TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB InetAddress, InetAddressIPv4, InetAddressIPv6, InetAddressPrefixLength, InetAddressType FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF Counter32, Counter64, Gauge32, Integer32, IpAddress, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE, Opaque, TimeTicks, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, MacAddress, RowPointer, RowStatus, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TimeStamp, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC timetraSRMIBModules, tmnxSRConfs, tmnxSRNotifyPrefix, tmnxSRObjs FROM TIMETRA-GLOBAL-MIB ClassIndexOrNone, Dot1PPriority, IPv6FlowLabel, IPv6FlowLabelMask, IpAddressPrefixLength, QTagFullRange, QTagFullRangeOrNone, SdpBindId, ServiceAccessPoint, SvcISID, TDSCPFilterActionValue, TDSCPNameOrEmpty, TFCTypeOrNone, TFrameType, TIcmpCodeOrNone, TIcmpTypeOrNone, TIpOption, TIpProtocol, TIpProtocolNumber, TItemDescription, TLNamedItem, TLNamedItemOrEmpty, TMacFilterType, TNamedItem, TNamedItemOrEmpty, TOperator, TRegularExpression, TTcpUdpPort, TmnxAddressAndPrefixAddress, TmnxAddressAndPrefixPrefix, TmnxAddressAndPrefixType, TmnxAdminState, TmnxAdminStateTruthValue, TmnxEncapVal, TmnxHttpRedirectUrl, TmnxNatSubscriberType, TmnxNatSubscriberTypeOrNone, TmnxOperState, TmnxPortID, TmnxServId, TmnxSubBondingConnIdOrEmpty, TmnxVRtrID, TmnxVRtrIDOrZero, TmnxVRtrMplsLspID FROM TIMETRA-TC-MIB ; timetraFilterMIBModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201701010000Z" ORGANIZATION "Nokia" CONTACT-INFO "Nokia SROS Support Web: http://www.nokia.com" DESCRIPTION "This document is the SNMP MIB module to manage and provision Filter features on Nokia SROS systems. Copyright 2003-2018 Nokia. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this document is authorized on the condition that the foregoing copyright notice is included. This SNMP MIB module (Specification) embodies Nokia's proprietary intellectual property. Nokia retains all title and ownership in the Specification, including any revisions. Nokia grants all interested parties a non-exclusive license to use and distribute an unmodified copy of this Specification in connection with management of Nokia products, and without fee, provided this copyright notice and license appear on all copies. This Specification is supplied 'as is', and Nokia makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the Specification." REVISION "201701010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 15.0 1 Jan 2017 00:00 15.0 release of the TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB." REVISION "201601010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 14.0 1 Jan 2016 00:00 14.0 release of the TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB." REVISION "201501010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 13.0 1 Jan 2015 00:00 13.0 release of the TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB." REVISION "201401010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 12.0 1 Jan 2014 00:00 12.0 release of the TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB." REVISION "201208010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 11.0 1 Aug 2012 00:00 11.0 release of the TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB." REVISION "201102010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 9.0 01 Feb 2011 00:00 9.0 release of the TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB." REVISION "200907010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 8.0 01 Jul 2009 00:00 8.0 release of the TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB." REVISION "200807010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 6.1 01 Jul 2008 00:00 6.1 release of the TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB." REVISION "200801010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 6.0 01 Jan 2008 00:00 6.0 release of the TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB." REVISION "200701010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 5.0 01 Jan 2007 00:00 5.0 release of the TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB." REVISION "200602280000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 4.0 28 Feb 2006 00:00 4.0 release of the TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB." REVISION "200508310000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 3.0 31 Aug 2005 00:00 3.0 release of the TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB." REVISION "200501240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.1 24 Jan 2005 00:00 2.1 release of the TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB." REVISION "200401150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.0 15 Jan 2004 00:00 2.0 release of the TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB." REVISION "200308150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.2 15 Aug 2003 00:00 1.2 release of the TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB." REVISION "200301290000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 0.1 29 Jan 2003 00:00 Initial version of the TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB." ::= { timetraSRMIBModules 21 } TFilterID ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identification number of a filter. 0 indicates an invalid filter-id." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) TFilterFlowspecGroupId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identification number of a flowspec group. 65535 indicates an invalid group id (when used in embedding it means embed rules from all groups)" SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..16383 | 65535) TIPFilterIdOrEmpty ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identification number of an IP filter." SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..65535) TVsdFilterID ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identification number of a filter managed by a VSD controller. The value of the upper 16 bits is always equal to 0x0400. The value of the lower 16 bits corresponds to the last segment of the name used for the filter in CLI (_tmnx_vsd_)." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (67108865..67174399) TConfigOrVsdFilterID ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identification number of a filter. Any value greater than 0x0000FFFF (65535) indicates a filter that was dynamically created (auto-generated) by the system and as such cannot be used as part of any SNMP SET operation. - The range 0x00000001 .. 0x0000FFFF (1 .. 65535) indicates a regular configuration originated filter. - The range 0x04000001 .. 0x0400FFFF (67108865 .. 67174399) indicates a filter managed by a VSD controller. In this case the last 16 bits indicate the ID of the VSD filter. - The value 0 indicates an invalid filter-id (e.g. no filter applied on a particular endpoint)." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535 | 67108865..67174399) TAnyFilterID ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents a filter Id. Any value greater than 65535 indicates a filter that was created (auto-generated) by the system. - The range 0x01000000 through 0x0100FFFF indicates a filter used for BGP Flow-Spec. In this case, the last 15 bits indicate the value of the vRtrID where the filter is active. Values higher than 0x01008000 represent flowspec group filters. - The range 0x03000000 through 0x0300FFFF indicates a filter used for Open-Flow. - The range 0x20000000 .. 0x3FFFFFFF is used for handling filter rules (received from RADIUS) that are to be shared between users. The Id is encoded as follows: - the highest 3 bits (0b001) indicate that it is an auto-generated shared filter - the subsequent 13 bits indicate which combination of filter rules are inserted; this corresponds to the second number in the filter Id as displayed in CLI: the '1' in the example '9:1' - the subsequent 16 bits indicate the base filter Id; this corresponds to the first number ('9') in '9:1' - The range 0x10000000 .. 0x1FFFFFFF is used for handling filter flow-rules (received from DIAMETER) that are to be shared between users. The Id is encoded as follows: - the highest 4 bits (0b0001) indicate that it is an auto-generated flow-rule filter - the subsequent 12 bits indicate which combination of flow-rules are inserted; this corresponds to the second number in the filter Id as displayed in CLI: the '2' in the example '9:P2' - the subsequent 16 bits indicate the base filter Id; this corresponds to the first number ('9') in the example '9:P2' - The range 0x04000001 .. 0x0400FFFF (67108865..67174399) indicates a filter managed by a VSD controller. In this case the last 16 bits indicate the ID of the VSD filter. " SYNTAX Unsigned32 TFilterScope ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention determines some aspects of an item's behavior regarding creation and use, unused entry garbage collection, and automated promulgation by Element Management System to other systems in the service domain. TFilterScope is an extension of the textual convention TItemScope. exclusive: When the scope of an item is defined as exclusive, the item can only be applied once, for example to a single SAP. Attempting to assign the policy to a second SAP is not allowed and will result in an error. If the item is removed from the exclusive SAP, it will become available for assignment to another exclusive SAP. A non-applied exclusive scope policy is a candidate to be removed from the system by a TBD garbage collection command. The system default policies cannot be put into the exclusive scope. An error will be generated if scope exclusive is executed in any policies with a policy-id equal to 1. template: When the scope of an item is defined as template, the item can be applied any number of times. Policies with template scope will not be considered for deletion by a TBD garbage collection command; all items of scope 'template' must be deleted explicitly. The system default policies will always be scope template. An error will occur if a policy-id 1 is attempted to be set to scope exclusive. embedded: When the scope of a filter is defined as embedded, this indicates that the filter may be embedded in other non-embedded filters. An embedded filter may not be applied anywhere in the system. Attempting to set scope to embedded for a filter which is already applied will be rejected by the system. system: When the scope of a filter policy is defined as system, the filter policy can be used as a common system filter policy only. The policy cannot be applied directly anywhere in the system. In order to activate the policy it must be configured as the active system filter policy in tFilterSystemFilterTable. All other 'exclusive' and 'template' IP / IPv6 filter policies may be chained to the active system policy by setting the tIPFilterChainToSystemFilter or tIPv6FilterChainToSystemFilter object to 'true(1)'. When an IP / IPv6 filter policy is chained to the system filter policy, system filter policy's rules are executed first before any rules of the activating filter policy are executed. The scope of a filter policy can be set to/from this value only when the policy does not contain any entry. " SYNTAX INTEGER { exclusive (1), template (2), embedded (3), system (4) } TItemMatch ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "when set to off, the item is not matched. when set to false, packets without the item match the filter. when set to true, packets with the item match the filter." SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), false (2), true (3) } TFragmentMatch ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "when set to off, the item is not matched. when set to false, packets without the item match the filter entry. when set to true, packets with the item match the filter entry. when set to first-only, packets with first fragment match the filter entry. when set to non-first-only, packets with non-first fragment match the filter entry." SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), false (2), true (3), first-only (4), non-first-only (5) } TAnyEntryId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies an entry in a policy or filter table." SYNTAX Unsigned32 TEntryIdOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies an entry in a policy or filter table. To facilitate insertion of entries in the tables, we recommend assigning entry IDs by 10s: 10, 20, 30, etc. The value 0, means that the object does not refer to a filter entry at this time." SYNTAX TAnyEntryId (0..2097151) TEntryId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies an entry in a policy or filter table. To facilitate insertion of entries in the tables, we recommend assigning entry IDs by 10s: 10, 20, 30, etc." SYNTAX TEntryIdOrZero (1..2097151) TLimitedEntryId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies an entry in a policy or filter table. To facilitate insertion of entries in the tables, we recommend assigning entry IDs by 10s: 10, 20, 30, etc." SYNTAX TEntryId (1..65535) TDhcpEntryId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" SYNTAX TLimitedEntryId TEntryBlockSize ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines size of block used for filter entries insertion." SYNTAX TEntryIdOrZero (0..65535) TFilterAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Action to take on a packet: - drop (1): packets matching the filter entry are dropped. - forward (2): packets matching the filter entry are forwarded. - httpRedirect(4): packets matching the filter entry are redirected. - nat (5): packets matching the filter entry are forwarded to the NAT function in the system. - reassemble (6): packets matching the filter entry are forwarded to the packet REASSEMBLE function in the system. - gtpLclBrkout(7): packets matching the filter entry are broken out locally from a GTP tunnel (and thereby bypass the mobile packet core). For packets that are not sent in the context of a GTP tunnel, this action is equivalent to 'forward'. - forwardEsiL2(8): packets matching the filter entry are forwarded to ESI identified first appliance in Nuage service chain using EVPN-resolved VXLAN tunnel in the specified VPLS service. - forwardEsiL3(9): packets matching the filter entry are forwarded to ESI/SF-IP identified first appliance in Nuage service chain using EVPN-resolved VXLAN tunnel over the configured VAS interface in the specified VPRN service. - unrecognized(11): Tables tMacFilterParamsTable, tIPFilterParamsTable, tIPv6FilterParamsTable and their augment tables can only be used to configure actions which were available before introducing tMacFltrEntryActionTable and tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable. All actions (including action related functionality) can be configured via tables tMacFltrEntryActionTable and tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable. The value 'unrecognized' indicates that the currently configured action was added after introduction of tMacFltrEntryActionTable and tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable and can't be interpreted in the tables tMacFilterParamsTable, tIPFilterParamsTable, tIPv6FilterParamsTable and their augment tables. " SYNTAX INTEGER { drop (1), forward (2), httpRedirect (4), nat (5), reassemble (6), gtpLclBrkout (7), forwardEsiL2 (8), forwardEsiL3 (9), unrecognized (11) } TFilterPbrDownActionOvr ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The textual convention TFilterPbrDownActionOvr specifies an override of default PBR down action: - none (0): default PBR down action is applied to packets matching the filter entry. Default PBR down action is either drop or forward based on PBR action type. - drop (1): packets matching the filter entry are dropped. - forward (2): packets matching the filter entry are forwarded. - filterDefaultAction (3): packets matching the filter entry are handled according to filter default action configured using tIPFilterDefaultAction for IP filter, tIPv6FilterDefaultAction for IPv6 filter and tMacFilterDefaultAction for MAC filter." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), drop (1), forward (2), filterDefaultAction (3) } TFilterActionOrDefault ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Action to take on a packet: - drop (1): packets matching the filter entry are dropped. - forward (2): packets matching the filter entry are forwarded. - default (3): packets matching the filter entry get the applicable default behavior. Note: the value 'default' is currently not supported. - httpRedirect(4): packets matching the filter entry are redirected. - nat (5): packets matching the filter entry are forwarded to the NAT function in the system. - reassemble (6): packets matching the filter entry are forwarded to the packet REASSEMBLE function in the system. - gtpLclBrkout(7): packets matching the filter entry are broken out locally from a GTP tunnel (and thereby bypass the mobile packet core). For packets that are not sent in the context of a GTP tunnel, this action is equivalent to 'forward'. - forwardEsiL2(8): packets matching the filter entry are forwarded to ESI identified first appliance in Nuage service chain using EVPN-resolved VXLAN tunnel in the specified VPLS service. - forwardEsiL3(9): packets matching the filter entry are forwarded to ESI/SF-IP identified first appliance in Nuage service chain using EVPN-resolved VXLAN tunnel over the configured VAS interface in the specified VPRN service. - unrecognized(11): Tables tMacFilterParamsTable, tIPFilterParamsTable, tIPv6FilterParamsTable and their augment tables can only be used to configure actions which were available before introducing tMacFltrEntryActionTable and tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable. All actions (including action related functionality) can be configured via tables tMacFltrEntryActionTable and tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable. The value 'unrecognized' indicates that the currently configured action was added after introduction of tMacFltrEntryActionTable and tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable and can't be interpreted in the tables tMacFilterParamsTable, tIPFilterParamsTable, tIPv6FilterParamsTable and their augment tables. - ignoreMatch(30): Match criteria are skipped. " SYNTAX INTEGER { drop (1), forward (2), default (3), httpRedirect (4), nat (5), reassemble (6), gtpLclBrkout (7), forwardEsiL2 (8), forwardEsiL3 (9), unrecognized (11), ignoreMatch (30) } TIPvXFilterEntryAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Action to take on a packet: - drop (1): A packet matching the entry will be dropped. - forward (2): A packet matching the entry will be forwarded using regular routing. - httpRedirect (4): An HTTP GET packet matching the entry is forwarded to CPM for HTTP captive portal processing. - nat (5): A packet matching the entry will be forwarded to NAT. - reassemble (6): Packets matching the entry are forwarded to the packet REASSEMBLE function in the system. - gtpLclBrkout (7): A packet matching the entry is broken out locally from a GTP tunnel (and thereby bypass the mobile packet core). For packets that are not sent in the context of a GTP tunnel, this action is equivalent to forward. - forwardEsiL2 (8): A packet matching the entry will be forwarded to ESI identified first appliance in Nuage service chain using EVPN-resolved VXLAN tunnel in the specified VPLS service. - forwardEsiL3 (9): A packet matching the entry will be forwarded to ESI/SF-IP identified first appliance in Nuage service chain using EVPN-resolved VXLAN tunnel over the configured VAS interface in the specified VPRN service. - ofPacketIn (10): Packets are sent to controller configured for this H-OFS instance on a dedicated packet-in channel part of the main or auxiliary connection. - dropTtl (12): A packet matching the entry will be dropped only if 'Time-to-live' field of packet's IPv4 header or 'Hop-Limit' field of packet's IPv6 header meets the configured condition. - dropPktLen (13): A packet matching the entry will be dropped only if 'Total Length' field of packet's IPv4 header or 'Payload Length' field of packet's IPv6 header field meets the configured condition. - forwardRtr (14): A packet matching the entry will be forwarded in the configured routing context. - forwardNextHop (15): A packet matching the entry will be forwarded in the routing context of the incoming interface using direct or indirect IP address in the routing lookup. - forwardNextHopRtr (16): A packet matching the entry will be forwarded in the configured routing context using direct or indirect IP address in the routing lookup. - forwardNHInterface (17): A packet matching the entry will be forwarded using the configured local interface. - forwardLsp (18): A packet matching the entry will be forwarded using the specified LSP. - forwardSdp (19): A packet matching the entry will be forwarded using the configured SDP. - forwardSap (20): A packet matching the entry will be forwarded using the configured SAP. - forwardRPlcy (21): A packet matching the entry will be forwarded using forward next-hop or forward next-hop router and the IP address of destination selected by the configured redirect policy. If no destination is selected packets are subject to action forward. - rateLimit (22): Traffic matching the entry will be limited to the value specified by the object tIPvXFltrEntryActRateLimit. - tcpMssAdjust (23): The value of TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS) option of packets matching the entry will be set to the value specified by TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB.mib::tmnxVrtrMssAdjSegmentSize if the value of the option exceeds that value or the option is not present at all. - remarkDscp (24): DSCP value of packets matching the entry will be remarked. - rateLimitPktLen (25): Packet rate of packets matching the entry and having value of 'Total Length' field of packet's IPv4 header or value of 'Payload Length' field of packet's IPv6 header meeting the configured condition is limited to value specified by tIPvXFltrEntryActRateLimit. - rateLimitTtl (26): Packet rate of packets matching the entry and having value of 'Time-to-live' field of packet's IPv4 header or value of 'Hop-Limit' field of packet's IPv6 header meeting the configured condition is limited to value specified by tIPvXFltrEntryActRateLimit. - dropExtractedTraffic (27): Traffic extracted to CPM will be dropped. - forwardVprnTarget (28): A packet matching the filter entry will be forwarded using specified tunnel. - forwardBondingConnection (29):In a bonding context indicates the packet should be forwarded over the given connection if that connection is available. Outside a bonding context this is equivalent to an unqualified forward action. - ignoreMatch (30): Match criteria are skipped. - forwardGreTunnel (31):A packet matching the entry will be encapsulated in GRE an transported to a locations defined in GRE tunnel template. - dropPattern (32):A packet matching the entry and containing the specified pattern will be dropped. - rateLimitPattern (33):Packet rate of packets matching the entry and containing the specified pattern is limited to value specified by tIPvXFltrEntryActRateLimit. - forwardPattern (34):A packet matching the entry and containing the specified pattern will be forwarded. - forwardMplsPlcyEndpt (35): A packet matching the entry will be forwarded using a tunnel associated with the MPLS forawarding policy endpoint. - forwardSrtePlcyEndptColor (36): A packet matching the entry will be forwarded using a tunnel associated with the SR-TE policy endpoint and color. - rateLimitExtractedTraffic (38): Packet rate of packets extracted to CPM and matching the entry is limited to value specified by tIPvXFltrEntryActRateLimit." SYNTAX INTEGER { drop (1), forward (2), httpRedirect (4), nat (5), reassemble (6), gtpLclBrkout (7), forwardEsiL2 (8), forwardEsiL3 (9), ofPacketIn (10), dropTtl (12), dropPktLen (13), forwardRtr (14), forwardNextHop (15), forwardNextHopRtr (16), forwardNHInterface (17), forwardLsp (18), forwardSdp (19), forwardSap (20), forwardRPlcy (21), rateLimit (22), tcpMssAdjust (23), remarkDscp (24), rateLimitPktLen (25), rateLimitTtl (26), dropExtractedTraffic (27), forwardVprnTarget (28), forwardBondingConnection (29), ignoreMatch (30), forwardGreTunnel (31), dropPattern (32), rateLimitPattern (33), forwardPattern (34), forwardMplsPlcyEndpt (35), forwardSrtePlcyEndptColor (36), httpRedirectCpf (37), rateLimitExtractedTraffic (38) } TFilterPbrTargetStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of PBR target : - unknown (0): Status of PBR target is not tracked - doesNotExist (1): The system does not know the PBR target. - up (2): PBR target is known by the system and can be used for forwarding the traffic. - down (3): PBR target is known by the system but can't be used for forwarding the traffic. - routerSpecific (4): PBR target status depends on service where filter is applied." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), doesNotExist (1), up (2), down (3), routerSpecific (4) } TFilterDownloadedAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Filter action downloaded to IOM: - none (1): No filter entry action is downloaded to IOM. Entry is inactive or filter is not applied. - primary (2): Primary filter entry action is downloaded to IOM. - secondary (3): Secondary filter entry action is downloaded to IOM. - forward (4): Neither primary nor secondary action is downloaded to IOM. Action forward is downloaded to IOM. - drop (5): Neither primary nor secondary action is downloaded to IOM. Action drop is downloaded to IOM. - notDisplayed (6): Field is not supported for configured action." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), primary (2), secondary (3), forward (4), drop (5), notDisplayed (6) } TFilterEntryActionId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The textual convention TFilterEntryActionId specifies the unique identifier and also the priority of the action within the filter entry." SYNTAX INTEGER { primary (1), secondary (2) } TMacFilterEntryAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Action to take on a packet matching the filter entry: - drop (1) : A packet matching the entry will be dropped. - forward (2) : A packet matching the entry will be forwarded using regular routing. - httpRedirect (4): An HTTP GET packet matching the entry is forwarded to CPM for HTTP captive portal processing. - forwardEsiL2 (8): A packet matching the entry will be forwarded to ESI identified first appliance in Nuage service chain using EVPN-resolved VXLAN tunnel in the specified VPLS service. - forwardSdp (19): A packet matching the entry will be forwarded using the configured SDP. - forwardSap (20): A packet matching the entry will be forwarded using the configured SAP. - rateLimit (22): Traffic matching the entry will be limited to the value specified by the object tIPvXFltrEntryActRateLimit. - ignoreMatch (30): Match criteria are skipped. " SYNTAX INTEGER { drop (1), forward (2), httpRedirect (4), forwardEsiL2 (8), forwardSdp (19), forwardSap (20), rateLimit (22), ignoreMatch (30) } TIPvXFilterEntryActionExt ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Action to take on a packet: - none (0) : This value indicates that no action is specified. - remarkDscp (24): DSCP value of packets will be remarked. " SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), remarkDscp (24) } TFilterLogId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies an entry in the filter log table. 0 indicates an invalid log-id." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 101..199) TFilterLogDestination ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines the location where filtered packets are logged." SYNTAX INTEGER { memory (1), syslog (2), file (3) } TTimeRangeState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The textual convention TTimeRangeState is used to indicate the state of an object that is controlled by a time range. - timeRangeNotApplic: no time range is applicable for this entry. - timeRangeNotActive: A time range is defined but is not active at this moment. - timeRangeActive. A time range is defined, and is activated successfully. - timeRangeActiveDownloadFailed: A time range is defined and is activated, but the corresponding object could not be installed due to resource problems." SYNTAX INTEGER { timeRangeNotApplic (0), timeRangeNotActive (1), timeRangeActive (2), timeRangeActiveDownloadFailed (3) } TFilterLogSummaryCriterium ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the field on which log summarization will be done. - when set to srcAddr, received log packets are summarized based on the src ip/mac-addr - when set to dstAddr, received log packets are summarized based on the dst ip/mac-addr" SYNTAX INTEGER { srcAddr (0), dstAddr (1) } TFilterType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of filter." SYNTAX INTEGER { fltrtypeselNone (0), fltrtypeselIp (1), fltrtypeselMac (2), fltrtypeselCpm (3), fltrtypeselIpv6 (4), fltrtypeselCpm6 (5), fltrtypeselCpmMac (6) } TFilterSubInsSpaceOwner ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Owner of a range of filter entries related to subscribers in an existing filter" SYNTAX INTEGER { radius (1), creditControl (2), radiusSharedHost (6), pccRule (8) } TFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesApplication ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Application capable of inserting filter entries into an existing filter that supports regrouping of inserted entries" SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), radius (1), creditControl (2) } TDHCPFilterID ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identification number of a DHCP filter." SYNTAX TFilterID TDhcpFilterAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Action to take on DHCP host creation when the filter entry matches. When set to none(1), host creation proceeds as normal. When set to bypass-host-creation(2), host creation is bypassed. When set to drop(3), the DHCP message is dropped. " SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), bypass-host-creation (2), drop (3) } TDhcpFilterMatch ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Match condition for a DHCP option in a DHCP filter entry When set to present(1) the related DHCP option must be present, when set to absent(2) the related DHCP option must be absent. When set to string(3) the option must (partially) match a specified ASCII string, setting string-exact(4) requires an exact match, setting string-invert(5) requires the option not to (partially) match, setting string-exact-invert(6) requires the option not to match exact. Setting hex(7), hex-exact(8), hex-invert(9) or hex-exact-invert(10) will use a hex octet string for the matching." SYNTAX INTEGER { present (1), absent (2), string (3), string-exact (4), string-invert (5), string-exact-invert (6), hex (7), hex-exact (8), hex-invert (9), hex-exact-invert (10) } TFltrPrefixListType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type TFltrPrefixListType enumerates all possible prefix list types." SYNTAX INTEGER { ipv4 (1), ipv6 (2) } TmnxEmbeddedFltrOperState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxEmbeddedFltrOperState data type is an enumerated integer that describes the current operational state of a filter embedding request." SYNTAX INTEGER { embedFailedNoResources (-1), inactive (0), active (1) } TmnxEmbeddedFltrAdminState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxEmbeddedFltrAdminState data type is an enumerated integer that describes the current administrative state of a filter embedding request." SYNTAX INTEGER { inactive (0), active (1) } TmnxFltrEmbeddedEntryState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxFltrEmbeddedEntryState data type is an enumerated integer that describes the current operational state of an embedded filter entry." SYNTAX INTEGER { inserted (1), overruled (2), inactiveAdminDown (3), inactiveNoResources (4) } TmnxFilterApplyPathSource ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxFilterApplyPathSource data type is an enumerated integer that describes the source of the apply-path imported prefixes" SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), bgp-peers (1) } TFltrPortSelector ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention specifies how the source port and destination port filter objects are combined to form the filter match criterion. - If the selector takes the value and-port(0) then the source port and destination port objects (if set) are combined into 1 filter condition that fires if both conditions are met (i.e. a logical and-operation of both is done). If one of them is not set (default values) then only the other one is taken into account for the match condition. - If the selector takes the value or-port(1) then the source port objects are used as match condition for either source port or destination port (i.e. a logical or-operation is done). In this case, non-default values must be set for the source port objects. In this case the destination port objects are (silently) copied from the source port objects by the system; any other values set by the user are overwritten by the system." SYNTAX INTEGER { and-port (0), or-port (1) } TFltrMatchIpSelector ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention specifies how the source ip and destination ip filter objects are combined to form the filter match criterion. - If the selector takes the value and-ip(0) then the source address and destination address objects (if set) are combined into 1 filter condition that fires if both conditions are met (i.e. a logical and-operation of both is done). If one of them is not set (default values) then only the other one is taken into account for the match condition. - If the selector takes the value or-ip(1) then the source ip objects are used as match condition for either source ip or destination ip (i.e. a logical or-operation is done). In this case, non-default values must be set for the source address objects. In this case the destination address objects are (silently) copied from the source address objects by the system; any other values set by the user are overwritten by the system." SYNTAX INTEGER { and-ip (0), or-ip (1) } TFilterRPBindingOperator ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention specifies how the destinations in filter redirect policy binding are combined to form the operational state of the whole binding." SYNTAX INTEGER { and (0), or (1) } TFilterPacketLength ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TFilterPacketLength textual convention is used to specify the 'Total Length' value of packet's IPv4 header or the 'Payload Length' value of packet's IPv6 header." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) TFilterIpv6MatchPacketLength ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TFilterPacketLength textual convention is used to specify the total length value of a packet" SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 40..65575) TFilterTTL ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TFilterTTL textual convention is used to specify a Time To Live (IPv4) or Hop Limit (IPv6) value." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) TmnxFilterRPlcyTestLastAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxFilterRPlcyTestLastAction textual convention is used to indicate the last impact of a test assigned to a destination of a redirect policy on an operational state of the destination. Value 'enable' indicates the operational state of the destination has been set to 'inService'. Value 'disable' indicates the operational state of the destination has been set to 'outOfService'. Value 'none' indicates the operational state of the destination has not been changed yet." SYNTAX INTEGER { enable (1), disable (2), none (3) } TmnxFilterRPlcyTestRespAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxFilterRPlcyTestRespAction textual convention is used to indicate the action of a test assigned to a destination of a redirect policy on a operational priority of the destination. Value 'increase' indicates that if the response passes the test the operational priority of the destination will be increased. Value 'decrease' indicates that if the response passes the test the operational priority of the destination will be decreased. Value 'disable' indicates the test wont have impact on the operational priority of the destination." SYNTAX INTEGER { increase (1), decrease (2), disable (3) } TFilterEgressPBR ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "disable - 0: policy based routing has no effect when applied on egress enable - 1: egress policy based routing is allowed and default load-balancing based on hash of source/destination address of the packet is applied enableWithL4LB - 2: egress policy based routing is allowed and l4-load-balancing is applied (if available include TCP/UDP port in hash." SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (0), enable (1), enableWithL4LB (2) } TFilterEsi ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Segment Identifier (ESI) as defined in IETF draft BGP MPLS Based Ethernet VPN. ESI is a unique non-zero identifier that identifies an Ethernet Segment. ESI is encoded as a ten octets integer in line format with the most significant octet sent first. The following two ESI values are reserved: - ESI 0 denotes a single-homed CE. - ESI 0xFF repeated 10 times is known as MAX-ESI. In a network with managed and not-managed CEs, the ESI has the following format: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | T | ESI Value | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Where: T (ESI Type) is a 1-octet field (most significant octet) that specifies the format of the remaining nine octets (ESI Value). ESI type can be one of the values 0x00-0x05." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (10)) TFilterEntryActionRateLimit ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A limiting rate in kilobits per second for traffic matching the filter entry. The value -1 means max rate." SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..2000000000) TFilterEmbedOffset ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insertion offset of entries of an embedded filter into an embedding filter. An entry at position x in the embedded filter is inserted at position x + offset in the embedding filter." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2097151) TIPvXFilterType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the set of available match criteria for a filter policy. - normal (0): Allows all match criteria except: - Source MAC, Packet Length and Destination class. - srcMac (1): Allows matching Source MAC and all match criteria for type normal except: - Source IP, DSCP and all IP Options in IPv4 filters. - Source IP in IPv6 filters. - pktLen (2): Allows matching Packet length and all match criteria for type normal except: - DSCP and all IP Options in IPv4 filters. - Flow Label in IPv6 filters. - destClass (3): Allows matching Destination class and all match criteria for type normal except: - DSCP and all IP Options in IPv4 filters. - Flow Label in IPv6 filters." SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (0), srcMac (1), pktLen (2), destClass (3) } TmnxFilterCflowdSampleProfileId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies a unique number that identifies a row in the tmnxCflowdSampleProfileEntry. Default value 0 means that no sample profile is applied with the given filter entry." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..5) tFilterObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRObjs 21 } tIPFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TIPFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains a List of all ip filters configured on this system." ::= { tFilterObjects 1 } tIPFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIPFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular IP Filter entry. Entries are created/deleted by user. Entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tIPFilterId } ::= { tIPFilterTable 1 } TIPFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tIPFilterId TAnyFilterID, tIPFilterRowStatus RowStatus, tIPFilterScope TFilterScope, tIPFilterDescription TItemDescription, tIPFilterDefaultAction TFilterAction, tIPFilterRadiusInsertPt TEntryIdOrZero, tIPFilterRadiusInsertSize TEntryBlockSize, tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertPt TEntryIdOrZero, tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertSize TEntryBlockSize, tIPFilterSubInsertHighWmark Integer32, tIPFilterSubInsertLowWmark Integer32, tIpFilterCreditCntrlNbrInsertd Unsigned32, tIpFilterRadiusNbrInsertd Unsigned32, tIpFilterName TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPFilterHostSharedInsertPt TEntryIdOrZero, tIPFilterHostSharedInsertSize TEntryBlockSize, tIpFilterHostSharedNbrInsertd Unsigned32, tIPFilterHostSharedHighWmark Integer32, tIPFilterHostSharedLowWmark Integer32, tIPFilterNbrHostSharedFltrs Unsigned32, tIPFilterSharedPccRuleInsrtPt TEntryIdOrZero, tIPFilterSharedPccRuleInsrtSize TEntryBlockSize, tIPFilterSharedPccRuleNbrInsrtd Unsigned32, tIPFilterChainToSystemFilter TruthValue, tIPFilterType TIPvXFilterType } tIPFilterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterId uniquely identifies an ip filter. User-configured filters have values between (1..65535). Other values are reserved for filters that are created (auto-generated) by the system. Refer to the description of the textual convention TAnyFilterID for more details." ::= { tIPFilterEntry 1 } tIPFilterRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows entries to be created and deleted in the tIPFilterTable." ::= { tIPFilterEntry 2 } tIPFilterScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterScope MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the scope of this filter definition." DEFVAL { template } ::= { tIPFilterEntry 3 } tIPFilterDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User-provided description for this filter." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPFilterEntry 4 } tIPFilterDefaultAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterAction MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action to take for packets that do not match any filter entries. The only allowed values for this field are drop(1) and forward(2)." DEFVAL { drop } ::= { tIPFilterEntry 5 } tIPFilterRadiusInsertPt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPFilterRadiusInsertPt specifies at what place the host specific filter entries received from Radius will be inserted in the filter. The area defined here will be dedicated to those entries, no other entries will be allowed. The value 0 means that no Radius provided host specific filter entries can be inserted in the filter. If tIPFilterRadiusInsertSize is set to 0, then this object will be put to 0 as well. Any change attempts will result in error." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterEntry 6 } tIPFilterRadiusInsertSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryBlockSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPFilterRadiusInsertSize specifies how many host specific filter entries received from Radius for subscriber hosts can be inserted in the filter. If tIPFilterRadiusInsertPt is set to 0, then this object will be put to 0 as well. Any change attempts will result in error." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterEntry 7 } tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertPt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertPt specifies at what place the filter entries received from Credit Control for a particular subscriber host will be inserted in the filter. The area defined here will be dedicated to those entries, no other entries will be allowed. The value 0 means that no Credit Control provided filter entries can be inserted in the filter. If tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertSize is set to 0, then this object will be put to 0 as well. Any change attempts will result in error." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterEntry 8 } tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryBlockSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertSize specifies how many filter entries received from Credit Control can be inserted in the filter. If tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertPt is set to 0, then this object will be put to 0 as well. Any change attempts will result in error" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterEntry 9 } tIPFilterSubInsertHighWmark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterSubInsertHighWmark specifies the utilization of the filter ranges for filter entry insertion, at which a table full alarm will be raised by the agent. The value 0 indicates that no alarm will be generated." DEFVAL { 95 } ::= { tIPFilterEntry 10 } tIPFilterSubInsertLowWmark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterSubInsertLowWmark specifies the utilization of the filter ranges for filter entry insertion, at which a table full alarm will be cleared by the agent." DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { tIPFilterEntry 11 } tIpFilterCreditCntrlNbrInsertd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIpFilterCreditCntrlNbrInsertd indicates how many filter entries are currently inserted in the filter on request of credit control." ::= { tIPFilterEntry 12 } tIpFilterRadiusNbrInsertd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIpFilterRadiusNbrInsertd indicates how many host specific filter entries are currently inserted in the filter on request of RADIUS." ::= { tIPFilterEntry 13 } tIpFilterName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIpFilterName specifies the name to associate with this filter." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPFilterEntry 14 } tIPFilterHostSharedInsertPt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPFilterHostSharedInsertPt specifies at what place the filter entries received from Radius that are shared between several hosts (host common rules) will be inserted in the filter. The area defined here will be dedicated to those entries, no other entries will be allowed. The value 0 means that no Radius provided host common filter entries can be inserted in the filter. If tIPFilterHostSharedInsertSize is set to 0, then this object will be put to 0 as well. Any change attempts will result in error." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterEntry 15 } tIPFilterHostSharedInsertSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryBlockSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPFilterHostSharedInsertSize specifies how many host common filter entries received from Radius for subscriber hosts can be inserted in the filter. If tIPFilterHostSharedInsertPt is set to 0, then this object will be put to 0 as well. Any change attempts will result in error." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterEntry 16 } tIpFilterHostSharedNbrInsertd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIpFilterHostSharedNbrInsertd indicates how many Radius Shared Filter rules are inserted in the filter." ::= { tIPFilterEntry 17 } tIPFilterHostSharedHighWmark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..8000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterHostSharedHighWmark specifies the number of Radius Shared Filters that can be dynamically created in the system before an high watermark notification is generated by the system. The value -1 specifies that no notifications are sent. If any of the watermarks (high or low) is set to -1, both watermarks will be set to -1 by the system." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPFilterEntry 18 } tIPFilterHostSharedLowWmark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..8000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterHostSharedLowWmark specifies the number of Radius Shared Filters that are still dynamically created in the system before an high watermark notification is cleared by the system. The value -1 specifies that no notifications are sent. If any of the watermarks (high or low) is set to -1, both watermarks will be set to -1 by the system." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPFilterEntry 19 } tIPFilterNbrHostSharedFltrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterNbrHostSharedFltrs indicates how many filters are currently created by Radius or Diameter based on this filter. (Both host shared or flow-rule filters.)" ::= { tIPFilterEntry 20 } tIPFilterSharedPccRuleInsrtPt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPFilterSharedPccRuleInsrtPt specifies at what place the flow-rule filter entries that are received from Diameter and that are shared across several hosts will be inserted in the filter. The range defined here will be reserved for those entries; no other entries will be allowed in this range. The value 0 means that no flow-rule filter entries can be inserted in the filter by Diameter. If tIPFilterSharedPccRuleInsrtSize is set to 0 then tIPFilterSharedPccRuleInsrtPt is also set to 0 by the system. Note that the range reserved for shared flow-rule entries must not overlap with that of either tIPFilterRadiusInsertPt/tIPFilterRadiusInsertSize, tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertPt/tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertSize, or tIPFilterHostSharedInsertPt/tIPFilterHostSharedInsertSize" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterEntry 21 } tIPFilterSharedPccRuleInsrtSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryBlockSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPFilterSharedPccRuleInsrtSize specifies how many flow-rule filter entries that are received from Diameter and that are shared across several hosts can be inserted in the filter. The range defined here will be reserved for those entries; no other entries will be allowed in this range. The value 0 means that no flow-rule filter entries can be inserted in the filter by Diameter. If tIPFilterSharedPccRuleInsrtPt is set to 0 then tIPFilterSharedPccRuleInsrtSize is also set to 0 by the system. Note that the range reserved for shared flow-rule entries must not overlap with that of either tIPFilterRadiusInsertPt/tIPFilterRadiusInsertSize, tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertPt/tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertSize, or tIPFilterHostSharedInsertPt/tIPFilterHostSharedInsertSize" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterEntry 22 } tIPFilterSharedPccRuleNbrInsrtd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterSharedPccRuleNbrInsrtd indicates how many flow-rule filter entries received from Diameter have been inserted in this filter" ::= { tIPFilterEntry 23 } tIPFilterChainToSystemFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterChainToSystemFilter specifies whether this filter policy is chained to the active IP system filter policy. The active IP system filter policy is defined as a row in tFilterSystemFilterTable that have the value of the object tFilterSystemFilterType set to 'fltrtypeselIp(1)'. The value 'true(1)' means this filter policy is chained to the active IP system filter policy. The system filter policy's rules are executed first before any rules of this filter policy are executed. The value of this object can be set to 'true(1)' only when the scope of this policy (value of the object tIPFilterScope) is 'exclusive(1)' or 'template(2)'. The value 'false(2)' means this filter policy is not chained to the active IP system filter policy." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tIPFilterEntry 24 } tIPFilterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIPvXFilterType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterType specifies the type of IP filter." DEFVAL { normal } ::= { tIPFilterEntry 25 } tIPFilterParamsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TIPFilterParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of all IP filter match entries for all IP filters." ::= { tFilterObjects 2 } tIPFilterParamsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIPFilterParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular IP Filter entry. Every IP Filter can have zero or more IP Filter match entries. A filter entry with no match criteria set will match every packet, and the entry action will be taken. Entries are created/deleted by user. Additional parameters can be found in tIPFilterParamsExtTable. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tIPFilterId, tIPFilterParamsIndex } ::= { tIPFilterParamsTable 1 } TIPFilterParamsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tIPFilterParamsIndex TEntryId, tIPFilterParamsRowStatus RowStatus, tIPFilterParamsLogId TFilterLogId, tIPFilterParamsDescription TItemDescription, tIPFilterParamsAction TFilterActionOrDefault, tIPFilterParamsForwardNH IpAddress, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHIndirect TruthValue, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCP TDSCPFilterActionValue, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask TDSCPFilterActionValue, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDot1p Dot1PPriority, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpAddr IpAddress, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask IpAddressPrefixLength, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr IpAddress, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask IpAddressPrefixLength, tIPFilterParamsProtocol TIpProtocol, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1 TTcpUdpPort, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2 TTcpUdpPort, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator TOperator, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1 TTcpUdpPort, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2 TTcpUdpPort, tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator TOperator, tIPFilterParamsDSCP TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tIPFilterParamsFragment TFragmentMatch, tIPFilterParamsOptionPresent TItemMatch, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionValue TIpOption, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionMask TIpOption, tIPFilterParamsMultipleOption TItemMatch, tIPFilterParamsTcpSyn TItemMatch, tIPFilterParamsTcpAck TItemMatch, tIPFilterParamsIcmpCode TIcmpCodeOrNone, tIPFilterParamsIcmpType TIcmpTypeOrNone, tIPFilterParamsCflowdSample TruthValue, tIPFilterParamsCflowdIfSample TruthValue, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHInterface DisplayString, tIPFilterParamsIngressHitCount Counter64, tIPFilterParamsEgressHitCount Counter64, tIPFilterParamsLogInstantiated TruthValue, tIPFilterParamsForwardRedPlcy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPFilterParamsActiveDest IpAddress, tIPFilterParamsFwdSvcId TmnxServId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapPortId TmnxPortID, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal TmnxEncapVal, tIPFilterParamsFwdSdpBind SdpBindId, tIPFilterParamsTimeRangeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPFilterParamsTimeRangeState TTimeRangeState, tIPFilterParamsRedirectURL TmnxHttpRedirectUrl, tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask IpAddress, tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask IpAddress, tIPFilterParamsIngrHitByteCount Counter64, tIPFilterParamsEgrHitByteCount Counter64, tIPFilterParamsFwdRtrId TmnxVRtrIDOrZero, tIPFilterParamsSrcRouteOption TItemMatch, tIPFilterParamsSrcIpPrefixList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPFilterParamsDstIpPrefixList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPFilterParamsPortSelector TFltrPortSelector, tIPFilterParamsSrcPortList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPFilterParamsDstPortList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPFilterParamsRdirAllwRadOvrd TruthValue, tIPFilterParamsNatPolicyName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPFilterParamsFwdLsp TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, tIPFilterParamsFwdLspRtrId TmnxVRtrIDOrZero, tIPFilterParamsIpSelector TFltrMatchIpSelector } tIPFilterParamsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the secondary index for the entry. Every ip filter can have multiple entries, therefore every ip filter entry is identified by the tIPFilterId and tIPFilterParamsIndex." ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 1 } tIPFilterParamsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows entries to be created and deleted in the tIPFilterParamsTable." ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 2 } tIPFilterParamsLogId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterLogId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the log to use for packets that match this entry. The value zero indicates that logging is disabled." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 3 } tIPFilterParamsDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User-provided description for this filter entry." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 4 } tIPFilterParamsAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterActionOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The action to take for packets that match this filter entry. The value default(3) specifies this entry to inherit the behavior defined as the default for the filter. Setting the values 'forwardEsiL2' and 'forwardEsiL3' explicitly is ignored by the system. The values 'forwardEsiL2'(8) and 'forwardEsiL3'(9) can be set only implicitly by specifying non default values of objects specifying parameters for these actions. In such case the value of tIPFilterParamsAction will be set to 'forwardEsiL2'(8) or 'forwardEsiL3'(9) automatically by system. The object tIPFilterParamsAction supports only subset of filter actions. The object tIPvXFltrEntryActAction supports all actions. It's recommended to use tIPvXFltrEntryActAction instead of tIPFilterParamsAction." DEFVAL { ignoreMatch } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 5 } tIPFilterParamsForwardNH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the nexthop to which the packet should be forwarded if it hits this filter entry. The action of this entry should be 'forward' in such a case. Note that the value of tIPFilterParamsForwardNH is silently cleared by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2), or any object related to 'forward' other than tIPFilterParamsForwardNH, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHIndirect or tIPFilterParamsFwdRtrId is set." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 6 } tIPFilterParamsForwardNHIndirect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPFilterParamsForwardNHIndirect specifies if the nexthop is directly/ indirectly reachable. Note that the value of tIPFilterParamsForwardNHIndirect is silently cleared by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2), or any object related to 'forward' other than tIPFilterParamsForwardNH, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHIndirect or tIPFilterParamsFwdRtrId is set." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 7 } tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPFilterActionValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The DSCP value that should be remarked in case a packet hits this filter entry." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 8 } tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPFilterActionValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask specifies the care bits while remarking with the DSCP value." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 9 } tIPFilterParamsRemarkDot1p OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPFilterParamsRemarkDot1p specifies the Dot1p value that needs to be remarked on the packet if it hits this filter entry." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 10 } tIPFilterParamsSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address to match the source IP address of the packet." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 11 } tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask specifies the IP Mask value for this policy IP Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received source IP address to match the tIPFilterParamsSourceIpAddr. If the value of tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask is 0, and the value of tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask is non zero then the value of tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask is used as mask. If the value of tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed the object tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask. If both tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask and tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the source IP address. If a value is specified for this object, then the value of the object tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask will be set to reflect this same mask." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 12 } tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address to match the destination IP address of the packet." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 13 } tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask specifies the IP Mask value for this policy IP Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received Destination IP address to match the tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr. If the value of tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask is 0, and the value of tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask is non zero then the value of tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask is used as mask. If the value of tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed the object tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask. If both tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask and tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Destination IP address. If a value is specified for this object, then the value of the object tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask will be set to reflect this same mask." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 14 } tIPFilterParamsProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIpProtocol MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP protocol to match. Set to -1 to disable matching IP protocol." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 15 } tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TCP/UDP port value1. The value of this object is used as per the description for tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 16 } tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TCP/UDP port value2. The value of this object is used as per the description for tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 17 } tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operator specifies the manner in which tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1 and tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2 are to be used. The value of these latter 2 objects and tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator is used as described in TTcpUdpPortOperator." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 18 } tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TCP/UDP port value1. The value of this object is used as per the description for tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 19 } tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TCP/UDP port value2. The value of this object is used as per the description for tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 20 } tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operator specifies the manner in which tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1 and tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2 are to be used. The value of these latter 2 objects and tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator is used as described in TTcpUdpPortOperator." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 21 } tIPFilterParamsDSCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DSCP to be matched on the packet." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 22 } tIPFilterParamsFragment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFragmentMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If enabled, this object matches fragmented/unfragmented packets as per the value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 24 } tIPFilterParamsOptionPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If enabled, this object matches packets if they have options present or not as per the value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 25 } tIPFilterParamsIpOptionValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIpOption MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the specific IP option to match." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 26 } tIPFilterParamsIpOptionMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIpOption MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mask is ANDed with the IP option before being compared to tIPFilterParamsIpOptionValue." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 27 } tIPFilterParamsMultipleOption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If enabled, matches multiple options as per the value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 28 } tIPFilterParamsTcpSyn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a TCP Syn as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 29 } tIPFilterParamsTcpAck OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a TCP Ack as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 30 } tIPFilterParamsIcmpCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIcmpCodeOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICMP code to be matched. The value -1 means ICMP code matching is not enabled." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 31 } tIPFilterParamsIcmpType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIcmpTypeOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICMP type to be matched. The value -1 means ICMP type matching is not enabled." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 32 } tIPFilterParamsCflowdSample OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tIPFilterParamsCflowdSample has a value of 'true', Cflowd sampling and analysis is performed on those packet streams where this filter has been applied. Only packets matching this IP filter entry are subjected to Cflowd sampling and analysis. A Cflowd profile controls the sampling and analysis of data flows through the router." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 33 } tIPFilterParamsCflowdIfSample OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tIPFilterParamsCflowdIfSample has a value of 'true', Cflowd sampling and analysis is performed on those packet streams where this filter has been applied. Only packets matching this IP filter entry are subjected to Cflowd sampling and analysis. A Cflowd profile controls the sampling and analysis of data flows through the router." DEFVAL { true } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 34 } tIPFilterParamsForwardNHInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The interface name for the nexthop to which the packet should be forwarded if it hits this filter entry. The action of this entry should be 'forward' in such a case. Note that the value of tIPFilterParamsForwardNHInterface is silently cleared by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2) or any object related to 'forward' other than this one is set." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 35 } tIPFilterParamsIngressHitCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of times an ingress packet matched this entry." ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 36 } tIPFilterParamsEgressHitCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of times an egress packet matched this entry." ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 37 } tIPFilterParamsLogInstantiated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tIPFilterParamsLogInstantiated indicates if the filter log for this filter entry has been instantiated or not." ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 38 } tIPFilterParamsForwardRedPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPFilterParamsForwardRedPlcy specifies the redirect policy to be used to determine the nexthop. Note that the value of tIPFilterParamsForwardRedPlcy is silently cleared by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2) or any object related to 'forward' other than this one is set." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 39 } tIPFilterParamsActiveDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tIPFilterParamsActiveDest indicates the IP address of the active destination for this IP filter. A value of 0 indicates that there is currently no active destination." ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 40 } tIPFilterParamsFwdSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tIPFilterParamsFwdSvcId indicates the service id of the destination for this IP filter entry. A value of 0 indicates that there is currently no active SAP or SDP destination." ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 41 } tIPFilterParamsFwdSapPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPFilterParamsFwdSapPortId specifies the sap port identity of the destination for this IP filter entry. A value of 0 indicates that there is currently no SAP destination defined. A value different from 0 can only be specified if the value of the tIPFilterParamsAction object of this entry is 'forward'. In addition a non-zero value can only be given if the object tIPFilterParamsFwdSdpBind has a zero value. Note that the value of tIPFilterParamsFwdSapPortId is silently cleared by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2) or any object related to 'forward' other than tIPFilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal is set." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 42 } tIPFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal specifies the sap port encap value of the destination SAP for this IP filter entry. A value different from 0 can only be specified if the value of the tIPFilterParamsAction object of this entry is 'forward'. In addition a non-zero value can only be given if the object tIPFilterParamsFwdSdpBind has a zero value. A value of 0 indicates that either 1) the sap encapsulation value is not specified when tIPFilterParamsFwdSapPortId and tIPFilterParamsFwdSvcId have valid values; or 2) that there is no SAP destination. Note that the value of tIPFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal is silently cleared by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2) or any object related to 'forward' other than tIPFilterParamsFwdSapPortId or tIPFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal is set." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 43 } tIPFilterParamsFwdSdpBind OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpBindId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPFilterParamsFwdSdpBind specifies the sdp bind identity of the destination for this IP filter entry. A value of 0 indicates that there is currently no SDP binding defined. A value different from 0 can only be specified if the value of the tIPFilterParamsAction object of this entry is 'forward'. In addition a non-zero value can only be given if the objects tIPFilterParamsFwdSapPortId and tIPFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal have a zero value. Note that the value of tIPFilterParamsFwdSdpBind is silently cleared by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2) or any object related to 'forward' other than this one is set." DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 44 } tIPFilterParamsTimeRangeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPFilterParamsTimeRangeName specifies the tmnxTimeRangeEntry to be associated with this filter entry. A value for this object can only be specified during row creation, and cannot be altered later on. Also, a value is accepted only if the tmnxTimeRangeEntry is defined in the TIMETRA-SCHEDULER-MIB::tmnxTimeRangeTable.tTimeRangeName. This object is obsoleted in release 14.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 45 } tIPFilterParamsTimeRangeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTimeRangeState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPFilterParamsTimeRangeState indicates whether or not the entry is currently in effect. - timeRangeNotApplic: no time range is applicable for this entry. - timeRangeNotActive: A time range is defined in tIPFilterParamsTimeRangeName, but is not active at this moment. Consequently the filter entry is not installed. - timeRangeActive. A time range is defined in tIPFilterParamsTimeRangeName, and is activated successfully. - timeRangeActiveDownloadFailed: A time range is defined in tIPFilterParamsTimeRangeName, and is activated, but the corresponding filter entry could not be installed due to resource problems. This object is obsoleted in release 14.0." ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 46 } tIPFilterParamsRedirectURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHttpRedirectUrl MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPFilterParamsRedirectURL specifies the URL to redirect to, when the value of tIPFilterParamsAction is 'httpRedirect'. The following macro substitutions are applicable in this context: $URL, $MAC, $IP, $SUB, $SAP, $SAPDESC, $CID, and $RID. Note that the value of tIPFilterParamsRedirectURL is silently cleared by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to any value other than httpRedirect." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 47 } tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask specifies the IP Mask value for this policy IP Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received Source IP address to match the tIPFilterParamsSourceIpAddr. If the value of tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed the object tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask. If both tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask and tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Source IP address. This object should contain consecutive ones and zeros. Both a regular and an inverse mask is allowed (i.e. the sequence of consecutive ones can appear at the front or at the end of the mask). If a regular mask is specified for tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask then the value of tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask will be changed to reflect this value. If an inverse is specified, the value of tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask will be set to 0." DEFVAL { '0000'H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 48 } tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask specifies the IP Mask value for this policy IP Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received Destination IP address to match the tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr. If the value of tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed the object tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask. If both tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask and tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Destination IP address. This object should contain consecutive ones and zeros. Both a regular and an inverse mask is allowed (i.e. the sequence of consecutive ones can appear at the front or at the end of the mask). If a regular mask is specified for tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask then the value of tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask will be changed to reflect this value. If an inverse is specified, the value of tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask will be set to 0." DEFVAL { '0000'H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 49 } tIPFilterParamsIngrHitByteCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPFilterParamsIngrHitByteCount indicates the number of bytes of all ingress packets that matched this entry." ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 50 } tIPFilterParamsEgrHitByteCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPFilterParamsEgrHitByteCount indicates the number of bytes of all egress packets that matched this entry." ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 51 } tIPFilterParamsFwdRtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrIDOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPFilterParamsFwdRtrId specifies, if different from '0', the router id into which the packet should be forwarded if it hits this filter entry. The action of this entry should be 'forward' in such a case. Note that the value of tIPFilterParamsFwdRtrId is silently cleared by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2) or any object related to 'forward' other than tIPFilterParamsFwdRtrId, tIPFilterParamsForwardNH or tIPFilterParamsForwardNHIndirect is set." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 52 } tIPFilterParamsSrcRouteOption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tIPFilterParamsSrcRouteOption specifies, when enabled, that this filter should match if a (strict or loose) source route option is present/not present at any location within the IP header, as per the value of this object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 53 } tIPFilterParamsSrcIpPrefixList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object specifies the IP prefix list used as match criterion for the source IP address. The value specified for this object must correspond to a prefix list defined in tFilterPrefixListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsSourceIpAddr and tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask are used as source IP address match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tIPFilterParamsSourceIpAddr and tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for the objects tIPFilterParamsSourceIpAddr and tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask then this object is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. An attempt to set tIPFilterParamsSrcIpPrefixList to a non-default value in combination with setting any of tIPFilterParamsSourceIpAddr or tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask to (a) non-default value(s) is rejected by the system" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 54 } tIPFilterParamsDstIpPrefixList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object specifies the IP prefix list used as match criterion for the destination IP address. The value specified for this object must correspond to a prefix list defined in tFilterPrefixListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr and tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask are used as destination IP address match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr and tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for the objects tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr and tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask then this object is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. An attempt to set tIPFilterParamsDstIpPrefixList to a non-default value in combination with setting any of tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr or tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask to (a) non-default value(s) is rejected by the system" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 55 } tIPFilterParamsPortSelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFltrPortSelector MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies how the source port objects (tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPFilterParamsSrcPortList) and destination port objects (tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDstPortList) are combined to form the filter match criterion. See description of TFltrPortSelector." DEFVAL { and-port } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 56 } tIPFilterParamsSrcPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object specifies the port-list used as match criterion for the source port. The value specified for this object must correspond to a port-list defined in tFilterPortListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2, and tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator are used as source port match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2, and tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for one of the objects tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2, or tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator then tIPFilterParamsSrcPortList is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. Setting any one of the objects tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2, or tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator to a non-default value in combination with a non-default value for the object tIPFilterParamsSrcPortList is rejected by the system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 57 } tIPFilterParamsDstPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object specifies the port-list used as match criterion for the destination port. The value specified for this object must correspond to a port-list defined in tFilterPortListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2, and tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator are used as destination port match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2, and tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for one of the objects tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2, or tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator then tIPFilterParamsDstPortList is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. Setting any one of the objects tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2, or tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator to a non-default value in combination with a non-default value for the object tIPFilterParamsDstPortList is rejected by the system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 58 } tIPFilterParamsRdirAllwRadOvrd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of this object specifies whether or not the value of tIPFilterParamsRedirectURL can be overridden by a Radius VSA. The default value is false (i.e. the URL cannot be overridden by Radius). The value of tIPFilterParamsRdirAllwRadOvrd is relevant only if the value of tIPFilterParamsAction is httpRedirect. Setting the value of tIPFilterParamsRdirAllwRadOvrd to true is ignored by the system if the value of tIPFilterParamsAction is not httpRedirect. Furthermore, the value of tIPFilterParamsRdirAllwRadOvrd is silently reset to false by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to any value other than httpRedirect." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 59 } tIPFilterParamsNatPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of this object specifies the name of the NAT policy to be used when the value of tIPFilterParamsAction is nat. If the value is empty then a default policy is used. If the value is non-empty then it must correspond to a policy defined in tmnxNatPlcyTable. The value of tIPFilterParamsNatPolicyName is relevant only if the value of tIPFilterParamsAction is nat. Setting the value of tIPFilterParamsNatPolicyName to a non-empty string is ignored by the system if the value of tIPFilterParamsAction is not nat. Furthermore, the value of tIPFilterParamsNatPolicyName is silently reset to an empty string by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to any value other than nat." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 60 } tIPFilterParamsFwdLsp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "If different from zero the value of the object tIPFilterParamsFwdLsp together with the value of the object tIPFilterParamsFwdLspRtrId specifies the LSP into which a packet should be forwarded if it hits this filter entry. The value of the object tIPFilterParamsAction of this entry must be 'forward' in such case. Otherwise the value of the object tIPFilterParamsFwdLsp is ignored by the system. Note that the value of tIPFilterParamsFwdLsp is reset to '0' by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2) or any object related to 'forward' other than tIPFilterParamsFwdLsp or tIPFilterParamsFwdLspRtrId is set. The value of the object tIPFilterParamsFwdLsp cannot be set to a non-zero value if other destinations are already specified. The value has to be '0' if the value of the object tIPFilterParamsFwdLspRtrId is not set (i.e. is '0'). If a non-zero value is set, the value of the object tIPFilterParamsFwdLspRtrId has to be set as well." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 61 } tIPFilterParamsFwdLspRtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrIDOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsFwdLspRtrId specifies the router ID that the LSP ID defined by the value of the object tIPFilterParamsFwdLsp belongs to. The value of the object tIPFilterParamsAction of this entry must be 'forward' in such case. Otherwise the value of the object tIPFilterParamsFwdLspRtrId is ignored by the system. Note that the value of tIPFilterParamsFwdLspRtrId is reset to '0' by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2) or any object related to 'forward' other than tIPFilterParamsFwdLsp or tIPFilterParamsFwdLspRtrId is set. The value of this object cannot be set to a non-zero value if other destinations are already specified. The value has to be '0' if the value of the object tIPFilterParamsFwdLsp is not set (i.e. is '0'). If a non-zero value is set, the value of the object tIPFilterParamsFwdLsp has to be set as well. The ID of the base router or '0' are the only allowed value with this version of the product." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 62 } tIPFilterParamsIpSelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFltrMatchIpSelector MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsIpSelector specifies how the source address objects (tIPFilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask, tIPFilterParamsSrcIpPrefixList) and destination address objects (tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask, tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask, tIPFilterParamsDstIpPrefixList) are combined to form the filter match criterion. See description of TFltrMatchIpSelector." DEFVAL { and-ip } ::= { tIPFilterParamsEntry 63 } tMacFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TMacFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains a List of all mac filters configured on this system." ::= { tFilterObjects 3 } tMacFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMacFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular MAC Filter. Entries are created/deleted by user. Entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tMacFilterId } ::= { tMacFilterTable 1 } TMacFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tMacFilterId TAnyFilterID, tMacFilterRowStatus RowStatus, tMacFilterScope TFilterScope, tMacFilterDescription TItemDescription, tMacFilterDefaultAction TFilterAction, tMacFilterType TMacFilterType, tMacFilterName TLNamedItemOrEmpty } tMacFilterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies a mac filter as configures on this system. Values outside of range 1..65535 are reserved for entries dynamically created by the system and cannot be used in any SNMP SET operation." ::= { tMacFilterEntry 1 } tMacFilterRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows entries to be created and deleted in the tMacFilterTable." ::= { tMacFilterEntry 2 } tMacFilterScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterScope MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the scope of this filter definition. The value 'system(4)' is not supported." DEFVAL { template } ::= { tMacFilterEntry 3 } tMacFilterDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User-provided description for this filter." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tMacFilterEntry 4 } tMacFilterDefaultAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterAction MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action to take for packets that do not match any filter entries. The only allowed values for this field are drop(1) and forward(2)." DEFVAL { drop } ::= { tMacFilterEntry 5 } tMacFilterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMacFilterType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tMacFilterType specifies which type of entries this mac filter can contain. If tMacFilterType is set to 'normal(1)', all match criteria are accepted except the criteria mentioned below that belong to type isid(2) and vid(3). If tMacFilterType is set to 'isid(2)' the only accepted match criteria for the filter entries are: - tMacFilterParamsLowISID - tMacFilterParamsHighISID If tMacFilterType is set to vid(3) the only accepted match criteria for the filter entries are: - tMacFilterParamsInnerTagValue - tMacFilterParamsInnerTagMask - tMacFilterParamsOuterTagValue - tMacFilterParamsOuterTagMask tMacFilterType can only be changed if the filter is not applied and has no entries." DEFVAL { normal } ::= { tMacFilterEntry 6 } tMacFilterName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMacFilterName specifies the name to associate with this filter." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tMacFilterEntry 7 } tMacFilterParamsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TMacFilterParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of all MAC filter match entries for all MAC filters." ::= { tFilterObjects 4 } tMacFilterParamsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMacFilterParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular MAC Filter entry. Every MAC Filter can have zero or more MAC Filter match entries. A filter entry with no match criteria set will match every packet, and the entry action will be taken. Entries are created/deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tMacFilterId, tMacFilterParamsIndex } ::= { tMacFilterParamsTable 1 } TMacFilterParamsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tMacFilterParamsIndex TEntryId, tMacFilterParamsRowStatus RowStatus, tMacFilterParamsLogId TFilterLogId, tMacFilterParamsDescription TItemDescription, tMacFilterParamsAction TFilterActionOrDefault, tMacFilterParamsFrameType TFrameType, tMacFilterParamsSrcMAC MacAddress, tMacFilterParamsSrcMACMask MacAddress, tMacFilterParamsDstMAC MacAddress, tMacFilterParamsDstMACMask MacAddress, tMacFilterParamsDot1pValue Dot1PPriority, tMacFilterParamsDot1pMask Dot1PPriority, tMacFilterParamsEtherType Integer32, tMacFilterParamsDsap ServiceAccessPoint, tMacFilterParamsDsapMask ServiceAccessPoint, tMacFilterParamsSsap ServiceAccessPoint, tMacFilterParamsSsapMask ServiceAccessPoint, tMacFilterParamsSnapPid Integer32, tMacFilterParamsSnapOui INTEGER, tMacFilterParamsIngressHitCount Counter64, tMacFilterParamsEgressHitCount Counter64, tMacFilterParamsLogInstantiated TruthValue, tMacFilterParamsFwdSvcId TmnxServId, tMacFilterParamsFwdSapPortId TmnxPortID, tMacFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal TmnxEncapVal, tMacFilterParamsFwdSdpBind SdpBindId, tMacFilterParamsTimeRangeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tMacFilterParamsTimeRangeState TTimeRangeState, tMacFilterParamsRedirectURL TmnxHttpRedirectUrl, tMacFilterParamsIngrHitByteCount Counter64, tMacFilterParamsEgrHitByteCount Counter64, tMacFilterParamsLowISID SvcISID, tMacFilterParamsHighISID SvcISID, tMacFilterParamsInnerTagValue QTagFullRangeOrNone, tMacFilterParamsInnerTagMask QTagFullRange, tMacFilterParamsOuterTagValue QTagFullRangeOrNone, tMacFilterParamsOuterTagMask QTagFullRange, tMacFilterParamsEsi TFilterEsi, tMacFilterParamsFwdEsiSvcId TmnxServId, tMacFilterParamsPbrDwnActOvr TFilterPbrDownActionOvr, tMacFilterParamsStickyDst Integer32, tMacFilterParamsHoldRemain Integer32, tMacFilterParamsDownloadAct TFilterDownloadedAction, tMacFilterParamsCollectStats TruthValue } tMacFilterParamsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the secondary index for the entry. Every mac filter can have multiple entries, therefore every mac filter entry is identified by the tMacFilterId and tMacFilterParamsIndex." ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 1 } tMacFilterParamsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows entries to be created and deleted in the tMacFilterParamsTable." ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 2 } tMacFilterParamsLogId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterLogId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the log to use for packets that match this entry. The value zero indicates that logging is disabled." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 3 } tMacFilterParamsDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User-provided description for this filter entry." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 4 } tMacFilterParamsAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterActionOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The action to take for packets that match this filter entry. The value default(3) specifies this entry to inherit the behavior defined as the default for the filter. The values nat(5), reassemble(6), gtpLclBrkout(7) and forwardEsiL3(9) are not allowed. The object tMacFilterParamsAction supports only subset of filter actions. The object tMacFltrEntryActAction supports all actions. It's recommended to use tMacFltrEntryActAction instead of tMacFilterParamsAction." DEFVAL { ignoreMatch } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 5 } tMacFilterParamsFrameType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFrameType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of mac frame for which we are defining this match criteria. For filter entries in a MAC filter of type tMacFilterType = dot1q or tMacFilterType qinq the default value for this object is set to ethernetII (3), and no changes are allowed. In all other cases the default value is set to e802dot3 (0) " DEFVAL { e802dot3 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 6 } tMacFilterParamsSrcMAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source MAC to match for this policy MAC filter entry." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 8 } tMacFilterParamsSrcMACMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source MAC mask value for this policy MAC filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the MAC to match tMacFilterParamsSrcMAC. A cleared bit means ignore this bit, do not match. A set bit means match this bit with tMacFilterParamsSrcMAC. Use the value 00-00-00-00-00-00 to disable this filter criteria." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 9 } tMacFilterParamsDstMAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination MAC mask value for this policy MAC filter entry." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 10 } tMacFilterParamsDstMACMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination MAC mask value for this policy MAC filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the MAC to match tMacFilterParamsDstMAC. A cleared bit means ignore this bit, do not match. A set bit means match this bit with tMacFilterParamsDstMAC. Use the value 00-00-00-00-00-00 to disable this filter criteria." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 11 } tMacFilterParamsDot1pValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IEEE 802.1p priority value for this policy MAC filter entry. Use -1 to disable matching this filter criteria." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 12 } tMacFilterParamsDot1pMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IEEE 802.1p priority mask value for this policy MAC filter entry. Use zero to disable matching, use 7 to match everything." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 13 } tMacFilterParamsEtherType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1536..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ethertype for this policy MAC filter entry. Use -1 to disable matching by this criteria. This object has no significance if the object tMacFilterParamsFrameType is not set to Ethernet_II." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 14 } tMacFilterParamsDsap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceAccessPoint MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC DSAP to match for this policy MAC filter entry. This object has no significance if the object tMacFilterParamsFrameType is not set to 802dot2LLC. In order to reset the value to the default value, both objects tMacFilterParamsDsap and tMacFilterParamsDsapMask need to be modified together to the default value." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 15 } tMacFilterParamsDsapMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceAccessPoint MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC DSAP mask for this policy MAC filter entry. Use 0 to disable matching by this criteria. This object has no significance if the object tMacFilterParamsFrameType is not set to 802dot2LLC. In order to reset the value to the default value, both objects tMacFilterParamsDsap and tMacFilterParamsDsapMask need to be modified together to the default value." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 16 } tMacFilterParamsSsap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceAccessPoint MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC SSAP to match for this policy MAC filter entry. This object has no significance if the object tMacFilterParamsFrameType is not set to 802dot2LLC. In order to reset the value to the default value, both objects tMacFilterParamsSsap and tMacFilterParamsSsapMask need to be modified together to the default value." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 17 } tMacFilterParamsSsapMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceAccessPoint MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC SSAP mask for this policy MAC filter entry. Use 0 to disable matching by this criteria. This object has no significance if the object tMacFilterParamsFrameType is not set to 802dot2LLC. In order to reset the value to the default value, both objects tMacFilterParamsSsap and tMacFilterParamsSsapMask need to be modified together to the default value." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 18 } tMacFilterParamsSnapPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC SNAP PID to match for this policy MAC filter entry. Use -1 to disable matching by this criteria. This object has no significance if object tMacFilterParamsFrameType is not set to 802dot2SNAP." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 19 } tMacFilterParamsSnapOui OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), zero (2), nonZero (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC SNAP OUI to match. The values zero(2) and nonZero(3) specify what to match. Matching can be disabled by the use of the value off(1). This object has no significance if the object tMacFilterParamsFrameType is not set to 802dot2SNAP." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 20 } tMacFilterParamsIngressHitCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of times an ingress packet matched this entry." ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 21 } tMacFilterParamsEgressHitCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of times an egress packet matched this entry." ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 22 } tMacFilterParamsLogInstantiated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tMacFilterParamsLogInstantiated indicates if the filter log for this filter entry has been instantiated or not." ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 23 } tMacFilterParamsFwdSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tMacFilterParamsFwdSvcId indicates the service id of the destination for this MAC filter entry. A value of 0 indicates that there is currently no active SAP or SDP destination." ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 24 } tMacFilterParamsFwdSapPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tMacFilterParamsFwdSapPortId specifies the sap port identity of the destination for this MAC filter entry. A value of 0 indicates that there is currently no SAP destination defined. A value different from 0 can only be specified if the value of the tMacFilterParamsAction object of this entry is 'forward'. In addition a non-zero value can only be given if the object tMacFilterParamsFwdSdpBind has a zero value. Note that the value of tMacFilterParamsFwdSapPortId is silently cleared by the system if tMacFilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2), or any object related to 'forward' other than tMacFilterParamsFwdSvcId, tMacFilterParamsFwdSapPortId or tMacFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal is set." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 25 } tMacFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tMacFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal specifies the sap port encap value of the destination SAP for this MAC filter entry. A value different from 0 can only be specified if the tMacFilterParamsFwdSapPortId object has a non zero value, and if the value of the tMacFilterParamsAction object of this entry is 'forward'. In addition a non-zero value can only be given if the object tMacFilterParamsFwdSdpBind has a zero value. A value of 0 indicates that either 1) the sap encapsulation value is not specified when tMacFilterParamsFwdSapPortId and tMacFilterParamsFwdSvcId have valid values; or 2) that there is no SAP destination. Note that the value of tMacFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal is silently cleared by the system if tMacFilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2), or any object related to 'forward' other than tMacFilterParamsFwdSvcId, tMacFilterParamsFwdSapPortId or tMacFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal is set." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 26 } tMacFilterParamsFwdSdpBind OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpBindId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tMacFilterParamsFwdSdpBind specifies the sdp bind identity of the destination for this MAC filter entry. A value of 0 indicates that there is currently no SDP binding defined. A value different from 0 can only be specified if the value of the tMacFilterParamsAction object of this entry is 'forward'. In addition a non-zero value can only be given if the objects tMacFilterParamsFwdSapPortId and tMacFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal have a zero value. Note that the value of tMacFilterParamsFwdSdpBind is silently cleared by the system if tMacFilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2), or any object related to 'forward' other than tMacFilterParamsFwdSvcId or tMacFilterParamsFwdSdpBind is set." DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 27 } tMacFilterParamsTimeRangeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tMacFilterParamsTimeRangeName specifies the tmnxTimeRangeEntry to be associated with this filter entry. A value for this object can only be specified during row creation, and cannot be altered later on. Also, a value is accepted only if the tmnxTimeRangeEntry is defined in the TIMETRA-SCHEDULER-MIB::tmnxTimeRangeTable.tTimeRangeName. This object is obsoleted in release 14.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 28 } tMacFilterParamsTimeRangeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTimeRangeState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tMacFilterParamsTimeRangeState indicates whether or not the entry is currently in effect. - timeRangeNotApplic: no time range is applicable for this entry. - timeRangeNotActive: A time range is defined in tMacFilterParamsTimeRangeName, but is not active at this moment. Consequently the filter entry is not installed. - timeRangeActive. A time range is defined in tMacFilterParamsTimeRangeName, and is activated successfully. - timeRangeActiveDownloadFailed: A time range is defined in tMacFilterParamsTimeRangeName, and is activated, but the corresponding filter entry could not be installed due to resource problems. This object is obsoleted in release 14.0." ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 29 } tMacFilterParamsRedirectURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHttpRedirectUrl MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tMacFilterParamsRedirectURL specifies the URL to redirect to, when the value of tMacFilterParamsAction is 'httpRedirect'. Note that the value of tMacFilterParamsRedirectURL is silently cleared by the system if tMacFilterParamsAction is set to any value other than 'httpRedirect'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 30 } tMacFilterParamsIngrHitByteCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMacFilterParamsIngrHitByteCount indicates the number of bytes of all ingress packets that matched this entry." ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 31 } tMacFilterParamsEgrHitByteCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMacFilterParamsEgrHitByteCount indicates the number of bytes of all egress packets that matched this entry." ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 32 } tMacFilterParamsLowISID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcISID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMacFilterParamsLowISID specifies the lowest value of the 24 bit (0..16777215) service instance identifier for this service that matches this entry. The default value of -1 indicates no ISID matching will be performed. The value of this field can be equal to but not lower than the value of the tMacFilterParamsHighISID field. Changing the value of this field might also change the value of tMacFilterParamsHighISID: A value of -1 will change the value of tMacFilterParamsHighISID to -1. Changing the value of this field from -1 to any other value will change the value of tMacFilterParamsHighISID to this same value. Note that tMacFilterParamsLowISID and tMacFilterParamsHighISID can only be set if tMacFilterType is set to 'isid(1)'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 33 } tMacFilterParamsHighISID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcISID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMacFilterParamsHighISID specifies the highest value of the 24 bit (0..16777215) service instance identifier for this service that matches this entry. The default value of -1 indicates no ISID matching will be performed. The value of this field can be equal to but not higher than the value of the tMacFilterParamsLowISID field. Changing the value of this field might also change the value of tMacFilterParamsLowISID: A value of -1 will change the value of tMacFilterParamsLowISID to -1. Changing the value of this field from -1 to any other value will change the value of tMacFilterParamsLowISID to this same value. Note that tMacFilterParamsLowISID and tMacFilterParamsHighISID can only be set if tMacFilterType is set to 'isid(1)'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 34 } tMacFilterParamsInnerTagValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QTagFullRangeOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMacFilterParamsInnerTagValue specifies the value to match against the VID of the second VLAN tag in the packet that is carried transparently through the service (the second vlan tag after the service delimiting tags). This object can only be set if tMacFilterType is set to 'vid(3)'. The (default) value of '-1' indicates no inner VLAN tag matching will be performed." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 35 } tMacFilterParamsInnerTagMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QTagFullRange (1..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMacFilterParamsInnerTagMask is applied as a mask to VID of the inner VLAN tag of the packet prior to comparing it with tMacFilterParamsInnerTagValue. The inner tag is the second tag in the packet that is carried transparently through the service (the second tag after the service delimiting tags). This object can only be set if tMacFilterType is set to 'vid(3)'." DEFVAL { 4095 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 36 } tMacFilterParamsOuterTagValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QTagFullRangeOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMacFilterParamsOuterTagValue specifies the value to match against the VID of the first VLAN tag in the packet that is carried transparently through the service (the first vlan tag after the service delimiting tags). This object can only be set if tMacFilterType is set to 'vid(3)'. The (default) value of '-1' indicates no outer VLAN tag matching will be performed." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 37 } tMacFilterParamsOuterTagMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QTagFullRange (1..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMacFilterParamsOuterTagMask is applied as a mask to VID of the outer VLAN tag of the packet prior to comparing it with tMacFilterParamsOuterTagValue. The outer tag is the first tag in the packet that is carried transparently through the service (the first tag after the service delimiting tags). This object can only be set if tMacFilterType is set to 'vid(3)'." DEFVAL { 4095 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 38 } tMacFilterParamsEsi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEsi MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFilterParamsEsi specifies the ethernet segment identifier (ESI) of the first ESI identified appliance in Nuage service chain. When the value of tMacFilterParamsAction is 'forwardEsiL2' packets matching the filter entry are forwarded to the appliance using EVPN-resolved VXLAN tunnel in the specified VPLS service (tMacFilterParamsFwdEsiSvcId). The value '0' indicates that there is no ESI specified. The value of tMacFilterParamsEsi is ignored by the system if the value of tMacFilterParamsAction is different from 'forwardEsiL2'. The value of tMacFilterParamsAction can be set to 'forwardEsiL2' only if tMacFilterParamsEsi and tMacFilterParamsFwdEsiSvcId are set to non zero values." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000'H } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 39 } tMacFilterParamsFwdEsiSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFilterParamsFwdEsiSvcId specifies the identifier of the VPLS used for VPN/DC connectivity. The value '0' indicates that no VPLS identifier is specified. The value of tMacFilterParamsFwdEsiSvcId is ignored by the system if the value of tMacFilterParamsAction is different from 'forwardEsiL2'. The value of tMacFilterParamsAction can be set to 'forwardEsiL2' only if tMacFilterParamsEsi and tMacFilterParamsFwdEsiSvcId are set to non zero values." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 40 } tMacFilterParamsPbrDwnActOvr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterPbrDownActionOvr MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFilterParamsPbrDwnActOvr specifies the filter action which will be performed when the PBR/PBF target for this entry is not available. If the value of tMacFltrEntryActAction is not one of the following values then tMacFilterParamsPbrDwnActOvr must be set to the value 'none': - forwardEsiL2 - forwardSap - forwardSdp If the value of tMacFilterParamsPbrDwnActOvr is different from 'none' then PBF destination availability checking for an entry is turned on. There is a limit to the number of filter entries with the destination availability checking turned on. Entries with the value of tMacFltrEntryActAction equal to 'forwardEsiL2' are not counted against this limit. Refer to the description of the textual convention TFilterPbrDownActionOvr for more details." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 41 } tMacFilterParamsStickyDst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFilterParamsStickyDst specifies how long the system will wait (in seconds) until it activates the best action (action with available PBF destination and the highest priority). Until then the action specified by tMacFilterParamsPbrDwnActOvr will be taken on a packet matching the filter entry. After the value of the active destination is fixed it will remain unchanged until the active PBF destination becomes unreachable. The value of -1 indicates that the property of PBF destination stickiness is turned off. When the property of stickiness is turned off the active PBF destination is always the one which is available and has the highest priority. The countdown starts when there was no PBR/PBF destination reachable and any PBR/PBF destination becomes reachable. tMacFilterParamsStickyDst can be set to value other than -1 only if the value of tMacFltrEntryActAction is 'forwardSap' or 'forwardSdp'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 42 } tMacFilterParamsHoldRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFilterParamsHoldRemain indicates the remaining time in seconds, until the best action will become active and will be fixed. Best action is: - primary action if PBR target status of primary action is up. - secondary action if PBR target status of secondary action is up and PBR target status of primary action is down. - none if both PBR targets are down" ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 43 } tMacFilterParamsDownloadAct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterDownloadedAction MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFilterParamsDownloadAct indicates the filter entry action downloaded to IOM. Refer to the description of the textual convention TFilterDownloadedAction for more information." ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 44 } tMacFilterParamsCollectStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMacFilterParamsCollectStats specifies whether or not the collection of statistical data for the filter entry is enabled. tMacFilterParamsCollectStats is supported only on IXR J2 platforms." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tMacFilterParamsEntry 45 } tFilterLogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterLogEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of all filter logs." ::= { tFilterObjects 5 } tFilterLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterLogEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Filter Log entry." INDEX { tFilterLogId } ::= { tFilterLogTable 1 } TFilterLogEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterLogId TFilterLogId, tFilterLogRowStatus RowStatus, tFilterLogDestination TFilterLogDestination, tFilterLogDescription TItemDescription, tFilterLogMaxNumEntries Unsigned32, tFilterLogSysLogId Unsigned32, tFilterLogFileId Unsigned32, tFilterLogStopOnFull TruthValue, tFilterLogEnabled TmnxAdminStateTruthValue, tFilterLogSummaryEnabled TmnxAdminStateTruthValue, tFilterLogSummaryCrit1 TFilterLogSummaryCriterium } tFilterLogId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterLogId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the index for the entry. An entry cannot be created with an id of 0." ::= { tFilterLogEntry 1 } tFilterLogRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows entries to be created and deleted in the tFilterLogTable." ::= { tFilterLogEntry 2 } tFilterLogDestination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterLogDestination MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the destination of the log." DEFVAL { memory } ::= { tFilterLogEntry 3 } tFilterLogDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User-provided description for this filter log entry." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFilterLogEntry 4 } tFilterLogMaxNumEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..50000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterLogMaxNumEntries specifies the maximum number of entries that the log can store. The value of tFilterLogMaxNumEntries can be set to any value other than zero only if tFilterLogDestination is 'memory'." DEFVAL { 1000 } ::= { tFilterLogEntry 5 } tFilterLogSysLogId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterLogSysLogId specifies the syslog Id to be used as destination. The value of tFilterLogSysLogId can be set to any value other than zero only if tFilterLogDestination is 'syslog'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFilterLogEntry 6 } tFilterLogFileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterLogFileId specifies the File Id to be used as destination. The value of tFilterLogFileId can be set to any value other than zero only if tFilterLogDestination is 'file'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFilterLogEntry 7 } tFilterLogStopOnFull OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterLogStopOnFull specifies what should happen when tFilterLogMaxNumEntries is reached. The value true, specifies that logging will stop. The value false specifies that wrap-around will be used." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tFilterLogEntry 8 } tFilterLogEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminStateTruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterLogEnabled specifies whether the logging is enabled or disabled" DEFVAL { true } ::= { tFilterLogEntry 9 } tFilterLogSummaryEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminStateTruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterLogSummaryEnabled specifies whether or not summarization of filter log entries is performed. Summarization is only allowed in case tFilterLogDestination is set to syslog." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tFilterLogEntry 10 } tFilterLogSummaryCrit1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterLogSummaryCriterium MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterLogSummaryCrit1 specifies how filter log entries will be summarized. This field is only meaningful if the object tFilterLogSummaryEnabled is set to true." DEFVAL { srcAddr } ::= { tFilterLogEntry 11 } tFilterLogScalars OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tFilterObjects 6 } tFilterLogMaxInstances OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tFilterLogMaxInstances maintains the maximum allowed instances of filter logs allowed on the system" ::= { tFilterLogScalars 1 } tFilterLogInstances OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tFilterLogInstances maintains the instances of filter logs presently existing on the system" ::= { tFilterLogScalars 2 } tFilterLogBindings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tFilterLogBindings maintains the count of the configured filter log bindings presently existing on the system. The bindings get instantiated when the filter is instantiated" ::= { tFilterLogScalars 3 } tFilterNotificationObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tFilterObjects 8 } tFilterPBRDropReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { invalidInterface (0), interfaceDown (1) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tIPFilterPBRPacketsDrop to report the failure reason code." ::= { tFilterNotificationObjects 1 } tFilterParmRow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterParmRow indicates the OID of the row status of the applicable filter parameter table. This can be a row from either one of the following tables: - tIPFilterParamsTable; - tMacFilterParamsTable; or - tIPv6FilterParamsTable" ::= { tFilterNotificationObjects 2 } tFilterAlarmDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterAlarmDescription is a printable character string which contains information about the cause of the problem." ::= { tFilterNotificationObjects 3 } tFilterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterId, together with the object tFilterType uniquely defines the filter for which this notification is generated." ::= { tFilterNotificationObjects 4 } tFilterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterType, together with the object tFilterId uniquely defines the filter for which this notification is generated." ::= { tFilterNotificationObjects 5 } tFilterSubInsSpaceOwner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterSubInsSpaceOwner MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterSubInsSpaceOwner, specifies for which application, capable of inserting filter entries, this notification is generated." ::= { tFilterNotificationObjects 6 } tFilterThresholdReached OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterThresholdReached, specifies the threshold reached at the moment this notification was generated." ::= { tFilterNotificationObjects 7 } tFltrFlowSpecProblem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nlriDecodeProblem (0), maxNbrFlowSpecEntriesReached (1), fltrResourceProblem (2), other (3) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrFlowSpecProblem, indicates which problem has occurred while processing a BGP flowspec NLRI in the filter module." ::= { tFilterNotificationObjects 8 } tFltrFlowSpecProblemDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrFlowSpecProblemDescription may contain a more detailed problem description then as given by tFltrFlowSpecProblem." ::= { tFilterNotificationObjects 9 } tFltrFLowSpecNLRI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrFLowSpecNLRI contains at most the first 30 octets of the NLRI causing the problem." ::= { tFilterNotificationObjects 10 } tFltrFlowSpecVrtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrFlowSpecVrtrId indicates the virtual router Id to which the NLRI belongs." ::= { tFilterNotificationObjects 11 } tFltrPrefixListType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFltrPrefixListType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrPrefixListType indicates the type of prefix list." ::= { tFilterNotificationObjects 12 } tFltrPrefixListName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrPrefixListName indicates the name of the prefix list." ::= { tFilterNotificationObjects 13 } tFltrApplyPathSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFilterApplyPathSource MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrApplyPathSource indicates the source of the apply-path rule." ::= { tFilterNotificationObjects 14 } tFltrApplyPathIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrApplyPathIndex indicates the index of the apply-path rule." ::= { tFilterNotificationObjects 15 } tFltrNotifDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrNotifDescription may contain a description text." ::= { tFilterNotificationObjects 16 } tFltrMdaId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrMdaId contains the MDA-id of the mda on which an filter event is being reported." ::= { tFilterNotificationObjects 17 } tFilterTimeStampObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tFilterObjects 9 } tFilterDomainLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to tFilterObjects." ::= { tFilterTimeStampObjects 1 } tFilterRedirectPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterRedirectPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains a List of all redirect policies configured on this system." ::= { tFilterObjects 10 } tFilterRedirectPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterRedirectPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular redirect policy. Entries are created/deleted by user." INDEX { tFilterRedirectPolicy } ::= { tFilterRedirectPolicyTable 1 } TFilterRedirectPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterRedirectPolicy TNamedItem, tFilterRPRowStatus RowStatus, tFilterRPDescription TItemDescription, tFilterRPAdminState TmnxAdminState, tFilterRPActiveDest IpAddress, tFilterRPVrtrId TmnxVRtrIDOrZero, tFilterRPActiveDestAddrType InetAddressType, tFilterRPActiveDestAddr InetAddress, tFilterRPDstStickiness Integer32, tFilterRPBestDstAddrType InetAddressType, tFilterRPBestDstAddr InetAddress, tFilterRPStickinessHoldRemain Integer32, tFilterRPNotifyDestChange TruthValue } tFilterRedirectPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tFilterRedirectPolicy uniquely identifies each redirect policy configured on this system." ::= { tFilterRedirectPolicyEntry 1 } tFilterRPRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tFilterRPRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tFilterRedirectPolicyTable." ::= { tFilterRedirectPolicyEntry 2 } tFilterRPDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User-provided description for this redirect policy is maintained in the object tFilterRPDescription." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFilterRedirectPolicyEntry 3 } tFilterRPAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tFilterRPAdminState holds the admin state of the policy. If the admin state is 'outOfService', the tests will not be conducted." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tFilterRedirectPolicyEntry 4 } tFilterRPActiveDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRPActiveDest indicates the IP address of the active destination. A value of 0 indicates that there is currently no active destination. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectPolicyEntry 5 } tFilterRPVrtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrIDOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPVrtrId specifies the target routing instance as part of the redirect policy. When the target routing instance is configured (not equal to 0), the following applies: - Ping and unicast-reachability tests configured in a redirect policy are now executed in the routing instance specified by the redirect policy regardless of what routing instance is the filter using this redirect policy deployed in. - When packets are routed to a destination configured in a redirect policy with router instance specified (as result of filter match), routing is executed in the router instance context configured in the redirect policy regardless of the routing context for the interface on which the packet arrived. Note that if all destinations are down, the forward action is still executed in the routing instance of the incoming interface and not the routing instance of the redirect policy. If PBR specifies action forward router, then deploying the policy on card not supporting such action will result in action forward using incoming interface routing context. - If the H/W does not support the next-hop router PBR action, action forward is executed (even if the router instance in the action is the same as the router instance of the incoming interface). If the target routing instance is not configured (equal to 0), the following applies: - Redirect policy can be deployed in any VPRN or GRT routing context but a test will only run in GRT context regardless of where the policy is deployed. - The PBR will execute in the routing context of the ingress interface. SNMP and URL tests can be configured only if the target routing instance is not configured." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFilterRedirectPolicyEntry 6 } tFilterRPActiveDestAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPActiveDestAddrType indicates the context in which the values of the objects tFilterRPActiveDestAddr are interpreted. Only following values are supported: unknown(0) ipv4(1) ipv6(2)" DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tFilterRedirectPolicyEntry 7 } tFilterRPActiveDestAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPActiveDestAddr indicates the IP address of the active destination. A value of 0 indicates that there is currently no active destination. The value must be consistent with the IP version value of the associated tFilterRPActiveDestAddrType object." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFilterRedirectPolicyEntry 8 } tFilterRPDstStickiness OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPDstStickiness specifies the time in seconds, how long the system will wait until it sets and fixes the current best destination as active destination. After the value of active destination is fixed it will remain unchanged until the active destination becomes unreachable. When the value of tFilterRPDstStickiness is -1 the property of destination stickiness is turned off. That means that active destination is always the best one. The countdown starts when there was no destination reachable and any destination becomes reachable." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tFilterRedirectPolicyEntry 9 } tFilterRPBestDstAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPBestDstAddrType indicates the context in which the values of the objects tFilterRPActiveDestAddr are interpreted. Only following values are supported: unknown(0) ipv4(1) ipv6(2)" DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tFilterRedirectPolicyEntry 10 } tFilterRPBestDstAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPBestDstAddr indicates the IP address of the available destination with the highest priority. A value of 0 indicates that currently there is no reachable destination. The value must be consistent with the IP version value of the associated tFilterRPActiveDestAddrType object." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFilterRedirectPolicyEntry 11 } tFilterRPStickinessHoldRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPStickinessHoldRemain indicates the remaining time in seconds, until the best destination becomes the active destination and will become fixed." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFilterRedirectPolicyEntry 12 } tFilterRPNotifyDestChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPNotifyDestChange indicates whether to send tFilterRPActiveDestChangeEvent notification for this redirect policy active destination changes." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tFilterRedirectPolicyEntry 13 } tFilterRedirectDestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterRedirectDestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Contains a List of all redirect destinations configured on this system. This table is obsoleted in release 13.0 and replaced by tFilterRPlcyDstTable." ::= { tFilterObjects 11 } tFilterRedirectDestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterRedirectDestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Redirect destination. Entries are created/deleted by user. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." INDEX { tFilterRedirectPolicy, tFilterRedirectDest } ::= { tFilterRedirectDestTable 1 } TFilterRedirectDestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterRedirectDest IpAddress, tFilterRDRowStatus RowStatus, tFilterRDDescription TItemDescription, tFilterRDAdminPriority Unsigned32, tFilterRDOperPriority Unsigned32, tFilterRDAdminState TmnxAdminState, tFilterRDOperState TmnxOperState } tFilterRedirectDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRedirectDest holds the IP address of the destination entry. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectDestEntry 1 } tFilterRDRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRDRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tFilterRedirectDestTable. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectDestEntry 2 } tFilterRDDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "User-provided description for this destination is maintained in the object tFilterRDDescription. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFilterRedirectDestEntry 3 } tFilterRDAdminPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRDAdminPriority holds the configured base priority for the destination. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tFilterRedirectDestEntry 4 } tFilterRDOperPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRDAdminPriority maintains the operational value of the priority for this destination. The highest operational priority across multiple destinations is used as the preferred destination. A value of '0' is maintained if the destination if tFilterRDOperState is 'outOfService'. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectDestEntry 5 } tFilterRDAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRDAdminState maintains the configured state of the destination. If the admin state is 'outOfService', the tests for this destination will not be conducted. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tFilterRedirectDestEntry 6 } tFilterRDOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterRDOperState indicates the operational state of the destination. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectDestEntry 7 } tFilterRedirectSNMPTestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Contains a List of all redirect SNMP tests configured on this system. This table is obsoleted in release 13.0 and replaced by tFilterRPlcySNMPTestTable." ::= { tFilterObjects 12 } tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific SNMP test configured for a destination. Entries are created/deleted by user. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." INDEX { tFilterRedirectPolicy, tFilterRedirectDest, tFilterRedirectSNMPTest } ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestTable 1 } TFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterRedirectSNMPTest TNamedItem, tFilterRSTRowStatus RowStatus, tFilterRSTOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, tFilterRSTCommunity DisplayString, tFilterRSTSNMPVersion INTEGER, tFilterRSTInterval Unsigned32, tFilterRSTTimeout Unsigned32, tFilterRSTDropCount Unsigned32, tFilterRSTHoldDown Unsigned32, tFilterRSTHoldDownRemain Unsigned32, tFilterRSTLastActionTime TimeStamp, tFilterRSTLastOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, tFilterRSTLastType INTEGER, tFilterRSTLastCounter32Val Counter32, tFilterRSTLastUnsigned32Val Unsigned32, tFilterRSTLastTimeTicksVal TimeTicks, tFilterRSTLastInt32Val Integer32, tFilterRSTLastOctetStringVal OCTET STRING, tFilterRSTLastIpAddressVal IpAddress, tFilterRSTLastOidVal OBJECT IDENTIFIER, tFilterRSTLastCounter64Val Counter64, tFilterRSTLastOpaqueVal Opaque, tFilterRSTLastAction INTEGER, tFilterRSTLastPrioChange Integer32, tFilterRSTNextRespIndex Integer32 } tFilterRedirectSNMPTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRedirectSNMPTest specifies the name of the SNMP test. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 1 } tFilterRSTRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRSTRowStatus allows tests to be created and deleted in the tFilterRedirectSNMPTestTable. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 2 } tFilterRSTOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRSTOID stores the OID of the object to be fetched from the destination. The value of this object can only be changed if the object tFilterRSTCommunity is changed at the same time. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 3 } tFilterRSTCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterRSTCommunity is the SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c Community String or the SNMPv3 Context Name used to conduct this SNMP test as described in RFC2571 and RFC2737. When the value of tFilterRSTSNMPVersion is 'snmpv1' or 'snmpv2c' this object represents a community string. When the value of tFilterRSTSNMPVersion is 'snmpv3' this object represents a SNMPv3 context name. The value of this object can only be changed if the object tFilterRSTOID is changed at the same time. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 4 } tFilterRSTSNMPVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { snmpv1 (1), snmpv2c (2), snmpv3 (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRSTSNMPVersion specifies the SNMP PDU format to be used while conducting the test. Currently only snmpv2c is supported. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { snmpv2c } ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 5 } tFilterRSTInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterRSTInterval specifies the amount of time in seconds between consecutive requests sent to the far end host. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 6 } tFilterRSTTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterRSTTimeout specifies the amount of time in seconds that is allowed for receiving a response from the far end host. If a reply is not received within this time the far end host is considered unresponsive. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 7 } tFilterRSTDropCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterRSTDropCount specifies the number of consecutive requests that must fail for the destination to declared unreachable. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 8 } tFilterRSTHoldDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterRSTHoldDown specifies the amount of time in seconds that the system should be held down if any of the test has marked it unreachable. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 9 } tFilterRSTHoldDownRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterRSTHoldDownRemain indicates the amount of time in seconds that the system will remain in held down state before being used again. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 10 } tFilterRSTLastActionTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRSTLastActionTime maintains the time stamp when this test received a response for a probe sent out. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 11 } tFilterRSTLastOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterRSTLastOID holds the OID received in the response. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 12 } tFilterRSTLastType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), counter32 (1), unsigned32 (2), timeTicks (3), integer32 (4), ipAddress (5), octetString (6), objectId (7), counter64 (8), opaque (9) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRSTLastType maintains the type of the value received. A value of none(0) indicated that no value has been received. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 13 } tFilterRSTLastCounter32Val OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value tFilterRSTLastType is 'counter32'. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 14 } tFilterRSTLastUnsigned32Val OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value tFilterRSTLastType is 'unsigned32'. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 15 } tFilterRSTLastTimeTicksVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value tFilterRSTLastType is 'timeTicks'. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 16 } tFilterRSTLastInt32Val OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value tFilterRSTLastType is 'integer32'. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 17 } tFilterRSTLastOctetStringVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value tFilterRSTLastType is 'octetString'. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 18 } tFilterRSTLastIpAddressVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value tFilterRSTLastType is 'ipAddress'. Although this seems to be unfriendly for IPv6, we have to recognize that there are a number of older MIBs that do contain an IPv4 format address, known as IpAddress. IPv6 addresses are represented using TAddress or InetAddress, and so the underlying datatype is OCTET STRING, and their value would be stored in the tFilterRSTLastOctetStringVal column. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 19 } tFilterRSTLastOidVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value tFilterRSTLastType is 'objectId'. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 20 } tFilterRSTLastCounter64Val OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value tFilterRSTLastType is 'counter64'. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 21 } tFilterRSTLastOpaqueVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Opaque MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value tFilterRSTLastType is 'opaque'. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 22 } tFilterRSTLastAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable (1), disable (2), none (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRSTLastAction maintains impact that the last test probe made on the operational status of the destination as maintained in tFilterRDOperState. If the last action was 'disable', the destination may not be used for tFilterRSTHoldDown seconds. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 23 } tFilterRSTLastPrioChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-255..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "If the last action on the operational state of the destination i.e. tFilterRSTLastAction is 'enable', tFilterRSTLastPrioChange maintains the impact that the last test probe made on the operational priority of the destination. In other cases, this object has no significance and hence should be holding the value '0'. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 24 } tFilterRSTNextRespIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterRSTNextRespIndex indicates the next response index to be used while creating a row in the tFilterRedirectSNMPRespTable. The value of '-1' means that the maximum number of return values for this OID are already configured. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPTestEntry 25 } tFilterRedirectSNMPRespTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row in this table holds the effect of the test on the destination for a specific return value. Each row is created once and cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded. This table is obsoleted in release 13.0 and replaced by tFilterRPlcySNMPRespTable." ::= { tFilterObjects 13 } tFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Information about action to be taken for a specific destination when a specific response is received. Each row is created once and cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." INDEX { tFilterRedirectPolicy, tFilterRedirectDest, tFilterRedirectSNMPTest, tFilterRSTRespId } ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPRespTable 1 } TFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterRSTRespId Integer32, tFilterRSTRespRowStatus RowStatus, tFilterRSTRespAction INTEGER, tFilterRSTRespPrioChange Unsigned32, tFilterRSTRespOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, tFilterRSTRespType INTEGER, tFilterRSTCounter32Val Counter32, tFilterRSTUnsigned32Val Unsigned32, tFilterRSTTimeTicksVal TimeTicks, tFilterRSTInt32Val Integer32, tFilterRSTOctetStringVal OCTET STRING, tFilterRSTIpAddressVal IpAddress, tFilterRSTOidVal OBJECT IDENTIFIER, tFilterRSTCounter64Val Counter64, tFilterRSTOpaqueVal Opaque } tFilterRSTRespId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRSTRespId holds the response value received from the destination. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry 1 } tFilterRSTRespRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object allows response strings to be specified for a specific test and the change it will cause to the priority of the destination. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry 2 } tFilterRSTRespAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { increase (1), decrease (2), disable (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRSTRespAction specifies the type of change that should be made to the destination priority tFilterRDOperPriority, if the return value is same as tFilterRSTRespId. If tFilterRSTRespPrioChange is 0 this field will be set to 'disable'. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry 3 } tFilterRSTRespPrioChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRSTRespPrioChange specifies the amount of change to be made to the priority of the destination if the tFilterRSTRespAction is either 'increase' or 'decrease'. If tFilterRSTRespAction is 'disable', this field will be set to 0. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry 4 } tFilterRSTRespOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterRSTRespOID holds the OID to be received in the response. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry 5 } tFilterRSTRespType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { counter32 (1), unsigned32 (2), timeTicks (3), integer32 (4), ipAddress (5), octetString (6), objectId (7), counter64 (8), opaque (9) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRSTRespType maintains the type of the value to be received. Note: types 'objectId' and 'counter64' are not supported for now, and will be rejected when used. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry 6 } tFilterRSTCounter32Val OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value tFilterRSTRespType is 'counter32'. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry 7 } tFilterRSTUnsigned32Val OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value tFilterRSTRespType is 'unsigned32'. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry 8 } tFilterRSTTimeTicksVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value tFilterRSTRespType is 'timeTicks'. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry 9 } tFilterRSTInt32Val OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value tFilterRSTRespType is 'integer32'. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry 10 } tFilterRSTOctetStringVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value tFilterRSTRespType is 'octetString'. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry 11 } tFilterRSTIpAddressVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value tFilterRSTRespType is 'ipAddress'. Although this seems to be unfriendly for IPv6, we have to recognize that there are a number of older MIBs that do contain an IPv4 format address, known as IpAddress. IPv6 addresses are represented using TAddress or InetAddress, and so the underlying datatype is OCTET STRING, and their value would be stored in the tFilterRSTOctetStringVal column. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry 12 } tFilterRSTOidVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The response value if tFilterRSTRespType is set to 'objectId'. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry 13 } tFilterRSTCounter64Val OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The response value if tFilterRSTRespType is set to 'counter64'. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry 14 } tFilterRSTOpaqueVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Opaque MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value tFilterRSTRespType is 'opaque'. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectSNMPRespEntry 15 } tFilterRedirectURLTestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterRedirectURLTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Contains a List of all redirect snmp tests configured on this system. This table is obsoleted in release 13.0 and replaced by tFilterRPlcyURLTestTable." ::= { tFilterObjects 14 } tFilterRedirectURLTestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterRedirectURLTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific URL test configured for a destination. Entries are created/deleted by user. Entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." INDEX { tFilterRedirectPolicy, tFilterRedirectDest, tFilterRedirectURLTest } ::= { tFilterRedirectURLTestTable 1 } TFilterRedirectURLTestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterRedirectURLTest TNamedItem, tFilterRUTRowStatus RowStatus, tFilterRUTURL DisplayString, tFilterRUTHTTPVersion DisplayString, tFilterRUTInterval Unsigned32, tFilterRUTTimeout Unsigned32, tFilterRUTDropCount Unsigned32, tFilterRUTHoldDown Unsigned32, tFilterRUTHoldDownRemain Unsigned32, tFilterRUTLastActionTime TimeStamp, tFilterRUTLastRetCode Unsigned32, tFilterRUTLastAction INTEGER, tFilterRUTLastPrioChange Integer32 } tFilterRedirectURLTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRedirectURLTest holds the name of the URL test. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectURLTestEntry 1 } tFilterRUTRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRUTRowStatus allows tests to be created and deleted in the tFilterRedirectURLTestTable. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectURLTestEntry 2 } tFilterRUTURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object holds the URL to be probed. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFilterRedirectURLTestEntry 3 } tFilterRUTHTTPVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The HTTP Version to be used while performing the URL test. The system by default uses HTTP Version 1.1 until explicitly specified. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFilterRedirectURLTestEntry 4 } tFilterRUTInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterRUTInterval specifies the amount of time in seconds between consecutive requests sent to the far end host. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tFilterRedirectURLTestEntry 5 } tFilterRUTTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterRUTTimeout specifies the amount of time in seconds that is allowed for receiving a response from the far end host. If a reply is not received within this time the far end host is considered unresponsive. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tFilterRedirectURLTestEntry 6 } tFilterRUTDropCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterRUTDropCount specifies the number of consecutive requests that must fail for the destination to declared unreachable. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { tFilterRedirectURLTestEntry 7 } tFilterRUTHoldDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterRUTHoldDown specifies the amount of time in seconds that the system should be held down if any of the test has marked it unreachable. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFilterRedirectURLTestEntry 8 } tFilterRUTHoldDownRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterRUTHoldDownRemain indicates the amount of time in seconds that the system will remain in held down state before being used again. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectURLTestEntry 9 } tFilterRUTLastActionTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRUTLastActionTime maintains the time stamp when this test received a response for a probe sent out. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectURLTestEntry 10 } tFilterRUTLastRetCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRUTLastRetCode holds the return code received in the last response. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectURLTestEntry 11 } tFilterRUTLastAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable (1), disable (2), none (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRUTLastAction maintains impact that the last test probe made on the operational status of the destination as maintained in tFilterRDOperState. If the last action was 'disable', the destination may not be used for tFilterRUTHoldDown seconds. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectURLTestEntry 12 } tFilterRUTLastPrioChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-255..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "If the last action on the operational state of the destination i.e. tFilterRUTLastAction is 'enable', tFilterRUTLastPrioChange maintains the impact that the last test probe made on the operational priority of the destination. In other cases, this object has no significance and hence should be holding the value '0'. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectURLTestEntry 13 } tFilterRedirectURLRespTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterRedirectURLRespEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row in this table holds the effect of the test on the destination for a range of return values. This table is obsoleted in release 13.0 and replaced by tFilterRPlcyURLRespTable." ::= { tFilterObjects 15 } tFilterRedirectURLRespEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterRedirectURLRespEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Information about action to be taken for a specific destination when a return value within the range specified between tFilterRedirectURLLowRespCode and tFilterRedirectURLHighRespCode is received. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." INDEX { tFilterRedirectPolicy, tFilterRedirectDest, tFilterRedirectURLTest, tFilterRedirectURLLowRespCode, tFilterRedirectURLHighRespCode } ::= { tFilterRedirectURLRespTable 1 } TFilterRedirectURLRespEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterRedirectURLLowRespCode Unsigned32, tFilterRedirectURLHighRespCode Unsigned32, tFilterRUTRespRowStatus RowStatus, tFilterRUTRespAction INTEGER, tFilterRUTRespPrioChange Unsigned32 } tFilterRedirectURLLowRespCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRedirectURLLowRespCode specifies the lower return code of the range specified by this entry. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectURLRespEntry 1 } tFilterRedirectURLHighRespCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRedirectURLHighRespCode specifies the higher return code of the range specified by this entry. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectURLRespEntry 2 } tFilterRUTRespRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRUTRespRowStatus allows the mapping of a range of return codes returned from a specific test to the change it will cause to the priority of the destination. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectURLRespEntry 3 } tFilterRUTRespAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { increase (1), decrease (2), disable (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "If the tFilterRUTRespAction is either 'increase(1)' or 'decrease(2)' tFilterRUTRespPrioChange specifies the offset to be applied to the destination base priority (tFilterRDAdminPriority) in order to compute the tFilterRDOperPriority as a result of this test. If the tFilterRUTRespAction is set to 'disable(3)', on the reception of the specified response, the destination will be deemed unusable and the tFilterRDOperPriority will be set to '0'. The value of tFilterRUTRespAction will be forced by the system to the value 'disable(3)' if the tFilterRUTRespPrioChange has the value '0'. Any change attempts will be silently discarded in this case. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { tFilterRedirectURLRespEntry 4 } tFilterRUTRespPrioChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRUTRespPrioChange specifies the amount of change to be made to the priority of the destination if the tFilterRUTRespAction is either 'increase' or 'decrease'. If tFilterRUTRespAction is 'disable', tFilterRUTRespPrioChange will be forced to 0. Any change to tFilterRUTRespPrioChange will be silently discarded in this case. Setting the object tFilterRUTRespPrioChange to 0 will cause the value of tFilterRUTRespAction to be set to 'disable'. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFilterRedirectURLRespEntry 5 } tFilterRedirectPingTestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterRedirectPingTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Contains a List of all redirect Ping tests configured on this system. This table is obsoleted in release 13.0 and replaced by tFilterRPlcyPingTestTable." ::= { tFilterObjects 16 } tFilterRedirectPingTestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterRedirectPingTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific Ping test configured for a destination. Entries are created/deleted by user. Entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." INDEX { tFilterRedirectPolicy, tFilterRedirectDest } ::= { tFilterRedirectPingTestTable 1 } TFilterRedirectPingTestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterRPTRowStatus RowStatus, tFilterRPTInterval Unsigned32, tFilterRPTTimeout Unsigned32, tFilterRPTDropCount Unsigned32, tFilterRPTHoldDown Unsigned32, tFilterRPTHoldDownRemain Unsigned32, tFilterRPTLastActionTime TimeStamp, tFilterRPTLastAction INTEGER } tFilterRPTRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object allows tests to be created and deleted in the tFilterRedirectPingTestTable. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectPingTestEntry 1 } tFilterRPTInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterRPTInterval specifies the amount of time in seconds between consecutive requests sent to the far end host. Note that the value of tFilterRPTInterval can only be modified if the value of the corresponding tFilterRPAdminState and/or tFilterRDAdminState object is outOfService. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tFilterRedirectPingTestEntry 2 } tFilterRPTTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterRPTTimeout specifies the amount of time in seconds that is allowed for receiving a response from the far end host. If a reply is not received within this time the far end host is considered unresponsive. Note that the value of tFilterRPTTimeout can only be modified if the value of the corresponding tFilterRPAdminState and/or tFilterRDAdminState object is outOfService. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tFilterRedirectPingTestEntry 3 } tFilterRPTDropCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterRPTDropCount specifies the number of consecutive requests that must fail for the destination to declared unreachable. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { tFilterRedirectPingTestEntry 4 } tFilterRPTHoldDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterRPTHoldDown specifies the amount of time in seconds that the system should be held down if any of the test has marked it unreachable. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFilterRedirectPingTestEntry 5 } tFilterRPTHoldDownRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterRPTHoldDownRemain indicates the amount of time in seconds that the system will remain in held down state before being used again. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectPingTestEntry 6 } tFilterRPTLastActionTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRPTLastActionTime maintains the time stamp when this test received a response for a probe sent out. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectPingTestEntry 7 } tFilterRPTLastAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable (1), disable (2), none (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tFilterRPTLastAction maintains impact that the last test probe made on the operational status of the destination as maintained in tFilterRDOperState. If the last action was 'disable', the destination may not be used for tFilterRPTHoldDown seconds. This object is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterRedirectPingTestEntry 8 } tAutoIPFilterEntryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TAutoIPFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Defines the Nokia SROS series automatic IP filters for providing, via SNMP, the capability of gathering information regarding the same. tAutoIPFilterEntryTable holds a list of all automatic filter entries being used for filtering. This table is obsoleted in release 3.0." ::= { tFilterObjects 17 } tAutoIPFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAutoIPFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry in the tAutoIPFilterEntryTable. Entries are created and deleted in this table by the system. Each entry provides information about a single active automatic filter entry. This entry is obsoleted in release 3.0." INDEX { tAutoIPFilterId, tAutoIPFilterEntrySourceIpAddr } ::= { tAutoIPFilterEntryTable 1 } TAutoIPFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tAutoIPFilterId TFilterID, tAutoIPFilterEntrySourceIpAddr IpAddress, tAutoIPFilterEntrySourceIpMask IpAddressPrefixLength } tAutoIPFilterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tAutoIPFilterId serves as a primary index and uniquely identifies an application point such as a routed interface or a SAP. This object is obsoleted in release 3.0." ::= { tAutoIPFilterEntry 1 } tAutoIPFilterEntrySourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tAutoIPFilterEntrySourceIpAddr specifies the source IP address and also serves as the secondary index to this table. This object is obsoleted in release 3.0." ::= { tAutoIPFilterEntry 2 } tAutoIPFilterEntrySourceIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tAutoIPFilterEntrySourceIpMask indicates the number of bits to be matched in the source IP address. This object is obsoleted in release 3.0." ::= { tAutoIPFilterEntry 3 } tIPv6FilterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TIPv6FilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains a List of all IPv6 filters configured on this system." ::= { tFilterObjects 18 } tIPv6FilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIPv6FilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular IPv6 Filter entry. Entries are created/deleted by user. Entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tIPv6FilterId } ::= { tIPv6FilterTable 1 } TIPv6FilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tIPv6FilterId TAnyFilterID, tIPv6FilterRowStatus RowStatus, tIPv6FilterScope TFilterScope, tIPv6FilterDescription TItemDescription, tIPv6FilterDefaultAction TFilterAction, tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertPt TEntryIdOrZero, tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertSize TEntryBlockSize, tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertPt TEntryIdOrZero, tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertSize TEntryBlockSize, tIPv6FilterSubInsertHighWmark Integer32, tIPv6FilterSubInsertLowWmark Integer32, tIpv6FilterCreditCntrlNbrInsertd Unsigned32, tIpv6FilterRadiusNbrInsertd Unsigned32, tIpv6FilterName TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertPt TEntryIdOrZero, tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertSize TEntryBlockSize, tIpv6FilterHostSharedNbrInsertd Unsigned32, tIPv6FilterHostSharedHighWmark Integer32, tIPv6FilterHostSharedLowWmark Integer32, tIPv6FilterNbrHostSharedFltrs Unsigned32, tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleInsrtPt TEntryIdOrZero, tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleInsrtSiz TEntryBlockSize, tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleNbrInsrt Unsigned32, tIPv6FilterChainToSystemFilter TruthValue, tIPv6FilterType TIPvXFilterType } tIPv6FilterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterId uniquely identifies an ip filter. User-configured filters have values between (1..65535). Other values are reserved for filters that are created (auto-generated) by the system. Refer to the description of the textual convention TAnyFilterID for more details." ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 1 } tIPv6FilterRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterRowStatus specifies the status of the IPv6 filter. The object allows entries to be created and deleted in the tIPv6FilterTable." ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 2 } tIPv6FilterScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterScope MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterScope specifies the scope of this filter definition." DEFVAL { template } ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 3 } tIPv6FilterDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterDescription specifies a user-provided description for this filter." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 4 } tIPv6FilterDefaultAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterAction MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterDefaultAction specifies the action to be taken for packets that do not match any of the filter entries. The only allowed values for this field are drop(1) and forward(2)." DEFVAL { drop } ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 5 } tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertPt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertPt specifies at what place the host specific filter entries received from Radius will be inserted in the filter. The area defined here will be dedicated to those entries, no other entries will be allowed. The value 0 means that no Radius provided host specific filter entries can be inserted in the filter. If tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertSize is set to 0, then this object will be put to 0 as well. Any change attempts will result in error." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 6 } tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryBlockSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertSize specifies how many host specific filter entries received from Radius for subscriber hosts can be inserted in the filter. If tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertPt is set to 0, then this object will be put to 0 as well. Any change attempts will result in error." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 7 } tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertPt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertPt specifies at what place the filter entries received from Credit Control for a particular subscriber host will be inserted in the filter. The area defined here will be dedicated to those entries, no other entries will be allowed. The value 0 means that no Credit Control provided filter entries can be inserted in the filter. If tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertSize is set to 0, then this object will be put to 0 as well. Any change attempts will result in error." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 8 } tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryBlockSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertSize specifies how many filter entries received from Credit Control can be inserted in the filter. If tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertPt is set to 0, then this object will be put to 0 as well. Any change attempts will result in error." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 9 } tIPv6FilterSubInsertHighWmark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterSubInsertHighWmark specifies the utilization of the filter ranges for filter entry insertion, at which a table full alarm will be raised by the agent. The value 0 indicates that no alarm will be generated." DEFVAL { 95 } ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 10 } tIPv6FilterSubInsertLowWmark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterSubInsertLowWmark specifies the utilization of the filter ranges for filter entry insertion, at which a table full alarm will be cleared by the agent." DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 11 } tIpv6FilterCreditCntrlNbrInsertd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIpv6FilterCreditCntrlNbrInsertd indicates how many filter entries are currently inserted in the filter on request of credit control." ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 12 } tIpv6FilterRadiusNbrInsertd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIpv6FilterRadiusNbrInsertd indicates how many host specific filter entries are currently inserted in the filter on request of RADIUS." ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 13 } tIpv6FilterName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIpv6FilterName specifies the name to associate with this filter." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 14 } tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertPt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertPt specifies at what place the filter entries received from Radius that are shared between several hosts (host common rules) will be inserted in the filter. The area defined here will be dedicated to those entries, no other entries will be allowed. The value 0 means that no Radius provided host common filter entries can be inserted in the filter. If tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertSize is set to 0, then this object will be put to 0 as well. Any change attempts will result in error." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 15 } tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryBlockSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertSize specifies how many host common filter entries received from Radius for subscriber hosts can be inserted in the filter. If tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertPt is set to 0, then this object will be put to 0 as well. Any change attempts will result in error." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 16 } tIpv6FilterHostSharedNbrInsertd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIpv6FilterHostSharedNbrInsertd indicates how many host common filter entries are currently inserted in the filter on request of Radius." ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 17 } tIPv6FilterHostSharedHighWmark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..8000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterHostSharedHighWmark specifies the number of Radius Shared Filters that can be dynamically created in the system before an high watermark notification is generated by the system. The value -1 specifies that no notifications are sent. If any of the watermarks (high or low) is set to -1, both watermarks will be set to -1 by the system." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 18 } tIPv6FilterHostSharedLowWmark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..8000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterHostSharedLowWmark specifies the number of Radius Shared Filters that are still dynamically created in the system before an high watermark notification is cleared by the system. The value -1 specifies that no notifications are sent. If any of the watermarks (high or low) is set to -1, both watermarks will be set to -1 by the system." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 19 } tIPv6FilterNbrHostSharedFltrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterNbrHostSharedFltrs indicates how many filters are currently created by Radius or Diameter based on this filter. (Both host shared or flow-rule filters.)" ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 20 } tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleInsrtPt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleInsrtPt specifies at what place the flow-rule filter entries that are received from Diameter and that are shared across several hosts will be inserted in the filter. The range defined here will be reserved for those entries; no other entries will be allowed in this range. The value 0 means that no flow-rule filter entries can be inserted in the filter by Diameter. If tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleInsrtSiz is set to 0 then tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleInsrtPt is also set to 0 by the system. Note that the range reserved for shared flow-rule entries must not overlap with that of either tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertPt/tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertSize, tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertPt/tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertSize, or tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertPt/tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertSize" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 21 } tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleInsrtSiz OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryBlockSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleInsrtSiz specifies how many flow-rule filter entries that are received from Diameter and that are shared across several hosts can be inserted in the filter. The range defined here will be reserved for those entries; no other entries will be allowed in this range. The value 0 means that no flow-rule filter entries can be inserted in the filter by Diameter. If tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleInsrtPt is set to 0 then tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleInsrtSiz is also set to 0 by the system. Note that the range reserved for shared flow-rule entries must not overlap with that of either tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertPt/tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertSize, tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertPt/tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertSize, or tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertPt/tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertSize" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 22 } tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleNbrInsrt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleNbrInsrt indicates how many flow-rule filter entries received from Diameter have been inserted in this filter" ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 23 } tIPv6FilterChainToSystemFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterChainToSystemFilter specifies whether this filter policy is chained to the active IPv6 system filter policy. The active IPv6 system filter policy is defined as a row in tFilterSystemFilterTable that have the value of the object tFilterSystemFilterType set to 'fltrtypeselIpv6(4)'. The value 'true(1)' means this filter policy is chained to the active IPv6 system filter policy. The system filter policy's rules are executed first before any rules of this filter policy are executed. The value of this object can be set to 'true(1)' only when the scope of this policy (value of the object tIPv6FilterScope) is 'exclusive(1)' or 'template(2)'. The value 'false(2)' means this filter policy is not chained to the system filter policy." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 24 } tIPv6FilterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIPvXFilterType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterType specifies the type of IPv6 filter." DEFVAL { normal } ::= { tIPv6FilterEntry 25 } tIPv6FilterParamsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TIPv6FilterParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of all IPv6 filter match entries for all IPv6 filters" ::= { tFilterObjects 19 } tIPv6FilterParamsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIPv6FilterParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular IPv6 Filter entry. Every IPv6 Filter can have zero or more IPv6 Filter match entries. A filter entry with no match criteria set will match every packet, and the entry action will be taken. Entries are created/deleted by user. Additional match criteria can be found in tIPv6FilterParamsExtTable. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tIPv6FilterId, tIPv6FilterParamsIndex } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsTable 1 } TIPv6FilterParamsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tIPv6FilterParamsIndex TEntryId, tIPv6FilterParamsRowStatus RowStatus, tIPv6FilterParamsLogId TFilterLogId, tIPv6FilterParamsDescription TItemDescription, tIPv6FilterParamsAction TFilterActionOrDefault, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNH InetAddressIPv6, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHIndirect TruthValue, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCP TDSCPFilterActionValue, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask TDSCPFilterActionValue, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDot1p Dot1PPriority, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpAddr InetAddressIPv6, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask InetAddressPrefixLength, tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpAddr InetAddressIPv6, tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask InetAddressPrefixLength, tIPv6FilterParamsNextHeader TIpProtocol, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue1 TTcpUdpPort, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue2 TTcpUdpPort, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortOperator TOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue1 TTcpUdpPort, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue2 TTcpUdpPort, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortOperator TOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDSCP TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tIPv6FilterParamsTcpSyn TItemMatch, tIPv6FilterParamsTcpAck TItemMatch, tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpCode TIcmpCodeOrNone, tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpType TIcmpTypeOrNone, tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdSample TruthValue, tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdIfSample TruthValue, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHInterface DisplayString, tIPv6FilterParamsIngressHitCount Counter64, tIPv6FilterParamsEgressHitCount Counter64, tIPv6FilterParamsLogInstantiated TruthValue, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardRedPlcy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPv6FilterParamsActiveDest InetAddressIPv6, tIPv6FilterParamsTimeRangeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPv6FilterParamsTimeRangeState TTimeRangeState, tIPv6FilterParamsIngrHitByteCount Counter64, tIPv6FilterParamsEgrHitByteCount Counter64, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSvcId TmnxServId, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapPortId TmnxPortID, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal TmnxEncapVal, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSdpBind SdpBindId, tIPv6FilterParamsRedirectURL TmnxHttpRedirectUrl, tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpPrefixList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpPrefixList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPv6FilterParamsFragment TFragmentMatch, tIPv6FilterParamsHopByHopOpt TItemMatch, tIPv6FilterParamsRoutingType0 TItemMatch, tIPv6FilterParamsPortSelector TFltrPortSelector, tIPv6FilterParamsSrcPortList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPv6FilterParamsDstPortList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPv6FilterParamsRdirAllwRadOvrd TruthValue, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdRtrId TmnxVRtrIDOrZero, tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpFullMask InetAddressIPv6, tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpFullMask InetAddressIPv6, tIPv6FilterParamsNatPolicyName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPv6FilterParamsFlowLabel IPv6FlowLabel, tIPv6FilterParamsFlowLabelMask IPv6FlowLabelMask, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLsp TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLspRtrId TmnxVRtrIDOrZero, tIPv6FilterParamsIpSelector TFltrMatchIpSelector } tIPv6FilterParamsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the secondary index for the entry. Every IPv6 filter can have multiple entries, therefore every IPv6 filter entry is identified by the tIPv6FilterId and tIPv6FilterParamsIndex." ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 1 } tIPv6FilterParamsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows entries to be created and deleted in the tIPv6FilterParamsTable." ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 2 } tIPv6FilterParamsLogId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterLogId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the log to use for packets that match this entry. The value zero indicates that logging is disabled." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 3 } tIPv6FilterParamsDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User-provided description for this filter entry." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 4 } tIPv6FilterParamsAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterActionOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The action to take for packets that match this filter entry. The value default(3) specifies this entry to inherit the behavior defined as the default for the filter. Setting the values 'forwardEsiL2' and 'forwardEsiL3' explicitly is ignored by the system. The values 'forwardEsiL2'(8) and 'forwardEsiL3'(9) can be set only implicitly by specifying non default values of objects specifying parameters for these actions. In such case the value of tIPFilterParamsAction will be set to 'forwardEsiL2'(8) or 'forwardEsiL3'(9) automatically by system. The object tIPv6FilterParamsAction supports only subset of filter actions. The object tIPvXFltrEntryActAction supports all actions. It's recommended to use tIPvXFltrEntryActAction instead of tIPv6FilterParamsAction. The following value(s) is(are) not supported: - reassemble" DEFVAL { ignoreMatch } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 5 } tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The IPv6 address of the nexthop to which the packet should be forwarded if it hits this filter entry. The action of this entry should be 'forward' in such a case. Note that the value of tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNH is silently cleared by the system if tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2), or any object related to 'forward' other than tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNH or tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHIndirect or tIPv6FilterParamsFwdRtrId is set." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 6 } tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHIndirect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHIndirect specifies if the nexthop is directly or indirectly reachable. Note that the value of tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHIndirect is silently cleared by the system if tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2), or any object related to 'forward' other than tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNH, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHIndirect or tIPv6FilterParamsFwdRtrId is set." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 7 } tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPFilterActionValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The DSCP value that should be remarked in case a packet hits this filter entry." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 8 } tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPFilterActionValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask specifies the care bits while remarking with the DSCP value." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 9 } tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDot1p OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDot1p specifies the Dot1p value that needs to be remarked on the packet if it hits this filter entry." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 10 } tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPv6 address to match the source IPv6 address of the packet." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 11 } tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength (0..128) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask specifies the IPv6 prefix length value for this policy IPv6 Filter entry. The mask generated from the prefix length value is ANDed with the received source IPv6 address to match the tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpAddr. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask is 0, and the value of tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpFullMask is non zero then the value of tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpFullMask is used as a mask. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed in the object tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpFullMask. If both tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask and tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the source IPv6 address. If a value is specified for this object, then the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpFullMask will be set to reflect this same mask." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 12 } tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPv6 address to match the destination IPv6 address of the packet." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 13 } tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength (0..128) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask specifies the IPv6 prefix length value for this policy IPv6 Filter entry. The mask generated from the prefix length value is ANDed with the received destination IPv6 address to match the tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpAddr. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask is 0, and the value of tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpFullMask is non zero then the value of tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpFullMask is used as a mask. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed in the object tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpFullMask. If both tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask and tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the destination IPv6 address. If a value is specified for this object, then the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpFullMask will be set to reflect this same mask." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 14 } tIPv6FilterParamsNextHeader OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIpProtocol MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPv6 next header to match. Set to -1 to disable matching IPv6 next header." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 15 } tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TCP/UDP port value1. The value of this object is used as per the description for tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 16 } tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TCP/UDP port value2. The value of this object is used as per the description for tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 17 } tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operator specifies the manner in which tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1 and tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2 are to be used." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 18 } tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TCP/UDP port value1. The value of this object is used as per the description for tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 19 } tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TCP/UDP port value2. The value of this object is used as per the description for tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 20 } tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operator specifies the manner in which tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1 and tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2 are to be used." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 21 } tIPv6FilterParamsDSCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DSCP to be matched on the packet." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 22 } tIPv6FilterParamsTcpSyn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a TCP Syn as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 23 } tIPv6FilterParamsTcpAck OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a TCP Ack as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 24 } tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIcmpCodeOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICMP code to be matched. The value -1 means ICMP code matching is not enabled." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 25 } tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIcmpTypeOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICMP type to be matched. The value -1 means ICMP type matching is not enabled." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 26 } tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdSample OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tIPFilterParamsCflowdSample has a value of 'true', Cflowd sampling and analysis is performed on those packet streams where this filter has been applied. Only packets matching this IPv6 filter entry are subjected to Cflowd sampling and analysis. A Cflowd profile controls the sampling and analysis of data flows through the router." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 27 } tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdIfSample OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdIfSample has a value of 'true', Cflowd sampling and analysis is performed on those packet streams where this filter has been applied. Only packets matching this IPv6 filter entry are subjected to Cflowd sampling and analysis. A Cflowd profile controls the sampling and analysis of data flows through the router." DEFVAL { true } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 28 } tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The interface name for the nexthop to which the packet should be forwarded if it hits this filter entry. The action of this entry should be 'forward' in such a case. Note that the value of tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHInterface is silently cleared by the system if tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2), or any object related to 'forward' other than this one is set." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 29 } tIPv6FilterParamsIngressHitCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of times an ingress packet matched this entry." ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 30 } tIPv6FilterParamsEgressHitCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of times an egress packet matched this entry." ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 31 } tIPv6FilterParamsLogInstantiated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tIPv6FilterParamsLogInstantiated indicates if the filter log for this filter entry has been instantiated or not." ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 32 } tIPv6FilterParamsForwardRedPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPv6FilterParamsForwardRedPlcy specifies the redirect policy to be used to determine the nexthop. Note that the value of tIPv6FilterParamsForwardRedPlcy is silently cleared by the system if tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2), or any object related to 'forward' other than this one is set." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 33 } tIPv6FilterParamsActiveDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tIPv6FilterParamsActiveDest indicates the IPv6 address of the active destination for this IPv6 filter. A value of 0 indicates that there is currently no active destination." ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 34 } tIPv6FilterParamsTimeRangeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPv6FilterParamsTimeRangeName specifies the tmnxTimeRangeEntry to be associated with this filter entry. A value for this object can only be specified during row creation, and cannot be altered later on. Also, a value is accepted only if the tmnxTimeRangeEntry is defined in the TIMETRA-SCHEDULER-MIB::tmnxTimeRangeTable.tTimeRangeName. This object is obsoleted in release 14.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 35 } tIPv6FilterParamsTimeRangeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTimeRangeState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPv6FilterParamsTimeRangeState indicates whether or not the entry is currently in effect. - timeRangeNotApplic: no time range is applicable for this entry. - timeRangeNotActive: A time range is defined in tIPv6FilterParamsTimeRangeName, but is not active at this moment. Consequently the filter entry is not installed. - timeRangeActive. A time range is defined in tIPv6FilterParamsTimeRangeName, and is activated successfully. - timeRangeActiveDownloadFailed: A time range is defined in tIPv6FilterParamsTimeRangeName, and is activated, but the corresponding filter entry could not be installed due to resource problems. This object is obsoleted in release 14.0." ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 36 } tIPv6FilterParamsIngrHitByteCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPv6FilterParamsIngrHitByteCount indicates the number of bytes of all ingress packets that matched this entry." ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 37 } tIPv6FilterParamsEgrHitByteCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This tIPv6FilterParamsEgrHitByteCount indicates the number of bytes of all egress packets that matched this entry." ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 38 } tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSvcId indicates the service id of the destination for this filter entry. The value 0 indicates that there is no active SAP or SDP destination." ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 39 } tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapPortId specifies the sap port id of the destination for this filter entry. The value 0 indicates that there is no SAP destination defined. A value different from 0 can only be specified if the value of the tIPv6FilterParamsAction object of this entry is 'forward'. In addition a non-zero value can only be given if the object tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSdpBind is '0'. Note that the value of tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapPortId is silently cleared by the system if tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2), or any object related to 'forward' other than tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapPortId or tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal is set." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 40 } tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal specifies the sap port encap value of the destination SAP for this filter entry. A value different from 0 can only be specified if the value of the tIPv6FilterParamsAction object of this entry is 'forward'. In addition a non-zero value can only be given if the object tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSdpBind has value '0'. The value 0 indicates that either 1) the sap encapsulation value is not specified when tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapPortId and tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSvcId have valid values; or 2) that there is no SAP destination. Note that the value of tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal is silently cleared by the system if tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2), or any object related to 'forward' other than tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapPortId or tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal is set." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 41 } tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSdpBind OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpBindId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSdpBind specifies the sdp bind id of the destination for this filter entry. The value '0' indicates that there is currently no SDP binding defined. A value different from '0' can only be specified if the value of the tIPv6FilterParamsAction object of this entry is 'forward'. In addition a non-zero value can only be given if the objects tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapPortId and tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal have value 0. Note that the value of tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSdpBind is silently cleared by the system if tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2), or any object related to 'forward' other than this one is set." DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 42 } tIPv6FilterParamsRedirectURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHttpRedirectUrl MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPv6FilterParamsRedirectURL specifies the URL to redirect to, when the value of tIPv6FilterParamsAction is 'httpRedirect'. The following macro substitutions are applicable in this context: $URL, $MAC, $IP, $SUB, $SAP, $SAPDESC, $CID, and $RID. Note that the value of tIPv6FilterParamsRedirectURL is silently cleared by the system if tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to any value other than httpRedirect." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 43 } tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpPrefixList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object specifies the IPv6 prefix list used as match criterion for the source IPv6 address. The value specified for this object must correspond to a prefix list defined in tFilterPrefixListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpAddr and tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask are used as source IPv6 address match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpAddr and tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for the objects tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpAddr and tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask then this object is reset to its default (empty) value by the system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 44 } tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpPrefixList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object specifies the IPv6 prefix list used as match criterion for the destination IPv6 address. The value specified for this object must correspond to a prefix list defined in tFilterPrefixListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpAddr and tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask are used as destination ipv6 address match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpAddr and tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for the objects tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpAddr and tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask then this object is reset to its default (empty) value by the system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 45 } tIPv6FilterParamsFragment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFragmentMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches fragmented/unfragmented packets as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 46 } tIPv6FilterParamsHopByHopOpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a Hop-By-Hop options Extension Header as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 47 } tIPv6FilterParamsRoutingType0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a Routing Extension Header as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 48 } tIPv6FilterParamsPortSelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFltrPortSelector MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies how the source port objects (tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsSrcPortList) and destination port objects (tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDstPortList) are combined to form the filter match criterion. See description of TFltrPortSelector." DEFVAL { and-port } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 49 } tIPv6FilterParamsSrcPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object specifies the port-list used as match criterion for the source port. The value specified for this object must correspond to a port-list defined in tFilterPortListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2, and tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator are used as source port match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2, and tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for one of the objects tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2, or tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator then tIPv6FilterParamsSrcPortList is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. Setting any one of the objects tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2, or tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator to a non-default value in combination with a non-default value for the object tIPv6FilterParamsSrcPortList is rejected by the system" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 50 } tIPv6FilterParamsDstPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object specifies the port-list used as match criterion for the destination port. The value specified for this object must correspond to a port-list defined in tFilterPortListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2, and tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator are used as destination port match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2, and tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for one of the objects tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2, or tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator then tIPv6FilterParamsDstPortList is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. Setting any one of the objects tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2, or tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator to a non-default value in combination with a non-default value for the object tIPv6FilterParamsDstPortList is rejected by the system" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 51 } tIPv6FilterParamsRdirAllwRadOvrd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of this object specifies whether or not the value of tIPv6FilterParamsRedirectURL can be overridden by a Radius VSA. The default value is false (i.e. the URL cannot be overridden by Radius). The value of tIPv6FilterParamsRdirAllwRadOvrd is relevant only if the value of tIPv6FilterParamsAction is httpRedirect. Setting the value of tIPv6FilterParamsRdirAllwRadOvrd to true is ignored by the system if the value of tIPv6FilterParamsAction is not httpRedirect. Furthermore, the value of tIPv6FilterParamsRdirAllwRadOvrd is silently reset to false by the system if tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to any value other than httpRedirect." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 52 } tIPv6FilterParamsFwdRtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrIDOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tIPv6FilterParamsFwdRtrId specifies, if different from '0', the router id into which the packet should be forwarded if it hits this filter entry. The action of this entry should be 'forward' in such a case. Note that the value of tIPv6FilterParamsFwdRtrId is silently cleared by the system if tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2), or any object related to 'forward' other than tIPv6FilterParamsFwdRtrId, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNH or tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHIndirect is set." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 53 } tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpFullMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpFullMask specifies the IPv6 Mask value for this policy IPv6 Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received Source IPv6 address to match the tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpAddr. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask is 0, and the value of tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpFullMask is non zero then the value of tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpFullMask is used as a mask. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed in the object tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpFullMask. If both tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask and tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Source IPv6 address. If a regular mask is specified for tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpFullMask then the value of tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask will be changed to reflect this value." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 54 } tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpFullMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpFullMask specifies the IPv6 Mask value for this policy IPv6 Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received Destination IPv6 address to match the tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpAddr. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask is 0, and the value of tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpFullMask is non zero then the value of tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpFullMask is used as a mask. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed in the object tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpFullMask. If both tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask and tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Destination IPv6 address. If a regular mask is specified for tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpFullMask then the value of tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask will be changed to reflect this value." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 55 } tIPv6FilterParamsNatPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of this object specifies the name of the NAT policy to be used when the value of tIPv6FilterParamsAction is nat. If the value is empty then a default policy is used. If the value is non-empty then it must correspond to a policy defined in tmnxNatPlcyTable. The value of tIPv6FilterParamsNatPolicyName is relevant only if the value of tIPv6FilterParamsAction is nat. Setting the value of tIPv6FilterParamsNatPolicyName to a non-empty string is ignored by the system if the value of tIPv6FilterParamsAction is not nat. Furthermore, the value of tIPv6FilterParamsNatPolicyName is silently reset to an empty string by the system if tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to any value other than nat." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 56 } tIPv6FilterParamsFlowLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IPv6FlowLabel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from -1 the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsFlowLabel specifies the flow label to be used as a match criterion." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 57 } tIPv6FilterParamsFlowLabelMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IPv6FlowLabelMask MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsFlowLabelMask specifies the flow label mask value for this policy IP Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received flow label to match the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsFlowLabel. The value is only significant if the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsFlowLabel is different from -1." DEFVAL { '0fffff'H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 58 } tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLsp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "If different from zero the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLsp together with the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLspRtrId specifies the LSP into which a packet should be forwarded if it hits this filter entry. The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsAction of this entry must be 'forward' in such case. Otherwise the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLsp is ignored by the system. The value is reset to '0' if the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to value other than 'forward'(2), or any object related to 'forward' other than tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLspRtrId or tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLsp is set. The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLsp cannot be set to a non-zero value if other destinations are already specified. The value has to be '0' if the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLspRtrId is not set (i.e. is '0'). If a non-zero value is set, the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLspRtrId has to be set as well." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 59 } tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLspRtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrIDOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLspRtrId specifies the router ID that the LSP ID defined by the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLsp belongs to. The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsAction of this entry must be 'forward' in such case. Otherwise the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLspRtrId is ignored by the system. The value is reset to '0' if the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to other value than 'forward'(2), or any object related to 'forward' other than tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLspRtrId or tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLsp is set. The value of this object cannot be set to a non-zero value if other destinations are already specified. The value has to be '0' if the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLsp is not set (i.e. is '0'). If a non-zero value is set, the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLsp has to be set as well. The ID of the base router and '0' are the only allowed values with this version of the product." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 60 } tIPv6FilterParamsIpSelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFltrMatchIpSelector MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsIpSelector specifies how the source address objects (tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpFullMask, tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpPrefixList) and destination address objects (tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpFullMask, tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpPrefixList) are combined to form the filter match criterion. See description of TFltrMatchIpSelector." DEFVAL { and-ip } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry 61 } tFilterGroupInsertedEntries OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tFilterObjects 20 } tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFilterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFilterType specifies the type of the filter referred to by tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFilterId. Inserted entries can only occur in 'fltrtypeselIp' and 'fltrtypeselIpv6'" DEFVAL { fltrtypeselNone } ::= { tFilterGroupInsertedEntries 1 } tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFilterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFilterId specifies for which filter the inserted entries must be grouped." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFilterGroupInsertedEntries 2 } tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesApplication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesApplication MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesApplication specifies for which application the inserted entries must be grouped." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tFilterGroupInsertedEntries 3 } tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), top (1), bottom (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesLocation specifies at what location the inserted entries must be grouped." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tFilterGroupInsertedEntries 4 } tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), success (1), failure (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesResult indicates the success or failure of the last requested grouping request on inserted entries." ::= { tFilterGroupInsertedEntries 5 } tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFeedback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..254)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFeedback may indicate additional info on the last inserted filter entries grouping action performed." ::= { tFilterGroupInsertedEntries 6 } tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesExecute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting the object tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesExecute to 'true' will cause the system to attempt to execute the grouping command as specified by the other MIB objects in the tFilterGroupInsertedEntries mibgroup. When read the value will always indicate 'false'. The result of the command can be found in tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesResult and tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFeedback" DEFVAL { false } ::= { tFilterGroupInsertedEntries 7 } tDhcpFilterTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDhcpFilterTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tDhcpFilterTable by adding, deleting an entry or change to a writable object in the table. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 21 } tDhcpFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TDhcpFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains a list of all DHCP filters configured on this system." ::= { tFilterObjects 22 } tDhcpFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDhcpFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular DHCP filter. Entries are created/deleted by user. Entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tDhcpFilterId } ::= { tDhcpFilterTable 1 } TDhcpFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tDhcpFilterId TDHCPFilterID, tDhcpFilterRowStatus RowStatus, tDhcpFilterLastChanged TimeStamp, tDhcpFilterDescription TItemDescription, tDhcpFilterDefAction TDhcpFilterAction } tDhcpFilterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDHCPFilterID (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies a DHCP filter as configures on this system." ::= { tDhcpFilterEntry 1 } tDhcpFilterRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows entries to be created and deleted in the tDhcpFilterTable." ::= { tDhcpFilterEntry 2 } tDhcpFilterLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDhcpFilterLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tDhcpFilterTable." ::= { tDhcpFilterEntry 3 } tDhcpFilterDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User-provided description for this filter." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tDhcpFilterEntry 4 } tDhcpFilterDefAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDhcpFilterAction MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default action to take for DHCP host creation requests that do not match any of this filter's entries. The value none(1) specifies normal host creation behaviour, the value bypass-host-creation(2) specifies to bypass host creation, the value drop(3) specifies to drop the DHCP message." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tDhcpFilterEntry 5 } tDhcpFilterParamsTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDhcpFilterParamsTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tDhcpFilterParamsTable by adding, deleting an entry or change to a writable object in the table. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 23 } tDhcpFilterParamsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TDhcpFilterParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of all DHCP filter match entries for all DHCP filters" ::= { tFilterObjects 24 } tDhcpFilterParamsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDhcpFilterParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular DHCP filter entry. Every DHCP filter can have zero or more DHCP filter match entries. A filter entry with no match criteria set will match every packet, and the entry action will be taken. Entries are created/deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tDhcpFilterId, tDhcpFilterParamsId } ::= { tDhcpFilterParamsTable 1 } TDhcpFilterParamsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tDhcpFilterParamsId TDhcpEntryId, tDhcpFilterParamsRowStatus RowStatus, tDhcpFilterParamsLastChanged TimeStamp, tDhcpFilterParamsOptionNumber Integer32, tDhcpFilterParamsOptionMatch TDhcpFilterMatch, tDhcpFilterParamsAction TDhcpFilterAction, tDhcpFilterParamsOptionValue OCTET STRING } tDhcpFilterParamsId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDhcpEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the secondary index for the entry. Every DHCP filter can have multiple entries, therefore every DHCP filter entry is identified by the tDhcpFilterId and tDhcpFilterParamsId." ::= { tDhcpFilterParamsEntry 1 } tDhcpFilterParamsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows entries to be created and deleted in the tDhcpFilterParamsTable." ::= { tDhcpFilterParamsEntry 2 } tDhcpFilterParamsLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDhcpFilterParamsLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tDhcpFilterParamsTable." ::= { tDhcpFilterParamsEntry 3 } tDhcpFilterParamsOptionNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDhcpFilterParamsOptionNumber specifies the number of the DHCP option to filter on." REFERENCE "RFC 2132, RFC 3315, RFC 3633" DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tDhcpFilterParamsEntry 4 } tDhcpFilterParamsOptionMatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDhcpFilterMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDhcpFilterParamsOptionMatch specifies the criteria that the DHCP option must match to trigger this filter entry. The value present(1) specifies that the DHCP option must be present, the value absent(2) specifies that the DHCP option must be absent. In these cases tDhcpFilterParamsOptionValue will be reset to an empty string. A value string(3), string-exact(4), string-invert(5), string-exact-invert(6), hex(7), hex-exact(8), hex-invert(9) or hex-exact-invert(10) requires an octet string to be present in tDhcpFilterParamsOptionValue to match against." DEFVAL { present } ::= { tDhcpFilterParamsEntry 5 } tDhcpFilterParamsAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDhcpFilterAction MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action to take for DHCP host creation requests that match this filter entry. The value none(1) specifies normal host creation behaviour, the value bypass-host-creation(2) specifies to bypass host creation, the value drop(3) specifies to drop the DHCP message." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tDhcpFilterParamsEntry 6 } tDhcpFilterParamsOptionValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..127)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tDhcpFilterParamsOptionValue specifies the matching pattern for the filtered DHCP option. This object is mandatory at creation time. A zero length value is only allowed when the value of tDhcpFilterParamsOptionMatch is present(1) or absent(2)." ::= { tDhcpFilterParamsEntry 7 } tMacFilterNameTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMacFilterNameTableLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tMacFilterNameTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 25 } tMacFilterNameTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TMacFilterNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains MAC filter name information. Entries are created automatically by the system when tMacFilterName object is set for the MAC filter." ::= { tFilterObjects 26 } tMacFilterNameEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMacFilterNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Basic information about a specific MAC filter name." INDEX { tMacFilterName } ::= { tMacFilterNameTable 1 } TMacFilterNameEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tMacFilterNameId TAnyFilterID, tMacFilterNameRowStatus RowStatus, tMacFilterNameLastChanged TimeStamp } tMacFilterNameId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFilterNameId indicates the filter name associated with this MAC filter." ::= { tMacFilterNameEntry 1 } tMacFilterNameRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object tMacFilterNameRowStatus indicates the status of this row." ::= { tMacFilterNameEntry 2 } tMacFilterNameLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMacFilterNameLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tMacFilterNameEntry 3 } tIpFilterNameTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIpFilterNameTableLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tIpFilterNameTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 27 } tIpFilterNameTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TIpFilterNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains IP filter name information. Entries are created automatically by the system when tIpFilterName object is set for the IP filter." ::= { tFilterObjects 28 } tIpFilterNameEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIpFilterNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Basic information about a specific IP filter name." INDEX { tIpFilterName } ::= { tIpFilterNameTable 1 } TIpFilterNameEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tIpFilterNameId TAnyFilterID, tIpFilterNameRowStatus RowStatus, tIpFilterNameLastChanged TimeStamp } tIpFilterNameId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIpFilterNameId indicates the filter name associated with this IP filter." ::= { tIpFilterNameEntry 1 } tIpFilterNameRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object tIpFilterNameRowStatus indicates the status of this row." ::= { tIpFilterNameEntry 2 } tIpFilterNameLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIpFilterNameLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tIpFilterNameEntry 3 } tIpv6FilterNameTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIpv6FilterNameTableLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tIpv6FilterNameTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 29 } tIpv6FilterNameTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TIpv6FilterNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains IPv6 filter name information. Entries are created automatically by the system when tIpv6FilterName object is set for the IPv6 filter." ::= { tFilterObjects 30 } tIpv6FilterNameEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIpv6FilterNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Basic information about a specific IPv6 filter name." INDEX { tIpv6FilterName } ::= { tIpv6FilterNameTable 1 } TIpv6FilterNameEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tIpv6FilterNameId TAnyFilterID, tIpv6FilterNameRowStatus RowStatus, tIpv6FilterNameLastChanged TimeStamp } tIpv6FilterNameId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIpv6FilterNameId indicates the filter name associated with this IPv6 filter." ::= { tIpv6FilterNameEntry 1 } tIpv6FilterNameRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object tIpv6FilterNameRowStatus indicates the status of this row." ::= { tIpv6FilterNameEntry 2 } tIpv6FilterNameLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIpv6FilterNameLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tIpv6FilterNameEntry 3 } tFilterLiObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tFilterObjects 31 } tLiReservedBlockTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiReservedBlockTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tLiReservedBlockTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterLiObjects 1 } tLiReservedBlockTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TLiReservedBlockEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tLiReservedBlockTable describes LI reserved blocks. In this release this table can have at most one entry." ::= { tFilterLiObjects 2 } tLiReservedBlockEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLiReservedBlockEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about an LI reserved block. This block can be associated with one or more filters to reserve a number of entries in those filters for LI." INDEX { tLiReservedBlockName } ::= { tLiReservedBlockTable 1 } TLiReservedBlockEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tLiReservedBlockName TNamedItem, tLiReservedBlockRowStatus RowStatus, tLiReservedBlockLastChanged TimeStamp, tLiReservedBlockDescription TItemDescription, tLiReservedBlockStart TEntryIdOrZero, tLiReservedBlockSize TEntryBlockSize } tLiReservedBlockName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiReservedBlockName uniquely identifies an LI reserved block." ::= { tLiReservedBlockEntry 1 } tLiReservedBlockRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiReservedBlockRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tLiReservedBlockEntry 2 } tLiReservedBlockLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiReservedBlockLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tLiReservedBlockEntry 3 } tLiReservedBlockDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiReservedBlockDescription specifies a description for this LI reserved block." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tLiReservedBlockEntry 4 } tLiReservedBlockStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiReservedBlockStart specifies the starting entry of the LI reserved block. If set to '0' no block is reserved. In this case the value of the object tLiReservedBlockSize will be set to '0' by the system." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tLiReservedBlockEntry 5 } tLiReservedBlockSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryBlockSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiReservedBlockSize specifies the size of the LI reserved block. If set to '0' no block is reserved. In this case the value of the object tLiReservedBlockStart will be set to '0' by the system. The maximum value of this object may be limited depending on hardware variants." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tLiReservedBlockEntry 6 } tLiReservedBlockFltrTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLiReservedBlockFltrTableLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tLiReservedBlockFltrTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterLiObjects 3 } tLiReservedBlockFltrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TLiReservedBlockFltrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tLiReservedBlockFltrTable contains associations between normal filters and LI block reservations. Setting the value of TIMETRA_SYSTEM_MIB:tmnxSysMgmtIfWriteMode to VAL_tmnxSysMgmtIfWriteOperMode_mixed won't be allowed if this table contains reference to non existing filter. Before enabling mixed mode the loose references should be removed or replaced by name references in tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocTable" ::= { tFilterLiObjects 4 } tLiReservedBlockFltrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLiReservedBlockFltrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An association of a normal filter with an LI block reservation. In this release MAC and IP/IPv6 filters are supported. Entries can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations to tLiReservedBlockFltrRowStatus." INDEX { tLiReservedBlockName, tLiReservedBlockFltrType, tLiReservedBlockFltrIdStart, tLiReservedBlockFltrIdEnd } ::= { tLiReservedBlockFltrTable 1 } TLiReservedBlockFltrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tLiReservedBlockFltrType TFilterType, tLiReservedBlockFltrIdStart TFilterID, tLiReservedBlockFltrIdEnd TFilterID, tLiReservedBlockFltrRowStatus RowStatus, tLiReservedBlockFltrLastChanged TimeStamp } tLiReservedBlockFltrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiReservedBlockFltrType specifies the type of filter this LI block reservation applies to. In this release MAC and IP/IPv6 filters are supported: fltrtypeselIp (1) fltrtypeselMac (2) fltrtypeselIpv6 (4)" ::= { tLiReservedBlockFltrEntry 1 } tLiReservedBlockFltrIdStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiReservedBlockFltrIdStart specifies the ID of the first filter to apply an LI block reservation. If the value of the object tLiReservedBlockFltrType is equal to 1 or 4 (IP or IPv6 filter) then the scope of any filter (defined by the value of the object tIPFilterScope or tIPv6FilterScope) inside of the range defined by the values of the objects tLiReservedBlockFltrIdStart and tLiReservedBlockFltrIdEnd must not be equal to embedded (3). In this release, tLiReservedBlockFltrIdStart must be equal to tLiReservedBlockFltrIdEnd." ::= { tLiReservedBlockFltrEntry 2 } tLiReservedBlockFltrIdEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiReservedBlockFltrIdEnd specifies the ID of the last filter to apply an LI block reservation. If the value of the object tLiReservedBlockFltrType is equal to 1 or 4 (IP or IPv6 filter) then the scope of any filter (defined by the value of the object tIPFilterScope or tIPv6FilterScope) inside of the range defined by the values of the objects tLiReservedBlockFltrIdStart and tLiReservedBlockFltrIdEnd must not be equal to embedded (3). In this release, tLiReservedBlockFltrIdEnd must be equal to tLiReservedBlockFltrIdStart." ::= { tLiReservedBlockFltrEntry 3 } tLiReservedBlockFltrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiReservedBlockFltrRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tLiReservedBlockFltrEntry 4 } tLiReservedBlockFltrLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiReservedBlockFltrLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tLiReservedBlockFltrEntry 5 } tLiFilterTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiFilterTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tLiFilterTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterLiObjects 5 } tLiFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TLiFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tLiFilterTable contains information about all LI filters. In this release MAC and IP/IPv6 filters are supported." ::= { tFilterLiObjects 6 } tLiFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLiFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry represents an LI filter. In this release MAC and IP/IPv6 filters are supported. Entries can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations to tLiFilterRowStatus." INDEX { tLiFilterType, tLiFilterName } ::= { tLiFilterTable 1 } TLiFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tLiFilterType TFilterType, tLiFilterName TNamedItem, tLiFilterRowStatus RowStatus, tLiFilterLastChanged TimeStamp, tLiFilterDescription TItemDescription } tLiFilterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiFilterType specifies the type of this LI filter. In this release MAC and IP/IPv6 filters are supported." ::= { tLiFilterEntry 1 } tLiFilterName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiFilterName indicates the unique name of this LI Filter." ::= { tLiFilterEntry 2 } tLiFilterRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiFilterRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tLiFilterEntry 3 } tLiFilterLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiFilterLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tLiFilterEntry 4 } tLiFilterDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiFilterDescription specifies a description for this LI filter." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tLiFilterEntry 5 } tLiFilterAssociationTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiFilterAssociationTableLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tLiFilterAssociationTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterLiObjects 7 } tLiFilterAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TLiFilterAssociationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tLiFilterAssociationTable contains information about the associations between LI filters and normal filters." ::= { tFilterLiObjects 8 } tLiFilterAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLiFilterAssociationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An association between an LI filter and a normal filter." INDEX { tLiFilterType, tLiFilterName, tLiFilterAssociationFltrId } ::= { tLiFilterAssociationTable 1 } TLiFilterAssociationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tLiFilterAssociationFltrId TFilterID, tLiFilterAssociationRowStatus RowStatus, tLiFilterAssociationLastChg TimeStamp } tLiFilterAssociationFltrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiFilterAssociationFltrId indicates the id of the normal filter in the association described by this entry." ::= { tLiFilterAssociationEntry 1 } tLiFilterAssociationRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiFilterAssociationRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tLiFilterAssociationEntry 2 } tLiFilterAssociationLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiFilterAssociationLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tLiFilterAssociationEntry 3 } tLiMacFilterParamsTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiMacFilterParamsTableLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tLiMacFilterParamsTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterLiObjects 9 } tLiMacFilterParamsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TLiMacFilterParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tLiMacFilterParamsTable contains all LI MAC filter match entries for all LI MAC filters." ::= { tFilterLiObjects 10 } tLiMacFilterParamsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLiMacFilterParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An LI MAC filter match entry." INDEX { tLiFilterType, tLiFilterName, tLiMacFilterParamsId } ::= { tLiMacFilterParamsTable 1 } TLiMacFilterParamsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tLiMacFilterParamsId TLimitedEntryId, tLiMacFilterParamsRowStatus RowStatus, tLiMacFilterParamsLastChanged TimeStamp, tLiMacFilterParamsDescription TItemDescription, tLiMacFilterParamsFrameType TFrameType, tLiMacFilterParamsSrcMAC MacAddress, tLiMacFilterParamsSrcMACMask MacAddress, tLiMacFilterParamsDstMAC MacAddress, tLiMacFilterParamsDstMACMask MacAddress, tLiMacFilterParamsIngrHitCount Counter64, tLiMacFilterParamsEgrHitCount Counter64, tLiMacFilterParamsIngrHitBytes Counter64, tLiMacFilterParamsEgrHitBytes Counter64 } tLiMacFilterParamsId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLimitedEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiMacFilterParamsId indicates the secondary index for this entry. Every LI MAC filter may have multiple match entries, therefore every LI MAC filter match entry is identified by the tLiFilterName and tLiMacFilterParamsId." ::= { tLiMacFilterParamsEntry 1 } tLiMacFilterParamsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiMacFilterParamsRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tLiMacFilterParamsEntry 2 } tLiMacFilterParamsLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiMacFilterParamsLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tLiMacFilterParamsEntry 3 } tLiMacFilterParamsDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiMacFilterParamsDescription specifies a description for this entry." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tLiMacFilterParamsEntry 4 } tLiMacFilterParamsFrameType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFrameType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiMacFilterParamsFrameType specifies the type of mac frame for which we are defining this match criterion." DEFVAL { e802dot3 } ::= { tLiMacFilterParamsEntry 5 } tLiMacFilterParamsSrcMAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiMacFilterParamsSrcMAC specifies the source MAC address to match for this LI MAC filter entry." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tLiMacFilterParamsEntry 6 } tLiMacFilterParamsSrcMACMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiMacFilterParamsSrcMACMask specifies the source MAC mask value for this LI MAC filter match entry. The mask is ANDed with the MAC to match tLiMacFilterParamsSrcMAC. A cleared bit means ignore this bit, do not match. A set bit means match this bit with tLiMacFilterParamsSrcMAC. Use the value 00-00-00-00-00-00 to disable this filter criterion. If set to all zero, the value of tLiMacFilterParamsSrcMAC will be set to all zero by the system, and any attempt to change this value will be ignored." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tLiMacFilterParamsEntry 7 } tLiMacFilterParamsDstMAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiMacFilterParamsDstMAC specifies the destination MAC to match for this LI MAC filter entry." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tLiMacFilterParamsEntry 8 } tLiMacFilterParamsDstMACMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiMacFilterParamsDstMACMask specifies the destination MAC mask value for this LI MAC filter match entry. The mask is ANDed with the MAC to match tLiMacFilterParamsDstMAC. A cleared bit means ignore this bit, do not match. A set bit means match this bit with tLiMacFilterParamsDstMAC. Use the value 00-00-00-00-00-00 to disable this filter criteria. If set to all zero, the value of tLiMacFilterParamsDstMAC will be set to all zero by the system, and any attempt to change this value will be ignored." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tLiMacFilterParamsEntry 9 } tLiMacFilterParamsIngrHitCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiMacFilterParamsIngrHitCount indicates the number of times an ingress packet matched this entry." ::= { tLiMacFilterParamsEntry 10 } tLiMacFilterParamsEgrHitCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object tLiMacFilterParamsEgrHitCount indicates the number of times an egress packet matched this entry." ::= { tLiMacFilterParamsEntry 11 } tLiMacFilterParamsIngrHitBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLiMacFilterParamsIngrHitBytes indicates the number of bytes of all ingress packets that matched this entry." ::= { tLiMacFilterParamsEntry 12 } tLiMacFilterParamsEgrHitBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLiMacFilterParamsEgrHitBytes indicates the number of bytes of all egress packets that matched this entry." ::= { tLiMacFilterParamsEntry 13 } tLiIpFilterParamsTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsTableLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tLiIpFilterParamsTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterLiObjects 15 } tLiIpFilterParamsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TLiIpFilterParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tLiIpFilterParamsTable contains information pertaining to match entries of LI IP/IPv6 filters." ::= { tFilterLiObjects 16 } tLiIpFilterParamsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLiIpFilterParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry represents a configuration of an LI IP/IPv6 filter entry. Entries can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations to tLiIpFilterParamsRowStatus." INDEX { tLiFilterType, tLiFilterName, tLiIpFilterParamsId } ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsTable 1 } TLiIpFilterParamsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tLiIpFilterParamsId TLimitedEntryId, tLiIpFilterParamsLastChanged TimeStamp, tLiIpFilterParamsRowStatus RowStatus, tLiIpFilterParamsDescription TItemDescription, tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpAddrType InetAddressType, tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpAddr InetAddress, tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask InetAddress, tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpAddrType InetAddressType, tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpAddr InetAddress, tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpFullMask InetAddress, tLiIpFilterParamsProtocolNextHdr TIpProtocol, tLiIpFilterParamsSrcPortValue1 TTcpUdpPort, tLiIpFilterParamsSrcPortValue2 TTcpUdpPort, tLiIpFilterParamsSrcPortOper TOperator, tLiIpFilterParamsDstPortValue1 TTcpUdpPort, tLiIpFilterParamsDstPortValue2 TTcpUdpPort, tLiIpFilterParamsDstPortOper TOperator, tLiIpFilterParamsFragment TItemMatch } tLiIpFilterParamsId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLimitedEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsId indicates the tertiary index for tLiIpFilterParamsEntry. Every LI IP filter may have multiple match entries therefore every entry is identified by the values of tLiFilterType, tLiFilterName and tLiIpFilterParamsId." ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry 1 } tLiIpFilterParamsLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry 2 } tLiIpFilterParamsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsRowStatus specifies the status of this row in tLiIpFilterParamsTable." ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry 3 } tLiIpFilterParamsDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsDescription specifies the description for this LI IP filter entry." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry 4 } tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpAddrType specifies the context in which the values of the objects tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpAddr and tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask are interpreted. Only following values are supported: unknown(0) ipv4(1) ipv6(2) Furthermore the value must be consistent with the filter type given by the value of the index object tLiFilterType. If the value of this object is set to 'unknown' then the values of the objects tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpAddr and tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask are automatically set to their default values." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry 5 } tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpAddr specifies the source IP address to be matched by this LI IP filter entry. The value must be consistent with the IP version value of the associated tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpAddrType object. If the value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpAddrType is set to 'unknown' then the value of this object is automatically set to the default value." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry 6 } tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask specifies the IP mask value that is ANDed with the received source IP address to match the value in tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpAddr. The value must be consistent with the IP version value of the associated tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpAddrType object and must not be equal to zero. If the value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpAddrType is set to 'unknown' then the value of this object is automatically set to the default value." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry 7 } tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpAddrType specifies the context in which the values of the objects tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpAddr and tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpFullMask are interpreted. Only following values are supported: unknown(0) ipv4(1) ipv6(2) Furthermore the value must always be consistent with the filter type given by the value of the index object tLiFilterType. If the value of this object is set to 'unknown' then the values of the objects tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpAddr and tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpFullMask are automatically set to their default values." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry 8 } tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpAddr specifies the destination IP address to be matched by this LI IP filter entry. The value must be consistent with the IP version value of the associated tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpAddrType object. If the value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpAddrType is set to 'unknown' then the value of this object is automatically set to the default value." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry 9 } tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpFullMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpFullMask specifies the IP mask value that is ANDed with the received destination IP address to match the value in tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpAddr. The value must be consistent with the IP version value of the associated tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpAddrType object and must not be equal to zero. If the value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpAddrType is set to 'unknown' then the value of this object is automatically set to the default value." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry 10 } tLiIpFilterParamsProtocolNextHdr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIpProtocol MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsProtocolNextHdr specifies (depending on the filter type defined by the value of the object tLiFilterType) the IP protocol / IPv6 next-header value to be matched by this LI IP filter entry. The value must be set to -1 to disable the protocol / next-header matching." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry 11 } tLiIpFilterParamsSrcPortValue1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsSrcPortValue1 specifies the TCP/UDP source port value1. It is used as per the description of tLiIpFilterParamsSrcPortOper." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry 12 } tLiIpFilterParamsSrcPortValue2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsSrcPortValue2 specifies the TCP/UDP source port value2. It is used as per the description of tLiIpFilterParamsSrcPortOper." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry 13 } tLiIpFilterParamsSrcPortOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsSrcPortOper specifies the manner in which tLiIpFilterParamsSrcPortValue1 and tLiIpFilterParamsSrcPortValue2 are to be used. The values of these latter 2 objects and tLiIpFilterParamsSrcPortOper are used as per the description of TTcpUdpPortOperator." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry 14 } tLiIpFilterParamsDstPortValue1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsDstPortValue1 specifies the TCP/UDP destination port value1. It is used as per the description of tLiIpFilterParamsDstPortOper." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry 15 } tLiIpFilterParamsDstPortValue2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsDstPortValue2 specifies the TCP/UDP destination port value2. It is used as per the description of tLiIpFilterParamsDstPortOper." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry 16 } tLiIpFilterParamsDstPortOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFilterParamsDstPortOper specifies the manner in which tLiIpFilterParamsDstPortValue1 and tLiIpFilterParamsDstPortValue2 are to be used. The values of these latter 2 objects and tLiIpFilterParamsDstPortOper are used as per the description in TTcpUdpPortOperator." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry 17 } tLiIpFilterParamsFragment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If enabled, matches fragmented/unfragmented packets as per value of the object. The fragment match criterion is not supported for IPv6 filter." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry 18 } tLiIpFilterParamsInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TLiIpFilterParamsInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tLiIpFilterParamsInfoTable contains read-only information pertaining to LI IP filter match entries of LI IP filters." ::= { tFilterLiObjects 17 } tLiIpFilterParamsInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLiIpFilterParamsInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This row complements the corresponding row in the tLiIpFilterParamsTable with read-only operational info. Entries are created and deleted automatically by the system when a corresponding entry in tLiIpFilterParamsTable is created / deleted." AUGMENTS { tLiIpFilterParamsEntry } ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsInfoTable 1 } TLiIpFilterParamsInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tLiIpFltrParamsInfIngrHitCount Counter64, tLiIpFltrParamsInfEgrHitCount Counter64, tLiIpFltrParamsInfIngrHitBytes Counter64, tLiIpFltrParamsInfEgrHitBytes Counter64 } tLiIpFltrParamsInfIngrHitCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFltrParamsInfIngrHitCount indicates the number of times an ingress packet matched this entry." ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsInfoEntry 1 } tLiIpFltrParamsInfEgrHitCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFltrParamsInfEgrHitCount indicates the number of times an egress packet matched this entry." ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsInfoEntry 2 } tLiIpFltrParamsInfIngrHitBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFltrParamsInfIngrHitBytes indicates the number of bytes of all ingress packets that matched this entry." ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsInfoEntry 3 } tLiIpFltrParamsInfEgrHitBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tLiIpFltrParamsInfEgrHitBytes indicates the number of bytes of all egress packets that matched this entry." ::= { tLiIpFilterParamsInfoEntry 4 } tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocTableLChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocTableLChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterLiObjects 18 } tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocTable contains associations between normal filters and LI block reservations. The tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocTable associates filters by filter name in the contrast with tLiReservedBlockFltrTable which contains associations via filter id." ::= { tFilterLiObjects 19 } tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An association of a normal filter with an LI block reservation. In this release MAC, IP and IPv6 filters are supported." INDEX { tLiReservedBlockName, tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocFltrType, tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocFltrName } ::= { tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocTable 1 } TLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocFltrType TFilterType, tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocFltrName TLNamedItem, tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocRowStatus RowStatus, tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocLastChanged TimeStamp } tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocFltrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocFltrType specifies the type of filter this LI block reservation applies to. In this release MAC and IP/IPv6 filters are supported: fltrtypeselIp (1) fltrtypeselMac (2) fltrtypeselIpv6 (4)" ::= { tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocEntry 1 } tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocFltrName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocFltrName specifies the ID of the filter associated with this LI reserved block. The scope of associated filter (tIPFilterScope, tIPv6FilterScope, tMacFilterScope) must not equal to embedded(3)." ::= { tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocEntry 3 } tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocEntry 4 } tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocEntry 5 } tLiFltrAssocFltrNameTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiFilterAssociationTableLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tLiFltrAssocFltrNameTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterLiObjects 20 } tLiFltrAssocFltrNameTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TLiFltrAssocFltrNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tLiFltrAssocFltrNameTable contains information about the associations between LI filters and normal filters." ::= { tFilterLiObjects 21 } tLiFltrAssocFltrNameEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLiFltrAssocFltrNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An association between an LI filter and a normal filter." INDEX { tLiFilterType, tLiFilterName, tLiFltrAssocFltrName } ::= { tLiFltrAssocFltrNameTable 1 } TLiFltrAssocFltrNameEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tLiFltrAssocFltrName TLNamedItem, tLiFltrAssocFltrNameRowStatus RowStatus, tLiFltrAssocFltrNameLastChg TimeStamp } tLiFltrAssocFltrName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiFltrAssocFltrName indicates the name of the normal filter in the association described by this entry." ::= { tLiFltrAssocFltrNameEntry 1 } tLiFltrAssocFltrNameRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiFltrAssocFltrNameRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tLiFltrAssocFltrNameEntry 2 } tLiFltrAssocFltrNameLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tLiFltrAssocFltrNameLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tLiFltrAssocFltrNameEntry 3 } tFilterPrefixListTableLstChng OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterPrefixListTableLstChng indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterPrefixListTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tFilterObjects 32 } tFilterPrefixListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterPrefixListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterPrefixListTable contains an entry for each prefix list defined in the filter area." ::= { tFilterObjects 33 } tFilterPrefixListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterPrefixListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFilterPrefixListTable." INDEX { tFilterPrefixListType, IMPLIED tFilterPrefixListName } ::= { tFilterPrefixListTable 1 } TFilterPrefixListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterPrefixListType TFltrPrefixListType, tFilterPrefixListName TNamedItem, tFilterPrefixListRowStatus RowStatus, tFilterPrefixListLastChanged TimeStamp, tFilterPrefixListDescription TItemDescription } tFilterPrefixListType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFltrPrefixListType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterPrefixListType specifies the type of prefix list for the prefix list tFilterPrefixListName." ::= { tFilterPrefixListEntry 1 } tFilterPrefixListName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterPrefixListName specifies the name given to this prefix list." ::= { tFilterPrefixListEntry 2 } tFilterPrefixListRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterPrefixListRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tFilterPrefixListEntry 3 } tFilterPrefixListLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterPrefixListLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this row. If no changes were made to the row since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains the value zero." ::= { tFilterPrefixListEntry 4 } tFilterPrefixListDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterPrefixListDescription specifies a description for this row." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFilterPrefixListEntry 5 } tFilterPrefixListEntryTblLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterPrefixListEntryTblLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterPrefixListEntryTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tFilterObjects 34 } tFilterPrefixListEntryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterPrefixListEntryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterPrefixListEntryTable contains information pertaining to explicitly created prefixes in any prefix list defined in the filter area." ::= { tFilterObjects 35 } tFilterPrefixListEntryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterPrefixListEntryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFilterPrefixListEntryTable." INDEX { tFilterPrefixListType, tFilterPrefixListName, tFilterPrefixListEntryPrefixType, tFilterPrefixListEntryPrefix, tFilterPrefixListEntryPrefixLen } ::= { tFilterPrefixListEntryTable 1 } TFilterPrefixListEntryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterPrefixListEntryPrefixType TmnxAddressAndPrefixType, tFilterPrefixListEntryPrefix TmnxAddressAndPrefixAddress, tFilterPrefixListEntryPrefixLen TmnxAddressAndPrefixPrefix, tFilterPrefixListEntryRowStatus RowStatus } tFilterPrefixListEntryPrefixType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddressAndPrefixType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterPrefixListEntryPrefixType specifies whether the prefix specified in tFilterPrefixListEntryPrefix is an IPv4 or IPv6 prefix. The value of tFilterPrefixListEntryPrefixType must match the value of the object tFilterPrefixListType." ::= { tFilterPrefixListEntryEntry 1 } tFilterPrefixListEntryPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddressAndPrefixAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterPrefixListEntryPrefix specifies the IP prefix of this prefix list entry." ::= { tFilterPrefixListEntryEntry 2 } tFilterPrefixListEntryPrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddressAndPrefixPrefix MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterPrefixListEntryPrefixLen specifies the IP prefix length of this prefix list entry." ::= { tFilterPrefixListEntryEntry 3 } tFilterPrefixListEntryRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterPrefixListEntryRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tFilterPrefixListEntryEntry 4 } tFilterEmbeddedRefTableLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterEmbeddedRefTableLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterEmbeddedRefTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tFilterObjects 36 } tFilterEmbeddedRefTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterEmbeddedRefTableEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterEmbeddedRefTable contains an entry for each embedded filter inserted in a filter with scope other than 'embedded'." ::= { tFilterObjects 37 } tFilterEmbeddedRefTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEmbeddedRefTableEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFilterEmbeddedRefTable." INDEX { tFilterEmbeddedRefFilterType, tFilterEmbeddedRefInsertFltrId, tFilterEmbeddedRefEmbeddedFltrId, tFilterEmbeddedRefOffset } ::= { tFilterEmbeddedRefTable 1 } TFilterEmbeddedRefTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterEmbeddedRefFilterType TFilterType, tFilterEmbeddedRefInsertFltrId TFilterID, tFilterEmbeddedRefEmbeddedFltrId TFilterID, tFilterEmbeddedRefOffset TFilterEmbedOffset, tFilterEmbeddedRefRowStatus RowStatus, tFilterEmbeddedRefAdminState TmnxEmbeddedFltrAdminState, tFilterEmbeddedRefOperState TmnxEmbeddedFltrOperState, tFilterEmbeddedRefLastChanged TimeStamp } tFilterEmbeddedRefFilterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterEmbeddedRefFilterType specifies the type of filter for the filters specified by tFilterEmbeddedRefEmbeddedFltrId and tFilterEmbeddedRefInsertFltrId." ::= { tFilterEmbeddedRefTableEntry 1 } tFilterEmbeddedRefInsertFltrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbeddedRefInsertFltrId specifies the filter where the filter specified by tFilterEmbeddedRefEmbeddedFltrId is to be inserted." ::= { tFilterEmbeddedRefTableEntry 2 } tFilterEmbeddedRefEmbeddedFltrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbeddedRefEmbeddedFltrId specifies the id of the filter to be inserted in the filter specified by tFilterEmbeddedRefInsertFltrId." ::= { tFilterEmbeddedRefTableEntry 3 } tFilterEmbeddedRefOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEmbedOffset MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbeddedRefOffset specifies the offset of inserted entries." ::= { tFilterEmbeddedRefTableEntry 4 } tFilterEmbeddedRefRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterEmbeddedRefRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tFilterEmbeddedRefTableEntry 5 } tFilterEmbeddedRefAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEmbeddedFltrAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbeddedRefAdminState specifies the administrative state of the embed request defined by this row. If an active embedding cannot be fulfilled due to dynamic events, this object will be set to 'inactive' automatically by the system. In those cases, the object tFilterEmbeddedRefOperState will indicate the failure reason." DEFVAL { active } ::= { tFilterEmbeddedRefTableEntry 6 } tFilterEmbeddedRefOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEmbeddedFltrOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbeddedRefOperState indicates the operational state of the embed request defined by this row." ::= { tFilterEmbeddedRefTableEntry 7 } tFilterEmbeddedRefLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbeddedRefLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of last change to this row in tFilterEmbeddedRefTable." ::= { tFilterEmbeddedRefTableEntry 8 } tFilterPortListTableLstChng OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterPortListTableLstChng indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterPortListTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tFilterObjects 38 } tFilterPortListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterPortListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterPortListTable contains an entry for each port list defined in the filter area." ::= { tFilterObjects 39 } tFilterPortListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterPortListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFilterPortListTable." INDEX { IMPLIED tFilterPortListName } ::= { tFilterPortListTable 1 } TFilterPortListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterPortListName TNamedItem, tFilterPortListRowStatus RowStatus, tFilterPortListLastChanged TimeStamp, tFilterPortListDescription TItemDescription } tFilterPortListName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterPortListName specifies the name given to this port list." ::= { tFilterPortListEntry 1 } tFilterPortListRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterPortListRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tFilterPortListEntry 2 } tFilterPortListLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterPortListLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this row. If no changes were made to the row since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains the value zero." ::= { tFilterPortListEntry 3 } tFilterPortListDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterPortListDescription specifies a description for this row." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFilterPortListEntry 4 } tFilterPortListEntryTblLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterPortListEntryTblLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterPortListEntryTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tFilterObjects 40 } tFilterPortListEntryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterPortListEntryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterPortListEntryTable contains an entry for each port defined in any port list defined in the filter area." ::= { tFilterObjects 41 } tFilterPortListEntryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterPortListEntryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies an entry in the tFilterPortListEntryTable. Two entries for the same port list must not overlap." INDEX { tFilterPortListName, tFilterPortListEntryPortLow, tFilterPortListEntryPortHigh } ::= { tFilterPortListEntryTable 1 } TFilterPortListEntryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterPortListEntryPortLow TTcpUdpPort, tFilterPortListEntryPortHigh TTcpUdpPort, tFilterPortListEntryRowStatus RowStatus } tFilterPortListEntryPortLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the lower value for the TCP/UDP port range. A value assigned to this object must be less than or equal to the value assigned to the corresponding object tFilterPortListEntryPortHigh." ::= { tFilterPortListEntryEntry 1 } tFilterPortListEntryPortHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the higher value for the TCP/UDP port range. A value assigned to this object must be greater than or equal to the value assigned to the corresponding object tFilterPortListEntryPortLow." ::= { tFilterPortListEntryEntry 2 } tFilterPortListEntryRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterPortListEntryRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tFilterPortListEntryEntry 3 } tFilterApplyPathTableLstChng OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterApplyPathTableLstChng indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterApplyPathTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tFilterObjects 42 } tFilterApplyPathTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterApplyPathEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterApplyPathTable contains an entry for each apply-path rule defined in a prefix list." ::= { tFilterObjects 43 } tFilterApplyPathEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterApplyPathEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFilterApplyPathTable describing an apply-path rule. If an address or prefix configured by the source specified by tFilterApplyPathSource matches the conditions specified by tFilterApplyPathMatch1 and tFilterApplyPathMatch2, a prefix is inserted into the prefix list where this apply-path rule refers to." INDEX { tFilterPrefixListType, tFilterPrefixListName, tFilterApplyPathSource, tFilterApplyPathIndex } ::= { tFilterApplyPathTable 1 } TFilterApplyPathEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterApplyPathSource INTEGER, tFilterApplyPathIndex Unsigned32, tFilterApplyPathRowStatus RowStatus, tFilterApplyPathLastChanged TimeStamp, tFilterApplyPathMatch1 TRegularExpression, tFilterApplyPathMatch2 TRegularExpression, tFilterApplyPathVRtrId TmnxVRtrID } tFilterApplyPathSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), bgp-peers (1) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterApplyPathSource specifies the source of the prefixes that will be generated by this apply-path rule." ::= { tFilterApplyPathEntry 1 } tFilterApplyPathIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterApplyPathIndex specifies an index for this row." ::= { tFilterApplyPathEntry 2 } tFilterApplyPathRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterApplyPathRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tFilterApplyPathEntry 3 } tFilterApplyPathLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterApplyPathLastChanged indicates the timestamp of the last change to this row." ::= { tFilterApplyPathEntry 4 } tFilterApplyPathMatch1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TRegularExpression MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterApplyPathMatch1 specifies a regular expression. The usage of this object depends on the source specified by tFilterApplyPathSource. If tFilterApplyPathSource is 'bgp-peers', this object specifies a match condition on the group-name of configured bgp peers." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFilterApplyPathEntry 5 } tFilterApplyPathMatch2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TRegularExpression MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterApplyPathMatch2 specifies a regular expression. The usage of this object depends on the source specified by tFilterApplyPathSource. If tFilterApplyPathSource is 'bgp-peers', this object specifies a match condition on the ip or IPv6 address of configured bgp peers." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFilterApplyPathEntry 6 } tFilterApplyPathVRtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterApplyPathVRtrId specifies virtual router instance. The usage of this object depends on the source specified by tFilterApplyPathSource. If tFilterApplyPathSource is 'bgp-peers' then prefixes generated by apply-path rule will consist of bgp-peers pertaining to virtual router instance specified by this object." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tFilterApplyPathEntry 7 } tFilterEmbeddedRefInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterEmbeddedRefInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterEmbeddedRefInfoTable contains an entry for each embedded filter inserted in a filter with scope other than 'embedded'. This row complements the corresponding row in the tFilterEmbeddedRefTable with read-only operational info." ::= { tFilterObjects 44 } tFilterEmbeddedRefInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEmbeddedRefInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFilterEmbeddedRefInfoTable." AUGMENTS { tFilterEmbeddedRefTableEntry } ::= { tFilterEmbeddedRefInfoTable 1 } TFilterEmbeddedRefInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrEmbedRefInfEntryCnt Unsigned32, tFltrEmbedRefInfEntryCntInsrtd Unsigned32 } tFltrEmbedRefInfEntryCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrEmbedRefInfEntryCnt indicates how many entries are present in the embedded filter as specified in tFilterEmbeddedRefEmbeddedFltrId." ::= { tFilterEmbeddedRefInfoEntry 1 } tFltrEmbedRefInfEntryCntInsrtd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrEmbedRefInfEntryCntInsrtd indicates how many entries of the embedded filter (specified by tFilterEmbeddedRefEmbeddedFltrId) are actually placed inside the filter (specified by tFilterEmbeddedRefInsertFltrId). If the object tFilterEmbeddedRefOperState is different from 'in-service' this object will always be zero. Else, the difference between the value of this object and the value of tFltrEmbedRefInfEntryCnt indicates how many entries of the embedded filter were overwritten by local entries in the embedding filter." ::= { tFilterEmbeddedRefInfoEntry 2 } tFilterEmbeddedEntryRefInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterEmbeddedEntryRefInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterEmbeddedEntryRefInfoTable contains an entry for each embedded filter entry inserted in a filter with scope other than 'embedded'." ::= { tFilterObjects 45 } tFilterEmbeddedEntryRefInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEmbeddedEntryRefInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFilterEmbeddedEntryRefInfoTable. Rows in the tFilterEmbeddedEntryRefInfoTable are created by the SYSTEM when an embedded filter is inserted into a filter with scope other than 'embedded'. They are destroyed by the SYSTEM when an embedded filter is removed from a filter with scope other than 'embedded'." INDEX { tFltrEmbedEntryFilterType, tFltrEmbedEntryInsertFltrId, tFltrEmbedEntryEmbeddedFltrId, tFltrEmbedEntryEmbeddedEntryId } ::= { tFilterEmbeddedEntryRefInfoTable 1 } TFilterEmbeddedEntryRefInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrEmbedEntryFilterType TFilterType, tFltrEmbedEntryInsertFltrId TFilterID, tFltrEmbedEntryEmbeddedFltrId TFilterID, tFltrEmbedEntryEmbeddedEntryId TEntryId, tFltrEmbedEntryInsrtEntryId TAnyEntryId, tFltrEmbedEntryRefOperState TmnxFltrEmbeddedEntryState } tFltrEmbedEntryFilterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrEmbedEntryFilterType specifies a filter type for the filters specified by tFltrEmbedEntryInsertFltrId and tFltrEmbedEntryEmbeddedFltrId." ::= { tFilterEmbeddedEntryRefInfoEntry 1 } tFltrEmbedEntryInsertFltrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrEmbedEntryInsertFltrId specifies the filter where the filter specified by tFltrEmbedEntryEmbeddedFltrId is inserted." ::= { tFilterEmbeddedEntryRefInfoEntry 2 } tFltrEmbedEntryEmbeddedFltrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrEmbedEntryEmbeddedFltrId specifies the ID of the filter inserted in the filter specified by tFltrEmbedEntryInsertFltrId." ::= { tFilterEmbeddedEntryRefInfoEntry 3 } tFltrEmbedEntryEmbeddedEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrEmbedEntryEmbeddedEntryId specifies the ID of the entry inside of the filter specified by tFltrEmbedEntryEmbeddedFltrId." ::= { tFilterEmbeddedEntryRefInfoEntry 4 } tFltrEmbedEntryInsrtEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyEntryId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrEmbedEntryInsrtEntryId indicates which entry in the filter specified by tFltrEmbedEntryInsertFltrId corresponds to the entry specified by tFltrEmbedEntryEmbeddedEntryId in the filter specified by tFltrEmbedEntryEmbeddedFltrId." ::= { tFilterEmbeddedEntryRefInfoEntry 5 } tFltrEmbedEntryRefOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFltrEmbeddedEntryState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrEmbedEntryRefOperState indicates the current status of the entry identified by tFltrEmbedEntryEmbeddedEntryId of the filter identified by tFltrEmbedEntryEmbeddedFltrId that is embedded into the filter identified by tFltrEmbedEntryInsertFltrId." ::= { tFilterEmbeddedEntryRefInfoEntry 6 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtTbleLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtTbleLstChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tIPv6FilterParamsExtTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 46 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The table tIPv6FilterParamsExtTable contains, together with the table tIPv6FilterParamsTable info about every IPv6 filter entry in any of the configured IPv6 filters in the system. The table tIPv6FilterParamsExtTable was introduced due to the big size of the tIPv6FilterParamsTable." ::= { tFilterObjects 47 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular IPv6 Filter entry. Every IPv6 Filter can have zero or more IPv6 Filter match entries. A filter entry with no match criteria set will match every packet, and the entry action will be taken. Rows are created/deleted by user. Additional match criteria can be found in tIPv6FilterParamsTable." AUGMENTS { tIPv6FilterParamsEntry } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtTable 1 } TIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tIPv6FilterParamsExtLastChanged TimeStamp, tIPv6FilterParamsExtAhExtHdr TItemMatch, tIPv6FilterParamsExtEspExtHdr TItemMatch, tIPv6FilterParamsExtNatType TmnxNatSubscriberType, tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 TFilterPacketLength, tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 TFilterPacketLength, tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper TOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal1 TFilterTTL, tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal2 TFilterTTL, tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper TOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsExtEgressPBR TFilterEgressPBR, tIPv6FilterParamsExtEsi TFilterEsi, tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiSvcId TmnxServId, tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId TmnxVRtrIDOrZero, tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp InetAddressIPv6, tIPv6FilterParamsExtPbrDwnActOvr TFilterPbrDownActionOvr, tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf InterfaceIndexOrZero, tIPv6FilterParamsExtStickyDst Integer32, tIPv6FilterParamsExtHoldRemain Integer32, tIPv6FilterParamsExtDownloadAct TFilterDownloadedAction, tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpFin TItemMatch, tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpRst TItemMatch, tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpPsh TItemMatch, tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpUrg TItemMatch, tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpEce TItemMatch, tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpCwr TItemMatch, tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpNs TItemMatch, tIPv6FilterParamsExtSrcMac MacAddress, tIPv6FilterParamsExtSrcMacMask MacAddress, tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 TFilterIpv6MatchPacketLength, tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2 TFilterIpv6MatchPacketLength, tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper TOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsExtProtocolList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPv6FilterParamsExtDestClass ClassIndexOrNone, tIPv6FilterParamsExtSampleProf TmnxFilterCflowdSampleProfileId, tIPv6FilterParamsExtCollectStats TruthValue, tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal1 TFilterTTL, tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal2 TFilterTTL, tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtOper TOperator } tIPv6FilterParamsExtLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tIPv6FilterParamsExtTable." ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 1 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtAhExtHdr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches the Authentication Extension Header (51) as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 2 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtEspExtHdr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches the Encapsulation Security Payload Extension Header (50) as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 3 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtNatType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxNatSubscriberType { dsliteLsnSub (3), nat64LsnSub (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the NAT type to be used when the value of the corresponding tIPv6FilterParamsNatPolicyName object is nat. The value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtNatType is relevant only if the value of tIPv6FilterParamsAction is nat. Setting the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtNatType to a non-default value is ignored by the system if the value of tIPv6FilterParamsAction is not nat. Furthermore, the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtNatType is silently reset to the default value by the system if tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to any value other than nat." DEFVAL { dsliteLsnSub } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 4 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterPacketLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 specifies the packet length value1 to be compared to the value of the Payload Length field of an IPv6 packet header that has hit this filter's entry. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper. The value of this object is evaluated only if the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper is other than 'none (0)'. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper is 'range (2)' then the value of this object must be less than the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal2. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper is 'lt (3)' then the value of this object can be set in range 1..65535. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper is 'gt (4)' then the value of this object can be set in range 0..65534. If both the values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper and tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request. Note that the value of this object is silently cleared by the system if tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to a value other than 'drop (1)' or if tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper is set to 'none (0)' or if tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper is set to a value other than 'none (0)'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 5 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterPacketLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 specifies the packet length value2 to be compared to the value of the Payload Length field of an IPv6 packet header that has hit this filter's entry. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper. The value of this object is evaluated only if the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper is 'range (2)'. The value of this object must be greater than the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal1. If both the values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper and tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request. Note that the value of this object is silently cleared by the system if tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to a value other than 'drop (1)' or if tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper is set to a value other than 'range (2)' or if tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper is set to a value other than 'none (0)'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 6 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper specifies the way how the values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 and tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 are used to form a condition that must be fulfilled in order to execute the action specified by the value of tIPv6FilterParamsAction. Otherwise the opposite action is executed. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsAction is 'drop (1)'. If the value of this object is being changed from the default value to any non-default value the values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 and tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 (if applicable) must be sent in the same SET SNMP request. If the value of this object is 'none (0)' than the values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 and tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 are ignored and TRUE case action is always executed (see table below). If the value of this object is 'eq (1)' then the value of the Payload Length field of the IPv6 header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be equal to the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'range (2)' then the value of the Payload Length field of the IPv6 header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be greater than or equal to the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 and less than or equal to the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. If the value of this object is 'lt (3)' then the value of the Payload Length field of the IPv6 header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be less than the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'gt (4)' then the value of the Payload Length field of the IPv6 header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be greater than the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 is ignored. tIPFilterParamsAction | TRUE case action | FALSE case action ------------------------------------------------------------------ drop | drop | forward Allowed ranges for the values of tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 and tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 are: Operator |Packet Length Value 1|Packet Length Value 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- none (0) | N/A | N/A eq(1) | 0..65535 | N/A range(2) | 0..65534 | (Value1 + 1)..65535 lt(3) | 1..65535 | N/A gt(4) | 0..65534 | N/A The values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 and tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 are silently cleared if the value of this object is set to default. Note that the value of this object is silently cleared by the system if tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to a value other than 'drop (1)' or if tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper is set to a value other than 'none (0)'." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 7 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterTTL MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal1 specifies the Hop Limit value1 to be compared to the value of the Hop Limit field of an IPv6 packet header that has hit this filter's entry. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper is other than 'none (0)'. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper is 'range (2)' then the value of this object must be less than the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal2. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper is 'lt (3)' then the value of this object can be set in range 1..255. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper is 'gt (4)' then the value of this object can be set in range 0..254. If both the values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper and tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal1 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request. Note that the value of this object is silently cleared by the system if tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to a value other than 'drop (1)' or if tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper is set to 'none (0)' or if tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper is set to a value other than 'none (0)'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 8 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterTTL MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal2 specifies the Hop Limit value2 to be compared to the value of the Hop Limit field of an IPv6 packet header that has hit this filter's entry. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper is 'range (2)'. The value of this object must be greater than the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal1. If both the values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper and tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal2 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request. Note that the value of this object is silently cleared by the system if tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to a value other than 'drop (1)' or if tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper is set to a value other than 'range (2)' or if tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper is set to a value other than 'none (0)'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 9 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper specifies the way how the values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal1 and tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal2 are used to form a condition that must be fulfilled in order to execute the action specified by the value of tIPv6FilterParamsAction. Otherwise the opposite action is executed. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsAction is 'drop (1)'. If the value of this object is being changed from the default value to any non-default value the values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal1 and tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal2 (if applicable) must be sent in the same SET SNMP request. If the value of this object is 'none (0)' than the values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal1 and tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal2 are ignored and TRUE case action is always executed (see table below). If the value of this object is 'eq (1)' then the value of the Hop Limit field of the IPv6 header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be equal to the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal1 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'range (2)' then the value of the Hop Limit field of the IPv6 header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be greater than or equal to the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal1 and less than or equal to the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal2 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. If the value of this object is 'lt (3)' then the value of the Hop Limit field of the IPv6 header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be less than the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal1 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'gt (4)' then the value of the Hop Limit field of the IPv6 header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be greater than the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal1 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal2 is ignored. tIPv6FilterParamsAction | TRUE case action | FALSE case action ------------------------------------------------------------------ drop | drop | forward Allowed ranges for the values of tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal1 and tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal2 are: Operator | Hop Limit Value 1 | Hop Limit Value 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- none (0) | N/A | N/A eq(1) | 0..255 | N/A range(2) | 0..254 | (Value1 + 1)..255 lt(3) | 1..255 | N/A gt(4) | 0..254 | N/A The values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal1 and tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal2 are silently cleared if the value of this object is set to default. Note that the value of this object is silently cleared by the system if tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to a value other than 'drop (1)' or if tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper is set to a value other than 'none (0)'." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 10 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtEgressPBR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEgressPBR MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtEgressPBR specifies if PBR specified by tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry will have effect when the filter is applied on egress. tIPv6FilterParamsExtEgressPBR is applicable with these configured actions and action state: - no action - action forward redirect-policy - action forward esi sf-ip vas-interface router - action forward esi sf-ip vas-interface router service-name - action forward next-hop - action forward next-hop router - action forward next-hop router service-name - action forward next-hop indirect - action forward next-hop indirect router - action forward next-hop indirect router service-name " DEFVAL { disable } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 11 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtEsi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEsi MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtEsi specifies the ethernet segment identifier (ESI). ESI is mapped by BGP EVPN to an L2 or L3 capable appliance based on the value of tIPv6FilterParamsAction. Packets matching this entry are steered toward the L2 or L3 appliance. The value '0' indicates that there is no ESI specified. There are two options how to set the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtEsi: 1. Non zero value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtEsi is set together with non zero values of tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId, tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf and tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp. In this case value of tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to 'forwardEsiL3' by the system. 2. Non zero value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtEsi is set together with a non zero value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiSvcId. In this case value of tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to 'forwardEsiL2' by the system. Note: The value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtEsi is set to '0' by the system if the value of tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to any value other than 'forwardEsiL2' or 'forwardEsiL3'." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000'H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 12 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiSvcId specifies the identifier of VPLS used for VPN/DC connectivity. The value '0' indicates that there is no VPLS identifier specified. The non zero value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiSvcId must be set together with a non zero value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtEsi. Note: The value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiSvcId is set to '0' by the system if the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to any value other than 'forwardEsiL2'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 13 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrIDOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId specifies the VPRN/rVPLS virtual router identifier used for VPN/DC connectivity. The value '0' indicates that there is no VPRN/rVPLS virtual router identifier specified. The non zero value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId must be set together with non zero values of tIPv6FilterParamsExtEsi, tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf and tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp. Note: The value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId is set to '0' by the system if the value of tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to any value other than 'forwardEsiL3'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 14 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp specifies the IPv6 address of the service function toward which traffic is steered. The value '0' indicates that no service function IP address is specified. The non zero value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp must be set together with non zero values of tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId, tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf and tIPv6FilterParamsExtEsi. Note: The value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp is set to '0' by the system if the value of tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to any value other than 'forwardEsiL3'." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 15 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtPbrDwnActOvr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterPbrDownActionOvr MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtPbrDwnActOvr specifies the filter action which will be performed when the PBR/PBF target for this entry is not available. If the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is not one of the following values then tIPv6FilterParamsExtPbrDwnActOvr must be set to the value 'none': - forwardEsiL2 - forwardEsiL3 - forwardSap - forwardSdp - forwardNextHopRtr If the value of tIPFilterParamsExtPbrDwnActOvr is different from 'none' then PBR/PBF destination availability checking for an entry is turned on. There is a limit to the number of filter entries with the destination availability checking turned on. Entries with the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction equal to 'forwardEsiL2' or 'forwardEsiL3' are not counted against this limit. Refer to the description of the textual convention TFilterPbrDownActionOvr for more details." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 16 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf specifies the virtual router interface index of VPRN RVPLS interface used for VPN/DC connectivity. The value '0' indicates that no interface id is specified. The non zero value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf must be set together with non zero values of tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId, tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp and tIPv6FilterParamsExtEsi. Note: The value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf is set to '0' by the system if the value of tIPv6FilterParamsAction is set to any value other than 'forwardEsiL3'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 17 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtStickyDst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtStickyDst specifies how long will system wait (in seconds) until it activates the best action (action with available PBR/PBF destination and the highest priority). Until then the action specified by tIPv6FilterParamsExtPbrDwnActOvr will be taken on a packet matching the filter entry. After the value of the active destination is fixed it will remain unchanged until the active PBR/PBF destination becomes unreachable. The value of -1 indicates that the property of PBR destination stickiness is turned off. When the property of stickiness is turned off the active PBR/PBF destination is always the one which is available and has the highest priority. The countdown starts when there was no PBR/PBF destination reachable and any PBR/PBF destination becomes reachable. tIPv6FilterParamsExtStickyDst can be set to value other than -1 only if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is one of the following values: - forwardSap - forwardSdp - forwardNextHopRtr" DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 18 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtHoldRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtHoldRemain indicates the remaining time in seconds, until the best action will become active and will be fixed. Best action is: - primary action if PBR target status of primary action is up. - secondary action if PBR target status of secondary action is up and PBR target status of primary action is down. - none if both PBR targets are down" ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 19 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtDownloadAct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterDownloadedAction MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtDownloadAct indicates the filter entry action downloaded to IOM. Refer to the description of the textual convention TFilterDownloadedAction for more information." ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 20 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpFin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a TCP Fin as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 21 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpRst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a TCP Rst as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 22 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpPsh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a TCP Psh as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 23 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpUrg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a TCP Urg as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 24 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpEce OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a TCP Ece as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 25 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpCwr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a TCP Cwr as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 26 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpNs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a TCP Ns as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 27 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtSrcMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source MAC to match for this policy filter entry." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 28 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtSrcMacMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source MAC mask value for this policy MAC filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the MAC to match tIPv6FilterParamsExtSrcMac. A cleared bit means ignore this bit, do not match. A set bit means match this bit with tIPv6FilterParamsExtSrcMac. Use the value 00-00-00-00-00-00 to disable this filter criteria." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 29 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterIpv6MatchPacketLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 specifies the value1 to be compared to total length of the packet including header. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper is other than 'none (0)'. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper is 'range (2)' then the value of this object must be less than the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper is 'lt (3)' then the value of this object can be set in range 41..65535. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper is 'gt (4)' then the value of this object can be set in range 40..65574. If both the values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper and tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 30 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterIpv6MatchPacketLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2 specifies the value2 to be compared to total length of the packet including header. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper is 'range (2)'. The value of this object must be greater than the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1. If both the values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper and tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 31 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper specifies the way how the values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 and tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2 are used. If the value of this object is 'eq (1)' then the value of the Total Length field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be equal to the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 (see table below). The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'range (2)' then the value of the Total Length field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be greater than or equal to the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 and less than or equal to the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2. If the value of this object is 'lt (3)' then the value of the Total Length field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be less than the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 (see table below). The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'gt (4)' then the value of the Total Length field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be greater than the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 (see table below). The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2 is ignored. Allowed ranges for the values of tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 and tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2 are: Operator |Packet Length Value 1|Packet Length Value 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- none (0) | N/A | N/A eq(1) | 0..65535 | N/A range(2) | 0..65534 | (Value1 + 1)..65535 lt(3) | 1..65535 | N/A gt(4) | 0..65534 | N/A" DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 32 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtProtocolList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 33 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtDestClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClassIndexOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtDestClass specifies destination class to match." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 34 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtSampleProf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFilterCflowdSampleProfileId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the sample profile to be applied to packets matching this IPv6 filter entry. Setting tIPv6FilterParamsExtSampleProf to a non-default value, will set tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdSample to its default value and vice versa." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 35 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtCollectStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtCollectStats specifies whether or not the collection of statistical data for the filter entry is enabled. tIPv6FilterParamsExtCollectStats is supported only on IXR J2 platforms." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 36 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterTTL MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal1 specifies the value1 to be compared to the value of 'Hop-Limit' field of IPv6 header of an IP packet that has hit this filter's entry. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtOper. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtOper is other than 'none (0)'. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtOper is 'range (2)' then the value of this object must be less than the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal2. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtOper is 'lt (3)' then the value of this object can be set in range 1..255. If the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtOper is 'gt (4)' then the value of this object can be set in range 0..254. If both the values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtOper and tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal1 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 37 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterTTL MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal2 specifies value2 to be compared to the value of 'Hop-Limit' field of IPv6 header of an IP packet that has hit this filter's entry. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtOper. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtOper is 'range (2)'. The value of this object must be greater than the value of tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal1. If both the values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtOper and tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal2 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 38 } tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtOper specifies the way how the values of the objects tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal1 and tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal2 are used to form a condition for a packet match. If the value of this object is 'eq (1)' then the value of the 'Hop-Limit' field of the IPv6 header of the packet must be equal to the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal1 in order to match this entry. The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'range (2)' then the value of the 'Hop-Limit' field of the IPv6 header of the packet must be greater than or equal to the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal1 and less than or equal to the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal2 in order to match this entry. If the value of this object is 'lt (3)' then the value of the 'Hop-Limit' field of the IPv6 header of the packet must be less than the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal1 in order to match this entry. The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'gt (4)' then the value of the 'Hop-Limit' field of the IPv6 header of the packet must be greater than the value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal1 in order to match this entry. The value of the object tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal2 is ignored. Allowed ranges for the values of tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal1 and tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal2 are: Operator | 'Hop-Limit' Value 1 | 'Hop-Limit' Value 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- none (0) | N/A | N/A eq(1) | 0..255 | N/A range(2) | 0..254 | (Value1 + 1)..255 lt(3) | 1..255 | N/A gt(4) | 0..254 | N/A" DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPv6FilterParamsExtEntry 39 } tFilterEmbedOpenflowTableLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterEmbedOpenflowTableLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterEmbedOpenflowTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tFilterObjects 48 } tFilterEmbedOpenflowTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterEmbedOpenflowEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterEmbedOpenflowTable contains an entry for each open-flow flowtable embedded in a filter with scope other than 'embedded'." ::= { tFilterObjects 49 } tFilterEmbedOpenflowEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEmbedOpenflowEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFilterEmbedOpenflowTable." INDEX { tFilterEmbedOpenflowOfsName, tFilterEmbedOpenflowFilterType, tFilterEmbedOpenflowInsertFltrId, tFilterEmbedOpenflowOffset } ::= { tFilterEmbedOpenflowTable 1 } TFilterEmbedOpenflowEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterEmbedOpenflowOfsName TNamedItem, tFilterEmbedOpenflowFilterType TFilterType, tFilterEmbedOpenflowInsertFltrId TConfigOrVsdFilterID, tFilterEmbedOpenflowOffset TFilterEmbedOffset, tFilterEmbedOpenflowRowStatus RowStatus, tFilterEmbedOpenflowAdminState TmnxEmbeddedFltrAdminState, tFilterEmbedOpenflowOperState TmnxEmbeddedFltrOperState, tFilterEmbedOflowSvcContext Unsigned32, tFilterEmbedOflowSapContextPort TmnxPortID, tFilterEmbedOflowSapContextEncap TmnxEncapVal, tFilterEmbedOflowContextType INTEGER } tFilterEmbedOpenflowOfsName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbedOpenflowOfsName specifies the name of the open-flow switch which contains the flowtable to be inserted in the filter specified by tFilterEmbedOpenflowInsertFltrId." ::= { tFilterEmbedOpenflowEntry 1 } tFilterEmbedOpenflowFilterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterEmbedOpenflowFilterType specifies the type of filter for the filter specified by tFilterEmbedOpenflowInsertFltrId." ::= { tFilterEmbedOpenflowEntry 2 } tFilterEmbedOpenflowInsertFltrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TConfigOrVsdFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbedOpenflowInsertFltrId specifies the filter where the open-flow switch specified by tFilterEmbedOpenflowOfsName is to be embedded. Values outside of range 1..65535 are reserved for entries dynamically created by the system and cannot be used in any SNMP SET operation." ::= { tFilterEmbedOpenflowEntry 3 } tFilterEmbedOpenflowOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEmbedOffset MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbedOpenflowOffset specifies the offset of inserted entries." ::= { tFilterEmbedOpenflowEntry 4 } tFilterEmbedOpenflowRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedOpenflowRowStatus specifies the status of a row in tFilterEmbedOpenflowTable. Rows are created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on this object. Only values 'active (1)', 'createAndGo(4)', and 'destroy (6)' are supported." ::= { tFilterEmbedOpenflowEntry 5 } tFilterEmbedOpenflowAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEmbeddedFltrAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbedOpenflowAdminState specifies the administrative state of the embed request defined by this row. If an active embedding cannot be fulfilled due to dynamic events, this object will be set to 'inactive' automatically by the system. In those cases, the object tFilterEmbedOpenflowOperState will indicate the failure reason." DEFVAL { active } ::= { tFilterEmbedOpenflowEntry 6 } tFilterEmbedOpenflowOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEmbeddedFltrOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbedOpenflowOperState indicates the operational state of the embed request defined by this row." ::= { tFilterEmbedOpenflowEntry 7 } tFilterEmbedOflowSvcContext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbedOflowSvcContext specifies the service context of this open-flow embedding. When no service context is present, this object is equal to default value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFilterEmbedOpenflowEntry 8 } tFilterEmbedOflowSapContextPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbedOflowSapContextPort specifies the port-id of the sap context of this open-flow embedding. When no sap context is present, this object is set to default value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFilterEmbedOpenflowEntry 9 } tFilterEmbedOflowSapContextEncap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbedOflowSapContextEncap specifies the encap value of the sap context of this open-flow embedding. When no sap context is present, this object is set to default value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFilterEmbedOpenflowEntry 10 } tFilterEmbedOflowContextType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { grt (1), system (2), service (3), sap (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbedOflowContextType specifies the context in which the open-flow embedding is inserted into filter. When no context is present, this object is set to grt value." DEFVAL { grt } ::= { tFilterEmbedOpenflowEntry 11 } tFilterEmbedOpenflowInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterEmbedOpenflowInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterEmbedOpenflowInfoTable contains an entry for each open-flow switch embedded in a filter with scope other than 'embedded'. This row complements the corresponding row in the tFilterEmbedOpenflowTable with read-only operational info." ::= { tFilterObjects 50 } tFilterEmbedOpenflowInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEmbedOpenflowInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFilterEmbedOpenflowInfoTable." AUGMENTS { tFilterEmbedOpenflowEntry } ::= { tFilterEmbedOpenflowInfoTable 1 } TFilterEmbedOpenflowInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrEmbedOfInfoEntryCnt Unsigned32, tFltrEmbedOfInfoEntryCntInsrtd Unsigned32 } tFltrEmbedOfInfoEntryCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrEmbedOfInfoEntryCnt indicates how many entries are eligible for embedding from the open-flow switch specified by tFilterEmbedOpenflowOfsName." ::= { tFilterEmbedOpenflowInfoEntry 1 } tFltrEmbedOfInfoEntryCntInsrtd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrEmbedOfInfoEntryCntInsrtd indicates how many entries are actually placed inside the filter by the open-flow switch specified by tFilterEmbedOpenflowOfsName. If the object tFilterEmbedOpenflowOperState is different from 'in-service' this object will always be zero. Else, the difference between the value of this object and the value of tFltrEmbedOfInfoEntryCnt indicates how many entries were overwritten by local entries in the embedding filter." ::= { tFilterEmbedOpenflowInfoEntry 2 } tFilterOpenflowEntryInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterOpenflowEntryInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterOpenflowEntryInfoTable contains an entry for each open-flow filter entry inserted in a filter with scope other than 'embedded'." ::= { tFilterObjects 51 } tFilterOpenflowEntryInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterOpenflowEntryInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFilterOpenflowEntryInfoTable. Rows in the tFilterOpenflowEntryInfoTable are created by the SYSTEM when an open-flow switch is embedded into a filter. They are destroyed by the SYSTEM when an open-flow switch embedding is removed from a filter." INDEX { tFltrEmbedOfEntryOfsName, tFltrEmbedOfEntryFilterType, tFltrEmbedOfEntryInsertFltrId, tFltrEmbedOfEntryOfEntryId } ::= { tFilterOpenflowEntryInfoTable 1 } TFilterOpenflowEntryInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrEmbedOfEntryOfsName TNamedItem, tFltrEmbedOfEntryFilterType TFilterType, tFltrEmbedOfEntryInsertFltrId TConfigOrVsdFilterID, tFltrEmbedOfEntryOfEntryId TEntryId, tFltrEmbedOfEntryInsrtEntryId TAnyEntryId, tFltrEmbedOfEntryInsrtEntryState TmnxFltrEmbeddedEntryState } tFltrEmbedOfEntryOfsName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrEmbedOfEntryOfsName specifies the name of the open-flow switch which contains the flowtable to be inserted in the filter specified by tFltrEmbedOfEntryInsertFltrId." ::= { tFilterOpenflowEntryInfoEntry 1 } tFltrEmbedOfEntryFilterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrEmbedOfEntryFilterType specifies the type of filter for the filter specified by tFltrEmbedOfEntryInsertFltrId." ::= { tFilterOpenflowEntryInfoEntry 2 } tFltrEmbedOfEntryInsertFltrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TConfigOrVsdFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrEmbedOfEntryInsertFltrId specifies the filter where the open-flow switch specified by tFltrEmbedOfEntryOfsName is to be embedded. Values outside of range 1..65535 are reserved for entries dynamically created by the system." ::= { tFilterOpenflowEntryInfoEntry 3 } tFltrEmbedOfEntryOfEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrEmbedOfEntryOfEntryId specifies the base ID of the entry as determined by the priority of the corresponding flow-rule in the open-flow switch specified by tFltrEmbedOfEntryOfsName." ::= { tFilterOpenflowEntryInfoEntry 4 } tFltrEmbedOfEntryInsrtEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyEntryId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrEmbedOfEntryInsrtEntryId indicates the position of the filter entry in the filter specified by tFltrEmbedOfEntryInsertFltrId." ::= { tFilterOpenflowEntryInfoEntry 5 } tFltrEmbedOfEntryInsrtEntryState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFltrEmbeddedEntryState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrEmbedOfEntryInsrtEntryState indicates the current status of the embedding of the entry identified by tFltrEmbedOfEntryOfEntryId from the open-flow switch identified by tFltrEmbedOfEntryOfsName that is embedded into the filter identified by tFltrEmbedOfEntryInsertFltrId." ::= { tFilterOpenflowEntryInfoEntry 6 } tIPFilterParamsExtTbleLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPFilterParamsExtTbleLstChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tIPFilterParamsExtTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 52 } tIPFilterParamsExtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TIPFilterParamsExtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tIPFilterParamsExtTable contains, together with the table tIPFilterParamsTable info about every IP filter entry in any of the configured IP filters in the system. The table tIPFilterParamsExtTable was introduced due to the big size of the tIPFilterParamsTable." ::= { tFilterObjects 53 } tIPFilterParamsExtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIPFilterParamsExtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular IP Filter entry. Every IP Filter can have zero or more IP Filter match entries. A filter entry with no match criteria set will match every packet, and the entry action will be taken. Entries are created/deleted by the system when a corresponding tIPFilterParamsEntry is created/deleted. Additional match criteria can be found in tIPFilterParamsTable." AUGMENTS { tIPFilterParamsEntry } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtTable 1 } TIPFilterParamsExtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tIPFilterParamsExtLastChanged TimeStamp, tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 TFilterPacketLength, tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 TFilterPacketLength, tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper TOperator, tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal1 TFilterTTL, tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal2 TFilterTTL, tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper TOperator, tIPFilterParamsExtEgressPBR TFilterEgressPBR, tIPFilterParamsExtEsi TFilterEsi, tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiSvcId TmnxServId, tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId TmnxVRtrIDOrZero, tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp InetAddressIPv4, tIPFilterParamsExtPbrDwnActOvr TFilterPbrDownActionOvr, tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf InterfaceIndexOrZero, tIPFilterParamsExtStickyDst Integer32, tIPFilterParamsExtHoldRemain Integer32, tIPFilterParamsExtDownloadAct TFilterDownloadedAction, tIPFilterParamsExtTcpFin TItemMatch, tIPFilterParamsExtTcpRst TItemMatch, tIPFilterParamsExtTcpPsh TItemMatch, tIPFilterParamsExtTcpUrg TItemMatch, tIPFilterParamsExtTcpEce TItemMatch, tIPFilterParamsExtTcpCwr TItemMatch, tIPFilterParamsExtTcpNs TItemMatch, tIPFilterParamsExtSrcMac MacAddress, tIPFilterParamsExtSrcMacMask MacAddress, tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 TFilterPacketLength, tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2 TFilterPacketLength, tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper TOperator, tIPFilterParamsExtProtocolList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPFilterParamsExtDestClass ClassIndexOrNone, tIPFilterParamsExtSampleProf TmnxFilterCflowdSampleProfileId, tIPFilterParamsExtCollectStats TruthValue, tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal1 TFilterTTL, tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal2 TFilterTTL, tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLOper TOperator } tIPFilterParamsExtLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change of this row in tIPFilterParamsExtTable." ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 1 } tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterPacketLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 specifies the packet length value1 to be compared to the value of the Total Length field of an IP packet header that has hit this filter's entry. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper is other than 'none (0)'. If the value of tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper is 'range (2)' then the value of this object must be less than the value of tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal2. If the value of tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper is 'lt (3)' then the value of this object can be set in range 1..65535. If the value of tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper is 'gt (4)' then the value of this object can be set in range 0..65534. If both the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper and tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request. Note that the value of this object is silently cleared by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to a value other than 'drop (1)' or if tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper is set to 'none (0)' or if tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper is set to a value other than 'none (0)'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 2 } tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterPacketLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 specifies the packet length value2 to be compared to the value of the Total Length field of an IP packet header that has hit this filter's entry. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper is 'range (2)'. The value of this object must be greater than the value of tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal1. If both the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper and tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request. Note that the value of this object is silently cleared by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to a value other than 'drop (1)' or if tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper is set to value other than 'range (2)' or if tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper is set to a value other than 'none (0)'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 3 } tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper specifies the way how the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 and tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 are used to form a condition that must be fulfilled in order to execute the action specified by the value of tIPFilterParamsAction. Otherwise the opposite action is executed. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPFilterParamsAction is 'drop (1)'. If the value of this object is being changed from the default value to any non-default value the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 and tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 (if applicable) must be sent in the same SET SNMP request. If the value of this object is 'none (0)' than the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 and tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 are ignored and TRUE case action is always executed (see table below). If the value of this object is 'eq (1)' then the value of the Total Length field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be equal to the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'range (2)' then the value of the Total Length field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be greater than or equal to the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 and less than or equal to the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. If the value of this object is 'lt (3)' then the value of the Total Length field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be less than the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'gt (4)' then the value of the Total Length field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be greater than the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 is ignored. tIPFilterParamsAction | TRUE case action | FALSE case action ------------------------------------------------------------------ drop | drop | forward Allowed ranges for the values of tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 and tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 are: Operator |Packet Length Value 1|Packet Length Value 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- none (0) | N/A | N/A eq(1) | 0..65535 | N/A range(2) | 0..65534 | (Value1 + 1)..65535 lt(3) | 1..65535 | N/A gt(4) | 0..65534 | N/A The values of the objects tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal1 and tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal2 are silently cleared if the value of this object is set to default. Note that the value of this object is silently cleared by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to a value other than 'drop (1)' or if tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper is set to a value other than 'none (0)'." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 4 } tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterTTL MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal1 specifies the Time-To-Live value1 to be compared to the value of the Time-To-Live field of an IP packet header that has hit this filter's entry. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper is other than 'none (0)'. If the value of tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper is 'range (2)' then the value of this object must be less than the value of tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal2. If the value of tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper is 'lt (3)' then the value of this object can be set in range 1..255. If the value of tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper is 'gt (4)' then the value of this object can be set in range 0..254. If both the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper and tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal1 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request. Note that the value of this object is silently cleared by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to a value other than 'drop (1)' or if tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper is set to 'none (0)' or if tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper is set to a value other than 'none (0)'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 5 } tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterTTL MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal2 specifies the Time-To-Live value2 to be compared to the value of the Time-To-Live field of an IP packet header that has hit this filter's entry. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper is 'range (2)'. The value of this object must be greater than the value of tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal1. If both the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper and tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal2 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request. Note that the value of this object is silently cleared by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to a value other than 'drop (1)' or if tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper is set to a value other than 'range (2)' or if tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper is set to a value other than 'none (0)'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 6 } tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper specifies the way how the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal1 and tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal2 are used to form a condition that must be fulfilled in order to execute the action specified by the value of tIPFilterParamsAction. Otherwise the opposite action is executed. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPFilterParamsAction is 'drop (1)'. If the value of this object is being changed from the default value to any non-default value the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal1 and tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal2 (if applicable) must be sent in the same SET SNMP request. If the value of this object is 'none (0)' than the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal1 and tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal2 are ignored and TRUE case action is always executed (see table below). If the value of this object is 'eq (1)' then the value of the Time-To-Live field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be equal to the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal1 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'range (2)' then the value of the Time-To-Live field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be greater than or equal to the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal1 and less than or equal to the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal2 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. If the value of this object is 'lt (3)' then the value of the Time-To-Live field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be less than the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal1 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'gt (4)' then the value of the Time-To-Live field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be greater than the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal1 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal2 is ignored. tIPFilterParamsAction | TRUE case action | FALSE case action ------------------------------------------------------------------ drop | drop | forward Allowed ranges for the values of tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal1 and tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal2 are: Operator | Time-To-Live Value 1| Time-To-Live Value 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- none (0) | N/A | N/A eq(1) | 0..255 | N/A range(2) | 0..254 | (Value1 + 1)..255 lt(3) | 1..255 | N/A gt(4) | 0..254 | N/A The values of the objects tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal1 and tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal2 are silently cleared if the value of this object is set to default. Note that the value of this object is silently cleared by the system if tIPFilterParamsAction is set to a value other than 'drop (1)' or if tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper is set to a value other than 'none (0)'." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 7 } tIPFilterParamsExtEgressPBR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEgressPBR MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtEgressPBR specifies if PBR specified by tIPFilterParamsExtEntry will have effect when the filter is applied on egress. tIPFilterParamsExtEgressPBR is applicable with these configured actions and action state: - no action - action forward redirect-policy - action forward esi sf-ip vas-interface router - action forward esi sf-ip vas-interface router service-name - action forward next-hop - action forward next-hop router - action forward next-hop router service-name - action forward next-hop indirect - action forward next-hop indirect router - action forward next-hop indirect router service-name " DEFVAL { disable } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 8 } tIPFilterParamsExtEsi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEsi MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtEsi specifies the ethernet segment identifier (ESI). ESI is mapped by BGP EVPN to an L2 or L3 capable appliance based on the value of tIPFilterParamsAction. Packets matching this entry are steered toward the L2 or L3 appliance. The value '0' indicates that there is no ESI specified. There are two options how to set the value of tIPFilterParamsExtEsi: 1. Non zero value of tIPFilterParamsExtEsi is set together with non zero values of tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId, tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf and tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp. In this case value of tIPFilterParamsAction is set to 'forwardEsiL3' by the system. 2. Non zero value of tIPFilterParamsExtEsi is set together with a non zero value of tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiSvcId. In this case value of tIPFilterParamsAction is set to 'forwardEsiL2' by the system. Note: The value of tIPFilterParamsExtEsi is set to '0' by the system if the value of tIPFilterParamsAction is set to any value other than 'forwardEsiL2' or 'forwardEsiL3'." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000'H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 9 } tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiSvcId specifies the identifier of a VPLS used for VPN/DC connectivity. The value '0' indicates that there is no VPLS identifier specified. The non zero value of tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiSvcId must be set together with a non zero value of tIPFilterParamsExtEsi. Note: The value of tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiSvcId is set to '0' by the system if the value of tIPFilterParamsAction is set to any value other than 'forwardEsiL2'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 10 } tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrIDOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId specifies the VPRN/rVPLS virtual router identifier used for VPN/DC connectivity. The value '0' indicates that there is no VPRN/rVPLS virtual router identifier specified. The non zero value of tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId must be set together with non zero values of tIPFilterParamsExtEsi, tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf and tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp. Note: The value of tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId is set to '0' by the system if the value of tIPFilterParamsAction is set to any value other than 'forwardEsiL3'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 11 } tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv4 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp specifies the IP address of the service function toward which traffic is steered. The value '0' indicates that no service function IP address is specified. The non zero value of tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp must be set together with a non zero values of tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId, tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf and tIPFilterParamsExtEsi. Note: The value of tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp is set to default by the system if the value of tIPFilterParamsAction is set to any value other than 'forwardEsiL3'." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 12 } tIPFilterParamsExtPbrDwnActOvr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterPbrDownActionOvr MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtPbrDwnActOvr specifies the filter action which will be performed when the PBR/PBF target for this entry is not available. If the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is not one of the following values then tIPFilterParamsExtPbrDwnActOvr must be set to the value 'none': - forwardEsiL2 - forwardEsiL3 - forwardSap - forwardSdp - forwardNextHopRtr If the value of tIPFilterParamsExtPbrDwnActOvr is different from 'none' then PBR/PBF destination availability checking for an entry is turned on. There is a limit to the number of filter entries with the destination availability checking turned on. Entries with the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction equal to 'forwardEsiL2' or 'forwardEsiL3' are not counted against this limit. Refer to the description of the textual convention TFilterPbrDownActionOvr for more details." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 13 } tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf specifies the virtual router interface index of VPRN RVPLS interface used for VPN/DC connectivity. The value '0' indicates that no interface id is specified. The non zero value of tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf must be set together with a non zero values of tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId, tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp and tIPFilterParamsExtEsi. Note: The value of tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf is set to '0' by the system if the value of tIPFilterParamsAction is set to any value other than 'forwardEsiL3'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 14 } tIPFilterParamsExtStickyDst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtStickyDst specifies how long the system will wait (in seconds) until it activates the best action (action with available PBR/PBF destination and the highest priority). Until then the action specified by tIPFilterParamsExtPbrDwnActOvr will be taken on a packet matching the filter entry. After the value of the active destination is fixed it will remain unchanged until the active PBR/PBF destination becomes unreachable. The value of -1 indicates that the property of PBR destination stickiness is turned off. When the property of stickiness is turned off the active PBR/PBF destination is always the one which is available and has the highest priority. The countdown starts when there was no PBR/PBF destination reachable and any PBR/PBF destination becomes reachable. tIPFilterParamsExtStickyDst can be set to value other than -1 only if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is one of following values: - forwardSap - forwardSdp - forwardNextHopRtr" DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 15 } tIPFilterParamsExtHoldRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtHoldRemain indicates the remaining time in seconds, until the best action will become active and will be fixed. Best action is: - primary action if PBR target status of primary action is up. - secondary action if PBR target status of secondary action is up and PBR target status of primary action is down. - none if both PBR targets are down" ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 16 } tIPFilterParamsExtDownloadAct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterDownloadedAction MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtDownloadAct indicates the filter entry action downloaded to IOM. Refer to the description of the textual convention TFilterDownloadedAction for more information." ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 17 } tIPFilterParamsExtTcpFin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a TCP Fin as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 18 } tIPFilterParamsExtTcpRst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a TCP Rst as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 19 } tIPFilterParamsExtTcpPsh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a TCP Psh as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 20 } tIPFilterParamsExtTcpUrg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a TCP Urg as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 21 } tIPFilterParamsExtTcpEce OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a TCP Ece as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 22 } tIPFilterParamsExtTcpCwr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a TCP Cwr as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 23 } tIPFilterParamsExtTcpNs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Enabled, matches a TCP Ns as per value of the object." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 24 } tIPFilterParamsExtSrcMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source MAC to match for this policy filter entry." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 25 } tIPFilterParamsExtSrcMacMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source MAC mask value for this policy MAC filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the MAC to match tIPFilterParamsExtSrcMac. A cleared bit means ignore this bit, do not match. A set bit means match this bit with tIPFilterParamsExtSrcMac. Use the value 00-00-00-00-00-00 to disable this filter criteria." DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 26 } tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterPacketLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 specifies the value1 to be compared to the value of 'Total Length' field of IPv4 header of the packet that has hit this filter's entry. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper is other than 'none (0)'. If the value of tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper is 'range (2)' then the value of this object must be less than the value of tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2. If the value of tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper is 'lt (3)' then the value of this object can be set in range 1..65535. If the value of tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper is 'gt (4)' then the value of this object can be set in range 0..65534. If both the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper and tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 27 } tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterPacketLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2 specifies the value2 to be compared to the value of 'Total Length' field of IPv4 header of the packet that has hit this filter's entry. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper is 'range (2)'. The value of this object must be greater than the value of tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1. If both the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper and tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 28 } tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper specifies the way how the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 and tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2 are used. If the value of this object is 'eq (1)' then the value of the Total Length field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be equal to the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 (see table below). The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'range (2)' then the value of the Total Length field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be greater than or equal to the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 and less than or equal to the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2. If the value of this object is 'lt (3)' then the value of the Total Length field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be less than the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 (see table below). The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'gt (4)' then the value of the Total Length field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be greater than the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 (see table below). The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2 is ignored. Allowed ranges for the values of tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1 and tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2 are: Operator |Packet Length Value 1|Packet Length Value 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- none (0) | N/A | N/A eq(1) | 0..65535 | N/A range(2) | 0..65534 | (Value1 + 1)..65535 lt(3) | 1..65535 | N/A gt(4) | 0..65534 | N/A" DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 29 } tIPFilterParamsExtProtocolList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 30 } tIPFilterParamsExtDestClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClassIndexOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtDestClass specifies destination class to match." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 31 } tIPFilterParamsExtSampleProf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFilterCflowdSampleProfileId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the sample profile to be applied to packets matching this IP filter entry. Setting tIPFilterParamsExtSampleProf to a non-default value, will set tIPFilterParamsCflowdSample to its default value and vice versa." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 32 } tIPFilterParamsExtCollectStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPFilterParamsExtCollectStats specifies whether or not the collection of statistical data for the filter entry is enabled. tIPFilterParamsExtCollectStats is supported only on IXR J2 platforms." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 33 } tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterTTL MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal1 specifies the value1 to be compared to the value of 'Time-to-live' field of IPv4 header of an IP packet that has hit this filter's entry. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLOper. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLOper is other than 'none (0)'. If the value of tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLOper is 'range (2)' then the value of this object must be less than the value of tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal2. If the value of tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLOper is 'lt (3)' then the value of this object can be set in range 1..255. If the value of tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLOper is 'gt (4)' then the value of this object can be set in range 0..254. If both the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLOper and tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal1 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 34 } tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterTTL MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal2 specifies value2 to be compared to the value of 'Time-to-live' field of an IP packet that has hit this filter's entry. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLOper. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLOper is 'range (2)'. The value of this object must be greater than the value of tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal1. If both the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLOper and tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal2 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 35 } tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLOper specifies the way how the values of the objects tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal1 and tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal2 are used to form a condition for a packet match. If the value of this object is 'eq (1)' then the value of the Time-To-Live field of the IP header of the packet must be equal to the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal1 in order to match this entry. The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'range (2)' then the value of the Time-To-Live field of the IP header of the packet must be greater than or equal to the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal1 and less than or equal to the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal2 in order to match this entry. If the value of this object is 'lt (3)' then the value of the Time-To-Live field of the IP header of the packet must be less than the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal1 in order to match this entry. The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'gt (4)' then the value of the Time-To-Live field of the IP header of the packet must be greater than the value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal1 in order to match this entry. The value of the object tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal2 is ignored. Allowed ranges for the values of tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal1 and tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal2 are: Operator | Time-To-Live Value 1| Time-To-Live Value 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- none (0) | N/A | N/A eq(1) | 0..255 | N/A range(2) | 0..254 | (Value1 + 1)..255 lt(3) | 1..255 | N/A gt(4) | 0..254 | N/A" DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPFilterParamsExtEntry 36 } tFilterRPlcyDstTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPlcyDstTableLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterRPlcyDstTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 54 } tFilterRPlcyDstTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterRPlcyDstEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterRPlcyDstTable contains information pertaining to Redirect Policy destinations configured on this system." ::= { tFilterObjects 55 } tFilterRPlcyDstEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterRPlcyDstEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry contains information about a particular Redirect Policy destination. Rows in the table tFilterRPlcyDstTable are created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on the object tFltrRPDstRowStatus." INDEX { tFilterRedirectPolicy, tFltrRPDstAddrType, tFltrRPDstAddr } ::= { tFilterRPlcyDstTable 1 } TFilterRPlcyDstEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrRPDstAddrType InetAddressType, tFltrRPDstAddr InetAddress, tFltrRPDstLastChanged TimeStamp, tFltrRPDstRowStatus RowStatus, tFltrRPDstAdminState TmnxAdminState, tFltrRPDstOperState TmnxOperState, tFltrRPDstDescription TItemDescription, tFltrRPDstAdminPriority Unsigned32, tFltrRPDstOperPriority Unsigned32 } tFltrRPDstAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPDstAddrType specifies the context in which the value of the object tFltrRPDstAddr is interpreted. Only the following values are supported: ipv4(1) ipv6(2) The value of this object must be the same for all destinations in a Redirect Policy." ::= { tFilterRPlcyDstEntry 1 } tFltrRPDstAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPDstAddr specifies the IP address of the destination. The value must be consistent with the IP version value of the associated tFltrRPDstAddrType object." ::= { tFilterRPlcyDstEntry 2 } tFltrRPDstLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPDstLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change of this row in tFilterRPlcyDstTable." ::= { tFilterRPlcyDstEntry 3 } tFltrRPDstRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPDstRowStatus specifies the status of the conceptual row in tFilterRPlcyDstTable. Rows can be created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on this object." ::= { tFilterRPlcyDstEntry 4 } tFltrRPDstAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPDstAdminState specifies the configured administrative state of the destination. If the administrative state is 'outOfService' then all tests for this destination will not be conducted." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tFilterRPlcyDstEntry 5 } tFltrRPDstOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPDstOperState indicates the operational state of the destination." ::= { tFilterRPlcyDstEntry 6 } tFltrRPDstDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPDstDescription specifies the user-provided description for this destination." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFilterRPlcyDstEntry 7 } tFltrRPDstAdminPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPDstAdminPriority specifies the configured priority for this destination. The value is used as a base value for the calculation of the operational priority indicated by the value of the object tFltrRPDstOperPriority." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tFilterRPlcyDstEntry 8 } tFltrRPDstOperPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPDstOperPriority indicates the current dynamic priority of this destination. It is derived from the base priority indicated by the value of the object tFltrRPDstAdminPriority and results of tests assigned to the destination. A destination with the highest operational priority across multiple destinations in a Redirect Policy is used as the preferred destination. If the value of the object tFltrRPDstOperState is 'outOfService' then the value of this object is '0'." ::= { tFilterRPlcyDstEntry 9 } tFilterRPlcySNMPTestTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPlcySNMPTestTableLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterRPlcySNMPTestTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 56 } tFilterRPlcySNMPTestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterRPlcySNMPTestTable contains a list of all redirect policies' SNMP tests configured on this system." ::= { tFilterObjects 57 } tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry contains information about a specific SNMP test. Entries are created/deleted by user. The entry can be created only if the value of the object tFltrRPDstAddrType is ipv4(1). Entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tFilterRedirectPolicy, tFltrRPDstAddrType, tFltrRPDstAddr, tFltrRPSnmpTest } ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestTable 1 } TFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrRPSnmpTest TNamedItem, tFltrRPSnmpTLastChanged TimeStamp, tFltrRPSnmpTRowStatus RowStatus, tFltrRPSnmpTOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, tFltrRPSnmpTCommunity DisplayString, tFltrRPSnmpTSnmpVersion INTEGER, tFltrRPSnmpTInterval Unsigned32, tFltrRPSnmpTTimeout Unsigned32, tFltrRPSnmpTDropCount Unsigned32, tFltrRPSnmpTHoldDown Unsigned32, tFltrRPSnmpTHoldDownRemain Unsigned32, tFltrRPSnmpTLastActionTime TimeStamp, tFltrRPSnmpTLastOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, tFltrRPSnmpTLastType INTEGER, tFltrRPSnmpTLastCounter32Val Counter32, tFltrRPSnmpTLastUnsigned32Val Unsigned32, tFltrRPSnmpTLastTimeTicksVal TimeTicks, tFltrRPSnmpTLastInt32Val Integer32, tFltrRPSnmpTLastOctetStringVal OCTET STRING, tFltrRPSnmpTLastIpAddressVal IpAddress, tFltrRPSnmpTLastOidVal OBJECT IDENTIFIER, tFltrRPSnmpTLastCounter64Val Counter64, tFltrRPSnmpTLastOpaqueVal Opaque, tFltrRPSnmpTLastAction TmnxFilterRPlcyTestLastAction, tFltrRPSnmpTLastPrioChange Integer32, tFltrRPSnmpTNextRespIndex Integer32 } tFltrRPSnmpTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTest specifies the name of the SNMP test." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 1 } tFltrRPSnmpTLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change of this row in tFilterRPlcySNMPTestTable." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 2 } tFltrRPSnmpTRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTRowStatus specifies the status of the conceptual row in tFilterRPlcySNMPTestTable. Rows can be created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on this object." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 3 } tFltrRPSnmpTOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTOID specifies the OID of the object to be fetched from the destination." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 4 } tFltrRPSnmpTCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTCommunity specifies the SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c Community String or the SNMPv3 Context Name used to conduct this SNMP test as described in RFC2571 and RFC2737. When the value of tFltrRPSnmpTSnmpVersion is 'snmpv1' or 'snmpv2c' this object represents a community string. When the value of tFltrRPSnmpTSnmpVersion is 'snmpv3' this object represents a SNMPv3 context name." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 5 } tFltrRPSnmpTSnmpVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { snmpv1 (1), snmpv2c (2), snmpv3 (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTSnmpVersion specifies the SNMP PDU format to be used while conducting the test. Currently only snmpv2c is supported." DEFVAL { snmpv2c } ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 6 } tFltrRPSnmpTInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTInterval specifies the amount of time in seconds between consecutive requests sent to the far end host." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 7 } tFltrRPSnmpTTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTTimeout specifies the amount of time in seconds that is allowed for receiving a response from the far end host. If the response is not received within this time the far end host is considered unresponsive." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 8 } tFltrRPSnmpTDropCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTDropCount specifies the number of consecutive requests that must fail for the destination to be declared unreachable." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 9 } tFltrRPSnmpTHoldDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTHoldDown specifies the amount of time in seconds that the system should be held down if this test has marked it unreachable." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 10 } tFltrRPSnmpTHoldDownRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTHoldDownRemain indicates the amount of time in seconds that the system will remain in held down state before being used again." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 11 } tFltrRPSnmpTLastActionTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastActionTime indicates the time stamp when this test received a response for a probe sent out." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 12 } tFltrRPSnmpTLastOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastOID indicates the OID received in the response." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 13 } tFltrRPSnmpTLastType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), counter32 (1), unsigned32 (2), timeTicks (3), integer32 (4), ipAddress (5), octetString (6), objectId (7), counter64 (8), opaque (9) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastType indicates the type of the last received SNMP object. Value none(0) indicates that no object was received. Value 'counter32' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type Counter32. Value 'unsigned32' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type Unsigned32. Value 'timeTicks' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type timeTicks. Value 'integer32' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type integer32. Value 'ipAddress' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type ipAddress. Value 'octetString' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type OCTET STRING. Value 'objectId' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type OBJECT IDENTIFIER. Value 'counter64' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type Counter64. Value 'unsigned32' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type Unsigned32. Value 'opaque' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type Opaque." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 14 } tFltrRPSnmpTLastCounter32Val OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastCounter32Val indicates the value of an object received in the last test response, if the type of the received object is 'counter32'. When this object is set the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastType is 'counter32'." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 15 } tFltrRPSnmpTLastUnsigned32Val OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastUnsigned32Val indicates the value of an object received in the last test response, if the type of the received object is 'unsigned32'. When this object is set the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastType is 'unsigned32'." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 16 } tFltrRPSnmpTLastTimeTicksVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastTimeTicksVal indicates the value of an object received in the last test response, if the type of the received object is 'timeTicks'. When this object is set the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastType is 'timeTicks'." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 17 } tFltrRPSnmpTLastInt32Val OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastInt32Val indicates the value of an object received in the last test response, if the type of the received object is 'integer32'. When this object is set the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastType is 'integer32'." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 18 } tFltrRPSnmpTLastOctetStringVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastOctetStringVal indicates the value of an object received in the last test response, if the type of the received object is 'octetString'. When this object is set the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastType is 'octetString'." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 19 } tFltrRPSnmpTLastIpAddressVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastIpAddressVal indicates the value of an object received in the last test response, if the type of the received object is 'ipAddress'. When this object is set the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastType is 'ipAddress'. This object is used only for IPv4 addresses. IPv6 addresses are represented using TAddress or InetAddress, and so the underlying datatype is OCTET STRING, and their value would be stored in the tFltrRPSnmpTLastOctetStringVal column." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 20 } tFltrRPSnmpTLastOidVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastOidVal indicates the value of an object received in the last test response, if the type of the received object is 'objectId'. When this object is set the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastType is 'objectId'." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 21 } tFltrRPSnmpTLastCounter64Val OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastCounter64Val indicates that the value of an object received in the last test response, if the type of the received object is 'counter64'. When this object is set the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastType is 'counter64'." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 22 } tFltrRPSnmpTLastOpaqueVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Opaque (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastOpaqueVal indicates the value of an object received in the last test response, if the type of the received object is 'opaque'. When this object is set the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastType is 'opaque'." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 23 } tFltrRPSnmpTLastAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFilterRPlcyTestLastAction MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastAction indicates an impact that the last test probe had on the value of the object tFltrRPDstOperState. If the value is 'disable', the destination may not be used for tFltrRPSnmpTHoldDown seconds." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 24 } tFltrRPSnmpTLastPrioChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-255..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastPrioChange indicates the priority change that the last test probe made to the operational priority of the destination. This object is significant only if the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTLastAction is 'enable'. Otherwise it has no significance and it's holding the value '0'." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 25 } tFltrRPSnmpTNextRespIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpTNextRespIndex indicates the next response index to be used while creating a row in the tFilterRPlcySNMPRespTable. The value of '-1' means that the maximum number of return values for this OID is already configured." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPTestEntry 26 } tFilterRPlcySNMPRespTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPlcySNMPRespTableLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterRPlcySNMPRespTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 58 } tFilterRPlcySNMPRespTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row in this table holds the effect of the test on the destination for a specific return value. Each row is created once and cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded." ::= { tFilterObjects 59 } tFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Information about action to be taken for a specific destination when a specific response is received. Each row is created once and cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded." INDEX { tFilterRedirectPolicy, tFltrRPDstAddrType, tFltrRPDstAddr, tFltrRPSnmpTest, tFltrRPSnmpRspId } ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPRespTable 1 } TFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrRPSnmpRspId Integer32, tFltrRPSnmpRspLastChanged TimeStamp, tFltrRPSnmpRspRowStatus RowStatus, tFltrRPSnmpRspAction TmnxFilterRPlcyTestRespAction, tFltrRPSnmpRspPrioChange Unsigned32, tFltrRPSnmpRspOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, tFltrRPSnmpRspType INTEGER, tFltrRPSnmpRspCounter32Val Unsigned32, tFltrRPSnmpRspUnsigned32Val Unsigned32, tFltrRPSnmpRspTimeTicksVal Unsigned32, tFltrRPSnmpRspInt32Val Integer32, tFltrRPSnmpRspOctetStringVal OCTET STRING, tFltrRPSnmpRspIpAddressVal IpAddress, tFltrRPSnmpRspOidVal OBJECT IDENTIFIER, tFltrRPSnmpRspCounter64Val Counter64, tFltrRPSnmpRspOpaqueVal Opaque } tFltrRPSnmpRspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspId indicates the ID of the response entry." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry 1 } tFltrRPSnmpRspLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change of this row in tFilterRPlcySNMPRespTable." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry 2 } tFltrRPSnmpRspRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspRowStatus specifies the status of the conceptual row in tFilterRPlcySNMPRespTable. Rows can be created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on this object." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry 3 } tFltrRPSnmpRspAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFilterRPlcyTestRespAction MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspAction specifies the action which will be taken on the operational priority of a destination (tFilterRDOperPriority), if the received object OID and value matches the values defined in TFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry. This object cannot be modified after creation." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry 4 } tFltrRPSnmpRspPrioChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspPrioChange specifies the offset to be applied to the destination base priority (tFilterRDAdminPriority) in order to compute the tFilterRDOperPriority as a result of this test, if the tFltrRPSnmpRspAction is either 'increase' or 'decrease'. This object cannot be modified after creation." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry 5 } tFltrRPSnmpRspOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspOID specifies the OID to be received in the response. This field cannot be modified after creation." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry 6 } tFltrRPSnmpRspType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { counter32 (1), unsigned32 (2), timeTicks (3), integer32 (4), ipAddress (5), octetString (6), objectId (7), counter64 (8), opaque (9) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspType specifies the type of the SNMP object to be received. Note: types 'objectId' and 'counter64' are not supported for now, and will be rejected when used. This object cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded. Value 'counter32' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type Counter32. Value 'unsigned32' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type Unsigned32. Value 'timeTicks' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type timeTicks. Value 'integer32' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type integer32. Value 'ipAddress' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type ipAddress. Value 'octetString' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type OCTET STRING. Value 'objectId' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type OBJECT IDENTIFIER. Value 'counter64' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type Counter64. Value 'unsigned32' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type Unsigned32. Value 'opaque' indicates that the value of SNMP object is of type Opaque." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry 7 } tFltrRPSnmpRspCounter32Val OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspCounter32Val specifies the value of type Counter32 which the object received in the test response should have in order to pass the test. When this value is specified the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspType should be set to 'counter32'. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry 8 } tFltrRPSnmpRspUnsigned32Val OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspUnsigned32Val specifies the value of type Unsigned32 which the object received in the test response should have in order to pass the test. When this value is specified the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspType should be set to 'unsigned32'. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry 9 } tFltrRPSnmpRspTimeTicksVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspTimeTicksVal specifies the value of type TimeTicks which the object received in the test response should have in order to pass the test. When this value is specified the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspType should be set to 'timeTicks'. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry 10 } tFltrRPSnmpRspInt32Val OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspInt32Val specifies the value of type Integer32 which the object received in the test response should have in order to pass the test. When this value is specified the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspType should be set to 'integer32'. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry 11 } tFltrRPSnmpRspOctetStringVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspOctetStringVal specifies the value of type OCTET STRING which the object received in the test response should have in order to pass the test. When this value is specified the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspType should be set to 'octetString'. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry 12 } tFltrRPSnmpRspIpAddressVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspIpAddressVal specifies the IPv4 address which the object received in the test response should have in order to pass the test. When this value is specified the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspType should be set to 'ipAddress'. IPv6 addresses are represented using TAddress or InetAddress, and so the underlying data type is OCTET STRING, and their value would be stored in the tFltrRPSnmpRspOctetStringVal column. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry 13 } tFltrRPSnmpRspOidVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspOidVal specifies the OID which the object received in the test response should have in order to pass the test. When this value is specified the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspType should be set to 'objectId'. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry 14 } tFltrRPSnmpRspCounter64Val OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspCounter64Val specifies the value of type Counter64 which the object received in the test response should have in order to pass the test. When this value is specified the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspType should be set to 'counter64'. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry 15 } tFltrRPSnmpRspOpaqueVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Opaque (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspOpaqueVal specifies the value of type Opaque which the object received in the test response should have in order to pass the test. When this value is specified the value of the object tFltrRPSnmpRspType should be set to 'opaque'. This field cannot be modified after creation. Any change attempts will be silently discarded." ::= { tFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry 16 } tFilterRPlcyURLTestTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPlcyURLTestTableLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterRPlcyURLTestTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 60 } tFilterRPlcyURLTestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterRPlcyURLTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This table contains a list of all redirect URL tests configured on this system." ::= { tFilterObjects 61 } tFilterRPlcyURLTestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterRPlcyURLTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific URL test configured for a destination. Entries are created/deleted by user. The entry can be created only if the value of the object tFltrRPDstAddrType is ipv4(1). Entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tFilterRedirectPolicy, tFltrRPDstAddrType, tFltrRPDstAddr, tFltrRPUrlTest } ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLTestTable 1 } TFilterRPlcyURLTestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrRPUrlTest TNamedItem, tFltrRPUrlTLastChanged TimeStamp, tFltrRPUrlTRowStatus RowStatus, tFltrRPUrlTUrl DisplayString, tFltrRPUrlTHttpVersion DisplayString, tFltrRPUrlTInterval Unsigned32, tFltrRPUrlTTimeout Unsigned32, tFltrRPUrlTDropCount Unsigned32, tFltrRPUrlTHoldDown Unsigned32, tFltrRPUrlTHoldDownRemain Unsigned32, tFltrRPUrlTLastActionTime TimeStamp, tFltrRPUrlTLastRetCode Unsigned32, tFltrRPUrlTLastAction TmnxFilterRPlcyTestLastAction, tFltrRPUrlTLastPrioChange Integer32 } tFltrRPUrlTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTest specifies the name of the URL test." ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLTestEntry 1 } tFltrRPUrlTLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change of this row in tFilterRPlcyURLTestTable." ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLTestEntry 2 } tFltrRPUrlTRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTRowStatus specifies the status of the conceptual row in tFilterRPlcyURLTestTable. Rows in tFilterRPlcyURLTestTable can be created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on this object." ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLTestEntry 3 } tFltrRPUrlTUrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTUrl specifies the URL to be probed." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLTestEntry 4 } tFltrRPUrlTHttpVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTHttpVersion specifies HTTP Version to be used while performing the URL test. The system by default uses HTTP Version 1.1 until explicitly specified." DEFVAL { "1.1" } ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLTestEntry 5 } tFltrRPUrlTInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTInterval specifies the amount of time in seconds between consecutive requests sent to the far end host." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLTestEntry 6 } tFltrRPUrlTTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTTimeout specifies the amount of time in seconds that is allowed for receiving a response from the far end host. If the response is not received within this time the far end host is considered unresponsive." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLTestEntry 7 } tFltrRPUrlTDropCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTDropCount specifies the number of consecutive requests that must fail for the destination to be declared unreachable." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLTestEntry 8 } tFltrRPUrlTHoldDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTHoldDown specifies the amount of time in seconds that the system should be held down this test has marked it unreachable." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLTestEntry 9 } tFltrRPUrlTHoldDownRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTHoldDownRemain indicates the amount of time in seconds that the system will remain in held down state before being used again." ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLTestEntry 10 } tFltrRPUrlTLastActionTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTLastActionTime indicates the time stamp when this test received a response for a probe sent out." ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLTestEntry 11 } tFltrRPUrlTLastRetCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTLastRetCode indicates the return code received in the last response." ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLTestEntry 12 } tFltrRPUrlTLastAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFilterRPlcyTestLastAction MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTLastAction indicates impact that the last test probe had on the operational status of the destination as maintained in tFilterRDOperState. If the last action was 'disable', the destination may not be used for tFltrRPUrlTHoldDown seconds." ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLTestEntry 13 } tFltrRPUrlTLastPrioChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-255..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTLastPrioChange indicates the priority change that the last test probe made to the operational priority of the destination. This object is significant only if the value of the object tFltrRPUrlTLastAction is 'enable'. Otherwise it has no significance and it's holding the value '0'." ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLTestEntry 14 } tFilterRPlcyURLRespTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPlcyURLRespTableLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterRPlcyURLRespTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 62 } tFilterRPlcyURLRespTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterRPlcyURLRespEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row in this table specifies the effect of the test on the destination for a range of return values." ::= { tFilterObjects 63 } tFilterRPlcyURLRespEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterRPlcyURLRespEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Entry contains information about an action to be taken for a specific destination when a return value within the range specifies by tFltrRPUrlTRspLowRspCode and tFltrRPUrlTRspHighRspCode is received." INDEX { tFilterRedirectPolicy, tFltrRPDstAddrType, tFltrRPDstAddr, tFltrRPUrlTest, tFltrRPUrlTRspLowRspCode, tFltrRPUrlTRspHighRspCode } ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLRespTable 1 } TFilterRPlcyURLRespEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrRPUrlTRspLowRspCode Unsigned32, tFltrRPUrlTRspHighRspCode Unsigned32, tFltrRPUrlTRspLastChanged TimeStamp, tFltrRPUrlTRspRowStatus RowStatus, tFltrRPUrlTRspAction TmnxFilterRPlcyTestRespAction, tFltrRPUrlTRspPrioChange Unsigned32 } tFltrRPUrlTRspLowRspCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTRspLowRspCode specifies the lower return code of the range specified by this entry." ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLRespEntry 1 } tFltrRPUrlTRspHighRspCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTRspHighRspCode specifies the higher return code of the range specified by this entry." ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLRespEntry 2 } tFltrRPUrlTRspLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTRspLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change of this row in tFilterRPlcyURLRespTable." ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLRespEntry 3 } tFltrRPUrlTRspRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTRspRowStatus specifies the status of the conceptual row in tFilterRPlcyURLRespTable. Rows can be created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on this object." ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLRespEntry 4 } tFltrRPUrlTRspAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFilterRPlcyTestRespAction MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUrlTRspAction specifies the action which will be taken on the operational priority of a destination (tFilterRDOperPriority), if the received object OID and value matches the values defined in TFilterRPlcySNMPRespEntry." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLRespEntry 5 } tFltrRPUrlTRspPrioChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "If the tFltrRPUrlTRspAction is either 'increase' or 'decrease', the value of the object tFltrRPUrlTRspPrioChange specifies the offset to be applied to the destination base priority (tFilterRDAdminPriority) in order to compute the tFilterRDOperPriority as a result of this test." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFilterRPlcyURLRespEntry 6 } tFilterRPlcyPingTestTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPlcyPingTestTableLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterRPlcyPingTestTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 64 } tFilterRPlcyPingTestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterRPlcyPingTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterRPlcyPingTestTable contains a list of all redirect Ping tests configured on this system." ::= { tFilterObjects 65 } tFilterRPlcyPingTestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterRPlcyPingTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry contains information about a specific Ping test. Entries are created/deleted by user and have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tFilterRedirectPolicy, tFltrRPDstAddrType, tFltrRPDstAddr } ::= { tFilterRPlcyPingTestTable 1 } TFilterRPlcyPingTestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrRPPingTLastChanged TimeStamp, tFltrRPPingTRowStatus RowStatus, tFltrRPPingTInterval Unsigned32, tFltrRPPingTTimeout Unsigned32, tFltrRPPingTDropCount Unsigned32, tFltrRPPingTHoldDown Unsigned32, tFltrRPPingTHoldDownRemain Unsigned32, tFltrRPPingTLastActionTime TimeStamp, tFltrRPPingTLastAction TmnxFilterRPlcyTestLastAction, tFilterRPPingSrcAddressAddrType InetAddressType, tFilterRPPingSrcAddressAddr InetAddress } tFltrRPPingTLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPPingTLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change of this row in tFilterRPlcyPingTestTable." ::= { tFilterRPlcyPingTestEntry 1 } tFltrRPPingTRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPPingTRowStatus specifies the status of the conceptual row in tFilterRPlcyPingTestTable. Rows are created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on this object." ::= { tFilterRPlcyPingTestEntry 2 } tFltrRPPingTInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPPingTInterval specifies the amount of time in seconds between consecutive requests sent to the far end host. Note that the value of tFltrRPPingTInterval can only be modified if the value of the corresponding tFilterRPAdminState and/or tFltrRPDstAdminState object is outOfService." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tFilterRPlcyPingTestEntry 3 } tFltrRPPingTTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPPingTTimeout specifies the amount of time in seconds that is allowed for receiving a response from the far end host. If a reply is not received within this time the far end host is considered unresponsive. Note that the value of tFltrRPPingTTimeout can only be modified if the value of the corresponding tFilterRPAdminState and/or tFltrRPDstAdminState object is outOfService." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tFilterRPlcyPingTestEntry 4 } tFltrRPPingTDropCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPPingTDropCount specifies the number of consecutive requests that must fail for the destination to be declared unreachable." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { tFilterRPlcyPingTestEntry 5 } tFltrRPPingTHoldDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPPingTHoldDown specifies the amount of time in seconds that the system should be held down if any of the test has marked it unreachable." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFilterRPlcyPingTestEntry 6 } tFltrRPPingTHoldDownRemain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPPingTHoldDownRemain indicates the amount of time in seconds that the system will remain in held down state before being used again." ::= { tFilterRPlcyPingTestEntry 7 } tFltrRPPingTLastActionTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPPingTLastActionTime maintains the time stamp when this test received a response for a probe sent out." ::= { tFilterRPlcyPingTestEntry 8 } tFltrRPPingTLastAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFilterRPlcyTestLastAction MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPPingTLastAction maintains impact that the last test probe made on the operational status of the destination as maintained in tFltrRPDstOperState. If the last action was 'disable', the destination may not be used for tFilterRPTHoldDown seconds." ::= { tFilterRPlcyPingTestEntry 9 } tFilterRPPingSrcAddressAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPPingSrcAddressAddrType indicates the context in which the values of the objects tFilterRPPingSrcAddressAddr are interpreted. Only following values are supported: unknown(0) ipv4(1) ipv6(2) The value 'unknown' indicates IP address type is not specified. The non zero value of tFilterRPPingSrcAddressAddrType must be set together with non zero values of tFilterRPPingSrcAddressAddr." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tFilterRPlcyPingTestEntry 10 } tFilterRPPingSrcAddressAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPPingSrcAddressAddr indicates the source IP address to use in the ping test. The value should be a router local address to make sure the reply reaches the CPM. The value must be consistent with the IP version value of the associated tFilterRPActiveDestAddrType object." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFilterRPlcyPingTestEntry 11 } tFilterRPlcyUcastRtTTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPlcyUcastRtTTableLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterRPlcyUnicastRtTestTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 66 } tFilterRPlcyUnicastRtTestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterRPlcyUnicastRtTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterRPlcyUnicastRtTestTable contains list of all Unicast Route Reachability tests configured on this system." ::= { tFilterObjects 67 } tFilterRPlcyUnicastRtTestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterRPlcyUnicastRtTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry contains information about a specific Unicast Route Reachability test configured for a destination in a Redirect Policy. There can be only one Unicast Route Reachability test configured per destination. Upon creation of the entry the IP address of the destination specified by the values of the objects tFltrRPDstAddrType and tFltrRPDstAddr and optionally (if not equal to the default value) the virtual router instance ID specified by the value of the object tFilterRPVrtrId is registered with RTM module. Redirect policy is then informed about any change of the reachability of the destination (based on availability of a route in a particular routing table) and modifies the value of the object tFltrRPDstOperState accordingly. An entry in the table tFilterRPlcyUnicastRtTestTable is created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on the object tFltrRPUcastRtTRowStatus." INDEX { tFilterRedirectPolicy, tFltrRPDstAddrType, tFltrRPDstAddr } ::= { tFilterRPlcyUnicastRtTestTable 1 } TFilterRPlcyUnicastRtTestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrRPUcastRtTLastChanged TimeStamp, tFltrRPUcastRtTRowStatus RowStatus, tFltrRPUcastRtTLastActionTime TimeStamp, tFltrRPUcastRtTLastAction TmnxFilterRPlcyTestLastAction } tFltrRPUcastRtTLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUcastRtTLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change of this row in tFilterRPlcyUnicastRtTestTable." ::= { tFilterRPlcyUnicastRtTestEntry 1 } tFltrRPUcastRtTRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUcastRtTRowStatus specifies the status of the conceptual row in tFilterRPlcyUnicastRtTestTable. Rows are created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on this object." ::= { tFilterRPlcyUnicastRtTestEntry 2 } tFltrRPUcastRtTLastActionTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUcastRtTLastActionTime indicates the time stamp when the last update from RTM module for this destination was received." ::= { tFilterRPlcyUnicastRtTestEntry 3 } tFltrRPUcastRtTLastAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFilterRPlcyTestLastAction MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrRPUcastRtTLastAction indicates an impact that the last message from RTM module had on the value of the object tFltrRPDstOperState." ::= { tFilterRPlcyUnicastRtTestEntry 4 } tFilterSystemFilterTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterSystemFilterTableLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterSystemFilterTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 68 } tFilterSystemFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterSystemFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterSystemFilterTable contains information pertaining to active IP and IPv6 system filter policies." ::= { tFilterObjects 69 } tFilterSystemFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterSystemFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry contains details about an active system filter policy. Only one active system filter policy per filter type can be configured in release 0.0. Upon creation of the entry the system filter policy identified by the values of the objects tFilterSystemFilterType and tFilterSystemFilterId is activated and downloaded to all line cards. Regular IP or IPv6 filter policies that have the value of the object tIPFilterChainToSystemFilter or tIPv6FilterChainToSystemFilter set to 'true(1)' are then chained to the active system filter policy. The system filter policy's rules are executed first before any rules of the regular filter policy are executed. An entry in the table tFilterSystemFilterTable is created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on the object tFilterSystemFilterRowStatus. Furthermore an entry in the table tFilterSystemFilterTable is destroyed by the system if an entry with the same value of the object tFilterSystemFilterType is created so that there is always at most one entry for a given value of tFilterSystemFilterType." INDEX { tFilterSystemFilterType, tFilterSystemFilterId } ::= { tFilterSystemFilterTable 1 } TFilterSystemFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterSystemFilterType TFilterType, tFilterSystemFilterId TConfigOrVsdFilterID, tFilterSystemFilterLastChanged TimeStamp, tFilterSystemFilterRowStatus RowStatus } tFilterSystemFilterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterSystemFilterType specifies the filter type of the system filter policy to be selected as the active system filter policy. Only values 'fltrtypeselIp(1)' and 'fltrtypeselIpv6(4)' are supported." ::= { tFilterSystemFilterEntry 1 } tFilterSystemFilterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TConfigOrVsdFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterSystemFilterId specifies the ID of the filter policy to be selected as the active system filter policy. Values outside of range 1..65535 are reserved for entries dynamically created by the system and cannot be used in any SNMP SET operation. If the value of the object tFilterSystemFilterType is 'fltrtypeselIp(1)' then the filter policy with the specified ID must exist in tIPFilterTable and must have scope 'system(4)' configured as the value of the object tIPFilterScope. If the value of the object tFilterSystemFilterType is 'fltrtypeselIpv6(4)' then the filter policy with the specified ID must exist in tIPv6FilterTable and must have scope 'system(4)' configured as the value of the object tIPv6FilterScope." ::= { tFilterSystemFilterEntry 2 } tFilterSystemFilterLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterSystemFilterLastChanged indicates the timestamp of the last change of this row in tFilterSystemFilterTable." ::= { tFilterSystemFilterEntry 3 } tFilterSystemFilterRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterSystemFilterRowStatus specifies the status of the conceptual row in tFilterSystemFilterTable. Rows are created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on this object. Only values 'active(1)', 'createAndGo(4)' and 'destroy(6)' are supported. If a row for the same filter type specified by the value of the object tFilterSystemFilterType already exists in the table and a new row with a different value of the object tFilterSystemFilterId is being created the original row is removed by the system." ::= { tFilterSystemFilterEntry 4 } tDhcp6FilterTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDhcp6FilterTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tDhcp6FilterTable by adding, deleting an entry or change to a writable object in the table. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 70 } tDhcp6FilterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TDhcp6FilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains a list of all DHCP6 filters configured on this system." ::= { tFilterObjects 71 } tDhcp6FilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDhcp6FilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular DHCP6 filter. Entries are created/deleted by user. Entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tDhcp6FilterId } ::= { tDhcp6FilterTable 1 } TDhcp6FilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tDhcp6FilterId TDHCPFilterID, tDhcp6FilterRowStatus RowStatus, tDhcp6FilterLastChanged TimeStamp, tDhcp6FilterDescription TItemDescription, tDhcp6FilterDefAction TDhcpFilterAction, tDhcp6FilterDefActionFlags BITS } tDhcp6FilterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDHCPFilterID (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies a DHCP6 filter as configures on this system." ::= { tDhcp6FilterEntry 1 } tDhcp6FilterRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows entries to be created and deleted in the tDhcp6FilterTable." ::= { tDhcp6FilterEntry 2 } tDhcp6FilterLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the timestamp of the last change to this row." ::= { tDhcp6FilterEntry 3 } tDhcp6FilterDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User-provided description for this filter." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tDhcp6FilterEntry 4 } tDhcp6FilterDefAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDhcpFilterAction MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default action to take for DHCP6 host creation requests that do not match any of this filter's entries. The value none(1) specifies normal host creation behaviour, the value bypass-host-creation(2) specifies to bypass host creation, the value drop(3) specifies to drop the DHCP6 message." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tDhcp6FilterEntry 5 } tDhcp6FilterDefActionFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { na (0), pd (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tDhcp6FilterDefActionFlags specifies for which types of DHCPv6 IAs the bypass-host-creation action is applied." REFERENCE "RFC 3315" ::= { tDhcp6FilterEntry 6 } tDhcp6FilterParamsTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDhcp6FilterParamsTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tDhcp6FilterParamsTable by adding, deleting an entry or change to a writable object in the table. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 72 } tDhcp6FilterParamsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TDhcp6FilterParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of all DHCP6 filter match entries for all DHCP6 filters" ::= { tFilterObjects 73 } tDhcp6FilterParamsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDhcp6FilterParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular DHCP6 filter entry. Every DHCP6 filter can have zero or more DHCP6 filter match entries. A filter entry with no match criteria set will match every packet, and the entry action will be taken. Entries are created/deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tDhcp6FilterId, tDhcp6FilterParamsId } ::= { tDhcp6FilterParamsTable 1 } TDhcp6FilterParamsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tDhcp6FilterParamsId TDhcpEntryId, tDhcp6FilterParamsRowStatus RowStatus, tDhcp6FilterParamsLastChanged TimeStamp, tDhcp6FilterParamsOptionNumber Integer32, tDhcp6FilterParamsOptionMatch TDhcpFilterMatch, tDhcp6FilterParamsAction TDhcpFilterAction, tDhcp6FilterParamsOptionValue OCTET STRING, tDhcp6FilterParamsActionFlags BITS } tDhcp6FilterParamsId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDhcpEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the secondary index for the entry. Every DHCP6 filter can have multiple entries, therefore every DHCP6 filter entry is identified by the tDhcp6FilterId and tDhcp6FilterParamsId." ::= { tDhcp6FilterParamsEntry 1 } tDhcp6FilterParamsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows entries to be created and deleted in the tDhcp6FilterParamsTable." ::= { tDhcp6FilterParamsEntry 2 } tDhcp6FilterParamsLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the timestamp of the last change to this row." ::= { tDhcp6FilterParamsEntry 3 } tDhcp6FilterParamsOptionNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDhcp6FilterParamsOptionNumber specifies the number of the DHCP6 option to filter on." REFERENCE "RFC 2132, RFC 3315, RFC 3633" DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tDhcp6FilterParamsEntry 4 } tDhcp6FilterParamsOptionMatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDhcpFilterMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDhcp6FilterParamsOptionMatch specifies the criteria that the DHCP6 option must match to trigger this filter entry. The value present(1) specifies that the DHCP6 option must be present, the value absent(2) specifies that the DHCP6 option must be absent. In these cases tDhcp6FilterParamsOptionValue will be reset to an empty string. A value string(3), string-exact(4), string-invert(5), string-exact-invert(6), hex(7), hex-exact(8), hex-invert(9) or hex-exact-invert(10) requires an octet string to be present in tDhcp6FilterParamsOptionValue to match against." DEFVAL { present } ::= { tDhcp6FilterParamsEntry 5 } tDhcp6FilterParamsAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDhcpFilterAction MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action to take for DHCP6 host creation requests that match this filter entry. The value none(1) specifies normal host creation behaviour, the value bypass-host-creation(2) specifies to bypass host creation, the value drop(3) specifies to drop the DHCP6 message." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tDhcp6FilterParamsEntry 6 } tDhcp6FilterParamsOptionValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..127)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tDhcp6FilterParamsOptionValue specifies the matching pattern for the filtered DHCP6 option. This object is mandatory at creation time. A zero length value is only allowed when the value of tDhcp6FilterParamsOptionMatch is present(1) or absent(2)." ::= { tDhcp6FilterParamsEntry 7 } tDhcp6FilterParamsActionFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { na (0), pd (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tDhcp6FilterParamsActionFlags specifies for which types of DHCPv6 IAs the bypass-host-creation action is applied." REFERENCE "RFC 3315" ::= { tDhcp6FilterParamsEntry 8 } tFilterEmbedFlowspecTableLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedFlowspecTableLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterEmbedFlowspecTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tFilterObjects 74 } tFilterEmbedFlowspecTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterEmbedFlowspecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterEmbedFlowspecTable contains an entry for each set of flowspec rules embedded in an IP or IPv6 filter with scope other than 'embedded'." ::= { tFilterObjects 75 } tFilterEmbedFlowspecEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEmbedFlowspecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table tFilterEmbedFlowspecTable. Entries in this table can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations to tFilterEmbedFlowspecRowStatus. Moreover entries are automatically created and deleted by the system when a set of flowspec rules is embedded into a filter managed by a VSD controller." INDEX { tFilterEmbedFlowspecFilterType, tFilterEmbedFlowspecInsertFltrId, tFilterEmbedFlowspecOffset } ::= { tFilterEmbedFlowspecTable 1 } TFilterEmbedFlowspecEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterEmbedFlowspecFilterType TFilterType, tFilterEmbedFlowspecInsertFltrId TConfigOrVsdFilterID, tFilterEmbedFlowspecOffset TFilterEmbedOffset, tFilterEmbedFlowspecRowStatus RowStatus, tFilterEmbedFlowspecLastChanged TimeStamp, tFilterEmbedFlowspecRtrId TmnxVRtrID, tFilterEmbedFlowspecAdminState TmnxEmbeddedFltrAdminState, tFilterEmbedFlowspecOperState TmnxEmbeddedFltrOperState, tFilterEmbedFlowspecGroupId TFilterFlowspecGroupId } tFilterEmbedFlowspecFilterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedFlowspecFilterType specifies the type of filter, either IPv4 or IPv6, for the filter specified by tFilterEmbedFlowspecInsertFltrId." ::= { tFilterEmbedFlowspecEntry 1 } tFilterEmbedFlowspecInsertFltrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TConfigOrVsdFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedFlowspecInsertFltrId specifies the filter where the set of flowspec rules configured for the virtual router specified by tFilterEmbedFlowspecRtrId is to be embedded. Values outside of range 1..65535 are reserved for entries dynamically created by the system and cannot be used in any SNMP SET operation." ::= { tFilterEmbedFlowspecEntry 2 } tFilterEmbedFlowspecOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEmbedOffset MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedFlowspecOffset specifies the offset of inserted flowspec entries." ::= { tFilterEmbedFlowspecEntry 3 } tFilterEmbedFlowspecRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedFlowspecRowStatus specifies the status of a row in tFilterEmbedFlowspecTable. Rows are created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on this object. Only values 'active (1)', 'createAndGo(4)', and 'destroy (6)' are supported." ::= { tFilterEmbedFlowspecEntry 4 } tFilterEmbedFlowspecLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbedFlowspecLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of last change to this row in tFilterEmbedFlowspecEntry." ::= { tFilterEmbedFlowspecEntry 5 } tFilterEmbedFlowspecRtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedFlowspecRtrId specifies a virtual router for which a set of flowspec rules have been configured by an external system. Such flowspec rules will be embedded into the embedding filter specified by tFilterEmbedFlowspecFilterType and tFilterEmbedFlowspecInsertFltrId. At the time of creation of a row via SNMP you can either specify or not specify a value for tFilterEmbedFlowspecRtrId. If you do not specify the value of tFilterEmbedFlowspecRtrId then the system will try to obtain it. This corresponds to the situation when the embedding filter has already been assigned to any endpoint. If you do not specify the value of tFilterEmbedFlowspecRtrId and the embedding filter has not been assigned to any endpoint yet then the creation of the row will fail. If you specify the value of tFilterEmbedFlowspecRtrId then the system will check if the embedding filter has already been assigned to any endpoint. If this is not the case it will not be possible to assign the embedding filter outside the scope of the virtual router specified by tFilterEmbedFlowspecRtrId. If this is the case then the creation of the row may be successful only if the value of the virtual router specified by tFilterEmbedFlowspecRtrId matches with the value already stored in the system. In any case the value of tFilterEmbedFlowspecRtrId cannot be changed after creation of the row." ::= { tFilterEmbedFlowspecEntry 6 } tFilterEmbedFlowspecAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEmbeddedFltrAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedFlowspecAdminState specifies the administrative state of the embed request defined by this row. If an active embedding cannot be fulfilled due to dynamic events, this object will be set to 'inactive' automatically by the system. In those cases, the value of the object tFilterEmbedFlowspecOperState will indicate the failure reason." DEFVAL { active } ::= { tFilterEmbedFlowspecEntry 7 } tFilterEmbedFlowspecOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEmbeddedFltrOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbedFlowspecOperState indicates the operational state of the embed request defined by this row." ::= { tFilterEmbedFlowspecEntry 8 } tFilterEmbedFlowspecGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterFlowspecGroupId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedFlowspecGroupId specifies the group id that is used to select subset of flowspec rules and embed only those rules. Value of 65535 means insert all rules irregardless of their group id" DEFVAL { 65535 } ::= { tFilterEmbedFlowspecEntry 9 } tFltrEmbFlowspecInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFltrEmbFlowspecInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFltrEmbFlowspecInfoTable contains an entry for each auto-created embedded filter for flowspec rules inserted in an IP or IPv6 filter with scope other than 'embedded'. This row complements the corresponding row in the tFilterEmbedFlowspecTable with read-only operational info." ::= { tFilterObjects 76 } tFltrEmbFlowspecInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFltrEmbFlowspecInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFltrEmbFlowspecInfoTable." AUGMENTS { tFilterEmbedFlowspecEntry } ::= { tFltrEmbFlowspecInfoTable 1 } TFltrEmbFlowspecInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrEmbFlowSpecInfoFltrId TAnyFilterID, tFltrEmbFlowSpecInfoEntryCnt Unsigned32, tFltrEmbFlowSpecInfoEntryCntIns Unsigned32 } tFltrEmbFlowSpecInfoFltrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEmbFlowSpecInfoFltrId indicates the ID of the auto-created embedded filter for flowspec rules related to the virtual router specified by tFilterEmbedFlowspecRtrId." ::= { tFltrEmbFlowspecInfoEntry 1 } tFltrEmbFlowSpecInfoEntryCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEmbFlowSpecInfoEntryCnt indicates how many entries are present in the embedded filter specified by tFltrEmbFlowSpecInfoFltrId." ::= { tFltrEmbFlowspecInfoEntry 2 } tFltrEmbFlowSpecInfoEntryCntIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEmbFlowSpecInfoEntryCntIns indicates how many entries of the embedded filter (specified by tFltrEmbFlowSpecInfoFltrId) are actually inserted into the embedding filter (specified by tFilterEmbedFlowspecInsertFltrId). If the object tFilterEmbedFlowspecOperState is different from 'active' this object will always be zero. Otherwise the difference between tFltrEmbFlowSpecInfoEntryCnt and the value of this object indicates how many entries of the embedded filter were overwritten by local entries in the embedding filter." ::= { tFltrEmbFlowspecInfoEntry 3 } tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFltrEmbFlowspecEntryInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryInfoTable contains an entry for each entry of an auto-created embedded filter for flowspec rules inserted in an IP or IPv6 filter with scope other than 'embedded'. This table shows only basic flowspec embeddings (no support for groups). Will be obsoleted in the next release. Please use tFilterEmbFlowspecEntryInfoTable instead." ::= { tFilterObjects 77 } tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFltrEmbFlowspecEntryInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryInfoTable. Rows in the tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryInfoTable are created by the SYSTEM when an auto-created embedded filter for flowspec rules is inserted into an IP or IPv6 filter with scope other than 'embedded'. They are destroyed by the SYSTEM when such auto-created embedded filter is removed from an IP or IPv6 filter with scope other than 'embedded'." INDEX { tFilterEmbedFlowspecFilterType, tFilterEmbedFlowspecInsertFltrId, tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryId } ::= { tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryInfoTable 1 } TFltrEmbFlowspecEntryInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryId TEntryId, tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryInsEntryId TAnyEntryId, tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryOperState TmnxFltrEmbeddedEntryState } tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryId specifies the ID of the entry inside of the auto-created embedded filter for flowspec rules specified by tFltrEmbFlowSpecInfoFltrId." ::= { tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryInfoEntry 1 } tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryInsEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyEntryId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryInsEntryId indicates which entry in the IP or IPv6 filter with scope other than 'embedded' specified by tFilterEmbedFlowspecInsertFltrId corresponds to the entry specified by tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryId in the auto-created embedded filter for flowspec rules specified by tFltrEmbFlowSpecInfoFltrId." ::= { tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryInfoEntry 2 } tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFltrEmbeddedEntryState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryOperState indicates the current operational state of the entry identified by tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryId of the embedded filter identified by tFltrEmbFlowSpecInfoFltrId that is embedded into the filter identified by tFilterEmbedFlowspecInsertFltrId." ::= { tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryInfoEntry 3 } tFilterEmbedVsdTableLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedVsdTableLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterEmbedVsdTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tFilterObjects 78 } tFilterEmbedVsdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterEmbedVsdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterEmbedVsdTable contains an entry for each filter managed by a VSD controller embedded in a filter with scope other than 'embedded'. A dedicated embedded filter under the management of the VSD controller contains all required dynamic steering rules. This set of rules is inserted into a filter (that has scope other than 'embedded') created by an administrator containing static (security) rules that is applied on interfaces. This way the administrator has full control of the position (offset) at which the rules are inserted in order not to compromise security while the VSD controller can dynamically alter the steering rules as necessary." ::= { tFilterObjects 79 } tFilterEmbedVsdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEmbedVsdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table tFilterEmbedVsdTable. Entries in this table can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations to tFilterEmbedVsdRowStatus. Moreover entries are automatically created and deleted by the system when one filter managed by a VSD controller is embedded into another filter managed by a VSD controller." INDEX { tFilterEmbedVsdFilterType, tFilterEmbedVsdInsertFltrId, tFilterEmbedVsdEmbeddedFltrId, tFilterEmbedVsdOffset } ::= { tFilterEmbedVsdTable 1 } TFilterEmbedVsdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterEmbedVsdFilterType TFilterType, tFilterEmbedVsdInsertFltrId TConfigOrVsdFilterID, tFilterEmbedVsdEmbeddedFltrId TVsdFilterID, tFilterEmbedVsdOffset TFilterEmbedOffset, tFilterEmbedVsdRowStatus RowStatus, tFilterEmbedVsdLastChanged TimeStamp, tFilterEmbedVsdAdminState TmnxEmbeddedFltrAdminState, tFilterEmbedVsdOperState TmnxEmbeddedFltrOperState } tFilterEmbedVsdFilterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedVsdFilterType specifies the type of filter for the filters specified by tFilterEmbedVsdEmbeddedFltrId and tFilterEmbedVsdInsertFltrId. In release 14.0 only values 'fltrtypeselIp (1)', 'fltrtypeselMac (2)' and 'fltrtypeselIpv6 (4)' are supported." ::= { tFilterEmbedVsdEntry 1 } tFilterEmbedVsdInsertFltrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TConfigOrVsdFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedVsdInsertFltrId specifies the ID of the filter with scope other than 'embedded' where the filter managed by a VSD controller specified by tFilterEmbedVsdEmbeddedFltrId is to be inserted. Values outside of range 1..65535 are reserved for entries dynamically created by the system and cannot be used in any SNMP SET operation." ::= { tFilterEmbedVsdEntry 2 } tFilterEmbedVsdEmbeddedFltrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TVsdFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedVsdEmbeddedFltrId specifies the ID of the filter managed by a VSD controller to be inserted in the filter with scope other than 'embedded' specified by tFilterEmbedVsdInsertFltrId." ::= { tFilterEmbedVsdEntry 3 } tFilterEmbedVsdOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEmbedOffset MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedVsdOffset specifies the offset of inserted entries." ::= { tFilterEmbedVsdEntry 4 } tFilterEmbedVsdRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedVsdRowStatus specifies the status of a row in tFilterEmbedVsdTable. Rows are created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on this object. Only values 'active (1)', 'createAndGo(4)', and 'destroy (6)' are supported." ::= { tFilterEmbedVsdEntry 5 } tFilterEmbedVsdLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbedVsdLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of last change to this row in tFilterEmbedVsdTable." ::= { tFilterEmbedVsdEntry 6 } tFilterEmbedVsdAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEmbeddedFltrAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedVsdAdminState specifies the administrative state of the embed request defined by this row. If an active embedding cannot be fulfilled due to dynamic events, this object will be set to 'inactive' automatically by the system. In those cases, the value of the object tFilterEmbedVsdOperState will indicate the failure reason." DEFVAL { active } ::= { tFilterEmbedVsdEntry 7 } tFilterEmbedVsdOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEmbeddedFltrOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedVsdOperState indicates the operational state of the embed request defined by this row." ::= { tFilterEmbedVsdEntry 8 } tFilterEmbedVsdInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterEmbedVsdInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterEmbedVsdInfoTable contains an entry for each embedded filter managed by a VSD controller inserted in a filter with scope other than 'embedded'. This row complements the corresponding row in the tFilterEmbedVsdTable with read-only operational info." ::= { tFilterObjects 80 } tFilterEmbedVsdInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEmbedVsdInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFilterEmbedVsdInfoTable." AUGMENTS { tFilterEmbedVsdEntry } ::= { tFilterEmbedVsdInfoTable 1 } TFilterEmbedVsdInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrEmbedVsdInfoEntryCnt Unsigned32, tFltrEmbedVsdInfoEntryCntInsrtd Unsigned32 } tFltrEmbedVsdInfoEntryCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEmbedVsdInfoEntryCnt indicates how many entries are present in the embedded filter managed by a VSD controller (specified by tFilterEmbedVsdEmbeddedFltrId)." ::= { tFilterEmbedVsdInfoEntry 1 } tFltrEmbedVsdInfoEntryCntInsrtd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEmbedVsdInfoEntryCntInsrtd indicates how many entries of the embedded filter managed by a VSD controller (specified by tFilterEmbedVsdEmbeddedFltrId) are actually inserted into the embedding filter (specified by tFilterEmbedVsdInsertFltrId). If the object tFilterEmbedVsdOperState is different from 'active' this object will always be zero. Otherwise the difference between the value of this object and the value of tFltrEmbedVsdInfoEntryCnt indicates how many entries of the embedded filter were overwritten by local entries in the embedding filter." ::= { tFilterEmbedVsdInfoEntry 2 } tFilterEmbedVsdEntryInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterEmbedVsdEntryInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterEmbedVsdEntryInfoTable contains an entry for each entry of an embedded filter managed by a VSD controller inserted in a filter with scope other than 'embedded'" ::= { tFilterObjects 81 } tFilterEmbedVsdEntryInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEmbedVsdEntryInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFilterEmbedVsdEntryInfoTable. Rows in the tFilterEmbedVsdEntryInfoTable are created by the SYSTEM when an embedded filter managed by a VSD controller is inserted into a filter with scope other than 'embedded'. They are destroyed by the SYSTEM when an embedded filter managed by a VSD controller is removed from a filter with scope other than 'embedded'." INDEX { tFilterEmbedVsdFilterType, tFilterEmbedVsdInsertFltrId, tFilterEmbedVsdEmbeddedFltrId, tFilterEmbedVsdEntryId } ::= { tFilterEmbedVsdEntryInfoTable 1 } TFilterEmbedVsdEntryInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterEmbedVsdEntryId TEntryId, tFilterEmbedVsdEntryInsrtEntryId TAnyEntryId, tFilterEmbedVsdEntryOperState TmnxFltrEmbeddedEntryState } tFilterEmbedVsdEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedVsdEntryId specifies the ID of the entry inside of the embedded filter managed by a VSD controller specified by tFilterEmbedVsdEmbeddedFltrId." ::= { tFilterEmbedVsdEntryInfoEntry 1 } tFilterEmbedVsdEntryInsrtEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyEntryId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedVsdEntryInsrtEntryId indicates which entry in the filter with scope other than 'embedded' specified by tFilterEmbedVsdInsertFltrId corresponds to the entry specified by tFilterEmbedVsdEntryId in the filter managed by a VSD controller specified by tFilterEmbedVsdEmbeddedFltrId." ::= { tFilterEmbedVsdEntryInfoEntry 2 } tFilterEmbedVsdEntryOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFltrEmbeddedEntryState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedVsdEntryOperState indicates the current operational state of the entry identified by tFilterEmbedVsdEntryId of the embedded filter identified by tFilterEmbedVsdEmbeddedFltrId that is embedded into the filter identified by tFilterEmbedVsdInsertFltrId." ::= { tFilterEmbedVsdEntryInfoEntry 3 } tMacFltrEntryActionTblLChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFltrEntryActionTblLChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tMacFltrEntryActionTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 82 } tMacFltrEntryActionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TMacFltrEntryActionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tMacFltrEntryActionTable contains information pertaining to redundant MAC filter entry actions. Prior to introduction of tMacFltrEntryActionTable MAC filter actions were configured via tMacFilterParamsTable. Via tMacFilterParamsTable it is possible to configure only one action per filter entry. tMacFltrEntryActionTable is introduced to override the functionality of tMacFilterParamsTable regarding the action configuration. tMacFltrEntryActionTable supports configuration of redundant filter actions. Functionality related to actions added after introduction of tMacFltrEntryActionTable is supported only via tMacFltrEntryActionTable. Filter actions available prior to introduction of tMacFltrEntryActionTable can be configured via specifying action parameters in tMacFilterParamsTable or via tMacFltrEntryActionTable. It's recommended to use tMacFltrEntryActionTable. Configuration via tMacFilterParamsTable: - only actions available prior to introduction of tMacFltrEntryActionTable are allowed: When an entry is created in tMacFilterParamsTable then an entry with the value of tMacFltrEntryActActionId equal to 'primary' is created in tMacFltrEntryActionTable by the system. If an action is configured via tMacFilterParamsTable, then this new system created entry in tMacFltrEntryActionTable will contain interpretation of values pertaining to configured action in tMacFilterParamsEntry. Configuration via tMacFltrEntryActionTable: - action available prior to introduction of tMacFltrEntryActionTable: If an action which was available prior to introduction of tMacFltrEntryActionTable is configured via tMacFltrEntryActionTable and the value of tMacFltrEntryActActionId for that action is equal to 'primary' then the action related objects in the table tMacFilterParamsAction will be automatically set by the system to the interpretation of the values in tMacFltrEntryActionTable pertaining to that action. - action not available prior to introduction of tMacFltrEntryActionTable: If an action not available prior to introduction of tMacFltrEntryActionTable is configured then the value of tMacFilterParamsAction is set to 'unrecognized' by the system. The value 'unrecognized' indicates that functionality not supported by tMacFilterParamsTable was configured and therefore action related objects in the tMacFilterParamsTable are not valid and shouldn't be used for configuration." ::= { tFilterObjects 83 } tMacFltrEntryActionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMacFltrEntryActionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entry contains information pertaining to an action for a particular MAC filter entry (object corresponding to MAC filter entry is tMacFilterParamsEntry). Per one filter entry up to two actions can be configured (primary and secondary). Entries with the value of tMacFltrEntryActActionId equal to 'primary' are created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on the object tMacFilterParamsRowStatus. Entries with the value of tMacFltrEntryActActionId equal to 'secondary' are created by SNMP SET operation on the object tMacFltrEntryActRowStatus and destroyed by SNMP SET operation on the objects tMacFltrEntryActRowStatus or tMacFilterParamsRowStatus." INDEX { tMacFilterId, tMacFilterParamsIndex, tMacFltrEntryActActionId } ::= { tMacFltrEntryActionTable 1 } TMacFltrEntryActionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tMacFltrEntryActActionId TFilterEntryActionId, tMacFltrEntryActLastChanged TimeStamp, tMacFltrEntryActRowStatus RowStatus, tMacFltrEntryActAction TMacFilterEntryAction, tMacFltrEntryActFwdSapPortId TmnxPortID, tMacFltrEntryActFwdSapEncapVal TmnxEncapVal, tMacFltrEntryActFwdSdpBind SdpBindId, tMacFltrEntryActRedirectURL TmnxHttpRedirectUrl, tMacFltrEntryActEsi TFilterEsi, tMacFltrEntryActFwdEsiSvcId TmnxServId, tMacFltrEntryActRateLimit TFilterEntryActionRateLimit, tMacFltrEntryActPbrTargetStatus TFilterPbrTargetStatus, tMacFltrEntryActFcName TFCTypeOrNone } tMacFltrEntryActActionId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEntryActionId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFltrEntryActActionId specifies a unique identifier of an action within the filter entry. Per one filter entry up to two actions can be configured (the primary and the secondary). PBF destination availability checking for an entry is turned on when both actions (the primary and the secondary) are configured for an entry. This is allowed only for the following combinations of actions: - both actions are PBF to SAP - both actions are PBF to SDP - the primary action is PBF to SAP and the secondary action is PBF to SDP or vice versa If the PBF destination of the primary action is available, then the primary action will be taken on a packet matching the filter entry. If the PBF destination of the primary action is not available and the PBF destination of the secondary action is available then the secondary action will be taken on a packet matching the filter entry. If none of the actions for the entry has an available PBF destination then the action specified by the object tMacFilterParamsPbrDwnActOvr will be taken on a packet matching the filter entry. There is a limit to the number of filter entries with the destination availability checking turned on." ::= { tMacFltrEntryActionEntry 1 } tMacFltrEntryActLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFltrEntryActLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tMacFltrEntryActionEntry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tMacFltrEntryActionEntry 2 } tMacFltrEntryActRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFltrEntryActRowStatus specifies the status of the conceptual row in tMacFltrEntryActionTable. Rows with value of tMacFltrEntryActActionId equal to 'primary' are created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on the object tMacFilterParamsRowStatus. Rows with value of tMacFltrEntryActActionId equal to 'secondary' are created by SNMP SET operation on the object tMacFltrEntryActRowStatus and destroyed by SNMP SET operation on the objects tMacFltrEntryActRowStatus or tMacFilterParamsRowStatus." ::= { tMacFltrEntryActionEntry 3 } tMacFltrEntryActAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMacFilterEntryAction MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFltrEntryActAction specifies the action to be taken on a packet matching the filter entry. Refer to the description of the textual convention TMacFilterEntryAction for more information." DEFVAL { ignoreMatch } ::= { tMacFltrEntryActionEntry 4 } tMacFltrEntryActFwdSapPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFltrEntryActFwdSapPortId specifies the sap port identity of the destination for this MAC filter entry. A value of 0 indicates that there is currently no SAP destination specified. A value different from 0 can only be specified if the value of tMacFltrEntryActAction is 'forwardSap' and the value of tMacFltrEntryActFwdSdpBind has a zero value. Note that the value of tMacFltrEntryActFwdSapPortId is silently cleared by the system if tMacFltrEntryActAction is set to value other than 'forwardSap'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tMacFltrEntryActionEntry 5 } tMacFltrEntryActFwdSapEncapVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFltrEntryActFwdSapEncapVal specifies the sap port encap value of the destination SAP for this MAC filter entry. A value different from 0 can only be specified when the tMacFltrEntryActFwdSapPortId object has a non zero value, and the value of the tMacFltrEntryActAction object of this entry is 'forwardSap'. A value of 0 indicates that either 1) the sap encapsulation value is not specified when tMacFltrEntryActFwdSapPortId and tMacFilterParamsFwdSvcId have valid values; or 2) that there is no SAP destination. Note that the value of tMacFltrEntryActFwdSapEncapVal is silently cleared by the system if tMacFltrEntryActAction is set to value other than 'forwardSap'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tMacFltrEntryActionEntry 6 } tMacFltrEntryActFwdSdpBind OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpBindId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFltrEntryActFwdSdpBind specifies the sdp bind identity of the destination for this MAC filter entry. A value of 0 indicates that there is currently no SDP binding defined. A value different from 0 can only be specified if the value of tMacFltrEntryActAction is 'forwardSdp' and tMacFltrEntryActFwdSapPortId and tMacFltrEntryActFwdSapEncapVal have a zero value. Note that the value of tMacFltrEntryActFwdSdpBind is silently cleared by the system if tMacFltrEntryActAction is set to value other than 'forwardSdp'." DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H } ::= { tMacFltrEntryActionEntry 7 } tMacFltrEntryActRedirectURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHttpRedirectUrl MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFltrEntryActRedirectURL specifies the URL to redirect to, when the value of tMacFltrEntryActAction is 'httpRedirect'. Note that the value of tMacFltrEntryActRedirectURL is silently cleared by the system if tMacFltrEntryActAction is set to value other than 'httpRedirect'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tMacFltrEntryActionEntry 8 } tMacFltrEntryActEsi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEsi MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFltrEntryActEsi specifies the ethernet segment identifier (ESI) of the first ESI identified appliance in Nuage service chain. When the value of tMacFilterParamsAction is 'forwardEsiL2' packets matching the filter entry are forwarded to the appliance using EVPN-resolved VXLAN tunnel in the specified VPLS service (tMacFltrEntryActFwdEsiSvcId). The value '0' indicates that there is no ESI specified. The non zero value of tMacFltrEntryActEsi must be set together with a non zero value of tMacFltrEntryActFwdEsiSvcId and value of tMacFltrEntryActAction set to 'forwardEsiL2'. Note that the value of tMacFltrEntryActEsi is silently cleared by the system if the value of tMacFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'forwardEsiL2'." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000'H } ::= { tMacFltrEntryActionEntry 9 } tMacFltrEntryActFwdEsiSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFltrEntryActFwdEsiSvcId specifies the identifier of the VPLS used for VPN/DC connectivity. The value '0' indicates that no VPLS identifier is specified. The non zero value of tMacFltrEntryActFwdEsiSvcId must be set together with a non zero value of tMacFltrEntryActEsi and value of tMacFltrEntryActAction set to 'forwardEsiL2'. Note that the value of tMacFltrEntryActFwdEsiSvcId is silently cleared by the system if the value of tMacFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'forwardEsiL2'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tMacFltrEntryActionEntry 10 } tMacFltrEntryActRateLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEntryActionRateLimit UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFltrEntryActRateLimit specifies the rate to which the traffic matching the filter entry will be limited. The value of tMacFltrEntryActRateLimit can be set to non default value only if the value of tMacFltrEntryActAction is set to 'rateLimit'. Note that the value of tMacFltrEntryActRateLimit is silently cleared by the system if the value of tMacFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'rateLimit'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tMacFltrEntryActionEntry 11 } tMacFltrEntryActPbrTargetStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterPbrTargetStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFltrEntryActPbrTargetStatus indicates the PBR target status. Refer to the description of the textual convention TFilterPbrTargetStatus for more information." ::= { tMacFltrEntryActionEntry 12 } tMacFltrEntryActFcName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCTypeOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tMacFltrEntryActFcName specifies the forwarding class name." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tMacFltrEntryActionEntry 13 } tIPvXFltrEntryActionTblLChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActionTblLChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 84 } tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable contains information pertaining to redundant IPv4 and IPv6 filter entry actions. Prior to introduction of tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable IPv4 filter actions were configured via tIPFilterParamsTable and tIPFilterParamsExtTable. IPv6 filter actions were configured via tIPv6FilterParamsTable and tIPv6FilterParamsExtTable. Via these original tables it is possible to configure only one action per filter entry. tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable is introduced to override the functionality of the original tables regarding the action configuration. tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable supports configuration of redundant filter actions. Functionality related to actions added after introduction of tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable is supported only via tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable. Filter actions available prior to introduction of tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable can be configured via specifying action parameters in the original tables or via tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable. It's recommended to use tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable. Configuration via the original tables: - only actions available prior to introduction of tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable are allowed: When an entry is created in tIPFilterParamsTable then an entry with the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActActionId equal to 'primary' and the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFltrType equal to 'fltrtypeselIp' is created in tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable by the system. When an entry is created in tIPv6FilterParamsTable then an entry with the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActActionId equal to 'primary' and the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFltrType equal to 'fltrtypeselIpv6' is created in tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable by the system. This new system created entry in tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable will contain interpretation of values pertaining to configured action in tIPFilterParamsEntry or tIPv6FilterParamsEntry and their augment tables. Configuration via tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable: - action available prior to introduction of tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable: If an action which was available prior to introduction of tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable is configured via tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable and the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActActionId for that action is equal to 'primary' then the action related objects in the original tables will be automatically set by the system to the interpretation of the values in tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable pertaining to that action. - action not available prior to introduction of tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable: If an action not available prior to introduction of tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable is configured via tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable then the value of tIPFilterParamsAction (in case of IPv4 filter) or tIPv6FilterParamsAction (in case of IPv6 filter) is set to 'unrecognized' by the system. The value 'unrecognized' indicates that the functionality not supported by the original tables was configured and therefore action related objects in the original tables are not valid and shouldn't be used for configuration." ::= { tFilterObjects 85 } tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entry contains information pertaining to an action for a particular IPv4 or IPv6 filter entry (information pertaining to IPv4 filter entry is in tIPFilterParamsTable and tIPFilterParamsExtTable and information pertaining to IPv6 filter entry is in tIPv6FilterParamsTable and tIPv6FilterParamsExtTable). Per one filter entry up to two actions can be configured (primary and secondary). Entries with the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActActionId equal to 'primary' are created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on the object tIPFilterParamsRowStatus or tIPv6FilterParamsRowStatus. Entries with the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActActionId equal to 'secondary' are created by SNMP SET operation on the object tIPvXFltrEntryActRowStatus and destroyed by SNMP SET operation on the object tIPvXFltrEntryActRowStatus, tIPFilterParamsRowStatus or tIPv6FilterParamsRowStatus." INDEX { tIPvXFltrEntryActFltrType, tIPvXFltrEntryActFltrId, tIPvXFltrEntryActEntryId, tIPvXFltrEntryActActionId } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable 1 } TIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tIPvXFltrEntryActFltrType TFilterType, tIPvXFltrEntryActFltrId TAnyFilterID, tIPvXFltrEntryActEntryId TEntryId, tIPvXFltrEntryActActionId TFilterEntryActionId, tIPvXFltrEntryActLastChanged TimeStamp, tIPvXFltrEntryActRowStatus RowStatus, tIPvXFltrEntryActAction TIPvXFilterEntryAction, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHIpAddrType InetAddressType, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHIpAddr InetAddress, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHIndirect TruthValue, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHInterface TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdRedPlcy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSapPortId TmnxPortID, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSapEncapVal TmnxEncapVal, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSdpBind SdpBindId, tIPvXFltrEntryActRedirectURL TmnxHttpRedirectUrl, tIPvXFltrEntryActRdirAllwRadOvr TruthValue, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdRtrId TmnxVRtrIDOrZero, tIPvXFltrEntryActNatPolicyName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPvXFltrEntryActNatType TmnxNatSubscriberTypeOrNone, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdLsp TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdLspRtrId TmnxVRtrIDOrZero, tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal1 TFilterPacketLength, tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal2 TFilterPacketLength, tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenOper TOperator, tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal1 TFilterTTL, tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal2 TFilterTTL, tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLOper TOperator, tIPvXFltrEntryActEsi TFilterEsi, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSvcId TmnxServId, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiVRtrId TmnxVRtrIDOrZero, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIpType InetAddressType, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIp InetAddress, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiVasIf InterfaceIndexOrZero, tIPvXFltrEntryActRateLimit TFilterEntryActionRateLimit, tIPvXFltrEntryActPbrTargetStatus TFilterPbrTargetStatus, tIPvXFltrEntryActRemarkDSCP TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tIPvXFltrEntryActActionExt TIPvXFilterEntryActionExt, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNHT InetAddressType, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNH InetAddress, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtRtrId TmnxVRtrIDOrZero, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPxT TmnxAddressAndPrefixType, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPx TmnxAddressAndPrefixAddress, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPxL TmnxAddressAndPrefixPrefix, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtLspId TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdBondingConn TmnxSubBondingConnIdOrEmpty, tIPvXFltrEntryActFcName TFCTypeOrNone, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdGreTun TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPvXFltrEntryActCondExpression OCTET STRING, tIPvXFltrEntryActCondExpMask OCTET STRING, tIPvXFltrEntryActCondOffsetType INTEGER, tIPvXFltrEntryActCondOffsetVal Integer32, tIPvXFltrFwdMplsPlcyEndptAddrTp InetAddressType, tIPvXFltrFwdMplsPlcyEndptAddr InetAddress, tIPvXFltrFwdSrtePlcyEndptAddrTp InetAddressType, tIPvXFltrFwdSrtePlcyEndptAddr InetAddress, tIPvXFltrFwdSrtePlcyColor Unsigned32, tIPvXFltrActL2AwareNatBypass TruthValue } tIPvXFltrEntryActFltrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFltrType specifies the type of the filter to which this action belongs. Only values 'fltrtypeselIp' and 'fltrtypeselIpv6' are supported. Refer to the description of the textual convention TFilterType for more information." ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 1 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFltrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFltrId specifies the filter id of the filter to which this action belongs. The filter must exist in tIPFilterTable, if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFltrType is 'ipv4' or it must exist in tIPv6FilterTable if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFltrType is 'ipv6'. Refer to the description of the textual convention TAnyFilterID for more information." ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 2 } tIPvXFltrEntryActEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActEntryId specifies the entry id of the entry to which this filter action belongs. The filter entry must exist in tIPFilterParamsTable, if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFltrType is 'ipv4' or it must exist in tIPv6FilterParamsTable if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFltrType is 'ipv6'." ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 3 } tIPvXFltrEntryActActionId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEntryActionId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActActionId specifies a unique identifier of an action within the filter entry. Per one filter entry up to two actions can be configured (the primary and the secondary). Destination availability checking is turned on when both actions (the primary and the secondary) are configured for an entry. This is allowed only for the following combinations of actions: - both actions are PBF to SAP - both actions are PBF to SDP - the primary action is PBF to SAP and the secondary action is forward SDP or vice versa - both actions are PBR to next-hop router If the PBR/PBF destination of the primary action is available, then the primary action will be taken on a packet matching the filter entry. If the PBR/PBF destination of the primary action is not available and the PBR/PBF destination of the secondary action is available then the secondary action will be taken on a packet matching the filter entry. If none of the actions for the entry has an available PBR/PBF destination then the action specified by the object tIPFilterParamsExtPbrDwnActOvr(for IPv4 filters) or tIPv6FilterParamsExtPbrDwnActOvr(for IPv6 filters) will be taken on a packet matching the filter entry. There is a limit to the number of entries with the destination availability checking turned on." ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 4 } tIPvXFltrEntryActLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 5 } tIPvXFltrEntryActRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActRowStatus specifies the status of the conceptual row in tIPvXFltrEntryActionTable. Rows with the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActActionId equal to 'primary' are created and destroyed by SNMP SET operations on the object tIPFilterParamsRowStatus or tIPv6FilterParamsRowStatus. Rows with the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActActionId equal to 'secondary' are created by SNMP SET operation on the object tIPvXFltrEntryActRowStatus and destroyed by SNMP SET operation on the object tIPvXFltrEntryActRowStatus, tIPFilterParamsRowStatus or tIPv6FilterParamsRowStatus." ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 6 } tIPvXFltrEntryActAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIPvXFilterEntryAction MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActAction specifies the action to be taken on a packet matching the filter entry. Refer to the description of the textual convention TIPvXFilterEntryAction for more information." DEFVAL { ignoreMatch } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 7 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHIpAddrType specifies the context in which the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHIpAddr is interpreted. Only following values are supported: unknown(0) ipv4(1) ipv6(2) The value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHIpAddrType must be consistent with the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFltrType. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHIpAddrType is silently cleared by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to value other than 'forwardNextHop' or 'forwardNextHopRtr'." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 8 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHIpAddr specifies the IP/IPv6 address of the nexthop to which the packet should be forwarded if it hits this filter entry. The action of this entry should be 'forwardNextHop' or 'forwardNextHopRtr' in such a case. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHIpAddr is silently cleared by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to value other than 'forwardNextHop' or 'forwardNextHopRtr'." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 9 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHIndirect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHIndirect specifies if the nexthop is directly or indirectly reachable. The action of this entry should be 'forwardNextHop' or 'forwardNextHopRtr' in such a case. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHIndirect is silently cleared by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to value other than 'forwardNextHop' or 'forwardNextHopRtr'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 10 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHInterface specifies the interface name for the nexthop to which the packet should be forwarded if it hits this filter entry. The action of this entry should be 'forwardNHInterface' in such a case. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHInterface is silently cleared by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to value other than 'forwardNHInterface'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 11 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdRedPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdRedPlcy specifies the redirect policy to be used to determine the nexthop. The action of this entry should be 'forwardRPlcy' in such a case. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdRedPlcy is silently cleared by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to value other than 'forwardRPlcy'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 12 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSapPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSapPortId specifies the sap port id of the destination for this filter entry. The value 0 indicates that there is no SAP destination defined. A value different from 0 can only be specified if the value of the tIPvXFltrEntryActAction object of this entry is 'forwardSap'. In addition a non-zero value can only be given if the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSdpBind is '0'. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSapPortId is silently cleared by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to value other than 'forwardSap'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 13 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSapEncapVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEncapVal MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSapEncapVal specifies the sap port encap value of the destination SAP for this filter entry. A value different from 0 can only be specified if the value of the tIPvXFltrEntryActAction object of this entry is 'forwardSap'. In addition a non-zero value can only be given if the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSdpBind has value '0'. The value 0 indicates that either 1) the sap encapsulation value is not specified when tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSapPortId and based on the filter type tIPFilterParamsFwdSvcId or tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSvcId have valid values; or 2) that there is no SAP destination. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSapEncapVal is silently cleared by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to value other than 'forwardSap'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 14 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSdpBind OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpBindId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSdpBind specifies the sdp bind id of the destination for this filter entry. The value '0' indicates that there is currently no SDP binding defined. A value different from '0' can only be specified if the value of the tIPvXFltrEntryActAction object of this entry is 'forwardSdp'. In addition a non-zero value can only be given if the objects tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSapPortId and tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSapEncapVal have value 0. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSdpBind is silently cleared by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to value other than 'forwardSdp', or any object related to 'forward' other than this one is set." DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 15 } tIPvXFltrEntryActRedirectURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHttpRedirectUrl MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActRedirectURL specifies the URL to redirect to, when the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is 'httpRedirect'. The following macro substitutions are applicable in this context: $URL, $MAC, $IP, $SUB, $SAP, $SAPDESC, $CID, and $RID. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActRedirectURL is silently cleared by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'httpRedirect'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 16 } tIPvXFltrEntryActRdirAllwRadOvr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActRdirAllwRadOvr specifies whether or not the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActRedirectURL can be overridden by a Radius VSA. The default value is false (i.e. the URL cannot be overridden by Radius). The value of tIPvXFltrEntryActRdirAllwRadOvr is relevant only if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is 'httpRedirect'. The value of tIPvXFltrEntryActRdirAllwRadOvr can't be set to true if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is not 'httpRedirect'. Furthermore, the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActRdirAllwRadOvr is silently reset to false by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'httpRedirect'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 17 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdRtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrIDOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdRtrId specifies, if different from '0', the routing context in which the packet will be forwarded if it hits this filter entry. The action of this entry should be 'forwardRtr' or 'forwardNextHopRtr' in such a case. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdRtrId is silently cleared by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to value other than 'forwardRtr' or 'forwardNextHopRtr'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 18 } tIPvXFltrEntryActNatPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActNatPolicyName specifies the name of the NAT policy to be used when the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is 'nat'. If the value is empty then a default policy is used. If the value is non-empty then it must correspond to a policy defined in tmnxNatPlcyTable. The value of tIPvXFltrEntryActNatPolicyName is relevant only if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is 'nat'. Setting the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActNatPolicyName to a non-empty string is allowed only if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is 'nat'. Furthermore, the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActNatPolicyName is silently reset to an empty string by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'nat'." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 19 } tIPvXFltrEntryActNatType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxNatSubscriberTypeOrNone { none (0), dsliteLsnSub (3), nat64LsnSub (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActNatType specifies the NAT type to be used when the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is 'nat'. The object tIPvXFltrEntryActNatType is applicable only for IPv6 filters. The only supported value for ipv4 filters is value 'none'. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActNatType is silently cleared by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to value other than 'nat'." DEFVAL { dsliteLsnSub } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 20 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdLsp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdLsp if different from '0' together with the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdLspRtrId specifies the LSP into which a packet should be forwarded if it hits this filter entry. The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActAction of this entry must be 'forwardLsp' in such case. The value is reset to '0' if the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to value other than 'forwardLsp'. The value has to be '0' if the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdLspRtrId is not set (i.e. is '0'). If a non-zero value is set, the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdLspRtrId has to be set as well." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 21 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdLspRtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrIDOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdLspRtrId specifies the router ID that the LSP ID defined by the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdLsp belongs to. The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActAction of this entry must be 'forwardLsp' in such case. The value is reset to '0' if the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to other value than 'forwardLsp'. The value has to be '0' if the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdLsp is not set (i.e. is '0'). If a non-zero value is set, the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdLsp has to be set as well. The ID of the base router and '0' are the only allowed values with this version of the product." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 22 } tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterPacketLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal1 specifies the value1 to be compared to the value of 'Total Length' field of IPv4 header or 'Payload Length' field of IPv6 header of an IP packet that has hit this filter's entry. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenOper. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenOper is other than 'none (0)'. If the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenOper is 'range (2)' then the value of this object must be less than the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal2. If the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenOper is 'lt (3)' then the value of this object can be set in range 1..65535. If the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenOper is 'gt (4)' then the value of this object can be set in range 0..65534. If both the values of the objects tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenOper and tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal1 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request. Note that the value of this object is silently cleared by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to a value other than 'dropPktLen' or 'rateLimitPktLen'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 23 } tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterPacketLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal2 specifies the value2 to be compared to the value of 'Total Length' field of IPv4 header or 'Payload Length' field of IPv6 header of an IP packet that has hit this filter's entry. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenOper. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenOper is 'range (2)'. The value of this object must be greater than the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal1. If both the values of the objects tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenOper and tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal2 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request. Note that the value of this object is silently cleared by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to a value other than 'dropPktLen' or 'rateLimitPktLen'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 24 } tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenOper specifies the way how the values of the objects tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal1 and tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal2 are used to form a condition that must be fulfilled in order to execute the action specified by the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction. Otherwise the opposite action is executed. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is 'dropPktLen' or 'rateLimitPktLen'. If the value of this object is being changed from the default value to any non-default value the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActAction must be sent in the same SET SNMP request. If the value of this object is 'eq (1)' then the value of the Total Length field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be equal to the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal1 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'range (2)' then the value of the Total Length field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be greater than or equal to the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal1 and less than or equal to the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal2 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. If the value of this object is 'lt (3)' then the value of the Total Length field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be less than the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal1 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'gt (4)' then the value of the Total Length field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be greater than the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal1 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal2 is ignored. tIPvXFltrEntryActAction | TRUE case action | FALSE case action ------------------------------------------------------------------ dropPktLen | drop | forward ------------------------------------------------------------------ rateLimitPktLen | rateLimit | forward Allowed ranges for the values of tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal1 and tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal2 are: Operator |Packet Length Value 1|Packet Length Value 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- none (0) | N/A | N/A eq(1) | 0..65535 | N/A range(2) | 0..65534 | (Value1 + 1)..65535 lt(3) | 1..65535 | N/A gt(4) | 0..65534 | N/A Note that the value of this object is silently cleared by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to a value other than 'dropPktLen' or 'rateLimitPktLen'." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 25 } tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterTTL MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal1 specifies the value1 to be compared to the value of 'Time-to-live' field of IPv4 header or 'Hop-Limit' field of IPv6 header of an IP packet that has hit this filter's entry. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLOper. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLOper is other than 'none (0)'. If the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLOper is 'range (2)' then the value of this object must be less than the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal2. If the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLOper is 'lt (3)' then the value of this object can be set in range 1..255. If the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLOper is 'gt (4)' then the value of this object can be set in range 0..254. If both the values of the objects tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLOper and tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal1 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request. Note that the value of this object is silently cleared by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to a value other than 'dropTtl' or 'rateLimitTtl'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 26 } tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterTTL MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal2 specifies value2 to be compared to the value of 'Time-to-live' field of IPv4 header or 'Hop-Limit' field of IPv6 header of an IP packet that has hit this filter's entry. The way how the value of this object is used depends on the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLOper. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLOper is 'range (2)'. The value of this object must be greater than the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal1. If both the values of the objects tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLOper and tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal2 need to be changed then it must be done in the same SET SNMP request. Note that the value of this object is silently cleared by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to a value other than 'dropTtl' or 'rateLimitTtl'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 27 } tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLOper specifies the way how the values of the objects tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal1 and tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal2 are used to form a condition that must be fulfilled in order to execute the action specified by the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction. Otherwise the opposite action is executed. The value of this object can be set to a non-default value only if the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is 'dropTtl' or 'rateLimitTtl'. If the value of this object is being changed from the default value to any non-default value the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActAction must be sent in the same SET SNMP request. If the value of this object is 'eq (1)' then the value of the Time-To-Live field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be equal to the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal1 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'range (2)' then the value of the Time-To-Live field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be greater than or equal to the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal1 and less than or equal to the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal2 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. If the value of this object is 'lt (3)' then the value of the Time-To-Live field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be less than the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal1 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal2 is ignored. If the value of this object is 'gt (4)' then the value of the Time-To-Live field of the IP header of the packet that has matched this filter's entry must be greater than the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal1 in order to execute the TRUE case action (see table below). Otherwise the FALSE case action is executed. The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal2 is ignored. tIPvXFltrEntryActAction | TRUE case action | FALSE case action ------------------------------------------------------------------ dropTtl | drop | forward ------------------------------------------------------------------ rateLimitTtl | rateLimit | forward Allowed ranges for the values of tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal1 and tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal2 are: Operator | Time-To-Live Value 1| Time-To-Live Value 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- none (0) | N/A | N/A eq(1) | 0..255 | N/A range(2) | 0..254 | (Value1 + 1)..255 lt(3) | 1..255 | N/A gt(4) | 0..254 | N/A Note that the value of this object is silently cleared by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to a value other than 'dropTtl' or 'rateLimitTtl'." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 28 } tIPvXFltrEntryActEsi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEsi MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActEsi specifies the ethernet segment identifier (ESI) of the first ESI identified appliance in Nuage service chain. When the value of tMacFilterParamsAction is 'forwardEsiL2' or 'forwardEsiL3' packets matching the filter entry are forwarded to the appliance using EVPN-resolved VXLAN tunnel in the specified VPLS/VPRN service (tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSvcId/tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiVRtrId). The value '0' indicates that there is no ESI specified. There are two options how to set the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActEsi: 1. Non zero value of tIPvXFltrEntryActEsi is set together with non zero values of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiVRtrId, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIpType and tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIp. In this case value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to 'forwardEsiL3' by the system. 2. Non zero value of tIPvXFltrEntryActEsi is set together with a non zero value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSvcId. In this case value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to 'forwardEsiL2' by the system. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActEsi is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'forwardEsiL2' or 'forwardEsiL3'." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000'H } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 29 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSvcId specifies the identifier of a VPLS used for VPN/DC connectivity. The value '0' indicates that there is no VPLS identifier specified. The non zero value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSvcId must be set together with a non zero value of tIPvXFltrEntryActEsi. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSvcId is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'forwardEsiL2'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 30 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiVRtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrIDOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiVRtrId specifies the VPRN/rVPLS virtual router identifier used for VPN/DC connectivity. The value '0' indicates that there is no VPRN/rVPLS virtual router identifier specified. The non zero value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiVRtrId must be set together with non zero values of tIPvXFltrEntryActEsi, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIpType and tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIp. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiVRtrId is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'forwardEsiL3'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 31 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIpType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIpType specifies the context in which the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIp is interpreted. Only following values are supported: unknown(0) ipv4(1) ipv6(2) The value 'unknown' indicates that service function IP address type is not specified. If the value is different from 'unknown' it must be consistent with filter type given by the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFltrType. The non zero value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIpType must be set together with a non zero values of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIp, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiVRtrId and tIPvXFltrEntryActEsi. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIpType is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'forwardEsiL3'." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 32 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIp specifies the IP address of the service function toward which traffic is steered. The value '0' indicates that no service function IP address is specified. The non zero value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIp must be set together with a non zero values of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIpType, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiVRtrId and tIPvXFltrEntryActEsi. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIp is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'forwardEsiL3'." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 33 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiVasIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiVasIf specifies the virtual router interface index of VPRN RVPLS interface used for VPN/DC connectivity. The value '0' indicates that no interface id is specified. The non zero value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiVasIf must be set together with a non zero values of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiVRtrId, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIp, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIpType and tIPvXFltrEntryActEsi. Note: The value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiVasIf is set to '0' by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'forwardEsiL3'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 34 } tIPvXFltrEntryActRateLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEntryActionRateLimit UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActRateLimit specifies the rate to which the traffic matching the filter entry will be limited. The value of tIPvXFltrEntryActRateLimit can be set to non default value only if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to 'rateLimit'. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActRateLimit is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'rateLimit'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 35 } tIPvXFltrEntryActPbrTargetStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterPbrTargetStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActPbrTargetStatus indicates the PBR target status. Refer to the description of the textual convention TFilterPbrTargetStatus for more information." ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 36 } tIPvXFltrEntryActRemarkDSCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActRemarkDSCP specifies the value which remarks the DSCP value of packet matching the filter entry. The value of tIPvXFltrEntryActRemarkDSCP can be set to non default value only if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to 'remarkDscp' or the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActActionExt is set to 'remarkDscp' and the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to one of the following values: forwardEsiL3 forwardRtr forwardNextHop forwardNextHopRtr forwardNHInterface forwardLsp forwardRPlcy Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActRemarkDSCP is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is changed from 'remarkDscp' to any other value or if tIPvXFltrEntryActActionExt is changed from 'remarkDscp' to any other value." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 37 } tIPvXFltrEntryActActionExt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIPvXFilterEntryActionExt MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActActionExt specifies the action to be taken on a packet along with action specified by tIPvXFltrEntryActAction. Refer to the description of the textual convention TIPvXFilterEntryActionExt for more information." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 38 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNHT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNHT specifies the context in which the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNH is interpreted. Only following values are supported: unknown(0) ipv4(1) The value 'unknown' indicates IP address type is not specified. The non zero value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNHT must be set together with non zero values of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNH, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtRtrId and tIPvXFltrEntryActAction value 'forwardVprnTarget'. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNHT is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'forwardVprnTarget'." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 39 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNH specifies the target BGP next-hop IP address. The value '0' indicates that no IP address is specified. The non zero value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNH must be set together with non zero values of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNHT, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtRtrId and tIPvXFltrEntryActAction value 'forwardVprnTarget'. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNH is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'forwardVprnTarget'." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 40 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtRtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrIDOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtRtrId specifies the virtual router used for route lookup. The value '0' indicates that no virtual router is specified. The non zero value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtRtrId must be set together with non zero values of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNHT, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNH and tIPvXFltrEntryActAction value 'forwardVprnTarget'. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtRtrId is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'forwardVprnTarget'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 41 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPxT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddressAndPrefixType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPxT specifies the context in which the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPx is interpreted. Only following values are supported: unknown(0) ipv4(1) ipv6(2) The value 'unknown' indicates that IP address type is not specified. If the value is different from 'unknown' it must be consistent with filter type given by the value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFltrType. The non zero value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPxT must be set together with a non zero value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPx. In such case the values of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNHT, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNH and tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtRtrId must have non default value and the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction must be 'forwardVprnTarget'. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPxT is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'forwardVprnTarget'." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 42 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddressAndPrefixAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPx specifies the IP address of the service function toward which traffic is steered. The value '0' indicates that no prefix is specified. The non zero value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPx must be set together with non zero value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPxT. In such case the values of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNHT, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNH and tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtRtrId must have non default values and the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction must be 'forwardVprnTarget'. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPx is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'forwardVprnTarget'." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 43 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPxL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddressAndPrefixPrefix MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPxL specifies the IP prefix length of this prefix list entry." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 44 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtLspId specifies LSP used for forwarding the packet. The value '0' indicates that no prefix is specified. The non zero value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtLspId can be set only when values of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNHT, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNH and tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtRtrId have non default values and the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is 'forwardVprnTarget'. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPx is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'forwardVprnTarget'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 45 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdBondingConn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubBondingConnIdOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdBondingConn specifies the bonding connection ID." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 46 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFcName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCTypeOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFcName specifies the forwarding class name." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 47 } tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdGreTun OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdGreTun specifies the GRE tunnel template to be used. The action of this entry should be 'forwardGreTunnel' in such a case. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdGreTun is silently cleared by the system if tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to value other than 'forwardGreTunnel'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 48 } tIPvXFltrEntryActCondExpression OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..8)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActCondExpression specifies the expression to be matched. tIPvXFltrEntryActCondExpression has to be set together with tIPvXFltrEntryActCondExpMask, tIPvXFltrEntryActCondOffsetType, tIPvXFltrEntryActCondOffsetVal and tIPvXFltrEntryActAction. The value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction has to be set to one of the following values: 'dropPattern', 'rateLimitPattern', 'forwardPattern'. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActCondExpression is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'dropPattern', 'rateLimitPattern', 'forwardPattern'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 49 } tIPvXFltrEntryActCondExpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..8)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActCondExpMask specifies the expression mask. tIPvXFltrEntryActCondExpMask has to be set together with tIPvXFltrEntryActCondExpression, tIPvXFltrEntryActCondOffsetType, tIPvXFltrEntryActCondOffsetVal and tIPvXFltrEntryActAction. The value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction has to be set to one of the following values: 'dropPattern', 'rateLimitPattern', 'forwardPattern'. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActCondExpMask is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'dropPattern', 'rateLimitPattern', 'forwardPattern'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 50 } tIPvXFltrEntryActCondOffsetType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), layer3 (1), layer4 (2), data (3), dnsQType (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActCondOffsetType specifies the offset type of the expression. tIPvXFltrEntryActCondOffsetType has to be set together with tIPvXFltrEntryActCondExpression, tIPvXFltrEntryActCondExpMask, tIPvXFltrEntryActCondOffsetVal and tIPvXFltrEntryActAction. The value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction has to be set to one of the following values: 'dropPattern', 'rateLimitPattern', 'forwardPattern'. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActCondOffsetType is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'dropPattern', 'rateLimitPattern', 'forwardPattern'." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 51 } tIPvXFltrEntryActCondOffsetVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrEntryActCondOffsetVal specifies the offset of the expression. -1 indicates offset is not set. tIPvXFltrEntryActCondOffsetVal has to be set together with tIPvXFltrEntryActCondExpression, tIPvXFltrEntryActCondOffsetType, tIPvXFltrEntryActCondExpMask and tIPvXFltrEntryActAction. The value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction has to be set to one of the following values: 'dropPattern', 'rateLimitPattern', 'forwardPattern'. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActCondOffsetVal is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'dropPattern', 'rateLimitPattern', 'forwardPattern'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 52 } tIPvXFltrFwdMplsPlcyEndptAddrTp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the MPLS forwarding policy endpoint to be used when the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is 'forwardMplsPlcyEndpt' Only following values are supported: unknown(0) ipv4(1) ipv6(2) The value 'unknown' indicates IP address type is not specified. The non zero value of tIPvXFltrFwdMplsPlcyEndptAddrTp must be set together with non zero values of tIPvXFltrFwdMplsPlcyEndptAddr, and tIPvXFltrEntryActAction value 'forwardMplsPlcyEndpt'. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrFwdMplsPlcyEndptAddrTp is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'forwardMplsPlcyEndpt'." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 53 } tIPvXFltrFwdMplsPlcyEndptAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value specifies the MPLS forwarding policy endpoint address to be used when the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is 'forwardMplsPlcyEndpt'. The value '0' indicates that no IP address is specified. The non zero value of tIPvXFltrFwdMplsPlcyEndptAddr must be set together with non zero values of tIPvXFltrFwdMplsPlcyEndptAddrTp, and tIPvXFltrEntryActAction value 'forwardMplsPlcyEndpt'. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrFwdMplsPlcyEndptAddr is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'forwardMplsPlcyEndpt'." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 54 } tIPvXFltrFwdSrtePlcyEndptAddrTp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the SR-TE policy endpoint to be used when the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is 'forwardSrtePlcyEndptColor' Only following values are supported: unknown(0) ipv4(1) ipv6(2) The value 'unknown' indicates IP address type is not specified. The non zero value of tIPvXFltrFwdSrtePlcyEndptAddrTp must be set together with non zero values of tIPvXFltrFwdSrtePlcyEndptAddr, and tIPvXFltrEntryActAction value 'forwardSrtePlcyEndptColor'. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrFwdSrtePlcyEndptAddrTp is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'forwardSrtePlcyEndptColor'." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 55 } tIPvXFltrFwdSrtePlcyEndptAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value specifies the SR-TE policy endpoint address to be used when the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is 'forwardSrtePlcyEndptColor'. The value '0' indicates that no IP address is specified. The non zero value of tIPvXFltrFwdSrtePlcyEndptAddr must be set together with non zero values of tIPvXFltrFwdSrtePlcyEndptAddrTp, and tIPvXFltrEntryActAction value 'forwardSrtePlcyEndptColor'. Note that the value of tIPvXFltrFwdSrtePlcyEndptAddr is silently cleared by the system if the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is set to any value other than 'forwardSrtePlcyEndptColor'." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 56 } tIPvXFltrFwdSrtePlcyColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the SR-TE policy color to be used when the value of tIPvXFltrEntryActAction is 'forwardSrtePlcyEndptColor'." ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 57 } tIPvXFltrActL2AwareNatBypass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPvXFltrActL2AwareNatBypass specifies whether filter classified traffic bypasses L2aware NAT. This action is only applicable to L2aware NAT subscribers and it must be configured together with action forward. Traffic identified in the match condition will bypass L2aware NAT. A common use case is to bypass NAT for on-net traffic which terminates within the customer network. The remaining traffic that is not classified for bypass will automatically be diverted to L2aware NAT, unless it is explicitly configured to be dropped." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tIPvXFltrEntryActionEntry 58 } tFltrEntryStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFltrEntryStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFltrEntryStatTable contains statistics and counters pertaining to IPv4, IPv6 and MAC ACL filter entries." ::= { tFilterObjects 86 } tFltrEntryStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFltrEntryStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entry contains statistics pertaining to a particular IPv4, IPv6 or MAC ACL filter entry. Entries in this table are created by the system." INDEX { tFltrEntryStatFltrType, tFltrEntryStatFltrId, tFltrEntryStatFltrEntryId } ::= { tFltrEntryStatTable 1 } TFltrEntryStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrEntryStatFltrType TFilterType, tFltrEntryStatFltrId TAnyFilterID, tFltrEntryStatFltrEntryId TEntryId, tFltrEntryStatIngHitCnt Counter64, tFltrEntryStatIngHitCntB Counter64, tFltrEntryStatEgrHitCnt Counter64, tFltrEntryStatEgrHitCntB Counter64, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngHitCnt Counter64, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngHitCntB Counter64, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngDrop Counter64, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngDropB Counter64, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngFwd Counter64, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngFwdB Counter64, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrHitCnt Counter64, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrHitCntB Counter64, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrDrop Counter64, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrDropB Counter64, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrFwd Counter64, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrFwdB Counter64 } tFltrEntryStatFltrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterType { fltrtypeselIp (1), fltrtypeselMac (2), fltrtypeselIpv6 (4) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEntryStatFltrType specifies the type of ACL filter. Refer to the description of the textual convention TFilterType for more information." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 1 } tFltrEntryStatFltrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEntryStatFltrId specifies the filter id of an IP, IPv6 or MAC ACL filter based on the value of tFltrEntryStatFltrType. Refer to the description of the textual convention TAnyFilterID for more information." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 2 } tFltrEntryStatFltrEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEntryStatFltrEntryId specifies the entry id of filter of type IP, IPv6 or MAC based on the value of tFltrEntryStatFltrType." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 3 } tFltrEntryStatIngHitCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEntryStatIngHitCnt indicates the number of times an ingress packet matched the filter entry." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 4 } tFltrEntryStatIngHitCntB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrEntryStatIngHitCntB indicates the number of bytes of all ingress packets that matched this entry." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 5 } tFltrEntryStatEgrHitCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEntryStatEgrHitCnt indicates the number of times an egress packet matched the filter entry." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 6 } tFltrEntryStatEgrHitCntB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrEntryStatEgrHitCntB indicates the number of bytes of all egress packets that matched this entry." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 7 } tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngHitCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngHitCnt indicates how many ingress packets were subjected to rate-limiting filter action." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 8 } tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngHitCntB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngHitCntB indicates the number of bytes of all ingress packets that were subjected to rate-limiting filter action." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 9 } tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngDrop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngDrop indicates how many ingress packets which were subjected to rate-limiting filter action were dropped." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 10 } tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngDropB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngDropB indicates the number of bytes of all ingress packets which were subjected to rate-limiting filter action were dropped." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 11 } tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngFwd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngFwd indicates how many ingress packets which were subjected to rate-limiting filter action were forwarded." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 12 } tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngFwdB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngFwdB indicates the number of bytes of all ingress packets which were subjected to rate-limiting filter action were forwarded." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 13 } tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrHitCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrHitCnt indicates how many egress packets were subjected to rate-limiting filter action." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 14 } tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrHitCntB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrHitCntB indicates the number of bytes of all egress packets that were subjected to rate-limiting filter action." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 15 } tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrDrop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrDrop indicates how many egress packets which were subjected to rate-limiting filter action were dropped." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 16 } tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrDropB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrDropB indicates the number of bytes of all egress packets which were subjected to rate-limiting filter action were dropped." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 17 } tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrFwd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrFwd indicates how many egress packets which were subjected to rate-limiting filter action were forwarded." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 18 } tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrFwdB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrFwdB indicates the number of bytes of all egress packets which were subjected to rate-limiting filter action were forwarded." ::= { tFltrEntryStatEntry 19 } tFltrPrefListInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFltrPrefListInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFltrPrefListInfoTable contains all prefixes from all prefix lists. Both implicitly or explicitly defined." ::= { tFilterObjects 87 } tFltrPrefListInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFltrPrefListInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFltrPrefListInfoTable contains information pertaining to a particular IP address prefix which is part of filter prefix list." INDEX { tFilterPrefixListType, tFilterPrefixListName, tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixSrc, tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixSrcIndex, tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixType, tFltrPrefListInfoPrefix, tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixLen } ::= { tFltrPrefListInfoTable 1 } TFltrPrefListInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixSrc INTEGER, tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixSrcIndex Unsigned32, tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixType InetAddressType, tFltrPrefListInfoPrefix InetAddress, tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixLen InetAddressPrefixLength, tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixOwner INTEGER, tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixProg TruthValue } tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixSrc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { prefixConfig (0), applyPathBgpPeer (1), prefixConfigGenerated (4) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixSrc indicates source of the prefix." ::= { tFltrPrefListInfoEntry 1 } tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixSrcIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixSrcIndex indicates criteria index for specific apply-path source. The value of tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixSrcIndex is '0' when tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixSrc is 'prefixConfig'." ::= { tFltrPrefListInfoEntry 2 } tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixType indicates whether the prefix is an IPv4 or IPv6 prefix." ::= { tFltrPrefListInfoEntry 3 } tFltrPrefListInfoPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrPrefListInfoPrefix indicates the IP prefix." ::= { tFltrPrefListInfoEntry 4 } tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixLen indicates the IP prefix length." ::= { tFltrPrefListInfoEntry 5 } tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixOwner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { config (0), applyPath (1), prefixExclude (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixOwner indicates whether the prefix was inserted implicitly by apply-path, generated by a specific prefix and prefix-exclude pair or explicitly by prefix configuration." ::= { tFltrPrefListInfoEntry 6 } tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixProg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixProg indicates whether the prefix is programmed on linecard." ::= { tFltrPrefListInfoEntry 7 } tFilterEmbFlowspecEntryInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterEmbFlowspecEntryInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFilterEmbFlowspecEntryInfoTable contains an entry for each entry of an auto-created embedded filter for flowspec rules inserted in an IP or IPv6 filter with scope other than 'embedded'" ::= { tFilterObjects 94 } tFilterEmbFlowspecEntryInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterEmbFlowspecEntryInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFilterEmbFlowspecEntryInfoTable. Rows in the tFilterEmbFlowspecEntryInfoTable are created by the SYSTEM when an auto-created embedded filter for flowspec rules is inserted into an IP or IPv6 filter with scope other than 'embedded'. They are destroyed by the SYSTEM when such auto-created embedded filter is removed from an IP or IPv6 filter with scope other than 'embedded'." INDEX { tFilterEmbedFlowspecFilterType, tFilterEmbedFlowspecInsertFltrId, tFilterEmbedFlowspecEmbFltrId, tFilterEmbedFlowspecEmbEntryId } ::= { tFilterEmbFlowspecEntryInfoTable 1 } TFilterEmbFlowspecEntryInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterEmbedFlowspecEmbFltrId TAnyFilterID, tFilterEmbedFlowspecEmbEntryId TEntryId, tFilterEmbedFlowspecInsEntryId TAnyEntryId, tFilterEmbedFlowspecEntryOpState TmnxFltrEmbeddedEntryState } tFilterEmbedFlowspecEmbFltrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyFilterID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFilterEmbedFlowspecEmbFltrId indicates the ID of the auto-created embedded filter for flowspec rules that is used as the source of embedded entries." ::= { tFilterEmbFlowspecEntryInfoEntry 1 } tFilterEmbedFlowspecEmbEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedFlowspecEmbEntryId specifies the ID of the entry inside of the auto-created embedded filter for flowspec rules specified by tFilterEmbedFlowspecEmbFltrId." ::= { tFilterEmbFlowspecEntryInfoEntry 2 } tFilterEmbedFlowspecInsEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyEntryId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedFlowspecInsEntryId indicates which entry in the IP or IPv6 filter with scope other than 'embedded' specified by tFilterEmbedFlowspecInsertFltrId corresponds to the entry specified by tFilterEmbedFlowspecEmbEntryId in the auto-created embedded filter for flowspec rules specified by tFilterEmbedFlowspecEmbFltrId." ::= { tFilterEmbFlowspecEntryInfoEntry 3 } tFilterEmbedFlowspecEntryOpState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFltrEmbeddedEntryState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterEmbedFlowspecEntryOpState indicates the current operational state of the entry identified by tFilterEmbedFlowspecEmbEntryId of the embedded filter identified by tFilterEmbedFlowspecEmbFltrId that is embedded into the filter identified by tFilterEmbedFlowspecInsertFltrId." ::= { tFilterEmbFlowspecEntryInfoEntry 4 } tFilterRPlcyBindingTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterRPlcyBindingTableLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterRPlcyBindingTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 95 } tFilterRPlcyBindingTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterRPlcyBindingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tFilterRPlcyBindingTable contains redirect policy bindings. Used for fate sharing between different destinations" ::= { tFilterObjects 96 } tFilterRPlcyBindingEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterRPlcyBindingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFilterRPlcyBindingTable." INDEX { tFilterRPlcyBindingName } ::= { tFilterRPlcyBindingTable 1 } TFilterRPlcyBindingEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterRPlcyBindingName TNamedItem, tFilterRPlcyBindingLastChange TimeStamp, tFilterRPlcyBindingRowStatus RowStatus, tFilterRPlcyBindingOperator TFilterRPBindingOperator, tFilterRPlcyBindingOperState TmnxOperState } tFilterRPlcyBindingName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPlcyBindingName specifies the name of the filter redirect policy binding." ::= { tFilterRPlcyBindingEntry 1 } tFilterRPlcyBindingLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPlcyBindingLastChange indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterRPlcyBindingEntry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterRPlcyBindingEntry 2 } tFilterRPlcyBindingRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPlcyBindingRowStatus specifies the status of the conceptual row in tFilterRPlcyBindingTable." ::= { tFilterRPlcyBindingEntry 3 } tFilterRPlcyBindingOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterRPBindingOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPlcyBindingOperator specifies the operator to use when combining operation state of tests from multiple redirect policy destinations." DEFVAL { and } ::= { tFilterRPlcyBindingEntry 4 } tFilterRPlcyBindingOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPlcyBindingOperState indicates the operational state of the destination." ::= { tFilterRPlcyBindingEntry 5 } tFilterRPlcyBindingDestTableLCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFilterRPlcyBindingDestTableLCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFilterRPlcyBindingDestTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 97 } tFilterRPlcyBindingDestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFilterRPlcyBindingDestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tFilterRPlcyBindingDestTable contains redirect policy bindings. Used for fate sharing between different destinations" ::= { tFilterObjects 98 } tFilterRPlcyBindingDestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterRPlcyBindingDestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFilterRPlcyBindingDestTable." INDEX { tFilterRPlcyBindingName, tFilterRedirectPolicy, tFltrRPDstAddrType, tFltrRPDstAddr } ::= { tFilterRPlcyBindingDestTable 1 } TFilterRPlcyBindingDestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFilterRPlcyBindingDestRowStatus RowStatus, tFilterRPlcyBindingDestOperState TmnxOperState } tFilterRPlcyBindingDestRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPlcyBindingDestRowStatus specifies the status of the conceptual row in tFilterRPlcyBindingDestTable." ::= { tFilterRPlcyBindingDestEntry 1 } tFilterRPlcyBindingDestOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFilterRPlcyBindingDestOperState indicates the operational state of the destination." ::= { tFilterRPlcyBindingDestEntry 5 } tFltrGreTunTempTableLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrGreTunTempTableLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFltrGreTunTempTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 99 } tFltrGreTunTempTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFltrGreTunTempEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFltrGreTunTempTable contains an entry for each GRE tunnel template" ::= { tFilterObjects 100 } tFltrGreTunTempEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFltrGreTunTempEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFltrGreTunTempTable." INDEX { IMPLIED tFltrGreTunTempName } ::= { tFltrGreTunTempTable 1 } TFltrGreTunTempEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrGreTunTempName TNamedItem, tFltrGreTunTempRowStatus RowStatus, tFltrGreTunTempLastChanged TimeStamp, tFltrGreTunTempDescription TItemDescription, tFltrGreTunTempIpv4SrcAddr IpAddress, tFltrGreTunTempIpv4GreKeyIfIndex TruthValue, tFltrGreTunTempIpv4SkipTllDecr TruthValue } tFltrGreTunTempName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrGreTunTempName specifies the name given to this template." ::= { tFltrGreTunTempEntry 1 } tFltrGreTunTempRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrGreTunTempRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tFltrGreTunTempEntry 2 } tFltrGreTunTempLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrGreTunTempLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this row. If no changes were made to the row since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains the value zero." ::= { tFltrGreTunTempEntry 3 } tFltrGreTunTempDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrGreTunTempDescription specifies a description for this row." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFltrGreTunTempEntry 4 } tFltrGreTunTempIpv4SrcAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrGreTunTempIpv4SrcAddr specifies a source IP address of the GRE encapsulated packet." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { tFltrGreTunTempEntry 5 } tFltrGreTunTempIpv4GreKeyIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrGreTunTempIpv4GreKeyIfIndex is option to include a key value in the GRE header of ifIndex of the ingress interface." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tFltrGreTunTempEntry 6 } tFltrGreTunTempIpv4SkipTllDecr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrGreTunTempIpv4SkipTllDecr is option to not decrement the TTL of the received packet." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tFltrGreTunTempEntry 7 } tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstTblLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstTblLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFltrGreTunTempTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFilterObjects 101 } tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstTable contains destinations for GRE tunnel template" ::= { tFilterObjects 102 } tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstTable." INDEX { tFltrGreTunTempName, tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstAddr } ::= { tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstTable 1 } TFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstAddr IpAddress, tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstRowStatus RowStatus, tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstLstChg TimeStamp } tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstAddr specifies a destination IP address of the GRE encapsulated packet." ::= { tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstEntry 1 } tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstEntry 2 } tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrGreTunTempLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this row. If no changes were made to the row since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains the value zero." ::= { tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstEntry 3 } tFltrPrefListPrefExclTblLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrPrefListPrefExclTblLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFltrPrefListPrefExclTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tFilterObjects 103 } tFltrPrefListPrefExclTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFltrPrefListPrefExclEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFltrPrefListPrefExclTable contains information pertaining to explicitly created excluded prefixes in any prefix list defined in the filter area." ::= { tFilterObjects 104 } tFltrPrefListPrefExclEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFltrPrefListPrefExclEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFltrPrefListPrefExclTable." INDEX { tFilterPrefixListType, tFilterPrefixListName, tFltrPrefListPrefExclPrefType, tFltrPrefListPrefExclPref, tFltrPrefListPrefExclPrefLen } ::= { tFltrPrefListPrefExclTable 1 } TFltrPrefListPrefExclEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrPrefListPrefExclPrefType TmnxAddressAndPrefixType, tFltrPrefListPrefExclPref TmnxAddressAndPrefixAddress, tFltrPrefListPrefExclPrefLen TmnxAddressAndPrefixPrefix, tFltrPrefListPrefExclRowStatus RowStatus, tFltrPrefListPrefExclLastChg TimeStamp } tFltrPrefListPrefExclPrefType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddressAndPrefixType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrPrefListPrefExclPrefType specifies whether the excluded prefix specified in tFltrPrefListPrefExclEntry is an IPv4 or IPv6 one. The value of tFltrPrefListPrefExclPrefType must match the value of the object tFilterPrefixListType." ::= { tFltrPrefListPrefExclEntry 1 } tFltrPrefListPrefExclPref OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddressAndPrefixAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrPrefListPrefExclPref specifies the excluded IPv4 or IPv6 prefix of this prefix list entry." ::= { tFltrPrefListPrefExclEntry 2 } tFltrPrefListPrefExclPrefLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddressAndPrefixPrefix MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFltrPrefListPrefExclPrefLen specifies the length of the excluded IPv4 or IPv6 prefix of this prefix list entry." ::= { tFltrPrefListPrefExclEntry 3 } tFltrPrefListPrefExclRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrPrefListPrefExclRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tFltrPrefListPrefExclEntry 4 } tFltrPrefListPrefExclLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrPrefListPrefExclLastChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFltrPrefListPrefExclEntry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tFltrPrefListPrefExclEntry 5 } fltrMdAutoIdGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tFilterObjects 105 } fltrMdAutoIdFilterRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The fltrMdAutoIdFilterRangeStart specifies start of the ip-filter identifier range to be used in model-driven CLI." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { fltrMdAutoIdGroup 1 } fltrMdAutoIdFilterRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The fltrMdAutoIdFilterRangeEnd specifies the end of the filter identifier range to be used in model-driven CLI." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { fltrMdAutoIdGroup 2 } fltrMdAutoIdIPv4FilterCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The fltrMdAutoIdIPv4FilterCount indicates Ipv4 filter identifiers in-use in model-driven CLI." ::= { fltrMdAutoIdGroup 3 } fltrMdAutoIdIPv6FilterCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The fltrMdAutoIdIPv6FilterCount indicates Ipv6 filter identifiers in-use in model-driven CLI." ::= { fltrMdAutoIdGroup 4 } fltrMdAutoIdMacFilterCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The fltrMdAutoIdMacFilterCount indicates Mac filter identifiers in-use in model-driven CLI." ::= { fltrMdAutoIdGroup 5 } fltrMdAutoIdIPv4ExceptionCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The fltrMdAutoIdIPv4ExceptionCount indicates Ipv4 exception filter identifiers in-use in model-driven CLI." ::= { fltrMdAutoIdGroup 6 } fltrMdAutoIdIPv6ExceptionCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The fltrMdAutoIdIPv6ExceptionCount indicates Ipv6 exception filter identifiers in-use in model-driven CLI." ::= { fltrMdAutoIdGroup 7 } tIPv6ExceptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TIPv6ExceptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tIPv6ExceptionTable contains all of the IPv6 exceptions configured on this system." ::= { tFilterObjects 106 } tIPv6ExceptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIPv6ExceptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular IPv6 exception entry. Entries are created and destroyed by SNMP operations on the object tIPv6ExceptionRowStatus." INDEX { tIPv6ExceptionId } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionTable 1 } TIPv6ExceptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tIPv6ExceptionId TAnyFilterID, tIPv6ExceptionRowStatus RowStatus, tIPv6ExceptionDescription TItemDescription, tIPv6ExceptionName TLNamedItemOrEmpty } tIPv6ExceptionId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyFilterID (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExceptionId uniquely identifies an IPv6 exception." ::= { tIPv6ExceptionEntry 1 } tIPv6ExceptionRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExceptionRowStatus specifies the status of the IPv6 exception. The object allows entries to be created and deleted in the tIPv6ExceptionTable." ::= { tIPv6ExceptionEntry 2 } tIPv6ExceptionDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExceptionDescription specifies a user-provided description for this IPv6 exception." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionEntry 3 } tIPv6ExceptionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExceptionName specifies the name to associate with this IPv6 exception." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionEntry 4 } tIPv6ExceptionNameTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TIPv6ExceptionNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains IPv6 exception name information." ::= { tFilterObjects 107 } tIPv6ExceptionNameEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIPv6ExceptionNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific IPv6 exception name. Entries are created and deleted automatically by the system based upon the tIPv6ExceptionName objects in the tIPv6ExceptionTable." INDEX { tIPv6ExceptionName } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionNameTable 1 } TIPv6ExceptionNameEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tIPv6ExceptionNameId TAnyFilterID } tIPv6ExceptionNameId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExceptionNameId indicates the IPv6 exception associated with this name." ::= { tIPv6ExceptionNameEntry 1 } tIPv6ExceptionParamsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of all IPv6 exception match entries for all IPv6 exceptions." ::= { tFilterObjects 108 } tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular IPv6 exception match entry. Every IPv6 exception can have zero or more IPv6 exception match entries. Each match constitutes some criteria by which an unencrypted IPv6 packet will be accepted at the interface to which the IPv6 exception is applied. Entries are created/deleted by the user." INDEX { tIPv6ExceptionId, tIPv6ExcParamsIndex } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsTable 1 } TIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tIPv6ExcParamsIndex TEntryId, tIPv6ExcParamsRowStatus RowStatus, tIPv6ExcParamsDescription TItemDescription, tIPv6ExcParamsNextHeader TIpProtocol, tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpAddr InetAddressIPv6, tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpMask InetAddressPrefixLength, tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpFullMask InetAddressIPv6, tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpPrefixList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpAddr InetAddressIPv6, tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpMask InetAddressPrefixLength, tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpFullMask InetAddressIPv6, tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpPrefixList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue1 TTcpUdpPort, tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue2 TTcpUdpPort, tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortOperator TOperator, tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue1 TTcpUdpPort, tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue2 TTcpUdpPort, tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortOperator TOperator, tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIPv6ExcParamsPortSelector TFltrPortSelector, tIPv6ExcParamsIcmpCode TIcmpCodeOrNone, tIPv6ExcParamsIcmpType TIcmpTypeOrNone, tIPv6ExcParamsIngressHitCount Counter64, tIPv6ExcParamsEgressHitCount Counter64, tIPv6ExcParamsIngrHitByteCount Counter64, tIPv6ExcParamsEgrHitByteCount Counter64 } tIPv6ExcParamsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the index for the match entry. Each IPv6 exception can have multiple match entries." ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 1 } tIPv6ExcParamsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows match entries to be created and deleted in the tIPv6ExceptionParamsTable." ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 2 } tIPv6ExcParamsDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsDescription specifies a user-provided description for this IPv6 exception match entry." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 3 } tIPv6ExcParamsNextHeader OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIpProtocol MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsNextHeader specifies the IPv6 next header to match. A value of -1 disables matching the IPv6 next header." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 4 } tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpAddr specifies the IPv6 address to match the source IPv6 address of the packet." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 5 } tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength (0..128) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpMask specifies the IPv6 prefix length value for the IPv6 exception entry. The mask generated from the prefix length value is ANDed with the received source IPv6 address to match the tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpAddr. If the value of tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpMask is 0, and the value of tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpFullMask is non zero then the value of tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpFullMask is used as a mask. If the value of tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed in the object tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpFullMask. If both tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpMask and tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the source IPv6 address. If a value is specified for this object, then the value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpFullMask will be set to reflect this same mask." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 6 } tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpFullMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpFullMask specifies the IPv6 Mask value for this IPv6 exception entry. The mask is ANDed with the received source IPv6 address to match the tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpAddr. If the value of tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpMask is 0, and the value of tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpFullMask is non zero then the value of tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpFullMask is used as a mask. If the value of tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed in the object tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpFullMask. If both tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpMask and tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Source IPv6 address. If a regular mask is specified for tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpFullMask then the value of tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpMask will be changed to reflect this value." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 7 } tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpPrefixList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpPrefixList specifies the IPv6 prefix list used as match criterion for the source IPv6 address. The value specified for this object must correspond to a prefix list defined in tFilterPrefixListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpAddr and tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpMask are used as source IPv6 address match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpAddr and tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpMask are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for the objects tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpAddr and tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpMask then this object is reset to its default (empty) value by the system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 8 } tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpAddr specifies the IPv6 address to match the destination IPv6 address of the packet." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 9 } tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength (0..128) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpMask specifies the IPv6 prefix length value for this IPv6 exception entry. The mask generated from the prefix length value is ANDed with the received destination IPv6 address to match the tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpAddr. If the value of tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpMask is 0, and the value of tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpFullMask is non zero then the value of tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpFullMask is used as a mask. If the value of tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed in the object tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpFullMask. If both tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpMask and tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the destination IPv6 address. If a value is specified for this object, then the value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpFullMask will be set to reflect this same mask." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 10 } tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpFullMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpFullMask specifies the IPv6 Mask value for this policy IPv6 Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received destination IPv6 address to match the tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpAddr. If the value of tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpMask is 0, and the value of tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpFullMask is non zero then the value of tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpFullMask is used as a mask. If the value of tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed in the object tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpFullMask. If both tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpMask and tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the destination IPv6 address. If a regular mask is specified for tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpFullMask then the value of tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpMask will be changed to reflect this value." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 11 } tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpPrefixList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpPrefixList specifies the IPv6 prefix list used as match criterion for the destination IPv6 address. The value specified for this object must correspond to a prefix list defined in tFilterPrefixListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpAddr and tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpMask are used as destination IPv6 address match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpAddr and tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpMask are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for the objects tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpAddr and tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpMask then this object is reset to its default (empty) value by the system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 12 } tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue1 specifies a protocol port value. The value of this object is used when matching protocol source ports, as per the description for tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 13 } tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue2 specifies a second protocol port value. The value of this object is used when matching protocol source ports, as per the description for tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 14 } tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortOperator specifies the manner in which tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue1 and tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue2 are to be used to match protocol source ports." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 15 } tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortList specifies the port-list used as match criterion for the protocol source port. The value specified for this object must correspond to a port-list defined in tFilterPortListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue2, and tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortOperator are used as source port match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue2, and tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortOperator are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for one of the objects tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue2, or tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortOperator then tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortList is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. Setting any one of the objects tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue2, or tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortOperator to a non-default value in combination with a non-default value for the object tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortList is rejected by the system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 16 } tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue1 specifies a protocol port value. The value of this object is used when matching protocol destination ports, as per the description for tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 17 } tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue2 specifies a second protocol port value. The value of this object is used when matching protocol destination ports, as per the description for tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 18 } tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortOperator specifies the manner in which tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue1 and tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue2 are to be used to match protocol destination ports." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 19 } tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortList specifies the port-list used as match criterion for the protocol destination port. The value specified for this object must correspond to a port-list defined in tFilterPortListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue1, tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue2, and tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortOperator are used as destination port match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue1, tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue2, and tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortOperator are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for one of the objects tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue1, tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue2, or tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortOperator then tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortList is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. Setting any one of the objects tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue1, tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue2, or tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortOperator to a non-default value in combination with a non-default value for the object tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortList is rejected by the system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 20 } tIPv6ExcParamsPortSelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFltrPortSelector MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsPortSelector specifies how the source port objects (tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortList) and destination port objects (tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue1, tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue2, tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortOperator, tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortList) are combined to form the filter match criterion. See description of TFltrPortSelector." DEFVAL { and-port } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 21 } tIPv6ExcParamsIcmpCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIcmpCodeOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsIcmpCode specifies the ICMP code to be matched. The value -1 means ICMP code matching is not enabled." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 22 } tIPv6ExcParamsIcmpType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIcmpTypeOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsIcmpType specifies the ICMP type to be matched. The value -1 means ICMP type matching is not enabled." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 23 } tIPv6ExcParamsIngressHitCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsIngressHitCount indicates the number of times an ingress packet matched this entry." ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 24 } tIPv6ExcParamsEgressHitCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsEgressHitCount indicates the number of times an egress packet matched this entry." ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 25 } tIPv6ExcParamsIngrHitByteCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsIngrHitByteCount indicates the number of bytes of all ingress packets that matched this entry." ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 26 } tIPv6ExcParamsEgrHitByteCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIPv6ExcParamsEgrHitByteCount indicates the number of bytes of all egress packets that matched this entry." ::= { tIPv6ExceptionParamsEntry 27 } tFltrProtocolListTableLstChng OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrProtocolListTableLstChng indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFltrProtocolListTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tFilterObjects 109 } tFltrProtocolListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFltrProtocolListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFltrProtocolListTable contains an entry for each Protocol list defined in the filter area." ::= { tFilterObjects 110 } tFltrProtocolListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFltrProtocolListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tFltrProtocolListTable." INDEX { IMPLIED tFltrProtocolListName } ::= { tFltrProtocolListTable 1 } TFltrProtocolListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrProtocolListName TNamedItem, tFltrProtocolListRowStatus RowStatus, tFltrProtocolListLastChanged TimeStamp, tFltrProtocolListDescription TItemDescription } tFltrProtocolListName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrProtocolListName specifies the name of this Protocol list." ::= { tFltrProtocolListEntry 1 } tFltrProtocolListRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrProtocolListRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tFltrProtocolListEntry 2 } tFltrProtocolListLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrProtocolListLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this row. If no changes were made to the row since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains the value zero." ::= { tFltrProtocolListEntry 3 } tFltrProtocolListDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrProtocolListDescription specifies a description for this row." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFltrProtocolListEntry 4 } tFltrProtocolListItemTblLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tFltrProtocolListItemTblLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tFltrProtocolListItemTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tFilterObjects 111 } tFltrProtocolListItemTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFltrProtocolListItemEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tFltrProtocolListItemTable contains an entry for each Protocol defined in any Protocol list defined in the filter area." ::= { tFilterObjects 112 } tFltrProtocolListItemEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFltrProtocolListItemEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies an entry in the tFltrProtocolListItemTable." INDEX { tFltrProtocolListName, tFltrProtocolListItemProtocol } ::= { tFltrProtocolListItemTable 1 } TFltrProtocolListItemEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFltrProtocolListItemProtocol TIpProtocolNumber, tFltrProtocolListItemRowStatus RowStatus } tFltrProtocolListItemProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIpProtocolNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrProtocolListItemProtocol specifies a value to be be matched against IP protocol/IPv6 next-header value of the IP packet." ::= { tFltrProtocolListItemEntry 1 } tFltrProtocolListItemRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFltrProtocolListItemRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tFltrProtocolListItemEntry 2 } tFilterMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRConfs 21 } tFilterMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tFilterMIBConformance 1 } tFilter7450V4v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R4.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV4v0Group, tMacFilterV4v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterRedirectPolicyGroup, tFilterNotificationsGroup } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 4 } tFilter7750V4v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia 7750 SR series systems release R4.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV4v0Group, tMacFilterV4v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterRedirectPolicyGroup, tFilterNotificationsGroup, tIPv6FilterV4v0Group } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 5 } tFilter7450V5v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R5.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV5v0Group, tMacFilterV4v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterRedirectPolicyGroup, tFilterNotificationsGroup, tTodPolicies77450V5v0Group, tToDPoliciesV5v0NotifyGroup, tFilterLogV5v0Group } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 6 } tFilter77x0V5v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia 77x0 SPR/SR series systems release R5.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV5v0Group, tMacFilterV4v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterRedirectPolicyGroup, tFilterNotificationsGroup, tIPv6FilterV4v0Group, tTodPolicies77x0V5v0Group, tToDPoliciesV5v0NotifyGroup, tFilterLogV5v0Group } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 7 } tFilter7450V6v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R5.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV6v0Group, tMacFilterV6v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterRedirectPolicyGroup, tFilterNotificationsGroup, tTodPolicies77450V5v0Group, tToDPoliciesV5v0NotifyGroup, tFilterLogV5v0Group } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 8 } tFilter77x0V6v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia 77x0 SPR/SR series systems release R5.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV6v0Group, tMacFilterV6v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterRedirectPolicyGroup, tFilterNotificationsGroup, tIPv6FilterV6v0Group, tTodPolicies77x0V5v0Group, tToDPoliciesV5v0NotifyGroup, tFilterLogV5v0Group } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 9 } tFilter7450V8v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R8.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV8v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterLogV5v0Group, tFilterRedirectPolicyGroup, tFilterNotificationsV8v0Group, tFilterNotificationObjV8v0Group, tTodPolicies77450V5v0Group, tToDPoliciesV5v0NotifyGroup } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 10 } tFilter77x0V8v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia 77x0 SPR/SR series systems release R8.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV8v0Group, tMacFilterV8v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterLogV5v0Group, tFilterRedirectPolicyGroup, tFilterNotificationsV8v0Group, tFilterNotificationObjV8v0Group, tIPv6FilterV8v0Group, tTodPolicies77x0V5v0Group, tToDPoliciesV5v0NotifyGroup } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 11 } tFilter7xxxV9v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia 77x0 SPR/SR series systems release R9.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV9v0Group, tMacFilterV8v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterLogV5v0Group, tFilterRedirectPolicyGroup, tFilterNotificationsV9v0Group, tFilterNotificationObjV9v0Group, tIPv6FilterV8v0Group, tTodPolicies77x0V5v0Group, tToDPoliciesV5v0NotifyGroup, tMacFilterVidFilteringV9v0Group, tDhcpFilterV9v0Group } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 12 } tFilter7xxxV10v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia 77x0 SPR/SR series systems release R10.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV9v0Group, tMacFilterV8v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterLogV5v0Group, tFilterRedirectPolicyGroup, tFilterNotificationsV9v0Group, tFilterNotificationObjV9v0Group, tIPv6FilterV10v0Group, tTodPolicies77x0V5v0Group, tToDPoliciesV5v0NotifyGroup, tMacFilterVidFilteringV9v0Group, tDhcpFilterV10v0Group, tFilterNameV10v0Group, tLiFilterV10v0Group, tFilterPrefixListV10v0Group } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 13 } tFilter7xxxV11v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia 77x0 SPR/SR series systems release R11.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV11v0Group, tMacFilterV8v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterLogV5v0Group, tFilterRedirectPolicyGroup, tFilterNotificationsV11v0Group, tFilterNotificationObjV11v0Group, tIPv6FilterV11v0Group, tTodPolicies77x0V5v0Group, tToDPoliciesV5v0NotifyGroup, tMacFilterVidFilteringV9v0Group, tDhcpFilterV10v0Group, tFilterNameV10v0Group, tLiFilterV10v0Group, tFilterPrefixListV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV11v0Group, tFilterPortListV11v0Group } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 14 } tFilter7xxxV12v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia 77x0 SPR/SR series systems release R12.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV12v0Group, tMacFilterV8v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterLogV5v0Group, tFilterRedirectPolicyGroup, tFilterNotificationsV11v0Group, tFilterNotificationsV12v0Group, tFilterNotificationObjV12v0Group, tIPv6FilterV12v0Group, tTodPolicies77x0V5v0Group, tToDPoliciesV5v0NotifyGroup, tMacFilterVidFilteringV9v0Group, tDhcpFilterV10v0Group, tFilterNameV10v0Group, tLiFilterV12v0Group, tFilterPrefixListV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV12v0Group, tFilterPortListV11v0Group } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 15 } tFilterV13v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia 77x0 SPR/SR series systems release R13.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV12v0Group, tIPFilterV13v0Group, tMacFilterV8v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterLogV5v0Group, tFilterRedirectPolicyV13v0Group, tFilterNotificationsV11v0Group, tFilterNotificationsV12v0Group, tFilterNotificationObjV12v0Group, tIPv6FilterV12v0Group, tIPv6FilterV13v0Group, tTodPolicies77x0V5v0Group, tToDPoliciesV5v0NotifyGroup, tMacFilterVidFilteringV9v0Group, tDhcpFilterV10v0Group, tDhcpFilterV13v0Group, tFilterNameV10v0Group, tLiFilterV12v0Group, tFilterPrefixListV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV12v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV13v0Group, tFilterPortListV11v0Group, tFilterSystemFilterV13v0Group, tMacFilterV13v0Group } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 16 } tFilterV14v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia SROS series systems release R14.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV14v0Group, tIPFilterV13v0Group, tMacFilterV8v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterLogV5v0Group, tFilterRedirectPolicyV13v0Group, tFilterNotificationsV11v0Group, tFilterNotificationsV12v0Group, tFilterNotificationObjV12v0Group, tIPv6FilterV14v0Group, tIPv6FilterV13v0Group, tMacFilterVidFilteringV9v0Group, tDhcpFilterV10v0Group, tDhcpFilterV13v0Group, tFilterNameV10v0Group, tLiFilterV12v0Group, tFilterPrefixListV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV12v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV13v0Group, tFilterPortListV11v0Group, tFilterSystemFilterV13v0Group, tMacFilterV13v0Group, tFilterEmbedFlowspecGroup, tFilterNotificationsV14v0Group, tFilterIPvXRedundantActionGroup, tFilterMacRedundantActionGroup, tFilterEmbedVsdGroup, tFilterEntryStatGroup, tFilterEmbeddedRefGroup, tFilterRemarkDscpGroup, tFilterRemarkDscpExtGroup } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 17 } tFilterV15v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia SROS series systems release R15.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV14v0Group, tIPFilterV13v0Group, tMacFilterV8v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterLogV5v0Group, tFilterRedirectPolicyV13v0Group, tFilterNotificationsV11v0Group, tFilterNotificationObjV12v0Group, tIPv6FilterV14v0Group, tIPv6FilterV13v0Group, tMacFilterVidFilteringV9v0Group, tDhcpFilterV10v0Group, tDhcpFilterV13v0Group, tFilterNameV10v0Group, tLiFilterV12v0Group, tFilterPrefixListV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV12v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV13v0Group, tFilterPortListV11v0Group, tFilterSystemFilterV13v0Group, tMacFilterV13v0Group, tFilterEmbedFlowspecGroup, tFilterNotificationsV14v0Group, tFilterIPvXRedundantActionGroup, tFilterMacRedundantActionGroup, tFilterEmbedVsdGroup, tFilterEntryStatGroup, tFilterEmbeddedRefGroup, tFilterRemarkDscpGroup, tFilterRemarkDscpExtGroup, tFilterPrefListRtrBgpPeersGroup, tFilterPrefListInfoGroup, tFilterForwardVprnTargetGroup, tFilterNotificationsV15v0Group, tFilterFwdBondingConnectionGroup, tFilterSelectiveFlowspecGroup } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 18 } tFilterV16v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia SROS series systems release R16.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV14v0Group, tIPFilterV13v0Group, tMacFilterV8v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterLogV5v0Group, tFilterRedirectPolicyV13v0Group, tFilterNotificationsV11v0Group, tFilterNotificationObjV12v0Group, tIPv6FilterV14v0Group, tIPv6FilterV13v0Group, tMacFilterVidFilteringV9v0Group, tDhcpFilterV10v0Group, tDhcpFilterV13v0Group, tFilterNameV10v0Group, tLiFilterV12v0Group, tFilterPrefixListV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV12v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV13v0Group, tFilterPortListV11v0Group, tFilterSystemFilterV13v0Group, tMacFilterV13v0Group, tFilterEmbedFlowspecGroup, tFilterNotificationsV14v0Group, tFilterIPvXRedundantActionGroup, tFilterMacRedundantActionGroup, tFilterEmbedVsdGroup, tFilterEntryStatGroup, tFilterEmbeddedRefGroup, tFilterRemarkDscpGroup, tFilterRemarkDscpExtGroup, tFilterPrefListRtrBgpPeersGroup, tFilterPrefListInfoGroup, tFilterForwardVprnTargetGroup, tFilterNotificationsV15v0Group, tFilterFwdBondingConnectionGroup, tFilterSelectiveFlowspecGroup, tFilterMatchTcpFlagsGroup, tFilterActionFc, tFilterRPPingSrcAddressGroup, tFilterRPActiveDstChangeNotifGrp, tFilterRPActiveDstChangeGrp, tFilterRPlcyBindingGroup, tFltrGreTunTempGroup, tFltrPrefListPrefExcludeGrp, fltrMdAutoIdV16v0Group, tFltrPatternMatchGroup } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 19 } tFilterV19v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia SROS series systems release R19.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV14v0Group, tIPFilterV13v0Group, tMacFilterV8v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterLogV5v0Group, tFilterRedirectPolicyV19v0Group, tFilterNotificationsV11v0Group, tFilterNotificationObjV12v0Group, tIPv6FilterV14v0Group, tIPv6FilterV13v0Group, tMacFilterVidFilteringV9v0Group, tDhcpFilterV10v0Group, tDhcpFilterV13v0Group, tFilterNameV10v0Group, tLiFilterV12v0Group, tFilterPrefixListV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV12v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV13v0Group, tFilterPortListV11v0Group, tFilterSystemFilterV13v0Group, tMacFilterV13v0Group, tFilterEmbedFlowspecGroup, tFilterNotificationsV14v0Group, tFilterIPvXRedundantActionGroup, tFilterMacRedundantActionGroup, tFilterEmbedVsdGroup, tFilterEntryStatGroup, tFilterEmbeddedRefGroup, tFilterRemarkDscpGroup, tFilterRemarkDscpExtGroup, tFilterPrefListRtrBgpPeersGroup, tFilterPrefListInfoGroup, tFilterForwardVprnTargetGroup, tFilterNotificationsV15v0Group, tFilterFwdBondingConnectionGroup, tFilterSelectiveFlowspecGroup, tFilterMatchTcpFlagsGroup, tFilterActionFc, tFilterRPPingSrcAddressGroup, tFilterRPActiveDstChangeNotifGrp, tFilterRPActiveDstChangeGrp, tFilterRPlcyBindingGroup, tFltrGreTunTempGroup, tFltrPrefListPrefExcludeGrp, fltrMdAutoIdV16v0Group, tFltrPatternMatchGroup, tFltrMatchMacForIPvXGroup, tFltrMatchPacketLengthGroup, tFltrFilterNameInLIGroup, tFltrCAMTypeGroup, tLiFltrAssocFltrNameGroup, tFltrIPv6ExceptionV19v0Group, tFltrFwdMplsPlcyEndptGrp, tFltrFwdSrtePlcyEndptColorGrp } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 20 } tFilterV20v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia SROS series systems release R20.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV14v0Group, tIPFilterV13v0Group, tMacFilterV8v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterLogV5v0Group, tFilterRedirectPolicyV19v0Group, tFilterNotificationsV11v0Group, tFilterNotificationObjV12v0Group, tIPv6FilterV14v0Group, tIPv6FilterV13v0Group, tMacFilterVidFilteringV9v0Group, tDhcpFilterV10v0Group, tDhcpFilterV13v0Group, tFilterNameV10v0Group, tLiFilterV12v0Group, tFilterPrefixListV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV12v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV13v0Group, tFilterPortListV11v0Group, tFilterSystemFilterV13v0Group, tMacFilterV13v0Group, tFilterEmbedFlowspecGroup, tFilterNotificationsV14v0Group, tFilterIPvXRedundantActionGroup, tFilterMacRedundantActionGroup, tFilterEmbedVsdGroup, tFilterEntryStatGroup, tFilterEmbeddedRefGroup, tFilterRemarkDscpGroup, tFilterRemarkDscpExtGroup, tFilterPrefListRtrBgpPeersGroup, tFilterPrefListInfoGroup, tFilterForwardVprnTargetGroup, tFilterNotificationsV15v0Group, tFilterFwdBondingConnectionGroup, tFilterSelectiveFlowspecGroup, tFilterMatchTcpFlagsGroup, tFilterActionFc, tFilterRPPingSrcAddressGroup, tFilterRPActiveDstChangeNotifGrp, tFilterRPActiveDstChangeGrp, tFilterRPlcyBindingGroup, tFltrGreTunTempGroup, tFltrPrefListPrefExcludeGrp, fltrMdAutoIdV16v0Group, tFltrPatternMatchGroup, tFltrMatchMacForIPvXGroup, tFltrMatchPacketLengthGroup, tFltrFilterNameInLIGroup, tFltrCAMTypeGroup, tLiFltrAssocFltrNameGroup, tFltrIPv6ExceptionV19v0Group, tFltrFwdMplsPlcyEndptGrp, tFltrFwdSrtePlcyEndptColorGrp, tLiFltrMatchFragmentGroup, fltrMdAutoIdV20v0Group, tFilterMatchProtocolListGroup, tFilterMatchDestClassGroup, tFilterL2AwareNatBypassGroup, tFltrLiRsvdBlockRangeChgNotifGrp, tFltrCflowdSampleProfileGroup } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 21 } tFilterV21v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia SROS series systems release R21.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV21v0Group, tMacFilterV21v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterLogV5v0Group, tFilterRedirectPolicyV19v0Group, tFilterNotificationsV11v0Group, tFilterNotificationObjV12v0Group, tIPv6FilterV21v0Group, tMacFilterVidFilteringV9v0Group, tDhcpFilterV10v0Group, tDhcpFilterV13v0Group, tFilterNameV10v0Group, tLiFilterV12v0Group, tFilterPrefixListV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV12v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV13v0Group, tFilterPortListV11v0Group, tFilterSystemFilterV13v0Group, tFilterEmbedFlowspecGroup, tFilterNotificationsV14v0Group, tFilterIPvXRedundantActionGroup, tFilterMacRedundantActionGroup, tFilterEmbedVsdGroup, tFilterEntryStatGroup, tFilterEmbeddedRefGroup, tFilterRemarkDscpGroup, tFilterRemarkDscpExtGroup, tFilterPrefListRtrBgpPeersGroup, tFilterPrefListInfoGroup, tFilterForwardVprnTargetGroup, tFilterNotificationsV15v0Group, tFilterFwdBondingConnectionGroup, tFilterSelectiveFlowspecGroup, tFilterMatchTcpFlagsGroup, tFilterActionFc, tFilterRPPingSrcAddressGroup, tFilterRPActiveDstChangeNotifGrp, tFilterRPActiveDstChangeGrp, tFilterRPlcyBindingGroup, tFltrGreTunTempGroup, tFltrPrefListPrefExcludeGrp, fltrMdAutoIdV16v0Group, tFltrPatternMatchGroup, tFltrMatchMacForIPvXGroup, tFltrMatchPacketLengthGroup, tFltrFilterNameInLIGroup, tFltrCAMTypeGroup, tLiFltrAssocFltrNameGroup, tFltrIPv6ExceptionV19v0Group, tFltrFwdMplsPlcyEndptGrp, tFltrFwdSrtePlcyEndptColorGrp, tLiFltrMatchFragmentGroup, fltrMdAutoIdV20v0Group, tFilterMatchProtocolListGroup, tFilterMatchDestClassGroup, tFilterL2AwareNatBypassGroup, tFltrLiRsvdBlockRangeChgNotifGrp, tFltrCflowdSampleProfileGroup, tFltrEntryCollectStatsIPvXGroup, tFltrEntryCollectStatsMacGroup, tFilterMacFltrActionGroupV21, tFilterMatchTTLGroup, tFltrMatchSrcOrDstIpGroup } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 22 } tFilterV22v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of Filter features on Nokia SROS series systems release R22.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tFilterScalarGroup, tIPFilterV21v0Group, tMacFilterV21v0Group, tFilterLogGroup, tFilterLogV5v0Group, tFilterRedirectPolicyV19v0Group, tFilterNotificationsV11v0Group, tFilterNotificationObjV12v0Group, tIPv6FilterV21v0Group, tMacFilterVidFilteringV9v0Group, tDhcpFilterV10v0Group, tDhcpFilterV13v0Group, tFilterNameV10v0Group, tLiFilterV12v0Group, tFilterPrefixListV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV11v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV12v0Group, tFilterEmbeddedInsertV13v0Group, tFilterPortListV11v0Group, tFilterSystemFilterV13v0Group, tFilterEmbedFlowspecGroup, tFilterNotificationsV14v0Group, tFilterIPvXRedundantActionGroup, tFilterMacRedundantActionGroup, tFilterEmbedVsdGroup, tFilterEntryStatGroup, tFilterEmbeddedRefGroup, tFilterRemarkDscpGroup, tFilterRemarkDscpExtGroup, tFilterPrefListRtrBgpPeersGroup, tFilterPrefListInfoGroup, tFilterForwardVprnTargetGroup, tFilterNotificationsV15v0Group, tFilterFwdBondingConnectionGroup, tFilterSelectiveFlowspecGroup, tFilterMatchTcpFlagsGroup, tFilterActionFc, tFilterRPPingSrcAddressGroup, tFilterRPActiveDstChangeNotifGrp, tFilterRPActiveDstChangeGrp, tFilterRPlcyBindingGroup, tFltrGreTunTempGroup, tFltrPrefListPrefExcludeGrp, fltrMdAutoIdV16v0Group, tFltrPatternMatchGroup, tFltrMatchMacForIPvXGroup, tFltrMatchPacketLengthGroup, tFltrFilterNameInLIGroup, tFltrCAMTypeGroup, tLiFltrAssocFltrNameGroup, tFltrIPv6ExceptionV19v0Group, tFltrFwdMplsPlcyEndptGrp, tFltrFwdSrtePlcyEndptColorGrp, tLiFltrMatchFragmentGroup, fltrMdAutoIdV20v0Group, tFilterMatchProtocolListGroup, tFilterMatchDestClassGroup, tFilterL2AwareNatBypassGroup, tFltrLiRsvdBlockRangeChgNotifGrp, tFltrCflowdSampleProfileGroup, tFltrEntryCollectStatsIPvXGroup, tFltrEntryCollectStatsMacGroup, tFilterMacFltrActionGroupV21, tFilterMatchTTLGroup, tFltrMatchSrcOrDstIpGroup } ::= { tFilterMIBCompliances 23 } tFilterMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tFilterMIBConformance 2 } tFilterLogGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterLogRowStatus, tFilterLogDestination, tFilterLogDescription, tFilterLogMaxNumEntries, tFilterLogSysLogId, tFilterLogFileId, tFilterLogStopOnFull, tFilterLogEnabled, tFilterLogMaxInstances, tFilterLogInstances, tFilterLogBindings } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of filter log objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 3 } tFilterRedirectPolicyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterRPRowStatus, tFilterRPDescription, tFilterRPAdminState, tFilterRPActiveDest, tFilterRDRowStatus, tFilterRDDescription, tFilterRDAdminPriority, tFilterRDOperPriority, tFilterRDAdminState, tFilterRDOperState, tFilterRSTRowStatus, tFilterRSTOID, tFilterRSTCommunity, tFilterRSTSNMPVersion, tFilterRSTInterval, tFilterRSTTimeout, tFilterRSTDropCount, tFilterRSTHoldDown, tFilterRSTHoldDownRemain, tFilterRSTLastActionTime, tFilterRSTLastOID, tFilterRSTLastType, tFilterRSTLastCounter32Val, tFilterRSTLastUnsigned32Val, tFilterRSTLastTimeTicksVal, tFilterRSTLastInt32Val, tFilterRSTLastOctetStringVal, tFilterRSTLastIpAddressVal, tFilterRSTLastOidVal, tFilterRSTLastCounter64Val, tFilterRSTLastOpaqueVal, tFilterRSTLastAction, tFilterRSTLastPrioChange, tFilterRSTNextRespIndex, tFilterRSTRespRowStatus, tFilterRSTRespAction, tFilterRSTRespPrioChange, tFilterRSTRespOID, tFilterRSTRespType, tFilterRSTCounter32Val, tFilterRSTUnsigned32Val, tFilterRSTTimeTicksVal, tFilterRSTInt32Val, tFilterRSTOctetStringVal, tFilterRSTIpAddressVal, tFilterRSTOidVal, tFilterRSTCounter64Val, tFilterRSTOpaqueVal, tFilterRUTRowStatus, tFilterRUTURL, tFilterRUTHTTPVersion, tFilterRUTInterval, tFilterRUTTimeout, tFilterRUTDropCount, tFilterRUTHoldDown, tFilterRUTHoldDownRemain, tFilterRUTLastActionTime, tFilterRUTLastRetCode, tFilterRUTLastAction, tFilterRUTLastPrioChange, tFilterRUTRespRowStatus, tFilterRUTRespAction, tFilterRUTRespPrioChange, tFilterRPTRowStatus, tFilterRPTInterval, tFilterRPTTimeout, tFilterRPTDropCount, tFilterRPTHoldDown, tFilterRPTHoldDownRemain, tFilterRPTLastActionTime, tFilterRPTLastAction } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of filter redirect policy objects on Nokia SROS series systems. This group is obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 4 } tFilterScalarGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterDomainLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of filter scalar objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 7 } tFilterNotificationObjGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterPBRDropReason } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of filter notification objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 8 } tFilterNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tIPFilterPBRPacketsDrop } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting management of filter notifications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 9 } tIPv6FilterV4v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPv6FilterRowStatus, tIPv6FilterScope, tIPv6FilterDescription, tIPv6FilterDefaultAction, tIPv6FilterParamsRowStatus, tIPv6FilterParamsLogId, tIPv6FilterParamsDescription, tIPv6FilterParamsAction, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNH, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHIndirect, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCP, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDot1p, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpAddr, tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask, tIPv6FilterParamsNextHeader, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDSCP, tIPv6FilterParamsTcpSyn, tIPv6FilterParamsTcpAck, tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpCode, tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpType, tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdSample, tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdIfSample, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHInterface, tIPv6FilterParamsIngressHitCount, tIPv6FilterParamsEgressHitCount, tIPv6FilterParamsLogInstantiated, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardRedPlcy, tIPv6FilterParamsActiveDest } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of IPv6 filter objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 11 } tIPFilterV4v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterRowStatus, tIPFilterScope, tIPFilterDescription, tIPFilterDefaultAction, tIPFilterParamsRowStatus, tIPFilterParamsLogId, tIPFilterParamsDescription, tIPFilterParamsAction, tIPFilterParamsForwardNH, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHIndirect, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCP, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDot1p, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask, tIPFilterParamsProtocol, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDSCP, tIPFilterParamsFragment, tIPFilterParamsOptionPresent, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionValue, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionMask, tIPFilterParamsMultipleOption, tIPFilterParamsTcpSyn, tIPFilterParamsTcpAck, tIPFilterParamsIcmpCode, tIPFilterParamsIcmpType, tIPFilterParamsCflowdSample, tIPFilterParamsCflowdIfSample, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHInterface, tIPFilterParamsIngressHitCount, tIPFilterParamsEgressHitCount, tIPFilterParamsLogInstantiated, tIPFilterParamsForwardRedPlcy, tIPFilterParamsActiveDest, tIPFilterParamsFwdSvcId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal, tIPFilterParamsFwdSdpBind, tIPFilterParamsRedirectURL } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting IP Filters on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 4.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 12 } tMacFilterV4v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tMacFilterRowStatus, tMacFilterScope, tMacFilterDescription, tMacFilterDefaultAction, tMacFilterParamsRowStatus, tMacFilterParamsLogId, tMacFilterParamsDescription, tMacFilterParamsAction, tMacFilterParamsFrameType, tMacFilterParamsSrcMAC, tMacFilterParamsSrcMACMask, tMacFilterParamsDstMAC, tMacFilterParamsDstMACMask, tMacFilterParamsDot1pValue, tMacFilterParamsDot1pMask, tMacFilterParamsEtherType, tMacFilterParamsDsap, tMacFilterParamsDsapMask, tMacFilterParamsSsap, tMacFilterParamsSsapMask, tMacFilterParamsSnapPid, tMacFilterParamsSnapOui, tMacFilterParamsIngressHitCount, tMacFilterParamsEgressHitCount, tMacFilterParamsLogInstantiated, tMacFilterParamsFwdSvcId, tMacFilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tMacFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal, tMacFilterParamsFwdSdpBind, tMacFilterParamsRedirectURL } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of mac filter objects on Nokia SROS series systems 4.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 13 } tTodPoliciesV4v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterParamsTimeRangeName, tIPFilterParamsTimeRangeState, tMacFilterParamsTimeRangeName, tMacFilterParamsTimeRangeState, tIPv6FilterParamsTimeRangeName, tIPv6FilterParamsTimeRangeState } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of time of day policy related objects on Nokia SROS series systems 4.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 14 } tmnxFilterObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tAutoIPFilterEntrySourceIpMask } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects in TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB which are obsoleted." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 15 } tToDPoliciesV5v0NotifyGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tFilterEntryActivationFailed, tFilterEntryActivationRestored } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications generated by the time of time of day policy feature on Nokia SROS series systems 5.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 16 } tIPFilterV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterRowStatus, tIPFilterScope, tIPFilterDescription, tIPFilterDefaultAction, tIPFilterParamsRowStatus, tIPFilterParamsLogId, tIPFilterParamsDescription, tIPFilterParamsAction, tIPFilterParamsForwardNH, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHIndirect, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCP, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDot1p, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask, tIPFilterParamsProtocol, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDSCP, tIPFilterParamsFragment, tIPFilterParamsOptionPresent, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionValue, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionMask, tIPFilterParamsMultipleOption, tIPFilterParamsTcpSyn, tIPFilterParamsTcpAck, tIPFilterParamsIcmpCode, tIPFilterParamsIcmpType, tIPFilterParamsCflowdSample, tIPFilterParamsCflowdIfSample, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHInterface, tIPFilterParamsIngressHitCount, tIPFilterParamsEgressHitCount, tIPFilterParamsLogInstantiated, tIPFilterParamsForwardRedPlcy, tIPFilterParamsActiveDest, tIPFilterParamsFwdSvcId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal, tIPFilterParamsFwdSdpBind, tIPFilterParamsRedirectURL, tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask, tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting IP Filters on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 5.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 17 } tFilterLogV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterLogSummaryEnabled, tFilterLogSummaryCrit1 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Filter Log Summarization on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 5.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 18 } tTodPolicies77450V5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterParamsTimeRangeName, tIPFilterParamsTimeRangeState, tMacFilterParamsTimeRangeName, tMacFilterParamsTimeRangeState } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of time of day policy related objects on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems 5.0 release. This group was made obsolete for Nokia SROS Release 9.0." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 19 } tTodPolicies77x0V5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterParamsTimeRangeName, tIPFilterParamsTimeRangeState, tMacFilterParamsTimeRangeName, tMacFilterParamsTimeRangeState, tIPv6FilterParamsTimeRangeName, tIPv6FilterParamsTimeRangeState } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of time of day policy related objects on Nokia 77x0 series systems 5.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 20 } tFilterNotificationObjV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterPBRDropReason, tFilterParmRow, tFilterAlarmDescription } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of filter notification objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 21 } tIPFilterV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterRowStatus, tIPFilterScope, tIPFilterDescription, tIPFilterDefaultAction, tIPFilterParamsRowStatus, tIPFilterParamsLogId, tIPFilterParamsDescription, tIPFilterParamsAction, tIPFilterParamsForwardNH, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHIndirect, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCP, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDot1p, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask, tIPFilterParamsProtocol, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDSCP, tIPFilterParamsFragment, tIPFilterParamsOptionPresent, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionValue, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionMask, tIPFilterParamsMultipleOption, tIPFilterParamsTcpSyn, tIPFilterParamsTcpAck, tIPFilterParamsIcmpCode, tIPFilterParamsIcmpType, tIPFilterParamsCflowdSample, tIPFilterParamsCflowdIfSample, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHInterface, tIPFilterParamsIngressHitCount, tIPFilterParamsEgressHitCount, tIPFilterParamsLogInstantiated, tIPFilterParamsForwardRedPlcy, tIPFilterParamsActiveDest, tIPFilterParamsFwdSvcId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal, tIPFilterParamsFwdSdpBind, tIPFilterParamsRedirectURL, tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask, tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask, tIPFilterParamsIngrHitByteCount, tIPFilterParamsEgrHitByteCount } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting IP Filters on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 6.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 22 } tMacFilterV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tMacFilterRowStatus, tMacFilterScope, tMacFilterDescription, tMacFilterDefaultAction, tMacFilterParamsRowStatus, tMacFilterParamsLogId, tMacFilterParamsDescription, tMacFilterParamsAction, tMacFilterParamsFrameType, tMacFilterParamsSrcMAC, tMacFilterParamsSrcMACMask, tMacFilterParamsDstMAC, tMacFilterParamsDstMACMask, tMacFilterParamsDot1pValue, tMacFilterParamsDot1pMask, tMacFilterParamsEtherType, tMacFilterParamsDsap, tMacFilterParamsDsapMask, tMacFilterParamsSsap, tMacFilterParamsSsapMask, tMacFilterParamsSnapPid, tMacFilterParamsSnapOui, tMacFilterParamsIngressHitCount, tMacFilterParamsEgressHitCount, tMacFilterParamsLogInstantiated, tMacFilterParamsFwdSvcId, tMacFilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tMacFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal, tMacFilterParamsFwdSdpBind, tMacFilterParamsRedirectURL, tMacFilterParamsIngrHitByteCount, tMacFilterParamsEgrHitByteCount } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of mac filter objects on Nokia SROS series systems 6.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 23 } tIPv6FilterV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPv6FilterRowStatus, tIPv6FilterScope, tIPv6FilterDescription, tIPv6FilterDefaultAction, tIPv6FilterParamsRowStatus, tIPv6FilterParamsLogId, tIPv6FilterParamsDescription, tIPv6FilterParamsAction, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNH, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHIndirect, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCP, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDot1p, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpAddr, tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask, tIPv6FilterParamsNextHeader, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDSCP, tIPv6FilterParamsTcpSyn, tIPv6FilterParamsTcpAck, tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpCode, tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpType, tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdSample, tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdIfSample, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHInterface, tIPv6FilterParamsIngressHitCount, tIPv6FilterParamsEgressHitCount, tIPv6FilterParamsLogInstantiated, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardRedPlcy, tIPv6FilterParamsActiveDest, tIPv6FilterParamsIngrHitByteCount, tIPv6FilterParamsEgrHitByteCount } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of IPv6 filter objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 24 } tIPFilterV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterRowStatus, tIPFilterScope, tIPFilterDescription, tIPFilterDefaultAction, tIPFilterRadiusInsertPt, tIPFilterRadiusInsertSize, tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertPt, tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertSize, tIPFilterSubInsertHighWmark, tIPFilterSubInsertLowWmark, tIpFilterCreditCntrlNbrInsertd, tIpFilterRadiusNbrInsertd, tIPFilterParamsRowStatus, tIPFilterParamsLogId, tIPFilterParamsDescription, tIPFilterParamsAction, tIPFilterParamsForwardNH, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHIndirect, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCP, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDot1p, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask, tIPFilterParamsProtocol, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDSCP, tIPFilterParamsFragment, tIPFilterParamsOptionPresent, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionValue, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionMask, tIPFilterParamsMultipleOption, tIPFilterParamsTcpSyn, tIPFilterParamsTcpAck, tIPFilterParamsIcmpCode, tIPFilterParamsIcmpType, tIPFilterParamsCflowdSample, tIPFilterParamsCflowdIfSample, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHInterface, tIPFilterParamsIngressHitCount, tIPFilterParamsEgressHitCount, tIPFilterParamsLogInstantiated, tIPFilterParamsForwardRedPlcy, tIPFilterParamsActiveDest, tIPFilterParamsFwdSvcId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal, tIPFilterParamsFwdSdpBind, tIPFilterParamsRedirectURL, tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask, tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask, tIPFilterParamsIngrHitByteCount, tIPFilterParamsEgrHitByteCount, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFilterType, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFilterId, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesApplication, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesLocation, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesResult, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFeedback, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesExecute } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting IP Filters on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 8.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 25 } tIPv6FilterV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPv6FilterRowStatus, tIPv6FilterScope, tIPv6FilterDescription, tIPv6FilterDefaultAction, tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertPt, tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertSize, tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertPt, tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertSize, tIPv6FilterSubInsertHighWmark, tIPv6FilterSubInsertLowWmark, tIpv6FilterCreditCntrlNbrInsertd, tIpv6FilterRadiusNbrInsertd, tIPv6FilterParamsRowStatus, tIPv6FilterParamsLogId, tIPv6FilterParamsDescription, tIPv6FilterParamsAction, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNH, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHIndirect, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCP, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDot1p, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpAddr, tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask, tIPv6FilterParamsNextHeader, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDSCP, tIPv6FilterParamsTcpSyn, tIPv6FilterParamsTcpAck, tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpCode, tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpType, tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdSample, tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdIfSample, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHInterface, tIPv6FilterParamsIngressHitCount, tIPv6FilterParamsEgressHitCount, tIPv6FilterParamsLogInstantiated, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardRedPlcy, tIPv6FilterParamsActiveDest, tIPv6FilterParamsIngrHitByteCount, tIPv6FilterParamsEgrHitByteCount } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of IPv6 filter objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 26 } tFilterNotificationObjV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterPBRDropReason, tFilterParmRow, tFilterAlarmDescription, tFilterId, tFilterType, tFilterSubInsSpaceOwner, tFilterThresholdReached } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of filter notification objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 27 } tFilterNotificationsV8v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tIPFilterPBRPacketsDrop, tFilterSubInsSpaceAlarmRaised, tFilterSubInsSpaceAlarmCleared, tFilterSubInsFltrEntryDropped } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting management of filter notifications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 28 } tMacFilterV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tMacFilterRowStatus, tMacFilterScope, tMacFilterDescription, tMacFilterDefaultAction, tMacFilterParamsRowStatus, tMacFilterParamsLogId, tMacFilterParamsDescription, tMacFilterParamsAction, tMacFilterParamsFrameType, tMacFilterParamsSrcMAC, tMacFilterParamsSrcMACMask, tMacFilterParamsDstMAC, tMacFilterParamsDstMACMask, tMacFilterParamsDot1pValue, tMacFilterParamsDot1pMask, tMacFilterParamsEtherType, tMacFilterParamsDsap, tMacFilterParamsDsapMask, tMacFilterParamsSsap, tMacFilterParamsSsapMask, tMacFilterParamsSnapPid, tMacFilterParamsSnapOui, tMacFilterParamsIngressHitCount, tMacFilterParamsEgressHitCount, tMacFilterParamsLogInstantiated, tMacFilterParamsFwdSvcId, tMacFilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tMacFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal, tMacFilterParamsFwdSdpBind, tMacFilterParamsRedirectURL, tMacFilterParamsIngrHitByteCount, tMacFilterParamsEgrHitByteCount, tMacFilterParamsLowISID, tMacFilterParamsHighISID, tMacFilterType } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of mac filter objects on Nokia SROS series systems 8.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 29 } tMacFilterVidFilteringV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tMacFilterParamsInnerTagValue, tMacFilterParamsInnerTagMask, tMacFilterParamsOuterTagValue, tMacFilterParamsOuterTagMask } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of mac VID filtering objects on Nokia SROS series systems 9.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 30 } tIPFilterV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterRowStatus, tIPFilterScope, tIPFilterDescription, tIPFilterDefaultAction, tIPFilterRadiusInsertPt, tIPFilterRadiusInsertSize, tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertPt, tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertSize, tIPFilterSubInsertHighWmark, tIPFilterSubInsertLowWmark, tIpFilterCreditCntrlNbrInsertd, tIpFilterRadiusNbrInsertd, tIPFilterParamsRowStatus, tIPFilterParamsLogId, tIPFilterParamsDescription, tIPFilterParamsAction, tIPFilterParamsForwardNH, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHIndirect, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCP, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDot1p, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask, tIPFilterParamsProtocol, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDSCP, tIPFilterParamsFragment, tIPFilterParamsOptionPresent, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionValue, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionMask, tIPFilterParamsMultipleOption, tIPFilterParamsTcpSyn, tIPFilterParamsTcpAck, tIPFilterParamsIcmpCode, tIPFilterParamsIcmpType, tIPFilterParamsCflowdSample, tIPFilterParamsCflowdIfSample, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHInterface, tIPFilterParamsIngressHitCount, tIPFilterParamsEgressHitCount, tIPFilterParamsLogInstantiated, tIPFilterParamsForwardRedPlcy, tIPFilterParamsActiveDest, tIPFilterParamsFwdSvcId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal, tIPFilterParamsFwdSdpBind, tIPFilterParamsRedirectURL, tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask, tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask, tIPFilterParamsIngrHitByteCount, tIPFilterParamsEgrHitByteCount, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFilterType, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFilterId, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesApplication, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesLocation, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesResult, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFeedback, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesExecute, tIPFilterParamsFwdRtrId, tIPFilterParamsSrcRouteOption } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting IP Filters on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 9.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 31 } tFilterNotificationsV9v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tIPFilterPBRPacketsDrop, tFilterSubInsSpaceAlarmRaised, tFilterSubInsSpaceAlarmCleared, tFilterSubInsFltrEntryDropped, tFilterBgpFlowSpecProblem } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting management of filter notifications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 32 } tFilterNotificationObjV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterPBRDropReason, tFilterParmRow, tFilterAlarmDescription, tFilterId, tFilterType, tFilterSubInsSpaceOwner, tFilterThresholdReached, tFltrFlowSpecProblem, tFltrFlowSpecProblemDescription, tFltrFLowSpecNLRI, tFltrFlowSpecVrtrId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of filter notification objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 33 } tDhcpFilterV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tDhcpFilterTableLastChanged, tDhcpFilterRowStatus, tDhcpFilterLastChanged, tDhcpFilterDescription, tDhcpFilterParamsTblLastChanged, tDhcpFilterParamsRowStatus, tDhcpFilterParamsLastChanged, tDhcpFilterParamsOptionNumber, tDhcpFilterParamsOptionMatch, tDhcpFilterParamsAction } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting DHCP Filters on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 9.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 34 } tIPv6FilterV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPv6FilterRowStatus, tIPv6FilterScope, tIPv6FilterDescription, tIPv6FilterDefaultAction, tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertPt, tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertSize, tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertPt, tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertSize, tIPv6FilterSubInsertHighWmark, tIPv6FilterSubInsertLowWmark, tIpv6FilterCreditCntrlNbrInsertd, tIpv6FilterRadiusNbrInsertd, tIPv6FilterParamsRowStatus, tIPv6FilterParamsLogId, tIPv6FilterParamsDescription, tIPv6FilterParamsAction, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNH, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHIndirect, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCP, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDot1p, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpAddr, tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask, tIPv6FilterParamsNextHeader, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDSCP, tIPv6FilterParamsTcpSyn, tIPv6FilterParamsTcpAck, tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpCode, tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpType, tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdSample, tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdIfSample, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHInterface, tIPv6FilterParamsIngressHitCount, tIPv6FilterParamsEgressHitCount, tIPv6FilterParamsLogInstantiated, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardRedPlcy, tIPv6FilterParamsActiveDest, tIPv6FilterParamsIngrHitByteCount, tIPv6FilterParamsEgrHitByteCount, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSvcId, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSdpBind } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of IPv6 filter objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 35 } tFilterNameV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIpFilterName, tIpFilterNameId, tIpFilterNameLastChanged, tIpFilterNameRowStatus, tIpFilterNameTableLastChgd, tIpv6FilterName, tIpv6FilterNameId, tIpv6FilterNameLastChanged, tIpv6FilterNameRowStatus, tIpv6FilterNameTableLastChgd, tMacFilterName, tMacFilterNameId, tMacFilterNameLastChanged, tMacFilterNameRowStatus, tMacFilterNameTableLastChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of filter-name objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 36 } tDhcpFilterV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tDhcpFilterTableLastChanged, tDhcpFilterRowStatus, tDhcpFilterLastChanged, tDhcpFilterDescription, tDhcpFilterParamsTblLastChanged, tDhcpFilterParamsRowStatus, tDhcpFilterParamsLastChanged, tDhcpFilterParamsOptionNumber, tDhcpFilterParamsOptionMatch, tDhcpFilterParamsAction, tDhcpFilterParamsOptionValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting DHCP Filters on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 10.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 37 } tLiFilterV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tLiReservedBlockRowStatus, tLiReservedBlockDescription, tLiReservedBlockStart, tLiReservedBlockSize, tLiReservedBlockLastChanged, tLiReservedBlockTableLastChanged, tLiReservedBlockFltrRowStatus, tLiReservedBlockFltrLastChanged, tLiReservedBlockFltrTableLastChg, tLiFilterDescription, tLiFilterRowStatus, tLiFilterLastChanged, tLiFilterTableLastChanged, tLiFilterAssociationRowStatus, tLiFilterAssociationLastChg, tLiFilterAssociationTableLastChg, tLiMacFilterParamsDescription, tLiMacFilterParamsDstMAC, tLiMacFilterParamsDstMACMask, tLiMacFilterParamsFrameType, tLiMacFilterParamsRowStatus, tLiMacFilterParamsSrcMAC, tLiMacFilterParamsSrcMACMask, tLiMacFilterParamsLastChanged, tLiMacFilterParamsTableLastChg, tLiMacFilterParamsIngrHitCount, tLiMacFilterParamsEgrHitCount, tLiMacFilterParamsIngrHitBytes, tLiMacFilterParamsEgrHitBytes } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of LI filter entries on Nokia SROS series systems 10.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 38 } tFilterPrefixListV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterPrefixListTableLstChng, tFilterPrefixListRowStatus, tFilterPrefixListLastChanged, tFilterPrefixListDescription, tFilterPrefixListEntryTblLstChg, tFilterPrefixListEntryRowStatus, tIPFilterParamsSrcIpPrefixList, tIPFilterParamsDstIpPrefixList } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of IP prefix lists in IP filters on Nokia SROS series systems 10.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 39 } tIPv6FilterV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPv6FilterRowStatus, tIPv6FilterScope, tIPv6FilterDescription, tIPv6FilterDefaultAction, tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertPt, tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertSize, tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertPt, tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertSize, tIPv6FilterSubInsertHighWmark, tIPv6FilterSubInsertLowWmark, tIpv6FilterCreditCntrlNbrInsertd, tIpv6FilterRadiusNbrInsertd, tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertPt, tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertSize, tIpv6FilterHostSharedNbrInsertd, tIPv6FilterHostSharedHighWmark, tIPv6FilterHostSharedLowWmark, tIPv6FilterNbrHostSharedFltrs, tIPv6FilterParamsRowStatus, tIPv6FilterParamsLogId, tIPv6FilterParamsDescription, tIPv6FilterParamsAction, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNH, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHIndirect, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCP, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDot1p, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpAddr, tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask, tIPv6FilterParamsNextHeader, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDSCP, tIPv6FilterParamsTcpSyn, tIPv6FilterParamsTcpAck, tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpCode, tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpType, tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdSample, tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdIfSample, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHInterface, tIPv6FilterParamsIngressHitCount, tIPv6FilterParamsEgressHitCount, tIPv6FilterParamsLogInstantiated, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardRedPlcy, tIPv6FilterParamsActiveDest, tIPv6FilterParamsIngrHitByteCount, tIPv6FilterParamsEgrHitByteCount, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSvcId, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSdpBind, tIPv6FilterParamsRedirectURL, tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpPrefixList, tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpPrefixList, tIPv6FilterParamsFragment, tIPv6FilterParamsHopByHopOpt, tIPv6FilterParamsRoutingType0, tIPv6FilterParamsPortSelector, tIPv6FilterParamsSrcPortList, tIPv6FilterParamsDstPortList, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdRtrId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of IPv6 filter objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 40 } tFilterEmbeddedInsertV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterEmbeddedRefRowStatus, tFilterEmbeddedRefTableLstChg, tFilterEmbeddedRefOperState, tFilterEmbeddedRefAdminState, tFltrEmbedRefInfEntryCnt, tFltrEmbedRefInfEntryCntInsrtd, tFltrEmbedEntryInsrtEntryId, tFltrEmbedEntryRefOperState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the creation of embedded filters for Nokia SROS systems 11.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 41 } tFilterPortListV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterPortListTableLstChng, tFilterPortListRowStatus, tFilterPortListLastChanged, tFilterPortListDescription, tFilterPortListEntryTblLstChg, tFilterPortListEntryRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of port lists for filters on Nokia SROS series systems 11.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 42 } tFilterPrefixListV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterPrefixListTableLstChng, tFilterPrefixListRowStatus, tFilterPrefixListLastChanged, tFilterPrefixListDescription, tFilterPrefixListEntryTblLstChg, tFilterPrefixListEntryRowStatus, tIPFilterParamsSrcIpPrefixList, tIPFilterParamsDstIpPrefixList, tFilterApplyPathTableLstChng, tFilterApplyPathRowStatus, tFilterApplyPathLastChanged, tFilterApplyPathMatch1, tFilterApplyPathMatch2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of IP prefix lists in IP filters on Nokia SROS series systems 11.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 43 } tIPFilterV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterRowStatus, tIPFilterScope, tIPFilterDescription, tIPFilterDefaultAction, tIPFilterRadiusInsertPt, tIPFilterRadiusInsertSize, tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertPt, tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertSize, tIPFilterSubInsertHighWmark, tIPFilterSubInsertLowWmark, tIpFilterCreditCntrlNbrInsertd, tIpFilterRadiusNbrInsertd, tIPFilterHostSharedInsertPt, tIPFilterHostSharedInsertSize, tIpFilterHostSharedNbrInsertd, tIPFilterHostSharedHighWmark, tIPFilterHostSharedLowWmark, tIPFilterNbrHostSharedFltrs, tIPFilterParamsRowStatus, tIPFilterParamsLogId, tIPFilterParamsDescription, tIPFilterParamsAction, tIPFilterParamsForwardNH, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHIndirect, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCP, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDot1p, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask, tIPFilterParamsProtocol, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDSCP, tIPFilterParamsFragment, tIPFilterParamsOptionPresent, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionValue, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionMask, tIPFilterParamsMultipleOption, tIPFilterParamsTcpSyn, tIPFilterParamsTcpAck, tIPFilterParamsIcmpCode, tIPFilterParamsIcmpType, tIPFilterParamsCflowdSample, tIPFilterParamsCflowdIfSample, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHInterface, tIPFilterParamsIngressHitCount, tIPFilterParamsEgressHitCount, tIPFilterParamsLogInstantiated, tIPFilterParamsForwardRedPlcy, tIPFilterParamsActiveDest, tIPFilterParamsFwdSvcId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal, tIPFilterParamsFwdSdpBind, tIPFilterParamsRedirectURL, tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask, tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask, tIPFilterParamsIngrHitByteCount, tIPFilterParamsEgrHitByteCount, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFilterType, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFilterId, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesApplication, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesLocation, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesResult, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFeedback, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesExecute, tIPFilterParamsFwdRtrId, tIPFilterParamsSrcRouteOption, tIPFilterParamsPortSelector, tIPFilterParamsSrcPortList, tIPFilterParamsDstPortList, tIPFilterParamsExtTbleLstChgd, tIPFilterParamsExtLastChanged, tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal1, tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal2, tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting IP Filters on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 11.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 44 } tFilterNotificationsV11v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tIPFilterPBRPacketsDrop, tFilterSubInsSpaceAlarmRaised, tFilterSubInsSpaceAlarmCleared, tFilterSubInsFltrEntryDropped, tFilterBgpFlowSpecProblem, tFilterApplyPathProblem, tFilterRadSharedFltrAlarmRaised, tFilterRadSharedFltrAlarmClear, tFilterEmbeddingOperStateChange } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting management of filter notifications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 45 } tFilterNotificationObjV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterPBRDropReason, tFilterParmRow, tFilterAlarmDescription, tFilterId, tFilterType, tFilterSubInsSpaceOwner, tFilterThresholdReached, tFltrFlowSpecProblem, tFltrFlowSpecProblemDescription, tFltrFLowSpecNLRI, tFltrFlowSpecVrtrId, tFltrPrefixListType, tFltrPrefixListName, tFltrApplyPathSource, tFltrApplyPathIndex, tFltrNotifDescription } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of filter notification objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 46 } tIPFilterV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterRowStatus, tIPFilterScope, tIPFilterDescription, tIPFilterDefaultAction, tIPFilterRadiusInsertPt, tIPFilterRadiusInsertSize, tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertPt, tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertSize, tIPFilterSubInsertHighWmark, tIPFilterSubInsertLowWmark, tIpFilterCreditCntrlNbrInsertd, tIpFilterRadiusNbrInsertd, tIPFilterHostSharedInsertPt, tIPFilterHostSharedInsertSize, tIpFilterHostSharedNbrInsertd, tIPFilterHostSharedHighWmark, tIPFilterHostSharedLowWmark, tIPFilterNbrHostSharedFltrs, tIPFilterParamsRowStatus, tIPFilterParamsLogId, tIPFilterParamsDescription, tIPFilterParamsAction, tIPFilterParamsForwardNH, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHIndirect, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCP, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDot1p, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask, tIPFilterParamsProtocol, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDSCP, tIPFilterParamsFragment, tIPFilterParamsOptionPresent, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionValue, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionMask, tIPFilterParamsMultipleOption, tIPFilterParamsTcpSyn, tIPFilterParamsTcpAck, tIPFilterParamsIcmpCode, tIPFilterParamsIcmpType, tIPFilterParamsCflowdSample, tIPFilterParamsCflowdIfSample, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHInterface, tIPFilterParamsIngressHitCount, tIPFilterParamsEgressHitCount, tIPFilterParamsLogInstantiated, tIPFilterParamsForwardRedPlcy, tIPFilterParamsActiveDest, tIPFilterParamsFwdSvcId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal, tIPFilterParamsFwdSdpBind, tIPFilterParamsRedirectURL, tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask, tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask, tIPFilterParamsIngrHitByteCount, tIPFilterParamsEgrHitByteCount, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFilterType, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFilterId, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesApplication, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesLocation, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesResult, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFeedback, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesExecute, tIPFilterParamsFwdRtrId, tIPFilterParamsSrcRouteOption, tIPFilterParamsPortSelector, tIPFilterParamsSrcPortList, tIPFilterParamsDstPortList, tIPFilterParamsExtTbleLstChgd, tIPFilterParamsExtLastChanged, tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal1, tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal2, tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper, tIPFilterParamsRdirAllwRadOvrd, tIPFilterParamsNatPolicyName, tIPFilterParamsFwdLsp, tIPFilterParamsFwdLspRtrId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting IP Filters on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 12.0 release. This group was made obsolete in release 14.0." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 47 } tIPv6FilterV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPv6FilterRowStatus, tIPv6FilterScope, tIPv6FilterDescription, tIPv6FilterDefaultAction, tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertPt, tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertSize, tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertPt, tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertSize, tIPv6FilterSubInsertHighWmark, tIPv6FilterSubInsertLowWmark, tIpv6FilterCreditCntrlNbrInsertd, tIpv6FilterRadiusNbrInsertd, tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertPt, tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertSize, tIpv6FilterHostSharedNbrInsertd, tIPv6FilterHostSharedHighWmark, tIPv6FilterHostSharedLowWmark, tIPv6FilterNbrHostSharedFltrs, tIPv6FilterParamsRowStatus, tIPv6FilterParamsLogId, tIPv6FilterParamsDescription, tIPv6FilterParamsAction, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNH, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHIndirect, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCP, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDot1p, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpAddr, tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask, tIPv6FilterParamsNextHeader, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDSCP, tIPv6FilterParamsTcpSyn, tIPv6FilterParamsTcpAck, tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpCode, tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpType, tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdSample, tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdIfSample, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHInterface, tIPv6FilterParamsIngressHitCount, tIPv6FilterParamsEgressHitCount, tIPv6FilterParamsLogInstantiated, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardRedPlcy, tIPv6FilterParamsActiveDest, tIPv6FilterParamsIngrHitByteCount, tIPv6FilterParamsEgrHitByteCount, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSvcId, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSdpBind, tIPv6FilterParamsRedirectURL, tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpPrefixList, tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpPrefixList, tIPv6FilterParamsFragment, tIPv6FilterParamsHopByHopOpt, tIPv6FilterParamsRoutingType0, tIPv6FilterParamsPortSelector, tIPv6FilterParamsSrcPortList, tIPv6FilterParamsDstPortList, tIPv6FilterParamsRdirAllwRadOvrd, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdRtrId, tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpFullMask, tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpFullMask, tIPv6FilterParamsNatPolicyName, tIPv6FilterParamsFlowLabel, tIPv6FilterParamsFlowLabelMask, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLspRtrId, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLsp, tIPv6FilterParamsExtTbleLstChgd, tIPv6FilterParamsExtLastChanged, tIPv6FilterParamsExtAhExtHdr, tIPv6FilterParamsExtEspExtHdr, tIPv6FilterParamsExtNatType } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of IPv6 filter objects on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 12.0 release. This group was made obsolete in release 14.0." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 48 } tLiFilterV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tLiReservedBlockRowStatus, tLiReservedBlockDescription, tLiReservedBlockStart, tLiReservedBlockSize, tLiReservedBlockLastChanged, tLiReservedBlockTableLastChanged, tLiReservedBlockFltrRowStatus, tLiReservedBlockFltrLastChanged, tLiReservedBlockFltrTableLastChg, tLiFilterDescription, tLiFilterRowStatus, tLiFilterLastChanged, tLiFilterTableLastChanged, tLiFilterAssociationRowStatus, tLiFilterAssociationLastChg, tLiFilterAssociationTableLastChg, tLiMacFilterParamsDescription, tLiMacFilterParamsDstMAC, tLiMacFilterParamsDstMACMask, tLiMacFilterParamsFrameType, tLiMacFilterParamsRowStatus, tLiMacFilterParamsSrcMAC, tLiMacFilterParamsSrcMACMask, tLiMacFilterParamsLastChanged, tLiMacFilterParamsTableLastChg, tLiMacFilterParamsIngrHitCount, tLiMacFilterParamsEgrHitCount, tLiMacFilterParamsIngrHitBytes, tLiMacFilterParamsEgrHitBytes, tLiIpFilterParamsTableLastChg, tLiIpFilterParamsLastChanged, tLiIpFilterParamsRowStatus, tLiIpFilterParamsDescription, tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpAddrType, tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpAddr, tLiIpFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask, tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpAddrType, tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpAddr, tLiIpFilterParamsDstIpFullMask, tLiIpFilterParamsProtocolNextHdr, tLiIpFilterParamsSrcPortValue1, tLiIpFilterParamsSrcPortValue2, tLiIpFilterParamsSrcPortOper, tLiIpFilterParamsDstPortValue1, tLiIpFilterParamsDstPortValue2, tLiIpFilterParamsDstPortOper, tLiIpFltrParamsInfIngrHitCount, tLiIpFltrParamsInfEgrHitCount, tLiIpFltrParamsInfIngrHitBytes, tLiIpFltrParamsInfEgrHitBytes } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of LI filter entries on Nokia SROS series systems 12.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 49 } tFilterEmbeddedInsertV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterEmbedOpenflowRowStatus, tFilterEmbedOpenflowTableLstChg, tFilterEmbedOpenflowOperState, tFilterEmbedOpenflowAdminState, tFltrEmbedOfInfoEntryCnt, tFltrEmbedOfInfoEntryCntInsrtd, tFltrEmbedOfEntryInsrtEntryId, tFltrEmbedOfEntryInsrtEntryState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of new objects supporting the creation of embedded filters for Nokia SROS systems 12.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 50 } tFilterNotificationsV12v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tFilterEmbedOpenflowOperStateChg, tFilterTmsEvent } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting management of filter notifications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 51 } tFilterRedirectPolicyV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterRPVrtrId, tFilterRPRowStatus, tFilterRPDescription, tFilterRPAdminState, tFilterRPActiveDestAddrType, tFilterRPActiveDestAddr, tFilterRPDstStickiness, tFilterRPBestDstAddrType, tFilterRPBestDstAddr, tFilterRPStickinessHoldRemain, tFilterRPlcyDstTableLastChg, tFltrRPDstLastChanged, tFltrRPDstRowStatus, tFltrRPDstDescription, tFltrRPDstAdminPriority, tFltrRPDstOperPriority, tFltrRPDstAdminState, tFltrRPDstOperState, tFilterRPlcyPingTestTableLastChg, tFltrRPPingTLastChanged, tFltrRPPingTRowStatus, tFltrRPPingTInterval, tFltrRPPingTTimeout, tFltrRPPingTDropCount, tFltrRPPingTHoldDown, tFltrRPPingTHoldDownRemain, tFltrRPPingTLastActionTime, tFltrRPPingTLastAction, tFilterRPlcySNMPTestTableLastChg, tFltrRPSnmpTLastChanged, tFltrRPSnmpTRowStatus, tFltrRPSnmpTOID, tFltrRPSnmpTCommunity, tFltrRPSnmpTSnmpVersion, tFltrRPSnmpTInterval, tFltrRPSnmpTTimeout, tFltrRPSnmpTDropCount, tFltrRPSnmpTHoldDown, tFltrRPSnmpTHoldDownRemain, tFltrRPSnmpTLastActionTime, tFltrRPSnmpTLastOID, tFltrRPSnmpTLastType, tFltrRPSnmpTLastCounter32Val, tFltrRPSnmpTLastUnsigned32Val, tFltrRPSnmpTLastTimeTicksVal, tFltrRPSnmpTLastInt32Val, tFltrRPSnmpTLastOctetStringVal, tFltrRPSnmpTLastIpAddressVal, tFltrRPSnmpTLastOidVal, tFltrRPSnmpTLastCounter64Val, tFltrRPSnmpTLastOpaqueVal, tFltrRPSnmpTLastAction, tFltrRPSnmpTLastPrioChange, tFltrRPSnmpTNextRespIndex, tFilterRPlcySNMPRespTableLastChg, tFltrRPSnmpRspLastChanged, tFltrRPSnmpRspRowStatus, tFltrRPSnmpRspAction, tFltrRPSnmpRspPrioChange, tFltrRPSnmpRspOID, tFltrRPSnmpRspType, tFltrRPSnmpRspCounter32Val, tFltrRPSnmpRspUnsigned32Val, tFltrRPSnmpRspTimeTicksVal, tFltrRPSnmpRspInt32Val, tFltrRPSnmpRspOctetStringVal, tFltrRPSnmpRspIpAddressVal, tFltrRPSnmpRspOidVal, tFltrRPSnmpRspCounter64Val, tFltrRPSnmpRspOpaqueVal, tFilterRPlcyURLTestTableLastChg, tFltrRPUrlTLastChanged, tFltrRPUrlTRowStatus, tFltrRPUrlTUrl, tFltrRPUrlTHttpVersion, tFltrRPUrlTInterval, tFltrRPUrlTTimeout, tFltrRPUrlTDropCount, tFltrRPUrlTHoldDown, tFltrRPUrlTHoldDownRemain, tFltrRPUrlTLastActionTime, tFltrRPUrlTLastRetCode, tFltrRPUrlTLastAction, tFltrRPUrlTLastPrioChange, tFilterRPlcyURLRespTableLastChg, tFltrRPUrlTRspLastChanged, tFltrRPUrlTRspRowStatus, tFltrRPUrlTRspAction, tFltrRPUrlTRspPrioChange, tFilterRPlcyUcastRtTTableLastChg, tFltrRPUcastRtTLastChanged, tFltrRPUcastRtTRowStatus, tFltrRPUcastRtTLastActionTime, tFltrRPUcastRtTLastAction } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of filter redirect policy objects on Nokia SROS series systems new in 13.0 series." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 52 } tFilterNotificationObjV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterPBRDropReason, tFilterParmRow, tFilterAlarmDescription, tFilterId, tFilterType, tFilterSubInsSpaceOwner, tFilterThresholdReached, tFltrFlowSpecProblem, tFltrFlowSpecProblemDescription, tFltrFLowSpecNLRI, tFltrFlowSpecVrtrId, tFltrPrefixListType, tFltrPrefixListName, tFltrApplyPathSource, tFltrApplyPathIndex, tFltrNotifDescription, tFltrMdaId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of filter notification objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 53 } tIPFilterV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterParamsExtTbleLstChgd, tIPFilterParamsExtLastChanged, tIPFilterSharedPccRuleInsrtPt, tIPFilterSharedPccRuleInsrtSize, tIPFilterSharedPccRuleNbrInsrtd, tIPFilterChainToSystemFilter, tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal1, tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal2, tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper, tIPFilterParamsExtEgressPBR, tIPFilterParamsExtEsi, tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiSvcId, tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId, tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp, tIPFilterParamsExtPbrDwnActOvr, tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting IP Filters on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 13.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 54 } tIPv6FilterV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal1, tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal2, tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper, tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleInsrtPt, tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleInsrtSiz, tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleNbrInsrt, tIPv6FilterChainToSystemFilter, tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal1, tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal2, tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper, tIPv6FilterParamsExtEgressPBR, tIPv6FilterParamsExtEsi, tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiSvcId, tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId, tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp, tIPv6FilterParamsExtPbrDwnActOvr, tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting IPv6 Filters on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 13.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 55 } tFilterRPlcyV13v0ObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterRPActiveDest, tFilterRDRowStatus, tFilterRDDescription, tFilterRDAdminPriority, tFilterRDOperPriority, tFilterRDAdminState, tFilterRDOperState, tFilterRSTRowStatus, tFilterRSTOID, tFilterRSTCommunity, tFilterRSTSNMPVersion, tFilterRSTInterval, tFilterRSTTimeout, tFilterRSTDropCount, tFilterRSTHoldDown, tFilterRSTHoldDownRemain, tFilterRSTLastActionTime, tFilterRSTLastOID, tFilterRSTLastType, tFilterRSTLastCounter32Val, tFilterRSTLastUnsigned32Val, tFilterRSTLastTimeTicksVal, tFilterRSTLastInt32Val, tFilterRSTLastOctetStringVal, tFilterRSTLastIpAddressVal, tFilterRSTLastOidVal, tFilterRSTLastCounter64Val, tFilterRSTLastOpaqueVal, tFilterRSTLastAction, tFilterRSTLastPrioChange, tFilterRSTNextRespIndex, tFilterRSTRespRowStatus, tFilterRSTRespAction, tFilterRSTRespPrioChange, tFilterRSTRespOID, tFilterRSTRespType, tFilterRSTCounter32Val, tFilterRSTUnsigned32Val, tFilterRSTTimeTicksVal, tFilterRSTInt32Val, tFilterRSTOctetStringVal, tFilterRSTIpAddressVal, tFilterRSTOidVal, tFilterRSTCounter64Val, tFilterRSTOpaqueVal, tFilterRUTRowStatus, tFilterRUTURL, tFilterRUTHTTPVersion, tFilterRUTInterval, tFilterRUTTimeout, tFilterRUTDropCount, tFilterRUTHoldDown, tFilterRUTHoldDownRemain, tFilterRUTLastActionTime, tFilterRUTLastRetCode, tFilterRUTLastAction, tFilterRUTLastPrioChange, tFilterRUTRespRowStatus, tFilterRUTRespAction, tFilterRUTRespPrioChange, tFilterRPTRowStatus, tFilterRPTInterval, tFilterRPTTimeout, tFilterRPTDropCount, tFilterRPTHoldDown, tFilterRPTHoldDownRemain, tFilterRPTLastActionTime, tFilterRPTLastAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects in 13.0 supporting management of filter redirect policy on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 56 } tFilterSystemFilterV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterSystemFilterTableLastChg, tFilterSystemFilterLastChanged, tFilterSystemFilterRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting system filter policies on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 13.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 57 } tFilterEmbeddedInsertV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterEmbedOflowSvcContext, tFilterEmbedOflowSapContextPort, tFilterEmbedOflowSapContextEncap, tFilterEmbedOflowContextType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of new objects supporting the creation of embedded filters for Nokia SROS systems 13.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 58 } tDhcpFilterV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tDhcpFilterDefAction, tDhcp6FilterTblLastChanged, tDhcp6FilterRowStatus, tDhcp6FilterLastChanged, tDhcp6FilterDescription, tDhcp6FilterDefAction, tDhcp6FilterParamsTblLastChanged, tDhcp6FilterParamsRowStatus, tDhcp6FilterParamsLastChanged, tDhcp6FilterParamsOptionNumber, tDhcp6FilterParamsOptionMatch, tDhcp6FilterParamsAction, tDhcp6FilterParamsOptionValue, tDhcp6FilterDefActionFlags, tDhcp6FilterParamsActionFlags } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting DHCP Filters on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 13.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 59 } tMacFilterV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tMacFilterParamsEsi, tMacFilterParamsFwdEsiSvcId, tMacFilterParamsPbrDwnActOvr } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting MAC Filters on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 13.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 60 } tFilterNotificationsV14v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tFilterEmbedFlowspecOperStateChg, tFilterEmbedVsdOperStateChg } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting management of filter notifications on Nokia SROS series systems 14.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 61 } tFilterEmbedFlowspecGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterEmbedFlowspecTableLstChg, tFilterEmbedFlowspecRowStatus, tFilterEmbedFlowspecLastChanged, tFilterEmbedFlowspecRtrId, tFilterEmbedFlowspecAdminState, tFilterEmbedFlowspecOperState, tFltrEmbFlowSpecInfoFltrId, tFltrEmbFlowSpecInfoEntryCnt, tFltrEmbFlowSpecInfoEntryCntIns, tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryInsEntryId, tFltrEmbFlowspecEntryOperState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting embedding of flowspec rules on Nokia SROS systems 14.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 62 } tFilterIPvXRedundantActionGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPvXFltrEntryActionTblLChg, tIPvXFltrEntryActRowStatus, tIPvXFltrEntryActLastChanged, tIPvXFltrEntryActAction, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHIpAddrType, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHIpAddr, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHIndirect, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdNHInterface, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdRedPlcy, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSapPortId, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSapEncapVal, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdSdpBind, tIPvXFltrEntryActRedirectURL, tIPvXFltrEntryActRdirAllwRadOvr, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdRtrId, tIPvXFltrEntryActNatPolicyName, tIPvXFltrEntryActNatType, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdLsp, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdLspRtrId, tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal1, tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenVal2, tIPvXFltrEntryActPktLenOper, tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal1, tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLVal2, tIPvXFltrEntryActTTLOper, tIPvXFltrEntryActEsi, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSvcId, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiVRtrId, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIpType, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiSFIp, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdEsiVasIf, tIPFilterParamsExtStickyDst, tIPFilterParamsExtDownloadAct, tIPFilterParamsExtHoldRemain, tIPv6FilterParamsExtStickyDst, tIPv6FilterParamsExtDownloadAct, tIPv6FilterParamsExtHoldRemain, tIPvXFltrEntryActPbrTargetStatus, tIPvXFltrEntryActRateLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting redundant ip filter actions on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 14.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 63 } tFilterMacRedundantActionGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tMacFltrEntryActionTblLChg, tMacFltrEntryActRowStatus, tMacFltrEntryActLastChanged, tMacFltrEntryActAction, tMacFltrEntryActRowStatus, tMacFltrEntryActFwdSapPortId, tMacFltrEntryActFwdSapEncapVal, tMacFltrEntryActFwdSdpBind, tMacFltrEntryActRedirectURL, tMacFltrEntryActEsi, tMacFltrEntryActFwdEsiSvcId, tMacFilterParamsStickyDst, tMacFilterParamsHoldRemain, tMacFilterParamsDownloadAct, tMacFltrEntryActPbrTargetStatus, tMacFltrEntryActRateLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting redundant mac filter actions on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 14.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 64 } tFilterEmbedVsdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterEmbedVsdTableLstChg, tFilterEmbedVsdRowStatus, tFilterEmbedVsdLastChanged, tFilterEmbedVsdAdminState, tFilterEmbedVsdOperState, tFltrEmbedVsdInfoEntryCnt, tFltrEmbedVsdInfoEntryCntInsrtd, tFilterEmbedVsdEntryInsrtEntryId, tFilterEmbedVsdEntryOperState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting embedding of filters managed by a VSD controller on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 14.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 65 } tFilterEmbeddedRefGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterEmbeddedRefLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects extending support of embedding of filters Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 14.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 66 } tFilterTimeRangeObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterParamsTimeRangeName, tIPFilterParamsTimeRangeState, tMacFilterParamsTimeRangeName, tMacFilterParamsTimeRangeState, tIPv6FilterParamsTimeRangeName, tIPv6FilterParamsTimeRangeState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects in 14.0 supporting Time Of Day / Time Range features on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 67 } tFilterObsoletedNotifsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tFilterEntryActivationFailed, tFilterEntryActivationRestored } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted notifications for filter features on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 68 } tFilterEntryStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFltrEntryStatIngHitCnt, tFltrEntryStatEgrHitCnt, tFltrEntryStatIngHitCntB, tFltrEntryStatEgrHitCntB, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngHitCnt, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngDrop, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngFwd, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngHitCntB, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngDropB, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtIngFwdB, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrHitCnt, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrDrop, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrFwd, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrHitCntB, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrDropB, tFltrEntryStatRateLmtEgrFwdB } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting filter action rate-limit on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 14.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 69 } tFilterRemarkDscpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPvXFltrEntryActRemarkDSCP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting filter remark dscp action on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 14.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 70 } tIPFilterV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterRowStatus, tIPFilterScope, tIPFilterDescription, tIPFilterDefaultAction, tIPFilterRadiusInsertPt, tIPFilterRadiusInsertSize, tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertPt, tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertSize, tIPFilterSubInsertHighWmark, tIPFilterSubInsertLowWmark, tIpFilterCreditCntrlNbrInsertd, tIpFilterRadiusNbrInsertd, tIPFilterHostSharedInsertPt, tIPFilterHostSharedInsertSize, tIpFilterHostSharedNbrInsertd, tIPFilterHostSharedHighWmark, tIPFilterHostSharedLowWmark, tIPFilterNbrHostSharedFltrs, tIPFilterParamsRowStatus, tIPFilterParamsLogId, tIPFilterParamsDescription, tIPFilterParamsAction, tIPFilterParamsForwardNH, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHIndirect, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask, tIPFilterParamsProtocol, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDSCP, tIPFilterParamsFragment, tIPFilterParamsOptionPresent, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionValue, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionMask, tIPFilterParamsMultipleOption, tIPFilterParamsTcpSyn, tIPFilterParamsTcpAck, tIPFilterParamsIcmpCode, tIPFilterParamsIcmpType, tIPFilterParamsCflowdSample, tIPFilterParamsCflowdIfSample, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHInterface, tIPFilterParamsIngressHitCount, tIPFilterParamsEgressHitCount, tIPFilterParamsLogInstantiated, tIPFilterParamsForwardRedPlcy, tIPFilterParamsActiveDest, tIPFilterParamsFwdSvcId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal, tIPFilterParamsFwdSdpBind, tIPFilterParamsRedirectURL, tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask, tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask, tIPFilterParamsIngrHitByteCount, tIPFilterParamsEgrHitByteCount, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFilterType, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFilterId, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesApplication, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesLocation, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesResult, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFeedback, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesExecute, tIPFilterParamsFwdRtrId, tIPFilterParamsSrcRouteOption, tIPFilterParamsPortSelector, tIPFilterParamsSrcPortList, tIPFilterParamsDstPortList, tIPFilterParamsExtTbleLstChgd, tIPFilterParamsExtLastChanged, tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal1, tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal2, tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper, tIPFilterParamsRdirAllwRadOvrd, tIPFilterParamsNatPolicyName, tIPFilterParamsFwdLsp, tIPFilterParamsFwdLspRtrId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting IP Filters on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 14.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 71 } tIPv6FilterV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPv6FilterRowStatus, tIPv6FilterScope, tIPv6FilterDescription, tIPv6FilterDefaultAction, tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertPt, tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertSize, tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertPt, tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertSize, tIPv6FilterSubInsertHighWmark, tIPv6FilterSubInsertLowWmark, tIpv6FilterCreditCntrlNbrInsertd, tIpv6FilterRadiusNbrInsertd, tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertPt, tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertSize, tIpv6FilterHostSharedNbrInsertd, tIPv6FilterHostSharedHighWmark, tIPv6FilterHostSharedLowWmark, tIPv6FilterNbrHostSharedFltrs, tIPv6FilterParamsRowStatus, tIPv6FilterParamsLogId, tIPv6FilterParamsDescription, tIPv6FilterParamsAction, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNH, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHIndirect, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpAddr, tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask, tIPv6FilterParamsNextHeader, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDSCP, tIPv6FilterParamsTcpSyn, tIPv6FilterParamsTcpAck, tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpCode, tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpType, tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdSample, tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdIfSample, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHInterface, tIPv6FilterParamsIngressHitCount, tIPv6FilterParamsEgressHitCount, tIPv6FilterParamsLogInstantiated, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardRedPlcy, tIPv6FilterParamsActiveDest, tIPv6FilterParamsIngrHitByteCount, tIPv6FilterParamsEgrHitByteCount, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSvcId, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSdpBind, tIPv6FilterParamsRedirectURL, tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpPrefixList, tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpPrefixList, tIPv6FilterParamsFragment, tIPv6FilterParamsHopByHopOpt, tIPv6FilterParamsRoutingType0, tIPv6FilterParamsPortSelector, tIPv6FilterParamsSrcPortList, tIPv6FilterParamsDstPortList, tIPv6FilterParamsRdirAllwRadOvrd, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdRtrId, tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpFullMask, tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpFullMask, tIPv6FilterParamsNatPolicyName, tIPv6FilterParamsFlowLabel, tIPv6FilterParamsFlowLabelMask, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLspRtrId, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLsp, tIPv6FilterParamsExtTbleLstChgd, tIPv6FilterParamsExtLastChanged, tIPv6FilterParamsExtAhExtHdr, tIPv6FilterParamsExtEspExtHdr, tIPv6FilterParamsExtNatType } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of IPv6 filter objects on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 14.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 72 } tFilterParamsObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCP, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask, tIPFilterParamsRemarkDot1p, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCP, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDSCPMask, tIPv6FilterParamsRemarkDot1p } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of IP/IPv6 filter on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems which were obsoleted in 14.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 73 } tFilterRemarkDscpExtGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPvXFltrEntryActActionExt } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting filter remark dscp extended action on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 14.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 74 } tFilterPrefListRtrBgpPeersGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterApplyPathVRtrId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting filter bgp peer prefix lists in router context on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 15.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 75 } tFilterPrefListInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixOwner, tFltrPrefListInfoPrefixProg } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting prefix list info table on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 76 } tFilterForwardVprnTargetGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNHT, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtBgNH, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtRtrId, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPxT, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPx, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtAdPxL, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdVprnTgtLspId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting filter forward to vprn target action on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 15.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 77 } tFilterNotificationsV15v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tFilterEmbedOpenflowOperStateChg } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting management of filter notifications on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 80 } tFilterObsoleteNotifsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tFilterTmsEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted notifications supporting management of filter notifications on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 81 } tFilterFwdBondingConnectionGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdBondingConn } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting filter action forward with specified preferred bonding connection on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 15.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 82 } tFilterSelectiveFlowspecGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterEmbedFlowspecGroupId, tFilterEmbedFlowspecInsEntryId, tFilterEmbedFlowspecEntryOpState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting selective flowspec filter objects on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 15.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 83 } tFilterMatchTcpFlagsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterParamsExtTcpFin, tIPFilterParamsExtTcpRst, tIPFilterParamsExtTcpPsh, tIPFilterParamsExtTcpUrg, tIPFilterParamsExtTcpEce, tIPFilterParamsExtTcpCwr, tIPFilterParamsExtTcpNs, tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpFin, tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpRst, tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpPsh, tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpUrg, tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpEce, tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpCwr, tIPv6FilterParamsExtTcpNs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting not present TCP flags match criteria till 15.0 release on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 16.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 84 } tFilterActionFc OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPvXFltrEntryActFcName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting filter action fc on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 16.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 86 } tFilterRPPingSrcAddressGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterRPPingSrcAddressAddrType, tFilterRPPingSrcAddressAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting filter redirect policy ping test source address setting on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 16.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 87 } tFilterRPActiveDstChangeNotifGrp NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tFilterRPActiveDestChangeEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting filter redirect policy destination change on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 16.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 88 } tFilterRPActiveDstChangeGrp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterRPNotifyDestChange } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting filter redirect policy destination change events on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 16.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 89 } tFilterRPlcyBindingGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterRPlcyBindingTableLastChg, tFilterRPlcyBindingLastChange, tFilterRPlcyBindingRowStatus, tFilterRPlcyBindingOperator, tFilterRPlcyBindingOperState, tFilterRPlcyBindingDestTableLCh, tFilterRPlcyBindingDestRowStatus, tFilterRPlcyBindingDestOperState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting filter redirect policy fate sharing on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 16.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 90 } tFltrGreTunTempGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFltrGreTunTempTableLastChg, tFltrGreTunTempLastChanged, tFltrGreTunTempDescription, tFltrGreTunTempIpv4SrcAddr, tFltrGreTunTempIpv4GreKeyIfIndex, tFltrGreTunTempIpv4SkipTllDecr, tFltrGreTunTempRowStatus, tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstTblLstChg, tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstLstChg, tFltrGreTunTempIpv4DstRowStatus, tIPvXFltrEntryActFwdGreTun } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting filter gre tunnel template objects on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 16.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 91 } tFltrPrefListPrefExcludeGrp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFltrPrefListPrefExclTblLstChg, tFltrPrefListPrefExclLastChg, tFltrPrefListPrefExclRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting filter prefix-exclude objects on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 16.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 92 } fltrMdAutoIdV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { fltrMdAutoIdFilterRangeStart, fltrMdAutoIdFilterRangeEnd, fltrMdAutoIdIPv4FilterCount, fltrMdAutoIdIPv6FilterCount, fltrMdAutoIdMacFilterCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of model-driven CLI auto range of identifiers in Nokia SROS series systems in release 16.0." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 93 } tFltrPatternMatchGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPvXFltrEntryActCondExpression, tIPvXFltrEntryActCondExpMask, tIPvXFltrEntryActCondOffsetType, tIPvXFltrEntryActCondOffsetVal } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting pattern match in Nokia SROS series systems in release 16.0." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 94 } tFilterRedirectPolicyV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterRPVrtrId, tFilterRPRowStatus, tFilterRPDescription, tFilterRPAdminState, tFilterRPActiveDestAddrType, tFilterRPActiveDestAddr, tFilterRPDstStickiness, tFilterRPBestDstAddrType, tFilterRPBestDstAddr, tFilterRPStickinessHoldRemain, tFilterRPlcyDstTableLastChg, tFltrRPDstLastChanged, tFltrRPDstRowStatus, tFltrRPDstDescription, tFltrRPDstAdminPriority, tFltrRPDstOperPriority, tFltrRPDstAdminState, tFltrRPDstOperState, tFilterRPlcyPingTestTableLastChg, tFltrRPPingTLastChanged, tFltrRPPingTRowStatus, tFltrRPPingTInterval, tFltrRPPingTTimeout, tFltrRPPingTDropCount, tFltrRPPingTHoldDown, tFltrRPPingTHoldDownRemain, tFltrRPPingTLastActionTime, tFltrRPPingTLastAction, tFilterRPlcyUcastRtTTableLastChg, tFltrRPUcastRtTLastChanged, tFltrRPUcastRtTRowStatus, tFltrRPUcastRtTLastActionTime, tFltrRPUcastRtTLastAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of filter redirect policy objects on Nokia SROS series systems new in 19.0 series." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 95 } tFltrRPTestV19v0ObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFilterRPlcySNMPRespTableLastChg, tFilterRPlcySNMPTestTableLastChg, tFilterRPlcyURLRespTableLastChg, tFilterRPlcyURLTestTableLastChg, tFltrRPSnmpRspAction, tFltrRPSnmpRspCounter32Val, tFltrRPSnmpRspCounter64Val, tFltrRPSnmpRspInt32Val, tFltrRPSnmpRspIpAddressVal, tFltrRPSnmpRspLastChanged, tFltrRPSnmpRspOID, tFltrRPSnmpRspOctetStringVal, tFltrRPSnmpRspOidVal, tFltrRPSnmpRspOpaqueVal, tFltrRPSnmpRspPrioChange, tFltrRPSnmpRspRowStatus, tFltrRPSnmpRspTimeTicksVal, tFltrRPSnmpRspType, tFltrRPSnmpRspUnsigned32Val, tFltrRPSnmpTCommunity, tFltrRPSnmpTDropCount, tFltrRPSnmpTHoldDown, tFltrRPSnmpTHoldDownRemain, tFltrRPSnmpTInterval, tFltrRPSnmpTLastAction, tFltrRPSnmpTLastActionTime, tFltrRPSnmpTLastChanged, tFltrRPSnmpTLastCounter32Val, tFltrRPSnmpTLastCounter64Val, tFltrRPSnmpTLastInt32Val, tFltrRPSnmpTLastIpAddressVal, tFltrRPSnmpTLastOID, tFltrRPSnmpTLastOctetStringVal, tFltrRPSnmpTLastOidVal, tFltrRPSnmpTLastOpaqueVal, tFltrRPSnmpTLastPrioChange, tFltrRPSnmpTLastTimeTicksVal, tFltrRPSnmpTLastType, tFltrRPSnmpTLastUnsigned32Val, tFltrRPSnmpTNextRespIndex, tFltrRPSnmpTOID, tFltrRPSnmpTRowStatus, tFltrRPSnmpTSnmpVersion, tFltrRPSnmpTTimeout, tFltrRPUrlTDropCount, tFltrRPUrlTHoldDown, tFltrRPUrlTHoldDownRemain, tFltrRPUrlTHttpVersion, tFltrRPUrlTInterval, tFltrRPUrlTLastAction, tFltrRPUrlTLastActionTime, tFltrRPUrlTLastChanged, tFltrRPUrlTLastPrioChange, tFltrRPUrlTLastRetCode, tFltrRPUrlTRowStatus, tFltrRPUrlTRspAction, tFltrRPUrlTRspLastChanged, tFltrRPUrlTRspPrioChange, tFltrRPUrlTRspRowStatus, tFltrRPUrlTTimeout, tFltrRPUrlTUrl } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects in 19.0 supporting management of filter redirect policy SNMP and URL tests on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 96 } tFltrCAMTypeGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterType, tIPv6FilterType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting CAM Type for IP-IPv6 Policy in Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.5." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 97 } tFltrMatchMacForIPvXGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterParamsExtSrcMac, tIPFilterParamsExtSrcMacMask, tIPv6FilterParamsExtSrcMac, tIPv6FilterParamsExtSrcMacMask } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Src-MAC Criteria for IP-IPv6 Policy in Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.5." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 98 } tFltrMatchPacketLengthGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1, tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2, tIPFilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper, tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal1, tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenVal2, tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxPktLenOper } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Packet-Length Criteria for IP-IPv6 Policy in Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.5." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 99 } tFltrFilterNameInLIGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocTableLChg, tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocRowStatus, tLiRsvdBlockFltrAssocLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting association of LI reserved block with filter via filter name in Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.5." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 100 } tLiFltrAssocFltrNameGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tLiFltrAssocFltrNameTableLastChg, tLiFltrAssocFltrNameRowStatus, tLiFltrAssocFltrNameLastChg } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting association of LI filter with existing or not existing normal filter via filter name in Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.10." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 102 } tFltrIPv6ExceptionV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPv6ExceptionRowStatus, tIPv6ExceptionDescription, tIPv6ExceptionName, tIPv6ExceptionNameId, tIPv6ExcParamsRowStatus, tIPv6ExcParamsDescription, tIPv6ExcParamsNextHeader, tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpAddr, tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpMask, tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpFullMask, tIPv6ExcParamsSrcIpPrefixList, tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpAddr, tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpMask, tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpFullMask, tIPv6ExcParamsDstIpPrefixList, tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPv6ExcParamsSourcePortList, tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue1, tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortValue2, tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortOperator, tIPv6ExcParamsDestPortList, tIPv6ExcParamsPortSelector, tIPv6ExcParamsIcmpCode, tIPv6ExcParamsIcmpType, tIPv6ExcParamsIngressHitCount, tIPv6ExcParamsEgressHitCount, tIPv6ExcParamsIngrHitByteCount, tIPv6ExcParamsEgrHitByteCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting IPv6 exception filters in Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.10." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 103 } tFltrFwdMplsPlcyEndptGrp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPvXFltrFwdMplsPlcyEndptAddrTp, tIPvXFltrFwdMplsPlcyEndptAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting forwarding to a tunnel identified by an MPLS forwarding policy endpoint for IP-IPv6 in Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.10." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 104 } tFltrFwdSrtePlcyEndptColorGrp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPvXFltrFwdSrtePlcyEndptAddrTp, tIPvXFltrFwdSrtePlcyEndptAddr, tIPvXFltrFwdSrtePlcyColor } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting forwarding to a tunnel identified by an SR-TE policy endpoint and color for IP-IPv6 in Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.10." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 105 } tLiFltrMatchFragmentGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tLiIpFilterParamsFragment } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting LI filter fragment matching in Nokia SROS series systems in release 20.2." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 106 } fltrMdAutoIdV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { fltrMdAutoIdIPv4ExceptionCount, fltrMdAutoIdIPv6ExceptionCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of model-driven CLI auto range of identifiers in Nokia SROS series systems in release 20.2." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 107 } tFilterMatchProtocolListGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFltrProtocolListTableLstChng, tFltrProtocolListRowStatus, tFltrProtocolListLastChanged, tFltrProtocolListDescription, tFltrProtocolListItemTblLstChg, tFltrProtocolListItemRowStatus, tIPFilterParamsExtProtocolList, tIPv6FilterParamsExtProtocolList } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of protocol lists for filters on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 108 } tFilterMatchDestClassGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterParamsExtDestClass, tIPv6FilterParamsExtDestClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of BGP destination class filtering on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 109 } tFilterL2AwareNatBypassGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPvXFltrActL2AwareNatBypass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the l2-aware-nat-bypass filter action on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 110 } tFltrLiRsvdBlockRangeChgNotifGrp NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tFltrLiRsvdBlockRangeChangeEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting filter LI reserved block range change on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 20.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 111 } tFltrCflowdSampleProfileGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterParamsExtSampleProf, tIPv6FilterParamsExtSampleProf } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting filter cflowd sample profile on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 20.7 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 112 } tFltrEntryCollectStatsIPvXGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterParamsExtCollectStats, tIPv6FilterParamsExtCollectStats } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting filter entry statistic collection on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 21.2 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 113 } tFltrEntryCollectStatsMacGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tMacFilterParamsCollectStats } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting filter entry statistic collection on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 21.10 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 114 } tFilterMacFltrActionGroupV21 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tMacFltrEntryActFcName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting mac-filter entry FC on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 21.10 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 115 } tFltrParamsActionObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterParamsAction, tIPFilterParamsForwardNH, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHIndirect, tIPFilterParamsForwardNHInterface, tIPFilterParamsForwardRedPlcy, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tIPFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal, tIPFilterParamsFwdSdpBind, tIPFilterParamsRedirectURL, tIPFilterParamsFwdRtrId, tIPFilterParamsRdirAllwRadOvrd, tIPFilterParamsNatPolicyName, tIPFilterParamsFwdLsp, tIPFilterParamsFwdLspRtrId, tMacFilterParamsAction, tMacFilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tMacFilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal, tMacFilterParamsFwdSdpBind, tMacFilterParamsRedirectURL, tMacFilterParamsEsi, tMacFilterParamsFwdEsiSvcId, tIPv6FilterParamsAction, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNH, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHIndirect, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardNHInterface, tIPv6FilterParamsForwardRedPlcy, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapPortId, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSapEncapVal, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSdpBind, tIPv6FilterParamsRedirectURL, tIPv6FilterParamsRdirAllwRadOvrd, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdRtrId, tIPv6FilterParamsNatPolicyName, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLsp, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdLspRtrId, tIPv6FilterParamsExtNatType, tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal1, tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenVal2, tIPv6FilterParamsExtPktLenOper, tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal1, tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitVal2, tIPv6FilterParamsExtHopLimitOper, tIPv6FilterParamsExtEsi, tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiSvcId, tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId, tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp, tIPv6FilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf, tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal1, tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenVal2, tIPFilterParamsExtPktLenOper, tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal1, tIPFilterParamsExtTTLVal2, tIPFilterParamsExtTTLOper, tIPFilterParamsExtEsi, tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiSvcId, tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVRtrId, tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiSFIp, tIPFilterParamsExtFwdEsiVasIf } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects in 21.0 supporting management of filter action via Params tables via SNMP and URL tests on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 116 } tIPFilterV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterParamsExtTbleLstChgd, tIPFilterParamsExtLastChanged, tIPFilterSharedPccRuleInsrtPt, tIPFilterSharedPccRuleInsrtSize, tIPFilterSharedPccRuleNbrInsrtd, tIPFilterChainToSystemFilter, tIPFilterParamsExtEgressPBR, tIPFilterParamsExtPbrDwnActOvr, tIPFilterRowStatus, tIPFilterScope, tIPFilterDescription, tIPFilterDefaultAction, tIPFilterRadiusInsertPt, tIPFilterRadiusInsertSize, tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertPt, tIPFilterCreditCntrlInsertSize, tIPFilterSubInsertHighWmark, tIPFilterSubInsertLowWmark, tIpFilterCreditCntrlNbrInsertd, tIpFilterRadiusNbrInsertd, tIPFilterHostSharedInsertPt, tIPFilterHostSharedInsertSize, tIpFilterHostSharedNbrInsertd, tIPFilterHostSharedHighWmark, tIPFilterHostSharedLowWmark, tIPFilterNbrHostSharedFltrs, tIPFilterParamsRowStatus, tIPFilterParamsLogId, tIPFilterParamsDescription, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr, tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask, tIPFilterParamsProtocol, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPFilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPFilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPFilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPFilterParamsDSCP, tIPFilterParamsFragment, tIPFilterParamsOptionPresent, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionValue, tIPFilterParamsIpOptionMask, tIPFilterParamsMultipleOption, tIPFilterParamsTcpSyn, tIPFilterParamsTcpAck, tIPFilterParamsIcmpCode, tIPFilterParamsIcmpType, tIPFilterParamsCflowdSample, tIPFilterParamsCflowdIfSample, tIPFilterParamsFwdSvcId, tIPFilterParamsIngressHitCount, tIPFilterParamsEgressHitCount, tIPFilterParamsLogInstantiated, tIPFilterParamsActiveDest, tIPFilterParamsSrcIpFullMask, tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask, tIPFilterParamsIngrHitByteCount, tIPFilterParamsEgrHitByteCount, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFilterType, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFilterId, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesApplication, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesLocation, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesResult, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesFeedback, tFltrGrpInsrtdEntriesExecute, tIPFilterParamsSrcRouteOption, tIPFilterParamsPortSelector, tIPFilterParamsSrcPortList, tIPFilterParamsDstPortList, tIPFilterParamsExtTbleLstChgd, tIPFilterParamsExtLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting IP Filters on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 14.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 117 } tIPv6FilterV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleInsrtPt, tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleInsrtSiz, tIPv6FilterSharedPccRuleNbrInsrt, tIPv6FilterChainToSystemFilter, tIPv6FilterParamsExtEgressPBR, tIPv6FilterParamsExtPbrDwnActOvr, tIPv6FilterRowStatus, tIPv6FilterScope, tIPv6FilterDescription, tIPv6FilterDefaultAction, tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertPt, tIPv6FilterRadiusInsertSize, tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertPt, tIPv6FilterCreditCntrlInsertSize, tIPv6FilterSubInsertHighWmark, tIPv6FilterSubInsertLowWmark, tIpv6FilterCreditCntrlNbrInsertd, tIpv6FilterRadiusNbrInsertd, tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertPt, tIPv6FilterHostSharedInsertSize, tIpv6FilterHostSharedNbrInsertd, tIPv6FilterHostSharedHighWmark, tIPv6FilterHostSharedLowWmark, tIPv6FilterNbrHostSharedFltrs, tIPv6FilterParamsRowStatus, tIPv6FilterParamsLogId, tIPv6FilterParamsDescription, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpAddr, tIPv6FilterParamsSourceIpMask, tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpAddr, tIPv6FilterParamsDestinationIpMask, tIPv6FilterParamsNextHeader, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue1, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortValue2, tIPv6FilterParamsSourcePortOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue1, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortValue2, tIPv6FilterParamsDestPortOperator, tIPv6FilterParamsDSCP, tIPv6FilterParamsTcpSyn, tIPv6FilterParamsTcpAck, tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpCode, tIPv6FilterParamsIcmpType, tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdSample, tIPv6FilterParamsCflowdIfSample, tIPv6FilterParamsFwdSvcId, tIPv6FilterParamsIngressHitCount, tIPv6FilterParamsEgressHitCount, tIPv6FilterParamsLogInstantiated, tIPv6FilterParamsActiveDest, tIPv6FilterParamsIngrHitByteCount, tIPv6FilterParamsEgrHitByteCount, tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpPrefixList, tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpPrefixList, tIPv6FilterParamsFragment, tIPv6FilterParamsHopByHopOpt, tIPv6FilterParamsRoutingType0, tIPv6FilterParamsPortSelector, tIPv6FilterParamsSrcPortList, tIPv6FilterParamsDstPortList, tIPv6FilterParamsSrcIpFullMask, tIPv6FilterParamsDstIpFullMask, tIPv6FilterParamsFlowLabel, tIPv6FilterParamsFlowLabelMask, tIPv6FilterParamsExtTbleLstChgd, tIPv6FilterParamsExtLastChanged, tIPv6FilterParamsExtAhExtHdr, tIPv6FilterParamsExtEspExtHdr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of IPv6 filter objects on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 14.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 118 } tMacFilterV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tMacFilterParamsPbrDwnActOvr, tMacFilterRowStatus, tMacFilterScope, tMacFilterDescription, tMacFilterDefaultAction, tMacFilterParamsRowStatus, tMacFilterParamsLogId, tMacFilterParamsDescription, tMacFilterParamsFrameType, tMacFilterParamsSrcMAC, tMacFilterParamsSrcMACMask, tMacFilterParamsDstMAC, tMacFilterParamsDstMACMask, tMacFilterParamsDot1pValue, tMacFilterParamsDot1pMask, tMacFilterParamsEtherType, tMacFilterParamsDsap, tMacFilterParamsDsapMask, tMacFilterParamsSsap, tMacFilterParamsSsapMask, tMacFilterParamsSnapPid, tMacFilterParamsSnapOui, tMacFilterParamsIngressHitCount, tMacFilterParamsEgressHitCount, tMacFilterParamsLogInstantiated, tMacFilterParamsFwdSvcId, tMacFilterParamsRedirectURL, tMacFilterParamsIngrHitByteCount, tMacFilterParamsEgrHitByteCount, tMacFilterParamsLowISID, tMacFilterParamsHighISID, tMacFilterType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of mac filter objects on Nokia SROS series systems 8.0 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 119 } tFilterMatchTTLGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal1, tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLVal2, tIPFilterParamsExtMxTTLOper, tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal1, tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtVal2, tIPv6FilterParamsExtMxHopLmtOper } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting match TTL/Hop Limit on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 21.10 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 120 } tFltrMatchSrcOrDstIpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIPv6FilterParamsIpSelector, tIPFilterParamsIpSelector } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting filter match source or destination IP criterion on Nokia 7x50 ESS/SR series systems 21.2 release." ::= { tFilterMIBGroups 121 } tFilterNotificationsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRNotifyPrefix 21 } tFilterNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tFilterNotificationsPrefix 0 } tIPFilterPBRPacketsDrop NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tIPFilterParamsForwardNHInterface, tFilterPBRDropReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tIPFilterPBRPacketsDrop event is generated either when the configuration of a forwarding action refers to an invalid/unconfigured next-hop or if the active interface goes down operationally in the process of active filtering." ::= { tFilterNotifications 1 } tFilterEntryActivationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tFilterParmRow, tFilterAlarmDescription } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tFilterEntryActivationFailed event can only be generated for entries that are controlled by a tmnxTimeRangeEntry. If the tmnxTimeRangeEntry becomes active the indicated entry must be installed. The event is generated when this installation failed because of resource problems. This object is obsoleted in release 14.0." ::= { tFilterNotifications 2 } tFilterEntryActivationRestored NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tFilterParmRow, tFilterAlarmDescription } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tFilterEntryActivationRestored event can only be generated for entries that are controlled by a tmnxTimeRangeEntry. If the tmnxTimeRangeEntry becomes active the indicated entry must be installed. The event tFilterEntryActivationFailed is generated when this installation originally failed because of resources problems, The notification tFilterEntryActivationRestored is sent when either the time range associated with the filter is no longer active, or when the filter entry was installed due to the availability of new resources. This object is obsoleted in release 14.0." ::= { tFilterNotifications 3 } tFilterSubInsSpaceAlarmRaised NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tFilterType, tFilterId, tFilterSubInsSpaceOwner, tFilterThresholdReached } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tFilterSubInsSpaceAlarmRaised notification is generated when the utilization of a filter entry range that was reserved for filter entry insertion increases to the configured high watermark for his filter" ::= { tFilterNotifications 4 } tFilterSubInsSpaceAlarmCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tFilterType, tFilterId, tFilterSubInsSpaceOwner, tFilterThresholdReached } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tFilterSubInsSpaceAlarmCleared notification is generated when the utilization of a filter entry range that was reserved for filter entry insertion dropped below to the configured low watermark for his filter." ::= { tFilterNotifications 5 } tFilterSubInsFltrEntryDropped NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tFilterType, tFilterId, tFilterSubInsSpaceOwner, tFilterAlarmDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tFilterSubInsFltrEntryDropped notification is generated when a request to insert a filter entry was not successful." ::= { tFilterNotifications 6 } tFilterBgpFlowSpecProblem NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tFilterType, tFltrFlowSpecVrtrId, tFltrFlowSpecProblem, tFltrFlowSpecProblemDescription, tFltrFLowSpecNLRI } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tFilterBgpFlowSpecProblem notification is generated when a BGP flowspec NLRI is received in the filter module that cannot be treated - i.e. for which no filter entry is installed in the system, or when there is a problem inserting (new) or reshuffling (existing) flowspec or merged filter entries." ::= { tFilterNotifications 7 } tFilterApplyPathProblem NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tFltrPrefixListType, tFltrPrefixListName, tFltrApplyPathSource, tFltrApplyPathIndex, tFilterAlarmDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tFilterApplyPathProblem notification is generated when a problem is encountered for a configured apply-path rule. [CAUSE] Failed to add prefix/prefixes specified by the apply-path rule to the prefix list likely due to insufficient resources. [EFFECT] Prefix list does not contain all prefixes specified by the apply-path rule. [RECOVERY] Release resources by removing unnecessary prefixes or specify more specific apply-path rule." ::= { tFilterNotifications 8 } tFilterRadSharedFltrAlarmRaised NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tFilterType, tFilterId, tFilterThresholdReached } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tFilterRadSharedFltrAlarmRaised notification is generated when the number of Radius Shared Filters that are dynamically created in the system increases to the configured high watermark for the indicated filter." ::= { tFilterNotifications 9 } tFilterRadSharedFltrAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tFilterType, tFilterId, tFilterThresholdReached } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tFilterRadSharedFltrAlarmClear notification is generated when the number of Radius Shared Filters that are dynamically created in the system dropped below to the configured low watermark for the indicated filter." ::= { tFilterNotifications 10 } tFilterEmbeddingOperStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tFilterEmbeddedRefOperState, tFltrNotifDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tFilterEmbeddingOperStateChange notification is generated when the operational status of an embedded filter has changed. [CAUSE] This notification may be triggered for the following reasons: 1) An attempt to embed an embedded filter into embedding filter was done. 2) An attempt to recover an embedding that is operationally down was done. 3) An attempt to change the admin state of an embedding was done. 4) The operational state of an embedding has changed to inactive due to lack of resources. [EFFECT] The effect depends on the new state. If the new state is 'active', the embedding of the filter was successful. If the new state is 'embedFailedNoResources' the embedding was not successful due to lack of resources. If the new state is 'inactive' and the previous state was 'active' then the embedded entries were removed. Otherwise the embedding filter was not changed. [RECOVERY] If the new state is 'active' or 'inactive', no action is required. If the new state is 'embedFailedNoResources', an attempt to recover the operational state can be done by removal and reapplication of the embedding." ::= { tFilterNotifications 11 } tFilterEmbedOpenflowOperStateChg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tFilterEmbedOpenflowOperState, tFltrNotifDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tFilterEmbedOpenflowOperStateChg notification is generated when the operational state of an open-flow switch embedded in a filter with scope other than 'embedded' has changed. [CAUSE] This notification may be triggered for the following reasons: 1) An attempt to embed an open-flow switch into an embedding filter was done. 2) An attempt to recover an open-flow embedding that is operationally down was done. 3) An attempt to change the admin state of an open-flow embedding was done. 4) The operational state of an open-flow embedding has changed to inactive due to lack of resources. [EFFECT] The effect depends on the new state. If the new state is 'active', the embedding of an open-flow switch was successful. If the new state is 'embedFailedNoResources' the embedding was not successful due to lack of resources. If the new state is 'inactive' and the previous state was 'active' then the open-flow switch entries were removed. Otherwise the embedding filter was not changed. [RECOVERY] If the new state is 'active' or 'inactive', no action is required. If the new state is 'embedFailedNoResources', an attempt to recover the operational state can be done by removal and reapplication of the open-flow embedding." ::= { tFilterNotifications 12 } tFilterTmsEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tFltrMdaId, tFltrNotifDescription } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tFilterTmsEvent notification is generated by the systems filter module to report an event related to the Threat Management System (TMS). Receiving the tFilterTmsEvent notification is an indication that the TMS system may not be fully operational." ::= { tFilterNotifications 13 } tFilterEmbedFlowspecOperStateChg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tFilterEmbedFlowspecRtrId, tFilterEmbedFlowspecOperState, tFltrNotifDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tFilterEmbedFlowspecOperStateChg notification is generated when the operational state of a set of flowspec rules embedded in an IP or IPv6 filter with scope other than 'embedded' has changed. [CAUSE] This notification may be triggered for the following reasons: 1) An attempt to embed a set of flowspec rules into an embedding filter was done. 2) An attempt to recover a flowspec rules embedding that is operationally down was done. 3) An attempt to change the admin state of a flowspec rules embedding was done. 4) The operational state of a flowspec rules embedding has changed to inactive due to lack of resources. [EFFECT] The effect depends on the new state. If the new state is 'active', the embedding of a set of flowspec rules was successful. If the new state is 'embedFailedNoResources' the embedding was not successful due to lack of resources. If the new state is 'inactive' and the previous state was 'active' then the set of flowspec rules were removed. Otherwise the embedding filter was not changed. [RECOVERY] If the new state is 'active' or 'inactive', no action is required. If the new state is 'embedFailedNoResources', an attempt to recover the operational state can be done by removal and reapplication of the flowspec rules embedding." ::= { tFilterNotifications 14 } tFilterEmbedVsdOperStateChg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tFilterEmbedVsdOperState, tFltrNotifDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tFilterEmbedVsdOperStateChg notification is generated when the operational state of an embedding of a filter managed by a VSD controller in a filter with scope other than 'embedded' has changed. [CAUSE] This notification may be triggered for the following reasons: 1) An attempt to embed a filter managed by a VSD controller into an embedding filter was done. 2) An attempt to recover an embedding that is operationally down was done. 3) An attempt to change the admin state of an embedding was done. 4) The operational state of an embedding has changed to inactive due to lack of resources. [EFFECT] The effect depends on the new state. If the new state is 'active', the embedding of a filter managed by a VSD controller was successful. If the new state is 'embedFailedNoResources' the embedding was not successful due to lack of resources. If the new state is 'inactive' and the previous state was 'active' then the embedded entries were removed. Otherwise the embedding filter was not changed. [RECOVERY] If the new state is 'active' or 'inactive', no action is required. If the new state is 'embedFailedNoResources', an attempt to recover the operational state can be done by removal and reapplication of the embedding." ::= { tFilterNotifications 15 } tFilterRPActiveDestChangeEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tFilterRPActiveDestAddrType, tFilterRPActiveDestAddr, tFltrNotifDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tFilterRPActiveDestChangeEvent notification is generated when the active destination of a redirect policy changes. [CAUSE] This notification was triggered because active destination of a redirect policy has changed. [EFFECT] Traffic hitting filter entries with forward redirect-policy set to this redirect policy will be directed toward the new active destination. [RECOVERY] No recovery action is required." ::= { tFilterNotifications 16 } tFltrLiRsvdBlockRangeChangeEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tLiReservedBlockStart, tLiReservedBlockSize } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tFltrLiRsvdBlockRangeChangeEvent notification is generated when the LI reserved block range changes. [CAUSE] This notification was triggered because LI reserved block range has changed. [EFFECT] This change may rearrange filters entries and may temporarily disrupt current interception. [RECOVERY] No recovery action is required." ::= { tFilterNotifications 17 } END