TIMETRA-PORT-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex, AtmVpIdentifier FROM ATM-TC-MIB dot1xPaePortNumber FROM IEEE8021-PAE-MIB SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF Counter32, Counter64, Gauge32, Integer32, IpAddress, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI DateAndTime, DisplayString, MacAddress, RowPointer, RowStatus, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TimeInterval, TimeStamp, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC TmnxAlarmState, TmnxMDAChanType, TmnxPortAdminStatus, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxFPNum, tmnxHwConformance, tmnxHwNotification, tmnxHwObjs, tmnxMdaNotifyType FROM TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB timetraSRMIBModules FROM TIMETRA-GLOBAL-MIB TAdaptationRuleOverride, TBurstLimitOverride, TBurstPercentOrDefaultOverride, TBurstSizeBytesOvr, TBurstSizeOverride, TCIRPercentOverride, TClassBurstLimit, TEgrHsmdaPerPacketOffsetOvr, TEgressHsmdaCounterId, TEgressHsmdaQueueId, TEgressQueueId, TExpSecondaryShaperClassRate, TExpSecondaryShaperPIRRate, TFCName, THSMDABurstSizeBytesOverride, THsPirRateOverride, THsSchedulerPolicyWeightOverride, THsmdaPIRKRateOverride, THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, THsmdaWeightOverride, THsmdaWrrWeightOverride, TIngressQueueId, TItemDescription, TItemVeryLongDescription, TLNamedItem, TLNamedItemOrEmpty, TMcFrQoSProfileId, TMlpppQoSProfileId, TNamedItem, TNamedItemOrEmpty, TPIRPercentOverride, TPortSchedulerAggRateLimitPIR, TPortSchedulerCIR, TPortSchedulerPIRRate, TQosQueueCIRRateOverride, TQosQueuePIRRateOverride, TQueueId, TRateType, TSchedulerMode, TSecondaryShaper10GPIRRate, TWeightOverride, TmnxActionType, TmnxAdminStateTruthValue, TmnxDistCpuProtActionDuration, TmnxDistCpuProtProtocolId, TmnxDistCpuProtState, TmnxEgrPolicerStatMode, TmnxEnabledDisabled, TmnxFPNumberOrZero, TmnxOperState, TmnxPortID, TmnxQosRateHigh32, TmnxQosRateLow32, TmnxSubIdentStringOrEmpty, TmnxSubMgtIntDestId, TmnxSubMgtOrgStrOrZero FROM TIMETRA-TC-MIB ; tmnxPortMIBModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201701010000Z" ORGANIZATION "Nokia" CONTACT-INFO "Nokia SROS Support Web: http://www.nokia.com" DESCRIPTION "This document is the SNMP MIB module to manage and provision the hardware components of the Nokia SROS device. Copyright 2003-2018 Nokia. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this document is authorized on the condition that the foregoing copyright notice is included. This SNMP MIB module (Specification) embodies Nokia's proprietary intellectual property. Nokia retains all title and ownership in the Specification, including any revisions. Nokia grants all interested parties a non-exclusive license to use and distribute an unmodified copy of this Specification in connection with management of Nokia products, and without fee, provided this copyright notice and license appear on all copies. This Specification is supplied 'as is', and Nokia makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the Specification." REVISION "201701010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 15.0 1 Jan 2017 00:00 15.0 release of the TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." REVISION "201601010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 14.0 1 Jan 2016 00:00 14.0 release of the TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." REVISION "201501010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 13.0 1 Jan 2015 00:00 13.0 release of the TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." REVISION "201401010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 12.0 1 Jan 2014 00:00 12.0 release of the TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." REVISION "201102010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 9.0 1 Feb 2011 00:00 9.0 release of the TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." REVISION "200902280000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 7.0 28 Feb 2009 00:00 7.0 release of the TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." REVISION "200807010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 6.1 01 Jul 2008 00:00 6.1 release of the TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." REVISION "200801010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 6.0 01 Jan 2008 00:00 6.0 release of the TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." REVISION "200701010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 5.0 01 Jan 2007 00:00 5.0 release of the TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." REVISION "200603160000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 4.0 16 Mar 2006 00:00 4.0 release of the TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." REVISION "200508310000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 3.0 31 Aug 2005 00:00 3.0 release of the TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." REVISION "200501240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.1 24 Jan 2005 00:00 2.1 release of the TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." REVISION "200403010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.0 01 Mar 2004 00:00 2.0 release of the TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." ::= { timetraSRMIBModules 25 } TmnxPortOperStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current operational status of this port." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), inService (2), outOfService (3), diagnosing (4), failed (5) } TmnxPortEtherReportValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxPortEtherReportValue is an enumerated integer that describes the values used to identify the reason an alarm has been raised on an Ethernet Port. The possible values are: notUsed (0) - not applicable signalFailure(1) - Ethernet signal lost alarm When the optic module declares a loss of signal, the MAC will declare localFault(3) and the Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) will declare noBlockLock(6). remoteFault (2) - Remote Fault See localFault(3). localFault (3) - Local Fault Defined in IEEE 802.3ba Clause 81.3.4. When the PCS detects a fault it generates a localFault(3) towards the MAC layer. The MAC layer responds by sending a remoteFault(2) to the far end. A local fault can get caused by any of the PCS layer defects below. noFrameLock (4) - Not locked on the Ethernet framing sequence Defined in IEEE 802.3ba Clause 82.2.13. The frame lock is obtained when all lanes have 64B/66B block sync, been deskewed, and alignment marker lock. highBer (5) - High Bit Error Rate Defined in IEEE 802.3ba Clause Bit error ratio > 10^-4. noBlockLock (6) - 40G/100G PCS Lanes Not Block Locked Defined in IEEE 802.3ba Clause 82.2.11. Cleared once all lanes have 64B/66B block lock. noAmLock (7) - 40G/100G PCS Alignment Marker Loss of Lock Defined in IEEE 802.3ba Clause 82.2.12. Cleared once all lanes alignment marker lock. duplicateLane(8) - 40G/100G PCS Duplicate Lane Marker Not defined in the standard. Raised when two or more lanes are seen with the same alignment marker." SYNTAX INTEGER { notUsed (0), signalFailure (1), remoteFault (2), localFault (3), noFrameLock (4), highBer (5), noBlockLock (6), noAmLock (7), duplicateLane (8) } TmnxPortEtherReportStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxPortEtherReportStatus is a bitmask that describes alarms that can be raised/cleared on an Ethernet Port. The possible values are: notUsed (0) - not applicable signalFailure(1) - Ethernet signal lost alarm When the optic module declares a loss of signal, the MAC will declare localFault(3) and the PCS will declare noBlockLock(6). remoteFault (2) - Remote Fault See localFault(3). localFault (3) - Local Fault Defined in IEEE 802.3ba Clause 81.3.4. When the PCS detects a fault it generates a localFault(3) towards the MAC layer. The MAC layer responds by sending a remoteFault(2) to the far end. A local fault can get caused by any of the PCS layer defects below. noFrameLock (4) - Not locked on the Ethernet framing sequence Defined in IEEE 802.3ba Clause 82.2.13. The frame lock is obtained when all lanes have 64B/66B block sync, been deskewed, and alignment marker lock. highBer (5) - High Bit Error Rate Defined in IEEE 802.3ba Clause Bit error ratio > 10^-4. noBlockLock (6) - 40G/100G PCS Lanes Not Block Locked Defined in IEEE 802.3ba Clause 82.2.11. Cleared once all lanes have 64B/66B block lock. noAmLock (7) - 40G/100G PCS Alignment Marker Loss of Lock Defined in IEEE 802.3ba Clause 82.2.12. Cleared once all lanes alignment marker lock. duplicateLane(8) - 40G/100G PCS Duplicate Lane Marker Not defined in the standard. Raised when two or more lanes are seen with the same alignment marker." SYNTAX BITS { notUsed (0), signalFailure (1), remoteFault (2), localFault (3), noFrameLock (4), highBer (5), noBlockLock (6), noAmLock (7), duplicateLane (8) } TmnxPortEtherMonReportValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxPortEtherMonReportValue is an enumerated integer that describes the values used to identify the reason an alarm has been raised for a fault in Monitoring on an Ethernet Port. TmnxPortEtherMonReportStatus defines the valid alarm values." SYNTAX INTEGER { noFault (0), sdThresholdExceeded (1), sfThresholdExceeded (2) } TmnxPortEtherMonReportStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxPortEtherMonReportStatus is a bitmask that describes alarms that can be raised/cleared on an Ethernet Port used in Monitoring. The possible values are: sdThresholdExceeded (0)-- Signal Degradation exceeded the threshold. sfThresholdExceeded (1)-- Signal Failure exceeded the threshold." SYNTAX BITS { sdThresholdExceeded (0), sfThresholdExceeded (1) } TmnxPortEtherOperPhyTxClock ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxPortEtherOperPhyTxClock data type is an enumerated integer that indicates the result of the master/slave resolution on copper based Ethernet ports running at 1 Gbps. - The value of 'notApplicable' indicates that this object is not applicable to this port. - The value of 'master' indicates that the port is the timing master for the link partner. - The value of 'slave' indicates that the port is timing slave to the link partner." SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), master (1), slave (2) } TmnxPortClass ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxPortClass data type is an enumerated integer that describes the values used to identify the class of interface provided by this port." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), faste (2), gige (3), xgige (4), sonet (5), vport (6), xcme (8), tdm (9), xlgige (10), cgige (11), vsme (12), gnss (13), vspeede (14), serial (17), wireless (18), connector (19), xxvgige (20), cdgige (21), reserved22 (22), reserved23 (23), lgige (24), reserved25 (25), anchor (26) } TmnxPortConnectorType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxPortConnectorType is an index into the tmnxPortConnectTypeTable used to identify a specific type of port connector." SYNTAX Unsigned32 TmnxPortState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state level of this port. A value of 'none' indicates the port is either in its initial creation state or is just about to be deleted. A value of 'ghost' represents a port that is not physically present. This state may represent a pre-provisioned port. A value of 'linkDown' represents a port that is physically present but does not have a link. The 'linkUp' state represents a port that is physically present and has physical link present. A port in 'up' state is ready to pass some kinds of traffic. The tmnxPortUpProtocols variable indicates the actual type(s) of traffic that can be passed on this 'up' link. The 'diagnose' state represents the port undergoing diagnostic test." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), ghost (2), linkDown (3), linkUp (4), up (5), diagnose (6) } TmnxPortType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxPortType is an index into the tmnxPortTypeTable used to identify a specific type of hardware port." SYNTAX Unsigned32 TmnxPortEncapType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of encapsulation protocol configured on a port's network interface. When the encap type has a value of 'nullEncap', frames received will not carry any tags or labels and as a result only one service can be configured on this port. Sometimes this is referred to as raw Ethernet packets. When the encap type has a value of 'qEncap', ingress frames carry 802.1q tags where each different tag can signify a different service. This is not a valid value if tmnxPortClass has a value of 'sonetPath'. When the encap type has a value of 'bcpNullEncap', BCP is used on the SONET path as the NCP control protocol. The BCP IEEE 802 Tagged Frame Configuration Option (type 8) is negotiated to 'enabled'. VLAN tagged frames are allowed into the SONET path. Only a single SAP can be associated with the SONET path. 'bcpNullEncap' is valid only if tmnxPortClass has a value of 'sonetPath'. When the encap type has a value of 'bcpDot1qEncap', BCP is used as the NCP control protocol. The BCP IEEE 802 Tagged Frame Configuration Option (type 8) is negotiated to 'enabled'. VLAN tagged frames are allowed on the SONET path. This encapsulation type is required when multiple SAPs are defined on the SONET path where each one is service delimited by a provisioned Dot1q tag. When 'bcpDot1qEncap' is specified, BCP does not enter the 'open' state unless the far end peer also supports 'bcpDot1qEncap'. This allows a LCP negotiation to transmit configuration request and confirmation messages to enable this feature. 'bcpDot1qEncap' is a valid value only if tmnxPortClass has a value of 'SONET'. When the encap type has a value of 'ipcpEncap', BCP will not be used on this SONET path. IPCP NCP is used instead. 'ipcpEncap' is a valid only if tmnxPortClass has a value of 'sonetPath'. When the encap type has a value of 'frEncap', Frame Relay is the expected encapsulation. When the encap type has a value of 'pppAutoEncap', IPCP is automatically enabled. This encap type is only valid on ports/paths in network mode. When the encap type has a value of 'atmEncap', the encapsulation on the port is ATM. The 'atmEncap' is also used when mirroring ATM ports. When the encap type has a value of 'wanMirrorEncap', the port is used for mirroring of frame relay and POS ports. On such ports no link management protocol would run. When the encap type has a value of 'ciscoHDLCEncap', the Cisco HDLC encapsulation is applied. This encap type is only valid if TmnxPortClass has a value of 'tdm' or 'sonet'. When the encap type has a value of 'cemEncap', encapsulation of frames will be circuit emulation. This is used to support transparent transmission of frames. This encap type is only valid if TmnxPortClass has a value of 'tdm' or 'sonet' in access mode. When the encap type has a value of 'rawEncap', data does not necessarily carry any tags, headers or any other form of delimiter. This encap type is only valid on access ports supporting serial data. When the encap type has a value of 'cellularEncap', packets on the port use cellular encapsulation. This encapsulation is only valid if the port's tmnxPortType indicates that the port is a 'Cellular' port." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), nullEncap (1), qEncap (2), mplsEncap (3), bcpNullEncap (4), bcpDot1qEncap (5), ipcpEncap (6), frEncap (7), pppAutoEncap (8), atmEncap (9), qinqEncap (10), wanMirrorEncap (11), ciscoHDLCEncap (12), cemEncap (13), reserved14 (14), rawEncap (15), cellularEncap (16), wlanEncap (17) } TmnxDs0ChannelList ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of ds0 timeslots on a DS1 line. The list is specified as an OCTET STRING in which each ds0 timeslot is represented by a single bit, where timeslots 1 through 8 are represented by the bits in the first octet, timeslots 9 through 16 by the bits in the second octet, etc. In each octet, the lowest numbered timeslot is represented by the most significant bit, and the highest numbered timeslot by the least significant bit. A timeslot is present in the list when its bit is 1, and absent when its bit is 0. If the OCTET STRING value has more bits than required to represent the timeslots on a DS1, then the extra bits are ignored." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..4)) TmnxBundleID ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A TmnxBundleID is a unique 32 bit number encoded as shown below. |32 30| 29 26 | 25 22 | 21 16 | 15 13 | 12 1| +-----+-------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ |001 | slot | mda | 0 | bndl type | bndlid| +-----+-------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+ The bundle id is unique for a MDA. The bndlid must fall in one of the following ranges depending on MDA type: mda-type range m4-choc3-as-sfp 1-256 m1-choc12-as-sfp 1-256 m12-chds3-as 1-256 m4-chds3-as 1-112 m4-chds3 1-56 m12-chds3 1-56 m1-choc12-sfp 1-56 m4-choc3-sfp 1-56 c8-chds1 1-56 c8-atmds1 1-8 A slot value of 15 (Invalid slot) and mda value of 0 (invalid mda) represents a bundle protection group. Otherwise, the bundle is considered associated with a valid slot and mda. The following bundle types are supported: bndl type value MLPPP 000 IMA 001 MLFR 010" SYNTAX Unsigned32 TmnxDSXBertPattern ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxDSXBertPattern data type is an enumerated integer that indicates the pattern used for the Bit Error Rate Test (BERT)." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), ones (1), zeros (2), alternating (3), twoexp3 (4), twoexp9 (5), twoexp15 (6), twoexp20 (7), twoexp11 (8), twoexp20q (9), twoexp23 (10) } TmnxDSXBertOperStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxDSXBertOperStatus data type is an enumerated integer that indicates the status of Bit Error Rate Test (BERT). When BERT is activated, the status will be 'active'. Otherwise the status will be 'idle' or 'noMdaResources' if the last BERT test could not be executed because of an MDA concurrent BERT test limit." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), active (1), idle (2), noMdaResources (3) } TmnxDSXIdleCycleFlags ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxDSXIdleCycleFlags data type is an enumerated integer that indicates the value that the DS3/DS1 port/channel or a DS0 channel group transmits during idle cycle. The value of 'none' is applicable to ATM and CEM ports/channels only, which transmit idle cells and not octets defined by the below values. If the value is set to 'flags', a value of 0x7E is used. If the value is set to 'ones', a value of 0xFF is used." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), flags (1), ones (2) } TmnxDSXIdleFillType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxDSXIdleFillType data type is an enumerated integer that indicates the type of data fill that a CEM DS3/DS1 channel or a DS0 channel group plays out when the channel experiences underrun. - The value of 'notApplicable' indicates that this object is not applicable to the channel. - The value of 'allOnes' indicates that all 1's will be played out. - The value of 'userDefinedPattern' indicates that a user defined pattern will be played out." SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), allOnes (1), userDefinedPattern (2) } TmnxDSXLoopback ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The TmnxDSXLoopback data type is an enumerated integer that indicates the type of loopback the DS3/DS1 port/channel currently is in." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), line (1), internal (2), remote (3) } TmnxDSXReportAlarm ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxDSXReportAlarm data type indicates the type of TDM alarm: ais - alarm indication signal errors. los - loss of signal errors. oof - out-of-frame errors. rai - resource availability indicator events. looped - far end wants the read end to loopback berSd - DSX bit error signal degradation berSf - DSX bit error signal failure" SYNTAX BITS { notUsed (0), ais (1), los (2), oof (3), rai (4), looped (5), berSd (6), berSf (7) } TmnxDSXClockSource ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxDSXClockSource data type is an enumerated type that indicates the clock for transmitted data on a DS3 or DS1 channel. loopTimed(1) - The clock is recovered from the line's receive data stream nodeTimed(2) - The clock is internal adaptive(3) - The clock is adaptively recovered from the rate at which data is received and not from the physical layer. differential(4) - The clock is recovered from differential RTP timestamp header." SYNTAX INTEGER { loopTimed (1), nodeTimed (2), adaptive (3), differential (4) } TmnxDSXClockSyncState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxDSXClockSyncState data type is an enumeration type that indicates the clock synchronization state on a DS3 or DS1 channel. unknown(0) - Unsupported or unknown state normal(1) - Normal (locked) state holdOver(2) - Synchronization with reference has been lost freeRun(3) - Synchronized with internal reference" SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), normal (1), holdOver (2), freeRun (3) } TmnxDS1Loopback ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxDS1Loopback data type is an enumerated integer that indicates the type of loopback the DS1 port/channel currently is in. A 'line' loopback loops frames received on this port back to the remote system. A 'internal' loopback loops frames from the local system back at the framer. A 'fdlAnsi' requests a line loopback of type FDL ANSI T1.403. A 'fdlBellcore' requests a line loopback of type FDL Bellcore TR-TSY-000312. A 'payloadAnsi' requests a payload loopback of type FDL ANSI T1.403. A 'inbandAnsi' requests a line loopback of type inband ANSI T1.403. A 'inbandBellcore' requests a line loopback of type inband Bellcore TR-TSY-000312." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), line (1), internal (2), fdlAnsi (3), fdlBellcore (4), payloadAnsi (5), inbandAnsi (6), inbandBellcore (7) } TmnxDS3Loopback ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxDS3Loopback data type is an enumerated integer that indicates the type of loopback the DS3 port/channel currently is in. A 'line' loopback loops frames received on this port back to the remote system. A 'internal' loopback loops the frames from the local system back at the framer. When the value is set to 'remote', a signal is sent to the remote system to provide a line loopback." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), line (1), internal (2), remote (3) } TmnxImaGrpState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxImaGrpState indicates the current state of the IMA Group State Machine." SYNTAX INTEGER { invalid (0), notConfigured (1), startUp (2), startUpAck (3), configAbortUnsupportedM (4), configAbortIncompatibleSymmetry (5), configAbortOther (6), insufficientLinks (7), blocked (8), operational (9), configAbortUnsupportedImaVersion (10) } TmnxImaGrpFailState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxImaGrpFailState indicates the failure reason of an IMA group." SYNTAX INTEGER { noFailure (1), startUpNe (2), startUpFe (3), invalidMValueNe (4), invalidMValueFe (5), failedAssymetricNe (6), failedAssymetricFe (7), insufficientLinksNe (8), insufficientLinksFe (9), blockedNe (10), blockedFe (11), otherFailure (12), invalidImaVersionNe (13), invalidImaVersionFe (14) } TmnxImaLnkState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxImaLnkState indicates the current state of an IMA link." SYNTAX INTEGER { notInGroup (1), unusableNoGivenReason (2), unusableFault (3), unusableMisconnected (4), unusableInhibited (5), unusableFailed (6), usable (7), active (8) } TmnxImaLnkFailState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxImaLnkFailState indicates the local failure status of a link belonging to an IMA group." SYNTAX INTEGER { noFailure (1), imaLinkFailure (2), lifFailure (3), lodsFailure (4), misConnected (5), blocked (6), fault (7), farEndTxLinkUnusable (8), farEndRxLinkUnusable (9) } TmnxImaTestState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxImaTestState indicates the current state of the test pattern procedure." SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), operating (2), failed (3) } TmnxImaGrpClockModes ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxImaGrpClockModes lists the types of clock modes available to IMA Groups." SYNTAX INTEGER { ctc (1), itc (2) } TmnxImaGrpVersion ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxImaGrpVersion lists the types of Ima versions available per IMA Groups." SYNTAX INTEGER { oneDotZero (1), oneDotOne (2) } TmnxMcMlpppClassIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxMcMlpppClassIndex indicates the class of a Multiclass MLPPP bundle. For Multiclass MLPPP bundles with a non-zero tmnxBundleMlpppClassCount of classes, class index takes valid values from 0 to (tmnxBundleMlpppClassCount - 1) inclusive. For example a 4-class MLPPP bundle has 4 classes with indices 0, 1, 2, and 3." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..15) TmnxMlpppEndpointIdClass ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxMlpppEndpointIdClass indicates the MLPPP Endpoint Discriminator Class Field Type." SYNTAX INTEGER { nullClass (0), localAddress (1), ipAddress (2), ieee802dot1GlobalMacAddress (3), pppMagicNumberBlock (4), publicSwitchedNetworkDirNumber (5) } TmnxMlfrLinkDownReason ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxMlfrLinkDownReason indicates the reason code for marking a MLFR member link of a bundle to down. A 'none' down reason indicates that the link is active. An 'outOfService' down reason indicates that the link operational status is down. A 'redDiffDelayExceeded' down reason indicates that the differential delay of the link exceeded the configured value of red differential delay and the delay action was configured as 'down'. A 'loopback' down reason indicates that the link has been detected to be in a loopback condition. A 'negotiating' down reason indicates that the link has not successfully negotiated the link into a bundle. A 'noRxHelloAck' down reason indicates that the link has not received a hello ack response. A 'rxCause' down reason indicates that a peer failure has been detected on this link. A 'txCause' down reason indicates that a local failure has been detected on this link. A linkReset' down reason indicates that the link is being reset." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), outOfService (1), redDiffDelayExceeded (2), loopback (3), negotiating (4), noRxHelloAck (5), rxCause (7), txCause (8), linkReset (9) } TmnxWaveTrackerAlarm ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The TmnxWaveTrackerAlarm specifies the alarms which are enabled or outstanding against a Wave Tracker enabled interface. The valid alarms are as follows: - encFail - Encoder Failure. - encDegr - Encoder Degrade. - pwrFail - Power Control Failure. - pwrDegr - Power Control Degrade. - pwrHigh - Power Control High limit reached. - pwrLow - Power Control Low limit reached. - missing - Missing pluggable VOA. This textual-convention was obsoleted in release 22.2." SYNTAX BITS { encFail (0), encDegr (1), pwrFail (2), pwrDegr (3), pwrHigh (4), pwrLow (5), missing (6) } TmnxOpticalAmpAlarm ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxOpticalAmpAlarm specifies the alarms which are enabled or outstanding against an interface that is equipped with an optical amplifier. The valid alarms are as follows: - ampIld - Amplifier Pump over-current. - ampTmp - Amplifier Pump temperature. - ampMth - Amplifier Module Case temperature high. - ampMtl - Amplifier Module Case temperature low. - ampLos - Amplifier Loss of input optical power. - ampLop - Amplifier Loss of output power. - ampCom - Amplifier Module communication failure." SYNTAX BITS { ampIld (0), ampTmp (1), ampMth (2), ampMtl (3), ampLos (4), ampLop (5), ampCom (6) } TmnxOpticalTdcmAlarm ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxOpticalTdcmAlarm specifies the alarms which are enabled or outstanding against an interface that is equipped with a tunable dispersion compensation module. The valid alarms are as follows: - tdcmNotRdy - Tdcm not ready. - tdcmMth - Tdcm module temperature high. - tdcmMtl - Tdcm module temperature low. - tdcmUnLck - Tdcm thermal control unlocked. - tdcmTmpLim - Tdcm thermal control temperature limit. - tdcmEprInv - Tdcm EEPROM invalid. - tdcmCom - Tdcm module communication failure." SYNTAX BITS { tdcmNotRdy (0), tdcmMth (1), tdcmMtl (2), tdcmUnLck (3), tdcmTmpLim (4), tdcmEprInv (5), tdcmCom (6) } TmnxOpticalDispCtrlMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxOpticalDispCtrlMode specifies the operational control mode of the dispersion compensation module. The valid modes are as follows: - automatic - The software control loop automatically determines the dispersion using a FEC feedback algorithm to find the best operational dispersion compensation point - manual - The software control loop is disabled and the user manually configures the dispersion compensation." SYNTAX INTEGER { automatic (0), manual (1) } TmnxOpticalAmpCtrlState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxOpticalAmpCtrlState specifies the state of the control loop that optimizes the receive optical power of to the MSA optics." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), lossOfsignal (1), adjusting (2), paused (3), converged (4) } TmnxOpticalTdcmCtrlState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxOpticalTdcmCtrlState specifies the state of the control loop that optimizes the dispersion by tuning the dispersion compensation module to the set point at which the FEC corrected error rate is the lowest." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), disabled (1), waiting (2), sweeping (3), zoneIn (4), fineTuning (5), converged (6) } TmnxOpticalDwdmChannel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "TmnxOpticalDwdmChannel is the DWDM ITU channel associated with an optical interface. It is expressed in a form that is derived from the laser's operational frequency. For example 193.40 THz corresponds to DWDM ITU channel 34 in the 100 GHz grid and 193.45 THz corresponds to DWDM ITU channel 345 in the 50 GHz grid. Range ITU Grid -------- ---------------------- 17-61 100 GHz Grid 170-610 50 GHz Grid For configurable attributes, the value 0 represents no channel. For read-only attributes, the value 0 represents no channel transmitted or the interface is not equipped with a laser. This textual-convention was obsoleted in release 22.2." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 17..61 | 170..610) TmnxOpticalDwdmExtendedChannel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "TmnxOpticalDwdmExtendedChannel is the extended DWDM ITU channel associated with an optical interface. It is expressed in a form that is derived from the laser's operational frequency. For example 193.40 THz corresponds to DWDM ITU channel 34 in the 100 GHz grid and 193.45 THz corresponds to DWDM ITU channel 345 in the 50 GHz grid. Range ITU Grid -------- ---------------------- 11-62 100 GHz Grid 115-615 50 GHz Grid For configurable attributes, the value 0 represents no channel. For read-only attributes, the value 0 represents no channel transmitted or the interface is not equipped with a laser. This textual-convention was obsoleted in release 22.2." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 11..62 | 115..615) TmnxDigitalDiagnosticFailureBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxDigitalDiagnosticFailureBits specifies the state of the Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) SFF thresholds. For each monitored attribute a low-warning, low-alarm, high-warning, and high-alarm are recorded. A set bit indicates the object is in a failed state, a cleared bit indicates the object has not exceeded the threshold." SYNTAX BITS { unknown (0), temperature-low-warning (1), temperature-low-alarm (2), temperature-high-warning (3), temperature-high-alarm (4), supplyVoltage-low-warning (5), supplyVoltage-low-alarm (6), supplyVoltage-high-warning (7), supplyVoltage-high-alarm (8), txBiasCurrent-low-warning (9), txBiasCurrent-low-alarm (10), txBiasCurrent-high-warning (11), txBiasCurrent-high-alarm (12), txOutputPower-low-warning (13), txOutputPower-low-alarm (14), txOutputPower-high-warning (15), txOutputPower-high-alarm (16), rxOpticalPower-low-warning (17), rxOpticalPower-low-alarm (18), rxOpticalPower-high-warning (19), rxOpticalPower-high-alarm (20), aux1-low-warning (21), aux1-low-alarm (22), aux1-high-warning (23), aux1-high-alarm (24), aux2-low-warning (25), aux2-low-alarm (26), aux2-high-warning (27), aux2-high-alarm (28) } TmnxCoherentOpticalDefectPoint ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxCoherentOpticalDefectPoint specifies the type of coherent optical defects currently active on the port. overTemp - Module over safe operating temperature. hwPost - Hardware fault detected during power-on self-test. pldFlashInit - PLD (Programmable Logic Device), CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device), or FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) initialization fault. powerSupply - Power supply is out of range. chkSum - CFP (C Form factor Pluggable) table checksum fault. refClkIn - Loss of reference clock. txJitPllLol - TX jitter PLL (Phase-Locked Loop) loss of lock. txCmuLol - TX CMU (Clock Multiplier Unit) loss of lock. txLossFunc - TX loss of signal functionality. hostTxLol - TX IC (Integrated Circuit) lock indicator. netRxLol - RX IC lock indicator. hostTxSkewHigh - Host lane skew out of alignment. netTxTec - Lane TX thermoelectric cooler fault. netTxWaveUnlk - Lane wavelength unlocked. netTxLosf - Lane TX loss of signal functionality netRxLos - Lane RX loss of signal. netRxFifoErr - Lane RX FIFO error. netRxTec - Lane RX thermoelectric cooler fault. netTxOutOfAlign - Out of alignment. netTxCmuLock - CMU lock fault. netTxRefClk - Reference clock fault. netRxModemSyncDet - Modem sync detect fault. netRxModemLock - Modem lock fault. hostTxLaneFifoErr - Lane TX FIFO error. hostTxDeskew - Deskew lock fault. hostRxCorr - Host Rx FEC corrected bits detected. hostRxUncorr - Host Rx FEC uncorrectable error detected. commFail - Communication failure." SYNTAX BITS { overTemp (0), hwPost (1), pldFlashInit (2), powerSupply (3), chkSum (4), refClkIn (5), txJitPllLol (6), txCmuLol (7), txLossFunc (8), hostTxLol (9), netRxLol (10), hostTxSkewHigh (11), netTxTec (12), netTxWaveUnlk (13), netTxLosf (14), netRxLos (15), netRxFifoErr (16), netRxTec (17), netTxOutOfAlign (18), netTxCmuLock (19), netTxRefClk (20), netRxModemSyncDet (21), netRxModemLock (22), hostTxLaneFifoErr (23), hostTxDeskew (24), hostRxCorr (25), hostRxUncorr (26), commFail (27) } TmnxCoherentOpticalAlarm ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxCoherentOpticalAlarm specifies the type of coherent optical alarm currently active on the port. The values are logical ORs of TmnxCoherentOpticalDefectPoint. moduleFault - logical OR of defect points 'overTemp(0)', 'hwPost(1)', 'pldFlashInit(2)', 'powerSupply(3)', 'chkSum(4)', 'commFail(27)' module - logical OR of defect points 'refClkIn(5)', 'txJitPllLol(6)', 'txCmuLol(7)', 'txLossFunc(8)', 'hostRxCorr(25)', 'hostRxUncorr(26)' netRx - logical OR of defect points 'netRxLol(10)', 'netRxLos(15)', 'netRxFifoErr(16)', 'netRxTec(17)', 'netRxModemSyncDet(21)', 'netRxModemLock(22)' netTx - logical OR of defect points 'netTxTec(12)', 'netTxWaveUnlk(13)', 'netTxLosf(14)', 'netTxOutOfAlign(18)', 'netTxCmuLock(19)', 'netTxRefClk(20)' hostTx - logical OR of defect points 'hostTxLol(9)', 'hostTxSkewHigh(11)', 'hostTxLaneFifoErr(23)', 'hostTxDeskew(24)'" SYNTAX BITS { moduleFault (0), module (1), netRx (2), netTx (3), hostTx (4) } TmnxPortLosReaction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxPortLosReaction specifies the type of action that is taken in the event of a Loss Of Signal (LOS). The valid modes are as follows: - none - Specifies that the interface not be taken down on crossing the optical LOS threshold. - squelch - Specifies that the interface be taken down on crossing the optical LOS threshold." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), squelch (1) } TmnxPortCompatMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxPortCompatMode specifies the optical mode and rate of operation of the Coherent interface. Code points: longHaul - interface will operate in the native long haul mode metro - interface will operate in the native metro regional mode access - interface will operate in the native access mode - 80km reach interop - interface will operate in the third party interop mode interop2 - interface will operate in the third party interop mode with alternate differential encoding interop3 - interface will operate in the CFP2-DCO Rev A0 Staircase FEC interop mode longHaulNonDiff - interface will operate in the native long haul mode using non-differential encoding " SYNTAX INTEGER { longHaul (0), metro (1), access (2), interop (3), interop2 (4), interop3 (5), longHaulNonDiff (6) } TmnxSFFStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxSFFStatus specifies the operational status of the small form factor (SFF) that is inserted into the port. If the SFF is removed from the port, the value of TmnxSFFStatus will be 'not-equipped (0)', otherwise 'operational (1)' if no failure is detected. A failure to read the SFF data will result in a 'read-error (2)', while corrupted information on the SFF will result in either 'data-corrupt (3)', or 'ddm-corrupt (4)' if an SFF read results in invalid data or DDM information respectively. An insertion of an unsupported SFF will result in 'unsupported (5)'. An insertion of an SFF device that is preventing other devices from being read will result in the state 'culprit (6)' for the offending device, and 'blocked (7)' for the other devices. A trap will be raised if the value of TmnxSFFStatus indicates a failure; that is the TmnxSFFStatus is neither 'not-equipped (0)', nor 'operational (1)'." SYNTAX INTEGER { not-equipped (0), operational (1), read-error (2), data-corrupt (3), ddm-corrupt (4), unsupported (5), culprit (6), blocked (7) } TmnxHoldTime ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxHoldTime specifies the hold-timer for link up/down event dampening. This guards against reporting excessive interface transitions. This is implemented by not advertising subsequent transitions of the interface to upper layer protocols until the configured timer has expired." SYNTAX Unsigned32 TmnxPortOptComplianceExtType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxPortOptComplianceExtType is an enumerated integer that extends the tmnxPortOpticalCompliance field of of a small form factor (SFF) that is inserted into the port" REFERENCE "SFF Committee document SFF-8024 February 14 2019 Revision 4.6 Section 4.4." SYNTAX Unsigned32 TmnxRS232ControlLead ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The programmed setting of a Serial control lead." SYNTAX INTEGER { high (1), low (2) } TmnxRS232ControlLeadMon ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The programmed monitor setting of a Serial control lead." SYNTAX INTEGER { on (1), off (2) } TmnxPortConnectorBreakoutType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxPortConnectorBreakoutType is an index into the tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeTable used to identify a specific type of connector breakout." SYNTAX Unsigned32 TmnxCrcPolynomial ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxCrcPolynomial is enumerated integer type of polynomial options used in load balancing algorithm for distribution of packet flows under ECMP and LAG. poly1(1) - CRC16_0x8003 poly2(2) - CRC16_0x8011 poly3(3) - CRC16_0x8423 poly4(4) - CRC16_0x8101 poly5(5) - CRC16_0x84a1 poly6(6) - CRC16_0x9019." SYNTAX INTEGER { poly1 (1), poly2 (2), poly3 (3), poly4 (4), poly5 (5), poly6 (6) } TmnxPortGnssConstellation ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxPortGnssConstellation specifies or indicates which constellation types the installed GNSS receiver module shall process. gps - Global Positioning System. Owned by the United States government. glonass - GLObal NAvigation Satellite System. Owned by the Russian government." SYNTAX BITS { gps (0), glonass (1) } TmnxPortGnssAntennaStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxPortGnssAntennaStatus indicates the status of the GNSS receiver module's antenna." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), unsupported (1), ok (2), overCurrent (3), underCurrent (4), noBiasVoltage (5) } TmnxPortGnssSyncStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxPortGnssSyncStatus indicates the status of the GNSS receiver module with respect to generating a sync-worthy clock signal." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), locked (1), notLocked (2) } TmnxAggShaperSchdAlgColorType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxAggShaperSchdAlgColorType data type is an enumerated integer that indicates the type color based to represent the scaling of hw-agg-shaper members within a hw-agg-shaper scheduler policy. - The value of 'green' indicates that the algorithm is well within its scaling limit. - The value of 'amber' indicates that the scaling of members is within certain threshold. - The value of 'red' indicates that the algorithm has gone over its limits." SYNTAX INTEGER { green (0), amber (1), red (2) } TmnxOpticalDwdmFrequency ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxOpticalDwdmFrequency is the frequency for a DWDM optical port. For configurable attributes, the value 0 represents no frequency has been defined. For read-only attributes, the value 0 represents no signal has been transmitted. Note that tunable DWDM optical ports operate at specific frequencies on grids. Traditionally, these have used the 100 or 50 GHz grib, but newer interfaces can support other grids such as 75 GHz, 33 GHz, 25 GHz, 12.5 GHz, 6.25 GHz, and 3.125 GHz. In addition some interfaces allow for fine tuning of the frequency to values off grid." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 191100000..196150000) tmnxPortConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxHwConformance 2 } tmnxPortCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortConformance 1 } tmnxPortComp7750 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortCompliances 3 } tmnxPortComp7750V4v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 4.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems. tmnxMlImaBundleGroup was added as of R4." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV4v0, tmnxPortEthernetV3v0Group, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV4v0, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV3v0, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV4v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV4v0, tmnxMlImaBundleGroup } ::= { tmnxPortComp7750 2 } tmnxPortComp7750V5v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 5.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV5v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV5v0, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV5v0, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV4v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV5v0, tmnxMlImaBundleGroup, tmnxPortSchedV5v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV5v0Group } ::= { tmnxPortComp7750 3 } tmnxPortComp7750V6v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 6.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV6v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV6v0, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV6v0, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV4v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV6v0, tmnxMlImaBundleGroup, tmnxPortSchedV5v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV6v0Group, tmnxPortCemGroupV6v0, tmnxMcMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxHsmdaGroupV6v0, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup } ::= { tmnxPortComp7750 4 } tmnxPortComp7750V6v1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 6.1 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV6v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV6v0, tmnxPortTDME1GroupV6v1, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV6v0, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV4v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV6v0, tmnxMlImaBundleGroup, tmnxPortSchedV5v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV6v1Group, tmnxPortCemGroupV6v0, tmnxMcMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxHsmdaGroupV6v0, tmnxNamedPoolGroupV6v0, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup } ::= { tmnxPortComp7750 5 } tmnxPortComp7750V7v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 7.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV7v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortTDME1GroupV6v1, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortTestGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV7v0, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV6v0, tmnxMlImaBundleGroup, tmnxPortSchedV5v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV7v0Group, tmnxPortCemGroupV6v0, tmnxMcMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxHsmdaGroupV6v0, tmnxNamedPoolGroupV6v0, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup, tmnxPortQV7v0Group, tmnxPortQStatV7v0Group, tmnxMcMfrBundleGroup, tmnxFrIntfGroup, tmnxFrf12IntfGroup, tmnxPortSchedStatsGroup } ::= { tmnxPortComp7750 6 } tmnxPortComp7750V8v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 8.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV7v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortTDME1GroupV6v1, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortTestGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v0, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV6v0, tmnxMlImaBundleGroup, tmnxPortSchedV5v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV7v0Group, tmnxPortCemGroupV6v0, tmnxMcMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxHsmdaGroupV6v0, tmnxNamedPoolGroupV6v0, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup, tmnxPortQV8v0Group, tmnxPortQStatV7v0Group, tmnxMcMfrBundleGroup, tmnxFrIntfGroup, tmnxFrf12IntfGroup, tmnxWaveTrackerGroup, tmnxPortDwdmGroup, tmnxPortGroupV8v0, tmnxPortCEMGroupV8v0, tmnxPortSchedStatsGroup, tmnxPortVPortGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroupV7v0, tmnxOpticalPortGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v9 } ::= { tmnxPortComp7750 7 } tmnxPortComp7750V9v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 9.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems. This MODULE-COMPLIANCE was made obsolete in favor of tmnxPortComplianceV9v0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV7v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortTDME1GroupV6v1, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortTestGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV9v4, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV6v0, tmnxMlImaBundleGroup, tmnxPortSchedV5v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV7v0Group, tmnxPortCemGroupV6v0, tmnxMcMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxHsmdaGroupV6v0, tmnxNamedPoolGroupV6v0, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup, tmnxPortQV8v0Group, tmnxPortQStatV7v0Group, tmnxMcMfrBundleGroup, tmnxFrIntfGroup, tmnxFrf12IntfGroup, tmnxWaveTrackerGroup, tmnxPortDwdmGroup, tmnxPortGroupV8v0, tmnxPortCEMGroupV8v0, tmnxPortSchedStatsGroup, tmnxPortVPortV9v0Group, tmnxMlpppBundleGroupV7v0, tmnxOpticalPortGroup, tmnxPortATMGroupV9v0, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperV9v0Group, tmnxPortObjAppV9v0Group, tmnxOpticalPortGroupV9v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v9, tmnxPortEgrVPortStatsV9v0Group } ::= { tmnxPortComp7750 8 } tmnxPortComp7450 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortCompliances 4 } tmnxPortComp7450V4v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 4.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia 7450 SR series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV4v0, tmnxPortEthernetV3v0Group, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV3v0, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group } ::= { tmnxPortComp7450 2 } tmnxPortComp7450V5v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 5.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia 7450 SR series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV5v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV5v0, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV5v0Group } ::= { tmnxPortComp7450 3 } tmnxPortComp7450V6v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 6.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia 7450 SR series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV6v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV6v0, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV6v0Group, tmnxHsmdaGroupV6v0, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup } ::= { tmnxPortComp7450 4 } tmnxPortComp7450V6v1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 6.1 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia 7450 SR series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV6v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV6v0, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV6v1Group, tmnxHsmdaGroupV6v0, tmnxNamedPoolGroupV6v0, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup } ::= { tmnxPortComp7450 5 } tmnxPortComp7450V7v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 7.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia 7450 SR series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV7v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortTestGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV7v0, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV7v0Group, tmnxHsmdaGroupV6v0, tmnxNamedPoolGroupV6v0, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup, tmnxPortQV7v0Group, tmnxPortQStatV7v0Group, tmnxPortSchedStatsGroup } ::= { tmnxPortComp7450 6 } tmnxPortComp7450V8v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 8.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia 7450 SR series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV7v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortTestGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v0, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV7v0Group, tmnxHsmdaGroupV6v0, tmnxNamedPoolGroupV6v0, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup, tmnxPortQV8v0Group, tmnxPortQStatV7v0Group, tmnxWaveTrackerGroup, tmnxPortDwdmGroup, tmnxPortGroupV8v0, tmnxPortCEMGroupV8v0, tmnxPortSchedStatsGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroupV7v0, tmnxOpticalPortGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v9 } ::= { tmnxPortComp7450 7 } tmnxPortComp7710 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortCompliances 5 } tmnxPortComp7710V3v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 3.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortV3v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV3v0Group, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMV3v0Group, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortTestGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupR2r1, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMV3v0Group, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxMlBundleV3v0Group, tmnx7710PortTDMGroupV3v0 } ::= { tmnxPortComp7710 1 } tmnxPortComp7710V5v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 5.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV5v0, tmnxPortEthernetV5v0Group, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV5v0, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV5v0, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV4v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV5v0, tmnxPortSchedV5v0Group, tmnx7710PortTDMGroupV5v0 } ::= { tmnxPortComp7710 2 } tmnxPortComp7710V6v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 6.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV6v0, tmnxPortEthernetV6v0Group, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV6v0, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV6v0, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV4v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV6v0, tmnxPortSchedV5v0Group, tmnx7710PortTDMGroupV5v0, tmnxPortCemGroupV6v0, tmnxMcMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup } ::= { tmnxPortComp7710 3 } tmnxPortComp7710V6v1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 6.1 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV6v0, tmnxPortEthernetV6v1Group, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV6v0, tmnxPortTDME1GroupV6v1, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV6v0, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV4v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV6v0, tmnxPortSchedV5v0Group, tmnx7710PortTDMGroupV5v0, tmnxPortCemGroupV6v0, tmnxMcMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup } ::= { tmnxPortComp7710 4 } tmnxPortComp7710V7v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 7.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV7v0, tmnxPortEthernetV7v0Group, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortTDME1GroupV6v1, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortTestGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV7v0, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV6v0, tmnxPortSchedV5v0Group, tmnx7710PortTDMGroupV5v0, tmnxPortCemGroupV6v0, tmnxMcMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup, tmnxPortQV7v0Group, tmnxPortQStatV7v0Group, tmnxPortSchedStatsGroup } ::= { tmnxPortComp7710 5 } tmnxPortComp7710V8v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 8.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV7v0, tmnxPortEthernetV7v0Group, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortTDME1GroupV6v1, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortTestGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v0, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV6v0, tmnxPortSchedV5v0Group, tmnx7710PortTDMGroupV5v0, tmnxPortCemGroupV6v0, tmnxMcMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup, tmnxPortQV8v0Group, tmnxPortQStatV7v0Group, tmnxWaveTrackerGroup, tmnxPortDwdmGroup, tmnxPortGroupV8v0, tmnxPortCEMGroupV8v0, tmnxPortSchedStatsGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroupV7v0, tmnxOpticalPortGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v9 } ::= { tmnxPortComp7710 6 } tmnxPortComplianceV9v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 9.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV7v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortTDME1GroupV6v1, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortTestGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV9v4, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV6v0, tmnxMlImaBundleGroup, tmnxPortSchedV5v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV7v0Group, tmnxPortCemGroupV6v0, tmnxMcMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxHsmdaGroupV6v0, tmnxNamedPoolGroupV6v0, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup, tmnxPortQV8v0Group, tmnx7710PortTDMGroupV5v0, tmnxPortQStatV7v0Group, tmnxMcMfrBundleGroup, tmnxFrIntfGroup, tmnxFrf12IntfGroup, tmnxWaveTrackerGroup, tmnxPortDwdmGroup, tmnxPortGroupV8v0, tmnxPortCEMGroupV8v0, tmnxPortSchedStatsGroup, tmnxPortVPortV9v0Group, tmnxMlpppBundleGroupV7v0, tmnxOpticalPortGroup, tmnxPortATMGroupV9v0, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperV9v0Group, tmnxPortObjAppV9v0Group, tmnxOpticalPortGroupV9v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v9, tmnxPortEgrVPortStatsV9v0Group, tmnxPortEtherV9v0Group, tmnxPortNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxPortV9v0Group } ::= { tmnxPortCompliances 6 } tmnxPortComplianceV10v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 10.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV7v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortTDME1GroupV6v1, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortTestGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV9v4, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV6v0, tmnxMlImaBundleGroup, tmnxPortSchedV5v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV7v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV10v0Group, tmnxPortCemGroupV6v0, tmnxMcMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxHsmdaGroupV10v0, tmnxNamedPoolGroupV6v0, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup, tmnxDDMLaneGroupV10v0, tmnxPortQV8v0Group, tmnx7710PortTDMGroupV5v0, tmnxPortQStatV7v0Group, tmnxMcMfrBundleGroup, tmnxFrIntfGroup, tmnxFrf12IntfGroup, tmnxWaveTrackerGroup, tmnxPortDwdmGroup, tmnxPortGroupV8v0, tmnxPortCEMGroupV8v0, tmnxPortSchedStatsGroup, tmnxPortVPortV9v0Group, tmnxMlpppBundleGroupV7v0, tmnxOpticalPortGroup, tmnxPortATMGroupV9v0, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperV9v0Group, tmnxPortObjAppV9v0Group, tmnxOpticalPortGroupV9v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v9, tmnxPortEgrVPortStatsV9v0Group, tmnxPortEtherV9v0Group, tmnxPortNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxPortV9v0Group, tmnxPortNetEgrV10v0Group, tmnxPortPlcyGroup, tmnxPwPortV10v0Group, tmnxPortLoadBalGroupV10v0, tmnxPortEtherPhysStatsGroup } ::= { tmnxPortCompliances 7 } tmnxPortComplianceV11v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 11.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortGroupV7v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortTDME1GroupV6v1, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortTestGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV9v4, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxScalarPortV11v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV6v0, tmnxMlImaBundleGroup, tmnxPortSchedV5v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV7v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV10v0Group, tmnxPortCemGroupV6v0, tmnxMcMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxHsmdaGroupV10v0, tmnxNamedPoolGroupV6v0, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup, tmnxDDMLaneGroupV10v0, tmnxPortQV8v0Group, tmnx7710PortTDMGroupV5v0, tmnxPortQStatV7v0Group, tmnxMcMfrBundleGroup, tmnxFrIntfGroup, tmnxFrf12IntfGroup, tmnxWaveTrackerGroup, tmnxPortDwdmGroup, tmnxPortGroupV8v0, tmnxPortCEMGroupV8v0, tmnxPortSchedStatsGroup, tmnxPortVPortV9v0Group, tmnxPortVPortV11v0Group, tmnxMlpppBundleGroupV7v0, tmnxOpticalPortGroup, tmnxPortATMGroupV9v0, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperV9v0Group, tmnxPortObjAppV9v0Group, tmnxOpticalPortGroupV9v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v9, tmnxPortEgrVPortStatsV9v0Group, tmnxPortEtherV9v0Group, tmnxPortNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxPortV9v0Group, tmnxPortNetEgrV10v0Group, tmnxPortPlcyGroup, tmnxPwPortV10v0Group, tmnxPortLoadBalGroupV10v0, tmnxPortEgrQGrpV11v0Group, tmnxPortEtherPhysStatsGroup, tmnxWaveTrackerV11v0Group, tmnxPortEgrQGrpV11v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortGroup, tmnxCohOptPortStatsGroup, tmnxPortNotificationV11v0Group, tmnxPortEgrHsmdaStatV11v0Group, tmnxPortEgrHsmdaOverV11v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV11v0Group } ::= { tmnxPortCompliances 8 } tmnxPortComplianceV12v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 12.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxDS3V12v0Group, tmnxPortGroupV7v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortTDME1GroupV6v1, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortTestGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV9v4, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxScalarPortV11v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV6v0, tmnxMlImaBundleGroup, tmnxPortSchedV5v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV7v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV10v0Group, tmnxPortCemGroupV6v0, tmnxMcMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxHsmdaGroupV10v0, tmnxNamedPoolGroupV6v0, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup, tmnxDDMLaneGroupV10v0, tmnxPortQV8v0Group, tmnx7710PortTDMGroupV5v0, tmnxPortQStatV7v0Group, tmnxMcMfrBundleGroup, tmnxFrIntfGroup, tmnxFrf12IntfGroup, tmnxWaveTrackerGroup, tmnxPortDwdmGroup, tmnxPortGroupV8v0, tmnxPortCEMGroupV8v0, tmnxPortSchedStatsGroup, tmnxPortVPortV9v0Group, tmnxPortVPortV11v0Group, tmnxPortVPortV12v0Group, tmnxPortParentLocV12v0Group, tmnxMlpppBundleGroupV7v0, tmnxOpticalPortGroup, tmnxPortATMGroupV9v0, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperV9v0Group, tmnxPortObjAppV9v0Group, tmnxOpticalPortGroupV9v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v9, tmnxPortEgrVPortStatsV9v0Group, tmnxPortEtherV9v0Group, tmnxPortNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxPortV9v0Group, tmnxPortNetEgrV10v0Group, tmnxPortPlcyGroup, tmnxPwPortV10v0Group, tmnxPortLoadBalGroupV10v0, tmnxPortEgrQGrpV11v0Group, tmnxPortEtherPhysStatsGroup, tmnxPortEtherSymMonGroupV12v0, tmnxPrtEthSmMnNotifyObjsGrpV12v0, tmnxPortEthSymMonNotifyGrpV12v0, tmnxWaveTrackerV11v0Group, tmnxPortEgrQGrpV11v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortGroup, tmnxCohOptPortStatsGroup, tmnxPortNotificationV11v0Group, tmnxPortEgrHsmdaStatV11v0Group, tmnxPortEgrHsmdaOverV11v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV11v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV12v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortV11v0Group, tmnxDot1xPaePortGroup, tmnxPortAggRateV12v0Group, tmnxPortSchedPlcyV12v0Group, tmnxSonetPortV12v0Group } ::= { tmnxPortCompliances 9 } tmnxPortComplianceV13v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 13.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxDS3V12v0Group, tmnxPortGroupV7v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortTDME1GroupV6v1, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortTestGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV9v4, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxScalarPortV11v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV6v0, tmnxMlImaBundleGroup, tmnxPortEthernetV7v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV10v0Group, tmnxPortCemGroupV6v0, tmnxMcMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxHsmdaGroupV10v0, tmnxNamedPoolGroupV6v0, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup, tmnxDDMLaneGroupV10v0, tmnx7710PortTDMGroupV5v0, tmnxPortQStatV7v0Group, tmnxMcMfrBundleGroup, tmnxFrIntfGroup, tmnxFrf12IntfGroup, tmnxWaveTrackerGroup, tmnxPortDwdmGroup, tmnxPortGroupV8v0, tmnxPortCEMGroupV8v0, tmnxPortSchedStatsGroup, tmnxPortVPortV11v0Group, tmnxPortVPortV12v0Group, tmnxPortParentLocV12v0Group, tmnxMlpppBundleGroupV7v0, tmnxOpticalPortGroup, tmnxPortATMGroupV9v0, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperV9v0Group, tmnxPortObjAppV9v0Group, tmnxOpticalPortGroupV9v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v9, tmnxPortEgrVPortStatsV9v0Group, tmnxPortEtherV9v0Group, tmnxPortNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxPortV9v0Group, tmnxPortNetEgrV10v0Group, tmnxPortPlcyGroup, tmnxPwPortV10v0Group, tmnxPortLoadBalGroupV10v0, tmnxPortEgrQGrpV11v0Group, tmnxPortEtherPhysStatsGroup, tmnxPortEtherSymMonGroupV12v0, tmnxPrtEthSmMnNotifyObjsGrpV12v0, tmnxPortEthSymMonNotifyGrpV12v0, tmnxWaveTrackerV11v0Group, tmnxPortEgrQGrpV11v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortGroup, tmnxCohOptPortStatsGroup, tmnxPortNotificationV11v0Group, tmnxPortEgrHsmdaStatV11v0Group, tmnxPortEgrHsmdaOverV11v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV11v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV12v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortV11v0Group, tmnxDot1xPaePortGroup, tmnxPortAggRateV12v0Group, tmnxPortSchedPlcyV12v0Group, tmnxSonetPortV12v0Group, tmnxPortTopologyV13v0Group, tmnxPortQueueOvrV13v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortV12v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortStatsV12v0Group, tmnxPortSchedPlcyOvrV13v0Group, tmnxPortAggRateLimitV13v0Group, tmnxPortV13v0Group, tmnxPortSchedV13v0Group } ::= { tmnxPortCompliances 10 } tmnxPortComplianceV14v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 14.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortEtherAccessV14v0Group, tmnxPortGroup, tmnxPortQosStatsGroup, tmnxPortFwdEngStatsGroup, tmnxPortGroupV14v0, tmnxPortEgrQosStatsGroup, tmnxPortEthPTPAsymGroupV14v0 } ::= { tmnxPortCompliances 11 } tmnxPortComplianceV15v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 15.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxDS3V12v0Group, tmnxPortGroupV7v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortTDME1GroupV6v1, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortTestGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV9v4, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxScalarPortV11v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV6v0, tmnxMlImaBundleGroup, tmnxPortEthernetV7v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV10v0Group, tmnxPortCemGroupV6v0, tmnxMcMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxHsmdaGroupV10v0, tmnxNamedPoolGroupV6v0, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup, tmnxDDMLaneGroupV10v0, tmnx7710PortTDMGroupV5v0, tmnxPortQStatV7v0Group, tmnxMcMfrBundleGroup, tmnxFrIntfGroup, tmnxFrf12IntfGroup, tmnxWaveTrackerGroup, tmnxPortDwdmGroup, tmnxPortGroupV8v0, tmnxPortCEMGroupV8v0, tmnxPortSchedStatsGroup, tmnxPortVPortV11v0Group, tmnxPortVPortV12v0Group, tmnxPortParentLocV12v0Group, tmnxMlpppBundleGroupV7v0, tmnxPortATMGroupV9v0, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperV9v0Group, tmnxPortObjAppV9v0Group, tmnxOpticalPortGroupV9v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v9, tmnxPortEgrVPortStatsV9v0Group, tmnxPortEtherV9v0Group, tmnxPortNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxPortV9v0Group, tmnxPortNetEgrV10v0Group, tmnxPortPlcyGroup, tmnxPwPortV10v0Group, tmnxPortLoadBalGroupV10v0, tmnxPortEgrQGrpV11v0Group, tmnxPortEtherPhysStatsGroup, tmnxPortEtherSymMonGroupV12v0, tmnxPrtEthSmMnNotifyObjsGrpV12v0, tmnxPortEthSymMonNotifyGrpV12v0, tmnxWaveTrackerV11v0Group, tmnxPortEgrQGrpV11v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortGroup, tmnxCohOptPortStatsGroup, tmnxPortNotificationV11v0Group, tmnxPortEgrHsmdaStatV11v0Group, tmnxPortEgrHsmdaOverV11v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV11v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV12v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortV11v0Group, tmnxDot1xPaePortGroup, tmnxPortAggRateV12v0Group, tmnxPortSchedPlcyV12v0Group, tmnxSonetPortV12v0Group, tmnxPortTopologyV13v0Group, tmnxPortQueueOvrV13v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortV12v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortStatsV12v0Group, tmnxPortSchedPlcyOvrV13v0Group, tmnxPortAggRateLimitV13v0Group, tmnxPortV13v0Group, tmnxPortSchedV15v0Group, tmnxPortQOverDropTailGroup, tmnxPortEgrHsGroup, tmnxPortEgrHsSchedGroup, tmnxPortEgrHsSecShaperGroup, tmnxPortEtherUtilStatGroup, tmnxPortRateV15v0Group, tmnxPortEtherRsFecModeGroup, tmnxPortSchedBurstV15v0Group, tmnxPortAccSchedOvrSV15v0Group, tmnxPortEtherDampeningGroup, tmnxPortEtherDampeningStatsGroup, tmnxPortConnectorBreakoutGroup, tmnxPwPortEthTypeV15v0Group, tmnxRS232PortGroup, tmnxRS232PortNotifyGroup, tmnxPortVsrGroup, tmnxPortTransceiverGroupV15v0 } ::= { tmnxPortCompliances 12 } tmnxPortComplianceV16v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 16.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxPortQosMWModAwareV16v0Group, tmnxPortQosMWModAwV16v0NotifyGrp, tmnxPortFPMacObjectGroup, tmnxPortLicensingGroup, tmnxPortLoadBalGroupV16v0 } ::= { tmnxPortCompliances 13 } tmnxPortComplianceV19v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 19.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxRsFecConnectorGroup, tmnxRsFecModeGroup, tmnxPortBWGroup, tmnxPortEgrQosPortQosPlcyGroup, tmnxPortLoadBalGroupV19v5, tmnxPortEtherLoopbackGroup, tmnxPortTDMGroupV19v0, tmnxPortNotificationV19v0Group, tmnxPortAdapterGroupV19v0, tmnxPortEtherPhysStatsV19v0Group } ::= { tmnxPortCompliances 14 } tmnxPortComplianceV20v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 20.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxDS3V12v0Group, tmnxPortGroupV7v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortTDME1GroupV6v1, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortTestGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV9v4, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxScalarPortV11v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV6v0, tmnxMlImaBundleGroup, tmnxPortEthernetV7v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV10v0Group, tmnxPortCemGroupV6v0, tmnxMcMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxHsmdaGroupV10v0, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup, tmnxDDMLaneGroupV10v0, tmnx7710PortTDMGroupV5v0, tmnxPortQStatV7v0Group, tmnxMcMfrBundleGroup, tmnxFrIntfGroup, tmnxFrf12IntfGroup, tmnxWaveTrackerGroup, tmnxPortDwdmGroup, tmnxPortGroupV8v0, tmnxPortCEMGroupV8v0, tmnxPortSchedStatsGroup, tmnxPortVPortV11v0Group, tmnxPortVPortV12v0Group, tmnxPortParentLocV12v0Group, tmnxMlpppBundleGroupV7v0, tmnxPortATMGroupV9v0, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperV9v0Group, tmnxPortObjAppV9v0Group, tmnxOpticalPortGroupV9v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v9, tmnxPortEgrVPortStatsV9v0Group, tmnxPortEtherV9v0Group, tmnxPortNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxPortV9v0Group, tmnxPortNetEgrV10v0Group, tmnxPortPlcyGroup, tmnxPwPortV10v0Group, tmnxPortLoadBalGroupV10v0, tmnxPortEgrQGrpV11v0Group, tmnxPortEtherPhysStatsGroup, tmnxPortEtherSymMonGroupV12v0, tmnxPrtEthSmMnNotifyObjsGrpV12v0, tmnxPortEthSymMonNotifyGrpV12v0, tmnxWaveTrackerV11v0Group, tmnxPortEgrQGrpV11v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortGroup, tmnxCohOptPortStatsGroup, tmnxPortNotificationV11v0Group, tmnxPortEgrHsmdaStatV11v0Group, tmnxPortEgrHsmdaOverV11v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV11v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV12v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortV11v0Group, tmnxDot1xPaePortGroup, tmnxPortAggRateV12v0Group, tmnxPortSchedPlcyV12v0Group, tmnxSonetPortV12v0Group, tmnxPortTopologyV13v0Group, tmnxPortQueueOvrV13v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortV12v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortStatsV12v0Group, tmnxPortSchedPlcyOvrV13v0Group, tmnxPortAggRateLimitV13v0Group, tmnxPortV13v0Group, tmnxPortSchedV15v0Group, tmnxPortQOverDropTailGroup, tmnxPortEgrHsGroup, tmnxPortEgrHsSchedGroup, tmnxPortEgrHsSecShaperGroup, tmnxPortEtherUtilStatGroup, tmnxPortRateV15v0Group, tmnxPortEtherRsFecModeGroup, tmnxPortSchedBurstV15v0Group, tmnxPortAccSchedOvrSV15v0Group, tmnxPortEtherDampeningGroup, tmnxPortEtherDampeningStatsGroup, tmnxPortConnectorBreakoutGroup, tmnxPwPortEthTypeV15v0Group, tmnxRS232PortGroup, tmnxRS232PortNotifyGroup, tmnxPortVsrGroup, tmnxPortTransceiverGroupV15v0, tmnxPortStatsGroupV20v0, tmnxPortRxPauseFramesV20v0Group, tmnxPortGNSSGroupV20v0, tmnxPortGnssNotifV20v0Group, tmnxPortPoolGroupV20v0, tmnxPortNetEgrQMonQDepthV20v0Grp, tPortNetEgrPortQMonQDepV20v0Grp, tmnxDot1xPaePortV20v0Group, tmnxPortEsmcTunV20v0Group, tPortEgrPSAggStatsV20v0Group, tmnxPortNotifyObjsGroupV20v0, tmnxDDMLaneGroupV20v0, tmnxPortTransceiverGroupV20v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV20v0, tmnxPortDwdmV20v0Group } ::= { tmnxPortCompliances 15 } tmnxPortComplianceV21v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 21.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxDS3V12v0Group, tmnxPortGroupV7v0, tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group, tmnxPortTDMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortTDME1GroupV6v1, tmnxPortFRGroup, tmnxQosAppObjsGroup, tmnxPortTestGroup, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV9v4, tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group, tmnxPortATMGroupV7v0, tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group, tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup, tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group, tmnxScalarPortV11v0Group, tmnxMlBundleGroupV6v0, tmnxMlImaBundleGroup, tmnxPortEthernetV7v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV10v0Group, tmnxPortCemGroupV6v0, tmnxMcMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxMlpppBundleGroup, tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup, tmnxDDMLaneGroupV10v0, tmnx7710PortTDMGroupV5v0, tmnxPortQStatV7v0Group, tmnxMcMfrBundleGroup, tmnxFrIntfGroup, tmnxFrf12IntfGroup, tmnxPortGroupV8v0, tmnxPortCEMGroupV8v0, tmnxPortSchedStatsGroup, tmnxPortVPortV11v0Group, tmnxPortVPortV12v0Group, tmnxPortParentLocV12v0Group, tmnxMlpppBundleGroupV7v0, tmnxPortATMGroupV9v0, tmnxPortObjAppV9v0Group, tmnxOpticalPortGroupV9v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v9, tmnxPortEgrVPortStatsV9v0Group, tmnxPortEtherV9v0Group, tmnxPortNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxPortV9v0Group, tmnxPortNetEgrV10v0Group, tmnxPortPlcyGroup, tmnxPwPortV10v0Group, tmnxPortLoadBalGroupV10v0, tmnxPortEgrQGrpV11v0Group, tmnxPortEtherPhysStatsGroup, tmnxPortEtherSymMonGroupV12v0, tmnxPrtEthSmMnNotifyObjsGrpV12v0, tmnxPortEthSymMonNotifyGrpV12v0, tmnxPortEgrQGrpV11v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortGroup, tmnxCohOptPortStatsGroup, tmnxPortNotificationV11v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV11v0Group, tmnxPortEthernetV12v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortV11v0Group, tmnxDot1xPaePortGroup, tmnxPortAggRateV12v0Group, tmnxPortSchedPlcyV12v0Group, tmnxPortTopologyV13v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortV12v0Group, tmnxCohOptPortStatsV12v0Group, tmnxPortSchedPlcyOvrV13v0Group, tmnxPortAggRateLimitV13v0Group, tmnxPortV13v0Group, tmnxPortSchedV15v0Group, tmnxPortQOverDropTailGroup, tmnxPortEgrHsGroup, tmnxPortEgrHsSchedGroup, tmnxPortEgrHsSecShaperGroup, tmnxPortEtherUtilStatGroup, tmnxPortRateV15v0Group, tmnxPortEtherRsFecModeGroup, tmnxPortSchedBurstV15v0Group, tmnxPortAccSchedOvrSV15v0Group, tmnxPortEtherDampeningGroup, tmnxPortEtherDampeningStatsGroup, tmnxPortConnectorBreakoutGroup, tmnxPwPortEthTypeV15v0Group, tmnxRS232PortGroup, tmnxRS232PortNotifyGroup, tmnxPortVsrGroup, tmnxPortTransceiverGroupV15v0, tmnxPortStatsGroupV20v0, tmnxPortRxPauseFramesV20v0Group, tmnxPortGNSSGroupV20v0, tmnxPortGnssNotifV20v0Group, tmnxPortPoolGroupV20v0, tmnxPortNetEgrQMonQDepthV20v0Grp, tPortNetEgrPortQMonQDepV20v0Grp, tmnxDot1xPaePortV20v0Group, tmnxPortEsmcTunV20v0Group, tPortEgrPSAggStatsV20v0Group, tmnxPortNotifyObjsGroupV20v0, tmnxDDMLaneGroupV20v0, tmnxPortTransceiverGroupV20v0, tmnxPortNotificationGroupV20v0, tmnxPortDwdmV20v0Group, tPortDCpuProtV21v0Group, tPortHWAggShaperV21v0Group, tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsV21v0Group, tmnxPortAccIngQMonQDepthV21v0Grp, tmnxPortHQosOnLagV21v0Grp, tmnxPortCupsV21v0Grp, tmnxPortHQosOnLagWredV21v0Grp } ::= { tmnxPortCompliances 16 } tmnxPortComplianceV22v0 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 22.0 of TIMETRA-PORT-MIB on the Nokia SROS series systems." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tPortHWAggShaperV22v0Group, tPortHWAggShaperNotifGroupV22v0, tmnxPortQueueOvrV22v0Group } ::= { tmnxPortCompliances 17 } tmnxPortGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortConformance 2 } tmnxPortFRGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxFRDlcmiMode, tmnxFRDlcmiN392Dce, tmnxFRDlcmiN393Dce, tmnxFRDlcmiT392Dce, tmnxFRDlcmiTxStatusEnqMsgs, tmnxFRDlcmiRxStatusEnqMsgs, tmnxFRDlcmiStatusEnqMsgTimeouts, tmnxFRDlcmiTxStatusMsgs, tmnxFRDlcmiRxStatusMsgs, tmnxFRDlcmiStatusMsgTimeouts, tmnxFRDlcmiDiscardedMsgs, tmnxFRDlcmiInvRxSeqNumMsgs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Frame Relay DLCMI on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 5 } tmnxQosAppObjsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxObjectAppPoolRowStatus, tmnxObjectAppResvCbs, tmnxObjectAppSlopePolicy, tmnxObjectAppPoolSize } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos associations of the buffer pools to MDAs, ports, channels and bundles on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 6 } tmnxPortTestGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortTestState, tmnxPortTestMode, tmnxPortTestParameter, tmnxPortTestLastResult, tmnxPortTestStartTime, tmnxPortTestEndTime, tmnxPortTestDuration, tmnxPortTestAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of port testing on Nokia SROS series system." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 7 } tmnxPortObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDS1IdleCycleFlags, tmnxSonetPathType, tmnxPortFCStatsIngFwdInProfPkts, tmnxPortFCStatsIngFwdOutProfPkts, tmnxPortFCStatsIngFwdInProfOcts, tmnxPortFCStatsIngFwdOutProfOcts, tmnxPortFCStatsIngDroInProfPkts, tmnxPortFCStatsIngDroOutProfPkts, tmnxPortFCStatsIngDroInProfOcts, tmnxPortFCStatsIngDroOutProfOcts, tmnxPortFCStatsEgrFwdInProfPkts, tmnxPortFCStatsEgrFwdOutProfPkts, tmnxPortFCStatsEgrFwdInProfOcts, tmnxPortFCStatsEgrFwdOutProfOcts, tmnxPortFCStatsEgrDroInProfPkts, tmnxPortFCStatsEgrDroOutProfPkts, tmnxPortFCStatsEgrDroInProfOcts, tmnxPortFCStatsEgrDroOutProfOcts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects in TIMETRA-PORT-MIB which are obsoleted." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 11 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatR2r1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortIngrMdaQos00StatDropPkts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos00StatDropOcts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos01StatDropPkts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos01StatDropOcts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos02StatDropPkts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos02StatDropOcts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos03StatDropPkts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos03StatDropOcts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos04StatDropPkts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos04StatDropOcts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos05StatDropPkts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos05StatDropOcts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos06StatDropPkts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos06StatDropOcts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos07StatDropPkts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos07StatDropOcts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos08StatDropPkts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos08StatDropOcts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos09StatDropPkts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos09StatDropOcts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos10StatDropPkts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos10StatDropOcts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos11StatDropPkts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos11StatDropOcts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos12StatDropPkts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos12StatDropOcts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos13StatDropPkts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos13StatDropOcts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos14StatDropPkts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos14StatDropOcts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos15StatDropPkts, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos15StatDropOcts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects that describe the MDA QoS discard statistics for an ethernet port located on an oversubscribed MDA for revision 2.1 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 14 } tmnxPortStatsR2r1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortNetIngressFwdInProfPkts, tmnxPortNetIngressFwdOutProfPkts, tmnxPortNetIngressFwdInProfOcts, tmnxPortNetIngressFwdOutProfOcts, tmnxPortNetIngressDroInProfPkts, tmnxPortNetIngressDroOutProfPkts, tmnxPortNetIngressDroInProfOcts, tmnxPortNetIngressDroOutProfOcts, tmnxPortNetEgressFwdInProfPkts, tmnxPortNetEgressFwdOutProfPkts, tmnxPortNetEgressFwdInProfOcts, tmnxPortNetEgressFwdOutProfOcts, tmnxPortNetEgressDroInProfPkts, tmnxPortNetEgressDroOutProfPkts, tmnxPortNetEgressDroInProfOcts, tmnxPortNetEgressDroOutProfOcts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting port statistics for revision 2.1 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 16 } tmnxPortNotificationGroupR2r1 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqPortSonetAlarm, tmnxEqPortSonetAlarmClear, tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarm, tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarmClear, tmnxEqPortSFPInserted, tmnxEqPortSFPRemoved, tmnxEqPortSFPCorrupted, tmnxEqPortError, tmnxEqPortDS3Alarm, tmnxEqPortDS3AlarmClear, tmnxEqPortDS1Alarm, tmnxEqPortDS1AlarmClear, tmnxEqPortBndlYellowDiffExceeded, tmnxEqPortBndlRedDiffExceeded, tmnxEqPortBndlBadEndPtDiscr, tmnxEqPortEtherAlarm, tmnxEqPortEtherAlarmClear } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of physical ports for revision 2.1 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 17 } tmnxPortNotifyObjsGroupR2r1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifySonetAlarmReason, tmnxPortNotifySonetPathAlarmReason, tmnxPortNotifyError, tmnxPortNotifyDS3AlarmReason, tmnxPortNotifyDS1AlarmReason, tmnxPortNotifyBundleId, tmnxPortNotifyEtherAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting physical port notifications for revision 2.1 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 18 } tmnxPortNotifyObsoleteGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqOobPortFailure, tmnxEqPortFailure, tmnxQosServiceDegraded, tmnxPortNotifyBerSdTca, tmnxPortNotifyBerSfTca, tmnxEqPortWrongSFP, tmnxEqPortSFPCorrupted } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of physical ports made obsolete for revision 2.1 on Nokia SROS series systems. tmnxEqPortSFPCorrupted was made obsolete for revision 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 20 } tmnxPortSonetV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSonetSpeed, tmnxSonetClockSource, tmnxSonetFraming, tmnxSonetReportAlarm, tmnxSonetBerSdThreshold, tmnxSonetBerSfThreshold, tmnxSonetLoopback, tmnxSonetReportAlarmStatus, tmnxSonetSectionTraceMode, tmnxSonetJ0String, tmnxSonetMonS1Byte, tmnxSonetMonJ0String, tmnxSonetMonK1Byte, tmnxSonetMonK2Byte, tmnxSonetSingleFiber, tmnxSonetHoldTimeUp, tmnxSonetHoldTimeDown, tmnxSonetPathRowStatus, tmnxSonetPathLastChangeTime, tmnxSonetPathMTU, tmnxSonetPathScramble, tmnxSonetPathC2Byte, tmnxSonetPathJ1String, tmnxSonetPathCRC, tmnxSonetPathOperMTU, tmnxSonetPathOperMRU, tmnxSonetPathReportAlarm, tmnxSonetPathAcctPolicyId, tmnxSonetPathCollectStats, tmnxSonetPathReportAlarmStatus, tmnxSonetPathMonC2Byte, tmnxSonetPathMonJ1String, tmnxSonetPathChildType, tmnxSonetGroupType, tmnxSonetGroupParentPortID, tmnxSonetGroupChildType, tmnxSonetGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SONET type ports for revision 3.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 21 } tmnxPortTDMV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDS3Buildout, tmnxDS3Type, tmnxDS3LastChangeTime, tmnxDS3ChannelRowStatus, tmnxDS3ChannelType, tmnxDS3ChannelFraming, tmnxDS3ChannelClockSource, tmnxDS3ChannelChannelized, tmnxDS3ChannelSubrateCSUMode, tmnxDS3ChannelSubrate, tmnxDS3ChannelIdleCycleFlags, tmnxDS3ChannelLoopback, tmnxDS3ChannelBitErrorInsertionRate, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTPattern, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTDuration, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLEicString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLLicString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLFicString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLUnitString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLPfiString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLPortString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLGenString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMessageType, tmnxDS3ChannelFEACLoopRespond, tmnxDS3ChannelCRC, tmnxDS3ChannelMTU, tmnxDS3ChannelOperMTU, tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarm, tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarmStatus, tmnxDS3ChannelLastChangeTime, tmnxDS3ChannelInFEACLoop, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMonPortString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMonGenString, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTOperStatus, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTSynched, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTErrors, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTTotalBits, tmnxDS1RowStatus, tmnxDS1Type, tmnxDS1Framing, tmnxDS1Loopback, tmnxDS1InvertData, tmnxDS1BitErrorInsertionRate, tmnxDS1BERTPattern, tmnxDS1BERTDuration, tmnxDS1ReportAlarm, tmnxDS1ReportAlarmStatus, tmnxDS1LastChangeTime, tmnxDS1ClockSource, tmnxDS1BERTOperStatus, tmnxDS1BERTSynched, tmnxDS1BERTErrors, tmnxDS1BERTTotalBits, tmnxDS1RemoteLoopRespond, tmnxDS1InRemoteLoop, tmnxDS0ChanGroupRowStatus, tmnxDS0ChanGroupTimeSlots, tmnxDS0ChanGroupSpeed, tmnxDS0ChanGroupCRC, tmnxDS0ChanGroupMTU, tmnxDS0ChanGroupOperMTU, tmnxDS0ChanGroupLastChangeTime, tmnxDS0ChanGroupIdleCycleFlags } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of TDM type ports for revision 3.0 on the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 22 } tmnxPortATMV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxATMIntfCellFormat, tmnxATMIntfMinVpValue } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of ATM interfaces for version 3.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 23 } tmnxScalarPortV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxL4LoadBalancing } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management for general port settings for revision 3.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 24 } tmnxPortV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortTableLastChange, tmnxPortLastChangeTime, tmnxPortType, tmnxPortClass, tmnxPortDescription, tmnxPortName, tmnxPortAlias, tmnxPortUserAssignedMac, tmnxPortMacAddress, tmnxPortHwMacAddress, tmnxPortMode, tmnxPortEncapType, tmnxPortLagId, tmnxPortHoldTimeUp, tmnxPortHoldTimeDown, tmnxPortUpProtocols, tmnxPortConnectorType, tmnxPortTransceiverType, tmnxPortTransceiverCode, tmnxPortTransceiverLaserWaveLen, tmnxPortTransceiverDiagCapable, tmnxPortTransceiverModelNumber, tmnxPortSFPConnectorCode, tmnxPortSFPVendorOUI, tmnxPortSFPVendorManufactureDate, tmnxPortSFPMedia, tmnxPortSFPEquipped, tmnxPortSFPVendorSerialNum, tmnxPortSFPVendorPartNum, tmnxPortEquipped, tmnxPortLinkStatus, tmnxPortAdminStatus, tmnxPortOperStatus, tmnxPortState, tmnxPortPrevState, tmnxPortNumAlarms, tmnxPortAlarmState, tmnxPortLastAlarmEvent, tmnxPortClearAlarms, tmnxPortLastStateChanged, tmnxPortNumChannels, tmnxPortNetworkEgrQueues, tmnxPortIsLeaf, tmnxPortChanType, tmnxPortParentPortID, tmnxPortLoadBalanceAlgorithm, tmnxPortTypeName, tmnxPortTypeDescription, tmnxPortTypeStatus, tmnxPortConnectTypeName, tmnxPortConnectTypeDescription, tmnxPortConnectTypeStatus, tmnxChannelPortID, tmnxPortOpticalCompliance, tmnxL4LoadBalancing } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of physical port capabilities for revision 3.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 25 } tmnxCiscoHDLCGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCiscoHDLCKeepAliveInt, tmnxCiscoHDLCUpCount, tmnxCiscoHDLCDownCount, tmnxCiscoHDLCOperState, tmnxCiscoHDLCDiscardStatInPkts, tmnxCiscoHDLCDiscardStatOutPkts, tmnxCiscoHDLCStatInPkts, tmnxCiscoHDLCStatOutPkts, tmnxCiscoHDLCStatInOctets, tmnxCiscoHDLCStatOutOctets } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Cisco HDLC encapsulation on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 26 } tmnxMlBundleV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxBundleRowStatus, tmnxBundleType, tmnxBundleMinimumLinks, tmnxBundleNumLinks, tmnxBundleNumActiveLinks, tmnxBundleMRRU, tmnxBundleOperMRRU, tmnxBundlePeerMRRU, tmnxBundleOperMTU, tmnxBundleRedDiffDelay, tmnxBundleRedDiffDelayAction, tmnxBundleYellowDiffDelay, tmnxBundleShortSequence, tmnxBundleLastChangeTime, tmnxBundleFragmentThreshold, tmnxBundleUpTime, tmnxBundleMemberRowStatus, tmnxBundleMemberActive, tmnxBundleMemberDownReason, tmnxBundleMemberUpTime, tmnxBundleInputDiscards, tmnxBundlePrimaryMemberPortID, tmnxBundleLFI, tmnxPortBundleNumber } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management MLBUNDLES for revision 3.0 on the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 27 } tmnxObsoleteGroupV3v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSonetAps, tmnxSonetApsAdminStatus, tmnxSonetApsOperStatus, tmnxSonetApsAuthKey, tmnxSonetApsNeighborAddr, tmnxSonetApsAdvertiseInterval, tmnxSonetApsAdvertiseTimeLeft, tmnxSonetApsHoldTime, tmnxSonetApsHoldTimeLeft } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects obsoleted in the 7x50 SR series 3.0 release" ::= { tmnxPortGroups 28 } tmnxPortEthernetV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherMTU, tmnxPortEtherDuplex, tmnxPortEtherSpeed, tmnxPortEtherAutoNegotiate, tmnxPortEtherOperDuplex, tmnxPortEtherOperSpeed, tmnxPortEtherAcctPolicyId, tmnxPortEtherCollectStats, tmnxPortEtherMDIMDIX, tmnxPortEtherXGigMode, tmnxPortEtherEgressRate, tmnxPortEtherDot1qEtype, tmnxPortEtherQinqEtype, tmnxPortEtherIngressRate, tmnxPortEtherReportAlarm, tmnxPortEtherReportAlarmStatus, tmnxPortEtherPkts1519toMax, tmnxPortEtherHCOverPkts1519toMax, tmnxPortEtherHCPkts1519toMax } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Ethernet ports for revision 3.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 29 } tmnxPortTDMGroupV4v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDS3Buildout, tmnxDS3Type, tmnxDS3LastChangeTime, tmnxDS3ChannelRowStatus, tmnxDS3ChannelType, tmnxDS3ChannelFraming, tmnxDS3ChannelClockSource, tmnxDS3ChannelChannelized, tmnxDS3ChannelSubrateCSUMode, tmnxDS3ChannelSubrate, tmnxDS3ChannelIdleCycleFlags, tmnxDS3ChannelLoopback, tmnxDS3ChannelBitErrorInsertionRate, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTPattern, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTDuration, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLEicString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLLicString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLFicString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLUnitString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLPfiString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLPortString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLGenString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMessageType, tmnxDS3ChannelFEACLoopRespond, tmnxDS3ChannelCRC, tmnxDS3ChannelMTU, tmnxDS3ChannelOperMTU, tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarm, tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarmStatus, tmnxDS3ChannelLastChangeTime, tmnxDS3ChannelInFEACLoop, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMonPortString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMonGenString, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTOperStatus, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTSynched, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTErrors, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTTotalBits, tmnxDS3ChannelScramble, tmnxDS1RowStatus, tmnxDS1Type, tmnxDS1Framing, tmnxDS1Loopback, tmnxDS1InvertData, tmnxDS1BitErrorInsertionRate, tmnxDS1BERTPattern, tmnxDS1BERTDuration, tmnxDS1ReportAlarm, tmnxDS1ReportAlarmStatus, tmnxDS1LastChangeTime, tmnxDS1ClockSource, tmnxDS1BERTOperStatus, tmnxDS1BERTSynched, tmnxDS1BERTErrors, tmnxDS1BERTTotalBits, tmnxDS1RemoteLoopRespond, tmnxDS1InRemoteLoop, tmnxDS0ChanGroupRowStatus, tmnxDS0ChanGroupTimeSlots, tmnxDS0ChanGroupSpeed, tmnxDS0ChanGroupCRC, tmnxDS0ChanGroupMTU, tmnxDS0ChanGroupOperMTU, tmnxDS0ChanGroupLastChangeTime, tmnxDS0ChanGroupIdleCycleFlags, tmnxDS0ChanGroupScramble } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of TDM type ports for version 4.0 on the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 30 } tmnxPortATMGroupV4v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxATMIntfCellFormat, tmnxATMIntfMinVpValue, tmnxATMIntfMapping } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of ATM interfaces for version 4.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 31 } tmnxMlBundleGroupV4v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxBundleRowStatus, tmnxBundleType, tmnxBundleMinimumLinks, tmnxBundleNumLinks, tmnxBundleNumActiveLinks, tmnxBundleMRRU, tmnxBundleOperMRRU, tmnxBundlePeerMRRU, tmnxBundleOperMTU, tmnxBundleRedDiffDelay, tmnxBundleRedDiffDelayAction, tmnxBundleYellowDiffDelay, tmnxBundleShortSequence, tmnxBundleLastChangeTime, tmnxBundleFragmentThreshold, tmnxBundleUpTime, tmnxBundleMemberRowStatus, tmnxBundleMemberActive, tmnxBundleMemberDownReason, tmnxBundleMemberUpTime, tmnxBundleInputDiscards, tmnxBundlePrimaryMemberPortID, tmnxBundleLFI, tmnxPortBundleNumber } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management MLBUNDLES for revision 4.0 on the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 32 } tmnxMlImaBundleGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxBundleImaGrpLnkActTimer, tmnxBundleImaGrpLnkDeactTimer, tmnxBundleImaGrpSymmetryMode, tmnxBundleImaGrpTxId, tmnxBundleImaGrpRxId, tmnxBundleImaGrpTxRefLnk, tmnxBundleImaGrpRxRefLnk, tmnxBundleImaGrpSmNeState, tmnxBundleImaGrpSmFeState, tmnxBundleImaGrpSmFailState, tmnxBundleImaGrpSmDownSecs, tmnxBundleImaGrpSmOperSecs, tmnxBundleImaGrpAvailTxCR, tmnxBundleImaGrpAvailRxCR, tmnxBundleImaGrpNeFails, tmnxBundleImaGrpFeFails, tmnxBundleImaGrpTxIcpCells, tmnxBundleImaGrpRxIcpCells, tmnxBundleImaGrpErrorIcpCells, tmnxBundleImaGrpLostRxIcpCells, tmnxBundleImaGrpTxOamLablVal, tmnxBundleImaGrpRxOamLablVal, tmnxBundleImaGrpAlphaValue, tmnxBundleImaGrpBetaValue, tmnxBundleImaGrpGammaValue, tmnxBundleImaGrpNeClockMode, tmnxBundleImaGrpFeClockMode, tmnxBundleImaGrpVersion, tmnxBundleImaGrpMaxConfBw, tmnxBundleImaGrpTestState, tmnxBundleImaGrpTestMember, tmnxBundleImaGrpTestPattern, tmnxBundleImaGrpDiffDelayMaxObs, tmnxBundleImaGrpLeastDelayLink, tmnxBundleMemberImaNeTxState, tmnxBundleMemberImaNeRxState, tmnxBundleMemberImaFeTxState, tmnxBundleMemberImaFeRxState, tmnxBundleMemberImaNeRxFailState, tmnxBundleMemberImaFeRxFailState, tmnxBundleMemberImaTxLid, tmnxBundleMemberImaRxLid, tmnxBundleMemberImaViolations, tmnxBundleMemberImaNeSevErrSecs, tmnxBundleMemberImaFeSevErrSecs, tmnxBundleMemberImaNeUnavailSecs, tmnxBundleMemberImaFeUnavailSecs, tmnxBundleMemberImaNeTxUnuseSecs, tmnxBundleMemberImaNeRxUnuseSecs, tmnxBundleMemberImaFeTxUnuseSecs, tmnxBundleMemberImaFeRxUnuseSecs, tmnxBundleMemberImaNeTxNumFails, tmnxBundleMemberImaNeRxNumFails, tmnxBundleMemberImaFeTxNumFails, tmnxBundleMemberImaFeRxNumFails, tmnxBundleMemberImaTxIcpCells, tmnxBundleMemberImaRxIcpCells, tmnxBundleMemberImaErrorIcpCells, tmnxBundleMemberImaLstRxIcpCells, tmnxBundleMemberImaOifAnomalies, tmnxBundleMemberImaRxTestState, tmnxBundleMemberImaRxTestPattern, tmnxBundleMemberImaRelDelay } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Ima Groups and Members on the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 33 } tmnx7710PortTDMGroupV3v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDS3ChannelAcctPolicyId, tmnxDS3ChannelCollectStats, tmnxDS1PortBuildout, tmnxDS1PortLastChangeTime, tmnxDS1PortType, tmnxDS1PortLineLength, tmnxDS1PortLbo, tmnxDS1PortDbGain, tmnxDS1InsertSingleBitError, tmnxDS0ChanGroupAcctPolicyId, tmnxDS0ChanGroupCollectStats } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of TDM type ports specific to the Nokia 7710 SR series systems for revision 3.0." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 34 } tmnxPortGroupV4v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortTableLastChange, tmnxPortLastChangeTime, tmnxPortType, tmnxPortClass, tmnxPortDescription, tmnxPortName, tmnxPortAlias, tmnxPortUserAssignedMac, tmnxPortMacAddress, tmnxPortHwMacAddress, tmnxPortMode, tmnxPortEncapType, tmnxPortLagId, tmnxPortHoldTimeUp, tmnxPortHoldTimeDown, tmnxPortUpProtocols, tmnxPortConnectorType, tmnxPortTransceiverType, tmnxPortTransceiverCode, tmnxPortTransceiverLaserWaveLen, tmnxPortTransceiverDiagCapable, tmnxPortTransceiverModelNumber, tmnxPortSFPConnectorCode, tmnxPortSFPVendorOUI, tmnxPortSFPVendorManufactureDate, tmnxPortSFPMedia, tmnxPortSFPEquipped, tmnxPortSFPVendorSerialNum, tmnxPortSFPVendorPartNum, tmnxPortEquipped, tmnxPortLinkStatus, tmnxPortAdminStatus, tmnxPortOperStatus, tmnxPortState, tmnxPortPrevState, tmnxPortNumAlarms, tmnxPortAlarmState, tmnxPortLastAlarmEvent, tmnxPortClearAlarms, tmnxPortLastStateChanged, tmnxPortNumChannels, tmnxPortNetworkEgrQueues, tmnxPortIsLeaf, tmnxPortChanType, tmnxPortParentPortID, tmnxPortLoadBalanceAlgorithm, tmnxPortTypeName, tmnxPortTypeDescription, tmnxPortTypeStatus, tmnxPortConnectTypeName, tmnxPortConnectTypeDescription, tmnxPortConnectTypeStatus, tmnxChannelPortID, tmnxPortOpticalCompliance, tmnxL4LoadBalancing } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of physical port capabilities for revision 4.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 35 } tmnxObsoleteGroupV5v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortTransceiverCode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects obsoleted in the 7x50 SR series 5.0 release" ::= { tmnxPortGroups 36 } tmnxPortSchedV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEgrPortSchedPlcy, tmnxPortSchedOverrideRowStatus, tmnxPortSchedOverrideSchedName, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLastChanged, tmnxPortSchedOverrideMaxRate, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl1PIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl1CIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl2PIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl2CIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl3PIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl3CIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl4PIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl4CIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl5PIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl5CIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl6PIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl6CIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl7PIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl7CIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl8PIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl8CIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideFlags } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of physical port virtual scheduler capabilities for revision 5.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 37 } tmnxPortEthernetV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherMTU, tmnxPortEtherDuplex, tmnxPortEtherSpeed, tmnxPortEtherAutoNegotiate, tmnxPortEtherOperDuplex, tmnxPortEtherOperSpeed, tmnxPortEtherAcctPolicyId, tmnxPortEtherCollectStats, tmnxPortEtherMDIMDIX, tmnxPortEtherXGigMode, tmnxPortEtherEgressRate, tmnxPortEtherDot1qEtype, tmnxPortEtherQinqEtype, tmnxPortEtherIngressRate, tmnxPortEtherReportAlarm, tmnxPortEtherReportAlarmStatus, tmnxPortEtherPkts1519toMax, tmnxPortEtherHCOverPkts1519toMax, tmnxPortEtherHCPkts1519toMax, tmnxPortEtherLacpTunnel } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Ethernet ports for revision 5.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 38 } tmnxPortGroupV5v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortTableLastChange, tmnxPortLastChangeTime, tmnxPortType, tmnxPortClass, tmnxPortDescription, tmnxPortName, tmnxPortAlias, tmnxPortUserAssignedMac, tmnxPortMacAddress, tmnxPortHwMacAddress, tmnxPortMode, tmnxPortEncapType, tmnxPortLagId, tmnxPortHoldTimeUp, tmnxPortHoldTimeDown, tmnxPortUpProtocols, tmnxPortConnectorType, tmnxPortTransceiverType, tmnxPortTransceiverCode, tmnxPortTransceiverLaserWaveLen, tmnxPortTransceiverDiagCapable, tmnxPortTransceiverModelNumber, tmnxPortSFPConnectorCode, tmnxPortSFPVendorOUI, tmnxPortSFPVendorManufactureDate, tmnxPortSFPMedia, tmnxPortSFPEquipped, tmnxPortSFPVendorSerialNum, tmnxPortSFPVendorPartNum, tmnxPortEquipped, tmnxPortLinkStatus, tmnxPortAdminStatus, tmnxPortOperStatus, tmnxPortState, tmnxPortPrevState, tmnxPortNumAlarms, tmnxPortAlarmState, tmnxPortLastAlarmEvent, tmnxPortClearAlarms, tmnxPortLastStateChanged, tmnxPortNumChannels, tmnxPortNetworkEgrQueues, tmnxPortIsLeaf, tmnxPortChanType, tmnxPortParentPortID, tmnxPortLoadBalanceAlgorithm, tmnxPortTypeName, tmnxPortTypeDescription, tmnxPortTypeStatus, tmnxPortConnectTypeName, tmnxPortConnectTypeDescription, tmnxPortConnectTypeStatus, tmnxChannelPortID, tmnxPortOpticalCompliance, tmnxL4LoadBalancing, tmnxPortLastClearedTime } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of physical port capabilities for revision 5.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 39 } tmnxMlBundleGroupV5v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxBundleRowStatus, tmnxBundleType, tmnxBundleMinimumLinks, tmnxBundleNumLinks, tmnxBundleNumActiveLinks, tmnxBundleMRRU, tmnxBundleOperMRRU, tmnxBundlePeerMRRU, tmnxBundleOperMTU, tmnxBundleRedDiffDelay, tmnxBundleRedDiffDelayAction, tmnxBundleYellowDiffDelay, tmnxBundleShortSequence, tmnxBundleLastChangeTime, tmnxBundleFragmentThreshold, tmnxBundleUpTime, tmnxBundleMemberRowStatus, tmnxBundleMemberActive, tmnxBundleMemberDownReason, tmnxBundleMemberUpTime, tmnxBundleInputDiscards, tmnxBundlePrimaryMemberPortID, tmnxBundleLFI, tmnxPortBundleNumber, tmnxBundleProtectedType, tmnxBundleParentBundle, tmnxBPGrpAssocWorkingBundleID, tmnxBPGrpAssocProtectBundleID, tmnxBPGrpAssocActiveBundleID } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management MLBUNDLES for revision 5.0 on the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 40 } tmnxPortNotificationGroupV5v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqPortSonetAlarm, tmnxEqPortSonetAlarmClear, tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarm, tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarmClear, tmnxEqPortSFPInserted, tmnxEqPortSFPRemoved, tmnxEqPortSFPCorrupted, tmnxEqPortError, tmnxEqPortDS3Alarm, tmnxEqPortDS3AlarmClear, tmnxEqPortDS1Alarm, tmnxEqPortDS1AlarmClear, tmnxEqPortBndlYellowDiffExceeded, tmnxEqPortBndlRedDiffExceeded, tmnxEqPortBndlBadEndPtDiscr, tmnxEqPortEtherAlarm, tmnxEqPortEtherAlarmClear, tmnxDS1E1LoopbackStarted, tmnxDS1E1LoopbackStopped, tmnxDS3E3LoopbackStarted, tmnxDS3E3LoopbackStopped, tmnxSonetSDHLoopbackStarted, tmnxSonetSDHLoopbackStopped, tmnxEqPortSpeedCfgNotCompatible, tmnxEqPortDuplexCfgNotCompatible, tmnxEqPortIngressRateCfgNotCompatible } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of physical ports for revision 5.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 41 } tmnxPortTDMGroupV5v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDS3ChannelAcctPolicyId, tmnxDS3ChannelCollectStats, tmnxDS3Buildout, tmnxDS3Type, tmnxDS3LastChangeTime, tmnxDS3ChannelRowStatus, tmnxDS3ChannelType, tmnxDS3ChannelFraming, tmnxDS3ChannelClockSource, tmnxDS3ChannelChannelized, tmnxDS3ChannelSubrateCSUMode, tmnxDS3ChannelSubrate, tmnxDS3ChannelIdleCycleFlags, tmnxDS3ChannelLoopback, tmnxDS3ChannelBitErrorInsertionRate, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTPattern, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTDuration, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLEicString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLLicString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLFicString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLUnitString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLPfiString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLPortString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLGenString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMessageType, tmnxDS3ChannelFEACLoopRespond, tmnxDS3ChannelCRC, tmnxDS3ChannelMTU, tmnxDS3ChannelOperMTU, tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarm, tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarmStatus, tmnxDS3ChannelLastChangeTime, tmnxDS3ChannelInFEACLoop, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMonPortString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMonGenString, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTOperStatus, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTSynched, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTErrors, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTTotalBits, tmnxDS3ChannelScramble, tmnxDS1RowStatus, tmnxDS1Type, tmnxDS1Framing, tmnxDS1Loopback, tmnxDS1InvertData, tmnxDS1BitErrorInsertionRate, tmnxDS1BERTPattern, tmnxDS1BERTDuration, tmnxDS1ReportAlarm, tmnxDS1ReportAlarmStatus, tmnxDS1LastChangeTime, tmnxDS1ClockSource, tmnxDS1BERTOperStatus, tmnxDS1BERTSynched, tmnxDS1BERTErrors, tmnxDS1BERTTotalBits, tmnxDS1RemoteLoopRespond, tmnxDS1InRemoteLoop, tmnxDS0ChanGroupRowStatus, tmnxDS0ChanGroupTimeSlots, tmnxDS0ChanGroupSpeed, tmnxDS0ChanGroupCRC, tmnxDS0ChanGroupMTU, tmnxDS0ChanGroupOperMTU, tmnxDS0ChanGroupLastChangeTime, tmnxDS0ChanGroupIdleCycleFlags, tmnxDS0ChanGroupScramble } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of TDM type ports for version 5.0 on the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 42 } tmnx7710PortTDMGroupV5v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDS1PortBuildout, tmnxDS1PortLastChangeTime, tmnxDS1PortType, tmnxDS1PortLineLength, tmnxDS1PortLbo, tmnxDS1PortDbGain, tmnxDS1InsertSingleBitError, tmnxDS0ChanGroupAcctPolicyId, tmnxDS0ChanGroupCollectStats } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of TDM type ports specific to the revision 5.0 on Nokia 7710 SR series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 43 } tmnxPortCemGroupV6v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDS3ChannelClockSyncState, tmnxDS3ChannelClockMasterPortId, tmnxDS1SignalMode, tmnxDS1ClockSyncState, tmnxDS1ClockMasterPortId, tmnxDS0ChanGroupPayloadFillType, tmnxDS0ChanGroupPayloadPattern, tmnxDS0ChanGroupSignalFillType, tmnxDS0ChanGroupSignalPattern } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of CEM encapsulation TDM type ports specific to the Nokia 7750 and 7710 SR series systems for revision 6.0." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 44 } tmnxMcMlpppBundleGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxBundleMlpppClassCount, tmnxBundleMlpppIngQoSProfId, tmnxBundleMlpppEgrQoSProfId, tmnxMcMlpppStatsIngressOct, tmnxMcMlpppStatsIngressPkt, tmnxMcMlpppStatsIngressErrPkt, tmnxMcMlpppStatsEgressOct, tmnxMcMlpppStatsEgressPkt, tmnxMcMlpppStatsEgressErrPkt } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of MClass MLPPP BUNDLES for revision 6.0 on the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 45 } tmnxPortNotificationGroupV6v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqPortSonetAlarm, tmnxEqPortSonetAlarmClear, tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarm, tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarmClear, tmnxEqPortSFPInserted, tmnxEqPortSFPRemoved, tmnxEqPortError, tmnxEqPortDS3Alarm, tmnxEqPortDS3AlarmClear, tmnxEqPortDS1Alarm, tmnxEqPortDS1AlarmClear, tmnxEqPortBndlYellowDiffExceeded, tmnxEqPortBndlRedDiffExceeded, tmnxEqPortBndlBadEndPtDiscr, tmnxEqPortEtherAlarm, tmnxEqPortEtherAlarmClear, tmnxDS1E1LoopbackStarted, tmnxDS1E1LoopbackStopped, tmnxDS3E3LoopbackStarted, tmnxDS3E3LoopbackStopped, tmnxSonetSDHLoopbackStarted, tmnxSonetSDHLoopbackStopped, tmnxEqPortEtherLoopDetected, tmnxEqPortEtherLoopCleared, tmnxEqPortSpeedCfgNotCompatible, tmnxEqPortDuplexCfgNotCompatible, tmnxEqPortIngressRateCfgNotCompatible, tmnxEqDigitalDiagMonitorFailure, tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure, tmnxDSXClockSyncStateChange } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of physical ports for revision 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 46 } tmnxPortEthernetV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherMTU, tmnxPortEtherDuplex, tmnxPortEtherSpeed, tmnxPortEtherAutoNegotiate, tmnxPortEtherOperDuplex, tmnxPortEtherOperSpeed, tmnxPortEtherAcctPolicyId, tmnxPortEtherCollectStats, tmnxPortEtherMDIMDIX, tmnxPortEtherXGigMode, tmnxPortEtherEgressRate, tmnxPortEtherDot1qEtype, tmnxPortEtherQinqEtype, tmnxPortEtherIngressRate, tmnxPortEtherReportAlarm, tmnxPortEtherReportAlarmStatus, tmnxPortEtherPkts1519toMax, tmnxPortEtherHCOverPkts1519toMax, tmnxPortEtherHCPkts1519toMax, tmnxPortEtherLacpTunnel, tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedEnabled, tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedKeepAlive, tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedRetry, tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedState, tmnxPortEtherPBBEtype, tmnxPortEtherReasonDownFlags } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Ethernet ports for revision 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 47 } tmnxMlBundleGroupV6v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxBundleRowStatus, tmnxBundleType, tmnxBundleMinimumLinks, tmnxBundleNumLinks, tmnxBundleNumActiveLinks, tmnxBundleRedDiffDelay, tmnxBundleRedDiffDelayAction, tmnxBundleLastChangeTime, tmnxBundleFragmentThreshold, tmnxBundleUpTime, tmnxBundleMemberRowStatus, tmnxBundleMemberActive, tmnxBundleMemberDownReason, tmnxBundleMemberUpTime, tmnxBundleInputDiscards, tmnxBundlePrimaryMemberPortID, tmnxPortBundleNumber, tmnxBundleProtectedType, tmnxBundleParentBundle, tmnxBPGrpAssocWorkingBundleID, tmnxBPGrpAssocProtectBundleID, tmnxBPGrpAssocActiveBundleID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management MLBUNDLES for revision 6.0 on the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 48 } tmnxMlpppBundleGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxBundleMlpppEndpointID, tmnxBundleMlpppEndpointIDClass, tmnxBundleYellowDiffDelay, tmnxBundleShortSequence, tmnxBundleMRRU, tmnxBundleOperMRRU, tmnxBundlePeerMRRU, tmnxBundleOperMTU, tmnxBundleLFI, tmnxBundleMlpppMagicNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of MLPPP Bundles on the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 49 } tmnxPortNotificationGroupV3v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqPortSonetAlarm, tmnxEqPortSonetAlarmClear, tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarm, tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarmClear, tmnxEqPortSFPInserted, tmnxEqPortSFPRemoved, tmnxEqPortSFPCorrupted, tmnxEqPortError, tmnxEqPortDS3Alarm, tmnxEqPortDS3AlarmClear, tmnxEqPortDS1Alarm, tmnxEqPortDS1AlarmClear, tmnxEqPortBndlYellowDiffExceeded, tmnxEqPortBndlRedDiffExceeded, tmnxEqPortBndlBadEndPtDiscr, tmnxEqPortEtherAlarm, tmnxEqPortEtherAlarmClear, tmnxEqPortSpeedCfgNotCompatible, tmnxEqPortDuplexCfgNotCompatible, tmnxEqPortIngressRateCfgNotCompatible } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of physical ports for revision 3.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 50 } tmnxHsmdaGroupV6v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEgrHsmdaSchedPlcy, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrTblLastChngd, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrRowStatus, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrLastChanged, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrMaxRate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrGrp1Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrGrp2Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass1Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass1WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass2Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass2WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass3Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass3WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass4Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass4WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass5Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass5WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass6Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass6WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass7Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass7WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass8Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass8WtInGp, tmnxPortEgrShaperTblLastChanged, tmnxPortEgrShaperRowStatus, tmnxPortEgrShaperLastChanged, tmnxPortEgrShaperRate } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of HSMDA ports for revision 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 51 } tmnxPortTDMGroupV6v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDS3ChannelAcctPolicyId, tmnxDS3ChannelCollectStats, tmnxDS3Buildout, tmnxDS3Type, tmnxDS3LastChangeTime, tmnxDS3ChannelRowStatus, tmnxDS3ChannelType, tmnxDS3ChannelFraming, tmnxDS3ChannelClockSource, tmnxDS3ChannelChannelized, tmnxDS3ChannelSubrateCSUMode, tmnxDS3ChannelSubrate, tmnxDS3ChannelIdleCycleFlags, tmnxDS3ChannelLoopback, tmnxDS3ChannelBitErrorInsertionRate, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTPattern, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTDuration, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLEicString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLLicString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLFicString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLUnitString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLPfiString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLPortString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLGenString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMessageType, tmnxDS3ChannelFEACLoopRespond, tmnxDS3ChannelCRC, tmnxDS3ChannelMTU, tmnxDS3ChannelOperMTU, tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarm, tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarmStatus, tmnxDS3ChannelLastChangeTime, tmnxDS3ChannelInFEACLoop, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMonPortString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMonGenString, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTOperStatus, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTSynched, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTErrors, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTTotalBits, tmnxDS3ChannelScramble, tmnxDS1RowStatus, tmnxDS1Type, tmnxDS1Framing, tmnxDS1Loopback, tmnxDS1InvertData, tmnxDS1BitErrorInsertionRate, tmnxDS1BERTPattern, tmnxDS1BERTDuration, tmnxDS1ReportAlarm, tmnxDS1ReportAlarmStatus, tmnxDS1LastChangeTime, tmnxDS1ClockSource, tmnxDS1BERTOperStatus, tmnxDS1BERTSynched, tmnxDS1BERTErrors, tmnxDS1BERTTotalBits, tmnxDS1RemoteLoopRespond, tmnxDS1InRemoteLoop, tmnxDS1BerSdThreshold, tmnxDS1BerSfThreshold, tmnxDS0ChanGroupRowStatus, tmnxDS0ChanGroupTimeSlots, tmnxDS0ChanGroupSpeed, tmnxDS0ChanGroupCRC, tmnxDS0ChanGroupMTU, tmnxDS0ChanGroupOperMTU, tmnxDS0ChanGroupLastChangeTime, tmnxDS0ChanGroupIdleCycleFlags, tmnxDS0ChanGroupScramble } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of TDM type ports for version 6.0 on the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 52 } tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDDMTemperature, tmnxDDMTempLowWarning, tmnxDDMTempLowAlarm, tmnxDDMTempHiWarning, tmnxDDMTempHiAlarm, tmnxDDMSupplyVoltage, tmnxDDMSupplyVoltageLowWarning, tmnxDDMSupplyVoltageLowAlarm, tmnxDDMSupplyVoltageHiWarning, tmnxDDMSupplyVoltageHiAlarm, tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrent, tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrentLowWarning, tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrentLowAlarm, tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrentHiWarning, tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrentHiAlarm, tmnxDDMTxOutputPower, tmnxDDMTxOutputPowerLowWarning, tmnxDDMTxOutputPowerLowAlarm, tmnxDDMTxOutputPowerHiWarning, tmnxDDMTxOutputPowerHiAlarm, tmnxDDMRxOpticalPower, tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerLowWarning, tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerLowAlarm, tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerHiWarning, tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerHiAlarm, tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerType, tmnxDDMAux1, tmnxDDMAux1LowWarning, tmnxDDMAux1LowAlarm, tmnxDDMAux1HiWarning, tmnxDDMAux1HiAlarm, tmnxDDMAux1Type, tmnxDDMAux2, tmnxDDMAux2LowWarning, tmnxDDMAux2LowAlarm, tmnxDDMAux2HiWarning, tmnxDDMAux2HiAlarm, tmnxDDMAux2Type, tmnxDDMFailedThresholds, tmnxDDMExternallyCalibrated, tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower4, tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower3, tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower2, tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower1, tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower0, tmnxDDMExtCalTxLaserBiasSlope, tmnxDDMExtCalTxLaserBiasOffset, tmnxDDMExtCalTxPowerSlope, tmnxDDMExtCalTxPowerOffset, tmnxDDMExtCalTemperatureSlope, tmnxDDMExtCalTemperatureOffset, tmnxDDMExtCalVoltageSlope, tmnxDDMExtCalVoltageOffset } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of Digital Diagnostic Monitoring SFFs for revision 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 53 } tmnxPortGroupV6v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortTableLastChange, tmnxPortLastChangeTime, tmnxPortType, tmnxPortClass, tmnxPortDescription, tmnxPortName, tmnxPortAlias, tmnxPortUserAssignedMac, tmnxPortMacAddress, tmnxPortHwMacAddress, tmnxPortMode, tmnxPortEncapType, tmnxPortLagId, tmnxPortHoldTimeUp, tmnxPortHoldTimeDown, tmnxPortUpProtocols, tmnxPortConnectorType, tmnxPortTransceiverType, tmnxPortTransceiverLaserWaveLen, tmnxPortTransceiverDiagCapable, tmnxPortTransceiverModelNumber, tmnxPortSFPConnectorCode, tmnxPortSFPVendorOUI, tmnxPortSFPVendorManufactureDate, tmnxPortSFPMedia, tmnxPortSFPEquipped, tmnxPortSFPVendorSerialNum, tmnxPortSFPVendorPartNum, tmnxPortEquipped, tmnxPortLinkStatus, tmnxPortAdminStatus, tmnxPortOperStatus, tmnxPortState, tmnxPortPrevState, tmnxPortNumAlarms, tmnxPortAlarmState, tmnxPortLastAlarmEvent, tmnxPortClearAlarms, tmnxPortLastStateChanged, tmnxPortNumChannels, tmnxPortNetworkEgrQueues, tmnxPortIsLeaf, tmnxPortChanType, tmnxPortParentPortID, tmnxPortLoadBalanceAlgorithm, tmnxPortTypeName, tmnxPortTypeDescription, tmnxPortTypeStatus, tmnxPortConnectTypeName, tmnxPortConnectTypeDescription, tmnxPortConnectTypeStatus, tmnxChannelPortID, tmnxPortOpticalCompliance, tmnxL4LoadBalancing, tmnxPortLastClearedTime, tmnxPortDDMEventSuppression, tmnxPortSFPStatus, tmnxPortReasonDownFlags } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of physical port capabilities for revision 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 54 } tmnxNamedPoolGroupV6v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortIngNamedPoolPlcy, tmnxPortEgrNamedPoolPlcy, tmnxPortIngPoolPercentRate, tmnxPortEgrPoolPercentRate } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the Named Pool feature for revision 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 55 } tmnxPortEthernetV6v1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherMTU, tmnxPortEtherDuplex, tmnxPortEtherSpeed, tmnxPortEtherAutoNegotiate, tmnxPortEtherOperDuplex, tmnxPortEtherOperSpeed, tmnxPortEtherAcctPolicyId, tmnxPortEtherCollectStats, tmnxPortEtherMDIMDIX, tmnxPortEtherXGigMode, tmnxPortEtherEgressRate, tmnxPortEtherDot1qEtype, tmnxPortEtherQinqEtype, tmnxPortEtherIngressRate, tmnxPortEtherReportAlarm, tmnxPortEtherReportAlarmStatus, tmnxPortEtherPkts1519toMax, tmnxPortEtherHCOverPkts1519toMax, tmnxPortEtherHCPkts1519toMax, tmnxPortEtherLacpTunnel, tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedEnabled, tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedKeepAlive, tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedRetry, tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedState, tmnxPortEtherPBBEtype, tmnxPortEtherReasonDownFlags, tmnxPortEtherSingleFiber } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Ethernet ports for revision 6.1 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 56 } tmnxPortNotifyObjsGroupV6v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDDMFailedObject, tmnxDSXClockSyncStateObject } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting physical port notifications for revision 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 57 } tmnxPortQV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortAccEgrQGrpAggRateLimit, tPortAccEgrQGrpLastChgd, tPortAccEgrQGrpRowStatus, tPortAccEgrQGrpSchedPol, tPortAccEgrQGrpAcctgPolId, tPortAccEgrQGrpCollectStats, tPortAccEgrQGrpFrameBaseActg, tPortAccEgrQGrpTableLastChgd, tPortAccEgrQOverLastChanged, tPortAccEgrQOverRowStatus, tPortAccEgrQOverTableLastChgd, tPortAccEgrQOverAdminCIR, tPortAccEgrQOverAdminPIR, tPortAccEgrQOverCBS, tPortAccEgrQOverHiPrioOnly, tPortAccEgrQOverMBS, tPortAccIngQGrpLastChgd, tPortAccIngQGrpRowStatus, tPortAccIngQGrpSchedPol, tPortAccIngQGrpAcctgPolId, tPortAccIngQGrpCollectStats, tPortAccIngQGrpTableLastChgd, tPortAccIngQOverLastChanged, tPortAccIngQOverRowStatus, tPortAccIngQOverTableLastChgd, tPortAccIngQOverAdminCIR, tPortAccIngQOverAdminPIR, tPortAccIngQOverCBS, tPortAccIngQOverHiPrioOnly, tPortAccIngQOverMBS, tPortNetEgrQGrpAcctgPolId, tPortNetEgrQGrpAggRateLimit, tPortNetEgrQGrpCollectStats, tPortNetEgrQGrpFrameBaseActg, tPortNetEgrQGrpLastChgd, tPortNetEgrQGrpRowStatus, tPortNetEgrQGrpSchedPol, tPortNetEgrQGrpTableLastChgd, tPortNetEgrQOverAdminCIR, tPortNetEgrQOverAdminPIR, tPortNetEgrQOverCBS, tPortNetEgrQOverHiPrioOnly, tPortNetEgrQOverLastChanged, tPortNetEgrQOverMBS, tPortNetEgrQOverRowStatus, tPortNetEgrQOverTableLastChgd, tPortAccEgrQOverCIRAdaptation, tPortAccEgrQOverPIRAdaptation, tPortAccIngQOverCIRAdaptation, tPortAccIngQOverPIRAdaptation, tPortNetEgrQOverCIRAdaptation, tPortNetEgrQOverPIRAdaptation, tPortAccIngQGrpDescr, tPortAccEgrQGrpDescr, tPortNetEgrQGrpDescr } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Ethernet ports for revision 7.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 58 } tmnxMcMfrBundleGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxBundleMlfrBundleId, tmnxBundleMlfrIngQoSProfId, tmnxBundleMlfrEgrQoSProfId, tmnxBundleMlfrHelloTimer, tmnxBundleMlfrHelloRetryCount, tmnxBundleMlfrAckTimer, tmnxBundleMlfrLastChanged, tmnxBundleMemberMlfrDownReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of MClass Mlfr Bundles for revision 7.0 on the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 59 } tmnxFrIntfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxFrIntfFrf12Mode, tmnxFrIntfLinkId, tmnxFrIntfLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Frame Relay Interfaces for revision 7.0 on the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 60 } tmnxFrf12IntfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxFrf12IntfFragmentThreshold, tmnxFrf12IntfEgrQoSProfId, tmnxFrf12IntfLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Frame Relay Frf12 Interfaces for revision 7.0 on the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 61 } tmnxPortQStatV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEgrQosQStatDpdInProfOcts, tmnxPortEgrQosQStatDpdInProfPkts, tmnxPortEgrQosQStatDpdOutProfOcts, tmnxPortEgrQosQStatDpdOutProfPkts, tmnxPortEgrQosQStatFwdInProfOcts, tmnxPortEgrQosQStatFwdInProfPkts, tmnxPortEgrQosQStatFwdOutProfOcts, tmnxPortEgrQosQStatFwdOutProfPkts, tmnxPortIngQosQStatDpdHiPrioOcts, tmnxPortIngQosQStatDpdHiPrioPkts, tmnxPortIngQosQStatDpdLoPrioOcts, tmnxPortIngQosQStatDpdLoPrioPkts, tmnxPortIngQosQStatFwdInProfOcts, tmnxPortIngQosQStatFwdInProfPkts, tmnxPortIngQosQStatFwdOutProfOcts, tmnxPortIngQosQStatFwdOutProfPkts, tmnxPortIngQosQStatOffHiPrioOcts, tmnxPortIngQosQStatOffHiPrioPkts, tmnxPortIngQosQStatOffLoPrioOcts, tmnxPortIngQosQStatOffLoPrioPkts, tmnxPortIngQosQStatUncolOctsOff, tmnxPortIngQosQStatUncolPktsOff, tmnxPortNetEgrQDroInProfOcts, tmnxPortNetEgrQDroInProfPkts, tmnxPortNetEgrQDroOutProfOcts, tmnxPortNetEgrQDroOutProfPkts, tmnxPortNetEgrQFwdInProfOcts, tmnxPortNetEgrQFwdInProfPkts, tmnxPortNetEgrQFwdOutProfOcts, tmnxPortNetEgrQFwdOutProfPkts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of ethernet port queue group statistics on the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 62 } tmnxPortEthernetV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherMTU, tmnxPortEtherDuplex, tmnxPortEtherSpeed, tmnxPortEtherAutoNegotiate, tmnxPortEtherOperDuplex, tmnxPortEtherOperSpeed, tmnxPortEtherAcctPolicyId, tmnxPortEtherCollectStats, tmnxPortEtherMDIMDIX, tmnxPortEtherXGigMode, tmnxPortEtherEgressRate, tmnxPortEtherDot1qEtype, tmnxPortEtherQinqEtype, tmnxPortEtherIngressRate, tmnxPortEtherReportAlarm, tmnxPortEtherReportAlarmStatus, tmnxPortEtherPkts1519toMax, tmnxPortEtherHCOverPkts1519toMax, tmnxPortEtherHCPkts1519toMax, tmnxPortEtherLacpTunnel, tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedEnabled, tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedKeepAlive, tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedRetry, tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedState, tmnxPortEtherPBBEtype, tmnxPortEtherSingleFiber, tmnxPortEtherSSM, tmnxPortEtherDWLUseBroadcastAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Ethernet ports for revision 7.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 63 } tmnxPortGroupV7v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortTableLastChange, tmnxPortLastChangeTime, tmnxPortType, tmnxPortClass, tmnxPortDescription, tmnxPortName, tmnxPortAlias, tmnxPortUserAssignedMac, tmnxPortMacAddress, tmnxPortHwMacAddress, tmnxPortMode, tmnxPortEncapType, tmnxPortLagId, tmnxPortHoldTimeUp, tmnxPortHoldTimeDown, tmnxPortUpProtocols, tmnxPortConnectorType, tmnxPortTransceiverType, tmnxPortTransceiverLaserWaveLen, tmnxPortTransceiverDiagCapable, tmnxPortTransceiverModelNumber, tmnxPortSFPConnectorCode, tmnxPortSFPVendorOUI, tmnxPortSFPVendorManufactureDate, tmnxPortSFPMedia, tmnxPortSFPEquipped, tmnxPortSFPVendorSerialNum, tmnxPortSFPVendorPartNum, tmnxPortEquipped, tmnxPortLinkStatus, tmnxPortAdminStatus, tmnxPortOperStatus, tmnxPortState, tmnxPortPrevState, tmnxPortNumAlarms, tmnxPortAlarmState, tmnxPortLastAlarmEvent, tmnxPortClearAlarms, tmnxPortLastStateChanged, tmnxPortNumChannels, tmnxPortNetworkEgrQueues, tmnxPortIsLeaf, tmnxPortChanType, tmnxPortParentPortID, tmnxPortLoadBalanceAlgorithm, tmnxPortTypeName, tmnxPortTypeDescription, tmnxPortTypeStatus, tmnxPortConnectTypeName, tmnxPortConnectTypeDescription, tmnxPortConnectTypeStatus, tmnxChannelPortID, tmnxPortOpticalCompliance, tmnxL4LoadBalancing, tmnxLsrIpLoadBalancing, tmnxPortLastClearedTime, tmnxPortDDMEventSuppression, tmnxPortSFPStatus, tmnxPortReasonDownFlags, tmnxPortSSMRxQualityLevel, tmnxPortOtuCapable, tmnxSonetSuppressLoOrderAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of physical port capabilities for revision 7.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 64 } tmnxPortNotifyObjsGroupV7v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting physical port notifications for revision 7.0 on Nokia 7xxx series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 65 } tmnxPortNotificationGroupV7v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqPortSonetAlarm, tmnxEqPortSonetAlarmClear, tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarm, tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarmClear, tmnxEqPortSFPInserted, tmnxEqPortSFPRemoved, tmnxEqPortError, tmnxEqPortDS3Alarm, tmnxEqPortDS3AlarmClear, tmnxEqPortDS1Alarm, tmnxEqPortDS1AlarmClear, tmnxEqPortBndlYellowDiffExceeded, tmnxEqPortBndlRedDiffExceeded, tmnxEqPortBndlBadEndPtDiscr, tmnxEqPortEtherAlarm, tmnxEqPortEtherAlarmClear, tmnxDS1E1LoopbackStarted, tmnxDS1E1LoopbackStopped, tmnxDS3E3LoopbackStarted, tmnxDS3E3LoopbackStopped, tmnxSonetSDHLoopbackStarted, tmnxSonetSDHLoopbackStopped, tmnxEqPortEtherLoopDetected, tmnxEqPortEtherLoopCleared, tmnxEqPortSpeedCfgNotCompatible, tmnxEqPortDuplexCfgNotCompatible, tmnxEqPortIngressRateCfgNotCompatible, tmnxEqDigitalDiagMonitorFailure, tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure, tmnxDSXClockSyncStateChange, tmnxPortUnsupportedFunction, tmnxBundleMemberMlfrLoopback, tmnxEqPortWaveTrackerAlarm } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of physical ports for revision 7.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 66 } tmnxPortEtherObsoleteV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherReasonDownFlags } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects which were obsoleted for revision 7.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 67 } tmnxPortTDMGroupV7v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDS3ChannelAcctPolicyId, tmnxDS3ChannelCollectStats, tmnxDS3Buildout, tmnxDS3Type, tmnxDS3LastChangeTime, tmnxDS3ChannelRowStatus, tmnxDS3ChannelType, tmnxDS3ChannelFraming, tmnxDS3ChannelClockSource, tmnxDS3ChannelChannelized, tmnxDS3ChannelSubrateCSUMode, tmnxDS3ChannelSubrate, tmnxDS3ChannelIdleCycleFlags, tmnxDS3ChannelLoopback, tmnxDS3ChannelBitErrorInsertionRate, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTPattern, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTDuration, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLEicString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLLicString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLFicString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLUnitString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLPfiString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLPortString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLGenString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMessageType, tmnxDS3ChannelFEACLoopRespond, tmnxDS3ChannelCRC, tmnxDS3ChannelMTU, tmnxDS3ChannelOperMTU, tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarm, tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarmStatus, tmnxDS3ChannelLastChangeTime, tmnxDS3ChannelInFEACLoop, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMonPortString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMonGenString, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTOperStatus, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTSynched, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTErrors, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTTotalBits, tmnxDS3ChannelScramble, tmnxDS1RowStatus, tmnxDS1Type, tmnxDS1Framing, tmnxDS1Loopback, tmnxDS1InvertData, tmnxDS1BitErrorInsertionRate, tmnxDS1BERTPattern, tmnxDS1BERTDuration, tmnxDS1ReportAlarm, tmnxDS1ReportAlarmStatus, tmnxDS1LastChangeTime, tmnxDS1ClockSource, tmnxDS1BERTOperStatus, tmnxDS1BERTSynched, tmnxDS1BERTErrors, tmnxDS1BERTTotalBits, tmnxDS1RemoteLoopRespond, tmnxDS1InRemoteLoop, tmnxDS1BerSdThreshold, tmnxDS1BerSfThreshold, tmnxDS0ChanGroupRowStatus, tmnxDS0ChanGroupTimeSlots, tmnxDS0ChanGroupSpeed, tmnxDS0ChanGroupCRC, tmnxDS0ChanGroupMTU, tmnxDS0ChanGroupOperMTU, tmnxDS0ChanGroupLastChangeTime, tmnxDS0ChanGroupIdleCycleFlags, tmnxDS0ChanGroupScramble, tmnxDS0ChanGroupBerSfLinkDown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of TDM type ports for version 6.0 on the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 68 } tmnxPortTDME1GroupV6v1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDS1NationalUseBits } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of TDM E1 type ports for version 6.1 on the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 69 } tmnxPortNotifyObjsGroupV8v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxHostMatchNotifyIntDestId, tmnxHostMatchNotifyOrgString, tmnxHostMatchNotifySubIdent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting physical port notifications for revision 8.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 70 } tmnxWaveTrackerGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortWaveTrackerCapable, tmnxWaveTrackerAlarmState, tmnxWaveTrackerCfgAlarms, tmnxWaveTrackerEncodeEnable, tmnxWaveTrackerInUse, tmnxWaveTrackerLowerPowerMargin, tmnxWaveTrackerMaxAttainablePwr, tmnxWaveTrackerMeasuredPower, tmnxWaveTrackerMinAttainablePwr, tmnxWaveTrackerPowerCtrlEnable, tmnxWaveTrackerTargetPower, tmnxWaveTrackerTrailName, tmnxWaveTrackerUpperPowerMargin, tmnxWaveTrackerWaveKey1, tmnxWaveTrackerWaveKey2 } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Wave Tracker for version 8.0 on the Nokia SROS series systems. This group was obsoleted in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 71 } tmnxPortGroupV8v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortHybridIngAccessWeight, tmnxPortHybridIngNetworkWeight, tmnxPortHybridEgrAccessWeight, tmnxPortHybridEgrNetworkWeight, tmnxPortInterfaceGroupHandlerIdx, tmnxPortEtherSSMCodeType, tmnxPortEtherSSMTxDus, tmnxSonetTxDus, tPortAccIngQOverMBSBytes, tPortAccEgrQOverMBSBytes, tPortNetEgrQOverMBSBytes, tPortNetEgrQOverAdminPIRPercent, tPortNetEgrQOverAdminCIRPercent, tPortNetEgrQOverRateType, tPortAccEgrQOverAdminPIRPercent, tPortAccEgrQOverAdminCIRPercent, tPortAccEgrQOverRateType, tPortAccEgrQGrpHMTableLastChgd, tPortAccEgrQGrpHMRowStatus, tPortAccEgrQGrpHMLastChgd, tmnxPortHoldTimeUnits, tPortEgrVPortHMRowStatus, tPortEgrVPortHMLastChgd, tmnxSonetTxS1Byte, tmnxPortEtherSSMRxEsmc, tmnxPortEtherSSMTxQualityLevel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in revision 8.0 Nokia SROS series systems for port management." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 72 } tmnxPortDwdmGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortDwdmRxDtvAdjustEnable, tmnxPortDwdmRxDtvDacPercent } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of DWDM for version 8.0 on the Nokia SROS series systems. This group was obsolete in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 73 } tmnxPortATMGroupV7v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxATMIntfCellFormat, tmnxATMIntfMinVpValue, tmnxATMIntfMapping, tmnxATMIntfCustomBufferMode, tmnxATMIntfBufferPool, tmnxATMIntfVcThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of ATM interfaces for version 7.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 74 } tmnxPortCEMGroupV8v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortCemStatsReportAlarm, tmnxPortCemStatsIgrForwardedPkts, tmnxPortCemStatsIgrDroppedPkts, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrForwardedPkts, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrDroppedPkts, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrMissingPkts, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrPktsReOrder, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrJtrBfrURun, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrJtrBfrORun, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrMisOrderDrop, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrMalformedPkts, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrLBitDrop, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrMultipleDrop, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrESs, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrSESs, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrUASs, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrFailureCounts, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrURunCounts, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrORunCounts, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrJtrBfrDepth } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Circuit EMulation (CEM) interfaces for version 8.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 75 } tmnxPortQV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortAccEgrQGrpAggRateLimit, tPortAccEgrQGrpLastChgd, tPortAccEgrQGrpRowStatus, tPortAccEgrQGrpSchedPol, tPortAccEgrQGrpAcctgPolId, tPortAccEgrQGrpCollectStats, tPortAccEgrQGrpFrameBaseActg, tPortAccEgrQGrpTableLastChgd, tPortAccEgrQOverLastChanged, tPortAccEgrQOverRowStatus, tPortAccEgrQOverTableLastChgd, tPortAccEgrQOverAdminCIR, tPortAccEgrQOverAdminPIR, tPortAccEgrQOverCBS, tPortAccEgrQOverHiPrioOnly, tPortAccIngQGrpLastChgd, tPortAccIngQGrpRowStatus, tPortAccIngQGrpSchedPol, tPortAccIngQGrpAcctgPolId, tPortAccIngQGrpCollectStats, tPortAccIngQGrpTableLastChgd, tPortAccIngQOverLastChanged, tPortAccIngQOverRowStatus, tPortAccIngQOverTableLastChgd, tPortAccIngQOverAdminCIR, tPortAccIngQOverAdminPIR, tPortAccIngQOverCBS, tPortAccIngQOverHiPrioOnly, tPortNetEgrQGrpAcctgPolId, tPortNetEgrQGrpAggRateLimit, tPortNetEgrQGrpCollectStats, tPortNetEgrQGrpFrameBaseActg, tPortNetEgrQGrpLastChgd, tPortNetEgrQGrpRowStatus, tPortNetEgrQGrpSchedPol, tPortNetEgrQGrpTableLastChgd, tPortNetEgrQOverAdminCIR, tPortNetEgrQOverAdminPIR, tPortNetEgrQOverCBS, tPortNetEgrQOverHiPrioOnly, tPortNetEgrQOverLastChanged, tPortNetEgrQOverRowStatus, tPortNetEgrQOverTableLastChgd, tPortAccEgrQOverCIRAdaptation, tPortAccEgrQOverPIRAdaptation, tPortAccIngQOverCIRAdaptation, tPortAccIngQOverPIRAdaptation, tPortNetEgrQOverCIRAdaptation, tPortNetEgrQOverPIRAdaptation, tPortAccIngQGrpDescr, tPortAccEgrQGrpDescr, tPortNetEgrQGrpDescr } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Ethernet ports for revision 8.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 76 } tmnxPortQObsoleteV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortAccEgrQOverMBS, tPortAccIngQOverMBS, tPortNetEgrQOverMBS } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects which were obsoleted for revision 8.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 77 } tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqPortSonetAlarm, tmnxEqPortSonetAlarmClear, tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarm, tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarmClear, tmnxEqPortSFPInserted, tmnxEqPortSFPRemoved, tmnxEqPortError, tmnxEqPortDS3Alarm, tmnxEqPortDS3AlarmClear, tmnxEqPortDS1Alarm, tmnxEqPortDS1AlarmClear, tmnxEqPortBndlYellowDiffExceeded, tmnxEqPortBndlRedDiffExceeded, tmnxEqPortBndlBadEndPtDiscr, tmnxEqPortEtherAlarm, tmnxEqPortEtherAlarmClear, tmnxDS1E1LoopbackStarted, tmnxDS1E1LoopbackStopped, tmnxDS3E3LoopbackStarted, tmnxDS3E3LoopbackStopped, tmnxSonetSDHLoopbackStarted, tmnxSonetSDHLoopbackStopped, tmnxEqPortEtherLoopDetected, tmnxEqPortEtherLoopCleared, tmnxEqPortSpeedCfgNotCompatible, tmnxEqPortDuplexCfgNotCompatible, tmnxEqPortIngressRateCfgNotCompatible, tmnxEqDigitalDiagMonitorFailure, tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure, tmnxDSXClockSyncStateChange, tmnxPortUnsupportedFunction, tmnxBundleMemberMlfrLoopback, tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchFailure, tPortEgrVPortHostMatchFailure, tmnxEqDigitalDiagMonitorClear } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of physical ports for revision 8.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 78 } tmnxPortSchedStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdOcts, tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdPkts, tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdOcts, tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdPkts, tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdOcts, tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdPkts, tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdOctsHi, tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdOctsLo, tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdPktsHi, tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdPktsLo, tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdOctsHi, tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdOctsLo, tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdPktsHi, tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdPktsLo, tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdOctsHi, tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdOctsLo, tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdPktsHi, tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdPktsLo } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the scheduler queue-group statistics per port for revision 7.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 79 } tmnxPortVPortGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortEgrVPortDescr, tPortEgrVPortLastChanged, tPortEgrVPortRowStatus, tPortEgrVPortSchedPol, tPortEgrVPortTableLastChgd, tPortEgrVPortHMTableLastChgd } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the virtual port related objects for revision 8.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 80 } tmnxMlpppBundleGroupV7v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxBundleMlpppStatelessApsSwo } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting management of MLPPP Bundles for revision 7.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 81 } tmnxOpticalPortGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxOpticalPortAmpCfgAlarms, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCtrlMode, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmManCfgDisp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCfgRxChan, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCfgAlarms, tmnxOpticalPortHasRxAmplifier, tmnxOpticalPortHasRxTdcm, tmnxOpticalPortAmpPowerIn, tmnxOpticalPortAmpGain, tmnxOpticalPortAmpPowerOut, tmnxOpticalPortAmpPumpTemp, tmnxOpticalPortAmpModuleTemp, tmnxOpticalPortAmpPumpCurrent, tmnxOpticalPortAmpAlarmState, tmnxOpticalPortAmpSerialNum, tmnxOpticalPortAmpCtrlState, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmPowerIn, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmLoss, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmPowerOut, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd1Temp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd2Temp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd3Temp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd4Temp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmModuleTemp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmMinDisp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmMaxDisp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmAutoDisp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmMeasDisp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmPresRxChan, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmAlarmState, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmSerialNum, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCtrlState, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmDispSwpStart, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmDispSwpEnd } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Optical Port for version 8.0 on the Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 82 } tmnxPortATMGroupV9v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortATMVpShaperTblLastCh, tmnxPortATMVpShaperRowStatus, tmnxPortATMVpShaperLastMgmtCh, tmnxPortATMVpShaperEgrAtd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of ATM interfaces added in release 9.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 90 } tmnxPortVPortV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortEgrVPortDescr, tPortEgrVPortLastChanged, tPortEgrVPortRowStatus, tPortEgrVPortSchedPol, tPortEgrVPortTableLastChgd, tPortEgrVPortHMTableLastChgd, tPortEgrVPortAggRateLimit } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the virtual port related objects for revision 9.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 91 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperTblLastChngd, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperRowStatus, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperRate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass1Rate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass2Rate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass3Rate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass4Rate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass5Rate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass6Rate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass7Rate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass8Rate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperLastChanged, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass1Thresh, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass2Thresh, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass3Thresh, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass4Thresh, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass5Thresh, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass6Thresh, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass7Thresh, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass8Thresh, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperLoBrstMaxCls, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdPkts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdOcts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StMonOvrOct, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdPkts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdOcts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StMonOvrOct, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdPkts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdOcts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StMonOvrOct, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdPkts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdOcts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StMonOvrOct, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdPkts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdOcts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StMonOvrOct, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdPkts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdOcts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StMonOvrOct, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdPkts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdOcts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StMonOvrOct, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdPkts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdOcts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StMonOvrOct, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdPkts, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdOcts, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStMonOvrOct, tPortEgrExpShaperStLstClrdTime, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdPktsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdPktsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdOctsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdOctsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StMonOvrOL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StMonOvrOH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdPktsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdPktsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdOctsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdOctsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StMonOvrOL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StMonOvrOH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdPktsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdPktsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdOctsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdOctsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StMonOvrOL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StMonOvrOH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdPktsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdPktsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdOctsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdOctsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StMonOvrOL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StMonOvrOH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdPktsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdPktsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdOctsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdOctsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StMonOvrOL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StMonOvrOH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdPktsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdPktsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdOctsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdOctsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StMonOvrOL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StMonOvrOH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdPktsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdPktsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdOctsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdOctsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StMonOvrOL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StMonOvrOH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdPktsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdPktsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdOctsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdOctsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StMonOvrOL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StMonOvrOH, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdPktsL, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdPktsH, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdOctsL, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdOctsH, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStMonOvrOL, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStMonOvrOH, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperThresh, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperLoBurstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperHiBurstInc, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl1BrstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl2BrstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl3BrstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl4BrstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl5BrstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl6BrstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl7BrstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl8BrstLimit } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the egress port expanded shaper related objects for revision 9.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 92 } tmnxPortNotificationGroupV9v4 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqSonetClockSrcNotCompatible, tmnxEqSonetSfThreshNotCompatible, tmnxEqSonetFramingNotCompatible } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of physical ports for release 9.0 R4 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 93 } tmnxPortObjAppV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmStep, tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax, tmnxObjectAppAmbrAlrmThresh, tmnxObjectAppRedAlrmThresh } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Network Named Pool policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 9.0." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 94 } tmnxOpticalPortGroupV9v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxOpticalPortLaserTunability } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of optical ports added in release 9.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 95 } tmnxPortNotifyObjsGroupV8v9 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxObjType, tmnxObjPortId, tmnxObjMdaId, tmnxObjAppType, tmnxObjAppPool, tmnxObjNamedPoolPolicy, tmnxObjAppResvSize, tmnxObjAppSumOfQResvSize, tmnxObjAppResvCbsOld, tmnxObjAppResvCbsNew, tmnxObjAppResvSizeOld } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting physical port notifications for revision 8.0R9 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 96 } tmnxPortNotificationGroupV8v9 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshGreen, tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshAmber, tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshRed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting the management of physical ports for release 8.0 R9 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 97 } tmnxPortEgrVPortStatsV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortEgrVPStLstClrdTime, tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdPkt, tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdOct, tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdPkt, tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdOct, tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdPktL, tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdPktH, tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdOctL, tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdOctH, tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdPktL, tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdPktH, tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdOctL, tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdOctH } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the virtual port aggregate statistics for revision 9.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 99 } tmnxPortNotifyObjsV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcThreshold, tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcMultiplier, tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcAlarmValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notification objects extending port capabilities for revision 9.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 100 } tmnxPortEtherV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSdThreshold, tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSdTMultiplier, tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSfThreshold, tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSfTMultiplier, tmnxPortEtherCrcMonWindowSize, tmnxPortEtherCrcAlarmReason, tmnxPortEtherDownOnInternalError } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects extending Ethernet port capabilities for revision 9.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 101 } tmnxPortNotificationV9v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqPortEtherCrcAlarm, tmnxEqPortEtherCrcAlarmClear, tmnxEqPortEtherInternalAlarm, tmnxEqPortEtherInternalAlarmClr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications extending port capabilities for revision 9.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 102 } tmnxPortV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortLinkLengthInfo } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects extending port capabilities for revision 9.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 103 } tmnxPortNetEgrV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortNetEgrQGrpPlcrCntrlPolicy, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatMode, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfPkt, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfPktL, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfPktH, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfPkt, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfPktL, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfPktH, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfPkt, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfPktL, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfPktH, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfPkt, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfPktL, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfPktH, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfPkt, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfPktL, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfPktH, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfPkt, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfPktL, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfPktH, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfOct, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfOctL, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfOctH, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfOct, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfOctL, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfOctH, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfOct, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfOctL, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfOctH, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfOct, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfOctL, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfOctH, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfOct, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfOctL, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfOctH, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfOct, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfOctL, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfOctH, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolPktOff, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolPktOffL, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolPktOffH, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolOctOff, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolOctOffL, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolOctOffH, tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdPkts, tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsL, tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsH, tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdOcts, tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsL, tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsH } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects added in 10.0 release to support network egress queue-group objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 104 } tmnxDDMLaneGroupV10v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortSFPNumLanes, tmnxDDMLaneTemperature, tmnxDDMLaneTempLowWarn, tmnxDDMLaneTempLowAlarm, tmnxDDMLaneTempHiWarn, tmnxDDMLaneTempHiAlarm, tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrent, tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrentLowWarn, tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrentLowAlarm, tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrentHiWarn, tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrentHiAlarm, tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPower, tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPowerLowWarn, tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPowerLowAlarm, tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPowerHiWarn, tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPowerHiAlarm, tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPower, tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPwrLowWarn, tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPwrLowAlarm, tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPwrHiWarn, tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPwrHiAlarm, tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPowerType, tmnxDDMLaneFailedThresholds } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects enhancing the management of Digital Diagnostic Monitoring SFFs for revision 10.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 105 } tmnxPortNotifyObjsGroupV10v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDDMLaneIdOrModule } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting physical port notifications for revision 10.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 106 } tmnxPortPlcyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortPlcyTableLastCh, tmnxPortPlcyRowStatus, tmnxPortPlcyLastCh, tmnxPortPlcyDescription, tmnxPortPlcyEgrPortSchedPlcy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects to support network egress port policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 107 } tmnxPortLoadBalGroupV10v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxIpLoadBalancing, tmnxServiceIdLagHashing } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting ECMP and LAG load balancing in Nokia SROS release 10.0 systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 108 } tmnxPortEthernetV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherMinFrameLength, tmnxPortPhysStateChangeCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects enhancing Ethernet Port functionality in Nokia SROS release 10.0 systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 109 } tmnxHsmdaGroupV10v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEgrHsmdaSchedPlcy, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrTblLastChngd, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrRowStatus, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrLastChanged, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrMaxRate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrGrp1Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrGrp2Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass1Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass1WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass2Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass2WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass3Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass3WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass4Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass4WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass5Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass5WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass6Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass6WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass7Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass7WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass8Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass8WtInGp } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of HSMDA ports for revision 10.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 110 } tmnxPortObsoletedV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEgrShaperTblLastChanged, tmnxPortEgrShaperRowStatus, tmnxPortEgrShaperLastChanged, tmnxPortEgrShaperRate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects which were obsoleted for revision 10.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 111 } tmnxPwPortV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPwPortTblLastChanged, tmnxPwPortRowStatus, tmnxPwPortLastChgd, tmnxPwPortEncapType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting specific pseudo-wire port feature on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 112 } tmnxPortEtherPhysStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherPhysAcctPolicyId, tmnxPortEtherPhysCollectStats } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Physical Layer Ethernet statistics collection in Nokia SROS release 10.0 systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 113 } tmnxPortEgrQGrpV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortAccEgrQOverWeight, tPortAccEgrQOverCIRWeight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting specific port egress queue-group feature on Nokia SROS release 11.0 systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 114 } tmnxWaveTrackerV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxWaveTrackerPortType, tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaEquipped, tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaType, tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaSerialNum, tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaModelNum } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting Wave Tracker in Nokia SROS release 11.0 systems. This group was obsoleted in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 115 } tmnxCohOptPortGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCohOptPortCfgAlarms, tmnxCohOptPortDispCtrlMode, tmnxCohOptPortManCfgDisp, tmnxCohOptPortDispSwpStart, tmnxCohOptPortDispSwpEnd, tmnxCohOptPortCfgTxPower, tmnxCohOptPortCfgCprWinSize, tmnxCohOptPortCfgRxLosThresh, tmnxCohOptPortAlarmState, tmnxCohOptPortDefectPoints, tmnxCohOptPortModState, tmnxCohOptPortModTxTurnUpStates, tmnxCohOptPortModRxTurnUpStates, tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRXPolar, tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRYPolar, tmnxCohOptPortRxQMargin } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting coherent optical ports in Nokia SROS release 11.0 systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 116 } tmnxCohOptPortStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCohOptPortStatsElapsedSec, tmnxCohOptPortRxBER, tmnxCohOptPortRxBERAvg, tmnxCohOptPortRxBERMin, tmnxCohOptPortRxBERMax, tmnxCohOptPortRxSNR, tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRAvg, tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRMin, tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRMax, tmnxCohOptPortRxChromaticDisp, tmnxCohOptPortRxChromaticDispAvg, tmnxCohOptPortRxChromaticDispMin, tmnxCohOptPortRxChromaticDispMax, tmnxCohOptPortRxDiffGrpDly, tmnxCohOptPortRxDiffGrpDlyAvg, tmnxCohOptPortRxDiffGrpDlyMin, tmnxCohOptPortRxDiffGrpDlyMax, tmnxCohOptPortRxFreqOffset, tmnxCohOptPortRxFreqOffsetAvg, tmnxCohOptPortRxFreqOffsetMin, tmnxCohOptPortRxFreqOffsetMax, tmnxCohOptPortRxQ, tmnxCohOptPortRxQAvg, tmnxCohOptPortRxQMin, tmnxCohOptPortRxQMax, tmnxCohOptPortRxPower, tmnxCohOptPortRxPowerAvg, tmnxCohOptPortRxPowerMin, tmnxCohOptPortRxPowerMax, tmnxCohOptPortTxPower, tmnxCohOptPortTxPowerAvg, tmnxCohOptPortTxPowerMin, tmnxCohOptPortTxPowerMax } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting coherent optical port statistics collection in Nokia SROS release 11.0 systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 117 } tmnxPortNotificationV11v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqCohOptPortAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional notifications supporting the management of physical ports for release 11.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 118 } tmnxPortEgrHsmdaStatV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfPkts, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfPktH, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfPktL, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfPkts, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfPktH, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfPktL, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfPkts, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfPktH, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfPktL, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfPkts, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfPktH, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfPktL, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfOcts, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfOctH, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfOctL, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfOcts, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfOctH, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfOctL, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfOcts, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfOctH, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfOctL, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfOcts, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfOctH, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfOctL, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfPkts, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfPktH, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfPktL, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfPkts, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfPktH, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfPktL, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfPkts, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfPktH, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfPktL, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfPkts, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfPktH, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfPktL, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfOcts, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfOctH, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfOctL, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfOcts, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfOctH, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfOctL, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfOcts, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfOctH, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfOctL, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfOcts, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfOctH, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfOctL } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting specific port egress Hsmda statistics feature on Nokia SROS release 11.0 systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 119 } tmnxPortEgrHsmdaOverV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortAccEgrQGrpHsmdaShaperOvr, tPortAccEgrQGrpHsmdaPktOffOvr, tPortAccEgrQGrpHsmdaWrrPolicyOvr, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverRowStatus, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverLastChanged, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverAdminPIR, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverSlopePolicy, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverWrrWeight, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverMBS } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting specific port egress HSMDA override feature on Nokia SROS release 11.0 systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 120 } tmnxPortEthernetV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherOperPhyTxClock } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects enhancing Ethernet Port functionality in Nokia SROS release 11.0 systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 121 } tmnxScalarPortV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxMulticastEnhLoadBalancing } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting enhanced load-balancing techniques added in release 11.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 122 } tmnxPortVPortV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortEgrVPortEgrRateModify, tPortEgrVPortEgrRateModifyDelta } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the configuration of egress virtual ports added in release 11.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 125 } tmnxPortVPortV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortEgrVPortSchedStatTblLastCh, tPortEgrVPSchedStatFwdPkts, tPortEgrVPSchedStatFwdOcts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the configuration of egress virtual ports added in release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 126 } tmnxCohOptPortV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCohOptPortRxLosReaction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting the configuration of coherent optical ports in release 11.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 127 } tmnxDot1xPaePortGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDot1xPaePortTunneling, tmnxDot1xPaePortTblLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting the configuration of dot1x PAE ports in release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 128 } tmnxPortAggRateV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortAccEgrQGrpAggRateLUB, tPortNetEgrQGrpAggRateLUB, tPortEgrVPortAggRateLUB } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the configuration of QoS capabilities on physical ports for release 12.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 129 } tmnxPortEtherSymMonGroupV12v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherSymMonTblLastChange, tmnxPortEtherSymMonEnabled, tmnxPortEtherSymMonSdThreshold, tmnxPortEtherSymMonSdTMultiplier, tmnxPortEtherSymMonSfThreshold, tmnxPortEtherSymMonSfTMultiplier, tmnxPortEtherSymMonWindowSize, tmnxPortEtherSymMonAlarmReason, tmnxPortEtherSymMonErrorCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting the configuration and state of Symbol Monitoring on Ethernet Ports introduced for release 12.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 130 } tmnxPrtEthSmMnNotifyObjsGrpV12v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymThreshold, tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymMultiplier, tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymAlarmValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional NOTIFICATION objects supporting the configuration and state of Symbol Monitoring on Ethernet Ports introduced for release 12.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 131 } tmnxPortEthSymMonNotifyGrpV12v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqPortEtherSymMonAlarm, tmnxEqPortEtherSymMonAlarmClear } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional NOTIFICATION-TYPEs supporting the notification of Symbol Monitoring on Ethernet Ports introduced for release 12.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 132 } tmnxPortSchedPlcyV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortSchedOvrMaxRatePercent, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1PIRPercent, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1CIRPercent, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2PIRPercent, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2CIRPercent, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3PIRPercent, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3CIRPercent, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4PIRPercent, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4CIRPercent, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5PIRPercent, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5CIRPercent, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6PIRPercent, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6CIRPercent, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7PIRPercent, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7CIRPercent, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8PIRPercent, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8CIRPercent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting management of Qos Port Scheduler policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 133 } tmnxPortParentLocV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortEgrVPortQosSchedPolicy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the configuration of egress virtual ports added in release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 134 } tmnxDS3V12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDS3HoldTimeUp, tmnxDS3HoldTimeDown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting DS3 physical ports added in release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 135 } tmnxCohOptPortV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCohOptPortCompatMode, tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRXPolar, tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRYPolar } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting the configuration of coherent optical ports in release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGroups 136 } tmnxPortV12v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortGroups 137 } tmnxSonetPortV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSonetResetPortOnPathDown } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting the configuration of SONET ports in release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV12v0Groups 1 } tmnxCohOptPortStatsV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNR, tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRAvg, tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRMin, tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRMax } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting the statistics of coherent optical ports in release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV12v0Groups 2 } tmnxPortEthernetV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherDwnOnIntlErrTxDisbl } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting Ethernet Port capabilities in release 12.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV12v0Groups 3 } tmnxPortV13v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortGroups 138 } tmnxPortTopologyV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortTopologyTableLastChange, tmnxPortFarEndId, tmnxPortTopologyRowStatus, tmnxPortTopologyLastChangeTime, tmnxPortTopologyFarEndId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of the external shelf ports such as eSat ports added in release 13.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV13v0Groups 1 } tmnxPortQueueOvrV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortAccIngQOverMonitorDepth, tPortAccEgrQOverMonitorDepth, tPortNetEgrQOverMonitorDepth, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt1, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt2, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt3, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt4, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt5, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt6, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt7, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt8, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt9, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt10, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthAvgPollInt, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthAvgElpsdTme, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt1, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt2, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt3, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt4, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt5, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt6, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt7, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt8, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt9, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt10, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthAvgPollInt, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthAvgElpsdTme, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt1, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt2, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt3, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt4, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt5, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt6, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt7, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt8, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt9, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt10, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthAvgPollInt, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthAvgElpsdTme } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting QoS queue-overrides on physical ports added in release 13.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV13v0Groups 2 } tmnxPortSchedPlcyOvrV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortSchedOvrMaxRate, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1PIR, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1CIR, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2PIR, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2CIR, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3PIR, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3CIR, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4PIR, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4CIR, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5PIR, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5CIR, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6PIR, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6CIR, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7PIR, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7CIR, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8PIR, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8CIR } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the configuration of QoS capabilities on physical ports for release 13.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV13v0Groups 4 } tmnxPortAggRateLimitV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortAccEgrQGrpAggRateLmt, tPortNetEgrQGrpAggRateLmt, tPortEgrVPortAggRateLmt } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the configuration of QoS capabilities on physical ports for release 13.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV13v0Groups 5 } tmnxPortV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEgrMonitorPortSched, tPortEgrVPortMonitorPortSched, tPortEgrVPortMonThrPortExceedCnt, tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl1ExceedCnt, tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl2ExceedCnt, tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl3ExceedCnt, tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl4ExceedCnt, tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl5ExceedCnt, tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl6ExceedCnt, tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl7ExceedCnt, tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl8ExceedCnt, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp1Name, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp1ExceedCnt, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp2Name, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp2ExceedCnt, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp3Name, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp3ExceedCnt, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp4Name, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp4ExceedCnt, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp5Name, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp5ExceedCnt, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp6Name, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp6ExceedCnt, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp7Name, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp7ExceedCnt, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp8Name, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp8ExceedCnt, tPortEgrVPortMonThrStartTime, tPortEgrVPortMonThrEndTime, tPortEgrVPortMonThrTotalSamples, tPortEgrMonThrPortExceedCnt, tPortEgrMonThrLvl1ExceedCnt, tPortEgrMonThrLvl2ExceedCnt, tPortEgrMonThrLvl3ExceedCnt, tPortEgrMonThrLvl4ExceedCnt, tPortEgrMonThrLvl5ExceedCnt, tPortEgrMonThrLvl6ExceedCnt, tPortEgrMonThrLvl7ExceedCnt, tPortEgrMonThrLvl8ExceedCnt, tPortEgrMonThrGrp1Name, tPortEgrMonThrGrp1ExceedCnt, tPortEgrMonThrGrp2Name, tPortEgrMonThrGrp2ExceedCnt, tPortEgrMonThrGrp3Name, tPortEgrMonThrGrp3ExceedCnt, tPortEgrMonThrGrp4Name, tPortEgrMonThrGrp4ExceedCnt, tPortEgrMonThrGrp5Name, tPortEgrMonThrGrp5ExceedCnt, tPortEgrMonThrGrp6Name, tPortEgrMonThrGrp6ExceedCnt, tPortEgrMonThrGrp7Name, tPortEgrMonThrGrp7ExceedCnt, tPortEgrMonThrGrp8Name, tPortEgrMonThrGrp8ExceedCnt, tPortEgrMonThrStartTime, tPortEgrMonThrEndTime, tPortEgrMonThrTotalSamples } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the configuration of QoS capabilities on physical ports for release 13.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV13v0Groups 6 } tmnxPortSchedV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEgrPortSchedPlcy, tmnxPortSchedOverrideRowStatus, tmnxPortSchedOverrideSchedName, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLastChanged, tmnxPortSchedOverrideFlags, tPortAccEgrQGrpLastChgd, tPortAccEgrQGrpRowStatus, tPortAccEgrQGrpSchedPol, tPortAccEgrQGrpAcctgPolId, tPortAccEgrQGrpCollectStats, tPortAccEgrQGrpFrameBaseActg, tPortAccEgrQGrpTableLastChgd, tPortAccEgrQOverLastChanged, tPortAccEgrQOverRowStatus, tPortAccEgrQOverTableLastChgd, tPortAccEgrQOverAdminCIR, tPortAccEgrQOverAdminPIR, tPortAccEgrQOverCBS, tPortAccEgrQOverHiPrioOnly, tPortAccIngQGrpLastChgd, tPortAccIngQGrpRowStatus, tPortAccIngQGrpSchedPol, tPortAccIngQGrpAcctgPolId, tPortAccIngQGrpCollectStats, tPortAccIngQGrpTableLastChgd, tPortAccIngQOverLastChanged, tPortAccIngQOverRowStatus, tPortAccIngQOverTableLastChgd, tPortAccIngQOverAdminCIR, tPortAccIngQOverAdminPIR, tPortAccIngQOverCBS, tPortAccIngQOverHiPrioOnly, tPortNetEgrQGrpAcctgPolId, tPortNetEgrQGrpCollectStats, tPortNetEgrQGrpFrameBaseActg, tPortNetEgrQGrpLastChgd, tPortNetEgrQGrpRowStatus, tPortNetEgrQGrpSchedPol, tPortNetEgrQGrpTableLastChgd, tPortNetEgrQOverAdminCIR, tPortNetEgrQOverAdminPIR, tPortNetEgrQOverCBS, tPortNetEgrQOverHiPrioOnly, tPortNetEgrQOverLastChanged, tPortNetEgrQOverRowStatus, tPortNetEgrQOverTableLastChgd, tPortAccEgrQOverCIRAdaptation, tPortAccEgrQOverPIRAdaptation, tPortAccIngQOverCIRAdaptation, tPortAccIngQOverPIRAdaptation, tPortNetEgrQOverCIRAdaptation, tPortNetEgrQOverPIRAdaptation, tPortAccIngQGrpDescr, tPortAccEgrQGrpDescr, tPortNetEgrQGrpDescr, tPortEgrVPortDescr, tPortEgrVPortLastChanged, tPortEgrVPortRowStatus, tPortEgrVPortSchedPol, tPortEgrVPortTableLastChgd, tPortEgrVPortHMTableLastChgd } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of physical port virtual scheduler capabilities for release 13.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV13v0Groups 7 } tmnxPortObsoletedV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortSchedOverrideMaxRate, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl1PIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl1CIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl2PIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl2CIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl3PIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl3CIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl4PIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl4CIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl5PIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl5CIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl6PIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl6CIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl7PIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl7CIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl8PIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl8CIR, tPortAccEgrQGrpAggRateLimit, tPortNetEgrQGrpAggRateLimit, tPortEgrVPortAggRateLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting management of physical port virtual scheduler capabilities for release 13.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV13v0Groups 8 } tmnxPortV14v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortGroups 139 } tmnxPortEtherAccessV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherAccessBandwidth, tmnxPortEtherAccessBookingFactor, tmnxPortEtherAccessAvailableBW, tmnxPortEtherAccessBookedBW } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of physical ports for release 14.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV14v0Groups 1 } tmnxPortGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortMonitorAggEgrQueueStats, tmnxPortEgrAggFwdInProfPkts, tmnxPortEgrAggFwdOutProfPkts, tmnxPortEgrAggFwdInProfOcts, tmnxPortEgrAggFwdOutProfOcts, tmnxPortEgrAggDropInProfPkts, tmnxPortEgrAggDropOutProfPkts, tmnxPortEgrAggDropInProfOcts, tmnxPortEgrAggDropOutProfOcts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of physical ports for release 14.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV14v0Groups 2 } tmnxPortQosStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdExdProfPkts, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpExdProfPkts, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdExdProfOcts, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpExdProfOcts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting network egress queue-group objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV14v0Groups 3 } tmnxPortFwdEngStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFwdEngDRIpv4HeaderError, tFwdEngDRIpv4InvalidAddress, tFwdEngDRIpv6HeaderError, tFwdEngDRIpv6InvalidAddress, tFwdEngDRIpRouteBlackHoled, tFwdEngDRACLFilterDiscards, tFwdEngDRUcastRPFChkFailed, tFwdEngDRBFDSpoofChkFailed, tFwdEngDRUcastMACDstAddMismatch, tFwdEngDRMcastMACUnicastDstIp, tFwdEngDRUnkwnMACDstAddDscrdVPLS, tFwdEngDRL2ServiceMTUExceed, tFwdEngDRNeedsICMP } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of forward engine drop statistics on ports for release 14.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV14v0Groups 4 } tmnxPortGroupV14v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortOptComplianceExtension } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of physical ports for release 14.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV14v0Groups 5 } tmnxPortEgrQosStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffExdProfPkts, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffExdProfOcts, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInPProfPkts, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInPProfPkts, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInPProfPkts, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInPProfOcts, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInPProfOcts, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInPProfOcts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting network egress queue-group objects on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV14v0Groups 6 } tmnxPortEthPTPAsymGroupV14v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherPTPAsymmetry } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting PTP asymmetry compensation for release 14.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV14v0Groups 7 } tmnxPortEtherRsFecModeGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherRsFecMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the Ethernet RS-FEC feature for release 14.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV14v0Groups 8 } tmnxPortV15v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortGroups 140 } tmnxPortQOverDropTailGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortAccIngQDrpTailLowReductnMbs, tPortAccEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs, tPortNetEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of ethernet ports queue override drop tail configuration on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0." ::= { tmnxPortV15v0Groups 1 } tmnxPortEgrHsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEgrHsSchedPlcy, tmnxPortEgrHsPortPoolPlcy, tPortAccEgrQGrpHsTurboQueues, tPortNetEgrQGrpHsTurboQueues } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting egress High Scale QoS related objects on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0." ::= { tmnxPortV15v0Groups 2 } tmnxPortEgrHsSchedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortEgrHsSchOvrTableLastChgd, tPortEgrHsSchOvrRowStatus, tPortEgrHsSchOvrLastChanged, tPortEgrHsSchOvrMaxRate, tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClssTblLstChg, tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassLastChgd, tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassRate, tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassWghtGrp, tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupTblLstChg, tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupLastChgd, tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupRate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting egress High Scale QoS Scheduler Overrides related objects on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0." ::= { tmnxPortV15v0Groups 3 } tmnxPortEgrHsSecShaperGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortHsSecShapTblLstChngd, tPortHsSecShapRowStatus, tPortHsSecShapLastChanged, tPortHsSecShapDescription, tPortHsSecShapRate, tPortHsSecShapLoBrstMaxCls, tPortHsSecShapClassTblLstChngd, tPortHsSecShapClassLastChanged, tPortHsSecShapClassRate, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass1FwdPkts, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass1FwdOcts, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass2FwdPkts, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass2FwdOcts, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass3FwdPkts, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass3FwdOcts, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass4FwdPkts, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass4FwdOcts, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass5FwdPkts, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass5FwdOcts, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass6FwdPkts, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass6FwdOcts, tPortEgrHsSecShaperAggFwdPkts, tPortEgrHsSecShaperAggFwdOcts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting egress High Scale QoS Secondary Shaper related objects on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0." ::= { tmnxPortV15v0Groups 4 } tmnxPortEtherUtilStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherUtilStatsInterval, tmnxPortEtherUtilStatsInput, tmnxPortEtherUtilStatsOutput } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the Ethernet port utilization feature for release 15.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV15v0Groups 5 } tmnxPortSchedV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEgrPortSchedPlcy, tmnxPortSchedOverrideRowStatus, tmnxPortSchedOverrideSchedName, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLastChanged, tmnxPortSchedOverrideFlags, tPortAccEgrQGrpLastChgd, tPortAccEgrQGrpRowStatus, tPortAccEgrQGrpSchedPol, tPortAccEgrQGrpAcctgPolId, tPortAccEgrQGrpCollectStats, tPortAccEgrQGrpFrameBaseActg, tPortAccEgrQGrpTableLastChgd, tPortAccEgrQOverLastChanged, tPortAccEgrQOverRowStatus, tPortAccEgrQOverTableLastChgd, tPortAccEgrQOverAdminCIR, tPortAccEgrQOverAdminPIR, tPortAccEgrQOverCBS, tPortAccIngQGrpLastChgd, tPortAccIngQGrpRowStatus, tPortAccIngQGrpSchedPol, tPortAccIngQGrpAcctgPolId, tPortAccIngQGrpCollectStats, tPortAccIngQGrpTableLastChgd, tPortAccIngQOverLastChanged, tPortAccIngQOverRowStatus, tPortAccIngQOverTableLastChgd, tPortAccIngQOverAdminCIR, tPortAccIngQOverAdminPIR, tPortAccIngQOverCBS, tPortNetEgrQGrpAcctgPolId, tPortNetEgrQGrpCollectStats, tPortNetEgrQGrpFrameBaseActg, tPortNetEgrQGrpLastChgd, tPortNetEgrQGrpRowStatus, tPortNetEgrQGrpSchedPol, tPortNetEgrQGrpTableLastChgd, tPortNetEgrQOverAdminCIR, tPortNetEgrQOverAdminPIR, tPortNetEgrQOverCBS, tPortNetEgrQOverLastChanged, tPortNetEgrQOverRowStatus, tPortNetEgrQOverTableLastChgd, tPortAccEgrQOverCIRAdaptation, tPortAccEgrQOverPIRAdaptation, tPortAccIngQOverCIRAdaptation, tPortAccIngQOverPIRAdaptation, tPortNetEgrQOverCIRAdaptation, tPortNetEgrQOverPIRAdaptation, tPortAccIngQGrpDescr, tPortAccEgrQGrpDescr, tPortNetEgrQGrpDescr, tPortEgrVPortDescr, tPortEgrVPortLastChanged, tPortEgrVPortRowStatus, tPortEgrVPortSchedPol, tPortEgrVPortTableLastChgd, tPortEgrVPortHMTableLastChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of physical port virtual scheduler capabilities for release 15.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV15v0Groups 6 } tmnxPortObsoletedV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortAccIngQOverHiPrioOnly, tPortNetEgrQOverHiPrioOnly, tPortAccEgrQOverHiPrioOnly } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting management of physical port virtual scheduler capabilities for release 15.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV15v0Groups 7 } tmnxPortRateV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortEgrVPortAggRateLmtHi, tmnxPortSchedOvrMaxRateHi, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1PIRHi, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1CIRHi, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2PIRHi, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2CIRHi, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3PIRHi, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3CIRHi, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4PIRHi, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4CIRHi, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5PIRHi, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5CIRHi, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6PIRHi, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6CIRHi, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7PIRHi, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7CIRHi, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8PIRHi, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8CIRHi } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects enhancing the management of physical port rates configuration on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxPortV15v0Groups 8 } tmnxPortSchedBurstV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortAccEgrQOverBurstLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of physical port virtual scheduler capabilities for release 15.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV15v0Groups 10 } tmnxPortAccSchedOvrSV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortAccIngSchedOvrSRowStatus, tPortAccIngSchedOvrSLastMgmtChng, tPortAccIngSchedOvrSPIRHi, tPortAccIngSchedOvrSPIRLo, tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRHi, tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRLo, tPortAccIngSchedOvrSParentWeight, tPortAccIngSchdOvrSParentCIRWght, tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSRowStatus, tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSLastMgmtChng, tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSPIRHi, tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSPIRLo, tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRHi, tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRLo, tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSParentWeight, tPortAccEgrSchdOvrSParentCIRWght } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of physical port virtual scheduler override capabilities for release 15.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV15v0Groups 11 } tmnxPortEtherDampeningGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherDampHalfLife, tmnxPortEtherDampMaxSuppressTime, tmnxPortEtherDampReuseThreshold, tmnxPortEtherDampSuppressThresh, tmnxPortEtherDampeningEnabled } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the configuration of Exponential Port Dampening for release 15.0 on Nokia SROS series systems" ::= { tmnxPortV15v0Groups 12 } tmnxPortEtherDampeningStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherDampStatsPenalties, tmnxPortEtherDampStatsState, tmnxPortEtherDampStatsMaxPens } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the state of Exponential Port Dampening for release 15.0 on Nokia SROS series systems" ::= { tmnxPortV15v0Groups 13 } tmnxPortConnectorBreakoutGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortConnectorTblLastChanged, tmnxPortConnectorBreakoutType, tmnxPortConnectorLastChanged, tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeName, tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeDesc, tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the configuration of Port Connectors for release 15.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV15v0Groups 14 } tmnxPwPortEthTypeV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPwPortDot1qEthType, tmnxPwPortQinqEthType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the PW port eth-type feature on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxPortV15v0Groups 16 } tmnxPortVsrGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortVsrStatsVirtualDriver, tmnxPortVsrStatsTheoreticMxSpeed, tmnxPortVsrStatsPciAddress, tmnxPortVsrStatsPciDeviceName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting VSR port information on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV15v0Groups 17 } tmnxPortTransceiverGroupV15v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortTransceiverTblLastChgd, tmnxPortTransLastChanged, tmnxPortTransDco } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting port transceiver information on Nokia SROS series systems introduced in release 15.0." ::= { tmnxPortV15v0Groups 18 } tmnxPortGnssGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortGroups 141 } tmnxPortGNSSGroupV20v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortGnssTableLastChanged, tmnxPortGnssLastChanged, tmnxPortGnssConstellation, tmnxPortGnssAntennaCableDelay, tmnxPortGnssElevationMaskAngle, tmnxPortGnssVisibleSatelliteCnt, tmnxPortGnssUsedSatelliteCount, tmnxPortGnssAntennaStatus, tmnxPortGnssSyncStatus, tmnxPortGnssPositionLatitude, tmnxPortGnssPositionLongitude, tmnxPortGnssPositionAltitude, tmnxPortGnssPositionValid, tmnxPortGnssDateAndTime, tmnxPortGnssReceiverStatus, tmnxPortGnssCurUtcOffset, tmnxPortGnssCurUtcOffsetValid, tmnxPortGnssReceiverFwVersion } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) ports on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortGnssGroups 3 } tmnxPortSerialGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortGroups 142 } tmnxRS232PortGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxRS232TableLastChanged, tmnxRS232StopBits, tmnxRS232Speed, tmnxRS232Parity, tmnxRS232Loopback, tmnxRS232LastChangeTime, tmnxRS232HoldTimeUp, tmnxRS232HoldTimeDown, tmnxRS232CharacterLength, tmnxRS232ControlLeadState, tmnxRS232ControlLeadSignal, tmnxRS232ControlLeadDcdRtsI, tmnxRS232ControlLeadRtsDcdC, tmnxRS232ControlLeadRiRdl, tmnxRS232ControlLeadRdlRi, tmnxRS232ControlLeadAlbCts, tmnxRS232ControlLeadCtsAlb, tmnxRS232ControlLeadDsrDtr, tmnxRS232ControlLeadDtrDsr, tmnxRS232ControlLeadMonAlbCts, tmnxRS232ControlLeadMonDtrDsr, tmnxRS232ControlLeadMonRdlRi, tmnxRS232ControlLeadMonRtsDcdC, tmnxRS232SocketInterSessionDelay, tmnxRS232SocketSquelchDelay, tmnxRS232SocketUnsquelchDelay, tmnxRS232SocketEopIdleTimeout, tmnxRS232SocketEopLength, tmnxRS232SocketEopSpecialChar, tmnxRS232SocketLastChangeTime, tmnxRS232SocketSquelchReset, tmnxRS232SocketSquelchStatus, tmnxRS232SocketTableLastChgd, tmnxRS232SocketSquelchStatus, tmnxRS232SocketEgrDroppedPkts, tmnxRS232SocketEgrForwardedPkts, tmnxRS232SocketEopIdleTimeoutCnt, tmnxRS232SocketEopLengthCnt, tmnxRS232SocketEopSpecialCharCnt, tmnxRS232SocketIngrDroppedPkts, tmnxRS232SocketIngrForwardedPkts, tmnxRS232SocketRxChars, tmnxRS232SocketTxChars, tmnxRS232SocketSquelchCnt } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the RS232 port on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortSerialGroups 1 } tmnxRS232PortNotifyGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxRS232ControlLeadSignalChg, tmnxRS232SquelchStatusChange, tmnxRS232SquelchResetIssued } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of NOTIFICATION-TYPEs supporting the notification of RS232 Ports on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortSerialGroups 2 } tmnxRS232PortNotifyObjsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyLeadsSignalChg } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of NOTIFICATION objects supporting the state of RS232 Ports on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortSerialGroups 3 } tmnxPortV15v1Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortGroups 143 } tmnxPortObsoleteV15v1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxOpticalPortAmpCfgAlarms, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCtrlMode, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmManCfgDisp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCfgRxChan, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCfgAlarms, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmDispSwpStart, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmDispSwpEnd, tmnxOpticalPortHasRxAmplifier, tmnxOpticalPortHasRxTdcm, tmnxOpticalPortAmpPowerIn, tmnxOpticalPortAmpGain, tmnxOpticalPortAmpPowerOut, tmnxOpticalPortAmpPumpTemp, tmnxOpticalPortAmpModuleTemp, tmnxOpticalPortAmpPumpCurrent, tmnxOpticalPortAmpAlarmState, tmnxOpticalPortAmpSerialNum, tmnxOpticalPortAmpCtrlState, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmPowerIn, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmLoss, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmPowerOut, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd1Temp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd2Temp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd3Temp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd4Temp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmModuleTemp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmMinDisp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmMaxDisp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmAutoDisp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmMeasDisp, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmPresRxChan, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmAlarmState, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmSerialNum, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCtrlState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting management of port capabilities for release 15.1 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV15v1Groups 7 } tmnxPortObsoleteNotifV15v1Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqPortOpticalAmpAlarm, tmnxEqPortOpticalTdcmAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsolete notifications supporting management of port capabilities for release 15.1 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV15v1Groups 9 } tmnxPortV16v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortGroups 144 } tmnxPortQosMWModAwareV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherEthBnEgrRateChanges, tmnxPortEtherEthBnEgressRate, tmnxPortEtherOperEgressRate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of QoS Microwave Adaptive Modulation Aware configuration for release 16.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV16v0Groups 1 } tmnxPortQosMWModAwV16v0NotifyGrp NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqPortEtherEgressRateChange } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of NOTIFICATION objects supporting the state of Qos Microwave Modulation Aware on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV16v0Groups 2 } tmnxPortFPMacObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortStateFPNumber, tmnxPortStateMacChipNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting output of the FP and MAC on the port on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV16v0Groups 3 } tmnxPortLicensingGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortStateLicensed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for management of port licensing on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV16v0Groups 4 } tmnxPortLoadBalGroupV16v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxL2tpLoadBalancing } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting load balancing in Nokia SROS release 16.0 systems." ::= { tmnxPortV16v0Groups 5 } tmnxPortV19v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortGroups 145 } tmnxRsFecConnectorGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortConnectorRsFecMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of rs-fec-mode on connector ports in release 19.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV19v0Groups 1 } tmnxRsFecModeGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortRsFecOperMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of rs-fec-mode on ports in release 19.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV19v0Groups 2 } tmnxPortBWGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherAccessBandwidthHi } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of rs-fec-mode on ports in release 19.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV19v0Groups 3 } tmnxPortEgrQosPortQosPlcyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherEgrQosPortQosPlcy, tmnxPortNetEgressUCFwdPkts, tmnxPortNetEgressUCFwdOcts, tmnxPortNetEgressUCDroPkts, tmnxPortNetEgressUCDroOcts, tmnxPortNetEgressMCFwdPkts, tmnxPortNetEgressMCFwdOcts, tmnxPortNetEgressMCDroPkts, tmnxPortNetEgressMCDroOcts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of port qos policy on ports in release 19.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV19v0Groups 4 } tmnxPortLoadBalGroupV19v5 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxLoadBalancingHashEcmpPoly, tmnxLoadBalancingHashLagPoly } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting load balancing in release 19.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV19v0Groups 5 } tmnxPortEtherLoopbackGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherLoopback, tmnxPortEtherLoopbackSwapMac } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of loopbacks on Ethernet ports in release 19.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV19v0Groups 6 } tmnxPortTDMGroupV19v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDS1PortLineImpedance, tmnxDS1PortLineEncoding, tmnxDS1HoldTimeUp, tmnxDS1HoldTimeDown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of TDM type ports in release 19.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV19v0Groups 7 } tmnxPortNotificationV19v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxPortEtherLoopbackStarted, tmnxPortEtherLoopbackStopped } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications extending port capabilities for revision 19.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV19v0Groups 8 } tmnxPortAdapterGroupV19v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortAdapterType, tmnxPortAdapterModelNumber, tmnxPortAdapterOUI, tmnxPortAdapterManufactureDate, tmnxPortAdapterSerialNumber, tmnxPortAdapterPartNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of port adapters in release 19.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV19v0Groups 9 } tmnxPortEtherPhysStatsV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherAccessAcctPolicyId, tmnxPortEtherAccessCollectStats } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the Physical Layer Ethernet access port queue statistics collection in release 19.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV19v0Groups 10 } tmnxPortV20v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortGroups 146 } tmnxPortStatsGroupV20v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortInErrors, tmnxPortOutErrors, tmnxPortInDiscards, tmnxPortOutDiscards, tmnxPortInUnknownProtos } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management port statistics in release 20.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV20v0Groups 1 } tmnxPortRxPauseFramesV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherDiscardRxPauseFrame } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of received pause frames on physical ethernet ports in release 20.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV20v0Groups 2 } tmnxPortGnssNotifV20v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxPortGnssStatusChange } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications extending port GNSS capabilities for revision 20.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV20v0Groups 3 } tmnxNamedPoolGroupV20v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortIngPoolPercentRate, tmnxPortEgrPoolPercentRate } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the Named Pool feature for revision 20.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV20v0Groups 4 } tmnxPortV20v0ObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortIngNamedPoolPlcy, tmnxPortEgrNamedPoolPlcy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of named-pool objects obsoleted in release 20.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV20v0Groups 5 } tmnxPortNotifyObjsGroupV20v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxObjType, tmnxObjPortId, tmnxObjMdaId, tmnxObjAppType, tmnxObjAppPool, tmnxObjAppResvSize, tmnxObjAppSumOfQResvSize, tmnxObjAppResvCbsOld, tmnxObjAppResvCbsNew, tmnxObjAppResvSizeOld, tmnxPortNotifyAUIResetSource, tmnxPortNotifyEgrVPortName, tmnxPortSchedLocType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting physical port notifications for revision 20.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV20v0Groups 6 } tmnxPortNPV20v0ObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxObjNamedPoolPolicy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of additional named-pool objects obsoleted in release 20.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV20v0Groups 7 } tmnxPortPoolGroupV20v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortIngPoolPercentRate, tmnxPortEgrPoolPercentRate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the pool feature for revision 20.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV20v0Groups 8 } tmnxPortNetEgrQMonQDepthV20v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortNetEgrQOverMonQueueDepth, tPortNetEgrQOverQFastPolling, tPortNetEgrQOverQViolationThres, tPortAccEgrQOverMonQueueDepth, tPortAccEgrQOverQFastPolling, tPortAccEgrQOverQViolationThres } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Faster Polling Queue Depth Monitoring with Telemetry on Nokia SROS release 20 series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV20v0Groups 9 } tPortNetEgrPortQMonQDepV20v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortNetEgrPortQOverTblLastChgd, tPortNetEgrPortQOverRowStatus, tPortNetEgrPortQOverLastChanged, tPortNetEgrPortQOverMonQDepth, tPortNetEgrPortQOverQFastPolling, tPortNetEgrPortQOverQVioThres, tPortNetEgrPortQOverQueuePolicy, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt1, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt2, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt3, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt4, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt5, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt6, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt7, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt8, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt9, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt10, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthAvgPollInt, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthAvgElpsdTme, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthViolTotCnt, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthViolLast, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthHWMPollInt, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthViolTotCnt, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthViolLast, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthHWMPollInt, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthViolTotCnt, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthViolLast, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthHWMPollInt } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting network egress port queue overrides objects for Faster Polling Queue Depth Monitoring with Telemetry on Nokia SROS release 20 series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV20v0Groups 10 } tmnxDot1xPaePortV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDot1xPaePortTunnelDot1q, tmnxDot1xPaePortTunnelQinq } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting the configuration of dot1x PAE ports in release 20 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV20v0Groups 11 } tmnxPortEsmcTunV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherSSMEsmcTunnel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting ESMC tunnel port capabilities in release 20 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV20v0Groups 12 } tPortEgrPSAggStatsV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortEgrPSStLstClrdTime, tPortEgrPSStLvlFwdPkt, tPortEgrPSStLvlFwdOct, tPortEgrPSStLvlDpdPkt, tPortEgrPSStLvlDpdOct } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the packet and octet counters for traffic exiting the specified port with an applied port scheduler policy in release 20 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV20v0Groups 13 } tmnxDDMLaneGroupV20v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxDDMLaneISHErrors } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects enhancing the management of Digital Diagnostic Monitoring SFFs in release 20.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV20v0Groups 14 } tmnxPortTransceiverGroupV20v0 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortTransAUIResets, tmnxPortTransLastAUIReset } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting port transceiver information on Nokia SROS series systems introduced in release 20.0." ::= { tmnxPortV20v0Groups 15 } tmnxPortNotificationGroupV20v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxPortAUIReset } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications extending port capabilities for revision 20.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV20v0Groups 16 } tmnxPortDwdmV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortDwdmConfigTblLastChanged, tmnxPortDwdmLastChanged, tmnxPortDwdmLaserFrequency, tmnxPortDwdmOperFrequency, tmnxPortDwdmFrequencyMin, tmnxPortDwdmFrequencyMax, tmnxPortDwdmSupportedGrids, tmnxPortDwdmFineTuning, tmnxPortDwdmFineTuningResolution, tmnxPortDwdmFineTuningRange, tmnxCohOptPortSupportsCfgTxPower, tmnxCohOptPortCfgTxPowerMin, tmnxCohOptPortCfgTxPowerMax } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting DWDM capabilities on optical ports added in release 20.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV20v0Groups 17 } tmnxPortV21v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortGroups 147 } tPortDCpuProtV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortDCpuProtPolicy, tmnxPortOperDCpuProtPolicy, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticState, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticExcdCount, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticHoldDown, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticDetectionTime, tmnxPortDcpFpDynState, tmnxPortDcpFpDynExcdCount, tmnxPortDcpFpDynHoldDown, tmnxPortDcpFpDynDetectionTime, tmnxPortDcpFpDynAllocated, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonAllDynAlloc, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonExcdCount, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonState, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticRateType, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperPackets, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperWithin, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperInitDelay, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperKbps, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperMbs, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticPlcrDepth, tmnxPortDcpFpDynRateType, tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperPackets, tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperWithin, tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperInitDelay, tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperKbps, tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperMbs, tmnxPortDcpFpDynPlcrDepth, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonRateType, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperPackets, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperWithin, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperInitDelay, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperKbps, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperMbs, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonPlcrDepth } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting distributed CPU protection feature in release 21 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV21v0Groups 2 } tPortObsoleteV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEgrHsmdaSchedPlcy, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrTblLastChngd, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrRowStatus, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrLastChanged, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrMaxRate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrGrp1Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrGrp2Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass1Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass1WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass2Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass2WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass3Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass3WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass4Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass4WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass5Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass5WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass6Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass6WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass7Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass7WtInGp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass8Rate, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass8WtInGp, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfPkts, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfPktH, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfPktL, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfPkts, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfPktH, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfPktL, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfPkts, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfPktH, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfPktL, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfPkts, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfPktH, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfPktL, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfOcts, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfOctH, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfOctL, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfOcts, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfOctH, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfOctL, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfOcts, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfOctH, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfOctL, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfOcts, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfOctH, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfOctL, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfPkts, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfPktH, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfPktL, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfPkts, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfPktH, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfPktL, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfPkts, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfPktH, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfPktL, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfPkts, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfPktH, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfPktL, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfOcts, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfOctH, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfOctL, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfOcts, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfOctH, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfOctL, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfOcts, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfOctH, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfOctL, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfOcts, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfOctH, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfOctL, tPortAccEgrQGrpHsmdaShaperOvr, tPortAccEgrQGrpHsmdaPktOffOvr, tPortAccEgrQGrpHsmdaWrrPolicyOvr, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverRowStatus, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverLastChanged, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverAdminPIR, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverSlopePolicy, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverWrrWeight, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverMBS } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting HSMDAV2 feature in release 21 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV21v0Groups 3 } tPortEgrExpObsoleteV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperTblLastChngd, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperRowStatus, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperRate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass1Rate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass2Rate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass3Rate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass4Rate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass5Rate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass6Rate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass7Rate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass8Rate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperLastChanged, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass1Thresh, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass2Thresh, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass3Thresh, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass4Thresh, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass5Thresh, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass6Thresh, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass7Thresh, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass8Thresh, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperLoBrstMaxCls, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdPkts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdOcts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StMonOvrOct, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdPkts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdOcts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StMonOvrOct, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdPkts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdOcts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StMonOvrOct, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdPkts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdOcts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StMonOvrOct, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdPkts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdOcts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StMonOvrOct, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdPkts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdOcts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StMonOvrOct, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdPkts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdOcts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StMonOvrOct, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdPkts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdOcts, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StMonOvrOct, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdPkts, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdOcts, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStMonOvrOct, tPortEgrExpShaperStLstClrdTime, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdPktsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdPktsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdOctsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdOctsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StMonOvrOL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StMonOvrOH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdPktsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdPktsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdOctsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdOctsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StMonOvrOL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StMonOvrOH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdPktsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdPktsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdOctsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdOctsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StMonOvrOL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StMonOvrOH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdPktsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdPktsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdOctsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdOctsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StMonOvrOL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StMonOvrOH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdPktsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdPktsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdOctsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdOctsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StMonOvrOL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StMonOvrOH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdPktsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdPktsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdOctsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdOctsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StMonOvrOL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StMonOvrOH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdPktsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdPktsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdOctsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdOctsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StMonOvrOL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StMonOvrOH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdPktsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdPktsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdOctsH, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdOctsL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StMonOvrOL, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StMonOvrOH, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdPktsL, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdPktsH, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdOctsL, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdOctsH, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStMonOvrOL, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStMonOvrOH, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperThresh, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperLoBurstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperHiBurstInc, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl1BrstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl2BrstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl3BrstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl4BrstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl5BrstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl6BrstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl7BrstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl8BrstLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting egress secondary shaper feature in release 21 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV21v0Groups 4 } tmnxPortQueueOvrObsoleteV21v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortAccEgrQOverMonitorDepth, tPortNetEgrQOverMonitorDepth } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting QoS queue-overrides on physical ports added in release 21.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV21v0Groups 5 } tmnxPortQueueOvrV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortAccIngQOverMonitorDepth, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt1, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt2, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt3, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt4, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt5, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt6, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt7, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt8, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt9, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt10, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthAvgPollInt, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthAvgElpsdTme, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt1, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt2, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt3, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt4, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt5, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt6, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt7, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt8, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt9, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt10, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthAvgPollInt, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthAvgElpsdTme, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt1, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt2, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt3, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt4, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt5, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt6, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt7, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt8, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt9, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt10, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthAvgPollInt, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthAvgElpsdTme } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting QoS queue-overrides on physical ports added in release 13.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV21v0Groups 6 } tPortHWAggShaperV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortEgrVPortHwAggShaperSchedPol, tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStLstClrdTime, tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSClsFwdPkt, tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSClsFwdOct, tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSClsDpdPkt, tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSClsDpdOct, tPortEgrVPortMonHwAggShaperSch, tPortEgrHASSchdMonThrPortExdCnt, tPortEgrHASSchdMonThrStartTime, tPortEgrHASSchdMonThrEndTime, tPortEgrHASSchdMonThrTotSamples } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting hardware aggregate shaper scheduling policies on virtual ports added in release 21.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV21v0Groups 7 } tmnxSonetPortObsoleteV21v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxSonetResetPortOnPathDown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting SONET port capabilities which are obsoleted in release 21.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV21v0Groups 8 } tmnxCohOptPrtCmdObsoleteV21v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxCohOptPortCprWinSizeSearch, tmnxCohOptPortCprWnSzSrchStatus, tmnxCohOptPortCprWnSzSrchResult } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting coherent optical port command capabilities which are obsoleted in release 21.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV21v0Groups 9 } tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { portEgrVoqStatsFwdInProfPkts, portEgrVoqStatsDrpInProfPkts, portEgrVoqStatsFwdOutProfPkts, portEgrVoqStatsDrpOutProfPkts, portEgrVoqStatsFwdInProfOcts, portEgrVoqStatsDrpInProfOcts, portEgrVoqStatsFwdOutProfOcts, portEgrVoqStatsDrpOutProfOcts, portEgrVoqStatsFwdExdProfPkts, portEgrVoqStatsDrpExdProfPkts, portEgrVoqStatsFwdExdProfOcts, portEgrVoqStatsDrpExdProfOcts, portEgrVoqStatsFwdInPlusProfPkts, portEgrVoqStatsDrpInPlusProfPkts, portEgrVoqStatsFwdInPlusProfOcts, portEgrVoqStatsDrpInPlusProfOcts, portEgrVoqStatsFwdPkts, portEgrVoqStatsDrpPkts, portEgrVoqStatsFwdOcts, portEgrVoqStatsDrpOcts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting aggregate port egress queue added in release 21.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV21v0Groups 10 } tmnxPortAccIngQMonQDepthV21v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortAccIngQOverMonQueueDepth, tPortAccIngQOverQFastPolling } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Faster Polling Queue Depth Monitoring with Telemetry on Nokia SROS release 21 series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV21v0Groups 11 } tmnxPortHQosOnLagV21v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortSchedulerMode, tmnxPortSharedQueueRowStatus, tmnxPortSharedQueueAggRatePIRHi, tmnxPortSharedQueueAggRatePIRLo, tmnxPortSharedQueueAggRateCIR, tPortSharedQueueLastChgd, tPortSharedQStatsEgrFwdPkts, tPortSharedQStatsEgrFwdOcts, tPortSharedQStatsDrpPkts, tPortSharedQStatsDrpOcts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting HQos support for ports added in release 21.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV21v0Groups 12 } tmnxPortCupsV21v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortOperGrpName, tmnxPwPortOperGrpName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting CUPS for ports added in release 21.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV21v0Groups 13 } tmnxPortHQosOnLagWredV21v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortSharedQStatsFwdExdProfPkts, tPortSharedQStatsDrpExdProfPkts, tPortSharedQStatsFwdExdProfOcts, tPortSharedQStatsDrpExdProfOcts, tPortSharedQStatsFwdInPlProfPkts, tPortSharedQStatsDrpInPlProfPkts, tPortSharedQStatsFwdInPlProfOcts, tPortSharedQStatsDrpInPlProfOcts, tPortSharedQStatsFwdInProfPkts, tPortSharedQStatsDrpInProfPkts, tPortSharedQStatsFwdInProfOcts, tPortSharedQStatsDrpInProfOcts, tPortSharedQStatsFwdOutProfPkts, tPortSharedQStatsDrpOutProfPkts, tPortSharedQStatsFwdOutProfOcts, tPortSharedQStatsDrpOutProfOcts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting HQos support for ports added in release 21.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV21v0Groups 14 } tmnxPortV22v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortGroups 148 } tPortHWAggShaperV22v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortEgrHAShpSchdNumAggShprMbrs, tPortEgrHAShpSchdAlgScalngColor } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting hardware aggregate shaper scheduling policies on virtual ports added in release 22.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV22v0Groups 1 } tPortHWAggShaperNotifGroupV22v0 NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxHwAggShpSchedOperColorGreen, tmnxHwAggShpSchedOperColorAmber, tmnxHwAggShpSchedOperColorRed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications extending port capabilities for revision 22.0 on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV22v0Groups 2 } tmnxPortQueueOvrObsoleteV22v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortAccIngQOverMonitorDepth } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting QoS queue-overrides on physical ports added in release 22.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV22v0Groups 3 } tmnxPortQueueOvrV22v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt1, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt2, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt3, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt4, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt5, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt6, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt7, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt8, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt9, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt10, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthAvgPollInt, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthAvgElpsdTme, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt1, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt2, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt3, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt4, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt5, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt6, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt7, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt8, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt9, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt10, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthAvgPollInt, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthAvgElpsdTme, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt1, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt2, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt3, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt4, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt5, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt6, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt7, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt8, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt9, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt10, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthAvgPollInt, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthAvgElpsdTme } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting QoS queue-overrides on physical ports added in release 13.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV22v0Groups 4 } tmnxPortDwdmObsoleteV22v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tmnxPortDwdmLaserChannel, tmnxPortDwdmRxDtvAdjustEnable, tmnxPortDwdmRxDtvDacPercent, tmnxOpticalPortDwdmChannelMin, tmnxOpticalPortDwdmChannelMax, tmnxCohOptPortCfgRxChan, tmnxCohOptPortPresRxChan, tmnxPortWaveTrackerCapable, tmnxWaveTrackerAlarmState, tmnxWaveTrackerCfgAlarms, tmnxWaveTrackerEncodeEnable, tmnxWaveTrackerInUse, tmnxWaveTrackerLowerPowerMargin, tmnxWaveTrackerMaxAttainablePwr, tmnxWaveTrackerMeasuredPower, tmnxWaveTrackerMinAttainablePwr, tmnxWaveTrackerPowerCtrlEnable, tmnxWaveTrackerTargetPower, tmnxWaveTrackerTrailName, tmnxWaveTrackerUpperPowerMargin, tmnxWaveTrackerWaveKey1, tmnxWaveTrackerWaveKey2, tmnxWaveTrackerPortType, tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaEquipped, tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaModelNum, tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaSerialNum, tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaType, tmnxPortNotifyWTAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting DWDM capabilities on optical ports that are obsoleted in release 22.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV22v0Groups 5 } tmnxPortObsoleteNotifV22v0Grp NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tmnxEqPortWaveTrackerAlarm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of port notifications that were obsoleted in release 22.0 of Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxPortV22v0Groups 6 } tmnxPortDCCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortConformance 3 } tmnxPortDCGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortConformance 4 } tmnxPortNotifyPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxHwNotification 2 } tmnxPortNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortNotifyPrefix 0 } tmnxEqOobPortFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxPortNotifyPortId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when the out-of-band Ethernet port has failed. On the Nokia SROS system, the out-of-band port is the CPM management interface. This notification was made obsolete in the 2.1 release. The Out-of-band, OOB, port is what id referred to as the management port or cpm port. It has an entry in ifTable and linkup, linkDown and tmnxEqPortError notifications are sent for the management port just as for any other port in the system." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 1 } tmnxEqPortFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxPortNotifyPortId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when a port has failed. This notification was made obsolete in the 2.1 release. tmnxEqPortError is used instead of tmnxEqPortFailure. Standard IETF linkDown notification is sent when a physical port failure is detected. tmnxEqPortError is sent with a ASCII reason message when port errors are detected. It was originally intended that tmnxEqPortError be used to report errors that do not cause port state change to 'down'. tmnxEqPortFailure was intended to report errors that do cause the port state change to 'down'. However, in the implementation tmnxEqPortError is used for both fatal and non-fatal errors." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 2 } tmnxQosServiceDegraded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxChassisNotifyChassisId, tmnxPortNotifyPortId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when the port is unable to provided the specified quality of service level." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 3 } tmnxEqPortSonetAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifySonetAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a SONET/SDH port alarm condition is detected. It is generated only when the type of alarm being raised is enabled in tmnxSonetReportAlarm." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 4 } tmnxEqPortSonetAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifySonetAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a SONET/SDH port alarm condition is cleared. It is generated only when the type of alarm being cleared is enabled in tmnxSonetReportAlarm." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 5 } tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifySonetPathAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a SONET/SDH path alarm condition is detected. It is generated only when the type of alarm being raised is enabled in tmnxSonetPathReportAlarm." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 6 } tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifySonetPathAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a SONET/SDH path alarm condition is cleared. It is generated only when the type of alarm being cleared is enabled in tmnxSonetPathReportAlarm." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 7 } tmnxEqPortSFPInserted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an SFF is inserted in the port." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 8 } tmnxEqPortSFPRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an SFF is removed from the port." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 9 } tmnxEqPortWrongSFP NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when a wrong type of SFF optics module is plugged into a 1 Gig MDA, SONET MDA, or 100FX MDA. Because of the large variety of SFFs now supported and their different encoding schemes for compliance bits, the check for wrong SFF has been removed. As a result, tmnxEqPortWrongSFP notification is no longer generated. However, wrong SFF can be inferred from port statistics." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 10 } tmnxEqPortSFPCorrupted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when SFF information stored in the EPROM on the SFF is corrupt. This notification was made obsolete for revision 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems; it was replaced by tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 11 } tmnxPortNotifyBerSdTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxSonetBerSdThreshold } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when a SONET/SDH port's signal degradation bit error rate is greater than the configured error rate threshold. This notification was made obsolete in the 2.1 release." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 12 } tmnxPortNotifyBerSfTca NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxSonetBerSfThreshold } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when a SONET/SDH port's signal failure bit error rate is greater than the configured error rate threshold. This notification was made obsolete in the 2.1 release." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 13 } tmnxEqPortError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifyError } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an error listed in tmnxPortNotifyError is detected on the port." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 14 } tmnxEqPortDS3Alarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifyDS3AlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a DS3 interface alarm condition is detected. It is generated only when the type of alarm being raised is enabled in tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarm." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 15 } tmnxEqPortDS3AlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifyDS3AlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a DS3 interface alarm condition is cleared. It is generated only when the type of alarm being cleared is enabled in tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarm." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 16 } tmnxEqPortDS1Alarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifyDS1AlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a DS1 interface alarm condition is detected. It is generated only when the type of alarm being raised is enabled in tmnxDS1ReportAlarm." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 17 } tmnxEqPortDS1AlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifyDS1AlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a DS1 interface alarm condition is cleared. It is generated only when the type of alarm being cleared is enabled in tmnxDS1ReportAlarm." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 18 } tmnxEqPortBndlYellowDiffExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxBundleYellowDiffDelay } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the differential delay of a port in the bundle exceeds the configured value in tmnxBundleYellowDiffDelay." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 19 } tmnxEqPortBndlRedDiffExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxBundleRedDiffDelay } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the differential delay of a port in the bundle exceeds the configured value in tmnxBundleRedDiffDelay." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 20 } tmnxEqPortBndlBadEndPtDiscr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxBundleMemberDownReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the port detected mismatched peer endpoint discriminator for the bundle." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 21 } tmnxEqPortEtherAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifyEtherAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxEqPortEtherAlarm is generated when a ethernet port alarm condition is detected. It is generated only when the type of alarm being raised is enabled in tmnxPortEtherReportAlarm." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 22 } tmnxEqPortEtherAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifyEtherAlarmReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxEqPortEtherAlarmClear is generated when a ethernet port alarm condition is cleared. It is generated only when the type of alarm being cleared is enabled in tmnxPortEtherReportAlarm." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 23 } tmnxDS1E1LoopbackStarted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxDS1Loopback } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxDS1E1LoopbackStarted notification is generated when a loopback is provisioned on a DS1/E1 port." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 24 } tmnxDS1E1LoopbackStopped NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxDS1Loopback } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxDS1E1LoopbackStopped notification is generated when a loopback is removed on a DS1/E1 port. The value of tmnxSonetLoopback specifies the type of loopback that was configured and has now been removed." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 25 } tmnxDS3E3LoopbackStarted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxDS3ChannelLoopback } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxDS3E3LoopbackStarted notification is generated when a loopback is provisioned on a DS3/E3 port." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 26 } tmnxDS3E3LoopbackStopped NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxDS3ChannelLoopback } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxDS3E3LoopbackStopped notification is generated when a loopback is removed on a DS3/E3 port. The value of tmnxDS3ChannelLoopback specifies the type of loopback that was configured and has now been removed." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 27 } tmnxSonetSDHLoopbackStarted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxSonetLoopback } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSonetSDHLoopbackStarted notification is generated when a loopback is provisioned on a Sonet-SDH port." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 28 } tmnxSonetSDHLoopbackStopped NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxSonetLoopback } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSonetSDHLoopbackStopped notification is generated when a loopback test is removed on a Sonet-SDH port. The value of tmnxDS1Loopback specifies the type of loopback that was configured and has now been removed." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 29 } tmnxEqPortEtherLoopDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEqPortEtherLoopDetected notification is generated when down-when-looped detects an Ethernet port is receiving PDUs that it transmitted and tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedEnabled is set to 'true'." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 30 } tmnxEqPortEtherLoopCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEqPortEtherLoopCleared notification is generated when down-when-looped detects an Ethernet port has stopped receiving PDUs that it transmitted and tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedEnabled is set to 'true'. Setting tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedEnabled to 'false' will also cause this notification to be generated if tmnxEqPortEtherLoopDetected had previously been raised." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 31 } tmnxEqPortSpeedCfgNotCompatible NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortEtherSpeed, tmnxMdaNotifyType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a configured speed on an MDA port is not compatible with the MDA type. [EFFECT] Though services can still be created, if the tmnxMdaNotifyType is the same as the tmnxMDAEquippedType then the MDA will fail to operate as configured and will be in a failed state. [RECOVERY] Change the configuration to reflect the capabilities of the MDA port, or switch out/re-provision the MDA for one that is compatible." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 32 } tmnxEqPortDuplexCfgNotCompatible NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortEtherDuplex, tmnxMdaNotifyType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a configured duplex on an MDA port is not compatible with the MDA type. [EFFECT] Though services can still be created, if the tmnxMdaNotifyType is the same as the tmnxMDAEquippedType then the MDA will fail to operate as configured and will be in a failed state. [RECOVERY] Change the configuration to reflect the capabilities of the MDA port, or switch out/re-provision the MDA for one that is compatible." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 33 } tmnxEqPortIngressRateCfgNotCompatible NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxMdaNotifyType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a configured ingress rate on an MDA port is not compatible with the MDA type. [EFFECT] Though services can still be created, if the tmnxMdaNotifyType is the same as the tmnxMDAEquippedType then the MDA will fail to operate as configured and will be in a failed state. [RECOVERY] Change the configuration to reflect the capabilities of the MDA port, or switch out/re-provision the MDA for one that is compatible." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 34 } tmnxEqDigitalDiagMonitorFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxDDMFailedObject, tmnxDDMLaneIdOrModule } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an SFF that supports Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) enters a failed state." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 35 } tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortSFPStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure notification is generated when the tmnxPortSFPStatus of an SFF results in a value other than 'not-equipped (0)', or 'operational (1)'. tmnxEqPortSFPStatusFailure obsoleted tmnxEqPortSFPCorrupted for revision 6.0 on Nokia SROS series systems. [EFFECT] The SFF device is not operational and the associated port cannot be used. The SFF and port will not recover without operator intervention. [RECOVERY] Remove and re-insert the SFF device. If the problem persists then replace the SFF device." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 36 } tmnxDSXClockSyncStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxDSXClockSyncStateObject } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the tmnxDS3ChannelClockSyncState changes for a DS3 or DS1 channel with adaptive or differential clock source." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 37 } tmnxPortUnsupportedFunction NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifyDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a functionality is required from this port that it cannot support. The object tmnxPortNotifyDescription explains what function is affected." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 38 } tmnxBundleMemberMlfrLoopback NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxBundleMemberMlfrDownReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a Multilink Frame Relay Bundle Member enters or leaves the 'loopback (3)' state." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 39 } tmnxEqPortWaveTrackerAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyWTAlarmReason, tmnxWaveTrackerAlarmState } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEqPortWaveTrackerAlarm notification indicates that a Wave Tracker interface has experienced either a raising or clearing of an alarm as indicated by the value of tmnxPortNotifyWTAlarmReason. This notification was obsoleted in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 40 } tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxHostMatchNotifyIntDestId, tmnxHostMatchNotifyOrgString, tmnxHostMatchNotifySubIdent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchFailure notification indicates that a host match lookup failed to resolve a specific port egress queue-group. In such case the default policer-output-queue is used." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 41 } tPortEgrVPortHostMatchFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxHostMatchNotifyIntDestId, tmnxHostMatchNotifyOrgString, tmnxHostMatchNotifySubIdent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortEgrVPortHostMatchFailure notification indicates that a host match lookup failed to resolve a specific port egress virtual port." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 42 } tmnxEqDigitalDiagMonitorClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxDDMFailedObject, tmnxDDMLaneIdOrModule } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an SFF that supports Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) clears a failed state." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 43 } tmnxEqPortOpticalAmpAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxOpticalPortAmpAlarmState } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEqPortOpticalAmpAlarm notification indicates that an Optical Amplifier interface has experienced either a raising or clearing of an alarm as indicated by the value of tmnxOpticalPortAmpAlarmState." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 44 } tmnxEqPortOpticalTdcmAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxOpticalPortTdcmAlarmState } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEqPortOpticalTdcmAlarm notification indicates that an Optical Tdcm interface has experienced either a raising or clearing of an alarm as indicated by the value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmAlarmState." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 45 } tmnxEqSonetClockSrcNotCompatible NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSonetClockSource, tmnxMdaNotifyType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification tmnxEqSonetClockSrcNotCompatible is generated when a configured SONET/SDH clock source on an MDA port is not compatible with the MDA type. [EFFECT] Though services can still be created, if the tmnxMdaNotifyType is the same as the tmnxMDAEquippedType then the MDA will fail to operate as configured and will be in a failed state. [RECOVERY] Change the configuration to reflect the capabilities of the MDA port, or switch out/re-provision the MDA for one that is compatible." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 46 } tmnxEqSonetSfThreshNotCompatible NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSonetBerSfThreshold, tmnxMdaNotifyType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification tmnxEqSonetSfThreshNotCompatible is generated when a configured SONET/SDH Signal Fail (SF) threshold on an MDA port is not compatible with the MDA type. [EFFECT] Though services can still be created, if the tmnxMdaNotifyType is the same as the tmnxMDAEquippedType then the MDA will fail to operate as configured and will be in a failed state. [RECOVERY] Change the configuration to reflect the capabilities of the MDA port, or switch out/re-provision the MDA for one that is compatible." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 47 } tmnxEqSonetFramingNotCompatible NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxSonetFraming, tmnxMdaNotifyType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification tmnxEqSonetFramingNotCompatible is generated when a configured SONET/SDH framing on an MDA port is not compatible with the MDA type. [EFFECT] Though services can still be created, if the tmnxMdaNotifyType is the same as the tmnxMDAEquippedType then the MDA will fail to operate as configured and will be in a failed state. [RECOVERY] Change the configuration to reflect the capabilities of the MDA port, or switch out/re-provision the MDA for one that is compatible." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 48 } tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshGreen NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxObjType, tmnxObjPortId, tmnxObjMdaId, tmnxObjAppType, tmnxObjAppPool, tmnxObjAppResvSize, tmnxObjAppSumOfQResvSize, tmnxObjAppResvCbsOld, tmnxObjAppResvCbsNew, tmnxObjAppResvSizeOld } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshGreen is generated when a reserved-CBS of an object (MDA or port) returns to within defined thresholds. [EFFECT] Reserved CBS of the object has returned to within normal parameters. [RECOVERY] None required." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 49 } tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshAmber NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxObjType, tmnxObjPortId, tmnxObjMdaId, tmnxObjAppType, tmnxObjAppPool, tmnxObjAppResvSize, tmnxObjAppSumOfQResvSize, tmnxObjAppResvCbsOld, tmnxObjAppResvCbsNew, tmnxObjAppResvSizeOld } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshAmber is generated when a reserved-CBS of an object (MDA or port) has crossed threshold value specified by tmnxObjectAppAmbrAlrmThresh. [EFFECT] This is warning event but the traffic is not yet affected. [RECOVERY] The value of tmnxObjectAppResvCbs may need to be adjusted." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 50 } tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshRed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxObjType, tmnxObjPortId, tmnxObjMdaId, tmnxObjAppType, tmnxObjAppPool, tmnxObjAppResvSize, tmnxObjAppSumOfQResvSize, tmnxObjAppResvCbsOld, tmnxObjAppResvCbsNew, tmnxObjAppResvSizeOld } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notification tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshRed is generated when a reserved-CBS of an object (MDA or port) has crossed the threshold value specified by tmnxObjectAppRedAlrmThresh. [EFFECT] This is a critical event and the traffic may be affected. [RECOVERY] The value of tmnxObjectAppResvCbs may need to be adjusted." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 51 } tmnxEqPortEtherCrcAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcThreshold, tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcMultiplier, tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcAlarmValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxEqPortEtherCrcAlarm is generated when an Ethernet port CRC alarm condition is detected. It is generated only when the type of alarm being raised is enabled on the port. [EFFECT] On a signal failure (SF) fault, the port is taken out of service until the CRC alarm condition is cleared. [RECOVERY] tmnxEqPortEtherCrcAlarm is cleared by taking the port out of service (e.g. shutdown, card/mda reset, physical link loss), or changing/disabling the associated threshold/multiplier values. Signal Degradation is self clearing and will clear once the error rate drops below 1/10th of the configured rate." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 52 } tmnxEqPortEtherCrcAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcThreshold, tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcMultiplier, tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcAlarmValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxEqPortEtherCrcAlarmClear is generated when an Ethernet port CRC alarm condition is cleared or disabled." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 53 } tmnxEqPortEtherInternalAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxEqPortEtherInternalAlarm is generated when an Ethernet port experiences excessive internal MAC tx errors. It is generated only when tmnxPortEtherDownOnInternalError is enabled on the port. [EFFECT] A port experiencing excessive internal MAC tx errors will take the port out of service while the alarm condition is in effect. [RECOVERY] tmnxEqPortEtherInternalAlarm is cleared by taking the port out of service (e.g. shutdown, card/mda reset, physical link loss), or setting tmnxPortEtherDownOnInternalError to the value 'false'." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 54 } tmnxEqPortEtherInternalAlarmClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxEqPortEtherInternalAlarmClr is generated when an Ethernet port no longer experiences excessive internal MAC tx errors." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 55 } tmnxEqCohOptPortAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxCohOptPortAlarmState, tmnxCohOptPortDefectPoints } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEqCohOptPortAlarm notification indicates that a coherent optical port has experienced either a raising or a clearing of an alarm as indicated by the value of tmnxCohOptPortAlarmState. Further details can be obtained from the value of tmnxCohOptPortDefectPoints." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 56 } tmnxEqPortEtherSymMonAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymThreshold, tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymMultiplier, tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymAlarmValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxEqPortEtherSymMonAlarm is generated when an Ethernet port Symbol alarm condition is detected. It is generated only when the type of alarm being raised is enabled on the port. [EFFECT] On a signal failure (SF) fault, the port is taken out of service until the Symbol alarm condition is cleared. [RECOVERY] tmnxEqPortEtherSymMonAlarm is cleared by taking the port out of service (e.g. shutdown, card/mda reset, physical link loss), or changing/disabling the associated threshold/multiplier values. Signal Degradation is self clearing and will clear once the error rate drops below 1/10th of the configured rate." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 57 } tmnxEqPortEtherSymMonAlarmClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymThreshold, tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymMultiplier, tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymAlarmValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxEqPortEtherSymMonAlarmClear is generated when an Ethernet port Symbol alarm condition is cleared or disabled." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 58 } tmnxRS232ControlLeadSignalChg NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifyLeadsSignalChg } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxRS232ControlLeadSignalChg notification is generated when there is a change in the status of a Serial control lead signal. This notification is a point-in-time status change event. [CAUSE] This notification may be triggered for a variety of reasons. One example is that the far-end equipment has been disconnected. [EFFECT] Alert user of transitions. [RECOVERY] Determine root cause and resolve accordingly." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 59 } tmnxRS232SquelchStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxRS232SocketSquelchStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxRS232SquelchStatusChange notification is generated when there is a change in the status of squelch on the respective channel. This notification is a point-in-time status change event. [CAUSE] This notification may be triggered for the following reasons: 1) A continuous stream of data is being received for a specified period of time, tmnxRS232SocketSquelchDelay. 2) The continuous stream of data is no longer being received for a specified period of time, tmnxRS232SocketUnsquelchDelay. [EFFECT] Incoming data will be suppressed or unsuppressed accordingly. [RECOVERY] Determine root cause of far-end sending continuous data and resolve accordingly." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 60 } tmnxRS232SquelchResetIssued NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxRS232SocketSquelchStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxRS232SquelchResetIssued notification is generated when the user triggers a manual reset of squelch via tmnxRS232SocketSquelchReset. The value of tmnxRS232SocketSquelchStatus indicates the existing squelch status." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 61 } tmnxEqPortEtherEgressRateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortEtherOperEgressRate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxEqPortEtherEgressRateChange notification is generated when the port's operational egress rate changes, due to the reception of ETH-BN (Ethernet Bandwidth Notification) messages, or from a configuration change." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 62 } tmnxPortEtherLoopbackStarted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherLoopback } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPortEtherLoopbackStarted notification is generated when tmnxPortEtherLoopback is modified to set the Ethernet port to a loopback mode. [EFFECT] Setting the port in loopback mode impacts the normal flow of traffic across the port. [RECOVERY] Remove loopback on the port to restore normal traffic flow." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 63 } tmnxPortEtherLoopbackStopped NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortEtherLoopback } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tmnxPortEtherLoopbackStopped notification is generated when a loopback is removed on an Ethernet port. The value of tmnxPortEtherLoopback specifies the type of loopback that was configured and has now been removed. [EFFECT] The loopback has been removed and normal traffic flow may resume. [RECOVERY] No recovery is required." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 64 } tmnxPortGnssStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortGnssSyncStatus, tmnxPortGnssAntennaStatus, tmnxPortGnssReceiverStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortGnssStatusChange notification is generated when there is a change in the status of the GNSS receiver. This notification is a point-in-time status change event. [CAUSE] This notification may be triggered for a variety of reasons including (but not limited to): 1) The antenna is experiencing fault issues 2) The number of visible satellites is too low [EFFECT] The GNSS receiver is not able to provide a sync-worthy clock signal. [RECOVERY] If the customer is expecting the GNSS receiver to be locked, the customer will need to determine the root cause (for example, insufficient visible satellites) and resolve the issue (for example, ensure tmnxPortGnssElevationMaskAngle is set accordingly)" ::= { tmnxPortNotification 65 } tmnxPortAUIReset NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxPortNotifyPortId, tmnxPortNotifyAUIResetSource } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] This log event is used only for connectorized ports where a CAUI reset is not expected. This may indicate an issue with the optical line feeding into the SFF that is passed through to the system. [EFFECT] A reset of the AUI will impact all connector-ports on the connector. Generally, AUI resets are recovered immediately but there can be impact to the traffic flow. [RECOVERY] As this is reporting an unexpected condition related to the external optical line, the line and the SFF should be investigated." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 66 } tmnxHwAggShpSchedOperColorGreen NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxObjPortId, tmnxPortSchedLocType, tmnxPortNotifyEgrVPortName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The notification tmnxHwAggShpSchedOperColorGreen is generated when the number of hw-agg-shapers for an object (Vport) hw-agg-shaper-scheduler policy is well within thresholds. [EFFECT] Hw Agg shaper scheduler algorithm is running within the normal parameters. [RECOVERY] None required." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 67 } tmnxHwAggShpSchedOperColorAmber NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxObjPortId, tmnxPortSchedLocType, tmnxPortNotifyEgrVPortName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The notification tmnxHwAggShpSchedOperColorAmber is generated when the number of hw-agg-shapers for an object (Vport) hw-agg-shaper-scheduler policy has crossed 90% of scaling threshold. [EFFECT] Hw Agg shaper scheduler algorithm will stop running. [RECOVERY] Monitor the hw-agg-shappers closely within the hw-agg-shapper-scheduler policy." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 68 } tmnxHwAggShpSchedOperColorRed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tmnxObjPortId, tmnxPortSchedLocType, tmnxPortNotifyEgrVPortName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The notification tmnxHwAggShpSchedOperColorRed is generated when the number of hw-agg-shapers for an object (Vport) hw-agg-shaper-scheduler policy has crossed 100% of scaling threshold. [EFFECT] Hw Agg shaper scheduler algorithm has stopped running. [RECOVERY] Reduce the hw-agg-shapers attached to the hw-agg-shapper-scheduler policy." ::= { tmnxPortNotification 69 } tmnxPortObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxHwObjs 4 } tmnxPortTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime when the tmnxPortTable was last changed." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 1 } tmnxPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port table has an entry for each port on each IOM card in each chassis in the TMNX system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 2 } tmnxPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a port on a IOM card in a chassis in the system. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. Before an IOM tmnxMDAEntry can be deleted from the tmnxMDATable, its supported tmnxPortEntry rows must be in the proper state for removal." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxPortTable 1 } TmnxPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortPortID TmnxPortID, tmnxPortLastChangeTime TimeStamp, tmnxPortType TmnxPortType, tmnxPortClass TmnxPortClass, tmnxPortDescription TItemVeryLongDescription, tmnxPortName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortAlias TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortUserAssignedMac TruthValue, tmnxPortMacAddress MacAddress, tmnxPortHwMacAddress MacAddress, tmnxPortMode INTEGER, tmnxPortEncapType TmnxPortEncapType, tmnxPortLagId Unsigned32, tmnxPortHoldTimeUp TmnxHoldTime, tmnxPortHoldTimeDown TmnxHoldTime, tmnxPortUpProtocols BITS, tmnxPortConnectorType TmnxPortConnectorType, tmnxPortTransceiverType INTEGER, tmnxPortTransceiverCode BITS, tmnxPortTransceiverLaserWaveLen Unsigned32, tmnxPortTransceiverDiagCapable INTEGER, tmnxPortTransceiverModelNumber TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortSFPConnectorCode INTEGER, tmnxPortSFPVendorOUI Unsigned32, tmnxPortSFPVendorManufactureDate DateAndTime, tmnxPortSFPMedia INTEGER, tmnxPortSFPEquipped TruthValue, tmnxPortEquipped TruthValue, tmnxPortLinkStatus TruthValue, tmnxPortAdminStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus, tmnxPortOperStatus TmnxPortOperStatus, tmnxPortState TmnxPortState, tmnxPortPrevState TmnxPortState, tmnxPortNumAlarms Unsigned32, tmnxPortAlarmState TmnxAlarmState, tmnxPortLastAlarmEvent RowPointer, tmnxPortClearAlarms TmnxActionType, tmnxPortSFPVendorSerialNum TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortSFPVendorPartNum TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortLastStateChanged TimeStamp, tmnxPortNumChannels Unsigned32, tmnxPortNetworkEgrQueues TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortBundleNumber Integer32, tmnxPortIsLeaf TruthValue, tmnxPortChanType TmnxMDAChanType, tmnxPortParentPortID TmnxPortID, tmnxPortOpticalCompliance OCTET STRING, tmnxPortLoadBalanceAlgorithm INTEGER, tmnxPortEgrPortSchedPlcy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortLastClearedTime TimeStamp, tmnxPortEgrHsmdaSchedPlcy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortIngNamedPoolPlcy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortEgrNamedPoolPlcy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortIngPoolPercentRate Unsigned32, tmnxPortEgrPoolPercentRate Unsigned32, tmnxPortDDMEventSuppression TruthValue, tmnxPortSFPStatus TmnxSFFStatus, tmnxPortReasonDownFlags BITS, tmnxPortSSMRxQualityLevel INTEGER, tmnxPortDwdmLaserChannel TmnxOpticalDwdmChannel, tmnxPortOtuCapable TruthValue, tmnxPortWaveTrackerCapable TruthValue, tmnxPortHybridIngAccessWeight Unsigned32, tmnxPortHybridIngNetworkWeight Unsigned32, tmnxPortHybridEgrAccessWeight Unsigned32, tmnxPortHybridEgrNetworkWeight Unsigned32, tmnxPortDwdmRxDtvAdjustEnable TruthValue, tmnxPortDwdmRxDtvDacPercent Unsigned32, tmnxPortInterfaceGroupHandlerIdx Unsigned32, tmnxPortHoldTimeUnits INTEGER, tmnxPortLinkLengthInfo OCTET STRING, tmnxPortSFPNumLanes Unsigned32, tmnxPortPhysStateChangeCount Counter32, tmnxPortOperGrpName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortFarEndId TmnxPortID, tmnxPortEgrMonitorPortSched TmnxEnabledDisabled, tmnxPortMonitorAggEgrQueueStats TmnxEnabledDisabled, tmnxPortOptComplianceExtension TmnxPortOptComplianceExtType, tmnxPortEgrHsSchedPlcy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortEgrHsPortPoolPlcy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortDCpuProtPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortOperDCpuProtPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortSchedulerMode TSchedulerMode } tmnxPortPortID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortPortID is an index into this table. It maps this port to its entry in the mib-2 interfaces table." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 1 } tmnxPortLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortLastChangeTime variable contains the sysUpTime value of the most recently modified writable variable in the tmnxPortEntry row for this port." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 2 } tmnxPortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of port or optical pack installed." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 3 } tmnxPortClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortClass MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The class of port or optical pack installed. This can be derived from tmnxPortType." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 4 } tmnxPortDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemVeryLongDescription MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing user supplied information about the interface." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 5 } tmnxPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The textual name of the interface. The value of this object should be the name of the interface as assigned by the local device and should be suitable for use in commands entered at the device's `console'. This might be a text name, such as `le0' or 'sys171-2/1." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 6 } tmnxPortAlias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is an 'alias' name for the interface as specified by a network manager, and provides a non-volatile 'handle' for the interface. On the first instantiation of an interface, the value of tmnxPortAlias associated with that interface is the zero-length string. As and when a value is written into an instance of tmnxPortAlias through a network management set operation, then the agent must retain the supplied value in the tmnxPortAlias instance associated with the same interface for as long as that interface remains instantiated, including across all re- initializations/reboots of the network management system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 7 } tmnxPortUserAssignedMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tmnxPortUserAssignedMac has a value of 'true', the value of tmnxPortMacAddress has been explicitly assigned by a SNMP SET request. When tmnxPortUserAssignedMac is set to 'false', tmnxPortMacAddress returns the system assigned MAC address." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 8 } tmnxPortMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tmnxPortUserAssignedMac has a value of 'true', tmnxPortMacAddress has the value that has been explicitly assigned by a SNMP SET request. When tmnxPortUserAssignedMac has a value of 'false', tmnxPortMacAddress returns the same value as tmnxPortHwMacAddress, the hardware or system assigned MAC address. When tmnxPortMacAddress is modified by a SET request, the agent sets tmnxPortUserAssignedMac to 'true'. Setting tmnxPortMacAddress to all zeros causes the agent to revert to using the default tmnxPortHwMacAddress and also to return tmnxPortUserAssignedMac as 'false'." DEFVAL { '000000000000'h } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 9 } tmnxPortHwMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface's hardware or system assigned MAC address at its protocol sub-layer. When tmnxPortUserAssignedMac has a value of 'true', the value of tmnxPortMacAddress is used instead of tmnxPortHwMacAddress. In the case of a pre-provisioned port that is not yet physically in the system, the MAC address may not be known. In this case a MAC address of all zeros is returned." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 10 } tmnxPortMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined (0), access (1), network (2), hybrid (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortMode variable indicates if the interface on this port is configured as a service access port, a network port or a hybrid port. Once the port's mode has been configured for 'access', 'network' or 'hybrid' mode, multiple services may be configured on the port. tmnxPortEncapType is defaulted based on MDA type and Port Mode according to the following table: MDA Type Port Mode tmnxPortEncapType --------------------------------------------------------- ATM access atmEncap CEM access cemEncap Ethernet access nullEncap network nullEncap hybrid qEncap ISA isa-aa network nullEncap isa-bb access qinqEncap network qEncap isa-ipsec access qEncap isa-video access qEncap Sonet/SDH access bcpNullEncap network pppAutoEncap TDM access bcpNullEncap network pppAutoEncap VSM vsm-cca access qEncap vsm-cca network qEncap" ::= { tmnxPortEntry 11 } tmnxPortEncapType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEncapType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEncapType specifies the type of encapsulation protocol configured on this port's network interface. tmnxPortEncapType is set to 'unknown' for physical SONET/SDH and TDM ports. If the port mode equals 'hybrid', tmnxPortEncapType can only be set to 'qEncap' or 'qinqEncap'." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 12 } tmnxPortLagId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..864) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortLagId specifies which LAG or multi-link trunk (MLT) this port is assigned to. If this port is not associated with any LAG, this value will be set to zero(0). The maximum value of this object is '64', when the value of TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxChassisType is '5' (ESS-1/SR-1)." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 13 } tmnxPortHoldTimeUp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHoldTime (0..3600000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortHoldTimeUp is used to configure the hold-timer for link up event dampening. A value of zero (0) indicates that an up transition is reported immediately. The value of tmnxPortHoldTimeUp is not applicable when tmnxPortClass has a value of 'sonet (5)' or tmnxPortType has a value of 'portTypeDS3E3'. In these cases, tmnxSonetHoldTimeUp and tmnxDS3HoldTimeUp are used, respectively. tmnxPortHoldTimeUp is measured in units as specified by tmnxPortHoldTimeUnits. If the value of tmnxPortHoldTimeUnits is 'centisenconds(1)', the value must be specified in multiples of 5. The maximum hold-time for this object is 10 hours, regardless of the units specified. Attempts to change the maximum value to a hold-time longer than 10 hours will result in an 'inconsistentValue' error." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 14 } tmnxPortHoldTimeDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHoldTime (0..3600000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortHoldTimeDown is used to configure the hold-timer for link down event dampening. A value of zero (0) indicates that a down transition is reported immediately. The value of tmnxPortHoldTimeDown is not applicable when tmnxPortClass has a value of 'sonet (5)' or tmnxPortType has a value of 'portTypeDS3E3'. In these cases, tmnxSonetHoldTimeDown and tmnxDS3HoldTimeDown are used, respectively. tmnxPortHoldTimeDown is measured in units as specified by tmnxPortHoldTimeUnits. If the value of tmnxPortHoldTimeUnits is 'centisenconds(1)', the value must be specified in multiples of 5. The maximum hold-time for this object is 10 hours, regardless of the units specified. Attempts to change the maximum value to a hold-time longer than 10 hours will result in an 'inconsistentValue' error." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 15 } tmnxPortUpProtocols OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { portUpIpv4 (0), portUpMpls (1), portUpBcp (2), portUpIso (3), portUpFr (4), portUpAtm (5), portUpChdlc (6), portUpIma (7), portUpIpv6 (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortUpProtocols variable is a bitmap that indicates what protocols can be used on this port type." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 16 } tmnxPortConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortConnectorType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of connector installed on this port." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 17 } tmnxPortTransceiverType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), gbic (1), moduleConnectorSolderedToMotherboard (2), sfpTransceiver (3), xbiTransceiver (4), xenpakTransceiver (5), xfpTransceiver (6), xffTransceiver (7), xfpeTransceiver (8), xpakTransceiver (9), x2Transceiver (10), dwdmSfpTransceiver (11), qsfpTransceiver (12), qsfpPlusTransceiver (13), cfpTransceiver (14), cxpTransceiver (15), oifMsa100gLh (16), cfp2OrQsfp28Transceiver (17), cfp4Transceiver (18), cdfpTransceiver (19), cfp2AcoTransceiver (20), cfp8Transceiver (21), cdfp3Transceiver (22), microQsfpTransceiver (23), qsfpDdTransceiver (24), cfp2DcoTransceiver (25), sfpDdTransceiver (26) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of the transceiver." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 25 } tmnxPortTransceiverCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { unknown (0), oc48-longreach (1), oc48-intermediatereach (2), oc48-shortreach (3), oc12-singlemodelongreach (4), oc12-singlemodeinterreach (5), oc12-multimodeshortreach (6), oc3-singlemodelongreach (7), oc3-singlemodeinterreach (8), oc3-multi-modeshortreach (9), gige-1000base-t (10), gige-1000base-cx (11), gige-1000base-lx (12), gige-1000base-sx (13), faste-100base-mm-fx (14), faste-100base-sm-fx (15), xgige-10gbase-sr (16), xgige-10gbase-lr (17), xgige-10gbase-er (18), xgige-10gbase-sw (19), xgige-10gbase-lw (20), xgige-10gbase-ew (21) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The code for the transmission media. tmnxPortOpticalCompliance is used instead of tmnxPortTransceiverCode.tmnxPortOpticalCompliance contains the same information and is defined by an industry standard." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 26 } tmnxPortTransceiverLaserWaveLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The light wavelength transmitted by the transceiver's laser. A value of zero indicates that the port is not equipped with the transceiver. A value in the range of 1 to 2000 indicates that the units are in nanometers (nm). A value in the range of 850000 to 2000000 indicates that the units are in picometers (pm)." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 27 } tmnxPortTransceiverDiagCapable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), true (1), false (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the transceiver is capable of doing diagnostics." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 28 } tmnxPortTransceiverModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortTransceiverModelNumber indicates the model information for the transceiver, as read from the transceiver EEPROM. For example, the string may contain the Nokia part number and CLEI for the transceiver. The string is expected to contain printable ASCII characters, but unprintable ASCII characters read from the EEPROM are not filtered out." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 29 } tmnxPortSFPConnectorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), sc (1), fiberChannel-Style1-CopperConnector (2), fiberChannel-Style2-CopperConnector (3), bncortnc (4), fiberChannelCoaxialHeaders (5), fiberJack (6), lc (7), mt-rj (8), mu (9), sg (10), opticalPigtail (11), mpo1x12 (12), mpo2x16 (13), hssdcII (32), copperPigtail (33), rj45 (34), noSepConn (35), mxc2x16 (36), cs (37), snOptConn (38), mpo2x12 (39), mpo1x16 (40), opticalTransceiver (51), copperGigE (128), rjp5 (129) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The external connector provided on the interface." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 30 } tmnxPortSFPVendorOUI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor organizationally unique identifier field (OUI) contains the IEEE company identifier for the vendor. A value of all zero indicates that the vendor OUI is unspecified." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 31 } tmnxPortSFPVendorManufactureDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor's date code." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 32 } tmnxPortSFPMedia OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ethernet (1), sonetsdh (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSFPMedia indicates the media supported for the SFF (Small Form Factor)." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 33 } tmnxPortSFPEquipped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSFPEquipped indicates if the SFF is equipped." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 34 } tmnxPortEquipped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if there is an optics pack installed in this port or not." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 35 } tmnxPortLinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not the port has a physical link." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 36 } tmnxPortAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desired administrative status of this port. When tmnxPortType references a row in the tmnxPortTypeTable where tmnxPortTypeName is the octet string 'Application Assurance', an attempt to set tmnxPortAdminStatus to a value other than 'inService' results in an 'inconsistentValue' error." DEFVAL { inService } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 37 } tmnxPortOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current operational status of this port." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 38 } tmnxPortState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state level of this port. A value of 'none' indicates the port is either in its initial creation state or is just about to be deleted. A value of 'ghost' represents a port that is not physically present. This state may represent a pre-provisioned port. A value of 'linkDown' represents a port that is physically present but does not have a link. The 'linkUp' state represents a port that is physically present and has physical link present. A port in 'up' state is ready to pass some kinds of traffic. The tmnxPortUpProtocols variable indicates the actual type(s) of traffic can be passed on this 'up' link." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 39 } tmnxPortPrevState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortPrevState indicates the state level that the port transitioned from into the current tmnxPortState level." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 40 } tmnxPortNumAlarms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of alarms currently outstanding on this port." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 41 } tmnxPortAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAlarmState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortAlarmState indicates the current alarm state for this port." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 42 } tmnxPortLastAlarmEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortLastAlarmEvent indicates the object name and instance value that points to the row entry in the ALARM-MIB containing the most recent alarm associated with this port. If tmnxPortAlarmState has a value of 'alarmCleared(2)', the most recent alarm event will be in the cleared alarm table. If it has a value of 'alarmActive(1)', the most recent alarm event will be in the active alarm table. If the value of tmnxPortLastAlarmEvent is '0.0', either no port alarm events have occurred since the system was last booted, or the last port alarm event has aged out and its entry is no longer available in the ALARM-MIB tables." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 43 } tmnxPortClearAlarms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this action variable causes all the alarms associated with this port to be moved from the current alarm log to the history alarm log. Primarily meant for use in development. This object will most likely be removed from the MIB before product release." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 44 } tmnxPortSFPVendorSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSFPVendorSerialNum indicates the transceiver's vendor serial number in ASCII characters, as read from the transceiver EEPROM. An empty string indicates the vendor serial number is unspecified. The string is expected to contain printable ASCII characters, but unprintable ASCII characters read from the EEPROM are not filtered out." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 45 } tmnxPortSFPVendorPartNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSFPVendorPartNum indicates the transceiver's vendor part number (or product name) in ASCII characters, as read from the transceiver EEPROM. An empty string indicates the vendor part number is unspecified. The string is expected to contain printable ASCII characters, but unprintable ASCII characters read from the EEPROM are not filtered out." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 46 } tmnxPortLastStateChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortLastStateChanged variable contains the value of the sysUpTime the last time the operational status of the port changed state." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 48 } tmnxPortNumChannels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For SONET/SDH paths or TDM channels, tmnxPortNumChannels contains the number of possible immediate children. For leaf paths or channels, the value of this object will be zero. For SONET/SDH or TDM physical ports, tmnxPortNumChannels contains the total number of channels on the physical port. For all other entries in the tmnxPortTable, the value of this object will be zero." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 49 } tmnxPortNetworkEgrQueues OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetworkEgrQueues contains the network egress queue policy if the tmnxPortMode is network. Otherwise this object has no significance." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 50 } tmnxPortBundleNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortBundleNumber identifies the bundle for which this port is a member. If this port is not a member of any bundle, the value of tmnxPortBundleNumber will be zero." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 51 } tmnxPortIsLeaf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIsLeaf is applicable only when the 'isSonet' and/or 'isTDM' bits in TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB:tmnxMDACapabilities are set. When the value of this object is 'true', it indicates that the channel is capable of passing traffic. The value of this object is 'false' for: 1. Physical ports on SONET/TDM MDA's 2. Intermediate channels on a channelized MDA 3. Leaf channels which belong to a bundle For ports on Ethernet MDA's or for LAG ports, the value of this object will be 'false'." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 52 } tmnxPortChanType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMDAChanType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortChanType is applicable only when the 'isSonet' and/or 'isTDM' bits in TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB:tmnxMDACapabilities are set. It indicates the type of the channel. For ports on Ethernet MDA's, the value of this object will be 'unknown'." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 53 } tmnxPortParentPortID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortParentPortID is applicable only when the 'isSonet' and/or 'isTDM' bits in TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB:tmnxMDACapabilities are set. For SONET or TDM channel, it indicates the port ID of its parent channel or port." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 54 } tmnxPortOpticalCompliance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortOpticalCompliance indicates the 64 bytes of optical compliance bits stored in SFF EEPROMs. tmnxPortOpticalCompliance is applicable only when the value of tmnxPortSFPEquipped is set to 'true'." REFERENCE "CFP MSA Management Interface Specification V2.6 R06a, March 24 2017 Section 5, CFP NVR 1 Table: Base ID Registers, Table 23 CFP NVR 1. SFF Committee document SFF-8024, February 14 2019 Revision 4.6 Section 4.4. SFF Committee document SFF-8472, July 29 2018 Revision 12.3 Section 5.4 Table 5-3 Transceiver Compliance Codes. SFF Committee document SFF-8436, August 31 2018 Revision 4.9 Section Table 33 Specification Compliance. SFF Committee document SFF-8636, February 14 2019 Revision 2.10a Section 6.3.4 Table 6-16 Specification Compliance Codes. SFP-DD MIS document, Revision 2.0, September 25, 2020 Section 7.2.1 Table 7-2 Identifier and Status Summary. QSFP-DD CMIS document, Revision 5.0, May 8 2021." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 55 } tmnxPortLoadBalanceAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), default (1), includeL4 (2), excludeL4 (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortLoadBalanceAlgorithm specifies the load balancing algorithm to be used on this port. When the value is 'includeL4', the src and dst port are used in the hashing algorithm. When it's 'excludeL4', they are not included. When the value is 'default', the port inherits the global settings in tmnxL4LoadBalancing. The value is 'notApplicable' for ports that do not pass any traffic. An attempt to modify this object when it is set to 'notApplicable' will return an inconsistentValue error." DEFVAL { default } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 56 } tmnxPortEgrPortSchedPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrPortSchedPlcy specifies the egress QoS port scheduler policy for this port. This object must correspond to the index of a row in TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyTable. A non-empty value for tmnxPortEgrPortSchedPlcy is only valid when the tmnxMDAAssignedType is a non-HSMDA MDA Type. Attempting to set tmnxPortEgrPortSchedPlcy to a non-empty string when the tmnxMDAAssignedType is a HSMDA MDA Type will return an 'inconsistentValue' error." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 57 } tmnxPortLastClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortLastClearedTime indicates the sysUpTime when the counters in the IF-MIB:ifTable were last cleared." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 58 } tmnxPortEgrHsmdaSchedPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrHsmdaSchedPlcy specifies the egress QoS HSMDA scheduler policy for this port. This object must correspond to the index of a row in TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyTable, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error will be returned. When the tmnxMDAAssignedType is a non-HSMDA MDA Type, the value for tmnxPortEgrHsmdaSchedPlcy will be ignored. If the tmnxMDAAssignedType is a HSMDA MDA Type, the default for this object will be the string 'default'." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 59 } tmnxPortIngNamedPoolPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortIngNamedPoolPlcy specifies a named pool policy associated with an port ingress context. The policy governs the way named pools are created at the port level. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 60 } tmnxPortEgrNamedPoolPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrNamedPoolPlcy specifies a named pool policy associated with an port egress context. The policy governs the way named pools are created at the port level. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 61 } tmnxPortIngPoolPercentRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortIngPoolPercentRate specifies increment or decrement of the active bandwidth associated with the ingress port. This active bandwidth affects the amount of ingress buffer space managed by the port." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 62 } tmnxPortEgrPoolPercentRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrPoolPercentRate specifies increment or decrement of the active bandwidth associated with the egress port. This active bandwidth affects the amount of egress buffer space managed by the port. The table below summarizes cases when the default value of tmnxPortEgrPoolPercentRate differs from 100. port behavior default value ------------------------------------ ISA-AA /to-sub 1000 ISA-AA /fm-sub 500" DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 63 } tmnxPortDDMEventSuppression OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDDMEventSuppression specifies whether or not an inserted SFF that supports Digital Diagnostic Monitoring raises traps and events (false) or suppresses all notifications (true)." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 64 } tmnxPortSFPStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSFFStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSFPStatus indicates the operational status of the inserted SFF. If tmnxPortSFPEquipped is false, the tmnxPortSFPStatus will be 'not-equipped (0)', otherwise 'operational (1)' if no failure is detected." DEFVAL { not-equipped } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 65 } tmnxPortReasonDownFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { unknown (0), linklossFwd (1), lagMemberPortStandby (2), ethCfmFault (3), opticalTuning (4), freqOutOfRange (5), freqNotConfigured (6), crcError (7), internalMacTxError (8), efmOamDown (9), symMonError (10), reserved11 (11), satHostPortDown (12), satUplinkPortDown (13) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortReasonDownFlags indicates why a port may be in the operationally 'down' state. The following reasons are detected through this object: unknown(0) - Unspecified (or unknown) linklossFwd(1) - A sap using this port has an LLF operational status set to 'fault' lagMemberPortStandby(2) - A lag using this port as a member port has set the member port to 'standby' while configured to keep standby member ports down. ethCfmFault(3) - A facility MEP bound to this port has its dot1agCfmMepHighestPrDefect set to a value other than 'none (0)'. opticalTuning(4) - The DWDM optical receive signal is undergoing tuning and analysis by control algorithms to find the optimal settings. freqOutOfRange(5) - The configured DWDM optical frequency is out of range for the equipped tunable optical interface. freqNotConfigured(6) - The DWDM optical frequency is not configured for the equipped tunable optical interface. crcError(7) - CRC errors on the port exceeded the configured threshold. internalMacTxError(8) - An internal MAC tx error was detected on the port. efmOamDown(9) - dot3OamOperStatus is not 'operational'. symMonError(10) - Symbol Monitor Errors on the port exceeded the configured threshold. satHostPortDown(12) - The host port for this satellite uplink port is down. satUplinkPortDown(13) - The active satellite uplink port for this satellite client port is down." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 66 } tmnxPortSSMRxQualityLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), prs (1), stu (2), st2 (3), tnc (4), st3e (5), st3 (6), smc (7), st4 (8), dus (9), prc (10), ssua (11), ssub (12), sec (13), dnu (14), inv (15), pno (16), eec1 (17), eec2 (18), failed (19) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortSSMRxQualityLevel indicates the SSM quality level of received SSM messages. On ports not supporting SSM, or not receiving SSM messages, the quality level will be 'unknown (0)'. The values 'prs (1)' through 'dus (9)' and 'pno (16)' correspond to quality levels defined in GR-253-CORE. The values 'prc (10)' through 'inv (15)' correspond to quality levels defined in G.781. The values 'eec1 (17)' and 'eec2 (18)' correspond to quality levels defines in G.8264. The value 'failed (19)' is used when there is a failure in the SSM channel." REFERENCE "Bellcore (Telcordia Technologies) GR-253-CORE, Issue 3, September 2000, 5.4.2. ITU-T Recommendation G.781, June 1999. ITU-T Recommendation G.8264, October 2008." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 67 } tmnxPortDwdmLaserChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalDwdmChannel MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortDwdmLaserChannel specifies the DWDM ITU channel at which a tunable optical interface will be configured to operate. A value of zero(0) can be specified only on an administratively disabled port or a port that is equipped with a non-tunable laser. To enable a port that is equipped with a tunable laser, tmnxPortDwdmLaserChannel must be changed to a valid DWDM ITU channel number in either the 50GHz, or 100GHz grid. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2. It has been replaced with tmnxPortDwdmLaserFrequency." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 68 } tmnxPortOtuCapable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortOtuCapable indicates whether or not the physical port supports the Optical Transport Unit (OTU) encapsulation." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 69 } tmnxPortWaveTrackerCapable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortWaveTrackerCapable indicates whether or not the physical port supports Wavelength Tracker. tmnxPortWaveTrackerCapable is equivalent to 'tnWtEncodePortCapabilityPresent' of the 1696-Roadm MIBs. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 70 } tmnxPortHybridIngAccessWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortHybridIngAccessWeight specifies the increment or decrement of the ingress access weight associated with the port. This active weight affects the amount of ingress access buffer space managed by the port. This object only applies when tmnxPortMode is set to 'hybrid (3)'" DEFVAL { 50 } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 71 } tmnxPortHybridIngNetworkWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortHybridIngNetworkWeight specifies the increment or decrement of the ingress network weight associated with the port. This active weight affects the amount of ingress network buffer space managed by the port. This object only applies when tmnxPortMode is set to 'hybrid (3)'" DEFVAL { 50 } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 72 } tmnxPortHybridEgrAccessWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortHybridEgrAccessWeight specifies the increment or decrement of the egress access weight associated with the port. This active weight affects the amount of egress access buffer space managed by the port. This object only applies when tmnxPortMode is set to 'hybrid (3)'" DEFVAL { 50 } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 73 } tmnxPortHybridEgrNetworkWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortHybridEgrNetworkWeight specifies the increment or decrement of the egress network weight associated with the port. This active weight affects the amount of egress network buffer space managed by the port. This object only applies when tmnxPortMode is set to 'hybrid (3)'" DEFVAL { 50 } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 74 } tmnxPortDwdmRxDtvAdjustEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDwdmRxDtvAdjustEnable specifies whether or not the Receive Decision threshold voltage adjustment feedback loop should be enabled. When this value is set to false, the optical receiver's default receive decision threshold voltage will be used. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." DEFVAL { true } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 75 } tmnxPortDwdmRxDtvDacPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "Hundredths of a percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDwdmRxDtvDacPercent indicates the current relative adjustment of the receive decision threshold voltage in hundredths of a percent. 50.00% is the optical receiver's default decision threshold voltage. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." DEFVAL { 5000 } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 76 } tmnxPortInterfaceGroupHandlerIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortInterfaceGroupHandlerIdx indicates whether or not the physical port is a member of an Interface Group Handler." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 77 } tmnxPortHoldTimeUnits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { seconds (0), centiseconds (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortHoldTimeUnits specifies the measurable units of tmnxPortHoldTimeDown and tmnxPortHoldTimeUp." DEFVAL { seconds } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 78 } tmnxPortLinkLengthInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (6)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortLinkLengthInfo indicates the link length info stored in SFF EEPROMs. tmnxPortLinkLengthInfo is applicable only when tmnxPortSFPEquipped is 'true'; otherwise, all 6 bytes will have a value of '0'. See SFF Committee documents for details on the representation of the values in each byte. For SFP EEPROMs, the 6 bytes are bytes 14 to 19 of the A0 bank inclusive, described in SFF Committee document SFF-8472. For XFP EEPROMs, the first 5 bytes are bytes 142 to 146 of the 01 bank inclusive, described in SFF Committee document INF-8077i. For XFP EEPROMs, byte 6 will have a value of '0'." REFERENCE "SFF Committee, SFF-8472 Specification for Diagnostic Monitoring Interface for Optical Transceivers, Rev 11.0, September 14, 2010 SFF Committee, INF-8077i 10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable Module, Rev 4.5, August 31, 2005" ::= { tmnxPortEntry 79 } tmnxPortSFPNumLanes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSFPNumLanes indicates the total number of lanes supported by the CSFP/QSFP. If tmnxPortSFPEquipped is false, this object will have a value of '0'." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 80 } tmnxPortPhysStateChangeCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortPhysStateChangeCount indicates the number of times a physical port state has changed from 'linkDown (3)' to either 'linkUp (4)' or 'up (5)' and from either 'linkUp (4)' or 'up (5)' to 'linkDown (3)'. The count does not include transitions between 'linkUp (4)' and 'up (5)'. This counter is applicable to physical Ethernet and Cellular ports only. All other ports maintain a count of 0. This object is automatically reset to zero, once the port enters the 'ghost (2)' state. To reset this object manually, one may use the tmnxClearTable entry whose tmnxClearName value is 'clearPortPhysStateChangeCount' by specifying the tmnxClearParams value with 'port-id='." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 81 } tmnxPortOperGrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortOperGrpName specifies the operational group name to use with this port." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 85 } tmnxPortFarEndId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortFarEndId indicates which port identifier is connected to tmnxPortPortID." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 87 } tmnxPortEgrMonitorPortSched OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrMonitorPortSched specifies whether to enable monitoring of port scheduler specified by tmnxPortEgrPortSchedPlcy." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 88 } tmnxPortMonitorAggEgrQueueStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortMonitorAggEgrQueueStats specifies whether to enable the monitoring of aggregate egress queue statistics on the port. All queues on the port are monitored, which includes SAP egress, network egress, subscriber egress, egress queue-group queues and system queues used for sending port related protocol packets." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 89 } tmnxPortOptComplianceExtension OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortOptComplianceExtType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortOptComplianceExtension indicates the optical compliance extension stored in SFF EEPROMs. tmnxPortOptComplianceExtension is only applicable when the value of tmnxPortSFPEquipped is set to 'true' and extends the tmnxPortOpticalCompliance field of the SFF." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 90 } tmnxPortEgrHsSchedPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrHsSchedPlcy specifies the egress QoS HS scheduler policy for this port. This object must correspond to the index of a row in TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsSchedPolicyTable, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error will be returned. When the tmnxMDAAssignedType is a non-HS MDA type, the value for tmnxPortEgrHsSchedPlcy will be ignored. If the tmnxMDAAssignedType is a HS MDA type, the default for this object will be the string 'default'." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 91 } tmnxPortEgrHsPortPoolPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrHsPortPoolPlcy specifies the egress QoS HS port pool policy for this port. This object must correspond to the index of a row in TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsPoolPolicyTable, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error will be returned. When the tmnxMDAAssignedType is a non-HS MDA type, the value for tmnxPortEgrHsPortPoolPlcy will be ignored. If the tmnxMDAAssignedType is a HS MDA type, the default for this object will be the string 'default'." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 92 } tmnxPortDCpuProtPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDCpuProtPolicy specifies the name of distributed CPU protection policy for the port." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 93 } tmnxPortOperDCpuProtPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortOperDCpuProtPolicy indicates the name of distributed CPU protection policy operational for the port." ::= { tmnxPortEntry 94 } tmnxPortSchedulerMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSchedulerMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortSchedulerMode indicates scheduler mode for the port." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxPortEntry 95 } tmnxPortTestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortTestTable has an entry for each port on each IOM card in each chassis in the TMNX system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 3 } tmnxPortTestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a port on a IOM card in a chassis in the system. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations." AUGMENTS { tmnxPortEntry } ::= { tmnxPortTestTable 1 } TmnxPortTestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortTestState INTEGER, tmnxPortTestMode INTEGER, tmnxPortTestParameter Unsigned32, tmnxPortTestLastResult INTEGER, tmnxPortTestStartTime DateAndTime, tmnxPortTestEndTime DateAndTime, tmnxPortTestDuration Integer32, tmnxPortTestAction INTEGER } tmnxPortTestState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notInTest (1), inTest (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current testing status of this port." ::= { tmnxPortTestEntry 1 } tmnxPortTestMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), loopback1 (1), loopback2 (2), loopback3 (3), singalInsertion (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of test to be executed on this port." ::= { tmnxPortTestEntry 2 } tmnxPortTestParameter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A parameter to be passed to the test program." ::= { tmnxPortTestEntry 3 } tmnxPortTestLastResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), success (1), failure (2), timeout (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the last test executed on this port." ::= { tmnxPortTestEntry 4 } tmnxPortTestStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The date and time the test started on this port. Returns 0 if tmnxPortTestState is notInTest." ::= { tmnxPortTestEntry 5 } tmnxPortTestEndTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The date and time the last test completed. Returns 0 if a test is in progress or no tests have yet to be run on this port." ::= { tmnxPortTestEntry 6 } tmnxPortTestDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..256) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds the port test is anticipated to last." ::= { tmnxPortTestEntry 7 } tmnxPortTestAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), startTest (2), stopTest (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operator sets this variable to perform the appropriate type of testing." ::= { tmnxPortTestEntry 8 } tmnxPortEtherTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortEtherEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherTable has an entry for each Ethernet (faste, gige, xcme or xgige) port on each IOM card in each chassis in the TMNX system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 4 } tmnxPortEtherEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEtherEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Ethernet port on a IOM card in a chassis in the system. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. Before an IOM card entry can be deleted from the tmnxMDATable, its supported tmnxPortEntry and tmnxPortEtherEntry rows must be in the proper state for removal. The tmnxPortEtherEntry contains attributes that are unique to the Ethernet TmnxPortType." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxPortEtherTable 1 } TmnxPortEtherEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortEtherMTU Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherDuplex INTEGER, tmnxPortEtherSpeed INTEGER, tmnxPortEtherAutoNegotiate INTEGER, tmnxPortEtherOperDuplex INTEGER, tmnxPortEtherOperSpeed Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherAcctPolicyId Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherCollectStats TruthValue, tmnxPortEtherMDIMDIX INTEGER, tmnxPortEtherXGigMode INTEGER, tmnxPortEtherEgressRate Integer32, tmnxPortEtherDot1qEtype Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherQinqEtype Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherIngressRate Integer32, tmnxPortEtherReportAlarm TmnxPortEtherReportStatus, tmnxPortEtherReportAlarmStatus TmnxPortEtherReportStatus, tmnxPortEtherPkts1519toMax Counter32, tmnxPortEtherHCOverPkts1519toMax Counter32, tmnxPortEtherHCPkts1519toMax Counter64, tmnxPortEtherLacpTunnel TruthValue, tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedEnabled TmnxAdminStateTruthValue, tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedKeepAlive Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedRetry Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedState INTEGER, tmnxPortEtherPBBEtype Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherReasonDownFlags BITS, tmnxPortEtherSingleFiber TruthValue, tmnxPortEtherSSM TmnxAdminStateTruthValue, tmnxPortEtherDWLUseBroadcastAddr TruthValue, tmnxPortEtherSSMCodeType INTEGER, tmnxPortEtherSSMTxDus TruthValue, tmnxPortEtherSSMRxEsmc Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherSSMTxQualityLevel INTEGER, tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSdThreshold Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSdTMultiplier Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSfThreshold Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSfTMultiplier Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherCrcMonWindowSize Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherCrcAlarmReason TmnxPortEtherMonReportStatus, tmnxPortEtherDownOnInternalError TruthValue, tmnxPortEtherMinFrameLength Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherPhysAcctPolicyId Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherPhysCollectStats TruthValue, tmnxPortEtherOperPhyTxClock TmnxPortEtherOperPhyTxClock, tmnxPortEtherDwnOnIntlErrTxDisbl TruthValue, tmnxPortEtherAccessBandwidth Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherAccessBookingFactor Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherAccessAvailableBW Counter64, tmnxPortEtherAccessBookedBW Counter64, tmnxPortEtherPTPAsymmetry Integer32, tmnxPortEtherUtilStatsInterval Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherUtilStatsInput Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherUtilStatsOutput Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherRsFecMode INTEGER, tmnxPortEtherEthBnEgrRateChanges TruthValue, tmnxPortEtherEthBnEgressRate Integer32, tmnxPortEtherOperEgressRate Integer32, tmnxPortEtherAccessBandwidthHi Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherEgrQosPortQosPlcy TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortEtherLoopback INTEGER, tmnxPortEtherLoopbackSwapMac TruthValue, tmnxPortEtherAccessAcctPolicyId Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherAccessCollectStats TruthValue, tmnxPortEtherDiscardRxPauseFrame TruthValue, tmnxPortEtherSSMEsmcTunnel TruthValue } tmnxPortEtherMTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 512..9800) UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The size of the largest packet which can be sent/received on the Ethernet physical interface, specified in octets. For interfaces that are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest network datagram that can be sent on the interface. Setting tmnxPortEtherMTU to a value of zero (0), causes the agent to recalculate the default MTU size which can vary based on the current setting of tmnxPortMode and tmnxPortEncapType variables. Some typical default values are: 1514 with mode access and encap type null 1518 with mode access and encap type dot1q 1518 with mode access and encap type mpls 9198 with mode network" ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 1 } tmnxPortEtherDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), fullDuplex (1), halfDuplex (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherDuplex variable specifies the duplex mode used by the Ethernet interface if tmnxPortEtherAutoNegotiate has a value of 'false' or 'limited'. If tmnxPortEtherAutoNegotiate has a value of 'true', the link parameters are negotiated with the far end and the tmnxPortEtherDuplex variable is ignored. A value of 'fullDuplex' sets the link to full duplex mode. A value of 'halfDuplex' sets the link to half duplex mode. tmnxPortEtherDuplex is only valid on Ethernet interfaces that support multiple duplex modes." DEFVAL { fullDuplex } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 2 } tmnxPortEtherSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), speed10 (1), speed100 (2), speed1000 (3), speed10000 (4), speed40000 (5), speed100000 (6), speed25000 (7), speed50000 (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherSpeed variable specifies the link speed of the Ethernet interface. tmnxPortEtherSpeed is only valid on Ethernet interfaces where tmnxPortClass is 'faste(2)' or 'xcme(8)' or 'vspeede(14)'. If tmnxPortEtherAutoNegotiate has a value of 'true(1)', the link parameters are negotiated with the far end and the tmnxPortEtherSpeed variable is ignored." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 3 } tmnxPortEtherAutoNegotiate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), true (1), false (2), limited (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value of tmnxPortEtherAutoNegotiate is 'true', the Ethernet interface will automatically negotiate link parameters with the far end (including speed and duplex), and will advertise all speeds and duplex modes supported by the interface. When the value of tmnxPortEtherAutoNegotiate is 'limited', the Ethernet interface will automatically negotiate link parameters with the far end, but will only advertise the speed and duplex mode specified by tmnxPortEtherSpeed and tmnxPortEtherDuplex. If tmnxPortEtherAutoNegotiate is 'false', the Ethernet interface will not negotiate link parameters with the far end and will instead force the speed and duplex mode to the values specified by tmnxPortEtherSpeed and tmnxPortEtherDuplex respectively." DEFVAL { true } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 4 } tmnxPortEtherOperDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), fullDuplex (1), halfDuplex (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherOperDuplex variable indicates the operational duplex mode of the Ethernet interface. A value of 'fullDuplex' indicates that the link is in full duplex mode. A value of 'halfDuplex' indicates that the link is in half duplex mode. tmnxPortEtherOperDuplex is only valid if tmnxPortClass is 'faste' or 'xcme'." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 5 } tmnxPortEtherOperSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherOperSpeed variable indicates the operational speed of the Ethernet interface in megabits per second (mbps). If the value of tmnxPortEtherAutoNegotiate is 'true', the link autonegotiates the link parameters with the far end side. The value of tmnxPortEtherOperSpeed is only valid if tmnxPortClass is one of the Ethernet classes." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 6 } tmnxPortEtherAcctPolicyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..99) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the accounting policy must be defined prior to associating the policy with the ethernet port. Accounting policies can only be associated with network ports. A non-zero value indicates the tmnxLogApPolicyId index identifying the policy entry in the tmnxLogApTable from the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB which is associated with this port. A zero value indicates that there is no accounting policy associated with this port" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 7 } tmnxPortEtherCollectStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable the collection of accounting and statistical data for the network ethernet port. When applying accounting policies the data by default will be collected in the appropriate records and written to the designated billing file. When the value is set to false, the statistics are still accumulated by the IOM cards, however, the CPU will not obtain the results and write them to the billing file." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 8 } tmnxPortEtherMDIMDIX OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), mdi (1), mdix (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherMDIMDIX variable indicates whether the Ethernet interface is of type 'mdi' (Media Dependent Interface) or 'mdix' (Media Dependent Interface with crossover). If the agent cannot identify the type of Ethernet interface the value 'unknown (0)' is indicated. tmnxPortEtherMDIMDIX is only valid if tmnxPortClass is 'faste' or 'xcme'." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 9 } tmnxPortEtherXGigMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), lan (1), wan (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherXGigMode variable specifies whether the Ethernet interface is in LAN or WAN mode. tmnxPortEtherXGigMode must be 'notApplicable' if tmnxPortClass is not 'xgige'." DEFVAL { lan } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 10 } tmnxPortEtherEgressRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..400000000) UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherEgressRate variable specifies the maximum egress bandwidth (in kilobits per second) that the Ethernet interface can generate. A value of -1 means that the limit is the actual physical limit. If the provisioned subrate bandwidth is larger than the actual physical bandwidth of the interface, the latter applies." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 11 } tmnxPortEtherDot1qEtype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1536..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherDot1qEtype variable specifies the ethertype expected when the port's encapsulation type is dot1qEncap." DEFVAL { '8100'H } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 12 } tmnxPortEtherQinqEtype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1536..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherQinqEtype variable specifies the ethertype expected when the port's encapsulation type is qinqEncap." DEFVAL { '8100'H } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 13 } tmnxPortEtherIngressRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..400000) UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherIngressRate variable specifies the maximum ingress bandwidth (in megabits per second) that the Ethernet interface can receive. A value of -1 means that the limit is the actual physical limit. If the provisioned subrate bandwidth is larger than the actual physical bandwidth of the interface, the latter applies. For interfaces that support more than 10Gbps, the configured value must be specified as a multiple of 10Mbps; otherwise, the configuration will be rejected with an inconsistentValue error." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 14 } tmnxPortEtherReportAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEtherReportStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherReportAlarm determines when and if to generate tmnxEqPortEtherAlarm and tmnxEqPortEtherAlarmClear." DEFVAL { {remoteFault, localFault} } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 15 } tmnxPortEtherReportAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEtherReportStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherReportAlarmStatus indicates the alarms on this port." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 16 } tmnxPortEtherPkts1519toMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets but less than the maximum frame size for the particular medium, usually 12287 octets (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well formed." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 17 } tmnxPortEtherHCOverPkts1519toMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times the associated tmnxPortEtherPkts1519toMax counter has overflowed." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 18 } tmnxPortEtherHCPkts1519toMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 1519 octets in length and the maximum frame size, usually 12287 octets inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets). The lower 32-bits of this 64-bit counter will equal the value of tmnxPortEtherHCPkts1519toMax. The high 32-bits of this counter will equal the value of tmnxPortEtherHCOverPkts1519toMax." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 19 } tmnxPortEtherLacpTunnel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherLacpTunnel specifies whether the LACP packet tunneling for the ethernet port is enabled or disabled. When tunneling is enabled, the port will not process any LACP packets but will tunnel them through instead. Also, the port cannot be added as a member to a LAG group, and vice versa." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 20 } tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminStateTruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedEnabled specifies whether physical loop detection for the Ethernet port is enabled or disabled. When enabled, the port will periodically send out keep-alive PDUs with an EtherType of 0x9000. If the port receives a keep-alive that it transmitted, tmnxPortState will be set to 'linkUp' if it was previously 'up'. The port will not move back to tmnxPortState 'up' for a period of time defined by tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedRetry, but will continue to periodically send out keep-alive PDUs. Every time the port receives a keep alive it sent while a loop has been detected, it will reset the time period that it will remain down as defined by tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedRetry." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 21 } tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedKeepAlive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..120) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedKeepAlive variable specifies the number of seconds between each keep alive PDU transmission." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 22 } tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedRetry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 10..160) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedRetry variable specifies the minimum number of seconds the port should wait after detecting a loop before tmnxPortState can be set to 'up'. A value of 0 specifies the the port should not set tmnxPortState to 'up' until the user administratively disables and re-enables the port by setting tmnxPortAdminStatus to 'outOfService' and then to 'inService'." DEFVAL { 120 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 23 } tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noLoopDetected (1), loopDetected (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedState indicates whether a physical loop has been detected on the port or not. If tmnxPortEtherDownWhenLoopedEnabled is set to 'false', this value will be 'noLoopDetected'." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 24 } tmnxPortEtherPBBEtype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1536..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherPBBEtype variable specifies the Ethertype expected for Provider Backbone Bridging Frames." DEFVAL { '88E7'H } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 25 } tmnxPortEtherReasonDownFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { unknown (0), linklossFwd (1), lagMemberPortStandby (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherReasonDownFlags indicates why an ethernet port may be in the operationally 'down' state. The following reasons are detected through this object: unknown(0) - Unspecified (or unknown) linklossFwd(1) - A sap using this port has the object 'sapEthernetLLFOperStatus' set to 'fault' lagMemberPortStandby(2) - A lag using this port as a member port has set the member port to 'standby' while configured to keep standby member ports down." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 26 } tmnxPortEtherSingleFiber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortEtherSingleFiber is used to enable/disable packet gathering and redirection of IP packets from a single fiber on RX port of the Ethernet interface and redistribute packets to other interfaces through either state routes or policy-based forwarding." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 27 } tmnxPortEtherSSM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminStateTruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortEtherSSM specifies whether or not synchronous status messages (SSM) are enabled on the ethernet port." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 28 } tmnxPortEtherDWLUseBroadcastAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortEtherDWLUseBroadcastAddr specifies whether or not the Down When Looped destination MAC address is the broadcast address, 'true (1)', or the local port mac address, as specified in tmnxPortMacAddress, 'false (2)'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 29 } tmnxPortEtherSSMCodeType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), sonet (2), sdh (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherSSMCodeType specifies the code-type used by the Synchronous Status Message (SSM) channel." DEFVAL { sdh } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 30 } tmnxPortEtherSSMTxDus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherSSMTxDus specifies whether or not the value 0xF (dus/dnu) is forced in the Synchronous Status Message (SSM) channel." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 31 } tmnxPortEtherSSMRxEsmc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherSSMRxEsmc indicates the SSM code received on the Ethernet Synchronization Messaging Channel of the Ethernet port. The value returned for this object is only meaningful if tmnxPortEtherSSM is 'true', and tmnxPortSSMRxQualityLevel is not 'failed'." REFERENCE "ITU-T Recommendation G.8264, October 2008." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 32 } tmnxPortEtherSSMTxQualityLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reserved0 (0), prs (1), stu (2), st2 (3), tnc (4), st3e (5), reserved6 (6), smc (7), reserved8 (8), dus (9), prc (10), ssua (11), ssub (12), reserved13 (13), dnu (14), reserved15 (15), pno (16), eec1 (17), eec2 (18), reserved19 (19) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherSSMTxQualityLevel indicates the quality level transmitted in the Ethernet Synchronization Messaging Channel." REFERENCE "ITU-T Recommendation G.8264, October 2008." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 33 } tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSdThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..9) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSdThreshold specifies a packet error rate threshold used to determine when to send a tmnxEqPortEtherCrcAlarm notification for a CRC Signal Degradation (SD) failure and tmnxEqPortEtherCrcAlarmClear notification for a CRC SD failure clear. tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSdThreshold is the absolute value of the exponent of the rate expressed as 10e-n. The CRC SD error rate threshold is calculated as: tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSdTMultiplier * 10e-tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSdThreshold. A value of 0 disables CRC SD monitoring." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 34 } tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSdTMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..9) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSdTMultiplier specifies the tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSdThreshold multiplier value. The CRC SD error rate threshold is calculated as: tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSdTMultiplier * 10e-tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSdThreshold." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 35 } tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSfThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..9) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSfThreshold specifies a packet error rate threshold used to determine when to send a tmnxEqPortEtherCrcAlarm notification for a CRC Signal Failure (SF) failure. Crossing the tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSfThreshold will result in the tmnxPortOperStatus being set to 'outOfService'. tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSfThreshold is the absolute value of the exponent of the rate expressed as 10e-n. The CRC SF error rate threshold is calculated as: tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSfTMultiplier * 10e-tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSfThreshold. A value of 0 disables CRC SF monitoring." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 36 } tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSfTMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..9) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSfTMultiplier specifies the tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSfThreshold multiplier value. The CRC SF error rate threshold is calculated as: tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSfTMultiplier * 10e-tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSfThreshold." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 37 } tmnxPortEtherCrcMonWindowSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (5..60) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherCrcMonWindowSize specifies the size of the sliding window in seconds over which the tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSdThreshold and tmnxPortEtherCrcMonSfThreshold are applied." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 38 } tmnxPortEtherCrcAlarmReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEtherMonReportStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherCrcAlarmReason indicates the current status of the Ethernet CRC Monitored alarms on the port." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 39 } tmnxPortEtherDownOnInternalError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherDownOnInternalError specifies whether or not the port is monitored for excessive internal MAC tx errors. When enabled, excess Internal MAC tx errors results in the tmnxPortOperStatus being set to 'outOfService (3)' and a tmnxEqPortEtherInternalAlarm notification trap." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 40 } tmnxPortEtherMinFrameLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (64 | 68) UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherMinFrameLength specifies the minimum length of any frame transmitted out of the port." DEFVAL { 64 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 41 } tmnxPortEtherPhysAcctPolicyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..99) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherPhysAcctPolicyId specifies the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB::tmnxLogApPolicyId that identifies the policy entry in TIMETRA-LOG-MIB::tmnxLogApTable which is associated with this ethernet port for the purpose of collecting physical layer ethernet statistics. A zero value indicates that there is no accounting policy associated with this ethernet port." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 42 } tmnxPortEtherPhysCollectStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherPhysCollectStats specifies whether or not the collection of physical layer ethernet accounting and statistical data for the ethernet port is enabled. When a non-zero value is specified for tmnxPortEtherPhysAcctPolicyId and tmnxPortEtherPhysCollectStats is set to true, data will be collected in the appropriate records and written to the designated billing file. When a non-zero value is specified for tmnxPortEtherPhysAcctPolicyId and tmnxPortEtherPhysCollectStats is set to false, the statistics are still accumulated by the IOM cards; however, the CPM will not obtain the results and write them to the billing file." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 43 } tmnxPortEtherOperPhyTxClock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEtherOperPhyTxClock MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherOperPhyTxClock indicates the result of Master/Slave resolution on copper based Ethernet ports. tmnxPortEtherOperPhyTxClock is 'notApplicable' if tmnxPortClass is not 'xcme' and tmnxPortType is not 'portTypeXcmeTx' and 'tmnxPortEtherOperSpeed' is not 1000." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 44 } tmnxPortEtherDwnOnIntlErrTxDisbl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherDwnOnIntlErrTxDisbl specifies whether or not a signal is sent to the remote transmitter to disable the laser before the port is brought out of service from excessive internal MAC tx errors. The value of this object is only valid when the value of tmnxPortEtherDownOnInternalError is 'true (1)', and the port is not fixed or pluggable copper." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 46 } tmnxPortEtherAccessBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherAccessBandwidth specifies the administrative bandwidth assigned to this port. The administrative bandwidth can be over or under booked using the value of tmnxPortEtherAccessBookingFactor." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 47 } tmnxPortEtherAccessBookingFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherAccessBookingFactor specifies the booking factor, against the administrative bandwidth specified by tmnxPortEtherAccessBandwidth." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 48 } tmnxPortEtherAccessAvailableBW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherAccessAvailableBW indicates the bandwidth that is still free for booking on this port." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 49 } tmnxPortEtherAccessBookedBW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherAccessBookedBW indicates the port bandwidth that has been booked." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 50 } tmnxPortEtherPTPAsymmetry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "nanoseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherPTPAsymmetry specifies the path asymmetry correction value (in nanoseconds) that is used to specify the difference in transmission time between master-to-slave and slave-to-master. The user should compute the value using the following formula. Ingress and Egress are from the slave's point of view. asymmetry = (ingress propagation time - egress propagation time)/2." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 51 } tmnxPortEtherUtilStatsInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (30..600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherUtilStatsInterval specifies the time interval used to calculate the port utilization statistics." DEFVAL { 300 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 52 } tmnxPortEtherUtilStatsInput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "hundredths of a percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherUtilStatsInput indicates the utilization of the port in relation to the data received and the port capacity. This utilization is measured over the interval indicated by tmnxPortEtherUtilStatsInterval." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 53 } tmnxPortEtherUtilStatsOutput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherUtilStatsOutput indicates the utilization of the port in relation to the data transmitted and the port capacity. This utilization is measured over the interval indicated by tmnxPortEtherUtilStatsInterval." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 54 } tmnxPortEtherRsFecMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), cl91-514-528 (1), cl74 (2), cl108 (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherRsFecMode specifies the mode of Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction (RS-FEC) to be used by this ethernet port. When the value of tmnxPortEtherRsFecMode is set to 'none', the port will transmit and receive using standard 64B/66B encoding." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.3ba, Clause 82, Standard 64B/66B encoding IEEE 802.3bm, Clause 91, RS-FEC 514/528 encoding IEEE 802.3, Clause 74 IEEE 802.3, Clause 108" DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 55 } tmnxPortEtherEthBnEgrRateChanges OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherEthBnEgrRateChanges specifies whether or not the changes received in Eth-BN messages on a port based MEP are allowed to update the egress rate used on the port. The value 'true (1)' specifies that the egress rate on the port is allowed to be updated." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 56 } tmnxPortEtherEthBnEgressRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherEthBnEgressRate indicates the ETH-BN (Ethernet Bandwidth Notification) egress rate received from the ETH-CFM (Ethernet Connectivity Fault Management) subsystem. A value of '-1' indicates that the rate value is not available." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 57 } tmnxPortEtherOperEgressRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherOperEgressRate indicates the operational egress bandwidth (in kilobits per second) that the Ethernet interface can generate. The value is the minimum of the admin egress rate tmnxPortEtherEgressRate, the ETH-BN egress rate tmnxPortEtherEthBnEgressRate, and the port's maximum rate. A value of '-1' means that the limit is the actual physical limit." ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 58 } tmnxPortEtherAccessBandwidthHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherAccessBandwidthHi specifies the high 32-bit value of administrative bandwidth assigned to this port. Lower 32-bit value of administrative bandwidth is assigned using tmnxPortEtherAccessBandwidth. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when value of this object is changed to non-default and tmnxPortEtherAccessBandwidth is not set in the same request. The administrative bandwidth can be over or under booked using the value of tmnxPortEtherAccessBookingFactor." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 59 } tmnxPortEtherEgrQosPortQosPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherEgrQosPortQosPlcy specifies the name to associate with this port." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 60 } tmnxPortEtherLoopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), line (1), internal (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherLoopback specifies the loopback mode of the port. none(0) - Loopback is disabled. line(1) - Loopback loops frames received on this port back to the remote system. internal(2) - Loopback loops frames from the local system back at the framer." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 61 } tmnxPortEtherLoopbackSwapMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherLoopbackSwapMac specifies if the source and destination MAC addresses in the packets are to be interchanged before being loopbacked to the sender. Setting tmnxPortEtherLoopbackSwapMac must be accompanied by setting tmnxPortEtherLoopback for the same port." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 62 } tmnxPortEtherAccessAcctPolicyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..99) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherAccessAcctPolicyId specifies the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB::tmnxLogApPolicyId that identifies the policy entry in TIMETRA-LOG-MIB::tmnxLogApTable which is associated with this ethernet access port queue for the purpose of collecting physical layer ethernet access port queue statistics. A zero value indicates that there is no accounting policy associated with this ethernet access port." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 63 } tmnxPortEtherAccessCollectStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherAccessCollectStats specifies whether or not the collection of physical layer ethernet accounting and statistical data for the ethernet access port queue is enabled. When a non-zero value is specified for tmnxPortEtherAccessAcctPolicyId and tmnxPortEtherAccessCollectStats is set to true, data will be collected in the appropriate records and written to the designated billing file. When a non-zero value is specified for tmnxPortEtherAccessAcctPolicyId and tmnxPortEtherAccessCollectStats is set to false, the statistics are still accumulated by the IOM cards; however, the CPM will not obtain the results and write them to the billing file." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 64 } tmnxPortEtherDiscardRxPauseFrame OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherDiscardRxPauseFrame specifies whether or not the processing of received pause frames is enabled. When the value of tmnxPortEtherDiscardRxPauseFrame is 'false (2)', the port will operate as before this feature, where a pause frame triggers a delay on sending any frames on the transmit side of the port. When the value of tmnxPortEtherDiscardRxPauseFrame is 'true (1), the port wull extract and drop the pause frames, and will not perform any delay processing on the transmit side of the port." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 65 } tmnxPortEtherSSMEsmcTunnel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherSSMEsmcTunnel specifies whether or not the MEF EPL Option 2 rules are applied and the ESMC frames are tunneled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortEtherEntry 66 } tmnxSonetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSonetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSonetTable has an entry for each packet over Sonet port on each IOM card in each chassis in the TMNX system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 5 } tmnxSonetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSonetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a packet over Sonet port on a IOM card in a chassis in the system. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. Before an IOM tmnxMDAEntry can be deleted from the tmnxMDATable, its supported tmnxPortEntry rows must be in the proper state for removal. The tmnxSonetEntry contains attributes that are unique to the 'sonet' TmnxPortType. It also contains attributes that are common to all sonet paths configured on a sonet port. The tmnxPortPortID for a sonet port includes a sonet path number in the lower bits. If the sonet path number is zero, '0', it represents a single (clear) sonet path on the port that uses the full bandwidth of the sonet port. All entries in this table have the sonet path number part of their tmnxPortPortID index value set to zero." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxSonetTable 1 } TmnxSonetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSonetSpeed INTEGER, tmnxSonetClockSource INTEGER, tmnxSonetFraming INTEGER, tmnxSonetReportAlarm BITS, tmnxSonetBerSdThreshold Unsigned32, tmnxSonetBerSfThreshold Unsigned32, tmnxSonetAps TruthValue, tmnxSonetApsAdminStatus TmnxPortAdminStatus, tmnxSonetApsOperStatus TmnxPortOperStatus, tmnxSonetApsAuthKey OCTET STRING, tmnxSonetApsNeighborAddr IpAddress, tmnxSonetApsAdvertiseInterval TimeInterval, tmnxSonetApsAdvertiseTimeLeft TimeInterval, tmnxSonetApsHoldTime TimeInterval, tmnxSonetApsHoldTimeLeft TimeInterval, tmnxSonetLoopback INTEGER, tmnxSonetReportAlarmStatus BITS, tmnxSonetSectionTraceMode INTEGER, tmnxSonetJ0String OCTET STRING, tmnxSonetMonS1Byte Unsigned32, tmnxSonetMonJ0String OCTET STRING, tmnxSonetMonK1Byte Unsigned32, tmnxSonetMonK2Byte Unsigned32, tmnxSonetSingleFiber TruthValue, tmnxSonetHoldTimeUp TmnxHoldTime, tmnxSonetHoldTimeDown TmnxHoldTime, tmnxSonetSuppressLoOrderAlarm TruthValue, tmnxSonetTxDus TruthValue, tmnxSonetTxS1Byte Unsigned32, tmnxSonetResetPortOnPathDown TruthValue } tmnxSonetSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { oc3 (1), oc12 (2), oc48 (3), oc192 (4), oc768 (5), oc1 (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The rate of this optical facility." ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 1 } tmnxSonetClockSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loopTimed (1), nodeTimed (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxSonetClockSource configures the clock for transmitted data from either the internal clock ('nodeTimed') or from a clock recovered from the line's receive data stream ('loopTimed')." DEFVAL { loopTimed } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 2 } tmnxSonetFraming OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), sonet (2), sdh (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSonetFraming specifies the type of framing used on this interface." DEFVAL { sonet } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 3 } tmnxSonetReportAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { notUsed (0), loc (1), lais (2), lrdi (3), ss1f (4), sb1err (5), lb2erSd (6), lb2erSf (7), slof (8), slos (9), stxptr (10), srxptr (11), lrei (12) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSonetReportAlarm determines when and if to generate tmnxEqPortSonetAlarm and tmnxEqPortSonetAlarmClear notifications for this port: loc(1) Reports a loss of clock which causes the operational state of the port to be downed. Set by default. lais(2) Reports line alarm indication signal errors. Not set by default. lrdi(3) Reports line remote defect initiation errors. LRDIs are caused by remote LOF, LOC, and LOS. Set by default. ss1f(4) Reports section synchronization failure as reported by the S1 byte. Not set by default. sb1err(5) Reports section B1 errors. Not set by default. lb2erSd(6) Reports line signal degradation BER errors. Not set by default. lb2erSf(7) Reports line signal failure BER errors. Set by default. slof(8) Reports section loss of frame errors. Set by default slos(9) Reports section loss of signal errors. Set by default. stxptr(10) Reports a section synchronization error on the transmit side. Indicates if there is a positive or negative justification count per channel. Not set by default. srxptr(11) Reports a section synchronization error on the receive side. Indicates if there is a positive or negative justification count per path. Not set by default. lrei(12) Reports a line error condition raised by the remote as a result of B1 errors received from this node. Not set by default." DEFVAL { {loc, lrdi, lb2erSf, slof, slos} } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 4 } tmnxSonetBerSdThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..9) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSonetBerSdThreshold specifies a bit error rate (BER) threshold used to determine when to send a tmnxEqPortSonetAlarm notification for a BER SD failure and tmnxEqPortSonetAlarmClear notification for a BER SD failure clear. tmnxSonetBerSdThreshold is the absolute value of the exponent of the rate expressed as 10e-n." DEFVAL { 6 } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 5 } tmnxSonetBerSfThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..6) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSonetBerSfThreshold specifies a bit error rate (BER) threshold used to determine when to send a tmnxEqPortSonetAlarm notification for a BER SF failure and tmnxEqPortSonetAlarmClear notification for a BER SF failure clear. tmnxSonetBerSdThreshold is the absolute value of the exponent of the rate expressed as 10e-n." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 6 } tmnxSonetAps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Automatic Protection Switching (APS) is supported on 7x50 systems by the APS-MIB and TIMETRA-APS-MIB." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 7 } tmnxSonetApsAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Automatic Protection Switching (APS) is supported on 7x50 systems by the APS-MIB and TIMETRA-APS-MIB." DEFVAL { inService } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 8 } tmnxSonetApsOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Automatic Protection Switching (APS) is supported on 7x50 systems by the APS-MIB and TIMETRA-APS-MIB." ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 9 } tmnxSonetApsAuthKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..256)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Automatic Protection Switching (APS) is supported on 7x50 systems by the APS-MIB and TIMETRA-APS-MIB." DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 10 } tmnxSonetApsNeighborAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Automatic Protection Switching (APS) is supported on 7x50 systems by the APS-MIB and TIMETRA-APS-MIB." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 11 } tmnxSonetApsAdvertiseInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Automatic Protection Switching (APS) is supported on 7x50 systems by the APS-MIB and TIMETRA-APS-MIB." DEFVAL { 1000 } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 12 } tmnxSonetApsAdvertiseTimeLeft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Automatic Protection Switching (APS) is supported on 7x50 systems by the APS-MIB and TIMETRA-APS-MIB." ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 13 } tmnxSonetApsHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Automatic Protection Switching (APS) is supported on 7x50 systems by the APS-MIB and TIMETRA-APS-MIB." DEFVAL { 3000 } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 14 } tmnxSonetApsHoldTimeLeft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Automatic Protection Switching (APS) is supported on 7x50 systems by the APS-MIB and TIMETRA-APS-MIB." ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 15 } tmnxSonetLoopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), line (1), internal (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Activate a loopback on the SONET port. The SONET port must be in a shutdown state to activate any type of loopback." ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 16 } tmnxSonetReportAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { notUsed (0), loc (1), lais (2), lrdi (3), ss1f (4), sb1err (5), lb2erSd (6), lb2erSf (7), slof (8), slos (9), stxptr (10), srxptr (11), lrei (12) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bits in this object are used for indicating the alarms. The bits are explained as follows: loc(1) Indicates a loss of clock which causes the operational state of the port to be downed. lais(2) Indicates line alarm indication signal errors. lrdi(3) Indicates line remote defect indication errors. LRDIs are caused by remote LOF, LOC, and LOS. ss1f(4) Indicates section synchronization failure as reported by the S1 byte. sb1err(5) Indicates section B1 errors. lb2erSd(6) Indicates line signal degradation BER errors. lb2erSf(7) Indicates line signal failure BER errors. slof(8) Indicates section loss of frame errors. slos(9) Indicates section loss of signal errors. stxptr(10) Indicates a section synchronization error on the transmit side. Indicates if there is a positive or negative justification count per channel. srxptr(11) Indicates a section synchronization error on the receive side. Indicates if there is a positive or negative justification count per sonet path. lrei(12) Indicates a line error condition raised by the remote as a result of B1 errors received from this node." ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 17 } tmnxSonetSectionTraceMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { increment-z0 (1), byte (2), string (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSonetSectionTraceMode variable along with the tmnxSonetJ0String object determines the contents of the section trace bytes (j0/z0) in the SONET Section Header. If the mode is set to 'increment-z0', then the j0 byte is 0x01, and the z0 byte increments. If the mode is set to 'byte', then the j0 byte is the first octet of the tmnxSonetJ0String object and the z0 byte is 0xcc. If the mode is set to 'string', then the J0 byte is set to the 16 values in the tmnxSonetJ0String object and the z0 byte is 0xcc." DEFVAL { byte } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 18 } tmnxSonetJ0String OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSonetJ0String is used with the tmnxSonetSectionTraceMode variable to determine the contents of the j0 byte in the SONET Section Header. If the tmnxSonetSectionTraceMode is increment-z0, this object is ignored. If the mode is byte, then the first octet of this object is used for the J0 byte. The default J0 byte is 0. If the mode is string, then the 16 bytes in this object are used for the J0 byte. If set to less than 16 bytes it, will be padded out to 16 with zeros. The default value is 'Alcatel' appended with platform and product name (example: `Alcatel 7x50 SR` )" DEFVAL { '01'H } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 19 } tmnxSonetMonS1Byte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSonetMonS1Byte variable reports the Synchronization Status Message from the S1 byte in the Line Overhead Header. A value of 0x00 indicates unknown quality. A value of 0xF0 indicates `Do not use for synchronization`. Other values are documented in Telcordia GR253 and ITU G.707" DEFVAL { 'cc'H } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 20 } tmnxSonetMonJ0String OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSonetMonJ0String variable reports the contents of the j0 byte in the SONET Section Header." ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 21 } tmnxSonetMonK1Byte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSonetMonK1Byte variable reports the Automatic Protection Switching(APS) signalling status from the K1 byte in the SONET Line Overhead Header." ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 22 } tmnxSonetMonK2Byte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSonetMonK1Byte variable reports the Automatic Protection Switching(APS) signalling status from the K2 byte in the SONET Line Overhead Header." ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 23 } tmnxSonetSingleFiber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxSonetSingleFiber is used to enable/disable packet gathering and redirection of IP packets from a single fiber on RX port of the SONET interface and redistribute packets to other interfaces through either state routes or policy-based forwarding." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 24 } tmnxSonetHoldTimeUp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHoldTime (0..100) UNITS "deciseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSonetHoldTimeUp is used to configure the hold-timer for link up event dampening. A value of zero (0) indicates that an up transition is reported immediately." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 25 } tmnxSonetHoldTimeDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHoldTime (0..100) UNITS "deciseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSonetHoldTimeDown is used to configure the hold-timer for link down event dampening. A value of zero (0) indicates that a down transition is reported immediately." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 26 } tmnxSonetSuppressLoOrderAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSonetSuppressLoOrderAlarm specifies whether or not the lower order alarms on Sonet ports are suppressed." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 27 } tmnxSonetTxDus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSonetTxDus specifies whether or not the value 0xF (dus/dnu) is forced in the S1 overhead byte." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 28 } tmnxSonetTxS1Byte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSonetTxS1Byte indicates the transmitted S1 Byte." ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 29 } tmnxSonetResetPortOnPathDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSonetResetPortOnPathDown specifies whether or not the port will be reset when the path transitions to the oper down state. This object has been obsoleted in release 21.2." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxSonetEntry 30 } tmnxSonetPathTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSonetPathEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSonetPathTable has an entry for each sonet path configured in each packet over Sonet port on each IOM card in each chassis in the TMNX system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 6 } tmnxSonetPathEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSonetPathEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a configured sonet path in a packet over Sonet port on a IOM card in a chassis in the system. The tmnxSonetPathEntry contains attributes that are unique to a sonet path of a 'sonet' TmnxPortType. The tmnxPortPortID for a sonet port includes a sonet path number in the lower bits. If the sonet path number is zero, '0', it represents a single (clear) sonet path on the port that uses the full bandwidth of the sonet port. Entries in this table that have the sonet path number part of their tmnxPortPortID index value set to zero cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. They are created by the SNMP agent when the corresponding entry in the tmnxSonetTable is created. Entries with non-zero sonet path numbers can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations using tmnxSonetPathRowStatus. When a row is created in the tmnxSonetPathTable, the agent also creates a row with the same index values in the tmnxPortTable. In order to delete an entry, tmnxPortAdminStatus must first be set to 'outOfService'. When the tmnxSonetPathEntry is deleted, the agent also deletes the corresponding row in the tmnxPortTable." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxSonetPathTable 1 } TmnxSonetPathEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSonetPathRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxSonetPathLastChangeTime TimeStamp, tmnxSonetPathMTU Unsigned32, tmnxSonetPathScramble TruthValue, tmnxSonetPathC2Byte Unsigned32, tmnxSonetPathJ1String OCTET STRING, tmnxSonetPathCRC INTEGER, tmnxSonetPathOperMTU Unsigned32, tmnxSonetPathOperMRU Unsigned32, tmnxSonetPathReportAlarm BITS, tmnxSonetPathAcctPolicyId Unsigned32, tmnxSonetPathCollectStats TruthValue, tmnxSonetPathReportAlarmStatus BITS, tmnxSonetPathMonC2Byte Unsigned32, tmnxSonetPathMonJ1String OCTET STRING, tmnxSonetPathType INTEGER, tmnxSonetPathChildType TmnxMDAChanType } tmnxSonetPathRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxSonetPathRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of row entries in the tmnxSonetPathTable. The tmnxPortPortID for a sonet port includes a sonet path number in the lower bits. If the sonet path number is zero, '0', it represents a single (clear) sonet path on the port that uses the full bandwidth of the sonet port. Entries in this table that have the sonet path number part of their tmnxPortPortID index value set to zero cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. They are created by the SNMP agent when the corresponding entry in the tmnxSonetTable is created. Entries with non-zero sonet path numbers can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. When a row is created in the tmnxSonetPathTable, the agent also creates a row with the same index values in the tmnxPortTable. In order to delete an entry, tmnxPortAdminStatus must first be set to 'outOfService'. When the tmnxSonetPathEntry is deleted, the agent also deletes the corresponding row in the tmnxPortTable for this sonet path port." ::= { tmnxSonetPathEntry 1 } tmnxSonetPathLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSonetPathLastChangeTime variable contains the sysUpTime value of the most recently modified writable variable in the tmnxSonetPathEntry row for this sonet path." ::= { tmnxSonetPathEntry 2 } tmnxSonetPathMTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 512..9208) UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The size of the largest packet which can be sent/received on the sonet path, specified in octets. For paths that are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest network datagram that can be sent on the sonet path. Setting tmnxSonetPathMTU to a value of zero (0), causes the agent to recalculate the default MTU size which can vary based on the current setting of tmnxPortMode and tmnxPortEncapType variables. Some typical default values are: 1522 with mode access and encap type bcp-null 1526 with mode access and encap type bcp-dot1q 1502 with mode access and encap type ipcp 1506 with mode access and encap type mplscp 1524 with mode access and encap type atm 9208 with mode network" ::= { tmnxSonetPathEntry 3 } tmnxSonetPathScramble OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the tmnxSonetPathScramble variable is set to 'true', SONET (SDH) payload scrambling is enabled on this sonet path. Both ends of the connection must use the same scrambling algorithm. If tmnxSonetPathScramble is set to 'false', scrambling is disabled. The default value for non-ATM paths is 'false'. The default value for ATM paths is 'true' If the value of tmnxSonetPathC2Byte is set to the default for the currently configured tmnxSonetPathScramble, then changing the value of tmnxSonetPathScramble for non-ATM paths causes a change to tmnxSonetPathC2Byte to a default value for a new scrambling option. The default values are as follows: scrambled non-ATM sonet/sdh path - C2 Byte value is 0x16 unscrambled non-ATM sonet/sdh path - C2 Byte value is 0xCF" ::= { tmnxSonetPathEntry 4 } tmnxSonetPathC2Byte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..254) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSonetPathC2Byte variable is used configure the value used in the SONET/SDH C2 header byte. For paths on an MDA that does not support channelization: Setting C2 equal to 0x16 indicates scrambled sonet. Setting C2 equal to 0xCF indicates unscrambled sonet. Setting C2 equal to 0x13 indicates ATM. For paths on an MDA that supports channelization, the default value is based on the value of tmnxMDAMaxChannelization. For 'pdhDs3' or 'pdhE3' channelization, the default value is 0x04. Setting tmnxSonetPathC2Byte to a value of zero(0) causes the agent to assign the default value to this object." ::= { tmnxSonetPathEntry 5 } tmnxSonetPathJ1String OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..62)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSonetPathJ1String variable is used to configure the sonet path trace string to be sent in the J1 Path Overhead bytes. The bytes must be printable ASCII. If the string is less than 62 bytes, it will be padded with NULLs. For SONET framing, an additional CR (0x0D) / LF (0x0A) pair will be added by the driver. For SDH framing only 16 bytes are sent in the J1 bytes. The driver will set the MSB of the first byte, and put the first 15 bytes of the user configured string as the following bytes. The driver will set the CRC-7 of the 16 bytes into the other 7 bits of the first byte. The default value is `Alcatel 7x50 SR`. Setting a 1-byte long string containing 0xFF will restore the default. Setting the string 'zeros' will send all-zeros (ASCII NULL characters without CR/LF or CRC-7) in the J1 bytes." ::= { tmnxSonetPathEntry 6 } tmnxSonetPathCRC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { crc16 (1), crc32 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSonetPathCRC variable specifies the precision of the cyclic redundancy check. A value of 'crc16' is a 16-bit CRC calculation. A value of 'crc32' is a 32-bit CRC calculation. 32-bit CRC increases the error detection ability, but it also adds some performance overhead. For paths with encapsulation set to ATM the default and only supported value is crc32 and applies to AAL5 CRC calculations on that path." DEFVAL { crc32 } ::= { tmnxSonetPathEntry 7 } tmnxSonetPathOperMTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The negotiated size of the largest packet which can be sent on the sonet path, specified in octets. For sonet paths that are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest network datagram that can be sent on the sonet path." ::= { tmnxSonetPathEntry 8 } tmnxSonetPathOperMRU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The negotiated size of the largest packet that can be received on the sonet path, specified in octets." ::= { tmnxSonetPathEntry 9 } tmnxSonetPathReportAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { notUsed (0), pais (1), plop (2), prdi (3), pb3err (4), pplm (5), prei (6), puneq (7), plcd (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxSonetPathReportAlarm determines when and if to generate tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarm and tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarmClear notifications for this port: pais(1) Reports path alarm indication signal errors. Not set by default. plop(2) Reports path loss of pointer (per tributary) errors. Set by default. prdi(3) Reports path remote defect indication errors. Not set by default. pb3err(4) Reports path B3 errors. Not set by default. pplm(5) Reports a path payload mismatch. As a result the path will be operationally downed. Set by default. prei(6) Reports a path error condition raised by the remote as a result of B3 errors received from this node. Not set by default. puneq(7) Reports unequipped path errors. Set by default. plcd(8) Reports path loss of codegroup delineation error. It is applicable only when the value of tmnxPortEtherXGigMode is set to 'wan'. Not set by default." DEFVAL { {plop, pplm, puneq} } ::= { tmnxSonetPathEntry 10 } tmnxSonetPathAcctPolicyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..99) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the accounting policy must be defined prior to associating the policy with the sonet path. Accounting policies can only be associated with network sonet path. A non-zero value indicates the tmnxLogApPolicyId index identifying the policy entry in the tmnxLogApTable from the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB which is associated with this port. A zero value indicates that there is no accounting policy associated with this port" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxSonetPathEntry 11 } tmnxSonetPathCollectStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable the collection of accounting and statistical data for the network sonet path. When applying accounting policies the data by default will be collected in the appropriate records and written to the designated billing file. When the value is set to false, the statistics are still accumulated by the IOM cards, however, the CPU will not obtain the results and write them to the billing file." DEFVAL { true } ::= { tmnxSonetPathEntry 12 } tmnxSonetPathReportAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { notUsed (0), pais (1), plop (2), prdi (3), pb3err (4), pplm (5), prei (6), puneq (7), plcd (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bits in this object are used for indicating the alarms. The bits are explained as follows: pais(1) Indicates path alarm indication signal errors. plop(2) Indicates path loss of pointer (per tributary) errors. prdi(3) Indicates path remote defect indication errors. pb3err(4) Indicates path B3 errors. pplm(5) Indicates a path payload mismatch. prei(6) Indicates a path error condition raised by the remote as a result of B3 errors received from this node. puneq(7) Indicates a far-end unequipped error. plcd(8) Indicates a path loss of codegroup delineation error. It is applicable only when the value of tmnxPortEtherXGigMode is set to 'wan'. Not set by default." ::= { tmnxSonetPathEntry 13 } tmnxSonetPathMonC2Byte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255 | 256) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSonetPathC2Byte variable reports the value in the SONET/SDH C2 header byte. A value of 256 represents the C2 header byte is unknown." ::= { tmnxSonetPathEntry 14 } tmnxSonetPathMonJ1String OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSonetPathJ1String variable reports the sonet path trace string received in the J1 Path Overhead bytes." ::= { tmnxSonetPathEntry 15 } tmnxSonetPathType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ds3 (1), e3 (2), vtg (3), tug-2 (4), tug-3 (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tmnxSonetPathType specifies if the associated SONET/SDH Path is an asynchronous circuit, a virtual tributary group or a tributary unit group. ds3 - Configures the port or channel as service access(ds3) e3 - Configures the port or channel as service access(e3) vtg - Configures the path as a virtual tributary group. tug-2 - Configures the path as a tributary unit group. tug-3 - Configures the port or channel for transport network use." DEFVAL { ds3 } ::= { tmnxSonetPathEntry 16 } tmnxSonetPathChildType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMDAChanType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxSonetPathChildType is used to configure the type of this path. Some typical default values are: pdhDs3 for STS-1 paths pdhE3 for TU3 paths pdhE1 for VT2 paths pdhDs1 for VT15 paths Examples of valid child path types are sonetSts3, sdhTug3, pdhDs3, pdhE3, sonetVt15, sonetVt2, pdhDs1 and pdhE1." ::= { tmnxSonetPathEntry 17 } tmnxPortTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Port type table has an entry for each SR OS port type." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 7 } tmnxPortTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Nokia SROS series port model. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxPortTypeIndex } ::= { tmnxPortTypeTable 1 } TmnxPortTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortTypeIndex TmnxPortType, tmnxPortTypeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortTypeDescription TItemDescription, tmnxPortTypeStatus TruthValue } tmnxPortTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique index value which identifies this type of Nokia SROS series port model." ::= { tmnxPortTypeEntry 1 } tmnxPortTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative name that identifies this type of Nokia SROS series port model. This name string may be used in CLI commands to specify a particular Port model type." ::= { tmnxPortTypeEntry 2 } tmnxPortTypeDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A detailed description of this Nokia SROS series port model." ::= { tmnxPortTypeEntry 3 } tmnxPortTypeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tmnxPortTypeStatus has a value of 'true' it indicates that this port model is supported in this revision of the management software. When it has a value of 'false' there is no support." ::= { tmnxPortTypeEntry 4 } tmnxPortConnectTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortConnectTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Port Connector type table has an entry for each port connector type. Some example port connector types are: 'Small Form Factor Plugin (SFP)', 'SC Simplex'." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 8 } tmnxPortConnectTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortConnectTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Nokia SROS series port Connector model. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxPortConnectTypeIndex } ::= { tmnxPortConnectTypeTable 1 } TmnxPortConnectTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortConnectTypeIndex TmnxPortConnectorType, tmnxPortConnectTypeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortConnectTypeDescription TItemDescription, tmnxPortConnectTypeStatus TruthValue } tmnxPortConnectTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortConnectorType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique index value which identifies this type of Nokia SROS series port connector model." ::= { tmnxPortConnectTypeEntry 1 } tmnxPortConnectTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative name that identifies this type of Nokia SROS series port connector model. This name string may be used in CLI commands to specify a particular port connector model type." ::= { tmnxPortConnectTypeEntry 2 } tmnxPortConnectTypeDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A detailed description of this Nokia SROS series port connector model." ::= { tmnxPortConnectTypeEntry 3 } tmnxPortConnectTypeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tmnxPortConnectTypeStatus has a value of 'true' it indicates that this port connector model is supported in this revision of the chassis management software. When it has a value of 'false' there is no support." ::= { tmnxPortConnectTypeEntry 4 } tmnxPortFCStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortFCStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The Network Port FC Stats table has an entry for each forwarding class defined on each network port." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 9 } tmnxPortFCStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortFCStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a set of ingress and egress packet and octet statistics for the given network port and forwarding class. Rows in this table are created by the agent when the network port is provisioned and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tmnxPortFCStatsIndex } ::= { tmnxPortFCStatsTable 1 } TmnxPortFCStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortFCStatsIndex TFCName, tmnxPortFCStatsIngFwdInProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortFCStatsIngFwdOutProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortFCStatsIngFwdInProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortFCStatsIngFwdOutProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortFCStatsIngDroInProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortFCStatsIngDroOutProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortFCStatsIngDroInProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortFCStatsIngDroOutProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortFCStatsEgrFwdInProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortFCStatsEgrFwdOutProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortFCStatsEgrFwdInProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortFCStatsEgrFwdOutProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortFCStatsEgrDroInProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortFCStatsEgrDroOutProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortFCStatsEgrDroInProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortFCStatsEgrDroOutProfOcts Counter64 } tmnxPortFCStatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The forwarding class associated with these stats on this network port." ::= { tmnxPortFCStatsEntry 1 } tmnxPortFCStatsIngFwdInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The number of in-profile packets (rate below CIR) forwarded by the ingress Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortFCStatsEntry 2 } tmnxPortFCStatsIngFwdOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The number of out-of-profile packets (rate above CIR) forwarded by the ingress Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortFCStatsEntry 3 } tmnxPortFCStatsIngFwdInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The number of in-profile octets (rate below CIR) forwarded by the ingress Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortFCStatsEntry 4 } tmnxPortFCStatsIngFwdOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The number of out-of-profile octets (rate above CIR) forwarded by the ingress Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortFCStatsEntry 5 } tmnxPortFCStatsIngDroInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The number of in-profile packets (rate below CIR) dropped by the ingress Qchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxPortFCStatsEntry 6 } tmnxPortFCStatsIngDroOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The number of out-of-profile packets (rate above CIR) dropped by the ingress Qchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxPortFCStatsEntry 7 } tmnxPortFCStatsIngDroInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The number of in-profile octets (rate below CIR) dropped by the ingress Qchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxPortFCStatsEntry 8 } tmnxPortFCStatsIngDroOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The number of out-of-profile octets (rate above CIR) dropped by the ingress Qchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxPortFCStatsEntry 9 } tmnxPortFCStatsEgrFwdInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The number of in-profile packets (rate below CIR) forwarded by the egress Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortFCStatsEntry 10 } tmnxPortFCStatsEgrFwdOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The number of out-of-profile packets (rate above CIR) forwarded by the egress Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortFCStatsEntry 11 } tmnxPortFCStatsEgrFwdInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The number of in-profile octets (rate below CIR) forwarded by the egress Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortFCStatsEntry 12 } tmnxPortFCStatsEgrFwdOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The number of out-of-profile octets (rate above CIR) forwarded by the egress Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortFCStatsEntry 13 } tmnxPortFCStatsEgrDroInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The number of in-profile packets (rate below CIR) dropped by the egress Qchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxPortFCStatsEntry 14 } tmnxPortFCStatsEgrDroOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The number of out-of-profile packets (rate above CIR) dropped by the egress Qchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxPortFCStatsEntry 15 } tmnxPortFCStatsEgrDroInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The number of in-profile octets (rate below CIR) dropped by the egress Qchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxPortFCStatsEntry 16 } tmnxPortFCStatsEgrDroOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The number of out-of-profile octets (rate above CIR) dropped by the egress Qchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxPortFCStatsEntry 17 } tmnxDS3Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxDS3Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxDS3Table has an entry for a DS3 physical port." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 10 } tmnxDS3Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDS3Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a physical DS3 port on a IOM card in a chassis in the system. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. Entries in this table will be created automatically when the tmnxMDAAssignedType object is set to the DS3 MDA type The tmnxDS3Entry contains attributes that are unique to the 'ds3e3' TmnxPortType. The tmnxPortPortID contains the slot, mda and port numbers encoded into it. For each tmnxDS3Entry, there will be a corresponding entry in the tmnxPortTable and the ifTable." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxDS3Table 1 } TmnxDS3Entry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxDS3Buildout INTEGER, tmnxDS3LastChangeTime TimeStamp, tmnxDS3Type INTEGER, tmnxDS3HoldTimeUp TmnxHoldTime, tmnxDS3HoldTimeDown TmnxHoldTime } tmnxDS3Buildout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { short (1), long (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3Buildout configures the T3 line buildout. A T3 port has two settings for the T3 line buildout: a short setting, which is less than 225 feet, and a long setting, which is greater than 225 feet. This object applies to copper-cable-based T3 ports only." DEFVAL { short } ::= { tmnxDS3Entry 1 } tmnxDS3LastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxDS3LastChangeTime variable contains the sysUpTime value of the most recently modified writable variable in the tmnxDS3Entry row for this port." ::= { tmnxDS3Entry 2 } tmnxDS3Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ds3 (1), e3 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3Type configures the type of the physical port to 'ds3' or 'e3'." DEFVAL { ds3 } ::= { tmnxDS3Entry 3 } tmnxDS3HoldTimeUp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHoldTime (0..100) UNITS "deciseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS3HoldTimeUp is used to configure the hold-timer for link up event dampening. A value of zero (0) indicates that an up transition is reported immediately." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxDS3Entry 4 } tmnxDS3HoldTimeDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHoldTime (0..100) UNITS "deciseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS3HoldTimeDown is used to configure the hold-timer for link down event dampening. A value of zero (0) indicates that a down transition is reported immediately." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { tmnxDS3Entry 5 } tmnxDS3ChannelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxDS3ChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxDS3ChannelTable has an entry for a DS3 channel." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 11 } tmnxDS3ChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDS3ChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a DS3 channel. Entries can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. The tmnxDS3ChannelEntry contains attributes that are applicable to a DS3 channel which can belong to the DS3 physical port or belong to a container on a sonet path. The tmnxPortPortID contains the slot, mda and port numbers encoded into it. For each tmnxDS3ChannelEntry, there will be a corresponding entry in the tmnxPortTable and the ifTable." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelTable 1 } TmnxDS3ChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxDS3ChannelRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxDS3ChannelType INTEGER, tmnxDS3ChannelFraming INTEGER, tmnxDS3ChannelClockSource TmnxDSXClockSource, tmnxDS3ChannelChannelized INTEGER, tmnxDS3ChannelSubrateCSUMode INTEGER, tmnxDS3ChannelSubrate Unsigned32, tmnxDS3ChannelIdleCycleFlags TmnxDSXIdleCycleFlags, tmnxDS3ChannelLoopback TmnxDS3Loopback, tmnxDS3ChannelBitErrorInsertionRate Integer32, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTPattern TmnxDSXBertPattern, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTDuration Unsigned32, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLEicString DisplayString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLLicString DisplayString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLFicString DisplayString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLUnitString DisplayString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLPfiString DisplayString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLPortString DisplayString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLGenString DisplayString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMessageType BITS, tmnxDS3ChannelFEACLoopRespond TruthValue, tmnxDS3ChannelCRC INTEGER, tmnxDS3ChannelMTU Unsigned32, tmnxDS3ChannelOperMTU Unsigned32, tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarm TmnxDSXReportAlarm, tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarmStatus TmnxDSXReportAlarm, tmnxDS3ChannelLastChangeTime TimeStamp, tmnxDS3ChannelInFEACLoop TruthValue, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMonPortString DisplayString, tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMonGenString DisplayString, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTOperStatus TmnxDSXBertOperStatus, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTSynched Unsigned32, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTErrors Counter64, tmnxDS3ChannelBERTTotalBits Counter64, tmnxDS3ChannelScramble TruthValue, tmnxDS3ChannelAcctPolicyId Unsigned32, tmnxDS3ChannelCollectStats TruthValue, tmnxDS3ChannelClockSyncState TmnxDSXClockSyncState, tmnxDS3ChannelClockMasterPortId TmnxPortID } tmnxDS3ChannelRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of row entries in the tmnxDS3ChannelTable. For row creation, the manager has to first calculate the tmnxPortPortID based on the TiMOS encoding scheme." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 1 } tmnxDS3ChannelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ds3 (1), e3 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS3ChannelType indicates whether the channel is in DS3 or E3 mode." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 2 } tmnxDS3ChannelFraming OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cbit (1), m23 (2), g751 (3), g832 (4), e3-unframed (5), ds3-unframed (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS3ChannelFraming specifies the type of framing associated with the DS3 channel. If tmnxDS3ChannelType is set to 'ds3', the default framing is 'cbit'. If tmnxDS3ChannelType is set to 'e3', the default framing is 'g751'." DEFVAL { cbit } ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 3 } tmnxDS3ChannelClockSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDSXClockSource MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelClockSource configures the clock for transmitted data from either the internal clock ('nodeTimed'), or from a clock recovered from the line's receive data stream ('loopTimed')." DEFVAL { loopTimed } ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 4 } tmnxDS3ChannelChannelized OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), ds1 (2), e1 (3), j1 (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelChannelized is used to create subchannels of type 'ds1' or 'e1' or 'j1' on the interface. Setting the value to 'none' removes the subchannels on the interface." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 5 } tmnxDS3ChannelSubrateCSUMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notUsed (0), digital-link (1), larscom (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelSubrateCSUMode configures the channel service unit (CSU) compatibility mode to interoperate with existing DS3 subrate standards. This configuration applies only for a non-channelized DS3. Changing the value of tmnxDS3ChannelSubrateCSUMode to notUsed resets the value of tmnxDS3ChannelScramble to 'false'. Changing the value of tmnxDS3ChannelSubrateCSUMode resets the value of tmnxDS3ChannelSubrate to default for the mode if tmnxDS3ChannelSubrate is not provided." DEFVAL { notUsed } ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 6 } tmnxDS3ChannelSubrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelSubrate configures the subrate step. tmnxDS3ChannelSubrate multiplied by the granularity for a particular mode as defined by tmnxDS3ChannelSubrateCSUMode gives the absolute subrate in kbps. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Subrate CSU Mode|Granularity|Default|Range |Subrate speed range ----------------------------------------------------------------------- notUsed | N/A | 0 | 0 |N/A digital-link | 301 kbps | 1 | 1 to 147 |301 kbps to 44.2 mbps larscom | 3158 kbps | 1 | 1 to 14 |3158 kbps to 44.2 mbps ----------------------------------------------------------------------" ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 7 } tmnxDS3ChannelIdleCycleFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDSXIdleCycleFlags MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelIdleCycleFlags configures the value that the DS3 port transmits during idle cycle. The default value applies to HDLC channels only. For ATM channels the object does not really apply so a default value of 'none' is used and cannot be changed." DEFVAL { flags } ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 8 } tmnxDS3ChannelLoopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDS3Loopback MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelLoopback is used to put the channel into a loopback mode. The value of tmnxPortAdminStatus should be set to 'outOfService' in order for the loopback to be enabled. A 'line' loopback loops frames received on this port back to the remote system. A 'internal' loopback loops the frames from the local system back at the framer. When the value is set to 'remote', a signal is sent to the remote system to provide a line loopback." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 9 } tmnxDS3ChannelBitErrorInsertionRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 2..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelBitErrorInsertionRate is used to insert bit errors for a BERT test. The number of error corresponds to 10^(-rate). A rate of 7 will cause an error rate of 10^(-7), or 1 error in every 10 million bits transmitted. If the value is set to 0, it disables the insertion of bit errors into the BERT. Change in this value while the test is running is accepted but does not take effect until the test gets restarted." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 10 } tmnxDS3ChannelBERTPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDSXBertPattern MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelBERTPattern specifies the pattern used for the Bit Error Rate Test (BERT). The value of tmnxDS3ChannelBERTDuration indicates the duration of the test. Setting the value of this object to 'none' terminates the test." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 11 } tmnxDS3ChannelBERTDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelBERTDuration is used to set the duration of the BERT test." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 12 } tmnxDS3ChannelMDLEicString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelMDLEicString configures the Equipment ID Code(EIC) of the Message Data Link (MDL)." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 13 } tmnxDS3ChannelMDLLicString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..11)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelMDLLicString configures the Location ID Code(LIC) of the Message Data Link (MDL)." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 14 } tmnxDS3ChannelMDLFicString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelMDLFicString configures the Frame ID Code(FIC) of the Message Data Link (MDL)." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 15 } tmnxDS3ChannelMDLUnitString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..6)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelMDLUnitString configures the Unit ID Code(UIC) of the Message Data Link (MDL)." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 16 } tmnxDS3ChannelMDLPfiString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..38)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelMDLPfiString configures the Facility ID Code sent in the Message Data Link (MDL) Path message." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 17 } tmnxDS3ChannelMDLPortString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..38)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelMDLPortString configures the port number string sent in the Message Data Link (MDL) idle signal message." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 18 } tmnxDS3ChannelMDLGenString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..38)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelMDLGenString configures the generator number string sent in the Message Data Link (MDL) test signal message." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 19 } tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMessageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { none (0), ds3Path (1), idleSignal (2), testSignal (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMessageType configures the type of MDL message that is transmitted over the DS3 interface. If the value of this object is set to 'none', MDL messages are not transmitted. ds3Path(0) - Enables transmission of the MDL path message. An MDL path message, as defined by ANSI T1.107, is distinguished from idle and test signal messages in that it contains a facility identification code as its final data element. idleSignal(1) - Enables transmission of the MDL idle signal message. An MDL idle signal message, as defined by ANSI T1.107, is distinguished from path and test signal messages in that it contains a port number as its final data element. testSignal(2) - Enables transmission of the MDL test signal message. An MDL test signal message, as defined by ANSI T1.107, is distinguished from path and idle signal messages in that it contains a generator number as its final data element." DEFVAL { {none} } ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 20 } tmnxDS3ChannelFEACLoopRespond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tmnxDS3ChannelFEACLoopRespond has a value of 'true', the channel is enabled to respond to remote loop signals. When it has a value of 'false' the port will not respond." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 21 } tmnxDS3ChannelCRC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { crc16 (1), crc32 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS3ChannelCRC variable specifies the precision of the cyclic redundancy check. A value of 'crc16' is a 16-bit CRC calculation. A value of 'crc32' is a 32-bit CRC calculation. 32-bit CRC increases the error detection ability, but it also adds some performance overhead. For ATM channels, crc32 is the default and the only value supported and applies to AAL5 CRC calculation on that channel." DEFVAL { crc16 } ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 22 } tmnxDS3ChannelMTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 512..9208) UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The size of the largest packet which can be sent/received on the port, specified in octets. For ports that are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest network datagram that can be sent on the sonet path. Setting tmnxDS3ChannelMTU to a value of zero (0), causes the agent to recalculate the default MTU size which can vary based on the current setting of tmnxPortMode and tmnxPortEncapType variables. Some typical default values are: 1522 with mode access and encap type bcp-null 1526 with mode access and encap type bcp-dot1q 1502 with mode access and encap type ipcp 4474 with mode access and encap type frame relay 1524 with mode access and encap type atm 2092 with mode access and encap type cem" ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 23 } tmnxDS3ChannelOperMTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The negotiated size of the largest packet which can be sent on the channel, specified in octets. For channels that are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest network datagram that can be sent." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 24 } tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDSXReportAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarm determines when and if to generate notifications for this channel: ais - Reports alarm indication signal errors. ais alarms are issued by default. los - Reports loss of signal errors. los alarms are issued by default. oof - Reports out-of-frame errors. oof alarms are not issued by default. rai - Reports resource availability indicator events. rai alarms are not issued by default. looped - Reports if the far end has forced the near end to loopback. looped alarms are not issued by default. berSd - Reports DS3/E3 signal degradation bit errors. berSd alarms are not issued by default. berSf - Reports DS3/E3 signal failure bit errors. berSf alarms are not issued by default" DEFVAL { {ais, los} } ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 25 } tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDSXReportAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS3ChannelReportAlarmStatus indicates the current alarms on this port." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 26 } tmnxDS3ChannelLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxDS3ChannelLastChangeTime variable contains the sysUpTime value of the most recently modified writable variable in the tmnxDS3ChannelEntry row for this port." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 27 } tmnxDS3ChannelInFEACLoop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelInFEACLoop indicates whether the remote end has put this channel in FEAC(Far End Alarm Control) loopback." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 28 } tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMonPortString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..38)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMonPortString indicates the port number string received in the Message Data Link (MDL) idle signal message." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 29 } tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMonGenString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..38)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelMDLMonGenString indicates the generator number string received in the Message Data Link (MDL) test signal message." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 30 } tmnxDS3ChannelBERTOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDSXBertOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelBERTOperStatus indicates the status of the BERT test as specified by TmnxDSXBertOperStatus." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 31 } tmnxDS3ChannelBERTSynched OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelBERTSynched is the number of seconds for which the BERT hardware was synchronized. This will be less than or equal to the duration of the last BERT test. It is valid only after tmnxDS3ChannelBERTOperStatus transitioned from 'active' to 'idle' the last time BERT was activated." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 32 } tmnxDS3ChannelBERTErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelBERTErrors is the number of bit errors detected during the last BERT test. It is valid only after tmnxDS3ChannelBERTOperStatus transitioned from 'active' to 'idle' the last time BERT was activated." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 33 } tmnxDS3ChannelBERTTotalBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS3ChannelBERTTotalBits is the total number of bits received during the last BERT test. Bits are only counted when the BERT hardware is synchronized. It is valid only after tmnxDS3ChannelBERTOperStatus transitioned from 'active' to 'idle' the last time BERT was activated." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 34 } tmnxDS3ChannelScramble OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tmnxDS3ChannelScramble indicates whether scrambling is enabled on this channel. Both ends of the connection must use the same scrambling algorithm. The default value is 'true' if the tmnxPortEncapType is atmEncap for this channel and indicates ATM payload scrambling; otherwise (tmnxPortEncapType is not atmEncap) the default is 'false' and can only be changed to true if the value of tmnxDS3ChannelSubrateCSUMode is digital-link (1)" ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 35 } tmnxDS3ChannelAcctPolicyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..99) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS3ChannelAcctPolicyId specifies an existing accounting policy to use for the ds3 channel. Accounting policies can only be associated with network ports or channels. A non-zero value indicates the tmnxLogApPolicyId index identifying the policy entry in the tmnxLogApTable from the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB which is associated with this channel. A zero value indicates that there is no accounting policy associated with this channel" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 36 } tmnxDS3ChannelCollectStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS3ChannelCollectStats specifies whether or not the collection of accounting and statistical data for the network ds3 channel is collected. When the value is set to false, the statistics are still accumulated by the IOM cards, however, the CPM will not obtain the results and write them to the billing file. When applying accounting policies the data by default will be collected in the appropriate records and written to the designated billing file." DEFVAL { true } ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 37 } tmnxDS3ChannelClockSyncState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDSXClockSyncState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS3ChannelClockSyncState indicates the current clock synchronization state if tmnxDS3ChannelClockSource is 'adaptive' or 'differential'." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 38 } tmnxDS3ChannelClockMasterPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS3ChannelClockMasterPortId indicates the current clock synchronization master port id if tmnxDS3ChannelClockSource is 'adaptive' or 'differential'." ::= { tmnxDS3ChannelEntry 39 } tmnxDS1Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxDS1Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxDS1Table has an entry for each DS1 channel." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 12 } tmnxDS1Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDS1Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a DS1 channel on a IOM card in a chassis in the system. DS1 channel entries for DS3 ports cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. Entries in this table will be created automatically when tmnxDS3ChannelChannelized is set to 'true'. DS1 channel entries for DS1 ports can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. For each tmnxDS1Entry, there will be a corresponding entry in the tmnxPortTable and the ifTable." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxDS1Table 1 } TmnxDS1Entry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxDS1RowStatus RowStatus, tmnxDS1Type INTEGER, tmnxDS1Framing INTEGER, tmnxDS1IdleCycleFlags TmnxDSXIdleCycleFlags, tmnxDS1Loopback TmnxDS1Loopback, tmnxDS1InvertData TruthValue, tmnxDS1BitErrorInsertionRate Integer32, tmnxDS1BERTPattern TmnxDSXBertPattern, tmnxDS1BERTDuration Unsigned32, tmnxDS1ReportAlarm TmnxDSXReportAlarm, tmnxDS1ReportAlarmStatus TmnxDSXReportAlarm, tmnxDS1LastChangeTime TimeStamp, tmnxDS1ClockSource TmnxDSXClockSource, tmnxDS1BERTOperStatus TmnxDSXBertOperStatus, tmnxDS1BERTSynched Unsigned32, tmnxDS1BERTErrors Counter64, tmnxDS1BERTTotalBits Counter64, tmnxDS1RemoteLoopRespond TruthValue, tmnxDS1InRemoteLoop TruthValue, tmnxDS1InsertSingleBitError TmnxActionType, tmnxDS1SignalMode INTEGER, tmnxDS1ClockSyncState TmnxDSXClockSyncState, tmnxDS1ClockMasterPortId TmnxPortID, tmnxDS1BerSdThreshold Unsigned32, tmnxDS1BerSfThreshold Unsigned32, tmnxDS1NationalUseBits BITS, tmnxDS1HoldTimeUp TmnxHoldTime, tmnxDS1HoldTimeDown TmnxHoldTime } tmnxDS1RowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1RowStatus controls the creation and deletion of row entries in the tmnxDS1Table. For row creation, the manager has to first calculate the tmnxPortPortID based on the TiMOS encoding scheme." ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 1 } tmnxDS1Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ds1 (1), e1 (2), j1 (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS1Type indicates whether the DS1 channel is in DS1, E1 or J1 mode." ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 2 } tmnxDS1Framing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { esf (1), sf (2), g704-no-crc (3), g704 (4), e1-unframed (5), ds1-unframed (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS1Framing specifies the type of framing associated with the channel: esf ESF (extended super frame) mode for T1 interfaces. sf SF (super frame) mode for T1 interfaces. g704 G.704 framing format for E1 interfaces. g704-no-crc4 G.704 framing with no CRC4 for E1 interfaces. e1-unframed E1 Unframed (G.703) mode for E1 interfaces. ds1-unframed Unframed mode for T1 interfaces. If tmnxDS1Type is set to 'ds1', the default framing is 'esf'. If tmnxDS1Type is set to 'e1', the default framing is 'g704'. Changing the value of tmnxDS1Framing resets the values of tmnxDS1BerSdThreshold and tmnxDS1BerSfThreshold to defaults and turns off reporting of berSd and berSf alarms in tmnxDS1ReportAlarm." DEFVAL { esf } ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 3 } tmnxDS1IdleCycleFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDSXIdleCycleFlags MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1IdleCycleFlags configures the value that the DS1 channel transmits during idle cycle." DEFVAL { flags } ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 4 } tmnxDS1Loopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDS1Loopback MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1Loopback is used to put the channel into a loopback mode. The value of tmnxPortAdminStatus should be set to 'outOfService' in order for the loopback to be enabled. A 'line' loopback loops frames received on this port back to the remote system. A 'internal' loopback loops frames from the local system back at the framer. A 'fdlAnsi' requests loopback of type FDL ANSI T1.403. This is valid with tmnxDS1Framing set to 'esf' framing. A 'fdlBellcore' requests loopback of type FDL Bellcore TR-TSY-000312. This is valid with tmnxDS1Framing set to 'esf'. A 'inbandAnsi' requests loopback of type inband ANSI T1.403. This is valid with tmnxDS1Framing set to 'sf'." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 5 } tmnxDS1InvertData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting tmnxDS1InvertData to 'true' causes all data bits to be inverted, to guarantee ones density. It is typically used with AMI line encoding." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 6 } tmnxDS1BitErrorInsertionRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 2..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1BitErrorInsertionRate is used to insert bit errors for a BERT test. The number of error corresponds to 10^(-rate). A rate of 7 will cause an error rate of 10^(-7), or 1 error in every 10 million bits transmitted. If the value is set to 0, disables the insertion of bit errors into the BERT. Change in this value while the test is running is accepted but does not take effect until the test gets restarted." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 7 } tmnxDS1BERTPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDSXBertPattern MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1BERTPattern object specifies the pattern used for the Bit Error Rate Test (BERT). The value of tmnxDS1BERTDuration indicates the duration of the test. Setting the value to 'none' terminates the test." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 8 } tmnxDS1BERTDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1BERTDuration is used to set the duration of the BERT test." ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 9 } tmnxDS1ReportAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDSXReportAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS1ReportAlarm determines when and if to generate notifications for this channel: ais - Reports alarm indication signal errors. ais alarms are issued by default. los - Reports loss of signal errors. los alarms are issued by default. oof - Reports out-of-frame errors. oof alarms are not issued by default. rai - Reports resource availability indicator events. rai alarms are not issued by default. looped - Reports if the far end has forced the near end to loopback. looped alarms are not issued by default. berSd - Reports DS1/E1/J1 signal degradation bit errors. berSd alarms are not issued by default. berSf - Reports DS1/E1/J1 signal failure bit errors. berSf alarms are not issued by default" DEFVAL { {ais, los} } ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 10 } tmnxDS1ReportAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDSXReportAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS1ReportAlarmStatus indicates the current alarms on this channel." ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 11 } tmnxDS1LastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxDS1LastChangeTime variable contains the sysUpTime value of the most recently modified writable variable in the tmnxDS1Entry row for this channel." ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 12 } tmnxDS1ClockSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDSXClockSource MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1ClockSource configures the clock for transmitted data from either the internal clock ('nodeTimed'), or from a clock recovered from the line's receive data stream ('loopTimed'), or recovered adaptively from the rate at which the data that is received and not from the physical layer ('adaptive'), or recovered from the differential timestamp in the RTP header ('differential')." DEFVAL { loopTimed } ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 13 } tmnxDS1BERTOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDSXBertOperStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1BERTOperStatus indicates the status of the BERT test as specified by TmnxDSXBertOperStatus." ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 14 } tmnxDS1BERTSynched OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1BERTSynched is the number of seconds for which the BERT hardware was synchronized. This will be less than or equal to the duration of the last BERT test. It is valid only after tmnxDS1BERTOperStatus transitioned from 'active' to 'idle' the last time BERT was activated." ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 15 } tmnxDS1BERTErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1BERTErrors is the number of bit errors detected during the last BERT test. It is valid only after tmnxDS1BERTOperStatus transitioned from 'active' to 'idle' the last time BERT was activated." ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 16 } tmnxDS1BERTTotalBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1BERTTotalBits is the total number of bits received during the last BERT test. Bits are only counted when the BERT hardware is synchronized. It is valid only after tmnxDS1BERTOperStatus transitioned from 'active' to 'idle' the last time BERT was activated." ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 17 } tmnxDS1RemoteLoopRespond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When tmnxDS1RemoteLoopRespond has a value of 'true', the channel is enabled to respond to remote loop signals. When it has a value of 'false' the port will not respond." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 18 } tmnxDS1InRemoteLoop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1InRemoteLoop indicates whether the remote end has put this channel in remote loopback." ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 19 } tmnxDS1InsertSingleBitError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1InsertSingleBitError is used to insert a single bit error for a BERT test." ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 20 } tmnxDS1SignalMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), cas (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS1SignalMode specifies the type of signalling associated with the channel: none - Indicates no signalling on this channel. cas - Indicates Channel Associated Signalling (CAS) on this channel. The default signalling is 'none'. " DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 21 } tmnxDS1ClockSyncState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDSXClockSyncState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS1ClockSyncState indicates the current clock synchronization state if tmnxDS1ClockSource is 'adaptive' or 'differential'." ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 22 } tmnxDS1ClockMasterPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS1ClockMasterPortId indicates the current clock synchronization master port id if tmnxDS1ClockSource is 'adaptive' or 'differential'." ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 23 } tmnxDS1BerSdThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1 | 5 | 10 | 50 | 100) UNITS "error bits in million bits received" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS1BerSdThreshold specifies a bit error rate (BER) threshold used to determine when to send a tmnxEqPortDS1Alarm notification for a BER SD failure and a tmnxEqPortDS1AlarmClear notification for a BER SD failure clear. Bit error computed must reach/exceed threshold value over a predefined period of time for the tmnxEqPortSonetAlarm notification to be sent. The value of tmnxDS1Framing defines how the bit error is computed and what values of tmnxDS1BerSdThreshold are allowed. The following table defines this dependency: tmnxDS1Framing Bit error calculation and value supported -------------- ----------------------------------------- esf (1) each CRC error is counted as one bit error g704 (4) values supported are 1,5,10,50,100 other values bit error alarms not supported, value of tmnxDS1BerSdThreshold set to default and cannot be changed tmnxDS1BerSdThreshold value must not exceed the value of tmnxDS1BerSfThreshold." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 24 } tmnxDS1BerSfThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1 | 5 | 10 | 50 | 100) UNITS "error bits in million bits received" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS1BerSfThreshold specifies a bit error rate (BER) threshold used to determine when to send a tmnxEqPortDS1Alarm notification for a BER SF failure and a tmnxEqPortDS1AlarmClear notification for a BER SF failure clear. Bit error computed must reach/exceed threshold value over a predefined period of time for the tmnxEqPortSonetAlarm notification to be sent. The value of tmnxDS1Framing defines how the bit errors are computed and what values of tmnxDS1BerSfThreshold are allowed. The following table defines this dependency: tmnxDS1Framing Bit error calculation and value supported -------------- ----------------------------------------- esf (1) each CRC error is counted as one bit error g704 (4) values supported are 1,5,10,50,100 other values bit error alarms not supported, value of tmnxDS1BerSfThreshold set to default and cannot be changed tmnxDS1BerSfThreshold value must not be smaller than tmnxDS1BerSdThreshold value" DEFVAL { 50 } ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 25 } tmnxDS1NationalUseBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { sa4 (0), sa5 (1), sa6 (2), sa7 (3), sa8 (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxDS1NationalUseBits specifies the transmitted value for each of the E1 national use bits (Sa4 to Sa8). This object is only applicable on E1 channels with tmnxDS1Framing set to g704-no-crc (3), or g704 (4)." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 26 } tmnxDS1HoldTimeUp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHoldTime (0..100) UNITS "deciseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS1HoldTimeUp specifies the hold-timer for link up event dampening. A value of zero (0) indicates that an up transition is reported immediately." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 27 } tmnxDS1HoldTimeDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHoldTime (0..100) UNITS "deciseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS1HoldTimeDown specifies the hold-timer for link down event dampening. A value of zero (0) indicates that a down transition is reported immediately." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxDS1Entry 28 } tmnxDS0ChanGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxDS0ChanGroupTable has an entry for DS0 channels grouped together and belonging to a particular DS1 channel." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 13 } tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents one or more DS0 channels on a DS1 interface. tmnxDS0ChanGroupTimeSlots object is used to add or remove DS0 channels from the group. Entries can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations using the tmnxDS0ChanGroupRowStatus object. For each tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry, there will be a corresponding entry in the tmnxPortTable and the ifTable." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxDS0ChanGroupTable 1 } TmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxDS0ChanGroupRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxDS0ChanGroupTimeSlots TmnxDs0ChannelList, tmnxDS0ChanGroupSpeed INTEGER, tmnxDS0ChanGroupCRC INTEGER, tmnxDS0ChanGroupMTU Unsigned32, tmnxDS0ChanGroupOperMTU Unsigned32, tmnxDS0ChanGroupLastChangeTime TimeStamp, tmnxDS0ChanGroupIdleCycleFlags TmnxDSXIdleCycleFlags, tmnxDS0ChanGroupScramble TruthValue, tmnxDS0ChanGroupAcctPolicyId Unsigned32, tmnxDS0ChanGroupCollectStats TruthValue, tmnxDS0ChanGroupPayloadFillType TmnxDSXIdleFillType, tmnxDS0ChanGroupPayloadPattern Unsigned32, tmnxDS0ChanGroupSignalFillType TmnxDSXIdleFillType, tmnxDS0ChanGroupSignalPattern Unsigned32, tmnxDS0ChanGroupBerSfLinkDown TruthValue } tmnxDS0ChanGroupRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS0ChanGroupRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of row entries in the tmnxDS0ChanGroupTable. The tmnxPortPortID for a channel group includes a group ID in the lower bits. The manager has to first calculate the tmnxPortPortID based on the TiMOS encoding scheme." ::= { tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry 1 } tmnxDS0ChanGroupTimeSlots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDs0ChannelList MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS0ChanGroupTimeSlots is a bitmap which is used to add/remove DS0 timeslots from a channel group. The description for TmnxDs0ChannelList contains details of the bitmap organization. When a channel group is created on unframed DS1/E1, all timeslots as applicable to a given speed are auto-allocated and cannot be changed. When a channel group is created on a framed DS1/E1 or existing channel group's encapsulation is changed from ATM, the default of no timeslots is auto-assigned to the group. When a channel group on a framed DS1/E1 is configured for ATM encapsulation, the ATM defaults of 0x00FFFFFF (DS1) and 0XFFFEFFFE (E1) are auto-assigned and cannot be changed." ::= { tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry 2 } tmnxDS0ChanGroupSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { speed-56 (1), speed-64 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS0ChanGroupSpeed configures the required link speed for all the time slots included in this channel group." ::= { tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry 3 } tmnxDS0ChanGroupCRC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { crc16 (1), crc32 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS0ChanGroupCRC variable specifies the precision of the cyclic redundancy check. A value of 'crc16' is a 16-bit CRC calculation. A value of 'crc32' is a 32-bit CRC calculation. 32-bit CRC increases the error detection ability, but it also adds some performance overhead. For channel groups with encapsulation set to ATM, the default and only supported value is crc32 and applies to AAL5 CRC calculations on that channel group." DEFVAL { crc16 } ::= { tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry 4 } tmnxDS0ChanGroupMTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 512..9208) UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The size of the largest packet which can be sent/received on the channel group, specified in octets. For groups that are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest network datagram that can be sent. Setting tmnxDS0ChanGroupMTU to a value of zero (0), causes the agent to recalculate the default MTU size which can vary based on the current setting of tmnxPortMode and tmnxPortEncapType variables. Some typical default values are: 1522 with mode access and encap type bcp-null 1526 with mode access and encap type bcp-dot1q 1502 with mode access and encap type ipcp 4474 with mode access and encap type frame relay 1524 with mode access and encap type atm 2092 with mode access and encap type cem" ::= { tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry 5 } tmnxDS0ChanGroupOperMTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The negotiated size of the largest packet which can be sent on the channel group, specified in octets. For channel groups that are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest network datagram that can be sent." ::= { tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry 6 } tmnxDS0ChanGroupLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxDS0ChanGroupLastChangeTime variable contains the sysUpTime value of the most recently modified writable variable in the tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry row for this channel group." ::= { tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry 7 } tmnxDS0ChanGroupIdleCycleFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDSXIdleCycleFlags MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS0ChanGroupIdleCycleFlags configures the value that the channel group transmits during idle cycle. The default value applies to HDLC channels only. For ATM and CEM channels the object does not really apply so a default value of 'none' is used and cannot be changed." DEFVAL { flags } ::= { tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry 8 } tmnxDS0ChanGroupScramble OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS0ChanGroupScramble indicates whether payload scrambling is enabled on this ATM channel. Both ends of the connection must use the same scrambling algorithm. The default value is 'true' if the tmnxPortEncapType is atmEncap for this channel, otherwise the default is 'false' and not allowed to change." ::= { tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry 9 } tmnxDS0ChanGroupAcctPolicyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..99) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS0ChanGroupAcctPolicyId specifies an existing accounting policy to use for the ds0 channel-group. Accounting policies can only be associated with network ports or channels. A non-zero value indicates the tmnxLogApPolicyId index identifying the policy entry in the tmnxLogApTable from the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB which is associated with this channel-group. A zero value indicates that there is no accounting policy associated with this channel" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry 10 } tmnxDS0ChanGroupCollectStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS0ChanGroupCollectStats specifies whether or not the collection of accounting and statistical data for the network ds0 channel-group is collected. When the value is set to false, the statistics are still accumulated by the IOM cards, however, the CPM will not obtain the results and write them to the billing file. When applying accounting policies the data by default will be collected in the appropriate records and written to the designated billing file." DEFVAL { true } ::= { tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry 11 } tmnxDS0ChanGroupPayloadFillType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDSXIdleFillType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS0ChanGroupPayloadFillType specifies the type of idle payload fill to be sent when the CEM channel group experiences an underrun. If the type is set to 'userDefinedPattern' then the value of tmnxDS0ChanGroupPayloadPattern is used to define the payload pattern. The default value depends on the encap type of the channel group: For CEM encap - 'allOnes' For all other encaps - 'notApplicable' For a ds1-unframed and e1-unframed CEM encap DS0 channel group the only supported value is 'allOnes'. For non-CEM encap channel groups the value cannot be changed." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry 12 } tmnxDS0ChanGroupPayloadPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS0ChanGroupPayloadPattern specifies the idle payload fill pattern when the CEM channel group experiences an underrun and tmnxDS0ChanGroupPayloadFillType is set to 'userDefinedPattern'. The default value depends on the encap type of the channel group: For CEM encap channel group - 255 (Valid range 0..255) For non-CEM encap channel group - 0 (Valid range 0..0)." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry 13 } tmnxDS0ChanGroupSignalFillType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDSXIdleFillType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS0ChanGroupSignalFillType specifies the type of idle signal fill to be sent when the CAS CEM channel group experiences an underrun. If the type is set to 'userDefinedPattern' then the value of tmnxDS0ChanGroupSignalPattern is used to define the signal pattern. The default value depends on the encap of the DS0 channel group and the signal mode of the DS1/E1: For CEM encap on DS1/E1 with CAS signal mode - 'allOnes' For all other encaps or non-CAS CEM DS1/E1 - 'notApplicable' For CEM channel groups on DS1/E1 with no CAS signalling and non-CEM encap channel groups the value cannot be changed." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry 14 } tmnxDS0ChanGroupSignalPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..15) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS0ChanGroupSignalPattern specifies the idle signal fill pattern when the CAS CEM channel group experiences an underrun and tmnxDS0ChanGroupSignalFillType is set to 'userDefinedPattern'. CAS ESF DS1 and CAS E1 support 4 signalling bits per timeslot (ABCD) CAS SF DS1 supports 2 signalling bits per timeslot (AB) The default value depends on the type of channel group: For CAS DS1 ESF or CAS E1 channel group - 15 (Valid range 0..15) For CAS DS1 SF channel group - 3 (Valid range 0..3) For non-CAS or non-CEM channel group - 0 (Valid range 0..0)" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry 15 } tmnxDS0ChanGroupBerSfLinkDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS0ChanGroupBerSfLinkDown specifies whether or not the DS0 channel-group will become operationally down when a BER-SF alarm is raised. If tmnxDS0ChanGroupBerSfLinkDown is false then the channel-group will not operationally change state due to BER-SF alarms." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxDS0ChanGroupEntry 16 } tmnxBundleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxBundleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxBundleTable has an entry for a bundle created on the system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 14 } tmnxBundleEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBundleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a multilink bundle on a MDA. Entries can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations using the tmnxBundleRowStatus object. The tmnxBundleBundleID will contain the bundle number encoded in it. The bundle number is unique for a MDA. For each tmnxBundleEntry, there will be a corresponding entry in the tmnxPortTable and the ifTable." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxBundleBundleID } ::= { tmnxBundleTable 1 } TmnxBundleEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxBundleBundleID TmnxBundleID, tmnxBundleRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxBundleType INTEGER, tmnxBundleMinimumLinks Unsigned32, tmnxBundleNumLinks Unsigned32, tmnxBundleNumActiveLinks Unsigned32, tmnxBundleMRRU Unsigned32, tmnxBundleOperMRRU Unsigned32, tmnxBundlePeerMRRU Unsigned32, tmnxBundleOperMTU Unsigned32, tmnxBundleRedDiffDelay Unsigned32, tmnxBundleRedDiffDelayAction INTEGER, tmnxBundleYellowDiffDelay Unsigned32, tmnxBundleShortSequence TruthValue, tmnxBundleLastChangeTime TimeStamp, tmnxBundleFragmentThreshold Unsigned32, tmnxBundleUpTime Unsigned32, tmnxBundleInputDiscards Counter32, tmnxBundlePrimaryMemberPortID TmnxPortID, tmnxBundleLFI TruthValue, tmnxBundleProtectedType INTEGER, tmnxBundleParentBundle TmnxBundleID } tmnxBundleBundleID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBundleID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleBundleID identifies this multilink bundle. The value of this object is calculated using the TiMOS encoding scheme described in TmnxBundleID. tmnxBundleBundleID is used as an index into the ifTable and the tmnxPortTable to access an entry corresponding to this entry." ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 1 } tmnxBundleRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of row entries in the tmnxBundleTable. The manager has to first calculate the tmnxBundleBundleID based on the TiMOS encoding." ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 2 } tmnxBundleType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mlppp (1), mlfr (2), imagrp (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleType specifies the type of this multilink bundle. It provides a reference as to the type of bundle this row refers to but does not map to the direct value of bundle type defined in TmnxBundleID." DEFVAL { mlppp } ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 3 } tmnxBundleMinimumLinks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMinimumLinks is the minimum number of links that must be active for a bundle to be active. If the number of links drop below the given minimum then the multilink bundle will transition to an operation down state." ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 4 } tmnxBundleNumLinks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleNumLinks indicates the total number of links configured for this bundle." ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 5 } tmnxBundleNumActiveLinks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleNumActiveLinks indicates the current number of active links belonging to this bundle." ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 6 } tmnxBundleMRRU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1500..9206) UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMRRU is used to configure the Max Received Reconstructed Unit (MRRU). This is the maximum frame that can be reconstructed from multilink fragments. This object is only applicable to tmnxBundleType value of mlppp. All non applicable types have a value of zero." DEFVAL { 1524 } ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 7 } tmnxBundleOperMRRU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleOperMRRU indicates the operational value of Max Received Reconstructed Unit (MRRU). This object is only applicable to tmnxBundleType value of mlppp. All non applicable types have a value of zero." ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 8 } tmnxBundlePeerMRRU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundlePeerMRRU indicates the MRRU value sent by the peer during negotiation. This object is only applicable to tmnxBundleType value of mlppp. All non applicable types have a value of zero." ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 9 } tmnxBundleOperMTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleOperMTU indicates the operational MTU of the bundle." ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 10 } tmnxBundleRedDiffDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..50) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleRedDiffDelay configures the maximum acceptable differential delay for individual circuits within this multilink bundle. If the delay exceeds this threshold, a tmnxEqPortBndlRedDiffExceeded trap is issued. For a tmnxBundleType value of 'imagrp' a range of 0 to 50 is supported, 0 to 25 otherwise." ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 11 } tmnxBundleRedDiffDelayAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), down (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleRedDiffDelayAction specifies the action to be taken when the differential delay exceeds the threshold configured in tmnxBundleRedDiffDelay. For a tmnxBundleType value of 'imagrp', only the down action is supported." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 12 } tmnxBundleYellowDiffDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..25) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleYellowDiffDelay configures the yellow warning threshold for the differential delay for the circuits within a given multilink bundle. If the delay exceeds this threshold, a tmnxEqPortBndlYellowDiffExceeded trap is issued. This object is only applicable to tmnxBundleType values of 'mlppp' or 'mlfr'. All non applicable types have a value of zero." ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 13 } tmnxBundleShortSequence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleShortSequence command specifies that the MLPPP bundle should use short (12 bit) sequence numbers. Instead of the standard long (24 bits) sequence number. This object is only applicable to tmnxBundleType value of mlppp." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 14 } tmnxBundleLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxBundleLastChangeTime variable contains the sysUpTime value of the most recently modified writable variable in the tmnxBundleEntry row for this channel group." ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 15 } tmnxBundleFragmentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 128..512) UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBundleFragmentThreshold specifies the maximum length of a fragment transmitted across the multilink bundle. Values supported within each bundle type are hardware dependent. The value of 0 specifies no fragmentation. Currently, the following values are supported depending upon the tmnxBundleType value: tmnxBundleType tmnxBundleFragmentThreshold values supported mlppp 0; 128 to 512 inclusive imagrp 128 mlfr 0; 128 to 512 inclusive" DEFVAL { 128 } ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 16 } tmnxBundleUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleUpTime indicates the time since the bundle is operationally 'inService'." ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 17 } tmnxBundleInputDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleInputDiscards indicates the number of LCP packets that were discarded. This object is only supported for a tmnxBundleType value of mlppp." ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 18 } tmnxBundlePrimaryMemberPortID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundlePrimaryMemberPortID indicates the TmnxPortID of the primary member of this bundle. The value of this object will be zero if there are no members configured in this bundle." ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 19 } tmnxBundleLFI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleLFI specifies if Link Fragmentation and Interleaving is enabled on the multilink bundle. A value of 'false' indicates that Link Fragmentation and Interleaving is disabled on the multilink bundle while a value of 'true' indicates that Link Fragmentation and Interleaving is enabled on the multilink bundle. This object is only supported for tmnxBundleType value of mlppp. The value of tmnxBundleLFI may be modified only when no members are part of the bundle. This object cannot be set to true when tmnxBundleMlpppClassCount object value is set to enable Multiclass MLPPP on the bundle." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 20 } tmnxBundleProtectedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), working (1), protection (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleProtectedType identifies how this bundle is part of a tmnxBundleParentBundle. A value of 'none' identifies no protection, 'working' identifies it to be a working bundle of a tmnxBundleParentBundle and 'protection' identifies it to be a protection bundle of a tmnxBundleParentBundle. tmnxBundleProtectedType can only be set at row creation." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 21 } tmnxBundleParentBundle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBundleID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleParentBundle specifies the parent to which this bundle belongs. A row for the given non zero value of tmnxBundleParentBundle must exist for this row to be successfully created. If a bundle has no parent, its value is zero. tmnxBundleParentBundle can only be set at row creation." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxBundleEntry 22 } tmnxBundleMemberTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxBundleMemberEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxBundleMemberTable has an entry for a member port associated with a multilink bundle." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 15 } tmnxBundleMemberEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBundleMemberEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a port associated with a bundle. Entries can be added or removed from this table using SNMP SET operation." INDEX { tmnxBundleBundleID, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxBundleMemberTable 1 } TmnxBundleMemberEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxBundleMemberRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxBundleMemberActive TruthValue, tmnxBundleMemberDownReason INTEGER, tmnxBundleMemberUpTime Unsigned32 } tmnxBundleMemberRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of row entries in the tmnxBundleMemberTable. tmnxPortPortID identifies the port to be associated with the bundle. A bundle entry with tmnxBundleBundleID has to exist in the tmnxBundleTable before creating an entry in this table." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberEntry 1 } tmnxBundleMemberActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberActive is set to 'false' for one of reasons in tmnxBundleMemberDownReason." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberEntry 2 } tmnxBundleMemberDownReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), outOfService (1), redDiffDelayExceeded (2), mismatchEndPtDiscriminator (3), peerNotBundleMember (4), underNegotiation (5), peerInvalidMlHdrFmt (6), other (7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberDownReason contains the reason code for marking the member link of the bundle to down (i.e. tmnxBundleMemberActive will be set to false): none - The link is active and the value of tmnxBundleMemberActive is 'true'. outOfService - The link operational status is down. redDiffDelayExceeded - The differential delay of the link exceeded the configured value of red differential delay and tmnxBundleRedDiffDelayAction was configured as 'down'. mismatchEndPtDiscriminator - Detected inconsistent peer endpoint discriminator for the bundle. peerNotBundleMember - When the peer is either not added to the bundle or is removed from the bundle. underNegotiation - When the local end is trying to negotiate with the peer. peerInvalidMlHdrFmt - The peer does not support the required ML-PPP header format. The remote peer must support the same short/long sequence code, and at least as many classes as configured for the local bundle. other - Refer to the corresponding member table, if any, for more information based on the tmnxBundleType." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberEntry 3 } tmnxBundleMemberUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberUpTime indicates the time since the bundle member is active as indicated by tmnxBundleMemberActive." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberEntry 4 } tmnxPortToChannelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortToChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortToChannelTable is a mapping table. Given a chassis index, physical port index and channel string, it maps it to the index of the channel. This channel index can then be used as an index into the ifTable or the tmnxPortTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 16 } tmnxPortToChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortToChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a mapping of the physical port index and the channel index string to the index of the channel." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tmnxChannelIdxString } ::= { tmnxPortToChannelTable 1 } TmnxPortToChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxChannelIdxString DisplayString, tmnxChannelPortID TmnxPortID } tmnxChannelIdxString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxChannelIdxString is an index into the table. It contains a string identifying a channel on the physical port." ::= { tmnxPortToChannelEntry 1 } tmnxChannelPortID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxChannelPortID contains the port ID of the channel. This value is used to identify the entry for this channel in the ifTable or the tmnxPortTable." ::= { tmnxPortToChannelEntry 2 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatTable contains a row for each ethernet or SONET/SDH port located on an oversubscribed MDA. Each object in a row refers to a QoS priority and forwarding class, which is a decimal value between 00 and 15 inclusive. The following table describes each decimal value: | Priority |------------------ Forwarding Class | High Low ---------------------------------------- NC (Network Control) | 00 01 H1 (Voice) | 02 03 EF (Premium) | 04 05 H2 (Video) | 06 07 L1 (Management) | 08 09 AF (Assured) | 10 11 L2 (Priority) | 12 13 BE (Best Effort) | 14 15" ::= { tmnxPortObjs 17 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row indicates the MDA QoS discard statistics on an ethernet or SONET/SDH port located on an oversubscribed MDA. For ethernet ports, the tmnxPortEtherIngressRate object indicates the ingress shaping rate configured." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatTable 1 } TmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortIngrMdaQos00StatDropPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos00StatDropOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos01StatDropPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos01StatDropOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos02StatDropPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos02StatDropOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos03StatDropPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos03StatDropOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos04StatDropPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos04StatDropOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos05StatDropPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos05StatDropOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos06StatDropPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos06StatDropOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos07StatDropPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos07StatDropOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos08StatDropPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos08StatDropOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos09StatDropPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos09StatDropOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos10StatDropPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos10StatDropOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos11StatDropPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos11StatDropOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos12StatDropPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos12StatDropOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos13StatDropPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos13StatDropOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos14StatDropPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos14StatDropOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos15StatDropPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngrMdaQos15StatDropOcts Counter64 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos00StatDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos00StatDropPkts indicates the number of packets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 00 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 1 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos00StatDropOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos00StatDropOcts indicates the number of octets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 00 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 2 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos01StatDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos01StatDropPkts indicates the number of packets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 01 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 3 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos01StatDropOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos01StatDropOcts indicates the number of octets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 01 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 4 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos02StatDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos02StatDropPkts indicates the number of packets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 02 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 5 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos02StatDropOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos02StatDropOcts indicates the number of octets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 02 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 6 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos03StatDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos03StatDropPkts indicates the number of packets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 03 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 7 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos03StatDropOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos03StatDropOcts indicates the number of octets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 03 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 8 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos04StatDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos04StatDropPkts indicates the number of packets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 04 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 9 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos04StatDropOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos04StatDropOcts indicates the number of octets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 04 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 10 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos05StatDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos05StatDropPkts indicates the number of packets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 05 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 11 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos05StatDropOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos05StatDropOcts indicates the number of octets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 05 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 12 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos06StatDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos06StatDropPkts indicates the number of packets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 06 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 13 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos06StatDropOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos06StatDropOcts indicates the number of octets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 06 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 14 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos07StatDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos07StatDropPkts indicates the number of packets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 07 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 15 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos07StatDropOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos07StatDropOcts indicates the number of octets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 07 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 16 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos08StatDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos08StatDropPkts indicates the number of packets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 08 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 17 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos08StatDropOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos08StatDropOcts indicates the number of octets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 08 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 18 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos09StatDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos09StatDropPkts indicates the number of packets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 09 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 19 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos09StatDropOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos09StatDropOcts indicates the number of octets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 09 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 20 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos10StatDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos10StatDropPkts indicates the number of packets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 10 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 21 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos10StatDropOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos10StatDropOcts indicates the number of octets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 10 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 22 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos11StatDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos11StatDropPkts indicates the number of packets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 11 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 23 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos11StatDropOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos11StatDropOcts indicates the number of octets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 11 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 24 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos12StatDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos12StatDropPkts indicates the number of packets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 12 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 25 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos12StatDropOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos12StatDropOcts indicates the number of octets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 12 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 26 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos13StatDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos13StatDropPkts indicates the number of packets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 13 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 27 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos13StatDropOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos13StatDropOcts indicates the number of octets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 13 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 28 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos14StatDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos14StatDropPkts indicates the number of packets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 14 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 29 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos14StatDropOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos14StatDropOcts indicates the number of octets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 14 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 30 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos15StatDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos15StatDropPkts indicates the number of packets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 15 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 31 } tmnxPortIngrMdaQos15StatDropOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortIngrMdaQos15StatDropOcts indicates the number of octets dropped on the oversubscribed MDA for QoS classifier result threshold 15 because of an overload condition on the MDA." ::= { tmnxPortIngrMdaQosStatEntry 32 } tmnxSonetGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxSonetGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxSonetGroupTable has an entry for each Tributary Unit Group(TUG3) on a path. On a port which supports unchannelized STS-3's, rows in this table are created when a channelized STS-3 has its tmnxSonetPathChildType set to sdhTug3. On a port which does not support unchannelized STS-3's, the rows in this table are implicitly created when a STS-3 is created in the tmnxSonetPathTable. Entries in this table are implicitly deleted when the parent entry of this group is deleted from the tmnxSonetPathTable or if the tmnxSonetPathChildType of the parent is set to something other than sdhTug3." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 18 } tmnxSonetGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSonetGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a Tributary Unit Group(TUG3) on a path." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxSonetGroupTable 1 } TmnxSonetGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxSonetGroupType TmnxMDAChanType, tmnxSonetGroupParentPortID TmnxPortID, tmnxSonetGroupChildType TmnxMDAChanType, tmnxSonetGroupName TNamedItemOrEmpty } tmnxSonetGroupType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMDAChanType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxSonetGroupType indicates the sonet group type of this entry. For STS-3/STM-1 channelization, the value of this object will be 'sdhTug3'." ::= { tmnxSonetGroupEntry 1 } tmnxSonetGroupParentPortID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxSonetGroupParentPortID indicates the TmnxPortID of the parent of this group." ::= { tmnxSonetGroupEntry 2 } tmnxSonetGroupChildType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMDAChanType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxSonetGroupChildType is used to configure the type of the children of this group. Based on the value of this object, entries of a certain channel type can be created in the tmnxSonetPathTable. For example, if the value of this object is set to 'sonetVt15', then 28 entries of type 'sonetVt15' can be created in the tmnxSonetPathTable." ::= { tmnxSonetGroupEntry 3 } tmnxSonetGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxSonetGroupName is the textual name for this sonet group." ::= { tmnxSonetGroupEntry 4 } tmnxPortScalarObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortObjs 19 } tmnxL4LoadBalancing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxL4LoadBalancing specifies whether layer 4 information, src and dst ports, should be used in the LAG and ECMP hashing algorithm. This is the global system setting that all ports will inherit. When set to 'true', src and dst ports are used in the hashing algorithm. The per port setting of tmnxPortLoadBalanceAlgorithm can override tmnxL4LoadBalancing." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortScalarObjs 1 } tmnxLsrIpLoadBalancing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { label-only (1), label-ip (2), ip-only (3), eth-encap-ip (4), label-ip-l4-teid (5), reserved6 (6), label-ip-or-teid (7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLsrIpLoadBalancing specifies whether the IP Header is used in the LAG and ECMP LSR hashing algorithm. This is the global system setting that all ports will inherit. When set to 'label-ip (2)', the IP Header is included in the hashing algorithm. When set to 'ip-only (3)' the IP Header is used exclusively in the hashing algorithm. When set to 'eth-encap-ip (4)' the IP SA/DA fields is used in the hashing Algorithm. When set to 'label-ip-l4-teid (5)' the hashing algorithm hashes based on label, IP header, L4 header, and GTP header (TEID) in order. The hashing algorithm will use all the supported headers that are found in the header fragment of incoming traffic. When set to 'label-eth-ip-l4-teid (6)' the hashing algorithm hashes based on label, ETH header if present, IP header, L4 src/dst port and GTP header (TEID). When set to 'label-ip-or-teid (7)' the hashing algorithm hashes based on label or labels, IP SA/DA, IPv4 Protocol or GTP header (TEID)." DEFVAL { label-only } ::= { tmnxPortScalarObjs 2 } tmnxIpLoadBalancing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standard (1), systemIp (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxIpLoadBalancing specifies whether or not this node's system IP address is used in the final stage of the load balancing (hashing) algorithm used to choose the LAG member or ECMP route for an outbound packet. If 'systemIp(2)' is selected, this node's system IP address (i.e. TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRiaIpAddress.1.1.1) is used in the final stage of the LAG and ECMP load balancing algorithm. This selection makes it more likely that different SROS nodes in a network will make different load balancing decisions. 'systemIp(2)' is supported on iom3-xp IOMs, equivalent IMMs, and newer IOM and IMM types. When older IOMs/IMMs are present in a system which has 'systemIp(2)' configured, the older IOMs operate in 'standard(1)' mode. If 'standard(1)' is selected, this node's system IP address is not used in the final stage of the LAG and ECMP load balancing algorithm. 'standard(1)' is supported on all IOM and IMM types. The earlier stages of the load balancing algorithm are controlled by tmnxL4LoadBalancing and tmnxLsrIpLoadBalancing (when applicable)." DEFVAL { standard } ::= { tmnxPortScalarObjs 3 } tmnxMulticastEnhLoadBalancing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMulticastEnhLoadBalancing specifies how the node distributes multicast traffic over LAG ports. The default value, 'false (1),' preserves the behaviour prior to the introduction of this object: multicast traffic hash uses internal system multicast identifiers. This allows per multicast (S,G) channel (IP replication) or per LSP (MPLS replication) traffic distribution over LAG. The value of 'true (2)' introduces an enhanced multicast distribution over LAG: multicast traffic hash uses packet header information and configuration of other system level hashing parameters like tmnxL4LoadBalancing, tmnxLsrIpLoadBalancing, or tmnxIpLoadBalancing. The functionality allows for a greater flexibility in defining how multicast is to be distributed over a LAG allowing, for example, per (S,G) channel distribution for both IP and MPLS replications." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortScalarObjs 4 } tmnxServiceIdLagHashing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxServiceIdLagHashing specifies how the node distributes LAG link traffic in a VLL service when both ECMP and LAG load balancing are performed. The default value, 'false (1),' preserves the behaviour prior to the introduction of this object: the ingress IOM will select one ECMP interface and one LAG link for all packets on the VLL service based on a modulo of the service ID. The value of 'true (2)' introduces an enhanced distribution which hashes the service-id prior to the LAG link modulo operation. The default value, 'false (1),' preserves the behaviour prior to the introduction of this object: the ingress IOM will select one ECMP interface and one LAG link for all packets on the VLL service based on a modulo of the service ID. The value of 'true (2)' introduces an enhanced distribution for VLL services." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortScalarObjs 5 } tmnxL2tpLoadBalancing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxL2tpLoadBalancing specifies if the L2TP header is taken into account for the load-balancing hash." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxPortScalarObjs 6 } tmnxLoadBalancingHashEcmpPoly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCrcPolynomial MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLoadBalancingHashEcmpPoly specifies the CRC polynomial used in the ECMP hashing. This is the global system setting that would affect system wide ECMP hashing. The same polynomial value cannot be used by both tmnxLoadBalancingHashEcmpPoly and tmnxLoadBalancingHashLagPoly." DEFVAL { poly1 } ::= { tmnxPortScalarObjs 7 } tmnxLoadBalancingHashLagPoly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCrcPolynomial MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxLoadBalancingHashLagPoly specifies the CRC polynomial used in the LAG hashing. This is the global system setting that affects system wide LAG hashing. The same polynomial value cannot be used by both tmnxLoadBalancingHashEcmpPoly and tmnxLoadBalancingHashLagPoly." DEFVAL { poly2 } ::= { tmnxPortScalarObjs 8 } tmnxCiscoHDLCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCiscoHDLCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCiscoHDLCTable has an entry for each port in the system that is configured for Cisco HDLC. It contains the parameters related to Cisco HDLC protocol on this port." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 20 } tmnxCiscoHDLCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCiscoHDLCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCiscoHDLCEntry specifies parameters for a particular interfaces running Cisco HDLC encapsulation. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxCiscoHDLCTable 1 } TmnxCiscoHDLCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCiscoHDLCKeepAliveInt Unsigned32, tmnxCiscoHDLCUpCount Unsigned32, tmnxCiscoHDLCDownCount Unsigned32, tmnxCiscoHDLCOperState TmnxOperState } tmnxCiscoHDLCKeepAliveInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..300) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxCiscoHDLCKeepAliveInt specifies the interval in seconds used for sending periodic keepalive packets. The default value is set to 10 seconds. A value of 0 specifies that the keepalive function is turned off. It is expected that the nodes at the two endpoints of the Cisco HDLC link are provisioned with the same values." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { tmnxCiscoHDLCEntry 1 } tmnxCiscoHDLCUpCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxCiscoHDLCUpCount specifies the number of continual keepalive packets that has to be received to declare the link up. It is expected that the nodes at the two endpoints of the Cisco HDLC link are provisioned with the same values." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxCiscoHDLCEntry 2 } tmnxCiscoHDLCDownCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..16) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxCiscoHDLCDownCount specifies the number of 'tmnxCiscoHDLCKeepAliveInt' intervals that must pass without receiving a keepalive packet before the link is declared down. It is expected that the nodes at the two endpoints of the Cisco HDLC link are provisioned with the same values." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { tmnxCiscoHDLCEntry 3 } tmnxCiscoHDLCOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCiscoHDLCOperState indicates the operational status of the Cisco HDLC protocol for this port." ::= { tmnxCiscoHDLCEntry 4 } tmnxBundleImaGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxBundleImaGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxBundleImaGrpTable contains IMA Group data" ::= { tmnxPortObjs 21 } tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBundleImaGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains data on an IMA Group." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxBundleBundleID } ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpTable 1 } TmnxBundleImaGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxBundleImaGrpLnkActTimer Unsigned32, tmnxBundleImaGrpLnkDeactTimer Unsigned32, tmnxBundleImaGrpSymmetryMode INTEGER, tmnxBundleImaGrpTxId Integer32, tmnxBundleImaGrpRxId Integer32, tmnxBundleImaGrpTxRefLnk TmnxPortID, tmnxBundleImaGrpRxRefLnk TmnxPortID, tmnxBundleImaGrpSmNeState TmnxImaGrpState, tmnxBundleImaGrpSmFeState TmnxImaGrpState, tmnxBundleImaGrpSmFailState TmnxImaGrpFailState, tmnxBundleImaGrpSmDownSecs Counter32, tmnxBundleImaGrpSmOperSecs Counter32, tmnxBundleImaGrpAvailTxCR Gauge32, tmnxBundleImaGrpAvailRxCR Gauge32, tmnxBundleImaGrpNeFails Counter32, tmnxBundleImaGrpFeFails Counter32, tmnxBundleImaGrpTxIcpCells Counter32, tmnxBundleImaGrpRxIcpCells Counter32, tmnxBundleImaGrpErrorIcpCells Counter32, tmnxBundleImaGrpLostRxIcpCells Counter32, tmnxBundleImaGrpTxOamLablVal Integer32, tmnxBundleImaGrpRxOamLablVal Integer32, tmnxBundleImaGrpAlphaValue Integer32, tmnxBundleImaGrpBetaValue Integer32, tmnxBundleImaGrpGammaValue Integer32, tmnxBundleImaGrpNeClockMode TmnxImaGrpClockModes, tmnxBundleImaGrpFeClockMode TmnxImaGrpClockModes, tmnxBundleImaGrpVersion TmnxImaGrpVersion, tmnxBundleImaGrpMaxConfBw Unsigned32, tmnxBundleImaGrpTestState TmnxImaTestState, tmnxBundleImaGrpTestMember TmnxPortID, tmnxBundleImaGrpTestPattern Integer32, tmnxBundleImaGrpDiffDelayMaxObs Unsigned32, tmnxBundleImaGrpLeastDelayLink Unsigned32 } tmnxBundleImaGrpLnkActTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..30000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpLnkActTimer specifies the Link Activation Timer used to clear an existing LIF, LODS and FRI-IMA alarm. The time specified determines how long is needed for member links to stabilize before being activated." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 1 } tmnxBundleImaGrpLnkDeactTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..30000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpLnkDeactTimer specifies the Link Deactivation Timer used to raise an LIF, LODS and FRI-IMA alarm. The time specified determines how long before a member link is declared in error and is deactivated." DEFVAL { 2000 } ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 2 } tmnxBundleImaGrpSymmetryMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { symmetric (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpSymmetryMode specifies the type of cell rate transfer over the virtual link." DEFVAL { symmetric } ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 3 } tmnxBundleImaGrpTxId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpTxId indicates the IMA Id generated at group creation time used by the near-end." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 4 } tmnxBundleImaGrpRxId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpRxId indicates the IMA ID generated at group creation time used by the far-end." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 5 } tmnxBundleImaGrpTxRefLnk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpTxRefLnk indicates the IMA bundle member that was selected to be the transmit timing reference link. If no member has been selected as the reference link a value of zero is returned. " ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 6 } tmnxBundleImaGrpRxRefLnk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpRxRefLnk indicates the IMA bundle member that was detected to be the receive timing reference link. If no member has been detected as the reference link a value of zero is returned. " ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 7 } tmnxBundleImaGrpSmNeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxImaGrpState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpSmNeState indicates the current state of the IMA Group for the near-end." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 8 } tmnxBundleImaGrpSmFeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxImaGrpState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpSmFeState indicates the current state of the IMA Group for the far-end." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 9 } tmnxBundleImaGrpSmFailState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxImaGrpFailState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpSmFailState indicates the current state of the IMA Group." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 10 } tmnxBundleImaGrpSmDownSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpSmDownSecs indicates the number of seconds that the IMA Group State Machine is not Operational." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 11 } tmnxBundleImaGrpSmOperSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpSmOperSecs indicates the number of seconds that the IMA Group State Machine has been in the Operational State." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 12 } tmnxBundleImaGrpAvailTxCR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpAvailTxCR indicates the available transmit bandwidth on this IMA group. It only considers members that are in the Active State." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 13 } tmnxBundleImaGrpAvailRxCR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpAvailRxCR indicates the available bandwidth on this IMA group in the receive direction. It only considers members that are in the Active State." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 14 } tmnxBundleImaGrpNeFails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpNeFails indicates the number of reported IMA Group failures since boot time." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 15 } tmnxBundleImaGrpFeFails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpFeFails indicates the number of reported IMA Group far-end failures since boot time." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 16 } tmnxBundleImaGrpTxIcpCells OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpTxIcpCells indicates number of transmitted ICP cells for this IMA Group." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 17 } tmnxBundleImaGrpRxIcpCells OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpRxIcpCells indicates number of received ICP cells for this IMA Group." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 18 } tmnxBundleImaGrpErrorIcpCells OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpErrorIcpCells indicates number of ICP cells with HEC or CRC-10 errors." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 19 } tmnxBundleImaGrpLostRxIcpCells OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpLostRxIcpCells indicates the number of missing ICP cells at the expected offset." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 20 } tmnxBundleImaGrpTxOamLablVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpTxOamLablVal indicates near-end value to be transmitted." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 21 } tmnxBundleImaGrpRxOamLablVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpRxOamLablVal indicates far-end value received." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 22 } tmnxBundleImaGrpAlphaValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpAlphaValue specifies the number of consecutive ICP cells that need to be detected before moving from the IMA Sync State to the IMA Hunt State." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 23 } tmnxBundleImaGrpBetaValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpBetaValue specifies the number of consecutive errored ICP cells that need to be detected before moving from the IMA Sync State to the IMA Hunt State" DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 24 } tmnxBundleImaGrpGammaValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpGammaValue specifies the number of consecutive valid ICP cells that need to be detected before moving from the IMA pre-Sync State to the IMA Hunt State." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 25 } tmnxBundleImaGrpNeClockMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxImaGrpClockModes MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpNeClockMode specifies near-end transmit clock mode." DEFVAL { ctc } ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 26 } tmnxBundleImaGrpFeClockMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxImaGrpClockModes MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpFeClockMode specifies far-end transmit clock mode." DEFVAL { ctc } ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 27 } tmnxBundleImaGrpVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxImaGrpVersion MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpVersion specifies the IMA Version for this group." DEFVAL { oneDotOne } ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 28 } tmnxBundleImaGrpMaxConfBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpMaxConfBw specifies the number of links that is used to determine the maximum configurable bandwidth that is allowed to be used for this IMA group." DEFVAL { 8 } ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 29 } tmnxBundleImaGrpTestState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxImaTestState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpTestState specifies the current state of the test pattern procedure. A value of 'disabled' specifies that the group is currently not running. A value of 'operating' enables the test pattern procedure. The test pattern procedure continues until it is 'disabled'." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 30 } tmnxBundleImaGrpTestMember OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpTestMember specifies a member link to be used for the test pattern procedure. A value of zero indicates that no member link has been selected. When tmnxBundleImaGrpTestState does not have the value 'disabled', an attempt to set this object will be rejected with an inconsistentValue error." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 31 } tmnxBundleImaGrpTestPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpTestPattern specifies the Transmit Test Pattern in an IMA group loopback operation. This value may only be changed when tmnxBundleImaGrpTestState is 'disabled'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 32 } tmnxBundleImaGrpDiffDelayMaxObs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpDiffDelayMaxObs indicates the latest maximum differential delay observed between links having the least and most link propagation delay among the received links configured in this IMA group." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 33 } tmnxBundleImaGrpLeastDelayLink OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleImaGrpLeastDelayLink indicates a member link which has the smallest link propagation delay. If this delay has yet to be determined or no member link has been configured, a value of zero is returned." ::= { tmnxBundleImaGrpEntry 34 } tmnxBundleMemberImaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxBundleMemberImaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxBundleMemberImaTable has an entry for an IMA link associated with an IMA Group." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 22 } tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBundleMemberImaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an IMA link associated with an IMA Group." INDEX { tmnxBundleBundleID, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaTable 1 } TmnxBundleMemberImaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxBundleMemberImaNeTxState TmnxImaLnkState, tmnxBundleMemberImaNeRxState TmnxImaLnkState, tmnxBundleMemberImaFeTxState TmnxImaLnkState, tmnxBundleMemberImaFeRxState TmnxImaLnkState, tmnxBundleMemberImaNeRxFailState TmnxImaLnkFailState, tmnxBundleMemberImaFeRxFailState TmnxImaLnkFailState, tmnxBundleMemberImaTxLid Integer32, tmnxBundleMemberImaRxLid Integer32, tmnxBundleMemberImaViolations Counter32, tmnxBundleMemberImaNeSevErrSecs Counter32, tmnxBundleMemberImaFeSevErrSecs Counter32, tmnxBundleMemberImaNeUnavailSecs Counter32, tmnxBundleMemberImaFeUnavailSecs Counter32, tmnxBundleMemberImaNeTxUnuseSecs Counter32, tmnxBundleMemberImaNeRxUnuseSecs Counter32, tmnxBundleMemberImaFeTxUnuseSecs Counter32, tmnxBundleMemberImaFeRxUnuseSecs Counter32, tmnxBundleMemberImaNeTxNumFails Counter32, tmnxBundleMemberImaNeRxNumFails Counter32, tmnxBundleMemberImaFeTxNumFails Counter32, tmnxBundleMemberImaFeRxNumFails Counter32, tmnxBundleMemberImaTxIcpCells Counter32, tmnxBundleMemberImaRxIcpCells Counter32, tmnxBundleMemberImaErrorIcpCells Counter32, tmnxBundleMemberImaLstRxIcpCells Counter32, tmnxBundleMemberImaOifAnomalies Counter32, tmnxBundleMemberImaRxTestState TmnxImaTestState, tmnxBundleMemberImaRxTestPattern Integer32, tmnxBundleMemberImaRelDelay Unsigned32 } tmnxBundleMemberImaNeTxState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxImaLnkState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaNeTxState indicates the state of near-end transmit IMA link." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 1 } tmnxBundleMemberImaNeRxState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxImaLnkState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaNeRxState indicates the state of near-end receive IMA link." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 2 } tmnxBundleMemberImaFeTxState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxImaLnkState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaFeTxState indicates the state of far-end transmit IMA link." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 3 } tmnxBundleMemberImaFeRxState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxImaLnkState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaFeRxState indicates the state of far-end receive IMA link." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 4 } tmnxBundleMemberImaNeRxFailState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxImaLnkFailState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaNeRxFailState indicates the IMA link failure reason for the near-end." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 5 } tmnxBundleMemberImaFeRxFailState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxImaLnkFailState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaFeRxFailState indicates the IMA link failure reason for the far-end." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 6 } tmnxBundleMemberImaTxLid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaTxLid indicates the Link Identifier assigned to the transmit IMA link." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 7 } tmnxBundleMemberImaRxLid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaRxLid indicates the Link Identifier used on the receive IMA link." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 8 } tmnxBundleMemberImaViolations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaViolations indicates the number of ICP violations including errored, invalid or missing ICP cells." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 9 } tmnxBundleMemberImaNeSevErrSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaNeSevErrSecs indicates the number of one second intervals in which thirty percent or more of the near-end ICP cells are in violation, or link defects have occurred." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 10 } tmnxBundleMemberImaFeSevErrSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaFeSevErrSecs indicates the number of one second intervals in which the far-end contains IMA-RDI defects." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 11 } tmnxBundleMemberImaNeUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaNeUnavailSecs indicates the number of unavailable seconds at the near-end." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 12 } tmnxBundleMemberImaFeUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaFeUnavailSecs indicates the number of unavailable seconds at the near-end." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 13 } tmnxBundleMemberImaNeTxUnuseSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaNeTxUnuseSecs indicates the number of unavailable seconds at the near-end transmit link state machine." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 14 } tmnxBundleMemberImaNeRxUnuseSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaNeRxUnuseSecs indicates the number of unavailable seconds at the near-end receive link state machine." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 15 } tmnxBundleMemberImaFeTxUnuseSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaFeTxUnuseSecs indicates the number of unavailable seconds at the far-end transmit link state machine." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 16 } tmnxBundleMemberImaFeRxUnuseSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaFeRxUnuseSecs indicates the number of unavailable seconds at the far-end receive link state machine." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 17 } tmnxBundleMemberImaNeTxNumFails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaNeTxNumFails indicates the number of times that a near-end transmit alarm is set on the IMA link." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 18 } tmnxBundleMemberImaNeRxNumFails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaNeRxNumFails indicates the number of times that a near-end receive alarm is set on the IMA link." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 19 } tmnxBundleMemberImaFeTxNumFails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaFeTxNumFails indicates the number of times that a far-end transmit alarm is set on the IMA link." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 20 } tmnxBundleMemberImaFeRxNumFails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaFeRxNumFails indicates the number of times that a far-end receive alarm is set on the IMA link." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 21 } tmnxBundleMemberImaTxIcpCells OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaTxIcpCells indicates the number of ICP cells that have been transmitted on the IMA link." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 22 } tmnxBundleMemberImaRxIcpCells OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaRxIcpCells indicates the number of ICP cells that have been received on the IMA link." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 23 } tmnxBundleMemberImaErrorIcpCells OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaErrorIcpCells indicates the number of ICP cells with HEC or CRC-10 errors." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 24 } tmnxBundleMemberImaLstRxIcpCells OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaLstRxIcpCells indicates the number of lost ICP cells at the expected offset." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 25 } tmnxBundleMemberImaOifAnomalies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaOifAnomalies indicates the number of OIF anomalies at the near-end." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 26 } tmnxBundleMemberImaRxTestState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxImaTestState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaRxTestState indicates the current state of the test pattern on this link." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 27 } tmnxBundleMemberImaRxTestPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaRxTestPattern indicates the received test pattern value on this link." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 28 } tmnxBundleMemberImaRelDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMemberImaRelDelay indicates the latest measured delay on this member link relative to the member link with the least delay within the same IMA group" ::= { tmnxBundleMemberImaEntry 29 } tmnxDS1PortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxDS1PortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxDS1PortTable has an entry for a DS1 physical port." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 23 } tmnxDS1PortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDS1PortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a physical DS1 port on a IOM card in a chassis in the system. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. Entries in this table will be created automatically when the tmnxMDAAssignedType object is set to the DS1 MDA type The tmnxDS1PortEntry contains attributes that are unique to the 'ds1e1' TmnxPortType. The tmnxPortPortID contains the slot, mda and port numbers encoded into it. For each tmnxDS1PortEntry, there will be a corresponding entry in the tmnxPortTable and the ifTable." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxDS1PortTable 1 } TmnxDS1PortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxDS1PortBuildout INTEGER, tmnxDS1PortLastChangeTime TimeStamp, tmnxDS1PortType INTEGER, tmnxDS1PortLineLength INTEGER, tmnxDS1PortLbo INTEGER, tmnxDS1PortDbGain Integer32, tmnxDS1PortLineImpedance Unsigned32, tmnxDS1PortLineEncoding INTEGER } tmnxDS1PortBuildout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { short (1), long (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1PortBuildout configures the cable buildout length. A ds1 port has two settings for the DS1 cable buildout: a 'short' setting, for cable lengths of less than or equal to 655 feet, and a 'long' setting for cable lengths of greater than 655 feet. This object applies to copper-cable-based DS1 ports only." DEFVAL { short } ::= { tmnxDS1PortEntry 1 } tmnxDS1PortLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxDS1PortLastChangeTime variable contains the sysUpTime value of the most recently modified writable variable in the tmnxDS1PortEntry row for this port." ::= { tmnxDS1PortEntry 2 } tmnxDS1PortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ds1 (1), e1 (2), j1 (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1PortType configures the type of the physical port to 'ds1', 'e1' or 'j1'." DEFVAL { ds1 } ::= { tmnxDS1PortEntry 3 } tmnxDS1PortLineLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { lengthNotApplicable (1), length0To133 (2), length134To266 (3), length267To399 (4), length400To533 (5), length534To655 (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1PortLineLength configuration only applies to a ds1 port configured with a 'short' buildout. tmnxDS1PortLineLength configures the length of the line (in feet). For line lengths longer than 655 feet configure the ds1 port buildout as 'long'. For 'long' buildout the following values are valid: lengthNotApplicable - Not applicable For 'short' buildout the following values are valid: length0To133 - For line length from 0 to 133 feet length134To266 - For line length from 134 to 266 feet length267To399 - For line length from 267 to 399 feet length400To533 - For line length from 400 to 533 feet length534To655 - For line length from 534 to 655 feet The default for 'long' buildout is 'lengthNotApplicable' while the default for 'short' buildout is 'length0To133'." ::= { tmnxDS1PortEntry 4 } tmnxDS1PortLbo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { lboNotApplicable (1), lbo0dB (2), lboNeg7p5dB (3), lboNeg15p0dB (4), lboNeg22p5dB (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1PortLbo configuration only applies to a ds1 port configured with a 'long' buildout. tmnxDS1PortLbo configures the number of decibels(dB) the transmission signal decreases over the line. For 'short' buildout the following values are valid: lboNotApplicable - Not applicable For 'long' buildout the following values are valid: lbo0dB - For 0 dB lboNeg7p5dB - For -7.5 dB lboNeg15p0dB - For -15.0 dB lboNeg22p5dB - For -22.5 dB The default for 'short' build out is 'lboNotApplicable' while the default for 'long' buildout is 'lbo0dB'" ::= { tmnxDS1PortEntry 5 } tmnxDS1PortDbGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "db" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1PortDbGain only applies to a ds1 port configured with a 'long' buildout. tmnxDS1PortDbGain shows the number of decibels the received signal is increased to compensate for loss." ::= { tmnxDS1PortEntry 6 } tmnxDS1PortLineImpedance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (75 | 100 | 120) UNITS "Ohms" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS1PortLineImpedance specifies the line impedance set on the physical DS1/E1 port. A DS1 port can only be set to 100 Ohms. An E1 port can only be set to 75 Ohms or 120 Ohms. The default is 120 Ohms." ::= { tmnxDS1PortEntry 7 } tmnxDS1PortLineEncoding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { b8zs (1), ami (2), hdb3 (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDS1PortLineEncoding specifies the line encoding standard set on the physical DS1/E1 port. The possible values are: b8zs (1) - Bipolar (or Binary) with 8-Zero Substitution. Only applies to a DS1 port. ami (2) - Alternate Mark Inversion. Only applies to a DS1 port. hdb3 (3) - High Density Bipolar (or Binary) 3. Only applies to an E1 port. The default for DS1 ports is 'b8zs (1)', and the default for E1 ports is 'hdb3 (3)'." ::= { tmnxDS1PortEntry 8 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortSchedOverrideTable has an entry for each port scheduler override configured on this system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 24 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular port scheduler override. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideTable 1 } TmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortSchedOverrideRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxPortSchedOverrideSchedName DisplayString, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxPortSchedOverrideMaxRate TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl1PIR TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl1CIR TPortSchedulerCIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl2PIR TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl2CIR TPortSchedulerCIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl3PIR TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl3CIR TPortSchedulerCIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl4PIR TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl4CIR TPortSchedulerCIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl5PIR TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl5CIR TPortSchedulerCIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl6PIR TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl6CIR TPortSchedulerCIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl7PIR TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl7CIR TPortSchedulerCIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl8PIR TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl8CIR TPortSchedulerCIR, tmnxPortSchedOverrideFlags BITS, tmnxPortSchedOvrMaxRatePercent Unsigned32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1PIRPercent Unsigned32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1CIRPercent Unsigned32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2PIRPercent Unsigned32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2CIRPercent Unsigned32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3PIRPercent Unsigned32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3CIRPercent Unsigned32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4PIRPercent Unsigned32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4CIRPercent Unsigned32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5PIRPercent Unsigned32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5CIRPercent Unsigned32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6PIRPercent Unsigned32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6CIRPercent Unsigned32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7PIRPercent Unsigned32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7CIRPercent Unsigned32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8PIRPercent Unsigned32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8CIRPercent Unsigned32, tmnxPortSchedOvrMaxRateHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tmnxPortSchedOvrMaxRate TmnxQosRateLow32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1PIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1PIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1CIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1CIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2PIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2PIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2CIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2CIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3PIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3PIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3CIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3CIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4PIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4PIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4CIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4CIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5PIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5PIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5CIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5CIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6PIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6PIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6CIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6CIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7PIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7PIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7CIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7CIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8PIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8PIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8CIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8CIR TmnxQosRateLow32 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of port scheduler overrides. When tmnxPortEgrPortSchedPlcy of the tmnxPortEntry indexed by the same indices of this table is an empty string, creation will fail." ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 1 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideSchedName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideSchedName indicates the name of the port scheduler policy that this row entry overrides." ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 2 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management change to this row." ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 3 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideMaxRate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyMaxRate. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tmnxPortSchedOvrMaxRate." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 4 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl1PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl1PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 1. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl1PIR. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1PIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 5 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl1CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerCIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl1CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 1. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl1CIR. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1CIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 6 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl2PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl2PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 2. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl2PIR. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2PIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 7 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl2CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerCIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl2CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 2. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl2CIR. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2CIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 8 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl3PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl3PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 3. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl3PIR. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3PIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 9 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl3CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerCIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl3CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 3. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl3CIR. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3CIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 10 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl4PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl4PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 4. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl4PIR. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4PIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 11 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl4CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerCIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl4CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 4. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl4CIR. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4CIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 12 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl5PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl5PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 5. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl5PIR. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5PIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 13 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl5CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerCIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl5CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 5. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl5CIR. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5CIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 14 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl6PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl6PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 6. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl6PIR. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6PIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 15 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl6CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerCIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl6CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 6. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl6CIR. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6CIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 16 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl7PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl7PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 7. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl7PIR. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7PIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 17 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl7CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerCIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl7CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 7. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl7CIR. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7CIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 18 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl8PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl8PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 8. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl8PIR. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8PIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 19 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl8CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerCIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideLvl8CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 8. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl8CIR. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8CIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 20 } tmnxPortSchedOverrideFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { maxRate (0), lvl1PIR (1), lvl1CIR (2), lvl2PIR (3), lvl2CIR (4), lvl3PIR (5), lvl3CIR (6), lvl4PIR (7), lvl4CIR (8), lvl5PIR (9), lvl5CIR (10), lvl6PIR (11), lvl6CIR (12), lvl7PIR (13), lvl7CIR (14), lvl8PIR (15), lvl8CIR (16), maxRatePercent (17), lvl1PIRPercent (18), lvl1CIRPercent (19), lvl2PIRPercent (20), lvl2CIRPercent (21), lvl3PIRPercent (22), lvl3CIRPercent (23), lvl4PIRPercent (24), lvl4CIRPercent (25), lvl5PIRPercent (26), lvl5CIRPercent (27), lvl6PIRPercent (28), lvl6CIRPercent (29), lvl7PIRPercent (30), lvl7CIRPercent (31), lvl8PIRPercent (32), lvl8CIRPercent (33) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOverrideFlags specifies the set of attributes whose values have been overridden via management on this port scheduler. Clearing a given flag will return the corresponding overridden attribute to the value defined in the port's port scheduler policy." ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 21 } tmnxPortSchedOvrMaxRatePercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrMaxRatePercent specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit in percentage. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyMaxRatePercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 22 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1PIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1PIRPercent specifies the total bandwidth percentage, PIR percentage, for priority level 1. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyLvl1PIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 23 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1CIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1CIRPercent specifies the within-cir bandwidth percentage for priority level 1. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyLvl1CIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 24 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2PIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2PIRPercent specifies the total bandwidth percentage, PIR percentage, for priority level 2. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyLvl2PIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 25 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2CIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2CIRPercent specifies the within-cir bandwidth percentage for priority level 2. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyLvl2CIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 26 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3PIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3PIRPercent specifies the total bandwidth percentage, PIR percentage, for priority level 3. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyLvl3PIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 27 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3CIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3CIRPercent specifies the within-cir bandwidth percentage for priority level 3. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyLvl3CIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 28 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4PIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4PIRPercent specifies the total bandwidth percentage, PIR percentage, for priority level 4. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyLvl4PIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 29 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4CIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4CIRPercent specifies the within-cir bandwidth percentage for priority level 4. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyLvl4CIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 30 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5PIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5PIRPercent specifies the total bandwidth percentage, PIR percentage, for priority level 5. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyLvl5PIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 31 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5CIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5CIRPercent specifies the within-cir bandwidth percentage for priority level 5. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyLvl5CIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 32 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6PIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6PIRPercent specifies the total bandwidth percentage, PIR percentage, for priority level 6. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyLvl6PIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 33 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6CIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6CIRPercent specifies the within-cir bandwidth percentage for priority level 6. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyLvl6CIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 34 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7PIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7PIRPercent specifies the total bandwidth percentage, PIR percentage, for priority level 7. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyLvl7PIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 35 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7CIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7CIRPercent specifies the within-cir bandwidth percentage for priority level 7. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyLvl7CIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 36 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8PIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8PIRPercent specifies the total bandwidth percentage, PIR percentage, for priority level 8. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyLvl8PIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 37 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8CIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8CIRPercent specifies the within-cir bandwidth percentage for priority level 8. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyLvl8CIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 38 } tmnxPortSchedOvrMaxRateHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrMaxRateHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyMaxRate. This value should always be set along with tmnxPortSchedOvrMaxRate, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrMaxRateHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrMaxRate is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 39 } tmnxPortSchedOvrMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrMaxRate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPlcyMaxRate. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) indicates maximum rate. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrMaxRateHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrMaxRate is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 40 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1PIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1PIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 1. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR for priority level 1 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. This value should always be set along with tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1PIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1PIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1PIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 41 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 1. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR for priority level 1 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) indicates maximum rate. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1PIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1PIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 42 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1CIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1CIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 1. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR for priority level 1 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. This value should always be set along with tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1CIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1CIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1CIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 43 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 1. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR for priority level 1 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) indicates maximum rate. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1CIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl1CIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 44 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2PIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2PIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 2. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR for priority level 2 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. This value should always be set along with tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2PIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2PIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2PIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 45 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 2. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR for priority level 2 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) indicates maximum rate. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2PIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2PIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 46 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2CIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2CIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 2. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR for priority level 2 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. This value should always be set along with tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2CIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2CIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2CIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 47 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 2. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR for priority level 2 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) indicates maximum rate. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2CIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl2CIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 48 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3PIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3PIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 3. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR for priority level 3 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. This value should always be set along with tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3PIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3PIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3PIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 49 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 3. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR for priority level 3 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) indicates maximum rate. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3PIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3PIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 50 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3CIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3CIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 3. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR for priority level 3 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. This value should always be set along with tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3CIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3CIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3CIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 51 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 3. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR for priority level 3 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) indicates maximum rate. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3CIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl3CIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 52 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4PIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4PIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 4. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR for priority level 4 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. This value should always be set along with tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4PIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4PIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4PIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 53 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 4. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR for priority level 4 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) indicates maximum rate. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4PIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4PIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 54 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4CIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4CIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 4. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR for priority level 4 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. This value should always be set along with tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4CIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4CIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4CIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 55 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 4. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR for priority level 4 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) indicates maximum rate. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4CIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl4CIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 56 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5PIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5PIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 5. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR for priority level 5 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. This value should always be set along with tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5PIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5PIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5PIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 57 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 5. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR for priority level 5 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) indicates maximum rate. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5PIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5PIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 58 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5CIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5CIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 5. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR for priority level 5 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. This value should always be set along with tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5CIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5CIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5CIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 59 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 5. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR for priority level 5 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) indicates maximum rate. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5CIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl5CIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 60 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6PIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6PIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 6. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR for priority level 6 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. This value should always be set along with tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6PIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6PIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6PIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 61 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 6. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR for priority level 6 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) indicates maximum rate. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6PIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6PIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 62 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6CIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6CIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 6. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR for priority level 6 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. This value should always be set along with tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6CIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6CIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6CIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 63 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 6. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR for priority level 6 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) indicates maximum rate. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6CIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl6CIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 64 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7PIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7PIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 7. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR for priority level 7 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. This value should always be set along with tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7PIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7PIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7PIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 65 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 7. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR for priority level 7 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) indicates maximum rate. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7PIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7PIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 66 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7CIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7CIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 7. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR for priority level 7 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. This value should always be set along with tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7CIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7CIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7CIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 67 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 7. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR for priority level 7 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) indicates maximum rate. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7CIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl7CIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 68 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8PIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8PIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 8. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR for priority level 8 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. This value should always be set along with tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8PIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8PIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8PIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 69 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 8. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR for priority level 8 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) indicates maximum rate. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8PIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8PIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 70 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8CIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8CIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 8. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR for priority level 8 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. This value should always be set along with tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8CIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8CIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8CIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 71 } tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 8. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR for priority level 8 specified by TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedPolicyLevel. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) indicates maximum rate. When the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8CIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSchedOvrLvl8CIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSchedOverrideEntry 72 } tmnxBPGrpAssocTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxBPGrpAssocEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxBPGrpAssocTable has an entry for each Bundle Protection Group created on the system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 25 } tmnxBPGrpAssocEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBPGrpAssocEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row displays the relationship between a Bundle Protection group and its working and protection bundle." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxBundleBundleID } ::= { tmnxBPGrpAssocTable 1 } TmnxBPGrpAssocEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxBPGrpAssocWorkingBundleID TmnxBundleID, tmnxBPGrpAssocProtectBundleID TmnxBundleID, tmnxBPGrpAssocActiveBundleID TmnxBundleID } tmnxBPGrpAssocWorkingBundleID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBundleID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBPGrpAssocWorkingBundleID identifies the working bundle. A value of zero is given if no working bundle is associated with the given tmnxBundleBundleID." ::= { tmnxBPGrpAssocEntry 1 } tmnxBPGrpAssocProtectBundleID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBundleID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBPGrpAssocProtectBundleID identifies the protection bundle. A value of zero is given if no protection bundle is associated with the given tmnxBundleBundleID." ::= { tmnxBPGrpAssocEntry 2 } tmnxBPGrpAssocActiveBundleID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBundleID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBPGrpAssocActiveBundleID identifies the bundle that is considered the active bundle. This bundle contains the members that are part of the active aps port. A value of zero is given if no bundle is considered active." ::= { tmnxBPGrpAssocEntry 3 } tmnxBundleMlpppTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxBundleMlpppEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxBundleMlpppTable contains MLPPP specific data." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 26 } tmnxBundleMlpppEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBundleMlpppEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains data on an MLPPP Bundle." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxBundleBundleID } ::= { tmnxBundleMlpppTable 1 } TmnxBundleMlpppEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxBundleMlpppEndpointID OCTET STRING, tmnxBundleMlpppEndpointIDClass TmnxMlpppEndpointIdClass, tmnxBundleMlpppClassCount Integer32, tmnxBundleMlpppIngQoSProfId TMlpppQoSProfileId, tmnxBundleMlpppEgrQoSProfId TMlpppQoSProfileId, tmnxBundleMlpppMagicNumber TmnxEnabledDisabled, tmnxBundleMlpppStatelessApsSwo TmnxEnabledDisabled } tmnxBundleMlpppEndpointID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMlpppEndpointID specifies the Endpoint Discriminator identifier value within the specified tmnxBundleMlpppEndpointIDClass. The object tmnxPortAdminStatus must be set to 'outOfService' to change this value." ::= { tmnxBundleMlpppEntry 1 } tmnxBundleMlpppEndpointIDClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMlpppEndpointIdClass MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMlpppEndpointIDClass specifies the Link Control Protocol Endpoint Discriminator Class field type of the tmnxBundleMlpppEndpointID. The object tmnxPortAdminStatus must be set to 'outOfService' to change this value. Bundle DEFVAL Physical MLPPP Bundle ieee802dot1GlobalMacAddress (3) MLPPP Bundle Protection Group ipAddress (2)" ::= { tmnxBundleMlpppEntry 2 } tmnxBundleMlpppClassCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBundleMlpppClassCount specifies whether Multiclass MLPPP is enabled on a bundle with a tmnxBundleType of 'mlppp' and when enabled what is the number of classes to be negotiated/supported over the MLPPP bundle. The value of 0 disables multiclass MLPPP including negotiation in the PPP protocol. All other values specify the number of classes to be supported on a given multiclass bundle and enable Multiclass MLPPP negotiation on that bundle. Non-zero values supported are platform/MDA specific. The value of tmnxBundleMlpppClassCount must be set to 0 and cannot be changed when LFI is enabled on the bundle (see tmnxBundleLFI object in tmnxBundleTable). The value of tmnxBundleMlpppClassCount may be modified only when tmnxBundleNumLinks is zero. To set the value of tmnxBundleMlpppClassCount to a value greater than 4, the long sequence format must be enabled on the bundle (see tmnxBundleShortSequence object in tmnxBundleTable). Changing the value of tmnxBundleMlpppClassCount resets the values of tmnxBundleMlpppIngQoSProfId and tmnxBundleMlpppEgrQoSProfId to their defaults" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxBundleMlpppEntry 3 } tmnxBundleMlpppIngQoSProfId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMlpppQoSProfileId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMlpppIngQoSProfId specifies ingress QoS profile to be used for the incoming traffic over this MLPPP bundle. The value of tmnxBundleMlpppIngQoSProfId may be modified only when the value of tmnxBundleNumLinks is 0. The value of tmnxBundleMlpppIngQoSProfId of 0 indicates a default QoS profile is used as applicable to a given hardware and the configured value of tmnxBundleMlpppClassCount." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxBundleMlpppEntry 4 } tmnxBundleMlpppEgrQoSProfId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMlpppQoSProfileId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMlpppEgrQoSProfId specifies egresss QoS profile to be used for the outgoing traffic over this MLPPP bundle. The value of tmnxBundleMlpppEgrQoSProfId may be modified only when tmnxBundleNumLinks is zero. The value of tmnxBundleMlpppEgrQoSProfId of 0 indicates a default profile is used as applicable to a given hardware and the configured value of tmnxBundleMlpppClassCount." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxBundleMlpppEntry 5 } tmnxBundleMlpppMagicNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMlpppMagicNumber specifies whether or not the bundle will detect a loopback scenario on member links and take a looped back member links out of service. A value of 'enabled (1)' will detect loopbacks." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxBundleMlpppEntry 6 } tmnxBundleMlpppStatelessApsSwo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxBundleMlpppStatelessApsSwo specifies whether the bundle will perform a stateful or a stateless APS switchover. The value of tmnxBundleMlpppStatelessApsSwo must be set to 'disabled (2)' and cannot be changed for normal mlppp bundles. The value of tmnxBundleMlpppStatelessApsSwo may be changed for APS bundle protection groups. A stateless switchover implies that PPP is renegotiated on each member link after the switchover. PPP negotiations may take a few seconds to complete. A stateful switchover implies that after an APS switchover the PPP state of the bundle will be restored based on the bpgrp bundle state before the switchover. A value of 'enabled (1)' will configure stateless APS switchovers." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxBundleMlpppEntry 7 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrTblLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrTblLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 27 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrTable has an entry for each port-level HSMDA scheduler override configured on this system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 28 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular port-level HSMDA scheduler override. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrTable 1 } TmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrMaxRate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrGrp1Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrGrp2Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass1Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass1WtInGp THsmdaWeightOverride, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass2Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass2WtInGp THsmdaWeightOverride, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass3Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass3WtInGp THsmdaWeightOverride, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass4Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass4WtInGp THsmdaWeightOverride, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass5Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass5WtInGp THsmdaWeightOverride, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass6Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass6WtInGp THsmdaWeightOverride, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass7Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass7WtInGp THsmdaWeightOverride, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass8Rate THsmdaPIRMRateOverride, tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass8WtInGp THsmdaWeightOverride } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of port-level HSMDA scheduler overrides. When the tmnxMDAAssignedType of the tmnxPortEntry indexed by the same indices of this table is a non-HSMDA MDA Type, creation will fail and return a 'noCreation' error." ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 1 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 2 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrMaxRate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit for this HSMDA port scheduler. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyMaxRate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 3 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrGrp1Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrGrp1Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for group 1 for this HSMDA port scheduler. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp1Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 4 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrGrp2Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrGrp2Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for group 2 for this HSMDA port scheduler. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp2Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 5 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass1Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass1Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA port scheduler policy level. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 6 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass1WtInGp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass1WtInGp specifies the weight the HSMDA port scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass1WtInGp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1GrpId to a non-zero value. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1WgtInGrp." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 7 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass2Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass2Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA port scheduler policy level. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 8 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass2WtInGp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass2WtInGp specifies the weight the HSMDA port scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass2WtInGp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2GrpId to a non-zero value. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2WgtInGrp." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 9 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass3Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass3Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA port scheduler policy level. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 10 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass3WtInGp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass3WtInGp specifies the weight the HSMDA port scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass3WtInGp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3GrpId to a non-zero value. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3WgtInGrp." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 11 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass4Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass4Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA port scheduler policy level. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 12 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass4WtInGp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass4WtInGp specifies the weight the HSMDA port scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass4WtInGp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4GrpId to a non-zero value. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4WgtInGrp." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 13 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass5Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass5Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA port scheduler policy level. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 14 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass5WtInGp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass5WtInGp specifies the weight the HSMDA port scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass5WtInGp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5GrpId to a non-zero value. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5WgtInGrp." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 15 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass6Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass6Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA port scheduler policy level. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 16 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass6WtInGp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass6WtInGp specifies the weight the HSMDA port scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass6WtInGp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6GrpId to a non-zero value. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6WgtInGrp." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 17 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass7Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass7Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA port scheduler policy level. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 18 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass7WtInGp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass7WtInGp specifies the weight the HSMDA port scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass7WtInGp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7GrpId to a non-zero value. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7WgtInGrp." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 19 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass8Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass8Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA port scheduler policy level. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8Rate." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 20 } tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass8WtInGp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass8WtInGp specifies the weight the HSMDA port scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrClass8WtInGp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8GrpId to a non-zero value. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8WgtInGrp." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tmnxHsmdaPortSchOvrEntry 21 } tmnxPortEgrShaperTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrShaperTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tmnxPortEgrShaperTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value. This object is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 29 } tmnxPortEgrShaperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortEgrShaperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEgrShaperTable has an entry for each port-level egress secondary shaper configured on this system. This table is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 30 } tmnxPortEgrShaperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEgrShaperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular port-level egress secondary shaper. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tmnxPortEgrShaperName } ::= { tmnxPortEgrShaperTable 1 } TmnxPortEgrShaperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortEgrShaperName TNamedItem, tmnxPortEgrShaperRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxPortEgrShaperLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxPortEgrShaperRate TSecondaryShaper10GPIRRate } tmnxPortEgrShaperName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The port egress shaper named is used an index to the table entry." ::= { tmnxPortEgrShaperEntry 1 } tmnxPortEgrShaperRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrShaperRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of entries in the tmnxPortEgrShaperTable." ::= { tmnxPortEgrShaperEntry 2 } tmnxPortEgrShaperLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrShaperLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxPortEgrShaperEntry 3 } tmnxPortEgrShaperRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSecondaryShaper10GPIRRate UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrShaperRate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, of this egress port secondary shaper policy." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrShaperEntry 4 } tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorTable has an entry for each SFF in the system that supports Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM). The table is indexed by TmnxPortID. Each row in this table is dynamically added and removed internally by the system based on the presence or absence of DDM capable SFF components." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 31 } tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular SFF that supports Digital Diagnostic Monitoring. Entries are created and deleted internally by the system." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorTable 1 } TmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxDDMTemperature Integer32, tmnxDDMTempLowWarning Integer32, tmnxDDMTempLowAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMTempHiWarning Integer32, tmnxDDMTempHiAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMSupplyVoltage Integer32, tmnxDDMSupplyVoltageLowWarning Integer32, tmnxDDMSupplyVoltageLowAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMSupplyVoltageHiWarning Integer32, tmnxDDMSupplyVoltageHiAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrent Integer32, tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrentLowWarning Integer32, tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrentLowAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrentHiWarning Integer32, tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrentHiAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMTxOutputPower Integer32, tmnxDDMTxOutputPowerLowWarning Integer32, tmnxDDMTxOutputPowerLowAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMTxOutputPowerHiWarning Integer32, tmnxDDMTxOutputPowerHiAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMRxOpticalPower Integer32, tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerLowWarning Integer32, tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerLowAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerHiWarning Integer32, tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerHiAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerType INTEGER, tmnxDDMAux1 Integer32, tmnxDDMAux1LowWarning Integer32, tmnxDDMAux1LowAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMAux1HiWarning Integer32, tmnxDDMAux1HiAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMAux1Type INTEGER, tmnxDDMAux2 Integer32, tmnxDDMAux2LowWarning Integer32, tmnxDDMAux2LowAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMAux2HiWarning Integer32, tmnxDDMAux2HiAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMAux2Type INTEGER, tmnxDDMFailedThresholds TmnxDigitalDiagnosticFailureBits, tmnxDDMExternallyCalibrated TruthValue, tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower4 Unsigned32, tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower3 Unsigned32, tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower2 Unsigned32, tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower1 Unsigned32, tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower0 Unsigned32, tmnxDDMExtCalTxLaserBiasSlope Unsigned32, tmnxDDMExtCalTxLaserBiasOffset Integer32, tmnxDDMExtCalTxPowerSlope Unsigned32, tmnxDDMExtCalTxPowerOffset Integer32, tmnxDDMExtCalTemperatureSlope Unsigned32, tmnxDDMExtCalTemperatureOffset Integer32, tmnxDDMExtCalVoltageSlope Unsigned32, tmnxDDMExtCalVoltageOffset Integer32 } tmnxDDMTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMTemperature indicates the current temperature of the SFF in 1/256th degrees Celsius. If the SFF is externally calibrated, the objects tmnxDDMExtCalTemperatureSlope and tmnxDDMExtCalTemperatureOffset affect the temperature calculation. The formula for translating between the value of tmnxDDMTemperature and degrees Celsius is: Internally Calibrated only: tmnxDDMTemperature / 256 Externally Calibrated: (tmnxDDMTemperature * (tmnxDDMExtCalTemperatureSlope / 256) + tmnxDDMExtCalTemperatureOffset) / 256 For example (internally calibrated SFF): The SNMP value 5734 is 22.4 degrees Celsius." REFERENCE "SFF Committee, SFF-8472 Specification for Diagnostic Monitoring Interface for Optical Transceivers, Rev 11.3, June 11, 2013" ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 1 } tmnxDDMTempLowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMTempLowWarning indicates the temperature of the SFF that triggers a low-warning. See description of tmnxDDMTemperature for translating to degrees Celsius." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 2 } tmnxDDMTempLowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMTempLowAlarm indicates the temperature of the SFF that triggers a low-alarm. See description of tmnxDDMTemperature for translating to degrees Celsius." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 3 } tmnxDDMTempHiWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMTempHiWarning indicates the temperature of the SFF that triggers a hi-warning. See description of tmnxDDMTemperature for translating to degrees Celsius." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 4 } tmnxDDMTempHiAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMTempHiAlarm indicates the temperature of the SFF that triggers a hi-alarm. See description of tmnxDDMTemperature for translating to degrees Celsius." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 5 } tmnxDDMSupplyVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMSupplyVoltage indicates the current supply voltage of the SFF. For 100G MSA Transponder, the supply voltage is in millivolts (mV). For all other types the voltage is in deci-millivolts (1/10th of a millivolt or 100 microvolt units). If the SFF is externally calibrated, the objects tmnxDDMExtCalVoltageSlope and tmnxDDMExtCalVoltageOffset affect the voltage calculation. The formula for translating between the value of tmnxDDMSupplyVoltage and Voltage is: Internally Calibrated only: tmnxDDMSupplyVoltage * conversion_factor Externally Calibrated: (tmnxDDMSupplyVoltage * (tmnxDDMExtCalVoltageSlope / 256) + tmnxDDMExtCalVoltageOffset) * conversion_factor where conversion_factor is 1/1000 for 100G MSA transponders and 1/10000 for all the others. For example (internally calibrated SFF): 1. For 100G MSA transponders, the SNMP value 32851 is 32.851 Volts (V). 2. For all others, the SNMP value 32851 is 3.2851 Volts (V)." REFERENCE "SFF Committee, SFF-8472 Specification for Diagnostic Monitoring Interface for Optical Transceivers, Rev 11.3, June 11, 2013" ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 6 } tmnxDDMSupplyVoltageLowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMSupplyVoltageLowWarning indicates the supply voltage of the SFF that trigger a low-warning. See description of tmnxDDMSupplyVoltage for translating to Volts (V)." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 7 } tmnxDDMSupplyVoltageLowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMSupplyVoltageLowAlarm indicates the supply voltage of the SFF that triggers a low-alarm. See description of tmnxDDMSupplyVoltage for translating to Volts (V)." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 8 } tmnxDDMSupplyVoltageHiWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMSupplyVoltageHiWarning indicates the supply voltage of the SFF that triggers a hi-warning. See description of tmnxDDMSupplyVoltage for translating to Volts (V)." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 9 } tmnxDDMSupplyVoltageHiAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMSupplyVoltageHiAlarm indicates the supply voltage of the SFF that triggers a hi-alarm. See description of tmnxDDMSupplyVoltage for translating to Volts (V)." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 10 } tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrent indicates the current Transmit Bias Current of the SFF in 1/500 milliamperes (mA). If the SFF is externally calibrated, the objects tmnxDDMExtCalTxLaserBiasSlope and tmnxDDMExtCalTxLaserBiasOffset affect the ampere calculation. The formula for translating between the value of tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrent and milliamperes is: Internally Calibrated only: tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrent / 500 Externally Calibrated: (tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrent * (tmnxDDMExtCalTxLaserBiasSlope / 256) + tmnxDDMExtCalTxLaserBiasOffset) / 500 For example (internally calibrated SFF): The SNMP value 2565 is 5.1 milliamperes (mA)." REFERENCE "SFF Committee, SFF-8472 Specification for Diagnostic Monitoring Interface for Optical Transceivers, Rev 11.3, June 11, 2013" ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 11 } tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrentLowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrentLowWarning indicates the Transmit Bias Current of the SFF that triggers a low-warning. See description of tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrent for translating to milliamperes (mA)." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 12 } tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrentLowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrentLowAlarm indicates the Transmit Bias Current of the SFF that triggers a low-alarm. See description of tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrent for translating to milliamperes (mA)." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 13 } tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrentHiWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrentHiWarning indicates the Transmit Bias Current of the SFF that triggers a hi-warning. See description of tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrent for translating to milliamperes (mA)." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 14 } tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrentHiAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrentHiAlarm indicates the Transmit Bias Current of the SFF that triggers a hi-alarm. See description of tmnxDDMTxBiasCurrent for translating to milliamperes (mA)." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 15 } tmnxDDMTxOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMTxOutputPower indicates the current Output Power of the SFF in one tenths of a microwatt (uW). If the SFF is externally calibrated, the objects tmnxDDMExtCalTxPowerSlope and tmnxDDMExtCalTxPowerOffset affect the output power calculation. For example (internally calibrated SFF): Using the SNMP value of 790, and using units of tenths of microwatt, 790 becomes 79 microwatts or 0.079 milliwatts. Converting to dBm: 10 x log10(0.079) = -11.0 dBm" REFERENCE "SFF Committee, SFF-8472 Specification for Diagnostic Monitoring Interface for Optical Transceivers, Rev 11.3, June 11, 2013" ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 16 } tmnxDDMTxOutputPowerLowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMTxOutputPowerLowWarning indicates the Output Power of the SFF in one tenths of a microwatt (uW) that triggers a low-warning." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 17 } tmnxDDMTxOutputPowerLowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMTxOutputPowerLowAlarm indicates the Output Power of the SFF in one tenths of a microwatt (uW) that triggers a low-alarm." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 18 } tmnxDDMTxOutputPowerHiWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMTxOutputPowerHiWarning indicates the Output Power of the SFF in one tenths of a microwatt (uW) that triggers a hi-warning." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 19 } tmnxDDMTxOutputPowerHiAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMTxOutputPowerHiAlarm indicates the Output Power of the SFF in one tenths of a microwatt (uW) that triggers a hi-alarm." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 20 } tmnxDDMRxOpticalPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMRxOpticalPower indicates the current Received Optical Power of the SFF in one tenths of a microwatt (uW). If the SFF is externally calibrated, the objects tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower4, tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower3, tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower2, tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower1 and tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower0 affect the output power calculation. For example (internally calibrated SFF): Using the SNMP value of 790, and using units of tenths of microwatt, 790 becomes 79 microwatts or 0.079 milliwatts. Converting to dBm: 10 x log10(0.079) = -11.0 dBm" REFERENCE "SFF Committee, SFF-8472 Specification for Diagnostic Monitoring Interface for Optical Transceivers, Rev 11.3, June 11, 2013" ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 21 } tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerLowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerLowWarning indicates the Received Optical Power of the SFF in one tenths of a microwatt (uW) that triggers a low-warning." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 22 } tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerLowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerLowAlarm indicates the Received Optical Power of the SFF in one tenths of a microwatt (uW) that triggers a low-alarm." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 23 } tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerHiWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerHiWarning indicates the Received Optical Power of the SFF in one tenths of a microwatt (uW) that triggers a hi-warning." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 24 } tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerHiAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerHiAlarm indicates the Received Optical Power of the SFF in one tenths of a microwatt (uW) that triggers a hi-alarm." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 25 } tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { oma (0), average (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMRxOpticalPowerType indicates whether the tmnxDDMRxOpticalPower was taken as an average, or as an Optical Modulation Amplitude (OMA)." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 26 } tmnxDDMAux1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMAux1 indicates the Manufacturer specific Auxiliary 1 information of the XFP." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 27 } tmnxDDMAux1LowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMAux1LowWarning indicates the Manufacturer specific Auxiliary 1 low-warning threshold for the XFP." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 28 } tmnxDDMAux1LowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMAux1LowAlarm indicates the Manufacturer specific Auxiliary 1 low-alarm threshold for the XFP." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 29 } tmnxDDMAux1HiWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMAux1HiWarning indicates the Manufacturer specific Auxiliary 1 hi-warning threshold for the XFP." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 30 } tmnxDDMAux1HiAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMAux1HiAlarm indicates the Manufacturer specific Auxiliary 1 hi-alarm threshold for the XFP." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 31 } tmnxDDMAux1Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), adp-bias-voltage (1), reserved-2 (2), tec-current (3), laser-temp (4), laser-wavelength (5), voltage-50 (6), voltage-33 (7), voltage-18 (8), voltage-52 (9), current-50 (10), reserved-11 (11), reserved-12 (12), current-33 (13), current-18 (14), current-52 (15) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMAux1Type indicates the measurement type of the Manufacturer specific Auxiliary 1 information of the XFP: none (0) - not specified. adp-bias-voltage (1) - LSB is 10mV. reserved-2 (2) - reserved for future use. tec-current (3) - LSB is 100uA. laser-temp (4) - degrees Celsius(C). laser-wavelength (5) - LSB is 0.05 nm. voltage-50 (6) - 5.0 supply voltage, LSB=100uV. voltage-33 (7) - 3.3 supply voltage, LSB=100uV. voltage-18 (8) - 1.8 supply voltage, LSB=100uV, voltage-52 (9) - -5.2 supply voltage, LSB=100uV. current-50 (10) - 5.0V supply current, LSB=100uA. reserved-11 (11) - reserved for future use. reserved-12 (12) - reserved for future use. current-33 (13) - 3.3V supply current, LSB=100uA. current-18 (14) - 1.8V supply current, LSB=100uA. current-52 (15) - -5.2V supply current, LSB=100uA." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 32 } tmnxDDMAux2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMAux2 indicates the Manufacturer specific Auxiliary 2 information of the SFF." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 33 } tmnxDDMAux2LowWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMAux2LowWarning indicates the Manufacturer specific Auxiliary 2 low-warning threshold for the XFP." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 34 } tmnxDDMAux2LowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMAux2LowAlarm indicates the Manufacturer specific Auxiliary 2 low-alarm threshold for the XFP." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 35 } tmnxDDMAux2HiWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMAux2HiWarning indicates the Manufacturer specific Auxiliary 2 hi-warning threshold for the XFP." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 36 } tmnxDDMAux2HiAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMAux2HiAlarm indicates the Manufacturer specific Auxiliary 2 hi-alarm threshold for the XFP." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 37 } tmnxDDMAux2Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), adp-bias-voltage (1), reserved-2 (2), tec-current (3), laser-temp (4), laser-wavelength (5), voltage-50 (6), voltage-33 (7), voltage-18 (8), voltage-52 (9), current-50 (10), reserved-11 (11), reserved-12 (12), current-33 (13), current-18 (14), current-52 (15) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMAux2Type indicates the measurement type of the Manufacturer specific Auxiliary 2 information of the XFP: none (0) - not specified. adp-bias-voltage (1) - LSB is 10mV. reserved-2 (2) - reserved for future use. tec-current (3) - LSB is 100uA. laser-temp (4) - degrees Celsius(C). laser-wavelength (5) - LSB is 0.05 nm. voltage-50 (6) - 5.0 supply voltage, LSB=100uV. voltage-33 (7) - 3.3 supply voltage, LSB=100uV. voltage-18 (8) - 1.8 supply voltage, LSB=100uV, voltage-52 (9) - -5.2 supply voltage, LSB=100uV. current-50 (10) - 5.0V supply current, LSB=100uA. reserved-11 (11) - reserved for future use. reserved-12 (12) - reserved for future use. current-33 (13) - 3.3V supply current, LSB=100uA. current-18 (14) - 1.8V supply current, LSB=100uA. current-52 (15) - -5.2V supply current, LSB=100uA." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 38 } tmnxDDMFailedThresholds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDigitalDiagnosticFailureBits MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMFailedThresholds indicates which objects of the monitored SFF is in a failed or cleared threshold state. A set bit indicates that the specified threshold has been exceeded." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 39 } tmnxDDMExternallyCalibrated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMExternallyCalibrated indicates whether the SFF was externally calibrated (true) or internally calibrated (false)." ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 40 } tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower4 indicates the Rx_PWR(4) value as specified in Table 3.16 in the SFF Committee Standard's document SFF-8472 Rev 10.2." REFERENCE "SFF-8472 Rev 10.2" ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 41 } tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower3 indicates the Rx_PWR(3) value as specified in Table 3.16 in the SFF Committee Standard's document SFF-8462 Rev 10.2." REFERENCE "SFF-8472 Rev 10.2" ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 42 } tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower2 indicates the Rx_PWR(2) value as specified in Table 3.16 in the SFF Committee Standard's document SFF-8472 Rev 10.2." REFERENCE "SFF-8472 Rev 10.2" ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 43 } tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower1 indicates the Rx_PWR(1) value as specified in Table 3.16 in the SFF Committee Standard's document SFF-8472 Rev 10.2." REFERENCE "SFF-8472 Rev 10.2" ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 44 } tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMExtCalRxPower0 indicates the Rx_PWR(0) value as specified in Table 3.16 in the SFF Committee Standard's document SFF-8472 Rev 10.2." REFERENCE "SFF-8472 Rev 10.2" ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 45 } tmnxDDMExtCalTxLaserBiasSlope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMExtCalTxLaserBiasSlope indicates the Tx_l(Slope) value as specified in Table 3.16 in the SFF Committee Standard's document SFF-8472 Rev 10.2." REFERENCE "SFF-8472 Rev 10.2" ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 46 } tmnxDDMExtCalTxLaserBiasOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32767..32768) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMExtCalTxLaserBiasOffset indicates the Tx_l(Offset) value as specified in Table 3.16 in the SFF Committee Standard's document SFF-8472 Rev 10.2." REFERENCE "SFF-8472 Rev 10.2" ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 47 } tmnxDDMExtCalTxPowerSlope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMExtCalTxPowerSlope indicates the Tx_PWR(Slope) value as specified in Table 3.16 in the SFF Committee Standard's document SFF-8472 Rev 10.2." REFERENCE "SFF-8472 Rev 10.2" ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 48 } tmnxDDMExtCalTxPowerOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32767..32768) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMExtCalTxPowerOffset indicates the Tx_PWR(Offset) value as specified in Table 3.16 in the SFF Committee Standard's document SFF-8472 Rev 10.2." REFERENCE "SFF-8472 Rev 10.2" ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 49 } tmnxDDMExtCalTemperatureSlope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMExtCalTemperatureSlope indicates the T(Slope) value as specified in Table 3.16 in the SFF Committee Standard's document SFF-8472 Rev 10.2." REFERENCE "SFF-8472 Rev 10.2" ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 50 } tmnxDDMExtCalTemperatureOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32767..32768) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMExtCalTemperatureOffset indicates the T(Offset) value as specified in Table 3.16 in the SFF Committee Standard's document SFF-8472 Rev 10.2." REFERENCE "SFF-8472 Rev 10.2" ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 51 } tmnxDDMExtCalVoltageSlope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMExtCalVoltageSlope indicates the V(Slope) value as specified in Table 3.16 in the SFF Committee Standard's document SFF-8472 Rev 10.2." REFERENCE "SFF-8472 Rev 10.2" ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 52 } tmnxDDMExtCalVoltageOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32767..32768) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMExtCalVoltageOffset indicates the V(Slope) value as specified in Table 3.16 in the SFF Committee Standard's document SFF-8472 Rev 10.2." REFERENCE "SFF-8472 Rev 10.2" ::= { tmnxDigitalDiagMonitorEntry 53 } tPortAccIngQGrpTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpTableLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tPortAccIngQGrpTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 32 } tPortAccIngQGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortAccIngQGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpTable defines access Ingress Queue Group Table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of defining the port specific queue groups from the queue-groups existing in the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tQosIngQGroupTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 33 } tPortAccIngQGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortAccIngQGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpEntry defines an entry in the tPortAccIngQGrpTable. Entries are created/deleted in this table by SNMP sets to tPortAccIngQGrpRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortAccIngQGrpName } ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpTable 1 } TPortAccIngQGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortAccIngQGrpName TNamedItem, tPortAccIngQGrpRowStatus RowStatus, tPortAccIngQGrpLastChgd TimeStamp, tPortAccIngQGrpSchedPol TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortAccIngQGrpAcctgPolId Unsigned32, tPortAccIngQGrpCollectStats TruthValue, tPortAccIngQGrpDescr TItemDescription } tPortAccIngQGrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpName defines the port Ingress Queue Group name. It uniquely identifies a port ingress queue group in the managed system." ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpEntry 1 } tPortAccIngQGrpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tPortAccIngQGrpTable. The creation of an entry in this table will succeed only if the queue-group being created exists in TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tQosIngQGroupTable." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpEntry 2 } tPortAccIngQGrpLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpLastChgd indicates the value of sysUpTime when the queue entry was last modified." ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpEntry 3 } tPortAccIngQGrpSchedPol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpSchedPol specifies the name of the scheduler policy to be used with this port ingress queue-group." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpEntry 4 } tPortAccIngQGrpAcctgPolId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..99) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpAcctgPolId specifies the accounting-policy to be used with this port ingress queue-group. A non-zero value indicates the tmnxLogApPolicyId index identifying the policy entry in the tmnxLogApTable from the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB which is associated with this queue-group. The value zero indicates that the agent should use the default accounting policy, if one exists." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpEntry 5 } tPortAccIngQGrpCollectStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpCollectStats specifies whether statistics should be collected on this port ingress queue-group." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpEntry 6 } tPortAccIngQGrpDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpDescr specifies the description for this port queue-group." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpEntry 7 } tPortAccIngQOverTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQOverTableLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tPortAccIngQOverTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 34 } tPortAccIngQOverTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortAccIngQOverEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortAccIngQOverTable has an entry for each access port queue override configured on this system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 35 } tPortAccIngQOverEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortAccIngQOverEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular port queue override. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortAccIngQGrpName, tPortAccIngQOverQueue } ::= { tPortAccIngQOverTable 1 } TPortAccIngQOverEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortAccIngQOverQueue TIngressQueueId, tPortAccIngQOverRowStatus RowStatus, tPortAccIngQOverLastChanged TimeStamp, tPortAccIngQOverCBS TBurstSizeOverride, tPortAccIngQOverMBS TBurstSizeOverride, tPortAccIngQOverHiPrioOnly TBurstPercentOrDefaultOverride, tPortAccIngQOverAdminPIR TQosQueuePIRRateOverride, tPortAccIngQOverAdminCIR TQosQueueCIRRateOverride, tPortAccIngQOverPIRAdaptation TAdaptationRuleOverride, tPortAccIngQOverCIRAdaptation TAdaptationRuleOverride, tPortAccIngQOverMBSBytes TBurstSizeBytesOvr, tPortAccIngQOverMonitorDepth TruthValue, tPortAccIngQDrpTailLowReductnMbs TBurstPercentOrDefaultOverride, tPortAccIngQOverMonQueueDepth TruthValue, tPortAccIngQOverQFastPolling TruthValue } tPortAccIngQOverQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressQueueId (1..32) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQOverQueue specifies the queue ID which is used as the fourth index to the table entry." ::= { tPortAccIngQOverEntry 1 } tPortAccIngQOverRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQOverRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of port queue overrides. Row creation will fail if there is no entry in the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tQosIngQueueTable with the same index values as the last two indices of this table (tPortAccIngQGrpName.tPortAccIngQOverQueue)." ::= { tPortAccIngQOverEntry 2 } tPortAccIngQOverLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQOverLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management change to this row." ::= { tPortAccIngQOverEntry 3 } tPortAccIngQOverCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSizeOverride UNITS "kilo-bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQOverCBS specifies the amount of reserved buffer space for the queue." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccIngQOverEntry 4 } tPortAccIngQOverMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSizeOverride UNITS "kilo-bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQOverMBS specifies the maximum amount of buffer space allowed for the queue. This object is replaced with tPortAccIngQOverMBSBytes object." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccIngQOverEntry 5 } tPortAccIngQOverHiPrioOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefaultOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQOverHiPrioOnly specifies the percentage of buffer space for the queue, used exclusively by high priority packets. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tPortAccIngQDrpTailLowReductnMbs object." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccIngQOverEntry 6 } tPortAccIngQOverAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueuePIRRateOverride UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQOverAdminPIR specifies the administrative PIR specified by the user." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccIngQOverEntry 7 } tPortAccIngQOverAdminCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueueCIRRateOverride UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQOverAdminCIR specifies the administrative CIR specified by the user." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccIngQOverEntry 8 } tPortAccIngQOverPIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRuleOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQOverPIRAdaptation specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { noOverride } ::= { tPortAccIngQOverEntry 9 } tPortAccIngQOverCIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRuleOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQOverCIRAdaptation specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational CIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { noOverride } ::= { tPortAccIngQOverEntry 10 } tPortAccIngQOverMBSBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSizeBytesOvr UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQOverMBSBytes specifies the maximum amount of buffer space allowed for the queue." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccIngQOverEntry 11 } tPortAccIngQOverMonitorDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQOverMonitorDepth specifies whether to enable queue depth monitoring for this specified queue. This object is obsoleted in 22.2 Release. It is replace by tPortAccIngQOverMonQueueDepth" DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortAccIngQOverEntry 12 } tPortAccIngQDrpTailLowReductnMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefaultOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQDrpTailLowReductnMbs specifies the percentage at which low drop tail is being reduced from the MBS specified by tPortAccIngQOverMBSBytes." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccIngQOverEntry 13 } tPortAccIngQOverMonQueueDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQOverMonQueueDepth specifies whether to enable queue depth monitoring for this specified queue." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortAccIngQOverEntry 14 } tPortAccIngQOverQFastPolling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQOverQFastPolling indicates that the depth monitoring should use the new Embedded Control Processor fast-polling." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortAccIngQOverEntry 15 } tPortAccEgrQGrpTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpTableLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tPortAccEgrQGrpTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 36 } tPortAccEgrQGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortAccEgrQGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpTable defines access Egress Queue Group Table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of defining the port specific queue groups from the queue-groups existing in the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tQosEgrQGroupTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 37 } tPortAccEgrQGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortAccEgrQGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpEntry defines an entry in the tPortAccEgrQGrpTable. Entries are created/deleted in this table by SNMP sets to tPortAccEgrQGrpRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortAccEgrQGrpName, tPortAccEgrQGrpInstanceId } ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpTable 1 } TPortAccEgrQGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortAccEgrQGrpName TNamedItem, tPortAccEgrQGrpRowStatus RowStatus, tPortAccEgrQGrpLastChgd TimeStamp, tPortAccEgrQGrpSchedPol TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortAccEgrQGrpAggRateLimit TPortSchedulerAggRateLimitPIR, tPortAccEgrQGrpAcctgPolId Unsigned32, tPortAccEgrQGrpCollectStats TruthValue, tPortAccEgrQGrpFrameBaseActg TruthValue, tPortAccEgrQGrpDescr TItemDescription, tPortAccEgrQGrpInstanceId Unsigned32, tPortAccEgrQGrpHsmdaShaperOvr TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortAccEgrQGrpHsmdaPktOffOvr TEgrHsmdaPerPacketOffsetOvr, tPortAccEgrQGrpHsmdaWrrPolicyOvr TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortAccEgrQGrpAggRateLUB TruthValue, tPortAccEgrQGrpAggRateLmt Unsigned32, tPortAccEgrQGrpHsTurboQueues TruthValue } tPortAccEgrQGrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpName defines the port Egress Queue Group name. It, along with tPortAccEgrQGrpInstanceId, uniquely identifies a port egress queue group in the managed system." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpEntry 1 } tPortAccEgrQGrpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tPortAccEgrQGrpTable. The creation of an entry in this table will succeed only if the queue-group being created exist in TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tQosEgrQGroupTable." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpEntry 2 } tPortAccEgrQGrpLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpLastChgd indicates the value of sysUpTime when the queue entry was last modified." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpEntry 3 } tPortAccEgrQGrpSchedPol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpSchedPol specifies the name of the scheduler policy to be used with this port egress queue-group." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpEntry 4 } tPortAccEgrQGrpAggRateLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerAggRateLimitPIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpAggRateLimit specifies the maximum total rate of all egress queues in this queue-group. The value '-1' means that there is no limit. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortAccEgrQGrpAggRateLmt." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpEntry 5 } tPortAccEgrQGrpAcctgPolId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..99) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpAcctgPolId specifies the accounting-policy to be used with this port egress queue-group. A non-zero value indicates the tmnxLogApPolicyId index identifying the policy entry in the tmnxLogApTable from the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB which is associated with this queue-group. The value zero indicates that the agent should use the default accounting policy, if one exists." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpEntry 6 } tPortAccEgrQGrpCollectStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpCollectStats specifies whether statistics should be collected on this port egress queue-group." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpEntry 7 } tPortAccEgrQGrpFrameBaseActg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpFrameBaseActg specifies whether to use frame-based accounting for this port egress queue-group. If the value is 'false', the default packet-based accounting method will be used." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpEntry 8 } tPortAccEgrQGrpDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpDescr specifies the description for this port queue-group." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpEntry 9 } tPortAccEgrQGrpInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpInstanceId defines the unique instance of the port access egress Queue Group. It, along with tPortAccEgrQGrpName, uniquely identifies a port access egress queue group in the managed system." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpEntry 10 } tPortAccEgrQGrpHsmdaShaperOvr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpHsmdaShaperOvr specifies the name of the secondary shaper for this queue-group instance. This value must correspond to an entry in the tmnxPortEgrShaperTable. If an empty string is specified, default secondary shaper will be used." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpEntry 11 } tPortAccEgrQGrpHsmdaPktOffOvr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgrHsmdaPerPacketOffsetOvr UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpHsmdaPktOffOvr specifies the adjustment made to the size of each packet for HSMDA queue accounting for this queue-group instance." DEFVAL { -128 } ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpEntry 12 } tPortAccEgrQGrpHsmdaWrrPolicyOvr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpHsmdaWrrPolicyOvr specifies the egress hsmda weighted round-robin policy override for this queue group instance. When no policy is given, the hsmda weighted round-robin policy specified in the queue-group template is honored. When a valid policy is given, it overrides the hsmda weighted round-robin policy given in the egress queue group template." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpEntry 13 } tPortAccEgrQGrpAggRateLUB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpAggRateLUB specifies whether to limit the unused bandwidth and allow a tighter control in allocation of bandwidth by HQos. When the value of tPortAccEgrQGrpAggRateLUB is set to 'true', HQos algorithm distributes any unused aggregate bandwidth between queues operating below their fair share rates. This allows a simplified aggregate rate protection while allocating bandwidth by HQos scheduling algorithm." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpEntry 14 } tPortAccEgrQGrpAggRateLmt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3200000000 | 4294967295) UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpAggRateLmt specifies the maximum total rate of all egress queues in this queue-group. The The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) means that there is no limit." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpEntry 17 } tPortAccEgrQGrpHsTurboQueues OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpHsTurboQueues specifies whether to enable resource allocation of fast HS Queue-Group queues (set of 8 queues) which are capable of handling higher speeds. The value of this object has no effect on non-HS port." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpEntry 18 } tPortAccEgrQOverTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverTableLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tPortAccEgrQOverTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 38 } tPortAccEgrQOverTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortAccEgrQOverEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortAccEgrQOverTable has an entry for each access port queue override configured on this system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 39 } tPortAccEgrQOverEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortAccEgrQOverEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular port queue override. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortAccEgrQGrpName, tPortAccEgrQGrpInstanceId, tPortAccEgrQOverQueue } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverTable 1 } TPortAccEgrQOverEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortAccEgrQOverQueue TEgressQueueId, tPortAccEgrQOverRowStatus RowStatus, tPortAccEgrQOverLastChanged TimeStamp, tPortAccEgrQOverCBS TBurstSizeOverride, tPortAccEgrQOverMBS TBurstSizeOverride, tPortAccEgrQOverHiPrioOnly TBurstPercentOrDefaultOverride, tPortAccEgrQOverAdminPIR TQosQueuePIRRateOverride, tPortAccEgrQOverAdminCIR TQosQueueCIRRateOverride, tPortAccEgrQOverPIRAdaptation TAdaptationRuleOverride, tPortAccEgrQOverCIRAdaptation TAdaptationRuleOverride, tPortAccEgrQOverMBSBytes TBurstSizeBytesOvr, tPortAccEgrQOverAdminPIRPercent TPIRPercentOverride, tPortAccEgrQOverAdminCIRPercent TCIRPercentOverride, tPortAccEgrQOverRateType TRateType, tPortAccEgrQOverWeight TWeightOverride, tPortAccEgrQOverCIRWeight TWeightOverride, tPortAccEgrQOverMonitorDepth TruthValue, tPortAccEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs TBurstPercentOrDefaultOverride, tPortAccEgrQOverBurstLimit TBurstLimitOverride, tPortAccEgrQOverMonQueueDepth TruthValue, tPortAccEgrQOverQFastPolling TruthValue, tPortAccEgrQOverQViolationThres Unsigned32 } tPortAccEgrQOverQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressQueueId (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverQueue specifies the queue ID which is used as the fourth index to the table entry." ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 1 } tPortAccEgrQOverRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of port queue overrides. Row creation will fail if there is no entry in the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tQosEgrQueueTable with the same index values as the last two indices of this table (tPortAccEgrQGrpName.tPortAccEgrQOverQueue)." ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 2 } tPortAccEgrQOverLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management change to this row." ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 3 } tPortAccEgrQOverCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSizeOverride UNITS "kilo-bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverCBS specifies the amount of reserved buffer space for the queue." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 4 } tPortAccEgrQOverMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSizeOverride UNITS "kilo-bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverMBS specifies the maximum amount of buffer space allowed for the queue. This object is replaced with tPortAccEgrQOverMBSBytes object." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 5 } tPortAccEgrQOverHiPrioOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefaultOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverHiPrioOnly specifies the percentage of buffer space for the queue, used exclusively by high priority packets. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tPortAccEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs object." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 6 } tPortAccEgrQOverAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueuePIRRateOverride UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverAdminPIR specifies the administrative PIR specified by the user. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortAccEgrQOverAdminPIR is set to non-default value when the object tPortAccEgrQOverRateType is set to 'percent'." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 7 } tPortAccEgrQOverAdminCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueueCIRRateOverride UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverAdminCIR specifies the administrative CIR specified by the user. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortAccEgrQOverAdminCIR is set to non-default value when the object tPortAccEgrQOverRateType is set to 'percent'." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 8 } tPortAccEgrQOverPIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRuleOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverPIRAdaptation specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { noOverride } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 9 } tPortAccEgrQOverCIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRuleOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverCIRAdaptation specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational CIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { noOverride } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 10 } tPortAccEgrQOverMBSBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSizeBytesOvr UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverMBSBytes specifies the maximum amount of buffer space allowed for the queue." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 11 } tPortAccEgrQOverAdminPIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPIRPercentOverride UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverAdminPIRPercent specifies the administrative PIR percentage, in centipercent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortAccEgrQOverAdminPIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortAccEgrQOverRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 12 } tPortAccEgrQOverAdminCIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TCIRPercentOverride UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverAdminCIRPercent specifies the administrative CIR percentage, in centipercent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortAccEgrQOverAdminCIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortAccEgrQOverRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 13 } tPortAccEgrQOverRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TRateType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverRateType specifies the type of Egress queue rate. When the value of the object is set to 'kbps', the egresss queue rates are specified in kbps. The objects tPortAccEgrQOverAdminPIRPercent and tPortAccEgrQOverAdminCIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of the object is set to 'percent', the egress queue rates are specified in percentage. The objects tPortAccEgrQOverAdminPIR and tPortAccEgrQOverAdminCIR will be set to their default values." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 14 } tPortAccEgrQOverWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used by the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 15 } tPortAccEgrQOverCIRWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverCIRWeight specifies the weight that should be assigned to this queue by the parent scheduler among all the entities feeding into the parent, when the traffic is conforming to the committed rate. A value of '0' specifies that the queue will not receive bandwidth for the 'within-cir' pass on its parent scheduler." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 16 } tPortAccEgrQOverMonitorDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverMonitorDepth specifies whether to enable queue depth monitoring for this specified queue. This object is obsoleted in 21.2 Release. It is replaced by tPortAccEgrQOverMonQueueDepth" DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 17 } tPortAccEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefaultOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs specifies the percentage at which low drop tail is being reduced from the MBS specified by tPortAccEgrQOverMBSBytes." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 18 } tPortAccEgrQOverBurstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstLimitOverride UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverBurstLimit specifies the the explicit shaping burst size of a queue." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 19 } tPortAccEgrQOverMonQueueDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverMonQueueDepth specifies whether to enable queue depth monitoring for this specified queue." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 20 } tPortAccEgrQOverQFastPolling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverQFastPolling indicates that the depth monitoring should use the new Embedded Control Processor fast-polling." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 21 } tPortAccEgrQOverQViolationThres OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..9999) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQOverQViolationThres indicates percent of the depth of the queue above which a violation is registered. This is applicable to both the existing queue depth monitoring feature and the fast-polling feature." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tPortAccEgrQOverEntry 22 } tPortNetEgrQGrpTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpTableLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tPortNetEgrQGrpTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 40 } tPortNetEgrQGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortNetEgrQGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpTable defines network Egress Queue Group Table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of defining the port specific queue groups from the queue-groups existing in the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tQosEgrQGroupTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 41 } tPortNetEgrQGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortNetEgrQGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpEntry defines an entry in the tPortNetEgrQGrpTable. Entries are created/deleted in this table by SNMP sets to tPortNetEgrQGrpRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortNetEgrQGrpName, tPortNetEgrQGrpInstanceId } ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpTable 1 } TPortNetEgrQGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortNetEgrQGrpName TNamedItem, tPortNetEgrQGrpRowStatus RowStatus, tPortNetEgrQGrpLastChgd TimeStamp, tPortNetEgrQGrpSchedPol TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortNetEgrQGrpAggRateLimit TPortSchedulerAggRateLimitPIR, tPortNetEgrQGrpAcctgPolId Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrQGrpCollectStats TruthValue, tPortNetEgrQGrpFrameBaseActg TruthValue, tPortNetEgrQGrpDescr TItemDescription, tPortNetEgrQGrpPlcrCntrlPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortNetEgrQGrpInstanceId Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrQGrpAggRateLUB TruthValue, tPortNetEgrQGrpAggRateLmt Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrQGrpHsTurboQueues TruthValue } tPortNetEgrQGrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpName defines the port Egress Queue Group name. It, along with tPortNetEgrQGrpInstanceId uniquely identifies a port egress queue group in the managed system." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpEntry 1 } tPortNetEgrQGrpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tPortNetEgrQGrpTable. The creation of an entry in this table will succeed only if the queue-group being created exist in TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tQosEgrQGroupTable." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpEntry 2 } tPortNetEgrQGrpLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpLastChgd indicates the value of sysUpTime when the queue entry was last modified." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpEntry 3 } tPortNetEgrQGrpSchedPol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpSchedPol specifies the name of the scheduler policy to be used with this port egress queue-group." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpEntry 4 } tPortNetEgrQGrpAggRateLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerAggRateLimitPIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpAggRateLimit specifies the maximum total rate of all egress queues in this queue-group. The value '-1' means that there is no limit. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortNetEgrQGrpAggRateLmt." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpEntry 5 } tPortNetEgrQGrpAcctgPolId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..99) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpAcctgPolId specifies the accounting-policy to be used with this port egress queue-group. A non-zero value indicates the tmnxLogApPolicyId index identifying the policy entry in the tmnxLogApTable from the TIMETRA-LOG-MIB which is associated with this queue-group. The value zero indicates that the agent should use the default accounting policy, if one exists." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpEntry 6 } tPortNetEgrQGrpCollectStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpCollectStats specifies whether statistics should be collected on this port egress queue-group." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpEntry 7 } tPortNetEgrQGrpFrameBaseActg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpFrameBaseActg specifies whether to use frame-based accounting for this port egress queue-group. If the value is 'false', the default packet-based accounting method will be used." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpEntry 8 } tPortNetEgrQGrpDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpDescr specifies the description for this port queue-group." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpEntry 9 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPlcrCntrlPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPlcrCntrlPolicy specifies the network egress policer control policy applicable to this port egress queue-group." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpEntry 10 } tPortNetEgrQGrpInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpInstanceId defines the unique instance of the port Egress Queue Group. It, along with tPortNetEgrQGrpName, uniquely identifies a port egress queue group in the managed system." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpEntry 11 } tPortNetEgrQGrpAggRateLUB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpAggRateLUB specifies whether to limit the unused bandwidth and allow a tighter control in allocation of bandwidth by HQos. When the value of tPortNetEgrQGrpAggRateLUB is set to 'true', HQos algorithm distributes any unused aggregate bandwidth between queues operating below their fair share rates. This allows a simplified aggregate rate protection while allocating bandwidth by HQos scheduling algorithm." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpEntry 12 } tPortNetEgrQGrpAggRateLmt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3200000000 | 4294967295) UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpAggRateLmt specifies the maximum total rate of all egress queues in this queue-group. The The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) means that there is no limit." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpEntry 15 } tPortNetEgrQGrpHsTurboQueues OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpHsTurboQueues specifies whether to enable resource allocation of fast HS Queue-Group queues (set of 8 queues) which are capable of handling higher speed. The value of this object has no effect on non-HS port." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpEntry 16 } tPortNetEgrQOverTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverTableLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tPortNetEgrQOverTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 42 } tPortNetEgrQOverTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortNetEgrQOverEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortNetEgrQOverTable has an entry for each port queue override configured on this system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 43 } tPortNetEgrQOverEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortNetEgrQOverEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular port queue override. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortNetEgrQGrpName, tPortNetEgrQGrpInstanceId, tPortNetEgrQOverQueue } ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverTable 1 } TPortNetEgrQOverEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortNetEgrQOverQueue TEgressQueueId, tPortNetEgrQOverRowStatus RowStatus, tPortNetEgrQOverLastChanged TimeStamp, tPortNetEgrQOverCBS TBurstSizeOverride, tPortNetEgrQOverMBS TBurstSizeOverride, tPortNetEgrQOverHiPrioOnly TBurstPercentOrDefaultOverride, tPortNetEgrQOverAdminPIR TQosQueuePIRRateOverride, tPortNetEgrQOverAdminCIR TQosQueueCIRRateOverride, tPortNetEgrQOverPIRAdaptation TAdaptationRuleOverride, tPortNetEgrQOverCIRAdaptation TAdaptationRuleOverride, tPortNetEgrQOverMBSBytes TBurstSizeBytesOvr, tPortNetEgrQOverAdminPIRPercent TPIRPercentOverride, tPortNetEgrQOverAdminCIRPercent TCIRPercentOverride, tPortNetEgrQOverRateType TRateType, tPortNetEgrQOverMonitorDepth TruthValue, tPortNetEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs TBurstPercentOrDefaultOverride, tPortNetEgrQOverMonQueueDepth TruthValue, tPortNetEgrQOverQFastPolling TruthValue, tPortNetEgrQOverQViolationThres Unsigned32 } tPortNetEgrQOverQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressQueueId (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverQueue specifies the queue ID which is used as the fourth index to the table entry." ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 1 } tPortNetEgrQOverRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of port queue overrides. Row creation will fail if there is no entry in the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tQosEgrQueueTable with the same index values as the last two indices of this table (tPortNetEgrQGrpName.tPortNetEgrQOverQueue)." ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 2 } tPortNetEgrQOverLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management change to this row." ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 3 } tPortNetEgrQOverCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSizeOverride UNITS "kilo-bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverCBS specifies the amount of reserved buffer space for the queue." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 4 } tPortNetEgrQOverMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSizeOverride UNITS "kilo-bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverMBS specifies the maximum amount of buffer space allowed for the queue. This object is replaced with tPortNetEgrQOverMBSBytes object." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 5 } tPortNetEgrQOverHiPrioOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefaultOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverHiPrioOnly specifies the percentage of buffer space for the queue, used exclusively by high priority packets. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tPortNetEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs object." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 6 } tPortNetEgrQOverAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueuePIRRateOverride UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverAdminPIR specifies the administrative PIR specified by the user. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortNetEgrQOverAdminPIR is set to non-default value when the object tPortNetEgrQOverRateType is set to 'percent'." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 7 } tPortNetEgrQOverAdminCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueueCIRRateOverride UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverAdminCIR specifies the administrative CIR specified by the user. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortNetEgrQOverAdminCIR is set to non-default value when the object tPortNetEgrQOverRateType is set to 'percent'." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 8 } tPortNetEgrQOverPIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRuleOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverPIRAdaptation specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { noOverride } ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 9 } tPortNetEgrQOverCIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRuleOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverCIRAdaptation specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational CIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { noOverride } ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 10 } tPortNetEgrQOverMBSBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSizeBytesOvr UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverMBSBytes specifies the maximum amount of buffer space allowed for the queue." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 11 } tPortNetEgrQOverAdminPIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPIRPercentOverride UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverAdminPIRPercent specifies the administrative PIR percentage, in centipercent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortNetEgrQOverAdminPIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortNetEgrQOverRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 12 } tPortNetEgrQOverAdminCIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TCIRPercentOverride UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverAdminCIRPercent specifies the administrative CIR percentage, in centipercent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tQosEgrQueueAdminCIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortNetEgrQOverRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 13 } tPortNetEgrQOverRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TRateType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverRateType specifies the type of Egress queue rate. When the value of the object is set to 'kbps', the egresss queue rates are specified in kbps. The objects tPortNetEgrQOverAdminPIRPercent and tPortNetEgrQOverAdminCIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of the object is set to 'percent', the egress queue rates are specified in percentage. The objects tPortNetEgrQOverAdminPIR and tPortNetEgrQOverAdminCIR will be set to their default values." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 14 } tPortNetEgrQOverMonitorDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverMonitorDepth specifies whether to enable queue depth monitoring for this specified queue. This object is obsoleted in 21.2 Release. It is replaced by tPortNetEgrQOverMonQueueDepth" DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 15 } tPortNetEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefaultOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs specifies the percentage at which low drop tail is being reduced from the MBS specified by tPortNetEgrQOverMBSBytes." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 16 } tPortNetEgrQOverMonQueueDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverMonQueueDepth specifies whether to enable queue depth monitoring for this specified queue." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 17 } tPortNetEgrQOverQFastPolling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverQFastPolling indicates that the depth monitoring should use the new Embedded Control Processor fast-polling." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 18 } tPortNetEgrQOverQViolationThres OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..9999) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQOverQViolationThres indicates percent of the depth of the queue above which a violation is registered. This is applicable to both the existing queue depth monitoring feature and the fast-polling feature." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tPortNetEgrQOverEntry 19 } tmnxBundleMlfrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxBundleMlfrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxBundleMlfrTable contains MLFR specific data." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 44 } tmnxBundleMlfrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBundleMlfrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains data on an MLFR Bundle." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxBundleBundleID } ::= { tmnxBundleMlfrTable 1 } TmnxBundleMlfrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxBundleMlfrBundleId SnmpAdminString, tmnxBundleMlfrIngQoSProfId TMcFrQoSProfileId, tmnxBundleMlfrEgrQoSProfId TMcFrQoSProfileId, tmnxBundleMlfrHelloTimer Unsigned32, tmnxBundleMlfrHelloRetryCount Unsigned32, tmnxBundleMlfrAckTimer Unsigned32, tmnxBundleMlfrLastChanged TimeStamp } tmnxBundleMlfrBundleId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..49)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBundleMlfrBundleId is the Bundle Identifier sent with each Link Integrity Protocol message for each member of a tmnxBundleBundleID. The object tmnxPortAdminStatus must be set to 'outOfService' to change this value." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxBundleMlfrEntry 1 } tmnxBundleMlfrIngQoSProfId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMcFrQoSProfileId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBundleMlfrIngQoSProfId specifies the ingress QoS profile to be used for the incoming traffic over this MLFR bundle. The value of tmnxBundleMlfrIngQoSProfId of 0 indicates a default QoS profile is used as applicable to given hardware." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxBundleMlfrEntry 4 } tmnxBundleMlfrEgrQoSProfId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMcFrQoSProfileId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBundleMlfrEgrQoSProfId specifies the egress QoS profile to be used for the outgoing traffic over this MLFR bundle. The value of tmnxBundleMlfrEgrQoSProfId of 0 indicates a default profile is used as applicable to given hardware." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxBundleMlfrEntry 5 } tmnxBundleMlfrHelloTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..180) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBundleMlfrHelloTimer specifies the rate at which hello messages are sent across a member link." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { tmnxBundleMlfrEntry 6 } tmnxBundleMlfrHelloRetryCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..5) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBundleMlfrHelloRetryCount specifies the number of times to attempt to resend hello messages when the tmnxBundleMlfrAckTimer has expired before taking action." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { tmnxBundleMlfrEntry 7 } tmnxBundleMlfrAckTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBundleMlfrAckTimer specifies the length of time to wait for acknowledgment of a hello message before declaring the hello message has not been received." DEFVAL { 4 } ::= { tmnxBundleMlfrEntry 8 } tmnxBundleMlfrLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBundleMlfrLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management change to this row." ::= { tmnxBundleMlfrEntry 9 } tmnxPortIngQosQStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains ingress QoS queue-group queue port statistics." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 45 } tmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ingress statistics about a specific port's QoS queue-group queue." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortAccIngQGrpName, tmnxPortIngQosQStatQueueId } ::= { tmnxPortIngQosQStatTable 1 } TmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortIngQosQStatQueueId TIngressQueueId, tmnxPortIngQosQStatOffHiPrioPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngQosQStatDpdHiPrioPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngQosQStatOffLoPrioPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngQosQStatDpdLoPrioPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngQosQStatOffHiPrioOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngQosQStatDpdHiPrioOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngQosQStatOffLoPrioOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngQosQStatDpdLoPrioOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngQosQStatFwdInProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngQosQStatFwdOutProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortIngQosQStatFwdInProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngQosQStatFwdOutProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortIngQosQStatUncolPktsOff Counter64, tmnxPortIngQosQStatUncolOctsOff Counter64 } tmnxPortIngQosQStatQueueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressQueueId (1..32) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortIngQosQStatQueueId specifies the queue-group queue ID which is used as the fourth index to the table entry." ::= { tmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry 1 } tmnxPortIngQosQStatOffHiPrioPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortIngQosQStatOffHiPrioPkts indicates the number of high priority packets, as determined by the port ingress QoS policy, offered by the Pchip to the Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry 2 } tmnxPortIngQosQStatDpdHiPrioPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortIngQosQStatDpdHiPrioPkts indicates the number of high priority packets, as determined by the port ingress QoS policy, dropped by the Qchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry 3 } tmnxPortIngQosQStatOffLoPrioPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortIngQosQStatOffLoPrioPkts indicates the number of low priority packets, as determined by the port ingress QoS policy, offered by the Pchip to the Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry 4 } tmnxPortIngQosQStatDpdLoPrioPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortIngQosQStatDpdLoPrioPkts indicates the number of low priority packets, as determined by the port ingress QoS policy, dropped by the Qchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry 5 } tmnxPortIngQosQStatOffHiPrioOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortIngQosQStatOffHiPrioOcts indicates the number of high priority octets, as determined by the port ingress QoS policy, offered by the Pchip to the Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry 6 } tmnxPortIngQosQStatDpdHiPrioOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortIngQosQStatDpdHiPrioOcts indicates the number of high priority octets, as determined by the port ingress QoS policy, dropped by the Qchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry 7 } tmnxPortIngQosQStatOffLoPrioOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortIngQosQStatOffLoPrioOcts indicates the number of low priority octets, as determined by the port ingress QoS policy, offered by the Pchip to the Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry 8 } tmnxPortIngQosQStatDpdLoPrioOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortIngQosQStatDpdLoPrioOcts indicates the number of low priority octets, as determined by the port ingress QoS policy, dropped by the Qchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry 9 } tmnxPortIngQosQStatFwdInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortIngQosQStatFwdInProfPkts indicates the number of in-profile packets (rate below CIR) forwarded by the ingress Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry 10 } tmnxPortIngQosQStatFwdOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortIngQosQStatFwdOutProfPkts indicates the number of out-of-profile packets (rate above CIR) forwarded by the ingress Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry 11 } tmnxPortIngQosQStatFwdInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortIngQosQStatFwdInProfOcts indicates the number of in-profile octets (rate below CIR) forwarded by the ingress Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry 12 } tmnxPortIngQosQStatFwdOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortIngQosQStatFwdOutProfOcts indicates the number of out-of-profile octets (rate above CIR) forwarded by the ingress Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry 13 } tmnxPortIngQosQStatUncolPktsOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortIngQosQStatUncolPktsOff indicates the number of uncolored packets offered to the ingress Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry 14 } tmnxPortIngQosQStatUncolOctsOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortIngQosQStatUncolOctsOff indicates the number of uncolored octets offered to the ingress Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortIngQosQStatEntry 15 } tmnxPortEgrQosQStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortEgrQosQStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains egress QoS queue-group queue port statistics." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 46 } tmnxPortEgrQosQStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEgrQosQStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Egress statistics about a specific port's QoS queue-group queue. In release 11.0, tPortAccEgrQGrpInstanceId is added as another index before tmnxPortEgrQosQStatQueueId for this tmnxPortEgrQosQStatTable." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortAccEgrQGrpName, tPortAccEgrQGrpInstanceId, tmnxPortEgrQosQStatQueueId } ::= { tmnxPortEgrQosQStatTable 1 } TmnxPortEgrQosQStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortEgrQosQStatQueueId TEgressQueueId, tmnxPortEgrQosQStatFwdInProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortEgrQosQStatDpdInProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortEgrQosQStatFwdOutProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortEgrQosQStatDpdOutProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortEgrQosQStatFwdInProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortEgrQosQStatDpdInProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortEgrQosQStatFwdOutProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortEgrQosQStatDpdOutProfOcts Counter64 } tmnxPortEgrQosQStatQueueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressQueueId (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrQosQStatQueueId specifies the queue-group queue ID which is used as the fourth index to the table entry." ::= { tmnxPortEgrQosQStatEntry 1 } tmnxPortEgrQosQStatFwdInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrQosQStatFwdInProfPkts indicates the number of in-profile packets (rate below CIR) forwarded by the egress Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortEgrQosQStatEntry 2 } tmnxPortEgrQosQStatDpdInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrQosQStatDpdInProfPkts indicates the number of in-profile packets discarded by the egress Qchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxPortEgrQosQStatEntry 3 } tmnxPortEgrQosQStatFwdOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrQosQStatFwdOutProfPkts indicates the number of out-of-profile packets (rate above CIR) forwarded by the egress Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortEgrQosQStatEntry 4 } tmnxPortEgrQosQStatDpdOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrQosQStatDpdOutProfPkts indicates the number of out-of-profile packets discarded by the egress Qchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxPortEgrQosQStatEntry 5 } tmnxPortEgrQosQStatFwdInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrQosQStatFwdInProfOcts indicates the number of in-profile octets (rate below CIR) forwarded by the egress Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortEgrQosQStatEntry 6 } tmnxPortEgrQosQStatDpdInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrQosQStatDpdInProfOcts indicates the number of in-profile octets discarded by the egress Qchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxPortEgrQosQStatEntry 7 } tmnxPortEgrQosQStatFwdOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrQosQStatFwdOutProfOcts indicates the number of out-of-profile octets (rate above CIR) forwarded by the egress Qchip." ::= { tmnxPortEgrQosQStatEntry 8 } tmnxPortEgrQosQStatDpdOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrQosQStatDpdOutProfOcts indicates the number of out-of-profile octets discarded by the egress Qchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tmnxPortEgrQosQStatEntry 9 } tmnxBundleMemberMlfrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxBundleMemberMlfrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxBundleMemberMlfrTable has an entry for a frame relay link associated with an MLFR Bundle." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 47 } tmnxBundleMemberMlfrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBundleMemberMlfrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an frame relay link associated with a MLFR Bundle." INDEX { tmnxBundleBundleID, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxBundleMemberMlfrTable 1 } TmnxBundleMemberMlfrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxBundleMemberMlfrDownReason TmnxMlfrLinkDownReason } tmnxBundleMemberMlfrDownReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMlfrLinkDownReason MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxBundleMemberMlfrDownReason indicates the reason code for marking the MLFR member link of the bundle to down (i.e. tmnxBundleMemberActive will be set to false)." ::= { tmnxBundleMemberMlfrEntry 1 } tmnxWaveTrackerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxWaveTrackerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxWaveTrackerTable has an entry for each Wavelength Tracker port on each IOM card in each chassis in the TMNX system. This table was obsoleted in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 48 } tmnxWaveTrackerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxWaveTrackerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a Wave Tracker capable port on a IOM card in a chassis in the system. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. The tmnxWaveTrackerEntry contains attributes that are unique to the Wave Tracker capable ports. This entry was obsoleted in release 22.2." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerTable 1 } TmnxWaveTrackerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxWaveTrackerPowerCtrlEnable TruthValue, tmnxWaveTrackerEncodeEnable TruthValue, tmnxWaveTrackerInUse TruthValue, tmnxWaveTrackerTargetPower Integer32, tmnxWaveTrackerWaveKey1 Unsigned32, tmnxWaveTrackerWaveKey2 Unsigned32, tmnxWaveTrackerTrailName SnmpAdminString, tmnxWaveTrackerCfgAlarms TmnxWaveTrackerAlarm, tmnxWaveTrackerAlarmState TmnxWaveTrackerAlarm, tmnxWaveTrackerMeasuredPower Integer32, tmnxWaveTrackerMaxAttainablePwr Integer32, tmnxWaveTrackerMinAttainablePwr Integer32, tmnxWaveTrackerUpperPowerMargin Unsigned32, tmnxWaveTrackerLowerPowerMargin Unsigned32, tmnxWaveTrackerPortType INTEGER, tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaEquipped TruthValue, tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaType INTEGER, tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaSerialNum TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaModelNum TNamedItemOrEmpty } tmnxWaveTrackerPowerCtrlEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxWaveTrackerPowerCtrlEnable specifies whether or not the Wavelength Tracker Power Control loop that maintains the interface's transmitted optical signal average output power is enabled. tmnxWaveTrackerPowerCtrlEnable is equivalent to 'tnWtEncodePortCapabilityProgrammed' of the 1696-Roadm MIBs. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 1 } tmnxWaveTrackerEncodeEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "the value of tmnxWaveTrackerEncodeEnable specifies whether or not the Wavelength Tracker Encoding of Wave Keys on the interface's transmitted optical signal is enabled. tmnxWaveTrackerEncodeEnable is equivalent to 'tnWaveKeyEncodeTransmitState' of the 1696-Roadm MIBs. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 2 } tmnxWaveTrackerInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxWaveTrackerInUse indicates whether or not the Wavelength Tracker feature is in use by the system for services. tmnxWaveTrackerInUse is equivalent to 'tnWtEncodePortCapabilityInUse' of the 1696-Roadm MIBs. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 3 } tmnxWaveTrackerTargetPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-2200..300) UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxWaveTrackerTargetPower specifies the desired average output power of the interface's transmitted optical signal when tmnxWaveTrackerPowerCtrlEnable is set to 'true (1)'. The UNITS millibels (mBm) are units of 0.01 decibel relative to one milliwatt (0 dBm) or dBm multiplied by 100. The mBm is used when integers are required instead of floating point. For example: -5.21 dBm is equivalent to -521 mBm. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." DEFVAL { -2000 } ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 4 } tmnxWaveTrackerWaveKey1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxWaveTrackerWaveKey1 specifies the first Wavelength Tracker Key (or Identifier) to be transmitted on the interface's optical signal when tmnxWaveTrackerEncodeEnable is set to 'true (1)'. The following table describes the possible tmnxWaveTrackerWaveKey1 and tmnxWaveTrackerWaveKey2 values based on ITU channel. Key1 and Key2 must also match in modulo 2 with each other. Index ITU Key 1 Key 2 channel First Last First Last ------------------------------------------- 0 61 1548 1548 2032 2032 // 1696 Test Channel // Original Tropic Channels (index 1 to 32) 1 59 1 15 545 559 2 58 18 32 562 576 3 57 35 49 579 593 4 56 52 66 596 610 5 54 69 83 613 627 6 53 86 100 630 644 7 52 103 117 647 661 8 51 120 134 664 678 9 49 137 151 681 695 10 48 154 168 698 712 11 47 171 185 715 729 12 46 188 202 732 746 13 44 205 219 749 763 14 43 222 236 766 780 15 42 239 253 783 797 16 41 256 270 800 814 17 39 273 287 817 831 18 38 290 304 834 848 19 37 307 321 851 865 20 36 324 338 868 882 21 34 341 355 885 899 22 33 358 372 902 916 23 32 375 389 919 933 24 31 392 406 936 950 25 29 409 423 953 967 26 28 426 440 970 984 27 27 443 457 987 1001 28 26 460 474 1004 1018 29 24 477 491 1021 1035 30 23 494 508 1038 1052 31 22 511 525 1055 1069 32 21 528 542 1072 1086 // 1696 Extension 42 channels (index 33 to 42) 33 60 1089 1103 1573 1587 34 55 1106 1120 1590 1604 35 50 1123 1137 1607 1621 36 45 1140 1154 1624 1638 37 40 1157 1171 1641 1655 38 35 1174 1188 1658 1672 39 30 1191 1205 1675 1689 40 25 1208 1222 1692 1706 41 20 1225 1239 1709 1723 42 19 1242 1256 1726 1740 // 1830 Extension to 44 channels (index 43 and 44) 43 18 1259 1273 1743 1757 44 17 1276 1290 1760 1774 // 1830 Extension to 88 channels (index 45 to 88) 45 595 1293 1307 1777 1791 46 585 1310 1324 1794 1808 47 575 1327 1341 1811 1825 48 565 1344 1358 1828 1842 49 545 1361 1375 1845 1859 50 535 1378 1392 1862 1876 51 525 1395 1409 1879 1893 52 515 1412 1426 1896 1910 53 495 1429 1443 1913 1927 54 485 1446 1460 1930 1944 55 475 1463 1477 1947 1961 56 465 1480 1494 1964 1978 57 445 1497 1511 1981 1995 58 435 1514 1528 1998 2012 59 425 1531 1545 2015 2029 60 415 1548 1562 2032 2046 61 395 3585 3599 2049 2063 62 385 3602 3616 2066 2080 63 375 3619 3633 2083 2097 64 365 3636 3650 2100 2114 65 345 3653 3667 2117 2131 66 335 3670 3684 2134 2148 67 325 3687 3701 2151 2165 68 315 3704 3718 2168 2182 69 295 3721 3735 2185 2199 70 285 3738 3752 2202 2216 71 275 3755 3769 2219 2233 72 265 3772 3786 2236 2250 73 245 3789 3803 2253 2267 74 235 3806 3820 2270 2284 75 225 3823 3837 2287 2301 76 215 3840 3854 2304 2318 77 605 3857 3871 2321 2335 78 555 3874 3888 2338 2352 79 505 3891 3905 2355 2369 80 455 3908 3922 2372 2386 81 405 3434 3448 3946 3960 82 355 3451 3465 3963 3977 83 305 3468 3482 3980 3994 84 255 3485 3499 3997 4011 85 205 3502 3516 4014 4028 86 195 3519 3533 4031 4045 87 185 3536 3550 4048 4062 88 175 3553 3567 4065 4079 ------------------------------------------- This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 5 } tmnxWaveTrackerWaveKey2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "the value of tmnxWaveTrackerWaveKey2 specifies the second Wavelength Tracker Key (or Identifier) to be transmitted on the interface's optical signal when tmnxWaveTrackerEncodeEnable is set to 'true (1)'. Refer to the description of tmnxWaveTrackerWaveKey1 for the valid values based on the ITU channel. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 6 } tmnxWaveTrackerTrailName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxWaveTrackerTrailName indicates the trail name of the encode point. This trail is usually transmitted in the OTU pm-tti. tmnxWaveTrackerTrailName is equivalent to 'tnWaveKeyEncodeTrailName' of the 1696-Roadm MIBs. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 7 } tmnxWaveTrackerCfgAlarms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxWaveTrackerAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxWaveTrackerCfgAlarms specifies the alarms that are to be monitored by the Wavelength Tracker interface. If an alarm bit is set, then the corresponding alarm will generate a raise or clear notification when its state changes. An unset bit specifies that the alarm corresponding with the bit will not report on its state transitions. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." DEFVAL { {encFail, encDegr, pwrFail, pwrDegr, pwrHigh, pwrLow, missing} } ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 8 } tmnxWaveTrackerAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxWaveTrackerAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxWaveTrackerAlarmState indicates which monitored alarms are raised against the Wavelength Tracker interface. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 9 } tmnxWaveTrackerMeasuredPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tmnxWaveTrackerMeasuredPower indicates the current average output power of the interface's transmitted optical signal. The UNITS mBm are units of 0.01 dBm or dBm multiplied by 100. The mBm is used when integers are required instead of floating point. For example: -5.21 dBm is equivalent to -521 mBm. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 10 } tmnxWaveTrackerMaxAttainablePwr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tmnxWaveTrackerMaxAttainablePwr indicates the maximum average output power of the interface's transmitted optical signal at end of life. The UNITS mBm are units of 0.01 dBm or dBm multiplied by 100. The mBm is used when integers are required instead of floating point. For example: -5.21 dBm is equivalent to -521 mBm. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 11 } tmnxWaveTrackerMinAttainablePwr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tmnxWaveTrackerMinAttainablePwr indicates the minimum average output power of the interface's transmitted optical signal at end of life. The UNITS mBm are units of 0.01 dBm or dBm multiplied by 100. The mBm is used when integers are required instead of floating point. For example: -5.21 dBm is equivalent to -521 mBm. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 12 } tmnxWaveTrackerUpperPowerMargin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "mB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tmnxWaveTrackerUpperPowerMargin indicates how much the average output power of the interface's transmitted optical signal can be increased. The UNITS millibels (mB) are units of 0.01 dB or dB multiplied by 100. The mB is used when integers are required instead of floating point. For example: 5.21 dB is equivalent to 521 mB. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 13 } tmnxWaveTrackerLowerPowerMargin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "mB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tmnxWaveTrackerLowerPowerMargin indicates how much the average output power of the interface's transmitted optical signal can be decreased. The UNITS mBm are units of 0.01 dB or dB multiplied by 100. The mB is used when integers are required instead of floating point. For example: 5.21 dB is equivalent to 521 mB. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 14 } tmnxWaveTrackerPortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), fixed (1), pluggable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxWaveTrackerPortType indicates if the port is fixed or if it supports pluggable equipment. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 15 } tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaEquipped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaEquipped indicates whether or not an SFP VOA is present. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 16 } tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), fast (1), slow (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaType indicates if the SFP VOA is fast or slow. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 17 } tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaSerialNum indicates the serial number information for the SFP VOA. The string is expected to contain printable ASCII characters, but unprintable ASCII characters read from the EEPROM are not filtered out. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 18 } tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaModelNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxWaveTrackerSfpVoaModelNum indicates the model information for the SFP VOA. The string is expected to contain printable ASCII characters, but unprintable ASCII characters read from the EEPROM are not filtered out. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxWaveTrackerEntry 19 } tPortAccEgrQGrpHMTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpHMTableLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 49 } tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchTable defines a set of string values optionally used by subscriber management to map subscriber's and subscriber host's policed traffic to a specific egress port queue group." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 50 } tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchEntry defines an entry in the tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchTable. Entries are created/deleted in this table by SNMP sets to tPortAccEgrQGrpHMRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortAccEgrQGrpName, tPortAccEgrQGrpInstanceId, tPortAccEgrQGrpHMIntDestId, tPortAccEgrQGrpHMOrgString } ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchTable 1 } TPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortAccEgrQGrpHMIntDestId TmnxSubMgtIntDestId, tPortAccEgrQGrpHMOrgString TmnxSubMgtOrgStrOrZero, tPortAccEgrQGrpHMRowStatus RowStatus, tPortAccEgrQGrpHMLastChgd TimeStamp } tPortAccEgrQGrpHMIntDestId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubMgtIntDestId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpHMIntDestId defines the intermediate destination id to match on." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchEntry 1 } tPortAccEgrQGrpHMOrgString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubMgtOrgStrOrZero MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpHMOrgString defines the organization string to match on. If tPortAccEgrQGrpHMOrgString is the empty string (''), every subscriber with an organization string will not match this entry. If tPortAccEgrQGrpHMOrgString is the wildcard symbol ('*'), every subscriber with an organization string will match this entry, if the tPortAccEgrQGrpHMIntDestId matches. Currently only the empty string ('') is accepted." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchEntry 2 } tPortAccEgrQGrpHMRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpHMRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchTable. The creation of an entry in this table will succeed only if the queue-group being created exist in TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tQosEgrQGroupTable." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchEntry 3 } tPortAccEgrQGrpHMLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpHMLastChgd indicates the value of sysUpTime when the host match entry was last modified." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchEntry 4 } tPortAccIngSchedStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortAccIngSchedStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedStatTable defines access Ingress Queue Group related statistics per scheduler." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 51 } tPortAccIngSchedStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortAccIngSchedStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedStatEntry defines an entry in the tPortAccIngSchedStatTable. It represents statistics about a specific QoS ingress queue group scheduler on the port specified by tPortAccIngSchedStatName on the access side." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortAccIngQGrpName, tPortAccIngSchedStatName } ::= { tPortAccIngSchedStatTable 1 } TPortAccIngSchedStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortAccIngSchedStatName TNamedItem, tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdPkts Counter64, tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdPktsHi Counter32, tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdPktsLo Counter32, tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdOcts Counter64, tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdOctsHi Counter32, tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdOctsLo Counter32 } tPortAccIngSchedStatName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedStatName indicates the scheduler associated with this queue group on this port." ::= { tPortAccIngSchedStatEntry 1 } tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdPkts indicates the number of forwarded packets by this port on this queue-group using this scheduler." ::= { tPortAccIngSchedStatEntry 2 } tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdPktsHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdPktsHi indicates upper 32 bits of tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdPkts object." ::= { tPortAccIngSchedStatEntry 3 } tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdPktsLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdPktsLo indicates lower 32 bits of tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdPkts object." ::= { tPortAccIngSchedStatEntry 4 } tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdOcts indicates the number of forwarded octets by this port on this queue-group using this scheduler." ::= { tPortAccIngSchedStatEntry 5 } tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdOctsHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdOctsHi indicates upper 32 bits of tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdOcts object." ::= { tPortAccIngSchedStatEntry 6 } tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdOctsLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdOctsLo indicates lower 32 bits of tPortAccIngSchedStatFwdOcts object." ::= { tPortAccIngSchedStatEntry 7 } tPortAccEgrSchedStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortAccEgrSchedStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchedStatTable defines access Egress Queue Group related statistics per scheduler." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 52 } tPortAccEgrSchedStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortAccEgrSchedStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchedStatEntry defines an entry in the tPortAccEgrSchedStatTable. It represents statistics about a specific QoS egress queue group scheduler on the port specified by tPortAccEgrSchedStatName on the access side. In release 11.0, tPortAccEgrQGrpInstanceId is added as another index before tPortAccEgrSchedStatName for this tPortAccEgrSchedStatTable." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortAccEgrQGrpName, tPortAccEgrQGrpInstanceId, tPortAccEgrSchedStatName } ::= { tPortAccEgrSchedStatTable 1 } TPortAccEgrSchedStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortAccEgrSchedStatName TNamedItem, tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdPkts Counter64, tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdPktsHi Counter32, tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdPktsLo Counter32, tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdOcts Counter64, tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdOctsHi Counter32, tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdOctsLo Counter32 } tPortAccEgrSchedStatName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchedStatName indicates the scheduler associated with this queue group on this port." ::= { tPortAccEgrSchedStatEntry 1 } tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdPkts indicates the number of forwarded packets by this port on this queue-group using this scheduler." ::= { tPortAccEgrSchedStatEntry 2 } tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdPktsHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdPktsHi indicates upper 32 bits of tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdPkts object." ::= { tPortAccEgrSchedStatEntry 3 } tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdPktsLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdPktsLo indicates lower 32 bits of tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdPkts object." ::= { tPortAccEgrSchedStatEntry 4 } tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdOcts indicates the number of forwarded octets by this port on this queue-group using this scheduler." ::= { tPortAccEgrSchedStatEntry 5 } tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdOctsHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdOctsHi indicates upper 32 bits of tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdOcts object." ::= { tPortAccEgrSchedStatEntry 6 } tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdOctsLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdOctsLo indicates lower 32 bits of tPortAccEgrSchedStatFwdOcts object." ::= { tPortAccEgrSchedStatEntry 7 } tPortNetEgrSchedStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortNetEgrSchedStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrSchedStatTable defines network Egress Queue Group related statistics per scheduler." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 53 } tPortNetEgrSchedStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortNetEgrSchedStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrSchedStatEntry defines an entry in the tPortNetEgrSchedStatTable. It represents statistics about a specific QoS egress queue group scheduler on the port specified by tPortNetEgrSchedStatName on the network side." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortNetEgrQGrpName, tPortNetEgrQGrpInstanceId, tPortNetEgrSchedStatName } ::= { tPortNetEgrSchedStatTable 1 } TPortNetEgrSchedStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortNetEgrSchedStatName TNamedItem, tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdPkts Counter64, tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdPktsHi Counter32, tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdPktsLo Counter32, tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdOcts Counter64, tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdOctsHi Counter32, tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdOctsLo Counter32 } tPortNetEgrSchedStatName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrSchedStatName indicates the scheduler associated with this queue group on this port." ::= { tPortNetEgrSchedStatEntry 1 } tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdPkts indicates the number of forwarded packets by this port on this queue-group using this scheduler." ::= { tPortNetEgrSchedStatEntry 2 } tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdPktsHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdPktsHi indicates upper 32 bits of tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdPkts object." ::= { tPortNetEgrSchedStatEntry 3 } tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdPktsLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdPktsLo indicates lower 32 bits of tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdPkts object." ::= { tPortNetEgrSchedStatEntry 4 } tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdOcts indicates the number of forwarded octets by this port on this queue-group using this scheduler." ::= { tPortNetEgrSchedStatEntry 5 } tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdOctsHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdOctsHi indicates upper 32 bits of tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdOcts object." ::= { tPortNetEgrSchedStatEntry 6 } tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdOctsLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdOctsLo indicates lower 32 bits of tPortNetEgrSchedStatFwdOcts object." ::= { tPortNetEgrSchedStatEntry 7 } tPortEgrVPortTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortTableLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tPortEgrVPortTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 54 } tPortEgrVPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrVPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortEgrVPortTable has an entry for each virtual port defined on this port." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 55 } tPortEgrVPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrVPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents a virtual port defined on the port for the chassis in the system." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortEgrVPortName } ::= { tPortEgrVPortTable 1 } TPortEgrVPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrVPortName TNamedItem, tPortEgrVPortRowStatus RowStatus, tPortEgrVPortLastChanged TimeStamp, tPortEgrVPortDescr TItemDescription, tPortEgrVPortSchedPol TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrVPortAggRateLimit TPortSchedulerAggRateLimitPIR, tPortEgrVPortEgrRateModify TmnxEnabledDisabled, tPortEgrVPortEgrRateModifyDelta Integer32, tPortEgrVPortQosSchedPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrVPortAggRateLUB TruthValue, tPortEgrVPortAggRateLmtHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tPortEgrVPortAggRateLmt TmnxQosRateLow32, tPortEgrVPortMonitorPortSched TmnxEnabledDisabled, tPortEgrVPortHwAggShaperSchedPol TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrVPortMonHwAggShaperSch TmnxEnabledDisabled } tPortEgrVPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortName is the name of the virtual port on this port." ::= { tPortEgrVPortEntry 1 } tPortEgrVPortRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortRowStatus specifies the row status of this entry in this table." ::= { tPortEgrVPortEntry 2 } tPortEgrVPortLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortLastChanged indicates the time stamp of the last change in this entry." ::= { tPortEgrVPortEntry 3 } tPortEgrVPortDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortDescr specifies the description of the virtual port." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortEgrVPortEntry 4 } tPortEgrVPortSchedPol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortSchedPol specifies the name of the port scheduler policy assigned to this virtual port." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortEgrVPortEntry 5 } tPortEgrVPortAggRateLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerAggRateLimitPIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortAggRateLimit specifies the maximum total rate of all subscribers for this virtual port. The value -1 means that there is no limit. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortEgrVPortAggRateLmt." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortEgrVPortEntry 6 } tPortEgrVPortEgrRateModify OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortEgrRateModify specifies if egress-rate modification is enabled. Egress-rate-modification takes the egress bandwidth already in use for multicast traffic into account while performing rate limiting according to the values of tPortEgrVPortAggRateLimit or tPortEgrVPortSchedPol, in order to avoid that the sum of unicast and multicast bandwidths would exceed the egress aggregate rate limit." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tPortEgrVPortEntry 12 } tPortEgrVPortEgrRateModifyDelta OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortEgrRateModifyDelta indicates the actual bandwidth correction applied while the value of the object tPortEgrVPortEgrRateModify is 'enabled'." ::= { tPortEgrVPortEntry 13 } tPortEgrVPortQosSchedPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortQosSchedPolicy specifies the QoS egress scheduler policy (from TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tSchedulerPolicyTable) applicable to this virtual port." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortEgrVPortEntry 14 } tPortEgrVPortAggRateLUB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortAggRateLUB specifies whether to limit the unused bandwidth and allow a tighter control in allocation of bandwidth by HQos. When the value of tPortEgrVPortAggRateLUB is set to 'true', HQos algorithm distributes any unused aggregate bandwidth between queues operating below their fair share rates. This allows a simplified aggregate rate protection while allocating bandwidth by HQos scheduling algorithm." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortEgrVPortEntry 15 } tPortEgrVPortAggRateLmtHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortAggRateLmtHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the maximum total rate of all subscribers for this virtual port. When the value of tPortEgrVPortAggRateLmtHi along with the value of tPortEgrVPortAggRateLmt is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this virtual port indicates maximum total rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortEgrVPortEntry 17 } tPortEgrVPortAggRateLmt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortAggRateLmt specifies the maximum total rate of all subscribers for this virtual port. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) means that there is no limit. When the value of tPortEgrVPortAggRateLmtHi along with the value of tPortEgrVPortAggRateLmt is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this virtual port indicates maximum total rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortEgrVPortEntry 18 } tPortEgrVPortMonitorPortSched OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonitorPortSched specifies whether to enable monitoring of port scheduler specified by tPortEgrVPortSchedPol." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tPortEgrVPortEntry 19 } tPortEgrVPortHwAggShaperSchedPol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortHwAggShaperSchedPol specifies the name of the hardware aggregate shaper scheduling policy (from TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyTable) assigned to this virtual port." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortEgrVPortEntry 20 } tPortEgrVPortMonHwAggShaperSch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonHwAggShaperSch specifies whether or not to enable statistics for monitor-thresholds assigned to this virtual port." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tPortEgrVPortEntry 21 } tPortEgrVPortHMTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortHMTableLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tPortEgrVPortHostMatchTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 56 } tPortEgrVPortHostMatchTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrVPortHostMatchEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortHostMatchTable defines a set of string values optionally used by subscriber management to map subscriber's and subscriber host's queued traffic to a specific egress port virtual port." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 57 } tPortEgrVPortHostMatchEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrVPortHostMatchEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortHostMatchEntry defines an entry in the tPortEgrVPortHostMatchTable. Entries are created/deleted in this table by SNMP sets to tPortEgrVPortHMRowStatus." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortEgrVPortName, tPortEgrVPortHMIntDestId, tPortEgrVPortHMOrgString } ::= { tPortEgrVPortHostMatchTable 1 } TPortEgrVPortHostMatchEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrVPortHMIntDestId TmnxSubMgtIntDestId, tPortEgrVPortHMOrgString TmnxSubMgtOrgStrOrZero, tPortEgrVPortHMRowStatus RowStatus, tPortEgrVPortHMLastChgd TimeStamp } tPortEgrVPortHMIntDestId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubMgtIntDestId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortHMIntDestId defines the intermediate destination id to match on." ::= { tPortEgrVPortHostMatchEntry 1 } tPortEgrVPortHMOrgString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubMgtOrgStrOrZero MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortHMOrgString defines the organization string to match on. If tPortEgrVPortHMOrgString is the empty string (''), every subscriber with an organization string will not match this entry. If tPortEgrVPortHMOrgString is the wildcard symbol ('*'), every subscriber with an organization string will match this entry, if the tPortEgrVPortHMIntDestId matches. Currently only the empty string ('') is accepted." ::= { tPortEgrVPortHostMatchEntry 2 } tPortEgrVPortHMRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortHMRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tPortEgrVPortHostMatchTable." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tPortEgrVPortHostMatchEntry 3 } tPortEgrVPortHMLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortHMLastChgd indicates the value of sysUpTime when the host match entry was last modified." ::= { tPortEgrVPortHostMatchEntry 4 } tmnxOpticalPortCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxOpticalPortCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxOpticalPortCfgTable has an entry for each DWDM Optical port on each IOM card in each chassis in the Nokia SROS system. This table was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement table." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 58 } tmnxOpticalPortCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalPortCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Optical port on a IOM card in a chassis in the system. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations. The tmnxOpticalPortCfgEntry contains attributes that are unique to the Optical ports." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxOpticalPortCfgTable 1 } TmnxOpticalPortCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxOpticalPortAmpCfgAlarms TmnxOpticalAmpAlarm, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCtrlMode TmnxOpticalDispCtrlMode, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmManCfgDisp Integer32, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCfgRxChan TmnxOpticalDwdmChannel, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCfgAlarms TmnxOpticalTdcmAlarm, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmDispSwpStart Integer32, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmDispSwpEnd Integer32 } tmnxOpticalPortAmpCfgAlarms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalAmpAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortAmpCfgAlarms specifies the alarms that are monitored by the optical amplifier interface. If an alarm bit is set, then the corresponding alarm will generate a raise or clear notification when its state changes. An unset bit specifies that the alarm corresponding with the bit will not report on its state transitions. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." DEFVAL { {ampIld, ampTmp, ampMth, ampMtl, ampLos, ampLop, ampCom} } ::= { tmnxOpticalPortCfgEntry 1 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCtrlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalDispCtrlMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCtrlMode specifies the current operational mode of the tunable dispersion compensation module. When tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCtrlMode is set to automatic, the dispersion setpoint can be retrieved from tmnxOpticalPortTdcmAutoDisp. When tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCtrlMode is set to manual, the dispersion setpoint can be configured with tmnxOpticalPortTdcmManCfgDisp. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." DEFVAL { automatic } ::= { tmnxOpticalPortCfgEntry 2 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmManCfgDisp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1200..1200) UNITS "picoseconds per nanometer" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmManCfgDisp specifies the manually configured dispersion of the tunable dispersion compensation module. This parameter is valid when the tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCtrlMode is manual. Dispersion is expressed in picoseconds per nanometer (ps/nm). This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxOpticalPortCfgEntry 3 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCfgRxChan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalDwdmChannel MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCfgRxChan specifies the DWDM ITU channel at which the tunable dispersion compensation module should operate. If a value of zero(0) has been specified, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmPresRxChan will be changed by the system to be equivalent to tmnxPortDwdmLaserChannel. tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCfgRxChan should be set to the same value as tmnxPortDwdmLaserChannel in most cases, but may be set to a different value when the received wavelength is different from the transmitted wavelength. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxOpticalPortCfgEntry 4 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCfgAlarms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalTdcmAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCfgAlarms specifies the alarms that are monitored by the tunable dispersion compensation module's interface. If an alarm bit is set, then the corresponding alarm will generate a raise or clear notification when its state changes. An unset bit specifies that the alarm corresponding with the bit will not report on its state transitions. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." DEFVAL { {tdcmNotRdy, tdcmMth, tdcmMtl, tdcmUnLck, tdcmTmpLim, tdcmEprInv, tdcmCom} } ::= { tmnxOpticalPortCfgEntry 5 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmDispSwpStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1200..1200) UNITS "picoseconds per nanometer" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmDispSwpStart specifies the the start value for dispersion sweeping on a tunable dispersion compensation module. Dispersion is expressed in picoseconds per nanometer (ps/nm). This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." DEFVAL { -1200 } ::= { tmnxOpticalPortCfgEntry 6 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmDispSwpEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1200..1200) UNITS "picoseconds per nanometer" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmDispSwpEnd specifies the the end value for dispersion sweeping on a tunable dispersion compensation module. Dispersion is expressed in picoseconds per nanometer (ps/nm). This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." DEFVAL { 1200 } ::= { tmnxOpticalPortCfgEntry 7 } tmnxOpticalPortOperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxOpticalPortOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxOpticalPortOperTable has an entry for each DWDM Optical port on each IOM card in each chassis in the Nokia SROS system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 59 } tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalPortOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents an Optical port on a IOM card in a chassis in the system. The tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry contains attributes that are unique to the Optical ports." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperTable 1 } TmnxOpticalPortOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxOpticalPortHasRxAmplifier TruthValue, tmnxOpticalPortHasRxTdcm TruthValue, tmnxOpticalPortAmpPowerIn Integer32, tmnxOpticalPortAmpGain Unsigned32, tmnxOpticalPortAmpPowerOut Integer32, tmnxOpticalPortAmpPumpTemp Integer32, tmnxOpticalPortAmpModuleTemp Integer32, tmnxOpticalPortAmpPumpCurrent Unsigned32, tmnxOpticalPortAmpAlarmState TmnxOpticalAmpAlarm, tmnxOpticalPortAmpSerialNum SnmpAdminString, tmnxOpticalPortAmpCtrlState TmnxOpticalAmpCtrlState, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmPowerIn Integer32, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmLoss Unsigned32, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmPowerOut Integer32, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd1Temp Integer32, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd2Temp Integer32, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd3Temp Integer32, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd4Temp Integer32, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmModuleTemp Integer32, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmMinDisp Integer32, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmMaxDisp Integer32, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmAutoDisp Integer32, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmMeasDisp Integer32, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmPresRxChan TmnxOpticalDwdmExtendedChannel, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmAlarmState TmnxOpticalTdcmAlarm, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmSerialNum SnmpAdminString, tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCtrlState TmnxOpticalTdcmCtrlState, tmnxOpticalPortDwdmChannelMin TmnxOpticalDwdmExtendedChannel, tmnxOpticalPortDwdmChannelMax TmnxOpticalDwdmExtendedChannel, tmnxOpticalPortLaserTunability INTEGER } tmnxOpticalPortHasRxAmplifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortHasRxAmplifier indicates whether or not the port has an optical amplifier on the receive path. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1.0R1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 1 } tmnxOpticalPortHasRxTdcm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortHasRxTdcm indicates whether or not the port has an optical tunable dispersion compensation module on the receive path. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 2 } tmnxOpticalPortAmpPowerIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortAmpPowerIn indicates the received average optical power at the input of the optical amplifier. The UNITS millibels (mBm) are units of 0.01 decibel relative to one milliwatt (0 dBm) or dBm multiplied by 100. The mBm is used when integers are required instead of floating point. For example: -5.21 dBm is equivalent to -521 mBm. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 3 } tmnxOpticalPortAmpGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "mB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortAmpGain indicates the gain of the optical amplifier. The gain indicates how much the input signal is amplified. The UNITS millibels (mB) are units of 0.01 dB or dB multiplied by 100. The mB is used when integers are required instead of floating point. For example: 5.21 dB is equivalent to 521 mB. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 4 } tmnxOpticalPortAmpPowerOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortAmpPowerOut indicates the optical power at the output of the optical amplifier. The UNITS millibels (mBm) are units of 0.01 decibel relative to one milliwatt (0 dBm) or dBm multiplied by 100. The mBm is used when integers are required instead of floating point. For example: -5.21 dBm is equivalent to -521 mBm. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 5 } tmnxOpticalPortAmpPumpTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millidegrees celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortAmpPumpTemp indicates the current temperature of the optical amplifier's pump in millidegrees Celsius. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 6 } tmnxOpticalPortAmpModuleTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millidegrees celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortAmpModuleTemp indicates the current temperature of the optical amplifier module's case in millidegrees Celsius. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 7 } tmnxOpticalPortAmpPumpCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "microAmperes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortAmpPumpCurrent indicates the amount of electrical current used by the optical amplifier's pump in microAmperes (uA). This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 8 } tmnxOpticalPortAmpAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalAmpAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortAmpAlarmState indicates which monitored alarms are raised against the optical amplifier's interface. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 9 } tmnxOpticalPortAmpSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortAmpSerialNum indicates the manufacturing serial number in ASCII characters as read from the optical amplifier module. An empty string indicates the serial number is unspecified. The string is expected to contain printable ASCII characters. Any unprintable ASCII characters read from the module will be filtered out. The string will be NULL terminated. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 10 } tmnxOpticalPortAmpCtrlState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalAmpCtrlState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortAmpCtrlState indicates the state of the control loop that optimizes the receive optical power of to the MSA optics. this object was marked obsolete in 15.1. there is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 11 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmPowerIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmPowerIn indicates the received average optical power at the input the tunable dispersion compensation module. The UNITS millibels (mBm) are units of 0.01 decibel relative to one milliwatt (0 dBm) or dBm multiplied by 100. The mBm is used when integers are required instead of floating point. For example: -5.21 dBm is equivalent to -521 mBm. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 12 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "mB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmLoss indicates the optical loss occurring in the tunable dispersion compensation module. The UNITS millibels (mB) are units of 0.01 dB or dB multiplied by 100. The mB is used when integers are required instead of floating point. For example: 5.21 dB is equivalent to 521 mB. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 13 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmPowerOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmPowerOut indicates the optical power at the output of tunable dispersion compensation module. The UNITS millibels (mBm) are units of 0.01 decibel relative to one milliwatt (0 dBm) or dBm multiplied by 100. The mBm is used when integers are required instead of floating point. For example: -5.21 dBm is equivalent to -521 mBm. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 14 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd1Temp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millidegrees celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd1Temp indicates the current temperature of the tunable dispersion compensation module's first Resistance Temperature Detector (also known as a thermistor). The temperature is in units of millidegrees Celsius. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 15 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd2Temp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millidegrees celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd2Temp indicates the current temperature of the tunable dispersion compensation module's second Resistance Temperature Detector (also known as a thermistor). The temperature is in units of millidegrees Celsius. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 16 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd3Temp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millidegrees celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd3Temp indicates the current temperature of the tunable dispersion compensation module's third Resistance Temperature Detector (also known as a thermistor). The temperature is in units of millidegrees Celsius. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 17 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd4Temp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millidegrees celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmRtd4Temp indicates the current temperature of the tunable dispersion compensation module's fourth Resistance Temperature Detector (also known as a thermistor). The temperature is in units of millidegrees Celsius. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 18 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmModuleTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millidegrees celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmModuleTemp indicates the current temperature of the tunable dispersion compensation module's case in millidegrees Celsius. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 19 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmMinDisp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "picoseconds per nanometer" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmMinDisp indicates the minimum configurable dispersion of the tunable dispersion compensation module. Dispersion is expressed in picoseconds per nanometer (ps/nm). This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 20 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmMaxDisp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "picoseconds per nanometer" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmMaxDisp indicates the maximum configurable dispersion of the tunable dispersion compensation module. Dispersion is expressed in picoseconds per nanometer (ps/nm). This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 21 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmAutoDisp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "picoseconds per nanometer" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmAutoDisp indicates the currently auto-configured dispersion of the tunable dispersion compensation module. Dispersion is expressed in picoseconds per nanometer (ps/nm). This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 22 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmMeasDisp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "picoseconds per nanometer" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmMeasDisp indicates the dynamically measured dispersion of the tunable dispersion compensation module. Dispersion is expressed in picoseconds per nanometer (ps/nm). This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 23 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmPresRxChan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalDwdmExtendedChannel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tmnxOpticalPortTdcmPresRxChan indicates the DWDM ITU channel at which the tunable dispersion compensation module is operating. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 24 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalTdcmAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmAlarmState indicates which monitored alarms are raised against the dispersion compensation module's interface. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 25 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxOpticalPortTdcmSerialNum indicates the manufacturing serial number in ASCII characters as read from the tunable dispersion compensation module. An empty string indicates the serial number is unspecified. The string is expected to contain printable ASCII characters. Any unprintable ASCII characters read from the module will be filtered out. The string will be NULL terminated. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 26 } tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCtrlState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalTdcmCtrlState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tmnxOpticalPortTdcmCtrlState indicates the state of the control loop that optimizes the dispersion by tuning the dispersion compensation module to the set point at which the FEC corrected error rate is the lowest. This object was marked obsolete in 15.1. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 27 } tmnxOpticalPortDwdmChannelMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalDwdmExtendedChannel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tmnxOpticalPortDwdmChannelMin indicates the minimum DWDM ITU channel supported by a tunable optical interface. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2. It has been replaced with tmnxPortDwdmFrequencyMin." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 28 } tmnxOpticalPortDwdmChannelMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalDwdmExtendedChannel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tmnxOpticalPortDwdmChannelMax indicates the maximum DWDM ITU channel supported by a tunable optical interface. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2. It has been replaced with tmnxPortDwdmFrequencyMax." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 29 } tmnxOpticalPortLaserTunability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unequipped (0), notTunable (1), fullyTunable (2), tunable100g (3), flexTunable (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxOpticalPortLaserTunability indicates if the optical interface laser is tunable or fixed. Value 'unequipped(0)' indicates that the optical interface is not equipped with a laser." ::= { tmnxOpticalPortOperEntry 30 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperTblLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperTblLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 60 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEgrExpShaperTable contains the information of each egress expanded shaper at the port level configured on this system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 61 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row in tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry represents a particular egress expanded secondary shaper at the port level specified by tmnxPortEgrExpShaperName." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperName } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperTable 1 } TmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperName TNamedItem, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperRate TExpSecondaryShaperPIRRate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass1Rate TExpSecondaryShaperClassRate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass2Rate TExpSecondaryShaperClassRate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass3Rate TExpSecondaryShaperClassRate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass4Rate TExpSecondaryShaperClassRate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass5Rate TExpSecondaryShaperClassRate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass6Rate TExpSecondaryShaperClassRate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass7Rate TExpSecondaryShaperClassRate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass8Rate TExpSecondaryShaperClassRate, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperLoBrstMaxCls Unsigned32, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass1Thresh Integer32, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass2Thresh Integer32, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass3Thresh Integer32, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass4Thresh Integer32, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass5Thresh Integer32, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass6Thresh Integer32, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass7Thresh Integer32, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass8Thresh Integer32, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperThresh Integer32, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperLoBurstLimit TClassBurstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperHiBurstInc Integer32, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl1BrstLimit TClassBurstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl2BrstLimit TClassBurstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl3BrstLimit TClassBurstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl4BrstLimit TClassBurstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl5BrstLimit TClassBurstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl6BrstLimit TClassBurstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl7BrstLimit TClassBurstLimit, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl8BrstLimit TClassBurstLimit } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperName specifies the expanded shaper name on the egress side of this port." ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 1 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperRowStatus specifies the row status of this entry in this table." ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 2 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TExpSecondaryShaperPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperRate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in kilobits per second, of this egress port expanded secondary shaper as a whole." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 3 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass1Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TExpSecondaryShaperClassRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass1Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in kilobits per second, of the Class 1 traffic using this egress port expanded secondary shaper." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 4 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass2Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TExpSecondaryShaperClassRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass2Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in kilobits per second, of the Class 2 traffic using this egress port expanded secondary shaper." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 5 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass3Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TExpSecondaryShaperClassRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass3Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in kilobits per second, of the Class 3 traffic using this egress port expanded secondary shaper." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 6 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass4Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TExpSecondaryShaperClassRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass4Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in kilobits per second, of the Class 4 traffic using this egress port expanded secondary shaper." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 7 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass5Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TExpSecondaryShaperClassRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass5Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in kilobits per second, of the Class 5 traffic using this egress port expanded secondary shaper." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 8 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass6Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TExpSecondaryShaperClassRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass6Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in kilobits per second, of the Class 6 traffic using this egress port expanded secondary shaper." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 9 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass7Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TExpSecondaryShaperClassRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass7Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in kilobits per second, of the Class 7 traffic using this egress port expanded secondary shaper." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 10 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass8Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TExpSecondaryShaperClassRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass8Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in kilobits per second, of the Class 8 traffic using this egress port expanded secondary shaper." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 11 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime when the egress expanded shaper entry was last modified." ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 12 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperLoBrstMaxCls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperLoBrstMaxCls specifies which class should use the low priority burst threshold. All classes starting from 1, up to and including that specified by tmnxPortEgrExpShaperLoBrstMaxCls use the low priority burst threshold. All classes greater than the value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperLoBrstMaxCls up to and including class 8 use the high priority burst threshold." DEFVAL { 8 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 13 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass1Thresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..8190) UNITS "kbytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass1Thresh specifies the monitoring non-conformance burst threshold for the exp-secondary-shaper class-1. When set to default value '-1', the system will adopt a suitable default setting for this threshold." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 14 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass2Thresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..8190) UNITS "kbytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass2Thresh specifies the monitoring non-conformance burst threshold for the exp-secondary-shaper class-2. When set to default value '-1', the system will adopt a suitable default setting for this threshold." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 15 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass3Thresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..8190) UNITS "kbytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass3Thresh specifies the monitoring non-conformance burst threshold for the exp-secondary-shaper class-3. When set to default value '-1', the system will adopt a suitable default setting for this threshold." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 16 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass4Thresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..8190) UNITS "kbytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass4Thresh specifies the monitoring non-conformance burst threshold for the exp-secondary-shaper class-4. When set to default value '-1', the system will adopt a suitable default setting for this threshold." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 17 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass5Thresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..8190) UNITS "kbytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass5Thresh specifies the monitoring non-conformance burst threshold for the exp-secondary-shaper class-5. When set to default value '-1', the system will adopt a suitable default setting for this threshold." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 18 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass6Thresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..8190) UNITS "kbytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass6Thresh specifies the monitoring non-conformance burst threshold for the exp-secondary-shaper class-6. When set to default value '-1', the system will adopt a suitable default setting for this threshold." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 19 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass7Thresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..8190) UNITS "kbytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass7Thresh specifies the monitoring non-conformance burst threshold for the exp-secondary-shaper class-7. When set to default value '-1', the system will adopt a suitable default setting for this threshold." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 20 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass8Thresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..8190) UNITS "kbytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEgrExpShaperClass8Thresh specifies the monitoring non-conformance burst threshold for the exp-secondary-shaper class-8. When set to default value '-1', the system will adopt a suitable default setting for this threshold." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 21 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..8190) UNITS "kbytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEgrExpShaperThresh specifies the monitoring non-conformance burst threshold for the aggregate exp-secondary-shaper. When set to default value '-1', the system will adopt a suitable default setting for this threshold." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 22 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperLoBurstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEgrExpShaperLoBurstLimit specifies the number of bytes to be used as the low burst threshold for the aggregate rate of the classes pertaining to the low burst threshold in the expanded secondary shaper." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 23 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperHiBurstInc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..65528) UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEgrExpShaperHiBurstInc specifies the incremental number of bytes above the low burst limit to be used as the high burst threshold for the aggregate rate of the classes pertaining to the high burst threshold in the expanded secondary shaper. When set to the default value '-1', the system will default to a value of '4000' bytes." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 24 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl1BrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl1BrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size of the class." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 25 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl2BrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl2BrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size of the class." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 26 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl3BrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl3BrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size of the class." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 27 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl4BrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl4BrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size of the class." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 28 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl5BrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl5BrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size of the class." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 29 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl6BrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl6BrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size of the class." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 30 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl7BrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl7BrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size of the class." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 31 } tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl8BrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrExpShaperCl8BrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size of the class." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxPortEgrExpShaperEntry 32 } tPortEgrExpShaperStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tPortEgrExpShaperStatsTable contains the statistics of each egress expanded shaper at the port level configured on this system. Most objects are represented in 64 bit. 32-bit version of the objects are available in tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 62 } tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row in tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry represents a particular egress expanded secondary shaper statistics at the port level specified by tmnxPortEgrExpShaperName." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperName } ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsTable 1 } TPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrExpShaperStLstClrdTime TimeStamp, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdPkts Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdOcts Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StMonOvrOct Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdPkts Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdOcts Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StMonOvrOct Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdPkts Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdOcts Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StMonOvrOct Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdPkts Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdOcts Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StMonOvrOct Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdPkts Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdOcts Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StMonOvrOct Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdPkts Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdOcts Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StMonOvrOct Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdPkts Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdOcts Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StMonOvrOct Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdPkts Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdOcts Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StMonOvrOct Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdPkts Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdOcts Counter64, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStMonOvrOct Counter64 } tPortEgrExpShaperStLstClrdTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperStLstClrdTime indicates the sysUpTime when the counters in this table were last cleared." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 1 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdPkts indicates the number of packets forwarded by the class '1' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 2 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdOcts indicates the number of octets forwarded by the class '1' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 3 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StMonOvrOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StMonOvrOct indicates the number of octets above the configured monitor-threshold (since last read) by the class '1' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 4 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdPkts indicates the number of packets forwarded by the class '2' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 5 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdOcts indicates the number of octets forwarded by the class '2' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 6 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StMonOvrOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StMonOvrOct indicates the number of octets above the configured monitor-threshold (since last read) by the class '2' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 7 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdPkts indicates the number of packets forwarded by the class '3' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 8 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdOcts indicates the number of octets forwarded by the class '3' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 9 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StMonOvrOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StMonOvrOct indicates the number of octets above the configured monitor-threshold (since last read) by the class '3' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 10 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdPkts indicates the number of packets forwarded by the class '4' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 11 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdOcts indicates the number of octets forwarded by the class '4' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 12 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StMonOvrOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StMonOvrOct indicates the number of octets above the configured monitor-threshold (since last read) by the class '4' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 13 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdPkts indicates the number of packets forwarded by the class '5' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 14 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdOcts indicates the number of octets forwarded by the class '5' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 15 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StMonOvrOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StMonOvrOct indicates the number of octets above the configured monitor-threshold (since last read) by the class '5' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 16 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdPkts indicates the number of packets forwarded by the class '6' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 17 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdOcts indicates the number of octets forwarded by the class '6' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 18 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StMonOvrOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StMonOvrOct indicates the number of octets above the configured monitor-threshold (since last read) by the class '6' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 19 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdPkts indicates the number of packets forwarded by the class '7' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 20 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdOcts indicates the number of octets forwarded by the class '7' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 21 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StMonOvrOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StMonOvrOct indicates the number of octets above the configured monitor-threshold (since last read) by the class '7' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 22 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdPkts indicates the number of packets forwarded by the class '8' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 23 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdOcts indicates the number of octets forwarded by the class '8' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 24 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StMonOvrOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StMonOvrOct indicates the number of octets above the configured monitor-threshold (since last read) by the class '8' egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 25 } tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdPkts indicates the aggregate number of packets forwarded by all of the classes of this egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 26 } tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdOcts indicates the aggregate number of octets forwarded by all of the classes of this egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 27 } tPortEgrExpShaperAggStMonOvrOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperAggStMonOvrOct indicates the aggregate number of octets above the configured monitor-threshold (since last read) by all of the classes of this egress expanded shaper." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsEntry 28 } tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLTable contains the statistics of each egress expanded shaper at the port level configured on this system represented in higher 32 and lower 32 bit objects." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 63 } tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row in tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry represents a particular egress expanded secondary shaper statistics at the port level specified by tmnxPortEgrExpShaperName." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tmnxPortEgrExpShaperName } ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLTable 1 } TPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdPktsL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdPktsH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdOctsL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdOctsH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StMonOvrOL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StMonOvrOH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdPktsL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdPktsH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdOctsL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdOctsH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StMonOvrOL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StMonOvrOH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdPktsL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdPktsH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdOctsL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdOctsH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StMonOvrOL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StMonOvrOH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdPktsL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdPktsH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdOctsL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdOctsH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StMonOvrOL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StMonOvrOH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdPktsL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdPktsH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdOctsL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdOctsH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StMonOvrOL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StMonOvrOH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdPktsL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdPktsH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdOctsL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdOctsH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StMonOvrOL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StMonOvrOH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdPktsL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdPktsH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdOctsL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdOctsH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StMonOvrOL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StMonOvrOH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdPktsL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdPktsH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdOctsL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdOctsH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StMonOvrOL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StMonOvrOH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdPktsL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdPktsH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdOctsL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdOctsH Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStMonOvrOL Counter32, tPortEgrExpShaperAggStMonOvrOH Counter32 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdPkts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 1 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdPktsH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdPkts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 2 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdOcts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 3 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdOctsH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StFwdOcts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 4 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StMonOvrOL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StMonOvrOL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StMonOvrOct." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 5 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StMonOvrOH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StMonOvrOH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls1StMonOvrOct." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 6 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdPkts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 7 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdPktsH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdPkts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 8 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdOcts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 9 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdOctsH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StFwdOcts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 10 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StMonOvrOL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StMonOvrOL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StMonOvrOct." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 11 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StMonOvrOH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StMonOvrOH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls2StMonOvrOct." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 12 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdPkts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 13 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdPktsH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdPkts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 14 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdOcts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 15 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdOctsH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StFwdOcts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 16 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StMonOvrOL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StMonOvrOL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StMonOvrOct." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 17 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StMonOvrOH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StMonOvrOH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls3StMonOvrOct." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 18 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdPkts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 19 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdPktsH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdPkts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 20 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdOcts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 21 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdOctsH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StFwdOcts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 22 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StMonOvrOL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StMonOvrOL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StMonOvrOct." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 23 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StMonOvrOH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StMonOvrOH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls4StMonOvrOct." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 24 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdPkts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 25 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdPktsH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdPkts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 26 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdOcts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 27 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdOctsH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StFwdOcts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 28 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StMonOvrOL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StMonOvrOL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StMonOvrOct." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 29 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StMonOvrOH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StMonOvrOH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls5StMonOvrOct." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 30 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdPkts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 31 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdPktsH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdPkts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 32 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdOcts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 33 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdOctsH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StFwdOcts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 34 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StMonOvrOL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StMonOvrOL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StMonOvrOct." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 35 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StMonOvrOH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StMonOvrOH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls6StMonOvrOct." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 36 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdPkts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 37 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdPktsH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdPkts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 38 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdOcts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 39 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdOctsH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StFwdOcts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 40 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StMonOvrOL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StMonOvrOL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StMonOvrOct." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 41 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StMonOvrOH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StMonOvrOH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls7StMonOvrOct." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 42 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdPkts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 43 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdPktsH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdPkts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 44 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdOcts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 45 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdOctsH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StFwdOcts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 46 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StMonOvrOL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StMonOvrOL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StMonOvrOct." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 47 } tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StMonOvrOH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StMonOvrOH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperCls8StMonOvrOct." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 48 } tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdPkts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 49 } tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdPktsH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdPkts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 50 } tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdOcts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 51 } tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdOctsH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperAggStFwdOcts." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 52 } tPortEgrExpShaperAggStMonOvrOL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperAggStMonOvrOL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperAggStMonOvrOct." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 53 } tPortEgrExpShaperAggStMonOvrOH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrExpShaperAggStMonOvrOH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrExpShaperAggStMonOvrOct." ::= { tPortEgrExpShaperStatsHLEntry 54 } tPortEgrVPortAggStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrVPortAggStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortEgrVPortAggStatsTable contains the statistics of each virtual port at the port egress level configured on this system. Most objects are represented in 64 bit. 32-bit version of the objects are available in tPortEgrVPortAggStatsHLTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 64 } tPortEgrVPortAggStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrVPortAggStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row in tPortEgrVPortAggStatsEntry represents a particular virtual port at the port egress level specified by tPortEgrVPortName and tPortEgrVPStLvl." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortEgrVPortName, tPortEgrVPStLvl } ::= { tPortEgrVPortAggStatsTable 1 } TPortEgrVPortAggStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrVPStLvl Unsigned32, tPortEgrVPStLstClrdTime TimeStamp, tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdPkt Counter64, tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdOct Counter64, tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdPkt Counter64, tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdOct Counter64 } tPortEgrVPStLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8 | 4294967295) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPStLvl indicates the priority level for the port scheduler to which a subscriber host queue can be port-parented. When the value of tPortEgrVPStLvl is specified as '0xffffffff H', snmp GET on this table returns aggregate statistics." ::= { tPortEgrVPortAggStatsEntry 1 } tPortEgrVPStLstClrdTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPStLstClrdTime indicates the sysUpTime when the counters in this table were last cleared." ::= { tPortEgrVPortAggStatsEntry 2 } tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdPkt indicates the number of packets forwarded by the virtual port for the priority level specified by tPortEgrVPStLvl." ::= { tPortEgrVPortAggStatsEntry 3 } tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdOct indicates the number of octets forwarded by the virtual port for the priority level specified by tPortEgrVPStLvl." ::= { tPortEgrVPortAggStatsEntry 4 } tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdPkt indicates the number of packets dropped by the virtual port for the priority level specified by tPortEgrVPStLvl." ::= { tPortEgrVPortAggStatsEntry 5 } tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdOct indicates the number of octets dropped by the virtual port for the priority level specified by tPortEgrVPStLvl." ::= { tPortEgrVPortAggStatsEntry 6 } tPortEgrVPortAggStatsHLTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrVPortAggStatsHLEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortEgrVPortAggStatsHLTable contains the statistics of each virtual port at the port egress level configured on this system represented in higher 32 and lower 32 bit objects." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 65 } tPortEgrVPortAggStatsHLEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrVPortAggStatsHLEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row in tPortEgrVPortAggStatsHLEntry represents a particular virtual port statistics at the port egress level specified by tPortEgrVPortName and tPortEgrVPStLvl." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortEgrVPortName, tPortEgrVPStLvl } ::= { tPortEgrVPortAggStatsHLTable 1 } TPortEgrVPortAggStatsHLEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdPktL Counter32, tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdPktH Counter32, tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdOctL Counter32, tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdOctH Counter32, tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdPktL Counter32, tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdPktH Counter32, tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdOctL Counter32, tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdOctH Counter32 } tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdPktL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdPktL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdPkt." ::= { tPortEgrVPortAggStatsHLEntry 1 } tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdPktH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdPktH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdPkt." ::= { tPortEgrVPortAggStatsHLEntry 2 } tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdOctL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdOctL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdOct." ::= { tPortEgrVPortAggStatsHLEntry 3 } tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdOctH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdOctH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrVPStLvlFwdOct." ::= { tPortEgrVPortAggStatsHLEntry 4 } tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdPktL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdPktL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdPkt." ::= { tPortEgrVPortAggStatsHLEntry 5 } tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdPktH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdPktH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdPkt." ::= { tPortEgrVPortAggStatsHLEntry 6 } tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdOctL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdOctL indicates the lower 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdOct." ::= { tPortEgrVPortAggStatsHLEntry 7 } tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdOctH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdOctH indicates the higher 32 bits of the value of tPortEgrVPStLvlDpdOct." ::= { tPortEgrVPortAggStatsHLEntry 8 } tmnxDDMLaneTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxDDMLaneEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxDDMLaneTable has an entry for each multi-lane optic in the system that supports Lane Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM). The table is indexed by tmnxPortPortID and tmnxDDMLaneId. Each row in this table is dynamically added and removed internally by the system based on the presence or absence of DDM capable multi-lane optics. Some example multi-lane optics are : CFP, CFP2, CFP4, QSFP." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 66 } tmnxDDMLaneEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDDMLaneEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular multi-lane optic that supports Digital Diagnostic Monitoring Lanes. Entries are created and deleted internally by the system." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tmnxDDMLaneId } ::= { tmnxDDMLaneTable 1 } TmnxDDMLaneEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxDDMLaneId Unsigned32, tmnxDDMLaneTemperature Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneTempLowWarn Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneTempLowAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneTempHiWarn Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneTempHiAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrent Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrentLowWarn Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrentLowAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrentHiWarn Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrentHiAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPower Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPowerLowWarn Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPowerLowAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPowerHiWarn Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPowerHiAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPower Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPwrLowWarn Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPwrLowAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPwrHiWarn Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPwrHiAlarm Integer32, tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPowerType INTEGER, tmnxDDMLaneFailedThresholds TmnxDigitalDiagnosticFailureBits, tmnxDDMLaneISHErrors Counter64 } tmnxDDMLaneId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..16) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneId specifies the Optical Lane ID for the row. The maximum ID for a given port is restricted to the value of tmnxPortSFPNumLanes for the given port. " ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 1 } tmnxDDMLaneTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneTemperature indicates the current temperature of the multi-lane optic in 1/256th degrees Celsius. The formula for translating between the value of tmnxDDMLaneTemperature and degrees Celsius is: tmnxDDMLaneTemperature / 256 For example: The SNMP value 5734 is 22.4 degrees Celsius." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 2 } tmnxDDMLaneTempLowWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneTempLowWarn indicates the temperature of the multi-lane optic in degrees Celsius that triggers a low-Warning." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 3 } tmnxDDMLaneTempLowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneTempLowAlarm indicates the temperature of the multi-lane optic in degrees Celsius that triggers a low-alarm." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 4 } tmnxDDMLaneTempHiWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneTempHiWarn indicates the temperature of the multi-lane optic in degrees Celsius that triggers a hi-Warning." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 5 } tmnxDDMLaneTempHiAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneTempHiAlarm indicates the temperature of the multi-lane optic in degrees Celsius that triggers a hi-alarm." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 6 } tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrent indicates the current Transmit Bias Current of the multi-lane optic in 1/500 milliamperes (mA). The formula for translating between the value of tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrent and amperes is: tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrent / 500 For example: The SNMP value 2565 is 5.1 milliamperes (mA)." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 7 } tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrentLowWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrentLowWarn indicates the Transmit Bias Current of the multi-lane optic in micro-Amperes (uA) that triggers a low-Warning." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 8 } tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrentLowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrentLowAlarm indicates the Transmit Bias Current of the multi-lane optic in micro-Amperes (uA) that triggers a low-alarm." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 9 } tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrentHiWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrentHiWarn indicates the Transmit Bias Current of the multi-lane optic in micro-Amperes (uA) that triggers a hi-Warning." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 10 } tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrentHiAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneTxBiasCurrentHiAlarm indicates the Transmit Bias Current of the multi-lane optic in micro-Amperes (uA) that triggers a hi-alarm." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 11 } tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPower indicates the current Output Power of the multi-lane optic in one tenths of a microwatt (uW). For example: Using the SNMP value of 790, and using units of tenths of microwatt, 790 becomes 79 microwatts or 0.079 milliwatts. Converting to dBm: 10 x log10(0.079) = -11.0 dBm" ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 12 } tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPowerLowWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPowerLowWarn indicates the Output Power of the multi-lane optic in one tenths of a microwatt (uW) that triggers a low-Warning." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 13 } tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPowerLowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPowerLowAlarm indicates the Output Power of the multi-lane optic in one tenths of a microwatt (uW) that triggers a low-alarm." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 14 } tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPowerHiWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPowerHiWarn indicates the Output Power of the multi-lane optic in one tenths of a microwatt (uW) that triggers a hi-warning." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 15 } tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPowerHiAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneTxOutputPowerHiAlarm indicates the Output Power of the multi-lane optic in one tenths of a microwatt (uW) that triggers a hi-alarm." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 16 } tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPower indicates the current Received Optical Power of the multi-lane optic in one tenths of a microwatt (uW). For example: Using the SNMP value of 790, and using units of tenths of microwatt, 790 becomes 79 microwatts or 0.079 milliwatts. Converting to dBm: 10 x log10(0.079) = -11.0 dBm" ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 17 } tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPwrLowWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPwrLowWarn indicates the Received Optical Power of the multi-lane optic in one tenths of a microwatt (uW) that triggers a low-Warning." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 18 } tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPwrLowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPwrLowAlarm indicates the Received Optical Power of the multi-lane optic in one tenths of a microwatt (uW) that triggers a low-alarm." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 19 } tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPwrHiWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPwrHiWarn indicates the Received Optical Power of the multi-lane optic in one tenths of a microwatt (uW) that triggers a hi-Warning." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 20 } tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPwrHiAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPwrHiAlarm indicates the Received Optical Power of the multi-lane optic in one tenths of a microwatt (uW) that triggers a hi-alarm." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 21 } tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPowerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { oma (0), average (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPowerType indicates whether the tmnxDDMLaneRxOpticalPower was taken as an average, or as an Optical Modulation Amplitude (OMA)." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 22 } tmnxDDMLaneFailedThresholds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDigitalDiagnosticFailureBits MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneFailedThresholds indicates which objects of the monitored multi-lane optic is in a failed or cleared threshold state. A set bit indicates that the specified threshold has been exceeded." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 23 } tmnxDDMLaneISHErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneISHErrors indicates the number of sync header errors (ISH) that occurred on this lane of the optic." ::= { tmnxDDMLaneEntry 24 } tmnxPortPlcyObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxPortObjs 67 } tmnxPortPlcyTableLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxPortPlcyTableLastCh indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tmnxPortPlcyTable." ::= { tmnxPortPlcyObjs 1 } tmnxPortPlcyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortPlcyTable allows configuration of port policies. A port policy has port parameters that can be applied to applicable ports associated with such a policy." ::= { tmnxPortPlcyObjs 2 } tmnxPortPlcyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents the configuration of a specific port policy. Rows in this table can be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations to tmnxPortPlcyRowStatus." INDEX { IMPLIED tmnxPortPlcyName } ::= { tmnxPortPlcyTable 1 } TmnxPortPlcyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortPlcyName TNamedItem, tmnxPortPlcyRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxPortPlcyLastCh TimeStamp, tmnxPortPlcyDescription TItemDescription, tmnxPortPlcyEgrPortSchedPlcy TNamedItemOrEmpty } tmnxPortPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortPlcyName specifies the identifier of a port policy." ::= { tmnxPortPlcyEntry 1 } tmnxPortPlcyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortPlcyRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in the table." ::= { tmnxPortPlcyEntry 2 } tmnxPortPlcyLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortPlcyLastCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this policy." ::= { tmnxPortPlcyEntry 3 } tmnxPortPlcyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortPlcyDescription specifies the user provided description of this policy." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxPortPlcyEntry 4 } tmnxPortPlcyEgrPortSchedPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortPlcyEgrPortSchedPlcy specifies the egress QoS port scheduler policy. This object must correspond to the index of a row in TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tPortSchedulerPlcyTable." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxPortPlcyEntry 5 } tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatTable contains egress QoS queue group arbiter statistics on network side." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 68 } tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatEntry defines an entry in the tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatTable. It represents statistics about a specific QoS egress queue group arbiter." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortNetEgrQGrpName, tPortNetEgrQGrpInstanceId, tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatName } ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatTable 1 } TPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatName TNamedItem, tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdPkts Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsL Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsH Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdOcts Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsL Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsH Counter32 } tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatName specifies the name of the egress QoS arbiter of this port network queue group." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatEntry 1 } tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdPkts indicates the number of forwarded packets by the egress queue group arbiter Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatEntry 2 } tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdPkts." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatEntry 3 } tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdPktsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdPkts." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatEntry 4 } tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdOcts indicates the number of forwarded octets by the egress queue group arbiter Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatEntry 5 } tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsL indicates the lower 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdOcts." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatEntry 6 } tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdOctsH indicates the upper 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatFwdOcts." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpArbitStatEntry 7 } tmnxPwPortTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPwPortTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tmnxPwPortTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 69 } tmnxPwPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPwPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains pseudo-wire port information in the system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 70 } tmnxPwPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPwPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row entry that contains port specific pseudo-wire information." INDEX { tmnxPwPortId } ::= { tmnxPwPortTable 1 } TmnxPwPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPwPortId Unsigned32, tmnxPwPortRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxPwPortLastChgd TimeStamp, tmnxPwPortEncapType INTEGER, tmnxPwPortDot1qEthType Unsigned32, tmnxPwPortQinqEthType Unsigned32, tmnxPwPortOperGrpName TNamedItemOrEmpty } tmnxPwPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..32767) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object tmnxPwPortId specifies the pseudo-wire port in the system." ::= { tmnxPwPortEntry 1 } tmnxPwPortRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object tmnxPwPortRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tmnxPwPortEntry 2 } tmnxPwPortLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPwPortLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tmnxPwPortTable." ::= { tmnxPwPortEntry 3 } tmnxPwPortEncapType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dot1q (2), qinq (10) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPwPortEncapType specifies the encapsulation type of this pseudo-wire port entry." DEFVAL { dot1q } ::= { tmnxPwPortEntry 4 } tmnxPwPortDot1qEthType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1536..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPwPortDot1qEthType specifies the dot1q eth-type encapsulation value of this pseudo-wire port entry." DEFVAL { '8100'H } ::= { tmnxPwPortEntry 6 } tmnxPwPortQinqEthType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1536..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPwPortQinqEthType specifies the QinQ eth-type encapsulation value of this pseudo-wire port entry." DEFVAL { '8100'H } ::= { tmnxPwPortEntry 7 } tmnxPwPortOperGrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPwPortOperGrpName specifies the operational group name to use with this pseudo-wire port." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tmnxPwPortEntry 8 } tmnxCohOptPortCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCohOptPortCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCohOptPortCfgTable contains information pertaining to the configuration of DWDM coherent optical ports in the Nokia SROS system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 71 } tmnxCohOptPortCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCohOptPortCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents the configuration for a DWDM coherent optical port in the system. Entries cannot be created or deleted via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxCohOptPortCfgTable 1 } TmnxCohOptPortCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCohOptPortCfgAlarms TmnxCoherentOpticalAlarm, tmnxCohOptPortCfgRxChan TmnxOpticalDwdmChannel, tmnxCohOptPortDispCtrlMode TmnxOpticalDispCtrlMode, tmnxCohOptPortManCfgDisp Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortDispSwpStart Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortDispSwpEnd Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortCfgTxPower Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortCfgCprWinSize Unsigned32, tmnxCohOptPortCfgRxLosThresh Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxLosReaction TmnxPortLosReaction, tmnxCohOptPortCompatMode TmnxPortCompatMode } tmnxCohOptPortCfgAlarms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCoherentOpticalAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortCfgAlarms specifies the alarms that are monitored by the coherent optical interface. If an alarm bit is set, then the corresponding alarm will generate a raise or clear notification when its state changes. An unset bit specifies that the alarm corresponding to the bit will not report on its state transitions." DEFVAL { {moduleFault, module, netRx, netTx, hostTx} } ::= { tmnxCohOptPortCfgEntry 1 } tmnxCohOptPortCfgRxChan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalDwdmChannel MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortCfgRxChan specifies the DWDM ITU channel at which the tunable coherent optical module should operate. If a value of zero(0) has been specified, tmnxCohOptPortPresRxChan will be changed by the system to be equivalent to tmnxPortDwdmLaserChannel. tmnxCohOptPortCfgRxChan should be set to the same value as tmnxPortDwdmLaserChannel in most cases, but may be set to a different value when the received wavelength is different from the transmitted wavelength. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2. There is no replacement object." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxCohOptPortCfgEntry 2 } tmnxCohOptPortDispCtrlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalDispCtrlMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortDispCtrlMode specifies the current dispersion compensation mode of the coherent optical module. When tmnxCohOptPortDispCtrlMode is set to 'automatic(0)', the dispersion setpoint is automatically determined but under the constraints specified by tmnxCohOptPortDispSwpStart and tmnxCohOptPortDispSwpEnd. When tmnxCohOptPortDispCtrlMode is set to 'manual(1)', the dispersion setpoint is fixed to the value specified by tmnxCohOptPortManCfgDisp." DEFVAL { automatic } ::= { tmnxCohOptPortCfgEntry 3 } tmnxCohOptPortManCfgDisp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-50000..50000) UNITS "picoseconds per nanometer" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortManCfgDisp specifies the manually configured dispersion of the coherent optical module. This parameter is valid when the tmnxCohOptPortDispCtrlMode is 'manual(1)'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxCohOptPortCfgEntry 4 } tmnxCohOptPortDispSwpStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-50000..50000) UNITS "picoseconds per nanometer" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortDispSwpStart specifies the start value for dispersion sweeping on a coherent optical module." DEFVAL { -25500 } ::= { tmnxCohOptPortCfgEntry 5 } tmnxCohOptPortDispSwpEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-50000..50000) UNITS "picoseconds per nanometer" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortDispSwpEnd specifies the end value for dispersion sweeping on a coherent optical module." DEFVAL { 2000 } ::= { tmnxCohOptPortCfgEntry 6 } tmnxCohOptPortCfgTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-2000..300) UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortCfgTxPower specifies the desired average output power of the interface's transmitted optical signal when the port is enabled. The UNITS millibels (mBm) are units of 0.01 decibel relative to one milliwatt (0 dBm) or dBm multiplied by 100. The mBm is used when an integer is required. For example -5.21 dBm is equivalent to -521 mBm." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tmnxCohOptPortCfgEntry 7 } tmnxCohOptPortCfgCprWinSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64) UNITS "symbols" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortCfgCprWinSize specifies the manually configured Carrier Phase Recovery (CPR) window size. The configured CPR window size is independent of the optimal window size, tmnxCohOptPortCprWnSzSrchResult, found by a search using tmnxCohOptPortCprWinSizeSearch. Once the network manager has found an optimal window size in tmnxCohOptPortCprWnSzSrchResult, the network manager has the option to use it for tmnxCohOptPortCfgCprWinSize." DEFVAL { 32 } ::= { tmnxCohOptPortCfgEntry 8 } tmnxCohOptPortCfgRxLosThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-3000..-1300) UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortCfgRxLosThresh specifies the desired average input power LOS (Loss Of Signal) threshold of the interface's received optical signal. The UNITS millibels (mBm) are units of 0.01 decibel relative to one milliwatt (0 dBm) or dBm multiplied by 100. The mBm is used when an integer is required. For example -15.21 dBm is equivalent to -1521 mBm." DEFVAL { -2300 } ::= { tmnxCohOptPortCfgEntry 9 } tmnxCohOptPortRxLosReaction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortLosReaction MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxLosReaction specifies the type of action that is taken in the event of an RX Loss Of Signal (LOS). The valid modes are as follows: - none - Specifies that the interface not be taken down on crossing the optical RX LOS threshold, to allow the FEC to keep correcting as much as it can. - squelch - Specifies that the interface be taken down on crossing the optical RX LOS threshold." DEFVAL { squelch } ::= { tmnxCohOptPortCfgEntry 10 } tmnxCohOptPortCompatMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortCompatMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortCompatMode specifies the optical mode and rate of operation of the Coherent interface." DEFVAL { longHaul } ::= { tmnxCohOptPortCfgEntry 11 } tmnxCohOptPortCommandTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCohOptPortCommandEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCohOptPortCommandTable contains information pertaining to the execution of commands on DWDM coherent optical ports in the Nokia SROS system. This table was obsoleted in release 21.0 of Nokia SROS systems." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 72 } tmnxCohOptPortCommandEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCohOptPortCommandEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row entry exists only if the associated tmnxCohOptPortCfgEntry exists. Entries cannot be created or deleted via SNMP SET operations. This entry was obsoleted in release 21.0 of Nokia SROS systems." AUGMENTS { tmnxCohOptPortCfgEntry } ::= { tmnxCohOptPortCommandTable 1 } TmnxCohOptPortCommandEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCohOptPortCprWinSizeSearch INTEGER, tmnxCohOptPortCprWnSzSrchStatus INTEGER, tmnxCohOptPortCprWnSzSrchResult Unsigned32 } tmnxCohOptPortCprWinSizeSearch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noCmd (1), execute (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortCprWinSizeSearch specifies the execution of a search for the optimal CPR window size when the value specified is 'execute(2)'. When the value specified is 'noCmd(1)', no action will be taken. The status of the search can be found in tmnxCohOptPortCprWnSzSrchStatus. The search result can be found in tmnxCohOptPortCprWnSzSrchResult. If the value specified is 'execute(2)' and the tmnxCohOptPortCprWnSzSrchStatus is 'inProgress(2)', the action will be rejected with an error status of inconsistentValue. In an SNNP get response, tmnxCohOptPortCprWinSizeSearch will have a value of 'noCmd(1)'. This object was obsoleted in release 21.0 of Nokia SROS systems." DEFVAL { noCmd } ::= { tmnxCohOptPortCommandEntry 1 } tmnxCohOptPortCprWnSzSrchStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), requested (2), starting (3), inProgress (4), succeeded (5), failed (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortCprWnSzSrchStatus indicates the status of the last search for the CPR optimal window size, executed by tmnxCohOptPortCprWinSizeSearch with a value of 'execute(2)'. The value will be 'none(1)' if no search has been performed since the last system startup or since the last reset of the associated MDA or IOM. The value will be 'requested(2)' if the search was requested by the user but has not started because the tmnxCohOptPortModState is not 'ready(8)'. The value will be 'starting(3)' if the search was requested and the tmnxCohOptPortModRxTurnUpStates has not achieved 'adcSignal'. The value will be 'inProgress(4)' if the search is in progress. The value will be 'succeeded(5)' if the search has completed successfully. The value will be 'failed(6)' if the search has completed with a failure. This object was obsoleted in release 21.0 of Nokia SROS systems." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortCommandEntry 2 } tmnxCohOptPortCprWnSzSrchResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "symbols" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortCprWnSzSrchResult indicates the CPR optimal window size found on the last search for the CPR optimal window size, executed by tmnxCohOptPortCprWinSizeSearch with a value of 'execute(2)'. The value of tmnxCohOptPortCprWnSzSrchResult may not be equivalent to what is configured for tmnxCohOptPortCfgCprWinSize. The tmnxCohOptPortCprWnSzSrchResult value of 0 indicates that no CPR optimal window size was found. This object was obsoleted in release 21.0 of Nokia SROS systems." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortCommandEntry 3 } tmnxCohOptPortOperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCohOptPortOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCohOptPortOperTable contains information pertaining to the operational state of DWDM coherent optical ports in the Nokia SROS system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 73 } tmnxCohOptPortOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCohOptPortOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents the operational state for a DWDM coherent optical port in the system. Entries cannot be created or deleted via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxCohOptPortOperTable 1 } TmnxCohOptPortOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCohOptPortAlarmState TmnxCoherentOpticalAlarm, tmnxCohOptPortDefectPoints TmnxCoherentOpticalDefectPoint, tmnxCohOptPortPresRxChan TmnxOpticalDwdmExtendedChannel, tmnxCohOptPortModState INTEGER, tmnxCohOptPortModTxTurnUpStates BITS, tmnxCohOptPortModRxTurnUpStates BITS, tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRXPolar Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRYPolar Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxQMargin Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRXPolar Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRYPolar Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortSupportsCfgTxPower TruthValue, tmnxCohOptPortCfgTxPowerMin Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortCfgTxPowerMax Integer32 } tmnxCohOptPortAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCoherentOpticalAlarm MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortAlarmState indicates the coherent optical alarms currently active on the port." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortOperEntry 1 } tmnxCohOptPortDefectPoints OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCoherentOpticalDefectPoint MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortDefectPoints indicates the coherent optical defect points currently active on the port." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortOperEntry 2 } tmnxCohOptPortPresRxChan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalDwdmExtendedChannel MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortPresRxChan indicates the DWDM ITU channel at which the coherent optical module is operating. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2. There is no replacement object." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortOperEntry 3 } tmnxCohOptPortModState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset (0), init (1), lowPower (2), highPowerUp (3), highPowerDown (4), txOff (5), txTurnOff (6), txTurnOn (7), ready (8), fault (9) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortModState indicates the state of the coherent optical module. reset - The MDIO (Management Data Input/Output) interface is held in a high impedance state and all module circuits are in low-power mode. init - The MDIO remains in high impedance and the module registers are initialized. lowPower - All high-power consuming circuits are in their low-power condition. highPowerUp - The module powers up all the functional circuitry and completes all required initialization of the module hardware. highPowerDown - The module powers down power-consuming circuitry that can be switched to a low-power state. txOff - The transmitter is turned off, but all other parts of the module remain high powered and functional. txTurnOff - The module turns off the network transmitter. txTurnOn - The module enables the transmitter. ready - The module is in a steady-state, ready for passing data. fault - A module fault has occurred and as a result the module is put into its low-power mode." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortOperEntry 4 } tmnxCohOptPortModTxTurnUpStates OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { init (0), laserTurnUp (1), laserReadyOff (2), laserReady (3), modulatorConverge (4), outputPowerAdjust (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortModTxTurnUpStates indicates the completed TX turn-up states of the coherent optical module. init - The entry state, in which configuration of the TX path is performed. laserTurnUp - This state begins the process of tuning the TX laser and locking devices on the TX path. laserReadyOff - When the laser is ready for operation, but light emission is suppressed, this state is entered. laserReady - This state brings the laser to full power and frequency lock. modulatorConverge - This state enables the TX modulator driver and waits for convergence of the modulator automatic bias control loop. outputPowerAdjust - This state sets and controls the TX output power using a VOA." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortOperEntry 5 } tmnxCohOptPortModRxTurnUpStates OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { init (0), laserReady (1), waitForInput (2), adcSignal (3), opticalLock (4), demodLock (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortModRxTurnUpStates indicates the completed RX turn-up states of the coherent optical module. init - The entry state, in which configuration of the RX path is performed. laserReady - The RX LO (Local Oscillator) laser is tuned. waitForInput - The RX input tap is monitored for power that exceeds the LOS threshold. adcSignal - When RX input power above LOS is detected, the module transitions to the ADC Signal (Analog-to-Digital Converter Signal) state. In the ADC Signal state the module calibrates the optical ADCs. opticalLock - This state (and state demodLock) reflects DSP operations by the demodulator. demodLock - In this state, RX path turn-up is achieved." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortOperEntry 6 } tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRXPolar OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRXPolar indicates the network RX electrical SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) of X polarization." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortOperEntry 7 } tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRYPolar OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRYPolar indicates the network RX electrical SNR of Y polarization." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortOperEntry 8 } tmnxCohOptPortRxQMargin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxQMargin indicates the RX Q (quality) Margin, represented in tenths of a dB." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortOperEntry 9 } tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRXPolar OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRXPolar indicates the network RX estimated OSNR (Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio) of X polarization." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortOperEntry 10 } tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRYPolar OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRYPolar indicates the network RX estimated OSNR of Y polarization." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortOperEntry 11 } tmnxCohOptPortSupportsCfgTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortSupportsCfgTxPower indicates whether configurable transmit power is supported by the optical module." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortOperEntry 12 } tmnxCohOptPortCfgTxPowerMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortCfgTxPowerMin indicates the minimum configurable transmit power of the equipped tunable optical module. This leaf is only applicable when tmnxCohOptPortSupportsCfgTxPower is true. A value of -2000 will be specified when the module does not support configuration of the transmit power." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortOperEntry 13 } tmnxCohOptPortCfgTxPowerMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortCfgTxPowerMax indicates the maximum configurable transmit power of the equipped tunable optical module. This leaf is only applicable when tmnxCohOptPortSupportsCfgTxPower is true. A value of -2000 will be specified when the module does not support configuration of the transmit power." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortOperEntry 14 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tPortEgrHsmdaQStatTable contains egress port HSMDA queue-group Queue statistics." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 74 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry specifies egress port HSMDA queue-group Queue statistics." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortAccEgrQGrpName, tPortAccEgrQGrpInstanceId, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatQueueId } ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatTable 1 } TPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatQueueId TEgressHsmdaQueueId, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfPkts Counter64, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfPktH Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfPktL Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfPkts Counter64, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfPktH Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfPktL Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfPkts Counter64, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfPktH Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfPktL Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfPkts Counter64, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfPktH Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfPktL Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfOcts Counter64, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfOctH Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfOctL Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfOcts Counter64, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfOctH Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfOctL Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfOcts Counter64, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfOctH Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfOctL Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfOcts Counter64, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfOctH Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfOctL Counter32 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatQueueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressHsmdaQueueId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatQueueId specifies the HSMDA queue ID for the statistics." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 1 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfPkts indicates the number of in-profile packets forwarded on this egress port." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 2 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfPktH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfPktH indicates the upper 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfPkts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 3 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfPktL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfPktL indicates the lower 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfPkts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 4 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfPkts indicates the number of in-profile packets dropped on this egress port." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 5 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfPktH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfPktH indicates the upper 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfPkts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 6 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfPktL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfPktL indicates the lower 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfPkts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 7 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfPkts indicates the number of out-of-profile packets forwarded on this egress port." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 8 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfPktH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfPktH indicates the upper 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfPkts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 9 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfPktL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfPktL indicates the lower 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfPkts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 10 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfPkts indicates the number of out-of-profile packets dropped on this egress port." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 11 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfPktH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfPktH indicates the upper 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfPkts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 12 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfPktL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfPktL indicates the lower 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfPkts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 13 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfOcts indicates the number of out-of-profile octets forwarded on this egress port." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 14 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfOctH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfOctH indicates the upper 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfOcts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 15 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfOctL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfOctL indicates the lower 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdInProfOcts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 16 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfOcts indicates the number of out-of-profile octets dropped on this egress port." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 17 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfOctH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfOctH indicates the upper 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfOcts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 18 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfOctL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfOctL indicates the lower 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdInProfOcts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 19 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfOcts indicates the number of out-of-profile octets forwarded on this egress port." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 20 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfOctH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfOctH indicates the upper 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfOcts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 21 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfOctL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfOctL indicates the lower 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatFwdOutProfOcts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 22 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfOcts indicates the number of out-of-profile octets dropped on egress this egress port." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 23 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfOctH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfOctH indicates the upper 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfOcts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 24 } tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfOctL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfOctL indicates the lower 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaQStatDpdOutProfOcts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaQStatEntry 25 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tPortEgrHsmdaCStatTable contains egress port HSMDA queue-group Counter statistics." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 75 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry specifies egress port HSMDA queue-group Counter statistics." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortAccEgrQGrpName, tPortAccEgrQGrpInstanceId, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatCntrId } ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatTable 1 } TPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatCntrId TEgressHsmdaCounterId, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfPkts Counter64, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfPktH Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfPktL Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfPkts Counter64, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfPktH Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfPktL Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfPkts Counter64, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfPktH Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfPktL Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfPkts Counter64, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfPktH Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfPktL Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfOcts Counter64, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfOctH Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfOctL Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfOcts Counter64, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfOctH Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfOctL Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfOcts Counter64, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfOctH Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfOctL Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfOcts Counter64, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfOctH Counter32, tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfOctL Counter32 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatCntrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressHsmdaCounterId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatCntrId specifies the HSMDA counter ID for the statistics." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 1 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfPkts indicates the number of in-profile packets forwarded for the egress counter, specified by the index tPortEgrHsmdaCStatCntrId, on this port." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 2 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfPktH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfPktH indicates the upper 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfPkts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 3 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfPktL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfPktL indicates the lower 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfPkts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 4 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfPkts indicates the number of in-profile packets dropped for the egress counter, specified by the index tPortEgrHsmdaCStatCntrId, on this port." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 5 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfPktH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfPktH indicates the upper 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfPkts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 6 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfPktL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfPktL indicates the lower 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfPkts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 7 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfPkts indicates the number of out-of-profile packets forwarded for the egress counter, specified by the index tPortEgrHsmdaCStatCntrId, on this port." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 8 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfPktH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfPktH indicates the upper 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfPkts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 9 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfPktL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfPktL indicates the lower 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfPkts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 10 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfPkts indicates the number of out-of-profile packets dropped or the egress counter, specified by the index tPortEgrHsmdaCStatCntrId, on this port." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 11 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfPktH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfPktH indicates the upper 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfPkts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 12 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfPktL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfPktL indicates the lower 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfPkts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 13 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfOcts indicates the number of out-of-profile octets forwarded for the egress counter, specified by the index tPortEgrHsmdaCStatCntrId, on this port." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 14 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfOctH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfOctH indicates the upper 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfOcts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 15 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfOctL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfOctL indicates the lower 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdInProfOcts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 16 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfOcts indicates the number of out-of-profile octets dropped for the egress counter, specified by the index tPortEgrHsmdaCStatCntrId, on this port." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 17 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfOctH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfOctH indicates the upper 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfOcts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 18 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfOctL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfOctL indicates the lower 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdInProfOcts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 19 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfOcts indicates the number of out-of-profile octets forwarded for the egress counter, specified by the index tPortEgrHsmdaCStatCntrId, on this port." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 20 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfOctH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfOctH indicates the upper 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfOcts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 21 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfOctL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfOctL indicates the lower 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatFwdOutProfOcts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 22 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfOcts indicates the number of out-of-profile octets dropped for the egress counter, specified by the index tPortEgrHsmdaCStatCntrId, on this port." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 23 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfOctH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfOctH indicates the upper 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfOcts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 24 } tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfOctL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfOctL indicates the lower 32-bits of tPortEgrHsmdaCStatDpdOutProfOcts." ::= { tPortEgrHsmdaCStatEntry 25 } tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverTable has an entry for each access egress port queue-group hsmda queue override configured on this system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 76 } tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular port queue-group hsmda queue override. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortAccEgrQGrpName, tPortAccEgrQGrpInstanceId, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverQueue } ::= { tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverTable 1 } TPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverQueue TEgressHsmdaQueueId, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverRowStatus RowStatus, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverLastChanged TimeStamp, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverAdminPIR THsmdaPIRKRateOverride, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverSlopePolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverWrrWeight THsmdaWrrWeightOverride, tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverMBS THSMDABurstSizeBytesOverride } tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressHsmdaQueueId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverQueue specifies the hsmda egress queue which this override record will affect." ::= { tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverEntry 1 } tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverEntry 2 } tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this table row." ::= { tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverEntry 3 } tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRKRateOverride UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverAdminPIR specifies the PIR rate allowed for this hsmda egress queue-group queue." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverEntry 4 } tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverSlopePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverSlopePolicy specifies the slope policy that defines the RED slopes for this hsmda egress queue-group queue." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverEntry 5 } tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverWrrWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWrrWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverWrrWeight specifies the weighted round-robin weight override for the given hsmda queue for this queue-group instance. When set to default value, the weighted round-robin weight is not overridden and the weighted round-robin weight from the queue-group template is honored. When a non-default value is given, that value is used instead of the weighted round-robin weight given in the queue-group template." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverEntry 6 } tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THSMDABurstSizeBytesOverride UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverMBS specifies the maximum buffer space (MBS) override for the given egress hsmda queue for this queue-group instance. When set to default value, the MBS is not overridden and the MBS from the queue-group template is honored. When a non-default value is given, that is used instead of the MBS given in the queue-group template." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccEgrHsmdaQOverEntry 7 } tmnxDot1xPaePortTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDot1xPaePortTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tmnxDot1xPaePortTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 77 } tmnxDot1xPaePortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxDot1xPaePortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains dot1x PAE port information in the system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 78 } tmnxDot1xPaePortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDot1xPaePortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row entry that contains port specific dot1x PAE information." INDEX { dot1xPaePortNumber } ::= { tmnxDot1xPaePortTable 1 } TmnxDot1xPaePortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxDot1xPaePortTunneling TruthValue, tmnxDot1xPaePortTunnelDot1q TruthValue, tmnxDot1xPaePortTunnelQinq TruthValue } tmnxDot1xPaePortTunneling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDot1xPaePortTunneling specifies whether the dot1x packet tunneling for the ethernet port is enabled or disabled. When tunneling is enabled, the port will not process any untagged dot1x packets but will tunnel them through instead." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxDot1xPaePortEntry 1 } tmnxDot1xPaePortTunnelDot1q OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDot1xPaePortTunnelDot1q specifies if the dot1x packet tunneling for the ethernet port is enabled for packets with an IEEE 802.1Q header. When tunneling is enabled, the port will not process any such dot1x packets but will tunnel them through instead." DEFVAL { true } ::= { tmnxDot1xPaePortEntry 2 } tmnxDot1xPaePortTunnelQinq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDot1xPaePortTunnelQinq specifies if the dot1x packet tunneling for the ethernet port is enabled for packets with an IEEE 802.1ad header. When tunneling is enabled, the port will not process any such dot1x packets but will tunnel them through instead." DEFVAL { true } ::= { tmnxDot1xPaePortEntry 3 } tPortEgrVPortSchedStatTblLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tPortEgrVPortSchedStatTblLastCh indicates the timestamp of the last change to the tPortEgrVPortSchedStatTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 79 } tPortEgrVPortSchedStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrVPortSchedStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortEgrVPortSchedStatTable contains statistics information about the egress port schedulers at a vport." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 80 } tPortEgrVPortSchedStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrVPortSchedStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each conceptual row contains detailed statistics information about an egress port scheduler at a vport. Entries in this table are created and removed automatically by the system." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortEgrVPortName, tPortEgrVPSchedStatName } ::= { tPortEgrVPortSchedStatTable 1 } TPortEgrVPortSchedStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrVPSchedStatName TNamedItem, tPortEgrVPSchedStatFwdPkts Counter64, tPortEgrVPSchedStatFwdOcts Counter64 } tPortEgrVPSchedStatName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPSchedStatName specifies the name of the port scheduler." ::= { tPortEgrVPortSchedStatEntry 1 } tPortEgrVPSchedStatFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPSchedStatFwdPkts indicates the number of forwarded packets." ::= { tPortEgrVPortSchedStatEntry 2 } tPortEgrVPSchedStatFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPSchedStatFwdOcts indicates the number of forwarded octets." ::= { tPortEgrVPortSchedStatEntry 3 } tmnxPortEtherSymMonTblLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherSymMonTblLastChange indicates the time, since system startup that a configuration changed state in the tmnxPortEtherSymbolMonitorTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 81 } tmnxPortEtherSymbolMonitorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortEtherSymbolMonitorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherSymbolMonitorTable maintains the configuration and state of Symbol Error Signal Degrade over a sliding window for the Ethernet Port." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 82 } tmnxPortEtherSymbolMonitorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEtherSymbolMonitorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherSymbolMonitorEntry consists of the information related to an individual Ethernet Port Symbol Error Signal Degrade state." AUGMENTS { tmnxPortEtherEntry } ::= { tmnxPortEtherSymbolMonitorTable 1 } TmnxPortEtherSymbolMonitorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortEtherSymMonEnabled TmnxEnabledDisabled, tmnxPortEtherSymMonSdThreshold Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherSymMonSdTMultiplier Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherSymMonSfThreshold Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherSymMonSfTMultiplier Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherSymMonWindowSize Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherSymMonAlarmReason TmnxPortEtherMonReportStatus, tmnxPortEtherSymMonErrorCount Counter64 } tmnxPortEtherSymMonEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherSymMonEnabled specifies whether or not Symbol Monitoring is enabled on the port." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxPortEtherSymbolMonitorEntry 1 } tmnxPortEtherSymMonSdThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..9) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherSymMonSdThreshold specifies a PCS symbol error rate threshold used to determine when to send a tmnxEqPortEtherSymMonAlarm notification for a Symbol Monitor Signal Degradation (SD) failure and tmnxEqPortEtherSymMonAlarmClear notification for a Symbol Monitor SD failure clear. tmnxPortEtherSymMonSdThreshold is the absolute value of the exponent of the rate expressed as 10e-n. The Symbol Monitor SD error rate threshold is calculated as: tmnxPortEtherSymMonSdTMultiplier * 10e-tmnxPortEtherSymMonSdThreshold. A value of 0 disables Symbol Monitor SD monitoring." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherSymbolMonitorEntry 2 } tmnxPortEtherSymMonSdTMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..9) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherSymMonSdTMultiplier specifies the tmnxPortEtherSymMonSdThreshold multiplier value. The Symbol Monitor SD error rate threshold is calculated as: tmnxPortEtherSymMonSdTMultiplier * 10e-tmnxPortEtherSymMonSdThreshold." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherSymbolMonitorEntry 3 } tmnxPortEtherSymMonSfThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..9) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherSymMonSfThreshold specifies a PCS symbol error rate threshold used to determine when to send a tmnxEqPortEtherSymMonAlarm notification for a Symbol Monitor Signal Failure (SF) failure. Crossing the tmnxPortEtherSymMonSfThreshold will result in the tmnxPortOperStatus being set to 'outOfService'. tmnxPortEtherSymMonSfThreshold is the absolute value of the exponent of the rate expressed as 10e-n. The Symbol Monitor SF error rate threshold is calculated as: tmnxPortEtherSymMonSfTMultiplier * 10e-tmnxPortEtherSymMonSfThreshold. A value of 0 disables Symbol Monitor SF monitoring." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherSymbolMonitorEntry 4 } tmnxPortEtherSymMonSfTMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..9) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherSymMonSfTMultiplier specifies the tmnxPortEtherSymMonSfThreshold multiplier value. The Symbol Monitor SF error rate threshold is calculated as: tmnxPortEtherSymMonSfTMultiplier * 10e-tmnxPortEtherSymMonSfThreshold." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherSymbolMonitorEntry 5 } tmnxPortEtherSymMonWindowSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (5..60) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherSymMonWindowSize specifies the size of the sliding window in seconds over which the tmnxPortEtherSymMonSdThreshold and tmnxPortEtherSymMonSfThreshold are applied." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherSymbolMonitorEntry 6 } tmnxPortEtherSymMonAlarmReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEtherMonReportStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherSymMonAlarmReason indicates the current status of the Ethernet Symbol Monitored alarms on the port." ::= { tmnxPortEtherSymbolMonitorEntry 7 } tmnxPortEtherSymMonErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherSymMonErrorCount indicates the total number of Symbol Monitor errors since tmnxPortEtherSymMonEnabled was set to 'enabled (1)'." ::= { tmnxPortEtherSymbolMonitorEntry 8 } tmnxPortTopologyTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of of tmnxPortTopologyTableLastChange indicates the sysUpTime when the tmnxPortTopologyTable was last changed." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 83 } tmnxPortTopologyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortTopologyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tmnxPortTopologyTable contains the information pertaining to the port topology/association which specifies the port identifiers of two endpoints in a bi-directional connection which is established between an SR port and a port of an external shelf. The port on the external shelf could be eSat (Satellite) port, and both are ethernet ports. The two endpoints/ports are specified by the objects tmnxPortPortID and tmnxPortTopologyFarEndId. Any of these objects can represent any type of endpoint (SR port or external port) according to the following rules: 1 - The two ports can not be of the same type For example, SR port can NOT be connected to SR port. 2 - The valid endpoints/ports can be connected in any order." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 84 } tmnxPortTopologyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortTopologyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rows in table tmnxPortTopologyTable are created and destroyed by SNMP Set operation on the object tmnxPortTopologyRowStatus. The creation of the row MUST be followed by SNMP Set operation on the object tmnxPortTopologyFarEndId in the same SNMP PDU packet." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxPortTopologyTable 1 } TmnxPortTopologyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortTopologyRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxPortTopologyLastChangeTime TimeStamp, tmnxPortTopologyFarEndId TmnxPortID } tmnxPortTopologyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxPortTopologyRowStatus specifies the status of the row. It also controls the creation and deletion of the row. The SNMP set operation on this object MUST be followed by setting the object tmnxPortTopologyFarEndId in the same SNMP PDU packet" ::= { tmnxPortTopologyEntry 1 } tmnxPortTopologyLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortTopologyLastChangeTime indicates the sysUpTime value of the most recently modified writable attribute in the tmnxPortTopologyEntry for this port." ::= { tmnxPortTopologyEntry 2 } tmnxPortTopologyFarEndId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of object tmnxPortTopologyFarEndId specifies the port identifier of the other endpoint of the port association/connection between the SR and the external shelf (e.g. eSat). The SNMP Set operation on this object MUST be preceded by SNMP Set operation on the tmnxPortTopologyRowStatus object in the same SNMP PDU packet." ::= { tmnxPortTopologyEntry 3 } tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoTable has an entry for each access ingress port queue-group override queue for which the value of tPortAccIngQOverMonitorDepth is set to 'true (1)'." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 85 } tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoEntry represents queue depth monitoring information for each access ingress port queue-group override queue for which the value of tPortAccIngQOverMonitorDepth is set to 'true (1)'." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortAccIngQGrpName, tPortAccIngQOverQueue } ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoTable 1 } TPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt1 Unsigned32, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt2 Unsigned32, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt3 Unsigned32, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt4 Unsigned32, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt5 Unsigned32, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt6 Unsigned32, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt7 Unsigned32, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt8 Unsigned32, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt9 Unsigned32, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt10 Unsigned32, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthAvgPollInt Unsigned32, tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthAvgElpsdTme TimeStamp } tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt1 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 0 to 10 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 1 } tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt2 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 11 to 20 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 2 } tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt3 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 21 to 30 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 3 } tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt4 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 31 to 40 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 4 } tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt5 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 41 to 50 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 5 } tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt6 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 51 to 60 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 6 } tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt7 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 61 to 70 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 7 } tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt8 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 71 to 80 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 8 } tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt9 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 81 to 90 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 9 } tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt10 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 91 to 100 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 10 } tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthAvgPollInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthAvgPollInt represents the weighted average polling interval for the elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 11 } tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthAvgElpsdTme OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthAvgElpsdTme represents the average elapsed time since the start of queue depth monitoring or the last monitoring clear." ::= { tPortAccIngQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 12 } tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoTable has an entry for each access egress port queue-group override queue for which the value of tPortAccEgrQOverMonitorDepth is set to 'true (1)'." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 86 } tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry represents queue depth monitoring information for each access egress port queue-group override queue for which the value of tPortAccEgrQOverMonitorDepth is set to 'true (1)'." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortAccEgrQGrpName, tPortAccEgrQGrpInstanceId, tPortAccEgrQOverQueue } ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoTable 1 } TPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt1 Unsigned32, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt2 Unsigned32, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt3 Unsigned32, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt4 Unsigned32, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt5 Unsigned32, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt6 Unsigned32, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt7 Unsigned32, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt8 Unsigned32, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt9 Unsigned32, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt10 Unsigned32, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthAvgPollInt Unsigned32, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthAvgElpsdTme TimeStamp, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthViolTotCnt Unsigned32, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthViolLast TimeStamp, tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthHWMPollInt Unsigned32 } tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt1 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 0 to 10 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 1 } tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt2 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 11 to 20 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 2 } tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt3 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 21 to 30 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 3 } tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt4 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 31 to 40 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 4 } tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt5 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 41 to 50 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 5 } tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt6 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 51 to 60 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 6 } tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt7 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 61 to 70 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 7 } tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt8 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 71 to 80 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 8 } tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt9 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 81 to 90 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 9 } tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt10 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 91 to 100 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 10 } tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthAvgPollInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthAvgPollInt represents the weighted average polling interval for the elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 11 } tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthAvgElpsdTme OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthAvgElpsdTme represents the average elapsed time since the start of queue depth monitoring or the last monitoring clear." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 12 } tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthViolTotCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthViolTotCnt represents the total number of per hardware queue violation counts of the component queues." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 13 } tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthViolLast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthViolLast represents the most recent violation last seen timestamp of the component queues." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 14 } tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthHWMPollInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "microseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthHWMPollInt represents the weighted average high-watermark polling interval for the elapsed time." ::= { tPortAccEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 15 } tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoTable has an entry for each network egress port queue-group override queue for which the value of tPortNetEgrQOverMonitorDepth is set to 'true (1)'." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 87 } tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry represents queue depth monitoring information for each network egress port queue-group override queue for which the value of tPortNetEgrQOverMonitorDepth is set to 'true (1)'." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortNetEgrQGrpName, tPortNetEgrQGrpInstanceId, tPortNetEgrQOverQueue } ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoTable 1 } TPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt1 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt2 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt3 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt4 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt5 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt6 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt7 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt8 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt9 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt10 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthAvgPollInt Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthAvgElpsdTme TimeStamp, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthViolTotCnt Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthViolLast TimeStamp, tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthHWMPollInt Unsigned32 } tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt1 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 0 to 10 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 1 } tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt2 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 11 to 20 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 2 } tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt3 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 21 to 30 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 3 } tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt4 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 31 to 40 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 4 } tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt5 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 41 to 50 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 5 } tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt6 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 51 to 60 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 6 } tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt7 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 61 to 70 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 7 } tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt8 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 71 to 80 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 8 } tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt9 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 81 to 90 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 9 } tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthPollPrcnt10 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 91 to 100 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 10 } tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthAvgPollInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthAvgPollInt represents the weighted average polling interval for the elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 11 } tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthAvgElpsdTme OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthAvgElpsdTme represents the average elapsed time since the start of queue depth monitoring or the last monitoring clear." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 12 } tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthViolTotCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthViolTotCnt represents the total number of per hardware queue violation counts of the component queues." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 13 } tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthViolLast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthViolLast represents the most recent violation last seen timestamp of the component queues." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 14 } tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthHWMPollInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "microseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthHWMPollInt represents the weighted average high-watermark polling interval for the elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpQDepthInfoEntry 15 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrTable contains port scheduler policy's threshold monitoring information for each access egress vport when the value of tPortEgrVPortMonitorPortSched is set to 'enabled (1)'." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 88 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry represents threshold monitoring information for port scheduler policy specified by tPortEgrVPortQosSchedPolicy for each access egress vport when the value of tPortEgrVPortMonitorPortSched is set to 'enabled (1)'." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortEgrVPortName } ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrTable 1 } TPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrVPortMonThrPortExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl1ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl2ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl3ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl4ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl5ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl6ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl7ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl8ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp1Name TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp1ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp2Name TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp2ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp3Name TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp3ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp4Name TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp4ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp5Name TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp5ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp6Name TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp6ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp7Name TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp7ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp8Name TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp8ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrVPortMonThrStartTime TimeStamp, tPortEgrVPortMonThrEndTime TimeStamp, tPortEgrVPortMonThrTotalSamples Counter32 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrPortExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrPortExceedCnt represents the exceed count for egress port scheduler." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 1 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl1ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl1ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for priority level 1." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 2 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl2ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl2ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for priority level 2." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 3 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl3ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl3ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for priority level 3." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 4 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl4ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl4ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for priority level 4." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 5 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl5ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl5ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for priority level 5." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 6 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl6ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl6ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for priority level 6." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 7 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl7ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl7ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for priority level 7." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 8 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl8ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrLvl8ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for priority level 8." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 9 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp1Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp1Name represents port scheduler policy's group name." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 10 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp1ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp1ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for group 1 specified by tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp1Name." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 11 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp2Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp2Name represents port scheduler policy's group name." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 12 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp2ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp2ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for group 2 specified by tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp2Name." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 13 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp3Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp3Name represents port scheduler policy's group name." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 14 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp3ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp3ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for group 3 specified by tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp3Name." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 15 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp4Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp4Name represents port scheduler policy's group name." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 16 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp4ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp4ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for group 4 specified by tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp4Name." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 17 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp5Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp5Name represents port scheduler policy's group name." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 18 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp5ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp5ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for group 5 specified by tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp5Name." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 19 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp6Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp6Name represents port scheduler policy's group name." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 20 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp6ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp6ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for group 6 specified by tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp6Name." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 21 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp7Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp7Name represents port scheduler policy's group name." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 22 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp7ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp7ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for group 7 specified by tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp7Name." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 23 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp8Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp8Name represents port scheduler policy's group name." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 24 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp8ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp8ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for group 8 specified by tPortEgrVPortMonThrGrp8Name." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 25 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrStartTime represents the start time for threshold monitoring." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 26 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrEndTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrEndTime represents the end time for threshold monitoring." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 27 } tPortEgrVPortMonThrTotalSamples OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrTotalSamples represents total samples collected during the threshold monitoring interval." ::= { tPortEgrVPortMonThrEntry 28 } tPortEgrMonThrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrMonThrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrTable contains port scheduler policy's threshold monitoring information for each ethernet egress port when the value of tmnxPortEgrMonitorPortSched is set to 'enabled (1)'." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 89 } tPortEgrMonThrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrMonThrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrEntry represents threshold monitoring information for port scheduler policy specified by tmnxPortEgrPortSchedPlcy for each ethernet egress port when the value of tmnxPortEgrMonitorPortSched is set to 'enabled (1)'." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tPortEgrMonThrTable 1 } TPortEgrMonThrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrMonThrPortExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrMonThrLvl1ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrMonThrLvl2ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrMonThrLvl3ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrMonThrLvl4ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrMonThrLvl5ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrMonThrLvl6ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrMonThrLvl7ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrMonThrLvl8ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrMonThrGrp1Name TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrMonThrGrp1ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrMonThrGrp2Name TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrMonThrGrp2ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrMonThrGrp3Name TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrMonThrGrp3ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrMonThrGrp4Name TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrMonThrGrp4ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrMonThrGrp5Name TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrMonThrGrp5ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrMonThrGrp6Name TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrMonThrGrp6ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrMonThrGrp7Name TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrMonThrGrp7ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrMonThrGrp8Name TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortEgrMonThrGrp8ExceedCnt Counter32, tPortEgrMonThrStartTime TimeStamp, tPortEgrMonThrEndTime TimeStamp, tPortEgrMonThrTotalSamples Counter32 } tPortEgrMonThrPortExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrPortExceedCnt represents the exceed count for egress port scheduler." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 1 } tPortEgrMonThrLvl1ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrLvl1ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for priority level 1." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 2 } tPortEgrMonThrLvl2ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrLvl2ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for priority level 2." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 3 } tPortEgrMonThrLvl3ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrLvl3ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for priority level 3." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 4 } tPortEgrMonThrLvl4ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrLvl4ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for priority level 4." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 5 } tPortEgrMonThrLvl5ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrLvl5ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for priority level 5." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 6 } tPortEgrMonThrLvl6ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrLvl6ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for priority level 6." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 7 } tPortEgrMonThrLvl7ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrLvl7ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for priority level 7." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 8 } tPortEgrMonThrLvl8ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrLvl8ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for priority level 8." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 9 } tPortEgrMonThrGrp1Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrGrp1Name represents port scheduler policy's group name." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 10 } tPortEgrMonThrGrp1ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrGrp1ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for group 1 specified by tPortEgrMonThrGrp1Name." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 11 } tPortEgrMonThrGrp2Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrGrp2Name represents port scheduler policy's group name." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 12 } tPortEgrMonThrGrp2ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrGrp2ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for group 2 specified by tPortEgrMonThrGrp2Name." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 13 } tPortEgrMonThrGrp3Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrGrp3Name represents port scheduler policy's group name." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 14 } tPortEgrMonThrGrp3ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrGrp3ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for group 3 specified by tPortEgrMonThrGrp3Name." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 15 } tPortEgrMonThrGrp4Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrGrp4Name represents port scheduler policy's group name." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 16 } tPortEgrMonThrGrp4ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrGrp4ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for group 4 specified by tPortEgrMonThrGrp4Name." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 17 } tPortEgrMonThrGrp5Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrGrp5Name represents port scheduler policy's group name." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 18 } tPortEgrMonThrGrp5ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrGrp5ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for group 5 specified by tPortEgrMonThrGrp5Name." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 19 } tPortEgrMonThrGrp6Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrGrp6Name represents port scheduler policy's group name." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 20 } tPortEgrMonThrGrp6ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrGrp6ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for group 6 specified by tPortEgrMonThrGrp6Name." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 21 } tPortEgrMonThrGrp7Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrGrp7Name represents port scheduler policy's group name." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 22 } tPortEgrMonThrGrp7ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrGrp7ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for group 7 specified by tPortEgrMonThrGrp7Name." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 23 } tPortEgrMonThrGrp8Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrGrp8Name represents port scheduler policy's group name." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 24 } tPortEgrMonThrGrp8ExceedCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrGrp8ExceedCnt represents the exceed count for group 8 specified by tPortEgrMonThrGrp8Name." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 25 } tPortEgrMonThrStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrStartTime represents the start time for threshold monitoring." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 26 } tPortEgrMonThrEndTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrEndTime represents the end time for threshold monitoring." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 27 } tPortEgrMonThrTotalSamples OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrMonThrTotalSamples represents total samples collected during the threshold monitoring interval." ::= { tPortEgrMonThrEntry 28 } tPortEgrHsSchOvrTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSchOvrTableLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tPortEgrHsSchOvrTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 90 } tPortEgrHsSchOvrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrHsSchOvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortEgrHsSchOvrTable has an entry for each port-level HS scheduler override configured on this system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 91 } tPortEgrHsSchOvrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrHsSchOvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular port-level HS scheduler override. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tPortEgrHsSchOvrTable 1 } TPortEgrHsSchOvrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrHsSchOvrRowStatus RowStatus, tPortEgrHsSchOvrLastChanged TimeStamp, tPortEgrHsSchOvrMaxRate THsPirRateOverride } tPortEgrHsSchOvrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSchOvrRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of port-level HS scheduler overrides. Creation of an entry is only allowed when the value of tmnxPortEgrHsSchedPlcy is set to non-default value. When the tmnxMDAAssignedType of the tmnxPortEntry indexed by the same indices of this table is a non-HS MDA Type, creation will fail and return a 'noCreation' error." ::= { tPortEgrHsSchOvrEntry 1 } tPortEgrHsSchOvrLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSchOvrLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tPortEgrHsSchOvrEntry 2 } tPortEgrHsSchOvrMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsPirRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSchOvrMaxRate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit for this HS port scheduler. A value of 4294967294 (0xFFFFFFFE) indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsSchedPolicyMaxRate." DEFVAL { 4294967294 } ::= { tPortEgrHsSchOvrEntry 4 } tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClssTblLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClssTblLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 92 } tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassTable has an entry for each port-level HS scheduler override scheduling class configured on this system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 93 } tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular port-level HS scheduler override scheduling class. Entries in this table are created whenever an entry is created in tPortEgrHsSchOvrEntry." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassId } ::= { tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassTable 1 } TPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassId Unsigned32, tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassLastChgd TimeStamp, tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassRate THsPirRateOverride, tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassWghtGrp THsSchedulerPolicyWeightOverride } tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..6) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassId specifies the scheduling class identifier." ::= { tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassEntry 1 } tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassEntry 2 } tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsPirRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassRate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit for this HS port scheduler. A value of 4294967294 (0xFFFFFFFE) indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsSchdPolicySchdClassRate." DEFVAL { 4294967294 } ::= { tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassEntry 4 } tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassWghtGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsSchedulerPolicyWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassWghtGrp specifies the weight the HS port scheduler policy should apply to this policy's scheduling class within the group it belongs to. A value of -2 indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsSchdPolicySchdClassWghtInGrp." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortEgrHsSchOvrSchClassEntry 5 } tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupTblLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupTblLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 94 } tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupTable has an entry for each port-level HS scheduler override group configured on this system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 95 } tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular port-level HS scheduler override group. Entries in this table are created whenever an entry is created in tPortEgrHsSchOvrEntry." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupId } ::= { tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupTable 1 } TPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupId Unsigned32, tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupLastChgd TimeStamp, tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupRate THsPirRateOverride } tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupId specifies the group identifier." ::= { tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupEntry 1 } tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupEntry 2 } tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsPirRateOverride UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupRate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit for this HS port scheduler. A value of 4294967294 (0xFFFFFFFE) indicates no override. This object overrides TIMETRA-QOS-MIB::tHsSchedPolicyGroupRate." DEFVAL { 4294967294 } ::= { tPortEgrHsSchOvrGroupEntry 4 } tPortHsSecShapTblLstChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortHsSecShapTblLstChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tPortHsSecShapTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 96 } tPortHsSecShapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortHsSecShapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortHsSecShapTable contains the information of each egress HS secondary shaper at the port level configured on this system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 97 } tPortHsSecShapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortHsSecShapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row in tPortHsSecShapEntry represents a particular egress HS secondary shaper at the port level specified by tPortHsSecShapName." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortHsSecShapName } ::= { tPortHsSecShapTable 1 } TPortHsSecShapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortHsSecShapName TNamedItem, tPortHsSecShapRowStatus RowStatus, tPortHsSecShapLastChanged TimeStamp, tPortHsSecShapDescription TItemDescription, tPortHsSecShapRate Unsigned32, tPortHsSecShapLoBrstMaxCls Unsigned32 } tPortHsSecShapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortHsSecShapName specifies the HS secondary shaper name on the egress side of this port." ::= { tPortHsSecShapEntry 1 } tPortHsSecShapRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortHsSecShapRowStatus specifies the row status of this entry in this table." ::= { tPortHsSecShapEntry 2 } tPortHsSecShapLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortHsSecShapLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime when the egress secondary shaper entry was last modified." ::= { tPortHsSecShapEntry 3 } tPortHsSecShapDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortHsSecShapDescription specifies the user provided description." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortHsSecShapEntry 4 } tPortHsSecShapRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100000000 | 4294967295) UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortHsSecShapRate specifies the aggregate bandwidth limit, in kilobits per second, of this HS egress secondary shaper." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortHsSecShapEntry 5 } tPortHsSecShapLoBrstMaxCls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..6) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortHsSecShapLoBrstMaxCls specifies which class should use the low priority burst threshold. All classes starting from 1, up to and including that specified by tPortHsSecShapLoBrstMaxCls use the low priority burst threshold. All classes greater than the value of tPortHsSecShapLoBrstMaxCls up to and including class 8 use the high priority burst threshold." DEFVAL { 6 } ::= { tPortHsSecShapEntry 6 } tPortHsSecShapClassTblLstChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortHsSecShapClassTblLstChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tPortHsSecShapClassTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 98 } tPortHsSecShapClassTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortHsSecShapClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortHsSecShapClassTable contains the information of each egress HS secondary shaper class at the port level configured on this system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 99 } tPortHsSecShapClassEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortHsSecShapClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row in tPortHsSecShapClassEntry represents a particular egress HS secondary shaper class at the port level specified by tPortHsSecShapClassId." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortHsSecShapName, tPortHsSecShapClassId } ::= { tPortHsSecShapClassTable 1 } TPortHsSecShapClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortHsSecShapClassId Unsigned32, tPortHsSecShapClassLastChanged TimeStamp, tPortHsSecShapClassRate Unsigned32 } tPortHsSecShapClassId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..6) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortHsSecShapClassId specifies the HS secondary shaper class identifier." ::= { tPortHsSecShapClassEntry 1 } tPortHsSecShapClassLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortHsSecShapClassLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime when the egress secondary shaper class entry was last modified." ::= { tPortHsSecShapClassEntry 2 } tPortHsSecShapClassRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100000000 | 4294967295) UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortHsSecShapClassRate specifies the aggregate bandwidth limit, in kilobits per second, of this HS egress secondary shaper class." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortHsSecShapClassEntry 3 } tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsTable contains the statistics of each egress HS secondary shaper at the port level configured on this system. Most objects are represented in 64 bit." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 100 } tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row in tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry represents a particular egress HS secondary secondary shaper statistics at the port level specified by tPortHsSecShapName." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortHsSecShapName } ::= { tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsTable 1 } TPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass1FwdPkts Counter64, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass1FwdOcts Counter64, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass2FwdPkts Counter64, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass2FwdOcts Counter64, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass3FwdPkts Counter64, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass3FwdOcts Counter64, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass4FwdPkts Counter64, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass4FwdOcts Counter64, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass5FwdPkts Counter64, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass5FwdOcts Counter64, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass6FwdPkts Counter64, tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass6FwdOcts Counter64, tPortEgrHsSecShaperAggFwdPkts Counter64, tPortEgrHsSecShaperAggFwdOcts Counter64 } tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass1FwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass1FwdPkts indicates the number of packets forwarded by the class '1' egress HS secondary shaper." ::= { tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry 2 } tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass1FwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass1FwdOcts indicates the number of octets forwarded by the class '1' egress HS secondary shaper." ::= { tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry 3 } tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass2FwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass2FwdPkts indicates the number of packets forwarded by the class '2' egress HS secondary shaper." ::= { tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry 4 } tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass2FwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass2FwdOcts indicates the number of octets forwarded by the class '2' egress HS secondary shaper." ::= { tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry 5 } tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass3FwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass3FwdPkts indicates the number of packets forwarded by the class '3' egress HS secondary shaper." ::= { tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry 6 } tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass3FwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass3FwdOcts indicates the number of octets forwarded by the class '3' egress HS secondary shaper." ::= { tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry 7 } tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass4FwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass4FwdPkts indicates the number of packets forwarded by the class '4' egress HS secondary shaper." ::= { tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry 8 } tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass4FwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass4FwdOcts indicates the number of octets forwarded by the class '4' egress HS secondary shaper." ::= { tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry 9 } tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass5FwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass5FwdPkts indicates the number of packets forwarded by the class '5' egress HS secondary shaper." ::= { tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry 10 } tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass5FwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass5FwdOcts indicates the number of octets forwarded by the class '5' egress HS secondary shaper." ::= { tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry 11 } tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass6FwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass6FwdPkts indicates the number of packets forwarded by the class '6' egress HS secondary shaper." ::= { tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry 12 } tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass6FwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSecShaperClass6FwdOcts indicates the number of octets forwarded by the class '6' egress HS secondary shaper." ::= { tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry 13 } tPortEgrHsSecShaperAggFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSecShaperAggFwdPkts indicates the aggregate number of packets forwarded by all of the classes of this egress HS secondary shaper." ::= { tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry 14 } tPortEgrHsSecShaperAggFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHsSecShaperAggFwdOcts indicates the aggregate number of octets forwarded by all of the classes of this egress HS secondary shaper." ::= { tPortEgrHsSecShaperStatsEntry 15 } tPortAccIngSchedOvrInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortAccIngSchedOvrInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrInfoTable has an entry for each access ingress port queue-group scheduler overrides." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 101 } tPortAccIngSchedOvrInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortAccIngSchedOvrInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrInfoEntry represents override values for the specified access ingress port virtual scheduler." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortAccIngQGrpName, tPortAccIngSchedOvrSName } ::= { tPortAccIngSchedOvrInfoTable 1 } TPortAccIngSchedOvrInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortAccIngSchedOvrSName TNamedItem, tPortAccIngSchedOvrSRowStatus RowStatus, tPortAccIngSchedOvrSLastMgmtChng TimeStamp, tPortAccIngSchedOvrSPIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tPortAccIngSchedOvrSPIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, tPortAccIngSchedOvrSParentWeight TWeightOverride, tPortAccIngSchdOvrSParentCIRWght TWeightOverride } tPortAccIngSchedOvrSName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSName indicates the name of the virtual scheduler whose parameters are to be overridden." ::= { tPortAccIngSchedOvrInfoEntry 1 } tPortAccIngSchedOvrSRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tPortAccIngSchedOvrInfoEntry 2 } tPortAccIngSchedOvrSLastMgmtChng OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSLastMgmtChng indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last management change of any writable object of this row." ::= { tPortAccIngSchedOvrInfoEntry 3 } tPortAccIngSchedOvrSPIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSPIRHi specifies upper 32 bits of the pir-rate allowed for this virtual scheduler. This value should always be set along with tPortAccIngSchedOvrSPIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSPIRHi along with the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates maximum rate. When the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSPIRHi is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) and the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSPIRLo set to 4294967294 (0xFFFFFFFE), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates no override." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortAccIngSchedOvrInfoEntry 4 } tPortAccIngSchedOvrSPIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSPIRLo specifies lower 32 bits of the pir-rate allowed for this virtual scheduler. This value should always be set along with tPortAccIngSchedOvrSPIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSPIRHi along with the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates maximum rate. When the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSPIRHi is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) and the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSPIRLo set to 4294967294 (0xFFFFFFFE), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates no override." DEFVAL { 4294967294 } ::= { tPortAccIngSchedOvrInfoEntry 5 } tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRHi specifies upper 32 bits of the cir-rate allowed for this virtual scheduler. This value should always be set along with tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRHi along with the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates maximum rate. When the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRHi is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) and the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRLo set to 4294967294 (0xFFFFFFFE), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates no override. When the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRHi is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) and the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRLo set to 4294967293 (0xFFFFFFFD), rate for this virtual scheduler specifies that the CIR value is summed value of all the children schedulers." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortAccIngSchedOvrInfoEntry 6 } tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRLo specifies lower 32 bits of the cir-rate allowed for this virtual scheduler. This value should always be set along with tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRHi along with the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates maximum rate. When the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRHi is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) and the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRLo set to 4294967294 (0xFFFFFFFE), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates no override. When the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRHi is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) and the value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSCIRLo set to 4294967293 (0xFFFFFFFD), rate for this virtual scheduler specifies that the CIR value is summed value of all the children schedulers." DEFVAL { 4294967294 } ::= { tPortAccIngSchedOvrInfoEntry 7 } tPortAccIngSchedOvrSParentWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchedOvrSParentWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used by this virtual scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccIngSchedOvrInfoEntry 8 } tPortAccIngSchdOvrSParentCIRWght OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccIngSchdOvrSParentCIRWght specifies the weight that needs to be used until the committed rate by this virtual scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccIngSchedOvrInfoEntry 9 } tPortAccEgrSchedOvrInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortAccEgrSchedOvrInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrInfoTable has an entry for each access egress port queue-group scheduler override." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 102 } tPortAccEgrSchedOvrInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortAccEgrSchedOvrInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrInfoEntry represents override values for the specified access egress port virtual scheduler." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortAccEgrQGrpName, tPortAccEgrQGrpInstanceId, tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSName } ::= { tPortAccEgrSchedOvrInfoTable 1 } TPortAccEgrSchedOvrInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSName TNamedItem, tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSRowStatus RowStatus, tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSLastMgmtChng TimeStamp, tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSPIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSPIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSParentWeight TWeightOverride, tPortAccEgrSchdOvrSParentCIRWght TWeightOverride } tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSName indicates the name of the virtual scheduler whose parameters are to be overridden." ::= { tPortAccEgrSchedOvrInfoEntry 1 } tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tPortAccEgrSchedOvrInfoEntry 2 } tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSLastMgmtChng OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSLastMgmtChng indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the last management change of any writable object of this row." ::= { tPortAccEgrSchedOvrInfoEntry 3 } tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSPIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSPIRHi specifies upper 32 bits of the pir-rate allowed for this virtual scheduler. This value should always be set along with tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSPIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSPIRHi along with the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates maximum rate. When the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSPIRHi is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) and the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSPIRLo set to 4294967294 (0xFFFFFFFE), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates no override." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortAccEgrSchedOvrInfoEntry 4 } tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSPIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSPIRLo specifies lower 32 bits of the pir-rate allowed for this virtual scheduler. This value should always be set along with tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSPIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSPIRHi along with the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates maximum rate. When the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSPIRHi is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) and the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSPIRLo set to 4294967294 (0xFFFFFFFE), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates no override." DEFVAL { 4294967294 } ::= { tPortAccEgrSchedOvrInfoEntry 5 } tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRHi specifies upper 32 bits of the cir-rate allowed for this virtual scheduler. This value should always be set along with tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRHi along with the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates maximum rate. When the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRHi is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) and the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRLo set to 4294967294 (0xFFFFFFFE), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates no override. When the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRHi is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) and the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRLo set to 4294967293 (0xFFFFFFFD), rate for this virtual scheduler specifies that the CIR value is summed value of all the children scheduler" DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortAccEgrSchedOvrInfoEntry 6 } tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRLo specifies lower 32 bits of the cir-rate allowed for this virtual scheduler. This value should always be set along with tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRHi along with the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates maximum rate. When the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRHi is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) and the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRLo set to 4294967294 (0xFFFFFFFE), rate for this virtual scheduler indicates no override. When the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRHi is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) and the value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSCIRLo set to 4294967293 (0xFFFFFFFD), rate for this virtual scheduler specifies that the CIR value is summed value of all the children scheduler" DEFVAL { 4294967294 } ::= { tPortAccEgrSchedOvrInfoEntry 7 } tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSParentWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchedOvrSParentWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used by this virtual scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccEgrSchedOvrInfoEntry 8 } tPortAccEgrSchdOvrSParentCIRWght OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeightOverride MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortAccEgrSchdOvrSParentCIRWght specifies the weight that is used by the virtual scheduler fed by this queue, until the committed rate is reached." DEFVAL { -2 } ::= { tPortAccEgrSchedOvrInfoEntry 9 } tmnxPortEtherDampeningTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortEtherDampeningEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherDampeningTable maintains the configuration of Exponential Port Dampening for Ethernet Ports. Exponential Port Dampening (EPD) is used to reduce the effect on a network topology of a situation where a port or link may exhibit flapping due to repetitive outage events. These events may fall outside of preset hold timers, which are based on system re-configurations or other rare occurrences. The port being enabled for a brief period creates churning in the network topology, then fails shortly thereafter. EPD provides a tool to alleviate such a situation by assigning penalties to consecutive port down events, and increases the hold-down period as the frequency of outages increases. If the port state continues to be unstable, the port is put into a suppressed state, and no longer reports events to upper layers." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 103 } tmnxPortEtherDampeningEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEtherDampeningEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxPortEtherDampeningEntry represents the configuration of Exponential Port Dampening on an Ethernet port" AUGMENTS { tmnxPortEtherEntry } ::= { tmnxPortEtherDampeningTable 1 } TmnxPortEtherDampeningEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortEtherDampeningEnabled TmnxEnabledDisabled, tmnxPortEtherDampSuppressThresh Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherDampReuseThreshold Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherDampHalfLife Unsigned32, tmnxPortEtherDampMaxSuppressTime Unsigned32 } tmnxPortEtherDampeningEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherDampeningEnabled specifies whether Exponential Port Dampening is enabled on the port." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxPortEtherDampeningEntry 1 } tmnxPortEtherDampSuppressThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..20000) UNITS "penalties" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherDampSuppressThresh specifies the accumulated penalties threshold above which the port state is suppressed." DEFVAL { 2000 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherDampeningEntry 2 } tmnxPortEtherDampReuseThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..20000) UNITS "penalties" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherDampReuseThreshold specifies the accumulated penalties threshold below which the port state is no longer suppressed" DEFVAL { 1000 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherDampeningEntry 3 } tmnxPortEtherDampHalfLife OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2000) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherDampHalfLife specifies the duration of time before the penalties decay to half the initial value" DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherDampeningEntry 4 } tmnxPortEtherDampMaxSuppressTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..43200) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherDampMaxSuppressTime specifies the maximum suppression duration." DEFVAL { 20 } ::= { tmnxPortEtherDampeningEntry 5 } tmnxPortEtherDampeningStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortEtherDampeningStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEtherDampeningTable maintains the state of Exponential Port Dampening for Ethernet Ports." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 104 } tmnxPortEtherDampeningStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEtherDampeningStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxPortEtherDampeningEntry indicates the state of Exponential Port Dampening on an Ethernet port" AUGMENTS { tmnxPortEtherEntry } ::= { tmnxPortEtherDampeningStatsTable 1 } TmnxPortEtherDampeningStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortEtherDampStatsPenalties Counter64, tmnxPortEtherDampStatsState TmnxEnabledDisabled, tmnxPortEtherDampStatsMaxPens Counter64 } tmnxPortEtherDampStatsPenalties OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "penalties" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherDampStatsPenalties indicates the accumulated penalties applied to the port. Penalties are accumulated on every port down event except a system restart" ::= { tmnxPortEtherDampeningStatsEntry 1 } tmnxPortEtherDampStatsState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherDampStatsState indicates if the port up state of the port is suppressed or not. The port up state is suppressed if the value of tmnxPortEtherDampStatsPenalties exceeds the value of tmnxPortEtherDampSuppressThresh. The port up state will stop being suppressed if the value of tmnxPortEtherDampStatsPenalties falls below the value of tmnxPortEtherDampReuseThreshold" ::= { tmnxPortEtherDampeningStatsEntry 2 } tmnxPortEtherDampStatsMaxPens OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEtherDampStatsMaxPens indicates the maximum possible value of the accumulated penalties against the port." ::= { tmnxPortEtherDampeningStatsEntry 3 } tmnxPortGnssTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortGnssEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortGnssTable contains information for physical Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) ports." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 105 } tmnxPortGnssEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortGnssEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxPortGnssEntry row represents a physical GNSS port in the system. Entries in this table are created automatically by the system and cannot be created or destroyed via SNMP SET operations. For each tmnxPortGnssEntry, there will be a corresponding entry in the tmnxPortTable and the ifTable." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxPortGnssTable 1 } TmnxPortGnssEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortGnssLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxPortGnssConstellation TmnxPortGnssConstellation, tmnxPortGnssAntennaCableDelay Unsigned32, tmnxPortGnssElevationMaskAngle Unsigned32 } tmnxPortGnssLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortGnssLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management change to this row." ::= { tmnxPortGnssEntry 1 } tmnxPortGnssConstellation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortGnssConstellation MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortGnssConstellation specifies which constellation types the installed GNSS receiver module shall process." DEFVAL { {gps} } ::= { tmnxPortGnssEntry 2 } tmnxPortGnssAntennaCableDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..32767) UNITS "nanoseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortGnssAntennaCableDelay specifies the expected signal delay, in nanoseconds, resulting from the length of the antenna cable." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxPortGnssEntry 3 } tmnxPortGnssElevationMaskAngle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..89) UNITS "degrees" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxPortGnssElevationMaskAngle specifies the the elevation mask angle. It provides a method of filtering satellites to be used by the system. Elevation angle is the angle above the horizon. When satellites are close to horizon, there is more atmosphere, troposphere, and ionosphere for the signals to go through (ie. more noise). Elevation angle mask determines the minimum elevation angle below which the GNSS receiver module will not use a satellite in its computations. Typical values are 10 and 15 degrees." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { tmnxPortGnssEntry 4 } tmnxPortConnectorTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortConnectorTblLastChanged indicates the time, since system startup, when tmnxPortConnectorTable last changed configuration. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 106 } tmnxPortConnectorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortConnectorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortConnectorTable contains the configuration information for port connectors in the system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 107 } tmnxPortConnectorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortConnectorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxPortConnectorEntry represents a port connector in the system and contains its configuration information. Entries in this table are created automatically by the system and cannot be created or destroyed via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxPortConnectorTable 1 } TmnxPortConnectorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortConnectorLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxPortConnectorBreakoutType TmnxPortConnectorBreakoutType, tmnxPortConnectorRsFecMode INTEGER } tmnxPortConnectorLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortConnectorLastChanged indicates the time, since system startup, that the configuration of the row was last modified." ::= { tmnxPortConnectorEntry 1 } tmnxPortConnectorBreakoutType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortConnectorBreakoutType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortConnectorBreakoutType specifies index into the tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeTable that corresponds to a connector breakout type that will be used for this connector. Specifying the breakout will cause the system to create ports accessible under the connector." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxPortConnectorEntry 2 } tmnxPortConnectorRsFecMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), cl91514528 (1), cl91514544 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortConnectorRsFecMode specifies the mode of Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction (RS-FEC) to be used by this connector port. When the value of tmnxPortConnectorRsFecMode is set to 'none', the port will transmit and receive using standard 64B/66B encoding." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.3ba, Clause 82, Standard 64B/66B encoding IEEE 802.3bm, Clause 91, RS-FEC 514/528 encoding IEEE 802.3bm, Clause 91, RS-FEC 514/544 encoding" DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxPortConnectorEntry 3 } tmnxRS232TableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxRS232TableLastChanged indicates the time, since system startup, when tmnxRS232Table last changed configuration. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 111 } tmnxRS232Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxRS232Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxRS232Table contains the configuration information for each RS232 port in the system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 112 } tmnxRS232Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRS232Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxRS232Entry represents an RS232 port in the system and contains its configuration information. Entries in this table are created automatically by the system and cannot be created or destroyed via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxRS232Table 1 } TmnxRS232Entry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxRS232LastChangeTime TimeStamp, tmnxRS232Speed INTEGER, tmnxRS232Loopback INTEGER, tmnxRS232CharacterLength Integer32, tmnxRS232Parity INTEGER, tmnxRS232StopBits Integer32, tmnxRS232ControlLeadDtrDsr TmnxRS232ControlLead, tmnxRS232ControlLeadRtsDcdC TmnxRS232ControlLead, tmnxRS232ControlLeadAlbCts TmnxRS232ControlLead, tmnxRS232ControlLeadRdlRi TmnxRS232ControlLead, tmnxRS232ControlLeadDsrDtr TmnxRS232ControlLead, tmnxRS232ControlLeadDcdRtsI TmnxRS232ControlLead, tmnxRS232ControlLeadCtsAlb TmnxRS232ControlLead, tmnxRS232ControlLeadRiRdl TmnxRS232ControlLead, tmnxRS232ControlLeadState OCTET STRING, tmnxRS232HoldTimeUp Unsigned32, tmnxRS232HoldTimeDown Unsigned32, tmnxRS232ControlLeadSignal OCTET STRING, tmnxRS232ControlLeadMonDtrDsr TmnxRS232ControlLeadMon, tmnxRS232ControlLeadMonRtsDcdC TmnxRS232ControlLeadMon, tmnxRS232ControlLeadMonAlbCts TmnxRS232ControlLeadMon, tmnxRS232ControlLeadMonRdlRi TmnxRS232ControlLeadMon } tmnxRS232LastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxRS232LastChangeTime indicates the time, since system startup, that the confirmation of the row was last modified." ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 1 } tmnxRS232Speed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { speed600 (1), speed1200 (2), speed2400 (3), speed4800 (4), speed9600 (5), speed19200 (6), speed38400 (7), speed57600 (8), speed115200 (9) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxRS232Speed specifies the link speed of the Serial interface. A value of 'speed1200' sets the link to 1200bps." DEFVAL { speed9600 } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 2 } tmnxRS232Loopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), bidirE (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxRS232Loopback is used to put the port into a loopback mode. The value of tmnxPortAdminStatus should be set to outOfService in order for the loopback to be enabled. Both loopbacks are bidirectional. They reside in the same device but relative to each other, 'bidirB' is closer to the system-side." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 3 } tmnxRS232CharacterLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (6..8) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxRS232CharacterLength specifies the character length Parameter is only valid while the port is configured for asynchronous operation. The value of tmnxRS232CharacterLength plus the value of tmnxRS232StopBits plus the number of bits needed to encode tmnxRS232Parity must be less than or equal to 10. Note that tmnxRS232Parity 'none' needs ZERO bits." DEFVAL { 8 } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 4 } tmnxRS232Parity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), odd (2), even (3), mark (4), space (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxRS232Parity specifies the parity type. Parameter is only valid while the port is configured for asynchronous operation. The value of tmnxRS232CharacterLength plus the value of tmnxRS232StopBits plus the number of bits needed to encode tmnxRS232Parity must be less than or equal to 10. Note that tmnxRS232Parity 'none' needs ZERO bits." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 5 } tmnxRS232StopBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxRS232StopBits specifies the stop bits. Parameter is only valid while the port is configured for asynchronous operation. The value of tmnxRS232CharacterLength plus the value of tmnxRS232StopBits plus the number of bits needed to encode tmnxRS232Parity must be less than or equal to 10. Note that tmnxRS232Parity 'none' needs ZERO bits." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 6 } tmnxRS232ControlLeadDtrDsr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRS232ControlLead MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxRS232ControlLeadDtrDsr is used to configure the DTR/DSR input lead to an ASSUMED value." DEFVAL { high } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 7 } tmnxRS232ControlLeadRtsDcdC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRS232ControlLead MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxRS232ControlLeadRtsDcdC is used to configure the RTS/DCD/C input lead to an ASSUMED value." DEFVAL { high } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 8 } tmnxRS232ControlLeadAlbCts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRS232ControlLead MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxRS232ControlLeadAlbCts is used to configure the ALB/CTS input lead to an ASSUMED value." DEFVAL { high } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 9 } tmnxRS232ControlLeadRdlRi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRS232ControlLead MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxRS232ControlLeadRdlRi is used to configure the RDL/RI input lead to an ASSUMED value." DEFVAL { high } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 10 } tmnxRS232ControlLeadDsrDtr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRS232ControlLead MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxRS232ControlLeadDsrDtr is used to configure the DSR/DTR output lead to a FORCED value." DEFVAL { high } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 11 } tmnxRS232ControlLeadDcdRtsI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRS232ControlLead MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxRS232ControlLeadDcdRtsI is used to configure the DCD/RTS/I output lead to a FORCED value." DEFVAL { high } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 12 } tmnxRS232ControlLeadCtsAlb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRS232ControlLead MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxRS232ControlLeadCtsAlb is used to configure the CTS/ALB output lead to a FORCED value." DEFVAL { high } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 13 } tmnxRS232ControlLeadRiRdl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRS232ControlLead MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxRS232ControlLeadRiRdl is used to configure the RI/RDL output lead to a FORCED value." DEFVAL { high } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 14 } tmnxRS232ControlLeadState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxRS232ControlLeadState values used to indicate the current states of the input and output control leads. These state values are historically known as scan and drive values, respectively. These state values are the ones that get transported over the network (provided there is a means, such as HCM). As such, they are sometimes referred to as NETWORK-side values. -- DtrDsr (LSB or byte0) -- RtsDcdC -- AlbCts -- RdlRi -- DsrDtr -- DcdRtsI -- CtsAlb -- RiRdl (MSB or byte7) A bit value of 1 represents on (or high). A bit value of 2 represents off (or low)." ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 15 } tmnxRS232HoldTimeUp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "deciseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxRS232HoldTimeUp is used to configure the hold-timer for link up event dampening. This guards against reporting excessive interface transitions. This is implemented by not advertising subsequent transitions of the interface to upper layer protocols until the configured timer has expired. A value of zero (0) indicates that an up transition is reported immediately." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 16 } tmnxRS232HoldTimeDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "deciseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxRS232HoldTimeDown is used to configure the hold-timer for link down event dampening. This guards against reporting excessive interface transitions. This is implemented by not advertising subsequent transitions of the interface to upper layer protocols until the configured timer has expired. A value of zero (0) indicates that a down transition is reported immediately." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 17 } tmnxRS232ControlLeadSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxRS232ControlLeadSignal values are used to indicate the current signal levels of the input and output control leads (connected to the attached CPE). These values are the ones that get signalled over the (physical) line. As such, they are sometimes referred to as LINE-side values. -- DtrDsr (LSB or byte0) -- RtsDcdC -- AlbCts -- RdlRi -- DsrDtr -- DcdRtsI -- CtsAlb -- RiRdl (MSB or byte7) A bit value of 1 represents on (or high). A bit value of 2 represents off (or low)." ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 18 } tmnxRS232ControlLeadMonDtrDsr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRS232ControlLeadMon MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxRS232ControlLeadMonDtrDsr is used to configure monitoring of the input control lead signal, DTR/DSR. While monitored, detected transitions will trigger tmnxRS232ControlLeadSignalChg." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 19 } tmnxRS232ControlLeadMonRtsDcdC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRS232ControlLeadMon MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxRS232ControlLeadMonRtsDcdC is used to configure monitoring of the input control lead signal, RTS/DCD/C. While monitored, detected transitions will trigger tmnxRS232ControlLeadSignalChg." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 20 } tmnxRS232ControlLeadMonAlbCts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRS232ControlLeadMon MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxRS232ControlLeadMonAlbCts is used to configure monitoring of the input control lead signal, ALB/CTS. While monitored, detected transitions will trigger tmnxRS232ControlLeadSignalChg." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 21 } tmnxRS232ControlLeadMonRdlRi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRS232ControlLeadMon MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxRS232ControlLeadMonRdlRi is used to configure monitoring of the input control lead signal, RDL/RI. While monitored, detected transitions will trigger tmnxRS232ControlLeadSignalChg." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tmnxRS232Entry 22 } tmnxRS232SocketTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxRS232SocketTableLastChgd, since system startup, when tmnxRS232SocketTable last changed configuration. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 113 } tmnxRS232SocketTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxRS232SocketEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxRS232SocketTable contains the configuration information for each RS232 socket in the system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 114 } tmnxRS232SocketEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRS232SocketEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxRS232SocketEntry represents an RS232 socket in the system and contains its configuration information. Entries in this table are created automatically by the system and cannot be created or destroyed via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxRS232SocketTable 1 } TmnxRS232SocketEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxRS232SocketLastChangeTime TimeStamp, tmnxRS232SocketEopLength Unsigned32, tmnxRS232SocketEopIdleTimeout Unsigned32, tmnxRS232SocketEopSpecialChar Unsigned32, tmnxRS232SocketSquelchDelay Unsigned32, tmnxRS232SocketUnsquelchDelay Unsigned32, tmnxRS232SocketInterSessionDelay Unsigned32, tmnxRS232SocketSquelchStatus INTEGER, tmnxRS232SocketSquelchReset TmnxActionType } tmnxRS232SocketLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxRS232SocketLastChangeTime indicates the time, since system startup, that the confirmation of the row was last modified." ::= { tmnxRS232SocketEntry 1 } tmnxRS232SocketEopLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1500) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxRS232SocketEopLength specifies the maximum number of bytes (characters) that may be received from the Serial data stream. If and when reached, EOP (end of packet) is assumed and handled accordingly." DEFVAL { 1500 } ::= { tmnxRS232SocketEntry 2 } tmnxRS232SocketEopIdleTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (10..5000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxRS232SocketEopIdleTimeout specifies the maximum period of idle time that may elapse since the last received character from the Serial data stream. If and when reached, EOP (end of packet) is assumed and handled accordingly." DEFVAL { 50 } ::= { tmnxRS232SocketEntry 3 } tmnxRS232SocketEopSpecialChar OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255 | 4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxRS232SocketEopSpecialChar specifies the numerical value for the character, considered special, that may be received from the Serial data stream. If and when received, EOP (end of packet) is recognized and handled accordingly. The value 0xFFFFFFFF means disabled (i.e. no character is special)." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxRS232SocketEntry 4 } tmnxRS232SocketSquelchDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..120 | 4294967295) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxRS232SocketSquelchDelay specifies the period of time that a continuous data stream is allowed to be received before squelch is applied. When squelch is applied, the system suppresses the channel from receiving any more data. The value 0xFFFFFFFF means disabled (i.e. squelch will not get applied and any concurrent squelch will get cleared immediately)." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxRS232SocketEntry 5 } tmnxRS232SocketUnsquelchDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..120 | 4294967295) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxRS232SocketUnsquelchDelay specifies the period of time that squelch will persist before it gets cleared automatically. The value 0xFFFFFFFF means disabled (i.e. squelch will not get cleared automatically)." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxRS232SocketEntry 6 } tmnxRS232SocketInterSessionDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..5000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxRS232SocketInterSessionDelay specifies the nominal period of time to idle between transmitting the last bit of the current session and transmitting the first bit of the next session." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { tmnxRS232SocketEntry 7 } tmnxRS232SocketSquelchStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on (1), off (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxRS232SocketSquelchStatus indicates the squelch status." ::= { tmnxRS232SocketEntry 8 } tmnxRS232SocketSquelchReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxActionType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxRS232SocketSquelchReset specifies that a manual reset of squelch is to be triggered. Setting this object to the value of 'doAction' triggers the one-shot reset operation. Any concurrent squelch will get cleared immediately and tmnxRS232SocketSquelchDelay will restart accordingly. Reading this object will return the value of 'notApplicable'." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tmnxRS232SocketEntry 9 } tmnxRS232SocketStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxRS232SocketStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxRS232SocketStatsTable contains an entry for each Serial socket that exists in the system. Each row contains traffic and event counters." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 115 } tmnxRS232SocketStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxRS232SocketStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry in the tmnxRS232SocketStatsTable. Entries are created and deleted by the system depending on the port configuration." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxRS232SocketStatsTable 1 } TmnxRS232SocketStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxRS232SocketRxChars Counter64, tmnxRS232SocketTxChars Counter64, tmnxRS232SocketEopIdleTimeoutCnt Counter64, tmnxRS232SocketEopLengthCnt Counter64, tmnxRS232SocketEopSpecialCharCnt Counter64, tmnxRS232SocketIngrForwardedPkts Counter64, tmnxRS232SocketEgrForwardedPkts Counter64, tmnxRS232SocketIngrDroppedPkts Counter64, tmnxRS232SocketEgrDroppedPkts Counter64, tmnxRS232SocketSquelchCnt Counter64 } tmnxRS232SocketRxChars OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxRS232SocketRxChars indicates the number of characters received from the Serial data stream." ::= { tmnxRS232SocketStatsEntry 1 } tmnxRS232SocketTxChars OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxRS232SocketTxChars indicates the number of characters transmitted to the Serial data stream." ::= { tmnxRS232SocketStatsEntry 2 } tmnxRS232SocketEopIdleTimeoutCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxRS232SocketEopIdleTimeoutCnt indicates the number of times an end of packet event occurred due to idle timeout." ::= { tmnxRS232SocketStatsEntry 3 } tmnxRS232SocketEopLengthCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxRS232SocketEopLengthCnt indicates the number of times an end of packet event occurred due to length." ::= { tmnxRS232SocketStatsEntry 4 } tmnxRS232SocketEopSpecialCharCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxRS232SocketEopSpecialCharCnt indicates the number of times an end of packet event occurred due to special character." ::= { tmnxRS232SocketStatsEntry 5 } tmnxRS232SocketIngrForwardedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxRS232SocketIngrForwardedPkts indicates the number of packets (constructed from the incoming Serial data stream) that were successfully forwarded." ::= { tmnxRS232SocketStatsEntry 6 } tmnxRS232SocketEgrForwardedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxRS232SocketEgrForwardedPkts indicates the number of packets (destined for the outgoing Serial data stream) that were successfully forwarded." ::= { tmnxRS232SocketStatsEntry 7 } tmnxRS232SocketIngrDroppedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxRS232SocketIngrDroppedPkts indicates the number of packets (constructed from the incoming Serial data stream) that were dropped due to errors." ::= { tmnxRS232SocketStatsEntry 8 } tmnxRS232SocketEgrDroppedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxRS232SocketEgrDroppedPkts indicates the number of packets (destined for the outgoing Serial data stream) that were dropped due to errors." ::= { tmnxRS232SocketStatsEntry 9 } tmnxRS232SocketSquelchCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxRS232SocketSquelchCnt indicates the number of times squelch has been activated." ::= { tmnxRS232SocketStatsEntry 10 } tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeTable contains information for each supported port connector breakout type. Some example breakout types are: 'c1-40g', 'c4-10g', 'c4-25g'." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 116 } tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeEntry row represents a port connector breakout type. Rows in this table are created by the agent at initialization and cannot be created or destroyed by SNMP Get or Set requests." INDEX { tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeIndex } ::= { tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeTable 1 } TmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeIndex TmnxPortConnectorBreakoutType, tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeDesc TItemDescription, tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeStatus TruthValue } tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortConnectorBreakoutType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeIndex indicates a unique index value which identifies this connector breakout type." ::= { tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeEntry 1 } tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeName indicates the administrative name that identifies this type of port connector breakout. This name string may be used in CLI commands to specify a particular connector breakout type." ::= { tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeEntry 2 } tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeDesc provides a detailed description of this connector breakout type." ::= { tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeEntry 3 } tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeStatus indicates the status of this port connector breakout type. When tmnxMdaTypeStatus has a value of 'true' it indicates that this connector breakout type is supported in this revision of the management software. When it has a value of 'false' there is no support." ::= { tmnxPortConnBreakoutTypeEntry 4 } tmnxPortVsrStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortVsrStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortVsrStatsTable contains state information for VSR ports in the system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 117 } tmnxPortVsrStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortVsrStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxPortVsrStatsEntry row represents a VSR port in the system and contains VSR related state information. Entries in this table are created automatically by the system and cannot be created or destroyed via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxPortVsrStatsTable 1 } TmnxPortVsrStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortVsrStatsVirtualDriver OCTET STRING, tmnxPortVsrStatsTheoreticMxSpeed Unsigned32, tmnxPortVsrStatsPciAddress OCTET STRING, tmnxPortVsrStatsPciDeviceName OCTET STRING } tmnxPortVsrStatsVirtualDriver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortVsrStatsVirtualDriver indicates the name of the driver that interfaces to the physical or virtual port." ::= { tmnxPortVsrStatsEntry 1 } tmnxPortVsrStatsTheoreticMxSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "gigabps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortVsrStatsTheoreticMxSpeed indicates the theoretical maximum speed for this VSR port in gigabits per second." ::= { tmnxPortVsrStatsEntry 2 } tmnxPortVsrStatsPciAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortVsrStatsPciAddress indicates the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) address that the system is communicating with. The format for tmnxPortVsrStatsPciAddress is a string with a template: 'bb:dd.f' where 'bb' indicates the PCI bus, 'dd' indicates the device on the bus, and 'f' indicates the function within the device." ::= { tmnxPortVsrStatsEntry 3 } tmnxPortVsrStatsPciDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortVsrStatsPciDeviceName indicates the name of the device as reported by the PCI card." ::= { tmnxPortVsrStatsEntry 4 } tmnxPortStateTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortStateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortStateTable contains state information for ports in the system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 118 } tmnxPortStateEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortStateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxPortStateEntry row represents a port in the system and contains state information. Entries in this table are created automatically by the system and cannot be created or destroyed via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxPortStateTable 1 } TmnxPortStateEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortStateFPNumber TmnxFPNumberOrZero, tmnxPortStateMacChipNumber Unsigned32, tmnxPortStateLicensed TruthValue, tmnxPortRsFecOperMode INTEGER } tmnxPortStateFPNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFPNumberOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortStateFPNumber indicates the forwarding plane number for this port." ::= { tmnxPortStateEntry 1 } tmnxPortStateMacChipNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortStateMacChipNumber indicates the MAC chip number for this port." ::= { tmnxPortStateEntry 2 } tmnxPortStateLicensed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortStateLicensed indicates whether this port is licensed for the current licensed level of the assigned MDA. A value of 'true' indicates this port is licensed and can be used in service configuration. A value of 'false' indicates that the port is unlicensed and may not be used." ::= { tmnxPortStateEntry 3 } tmnxPortRsFecOperMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), cl91514528 (1), cl91514544 (2), cl74 (3), cl108 (4), cl119 (5), cl134514544 (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortRsFecOperMode indicates the mode of Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction (RS-FEC) in use on this port. When the value of tmnxPortRsFecOperMode is set to 'none', the port is transmiting and receiving using standard 64B/66B encoding." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.3ba, Clause 82, Standard 64B/66B encoding IEEE 802.3bm, Clause 91, RS-FEC 514/528 encoding IEEE 802.3bm, Clause 91, RS-FEC 514/544 encoding IEEE 802.3, Clause 74 IEEE 802.3, Clause 108 IEEE 802.3, Clause 119. IEEE 802.3cd, Clause 134, RS-FEC 514/544 encoding." ::= { tmnxPortStateEntry 4 } tmnxPortTransceiverTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortTransceiverTblLastChgd indicate the time, since system startup, when tmnxPortTransceiverTable last changed configuration. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 119 } tmnxPortTransceiverTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortTransceiverEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortTransceiverTable contains configuration information for port transceivers." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 120 } tmnxPortTransceiverEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortTransceiverEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxPortTransceiverEntry row represents a port transceiver in the system and contains configuration information. Entries in this table are created automatically by the system and cannot be created or destroyed via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxPortTransceiverTable 1 } TmnxPortTransceiverEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortTransLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxPortTransDco TmnxEnabledDisabled } tmnxPortTransLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortTransLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management change to this row." ::= { tmnxPortTransceiverEntry 1 } tmnxPortTransDco OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortTransDco specifies whether or not Digital Coherent Optics (DCO) is enabled on the transceiver." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxPortTransceiverEntry 2 } tmnxPortAdapterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortAdapterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortAdapterTable contains information for port adapters." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 121 } tmnxPortAdapterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortAdapterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxPortAdapterEntry row represents a port adapter in the system. Entries in this table are created automatically by the system and cannot be created or destroyed via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxPortAdapterTable 1 } TmnxPortAdapterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortAdapterType INTEGER, tmnxPortAdapterModelNumber TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortAdapterOUI Unsigned32, tmnxPortAdapterManufactureDate DateAndTime, tmnxPortAdapterSerialNumber TNamedItemOrEmpty, tmnxPortAdapterPartNumber TNamedItemOrEmpty } tmnxPortAdapterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), qsfp28ToSfpPlusOrSfp28 (1), cfpToQsfp28 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortAdapterType indicates the type of adapter that is equipped." ::= { tmnxPortAdapterEntry 1 } tmnxPortAdapterModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortAdapterModelNumber indicates the model information for the adapter, as read from the adapter EEPROM. The string is expected to contain printable ASCII characters, but unprintable ASCII characters read from the EEPROM are not filtered out." ::= { tmnxPortAdapterEntry 2 } tmnxPortAdapterOUI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortAdapterOUI indicates the vendor organizationally unique identifier field (OUI) which contains the IEEE company identifier for the vendor. A value of all zero indicates that the vendor OUI is unspecified." ::= { tmnxPortAdapterEntry 3 } tmnxPortAdapterManufactureDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortAdapterManufactureDate indicates the vendor's date code." ::= { tmnxPortAdapterEntry 4 } tmnxPortAdapterSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortAdapterSerialNumber indicates the adapter's vendor serial number in ASCII characters, as read from the adapter EEPROM. An empty string indicates the vendor serial number is unspecified. The string is expected to contain printable ASCII characters, but unprintable ASCII characters read from the EEPROM are not filtered out." ::= { tmnxPortAdapterEntry 5 } tmnxPortAdapterPartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortAdapterPartNumber indicates the adapter's vendor part number (or product name) in ASCII characters, as read from the transceiver EEPROM. An empty string indicates the vendor part number is unspecified. The string is expected to contain printable ASCII characters, but unprintable ASCII characters read from the EEPROM are not filtered out." ::= { tmnxPortAdapterEntry 6 } tmnxPortGnssTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortGnssTableLastChanged indicate the time, since system startup, when tmnxPortGnssTable last changed configuration. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 122 } tmnxPortGnssStateTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortGnssStateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortGnssStateTable contains operational information for GNSS ports in the system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 123 } tmnxPortGnssStateEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortGnssStateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxPortGnssStateEntry row represents a GNSS port in the system and contains GNSS related state information. Entries in this table are created automatically by the system and cannot be created or destroyed via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxPortGnssStateTable 1 } TmnxPortGnssStateEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortGnssVisibleSatelliteCnt Unsigned32, tmnxPortGnssUsedSatelliteCount Unsigned32, tmnxPortGnssAntennaStatus TmnxPortGnssAntennaStatus, tmnxPortGnssSyncStatus TmnxPortGnssSyncStatus, tmnxPortGnssPositionLatitude Integer32, tmnxPortGnssPositionLongitude Integer32, tmnxPortGnssPositionAltitude Integer32, tmnxPortGnssPositionValid TruthValue, tmnxPortGnssDateAndTime DateAndTime, tmnxPortGnssReceiverStatus DisplayString, tmnxPortGnssCurUtcOffset Integer32, tmnxPortGnssCurUtcOffsetValid TruthValue, tmnxPortGnssReceiverFwVersion DisplayString } tmnxPortGnssVisibleSatelliteCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxPortGnssVisibleSatelliteCnt indicates the number of satellites currently 'seen' by the GNSS receiver module." ::= { tmnxPortGnssStateEntry 1 } tmnxPortGnssUsedSatelliteCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxPortGnssUsedSatelliteCount indicates the number of satellites currently 'used' in computations by the GNSS receiver module." ::= { tmnxPortGnssStateEntry 2 } tmnxPortGnssAntennaStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortGnssAntennaStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxPortGnssAntennaStatus indicates the status of the antenna." ::= { tmnxPortGnssStateEntry 3 } tmnxPortGnssSyncStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortGnssSyncStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxPortGnssSyncStatus indicates the sync status of the GNSS receiver module." ::= { tmnxPortGnssStateEntry 4 } tmnxPortGnssPositionLatitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-9000000..9000000) UNITS "0.00001 decimal degrees" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxPortGnssPositionLatitude indicates the latitude of the antenna. Encoding: < 0: west of prime meridian = 0: at prime meridian > 0: east of prime meridian The unit corresponds to a resolution of approximately 1.11 metres. The value can be valid or invalid. See tmnxPortGnssPositionValid." ::= { tmnxPortGnssStateEntry 5 } tmnxPortGnssPositionLongitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-18000000..18000000) UNITS "0.00001 decimal degrees" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxPortGnssPositionLongitude indicates the longitude of the antenna. Encoding: < 0: south of equator = 0: at equator > 0: north of equator The unit corresponds to a resolution of approximately 1.11 metres. The value can be valid or invalid. See tmnxPortGnssPositionValid." ::= { tmnxPortGnssStateEntry 6 } tmnxPortGnssPositionAltitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1000..10000) UNITS "meters" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxPortGnssPositionAltitude indicates the altitude of the antenna. Encoding: < 0: below sea level = 0: at sea level > 0: above sea level The value can be valid or invalid. See tmnxPortGnssPositionValid." ::= { tmnxPortGnssStateEntry 7 } tmnxPortGnssPositionValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxPortGnssPositionValid indicates 'true (1)' if the values of tmnxPortGnssPositionLatitude, tmnxPortGnssPositionLongitude, and tmnxPortGnssPositionAltitude are known to be correct. The values are known to be correct when the GNSS receiver has acquired a valid position fix." ::= { tmnxPortGnssStateEntry 8 } tmnxPortGnssDateAndTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxPortGnssDateAndTime indicates the current date and time as provided by the receiver module. If the receiver has not obtained a fix, tmnxPortGnssDateAndTime has a value of '0000000000000000'H." ::= { tmnxPortGnssStateEntry 9 } tmnxPortGnssReceiverStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxPortGnssReceiverStatus indicates the status of the GNSS receiver module." ::= { tmnxPortGnssStateEntry 10 } tmnxPortGnssCurUtcOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-65536..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxPortGnssCurUtcOffset indicates the current offset between GPS time and UTC in seconds, as provided by the GNSS receiver module. The value can be valid or invalid. See tmnxPortGnssCurUtcOffsetValid." ::= { tmnxPortGnssStateEntry 11 } tmnxPortGnssCurUtcOffsetValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxPortGnssCurUtcOffsetValid indicates 'true (1)' if the tmnxPortGnssCurUtcOffset is known to be correct." ::= { tmnxPortGnssStateEntry 12 } tmnxPortGnssReceiverFwVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tmnxPortGnssReceiverFwVersion indicates the firmware version of the GNSS receiver module. The format of the value may differ between receiver modules. For example, one may return 2.28, another may return 2.02.0." ::= { tmnxPortGnssStateEntry 13 } tPortNetEgrPortQOverTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQOverTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tPortNetEgrPortQOverTable." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 134 } tPortNetEgrPortQOverTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortNetEgrPortQOverEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortNetEgrPortQOverTable has an entry for each port queue override configured on this system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 135 } tPortNetEgrPortQOverEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortNetEgrPortQOverEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular network egress port queue override. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tmnxPortNetEgrQueueId } ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQOverTable 1 } TPortNetEgrPortQOverEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortNetEgrQueueId TQueueId, tPortNetEgrPortQOverRowStatus RowStatus, tPortNetEgrPortQOverLastChanged TimeStamp, tPortNetEgrPortQOverMonQDepth TruthValue, tPortNetEgrPortQOverQFastPolling TruthValue, tPortNetEgrPortQOverQVioThres Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrPortQOverQueuePolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty } tmnxPortNetEgrQueueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQueueId (1..16) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortNetEgrQueueId specifies the queue ID which is used as the fourth index to the table entry." ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQOverEntry 1 } tPortNetEgrPortQOverRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQOverRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of network egress port queue overrides." ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQOverEntry 2 } tPortNetEgrPortQOverLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQOverLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management change to this row." ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQOverEntry 3 } tPortNetEgrPortQOverMonQDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQOverMonQDepth specifies whether to enable queue depth monitoring for this specified queue." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQOverEntry 4 } tPortNetEgrPortQOverQFastPolling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQOverQFastPolling indicates that the depth monitoring should use the new Embedded Control Processor fast-polling." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQOverEntry 5 } tPortNetEgrPortQOverQVioThres OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..9999) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQOverQVioThres indicates percent of the depth of the queue above which a violation is registered. This is applicable to both the existing queue depth monitoring feature and the fast-polling feature." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQOverEntry 6 } tPortNetEgrPortQOverQueuePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQOverQueuePolicy indicates the network egress queue policy if the tmnxPortMode is network." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQOverEntry 7 } tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoTable has an entry for each network egress port queue for which the value of tPortNetEgrPortQOverMonQDepth is set to 'true (1)'." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 136 } tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry represents queue depth monitoring information for each network egress port queue for which the value of tPortNetEgrPortQOverMonQDepth is set to 'true (1)'." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tmnxPortNetEgrQueueId } ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoTable 1 } TPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt1 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt2 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt3 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt4 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt5 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt6 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt7 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt8 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt9 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt10 Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthAvgPollInt Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthAvgElpsdTme TimeStamp, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthViolTotCnt Unsigned32, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthViolLast TimeStamp, tPortNetEgrPortQDepthHWMPollInt Unsigned32 } tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt1 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 0 to 10 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry 1 } tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt2 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 11 to 20 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry 2 } tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt3 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 21 to 30 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry 3 } tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt4 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 31 to 40 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry 4 } tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt5 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 41 to 50 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry 5 } tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt6 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 51 to 60 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry 6 } tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt7 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 61 to 70 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry 7 } tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt8 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 71 to 80 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry 8 } tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt9 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 81 to 90 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry 9 } tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQDepthPollPrcnt10 represents the percentage of polls in occupancy range of 91 to 100 percent for the queue depths seen during the polling elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry 10 } tPortNetEgrPortQDepthAvgPollInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQDepthAvgPollInt represents the weighted average polling interval for the elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry 11 } tPortNetEgrPortQDepthAvgElpsdTme OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQDepthAvgElpsdTme represents the average elapsed time since the start of queue depth monitoring or the last monitoring clear." ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry 12 } tPortNetEgrPortQDepthViolTotCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQDepthViolTotCnt represents the total number of per hardware queue violation counts of the component queues." ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry 13 } tPortNetEgrPortQDepthViolLast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQDepthViolLast represents the most recent violation last seen timestamp of the component queues." ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry 14 } tPortNetEgrPortQDepthHWMPollInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "microseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrPortQDepthHWMPollInt represents the weighted average high-watermark polling interval for the elapsed time." ::= { tPortNetEgrPortQDepthInfoEntry 15 } tPortEgrPSAggStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrPSAggStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortEgrPSAggStatsTable contains the statistics for traffic exiting each physical port at the port egress level with an applied port scheduler policy configured on this system." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 137 } tPortEgrPSAggStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrPSAggStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row in tPortEgrPSAggStatsEntry represents the packet and octet counters for traffic exiting a particular physical port with an applied port scheduler policy at the port egress level specified by tPortEgrPSStLvl." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortEgrPSStLvl } ::= { tPortEgrPSAggStatsTable 1 } TPortEgrPSAggStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrPSStLvl Unsigned32, tPortEgrPSStLstClrdTime TimeStamp, tPortEgrPSStLvlFwdPkt Counter64, tPortEgrPSStLvlFwdOct Counter64, tPortEgrPSStLvlDpdPkt Counter64, tPortEgrPSStLvlDpdOct Counter64 } tPortEgrPSStLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8 | 4294967295) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrPSStLvl indicates the priority level for the port scheduler to which a subscriber host queue can be port-parented. When the value of tPortEgrPSStLvl is specified as '0xffffffff H', snmp GET on this table returns aggregate statistics." ::= { tPortEgrPSAggStatsEntry 1 } tPortEgrPSStLstClrdTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrPSStLstClrdTime indicates the sysUpTime when the counters in this table were last cleared." ::= { tPortEgrPSAggStatsEntry 2 } tPortEgrPSStLvlFwdPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrPSStLvlFwdPkt indicates the number of packets forwarded by the physical port for the priority level specified by tPortEgrPSStLvl." ::= { tPortEgrPSAggStatsEntry 3 } tPortEgrPSStLvlFwdOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrPSStLvlFwdOct indicates the number of octets forwarded by the physical port for the priority level specified by tPortEgrPSStLvl." ::= { tPortEgrPSAggStatsEntry 4 } tPortEgrPSStLvlDpdPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrPSStLvlDpdPkt indicates the number of packets dropped by the physical port for the priority level specified by tPortEgrPSStLvl." ::= { tPortEgrPSAggStatsEntry 5 } tPortEgrPSStLvlDpdOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrPSStLvlDpdOct indicates the number of octets dropped by the physical port for the priority level specified by tPortEgrPSStLvl." ::= { tPortEgrPSAggStatsEntry 6 } tmnxPortTransceiverStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortTransceiverStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortTransceiverStatsTable contains status and statistics information for port transceivers." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 138 } tmnxPortTransceiverStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortTransceiverStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxPortTransceiverStatsEntry row represents a port transceiver in the system and contains status and statistics information. Entries in this table are created automatically by the system and cannot be created or destroyed via SNMP SET operations." AUGMENTS { tmnxPortTransceiverEntry } ::= { tmnxPortTransceiverStatsTable 1 } TmnxPortTransceiverStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortTransAUIResets Counter64, tmnxPortTransLastAUIReset DateAndTime } tmnxPortTransAUIResets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortTransAUIResets indicates the number of AUI resets that occurred on the transceiver." ::= { tmnxPortTransceiverStatsEntry 1 } tmnxPortTransLastAUIReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortTransLastAUIReset indicates the time the last AUI reset occurred on the transceiver." ::= { tmnxPortTransceiverStatsEntry 2 } tmnxPortDwdmConfigTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDwdmConfigTblLastChanged indicates the time, since system startup, when tmnxPortDwdmConfigTable last changed configuration." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 139 } tmnxPortDwdmConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortDwdmConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDwdmConfigTable contains configuration information for optical ports supporting DWDM capabilities." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 140 } tmnxPortDwdmConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortDwdmConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxPortDwdmConfigEntry row represents an optical port in the system supporting DWDM capabilities. Entries in this table are created automatically by the system and cannot be created or destroyed via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxPortDwdmConfigTable 1 } TmnxPortDwdmConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortDwdmLastChanged TimeStamp, tmnxPortDwdmLaserFrequency TmnxOpticalDwdmFrequency } tmnxPortDwdmLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDwdmLastChanged indicates the time, since system startup, that the configuration of the of tmnxPortDwdmConfigEntry instance was created or modified." ::= { tmnxPortDwdmConfigEntry 1 } tmnxPortDwdmLaserFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalDwdmFrequency MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDwdmLaserFrequency specifies the DWDM frequency at which a tunable optical interface will be configured to operate. A value of zero(0) can only be specified on an administratively disabled port or a port that is equipped with a non-tunable laser. To enable a port that is equipped with a tunable laser, this value must be set to a valid frequency." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxPortDwdmConfigEntry 2 } tmnxPortSharedQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortSharedQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortSharedQueueTable has an entry for each shared queue vlan qos policy." ::= { tmnxPortObjs 400 } tmnxPortSharedQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortSharedQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry represents shared queue group to be used with vlan qos policy. Entries can be deleted via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tmnxPortSharedQueueVlanQosPlcy } ::= { tmnxPortSharedQueueTable 1 } TmnxPortSharedQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortSharedQueueVlanQosPlcy TLNamedItem, tmnxPortSharedQueueRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxPortSharedQueueAggRatePIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tmnxPortSharedQueueAggRatePIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, tmnxPortSharedQueueAggRateCIR Integer32, tPortSharedQueueLastChgd TimeStamp } tmnxPortSharedQueueVlanQosPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSharedQueueVlanQosPlcy specifies the name to associate with this policy." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQueueEntry 1 } tmnxPortSharedQueueRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSharedQueueRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of row entries in the tmnxPortSharedQueueTable. For row creation, the manager has to first calculate the tmnxPortPortID based on the TiMOS encoding scheme." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQueueEntry 2 } tmnxPortSharedQueueAggRatePIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSharedQueueAggRatePIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the maximum total rate of all egress queues for this port. This value should always be set along with tmnxPortSharedQueueAggRatePIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tmnxPortSharedQueueAggRatePIRHi along with the value of sapEgressAggRateLmt is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this port indicates maximum total rate of all egress queues." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSharedQueueEntry 3 } tmnxPortSharedQueueAggRatePIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSharedQueueAggRatePIRLo specifies the maximum total rate of all egress queues for this port. The value of 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) means that there is no limit. When the value of tmnxPortSharedQueueAggRatePIRHi along with the value of tmnxPortSharedQueueAggRatePIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this port indicates maximum total rate of all egress queues." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tmnxPortSharedQueueEntry 4 } tmnxPortSharedQueueAggRateCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..400000000) UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSharedQueueAggRateCIR specifies the aggregate CIR rate of all egress queues for this port." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxPortSharedQueueEntry 5 } tPortSharedQueueLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortSharedQueueLastChgd variable contains the sysUpTime value of the most recently modified writable variable in tmnxPortSharedQueueEntry row." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQueueEntry 6 } tmnxPortNotificationObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxHwObjs 7 } tmnxPortNotifyPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by notifications for ports in tmnxPortTable, the OID indicates the port or sonet path associated with the alarm." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 1 } tmnxPortNotifySonetAlarmReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notUsed (0), loc (1), lais (2), lrdi (3), ss1f (4), sb1err (5), lb2erSd (6), lb2erSf (7), slof (8), slos (9), stxptr (10), srxptr (11), lrei (12) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnx sonet Port Notifications, the value of tmnxPortNotifySonetAlarmReason indicates the reason a sonet port alarm has been raised." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 2 } tmnxPortNotifySonetPathAlarmReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notUsed (0), pais (1), plop (2), prdi (3), pb3err (4), pplm (5), prei (6), puneq (7), plcd (8) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnx sonet path Notifications, the value of tmnxPortNotifySonetPathAlarmReason indicates the reason a sonet path alarm has been raised." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 3 } tmnxPortNotifyError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { txClockError (1), rxClockError (2), txFifoError (3), laserError (4), miscError (5) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnxEqPortError notification, the value of tmnxPortNotifyError indicates the reason a port has an error." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 4 } tmnxPortNotifyDS3AlarmReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notUsed (0), ais (1), los (2), oof (3), rai (4), looped (5) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnx DS3 Port Notifications, the value of tmnxPortNotifyDS3AlarmReason indicates the reason a DS3 interface alarm has been raised." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 5 } tmnxPortNotifyDS1AlarmReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notUsed (0), ais (1), los (2), oof (3), rai (4), looped (5), berSd (6), berSf (7) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnx DS1 Port Notifications, the value of tmnxPortNotifyDS1AlarmReason indicates the reason a DS1 interface alarm has been raised." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 6 } tmnxPortNotifyBundleId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBundleID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnx bundle Notifications, the value indicates the bundle associated with the alarm." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 7 } tmnxPortNotifyEtherAlarmReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEtherReportValue MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnx ethernet Port Notifications, the value of tmnxPortNotifyEtherAlarmReason indicates the reason a ethernet port alarm has been raised." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 8 } tmnxDDMFailedObject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), temperature-low-warning (1), temperature-low-alarm (2), temperature-high-warning (3), temperature-high-alarm (4), supplyVoltage-low-warning (5), supplyVoltage-low-alarm (6), supplyVoltage-high-warning (7), supplyVoltage-high-alarm (8), txBiasCurrent-low-warning (9), txBiasCurrent-low-alarm (10), txBiasCurrent-high-warning (11), txBiasCurrent-high-alarm (12), txOutputPower-low-warning (13), txOutputPower-low-alarm (14), txOutputPower-high-warning (15), txOutputPower-high-alarm (16), rxOpticalPower-low-warning (17), rxOpticalPower-low-alarm (18), rxOpticalPower-high-warning (19), rxOpticalPower-high-alarm (20), aux1-low-warning (21), aux1-low-alarm (22), aux1-high-warning (23), aux1-high-alarm (24), aux2-low-warning (25), aux2-low-alarm (26), aux2-high-warning (27), aux2-high-alarm (28) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) Notifications, the value of tmnxDDMFailedObject indicates which object of the monitored SFF is in a failed or cleared threshold state." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 9 } tmnxDSXClockSyncStateObject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDSXClockSyncState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tmnxDSXClockSyncStateChange. The value of tmnxDSXClockSyncStateObject indicates the clock sync state of a DS3 or DS1 channel with clock source adaptive or differential." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 10 } tmnxPortNotifyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tmnxPortNotifyDescription is a printable character string." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 11 } tmnxPortNotifyWTAlarmReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notUsed (0), encFail (1), encDegr (2), pwrFail (3), pwrDegr (4), pwrHigh (5), pwrLow (6), missing (7) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Used by Wavelength Tracker Port Notifications, the value of tmnxPortNotifyWTAlarmReason indicates the reason a Wavelength Tracker port alarm has been raised. The values correspond to the TmnxWaveTrackerAlarm bits. This object was obsoleted in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 12 } tmnxHostMatchNotifyIntDestId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubMgtIntDestId MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchFailure and tPortEgrVPortHostMatchFailure. The value of tmnxHostMatchNotifyIntDestId indicates the intermediate destination id of the host which was used to lookup the port egress queue-group or virtual port." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 13 } tmnxHostMatchNotifyOrgString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubMgtOrgStrOrZero MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchFailure and tPortEgrVPortHostMatchFailure. The value of tmnxHostMatchNotifyOrgString indicates the organization string of the host which was used to lookup the port egress queue-group or virtual port." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 14 } tmnxHostMatchNotifySubIdent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSubIdentStringOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used by tPortAccEgrQGrpHostMatchFailure and tPortEgrVPortHostMatchFailure. The value of tmnxHostMatchNotifySubIdent indicates the subscriber identification string of the host which was used to lookup the port egress queue-group or virtual port." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 15 } tmnxObjAppResvSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "kilo-bytes" MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxObjAppResvSize indicates operational value of reserved size of the associated object (MDA or port). This is used by tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshGreen, tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshAmber and tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshRed notifications." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 16 } tmnxObjAppResvCbsOld OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxObjAppResvCbsOld indicates old value of reserved CBS of the associated object (MDA or port). When tmnxObjAppResvCbsOld is set to '4294967295', tmnxObjAppResvCbsOld indicates invalid reserved size value. This is used by tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshGreen, tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshAmber and tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshRed notifications." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 17 } tmnxObjAppResvCbsNew OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxObjAppResvCbsNew indicates new value of reserved CBS of the associated object (MDA or port). This is used by tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshGreen, tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshAmber and tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshRed notifications." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 18 } tmnxObjAppSumOfQResvSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "kilo-bytes" MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxObjAppSumOfQResvSize indicates sum of the reserved CBS queue size of reserved CBS of the associated object (MDA or port). This is used by tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshGreen, tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshAmber and tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshRed notifications." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 19 } tmnxObjType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mda (1), port (2), unused (3), bundle (4), fp (5) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tmnxObjType defines the type of object for which this notification is sent." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 20 } tmnxObjPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tmnxObjPortId is used to identify the specific Port object." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 21 } tmnxObjMdaId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxObjMdaId is used to identify the specific MDA object. If tmnxObjType is 'mda', then the tmnxObjMdaId is encoded as a physical port with the port being '0'." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 22 } tmnxObjAppType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { accessIngress (1), accessEgress (2), networkIngress (3), networkEgress (4), ingress (5), egress (6) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tmnxObjAppType specifies the nature of usage the pool tmnxObjAppPool is used for. The pools could be used for access or network traffic at either ingress or egress. The value of 'ingress' and 'egress' is used with objects using named pool policy." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 23 } tmnxObjAppPool OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tmnxObjAppPool specifies the name of the pool being used." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 24 } tmnxObjNamedPoolPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxObjNamedPoolPolicy indicates the name of the tmnxPortIngNamedPoolPlcy or tmnxPortEgrNamedPoolPlcy object to which this notification belongs." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 25 } tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcThreshold indicates the threshold value used in a Ethernet Port CRC Monitoring alarm." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 27 } tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcMultiplier indicates the threshold multiplier value used in a Ethernet Port CRC Monitoring alarm." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 28 } tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcAlarmValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEtherMonReportValue MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortNotifyEtherCrcAlarmValue indicates the enumerated alarm raised or cleared in a Ethernet Port CRC Monitoring alarm." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 29 } tmnxObjAppResvSizeOld OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "kilo-bytes" MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxObjAppResvSizeOld indicates old value of reserved size of the associated object (MDA or port). When tmnxObjAppResvSizeOld is set to '4294967295', tmnxObjAppResvSizeOld indicates invalid reserved size value. This is used by tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshGreen, tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshAmber and tmnxResvCbsPoolThreshRed notifications." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 30 } tmnxDDMLaneIdOrModule OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..16) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxDDMLaneIdOrModule indicates which component of the Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) SFF device caused the notification to be raised. A value of zero (0) indicates the SFF module failed, otherwise the SFF Lane ID is specified. For SFF modules that do not support Lanes, this object will always be set to the value zero (0)." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 31 } tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymThreshold indicates the threshold value used in a Ethernet Port Symbol Monitoring alarm." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 32 } tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymMultiplier indicates the threshold multiplier value used in a Ethernet Port Symbol Monitoring alarm." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 33 } tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymAlarmValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEtherMonReportValue MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortNotifyEtherSymAlarmValue indicates the enumerated alarm raised or cleared in a Ethernet Port Symbol Monitoring alarm." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 34 } tmnxPortNotifyLeadsSignalChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tmnxPortNotifyLeadsSignalChg is a printable character string." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 35 } tmnxPortNotifyAUIResetSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortID MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortNotifyAUIResetSource indicates the port that is likely responsible for causing the reset of the attachment user interface on the connector. When the source is not known, an invalid port identifier value is used." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 36 } tmnxPortNotifyEgrVPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortNotifyEgrVPortName specifies the name of the virtual port." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 37 } tmnxPortSchedLocType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { port (5), vport (6) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortSchedLocType specifies the type that a hw-agg-shaper-scheduler policy can be attached to." ::= { tmnxPortNotificationObjects 38 } tmnxFRObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxHwObjs 9 } tmnxFRDlcmiTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxFRDlcmiEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxFRDlcmiTable has an entry for each port in the system that is configured for Frame Relay. It contains the parameters for the Data Link Connection Management Interface (DLCMI) for the frame relay service on this port." ::= { tmnxFRObjs 1 } tmnxFRDlcmiEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFRDlcmiEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Parameters for a particular Data Link Connection Management Interface. Entries cannot be created and deleted via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxFRDlcmiTable 1 } TmnxFRDlcmiEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxFRDlcmiMode INTEGER, tmnxFRDlcmiN392Dce Integer32, tmnxFRDlcmiN393Dce Integer32, tmnxFRDlcmiT392Dce Integer32, tmnxFRDlcmiTxStatusEnqMsgs Counter32, tmnxFRDlcmiRxStatusEnqMsgs Counter32, tmnxFRDlcmiStatusEnqMsgTimeouts Counter32, tmnxFRDlcmiTxStatusMsgs Counter32, tmnxFRDlcmiRxStatusMsgs Counter32, tmnxFRDlcmiStatusMsgTimeouts Counter32, tmnxFRDlcmiDiscardedMsgs Counter32, tmnxFRDlcmiInvRxSeqNumMsgs Counter32 } tmnxFRDlcmiMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dte (1), dce (2), bidir (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxFRDlcmiMode is used to set the mode of the interface. It can be set as Data terminal equipment (dte), Data circuit-terminating equipment (dce) or both as Data terminal equipment and Data circuit-terminating equipment (bidir). " DEFVAL { dte } ::= { tmnxFRDlcmiEntry 1 } tmnxFRDlcmiN392Dce OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxFRDlcmiN392Dce is used to configure the LMI error threshold for DCE interface." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { tmnxFRDlcmiEntry 2 } tmnxFRDlcmiN393Dce OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxFRDlcmiN393Dce is used to configure the LMI monitored event count for DCE interface." DEFVAL { 4 } ::= { tmnxFRDlcmiEntry 3 } tmnxFRDlcmiT392Dce OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (5..30) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxFRDlcmiT392Dce is used to configure the polling verification timer for the Frame Relay DCE interface." DEFVAL { 15 } ::= { tmnxFRDlcmiEntry 4 } tmnxFRDlcmiTxStatusEnqMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "messages" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxFRDlcmiTxStatusEnqMsgs indicates the number of LMI Status Enquiry messages transmitted on this Frame Relay interface." ::= { tmnxFRDlcmiEntry 5 } tmnxFRDlcmiRxStatusEnqMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "messages" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxFRDlcmiRxStatusEnqMsgs indicates the number of LMI Status Enquiry messages received on this Frame Relay interface." ::= { tmnxFRDlcmiEntry 6 } tmnxFRDlcmiStatusEnqMsgTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "messages" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxFRDlcmiStatusEnqMsgTimeouts indicates the number of times the LMI agent did not receive a Status Enquiry message within the allotted time." ::= { tmnxFRDlcmiEntry 7 } tmnxFRDlcmiTxStatusMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "messages" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxFRDlcmiTxStatusMsgs indicates the number of LMI Status messages transmitted on this Frame Relay interface." ::= { tmnxFRDlcmiEntry 8 } tmnxFRDlcmiRxStatusMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "messages" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxFRDlcmiRxStatusMsgs indicates the number of LMI Status messages received on this Frame Relay interface." ::= { tmnxFRDlcmiEntry 9 } tmnxFRDlcmiStatusMsgTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "messages" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxFRDlcmiStatusMsgTimeouts indicates the number of times the LMI agent did not receive a Status message within the allotted time." ::= { tmnxFRDlcmiEntry 10 } tmnxFRDlcmiDiscardedMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "messages" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxFRDlcmiDiscardedMsgs indicates the number of times the LMI agent discarded a received message because it wasn't expecting it, the type of message was incorrect, or the contents of the message were invalid." ::= { tmnxFRDlcmiEntry 11 } tmnxFRDlcmiInvRxSeqNumMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "messages" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxFRDlcmiInvRxSeqNumMsgs indicates the number of times the LMI agent received a message with an invalid receive sequence number: i.e. a sequence number that does not match the last transmitted sequence number of the agent." ::= { tmnxFRDlcmiEntry 12 } tmnxFrIntfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxFrIntfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxFrIntfTable has an entry for each port/channel in the system that is configured for Frame Relay. It contains Frame Relay configuration parameters." ::= { tmnxFRObjs 2 } tmnxFrIntfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFrIntfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Parameters for a particular FR Interface. Entries cannot be created or deleted via SNMP SET operations. Entries will exist in this table when tmnxPortEncapType is set to frEncap." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxFrIntfTable 1 } TmnxFrIntfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxFrIntfFrf12Mode TmnxEnabledDisabled, tmnxFrIntfLinkId SnmpAdminString, tmnxFrIntfLastChanged TimeStamp } tmnxFrIntfFrf12Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFrIntfFrf12Mode enables or disables the use of FRF12 headers. This cannot be set to 'enabled' for entries with a tmnxPortBundleNumber set or bundles with a tmnxBundleType of mlfr." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tmnxFrIntfEntry 1 } tmnxFrIntfLinkId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..49)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFrIntfLinkId is a Link Identifier that is used when this entry is added to a MLFR bundle." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tmnxFrIntfEntry 2 } tmnxFrIntfLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFrIntfLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management change to this row." ::= { tmnxFrIntfEntry 3 } tmnxFrf12IntfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxFrf12IntfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxFrf12IntfTable contains entries for a port/channel that has frf12 mode 'enabled'." ::= { tmnxFRObjs 3 } tmnxFrf12IntfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxFrf12IntfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular frame relay interface that has enabled frf12 on a port/channel. Each row in this table is added/removed when frf12 is enabled on a port/channel." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxFrf12IntfTable 1 } TmnxFrf12IntfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxFrf12IntfFragmentThreshold Unsigned32, tmnxFrf12IntfEgrQoSProfId TMcFrQoSProfileId, tmnxFrf12IntfLastChanged TimeStamp } tmnxFrf12IntfFragmentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (128..512) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFrf12IntfFragmentThreshold specifies the maximum length of a fragment to be transmitted. A value of 0 specifies no fragmentation." DEFVAL { 128 } ::= { tmnxFrf12IntfEntry 1 } tmnxFrf12IntfEgrQoSProfId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMcFrQoSProfileId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFrf12IntfEgrQoSProfId specifies the egress QoS profile to be used for the outgoing traffic over this frf12 frame relay interface. The value of tmnxFrf12IntfEgrQoSProfId of 0 indicates a default QoS profile is used as applicable to given hardware." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxFrf12IntfEntry 2 } tmnxFrf12IntfLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxFrf12IntfLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management change to this row." ::= { tmnxFrf12IntfEntry 3 } tmnxQosAppObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxHwObjs 10 } tmnxQosPoolAppTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxQosPoolAppEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains associations of the buffer pools with the individual objects." ::= { tmnxQosAppObjs 2 } tmnxQosPoolAppEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosPoolAppEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry maintains the specifics about the association of a buffer pool and an object." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxObjectType, tmnxObjectId, tmnxObjectAppType, tmnxObjectAppPool } ::= { tmnxQosPoolAppTable 1 } TmnxQosPoolAppEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxObjectType INTEGER, tmnxObjectId Unsigned32, tmnxObjectAppType INTEGER, tmnxObjectAppPool TNamedItem, tmnxObjectAppPoolRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxObjectAppResvCbs Integer32, tmnxObjectAppSlopePolicy TNamedItem, tmnxObjectAppPoolSize Integer32, tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmStep Integer32, tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax Integer32, tmnxObjectAppAmbrAlrmThresh Integer32, tmnxObjectAppRedAlrmThresh Integer32 } tmnxObjectType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mda (1), port (2), unused (3), bundle (4), fp (5) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tmnxObjectType defines the type of object to which the pool is being setup for." ::= { tmnxQosPoolAppEntry 1 } tmnxObjectId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxObjectId specifies the object specified for this buffer pool. The encoding of this value is determined based on the value of tmnxObjectType. Encoding is defined as follows: 'mda' : defined as a TmnxPortID with the physical port set to '0'. 'port' : defined as a TmnxPortID. 'bundle' : defined as a TmnxPortID of type 'bundle'. 'fp' : defined as the following encoding: 32 17|16 9|8 1| +---------+-------------------+-------+ | zeros | Slot | FP ID | +---------+-------------------+-------+" ::= { tmnxQosPoolAppEntry 2 } tmnxObjectAppType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { accessIngress (1), accessEgress (2), networkIngress (3), networkEgress (4) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tmnxObjectAppType specifies the nature of usage the pool would be used for. The pools could be used for access or network traffic at either ingress or egress." ::= { tmnxQosPoolAppEntry 3 } tmnxObjectAppPool OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxObjectAppPool specifies the name of the pool to be used/created." ::= { tmnxQosPoolAppEntry 4 } tmnxObjectAppPoolRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tmnxObjectAppPoolRowStatus is used to create or remove a pool application to the object." ::= { tmnxQosPoolAppEntry 5 } tmnxObjectAppResvCbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The percentage of pool size reserved for CBS. The value '-1' implies that the reserved CBS should be computed as the sum of the CBS requested by the entities using this pool if the application point is 'network'. For 'access' application points the value '-1' means a default of 30%." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxQosPoolAppEntry 6 } tmnxObjectAppSlopePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxObjectAppSlopePolicy specifies the slope policy being used for this pool. The Slope policies define the nature of the RED Slopes for the high and the low priority traffic." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tmnxQosPoolAppEntry 7 } tmnxObjectAppPoolSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size in percentage of buffer space. The value '-1' implies that the pool size should be computed as per fair weighing between all other pools." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tmnxQosPoolAppEntry 8 } tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmStep OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmStep specifies the percentage step-size for the reserved CBS size of the pool. When tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmStep is set to default value, the adaptive CBS sizing is disabled. To enable adaptive CBS sizing, tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmStep MUST be set to non-default value along with tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax. When reserved CBS is set to default value, adaptive CBS sizing cannot be enabled. The reserved CBS (Committed Burst Size) defines the amount of buffer space within the pool that is not considered shared." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxQosPoolAppEntry 9 } tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax specifies the maximum percentage for the reserved CBS size of the pool. When tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax is set to default value, the adaptive CBS sizing is disabled. To enable adaptive CBS sizing, tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax MUST be set to non-default value along with tmnxObjectAppResvCbsAmbrAlrmStep. When reserved CBS is set to default value, adaptive CBS sizing cannot be enabled. The reserved CBS (Committed Burst Size) defines the amount of buffer space within the pool that is not considered shared. Max reserved CBS must not be more than the reserved CBS." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxQosPoolAppEntry 10 } tmnxObjectAppAmbrAlrmThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1000) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxObjectAppAmbrAlrmThresh specifies the threshold for the amber alarm on the over-subscription allowed." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxQosPoolAppEntry 11 } tmnxObjectAppRedAlrmThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1000) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxObjectAppRedAlrmThresh specifies the threshold for the red alarm on the over-subscription allowed." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxQosPoolAppEntry 12 } tmnxATMObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxHwObjs 11 } tmnxATMIntfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxATMIntfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxATMIntfTable has an entry for each port/channel in the system that is configured for ATM. It contains ATM cell layer configuration parameters." ::= { tmnxATMObjs 1 } tmnxATMIntfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxATMIntfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Parameters for a particular ATM Cell Management Interface. Entries cannot be created or deleted via SNMP SET operations. Entries will exist in this table when ATM encapsulation is configured on the port/channel." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxATMIntfTable 1 } TmnxATMIntfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxATMIntfCellFormat INTEGER, tmnxATMIntfMinVpValue Integer32, tmnxATMIntfMapping INTEGER, tmnxATMIntfCustomBufferMode TruthValue, tmnxATMIntfBufferPool Integer32, tmnxATMIntfVcThreshold Integer32 } tmnxATMIntfCellFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { uni (1), nni (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxATMIntfCellFormat is used to set the cell format (UNI or NNI) that is to be used on the ATM interface." DEFVAL { uni } ::= { tmnxATMIntfEntry 1 } tmnxATMIntfMinVpValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxATMIntfMinVpValue is used to set the minimum allowable VPI value that can be used on the ATM interface for a VPC." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tmnxATMIntfEntry 2 } tmnxATMIntfMapping OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { direct (1), plcp (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxATMIntfMapping specifies the cell mapping that is to be used on this ATM interface. When tmnxPortChanType does not have a value of 'pdhDs3 (14)', 'inconsistentValue' error will be returned to SNMP SET requests. When tmnxPortChanType has a value of 'pdhDs3 (14)', tmnxATMIntfMapping can be set to 'plcp (2)'." DEFVAL { direct } ::= { tmnxATMIntfEntry 3 } tmnxATMIntfCustomBufferMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxATMIntfCustomBufferMode specifies whether port is in a mode that allows custom configuration of port buffer pool and VC thresholds." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tmnxATMIntfEntry 4 } tmnxATMIntfBufferPool OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxATMIntfBufferPool specifies the percentage of the buffers configured on this interface over the maximum allowed on this interface. The value can only be changed if tmnxATMIntfCustomBufferMode is set to 'true'. Changing tmnxATMIntfCustomBufferMode to 'false' will reset tmnxATMIntfBufferPool back to the default value." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tmnxATMIntfEntry 5 } tmnxATMIntfVcThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (190..117000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxATMIntfVcThreshold specifies the VC buffer threshold for all VCs configured on this port. The value can only be changed if tmnxATMIntfCustomBufferMode is set to 'true'. Changing tmnxATMIntfCustomBufferMode to 'false' will reset tmnxATMIntfVcThreshold back to the default value." DEFVAL { 190 } ::= { tmnxATMIntfEntry 6 } tmnxPortATMVpShaperTblLastCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortATMVpShaperTblLastCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tmnxPortATMVpShaperTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tmnxATMObjs 2 } tmnxPortATMVpShaperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortATMVpShaperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortATMVpShaperTable has an entry for each ATM port-level VP shaper configured on this system." ::= { tmnxATMObjs 3 } tmnxPortATMVpShaperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortATMVpShaperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular ATM port-level VP shaper. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tmnxPortATMVpShaperVpi } ::= { tmnxPortATMVpShaperTable 1 } TmnxPortATMVpShaperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortATMVpShaperVpi AtmVpIdentifier, tmnxPortATMVpShaperRowStatus RowStatus, tmnxPortATMVpShaperLastMgmtCh TimeStamp, tmnxPortATMVpShaperEgrAtd AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex } tmnxPortATMVpShaperVpi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortATMVpShaperVpi specifies the ATM Virtual Path identifier of this row." ::= { tmnxPortATMVpShaperEntry 1 } tmnxPortATMVpShaperRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortATMVpShaperRowStatus specifies the row status of this row." ::= { tmnxPortATMVpShaperEntry 2 } tmnxPortATMVpShaperLastMgmtCh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortATMVpShaperLastMgmtCh indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this table row." ::= { tmnxPortATMVpShaperEntry 3 } tmnxPortATMVpShaperEgrAtd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex (1..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortATMVpShaperEgrAtd specifies the index of the ATM traffic descriptor in the ATM traffic data encapsulation used for the egress direction over the AAL5 SSCS layer. The definition references RFC 2684 Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM AAL5 and to the ATM Forum LAN Emulation specification. The value of tmnxPortATMVpShaperEgrAtd must be specified when the conceptual row is created, and it cannot be changed afterwards." ::= { tmnxPortATMVpShaperEntry 4 } tmnxPortStatsObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxHwObjs 12 } tmnxPortNetIngressStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortNetIngressStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the Nokia SROS series network port ingress statistics table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of retrieving the traffic statistics for the physical queues being used for the ports to forward the network ingress traffic." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 1 } tmnxPortNetIngressStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortNetIngressStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry in tmnxPortNetIngressStatsTable. Entries are created and deleted by the system depending on the queue policy being used at the specific port." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tmnxPortNetIngressQueueIndex } ::= { tmnxPortNetIngressStatsTable 1 } TmnxPortNetIngressStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortNetIngressQueueIndex TQueueId, tmnxPortNetIngressFwdInProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortNetIngressFwdOutProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortNetIngressFwdInProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortNetIngressFwdOutProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortNetIngressDroInProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortNetIngressDroOutProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortNetIngressDroInProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortNetIngressDroOutProfOcts Counter64 } tmnxPortNetIngressQueueIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQueueId (1..16) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetIngressQueueIndex serves as the tertiary index. When used in conjunction with tmnxChassisIndex and tmnxPortPortID, it uniquely identifies a network ingress queue for the specified port in the managed system." ::= { tmnxPortNetIngressStatsEntry 1 } tmnxPortNetIngressFwdInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetIngressFwdInProfPkts indicates the number of conforming network ingress packets forwarded on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetIngressStatsEntry 2 } tmnxPortNetIngressFwdOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetIngressFwdOutProfPkts indicates the number of exceeding network ingress packets forwarded on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetIngressStatsEntry 3 } tmnxPortNetIngressFwdInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetIngressFwdInProfOcts indicates the number of conforming network ingress octets forwarded on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetIngressStatsEntry 4 } tmnxPortNetIngressFwdOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetIngressFwdOutProfOcts indicates the number of exceeding network ingress octets forwarded on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetIngressStatsEntry 5 } tmnxPortNetIngressDroInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetIngressDroInProfPkts indicates the number of conforming network ingress packets dropped on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetIngressStatsEntry 6 } tmnxPortNetIngressDroOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetIngressDroOutProfPkts indicates the number of exceeding network ingress packets dropped on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetIngressStatsEntry 7 } tmnxPortNetIngressDroInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetIngressDroInProfOcts indicates the number of conforming network ingress octets dropped on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetIngressStatsEntry 8 } tmnxPortNetIngressDroOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetIngressDroOutProfOcts indicates the number of exceeding network ingress octets dropped on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetIngressStatsEntry 9 } tmnxPortNetEgressStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the Nokia SROS series network port egress statistics table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of retrieving the traffic statistics for the physical queues being used for the ports to forward the network egress traffic." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 2 } tmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry in tmnxPortNetEgressStatsTable. Entries are created and deleted by the system depending on the queue policy being used at the specific port." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tmnxPortNetEgressQueueIndex } ::= { tmnxPortNetEgressStatsTable 1 } TmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortNetEgressQueueIndex TQueueId, tmnxPortNetEgressFwdInProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgressFwdOutProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgressFwdInProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgressFwdOutProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgressDroInProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgressDroOutProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgressDroInProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgressDroOutProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgressUCFwdPkts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgressUCFwdOcts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgressUCDroPkts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgressUCDroOcts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgressMCFwdPkts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgressMCFwdOcts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgressMCDroPkts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgressMCDroOcts Counter64 } tmnxPortNetEgressQueueIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQueueId (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetEgressQueueIndex serves as the tertiary index. When used in conjunction with tmnxChassisIndex and tmnxPortPortID, it uniquely identifies a network egress queue for the specified port in the managed system." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry 1 } tmnxPortNetEgressFwdInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetEgressFwdInProfPkts indicates the number of conforming network egress packets forwarded on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry 2 } tmnxPortNetEgressFwdOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetEgressFwdOutProfPkts indicates the number of exceeding network egress packets forwarded on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry 3 } tmnxPortNetEgressFwdInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetEgressFwdInProfOcts indicates the number of conforming network egress octets forwarded on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry 4 } tmnxPortNetEgressFwdOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetEgressFwdOutProfOcts indicates the number of exceeding network egress octets forwarded on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry 5 } tmnxPortNetEgressDroInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetEgressDroInProfPkts indicates the number of conforming network egress packets dropped on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry 6 } tmnxPortNetEgressDroOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetEgressDroOutProfPkts indicates the number of exceeding network egress packets dropped on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry 7 } tmnxPortNetEgressDroInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetEgressDroInProfOcts indicates the number of conforming network egress octets dropped on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry 8 } tmnxPortNetEgressDroOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetEgressDroOutProfOcts indicates the number of exceeding network egress octets dropped on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry 9 } tmnxPortNetEgressUCFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetEgressUCFwdPkts indicates the number of unicast packets forwarded on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry 10 } tmnxPortNetEgressUCFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetEgressUCFwdOcts indicates the number of unicast octets forwarded on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry 11 } tmnxPortNetEgressUCDroPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetEgressUCDroPkts indicates the number of unicast packets dropped on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry 12 } tmnxPortNetEgressUCDroOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetEgressUCDroOcts indicates the number of unicast octets dropped on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry 13 } tmnxPortNetEgressMCFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetEgressMCFwdPkts indicates the number of multicast packets forwarded on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry 14 } tmnxPortNetEgressMCFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetEgressMCFwdOcts indicates the number of multicast octets forwarded on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry 15 } tmnxPortNetEgressMCDroPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetEgressMCDroPkts indicates the number of multicast packets dropped on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry 16 } tmnxPortNetEgressMCDroOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxPortNetEgressMCDroOcts indicates the number of multicast octets dropped on this port using this queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgressStatsEntry 17 } tmnxCiscoHDLCStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCiscoHDLCStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCiscoHDLCStatsTable has an entry for each port in the system that is configured for Cisco HDLC encapsulation. It contains Cisco HDLC protocol statistics for the particular port." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 3 } tmnxCiscoHDLCStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCiscoHDLCStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tmnxCiscoHDLCStatsTable." AUGMENTS { tmnxCiscoHDLCEntry } ::= { tmnxCiscoHDLCStatsTable 1 } TmnxCiscoHDLCStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCiscoHDLCDiscardStatInPkts Unsigned32, tmnxCiscoHDLCDiscardStatOutPkts Unsigned32, tmnxCiscoHDLCStatInPkts Unsigned32, tmnxCiscoHDLCStatOutPkts Unsigned32, tmnxCiscoHDLCStatInOctets Unsigned32, tmnxCiscoHDLCStatOutOctets Unsigned32 } tmnxCiscoHDLCDiscardStatInPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxCiscoHDLCDiscardStatInPkts indicates the number of inbound Cisco HDLC packets discarded." ::= { tmnxCiscoHDLCStatsEntry 1 } tmnxCiscoHDLCDiscardStatOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxCiscoHDLCDiscardStatOutPkts indicates the number of outbound Cisco HDLC packets discarded." ::= { tmnxCiscoHDLCStatsEntry 2 } tmnxCiscoHDLCStatInPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxCiscoHDLCStatInPkts indicates the number of inbound Cisco HDLC packets." ::= { tmnxCiscoHDLCStatsEntry 3 } tmnxCiscoHDLCStatOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxCiscoHDLCStatOutPkts indicates the number of outbound Cisco HDLC packets." ::= { tmnxCiscoHDLCStatsEntry 4 } tmnxCiscoHDLCStatInOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxCiscoHDLCStatInOctets indicates the number of inbound Cisco HDLC octets." ::= { tmnxCiscoHDLCStatsEntry 5 } tmnxCiscoHDLCStatOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxCiscoHDLCStatOutOctets indicates the number of outbound Cisco HDLC octets." ::= { tmnxCiscoHDLCStatsEntry 6 } tmnxMcMlpppStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxMcMlpppStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the Nokia SROS series Multiclass MLPPP statistics table for providing the capability of retrieving the traffic statistics for the physical queues being used for a class of a multiclass MLPPP bundle to forward the traffic." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 4 } tmnxMcMlpppStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMcMlpppStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry in tmnxMcMlpppStatsTable. Entries are created and deleted by the system depending on the number of classes being used by a given MLPPP bundle." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxBundleBundleID, tmnxMcMlpppClassIndex } ::= { tmnxMcMlpppStatsTable 1 } TmnxMcMlpppStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxMcMlpppClassIndex TmnxMcMlpppClassIndex, tmnxMcMlpppStatsIngressOct Counter32, tmnxMcMlpppStatsIngressPkt Counter32, tmnxMcMlpppStatsIngressErrPkt Counter32, tmnxMcMlpppStatsEgressOct Counter32, tmnxMcMlpppStatsEgressPkt Counter32, tmnxMcMlpppStatsEgressErrPkt Counter32 } tmnxMcMlpppClassIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMcMlpppClassIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxMcMlpppClassIndex serves as the tertiary index. When used in conjunction with tmnxChassisIndex and tmnxBundleBundleID, it uniquely identifies a class of a multiclass MLPPP bundle in the managed system." ::= { tmnxMcMlpppStatsEntry 1 } tmnxMcMlpppStatsIngressOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMcMlpppStatsIngressOct indicates the total number of octets in all packets received on the bundle for the given class on ingress before reassembly." ::= { tmnxMcMlpppStatsEntry 2 } tmnxMcMlpppStatsIngressPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMcMlpppStatsIngressPkt indicates the total number of packets forwarded on the bundle for the given class on ingress towards higher layer protocols." ::= { tmnxMcMlpppStatsEntry 3 } tmnxMcMlpppStatsIngressErrPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMcMlpppStatsIngressErrPkt indicates the total number of packets discarded due to reassembly errors on the bundle for the given class on ingress." ::= { tmnxMcMlpppStatsEntry 4 } tmnxMcMlpppStatsEgressOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMcMlpppStatsEgressOct indicates the total number of octets in all packets received on the bundle for the given class on egress before segmentation." ::= { tmnxMcMlpppStatsEntry 5 } tmnxMcMlpppStatsEgressPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMcMlpppStatsEgressPkt indicates the total number of packets forwarded on the bundle for the given class on egress towards the line." ::= { tmnxMcMlpppStatsEntry 6 } tmnxMcMlpppStatsEgressErrPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxMcMlpppStatsEgressErrPkt indicates the total number of packets discarded due to segmentation errors on the bundle for the given class on egress." ::= { tmnxMcMlpppStatsEntry 7 } tmnxPortNetEgrQStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortNetEgrQStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the Nokia SROS series network port egress statistics table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of retrieving the traffic statistics for the queue-group queues being used for the ports to forward the network egress traffic." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 5 } tmnxPortNetEgrQStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortNetEgrQStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry in tmnxPortNetEgrQStatTable. Entries are created and deleted by the system depending on the queue policy being used at the specific port. In release 10.0 tPortNetEgrQGrpInstanceId is added as another index before tmnxPortEgrQosQStatQueueId for this tmnxPortNetEgrQStatTable." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortNetEgrQGrpName, tPortNetEgrQGrpInstanceId, tmnxPortEgrQosQStatQueueId } ::= { tmnxPortNetEgrQStatTable 1 } TmnxPortNetEgrQStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortNetEgrQFwdInProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgrQFwdOutProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgrQFwdInProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgrQFwdOutProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgrQDroInProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgrQDroOutProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgrQDroInProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortNetEgrQDroOutProfOcts Counter64 } tmnxPortNetEgrQFwdInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortNetEgrQFwdInProfPkts indicates the number of conforming network egress packets forwarded on this port using this queue-group queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgrQStatEntry 1 } tmnxPortNetEgrQFwdOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortNetEgrQFwdOutProfPkts indicates the number of exceeding network egress packets forwarded on this port using this queue-group queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgrQStatEntry 2 } tmnxPortNetEgrQFwdInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortNetEgrQFwdInProfOcts indicates the number of conforming network egress octets forwarded on this port using this queue-group queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgrQStatEntry 3 } tmnxPortNetEgrQFwdOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortNetEgrQFwdOutProfOcts indicates the number of exceeding network egress octets forwarded on this port using this queue-group queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgrQStatEntry 4 } tmnxPortNetEgrQDroInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortNetEgrQDroInProfPkts indicates the number of conforming network egress packets dropped on this port using this queue-group queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgrQStatEntry 5 } tmnxPortNetEgrQDroOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortNetEgrQDroOutProfPkts indicates the number of exceeding network egress packets dropped on this port using this queue-group queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgrQStatEntry 6 } tmnxPortNetEgrQDroInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortNetEgrQDroInProfOcts indicates the number of conforming network egress octets dropped on this port using this queue-group queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgrQStatEntry 7 } tmnxPortNetEgrQDroOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortNetEgrQDroOutProfOcts indicates the number of exceeding network egress octets dropped on this port using this queue-group queue." ::= { tmnxPortNetEgrQStatEntry 8 } tmnxPortCemStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortCemStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains CEM Port statistics." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 6 } tmnxPortCemStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortCemStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Statistics for a specific CEM Port." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsTable 1 } TmnxPortCemStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortCemStatsReportAlarm BITS, tmnxPortCemStatsIgrForwardedPkts Counter32, tmnxPortCemStatsIgrDroppedPkts Counter32, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrForwardedPkts Counter32, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrDroppedPkts Counter32, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrMissingPkts Counter32, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrPktsReOrder Counter32, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrJtrBfrURun Counter32, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrJtrBfrORun Counter32, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrMisOrderDrop Counter32, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrMalformedPkts Counter32, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrLBitDrop Counter32, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrMultipleDrop Counter32, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrESs Counter32, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrSESs Counter32, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrUASs Counter32, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrFailureCounts Counter32, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrURunCounts Counter32, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrORunCounts Counter32, tmnxPortCemStatsEgrJtrBfrDepth Gauge32 } tmnxPortCemStatsReportAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { notUsed (0), strayPkts (1), malformedPkts (2), pktLoss (3), bfrOverrun (4), bfrUnderrun (5), rmtPktLoss (6), rmtFault (7), rmtRdi (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsReportAlarm indicates the type of Circuit EMulation (CEM) alarm currently active on the port. The syntax of this object mirrors that of the CemSapReportAlarm TEXTUAL-CONVENTION. The values may be one of: strayPkts (1)- receiving stray packets. malformedPkts (2)- detecting malformed packets. pktLoss (3)- experiencing packet loss. bfrOverrun (4)- experiencing jitter buffer overrun. bfrUnderrun (5)- experiencing jitter buffer underrun. rmtPktLoss (6)- remote packet loss indication. rmtFault (7)- remote TDM fault indication. rmtRdi (8)- remote RDI indication." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 1 } tmnxPortCemStatsIgrForwardedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsIgrForwardedPkts indicates the number of packets that were successfully forwarded." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 2 } tmnxPortCemStatsIgrDroppedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsIgrDroppedPkts indicates the total number of packets that were dropped due to errors." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 3 } tmnxPortCemStatsEgrForwardedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsEgrForwardedPkts indicates the number of packets that were successfully forwarded." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 4 } tmnxPortCemStatsEgrDroppedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsEgrDroppedPkts indicates the total number of packets that were dropped due to errors." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 5 } tmnxPortCemStatsEgrMissingPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsEgrMissingPkts indicates the number of missing packets (as detected via control word sequence number gaps)." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 6 } tmnxPortCemStatsEgrPktsReOrder OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsEgrPktsReOrder indicates the number of packets detected out of sequence (via control word sequence number), but successfully re-ordered." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 7 } tmnxPortCemStatsEgrJtrBfrURun OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsEgrJtrBfrURun indicates the number of times a packet needed to be played out and the jitter buffer was empty." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 8 } tmnxPortCemStatsEgrJtrBfrORun OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsEgrJtrBfrORun indicates the number of times a packet was dropped because it could not fit in the jitter buffer." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 9 } tmnxPortCemStatsEgrMisOrderDrop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsEgrMisOrderDrop indicates the number of packets detected out of order (via control word sequence numbers), and could not be re-ordered, or could not be placed in the jitter buffer because it was out of the current window." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 10 } tmnxPortCemStatsEgrMalformedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsEgrMalformedPkts indicates the number of packets detected with unexpected size, or bad headers' stack." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 11 } tmnxPortCemStatsEgrLBitDrop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsEgrLBitDrop indicates the number of packets dropped due to the L bit set by the far end." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 12 } tmnxPortCemStatsEgrMultipleDrop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsEgrMultipleDrop indicates the number of packets dropped due to multiple sequence numbers." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 13 } tmnxPortCemStatsEgrESs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsEgrESs indicates the number of Error Seconds (ESs) encountered. Any malformed packet, seq. error, LOPS and similar are considered as error seconds." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 14 } tmnxPortCemStatsEgrSESs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsEgrSESs indicates the number of Severely Error Seconds (SESs) encountered. This is when more than 30 percent of the packets within a one second window are missing." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 15 } tmnxPortCemStatsEgrUASs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsEgrUASs indicates the number of Unavailable Seconds (UASs) encountered. Any consecutive ten seconds of SESs are counted as one UAS." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 16 } tmnxPortCemStatsEgrFailureCounts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsEgrFailureCounts indicates the number failure events. A failure event begins when the LOPS failure is declared, and ends when the failure is cleared." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 17 } tmnxPortCemStatsEgrURunCounts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsEgrURunCounts indicates the number of times the jitter buffer went into an underrun state." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 18 } tmnxPortCemStatsEgrORunCounts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsEgrORunCounts indicates the number of times the jitter buffer went into an overrun state." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 19 } tmnxPortCemStatsEgrJtrBfrDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortCemStatsEgrJtrBfrDepth indicates the current packet depth of the jitter buffer." ::= { tmnxPortCemStatsEntry 20 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatTable contains port egress queue group policer statistics on network side." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 7 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry defines an entry in the tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatTable. It represents statistics about a specific QoS egress queue group policer on the specified port." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortNetEgrQGrpName, tPortNetEgrQGrpInstanceId, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatQosPolicerId } ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatTable 1 } TPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatQosPolicerId Integer32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatMode TmnxEgrPolicerStatMode, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfPkt Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfPktL Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfPktH Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfPkt Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfPktL Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfPktH Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfPkt Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfPktL Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfPktH Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfPkt Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfPktL Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfPktH Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfPkt Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfPktL Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfPktH Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfPkt Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfPktL Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfPktH Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfOct Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfOctL Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfOctH Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfOct Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfOctL Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfOctH Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfOct Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfOctL Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfOctH Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfOct Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfOctL Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfOctH Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfOct Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfOctL Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfOctH Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfOct Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfOctL Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfOctH Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolPktOff Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolPktOffL Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolPktOffH Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolOctOff Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolOctOffL Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolOctOffH Counter32, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdExdProfPkts Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpExdProfPkts Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdExdProfOcts Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpExdProfOcts Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffExdProfPkts Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffExdProfOcts Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInPProfPkts Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInPProfPkts Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInPProfPkts Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInPProfOcts Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInPProfOcts Counter64, tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInPProfOcts Counter64 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatQosPolicerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatQosPolicerId specifies the index of the egress QoS policer queue group on network port." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 1 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEgrPolicerStatMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatMode indicates the stat mode used by this policer." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 2 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfPkt indicates the number of in-profile packets (rate below CIR) offered by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 3 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfPktL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfPktL indicates the lower 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfPkt." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 4 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfPktH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfPktH indicates the upper 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfPkt." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 5 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfPkt indicates the number of in-profile packets (rate below CIR) forwarded by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 6 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfPktL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfPktL indicates the lower 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfPkt." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 7 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfPktH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfPktH indicates the upper 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfPkt." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 8 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfPkt indicates the number of in-profile packets discarded by the egress Pchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 9 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfPktL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfPktL indicates the lower 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfPkt." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 10 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfPktH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfPktH indicates the upper 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfPkt." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 11 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfPkt indicates the number of out-of-profile packets (rate above CIR) offered by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 12 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfPktL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfPktL indicates the lower 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfPkt." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 13 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfPktH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfPktH indicates the upper 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfPkt." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 14 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfPkt indicates the number of out-of-profile packets (rate above CIR) forwarded by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 15 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfPktL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfPktL indicates the lower 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfPkt." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 16 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfPktH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfPktH indicates the upper 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfPkt." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 17 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfPkt indicates the number of out-of-profile packets discarded by the egress Pchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 18 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfPktL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfPktL indicates the lower 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfPkt." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 19 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfPktH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfPktH indicates the upper 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfPkt." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 20 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfOct indicates the number of in-profile octets (rate below CIR) offered by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 21 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfOctL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfOctL indicates the lower 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfOct." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 22 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfOctH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfOctH indicates the upper 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInProfOct." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 23 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfOct indicates the number of in-profile octets (rate below CIR) forwarded by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 24 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfOctL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfOctL indicates the lower 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfOct." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 25 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfOctH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfOctH indicates the upper 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInProfOct." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 26 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfOct indicates the number of in-profile octets discarded by the egress Pchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 27 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfOctL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfOctL indicates the lower 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfOct." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 28 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfOctH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfOctH indicates the upper 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInProfOct." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 29 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfOct indicates the number of out-of-profile octets (rate above CIR) forwarded by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 30 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfOctL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfOctL indicates the lower 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfOct." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 31 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfOctH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfOctH indicates the upper 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffOutProfOct." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 32 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfOct indicates the number of out-of-profile octets (rate above CIR) forwarded by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 33 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfOctL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfOctL indicates the lower 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfOct." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 34 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfOctH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfOctH indicates the upper 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdOutProfOct." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 35 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfOct indicates the number of out-of-profile octets discarded by the egress Pchip due to: MBS exceeded, buffer pool limit exceeded, etc." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 36 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfOctL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfOctL indicates the lower 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfOct." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 37 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfOctH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfOctH indicates the upper 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpOutProfOct." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 38 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolPktOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolPktOff indicates the number of uncolored packets forwarded by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 39 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolPktOffL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolPktOffL indicates the lower 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolPktOff." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 40 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolPktOffH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolPktOffH indicates the upper 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolPktOff." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 41 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolOctOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolOctOff indicates the number of uncolored octets forwarded by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 42 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolOctOffL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolOctOffL indicates the lower 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolOctOff." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 43 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolOctOffH OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolOctOffH indicates the upper 32 bits of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStUncolOctOff." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 44 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdExdProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdExdProfPkts indicates the number of exceed-profile packets forwarded by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 45 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpExdProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpExdProfPkts indicates the number of exceed-profile packets discarded by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 46 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdExdProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdExdProfOcts indicates the number of exceed-profile octets forwarded by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 47 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpExdProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpExdProfOcts indicates the number of exceed-profile octets forwarded by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 48 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffExdProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffExdProfPkts indicates the number of exceed-profile packets offered by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 49 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffExdProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffExdProfOcts indicates the number of exceed-profile octets offered by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 50 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInPProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInPProfPkts indicates the number of inplus-profile packets offered by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 51 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInPProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInPProfPkts indicates the number of inplus-profile packets forwarded by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 52 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInPProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInPProfPkts indicates the number of inplus-profile packets discarded by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 53 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInPProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStOffInPProfOcts indicates the number of inplus-profile octets offered by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 54 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInPProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStFwdInPProfOcts indicates the number of inplus-profile octets forwarded by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 55 } tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInPProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortNetEgrQGrpPStDrpInPProfOcts indicates the number of inplus-profile octets forwarded by the egress Pchip." ::= { tPortNetEgrQGrpPStatEntry 56 } tmnxCohOptPortStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxCohOptPortStatsTable contains statistics information for DWDM coherent optical ports in the Nokia SROS system." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 8 } tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry includes statistics for a DWDM coherent optical port in the system. Entries cannot be created or deleted via SNMP SET operations." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsTable 1 } TmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxCohOptPortStatsElapsedSec Counter32, tmnxCohOptPortRxBER Gauge32, tmnxCohOptPortRxBERAvg Gauge32, tmnxCohOptPortRxBERMin Gauge32, tmnxCohOptPortRxBERMax Gauge32, tmnxCohOptPortRxSNR Gauge32, tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRAvg Gauge32, tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRMin Gauge32, tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRMax Gauge32, tmnxCohOptPortRxChromaticDisp Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxChromaticDispAvg Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxChromaticDispMin Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxChromaticDispMax Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxDiffGrpDly Gauge32, tmnxCohOptPortRxDiffGrpDlyAvg Gauge32, tmnxCohOptPortRxDiffGrpDlyMin Gauge32, tmnxCohOptPortRxDiffGrpDlyMax Gauge32, tmnxCohOptPortRxFreqOffset Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxFreqOffsetAvg Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxFreqOffsetMin Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxFreqOffsetMax Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxQ Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxQAvg Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxQMin Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxQMax Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxPower Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxPowerAvg Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxPowerMin Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxPowerMax Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortTxPower Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortTxPowerAvg Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortTxPowerMin Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortTxPowerMax Integer32, tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNR Gauge32, tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRAvg Gauge32, tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRMin Gauge32, tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRMax Gauge32 } tmnxCohOptPortStatsElapsedSec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortStatsElapsedSec indicates the number of elapsed seconds since the start of coherent optical stats collection after the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 1 } tmnxCohOptPortRxBER OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxBER indicates the RX Bit Error Rate (BER) since the last port statistics clear, represented as an IEEE 754 32-bit floating point number." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 2 } tmnxCohOptPortRxBERAvg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxBERAvg indicates the RX average BER since the last port statistics clear, represented as an IEEE 754 32-bit floating point number." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 3 } tmnxCohOptPortRxBERMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxBERMin indicates the RX minimum BER since the last port statistics clear, represented as an IEEE 754 32-bit floating point number." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 4 } tmnxCohOptPortRxBERMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxBERMax indicates the RX maximum BER since the last port statistics clear, represented as an IEEE 754 32-bit floating point number." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 5 } tmnxCohOptPortRxSNR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxSNR indicates the RX Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) since the last port statistics clear, represented in tenths of a dB." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 6 } tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRAvg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRAvg indicates the RX average SNR since the last port statistics clear, represented in tenths of a dB." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 7 } tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRMin indicates the RX minimum SNR since the last port statistics clear, represented in tenths of a dB." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 8 } tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxSNRMax indicates the RX maximum SNR since the last port statistics clear, represented in tenths of a dB." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 9 } tmnxCohOptPortRxChromaticDisp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "picoseconds per nanometer" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxChromaticDisp indicates the RX chromatic dispersion since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 10 } tmnxCohOptPortRxChromaticDispAvg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "picoseconds per nanometer" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxChromaticDispAvg indicates the RX average chromatic dispersion since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 11 } tmnxCohOptPortRxChromaticDispMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "picoseconds per nanometer" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxChromaticDispMin indicates the RX minimum chromatic dispersion since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 12 } tmnxCohOptPortRxChromaticDispMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "picoseconds per nanometer" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxChromaticDispMax indicates the RX maximum chromatic dispersion since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 13 } tmnxCohOptPortRxDiffGrpDly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "picoseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxDiffGrpDly indicates the RX differential group delay since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 14 } tmnxCohOptPortRxDiffGrpDlyAvg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "picoseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxDiffGrpDlyAvg indicates the RX average differential group delay since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 15 } tmnxCohOptPortRxDiffGrpDlyMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "picoseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxDiffGrpDlyMin indicates the RX minimum differential group delay since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 16 } tmnxCohOptPortRxDiffGrpDlyMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "picoseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxDiffGrpDlyMax indicates the RX maximum differential group delay since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 17 } tmnxCohOptPortRxFreqOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "MHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxFreqOffset indicates the RX frequency offset since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 18 } tmnxCohOptPortRxFreqOffsetAvg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "MHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxFreqOffsetAvg indicates the RX average frequency offset since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 19 } tmnxCohOptPortRxFreqOffsetMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "MHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxFreqOffsetMin indicates the RX minimum frequency offset since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 20 } tmnxCohOptPortRxFreqOffsetMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "MHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxFreqOffsetMax indicates the RX maximum frequency offset since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 21 } tmnxCohOptPortRxQ OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxQ indicates the RX Q since the last port statistics clear, represented in tenths of a dB." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 22 } tmnxCohOptPortRxQAvg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxQAvg indicates the RX average Q since the last port statistics clear, represented in tenths of a dB." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 23 } tmnxCohOptPortRxQMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxQMin indicates the RX minimum Q since the last port statistics clear, represented in tenths of a dB." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 24 } tmnxCohOptPortRxQMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxQMax indicates the RX maximum Q since the last port statistics clear, represented in tenths of a dB." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 25 } tmnxCohOptPortRxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxPower indicates the RX optical power since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 26 } tmnxCohOptPortRxPowerAvg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxPowerAvg indicates the RX average optical power since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 27 } tmnxCohOptPortRxPowerMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxPowerMin indicates the RX minimum optical power since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 28 } tmnxCohOptPortRxPowerMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxPowerMax indicates the RX maximum optical power since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 29 } tmnxCohOptPortTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortTxPower indicates the TX optical power since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 30 } tmnxCohOptPortTxPowerAvg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortTxPowerAvg indicates the TX average optical power since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 31 } tmnxCohOptPortTxPowerMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortTxPowerMin indicates the TX minimum optical power since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 32 } tmnxCohOptPortTxPowerMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "millibel-milliwatts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortTxPowerMax indicates the TX maximum optical power since the last port statistics clear." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 33 } tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNR indicates the RX estimated Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio (OSNR) since the last port statistics clear, represented in tenths of a dB." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 34 } tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRAvg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRAvg indicates the RX average estimated OSNR since the last port statistics clear, represented in tenths of a dB." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 35 } tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRMin indicates the RX minimum estimated OSNR since the last port statistics clear, represented in tenths of a dB." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 36 } tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "0.1 dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxCohOptPortRxOSNRMax indicates the RX maximum estimated OSNR since the last port statistics clear, represented in tenths of a dB." ::= { tmnxCohOptPortStatsEntry 37 } tmnxPortEgrAggStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortEgrAggStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrAggStatsTable specifies Aggregate Egress traffic statistics for the ports." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 9 } tmnxPortEgrAggStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEgrAggStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrAggStatsEntry specifies Aggregate Egress traffic statistics for the ports. This entry is created for all the ports that has the value of tmnxPortMonitorAggEgrQueueStats being set to 'enabled (1)'." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tmnxPortEgrAggStatsTable 1 } TmnxPortEgrAggStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortEgrAggFwdInProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortEgrAggFwdOutProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortEgrAggFwdInProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortEgrAggFwdOutProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortEgrAggDropInProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortEgrAggDropOutProfPkts Counter64, tmnxPortEgrAggDropInProfOcts Counter64, tmnxPortEgrAggDropOutProfOcts Counter64 } tmnxPortEgrAggFwdInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrAggFwdInProfPkts indicates the number of conforming aggregate egress packets forwarded on this port." ::= { tmnxPortEgrAggStatsEntry 1 } tmnxPortEgrAggFwdOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrAggFwdOutProfPkts indicates the number of exceeding aggregate egress packets forwarded on this port." ::= { tmnxPortEgrAggStatsEntry 2 } tmnxPortEgrAggFwdInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrAggFwdInProfOcts indicates the number of conforming aggregate egress octets forwarded on this port." ::= { tmnxPortEgrAggStatsEntry 3 } tmnxPortEgrAggFwdOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrAggFwdOutProfOcts indicates the number of exceeding aggregate egress octets forwarded on this port." ::= { tmnxPortEgrAggStatsEntry 4 } tmnxPortEgrAggDropInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrAggDropInProfPkts indicates the number of conforming aggregate egress packets dropped on this port." ::= { tmnxPortEgrAggStatsEntry 5 } tmnxPortEgrAggDropOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrAggDropOutProfPkts indicates the number of exceeding aggregate egress packets dropped on this port." ::= { tmnxPortEgrAggStatsEntry 6 } tmnxPortEgrAggDropInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrAggDropInProfOcts indicates the number of conforming aggregate egress octets dropped on this port." ::= { tmnxPortEgrAggStatsEntry 7 } tmnxPortEgrAggDropOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrAggDropOutProfOcts indicates the number of exceeding aggregate egress octets dropped on this port." ::= { tmnxPortEgrAggStatsEntry 8 } tPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsTable specifies per-reason drop statistics on each port for the packets dropped by the forwarding engine." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 11 } tPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsEntry specifies per-reason drop statistics on each port for the packets dropped by the forwarding engine." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID } ::= { tPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsTable 1 } TPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFwdEngDRIpv4HeaderError Counter64, tFwdEngDRIpv4InvalidAddress Counter64, tFwdEngDRIpv6HeaderError Counter64, tFwdEngDRIpv6InvalidAddress Counter64, tFwdEngDRIpRouteBlackHoled Counter64, tFwdEngDRACLFilterDiscards Counter64, tFwdEngDRUcastRPFChkFailed Counter64, tFwdEngDRBFDSpoofChkFailed Counter64, tFwdEngDRUcastMACDstAddMismatch Counter64, tFwdEngDRMcastMACUnicastDstIp Counter64, tFwdEngDRUnkwnMACDstAddDscrdVPLS Counter64, tFwdEngDRL2ServiceMTUExceed Counter64, tFwdEngDRNeedsICMP Counter64 } tFwdEngDRIpv4HeaderError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFwdEngDRIpv4HeaderError indicates the total number of packets dropped by forwarding engine due an error in the IPv4 packet header such as an IPv4 header checksum error, an invalid IP version number (not IPv4 or IPv6) or an incorrect Total Length field." ::= { tPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsEntry 1 } tFwdEngDRIpv4InvalidAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFwdEngDRIpv4InvalidAddress indicates the total number of packets dropped by forwarding engine due to an error in source (SA) or destination (DA) IPv4 address. Some examples include class D or class E IPv4 DAs, loopback SA (, DA, SA is a subnet broadcast or network address, and non-IP traffic arriving on an IP interface that is not a valid L2 protocol for that interface (valid protocols may include ARP, ISIS and PPP control), and cases where the IPv4 address is a multicast address but the ethernet destination address is not RFC1112 compliant. RFC1112 checks are also carried out on IPIPE traffic." ::= { tPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsEntry 2 } tFwdEngDRIpv6HeaderError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFwdEngDRIpv6HeaderError indicates the total number of packets dropped by forwarding engine due to an error in the IPv6 packet header such as an incorrect payload length field or an IP version not equal to 'IPv6' when the ethernet etype or PPP ID indicates it is IPv6." ::= { tPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsEntry 3 } tFwdEngDRIpv6InvalidAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFwdEngDRIpv6InvalidAddress indicates the total number of packets dropped by forwarding engine due to error in source (SA) or destination (DA) IPv6 addresses. Some examples include an unspecified IPv6 DA, an IPv6 multicast SA, non-IP traffic arriving on an IP interface or into an IPIPE service that is not a valid L2 protocol for that interface (valid protocols may include ARP, ISIS and PPP control), and cases where the IPv6 address is a multicast address but the ethernet destination address is not RFC2464 compliant. RFC 2464 checks are also carried out on IPIPE traffic." ::= { tPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsEntry 4 } tFwdEngDRIpRouteBlackHoled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFwdEngDRIpRouteBlackHoled indicates the total number of packets dropped by forwarding engine due to IP address of the packet matching a black hole route." ::= { tPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsEntry 5 } tFwdEngDRACLFilterDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFwdEngDRACLFilterDiscards indicates the total number of packets dropped by forwarding engine due to packets dropped by ACL filter on the line card. This does not include packets dropped by CPM filters or ESM antispoof filters." ::= { tPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsEntry 6 } tFwdEngDRUcastRPFChkFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFwdEngDRUcastRPFChkFailed indicates the total number of packets dropped by forwarding engine due to IP packet failed the unicast reverse path forwarding (uRPF) check." ::= { tPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsEntry 7 } tFwdEngDRBFDSpoofChkFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFwdEngDRBFDSpoofChkFailed indicates the total number of packets dropped by forwarding engine due to the received BFD packet either failed the TTL check or failed the source IP address lookup of known sessions." ::= { tPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsEntry 8 } tFwdEngDRUcastMACDstAddMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFwdEngDRUcastMACDstAddMismatch indicates the total number of packets dropped by forwarding engine due to the unicast destination MAC address not being present or when it does not match any of the expected MAC addresses associated with the receiving interface. Packets with multicast or broadcast MAC addresses do not increment this counter." ::= { tPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsEntry 9 } tFwdEngDRMcastMACUnicastDstIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFwdEngDRMcastMACUnicastDstIp indicates the total number of packets dropped by forwarding engine due to the destination MAC address being multicast but the IP address is unicast." ::= { tPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsEntry 10 } tFwdEngDRUnkwnMACDstAddDscrdVPLS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFwdEngDRUnkwnMACDstAddDscrdVPLS indicates the total number of packets dropped by forwarding engine due to the destination MAC address lookup in the MAC FIB failed and the VPLS service is configured to discard packets with unknown destination MAC addresses." ::= { tPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsEntry 11 } tFwdEngDRL2ServiceMTUExceed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFwdEngDRL2ServiceMTUExceed indicates the total number of packets dropped by forwarding engine due to the length of the packet received on a SAP bound to a Layer 2 service (e.g. VPLS, Epipe) exceeded the configured MTU for the service." ::= { tPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsEntry 12 } tFwdEngDRNeedsICMP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFwdEngDRNeedsICMP indicates the total number of packets dropped by forwarding engine and the received packet requires the router to generate an ICMP message. Some examples include when the IP packet TTL is expired or the destination host, network or Enhanced Subscriber Management (ESM) subscriber is unreachable. Host unreachable can occur, amongst other reasons, if the destination address (e.g. of a packet resolves to a loopback interface subnet (e.g. but doesn't match the specific loopback address (e.g. Destination unreachable can also occur, for example, in response to an IPv6 packet received by a router from a point-to-point link (e.g. a non-ethernet link) destined to an address within a subnet assigned to that same link (other than one of the receiving router's own addresses) as described in RFC 4443." ::= { tPortIngressFwdEngDRStatsEntry 13 } tmnxPortStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortStatsTable contains statistics for every port." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 12 } tmnxPortStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortStatsEntry contains statistics for the port." AUGMENTS { tmnxPortEntry } ::= { tmnxPortStatsTable 1 } TmnxPortStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortInErrors Counter64, tmnxPortOutErrors Counter64, tmnxPortInDiscards Counter64, tmnxPortOutDiscards Counter64, tmnxPortInUnknownProtos Counter64 } tmnxPortInErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortInErrors indicates the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime." ::= { tmnxPortStatsEntry 1 } tmnxPortOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortOutErrors indicates the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime." ::= { tmnxPortStatsEntry 2 } tmnxPortInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortInDiscards indicates the number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime." ::= { tmnxPortStatsEntry 3 } tmnxPortOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortOutDiscards indicates the number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime." ::= { tmnxPortStatsEntry 4 } tmnxPortInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortInUnknownProtos indicates the number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime." ::= { tmnxPortStatsEntry 5 } tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsTable contains aggregate port queue statistics for every port." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 13 } tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry specifies aggregate Egress queue statistics for the ports." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, portEgrVoqId } ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsTable 1 } TmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { portEgrVoqId TEgressQueueId, portEgrVoqStatsFwdInProfPkts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsDrpInProfPkts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsFwdOutProfPkts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsDrpOutProfPkts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsFwdInProfOcts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsDrpInProfOcts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsFwdOutProfOcts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsDrpOutProfOcts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsFwdExdProfPkts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsDrpExdProfPkts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsFwdExdProfOcts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsDrpExdProfOcts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsFwdInPlusProfPkts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsDrpInPlusProfPkts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsFwdInPlusProfOcts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsDrpInPlusProfOcts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsFwdPkts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsDrpPkts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsFwdOcts Counter64, portEgrVoqStatsDrpOcts Counter64 } portEgrVoqId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressQueueId (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the egress queue of the port." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 1 } portEgrVoqStatsFwdInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of in-profile packets forwarded by the port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 2 } portEgrVoqStatsDrpInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of in-profile packets discarded by the port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 3 } portEgrVoqStatsFwdOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of out-of-profile packets forwarded by the port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 4 } portEgrVoqStatsDrpOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of out-of-profile packets discarded by the port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 5 } portEgrVoqStatsFwdInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of in-profile octets forwarded by the port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 6 } portEgrVoqStatsDrpInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of in-profile octets discarded by the port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 7 } portEgrVoqStatsFwdOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of out-of-profile octets forwarded by the port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 8 } portEgrVoqStatsDrpOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of out-of-profile octets discarded by the port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 9 } portEgrVoqStatsFwdExdProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of exceed-profile packets forwarded on this port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 10 } portEgrVoqStatsDrpExdProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of exceed-profile packets discarded on this port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 11 } portEgrVoqStatsFwdExdProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of exceed-profile octets forwarded on this port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 12 } portEgrVoqStatsDrpExdProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of exceed-profile octets discarded on this port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 13 } portEgrVoqStatsFwdInPlusProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of inplus-profile packets forwarded on this port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 14 } portEgrVoqStatsDrpInPlusProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of inplus-profile packets discarded on this port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 15 } portEgrVoqStatsFwdInPlusProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of inplus-profile octets forwarded on this port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 16 } portEgrVoqStatsDrpInPlusProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of inplus-profile octets discarded on this port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 17 } portEgrVoqStatsFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets forwarded on this port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 18 } portEgrVoqStatsDrpPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets discarded on this port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 19 } portEgrVoqStatsFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of octets forwarded on this port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 20 } portEgrVoqStatsDrpOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of octets discarded on this port egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortEgrVoqStatsEntry 21 } tPortEgrVPHASSchdAggStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrVPHASSchdAggStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortEgrVPHASSchdAggStatsTable contains the statistics of each virtual port hardware aggregate shaper scheduler at the port egress scheduler class level configured on this system." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 14 } tPortEgrVPHASSchdAggStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrVPHASSchdAggStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row in tPortEgrVPHASSchdAggStatsEntry represents a particular virtual port hardware aggregate shaper scheduler classes statistics at the port egress level specified by tPortEgrVPortName and tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSCls." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortEgrVPortName, tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSCls } ::= { tPortEgrVPHASSchdAggStatsTable 1 } TPortEgrVPHASSchdAggStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSCls Unsigned32, tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStLstClrdTime TimeStamp, tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSClsFwdPkt Counter64, tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSClsFwdOct Counter64, tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSClsDpdPkt Counter64, tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSClsDpdOct Counter64 } tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSCls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..6 | 4294967295) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSCls indicates the scheduler class for the port scheduler to which a subscriber host queue can be port-parented. When the value of tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSCls is specified as '0xffffffff H', snmp GET on this table returns aggregate statistics." ::= { tPortEgrVPHASSchdAggStatsEntry 1 } tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStLstClrdTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStLstClrdTime indicates the sysUpTime when the counters in this table were last cleared." ::= { tPortEgrVPHASSchdAggStatsEntry 2 } tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSClsFwdPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSClsFwdPkt indicates the number of packets forwarded by the virtual port for the scheduler class specified by tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSCls." ::= { tPortEgrVPHASSchdAggStatsEntry 3 } tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSClsFwdOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSClsFwdOct indicates the number of octets forwarded by the virtual port for the scheduler class specified by tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSCls." ::= { tPortEgrVPHASSchdAggStatsEntry 4 } tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSClsDpdPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSClsDpdPkt indicates the number of packets dropped by the virtual port for the scheduler class specified by tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSCls." ::= { tPortEgrVPHASSchdAggStatsEntry 5 } tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSClsDpdOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSClsDpdOct indicates the number of octets dropped by the virtual port for the scheduler class specified by tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdStSCls." ::= { tPortEgrVPHASSchdAggStatsEntry 6 } tPortEgrVPHASSchdMonThrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrVPHASSchdMonThrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPortMonThrTable contains hardware aggregate shaper scheduler policy's threshold monitoring information for each access egress vport when the value of tPortEgrVPortHwAggShaperSchedPol is set to configured." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 15 } tPortEgrVPHASSchdMonThrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrVPHASSchdMonThrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPHASSchdMonThrEntry represents threshold monitoring information for hardware aggregate shaper scheduler policy specified by tPortEgrVPortHwAggShaperSchedPol for each access egress vport." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortEgrVPortName } ::= { tPortEgrVPHASSchdMonThrTable 1 } TPortEgrVPHASSchdMonThrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrHASSchdMonThrPortExdCnt Counter32, tPortEgrHASSchdMonThrStartTime TimeStamp, tPortEgrHASSchdMonThrEndTime TimeStamp, tPortEgrHASSchdMonThrTotSamples Counter32 } tPortEgrHASSchdMonThrPortExdCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHASSchdMonThrPortExdCnt represents the exceed count for egress hardware aggregate shaper scheduler." ::= { tPortEgrVPHASSchdMonThrEntry 1 } tPortEgrHASSchdMonThrStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHASSchdMonThrStartTime represents the start time for threshold monitoring." ::= { tPortEgrVPHASSchdMonThrEntry 2 } tPortEgrHASSchdMonThrEndTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHASSchdMonThrEndTime represents the end time for threshold monitoring." ::= { tPortEgrVPHASSchdMonThrEntry 3 } tPortEgrHASSchdMonThrTotSamples OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHASSchdMonThrTotSamples represents total samples collected during the threshold monitoring interval." ::= { tPortEgrVPHASSchdMonThrEntry 4 } tmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatTable has the statistics information of the static-policer configured on Distributed CPU Protection Policy per network-interface per forwarding plane." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 16 } tmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatEntry represents statistics information per network-interface per forwarding plane for the static-policer configured on Distributed CPU Protection Policy." INDEX { tmnxPortPortID, tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticPlcrName } ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatTable 1 } TmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortDcpFpStaticPlcrName TNamedItem, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticState TmnxDistCpuProtState, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticExcdCount Counter64, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticHoldDown TmnxDistCpuProtActionDuration, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticDetectionTime Unsigned32, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticRateType INTEGER, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperPackets Integer32, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperWithin Unsigned32, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperInitDelay Unsigned32, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperKbps Integer32, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperMbs Integer32, tmnxPortDcpFpStaticPlcrDepth Integer32 } tmnxPortDcpFpStaticPlcrName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDcpFpStaticPlcrName specifies the static-policer name for Distributed CPU Protection Policy." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatEntry 1 } tmnxPortDcpFpStaticState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDistCpuProtState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDcpFpStaticState indicates the state of the static-policer configured on Distributed CPU Protection Policy." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatEntry 2 } tmnxPortDcpFpStaticExcdCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDcpFpStaticExcdCount indicates number of packets exceeding the policing parameters since the given static-policer was previously declared as conformant or newly instantiated." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatEntry 3 } tmnxPortDcpFpStaticHoldDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDistCpuProtActionDuration UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDcpFpStaticHoldDown indicates the remaining hold-down period for a given static-policer." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatEntry 4 } tmnxPortDcpFpStaticDetectionTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDcpFpStaticDetectionTime indicates the detection time remaining for a given static-policer." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatEntry 5 } tmnxPortDcpFpStaticRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { packets (1), bytes (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpStaticRateType indicates rate-type included." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatEntry 6 } tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperPackets indicates operational packets. Value of '-1' indicates maximum operational packets." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatEntry 7 } tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperWithin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperWithin indicates the operational delay time" ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatEntry 8 } tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperInitDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperInitDelay indicates number of packets during the initial delay." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatEntry 9 } tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperKbps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperKbps indicates the operational rate in 'kbps'." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatEntry 10 } tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpStaticOperMbs indicates the operational MBS rate." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatEntry 11 } tmnxPortDcpFpStaticPlcrDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpStaticPlcrDepth indicates the policer depth." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpStaticStatEntry 12 } tmnxPortDcpFpDynStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortDcpFpDynStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpDynStatTable has the statistics information of the dynamic policer for a particular protocol configured on Distributed CPU Protection Policy per network-interface per forwarding plane." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 17 } tmnxPortDcpFpDynStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortDcpFpDynStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDcpFpDynStatEntry represents statistics information per network-interface per forwarding plane for the dynamic policer for a particular protocol configured on Distributed CPU Protection Policy." INDEX { tmnxPortPortID, tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum, tmnxPortDcpFpProtocol } ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpDynStatTable 1 } TmnxPortDcpFpDynStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortDcpFpProtocol TmnxDistCpuProtProtocolId, tmnxPortDcpFpDynState TmnxDistCpuProtState, tmnxPortDcpFpDynExcdCount Counter64, tmnxPortDcpFpDynHoldDown TmnxDistCpuProtActionDuration, tmnxPortDcpFpDynDetectionTime Unsigned32, tmnxPortDcpFpDynAllocated TruthValue, tmnxPortDcpFpDynRateType INTEGER, tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperPackets Integer32, tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperWithin Unsigned32, tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperInitDelay Unsigned32, tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperKbps Integer32, tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperMbs Integer32, tmnxPortDcpFpDynPlcrDepth Integer32 } tmnxPortDcpFpProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDistCpuProtProtocolId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDcpFpProtocol specifies the protocol name to be monitored by Distributed CPU Protection Policy." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpDynStatEntry 1 } tmnxPortDcpFpDynState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDistCpuProtState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDcpFpDynState indicates the state of the dynamic policer for a particular protocol configured on Distributed CPU Protection Policy." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpDynStatEntry 2 } tmnxPortDcpFpDynExcdCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDcpFpDynExcdCount indicates number of packets exceeding the policing parameters since the dynamic policer for a given protocol was previously declared as conformant or newly instantiated." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpDynStatEntry 3 } tmnxPortDcpFpDynHoldDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDistCpuProtActionDuration UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDcpFpDynHoldDown indicates the remaining hold-down period for the dynamic policer for given protocol." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpDynStatEntry 4 } tmnxPortDcpFpDynDetectionTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDcpFpDynDetectionTime indicates the detection time remaining for the dynamic policer for given protocol." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpDynStatEntry 5 } tmnxPortDcpFpDynAllocated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDcpFpDynAllocated indicates whether dynamic policer has been allocated for this protocol." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpDynStatEntry 6 } tmnxPortDcpFpDynRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { packets (1), bytes (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpDynRateType indicates rate-type included." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpDynStatEntry 7 } tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperPackets indicates operational packets. Value of '-1' indicates maximum operational packets." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpDynStatEntry 8 } tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperWithin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperWithin indicates the operational delay time" ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpDynStatEntry 9 } tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperInitDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperInitDelay indicates number of packets during the initial delay." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpDynStatEntry 10 } tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperKbps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperKbps indicates the operational rate in 'kbps'." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpDynStatEntry 11 } tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpDynOperMbs indicates the operational MBS rate." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpDynStatEntry 12 } tmnxPortDcpFpDynPlcrDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpDynPlcrDepth indicates the policer depth." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpDynStatEntry 13 } tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatTable has the statistics information of the local-monitoring policer configured on Distributed CPU Protection Policy per network-interface per forwarding plane." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 18 } tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatTable represents statistics information per network-interface per forwarding plane for the local-monitoring policer configured on Distributed CPU Protection Policy." INDEX { tmnxPortPortID, tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxCardSlotNum, tmnxFPNum, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonPlcrName } ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatTable 1 } TmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonPlcrName TNamedItem, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonState TmnxDistCpuProtState, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonExcdCount Counter64, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonAllDynAlloc TruthValue, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonRateType INTEGER, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperPackets Integer32, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperWithin Unsigned32, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperInitDelay Unsigned32, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperKbps Integer32, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperMbs Integer32, tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonPlcrDepth Integer32 } tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonPlcrName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonPlcrName specifies the local monitoring policy name for Distributed CPU Protection Policy." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatEntry 1 } tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxDistCpuProtState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonState indicates the state of the local-monitoring policer configured on Distributed CPU Protection Policy." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatEntry 2 } tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonExcdCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonExcdCount indicates number of packets exceeding the policing parameters since the given local-monitoring policer was previously declared as conformant or newly instantiated." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatEntry 3 } tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonAllDynAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonAllDynAlloc indicates whether all the dynamic policers associated with this local-monitor have been allocated." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatEntry 4 } tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { packets (1), bytes (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonRateType indicates rate-type included." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatEntry 6 } tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperPackets indicates operational packets. Value of '-1' indicates maximum operational packets." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatEntry 7 } tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperWithin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperWithin indicates the operational delay time" ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatEntry 8 } tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperInitDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperInitDelay indicates number of packets during the initial delay." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatEntry 9 } tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperKbps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperKbps indicates the operational rate in 'kbps'." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatEntry 10 } tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonOperMbs indicates the operational MBS rate." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatEntry 11 } tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonPlcrDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonPlcrDepth indicates the policer depth." ::= { tmnxPortDcpFpLocMonStatEntry 12 } tmnxPortSharedQStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortSharedQStatsTable has an entry for each shared vlan queue on this system." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 19 } tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular queue for a shared vlan qos policy. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tmnxPortSharedQueueVlanQosPlcy, tPortSharedQStatsVoqId } ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsTable 1 } TmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortSharedQStatsVoqId TEgressQueueId, tPortSharedQStatsEgrFwdPkts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsEgrFwdOcts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsDrpPkts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsDrpOcts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsFwdExdProfPkts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsDrpExdProfPkts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsFwdExdProfOcts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsDrpExdProfOcts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsFwdInPlProfPkts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsDrpInPlProfPkts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsFwdInPlProfOcts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsDrpInPlProfOcts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsFwdInProfPkts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsDrpInProfPkts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsFwdInProfOcts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsDrpInProfOcts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsFwdOutProfPkts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsDrpOutProfPkts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsFwdOutProfOcts Counter64, tPortSharedQStatsDrpOutProfOcts Counter64 } tPortSharedQStatsVoqId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressQueueId (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSharedQStatsVoqId specifies the queue ID which is used as the fourth index to the table entry." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 1 } tPortSharedQStatsEgrFwdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of shared vlan qos plcy packets forwarded by the port queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 2 } tPortSharedQStatsEgrFwdOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of shared vlan qos plcy octets forwarded by the port queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 3 } tPortSharedQStatsDrpPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of shared vlan qos plcy packets dropped by the port queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 4 } tPortSharedQStatsDrpOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of shared vlan qos plcy octets dropped by the port queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 5 } tPortSharedQStatsFwdExdProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of exceed-profile packets forwarded on this egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 6 } tPortSharedQStatsDrpExdProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of exceed-profile packets discarded on this egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 7 } tPortSharedQStatsFwdExdProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of exceed-profile octets forwarded on this egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 8 } tPortSharedQStatsDrpExdProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of exceed-profile octets discarded on this egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 9 } tPortSharedQStatsFwdInPlProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of inplus-profile packets forwarded on this egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 10 } tPortSharedQStatsDrpInPlProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of inplus-profile packets discarded on this egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 11 } tPortSharedQStatsFwdInPlProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of inplus-profile octets forwarded on this egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 12 } tPortSharedQStatsDrpInPlProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of inplus-profile octets discarded on this egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 13 } tPortSharedQStatsFwdInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of in-profile packets forwarded on this egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 14 } tPortSharedQStatsDrpInProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of in-profile packets dropped on this egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 15 } tPortSharedQStatsFwdInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of in-profile octets forwarded on this egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 16 } tPortSharedQStatsDrpInProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of in-profile octets dropped on this egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 17 } tPortSharedQStatsFwdOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of out-profile packets forwarded on this egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 18 } tPortSharedQStatsDrpOutProfPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of out-profile packets dropped on this egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 19 } tPortSharedQStatsFwdOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of out-profile octets forwarded on this egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 20 } tPortSharedQStatsDrpOutProfOcts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of out-profile octets dropped on this egress queue." ::= { tmnxPortSharedQStatsEntry 21 } tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortEgrVPHAShpSchdInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdInfoTable contains hardware aggregate shaper scheduler policy's scheduling algorithm information for each access egress vport when the value of tPortEgrVPortHwAggShaperSchedPol is set to configured." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 20 } tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortEgrVPHAShpSchdInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdInfoEntry represents a particular virtual port hardware aggregate shaper scheduler algorithm state at the port egress level specified by tPortEgrVPortName." INDEX { tmnxChassisIndex, tmnxPortPortID, tPortEgrVPortName } ::= { tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdInfoTable 1 } TPortEgrVPHAShpSchdInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortEgrHAShpSchdNumAggShprMbrs Counter32, tPortEgrHAShpSchdAlgScalngColor TmnxAggShaperSchdAlgColorType } tPortEgrHAShpSchdNumAggShprMbrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHAShpSchdNumAggShprMbrs represents the number of aggregate shapers parented to this vport scheduler." ::= { tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdInfoEntry 1 } tPortEgrHAShpSchdAlgScalngColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAggShaperSchdAlgColorType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortEgrHAShpSchdAlgScalngColor represents the scaling of algorithm based on number of members." ::= { tPortEgrVPHAShpSchdInfoEntry 2 } tmnxPortDwdmStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmnxPortDwdmStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tmnxPortDwdmStatsTable contains status and statistics information for optical ports supporting DWDM capabilities." ::= { tmnxPortStatsObjs 21 } tmnxPortDwdmStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxPortDwdmStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each tmnxPortDwdmStatsEntry row represents status and statistics information for an optical port supporting DWDM capabilities. Entries in this table are created automatically by the system and cannot be created or destroyed via SNMP SET operations." AUGMENTS { tmnxPortDwdmConfigEntry } ::= { tmnxPortDwdmStatsTable 1 } TmnxPortDwdmStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmnxPortDwdmOperFrequency TmnxOpticalDwdmFrequency, tmnxPortDwdmFrequencyMin TmnxOpticalDwdmFrequency, tmnxPortDwdmFrequencyMax TmnxOpticalDwdmFrequency, tmnxPortDwdmSupportedGrids BITS, tmnxPortDwdmFineTuning TruthValue, tmnxPortDwdmFineTuningResolution Unsigned32, tmnxPortDwdmFineTuningRange Unsigned32 } tmnxPortDwdmOperFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalDwdmFrequency MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDwdmOperFrequency indicates the frequency that the equipped optical module is operating at." ::= { tmnxPortDwdmStatsEntry 1 } tmnxPortDwdmFrequencyMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalDwdmFrequency MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDwdmFrequencyMin indicates the minimum frequency supported by the equipped tunable optical port." ::= { tmnxPortDwdmStatsEntry 2 } tmnxPortDwdmFrequencyMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOpticalDwdmFrequency MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDwdmFrequencyMax indicates the maximum frequency supported by the equipped tunable optical port." ::= { tmnxPortDwdmStatsEntry 3 } tmnxPortDwdmSupportedGrids OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { grid100ghz (0), grid75ghz (1), grid50ghz (2), grid33ghz (3), grid25ghz (4), grid12dot5ghz (5), grid6dot25ghz (6), grid3dot125ghz (7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDwdmSupportedGrids indicates the frequency grids supported by the equipped tunable optical port." ::= { tmnxPortDwdmStatsEntry 4 } tmnxPortDwdmFineTuning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDwdmFineTuning indicates whether the optical port support fine tuning of the frequency." ::= { tmnxPortDwdmStatsEntry 5 } tmnxPortDwdmFineTuningResolution OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "megahertz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDwdmFineTuningResolution indicates the frequency resolution for fine tuning of the equipped optical module. The value is only applicable when tmnxPortDwdmFineTuning is true." ::= { tmnxPortDwdmStatsEntry 6 } tmnxPortDwdmFineTuningRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "megahertz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tmnxPortDwdmFineTuningRange indicates the positive or negative offset that can be applied when using frequency fine tuning. The offset is from a frequency of one of the grids supported by the equipped optical module." ::= { tmnxPortDwdmStatsEntry 7 } END