TIMETRA-LOG-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS InetAddress, InetAddressType FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB SnmpAdminString, SnmpMessageProcessingModel, SnmpSecurityLevel FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB snmpNotifyEntry FROM SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF sysDescr, sysObjectID FROM SNMPv2-MIB Counter32, Counter64, Integer32, IpAddress, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI DateAndTime, DisplayString, RowStatus, StorageType, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TimeStamp, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC TFilterAction, TFilterActionOrDefault FROM TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB timetraSRMIBModules, tmnxSRConfs, tmnxSRNotifyPrefix, tmnxSRObjs FROM TIMETRA-GLOBAL-MIB THsmdaCounterIdOrZero, THsmdaCounterIdOrZeroOrAll, TItemDescription, TLNamedItemOrEmpty, TNamedItem, TNamedItemOrEmpty, TQueueId, TQueueIdOrAll, TmnxAccPlcyAACounters, TmnxAccPlcyAASubAttributes, TmnxAccPlcyOECounters, TmnxAccPlcyOICounters, TmnxAccPlcyPolicerECounters, TmnxAccPlcyPolicerICounters, TmnxAccPlcyQECounters, TmnxAccPlcyQICounters, TmnxActionType, TmnxAdminState, TmnxOperState, TmnxSyslogFacility, TmnxSyslogSeverity, TmnxUdpPort FROM TIMETRA-TC-MIB ; timetraLogMIBModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202007140000Z" ORGANIZATION "Nokia" CONTACT-INFO "Nokia SROS Support Web: http://www.nokia.com" DESCRIPTION "This document is the SNMP MIB module to manage and provision the Nokia SROS Logging utility. Copyright 2003-2020 Nokia. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this document is authorized on the condition that the foregoing copyright notice is included. This SNMP MIB module (Specification) embodies Nokia's proprietary intellectual property. Nokia retains all title and ownership in the Specification, including any revisions. Nokia grants all interested parties a non-exclusive license to use and distribute an unmodified copy of this Specification in connection with management of Nokia products, and without fee, provided this copyright notice and license appear on all copies. This Specification is supplied 'as is', and Nokia makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the Specification." REVISION "202007140000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 20 14 Jul 2020 00:00 Release 20 of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." REVISION "201904010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 19 1 April 2019 00:00 Release 19 of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." REVISION "201706300000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 15.1 30 Jun 2017 00:00 15.1 release of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." REVISION "201703010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 15.0 01 Mar 2017 00:00 15.0 release of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." REVISION "201601010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 14.0 01 Jan 2016 00:00 14.0 release of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." REVISION "201501010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 13.0 01 Jan 2015 00:00 13.0 release of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." REVISION "201401010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 12.0 01 Jan 2014 00:00 12.0 release of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." REVISION "201102010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 9.0 01 Feb 2011 00:00 9.0 release of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." REVISION "200902280000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 7.0 28 Feb 2009 00:00 7.0 release of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." REVISION "200801010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 6.0 01 Jan 2008 00:00 6.0 release of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." REVISION "200701010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 5.0 01 Jan 2007 00:00 5.0 release of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." REVISION "200603150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 4.0 15 Mar 2006 00:00 4.0 release of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." REVISION "200501240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.1 24 Jan 2005 00:00 2.1 release of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." REVISION "200405270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.1 27 May 2004 00:00 2.1 release of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." REVISION "200401150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.0 15 Jan 2004 00:00 2.0 release of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." REVISION "200308150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.2 15 Aug 2003 00:00 1.2 release of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." REVISION "200301200000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.0 20 Jan 2003 00:00 1.0 Release of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." REVISION "200111100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 0.1 10 Nov 2001 00:00 Initial version of the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." ::= { timetraSRMIBModules 12 } TmnxPerceivedSeverity ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ITU perceived severity values as per M.3100 and X.733" SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), cleared (1), indeterminate (2), critical (3), major (4), minor (5), warning (6) } TmnxSyslogId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of TmnxSyslogId uniquely identifies an entry in the tmnxSyslogTargetTable to be used for the syslog collector target information when creating a log file where tmnxLogIdDestination has a value of 'syslog (2)'." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..40) TmnxSyslogIdOrEmpty ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of TmnxSyslogIdOrEmpty uniquely identifies an entry in the tmnxSyslogTargetTable to be used for the syslog collector target information when creating a log file where tmnxLogIdDestination has a value of 'syslog (2)'. The value of 0 is used when no entry exists in the tmnxSyslogTargetTable." SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 1..40) TmnxLogFileId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of TmnxLogFileId uniquely identifies a file-id to be used when creating a log or accounting file. A value of zero (0) indicates none specified and is invalid when used as an index for the tmnxLogFileIdTable." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..99) TmnxLogFileType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of TmnxLogFileType indicates the type of information that will be written to this file." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), eventLog (1), accountingPolicy (2) } TmnxLogIdIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogIdIndex uniquely identifies an event stream log. Note that 3 default TmnxLogIdEntry rows are created by the agent using TmnxLogIdIndex values 99, 100 and 101." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..101) TmnxStgIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of TmnxStgIndex uniquely identifies an event stream log. It is the same as an TmnxLogIdIndex but with a limited range." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..100) TmnxCFlash ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of TmnxCFlash uniquely identifies a compact flash module on the active CPM card. A value of zero (0) indicates none specified." SYNTAX Unsigned32 TmnxLogFilterId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of TmnxLogFilterId is the identification number of an event log filter. The value of zero indicates none specified. The value of zero (0) is invalid when used as an index for the tmnxLogFilterTable. Filter entry 1001 is created by the agent." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1500) TmnxLogFilterEntryId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of TmnxLogFilterEntryId is the identification number of an event log filter entry." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..999) TmnxLogFilterOperator ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When TmnxLogFilterOperator has a value of 'off', the item is not matched. Otherwise the value of TmnxLogFilterOperator determines the comparison operator to be used as the parameter match criterion." SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), equal (2), notEqual (3), lessThan (4), lessThanOrEqual (5), greaterThan (6), greaterThanOrEqual (7) } TmnxEventNumber ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each log event type has a unique identifying number. This number is unique within a particular software application, such as IP, MPLS, OSPF, etc.; but it is not necessarily unique across different software applications. That is MPLS event #1001 may be different from OSPF event #1001." SYNTAX Unsigned32 TmnxLogExRbkOperationType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of TmnxLogExRbkOperationType specifies the type of operation being performed." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), exec (1), rollback (2), vsd (3), load (4) } LogStorageType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" SYNTAX StorageType tmnxLogObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRObjs 12 } tmnxLogNotificationObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxLogObjs 1 } tmnxLogFileDeletedLogId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogIdIndex MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFileDeletedLogId indicates with which event log-id or accounting-policy-id the deleted file was associated. Note the corresponding entry in the tmnxLogIdTable or tmnxLogApTable may no longer exist." ::= { tmnxLogNotificationObjects 1 } tmnxLogFileDeletedFileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFileId MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFileDeletedFileId indicates with which event log-id or accounting-policy-id the deleted file was associated. Note that the corresponding entry in the tmnxLogFileIdTable may no longer exist." ::= { tmnxLogNotificationObjects 2 } tmnxLogFileDeletedLogType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFileType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFileDeletedLogType indicates whether the deleted file was an 'eventLog' or 'accountingPolicy'." ::= { tmnxLogNotificationObjects 3 } tmnxLogFileDeletedLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCFlash MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFileDeletedLocation indicates on which compact flash device the event log or accounting policy file that has been deleted was located. " ::= { tmnxLogNotificationObjects 4 } tmnxLogFileDeletedName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFileDeletedName indicates the pathname of an event log or accounting policy file that has been deleted because of space contention on a compact flash device." ::= { tmnxLogNotificationObjects 5 } tmnxLogFileDeletedCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFileDeletedCreateTime indicates the date and time when the deleted file had been created." ::= { tmnxLogNotificationObjects 6 } tmnxLogTraceErrorTitle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..50)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogTraceErrorTitle indicates the title string of the trace error event that generated the tmnxLogTraceError notification." ::= { tmnxLogNotificationObjects 7 } tmnxLogTraceErrorSubject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..50)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogTraceErrorSubject indicates the subject string of the trace error event that generated the tmnxLogTraceError notification. The subject is the entity that originated the event, such as the Slot ID." ::= { tmnxLogNotificationObjects 8 } tmnxLogTraceErrorMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogTraceErrorMessage indicates the message text string of the trace error event that generated the tmnxLogTraceError notification." ::= { tmnxLogNotificationObjects 9 } tmnxLogThrottledEventID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxLogThrottledEventID is used by the tmnxLogEventThrottled notification to indicate the NOTIFICATION-TYPE object identifier of the throttled event." ::= { tmnxLogNotificationObjects 10 } tmnxLogThrottledEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxLogThrottledEvents is used by the tmnxLogEventThrottled notification to indicate the number of events dropped because of event throttling during the last throttle interval." ::= { tmnxLogNotificationObjects 11 } tmnxSysLogTargetId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSyslogId MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxSysLogTargetId is used by the tmnxSysLogTargetProblem notification to indicate the involved TmnxSyslogId." ::= { tmnxLogNotificationObjects 12 } tmnxSysLogTargetProblemDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSysLogTargetProblemDescr indicates the type of error encountered when trying to deliver events to the destination specified in the TmnxSyslogId." ::= { tmnxLogNotificationObjects 13 } tmnxLogNotifyApInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (5..120) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogNotifyApInterval indicates how frequently the statistics are collected and written to their destination." ::= { tmnxLogNotificationObjects 14 } tmnxStdReplayStartEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStdReplayStartEvent indicates the SNMP notification request ID of the first missed event that was replayed when an SNMP notification target address was readded to the RTM following a period when the target address had been removed. It is used by the tmnxStdEventsReplayed notification." ::= { tmnxLogNotificationObjects 15 } tmnxStdReplayEndEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStdReplayEndEvent indicates the SNMP notification request ID of the last missed event that was replayed when an SNMP notification target address was readded to the RTM following a period when the target address had been removed. It is used by the tmnxStdEventsReplayed notification." ::= { tmnxLogNotificationObjects 16 } tmnxEhsHEntryMinDelayInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..604800) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHEntryMinDelayInterval indicates the difference between the current time and the time as mentioned in tmnxEhsHEntryLastExecuted." ::= { tmnxLogNotificationObjects 17 } tmnxLogMaxLogs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "logs" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of concurrent active Logs that are allowed. A value of zero (0) for this object implies that there is no limit for the number of concurrent active logs in effect. The maximum number of logs in the Base context is restricted to 30 and in the VPRN context to 30." DEFVAL { 60 } ::= { tmnxLogObjs 2 } tmnxLogFileIdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxLogFileIdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the Nokia SROS series Log File ID Table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of defining the characteristics for log and accounting files and associating them with a file-id. The actual file is not created until the file-id is used in a log or accounting file configuration." ::= { tmnxLogObjs 3 } tmnxLogFileIdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFileIdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry in the tmnxLogFileIdTable. Entries are created and deleted in this table by SNMP sets to tmnxLogFileIdRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxLogFileId } ::= { tmnxLogFileIdTable 1 } TmnxLogFileIdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxLogFileId TmnxLogFileId, tmnxLogFileIdRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxLogFileIdStorageType StorageType, tmnxLogFileIdRolloverTime Integer32, tmnxLogFileIdRetainTime Integer32, tmnxLogFileIdAdminLocation TmnxCFlash, tmnxLogFileIdOperLocation TmnxCFlash, tmnxLogFileIdDescription TItemDescription, tmnxLogFileIdLogType TmnxLogFileType, tmnxLogFileIdLogId Integer32, tmnxLogFileIdPathName DisplayString, tmnxLogFileIdCreateTime DateAndTime, tmnxLogFileIdBackupLoc TmnxCFlash, tmnxLogFileIdName TLNamedItemOrEmpty } tmnxLogFileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFileId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index value tmnxLogFileId uniquely identifies a file-id to be used when creating a log or accounting file." ::= { tmnxLogFileIdEntry 1 } tmnxLogFileIdRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows entries to be created and deleted in the tmnxLogFileIdTable. Deletion of an entry in this table will not succeed if it is currently used by any log or accounting file." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tmnxLogFileIdEntry 2 } tmnxLogFileIdStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not allow write access to any columnar objects in the row." DEFVAL { nonVolatile } ::= { tmnxLogFileIdEntry 3 } tmnxLogFileIdRolloverTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (5..10080) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFileIdRolloverTime specifies how often, in minutes, a new log or accounting file will be created. If the value of tmnxLogFileIdLogType is not 'rollover', then the value of this object is irrelevant." DEFVAL { 1440 } ::= { tmnxLogFileIdEntry 4 } tmnxLogFileIdRetainTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..500) UNITS "hours" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFileIdRetainTime specifies the minimum time, in hours, that a file is retained on the media. Once this time period has expired the file is deleted." DEFVAL { 12 } ::= { tmnxLogFileIdEntry 5 } tmnxLogFileIdAdminLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCFlash MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFileIdAdminLocation specifies where the log or accounting file should be created. The file location should be a compact flash on the primary CPM. When the secondary CPM becomes the primary CPM after a failure, the same log file policies will be activated. Thus it is recommended that the same media is available to both secondary and primary CPMs. If no location is specified, 0, the compact flash cf1: is used to store the log files or cf2: is used to store accounting files." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxLogFileIdEntry 6 } tmnxLogFileIdOperLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCFlash MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFileIdOperLocation indicates where the log or accounting file has been created. The file location should be a compact flash on the primary CPM. When the secondary CPM becomes the primary CPM after a failure, the same log file policies will be activated. Thus it is recommended that the same media is available to both secondary and primary CPMs." ::= { tmnxLogFileIdEntry 7 } tmnxLogFileIdDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFileIdDescription is a user provided description string for this log file-id entry. It can consist of any printable, seven-bit ASCII characters up to 80 characters in length." DEFVAL { ''h } ::= { tmnxLogFileIdEntry 8 } tmnxLogFileIdLogType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFileType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFileIdLogType indicates the type of information that will be written to this file." ::= { tmnxLogFileIdEntry 9 } tmnxLogFileIdLogId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..99) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFileIdLogId indicates the ID index of the log or accounting policy this file is attached to. A value of zero (0) indicates that this file definition is not currently used by any log or accounting policy." ::= { tmnxLogFileIdEntry 10 } tmnxLogFileIdPathName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFileIdPathName is the pathname of the currently opened file used by this file-id entry. The value of tmnxLogFileIdPathName is affected by the value of stiPreferLocalTime." ::= { tmnxLogFileIdEntry 11 } tmnxLogFileIdCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFileIdCreateTime is the time the currently opened file version used by this file-id entry was created. The value of tmnxLogFileIdCreateTime is affected by the value of stiPreferLocalTime." ::= { tmnxLogFileIdEntry 12 } tmnxLogFileIdBackupLoc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCFlash MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFileIdBackupLoc specifies where the log or accounting file should be created if it cannot be created in the location specified by tmnxLogFileIdAdminLocation. The file location should be a compact flash on the primary CPM. When the secondary CPM becomes the primary CPM after a failure, the same log file policies will be activated. Thus it is recommended that the same media is available to both secondary and primary CPMs. If no backup location is specified, 0, and the log or accounting file could not be created in the location specified by tmnxLogFileIdAdminLocation or the file creation at the specified backup location fails, a file create failure trap is issued and the associated log or accounting policy is marked as operationally 'outOfService'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxLogFileIdEntry 13 } tmnxLogFileIdName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFileIdName specifies particular entry in the tmnxLogFileIdTable." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxLogFileIdEntry 14 } tmnxLogApTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxLogApEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Nokia SROS series Log Accounting Policy Table contains an entry for each accounting policy that specifies the characteristics of the accounting records associated with an accounting policy." ::= { tmnxLogObjs 4 } tmnxLogApEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogApEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry in the tmnxLogApTable. Entries in the tmnxLogApTable are created and destroyed via SNMP Set requests to tmnxLogApRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxLogApPolicyId } ::= { tmnxLogApTable 1 } TmnxLogApEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxLogApPolicyId Integer32, tmnxLogApRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxLogApStorageType LogStorageType, tmnxLogApAdminStatus TmnxAdminState, tmnxLogApOperStatus TmnxOperState, tmnxLogApInterval Integer32, tmnxLogApDescription TItemDescription, tmnxLogApDefault TruthValue, tmnxLogApRecord INTEGER, tmnxLogApToFileId TmnxLogFileId, tmnxLogApPortType INTEGER, tmnxLogApDefaultInterval TruthValue, tmnxLogApDataLossCount Counter32, tmnxLogApLastDataLossTimeStamp TimeStamp, tmnxLogApToFileType INTEGER, tmnxLogApIncludeSystemInfo TruthValue, tmnxLogApAlign TruthValue } tmnxLogApPolicyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..99) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApPolicyId uniquely identifies an accounting policy to be used for creating accounting records. A specific accounting policy can be applied to one or more service access points (SAPs). Any changes made to an existing policy is applied immediately to all SAPs where this policy is applied." ::= { tmnxLogApEntry 1 } tmnxLogApRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows entries to be created and deleted in the tmnxLogApTable. Deletion of an entry in this table will not succeed if it is currently applied to any service access point (SAP)." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tmnxLogApEntry 2 } tmnxLogApStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LogStorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not allow write access to any columnar objects in the row." DEFVAL { nonVolatile } ::= { tmnxLogApEntry 3 } tmnxLogApAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApAdminStatus specifies the desired administrative state for this accounting policy." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tmnxLogApEntry 4 } tmnxLogApOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApOperStatus indicates the current operational status of this accounting policy." ::= { tmnxLogApEntry 5 } tmnxLogApInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..120) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApInterval determines how frequently the statistics are collected and written to their destination. If no record is specified, default value for tmnxLogApInterval is 5 minutes. For service and network types of record, default values are 5 minutes and 15 minutes respectively. For an accounting policy with one of the following record type (i.e. tmnxLogApRecord) values, the minimum interval is one minute: completeOamPm(56), completeSvcActivTestHead(76), saa(32). Otherwise the minimum interval is five minutes." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { tmnxLogApEntry 6 } tmnxLogApDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApDescription is a user provided description string for this accounting policy. It can consist of any printable, seven-bit ASCII characters up to 80 characters in length." DEFVAL { ''h } ::= { tmnxLogApEntry 7 } tmnxLogApDefault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tmnxLogApDefault has a value of 'true', it specifies that this accounting policy is applied to all service access points (SAPs) that do not have an explicit accounting policy applied. If no accounting policy is associated with a SAP accounting records are produced in accordance with the default policy. Only one accounting policy entry in the tmnxLogApTable can have tmnxLogApDefault set to 'true'. If there is no entry in the tmnxLogApTable with tmnxLogApDefault set to 'true', then the only accounting records collected are those explicitly configured accounting policies." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxLogApEntry 8 } tmnxLogApRecord OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), svcIngressOctet (1), svcEgressOctet (2), svcIngressPkt (3), svcEgressPkt (4), netIngressOctet (5), netEgressOctet (6), netIngressPkt (7), netEgressPkt (8), compactSvcInOctet (9), combinedSvcIngress (10), combinedNetInEgOctet (11), combinedSvcInEgOctet (12), completeSvcInEg (13), combinedSvcSdpInEg (14), completeSvcSdpInEg (15), completeSubscrIngrEgr (16), bsxProtocol (17), bsxApplication (18), bsxAppGroup (19), bsxSubscriberProtocol (20), bsxSubscriberApplication (21), bsxSubscriberAppGroup (22), customRecordSubscriber (23), customRecordService (24), customRecordAa (25), queueGroupOctets (26), queueGroupPackets (27), combinedQueueGroup (28), combinedMplsLspIngress (29), combinedMplsLspEgress (30), combinedLdpLspEgress (31), saa (32), video (33), kpiSystem (34), kpiBearerMgmt (35), kpiBearerTraffic (36), kpiRefPoint (37), kpiPathMgmt (38), kciIom3 (39), kciSystem (40), kciBearerMgmt (41), kciPathMgmt (42), completeKpi (43), completeKci (44), kpiBearerGroup (45), kpiRefPathGroup (46), kpiKciBearerMgmt (47), kpiKciPathMgmt (48), kpiKciSystem (49), completeKpiKci (50), aaPerformance (51), completeEthernetPort (52), extendedSvcIngrEgr (53), completeNetIngrEgr (54), aaPartition (55), completeOamPm (56), kpiRefPtSecErrorCauseCode (57), kpiBearerTrafficGtpEndpoint (58), kpiIpReas (59), kpiRadiusGroup (60), kpiRefPtFailureCauseCode (61), kpiDhcpGroup (62), aaAdmitDeny (63), netIntfIngressOctet (65), netIntfEgressOctet (66), netIntfIngressPkt (67), netIntfEgressPkt (68), combinedNetIntfIngress (69), combinedNetIntfEgress (70), completeNetIntfIngrEgr (71), accessEgressOctets (72), accessEgressPackets (73), combinedAccessEgress (74), combinedNetworkEgress (75), completeSvcActivTestHead (76), combinedMplsSrteEgress (77) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApRecord specifies the type of predefined accounting record type to be written to the accounting file. The value 'bsxSubscriberAppGroup (22)' was made obsolete in release 7.0 and replaced by 'customRecordAa (25).'" DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxLogApEntry 9 } tmnxLogApToFileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFileId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApToFileId is the index to the entry in the tmnxLogFileIdTable that specifies the file characteristics to be used for the destination of the accounting policy records collected by this accounting policy. The file itself is created the first time this accounting policy is applied to a service access point (SAP). tmnxLogApToFileId must be set along with tmnxLogApToFileType to indicate whether the records will be stored in a file or not. When a destination file is specified, the value of the file is specified by tmnxLogApToFileId and the value of tmnxLogApToFileType should be 'fileId'. When the destination file is not specified, the value of tmnxLogApToFileId should be zero and the value of tmnxLogApToFileType should be 'noFile'." ::= { tmnxLogApEntry 10 } tmnxLogApPortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), access (1), network (2), sdp (3), subscriber (4), appAssure (5), qgrp (6), saa (7), mplsLspIngr (8), mplsLspEgr (9), ldpLspEgr (10), video (11), mobileGateway (12), ethernet (13), oamPm (14), networkIntf (16), accessPort (17), svcActvTest (18), mplsSrteEgr (19) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApPortType indicates the type of facility associated with the specified accounting policy's record type (i.e. tmnxLogApRecord)." ::= { tmnxLogApEntry 11 } tmnxLogApDefaultInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "When tmnxLogApDefaultInterval has a value of 'true', it specifies that tmnxLogApInterval will have a default value. When tmnxLogApDefaultInterval has a value of 'false', user can set the value of tmnxLogApInterval manually." DEFVAL { true } ::= { tmnxLogApEntry 12 } tmnxLogApDataLossCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApDataLossCount indicates the number of times a tmnxLogAccountingDataLoss trap was raised against this application policy." ::= { tmnxLogApEntry 13 } tmnxLogApLastDataLossTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApLastDataLossTimeStamp indicates the last time, since system startup that a tmnxLogAccountingDataLoss trap was raised against this application policy." ::= { tmnxLogApEntry 14 } tmnxLogApToFileType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fileId (0), noFile (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApToFileType specifies where records of an accounting policy are stored. It should be set along with tmnxLogApToFileId which specifies the destination file index where the accounting records are stored. When the value of tmnxLogApToFileType is 'noFile', it indicates that the accounting records will not to be stored in a file and the value of tmnxLogApToFileId should be set to zero. When the value of tmnxLogApToFileType is 'fileId', it indicates that the accounting records will be stored in a file specified by tmnxLogApToFileId. tmnxLogApOperStatus will transition to 'inService' when the tmnxLogApToFileType is set to 'noFile' or 'fileId'." DEFVAL { fileId } ::= { tmnxLogApEntry 15 } tmnxLogApIncludeSystemInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApIncludeSystemInfo specifies whether or not to include system information at the top of each accounting file generated for a given accounting policy." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxLogApEntry 16 } tmnxLogApAlign OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true generation of accounting statistics is aligned with absolute time. First statistics are generated when absolute time is dividable by collection-interval value. After that it continues with collection-interval. This is important for synchronization of statistics interval between various nodes in network. If false, generation of accounting statistis is triggered right after command execution and continues after configured collection-interval. type that do not have an accounting policy." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxLogApEntry 17 } tmnxLogIdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxLogIdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Nokia SROS series Log Identification Table contains an entry for each log that specifies the characteristics of that log associated with a log-id number." ::= { tmnxLogObjs 5 } tmnxLogIdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogIdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry in the tmnxLogIdTable. Entries in the tmnxLogIdTable are created and destroyed via SNMP Set requests to tmnxLogIdRowStatus. Default log entries 99, and 100 are created by the agent." INDEX { tmnxLogIdIndex } ::= { tmnxLogIdTable 1 } TmnxLogIdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxLogIdIndex TmnxLogIdIndex, tmnxLogIdRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxLogIdStorageType LogStorageType, tmnxLogIdAdminStatus TmnxAdminState, tmnxLogIdOperStatus TmnxOperState, tmnxLogIdDescription TItemDescription, tmnxLogIdFilterId TmnxLogFilterId, tmnxLogIdSource BITS, tmnxLogIdDestination INTEGER, tmnxLogIdFileId TmnxLogFileId, tmnxLogIdSyslogId TmnxSyslogIdOrEmpty, tmnxLogIdMaxMemorySize Unsigned32, tmnxLogIdConsoleSession TruthValue, tmnxLogIdForwarded Counter64, tmnxLogIdDropped Counter64, tmnxLogIdTimeFormat INTEGER, tmnxLogIdPythonPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxLogIdOperDestination INTEGER, tmnxLogIdNetconfStream TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxLogIdName TLNamedItemOrEmpty } tmnxLogIdIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogIdIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogIdIndex uniquely identifies an event stream log." ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 1 } tmnxLogIdRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows entries to be created and deleted in the tmnxLogIdTable. Deletion of an entry in this table will not succeed if tmnxLogIdOperStatus is not 'outOfService'. tmnxLogIdOperStatus will not transition to 'inService' if tmnxLogIdSource and tmnxLogIdDestination and their associated objects have not been set to valid values." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 2 } tmnxLogIdStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LogStorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not allow write access to any columnar objects in the row." DEFVAL { nonVolatile } ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 3 } tmnxLogIdAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogIdAdminStatus specifies the desired administrative state for this log." DEFVAL { inService } ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 4 } tmnxLogIdOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogIdOperStatus indicates the current operational status of this log." ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 5 } tmnxLogIdDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogIdDescription is a user provided description string for this log. It can consist of any printable, seven-bit ASCII characters up to 80 characters in length." DEFVAL { ''h } ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 6 } tmnxLogIdFilterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFilterId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogIdFilterId is the index into the tmnxLogFilterTable to the entry the defines a filter to be applied to this log's source event stream to limit the events output to this log's destination. If tmnxLogIdFilterId has a value of 0, then all events in the source log are forwarded to the destination." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 7 } tmnxLogIdSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { main (0), security (1), change (2), debugTrace (3), li (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogIdSource is a bit mask that specifies the log event source stream(s) to be forwarded to the destination specified in tmnxLogIdDestination. Events from more than one source may be forwarded to the log destination. The 'main' event stream consists of all events that are not explicitly directed to any other event stream. The 'security' event stream contains all events that affect attempts to breach system security such as failed login attempts, attempts to access SNMP MIB tables to which the user has not been granted access, or attempts to enter a branch of the CLI for which the user is not authorized. The 'user' activity event stream contains all events that directly affect the configuration or operation of the system. The 'debugTrace' event stream contains all events configured for application or protocol tracing. The 'li' event stream contains all events configured for Lawful Intercept activities. An attempt to set the 'li' event stream will fail with an inconsistentValue error if the requestor does not have access to the 'li' context. An attempt to set the 'li' event stream will fail with an inconsistentValue error if tmnxLogIdDestination has the value 'syslog' or 'file'." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 8 } tmnxLogIdDestination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), console (1), syslog (2), snmpTraps (3), file (4), memory (5), netconf (7), subscribedCli (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogIdDestination specifies the event log stream destination. Once this object has been set to a value other than the default 'none' it cannot be modified and attempts to reset it to another value will fail with an INCONSISTENT VALUE error. The 'console' destination causes all selected log events to be directed to the system console. If the console is not connected then all entries are dropped. The 'syslog' destination sends all selected log events to the syslog address configured in tmnxSyslogTargetAddress and tmnxSyslogTargetUdpPort in the tmnxSyslogTargetTable row entry pointed to by the value of tmnxLogIdSyslogId. An attempt to set this object to 'syslog' will fail with an inconsistentValue error if tmnxLogIdSource has the value 'li' set. The 'snmpTraps' destination causes events defined as SNMP traps to be sent to the configured SNMP trap destinations and also to be logged in the NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB tables. The allocated memory size for the log of transmitted traps is specified in tmnxLogIdMaxMemorySize. The events are logged to memory in a circular fashion. Once the space is full, the oldest entry is replaced with a new entry. The 'file' destination causes all selected log events to be directed to a file on one of the CPM's compact flash discs. Details of the file's configuration are in the tmnxLogFileIdTable entry pointed to by the value of tmnxLogIdFileId. An attempt to set this object to 'file' will fail with an inconsistentValue error if tmnxLogIdSource has the value 'li' set. The 'memory' destination causes all selected log events to be directed to an in memory storage area. The allocated memory size for the log is specified in tmnxLogIdMaxMemorySize. The events are logged to memory in a circular fashion. Once the space is full, the oldest entry is replaced with a new entry." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 9 } tmnxLogIdFileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFileId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogIdFileId is the index to the entry in the tmnxLogFileIdTable that specifies the file characteristics to be used for the destination of the log events written to this log. tmnxLogIdOperStatus will not transition to 'inService' until a valid value has been set for tmnxLogIdFileId. This object is valid only if tmnxLogIdDestination is set to 'file'. This object can be set only once together with tmnxLogIdDestination value of 'file'. " ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 10 } tmnxLogIdSyslogId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSyslogIdOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogIdSyslogId is the index into the tmnxSyslogTargetTable for the row entry with the information to format event messages to be sent to a specific syslog collector target. This object is valid only when tmnxLogIdDestination has a value of 'syslog'. If this object has a value of zero (0), then no collector is specified and no messages are sent. This object can be set only once together with tmnxLogIdDestination value of 'syslog'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 11 } tmnxLogIdMaxMemorySize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 50..3000) UNITS "events" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogIdMaxMemorySize specifies the amount of memory to allocate for this log. This object can be set only once together with tmnxLogIdDestination has a value of 'memory', 'netconf', 'snmpTraps' or 'subscribedCli'. For any other value of tmnxLogIdDestination, a read of this object will return zero (0). Once a memory size has been specified and the log created, any attempt to modify this object will fail with an INCONSISTENT VALUE error." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 12 } tmnxLogIdConsoleSession OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object exists for the convenience of the Nokia SROS CLI. When set to 'true' it indicates that the 'CONSOLE' log output should be printed to the Telnet session instead of the CONSOLE device. When a tmnxLogIdEntry is created directly via SNMP, setting this object has no meaning and the 'CONSOLE' log output will always be sent to the CONSOLE device. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 Release." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 13 } tmnxLogIdForwarded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogIdForwarded is the count of the number of events that have been forwarded to this log's destination. This counter is incremented after an event has been selected by the log filter defined in tmnxLogIdFilterId." ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 14 } tmnxLogIdDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogIdDropped is the count of the number of events that have been sent to this logs source(s) and that have not been forwarded to the log destination because they were filtered out by the log filter defined in tmnxLogIdFilterId." ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 15 } tmnxLogIdTimeFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { utc (1), local (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogIdTimeFormat specifies the type of timestamp format for events sent to logs where tmnxLogIdDestination has a value of either 'syslog (2)' or 'file (4)'. When tmnxLogIdTimeFormat has a value of 'utc (1)' timestamps are written using the Coordinated Universal Time value. When tmnxLogIdTimeFormat has a value of 'local (2)' timestamps are written in the system's local time." DEFVAL { utc } ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 16 } tmnxLogIdPythonPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogIdPythonPolicy specifies the name of a Python policy. The name refers to a conceptual row in the TIMETRA-PYTHON-MIB::tmnxPythonPolicyTable. The Python policy should have Python scripts to modify the log message text. While the value of tmnxLogIdAdminStatus is equal to 'inService', a non-empty value for this object is only allowed if the value of tmnxLogIdDestination is equal to 'syslog'." DEFVAL { ''h } ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 17 } tmnxLogIdOperDestination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), console (1), syslog (2), snmpTraps (3), file (4), memory (5), cliSession (6), netconf (7), subscribedCli (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogIdOperDestination indicates the operational value of event log stream destination. The 'console' destination indicates all selected log events will be directed to the system console. The 'syslog' destination indicates all selected log events will be directed to the syslog address configured in tmnxSyslogTargetAddress and tmnxSyslogTargetUdpPort in the tmnxSyslogTargetTable row entry pointed to by the value of tmnxLogIdSyslogId. The 'snmpTraps' destination indicates events defined as SNMP traps will be sent to the configured SNMP trap destinations and also to be logged in the NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB tables. The 'file' destination indicates all selected log events will be directed to a file on one of the CPM's compact flash discs. The 'memory' destination indicates all selected log events will be directed to an in memory storage area. The 'cliSession' destination indicates all selected log events will be directed to a cli session. tmnxLogIdDestination will have a value 'none' in this case." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 18 } tmnxLogIdNetconfStream OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogIdNetconfStream specifies the name of the NETCONF stream associated with this log. A non-empty value for this object is only allowed if the value of tmnxLogIdDestination is equal to 'netconf'." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 19 } tmnxLogIdName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogIdName specifies an event stream log." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxLogIdEntry 20 } tmnxLogFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxLogFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { tmnxLogObjs 6 } tmnxLogFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Log Filter entry. Entries are created by user. Entries are deleted by user. Entry 1001 is created by the agent for default TmnxLogIdIndex 100. There is no StorageType object. Entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tmnxLogFilterId } ::= { tmnxLogFilterTable 1 } TmnxLogFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxLogFilterId TmnxLogFilterId, tmnxLogFilterRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxLogFilterDescription TItemDescription, tmnxLogFilterDefaultAction TFilterAction, tmnxLogFilterInUse TruthValue, tmnxLogFilterName TLNamedItemOrEmpty } tmnxLogFilterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFilterId (1..1500) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterId is a unique index that identifies a particular entry in the tmnxLogFilterTable." ::= { tmnxLogFilterEntry 1 } tmnxLogFilterRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row entries in this table are created and destroyed via SNMP set requests." ::= { tmnxLogFilterEntry 2 } tmnxLogFilterDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterDescription is a user provided description string for this log filter. It can consist of any printable, seven-bit ASCII characters up to 80 characters in length." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxLogFilterEntry 3 } tmnxLogFilterDefaultAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterAction MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action to take for packets that do not match any filter entries. the values default(3), and nat(5) are not allowed." DEFVAL { forward } ::= { tmnxLogFilterEntry 4 } tmnxLogFilterInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tmnxLogFilterInUse has a value of 'true', this filter is attached to a log file configuration. The same tmnxLogFilterEntry can be attached to more than one log file." ::= { tmnxLogFilterEntry 5 } tmnxLogFilterName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterName specifies particular entry in the tmnxLogFilterTable." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxLogFilterEntry 6 } tmnxLogFilterParamsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxLogFilterParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of all log filter match entries for all log filters." ::= { tmnxLogObjs 7 } tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFilterParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Log Filter Parameter entry. Every Log Filter can have zero or more Log Filter Parameter match entries. The Log Filter parameter entries are checked in ascending order by their index value, tmnxLogFilterParamsIndex. Upon the first successful match, the specified actions are applied as indicated by the value of tmnxLogFilterParamsAction. No further checking against remaining tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry rows is done. Therefore, entries in this table should be sequenced from most to least explicit match criterion. It is recommended that multiple parameter entries for a log filter should be created with gaps between their index values. This allows a new entry to be inserted into an existing filter policy without needing to renumber the already existing filter parameters entries. A log filter entry in the tmnxLogFilterTable with no entry in the tmnxLogFilterParamsTable to define its match criteria set will match every log event, and the default action specified by tmnxLogFilterDefaultAction will be taken. Entries are created by user. Entries are deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tmnxLogFilterId, tmnxLogFilterParamsIndex } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsTable 1 } TmnxLogFilterParamsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxLogFilterParamsIndex TmnxLogFilterEntryId, tmnxLogFilterParamsRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxLogFilterParamsDescription TItemDescription, tmnxLogFilterParamsAction TFilterActionOrDefault, tmnxLogFilterParamsApplication TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxLogFilterParamsApplOperator TmnxLogFilterOperator, tmnxLogFilterParamsNumber TmnxEventNumber, tmnxLogFilterParamsNumberOperator TmnxLogFilterOperator, tmnxLogFilterParamsSeverity TmnxPerceivedSeverity, tmnxLogFilterParamsSeverityOperator TmnxLogFilterOperator, tmnxLogFilterParamsSubject TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxLogFilterParamsSubjectOperator TmnxLogFilterOperator, tmnxLogFilterParamsSubjectRegexp TruthValue, tmnxLogFilterParamsRouter TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxLogFilterParamsRouterOperator TmnxLogFilterOperator, tmnxLogFilterParamsRouterRegexp TruthValue, tmnxLogFilterParamsMsg OCTET STRING, tmnxLogFilterParamsMsgOperator TmnxLogFilterOperator, tmnxLogFilterParamsMsgRegexp TruthValue, tmnxLogFilterParamsName TLNamedItemOrEmpty } tmnxLogFilterParamsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFilterEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 1 } tmnxLogFilterParamsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this Log filter's parameter entry." ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 2 } tmnxLogFilterParamsDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterParamsDescription is a user provided description string for this log filter match entry. It can consist of any printable, seven-bit ASCII characters up to 80 characters in length." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 3 } tmnxLogFilterParamsAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterActionOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the action to take for log events that match this filter entry. the value default(3) is allowed. If tmnxLogFilterParamsAction has the value 'default', the action specified by the value of tmnxLogFilterDefaultAction is applied to events that match this filter entry. The value nat(5) is not allowed." DEFVAL { default } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 4 } tmnxLogFilterParamsApplication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Matches log events with the specified application name. An application is the software entity the reports the log event and includes IP, MPLS, OSPF, CLI, SERVICES, etc." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 5 } tmnxLogFilterParamsApplOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFilterOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterParamsApplOperator is the comparison operator to use to determine if the log event matches the value of tmnxLogFilterParamsApplication. The only valid values from TmnxLogFilterOperator are 'off', 'equal', and 'notEqual'." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 6 } tmnxLogFilterParamsNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEventNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterParamsNumber is the log event number to be matched. Event numbers uniquely identify a certain event within an application but not across applications." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 7 } tmnxLogFilterParamsNumberOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFilterOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterParamsNumberOperator is the comparison operator to use to determine if the log event matches the value of tmnxLogFilterParamsNumber." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 8 } tmnxLogFilterParamsSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPerceivedSeverity MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterParamsSeverity is the log event severity level to be matched." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 9 } tmnxLogFilterParamsSeverityOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFilterOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterParamsSeverityOperator is the comparison operator to use to determine if the log event matches the value of tmnxLogFilterParamsSeverity." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 10 } tmnxLogFilterParamsSubject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterParamsSubject is the log event subject string to be matched. The subject is the entity that the event is reported for, such as a port ID." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 11 } tmnxLogFilterParamsSubjectOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFilterOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterParamsSubjectOperator is the comparison operator to use to determine if the log event matches the value of tmnxLogFilterParamsSubject. The only valid values of TmnxLogFilterOperator to use for the subject string comparison are 'off', 'equal', and 'notEqual'." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 12 } tmnxLogFilterParamsSubjectRegexp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterParamsSubjectRegexp specifies the type of string comparison to use to determine if the log event matches the value of tmnxLogFilterParamsSubject. When the value of tmnxLogFilterParamsSubjectRegexp is 'true', the string in tmnxLogFilterParamsSubject is a regular expression string to be matched against the subject string in the log event being filtered. When it has a value of 'false', the string in tmnxLogFilterParamsSubject is matched exactly by the event filter." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 13 } tmnxLogFilterParamsRouter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterParamsRouter is the log event router context name string to be matched." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 14 } tmnxLogFilterParamsRouterOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFilterOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterParamsRouterOperator is the comparison operator to use to determine if the log event matches the value of tmnxLogFilterParamsRouter. The only valid values of TmnxLogFilterOperator to use for the router name string comparison are 'off', 'equal', and 'notEqual'." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 15 } tmnxLogFilterParamsRouterRegexp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterParamsRouterRegexp specifies the type of string comparison to use to determine if the log event matches the value of tmnxLogFilterParamsRouter. When the value of tmnxLogFilterParamsRouterRegexp is 'true', the string in tmnxLogFilterParamsRouter is a regular expression string to be matched against the router name string in the log event being filtered. When it has a value of 'false', the string in tmnxLogFilterParamsRouter is matched exactly by the event filter." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 16 } tmnxLogFilterParamsMsg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0|1..400)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterParamsMsg specifies the log event message string to be matched. Matching result is determined based on value of tmnxLogFilterParamsMsgOperator. Matching type is determined based on value of tmnxLogFilterParamsMsgRegexp" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 17 } tmnxLogFilterParamsMsgOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFilterOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterParamsMsgOperator specifies the comparison operator used to determine if the log event matches the value of tmnxLogFilterParamsMsg. The only valid values of tmnxLogFilterParamsMsgOperator to use for the string comparison are 'off', 'equal', and 'notEqual'." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 18 } tmnxLogFilterParamsMsgRegexp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterParamsMsgRegexp specifies the type of string comparison to use to determine if the log event matches the value of tmnxLogFilterParamsMsg. When the value of tmnxLogFilterParamsMsgRegexp is 'true', the string in tmnxLogFilterParamsMsg is a regular expression string to be matched against the message string in the log event being filtered. When it has a value of 'false', the string in tmnxLogFilterParamsMsg is matched as substring by the event filter." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 19 } tmnxLogFilterParamsName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogFilterParamsName specifies particular entry in the tmnxLogFilterParamsTable." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxLogFilterParamsEntry 20 } tmnxSyslogTargetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSyslogTargetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of all remote syslog collectors that this agent is configured to send syslog messages to." ::= { tmnxLogObjs 8 } tmnxSyslogTargetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSyslogTargetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Syslog Target entry. Entries are created by user. Entries are deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile. " INDEX { tmnxSyslogTargetIndex } ::= { tmnxSyslogTargetTable 1 } TmnxSyslogTargetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSyslogTargetIndex TmnxSyslogId, tmnxSyslogTargetRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxSyslogTargetDescription TItemDescription, tmnxSyslogTargetAddress IpAddress, tmnxSyslogTargetUdpPort TmnxUdpPort, tmnxSyslogTargetFacility TmnxSyslogFacility, tmnxSyslogTargetSeverity TmnxSyslogSeverity, tmnxSyslogTargetMessagePrefix TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxSyslogTargetMessagesDropped Counter32, tmnxSyslogTargetAddrType InetAddressType, tmnxSyslogTargetAddr InetAddress, tmnxSyslogTargetName TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxSyslogTlsClntProfileName TNamedItemOrEmpty } tmnxSyslogTargetIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSyslogId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyslogTargetIndex is a unique arbitrary identifier for this syslog collector target. The maximum value of tmnxSyslogTargetIndex is limited to 10 for the Base router context and to 30 for the VPRN context." ::= { tmnxSyslogTargetEntry 1 } tmnxSyslogTargetRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSyslogTargetRowStatus object allows for dynamic creation and deletion of row entries in the tmnxSyslogTargetTable as well as the activation and deactivation of these entries. When this object's value is set to 'notInService (2)', no messages will be sent to this target collector and none of its counters will be incremented. Refer to the RowStatus convention for further details on the behavior of this object." REFERENCE "RFC2579 (Textual Conventions for SMIv2)" ::= { tmnxSyslogTargetEntry 2 } tmnxSyslogTargetDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyslogTargetDescription is an administratively assigned textual description of this syslog collector target." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxSyslogTargetEntry 3 } tmnxSyslogTargetAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyslogTargetAddress is the IPv4 address for this syslog message collector target. If the value of this object is '', then no messages will be sent, nor will any counters be incremented. This object was made obsolete in release 5.0. It is replaced by the InetAddress pair tmnxSyslogTargetAddrType and tmnxSyslogTargetAddr." DEFVAL { '00000000'h } ::= { tmnxSyslogTargetEntry 4 } tmnxSyslogTargetUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyslogTargetUdpPort is the UDP port number that is used to send messages to this syslog collector target." DEFVAL { 514 } ::= { tmnxSyslogTargetEntry 5 } tmnxSyslogTargetFacility OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSyslogFacility MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyslogTargetFacility is the syslog facility number that will be encoded in messages sent to this syslog collector target." DEFVAL { local7 } ::= { tmnxSyslogTargetEntry 6 } tmnxSyslogTargetSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSyslogSeverity MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyslogTargetSeverity is the maximum severity level of the messages that SHOULD be forwarded to this syslog collector target. The higher the level, the lower the severity." DEFVAL { info } ::= { tmnxSyslogTargetEntry 7 } tmnxSyslogTargetMessagePrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyslogTargetMessagePrefix is a string of ABNF alphanumeric characters to be prepended as the MSG TAG to the syslog MSG CONTENT string and separated from it with a colon and space, ': '." DEFVAL { "TMNX" } ::= { tmnxSyslogTargetEntry 8 } tmnxSyslogTargetMessagesDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyslogTargetMessagesDropped is a count of messages not sent to this syslog collector target because the severity level of the message was above tmnxSyslogTargetSeverity; the higher the level, the lower the severity." ::= { tmnxSyslogTargetEntry 9 } tmnxSyslogTargetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyslogTargetAddrType specifies the type of host address to be used for the syslog message collector target. This object indicates the type of address stored in the corresponding tmnxSyslogTargetAddr object. Only 'ipv4', 'ipv6', and 'ipv6z' address types are supported." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tmnxSyslogTargetEntry 10 } tmnxSyslogTargetAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16|20)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyslogTargetAddr specifies the IP host address to be used for the syslog message collector target. If no address is specified, ''H, then no messages will be sent nor will any counters be incremented. The syslog target address type is determined by the value of the corresponding tmnxSyslogTargetAddrType object." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxSyslogTargetEntry 11 } tmnxSyslogTargetName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSyslogTargetName specifies particular entry in the tmnxSyslogTargetTable." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxSyslogTargetEntry 12 } tmnxSyslogTlsClntProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxSyslogTlsClntProfileName specifies the name for a TLS client profile. If configured, syslog uses TLS." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxSyslogTargetEntry 13 } tmnxEventAppTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxEventAppEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of all applications that generate TiMOS logger events." ::= { tmnxLogObjs 9 } tmnxEventAppEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEventAppEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular application entry. Entries are created by the agent when the system initializes. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of permanent. " INDEX { tmnxEventAppIndex } ::= { tmnxEventAppTable 1 } TmnxEventAppEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxEventAppIndex Unsigned32, tmnxEventAppName TNamedItem } tmnxEventAppIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventAppIndex is a unique arbitrary identifier for this application event generator." ::= { tmnxEventAppEntry 1 } tmnxEventAppName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventAppName is the name string that is used in TiMOS log messages as the application that generated the logged event." ::= { tmnxEventAppEntry 2 } tmnxEventTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of all TiMOS events that can be generated." ::= { tmnxLogObjs 10 } tmnxEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular TiMOS event type entry. Entries are created by the agent when the system initializes. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of permanent. " INDEX { tmnxEventAppIndex, tmnxEventID } ::= { tmnxEventTable 1 } TmnxEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxEventID Unsigned32, tmnxEventName TNamedItem, tmnxEventSeverity TmnxPerceivedSeverity, tmnxEventControl TruthValue, tmnxEventCounter Counter32, tmnxEventDropCount Counter32, tmnxEventReset TmnxActionType, tmnxEventThrottle TruthValue, tmnxEventSpecThrottle TruthValue, tmnxEventSpecThrottleLimit Unsigned32, tmnxEventSpecThrottleIntval Unsigned32, tmnxEventSpecThrottleDef TruthValue, tmnxEventSpecThrottleLimitDef Unsigned32, tmnxEventSpecThrottleIntvalDef Unsigned32, tmnxEventRepeat TruthValue } tmnxEventID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventID is a unique arbitrary identifier for indexing event type entries within an event generator application as identified by the value of tmnxEventAppIndex." ::= { tmnxEventEntry 1 } tmnxEventName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventName is a short name string used to describe this event type." ::= { tmnxEventEntry 2 } tmnxEventSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPerceivedSeverity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventSeverity specifies the severity level that will be associated with this type of event when it is generated." ::= { tmnxEventEntry 3 } tmnxEventControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventControl determines whether or not events of this type will be generated or suppressed. When it has a value of 'true', the event is generated and tmnxEventCounter is incremented. When it has a value of 'false', the event is suppressed and tmnxEventDropCount is incremented." ::= { tmnxEventEntry 4 } tmnxEventCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventCounter is the number of times an event of this type has been generated." ::= { tmnxEventEntry 5 } tmnxEventDropCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventDropCount is the number of times and event of this type has been suppressed because tmnxEventControl is set to 'false'. When tmnxEventControl is set to 'true', tmnxEventDropCount indicates the number of events dropped because of logger input queue size overrun or dropped because of throttling when tmnxEventThrottle is set to 'true'." ::= { tmnxEventEntry 6 } tmnxEventReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting tmnxEventReset to 'doAction (1)' causes the agent to reset the values of tmnxEventSeverity and tmnxEventControl to the default values for this event type." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxEventEntry 7 } tmnxEventThrottle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventThrottle determines whether or not events of this type will be throttled. When it has a value of 'true', the event is throttled at the rate indicated by the value of tmnxEventThrottleLimit and tmnxEventThrottleInterval. When it has a value of 'false', no event throttling is applied." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxEventEntry 8 } tmnxEventSpecThrottle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventSpecThrottle specifies if events of this type will be throttled using the parameters specific for this event. When the value of tmnxEventSpecThrottle is equal to 'true', the event is throttled at the rate indicated by the value of tmnxEventSpecThrottleLimit and tmnxEventSpecThrottleIntval. When it has a value of 'false', no event-specific throttling is applied. The default value depends on the event." ::= { tmnxEventEntry 9 } tmnxEventSpecThrottleLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..20000) UNITS "events" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventSpecThrottleLimit specifies the number of times that this event can be logged within the tmnxEventSpecThrottleIntval. Once this limit has been reached, any additional events of this type will be dropped, i.e. tmnxEventDropCount will be incremented. At the end of the specific throttle interval if any events have been dropped a tmnxLogEventThrottled notification will be sent if the rate is applied to the whole stream of log events of this type; otherwise, if the rate is applied to each source of this type of event, the TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB::tmnxTrapDropped will be sent. The value must be zero while the value of tmnxEventSpecThrottle is 'false'. The default value depends on the event type." ::= { tmnxEventEntry 10 } tmnxEventSpecThrottleIntval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..1200) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventSpecThrottleIntval specifies the number of seconds that the event-specific throttling interval lasts. The value must be zero while the value of tmnxEventSpecThrottle is 'false'. The default value depends on the event type." ::= { tmnxEventEntry 11 } tmnxEventSpecThrottleDef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventSpecThrottleDef indicates the default value of tmnxEventSpecThrottle." ::= { tmnxEventEntry 12 } tmnxEventSpecThrottleLimitDef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..20000) UNITS "events" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventSpecThrottleLimitDef indicates the default value of the object tmnxEventSpecThrottleLimit. The value zero indicates that there is by default no event-specific throttling for this event." ::= { tmnxEventEntry 13 } tmnxEventSpecThrottleIntvalDef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..1200) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventSpecThrottleIntvalDef indicates the default value of tmnxEventSpecThrottleIntval. The value zero indicates that there is by default no event-specific throttling for this type of event." ::= { tmnxEventEntry 14 } tmnxEventRepeat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "repeat" DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxEventEntry 15 } tmnxSnmpTrapGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSnmpTrapGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A table of all remote SNMP trap collectors to which this agent is configured to send SNMP notifications messages. This table was made obsolete in the 5.0 release and is replaced with tmnxSnmpTrapDestTable." ::= { tmnxLogObjs 11 } tmnxSnmpTrapGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSnmpTrapGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular SNMP trap destination entry. The first index instance creates and snmp trap group to be associated with the event log with the same value for tmnxLogIdIndex. The second and third indexes specify a remote SNMP trap destination that will be sent SNMP notification messages from the associated event log. Entries are created by user. Entries are deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile. This table was made obsolete in the 5.0 release and is replaced with the tmnxSnmpTrapDestTable." INDEX { tmnxStgIndex, tmnxStgDestAddress, tmnxStgDestPort } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapGroupTable 1 } TmnxSnmpTrapGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxStgIndex TmnxStgIndex, tmnxStgDestAddress IpAddress, tmnxStgDestPort TmnxUdpPort, tmnxStgRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxStgDescription TItemDescription, tmnxStgVersion SnmpMessageProcessingModel, tmnxStgNotifyCommunity OCTET STRING, tmnxStgSecurityLevel SnmpSecurityLevel } tmnxStgIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxStgIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStgIndex specifies an snmp trap group to be associated with the event log with the same value for tmnxLogIdIndex. This object was made obsolete in the 5.0 release. It is replaced by tmnxStdIndex." ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapGroupEntry 1 } tmnxStgDestAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStgDestAddress is the IPv4 address for this remote snmp notification destination. If the value of this object is '', then no messages will be sent, nor will any counters be incremented. This object was made obsolete in the 5.0 release. It is replaced by the InetAddressType/InetAddress objects tmnxStdDestAddrType and tmnxStdDestAddr." DEFVAL { '00000000'h } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapGroupEntry 2 } tmnxStgDestPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxUdpPort MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStgDestPort is the UDP port number that is used to send messages to this remote SNMP notification destination. This object was made obsolete in the 5.0 release. It is replaced by tmnxStdDestPort." DEFVAL { 162 } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapGroupEntry 3 } tmnxStgRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxStgRowStatus object allows for dynamic creation and deletion of row entries in the tmnxSnmpTrapGroupTable as well as the activation and deactivation of these entries. When this object's value is set to 'notInService (2)', no messages will be sent to this snmp trap group and none of its counters will be incremented. Refer to the RowStatus convention for further details on the behavior of this object. This object was made obsolete in the 5.0 release. It is replaced by tmnxStdRowStatus." REFERENCE "RFC2579 (Textual Conventions for SMIv2)" ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapGroupEntry 4 } tmnxStgDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStgDescription is an administratively assigned textual description of this snmp trap destination. This object was made obsolete in the 5.0 release. It is replaced by tmnxStdDescription." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapGroupEntry 5 } tmnxStgVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpMessageProcessingModel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStgVersion specifies the SNMP version that will be used to format notification messages sent to this snmp trap destination. The values supported by the Nokia SROS series SNMP agent are: 0 for SNMPv1 1 for SNMPv2c 3 for SNMPv3 This object was made obsolete in the 5.0 release. It is replaced by tmnxStdVersion." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapGroupEntry 6 } tmnxStgNotifyCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStgNotifyCommunity specifies the SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community name string or the SNMPv3 security name used when an SNMP notification message is sent to this trap destination. If the value of this object is the empty string, then no messages will be sent nor will any counters be incremented. This object was made obsolete in the 5.0 release. It is replaced by tmnxStdVersion." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapGroupEntry 7 } tmnxStgSecurityLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpSecurityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStgSecurityLevel specifies the level of security at which SNMP notification messages will be sent to the SNMP trap destination when tmnxStgVersion has a value of '3' for SNMPv3. This object was made obsolete in the 5.0 release. It is replaced by tmnxStdSecurityLevel." DEFVAL { noAuthNoPriv } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapGroupEntry 8 } tmnxEventTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting tmnxEventTest to 'doAction' causes the tmnxTestEvent notification to be generated." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxLogObjs 12 } tmnxEventThrottleLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..20000) UNITS "events" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventThrottleLimit specifies the number of log events that can be logged within the tmnxEventThrottleInterval for a specific entry in the tmnxEventTable. Once the limit has been reached, any additional events of that type will be dropped, i.e. tmnxEventDropCount will be incremented. At the end of the throttle interval if any events have been dropped a tmnxLogEventThrottled notification will be sent." DEFVAL { 2000 } ::= { tmnxLogObjs 13 } tmnxEventThrottleInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1200) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventThrottleInterval specifies the number of seconds that an event throttling interval lasts." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxLogObjs 14 } tmnxSnmpSetErrsMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSnmpSetErrsMax indicates the maximum number of entries the agent will create in the tmnxSnmpSetErrsTable. Once the table is full the agent will delete the oldest entry in the table in order to add new entries." ::= { tmnxLogObjs 15 } tmnxSnmpSetErrsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSnmpSetErrsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of recent SNMP SET failures. Only the SET errs from remote SNMP manager requests are saved in this table. Only SET errs detected by the SNMP engine in the test phase consistency check method functions are saved. SET errors that are caught by the preliminary access and ASN.1 decoding phase are not saved. These are errs such as noAccess, notWritable, wrongType, wrongLength and wrongEncoding. Note that notWritable, wrongType, and wrongLength errs may sometimes be generated by the consistency check; in this case they will be saved in this table. SET errs caused by local CLI sessions are not saved. The tmnxSnmpSetErrsTable is intended to provide an aide to Network Management Systems (NMS) developers. When an SNMP SET fails during the consistency checking test phase, this table may provide more detailed failure reason information than the simple SNMP error code value in the SNMP response PDU." ::= { tmnxLogObjs 16 } tmnxSnmpSetErrsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSnmpSetErrsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular SNMP SET error. The first two index instances identify the SNMP manager who sent the SNMP SET request that failed. The third index specifies the SNMP request ID (sequence number) of the SNMP SET request that failed. Entries are created by the agent. Entries are deleted by the agent. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of volatile." INDEX { tmnxSseAddressType, tmnxSseAddress, tmnxSseSnmpPort, tmnxSseRequestId } ::= { tmnxSnmpSetErrsTable 1 } TmnxSnmpSetErrsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSseAddressType InetAddressType, tmnxSseAddress InetAddress, tmnxSseSnmpPort TmnxUdpPort, tmnxSseRequestId Unsigned32, tmnxSseVersion SnmpMessageProcessingModel, tmnxSseSeverityLevel TmnxPerceivedSeverity, tmnxSseModuleId Unsigned32, tmnxSseModuleName TNamedItem, tmnxSseErrorCode Unsigned32, tmnxSseErrorName DisplayString, tmnxSseErrorMsg DisplayString, tmnxSseExtraText OCTET STRING, tmnxSseTimestamp TimeStamp } tmnxSseAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSseAddressType indicates the IP address type of address specified in tmnxSseAddress. 'ipv4' and 'ipv6' are the only address type values supported." ::= { tmnxSnmpSetErrsEntry 1 } tmnxSseAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSseAddress is the IP address of the SNMP manager that sent the SNMP SET request that failed for this error reason." ::= { tmnxSnmpSetErrsEntry 2 } tmnxSseSnmpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxUdpPort MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSseSnmpPort is the UDP port number of the SNMP manager that sent the SNMP SET request that failed for this error reason." ::= { tmnxSnmpSetErrsEntry 3 } tmnxSseRequestId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSseRequestId indicates the request ID of the SNMP SNMP SET request that failed for this error reason." ::= { tmnxSnmpSetErrsEntry 4 } tmnxSseVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpMessageProcessingModel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSseVersion indicates the SNMP version of the SNMP SET request that failed. The values supported by the Nokia SROS series SNMP agent are: 0 for SNMPv1 1 for SNMPv2c 3 for SNMPv3" ::= { tmnxSnmpSetErrsEntry 5 } tmnxSseSeverityLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPerceivedSeverity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSseSeverityLevel indicates severity level that is associated with this type SNMP SET error." ::= { tmnxSnmpSetErrsEntry 6 } tmnxSseModuleId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSseModuleId indicates a unique arbitrary identified for the TiMOS application module that generated this SNMP SET error. NOTE: This is NOT the same value used for tmnxEventAppIndex." ::= { tmnxSnmpSetErrsEntry 7 } tmnxSseModuleName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSseModuleName indicates the name string of the TiMOS application module that generated this SNMP SET error. NOTE: This is NOT the same value used for tmnxEventAppName." ::= { tmnxSnmpSetErrsEntry 8 } tmnxSseErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSseErrorCode indicates the error number associated with this SNMP SET error. The error numbers are unique within a tmnxSseModuleId. They are not unique across all modules so both the module name and error number are required to identify a particular error message." ::= { tmnxSnmpSetErrsEntry 9 } tmnxSseErrorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSseErrorName indicates the error name associated with this SNMP SET error. The error names are unique within a tmnxSseModuleId. They are not unique across all modules so both the module name and error name are required to identify a particular error message." ::= { tmnxSnmpSetErrsEntry 10 } tmnxSseErrorMsg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSseErrorMsg indicates the fixed error message text associated with this SNMP SET error identified by the values of tmnxSseModuleId and tmnxSseErrorCode." ::= { tmnxSnmpSetErrsEntry 11 } tmnxSseExtraText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..320)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSseExtraText indicates the fixed run-time variable message text associated with this SNMP SET error identified by the values of tmnxSseModuleId and tmnxSseErrorCode. If the extra text was truncated to fit into buffer size allowed, the last character will be an asterisk (*)." ::= { tmnxSnmpSetErrsEntry 12 } tmnxSseTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSseTimestamp indicates the sysUpTime value when this tmnxSnmpSetErrsEntry was created by the agent." ::= { tmnxSnmpSetErrsEntry 13 } tmnxSnmpTrapLogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSnmpTrapLogEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of all remote SNMP trap logs to which this agent is configured to send SNMP notifications messages." ::= { tmnxLogObjs 17 } tmnxSnmpTrapLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSnmpTrapLogEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry in the tmnxSnmpTrapLogTable represents additional columns for attributes specific to the Nokia SROS series implementation of SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB::snmpNotifyTable." AUGMENTS { snmpNotifyEntry } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapLogTable 1 } TmnxSnmpTrapLogEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSnmpTrapLogDescription TItemDescription, snmpNotifyId TmnxLogIdIndex } tmnxSnmpTrapLogDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSnmpTrapLogDescription is an administratively assigned textual description of this snmp trap log." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapLogEntry 1 } snmpNotifyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogIdIndex (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of snmpNotifyId creates association with log with the same value of tmnxLogIdIndex. It is number representation of snmpNotifyName. Usage of default Netconf log 101 not allowed." ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapLogEntry 2 } tmnxSnmpTrapDestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of all remote SNMP IPv4/v6 trap collectors to which this agent is configured to send SNMP notification messages." ::= { tmnxLogObjs 18 } tmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular SNMP notification destination entry. The first index instance creates an snmp notification group to be associated with the event log with the same value for tmnxLogIdIndex. The second index specifies an administrative name to identify a specific SNMP notification target. Entries are created by user. Entries are deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tmnxStdIndex, IMPLIED tmnxStdName } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapDestTable 1 } TmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxStdIndex TmnxStgIndex, tmnxStdName SnmpAdminString, tmnxStdRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxStdRowLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxStdDestAddrType InetAddressType, tmnxStdDestAddr InetAddress, tmnxStdDestPort TmnxUdpPort, tmnxStdDescription TItemDescription, tmnxStdVersion SnmpMessageProcessingModel, tmnxStdNotifyCommunity OCTET STRING, tmnxStdSecurityLevel SnmpSecurityLevel, tmnxStdReplay TruthValue, tmnxStdReplayStart Unsigned32, tmnxStdReplayLastTime TimeStamp, tmnxStdDyingGasp TruthValue } tmnxStdIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxStgIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStdIndex specifies an snmp notification group to be associated with the event log with the same value for tmnxLogIdIndex." ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry 1 } tmnxStdName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..28)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStdName specifies the name of an snmp notification destination within the snmp notification group specified by tmnxLogIdIndex." ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry 2 } tmnxStdRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxStdRowStatus object allows for dynamic creation and deletion of row entries in the tmnxSnmpTrapDestTable as well as the activation and deactivation of these entries. In order for 'createAndGo' row creation to succeed or status to transition to 'active' a value must be set for tmnxStdNotifyCommunity. In order for 'createAndGo' row creation to succeed or status to transition to 'active' an entry must exist in the SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB::snmpNotifyTable with an snmpNotifyName index that is the ASCII string representation of the value of tmnxStdIndex. When this object's value is set to 'notInService (2)', no messages will be sent to this snmp notification collector and none of its counters will be incremented. Refer to the RowStatus convention for further details on the behavior of this object." REFERENCE "RFC2579 (Textual Conventions for SMIv2)" ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry 3 } tmnxStdRowLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStdRowLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime when the value of a writable object in this row entry was modified." ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry 4 } tmnxStdDestAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStdDestAddrType specifies the type of host address to be used for the remote SNMP notification collector. This object indicates the type of address stored in the corresponding tmnxStdDestAddr object. If the value of this object is 'unknown', then no messages will be sent nor will any counters be incremented. If tmnxStdDestAddrType is not set in the same PDU with tmnxStdDestAddr, the set request will fail with an inconsistentValue error." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry 5 } tmnxStdDestAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16|20)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStdDestAddr specifies the IP host address to be used for the remote SNMP notification collector. The SNMP notification collector IP address type is determined by the value of the corresponding tmnxStdDestAddrType object. If the value of this object is empty or all NULLs, then no messages will be sent nor will any counters be incremented. If tmnxStdDestAddrType is not set in the same PDU with tmnxStdDestAddr, the set request will fail with an inconsistentValue error." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry 6 } tmnxStdDestPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStdDestPort is the UDP port number that is used to send messages to this remote SNMP notification collector." DEFVAL { 162 } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry 7 } tmnxStdDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStdDescription is an administratively assigned textual description of this SNMP notification collector." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry 8 } tmnxStdVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpMessageProcessingModel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStdVersion specifies the SNMP version that will be used to format notification messages sent to this SNMP notification collector. The values supported by the Nokia SROS series SNMP agent are: 0 for SNMPv1 1 for SNMPv2c 3 for SNMPv3" DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry 9 } tmnxStdNotifyCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStdNotifyCommunity specifies the SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community name string or the SNMPv3 security name used when an SNMP notification message is sent to this SNMP notification collector. If the value of this object is the empty string, then no messages will be sent nor will any counters be incremented." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry 10 } tmnxStdSecurityLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpSecurityLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStdSecurityLevel specifies the level of security at which SNMP notification messages will be sent to the SNMP notification collector when tmnxStdVersion has a value of '3' for SNMPv3." DEFVAL { noAuthNoPriv } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry 11 } tmnxStdReplay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStdReplay specifies whether or not to resend notifications that were generated while this notification destination did not have a route installed for it in the route tables." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry 12 } tmnxStdReplayStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStdReplayStart indicates the SNMP notification request ID of the first event that could not be generated because there is no route to this notification target address. Events will be resent when this notification target address is readded to the route tables, on either an in-band or out-of-band interface. The agent searches backwards in the event log and begins resending events from the oldest event that has a timestamp <= 5 centiseconds less than the timestamp of the event with this request ID. Note that if the outage is long and a large number of events are generated in the meantime, it is possible that the log memory storage has wrapped and the event data for this request ID is no longer available. In that case, the oldest event saved in the log will be the first event resent. A value of 0 indicates that there are no missed events waiting to be resent." ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry 13 } tmnxStdReplayLastTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStdReplayLastTime indicates the sysUpTime when missed events were last replayed to this SNMP notification target address. A value of 0 indicates that no missed events have been replayed to this SNMP notification target address." ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry 14 } tmnxStdDyingGasp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxStdDyingGasp specifies whether the tmnxSysDyingGasp trap message is to be sent using this SNMP notification target when the system goes down due to power loss. tmnxStdDyingGasp can only be set to 'true' on at most 3 SNMP notification targets." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxSnmpTrapDestEntry 15 } tmnxStdMaxTargets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (10..100) UNITS "trap-targets" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of tmnxSnmpTrapDestTable row entries that can be created for a specific tmnxStdIndex that represents an snmp notification group." DEFVAL { 25 } ::= { tmnxLogObjs 19 } tmnxLogApCustRecordTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxLogApCustRecordEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Nokia SROS series tmnxLogApCustRecordTable augments tmnxLogApTable. The table allows to configure the layout and setting for a custom accounting record associated with this accounting policy." ::= { tmnxLogObjs 20 } tmnxLogApCustRecordEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogApCustRecordEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry in the tmnxLogApCustRecordTable. Entries in this table are created and destroyed via SNMP Set requests to the tmnxLogApRowStatus object of the tmnxLogApTable." AUGMENTS { tmnxLogApEntry } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordTable 1 } TmnxLogApCustRecordEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxLogApCrLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxLogApCrSignChangeDelta Unsigned32, tmnxLogApCrSignChangeQueue TQueueIdOrAll, tmnxLogApCrSignChangeOCntr THsmdaCounterIdOrZeroOrAll, tmnxLogApCrSignChangeQICounters TmnxAccPlcyQICounters, tmnxLogApCrSignChangeQECounters TmnxAccPlcyQECounters, tmnxLogApCrSignChangeOICounters TmnxAccPlcyOICounters, tmnxLogApCrSignChangeOECounters TmnxAccPlcyOECounters, tmnxLogApCrSignChangeAACounters TmnxAccPlcyAACounters, tmnxLogApCrAACounters TmnxAccPlcyAACounters, tmnxLogApCrAASubAttributes TmnxAccPlcyAASubAttributes, tmnxLogApCrSignChangePolicer Integer32, tmnxLogApCrSignChangePICounters TmnxAccPlcyPolicerICounters, tmnxLogApCrSignChangePECounters TmnxAccPlcyPolicerECounters } tmnxLogApCrLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime when an object in this table was last modified. A Value 0 means that no change was made to this row since the box was last initialized." ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordEntry 1 } tmnxLogApCrSignChangeDelta OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrSignChangeDelta specifies the delta change (significant change) that is required for the custom record to be written to the xml file." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordEntry 2 } tmnxLogApCrSignChangeQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQueueIdOrAll MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrSignChangeQueue specifies the reference queue to which the significant change defined in tmnxLogApCrSignChangeDelta applies." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordEntry 3 } tmnxLogApCrSignChangeOCntr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaCounterIdOrZeroOrAll MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrSignChangeOCntr specifies the counter-id that will be taken as reference to which the significant change defined in tmnxLogApCrSignChangeDelta applies." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordEntry 4 } tmnxLogApCrSignChangeQICounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAccPlcyQICounters MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrSignChangeQICounters specifies the ingress counter Ids in the queue defined by tmnxLogApCrSignChangeQueue to be taken as reference to which the significant change defined in tmnxLogApCrSignChangeDelta applies. A non-zero value of this object is only allowed if the object tmnxLogApCrSignChangeQueue has a non-zero value." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordEntry 5 } tmnxLogApCrSignChangeQECounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAccPlcyQECounters MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrSignChangeQECounters specifies the egress counter Ids in the queue defined by tmnxLogApCrSignChangeQueue to be taken as reference to which the significant change defined in tmnxLogApCrSignChangeDelta applies. A non-zero value of this object is only allowed if the object tmnxLogApCrSignChangeQueue has a non-zero value." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordEntry 6 } tmnxLogApCrSignChangeOICounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAccPlcyOICounters MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrSignChangeOICounters specifies the ingress counter Ids in the counter-group defined by tmnxLogApCrSignChangeOCntr to be taken as reference to which the significant change defined in tmnxLogApCrSignChangeDelta applies. A non-zero value of this object is only allowed if the object tmnxLogApCrSignChangeOCntr has a non-zero value." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordEntry 7 } tmnxLogApCrSignChangeOECounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAccPlcyOECounters MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrSignChangeOECounters specifies the egress counter Ids in the counter-group defined by tmnxLogApCrSignChangeOCntr to be taken as reference to which the significant change defined in tmnxLogApCrSignChangeDelta applies. A non-zero value of this object is only allowed if the object tmnxLogApCrSignChangeOCntr has a non-zero value." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordEntry 8 } tmnxLogApCrSignChangeAACounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAccPlcyAACounters MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrSignChangeAACounters specifies the AA (Application assurance) counter Ids to be taken as reference to which the significant change defined in tmnxLogApCrSignChangeDelta applies. A non-zero value of this object is only allowed if both the objects tmnxLogApCrSignChangeOCntr and tmnxLogApCrSignChangeQueue are zero. Also, a non-zero value for this object is only allowed if the object tmnxLogApCrSignChangeDelta is either 0 or 1." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordEntry 9 } tmnxLogApCrAACounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAccPlcyAACounters MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrAACounters specifies the list of AA (Application Assurance) counters that need to be collected in this custom record." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordEntry 10 } tmnxLogApCrAASubAttributes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAccPlcyAASubAttributes MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrAASubAttributes specifies the list of AA (Application Assurance) subscriber attributes that must be included in this custom record." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordEntry 11 } tmnxLogApCrSignChangePolicer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrSignChangePolicer specifies the reference policer to which the significant change defined in tmnxLogApCrSignChangeDelta applies. A value of zero means that the significant change does not apply to any policer. A value of minus one means that the significant change applies to any policer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordEntry 12 } tmnxLogApCrSignChangePICounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAccPlcyPolicerICounters MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrSignChangePICounters specifies the ingress counters in the policer defined by tmnxLogApCrSignChangePolicer to which the significant change defined in tmnxLogApCrSignChangeDelta applies. A non-empty value of this object is only allowed if the object tmnxLogApCrSignChangePolicer has a non-zero value." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordEntry 13 } tmnxLogApCrSignChangePECounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAccPlcyPolicerECounters MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrSignChangePECounters specifies the egress counters in the policer defined by tmnxLogApCrSignChangePolicer to which the significant change defined in tmnxLogApCrSignChangeDelta applies. A non-empty value of this object is only allowed if the object tmnxLogApCrSignChangeQueue has a non-zero value." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordEntry 14 } tmnxLogApCustRecordQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxLogApCustRecordQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Nokia SROS series tmnxLogApCustRecordQueueTable allows to create custom record queue information for a given accounting policy. Rows can only be created for existing accounting policies (as defined in tmnxLogApTable)." ::= { tmnxLogObjs 21 } tmnxLogApCustRecordQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogApCustRecordQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry in the tmnxLogApCustRecordQueueTable. Entries in this table are created and destroyed via SNMP Set requests." INDEX { tmnxLogApPolicyId, tmnxLogApCrQueueId } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordQueueTable 1 } TmnxLogApCustRecordQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxLogApCrQueueId TQueueId, tmnxLogApCrQueueRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxLogApCrQueueLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxLogApCrQueueICounters TmnxAccPlcyQICounters, tmnxLogApCrQueueECounters TmnxAccPlcyQECounters } tmnxLogApCrQueueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQueueId (1..32) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrQueueId specifies the queue ID for which counters will be collected in this custom record. The counters that will be collected are defined in tmnxLogApCrQueueICounters and tmnxLogApCrQueueECounters." ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordQueueEntry 1 } tmnxLogApCrQueueRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordQueueEntry 2 } tmnxLogApCrQueueLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrQueueLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime when an object in this table was last modified. A Value 0 means that no change was made to this row since it was created." ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordQueueEntry 3 } tmnxLogApCrQueueICounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAccPlcyQICounters MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrQueueICounters specifies the list of ingress counters that need to be collected in this custom record. At least one of the objects tmnxLogApCrQueueICounters or tmnxLogApCrQueueECounters must have a non-zero value." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordQueueEntry 4 } tmnxLogApCrQueueECounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAccPlcyQECounters MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrQueueECounters specifies the list of egress counters that need to be collected in this custom record. At least one of the objects tmnxLogApCrQueueICounters or tmnxLogApCrQueueECounters must have a non-zero value." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordQueueEntry 5 } tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The Nokia SROS series tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrTable allows to create custom record counter override information for a given accounting policy. Rows can only be created for existing accounting policies (as defined in tmnxLogApTable)." ::= { tmnxLogObjs 22 } tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry in the tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrTable. Entries in this table are created and destroyed via SNMP Set requests." INDEX { tmnxLogApPolicyId, tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrId } ::= { tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrTable 1 } TmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrId THsmdaCounterIdOrZero, tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrLastChngd TimeStamp, tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrICounters TmnxAccPlcyOICounters, tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrECounters TmnxAccPlcyOECounters } tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaCounterIdOrZero (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrId specifies the counter group for which counters will be collected in this custom record. The counters that will be collected are defined in tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrICounters and tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrECounters." ::= { tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrEntry 1 } tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Row Status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrEntry 2 } tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime when an object in this table was last modified. A Value 0 means that no change was made to this row since it was created." ::= { tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrEntry 3 } tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrICounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAccPlcyOICounters MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrICounters specifies the list of ingress counters that need to be collected in this custom record. At least one of the objects tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrICounters or tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrECounters must have a non-zero value." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrEntry 4 } tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrECounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAccPlcyOECounters MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrECounters specifies the list of egress counters that need to be collected in this custom record. At least one of the objects tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrICounters or tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrECounters must have a non-zero value." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrEntry 5 } tmnxEventPrimaryRoutePref OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inband (1), outband (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventPrimaryRoutePref specifies the primary routing preference for traffic generated for SNMP notifications and syslog messages. A value of 'inband' specifies that the Logging utility will attempt to use the Base routing context to send SNMP notifications and syslog messages to remote destinations. A value of 'outband' specifies that the Logging utility will attempt to use the management routing context to send SNMP notifications and syslog messages to remote destinations. If the remote destination, as specified by tmnxStdDestAddr or tmnxSyslogTargetAddr, is not reachable via the routing context specified by tmnxEventPrimaryRoutePref, the secondary routing preference as specified by tmnxEventSecondaryRoutePref will be attempted." DEFVAL { outband } ::= { tmnxLogObjs 23 } tmnxEventSecondaryRoutePref OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inband (1), outband (2), none (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEventSecondaryRoutePref specifies the secondary routing preference for traffic generated for SNMP notifications and syslog messages. The routing context specified by the tmnxEventSecondaryRoutePref will be attempted if the remote destination was not reachable by the primary routing preference, specified by tmnxEventPrimaryRoutePref. The value specified for tmnxEventSecondaryRoutePref must be distinct from the value for tmnxEventPrimaryRoutePref. A value of 'inband' specifies that the Logging utility will attempt to use the Base routing context to send SNMP notifications and syslog messages to remote destinations. A value of 'outband' specifies that the Logging utility will attempt to use the management routing context to send SNMP notifications and syslog messages to remote destinations. A value of 'none' specifies that no attempt will be made to send SNMP notifications and syslog messages to remote destinations. If the remote destination, as specified by tmnxStdDestAddr or tmnxSyslogTargetAddr, is not reachable via the routing contexts specified by tmnxEventPrimaryRoutePref and tmnxEventSecondaryRoutePref, the Log utility will fail to send SNMP notifications and syslog messages to the remote destination." DEFVAL { inband } ::= { tmnxLogObjs 24 } tmnxLogConfigEventsDamped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogConfigEventsDamped specifies whether or not the module generating tmnxConfigCreate, tmnxConfigDelete, and tmnxConfigModify events applies a damping algorithm. WARNING: While this event damping is original behavior for some modules such as service manager, QoS, and filters it can result in the NMS system database being out of sync because of missed change events. On the other hand, if the damping is disabled, 'false', it may take much longer for a large CLI configuration file to be processed when manually 'exec'ed after system bootup." DEFVAL { true } ::= { tmnxLogObjs 25 } tmnxLogEventHistoryObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxLogObjs 26 } tmnxLogEventHistGeneralObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxLogEventHistoryObjs 1 } tmnxLogExRbkOpTblLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxLogExRbkOpTblLastChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of a row entry in the tmnxLogExecRollbackOpTable." ::= { tmnxLogEventHistGeneralObjs 1 } tmnxLogExRbkOpMaxEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxLogExRbkOpMaxEntries specifies the maximum number of row entries supported in the tmnxLogExecRollbackOpTable." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { tmnxLogEventHistGeneralObjs 2 } tmnxLogExecRollbackOpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxLogExecRollbackOpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Nokia SROS series tmnxLogExecRollbackOpTable provides a history of up to the last number of 'exec', 'load', rollback revert, and 'vsd' operations specified by the value of tmnxLogExRbkOpMaxEntries. The tmnxLogExecRollbackOpTable is intended to provide an aide to Network Management Systems (NMS). The 'exec' or 'load' of a large configuration file via the system's CLI, a large rollback revert operation, or execution of 'vsd' configuration messages will generate so many configuration change and other events in a short time that neither the SROS's event logging utility nor the NMS can keep up with them. This results in the SROS and/or NMS dropping events and requires the NMS to perform a costly resynchronization of its management database." ::= { tmnxLogEventHistoryObjs 3 } tmnxLogExecRollbackOpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogExecRollbackOpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines a row entry in the tmnxLogExecRollbackOpTable. Entries in this table are created and deleted by the agent." INDEX { tmnxLogExRbkOpIndex } ::= { tmnxLogExecRollbackOpTable 1 } TmnxLogExecRollbackOpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxLogExRbkOpIndex Unsigned32, tmnxLogExRbkOpLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxLogExRbkOpType TmnxLogExRbkOperationType, tmnxLogExRbkOpStatus INTEGER, tmnxLogExRbkOpBegin TimeStamp, tmnxLogExRbkOpEnd TimeStamp, tmnxLogExRbkOpFile DisplayString, tmnxLogExRbkOpUser TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxLogExRbkOpNumEvents Unsigned32 } tmnxLogExRbkOpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogExRbkOpIndex is a unique value that indicates an instance of an exec, load, rollback revert, or vsd operation. Only the most recent instances are kept in this table. The maximum number of row entries supported in this table is specified by the value of tmnxLogExRbkOpMaxEntries." ::= { tmnxLogExecRollbackOpEntry 1 } tmnxLogExRbkOpLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogExRbkOpLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime when an object in this table was last modified. A Value 0 means that no change was made to this row since it was created." ::= { tmnxLogExecRollbackOpEntry 2 } tmnxLogExRbkOpType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogExRbkOperationType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogExRbkOpType indicates the type of operation this row entry represents." ::= { tmnxLogExecRollbackOpEntry 3 } tmnxLogExRbkOpStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), inProgress (1), success (2), failed (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogExRbkOpStatus indicates the status of this exec, load, rollback revert, or vsd operation." ::= { tmnxLogExecRollbackOpEntry 4 } tmnxLogExRbkOpBegin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogExRbkOpBegin indicates the sysUpTime when the exec, load, rollback revert, or vsd operation began." ::= { tmnxLogExecRollbackOpEntry 5 } tmnxLogExRbkOpEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogExRbkOpEnd indicates the sysUpTime when the exec, load, rollback revert, or vsd operation ended. A value of zero (0) means that the operation has not completed." ::= { tmnxLogExecRollbackOpEntry 6 } tmnxLogExRbkOpFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogExRbkOpFile indicates the location and name of the file used for the exec, load or rollback revert operation, otherwise the value of this object is an empty string." ::= { tmnxLogExecRollbackOpEntry 7 } tmnxLogExRbkOpUser OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogExRbkOpUser indicates the user who initiated the exec or rollback revert operation." ::= { tmnxLogExecRollbackOpEntry 8 } tmnxLogExRbkOpNumEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogExRbkOpNumEvents indicates the number of row entries in the associated tmnxLogExecRollbackEventTable for this exec, load, rollback revert, or vsd operation. It is updated only when the exec, load, rollback revert, or vsd operation ends. A value of zero (0) means that the operatio has not completed." ::= { tmnxLogExecRollbackOpEntry 9 } tmnxLogExecRollbackEventTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxLogExecRollbackEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Nokia SROS series tmnxLogExecRollbackEventTable provides a history of mib tables modified or specific events generated during an exec, load, rollback revert, or vsd operation." ::= { tmnxLogEventHistoryObjs 4 } tmnxLogExecRollbackEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogExecRollbackEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines a row entry in the tmnxLogExecRollbackEventTable. Each row entry represents either an SNMP table that has been modified or a specific event generated during an exec, load, rollback revert, or vsd operation. Entries in this table are created and deleted by the agent." INDEX { tmnxLogExRbkOpIndex, tmnxLogExRbkEventIndex } ::= { tmnxLogExecRollbackEventTable 1 } TmnxLogExecRollbackEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxLogExRbkEventIndex Unsigned32, tmnxLogExRbkEventOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER } tmnxLogExRbkEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogExRbkEventIndex is a unique value that indicates an instance of an event generated during an exec, load, rollback revert, or vsd operation." ::= { tmnxLogExecRollbackEventEntry 1 } tmnxLogExRbkEventOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogExRbkEventOID indicates the object identifier of either a mib table for which a generic change event was generated or the notification object identifier of a specific event notification generated during the the exec, load, rollback revert, or vsd operation. The generic change events are tmnxConfigCreate, tmnxConfigDelete, tmnxConfigModify, and tmnxStateChange notifications. For these event types, the value of tmnxLogExRbkEventOID is the object identifier specified by the tmnxNotifyEntryOID varbind. For specific events generated during an exec, load or rollback revert or vsd, the value of this object is the notification object identifier itself. An object identifier will appear only once in this table." ::= { tmnxLogExecRollbackEventEntry 2 } tmnxLogExRbkNotifyObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxLogEventHistoryObjs 5 } tmnxLogExecRollbackOpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogExecRollbackOpIndex is a unique value that indicates a row entry instance of an exec, load, rollback revert, or vsd operation in the tmnxLogExecRollbackOpTable. It is included in the 'exec', 'load' and rollback revert start and end notifications." ::= { tmnxLogExRbkNotifyObjects 1 } tmnxLogExecRollbackOpType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogExRbkOperationType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogExecRollbackOpType indicates the type of operation being performed. It is included in the 'exec', 'load' and rollback revert start and end notifications." ::= { tmnxLogExRbkNotifyObjects 2 } tmnxLogColdStartWaitTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..300) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogColdStartWaitTime specifies the time delay that must pass before notifying specific CPM applications that a route is available after a cold reboot." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxLogObjs 27 } tmnxLogRouteRecoveryWaitTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogRouteRecoveryWaitTime specifies the time delay that must pass before notifying specific CPM applications after the recovery or change of a route during normal operation." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxLogObjs 28 } tmnxEhsObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxLogObjs 29 } tmnxEhsGeneralObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxEhsObjs 1 } tmnxEhsHandlerTblLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxEhsHandlerTblLastChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of a row in the tmnxEhsHandlerTable." ::= { tmnxEhsGeneralObjs 1 } tmnxEhsHandlerMaxEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..5000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxEhsHandlerMaxEntries specifies the maximum number of row entries supported in the tmnxEhsHandlerTable." DEFVAL { 1500 } ::= { tmnxEhsGeneralObjs 2 } tmnxEhsHEntryTblLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxEhsHEntryTblLastChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of a row in the tmnxEhsHEntryTable." ::= { tmnxEhsGeneralObjs 3 } tmnxEhsHEntryMaxEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..5000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxEhsHEntryMaxEntries specifies the maximum number of row entries supported in the tmnxEhsHEntryTable." DEFVAL { 1500 } ::= { tmnxEhsGeneralObjs 4 } tmnxEhsTriggerTblLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxEhsTriggerTblLastChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of a row in the tmnxEhsTriggerTable." ::= { tmnxEhsGeneralObjs 5 } tmnxEhsTriggerMaxEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..5000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxEhsTriggerMaxEntries specifies the maximum number of rows supported in the tmnxEhsTriggerTable." DEFVAL { 1500 } ::= { tmnxEhsGeneralObjs 6 } tmnxEhsTEntryTblLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxEhsTEntryTblLastChange indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of a row entry in the tmnxEhsTEntryTable." ::= { tmnxEhsGeneralObjs 7 } tmnxEhsTEntryMaxEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..5000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxEhsTEntryMaxEntries specifies the maximum number of row entries supported in the tmnxEhsTEntryTable." DEFVAL { 1500 } ::= { tmnxEhsGeneralObjs 8 } tmnxEhsHandlerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxEhsHandlerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEhsHandlerTable contains a list of Event Handlers used by the Event Handling System (EHS) Event Triggers." ::= { tmnxEhsObjs 2 } tmnxEhsHandlerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEhsHandlerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines a row entry in the tmnxEhsHandlerTable. Each entry contains information about a specific Event Handling System (EHS) Event Handler. Rows are created and deleted via SNMP SET operations using tmnxEhsHandlerRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxEhsHandlerName } ::= { tmnxEhsHandlerTable 1 } TmnxEhsHandlerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxEhsHandlerName TNamedItem, tmnxEhsHandlerRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxEhsHandlerDescription TItemDescription, tmnxEhsHandlerLastChange TimeStamp, tmnxEhsHandlerAdminStatus TmnxAdminState, tmnxEhsHandlerOperStatus TmnxOperState } tmnxEhsHandlerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHandlerName specifies the name of an Event Handling System (EHS) Event Handler represented by this row in the tmnxEhsHandlerTable." ::= { tmnxEhsHandlerEntry 1 } tmnxEhsHandlerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHandlerRowStatus specifies the row status. It allows rows to be created and deleted in the tmnxEhsHandlerTable. If any associated rows exist in the tmnxEhsHEntryTable, 'destroy' will fail. All associated rows must be destroyed first." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tmnxEhsHandlerEntry 2 } tmnxEhsHandlerDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHandlerDescription specifies a user provided description string for an EHS Handler. It can consist of any printable, seven-bit ASCII characters up to 80 characters in length." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxEhsHandlerEntry 3 } tmnxEhsHandlerLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHandlerLastChange indicates the time this row entry was last changed." ::= { tmnxEhsHandlerEntry 4 } tmnxEhsHandlerAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHandlerAdminStatus specifies the administrative state of the EHS Event Handler." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tmnxEhsHandlerEntry 5 } tmnxEhsHandlerOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHandlerOperStatus indicates the operational state of the EHS Event Handler." ::= { tmnxEhsHandlerEntry 6 } tmnxEhsHandlerStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxEhsHandlerStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEhsHandlerStatsTable contains operational data for Event handlers used by the EHS Event Triggers." ::= { tmnxEhsObjs 3 } tmnxEhsHandlerStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEhsHandlerStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines a row in the tmnxEhsHandlerStatsTable. Each row contains operational information about a specific EHS Event Handler. Rows are created and deleted by the system as rows are created and deleted in the tmnxEhsHandlerTable." AUGMENTS { tmnxEhsHandlerEntry } ::= { tmnxEhsHandlerStatsTable 1 } TmnxEhsHandlerStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxEhsHandlerStatsSuccess Unsigned32, tmnxEhsHandlerStatsErrNoEntry Unsigned32, tmnxEhsHandlerStatsErrAdmStatus Unsigned32 } tmnxEhsHandlerStatsSuccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHandlerStatsSuccess indicates the number of times the EHS system triggers a handler, which can take corresponding action specified in handler's entries" ::= { tmnxEhsHandlerStatsEntry 1 } tmnxEhsHandlerStatsErrNoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHandlerStatsErrNoEntry indicates the number of times the EHS system triggers a handler, which can not take corresponding action as there is no handler's entry specifying an operation to perform." ::= { tmnxEhsHandlerStatsEntry 2 } tmnxEhsHandlerStatsErrAdmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHandlerStatsErrAdmStatus indicates the number of times the EHS system triggers a handler, which can not take corresponding action due to admin state of the handler. The handler may be out-of-service due to tmnxEhsHandlerAdminStatus being set to 'outOfService (3)'." ::= { tmnxEhsHandlerStatsEntry 3 } tmnxEhsHEntryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxEhsHEntryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEhsHEntryTable contains a list of Event Handler Entries in an EHS Event Handler." ::= { tmnxEhsObjs 4 } tmnxEhsHEntryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEhsHEntryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines a row in the tmnxEhsHEntryTable. Each row contains information about a specific Handler Entry. Rows are created and deleted via SNMP SET operations using tmnxEhsHEntryRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxEhsHandlerName, tmnxEhsHEntryId } ::= { tmnxEhsHEntryTable 1 } TmnxEhsHEntryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxEhsHEntryId Unsigned32, tmnxEhsHEntryRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxEhsHEntryDescription TItemDescription, tmnxEhsHEntryLastChange TimeStamp, tmnxEhsHEntryAdminStatus TmnxAdminState, tmnxEhsHEntryOperStatus TmnxOperState, tmnxEhsHEntryScriptPlcyName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxEhsHEntryScriptPlcyOwner TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxEhsHEntryMinDelay Unsigned32, tmnxEhsHEntryLastExecuted TimeStamp } tmnxEhsHEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHEntryId specifies the index of an Event Entry in the EHS Event Handler indicated by the value of tmnxEhsHandlerName." ::= { tmnxEhsHEntryEntry 1 } tmnxEhsHEntryRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHEntryRowStatus specifies the row status. It allows rows to be created and deleted in the tmnxEhsHEntryTable. If an associated row does not exist in the tmnxEhsHandlerTable, a attempt to create a row will fail." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tmnxEhsHEntryEntry 2 } tmnxEhsHEntryDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHEntryDescription specifies a user provided description string for EHS Event Handler Entry. It can consist of any printable, seven-bit ASCII characters up to 80 characters in length." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxEhsHEntryEntry 3 } tmnxEhsHEntryLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHEntryLastChange indicates the time this row was last changed." ::= { tmnxEhsHEntryEntry 4 } tmnxEhsHEntryAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHEntryAdminStatus specifies the administrative state of the EHS Event Handler Entry." DEFVAL { inService } ::= { tmnxEhsHEntryEntry 5 } tmnxEhsHEntryOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHEntryOperStatus indicates the operational state of the EHS Event Handler Entry." ::= { tmnxEhsHEntryEntry 6 } tmnxEhsHEntryScriptPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHEntryScriptPlcyName in combination with the value of tmnxEhsHEntryScriptPlcyOwner specifies the script policy that can be launched from this tmnxEhsHEntryTable row. The zero-length string may be used to point to a non-existing script policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxEhsHEntryEntry 7 } tmnxEhsHEntryScriptPlcyOwner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHEntryScriptPlcyOwner in combination with the value of tmnxEhsHEntryScriptPlcyName specifies the script policy that can be launched from this tmnxEhsHEntryTable row. The zero-length string may be used to point to a non-existing script policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxEhsHEntryEntry 8 } tmnxEhsHEntryMinDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..604800) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHEntryMinDelay specifies the minimum time, in seconds, between executions of the script policy specified by this EHS Event Handler Entry. A '0' value means no delay is imposed." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxEhsHEntryEntry 9 } tmnxEhsHEntryLastExecuted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHEntryLastExecuted indicates the time when handler entry launch execution of action." ::= { tmnxEhsHEntryEntry 10 } tmnxEhsHEntryStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxEhsHEntryStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEhsHEntryStatsTable contains operational data for Event Handler Entries used by an EHS Event Handler." ::= { tmnxEhsObjs 5 } tmnxEhsHEntryStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEhsHEntryStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines a row entry in the tmnxEhsHEntryStatsTable. Each row contains operational information about a specific EHS Event Handler Entry. Rows are created and deleted by the system as rows are created and deleted in the tmnxEhsHEntryTable." AUGMENTS { tmnxEhsHEntryEntry } ::= { tmnxEhsHEntryStatsTable 1 } TmnxEhsHEntryStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxEhsHEntryStatsLaunchSuccess Unsigned32, tmnxEhsHEntryStatsErrMinDelay Unsigned32, tmnxEhsHEntryStatsErrLaunch Unsigned32, tmnxEhsHEntryStatsErrAdmStatus Unsigned32 } tmnxEhsHEntryStatsLaunchSuccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHEntryStatsLaunchSuccess indicates the number of successfully queued scripts by EHS handler entry." ::= { tmnxEhsHEntryStatsEntry 1 } tmnxEhsHEntryStatsErrMinDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHEntryStatsErrMinDelay indicates the number of cancelled script executions due to tmnxEhsHEntryMinDelay." ::= { tmnxEhsHEntryStatsEntry 2 } tmnxEhsHEntryStatsErrLaunch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHEntryStatsErrLaunch indicates the number of cancelled script executions due to launch failure." ::= { tmnxEhsHEntryStatsEntry 3 } tmnxEhsHEntryStatsErrAdmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsHEntryStatsErrAdmStatus indicates the number of cancelled script executions due to admin state of the handler entry. The handler entry may be out-of-service due to tmnxEhsHEntryAdminStatus being set to 'outOfService (3)'." ::= { tmnxEhsHEntryStatsEntry 4 } tmnxEhsTriggerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxEhsTriggerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEhsTriggerTable contains a list of Event Triggers used by the Event Handling System (EHS)." ::= { tmnxEhsObjs 6 } tmnxEhsTriggerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEhsTriggerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines a row in the tmnxEhsTriggerTable. Each row contains information about a specific Event Handling system (EHS) Event Trigger. Rows are created and deleted via SNMP SET operations using tmnxEhsTriggerRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxEventAppIndex, tmnxEventID } ::= { tmnxEhsTriggerTable 1 } TmnxEhsTriggerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxEhsTriggerRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxEhsTriggerDescription TItemDescription, tmnxEhsTriggerLastChange TimeStamp, tmnxEhsTriggerAdminStatus TmnxAdminState, tmnxEhsTriggerOperStatus TmnxOperState } tmnxEhsTriggerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTriggerRowStatus specifies the row status. It allows rows to be created and deleted in the tmnxEhsTriggerTable. If any associated rows exist in the tmnxEhsTEntryTable, 'destroy' will fail with an 'inconsistentValue' error. All associated rows in the tmnxEhsTEntryTable must be destroyed first." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tmnxEhsTriggerEntry 1 } tmnxEhsTriggerDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTriggerDescription specifies a user provided description string for an EHS Event Trigger. It can consist of any printable, seven-bit ASCII characters up to 80 characters in length." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxEhsTriggerEntry 2 } tmnxEhsTriggerLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTriggerLastChange indicates the time this row was last changed." ::= { tmnxEhsTriggerEntry 3 } tmnxEhsTriggerAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTriggerAdminStatus specifies the administrative state of the EHS Event Trigger." DEFVAL { outOfService } ::= { tmnxEhsTriggerEntry 4 } tmnxEhsTriggerOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTriggerOperStatus indicates the operational state of the EHS Event Trigger." ::= { tmnxEhsTriggerEntry 5 } tmnxEhsTriggerStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxEhsTriggerStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEhsTriggerStatsTable contains operational data for Event Triggers used by the Event Handling System (EHS)." ::= { tmnxEhsObjs 7 } tmnxEhsTriggerStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEhsTriggerStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines a row in the tmnxEhsTriggerStatsTable. Each row contains operational information about a specific EHS Event Trigger. Rows are created and deleted by the system as rows are created and deleted in the tmnxEhsTriggerTable." AUGMENTS { tmnxEhsTriggerEntry } ::= { tmnxEhsTriggerStatsTable 1 } TmnxEhsTriggerStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxEhsTriggerStatsSuccess Unsigned32, tmnxEhsTriggerStatsErrNoEntry Unsigned32, tmnxEhsTriggerStatsErrAdmStatus Unsigned32 } tmnxEhsTriggerStatsSuccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTriggerStatsSuccess indicates the number of not ignored logger event occurrences associated with EHS trigger." ::= { tmnxEhsTriggerStatsEntry 1 } tmnxEhsTriggerStatsErrNoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTriggerStatsErrNoEntry indicates the number of ignored logger event occurrences associated with EHS trigger. Event is ignored due to no trigger entry configured for this trigger." ::= { tmnxEhsTriggerStatsEntry 2 } tmnxEhsTriggerStatsErrAdmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTriggerStatsErrAdmStatus indicates the number of ignored logger event occurrences associated with EHS trigger. Event is ignored due to admin state of the trigger. The trigger may be out-of-service due to tmnxEhsTriggerAdminStatus being set to 'outOfService (3)'." ::= { tmnxEhsTriggerStatsEntry 3 } tmnxEhsTEntryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxEhsTEntryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEhsTEntryTable contains a list of Event Trigger Entries in an EHS Event Trigger." ::= { tmnxEhsObjs 8 } tmnxEhsTEntryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEhsTEntryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines a row in the tmnxEhsTEntryTable. Each row contains information about a specific EHS Event Trigger Entry. Rows are created and deleted via SNMP SET operations using tmnxEhsTEntryRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxEventAppIndex, tmnxEventID, tmnxEhsTEntryId } ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryTable 1 } TmnxEhsTEntryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxEhsTEntryId Unsigned32, tmnxEhsTEntryRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxEhsTEntryDescription TItemDescription, tmnxEhsTEntryLastChange TimeStamp, tmnxEhsTEntryAdminStatus TmnxAdminState, tmnxEhsTEntryOperStatus TmnxOperState, tmnxEhsTEntryLogFilterId TmnxLogFilterId, tmnxEhsTEntryHandlerName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxEhsTEntryDebounceVal Unsigned32, tmnxEhsTEntryDebounceTime Unsigned32 } tmnxEhsTEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTEntryId specifies the index of a Trigger Entry in the EHS Event Trigger indicated by the value of tmnxEventAppIndex and tmnxEventID." ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryEntry 1 } tmnxEhsTEntryRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTEntryRowStatus specifies the row status. It allows entries to be created and deleted in the tmnxEhsTEntryTable. If an associated row does not exist in the tmnxEhsTriggerTable, an attempt to create this row entry will fail." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryEntry 2 } tmnxEhsTEntryDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTEntryDescription specifies a user provided description string for EHS Event Trigger Entry. It can consist of any printable, seven-bit ASCII characters up to 80 characters in length." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryEntry 3 } tmnxEhsTEntryLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTEntryLastChange indicates the time this row entry was last changed." ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryEntry 4 } tmnxEhsTEntryAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTEntryAdminStatus specifies the administrative state of the EHS Event Trigger Entry." DEFVAL { inService } ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryEntry 5 } tmnxEhsTEntryOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTEntryOperStatus indicates the operational state of the EHS Event Trigger Entry." ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryEntry 6 } tmnxEhsTEntryLogFilterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogFilterId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTEntryLogFilterId specifies the logger filter to apply to a generated logger event. If the logger filter match succeeds, the actions indicated in the associated EHS Event Handler, indicated by the value of tmnxEhsTEntryHandlerName, are applied. A value of 0 indicates there is no associated logger filter and therefore the associated EHS Event Handler is always applied." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryEntry 7 } tmnxEhsTEntryHandlerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTEntryHandlerName specifies the EHS Event Handler to be applied. The zero-length string may be used to point to a non-existing Event Handler." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryEntry 8 } tmnxEhsTEntryDebounceVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 2..15) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTEntryDebounceVal specifies the number of times an event has to occur within a specific time window given by tmnxEhsTEntryDebounceTime for EHS Event to trigger a response." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryEntry 9 } tmnxEhsTEntryDebounceTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..604800) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTEntryDebounceTime specifies the time window within which a specific event must occur more than the value specified by tmnxEhsTEntryDebounceVal for EHS to trigger a response." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryEntry 10 } tmnxEhsTEntryStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxEhsTEntryStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Nokia SROS series tmnxEhsTEntryStatsTable contains operational data for Event Trigger Entries used by an EHS Event Trigger." ::= { tmnxEhsObjs 9 } tmnxEhsTEntryStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEhsTEntryStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines a row in the tmnxEhsTEntryStatsTable. Each row contains operational information about a specific EHS Event Trigger Entry. Rows are created and deleted by the system as row are created and deleted in the tmnxEhsTEntryTable." AUGMENTS { tmnxEhsTEntryEntry } ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryStatsTable 1 } TmnxEhsTEntryStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxEhsTEntryStatsFilterMatch Unsigned32, tmnxEhsTEntryStatsFilterFail Unsigned32, tmnxEhsTEntryStatsErrAdminStatus Unsigned32, tmnxEhsTEntryStatsErrFilter Unsigned32, tmnxEhsTEntryStatsErrHandler Unsigned32, tmnxEhsTEntryStatsTriggerCount Unsigned32, tmnxEhsTEntryStatsDebounce Unsigned32 } tmnxEhsTEntryStatsFilterMatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTEntryStatsFilterMatch indicates the number of times a filter, for the specified trigger entry, matches an logger event." ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryStatsEntry 1 } tmnxEhsTEntryStatsFilterFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTEntryStatsFilterFail indicates the number of times a filter, for the specified trigger entry, does not match an logger event." ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryStatsEntry 2 } tmnxEhsTEntryStatsErrAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTEntryStatsErrAdminStatus indicates the number of times the logger event will be ignored due to admin state of EHS trigger entry. The trigger entry may be out-of-service due to tmnxEhsTEntryAdminStatus being set to 'outOfService (3)'." ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryStatsEntry 3 } tmnxEhsTEntryStatsErrFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTEntryStatsErrFilter indicates the number of times the logger event will be ignored due to filter is not operational or is not configured in EHS trigger entry." ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryStatsEntry 4 } tmnxEhsTEntryStatsErrHandler OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTEntryStatsErrHandler indicates the number of times the logger event will be ignored due to filter is not operational or is not configured in EHS trigger entry." ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryStatsEntry 5 } tmnxEhsTEntryStatsTriggerCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxEhsTEntryStatsTriggerCount indicates the number of times script execution is triggered after filter match." ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryStatsEntry 6 } tmnxEhsTEntryStatsDebounce OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the tmnxEhsTEntryStatsDebounce indicates the number of times script is not executed due to debounce rule." ::= { tmnxEhsTEntryStatsEntry 7 } tmnxLogCliSubscrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxLogCliSubscrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxLogCliSubscrTable contains information about CLI user session subscriptions to logs." ::= { tmnxLogObjs 30 } tmnxLogCliSubscrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogCliSubscrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each conceptual row represents information about a subscription of a particular CLI user session to a particular log. Entries in this table are created and destroyed automatically by the system." INDEX { tmnxLogCliSubscrSession, tmnxLogCliSubscrLog } ::= { tmnxLogCliSubscrTable 1 } TmnxLogCliSubscrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxLogCliSubscrSession Unsigned32, tmnxLogCliSubscrLog TmnxLogIdIndex, tmnxLogCliSubscrType INTEGER, tmnxLogCliSubscrUser TNamedItem, tmnxLogCliSubscrUserLoginTime DateAndTime, tmnxLogCliSubscrUserIpAddrType InetAddressType, tmnxLogCliSubscrUserIpAddr InetAddress } tmnxLogCliSubscrSession OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxLogCliSubscrSession indicates the unique identifier of a CLI user session." ::= { tmnxLogCliSubscrEntry 1 } tmnxLogCliSubscrLog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogIdIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogCliSubscrLog indicates the unique identifier of an event stream log. It refers to a conceptual row in the tmnxLogIdTable." ::= { tmnxLogCliSubscrEntry 2 } tmnxLogCliSubscrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { telnet (1), console (2), ssh (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxLogCliSubscrType indicates the type of session." ::= { tmnxLogCliSubscrEntry 3 } tmnxLogCliSubscrUser OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxLogCliSubscrUser indicates the name of the user associated with the CLI session." ::= { tmnxLogCliSubscrEntry 4 } tmnxLogCliSubscrUserLoginTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime (SIZE (11)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogCliSubscrUserLoginTime indicates the time the user logged in." ::= { tmnxLogCliSubscrEntry 5 } tmnxLogCliSubscrUserIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogCliSubscrUserIpAddrType indicates the address type of tmnxLogCliSubscrUserIpAddr." ::= { tmnxLogCliSubscrEntry 6 } tmnxLogCliSubscrUserIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxLogCliSubscrUserIpAddr indicates the IP address of the user." ::= { tmnxLogCliSubscrEntry 7 } tmnxLogApCustRecordPolicerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxLogApCustRecordPolicerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Nokia SROS series tmnxLogApCustRecordPolicerTable allows to create custom record policer information for a given accounting policy. Rows can only be created for existing accounting policies (as defined in tmnxLogApTable)." ::= { tmnxLogObjs 31 } tmnxLogApCustRecordPolicerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLogApCustRecordPolicerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row contains the specification of the counters that must be collected for a particular policer and accounting policy. A conceptual row can be created and destroyed by means of the tmnxLogApCrPolicerRowStatus object." INDEX { tmnxLogApPolicyId, tmnxLogApCrPolicerId } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordPolicerTable 1 } TmnxLogApCustRecordPolicerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxLogApCrPolicerId Unsigned32, tmnxLogApCrPolicerLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxLogApCrPolicerRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxLogApCrPolicerICounters TmnxAccPlcyPolicerICounters, tmnxLogApCrPolicerECounters TmnxAccPlcyPolicerECounters } tmnxLogApCrPolicerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..63) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrPolicerId specifies the policer ID for which counters will be collected in this custom record. The counters that will be collected are defined in tmnxLogApCrPolicerICounters and tmnxLogApCrPolicerECounters." ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordPolicerEntry 1 } tmnxLogApCrPolicerLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrPolicerLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime when an object in this table was last modified. A value of zero means that no change was made to this row since it was created." ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordPolicerEntry 2 } tmnxLogApCrPolicerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordPolicerEntry 3 } tmnxLogApCrPolicerICounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAccPlcyPolicerICounters MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrPolicerICounters specifies the list of ingress counters that need to be collected in this custom record." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordPolicerEntry 4 } tmnxLogApCrPolicerECounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAccPlcyPolicerECounters MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLogApCrPolicerECounters specifies the list of egress counters that need to be collected in this custom record." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxLogApCustRecordPolicerEntry 5 } tmnxLogConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRConfs 12 } tmnxLogCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxLogConformance 1 } tmnxLogV4v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 4.0 of TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLogGlobalGroup, tmnxLogV4v0Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyGroup, tmnxLogFileIdGroup, tmnxLogSyslogGroup, tmnxSnmpTrapGroup, tmnxLogEventsR2r1Group, tmnxLogNotificationR3r0Group } ::= { tmnxLogCompliances 4 } tmnxLogV5v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 5.0 of TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLogGlobalGroup, tmnxLogV5v0Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyGroup, tmnxLogFileIdGroup, tmnxLogSyslogV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpSetErrsGroup, tmnxLogEventsV5v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV5v0Group } ::= { tmnxLogCompliances 5 } tmnxLogV6v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 6.0 of TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLogGlobalGroup, tmnxLogV5v0Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyGroup, tmnxLogFileIdGroup, tmnxLogSyslogV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapDestV6v0Group, tmnxSnmpSetErrsGroup, tmnxLogEventsV5v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV6v0Group } ::= { tmnxLogCompliances 6 } tmnxLogV6v1Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 6.1 of TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLogGlobalGroup, tmnxLogV5v0Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyGroup, tmnxLogFileIdGroup, tmnxLogSyslogV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapDestV6v0Group, tmnxSnmpSetErrsGroup, tmnxLogEventsV5v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV6v0Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyV6v1Group } ::= { tmnxLogCompliances 7 } tmnxLogV7v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 7.0 of TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLogGlobalGroup, tmnxLogV5v0Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyGroup, tmnxLogFileIdGroup, tmnxLogSyslogV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapDestV6v0Group, tmnxSnmpSetErrsGroup, tmnxLogEventsV5v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV6v0Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyV6v1Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyCRV7v0Group, tmnxLogRoutePreferenceV7v0Group } ::= { tmnxLogCompliances 8 } tmnxLogV9v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 9.0 of TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLogGlobalGroup, tmnxLogV5v0Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyGroup, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyV6v1Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyCRV7v0Group, tmnxLogFileIdGroup, tmnxLogSyslogV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapDestV6v0Group, tmnxSnmpSetErrsGroup, tmnxLogEventsV5v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV6v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxLogRoutePreferenceV7v0Group, tmnxLogEventDampedV8v0Group, tmnxLogApV9v0Group } ::= { tmnxLogCompliances 9 } tmnxLogV8v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 7.0 of TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLogGlobalGroup, tmnxLogV5v0Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyGroup, tmnxLogFileIdGroup, tmnxLogSyslogV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapDestV6v0Group, tmnxSnmpSetErrsGroup, tmnxLogEventsV5v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV6v0Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyV6v1Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyCRV7v0Group, tmnxLogRoutePreferenceV7v0Group, tmnxLogEventDampedV8v0Group } ::= { tmnxLogCompliances 10 } tmnxLogV10v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 10.0 of TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLogGlobalGroup, tmnxLogV5v0Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyGroup, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyV6v1Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyCRV7v0Group, tmnxLogFileIdGroup, tmnxLogSyslogV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapDestV6v0Group, tmnxSnmpSetErrsGroup, tmnxLogEventsV5v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV6v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxLogRoutePreferenceV7v0Group, tmnxLogEventDampedV8v0Group, tmnxLogApV9v0Group, tmnxLogExRbkOpGroup } ::= { tmnxLogCompliances 11 } tmnxLogV11v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 11.0 of TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLogGlobalGroup, tmnxLogV5v0Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyGroup, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyV6v1Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyCRV7v0Group, tmnxLogFileIdGroup, tmnxLogSyslogV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapDestV6v0Group, tmnxSnmpSetErrsGroup, tmnxLogEventsV5v0Group, tmnxLogEventsV11v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV6v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxLogRoutePreferenceV7v0Group, tmnxLogEventDampedV8v0Group, tmnxLogApV9v0Group, tmnxLogExRbkOpGroup, tmnxLogApExtGroup, tmnxLogAppRouteNotifV10v0Group, tmnxLogApV11v0Group, tmnxLogApCrV11v0Group } ::= { tmnxLogCompliances 12 } tmnxLogV13v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 13.0 of TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLogGlobalGroup, tmnxLogV5v0Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyGroup, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyV6v1Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyCRV7v0Group, tmnxLogFileIdGroup, tmnxLogSyslogV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapDestV6v0Group, tmnxSnmpSetErrsGroup, tmnxLogEventsV5v0Group, tmnxLogEventsV11v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV6v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxLogRoutePreferenceV7v0Group, tmnxLogEventDampedV8v0Group, tmnxLogApV9v0Group, tmnxLogExRbkOpGroup, tmnxLogApExtGroup, tmnxLogAppRouteNotifV10v0Group, tmnxLogApV11v0Group, tmnxLogApCrV11v0Group, tmnxLogFilterMsgV13v0Group, tmnxLogEHSV13v0Group } ::= { tmnxLogCompliances 13 } tmnxLogV14v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 14.0 of TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLogEHSV14v0Group } ::= { tmnxLogCompliances 14 } tmnxLogV15v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 15.0 of TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLogGlobalGroup, tmnxLogV5v0Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyGroup, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyCRV7v0Group, tmnxLogFileIdGroup, tmnxLogSyslogV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapDestV6v0Group, tmnxSnmpSetErrsGroup, tmnxLogEventsV5v0Group, tmnxLogEventsV11v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV6v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxLogRoutePreferenceV7v0Group, tmnxLogEventDampedV8v0Group, tmnxLogApV9v0Group, tmnxLogExRbkOpGroup, tmnxLogApExtGroup, tmnxLogAppRouteNotifV10v0Group, tmnxLogApV11v0Group, tmnxLogApCrV11v0Group, tmnxLogFilterMsgV13v0Group, tmnxLogEHSV13v0Group, tmnxLogEHSV14v0Group, tmnxLogPythonGroup, tmnxLogToSessionGroup, tmnxLogToNetconfGroup } ::= { tmnxLogCompliances 15 } tmnxLogV16v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 16.0 of TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLogGlobalGroup, tmnxLogV5v0Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyGroup, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyCRV7v0Group, tmnxLogFileIdGroup, tmnxLogSyslogV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapDestV6v0Group, tmnxSnmpSetErrsGroup, tmnxLogEventsV5v0Group, tmnxLogEventsV11v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV6v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxLogRoutePreferenceV7v0Group, tmnxLogEventDampedV8v0Group, tmnxLogApV9v0Group, tmnxLogExRbkOpGroup, tmnxLogApExtGroup, tmnxLogAppRouteNotifV10v0Group, tmnxLogApV11v0Group, tmnxLogApCrV11v0Group, tmnxLogFilterMsgV13v0Group, tmnxLogEHSV13v0Group, tmnxLogEHSV14v0Group, tmnxLogPythonGroup, tmnxLogToSessionGroup, tmnxLogToNetconfGroup, tmnxLogEventsV16v0Group, tmnxLogCliSubscrGroup } ::= { tmnxLogCompliances 16 } tmnxLogV19v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 19.0 of TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLogGlobalGroup, tmnxLogV5v0Group, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyGroup, tmnxLogAccountingPolicyCRV7v0Group, tmnxLogFileIdGroup, tmnxLogSyslogV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapV5v0Group, tmnxSnmpTrapDestV6v0Group, tmnxSnmpSetErrsGroup, tmnxLogEventsV5v0Group, tmnxLogEventsV11v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV6v0Group, tmnxLogNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxLogRoutePreferenceV7v0Group, tmnxLogEventDampedV8v0Group, tmnxLogApV9v0Group, tmnxLogExRbkOpGroup, tmnxLogApExtGroup, tmnxLogAppRouteNotifV10v0Group, tmnxLogApV11v0Group, tmnxLogApCrV11v0Group, tmnxLogFilterMsgV13v0Group, tmnxLogEHSV13v0Group, tmnxLogEHSV14v0Group, tmnxLogPythonGroup, tmnxLogToSessionGroup, tmnxLogToNetconfGroup, tmnxLogEventsV16v0Group, tmnxLogCliSubscrGroup, tmnxLogAcctPolicyCrV19v0Group, tmnxLogApV19v0Group } ::= { tmnxLogCompliances 17 } tmnxLogV20v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 20 of TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxLogNameGroup, tmnxLogFilterNameGroup, tmnxLogSnmpTrapGroupNameGroup, tmnxLogFilterParamsNameGroup, tmnxSyslogTargetNameGroup } ::= { tmnxLogCompliances 18 } tmnxLogV21v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 21 of TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSyslogTlsClntProfilNameGroup, tmnxLogFileNameGroup } ::= { tmnxLogCompliances 19 } tmnxLogV22v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 22 of TIMETRA-LOG-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxSnmpTrapDestV22v0Group } ::= { tmnxLogCompliances 20 } tmnxLogGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxLogConformance 2 } tmnxLogGlobalGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogMaxLogs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of event logging capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 1 } tmnxLogAccountingPolicyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogApRowStatus, tmnxLogApStorageType, tmnxLogApAdminStatus, tmnxLogApOperStatus, tmnxLogApInterval, tmnxLogApDescription, tmnxLogApDefault, tmnxLogApRecord, tmnxLogApToFileId, tmnxLogApPortType, tmnxLogApAlign } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of accounting policies capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 3 } tmnxLogFileIdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogFileIdRowStatus, tmnxLogFileIdStorageType, tmnxLogFileIdRolloverTime, tmnxLogFileIdRetainTime, tmnxLogFileIdAdminLocation, tmnxLogFileIdOperLocation, tmnxLogFileIdDescription, tmnxLogFileIdLogType, tmnxLogFileIdLogId, tmnxLogFileIdPathName, tmnxLogFileIdCreateTime, tmnxLogFileIdBackupLoc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Log File destinations on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 4 } tmnxLogSyslogGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSyslogTargetRowStatus, tmnxSyslogTargetDescription, tmnxSyslogTargetAddress, tmnxSyslogTargetUdpPort, tmnxSyslogTargetFacility, tmnxSyslogTargetSeverity, tmnxSyslogTargetMessagePrefix, tmnxSyslogTargetMessagesDropped } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Log Syslog destinations on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 5 } tmnxSnmpTrapGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxStgRowStatus, tmnxStgDescription, tmnxStgVersion, tmnxStgNotifyCommunity, tmnxStgSecurityLevel } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Log SNMP notification destinations on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 6 } tmnxLogEventsR2r1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxEventAppName, tmnxEventName, tmnxEventSeverity, tmnxEventControl, tmnxEventCounter, tmnxEventDropCount, tmnxEventReset, tmnxEventTest } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Log Events on Nokia SROS series systems release 2.1." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 10 } tmnxLogNotifyObjsR3r0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogFileDeletedLogId, tmnxLogFileDeletedFileId, tmnxLogFileDeletedLogType, tmnxLogFileDeletedLocation, tmnxLogFileDeletedName, tmnxLogFileDeletedCreateTime, tmnxLogTraceErrorTitle, tmnxLogTraceErrorMessage } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Log notifications on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 13 } tmnxLogNotificationR3r0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxLogSpaceContention, tmnxLogAdminLocFailed, tmnxLogBackupLocFailed, tmnxLogFileRollover, tmnxLogFileDeleted, tmnxTestEvent, tmnxLogTraceError } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the Log feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 3.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 14 } tmnxLogV4v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogIdRowStatus, tmnxLogIdStorageType, tmnxLogIdAdminStatus, tmnxLogIdOperStatus, tmnxLogIdDescription, tmnxLogIdFilterId, tmnxLogIdSource, tmnxLogIdDestination, tmnxLogIdFileId, tmnxLogIdSyslogId, tmnxLogIdMaxMemorySize, tmnxLogIdConsoleSession, tmnxLogIdForwarded, tmnxLogIdDropped, tmnxLogIdTimeFormat, tmnxLogFilterRowStatus, tmnxLogFilterDescription, tmnxLogFilterDefaultAction, tmnxLogFilterInUse, tmnxLogFilterParamsRowStatus, tmnxLogFilterParamsDescription, tmnxLogFilterParamsAction, tmnxLogFilterParamsApplication, tmnxLogFilterParamsApplOperator, tmnxLogFilterParamsNumber, tmnxLogFilterParamsNumberOperator, tmnxLogFilterParamsSeverity, tmnxLogFilterParamsSeverityOperator, tmnxLogFilterParamsSubject, tmnxLogFilterParamsSubjectOperator, tmnxLogFilterParamsSubjectRegexp } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of event logs on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 15 } tmnxSnmpSetErrsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSnmpSetErrsMax, tmnxSseVersion, tmnxSseSeverityLevel, tmnxSseModuleId, tmnxSseModuleName, tmnxSseErrorCode, tmnxSseErrorName, tmnxSseErrorMsg, tmnxSseExtraText, tmnxSseTimestamp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SNMP SET failure error messages." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 16 } tmnxLogEventsV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxEventAppName, tmnxEventName, tmnxEventSeverity, tmnxEventControl, tmnxEventCounter, tmnxEventDropCount, tmnxEventReset, tmnxEventThrottle, tmnxEventTest, tmnxEventThrottleLimit, tmnxEventThrottleInterval } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Log Events on Nokia SROS series systems release 5.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 17 } tmnxLogNotifyObjsV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogFileDeletedLogId, tmnxLogFileDeletedFileId, tmnxLogFileDeletedLogType, tmnxLogFileDeletedLocation, tmnxLogFileDeletedName, tmnxLogFileDeletedCreateTime, tmnxLogTraceErrorTitle, tmnxLogTraceErrorMessage, tmnxLogThrottledEventID, tmnxLogThrottledEvents, tmnxSysLogTargetId, tmnxSysLogTargetProblemDescr } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Log notifications on Nokia SROS series systems release 5.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 18 } tmnxLogNotificationV5v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxLogSpaceContention, tmnxLogAdminLocFailed, tmnxLogBackupLocFailed, tmnxLogFileRollover, tmnxLogFileDeleted, tmnxTestEvent, tmnxLogTraceError, tmnxLogEventThrottled, tmnxSysLogTargetProblem } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the Log feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 5.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 19 } tmnxLogSyslogV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSyslogTargetRowStatus, tmnxSyslogTargetDescription, tmnxSyslogTargetUdpPort, tmnxSyslogTargetFacility, tmnxSyslogTargetSeverity, tmnxSyslogTargetMessagePrefix, tmnxSyslogTargetMessagesDropped, tmnxSyslogTargetAddrType, tmnxSyslogTargetAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Log Syslog destinations on Nokia SROS series systems release 5.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 20 } tmnxSnmpTrapV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSnmpTrapLogDescription, tmnxStdRowStatus, tmnxStdRowLastChanged, tmnxStdDestAddrType, tmnxStdDestAddr, tmnxStdDestPort, tmnxStdDescription, tmnxStdVersion, tmnxStdNotifyCommunity, tmnxStdSecurityLevel, tmnxStdMaxTargets } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Log SNMP notification destinations on Nokia SROS series systems for release 5.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 21 } tmnxLogV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogIdRowStatus, tmnxLogIdStorageType, tmnxLogIdAdminStatus, tmnxLogIdOperStatus, tmnxLogIdDescription, tmnxLogIdFilterId, tmnxLogIdSource, tmnxLogIdDestination, tmnxLogIdFileId, tmnxLogIdSyslogId, tmnxLogIdMaxMemorySize, tmnxLogIdConsoleSession, tmnxLogIdForwarded, tmnxLogIdDropped, tmnxLogIdTimeFormat, tmnxLogFilterRowStatus, tmnxLogFilterDescription, tmnxLogFilterDefaultAction, tmnxLogFilterInUse, tmnxLogFilterParamsRowStatus, tmnxLogFilterParamsDescription, tmnxLogFilterParamsAction, tmnxLogFilterParamsApplication, tmnxLogFilterParamsApplOperator, tmnxLogFilterParamsNumber, tmnxLogFilterParamsNumberOperator, tmnxLogFilterParamsSeverity, tmnxLogFilterParamsSeverityOperator, tmnxLogFilterParamsSubject, tmnxLogFilterParamsSubjectOperator, tmnxLogFilterParamsSubjectRegexp, tmnxLogFilterParamsRouter, tmnxLogFilterParamsRouterOperator, tmnxLogFilterParamsRouterRegexp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of event logs on Nokia SROS series systems in release 5.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 22 } tmnxLogObsoleteObjsV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSyslogTargetAddress, tmnxStgRowStatus, tmnxStgDescription, tmnxStgVersion, tmnxStgNotifyCommunity, tmnxStgSecurityLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of TiMOS logs obsoleted on Nokia SROS series systems in release 5.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 23 } tmnxLogNotifyObjsV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogFileDeletedLogId, tmnxLogFileDeletedFileId, tmnxLogFileDeletedLogType, tmnxLogFileDeletedLocation, tmnxLogFileDeletedName, tmnxLogFileDeletedCreateTime, tmnxLogTraceErrorTitle, tmnxLogTraceErrorMessage, tmnxLogThrottledEventID, tmnxLogThrottledEvents, tmnxSysLogTargetId, tmnxSysLogTargetProblemDescr, tmnxLogNotifyApInterval, tmnxStdReplayStartEvent, tmnxStdReplayEndEvent } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Log notifications on Nokia SROS series systems release 6.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 24 } tmnxLogNotificationV6v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxLogSpaceContention, tmnxLogAdminLocFailed, tmnxLogBackupLocFailed, tmnxLogFileRollover, tmnxLogFileDeleted, tmnxTestEvent, tmnxLogTraceError, tmnxLogEventThrottled, tmnxSysLogTargetProblem, tmnxLogAccountingDataLoss, tmnxStdEventsReplayed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the Log feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 6.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 25 } tmnxSnmpTrapDestV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxStdReplay, tmnxStdReplayStart, tmnxStdReplayLastTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added to support SNMP trap destinations in the Nokia SROS series systems release 6.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 26 } tmnxLogAccountingPolicyV6v1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogApDefaultInterval } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of accounting policies capabilities on Nokia SROS series systems release 6.1." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 27 } tmnxLogAccountingPolicyCRV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogApCrLastChanged, tmnxLogApCrSignChangeDelta, tmnxLogApCrSignChangeQueue, tmnxLogApCrSignChangeQICounters, tmnxLogApCrSignChangeQECounters, tmnxLogApCrSignChangeAACounters, tmnxLogApCrAACounters, tmnxLogApCrQueueRowStatus, tmnxLogApCrQueueLastChanged, tmnxLogApCrQueueICounters, tmnxLogApCrQueueECounters } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the creation of a custom record inside a accounting policy on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 28 } tmnxLogRoutePreferenceV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxEventPrimaryRoutePref, tmnxEventSecondaryRoutePref } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting routing preferences of Log Events on Nokia SROS series systems release 7.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 29 } tmnxLogNotifyObjsV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogFileDeletedLogId, tmnxLogFileDeletedFileId, tmnxLogFileDeletedLogType, tmnxLogFileDeletedLocation, tmnxLogFileDeletedName, tmnxLogFileDeletedCreateTime, tmnxLogTraceErrorTitle, tmnxLogTraceErrorSubject, tmnxLogTraceErrorMessage, tmnxLogThrottledEventID, tmnxLogThrottledEvents, tmnxSysLogTargetId, tmnxSysLogTargetProblemDescr, tmnxLogNotifyApInterval, tmnxStdReplayStartEvent, tmnxStdReplayEndEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Log notifications on Nokia SROS series systems release 8.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 30 } tmnxLogNotificationV9v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxLogEventOverrun } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the Log feature on Nokia SROS series systems added in release 9.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 31 } tmnxLogEventDampedV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogConfigEventsDamped } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting damping of change events on Nokia SROS series systems added in release 8.0r7." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 32 } tmnxLogApV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogApDataLossCount, tmnxLogApLastDataLossTimeStamp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects extending the application log table on Nokia SROS series systems added in release 9.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 33 } tmnxLogExRbkOpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogExRbkOpTblLastChange, tmnxLogExRbkOpMaxEntries, tmnxLogExRbkOpLastChanged, tmnxLogExRbkOpType, tmnxLogExRbkOpStatus, tmnxLogExRbkOpBegin, tmnxLogExRbkOpEnd, tmnxLogExRbkOpFile, tmnxLogExRbkOpUser, tmnxLogExRbkOpNumEvents, tmnxLogExRbkEventOID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects managing exec and rollback revert event history." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 34 } tmnxLogNotifyObjsV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogExecRollbackOpIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of accessible-for-notify objects added to Nokia SROS series systems release 10.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 35 } tmnxLogApExtGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogApToFileType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects extending the accounting policy table on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 36 } tmnxLogAppRouteNotifV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogColdStartWaitTime, tmnxLogRouteRecoveryWaitTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting notifications on completion of wait time after cold reboot and route recovery on Nokia SROS series systems release 10.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 37 } tmnxLogApV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogApIncludeSystemInfo } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting the Log Accounting Policy feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 11.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 38 } tmnxLogEventsV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxEventSpecThrottle, tmnxEventSpecThrottleLimit, tmnxEventSpecThrottleIntval, tmnxEventSpecThrottleDef, tmnxEventSpecThrottleLimitDef, tmnxEventSpecThrottleIntvalDef } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Log Events added for Nokia SROS series systems release 11.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 40 } tmnxLogApCrV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogApCrAASubAttributes } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting the Log Accounting Policy Custom Record feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 11.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 41 } tmnxLogFilterMsgV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogFilterParamsMsg, tmnxLogFilterParamsMsgOperator, tmnxLogFilterParamsMsgRegexp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of event logs on Nokia SROS series systems in release 13.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 42 } tmnxLogNotifyObjsV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogExecRollbackOpType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of accessible-for-notify objects added to Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 43 } tmnxLogEHSV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxEhsHandlerTblLastChange, tmnxEhsHandlerMaxEntries, tmnxEhsHandlerRowStatus, tmnxEhsHandlerDescription, tmnxEhsHandlerLastChange, tmnxEhsHandlerAdminStatus, tmnxEhsHandlerOperStatus, tmnxEhsHandlerStatsSuccess, tmnxEhsHandlerStatsErrNoEntry, tmnxEhsHandlerStatsErrAdmStatus, tmnxEhsHEntryTblLastChange, tmnxEhsHEntryMaxEntries, tmnxEhsHEntryRowStatus, tmnxEhsHEntryDescription, tmnxEhsHEntryLastChange, tmnxEhsHEntryAdminStatus, tmnxEhsHEntryOperStatus, tmnxEhsHEntryScriptPlcyName, tmnxEhsHEntryScriptPlcyOwner, tmnxEhsHEntryMinDelay, tmnxEhsHEntryLastExecuted, tmnxEhsHEntryStatsLaunchSuccess, tmnxEhsHEntryStatsErrMinDelay, tmnxEhsHEntryStatsErrLaunch, tmnxEhsHEntryStatsErrAdmStatus, tmnxEhsTriggerTblLastChange, tmnxEhsTriggerMaxEntries, tmnxEhsTriggerRowStatus, tmnxEhsTriggerDescription, tmnxEhsTriggerLastChange, tmnxEhsTriggerAdminStatus, tmnxEhsTriggerOperStatus, tmnxEhsTriggerStatsSuccess, tmnxEhsTriggerStatsErrNoEntry, tmnxEhsTriggerStatsErrAdmStatus, tmnxEhsTEntryTblLastChange, tmnxEhsTEntryMaxEntries, tmnxEhsTEntryRowStatus, tmnxEhsTEntryDescription, tmnxEhsTEntryLastChange, tmnxEhsTEntryAdminStatus, tmnxEhsTEntryOperStatus, tmnxEhsTEntryLogFilterId, tmnxEhsTEntryHandlerName, tmnxEhsTEntryStatsFilterMatch, tmnxEhsTEntryStatsFilterFail, tmnxEhsTEntryStatsErrAdminStatus, tmnxEhsTEntryStatsErrFilter, tmnxEhsTEntryStatsErrHandler, tmnxEhsTEntryStatsTriggerCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the Event Handling System (EHS) feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 13.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 44 } tmnxLogNotifyObjsV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxEhsHEntryMinDelayInterval } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of accessible-for-notify objects added to Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 45 } tmnxLogEHSV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxEhsTEntryDebounceVal, tmnxEhsTEntryDebounceTime, tmnxEhsTEntryStatsDebounce } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the Event Handling System (EHS) feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 14.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 46 } tmnxLogPythonGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogIdPythonPolicy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Python for log messages on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 50 } tmnxLogToSessionGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogIdOperDestination } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting log messages on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 51 } tmnxLogObsoleteObjsV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogIdConsoleSession, tmnxLogApDefaultInterval } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of TiMOS logs obsoleted on Nokia SROS series systems in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 52 } tmnxLogToNetconfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogIdNetconfStream } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting NETCONF log messages on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 53 } tmnxLogEventsV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxEventRepeat } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Log Events added for Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 54 } tmnxLogCliSubscrGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogCliSubscrType, tmnxLogCliSubscrUser, tmnxLogCliSubscrUserLoginTime, tmnxLogCliSubscrUserIpAddrType, tmnxLogCliSubscrUserIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects that support read-only access to CLI users subscriptions to event log messages on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 55 } tmnxLogAcctPolicyCrV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogApCrPolicerLastChanged, tmnxLogApCrPolicerRowStatus, tmnxLogApCrPolicerICounters, tmnxLogApCrPolicerECounters, tmnxLogApCrSignChangePolicer, tmnxLogApCrSignChangePICounters, tmnxLogApCrSignChangePECounters } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting custom records inside a accounting policy on Nokia SROS series systems added in release 19." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 56 } tmnxLogApV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogApAlign } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting the Log Accounting Policy feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 57 } tmnxLogNameGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogIdName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting the Log Id Vs Name feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 58 } tmnxLogFilterNameGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogFilterName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting the Log Filter Id Vs Name feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 59 } tmnxLogSnmpTrapGroupNameGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { snmpNotifyId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additonal objects supporting the Log Snmp-trap-group Id vs Name feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 60 } tmnxLogFilterParamsNameGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogFilterParamsName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additonal objects supporting the Log Filter Entry Id vs Name feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 61 } tmnxSyslogTargetNameGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSyslogTargetName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additonal objects supporting the Log Syslog Id vs Name feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 63 } tmnxSyslogTlsClntProfilNameGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSyslogTlsClntProfileName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additonal objects supporting the Log Syslog over TLS feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 64 } tmnxLogApObsoleteObjsV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogApCrSignChangeOCntr, tmnxLogApCrSignChangeOECounters, tmnxLogApCrSignChangeOICounters, tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrRowStatus, tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrLastChngd, tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrICounters, tmnxLogApCrOverrideCntrECounters } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting custom record counter override information obsoleted on Nokia SROS series systems in release 21.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 65 } tmnxLogFileNameGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLogFileIdName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting the Log File Id Vs Name feature on Nokia SROS series systems in release 21." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 66 } tmnxSnmpTrapDestV22v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxStdDyingGasp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added to support SNMP trap destinations in the Nokia SROS series systems release 22.0." ::= { tmnxLogGroups 67 } tmnxLogNotifyPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRNotifyPrefix 12 } tmnxLogNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxLogNotifyPrefix 0 } tmnxLogSpaceContention NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxLogFileIdRolloverTime, tmnxLogFileIdRetainTime, tmnxLogFileIdAdminLocation, tmnxLogFileIdBackupLoc, tmnxLogFileIdOperLocation, tmnxLogFileIdLogId, tmnxLogFileIdLogType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when space contention occurs on the compact flash where a log or accounting file creation is being attempted. Space contention exists if: Insufficient space is available on the compact flash to create a file of the same size as the file being rolled over. The first file of this type is being created and less than 10% of the total compact flash space is available. A write operation on a log or accounting file is denied due to lack of space." ::= { tmnxLogNotifications 1 } tmnxLogAdminLocFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxLogFileIdAdminLocation, tmnxLogFileIdBackupLoc, tmnxLogFileIdOperLocation, tmnxLogFileIdLogId, tmnxLogFileIdLogType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an attempt to create a log or accounting file at the location specified by tmnxLogFileIdAdminLocation has failed. Indicates that the backup location, if specified, will be used." ::= { tmnxLogNotifications 2 } tmnxLogBackupLocFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxLogFileIdAdminLocation, tmnxLogFileIdBackupLoc, tmnxLogFileIdOperLocation, tmnxLogFileIdLogId, tmnxLogFileIdLogType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an attempt to create a log or accounting file at the location specified by tmnxLogFileIdBackupLoc has failed." ::= { tmnxLogNotifications 3 } tmnxLogFileRollover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxLogFileIdRolloverTime, tmnxLogFileIdRetainTime, tmnxLogFileIdAdminLocation, tmnxLogFileIdBackupLoc, tmnxLogFileIdOperLocation, tmnxLogFileIdLogId, tmnxLogFileIdLogType, tmnxLogFileIdPathName, tmnxLogFileIdCreateTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an event log or accounting policy file's rollover time has expired. The file located as indicated by the value of tmnxLogFileIdOperLocation is closed and a new file is created as specified by tmnxLogFileIdAdminLocation and tmnxLogFileIdBackupLoc." ::= { tmnxLogNotifications 4 } tmnxLogFileDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxLogFileDeletedLogId, tmnxLogFileDeletedFileId, tmnxLogFileDeletedLogType, tmnxLogFileDeletedLocation, tmnxLogFileDeletedName, tmnxLogFileDeletedCreateTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a closed event log or accounting policy file has been deleted as part of the space contention cleanup." ::= { tmnxLogNotifications 5 } tmnxTestEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysDescr, sysObjectID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxTestEvent notification is generated when the object tmnxEventTest is set to a value of 'doAction'. This event can be used to test that remote log destinations such as syslog and snmp trap destinations are configured correctly." ::= { tmnxLogNotifications 6 } tmnxLogTraceError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxLogTraceErrorTitle, tmnxLogTraceErrorMessage, tmnxLogTraceErrorSubject } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxLogTraceError notification is generated when a critical level trace error has been detected by the software. There are multiple triggers for such a trace error. [EFFECT] Effect varies depending on the specific trigger. [RECOVERY] Contact Nokia Support." ::= { tmnxLogNotifications 7 } tmnxLogEventThrottled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxLogThrottledEventID, tmnxLogThrottledEvents } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A tmnxLogEventThrottled notification is generated at the end of the throttling interval when one or more events are dropped because the throttling limit was reached for that interval." ::= { tmnxLogNotifications 8 } tmnxSysLogTargetProblem NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSysLogTargetId, tmnxSysLogTargetProblemDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A tmnxSysLogTargetProblem notification is generated when a problem is encountered when trying to deliver data to the syslog destination identified by the tmnxSysLogTargetId." ::= { tmnxLogNotifications 9 } tmnxLogAccountingDataLoss NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxLogFileIdRolloverTime, tmnxLogFileIdRetainTime, tmnxLogFileIdAdminLocation, tmnxLogFileIdBackupLoc, tmnxLogFileIdOperLocation, tmnxLogFileIdLogId, tmnxLogNotifyApInterval } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A tmnxLogAccountingDataLoss notification is generated when an accounting file is still being written to when the next interval ends. The collection of statistics for the past interval is immediately stopped and collection is started for the next interval. There are missing records in the file for this past interval." ::= { tmnxLogNotifications 10 } tmnxStdEventsReplayed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxStdDestAddrType, tmnxStdDestAddr, tmnxStdReplayStartEvent, tmnxStdReplayEndEvent, tmnxStdReplayStart } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A tmnxStdEventsReplayed notification is generated when an SNMP trap target address is added to the RTM (tmnxVRtrID) following a period when the address had been removed. The value of tmnxStdReplayStartEvent is the SNMP notification request ID of the first event that was replayed. The value of tmnxStdReplayEndEvent is the SNMP notification request ID of the last missed event that was replayed. The value of tmnxStdReplayStart is the request ID of the first event for which there was no route to the trap target address." ::= { tmnxLogNotifications 11 } tmnxLogEventOverrun NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxLogThrottledEventID, tmnxLogThrottledEvents } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] A tmnxLogEventOverrun notification is generated at the end of the overrun throttling interval when one or more events of the type specified by tmnxLogThrottledEventID were dropped because the logger input stream's input queue limit was exceeded. The overrun throttling interval begins when the input queue limit is first exceeded and ends when the number of events in the input queue has dropped below an internal low watermark. At that point a tmnxLogEventOverrun notification is generated for each event type that had one or more events dropped because of the input queue overrun. The number of dropped events is specified by tmnxLogThrottledEvents. [EFFECT] Logger events have been dropped and were not sent to any log destination. tmnxEventDropCount has been incremented for each event dropped because of input queue overrun. [RECOVERY] The specific event information of dropped events cannot be recovered. The frequency of input queue overruns can be lessened by configuring as few event logs as possible, especially those going to remote destinations such as file, syslog and snmp notification logs." ::= { tmnxLogNotifications 12 } END