeout, tmnxBluetoothPowerState, tmnxBluetoothPairingButton, tmnxBluetoothDeviceTableLastChg, tmnxBluetoothDeviceRowStatus, tmnxBluetoothDeviceEntryLastChg, tmnxBluetoothDeviceDescription, tmnxBluetoothModuleTableLastChg, tmnxBluetoothModuleEntryLastChg, tmnxBluetoothModuleCfgIdentifier, tmnxBluetoothModuleIdentifier, tmnxBluetoothModuleConnected, tmnxBluetoothModuleConnectedMac } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Bluetooth capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems for release 15.1." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v1Groups 1 } tmnxOverloadNotifGroupV15v1 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxIPMacQosIngOverload, tmnxIPMacQosIngOverloadClear, tmnxIPQosEgrOverload, tmnxIPQosEgrOverloadClear, tmnxIPv6QosIngOverload, tmnxIPv6QosIngOverloadClear, tmnxIPv6QosEgrOverload, tmnxIPv6QosEgrOverloadClear, tmnxIPMacFilterIngOverload, tmnxIPMacFilterIngOverloadClear, tmnxIPMacFilterEgrOverload, tmnxIPMacFilterEgrOverloadClear, tmnxIPv6FilterIngOverload, tmnxIPv6FilterIngOverloadClear, tmnxIPv6FilterEgrOverload, tmnxIPv6FilterEgrOverloadClear, tmnxIPMacCpmFilterOverload, tmnxIPMacCpmFilterOverloadClear, tmnxIPv6CpmFilterOverload, tmnxIPv6CpmFilterOverloadClear } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional notifications supporting management of QoS Criteria, ACL Filter, and CPM Filter router complex overload in release 15.1 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v1Groups 2 } tmnxChassisSystemProfGroupV15v1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisSystemProfile } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting system profiles in release 15.1 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v1Groups 3 } tmnxCardResourceV15v1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tCardResIntArbiterTotal, tCardResIntArbiterAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of card system resource information on release 15.1 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v1Groups 4 } tmnxBluetoothNotifGroupV15v1 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxBluetoothModuleConnectionChg } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional notifications supporting management of Bluetooth in release 15.1 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v1Groups 5 } tmnxChassisCardLevelGroupV15v1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardAssignedLevel, tmnxCardEquippedLevel, tmnxCardLicensedLevel, tmnxCardLicensedBandwidth, tmnxCardLevelName, tmnxCardLevelId, tmnxCardLevelDescription, tmnxCardLevelStatus, tmnxCardLevelUpgradeName, tmnxCardUpgradeLevelId, tmnxCardUpgradeRequiresReboot, tmnxCardLevelUpgradeRowStatus, tmnxCardAssignedLevelUpgradeId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of licensing for cards with licensed variants." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v1Groups 6 } tmnxChassisMdaLevelGroupV15v1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDAAssignedLevel, tmnxMDAEquippedLevel, tmnxMDALicensedLevel, tmnxMDALicensedBandwidth, tmnxMdaLevelName, tmnxMdaLevelId, tmnxMdaLevelDescription, tmnxMdaLevelStatus, tmnxMDALevelUpgradeName, tmnxMDAUpgradeLevelId, tmnxMDAUpgradeRequiresReboot, tmnxMDALevelUpgradeRowStatus, tmnxMDAAssignedLevelUpgradeId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of licensing for MDAs with licensed variants." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v1Groups 7 } tmnxFPResourceV15v1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFPResEgrUserQueueTotal, tFPResEgrUserQueueAlloc, tFPResEgrUserPolicerTotal, tFPResEgrUserPolicerAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of FP system resource information on release 15.1 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV15v1Groups 8 } tmnxChassisV19Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 81 } tmnxEsaGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxEsaLastChanged, tmnxEsaRowStatus, tmnxEsaAdminState, tmnxEsaDescription, tmnxEsaHwIndex, tmnxEsaReboot, tmnxEsaHostPortRowStatus, tmnxEsaVmRowStatus, tmnxEsaVmLastChanged, tmnxEsaVmAdminState, tmnxEsaVmDescription, tmnxEsaVmType, tmnxEsaVmHostPortId, tmnxEsaVmCoreNumber, tmnxEsaVmMemorySize, tmnxEsaVmReboot, tmnxEsaStatsOperState, tmnxEsaStatsCoresAvailable, tmnxEsaStatsCoresAllocated, tmnxEsaStatsMemoryAvailable, tmnxEsaStatsMemoryAllocated, tmnxEsaStatsSoftwareVersion, tmnxEsaVmStatsOperState, tmnxEsaStatsOperFlags, tmnxEsaStatsTimeOfBoot, tmnxEsaVmStatsOperFlags, tmnxEsaVmStatsTimeOfBoot, tmnxEsaVmStatsSoftwareVersion, tmnxEsaVmStatsUtilLastChanged, tmnxEsaStatsSystemManufacturer, tmnxEsaStatsSystemProductName, tmnxEsaStatsSystemSerialNumber, tmnxEsaStatsPerformanceEnabled, tmnxEsaStatsExportRestricted, tmnxEsaVmVirtualCoreRoleName, tmnxEsaVmVirtCoreCurUtilization, tmnxEsaVmVirtCoreAvgUtilization, tmnxEsaVmVirtCorePeakUtilization } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for ESA support on Nokia systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 1 } tmnxFPNetworkIngressGroupV19v5 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxFPIngNetQueuePolicy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Forwarding Plane (FP) network ingress pool requirements in release 19.5 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 2 } tmnxCardV19v5Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCardHashSeedShift } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added for IOM card management in 19.5 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 3 } tmnxSyncIfTimingV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSyncIfTimingAdmSyncECfgQltyLevl, tSyncIfTimingAdmSyncEAdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEAdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEInUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEQualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEAlarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncECfgQltyLevl, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncERxQltyLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEState, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2AdmnStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2InUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2Qualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2Alarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2RxQltyLevl, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2State, tSyncIfTimingAdmRefOrder5, tmnxSyncIfTimingRefOrder5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group on objects supporting the SyncE timing reference in 19.7 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 4 } tmnxChassisV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxHwEquippedPlatform, tmnxChassisRedForcedSingleSfm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting chassis in 19.0 release on Nokia SR series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 5 } tmnxChassisV19v0ObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisMixedModeIomAdminMode, tmnxChassisMixedModeIomUpgrList, tmnxCardCapability, tmnxMDANetworkIngQueues } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the Mixed Mode IOM feature obsoleted in 19.0 release on Nokia SR series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 6 } tmnxMDAV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDASupportedTypes, tmnxMDAAssignedType, tmnxMDAEquippedType, tmnxMDAHwIndex, tmnxMDAMaxPorts, tmnxMDAEquippedPorts, tmnxMDATxTimingSelected, tmnxMDASyncIfTimingStatus, tmnxMDACapabilities, tmnxMDAMinChannelization, tmnxMDAMaxChannelization, tmnxMDAMaxChannels, tmnxMDAChannelsInUse, tmnxMdaTypeName, tmnxMdaTypeDescription, tmnxMdaTypeStatus, tmnxMDAReboot, tmnxMDASynchronousEthernet, tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaThrshLoBrstMult, tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaThrshHiBrstInc, tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroup, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIPsecRespondOnly, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMultiActive, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveMda, tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroupInUse, tmnxMDAFailOnError, tmnxMDAEgrXplErrThreshold, tmnxMDAEgrXplErrWindow, tmnxMDAIngrXplErrThreshold, tmnxMDAIngrXplErrWindow } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of MDAs for release 19.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 7 } tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmGroupV19v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmRowStatus, tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmLastChgd, tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmGroupAssoc, tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmActive } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting IPsec tunnel group ESA virtual machine members in release 19.10 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 8 } tmnxChassisResEgrV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tChassisResEgrStatVlanVoQTotal, tChassisResEgrStatVlanVoQAlloc, tChassisResEgrNoStatVlanVoQTotal, tChassisResEgrNoStatVlanVoQAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Chassis Resource Information on release 19.5 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 9 } tmnxChassisResEgrRmrkV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tChassisResEgrRemarkQosPolTotal, tChassisResEgrRemarkQosPolAlloc, tFPResEgrRemarkMapTotal, tFPResEgrRemarkMapAlloc, tFPResEgrExpRemarkMapTotal, tFPResEgrExpRemarkMapAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information related to Egress remark policy. This is for release 19.5 of Nokia IXR systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 10 } tmnxChassisResIngClassV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tChassisResIngClassQosPolTotal, tChassisResIngClassQosPolAlloc, tFPResIngClassMapTotal, tFPResIngClassMapAlloc, tFPResIngL2ClassMapTotal, tFPResIngL2ClassMapAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information related to Ingress Classification policy. This is for release 19.5 of Nokia IXR systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 11 } tmnxChassisResDynCAMV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFPResCamBanksTotal, tFPResCamBanksAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of dynamic CAM bank allocation on the FP. This if for release 19.5 of Nokia IXR systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 12 } tmnxChassisResIpMacCAMV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFPResIngIPv4QosEntryTotal, tFPResIngIPv4QosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngMacQosEntryTotal, tFPResIngMacQosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngIPv4AclEntryTotal, tFPResIngIPv4AclEntryAlloc, tFPResIngMacAclEntryTotal, tFPResIngMacAclEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrIPv4AclEntryTotal, tFPResEgrIPv4AclEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrMacAclEntryTotal, tFPResEgrMacAclEntryAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of information about IPV4 and MAC entry resource allocation. This is for release 19.5 of Nokia IXR systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 13 } tmnxChassisCoreResV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tCoreResVlanVoqTotal, tCoreResVlanVoqAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information on a core. This is for release 19.5 of Nokia IXR systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 14 } tmnxSyncIfTimingV19v0NotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqSyncIfTimingSyncEQuality, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingSyncE2Quality, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingSyncEAlarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingSyncEAlarmClr, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingSyncE2Alarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingSyncE2AlarmClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional notifications supporting management of sync-if-timing in release 19.7 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 15 } tmnxHwEventGroupV19v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxHwEventRowStatus, tmnxHwEventAction, tmnxHwEventNumOccurrences, tmnxHwEventLastOccurTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Hardware event detection and reporting in release 19.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 16 } tmnxHwEventNotifyObjsGrpV19v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxEqNotifyHwEventType, tmnxEqNotifyHwEventDetail, tmnxEqNotifyHwEventAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Hardware event detection and reporting in release 19.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 17 } tmnxHwEventNotifGroupV19v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqHwEventDetected } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional notifications supporting management of hardware events in release 19.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 18 } tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmNotifGrpV19v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmActivity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting management of tunnel group ESA virtual machine members in release 19.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 19 } tmnxEsaNotificationObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxEsaNotifyId, tmnxEsaVmNotifyId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting ESA notifications on Nokia systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 20 } tmnxEsaNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEsaDiscovered, tmnxEsaConnected, tmnxEsaDisconnected, tmnxEsaFailure, tmnxEsaCleared, tmnxEsaVmCreated, tmnxEsaVmBooted, tmnxEsaVmRemoved, tmnxEsaVmCleared, tmnxEsaVmFailure, tIPsecEsaVmMemLowWatermark, tIPsecEsaVmMemHighWatermark, tmnxEsaFirmwareUpgradeStarted } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications for ESA on Nokia systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 21 } tmnxCardSapInstV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tCardResSapInstanceTotal, tCardResSapInstanceAlloc, tCardResNonEpipeSapInstanceTotal, tCardResNonEpipeSapInstanceAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of hardware cards that were added in the release 19R10 of the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 22 } tmnxChassisResQMgmtV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tChassisResQueueMgmtQosPolTotal, tChassisResQueueMgmtQosPolAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information related to Queue Management policy. This is for release 19.10 of Nokia IXR systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 23 } tmnxXiomGroupV20v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxXiomConfigTableLastChanged, tmnxXiomConfigEntryLastChanged, tmnxXiomAssignedType, tmnxXiomAssignedLevel, tmnxXiomReboot, tmnxXiomFailOnError, tmnxXiomResetOnRecoverableError, tmnxXiomEquippedType, tmnxXiomEquippedLevel, tmnxXiomLicensedLevel, tmnxXiomAvailableMdaSlots, tmnxXiomNumEquippedMdas, tmnxXiomHwIndex, tmnxXiomTypeName, tmnxXiomTypeDescription, tmnxXiomTypeStatus, tmnxXiomLevelName, tmnxXiomLevelId, tmnxXiomLevelDescription, tmnxXiomLevelStatus, tmnxXiomLvlUpgrdTableLastChanged, tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeRowStatus, tmnxXiomAssignedLevelUpgradeType, tmnxXiomLevelUpgradeName, tmnxXiomUpgradeLevelId, tmnxXiomUpgradeRequiresReboot, tmnxCardNumEquippedXioms } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of XIOM in release 20 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 24 } tmnxSapResourceUsageV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tChassisResApipeSapTotal, tChassisResApipeSapAlloc, tChassisResCpipeSapTotal, tChassisResCpipeSapAlloc, tChassisResEpipeSapTotal, tChassisResEpipeSapAlloc, tChassisResFpipeSapTotal, tChassisResFpipeSapAlloc, tChassisResIpipeSapTotal, tChassisResIpipeSapAlloc, tChassisResIesSapTotal, tChassisResIesSapAlloc, tChassisResMirrorSapTotal, tChassisResMirrorSapAlloc, tChassisResVplsSapTotal, tChassisResVplsSapAlloc, tChassisResVprnSapTotal, tChassisResVprnSapAlloc, tCardResApipeSapInstanceTotal, tCardResApipeSapInstanceAlloc, tCardResCpipeSapInstanceTotal, tCardResCpipeSapInstanceAlloc, tCardResEpipeSapInstanceTotal, tCardResEpipeSapInstanceAlloc, tCardResFpipeSapInstanceTotal, tCardResFpipeSapInstanceAlloc, tCardResIpipeSapInstanceTotal, tCardResIpipeSapInstanceAlloc, tCardResIesSapInstanceTotal, tCardResIesSapInstanceAlloc, tCardResMirrorSapInstanceTotal, tCardResMirrorSapInstanceAlloc, tCardResVplsSapInstanceTotal, tCardResVplsSapInstanceAlloc, tCardResVprnSapInstanceTotal, tCardResVprnSapInstanceAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Saps that were added in the release 19R10 of the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 25 } tmnxIPv6MCastCamV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFPResIPv6McastEntryTotal, tFPResIPv6McastEntryAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of IPv6 multicast cam entry allocation." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 26 } tmnxSyncIfTimingV20v0NotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqSyncIfTimingGnssQuality, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingGnss2Quality, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingGnssAlarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingGnssAlarmClr, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingGnss2Alarm, tmnxEqSyncIfTimingGnss2AlarmClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional notifications supporting management of sync-if-timing in release 20.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 27 } tmnxChassisCoreResPlcrV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tCoreResIngFloatPolicerTotal, tCoreResIngFloatPolicerAlloc, tCoreResIngFloatPolicerStatTotal, tCoreResIngFloatPolicerStatAlloc, tCoreResIngDdctdPolicerTotal, tCoreResIngDdctdPolicerAlloc, tCoreResIngDdctdPolicerStatTotal, tCoreResIngDdctdPolicerStatAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information on a core. This is for release 19.5 of Nokia IXR systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV19Groups 28 } tmnxChassisV20Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 82 } tmnxChassisV20v0ObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMcmSupportedTypes, tmnxMcmAssignedType, tmnxMcmEquippedType, tmnxMcmHwIndex, tmnxMcmTypeName, tmnxMcmTypeDescription, tmnxMcmTypeStatus, tmnxMDAIngNamedPoolPolicy, tmnxMDAEgrNamedPoolPolicy, tmnxCardNamedPoolAdminMode, tmnxCardNamedPoolOperMode, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolTotal, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolAlloc, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolIUBI, tFPResDynQ2NamedPoolIUBE } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of chassis objects that were obsoleted in release 20.2 on Nokia SR series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV20Groups 2 } tmnxChassisNotifGroupV20v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxPeKernelVersionMismatch, tmnxFPResourcePolicyModified, tmnxFPResourcePolicyModifiedClr, tChassisAirflowDirMismatch, tChassisAirflowDirMismatchClr, tChassisPowerSupplyMismatch, tChassisPowerSupplyMismatchClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional notifications supporting chassis management in release 20 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV20Groups 3 } tmnx77x0CESMDAV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDAClockMode, tmnxMDADiffTimestampFreq } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of CES MDAs for release 20.0 on Nokia 77x0 SR series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV20Groups 4 } tmnxChassisResourceV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryTotal, tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryAlloc, tChassisResIpSecNHEntryTotal, tChassisResIpSecNHEntryAlloc, tChassisResSubNHEntryTotal, tChassisResSubNHEntryAlloc, tChassisResSapIngQosPolTotal, tChassisResSapIngQosPolAlloc, tChassisResSapEgrQosPolTotal, tChassisResSapEgrQosPolAlloc, tChassisResIngQGrpTmplTotal, tChassisResIngQGrpTmplAlloc, tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplTotal, tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplAlloc, tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal, tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstTotal, tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstAlloc, tChassisResPortEgrVPortTotal, tChassisResPortEgrVPortAlloc, tCardResQosUserSchedsTotal, tCardResQosUserSchedsAlloc, tCardResSubSPIQosOvrTotal, tCardResSubSPIQosOvrAlloc, tCardResHsmdaQOvrTotal, tCardResHsmdaQOvrAlloc, tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstTotal, tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstTotal, tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal, tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResFPIngQGrpInstTotal, tCardResFPIngQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResPortEgrVPortTotal, tCardResPortEgrVPortAlloc, tCardResCategoryEntriesTotal, tCardResCategoryEntriesAlloc, tCardResIntArbiterOvrsTotal, tCardResIntArbiterOvrsAlloc, tCardResSLAProfileInstanceTotal, tCardResSLAProfileInstanceAlloc, tFPResSapIngQosPolTotal, tFPResSapIngQosPolAlloc, tFPResDynEgrClassTotal, tFPResDynEgrClassAlloc, tFPResDynEgrClassIUBSE, tFPResDynEgrClassIUBNE, tFPResIngQueueTotal, tFPResIngQueueAlloc, tFPResEgrQueueTotal, tFPResEgrQueueAlloc, tFPResIngPolicerTotal, tFPResIngPolicerAlloc, tFPResEgrPolicerTotal, tFPResEgrPolicerAlloc, tFPResIngPolicerStatTotal, tFPResIngPolicerStatAlloc, tFPResEgrPolicerStatTotal, tFPResEgrPolicerStatAlloc, tFPResIngRootArbiterTotal, tFPResIngRootArbiterAlloc, tFPResEgrRootArbiterTotal, tFPResEgrRootArbiterAlloc, tFPResDynQueueTotal, tFPResDynQueueAlloc, tFPResDynQueueIUBI, tFPResDynQueueIUBE, tFPResDynPolicerTotal, tFPResDynPolicerAlloc, tFPResDynPolicerIUBI, tFPResDynPolicerIUBE, tFPResDynPolicerStatTotal, tFPResDynPolicerStatAlloc, tFPResDynPolicerStatIUBI, tFPResDynPolicerStatIUBE, tFPResIngAclEntryTotal, tFPResIngAclEntryAlloc, tFPResIngQosEntryTotal, tFPResIngQosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngAclQosEntryTotal, tFPResIngAclQosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryTotal, tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryAlloc, tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryTotal, tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrAclEntryTotal, tFPResEgrAclEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrQosEntryTotal, tFPResEgrQosEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrAclQosEntryTotal, tFPResEgrAclQosEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryTotal, tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryTotal, tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngAclFilterTotal, tFPResIngAclFilterAlloc, tFPResEgrAclFilterTotal, tFPResEgrAclFilterAlloc, tFPResDynSvcEntryTotal, tFPResDynSvcEntryAlloc, tFPResSubHostTotal, tFPResSubHostAlloc, tFPResEncapGrpMemberTotal, tFPResEncapGrpMemberAlloc, tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapTotal, tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapAlloc, tFPResMacFdbRecTotal, tFPResMacFdbRecAlloc, tFPResDynQ2WredPoolTotal, tFPResDynQ2WredPoolAlloc, tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpTotal, tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpAlloc, tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperTotal, tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperAlloc, tFPResIngIPv6AclFilterTotal, tFPResIngIPv6AclFilterAlloc, tFPResEgrIPv6AclFilterTotal, tFPResEgrIPv6AclFilterAlloc, tFPResSLAProfileInstanceTotal, tFPResSLAProfileInstanceAlloc } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of System Resource Information on release 20.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV20Groups 5 } tmnxCardFPQosPolicyV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxFPQosFPResourcePolicy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Forwarding Plane (FP) resource policy in release 20.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV20Groups 6 } tmnxSyncIfTimingV20v0ObsoleteGrp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1SrcHw, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1BITSIfType, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2SrcHw, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2BITSIfType, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1SrcHw, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1BITSIfType, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2SrcHw, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2BITSIfType, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1NationalUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2NationalUse, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef1NationalUse, tSyncIfTimingAdmRef2NationalUse } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Sync-if-timing features obsoleted in 20.0 release on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV20Groups 7 } tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSyncIfTimingAdmGnssCfgQltyLevel, tSyncIfTimingAdmGnssAdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssAdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssInUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssQualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssAlarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssCfgQltyLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssRxQltyLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssState, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2AdminStatus, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2InUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2Qualified, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2Alarm, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2RxQltyLevel, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2State } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group on objects supporting the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) timing reference in 20.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV20Groups 8 } tmnxChassisResEgrRmrkV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFPResEgrDot1pDscpRemarkMapTotal, tFPResEgrDot1pDscpRemarkMapAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information related to Egress remark policy. This is for release 20.0 of Nokia IXR systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV20Groups 9 } tmnxChassisDot1xHostV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFPResDot1xHostTotal, tFPResDot1xHostAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information related to dot1X authenticated hosts. This is for release 20.10 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV20Groups 10 } tmnxChassisResDepthMQV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tChassisResFastDepthMQueuesTotal, tChassisResFastDepthMQueuesAlloc, tFPResFastDepthMQueuesTotal, tFPResFastDepthMQueuesAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information related to fast polled queue depth monitored queue. This is for release 20.10 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV20Groups 11 } tmnxChassisFPQppbPolV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxFPPlcyAcctPolicerLimit, tmnxFPPlcyAcctPolicerInUse } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of FP policy-accounting resources on forwarding plane. This is for release 20.10 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV20Groups 12 } tmnxChassisCoreResV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tCoreResSapTotal, tCoreResSapAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information on a core. This is for release 20.10 of Nokia IXR systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV20Groups 14 } tmnxFPNotificationV20Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxPlcyAcctPlcrPoolExcResource, tmnxPlcyAcctPlcrPoolLowResource } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications for FP on Nokia systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV20Groups 15 } tmnxChassisIxrXFanV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPhysChassisFanDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of IXR-x chassis fans in release 20.10 of Nokia IXR systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV20Groups 16 } tmnxChassisV21Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 83 } tmnxMdaXConnectGroupV21 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMdaXConMacTableLastChanged, tmnxMdaXConMacRowStatus, tmnxMdaXConMacLastChanged, tmnxMdaXConMacDescription, tmnxMdaXConLpbkTableLastChanged, tmnxMdaXConLpbkRowStatus, tmnxMdaXConLpbkLastChanged, tmnxMdaXConLpbkDescription, tmnxMdaXConLpbkBandwidth } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of MDA Cross-Connect capabilities in release 21.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 2 } tmnxCoreDdctdPolicerResGroupV21 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tCoreDdctdPolicersTotal, tCoreDdctdPolicersAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of entries for direct-mapped policer resource information on a core capabilities in release 21.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 3 } tmnxFPToFPStatGroupV21 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxBestEffortFptoFpPkts, tmnxBestEffortFptoFpOcts, tmnxExpeditedFptoFpPkts, tmnxExpeditedFptoFpOcts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the packet and octet counters for unicast traffic sent by source to destination forwarding engine in release 21.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 4 } tmnxCcagObsoleteGroupV21 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDACcagId, tmnxCcagRowStatus, tmnxCcagDescription, tmnxCcagAdminStatus, tmnxCcagOperStatus, tmnxCcagCcaRate, tmnxCcagLastChanged, tmnxCcagAccessAdaptQos, tmnxCcagPathLastChanged, tmnxCcagPathRate, tmnxCcagPathRateOption, tmnxCcagPathWeight, tmnxCcagPathCcLastChanged, tmnxCcagPathCcEgrPoolResvCbs, tmnxCcagPathCcEgrPoolSlpPlcy, tmnxCcagPathCcIngPoolResvCbs, tmnxCcagPathCcIngPoolSlpPlcy, tmnxCcagPathCcAcctPolicyId, tmnxCcagPathCcCollectStats, tmnxCcagPathCcQueuePlcy, tmnxCcagPathCcMac, tmnxCcagPathCcMtu, tmnxCcagPathCcHwMac, tmnxCcagPathCcUserAssignedMac } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting CCAG capabilities made obsolete in release 21.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 5 } tmnxMDAV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMDASupportedTypes, tmnxMDAAssignedType, tmnxMDAEquippedType, tmnxMDAHwIndex, tmnxMDAMaxPorts, tmnxMDAEquippedPorts, tmnxMDATxTimingSelected, tmnxMDASyncIfTimingStatus, tmnxMDACapabilities, tmnxMDAMinChannelization, tmnxMDAMaxChannelization, tmnxMDAMaxChannels, tmnxMDAChannelsInUse, tmnxMdaTypeName, tmnxMdaTypeDescription, tmnxMdaTypeStatus, tmnxMDAReboot, tmnxMDASynchronousEthernet, tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroup, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpIPsecRespondOnly, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMultiActive, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveMda, tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroupInUse, tmnxMDAFailOnError, tmnxMDAEgrXplErrThreshold, tmnxMDAEgrXplErrWindow, tmnxMDAIngrXplErrThreshold, tmnxMDAIngrXplErrWindow } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of MDAs for release 19.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 6 } tmnxChassisResourceV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryTotal, tChassisResDynSvcNHEntryAlloc, tChassisResIpSecNHEntryTotal, tChassisResIpSecNHEntryAlloc, tChassisResSubNHEntryTotal, tChassisResSubNHEntryAlloc, tChassisResSapIngQosPolTotal, tChassisResSapIngQosPolAlloc, tChassisResSapEgrQosPolTotal, tChassisResSapEgrQosPolAlloc, tChassisResIngQGrpTmplTotal, tChassisResIngQGrpTmplAlloc, tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplTotal, tChassisResEgrQGrpTmplAlloc, tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal, tChassisResPortEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstTotal, tChassisResFPIngQGrpInstAlloc, tChassisResPortEgrVPortTotal, tChassisResPortEgrVPortAlloc, tCardResQosUserSchedsTotal, tCardResQosUserSchedsAlloc, tCardResSubSPIQosOvrTotal, tCardResSubSPIQosOvrAlloc, tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstTotal, tCardResPortAccEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstTotal, tCardResPortNetEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstTotal, tCardResPortEgrQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResFPIngQGrpInstTotal, tCardResFPIngQGrpInstAlloc, tCardResPortEgrVPortTotal, tCardResPortEgrVPortAlloc, tCardResCategoryEntriesTotal, tCardResCategoryEntriesAlloc, tCardResIntArbiterOvrsTotal, tCardResIntArbiterOvrsAlloc, tCardResSLAProfileInstanceTotal, tCardResSLAProfileInstanceAlloc, tFPResSapIngQosPolTotal, tFPResSapIngQosPolAlloc, tFPResDynEgrClassTotal, tFPResDynEgrClassAlloc, tFPResDynEgrClassIUBSE, tFPResDynEgrClassIUBNE, tFPResIngQueueTotal, tFPResIngQueueAlloc, tFPResEgrQueueTotal, tFPResEgrQueueAlloc, tFPResIngPolicerTotal, tFPResIngPolicerAlloc, tFPResEgrPolicerTotal, tFPResEgrPolicerAlloc, tFPResIngPolicerStatTotal, tFPResIngPolicerStatAlloc, tFPResEgrPolicerStatTotal, tFPResEgrPolicerStatAlloc, tFPResIngRootArbiterTotal, tFPResIngRootArbiterAlloc, tFPResEgrRootArbiterTotal, tFPResEgrRootArbiterAlloc, tFPResDynQueueTotal, tFPResDynQueueAlloc, tFPResDynQueueIUBI, tFPResDynQueueIUBE, tFPResDynPolicerTotal, tFPResDynPolicerAlloc, tFPResDynPolicerIUBI, tFPResDynPolicerIUBE, tFPResDynPolicerStatTotal, tFPResDynPolicerStatAlloc, tFPResDynPolicerStatIUBI, tFPResDynPolicerStatIUBE, tFPResIngAclEntryTotal, tFPResIngAclEntryAlloc, tFPResIngQosEntryTotal, tFPResIngQosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngAclQosEntryTotal, tFPResIngAclQosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryTotal, tFPResIngIPv6AclEntryAlloc, tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryTotal, tFPResIngIPv6QosEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrAclEntryTotal, tFPResEgrAclEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrQosEntryTotal, tFPResEgrQosEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrAclQosEntryTotal, tFPResEgrAclQosEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryTotal, tFPResEgrIPv6AclEntryAlloc, tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryTotal, tFPResEgrIPv6QosEntryAlloc, tFPResIngAclFilterTotal, tFPResIngAclFilterAlloc, tFPResEgrAclFilterTotal, tFPResEgrAclFilterAlloc, tFPResDynSvcEntryTotal, tFPResDynSvcEntryAlloc, tFPResSubHostTotal, tFPResSubHostAlloc, tFPResEncapGrpMemberTotal, tFPResEncapGrpMemberAlloc, tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapTotal, tFPResEgrNetQGrpMapAlloc, tFPResMacFdbRecTotal, tFPResMacFdbRecAlloc, tFPResDynQ2WredPoolTotal, tFPResDynQ2WredPoolAlloc, tFPResIngIPv6AclFilterTotal, tFPResIngIPv6AclFilterAlloc, tFPResEgrIPv6AclFilterTotal, tFPResEgrIPv6AclFilterAlloc, tFPResSLAProfileInstanceTotal, tFPResSLAProfileInstanceAlloc, tFPResMepsWithIntMegTotal, tFPResMepsWithIntMegAlloc, tFPResMepsWithIccMegTotal, tFPResMepsWithIccMegAlloc, tFPResMepsWithOtherMegTotal, tFPResMepsWithOtherMegAlloc, tFPResUniqueIccsForMepsTotal, tFPResUniqueIccsForMepsAlloc, tFPResPrefixesOfMepMacsTotal, tFPResPrefixesOfMepMacsAlloc, tFPResIngAclStatTotal, tFPResIngAclStatAlloc, tFPResEgrAclStatTotal, tFPResEgrAclStatAlloc, tFPResOamSathTrafGenBandwAlloc, tFPResOamSathTrafGenBandwTotal, tFPResOamSathTrafGenSvcStrmAlloc, tFPResOamSathTrafGenSvcStrmTotal } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of System Resource Information on release 21.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 8 } tmnxHsmdaObsoleteV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tCardResHsmdaQOvrTotal, tCardResHsmdaQOvrAlloc, tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpTotal, tMDAResEgrHsmdaQGrpAlloc, tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperTotal, tMDAResEgrHsmdaSecShaperAlloc, tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaPoolPolicy, tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaThrshLoBrstMult, tmnxMDAEgrHsmdaThrshHiBrstInc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of System Resource HSMDA Information on release 21.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 9 } tFPResEgrHwAggShaperV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFPResEgrHwAssignNonShaperQTotal, tFPResEgrHwAssignNonShaperQAlloc, tFPResEgrHwAggShapQSetSize8Total, tFPResEgrHwAggShapQSetSize8Alloc, tFPResEgrHwAggShapersTotal, tFPResEgrHwAggShapersAlloc, tFPResEgrHwAggShaperSchedsTotal, tFPResEgrHwAggShaperSchedsAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of FP Resource Information on release 21.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 10 } tmnxHwObsoleteV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxHwLastAlarmEvent, tmnxHwClearAlarms } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of hardware capabilities that were obsoleted in release 21.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 11 } tmnxIssuObsoleteV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisUpdateTimeLeft } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of fields used by ISSU which have been obsoleted in release 21.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 12 } tCardResTLSMcastV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tCardResTLSMcastEntriesAlloc, tCardResTLSMcastEntriesTotal } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting managmenet of TLS Mcast Enry resource usage on release 21.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 13 } tmnxChassisNotifGroupV21v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tChassisPowerSupplyUnsup } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional notifications supporting chassis management in release 21 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 14 } tmnxChassisResIngClassV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFPResIngClassProfileTotal, tFPResIngClassProfileAlloc, tFPResIngClassNonEpipeProfTotal, tFPResIngClassNonEpipeProfAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information related to Ingress Classification policy. This is for release 21 of Nokia IXR systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 15 } tmnxChassisResEgrRmrkV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFPResEgrRemarkProfileTotal, tFPResEgrRemarkProfileAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information related to Egress remark policy. This is for release 21 of Nokia IXR systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 16 } tmnxChassisResIngrMapsV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tChassisResDot1pFCMapTotal, tChassisResDot1pFCMapAlloc, tChassisResDscpFCMapTotal, tChassisResDscpFCMapAlloc, tChassisResLspExpFCMapTotal, tChassisResLspExpFCMapAlloc, tFPResDot1pFCMapIUBI, tFPResDscpFCMapIUBI, tFPResLspExpFCMapIUBI } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information related to Ingress classification maps. This is for release 21.7 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 17 } tmnxChassisResEgrMapsV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tChassisResFCDot1pMapTotal, tChassisResFCDot1pMapAlloc, tChassisResFCDscpMapTotal, tChassisResFCDscpMapAlloc, tChassisResFCLspExpMapTotal, tChassisResFCLspExpMapAlloc, tFPResFCDot1pMapIUBE, tFPResFCDscpMapIUBE, tFPResFCLspExpMapIUBE } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information related to Egress remark maps. This is for release 21.7 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 18 } tmnxChassisResLagBundl1V21v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tChassisResPool1LagBundleIdTotal, tChassisResPool1LagBundleIdAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information related to pool 1 lag bundles. This is for release 21.7 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 19 } tmnxChassisResSysBundleV21v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tChassisResSystemBundleNumTotal, tChassisResSystemBundleNumAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information related to system bundles. This is for release 21.7 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 20 } tmnxChassisResLagBundl2V21v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tChassisResPool2LagBundleIdTotal, tChassisResPool2LagBundleIdAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information related to pool 2 lag bundles. This is for release 21.10 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 21 } tmnxIomRsrcNotifyObjsV21v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxIomRsrcResourceType, tmnxIomRsrcUserType, tmnxIomRsrcTimeEventOccured, tmnxIomRsrcUsagePercent, tmnxIomRsrcMissingNotifCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of IOM resources on release 21 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 22 } tmnxIomRsrcNotifyV21v0Grp NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxIomRsrcUsageHighLimitReached, tmnxIomRsrcUsageExhausted, tmnxIomRsrcUsageRecovered, tmnxIomRsrcUserOversubscribed, tmnxIomRsrcUserOversubscribedClr, tmnxIomRsrcEventOverflow, tmnxIomRsrcEventOverflowClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of IOM resources on release 21 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 23 } tmnxChassisResPerHostAutV21v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFPResCamBanksIUBDot1xHostAuth } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information related to dot1x per host authentication. This is for release 21.10 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 24 } tmnxChassisDrpCntrJ1V21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tCoreResIngFloatPlcrStatIUBACL } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information on a core. This is for release 21.10 of Nokia IXR systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 25 } tmnxChassisPwrMgmtV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxChassisPwrMgmtPeakPower, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtReservedPower, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtRqdRestPower, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtUtilRestPower, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtOperSafetyLvl, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtOperSafetyAlrt, tmnxChassisPwrMgmtActiveConds } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Power Management statistics in release 21.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 26 } tmnxChassisResMacCamBnkV21v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFPResMacIPv4CamBanksTotal, tFPResMacIPv4CamBanksAlloc, tFPResIPv6CamBanksTotal, tFPResIPv6CamBanksAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Resource Information related to Cam banks. This is for release 21.10 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV21Groups 27 } tmnxChassisV22v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisGroups 84 } tmnxHwAggShpNotifyObjsV22v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxHwAggShpTimeEventOccured, tmnxHwAggShpMissingNotifCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of hw agg shaper traps on release 22 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV22v0Groups 2 } tmnxHwAggShpNotifGroupV22v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxHwAggShpSchedEventOvrflw, tmnxHwAggShpSchedEventOvrflwClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional notifications supporting chassis management in release 22 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxChassisV22v0Groups 3 } tmnxChassisDCCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisConformance 3 } tmnxChassisDCGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisConformance 4 } tmnxHwNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRNotifyPrefix 2 } tmnxChassisNotifyPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxHwNotification 1 } tmnxChassisNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxChassisNotifyPrefix 0 } tmnxHwConfigChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A tmnxHwConfigChange notification is generated when the value of tmnxHwLastChange is updated. It can be used by the NMS to trigger maintenance polls of the hardware configuration information. Only one tmnxHwConfigChange notification event will be generated in a 5 second throttling time period. A notification event is the transmission of a single trap to a list of notification destinations configured in the SNMP-TARGET-MIB. If additional hardware configuration change occurs within the throttling period, the notification events for these changes are suppressed until the throttling period expires. At the end of the throttling period, one notification event is generated if any addition configuration changes occurred within the just completed throttling period and another throttling period is started. The NMS should periodically check the value of tmnxHwConfigChange to detect any missed tmnxHwConfigChange traps. This notification was made obsolete in the 2.1 release. The tmnxHwConfigChange notification has been replaced with the generic change notifications from the TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB: tmnxConfigModify, tmnxConfigCreate, tmnxConfigDelete, tmnxStateChange." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 1 } tmnxEnvTempTooHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxHwTemperature, tmnxHwTempThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] Generated when the temperature sensor reading on an equipment object is greater than its configured threshold. [EFFECT] This could be causing intermittent errors and could also cause permanent damage to components. [RECOVERY] Remove or power down the affected cards, or improve the cooling to the node. More powerful fan trays may also be required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 2 } tmnxEqPowerSupplyFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyACStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyDCStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempThreshold, tmnxChassisPowerSupply1Status, tmnxChassisPowerSupply2Status, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyInputStatus, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyOutputStatus } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when one of the chassis's power supplies fails. This notification was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 3 } tmnxEqPowerSupplyInserted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when one of the chassis' power supplies is inserted." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 4 } tmnxEqPowerSupplyRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPowerSupplyRemoved notification is generated when one of the power supplies is removed from the chassis or low input voltage is detected. The operating voltage range for the 7750 SR-7 and 7750 SR-12 is -40 to -72 VDC. The notification is generated if the system detects that the voltage of the power supply has dropped to -42.5 VDC. [EFFECT] Reduced power can cause intermittent errors and could also cause permanent damage to components. [RECOVERY] Re-insert the power supply or raise the input voltage above -42.5 VDC." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 5 } tmnxEqFanFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisFanOperStatus, tmnxChassisFanSpeedPercent } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when one of the fans in a fan tray has failed. This notification was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 6 } tmnxEqCardFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxHwOperState, tmnxChassisNotifyCardFailureReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] Generated when one of the cards in a chassis has failed. The card type may be IOM (or XCM), MDA (or XMA), SFM, CCM, Compact Flash, etc. The reason is indicated in the details of the log event or alarm, and also available in the tmnxChassisNotifyCardFailureReason attribute in the SNMP notification. [EFFECT] The effect is dependent on the card that has failed. IOM (or XCM) or MDA (or XMA) failure will cause a loss of service for all services running on that card. A fabric failure can impact traffic to/from all cards. 7750 SR/7450 ESS - If the IOM/IMM fails then the two associated MDAs for the slot will also go down. 7950 XRS - If one out of two XMAs fails in a XCM slot then the XCM will remain up. If only one remaining operational XMA within a XCM slot fails, then the XCM will go into a booting operational state. [RECOVERY] Before taking any recovery steps, collect a tech-support file, then try resetting (clear) the card. If that doesn't work then try removing and then reinserting the card. If that doesn't work then replace the card." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 7 } tmnxEqCardInserted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a card is inserted into the chassis. The card type may be IOM, Fabric, MDA, CCM CPM module, compact flash module, etc." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 8 } tmnxEqCardRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] Generated when a card is removed from the chassis. The card type may be IOM (or XCM), MDA (or XMA), SFM, CCM, CPM, Compact Flash, etc. [EFFECT] The effect is dependent on the card that has been removed. IOM (or XCM) or MDA (or XMA) removal will cause a loss of service for all services running on that card. A fabric removal can impact traffic to/from all cards. [RECOVERY] Before taking any recovery steps collect a tech-support file, then try re-inserting the card. If that doesn't work then replace the card." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 9 } tmnxEqWrongCard NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] Generated when the wrong type of card is inserted into a slot of the chassis. Even though a card may be physically supported by the slot, it may have been administratively configured to allow only certain card types in a particular slot location. The card type may be IOM (or XCM), Fabric, MDA (or XMA), CPM module, etc. [EFFECT] The effect is dependent on the card that has been incorrectly inserted. Incorrect IOM (or XCM) or MDA (or XMA) insertion will cause a loss of service for all services running on that card. [RECOVERY] Insert the correct card into the correct slot, and ensure the slot is configured for the correct type of card." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 10 } tmnxEqCpuFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when a failure is detected for a CPU on an IOM card or CPM module. This notification was made obsolete in the 2.1 release. A cpu failure on a CPM card is detected by the hardware bootup and is indicated by the boot diagnostic display. If there is no working redundant CPM card, the system does not come up. A failure of an IOM card or standby redundant CPM card causes the tmnxEqCardFailure notification to be sent." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 11 } tmnxEqMemoryFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when a memory module failure is detected for an IOM card or CPM module. This notification was made obsolete in the 2.1 release. A failure of the memory device is detected by the hardware bootup and is indicated by the boot diagnostic display. If there is no working redundant CPM card, the system does not come up. A failure of the memory device during run-time causes the system to fail and the 'admin tech-support' information to be saved. A failure of an IOM card or standby redundant CPM card causes the tmnxEqCardFailure notification to be sent." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 12 } tmnxEqBackdoorBusFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when the backdoor bus has failed. This notification was made obsolete in the 2.1 release." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 13 } tmnxPeSoftwareError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when a software error has been detected. This notification was made obsolete in the 2.1 release. Many of the other notifications more specifically indicate detection of some type of software error. The 'admin tech-support' information helps developers diagnose a failure of the software in the field." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 14 } tmnxPeSoftwareAbnormalHalt NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when the software has abnormally terminated. This notification was made obsolete in the 2.1 release. Many of the other notifications more specifically indicate detection of some type of software error. The 'admin tech-support' information helps developers diagnose a failure of the software in the field." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 15 } tmnxPeSoftwareVersionMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer, tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when there is a mismatch between software versions of the active CPM and standby CPM or the CPM and IOM. tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex identifies the mismatched CPM/IOM card and tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer will contain the version of the mismatched card. The tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion object will contain the expected version." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 16 } tmnxPeOutOfMemory NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when there is an out of memory error detected. This notification was made obsolete in the 2.1 release. The tmnxPeOutOfMemory notification has been replaced with the module specific notification from the TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB: tmnxModuleMallocFailed." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 17 } tmnxPeConfigurationError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when a configuration error has been detected. This notification was made obsolete in the 2.1 release. Many other notifications more specifically indicate detection of a configuration error. In most cases the SNMP SET request that tries to make an invalid configuration results in an error response. In some cases the configuration parameters are valid and the SNMP SET request succeeds but the system cannot successfully apply the new parameters. The affected object may then put into an operational 'down' state. A state change notification such as tmnxStateChange or a more specific notification is sent to alert about the problem. For example, an attempt to create an event log with a file-type destination when the specified cflash media is full or not present results in TIMETRA-LOG-MIB notifications tmnxLogSpaceContention, tmnxLogAdminLocFailed, or tmnxLogBackupLocFailed." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 18 } tmnxPeStorageProblem NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when there is a storage capacity problem. This notification was made obsolete in the 2.1 release. The only 'storage' devices on the SR7750 are the cflash drives. Cflash write errors cause a tmnxEqFlashDataLoss notification to be sent. The tmnxEqFlashDiskFull notification is sent when the driver detects that the cflash device is full." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 19 } tmnxPeCpuCyclesExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when the CPU cycle usage limit has been exceeded. This notification was made obsolete in the 2.1 release. It does not apply. The SR7750 software architecture does not restrict CPU cycles used by a specific code module." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 20 } tmnxRedPrimaryCPMFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the primary CPM fails." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 21 } tmnxRedSecondaryCPMStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxRedSecondaryCPMStatus } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when there is a change in the secondary CPM status. This notification was made obsolete in the 2.1 release. There is no way to administratively enable or disable CPM cards so there is no need for a status change event for administrative state changes. Operational changes detected about the standby CPM card are indicated by more specific notifications such as tmnxEqCardFailure, tmnxEqCardRemoved, tmnxEqCardInserted TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB::ssiRedStandbyReady, TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB::ssiRedStandbySyncLost, and TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB::ssiRedStandbySyncLost." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 22 } tmnxRedRestoreSuccess NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when the secondary CPM successfully restores the config and state. This notification was made obsolete in the 2.1 release. It does not apply. This event was originally created for an early redundancy mechanism that was never released." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 23 } tmnxRedRestoreFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when the secondary CPM fails to restore the config and state. This notification was made obsolete in the 2.1 release. It does not apply. This event was originally created for an early redundancy mechanism that was never released." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 24 } tmnxChassisNotificationClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyOID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A trap indicating the clear of a chassis notification identified by tmnxChassisNotifyOID." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 25 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingHoldover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the synchronous equipment timing subsystem transitions into a holdover state. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 26 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingHoldoverClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] Generated when the synchronous equipment timing subsystem transitions out of the holdover state. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable. [EFFECT] Any node-timed ports will have very slow frequency drift limited by the central clock oscillator stability. The oscillator meets the holdover requirements of a Stratum 3 and G.813 Option 1 clock. [RECOVERY] Address issues with the central clock input references." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 27 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef1Alarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] Generated when an alarm condition on the first timing reference is detected. The type of alarm (los, oof, etc) is indicated in the details of the log event or alarm, and is also available in the tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm attribute included in the SNMP notification. The SNMP notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable. [EFFECT] Indicated timing reference (1, 2, or BITS) cannot be used as a source of timing into the central clock. [RECOVERY] Address issues with the signal associated with indicated timing reference (1, 2, or BITS)." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 28 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef1AlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an alarm condition on the first timing reference is cleared. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 29 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef2Alarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an alarm condition on the second timing reference is detected. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 30 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef2AlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an alarm condition on the second timing reference is cleared. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 31 } tmnxEqFlashDataLoss NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxHwOperState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxEqFlashDataLoss is generated when an error occurs while data was being written to the compact flash. This notification indicates a probable data loss." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 32 } tmnxEqFlashDiskFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxHwOperState, tmnxChassisNotifyDiskFullReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxEqFlashDiskFull is generated when there is no space left on the compact flash. No more data can be written to it." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 33 } tmnxPeSoftwareLoadFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifySoftwareLocation } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the CPM fails to load the software from a specified location. tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex identifies the card for which the software load failed and tmnxChassisNotifySoftwareLocation contains the location from where the software load was attempted." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 34 } tmnxPeBootloaderVersionMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer, tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when there is a mismatch between the CPM and boot loader versions. tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex identifies the CPM card. tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer contains the mismatched version of bootloader and tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion contains the expected version of the bootloader." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 35 } tmnxPeBootromVersionMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer, tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when there is a mismatch between the boot rom versions. tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex identifies the IOM card. tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer contains the mismatched version of bootrom and tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion contains the expected version of the bootrom." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 36 } tmnxPeFPGAVersionMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer, tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when there is a mismatch between the FPGA versions. tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex identifies the IOM card. tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer contains the mismatched version of FPGA and tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion contains the expected version of the FPGA." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 37 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an alarm condition on the BITS timing reference is detected. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 38 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an alarm condition on the BITS timing reference is cleared. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 39 } tmnxEqCardFirmwareUpgraded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a card is hot-inserted into the chassis and its firmware is automatically upgraded. The card type may be IOM or CPM module." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 40 } tmnxChassisUpgradeInProgress NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxChassisUpgradeInProgress notification is generated only after a CPM switchover occurs and the new active CPM is running new software, while the IOMs or XCMs are still running old software. This is the start of the upgrade process. The tmnxChassisUpgradeInProgress notification will continue to be generated every 30 minutes while at least one IOM is still running older software. [EFFECT] A software mismatch between the CPM and IOM or XCM is generally fine for a short duration (during an upgrade) but may not allow for correct long term operation. [RECOVERY] Complete the upgrade of all IOMs or XCMs." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 41 } tmnxChassisUpgradeComplete NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxChassisUpgradeComplete notification is generated to indicate that all the IOMs are running matching software versions in reference to the active CPM software version changed as part of the upgrade process." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 42 } tmnxChassisHiBwMcastAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxChassisHiBwMcastAlarm notification is generated when a plane is shared by more than one high bandwidth multicast tap." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 43 } tmnxEqMdaCfgNotCompatible NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxMdaNotifyType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a supported MDA is inserted into a slot of an IOM, the MDA is compatible with the currently provisioned MDA, but the current configuration on the MDA's ports is not compatible with the inserted MDA. [EFFECT] Though services can still be created, if the tmnxMdaNotifyType is the same as the tmnxMDAEquippedType then the MDA will fail to operate as configured and will be in a failed state. [RECOVERY] Change the configuration to reflect the capabilities of the MDA port, or switch out/re-provision the MDA for one that is compatible." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 44 } tmnxCpmCardSyncFileNotPresent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSyncFile } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCpmCardSyncFileNotPresent notification is generated when the redundancy file synchronization failed to locate an optional file." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 45 } tmnxEqMdaXplError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxMDAXplFailedCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqMdaXplError notification is generated when an MDA exhibits persistent egress XPL errors, and the tmnxEqMdaIngrXplError notification is generated when ingress XPL errors occur. [EFFECT] Contact Nokia customer support. [RECOVERY] Contact Nokia customer support." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 46 } tmnxEqCardPChipError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxCardComplexNumber, tmnxCardFwdDirection, tmnxCardSrcSlotBitmap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEqCardPChipError notification is generated when persistent FCS errors are detected by the P chip in either the ingress or egress datapath/complex. The value tmnxCardSrcSlotBitmap is only used for the egress datapath/complex direction." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 47 } tmnxEqCardSoftResetAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxCardSoftResetState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEqCardSoftResetAlarm notification is generated when an IOM card enters and exits the 'soft-reset' state." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 48 } tmnxEqMdaSyncENotCompatible NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxMdaNotifyType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEqMdaSyncENotCompatible notification is generated when an MDA card is inserted into a slot of an IOM. The MDA is compatible with the currently provisioned MDA, but the currently configured synchronous ethernet, tmnxMDASynchronousEthernet, is not compatible with the inserted MDA. [EFFECT] Though services can still be created, if the tmnxMdaNotifyType is the same as the tmnxMDAEquippedType then the MDA will fail to operate as configured and will be in a failed state. [RECOVERY] Change the configuration to reflect the capabilities of the MDA port, or switch out/re-provision the MDA for one that is compatible." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 49 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveIsaChgd NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpPrimaryIsa, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpBackupIsa, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveIsa } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveIsaChgd notification is generated when a change in the active ISA (Integrated Service Adaptor) occurs in an IPsec ISA module group." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 50 } tmnxEqCardPChipMemoryEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxCardComplexNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEqCardPChipMemoryEvent notification is generated when a P-chip experiences an occurrence of a memory error." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 51 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpUnableToSwitch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveIsa } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxIPsecIsaGrpUnableToSwitch notification is generated when an IPsec ISA (Integrated Service Adaptor) module group is unable to switch due to lack of resources. In such an event the IPsec ISA group is left without an active MDA and the tmnxIPsecIsaGrpOperState is set to 'outOfService'. Recovery is possible by releasing resources, and setting the tmnxIPsecIsaGrpAdminState object to 'outOfService' followed by a reset to 'inService' to bring up the ISA group." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 52 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTnlLowWMark NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTunnels, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMaxTunnels } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTnlLowWMark notification is generated when number of tunnels for an IPsec ISA (Integrated Service Adaptor) module has dropped to the low watermark which is 90% of the tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMaxTunnels." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 53 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTnlHighWMark NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTunnels, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMaxTunnels } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTnlHighWMark notification is generated when number of tunnels for an IPsec ISA (Integrated Service Adaptor) module has reached to the high watermark which is 95% of the tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMaxTunnels." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 54 } tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTnlMax NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTunnels, tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMaxTunnels } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTnlMax notification is generated when number of tunnels for an IPsec ISA (Integrated Service Adaptor) module has reached the maximum of the tmnxIPsecIsaGrpMaxTunnels." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 55 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef1Quality NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1RxQltyLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when there is a change of the received quality level on timing reference 1." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 56 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef2Quality NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2RxQltyLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when there is a change of the received quality level on timing reference 2." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 57 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSQuality NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSRxQltyLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when there is a change of the received quality level on the bits interface." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 58 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITS2Quality NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2RxQltyLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when there is a change of the received quality level on the second bits interface." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 59 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRefSwitch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSyncIfTimingRef1InUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingRef2InUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSInUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingBITS2InUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPInUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncEInUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2InUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssInUse, tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2InUse } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when there is a change of which timing reference is providing timing for the system." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 60 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITS2Alarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an alarm condition on the BITS 2 timing reference is detected. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 61 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITS2AlarmClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an alarm condition on the BITS 2 timing reference is cleared. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 62 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingBITSOutRefChg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSyncIfTimingBITSOutRefSel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the BITS Out timing reference selection changes." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 63 } tmnxEqCardPChipCamEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxCardComplexNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqCardPChipCamEvent notification is generated when either an IOM or a CPM experiences a persistent occurrence of a PChip CAM error. On a CPM card, the tmnxCardComplexNumber will be fixed to the value zero (0). [EFFECT] Contact Nokia customer support. [RECOVERY] Contact Nokia customer support." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 64 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingSystemQuality NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSyncIfTimingSystemQltyLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEqSyncIfTimingSystemQuality notification is generated when there is a change in the system timing quality level. This notification is a point-in-time state change event. [CAUSE] This notification may be triggered for the following reasons: 1) There has been a switch in the timing reference in use by the network element, either because the previously active timing reference was disqualified, or to ensure that the network element is using the timing reference with the best timing quality. 2) There has been a change in the active timing reference's quality and the change does not result in a timing reference switch. 3) The network element has transitioned into or out of the holdover state. [EFFECT] The system quality level is used to determine the SSM code transmitted on synchronous interfaces. This may affect the SSM code transmitted on some or all interfaces, which may affect the distribution of timing throughout the network. [RECOVERY] If the customer is expecting the system to be locked to a reference of a particular quality and the system quality has decreased, the customer will need to determine the root cause (for example, loss of communication with a satellite) and resolve the issue." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 65 } tmnxEqHwEnhancedCapability NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEqHwEnhancedCapability notification is generated when the hardware, specified by the supplied objects, consists of enhanced capabilities as compared to the active hardware. [EFFECT] The system behaves normally under this situation, however, switching to the newer hardware will put the system in an incompatible state with the currently active hardware. That is, once this device takes activity, the lesser capable hardware will fail to communicate with it. In this mode, the system is deemed to be in a 'one-way upgrade' scenario. [RECOVERY] Two modes of recovery exist for this notification: 1. Remove the enhanced hardware, and supply a more compatible device (status quo) with the active hardware. 2. Switch to the enhanced device, and replace the older hardware with a similarly enhanced device (upgrade)." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 66 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingPTPQuality NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSyncIfTimingPTPRxQltyLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when there is a change of the received quality level on the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP)." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 67 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingPTPAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an alarm condition on the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) timing reference is detected. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 68 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingPTPAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an alarm condition on the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) timing reference is cleared. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 69 } tmnxPeFirmwareVersionWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxHwFirmwareCodeVersion } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a card is running compatible yet older firmware than the firmware associated with the current software release. tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex identifies the card. The tmnxHwFirmwareCodeVersion object will contain the programmed the firmware version." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 70 } tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroupChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroupInUse, tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroup } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxMDAIsaTunnelGroupChange notification is generated when IPsec ISA (Integrated Service Adaptor) tunnel-group in-use for the MDA changes value. [EFFECT] There is no operational impact due to this event. [RECOVERY] None required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 71 } tmnxDcpCardFpEventOvrflw NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxDcpCardFpEventOvrflw notification is generated when a flood of distributed CPU FP protection events occur on a particular card and some of the events are lost due to event throttling mechanism. [EFFECT] Some FP notifications configured on the card may not be received. [RECOVERY] Notifications will resume once the event throttling ends." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 72 } tmnxDcpCardSapEventOvrflw NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxDcpCardSapEventOvrflw notification is generated when a flood of distributed CPU protection SAP events occur on a particular card and some of the events are lost due to event throttling mechanism. [EFFECT] Some SAP notifications configured on the card may not be received. [RECOVERY] Notifications will resume once the event throttling ends." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 73 } tmnxDcpCardVrtrIfEventOvrflw NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxDcpCardVrtrIfEventOvrflw notification is generated when a flood of distributed CPU protection network-interface events occur on a particular card and some of the events are lost due to event throttling mechanism. [EFFECT] Some network-interface notifications configured on the card may not be received. [RECOVERY] Notifications will resume once the event throttling ends." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 74 } tmnxDcpFpDynPoolUsageHiAlmRaise NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxFPDCpuProtDynEnfrcPlcrPool, tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxDcpFpDynPoolUsageHiAlmRaise notification is generated when the dynamic enforcement policer pool usage on the forwarding plane is nearly exhausted. [EFFECT] Dynamic enforcement policers may not get allocated on the forwarding plane. [RECOVERY] This notification will be cleared when either the dynamic enforcement policer pool is increased or the usage drops." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 75 } tmnxDcpFpDynPoolUsageHiAlmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxFPDCpuProtDynEnfrcPlcrPool, tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxDcpFpDynPoolUsageHiAlmClear notification is generated when the dynamic enforcement policer pool usage on the forwarding plane is no longer exhausted. [EFFECT] Dynamic enforcement policers are available in the free pool to be allocated when needed. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery required for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 76 } tmnxDcpCardFpEventOvrflwClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured, tmnxDcpMissingNotificationCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxDcpCardFpEventOvrflwClr notification is generated when the event throttling has ended for distributed CPU protection FP events on a particular card. [EFFECT] Notifications are received again since the event throttling has ended. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 77 } tmnxDcpCardSapEventOvrflwClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured, tmnxDcpMissingNotificationCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxDcpCardSapEventOvrflwClr notification is generated when the event throttling has ended for distributed CPU protection SAP events on a particular card. [EFFECT] Notifications are received again since the event throttling has ended. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 78 } tmnxDcpCardVrtrIfEventOvrflwClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxDcpTimeEventOccured, tmnxDcpMissingNotificationCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxDcpCardVrtrIfEventOvrflwClr notification is generated when the event throttling has ended for distributed CPU protection network-interface events on a particular card. [EFFECT] Notifications are received again since the event throttling has ended. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 79 } tmnxEqPowerCapacityExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyPowerZone, tmnxChassisNotifyPowerCapacity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPowerCapacityExceeded alarm is generated when a device needs power to boot, but there is not enough power capacity to support the device. [EFFECT] A non-powered device will not boot until the power capacity is increased to support the device. [RECOVERY] Add a new power supply to the system or change the faulty power supply for a working one." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 80 } tmnxEqPowerCapacityExceededClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyPowerZone } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPowerCapacityExceededClear notification is generated when the available power capacity exceeds the required power to boot all inserted devices. [EFFECT] Devices that failed to boot due to power constrains, power up." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 81 } tmnxEqPowerLostCapacity NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyPowerZone, tmnxChassisNotifyPowerCapacity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPowerLostCapacity alarm is generated when a power supply fails or is removed which puts the system in an overloaded situation. [EFFECT] Devices are powered off in order of lowest power priority (tmnxMDAHwPowerPriority) until the available power capacity can support the powered devices. [RECOVERY] Add a new power supply to the system or change the faulty power supply for a working one." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 82 } tmnxEqPowerLostCapacityClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyPowerZone } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPowerLostCapacityClear notification is generated when the available power capacity exceeds the required power to boot all inserted devices. [EFFECT] Devices that powered off due to power constrains, power up." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 83 } tmnxEqPowerOverloadState NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyPowerZone, tmnxChassisNotifyPowerCapacity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPowerOverloadState alarm is generated when the overloaded power capacity can not support the power requirements and there are no further devices that can be powered off. [EFFECT] The system runs a risk of experiencing brownouts while the available power capacity does not meet the required power consumption. [RECOVERY] Add power capacity or manually shut down devices until the power capacity meets the power needs." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 84 } tmnxEqPowerOverloadStateClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyPowerZone } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPowerOverloadStateClear notification is generated when the available power capacity meets or exceeds the power needs of the powered on devices." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 85 } tmnxEqCardQChipBufMemoryEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxCardComplexNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqCardQChipBufMemoryEvent notification is generated when a Q-chip experiences an occurrence of a buffer memory error. [EFFECT] Contact Nokia customer support. [RECOVERY] Contact Nokia customer support." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 86 } tmnxEqCardQChipStatsMemoryEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxCardComplexNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqCardQChipStatsMemoryEvent notification is generated when a Q-chip experiences an occurrence of a statistics memory error. [EFFECT] Contact Nokia customer support. [RECOVERY] Contact Nokia customer support." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 87 } tmnxEqCardQChipIntMemoryEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxCardComplexNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqCardQChipIntMemoryEvent notification is generated when a Q-chip experiences an occurrence of an internal memory error. [EFFECT] Contact Nokia customer support. [RECOVERY] Contact Nokia customer support." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 88 } tmnxEqCardChipIfDownEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxCardComplexNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqCardChipIfDownEvent notification is generated when an inter-chip interface (XPL2 bundle) experiences an internal datapath problem. [EFFECT] 7750 SR/7450 ESS: The IOM or IMM will either remain operational or the card will reset along with its associated MDAs. 7950 XRS: The associated XMA (MDA CLI context) will either remain operational or it will reset. The XCM (CLI card context) will not reset. [RECOVERY] Contact Nokia customer support." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 89 } tmnxEqCardChipIfCellEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxCardComplexNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqCardChipIfCellEvent notification is generated when an inter-chip interface (XPL2 bundle) experiences internal datapath cell errors. [EFFECT] Contact Nokia customer support. [RECOVERY] Contact Nokia customer support." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 90 } tmnxEqLowSwitchFabricCap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqLowSwitchFabricCap alarm is generated when the total switch fabric capacity becomes less than the IOM capacity due to link failures. At least one of the taps on the IOM is below 100% capacity. [EFFECT] There is diminished switch fabric capacity to forward service-impacting information. [RECOVERY] If the system does not self-recover, the IOM must be rebooted." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 91 } tmnxEqLowSwitchFabricCapClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqLowSwitchFabricCapClear notification is generated when the link failures that resulted in the tmnxEqLowSwitchFabricCap alarm to be raised have been resolved. [EFFECT] There is sufficient switch fabric capacity to forward service-impacting information." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 92 } tmnxEqPowerSafetyAlertThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisPwrMgmtSafetyAlert } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPowerSafetyAlertThreshold notification is generated when the system power capacity drops below the configured safety alert threshold. [EFFECT] This event is for notification only." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 93 } tmnxEqPowerSafetyAlertClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisPwrMgmtSafetyAlert } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPowerSafetyAlertClear notification is generated when the system power capacity meets or exceeds the configured safety alert threshold. [EFFECT] This event is for notification only." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 94 } tmnxEqPowerSafetyLevelThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisPwrMgmtSafetyLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPowerSafetyLevelThreshold notification is generated when the peak nodal power consumption exceeds the configured safety level threshold. [EFFECT] This event is for notification only." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 95 } tmnxEqPowerSafetyLevelClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisPwrMgmtSafetyLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPowerSafetyLevelClear notification is generated when the peak nodal power consumption drops below the configured safety level threshold. [EFFECT] This event is for notification only." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 96 } tmnxEqCardTChipParityEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxCardComplexNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqCardTChipParityEvent notification is generated when a T-chip experiences an occurrence of an internal memory error. [EFFECT] Contact Nokia customer support. [RECOVERY] Contact Nokia customer support." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 97 } tmnxEqPowerSupplyPemACRectAlm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyPemACRect } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPowerSupplyPemACRectAlm alarm is generated if any one of the AC rectifiers for a given power supply is in a failed state or is missing. [EFFECT] There is an increased risk of the power supply failing, causing insufficient power to the system. [RECOVERY] Bring the AC rectifiers back online. This notification was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 98 } tmnxEqPowerSupplyPemACRectAlmClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPowerSupplyPemACRectAlmClr notification is generated when the last of the failed or missing AC rectifiers has been brought back online. [EFFECT] The power supply AC rectifiers are fully operational. This notification was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 99 } tmnxEqPowerSupplyInputFeedAlm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyInFeedDown } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPowerSupplyInputFeedAlm alarm is generated if any one of the input feeds for a given power supply is not supplying power. [EFFECT] There is an increased risk of system power brownouts or blackouts. [RECOVERY] Restore all of the input feeds that are not supplying power. This notification was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 100 } tmnxEqPowerSupplyInputFeedAlmClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPowerSupplyInputFeedAlmClr notification is generated when the last of the missing input feeds has been brought back online. [EFFECT] All power supply input feeds are supplying power. This notification was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 101 } tmnxEqProvPowerCapacityAlm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxHwPowerZone, tmnxChassisNotifyPowerCapacity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqProvPowerCapacityAlm notification is generated if a power zone's provisioned power capacity can no longer support configured devices. [EFFECT] There is an increased risk of device power outages that may be service affecting. [RECOVERY] Increase the provisioned power capacity." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 102 } tmnxEqProvPowerCapacityAlmClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxHwPowerZone } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqProvPowerCapacityAlmClr notification is generated when the power zone's provisioned power capacity can support configured devices. [EFFECT] All configured devices in the power zone have enough provisioned power capacity." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 103 } tmnxPlcyAcctStatsPoolExcResource NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsPool, tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsInUse } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPlcyAcctStatsPoolExcResource notification is generated when the number of in-use stats resource usage as specified by tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsInUse exceeds 95 percent of the stats pool limit as specified by tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsPool. [EFFECT] The affected device may not provide accurate and complete statistics. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery required for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 104 } tmnxPlcyAcctStatsPoolLowResource NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsPool, tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsInUse } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPlcyAcctStatsPoolLowResource notification is generated when the number of in-use stats resource as specified by tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsInUse is below 85 percent of the stats pool limit as specified by tmnxFPPlcyAcctStatsPool. [EFFECT] The configured stats pool limit is cleared when the number of in-use stats resources falls below 85 percent of the stats pool limit. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery required for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 105 } tmnxPlcyAcctStatsEventOvrflwClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxPlcyAcctTimeEventOccured, tmnxPlcyAcctMissingNotifCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPlcyAcctStatsEventOvrflwClr notification is generated when the CPM polls the IOM for traps and the overflow is cleared by logging an overflow-clear on a particular card. [EFFECT] Notifications are received again since the event throttling has ended. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 106 } tmnxPlcyAcctStatsEventOvrflw NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxPlcyAcctTimeEventOccured } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPlcyAcctStatsEventOvrflw notification is generated when tmnxPlcyAcctStatsPoolExcResource and tmnxPlcyAcctStatsPoolLowResource occur more than 200 times because of resource usage fluctuation. The IOM raises the final trap to indicate overflow and stops logging traps. [EFFECT] Some FP notifications configured on the card may not be received. [RECOVERY] Notifications will resume once the Overflow clear is set." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 107 } tmnxIomResHighLimitReached NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxIomResourceType, tmnxIomResourceLimitPct, tmnxIomResLimitTimeEventOccured, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIomResHighLimitReached notification is generated when the resource (of type tmnxIomResourceType) utilization on IOM has reached the value of tmnxIomResourceLimitPct. [EFFECT] The specified resource limit is cleared when the number of in-use stats resources falls below the clear threshold of the stats pool limit. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery required for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 108 } tmnxIomResExhausted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxIomResourceType, tmnxIomResLimitTimeEventOccured, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIomResExhausted notification is generated when the type of resources on IOM as specified by tmnxIomResourceType has reached the 100% of its utilization threshold. [EFFECT] The specified resource has reached the stats pool limit. [RECOVERY] Intervention may be required to recover resources." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 109 } tmnxIomResStateClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxIomResourceType, tmnxIomResourceLimitPct, tmnxIomResLimitTimeEventOccured, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIomResStateClr notification is generated when the type of resources on IOM as specified by tmnxIomResourceType has dropped back down below the value of tmnxIomResourceLimitPct. [EFFECT] The specified resource limit is cleared when the number of in-use stats resources falls below tmnxIomResourceLimitPct of the stats pool limit. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery required for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 110 } tmnxIomEventOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxIomResLimitTimeEventOccured, tmnxIomResourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIomEventOverflow notification is generated when tmnxIomResStateClr, tmnxIomResExhausted and tmnxIomResHighLimitReached occur more than 200 times because of resource usage fluctuation. The IOM raises the final trap to indicate overflow and stops logging traps. [EFFECT] Some FP notifications configured on the card may not be received. [RECOVERY] Notifications will resume once the Overflow clear is set." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 111 } tmnxIomEventOverflowClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxIomResLimitTimeEventOccured, tmnxIomResLimMissingNotifCount, tmnxIomResourceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIomEventOverflowClr notification is generated when the CPM polls the IOM for traps and the overflow is cleared by logging an overflow-clear on a particular card. [EFFECT] Notifications are received again since the event throttling has ended. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 112 } tmnxEqDataPathFailureProtImpact NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqDataPathFailureProtImpact notification is generated when a slot experienced a data path failure which impacted a protocol. [EFFECT] Services-related data associated with the impacted protocol may be lost." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 113 } tmnxExtStandbyCpmReboot NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxExtStandbyCpmReboot notification is generated after a master standby CPM reboots and it is determined that the master standby CPM has transitioned into or out of an ISSU state. This detected transition will cause a reboot of the extension standby CPM (this reboot is necessary and expected for ISSU operation). This notification helps an operator understand why an extension standby CPM may have rebooted. [EFFECT] The extension standby CPM will reboot. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 114 } tmnxExtStandbyCpmRebootFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxExtStandbyCpmRebootFail notification is generated after a master standby CPM reboots and it is determined that the master standby CPM has transitioned into or out of an ISSU state. The system will attempt to reboot the extension standby CPM as part of the normal ISSU process. If the system determines that it cannot reboot the extension standby CPM (i.e. it is not reachable) then this log event is raised. [EFFECT] The extension standby CPM may not transition to the ISSU state in which case the ISSU cannot proceed normally. [RECOVERY] Resetting the extension standby CPM can be attempted to try and get the CPM into an ISSU state. If that is not successful, then the ISSU should be aborted." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 115 } tmnxEqMdaIngrXplError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxMdaHwEventNumOccurrences } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqMdaIngrXplError notification is generated when an MDA exhibits persistent ingress XPL errors, and the tmnxEqMdaXplError notification is generated when egress XPL errors occur. [EFFECT] Contact Nokia customer support. [RECOVERY] Contact Nokia customer support." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 116 } tmnxPowerSupplyWrongFanDir NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisPowerSupplyFanDir } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPowerSupplyWrongFanDir notification is generated when the airflow direction of the power supply's fan is incorrect. [EFFECT] The power supply is not cooling properly and may overheat. [RECOVERY] Replace the power supply with one that has the proper fan direction. This notification was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 119 } tmnxPowerSupplyWrongFanDirClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPowerSupplyWrongFanDirClear notification is generated when the airflow direction of the power supply's fan is corrected. [EFFECT] The fan is cooling the power supply in the proper direction. [RECOVERY] No recovery required. This notification was made obsolete in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 120 } tmnxEqMgmtEthRedStandbyRaise NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyMgmtEthRedPort } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqMgmtEthRedStandbyRaise notification is generated when the active CPM's management Ethernet port goes operationally down and the standby CPM's management Ethernet port is operationally up and now serving as the system's management Ethernet port. [EFFECT] The management Ethernet port is no longer redundant. The node can be managed via the standby CPM's management Ethernet port only. [RECOVERY] Bring the active CPM's management Ethernet port operationally up." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 121 } tmnxEqMgmtEthRedStandbyClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyMgmtEthRedPort } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqMgmtEthRedStandbyClear notification is generated when the active CPM's management Ethernet port goes operationally up and the management Ethernet port reverts from the standby CPM to the active CPM. [EFFECT] The management of the node is operating from the active CPM's management Ethernet port and is redundant. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 122 } tmnxSyncIfTimBITS2048khzUnsup NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxSyncIfTimBITS2048khzUnsup notification is generated when the value of tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSIfType is set to 'g703-2048khz (5)' and the CPM does not meet the specifications for the 2048kHz BITS output signal under G.703. [EFFECT] The BITS input will not be used as the Sync reference and the 2048kHz BITS output signal generated by the CPM is squelched. [RECOVERY] Replace the CPM with one that is capable of generating the 2048kHz BITS output signal, or set tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSIfType to a value other than 'g703-2048khz (5)'." REFERENCE "G.703, 'Physical/Electrical Characteristics of Hierarchical Digital Interfaces', Section 13, November 2001." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 123 } tmnxSyncIfTimBITS2048khzUnsupClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxSyncIfTimBITS2048khzUnsupClr notification is generated when a tmnxSyncIfTimBITS2048khzUnsup notification is outstanding and the CPM was replaced with one that meets the specifications for the 2048kHz BITS output signal under G.703 or tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSIfType is set to a value other than 'g703-2048khz (5)'. [EFFECT] The CPM can now support the configuration of tSyncIfTimingAdmBITSIfType. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." REFERENCE "G.703, 'Physical/Electrical Characteristics of Hierarchical Digital Interfaces', Section 13, November 2001." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 124 } tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOvrTmp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupTempStatus, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupTempThrshld } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOvrTmp notification is generated when a power supply's temperature surpasses the threshold of the particular physical chassis. [EFFECT] The power supply is no longer operational. [RECOVERY] Check input feed and/or insert a new power supply." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 125 } tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOvrTmpClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupTempStatus, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupTempThrshld } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOvrTmpClr notification is generated when a power supply's temperature is reduced below the threshold of the particular physical chassis. [EFFECT] The power supply is operational again. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 126 } tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupAcFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupACStatus, tmnxPhysChassPowerSup1Status, tmnxPhysChassPowerSup2Status } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupAcFail notification is generated when an AC failure occurs on the power supply. [EFFECT] The power supply is no longer operational. [RECOVERY] Insert a new power supply." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 127 } tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupAcFailClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupACStatus, tmnxPhysChassPowerSup1Status, tmnxPhysChassPowerSup2Status } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupAcFailClr notification is generated when the AC failure is cleared on the power supply. [EFFECT] The power supply is operational again. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 128 } tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupDcFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupDCStatus, tmnxPhysChassPowerSup1Status } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupDcFail notification is generated when a DC failure occurs on the power supply. [EFFECT] The power supply is no longer operational. [RECOVERY] Insert a new power supply." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 129 } tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupDcFailClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupDCStatus, tmnxPhysChassPowerSup1Status } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupDcFailClr notification is generated when the DC failure is cleared on the power supply. [EFFECT] The power supply is operational again. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 130 } tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupInFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupInputStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupInFail notification is generated when an input failure occurs on the power supply. [EFFECT] The power supply is no longer operational. [RECOVERY] Check input feed and/or insert a new power supply." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 131 } tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupInFailClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupInputStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupInFailClr notification is generated when the input failure is cleared on the power supply. [EFFECT] The power supply is operational again. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 132 } tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOutFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupOutptStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOutFail notification is generated when an output failure occurs on the power supply. [EFFECT] The power supply is no longer operational. [RECOVERY] Insert a new power supply." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 133 } tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOutFailCl NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupOutptStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPhysChassPowerSupOutFailCl notification is generated when an output failure is cleared on the power supply. [EFFECT] The power supply is operational again. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 134 } tmnxEqPhysChassisFanFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassisFanOperStatus, tmnxPhysChassisFanSpeedPercent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPhysChassisFanFailure notification is generated when one of the fans in a fan tray fails on a particular physical chassis. [EFFECT] The fan is no longer operational. [RECOVERY] Insert a new fan." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 135 } tmnxEqPhysChassisFanFailureClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassisFanOperStatus, tmnxPhysChassisFanSpeedPercent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPhysChassisFanFailureClear notification is generated when the fan failure is cleared on the particular physical chassis. [EFFECT] The fan is operational again. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 136 } tIPsecIsaMemLowWatermark NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxMDAHwIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] A tIPsecIsaMemLowWatermark notification is generated when the ISA card memory usage ratio has dropped back to the normal level. [EFFECT] The system accepts new IKE states. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery required for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 137 } tIPsecIsaMemHighWatermark NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxMDAHwIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] A tIPsecIsaMemHighWatermark notification is generated when the ISA card memory usage ratio has almost reached the maximum value. [EFFECT] The system may stop accepting new IKE states shortly. [RECOVERY] Use fewer SAs for each IKE tunnel." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 138 } tIPsecIsaMemMax NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxMDAHwIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] A tIPsecIsaMemMax notification is generated when the ISA card memory usage ratio has reached the maximum value. [EFFECT] The system stops accepting new IKE states. [RECOVERY] Use fewer SAs for each IKE tunnel." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 139 } tmnxCpmMemSizeMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] A tmnxCpmMemSizeMismatch notification is generated when the RAM memory size of the standby CPM (i.e., tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum) is different than the active CPM (i.e., tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex). [EFFECT] There is an increased risk of the memory overflow on the standby CPM during the CPM switchover. [RECOVERY] Use CPMs with the same memory size." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 140 } tmnxCpmMemSizeMismatchClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] A tmnxCpmMemSizeMismatchClear notification is generated when the RAM memory sizes of the standby (i.e., tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum) and active (i.e., tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex) CPMs become matched. [EFFECT] The tmnxCpmMemSizeMismatch notification is cleared. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery required for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 141 } tmnxPhysChassPwrSupWrgFanDir NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupFanDir } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPhysChassPwrSupWrgFanDir notification is generated when the airflow direction of the power supply's fan is incorrect. [EFFECT] The power supply is not cooling properly and may overheat. [RECOVERY] Replace the power supply with one that has the proper fan direction." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 142 } tmnxPhysChassPwrSupWrgFanDirClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupFanDir } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPhysChassPwrSupWrgFanDirClr notification is generated when the airflow direction of the power supply's fan is corrected. [EFFECT] The fan is cooling the power supply in the proper direction. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 143 } tmnxPhysChassPwrSupPemACRect NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupPemACRect } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPhysChassPwrSupPemACRect notification is generated if any one of the AC rectifiers for a given power supply is in a failed state or is missing. [EFFECT] There is an increased risk of the power supply failing, causing insufficient power to the system. [RECOVERY] Bring the AC rectifiers back online." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 144 } tmnxPhysChassPwrSupPemACRectClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupPemACRect } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPhysChassPwrSupPemACRectClr notification is generated when the last of the failed or missing AC rectifiers has been brought back online. [EFFECT] The power supply AC rectifiers are fully operational. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 145 } tmnxPhysChassPwrSupInputFeed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupInFeedDown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPhysChassPwrSupInputFeed notification is generated if any one of the input feeds for a given power supply is not supplying power. [EFFECT] There is an increased risk of system power brownouts or blackouts. [RECOVERY] Restore all of the input feeds that are not supplying power." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 146 } tmnxPhysChassPwrSupInputFeedClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassPowerSupInFeedDown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPhysChassPwrSupInputFeedClr notification is generated when the last of the missing input feeds has been brought back online. [EFFECT] All power supply input feeds are supplying power. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 147 } tmnxCardResMacFdbHighUsgSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxMacScaleCardSlotNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxCardResMacFdbHighUsgSet notification is generated when the FDB table size exceeds 95% of the card limit. [EFFECT] The FDB table size for the card exceeds 95% of the card limit. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 148 } tmnxCardResMacFdbHighUsgClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxMacScaleCardSlotNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxCardResMacFdbHighUsgClr notification is generated when the FDB table size drops below 90% of the card limit. [EFFECT] The FDB table size for the card drops below 90% of the card limit. [RECOVERY] None needed." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 149 } tmnxEqBpEpromFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqBpEpromFail notification is generated when the active CPM is no longer able to access the backplane EPROM due to a hardware defect. [EFFECT] The active CPM is at risk of failing to initialize after node reboot due to not being able to access the BP EPROM to read the chassis type. [RECOVERY] Contact Nokia customer support." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 150 } tmnxEqBpEpromFailClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqBpEpromFailClear notification is generated when the EPROM error condition is cleared." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 151 } tmnxEqBpEpromWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqBpEpromWarning notification is generated when the active CPM is no longer able to access one backplane EPROM due to a hardware defect but a redundant EPROM is present and accessible. [EFFECT] There is no effect on system operation. [RECOVERY] No recovery action required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 152 } tmnxEqBpEpromWarningClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqBpEpromWarningClear notification is generated when the backplane EPROM warning condition is cleared." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 153 } tmnxPhysChassisPCMInputFeed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassisPCMInFeedDown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPhysChassisPCMInputFeed notification is generated if any one of the input feeds for a given PCM has gone offline. [EFFECT] There is an increased risk of system power brownouts or blackouts. [RECOVERY] Restore all of the input feeds that are not supplying power." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 154 } tmnxPhysChassisPCMInputFeedClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassisPCMInFeedDown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPhysChassisPCMInputFeedClr notification is generated when the last of the missing input feeds for a given PCM has been brought back online. [EFFECT] All PCM input feeds are supplying power. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 155 } tmnxIPMacQosIngOverload NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPMacQosIngOverload notification is generated when an ingress QoS policy is in overload on an FP due to its configured IPv4 or MAC criteria entries. [EFFECT] The impacted IPv4 or MAC criteria entries in the ingress QoS policy on the affected FP will not work as expected, because not all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] Identify the impacted ingress QoS policy, policy entries, and FPs using the appropriate tools commands. Remove or modify the policy criteria entries or change the policy assigned to the impacted FPs until the overload condition is cleared." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 156 } tmnxIPMacQosIngOverloadClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPMacQosIngOverloadClear notification is generated when ingress QoS policies are no longer in overload on an FP. [EFFECT] The IPv4 or MAC criteria entries in the ingress QoS policies on the affected FP will work as expected, because all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 157 } tmnxIPQosEgrOverload NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPQosEgrOverload notification is generated when an egress QoS policy is in overload on an FP due to its configured IPv4 criteria entries. [EFFECT] The impacted IPv4 criteria entries in the egress QoS policy on the affected FP will not work as expected, because not all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] Identify the impacted egress QoS policy, policy entries, and FPs using the appropriate tools commands. Remove or modify the policy criteria entries or change the policy assigned to the impacted FPs until the overload condition is cleared." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 158 } tmnxIPQosEgrOverloadClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPQosEgrOverloadClear notification is generated when egress QoS policies are no longer in overload on an FP. [EFFECT] The IPv4 criteria entries in the egress QoS policy on the affected FP will work as expected, because all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 159 } tmnxIPv6QosIngOverload NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPv6QosIngOverload notification is generated when an ingress QoS policy is in overload on an FP due to its configured IPv6 criteria entries. [EFFECT] The impacted IPv6 criteria entries in the ingress QoS policy on the affected FP will not work as expected, because not all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] Identify the impacted ingress QoS policy, policy entries, and FPs using the appropriate tools commands. Remove or modify the policy criteria entries or change the policy assigned to the impacted FPs until the overload condition is cleared." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 160 } tmnxIPv6QosIngOverloadClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPv6QosIngOverloadClear notification is generated when ingress QoS policies are no longer in overload on an FP. [EFFECT] The IPv6 criteria entries in the ingress QoS policy on the affected FP will work as expected, because all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 161 } tmnxIPv6QosEgrOverload NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPv6QosEgrOverload notification is generated when an egress QoS policy is in overload on an FP due to its configured IPv6 criteria entries. [EFFECT] The impacted IPv6 criteria entries in the egress QoS Policy on the affected FP will not work as expected, because not all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] Identify the impacted egress QoS policy, policy entries, and FPs using the appropriate tools commands. Remove or modify the policy criteria entries or change the policy assigned to the impacted FPs until the overload condition is cleared." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 162 } tmnxIPv6QosEgrOverloadClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPv6QosEgrOverloadClear notification is generated when egress QoS policies are no longer in overload on an FP. [EFFECT] The IPv6 criteria entries in the egress QoS policy on the affected FP will work as expected, because all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 163 } tmnxIPMacFilterIngOverload NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPMacFilterIngOverload notification is generated when an ingress IPv4 or MAC ACL Filter policy is in overload on an FP. [EFFECT] The impacted ingress IPv4 or MAC ACL Filter policy on the affected FP will not work as expected, because not all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] Identify the impacted ingress IPv4 or MAC ACL Filter policy, policy entries, and FPs using the appropriate tools commands. Remove or modify policy entries or change the policy assigned to the impacted FPs until the overload condition is cleared." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 164 } tmnxIPMacFilterIngOverloadClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPMacFilterIngOverloadClear notification is generated when ingress IPv4 or MAC ACL Filter policies are no longer in overload on an FP. [EFFECT] The ingress IPv4 or MAC ACL Filter policies on the affected FP will work as expected, because all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 165 } tmnxIPMacFilterEgrOverload NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPMacFilterEgrOverload notification is generated when an egress IPv4 or MAC ACL Filter policy is in overload on an FP. [EFFECT] The impacted egress IPv4 or MAC ACL Filter policy on the affected FP will not work as expected, because not all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] Identify the impacted egress IPv4 or MAC ACL Filter policy, policy entries, and FPs using the appropriate tools commands. Remove or modify policy entries or change the policy assigned to the impacted FPs until the overload condition is cleared." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 166 } tmnxIPMacFilterEgrOverloadClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPMacFilterEgrOverloadClear notification is generated when egress IPv4 or MAC ACL Filter policies are no longer in overload on an FP. [EFFECT] The egress IPv4 or MAC ACL Filter policies on the affected FP will work as expected, because all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 167 } tmnxIPv6FilterIngOverload NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPv6FilterIngOverload notification is generated when an ingress IPv6 ACL Filter policy is in overload on a FP. [EFFECT] The impacted ingress IPv6 ACL Filter policy on the affected FP will not work as expected, because not all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] Identify the impacted ingress IPv6 ACL Filter policy, policy entries, and FPs using the appropriate tools commands. Remove or modify policy entries or change the policy assigned to the impacted FPs until the overload condition is cleared." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 168 } tmnxIPv6FilterIngOverloadClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPv6FilterIngOverloadClear notification is generated when ingress IPv6 ACL Filter policies are no longer in overload on an FP. [EFFECT] The ingress IPv6 ACL Filter policies on the affected FP will work as expected, because all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 169 } tmnxIPv6FilterEgrOverload NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPv6FilterEgrOverload notification is generated when an egress IPv6 ACL Filter policy is in overload on an FP. [EFFECT] The impacted egress IPv6 ACL Filter policy on the affected FP will not work as expected, because not all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] Identify the impacted egress IPv6 ACL Filter policy, policy entries, and FPs using the appropriate tools commands. Remove or modify policy entries or changed the policy assigned to the impacted FPs until the overload condition is cleared." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 170 } tmnxIPv6FilterEgrOverloadClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPv6FilterEgrOverloadClear notification is generated when egress IPv6 ACL Filter policies are no longer in overload on an FP. [EFFECT] The egress IPv6 ACL Filter policies on the affected FP will work as expected, because all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 171 } tmnxIPMacCpmFilterOverload NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPMacCpmFilterOverload notification is generated when an IPv4 or MAC CPM Filter policy is in overload on an FP. [EFFECT] The impacted IPv4 or MAC CPM Filter policy on the affected FP will not work as expected, because not all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] Identify the impacted IPv4 or MAC CPM Filter policy, policy entries, and FPs using the appropriate tools commands. Remove or modify policy entries or change the policy assigned to the impacted FPs until the overload condition is cleared." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 172 } tmnxIPMacCpmFilterOverloadClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPMacCpmFilterOverloadClear notification is generated when IPv4 or MAC CPM Filter policies are no longer in overload on an FP. [EFFECT] The IPv4 or MAC CPM Filter policies on the affected FP will work as expected, because all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 173 } tmnxIPv6CpmFilterOverload NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPv6CpmFilterOverload notification is generated when an IPv6 CPM Filter policy is in overload on an FP. [EFFECT] The impacted IPv6 CPM Filter policy on the affected FP will not work as expected, because not all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] Identify the impacted IPv6 CPM Filter policy, policy entries, and FPs using the appropriate tools commands. Remove or modify policy entries or change the policy assigned to the impacted FPs until the overload condition is cleared." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 174 } tmnxIPv6CpmFilterOverloadClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPv6CpmFilterOverloadClear notification is generated when IPv6 CPM Filter policies are no longer in overload on an FP. [EFFECT] The IPv6 CPM Filter policies on the affected FP will work as expected, because all entries are programmed. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 175 } tmnxBluetoothModuleConnectionChg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyCpmCardSlotNum, tmnxBluetoothModuleConnected, tmnxBluetoothModuleConnectedMac } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxBluetoothModuleConnectionChg notification is generated when a remote Bluetooth device connects with or disconnects from the indicated Bluetooth module. [EFFECT] A Bluetooth device has connected with or disconnected from a Bluetooth module. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 178 } tmnxGnssAcquiringFix NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxGnssPositionValid } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxGnssAcquiringFix notification is generated when the GNSS receiver starts to acquire a fix. This occurs when the GNSS receiver is enabled, and also when the GNSS receiver loses its fix. [EFFECT] The position of the system is unknown until the receiver acquires a fix. [RECOVERY] Ensure that the GNSS antenna is properly connected to the system." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 179 } tmnxGnssAcquiredFix NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxGnssPositionValid } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxGnssAcquiredFix notification is generated when the GNSS receiver has acquired a valid fix on its position. [EFFECT] The position of the system is known. [RECOVERY] None needed" ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 180 } tmnxPhysChassisPMOutFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassisPMOutputStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPhysChassisPMOutFail notification is generated when an output failure occurs on the power module. [EFFECT] The power module is no longer operational. [RECOVERY] Insert a new power module." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 189 } tmnxPhysChassisPMOutFailClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassisPMOutputStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPhysChassisPMOutFailClr notification is generated when an output failure is cleared on the power module. [EFFECT] The power module is operational again. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 190 } tmnxPhysChassisPMInputFeed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassisPMInputFeedDown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPhysChassisPMInputFeed notification is generated if any one of the input feeds for a given power module is not supplying power. [EFFECT] There is an increased risk of system power brownouts or blackouts. [RECOVERY] Restore all of the input feeds that are not supplying power." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 191 } tmnxPhysChassisPMInputFeedClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxPhysChassisPMInputFeedDown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPhysChassPwrSupInputFeedClr notification is generated when the last of the missing input feeds has been brought back online. [EFFECT] All power module input feeds are supplying power. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 192 } tmnxPhysChassisFilterDoorOpen NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPhysChassisFilterDoorOpen notification is generated when the filter door is either open or not present. [EFFECT] Power shelf protection may be compromised. [RECOVERY] If the filter door is not installed, install it. Close the filter door." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 193 } tmnxPhysChassisFilterDoorClosed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPhysChassisFilterDoorClosed notification is generated when the filter door is present and closed. [EFFECT] The power shelves are protected by the closed door. [RECOVERY] No recovery required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 194 } tmnxPhysChassisPMOverTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxHwTemperature, tmnxHwTempThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPhysChassisPMOverTemp notification is generated when a power module's temperature surpasses the temperature threshold. [EFFECT] The power module is no longer operational. [RECOVERY] Check input feed and/or insert a new power module." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 195 } tmnxPhysChassisPMOverTempClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxHwTemperature, tmnxHwTempThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPhysChassisPMOverTempClr notification is generated when a power module's temperature is reduced below the temperature threshold. [EFFECT] The power module is operational again. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 196 } tmnxIPMacFilterIngNearFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPMacFilterIngNearFull notification is generated when an ingress IPv4 or MAC ACL Filter policies are near full utilization on an FP. [EFFECT] There is no operational impact due to this event. [RECOVERY] None required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 197 } tmnxIPMacFilterIngNearFullClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPMacFilterIngNearFullClear notification is generated when ingress IPv4 or MAC ACL Filter policies are no longer near full utilization on an FP. [EFFECT] There is no operational impact due to this event. [RECOVERY] None required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 198 } tmnxIPMacFilterEgrNearFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPMacFilterEgrNearFull notification is generated when an egress IPv4 or MAC ACL Filter policies are near full utilization on an FP. [EFFECT] There is no operational impact due to this event. [RECOVERY] None required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 199 } tmnxIPMacFilterEgrNearFullClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPMacFilterEgrNearFullClear notification is generated when egress IPv4 or MAC ACL Filter policies are no longer near full utilization on an FP. [EFFECT] There is no operational impact due to this event. [RECOVERY] None required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 200 } tmnxIPv6FilterIngNearFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPv6FilterIngNearFull notification is generated when an ingress IPv6 ACL Filter policies are near full utilization on an FP. [EFFECT] There is no operational impact due to this event. [RECOVERY] None required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 201 } tmnxIPv6FilterIngNearFullClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPv6FilterIngNearFullClear notification is generated when ingress IPv6 ACL Filter policies are no longer near full utilization on an FP. [EFFECT] There is no operational impact due to this event. [RECOVERY] None required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 202 } tmnxIPv6FilterEgrNearFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPv6FilterEgrNearFull notification is generated when an egress IPv6 ACL Filter policies are near full utilization on an FP. [EFFECT] There is no operational impact due to this event. [RECOVERY] None required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 203 } tmnxIPv6FilterEgrNearFullClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIPv6FilterEgrNearFullClear notification is generated when egress IPv6 ACL Filter policies are no longer near full utilization on an FP. [EFFECT] There is no operational impact due to this event. [RECOVERY] None required." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 204 } tmnxEqFpgaSoftError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqFpgaSoftError notification is for experimental use only and should remain suppressed unless advised otherwise by Nokia customer support. [EFFECT] Contact Nokia customer support. [RECOVERY] Contact Nokia customer support." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 211 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingSyncEQuality NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncERxQltyLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when there is a change of the received quality level on timing reference synce." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 212 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingSyncE2Quality NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSyncIfTimingSyncE2RxQltyLevl } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when there is a change of the received quality level on timing reference synce2." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 213 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingSyncEAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an alarm condition on the SYNCE timing reference is detected. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 214 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingSyncEAlarmClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an alarm condition on the SYNCE timing reference is cleared. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 215 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingSyncE2Alarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an alarm condition on the SYNCE 2 timing reference is detected. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 216 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingSyncE2AlarmClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an alarm condition on the SYNCE 2 timing reference is cleared. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 217 } tmnxEqHwEventDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxEqNotifyHwEventType, tmnxEqNotifyHwEventDetail, tmnxEqNotifyHwEventAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqHwEventDetected notification is generated when events or errors being monitored are detected by hardware component. [EFFECT] The system will perform the configured action on the hardware component as indicated by tmnxEqNotifyHwEventAction. [RECOVERY] Check hardware component." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 218 } tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmActivity NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmGroupAssoc, tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmActive } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxTunnelGrpEsaVmActivity notification is generated when a tunnel-capable ESA virtual machine that is associated with a tunnel group becomes active or inactive within its group." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 219 } tmnxEsaDiscovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxEsaNotifyId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEsaDiscovered notification is generated when a new ESA is discovered by the system. This happens when an initial dhcp request is received on the configured ESA host port." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 220 } tmnxEsaConnected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxEsaNotifyId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEsaConnected notification is generated when the ESA boots successfully and the system can communicate with the ESA." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 221 } tmnxEsaDisconnected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxEsaNotifyId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEsaDisconnected notification is generated when the ESA is unprovisioned (i.e. host port unassigned)." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 222 } tmnxEsaFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxEsaNotifyId, tmnxEsaStatsOperFlags } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEsaFailure notification is generated when a failure occurs on an ESA. There are several reasons that cause a failure, including losing communications with the ESA, detecting an incompatible ESA, or firmware upgrade failure." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 223 } tmnxEsaCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxEsaNotifyId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEsaCleared notification is generated when an ESA is cleared or rebooted. A manual clear of the ESA will generate this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 224 } tmnxEsaVmCreated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxEsaNotifyId, tmnxEsaVmNotifyId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEsaVmCreated notification is generated when an ESA VM is created." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 225 } tmnxEsaVmBooted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxEsaNotifyId, tmnxEsaVmNotifyId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEsaVmBooted notification is generated when an ESA VM is booted." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 226 } tmnxEsaVmRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxEsaNotifyId, tmnxEsaVmNotifyId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEsaVmRemoved notification is generated when an ESA VM is removed from the ESA, as a result of it being unprovisioned (i.e. host port or type unassigned) or unequipped (i.e. memory or cores unassigned)." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 227 } tmnxEsaVmCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxEsaNotifyId, tmnxEsaVmNotifyId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEsaVmCleared notification is generated when an ESA VM is cleared or restarted. A manual clear of the esa-vm will generate this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 228 } tmnxEsaVmFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxEsaNotifyId, tmnxEsaVmNotifyId, tmnxEsaVmStatsOperFlags } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEsaVmFailure notification is generated when an ESA VM is declared failed. This could be for any of the reasons listed in tmnxEsaVmStatsOperFlags, other than adminDown." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 229 } tIPsecEsaVmMemLowWatermark NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxEsaNotifyId, tmnxEsaVmNotifyId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] A tIPsecEsaVmMemLowWatermark notification is generated when the ESA VM memory usage ratio has dropped back to the normal level. [EFFECT] The system accepts new IKE states. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery required for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 230 } tIPsecEsaVmMemHighWatermark NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxEsaNotifyId, tmnxEsaVmNotifyId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] A tIPsecEsaVmMemHighWatermark notification is generated when the ESA VM memory usage ratio has almost reached the maximum value. [EFFECT] The system may stop accepting new IKE states shortly. [RECOVERY] Use fewer SAs for each IKE tunnel." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 231 } tmnxPeKernelVersionMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer, tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] This notification is generated when there is a mismatch between the software version of the host kernel software and the CPM software. This may occur if the user updates the system software without following the recommended software upgrade procedures. The object tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex identifies the CPM card. The object tmnxChassisNotifyMismatchedVer contains the version of the host kernel software and tmnxHwSoftwareCodeVersion contains the version of the CPM software. This notification is only applicable to systems that use both host kernel software and CPM software, such as the 7705 SAR-Hm and the 7250 IXR-s. [EFFECT] Although the system may appear to work properly, the behavior of the system in this state is undefined. Using mismatched versions of host kernel software and CPM software is not supported. [RECOVERY] Follow the recommended software upgrade procedures to update the host kernel software and CPM software to the desired software release." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 232 } tmnxFPResourcePolicyModified NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The FP resource policy applied to the FP has been modified, or a different FP resource policy is applied to the FP. [EFFECT] Modifying the configuration could result in a failure to instantiate queues. [RECOVERY] The configuration must be saved and the system rebooted immediately." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 233 } tmnxFPResourcePolicyModifiedClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxHwClass, tmnxChassisNotifyFpNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] Generates a notification when tmnxFPResourcePolicyModified is cleared. [EFFECT] None. [RECOVERY] None." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 234 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingGnssQuality NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSyncIfTimingGnssRxQltyLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when there is a change of the received quality level on timing reference gnss." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 235 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingGnss2Quality NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSyncIfTimingGnss2RxQltyLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when there is a change of the received quality level on timing reference gnss2." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 236 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingGnssAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] Generated when an alarm condition on the gnss timing reference is detected. The type of alarm (los, oof, etc) is indicated in the details of the log event or alarm, and is also available in the tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm attribute included in the SNMP notification. The SNMP notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable. [EFFECT] Timing reference gnss cannot be used as a source of timing into the central clock. [RECOVERY] Address issues with the signal associated with timing reference gnss." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 237 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingGnss2Alarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] Generated when an alarm condition on the gnss2 timing reference is detected. The type of alarm (los, oof, etc) is indicated in the details of the log event or alarm, and is also available in the tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm attribute included in the SNMP notification. The SNMP notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable. [EFFECT] Timing reference gnss2 cannot be used as a source of timing into the central clock. [RECOVERY] Address issues with the signal associated with timing reference gnss2." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 238 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingGnssAlarmClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an alarm condition on the gnss timing reference is cleared. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 239 } tmnxEqSyncIfTimingGnss2AlarmClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass, tmnxSyncIfTimingNotifyAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an alarm condition on the gnss2 timing reference is cleared. This notification will have the same indices as those of the tmnxCpmCardTable." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 240 } tmnxEsaFirmwareUpgradeStarted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxEsaNotifyId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEsaFirmwareUpgradeStarted notification is generated when an ESA requests a firmware upgrade and is in progress." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 241 } tmnxPlcyAcctPlcrPoolExcResource NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxFPPlcyAcctPolicerLimit, tmnxFPPlcyAcctPolicerInUse } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPlcyAcctPlcrPoolExcResource notification is generated when the number of in-use policer resource usage as specified by tmnxFPPlcyAcctPolicerInUse exceeds 95 percent of the policer limit as specified by tmnxFPPlcyAcctPolicerLimit. [EFFECT] The affected device may not provide accurate and complete statistics. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery required for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 242 } tmnxPlcyAcctPlcrPoolLowResource NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxFPPlcyAcctPolicerLimit, tmnxFPPlcyAcctPolicerInUse } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPlcyAcctPlcrPoolLowResource notification is generated when the number of in-use policer resource as specified by tmnxFPPlcyAcctPolicerInUse is below 85 percent of the policer limit as specified by tmnxFPPlcyAcctPolicerLimit. [EFFECT] The configured policer limit is cleared when the number of in-use policer resources falls below 85 percent of the policer limit. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery required for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 243 } tChassisAirflowDirMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tChassisAirflowDirMismatch notification is generated when airflow direction is not identical for all chassis fans and power-supply fans equipped by the physical chassis. [EFFECT] Mismatched airflow direction among fans may cause increased temperature, intermittent errors, and could damage components. [RECOVERY] The operator must identify a single preferred airflow direction, remove any chassis fans and power-supply fans which do not match it, and replace them with equipment having fans of the preferred airflow direction." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 244 } tChassisAirflowDirMismatchClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tChassisAirflowDirMismatchClr notification is generated to indicate that all chassis fans and power-supply fans with mismatched airflow directions have been replaced, and all chassis-fans and power-supply fans share the same direction." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 245 } tChassisPowerSupplyMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tChassisPowerSupplyMismatch notification is generated when power-supply elements equipped to the physical chassis are not all of the same type. [EFFECT] There is an increased risk of power-supply failure. Intermittent error or damage to components may also result. [RECOVERY] The operator must identify a single preferred or required power-supply type, remove any power-supply elements of other types, and replace them with equipment of the preferred power-supply type." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 246 } tChassisPowerSupplyMismatchClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tChassisPowerSupplyMismatchClr notification is generated to indicate that all power-supply elements of mismatched types have been replaced, and all power-supply elements now share the same type." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 247 } tChassisPowerSupplyUnsup NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyHwIndex, tmnxHwID, tmnxHwClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tChassisPowerSupplyUnsup notification is generated when power-supply elements equipped to the physical chassis are not of a supported type. [EFFECT] There is an increased risk of power-supply failure. Intermittent error or damage to components may also result. [RECOVERY] The operator must identify any equipped power supply elements of unsupported type, remove them, and replace them with equipment of a supported power-supply type" ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 248 } tmnxIomRsrcUsageHighLimitReached NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxIomRsrcTimeEventOccured, tmnxIomRsrcResourceType, tmnxIomRsrcUsagePercent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIomRsrcUsageHighLimitReached notification is generated when the utilization of the IOM resource of type tmnxIomRsrcResourceType reaches or exceeds 90%. [EFFECT] The specified resource limit is cleared when the number of in-use resources falls below the 85% threshold. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery required for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 252 } tmnxIomRsrcUsageExhausted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxIomRsrcTimeEventOccured, tmnxIomRsrcResourceType, tmnxIomRsrcUsagePercent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIomRsrcUsageExhausted notification is generated when all the IOM resources of type tmnxIomRsrcResourceType have been exhausted. [EFFECT] The specified resource has reached its limit. [RECOVERY] Intervention may be required to recover resources." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 253 } tmnxIomRsrcUsageRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxIomRsrcTimeEventOccured, tmnxIomRsrcResourceType, tmnxIomRsrcUsagePercent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIomRsrcUsageRecovered notification is generated when the utilization of the IOM resource of type tmnxIomRsrcResourceType drops below 85%. [EFFECT] The specified resource limit is cleared when the number of in-use resources falls below the 85% threshold. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery required for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 254 } tmnxIomRsrcUserOversubscribed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxIomRsrcTimeEventOccured, tmnxIomRsrcResourceType, tmnxIomRsrcUserType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIomRsrcUserOversubscribed notification is generated when the IOM resource of type tmnxIomRsrcResourceType has been exhausted for user tmnxIomRsrcUserType. [EFFECT] Traffic for user tmnxIomRsrcUserType may be affected. [RECOVERY] Intervention may be required to recover resources." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 255 } tmnxIomRsrcUserOversubscribedClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxIomRsrcTimeEventOccured, tmnxIomRsrcResourceType, tmnxIomRsrcUserType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIomRsrcUserOversubscribedClr notification is generated when when all the required IOM resources of type tmnxIomRsrcResourceType for user tmnxIomRsrcUserType have been allocated. [EFFECT] Traffic for user tmnxIomRsrcUserType is no longer affected. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 256 } tmnxIomRsrcEventOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxIomRsrcTimeEventOccured } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIomRsrcEventOverflow notification is generated when tmnxIomRsrcUsageHighLimitReached, tmnxIomRsrcUsageExhausted, tmnxIomRsrcUsageRecovered, tmnxIomRsrcUserOversubscribed or tmnxIomRsrcUserOversubscribedClr occur more than 200 times because of resource usage fluctuation. The IOM raises the final trap to indicate overflow and stops logging traps. [EFFECT] Some IOM notifications may not be received. [RECOVERY] Notifications will resume once the Overflow clear is set." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 257 } tmnxIomRsrcEventOverflowClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxIomRsrcTimeEventOccured, tmnxIomRsrcMissingNotifCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxIomRsrcEventOverflowClr notification is generated when the CPM polls the IOM for traps and the overflow is cleared by logging an overflow-clear on a particular card. [EFFECT] Notifications are received again since the event throttling has ended. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 258 } tmnxHwAggShpSchedEventOvrflwClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxHwAggShpTimeEventOccured, tmnxHwAggShpMissingNotifCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxHwAggShpSchedEventOvrflwClr notification is generated when the CPM polls the IOM for Hw Agg Shaper Sched traps and the overflow is cleared by logging anoverflow-clear on a particular card. [EFFECT] Notifications are received again since the event throttling has ended. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery for this notification." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 259 } tmnxHwAggShpSchedEventOvrflw NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxChassisNotifyCardSlotNum, tmnxHwAggShpTimeEventOccured } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxHwAggShpSchedEventOvrflwClr notification is generated when HW Agg Shaper Scheduler oper color occurs more than 200 times because of Number of agg-shapers parented to a scheduler. The IOM raises the final trap to indicate overflow and stops logging traps. [EFFECT] Hw Agg shaper scheduler color notifications on the card may not be received. [RECOVERY] Notifications will resume once the Overflow clear is set." ::= { tmnxChassisNotification 260 } END