TIMETRA-LDP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB InetAddress, InetAddressPrefixLength, InetAddressType FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB MplsLdpIdentifier, MplsLsrIdentifier FROM MPLS-LDP-MIB MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF Counter32, Counter64, Gauge32, IpAddress, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, RowStatus, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TestAndIncr, TimeInterval, TimeStamp, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC TFilterID, TFilterLogId FROM TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB timetraSRMIBModules, tmnxSRConfs, tmnxSRNotifyPrefix, tmnxSRObjs FROM TIMETRA-GLOBAL-MIB SdpId, ServType, TdmOptionsCasTrunkFraming, TdmOptionsSigPkts FROM TIMETRA-SERV-MIB TNamedItem, TNamedItemOrEmpty, TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, TmnxAddressAndPrefixAddress, TmnxAddressAndPrefixPrefix, TmnxAddressAndPrefixType, TmnxAdminState, TmnxEnabledDisabled, TmnxLdpFECType, TmnxOperState, TmnxServId, TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, TmnxVcId, TmnxVcType FROM TIMETRA-TC-MIB vRtrID, vRtrLdpStatus FROM TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB ; timetraLdpMIBModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201701010000Z" ORGANIZATION "Nokia" CONTACT-INFO "Nokia SROS Support Web: http://www.nokia.com" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module to manage and provision the Nokia SROS LDP protocol features. Copyright 2003-2018 Nokia. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this document is authorized on the condition that the foregoing copyright notice is included. This SNMP MIB module (Specification) embodies Nokia's proprietary intellectual property. Nokia retains all title and ownership in the Specification, including any revisions. Nokia grants all interested parties a non-exclusive license to use and distribute an unmodified copy of this Specification in connection with management of Nokia products, and without fee, provided this copyright notice and license appear on all copies. This Specification is supplied 'as is', and Nokia makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the Specification." REVISION "201701010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 15.0 1 Jan 2017 00:00 15.0 release of the TIMETRA-LDP-MIB." REVISION "201601010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 14.0 1 Jan 2016 00:00 14.0 release of the TIMETRA-LDP-MIB." REVISION "201501010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 13.0 1 Jan 2015 00:00 13.0 release of the TIMETRA-LDP-MIB." REVISION "201401010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 12.0 1 Jan 2014 00:00 12.0 release of the TIMETRA-LDP-MIB." REVISION "201102010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 9.0 1 Feb 2011 00:00 9.0 release of the TIMETRA-LDP-MIB." REVISION "200902280000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 7.0 28 Feb 2009 00:00 7.0 release of the TIMETRA-LDP-MIB." REVISION "200801010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 6.0 01 Jan 2008 00:00 6.0 release of the TIMETRA-LDP-MIB." REVISION "200701010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 5.0 01 Jan 2007 00:00 5.0 release of the TIMETRA-LDP-MIB." REVISION "200603160000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 4.0 16 Mar 2006 00:00 4.0 release of the TIMETRA-LDP-MIB." REVISION "200508310000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 3.0 31 Aug 2005 00:00 3.0 release of the TIMETRA-LDP-MIB." REVISION "200501240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.1 24 Jan 2005 00:00 2.1 release of the TIMETRA-LDP-MIB." REVISION "200401150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.0 15 Jan 2004 00:00 2.0 release of the TIMETRA-LDP-MIB." REVISION "200308150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.2 15 Aug 2003 00:00 1.2 release of the TIMETRA-LDP-MIB." REVISION "200301200000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.0 20 Jan 2003 00:00 1.0 Release of the TIMETRA-LDP-MIB." REVISION "200108010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 0.1 01 Aug 2001 00:00 Initial version of the TIMETRA-LDP-MIB." ::= { timetraSRMIBModules 8 } TmnxLdpKeepAliveFactor ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxLdpKeepAliveFactor specifies the value by which the keepalive timeout should be divided to give the keepalive time i.e. the time interval, in seconds, between LDP Keepalive messages. LDP Keepalive messages are sent to keep the LDP session from timing out when no other LDP traffic is being sent between the neighbors." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) TmnxLdpKeepAliveTimeout ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxLdpKeepAliveTimeout specifies the the time interval, in seconds, that LDP waits before tearing down a session. If no LDP messages are exchanged during this time interval, the LDP session is torn down. Generally the keepalive timeout interval should be configured to be 3 times the keepalive time (the time interval between successive LDP Keepalive messages)." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) TmnxLdpHelloFactor ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxLdpHelloFactor specifies the value by which the hello timeout should be divided to give the hello time i.e. the time interval, in seconds, between LDP Hello messages. LDP uses Hello messages to discover neighbors and to detect loss of connectivity with its neighbors." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) TmnxLdpHelloTimeout ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxLdpHelloTimeout specifies the the time interval, in seconds, that LDP waits before declaring a neighbor to be down. Hello timeout is local to the system and is sent in the Hello messages to a neighbor. Hello timeout cannot be set to a value that is less than 3 times the hello time." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) TmnxLdpBackoffTime ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxLdpBackoffTime specifies the backoff interval (initial and maximum). The backoff interval is the time, in seconds, that LDP waits after an LDP session setup has failed before it attempts to setup the session again. After the LDP session startup fails the first time, the backoff interval is set to an initial value. Thereafter, if session startup fails again the backoff interval increases exponentially until it reaches a maximum value specified by the maximum backoff interval. If the maximum backoff interval is set to zero (0), then the backoff interval does not increase exponentially after the first session startup attempt fails. Instead it remains constant and LDP will keep retrying to establish a session until it succeeds." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2592000) TmnxLdpFECPolicy ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxLdpFECPolicy determines whether the LSR should generate FECs and which FECs it should generate. system(1) - LDP will distribute label bindings only for the router's system IP address interface(2) - LDP will distribute label bindings for all LDP interfaces all(3) - LDP will distribute label bindings for all prefixes in the routing table none(4) - LDP will not distribute any label bindings." SYNTAX INTEGER { system (1), interface (2), all (3), none (4) } TmnxLdpLabelDistMethod ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxLdpLabelDistMethod describes the label distribution method used. When the value is 'downstreamOnDemand', label bindings are distributed to the upstream LSR only when a label request message is received. When the value is 'downstreamUnsolicited', label bindings are distributed to the upstream LSR, for each FEC, without requiring a request message for the FEC from the upstream LSR." SYNTAX INTEGER { downstreamOnDemand (1), downstreamUnsolicited (2) } TmnxLdpAdjacencyType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxLdpAdjacencyType describes the type of adjacency, either targeted or link, for a row in the vRtrLdpHelloAdjTable. It also describes the type of adjacencies in an LDP Session row in the vRtrLdpSessionTable." SYNTAX INTEGER { link (1), targeted (2), both (3) } TmnxVpnId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxVpnId specifies the value of a VPN (Virtual Private Network) identifier. This is a 10 byte value - the VPN 'type' is stored in the first two bytes the TmnxVpnId. The next four bytes store an 'AS (Autonomous System) number'. A 'local identifier' for the VPN is stored as the last four bytes." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (10)) TmnxLabelStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxLabelStatus bit flags specifies the status of an ingress or egress label. Flags marked dummy* are not used and MUST be 0. 'statusSignalingSupported' - indicates whether status signaling is enabled or not. 'inUsePush' - indicates that the label contains valid information that is currently being used as a 'push' label. 'inUseSwap' - indicates that the label contains valid information that is currently being used as a 'swap' label. 'inUsePop' - indicates that the label contains valid information that is currently being used as a 'pop' label. 'released' - indicates that the label is in the process of being freed. With this flag set, no other flags will be set. 'notInUse' - indicates that the label contains valid information but is currently not being used possibly because the service is temporarily down. 'withdrawn' - indicates that the label has not been sent (possibly due to a mismatch in control word or status signaling) 'controlWord' - indicates that the control word will be signaled 'withdrawPending' - indicates that the label withdrawal is pending 'alternateNextHop' - indicates that the label is programmed as alternate next-hop for fast reroute 'alternatePHop' - indicates that the label is programmed as alternate upstream for fast reroute. 'unnumIf' - indicates that the label is programmed using unnumbered interface. 'srIsisNextHop' - LDP binding is resolved to ISIS segment routing next-hop. 'srOspfNextHop' - LDP binding is resolved to OSPF segment routing next-hop. 'entLblCap' - entropy label capabilities. }" SYNTAX BITS { dummyB0 (0), dummyB1 (1), statusSignalingSupported (2), inUsePush (3), inUseSwap (4), inUsePop (5), released (6), notInUse (7), withdrawn (8), controlWord (9), withdrawPending (10), alternateNextHop (11), alternatePHop (12), unnumIf (13), srIsisNextHop (14), srOspfNextHop (15), entLblCap (16) } TmnxLabelSigStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxLabelSigStatus specifies the status of the pseudowire and attached circuit. The values are defined in draft-ietf-pwe3-iana-allocation-07.txt." REFERENCE "IETF draft-ietf-pwe3-iana-allocation-07.txt, sections 2,3 and 4" SYNTAX Unsigned32 TmnxLdpFECTunnelType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxLdpFECTunnelType determines the type of tunnel that the label mapping messages are referring to." SYNTAX INTEGER { static (1) } TmnxLdpFECFlags ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxLdpFECFlags bit flags define the characteristics of FEC. Flags marked dummy* are not used and MUST be 0. Flag 'egress': this node is an egress for this FEC. Flag 'ingress': this node is a potential ingress for this FEC. Flag 'installedSwap': the label for this FEC has been programmed as a 'swap' label. Flag 'installedPush': the label for this FEC has been programmed as a 'push' label. Flag 'installedPop': the label for this FEC has been programmed as a 'pop' label. Flag 'local': this FEC is local to this node. Flag 'nextHop': the nextHop for this FEC is known. Flag 'importPolicyRejected': global LDP import policy has rejected this FEC. Flag 'exportPolicyAccepted': global LDP export policy has accepted this FEC. Flag 'installedStaticFec': this FEC is created by static FEC configuration on this node. Flag 'vcSwitching': vcSwitching is enabled for the FEC. Flag 'importTargPolicyRejected': targeted LDP import policy has rejected this FEC. Flag 'exportTargPolicyRejected': targeted LDP export policy has rejected this FEC. Flag 'importPeerPolicyRejected': peer LDP import policy has rejected this FEC. Flag 'localMultihomedSecondary': this FEC is local to this node and is a multi-homed secondary ip address. Flag 'bgpNextHop' : LDP binding is resolved to BGP next-hop. Flag 'labelReqSent' : Label request to peer has been sent. Flag 'classBasedForwarding' : Label binding is using class-based-forwarding. Flag 'srIsisNextHop' : LDP binding is resolved to ISIS segment routing next-hop. Flag 'srOspfNextHop' : LDP binding is resolved to OSPF segment routing next-hop. Flag 'upperFec' : this upper FEC is stitched to lower FEC Flag 'lowerFec' : this lower FEC is stitched to upper FEC Flag 'communityMismatch' : targeted LDP community mismatch Flag 'bkpUpperFec' : backup upper FEC" SYNTAX BITS { dummyB0 (0), egress (1), ingress (2), installedSwap (3), installedPush (4), installedPop (5), local (6), nextHop (7), importPolicyRejected (8), exportPolicyAccepted (9), installedStaticFec (10), vcSwitching (11), importTargPolicyRejected (12), exportTargPolicyRejected (13), importPeerPolicyRejected (14), localMultihomedSecondary (15), bgpNextHop (16), labelReqSent (17), classBasedForwarding (18), srIsisNextHop (19), srOspfNextHop (20), upperFec (21), lowerFec (22), communityMismatch (23), bkpUpperFec (24) } TmnxLdpGenOperDownReasonCode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxLdpGenOperDownReasonCode is an enumerated integer that specifies the reason that the LDP instance is operationally down." SYNTAX INTEGER { operUp (0), adminDown (1), noListenSocket (2), noDiscoverySocket (3), noRtm (4), noTtm (5), iomFailure (6), recvFailure (7), clearDown (8), noResources (9), systemIpDown (10), helloFailure (11), ipv6NotSupported (12), noBgp (13) } TmnxLdpIntTargOperDownReasonCode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxLdpIntTargOperDownReasonCode is an enumerated integer that specifies the reason that the LDP interface and targeted peer is operationally down." SYNTAX INTEGER { operUp (0), adminDown (1), noListenSocket (2), noDiscoverySocket (3), noResources (4), addrFecDeprogram (5), svcFecDeprogram (6), clearDown (7), instanceDown (8), interfaceDown (9), targetIpInvalid (10), interfaceInvalid (11), lsrInterfaceDown (12), lsrInterfaceInvalid (13), helloFailure (14), parentIfDown (15), interfaceNoValidIp (16), lsrInterfaceNoValidIp (17) } TmnxLdpFec129Tlv ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxLdpFec129Tlv is a Type-Length-Value (Tlv) that specifies the value encoded as one byte Type followed by one byte Length followed by the 'Length' size Value used for FEC-129 attribute." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (2..32)) TmnxLdpNewKeepAliveTimeout ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxLdpNewKeepAliveTimeout specifies the the time interval, in seconds, that LDP waits before tearing down a session. If no LDP messages are exchanged during this time interval, the LDP session is torn down. Generally the keepalive timeout interval should be configured to be 3 times the keepalive time (the time interval between successive LDP Keepalive messages). The minimum value TmnxLdpKeepAliveTimeout can have is 1 whereas the minimum value TmnxLdpNewKeepAliveTimeout can have is 3. This new textual convention prevents setting value for timeouts to be less than 3 seconds." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..65535) TmnxLdpNewHelloTimeout ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxLdpNewHelloTimeout specifies the the time interval, in seconds, that LDP waits before declaring a neighbor to be down. Hello timeout is local to the system and is sent in the Hello messages to a neighbor. Hello timeout cannot be set to a value that is less than 3 times the hello time. The minimum value TmnxLdpHelloTimeout can have is 1 whereas the minimum value TmnxLdpNewHelloTimeout can have is 3. This new textual convention prevents setting value for timeouts to be less than 3 seconds." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..65535) TmnxLdpInLblWdrawalReasonCode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxLdpInLblWdrawalReasonCode is an enumerated integer that specifies the reason that the LDP ingress label is withdrawn. The value of 'none(0)' means no reason specified for the withdrawal of the ingress label. The value of 'noSwLabel(1)' means the ingress label is withdrawn because there is no vc switching label from upstream. The value of 'localFault(2)' means the ingress label is withdrawn because there is a local fault. The value of 'stackMismatch(3)' means the ingress label is withdrawn due to stack capability mismatch." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), noSwLabel (1), localFault (2), stackMismatch (3) } tmnxLdpObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRObjs 8 } vRtrLdpGeneralTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpGeneralEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpGeneralTable has an entry for each virtual router in the system capable of supporting an instance of the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP). In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgGeneralTable, TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgCapabilityTable, TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgPolicyTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 1 } vRtrLdpGeneralEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpGeneralEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) for a virtual router in the system. An entry in this table is created by the agent when vRtrLdpStatus in the vRtrConfTable is set to 'create'. The entry is destroyed when vRtrLdpStatus is set to 'delete' but only if vRtrLdpGenAdminState has a value of 'outOfService'." INDEX { vRtrID } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralTable 1 } VRtrLdpGeneralEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpGenLastChange TimeStamp, vRtrLdpGenAdminState TmnxAdminState, vRtrLdpGenOperState TmnxOperState, vRtrLdpGenLdpLsrId MplsLsrIdentifier, vRtrLdpGenProtocolVersion Unsigned32, vRtrLdpGenDeaggregateFec TruthValue, vRtrLdpGenKeepAliveFactor TmnxLdpKeepAliveFactor, vRtrLdpGenKeepAliveTimeout TmnxLdpNewKeepAliveTimeout, vRtrLdpGenHelloFactor TmnxLdpHelloFactor, vRtrLdpGenHelloTimeout TmnxLdpNewHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpGenRoutePreference Unsigned32, vRtrLdpGenControlMode INTEGER, vRtrLdpGenDistMethod TmnxLdpLabelDistMethod, vRtrLdpGenRetentionMode INTEGER, vRtrLdpGenTransportAddrType INTEGER, vRtrLdpGenPropagatePolicy TmnxLdpFECPolicy, vRtrLdpGenLoopDetectCapable INTEGER, vRtrLdpGenHopLimit Unsigned32, vRtrLdpGenPathVectorLimit Unsigned32, vRtrLdpGenBackoffTime TmnxLdpBackoffTime, vRtrLdpGenMaxBackoffTime TmnxLdpBackoffTime, vRtrLdpGenTargKeepAliveFactor TmnxLdpKeepAliveFactor, vRtrLdpGenTargKeepAliveTimeout TmnxLdpNewKeepAliveTimeout, vRtrLdpGenTargHelloFactor TmnxLdpHelloFactor, vRtrLdpGenTargHelloTimeout TmnxLdpNewHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpGenTargPassiveMode TruthValue, vRtrLdpGenTargetedSessions TruthValue, vRtrLdpGenCreateTime TimeStamp, vRtrLdpGenUpTime TimeInterval, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpGenTunnelDownDampTime Unsigned32, vRtrLdpGenOperDownReason TmnxLdpGenOperDownReasonCode, vRtrLdpGenTrustList TFilterID, vRtrLdpGenGracefulRestart TruthValue, vRtrLdpGenGRNbrLiveTime Unsigned32, vRtrLdpGenGRMaxRecoveryTime Unsigned32, vRtrLdpGenLabelWithdrawalDelay Unsigned32, vRtrLdpGenImplicitNull TruthValue, vRtrLdpGenShortTTLPropLocal TruthValue, vRtrLdpGenShortTTLPropTransit TruthValue, vRtrLdpGenMPMBBTime Unsigned32, vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpGenP2MPCapability TruthValue, vRtrLdpGenMPMBBCapability TruthValue, vRtrLdpGenDynamicCapability TruthValue, vRtrLdpGenLdpFrr TruthValue, vRtrLdpGenTargHelloReduction TruthValue, vRtrLdpGenTargHelloReductionFctr Unsigned32, vRtrLdpGenMcastUpstreamFrr TruthValue, vRtrLdpGenOverloadCapability TruthValue } vRtrLdpGenLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenLastChange specifies the sysUpTime when this row was last modified. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 1 } vRtrLdpGenAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenAdminState specifies the desired administrative state for this LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { inService } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 2 } vRtrLdpGenOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenOperState specifies the current operational state of this LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 3 } vRtrLdpGenLdpLsrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLsrIdentifier MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenLdpLsrId is the Label Switch Router (LSR) identifier which is used as the first 4 bytes or the Router Id component of the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) identifier. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 4 } vRtrLdpGenProtocolVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenProtocolVersion specifies the version of the LDP protocol instance. A value of zero (0) indicates that the version of the protocol is unknown. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 5 } vRtrLdpGenDeaggregateFec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "When vRtrLdpGenDeaggregateFec has a value of 'false', LDP aggregates multiple prefixes into a single Forwarding Equivalence Class (FEC) and advertises a single label for the FEC. When the value is 'true', LDP deaggregates prefixes into multiple FECs. This value is only applicable to LDP interfaces and not for targeted sessions. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 6 } vRtrLdpGenKeepAliveFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpKeepAliveFactor MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenKeepAliveFactor specifies the value by which the keepalive timeout (vRtrLdpGenKeepAliveTimeout) should be divided to give the keepalive time i.e. the time interval, in seconds, between LDP keepalive messages. LDP keepalive messages are sent to keep the LDP session from timing out when no other LDP traffic is being sent between the neighbors. This value is only applicable to LDP interfaces and not for targeted sessions. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 7 } vRtrLdpGenKeepAliveTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpNewKeepAliveTimeout UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenKeepAliveTimeout specifies the time interval, in seconds, that LDP waits before tearing down a session. If no LDP messages are exchanged during this time interval, the LDP session is torn down. Generally the value of vRtrLdpGenKeepAliveTimeout is configured to be 3 times the keepalive time (the time interval between successive LDP keepalive messages). This value is only applicable to LDP interfaces and not for targeted sessions. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 8 } vRtrLdpGenHelloFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpHelloFactor MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenHelloFactor specifies the value by which the hello timeout (vRtrLdpGenHelloTimeout) should be divided to give the hello time i.e. the time interval, in seconds, between LDP Hello messages. LDP uses hello messages to discover neighbors and to detect loss of connectivity with its neighbors. This value is only applicable to LDP interfaces and not for targeted sessions. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 9 } vRtrLdpGenHelloTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpNewHelloTimeout UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenHelloTimeout specifies the hello time also known as hold time. It is the time interval, in seconds, that LDP waits before declaring a neighbor to be down. Hello timeout is local to the system and is sent in the hello messages to a neighbor. Hello timeout cannot be set to a value that is less than 3 times the hello time. This value is only applicable to LDP interfaces and not for targeted sessions. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 15 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 10 } vRtrLdpGenRoutePreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenRoutePreference specifies the route preference assigned to LDP routes. When multiple routes are available to a destination, the route with the lowest preference will be used. This value is only applicable to LDP interfaces and not for targeted sessions. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 9 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 11 } vRtrLdpGenControlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ordered (1), independent (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenControlMode specifies the mode used for distributing labels in response to label binding requests. When vRtrLdpGenControlMode has a value of 'ordered', label bindings are not distributed in response to a label request until a label binding has been received from the next hop for the destination. When vRtrLdpGenControlMode has a value of 'independent', label bindings are distributed immediately in response to a label request even if a label binding has not yet been received from the next hop for the destination. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 12 } vRtrLdpGenDistMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpLabelDistMethod MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenDistMethod specifies the label distribution method used. When vRtrLdpGenDistMethod has a value of 'downstreamOnDemand', label bindings are distributed to the upstream LSR, for each FEC, without requiring a request message for the FEC from the upstream LSR. When vRtrLdpGenDistMethod has a value of 'downstreamUnsolicited', label bindings are distributed to the upstream LSR only when a label request message is received. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 13 } vRtrLdpGenRetentionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { conservative (1), liberal (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenRetentionMode specifies the label retention mode used. If the value of this object is 'conservative', then advertised label mappings are retained only if they will be used to forward packets, i.e. if the label came from a valid next hop. Label bindings received from non-nexthops for each FEC are discarded. If the value of this object is 'liberal', then all advertised label mappings are retained whether they are from a valid next hop or not. When vRtrLdpGenDistMethod has a value of 'downstreamUnsolicited', a LSR may receive label bindings for the same destination for all its neighbors. Labels for the non-nexthops for the FECs are retained in the software but not used. When a network topology change occurs where a non-nexthop becomes a true next hop, the label received earlier is then used. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 14 } vRtrLdpGenTransportAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { interface (1), system (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenTransportAddrType specifies the source of the transport address to be used when setting up the LDP TCP sessions. The transport address can be configured globally (applied to all interfaces) or per interface. When the value of this object is 'interface', the interface's IP address is used to setup the LDP session between neighbors. If multiple interfaces exist between two neighbors, the 'interface' mode cannot be used since only one LDP session is actually set up between the two neighbors. When the value of this object is 'system', the system's IP address is used to set up the LDP session between neighbors. This value is only applicable to LDP interfaces and not for targeted sessions. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { system } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 15 } vRtrLdpGenPropagatePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFECPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenPropagatePolicy determines whether the LSR should generate FECs and which FECs it should generate. When the value of this object is 'system', LDP will distribute label bindings only for the router's system IP address When the value of this object is 'interface', LDP will distribute label bindings for all LDP interfaces When the value of this object is 'all', LDP will distribute label bindings for all prefixes in the routing table When the value of this object is 'none', LDP will not distribute any label bindings. This value is only applicable to LDP interfaces and not for targeted sessions. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { system } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 16 } vRtrLdpGenLoopDetectCapable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), other (2), hopCount (3), pathVector (4), hopCountAndPathVector (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenLoopDetectCapable indicate whether this LSR supports loop detection and if so, what type of loop detection is supported. When the value is 'none' loop detection is not supported on this LSR. When the value is 'other' Loop Detection is supported but by a method other than those listed below. When the value is 'hopCount' Loop Detection is supported by Hop Count only. When the value is 'pathVector' Loop Detection is supported by Path Vector only. When the value is 'hopCountAndPathVector' Loop Detection is supported by both Hop Count and Path Vector. Since Loop Detection is determined during Session Initialization, an individual session may not be running with loop detection. This object simply gives an indication of whether or not the LSR has the ability to support Loop Detection and which types. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { none } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 17 } vRtrLdpGenHopLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenHopLimit specifies the maximum allowable value for the hop count. The value of this object is valid and used only if vRtrLdpGenLoopDetectCapable has a value of either 'hopCount' or 'hopCountAndPathVector'. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 18 } vRtrLdpGenPathVectorLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenPathVectorLimit specifies the maximum allowable value for the path vector count. The value of this object is valid and used only if vRtrLdpGenLoopDetectCapable has a value of either 'pathVector' or 'hopCountAndPathVector'. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 19 } vRtrLdpGenBackoffTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpBackoffTime (1..2592000) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenBackoffTime specifies the initial value for the backoff interval. The backoff interval is the time, in seconds, that LDP waits after an LDP session setup has failed before it attempts to setup the session again. After the LDP session startup fails the first time, the backoff interval is set to the value of vRtrLdpGenBackoffTime. Thereafter, if session startup fails again the backoff interval increases exponentially. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 15 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 20 } vRtrLdpGenMaxBackoffTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpBackoffTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenMaxBackoffTime specifies the maximum value for the backoff interval. For each successive failure of the LDP session startup, the backoff interval (the time for which the router waits before retrying) increases exponentially. If the backoff interval exceeds vRtrLdpGenMaxBackoffTime, the router will give up trying to establish the LDP session. If vRtrLdpGenMaxBackoffTime is set to zero (0), then the backoff interval does not increase exponentially after the first session startup attempt fails. Instead it remains constant and LDP will keep retrying to establish a session until it succeeds. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 120 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 21 } vRtrLdpGenTargKeepAliveFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpKeepAliveFactor MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenTargKeepAliveFactor specifies the value by which the keepalive timeout (vRtrLdpGenTargKeepAliveTimeout) should be divided to give the keepalive time i.e. the time interval, in seconds, between LDP keepalive messages. LDP keepalive messages are sent to keep the LDP session from timing out when no other LDP traffic is being sent between the neighbors. This value is only applicable to targeted sessions and not to LDP interfaces. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 4 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 22 } vRtrLdpGenTargKeepAliveTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpNewKeepAliveTimeout UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenTargKeepAliveTimeout specifies the time interval, in seconds, that LDP waits before tearing down a session. If no LDP messages are exchanged during this time interval, the LDP session is torn down. Generally the value of vRtrLdpGenTargKeepAliveTimeout is configured to be 3 times the keepalive time (the time interval between successive LDP keepalive messages). This value is only applicable to targeted sessions and not to LDP interfaces. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 40 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 23 } vRtrLdpGenTargHelloFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpHelloFactor MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenTargHelloFactor specifies the value by which the hello timeout (vRtrLdpGenTargHelloTimeout) should be divided to give the hello time i.e. the time interval, in seconds, between LDP Hello messages. LDP uses hello messages to discover neighbors and to detect loss of connectivity with its neighbors. This value is only applicable to targeted sessions and not to LDP interfaces. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 24 } vRtrLdpGenTargHelloTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpNewHelloTimeout UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenTargHelloTimeout specifies the hello time also known as hold time. It is the time interval, in seconds, that LDP waits before declaring a neighbor to be down. Hello timeout is local to the system and is sent in the hello messages to a neighbor. Hello timeout cannot be set to a value that is less than 3 times the hello time. This value is only applicable to targeted sessions and not to LDP interfaces. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 45 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 25 } vRtrLdpGenTargPassiveMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenTargPassiveMode specifies the mode used for setting up LDP sessions. When it has a value of 'true', LDP responds only when it gets a connect request from a peer and will not attempt to actively connect to its neighbors. When it has a value of 'false', LDP actively tries to connect to its peers. This value is only applicable to targeted sessions and not to LDP interfaces. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 26 } vRtrLdpGenTargetedSessions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenTargetedSessions specifies whether or not targeted sessions are allowed. Targeted sessions are LDP sessions between indirectly connected peers. The discovery messages for an indirect LDP session are addressed to the specified peer instead of to the multicast address. When this object has a value of 'true', targeted sessions are enabled. When its value is 'false', targeted sessions are disabled. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { true } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 27 } vRtrLdpGenCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenCreateTime specifies the sysUpTime when this LDP instance was created. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 28 } vRtrLdpGenUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenUpTime specifies the time, in hundreds of seconds, that the LDP instance has been in current operational state (vRtrLdpGenOperState). If the value of vRtrLdpGenOperState is 'inService (2)', then vRtrLdpGenUpTime specifies the time that the LDP instance has been operationally up. If the value of vRtrLdpGenOperState is 'outOfService (3)', then vRtrLdpGenUpTime specifies the time that the LDP instance has been operationally down. If the value of vRtrLdpGenOperState is 'transition (4)', then vRtrLdpGenUpTime specifies the time that the LDP instance has been operationally in transition. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 29 } vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy1 specifies the first import policy used to filter LDP label bindings received from LDP peers. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 30 } vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy2 specifies the second import policy used to filter LDP label bindings received from LDP peers. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 31 } vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy3 specifies the third import policy used to filter LDP label bindings received from LDP peers. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 32 } vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy4 specifies the fourth import policy used to filter LDP label bindings received from LDP peers. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 33 } vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy5 specifies the fifth import policy used to filter LDP label bindings received from LDP peers. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 34 } vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy1 specifies the first export policy used to filter LDP label bindings advertised to LDP peers. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 35 } vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy2 specifies the second export policy used to filter LDP label bindings advertised to LDP peers. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 36 } vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy3 specifies the third export policy used to filter LDP label bindings advertised to LDP peers. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 37 } vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy4 specifies the fourth export policy used to filter LDP label bindings advertised to LDP peers. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 38 } vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy5 specifies the fifth export policy used to filter LDP label bindings advertised to LDP peers. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 39 } vRtrLdpGenTunnelDownDampTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..20) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenTunnelDownDampTime specifies the time interval, in seconds, that LDP waits before posting a tunnel down event to the Route Table Manager. If a tunnel up event is generated before the damping interval has elapsed, a tunnel modify event will be posted to the Route Table Manager (RTM). If this value is set to 0, then tunnel down events are not damped. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 40 } vRtrLdpGenOperDownReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpGenOperDownReasonCode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenOperDownReason specifies the reason that the LDP instance is operationally down. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 41 } vRtrLdpGenTrustList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenTrustList specifies the IP filter ID used to verify trusted T-LDP peers. The IP filter specified by this object should contain a list of src-ip matches. The value '0' is not a valid IP filter ID, but it is used to indicate that there is no trust list. This object was obsoleted in release 5.0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 42 } vRtrLdpGenGracefulRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenGracefulRestart specifies whether graceful restart helper is allowed. When this object has a value of 'true', graceful restart helper is enabled. When its value is 'false', graceful restart helper is disabled. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 43 } vRtrLdpGenGRNbrLiveTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (5..300) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenGRNbrLiveTime specifies the value for neighbor liveness timer. The amount of time the Label Switching Router (LSR) keeps its stale label-FEC bindings is set to the lesser of the FT Reconnect Timeout, as was advertised by the neighbor, and this local timer, called the Neighbor Liveness Timer. The LSR waits for the specified time till a LDP session re-establishes itself. If within that time the LSR still does not establish an LDP session with the neighbor, all the stale bindings are deleted. This object has meaning only when vRtrLdpGenGracefulRestart is 'true'. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 120 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 44 } vRtrLdpGenGRMaxRecoveryTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (15..1800) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenGRMaxRecoveryTime specifies the local maximum recovery time. If the Label Switching Router (LSR) determines that the neighbor was able to preserve its MPLS forwarding state (as was indicated by the non-zero Recovery Time advertised by the neighbor), the LSR should further keep the stale label-FEC bindings, received from the neighbor, for as long as the lesser of the Recovery Time advertised by the neighbor, and a local configurable value, called Maximum Recovery Time, allows. This object has meaning only when vRtrLdpGenGracefulRestart is 'true'. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 120 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 45 } vRtrLdpGenLabelWithdrawalDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 3..120) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenLabelWithdrawalDelay specifies the time interval, in seconds, LDP will delay for the withdrawal of FEC-label binding it distributed to its neighbours when FEC is deactivated. When the timer expires, LDP then sends a label withdrawal for the FEC to all its neighbours. This is applicable only to LDP transport tunnels (ipv4 prefix FECs) and is not applicable to Pseudowires (service FECs). A value of 0 indicates that vRtrLdpGenLabelWithdrawalDelay is disabled. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 46 } vRtrLdpGenImplicitNull OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenImplicitNull specifies whether or not to signal implicit null values for all LDP FECs for which this node is an egress Label Edge Router (LER). When the value is true implicit null values are signaled. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 47 } vRtrLdpGenShortTTLPropLocal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenShortTTLPropLocal specifies whether or not to enable the propagation of time to live (TTL) from the header of IP packet into the header of resulting MPLS packet for all local packets forwarded over a LDP shortcut. When the value is set to 'true' TTL is propagated from the header of IP packet into the header of the resulting MPLS packet for all local packets. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { true } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 48 } vRtrLdpGenShortTTLPropTransit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenShortTTLPropTransit specifies whether or not to enable the propagation of time to live (TTL) from the header of IP packet into the header of resulting MPLS packet for all transit packets forwarded over a LDP shortcut. When the value is set to 'true' TTL is propagated from the header of IP packet into the header of the resulting MPLS packet for all transit packets. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { true } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 49 } vRtrLdpGenMPMBBTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenMPMBBTime specifies the maximum time a Multi Point (MP) transit node must wait before switching over to a new path if the new node does not send Make Before Break (MBB) Tag Length Value (TLV) to inform of the availability of the data plane. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 50 } vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy1 specifies the first tunnel table export policy used for exporting tunneled routes from the CPM tunnel table as LDP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 51 } vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy2 specifies the second tunnel table export policy used for exporting tunneled routes from the CPM tunnel table as LDP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 52 } vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy3 specifies the third tunnel table export policy used for exporting tunneled routes from the CPM tunnel table as LDP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 53 } vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy4 specifies the fourth tunnel table export policy used for exporting tunneled routes from the CPM tunnel table as LDP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 54 } vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy5 specifies the fifth tunnel table export policy used for exporting tunneled routes from the CPM tunnel table as LDP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 55 } vRtrLdpGenP2MPCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenP2MPCapability specifies whether Point-to-Multipoint (P2MP) FEC capability is supported in the LDP instance or not. When the value is 'true', the LDP instance is P2MP capable. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 56 } vRtrLdpGenMPMBBCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenMPMBBCapability specifies whether Multipoint(MP) Make-Before-Break (MBB) capability is supported in the LDP instance or not. When the value is 'true', the LDP instance is MP MBB capable. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 57 } vRtrLdpGenDynamicCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenDynamicCapability specifies whether dynamic capability negotiation is supported or not in LDP sessions associated with the LDP instance. When 'true', the LDP instance supports dynamic capability negotiation. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 58 } vRtrLdpGenLdpFrr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenLdpFrr specifies whether fast reroute of LDP tunnel is enabled or disabled. When the value of vRtrLdpGenLdpFrr is set to 'true' fast reroute of LDP tunnel is enabled and when vRtrLdpGenLdpFrr is set to 'false' fast reroute of LDP tunnel is disabled. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 59 } vRtrLdpGenTargHelloReduction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenTargHelloReduction specifies whether hello reduction to this targeted peer is enabled or not. If enabled, the sender advertises further dampened vRtrLdpGenTargHelloTimeout, to the targeted peer after LDP session is established. The value of 'true' means targeted hello reduction is enabled. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 60 } vRtrLdpGenTargHelloReductionFctr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..20) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenTargHelloReductionFctr specifies the number of hello messages that are sent at consistent vRtrLdpGenTargHelloTimeout, before advertising further dampened vRtrLdpGenTargHelloTimeout. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set when vRtrLdpGenTargHelloReduction is disabled. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 61 } vRtrLdpGenMcastUpstreamFrr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenMcastUpstreamFrr specifies whether mLDP fast upstream switchover feature is enabled or not for the LDP instance. When 'true', the LDP instance supports mLDP fast upstream switchover. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 62 } vRtrLdpGenOverloadCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpGenOverloadCapability indicates whether LSR Overload is supported or not in LDP sessions associated with the LDP instance. When 'true', the LDP instance is LSR overload capable. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry 63 } vRtrLdpStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpStatsTable is a read-only table. The purpose of this table is to keep statistical information about an LDP Instance. Use of AUGMENTS clause implies a one-to-one dependent relationship between the base table, vRtrLdpGeneralTable, and the augmenting table, vRtrLdpStatsTable. This in effect extends the vRtrLdpGeneralTable with additional columns. Creation or deletion of a row in the vRtrLdpGeneralTable results in the same fate for the row in the vRtrLdpStatsTable. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vLdpNgStatsTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 2 } vRtrLdpStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A row in this table represents statistical information about an LDP instance." AUGMENTS { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry } ::= { vRtrLdpStatsTable 1 } VRtrLdpStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpStatsOperDownEvents Counter32, vRtrLdpStatsActiveSessions Gauge32, vRtrLdpStatsActiveAdjacencies Gauge32, vRtrLdpStatsActiveInterfaces Gauge32, vRtrLdpStatsInactiveInterfaces Gauge32, vRtrLdpStatsActiveTargSessions Gauge32, vRtrLdpStatsInactiveTargSessions Gauge32, vRtrLdpStatsAddrFECRecv Gauge32, vRtrLdpStatsAddrFECSent Gauge32, vRtrLdpStatsSvcFECRecv Gauge32, vRtrLdpStatsSvcFECSent Gauge32, vRtrLdpStatsAttemptedSessions Counter32, vRtrLdpStatsSessRejNoHelloErrors Counter32, vRtrLdpStatsSessRejAdvErrors Counter32, vRtrLdpStatsSessRejMaxPduErrors Counter32, vRtrLdpStatsSessRejLabelRangeErrors Counter32, vRtrLdpStatsBadLdpIdentifierErrors Counter32, vRtrLdpStatsBadPduLengthErrors Counter32, vRtrLdpStatsBadMessageLengthErrors Counter32, vRtrLdpStatsBadTlvLengthErrors Counter32, vRtrLdpStatsMalformedTlvValueErrors Counter32, vRtrLdpStatsKeepAliveExpiredErrors Counter32, vRtrLdpStatsShutdownNotifRecv Counter32, vRtrLdpStatsShutdownNotifSent Counter32, vRtrLdpStatsEgrFecPfxCount Counter32, vRtrLdpStatsUnknownTlvErrors Counter32, vRtrLdpStatsP2MPFECSent Gauge32, vRtrLdpStatsP2MPFECRecv Gauge32 } vRtrLdpStatsOperDownEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsOperDownEvents specifies the number of times the LDP instance has gone operationally down since the instance was created. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 1 } vRtrLdpStatsActiveSessions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsActiveSessions specifies the number of active sessions (i.e. session in some form of creation) associated with the LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 2 } vRtrLdpStatsActiveAdjacencies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsActiveAdjacencies specifies the number of active adjacencies (i.e. established sessions) associated with the LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 3 } vRtrLdpStatsActiveInterfaces OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsActiveInterfaces specifies the number of active (i.e. operationally up) interfaces associated with the LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 4 } vRtrLdpStatsInactiveInterfaces OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsInactiveInterfaces specifies the number of inactive (i.e. operationally down) interfaces associated with the LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 5 } vRtrLdpStatsActiveTargSessions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsActiveTargSessions specifies the number of configured targeted peers that are administratively up in an LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 6 } vRtrLdpStatsInactiveTargSessions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsInactiveTargSessions specifies the number of inactive (i.e. operationally down) targeted sessions associated with the LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 7 } vRtrLdpStatsAddrFECRecv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsAddrFECRecv specifies the number of Address FECs received by the LDP instance from its neighbors. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 8 } vRtrLdpStatsAddrFECSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsAddrFECSent specifies the number of Address FECs sent by the LDP instance to its neighbors. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 9 } vRtrLdpStatsSvcFECRecv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsSvcFECRecv specifies the number of Service FECs received by the LDP instance from its neighbors. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 10 } vRtrLdpStatsSvcFECSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsSvcFECSent specifies the number of Service FECs sent by the LDP instance to its neighbors. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 11 } vRtrLdpStatsAttemptedSessions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsAttemptedSessions specifies the total number of attempted sessions for this LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 12 } vRtrLdpStatsSessRejNoHelloErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsSessRejNoHelloErrors gives the total number of Session Rejected/No Hello Error Notification Messages sent or received by this LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 13 } vRtrLdpStatsSessRejAdvErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsSessRejAdvErrors gives the total number of Session Rejected/Parameters Advertisement Mode Error Notification Messages sent or received by this LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 14 } vRtrLdpStatsSessRejMaxPduErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsSessRejMaxPduErrors gives the total number of Session Rejected/Parameters Max Pdu Length Error Notification Messages sent or received by this LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 15 } vRtrLdpStatsSessRejLabelRangeErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsSessRejLabelRangeErrors gives the total number of Session Rejected/Parameters Label Range Error Notification Messages sent or received by this LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 16 } vRtrLdpStatsBadLdpIdentifierErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsBadLdpIdentifierErrors gives the number of Bad LDP Identifier Fatal Errors detected for sessions associated with this LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." REFERENCE "LDP Specification, Section" ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 17 } vRtrLdpStatsBadPduLengthErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsBadPduLengthErrors gives the number of Bad Pdu Length Fatal Errors detected for sessions associated with this LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." REFERENCE "LDP Specification, Section" ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 18 } vRtrLdpStatsBadMessageLengthErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsBadMessageLengthErrors gives the number of Bad Message Length Fatal Errors detected for sessions associated with this LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." REFERENCE "LDP Specification, Section" ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 19 } vRtrLdpStatsBadTlvLengthErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsBadTlvLengthErrors gives the number of Bad TLV Length Fatal Errors detected for sessions associated with this LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." REFERENCE "LDP Specification, Section" ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 20 } vRtrLdpStatsMalformedTlvValueErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsMalformedTlvValueErrors gives the number of Malformed TLV Value Fatal Errors detected for sessions associated with this LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." REFERENCE "LDP Specification, Section" ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 21 } vRtrLdpStatsKeepAliveExpiredErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsKeepAliveExpiredErrors gives the number of Session Keep Alive Timer Expired Errors detected for sessions associated with this LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." REFERENCE "LDP Specification, Section" ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 22 } vRtrLdpStatsShutdownNotifRecv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsShutdownNotifRecv gives the number of Shutdown Notifications received related to sessions associated with this LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 23 } vRtrLdpStatsShutdownNotifSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsShutdownNotifSent gives the number of Shutdown Notifications sent related to sessions associated with this LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 24 } vRtrLdpStatsEgrFecPfxCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsEgrFecPfxCount indicates the number of egress FEC prefix statistics configured for this LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 25 } vRtrLdpStatsUnknownTlvErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsUnknownTlvErrors indicates the number of Unknown TLV Fatal Errors detected for sessions associated with this LDP instance. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." REFERENCE "LDP Specification, Section" ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 26 } vRtrLdpStatsP2MPFECSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsP2MPFECSent specifies the number of P2MP FECs sent by the LDP instance to its neighbors. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 27 } vRtrLdpStatsP2MPFECRecv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStatsP2MPFECRecv specifies the number of P2MP FECs received by the LDP instance from its neighbors. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStatsEntry 28 } vRtrLdpPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpPolicyTable has an entry for each policy used by the LDP protocol instance running on the virtual router. This table is obsoleted in release 2.1." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 3 } vRtrLdpPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a policy used by the LDP protocol instance. Entries can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations to vRtrLdpPolicyRowStatus. This entry is obsoleted in release 2.1." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpPolicyType, vRtrLdpPolicyIndex } ::= { vRtrLdpPolicyTable 1 } VRtrLdpPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpPolicyType INTEGER, vRtrLdpPolicyIndex Unsigned32, vRtrLdpPolicyRowStatus RowStatus, vRtrLdpPolicyName TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty } vRtrLdpPolicyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { import (1), export (2), ingress (3), egress (4) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPolicyType indicates the type of policy specified in this row entry. When vRtrLdpPolicyType has a value of 'import' this row entry represents the policy filter to be applied to the label binding received from a neighbor. When the value is 'export', this row entry represents the policy filter to determine the labels to be advertised to the neighbors. When the value is 'ingress', this row entry represents the policy filter to control the route prefixes that are advertised by LDP to the route table. LDP will advertise label bindings of prefixes that are advertised into it. When the value is 'egress', this row entry represents the policy filter to control the route prefixes that are advertised into LDP from the route table. LDP will advertise label bindings of prefixes that are advertised into it. This object is obsoleted in release 2.1." ::= { vRtrLdpPolicyEntry 1 } vRtrLdpPolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..5) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpPolicyIndex is used to control the order that the LDP policies are applied. If multiple entries exist in this table with the same vRtrID and vRtrLdpPolicyType indexes, they are evaluated in ascending numeric order of vRtrLdpPolicyIndex (gaps are allowed). The first policy that matches is applied. This object is obsoleted in release 2.1." ::= { vRtrLdpPolicyEntry 2 } vRtrLdpPolicyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpPolicyRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in the vRtrLdpPolicyTable. This object is obsoleted in release 2.1." ::= { vRtrLdpPolicyEntry 3 } vRtrLdpPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPolicyName is the name of the policy filter to be used. If this object has the value of the empty string, ''H, there is no policy specified at this level. This object is obsoleted in release 2.1." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPolicyEntry 4 } vRtrLdpIfTableSpinlock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TestAndIncr MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Voluntary serialization control for vRtrLdpIfTable. Primarily used by SNMP manager to coordinate changes to vRtrLdpIfInheritance." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 4 } vRtrLdpIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpIfTable provides an entry for each virtual router interface or targeted peer configured to be used with the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP). In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgIfTable, TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgInetIfTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 5 } vRtrLdpIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an interface on this virtual router that participates in the LDP protocol. Row entries can be created or deleted via SNMP SET requests. A row with default attribute values is created by setting vRtrLdpIfRowStatus to 'createAndGo'. A row entry can be destroyed by setting vRtrLdpIfRowStatus to 'destroy'." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpIfIndex, vRtrLdpPeerAddress } ::= { vRtrLdpIfTable 1 } VRtrLdpIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpPeerAddress IpAddress, vRtrLdpIfRowStatus RowStatus, vRtrLdpIfLastChange TimeStamp, vRtrLdpIfAdminState TmnxAdminState, vRtrLdpIfOperState TmnxOperState, vRtrLdpIfInheritance Unsigned32, vRtrLdpIfKeepAliveFactor TmnxLdpKeepAliveFactor, vRtrLdpIfKeepAliveTimeout TmnxLdpNewKeepAliveTimeout, vRtrLdpIfHelloFactor TmnxLdpHelloFactor, vRtrLdpIfHelloTimeout TmnxLdpNewHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpIfBackoffTime TmnxLdpBackoffTime, vRtrLdpIfMaxBackoffTime TmnxLdpBackoffTime, vRtrLdpIfTransportAddrType INTEGER, vRtrLdpIfPassiveMode TruthValue, vRtrLdpIfAutoCreate TruthValue, vRtrLdpIfOperDownReason TmnxLdpIntTargOperDownReasonCode, vRtrLdpIfTunneling TruthValue, vRtrLdpIfBfdEnabled TruthValue, vRtrLdpIfLinkLsrIfType INTEGER, vRtrLdpIfTargLsrIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpIfMulticast TmnxEnabledDisabled, vRtrLdpIfHelloReduction TruthValue, vRtrLdpIfHelloReductionFactor Unsigned32, vRtrLdpIfOperHelloTimeout TmnxLdpNewHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpIfLinkLsrIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpIfCreator INTEGER, vRtrLdpIfTemplName TNamedItemOrEmpty, vRtrLdpIfUpTime TimeInterval } vRtrLdpIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpIfIndex is an index for the row entry and is used mutually exclusively with the vRtrLdpPeerAddress field. If the vRtrLdpPeerAddress field is, then vRtrLdpIfIndex is the index for the interface on the virtual router and must be non-zero. Otherwise, vRtrLdpPeerAddress refers to a targeted peer and its vRtrLdpIfIndex is 0. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 1 } vRtrLdpPeerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpPeerAddress is an index for the row entry and is used mutually exclusively with the vRtrLdpIfIndex field. If the vRtrLdpIfIndex field is 0, then the vRtrLdpPeerAddress is the IP address of the targeted peer and must be non-zero. Otherwise, vRtrLdpIfIndex refers to the LDP interface index and its vRtrLdpPeerAddress is This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 2 } vRtrLdpIfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpIfRowStatus is used to control the creation and deletion of rows in the vRtrLdpIfTable. A row can be created by setting vRtrLdpIfRowStatus to 'createAndGo'. The agent should assign the default attribute values and change the row status to 'active'. A row entry can be destroyed by setting vRtrLdpIfRowStatus to 'destroy'. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 3 } vRtrLdpIfLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfLastChange specifies the sysUpTime when this row was last modified. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 4 } vRtrLdpIfAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfAdminState indicates the desired administrative state for LDP on this interface or targeted peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { inService } ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 5 } vRtrLdpIfOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfOperState specifies the current operational state of LDP on this interface or targeted peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 6 } vRtrLdpIfInheritance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Some writable object in this row that can be configured to inherit its value from its corresponding object in the vRtrLdpGeneralTable for LDP interfaces or from the corresponding object in the vRtrLdpIfTable for targeted peers. vRtrLdpIfInheritance controls whether to inherit the operational value of that object, or use the administratively set value. Non mask bits will always have value of zero, and any attempt to change the value will be silently discarded. This object is a bit-mask, with the following positions: vRtrLdpIfKeepAliveFactor 0x1 vRtrLdpIfKeepAliveTimeout 0x2 vRtrLdpIfHelloFactor 0x4 vRtrLdpIfHelloTimeout 0x8 vRtrLdpIfBackoffTime 0x10 vRtrLdpIfMaxBackoffTime 0x20 vRtrLdpIfTransportAddrType 0x40 vRtrLdpIfPassiveMode 0x80 vRtrLdpIfHelloReduction 0x100 vRtrLdpIfHelloReductionFactor 0x200 When the bit for an object has value of one, then the object's administrative and operational value are whatever the DEFVAL or most recently SET value. The mask bit(s) will be set to one when set is performed on the inherited object(s). Any attempt to set the mask bit to one will be silently discarded. When the bit for an object is set to zero, then the object's administrative and operational value are inherited from the corresponding object in vRtrLdpGeneralTable for LDP interfaces or the vRtrLdpIfTable for targeted peers. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 7 } vRtrLdpIfKeepAliveFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpKeepAliveFactor MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfKeepAliveFactor specifies the value by which the keepalive timeout (vRtrLdpIfKeepAliveTimeout) should be divided to give the keepalive time i.e. the time interval, in seconds, between LDP keepalive messages. LDP keepalive messages are sent to keep the LDP session from timing out when no other LDP traffic is being sent between the neighbors. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 8 } vRtrLdpIfKeepAliveTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpNewKeepAliveTimeout UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfKeepAliveTimeout specifies the time interval, in seconds, that LDP waits before tearing down a session. If no LDP messages are exchanged during this time interval, the LDP session is torn down. Generally the value of vRtrLdpIfKeepAliveTimeout is configured to be 3 times the keepalive time (the time interval between successive LDP keepalive messages). This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 9 } vRtrLdpIfHelloFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpHelloFactor UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfHelloFactor specifies the value by which the hello timeout (vRtrLdpIfHelloTimeout) should be divided to give the hello time i.e. the time interval, in seconds, between LDP Hello messages. LDP uses hello messages to discover neighbors and to detect loss of connectivity with its neighbors. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 10 } vRtrLdpIfHelloTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpNewHelloTimeout UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfHelloTimeout specifies the hello time also known as hold time. It is the time interval, in seconds, that LDP waits before declaring a neighbor to be down. Hello timeout is local to the system and is sent in the hello messages to a neighbor. Hello timeout cannot be set to a value that is less than 3 times the hello time. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 15 } ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 11 } vRtrLdpIfBackoffTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpBackoffTime (1..2592000) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfBackoffTime specifies the initial value for the backoff interval. The backoff interval is the time, in seconds, that LDP waits after an LDP session setup has failed before it attempts to setup the session again. After the LDP session startup fails the first time, the backoff interval is set to the value of vRtrLdpIfBackoffTime. Thereafter, if session startup fails again the backoff interval increases exponentially. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 15 } ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 12 } vRtrLdpIfMaxBackoffTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpBackoffTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfMaxBackoffTime specifies the maximum value for the backoff interval. For each successive failure of the LDP session startup, the backoff interval (the time for which the router waits before retrying) increases exponentially. If the backoff interval exceeds vRtrLdpIfMaxBackoffTime, the router will give up trying to establish the LDP session. If vRtrLdpIfMaxBackoffTime is set to zero (0), then the backoff interval does not increase exponentially after the first session startup attempt fails. Instead it remains constant and LDP will keep retrying to establish a session until it succeeds. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 120 } ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 13 } vRtrLdpIfTransportAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { interface (1), system (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfTransportAddrType specifies the source of the transport address to be used when setting up the LDP TCP sessions. This value is meaningful only in case of LDP interfaces and not for targeted peers. When the value of this object is 'interface', the interface's IP address is used to setup the LDP session between neighbors. If multiple interfaces exist between two neighbors, the 'interface' mode cannot be used since only one LDP session is actually set up between the two neighbors. When the value of this object is 'system', the system's IP address is used to set up the LDP session between neighbors. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { system } ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 14 } vRtrLdpIfPassiveMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfPassiveMode specifies the mode used for setting up LDP sessions. This object is meaningful only in case of LDP targeted peers and not for interfaces. When it has a value of 'true', LDP responds only when it gets a connect request from a peer and will not attempt to actively connect to its neighbors. When it has a value of 'false', LDP actively tries to connect to its peers. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 15 } vRtrLdpIfAutoCreate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfAutoCreate specifies whether or not the row entry was automatically created. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 16 } vRtrLdpIfOperDownReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpIntTargOperDownReasonCode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfOperDownReason specifies the reason that the LDP interface or targeted peer is operationally down. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 17 } vRtrLdpIfTunneling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfTunneling specifies whether tunneling of LDP over tunnels is enabled. When this object has a value of 'true', tunneling is enabled. When its value is 'false', tunneling is disabled. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 18 } vRtrLdpIfBfdEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfBfdEnabled specifies whether BFD tracking of a LDP Session on this interface is enabled. When this object has a value of 'true', BFD tracking is enabled. When its value is 'false', BFD tracking is disabled. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 19 } vRtrLdpIfLinkLsrIfType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { system (1), interface (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfLinkLsrIfType specifies whether the local interface address or the system interface address should be used as source Label Switch Router identifier (LSR-ID) to establish a link LDP adjacency with a LDP peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { system } ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 20 } vRtrLdpIfTargLsrIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfTargLsrIfIndex specifies the local interface index that is to be used as source LSR-ID to establish targeted hello adjacency with a LDP peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 21 } vRtrLdpIfMulticast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfMulticast specifies whether multicast traffic forwarding is enabled or disabled on the interface. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 22 } vRtrLdpIfHelloReduction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfHelloReduction specifies whether hello reduction to this targeted peer is enabled or not. If enabled, the sender advertises the dampened vRtrLdpIfHelloTimeout, to the targeted peer after LDP session is established. The value of this object is valid only for LDP targeted peers and not for interfaces. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 23 } vRtrLdpIfHelloReductionFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 3..20) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfHelloReductionFactor specifies the number of hello messages that are sent at consistent vRtrLdpIfHelloTimeout, before advertising further dampened vRtrLdpIfHelloTimeout. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set when vRtrLdpIfHelloReduction is disabled. The object is set to '0' for LDP interfaces to indicate that the hello reduction feature is not applicable. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 24 } vRtrLdpIfOperHelloTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpNewHelloTimeout (3..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfOperHelloTimeout indicates the operational hello time also known as hold time used by the operational targeted peer or LDP interface. It is the time interval that LDP waits before declaring a neighbor to be down. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 25 } vRtrLdpIfLinkLsrIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfLinkLsrIfIndex specifies the local interface index that is to be used as source LSR-ID to establish link hello adjacency with a LDP peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 26 } vRtrLdpIfCreator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manual (1), template (2), sdp (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfCreator indicates the creator of this row. A value of 'manual(1)' indicates the entry is created manually by the user. A value of 'template(2)' indicates the entry is auto created by template configuration. A value of 'sdp(3)' indicates the entry is auto created by service manager. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 27 } vRtrLdpIfTemplName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfTemplName specifies the template name that created this row. This object has valid value when vRtrLdpIfCreator has value of template. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 28 } vRtrLdpIfUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfUpTime indicates the time, in hundreds of seconds, that the LDP interface or targeted peer has been in current operational state vRtrLdpIfOperState. If the value of vRtrLdpIfOperState is 'inService (2)', then vRtrLdpIfUpTime specifies the time that the LDP interface or targeted peer has been operationally up. If the value of vRtrLdpIfOperState is 'outOfService (3)', then vRtrLdpIfUpTime specifies the time that the LDP interface or targeted peer has been operationally down. If the value of vRtrLdpIfOperState is 'transition (4)', then vRtrLdpIfUpTime specifies the time that the LDP instance has been operationally in transition. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpIfEntry 29 } vRtrLdpIfStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpIfStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpIfStatsTable is a read-only table. The purpose of this table is to keep statistical information about the LDP Interfaces and Targeted peers on the LSR. Use of AUGMENTS clause implies a one-to-one dependent relationship between the base table, vRtrLdpIfTable, and the augmenting table, vRtrLdpIfStatsTable. This in effect extends the vRtrLdpIfTable with additional columns. Creation or deletion of a row in the vRtrLdpIfTable results in the same fate for the row in the vRtrLdpIfStatsTable. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgInetIfStatsTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 6 } vRtrLdpIfStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpIfStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A row in this table contains statistical information about an LDP Interface or Targeted peer. Some counters contained in a row are for fatal errors received during a former LDP Session associated with this entry. For example, an LDP Pdu received on a TCP connection during an LDP Session contains a fatal error. That error is counted here, because the session is terminated. If the error is NOT fatal (i.e. and the Session remains), then the error is counted in the vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry." AUGMENTS { vRtrLdpIfEntry } ::= { vRtrLdpIfStatsTable 1 } VRtrLdpIfStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpIfExistingAdjacencies Gauge32 } vRtrLdpIfExistingAdjacencies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfExistingAdjacencies gives a count of the total active adjacencies on this LDP interface or with this targeted peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpIfStatsEntry 1 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpHelloAdjTable is a read-only table. The purpose of this table is to keep information about Hello Adjacencies for Sessions. A hello adjacency can be associated with an LDP interface or with a targeted peer. The index includes both the interface index and the peer IP address thus referring to the LDP interface or targeted peer. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgHelloAdjTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 7 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a single LDP Hello Adjacency. An LDP Session can have one or more Hello adjacencies." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId, vRtrLdpIfIndex, vRtrLdpPeerAddress } ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjTable 1 } VRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpPeerLdpId MplsLdpIdentifier, vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalLdpId MplsLdpIdentifier, vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntityIndex Unsigned32, vRtrLdpHelloAdjIndex Unsigned32, vRtrLdpHelloAdjHoldTimeRemaining Unsigned32, vRtrLdpHelloAdjType TmnxLdpAdjacencyType, vRtrLdpHelloAdjRemoteConfSeqNum Unsigned32, vRtrLdpHelloAdjRemoteIpAddress IpAddress, vRtrLdpHelloAdjUpTime TimeInterval, vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalConfSeqNum Unsigned32, vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalIpAddress IpAddress, vRtrLdpHelloAdjInHelloMsgCount Counter32, vRtrLdpHelloAdjOutHelloMsgCount Counter32, vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalHelloTimeout TmnxLdpHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpHelloAdjRemoteHelloTimeout TmnxLdpHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpHelloAdjBfdStatus INTEGER } vRtrLdpPeerLdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLdpIdentifier MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpPeerLdpId is an index for the row entry. It indicates the LDP identifier of the peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry 1 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalLdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLdpIdentifier MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalLdpId indicates the local LDP identifier for this specific adjacency. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry 2 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntityIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntityIndex indicates the Entity index which is an index for the mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry defined in MPLS-LDP-MIB. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry 3 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpHelloAdjIndex indicates the Hello adjacency index which is an index for the mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry defined in MPLS-LDP-MIB. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry 4 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjHoldTimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpHelloAdjHoldTimeRemaining indicates the hold time remaining for this Hello Adjacency. This interval will change when the next Hello message which corresponds to this Hello Adjacency is received. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry 5 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpAdjacencyType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpHelloAdjType indicates the type of this Hello Adjacency. If this value is 'link' then this adjacency is a result of a Link Hello. If this value is 'hello', then the adjacency is a result of a Targeted Hello. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry 6 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjRemoteConfSeqNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpHelloAdjRemoteConfSeqNum indicates the Configuration sequence number that was in the Hello received when this adjacency started up. This configuration sequence number changes when there is a change of configuration. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry 7 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjRemoteIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpHelloAdjRemoteIpAddress indicates the peer IP address of the interface/targeted session that sent hellos for this specific adjacency. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry 8 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpHelloAdjUpTime indicates the time, in hundreds of seconds, that this adjacency has been up. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry 9 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalConfSeqNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalConfSeqNum indicates the Configuration sequence number that was used in the Hello sent when this adjacency started up. This configuration sequence number changes when there is a change of configuration. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry 10 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalIpAddress indicates the local IP address of the interface/targeted session used in Hellos sent for this specific adjacency. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry 11 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjInHelloMsgCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpHelloAdjInHelloMsgCount indicates the number of Hello messages that have been received for this adjacency. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry 12 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjOutHelloMsgCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpHelloAdjOutHelloMsgCount indicates the number of Hello messages that have been sent for this adjacency. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry 13 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalHelloTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpHelloTimeout MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalHelloTimeout indicates the hello timeout used in the Hellos sent for this specific adjacency. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry 14 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjRemoteHelloTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpHelloTimeout MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpHelloAdjRemoteHelloTimeout indicates the hello timeout used by the remote end that sent Hellos for this specific adjacency. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry 15 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjBfdStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noService (1), inService (2), outOfService (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpHelloAdjBfdStatus indicates the BFD operational status for LDP hello adjacency. If the value of vRtrLdpHelloAdjBfdStatus is 'noService', BFD is not enabled for LDP hello adjacency. If the value of the object is 'outOfService', BFD is enabled but it is down and not running. If the value of object is 'inService', BFD is enabled and it is running. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry 16 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpHelloAdjMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpHelloAdjMapTable is a read-only table which maps to the vRtrLdpHelloAdjTable. This table has the same indexes as the vRtrLdpHelloAdjTable but the order in which these indexes are specified is different for the two tables. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgHelloAdjMapTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 8 } vRtrLdpHelloAdjMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpHelloAdjMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a single LDP Hello Adjacency. An LDP Session can have one or more Hello adjacencies." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpIfIndex, vRtrLdpPeerAddress, vRtrLdpHelloAdjMapLdpId } ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjMapTable 1 } VRtrLdpHelloAdjMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpHelloAdjMapLdpId MplsLdpIdentifier } vRtrLdpHelloAdjMapLdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLdpIdentifier MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpHelloAdjMapLdpId is an index for the row entry. It specifies the LDP identifier of the peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpHelloAdjMapEntry 1 } vRtrLdpSessionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpSessionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpSessionTable is a read-only table which parallels the mplsLdpSessionTable in the MPLS-LDP-MIB. The purpose of this table is to keep information about a single session between an LDP entity and an LDP Peer. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgSessionTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 9 } vRtrLdpSessionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpSessionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A row in this table represents information about a single session between an LDP entity and an LDP Peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId } ::= { vRtrLdpSessionTable 1 } VRtrLdpSessionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpSessLocalLdpId MplsLdpIdentifier, vRtrLdpSessEntityIndex Unsigned32, vRtrLdpSessLabelDistMethod TmnxLdpLabelDistMethod, vRtrLdpSessLoopDetectForPV INTEGER, vRtrLdpSessPathVectorLimit Unsigned32, vRtrLdpSessState INTEGER, vRtrLdpSessAdjacencyType TmnxLdpAdjacencyType, vRtrLdpSessProtocolVersion Unsigned32, vRtrLdpSessLocalUdpPort Unsigned32, vRtrLdpSessPeerUdpPort Unsigned32, vRtrLdpSessLocalTcpPort Unsigned32, vRtrLdpSessPeerTcpPort Unsigned32, vRtrLdpSessLocalAddress IpAddress, vRtrLdpSessPeerAddress IpAddress, vRtrLdpSessKAHoldTimeRemaining TimeInterval, vRtrLdpSessMaxPduLength Unsigned32, vRtrLdpSessUpTime TimeInterval, vRtrLdpSessLocalKATimeout TmnxLdpKeepAliveTimeout, vRtrLdpSessPeerKATimeout TmnxLdpKeepAliveTimeout, vRtrLdpSessAdvertise INTEGER, vRtrLdpSessRestartHelperState TruthValue, vRtrLdpSessPeerNumRestart Counter32, vRtrLdpSessLastRestartTime TimeStamp, vRtrLdpSessFtReconnectTimeNego Unsigned32, vRtrLdpSessFtRecoveryTimeNego Unsigned32, vRtrLdpSessFtReconTimeRemaining Unsigned32, vRtrLdpSessFtRecovTimeRemaining Unsigned32, vRtrLdpSessBfdStatus INTEGER, vRtrLdpSessP2MPCapabilityNego TruthValue, vRtrLdpSessMPMBBCapabilityNego TruthValue, vRtrLdpSessDynamicCapabilityNego TruthValue, vRtrLdpSessOvrloadCapabltyNego TruthValue, vRtrLdpSessAddrFecOverloadSent TruthValue, vRtrLdpSessAddrFecOverloadRecv TruthValue, vRtrLdpSessMcastFecOverloadSent TruthValue, vRtrLdpSessMcastFecOverloadRecv TruthValue, vRtrLdpSessServFecOverloadSent TruthValue, vRtrLdpSessServFecOverloadRecv TruthValue, vRtrLdpSessOperMaxFecThreshold Unsigned32 } vRtrLdpSessLocalLdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLdpIdentifier MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessLocalLdpId specifies the local LDP identifier for this LDP session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 1 } vRtrLdpSessEntityIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessEntityIndex specifies the Entity index for the LDP entity represented in this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 2 } vRtrLdpSessLabelDistMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpLabelDistMethod MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessLabelDistMethod specifies the label distribution method used for this LDP session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 3 } vRtrLdpSessLoopDetectForPV OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (0), enabled (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessLoopDetectForPV indicates whether loop detection based on path vectors is disabled or enabled for this LDP session. If this object has a value of disabled(0), then loop detection is disabled. Otherwise, if this object has a value of enabled(1), then loop detection based on path vectors is enabled. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 4 } vRtrLdpSessPathVectorLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "If the value of vRtrLdpSessLoopDetectForPV for this entry is 'enabled', then the value of vRtrLdpSessPathVectorLimit represents the Path Vector Limit for this LDP Session. If the value of vRtrLdpSessLoopDetectForPV for this entry is 'disabled', then the value of vRtrLdpSessPathVectorLimit be 0 (zero). This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 5 } vRtrLdpSessState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonexistent (1), initialized (2), openrec (3), opensent (4), operational (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessState specifies the current state of the LDP session. All of the states 1 - 5 are based on the state machine for session negotiation behavior. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 6 } vRtrLdpSessAdjacencyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpAdjacencyType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessAdjacencyType specifies the adjacency type(s) supporting this LDP Session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 7 } vRtrLdpSessProtocolVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessProtocolVersion specifies the version of the LDP Protocol used by this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 8 } vRtrLdpSessLocalUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessLocalUdpPort specifies the UDP port used locally for LDP discovery. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 9 } vRtrLdpSessPeerUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessPeerUdpPort specifies the UDP port used on the remote end for LDP discovery. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 10 } vRtrLdpSessLocalTcpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessLocalTcpPort specifies the TCP port used locally for the LDP Session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 11 } vRtrLdpSessPeerTcpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessPeerTcpPort specifies the TCP port used on the remote end for the LDP Session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 12 } vRtrLdpSessLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessLocalAddress specifies the IP address used locally for the LDP Session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 13 } vRtrLdpSessPeerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessPeerAddress specifies the IP address used on the remote end for the LDP Session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 14 } vRtrLdpSessKAHoldTimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessKAHoldTimeRemaining specifies the keep alive hold time remaining, in hundredths of seconds, for this LDP session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 15 } vRtrLdpSessMaxPduLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessMaxPduLength specifies the maximum allowable length for LDP PDUs for this session. This value may have been negotiated during Session Initialization. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 16 } vRtrLdpSessUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessUpTime specifies the time, in hundreds of seconds, since the session was established. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 17 } vRtrLdpSessLocalKATimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpKeepAliveTimeout MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessLocalKATimeout specifies the keepalive timeout used locally for the LDP Session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 18 } vRtrLdpSessPeerKATimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpKeepAliveTimeout MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessPeerKATimeout specifies the keepalive timeout used at the remote end of the LDP Session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 19 } vRtrLdpSessAdvertise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { address (1), service (2), addressAndService (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessAdvertise indicates the type of FECs that will be transported by the session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 20 } vRtrLdpSessRestartHelperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessRestartHelperState indicates whether the entity session is capable of supporting graceful restart. This is negotiated between peers during the session initialization setup. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 21 } vRtrLdpSessPeerNumRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessPeerNumRestart indicates the number of times graceful restart helper was initiated for this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 22 } vRtrLdpSessLastRestartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessLastRestartTime indicates the last time graceful restart helper was initiated. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 23 } vRtrLdpSessFtReconnectTimeNego OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessFtReconnectTimeNego indicates the session's Fault Tolerant(FT) Reconnect Timeout, it is set to the lesser of the neighbor advertised FT Reconnect Timeout, vRtrLdpSessFtReconTimeRemaining and the local timer Neighbor Liveness Time, vRtrLdpGenGRNbrLiveTime. It is within this period that the transport session is expected to re-establish, failure to do so will cause the teardown of the LDP session and deletion of stale bindings. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 24 } vRtrLdpSessFtRecoveryTimeNego OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessFtRecoveryTimeNego indicates the session's Fault Tolerant(FT) recovery timeout, it is set to the lesser of the neighbor advertised FT recovery timeout, vRtrLdpSessFtRecovTimeRemaining and the local timer maximum recovery time, vRtrLdpGenGRMaxRecoveryTime. It is within this period that label-FEC binding message exchanges are expected to complete. Any stale FEC entries left after this time will be deleted from the FEC table. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 25 } vRtrLdpSessFtReconTimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessFtReconTimeRemaining indicates the amount of time left before the session's Fault Tolerant(FT) reconnect timeout,vRtrLdpSessFtReconnectTimeNego expires. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 26 } vRtrLdpSessFtRecovTimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the amount of time left before session's Fault Tolerant(FT) recovery timeout, vRtrLdpSessFtRecoveryTimeNego expires. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 27 } vRtrLdpSessBfdStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noService (1), inService (2), outOfService (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessBfdStatus indicates the BFD operational status for the LDP session. If the value of vRtrLdpSessBfdStatus is 'noService', BFD is not enabled for the LDP session. If the value of the object is 'outOfService', BFD is enabled but it is down and not running. If the value of object is 'inService', BFD is enabled and it is running. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 28 } vRtrLdpSessP2MPCapabilityNego OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessP2MPCapabilityNego indicates whether the entity session is capable of exchanging P2MP FECs. This is negotiated between peers during the session initialization setup. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 29 } vRtrLdpSessMPMBBCapabilityNego OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessMPMBBCapabilityNego indicates whether the entity session is capable of Multipoint MBB. This is negotiated between peers during the session initialization setup. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 30 } vRtrLdpSessDynamicCapabilityNego OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessDynamicCapabilityNego indicates whether the entity session supports negotiation of LDP session capabilities dynamically. This is negotiated between peers during the session initialization setup. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 31 } vRtrLdpSessOvrloadCapabltyNego OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessOvrloadCapabltyNego indicates whether the entity session is capable of signaling LSR Overload Notification.This is negotiated between peers during the session initialization setup. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 32 } vRtrLdpSessAddrFecOverloadSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessAddrFecOverloadSent indicates whether LSR Overload Notification has been sent to the LDP peer for Address FEC Types. The value of 'true' indicates that Local LSR has set the LDP session as overloaded for Address FEC types and is not ready to receive new Label Mappings for Address FEC Types. In this state if a Label Mapping Message is received from peer for any Address FEC type then the Label is returned with a Label Release Message. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 33 } vRtrLdpSessAddrFecOverloadRecv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessAddrFecOverloadRecv indicates whether LSR Overload Notification has been received from the LDP peer for Address FEC Types. The value of 'true' indicates that Peer LSR has set the LDP session as overloaded for Address FEC types and is not ready to receive new Label Mappings for any Address FEC Type. In this state no new Label Mapping Message would be sent to peer for any Address FEC Type. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 34 } vRtrLdpSessMcastFecOverloadSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessMcastFecOverloadSent indicates whether LSR Overload Notification has been sent to the LDP peer for Multicast FEC Types. The value of 'true' indicates that Local LSR has set the LDP session as overloaded for Multicast FEC types and is not ready to receive new Label Mappings for Multicast FEC Types. In this state if a Label Mapping Message is received from peer for Multicast FEC types then the Label is returned with a Label Release Message. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 35 } vRtrLdpSessMcastFecOverloadRecv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessMcastFecOverloadRecv indicates whether LSR Overload Notification has been received from the LDP peer for Multicast FEC Types. The value of 'true' indicates that Peer LSR has set the LDP session as overloaded for Multicast FEC types and is not ready to receive new Label Mappings for any Multicast FEC Type. In this state no new Label Mapping Message would be sent to peer for any Multicast FEC Type. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 36 } vRtrLdpSessServFecOverloadSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessServFecOverloadSent indicates whether LSR Overload Notification has been sent to the LDP peer for Service FEC Types. The value of 'true' indicates that Local LSR has set the LDP session as overloaded for Service FEC types and is not ready to receive new Label Mappings for Service FEC Types. In this state if a Label Mapping Message is received from peer for Service FEC types then the Label is returned with a Label Release Message. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 37 } vRtrLdpSessServFecOverloadRecv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessServFecOverloadRecv indicates whether LSR Overload Notification has been received from the LDP peer for Service FEC Types. The value of 'true' indicates that Peer LSR has set the LDP session as overloaded for Service FEC types and is not ready to receive new Label Mappings for any Service FEC Type. In this state no new Label Mapping Message would be sent to peer for any Service FEC Type. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 38 } vRtrLdpSessOperMaxFecThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessOperMaxFecThreshold indicates the operational percentage of vRtrLdpPeerMaxFec. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionEntry 39 } vRtrLdpSessionStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpSessionStatsTable is a read-only table. The purpose of this table is to keep statistical information about a single session between an LDP entity and an LDP Peer. Use of AUGMENTS clause implies a one-to-one dependent relationship between the base table, vRtrLdpSessionTable, and the augmenting table, vRtrLdpSessionStatsTable. This in effect extends the vRtrLdpSessionTable with additional columns. Creation or deletion of a row in the vRtrLdpSessionTable results in the same fate for the row in the vRtrLdpSessionStatsTable. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgSessionStatsTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 10 } vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A row in this table represents statistical information about a single session between an LDP entity and an LDP Peer." AUGMENTS { vRtrLdpSessionEntry } ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsTable 1 } VRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpSessStatsTargAdj Gauge32, vRtrLdpSessStatsLinkAdj Gauge32, vRtrLdpSessStatsFECRecv Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsFECSent Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsHelloIn Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsHelloOut Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsKeepaliveIn Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsKeepaliveOut Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsInitIn Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsInitOut Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelMappingIn Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelMappingOut Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelRequestIn Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelRequestOut Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelReleaseIn Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelReleaseOut Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelWithdrawIn Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelWithdrawOut Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelAbortIn Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelAbortOut Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrIn Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrOut Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrWithdrawIn Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrWithdrawOut Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsNotificationIn Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsNotificationOut Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrRecv Counter32, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrSent Counter32 } vRtrLdpSessStatsTargAdj OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsTargAdj specifies the number of targeted adjacencies for this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 1 } vRtrLdpSessStatsLinkAdj OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsLinkAdj specifies the number of link adjacencies for this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 2 } vRtrLdpSessStatsFECRecv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsFECRecv counts the number of FECs received for this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 3 } vRtrLdpSessStatsFECSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsFECSent counts the number of FECs sent for this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 4 } vRtrLdpSessStatsHelloIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsHelloIn counts the number of Hello Messages that have been received during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 5 } vRtrLdpSessStatsHelloOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsHelloOut counts the number of Hello Messages that have been sent during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 6 } vRtrLdpSessStatsKeepaliveIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsKeepaliveIn counts the number of Keepalive Messages that have been received during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 7 } vRtrLdpSessStatsKeepaliveOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsKeepaliveOut counts the number of Keepalive Messages that have been sent during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 8 } vRtrLdpSessStatsInitIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsInitIn counts the number of Init Messages that have been received during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 9 } vRtrLdpSessStatsInitOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsInitOut counts the number of Init Messages that have been sent during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 10 } vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelMappingIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelMappingIn counts the number of Label Mapping Messages that have been received during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 11 } vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelMappingOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelMappingOut counts the number of Label Mapping Messages that have been sent during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 12 } vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelRequestIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelRequestIn counts the number of Label Request Messages that have been received during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 13 } vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelRequestOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelRequestOut counts the number of Label Request Messages that have been sent during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 14 } vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelReleaseIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelReleaseIn counts the number of Label Release Messages that have been received during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 15 } vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelReleaseOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelReleaseOut counts the number of Label Release Messages that have been sent during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 16 } vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelWithdrawIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelWithdrawIn counts the number of Label Withdraw Messages that have been received during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 17 } vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelWithdrawOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelWithdrawOut counts the number of Label Withdraw Messages that have been sent during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 18 } vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelAbortIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelAbortIn counts the number of Label Abort Messages that have been received during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 19 } vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelAbortOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelAbortOut counts the number of Label Abort Messages that have been sent during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 20 } vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrIn counts the number of Address Messages that have been received during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 21 } vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrOut counts the number of Address Messages that have been sent during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 22 } vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrWithdrawIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrWithdrawIn counts the number of Address Withdraw Messages that have been received during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 23 } vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrWithdrawOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrWithdrawOut counts the number of Address Withdraw Messages that have been sent during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 24 } vRtrLdpSessStatsNotificationIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsNotificationIn counts the number of Notification Messages that have been received during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 25 } vRtrLdpSessStatsNotificationOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsNotificationOut counts the number of Notification Messages that have been sent during this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 26 } vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrRecv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrRecv counts the number of local addresses received for this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 27 } vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrSent counts the number of local addresses sent for this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionStatsEntry 28 } vRtrLdpServFecTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpServFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpServFecTable is a read-only table that represents all service FECs either sent to or received from an LDP peer known to the Virtual Router. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vLdpNgSvcFec128Table, TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vLdpNgSvcFec128InLblTable, TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vLdpNgSvcFec128OutLblTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 11 } vRtrLdpServFecEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpServFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of a service FEC sent to or received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpServFecFecType, vRtrLdpServFecVcType, vRtrLdpServFecVcId, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId } ::= { vRtrLdpServFecTable 1 } VRtrLdpServFecEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpServFecFecType TmnxLdpFECType, vRtrLdpServFecVcType TmnxVcType, vRtrLdpServFecVcId TmnxVcId, vRtrLdpServFecServType ServType, vRtrLdpServFecServId TmnxServId, vRtrLdpServFecVpnId TmnxVpnId, vRtrLdpServFecFlags TmnxLdpFECFlags, vRtrLdpServFecNumInLabels Unsigned32, vRtrLdpServFecNumOutLabels Unsigned32, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel1 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus1 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel2 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus2 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel3 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus3 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel4 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus4 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel5 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus5 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel1 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus1 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel2 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus2 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel3 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus3 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel4 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus4 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel5 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus5 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpServFecSdpId SdpId, vRtrLdpServFecLocalMTU Unsigned32, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteMTU Unsigned32, vRtrLdpServFecLocalVlanTag Unsigned32, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteVlanTag Unsigned32, vRtrLdpServFecLocalMaxCellConcat Unsigned32, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteMaxCellConcat Unsigned32, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus1 TmnxLabelSigStatus, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus2 TmnxLabelSigStatus, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus3 TmnxLabelSigStatus, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus4 TmnxLabelSigStatus, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus5 TmnxLabelSigStatus, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus1 TmnxLabelSigStatus, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus2 TmnxLabelSigStatus, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus3 TmnxLabelSigStatus, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus4 TmnxLabelSigStatus, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus5 TmnxLabelSigStatus, vRtrLdpServFecMateEndpointVcId TmnxVcId, vRtrLdpServFecMateEndpointSdpId SdpId, vRtrLdpServFecLocalIpv4Capblty TruthValue, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteIpv4Capblty TruthValue, vRtrLdpServFecLocalIpv6Capblty TruthValue, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteIpv6Capblty TruthValue, vRtrLdpServFecLocalIpv4CeIpAddr IpAddress, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteIpv4CeIpAddr IpAddress, vRtrLdpServFecInLbl1WdwReason TmnxLdpInLblWdrawalReasonCode, vRtrLdpServFecLocalFLTxCapblty TruthValue, vRtrLdpServFecLocalFLRxCapblty TruthValue, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteFLTxCapblty TruthValue, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteFLRxCapblty TruthValue } vRtrLdpServFecFecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFECType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecFecType specifies the FEC type. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 1 } vRtrLdpServFecVcType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVcType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecVcType specifies the VC type associated with this service FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 2 } vRtrLdpServFecVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVcId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecVcId specifies the VC identifier associated with this service FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 3 } vRtrLdpServFecServType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecServType specifies the Service type associated with this service FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 4 } vRtrLdpServFecServId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecServId specifies the Service identifier associated with this service FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 5 } vRtrLdpServFecVpnId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVpnId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecVpnId identifies the VPN associated with the FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 6 } vRtrLdpServFecFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFECFlags MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The bit flags of vRtrLdpServFecFlags specify the characteristics of the FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 7 } vRtrLdpServFecNumInLabels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecNumInLabels gives the number of labels that have been sent to the peer associated with this FEC. This value also indicates which of the following vRtrLdpServFecInLabel1 thru vRtrLdpServFecInLabel5 entries contain valid information i.e. if the value of vRtrLdpServFecNumInLabels is 3 then vRtrLdpServFecInLabel1, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel2 and vRtrLdpServFecInLabel3 will contain valid label information. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 8 } vRtrLdpServFecNumOutLabels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecNumOutLabels gives the number of labels that have been received from the peer associated with this FEC. This value also indicates which of the following vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel1 thru vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel5 entries contain valid information i.e. if the value of vRtrLdpServFecNumOutLabels is 3, then vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel1, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel2 and vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel3 will contain valid label information. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 9 } vRtrLdpServFecInLabel1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecInLabel1 specifies the first ingress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 10 } vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus1 specifies the status of the ingress label 1. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 11 } vRtrLdpServFecInLabel2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecInLabel2 specifies the second ingress label (if at all) exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 12 } vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus2 specifies the status of the ingress label 2. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 13 } vRtrLdpServFecInLabel3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecInLabel3 specifies the third ingress label (if at all) exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 14 } vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus3 specifies the status of the ingress label 3. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 15 } vRtrLdpServFecInLabel4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecInLabel4 specifies the fourth ingress label (if at all) exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 16 } vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus4 specifies the status of the ingress label 4. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 17 } vRtrLdpServFecInLabel5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecInLabel5 specifies the fifth ingress label (if at all) exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 18 } vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus5 specifies the status of the ingress label 5. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 19 } vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel1 specifies the first egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 20 } vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus1 specifies the status of the egress label 1. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 21 } vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel2 specifies the second egress label (if at all) exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 22 } vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus2 specifies the status of the egress label 2. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 23 } vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel3 specifies the third egress label (if at all) exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 24 } vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus3 specifies the status of the egress label 3. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 25 } vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel4 specifies the fourth egress label (if at all) exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 26 } vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus4 specifies the status of the egress label 4. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 27 } vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel5 specifies the fifth egress label (if at all) exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 28 } vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus5 specifies the status of the egress label 5. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 29 } vRtrLdpServFecSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecSdpId identifies the SDP associated with this peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 30 } vRtrLdpServFecLocalMTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecLocalMTU specifies the largest service frame size (in octets) that can be handled by the local ESR. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 31 } vRtrLdpServFecRemoteMTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecRemoteMTU specifies the largest service frame size (in octets) that can be handled by the remote ESR. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 32 } vRtrLdpServFecLocalVlanTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecLocalVlanTag specifies the local tag on a VLAN VC type SDP binding. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 33 } vRtrLdpServFecRemoteVlanTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecRemoteVlanTag specifies the remote tag on a VLAN VC type SDP binding. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 34 } vRtrLdpServFecLocalMaxCellConcat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecLocalMaxCellConcat specifies the local maximum number of ATM cells to concatenate on a ATM cell-mode VC type SDP binding. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 35 } vRtrLdpServFecRemoteMaxCellConcat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecRemoteMaxCellConcat specifies the remote maximum number of ATM cells to concatenate on a ATM cell-mode VC type SDP binding. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 36 } vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelSigStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus1 indicates the signaling status for vRtrLdpServFecInLabel1. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 37 } vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelSigStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus2 indicates the signaling status for vRtrLdpServFecInLabel2. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 38 } vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelSigStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus3 indicates the signaling status for vRtrLdpServFecInLabel3. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 39 } vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelSigStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus4 indicates the signaling status for vRtrLdpServFecInLabel4. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 40 } vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelSigStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus5 indicates the signaling status for vRtrLdpServFecInLabel5. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 41 } vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelSigStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus1 indicates the signaling status for vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel1. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 42 } vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelSigStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus2 indicates the signaling status for vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel2. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 43 } vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelSigStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus3 indicates the signaling status for vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel3. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 44 } vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelSigStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus4 indicates the signaling status for vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel4. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 45 } vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelSigStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus5 indicates the signaling status for vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel5. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 46 } vRtrLdpServFecMateEndpointVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVcId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecMateEndpointVcId specifies the VC identifier associated with this service FEC mate endpoint for vc-switching. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 47 } vRtrLdpServFecMateEndpointSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecMateEndpointSdpId identifies the SDP associated with this service FEC mate endpoint for vc-switching. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 48 } vRtrLdpServFecLocalIpv4Capblty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecLocalIpv4Capblty indicates whether or not the local ipv4 stack capability is supported for this LDP peer. The value of vRtrLdpServFecLocalIpv4Capblty is 'true' when the local ipv4 stack capability is supported and the value is 'false' when the local ipv4 stack capability is not supported. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 49 } vRtrLdpServFecRemoteIpv4Capblty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecRemoteIpv4Capblty indicates whether or not the remote ipv4 stack capability is supported for this LDP peer. The value of vRtrLdpServFecLocalIpv4Capblty is 'true' when the remote ipv4 stack capability is supported and the value is 'false' when the remote ipv4 stack capability is not supported. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 50 } vRtrLdpServFecLocalIpv6Capblty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecLocalIpv6Capblty indicates whether or not the local ipv6 stack capability is supported for this LDP peer. The value of vRtrLdpServFecLocalIpv6Capblty is 'true' when the local ipv6 stack capability is supported and the value is 'false' when the local ipv6 stack capability is not supported. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 51 } vRtrLdpServFecRemoteIpv6Capblty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecRemoteIpv6Capblty indicates whether or not the remote ipv6 stack capability is supported for this LDP peer. The value of vRtrLdpServFecRemoteIpv6Capblty is 'true' when the remote ipv6 stack capability is supported and the value is 'false' when the remote ipv6 stack capability is not supported. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 52 } vRtrLdpServFecLocalIpv4CeIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecLocalIpv4CeIpAddr indicates the local ipv4 CE Address. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 53 } vRtrLdpServFecRemoteIpv4CeIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecRemoteIpv4CeIpAddr indicates the remote ipv4 CE Address. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 54 } vRtrLdpServFecInLbl1WdwReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpInLblWdrawalReasonCode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecInLbl1WdwReason indicates the reason of withdrawal of ingress label value in vRtrLdpServFecInLabel1. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 55 } vRtrLdpServFecLocalFLTxCapblty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecLocalFLTxCapblty indicates whether or not this LDP peer is capable of sending Flow Label in its pseudowire (PW) packet. The value of vRtrLdpServFecLocalFLTxCapblty is 'true' when this LDP peer is capable of sending Flow Label and the value is 'false' when the peer is not capable of sending Flow Label in pseudowire packet. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 56 } vRtrLdpServFecLocalFLRxCapblty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecLocalFLRxCapblty indicates whether or not this LDP peer is capable of receiving Flow Label in its pseudowire packet. The value of vRtrLdpServFecLocalFLRxCapblty is 'true' when this LDP peer is capable of receiving Flow Label and the value is 'false' when the peer is not capable of receiving Flow Label in pseudowire packet. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 57 } vRtrLdpServFecRemoteFLTxCapblty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecRemoteFLTxCapblty indicates whether or not the remote LDP peer is capable of sending Flow Label in its pseudowire packet. The value of vRtrLdpServFecRemoteFLTxCapblty is 'true' when the remote LDP peer is capable of sending Flow Label and the value is 'false' when the peer is not capable of sending Flow Label in pseudowire packet. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 58 } vRtrLdpServFecRemoteFLRxCapblty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecRemoteFLRxCapblty indicates whether or not the remote LDP peer is capable of receiving Flow Label in its pseudowire packet. The value of vRtrLdpServFecRemoteFLRxCapblty is 'true' when the remote LDP peer is capable of receiving Flow Label and the value is 'false' when the peer is not capable of receiving Flow Label in pseudowire packet. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecEntry 59 } vRtrLdpServFecMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpServFecMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpServFecMapTable is a read-only table which maps to the vRtrLdpServFecTable. This table has the same indexes as the vRtrLdpServFecTable but the order in which these indexes are specified is different for the two tables." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 12 } vRtrLdpServFecMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpServFecMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of a service FEC sent to or received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId, vRtrLdpServFecMapFecType, vRtrLdpServFecMapVcType, vRtrLdpServFecMapVcId } ::= { vRtrLdpServFecMapTable 1 } VRtrLdpServFecMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpServFecMapFecType TmnxLdpFECType, vRtrLdpServFecMapVcType TmnxVcType, vRtrLdpServFecMapVcId TmnxVcId } vRtrLdpServFecMapFecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFECType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecMapFecType specifies the FEC type." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecMapEntry 1 } vRtrLdpServFecMapVcType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVcType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecMapVcType specifies the VC type associated with this service FEC." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecMapEntry 2 } vRtrLdpServFecMapVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVcId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpServFecMapVcId specifies the VC identifier associated with this service FEC." ::= { vRtrLdpServFecMapEntry 3 } vRtrLdpAddrFecTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpAddrFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpAddrFecTable is a read-only table that represents all address FECs either sent to or received from an LDP peer known to the Virtual Router." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 13 } vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpAddrFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of an address FEC sent to or received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpAddrFecFecType, vRtrLdpAddrFecIpPrefix, vRtrLdpAddrFecIpMask, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId } ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecTable 1 } VRtrLdpAddrFecEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpAddrFecFecType TmnxLdpFECType, vRtrLdpAddrFecIpPrefix IpAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecIpMask IpAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecFlags TmnxLdpFECFlags, vRtrLdpAddrFecNumInLabels Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecNumOutLabels Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel1 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus1 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex1 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel2 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus2 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex2 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel3 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus3 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex3 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel4 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus4 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex4 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel5 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus5 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex5 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel1 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus1 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex1 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop1 IpAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel2 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus2 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex2 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop2 IpAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel3 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus3 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex3 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop3 IpAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel4 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus4 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex4 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop4 IpAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel5 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus5 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex5 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop5 IpAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId2 TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId3 TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId4 TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId5 TmnxVRtrMplsLspID } vRtrLdpAddrFecFecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFECType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecFecType specifies the FEC type. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 1 } vRtrLdpAddrFecIpPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecIpPrefix specifies the IP Address Prefix for this address FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 2 } vRtrLdpAddrFecIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecIpMask specifies the IP Address Mask for this address FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 3 } vRtrLdpAddrFecFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFECFlags MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The bit flags of vRtrLdpAddrFecFlags specify the characteristics of the FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 4 } vRtrLdpAddrFecNumInLabels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecNumInLabels gives the number of labels that have been sent to the peer associated with this FEC. This value also indicates which of the following vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel1 thru vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel5 entries contain valid information i.e. if the value of vRtrLdpAddrFecNumInLabels is 3 then vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel1, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel2 and vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel3 will contain valid label information. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 5 } vRtrLdpAddrFecNumOutLabels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecNumOutLabels gives the number of labels that have been received from the peer associated with this FEC. This value also indicates which of the following vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel1 thru vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel5 entries contain valid information i.e. if the value of vRtrLdpAddrFecNumOutLabels is 3, then vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel1, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel2 and vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel3 will contain valid label information. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 6 } vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel1 specifies the first ingress label exchanged This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 7 } vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus1 specifies the status of the ingress label 1 This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 8 } vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex1 specifies the interface index for ingress label 1. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 9 } vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel2 specifies the second ingress label (if at all) exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 10 } vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus2 specifies the status of the ingress label. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 11 } vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex2 specifies the interface index for ingress label 2. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 12 } vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel3 specifies the third ingress label (if at all) exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 13 } vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus3 specifies the status of the ingress label 3. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 14 } vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex3 specifies the interface index for ingress label 3. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 15 } vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel4 specifies the fourth ingress label (if at all) exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 16 } vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus4 specifies the status of the ingress label 4. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 17 } vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex4 specifies the interface index for ingress label 4. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 18 } vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel5 specifies the fifth ingress label (if at all) exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 19 } vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus5 specifies the status of the ingress label 5. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 20 } vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex5 specifies the interface index for ingress label 5. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 21 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel1 specifies the first egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 22 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus1 specifies the status of the egress label 1. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 23 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex1 specifies the interface index for egress label 1. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 24 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop1 specifies the IP address of the next hop for egress label 1. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 25 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel2 specifies the second egress label (if at all) exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 26 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus2 specifies the status of the egress label 2. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 27 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex2 specifies the interface index for egress label 2. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 28 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop2 specifies the IP address of the next hop for egress label 2. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 29 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel3 specifies the third egress label (if at all) exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 30 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus3 specifies the status of the egress label 3. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 31 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex3 specifies the interface index for egress label 3. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 32 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop3 specifies the IP address of the next hop for egress label 3. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 33 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel4 specifies the fourth egress label (if at all) exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 34 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus4 specifies the status of the egress label 4. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 35 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex4 specifies the interface index for egress label 4. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 36 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop4 specifies the IP address of the next hop for egress label 4. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 37 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel5 specifies the fifth egress label (if at all) exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 38 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus5 specifies the status of the egress label 5. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 39 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex5 specifies the interface index for egress label 5. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 40 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop5 specifies the IP address of the next hop for egress label 5. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 41 } vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label 1. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 42 } vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId2 indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label 2. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 43 } vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId3 indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label 3. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 44 } vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId4 indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label 4. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 45 } vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId5 indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label 5. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry 46 } vRtrLdpAddrFecMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpAddrFecMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpAddrFecMapTable is a read-only table which maps to the vRtrLdpAddrFecTable. This table has the same indexes as the vRtrLdpAddrFecTable but the order in which these indexes are specified is different for the two tables." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 14 } vRtrLdpAddrFecMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpAddrFecMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of an address FEC sent to or received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId, vRtrLdpAddrFecMapFecType, vRtrLdpAddrFecMapIpPrefix, vRtrLdpAddrFecMapIpMask } ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecMapTable 1 } VRtrLdpAddrFecMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpAddrFecMapFecType TmnxLdpFECType, vRtrLdpAddrFecMapIpPrefix IpAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecMapIpMask IpAddress } vRtrLdpAddrFecMapFecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFECType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecMapFecType specifies the FEC type. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecMapEntry 1 } vRtrLdpAddrFecMapIpPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecMapIpPrefix specifies the IP Address Prefix for this address FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecMapEntry 2 } vRtrLdpAddrFecMapIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecMapIpMask specifies the IP Address Mask for this address FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecMapEntry 3 } vRtrLdpAdjBackoffTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpAdjBackoffEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpAdjBackoffTable is a read-only table which augments the vRtrLdpHelloAdjTable. The purpose of this table is to keep backoff information about the LDP Hello Adjacencies on the virtual router. Use of AUGMENTS clause implies a one-to-one dependent relationship between the base table, vRtrLdpHelloAdjTable, and the augmenting table vRtrLdpAdjBackoffTable. This in effect extends the vRtrLdpHelloAdjTable with additional columns. Creation or deletion of a row in the vRtrLdpHelloAdjTable results in the same fate for the row in the vRtrLdpAdjBackoffTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 15 } vRtrLdpAdjBackoffEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpAdjBackoffEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A row in this table contains backoff information about an LDP adjacency. When an LDP session startup fails for the first time, the LDP entity waits for a certain time interval before it tries to setup the session again. This interval is the backoff interval. The initial value for the backoff interval is set to the value of vRtrLdpAdjInitBackoff. After waiting for the backoff interval, LDP retries to setup the LDP session. If it fails again the backoff interval increases exponentially and this repeats for each successive LDP session startup failure. If the backoff interval exceeds vRtrLdpAdjMaxBackoff, LDP will not backoff anymore and will give up trying to establish the LDP session." AUGMENTS { vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntry } ::= { vRtrLdpAdjBackoffTable 1 } VRtrLdpAdjBackoffEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpAdjInitBackoff Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAdjMaxBackoff Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAdjCurrentBackoff Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAdjWaitingTime Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAdjBackoffStatus TruthValue } vRtrLdpAdjInitBackoff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2592000) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAdjInitBackoff specifies the initial backoff time. After a LDP session setup has failed, the value of vRtrLdpAdjInitBackoff is the time interval, in seconds, that the LDP entity waits before attempting to setup the session again. This interval is the backoff interval. This variable indicates the initial value for backoff interval when the LDP session startup first fails. Thereafter, if session startup fails again the backoff interval increases exponentially. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAdjBackoffEntry 1 } vRtrLdpAdjMaxBackoff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2592000) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAdjMaxBackoff specifies the maximum backoff time. For each successive failure of the LDP session startup, the backoff interval (the time for which the router waits before retrying) increases exponentially. If the backoff interval exceeds vRtrLdpAdjMaxBackoff, the router will not backoff anymore and will give up trying to establish the LDP session. A value of 0 for vRtrLdpAdjMaxBackoff indicates that the backoff interval remains constant and will not increase exponentially. In effect the router will try to establish an LDP session till it succeeds. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAdjBackoffEntry 2 } vRtrLdpAdjCurrentBackoff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This value of vRtrLdpAdjCurrentBackoff specifies the current value of the backoff interval. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAdjBackoffEntry 3 } vRtrLdpAdjWaitingTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAdjWaitingTime specifies the time for which the entity has been waiting in backoff state. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAdjBackoffEntry 4 } vRtrLdpAdjBackoffStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAdjBackoffStatus indicates whether or not the entity is in backoff state. If this value is 'true', then the entity is in a backoff state and if the value is 'false' then the entity is not in a backoff state. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAdjBackoffEntry 5 } vRtrLdpPeerParamsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpPeerParamsTable has an entry for an LDP peer. This table is used to configure parameters specific to the peer whether it is an interface or a targeted peer. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgSessionParamsTable, TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgTcpSessParamsTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 16 } vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a peer that participates in the LDP protocol on this virtual router. Row entries can be created or deleted via SNMP SET requests. A row with default attribute values is created by setting vRtrLdpPeerRowStatus to 'createAndGo'. A row entry can be destroyed by setting vRtrLdpPeerRowStatus to 'destroy'. A row entry with vRtrLdpPeerAddress of represents the default LDP parameters used for all peers that do not have a corresponding entry in this table." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpPeerAddress } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsTable 1 } VRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpPeerRowStatus RowStatus, vRtrLdpPeerAuth TruthValue, vRtrLdpPeerAuthKey OCTET STRING, vRtrLdpPeerMinTTLValue Unsigned32, vRtrLdpPeerTTLLogId TFilterLogId, vRtrLdpPeerAuthKeyChain TNamedItemOrEmpty, vRtrLdpPeerDODLabelDistribution TruthValue, vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpPeerFec129CiscoInterop TruthValue, vRtrLdpPeerPMTUDiscovery TruthValue, vRtrLdpPeerAdvAdjAddrOnly TruthValue, vRtrLdpPeerPeIDMacFlushInterop TruthValue, vRtrLdpPeerMaxFec Unsigned32, vRtrLdpPeerMaxFecLogOnly TruthValue, vRtrLdpPeerMaxFecThreshold Unsigned32 } vRtrLdpPeerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpPeerRowStatus is used to control the creation and deletion of rows in the vRtrLdpPeerParamsTable. A row can be created by setting vRtrLdpPeerRowStatus to 'createAndGo'. The agent should assign the default attribute values and change the row status to 'active'. A row entry can be destroyed by setting vRtrLdpPeerRowStatus to 'destroy'. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 1 } vRtrLdpPeerAuth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "When the value of vRtrLdpPeerAuth is 'true', authentication using MD5 message based digest protocol is enabled. When 'false', no authentication is used. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 2 } vRtrLdpPeerAuthKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The string specified in vRtrLdpPeerAuthKey is the authentication key to be used between LDP neighbors before establishing sessions. Authentication is done using the MD-5 message based digest protocol. The authentication key can be any combination of letters or numbers. Note that the string may contain embedded nulls. An SNMP Get request on this object should return an OCTET STRING of length 0. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 3 } vRtrLdpPeerMinTTLValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerMinTTLValue specifies the minimum TTL value for an incoming LDP packet. If vRtrLdpPeerMinTTLValue is set to zero (0), the TTL Security feature is disabled. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 4 } vRtrLdpPeerTTLLogId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterLogId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTTLLogId specifies the filter log to use for packets that fail TTL security check. The value zero indicates that logging is disabled. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 5 } vRtrLdpPeerAuthKeyChain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerAuthKeyChain specifies the keychain which will be used to sign and/or authenticate the LDP protocol stream. The keychain name is defined by tmnxKeyChainName and is the index for TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB::tmnxKeyChainTable. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 6 } vRtrLdpPeerDODLabelDistribution OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerDODLabelDistribution specifies whether or not Downstream-On-Demand (DOD) has been enabled for the LDP session. When the value is set to 'true' DOD is enabled for the LDP session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 7 } vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy1 specifies the first import policy used to determine which FEC prefixes received from other LDP and TLDP peers should be redistributed to this LDP peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 8 } vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy2 specifies the second import policy used to determine which FEC prefixes received from other LDP and TLDP peers should be redistributed to this LDP peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 9 } vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy3 specifies the third import policy used to determine which FEC prefixes received from other LDP and TLDP peers should be redistributed to this LDP peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 10 } vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy4 specifies the fourth import policy used to determine which FEC prefixes received from other LDP and TLDP peers should be redistributed to this LDP peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 11 } vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy5 specifies the fifth import policy used to determine which FEC prefixes received from other LDP and TLDP peers should be redistributed to this LDP peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 12 } vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy1 specifies the first export policy used to determine which FEC prefixes received from this LDP peer should be redistributed to other LDP and TLDP peers. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 13 } vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy2 specifies the second export policy used to determine which FEC prefixes received from this LDP peer should be redistributed to other LDP and TLDP peers. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 14 } vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy3 specifies the third export policy used to determine which FEC prefixes received from this LDP peer should be redistributed to other LDP and TLDP peers. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 15 } vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy4 specifies the fourth export policy used to determine which FEC prefixes received from this LDP peer should be redistributed to other LDP and TLDP peers. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 16 } vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy5 specifies the fifth export policy used to determine which FEC prefixes received from this LDP peer should be redistributed to other LDP and TLDP peers. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 17 } vRtrLdpPeerFec129CiscoInterop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerFec129CiscoInterop specifies whether LDP will provide translation between non-compliant FEC 129 formats of Cisco. Peer LDP sessions must be manually configured towards the non-compliant Cisco PEs. When the value of vRtrLdpPeerFec129CiscoInterop is 'true', Cisco non-compliant format will be used to send and interpret received Label Release messages i.e. the FEC129 SAII and TAII fields will be reversed. When the value of vRtrLdpPeerFec129CiscoInterop is 'false', Cisco non-compliant format will not be used or supported. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 18 } vRtrLdpPeerPMTUDiscovery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerPMTUDiscovery specifies whether path MTU discovery is enabled for this LDP peer. When the value is set to 'true', path MTU discovery is enabled for this LDP peer. When the value is set to 'false', path MTU discovery is disabled. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 19 } vRtrLdpPeerAdvAdjAddrOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerAdvAdjAddrOnly specifies whether to only distribute the local addresses used by hello adjacencies with this LDP peer. When the value is SET to 'true', local addresses that are used by hello adjacencies with this LDP peer are only distributed to the peer session . When the value is SET to 'false', all known local addresses are distributed to the peer session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 20 } vRtrLdpPeerPeIDMacFlushInterop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerPeIDMacFlushInterop specifies whether LDP will react to and send the non-standard PE-ID TLV (type 0x405) in an address withdraw message to effect 'flush-all-from-me' behavior. It is used to provide interoperability with other vendors that use this TLV for the MAC flush mechanism. Only FEC type 128 is currently supported. Peer LDP sessions must be manually configured towards the PEs requiring support for this TLV. When the value of vRtrLdpPeerPeIDMacFlushInterop is set to 'true', the receipt of an address withdraw message with empty MAC list including the non-standard TLV will trigger 'flush-all-from-me' behavior instead of the normal 'flush-all-but-mine'. The TLV will be included in any forwarding towards like-configured peers. When the value of vRtrLdpPeerPeIDMacFlushInterop is set to 'false', the non-standard TLV will be ignored and will not be included in any address withdraw messages sent to the peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 21 } vRtrLdpPeerMaxFec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION " The value of vRtrLdpPeerMaxFec specifies the maximum number of FECs that will be accepted from this peer LSR. A value of zero specifies there is no limit to the number of FECs accepted from this peer LSR. The vRtrLdpSessMaxFecThresChanged notification is sent when the number of FECs receive from this peer LSR exceeds a percentage of this limit as specified by vRtrLdpPeerMaxFecThreshold. Furthermore, once the limit is exhausted, following actions are taken if vRtrLdpPeerMaxFecLogOnly has value of 'false'. (1) If LSR Overload capability is supported, this LSR will follow the LSR Overload procedure. (2) If LSR Overload capability is not supported, any further Label Mapping Message is returned with Label Release Message with LDP status code 'No_Label_Resources'. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 22 } vRtrLdpPeerMaxFecLogOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION " The value of vRtrLdpPeerMaxFecLogOnly specifies whether to only generate vRtrLdpSessMaxFecThresChanged notification or take further action when FECs received exceeds vRtrLdpPeerMaxFec limit. When this value is set to 'false', trap will be generated and one of the following action is taken: (1) If LSR Overload capability is supported, this LSR will follow the LSR Overload procedure. (2) If LSR Overload capability is not supported, any further Label Mapping Message is returned with Label Release Message with LDP status code 'No_Label_Resources'. When this value is set to 'true', trap will be generated only. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 23 } vRtrLdpPeerMaxFecThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION " The value of vRtrLdpPeerMaxFecThreshold specifies a percentage of vRtrLdpPeerMaxFec. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerParamsEntry 24 } tmnxLdpNotificationObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 17 } vRtrLdpInstanceNotifyReasonCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adminUp (1), adminDown (2), operUp (3), operDown (4) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Used by vRtrLdpInstanceStateChange, the value indicates the reason for the LDP instance state change." ::= { tmnxLdpNotificationObjects 1 } vRtrLdpIfNotifyReasonCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adminUp (1), adminDown (2), operUp (3), operDown (4), sysIpUp (5), sysIpDown (6) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Used by vRtrLdpIfStateChange, the value indicates the reason for the LSP interface state change. This object was obsoleted in 7.0 as it is replaced by vRtrLdpIfOperDownReason in vRtrLdpIfStateChange." ::= { tmnxLdpNotificationObjects 2 } vRtrLdpNotifyLocalServiceID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Used by vRtrLdpSvcIdMismatch, the value indicates the local Service ID." ::= { tmnxLdpNotificationObjects 3 } vRtrLdpNotifyRemoteServiceID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Used by vRtrLdpSvcIdMismatch, the value indicates the remote Service ID." ::= { tmnxLdpNotificationObjects 4 } vRtrLdpNotifyLocalGroupID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVcId MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by vRtrLdpGroupIdMismatch, the value indicates the local Group ID." ::= { tmnxLdpNotificationObjects 5 } vRtrLdpNotifyRemoteGroupID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVcId MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by vRtrLdpGroupIdMismatch, the value indicates the remote Group ID." ::= { tmnxLdpNotificationObjects 6 } vRtrLdpSessOverloadState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessOverloadState indicates if session is overload or not. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tmnxLdpNotificationObjects 7 } vRtrLdpSessOverloadDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sent (1), received (2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessOverloadDirection indicates if Overload Notification is sent to peer or received from peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tmnxLdpNotificationObjects 8 } vRtrLdpSessOverloadFecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { prefixes (1), multicast (2), services (3) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessOverloadFecType indicates the overloaded FEC type." ::= { tmnxLdpNotificationObjects 9 } vRtrLdpSessOperThresLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up (0), down (1) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessOperThresLevel indicates whether the number of fec-bindings has exceeded or is below the configured fec threshold or has reached the configured fec limit." ::= { tmnxLdpNotificationObjects 10 } vRtrLdpStaticFecTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpStaticFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpStaticFecTable has an entry for each static prefix FEC configured on the virtual router. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgStaticFecTable, TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgStaticFecInLabelTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 18 } vRtrLdpStaticFecEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpStaticFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a static prefix FEC configured on the virtual router. Entries can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations to vRtrLdpStaticFecRowStatus. An entry is created by setting vRtrLdpStaticFecRowStatus to 'createAndWait'. The row status can be set to 'active' only after a next-hop entry corresponding to this prefix has been created in the vRtrLdpStaticFecNHTable. An entry is deleted by setting vRtrLdpStaticFecRowStatus to 'destroy'. For deletion to succeed, there must be no next-hop entries corresponding to this prefix in the vRtrLdpStaticFecNHTable i.e. vRtrLdpStaticFecNumNH must have a value of 0." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpStaticFecIpPrefix, vRtrLdpStaticFecIpMask } ::= { vRtrLdpStaticFecTable 1 } VRtrLdpStaticFecEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpStaticFecIpPrefix IpAddress, vRtrLdpStaticFecIpMask IpAddress, vRtrLdpStaticFecRowStatus RowStatus, vRtrLdpStaticFecNextNHIndex Unsigned32, vRtrLdpStaticFecIngLabel Unsigned32, vRtrLdpStaticFecNumNH Gauge32, vRtrLdpStaticFecOperIngLabel Unsigned32 } vRtrLdpStaticFecIpPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStaticFecIpPrefix specifies the IP Address Prefix for this static FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStaticFecEntry 1 } vRtrLdpStaticFecIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStaticFecIpMask specifies the IP Address Mask for this static FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStaticFecEntry 2 } vRtrLdpStaticFecRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpStaticFecRowStatus is used to create, delete or control entries in the vRtrLdpStaticFecTable. To create a row entry, set vRtrLdpStaticFecRowStatus to 'createAndWait'. Before the row can be placed in the 'active' state, a next-hop entry corresponding to this prefix must exist in the vRtrLdpStaticFecNHTable. To delete a row entry, set vRtrLdpStaticFecRowStatus to 'destroy'. For deletion to succeed, no next-hop entry corresponding to this prefix must exist in the vRtrLdpStaticFecNHTable i.e. vRtrLdpStaticFecNumNH must have a value of 0. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStaticFecEntry 3 } vRtrLdpStaticFecNextNHIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStaticFecNextNHIndex is used to assign values to vRtrLdpStaticFecNHIndex when creating rows in the vRtrLdpStaticFecNHTable. The network manager reads this object and uses it in the SET request that creates a new row entry in the vRtrLdpStaticFecNHTable. If the SET fails with the code 'inconsistentValue', the process must be repeated. If the SET succeeds, then this object will be incremented and the new instance is created according to the manager's directions. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStaticFecEntry 4 } vRtrLdpStaticFecIngLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (32..262112 | 4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStaticFecIngLabel specifies the label that is advertised to the upstream peer. The range of vRtrLdpStaticFecIngLabel is dynamic and depends on the value of vRtrMplsLabelStaticLabelRange. The normal range of vRtrLdpStaticFecIngLabel starts at 32 and ends at the value of vRtrMplsLabelStaticLabelRange + 32. If this variable is set to the default value of 4294967295, the ingress label will be dynamically assigned by the label manager. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { vRtrLdpStaticFecEntry 5 } vRtrLdpStaticFecNumNH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStaticFecNumNH specifies the number of next-hops that are associated with the static prefix FEC represented by this row entry. This is also the number of row entries configured in the vRtrLdpStaticFecNHTable for this static prefix FEC. If the static FEC has no next-hops associated with it, this value will be 0 and the row entry will be placed in the 'notReady' state. Deletion of the row entry will be allowed only if vRtrLdpStaticFecNumNH is 0. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStaticFecEntry 6 } vRtrLdpStaticFecOperIngLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStaticFecOperIngLabel specifies the actual or operational value of the label that was advertised to the upstream peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStaticFecEntry 7 } vRtrLdpStaticFecNHTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpStaticFecNHEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpStaticFecNHTable has an entry for each next-hop configured for a static prefix FEC on the virtual router. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgStaticFecOutLabelTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 19 } vRtrLdpStaticFecNHEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpStaticFecNHEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a next-hop configured for a static prefix FEC on the virtual router. The static prefix FEC corresponding to a next-hop entry must exist as a row entry in the vRtrLdpStaticFecTable. Entries can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations to vRtrLdpStaticFecNHRowStatus. An entry is created by setting vRtrLdpStaticFecNHRowStatus to 'createAndWait' or 'createAndGo'. Before the row can be placed in the 'active' state, vRtrLdpStaticFecNHType must be set to a valid value. An entry is deleted by setting vRtrLdpStaticFecNHRowStatus to 'destroy'." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpStaticFecIpPrefix, vRtrLdpStaticFecIpMask, vRtrLdpStaticFecNHIndex } ::= { vRtrLdpStaticFecNHTable 1 } VRtrLdpStaticFecNHEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpStaticFecNHIndex Unsigned32, vRtrLdpStaticFecNHRowStatus RowStatus, vRtrLdpStaticFecNHType INTEGER, vRtrLdpStaticFecNHIpAddr IpAddress, vRtrLdpStaticFecNHEgrLabel Unsigned32, vRtrLdpStaticFecNHIfName DisplayString } vRtrLdpStaticFecNHIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStaticFecNHIndex is used to identify the next-hop associated with a static prefix FEC. This value is unique amongst next-hop entries for the same static prefix FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStaticFecNHEntry 1 } vRtrLdpStaticFecNHRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpStaticFecNHRowStatus is used to create, delete or control entries in the vRtrLdpStaticFecNHTable. An entry is created by setting vRtrLdpStaticFecNHRowStatus to 'createAndWait' or 'createAndGo'. Before the row can be placed in the 'active' state, vRtrLdpStaticFecNHType must be set to a valid value. An entry is deleted by setting vRtrLdpStaticFecNHRowStatus to 'destroy'. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStaticFecNHEntry 2 } vRtrLdpStaticFecNHType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), ipAddress (1), pop (2), ifName (3), ifNameAndIpAddress (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStaticFecNHType specifies the type of next-hop represented by this row entry. unknown (0) - the next-hop type has not been set. ipAddress (1) - the next-hop is an IP address. pop (2) - there is no next-hop i.e. pop the label and route ifName (3) - the next-hop is of this ifName ifNameAndIpAddress (4) - the next-hop is an IP address of this ifName This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { vRtrLdpStaticFecNHEntry 3 } vRtrLdpStaticFecNHIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "If vRtrLdpStaticFecNHType is set to 'ipAddress' or 'ifNameAndIpAddress', the value of vRtrLdpStaticFecNHIpAddr specifies the IP address of the next-hop. In this case, this variable must be set to a valid value before the row be placed in an active state. If vRtrLdpStaticFecNHType is set to 'pop', this value of vRtrLdpStaticFecNHIpAddr will be This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { vRtrLdpStaticFecNHEntry 4 } vRtrLdpStaticFecNHEgrLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (16..1048575 | 4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpStaticFecNHEgrLabel specifies the egress label associated with this next-hop entry. The LSR will swap the incoming label with the configured egress label. If this egress label has a value of 4294967295, the LSR will pop the incoming label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { vRtrLdpStaticFecNHEntry 5 } vRtrLdpStaticFecNHIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "If vRtrLdpStaticFecNHType is set to 'ifName' or 'ifNameAndIpAddress', the value of vRtrLdpStaticFecNHIfName specifies the interface name to use for this static fec prefix. If vRtrLdpStaticFecNHType is set to 'pop', this value of vRtrLdpStaticFecNHIfName will be a null string. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpStaticFecNHEntry 6 } vRtrLdpTargTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpTargEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpTargTable keeps information about the export and import prefixes for a targeted LDP session. Use of AUGMENTS clause implies a one-to-one dependent relationship between the base table, vRtrLdpGeneralTable, and the augmenting table, vRtrLdpTargTable. This in effect extends the vRtrLdpGeneralTable with additional columns. Creation or deletion of a row in the vRtrLdpGeneralTable results in the same fate for the row in the vRtrLdpTargTable. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgTargTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 20 } vRtrLdpTargEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpTargEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A row in this table represents information about the targeted LDP session." AUGMENTS { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry } ::= { vRtrLdpTargTable 1 } VRtrLdpTargEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpTargTunnelPreference TruthValue } vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy1 specifies the import route policy to determine which routes are accepted from targeted LDP neighbors. A maximum of 5 policies can be specified. vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy1 specifies the first policy. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpTargEntry 3 } vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy2 specifies the second import policy used to determine which routes are accepted from targeted LDP neighbors. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpTargEntry 4 } vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy3 specifies the third import policy used to determine which routes are accepted from targeted LDP neighbors. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpTargEntry 5 } vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy4 specifies the fourth import policy to determine which routes are accepted from targeted LDP neighbors. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpTargEntry 6 } vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy5 specifies the fifth import policy used to determine which routes are accepted from targeted LDP neighbors. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpTargEntry 7 } vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy1 specifies the export route policy used to determine which routes are exported to this targeted LDP session. A maximum of 5 policies can be specified. vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy1 specifies the first policy. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpTargEntry 8 } vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy2 specifies the second export policy used to determine which routes are exported to this targeted LDP session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpTargEntry 9 } vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy3 specifies the third export policy used to determine which routes are exported to this targeted LDP session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpTargEntry 10 } vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy4 specifies the fourth export policy used to determine which routes are exported to this targeted LDP session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpTargEntry 11 } vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy5 specifies the fifth export policy used to determine which routes are exported to this targeted LDP session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpTargEntry 12 } vRtrLdpTargTunnelPreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpTargTunnelPreference indicates whether LDP over tunnel is preferred when link-level LDP bindings are also available. If this value is 'true', then LDP tunnels are preferred and if the value is 'false' then LDP over tunnel is preferred. By default LDP tunnels are preferred. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { true } ::= { vRtrLdpTargEntry 13 } vRtrLdpIfTunnelingLspTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpIfTunnelingLspEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpIfTunnelingLspTable keeps the list of LDP-over-RSVP LSP ids which are currently supported by the application. Each LSP ID in the list corresponds to the vRtrMplsLspIndex of the given MPLS LSP. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgTargPeerTunnelLspTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 21 } vRtrLdpIfTunnelingLspEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpIfTunnelingLspEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A row in this table contains the LSP id information about an LDP interface or targeted peer. Row entries can be created or deleted via SNMP SET requests. A row is created by setting vRtrLdpIfLspRowStatus to 'createAndGo' provided the corresponding LSP id exists as an MPLS lsp. A row entry can be destroyed by setting vRtrLdpIfLspRowStatus to 'destroy'." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpIfIndex, vRtrLdpPeerAddress, vRtrLdpIfLspId } ::= { vRtrLdpIfTunnelingLspTable 1 } VRtrLdpIfTunnelingLspEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpIfLspId TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, vRtrLdpIfLspRowStatus RowStatus } vRtrLdpIfLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpIfLspId specifies the LSP id of the LSP associated with the specified interface or targeted peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpIfTunnelingLspEntry 1 } vRtrLdpIfLspRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpIfLspRowStatus is used to create, delete or control entries in the vRtrLdpIfTunnelingLspTable. An entry is created by setting vRtrLdpIfLspRowStatus to 'createAndGo'. An entry is deleted by setting vRtrLdpIfLspRowStatus to 'destroy'. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpIfTunnelingLspEntry 2 } vRtrLdpCepTdmFecTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpCepTdmFecTable is a read-only table that represents all CEP/TDM FECs either sent to or received from an LDP peer known to the Virtual Router. The CEP/TDM Sub-TLVs are defined in RFC 4446: Parameter Id Description 0x04 CEP/TDM Payload Bytes 0x07 CEP/TDM bit-rate 0x0B TDM Options In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vLdpNgCepTdmFec128InLblTable, TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vLdpNgCepTdmFec129InLblTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 22 } vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of a service FEC sent to or received from an LDP peer. Use of AUGMENTS clause implies a one-to-one dependent relationship between the base table, vRtrLdpServFecTable, and the augmenting table, vRtrLdpCepTdmFecTable. This in effect extends the vRtrLdpServFecTable with additional columns. Creation or deletion of a row in the vRtrLdpServFecTable results in the same fate for the row in the VRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry." AUGMENTS { vRtrLdpServFecEntry } ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecTable 1 } VRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalPayloadSize Unsigned32, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemotePayloadSize Unsigned32, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalBitrate Unsigned32, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteBitrate Unsigned32, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalRtpHeader TruthValue, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteRtpHeader TruthValue, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalDiffTimestamp TruthValue, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteDiffTimestamp TruthValue, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalSigPkts TdmOptionsSigPkts, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteSigPkts TdmOptionsSigPkts, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalCasTrunk TdmOptionsCasTrunkFraming, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteCasTrunk TdmOptionsCasTrunkFraming, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalTimestampFreq Unsigned32, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteTimestampFreq Unsigned32, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalPayloadType Unsigned32, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemotePayloadType Unsigned32, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalSsrcId Unsigned32, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteSsrcId Unsigned32 } vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalPayloadSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalPayloadSize indicates the local payload size. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry 4 } vRtrLdpCepTdmRemotePayloadSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpCepTdmRemotePayloadSize indicates the remote payload size. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry 5 } vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalBitrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "sixty-four kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalBitrate indicates the local bitrate. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry 6 } vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteBitrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "sixty-four kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteBitrate indicates the remote bitrate. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry 7 } vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalRtpHeader OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalRtpHeader indicates the local RTP header usage bit. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry 8 } vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteRtpHeader OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteRtpHeader indicates the remote RTP header usage bit. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry 9 } vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalDiffTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalDiffTimestamp indicates the local differential (or dynamic) timestamping mode bit. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry 10 } vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteDiffTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteDiffTimestamp indicates the remote differential (or dynamic) timestamping mode bit. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry 11 } vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalSigPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TdmOptionsSigPkts MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalSigPkts indicates the local CE application signalling packets mode. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry 12 } vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteSigPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TdmOptionsSigPkts MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteSigPkts indicates the remote CE application signalling packets mode. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry 13 } vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalCasTrunk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TdmOptionsCasTrunkFraming MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalCasTrunk indicates the local CE application signalling packets mode. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry 14 } vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteCasTrunk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TdmOptionsCasTrunkFraming MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteCasTrunk indicates the remote CE application signalling packets mode. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry 15 } vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalTimestampFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "8 KHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalTimestampFreq indicates the local CE application signalling packets mode. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry 16 } vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteTimestampFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "8 KHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteTimestampFreq indicates the remote CE application signalling packets mode. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry 17 } vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalPayloadType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalPayloadType indicates the local payload type. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry 18 } vRtrLdpCepTdmRemotePayloadType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpCepTdmRemotePayloadType indicates the remote payload type. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry 19 } vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalSsrcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalSsrcId indicates the local value of SSRC ID. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry 20 } vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteSsrcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteSsrcId indicates the remote value of SSRC ID. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpCepTdmFecEntry 21 } vLdpServFec129Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VLdpServFec129Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vLdpServFec129Table is a read-only table that represents all service FEC-129s either sent to or received from an LDP peer known to the Virtual Router. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vLdpNgSvcFec129Table, TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vLdpNgSvcFec129InLblTable, TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vLdpNgSvcFec129OutLblTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 23 } vLdpServFec129Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VLdpServFec129Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of a service FEC-129 sent to or received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpServFecVcType, vLdpServFec129AgiTlv, vLdpServFec129SrcAiiTlv, vLdpServFec129TgtAiiTlv, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId } ::= { vLdpServFec129Table 1 } VLdpServFec129Entry ::= SEQUENCE { vLdpServFec129AgiTlv TmnxLdpFec129Tlv, vLdpServFec129SrcAiiTlv TmnxLdpFec129Tlv, vLdpServFec129TgtAiiTlv TmnxLdpFec129Tlv, vLdpServFec129ServType ServType, vLdpServFec129ServId TmnxServId, vLdpServFec129VpnId TmnxVpnId, vLdpServFec129Flags TmnxLdpFECFlags, vLdpServFec129NumInLabels Unsigned32, vLdpServFec129NumOutLabels Unsigned32, vLdpServFec129InLabel1 Unsigned32, vLdpServFec129InLabelStatus1 TmnxLabelStatus, vLdpServFec129OutLabel1 Unsigned32, vLdpServFec129OutLabelStatus1 TmnxLabelStatus, vLdpServFec129SdpId SdpId, vLdpServFec129LocalMTU Unsigned32, vLdpServFec129RemoteMTU Unsigned32, vLdpServFec129LocalVlanTag Unsigned32, vLdpServFec129RemoteVlanTag Unsigned32, vLdpServFec129LocalMaxCellConcat Unsigned32, vLdpServFec129RemoteMaxCellConcat Unsigned32, vLdpServFec129InLabelSigStatus1 TmnxLabelSigStatus, vLdpServFec129OutLabelSigStatus1 TmnxLabelSigStatus, vLdpServFec129LocalIpv4Capblty TruthValue, vLdpServFec129RemoteIpv4Capblty TruthValue, vLdpServFec129LocalIpv6Capblty TruthValue, vLdpServFec129RemoteIpv6Capblty TruthValue, vLdpServFec129LocalIpv4CeIpAddr IpAddress, vLdpServFec129RemoteIpv4CeIpAddr IpAddress, vLdpServFec129InLbl1WdwReason TmnxLdpInLblWdrawalReasonCode, vLdpServFec129LocalFLTxCapblty TruthValue, vLdpServFec129LocalFLRxCapblty TruthValue, vLdpServFec129RemoteFLTxCapblty TruthValue, vLdpServFec129RemoteFLRxCapblty TruthValue, vLdpServFec129MateAgiTlv TmnxLdpFec129Tlv, vLdpServFec129MateSrcAiiTlv TmnxLdpFec129Tlv, vLdpServFec129MateTgtAiiTlv TmnxLdpFec129Tlv, vLdpServFec129MateSdpId SdpId } vLdpServFec129AgiTlv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFec129Tlv MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129AgiTlv specifies the Attachment Group Identifier TLV associated with this service FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 1 } vLdpServFec129SrcAiiTlv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFec129Tlv MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129SrcAiiTlv specifies the Source Attachment Individual Identifier TLV associated with this service FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 2 } vLdpServFec129TgtAiiTlv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFec129Tlv MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129TgtAiiTlv specifies the Target Attachment Individual Identifier TLV associated with this service FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 3 } vLdpServFec129ServType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129ServType specifies the Service type associated with this service FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 4 } vLdpServFec129ServId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxServId (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129ServId specifies the Service identifier associated with this service FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 5 } vLdpServFec129VpnId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVpnId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129VpnId identifies the VPN associated with the FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 6 } vLdpServFec129Flags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFECFlags MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The bit flags of vLdpServFec129Flags specify the characteristics of the FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 7 } vLdpServFec129NumInLabels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129NumInLabels gives the number of labels that have been sent to the peer associated with this FEC. This value also indicates whether vLdpServFec129InLabel1 entry contain valid information i.e. if the value of vLdpServFec129NumInLabels is 1 then vLdpServFec129InLabel1 will contain valid label information. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 8 } vLdpServFec129NumOutLabels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129NumOutLabels gives the number of labels that have been received from the peer associated with this FEC. This value also indicates whether vLdpServFec129OutLabel1 entry contain valid information i.e. if the value of vLdpServFec129NumOutLabels is 1, then vLdpServFec129OutLabel1 will contain valid label information. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 9 } vLdpServFec129InLabel1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129InLabel1 specifies the first ingress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 10 } vLdpServFec129InLabelStatus1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129InLabelStatus1 specifies the status of the ingress label 1. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 11 } vLdpServFec129OutLabel1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129OutLabel1 specifies the first egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 20 } vLdpServFec129OutLabelStatus1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129OutLabelStatus1 specifies the status of the egress label 1. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 21 } vLdpServFec129SdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129SdpId identifies the SDP associated with this peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 22 } vLdpServFec129LocalMTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129LocalMTU specifies the largest service frame size (in octets) that can be handled by the local ESR. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 23 } vLdpServFec129RemoteMTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129RemoteMTU specifies the largest service frame size (in octets) that can be handled by the remote ESR. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 24 } vLdpServFec129LocalVlanTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129LocalVlanTag specifies the local tag on a VLAN VC type SDP binding. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 25 } vLdpServFec129RemoteVlanTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129RemoteVlanTag specifies the remote tag on a VLAN VC type SDP binding. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 26 } vLdpServFec129LocalMaxCellConcat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129LocalMaxCellConcat specifies the local maximum number of ATM cells to concatenate on a ATM cell-mode VC type SDP binding. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 27 } vLdpServFec129RemoteMaxCellConcat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129RemoteMaxCellConcat specifies the remote maximum number of ATM cells to concatenate on a ATM cell-mode VC type SDP binding. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 28 } vLdpServFec129InLabelSigStatus1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelSigStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129InLabelSigStatus1 indicates the signaling status for vLdpServFec129InLabel1. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 29 } vLdpServFec129OutLabelSigStatus1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelSigStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129OutLabelSigStatus1 indicates the signaling status for vLdpServFec129OutLabel1. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 30 } vLdpServFec129LocalIpv4Capblty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129LocalIpv4Capblty indicates whether or not the local ipv4 stack capability is supported for this LDP peer. The value of vLdpServFec129LocalIpv4Capblty is 'true' when the local ipv4 stack capability is supported and the value is 'false' when the local ipv4 stack capability is not supported. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 31 } vLdpServFec129RemoteIpv4Capblty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129RemoteIpv4Capblty indicates whether or not the remote ipv4 stack capability is supported for this LDP peer. The value of vLdpServFec129RemoteIpv4Capblty is 'true' when the remote ipv4 stack capability is supported and the value is 'false' when the remote ipv4 stack capability is not supported. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 32 } vLdpServFec129LocalIpv6Capblty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129LocalIpv6Capblty indicates whether or not the local ipv6 stack capability is supported for this LDP peer. The value of vLdpServFec129LocalIpv6Capblty is 'true' when the local ipv6 stack capability is supported and the value is 'false' when the local ipv6 stack capability is not supported. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 33 } vLdpServFec129RemoteIpv6Capblty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129RemoteIpv6Capblty indicates whether or not the remote ipv6 stack capability is supported for this LDP peer. The value of vLdpServFec129RemoteIpv6Capblty is 'true' when the remote ipv6 stack capability is supported and the value is 'false' when the remote ipv6 stack capability is not supported. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 34 } vLdpServFec129LocalIpv4CeIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129LocalIpv4CeIpAddr indicates the local ipv4 CE Address. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 35 } vLdpServFec129RemoteIpv4CeIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129RemoteIpv4CeIpAddr indicates the remote ipv4 CE Address. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 36 } vLdpServFec129InLbl1WdwReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpInLblWdrawalReasonCode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129InLbl1WdwReason indicates the reason of withdrawal of ingress label value in vLdpServFec129InLabel1. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 37 } vLdpServFec129LocalFLTxCapblty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129LocalFLTxCapblty indicates whether or not this LDP peer is capable of sending Flow Label in its pseudowire (PW) packet. The value of vLdpServFec129LocalFLTxCapblty is 'true' when this LDP peer is capable of sending Flow Label and the value is 'false' when the peer is not capable of sending Flow Label in pseudowire packet. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 38 } vLdpServFec129LocalFLRxCapblty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129LocalFLRxCapblty indicates whether or not this LDP peer is capable of receiving Flow Label in its pseudowire packet. The value of vLdpServFec129LocalFLRxCapblty is 'true' when this LDP peer is capable of receiving Flow Label and the value is 'false' when the peer is not capable of receiving Flow Label in pseudowire packet. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 39 } vLdpServFec129RemoteFLTxCapblty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129RemoteFLTxCapblty indicates whether or not the remote LDP peer is capable of sending Flow Label in its pseudowire packet. The value of vLdpServFec129RemoteFLTxCapblty is 'true' when the remote LDP peer is capable of sending Flow Label and the value is 'false' when the peer is not capable of sending Flow Label in pseudowire packet. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 40 } vLdpServFec129RemoteFLRxCapblty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129RemoteFLRxCapblty indicates whether or not the remote LDP peer is capable of receiving Flow Label in its pseudowire packet. The value of vLdpServFec129RemoteFLRxCapblty is 'true' when the remote LDP peer is capable of receiving Flow Label and the value is 'false' when the peer is not capable of receiving Flow Label in pseudowire packet. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 41 } vLdpServFec129MateAgiTlv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFec129Tlv MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129MateAgiTlv identifies the Attachment Group Identifier TLV switched with this service FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 42 } vLdpServFec129MateSrcAiiTlv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFec129Tlv MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129MateSrcAiiTlv identifies the Source Attachment Individual Identifier TLV switched with this service FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 43 } vLdpServFec129MateTgtAiiTlv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFec129Tlv MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129MateTgtAiiTlv identifies the Target Attachment Individual Identifier TLV switched with this service FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 44 } vLdpServFec129MateSdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SdpId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129MateSdpId identifies the SDP switched with this peer. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpServFec129Entry 45 } vLdpServFec129MapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VLdpServFec129MapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vLdpServFec129MapTable is a read-only table which maps to the vLdpServFec129Table. This table has the same indexes as the vLdpServFec129Table but the order in which these indexes are specified is different for the two tables." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 24 } vLdpServFec129MapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VLdpServFec129MapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of a service FEC sent to or received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId, vLdpServFec129MapVcType, vLdpServFec129MapAgiTlv, vLdpServFec129MapSrcAiiTlv, vLdpServFec129MapTgtAiiTlv } ::= { vLdpServFec129MapTable 1 } VLdpServFec129MapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vLdpServFec129MapVcType TmnxVcType, vLdpServFec129MapAgiTlv TmnxLdpFec129Tlv, vLdpServFec129MapSrcAiiTlv TmnxLdpFec129Tlv, vLdpServFec129MapTgtAiiTlv TmnxLdpFec129Tlv } vLdpServFec129MapVcType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVcType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129MapVcType specifies the VC type associated with this service FEC." ::= { vLdpServFec129MapEntry 1 } vLdpServFec129MapAgiTlv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFec129Tlv MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129MapAgiTlv specifies the Attachment Group Identifier TLV associated with this service FEC." ::= { vLdpServFec129MapEntry 2 } vLdpServFec129MapSrcAiiTlv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFec129Tlv MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129MapSrcAiiTlv specifies the Source Attachment Individual Identifier TLV associated with this service FEC." ::= { vLdpServFec129MapEntry 3 } vLdpServFec129MapTgtAiiTlv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFec129Tlv MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpServFec129MapTgtAiiTlv specifies the Target Attachment Individual Identifier TLV associated with this service FEC." ::= { vLdpServFec129MapEntry 4 } vLdpCepTdmFec129Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VLdpCepTdmFec129Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vLdpCepTdmFec129Table is a read-only table that represents all CEP/TDM FECs either sent to or received from an LDP peer known to the Virtual Router. The CEP/TDM Sub-TLVs are defined in RFC 4446: Parameter Id Description 0x04 CEP/TDM Payload Bytes 0x07 CEP/TDM bit-rate 0x0B TDM Options In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vLdpNgCepTdmFec129InLblTable, TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vLdpNgCepTdmFec129OutLblTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 25 } vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VLdpCepTdmFec129Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of a service FEC sent to or received from an LDP peer. Use of AUGMENTS clause implies a one-to-one dependent relationship between the base table, vRtrLdpServFecTable, and the augmenting table, vLdpCepTdmFec129Table. This in effect extends the vRtrLdpServFecTable with additional columns. Creation or deletion of a row in the vRtrLdpServFecTable results in the same fate for the row in the VLdpCepTdmFec129Entry." AUGMENTS { vLdpServFec129Entry } ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Table 1 } VLdpCepTdmFec129Entry ::= SEQUENCE { vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalPayloadSize Unsigned32, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemotePayloadSize Unsigned32, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalBitrate Unsigned32, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteBitrate Unsigned32, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalRtpHeader TruthValue, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteRtpHeader TruthValue, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalDiffTimestamp TruthValue, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteDiffTimestamp TruthValue, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalSigPkts TdmOptionsSigPkts, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteSigPkts TdmOptionsSigPkts, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalCasTrunk TdmOptionsCasTrunkFraming, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteCasTrunk TdmOptionsCasTrunkFraming, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalTimestampFreq Unsigned32, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteTimestampFreq Unsigned32, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalPayloadType Unsigned32, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemotePayloadType Unsigned32, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalSsrcId Unsigned32, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteSsrcId Unsigned32 } vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalPayloadSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalPayloadSize indicates the local payload size. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry 4 } vLdpCepTdmFec129RemotePayloadSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpCepTdmFec129RemotePayloadSize indicates the remote payload size. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry 5 } vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalBitrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "sixty-four kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalBitrate indicates the local bitrate. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry 6 } vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteBitrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "sixty-four kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteBitrate indicates the remote bitrate. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry 7 } vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalRtpHeader OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalRtpHeader indicates the local RTP header usage bit. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry 8 } vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteRtpHeader OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteRtpHeader indicates the remote RTP header usage bit. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry 9 } vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalDiffTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalDiffTimestamp indicates the local differential (or dynamic) timestamping mode bit. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry 10 } vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteDiffTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteDiffTimestamp indicates the remote differential (or dynamic) timestamping mode bit. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry 11 } vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalSigPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TdmOptionsSigPkts MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalSigPkts indicates the local CE application signalling packets mode. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry 12 } vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteSigPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TdmOptionsSigPkts MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteSigPkts indicates the remote CE application signalling packets mode. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry 13 } vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalCasTrunk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TdmOptionsCasTrunkFraming MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalCasTrunk indicates the local CE application signalling packets mode. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry 14 } vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteCasTrunk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TdmOptionsCasTrunkFraming MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteCasTrunk indicates the remote CE application signalling packets mode. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry 15 } vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalTimestampFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "8 KHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalTimestampFreq indicates the local CE application signalling packets mode. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry 16 } vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteTimestampFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "8 KHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteTimestampFreq indicates the remote CE application signalling packets mode. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry 17 } vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalPayloadType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalPayloadType indicates the local payload type. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry 18 } vLdpCepTdmFec129RemotePayloadType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpCepTdmFec129RemotePayloadType indicates the remote payload type. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry 19 } vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalSsrcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalSsrcId indicates the local value of SSRC ID. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry 20 } vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteSsrcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteSsrcId indicates the remote value of SSRC ID. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vLdpCepTdmFec129Entry 21 } vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpAggrPreMatchEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchTable keeps information about aggregate prefix match procedures. Use of AUGMENTS clause implies a one-to-one dependent relationship between the base table, vRtrLdpGeneralTable, and the augmenting table, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchTable. This in effect extends the vRtrLdpGeneralTable with additional columns. Creation or deletion of a row in the vRtrLdpGeneralTable results in the same fate for the row in the vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchTable. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgAggrPreMatchTable." REFERENCE "RFC5283 LDP Extension for Inter-Area Label Switched Paths (LSPs)" ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 26 } vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpAggrPreMatchEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A row in this table represents information about the aggregate prefix match procedures." AUGMENTS { vRtrLdpGeneralEntry } ::= { vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchTable 1 } VRtrLdpAggrPreMatchEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchEnabled TruthValue, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchAdminState TmnxAdminState } vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchEnabled specifies whether aggregate prefix match procedures are enabled. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchEntry 1 } vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy1 specifies the policy name containing the prefixes to be excluded from the aggregate prefix match procedures. A maximum of 5 policies can be specified. vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy1 specifies the first policy. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchEntry 2 } vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy2 specifies the second policy name containing the prefixes to be excluded from the aggregate prefix match procedures. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchEntry 4 } vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy3 specifies the third policy name containing the prefixes to be excluded from the aggregate prefix match procedures. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchEntry 5 } vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy4 specifies the fourth policy name containing the prefixes to be excluded from the aggregate prefix match procedures. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchEntry 6 } vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy5 specifies the fifth policy name containing the prefixes to be excluded from the aggregate prefix match procedures. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchEntry 7 } vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchAdminState specifies whether the aggregate prefix procedures will be used by LDP. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchEntry 8 } vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timestamp of the last change to the vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxTable either from adding a row or removing a row." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 27 } vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxTable controls statistics in the egress data path at the ingress Label Switched Path (LSP) for an LDP FEC." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 28 } vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in this table represents information about the statistics collection per FEC prefix." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxAddrType, vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxAddr, vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxMaskLen } ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxTable 1 } VRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxAddrType TmnxAddressAndPrefixType, vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxAddr TmnxAddressAndPrefixAddress, vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxMaskLen TmnxAddressAndPrefixPrefix, vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxRowStatus RowStatus, vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxLastChgd TimeStamp, vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxCollStats TruthValue, vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxActgPol Unsigned32, vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxAdminState TmnxAdminState } vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddressAndPrefixType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address type of vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxAddr." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxEntry 1 } vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddressAndPrefixAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index value vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxAddr identifies the IP prefix for the LDP FEC." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxEntry 2 } vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxMaskLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddressAndPrefixPrefix MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index value vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxMaskLen identifies the prefix mask length of vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxAddr." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxEntry 3 } vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxRowStatus is used for the creation or deletion of entries in the vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxTable." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxEntry 4 } vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxLastChgd indicates the time stamp of the last change to this row of this table." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxEntry 5 } vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxCollStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxCollStats specifies whether to collect statistics for this prefix." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxEntry 6 } vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxActgPol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..99) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxActgPol specifies the accounting policy to be used for this prefix. A value of zero indicates that the default accounting policy should be used." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxEntry 7 } vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxAdminState specifies whether egress statistics are enabled for this prefix." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxEntry 8 } vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsTable has an entry for each Labeled Switch Path (LSP) configured for a virtual router in the system." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 29 } vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a collection of statistics for a Labeled Switch Path (LSP) configured for a virtual router in the system. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations." AUGMENTS { vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxEntry } ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsTable 1 } VRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc0 Counter64, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc0Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc0High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc1 Counter64, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc1Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc1High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc2 Counter64, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc2Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc2High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc3 Counter64, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc3Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc3High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc4 Counter64, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc4Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc4High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc5 Counter64, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc5Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc5High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc6 Counter64, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc6Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc6High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc7 Counter64, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc7Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc7High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc0 Counter64, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc0Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc0High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc1 Counter64, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc1Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc1High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc2 Counter64, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc2Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc2High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc3 Counter64, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc3Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc3High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc4 Counter64, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc4Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc4High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc5 Counter64, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc5Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc5High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc6 Counter64, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc6Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc6High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc7 Counter64, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc7Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc7High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc0 Counter64, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc0Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc0High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc1 Counter64, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc1Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc1High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc2 Counter64, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc2Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc2High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc3 Counter64, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc3Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc3High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc4 Counter64, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc4Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc4High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc5 Counter64, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc5Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc5High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc6 Counter64, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc6Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc6High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc7 Counter64, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc7Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc7High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc0 Counter64, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc0Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc0High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc1 Counter64, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc1Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc1High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc2 Counter64, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc2Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc2High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc3 Counter64, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc3Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc3High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc4 Counter64, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc4Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc4High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc5 Counter64, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc5Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc5High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc6 Counter64, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc6Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc6High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc7 Counter64, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc7Low32 Counter32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc7High32 Counter32, vRtrLdpAggregatePkts Counter64, vRtrLdpAggregatePktsLow32 Counter32, vRtrLdpAggregatePktsHigh32 Counter32, vRtrLdpAggregateOctets Counter64, vRtrLdpAggregateOctetsLow32 Counter32, vRtrLdpAggregateOctetsHigh32 Counter32 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc0 indicates the number of in profile packets received for Forwarding Class 0." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 1 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc0Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc0Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc0." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 2 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc0High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc0High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc0." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 3 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc1 indicates the number of in profile packets received for Forwarding Class 1." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 4 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc1Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc1Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc1." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 5 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc1High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc1High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc1." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 6 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc2 indicates the number of in profile packets received for Forwarding Class 2." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 7 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc2Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc2Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc2." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 8 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc2High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc2High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc2." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 9 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc3 indicates the number of in profile packets received for Forwarding Class 3." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 10 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc3Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc3Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc3." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 11 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc3High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc3High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc3." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 12 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc4 indicates the number of in profile packets received for Forwarding Class 4." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 13 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc4Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc4Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc4." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 14 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc4High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc4High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc4." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 15 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc5 indicates the number of in profile packets received for Forwarding Class 5." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 16 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc5Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc5Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc5." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 17 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc5High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc5High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc5." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 18 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc6 indicates the number of in profile packets received for Forwarding Class 6." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 19 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc6Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc6Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc6." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 20 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc6High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc6High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc6." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 21 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc7 indicates the number of in profile packets received for Forwarding Class 7." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 22 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc7Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc7Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc7." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 23 } vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc7High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc7High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc7." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 24 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc0 indicates the number of in profile octets received for Forwarding Class 0." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 25 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc0Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc0Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc0." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 26 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc0High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc0High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc0." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 27 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc1 indicates the number of in profile octets received for Forwarding Class 1." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 28 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc1Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc1Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc1." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 29 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc1High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc1High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc1." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 30 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc2 indicates the number of in profile octets received for Forwarding Class 2." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 31 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc2Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc2Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc2." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 32 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc2High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc2High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc2." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 33 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc3 indicates the number of in profile octets received for Forwarding Class 3." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 34 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc3Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc3Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc3." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 35 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc3High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc3High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc3." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 36 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc4 indicates the number of in profile octets received for Forwarding Class 4." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 37 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc4Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc4Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc4." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 38 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc4High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc4High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc4." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 39 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc5 indicates the number of in profile octets received for Forwarding Class 5." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 40 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc5Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc5Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc5." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 41 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc5High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc5High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc5." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 42 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc6 indicates the number of in profile octets received for Forwarding Class 6." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 43 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc6Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc6Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc6." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 44 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc6High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc6High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc6." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 45 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc7 indicates the number of in profile octets received for Forwarding Class 7." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 46 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc7Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc7Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc7." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 47 } vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc7High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc7High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc7." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 48 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc0 indicates the number of out of profile packets received for Forwarding Class 0." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 49 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc0Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc0Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc0." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 50 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc0High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc0High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc0." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 51 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc1 indicates the number of out of profile packets received for Forwarding Class 1." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 52 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc1Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc1Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc1." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 53 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc1High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc1High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc1." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 54 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc2 indicates the number of out of profile packets received for Forwarding Class 2." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 55 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc2Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc2Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc2." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 56 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc2High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc2High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc2." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 57 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc3 indicates the number of out of profile packets received for Forwarding Class 3." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 58 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc3Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc3Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc3." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 59 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc3High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc3High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc3." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 60 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc4 indicates the number of out of profile packets received for Forwarding Class 4." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 61 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc4Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc4Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc4." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 62 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc4High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc4High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc4." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 63 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc5 indicates the number of out of profile packets received for Forwarding Class 5." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 64 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc5Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc5Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc5." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 65 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc5High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc5High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc5." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 66 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc6 indicates the number of out of profile packets received for Forwarding Class 6." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 67 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc6Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc6Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc6." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 68 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc6High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc6High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc6." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 69 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc7 indicates the number of out of profile packets received for Forwarding Class 7." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 70 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc7Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc7Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc7." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 71 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc7High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc7High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc7." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 72 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc0 indicates the number of out of profile octets received for Forwarding Class 0." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 73 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc0Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc0Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc0." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 74 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc0High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc0High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc0." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 75 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc1 indicates the number of out of profile octets received for Forwarding Class 1." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 76 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc1Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc1Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc1." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 77 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc1High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc1High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc1." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 78 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc2 indicates the number of out of profile octets received for Forwarding Class 2." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 79 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc2Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc2Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc2." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 80 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc2High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc2High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc2." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 81 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc3 indicates the number of out of profile octets received for Forwarding Class 3." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 82 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc3Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc3Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc3." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 83 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc3High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc3High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc3." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 84 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc4 indicates the number of out of profile octets received for Forwarding Class 4." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 85 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc4Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc4Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc4." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 86 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc4High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc4High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc4." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 87 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc5 indicates the number of out of profile octets received for Forwarding Class 5." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 88 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc5Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc5Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc5." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 89 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc5High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc5High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc5." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 90 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc6 indicates the number of out of profile octets received for Forwarding Class 6." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 91 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc6Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc6Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc6." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 92 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc6High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc6High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc6." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 93 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc7 indicates the number of out of profile octets received for Forwarding Class 7." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 94 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc7Low32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc7Low32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc7." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 95 } vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc7High32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc7High32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc7." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 96 } vRtrLdpAggregatePkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAggregatePkts indicates the number of packets sent for the FEC." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 97 } vRtrLdpAggregatePktsLow32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAggregatePktsLow32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpAggregatePkts." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 98 } vRtrLdpAggregatePktsHigh32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAggregatePktsHigh32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpAggregatePkts." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 99 } vRtrLdpAggregateOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAggregateOctets indicates the number of octets sent for the FEC." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 100 } vRtrLdpAggregateOctetsLow32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAggregateOctetsLow32 indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpAggregateOctets." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 101 } vRtrLdpAggregateOctetsHigh32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAggregateOctetsHigh32 indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of vRtrLdpAggregateOctets." ::= { vRtrLdpEgrStatisticsEntry 102 } vRtrLdpAddrFecExtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The vRtrLdpAddrFecExtTable has an entry with few fields which are extensions for all address FECs either sent to or received from an LDP peer known to the Virtual Router." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 30 } vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of an extension to address FEC sent to or received from an LDP peer. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations." AUGMENTS { vRtrLdpAddrFecEntry } ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtTable 1 } VRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl6 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus6 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex6 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType6 InetAddressType, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr6 InetAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId6 TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl7 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus7 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex7 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType7 InetAddressType, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr7 InetAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId7 TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl8 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus8 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex8 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType8 InetAddressType, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr8 InetAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId8 TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl9 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus9 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex9 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType9 InetAddressType, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr9 InetAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId9 TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl10 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus10 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex10 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType10 InetAddressType, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr10 InetAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId10 TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl11 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus11 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex11 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType11 InetAddressType, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr11 InetAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId11 TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl12 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus12 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex12 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType12 InetAddressType, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr12 InetAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId12 TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl13 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus13 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex13 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType13 InetAddressType, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr13 InetAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId13 TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl14 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus14 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex14 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType14 InetAddressType, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr14 InetAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId14 TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl15 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus15 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex15 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType15 InetAddressType, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr15 InetAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId15 TmnxVRtrMplsLspID, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl16 Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus16 TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex16 InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType16 InetAddressType, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr16 InetAddress, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId16 TmnxVRtrMplsLspID } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl6 specifies the sixth egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 1 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus6 specifies the status of the egress label 6. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 2 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex6 specifies the interface index for egress label 6. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 3 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType6 specifies the address type of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr6. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 4 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr6 specifies the IP address of the next hop for egress label 6. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 5 } vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId6 indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label 6. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 6 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl7 specifies the seventh egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 7 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus7 specifies the status of the egress label 7. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 8 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex7 specifies the interface index for egress label 7. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 9 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType7 specifies the address type of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr7. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 10 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr7 specifies the IP address of the next hop for egress label 7. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 11 } vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId7 indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label 7. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 12 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl8 specifies the eighth egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 13 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus8 specifies the status of the egress label 8. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 14 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex8 specifies the interface index for egress label 8. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 15 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType8 specifies the address type of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr8. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 16 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr8 specifies the IP address of the next hop for egress label 8. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 17 } vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId8 indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label 8. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 18 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl9 specifies the ninth egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 19 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus9 specifies the status of the egress label 9. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 20 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex9 specifies the interface index for egress label 9. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 21 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType9 specifies the address type of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr9. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 22 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr9 specifies the IP address of the next hop for egress label 9. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 23 } vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId9 indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label 9. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 24 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl10 specifies the tenth egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 25 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus10 specifies the status of the egress label 10. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 26 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex10 specifies the interface index for egress label 10. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 27 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType10 specifies the address type of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr10. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 28 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr10 specifies the IP address of the next hop for egress label 10. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 29 } vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId10 indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label 10. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 30 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl11 specifies the eleventh egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 31 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus11 specifies the status of the egress label 11. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 32 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex11 specifies the interface index for egress label 11. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 33 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType11 specifies the address type of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr11. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 34 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr11 specifies the IP address of the next hop for egress label 11. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 35 } vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId11 indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label 11. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 36 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl12 specifies the twelfth egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 37 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus12 specifies the status of the egress label 12. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 38 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex12 specifies the interface index for egress label 12. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 39 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType12 specifies the address type of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr12. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 40 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr12 specifies the IP address of the next hop for egress label 12. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 41 } vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId12 indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label 12. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 42 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl13 specifies the thirteenth egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 43 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus13 specifies the status of the egress label 13. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 44 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex13 specifies the interface index for egress label 13. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 45 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType13 specifies the address type of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr13. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 46 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr13 specifies the IP address of the next hop for egress label 13. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 47 } vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId13 indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label 13. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 48 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl14 specifies the fourteenth egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 49 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus14 specifies the status of the egress label 14. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 50 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex14 specifies the interface index for egress label 14. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 51 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType14 specifies the address type of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr14. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 52 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr14 specifies the IP address of the next hop for egress label 14. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 53 } vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId14 indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label 14. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 54 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl15 specifies the fifteenth egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 55 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus15 specifies the status of the egress label 15. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 56 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex15 specifies the interface index for egress label 15. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 57 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType15 specifies the address type of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr15. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 58 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr15 specifies the IP address of the next hop for egress label 15. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 59 } vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId15 indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label 15. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 60 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl16 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl16 specifies the sixteenth egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 61 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus16 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus16 specifies the status of the egress label 16. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 62 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex16 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex16 specifies the interface index for egress label 16. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 63 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType16 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType16 specifies the address type of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr16. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 64 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr16 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr16 specifies the IP address of the next hop for egress label 16. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 65 } vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId16 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId16 indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label 16. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecExtEntry 66 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpP2MPFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpP2MPFecTable is a read-only table that represents operational information of P2MP FECs either sent to or received from an LDP peer known to the Virtual Router." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 31 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpP2MPFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of operational information of a P2MP FEC sent to or received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpP2MPFecRootAddrType, vRtrLdpP2MPFecRootAddress, vRtrLdpP2MPFecTunnelType, vRtrLdpP2MPFecTunnelId, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId } ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecTable 1 } VRtrLdpP2MPFecEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpP2MPFecTunnelType TmnxLdpFECTunnelType, vRtrLdpP2MPFecTunnelId Unsigned32, vRtrLdpP2MPFecRootAddrType InetAddressType, vRtrLdpP2MPFecRootAddress InetAddress, vRtrLdpP2MPFecFlags TmnxLdpFECFlags, vRtrLdpP2MPFecNumInLabels Gauge32, vRtrLdpP2MPFecNumOutLabels Gauge32, vRtrLdpP2MPFecTunnelIfId Unsigned32, vRtrLdpP2MPFecMetric Unsigned32, vRtrLdpP2MPFecMTU Unsigned32 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecTunnelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFECTunnelType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecTunnelType indicates the tunnel type of P2MP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecEntry 1 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecTunnelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecTunnelId indicates the tunnel identifier for this P2MP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecEntry 2 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecRootAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecRootAddrType indicates the type of ip address of the root for this P2MP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecEntry 3 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecRootAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecRootAddress indicates the ip address of the root for this P2MP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecEntry 4 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFECFlags MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The bit flags of vRtrLdpP2MPFecFlags indicates the characteristics of the FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecEntry 5 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecNumInLabels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecNumInLabels indicates the number of labels that have been sent to the peer associated with this FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecEntry 6 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecNumOutLabels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecNumOutLabels indicates the number of labels that have been received from the peer associated with this FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecEntry 7 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecTunnelIfId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecTunnelIfId indicates the tunnel interface identifier for this P2MP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecEntry 8 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecMetric indicates the relative cost of the tunnel represented by this P2MP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecEntry 9 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecMTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecMTU indicates the maximum transfer unit for payloads represented by this P2MP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecEntry 10 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLabelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpP2MPFecInLabelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLabelTable is a read-only table that represents all P2MP FECs received from an LDP peer known to the virtual router." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 32 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLabelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpP2MPFecInLabelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of a P2MP FEC received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpP2MPFecRootAddrType, vRtrLdpP2MPFecRootAddress, vRtrLdpP2MPFecTunnelType, vRtrLdpP2MPFecTunnelId, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId, vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLblId } ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLabelTable 1 } VRtrLdpP2MPFecInLabelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLblId Unsigned32, vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLbl Unsigned32, vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLblStatus TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLblIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero } vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLblId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLblId indicates the label number of the ingress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLabelEntry 1 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLbl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLbl indicates the ingress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLabelEntry 2 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLblStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLblStatus indicates the status of the ingress label. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLabelEntry 3 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLblIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLblIfIndex indicates the interface index for ingress label. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLabelEntry 4 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLabelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLabelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpP2MPFecTable is a read-only table that represents all P2MP FECs sent to an LDP peer known to the Virtual Router." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 33 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLabelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLabelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of a P2MP FEC sent to a LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpP2MPFecRootAddrType, vRtrLdpP2MPFecRootAddress, vRtrLdpP2MPFecTunnelType, vRtrLdpP2MPFecTunnelId, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblId } ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLabelTable 1 } VRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLabelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblId Unsigned32, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLbl Unsigned32, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblStatus TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopType InetAddressType, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopAddr InetAddress, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblLspId TmnxVRtrMplsLspID } vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblId indicates the label number of the egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLabelEntry 1 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLbl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLbl indicates the egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLabelEntry 2 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblStatus indicates the status of the egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLabelEntry 3 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopType indicates the address type of vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopAddr. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLabelEntry 4 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopAddr indicates the IP address of the next hop for egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLabelEntry 5 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblIfIndex indicates the interface index for egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLabelEntry 6 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblLspId indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLabelEntry 7 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpP2MPFecMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpP2MPFecMapTable is a read-only table which maps to the vRtrLdpP2MPFecTable. This table has the same indexes as the vRtrLdpP2MPFecTable but the order in which these indexes are specified is different for the two tables." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 34 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpP2MPFecMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of a P2MP FEC sent to or received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpP2MPFecRootAddrType, vRtrLdpP2MPFecRootAddress, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId, vRtrLdpP2MPFecMapFecType, vRtrLdpP2MPFecMapId } ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecMapTable 1 } VRtrLdpP2MPFecMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpP2MPFecMapFecType TmnxLdpFECTunnelType, vRtrLdpP2MPFecMapId Unsigned32 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecMapFecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFECTunnelType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecMapFecType indicates the tunnel type of P2MP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecMapEntry 1 } vRtrLdpP2MPFecMapId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpP2MPFecMapId indicates the tunnel identifier for this P2MP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpP2MPFecMapEntry 2 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblInfoTable is a read-only table that contains the information related to an egress label of an address FEC sent to or received from an LDP peer." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 35 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of an egress label of an address FEC sent to or received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpAddrFecFecType, vRtrLdpAddrFecIpPrefix, vRtrLdpAddrFecIpMask, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblId } ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblInfoTable 1 } VRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblId Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblMetric Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblMtu Unsigned32 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblId indicates the egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblInfoEntry 1 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblMetric indicates the relative cost of the tunnel represented by this address FEC egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblInfoEntry 2 } vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblMtu indicates the maximum transfer unit for payloads represented by this address FEC egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblInfoEntry 3 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpNgP2MPFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecTable is a read-only table that represents operational information of P2MP FECs either sent to or received from an LDP peer known to the Virtual Router. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgExtP2MPFecTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 36 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpNgP2MPFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of operational information of a P2MP FEC sent to or received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecRootAddrType, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecRootAddress, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueType, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueLength, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueValue, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId } ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecTable 1 } VRtrLdpNgP2MPFecEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueType Unsigned32, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueLength Unsigned32, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueValue OCTET STRING, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecRootAddrType InetAddressType, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecRootAddress InetAddress, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecFlags TmnxLdpFECFlags, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecNumInLabels Gauge32, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecNumOutLabels Gauge32, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecTunnelIfId Unsigned32, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMetric Unsigned32, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMTU Unsigned32 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueType indicates the type of a Multi-Point Opaque Value Element. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecEntry 1 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueLength indicates the length of a Multi-Point Opaque Value Element. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecEntry 2 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueValue indicates the value of a Multi-Point Opaque Value Element. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecEntry 3 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecRootAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecRootAddrType indicates the type of ip address of the root for this P2MP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecEntry 4 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecRootAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecRootAddress indicates the ip address of the root for this P2MP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecEntry 5 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFECFlags MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The bit flags of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecFlags indicates the characteristics of the FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecEntry 6 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecNumInLabels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecNumInLabels indicates the number of labels that have been sent to the peer associated with this FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecEntry 7 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecNumOutLabels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecNumOutLabels indicates the number of labels that have been received from the peer associated with this FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecEntry 8 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecTunnelIfId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecTunnelIfId indicates the tunnel interface identifier for this P2MP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecEntry 9 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMetric indicates the relative cost of the tunnel represented by this P2MP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecEntry 10 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMTU indicates the maximum transfer unit for payloads represented by this P2MP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecEntry 11 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLabelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLabelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLabelTable is a read-only table that represents all P2MP FECs received from an LDP peer known to the virtual router. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgExtP2MPFecInLblTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 37 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLabelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLabelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of a P2MP FEC received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecRootAddrType, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecRootAddress, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueType, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueLength, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueValue, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLblId } ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLabelTable 1 } VRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLabelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLblId Unsigned32, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLbl Unsigned32, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLblStatus TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLblIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLblId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLblId indicates the label number of the ingress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLabelEntry 1 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLbl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLbl indicates the ingress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLabelEntry 2 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLblStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLblStatus indicates the status of the ingress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLabelEntry 3 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLblIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLblIfIndex indicates the interface index for ingress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLabelEntry 4 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLabelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLabelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecTable is a read-only table that represents all P2MP FECs sent to an LDP peer known to the Virtual Router. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgExtP2MPFecOutLblTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 38 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLabelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLabelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of a P2MP FEC sent to a LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecRootAddrType, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecRootAddress, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueType, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueLength, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueValue, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblId } ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLabelTable 1 } VRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLabelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblId Unsigned32, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLbl Unsigned32, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblStatus TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopType InetAddressType, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopAddr InetAddress, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblLspId TmnxVRtrMplsLspID } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblId indicates the label number of the egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLabelEntry 1 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLbl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLbl indicates the egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLabelEntry 2 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblStatus indicates the status of the egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLabelEntry 3 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopType indicates the address type of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopAddr. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLabelEntry 4 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopAddr indicates the IP address of the next hop for egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLabelEntry 5 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblIfIndex indicates the interface index for egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLabelEntry 6 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblLspId indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLabelEntry 7 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapTable is a read-only table which maps to the vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecTable. This table has the same indexes as the vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecTable but the order in which these indexes are specified is different for the two tables. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgExtP2MPFecMapTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 39 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of a P2MP FEC sent to or received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecRootAddrType, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecRootAddress, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueType, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueLength, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOpaqueValue } ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapTable 1 } VRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapFlags TmnxLdpFECFlags, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapNumInLabels Gauge32, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapNumOutLabels Gauge32, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapTunnelIfId Unsigned32, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapMetric Unsigned32, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapMTU Unsigned32 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFECFlags MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The bit flags of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapFlags indicates the characteristics of the FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapEntry 1 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapNumInLabels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapNumInLabels indicates the number of labels that have been sent to the peer associated with this FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapEntry 2 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapNumOutLabels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapNumOutLabels indicates the number of labels that have been received from the peer associated with this FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapEntry 3 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapTunnelIfId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapTunnelIfId indicates the tunnel interface identifier for this P2MP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapEntry 4 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapMetric indicates the relative cost of the tunnel represented by this P2MP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapEntry 5 } vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapMTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapMTU indicates the maximum transfer unit for payloads represented by this P2MP FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapEntry 6 } vRtrLdpAddressFecTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpAddressFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpAddressFecTable is a read-only table that represents all address FECs either sent to or received from an LDP peer known to the Virtual Router. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgAddrFecTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 40 } vRtrLdpAddressFecEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpAddressFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of an address FEC sent to or received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpAddressFecFecType, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixType, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefix, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixLen, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId } ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecTable 1 } VRtrLdpAddressFecEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpAddressFecFecType TmnxLdpFECType, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixType InetAddressType, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefix InetAddress, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixLen InetAddressPrefixLength, vRtrLdpAddressFecFlags TmnxLdpFECFlags, vRtrLdpAddressFecNumInLabels Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddressFecNumOutLabels Unsigned32 } vRtrLdpAddressFecFecType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFECType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecFecType specifies the FEC type. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecEntry 1 } vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixType indicates the address type of vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefix. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecEntry 2 } vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefix specifies the IP Address Prefix for this address FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecEntry 3 } vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength (0..128) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixLen indicates the prefix length of the subnet associated with vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefix. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecEntry 4 } vRtrLdpAddressFecFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFECFlags MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The bit flags of vRtrLdpAddressFecFlags specify the characteristics of the FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecEntry 5 } vRtrLdpAddressFecNumInLabels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecNumInLabels gives the number of labels that have been sent to the peer associated with this FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecEntry 6 } vRtrLdpAddressFecNumOutLabels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecNumOutLabels gives the number of labels that have been received from the peer associated with this FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecEntry 7 } vRtrLdpAddressFecInLabelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpAddressFecInLabelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpAddressFecInLabelTable is a read-only table that represents all address FECs received from an LDP peer known to the Virtual Router. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgAddrFecInLblTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 41 } vRtrLdpAddressFecInLabelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpAddressFecInLabelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of an address FEC received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpAddressFecFecType, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixType, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefix, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixLen, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId, vRtrLdpAddressFecInLblId } ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecInLabelTable 1 } VRtrLdpAddressFecInLabelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpAddressFecInLblId Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddressFecInLbl Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddressFecInLblStatus TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddressFecInLblIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero } vRtrLdpAddressFecInLblId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecInLblId indicates the label number of the ingress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecInLabelEntry 1 } vRtrLdpAddressFecInLbl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecInLbl specifies the ingress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecInLabelEntry 2 } vRtrLdpAddressFecInLblStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecInLblStatus specifies the status of the ingress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecInLabelEntry 3 } vRtrLdpAddressFecInLblIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecInLblIfIndex specifies the interface index for ingress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecInLabelEntry 4 } vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLabelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpAddressFecOutLabelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLabelTable is a read-only table that represents all address FECs received from an LDP peer known to the Virtual Router. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgAddrFecOutLblTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 42 } vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLabelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpAddressFecOutLabelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of an address FEC received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpAddressFecFecType, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixType, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefix, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixLen, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblId } ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLabelTable 1 } VRtrLdpAddressFecOutLabelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblId Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLbl Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblStatus TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblNHType InetAddressType, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblNHAddr InetAddress, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblMetric Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblMtu Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblLspId TmnxVRtrMplsLspID } vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblId indicates the label number of the egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLabelEntry 1 } vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLbl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLbl specifies the egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLabelEntry 2 } vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblStatus specifies the status of the egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLabelEntry 3 } vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblIfIndex specifies the interface index for egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLabelEntry 4 } vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblNHType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblNHType specifies the address type of vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblNHAddr. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLabelEntry 5 } vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblNHAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblNHAddr specifies the IP address of the next hop for egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLabelEntry 6 } vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblMetric indicates the relative cost of the tunnel represented by this address FEC egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLabelEntry 7 } vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblMtu indicates the maximum transfer unit for payloads represented by this address FEC egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLabelEntry 8 } vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblLspId indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLabelEntry 9 } vRtrLdpAddressFecMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpAddressFecMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpAddressFecMapTable is a read-only table which maps to the vRtrLdpAddressFecTable. This table has the same indexes as the vRtrLdpAddressFecTable but the order in which these indexes are specified is different for the two tables. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgAddrFecMapTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 43 } vRtrLdpAddressFecMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpAddressFecMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of an address FEC sent to or received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId, vRtrLdpAddressFecFecType, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixType, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefix, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixLen } ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecMapTable 1 } VRtrLdpAddressFecMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpAddressFecMapFlags TmnxLdpFECFlags, vRtrLdpAddressFecMapNumInLabels Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddressFecMapNumOutLabels Unsigned32 } vRtrLdpAddressFecMapFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFECFlags MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The bit flags of vRtrLdpAddressFecMapFlags specify the characteristics of the FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecMapEntry 1 } vRtrLdpAddressFecMapNumInLabels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecMapNumInLabels gives the number of labels that have been sent to the peer associated with this FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecMapEntry 2 } vRtrLdpAddressFecMapNumOutLabels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddressFecMapNumOutLabels gives the number of labels that have been received from the peer associated with this FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddressFecMapEntry 3 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpAddrActiveFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecTable is a read-only table that represents all active in data plane address FECs either sent to or received from an LDP peer known to the Virtual Router. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vLdpNgAddrActiveFecTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 44 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpAddrActiveFecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of an active in data plane address FEC sent to or received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpAddressFecFecType, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixType, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefix, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixLen, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOpType } ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecTable 1 } VRtrLdpAddrActiveFecEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOpType INTEGER, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecFecFlags TmnxLdpFECFlags, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecNumInLbls Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecNumOutLbls Unsigned32 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOpType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pop (1), push (2), swap (3) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOpType indicates operation type of this FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecEntry 1 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecFecFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpFECFlags MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The bit flags of vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecFecFlags indicates the characteristics of the FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecEntry 2 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecNumInLbls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecNumInLbls indicates the number of labels that have been sent to the peer associated with this FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecEntry 3 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecNumOutLbls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecNumOutLbls indicates the number of labels that have been received from the peer associated with this FEC. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecEntry 4 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblTable is a read-only table that represents all active in data plane address FECs received from an LDP peer known to the Virtual Router. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vLdpNgAddrActiveFecInLblTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 45 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of an active in data plane address FEC received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpAddressFecFecType, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixType, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefix, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixLen, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOpType, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblId } ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblTable 1 } VRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblId Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLbl Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblId indicates the label number of the ingress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblEntry 1 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLbl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLbl indicates the ingress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblEntry 2 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblIfIndex indicates the interface index for ingress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblEntry 3 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblTable is a read-only table that represents all active in data plane address FECs received from an LDP peer known to the Virtual Router. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vLdpNgAddrActiveFecOutLblTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 46 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of an active in data plane address FEC received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpAddressFecFecType, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixType, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefix, vRtrLdpAddressFecIpPrefixLen, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOpType, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblId } ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblTable 1 } VRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblId Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLbl Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblStatus TmnxLabelStatus, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblIfIdx InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblNHType InetAddressType, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblNHAddr InetAddress, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblMetric Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblMtu Unsigned32, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblLspId TmnxVRtrMplsLspID } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblId indicates the label number of the egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblEntry 1 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLbl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLbl indicates the egress label exchanged. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblEntry 2 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLabelStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblStatus indicates the status of the egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblEntry 3 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblIfIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblIfIdx indicates the interface index for egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblEntry 4 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblNHType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblNHType indicates the address type of vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblNHAddr. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblEntry 5 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblNHAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblNHAddr indicates the IP address of the next hop for egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblEntry 6 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblMetric indicates the relative cost of the tunnel represented by this address FEC egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblEntry 7 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblMtu indicates the maximum transfer unit for payloads represented by this address FEC egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblEntry 8 } vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrMplsLspID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblLspId indicates the LSP id of the LSP for the RSVP tunnel used by LDP in LDP over RSVP associated with egress label. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblEntry 9 } vRtrLdpSessionAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpSessionAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpSessionInAddrTable is a read-only table that represents all local addresses either sent to or received from an LDP peer for a single session between an LDP entity and an LDP Peer. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgSessionAddrTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 47 } vRtrLdpSessionAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpSessionAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of all local addresses sent to or received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId } ::= { vRtrLdpSessionAddrTable 1 } VRtrLdpSessionAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpSessionAddrLocalLdpId MplsLdpIdentifier, vRtrLdpSessionAddrNumInAddrs Unsigned32, vRtrLdpSessionAddrNumOutAddrs Unsigned32 } vRtrLdpSessionAddrLocalLdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLdpIdentifier MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessionAddrLocalLdpId indicates the local LDP identifier for this LDP session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionAddrEntry 1 } vRtrLdpSessionAddrNumInAddrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessionAddrNumInAddrs indicates the number of local addresses that have been received from the peer for this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionAddrEntry 2 } vRtrLdpSessionAddrNumOutAddrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessionAddrNumOutAddrs indicates the number of local addresses that have been sent to the peer for this session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionAddrEntry 3 } vRtrLdpSessionInAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpSessionInAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpSessionInAddrTable is a read-only table that represents all local addresses received from an LDP peer for a single session between an LDP entity and an LDP Peer. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgSessionInAddrTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 48 } vRtrLdpSessionInAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpSessionInAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of a local address received from an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId, vRtrLdpSessionInAddrAddrType, vRtrLdpSessionInAddrAddress } ::= { vRtrLdpSessionInAddrTable 1 } VRtrLdpSessionInAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpSessionInAddrAddrType InetAddressType, vRtrLdpSessionInAddrAddress InetAddress, vRtrLdpSessionInAddrLocalLdpId MplsLdpIdentifier } vRtrLdpSessionInAddrAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessionInAddrAddrType indicates the address type of vRtrLdpSessionInAddrAddress. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionInAddrEntry 1 } vRtrLdpSessionInAddrAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessionInAddrAddress indicates the IP address received from the peer for this LDP session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionInAddrEntry 2 } vRtrLdpSessionInAddrLocalLdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLdpIdentifier MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessionInAddrLocalLdpId indicates the local LDP identifier for this LDP session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionInAddrEntry 3 } vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpSessionOutAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrTable is a read-only table that represents all local addresses sent to an LDP peer for a single session between an LDP entity and an LDP Peer. In 13.0 this table has been replaced by TIMETRA-LDP-NG-MIB::vRtrLdpNgSessionOutAddrTable." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 49 } vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpSessionOutAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an instance of a local address sent to an LDP peer." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpPeerLdpId, vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrAddrType, vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrAddress } ::= { vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrTable 1 } VRtrLdpSessionOutAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrAddrType InetAddressType, vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrAddress InetAddress, vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrLocalLdpId MplsLdpIdentifier } vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrAddrType indicates the address type of vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrAddress. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrEntry 1 } vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrAddress indicates the IP address sent to the peer for this LDP session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrEntry 2 } vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrLocalLdpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsLdpIdentifier MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrLocalLdpId indicates the local LDP identifier for this LDP session. This object was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrEntry 3 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplTableLstChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplTableLstChanged indicates the last timestamp when an entry in the vRtrLdpPeerTemplTable was last changed." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 50 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpPeerTemplTable provides an entry for each virtual router targeted peer template configuration to be used with LDP." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 51 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an targeted peer template on this virtual router that participates in the LDP protocol. Row entries can be created or deleted via SNMP SET requests. A row with default attribute values is created by setting vRtrLdpPeerTemplRowStatus to 'createAndGo'. A row entry can be destroyed by setting vRtrLdpPeerTemplRowStatus to 'destroy'." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpPeerTemplName } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplTable 1 } VRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpPeerTemplName TNamedItem, vRtrLdpPeerTemplLastChanged TimeStamp, vRtrLdpPeerTemplRowStatus RowStatus, vRtrLdpPeerTemplAdminState TmnxAdminState, vRtrLdpPeerTemplInheritance Unsigned32, vRtrLdpPeerTemplKeepAliveFactor TmnxLdpKeepAliveFactor, vRtrLdpPeerTemplKeepAliveTimeout TmnxLdpNewKeepAliveTimeout, vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloFactor TmnxLdpHelloFactor, vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloTimeout TmnxLdpNewHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpPeerTemplTunneling TruthValue, vRtrLdpPeerTemplBfdEnabled TruthValue, vRtrLdpPeerTemplLsrIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero, vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloReduction TruthValue, vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloReductnFctr Unsigned32, vRtrLdpPeerTemplCreateTime TimeStamp, vRtrLdpPeerTemplIndex Counter64, vRtrLdpPeerTemplLsrIdAdvert TruthValue, vRtrLdpPeerTemplLsrIdCommunity TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpPeerTemplMcastTunneling TruthValue } vRtrLdpPeerTemplName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplName uniquely identifies the name of the targeted peer template within a virtual router instance." ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 1 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime when this row was last modified." ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 2 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplRowStatus specifies the row status of an entry in vRtrLdpPeerTemplTable.It is used to control the creation and deletion of rows. A row can be created by setting vRtrLdpPeerTemplRowStatus to 'createAndGo'. A row entry can be destroyed by setting vRtrLdpPeerTemplRowStatus to 'destroy'." ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 3 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplAdminState specifies administrative state of the targeted peer template." DEFVAL { inService } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 4 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplInheritance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplInheritance specifies if the peer template entry in this row, should inherit the operational value of an object, or use the administratively set value. Non mask bits will always have value of zero, and any attempt to change the value will be silently discarded. This object is a bit-mask, with the following positions: vRtrLdpPeerTemplKeepAliveFactor 0x01 vRtrLdpPeerTemplKeepAliveTimeout 0x02 vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloFactor 0x04 vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloTimeout 0x08 vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloReduction 0x10 vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloReductnFctr 0x20 When the bit for an object has value of one, then the object's administrative and operational value are whatever the DEFVAL or most recently SET value. The mask bit(s) will be set to one when set is performed on the inherited object(s). Any attempt to set the mask bit to one will be silently discarded. When the bit for an object is set to zero, then the object's administrative and operational value are inherited from the corresponding targeted peer object in vRtrLdpGeneralTable." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 5 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplKeepAliveFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpKeepAliveFactor MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplKeepAliveFactor specifies the value by which the keepalive timeout (vRtrLdpPeerTemplKeepAliveTimeout) should be divided to give the keepalive time i.e. the time interval, in seconds, between LDP keepalive messages. LDP keepalive messages are sent to keep the LDP session from timing out when no other LDP traffic is being sent between the neighbors." DEFVAL { 4 } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 6 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplKeepAliveTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpNewKeepAliveTimeout UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplKeepAliveTimeout specifies the time interval, in seconds, that LDP waits before tearing down a session. If no LDP messages are exchanged during this time interval, the LDP session is torn down. Generally the value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplKeepAliveTimeout is configured to be three times the keepalive time (the time interval between successive LDP keepalive messages)." DEFVAL { 40 } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 7 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpHelloFactor MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloFactor specifies the value by which the hello timeout (vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloTimeout) should be divided to give the hello time i.e. the time interval, in seconds, between LDP Hello messages. LDP uses hello messages to discover neighbors and to detect loss of connectivity with its neighbors." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 8 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLdpNewHelloTimeout UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloTimeout specifies the hello time also known as hold time. It is the time interval, in seconds, that LDP waits before declaring a neighbor to be down. Hello timeout is local to the system and is sent in the hello messages to a neighbor. Hello timeout cannot be set to a value that is less than three times the hello time." DEFVAL { 45 } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 9 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplTunneling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplTunneling specifies whether tunneling of LDP over prefix tunnels is enabled. When this object has a value of 'true', tunneling is enabled. When its value is 'false', tunneling is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 10 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplBfdEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplBfdEnabled specifies whether BFD tracking of a LDP Session is enabled for this template. When this object has a value of 'true', BFD tracking is enabled. When its value is 'false', BFD tracking is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 11 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplLsrIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplLsrIfIndex specifies the local interface index that is to be used as source LSR-ID to establish targeted hello adjacency with a LDP peer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 12 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloReduction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloReduction specifies whether hello reduction is enabled or not for this targeted peer template.If enabled, the sender advertises the dampened vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloTimeout to the targeted peer after LDP session is established. The value of 'true' means targeted hello reduction is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 13 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloReductnFctr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..20) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloReductnFctr specifies the number of hello messages that are sent at consistent vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloTimeout, before advertising further dampened vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloTimeout. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set when vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloReduction is disabled." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 14 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplCreateTime indicates the sysUpTime when this LDP peer template was created." ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 15 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplIndex indicates a unique value greater than zero which identifies this template for this virtual router in the Nokia SROS system. It is a unique value among entries within the same value of vRtrID. The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplIndex represents the order in which the templates are created. This is also the order in which configuration will be saved. In the running system, this value may have gaps as templates are added and deleted. This is volatile object; hence, it is not persistent across reboot." ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 16 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplLsrIdAdvert OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplLsrIdAdvert specifies whether or not advertisement of a local-LSR ID is sent over a given T-LDP session. When this object has a value of 'true', advertising is enabled, otherwise it is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 17 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplLsrIdCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplLsrIdCommunity defines a community string associated with a session to a given peer" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 18 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplMcastTunneling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplMcastTunneling specifies whether tunneling of LDP over multicast tunnels is enabled. When this object has a value of 'true', tunneling is enabled. When its value is 'false', tunneling is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplEntry 19 } vRtrLdpPeerTmplPlcyMpTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTmplPlcyMpTblLstChgd indicates the last timestamp when an entry in the vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapTable was last changed." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 52 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapTable maps targeted peer template entry to peer policy to be used with the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP)." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 53 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry maps a targeted peer template configuration to a set of policies for a virtual router in system. Row entries can be created or deleted via SNMP SET requests. A row is created by setting vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapRowStatus to 'createAndGo' provided the corresponding LSP id exists as an MPLS lsp. A row entry can be destroyed by setting vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapRowStatus to 'destroy'." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpPeerTemplName } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapTable 1 } VRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapLstChange TimeStamp, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapRowStatus RowStatus, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapIndex Counter64, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapCreateTim TimeStamp } vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapLstChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapLstChange indicates the sysUpTime when this row was last modified." ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapEntry 1 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapRowStatus specifies the row status of an entry in vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapTable. A row can be created by setting vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapRowStatus to 'createAndGo'. A row entry can be destroyed by setting vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapRowStatus to 'destroy'." ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapEntry 2 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy1 specifies the first targeted peer template policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapEntry 3 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy2 specifies the second targeted peer template policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapEntry 4 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy3 specifies the third targeted peer template policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapEntry 5 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy4 specifies the fourth targeted peer template policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapEntry 6 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy5 specifies the fifth targeted peer template policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapEntry 7 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapIndex indicates a unique value greater than zero which identifies this template policy map for this virtual router in the Nokia SROS system. It is a unique value among entries within the same value of vRtrID. The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapIndex represents the order in which the template policy map are created. This is also the order in which configuration will be saved. In the running system, this value may have gaps as template policy maps are added and deleted. This is volatile object; hence, it is not persistent across reboot." ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapEntry 8 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapCreateTim OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapCreateTim indicates the sysUpTime when this LDP peer template policy map was created." ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapEntry 9 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerTable is a read-only table that represents all auto discovered peers for a peer template." ::= { tmnxLdpObjs 54 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an auto discovered peer for a peer template." INDEX { vRtrID, vRtrLdpPeerTemplName, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerAddrType, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerAddress } ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerTable 1 } VRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerAddrType InetAddressType, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerAddress InetAddress, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerCreateTime TimeStamp } vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerAddrType indicates the address type of vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerAddress." ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerEntry 1 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerAddress indicates the peer IP address." ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerEntry 2 } vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerCreateTime indicates the peer create time." ::= { vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerEntry 3 } tmnxLdpConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRConfs 8 } tmnxLdpCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxLdpConformance 1 } tmnxLdpV4v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of extended LDP on Nokia SROS series systems 4.0 release." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLdpGlobalV3v0Group, tmnxLdpIfV3v0Group, tmnxLdpAdjR2r1Group, tmnxLdpSessionR2r1Group, tmnxLdpServFecV4v0Group, tmnxLdpAddrFecGroup, tmnxLdpNotificationGroup, tmnxLdpStaticFecV3v0Group } ::= { tmnxLdpCompliances 4 } tmnxLdpV5v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of extended LDP on Nokia SROS series systems 5.0 release." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLdpGlobalV5v0Group, tmnxLdpIfV5v0Group, tmnxLdpAdjR2r1Group, tmnxLdpSessionV5v0Group, tmnxLdpServFecV5v0Group, tmnxLdpAddrFecV5v0Group, tmnxLdpNotificationGroup, tmnxLdpStaticFecV3v0Group, tmnxLdpGenExtGlobalV5v0Group } ::= { tmnxLdpCompliances 5 } tmnxLdpV6v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of extended LDP on Nokia SROS series systems 6.0 release." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLdpGlobalV5v0Group, tmnxLdpIfV5v0Group, tmnxLdpAdjR2r1Group, tmnxLdpSessionV5v0Group, tmnxLdpServFecV6v0Group, tmnxLdpServFec129V6v0Group, tmnxLdpAddrFecV5v0Group, tmnxLdpNotificationGroup, tmnxLdpStaticFecV3v0Group, tmnxLdpCepTdmFecV6v0Group, tmnxLdpGenExtGlobalV5v0Group } ::= { tmnxLdpCompliances 6 } tmnxLdpV7v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of extended LDP on Nokia SROS series systems 7.0 release." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLdpGlobalV5v0Group, tmnxLdpIfV5v0Group, tmnxLdpAdjR2r1Group, tmnxLdpSessionV5v0Group, tmnxLdpServFecV6v0Group, tmnxLdpServFec129V6v0Group, tmnxLdpAddrFecV5v0Group, tmnxLdpNotificationGroup, tmnxLdpStaticFecV3v0Group, tmnxLdpAggrPreMatchV7v0Group, tmnxLdpStatsV7v0Group, tmnxLdpCepTdmFecV6v0Group, tmnxLdpGenExtGlobalV5v0Group } ::= { tmnxLdpCompliances 7 } tmnxLdpV8v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of extended LDP on Nokia SROS series systems 8.0 release." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLdpGlobalV5v0Group, tmnxLdpIfV5v0Group, tmnxLdpAdjR2r1Group, tmnxLdpSessionV5v0Group, tmnxLdpServFecV6v0Group, tmnxLdpServFec129V6v0Group, tmnxLdpAddrFecV5v0Group, tmnxLdpNotificationGroup, tmnxLdpStaticFecV3v0Group, tmnxLdpAggrPreMatchV7v0Group, tmnxLdpStatsV7v0Group, tmnxLdpCepTdmFecV6v0Group, tmnxLdpGenExtGlobalV5v0Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV8v0Group, tmnxLdpSessionV8v0Group, tmnxLdpP2MPFecV8v0Group, tmnxLdpStatsV8v0Group, tmnxLdpPeerV7v0Group, tmnxLdpServFecV8v0Group, tmnxLdpServFec129V8v0Group, tmnxLdpAddrFecV8v0Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV8v0R4Group, tmnxLdpAddrFecV7v0Group } ::= { tmnxLdpCompliances 8 } tmnxLdpV9v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of extended LDP on Nokia SROS series systems 9.0 release." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLdpGlobalV5v0Group, tmnxLdpIfV5v0Group, tmnxLdpAdjR2r1Group, tmnxLdpSessionV5v0Group, tmnxLdpServFecV6v0Group, tmnxLdpServFec129V6v0Group, tmnxLdpAddrFecV5v0Group, tmnxLdpNotificationGroup, tmnxLdpStaticFecV3v0Group, tmnxLdpAggrPreMatchV7v0Group, tmnxLdpStatsV7v0Group, tmnxLdpAdjBackoffGroup, tmnxLdpCepTdmFecV6v0Group, tmnxLdpGenExtGlobalV5v0Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV8v0Group, tmnxLdpSessionV8v0Group, tmnxLdpP2MPFecV8v0Group, tmnxLdpStatsV8v0Group, tmnxLdpPeerV7v0Group, tmnxLdpServFecV8v0Group, tmnxLdpServFec129V8v0Group, tmnxLdpAddrFecV8v0Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV8v0R4Group, tmnxLdpAddrFecV7v0Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV9v0Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV9v0R4Group } ::= { tmnxLdpCompliances 9 } tmnxLdpV10v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of extended LDP on Nokia SROS series systems 10.0 release." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLdpGlobalV5v0Group, tmnxLdpIfV5v0Group, tmnxLdpAdjR2r1Group, tmnxLdpSessionV5v0Group, tmnxLdpServFecV6v0Group, tmnxLdpServFec129V6v0Group, tmnxLdpNotificationGroup, tmnxLdpStaticFecV3v0Group, tmnxLdpAggrPreMatchV7v0Group, tmnxLdpStatsV7v0Group, tmnxLdpAdjBackoffGroup, tmnxLdpCepTdmFecV6v0Group, tmnxLdpGenExtGlobalV5v0Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV8v0Group, tmnxLdpSessionV8v0Group, tmnxLdpStatsV8v0Group, tmnxLdpPeerV7v0Group, tmnxLdpServFecV8v0Group, tmnxLdpServFec129V8v0Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV8v0R4Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV9v0Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV9v0R4Group, tmnxLdpP2MPFecV10v0Group, tmnxLdpAddressFecV10v0Group, tmnxLdpAddrActiveFecV10v0Group } ::= { tmnxLdpCompliances 10 } tmnxLdpV11v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of extended LDP on Nokia SROS series systems 11.0 release." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLdpGlobalV5v0Group, tmnxLdpIfV5v0Group, tmnxLdpAdjR2r1Group, tmnxLdpSessionV5v0Group, tmnxLdpServFecV6v0Group, tmnxLdpServFec129V6v0Group, tmnxLdpNotificationGroup, tmnxLdpStaticFecV3v0Group, tmnxLdpAggrPreMatchV7v0Group, tmnxLdpStatsV7v0Group, tmnxLdpAdjBackoffGroup, tmnxLdpCepTdmFecV6v0Group, tmnxLdpGenExtGlobalV5v0Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV8v0Group, tmnxLdpSessionV8v0Group, tmnxLdpStatsV8v0Group, tmnxLdpPeerV7v0Group, tmnxLdpServFecV8v0Group, tmnxLdpServFec129V8v0Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV8v0R4Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV9v0Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV9v0R4Group, tmnxLdpP2MPFecV10v0Group, tmnxLdpAddressFecV10v0Group, tmnxLdpAddrActiveFecV10v0Group, tmnxLdpHelloReductionV11v0Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV11v0Group, tmnxLdpLsrOverloadV11v0Group, tmnxLdpTLDPAutoCreateV11v0Group, tmnxLdpLsrOvrloadNotify, tmnxLdpLsrOvrloadNotifyObjs } ::= { tmnxLdpCompliances 11 } tmnxLdpV12v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of extended LDP on Nokia SROS series systems 12.0 release." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLdpGlobalV5v0Group, tmnxLdpIfV5v0Group, tmnxLdpAdjR2r1Group, tmnxLdpSessionV5v0Group, tmnxLdpServFecV6v0Group, tmnxLdpServFec129V6v0Group, tmnxLdpNotificationGroup, tmnxLdpStaticFecV3v0Group, tmnxLdpAggrPreMatchV7v0Group, tmnxLdpStatsV7v0Group, tmnxLdpAdjBackoffGroup, tmnxLdpCepTdmFecV6v0Group, tmnxLdpGenExtGlobalV5v0Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV8v0Group, tmnxLdpSessionV8v0Group, tmnxLdpStatsV8v0Group, tmnxLdpPeerV7v0Group, tmnxLdpServFecV8v0Group, tmnxLdpServFec129V8v0Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV8v0R4Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV9v0Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV9v0R4Group, tmnxLdpP2MPFecV10v0Group, tmnxLdpAddressFecV10v0Group, tmnxLdpAddrActiveFecV10v0Group, tmnxLdpHelloReductionV11v0Group, tmnxLdpGlobalV11v0Group, tmnxLdpLsrOverloadV11v0Group, tmnxLdpTLDPAutoCreateV11v0Group, tmnxLdpLsrOvrloadNotify, tmnxLdpLsrOvrloadNotifyObjs, tmnxLdpFecLimitPerPeerV13v0Group, tmnxLdpFecLimitPerPeerNotify, tmnxLdpFecLimitNotifyObjs } ::= { tmnxLdpCompliances 12 } tmnxLdpV13v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of extended LDP on Nokia SROS series systems 13.0 release." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLdpStatsV7v0Group, tmnxLdpObsoletedV13V0Group, tmnxLdpTLDPAutoCreateV13v0Group, tmnxLdpNotifyObjsV13v0Group, tmnxLdpObsoletedNotifyObjGroup, tmnxLdpObsoletedNtfnV13v0Group, tmnxLdpNotificationV13v0Group } ::= { tmnxLdpCompliances 13 } tmnxLdpV15v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of extended LDP on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0 release." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLdpLocalLsrIdAdvertGroup, tmnxLdpLocalLsrIdCommunityGroup } ::= { tmnxLdpCompliances 14 } tmnxLdpV16v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of extended LDP on Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLdpAggrEgrStatsV16v0Group } ::= { tmnxLdpCompliances 15 } tmnxLdpV20v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of extended LDP on Nokia SROS series systems release 20.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLdpPeerMcastTunnelingGroup } ::= { tmnxLdpCompliances 16 } tmnxLdpGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxLdpConformance 2 } tmnxLdpAddrFecGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpAddrFecFlags, vRtrLdpAddrFecNumInLabels, vRtrLdpAddrFecNumOutLabels, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel1, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus1, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex1, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel2, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus2, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex2, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel3, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus3, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex3, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel4, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus4, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex4, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel5, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus5, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex5, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel1, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus1, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex1, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop1, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel2, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus2, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex2, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop2, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel3, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus3, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex3, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop3, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel4, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus4, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex4, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop4, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel5, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus5, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex5, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop5, vRtrLdpAddrFecMapFecType, vRtrLdpAddrFecMapIpPrefix, vRtrLdpAddrFecMapIpMask } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended LDP address FECs sent to or received from an LDP peer on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 6 } tmnxLdpNotifyObjsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpInstanceNotifyReasonCode, vRtrLdpIfNotifyReasonCode, vRtrLdpNotifyLocalGroupID, vRtrLdpNotifyRemoteGroupID } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting extended LDP notifications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 7 } tmnxLdpNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { vRtrLdpStateChange, vRtrLdpInstanceStateChange, vRtrLdpIfStateChange, vRtrLdpGroupIdMismatch } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the extended LDP feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 8 } tmnxLdpAdjBackoffGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpAdjInitBackoff, vRtrLdpAdjMaxBackoff, vRtrLdpAdjCurrentBackoff, vRtrLdpAdjWaitingTime, vRtrLdpAdjBackoffStatus } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting general management of extended LDP adjacency backoff on Nokia SROS series systems. The vRtrLdpAdjBackoffTable is not yet supported by a TiMOS release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 10 } tmnxLdpObsoleteObjsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpNotifyLocalServiceID, vRtrLdpNotifyRemoteServiceID, vRtrLdpPolicyRowStatus, vRtrLdpPolicyName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsolete objects for the extended LDP feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 11 } tmnxLdpObsoleteNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { vRtrLdpSvcIdMismatch } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsolete notifications for the extended LDP feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 12 } tmnxLdpAdjR2r1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpHelloAdjMapLdpId, vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalLdpId, vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntityIndex, vRtrLdpHelloAdjIndex, vRtrLdpHelloAdjHoldTimeRemaining, vRtrLdpHelloAdjType, vRtrLdpHelloAdjRemoteConfSeqNum, vRtrLdpHelloAdjRemoteIpAddress, vRtrLdpHelloAdjUpTime, vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalConfSeqNum, vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalIpAddress, vRtrLdpHelloAdjInHelloMsgCount, vRtrLdpHelloAdjOutHelloMsgCount, vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpHelloAdjRemoteHelloTimeout } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended LDP Adjacencies for LDP sessions on Nokia SROS series systems 2.1 Release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 15 } tmnxLdpSessionR2r1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpSessLocalLdpId, vRtrLdpSessEntityIndex, vRtrLdpSessLabelDistMethod, vRtrLdpSessLoopDetectForPV, vRtrLdpSessPathVectorLimit, vRtrLdpSessState, vRtrLdpSessAdjacencyType, vRtrLdpSessProtocolVersion, vRtrLdpSessLocalUdpPort, vRtrLdpSessPeerUdpPort, vRtrLdpSessLocalTcpPort, vRtrLdpSessPeerTcpPort, vRtrLdpSessLocalAddress, vRtrLdpSessPeerAddress, vRtrLdpSessKAHoldTimeRemaining, vRtrLdpSessMaxPduLength, vRtrLdpSessUpTime, vRtrLdpSessLocalKATimeout, vRtrLdpSessPeerKATimeout, vRtrLdpSessStatsTargAdj, vRtrLdpSessStatsLinkAdj, vRtrLdpSessStatsFECRecv, vRtrLdpSessStatsFECSent, vRtrLdpSessStatsHelloIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsHelloOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsKeepaliveIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsKeepaliveOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsInitIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsInitOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelMappingIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelMappingOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelRequestIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelRequestOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelReleaseIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelReleaseOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelWithdrawIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelWithdrawOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelAbortIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelAbortOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrWithdrawIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrWithdrawOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsNotificationIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsNotificationOut } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended LDP Sessions on Nokia SROS series systems 2.1 Release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 16 } tmnxLdpStaticFecV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpStaticFecRowStatus, vRtrLdpStaticFecNextNHIndex, vRtrLdpStaticFecIngLabel, vRtrLdpStaticFecNumNH, vRtrLdpStaticFecOperIngLabel, vRtrLdpStaticFecNHRowStatus, vRtrLdpStaticFecNHType, vRtrLdpStaticFecNHIpAddr, vRtrLdpStaticFecNHEgrLabel } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of LDP Static FECs on Nokia SROS series systems 3.0 release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 17 } tmnxLdpIfV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpIfTableSpinlock, vRtrLdpIfRowStatus, vRtrLdpIfLastChange, vRtrLdpIfAdminState, vRtrLdpIfOperState, vRtrLdpIfInheritance, vRtrLdpIfKeepAliveFactor, vRtrLdpIfKeepAliveTimeout, vRtrLdpIfHelloFactor, vRtrLdpIfHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpIfBackoffTime, vRtrLdpIfMaxBackoffTime, vRtrLdpIfTransportAddrType, vRtrLdpIfPassiveMode, vRtrLdpIfAutoCreate, vRtrLdpIfOperDownReason, vRtrLdpIfExistingAdjacencies, vRtrLdpPeerRowStatus, vRtrLdpPeerAuth, vRtrLdpPeerAuthKey, vRtrLdpPeerMinTTLValue, vRtrLdpPeerTTLLogId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended LDP interfaces and targeted peers on Nokia SROS series systems 3.0 release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 19 } tmnxLdpGlobalV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpGenLastChange, vRtrLdpGenAdminState, vRtrLdpGenOperState, vRtrLdpGenLdpLsrId, vRtrLdpGenProtocolVersion, vRtrLdpGenDeaggregateFec, vRtrLdpGenKeepAliveFactor, vRtrLdpGenKeepAliveTimeout, vRtrLdpGenHelloFactor, vRtrLdpGenHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpGenRoutePreference, vRtrLdpGenControlMode, vRtrLdpGenDistMethod, vRtrLdpGenRetentionMode, vRtrLdpGenTransportAddrType, vRtrLdpGenPropagatePolicy, vRtrLdpGenLoopDetectCapable, vRtrLdpGenHopLimit, vRtrLdpGenPathVectorLimit, vRtrLdpGenBackoffTime, vRtrLdpGenMaxBackoffTime, vRtrLdpGenTargKeepAliveFactor, vRtrLdpGenTargKeepAliveTimeout, vRtrLdpGenTargHelloFactor, vRtrLdpGenTargHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpGenTargPassiveMode, vRtrLdpGenTargetedSessions, vRtrLdpGenCreateTime, vRtrLdpGenUpTime, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy1, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy2, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy3, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy4, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy5, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy1, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy2, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy3, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy4, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy5, vRtrLdpGenTunnelDownDampTime, vRtrLdpGenOperDownReason, vRtrLdpGenTrustList, vRtrLdpStatsOperDownEvents, vRtrLdpStatsActiveSessions, vRtrLdpStatsActiveAdjacencies, vRtrLdpStatsActiveInterfaces, vRtrLdpStatsInactiveInterfaces, vRtrLdpStatsActiveTargSessions, vRtrLdpStatsInactiveTargSessions, vRtrLdpStatsAddrFECRecv, vRtrLdpStatsAddrFECSent, vRtrLdpStatsSvcFECRecv, vRtrLdpStatsSvcFECSent, vRtrLdpStatsAttemptedSessions, vRtrLdpStatsSessRejNoHelloErrors, vRtrLdpStatsSessRejAdvErrors, vRtrLdpStatsSessRejMaxPduErrors, vRtrLdpStatsSessRejLabelRangeErrors, vRtrLdpStatsBadLdpIdentifierErrors, vRtrLdpStatsBadPduLengthErrors, vRtrLdpStatsBadMessageLengthErrors, vRtrLdpStatsBadTlvLengthErrors, vRtrLdpStatsMalformedTlvValueErrors, vRtrLdpStatsKeepAliveExpiredErrors, vRtrLdpStatsShutdownNotifRecv, vRtrLdpStatsShutdownNotifSent } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting general management of extended LDP on Nokia SROS series systems 3.0 release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 20 } tmnxLdpServFecV4v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpServFecServType, vRtrLdpServFecServId, vRtrLdpServFecVpnId, vRtrLdpServFecFlags, vRtrLdpServFecNumInLabels, vRtrLdpServFecNumOutLabels, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel1, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus1, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel2, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus2, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel3, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus3, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel4, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus4, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel5, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus5, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel1, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus1, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel2, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus2, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel3, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus3, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel4, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus4, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel5, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus5, vRtrLdpServFecSdpId, vRtrLdpServFecLocalMTU, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteMTU, vRtrLdpServFecLocalVlanTag, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteVlanTag, vRtrLdpServFecLocalMaxCellConcat, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteMaxCellConcat, vRtrLdpServFecMapFecType, vRtrLdpServFecMapVcType, vRtrLdpServFecMapVcId, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus1, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus2, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus3, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus4, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus5, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus1, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus2, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus3, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus4, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus5 } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended LDP service FECs sent to or received from an LDP peer on Nokia SROS series systems release 4.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 21 } tmnxLdpGlobalV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpGenLastChange, vRtrLdpGenAdminState, vRtrLdpGenOperState, vRtrLdpGenLdpLsrId, vRtrLdpGenProtocolVersion, vRtrLdpGenDeaggregateFec, vRtrLdpGenKeepAliveFactor, vRtrLdpGenKeepAliveTimeout, vRtrLdpGenHelloFactor, vRtrLdpGenHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpGenRoutePreference, vRtrLdpGenControlMode, vRtrLdpGenDistMethod, vRtrLdpGenRetentionMode, vRtrLdpGenTransportAddrType, vRtrLdpGenPropagatePolicy, vRtrLdpGenLoopDetectCapable, vRtrLdpGenHopLimit, vRtrLdpGenPathVectorLimit, vRtrLdpGenBackoffTime, vRtrLdpGenMaxBackoffTime, vRtrLdpGenTargKeepAliveFactor, vRtrLdpGenTargKeepAliveTimeout, vRtrLdpGenTargHelloFactor, vRtrLdpGenTargHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpGenTargPassiveMode, vRtrLdpGenTargetedSessions, vRtrLdpGenCreateTime, vRtrLdpGenUpTime, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy1, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy2, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy3, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy4, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy5, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy1, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy2, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy3, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy4, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy5, vRtrLdpGenTunnelDownDampTime, vRtrLdpGenOperDownReason, vRtrLdpGenGracefulRestart, vRtrLdpGenGRNbrLiveTime, vRtrLdpGenGRMaxRecoveryTime, vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy1, vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy2, vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy3, vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy4, vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy5, vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy1, vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy2, vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy3, vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy4, vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy5, vRtrLdpTargTunnelPreference, vRtrLdpStatsOperDownEvents, vRtrLdpStatsActiveSessions, vRtrLdpStatsActiveAdjacencies, vRtrLdpStatsActiveInterfaces, vRtrLdpStatsInactiveInterfaces, vRtrLdpStatsActiveTargSessions, vRtrLdpStatsInactiveTargSessions, vRtrLdpStatsAddrFECRecv, vRtrLdpStatsAddrFECSent, vRtrLdpStatsSvcFECRecv, vRtrLdpStatsSvcFECSent, vRtrLdpStatsAttemptedSessions, vRtrLdpStatsSessRejNoHelloErrors, vRtrLdpStatsSessRejAdvErrors, vRtrLdpStatsSessRejMaxPduErrors, vRtrLdpStatsSessRejLabelRangeErrors, vRtrLdpStatsBadLdpIdentifierErrors, vRtrLdpStatsBadPduLengthErrors, vRtrLdpStatsBadMessageLengthErrors, vRtrLdpStatsBadTlvLengthErrors, vRtrLdpStatsMalformedTlvValueErrors, vRtrLdpStatsKeepAliveExpiredErrors, vRtrLdpStatsShutdownNotifRecv, vRtrLdpStatsShutdownNotifSent, vRtrLdpStatsEgrFecPfxCount } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting general management of extended LDP on Nokia SROS series systems 5.0 release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 22 } tmnxLdpIfV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpIfTableSpinlock, vRtrLdpIfRowStatus, vRtrLdpIfLastChange, vRtrLdpIfAdminState, vRtrLdpIfOperState, vRtrLdpIfInheritance, vRtrLdpIfKeepAliveFactor, vRtrLdpIfKeepAliveTimeout, vRtrLdpIfHelloFactor, vRtrLdpIfHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpIfBackoffTime, vRtrLdpIfMaxBackoffTime, vRtrLdpIfTransportAddrType, vRtrLdpIfPassiveMode, vRtrLdpIfAutoCreate, vRtrLdpIfOperDownReason, vRtrLdpIfExistingAdjacencies, vRtrLdpIfTunneling, vRtrLdpIfLspRowStatus, vRtrLdpPeerRowStatus, vRtrLdpPeerAuth, vRtrLdpPeerAuthKey, vRtrLdpPeerMinTTLValue, vRtrLdpPeerTTLLogId, vRtrLdpPeerAuthKeyChain } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended LDP interfaces and targeted peers on Nokia SROS series systems 5.0 release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 23 } tmnxLdpServFecV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpServFecServType, vRtrLdpServFecServId, vRtrLdpServFecVpnId, vRtrLdpServFecFlags, vRtrLdpServFecNumInLabels, vRtrLdpServFecNumOutLabels, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel1, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus1, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel2, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus2, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel3, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus3, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel4, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus4, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel5, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus5, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel1, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus1, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel2, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus2, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel3, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus3, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel4, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus4, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel5, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus5, vRtrLdpServFecSdpId, vRtrLdpServFecLocalMTU, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteMTU, vRtrLdpServFecLocalVlanTag, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteVlanTag, vRtrLdpServFecLocalMaxCellConcat, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteMaxCellConcat, vRtrLdpServFecMapFecType, vRtrLdpServFecMapVcType, vRtrLdpServFecMapVcId, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus1, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus2, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus3, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus4, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus5, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus1, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus2, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus3, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus4, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus5, vRtrLdpServFecMateEndpointVcId, vRtrLdpServFecMateEndpointSdpId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended LDP service FECs sent to or received from an LDP peer on Nokia SROS series systems release 5.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 24 } tmnxLdpAddrFecV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpAddrFecFlags, vRtrLdpAddrFecNumInLabels, vRtrLdpAddrFecNumOutLabels, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel1, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus1, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex1, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel2, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus2, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex2, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel3, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus3, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex3, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel4, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus4, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex4, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel5, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus5, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex5, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel1, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus1, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex1, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop1, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel2, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus2, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex2, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop2, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel3, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus3, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex3, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop3, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel4, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus4, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex4, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop4, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel5, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus5, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex5, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop5, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId, vRtrLdpAddrFecMapFecType, vRtrLdpAddrFecMapIpPrefix, vRtrLdpAddrFecMapIpMask, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop5 } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended LDP address FECs sent to or received from an LDP peer on Nokia SROS series systems for release 5.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 25 } tmnxLdpSessionV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpSessLocalLdpId, vRtrLdpSessEntityIndex, vRtrLdpSessLabelDistMethod, vRtrLdpSessLoopDetectForPV, vRtrLdpSessPathVectorLimit, vRtrLdpSessState, vRtrLdpSessAdjacencyType, vRtrLdpSessProtocolVersion, vRtrLdpSessLocalUdpPort, vRtrLdpSessPeerUdpPort, vRtrLdpSessLocalTcpPort, vRtrLdpSessPeerTcpPort, vRtrLdpSessLocalAddress, vRtrLdpSessPeerAddress, vRtrLdpSessKAHoldTimeRemaining, vRtrLdpSessMaxPduLength, vRtrLdpSessUpTime, vRtrLdpSessLocalKATimeout, vRtrLdpSessPeerKATimeout, vRtrLdpSessAdvertise, vRtrLdpSessRestartHelperState, vRtrLdpSessPeerNumRestart, vRtrLdpSessLastRestartTime, vRtrLdpSessFtReconnectTimeNego, vRtrLdpSessFtRecoveryTimeNego, vRtrLdpSessFtReconTimeRemaining, vRtrLdpSessFtRecovTimeRemaining, vRtrLdpSessStatsTargAdj, vRtrLdpSessStatsLinkAdj, vRtrLdpSessStatsFECRecv, vRtrLdpSessStatsFECSent, vRtrLdpSessStatsHelloIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsHelloOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsKeepaliveIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsKeepaliveOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsInitIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsInitOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelMappingIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelMappingOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelRequestIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelRequestOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelReleaseIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelReleaseOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelWithdrawIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelWithdrawOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelAbortIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelAbortOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrWithdrawIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrWithdrawOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsNotificationIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsNotificationOut } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended LDP Sessions on Nokia SROS series systems 5.0 Release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 26 } tmnxLdpObsoletedV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpGenTrustList } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects obsoleted on Nokia SROS series systems 5.0 Release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 27 } tmnxLdpCepTdmFecV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalPayloadSize, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemotePayloadSize, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalBitrate, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteBitrate, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalRtpHeader, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteRtpHeader, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalDiffTimestamp, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteDiffTimestamp, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalSigPkts, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteSigPkts, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalCasTrunk, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteCasTrunk, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalTimestampFreq, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteTimestampFreq, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalPayloadType, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemotePayloadType, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalSsrcId, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteSsrcId, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalPayloadSize, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemotePayloadSize, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalBitrate, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteBitrate, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalRtpHeader, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteRtpHeader, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalDiffTimestamp, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteDiffTimestamp, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalSigPkts, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteSigPkts, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalCasTrunk, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteCasTrunk, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalTimestampFreq, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteTimestampFreq, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalPayloadType, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemotePayloadType, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalSsrcId, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteSsrcId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended LDP CEP/TDM FECs sent to or received from an LDP peer on Nokia SROS series systems release 6.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 28 } tmnxLdpServFecV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpServFecServType, vRtrLdpServFecServId, vRtrLdpServFecVpnId, vRtrLdpServFecFlags, vRtrLdpServFecNumInLabels, vRtrLdpServFecNumOutLabels, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel1, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus1, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel2, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus2, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel3, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus3, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel4, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus4, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel5, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus5, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel1, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus1, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel2, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus2, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel3, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus3, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel4, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus4, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel5, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus5, vRtrLdpServFecSdpId, vRtrLdpServFecLocalMTU, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteMTU, vRtrLdpServFecLocalVlanTag, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteVlanTag, vRtrLdpServFecLocalMaxCellConcat, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteMaxCellConcat, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus1, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus2, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus3, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus4, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus5, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus1, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus2, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus3, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus4, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus5, vRtrLdpServFecMateEndpointVcId, vRtrLdpServFecMateEndpointSdpId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended LDP service FECs sent to or received from an LDP peer on Nokia SROS series systems release 6.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 29 } tmnxLdpServFec129V6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vLdpServFec129ServType, vLdpServFec129ServId, vLdpServFec129VpnId, vLdpServFec129Flags, vLdpServFec129NumInLabels, vLdpServFec129NumOutLabels, vLdpServFec129InLabel1, vLdpServFec129InLabelStatus1, vLdpServFec129OutLabel1, vLdpServFec129OutLabelStatus1, vLdpServFec129SdpId, vLdpServFec129LocalMTU, vLdpServFec129RemoteMTU, vLdpServFec129LocalVlanTag, vLdpServFec129RemoteVlanTag, vLdpServFec129LocalMaxCellConcat, vLdpServFec129RemoteMaxCellConcat, vLdpServFec129InLabelSigStatus1, vLdpServFec129OutLabelSigStatus1 } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of LDP FEC-129s sent to or received from an LDP peer on Nokia SROS series systems release 6.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 30 } tmnxLdpServFecObsoletedV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpServFecMapFecType, vRtrLdpServFecMapVcType, vRtrLdpServFecMapVcId, vLdpServFec129MapVcType, vLdpServFec129MapAgiTlv, vLdpServFec129MapSrcAiiTlv, vLdpServFec129MapTgtAiiTlv } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of obsoleted LDP FEC objects on Nokia SROS series systems release 6.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 31 } tmnxLdpAggrPreMatchV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchAdminState, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchEnabled, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy1, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy2, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy3, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy4, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy5 } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of aggregate prefix match procedures on Nokia SROS series systems release 7.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 32 } tmnxLdpObsoletedV4v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpIfNotifyReasonCode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects obsoleted on Nokia SROS series systems 7.0 Release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 33 } tmnxLdpNotifyObjsV4v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpInstanceNotifyReasonCode, vRtrLdpNotifyLocalGroupID, vRtrLdpNotifyRemoteGroupID } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting extended LDP notifications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 34 } tmnxLdpStatsV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxTblLastChgd, vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxLastChgd, vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxRowStatus, vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxActgPol, vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxCollStats, vRtrLdpEgrStatFecPfxAdminState, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc0, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc0High32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc0Low32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc1, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc1High32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc1Low32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc2, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc2High32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc2Low32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc3, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc3High32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc3Low32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc4, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc4High32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc4Low32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc5, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc5High32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc5Low32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc6, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc6High32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc6Low32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc7, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc7High32, vRtrLdpInProfileOctetsFc7Low32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc0, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc0High32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc0Low32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc1, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc1High32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc1Low32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc2, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc2High32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc2Low32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc3, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc3High32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc3Low32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc4, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc4High32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc4Low32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc5, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc5High32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc5Low32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc6, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc6High32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc6Low32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc7, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc7High32, vRtrLdpInProfilePktsFc7Low32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc0, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc0High32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc0Low32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc1, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc1High32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc1Low32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc2, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc2High32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc2Low32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc3, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc3High32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc3Low32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc4, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc4High32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc4Low32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc5, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc5High32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc5Low32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc6, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc6High32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc6Low32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc7, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc7High32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfOctetsFc7Low32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc0, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc0High32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc0Low32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc1, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc1High32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc1Low32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc2, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc2High32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc2Low32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc3, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc3High32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc3Low32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc4, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc4High32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc4Low32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc5, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc5High32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc5Low32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc6, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc6High32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc6Low32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc7, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc7High32, vRtrLdpOutOfProfPktsFc7Low32 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of LDP statistics on Nokia SROS series systems release 7.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 35 } tmnxLdpAddrFecV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId2, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId3, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId4, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId5, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId6, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId7, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId8, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId9, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId10, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId11, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId12, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId13, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId14, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId15, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId16, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl6, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl7, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl8, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl9, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl10, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl11, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl12, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl13, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl14, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl15, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl16, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex6, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex7, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex8, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex9, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex10, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex11, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex12, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex13, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex14, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex15, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex16, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr6, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr7, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr8, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr9, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr10, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr11, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr12, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr13, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr14, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr15, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr16, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType6, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType7, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType8, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType9, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType10, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType11, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType12, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType13, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType14, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType15, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType16, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus6, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus7, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus8, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus9, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus10, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus11, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus12, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus13, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus14, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus15, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus16 } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended LDP address FECs sent to or received from an LDP peer on Nokia SROS series systems for release 7.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 36 } tmnxLdpGenExtGlobalV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpGenLabelWithdrawalDelay } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting general management of extended LDP on Nokia SROS series systems release 5.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 37 } tmnxLdpGlobalV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpIfBfdEnabled, vRtrLdpIfLinkLsrIfType, vRtrLdpIfTargLsrIfIndex, vRtrLdpGenImplicitNull, vRtrLdpGenShortTTLPropLocal, vRtrLdpGenShortTTLPropTransit, vRtrLdpPeerDODLabelDistribution, vRtrLdpIfMulticast, vRtrLdpGenMPMBBTime, vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy1, vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy2, vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy3, vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy4, vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy5, vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy1, vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy2, vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy3, vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy4, vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy5 } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting general management of LDP Objects on Nokia SROS series systems release 8.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 38 } tmnxLdpSessionV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpSessBfdStatus, vRtrLdpSessP2MPCapabilityNego, vRtrLdpSessMPMBBCapabilityNego, vRtrLdpSessDynamicCapabilityNego } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended LDP Sessions on Nokia SROS series systems 8.0 Release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 39 } tmnxLdpP2MPFecV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpP2MPFecFlags, vRtrLdpP2MPFecNumInLabels, vRtrLdpP2MPFecNumOutLabels, vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLbl, vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLblStatus, vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLblIfIndex, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLbl, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblStatus, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopType, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopAddr, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblIfIndex, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblLspId, vRtrLdpP2MPFecMapFecType, vRtrLdpP2MPFecMapId, vRtrLdpP2MPFecTunnelIfId, vRtrLdpP2MPFecMetric, vRtrLdpP2MPFecMTU } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting P2MP FECs on Nokia SROS series systems 8.0 Release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 40 } tmnxLdpStatsV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpStatsUnknownTlvErrors, vRtrLdpStatsP2MPFECSent, vRtrLdpStatsP2MPFECRecv } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of LDP statistics on Nokia SROS series systems release 8.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 41 } tmnxLdpPeerV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpPeerFec129CiscoInterop } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended LDP peers on Nokia SROS series systems 7.0 release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 42 } tmnxLdpServFecV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpServFecLocalIpv4Capblty, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteIpv4Capblty, vRtrLdpServFecLocalIpv6Capblty, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteIpv6Capblty, vRtrLdpServFecLocalIpv4CeIpAddr, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteIpv4CeIpAddr, vRtrLdpServFecInLbl1WdwReason } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended LDP service FECs sent to or received from an LDP peer on Nokia SROS series systems release 8.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 43 } tmnxLdpServFec129V8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vLdpServFec129LocalIpv4Capblty, vLdpServFec129RemoteIpv4Capblty, vLdpServFec129LocalIpv6Capblty, vLdpServFec129RemoteIpv6Capblty, vLdpServFec129LocalIpv4CeIpAddr, vLdpServFec129RemoteIpv4CeIpAddr, vLdpServFec129InLbl1WdwReason } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of LDP FEC-129s sent to or received from an LDP peer on Nokia SROS series systems release 8.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 44 } tmnxLdpAddrFecV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblId, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblMetric, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblMtu } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended LDP address FECs sent to or received from an LDP peer on Nokia SROS series systems for release 8.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 45 } tmnxLdpGlobalV8v0R4Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy1, vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy2, vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy3, vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy4, vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy5, vRtrLdpPeerPMTUDiscovery, vRtrLdpGenP2MPCapability, vRtrLdpGenMPMBBCapability, vRtrLdpGenDynamicCapability } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting general management of LDP Objects on Nokia SROS series systems release 8.0R4." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 46 } tmnxLdpGlobalV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vLdpServFec129MateAgiTlv, vLdpServFec129MateSdpId, vLdpServFec129MateSrcAiiTlv, vLdpServFec129MateTgtAiiTlv, vRtrLdpPeerPMTUDiscovery, vRtrLdpServFecLocalFLTxCapblty, vRtrLdpServFecLocalFLRxCapblty, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteFLTxCapblty, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteFLRxCapblty, vLdpServFec129LocalFLTxCapblty, vLdpServFec129LocalFLRxCapblty, vLdpServFec129RemoteFLTxCapblty, vLdpServFec129RemoteFLRxCapblty, vRtrLdpPeerAdvAdjAddrOnly, vRtrLdpSessionAddrLocalLdpId, vRtrLdpSessionAddrNumInAddrs, vRtrLdpSessionAddrNumOutAddrs, vRtrLdpSessionInAddrLocalLdpId, vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrLocalLdpId, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrRecv, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrSent } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting general management of LDP Objects on Nokia SROS series systems release 9.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 47 } tmnxLdpGlobalV9v0R4Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpGenLdpFrr, vRtrLdpHelloAdjBfdStatus } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting general management of LDP Objects on Nokia SROS series systems release 9.0R4." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 48 } tmnxLdpP2MPFecV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecFlags, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecNumInLabels, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecNumOutLabels, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecTunnelIfId, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMetric, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMTU, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLbl, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLblStatus, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLblIfIndex, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLbl, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblStatus, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopType, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopAddr, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblIfIndex, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblLspId, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapFlags, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapNumInLabels, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapNumOutLabels, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapTunnelIfId, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapMetric, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapMTU } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting P2MP FECs on Nokia SROS series systems 10.0 Release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 49 } tmnxLdpAddressFecV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpAddressFecFlags, vRtrLdpAddressFecNumInLabels, vRtrLdpAddressFecNumOutLabels, vRtrLdpAddressFecInLbl, vRtrLdpAddressFecInLblStatus, vRtrLdpAddressFecInLblIfIndex, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLbl, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblStatus, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblIfIndex, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblNHType, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblNHAddr, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblMetric, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblMtu, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblLspId, vRtrLdpAddressFecMapFlags, vRtrLdpAddressFecMapNumInLabels, vRtrLdpAddressFecMapNumOutLabels } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Address FECs on Nokia SROS series systems 10.0 Release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 50 } tmnxLdpAddrActiveFecV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecFecFlags, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecNumInLbls, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecNumOutLbls, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLbl, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblIfIndex, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLbl, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblStatus, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblIfIdx, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblNHType, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblNHAddr, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblMetric, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblMtu, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblLspId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Active Address FECs on Nokia SROS series systems 10.0 Release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 51 } tmnxLdpAddrFecObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpAddrFecFlags, vRtrLdpAddrFecNumInLabels, vRtrLdpAddrFecNumOutLabels, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel1, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus1, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex1, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel2, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus2, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex2, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel3, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus3, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex3, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel4, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus4, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex4, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabel5, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelStatus5, vRtrLdpAddrFecInLabelIfIndex5, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel1, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus1, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex1, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop1, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel2, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus2, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex2, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop2, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel3, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus3, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex3, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop3, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel4, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus4, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex4, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop4, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabel5, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelStatus5, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelIfIndex5, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLabelNextHop5, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId2, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId3, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId4, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId5, vRtrLdpAddrFecMapFecType, vRtrLdpAddrFecMapIpPrefix, vRtrLdpAddrFecMapIpMask, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl6, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus6, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex6, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType6, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr6, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId6, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl7, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus7, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex7, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType7, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr7, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId7, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl8, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus8, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex8, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType8, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr8, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId8, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl9, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus9, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex9, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType9, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr9, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId9, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl10, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus10, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex10, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType10, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr10, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId10, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl11, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus11, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex11, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType11, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr11, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId11, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl12, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus12, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex12, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType12, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr12, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId12, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl13, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus13, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex13, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType13, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr13, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId13, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl14, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus14, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex14, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType14, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr14, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId14, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl15, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus15, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex15, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType15, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr15, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId15, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLbl16, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblStatus16, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblIfIndex16, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopType16, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblNxtHopAddr16, vRtrLdpAddrFecLspId16, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblId, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblMetric, vRtrLdpAddrFecOutLblMtu } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsolete objects for the LDP address fec feature on Nokia SROS series systems 10.0 Release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 52 } tmnxLdpP2MPFecObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpP2MPFecFlags, vRtrLdpP2MPFecNumInLabels, vRtrLdpP2MPFecNumOutLabels, vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLbl, vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLblStatus, vRtrLdpP2MPFecInLblIfIndex, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLbl, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblStatus, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopType, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopAddr, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblIfIndex, vRtrLdpP2MPFecOutLblLspId, vRtrLdpP2MPFecMapFecType, vRtrLdpP2MPFecMapId, vRtrLdpP2MPFecTunnelIfId, vRtrLdpP2MPFecMetric, vRtrLdpP2MPFecMTU } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsolete objects for the LDP P2MP fec feature on Nokia SROS series systems 10.0 Release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 53 } tmnxLdpHelloReductionV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpGenTargHelloReduction, vRtrLdpGenTargHelloReductionFctr, vRtrLdpIfHelloReduction, vRtrLdpIfHelloReductionFactor, vRtrLdpIfOperHelloTimeout } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting TLDP Hello Reduction feature on interfaces and targeted peers on Nokia SROS series systems 11.0 release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 54 } tmnxLdpGlobalV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpIfLinkLsrIfIndex, vRtrLdpStaticFecNHIfName, vRtrLdpGenMcastUpstreamFrr, vRtrLdpPeerPeIDMacFlushInterop } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of all global objects in LDP supporting management of LDP features on Nokia SROS series systems 11.0 release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 55 } tmnxLdpLsrOverloadV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpGenOverloadCapability, vRtrLdpSessOvrloadCapabltyNego, vRtrLdpSessAddrFecOverloadSent, vRtrLdpSessAddrFecOverloadRecv, vRtrLdpSessMcastFecOverloadSent, vRtrLdpSessMcastFecOverloadRecv, vRtrLdpSessServFecOverloadSent, vRtrLdpSessServFecOverloadRecv } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of all global objects in LDP supporting LSR Overload feature on Nokia SROS series systems 11.0 release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 56 } tmnxLdpTLDPAutoCreateV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpPeerTemplRowStatus, vRtrLdpPeerTemplLastChanged, vRtrLdpPeerTemplAdminState, vRtrLdpPeerTemplInheritance, vRtrLdpPeerTemplKeepAliveFactor, vRtrLdpPeerTemplKeepAliveTimeout, vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloFactor, vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpPeerTemplTunneling, vRtrLdpPeerTemplBfdEnabled, vRtrLdpPeerTemplLsrIfIndex, vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloReduction, vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloReductnFctr, vRtrLdpPeerTemplCreateTime, vRtrLdpPeerTemplIndex, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy1, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy2, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy3, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy4, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy5, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapIndex, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapCreateTim, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapLstChange, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapRowStatus, vRtrLdpPeerTemplTableLstChanged, vRtrLdpPeerTmplPlcyMpTblLstChgd, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerCreateTime, vRtrLdpIfCreator, vRtrLdpIfTemplName, vRtrLdpIfUpTime } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of all global objects in LDP supporting T-LDP Auto Creation feature on Nokia SROS series systems 11.0 release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 57 } tmnxLdpLsrOvrloadNotifyObjs OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpSessOverloadState, vRtrLdpSessOverloadDirection, vRtrLdpSessOverloadFecType } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting LSR Overload feature notifications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 58 } tmnxLdpLsrOvrloadNotify NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { vRtrLdpSessionStateChange } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting LSR Overload feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 59 } tmnxLdpFecLimitPerPeerV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpPeerMaxFec, vRtrLdpPeerMaxFecLogOnly, vRtrLdpPeerMaxFecThreshold, vRtrLdpSessOperMaxFecThreshold } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting LSR FEC limit per LDP peer feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 60 } tmnxLdpFecLimitPerPeerNotify NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { vRtrLdpSessMaxFecThresChanged, vRtrLdpSessMaxFecLimitReached } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting LSR FEC limit per LDP peer feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 61 } tmnxLdpFecLimitNotifyObjs OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpSessOperThresLevel } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting LDP fec-limit notification on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 62 } tmnxLdpObsoletedV13V0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpAdjInitBackoff, vRtrLdpAdjMaxBackoff, vRtrLdpAdjCurrentBackoff, vRtrLdpAdjWaitingTime, vRtrLdpAdjBackoffStatus, vRtrLdpHelloAdjMapLdpId, vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalLdpId, vRtrLdpHelloAdjEntityIndex, vRtrLdpHelloAdjIndex, vRtrLdpHelloAdjHoldTimeRemaining, vRtrLdpHelloAdjType, vRtrLdpHelloAdjRemoteConfSeqNum, vRtrLdpHelloAdjRemoteIpAddress, vRtrLdpHelloAdjUpTime, vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalConfSeqNum, vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalIpAddress, vRtrLdpHelloAdjInHelloMsgCount, vRtrLdpHelloAdjOutHelloMsgCount, vRtrLdpHelloAdjLocalHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpHelloAdjRemoteHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpStaticFecRowStatus, vRtrLdpStaticFecNextNHIndex, vRtrLdpStaticFecIngLabel, vRtrLdpStaticFecNumNH, vRtrLdpStaticFecOperIngLabel, vRtrLdpStaticFecNHRowStatus, vRtrLdpStaticFecNHType, vRtrLdpStaticFecNHIpAddr, vRtrLdpStaticFecNHEgrLabel, vRtrLdpGenLastChange, vRtrLdpGenAdminState, vRtrLdpGenOperState, vRtrLdpGenLdpLsrId, vRtrLdpGenProtocolVersion, vRtrLdpGenDeaggregateFec, vRtrLdpGenKeepAliveFactor, vRtrLdpGenKeepAliveTimeout, vRtrLdpGenHelloFactor, vRtrLdpGenHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpGenRoutePreference, vRtrLdpGenControlMode, vRtrLdpGenDistMethod, vRtrLdpGenRetentionMode, vRtrLdpGenTransportAddrType, vRtrLdpGenPropagatePolicy, vRtrLdpGenLoopDetectCapable, vRtrLdpGenHopLimit, vRtrLdpGenPathVectorLimit, vRtrLdpGenBackoffTime, vRtrLdpGenMaxBackoffTime, vRtrLdpGenTargKeepAliveFactor, vRtrLdpGenTargKeepAliveTimeout, vRtrLdpGenTargHelloFactor, vRtrLdpGenTargHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpGenTargPassiveMode, vRtrLdpGenTargetedSessions, vRtrLdpGenCreateTime, vRtrLdpGenUpTime, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy1, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy2, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy3, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy4, vRtrLdpGenImportPolicy5, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy1, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy2, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy3, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy4, vRtrLdpGenExportPolicy5, vRtrLdpGenTunnelDownDampTime, vRtrLdpGenOperDownReason, vRtrLdpGenGracefulRestart, vRtrLdpGenGRNbrLiveTime, vRtrLdpGenGRMaxRecoveryTime, vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy1, vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy2, vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy3, vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy4, vRtrLdpTargImportPolicy5, vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy1, vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy2, vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy3, vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy4, vRtrLdpTargExportPolicy5, vRtrLdpTargTunnelPreference, vRtrLdpStatsOperDownEvents, vRtrLdpStatsActiveSessions, vRtrLdpStatsActiveAdjacencies, vRtrLdpStatsActiveInterfaces, vRtrLdpStatsInactiveInterfaces, vRtrLdpStatsActiveTargSessions, vRtrLdpStatsInactiveTargSessions, vRtrLdpStatsAddrFECRecv, vRtrLdpStatsAddrFECSent, vRtrLdpStatsSvcFECRecv, vRtrLdpStatsSvcFECSent, vRtrLdpStatsAttemptedSessions, vRtrLdpStatsSessRejNoHelloErrors, vRtrLdpStatsSessRejAdvErrors, vRtrLdpStatsSessRejMaxPduErrors, vRtrLdpStatsSessRejLabelRangeErrors, vRtrLdpStatsBadLdpIdentifierErrors, vRtrLdpStatsBadPduLengthErrors, vRtrLdpStatsBadMessageLengthErrors, vRtrLdpStatsBadTlvLengthErrors, vRtrLdpStatsMalformedTlvValueErrors, vRtrLdpStatsKeepAliveExpiredErrors, vRtrLdpStatsShutdownNotifRecv, vRtrLdpStatsShutdownNotifSent, vRtrLdpStatsEgrFecPfxCount, vRtrLdpIfTableSpinlock, vRtrLdpIfRowStatus, vRtrLdpIfLastChange, vRtrLdpIfAdminState, vRtrLdpIfOperState, vRtrLdpIfInheritance, vRtrLdpIfKeepAliveFactor, vRtrLdpIfKeepAliveTimeout, vRtrLdpIfHelloFactor, vRtrLdpIfHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpIfBackoffTime, vRtrLdpIfMaxBackoffTime, vRtrLdpIfTransportAddrType, vRtrLdpIfPassiveMode, vRtrLdpIfAutoCreate, vRtrLdpIfOperDownReason, vRtrLdpIfExistingAdjacencies, vRtrLdpIfTunneling, vRtrLdpIfLspRowStatus, vRtrLdpPeerRowStatus, vRtrLdpPeerAuth, vRtrLdpPeerAuthKey, vRtrLdpPeerMinTTLValue, vRtrLdpPeerTTLLogId, vRtrLdpPeerAuthKeyChain, vRtrLdpSessLocalLdpId, vRtrLdpSessEntityIndex, vRtrLdpSessLabelDistMethod, vRtrLdpSessLoopDetectForPV, vRtrLdpSessPathVectorLimit, vRtrLdpSessState, vRtrLdpSessAdjacencyType, vRtrLdpSessProtocolVersion, vRtrLdpSessLocalUdpPort, vRtrLdpSessPeerUdpPort, vRtrLdpSessLocalTcpPort, vRtrLdpSessPeerTcpPort, vRtrLdpSessLocalAddress, vRtrLdpSessPeerAddress, vRtrLdpSessKAHoldTimeRemaining, vRtrLdpSessMaxPduLength, vRtrLdpSessUpTime, vRtrLdpSessLocalKATimeout, vRtrLdpSessPeerKATimeout, vRtrLdpSessAdvertise, vRtrLdpSessRestartHelperState, vRtrLdpSessPeerNumRestart, vRtrLdpSessLastRestartTime, vRtrLdpSessFtReconnectTimeNego, vRtrLdpSessFtRecoveryTimeNego, vRtrLdpSessFtReconTimeRemaining, vRtrLdpSessFtRecovTimeRemaining, vRtrLdpSessStatsTargAdj, vRtrLdpSessStatsLinkAdj, vRtrLdpSessStatsFECRecv, vRtrLdpSessStatsFECSent, vRtrLdpSessStatsHelloIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsHelloOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsKeepaliveIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsKeepaliveOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsInitIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsInitOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelMappingIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelMappingOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelRequestIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelRequestOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelReleaseIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelReleaseOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelWithdrawIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelWithdrawOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelAbortIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsLabelAbortOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrWithdrawIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrWithdrawOut, vRtrLdpSessStatsNotificationIn, vRtrLdpSessStatsNotificationOut, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalPayloadSize, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemotePayloadSize, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalBitrate, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteBitrate, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalRtpHeader, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteRtpHeader, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalDiffTimestamp, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteDiffTimestamp, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalSigPkts, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteSigPkts, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalCasTrunk, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteCasTrunk, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalTimestampFreq, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteTimestampFreq, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalPayloadType, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemotePayloadType, vRtrLdpCepTdmLocalSsrcId, vRtrLdpCepTdmRemoteSsrcId, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalPayloadSize, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemotePayloadSize, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalBitrate, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteBitrate, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalRtpHeader, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteRtpHeader, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalDiffTimestamp, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteDiffTimestamp, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalSigPkts, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteSigPkts, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalCasTrunk, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteCasTrunk, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalTimestampFreq, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteTimestampFreq, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalPayloadType, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemotePayloadType, vLdpCepTdmFec129LocalSsrcId, vLdpCepTdmFec129RemoteSsrcId, vRtrLdpServFecServType, vRtrLdpServFecServId, vRtrLdpServFecVpnId, vRtrLdpServFecFlags, vRtrLdpServFecNumInLabels, vRtrLdpServFecNumOutLabels, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel1, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus1, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel2, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus2, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel3, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus3, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel4, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus4, vRtrLdpServFecInLabel5, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelStatus5, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel1, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus1, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel2, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus2, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel3, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus3, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel4, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus4, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabel5, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelStatus5, vRtrLdpServFecSdpId, vRtrLdpServFecLocalMTU, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteMTU, vRtrLdpServFecLocalVlanTag, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteVlanTag, vRtrLdpServFecLocalMaxCellConcat, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteMaxCellConcat, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus1, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus2, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus3, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus4, vRtrLdpServFecInLabelSigStatus5, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus1, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus2, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus3, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus4, vRtrLdpServFecOutLabelSigStatus5, vRtrLdpServFecMateEndpointVcId, vRtrLdpServFecMateEndpointSdpId, vLdpServFec129ServType, vLdpServFec129ServId, vLdpServFec129VpnId, vLdpServFec129Flags, vLdpServFec129NumInLabels, vLdpServFec129NumOutLabels, vLdpServFec129InLabel1, vLdpServFec129InLabelStatus1, vLdpServFec129OutLabel1, vLdpServFec129OutLabelStatus1, vLdpServFec129SdpId, vLdpServFec129LocalMTU, vLdpServFec129RemoteMTU, vLdpServFec129LocalVlanTag, vLdpServFec129RemoteVlanTag, vLdpServFec129LocalMaxCellConcat, vLdpServFec129RemoteMaxCellConcat, vLdpServFec129InLabelSigStatus1, vLdpServFec129OutLabelSigStatus1, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchAdminState, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchEnabled, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy1, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy2, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy3, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy4, vRtrLdpAggrPreMatchPreExcPolicy5, vRtrLdpGenLabelWithdrawalDelay, vRtrLdpIfBfdEnabled, vRtrLdpIfLinkLsrIfType, vRtrLdpIfTargLsrIfIndex, vRtrLdpGenImplicitNull, vRtrLdpGenShortTTLPropLocal, vRtrLdpGenShortTTLPropTransit, vRtrLdpPeerDODLabelDistribution, vRtrLdpIfMulticast, vRtrLdpGenMPMBBTime, vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy1, vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy2, vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy3, vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy4, vRtrLdpPeerImportPolicy5, vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy1, vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy2, vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy3, vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy4, vRtrLdpPeerExportPolicy5, vRtrLdpSessBfdStatus, vRtrLdpSessP2MPCapabilityNego, vRtrLdpSessMPMBBCapabilityNego, vRtrLdpSessDynamicCapabilityNego, vRtrLdpStatsUnknownTlvErrors, vRtrLdpStatsP2MPFECSent, vRtrLdpStatsP2MPFECRecv, vRtrLdpPeerFec129CiscoInterop, vRtrLdpServFecLocalIpv4Capblty, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteIpv4Capblty, vRtrLdpServFecLocalIpv6Capblty, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteIpv6Capblty, vRtrLdpServFecLocalIpv4CeIpAddr, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteIpv4CeIpAddr, vRtrLdpServFecInLbl1WdwReason, vLdpServFec129LocalIpv4Capblty, vLdpServFec129RemoteIpv4Capblty, vLdpServFec129LocalIpv6Capblty, vLdpServFec129RemoteIpv6Capblty, vLdpServFec129LocalIpv4CeIpAddr, vLdpServFec129RemoteIpv4CeIpAddr, vLdpServFec129InLbl1WdwReason, vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy1, vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy2, vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy3, vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy4, vRtrLdpGenTunlTblExportPolicy5, vRtrLdpPeerPMTUDiscovery, vRtrLdpGenP2MPCapability, vRtrLdpGenMPMBBCapability, vRtrLdpGenDynamicCapability, vLdpServFec129MateAgiTlv, vLdpServFec129MateSdpId, vLdpServFec129MateSrcAiiTlv, vLdpServFec129MateTgtAiiTlv, vRtrLdpPeerPMTUDiscovery, vRtrLdpServFecLocalFLTxCapblty, vRtrLdpServFecLocalFLRxCapblty, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteFLTxCapblty, vRtrLdpServFecRemoteFLRxCapblty, vLdpServFec129LocalFLTxCapblty, vLdpServFec129LocalFLRxCapblty, vLdpServFec129RemoteFLTxCapblty, vLdpServFec129RemoteFLRxCapblty, vRtrLdpPeerAdvAdjAddrOnly, vRtrLdpSessionAddrLocalLdpId, vRtrLdpSessionAddrNumInAddrs, vRtrLdpSessionAddrNumOutAddrs, vRtrLdpSessionInAddrLocalLdpId, vRtrLdpSessionOutAddrLocalLdpId, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrRecv, vRtrLdpSessStatsAddrSent, vRtrLdpGenLdpFrr, vRtrLdpHelloAdjBfdStatus, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecFlags, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecNumInLabels, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecNumOutLabels, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecTunnelIfId, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMetric, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMTU, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLbl, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLblStatus, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecInLblIfIndex, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLbl, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblStatus, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopType, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblNxtHopAddr, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblIfIndex, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecOutLblLspId, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapFlags, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapNumInLabels, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapNumOutLabels, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapTunnelIfId, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapMetric, vRtrLdpNgP2MPFecMapMTU, vRtrLdpAddressFecFlags, vRtrLdpAddressFecNumInLabels, vRtrLdpAddressFecNumOutLabels, vRtrLdpAddressFecInLbl, vRtrLdpAddressFecInLblStatus, vRtrLdpAddressFecInLblIfIndex, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLbl, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblStatus, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblIfIndex, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblNHType, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblNHAddr, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblMetric, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblMtu, vRtrLdpAddressFecOutLblLspId, vRtrLdpAddressFecMapFlags, vRtrLdpAddressFecMapNumInLabels, vRtrLdpAddressFecMapNumOutLabels, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecFecFlags, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecNumInLbls, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecNumOutLbls, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLbl, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecInLblIfIndex, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLbl, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblStatus, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblIfIdx, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblNHType, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblNHAddr, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblMetric, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblMtu, vRtrLdpAddrActiveFecOutLblLspId, vRtrLdpGenTargHelloReduction, vRtrLdpGenTargHelloReductionFctr, vRtrLdpIfHelloReduction, vRtrLdpIfHelloReductionFactor, vRtrLdpIfOperHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpIfLinkLsrIfIndex, vRtrLdpStaticFecNHIfName, vRtrLdpGenMcastUpstreamFrr, vRtrLdpPeerPeIDMacFlushInterop, vRtrLdpGenOverloadCapability, vRtrLdpSessOvrloadCapabltyNego, vRtrLdpSessAddrFecOverloadSent, vRtrLdpSessAddrFecOverloadRecv, vRtrLdpSessMcastFecOverloadSent, vRtrLdpSessMcastFecOverloadRecv, vRtrLdpSessServFecOverloadSent, vRtrLdpSessServFecOverloadRecv, vRtrLdpIfCreator, vRtrLdpIfTemplName, vRtrLdpIfUpTime, vRtrLdpPeerMaxFec, vRtrLdpPeerMaxFecLogOnly, vRtrLdpPeerMaxFecThreshold, vRtrLdpSessOperMaxFecThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects for the LDP feature on Nokia SROS series systems 13.0 Release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 63 } tmnxLdpTLDPAutoCreateV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpPeerTemplRowStatus, vRtrLdpPeerTemplLastChanged, vRtrLdpPeerTemplAdminState, vRtrLdpPeerTemplInheritance, vRtrLdpPeerTemplKeepAliveFactor, vRtrLdpPeerTemplKeepAliveTimeout, vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloFactor, vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloTimeout, vRtrLdpPeerTemplTunneling, vRtrLdpPeerTemplBfdEnabled, vRtrLdpPeerTemplLsrIfIndex, vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloReduction, vRtrLdpPeerTemplHelloReductnFctr, vRtrLdpPeerTemplCreateTime, vRtrLdpPeerTemplIndex, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy1, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy2, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy3, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy4, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapPolicy5, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapIndex, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapCreateTim, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapLstChange, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPlcyMapRowStatus, vRtrLdpPeerTemplTableLstChanged, vRtrLdpPeerTmplPlcyMpTblLstChgd, vRtrLdpPeerTemplPeerCreateTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of all global objects in LDP supporting T-LDP Auto Creation feature on Nokia SROS series systems 13.0 release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 64 } tmnxLdpNotifyObjsV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpNotifyLocalGroupID, vRtrLdpNotifyRemoteGroupID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting extended LDP notifications on Nokia SROS series systems 13.0 release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 65 } tmnxLdpObsoletedNotifyObjGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpInstanceNotifyReasonCode, vRtrLdpSessOverloadState, vRtrLdpSessOverloadDirection, vRtrLdpSessOverloadFecType, vRtrLdpSessOperThresLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting extended LDP notifications on Nokia SROS series systems 13.0 release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 66 } tmnxLdpObsoletedNtfnV13v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { vRtrLdpInstanceStateChange, vRtrLdpIfStateChange, vRtrLdpSessionStateChange, vRtrLdpSessMaxFecThresChanged, vRtrLdpSessMaxFecLimitReached } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications which are obsoleted in Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0. release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 67 } tmnxLdpNotificationV13v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { vRtrLdpStateChange, vRtrLdpGroupIdMismatch } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the extended LDP feature on Nokia SROS series systems 13.0 release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 68 } tmnxLdpLocalLsrIdAdvertGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpPeerTemplLsrIdAdvert } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supports local LSR Id feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 69 } tmnxLdpLocalLsrIdCommunityGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpPeerTemplLsrIdCommunity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supports local LSR Id feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 70 } tmnxLdpAggrEgrStatsV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpAggregatePkts, vRtrLdpAggregatePktsLow32, vRtrLdpAggregatePktsHigh32, vRtrLdpAggregateOctets, vRtrLdpAggregateOctetsLow32, vRtrLdpAggregateOctetsHigh32 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of all global objects in LDP supporting LDP egress statistic aggregation feature on Nokia SROS series systems 16.0 release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 71 } tmnxLdpPeerMcastTunnelingGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vRtrLdpPeerTemplMcastTunneling } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects in LDP supporting multicast tunneling feature on Nokia SROS series systems 20.0 release." ::= { tmnxLdpGroups 72 } tmnxLdpNotifyPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRNotifyPrefix 8 } tmnxLdpNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxLdpNotifyPrefix 0 } vRtrLdpStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vRtrLdpStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vRtrLdpStateChange notification is generated when the LDP protocol is created or deleted in the router." ::= { tmnxLdpNotifications 1 } vRtrLdpInstanceStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vRtrLdpGenAdminState, vRtrLdpGenOperState, vRtrLdpInstanceNotifyReasonCode, vRtrLdpGenOperDownReason } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The vRtrLdpInstanceStateChange notification may be triggered for the following reasons: 1) The LDP instance changes state operationally. 2) vRtrLdpGenOperState remains 'inService' but internal event described by vRtrLdpGenOperDownReason has changed. New notification will not be generated if multiple internal event change occurs during 10 minute interval. [EFFECT] Based on the vRtrLdpGenOperDownReason reason code, system may not be able to accept new request from peers. [RECOVERY] Based on the vRtrLdpGenOperDownReason reason code, appropriate configuration changes in LDP may be required. This notification was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tmnxLdpNotifications 2 } vRtrLdpIfStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vRtrLdpIfAdminState, vRtrLdpIfOperState, vRtrLdpIfOperDownReason } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The vRtrLdpIfStateChange notification is generated when the LDP interface changes state either administratively or operationally. This notification was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tmnxLdpNotifications 3 } vRtrLdpSvcIdMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vRtrLdpNotifyLocalServiceID, vRtrLdpNotifyRemoteServiceID } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The vRtrLdpSvcIdMismatch notification is generated when there is a mismatch of local and remote service IDs." ::= { tmnxLdpNotifications 4 } vRtrLdpGroupIdMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vRtrLdpNotifyLocalGroupID, vRtrLdpNotifyRemoteGroupID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vRtrLdpGroupIdMismatch notification is generated when there is a mismatch of local and remote group IDs." ::= { tmnxLdpNotifications 5 } vRtrLdpSessionStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vRtrLdpSessState, vRtrLdpSessOverloadState, vRtrLdpSessOverloadDirection, vRtrLdpSessOverloadFecType } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The vRtrLdpSessionStateChange notification is generated when an Overload Notification is sent to or received from the peer vRtrLdpPeerLdpId for a fec type of vRtrLdpSessOverloadFecType when vRtrLdpSessState remains 'operational'. [EFFECT] Once the Local LSR has sent the Overload Notification to the peer vRtrLdpPeerLdpId for the fec type of vRtrLdpSessOverloadFecType and vRtrLdpSessOverloadState has the value of 'true', then new Label Mapping Messages received from the peer vRtrLdpPeerLdpId for the fec type of vRtrLdpSessOverloadFecType is returned with a Label Release Message. If the Local LSR has received an Overload Notification from the peer vRtrLdpPeerLdpId for the fec type of vRtrLdpSessOverloadFecType and vRtrLdpSessOverloadState has the value of 'true', no new Label Mapping Message for the fec type of vRtrLdpSessOverloadFecType will be sent to the peer vRtrLdpPeerLdpId. If the Local LSR has received an Overload Notification from the peer vRtrLdpPeerLdpId for the fec type of vRtrLdpSessOverloadFecType and vRtrLdpSessOverloadState has the value of 'false', then the Local LSR will send all pending and any new Label Mapping Message for the fec type of vRtrLdpSessOverloadFecType to the peer vRtrLdpPeerLdpId. [RECOVERY] In case the Local LSR sent the Overload Notification to the peer vRtrLdpPeerLdpId and vRtrLdpSessOverloadState has the value of 'true' for fec type vRtrLdpSessOverloadFecType, then appropriate LDP configuration changes may be required on the Local and/or Remote LSR. Once the Local LSR is not overloaded anymore, an Overload Notification is sent to the peer vRtrLdpPeerLdpId and vRtrLdpSessOverloadState has the value of 'false' for fec type vRtrLdpSessOverloadFecType. This notification was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tmnxLdpNotifications 6 } vRtrLdpSessMaxFecThresChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vRtrLdpPeerMaxFec, vRtrLdpSessOperThresLevel, vRtrLdpSessOperMaxFecThreshold } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] A vRtrLdpSessMaxFecThresChanged notification is generated when the number of FECs accepted from the peer has exceeded or drops below vRtrLdpPeerMaxFecThreshold percent of the value specified by vRtrLdpPeerMaxFec. New notification will not be generated if multiple internal event change occurs for the same level indicated by vRtrLdpSessOperThresLevel during a 2 minute interval. If any parameter in FEC limit configuration changes then we would always raise this trap if current number of FECs are above the configured threshold or has crossed the threshold downwards. If we remain on or below the configured threshold before and after the configuration changes then no trap would be generated. [EFFECT] No direct effect but if the peer LSR continues to send further Label Mapping Message, then the number of FECs may exceed the configured maximum (vRtrLdpPeerMaxFec) resulting in the generation of vRtrLdpSessMaxFecLimitReached notification. [RECOVERY] Appropriate Configuration changes in local or peer LSR will be required. This notification was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tmnxLdpNotifications 7 } vRtrLdpSessMaxFecLimitReached NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vRtrLdpPeerMaxFec, vRtrLdpSessOperMaxFecThreshold } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] A vRtrLdpSessMaxFecLimitReached notification is generated when the number of FECs accepted from the peer has reached the value specified by vRtrLdpPeerMaxFec. If the current number of FECs go below the limit but higher than the configured threshold and again start to increase and hit the limit a second time, we will raise a trap if 2 or more minutes have elapsed since the first vRtrLdpSessMaxFecLimitReached trap was sent. If any parameter in FEC limit configuration changes and the current number of FECs are equal to or higher than the limit specified by vRtrLdpPeerMaxFec, then we would always raise the vRtrLdpSessMaxFecLimitReached trap. [EFFECT] When the number of FECs exceed the configured maximum (vRtrLdpPeerMaxFec) it results in any of the following: (1) If vRtrLdpPeerMaxFecLogOnly is set to 'false' and LSR Overload Capability is supported, then Overload procedure will take place. (2) If vRtrLdpPeerMaxFecLogOnly is set to 'false' and LSR Overload Capability is not supported, Label Mapping Message will be returned with Label Release Message. (3) If vRtrLdpPeerMaxFecLogOnly is set to 'true', no action will be taken. [RECOVERY] Appropriate Configuration changes in local or peer LSR will be required. This notification was obsoleted in release 13.0." ::= { tmnxLdpNotifications 8 } END