TIMETRA-QOS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS AtmServiceCategory, AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex, AtmVcIdentifier FROM ATM-TC-MIB InetAddress, InetAddressIPv6, InetAddressPrefixLength, InetAddressType FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF Counter64, Integer32, IpAddress, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI MacAddress, RowStatus, StorageType, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TimeStamp, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC timetraSRMIBModules, tmnxSRConfs, tmnxSRNotifyPrefix, tmnxSRObjs FROM TIMETRA-GLOBAL-MIB TmnxMcMlpppClassIndex FROM TIMETRA-PORT-MIB Dot1PPriority, IpAddressPrefixLength, LAGInterfaceNumberOrZero, QTagFullRange, QTagFullRangeOrNone, ServiceAccessPoint, TAdaptationRule, TAdvCfgRate, TAnyQosPolicyID, TAtmTdpDescrType, TBurstHundredthsOfPercent, TBurstLimit, TBurstPercent, TBurstPercentOrDefault, TBurstSize, TBurstSizeBytes, TCIRRate, TClassBurstLimit, TDEProfile, TDEValue, TDEWredSlopeProfile, TDSCPName, TDSCPNameOrEmpty, TDSCPValue, TEgrDynPolicerIdOrNone, TEgressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero, TEgressHsmdaPerPacketOffset, TEgressHsmdaQueueId, TEgressPerPacketOffset, TEgressPolicerId, TEgressPolicerIdOrNone, TEgressProfile, TEgressProfileOrNone, TEgressQPerPacketOffset, TEgressQueueId, TEntryId, TEntryIdOrZero, TFCName, TFCNameOrEmpty, TFCType, TFCTypeOrNone, TFirBurstLimit, TFrameType, THPolCIRRate, THPolPIRRate, THPolVirtualScheCIRRate, THPolVirtualSchePIRRate, THSMDABurstSizeBytes, THSMDAQueueBurstLimit, THsPirRate, THsSchedulerPolicyGroupId, THsSchedulerPolicyWeight, THsmdaCIRKRate, THsmdaPIRKRate, THsmdaPIRMRate, THsmdaPolicyIncludeQueues, THsmdaPolicyScheduleClass, THsmdaSchedulerPolicyGroupId, THsmdaWeight, THsmdaWeightClass, THsmdaWrrWeight, TIPFilterType, TIcmpTypeOrNone, TIngClassRemarkType, TIngDynPolicerIdOrNone, TIngPolicerId, TIngPolicerIdOrNone, TIngressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero, TIngressHsmdaPerPacketOffset, TIngressHsmdaQueueId, TIngressPolicerId, TIngressPolicerIdOrNone, TIngressQPerPacketOffset, TIngressQueueId, TIpProtocol, TItemDescription, TItemMatch, TItemScope, TLNamedItem, TLNamedItemOrEmpty, TLevel, TLevelOrDefault, TLspExpValue, TMacFilterType, TMatchCriteria, TMaxDecRate, TMcFrQoSProfileId, TMlpppQoSProfileId, TNamedItem, TNamedItemOrEmpty, TNetIngPlcrBurstSizeBytes, TNetIngPolicerId, TNetIngPolicerIdOrNone, TNetworkPolicyID, TNonZeroWeight, TPIRRate, TPIRRatePercent, TPSPRateType, TPerPacketOffset, TPktByteOffset, TPlcrBurstSizeBytes, TPolRateTypeRefOrLocalLimit, TPolicerBurstSizeBytes, TPolicerRateType, TPolicerRateTypeWithRefLimit, TPolicerWeight, TPortQosCIRRate, TPortQosPIRRate, TPortSchedLevel, TPortSchedulerCIR, TPortSchedulerPIRRate, TPrecValue, TPrecValueOrNone, TPriority, TPriorityOrDefault, TProfile, TProfileOrNone, TQosHwAggShaperSchedClass, TQosQGrpInstanceIDorZero, TQosQueueCIRRate, TQosQueuePIRRate, TQueueId, TQueueMode, TRatePercent, TRateType, TRemarkType, TSapEgressPolicyID, TSapIngressPolicyID, TTcpUdpPort, TTcpUdpPortOperator, TWeight, TWredSlopeProfile, TmnxAdminStateUpDown, TmnxEgrPolicerStatMode, TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, TmnxHigh32, TmnxIngPolicerStatMode, TmnxInternalSchedWeightMode, TmnxLow32, TmnxNetIngPlcyPolicerStatMode, TmnxQosMdAutoIDCount, TmnxQosMdAutoPolicyID, TmnxQosRateHigh32, TmnxQosRateLow32, TmnxSapIngPolicerStatMode, TmnxSlopeMap FROM TIMETRA-TC-MIB ; timetraQosMIBModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201701010000Z" ORGANIZATION "Nokia" CONTACT-INFO "Nokia SROS Support Web: http://www.nokia.com" DESCRIPTION "This document is the SNMP MIB module to manage and provision Quality of Service features on Nokia SROS systems. Copyright 2003-2018 Nokia. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this document is authorized on the condition that the foregoing copyright notice is included. This SNMP MIB module (Specification) embodies Nokia's proprietary intellectual property. Nokia retains all title and ownership in the Specification, including any revisions. Nokia grants all interested parties a non-exclusive license to use and distribute an unmodified copy of this Specification in connection with management of Nokia products, and without fee, provided this copyright notice and license appear on all copies. This Specification is supplied 'as is', and Nokia makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the Specification." REVISION "201701010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 15.0 1 Jan 2017 00:00 15.0 release of the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB." REVISION "201601010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 14.0 1 Jan 2016 00:00 14.0 release of the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB." REVISION "201501010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 13.0 1 Jan 2015 00:00 13.0 release of the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB." REVISION "201401010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 12.0 1 Jan 2014 00:00 12.0 release of the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB." REVISION "200902280000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 7.0 28 Feb 2009 00:00 7.0 release of the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB." REVISION "200807010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 6.1 01 Jul 2008 00:00 6.1 release of the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB." REVISION "200801010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 6.0 01 Jan 2008 00:00 6.0 release of the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB." REVISION "200701010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 5.0 01 Jan 2007 00:00 5.0 release of the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB." REVISION "200602280000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 4.0 28 Feb 2006 00:00 4.0 release of the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB." REVISION "200508310000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 3.0 31 Aug 2005 00:00 3.0 release of the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB." REVISION "200501240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.1 24 Jan 2005 00:00 2.1 release of the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB." REVISION "200401150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.0 15 Jan 2004 00:00 2.0 release of the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB." REVISION "200308150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.2 15 Aug 2003 00:00 1.2 release of the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB." REVISION "200301200000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.0 20 Jan 2003 00:00 1.0 Release of the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB." REVISION "200105290000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 0.1 29 May 2001 00:00 Initial version of the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB." ::= { timetraSRMIBModules 16 } TmnxMcFrClassIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TmnxMcFrClassIndex indicates the class of a Multiclass Fr bundle. For example, a 4-class Fr link has 4 classes with indices 0, 1, 2, and 3." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..15) TmnxSchedPlcyParentLocation ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TmnxSchedPlcyParentLocation is an enumerated integer that indicates the location in which the schedulers in the scheduler policy will look to find their parent. none (1) - Indicates that the schedulers may not have a parent configured. sub (2) - Indicates that the schedulers should look for their parent in the subscriber profile's ingress or egress (as appropriate) scheduler policy. vport (3) - Indicates that the schedulers should look for their parent in the VPort's ingress or egress (as appropriate) scheduler policy." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), sub (2), vport (3) } TQosPrefixListType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type TQosPrefixListType enumerates all possible prefix list types." SYNTAX INTEGER { ipv4 (1), ipv6 (2) } tQosObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRObjs 16 } tDSCPObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 1 } tDSCPNameTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TDSCPNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of all DSCP Names. DSCP Name entries must exist here and be active before they can be referenced elsewhere (e.g. IP filter)." ::= { tDSCPObjects 1 } tDSCPNameEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular DSCP Name, particularly the DSCP value. It maps a DSCP Name into a DSCP value. Some default entries are created by the agent. Default entries have tDSCPNameStorageType permanent, and can not be deleted. Entries cannot be created by user but may be supported later. An attempt to create a row in this table would return no creation." INDEX { tDSCPName } ::= { tDSCPNameTable 1 } TDSCPNameEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tDSCPName TDSCPName, tDSCPNameRowStatus RowStatus, tDSCPNameStorageType StorageType, tDSCPNameDscpValue TDSCPValue, tDSCPNameLastChanged TimeStamp } tDSCPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name assigned to the DSCP Value." ::= { tDSCPNameEntry 1 } tDSCPNameRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of the entry." ::= { tDSCPNameEntry 2 } tDSCPNameStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The storage type of this row in the table." DEFVAL { nonVolatile } ::= { tDSCPNameEntry 3 } tDSCPNameDscpValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DSCP Value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tDSCPNameEntry 4 } tDSCPNameLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tDSCPNameTable." ::= { tDSCPNameEntry 5 } tFCObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 2 } tFCNameTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFCNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of all Forwarding Class Names. Forwarding Class Name entries must exist here and be active before they can be referenced elsewhere (e.g. qos queue)." ::= { tFCObjects 1 } tFCNameEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Forwarding Class Name, particularly the Forwarding Class value. Some default entries are created by the agent. Default entries have tFCStorageType permanent, and can not be deleted. Entries cannot be created by user but maybe supported in future. An attempt to create a row in this table would return no creation." INDEX { tFCName } ::= { tFCNameTable 1 } TFCNameEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFCName TFCName, tFCRowStatus RowStatus, tFCStorageType StorageType, tFCValue Integer32, tFCNameLastChanged TimeStamp } tFCName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Forwarding class name." ::= { tFCNameEntry 1 } tFCRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of the entry." ::= { tFCNameEntry 2 } tFCStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The storage type of this row in the table." DEFVAL { nonVolatile } ::= { tFCNameEntry 3 } tFCValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FC Value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tFCNameEntry 4 } tFCNameLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tFCNameTable." ::= { tFCNameEntry 5 } tSapIngressObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 3 } tSapIngressTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapIngressEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { tSapIngressObjects 1 } tSapIngressEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapIngressEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Sap Ingress Policy. sap-ingress policy (1) is the default entry. Default Entry is created by the agent, other entries are created by user. Default Entry cannot be modified/deleted. The other entries are deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tSapIngressIndex } ::= { tSapIngressTable 1 } TSapIngressEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapIngressIndex TAnyQosPolicyID, tSapIngressRowStatus RowStatus, tSapIngressScope TItemScope, tSapIngressDescription TItemDescription, tSapIngressDefaultFC TNamedItem, tSapIngressDefaultFCPriority TPriority, tSapIngressMatchCriteria TMatchCriteria, tSapIngressLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapIngressHsmdaPacketOffset TIngressHsmdaPerPacketOffset, tSapIngressDefFCHsmdaCntrOvr TIngressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero, tSapIngressMacCritType TMacFilterType, tSapIngressPolicyName TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressIPCritType TIPFilterType, tSapIngressIPv6CritType TIPFilterType, tSapIngressIsPolicyActive TruthValue, tSapIngressIngClassPlcy TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressPlcrAlloc INTEGER, tSapIngPolicersHqosManageable TruthValue } tSapIngressIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyQosPolicyID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressIndex uniquely identifies sap-ingress QoS policy. User configured policies can only have values between (1..65535). All other values are reserved for system generated policies." ::= { tSapIngressEntry 1 } tSapIngressRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for the policy. The deletion of this row has an action of removing the dependent rows in the following tables : - tSapIngressQueueTable - tSapIngressDSCPTable - tSapIngressDot1pTable" ::= { tSapIngressEntry 2 } tSapIngressScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemScope MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scope of the policy. If the scope is 'exclusive', it can only be instantiated once whereas it could have multiple instances if defined as 'exclusive'." DEFVAL { template } ::= { tSapIngressEntry 3 } tSapIngressDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "user-provided description of the policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressEntry 4 } tSapIngressDefaultFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressDefaultFC specifies the forwarding class or the sub forwarding class which should be used for all traffic that does not match a specific classification specified in this SAP ingress QoS policy. Specification of a sub forwarding class is also allowed. The format of a sub forwarding class is the concatenation of the base forwarding class and a sub class identifier in the form base-fc-name[.sub-fc-name] To reference a sub forwarding class, the mapping of the sub forwarding class should be existing in this QoS policy. If not specified explicitly, all traffic will be classified as best-effort 'be'." DEFVAL { 'be'H } ::= { tSapIngressEntry 5 } tSapIngressDefaultFCPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the priority to assign to traffic ingressing as the default action queue." DEFVAL { low } ::= { tSapIngressEntry 6 } tSapIngressMatchCriteria OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMatchCriteria MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "indicates which type of match criteria the policy should use. when set to ip(1), the policy looks for match entries in tSapIngressIPCriteriaTable or tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaTable. When set to mac(2), the policy looks for match entries in tSapIngressMacCriteriaTable. the value of tSapIngressMatchCriteria is set when the first match criteria table entry is created. the value is set to none(3) when the last criteria table entry is removed. when tSapIngressMatchCriteria is set to ip(1), no tSapIngressMacCriteriaTable entries can be created. when set to mac(2), no tSapIngressIPCriteriaTable or tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaTable entries can be created." ::= { tSapIngressEntry 7 } tSapIngressLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tSapIngressTable." ::= { tSapIngressEntry 8 } tSapIngressHsmdaPacketOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressHsmdaPerPacketOffset UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressHsmdaPacketOffset specifies the value, in bytes, of the adjustment to make to the size of each packet for HSMDA queue accounting. This object is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressEntry 9 } tSapIngressDefFCHsmdaCntrOvr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressDefFCHsmdaCntrOvr specifies the counter to use for all traffic that does not match a specific classification specified in this SAP ingress QoS policy. A value of zero implies that the default counters should be used. This object is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressEntry 10 } tSapIngressMacCritType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMacFilterType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressMacCritType specifies which type of entries this mac filter can contain. If tSapIngressMacCritType is set to 'normal(1)', all match criteria are accepted except the criteria mentioned below that belong to type vid(3) or isid(2). tSapIngressMacCritType 'isid(2)' is not supported here. If tSapIngressMacCritType is set to vid(3) the only accepted match criteria for the filter entries are: - tSapIngressMacCritInnerTagValue - tSapIngressMacCritInnerTagMask - tSapIngressMacCritOuterTagValue - tSapIngressMacCritOuterTagMask tSapIngressMacCritType can only be changed if the filter has no entries. The value will be set to 'normal(1)' if IP or IPV6 criteria are added to the this SAP ingress QoS policy. Any change attempt in this case will be silently discarded." DEFVAL { normal } ::= { tSapIngressEntry 11 } tSapIngressPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressPolicyName specifies the name to associate with this policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressEntry 12 } tSapIngressIPCritType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIPFilterType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressIPCritType specifies whether Vxlan Vni classification parameters can be configured, or whether tags can be configured, within an IP Criteria. If tSapIngressIPCritType is set to 'normal(1)', all match criteria are accepted except the criteria mentioned below that belong to type 'vxlanVni (2)'. Also, tags may not be applied to entries. If tSapIngressIPCritType is set to 'vxlanVni (2)', all match criteria including the following criteria can also be configured: - tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal1, - tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal2, - tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniOper If tSapIngressIPCritType is set to 'tagged-entries (3)', criteria entries may be tagged. tSapIngressIPCritType can only be changed if the IP criteria has no entries and no references exists for qos policy. The value will be set to 'normal(1)' if IP or IPV6 criteria are added to the this SAP ingress QoS policy. Any change attempt in this case will be silently discarded." DEFVAL { normal } ::= { tSapIngressEntry 13 } tSapIngressIPv6CritType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIPFilterType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressIPv6CritType specifies whether Vxlan Vni classification parameters can be configured, or whether tags can be configured, within an IPv6 Criteria. If tSapIngressIPv6CritType is set to 'normal(1)', all match criteria are accepted except the criteria mentioned below that belong to type 'vxlanVni (2)'. Also, tags may not be applied to entries. If tSapIngressIPv6CritType is set to 'vxlanVni (2)', all match criteria including the following criteria can also be configured: - tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal1, - tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal2, - tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniOper If tSapIngressIPv6CritType is set to 'tagged-entries (3)', criteria entries may be tagged. tSapIngressIPCritType can only be changed if the IP criteria has no entries and no references exists for qos policy. The value will be set to 'normal(1)' if IP or IPV6 criteria are added to the this SAP ingress QoS policy. Any change attempt in this case will be silently discarded." DEFVAL { normal } ::= { tSapIngressEntry 14 } tSapIngressIsPolicyActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressIsPolicyActive indicates whether this policy is active or not, i.e., whether this policy is currently consuming a forwarding plane (FP) resource on at least one FP in the system." ::= { tSapIngressEntry 15 } tSapIngressIngClassPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressIngClassPlcy specifies the ingress classification policy to apply on this sap ingress entry" DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tSapIngressEntry 16 } tSapIngressPlcrAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), per-fc (2), per-fc-unicast-multipoint (3), per-fc-unicast-multicast (4), per-fc-unicast-broadcast-unknown-multicast (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressPlcrAlloc determines the number of policers to be created at the time of sap-ingress policy creation and the fc-policer mappings" DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapIngressEntry 17 } tSapIngPolicersHqosManageable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicersHqosManageable specifies whether the policers within this sap-ingress policy are to be managed by the hierarchical qos process when this policy is applied to ingress sap. The value 'true' can not be set if any policer in the policy already has an arbiter parent and arbiter parent can not be set on a policer if tSapIngPolicersHqosManageable is already set to 'true'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapIngressEntry 18 } tSapIngressQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapIngressQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "information about all sap-ingress policies' queues." ::= { tSapIngressObjects 2 } tSapIngressQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapIngressQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular queue for a sap-ingress policy. Queue (1) is the used as a default for unicast and queue (11) is used as a default for multicast. Both these are created by the agent and can be edited but not removed from the system. Other entries are created by user." INDEX { tSapIngressIndex, tSapIngressQueue } ::= { tSapIngressQueueTable 1 } TSapIngressQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapIngressQueue TIngressQueueId, tSapIngressQueueRowStatus RowStatus, tSapIngressQueueParent TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressQueueLevel TLevel, tSapIngressQueueWeight TWeight, tSapIngressQueueCIRLevel TLevelOrDefault, tSapIngressQueueCIRWeight TWeight, tSapIngressQueueMCast TruthValue, tSapIngressQueueExpedite INTEGER, tSapIngressQueueCBS TBurstSize, tSapIngressQueueMBS TBurstSize, tSapIngressQueueHiPrioOnly TBurstPercentOrDefault, tSapIngressQueuePIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tSapIngressQueueCIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tSapIngressQueueAdminPIR TQosQueuePIRRate, tSapIngressQueueAdminCIR TQosQueueCIRRate, tSapIngressQueueOperPIR TPIRRate, tSapIngressQueueOperCIR TCIRRate, tSapIngressQueueLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapIngressQueuePoliced TruthValue, tSapIngressQueueMode TQueueMode, tSapIngressQueuePoolName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressQueueMBSBytes TBurstSizeBytes, tSapIngressQueueBurstLimit TBurstLimit, tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRPercent Unsigned32, tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRPercent Unsigned32, tSapIngressQueueRateType TPolicerRateTypeWithRefLimit, tSapIngressQueueAdvCfgPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressQueuePktOffset TIngressQPerPacketOffset, tSapIngQDrpTailLowReductnMbs TBurstPercentOrDefault, tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, tSapIngressQueueFIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tSapIngressQueueAdminFIRPercent Unsigned32, tSapIngressQueueAdminFIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tSapIngressQueueAdminFIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, tSapIngressQueueCIRNonProfiling TruthValue } tSapIngressQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressQueueId (1..32) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The queue ID is used as the secondary index to the table entry." ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 1 } tSapIngressQueueRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 2 } tSapIngressQueueParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The scheduler to which this queue would be feeding to." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 3 } tSapIngressQueueLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This specifies the level of priority while feeding to the parent." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 4 } tSapIngressQueueWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The weight that needs to be used by the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding to." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 5 } tSapIngressQueueCIRLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevelOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This specifies the level of priority while feeding to the parent. The level '0' means treat all offered load for this queue as for the above CIR traffic." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 6 } tSapIngressQueueCIRWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The weight that needs to be used until the committed rate by the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding to." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 7 } tSapIngressQueueMCast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies if this is a multicast queue or not." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 8 } tSapIngressQueueExpedite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { expedited (1), auto-expedited (2), non-expedited (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressQueueExpedite specifies the priority that this queue should be assigned by the hardware level schedulers. The value 'auto-expedited' implies that this attribute should be dynamically updated by looking at the forwarding classes mapping into this queue. In such a case the queue is treated as 'non-expedited' if there is even a single non-expedited forwarding class using this queue. This attribute is associated with the queue at the time of creation and cannot be modified thereafter." DEFVAL { auto-expedited } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 9 } tSapIngressQueueCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of reserved buffer space (in kilobytes) for the queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 10 } tSapIngressQueueMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The maximum amount of buffer space (in kilobytes) allowed for the queue. This object has been replaced with tSapIngressQueueMBSBytes object." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 11 } tSapIngressQueueHiPrioOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The percentage of buffer space for the queue, used exclusively by high priority packets. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tSapIngQDrpTailLowReductnMbs object." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 12 } tSapIngressQueuePIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 13 } tSapIngressQueueCIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational CIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 14 } tSapIngressQueueAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueuePIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The administrative PIR specified by the user. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRHi and tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRLo objects." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 15 } tSapIngressQueueAdminCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueueCIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The administrative CIR specified by the user. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRHi and tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRLo objects." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 16 } tSapIngressQueueOperPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The operating PIR." ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 17 } tSapIngressQueueOperCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TCIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The operational value derived by computing the CIR value from the administrative CIR and PIR values and their corresponding adaptation rules." ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 18 } tSapIngressQueueLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tSapIngressQueueTable." ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 19 } tSapIngressQueuePoliced OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressQueuePoliced specifies that the out of profile traffic feeding into the physical queue instance should be dropped. tSapIngressQueuePoliced overrides the bandwidth specified by the object tSapIngressQueueAdminCIR." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 20 } tSapIngressQueueMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQueueMode MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressQueueMode specifies the mode in which the queue is operating. This attribute is associated with the queue at the time of creation and cannot be modified thereafter." DEFVAL { priority } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 21 } tSapIngressQueuePoolName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressQueuePoolName specifies the name of the pool to be applied for SAP ingress queue." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 22 } tSapIngressQueueMBSBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum amount of buffer space (in bytes) allowed for the queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 23 } tSapIngressQueueBurstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressQueueBurstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size of a queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 24 } tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative PIR percentage, in centipercent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tSapIngressQueueRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 25 } tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative CIR percentage, in centipercent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tSapIngressQueueRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 26 } tSapIngressQueueRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerRateTypeWithRefLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressQueueRateType specifies the type of Ingress Queue rate. When the value of the object is set to 'kbps', the ingresss queue rates are specified in kbps. The objects tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRPercent and tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of the object is set to either 'percentOfPortLimit' or 'percentOfLocalLimit' or 'percentReferPortLimit', the ingress queue rates are specified in percentage. The objects tSapIngressQueueAdminCIR and tSapIngressQueueAdminPIR will be set to their default values." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 27 } tSapIngressQueueAdvCfgPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressQueueAdvCfgPolicy specifies the name of the advanced configuration policy to be applied with this queue." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 28 } tSapIngressQueuePktOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressQPerPacketOffset UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressQueuePktOffset specifies the value, in bytes, of the adjustment to make to the size of each packet for queue accounting. A 'wrongValue' error is returned while trying to set odd values for this object. This object is only supported for queues residing on FP2 or greater forwarding planes. It is ignored for queues on FP1 forwarding planes." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 29 } tSapIngQDrpTailLowReductnMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngQDrpTailLowReductnMbs specifies the percentage at which low drop tail is being reduced from the MBS specified by tSapIngressQueueMBSBytes." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 30 } tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the administrative PIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRHi along with the value of tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 31 } tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRLo specifies the lower 32 bits of the administrative PIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRHi along with the value of tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 32 } tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the administrative CIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRHi along with the value of tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 33 } tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRLo specifies the lower 32 bits of the administrative CIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRHi along with the value of tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 34 } tSapIngressQueueFIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational FIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 35 } tSapIngressQueueAdminFIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative FIR percentage, in centipercent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapIngressQueueAdminFIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tSapIngressQueueRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 36 } tSapIngressQueueAdminFIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressQueueAdminFIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the administrative FIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tSapIngressQueueAdminFIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRHi along with the value of tSapIngressQueueAdminFIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 37 } tSapIngressQueueAdminFIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressQueueAdminFIRLo specifies the lower 32 bits of the administrative FIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tSapIngressQueueAdminFIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapIngressQueueAdminFIRHi along with the value of tSapIngressQueueAdminFIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 38 } tSapIngressQueueCIRNonProfiling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressQueueCIRNonProfiling specifies the CIR to affect the scheduling priority of a queue but does not modify the profile of packets depending on the specified CIR." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapIngressQueueEntry 39 } tSapIngressDSCPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapIngressDSCPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "a list of all DSCP entries for all sap-ingress policies." ::= { tSapIngressObjects 3 } tSapIngressDSCPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapIngressDSCPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular DSCP entry for a sap-ingress policy. Entries are created by user. Entries are deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile. in the event that one policy has multiple entries, and the tSapIngressDSCP values are the same, only one queue will be created (the queue for the lexicographically first tSapIngressDSCP)." INDEX { tSapIngressIndex, tSapIngressDSCP } ::= { tSapIngressDSCPTable 1 } TSapIngressDSCPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapIngressDSCP TDSCPName, tSapIngressDSCPRowStatus RowStatus, tSapIngressDSCPFC TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressDSCPPriority TPriorityOrDefault, tSapIngressDSCPLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapIngressDSCPHsmdaCntrOvr TIngressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero } tSapIngressDSCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tSapIngressDSCPEntry 1 } tSapIngressDSCPRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tSapIngressDSCPEntry 2 } tSapIngressDSCPFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressDSCPFC specifies the forwarding class or the sub forwarding class to be used to classify all the traffic that matches the specific DSCP i.e. tSapIngressDSCP. Specification of a sub forwarding class is also allowed. The format of a sub forwarding class is the concatenation of the base forwarding class and a sub class identifier in the form base-fc-name[.sub-fc-name] To reference a sub forwarding class, the mapping of the sub forwarding class should be existing in this QoS policy. Unless tSapIngressDSCPFC is specified explicitly, this match will be ignored for classification purposes." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressDSCPEntry 3 } tSapIngressDSCPPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPriorityOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" DEFVAL { default } ::= { tSapIngressDSCPEntry 4 } tSapIngressDSCPLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tSapIngressDSCPTable." ::= { tSapIngressDSCPEntry 5 } tSapIngressDSCPHsmdaCntrOvr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressDSCPHsmdaCntrOvr specifies the counter to use for all the traffic that matches the specific DSCP i.e. tSapIngressDSCP. A value of zero implies that the default counters should be used. This object is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressDSCPEntry 6 } tSapIngressDot1pTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapIngressDot1pEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "a list of all dot1p entries for all sap-ingress policies." ::= { tSapIngressObjects 4 } tSapIngressDot1pEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapIngressDot1pEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular dot1p match for a sap-ingress policy. Entries are created by user. Entries are deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tSapIngressIndex, tSapIngressDot1pValue } ::= { tSapIngressDot1pTable 1 } TSapIngressDot1pEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapIngressDot1pValue Dot1PPriority, tSapIngressDot1pRowStatus RowStatus, tSapIngressDot1pFC TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressDot1pPriority TPriorityOrDefault, tSapIngressDot1pLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapIngressDot1pHsmdaCntrOvr TIngressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero } tSapIngressDot1pValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority (0..7) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dot1p value to match in the packet. this value is also used as an index so that for any dot1p value there is only one possible disposition queue and priority." ::= { tSapIngressDot1pEntry 1 } tSapIngressDot1pRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this sap-ingress policy's dot1p entry." ::= { tSapIngressDot1pEntry 2 } tSapIngressDot1pFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressDot1pFC specifies the forwarding class or the sub forwarding class to be used to classify all the traffic that matches the specific Dot1p i.e. tSapIngressDot1pValue. Specification of a sub forwarding class is also allowed. The format of a sub forwarding class is the concatenation of the base forwarding class and a sub class identifier in the form base-fc-name[.sub-fc-name] To reference a sub forwarding class, the mapping of the sub forwarding class should be existing in this QoS policy. Unless tSapIngressDot1pFC is specified explicitly, this match will be ignored for classification purposes." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressDot1pEntry 3 } tSapIngressDot1pPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPriorityOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "priority to use for packets that match the dot1p value tSapIngressDot1pValue." DEFVAL { default } ::= { tSapIngressDot1pEntry 4 } tSapIngressDot1pLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tSapIngressDot1pTable." ::= { tSapIngressDot1pEntry 5 } tSapIngressDot1pHsmdaCntrOvr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressDot1pHsmdaCntrOvr specifies the counter to use for all the traffic that matches the specific Dot1p i.e. tSapIngressDot1pValue. A value of zero implies that the default counters should be used. This object is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressDot1pEntry 6 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "information about all sap-ingress policies' IP criteria entries." ::= { tSapIngressObjects 5 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular IP criteria entry for a sap-ingress policy. Entries are created by user. Entries are deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tSapIngressIndex, tSapIngressIPCriteriaIndex } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaTable 1 } TSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapIngressIPCriteriaIndex TEntryId, tSapIngressIPCriteriaRowStatus RowStatus, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDescription TItemDescription, tSapIngressIPCriteriaActionFC TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressIPCriteriaActionPriority TPriorityOrDefault, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpAddr IpAddress, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask IpAddressPrefixLength, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpAddr IpAddress, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask IpAddressPrefixLength, tSapIngressIPCriteriaProtocol TIpProtocol, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue1 TTcpUdpPort, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue2 TTcpUdpPort, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortOperator TTcpUdpPortOperator, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue1 TTcpUdpPort, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue2 TTcpUdpPort, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortOperator TTcpUdpPortOperator, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDSCP TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tSapIngressIPCriteriaFragment TItemMatch, tSapIngressIPCriteriaLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapIngressIPCritHsmdaCntrOvr TIngressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero, tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask IpAddress, tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask IpAddress, tSapIngressIPCritActionPolicer TIngressPolicerIdOrNone, tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpPrefixList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressIPCritDstIpPrefixList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal1 Unsigned32, tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal2 Unsigned32, tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniOper INTEGER, tSapIngressIPCriteriaTagId Unsigned32 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "unique identifier separates this entry from others in this policy." ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 1 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for the IP Criteria entry." ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 2 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "description of this IP criteria entry." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 3 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaActionFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressIPCriteriaActionFC specifies the forwarding class or the sub forwarding class to be used to classify all the traffic that matches the specific IP criteria. Specification of a sub forwarding class is also allowed. The format of a sub forwarding class is the concatenation of the base forwarding class and a sub class identifier in the form base-fc-name[.sub-fc-name] To reference a sub forwarding class, the mapping of the sub forwarding class should be existing in this QoS policy. Unless tSapIngressIPCriteriaActionFC is specified explicitly, this match will be ignored for classification purposes." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 4 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaActionPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPriorityOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "priority for packets which match this entry's criteria. when set to default, the packet is sent to the queue from DSCP/dot1p/FC which matched the packet, using the priority from the DSCP/dot1p/FC which matched the packet." DEFVAL { default } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 5 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address to match with source IP of the packet. The value of object tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpAddr needs to be always set together along with tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask or tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 6 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask specifies the IP Mask value for this policy IP Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received source IP address to match the tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpAddr. If the value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask is 0, and the value of tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask is non zero then the value of tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask is used as mask. If the value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed the object tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask. If both tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask and tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the source Ip address. If a value is specified for this object, then the value of the object tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask will be set to reflect this same mask. The value of object tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpAddr needs to be always set together along with tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask or tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 7 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address to match with destination IP of the packet. The value of object tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpAddr needs to be always set together along with tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask or tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 8 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask specifies the IP Mask value for this policy IP Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received Destination IP address to match the tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpAddr. If the value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask is 0, and the value of tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask is non zero then the value of tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask is used as mask. If the value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed the object tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask. If both tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask and tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Destination Ip address. If a value is specified for this object, then the value of the object tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask will be set to reflect this same mask. The value of object tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpAddr needs to be always set together along with tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask or tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 9 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIpProtocol MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP protocol to match. Use -1 to disable matching by IP protocol." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 10 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TCP/UDP port value1. The value of this object is used according to the description for tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortOperator. This object cannot set to non-default value, if the value of tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal1, tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal2 or tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniOper is set to non-default values. The value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortOperator and tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue1 and tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue2 should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 11 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TCP/UDP port value2. The value of this object is used according to the description for tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortOperator. This object cannot set to non-default value, if the value of tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal1, tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal2 or tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniOper is set to non-default values. The value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortOperator and tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue1 and tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue2 should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 12 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPortOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operator specifies the manner in which tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue1 and tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue2 are to be used. The value of these latter 2 objects and tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortOperator is used as described in TTcpUdpPortOperator. This object cannot set to non-default value, if the value of tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal1, tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal2 or tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniOper is set to non-default values. The value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortOperator and tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue1 and tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue2 should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 13 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TCP/UDP port value1. The value of this object is used according to the description for tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortOperator. This object cannot set to non-default value, if the value of tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal1, tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal2 or tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniOper is set to non-default values. The value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortOperator and tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue1 and tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue2 should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 14 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TCP/UDP port value2. The value of this object is used according to the description for tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortOperator. This object cannot set to non-default value, if the value of tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal1, tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal2 or tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniOper is set to non-default values. The value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortOperator and tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue1 and tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue2 should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 15 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPortOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operator specifies the manner in which tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue1 and tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue2 are to be used. The value of these latter 2 objects and tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortOperator is used as described in TTcpUdpPortOperator. This object cannot set to non-default value, if the value of tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal1, tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal2 or tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniOper is set to non-default values. The value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortOperator and tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue1 and tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue2 should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 16 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaDSCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DSCP value to match in the packet" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 17 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaFragment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "matches when the packet is a fragment (true) or when the packet is not a fragment (false) or matches all packets fragmented or not (off)." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 19 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tSapIngressIPCriteriaTable." ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 20 } tSapIngressIPCritHsmdaCntrOvr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressIPCritHsmdaCntrOvr specifies the Hsmda counter to use for matching packets. This value will be ignored when the sap-ingress policy specified by tSapIngressIndex, is applied to a SAP on a non-Hsmda MDA type. A value of zero implies that the default counters should be used. This object is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 21 } tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask specifies the IP Mask value for this policy IP Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received Source IP address to match the tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpAddr. If the value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed in the object tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask. If both tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask and tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Source IP address. If a regular mask is specified for tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask then the value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask will be changed to reflect this value. The value of object tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpAddr needs to be always set together along with tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask or tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 22 } tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask specifies the IP Mask value for this policy IP Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received Dest IP address to match the tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpAddr. If the value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed in the object tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask. If both tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask and tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Dest IP address. If a regular mask is specified for tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask then the value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask will be changed to reflect this value. The value of object tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpAddr needs to be always set together along with tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask or tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 23 } tSapIngressIPCritActionPolicer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressIPCritActionPolicer specifies the policer identifier to be used for the traffic matching this IP Criteria Entry. It provides the ability to direct specific traffic to a different SAP ingress policer (tSapIngressIPCritActionPolicer) independently from that configured for the traffic's FC in tSapIngressFCPolicer. This action policer will be referred to as a bypass-policer. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapIngressIPCritActionPolicer is set to a non-default value when tSapIngressIPCriteriaRowStatus is set to not in service." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 24 } tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpPrefixList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpPrefixList specifies the IP prefix list used as match criterion for the source ip address. The value specified for this object must correspond to a prefix list defined in tQosPrefixListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpAddr and tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask or tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask are used as source ip address match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpAddr, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask and tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for the objects tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpAddr and tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask or tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask then this object is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. An attempt to set tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpPrefixList to a non-default value in combination with setting any of tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpAddr and tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask or tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask to (a) non-default value(s) is rejected by the system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 26 } tSapIngressIPCritDstIpPrefixList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressIPCritDstIpPrefixList specifies the IP prefix list used as match criterion for the destination ip address. The value specified for this object must correspond to a prefix list defined in tQosPrefixListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpAddr and tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask or tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask are used as destination ip address match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpAddr, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask and tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for the objects tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpAddr and tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask or tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask then this object is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. An attempt to set tSapIngressIPCritDstIpPrefixList to a non-default value in combination with setting any of tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpAddr and tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask or tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask to (a) non-default value(s) is rejected by the system" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 27 } tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..16777215) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal1 specifies the VNI identifier of the VXLAN to be used for the traffic matching. The value of 0 indicates that the Vxlan Vni classification is disabled. This value can be set to non-default value when the value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaProtocol is set to 'udp' and tSapIngressIPCritType is set to 'vxlanVni (2)'. This object cannot set to non-default value, if the values of tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue2 or tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortOperator and tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue2 or tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortOperator are set to non-default values." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 28 } tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..16777215) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal2 specifies the VNI identifier of the VXLAN to be used for the traffic matching. The value of 0 indicates that the Vxlan Vni classification is disabled. This value can be set to non-default value when the value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaProtocol is set to 'udp' and tSapIngressIPCritType is set to 'vxlanVni (2)'. This object cannot set to non-default value, if the value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue2 or tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortOperator and tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue2 or tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortOperator is set to non-default values." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 29 } tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), eq (1), range (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniOper operator specifies the manner in which tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal1 and tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal2 are to be used: Operator Value1 Value2 ---------------------------------------------------- none (0) Any(0) Any(0) eq (1) Specified Val1 Any(0) range(2) Starting Val1 Ending Val2 'Any(0)' specifies that, this object can accept any values but would default to 0. This object cannot set to non-default value, if the value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue2 or tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortOperator and tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue2 or tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortOperator is set to non-default values." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 30 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaTagId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaTagId specifies tag identification associatied with the entry." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPCriteriaEntry 31 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "information about all sap-ingress policies' MAC criteria entries." ::= { tSapIngressObjects 6 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular MAC criteria entry for a sap-ingress policy. Entries are created by user. Entries are deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tSapIngressIndex, tSapIngressMacCriteriaIndex } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaTable 1 } TSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapIngressMacCriteriaIndex TEntryId, tSapIngressMacCriteriaRowStatus RowStatus, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDescription TItemDescription, tSapIngressMacCriteriaActionFC TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressMacCriteriaActionPriority TPriorityOrDefault, tSapIngressMacCriteriaFrameType TFrameType, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSrcMacAddr MacAddress, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSrcMacMask MacAddress, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDstMacAddr MacAddress, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDstMacMask MacAddress, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDot1PValue Dot1PPriority, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDot1PMask Dot1PPriority, tSapIngressMacCriteriaEthernetType Integer32, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDSAP ServiceAccessPoint, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDSAPMask ServiceAccessPoint, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSSAP ServiceAccessPoint, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSSAPMask ServiceAccessPoint, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSnapPid Integer32, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSnapOui INTEGER, tSapIngressMacCriteriaLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapIngressMacCriteriaAtmVci AtmVcIdentifier, tSapIngressMacCritInnerTagValue QTagFullRangeOrNone, tSapIngressMacCritInnerTagMask QTagFullRange, tSapIngressMacCritOuterTagValue QTagFullRangeOrNone, tSapIngressMacCritOuterTagMask QTagFullRange, tSapIngressMacCritActionPolicer TIngressPolicerIdOrNone } tSapIngressMacCriteriaIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 1 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 2 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 3 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaActionFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressMacCriteriaActionFC specifies the forwarding class or the sub forwarding class to be used to classify all the traffic that matches the specific Mac criteria. Specification of a sub forwarding class is also allowed. The format of a sub forwarding class is the concatenation of the base forwarding class and a sub class identifier in the form base-fc-name[.sub-fc-name] To reference a sub forwarding class, the mapping of the sub forwarding class should be existing in this QoS policy. Unless tSapIngressMacCriteriaActionFC is specified explicitly, this match will be ignored for classification purposes." ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 4 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaActionPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPriorityOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" DEFVAL { default } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 5 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaFrameType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFrameType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of mac frame for which we are defining this match criteria." DEFVAL { e802dot3 } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 6 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaSrcMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 8 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaSrcMacMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 9 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaDstMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 10 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaDstMacMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 11 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaDot1PValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 12 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaDot1PMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 13 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaEthernetType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1536..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the ethernet type, ssap/dsap, and snap-pid match criteria are mutually exclusive and only one can be set per entry." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 14 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaDSAP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceAccessPoint MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the ethernet type, ssap/dsap, and snap-pid match criteria are mutually exclusive and only one can be set per entry." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 15 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaDSAPMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceAccessPoint MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the ethernet type, ssap/dsap, and snap-pid match criteria are mutually exclusive and only one can be set per entry." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 16 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaSSAP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceAccessPoint MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the ethernet type, ssap/dsap, and snap-pid match criteria are mutually exclusive and only one can be set per entry." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 17 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaSSAPMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceAccessPoint MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the ethernet type, ssap/dsap, and snap-pid match criteria are mutually exclusive and only one can be set per entry." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 18 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaSnapPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the ethernet type, ssap/dsap, and snap-pid match criteria are mutually exclusive and only one can be set per entry." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 19 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaSnapOui OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), zero (2), nonZero (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "whether to match snap-oui, and what to match." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 20 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tSapIngressMacCriteriaTable." ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 21 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaAtmVci OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmVcIdentifier MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressMacCriteriaAtmVci specifies ATM VC Identifier to match as part of the MAC criteria for this SAP on the ingress. An inconsistentValue error is returned if this object is set when tSapIngressMacCriteriaFrameType is not set to 'atm'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 22 } tSapIngressMacCritInnerTagValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QTagFullRangeOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressMacCritInnerTagValue specifies the value to match against the VID of the second VLAN tag in the packet that is carried transparently through the service (the second vlan tag after the service delimiting tags). This object can only be set if tSapIngressMacCritType is set to 'vid(3)'. The (default) value of '-1' indicates no VLAN tag matching will be performed." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 23 } tSapIngressMacCritInnerTagMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QTagFullRange (1..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressMacCritInnerTagMask is applied as a mask to VID of the inner VLAN tag of the packet prior to comparing it with tSapIngressMacCritInnerTagValue. The inner tag is the second tag in the packet that is carried transparently through the service (the second tag after the service delimiting tags). This object can only be set if tSapIngressMacCritType is set to 'vid(3)'." DEFVAL { 4095 } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 24 } tSapIngressMacCritOuterTagValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QTagFullRangeOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressMacCritOuterTagValue specifies the value to match against the VID of the first VLAN tag in the packet that is carried transparently through the service (the first vlan tag after the service delimiting tags). This object can only be set if tSapIngressMacCritType is set to 'vid(3)'. The (default) value of '-1' indicates no outer VLAN tag matching will be performed." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 25 } tSapIngressMacCritOuterTagMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QTagFullRange (1..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressMacCritOuterTagMask is applied as a mask to VID of the outer VLAN tag of the packet prior to comparing it with tSapIngressMacCritOuterTagValue. The outer tag is the first tag in the packet that is carried transparently through the service (the first tag after the service delimiting tags). This object can only be set if tSapIngressMacCritType is set to 'vid(3)'." DEFVAL { 4095 } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 26 } tSapIngressMacCritActionPolicer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressMacCritActionPolicer specifies the policer identifier to be used for the traffic matching this MAC Criteria Entry. It provides the ability to direct specific traffic to a different SAP ingress policer (tSapIngressMacCritActionPolicer) independently from that configured for the traffic's FC in tSapIngressFCPolicer. This action policer will be referred to as a bypass-policer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressMacCriteriaEntry 27 } tSapIngressFCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapIngressFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains the mapping of a particular forwarding class traffic into the specified queue." ::= { tSapIngressObjects 7 } tSapIngressFCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapIngressFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular sap-ingress policy's forwarding class mappings to queues. Entries are created and deleted by user. They have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tSapIngressIndex, tSapIngressFCName } ::= { tSapIngressFCTable 1 } TSapIngressFCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapIngressFCName TNamedItem, tSapIngressFCRowStatus RowStatus, tSapIngressFCQueue TIngressQueueId, tSapIngressFCMCastQueue TIngressQueueId, tSapIngressFCBCastQueue TIngressQueueId, tSapIngressFCUnknownQueue TIngressQueueId, tSapIngressFCLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapIngressFCInProfRemark TRemarkType, tSapIngressFCInProfDscp TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressFCInProfPrec TPrecValueOrNone, tSapIngressFCOutProfRemark TRemarkType, tSapIngressFCOutProfDscp TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressFCOutProfPrec TPrecValueOrNone, tSapIngressFCProfile TProfileOrNone, tSapIngressFCHsmdaQueue TIngressHsmdaQueueId, tSapIngressFCHsmdaMCastQueue TIngressHsmdaQueueId, tSapIngressFCHsmdaBCastQueue TIngressHsmdaQueueId, tSapIngressFCDE1OutOfProfile TruthValue, tSapIngressFCQGrp TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressFCQGrpMCast TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressFCQGrpBCast TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressFCQGrpUnknown TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressFCPolicer TIngressPolicerIdOrNone, tSapIngressFCMCastPolicer TIngressPolicerIdOrNone, tSapIngressFCBCastPolicer TIngressPolicerIdOrNone, tSapIngressFCUnknownPolicer TIngressPolicerIdOrNone, tSapIngressFCPlcrFPQGrp TruthValue, tSapIngressFCMCastPlcrFPQGrp TruthValue, tSapIngressFCBCastPlcrFPQGrp TruthValue, tSapIngressFCUnknownPlcrFPQGrp TruthValue, tSapIngressFCEgressOverrideFC TNamedItemOrEmpty } tSapIngressFCName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressFCName specifies the forwarding class or the sub forwarding class for which this mapping is defined. A sub forwarding class mapping can also be configured. The format of a sub forwarding class is the concatenation of the base forwarding class and a sub class identifier in the form base-fc-name[.sub-fc-name] A sub forwarding class mapping should exist in this table if any explicit match criteria in this SAP ingress QoS policy try to use it. However, it is not the same for the base forwarding classes." ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 1 } tSapIngressFCRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this queue." ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 2 } tSapIngressFCQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressQueueId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The specific queue to be used for packets in this forwarding class. Default value for this object along with default value for tSapIngressFCQGrp implies that the default queues should be used. The value of objects tSapIngressFCQueue and tSapIngressFCQGrp should always be set together. When the value of tSapIngressFCQGrp is set to default and the value of tSapIngressFCQueue is set to non-default, then tSapIngressFCQueue references tSapIngressQueue. When the value of tSapIngressFCQGrp is set to non-default and the value of tSapIngressFCQueue is set to non-default, then tSapIngressFCQueue references tQosIngQueue." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 3 } tSapIngressFCMCastQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressQueueId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The specific multicast queue to be used for packets in this forwarding class. The queue is used only for specific entities and will be ignored wherever it is irrelevant. Default value for this object along with default value for tSapIngressFCQGrpMCast implies that the default queues should be used. The value of objects tSapIngressFCMCastQueue and tSapIngressFCQGrpMCast should always be set together. When the value of tSapIngressFCQGrpMCast is set to default and the value of tSapIngressFCMCastQueue is set to non-default, then tSapIngressFCQueue references tSapIngressQueue. When the value of tSapIngressFCQGrpMCast is set to non-default and the value of tSapIngressFCMCastQueue is set to non-default, then tSapIngressFCMCastQueue references tQosIngQueue." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 4 } tSapIngressFCBCastQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressQueueId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The specific broadcast queue to be used for packets in this forwarding class. The queue is used only for specific entities and will be ignored wherever it is irrelevant. Default value for this object along with default value for tSapIngressFCQGrpBCast implies that the default queues should be used. The value of objects tSapIngressFCMCastQueue and tSapIngressFCQGrpMCast should always be set together. When the value of tSapIngressFCQGrpMCast is set to default and the value of tSapIngressFCMCastQueue is set to non-default, then tSapIngressFCQueue references tSapIngressQueue. When the value of tSapIngressFCQGrpMCast is set to non-default and the value of tSapIngressFCMCastQueue is set to non-default, then tSapIngressFCMCastQueue references tQosIngQueue." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 5 } tSapIngressFCUnknownQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressQueueId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The specific unknown destination queue to be used for packets in this forwarding class. The queue is used only for specific entities and will be ignored wherever it is irrelevant. Default value for this object along with default value for tSapIngressFCQGrpUnknown implies that the default queues should be used. The value of objects tSapIngressFCUnknownQueue and tSapIngressFCQGrpUnknown should always be set together. When the value of tSapIngressFCQGrpUnknown is set to default and the value of tSapIngressFCUnknownQueue is set to non-default, then tSapIngressFCUnknownQueue references tSapIngressQueue. When the value of tSapIngressFCQGrpUnknown is set to non-default and the value of tSapIngressFCUnknownQueue is set to non-default, then tSapIngressFCUnknownQueue references tQosIngQueue." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 6 } tSapIngressFCLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressFCLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime when the forwarding class entry was last modified." ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 7 } tSapIngressFCInProfRemark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TRemarkType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressFCInProfRemark specifies the remarking type to be used for the in profile packets feeding into the queues. When the value of tSapIngressFCInProfRemark is set to 'none', the values of tSapIngressFCInProfDscp and tSapIngressFCInProfPrec are set to default values. When the value of tSapIngressFCInProfRemark is set to 'dscp', the value of tSapIngressFCInProfDscp should be set to non-default value and the value of tSapIngressFCInProfPrec should be set to default value. When the value of tSapIngressFCInProfRemark is set to 'precedence', the value of tSapIngressFCInProfDscp should be set to default value and the value of tSapIngressFCInProfPrec should be set to non-default value." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 8 } tSapIngressFCInProfDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressFCInProfDscp specifies the DSCP to be used while remarking the in profile packets when the in-profile remarking type, tSapIngressFCInProfRemark is specified to be 'dscp'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 9 } tSapIngressFCInProfPrec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPrecValueOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressFCInProfPrec specifies the precedence value to be used while remarking the in profile packets when the in-profile remarking type, tSapIngressFCInProfRemark is specified to be 'precedence'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 10 } tSapIngressFCOutProfRemark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TRemarkType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressFCOutProfRemark specifies the remarking type to be used for the in profile packets feeding into the queues. When the value of tSapIngressFCOutProfRemark is set to 'none', the values of tSapIngressFCOutProfDscp and tSapIngressFCOutProfPrec are set to default values. When the value of tSapIngressFCOutProfRemark is set to 'dscp', the value of tSapIngressFCOutProfDscp should be set to non-default value and the value of tSapIngressFCOutProfPrec should be set to default value. When the value of tSapIngressFCOutProfRemark is set to 'precedence', the value of tSapIngressFCOutProfDscp should be set to default value and the value of tSapIngressFCOutProfPrec should be set to non-default value." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 11 } tSapIngressFCOutProfDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressFCOutProfDscp specifies the DSCP to be used while remarking the in profile packets when the in-profile remarking type, tSapIngressFCOutProfRemark is specified to be 'dscp'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 12 } tSapIngressFCOutProfPrec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPrecValueOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressFCOutProfPrec specifies the precedence value to be used while remarking the in profile packets when the in-profile remarking type, tSapIngressFCOutProfRemark is specified to be 'precedence'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 13 } tSapIngressFCProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TProfileOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressFCProfile specifies the profile of the packets associated with this forwarding class. This object can not be set to anything but 'none' if the queues being used by this mapping do not have their modes, tSapIngressQueueMode set to 'profile'." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 14 } tSapIngressFCHsmdaQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressHsmdaQueueId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressFCHsmdaQueue specifies the HSMDA queue to use for packets in this forwarding class. This mapping will be used when the SAP is on a HSMDA MDA. A value of zero implies that the default queues should be used. This object is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 15 } tSapIngressFCHsmdaMCastQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressHsmdaQueueId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressFCHsmdaMCastQueue specifies the multicast queue to use for packets in this forwarding class. This mapping will be used when the SAP is on a HSMDA MDA. A value of zero implies that the default queues should be used. This object is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 16 } tSapIngressFCHsmdaBCastQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressHsmdaQueueId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressFCHsmdaBCastQueue specifies the broadcast queue to use for packets in this forwarding class. This mapping will be used when the SAP is on a HSMDA MDA. A value of zero implies that the default queues should be used. This object is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 17 } tSapIngressFCDE1OutOfProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressFCDE1OutOfProfile specifies whether frames with DE value of '1' are to be treated as out-of-profile (as if tSapIngressFCProfile was set to 'out'). When tSapIngressFCDE1OutOfProfile is set to 'true', frames with DE value of '1' are automatically classified as out-of-profile. Frames with DE value of '0' will continue to be policed based on the value of tSapIngressQueueAdminCIR. That is, if the dynamic rate of ingress queue is within CIR, frames with DE=0 will be treated as in-profile (as if tSapIngressFCProfile was set to 'in') otherwise these frames are treated as out-of-profile. When tSapIngressFCDE1OutOfProfile is set to 'true', it supercedes action specified by the value of tSapIngressFCProfile." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 18 } tSapIngressFCQGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressFCQGrp specifies the tQosIngQGroupName. The value of objects tSapIngressFCQueue and tSapIngressFCQGrp should always be set together. When the value of tSapIngressFCQGrp is set to default and the value of tSapIngressFCQueue is set to non-default, then tSapIngressFCQueue references tSapIngressQueue. When the value of tSapIngressFCQGrp is set to non-default and the value of tSapIngressFCQueue is set to non-default, then tSapIngressFCQueue references tQosIngQueue." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 19 } tSapIngressFCQGrpMCast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressFCQGrpMCast specifies the tQosIngQGroupName. The value of objects tSapIngressFCMCastQueue and tSapIngressFCQGrpMCast should always be set together. When the value of tSapIngressFCQGrpMCast is set to default and the value of tSapIngressFCMCastQueue is set to non-default, then tSapIngressFCMCastQueue references tSapIngressQueue. When the value of tSapIngressFCQGrpMCast is set to non-default and the value of tSapIngressFCMCastQueue is set to non-default, then tSapIngressFCMCastQueue references tQosIngQueue." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 20 } tSapIngressFCQGrpBCast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressFCQGrpBCast specifies the tQosIngQGroupName. The value of objects tSapIngressFCBCastQueue and tSapIngressFCQGrpBCast should always be set together. When the value of tSapIngressFCQGrpBCast is set to default and the value of tSapIngressFCBCastQueue is set to non-default, then tSapIngressFCBCastQueue references tSapIngressQueue. When the value of tSapIngressFCQGrpBCast is set to non-default and the value of tSapIngressFCBCastQueue is set to non-default, then tSapIngressFCBCastQueue references tQosIngQueue." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 21 } tSapIngressFCQGrpUnknown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressFCQGrpUnknown specifies the tQosIngQGroupName. The value of objects tSapIngressFCUnknownQueue and tSapIngressFCQGrpUnknown should always be set together. When the value of tSapIngressFCQGrpUnknown is set to default and the value of tSapIngressFCUnknownQueue is set to non-default, then tSapIngressFCUnknownQueue references tSapIngressQueue. When the value of tSapIngressFCQGrpUnknown is set to non-default and the value of tSapIngressFCUnknownQueue is set to non-default, then tSapIngressFCUnknownQueue references tQosIngQueue." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 22 } tSapIngressFCPolicer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressFCPolicer specifies the policer ID to be used for the normal traffic in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 23 } tSapIngressFCMCastPolicer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressFCMCastPolicer specifies the policer ID to be used for multicast in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 24 } tSapIngressFCBCastPolicer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressFCBCastPolicer specifies the policer ID to be used for broadcast traffic in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 25 } tSapIngressFCUnknownPolicer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressFCUnknownPolicer specifies the policer ID to be used for unknown traffic in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 26 } tSapIngressFCPlcrFPQGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressFCPlcrFPQGrp specifies whether to use the specified policer defined in FP(forwarding-plane) Queue group for this SAP. When tSapIngressFCPlcrFPQGrp is set to 'true', it specifies the FC to use the specific policer defined in the FP Queue Group instance attached to the SAP specified by sapIngressFPQGrp and sapIngressFPQGrpInstanceId. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapIngressFCPlcrFPQGrp is set to a non-default value and an entry corresponding to the policer tSapIngressFCPolicer does not exist in Queue group attached at the FP." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 27 } tSapIngressFCMCastPlcrFPQGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressFCMCastPlcrFPQGrp specifies whether to use the specified multicast policer defined in FP(forwarding-plane) Queue group for this SAP. When tSapIngressFCMCastPlcrFPQGrp is set to 'true', it specifies the FC to use the specific multicast policer defined in the FP Queue Group instance attached to the SAP specified by sapIngressFPQGrp and sapIngressFPQGrpInstanceId. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapIngressFCMCastPlcrFPQGrp is set to a non-default value and an entry corresponding to the policer tSapIngressFCPolicer does not exist in Queue group attached at the FP." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 28 } tSapIngressFCBCastPlcrFPQGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressFCBCastPlcrFPQGrp specifies whether to use the specified broadcast policer defined in FP(forwarding-plane) Queue group for this SAP. When tSapIngressFCBCastPlcrFPQGrp is set to 'true', it specifies the FC to use the specific broadcast policer defined in the FP Queue Group instance attached to the SAP specified by sapIngressFPQGrp and sapIngressFPQGrpInstanceId. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapIngressFCBCastPlcrFPQGrp is set to a non-default value and an entry corresponding to the policer tSapIngressFCPolicer does not exist in Queue group attached at the FP." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 29 } tSapIngressFCUnknownPlcrFPQGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressFCUnknownPlcrFPQGrp specifies whether to use the specified unknown policer defined in FP(forwarding-plane) Queue group for this SAP. When tSapIngressFCUnknownPlcrFPQGrp is set to 'true', it specifies the FC to use the specific broadcast policer defined in the FP Queue Group instance attached to the SAP specified by sapIngressFPQGrp and sapIngressFPQGrpInstanceId. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapIngressFCUnknownPlcrFPQGrp is set to a non-default value and an entry corresponding to the policer tSapIngressFCPolicer does not exist in Queue group attached at the FP." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 30 } tSapIngressFCEgressOverrideFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressFCEgressOverrideFC specifies the forwarding class that overrides the forwarding class determined by ingress classification. The forwarding class and/or forwarding sub-class can be overridden. The new egress forwarding class is applicable to both SAP egress and network egress." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressFCEntry 31 } tSapIngressPrecTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapIngressPrecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains the mapping of a particular precedence value into a forwarding class" ::= { tSapIngressObjects 8 } tSapIngressPrecEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapIngressPrecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular sap-ingress policy's IP precedence values to forwarding class mappings. Entries are created and deleted by user. They have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tSapIngressIndex, tSapIngressPrecValue } ::= { tSapIngressPrecTable 1 } TSapIngressPrecEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapIngressPrecValue TPrecValue, tSapIngressPrecRowStatus RowStatus, tSapIngressPrecFC TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressPrecFCPriority TPriorityOrDefault, tSapIngressPrecLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapIngressPrecHsmdaCntrOvr TIngressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero } tSapIngressPrecValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPrecValue MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Precedence value for which the mapping is done." ::= { tSapIngressPrecEntry 1 } tSapIngressPrecRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this mapping." ::= { tSapIngressPrecEntry 2 } tSapIngressPrecFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressPrecFC specifies the forwarding class or the sub forwarding class to be used to classify all the traffic that matches the specific precedence value i.e. tSapIngressPrecValue. Specification of a sub forwarding class is also allowed. The format of a sub forwarding class is the concatenation of the base forwarding class and a sub class identifier in the form base-fc-name[.sub-fc-name] To reference a sub forwarding class, the mapping of the sub forwarding class should be existing in this QoS policy. Unless tSapIngressPrecFC is specified explicitly, this match will be ignored for classification purposes." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressPrecEntry 3 } tSapIngressPrecFCPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPriorityOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The priority to be assigned to the matching traffic." DEFVAL { default } ::= { tSapIngressPrecEntry 4 } tSapIngressPrecLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tSapIngressPrecTable." ::= { tSapIngressPrecEntry 5 } tSapIngressPrecHsmdaCntrOvr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressPrecHsmdaCntrOvr specifies the counter to use for all the traffic that matches the specific precedence value i.e. tSapIngressPrecValue. A value of zero implies that the default counters should be used. This object is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressPrecEntry 6 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about all sap-ingress policies' IPv6 criteria entries." ::= { tSapIngressObjects 9 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular IPv6 criteria entry for a sap-ingress policy. Entries are created/deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tSapIngressIndex, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaIndex } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaTable 1 } TSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaIndex TEntryId, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaRowStatus RowStatus, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDescription TItemDescription, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaActionFC TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaActionPriority TPriorityOrDefault, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpAddr InetAddressIPv6, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpMask InetAddressPrefixLength, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpAddr InetAddressIPv6, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpMask InetAddressPrefixLength, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaNextHeader TIpProtocol, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue1 TTcpUdpPort, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue2 TTcpUdpPort, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortOperator TTcpUdpPortOperator, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue1 TTcpUdpPort, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue2 TTcpUdpPort, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortOperator TTcpUdpPortOperator, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDSCP TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapIngressIPv6CritSrcIpFullMask InetAddressIPv6, tSapIngressIPv6CritDstIpFullMask InetAddressIPv6, tSapIngressIPv6CritActionPolicer TIngressPolicerIdOrNone, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaFragment INTEGER, tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal1 Unsigned32, tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal2 Unsigned32, tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniOper INTEGER, tSapIngIPv6CritSrcIpPrefixList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngIPv6CritDstIpPrefixList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaTagId Unsigned32 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaIndex specifies uniquely each entry in the policy." ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 1 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaRowStatus specifies the Row Status for the IPv6 Criteria entry." ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 2 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDescription specifies an optional user provided description of this IPv6 criteria entry." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 3 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaActionFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaActionFC specifies the forwarding class or the sub forwarding class to be used to classify all the traffic that matches the specific IPv6 criteria. Specification of a sub forwarding class is also allowed. The format of a sub forwarding class is the concatenation of the base forwarding class and a sub class identifier in the form base-fc-name[.sub-fc-name] To reference a sub forwarding class, the mapping of the sub forwarding class should be existing in this QoS policy. Unless tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaActionFC is specified explicitly, this match will be ignored for classification purposes." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 4 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaActionPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPriorityOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaActionPriority specifies the priority for packets which match this entry's criteria. When set to 'default', the packet is sent to the queue from DSCP/dot1p/FC which matched the packet, using the priority from the DSCP/dot1p/FC which matched the packet." DEFVAL { default } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 5 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpAddr specifies the IPv6 address to match with source IPv6 of the packet." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 6 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength (0..128) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpMask specifies the IPv6 Mask value for this policy IPv6 Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received source IPv6 address to match the tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpAddr. If the value of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpMask is 0, and the value of tSapIngressIPv6CritSrcIpFullMask is non zero then the value of tSapIngressIPv6CritSrcIpFullMask is used as mask. If the value of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed the object tSapIngressIPv6CritSrcIpFullMask. If both tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpMask and tSapIngressIPv6CritSrcIpFullMask are set to 0, not matching is done on the source Ip address. If a value is specified for this object, then the value of the object tSapIngressIPv6CritSrcIpFullMask will be set to reflect this same mask." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 7 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpAddr specifies the IPv6 address to match with destinationp IPv6 of the packet." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 8 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength (0..128) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpMask specifies the IPv6 Mask value for this policy IPv6 Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received Destination IPv6 address to match the tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpAddr. If the value of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpMask is 0, and the value of tSapIngressIPv6CritDstIpFullMask is non zero then the value of tSapIngressIPv6CritDstIpFullMask is used as mask. If the value of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed the object tSapIngressIPv6CritDstIpFullMask. If both tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpMask and tSapIngressIPv6CritDstIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Destination Ip address. If a value is specified for this object, then the value of the object tSapIngressIPv6CritDstIpFullMask will be set to reflect this same mask." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 9 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaNextHeader OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIpProtocol MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaNextHeader specifies the Next Header to match. Use -1 to disable matching by Next Header." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 10 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue1 specifies the TCP/UDP port value1. The value of this object is used according to the description for tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortOperator. This object cannot set to non-default value, if the value of tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal1, tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal2 or tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniOper is set to non-default values. The value of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortOperator and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue1 and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue2 should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 11 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue2 specifies TCP/UDP port value2. The value of this object is used according to the description for tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortOperator. This object cannot set to non-default value, if the value of tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal1, tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal2 or tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniOper is set to non-default values. The value of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortOperator and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue1 and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue2 should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 12 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPortOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortOperator specifies The operator specifies the manner in which tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue1 and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue2 are to be used. This object cannot set to non-default value, if the value of tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal1, tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal2 or tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniOper is set to non-default values. The value of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortOperator and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue1 and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue2 should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 13 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue1 specifies the TCP/UDP port value1. The value of this object is used according to the description for tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortOperator. This object cannot set to non-default value, if the value of tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal1, tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal2 or tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniOper is set to non-default values. The value of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortOperator and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue1 and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue2 should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 14 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue2 specifies the TCP/UDP port value2. The value of this object is used according to the description for tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortOperator. This object cannot set to non-default value, if the value of tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal1, tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal2 or tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniOper is set to non-default values. The value of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortOperator and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue1 and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue2 should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 15 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPortOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortOperator specifies the manner in which tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue1 and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue2 are to be used. This object cannot set to non-default value, if the value of tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal1, tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal2 or tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniOper is set to non-default values. The value of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortOperator and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue1 and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue2 should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 16 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDSCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDSCP specifies the DSCP value to match in the packet" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 17 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object indicates timestamp of last change to this row in tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaTable." ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 20 } tSapIngressIPv6CritSrcIpFullMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tSapIngressIPv6CritSrcIpFullMask specifies the IPv6 Mask value for this policy IPv6 Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received Source IPv6 address to match the tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpAddr. If the value of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed in the object tSapIngressIPv6CritSrcIpFullMask. If both tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpMask and tSapIngressIPv6CritSrcIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Source IPv6 address. If a regular mask is specified for tSapIngressIPv6CritSrcIpFullMask then the value of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpMask will be changed to reflect this value." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 22 } tSapIngressIPv6CritDstIpFullMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tSapIngressIPv6CritDstIpFullMask specifies the IPv6 Mask value for this policy IPv6 Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received Dest IPv6 address to match the tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpAddr. If the value of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed in the object tSapIngressIPv6CritDstIpFullMask. If both tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpMask and tSapIngressIPv6CritDstIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Dest IPv6 address. If a regular mask is specified for tSapIngressIPv6CritDstIpFullMask then the value of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpMask will be changed to reflect this value." DEFVAL { '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 23 } tSapIngressIPv6CritActionPolicer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressIPv6CritActionPolicer specifies the policer identifier to be used for the traffic matching this IPv6 Criteria Entry. It provides the ability to direct specific traffic to a different SAP ingress policer (tSapIngressIPv6CritActionPolicer) independently from that configured for the traffic's FC in tSapIngressFCPolicer. This action policer will be referred to as a bypass-policer. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapIngressIPv6CritActionPolicer is set to a non-default value when tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaRowStatus is set to not in service." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 24 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaFragment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), false (2), true (3), firstOnly (4), nonFirstOnly (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaFragment specifies matching criteria to be used for fragmented or non-fragmented IPv6 packtes. off (1) - match all IPv6 packets regardless of fragmented or not. false (2) - match all non-fragmented IPv6 packets. true (3) - match all fragmented IPv6 packets. firstOnly (4) - match only the initial IPv6 packet fragment. nonFirstOnly (5) - match non-initial IPv6 packet fragment." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 25 } tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..16777215) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal1 specifies the VNI identifier of the VXLAN to be used for the traffic matching. The value of 0 indicates that the Vxlan Vni classification is disabled. This value can be set to non-default value when the value of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaNextHeader is set to 'udp' and tSapIngressIPv6CritType is set to 'vxlanVni (2)'. This object cannot set to non-default value, if the values of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue1, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue2 or tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortOperator and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue1, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue2 or tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortOperator are set to non-default values." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 28 } tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..16777215) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal2 specifies the VNI identifier of the VXLAN to be used for the traffic matching. The value of 0 indicates that the Vxlan Vni classification is disabled. This value can be set to non-default value when the value of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaNextHeader is set to 'udp' and tSapIngressIPv6CritType is set to 'vxlanVni (2)'. This object cannot set to non-default value, if the values of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue1, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue2 or tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortOperator and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue1, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue2 or tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortOperator are set to non-default values." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 29 } tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), eq (1), range (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniOper operator specifies the manner in which tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal1 and tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal2 are to be used: Operator Value1 Value2 ---------------------------------------------------- none (0) Any(0) Any(0) eq (1) Specified Val1 Any(0) range(2) Starting Val1 Ending Val2 'Any(0)' specifies that, this object can accept any values but would default to 0. This object cannot set to non-default value, if the value of tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue2 or tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortOperator and tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue2 or tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortOperator is set to non-default values." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 30 } tSapIngIPv6CritSrcIpPrefixList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngIPv6CritSrcIpPrefixList specifies the IP prefix list used as match criterion for the source ip address. The value specified for this object must correspond to a prefix list defined in tQosPrefixListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpAddr and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpMask or tSapIngressIPv6CritSrcIpFullMask are used as source ip address match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpAddr, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpMask and tSapIngressIPv6CritSrcIpFullMask are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for the objects tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpAddr and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpMask or tSapIngressIPv6CritSrcIpFullMask then this object is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. An attempt to set tSapIngIPv6CritSrcIpPrefixList to a non-default value in combination with setting any of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpAddr and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpMask or tSapIngressIPv6CritSrcIpFullMask to (a) non-default value(s) is rejected by the system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 32 } tSapIngIPv6CritDstIpPrefixList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngIPv6CritDstIpPrefixList specifies the IP prefix list used as match criterion for the destination ip address. The value specified for this object must correspond to a prefix list defined in tQosPrefixListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpAddr and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpMask or tSapIngressIPv6CritDstIpFullMask are used as destination ip address match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpAddr, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpMask and tSapIngressIPv6CritDstIpFullMask are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for the objects tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpAddr and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpMask or tSapIngressIPv6CritDstIpFullMask then this object is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. An attempt to set tSapIngIPv6CritDstIpPrefixList to a non-default value in combination with setting any of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpAddr and tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpMask or tSapIngressIPv6CritDstIpFullMask to (a) non-default value(s) is rejected by the system" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 33 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaTagId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaTagId specifies tag identification associatied with the entry." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaEntry 34 } tSapIngressHsmdaQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapIngressHsmdaQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Information about all sap-ingress policies' HSMDA queues. This table is obsoleted in 10.0 release." ::= { tSapIngressObjects 10 } tSapIngressHsmdaQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapIngressHsmdaQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular HSMDA queue for a sap-ingress policy. Entries are created by user." INDEX { tSapIngressIndex, tSapIngressHsmdaQueue } ::= { tSapIngressHsmdaQueueTable 1 } TSapIngressHsmdaQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapIngressHsmdaQueue TIngressHsmdaQueueId, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueRowStatus RowStatus, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueCIRAdaptn TAdaptationRule, tSapIngressHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn TAdaptationRule, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueAdminPIR THsmdaPIRKRate, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueAdminCIR THsmdaCIRKRate, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy TNamedItem, tSapIngressHsmdaQueuePoliced TruthValue } tSapIngressHsmdaQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressHsmdaQueueId (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The HSMDA queue ID is used as the secondary index to the table entry." ::= { tSapIngressHsmdaQueueEntry 1 } tSapIngressHsmdaQueueRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressHsmdaQueueRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of entries in the tSapIngressHsmdaQueueTable." ::= { tSapIngressHsmdaQueueEntry 2 } tSapIngressHsmdaQueueLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressHsmdaQueueLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tSapIngressHsmdaQueueTable." ::= { tSapIngressHsmdaQueueEntry 3 } tSapIngressHsmdaQueueCIRAdaptn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressHsmdaQueueCIRAdaptn specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational CIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tSapIngressHsmdaQueueEntry 4 } tSapIngressHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tSapIngressHsmdaQueueEntry 5 } tSapIngressHsmdaQueueAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRKRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressHsmdaQueueAdminPIR specifies the administrative PIR specified by the user." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngressHsmdaQueueEntry 6 } tSapIngressHsmdaQueueAdminCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaCIRKRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressHsmdaQueueAdminCIR specifies the administrative CIR specified by the user." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressHsmdaQueueEntry 7 } tSapIngressHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy specifies the slope policy specified by the user." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tSapIngressHsmdaQueueEntry 8 } tSapIngressHsmdaQueuePoliced OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressHsmdaQueuePoliced specifies whether the out of profile traffic feeding into the physical queue instance should be dropped. When the value is 'true', out-of-profile packets are discarded. This policing function is different than the shaping function normally performed by the queues defined rate in that scheduling is not stopped for the queue when the rate is exceeded. Accordingly, tSapIngressHsmdaQueuePoliced overrides the bandwidth specified by the object tSapIngressHsmdaQueueAdminCIR." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapIngressHsmdaQueueEntry 9 } tSapIngressLspExpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapIngressLspExpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains the mappings of an Lsp Exp Bit value into a forwarding class" ::= { tSapIngressObjects 11 } tSapIngressLspExpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapIngressLspExpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular sap-ingress policy's Lsp Exp Bit values to forwarding class mappings. Entries are created and deleted by user. They have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tSapIngressIndex, tSapIngressLspExpValue } ::= { tSapIngressLspExpTable 1 } TSapIngressLspExpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapIngressLspExpValue TLspExpValue, tSapIngressLspExpRowStatus RowStatus, tSapIngressLspExpLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapIngressLspExpFC TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngressLspExpFCPriority TPriorityOrDefault, tSapIngressLspExpHsmdaCntrOvr TIngressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero } tSapIngressLspExpValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLspExpValue (0..7) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressLspExpValue specifies the value for which the mapping is done." ::= { tSapIngressLspExpEntry 1 } tSapIngressLspExpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressLspExpRowStatus specifies the Row Status for this mapping." ::= { tSapIngressLspExpEntry 2 } tSapIngressLspExpLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressLspExpLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tSapIngressLspExpTable." ::= { tSapIngressLspExpEntry 3 } tSapIngressLspExpFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressLspExpFC specifies the forwarding class or the sub forwarding class to be used to classify all the traffic that matches the specific Lsp Exp value i.e. tSapIngressLspExpValue. Specification of a sub forwarding class is also allowed. The format of a sub forwarding class is the concatenation of the base forwarding class and a sub class identifier in the form base-fc-name[.sub-fc-name] To reference a sub forwarding class, the mapping of the sub forwarding class should be existing in this QoS policy. Unless tSapIngressLspExpFC is specified explicitly, this match will be ignored for classification purposes." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngressLspExpEntry 4 } tSapIngressLspExpFCPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPriorityOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressLspExpFCPriority specifies the priority to be assigned to the matching traffic." DEFVAL { default } ::= { tSapIngressLspExpEntry 5 } tSapIngressLspExpHsmdaCntrOvr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressLspExpHsmdaCntrOvr specifies the counter to use for all the traffic that matches the specific Lsp Exp value i.e. tSapIngressLspExpValue. A value of zero implies that the default counters should be used. This object is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngressLspExpEntry 6 } tSapIngPolicerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapIngPolicerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngPolicerTable defines SAP Ingress Policer Table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of defining the policers. tSapIngPolicerTable holds a list of all the policers configured in the managed system. Policers must exist in this table before being referenced by the forwarding class mappings within the queue policy as defined in the tSapIngressFCTable." ::= { tSapIngressObjects 12 } tSapIngPolicerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapIngPolicerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngPolicerEntry defines an entry in the tSapIngPolicerTable. Entries are created/deleted in this table by SNMP sets to tSapIngPolicerRowStatus." INDEX { tSapIngressIndex, tSapIngPolicerId } ::= { tSapIngPolicerTable 1 } TSapIngPolicerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapIngPolicerId TIngressPolicerId, tSapIngPolicerRowStatus RowStatus, tSapIngPolicerLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapIngPolicerDescr TItemDescription, tSapIngPolicerPIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tSapIngPolicerCIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tSapIngPolicerParent TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngPolicerLevel TLevel, tSapIngPolicerWeight TPolicerWeight, tSapIngPolicerAdminPIR THPolPIRRate, tSapIngPolicerAdminCIR THPolCIRRate, tSapIngPolicerStatMode TmnxSapIngPolicerStatMode, tSapIngPolicerMBS TPolicerBurstSizeBytes, tSapIngPolicerHiPrioOnly TBurstPercentOrDefault, tSapIngPolicerCBS TPolicerBurstSizeBytes, tSapIngPolicerPktOffset TPerPacketOffset, tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRPercent Unsigned32, tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRPercent Unsigned32, tSapIngPolicerRateType TPolRateTypeRefOrLocalLimit, tSapIngPolicerSlopeStartDepth Unsigned32, tSapIngPolicerSlopeMaxDepth Unsigned32, tSapIngPolicerSlopeMaxProb Unsigned32, tSapIngPolicerSlopeMap TmnxSlopeMap, tSapIngPolicerAdvCfgPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngPolicerProfileCapped TruthValue, tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, tSapIngPolicerSchedParent TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngPolicerSchedLevel TLevel, tSapIngPolicerSchedWeight TWeight, tSapIngPolicerSchedCIRLevel TLevelOrDefault, tSapIngPolicerSchedCIRWeight TWeight } tSapIngPolicerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressPolicerId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngPolicerId defines the SAP Ingress Policer identifier. It identifies an sap-ingress policer in the managed system." ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 1 } tSapIngPolicerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngPolicerRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tSapIngPolicerTable." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 2 } tSapIngPolicerLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngPolicerLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime when the entry was last modified." ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 3 } tSapIngPolicerDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngPolicerDescr specifies the description of the policer." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 4 } tSapIngPolicerPIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 5 } tSapIngPolicerCIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational CIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 6 } tSapIngPolicerParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngPolicerParent specifies the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 7 } tSapIngPolicerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngPolicerLevel specifies the level of priority while feeding the parent." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 8 } tSapIngPolicerWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngPolicerWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used by the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 9 } tSapIngPolicerAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tSapIngPolicerAdminPIR specifies the administrative PIR specified by the user. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRHi and tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRLo objects." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 10 } tSapIngPolicerAdminCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolCIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tSapIngPolicerAdminCIR specifies the administrative CIR specified by the user. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRHi and tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRLo objects." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 11 } tSapIngPolicerStatMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSapIngPolicerStatMode MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngPolicerStatMode specifies the mode of statistics collected by this policer." DEFVAL { minimal } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 12 } tSapIngPolicerMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tSapIngPolicerMBS specifies the high priority 'violate' threshold of PIR leaky bucket of this policer." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 13 } tSapIngPolicerHiPrioOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tSapIngPolicerHiPrioOnly specifies the percentage of PIR leaky bucket's MBS (maximum burst size) of this policer that is reserved for high priority traffic." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 14 } tSapIngPolicerCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tSapIngPolicerCBS specifies the 'exceed' threshold of the CIR leaky bucket of this policer." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 15 } tSapIngPolicerPktOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPerPacketOffset MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngPolicerPktOffset specifies the packet byte offset for addition of policing information by this policer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 16 } tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative PIR percentage, in centipercent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tSapIngPolicerRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 17 } tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative CIR percentage, in centipercent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tSapIngPolicerRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 18 } tSapIngPolicerRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolRateTypeRefOrLocalLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicerRateType specifies the type of ingress policer rate. When the value of the object is set to 'kbps', the ingresss policer rates are specified in kbps. The objects tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRPercent and tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of the object is set to 'percentOfLocalLimit' or 'percentReferPortLimit', the ingress policer rates are specified in percentage. The objects tSapIngPolicerAdminPIR and tSapIngPolicerAdminCIR will be set to their default values." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 19 } tSapIngPolicerSlopeStartDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicerSlopeStartDepth specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability starts to rise above 0. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 20 } tSapIngPolicerSlopeMaxDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicerSlopeMaxDepth specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability is 100 percent. This implies that all packets beyond this point will be dropped. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 21 } tSapIngPolicerSlopeMaxProb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicerSlopeMaxProb specifies the drop probability, as a percentage, when the queue depth reaches tSapIngPolicerSlopeMaxDepth. The drop increases steadily from 0 at the tSapIngPolicerSlopeStartDepth up to the tSapIngPolicerSlopeMaxProb at the tSapIngPolicerSlopeMaxDepth. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 22 } tSapIngPolicerSlopeMap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSlopeMap MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicerSlopeMap specifies the slope map to be used with this policer. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 23 } tSapIngPolicerAdvCfgPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicerAdvCfgPolicy specifies the name of the advanced configuration policy to be applied with this policer." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 24 } tSapIngPolicerProfileCapped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicerProfileCapped specifies how the explicit in-profile and undetermined profile traffic should be handled at the ingress policer. When the value of tSapIngPolicerProfileCapped is set to 'true', both explicit in-profile and undetermined profile traffic is honored up to CIR, above which it is marked as out-of-profile. If CIR is set to zero, then all explicit in-profile and undetermined profile packets, along with the explicit out-of-profile packets are marked as out-of-profile. The default behavior when tSapIngPolicerProfileCapped is set to 'false' is to ignore the CIR output state when an explicit in-profile packet is handled by an ingress policer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 25 } tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the administrative PIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRHi along with the value of tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 26 } tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRLo specifies the lower 32 bits of the administrative PIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRHi along with the value of tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 27 } tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the administrative CIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRHi along with the value of tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 28 } tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRLo specifies the lower 32 bits of the administrative CIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRHi along with the value of tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 29 } tSapIngPolicerSchedParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicerSchedParent specifies the scheduler to which this policer would be feeding to." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 30 } tSapIngPolicerSchedLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicerSchedLevel specifies the level of priority while feeding to the parent." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 31 } tSapIngPolicerSchedWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicerSchedWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used by the scheduler to which this policer would be feeding to." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 32 } tSapIngPolicerSchedCIRLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevelOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicerSchedCIRLevel specifies the level of priority while feeding to the parent. The level '0' means treat all offered load for this policer as for the above CIR traffic." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 33 } tSapIngPolicerSchedCIRWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicerSchedCIRWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used until the committed rate by the scheduler to which this policer would be feeding to." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapIngPolicerEntry 34 } tSapIngPolicyNameTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapIngPolicyNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains SAP ingress policy name information. Entries are created automatically by the system when tSapIngressPolicyName object is set for the SAP ingress policy." ::= { tSapIngressObjects 13 } tSapIngPolicyNameEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapIngPolicyNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Basic information about a specific SAP ingress policy name." INDEX { tSapIngressPolicyName } ::= { tSapIngPolicyNameTable 1 } TSapIngPolicyNameEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapIngPolicyNameId TSapIngressPolicyID, tSapIngPolicyNameRowStatus RowStatus, tSapIngPolicyNameLastChanged TimeStamp } tSapIngPolicyNameId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapIngressPolicyID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngPolicyNameId indicates the policy name associated with this SAP ingress policy." ::= { tSapIngPolicyNameEntry 1 } tSapIngPolicyNameRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object tSapIngPolicyNameRowStatus indicates the status of this row." ::= { tSapIngPolicyNameEntry 2 } tSapIngPolicyNameLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicyNameLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tSapIngPolicyNameEntry 3 } tSapIngDynamicCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapIngDynamicCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tSapIngDynamicCfgTable has an entry for each Sap Ingress QoS Policy." ::= { tSapIngressObjects 14 } tSapIngDynamicCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapIngDynamicCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngDynamicCfgEntry represents information about a particular Sap Ingress QoS Policy. Sap Ingress policy (1) is the default entry and created by the agent, while all other entries are created by user. Default Entry cannot be modified/deleted. The other entries can be modified/deleted are deleted by user." AUGMENTS { tSapIngressEntry } ::= { tSapIngDynamicCfgTable 1 } TSapIngDynamicCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapIngDynamicCfgLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapIngSharedPccRuleInsertPoint TEntryIdOrZero, tSapIngSharedPccRuleInsertSize TEntryIdOrZero, tSapIngSharedPccRuleNbrInsert Unsigned32, tSapIngSharedPccRuleNbrPolicy Unsigned32, tSapIngDynamicPolicerInsertPoint TIngDynPolicerIdOrNone, tSapIngDynamicPolicerInsertSize TIngDynPolicerIdOrNone, tSapIngDynamicPolicerNbrInsert Unsigned32, tSapIngDynamicPolicerPktOffset TPerPacketOffset, tSapIngDynamicPolicerMBS TPolicerBurstSizeBytes, tSapIngDynamicPolicerCBS TPolicerBurstSizeBytes, tSapIngDynamicPolicerParent TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapIngDynamicPolicerLevel TLevel, tSapIngDynamicPolicerWeight TPolicerWeight, tSapIngDynamicPolicerStatMode TmnxIngPolicerStatMode } tSapIngDynamicCfgLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngDynamicCfgLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this row." ::= { tSapIngDynamicCfgEntry 1 } tSapIngSharedPccRuleInsertPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngSharedPccRuleInsertPoint specifies the place at which the pcc-rule IP criteria entries that are received from Diameter and that are shared across several hosts will be inserted in the policy. The range defined here will be reserved for those entries; no other entries will be allowed in this range. The value of zero means that no pcc-rule IP criteria entries can be inserted in the policy by Diameter. If tSapIngSharedPccRuleInsertSize is set to zero, then tSapIngSharedPccRuleInsertPoint is also set to zero by the system. Note that the range reserved for pcc-rule entries is the same for IPv4 criteria and IPv6 criteria." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngDynamicCfgEntry 2 } tSapIngSharedPccRuleInsertSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngSharedPccRuleInsertSize specifies how many pcc-rule IP criteria entries that are received from Diameter and that are shared across several hosts can be inserted in the policy. The range defined here will be reserved for those entries; no other entries will be allowed in this range. The value of zero means that no pcc-rule IP criteria entries can be inserted in the policy by Diameter. If tSapIngSharedPccRuleInsertPoint is set to zero, then tSapIngSharedPccRuleInsertSize is also set zero by the system. Note that the range reserved for pcc-rule entries is the same for IPv4 criteria and IPv6 criteria." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngDynamicCfgEntry 3 } tSapIngSharedPccRuleNbrInsert OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngSharedPccRuleNbrInsert indicates how many pcc-rule IP criteria entries received from Diameter have been inserted in this policy." ::= { tSapIngDynamicCfgEntry 4 } tSapIngSharedPccRuleNbrPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngSharedPccRuleNbrPolicy indicates how many pcc-rule shared policies are currently created based on this policy." ::= { tSapIngDynamicCfgEntry 5 } tSapIngDynamicPolicerInsertPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngDynPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngDynamicPolicerInsertPoint specifies the place at which the dynamic policers required for pcc-rule IP criteria entries that are received from Diameter and that are shared across several hosts will be inserted in the policy. The range defined here will be reserved for those dynamic policers; no other policers will be allowed in this range. The value of 0 means that no dynamic policers can be inserted in the policy by Diameter. If tSapIngDynamicPolicerInsertSize is set to zero, then tSapIngDynamicPolicerInsertPoint is also set zero by the system. Note that the range reserved for pcc-rule dynamic policers is the same for IPv4 criteria and IPv6 criteria." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngDynamicCfgEntry 6 } tSapIngDynamicPolicerInsertSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngDynPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngDynamicPolicerInsertSize specifies how many dynamic policers required for pcc-rule IP criteria entries that are received from Diameter and that are shared across several hosts can be inserted in the policy. The range defined here will be reserved for those dynamic policers; no other policers will be allowed in this range. The value of zero means that no dynamic policers can be inserted in the policy by Diameter. If tSapIngDynamicPolicerInsertSize is set to zero, then tSapIngDynamicPolicerInsertPoint is also set zero by the system. Note that the range reserved for pcc-rule dynamic policers is the same for IPv4 criteria and IPv6 criteria." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngDynamicCfgEntry 7 } tSapIngDynamicPolicerNbrInsert OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngDynamicPolicerNbrInsert indicates how many dynamic policers required for pcc-rule IP criteria entries received from Diameter have been inserted in this policy." ::= { tSapIngDynamicCfgEntry 8 } tSapIngDynamicPolicerPktOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPerPacketOffset MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngDynamicPolicerPktOffset specifies the packet byte offset for addition of policing information by this policer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapIngDynamicCfgEntry 9 } tSapIngDynamicPolicerMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngDynamicPolicerMBS specifies the high priority 'violate' threshold of PIR leaky bucket of this policer." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngDynamicCfgEntry 10 } tSapIngDynamicPolicerCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngDynamicPolicerCBS specifies the 'exceed' threshold of the CIR leaky bucket of this policer." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapIngDynamicCfgEntry 11 } tSapIngDynamicPolicerParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngDynamicPolicerParent specifies the arbiter to which this policer would be feeding." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapIngDynamicCfgEntry 12 } tSapIngDynamicPolicerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngDynamicPolicerLevel specifies the level of priority while feeding the parent." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapIngDynamicCfgEntry 13 } tSapIngDynamicPolicerWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngDynamicPolicerWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used by the arbiter to which this policer would be feeding." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapIngDynamicCfgEntry 14 } tSapIngDynamicPolicerStatMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIngPolicerStatMode MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngDynamicPolicerStatMode specifies the mode of statistics collected by this policer." DEFVAL { minimal } ::= { tSapIngDynamicCfgEntry 15 } tSapEgressObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 4 } tSapEgressTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapEgressEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "information about all sap-egress policies." ::= { tSapEgressObjects 1 } tSapEgressEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapEgressEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular sap-egress policy. Entries are created by user. Entries are deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile. the default sap-egress policy (1) cannot be changed or destroyed." INDEX { tSapEgressIndex } ::= { tSapEgressTable 1 } TSapEgressEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapEgressIndex TAnyQosPolicyID, tSapEgressRowStatus RowStatus, tSapEgressScope TItemScope, tSapEgressDescription TItemDescription, tSapEgressLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapEgressHsmdaPacketOffset TEgressHsmdaPerPacketOffset, tSapEgressMatchCriteria TMatchCriteria, tSapEgressHsmdaWrrPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapEgressHsmdaLowBrstMaxCls Unsigned32, tSapEgressPolicyName TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapEgressEthernetCtag TruthValue, tSapEgressParentLocation INTEGER, tSapEgressPolicersHqosManageable TruthValue, tSapEgressIsPolicyActive TruthValue, tSapEgressPostPlcrMappingPlcy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapEgressHsAttachPlcy TNamedItem } tSapEgressIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAnyQosPolicyID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressIndex uniquely identifies sap-egress QoS policy. User configured policies can only have values between (1..65535). All other values are reserved for system generated policies." ::= { tSapEgressEntry 1 } tSapEgressRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of this policy's entry." ::= { tSapEgressEntry 2 } tSapEgressScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemScope MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "scope of the sap-egress policy." DEFVAL { template } ::= { tSapEgressEntry 3 } tSapEgressDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "user-supplied description of this sap-egress policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgressEntry 4 } tSapEgressLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tSapEgressTable." ::= { tSapEgressEntry 5 } tSapEgressHsmdaPacketOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressHsmdaPerPacketOffset UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsmdaPacketOffset specifies the value, in bytes, of the adjustment to make to the size of each packet for HSMDA queue accounting." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgressEntry 6 } tSapEgressMatchCriteria OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMatchCriteria MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressMatchCriteria indicates which type of match criteria the policy should use. When tSapEgressMatchCriteria has a value of 'ip', the sap-egress policy looks for match entries in tSapEgrIPCritTable. The value of tSapEgressMatchCriteria is set when the first match criteria table entry is created. The value of tSapEgressMatchCriteria is set to 'none' when the last criteria table entry is removed." ::= { tSapEgressEntry 7 } tSapEgressHsmdaWrrPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsmdaWrrPolicy specifies the HSMDA Weighted Round Robin (WRR) scheduling policy to use." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tSapEgressEntry 8 } tSapEgressHsmdaLowBrstMaxCls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsmdaLowBrstMaxCls specifies which class should use the low priority burst threshold. All classes starting from 1, up to and including that specified by tSapEgressHsmdaLowBrstMaxCls use the low priority burst threshold. All classes greater than the value of tSapEgressHsmdaLowBrstMaxCls up to and including class 8 use the high priority burst threshold." DEFVAL { 8 } ::= { tSapEgressEntry 9 } tSapEgressPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressPolicyName specifies the name to associate with this policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgressEntry 10 } tSapEgressEthernetCtag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressEthernetCtag specifies the tag from which the dot1p and DE (Drop-Eligible) values will be drawn to be used by all tSapEgressDot1pEntry objects related to this policy. The value 'true' specifies that the top customer tag will be used for egress reclassification based on dot1p criteria. The value 'false' specifies that a service delimiting tag will be used for egress reclassification based on dot1p criteria." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapEgressEntry 11 } tSapEgressParentLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { default (1), sla (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapEgressParentLocation specifies the location in which queues will look to find their parent scheduler; in case the parent scheduler is not found, the queue will be orphaned. The value of tSapEgressParentLocation applies to all queues in this sap-egress policy which have parents configured; for queues with no parent configured (or which are port-parented), tSapEgressParentLocation has no effect. The value 'default' specifies that the queues should look for their parent in the default way; i.e. SAP queues will look for their parents in the SAP's egress scheduler policy or the multi-service-site's egress scheduler policy depending on which is configured and Subscriber queues will look for their parents in the subscriber profile's egress scheduler policy. The value 'sla' specifies that the queues should look for their parent in the SLA-profile's egress scheduler policy; all queues that are not port-parented and to which SLA-profile is not applicable will behave as orphans in this case." DEFVAL { default } ::= { tSapEgressEntry 12 } tSapEgressPolicersHqosManageable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressPolicersHqosManageable specifies whether the policers within this sap-egress policy are to be managed by the Hierarchical QoS process when this policy is applied to egress SAP or egress SLA-profile." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapEgressEntry 13 } tSapEgressIsPolicyActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressIsPolicyActive indicates whether this policy is active or not, i.e., whether this policy is currently consuming a forwarding plane (FP) resource on at least one FP in the system." ::= { tSapEgressEntry 14 } tSapEgressPostPlcrMappingPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressPostPlcrMappingPlcy specifies the post policer mapping policy being applied to this policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgressEntry 15 } tSapEgressHsAttachPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsAttachPlcy specifies the HS attachment policy defined in tHsAttachPlcyTable." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tSapEgressEntry 16 } tSapEgressQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapEgressQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "information about all sap-egress policies' queues." ::= { tSapEgressObjects 2 } tSapEgressQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapEgressQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular sap-egress queue. Entries are created/deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tSapEgressIndex, tSapEgressQueueIndex } ::= { tSapEgressQueueTable 1 } TSapEgressQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapEgressQueueIndex TEgressQueueId, tSapEgressQueueRowStatus RowStatus, tSapEgressQueueParent TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapEgressQueueLevel TLevel, tSapEgressQueueWeight TWeight, tSapEgressQueueCIRLevel TLevelOrDefault, tSapEgressQueueCIRWeight TWeight, tSapEgressQueueExpedite INTEGER, tSapEgressQueueCBS TBurstSize, tSapEgressQueueMBS TBurstSize, tSapEgressQueueHiPrioOnly TBurstPercentOrDefault, tSapEgressQueuePIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tSapEgressQueueCIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tSapEgressQueueAdminPIR TQosQueuePIRRate, tSapEgressQueueAdminCIR TQosQueueCIRRate, tSapEgressQueueOperPIR TPIRRate, tSapEgressQueueOperCIR TCIRRate, tSapEgressQueueLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapEgressQueueUsePortParent TruthValue, tSapEgressQueuePortLvl TLevel, tSapEgressQueuePortWght TWeight, tSapEgressQueuePortCIRLvl TLevelOrDefault, tSapEgressQueuePortCIRWght TWeight, tSapEgressQueuePortAvgOverhead Unsigned32, tSapEgressQueuePoolName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapEgressQueueXPWredQ TruthValue, tSapEgressQueueXPWredQSlope TNamedItem, tSapEgressQueueMBSBytes TBurstSizeBytes, tSapEgressQueueBurstLimit TBurstLimit, tSapEgressQueuePktOffset TEgressQPerPacketOffset, tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRPercent Unsigned32, tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRPercent Unsigned32, tSapEgressQueueRateType TPolicerRateTypeWithRefLimit, tSapEgressQueueAdvCfgPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapEgressQueueHiLowPrioOnly TBurstPercentOrDefault, tSapEgressQueueWredQMode INTEGER, tSapEgressQueueWredQSlopeUsage INTEGER, tSapEgrQDrpTailExcdReductnMbs TBurstPercentOrDefault, tSapEgrQDrpTailHiPlusReductnMbs TBurstPercentOrDefault, tSapEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs TBurstPercentOrDefault, tSapEgrQDrpTailHighReductnMbs TBurstPercentOrDefault, tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, tSapEgressQueueHsWrrWeight Unsigned32, tSapEgressQueueHsClassWeight Unsigned32, tSapEgressQueueHsWredQSlopePlcy TNamedItem, tSapEgressQueueHsAltClssPool TruthValue, tSapEgressQueueAggShaperWeight Unsigned32, tSapEgressQueueSchedClass Unsigned32, tSapEgressQueueFirBurstLimit TFirBurstLimit } tSapEgressQueueIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressQueueId (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the number of a queue. zero is not allowed. for sap-egress, only three queues are allowed, so the queue index range is restricted." ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 1 } tSapEgressQueueRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of the entry." ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 2 } tSapEgressQueueParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The scheduler to which this queue would be feeding to." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 3 } tSapEgressQueueLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This specifies the level of priority while feeding to the parent." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 4 } tSapEgressQueueWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The weight that needs to be used by the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding to." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 5 } tSapEgressQueueCIRLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevelOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This specifies the level of priority while feeding to the parent. The level '0' means treat all offered load for this queue as for the above CIR traffic." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 6 } tSapEgressQueueCIRWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The weight that needs to be used until the committed rate by the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding to." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 7 } tSapEgressQueueExpedite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { expedited (1), auto-expedited (2), non-expedited (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgressQueueExpedite specifies the priority that this queue should be assigned by the hardware level schedulers. The value 'auto-expedited' implies that this attribute should be dynamically updated by looking at the forwarding classes mapping into this queue. In such a case the queue is treated as 'non-expedited' if there is even a single non-expedited forwarding class using this queue. This attribute is associated with the queue at the time of creation and cannot be modified thereafter." DEFVAL { auto-expedited } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 8 } tSapEgressQueueCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of reserved buffer space (in kilobytes) for the queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 9 } tSapEgressQueueMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSize MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The maximum amount of buffer space (in kilobytes) allowed for the queue. This object has been replaced with tSapEgressQueueMBSBytes object." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 10 } tSapEgressQueueHiPrioOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The percentage of buffer space for the queue, used exclusively by high priority packets. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tSapEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs object." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 11 } tSapEgressQueuePIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 12 } tSapEgressQueueCIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational CIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 13 } tSapEgressQueueAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueuePIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The administrative PIR specified by the user. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRHi and tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRLo objects." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 14 } tSapEgressQueueAdminCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueueCIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The administrative CIR specified by the user. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRHi and tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRLo objects." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 15 } tSapEgressQueueOperPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The administrative PIR specified by the user." ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 16 } tSapEgressQueueOperCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TCIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The operational value derived by computing the CIR value from the administrative CIR and PIR values and their corresponding adaptation rules." ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 17 } tSapEgressQueueLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tSapEgressQueueTable." ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 18 } tSapEgressQueueUsePortParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapEgressQueueUsePortParent specifies whether this queue is parented by a port-level scheduler. When the value is 'true', this SAP egress queue is parented by a port-level scheduler. This object is mutually exclusive with tSapEgressQueueParent. Only one kind of parent is allowed." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 19 } tSapEgressQueuePortLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapEgressQueuePortLvl specifies the port priority this queue will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its above-cir offered load. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tSapEgressQueuePortLvl is set to non-default value when the value of object tSapEgressQueueUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 20 } tSapEgressQueuePortWght OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapEgressQueuePortWght specifies the weight this queue will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its above-cir offered load. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tSapEgressQueuePortWght is set to non-default value when the value of object tSapEgressQueueUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 21 } tSapEgressQueuePortCIRLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevelOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapEgressQueuePortCIRLvl specifies the port priority this queue will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its within-cir offered load. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tSapEgressQueuePortCIRLvl is set to non-default value when the value of object tSapEgressQueueUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 22 } tSapEgressQueuePortCIRWght OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapEgressQueuePortCIRWght specifies the weight this queue will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its within-cir offered load. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tSapEgressQueuePortCIRWght is set to non-default value when the value of object tSapEgressQueueUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 23 } tSapEgressQueuePortAvgOverhead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueuePortAvgOverhead specifies the encapsulation overhead, in centipercent, used to translate packet-based rate to frame-based rate and vice versa." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 24 } tSapEgressQueuePoolName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueuePoolName specifies the name of the pool to be applied for SAP egress queue." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 25 } tSapEgressQueueXPWredQ OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueXPWredQ specifies whether to alter the generic pool association of the queue for the purpose of allowing queue-specific WRED slopes with minimal provisioning. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 release and replaced by tSapEgressQueueWredQMode." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 26 } tSapEgressQueueXPWredQSlope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueXPWredQSlope specifies the name of the slope policy to be applied for SAP egress queue. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when this object is set to a non-default value when tSapEgressQueueXPWredQ is set to 'false'." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 27 } tSapEgressQueueMBSBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum amount of buffer space (in bytes) allowed for the queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 28 } tSapEgressQueueBurstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueBurstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size of a queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 29 } tSapEgressQueuePktOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressQPerPacketOffset UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueuePktOffset specifies the per packet byte offset for this queue." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 30 } tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative PIR percentage, in centipercent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tSapEgressQueueRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 31 } tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative CIR percentage, in centipercent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tSapEgressQueueRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 32 } tSapEgressQueueRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerRateTypeWithRefLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueRateType specifies the type of Egress Queue rate. When the value of the object is set to 'kbps', the ingresss queue rates are specified in kbps. The objects tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRPercent and tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of the object is set to either 'percentOfPortLimit' or 'percentOfLocalLimit' or 'percentReferPortLimit', the egress queue rates are specified in percentage. The objects tSapEgressQueueAdminCIR and tSapEgressQueueAdminPIR will be set to their default values." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 33 } tSapEgressQueueAdvCfgPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueAdvCfgPolicy specifies the name of the advanced configuration policy to be applied with this queue." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 34 } tSapEgressQueueHiLowPrioOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueHiLowPrioOnly specifies the percentage of buffer space for the queue, used exclusively by high priority (exceed-profile) packets. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tSapEgrQDrpTailExcdReductnMbs object." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 35 } tSapEgressQueueWredQMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), native (1), poolPerQueue (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueWredQMode specifies the generic pool association of the queue for the purpose of allowing queue-specific WRED slopes. When the value of this object is set to 'native (1)', the queues draw buffers from FP megapool. When the value of this object is set to 'poolPerQueue (2)', the queues draw buffers from a dedicated buffer pool per queue. The value of tSapEgressQueueWredQSlopeUsage can be set to 'default (1)', when the value of tSapEgressQueueWredQMode is set to 'poolPerQueue (2)' and the value of tSapEgressQueueWredQSlopeUsage can be set to 'exceedLow (2)', when the value of tSapEgressQueueWredQMode is set to 'native (1)'." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 36 } tSapEgressQueueWredQSlopeUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), default (1), exceedLow (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueWredQSlopeUsage specifies which slopes are active for given slope-mode specified by tSapEgressQueueWredQMode. When the value of this object is set to 'default (1)', the traffic is subjected to slopes configured under tSlopePolicyTable. When the value of this object is set to 'exceedLow (2)', the traffic is subjected to two slopes (low and exceed) configured under tSlopePolicyTable and a drop tail. The value of tSapEgressQueueWredQSlopeUsage can be set to 'default (1)', when the value of tSapEgressQueueWredQMode is set to 'poolPerQueue (2)' and the value of tSapEgressQueueWredQSlopeUsage can be set to 'exceedLow (2)', when the value of tSapEgressQueueWredQMode is set to 'native (1)'." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 37 } tSapEgrQDrpTailExcdReductnMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrQDrpTailExcdReductnMbs specifies the percentage at which exceed drop tail is being reduced from the MBS specified by tSapEgressQueueMBSBytes." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 38 } tSapEgrQDrpTailHiPlusReductnMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrQDrpTailHiPlusReductnMbs specifies the percentage at which highplus drop tail is being reduced from the MBS specified by tSapEgressQueueMBSBytes." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 39 } tSapEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs specifies the percentage at which low drop tail is being reduced from the MBS specified by tSapEgressQueueMBSBytes." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 40 } tSapEgrQDrpTailHighReductnMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrQDrpTailHighReductnMbs specifies the percentage at which high drop tail is being reduced from the MBS specified by tSapEgressQueueMBSBytes." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 41 } tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the administrative PIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRHi along with the value of tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 42 } tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRLo specifies the lower 32 bits of the administrative PIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRHi along with the value of tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 43 } tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the administrative CIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRHi along with the value of tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 44 } tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRLo specifies the lower 32 bits of the administrative CIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRHi along with the value of tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 45 } tSapEgressQueueHsWrrWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..127) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueHsWrrWeight specifies the Weighted Round Robin (WRR) weight which this queue should parent into the scheduler. The weight of each queue determines how much bandwidth that queue gets out of the total rate for the scheduling class." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 46 } tSapEgressQueueHsClassWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1 | 2 | 4 | 8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueHsClassWeight specifies the weight of the scheduling class." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 47 } tSapEgressQueueHsWredQSlopePlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueHsWredQSlopePlcy specifies the name of the slope policy to be applied for network-queue queue." DEFVAL { "_tmnx_hs_default" } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 48 } tSapEgressQueueHsAltClssPool OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueHsAltClssPool specifies whether the HS alternate class port pool buffer should be used for traffic." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 49 } tSapEgressQueueAggShaperWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueAggShaperWeight specifies the weight of the queue within a hardware aggregate shaper." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 50 } tSapEgressQueueSchedClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..6) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueSchedClass specifies the scheduling class that is associated with the hardware queue." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 51 } tSapEgressQueueFirBurstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFirBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressQueueFirBurstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size of a queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressQueueEntry 52 } tSapEgressFCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapEgressFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { tSapEgressObjects 3 } tSapEgressFCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapEgressFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular sap-egress policy's forwarding class mappings to queues and dot1p values. Entries are created/deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tSapEgressIndex, tSapEgressFCName } ::= { tSapEgressFCTable 1 } TSapEgressFCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapEgressFCName TFCName, tSapEgressFCRowStatus RowStatus, tSapEgressFCQueue TEgressQueueId, tSapEgressFCDot1PValue Dot1PPriority, tSapEgressFCLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapEgressFCHsmdaQueue TEgressHsmdaQueueId, tSapEgressFCDot1PHsmdaProfile TruthValue, tSapEgressFCDot1PInProfile Dot1PPriority, tSapEgressFCDot1POutProfile Dot1PPriority, tSapEgressFCForceDEValue TDEValue, tSapEgressFCDEMark TruthValue, tSapEgressFCInProfDscp TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tSapEgressFCOutProfDscp TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tSapEgressFCInProfPrec TPrecValueOrNone, tSapEgressFCOutProfPrec TPrecValueOrNone, tSapEgressFCQGrp TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapEgressFCPolicer TEgressPolicerIdOrNone, tSapEgressFCQGrpFC TFCNameOrEmpty, tSapEgressFCQGrpInstanceId TQosQGrpInstanceIDorZero, tSapEgressFCPortQGrpQueue TruthValue, tSapEgressFCHsmdaQueuePortQGrpQ TruthValue, tSapEgressFCOuterTagDot1PInProf Dot1PPriority, tSapEgressFCOuterTagDot1POutProf Dot1PPriority, tSapEgressFCInnerTagDot1PInProf Dot1PPriority, tSapEgressFCInnerTagDot1POutProf Dot1PPriority, tSapEgressFCOuterTagForceDEValue TDEValue, tSapEgressFCOuterTagDEMark TruthValue, tSapEgressFCInnerTagForceDEValue TDEValue, tSapEgressFCInnerTagDEMark TruthValue, tSapEgressFCDot1PExceedProf Dot1PPriority, tSapEgressFCOuterDot1PExcdProf Dot1PPriority, tSapEgressFCExceedProfDscp TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tSapEgressFCExceedProfPrec TPrecValueOrNone } tSapEgressFCName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "forwarding class name." ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 1 } tSapEgressFCRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this queue." ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 2 } tSapEgressFCQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressQueueId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The queue to use for packets in this forwarding class. When tSapEgressFCQGrp is set to its default value, tSapEgressFCQueue represents the local queue to which traffic will be forwarded. When tSapEgressFCQGrp and tSapEgressFCQGrpInstanceId are set to a non-default values, tSapEgressFCQueue represents the queue within the specified queue-group instance to which traffic will be forwarded." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 3 } tSapEgressFCDot1PValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCDot1PValue specifies 802.1p value to use for packets in this forwarding class. This object has been replaced by tSapEgressFCDot1PInProfile and tSapEgressFCDot1POutProfile objects." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 4 } tSapEgressFCLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tSapEgressFCTable." ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 5 } tSapEgressFCHsmdaQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressHsmdaQueueId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The HSMDA queue to use for packets in this forwarding class. This mapping will be used when the SAP is on a HSMDA MDA." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 6 } tSapEgressFCDot1PHsmdaProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapEgressFCDot1PHsmdaProfile specifies if the system will perform egress profiling on HSMDA queues or not. The tSapEgressFCDot1PHsmdaProfile object is obsoleted in 9.0 Release." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 7 } tSapEgressFCDot1PInProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCDot1PInProfile specifies 802.1p value to set for in-profile frames in this forwarding class. An inconsistentValue error is returned if this object is set to any value other than '-1', when tSapEgressFCDot1POutProfile object is set to '-1'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 8 } tSapEgressFCDot1POutProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCDot1POutProfile specifies 802.1p value to set for out-profile frames in this forwarding class. An inconsistentValue error is returned if this object is set to any value other than '-1', when tSapEgressFCDot1PInProfile object is set to '-1'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 9 } tSapEgressFCForceDEValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDEValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCForceDEValue specifies the DE value to set for all the frames of this forwarding class regardless of frame's profile status. An inconsistentValue error is returned if this object is set to any value other than '-1', when tSapEgressFCDEMark object is set to 'false'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 10 } tSapEgressFCDEMark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCDEMark specifies whether to set DE value in the frames of this forwarding class. An inconsistentValue error is returned if this object is set to 'false' when tSapEgressFCForceDEValue object is not set to '-1'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 11 } tSapEgressFCInProfDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCInProfDscp specifies the DSCP name to set for in-profile frames in this forwarding class. The values of tSapEgressFCInProfDscp and tSapEgressFCOutProfDscp must be set to either the default or non-default values for both. An inconsistentValue error is returned if one object is set to the default and other is set to a non-default value. The values of tSapEgressFCInProfPrec and tSapEgressFCOutProfPrec are reset to default values when tSapEgressFCInProfDscp is set to any value other than default. An inconsistentValue error is returned if this object is set to any value other than its default value when setting tSapEgressFCInProfPrec object or tSapEgressFCOutProfPrec to a value other than their default values." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 12 } tSapEgressFCOutProfDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCOutProfDscp specifies the DSCP name to set for out-profile frames in this forwarding class. The values of tSapEgressFCInProfDscp and tSapEgressFCOutProfDscp must be set to either the default or non-default values for both. An inconsistentValue error is returned if one object is set to the default and other is set to a non-default value. The values of tSapEgressFCInProfPrec and tSapEgressFCOutProfPrec are reset to default values when tSapEgressFCOutProfDscp is set to any value other than default. An inconsistentValue error is returned if this object is set to any value other than its default value when setting tSapEgressFCInProfPrec object or tSapEgressFCOutProfPrec to a value other than their default values." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 13 } tSapEgressFCInProfPrec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPrecValueOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCInProfPrec specifies the precedence value to set for in-profile frames in this forwarding class. The values of tSapEgressFCInProfPrec and tSapEgressFCOutProfPrec must be set to either the default or non-default values for both. An inconsistentValue error is returned if one object is set to the default and other is set to a non-default value. The values of tSapEgressFCInProfDscp and tSapEgressFCOutProfDscp are reset to default values when tSapEgressFCOutProfPrec is set to any value other than default. An inconsistentValue error is returned if this object is set to any value other than its default value when setting tSapEgressFCInProfDscp object or tSapEgressFCOutProfDscp to a value other than their default values." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 14 } tSapEgressFCOutProfPrec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPrecValueOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCOutProfPrec specifies the precedence value to set for out-profile frames in this forwarding class. The values of tSapEgressFCInProfPrec and tSapEgressFCOutProfPrec must be be set to either the default or non-default values for both. An inconsistentValue error is returned if one object is set to the default and other is set to a non-default value. The values of tSapEgressFCInProfDscp and tSapEgressFCOutProfDscp are reset to default values when tSapEgressFCOutProfPrec is set to any value other than default. An inconsistentValue error is returned if this object is set to any value other than its default value when setting tSapEgressFCInProfDscp object or tSapEgressFCOutProfDscp to a value other than their default values." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 15 } tSapEgressFCQGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCQGrp specifies the tQosEgrQGroupName. When set to non-default value, this indicates the name of the queue-group to which traffic will be forwarded. The values of both tSapEgressFCQGrp and tSapEgressFCQGrpInstanceId should be set to non-default values for the queue-group instance to be referenced for redirection at egress access port. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapEgressFCQGrpFC and tSapEgressFCQGrpInstanceId are set to non-default values and tSapEgressFCPortQGrpQueue is also set to non-default value for another FC specified by tSapEgressFCName within the same SAP egress qos policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 16 } tSapEgressFCPolicer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCPolicer specifies the SAP Egress Policer identifier. If a corresponding Sap Egress Policer Id does not exist in tSapEgrPolicerTable, an 'inconsistentValue' error will be returned. When tSapEgressFCPolicer is set to its default value, then traffic for this forwarding class will not use policers. When tSapEgressFCPolicer is set to a non-default value, and tSapEgressFCQGrp is set to default, and tSapEgressFCQueue is set to default, then traffic will use the given policer, and then feed into a system determined queue-group queue. When tSapEgressFCPolicer is set to a non-default value, and tSapEgressFCQGrp is set to a non-default value, and tSapEgressFCQueue is set to default, then traffic will use the given policer, and then feed into a queue within the given queue-group according to the appropriate tQosEgrQGroupFCEntry. When tSapEgressFCPolicer is set to a non-default value, and tSapEgressFCQGrp is set to a non-default value, and tSapEgressFCQueue is set to a non-default value, then traffic will use the given policer, and then feed into the given queue within the given queue-group. When tSapEgressFCPolicer is set to a non-default value, and tSapEgressFCQGrp is set its default value, and tSapEgressFCQueue is set to a non-default value, then traffic will use the given policer, and then feed into the given local queue." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 17 } tSapEgressFCQGrpFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCQGrpFC, when specified, will replace the forwarding class derived from ingress as the forwarding class to use inside the egress queue group. tSapEgressFCQGrpFC is only allowed to be used in conjunction with egress policers, and is mutually exclusive with direct queue-group queue mappings. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapEgressFCQGrpFC is set to a non-default value when tSapEgressFCPolicer is set to default." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 18 } tSapEgressFCQGrpInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQGrpInstanceIDorZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCQGrpInstanceId defines the unique instance of the queue-group is instantiated at egress access port. It, along with tSapEgressFCQGrp, uniquely identifies egress access port queue-group instance to which the traffic will be forwarded" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 19 } tSapEgressFCPortQGrpQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCPortQGrpQueue specifies whether to use the queue specified in egress access port queue-group instance for this SAP. With tSapEgressFCQueue set to non-default value, tSapEgressFCPortQGrpQueue set to non-default value and tSapEgressFCPolicer set to default value, it specifies this FC traffic to use the tSapEgressFCQueue in the egress access port queue group instance (TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapEgressPortQGrp, sapEgressPortQGrpInstanceId) attached to the SAP. With tSapEgressFCPolicer set to non-default value, tSapEgressFCPortQGrpQueue set to non-default value and tSapEgressFCQueue set to default value , it specifies this FC traffic to use the local policer and then feed into the queue within the egress access port queue-group instance (TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapEgressPortQGrp, sapEgressPortQGrpInstanceId) attached to the SAP. With tSapEgressFCPolicer set to non-default value, tSapEgressFCPortQGrpQueue set to non-default value and tSapEgressFCQueue set to non-default value, it specifies this FC traffic to use the local policer and then feed into tSapEgressFCQueue within the egress access port queue-group instance (TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapEgressPortQGrp, sapEgressPortQGrpInstanceId) attached to the SAP. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to non-default value and tSapEgressFCQGrp and tSapEgressFCQGrpInstanceId are also set to non-default value for another FC specified by tSapEgressFCName within the same SAP egress qos policy. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapEgressFCQGrp is set to a non-default value and an entry corresponding to the queue tSapIngressFCQueue does not exist in Queue group instance attached at the port." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 20 } tSapEgressFCHsmdaQueuePortQGrpQ OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCHsmdaQueuePortQGrpQ specifies whether to use the queue specified in egress queue-group template. When tSapEgressFCHsmdaQueuePortQGrpQ is set to non-default value, it specifies this FC traffic to use the queue specified by tQosEgrHsmdaQueue in Queue-Group template." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 21 } tSapEgressFCOuterTagDot1PInProf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCOuterTagDot1PInProf specifies 802.1p value to set in the outer VLAN tag of the packet for in-profile frames in this forwarding class. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to any value other than '-1', when tSapEgressFCOuterTagDot1POutProf object is set to '-1'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 22 } tSapEgressFCOuterTagDot1POutProf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCOuterTagDot1POutProf specifies 802.1p value to set in the outer VLAN tag of the packet for out-profile frames in this forwarding class. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to any value other than '-1', when tSapEgressFCOuterTagDot1PInProf object is set to '-1'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 23 } tSapEgressFCInnerTagDot1PInProf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCInnerTagDot1PInProf specifies 802.1p value to set in the inner VLAN tag of the packet for in-profile frames in this forwarding class. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to any value other than '-1', when tSapEgressFCInnerTagDot1POutProf object is set to '-1'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 24 } tSapEgressFCInnerTagDot1POutProf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCInnerTagDot1POutProf specifies 802.1p value to set in the inner VLAN tag of the packet for out-profile frames in this forwarding class. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to any value other than '-1', when tSapEgressFCInnerTagDot1PInProf object is set to '-1'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 25 } tSapEgressFCOuterTagForceDEValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDEValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCOuterTagForceDEValue specifies the DE value to set in the outer VLAN tag of the packet for all the frames of this forwarding class regardless of frame's profile status. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to any value other than '-1', when tSapEgressFCOuterTagDEMark object is set to 'false'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 26 } tSapEgressFCOuterTagDEMark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCOuterTagDEMark specifies whether to set DE value in the outer VLAN tag of the packet for all the frames of this forwarding class. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to 'false', when tSapEgressFCOuterTagForceDEValue object is not set to '-1'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 27 } tSapEgressFCInnerTagForceDEValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDEValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCInnerTagForceDEValue specifies the DE value to set in the inner VLAN tag of the packet for all the frames of this forwarding class regardless of frame's profile status. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to any value other than '-1', when tSapEgressFCInnerTagDEMark object is set to 'false'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 28 } tSapEgressFCInnerTagDEMark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCInnerTagDEMark specifies whether to set DE value in the inner VLAN tag of the packet for all the frames of this forwarding class. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to 'false', when tSapEgressFCInnerTagForceDEValue object is not set to '-1'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 29 } tSapEgressFCDot1PExceedProf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCDot1PExceedProf specifies 802.1p value to set for exceed-profile frames in this forwarding class. An inconsistentValue error is returned if this object is set to any value other than '-1', when tSapEgressFCDot1POutProfile and tSapEgressFCDot1PInProfile objects are set to '-1'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 30 } tSapEgressFCOuterDot1PExcdProf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCOuterDot1PExcdProf specifies 802.1p value to set in the outer VLAN tag of the packet for exceed-profile frames in this forwarding class. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to any value other than '-1', when tSapEgressFCOuterTagDot1POutProf and tSapEgressFCOuterTagDot1PInProf objects are set to '-1'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 31 } tSapEgressFCExceedProfDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCExceedProfDscp specifies the DSCP name to set for exceed-profile frames in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 32 } tSapEgressFCExceedProfPrec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPrecValueOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressFCExceedProfPrec specifies the precedence value to set for exceed-profile frames in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressFCEntry 33 } tSapEgressHsmdaQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapEgressHsmdaQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Information about all sap-egress policies' HSMDA queues." ::= { tSapEgressObjects 4 } tSapEgressHsmdaQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapEgressHsmdaQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular HSMDA queue for a sap-egress policy. Entries are created by user." INDEX { tSapEgressIndex, tSapEgressHsmdaQueue } ::= { tSapEgressHsmdaQueueTable 1 } TSapEgressHsmdaQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapEgressHsmdaQueue TEgressHsmdaQueueId, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueRowStatus RowStatus, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueCIRAdaptn TAdaptationRule, tSapEgressHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn TAdaptationRule, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueAdminPIR THsmdaPIRKRate, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueAdminCIR THsmdaCIRKRate, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy TNamedItem, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueWrrWeight THsmdaWrrWeight, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueMBS THSMDABurstSizeBytes, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueBurstLimit THSMDAQueueBurstLimit } tSapEgressHsmdaQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressHsmdaQueueId (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The HSMDA queue ID is used as the secondary index to the table entry." ::= { tSapEgressHsmdaQueueEntry 1 } tSapEgressHsmdaQueueRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsmdaQueueRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of entries in the tSapEgressHsmdaQueueTable." ::= { tSapEgressHsmdaQueueEntry 2 } tSapEgressHsmdaQueueCIRAdaptn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsmdaQueueCIRAdaptn specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational CIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset. This object is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tSapEgressHsmdaQueueEntry 3 } tSapEgressHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tSapEgressHsmdaQueueEntry 4 } tSapEgressHsmdaQueueAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRKRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsmdaQueueAdminPIR specifies the administrative PIR specified by the user." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressHsmdaQueueEntry 5 } tSapEgressHsmdaQueueAdminCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaCIRKRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsmdaQueueAdminCIR specifies the administrative CIR specified by the user. This object is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgressHsmdaQueueEntry 6 } tSapEgressHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy specifies the slope policy specified by the user." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tSapEgressHsmdaQueueEntry 7 } tSapEgressHsmdaQueueLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsmdaQueueLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tSapEgressHsmdaQueueTable." ::= { tSapEgressHsmdaQueueEntry 8 } tSapEgressHsmdaQueueWrrWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWrrWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsmdaQueueWrrWeight specifies the weight with which this queue should parent into the HSMDA scheduler, provided it is not superseded by the Weighted Round Robin (WRR) policy. The weight of each queue determines how much bandwidth that queue gets out of the total rate for the scheduling class." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgressHsmdaQueueEntry 9 } tSapEgressHsmdaQueueMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THSMDABurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsmdaQueueMBS specifies the maximum amount of buffer space (in bytes) allowed for this HSMDA queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressHsmdaQueueEntry 10 } tSapEgressHsmdaQueueBurstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THSMDAQueueBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsmdaQueueBurstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size of the queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgressHsmdaQueueEntry 11 } tSapEgressDSCPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapEgressDSCPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "a list of all DSCP entries for all sap-egress policies." ::= { tSapEgressObjects 5 } tSapEgressDSCPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapEgressDSCPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular DSCP entry for a sap-egress policy. Entries are created by user. Entries are deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile. in the event that one policy has multiple entries, and the tSapEgressDSCP values are the same, only one queue will be created (the queue for the lexicographically first tSapEgressDSCP)." INDEX { tSapEgressIndex, tSapEgressDSCP } ::= { tSapEgressDSCPTable 1 } TSapEgressDSCPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapEgressDSCP TDSCPName, tSapEgressDSCPRowStatus RowStatus, tSapEgressDSCPLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapEgressDSCPHsmdaCntrOverride TEgressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero, tSapEgressDSCPfc TFCNameOrEmpty, tSapEgressDSCPprofile TEgressProfileOrNone } tSapEgressDSCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tSapEgressDSCPEntry 1 } tSapEgressDSCPRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressDSCPRowStatus controls the creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tSapEgressDSCPEntry 2 } tSapEgressDSCPLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressDSCPLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this table row." ::= { tSapEgressDSCPEntry 3 } tSapEgressDSCPHsmdaCntrOverride OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapEgressDSCPHsmdaCntrOverride specifies the counter to use for all the traffic that matches the specific DSCP i.e. tSapEgressDSCP. A value of zero implies that the default counters should be used." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgressDSCPEntry 4 } tSapEgressDSCPfc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressDSCPfc, when specified, will overwrite the forwarding class derived from ingress. The new forwarding class is used for egress remarking and queue mapping decisions." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgressDSCPEntry 5 } tSapEgressDSCPprofile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressProfileOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressDSCPprofile, when provided, specifies the egress classification rule that will overwrite the profile of the packet derived from the ingress. The new profile value is used for egress remarking and queue congestion behavior. This object does not support the value 'de'." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapEgressDSCPEntry 6 } tSapEgressPrecTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapEgressPrecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains the mapping of a particular precedence value into a forwarding class" ::= { tSapEgressObjects 6 } tSapEgressPrecEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapEgressPrecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular sap-egress policy's IP precedence values to forwarding class mappings. Entries are created and deleted by user. They have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tSapEgressIndex, tSapEgressPrecValue } ::= { tSapEgressPrecTable 1 } TSapEgressPrecEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapEgressPrecValue TPrecValue, tSapEgressPrecRowStatus RowStatus, tSapEgressPrecLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapEgressPrecHsmdaCntrOverride TEgressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero, tSapEgressPrecFC TFCNameOrEmpty, tSapEgressPrecProfile TEgressProfileOrNone } tSapEgressPrecValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPrecValue MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressPrecValue indicates the precedence value for which the mapping is done. It is used as a secondary index for tSapEgressPrecTable." ::= { tSapEgressPrecEntry 1 } tSapEgressPrecRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressPrecRowStatus controls the creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tSapEgressPrecEntry 2 } tSapEgressPrecLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressPrecLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this table row." ::= { tSapEgressPrecEntry 3 } tSapEgressPrecHsmdaCntrOverride OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressPrecHsmdaCntrOverride specifies the counter to use for all the traffic that matches the specific precedence value i.e. tSapEgressPrecValue. A value of zero implies that the default counters should be used." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgressPrecEntry 4 } tSapEgressPrecFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressPrecFC, when specified, will overwrite the forwarding class derived from ingress. The new forwarding class is used for egress remarking and queue mapping decisions." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgressPrecEntry 5 } tSapEgressPrecProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressProfileOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressPrecProfile, when provided, specifies the egress classification rule that will overwrite the profile of the packet derived from the ingress. The new profile value is used for egress remarking and queue congestion behavior. This object does not support the value 'de'." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapEgressPrecEntry 6 } tSapEgrIPCritTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapEgrIPCritEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains the entries for matching criteria for IP packets on egress. In release 10.0 and higher, this table can also contain IPv6 criteria." ::= { tSapEgressObjects 7 } tSapEgrIPCritEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapEgrIPCritEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular egress IP or IPv6 matching criteria entry. Entries are created and deleted by user. They have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tSapEgressIndex, tSapEgrIPCritAddrType, tSapEgrIPCritIndex } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritTable 1 } TSapEgrIPCritEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapEgrIPCritAddrType INTEGER, tSapEgrIPCritIndex TEntryId, tSapEgrIPCritRowStatus RowStatus, tSapEgrIPCritLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapEgrIPCritDescription TItemDescription, tSapEgrIPCritActionHsmdaCntrOvr TEgressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero, tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddrType InetAddressType, tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddr InetAddress, tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpMask InetAddressPrefixLength, tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddrType InetAddressType, tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddr InetAddress, tSapEgrIPCritDestIpMask InetAddressPrefixLength, tSapEgrIPCritProtocol TIpProtocol, tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue1 TTcpUdpPort, tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue2 TTcpUdpPort, tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortOperator TTcpUdpPortOperator, tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue1 TTcpUdpPort, tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue2 TTcpUdpPort, tSapEgrIPCritDestPortOperator TTcpUdpPortOperator, tSapEgrIPCritDSCP TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tSapEgrIPCritFragment TItemMatch, tSapEgrIPCritActionFC TFCNameOrEmpty, tSapEgrIPCritActionProfile TEgressProfileOrNone, tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask InetAddress, tSapEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask InetAddress, tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpPrefixList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapEgrIPCritDstIpPrefixList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer TEgressPolicerIdOrNone, tSapEgrIPCritActionPortQGrpQueue TruthValue, tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue TEgressQueueId, tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicerUseFCQ TruthValue } tSapEgrIPCritAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), ipv4 (1), ipv6 (2), ipv4z (3), ipv6z (4), dns (16) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritAddrType specifies the index address type this entry should match against." DEFVAL { ipv4 } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 1 } tSapEgrIPCritIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritIndex specifies the index for a sap-egress IP or IPv6 criteria entry." ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 2 } tSapEgrIPCritRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of sap-egress IP or IPv6 criteria entries." ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 3 } tSapEgrIPCritLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 4 } tSapEgrIPCritDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritDescription specifies a description of the sap-egress IP or IPv6 criteria entry." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 5 } tSapEgrIPCritActionHsmdaCntrOvr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressHsmdaCounterIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapEgrIPCritActionHsmdaCntrOvr specifies the Hsmda counter to use for matching packets. This value will be ignored when the sap-egress policy specified by tSapEgressIndex, is applied to a SAP on a non-Hsmda MDA type. A value of zero implies that the default counters should be used." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 6 } tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddrType specifies the address type of tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddr. If the value of this object is not 'none', it must have the same value as tSapEgrIPCritAddrType." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 7 } tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddr specifies the IP or IPv6 address to match with source IP of the packet." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 8 } tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpMask specifies the IP Mask value for this policy IP Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received source IP address to match the tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddr. If the value of tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpMask is 0, and the value of tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask is non zero then the value of tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask is used as mask. If the value of tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed the object tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask. If both tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpMask and tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the source Ip address. If a value is specified for this object, then the value of the object tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask will be set to reflect this same mask." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 9 } tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddrType specifies the address type of tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddr. If the value of this object is not 'none', it must have the same value as tSapEgrIPCritAddrType." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 10 } tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddr specifies the IP or IPv6 address to match with destination IP of the packet." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 11 } tSapEgrIPCritDestIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tSapEgrIPCritDestIpMask specifies the IP Mask value for this policy IP Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received Destination IP address to match the tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddr. If the value of tSapEgrIPCritDestIpMask is 0, and the value of tSapEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask is non zero then the value of tSapEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask is used as mask. If the value of tSapEgrIPCritDestIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed the object tSapEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask. If both tSapEgrIPCritDestIpMask and tSapEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Destination Ip address. If a value is specified for this object, then the value of the object tSapEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask will be set to reflect this same mask." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 12 } tSapEgrIPCritProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIpProtocol MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritProtocol specifies the IP protocol or IPv6 next-header to match. The value '-1' is used to disable matching by IP protocol or IPv6 next-header." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 13 } tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue1 specifies the first TCP/UDP source port value. The value of this object is used according to the value of tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortOperator. The value of tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortOperator and tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue1 and tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue2 should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 14 } tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue2 specifies the second TCP/UDP source port value. The value of this object is used according to the value of tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortOperator. The value of tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortOperator and tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue1 and tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue2 should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. Tha value of tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue2 has no effect and is set to default when the value of tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortOperator is set to lt, gt or eq." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 15 } tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPortOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortOperator specifies the manner in which tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue1 and tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue2 are to be used. The value of tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortOperator and tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue1 and tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue2 should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 16 } tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue1 specifies the first TCP/UDP destination port value. The value of this object is used according to the value of tSapEgrIPCritDestPortOperator. The value of tSapEgrIPCritDestPortOperator and tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue1 and tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue1 should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 17 } tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue2 specifies the second TCP/UDP destination port value. The value of this object is used according to the value of tSapEgrIPCritDestPortOperator. The value of tSapEgrIPCritDestPortOperator and tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue1 and tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue1 should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 18 } tSapEgrIPCritDestPortOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPortOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritDestPortOperator specifies the manner in which tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue1 and tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue2 are to be used. The value of tSapEgrIPCritDestPortOperator and tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue1 and tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue1 should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 19 } tSapEgrIPCritDSCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritDSCP specifies the DSCP value to match in the packet" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 20 } tSapEgrIPCritFragment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemMatch MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritFragment specifies fragmented packet matching. If the value is 'true', only fragmented packets match. If the value is 'false', only non-fragmented packets match. If the value is 'off', all packets match regardless. This field is only relevant for ipv4. An inconsistentValue error is returned when the value of tSapEgrIPCritFragment is not 'off' and the value of tSapEgrIPCritAddrType is not 'ipv4'." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 21 } tSapEgrIPCritActionFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgrIPCritActionFC specifies the forwarding class to be used to classify all the traffic that matches the specific IP or IPv6 criteria. The value ''H indicates that the FC is derived from ingress classification and profiling functions." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 22 } tSapEgrIPCritActionProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressProfileOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgrIPCritActionProfile specifies the profile of the traffic that matches the specific IP or IPv6 criteria. The value none indicates that the profile is derived from ingress classification and profiling functions. This object does not support the value 'de'." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 23 } tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask specifies the IP Mask value for this policy IP Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received Source IP address to match the tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddr. If the value of tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed in the object tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask. If both tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpMask and tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Source IP address. If a regular mask is specified for tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask then the value of tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpMask will be changed to reflect this value." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 24 } tSapEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If different from 0, the object tSapEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask specifies the IP Mask value for this policy IP Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received Dest IP address to match the tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddr. If the value of tSapEgrIPCritDestIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed in the object tSapEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask. If both tSapEgrIPCritDestIpMask and tSapEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Dest IP address. If a regular mask is specified for tSapEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask then the value of tSapEgrIPCritDestIpMask will be changed to reflect this value." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 25 } tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpPrefixList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpPrefixList specifies the IP prefix list used as match criterion for the source ip address. The value specified for this object must correspond to a prefix list defined in tQosPrefixListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddr and tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpMask or tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask are used as source ip address match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddr, tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpMask and tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for the objects tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddr and tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpMask or tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask then this object is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. An attempt to set tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpPrefixList to a non-default value in combination with setting any of tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddr and tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpMask or tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask to (a) non-default value(s) is rejected by the system. This object is only supported when the value of tSapEgrIPCritAddrType is 'ipv4 (1)'. An inconsistentValue error is returned when the value of tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpPrefixList is set to non-default value and the value of tSapEgrIPCritAddrType is not 'ipv4 (1)'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 26 } tSapEgrIPCritDstIpPrefixList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritDstIpPrefixList specifies the IP prefix list used as match criterion for the destination ip address. The value specified for this object must correspond to a prefix list defined in tQosPrefixListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddr and tSapEgrIPCritDestIpMask or tSapEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask are used as destination ip address match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddr, tSapEgrIPCritDestIpMask and tSapEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for the objects tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddr and tSapEgrIPCritDestIpMask or tSapEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask then this object is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. An attempt to set tSapEgrIPCritDstIpPrefixList to a non-default value in combination with setting any of tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddr and tSapEgrIPCritDestIpMask or tSapEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask to (a) non-default value(s) is rejected by the system This object is only supported when the value of tSapEgrIPCritAddrType is 'ipv4 (1)'. An inconsistentValue error is returned when the value of tSapEgrIPCritDstIpPrefixList is set to non-default value and the value of tSapEgrIPCritAddrType is not 'ipv4 (1)'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 27 } tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer specifies the policer identifier to be used for the traffic matching this IP Criteria entry. It provides the ability to direct specific traffic to a different SAP egress local policer (tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer) independently from that configured for the traffic's FC in tSapEgressFCPolicer. This action policer will be referred to as a bypass-policer. If a corresponding sap-egress policer identifier does not exist in tSapEgrPolicerTable, an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer is set to its default value, then the traffic for this forwarding class will not use a bypass-policer. When the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer is set to non-default value, the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPortQGrpQueue is set to default value and the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue set to default value, then the traffic matching this IP Criteria entry will use the local policer specified by tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer and then feed into a system determined egress access port queue-group queue. When the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer is set to non-default value, the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPortQGrpQueue is set to non-default value and the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue is set to non-default value, then the traffic matching this IP Criteria entry will use the local policer specified by tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer and then feed into a queue within the egress access port queue-group instance (TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapEgressPortQGrp, TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapEgressPortQGrpInstanceId) attached to the SAP. The queue used will be specified by tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue. When the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer is set to non-default value, the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPortQGrpQueue set to default value and the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue is set to non-default value, then traffic matching this IP Criteria entry will use the local policer specified by tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer, and then feed into the local queue specified by tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer is set to a default value and either tSapEgrIPCritActionPortQGrpQueue or tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue are set to non-default value(s). An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer is set to a non-default value when the value of tSapEgrIPCritRowStatus is set to 'notInService." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 28 } tSapEgrIPCritActionPortQGrpQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPortQGrpQueue specifies whether to use the queue specified in egress access port queue-group instance (TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapEgressPortQGrp, TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapEgressPortQGrpInstanceId) for this IP Criteria entry. When the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer is set to non-default value, the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPortQGrpQueue is set to default value and the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue set to default value, then the traffic matching this IP Criteria entry will use the local policer specified by tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer and then feed into a system determined egress access port queue-group queue. When the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer is set to non-default value, the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPortQGrpQueue is set to non-default value and the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue is set to non-default value, then the traffic matching this IP Criteria entry will use the local policer specified by tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer and then feed into a queue within the egress access port queue-group instance (TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapEgressPortQGrp, TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapEgressPortQGrpInstanceId) attached to the SAP. The queue used will be specified by tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue. When the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer is set to non-default value, the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPortQGrpQueue set to default value and the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue is set to non-default value, then traffic matching this IP Criteria entry will use the local policer specified by tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer, and then feed into the local queue specified by tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer is set to a default value and either tSapEgrIPCritActionPortQGrpQueue or tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue are set to non-default value(s). An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPortQGrpQueue is set to a non-default value when the value of tSapEgrIPCritRowStatus is set to 'notInService." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 29 } tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressQueueId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue specifies queue to use once traffic matching this IP Criteria entry has been policed by the local policer tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer. When the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer is set to non-default value, the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPortQGrpQueue is set to default value and the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue set to default value, then the traffic matching this IP Criteria entry will use the local policer specified by tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer and then feed into a system determined egress access port queue-group queue. When the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer is set to non-default value, the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPortQGrpQueue is set to non-default value and the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue is set to non-default value, then the traffic matching this IP Criteria entry will use the local policer specified by tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer and then feed into a queue within the egress access port queue-group instance (TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapEgressPortQGrp, TIMETRA-SAP-MIB::sapEgressPortQGrpInstanceId) attached to the SAP. The queue used will be specified by tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue. When the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer is set to non-default value, the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionPortQGrpQueue set to default value and the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue is set to non-default value, then traffic matching this IP Criteria entry will use the local policer specified by tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer, and then feed into the local queue specified by tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer is set to a default value and any of tSapEgrIPCritActionPortQGrpQueue, tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue, tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicerUseFCQ are set to non-default value(s). An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue is set to a non-default value when the value of tSapEgrIPCritRowStatus is set to 'notInService." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 30 } tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicerUseFCQ OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicerUseFCQ specifies whether to direct the output of the policer to the configured (fc-mapped) queues instead of the default behavior. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicerUseFCQ is set to a non-default value and any of tSapEgrIPCritActionPortQGrpQueue, tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue are set to non-default value. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicerUseFCQ is set to a non-default value and tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer is set to default value." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapEgrIPCritEntry 31 } tSapEgrPolicerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapEgrPolicerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgrPolicerTable defines SAP Egress Policer Table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of defining the policers. tSapEgrPolicerTable holds a list of all the policers configured in the managed system. Policers must exist in this table before being referenced by the forwarding class mappings within the queue policy as defined in the tSapEgressFCTable." ::= { tSapEgressObjects 8 } tSapEgrPolicerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapEgrPolicerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgrPolicerEntry defines an entry in the tSapEgrPolicerTable. Entries are created/deleted in this table by SNMP sets to tSapEgrPolicerRowStatus." INDEX { tSapEgressIndex, tSapEgrPolicerId } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerTable 1 } TSapEgrPolicerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapEgrPolicerId TEgressPolicerId, tSapEgrPolicerRowStatus RowStatus, tSapEgrPolicerLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapEgrPolicerDescr TItemDescription, tSapEgrPolicerPIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tSapEgrPolicerCIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tSapEgrPolicerParent TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapEgrPolicerLevel TLevel, tSapEgrPolicerWeight TPolicerWeight, tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIR THPolPIRRate, tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIR THPolCIRRate, tSapEgrPolicerStatMode TmnxEgrPolicerStatMode, tSapEgrPolicerMBS TPolicerBurstSizeBytes, tSapEgrPolicerHiPrioOnly TBurstPercentOrDefault, tSapEgrPolicerCBS TPolicerBurstSizeBytes, tSapEgrPolicerPktOffset TEgressPerPacketOffset, tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRPercent Unsigned32, tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRPercent Unsigned32, tSapEgrPolicerRateType TPolRateTypeRefOrLocalLimit, tSapEgrPolicerSlopeStartDepth Unsigned32, tSapEgrPolicerSlopeMaxDepth Unsigned32, tSapEgrPolicerSlopeMaxProb Unsigned32, tSapEgrPolicerSlopeMap TmnxSlopeMap, tSapEgrPolicerAdvCfgPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapEgrPolicerProfileCapped TruthValue, tSapEgrPolicerProfileOutPreserve TruthValue, tSapEgrPolicerEnableExceedPir TruthValue, tSapEgrPolicerEnblDscpPrecRemark TruthValue, tSapEgrPolicerSchedParent TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapEgrPolicerSchedLevel TLevel, tSapEgrPolicerSchedWeight TWeight, tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRLevel TLevelOrDefault, tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRWeight TWeight, tSapEgrPolicerSchedUsePortParent TruthValue, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortLvl TLevel, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortWght TWeight, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRLvl TLevelOrDefault, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRWght TWeight, tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32 } tSapEgrPolicerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressPolicerId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgrPolicerId defines the SAP Egress Policer identifier. It identifies an sap-egress policer in the managed system." ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 1 } tSapEgrPolicerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgrPolicerRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tSapEgrPolicerTable." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 2 } tSapEgrPolicerLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgrPolicerLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime when the entry was last modified." ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 3 } tSapEgrPolicerDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgrPolicerDescr specifies the description of the policer." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 4 } tSapEgrPolicerPIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 5 } tSapEgrPolicerCIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational CIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 6 } tSapEgrPolicerParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgrPolicerParent specifies the arbiter to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 7 } tSapEgrPolicerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgrPolicerLevel specifies the level of priority while feeding the parent." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 8 } tSapEgrPolicerWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgrPolicerWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used by the arbiter to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 9 } tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIR specifies the administrative PIR specified by the user. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRHi and tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRLo objects." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 10 } tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolCIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIR specifies the administrative CIR specified by the user. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRHi and tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRLo objects." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 11 } tSapEgrPolicerStatMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEgrPolicerStatMode MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgrPolicerStatMode specifies the mode of statistics collected by this policer." DEFVAL { minimal } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 12 } tSapEgrPolicerMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tSapEgrPolicerMBS specifies the high priority 'violate' threshold of PIR leaky bucket of this policer." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 13 } tSapEgrPolicerHiPrioOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tSapEgrPolicerHiPrioOnly specifies the percentage of PIR leaky bucket's MBS (maximum burst size) of this policer that is reserved for high priority traffic." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 14 } tSapEgrPolicerCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tSapEgrPolicerCBS specifies the 'exceed' threshold of the CIR leaky bucket of this policer." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 15 } tSapEgrPolicerPktOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressPerPacketOffset MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgrPolicerPktOffset specifies the packet byte offset for addition of policing information by this policer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 16 } tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative PIR percentage, in centipercent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tSapEgrPolicerRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 17 } tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative CIR percentage, in centipercent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tSapEgrPolicerRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 18 } tSapEgrPolicerRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolRateTypeRefOrLocalLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerRateType specifies the type of egress policer rate. When the value of the object is set to 'kbps', the egresss policer rates are specified in kbps. The objects tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRPercent and tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of the object is set to 'percentOfLocalLimit' or 'percentReferPortLimit', the egress policer rates are specified in percentage. The objects tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIR and tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIR will be set to their default values." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 19 } tSapEgrPolicerSlopeStartDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerSlopeStartDepth specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability starts to rise above 0. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 20 } tSapEgrPolicerSlopeMaxDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerSlopeMaxDepth specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability is 100 percent. This implies that all packets beyond this point will be dropped. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 21 } tSapEgrPolicerSlopeMaxProb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerSlopeMaxProb specifies the drop probability, as a percentage, when the queue depth reaches tSapEgrPolicerSlopeMaxDepth. The drop increases steadily from 0 at the tSapEgrPolicerSlopeStartDepth up to the tSapEgrPolicerSlopeMaxProb at the tSapEgrPolicerSlopeMaxDepth. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 22 } tSapEgrPolicerSlopeMap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSlopeMap MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerSlopeMap specifies the slope map to be used with this policer. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 23 } tSapEgrPolicerAdvCfgPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerAdvCfgPolicy specifies the name of the advanced configuration policy to be applied with this policer." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 24 } tSapEgrPolicerProfileCapped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerProfileCapped specifies how the explicit in-profile and undetermined profile traffic should be handled at the egress policer. When the value of tSapEgrPolicerProfileCapped is set to 'true', both explicit in-profile and undetermined profile traffic is honored up to CIR, above which it is marked as out-of-profile. If CIR is set to zero, then all explicit in-profile and undetermined profile packets, along with the explicit out-of-profile packets are marked as out-of-profile. The default behavior when tSapEgrPolicerProfileCapped is set to 'false' is to ignore the CIR output state when an explicit in-profile packet is handled by an egress policer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 25 } tSapEgrPolicerProfileOutPreserve OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerProfileOutPreserve specifies whether to preserve the color of offered out-of-profile traffic at sap-egress policer (profile of the packet can change based on egress CIR state). If the value of tSapEgrPolicerProfileOutPreserve is set to 'true', traffic determined as out-of-profile at ingress policer will be treated as out-of-profile at sap-egress policer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 26 } tSapEgrPolicerEnableExceedPir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerEnableExceedPir specifies whether to enable exceeding of PIR for sap-egress policer, i.e., whether the traffic should be forwarded as exceed-profile instead of being dropped." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 27 } tSapEgrPolicerEnblDscpPrecRemark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerEnblDscpPrecRemark specifies whether to enable remarking for DSCP and Precedence based on the profile state of a packet being forwarded by sap-egress policer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 28 } tSapEgrPolicerSchedParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerSchedParent specifies the scheduler to which this policer would be feeding to. The objects tSapEgrPolicerSchedParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedLevel, tSapEgrPolicerSchedWeight, tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRLevel and tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRWeight are mutually exclusive to tSapEgrPolicerSchedUsePortParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortLvl, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortWght, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRLvl and tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRWght." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 29 } tSapEgrPolicerSchedLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerSchedLevel specifies the level of priority while feeding to the parent. The objects tSapEgrPolicerSchedParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedLevel, tSapEgrPolicerSchedWeight, tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRLevel and tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRWeight are mutually exclusive to tSapEgrPolicerSchedUsePortParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortLvl, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortWght, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRLvl and tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRWght." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 30 } tSapEgrPolicerSchedWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerSchedWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used by the scheduler to which this policer would be feeding to. The objects tSapEgrPolicerSchedParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedLevel, tSapEgrPolicerSchedWeight, tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRLevel and tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRWeight are mutually exclusive to tSapEgrPolicerSchedUsePortParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortLvl, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortWght, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRLvl and tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRWght." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 31 } tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevelOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRLevel specifies the level of priority while feeding to the parent. The level '0' means treat all offered load for this policer as for the above CIR traffic. The objects tSapEgrPolicerSchedParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedLevel, tSapEgrPolicerSchedWeight, tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRLevel and tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRWeight are mutually exclusive to tSapEgrPolicerSchedUsePortParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortLvl, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortWght, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRLvl and tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRWght." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 32 } tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used until the committed rate by the scheduler to which this policer would be feeding to. The objects tSapEgrPolicerSchedParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedLevel, tSapEgrPolicerSchedWeight, tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRLevel and tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRWeight are mutually exclusive to tSapEgrPolicerSchedUsePortParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortLvl, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortWght, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRLvl and tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRWght." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 33 } tSapEgrPolicerSchedUsePortParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerSchedUsePortParent specifies whether this queue is parented by a port-level scheduler. When the value is 'true', this sap-egress policer is parented by a port-level scheduler. The objects tSapEgrPolicerSchedParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedLevel, tSapEgrPolicerSchedWeight, tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRLevel and tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRWeight are mutually exclusive to tSapEgrPolicerSchedUsePortParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortLvl, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortWght, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRLvl and tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRWght." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 34 } tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortLvl specifies the port priority this policer will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its above-cir offered load. The objects tSapEgrPolicerSchedParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedLevel, tSapEgrPolicerSchedWeight, tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRLevel and tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRWeight are mutually exclusive to tSapEgrPolicerSchedUsePortParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortLvl, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortWght, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRLvl and tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRWght. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortLvl is set to non-default value when the value of object tSapEgrPolicerSchedUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 35 } tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortWght OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortWght specifies the weight this policer will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its above-cir offered load. The objects tSapEgrPolicerSchedParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedLevel, tSapEgrPolicerSchedWeight, tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRLevel and tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRWeight are mutually exclusive to tSapEgrPolicerSchedUsePortParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortLvl, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortWght, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRLvl and tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRWght. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortWght is set to non-default value when the value of object tSapEgrPolicerSchedUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 36 } tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevelOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRLvl specifies the port priority this policer will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its within-cir offered load. The objects tSapEgrPolicerSchedParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedLevel, tSapEgrPolicerSchedWeight, tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRLevel and tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRWeight are mutually exclusive to tSapEgrPolicerSchedUsePortParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortLvl, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortWght, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRLvl and tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRWght. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRLvl is set to non-default value when the value of object tSapEgrPolicerSchedUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 37 } tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRWght OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRWght specifies the weight this policer will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its within-cir offered load. The objects tSapEgrPolicerSchedParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedLevel, tSapEgrPolicerSchedWeight, tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRLevel and tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRWeight are mutually exclusive to tSapEgrPolicerSchedUsePortParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortLvl, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortWght, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRLvl and tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRWght. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRWght is set to non-default value when the value of object tSapEgrPolicerSchedUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 38 } tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the administrative PIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRHi along with the value of tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 39 } tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRLo specifies the lower 32 bits of the administrative PIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRHi along with the value of tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 40 } tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the administrative CIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRHi along with the value of tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 41 } tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRLo specifies the lower 32 bits of the administrative CIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRHi along with the value of tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrPolicerEntry 42 } tSapEgrPolicyNameTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapEgrPolicyNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains SAP egress policy name information. Entries are created automatically by the system when tSapEgressPolicyName object is set for the SAP egress policy." ::= { tSapEgressObjects 9 } tSapEgrPolicyNameEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapEgrPolicyNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Basic information about a specific SAP egress policy name." INDEX { tSapEgressPolicyName } ::= { tSapEgrPolicyNameTable 1 } TSapEgrPolicyNameEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapEgrPolicyNameId TSapEgressPolicyID, tSapEgrPolicyNameRowStatus RowStatus, tSapEgrPolicyNameLastChanged TimeStamp } tSapEgrPolicyNameId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapEgressPolicyID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapEgrPolicyNameId indicates the policy name associated with this SAP egress policy." ::= { tSapEgrPolicyNameEntry 1 } tSapEgrPolicyNameRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of the object tSapEgrPolicyNameRowStatus indicates the status of this row." ::= { tSapEgrPolicyNameEntry 2 } tSapEgrPolicyNameLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicyNameLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tSapEgrPolicyNameEntry 3 } tSapEgressDot1pTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapEgressDot1pEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that contains the list of all dot1p entries for all sap-egress policies." ::= { tSapEgressObjects 10 } tSapEgressDot1pEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapEgressDot1pEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular dot1p match for a sap-egress policy. Entries are created/deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tSapEgressIndex, tSapEgressDot1pValue } ::= { tSapEgressDot1pTable 1 } TSapEgressDot1pEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapEgressDot1pValue Dot1PPriority, tSapEgressDot1pRowStatus RowStatus, tSapEgressDot1pLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapEgressDot1pFC TFCNameOrEmpty, tSapEgressDot1pProfile TEgressProfileOrNone } tSapEgressDot1pValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority (0..7) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressDot1pValue specifies the dotp value to match in the packet. This value is also used as an index so that for any dot1p value there is only one possible disposition queue and priority." ::= { tSapEgressDot1pEntry 1 } tSapEgressDot1pRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgressDot1pRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tSapEgressDot1pTable." ::= { tSapEgressDot1pEntry 2 } tSapEgressDot1pLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressDot1pLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry." ::= { tSapEgressDot1pEntry 3 } tSapEgressDot1pFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressDot1pFC specifies the forwarding class to be used to classify all the traffic that matches the Dot1p value specified by tSapEgressDot1pValue. Unless tSapEgressDot1pFC is specified explicitly, this match will be ignored for classification purposes." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgressDot1pEntry 4 } tSapEgressDot1pProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressProfileOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressDot1pProfile specifies the profile to use for packets that match the dot1p value specified by tSapEgressDot1pValue." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSapEgressDot1pEntry 5 } tSapEgrDynamicCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tSapEgrDynamicCfgTable has an entry for each Sap Egress QoS Policy." ::= { tSapEgressObjects 14 } tSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry represents information about a particular Sap Egress QoS Policy. Sap Egress policy (1) is the default entry and created by the agent, while all other entries are created by user. Default Entry cannot be modified/deleted. The other entries can be modified/deleted are deleted by user." AUGMENTS { tSapEgressEntry } ::= { tSapEgrDynamicCfgTable 1 } TSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapEgrDynamicCfgLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapEgrSharedPccRuleInsertPoint TEntryIdOrZero, tSapEgrSharedPccRuleInsertSize TEntryIdOrZero, tSapEgrSharedPccRuleNbrInsert Unsigned32, tSapEgrSharedPccRuleNbrPolicy Unsigned32, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerInsertPoint TEgrDynPolicerIdOrNone, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerInsertSize TEgrDynPolicerIdOrNone, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerNbrInsert Unsigned32, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerPktOffset TEgressPerPacketOffset, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerMBS TPolicerBurstSizeBytes, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerCBS TPolicerBurstSizeBytes, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerParent TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerLevel TLevel, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerWeight TPolicerWeight, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerStatMode TmnxEgrPolicerStatMode } tSapEgrDynamicCfgLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrDynamicCfgLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this row." ::= { tSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry 1 } tSapEgrSharedPccRuleInsertPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrSharedPccRuleInsertPoint specifies the place at which the pcc-rule IP criteria entries that are received from Diameter and that are shared across several hosts will be inserted in the policy. The range defined here will be reserved for those entries; no other entries will be allowed in this range. The value of zero means that no pcc-rule IP criteria entries can be inserted in the policy by Diameter. If tSapEgrSharedPccRuleInsertSize is set to zero, then tSapEgrSharedPccRuleInsertPoint is also set to zero by the system. Note that the range reserved for pcc-rule entries is the same for IPv4 criteria and IPv6 criteria." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry 2 } tSapEgrSharedPccRuleInsertSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEntryIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrSharedPccRuleInsertSize specifies how many pcc-rule IP criteria entries that are received from Diameter and that are shared across several hosts can be inserted in the policy. The range defined here will be reserved for those entries; no other entries will be allowed in this range. The value of zero means that no pcc-rule IP criteria entries can be inserted in the policy by Diameter. If tSapEgrSharedPccRuleInsertPoint is set to zero, then tSapEgrSharedPccRuleInsertSize is also set zero by the system. Note that the range reserved for pcc-rule entries is the same for IPv4 criteria and IPv6 criteria." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry 3 } tSapEgrSharedPccRuleNbrInsert OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapEgrSharedPccRuleNbrInsert indicates how many pcc-rule IP criteria entries received from Diameter have been inserted in this policy." ::= { tSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry 4 } tSapEgrSharedPccRuleNbrPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapEgrSharedPccRuleNbrPolicy indicates how many pcc-rule shared policies are currently created based on this policy." ::= { tSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry 5 } tSapEgrDynamicPolicerInsertPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgrDynPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrDynamicPolicerInsertPoint specifies the place at which the dynamic policers required for pcc-rule IP criteria entries that are received from Diameter and that are shared across several hosts will be inserted in the policy. The range defined here will be reserved for those dynamic policers; no other policers will be allowed in this range. The value of zero means that no dynamic policers can be inserted in the policy by Diameter. If tSapEgrDynamicPolicerInsertSize is set to zero, then tSapEgrDynamicPolicerInsertPoint is also set zero by the system. Note that the range reserved for pcc-rule dynamic policers is the same for IPv4 criteria and IPv6 criteria." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry 6 } tSapEgrDynamicPolicerInsertSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgrDynPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrDynamicPolicerInsertSize specifies how many dynamic policers required for pcc-rule IP criteria entries that are received from Diameter and that are shared across several hosts can be inserted in the policy. The range defined here will be reserved for those dynamic policers; no other policers will be allowed in this range. The value of zero means that no dynamic policers can be inserted in the policy by Diameter. If tSapEgrDynamicPolicerInsertSize is set to zero, then tSapEgrDynamicPolicerInsertPoint is also set zero by the system. Note that the range reserved for pcc-rule dynamic policers is the same for IPv4 criteria and IPv6 criteria." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry 7 } tSapEgrDynamicPolicerNbrInsert OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapEgrDynamicPolicerNbrInsert indicates how many dynamic policers required for pcc-rule IP criteria entries received from Diameter have been inserted in this policy." ::= { tSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry 8 } tSapEgrDynamicPolicerPktOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressPerPacketOffset MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrDynamicPolicerPktOffset specifies the packet byte offset for addition of policing information by this policer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry 9 } tSapEgrDynamicPolicerMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrDynamicPolicerMBS specifies the high priority 'violate' threshold of PIR leaky bucket of this policer." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry 10 } tSapEgrDynamicPolicerCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrDynamicPolicerCBS specifies the 'exceed' threshold of the CIR leaky bucket of this policer." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry 11 } tSapEgrDynamicPolicerParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrDynamicPolicerParent specifies the arbiter to which this policer would be feeding." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry 12 } tSapEgrDynamicPolicerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrDynamicPolicerLevel specifies the level of priority while feeding the parent." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry 13 } tSapEgrDynamicPolicerWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrDynamicPolicerWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used by the arbiter to which this policer would be feeding." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry 14 } tSapEgrDynamicPolicerStatMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEgrPolicerStatMode MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrDynamicPolicerStatMode specifies the mode of statistics collected by this policer." DEFVAL { minimal } ::= { tSapEgrDynamicCfgEntry 15 } tSapEgressHsWrrGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapEgressHsWrrGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tSapEgressHsWrrGrpTable contains HS WRR (Weighted Round Robin) group information on sap-egress policies. Entries in this table are created whenever a sap-egress policy is created in tSapEgressEntry." ::= { tSapEgressObjects 15 } tSapEgressHsWrrGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapEgressHsWrrGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in tSapEgressHsWrrGrpEntry represents the information about a particular HS WRR Group specified by tSapEgressHsWrrGrpId." INDEX { tSapEgressIndex, tSapEgressHsWrrGrpId } ::= { tSapEgressHsWrrGrpTable 1 } TSapEgressHsWrrGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapEgressHsWrrGrpId Unsigned32, tSapEgressHsWrrGrpLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapEgressHsWrrGrpRateType TRateType, tSapEgressHsWrrGrpRate Unsigned32, tSapEgressHsWrrGrpRatePercent Unsigned32, tSapEgressHsWrrGrpPIRAdaption TAdaptationRule, tSapEgressHsWrrGrpClassWeight Unsigned32 } tSapEgressHsWrrGrpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsWrrGrpId indicates the HS WRR group identifier." ::= { tSapEgressHsWrrGrpEntry 1 } tSapEgressHsWrrGrpLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsWrrGrpLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime for the last change to this row." ::= { tSapEgressHsWrrGrpEntry 2 } tSapEgressHsWrrGrpRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TRateType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsWrrGrpRateType specifies the rate type for this group. When the value of tSapEgressHsWrrGrpRateType is set to 'kbps', the group rates are specified in kbps. The object tSapEgressHsWrrGrpRatePercent will be set to its default values. When the value of tSapEgressHsWrrGrpRateType is set to 'percent', the group rates are specified in percentage. The object tSapEgressHsWrrGrpRate will be set to its default value." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tSapEgressHsWrrGrpEntry 3 } tSapEgressHsWrrGrpRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2000000000 | 4294967295) UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsWrrGrpRate specifies the queue's PIR rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tSapEgressHsWrrGrpEntry 5 } tSapEgressHsWrrGrpRatePercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsWrrGrpRatePercent specifies the group rate percent, in centipercent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tSapEgressHsWrrGrpRatePercent is set to non-default value when the object tSapEgressHsWrrGrpRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tSapEgressHsWrrGrpEntry 6 } tSapEgressHsWrrGrpPIRAdaption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsWrrGrpPIRAdaption specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tSapEgressHsWrrGrpEntry 7 } tSapEgressHsWrrGrpClassWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1 | 2 | 4 | 8) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsWrrGrpClassWeight specifies the weight of scheduling class." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgressHsWrrGrpEntry 8 } tSapEgressSchdClssElvTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSapEgressSchdClssElvEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tSapEgressSchdClssElvTable contains an entry for each scheduler class on sap-egress policies. Entries in this table are created with a weight of 1 whenever a sap-egress policy is created in tSapEgressEntry." ::= { tSapEgressObjects 16 } tSapEgressSchdClssElvEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSapEgressSchdClssElvEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in tSapEgressSchdClssElvEntry represents the information about a particular scheduler class specified by tSapEgressQueueSchedClass." INDEX { tSapEgressIndex, tSapEgressQueueSchedClass } ::= { tSapEgressSchdClssElvTable 1 } TSapEgressSchdClssElvEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSapEgressSchdClssElvRowStatus RowStatus, tSapEgressSchdClssElvLastChanged TimeStamp, tSapEgressSchdClssElvWght Unsigned32 } tSapEgressSchdClssElvRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgressSchdClssElvRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tSapEgressSchdClssElvTable." ::= { tSapEgressSchdClssElvEntry 2 } tSapEgressSchdClssElvLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressSchdClssElvLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime for the last change to this row." ::= { tSapEgressSchdClssElvEntry 3 } tSapEgressSchdClssElvWght OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressSchdClssElvWght specifies the weight of the queue at the vport bandwidth distribution scheduling class level." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSapEgressSchdClssElvEntry 4 } tNetworkObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 5 } tNetworkPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNetworkPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { tNetworkObjects 1 } tNetworkPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetworkPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Network Policy. network policy (1) is the default entry. Default Entry is created by the agent, other entries are created by user. Default Entry cannot be modified/deleted. The other entries are deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile. The default Egress FC entries are created as an action of setting the rowstatus." INDEX { tNetworkPolicyIndex } ::= { tNetworkPolicyTable 1 } TNetworkPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNetworkPolicyIndex TNetworkPolicyID, tNetworkPolicyRowStatus RowStatus, tNetworkPolicyScope TItemScope, tNetworkPolicyDescription TItemDescription, tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionFC TFCName, tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionProfile TProfile, tNetworkPolicyEgressRemark TruthValue, tNetworkPolicyLastChanged TimeStamp, tNetworkPolicyIngressLerUseDscp TruthValue, tNetworkPolicyEgressRemarkDscp TruthValue, tNetworkPolicyIngMatchCriteria TMatchCriteria, tNetworkPolicyName TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tNetworkPolicyEgrMatchCriteria TMatchCriteria } tNetworkPolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetworkPolicyID (1..65535 | 65536 | 65537 | 65538 | 65539) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tNetworkPolicyEntry 1 } tNetworkPolicyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tNetworkPolicyEntry 2 } tNetworkPolicyScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemScope MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" DEFVAL { template } ::= { tNetworkPolicyEntry 5 } tNetworkPolicyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetworkPolicyDescription holds the description for this policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkPolicyEntry 6 } tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionFC specifies the default forwarding class to be used while classifying the ingress traffic." DEFVAL { 'be'H } ::= { tNetworkPolicyEntry 7 } tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TProfile MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionProfile specifies the default profile to be used for the ingressing traffic." DEFVAL { out } ::= { tNetworkPolicyEntry 8 } tNetworkPolicyEgressRemark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tNetworkPolicyEgressRemark specifies if the system will remark the egress packets or not." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tNetworkPolicyEntry 9 } tNetworkPolicyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timestamp of last change to this row in tNetworkPolicyTable." ::= { tNetworkPolicyEntry 10 } tNetworkPolicyIngressLerUseDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object has significance only for the label edge routers which should honor the DSCP markings instead of the LSPEXP bits." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tNetworkPolicyEntry 11 } tNetworkPolicyEgressRemarkDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkPolicyEgressRemarkDscp object specifies whether DSCP bits in the internal IP header should be remarked. This object is valid only when tNetworkPolicyEgressRemark is set to 'true'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tNetworkPolicyEntry 12 } tNetworkPolicyIngMatchCriteria OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMatchCriteria MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkPolicyIngMatchCriteria indicates which type of match criteria the policy should use. When set to 'ip (1)', the policy looks for match entries in tNetworkIngIPCritTable. The value of tNetworkPolicyIngMatchCriteria is set to 'ip (1)' when the first match criteria table entry is created. The value is set to 'none (3)' when the last match criteria table entry is removed." ::= { tNetworkPolicyEntry 13 } tNetworkPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkPolicyName specifies the name to associate with this policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkPolicyEntry 14 } tNetworkPolicyEgrMatchCriteria OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMatchCriteria MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkPolicyEgrMatchCriteria indicates which type of match criteria the policy should use. When set to 'ip (1)', the policy looks for match entries in tNetworkEgrIPCritTable. The value of tNetworkPolicyEgrMatchCriteria is set to 'ip (1)' when the first match criteria table entry is created. The value is set to 'none (3)' when the last match criteria table entry is removed." ::= { tNetworkPolicyEntry 15 } tNetworkIngressDSCPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNetworkIngressDSCPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressDSCPTable contains information about DSCP mapping for network policy." ::= { tNetworkObjects 2 } tNetworkIngressDSCPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetworkIngressDSCPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a dscp map for a network policy. Some default entries are created by the agent for the default network policy (1). These cannot be deleted or modified. Other entries are created/deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tNetworkPolicyIndex, tNetworkIngressDSCP } ::= { tNetworkIngressDSCPTable 1 } TNetworkIngressDSCPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNetworkIngressDSCP TDSCPName, tNetworkIngressDSCPRowStatus RowStatus, tNetworkIngressDSCPFC TFCName, tNetworkIngressDSCPProfile TProfile, tNetworkIngressDSCPLastChanged TimeStamp } tNetworkIngressDSCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressDSCP specifies Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value name." ::= { tNetworkIngressDSCPEntry 1 } tNetworkIngressDSCPRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressDSCPRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of DSCP entries for network ingress Qos policy." ::= { tNetworkIngressDSCPEntry 2 } tNetworkIngressDSCPFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressDSCPFC specifies the forwarding class (FC) associated with this DSCP value. There is no default value for this object. It must be set at the time of row creation." ::= { tNetworkIngressDSCPEntry 3 } tNetworkIngressDSCPProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TProfile MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressDSCPProfile specifies the profile of the packet associated with this DSCP value. There is no default value for this object. It must be set at the time of row creation." ::= { tNetworkIngressDSCPEntry 4 } tNetworkIngressDSCPLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tNetworkIngressDSCPTable." ::= { tNetworkIngressDSCPEntry 5 } tNetworkIngressDot1pTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNetworkIngressDot1pEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressDot1pTable contains information about a dot1p priority mapping for a network policy." ::= { tNetworkObjects 3 } tNetworkIngressDot1pEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetworkIngressDot1pEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a dot1p map for a network policy. Some default entries are created by the agent for the default network policy (1). These cannot be deleted or modified. Other entries are created/deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tNetworkPolicyIndex, tNetworkIngressDot1pValue } ::= { tNetworkIngressDot1pTable 1 } TNetworkIngressDot1pEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNetworkIngressDot1pValue Dot1PPriority, tNetworkIngressDot1pRowStatus RowStatus, tNetworkIngressDot1pFC TFCName, tNetworkIngressDot1pProfile TDEProfile, tNetworkIngressDot1pLastChanged TimeStamp } tNetworkIngressDot1pValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority (0..7) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressDot1pValue specifies IEEE 802.1p priority value." ::= { tNetworkIngressDot1pEntry 1 } tNetworkIngressDot1pRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressDot1pRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of dot1p entries for network ingress Qos policy." ::= { tNetworkIngressDot1pEntry 2 } tNetworkIngressDot1pFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressDot1pFC specifies the forwarding class (FC) associated with this dot1p value. There is no default value for this object. It must be set at the time of row creation." ::= { tNetworkIngressDot1pEntry 3 } tNetworkIngressDot1pProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDEProfile MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressDot1pProfile specifies the profile of the packet associated with this dot1p value. There is no default value for this object. It must be set at the time of row creation." ::= { tNetworkIngressDot1pEntry 4 } tNetworkIngressDot1pLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tNetworkIngressDot1pTable." ::= { tNetworkIngressDot1pEntry 5 } tNetworkIngressLSPEXPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNetworkIngressLSPEXPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressLSPEXPTable contains information about LSP EXP mapping for a network policy." ::= { tNetworkObjects 4 } tNetworkIngressLSPEXPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetworkIngressLSPEXPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about LSP EXP mapping for a network policy. Some default entries are created by the agent for the default network policy (1). These cannot be deleted or modified. Other entries are created/deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tNetworkPolicyIndex, tNetworkIngressLSPEXP } ::= { tNetworkIngressLSPEXPTable 1 } TNetworkIngressLSPEXPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNetworkIngressLSPEXP TLspExpValue, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPRowStatus RowStatus, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPFC TFCName, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPProfile TProfile, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPLastChanged TimeStamp } tNetworkIngressLSPEXP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLspExpValue (0..7) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressLSPEXP specifies LSP EXP experimental bit values." ::= { tNetworkIngressLSPEXPEntry 1 } tNetworkIngressLSPEXPRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressLSPEXPRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of LSP EXP entries for network ingress Qos policy." ::= { tNetworkIngressLSPEXPEntry 2 } tNetworkIngressLSPEXPFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressLSPEXPFC specifies the forwarding class (FC) associated with this LSP EXP value. There is no default value for this object. It must be set at the time of row creation." ::= { tNetworkIngressLSPEXPEntry 3 } tNetworkIngressLSPEXPProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TProfile MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressLSPEXPProfile specifies the profile of the packet associated with this LSP EXP value. There is no default value for this object. It must be set at the time of row creation." ::= { tNetworkIngressLSPEXPEntry 4 } tNetworkIngressLSPEXPLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tNetworkIngressLSPEXPTable." ::= { tNetworkIngressLSPEXPEntry 5 } tNetworkEgressFCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNetworkEgressFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about all network policies' egress FC traffic disposition." ::= { tNetworkObjects 7 } tNetworkEgressFCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetworkEgressFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular network policy's egress per-forwarding-class traffic disposition. Entries are created/deleted as an action of creating/deleting a row in the tNetworkPolicyTable. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tNetworkPolicyIndex, tNetworkEgressFCName } ::= { tNetworkEgressFCTable 1 } TNetworkEgressFCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNetworkEgressFCName TFCName, tNetworkEgressFCDSCPInProfile TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tNetworkEgressFCDSCPOutProfile TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tNetworkEgressFCLspExpInProfile TLspExpValue, tNetworkEgressFCLspExpOutProfile TLspExpValue, tNetworkEgressFCDot1pInProfile Dot1PPriority, tNetworkEgressFCDot1pOutProfile Dot1PPriority, tNetworkEgressFCLastChanged TimeStamp, tNetworkEgressFCForceDEValue TDEValue, tNetworkEgressFCDEMark TruthValue, tNetworkEgressFCQGrpQueue TEgressQueueId, tNetworkEgressFCQGrpPolicer Integer32 } tNetworkEgressFCName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the name of the forwarding class (FC)." ::= { tNetworkEgressFCEntry 1 } tNetworkEgressFCDSCPInProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the DSCP to use for in-profile traffic." ::= { tNetworkEgressFCEntry 2 } tNetworkEgressFCDSCPOutProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the DSCP to use for out-of-profile traffic." ::= { tNetworkEgressFCEntry 3 } tNetworkEgressFCLspExpInProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLspExpValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the lsp-exp value to use for in-profile traffic." ::= { tNetworkEgressFCEntry 4 } tNetworkEgressFCLspExpOutProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLspExpValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the lsp-exp value to use for out-of-profile traffic." ::= { tNetworkEgressFCEntry 5 } tNetworkEgressFCDot1pInProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the Dot1p to use for in-profile traffic." ::= { tNetworkEgressFCEntry 6 } tNetworkEgressFCDot1pOutProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the Dot1p to use for out-of-profile traffic." ::= { tNetworkEgressFCEntry 7 } tNetworkEgressFCLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tNetworkEgressFCTable." ::= { tNetworkEgressFCEntry 8 } tNetworkEgressFCForceDEValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDEValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgressFCForceDEValue specifies the DE value to set for network egress packets in this forwarding class regardless of profile status of the frames. An inconsistentValue error is returned if this object is set to any value other than '-1', when tNetworkEgressFCDEMark object is set to 'false'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tNetworkEgressFCEntry 9 } tNetworkEgressFCDEMark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgressFCDEMark specifies whether to set DE value in the frames of this forwarding class. An inconsistentValue error is returned if this object is set to 'false' when tNetworkEgressFCForceDEValue object is not set to '-1'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tNetworkEgressFCEntry 10 } tNetworkEgressFCQGrpQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressQueueId MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetworkEgressFCQGrpQueue specifies the specific queue from queue-group TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB::vRtrIfQosQGrp to be used for packets in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkEgressFCEntry 11 } tNetworkEgressFCQGrpPolicer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 1..16) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgressFCQGrpPolicer specifies the policer from queue-group to be used for packets in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkEgressFCEntry 12 } tNetworkIngressFCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNetworkIngressFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about all network policies' ingress FC traffic disposition." ::= { tNetworkObjects 8 } tNetworkIngressFCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetworkIngressFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular network policy's ingress per-forwarding-class traffic disposition. Entries are created/deleted as an action of creating/deleting a row in the tNetworkPolicyTable. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tNetworkPolicyIndex, tNetworkIngressFCName } ::= { tNetworkIngressFCTable 1 } TNetworkIngressFCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNetworkIngressFCName TFCName, tNetworkIngressFCLastChanged TimeStamp, tNetworkIngressFCMultiCastPlcr TIngPolicerIdOrNone, tNetworkIngressFCUniCastPlcr TIngPolicerIdOrNone, tNetworkIngressFCBroadCastPlcr TIngPolicerIdOrNone, tNetworkIngressFCUnknownPlcr TIngPolicerIdOrNone } tNetworkIngressFCName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressFCName specifies the name of the forwarding class (FC)." ::= { tNetworkIngressFCEntry 1 } tNetworkIngressFCLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressFCLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime for the last change to this entry." ::= { tNetworkIngressFCEntry 2 } tNetworkIngressFCMultiCastPlcr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressFCMultiCastPlcr specifies the policer to be used for multicast traffic for this forwarding class." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkIngressFCEntry 3 } tNetworkIngressFCUniCastPlcr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressFCUniCastPlcr specifies the policer to be used for unicast traffic for this forwarding class." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkIngressFCEntry 4 } tNetworkIngressFCBroadCastPlcr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressFCBroadCastPlcr specifies the policer to be used for broadcast traffic for this forwarding class." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkIngressFCEntry 5 } tNetworkIngressFCUnknownPlcr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressFCUnknownPlcr specifies the policer to be used for unknown traffic for this forwarding class." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkIngressFCEntry 6 } tNetworkEgressDSCPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNetworkEgressDSCPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetworkEgressDSCPTable lists all DSCP entries for all network egress policies." ::= { tNetworkObjects 9 } tNetworkEgressDSCPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetworkEgressDSCPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tNetworkEgressDSCPEntry defines a particular DSCP entry for a network egress policy. Some default entries are created by the agent for the default network policy (1). These cannot be deleted or modified. Other entries are created/deleted by user. In the event that one policy has multiple entries, and the tNetworkEgressDSCP values are the same, only one queue will be created (the queue for the lexicographically first tNetworkEgressDSCP)." INDEX { tNetworkPolicyIndex, tNetworkEgressDSCP } ::= { tNetworkEgressDSCPTable 1 } TNetworkEgressDSCPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNetworkEgressDSCP TDSCPName, tNetworkEgressDSCPRowStatus RowStatus, tNetworkEgressDSCPLastChanged TimeStamp, tNetworkEgressDSCPFC TFCName, tNetworkEgressDSCPProfile TEgressProfile } tNetworkEgressDSCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgressDSCP indicates the DSCP value for which the mapping is done. It is used as a secondary index for tNetworkEgressDSCPTable." ::= { tNetworkEgressDSCPEntry 1 } tNetworkEgressDSCPRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgressDSCPRowStatus is used for the creation and the deletion of rows in this table. The value of tNetworkEgressDSCPProfile must be specified when row is created." ::= { tNetworkEgressDSCPEntry 2 } tNetworkEgressDSCPLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgressDSCPLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this table row." ::= { tNetworkEgressDSCPEntry 3 } tNetworkEgressDSCPFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgressDSCPFC will overwrite the forwarding class derived from ingress. The new forwarding class is used for egress remarking and queue mapping decisions. There is no DEFVAL for tNetworkEgressDSCPFC. It must be set at the time of row creation." ::= { tNetworkEgressDSCPEntry 4 } tNetworkEgressDSCPProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressProfile MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgressDSCPProfile specifies the egress classification rule that will overwrite the profile of the packet derived from the ingress. The new profile value is used for egress remarking and queue congestion behavior. There is no DEFVAL for tNetworkEgressDSCPProfile. It must be set at the time of row creation." ::= { tNetworkEgressDSCPEntry 5 } tNetworkEgressPrecTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNetworkEgressPrecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tNetworkEgressPrecTable table maintains the mapping of a particular precedence value into a forwarding class" ::= { tNetworkObjects 10 } tNetworkEgressPrecEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetworkEgressPrecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tNetworkEgressPrecEntry defines a particular network egress policy's IP precedence values to forwarding class mappings. Entries are created and deleted by user." INDEX { tNetworkPolicyIndex, tNetworkEgressPrecValue } ::= { tNetworkEgressPrecTable 1 } TNetworkEgressPrecEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNetworkEgressPrecValue TPrecValue, tNetworkEgressPrecRowStatus RowStatus, tNetworkEgressPrecLastChanged TimeStamp, tNetworkEgressPrecFC TFCName, tNetworkEgressPrecProfile TEgressProfile } tNetworkEgressPrecValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPrecValue MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgressPrecValue indicates the precedence value for which the mapping is done. It is used as a secondary index for tNetworkEgressPrecTable." ::= { tNetworkEgressPrecEntry 1 } tNetworkEgressPrecRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgressPrecRowStatus is used for the creation and the deletion of rows in this table. The value of tNetworkEgressPrecProfile must be specified when row is created." ::= { tNetworkEgressPrecEntry 2 } tNetworkEgressPrecLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgressPrecLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management-initiated change to this table row." ::= { tNetworkEgressPrecEntry 3 } tNetworkEgressPrecFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgressPrecFC will overwrite the forwarding class derived from egress. The new forwarding class is used for egress remarking and queue mapping decisions. There is no DEFVAL for tNetworkEgressPrecFC. It must be set at the time of row creation." ::= { tNetworkEgressPrecEntry 4 } tNetworkEgressPrecProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressProfile MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgressPrecProfile specifies the egress classification rule that will overwrite the profile of the packet derived from the egress. The new profile value is used for egress remarking and queue congestion behavior. There is no DEFVAL for tNetworkEgressPrecProfile. It must be set at the time of row creation." ::= { tNetworkEgressPrecEntry 5 } tNetworkIngIPCritTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNetworkIngIPCritEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritTable maintains the entries for matching of IP/IPv6 packets on ingress network Qos policy." ::= { tNetworkObjects 11 } tNetworkIngIPCritEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetworkIngIPCritEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular ingress IP/IPv6 matching criteria entry. Entries are created and deleted by user. They have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tNetworkPolicyIndex, tNetworkIngIPCritType, tNetworkIngIPCritIndex } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritTable 1 } TNetworkIngIPCritEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNetworkIngIPCritType InetAddressType, tNetworkIngIPCritIndex Unsigned32, tNetworkIngIPCritRowStatus RowStatus, tNetworkIngIPCritLastChanged TimeStamp, tNetworkIngIPCritDescription TItemDescription, tNetworkIngIPCritActionFC TFCNameOrEmpty, tNetworkIngIPCritActionProfile TProfileOrNone, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpAddrType InetAddressType, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpAddr InetAddress, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpMask InetAddressPrefixLength, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpFullMask InetAddress, tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpAddrType InetAddressType, tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpAddr InetAddress, tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpMask InetAddressPrefixLength, tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpFullMask InetAddress, tNetworkIngIPCritProtocol TIpProtocol, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortValue1 TTcpUdpPort, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortValue2 TTcpUdpPort, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortOperator TTcpUdpPortOperator, tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortValue1 TTcpUdpPort, tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortValue2 TTcpUdpPort, tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortOperator TTcpUdpPortOperator, tNetworkIngIPCritDSCP TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tNetworkIngIPCritFragment INTEGER, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpPrefixList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpPrefixList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortList TNamedItemOrEmpty } tNetworkIngIPCritType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4 (1), ipv6 (2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritType specifies the address type this entry should match against." ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 1 } tNetworkIngIPCritIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritIndex specifies the IP criteria entry index for network ingress Qos policy." ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 2 } tNetworkIngIPCritRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of IP criteria entries for network ingress Qos policy." ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 3 } tNetworkIngIPCritLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 4 } tNetworkIngIPCritDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritDescription specifies a description of IP criteria entry for network ingress Qos policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 5 } tNetworkIngIPCritActionFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritActionFC specifies the forwarding class to be used to classify all the traffic that matches the specific IP criteria. The value ''H indicates that the FC is derived from ingress classification and profiling functions." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 6 } tNetworkIngIPCritActionProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TProfileOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritActionProfile specifies the profile of the packets associated with the forwarding class specified by tNetworkIngIPCritActionFC." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 7 } tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpAddrType specifies the address type of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpAddr. If the value of this object is not 'unknown (0)', it must have the same value as tNetworkIngIPCritType." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 8 } tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpAddr specifies the IP address to match with source IP of the packet." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 9 } tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpMask specifies the mask value for this policy IP criteria entry. The mask is ANDed with the received source IP address to match the tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpAddr. If the value of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpMask is zero and the value of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpFullMask is non-zero, then the value of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpFullMask is used as mask. If both tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpMask and tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the source IP address. If a value is specified for this object, then the value of the tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpFullMask will be set to reflect this same mask." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 10 } tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpFullMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpFullMask specifies the mask value for this policy IP criteria entry. The mask is ANDed with the received source IP address to match the tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpAddr. If the value of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpMask is zero and the value of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpFullMask is non-zero, then the value of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpFullMask is used as mask. If both tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpMask and tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Source IP address. If a regular mask is specified for tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpFullMask, then the value of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpMask will be changed to reflect this value." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 11 } tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpAddrType specifies the address type of tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpAddr. If the value of this object is not 'unknown (0)', it must have the same value as tNetworkIngIPCritType." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 12 } tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpAddr specifies the IP address to match with destination IP of the packet." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 13 } tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpMask specifies the mask value for this policy IP criteria entry. The mask is ANDed with the received destination IP address to match the tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpAddr. If the value of tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpMask is zero and the value of tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpFullMask is non-zero, then the value of tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpFullMask is used as mask. If both tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpMask and tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the source IP address. If a value is specified for this object, then the value of the tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpFullMask will be set to reflect this same mask." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 14 } tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpFullMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpFullMask specifies the mask value for this policy IP criteria entry. The mask is ANDed with the received destiantion IP address to match the tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpAddr. If the value of tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpMask is zero and the value of tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpFullMask is non-zero, then the value of tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpFullMask is used as mask. If both tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpMask and tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Source IP address. If a regular mask is specified for tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpFullMask, then the value of tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpMask will be changed to reflect this value." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 15 } tNetworkIngIPCritProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIpProtocol MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritProtocol specifies the IP protocol to match. The value '-1' is used to disable matching by IP protocol." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 16 } tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortValue1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortValue1 specifies the first TCP/UDP source port value. The value of this object is used according to the value of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 17 } tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortValue2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortValue2 specifies the second TCP/UDP source port value. The value of this object is used according to the value of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 18 } tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPortOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortOperator specifies the manner in which tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortValue1 and tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortValue2 are to be used." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 19 } tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortValue1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortValue1 specifies the first TCP/UDP destination port value. The value of this object is used according to the value of tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 20 } tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortValue2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortValue2 specifies the second TCP/UDP destination port value. The value of this object is used according to the value of tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 21 } tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPortOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortOperator specifies the manner in which tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortValue1 and tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortValue2 are to be used." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 22 } tNetworkIngIPCritDSCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritDSCP specifies the DSCP value to match in the packet" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 23 } tNetworkIngIPCritFragment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), false (2), true (3), firstOnly (4), nonFirstOnly (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritFragment specifies matching criteria to be used for fragmented or non-fragmented packets. off (1) - match all packets regardless of fragmented or not. false (2) - match all non-fragmented packets. true (3) - match all fragmented packets. firstOnly (4) - match only the initial packet fragment. nonFirstOnly (5) - match non-initial packet fragment. The values 'firstOnly (4)' and 'nonFirstOnly (5)' are supported only when the value of tNetworkIngIPCritType is set to 'ipv6 (2)'." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 24 } tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpPrefixList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpPrefixList specifies the IP prefix list used as match criterion for the source ip address. The value specified for this object must correspond to a prefix list defined in tQosPrefixListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpAddr and tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpMask or tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpFullMask are used as source ip address match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpAddr, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpMask and tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpFullMask are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for the objects tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpAddr and tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpMask or tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpFullMask then this object is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. An attempt to set tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpPrefixList to a non-default value in combination with setting any of tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpAddr and tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpMask or tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpFullMask to (a) non-default value(s) is rejected by the system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 25 } tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpPrefixList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpPrefixList specifies the IP prefix list used as match criterion for the destination ip address. The value specified for this object must correspond to a prefix list defined in tQosPrefixListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpAddr and tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpMask or tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpFullMask are used as destination ip address match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpAddr, tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpMask and tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpFullMask are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for the objects tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpAddr and tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpMask or tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpFullMask then this object is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. An attempt to set tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpPrefixList to a non-default value in combination with setting any of tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpAddr and tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpMask or tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpFullMask to (a) non-default value(s) is rejected by the system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 26 } tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object specifies the port-list used as match criterion for the source port. The value specified for this object must correspond to a port-list defined in tQosPortListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortValue1, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortValue2, and tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortOperator are used as source port match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortValue1, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortValue2, and tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortOperator are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for one of the objects tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortValue1, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortValue2, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortOperator then tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortList is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. Setting any one of the objects tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortValue1, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortValue2, or tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortOperator to a non-default value in combination with a non-default value for the object tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortList is rejected by the system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 27 } tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object specifies the port-list used as match criterion for the destination port. The value specified for this object must correspond to a port-list defined in tQosPortListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortValue1, tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortValue2, and tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortOperator are used as destination port match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortValue1, tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortValue2, and tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortOperator are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for one of the objects tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortValue1, tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortValue2, or tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortOperator then tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortList is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. Setting any one of the objects tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortValue1, tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortValue2, tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortOperator to a non-default value in combination with a non-default value for the object tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortList is rejected by the system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkIngIPCritEntry 28 } tNetworkEgrIPCritTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNetworkEgrIPCritEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritTable maintains the entries for matching of IP/IPv6 packets on egress network Qos policy." ::= { tNetworkObjects 12 } tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetworkEgrIPCritEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular egress IP/IPv6 matching criteria entry. Entries are created and deleted by user. They have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tNetworkPolicyIndex, tNetworkEgrIPCritType, tNetworkEgrIPCritIndex } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritTable 1 } TNetworkEgrIPCritEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNetworkEgrIPCritType InetAddressType, tNetworkEgrIPCritIndex Unsigned32, tNetworkEgrIPCritRowStatus RowStatus, tNetworkEgrIPCritLastChanged TimeStamp, tNetworkEgrIPCritDescription TItemDescription, tNetworkEgrIPCritActionFC TFCNameOrEmpty, tNetworkEgrIPCritActionProfile TEgressProfileOrNone, tNetworkEgrIPCritActionQGrpPlcr Integer32, tNetworkEgrIPCritActionQGrpQueue TEgressQueueId, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpAddrType InetAddressType, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpAddr InetAddress, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpMask InetAddressPrefixLength, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask InetAddress, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpAddrType InetAddressType, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpAddr InetAddress, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpMask InetAddressPrefixLength, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask InetAddress, tNetworkEgrIPCritProtocol TIpProtocol, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortValue1 TTcpUdpPort, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortValue2 TTcpUdpPort, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortOperator TTcpUdpPortOperator, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortValue1 TTcpUdpPort, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortValue2 TTcpUdpPort, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortOperator TTcpUdpPortOperator, tNetworkEgrIPCritDSCP TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tNetworkEgrIPCritFragment INTEGER, tNetworkEgrIPCritIcmpType TIcmpTypeOrNone, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortList TNamedItemOrEmpty, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortList TNamedItemOrEmpty } tNetworkEgrIPCritType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4 (1), ipv6 (2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritType specifies the address type this entry should match against." ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 1 } tNetworkEgrIPCritIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritIndex specifies the IP criteria entry index for network egress Qos policy." ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 2 } tNetworkEgrIPCritRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of IP criteria entries for network egress Qos policy." ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 3 } tNetworkEgrIPCritLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 4 } tNetworkEgrIPCritDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritDescription specifies a description of IP criteria entry for network egress Qos policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 5 } tNetworkEgrIPCritActionFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritActionFC specifies the forwarding class to be used to classify all the traffic that matches the specific IP criteria. The value ''H indicates that the FC is derived from egress classification and profiling functions." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 6 } tNetworkEgrIPCritActionProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressProfileOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritActionProfile specifies the profile of the packets associated with the forwarding class specified by tNetworkEgrIPCritActionFC. The value of 'de' is not supported." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 7 } tNetworkEgrIPCritActionQGrpPlcr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 1..16) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritActionQGrpPlcr specifies the policer identifier to be used for the traffic matching this IP Criteria entry. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritActionQGrpPlcr is set to a non-default value when the value of tSapEgrIPCritRowStatus is set to 'notInService." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 8 } tNetworkEgrIPCritActionQGrpQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressQueueId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritActionQGrpQueue specifies queue to use once traffic matching this IP Criteria entry has been policed by the local policer tNetworkEgrIPCritActionQGrpPlcr. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritActionQGrpQueue is set to a non-default value when the value of tSapEgrIPCritRowStatus is set to 'notInService." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 9 } tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpAddrType specifies the address type of tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpAddr. If the value of this object is not 'unknown (0)', it must have the same value as tNetworkEgrIPCritType." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 10 } tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpAddr specifies the IP address to match with source IP of the packet." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 11 } tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpMask specifies the mask value for this policy IP criteria entry. The mask is ANDed with the received source IP address to match the tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpAddr. If the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpMask is zero and the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask is non-zero, then the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask is used as mask. If both tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpMask and tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the source IP address. If a value is specified for this object, then the value of the tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask will be set to reflect this same mask." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 12 } tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask specifies the mask value for this policy IP criteria entry. The mask is ANDed with the received source IP address to match the tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpAddr. If the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpMask is zero and the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask is non-zero, then the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask is used as mask. If both tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpMask and tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Source IP address. If a regular mask is specified for tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask, then the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpMask will be changed to reflect this value." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 13 } tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpAddrType specifies the address type of tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpAddr. If the value of this object is not 'unknown (0)', it must have the same value as tNetworkEgrIPCritType." DEFVAL { unknown } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 14 } tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpAddr specifies the IP address to match with destination IP of the packet." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 15 } tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpMask specifies the mask value for this policy IP criteria entry. The mask is ANDed with the received destination IP address to match the tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpAddr. If the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpMask is zero and the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask is non-zero, then the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask is used as mask. If both tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpMask and tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the source IP address. If a value is specified for this object, then the value of the tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask will be set to reflect this same mask." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 16 } tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask specifies the mask value for this policy IP criteria entry. The mask is ANDed with the received destination IP address to match the tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpAddr. If the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpMask is zero and the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask is non-zero, then the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask is used as mask. If both tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpMask and tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Source IP address. If a regular mask is specified for tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask, then the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpMask will be changed to reflect this value." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 17 } tNetworkEgrIPCritProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIpProtocol MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritProtocol specifies the IP protocol to match. The value '-1' is used to disable matching by IP protocol." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 18 } tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortValue1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortValue1 specifies the first TCP/UDP source port value. The value of this object is used according to the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 19 } tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortValue2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortValue2 specifies the second TCP/UDP source port value. The value of this object is used according to the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 20 } tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPortOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortOperator specifies the manner in which tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortValue1 and tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortValue2 are to be used." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 21 } tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortValue1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortValue1 specifies the first TCP/UDP destination port value. The value of this object is used according to the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 22 } tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortValue2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortValue2 specifies the second TCP/UDP destination port value. The value of this object is used according to the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortOperator." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 23 } tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortOperator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPortOperator MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortOperator specifies the manner in which tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortValue1 and tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortValue2 are to be used." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 24 } tNetworkEgrIPCritDSCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritDSCP specifies the DSCP value to match in the packet" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 25 } tNetworkEgrIPCritFragment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), false (2), true (3), firstOnly (4), nonFirstOnly (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritFragment specifies matching criteria to be used for fragmented or non-fragmented packets. off (1) - match all packets regardless of fragmented or not. false (2) - match all non-fragmented packets. true (3) - match all fragmented packets. firstOnly (4) - match only the initial packet fragment. nonFirstOnly (5) - match non-initial packet fragment. The values 'firstOnly (4)' and 'nonFirstOnly (5)' are supported only when the value of tNetworkEgrIPCritType is set to 'ipv6 (2)'." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 26 } tNetworkEgrIPCritIcmpType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIcmpTypeOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritIcmpType specifies the ICMP type to be matched. The value -1 means ICMP type matching is not enabled." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 27 } tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object specifies the port-list used as match criterion for the source port. The value specified for this object must correspond to a port-list defined in tQosPortListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortValue1, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortValue2, and tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortOperator are used as source port match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortValue1, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortValue2, and tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortOperator are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for one of the objects tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortValue1, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortValue2, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortOperator then tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortList is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. Setting any one of the objects tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortValue1, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortValue2, or tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortOperator to a non-default value in combination with a non-default value for the object tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortList is rejected by the system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 28 } tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object specifies the port-list used as match criterion for the destination port. The value specified for this object must correspond to a port-list defined in tQosPortListTable. If the value of this object is empty then the values of the objects tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortValue1, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortValue2, and tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortOperator are used as destination port match criterion. When this object is set to a non-empty value then the objects tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortValue1, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortValue2, and tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortOperator are reset to their default values by the system. Vice versa, when a new (non-default) value is provided for one of the objects tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortValue1, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortValue2, or tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortOperator then tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortList is reset to its default (empty) value by the system. Setting any one of the objects tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortValue1, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortValue2, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortOperator to a non-default value in combination with a non-default value for the object tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortList is rejected by the system." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkEgrIPCritEntry 29 } tNetIngPlcyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNetIngPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { tNetworkObjects 13 } tNetIngPlcyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetIngPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Network Ingress Policy. network policy (default) is the default entry. Default Entry is created by the agent, other entries are created by user. Default Entry cannot be modified/deleted. The other entries are deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile. The default Egress FC entries are created as an action of setting the rowstatus." INDEX { tNetIngPlcyName } ::= { tNetIngPlcyTable 1 } TNetIngPlcyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNetIngPlcyName TLNamedItem, tNetIngPlcyRowStatus RowStatus, tNetIngPlcyScope TItemScope, tNetIngPlcyDescription TItemDescription, tNetIngPlcyLastChanged TimeStamp, tNetIngPlcyIngressClassPolicy TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tNetIngPlcyPlcrAlloc INTEGER } tNetIngPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetIngPlcyName specifies the name to associate with this policy." ::= { tNetIngPlcyEntry 1 } tNetIngPlcyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetIngPlcyRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tNetIngPlcyTable." ::= { tNetIngPlcyEntry 2 } tNetIngPlcyScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemScope MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetIngPlcyScope specifies the scope of this network ingress policy." DEFVAL { template } ::= { tNetIngPlcyEntry 3 } tNetIngPlcyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetIngPlcyDescription holds the description for this policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetIngPlcyEntry 4 } tNetIngPlcyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timestamp of last change to this row in tNetIngPlcyTable." ::= { tNetIngPlcyEntry 5 } tNetIngPlcyIngressClassPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attach ingress classification policy" DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tNetIngPlcyEntry 6 } tNetIngPlcyPlcrAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), per-fc (2), per-fc-unicast-multicast (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetIngPlcyPlcrAlloc determines the number of policers to be created at the time of network-ingress policy creation and the fc-policer mappings" DEFVAL { none } ::= { tNetIngPlcyEntry 7 } tNetIngPlcyFCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNetIngPlcyFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains the mapping of a particular forwarding class traffic into the specified queue." ::= { tNetworkObjects 14 } tNetIngPlcyFCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetIngPlcyFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular network-ingress policy's forwarding class mappings to queues. Entries are created/deleted as an action of creating/deleting a row in the tNetworkPolicyTable. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tNetIngPlcyName, tNetIngPlcyFCName } ::= { tNetIngPlcyFCTable 1 } TNetIngPlcyFCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNetIngPlcyFCName TFCName, tNetIngPlcyFCRowStatus RowStatus, tNetIngPlcyFCLastChanged TimeStamp, tNetIngPlcyFCMCastPlcr TNetIngPolicerIdOrNone, tNetIngPlcyFCUniCastPlcr TNetIngPolicerIdOrNone } tNetIngPlcyFCName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetIngPlcyFCName specifies the name of the forwarding class (FC)." ::= { tNetIngPlcyFCEntry 1 } tNetIngPlcyFCRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetIngPlcyFCRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tNetIngPlcyFCTable." ::= { tNetIngPlcyFCEntry 2 } tNetIngPlcyFCLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetIngPlcyFCLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime for the last change to this entry." ::= { tNetIngPlcyFCEntry 3 } tNetIngPlcyFCMCastPlcr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetIngPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetIngPlcyFCMCastPlcr specifies the policer to be used for multicast traffic for this forwarding class." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetIngPlcyFCEntry 4 } tNetIngPlcyFCUniCastPlcr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetIngPolicerIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetIngPlcyFCUniCastPlcr specifies the policer to be used for unicast traffic for this forwarding class." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetIngPlcyFCEntry 5 } tNetIngPlcyPolicerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNetIngPlcyPolicerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetIngPlcyPolicerTable defines Network Ingress Policer Table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of defining the policers. tNetIngPlcyPolicerTable holds a list of all the policers configured in the managed system. Policers must exist in this table before being referenced by the forwarding class mappings." ::= { tNetworkObjects 15 } tNetIngPlcyPolicerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetIngPlcyPolicerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetIngPlcyPolicerEntry defines an entry in the tNetIngPlcyPolicerTable. Entries are created/deleted in this table by SNMP sets to tNetIngPlcyPolicerRowStatus." INDEX { tNetIngPlcyName, tNetIngPlcyPolicerId } ::= { tNetIngPlcyPolicerTable 1 } TNetIngPlcyPolicerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNetIngPlcyPolicerId TNetIngPolicerId, tNetIngPlcyPolicerRowStatus RowStatus, tNetIngPlcyPolicerPIRHi TmnxHigh32, tNetIngPlcyPolicerPIRLo TmnxLow32, tNetIngPlcyPolicerCIRHi TmnxHigh32, tNetIngPlcyPolicerCIRLo TmnxLow32, tNetIngPlcyPolicerStatMode TmnxNetIngPlcyPolicerStatMode, tNetIngPlcyPolicerMBS TNetIngPlcrBurstSizeBytes, tNetIngPlcyPolicerCBS TNetIngPlcrBurstSizeBytes, tNetIngPlcyPolicerCIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tNetIngPlcyPolicerPIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tNetIngPlcyPolicerLastChanged TimeStamp } tNetIngPlcyPolicerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetIngPolicerId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetIngPlcyPolicerId defines the Network Ingress Policer identifier. It identifies an ingress policer in the managed system." ::= { tNetIngPlcyPolicerEntry 1 } tNetIngPlcyPolicerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetIngPlcyPolicerRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tNetIngPlcyPolicerTable." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tNetIngPlcyPolicerEntry 2 } tNetIngPlcyPolicerPIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHigh32 (0 | 4294967295) UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetIngPlcyPolicerPIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the administrative PIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tNetIngPlcyPolicerPIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tNetIngPlcyPolicerPIRHi along with the value of tNetIngPlcyPolicerPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tNetIngPlcyPolicerEntry 3 } tNetIngPlcyPolicerPIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLow32 (144..1000000000 | 4294967295) UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetIngPlcyPolicerPIRLo specifies the lower 32 bits of the administrative PIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tNetIngPlcyPolicerPIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tNetIngPlcyPolicerPIRHi along with the value of tNetIngPlcyPolicerPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tNetIngPlcyPolicerEntry 4 } tNetIngPlcyPolicerCIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxHigh32 (0 | 4294967295) UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetIngPlcyPolicerCIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the administrative CIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tNetIngPlcyPolicerCIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tNetIngPlcyPolicerCIRHi along with the value of tNetIngPlcyPolicerCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetIngPlcyPolicerEntry 5 } tNetIngPlcyPolicerCIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxLow32 (0..1000000000 | 4294967295) UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetIngPlcyPolicerCIRLo specifies the lower 32 bits of the administrative CIR specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tNetIngPlcyPolicerCIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tNetIngPlcyPolicerCIRHi along with the value of tNetIngPlcyPolicerCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this queue indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetIngPlcyPolicerEntry 6 } tNetIngPlcyPolicerStatMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxNetIngPlcyPolicerStatMode MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetIngPlcyPolicerStatMode specifies the mode of statistics collected by this policer." DEFVAL { noStats } ::= { tNetIngPlcyPolicerEntry 10 } tNetIngPlcyPolicerMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetIngPlcrBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tNetIngPlcyPolicerMBS specifies the high priority 'violate' threshold of PIR leaky bucket of this policer." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tNetIngPlcyPolicerEntry 11 } tNetIngPlcyPolicerCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetIngPlcrBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tNetIngPlcyPolicerCBS specifies the 'exceed' threshold of the CIR leaky bucket of this policer." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tNetIngPlcyPolicerEntry 12 } tNetIngPlcyPolicerCIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetIngPlcyPolicerCIRAdaptation specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational CIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational value while maintaining the minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tNetIngPlcyPolicerEntry 13 } tNetIngPlcyPolicerPIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetIngPlcyPolicerPIRAdaptation specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational value while maintaining the minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tNetIngPlcyPolicerEntry 14 } tNetIngPlcyPolicerLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetIngPlcyPolicerLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime for the last change to this entry." ::= { tNetIngPlcyPolicerEntry 15 } tNetworkQueueObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 6 } tNetworkQueuePolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNetworkQueuePolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { tNetworkQueueObjects 1 } tNetworkQueuePolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetworkQueuePolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { tNetworkQueuePolicy } ::= { tNetworkQueuePolicyTable 1 } TNetworkQueuePolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNetworkQueuePolicy TNamedItem, tNetworkQueuePolicyRowStatus RowStatus, tNetworkQueuePolicyDescription TItemDescription, tNetworkQueuePolicyLastChanged TimeStamp, tNetworkQueuePolicyEHWrrPlcy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tNetworkQueuePolicyEHPktBOffst TEgressHsmdaPerPacketOffset, tNetworkQueuePolicyHsAttachPlcy TNamedItem } tNetworkQueuePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tNetworkQueuePolicyEntry 1 } tNetworkQueuePolicyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tNetworkQueuePolicyEntry 2 } tNetworkQueuePolicyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkQueuePolicyEntry 3 } tNetworkQueuePolicyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tNetworkQueuePolicyEntry 8 } tNetworkQueuePolicyEHWrrPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueuePolicyEHWrrPlcy specifies the Weighted Round Robin (WRR) policy to use on this HSMDA egress queue." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tNetworkQueuePolicyEntry 9 } tNetworkQueuePolicyEHPktBOffst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressHsmdaPerPacketOffset MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueuePolicyEHPktBOffst specifies the packet byte offset to use for the HSMDA egress queues. This value is used for the adjustment to make to the size of each packet for HSMDA queue accounting." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkQueuePolicyEntry 10 } tNetworkQueuePolicyHsAttachPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueuePolicyHsAttachPlcy specifies the HS attachment policy defined in tHsAttachPlcyTable." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tNetworkQueuePolicyEntry 11 } tNetworkQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNetworkQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tNetworkQueueObjects 2 } tNetworkQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetworkQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { tNetworkQueuePolicy, tNetworkQueue } ::= { tNetworkQueueTable 1 } TNetworkQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNetworkQueue TQueueId, tNetworkQueueRowStatus RowStatus, tNetworkQueuePoolName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tNetworkQueueParent TNamedItemOrEmpty, tNetworkQueueLevel TLevel, tNetworkQueueWeight TWeight, tNetworkQueueCIRLevel TLevelOrDefault, tNetworkQueueCIRWeight TWeight, tNetworkQueueMCast TruthValue, tNetworkQueueExpedite INTEGER, tNetworkQueueCIR TRatePercent, tNetworkQueuePIR TPIRRatePercent, tNetworkQueueCBS TBurstHundredthsOfPercent, tNetworkQueueMBS TBurstHundredthsOfPercent, tNetworkQueueHiPrioOnly TBurstPercentOrDefault, tNetworkQueueLastChanged TimeStamp, tNetworkQueueUsePortParent TruthValue, tNetworkQueuePortLvl TLevel, tNetworkQueuePortWght TWeight, tNetworkQueuePortCIRLvl TLevelOrDefault, tNetworkQueuePortCIRWght TWeight, tNetworkQueuePortAvgOverhead Unsigned32, tNetworkQueueCIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tNetworkQueuePIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tNetworkQDrpTailLowReductnMbs TBurstPercentOrDefault, tNetworkQueueHsMBS TBurstHundredthsOfPercent, tNetworkQueueHsWrrWeight Unsigned32, tNetworkQueueHsClassWeight Unsigned32, tNetworkQueueHsWredQSlopePlcy TNamedItem, tNetworkQueueHsAltClssPool TruthValue, tNetworkQueueFIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tNetworkQueueFIR TRatePercent } tNetworkQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQueueId (1..16) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The queue ID is used as the secondary index to the table entry." ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 1 } tNetworkQueueRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 2 } tNetworkQueuePoolName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tNetworkQueuePoolName specifies the pool that is associated with this network queue. If tNetworkQueuePoolName is empty, no pool has been associated with the queue." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 3 } tNetworkQueueParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The scheduler to which this queue would be feeding to. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 4 } tNetworkQueueLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This specifies the level of priority while feeding to the parent. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 5 } tNetworkQueueWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The weight that needs to be used by the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding to. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 6 } tNetworkQueueCIRLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevelOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This specifies the level of priority while feeding to the parent. The level '0' means treat all offered load for this queue as for the above CIR traffic. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 7 } tNetworkQueueCIRWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The weight that needs to be used until the committed rate by the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding to. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 8 } tNetworkQueueMCast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies if this is a multicast queue or not." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 9 } tNetworkQueueExpedite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { expedited (1), auto-expedited (2), non-expedited (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetworkQueueExpedite specifies the priority that this queue should be assigned by the hardware level schedulers. The value 'auto-expedited' implies that this attribute should be dynamically updated by looking at the forwarding classes mapping into this queue. In such a case the queue is treated as 'non-expedited' if there is even a single non-expedited forwarding class using this queue. This attribute is associated with the queue at the time of creation and cannot be modified thereafter." DEFVAL { auto-expedited } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 10 } tNetworkQueueCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TRatePercent MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The percentage of max rate allowed." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 11 } tNetworkQueuePIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPIRRatePercent MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The percentage of max rate allowed." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 12 } tNetworkQueueCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstHundredthsOfPercent UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The percentage of reserved buffer space for the queue, defined to two decimal places." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 13 } tNetworkQueueMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstHundredthsOfPercent UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The percentage of reserved buffer space for the queue, defined to two decimal places." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 14 } tNetworkQueueHiPrioOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The percentage of buffer space for the queue, used exclusively by high priority packets. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tNetworkQDrpTailLowReductnMbs object." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 15 } tNetworkQueueLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tNetworkQueueLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tNetworkQueueTable." ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 16 } tNetworkQueueUsePortParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tNetworkQueueUsePortParent specifies whether this queue is parented by a port-level scheduler. When the value is 'true', this network queue is parented by a port-level scheduler." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 17 } tNetworkQueuePortLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tNetworkQueuePortLvl specifies the port priority this queue will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its above-cir offered load. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tNetworkQueuePortLvl is set to non-default value when the value of object tNetworkQueueUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 18 } tNetworkQueuePortWght OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tNetworkQueuePortWght specifies the weight this queue will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its above-cir offered load. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tNetworkQueuePortWght is set to non-default value when the value of object tNetworkQueueUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 19 } tNetworkQueuePortCIRLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevelOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tNetworkQueuePortCIRLvl specifies the port priority this queue will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its within-cir offered load. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tNetworkQueuePortCIRLvl is set to non-default value when the value of object tNetworkQueueUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 20 } tNetworkQueuePortCIRWght OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tNetworkQueuePortCIRWght specifies the weight this queue will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its within-cir offered load. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tNetworkQueuePortCIRWght is set to non-default value when the value of object tNetworkQueueUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 21 } tNetworkQueuePortAvgOverhead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueuePortAvgOverhead specifies the encapsulation overhead, in centipercent, used to translate packet-based rate to frame-based rate and vice versa." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 22 } tNetworkQueueCIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueueCIRAdaptation specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational CIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational value while maintaining the minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 23 } tNetworkQueuePIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueuePIRAdaptation specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational value while maintaining the minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 24 } tNetworkQDrpTailLowReductnMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQDrpTailLowReductnMbs specifies the percentage at which low drop tail is being reduced from the MBS specified by tNetworkQueueMBS." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 25 } tNetworkQueueHsMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstHundredthsOfPercent UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueueHsMBS specifies percentage of reserved buffer space for the queue." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 26 } tNetworkQueueHsWrrWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..127) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueueHsWrrWeight specifies the Weighted Round Robin (WRR) weight which this queue should parent into the scheduler. The weight of each queue determines how much bandwidth that queue gets out of the total rate for the scheduling class." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 27 } tNetworkQueueHsClassWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1 | 2 | 4 | 8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueueHsClassWeight specifies the weight of the scheduling class." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 28 } tNetworkQueueHsWredQSlopePlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueueHsWredQSlopePlcy specifies the name of the slope policy to be applied for network-queue queue." DEFVAL { "_tmnx_hs_default" } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 29 } tNetworkQueueHsAltClssPool OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueueHsAltClssPool specifies whether the HS alternate class port pool buffer should be used for traffic." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 30 } tNetworkQueueFIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueueFIRAdaptation specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational FIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational value while maintaining the minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 31 } tNetworkQueueFIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TRatePercent MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The percentage of max rate allowed." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tNetworkQueueEntry 32 } tNetworkQueueFCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNetworkQueueFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tNetworkQueueObjects 3 } tNetworkQueueFCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetworkQueueFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { tNetworkQueuePolicy, tNetworkQueueFCName } ::= { tNetworkQueueFCTable 1 } TNetworkQueueFCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNetworkQueueFCName TFCName, tNetworkQueueFCRowStatus RowStatus, tNetworkQueueFC TQueueId, tNetworkQueueFCMCast TQueueId, tNetworkQueueFCLastChanged TimeStamp, tNetworkQueueFCEgrHsmdaQueue TQueueId } tNetworkQueueFCName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Forwarding class name." ::= { tNetworkQueueFCEntry 1 } tNetworkQueueFCRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this queue." ::= { tNetworkQueueFCEntry 2 } tNetworkQueueFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQueueId (1..16) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The specific queue to be used for packets in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tNetworkQueueFCEntry 3 } tNetworkQueueFCMCast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQueueId (1..16) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The specific multicast queue to be used for packets in this forwarding class. The queue is used only for specific entities and will be ignored wherever it is irrelevant." DEFVAL { 9 } ::= { tNetworkQueueFCEntry 4 } tNetworkQueueFCLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tNetworkQueueFCTable." ::= { tNetworkQueueFCEntry 7 } tNetworkQueueFCEgrHsmdaQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQueueId (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueueFCEgrHsmdaQueue specifies the egress hsmda queue to be used for packets in this forwarding class. This is only applicable on supported hsmda ports." ::= { tNetworkQueueFCEntry 8 } tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueTable contains the information about all network egress policies on HSMDA queues. Entries in this table are created whenever a network queue policy is created in tNetworkQueuePolicyEntry." ::= { tNetworkQueueObjects 4 } tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueEntry represents the information about a particular HSMDA queue for a network egress policy specified by tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueue." INDEX { tNetworkQueuePolicy, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueue } ::= { tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueTable 1 } TNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueue TEgressHsmdaQueueId, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueuePIRPercent Unsigned32, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn TAdaptationRule, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueWrrWeight THsmdaWrrWeight, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueMBS THSMDABurstSizeBytes, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy TNamedItem, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueLastChanged TimeStamp, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueBurstLimit THSMDAQueueBurstLimit } tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressHsmdaQueueId (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueue indicates the HSMDA queue ID used as the secondary index to the table entry." ::= { tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueEntry 1 } tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueuePIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueuePIRPercent specifies the queue's PIR expressed as a percentage of port line rate." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueEntry 2 } tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueEntry 3 } tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueWrrWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWrrWeight MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueWrrWeight specifies the weight with which this queue should parent into the HSMDA scheduler, provided it is not superseded by the Weighted Round Robin (WRR) policy. The weight of each queue determines how much bandwidth that queue gets out of the total rate for the scheduling class." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueEntry 4 } tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THSMDABurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueMBS specifies the maximum amount of buffer space, in bytes, allowed for this network egress HSMDA queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueEntry 5 } tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy specifies the slope policy on this network egress HSMDA queue. The slope policy defines the WRED slope behavior for this queue." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueEntry 6 } tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime for the last change to this row." ::= { tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueEntry 7 } tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueBurstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THSMDAQueueBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueBurstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size of the queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueEntry 8 } tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpTable contains HS WRR (Weighted Round Robin) group information on network-queue policies. Entries in this table are created whenever a network-queue policy is created in tNetworkQueuePolicyEntry." ::= { tNetworkQueueObjects 5 } tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpEntry represents the information about a particular HS WRR Group specified by tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpId." INDEX { tNetworkQueuePolicy, tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpId } ::= { tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpTable 1 } TNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpId Unsigned32, tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpLastChanged TimeStamp, tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpRatePercent Unsigned32, tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpPIRAdaption TAdaptationRule, tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpClassWeight Unsigned32 } tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpId indicates the HS WRR group identifier." ::= { tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpEntry 1 } tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime for the last change to this row." ::= { tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpEntry 2 } tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpRatePercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpRatePercent specifies the queue's PIR expressed as a percentage of line rate." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpEntry 3 } tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpPIRAdaption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpPIRAdaption specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpEntry 4 } tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpClassWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1 | 2 | 4 | 8) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpClassWeight specifies the weight of scheduling class." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpEntry 5 } tSharedQueueObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 7 } tSharedQueuePolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSharedQueuePolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the Nokia SROS series Shared Queue Policy Table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of defining the queue policies. tSharedQueuePolicyTable holds a list of all shared queue policies in the managed system. Shared queue policies should exist in this table before being referenced elsewhere. There is a default queue policy 'default' created by the agent and can not be deleted." ::= { tSharedQueueObjects 1 } tSharedQueuePolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSharedQueuePolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry in the tSharedQueuePolicyTable. Entries are created and deleted in this table by SNMP sets to tSharedQueuePolicyRowStatus." INDEX { tSharedQueuePolicy } ::= { tSharedQueuePolicyTable 1 } TSharedQueuePolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSharedQueuePolicy TNamedItem, tSharedQueuePolicyRowStatus RowStatus, tSharedQueuePolicyLastChanged TimeStamp, tSharedQueuePolicyDescription TItemDescription } tSharedQueuePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueuePolicy serves as an index and uniquely identifies a queue policy in the managed system." ::= { tSharedQueuePolicyEntry 1 } tSharedQueuePolicyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueuePolicyRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tSharedQueuePolicyTable. The deletion of an entry in this table will fail if the action is performed on the default policy or the policy is being used within the system." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tSharedQueuePolicyEntry 2 } tSharedQueuePolicyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueuePolicyLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime when the queue policy entry was last modified." ::= { tSharedQueuePolicyEntry 3 } tSharedQueuePolicyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueuePolicyDescription specifies the user provided description string for this queue policy entry. It can consist of only the printable, seven-bit ASCII characters." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSharedQueuePolicyEntry 4 } tSharedQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSharedQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the Nokia SROS series Shared Queue Table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of defining the queues for the shared queue policies existing in the tSharedQueuePolicyTable. tSharedQueueTable holds a list of all the shared queues in the managed system defined for the queue policies. Queues should exist in this table before being referenced by the forwarding class mappings within the queue policy as defined in the tSharedQueueFCTable. There is a default queue with the queue identifier '1' which gets created automatically when a new queue policy is created." ::= { tSharedQueueObjects 2 } tSharedQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSharedQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry in the tSharedQueueTable. Entries are created/deleted in this table by SNMP sets to tSharedQueueRowStatus. An exception to this rule is the default queue. The default queue is created/deleted as a result of the creation/deletion of a new queue policy in the tSharedQueuePolicyTable." INDEX { tSharedQueuePolicy, tSharedQueueId } ::= { tSharedQueueTable 1 } TSharedQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSharedQueueId TQueueId, tSharedQueueRowStatus RowStatus, tSharedQueueLastChanged TimeStamp, tSharedQueuePoolName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSharedQueueParent TNamedItemOrEmpty, tSharedQueueLevel TLevel, tSharedQueueWeight TWeight, tSharedQueueCIRLevel TLevelOrDefault, tSharedQueueCIRWeight TWeight, tSharedQueueExpedite INTEGER, tSharedQueueCIR TRatePercent, tSharedQueuePIR TPIRRatePercent, tSharedQueueCBS TBurstPercent, tSharedQueueMBS TBurstPercent, tSharedQueueHiPrioOnly TBurstPercentOrDefault, tSharedQueueIsMultipoint TruthValue, tSharedQDrpTailLowReductnMbs TBurstPercentOrDefault, tSharedQueueFIR TRatePercent } tSharedQueueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQueueId (1..32) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueId serves as the secondary index. When used in conjunction with tSharedQueuePolicy, it uniquely identifies a shared queue in the managed system." ::= { tSharedQueueEntry 1 } tSharedQueueRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tSharedQueueTable. The deletion of an entry in this table will fail if the action is performed on the default queue or if the queue is being referenced by a forwarding class mapping in the queue policy." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tSharedQueueEntry 2 } tSharedQueueLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime when the queue entry was last modified." ::= { tSharedQueueEntry 3 } tSharedQueuePoolName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueuePoolName specifies the pool from which the queue should be allocating its buffer. By default it will share the default pool being used by the entity where the queue is instantiated." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSharedQueueEntry 4 } tSharedQueueParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueParent specifies the scheduler to which this queue should be feeding into. By default there would be no parent for the queue and it will be controlled by the entity where the queue is instantiated. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSharedQueueEntry 5 } tSharedQueueLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueLevel specifies the level of priority to be used by the parent entity to compute the priority of this queue when the traffic is exceeding the committed rate. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSharedQueueEntry 6 } tSharedQueueWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueWeight specifies the weight that this queue should be assigned by the parent among all the entities feeding into the parent with the same level when the traffic is exceeding the committed rate. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSharedQueueEntry 7 } tSharedQueueCIRLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevelOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueCIRLevel specifies the level of priority to be used by the parent entity to compute the priority of this queue when the traffic is conforming to the committed rate. The level '0' means treat all offered load for this queue same as the load which is exceeding the committed rate. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSharedQueueEntry 8 } tSharedQueueCIRWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueCIRWeight specifies the weight that this queue should be assigned by the parent among all the entities feeding into the parent with the same level when the traffic is conforming to the committed rate. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSharedQueueEntry 9 } tSharedQueueExpedite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { expedited (1), auto-expedited (2), non-expedited (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueExpedite specifies the priority that this queue should be assigned by the hardware level schedulers. The value 'auto-expedited' implies that this attribute should be dynamically updated by looking at the forwarding classes mapping into this queue. In such a case the queue is treated as 'non-expedited' if there is even a single non-expedited forwarding class using this queue." DEFVAL { auto-expedited } ::= { tSharedQueueEntry 10 } tSharedQueueCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TRatePercent MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueCIR specifies the committed rate as a percentage of maximum rate for this queue." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSharedQueueEntry 11 } tSharedQueuePIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPIRRatePercent MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueuePIR specifies the peak rate as a percentage of maximum rate for this queue." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tSharedQueueEntry 12 } tSharedQueueCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercent MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueCBS specifies the committed burst size as a percentage of maximum reserved buffer space for the queue." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSharedQueueEntry 13 } tSharedQueueMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercent MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueMBS specifies the maximum burst size as a percentage of maximum reserved buffer space for the queue." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tSharedQueueEntry 14 } tSharedQueueHiPrioOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueHiPrioOnly specifies the percentage of buffer space to be exclusively by high priority packets as a percentage of maximum reserved buffer space for the queue. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tSharedQDrpTailLowReductnMbs object." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSharedQueueEntry 15 } tSharedQueueIsMultipoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSharedQueueIsMultipoint specifies whether this shared queue is a multipoint-shared queue. This object can only be modified at row creation time; any attempt to set it after creation is silently ignored." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSharedQueueEntry 16 } tSharedQDrpTailLowReductnMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSharedQDrpTailLowReductnMbs specifies the percentage at which low drop tail is being reduced from the MBS specified by tSharedQueueMBS." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tSharedQueueEntry 17 } tSharedQueueFIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TRatePercent MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueFIR specifies the urgent rate as a percentage of maximum rate for this queue." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tSharedQueueEntry 18 } tSharedQueueFCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSharedQueueFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the Nokia SROS series forwarding class to shared queue mapping table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of defining the forwarding class to shared queue mapping for the queue policies existing in the tSharedQueuePolicyTable. tSharedQueueFCTable holds a list of forwarding class to queue mappings managed system defined for the queue policies. The forwarding classes which are not existing in this table should use the default shared queue for this policy." ::= { tSharedQueueObjects 3 } tSharedQueueFCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSharedQueueFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry in the tSharedQueueFCTable. Entries are created/deleted in this table by SNMP sets to tSharedQueueFCRowStatus." INDEX { tSharedQueuePolicy, tSharedQueueFCName } ::= { tSharedQueueFCTable 1 } TSharedQueueFCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSharedQueueFCName TFCName, tSharedQueueFCRowStatus RowStatus, tSharedQueueFCLastChanged TimeStamp, tSharedQueueFCQueue TQueueId, tSharedQueueFCMCastQueue TQueueId, tSharedQueueFCBCastQueue TQueueId, tSharedQueueFCUnknownQueue TQueueId } tSharedQueueFCName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueFCName serves as the secondary index. When used in conjunction with tSharedQueuePolicy, it uniquely identifies a forwarding class to queue mapping in the managed system." ::= { tSharedQueueFCEntry 1 } tSharedQueueFCRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueFCRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tSharedQueueFCTable. Deletion of an entry from this table will cause the forwarding class to use the default mapping." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tSharedQueueFCEntry 2 } tSharedQueueFCLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueFCLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime when the forwarding class to queue mapping entry was last modified." ::= { tSharedQueueFCEntry 3 } tSharedQueueFCQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQueueId (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueFCQueue specifies the logical queue that the traffic classified into this forwarding class should use." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tSharedQueueFCEntry 4 } tSharedQueueFCMCastQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQueueId (0 | 9..32) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSharedQueueFCMCastQueue specifies the logical queue that mutlticast traffic classified into this forwarding class should use." DEFVAL { 9 } ::= { tSharedQueueFCEntry 5 } tSharedQueueFCBCastQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQueueId (0 | 9..32) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSharedQueueFCBCastQueue specifies the logical queue that broadcast traffic classified into this forwarding class should use." DEFVAL { 17 } ::= { tSharedQueueFCEntry 6 } tSharedQueueFCUnknownQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQueueId (0 | 9..32) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSharedQueueFCUnknownQueue specifies the logical queue that unknown traffic classified into this forwarding class should use." DEFVAL { 25 } ::= { tSharedQueueFCEntry 7 } tQosIngQGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosIngQGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQGroupTable defines Ingress Queue Group Table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of defining the queue groups for the queues existing in the tQosIngQueueTable. tQosIngQGroupTable holds a list of all the queue-groups in the managed system defined. Queue-groups should exist in this table before being referenced by the forwarding class mappings within the queue policy as defined in the tSapIngressFCTable." ::= { tSharedQueueObjects 4 } tQosIngQGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosIngQGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQGroupEntry defines an entry in the tQosIngQGroupTable. Entries are created/deleted in this table by SNMP sets to tQosIngQGroupRowStatus." INDEX { tQosIngQGroupName } ::= { tQosIngQGroupTable 1 } TQosIngQGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosIngQGroupName TNamedItem, tQosIngQGroupRowStatus RowStatus, tQosIngQGroupLastChanged TimeStamp, tQosIngQGroupDescr TItemDescription } tQosIngQGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQGroupName defines the Ingress Queue Group name. It uniquely identifies an ingress queue group in the managed system." ::= { tQosIngQGroupEntry 1 } tQosIngQGroupRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQGroupRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tQosIngQGroupTable. The deletion of an entry in this table will fail if the queue is being referenced by a forwarding class mapping in the queue policy." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tQosIngQGroupEntry 2 } tQosIngQGroupLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQGroupLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime when the queue entry was last modified." ::= { tQosIngQGroupEntry 3 } tQosIngQGroupDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQGroupDescr specifies the description of the queue-group." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosIngQGroupEntry 4 } tQosIngQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosIngQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueTable defines all ingress queues." ::= { tSharedQueueObjects 5 } tQosIngQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosIngQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueEntry defines a particular ingress queue. Entries are created by user by setting tQosIngQueueRowStatus." INDEX { tQosIngQGroupName, tQosIngQueue } ::= { tQosIngQueueTable 1 } TQosIngQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosIngQueue TIngressQueueId, tQosIngQueueRowStatus RowStatus, tQosIngQueueParent TNamedItemOrEmpty, tQosIngQueueLevel TLevel, tQosIngQueueWeight TWeight, tQosIngQueueCIRLevel TLevelOrDefault, tQosIngQueueCIRWeight TWeight, tQosIngQueueMCast TruthValue, tQosIngQueueExpedite INTEGER, tQosIngQueueCBS TBurstSize, tQosIngQueueMBS TBurstSize, tQosIngQueueHiPrioOnly TBurstPercentOrDefault, tQosIngQueuePIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tQosIngQueueCIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tQosIngQueueAdminPIR TQosQueuePIRRate, tQosIngQueueAdminCIR TQosQueueCIRRate, tQosIngQueueLastChanged TimeStamp, tQosIngQueuePoliced TruthValue, tQosIngQueueMode TQueueMode, tQosIngQueuePoolName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tQosIngQueueMBSBytes TBurstSizeBytes, tQosIngQueueBurstLimit TBurstLimit, tQosIngQueueAdvCfgPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tQosIngQueuePktOffset TIngressQPerPacketOffset, tQosIngQDrpTailLowReductnMbs TBurstPercentOrDefault, tQosIngQueueFIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tQosIngQueueAdminFIR TQosQueueCIRRate, tQosIngQueueCIRNonProfiling TruthValue, tQosIngQueueAdminPIRPercent Unsigned32, tQosIngQueueAdminCIRPercent Unsigned32, tQosIngQueueAdminFIRPercent Unsigned32, tQosIngQueueAdminRateType TPolicerRateTypeWithRefLimit } tQosIngQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressQueueId (1..32) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueue specifies the queue ID which is used as the secondary index to the table entry." ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 1 } tQosIngQueueRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueRowStatus is the row status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 2 } tQosIngQueueParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueParent specifies the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 3 } tQosIngQueueLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueLevel specifies the level of priority while feeding the parent." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 4 } tQosIngQueueWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used by the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 5 } tQosIngQueueCIRLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevelOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueCIRLevel specifies the level of priority while feeding to the parent. The level '0' means treat all offered load for this queue as for the above CIR traffic." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 6 } tQosIngQueueCIRWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueCIRWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used until the committed rate by the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 7 } tQosIngQueueMCast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueMCast specifies if this is a multicast queue." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 8 } tQosIngQueueExpedite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { expedited (1), bestEffort (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueExpedite specifies the priority that this queue should be assigned by the hardware level schedulers. This attribute is associated with the queue at the time of creation and cannot be modified thereafter." DEFVAL { bestEffort } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 9 } tQosIngQueueCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSize UNITS "kilo-bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueCBS specifies the amount of reserved buffer space for the queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 10 } tQosIngQueueMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSize UNITS "kilo-bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueMBS specifies the maximum amount of buffer space allowed for the queue. This object has been replaced with tQosIngQueueMBSBytes object." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 11 } tQosIngQueueHiPrioOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueHiPrioOnly specifies the percentage of buffer space for the queue, used exclusively by high priority packets. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tQosIngQDrpTailLowReductnMbs object." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 12 } tQosIngQueuePIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueuePIRAdaptation specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 13 } tQosIngQueueCIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueCIRAdaptation specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational CIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 14 } tQosIngQueueAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueuePIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueAdminPIR specifies the administrative PIR specified by the user." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 15 } tQosIngQueueAdminCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueueCIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueAdminCIR specifies the administrative CIR specified by the user. The value of object tQosIngQueueAdminCIR and tQosIngQueuePoliced should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. Both objects tQosIngQueueAdminCIR and tQosIngQueuePoliced can not be set to non-default values together." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 16 } tQosIngQueueLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tQosIngQueueTable." ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 17 } tQosIngQueuePoliced OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueuePoliced specifies that the out of profile traffic feeding into the physical queue instance should be dropped. tQosIngQueuePoliced overrides the bandwidth specified by the object tQosIngQueueAdminCIR. The value of object tQosIngQueueAdminCIR and tQosIngQueuePoliced should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. Both objects tQosIngQueueAdminCIR and tQosIngQueuePoliced can not be set to non-default values together." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 18 } tQosIngQueueMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQueueMode MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueMode specifies the mode in which the queue is operating. This attribute is associated with the queue at the time of creation and cannot be modified thereafter." DEFVAL { priority } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 19 } tQosIngQueuePoolName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueuePoolName specifies the name of the pool to be applied for the ingress queue." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 20 } tQosIngQueueMBSBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueMBSBytes specifies the maximum amount of buffer space allowed for the queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 21 } tQosIngQueueBurstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosIngQueueBurstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size of a queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 22 } tQosIngQueueAdvCfgPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosIngQueueAdvCfgPolicy specifies the name of the advanced configuration policy to be applied with this queue." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 23 } tQosIngQueuePktOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressQPerPacketOffset MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosIngQueuePktOffset specifies the value, in bytes, of the adjustment to make to the size of each packet for queue accounting. A 'wrongValue' error is returned while trying to set odd values for this object. This object is only supported for queues residing on FP2 or greater forwarding planes. It is ignored for queues on FP1 forwarding planes." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 24 } tQosIngQDrpTailLowReductnMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosIngQDrpTailLowReductnMbs specifies the percentage at which low drop tail is being reduced from the MBS specified by tQosIngQueueMBSBytes." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 25 } tQosIngQueueFIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueFIRAdaptation specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational FIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 26 } tQosIngQueueAdminFIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueueCIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueAdminFIR specifies the administrative FIR specified by the user. The value of object tQosIngQueueAdminFIR and tQosIngQueuePoliced should be set together in the same snmp request, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. Both objects tQosIngQueueAdminFIR and tQosIngQueuePoliced can not be set to non-default values together." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 27 } tQosIngQueueCIRNonProfiling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQueueCIRNonProfiling specifies the CIR to affect the scheduling priority of a queue but does not modify the profile of packets depending on the specified CIR." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 28 } tQosIngQueueAdminPIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosIngQueueAdminPIRPercent specifies the administrative PIR percentage, in centipercent of this queue. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tQosIngQueueAdminPIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tQosIngQueueAdminRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 29 } tQosIngQueueAdminCIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosIngQueueAdminCIRPercent specifies the administrative CIR percentage, in centipercent of this queue. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tQosIngQueueAdminCIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tQosIngQueueAdminRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 30 } tQosIngQueueAdminFIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosIngQueueAdminFIRPercent specifies the administrative FIR percentage, in centipercent of this queue. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tQosIngQueueAdminFIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tQosIngQueueAdminRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 31 } tQosIngQueueAdminRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerRateTypeWithRefLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosIngQueueAdminRateType specifies the type of rate for this queue. When the value of the object is set to 'kbps', the queue rates are specified in kbps. The objects tQosIngQueueAdminPIRPercent and tQosIngQueueAdminCIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of the object is set to 'percentPortLimit' or 'percentOfLocalLimit' or 'percentReferPortLimit', the rates for this queue are specified in percentage. The objects tQosIngQueueAdminPIR and tQosIngQueueAdminCIR will be set to their default values." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tQosIngQueueEntry 32 } tQosEgrQGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosEgrQGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrQGroupTable defines the Ingress Queue Group Table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of defining the queue groups for the queues existing in the tQosEgrQueueTable. tQosEgrQGroupTable holds a list of all the queue-groups in the managed system defined. Queue-groups should exist in this table before being referenced by the forwarding class mappings within the queue policy as defined in the tSapIngressFCTable." ::= { tSharedQueueObjects 6 } tQosEgrQGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosEgrQGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrQGroupEntry defines an entry in the tQosEgrQGroupTable. Entries are created/deleted in this table by SNMP sets to tQosEgrQGroupRowStatus." INDEX { tQosEgrQGroupName } ::= { tQosEgrQGroupTable 1 } TQosEgrQGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosEgrQGroupName TNamedItem, tQosEgrQGroupRowStatus RowStatus, tQosEgrQGroupLastChanged TimeStamp, tQosEgrQGroupDescr TItemDescription, tQosEgrQGroupHsmdaPacketOffset TEgressHsmdaPerPacketOffset, tQosEgrQGroupHsmdaWrrPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tQosEgrQGroupHsmdaLowBrstMaxCls Unsigned32, tQosEgrQGroupQsHqosManageable TruthValue, tQosEgrQGroupHsAttachPlcy TNamedItem } tQosEgrQGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrQGroupName defines the Egress Queue Group name. It uniquely identifies an egress queue group in the managed system." ::= { tQosEgrQGroupEntry 1 } tQosEgrQGroupRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrQGroupRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tQosEgrQGroupTable. The deletion of an entry in this table will fail if the queue is being referenced by a forwarding class mapping in the queue policy." REFERENCE "See definition of RowStatus in RFC 2579, 'Textual Conventions for SMIv2.'" ::= { tQosEgrQGroupEntry 2 } tQosEgrQGroupLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrQGroupLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime when the queue entry was last modified." ::= { tQosEgrQGroupEntry 3 } tQosEgrQGroupDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrQGroupDescr specifies the description of the queue-group." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosEgrQGroupEntry 4 } tQosEgrQGroupHsmdaPacketOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressHsmdaPerPacketOffset UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQGroupHsmdaPacketOffset specifies the value, in bytes, of the adjustment to make to the size of each packet for HSMDA queue accounting." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosEgrQGroupEntry 5 } tQosEgrQGroupHsmdaWrrPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQGroupHsmdaWrrPolicy specifies the HSMDA Weighted Round Robin (WRR) scheduling policy to use." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tQosEgrQGroupEntry 6 } tQosEgrQGroupHsmdaLowBrstMaxCls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQGroupHsmdaLowBrstMaxCls specifies which class should use the low priority burst threshold. Use the low priority burst threshold for all classes starting from 1, up to and including that specified by tQosEgrQGroupHsmdaLowBrstMaxCls. Use the high priority burst threshold for all classes greater than the value of tQosEgrQGroupHsmdaLowBrstMaxCls, up to and including class 8." DEFVAL { 8 } ::= { tQosEgrQGroupEntry 7 } tQosEgrQGroupQsHqosManageable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQGroupQsHqosManageable specifies whether the queues within this egress queue-group are to be managed by the Hierarchical QoS process when this queue-group is applied to an ethernet egress access or network port." DEFVAL { true } ::= { tQosEgrQGroupEntry 8 } tQosEgrQGroupHsAttachPlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQGroupHsAttachPlcy specifies the HS attachment policy defined in tHsAttachPlcyTable." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tQosEgrQGroupEntry 9 } tQosEgrQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosEgrQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrQueueTable defines all egress queues." ::= { tSharedQueueObjects 7 } tQosEgrQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosEgrQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrQueueEntry defines a particular egress queue. Entries are created and deleted by user." INDEX { tQosEgrQGroupName, tQosEgrQueue } ::= { tQosEgrQueueTable 1 } TQosEgrQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosEgrQueue TEgressQueueId, tQosEgrQueueRowStatus RowStatus, tQosEgrQueueParent TNamedItemOrEmpty, tQosEgrQueueLevel TLevel, tQosEgrQueueWeight TWeight, tQosEgrQueueCIRLevel TLevelOrDefault, tQosEgrQueueCIRWeight TWeight, tQosEgrQueueExpedite INTEGER, tQosEgrQueueCBS TBurstSize, tQosEgrQueueMBS TBurstSize, tQosEgrQueueHiPrioOnly TBurstPercentOrDefault, tQosEgrQueuePIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tQosEgrQueueCIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tQosEgrQueueAdminPIR TQosQueuePIRRate, tQosEgrQueueAdminCIR TQosQueueCIRRate, tQosEgrQueueLastChanged TimeStamp, tQosEgrQueueUsePortParent TruthValue, tQosEgrQueuePortLvl TLevel, tQosEgrQueuePortWght TWeight, tQosEgrQueuePortCIRLvl TLevelOrDefault, tQosEgrQueuePortCIRWght TWeight, tQosEgrQueuePoolName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tQosEgrQueueXPWredQ TruthValue, tQosEgrQueueXPWredQSlope TNamedItem, tQosEgrQueueMBSBytes TBurstSizeBytes, tQosEgrQueueAdminPIRPercent Unsigned32, tQosEgrQueueAdminCIRPercent Unsigned32, tQosEgrQueueRateType TPolicerRateTypeWithRefLimit, tQosEgrQueueBurstLimit TBurstLimit, tQosEgrQueueAdvCfgPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tQosEgrQueuePktOffset TEgressPerPacketOffset, tQosEgrQueueHiLowPrioOnly TBurstPercentOrDefault, tQosEgrQueueWredQMode INTEGER, tQosEgrQueueWredQSlopeUsage INTEGER, tQosEgrQueueDynamicMbs TruthValue, tQosEgrQueueQueueDelay Unsigned32, tQosEgrQDrpTailExcdReductnMbs TBurstPercentOrDefault, tQosEgrQDrpTailHiPlusReductnMbs TBurstPercentOrDefault, tQosEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs TBurstPercentOrDefault, tQosEgrQDrpTailHighReductnMbs TBurstPercentOrDefault, tQosEgrQueueHsWrrWeight Unsigned32, tQosEgrQueueHsClassWeight Unsigned32, tQosEgrQueueHsWredQSlopePlcy TNamedItem, tQosEgrQueueHsAltClssPool TruthValue } tQosEgrQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressQueueId (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueue identifies the queue index which is used as the second index to the table entry. Zero is not allowed." ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 1 } tQosEgrQueueRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the Row Status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 2 } tQosEgrQueueParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueParent specifies the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 3 } tQosEgrQueueLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueLevel specifies the level of priority while feeding the parent." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 4 } tQosEgrQueueWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used by the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 5 } tQosEgrQueueCIRLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevelOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueCIRLevel specifies the level of priority while feeding the parent. The level '0' means treat all offered load for this queue as for the above CIR traffic." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 6 } tQosEgrQueueCIRWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueCIRWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used until the committed rate by the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 7 } tQosEgrQueueExpedite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { expedited (1), bestEffort (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueExpedite specifies the priority that this queue should be assigned by the hardware level schedulers." DEFVAL { bestEffort } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 8 } tQosEgrQueueCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSize UNITS "kilo-bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueCBS specifies the amount of reserved buffer space for the queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 9 } tQosEgrQueueMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSize UNITS "kilo-bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueMBS specifies the maximum amount of buffer space allowed for the queue. This object has been replaced with tQosEgrQueueMBSBytes object." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 10 } tQosEgrQueueHiPrioOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueHiPrioOnly specifies the percentage of buffer space for the queue, used exclusively by high priority packets. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tQosEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs object." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 11 } tQosEgrQueuePIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueuePIRAdaptation specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 12 } tQosEgrQueueCIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueCIRAdaptation specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational CIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 13 } tQosEgrQueueAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueuePIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueAdminPIR specifies the administrative PIR. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tQosEgrQueueAdminPIR is set to non-default value when the object tQosEgrQueueRateType is set to 'percent'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 14 } tQosEgrQueueAdminCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQueueCIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueAdminCIR specifies the administrative CIR. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tQosEgrQueueAdminCIR is set to non-default value when the object tQosEgrQueueRateType is set to 'percent'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 15 } tQosEgrQueueLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tQosEgrQueueTable." ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 18 } tQosEgrQueueUsePortParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueUsePortParent specifies whether this queue is parented by a port-level scheduler. When the value is 'true', this SAP egress queue is parented by a port-level scheduler. This object is mutually exclusive with tQosEgrQueueParent. Only one kind of parent is allowed." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 19 } tQosEgrQueuePortLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tQosEgrQueuePortLvl specifies the port priority this queue will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its above-cir offered load. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tQosEgrQueuePortLvl is set to non-default value when the value of object tQosEgrQueueUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 20 } tQosEgrQueuePortWght OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tQosEgrQueuePortWght specifies the weight this queue will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its above-cir offered load. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tQosEgrQueuePortWght is set to non-default value when the value of object tQosEgrQueueUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 21 } tQosEgrQueuePortCIRLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevelOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tQosEgrQueuePortCIRLvl specifies the port priority this queue will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its within-cir offered load. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tQosEgrQueuePortCIRLvl is set to non-default value when the value of object tQosEgrQueueUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 22 } tQosEgrQueuePortCIRWght OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tQosEgrQueuePortCIRWght specifies the weight this queue will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its within-cir offered load. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tQosEgrQueuePortCIRWght is set to non-default value when the value of object tQosEgrQueueUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 23 } tQosEgrQueuePoolName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueuePoolName specifies the name of the pool to be applied for SAP egress queue." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 24 } tQosEgrQueueXPWredQ OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueXPWredQ specifies whether to alter the generic pool association of the queue for the purpose of allowing queue-specific WRED slopes with minimal provisioning. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 release and replaced by tQosEgrQueueWredQMode." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 25 } tQosEgrQueueXPWredQSlope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueXPWredQSlope specifies the name of the slope policy to be applied for QOS egress queue. When tQosEgrQueueXPWredQ has the value 'false', an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a value other than 'default'." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 26 } tQosEgrQueueMBSBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueMBSBytes specifies the maximum amount of buffer space allowed for the queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 27 } tQosEgrQueueAdminPIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueAdminPIRPercent specifies the administrative PIR percentage, in centipercent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tQosEgrQueueAdminPIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tQosEgrQueueRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 28 } tQosEgrQueueAdminCIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueAdminCIRPercent specifies the administrative CIR percentage, in centipercent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tQosEgrQueueAdminCIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tQosEgrQueueRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 29 } tQosEgrQueueRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerRateTypeWithRefLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueRateType specifies the type of Egress queue rate. When the value of the object is set to 'kbps', the egresss queue rates are specified in kbps. The objects tQosEgrQueueAdminCIRPercent and tQosEgrQueueAdminPIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of the object is set to 'percentPortLimit' or 'percentLocalLimit' or 'percentReferPortLimit', the egress queue rates are specified in percentage. The objects tQosEgrQueueAdminCIR and tQosEgrQueueAdminPIR will be set to their default values." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 30 } tQosEgrQueueBurstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueBurstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size of a queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 31 } tQosEgrQueueAdvCfgPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueAdvCfgPolicy specifies the name of the advanced configuration policy to be applied with this queue." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 32 } tQosEgrQueuePktOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressPerPacketOffset MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueuePktOffset specifies the packet byte offset to be applied with this queue." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 33 } tQosEgrQueueHiLowPrioOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueHiLowPrioOnly specifies the percentage of buffer space for the queue, used exclusively by high priority (exceed-profile) packets. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tQosEgrQDrpTailExcdReductnMbs object." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 34 } tQosEgrQueueWredQMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), native (1), poolPerQueue (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueWredQMode specifies the generic pool association of the queue for the purpose of allowing queue-specific WRED slopes. When the value of this object is set to 'native (1)', the queues draw buffers from FP megapool. When the value of this object is set to 'poolPerQueue (2)', the queues draw buffers from a dedicated buffer pool per queue. The value of tQosEgrQueueWredQSlopeUsage can be set to 'default (1)', when the value of tQosEgrQueueWredQMode is set to 'poolPerQueue (2)' and the value of tQosEgrQueueWredQSlopeUsage can be set to 'exceedLow (2)', when the value of tQosEgrQueueWredQMode is set to 'native (1)'." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 35 } tQosEgrQueueWredQSlopeUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), default (1), exceedLow (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueWredQSlopeUsage specifies which slopes are active for given slope-mode specified by tQosEgrQueueWredQMode. When the value of this object is set to 'default (1)', the traffic is subjected to slopes configured under tSlopePolicyTable. When the value of this object is set to 'exceedLow (2)', the traffic is subjected to two slopes (low and exceed) configured under tSlopePolicyTable and a drop tail. The value of tQosEgrQueueWredQSlopeUsage can be set to 'default (1)', when the value of tQosEgrQueueWredQMode is set to 'poolPerQueue (2)' and the value of tQosEgrQueueWredQSlopeUsage can be set to 'exceedLow (2)', when the value of tQosEgrQueueWredQMode is set to 'native (1)'." DEFVAL { notApplicable } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 36 } tQosEgrQueueDynamicMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueDynamicMbs specifies whether to enable the support for dynamically modifying the MBS size of a queue in order to maintain the maximum latency for traffic in the queue based on the queue's configured MBS and the ratio of its operational PIR to its admin PIR." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 37 } tQosEgrQueueQueueDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..5000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueQueueDelay specifies the target queue-delay for packets forward through this queue." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 38 } tQosEgrQDrpTailExcdReductnMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQDrpTailExcdReductnMbs specifies the percentage at which exceed drop tail is being reduced from the MBS specified by tQosEgrQueueMBSBytes." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 39 } tQosEgrQDrpTailHiPlusReductnMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQDrpTailHiPlusReductnMbs specifies the percentage at which highplus drop tail is being reduced from the MBS specified by tQosEgrQueueMBSBytes." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 40 } tQosEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs specifies the percentage at which low drop tail is being reduced from the MBS specified by tQosEgrQueueMBSBytes." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 41 } tQosEgrQDrpTailHighReductnMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQDrpTailHighReductnMbs specifies the percentage at which high drop tail is being reduced from the MBS specified by tQosEgrQueueMBSBytes." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 42 } tQosEgrQueueHsWrrWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..127) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueHsWrrWeight specifies the Weighted Round Robin (WRR) weight which this queue should parent into the scheduler. The weight of each queue determines how much bandwidth that queue gets out of the total rate for the scheduling class." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 43 } tQosEgrQueueHsClassWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1 | 2 | 4 | 8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueHsClassWeight specifies the weight of the scheduling class." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 44 } tQosEgrQueueHsWredQSlopePlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueHsWredQSlopePlcy specifies the name of the slope policy to be applied for egress queue-group templates queue." DEFVAL { "_tmnx_hs_default" } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 45 } tQosEgrQueueHsAltClssPool OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQueueHsAltClssPool specifies whether the HS alternate class port pool buffer should be used for traffic." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tQosEgrQueueEntry 46 } tQosEgrQGroupFCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosEgrQGroupFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains the information of forwarding classes in a egress queue group." ::= { tSharedQueueObjects 8 } tQosEgrQGroupFCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosEgrQGroupFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular queue group's forwarding class." INDEX { tQosEgrQGroupName, tQosEgrQGroupFCName } ::= { tQosEgrQGroupFCTable 1 } TQosEgrQGroupFCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosEgrQGroupFCName TFCName, tQosEgrQGroupFCRowStatus RowStatus, tQosEgrQGroupFCLastChanged TimeStamp, tQosEgrQGroupFCQueue TEgressQueueId } tQosEgrQGroupFCName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tQosEgrQGroupFCName specifies the name of the forwarding class" ::= { tQosEgrQGroupFCEntry 1 } tQosEgrQGroupFCRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQGroupFCRowStatus specifies the Row Status for this entry." ::= { tQosEgrQGroupFCEntry 2 } tQosEgrQGroupFCLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQGroupFCLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tQosEgrQGroupFCTable." ::= { tQosEgrQGroupFCEntry 3 } tQosEgrQGroupFCQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressQueueId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQGroupFCQueue specifies the queue to be used for the packets in this forwarding class. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosEgrQGroupFCEntry 4 } tQosEgrHsmdaQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosEgrHsmdaQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Information about all Queue Group template HSMDA queues." ::= { tSharedQueueObjects 9 } tQosEgrHsmdaQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosEgrHsmdaQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular HSMDA queue in a queue group template. Entries are created by the system when a Queue group template tQosEgrQGroupName is created. Individual HSMDA queue properties can be modified by the user." INDEX { tQosEgrQGroupName, tQosEgrHsmdaQueue } ::= { tQosEgrHsmdaQueueTable 1 } TQosEgrHsmdaQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosEgrHsmdaQueue TEgressHsmdaQueueId, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueRowStatus RowStatus, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueLastChanged TimeStamp, tQosEgrHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn TAdaptationRule, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueAdminPIR THsmdaPIRKRate, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy TNamedItem, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueWrrWeight THsmdaWrrWeight, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueMBS THSMDABurstSizeBytes, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueBurstLimit THSMDAQueueBurstLimit } tQosEgrHsmdaQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressHsmdaQueueId (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The HSMDA queue ID is used as the secondary index to the table entry." ::= { tQosEgrHsmdaQueueEntry 1 } tQosEgrHsmdaQueueRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrHsmdaQueueRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of entries in the tQosEgrHsmdaQueueTable." ::= { tQosEgrHsmdaQueueEntry 2 } tQosEgrHsmdaQueueLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrHsmdaQueueLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tQosEgrHsmdaQueueTable." ::= { tQosEgrHsmdaQueueEntry 3 } tQosEgrHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tQosEgrHsmdaQueueEntry 4 } tQosEgrHsmdaQueueAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRKRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrHsmdaQueueAdminPIR specifies the administrative PIR specified by the user." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosEgrHsmdaQueueEntry 5 } tQosEgrHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy specifies the slope policy specified by the user." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tQosEgrHsmdaQueueEntry 6 } tQosEgrHsmdaQueueWrrWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWrrWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrHsmdaQueueWrrWeight specifies the weight with which this queue should parent into the HSMDA scheduler, provided it is not superseded by the Weighted Round Robin (WRR) policy. The weight of each queue determines how much bandwidth that queue gets out of the total rate for the scheduling class." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosEgrHsmdaQueueEntry 7 } tQosEgrHsmdaQueueMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THSMDABurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrHsmdaQueueMBS specifies the maximum amount of buffer space (in bytes) allowed for this HSMDA queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosEgrHsmdaQueueEntry 8 } tQosEgrHsmdaQueueBurstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THSMDAQueueBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrHsmdaQueueBurstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size of the queue." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosEgrHsmdaQueueEntry 9 } tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpTable contains HS WRR (Weighted Round Robin) group information on egress queue-group templates. Entries in this table are created whenever an egress queue-group template is created in tQosEgrQGroupEntry." ::= { tSharedQueueObjects 10 } tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpEntry represents the information about a particular HS WRR Group specified by tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpId." INDEX { tQosEgrQGroupName, tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpId } ::= { tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpTable 1 } TQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpId Unsigned32, tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpLastChanged TimeStamp, tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpRateType TRateType, tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpRate Unsigned32, tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpRatePercent Unsigned32, tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpPIRAdaption TAdaptationRule, tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpClassWeight Unsigned32 } tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpId indicates the HS WRR group identifier." ::= { tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpEntry 1 } tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime for the last change to this row." ::= { tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpEntry 2 } tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TRateType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpRateType specifies the rate type for this group. When the value of tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpRateType is set to 'kbps', the group rates are specified in kbps. The object tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpRatePercent will be set to its default values. When the value of tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpRateType is set to 'percent', the group rates are specified in percentage. The object tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpRate will be set to its default value." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpEntry 3 } tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2000000000 | 4294967295) UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpRate specifies the queue's PIR expressed as a percentage of line rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpEntry 5 } tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpRatePercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpRatePercent specifies the group rate percent, in centipercent. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpRatePercent is set to non-default value when the object tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpEntry 6 } tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpPIRAdaption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpPIRAdaption specifies the adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpEntry 7 } tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpClassWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1 | 2 | 4 | 8) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpClassWeight specifies the weight of scheduling class." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpEntry 8 } tSlopeObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 10 } tSlopePolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSlopePolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Slope Policy Table. Each entry in this table defines the RED slopes for the high and the low priority traffic." ::= { tSlopeObjects 1 } tSlopePolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSlopePolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Slope Policy Entry." INDEX { tSlopePolicy } ::= { tSlopePolicyTable 1 } TSlopePolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSlopePolicy TNamedItem, tSlopeRowStatus RowStatus, tSlopeDescription TItemDescription, tSlopeHiAdminStatus TmnxAdminStateUpDown, tSlopeHiStartAverage Unsigned32, tSlopeHiMaxAverage Unsigned32, tSlopeHiMaxProbability Unsigned32, tSlopeLoAdminStatus TmnxAdminStateUpDown, tSlopeLoStartAverage Unsigned32, tSlopeLoMaxAverage Unsigned32, tSlopeLoMaxProbability Unsigned32, tSlopeTimeAvgFactor Unsigned32, tSlopeLastChanged TimeStamp, tSlopeExceedAdminStatus TmnxAdminStateUpDown, tSlopeExceedStartAverage Unsigned32, tSlopeExceedMaxAverage Unsigned32, tSlopeExceedMaxProbability Unsigned32, tSlopeHighPlusAdminStatus TmnxAdminStateUpDown, tSlopeHighPlusStartAverage Unsigned32, tSlopeHighPlusMaxAverage Unsigned32, tSlopeHighPlusMaxProbability Unsigned32 } tSlopePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSlopePolicy maintains the name of the slope policy identifying the policy." ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 1 } tSlopeRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 2 } tSlopeDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User-provided description of the policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 3 } tSlopeHiAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminStateUpDown MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSlopeHiAdminStatus specifies the admin state for the high priority RED slope. If the tSlopeHiAdminStatus is set to 'down', the RED slope is inactive." DEFVAL { down } ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 4 } tSlopeHiStartAverage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability starts to rise above 0." DEFVAL { 70 } ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 5 } tSlopeHiMaxAverage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability is 100 percent. This implies that all packets beyond this point will be dropped." DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 6 } tSlopeHiMaxProbability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The drop probability increases steadily from 0 at the tSlopeHiStartAverage up to the tSlopeHiMaxProbability at the tSlopeHiMaxAverage." DEFVAL { 80 } ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 7 } tSlopeLoAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminStateUpDown MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSlopeLoAdminStatus specifies the admin state for the high priority RED slope. If the tSlopeLoAdminStatus is set to 'down', the RED slope is inactive." DEFVAL { down } ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 8 } tSlopeLoStartAverage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability starts to rise above 0." DEFVAL { 50 } ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 9 } tSlopeLoMaxAverage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability is 100 percent. This implies that all packets beyond this point will be dropped." DEFVAL { 75 } ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 10 } tSlopeLoMaxProbability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The drop probability increases steadily from 0 at the tSlopeLoStartAverage up to the tSlopeLoMaxProbability at the tSlopeLoMaxAverage." DEFVAL { 80 } ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 11 } tSlopeTimeAvgFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..15) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time average factor describes the weighting between the previous shared buffer average utilization result and the new shared buffer utilization in determining the new shared buffer average utilization." DEFVAL { 7 } ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 12 } tSlopeLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timestamp of when this entry was last changed." ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 13 } tSlopeExceedAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminStateUpDown MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSlopeExceedAdminStatus specifies the admin state for the exceed priority RED slope. If the tSlopeExceedAdminStatus is set to 'down', the RED slope is inactive." DEFVAL { down } ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 15 } tSlopeExceedStartAverage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSlopeExceedStartAverage specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability starts to rise above 0." DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 16 } tSlopeExceedMaxAverage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSlopeExceedMaxAverage specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability is 100 percent. This implies that all packets beyond this point will be dropped." DEFVAL { 55 } ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 17 } tSlopeExceedMaxProbability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSlopeExceedMaxProbability the drop probability increases steadily from 0 at the tSlopeExceedStartAverage up to the tSlopeExceedMaxProbability at the tSlopeExceedMaxAverage." DEFVAL { 80 } ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 18 } tSlopeHighPlusAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminStateUpDown MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSlopeHighPlusAdminStatus specifies the admin state for the high-plus priority RED slope. If the tSlopeHighPlusAdminStatus is set to 'down', the RED slope is inactive." DEFVAL { down } ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 19 } tSlopeHighPlusStartAverage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSlopeHighPlusStartAverage specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability starts to rise above 0." DEFVAL { 85 } ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 20 } tSlopeHighPlusMaxAverage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSlopeHighPlusMaxAverage specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability is 100 percent. This implies that all packets beyond this point will be dropped." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 21 } tSlopeHighPlusMaxProbability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSlopeHighPlusMaxProbability the drop probability increases steadily from 0 at the tSlopeHighPlusStartAverage up to the tSlopeHighPlusMaxProbability at the tSlopeHighPlusMaxAverage." DEFVAL { 80 } ::= { tSlopePolicyEntry 22 } tHsmdaSlopePolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF THsmdaSlopePolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tHsmdaSlopePolicyTable has an entry for each HSMDA slope policy configured on this system." ::= { tSlopeObjects 2 } tHsmdaSlopePolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaSlopePolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular HSMDA slope policy. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tHsmdaSlopePolicyName } ::= { tHsmdaSlopePolicyTable 1 } THsmdaSlopePolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tHsmdaSlopePolicyName TNamedItem, tHsmdaSlopePolicyRowStatus RowStatus, tHsmdaSlopeLastChanged TimeStamp, tHsmdaSlopeDescription TItemDescription, tHsmdaSlopeQueueMbs Unsigned32, tHsmdaSlopeHiAdminStatus TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, tHsmdaSlopeHiStartDepth Unsigned32, tHsmdaSlopeHiMaxDepth Unsigned32, tHsmdaSlopeHiMaxProbability Unsigned32, tHsmdaSlopeLoAdminStatus TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState, tHsmdaSlopeLoStartDepth Unsigned32, tHsmdaSlopeLoMaxDepth Unsigned32, tHsmdaSlopeLoMaxProbability Unsigned32 } tHsmdaSlopePolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSlopePolicyName specifies the name of the HSMDA slope policy." ::= { tHsmdaSlopePolicyEntry 1 } tHsmdaSlopePolicyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSlopePolicyRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of HSMDA slope policies." ::= { tHsmdaSlopePolicyEntry 2 } tHsmdaSlopeLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSlopeLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tHsmdaSlopePolicyEntry 3 } tHsmdaSlopeDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSlopeDescription specifies the description of this HSMDA slope policy." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tHsmdaSlopePolicyEntry 4 } tHsmdaSlopeQueueMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..500000) UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSlopeQueueMbs specifies the maximum amount of buffer space, in bytes, allowed for any HSMDA queue associated with this HSMDA slope policy. Specifying a value of 0 effectively disables all queues associated with this slope policy causing each queue to discard all packets. This object is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." DEFVAL { 16800 } ::= { tHsmdaSlopePolicyEntry 5 } tHsmdaSlopeHiAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSlopeHiAdminStatus specifies the admin state for the high priority RED slope. If the tHsmdaSlopeHiAdminStatus is set to 'disabled', the RED slope is inactive." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { tHsmdaSlopePolicyEntry 6 } tHsmdaSlopeHiStartDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSlopeHiStartDepth specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability starts to rise above 0." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tHsmdaSlopePolicyEntry 7 } tHsmdaSlopeHiMaxDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSlopeHiMaxDepth specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability is 100 percent. This implies that all packets beyond this point will be dropped." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tHsmdaSlopePolicyEntry 8 } tHsmdaSlopeHiMaxProbability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSlopeHiMaxProbability specifies the drop probability, as a percentage, when the Hsmda queue depth reaches tHsmdaSlopeHiMaxDepth. The drop increases steadily from 0 at the tHsmdaSlopeHiStartDepth up to the tHsmdaSlopeHiMaxProbability at the tHsmdaSlopeHiMaxDepth." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tHsmdaSlopePolicyEntry 9 } tHsmdaSlopeLoAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabledAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSlopeLoAdminStatus specifies the admin state for the low priority RED slope. If the tHsmdaSlopeLoAdminStatus is set to 'disabled', the RED slope is inactive." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { tHsmdaSlopePolicyEntry 10 } tHsmdaSlopeLoStartDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSlopeLoStartDepth specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability starts to rise above 0." DEFVAL { 9000 } ::= { tHsmdaSlopePolicyEntry 11 } tHsmdaSlopeLoMaxDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSlopeLoMaxDepth specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability is 100 percent. This implies that all packets beyond this point will be dropped." DEFVAL { 9000 } ::= { tHsmdaSlopePolicyEntry 12 } tHsmdaSlopeLoMaxProbability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSlopeLoMaxProbability specifies the drop probability, as a percentage, when the Hsmda queue depth reaches tHsmdaSlopeLoMaxDepth. The drop increases steadily from 0 at the tHsmdaSlopeLoStartDepth up to the tHsmdaSlopeLoMaxProbability at the tHsmdaSlopeLoMaxDepth." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tHsmdaSlopePolicyEntry 13 } tSchedulerObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 12 } tSchedulerPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TSchedulerPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { tSchedulerObjects 1 } tSchedulerPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TSchedulerPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Scheduler Policy." INDEX { IMPLIED tSchedulerPolicyName } ::= { tSchedulerPolicyTable 1 } TSchedulerPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tSchedulerPolicyName TNamedItem, tSchedulerPolicyRowStatus RowStatus, tSchedulerPolicyDescription TItemDescription, tSchedulerPolicyLastChanged TimeStamp, tSchedulerPolicyFrameBasedAccnt TruthValue, tSchedulerPolicyTier1ParentLoc TmnxSchedPlcyParentLocation } tSchedulerPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the scheduler policy." ::= { tSchedulerPolicyEntry 1 } tSchedulerPolicyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of the entry." ::= { tSchedulerPolicyEntry 2 } tSchedulerPolicyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description for the scheduler policy" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tSchedulerPolicyEntry 3 } tSchedulerPolicyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tSchedulerPolicyTable." ::= { tSchedulerPolicyEntry 4 } tSchedulerPolicyFrameBasedAccnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSchedulerPolicyFrameBasedAccnt specifies whether to use frame-based accounting for the schedulers within the scheduler policy and the children queues parented to the scheduling policy. If the value is 'false', the default packet-based accounting method will be used." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tSchedulerPolicyEntry 5 } tSchedulerPolicyTier1ParentLoc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSchedPlcyParentLocation MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSchedulerPolicyTier1ParentLoc specifies the location in which the tier 1 schedulers in this scheduler policy will look to find their parent. The value of tSchedulerPolicyTier1ParentLoc has no effect for schedulers with no parent configured (or which are port-parented). In case the parent scheduler is not found, the scheduler will be orphaned." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tSchedulerPolicyEntry 6 } tVirtualSchedulerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TVirtualSchedulerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { tSchedulerObjects 2 } tVirtualSchedulerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TVirtualSchedulerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Scheduler belonging to a Scheduler Policy." INDEX { tSchedulerPolicyName, tVirtualSchedulerTier, IMPLIED tVirtualSchedulerName } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerTable 1 } TVirtualSchedulerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tVirtualSchedulerTier Integer32, tVirtualSchedulerName TNamedItem, tVirtualSchedulerRowStatus RowStatus, tVirtualSchedulerDescription TItemDescription, tVirtualSchedulerParent TNamedItemOrEmpty, tVirtualSchedulerLevel TLevel, tVirtualSchedulerWeight TWeight, tVirtualSchedulerCIRLevel TLevelOrDefault, tVirtualSchedulerCIRWeight TWeight, tVirtualSchedulerPIR THPolVirtualSchePIRRate, tVirtualSchedulerCIR THPolVirtualScheCIRRate, tVirtualSchedulerSummedCIR TruthValue, tVirtualSchedulerLastChanged TimeStamp, tVirtualSchedulerUsePortParent TruthValue, tVirtualSchedulerPortLvl TLevel, tVirtualSchedulerPortWght TWeight, tVirtualSchedulerPortCIRLvl TLevelOrDefault, tVirtualSchedulerPortCIRWght TWeight, tVirtualSchedulerPIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tVirtualSchedulerPIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, tVirtualSchedulerCIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tVirtualSchedulerCIRLo TmnxQosRateLow32, tVirtualSchedulerRateLUB TruthValue, tVirtualSchedulerPIRPercent Unsigned32, tVirtualSchedulerCIRPercent Unsigned32, tVirtualSchedulerRateType TPolRateTypeRefOrLocalLimit } tVirtualSchedulerTier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..3) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tier to which this scheduler belongs to." ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 1 } tVirtualSchedulerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the scheduler policy." ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 2 } tVirtualSchedulerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of the entry." ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 3 } tVirtualSchedulerDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description for the scheduler policy" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 4 } tVirtualSchedulerParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The scheduler to which this scheduler would be feeding." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 5 } tVirtualSchedulerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This specifies the level of priority while feeding the parent." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 6 } tVirtualSchedulerWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The weight that needs to be used by the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 7 } tVirtualSchedulerCIRLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevelOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This specifies the level of priority while feeding the parent. The level '0' means treat all offered load for this queue as for the above CIR traffic." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 8 } tVirtualSchedulerCIRWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The weight that needs to be used until the committed rate by the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 9 } tVirtualSchedulerPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolVirtualSchePIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The rate allowed for this scheduler. A value of -1 implies maximum. This object is obsoleted in 11.0 Release. It is replaced by tVirtualSchedulerPIRHi and tVirtualSchedulerPIRLo." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 10 } tVirtualSchedulerCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolVirtualScheCIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The rate allowed for this scheduler. A value of -1 implies maximum. This object is obsoleted in 11.0 Release. It is replaced by tVirtualSchedulerCIRHi and tVirtualSchedulerCIRLo." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 11 } tVirtualSchedulerSummedCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tVirtualSchedulerSummedCIR specifies if the CIR should be used as the summed value of the children. If set to 'true', tVirtualSchedulerCIR loses its meaning. An 'inconsistentValue' error is thrown, if the combined 64-bit value of tVirtualSchedulerCIRHi and tVirtualSchedulerCIRLo is non-zero and the value of tVirtualSchedulerSummedCIR is set to 'true'." DEFVAL { true } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 12 } tVirtualSchedulerLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tVirtualSchedulerLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tVirtualSchedulerTable." ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 13 } tVirtualSchedulerUsePortParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tVirtualSchedulerUsePortParent specifies whether this scheduler is parented by a port-level scheduler. When the value is 'true', this virtual scheduler is parented by a port-level scheduler. This object is mutually exclusive with tVirtualSchedulerParent. Only one kind of parent is allowed." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 14 } tVirtualSchedulerPortLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tVirtualSchedulerPortLvl specifies the port priority this scheduler will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its above-cir offered load. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tVirtualSchedulerPortLvl is set to non-default value when the value of object tVirtualSchedulerUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 15 } tVirtualSchedulerPortWght OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tVirtualSchedulerPortWght specifies the weight this scheduler will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its above-cir offered load. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tVirtualSchedulerPortWght is set to non-default value when the value of object tVirtualSchedulerUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 16 } tVirtualSchedulerPortCIRLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevelOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tVirtualSchedulerPortCIRLvl specifies the port priority this scheduler will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its within-cir offered load. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tVirtualSchedulerPortCIRLvl is set to non-default value when the value of object tVirtualSchedulerUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 17 } tVirtualSchedulerPortCIRWght OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tVirtualSchedulerPortCIRWght specifies the weight this scheduler will use to receive bandwidth from the port-level scheduler for its within-cir offered load. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tVirtualSchedulerPortCIRWght is set to non-default value when the value of object tVirtualSchedulerUsePortParent is 'false'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 18 } tVirtualSchedulerPIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tVirtualSchedulerPIRHi specifies upper 32 bits of the pir-rate allowed for this scheduler. This value should always be set along with tVirtualSchedulerPIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tVirtualSchedulerPIRHi along with the value of tVirtualSchedulerPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this scheduler indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 19 } tVirtualSchedulerPIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tVirtualSchedulerPIRLo specifies lower 32 bits of the pir-rate allowed for this scheduler. This value should always be set along with tVirtualSchedulerPIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tVirtualSchedulerPIRHi along with the value of tVirtualSchedulerPIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this scheduler indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 20 } tVirtualSchedulerCIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tVirtualSchedulerCIRHi specifies upper 32 bits of the cir-rate allowed for this scheduler. This value should always be set along with tVirtualSchedulerCIRLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tVirtualSchedulerCIRHi along with the value of tVirtualSchedulerCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this scheduler indicates maximum rate. An 'inconsistentValue' error is thrown, if the combined 64-bit value of tVirtualSchedulerCIRHi and tVirtualSchedulerCIRLo is non-zero and the value of tVirtualSchedulerSummedCIR is set to true" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 21 } tVirtualSchedulerCIRLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tVirtualSchedulerCIRLo specifies lower 32 bits of the cir-rate allowed for this scheduler. This value should always be set along with tVirtualSchedulerCIRHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tVirtualSchedulerCIRHi along with the value of tVirtualSchedulerCIRLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this scheduler indicates maximum rate. An 'inconsistentValue' error is thrown, if the combined 64-bit value of tVirtualSchedulerCIRHi and tVirtualSchedulerCIRLo is non-zero and the value of tVirtualSchedulerSummedCIR is set to true" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 22 } tVirtualSchedulerRateLUB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tVirtualSchedulerRateLUB specifies whether to limit the unused bandwidth and allow a tighter control in allocation of bandwidth by HQos. When the value of tVirtualSchedulerRateLUB is set to 'true', HQos algorithm distributes any unused aggregate bandwidth between queues operating below their fair share rates. This allows a simplified aggregate rate protection while allocating bandwidth by HQos scheduling algorithm." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 23 } tVirtualSchedulerPIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tVirtualSchedulerPIRPercent specifies the PIR percentage, in centipercent of a scheduler. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tVirtualSchedulerPIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tVirtualSchedulerRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 25 } tVirtualSchedulerCIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tVirtualSchedulerCIRPercent specifies the CIR percentage, in centipercent of a scheduler. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tVirtualSchedulerCIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tVirtualSchedulerRateType is set to 'kbps'. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tVirtualSchedulerCIRPercent is set to non-default value when tVirtualSchedulerSummedCIR is set to 'true'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 26 } tVirtualSchedulerRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolRateTypeRefOrLocalLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tVirtualSchedulerRateType specifies the type of rate for this scheduler. When the value of the object is set to 'kbps', the scheduler rates are specified in kbps. The objects tVirtualSchedulerPIRPercent and tVirtualSchedulerCIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of the object is set to 'percentOfLocalLimit' or 'percentReferPortLimit', the rates for this scheduler are specified in percentage. The objects tVirtualSchedulerPIR and tVirtualSchedulerCIR will be set to their default values." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tVirtualSchedulerEntry 27 } tPortSchedulerPlcyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortSchedulerPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortSchedulerPlcyTable has an entry for each port scheduler configured on this system." ::= { tSchedulerObjects 3 } tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular port scheduler. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { IMPLIED tPortSchedulerPlcyName } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyTable 1 } TPortSchedulerPlcyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortSchedulerPlcyName TNamedItem, tPortSchedulerPlcyRowStatus RowStatus, tPortSchedulerPlcyDescription TItemDescription, tPortSchedulerPlcyLastChanged TimeStamp, tPortSchedulerPlcyMaxRate TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl1PIR TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl1CIR TPortSchedulerCIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl2PIR TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl2CIR TPortSchedulerCIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl3PIR TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl3CIR TPortSchedulerCIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl4PIR TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl4CIR TPortSchedulerCIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl5PIR TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl5CIR TPortSchedulerCIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl6PIR TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl6CIR TPortSchedulerCIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl7PIR TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl7CIR TPortSchedulerCIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl8PIR TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl8CIR TPortSchedulerCIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanLvl TLevel, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanWeight TWeight, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanCIRLvl TLevelOrDefault, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanCIRWght TWeight, tPortSchedPlcyDistLagRateShared TruthValue, tPortSchedPlcyMaxRatePercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPlcyMaxRateType TPSPRateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl1PIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPlcyLvl1CIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPlcyLvl1RateType TPSPRateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl2PIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPlcyLvl2CIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPlcyLvl2RateType TPSPRateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl3PIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPlcyLvl3CIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPlcyLvl3RateType TPSPRateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl4PIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPlcyLvl4CIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPlcyLvl4RateType TPSPRateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl5PIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPlcyLvl5CIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPlcyLvl5RateType TPSPRateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl6PIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPlcyLvl6CIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPlcyLvl6RateType TPSPRateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl7PIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPlcyLvl7CIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPlcyLvl7RateType TPSPRateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl8PIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPlcyLvl8CIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPlcyLvl8RateType TPSPRateType, tPortSchedPlcyMaxRateHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tPortSchedPlcyMaxRate TmnxQosRateLow32, tPortSchedPlcyMonThresholdPrcnt Unsigned32, tPortSchedPlcyHQosAlgorithm INTEGER } tPortSchedulerPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyName specifies the name of the port scheduler." ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 1 } tPortSchedulerPlcyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of port scheduler policies." ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 2 } tPortSchedulerPlcyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyDescription specifies the description of this port scheduler." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 3 } tPortSchedulerPlcyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management change to this row." ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 4 } tPortSchedulerPlcyMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyMaxRate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit of this port scheduler. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedulerPlcyMaxRate is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPlcyMaxRateType is set to 'percentLagActive'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPlcyMaxRate." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 5 } tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl1PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl1PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 1. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl1PIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl1RateType is set to 'percentLocal'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 6 } tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl1CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerCIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl1CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 1. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl1CIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl1RateType is set to 'percentLocal'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 7 } tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl2PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl2PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 2. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl2PIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl2RateType is set to 'percentLocal'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 8 } tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl2CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerCIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl2CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 2. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl2CIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl2RateType is set to 'percentLocal'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 9 } tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl3PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl3PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 3. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl3PIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl3RateType is set to 'percentLocal'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 10 } tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl3CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerCIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl3CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 3. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl3CIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl3RateType is set to 'percentLocal'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 11 } tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl4PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl4PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 4. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl4PIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl4RateType is set to 'percentLocal'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 12 } tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl4CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerCIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl4CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 4. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl4CIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl4RateType is set to 'percentLocal'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 13 } tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl5PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl5PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 5. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl5PIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl5RateType is set to 'percentLocal'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 14 } tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl5CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerCIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl5CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 5. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl5CIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl5RateType is set to 'percentLocal'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 15 } tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl6PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl6PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 6. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl6PIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl6RateType is set to 'percentLocal'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 16 } tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl6CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerCIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl6CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 6. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl6CIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl6RateType is set to 'percentLocal'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 17 } tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl7PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl7PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 7. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl7PIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl7RateType is set to 'percentLocal'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 18 } tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl7CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerCIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl7CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 7. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl7CIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl7RateType is set to 'percentLocal'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 19 } tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl8PIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl8PIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for priority level 8. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl8PIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl8RateType is set to 'percentLocal'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 20 } tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl8CIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerCIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl8CIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for priority level 8. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl8CIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl8RateType is set to 'percentLocal'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 21 } tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanLvl specifies the port priority of orphaned queues and schedulers that are above-cir." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 22 } tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanWeight specifies the weight of orphaned queues and schedulers that are above-cir." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 23 } tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanCIRLvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevelOrDefault MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanCIRLvl specifies the port priority of orphaned queues and schedulers that are within-cir." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 24 } tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanCIRWght OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanCIRWght specifies the weight of orphaned queues and schedulers that are within-cir." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 25 } tPortSchedPlcyDistLagRateShared OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyDistLagRateShared specifies whether to enable sharing of rates when the port on which this port scheduler policy is configured is part of a LAG configured in 'distribute' mode. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyDistLagRateShared is set to 'true', the absolute rate values configured as part of the max-rate, PIR/CIR group rates and PIR/CIR level rates are shared across the member ports of the LAG when configured in 'distribute' mode. The value of tPortSchedPlcyDistLagRateShared does not have any affect when the port on which this port scheduler policy is configured is part of a LAG in 'link' mode. Similarly when rates are configured as percent-active rates, i.e., rate-type is 'percentActivePortBW' the value of this object is irrelevant." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 26 } tPortSchedPlcyMaxRatePercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyMaxRatePercent specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth percentage, in centipercent, for this port scheduler. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPlcyMaxRatePercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPlcyMaxRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 27 } tPortSchedPlcyMaxRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPSPRateType { kbps (1), percentLagActive (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyMaxRateType specifies the type of port scheduler rate. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyMaxRateType is set to 'kbps', the port scheduler max-rate is specified in 'kbps'. The value of tPortSchedPlcyMaxRatePercent will be set to default value. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyMaxRateType is set to 'percentLagActive', the port scheduler max-rate is specified in percentage of active port bandwidth. The value of tPortSchedulerPlcyMaxRate will be set to default value." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 28 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl1PIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl1PIRPercent specifies the total bandwidth percentage, PIR percent, for priority level 1. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPlcyLvl1PIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPlcyLvl1RateType is set to 'kbps'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 29 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl1CIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl1CIRPercent specifies the within-cir bandwidth percentage, for priority level 1. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPlcyLvl1CIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPlcyLvl1RateType is set to 'kbps'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 30 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl1RateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPSPRateType { kbps (1), percentLocal (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl1RateType specifies the type of port scheduler rate for priority level 1. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl1RateType is set to 'kbps', the port scheduler rate for priority level 1 is specified in 'kbps'. The values of tPortSchedPlcyLvl1PIRPercent and tPortSchedPlcyLvl1CIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl1RateType is set to 'percentLocal', the port scheduler rate for priority level 1 is specified in percentage of local limit. The values of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl1PIR and tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl1CIR will be set to their default values. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelRateType." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 31 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl2PIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl2PIRPercent specifies the total bandwidth percentage, PIR percent, for priority level 2. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPlcyLvl2PIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPlcyLvl2RateType is set to 'kbps'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 32 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl2CIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl2CIRPercent specifies the within-cir bandwidth percentage, for priority level 2. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPlcyLvl2CIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPlcyLvl2RateType is set to 'kbps'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 33 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl2RateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPSPRateType { kbps (1), percentLocal (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl2RateType specifies the type of port scheduler rate for priority level 2. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl2RateType is set to 'kbps', the port scheduler rate for priority level 2 is specified in 'kbps'. The values of tPortSchedPlcyLvl2PIRPercent and tPortSchedPlcyLvl2CIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl2RateType is set to 'percentLocal', the port scheduler rate for priority level 2 is specified in percentage of local limit. The values of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl2PIR and tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl2CIR will be set to their default values. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelRateType." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 34 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl3PIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl3PIRPercent specifies the total bandwidth percentage, PIR percent, for priority level 3. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPlcyLvl3PIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPlcyLvl3RateType is set to 'kbps'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 35 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl3CIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl3CIRPercent specifies the within-cir bandwidth percentage, for priority level 3. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPlcyLvl3CIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPlcyLvl3RateType is set to 'kbps'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 36 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl3RateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPSPRateType { kbps (1), percentLocal (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl3RateType specifies the type of port scheduler rate for priority level 3. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl3RateType is set to 'kbps', the port scheduler rate for priority level 3 is specified in 'kbps'. The values of tPortSchedPlcyLvl3PIRPercent and tPortSchedPlcyLvl3CIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl3RateType is set to 'percentLocal', the port scheduler rate for priority level 3 is specified in percentage of local limit. The values of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl3PIR and tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl3CIR will be set to their default values. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelRateType." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 37 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl4PIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl4PIRPercent specifies the total bandwidth percentage, PIR percent, for priority level 4. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPlcyLvl4PIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPlcyLvl4RateType is set to 'kbps'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 38 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl4CIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl4CIRPercent specifies the within-cir bandwidth percentage, for priority level 4. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPlcyLvl4CIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPlcyLvl4RateType is set to 'kbps'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 39 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl4RateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPSPRateType { kbps (1), percentLocal (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl4RateType specifies the type of port scheduler rate for priority level 4. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl4RateType is set to 'kbps', the port scheduler rate for priority level 4 is specified in 'kbps'. The values of tPortSchedPlcyLvl4PIRPercent and tPortSchedPlcyLvl4CIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl4RateType is set to 'percentLocal', the port scheduler rate for priority level 4 is specified in percentage of local limit. The values of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl4PIR and tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl4CIR will be set to their default values. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelRateType." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 40 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl5PIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl5PIRPercent specifies the total bandwidth percentage, PIR percent, for priority level 5. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPlcyLvl5PIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPlcyLvl5RateType is set to 'kbps'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 41 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl5CIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl5CIRPercent specifies the within-cir bandwidth percentage, for priority level 5. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPlcyLvl5CIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPlcyLvl5RateType is set to 'kbps'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 42 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl5RateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPSPRateType { kbps (1), percentLocal (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl5RateType specifies the type of port scheduler rate for priority level 5. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl5RateType is set to 'kbps', the port scheduler rate for priority level 5 is specified in 'kbps'. The values of tPortSchedPlcyLvl5PIRPercent and tPortSchedPlcyLvl5CIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl5RateType is set to 'percentLocal', the port scheduler rate for priority level 5 is specified in percentage of local limit. The values of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl5PIR and tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl5CIR will be set to their default values. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelRateType." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 43 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl6PIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl6PIRPercent specifies the total bandwidth percentage, PIR percent, for priority level 6. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPlcyLvl6PIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPlcyLvl6RateType is set to 'kbps'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 44 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl6CIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl6CIRPercent specifies the within-cir bandwidth percentage, for priority level 6. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPlcyLvl6CIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPlcyLvl6RateType is set to 'kbps'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 45 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl6RateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPSPRateType { kbps (1), percentLocal (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl6RateType specifies the type of port scheduler rate for priority level 6. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl6RateType is set to 'kbps', the port scheduler rate for priority level 6 is specified in 'kbps'. The values of tPortSchedPlcyLvl6PIRPercent and tPortSchedPlcyLvl6CIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl6RateType is set to 'percentLocal', the port scheduler rate for priority level 6 is specified in percentage of local limit. The values of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl6PIR and tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl6CIR will be set to their default values. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelRateType." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 46 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl7PIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl7PIRPercent specifies the total bandwidth percentage, PIR percent, for priority level 7. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPlcyLvl7PIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPlcyLvl7RateType is set to 'kbps'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 47 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl7CIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl7CIRPercent specifies the within-cir bandwidth percentage, for priority level 7. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPlcyLvl7CIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPlcyLvl7RateType is set to 'kbps'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 48 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl7RateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPSPRateType { kbps (1), percentLocal (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl7RateType specifies the type of port scheduler rate for priority level 7. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl7RateType is set to 'kbps', the port scheduler rate for priority level 7 is specified in 'kbps'. The values of tPortSchedPlcyLvl7PIRPercent and tPortSchedPlcyLvl7CIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl7RateType is set to 'percentLocal', the port scheduler rate for priority level 7 is specified in percentage of local limit. The values of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl7PIR and tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl7CIR will be set to their default values. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelRateType." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 49 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl8PIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl8PIRPercent specifies the total bandwidth percentage, PIR percent, for priority level 8. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPlcyLvl8PIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPlcyLvl8RateType is set to 'kbps'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 50 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl8CIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl8CIRPercent specifies the within-cir bandwidth percentage, for priority level 8. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPlcyLvl8CIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPlcyLvl8RateType is set to 'kbps'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRPercent." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 51 } tPortSchedPlcyLvl8RateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPSPRateType { kbps (1), percentLocal (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl8RateType specifies the type of port scheduler rate for priority level 8. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl8RateType is set to 'kbps', the port scheduler rate for priority level 8 is specified in 'kbps'. The values of tPortSchedPlcyLvl8PIRPercent and tPortSchedPlcyLvl8CIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyLvl8RateType is set to 'percentLocal', the port scheduler rate for priority level 8 is specified in percentage of local limit. The values of tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl8PIR and tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl8CIR will be set to their default values. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelRateType." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 52 } tPortSchedPlcyMaxRateHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyMaxRateHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit of this port scheduler. This value should always be set along with tPortSchedPlcyMaxRate, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyMaxRateHi along with the value of tPortSchedPlcyMaxRate is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this port scheduler policy indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 53 } tPortSchedPlcyMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyMaxRate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit of this port scheduler. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPlcyMaxRate is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPlcyMaxRateType is set to 'percentLagActive'. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyMaxRateHi along with the value of tPortSchedPlcyMaxRate is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this port scheduler policy indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 54 } tPortSchedPlcyMonThresholdPrcnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyMonThresholdPrcnt specifies the threshold level that should be monitored. It is percentage of the max-rate specified by tPortSchedPlcyMaxRate." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 55 } tPortSchedPlcyHQosAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { default (1), above-offered-allowance-control (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPlcyHQosAlgorithm specifies the port scheduler H-QoS algorithm used to calculate the operational rates for the children connected to the port scheduler. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyHQosAlgorithm is set to above-offered-allowance-control, this H-QoS algorithm allows control of the amount of bandwidth in excess of the offered rate given to a queue which has not consumed all of its available bandwidth. When used, H-QoS consumes less resources on the line card CPU in a scaled environment. When the value of tPortSchedPlcyHQosAlgorithm is set to default, default H-Qos algorithm is used by the port sscheduler." DEFVAL { default } ::= { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry 56 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF THsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyTable has an entry for each HSMDA scheduler policy configured on this system." ::= { tSchedulerObjects 4 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular HSMDA scheduler policy. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyName } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyTable 1 } THsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyName TNamedItem, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyRowStatus RowStatus, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyDescription TItemDescription, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyMaxRate THsmdaPIRMRate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1Rate THsmdaPIRMRate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1GrpId THsmdaSchedulerPolicyGroupId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1WgtInGrp THsmdaWeight, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2Rate THsmdaPIRMRate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2GrpId THsmdaSchedulerPolicyGroupId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2WgtInGrp THsmdaWeight, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3Rate THsmdaPIRMRate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3GrpId THsmdaSchedulerPolicyGroupId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3WgtInGrp THsmdaWeight, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4Rate THsmdaPIRMRate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4GrpId THsmdaSchedulerPolicyGroupId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4WgtInGrp THsmdaWeight, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5Rate THsmdaPIRMRate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5GrpId THsmdaSchedulerPolicyGroupId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5WgtInGrp THsmdaWeight, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6Rate THsmdaPIRMRate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6GrpId THsmdaSchedulerPolicyGroupId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6WgtInGrp THsmdaWeight, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7Rate THsmdaPIRMRate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7GrpId THsmdaSchedulerPolicyGroupId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7WgtInGrp THsmdaWeight, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8Rate THsmdaPIRMRate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8GrpId THsmdaSchedulerPolicyGroupId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8WgtInGrp THsmdaWeight, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLastChanged TimeStamp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp1Rate THsmdaPIRMRate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp2Rate THsmdaPIRMRate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyBrstLimit TClassBurstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp1BrstLimit TClassBurstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp2BrstLimit TClassBurstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1BrstLimit TClassBurstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2BrstLimit TClassBurstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3BrstLimit TClassBurstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4BrstLimit TClassBurstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5BrstLimit TClassBurstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6BrstLimit TClassBurstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7BrstLimit TClassBurstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8BrstLimit TClassBurstLimit } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyName specifies the name of the HSMDA scheduler policy." ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 1 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of HSMDA scheduler policies." ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 2 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyDescription specifies the description of this HSMDA scheduling policy." ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 3 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRate UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyMaxRate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, of this HSMDA scheduler policy." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 4 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRate UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA scheduler policy level. This object may not be set simultaneously with tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1GrpId. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1Rate to any value (including default) while tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1GrpId is non-default, results in the level being removed from the group, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1GrpId being set to default, and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1WgtInGrp being set to default." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 5 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1GrpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaSchedulerPolicyGroupId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1GrpId specifies the group this HSMDA scheduler policy level belongs to. If the value is '0', this level is not assigned to a scheduler policy group. This object may not be set simultaneously with tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1Rate. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1GrpId to non-default value while tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1Rate is non-default, results in the level being added to the group and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1Rate being set to default. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1GrpId to default value results in the level being removed from any group and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1WgtInGrp being set to default." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 6 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1WgtInGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1WgtInGrp specifies the weight the HSMDA scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1WgtInGrp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1GrpId to a non-zero value. The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1WgtInGrp is only allowed to be non-default when tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1GrpId is non-default." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 7 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRate UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA scheduler policy level. This object may not be set simultaneously with tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2GrpId. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2Rate to any value (including default) while tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2GrpId is non-default, results in the level being removed from the group, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2GrpId being set to default, and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2WgtInGrp being set to default." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 8 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2GrpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaSchedulerPolicyGroupId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2GrpId specifies the group this HSMDA scheduler policy level belongs to. If the value is '0', this level is not assigned to a scheduler policy group. This object may not be set simultaneously with tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2Rate. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2GrpId to non-default value while tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2Rate is non-default, results in the level being added to the group and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2Rate being set to default. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2GrpId to default value results in the level being removed from any group and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2WgtInGrp being set to default." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 9 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2WgtInGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2WgtInGrp specifies the weight the HSMDA scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2WgtInGrp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2GrpId to a non-zero value. The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2WgtInGrp is only allowed to be non-default when tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2GrpId is non-default." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 10 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRate UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA scheduler policy level. This object may not be set simultaneously with tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3GrpId. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3Rate to any value (including default) while tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3GrpId is non-default, results in the level being removed from the group, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3GrpId being set to default, and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3WgtInGrp being set to default." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 11 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3GrpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaSchedulerPolicyGroupId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3GrpId specifies the group this HSMDA scheduler policy level belongs to. If the value is '0', this level is not assigned to a scheduler policy group. This object may not be set simultaneously with tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3Rate. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3GrpId to non-default value while tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3Rate is non-default, results in the level being added to the group and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3Rate being set to default. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3GrpId to default value results in the level being removed from any group and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3WgtInGrp being set to default." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 12 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3WgtInGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3WgtInGrp specifies the weight the HSMDA scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3WgtInGrp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3GrpId to a non-zero value. The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3WgtInGrp is only allowed to be non-default when tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3GrpId is non-default." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 13 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRate UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA scheduler policy level. This object may not be set simultaneously with tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4GrpId. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4Rate to any value (including default) while tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4GrpId is non-default, results in the level being removed from the group, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4GrpId being set to default, and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4WgtInGrp being set to default." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 14 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4GrpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaSchedulerPolicyGroupId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4GrpId specifies the group this HSMDA scheduler policy level belongs to. If the value is '0', this level is not assigned to a scheduler policy group. This object may not be set simultaneously with tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4Rate. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4GrpId to non-default value while tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4Rate is non-default, results in the level being added to the group and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4Rate being set to default. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4GrpId to default value results in the level being removed from any group and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4WgtInGrp being set to default." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 15 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4WgtInGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4WgtInGrp specifies the weight the HSMDA scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4WgtInGrp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4GrpId to a non-zero value. The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4WgtInGrp is only allowed to be non-default when tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4GrpId is non-default." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 16 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRate UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA scheduler policy level. This object may not be set simultaneously with tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5GrpId. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5Rate to any value (including default) while tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5GrpId is non-default, results in the level being removed from the group, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5GrpId being set to default, and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5WgtInGrp being set to default." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 17 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5GrpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaSchedulerPolicyGroupId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5GrpId specifies the group this HSMDA scheduler policy level belongs to. If the value is '0', this level is not assigned to a scheduler policy group. This object may not be set simultaneously with tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5Rate. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5GrpId to non-default value while tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5Rate is non-default, results in the level being added to the group and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5Rate being set to default. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5GrpId to default value results in the level being removed from any group and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5WgtInGrp being set to default." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 18 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5WgtInGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5WgtInGrp specifies the weight the HSMDA scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5WgtInGrp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5GrpId to a non-zero value. The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5WgtInGrp is only allowed to be non-default when tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5GrpId is non-default." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 19 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRate UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA scheduler policy level. This object may not be set simultaneously with tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6GrpId. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6Rate to any value (including default) while tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6GrpId is non-default, results in the level being removed from the group, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6GrpId being set to default, and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6WgtInGrp being set to default." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 20 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6GrpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaSchedulerPolicyGroupId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6GrpId specifies the group this HSMDA scheduler policy level belongs to. If the value is '0', this level is not assigned to a scheduler policy group. This object may not be set simultaneously with tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6Rate. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6GrpId to non-default value while tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6Rate is non-default, results in the level being added to the group and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6Rate being set to default. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6GrpId to default value results in the level being removed from any group and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6WgtInGrp being set to default." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 21 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6WgtInGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6WgtInGrp specifies the weight the HSMDA scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6WgtInGrp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6GrpId to a non-zero value. The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6WgtInGrp is only allowed to be non-default when tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6GrpId is non-default." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 22 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRate UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA scheduler policy level. This object may not be set simultaneously with tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7GrpId. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7Rate to any value (including default) while tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7GrpId is non-default, results in the level being removed from the group, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7GrpId being set to default, and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7WgtInGrp being set to default." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 23 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7GrpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaSchedulerPolicyGroupId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7GrpId specifies the group this HSMDA scheduler policy level belongs to. If the value is '0', this level is not assigned to a scheduler policy group. This object may not be set simultaneously with tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7Rate. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7GrpId to non-default value while tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7Rate is non-default, results in the level being added to the group and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7Rate being set to default. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7GrpId to default value results in the level being removed from any group and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7WgtInGrp being set to default." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 24 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7WgtInGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7WgtInGrp specifies the weight the HSMDA scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7WgtInGrp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7GrpId to a non-zero value. The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7WgtInGrp is only allowed to be non-default when tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7GrpId is non-default." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 25 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRate UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HSMDA scheduler policy level. This object may not be set simultaneously with tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8GrpId. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8Rate to any value (including default) while tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8GrpId is non-default, results in the level being removed from the group, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8GrpId being set to default, and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8WgtInGrp being set to default." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 26 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8GrpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaSchedulerPolicyGroupId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8GrpId specifies the group this HSMDA scheduler policy level belongs to. If the value is '0', this level is not assigned to a scheduler policy group. This object may not be set simultaneously with tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8Rate. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8GrpId to non-default value while tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8Rate is non-default, results in the level being added to the group and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8Rate being set to default. Setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8GrpId to default value results in the level being removed from any group and tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8WgtInGrp being set to default." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 27 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8WgtInGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8WgtInGrp specifies the weight the HSMDA scheduler policy should apply to this policy level within the group it belongs to. The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8WgtInGrp will only be used if this policy level has been assigned to a group by setting tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8GrpId to a non-zero value. The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8WgtInGrp is only allowed to be non-default when tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8GrpId is non-default." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 28 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyTable." ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 29 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp1Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRate UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp1Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for group 1 for this HSMDA scheduler policy group." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 30 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp2Rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPIRMRate UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp2Rate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for group 2 for this HSMDA scheduler policy group." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 31 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyBrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyBrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size for this HSMDA scheduler policy." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 32 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp1BrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp1BrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size for group 1 of this HSMDA scheduler policy." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 33 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp2BrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp2BrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size for group 2 of this HSMDA scheduler policy." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 34 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1BrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1BrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size for level 1 of this HSMDA scheduler policy." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 35 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2BrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2BrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size for level 2 of this HSMDA scheduler policy." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 36 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3BrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3BrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size for level 3 of this HSMDA scheduler policy." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 37 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4BrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4BrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size for level 4 of this HSMDA scheduler policy." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 38 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5BrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5BrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size for level 5 of this HSMDA scheduler policy." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 39 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6BrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6BrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size for level 6 of this HSMDA scheduler policy." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 40 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7BrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7BrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size for level 7 of this HSMDA scheduler policy." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 41 } tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8BrstLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TClassBurstLimit UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8BrstLimit specifies the explicit shaping burst size for level 8 of this HSMDA scheduler policy." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyEntry 42 } tPortSchPlcyGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortSchPlcyGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tPortSchPlcyGrpTable has an entry for each port scheduler group configured on this system." ::= { tSchedulerObjects 5 } tPortSchPlcyGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchPlcyGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular port scheduler group. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tPortSchedulerPlcyName, tPortSchPlcyGrpName } ::= { tPortSchPlcyGrpTable 1 } TPortSchPlcyGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortSchPlcyGrpName TNamedItem, tPortSchPlcyGrpRowStatus RowStatus, tPortSchPlcyGrpLastChanged TimeStamp, tPortSchPlcyGrpAdminPIR TPortSchedulerPIRRate, tPortSchPlcyGrpAdminCIR TPortSchedulerCIR, tPortSchPlcyGrpPIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchPlcyGrpCIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchPlcyGrpRateType TPSPRateType, tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminPIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminPIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminCIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminCIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tPortSchPlcyGrpMonThresholdPrcnt Unsigned32 } tPortSchPlcyGrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyGrpName specifies the name of the port scheduler group." ::= { tPortSchPlcyGrpEntry 1 } tPortSchPlcyGrpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyGrpRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of port scheduler policies." ::= { tPortSchPlcyGrpEntry 2 } tPortSchPlcyGrpLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyGrpLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management change to this row." ::= { tPortSchPlcyGrpEntry 3 } tPortSchPlcyGrpAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyGrpAdminPIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, Admin PIR of this port scheduler group. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchPlcyGrpAdminPIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchPlcyGrpRateType is set to 'percentLocal'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminPIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchPlcyGrpEntry 4 } tPortSchPlcyGrpAdminCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedulerCIR UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyGrpAdminCIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit of this port scheduler group. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchPlcyGrpAdminCIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchPlcyGrpRateType is set to 'percentLocal'. This object is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminCIR." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tPortSchPlcyGrpEntry 5 } tPortSchPlcyGrpPIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyGrpPIRPercent specifies the total bandwidth percentage, PIR percent, for this port scheduler group. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchPlcyGrpPIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchPlcyGrpRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchPlcyGrpEntry 6 } tPortSchPlcyGrpCIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyGrpCIRPercent specifies the within-cir bandwidth percentage for this port scheduler. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchPlcyGrpCIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchPlcyGrpRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchPlcyGrpEntry 7 } tPortSchPlcyGrpRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPSPRateType { kbps (1), percentLocal (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyGrpRateType specifies the type of port scheduler rate for this group. When the value of tPortSchPlcyGrpRateType is set to 'kbps', the port scheduler group rate is specified in 'kbps'. The values of tPortSchPlcyGrpPIRPercent and tPortSchPlcyGrpCIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of tPortSchPlcyGrpRateType is set to 'percentLocal', the port scheduler group rate is specified in percentage of local limit. The values of tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminPIR and tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminCIR will be set to their default values." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tPortSchPlcyGrpEntry 8 } tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminPIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminPIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the total bandwidth limit, Admin PIR of this port scheduler group. This value should always be set along with tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminPIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminPIRHi along with the value of tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminPIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this port scheduler group indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortSchPlcyGrpEntry 9 } tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminPIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, Admin PIR of this port scheduler group. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminPIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchPlcyGrpRateType is set to 'percentLocal'. When the value of tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminPIRHi along with the value of tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminPIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this port scheduler group indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortSchPlcyGrpEntry 10 } tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminCIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminCIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the within-cir bandwidth limit of this port scheduler group. This value should always be set along with tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminCIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminCIRHi along with the value of tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminCIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this port scheduler group indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortSchPlcyGrpEntry 11 } tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminCIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit of this port scheduler group. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminCIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchPlcyGrpRateType is set to 'percentLocal'. When the value of tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminCIRHi along with the value of tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminCIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this port scheduler group indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortSchPlcyGrpEntry 12 } tPortSchPlcyGrpMonThresholdPrcnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyGrpMonThresholdPrcnt specifies the threshold level that should be monitored for this port scheduler group. It is percentage of admin PIR rate specified by tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminPIR." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tPortSchPlcyGrpEntry 13 } tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpTable has an entry for each port scheduler configured on this system for priority level group objects. This table is obsoleted in 13.0 release and replaced by tPortSchedPolicyLevelTable." ::= { tSchedulerObjects 6 } tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular port scheduler specific priority level group information." AUGMENTS { tPortSchedulerPlcyEntry } ::= { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpTable 1 } TPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpLastChanged TimeStamp, tPortSchPlcyLvl1GrpName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortSchPlcyLvl2GrpName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortSchPlcyLvl3GrpName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortSchPlcyLvl4GrpName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortSchPlcyLvl5GrpName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortSchPlcyLvl6GrpName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortSchPlcyLvl7GrpName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortSchPlcyLvl8GrpName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortSchPlcyLvl1GrpWeight TNonZeroWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl2GrpWeight TNonZeroWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl3GrpWeight TNonZeroWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl4GrpWeight TNonZeroWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl5GrpWeight TNonZeroWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl6GrpWeight TNonZeroWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl7GrpWeight TNonZeroWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl8GrpWeight TNonZeroWeight } tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management change to this row." ::= { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry 1 } tPortSchPlcyLvl1GrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyLvl1GrpName specifies the group associated with this scheduler policy for priority level set to '1'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry 2 } tPortSchPlcyLvl2GrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyLvl2GrpName specifies the group associated with this scheduler policy for priority level set to '2'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry 3 } tPortSchPlcyLvl3GrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyLvl3GrpName specifies the group associated with this scheduler policy for priority level set to '3'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry 4 } tPortSchPlcyLvl4GrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyLvl4GrpName specifies the group associated with this scheduler policy for priority level set to '4'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry 5 } tPortSchPlcyLvl5GrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyLvl5GrpName specifies the group associated with this scheduler policy for priority level set to '5'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry 6 } tPortSchPlcyLvl6GrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyLvl6GrpName specifies the group associated with this scheduler policy for priority level set to '6'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry 7 } tPortSchPlcyLvl7GrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyLvl7GrpName specifies the group associated with this scheduler policy for priority level set to '7'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry 8 } tPortSchPlcyLvl8GrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyLvl8GrpName specifies the group associated with this scheduler policy for priority level set to '8'." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry 9 } tPortSchPlcyLvl1GrpWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNonZeroWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyLvl1GrpWeight specifies the weight associated with the group tPortSchPlcyLvl1GrpName. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when this object is set to non-default value and tPortSchPlcyLvl1GrpName is set to a default value." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry 10 } tPortSchPlcyLvl2GrpWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNonZeroWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyLvl2GrpWeight specifies the weight associated with the group tPortSchPlcyLvl2GrpName. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when this object is set to non-default value and tPortSchPlcyLvl2GrpName is set to a default value." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry 11 } tPortSchPlcyLvl3GrpWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNonZeroWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyLvl3GrpWeight specifies the weight associated with the group tPortSchPlcyLvl3GrpName. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when this object is set to non-default value and tPortSchPlcyLvl3GrpName is set to a default value." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry 12 } tPortSchPlcyLvl4GrpWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNonZeroWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyLvl4GrpWeight specifies the weight associated with the group tPortSchPlcyLvl4GrpName. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when this object is set to non-default value and tPortSchPlcyLvl4GrpName is set to a default value." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry 13 } tPortSchPlcyLvl5GrpWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNonZeroWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyLvl5GrpWeight specifies the weight associated with the group tPortSchPlcyLvl5GrpName. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when this object is set to non-default value and tPortSchPlcyLvl5GrpName is set to a default value." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry 14 } tPortSchPlcyLvl6GrpWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNonZeroWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyLvl6GrpWeight specifies the weight associated with the group tPortSchPlcyLvl6GrpName. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when this object is set to non-default value and tPortSchPlcyLvl6GrpName is set to a default value." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry 15 } tPortSchPlcyLvl7GrpWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNonZeroWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyLvl7GrpWeight specifies the weight associated with the group tPortSchPlcyLvl7GrpName. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when this object is set to non-default value and tPortSchPlcyLvl7GrpName is set to a default value." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry 16 } tPortSchPlcyLvl8GrpWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNonZeroWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchPlcyLvl8GrpWeight specifies the weight associated with the group tPortSchPlcyLvl8GrpName. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when this object is set to non-default value and tPortSchPlcyLvl8GrpName is set to a default value." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpEntry 17 } tPortSchedPolicyLevelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortSchedPolicyLevelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelTable has an entry for each port scheduler policy priority level configured on this system." ::= { tSchedulerObjects 8 } tPortSchedPolicyLevelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedPolicyLevelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelEntry represents row entry for particular port scheduler policy priority level. Entries in tPortSchedPolicyLevelTable are created when entries are created in tPortSchedulerPlcyTable." INDEX { tPortSchedulerPlcyName, tPortSchedPolicyLevel } ::= { tPortSchedPolicyLevelTable 1 } TPortSchedPolicyLevelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortSchedPolicyLevel TPortSchedLevel, tPortSchedPolicyLevelLastChanged TimeStamp, tPortSchedPolicyLevelRateType TPSPRateType, tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR TmnxQosRateLow32, tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRPercent Unsigned32, tPortSchedPolicyLevelGroupName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortSchedPolicyLevelGroupWeight TNonZeroWeight, tPortSchedPolicyLevelMonThrPrcnt Unsigned32 } tPortSchedPolicyLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortSchedLevel MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPolicyLevel specifies the priority level of this port scheduler policy." ::= { tPortSchedPolicyLevelEntry 1 } tPortSchedPolicyLevelLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management change to this row." ::= { tPortSchedPolicyLevelEntry 2 } tPortSchedPolicyLevelRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPSPRateType { kbps (1), percentLocal (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelRateType specifies the type of port scheduler rate for this priority level. When the value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelRateType is set to 'kbps', the port scheduler rate for this priority level is specified in 'kbps'. The values of tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRPercent and tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelRateType is set to 'percentLocal', the port scheduler rate for this priority level is specified in percentage of local limit. The values of tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR and tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR will be set to their default values." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tPortSchedPolicyLevelEntry 3 } tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for this priority level. This value should always be set along with tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRHi along with the value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this port scheduler priority level indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortSchedPolicyLevelEntry 4 } tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR specifies the total bandwidth limit, PIR, for this priority level. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelRateType is set to 'percentLocal'. When the value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRHi along with the value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this port scheduler priority level indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortSchedPolicyLevelEntry 5 } tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the within-cir bandwidth limit for this priority level. This value should always be set along with tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRHi along with the value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this port scheduler priority level indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortSchedPolicyLevelEntry 6 } tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR specifies the within-cir bandwidth limit for this priority level. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR is set to non-default value when the value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelRateType is set to 'percentLocal'. When the value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRHi along with the value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this port scheduler priority level indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tPortSchedPolicyLevelEntry 7 } tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRPercent specifies the total bandwidth percentage, PIR percent, for this priority level. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPolicyLevelRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedPolicyLevelEntry 8 } tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRPercent specifies the within-cir bandwidth percentage for this priority level. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if the value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tPortSchedPolicyLevelRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortSchedPolicyLevelEntry 9 } tPortSchedPolicyLevelGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelGroupName specifies the group associated with this scheduler policy priority level." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortSchedPolicyLevelEntry 10 } tPortSchedPolicyLevelGroupWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNonZeroWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelGroupWeight specifies the weight associated with the group tPortSchedPolicyLevelGroupName. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when this object is set to non-default value and tPortSchedPolicyLevelGroupName is set to default value." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tPortSchedPolicyLevelEntry 11 } tPortSchedPolicyLevelMonThrPrcnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelMonThrPrcnt specifies the threshold level that should be monitored for this port scheduler policy priority level. It is percentage of admin PIR rate specified by tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tPortSchedPolicyLevelEntry 12 } tPortQosPlcyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortQosPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { tSchedulerObjects 9 } tPortQosPlcyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortQosPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Port QoS Policy. port qos policy (default) is the default entry. Default Entry is created by the agent, other entries are created by user. Default Entry cannot be modified/deleted. The other entries are deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tPortQosPlcyName } ::= { tPortQosPlcyTable 1 } TPortQosPlcyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortQosPlcyName TLNamedItem, tPortQosPlcyRowStatus RowStatus, tPortQosPlcyDescription TItemDescription, tPortQosPlcyScope TItemScope, tPortQosPlcyLastChanged TimeStamp, tPortQosPlcyPktByteOffset TPktByteOffset } tPortQosPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortQosPlcyName specifies the name to associate with this policy." ::= { tPortQosPlcyEntry 1 } tPortQosPlcyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tPortQosPlcyEntry 2 } tPortQosPlcyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tPortQosPlcyDescription holds the description for this policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tPortQosPlcyEntry 3 } tPortQosPlcyScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemScope MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "scope of the port qos policy." DEFVAL { template } ::= { tPortQosPlcyEntry 4 } tPortQosPlcyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timestamp of last change to this row in tPortQosPlcyTable." ::= { tPortQosPlcyEntry 6 } tPortQosPlcyPktByteOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPktByteOffset MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortQosPlcyPktByteOffset specifies the number of bytes to add to accommodate for non-default MPLS header depth or asymmetrical VLAN operations." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tPortQosPlcyEntry 7 } tPortQosPlcyQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortQosPlcyQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { tSchedulerObjects 10 } tPortQosPlcyQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortQosPlcyQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Port QoS Policy's Queue." INDEX { tPortQosPlcyName, tPortQosPlcyQueueId } ::= { tPortQosPlcyQueueTable 1 } TPortQosPlcyQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortQosPlcyQueueId TEgressQueueId, tPortQosPlcyQueueRowStatus RowStatus, tPortQosPlcyQueuePIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tPortQosPlcyQueueCIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tPortQosPlcyQueueQueueMgmt TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tPortQosPlcyQueueWrrWeights Unsigned32, tPortQosPlcyQueueSchedulerMode INTEGER, tPortQosPlcyQueuePIR Unsigned32, tPortQosPlcyQueueCIR Unsigned32, tPortQosPlcyQueuePirWeight Unsigned32 } tPortQosPlcyQueueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressQueueId (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortQosPlcyQueueId identifies the queue index which is used as the second index to the table entry. Zero is not allowed." ::= { tPortQosPlcyQueueEntry 1 } tPortQosPlcyQueueRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tPortQosPlcyQueueEntry 2 } tPortQosPlcyQueuePIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tPortQosPlcyQueueEntry 3 } tPortQosPlcyQueueCIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational CIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tPortQosPlcyQueueEntry 4 } tPortQosPlcyQueueQueueMgmt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Queue Management determines the queue management policy attached to this queue." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tPortQosPlcyQueueEntry 5 } tPortQosPlcyQueueWrrWeights OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unicast-multicast Weighted Round Robin(WRR) profile associated with this queue" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tPortQosPlcyQueueEntry 6 } tPortQosPlcyQueueSchedulerMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { wfq (0), reserved1 (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tPortQosPlcyQueueSchedulerMode specifies the scheduler mode for this queue." DEFVAL { wfq } ::= { tPortQosPlcyQueueEntry 7 } tPortQosPlcyQueuePIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tPortQosPlcyQueuePIR specifies the peak rate as a percentage of maximum rate for this queue." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tPortQosPlcyQueueEntry 8 } tPortQosPlcyQueueCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tPortQosPlcyQueueCIR specifies the committed rate as a percentage of maximum rate for this queue." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tPortQosPlcyQueueEntry 9 } tPortQosPlcyQueuePirWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the weight that needs to be used by the arbiter to which this queue would be feeding to." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tPortQosPlcyQueueEntry 10 } tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { tSchedulerObjects 11 } tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Port QoS Policy's Wrr Weights." INDEX { tPortQosPlcyName, tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsId } ::= { tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsTable 1 } TPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsId Unsigned32, tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsRowStatus RowStatus, tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsMcWeight Unsigned32, tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsUcWeight Unsigned32 } tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsId identifies the wrr weights index which is used as the second index to the table entry. Zero is not allowed." ::= { tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsEntry 1 } tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsEntry 2 } tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsMcWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The weight assigned to the multicast component of the queue-pair" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsEntry 3 } tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsUcWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The weight assigned to the unicast component of the queue-pair" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsEntry 4 } tQueueMgmtPlcyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQueueMgmtPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { tSchedulerObjects 12 } tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQueueMgmtPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Queue Management Policy. Queue management policy (default) is the default entry. Default Entry is created by the agent, other entries are created by user. Default Entry cannot be modified/deleted. The other entries are deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tQueueMgmtPlcyName } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyTable 1 } TQueueMgmtPlcyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQueueMgmtPlcyName TLNamedItem, tQueueMgmtPlcyRowStatus RowStatus, tQueueMgmtPlcyDescription TItemDescription, tQueueMgmtPlcyMbs Unsigned32, tQueueMgmtPlcyScope TItemScope, tQueueMgmtPlcyTimeAverageFactor Unsigned32, tQueueMgmtPlcyHiAdminStatus TmnxAdminStateUpDown, tQueueMgmtPlcyHiStartAverage Unsigned32, tQueueMgmtPlcyHiMaxAverage Unsigned32, tQueueMgmtPlcyHiMaxProbability Unsigned32, tQueueMgmtPlcyLoAdminStatus TmnxAdminStateUpDown, tQueueMgmtPlcyLoStartAverage Unsigned32, tQueueMgmtPlcyLoMaxAverage Unsigned32, tQueueMgmtPlcyLoMaxProbability Unsigned32, tQueueMgmtPlcyLastChanged TimeStamp, tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdAdminStatus TmnxAdminStateUpDown, tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdStartAverage Unsigned32, tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdMaxAverage Unsigned32, tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdMaxProbability Unsigned32, tQueueMgmtPlcyHiPlusAdminStatus TmnxAdminStateUpDown, tQueueMgmtPlcyHiPlusStartAverage Unsigned32, tQueueMgmtPlcyHiPlusMaxAverage Unsigned32, tQMgmtPlcyHiPlusMaxProbability Unsigned32, tQMgmtPlcyPortSpeed Unsigned32 } tQueueMgmtPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQueueMgmtPlcyName specifies the name to associate with this policy." ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 1 } tQueueMgmtPlcyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 2 } tQueueMgmtPlcyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQueueMgmtPlcyDescription holds the description for this policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 3 } tQueueMgmtPlcyMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1500000) UNITS "kilobytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQueueMgmtPlcyMbs specifies the maximum amount of buffer space, in kilobytes, allowed for any queue associated with this queue mgmt policy." DEFVAL { 6250 } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 4 } tQueueMgmtPlcyScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemScope MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "scope of the port qos policy." DEFVAL { template } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 5 } tQueueMgmtPlcyTimeAverageFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..31) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQueueMgmtPlcyTimeAverageFactor specifies the avaerage time factor of this queue mgmt policy." DEFVAL { 7 } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 6 } tQueueMgmtPlcyHiAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminStateUpDown MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQueueMgmtPlcyHiAdminStatus specifies the admin state for the high priority RED slope. If the tQueueMgmtPlcyHiAdminStatus is set to 'down', the RED slope is inactive." DEFVAL { down } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 7 } tQueueMgmtPlcyHiStartAverage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability starts to rise above 0." DEFVAL { 70 } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 8 } tQueueMgmtPlcyHiMaxAverage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability is 100 percent. This implies that all packets beyond this point will be dropped." DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 9 } tQueueMgmtPlcyHiMaxProbability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..99) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The drop probability increases steadily from 0 at the tQueueMgmtPlcyHiStartAverage up to the tQueueMgmtPlcyHiMaxProbability at the tQueueMgmtPlcyHiMaxAverage." DEFVAL { 75 } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 10 } tQueueMgmtPlcyLoAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminStateUpDown MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQueueMgmtPlcyLoAdminStatus specifies the admin state for the high priority RED slope. If the tQueueMgmtPlcyLoAdminStatus is set to 'down', the RED slope is inactive." DEFVAL { down } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 11 } tQueueMgmtPlcyLoStartAverage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability starts to rise above 0." DEFVAL { 50 } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 12 } tQueueMgmtPlcyLoMaxAverage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability is 100 percent. This implies that all packets beyond this point will be dropped." DEFVAL { 75 } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 13 } tQueueMgmtPlcyLoMaxProbability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..99) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The drop probability increases steadily from 0 at the tQueueMgmtPlcyLoStartAverage up to the tQueueMgmtPlcyLoMaxProbability at the tQueueMgmtPlcyLoMaxAverage." DEFVAL { 75 } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 14 } tQueueMgmtPlcyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timestamp of last change to this row in tQueueMgmtPlcyTable." ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 15 } tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminStateUpDown MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdAdminStatus specifies the admin state for the exceed priority RED slope. If the tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdAdminStatus is set to 'down', the RED slope is inactive." DEFVAL { down } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 16 } tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdStartAverage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdStartAverage specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability starts to rise above 0." DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 17 } tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdMaxAverage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdMaxAverage specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability is 100 percent. This implies that all packets beyond this point will be dropped." DEFVAL { 55 } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 18 } tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdMaxProbability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..99) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdMaxProbability specifies the drop probability that increases steadily from 0 at the tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdStartAverage up to the tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdMaxProbability at the tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdMaxAverage." DEFVAL { 75 } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 19 } tQueueMgmtPlcyHiPlusAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminStateUpDown MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQueueMgmtPlcyHiPlusAdminStatus specifies the admin state for the high-plus priority RED slope. If the tQueueMgmtPlcyHiPlusAdminStatus is set to 'down', the RED slope is inactive." DEFVAL { down } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 20 } tQueueMgmtPlcyHiPlusStartAverage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQueueMgmtPlcyHiPlusStartAverage specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability starts to rise above 0." DEFVAL { 85 } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 21 } tQueueMgmtPlcyHiPlusMaxAverage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQueueMgmtPlcyHiPlusMaxAverage specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability is 100 percent. This implies that all packets beyond this point will be dropped." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 22 } tQMgmtPlcyHiPlusMaxProbability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..99) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQMgmtPlcyHiPlusMaxProbability specifies the drop probability that increases steadily from 0 at the tQueueMgmtPlcyHiPlusStartAverage up to the tQMgmtPlcyHiPlusMaxProbability at the tQueueMgmtPlcyHiPlusMaxAverage." DEFVAL { 75 } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 23 } tQMgmtPlcyPortSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (10 | 25 | 40 | 50 | 100 | 200 | 400) UNITS "gigabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQMgmtPlcyPortSpeed for which the queue-mgmt policy is optimized. It must match the configured physical speed(port>ethernet>speed) of the underlying port, not it's egress-rate(port>ethernet>egress-rate)." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tQueueMgmtPlcyEntry 24 } tVlanQosPlcyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TVlanQosPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { tSchedulerObjects 13 } tVlanQosPlcyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TVlanQosPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Vlan QoS Policy. vlan qos policy (default) is the default entry. Default Entry is created by the agent, other entries are created by user. Default Entry cannot be modified/deleted. The other entries are deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tVlanQosPlcyName } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyTable 1 } TVlanQosPlcyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tVlanQosPlcyName TLNamedItem, tVlanQosPlcyRowStatus RowStatus, tVlanQosPlcyDescription TItemDescription, tVlanQosPlcyScope TItemScope, tVlanQosPlcyLastChanged TimeStamp, tVlanQosPlcyStatMode INTEGER, tVlanQosPlcyPktByteOffset TPktByteOffset } tVlanQosPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tVlanQosPlcyName specifies the name to associate with this policy." ::= { tVlanQosPlcyEntry 1 } tVlanQosPlcyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tVlanQosPlcyEntry 2 } tVlanQosPlcyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tVlanQosPlcyDescription holds the description for this policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyEntry 3 } tVlanQosPlcyScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemScope MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "scope of the vlan qos policy." DEFVAL { template } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyEntry 4 } tVlanQosPlcyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timestamp of last change to this row in tVlanQosPlcyTable." ::= { tVlanQosPlcyEntry 5 } tVlanQosPlcyStatMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no-stats (1), enqueued-with-discards (2), enqueued-4-profile-with-discards (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistics mode of this policy." DEFVAL { no-stats } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyEntry 6 } tVlanQosPlcyPktByteOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPktByteOffset MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tVlanQosPlcyPktByteOffset specifies the number of bytes to add to accommodate for non-default MPLS header depth or asymmetrical VLAN operations." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyEntry 7 } tVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { tSchedulerObjects 14 } tVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Vlan QoS Policy's Cir Weight Profile." INDEX { tVlanQosPlcyName, tVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfId } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfTable 1 } TVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfId Unsigned32, tVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfRowStatus RowStatus, tVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfWeight Unsigned32 } tVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfId identifies the index which is used as the second index to the table entry. Zero is not allowed." ::= { tVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfEntry 1 } tVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfEntry 2 } tVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1024) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The weight that needs to be used until the committed rate by the vlan policy to which this queue would be feeding to." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfEntry 3 } tVlanQosPlcyQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TVlanQosPlcyQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { tSchedulerObjects 15 } tVlanQosPlcyQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TVlanQosPlcyQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Vlan QoS Policy's Queue." INDEX { tVlanQosPlcyName, tVlanQosPlcyQueueId } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyQueueTable 1 } TVlanQosPlcyQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tVlanQosPlcyQueueId TEgressQueueId, tVlanQosPlcyQueueRowStatus RowStatus, tVlanQosPlcyQueuePIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tVlanQosPlcyQueueCIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tVlanQosPlcyQueueQueueMgmt TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tVlanQosPlcyQueueQueueType INTEGER, tVlanQosPlcyQueueCirWtProfId Unsigned32, tVlanQosPlcyQueuePIR TPortQosPIRRate, tVlanQosPlcyQueueCIR TPortQosCIRRate, tVlanQosPlcyQueuePirWeight Unsigned32, tVlanQosPlcyQueueSchedPriority Unsigned32 } tVlanQosPlcyQueueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressQueueId (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tVlanQosPlcyQueueId identifies the queue index which is used as the second index to the table entry. Zero is not allowed." ::= { tVlanQosPlcyQueueEntry 1 } tVlanQosPlcyQueueRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { tVlanQosPlcyQueueEntry 2 } tVlanQosPlcyQueuePIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyQueueEntry 3 } tVlanQosPlcyQueueCIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational CIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyQueueEntry 4 } tVlanQosPlcyQueueQueueMgmt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Queue Management determines the queue management policy attached to this queue." DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyQueueEntry 5 } tVlanQosPlcyQueueQueueType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { best-effort (0), expedite-hi (1), expedite-lo (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tVlanQosPlcyQueueQueueType specifies the queue type for this queue." DEFVAL { best-effort } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyQueueEntry 7 } tVlanQosPlcyQueueCirWtProfId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the 1st or 2nd weight profile Id" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyQueueEntry 8 } tVlanQosPlcyQueuePIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortQosPIRRate UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tVlanQosPlcyQueuePIR specifies the peak rate as a percentage of maximum rate for this queue." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyQueueEntry 9 } tVlanQosPlcyQueueCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortQosCIRRate UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tVlanQosPlcyQueueCIR specifies the committed rate as a percentage of maximum rate for this queue." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyQueueEntry 10 } tVlanQosPlcyQueuePirWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..253) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the weight that needs to be used by the arbiter to which this queue would be feeding to." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyQueueEntry 11 } tVlanQosPlcyQueueSchedPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..6) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tVlanQosPlcyQueueSchedPriority specifies the scheduling priority for this queue." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyQueueEntry 12 } tPortQosPlcyFCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TPortQosPlcyFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains the mapping of a particular forwarding class traffic into the specified queue." ::= { tSchedulerObjects 16 } tPortQosPlcyFCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPortQosPlcyFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular port-qos policy's forwarding class mappings to queues. Entries are created and deleted by user. They have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tPortQosPlcyName, tPortQosPlcyFCName } ::= { tPortQosPlcyFCTable 1 } TPortQosPlcyFCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tPortQosPlcyFCName TNamedItem, tPortQosPlcyFCRowStatus RowStatus, tPortQosPlcyFCQueue TEgressQueueId } tPortQosPlcyFCName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tPortQosPlcyFCName specifies the forwarding class or the sub forwarding class for which this mapping is defined." ::= { tPortQosPlcyFCEntry 1 } tPortQosPlcyFCRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this class." ::= { tPortQosPlcyFCEntry 2 } tPortQosPlcyFCQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressQueueId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The specific queue to be used for packets in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tPortQosPlcyFCEntry 3 } tVlanQosPlcyFCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TVlanQosPlcyFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains the mapping of a particular forwarding class traffic into the specified queue." ::= { tSchedulerObjects 17 } tVlanQosPlcyFCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TVlanQosPlcyFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular vlan-qos policy's forwarding class mappings to queues. Entries are created and deleted by user. They have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tVlanQosPlcyName, tVlanQosPlcyFCName } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyFCTable 1 } TVlanQosPlcyFCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tVlanQosPlcyFCName TNamedItem, tVlanQosPlcyFCRowStatus RowStatus, tVlanQosPlcyFCQueue TEgressQueueId } tVlanQosPlcyFCName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tVlanQosPlcyFCName specifies the forwarding class or the sub forwarding class for which this mapping is defined." ::= { tVlanQosPlcyFCEntry 1 } tVlanQosPlcyFCRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this class." ::= { tVlanQosPlcyFCEntry 2 } tVlanQosPlcyFCQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressQueueId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The specific queue to be used for packets in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tVlanQosPlcyFCEntry 3 } tQosTimeStampObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 20 } tQosDomainLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tQosDomainLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the QoS Domain." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 1 } tDSCPNameTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tDSCPNameTableLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the DSCP Name Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 5 } tQosIngQGroupTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQGroupTableLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the tQosIngQGroupTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 6 } tQosIngQTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngQTableLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the tQosIngQueueTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 7 } tQosEgrQGroupTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrQGroupTableLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the tQosEgrQGroupTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 8 } tQosEgrQTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrQTableLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the tQosEgrQueueTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 9 } tFCNameTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tFCNameTableLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the FC Name Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 10 } tSapIngressTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressTableLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the Sap Ingress Policy Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 20 } tSapIngressQueueTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressQueueTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Sap Ingress Queue Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 21 } tSapIngressDSCPTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressDSCPTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Sap Ingress DSCP Mapping Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 22 } tSapIngressDot1pTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressDot1pTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Sap Ingress Dot1p Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 23 } tSapIngressIPCriteriaTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressIPCriteriaTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Sap Ingress IP Criteria Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 24 } tSapIngressMacCriteriaTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressMacCriteriaTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Sap Ingress Mac Criteria Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 25 } tSapIngressFCTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressFCTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Sap Ingress FC Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 26 } tSapIngressPrecTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngressPrecTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Sap Ingress Precedence Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 27 } tSapEgressTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgressTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Sap Egress Policy Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 30 } tSapEgressQueueTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgressQueueTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Sap Egress Queue Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 31 } tSapEgressFCTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgressFCTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Sap Egress FC Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 32 } tNetworkPolicyTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetworkPolicyTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Network Policy Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 40 } tNetworkIngressDSCPTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetworkIngressDSCPTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Network Ingress DSCP Mapping Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 41 } tNetworkIngressLSPEXPTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetworkIngressLSPEXPTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Network Ingress LSPEXP Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 42 } tNetworkEgressFCTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetworkEgressFCTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Network Egress FC Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 43 } tNetworkIngressDot1pTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetworkIngressDot1pTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Network Ingress Dot1p Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 44 } tNetworkQueuePolicyTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetworkQueuePolicyTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Network Queue Policy Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 50 } tNetworkQueueTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetworkQueueTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Network Queue Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 51 } tNetworkQueueFCTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tNetworkQueueFCTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Network Queue FC Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 52 } tSlopePolicyTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSlopePolicyTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Slope Policy Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 55 } tSchedulerPolicyTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSchedulerPolicyTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Scheduler Policy Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 60 } tVirtualSchedulerTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tVirtualSchedulerTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Virtual Scheduler Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 61 } tAtmTdpTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tAtmTdpTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Traffic Descriptor Profile Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 62 } tSharedQueuePolicyTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueuePolicyTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Queue Policy Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 63 } tSharedQueueTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Queue Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 64 } tSharedQueueFCTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSharedQueueFCTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Queue FC Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 65 } tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaTableLastChanged indicates the timestamp of the last change made to the Sap Ingress IPv6 Criteria Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 66 } tSapIngrHsmdaQueueTblLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tSapIngrHsmdaQueueTblLastChngd maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Sap Ingress HSMDA Queue Table. This object is obsoleted in 10.0 Release." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 67 } tSapEgrHsmdaQueueTblLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tSapEgrHsmdaQueueTblLastChngd maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Sap Egress HSMDA Queue Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 68 } tHsmdaSchedPlcyTblLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tHsmdaSchedPlcyTblLastChngd maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the HSMDA Scheduler Policy Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 69 } tHsmdaSchedPlcyGrpTblLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tHsmdaSchedPlcyGrpTblLastChngd maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the HSMDA Scheduler Policy Group Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 70 } tHsmdaPoolPlcyTblLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tHsmdaPoolPlcyTblLastChngd maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the HSMDA Pool Policy Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 71 } tHsmdaSlopePolicyTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tHsmdaSlopePolicyTableLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to the Hsmda Slope Policy Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 72 } tNamedPoolPolicyTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNamedPoolPolicyTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tNamedPoolPolicyTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 73 } tQ1NamedPoolTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQ1NamedPoolTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tQ1NamedPoolTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 74 } tMcMlpppIngrProfTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppIngrProfTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tMcMlpppIngrProfTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 75 } tMcMlpppIngrClassTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppIngrClassTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tMcMlpppIngrClassTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 76 } tMcMlpppEgrProfTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppEgrProfTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tMcMlpppEgrProfTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 77 } tMcMlpppEgrClassTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppEgrClassTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tMcMlpppEgrClassTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 78 } tMcMlpppEgrFCTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppEgrFCTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tMcMlpppEgrFCTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 79 } tMcFrIngrProfTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrIngrProfTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tMcFrIngrProfTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 80 } tMcFrIngrClassTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrIngrClassTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tMcFrIngrClassTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 81 } tMcFrEgrProfTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrEgrProfTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tMcFrEgrProfTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 82 } tMcFrEgrClassTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrEgrClassTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tMcFrEgrClassTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 83 } tSapIngressLspExpTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngressLspExpTableLastChange indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tSapIngressLspExpTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 84 } tSapIngPolicerTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapIngPolicerTableLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the tSapIngPolicerTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 85 } tSapEgrPolicerTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgrPolicerTableLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the tSapEgrPolicerTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 86 } tQosPolicerCtrlPolTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosPolicerCtrlPolTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tQosPolicerCtrlPolTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 87 } tQosPolicerLevelTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosPolicerLevelTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tQosPolicerLevelTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 88 } tQosPolicerArbiterTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosPolicerArbiterTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tQosPolicerArbiterTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 89 } tQosEgrQGroupFCTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQGroupFCTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of an entry in the tQosEgrQGroupFCTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 90 } tPortSchPlcyGrpTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tPortSchPlcyGrpTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tPortSchPlcyGrpTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 91 } tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 92 } tHsmdaWrrPolicyTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaWrrPolicyTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tHsmdaWrrPolicyTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 93 } tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 94 } tSapIngPolicyNameTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngPolicyNameTableLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tSapIngPolicyNameTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 95 } tSapEgrPolicyNameTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrPolicyNameTableLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tSapEgrPolicyNameTable. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 96 } tQosIngPolicerTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngPolicerTableLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the tQosIngPolicerTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 97 } tQosEgrPolicerTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrPolicerTableLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the tQosEgrPolicerTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 98 } tSapEgressDot1pTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tSapEgressDot1pTableLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the tSapEgressDot1pTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 99 } tAdvCfgPolicyTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgPolicyTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the tAdvCfgPolicyTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 100 } tNetworkIngressFCTableLstChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngressFCTableLstChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the tNetworkIngressFCTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 101 } tNetworkEgrDSCPTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrDSCPTableLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the tNetworkEgressDSCPTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 102 } tNetworkEgrPrecTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrPrecTableLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the tNetworkEgressPrecTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 103 } tNetworkIngIPCritTableLstChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkIngIPCritTableLstChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the tNetworkIngIPCritTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 104 } tQosPrefixListTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPrefixListTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tQosPrefixListTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 105 } tQosPrefixListEntryTableLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPrefixListEntryTableLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tQosPrefixListEntryTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 106 } tPortSchedPolicyLevelTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tPortSchedPolicyLevelTblLastChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tPortSchedPolicyLevelTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 108 } tSapIngDynamicCfgTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapIngDynamicCfgTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tSapIngDynamicCfgTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 109 } tSapEgrDynamicCfgTblLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrDynamicCfgTblLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tSapEgrDynamicCfgTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 110 } tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyTblLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyTblLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 111 } tQosPostPlcrMappingTblLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPostPlcrMappingTblLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tQosPostPlcrMappingTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 112 } tQosQGrpRedirctLstTblLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosQGrpRedirctLstTblLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tQosQGrpRedirctLstTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 113 } tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchTblLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchTblLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 114 } tSapEgressPrecTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressPrecTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tSapEgressPrecTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 115 } tSapEgressDSCPTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressDSCPTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tSapEgressDSCPTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 116 } tSapEgrIPCritTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgrIPCritTableLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tSapEgrIPCritTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 117 } tSapEgressHsmdaQueueTblLstChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsmdaQueueTblLstChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tSapEgressHsmdaQueueTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 118 } tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpTblLstChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 119 } tSapEgressHsWrrGrpTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tSapEgressHsWrrGrpTblLstChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tSapEgressHsWrrGrpTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 120 } tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpTblLstChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification to tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 121 } tNetworkEgrIPCritTableLstChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNetworkEgrIPCritTableLstChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the tNetworkEgrIPCritTable." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 122 } tPortQosPlcyTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tPortQosPlcyTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the Port Qos Policy Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 123 } tPortQosPlcyQueueTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tPortQosPlcyQueueTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the Port Qos Policy Queue Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 124 } tPortQosPlcyWrrWtsTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tPortQosPlcyWrrWtsTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the Port Qos Policy Wrr Weights Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 125 } tQueueMgmtPlcyTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tQueueMgmtPlcyTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the Queue Mgmt Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 126 } tVlanQosPlcyTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tVlanQosPlcyTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the Vlan Qos Policy Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 127 } tVlanQosPlcyQueueTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tVlanQosPlcyQueueTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the Vlan Qos Policy Queue Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 128 } tEgrRmrkPlcyTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tEgrRmrkPlcyTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the Egress Remark Policy Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 129 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tEgrRmrkPlcyFCTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the Egress Remark Policy FC Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 130 } tNetIngPlcyTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tNetIngPlcyTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the Network Ingress Policy Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 131 } tNetIngPlcyFCTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tNetIngPlcyFCTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the Network Ingress Policy FC Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 132 } tNetIngPlcyPolicerTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tNetIngPlcyPolicerTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the Network Ingress Policy Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 133 } tIngClassPlcyTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIngClassPlcyTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the Ingress Policy Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 134 } tIngClassPlcyDot1PTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIngClassPlcyDot1PTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the Ingress Policy dot1p Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 135 } tIngClassPlcyDSCPTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIngClassPlcyDSCPTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the Ingress Policy DSCP Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 136 } tIngClassPlcyLspExpTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tIngClassPlcyLspExpTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the Ingress Policy lsp exp Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 137 } tQosFpResourcePolicyTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tQosFpResourcePolicyTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the FP Resource Policy Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 138 } tQosPortListTableLstChng OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tQosPortListTableLstChng indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tQosPortListTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 139 } tQosPortListEntryTblLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tQosPortListEntryTblLstChg indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of tQosPortListEntryTable. If no changes were made to the table since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 140 } tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the hardware aggregate shaper scheduler Policy Table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 141 } tQosHwAggShapedSchGrpTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tQosHwAggShapedSchGrpTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the hardware aggregate shaper scheduler Policy group table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 142 } tQosHwAggShapSchClassTblLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tQosHwAggShapSchClassTblLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the hardware aggregate shaper scheduler Policy scheduling class table." ::= { tQosTimeStampObjects 143 } tAtmTdpObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 21 } tAtmTdpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TAtmTdpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains information on ATM traffic descriptors for controlling ATM traffic management capabilities." ::= { tAtmTdpObjects 1 } tAtmTdpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAtmTdpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This list contains ATM traffic descriptor objects and the associated parameters. All objects that do not apply to a given service category are given default values of zero." INDEX { tAtmTdpIndex } ::= { tAtmTdpTable 1 } TAtmTdpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tAtmTdpIndex AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex, tAtmTdpSir Unsigned32, tAtmTdpPir Unsigned32, tAtmTdpMbs Unsigned32, tAtmTdpMir Unsigned32, tAtmTdpShaping INTEGER, tAtmTdpServCat AtmServiceCategory, tAtmTdpDescription TItemDescription, tAtmTdpLastChanged TimeStamp, tAtmTdpRowStatus RowStatus, tAtmTdpDescrType TAtmTdpDescrType, tAtmTdpCdvt Unsigned32, tAtmTdpPolicing INTEGER, tAtmTdpCLPTagging INTEGER, tAtmTdpWeight Integer32 } tAtmTdpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex (1..1000) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to identify an entity inside the tAtmTdpTable. When creating a new row in the table the value of this index may be obtained by retrieving the value of tAtmTdpIndexNext." ::= { tAtmTdpEntry 1 } tAtmTdpSir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tAtmTdpSir identifies the sustained information rate in kilobits per second. The default Sir is determined by the Service Category. The following default applies to Sir that is modifiable depending upon a given service category: Applicable Service Category Default Sir Value RT-VBR 0 NRT-VBR 0 Note that for the service categories given above, the value of Sir must be less than or equal to the value of Pir." ::= { tAtmTdpEntry 2 } tAtmTdpPir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tAtmTdpPir identifies the peak information rate in kilobits per second. The default Pir is determined by the Service Category. The following default applies to Pir that is modifiable depending upon a given service category: Applicable Service Category Default Pir Value UBR (with/without Mir) 4294967295 CBR 0 RT-VBR 0 NRT-VBR 0" ::= { tAtmTdpEntry 3 } tAtmTdpMbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tAtmTdpMbs identifies the maximum burst size in cells. The default Mbs is determined by the Service Category. The following default applies to Mbs that is modifiable depending upon a given service category: Applicable Service Category Default Mbs Value RT-VBR 32 NRT-VBR 32" ::= { tAtmTdpEntry 4 } tAtmTdpMir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tAtmTdpMir identifies the Minimum Information Rate in kilobits per second. The default Mir is determined by the Service Category. The following default applies for Mir that is modifiable depending upon a given service category: Applicable Service Category Default Mir Value UBR (with/without Mir) 0 Note that for the service categories given above, the value of Mir must be less than or equal to the value of Pir." ::= { tAtmTdpEntry 5 } tAtmTdpShaping OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (0), enabled (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tAtmTdpShaping determines whether egress shaping should occur. The default tAtmTdpShaping is determined by the Service Category. The following default applies for tAtmTdpShaping depending upon a given service category: Applicable Service Category Default Shaping Value UBR disabled CBR enabled RT-VBR enabled NRT-VBR enabled For a Service Category of UBR, tAtmTdpShaping cannot be enabled. For CBR and RT-VBR service categories disabling shaping is MDA-dependent. Shaping is only applied in the egress direction." ::= { tAtmTdpEntry 6 } tAtmTdpServCat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmServiceCategory MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tAtmTdpServCat determines the ATM service category." DEFVAL { ubr } ::= { tAtmTdpEntry 7 } tAtmTdpDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAtmTdpDescription specifies an ASCII string used to describe the ATM traffic descriptor." ::= { tAtmTdpEntry 8 } tAtmTdpLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tAtmTdpLastChanged maintains the timestamp of the last change made to a row in the Traffic Descriptor Profile Table." ::= { tAtmTdpEntry 9 } tAtmTdpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tAtmTdpRowStatus is used to create/modify/delete a new row in this table. Only createAndGo/Active/Destroy are supported" ::= { tAtmTdpEntry 10 } tAtmTdpDescrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAtmTdpDescrType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tAtmTdpDescrType identifies the types of ATM traffic descriptor. The default is determined by the value of tAtmTdpServCat. The following default rules apply: Applicable Service Category tAtmTdpDescrType UBR clp0And1pcr CBR clp0And1pcr RT-VBR clp0And1pcrPlusClp0And1scr NRT-VBR clp0And1pcrPlusClp0And1scr" ::= { tAtmTdpEntry 11 } tAtmTdpCdvt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tAtmTdpCdvt identifies the Cell Delay Variation Tolerance in microseconds. The following default applies for Cdvt that is modifiable depending upon a given service category: Applicable Service Category Default Cdvt Value CBR/RT-VBR/NRT-VBR/UBR 250 " ::= { tAtmTdpEntry 12 } tAtmTdpPolicing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (0), enabled (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tAtmTdpPolicing determines whether ingress traffic is policed. Policing by default is disabled. Policing is valid for CBR, UBR RT-VBR and NRT-VBR. This is cell-based policing. tAtmTdpDescrType Policing Scheme Applicable Serv Cat clp0And1pcr CBR.1 CBR and UBR clp0And1pcrPlusClp0And1scr VBR.1 RT/NRT-VBR clp0And1pcrPlusClp0scr VBR.2 RT/NRT-VBR clp0And1pcrPlusClp0scrTag VBR.3 RT/NRT-VBR" ::= { tAtmTdpEntry 13 } tAtmTdpCLPTagging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (0), enabled (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tAtmTdpCLPTagging controls the setting of the CLP bit in the ATM cell header for egress traffic on an IES or VPRN SAP. If disabled (the default), all traffic has the CLP bit set to zero. If enabled, traffic queued on expedited queues has the CLP bit set to zero, while traffic on non-expedited queues has the CLP bit set to one." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tAtmTdpEntry 14 } tAtmTdpWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAtmTdpWeight specifies the relative weight assigned to this ATM traffic descriptor with respect to ATM VP shaper scheduling. The value of tAtmTdpWeight is only relevant for MDA where the value of TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxMDAAtmMode is equal to max16kVc, and is ignored otherwise. If the value of tAtmTdpWeight is not specified when the conceptual row is created, the weight is derived from the ATM service category: CBR 10 rt-VBR 7 nrt-VBR 5 UBR+ (nonzero MIR) 2 UBR (zero MIR) 1." ::= { tAtmTdpEntry 15 } tAtmTdpIndexNext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains an appropriate value to be used for tAtmTdpIndex when creating entries in the tAtmTdpTable. The value 0 indicates that no unassigned entries are available. To obtain the tAtmTdpIndex value for a new entry, the manager issues a management protocol retrieval operation to obtain the current value of this object. After each retrieval, the agent should modify the value to the next unassigned index. After a manager retrieves a value the agent will determine through its local policy when this index value will be made available for reuse." ::= { tAtmTdpObjects 2 } tAtmTdpsMaxSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the maximum number of ATM Traffic Descriptor Profiles that can be configured on this system." ::= { tAtmTdpObjects 3 } tAtmTdpsCurrentlyConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the number of currently configured ATM Traffic Descriptor Profiles on this system." ::= { tAtmTdpObjects 4 } tPoolObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 22 } tNamedPoolPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TNamedPoolPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This table contains information on Named buffer pools policy. This table is obsoleted in 20.2 release." ::= { tPoolObjects 1 } tNamedPoolPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedPoolPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This list contains Named buffer pools policy related information." INDEX { tNamedPoolPolicyName } ::= { tNamedPoolPolicyTable 1 } TNamedPoolPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNamedPoolPolicyName TNamedItem, tNamedPoolPolicyRowStatus RowStatus, tNamedPoolPolicyLastChanged TimeStamp, tNamedPoolPolicyDescription TItemDescription, tNamedPoolPolicyQ1DefaultWeight Unsigned32, tNamedPoolPolicyQ1MdaWeight Unsigned32, tNamedPoolPolicyQ1PortWeight Unsigned32 } tNamedPoolPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNamedPoolPolicyName indicates the name of Named pool policy. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." ::= { tNamedPoolPolicyEntry 1 } tNamedPoolPolicyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNamedPoolPolicyRowStatus is used for creation or deletion of named pool policies. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." ::= { tNamedPoolPolicyEntry 2 } tNamedPoolPolicyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNamedPoolPolicyLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime when this row was last modified. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." ::= { tNamedPoolPolicyEntry 3 } tNamedPoolPolicyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNamedPoolPolicyDescription specifies the description for a specific named pool policy. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tNamedPoolPolicyEntry 4 } tNamedPoolPolicyQ1DefaultWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNamedPoolPolicyQ1DefaultWeight specifies the port allocation weight given to the default pools. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." DEFVAL { 50 } ::= { tNamedPoolPolicyEntry 5 } tNamedPoolPolicyQ1MdaWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNamedPoolPolicyQ1MdaWeight specifies the port allocation weight given to the MDA named pools. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." DEFVAL { 50 } ::= { tNamedPoolPolicyEntry 6 } tNamedPoolPolicyQ1PortWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tNamedPoolPolicyQ1PortWeight specifies the port allocation weight given to the local port named pools. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." DEFVAL { 50 } ::= { tNamedPoolPolicyEntry 7 } tQ1NamedPoolTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQ1NamedPoolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This table contains information on Q1 pools policy. This table is obsoleted in 20.2 release." ::= { tPoolObjects 2 } tQ1NamedPoolEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQ1NamedPoolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This list contains Q1 pools policy related information." INDEX { tQ1NamedPoolPolicyName, tQ1NamedPoolName } ::= { tQ1NamedPoolTable 1 } TQ1NamedPoolEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQ1NamedPoolPolicyName TNamedItem, tQ1NamedPoolName TNamedItem, tQ1NamedPoolRowStatus RowStatus, tQ1NamedPoolLastChanged TimeStamp, tQ1NamedPoolDescription TItemDescription, tQ1NamedPoolNetworkAllocWeight Unsigned32, tQ1NamedPoolAccessAllocWeight Unsigned32, tQ1NamedPoolSlopePolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tQ1NamedPoolReservedCbs Integer32, tQ1NamedPoolResvCbsAmbrAlrmStep Integer32, tQ1NamedPoolResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax Integer32, tQ1NamedPoolAmbrAlrmThresh Integer32, tQ1NamedPoolRedAlrmThresh Integer32 } tQ1NamedPoolPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQ1NamedPoolPolicyName indicates the name of the existing Q1 named pool policy. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." ::= { tQ1NamedPoolEntry 1 } tQ1NamedPoolName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQ1NamedPoolName indicates the name of the existing pool within the policy. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." ::= { tQ1NamedPoolEntry 2 } tQ1NamedPoolRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQ1NamedPoolRowStatus is used for creation or deletion of Q1 named pools. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." ::= { tQ1NamedPoolEntry 3 } tQ1NamedPoolLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQ1NamedPoolLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime when this row was last modified. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." ::= { tQ1NamedPoolEntry 4 } tQ1NamedPoolDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQ1NamedPoolDescription specifies the description for a specific Q1 named pool. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tQ1NamedPoolEntry 5 } tQ1NamedPoolNetworkAllocWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQ1NamedPoolNetworkAllocWeight specifies the weight used to divide network associated buffer space between named pools. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." DEFVAL { 50 } ::= { tQ1NamedPoolEntry 6 } tQ1NamedPoolAccessAllocWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQ1NamedPoolAccessAllocWeight specifies the weight used to divide access associated buffer space between named pools. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." DEFVAL { 50 } ::= { tQ1NamedPoolEntry 7 } tQ1NamedPoolSlopePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQ1NamedPoolSlopePolicy specifies the name of the slope policy which is used to override the default slope policy for the named buffer pool. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQ1NamedPoolEntry 8 } tQ1NamedPoolReservedCbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQ1NamedPoolReservedCbs specifies the reserved CBS size of the pool. The reserved CBS (Committed Burst Size) defines the amount of buffer space within the pool that is not considered shared. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { tQ1NamedPoolEntry 9 } tQ1NamedPoolResvCbsAmbrAlrmStep OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQ1NamedPoolResvCbsAmbrAlrmStep specifies the percentage step-size for the reserved CBS size of the pool. When tQ1NamedPoolResvCbsAmbrAlrmStep is set to default value, the adaptive CBS sizing is disabled. To enable adaptive CBS sizing, tQ1NamedPoolResvCbsAmbrAlrmStep MUST be set to non-default value along with tQ1NamedPoolResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax. When reserved CBS is default adaptive CBS sizing cannot be enabled. The reserved CBS (Committed Burst Size) defines the amount of buffer space within the pool that is not considered shared. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQ1NamedPoolEntry 10 } tQ1NamedPoolResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQ1NamedPoolResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax specifies the maximum percentage for the reserved CBS size of the pool. When tQ1NamedPoolResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax is set to default value, the adaptive CBS sizing is disabled. To enable adaptive CBS sizing, tQ1NamedPoolResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax MUST be set to non-default value along with tQ1NamedPoolResvCbsAmbrAlrmStep. When reserved CBS is default adaptive CBS sizing cannot be enabled. The reserved CBS (Committed Burst Size) defines the amount of buffer space within the pool that is not considered shared. Max reserved CBS must not be more than the reserved CBS. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQ1NamedPoolEntry 11 } tQ1NamedPoolAmbrAlrmThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1000) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQ1NamedPoolAmbrAlrmThresh specifies the threshold for the amber alarm on the over-subscription allowed. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQ1NamedPoolEntry 12 } tQ1NamedPoolRedAlrmThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1000) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQ1NamedPoolRedAlrmThresh specifies the threshold for the red alarm on the over-subscription allowed. This object is obsoleted in 20.0 Release." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQ1NamedPoolEntry 13 } tHsmdaPoolPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF THsmdaPoolPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tHsmdaPoolPolicyTable has an entry for each HSMDA pool policy configured on this system." ::= { tPoolObjects 3 } tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPoolPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular HSMDA pool policy. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tHsmdaPoolPolicyName } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyTable 1 } THsmdaPoolPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tHsmdaPoolPolicyName TNamedItem, tHsmdaPoolPolicyRowStatus RowStatus, tHsmdaPoolLastChanged TimeStamp, tHsmdaPoolDescription TItemDescription, tHsmdaPoolSystemReserve Unsigned32, tHsmdaPoolRoot1AllocWeight TWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot2AllocWeight TWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot3AllocWeight TWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot4AllocWeight TWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot5AllocWeight TWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot6AllocWeight TWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot7AllocWeight TWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot8AllocWeight TWeight, tHsmdaPoolClass1Parent Unsigned32, tHsmdaPoolClass1AllocPercent Unsigned32, tHsmdaPoolClass2Parent Unsigned32, tHsmdaPoolClass2AllocPercent Unsigned32, tHsmdaPoolClass3Parent Unsigned32, tHsmdaPoolClass3AllocPercent Unsigned32, tHsmdaPoolClass4Parent Unsigned32, tHsmdaPoolClass4AllocPercent Unsigned32, tHsmdaPoolClass5Parent Unsigned32, tHsmdaPoolClass5AllocPercent Unsigned32, tHsmdaPoolClass6Parent Unsigned32, tHsmdaPoolClass6AllocPercent Unsigned32, tHsmdaPoolClass7Parent Unsigned32, tHsmdaPoolClass7AllocPercent Unsigned32, tHsmdaPoolClass8Parent Unsigned32, tHsmdaPoolClass8AllocPercent Unsigned32 } tHsmdaPoolPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolPolicyName specifies the name of the HSMDA pool policy." ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 1 } tHsmdaPoolPolicyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolPolicyRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of HSMDA pool policies." ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 2 } tHsmdaPoolLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 3 } tHsmdaPoolDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolDescription specifies the description of this HSMDA pool policy." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 4 } tHsmdaPoolSystemReserve OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (100..3000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolSystemReserve specifies the percentage of HSMDA buffers that will be reserved for internal system use. When this value is set, all the provisioned buffer pool allocation sizes will be re-evaluated. This includes the port class allocations specified by indirectly by tmnxPortIngPoolPercentRate and tmnxPortEgrPoolPercentRate, and class and root pools specified indirectly by tHsmdaPoolClass1AllocPercent through tHsmdaPoolClass8AllocPercent and tHsmdaPoolRoot1AllocWeight through tHsmdaPoolRoot8AllocWeight." DEFVAL { 1000 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 5 } tHsmdaPoolRoot1AllocWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolRoot1AllocWeight specifies the weight that will be applied to the first root pool and is divided by the sum of all root pool weights to derive the pool's buffer allocation factor." DEFVAL { 75 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 6 } tHsmdaPoolRoot2AllocWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolRoot2AllocWeight specifies the weight that will be applied to the second root pool and is divided by the sum of all root pool weights to derive the pool's buffer allocation factor." DEFVAL { 25 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 7 } tHsmdaPoolRoot3AllocWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolRoot3AllocWeight specifies the weight that will be applied to the third root pool and is divided by the sum of all root pool weights to derive the pool's buffer allocation factor." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 8 } tHsmdaPoolRoot4AllocWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolRoot4AllocWeight specifies the weight that will be applied to the fourth root pool and is divided by the sum of all root pool weights to derive the pool's buffer allocation factor." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 9 } tHsmdaPoolRoot5AllocWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolRoot5AllocWeight specifies the weight that will be applied to the fifth root pool and is divided by the sum of all root pool weights to derive the pool's buffer allocation factor." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 10 } tHsmdaPoolRoot6AllocWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolRoot6AllocWeight specifies the weight that will be applied to the sixth root pool and is divided by the sum of all root pool weights to derive the pool's buffer allocation factor." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 11 } tHsmdaPoolRoot7AllocWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolRoot7AllocWeight specifies the weight that will be applied to the seventh root pool and is divided by the sum of all root pool weights to derive the pool's buffer allocation factor." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 12 } tHsmdaPoolRoot8AllocWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolRoot8AllocWeight specifies the weight that will be applied to the eighth root pool and is divided by the sum of all root pool weights to derive the pool's buffer allocation factor." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 13 } tHsmdaPoolClass1Parent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolClass1Parent specifies the root pool to which the first class pool will be associated." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 14 } tHsmdaPoolClass1AllocPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolClass1AllocPercent specifies, indirectly, the size of the first class pool. The specified percentage, in centipercent, determines what percentage of the root pool with which it is associated, as specified by tHsmdaPoolClass1Parent, will be available to this class. The sum of the class pool percentages for a root pool may exceed 100 percent(10000 centipercent), allowing the root pool to be oversubscribed. The sum of the class pool percentages for a root pool may also total less than 100 percent, allowing the root pool to be undersubscribed." DEFVAL { 4000 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 15 } tHsmdaPoolClass2Parent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolClass2Parent specifies the root pool to which the second class pool will be associated." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 16 } tHsmdaPoolClass2AllocPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolClass2AllocPercent specifies, indirectly, the size of the first class pool. The specified percentage, in centipercent, determines what percentage of the root pool with which it is associated, as specified by tHsmdaPoolClass2Parent, will be available to this class. The sum of the class pool percentages for a root pool may exceed 100 percent(10000 centipercent), allowing the root pool to be oversubscribed. The sum of the class pool percentages for a root pool may also total less than 100 percent, allowing the root pool to be undersubscribed." DEFVAL { 3500 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 17 } tHsmdaPoolClass3Parent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolClass3Parent specifies the root pool to which the third class pool will be associated." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 18 } tHsmdaPoolClass3AllocPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolClass3AllocPercent specifies, indirectly, the size of the first class pool. The specified percentage, in centipercent, determines what percentage of the root pool with which it is associated, as specified by tHsmdaPoolClass3Parent, will be available to this class. The sum of the class pool percentages for a root pool may exceed 100 percent(10000 centipercent), allowing the root pool to be oversubscribed. The sum of the class pool percentages for a root pool may also total less than 100 percent, allowing the root pool to be undersubscribed." DEFVAL { 3000 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 19 } tHsmdaPoolClass4Parent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolClass4Parent specifies the root pool to which the fourth class pool will be associated." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 20 } tHsmdaPoolClass4AllocPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolClass4AllocPercent specifies, indirectly, the size of the first class pool. The specified percentage, in centipercent, determines what percentage of the root pool with which it is associated, as specified by tHsmdaPoolClass4Parent, will be available to this class. The sum of the class pool percentages for a root pool may exceed 100 percent(10000 centipercent), allowing the root pool to be oversubscribed. The sum of the class pool percentages for a root pool may also total less than 100 percent, allowing the root pool to be undersubscribed." DEFVAL { 2500 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 21 } tHsmdaPoolClass5Parent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolClass5Parent specifies the root pool to which the fifth class pool will be associated." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 22 } tHsmdaPoolClass5AllocPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolClass5AllocPercent specifies, indirectly, the size of the first class pool. The specified percentage, in centipercent, determines what percentage of the root pool with which it is associated, as specified by tHsmdaPoolClass5Parent, will be available to this class. The sum of the class pool percentages for a root pool may exceed 100 percent(10000 centipercent), allowing the root pool to be oversubscribed. The sum of the class pool percentages for a root pool may also total less than 100 percent, allowing the root pool to be undersubscribed." DEFVAL { 2000 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 23 } tHsmdaPoolClass6Parent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolClass6Parent specifies the root pool to which the sixth class pool will be associated." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 24 } tHsmdaPoolClass6AllocPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolClass6AllocPercent specifies, indirectly, the size of the first class pool. The specified percentage, in centipercent, determines what percentage of the root pool with which it is associated, as specified by tHsmdaPoolClass6Parent, will be available to this class. The sum of the class pool percentages for a root pool may exceed 100 percent(10000 centipercent), allowing the root pool to be oversubscribed. The sum of the class pool percentages for a root pool may also total less than 100 percent, allowing the root pool to be undersubscribed." DEFVAL { 5000 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 25 } tHsmdaPoolClass7Parent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolClass7Parent specifies the root pool to which the seventh class pool will be associated." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 26 } tHsmdaPoolClass7AllocPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolClass7AllocPercent specifies, indirectly, the size of the first class pool. The specified percentage, in centipercent, determines what percentage of the root pool with which it is associated, as specified by tHsmdaPoolClass7Parent, will be available to this class. The sum of the class pool percentages for a root pool may exceed 100 percent(10000 centipercent), allowing the root pool to be oversubscribed. The sum of the class pool percentages for a root pool may also total less than 100 percent, allowing the root pool to be undersubscribed." DEFVAL { 4000 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 27 } tHsmdaPoolClass8Parent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolClass8Parent specifies the root pool to which the eighth class pool will be associated." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 28 } tHsmdaPoolClass8AllocPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaPoolClass8AllocPercent specifies, indirectly, the size of the first class pool. The specified percentage, in centipercent, determines what percentage of the root pool with which it is associated, as specified by tHsmdaPoolClass8Parent, will be available to this class. The sum of the class pool percentages for a root pool may exceed 100 percent(10000 centipercent), allowing the root pool to be oversubscribed. The sum of the class pool percentages for a root pool may also total less than 100 percent, allowing the root pool to be undersubscribed." DEFVAL { 3000 } ::= { tHsmdaPoolPolicyEntry 29 } tMcMlpppIngressObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 23 } tMcMlpppIngrProfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TMcMlpppIngrProfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tMcMlpppIngrProfTable has an entry for each ingress multi-class mlppp profile configured in the system." ::= { tMcMlpppIngressObjects 1 } tMcMlpppIngrProfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMcMlpppIngrProfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains information about a particular ingress multi-class mlppp profile. Multi-class mlppp ingress profile 1 is created by the agent. It cannot be deleted. Other entries are created by the user." INDEX { tMcMlpppIngrProfIndex } ::= { tMcMlpppIngrProfTable 1 } TMcMlpppIngrProfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tMcMlpppIngrProfIndex TMlpppQoSProfileId, tMcMlpppIngrProfDescription TItemDescription, tMcMlpppIngrProfLastChanged TimeStamp, tMcMlpppIngrProfRowStatus RowStatus } tMcMlpppIngrProfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMlpppQoSProfileId (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppIngrProfIndex specifies a specific multi-class ingress profile." ::= { tMcMlpppIngrProfEntry 1 } tMcMlpppIngrProfDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppIngrProfDescription holds the description for this profile." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tMcMlpppIngrProfEntry 2 } tMcMlpppIngrProfLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppIngrProfLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime for the last change to this row." ::= { tMcMlpppIngrProfEntry 3 } tMcMlpppIngrProfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppIngrProfRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tMcMlpppIngrProfEntry 4 } tMcMlpppIngrClassTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TMcMlpppIngrClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tMcMlpppIngrClassTable has an entry for each multi-class mlppp ingress class per multi-class mlppp ingress profile in the system." ::= { tMcMlpppIngressObjects 2 } tMcMlpppIngrClassEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMcMlpppIngrClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry contains information about a particular mlppp ingress multi-class class per mlppp ingress profile. Entries are created/destroyed as each tMcMlpppIngrProfEntry is created/destroyed." INDEX { tMcMlpppIngrProfIndex, tMcMlpppIngrClassIndex } ::= { tMcMlpppIngrClassTable 1 } TMcMlpppIngrClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tMcMlpppIngrClassIndex TmnxMcMlpppClassIndex, tMcMlpppIngrClassReassemblyTmout Unsigned32, tMcMlpppIngrClassLastChanged TimeStamp } tMcMlpppIngrClassIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMcMlpppClassIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppIngrClassIndex specifies a specific mlppp ingress class per multi-class mlppp ingress profile." ::= { tMcMlpppIngrClassEntry 1 } tMcMlpppIngrClassReassemblyTmout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppIngrClassReassemblyTmout specifies the reassembly timeout for a specific mlppp multi-class ingress class. The default reassembly timeout value is determined by the tMcMlpppIngrClassIndex value. Currently only four multi-class classes are supported per profile. tMcMlpppIngrClassIndex Default Reassembly Value 0 10 1 10 2 100 3 1000" ::= { tMcMlpppIngrClassEntry 2 } tMcMlpppIngrClassLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppIngrClassLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime for the last change to this entry." ::= { tMcMlpppIngrClassEntry 3 } tMcMlpppEgressObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 24 } tMcMlpppEgrProfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TMcMlpppEgrProfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tMcMlpppEgrProfTable has an entry for each egress multi-class mlppp profile configured in the system." ::= { tMcMlpppEgressObjects 1 } tMcMlpppEgrProfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMcMlpppEgrProfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains information about a particular egress multi-class mlppp profile. Multi-class mlppp egress profiles 1,2 and 3 are created by the agent. They cannot be deleted. Other entries are created by the user." INDEX { tMcMlpppEgrProfIndex } ::= { tMcMlpppEgrProfTable 1 } TMcMlpppEgrProfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tMcMlpppEgrProfIndex TMlpppQoSProfileId, tMcMlpppEgrProfDescription TItemDescription, tMcMlpppEgrProfLastChanged TimeStamp, tMcMlpppEgrProfRowStatus RowStatus } tMcMlpppEgrProfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMlpppQoSProfileId (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppEgrProfIndex specifies a specific multi-class egress profile." ::= { tMcMlpppEgrProfEntry 1 } tMcMlpppEgrProfDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppEgrProfDescription holds the description for this profile." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tMcMlpppEgrProfEntry 2 } tMcMlpppEgrProfLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppEgrProfLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime for the last change to this row." ::= { tMcMlpppEgrProfEntry 3 } tMcMlpppEgrProfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppEgrProfRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tMcMlpppEgrProfEntry 4 } tMcMlpppEgrClassTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TMcMlpppEgrClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tMcMlpppEgrClassTable has an entry for each multiclass mlppp egress profile in the system." ::= { tMcMlpppEgressObjects 3 } tMcMlpppEgrClassEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMcMlpppEgrClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry contains information about a particular mlppp egress multi-class class per mlppp multi-class mlppp egress profile. Entries are created/destroyed as each tMcMlpppEgrProfEntry is created/destroyed." INDEX { tMcMlpppEgrProfIndex, tMcMlpppEgrClassIndex } ::= { tMcMlpppEgrClassTable 1 } TMcMlpppEgrClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tMcMlpppEgrClassIndex TmnxMcMlpppClassIndex, tMcMlpppEgrClassMir Unsigned32, tMcMlpppEgrClassWeight Unsigned32, tMcMlpppEgrClassMaxSize Unsigned32, tMcMlpppEgrClassLastChanged TimeStamp } tMcMlpppEgrClassIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMcMlpppClassIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppEgrClassIndex specifies a specific mlppp egress class per multi-class mlppp egress profile." ::= { tMcMlpppEgrClassEntry 1 } tMcMlpppEgrClassMir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppEgrClassMir specifies the Minimum Information Rate given as a percentage. A value of zero represents this object is not applicable for this class. The default Mir is determined by the tMcMlpppEgrClassIndex value. Currently only four multi-class classes are supported per profile. tMcMlpppEgrClassIndex Default Mir Value 0 100 1 85 2 0 3 0" ::= { tMcMlpppEgrClassEntry 2 } tMcMlpppEgrClassWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppEgrClassWeight specifies the weight of this multiclass class given as a percentage. A value of zero represents this object is not applicable for this class. The default Weight is determined by the tMcMlpppEgrClassIndex value. Currently only four multi-class classes are supported per profile. tMcMlpppEgrClassIndex Default Weight Value 0 0 1 0 2 66 3 33" ::= { tMcMlpppEgrClassEntry 3 } tMcMlpppEgrClassMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppEgrClassMaxSize specifies the buffer queue size. The default buffer size is determined by the tMcMlpppEgrClassIndex value. Currently only four multi-class classes are supported per profile. tMcMlpppEgrClassIndex Default Max Size 0 25 1 5 2 200 3 1000" ::= { tMcMlpppEgrClassEntry 4 } tMcMlpppEgrClassLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppEgrClassLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime for the last change to this entry." ::= { tMcMlpppEgrClassEntry 5 } tMcMlpppEgrFCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TMcMlpppEgrFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tMcMlpppEgrFCTable has an entry for all egress FC Mappings to multi-class mlppp classes." ::= { tMcMlpppEgressObjects 4 } tMcMlpppEgrFCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMcMlpppEgrFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry contains information about all egress FC Mappings to multi-class mlppp classes. Entries are created/destroyed as each tMcMlpppEgrProfEntry is created/destroyed." INDEX { tMcMlpppEgrProfIndex, tMcMlpppEgrFCName } ::= { tMcMlpppEgrFCTable 1 } TMcMlpppEgrFCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tMcMlpppEgrFCName TFCName, tMcMlpppEgrFCClass Unsigned32, tMcMlpppEgrFCLastChanged TimeStamp } tMcMlpppEgrFCName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value tMcMlpppEgrFCName specifies of the name of the forwarding class." ::= { tMcMlpppEgrFCEntry 1 } tMcMlpppEgrFCClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..3) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppEgrFCClass specifies the mlppp multi-class class for the per-forwarding-class specified. The default class value is determined by the Forwarding Class Name. Forwarding Class Name Mlppp Class Value be 3 l2 2 af 2 l1 2 h2 2 ef 1 h1 0 nc 0" ::= { tMcMlpppEgrFCEntry 2 } tMcMlpppEgrFCLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcMlpppEgrFCLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime for the last change to this entry." ::= { tMcMlpppEgrFCEntry 3 } tMcFrIngressObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 25 } tMcFrIngrProfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TMcFrIngrProfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tMcFrIngrProfTable has an entry for each ingress multi-class frame relay profile configured in the system." ::= { tMcFrIngressObjects 1 } tMcFrIngrProfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMcFrIngrProfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains information about a particular ingress multi-class frame relay profile. Multi-class frame relay ingress profile 1 is created by the agent. It cannot be modified/deleted. Other entries are created by the user." INDEX { tMcFrIngrProfIndex } ::= { tMcFrIngrProfTable 1 } TMcFrIngrProfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tMcFrIngrProfIndex TMcFrQoSProfileId, tMcFrIngrProfDescription TItemDescription, tMcFrIngrProfLastChanged TimeStamp, tMcFrIngrProfRowStatus RowStatus } tMcFrIngrProfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMcFrQoSProfileId (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrIngrProfIndex specifies a specific multi-class ingress profile." ::= { tMcFrIngrProfEntry 1 } tMcFrIngrProfDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrIngrProfDescription holds the description for this profile." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tMcFrIngrProfEntry 2 } tMcFrIngrProfLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrIngrProfLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime for the last change to this row." ::= { tMcFrIngrProfEntry 3 } tMcFrIngrProfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrIngrProfRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tMcFrIngrProfEntry 4 } tMcFrIngrClassTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TMcFrIngrClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tMcFrIngrClassTable has an entry for each multi-class frame relay ingress class per multi-class frame relay ingress profile in the system." ::= { tMcFrIngressObjects 2 } tMcFrIngrClassEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMcFrIngrClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry contains information about a particular frame relay ingress multi-class class per frame relay ingress profile. Entries are created/destroyed as each tMcFrIngrProfEntry is created/destroyed." INDEX { tMcFrIngrProfIndex, tMcFrIngrClassIndex } ::= { tMcFrIngrClassTable 1 } TMcFrIngrClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tMcFrIngrClassIndex TmnxMcFrClassIndex, tMcFrIngrClassReassemblyTmout Unsigned32, tMcFrIngrClassLastChanged TimeStamp } tMcFrIngrClassIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMcFrClassIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrIngrClassIndex specifies a specific frame relay ingress class per multi-class frame relay ingress profile." ::= { tMcFrIngrClassEntry 1 } tMcFrIngrClassReassemblyTmout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrIngrClassReassemblyTmout specifies the reassembly timeout for a specific frame relay multi-class ingress class. Currently only four multi-class classes are supported per profile." ::= { tMcFrIngrClassEntry 2 } tMcFrIngrClassLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrIngrClassLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime for the last change to this entry." ::= { tMcFrIngrClassEntry 3 } tMcFrEgressObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 26 } tMcFrEgrProfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TMcFrEgrProfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tMcFrEgrProfTable has an entry for each egress multi-class frame relay profile configured in the system." ::= { tMcFrEgressObjects 1 } tMcFrEgrProfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMcFrEgrProfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row entry contains information about a particular egress multi-class frame relay profile. Multi-class frame relay egress profile 1 is created by the agent. It cannot be modified/deleted. Other entries are created by the user." INDEX { tMcFrEgrProfIndex } ::= { tMcFrEgrProfTable 1 } TMcFrEgrProfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tMcFrEgrProfIndex TMcFrQoSProfileId, tMcFrEgrProfDescription TItemDescription, tMcFrEgrProfLastChanged TimeStamp, tMcFrEgrProfRowStatus RowStatus } tMcFrEgrProfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMcFrQoSProfileId (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrEgrProfIndex specifies a specific multi-class egress profile." ::= { tMcFrEgrProfEntry 1 } tMcFrEgrProfDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrEgrProfDescription holds the description for this profile." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tMcFrEgrProfEntry 2 } tMcFrEgrProfLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrEgrProfLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime for the last change to this row." ::= { tMcFrEgrProfEntry 3 } tMcFrEgrProfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrEgrProfRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tMcFrEgrProfEntry 4 } tMcFrEgrClassTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TMcFrEgrClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tMcFrEgrClassTable has an entry for each multiclass mlppp egress profile in the system." ::= { tMcFrEgressObjects 3 } tMcFrEgrClassEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMcFrEgrClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry contains information about a particular frame relay egress multi-class class per multi-class frame relay egress profile. Entries are created/destroyed as each tMcFrEgrProfEntry is created/destroyed." INDEX { tMcFrEgrProfIndex, tMcFrEgrClassIndex } ::= { tMcFrEgrClassTable 1 } TMcFrEgrClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tMcFrEgrClassIndex TmnxMcFrClassIndex, tMcFrEgrClassMir Unsigned32, tMcFrEgrClassWeight Unsigned32, tMcFrEgrClassMaxSize Unsigned32, tMcFrEgrClassLastChanged TimeStamp } tMcFrEgrClassIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxMcFrClassIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrEgrClassIndex specifies a specific frame relay egress class per multi-class frame relay egress profile." ::= { tMcFrEgrClassEntry 1 } tMcFrEgrClassMir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrEgrClassMir specifies the Minimum Information Rate given as a percentage. A value of zero represents this object is not applicable for this class. Currently only four multi-class classes are supported per profile." ::= { tMcFrEgrClassEntry 2 } tMcFrEgrClassWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrEgrClassWeight specifies the weight of this multiclass class given as a percentage. A value of zero represents this object is not applicable for this class. Currently only four multi-class classes are supported per profile." ::= { tMcFrEgrClassEntry 3 } tMcFrEgrClassMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrEgrClassMaxSize specifies the buffer queue size. The default buffer size is determined by the tMcFrEgrClassIndex value. Currently only four multi-class classes are supported per profile." ::= { tMcFrEgrClassEntry 4 } tMcFrEgrClassLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tMcFrEgrClassLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime for the last change to this entry." ::= { tMcFrEgrClassEntry 5 } tQosPolicerObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 27 } tQosPolicerCtrlPolTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosPolicerCtrlPolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosPolicerCtrlPolTable defines all egress queues." ::= { tQosPolicerObjects 1 } tQosPolicerCtrlPolEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosPolicerCtrlPolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosPolicerCtrlPolEntry defines a particular egress queue. Entries are created and deleted by user." INDEX { tQosPolicerCtrlPolName } ::= { tQosPolicerCtrlPolTable 1 } TQosPolicerCtrlPolEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosPolicerCtrlPolName TNamedItem, tQosPolicerCtrlPolRowStatus RowStatus, tQosPolicerCtrlPolLastChgd TimeStamp, tQosPolicerCtrlPolDescr TItemDescription, tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRate THPolPIRRate, tQosPolicerCtrlPolMinMBSSep TPlcrBurstSizeBytes, tQosPolicerCtrlPolProfPref TruthValue, tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRateHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRateLo TmnxQosRateLow32, tQosPolicerCtrlRootMaxPrcntRate Unsigned32, tQosPolicerCtrlRootMaxRateType TPolicerRateType } tQosPolicerCtrlPolName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerCtrlPolName identifies the name of the policer control policy." ::= { tQosPolicerCtrlPolEntry 1 } tQosPolicerCtrlPolRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the Row Status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tQosPolicerCtrlPolEntry 2 } tQosPolicerCtrlPolLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerCtrlPolLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tQosPolicerCtrlPolTable." ::= { tQosPolicerCtrlPolEntry 3 } tQosPolicerCtrlPolDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerCtrlPolDescr specifies the description for the policer control policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosPolicerCtrlPolEntry 4 } tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRate specifies the maximum frame based bandwidth limit of this policer. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRateHi and tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRateLo objects." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosPolicerCtrlPolEntry 5 } tQosPolicerCtrlPolMinMBSSep OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPlcrBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerCtrlPolMinMBSSep specifies the minimum amount of separation buffer space (in bytes) allowed by this policer." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosPolicerCtrlPolEntry 6 } tQosPolicerCtrlPolProfPref OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerCtrlPolProfPref specifies the minimum amount of separation buffer space (in bytes) allowed by this policer. When the value of this object is set to 'true', preferred profile is applied to this policy. When the value is set to 'false', no preferred profile is set to this policy." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tQosPolicerCtrlPolEntry 7 } tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRateHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRateHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the maximum frame based bandwidth limit specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRateLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRateHi along with the value of tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRateLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) rate for this policer indicates maximum frame based bandwidth limit." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tQosPolicerCtrlPolEntry 8 } tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRateLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRateLo specifies the lower 32 bits of the maximum frame based bandwidth limit specified by the user. This value should always be set along with tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRateHi, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRateHi along with the value of tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRateLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) rate for this policer indicates maximum frame based bandwidth limit." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tQosPolicerCtrlPolEntry 9 } tQosPolicerCtrlRootMaxPrcntRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerCtrlRootMaxPrcntRate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth percentage, in centipercent for this policer. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tQosPolicerCtrlRootMaxPrcntRate is set to non-default value when the object tQosPolicerCtrlRootMaxRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tQosPolicerCtrlPolEntry 10 } tQosPolicerCtrlRootMaxRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerRateType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerCtrlRootMaxRateType specifies the rate type of this policer. When the value of tQosPolicerCtrlRootMaxRateType is set to 'kbps', the policer root max-rate is specified in 'kbps'. The value of tQosPolicerCtrlRootMaxRateType will be set to default value. When the value of tQosPolicerCtrlRootMaxRateType is set to 'percentLocalLimit', the policer max-rate are specified in percentage. The objects tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRateHi and tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRateLo will be set to their default values" DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tQosPolicerCtrlPolEntry 11 } tQosPolicerLevelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosPolicerLevelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosPolicerLevelTable defines all levels of QoS Policer control policy defined by tQosPolicerCtrlPolTable." ::= { tQosPolicerObjects 2 } tQosPolicerLevelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosPolicerLevelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosPolicerLevelEntry defines a specific level of QoS policer control policy defined by tQosPolicerCtrlPolTable. Entries are created and deleted by the system when QoS policer control policy is created and deleted." INDEX { tQosPolicerCtrlPolName, tQosPolicerLevel } ::= { tQosPolicerLevelTable 1 } TQosPolicerLevelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosPolicerLevel TLevel, tQosPolicerLevelLastChgd TimeStamp, tQosPolicerLevelCumMBS TPlcrBurstSizeBytes, tQosPolicerLevelFixedMBS TruthValue } tQosPolicerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerLevel identifies the level of the policer control policy defined by tQosPolicerCtrlPolName." ::= { tQosPolicerLevelEntry 1 } tQosPolicerLevelLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerLevelLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tQosPolicerLevelTable." ::= { tQosPolicerLevelEntry 2 } tQosPolicerLevelCumMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPlcrBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerLevelCumMBS specifies the maximum amount of cumulative buffer space (in bytes) allowed for this level by this policer." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosPolicerLevelEntry 3 } tQosPolicerLevelFixedMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerLevelFixedMBS specifies whether the cumulative buffer space is fixed for this level. When the value of this object is set to 'true', cumulative buffer space for this level is fixed. When the value is set to 'false', cumulative buffer space for this level is not fixed." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tQosPolicerLevelEntry 4 } tQosPolicerArbiterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosPolicerArbiterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosPolicerArbiterTable defines policy arbiters for all policer control policies." ::= { tQosPolicerObjects 3 } tQosPolicerArbiterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosPolicerArbiterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosPolicerArbiterEntry defines a particular policy arbiter for a specific QoS policer control policy on a given tier. Entries are created and deleted by user." INDEX { tQosPolicerCtrlPolName, tQosPolicerArbiterTier, tQosPolicerArbiterName } ::= { tQosPolicerArbiterTable 1 } TQosPolicerArbiterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosPolicerArbiterTier INTEGER, tQosPolicerArbiterName TNamedItem, tQosPolicerArbiterRowStatus RowStatus, tQosPolicerArbiterLastChgd TimeStamp, tQosPolicerArbiterDescr TItemDescription, tQosPolicerArbiterRate THPolPIRRate, tQosPolicerArbiterParent TNamedItemOrEmpty, tQosPolicerArbiterLevel TLevel, tQosPolicerArbiterWeight TPolicerWeight, tQosPolicerArbiterRateHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tQosPolicerArbiterRateLo TmnxQosRateLow32, tQosPolicerArbiterPercentRate Unsigned32, tQosPolicerArbiterRateType TPolRateTypeRefOrLocalLimit } tQosPolicerArbiterTier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { tier1 (1), tier2 (2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerArbiterTier identifies the tier of the policer control policy arbiter." ::= { tQosPolicerArbiterEntry 1 } tQosPolicerArbiterName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerArbiterName identifies the name of the policer control policy arbiter." ::= { tQosPolicerArbiterEntry 2 } tQosPolicerArbiterRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the Row Status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tQosPolicerArbiterEntry 3 } tQosPolicerArbiterLastChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerArbiterLastChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to this row in tQosPolicerArbiterTable." ::= { tQosPolicerArbiterEntry 4 } tQosPolicerArbiterDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerArbiterDescr specifies the description for the policer control policy arbiter for the given tier." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosPolicerArbiterEntry 5 } tQosPolicerArbiterRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerArbiterRate specifies the maximum frame based bandwidth limit of this policer control policy arbiter for the given tier. This object is obsoleted in 15.0 release and has been replaced with tQosPolicerArbiterRateHi and tQosPolicerArbiterRateLo objects." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosPolicerArbiterEntry 6 } tQosPolicerArbiterParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosPolicerArbiterParent specifies the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { "root" } ::= { tQosPolicerArbiterEntry 7 } tQosPolicerArbiterLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosPolicerArbiterLevel specifies the level of priority while feeding the parent." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosPolicerArbiterEntry 8 } tQosPolicerArbiterWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosPolicerArbiterWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used by the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosPolicerArbiterEntry 9 } tQosPolicerArbiterRateHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerArbiterRateHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the maximum frame based bandwidth limit of this policer control policy arbiter for the given tier. This value should always be set along with tQosPolicerArbiterRateLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tQosPolicerArbiterRateHi along with the value of tQosPolicerArbiterRateLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) rate for this policer control policy arbiter indicates maximum frame based bandwidth limit." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tQosPolicerArbiterEntry 10 } tQosPolicerArbiterRateLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerArbiterRateLo specifies the lower 32 bits of the maximum frame based bandwidth limit of this policer control policy arbiter for the given tier. This value should always be set along with tQosPolicerArbiterRateLo, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tQosPolicerArbiterRateHi along with the value of tQosPolicerArbiterRateLo is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) rate for this policer control policy arbiter indicates maximum frame based bandwidth limit." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tQosPolicerArbiterEntry 11 } tQosPolicerArbiterPercentRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerArbiterPercentRate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth percentage, in centipercent for this policer control policy arbiter for the given tier. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tQosPolicerArbiterPercentRate is set to non-default value when the object tQosPolicerArbiterRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tQosPolicerArbiterEntry 12 } tQosPolicerArbiterRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolRateTypeRefOrLocalLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPolicerArbiterRateType specifies the rate type of this policer control policy arbiter for the given tier. When the value of tQosPolicerArbiterRateType is set to 'kbps', the policer arbiter rate is specified in 'kbps'. The value of tQosPolicerArbiterRateType will be set to default value. When the value of tQosPolicerArbiterRateType is set to 'percentLocalLimit' or 'percentReferPortLimit', the policer max-rate are specified in percentage. The objects tQosPolicerArbiterRateHi and tQosPolicerArbiterRateLo will be set to their default values." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tQosPolicerArbiterEntry 13 } tQosIngPolicerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosIngPolicerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngPolicerTable defines QOS Ingress Policer Table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of defining the policers in the ingress queue groups. tQosIngPolicerTable holds a list of all the policers configured in the managed system. Policers must exist in this table before being referenced by the forwarding class mappings within the Qos policies." ::= { tQosPolicerObjects 4 } tQosIngPolicerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosIngPolicerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngPolicerEntry defines an entry in the tQosIngPolicerTable. Entries are created/deleted in this table by SNMP sets to tQosIngPolicerRowStatus." INDEX { tQosIngQGroupName, tQosIngPolicerId } ::= { tQosIngPolicerTable 1 } TQosIngPolicerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosIngPolicerId TIngPolicerId, tQosIngPolicerRowStatus RowStatus, tQosIngPolicerLastChanged TimeStamp, tQosIngPolicerDescr TItemDescription, tQosIngPolicerPIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tQosIngPolicerCIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tQosIngPolicerParent TNamedItemOrEmpty, tQosIngPolicerLevel TLevel, tQosIngPolicerWeight TPolicerWeight, tQosIngPolicerAdminPIR THPolPIRRate, tQosIngPolicerAdminCIR THPolCIRRate, tQosIngPolicerCBS TPolicerBurstSizeBytes, tQosIngPolicerMBS TPolicerBurstSizeBytes, tQosIngPolicerHiPrioOnly TBurstPercentOrDefault, tQosIngPolicerPktOffset TPerPacketOffset, tQosIngPolicerProfileCapped TruthValue, tQosIngPolicerStatMode TmnxIngPolicerStatMode, tQosIngPolicerSlopeStartDepth Unsigned32, tQosIngPolicerSlopeMaxDepth Unsigned32, tQosIngPolicerSlopeMaxProb Unsigned32, tQosIngPolicerSlopeMap TmnxSlopeMap, tQosIngPolicerAdvCfgPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tQosIngPolicerAdminPIRPercent Unsigned32, tQosIngPolicerAdminCIRPercent Unsigned32, tQosIngPolicerAdminRateType TRateType } tQosIngPolicerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngPolicerId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngPolicerId defines the Ingress Queue Group Policer identifier. It identifies an ingress queue group policer in the managed system." ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 1 } tQosIngPolicerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngPolicerRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tQosIngPolicerTable." ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 2 } tQosIngPolicerLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngPolicerLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime when the entry was last modified." ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 3 } tQosIngPolicerDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngPolicerDescr specifies the description of the policer." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 4 } tQosIngPolicerPIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 5 } tQosIngPolicerCIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational CIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 6 } tQosIngPolicerParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngPolicerParent specifies the arbiter to which this policer would be feeding." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 7 } tQosIngPolicerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngPolicerLevel specifies the level of priority while feeding the parent." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 8 } tQosIngPolicerWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngPolicerWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used by the arbiter to which this policer would be feeding" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 9 } tQosIngPolicerAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngPolicerAdminPIR specifies the administrative PIR specified by the user." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 10 } tQosIngPolicerAdminCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolCIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngPolicerAdminCIR specifies the administrative CIR specified by the user." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 11 } tQosIngPolicerCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngPolicerCBS specifies the amount of reserved buffer space (in bytes) used to configure the policer's CIR leaky bucket's 'exceed' threshold." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 12 } tQosIngPolicerMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngPolicerMBS specifies the maximum amount of buffer space (in bytes) used to configure the policer's PIR leaky bucket's high priority 'violate' threshold." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 13 } tQosIngPolicerHiPrioOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngPolicerHiPrioOnly specifies the percentage of buffer space for the queue, used to configure the percentage of the policer's PIR leaky bucket's MBS (maximum burst size) that is reserved for high priority traffic." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 14 } tQosIngPolicerPktOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPerPacketOffset MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngPolicerPktOffset specifies the packet byte offset for addition of policing information by this policer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 15 } tQosIngPolicerProfileCapped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosIngPolicerProfileCapped specifies how the explicit in-profile and undetermined profile traffic should be handled at the ingress policer. When the value of tQosIngPolicerProfileCapped is set to 'true', both explicit in-profile and undetermined profile traffic is honored up to CIR, above which it marked as out-of-profile. If CIR is set to zero, then all explicit in-profile and undetermined profile packets, along with the explicit out-of-profile packets are marked as out-of-profile. The default behavior when tQosIngPolicerProfileCapped is set to 'false' is to ignore the CIR output state when an explicit in-profile packet is handled by an ingress policer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 16 } tQosIngPolicerStatMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIngPolicerStatMode MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosIngPolicerStatMode specifies the mode of statistics collected by this policer." DEFVAL { minimal } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 17 } tQosIngPolicerSlopeStartDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosIngPolicerSlopeStartDepth specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability starts to rise above 0. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 18 } tQosIngPolicerSlopeMaxDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosIngPolicerSlopeMaxDepth specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability is 100 percent. This implies that all packets beyond this point will be dropped. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 19 } tQosIngPolicerSlopeMaxProb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosIngPolicerSlopeMaxProb specifies the drop probability, as a percentage, when the queue depth reaches tQosIngPolicerSlopeMaxDepth. The drop increases steadily from 0 at the tQosIngPolicerSlopeStartDepth up to the tQosIngPolicerSlopeMaxProb at the tQosIngPolicerSlopeMaxDepth. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 20 } tQosIngPolicerSlopeMap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSlopeMap MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosIngPolicerSlopeMap specifies the slope map to be used with this policer. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 21 } tQosIngPolicerAdvCfgPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosIngPolicerAdvCfgPolicy specifies the name of the advanced configuration policy to be applied with this policer." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 22 } tQosIngPolicerAdminPIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosIngPolicerAdminPIRPercent specifies the administrative PIR percentage, in centipercent of this policer. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tQosIngPolicerAdminPIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tQosIngPolicerAdminRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 23 } tQosIngPolicerAdminCIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosIngPolicerAdminCIRPercent specifies the administrative CIR percentage, in centipercent of this policer. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tQosIngPolicerAdminCIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tQosIngPolicerAdminRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 24 } tQosIngPolicerAdminRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TRateType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosIngPolicerAdminRateType specifies the type of rate for this policer. When the value of the object is set to 'kbps', the policer rates are specified in kbps. The objects tQosIngPolicerAdminPIRPercent and tQosIngPolicerAdminCIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of the object is set to 'percent', the rates for this policer are specified in percentage. The objects tQosIngPolicerAdminPIR and tQosIngPolicerAdminCIR will be set to their default values." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tQosIngPolicerEntry 25 } tQosEgrPolicerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosEgrPolicerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrPolicerTable defines QOS egress Policer Table for providing, via SNMP, the capability of defining the policers in the egress queue groups. tQosEgrPolicerTable holds a list of all the policers configured in the managed system. Policers must exist in this table before being referenced by the forwarding class mappings within Qos policies." ::= { tQosPolicerObjects 5 } tQosEgrPolicerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosEgrPolicerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrPolicerEntry defines an entry in the tQosEgrPolicerTable. Entries are created/deleted in this table by SNMP sets to tQosEgrPolicerRowStatus." INDEX { tQosEgrQGroupName, tQosEgrPolicerId } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerTable 1 } TQosEgrPolicerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosEgrPolicerId Integer32, tQosEgrPolicerRowStatus RowStatus, tQosEgrPolicerLastChanged TimeStamp, tQosEgrPolicerDescr TItemDescription, tQosEgrPolicerPIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tQosEgrPolicerCIRAdaptation TAdaptationRule, tQosEgrPolicerParent TNamedItemOrEmpty, tQosEgrPolicerLevel TLevel, tQosEgrPolicerWeight TPolicerWeight, tQosEgrPolicerAdminPIR THPolPIRRate, tQosEgrPolicerAdminCIR THPolCIRRate, tQosEgrPolicerCBS TPolicerBurstSizeBytes, tQosEgrPolicerMBS TPolicerBurstSizeBytes, tQosEgrPolicerHiPrioOnly TBurstPercentOrDefault, tQosEgrPolicerPktOffset TEgressPerPacketOffset, tQosEgrPolicerProfileCapped TruthValue, tQosEgrPolicerStatMode TmnxEgrPolicerStatMode, tQosEgrPolicerSlopeStartDepth Unsigned32, tQosEgrPolicerSlopeMaxDepth Unsigned32, tQosEgrPolicerSlopeMaxProb Unsigned32, tQosEgrPolicerSlopeMap TmnxSlopeMap, tQosEgrPolicerAdvCfgPolicy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tQosEgrPolicerEnableExceedPir TruthValue, tQosEgrPolicerAdminPIRPercent Unsigned32, tQosEgrPolicerAdminCIRPercent Unsigned32, tQosEgrPolicerAdminRateType TPolRateTypeRefOrLocalLimit } tQosEgrPolicerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrPolicerId defines the Egress Queue Group Policer identifier. It identifies an egress queue group policer in the managed system." ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 1 } tQosEgrPolicerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrPolicerRowStatus allows entries to be created and deleted in the tQosEgrPolicerTable." ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 2 } tQosEgrPolicerLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrPolicerLastChanged indicates the value of sysUpTime when the entry was last modified." ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 3 } tQosEgrPolicerDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrPolicerDescr specifies the description of the policer." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 4 } tQosEgrPolicerPIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational PIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 5 } tQosEgrPolicerCIRAdaptation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdaptationRule MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The adaptation rule to be used while computing the operational CIR value. The adaptation rule specifies the rules to compute the operational values while maintaining minimum offset." DEFVAL { closest } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 6 } tQosEgrPolicerParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrPolicerParent specifies the arbiter to which this policer would be feeding" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 7 } tQosEgrPolicerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLevel MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrPolicerLevel specifies the level of priority while feeding the parent." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 8 } tQosEgrPolicerWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrPolicerWeight specifies the weight that needs to be used by the scheduler to which this queue would be feeding." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 9 } tQosEgrPolicerAdminPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolPIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrPolicerAdminPIR specifies the administrative PIR specified by the user." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 10 } tQosEgrPolicerAdminCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THPolCIRRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrPolicerAdminCIR specifies the administrative CIR specified by the user." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 11 } tQosEgrPolicerCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrPolicerCBS specifies the amount of reserved buffer space (in bytes) used to configure the policer's CIR leaky bucket's 'exceed' threshold." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 12 } tQosEgrPolicerMBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicerBurstSizeBytes UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrPolicerMBS specifies the maximum amount of buffer space (in bytes) used to configure the policer's PIR leaky bucket's high priority 'violate' threshold." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 13 } tQosEgrPolicerHiPrioOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBurstPercentOrDefault UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrPolicerHiPrioOnly specifies the percentage of buffer space for the queue, used to configure the percentage of the policer's PIR leaky bucket's MBS (maximum burst size) that is reserved for high priority traffic." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 14 } tQosEgrPolicerPktOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressPerPacketOffset MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrPolicerPktOffset specifies the packet byte offset for addition of policing information by this policer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 15 } tQosEgrPolicerProfileCapped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrPolicerProfileCapped specifies how the explicit in-profile and undetermined profile traffic should be handled at the egress policer. When the value of tQosEgrPolicerProfileCapped is set to 'true', both explicit in-profile and undetermined profile traffic is honored up to CIR, above which it is marked as out-of-profile. If CIR is set to zero, then all explicit in-profile and undetermined profile packets, along with the explicit out-of-profile packets are marked as out-of-profile. The default behavior when tQosEgrPolicerProfileCapped is set to 'false' is to ignore the CIR output state when an explicit in-profile packet is handled by an egress policer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 16 } tQosEgrPolicerStatMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEgrPolicerStatMode MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tQosEgrPolicerStatMode specifies the mode of statistics collected by this policer." DEFVAL { minimal } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 17 } tQosEgrPolicerSlopeStartDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrPolicerSlopeStartDepth specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability starts to rise above 0. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 18 } tQosEgrPolicerSlopeMaxDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrPolicerSlopeMaxDepth specifies the percentage of the buffer utilized after which the drop probability is 100 percent. This implies that all packets beyond this point will be dropped. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 20 } tQosEgrPolicerSlopeMaxProb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrPolicerSlopeMaxProb specifies the drop probability, as a percentage, when the queue depth reaches tQosEgrPolicerSlopeMaxDepth. The drop increases steadily from 0 at the tQosEgrPolicerSlopeStartDepth up to the tQosEgrPolicerSlopeMaxProb at the tQosEgrPolicerSlopeMaxDepth. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 21 } tQosEgrPolicerSlopeMap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxSlopeMap MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrPolicerSlopeMap specifies the slope map to be used with this policer. This object is obsoleted in 14.0 Release." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 22 } tQosEgrPolicerAdvCfgPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrPolicerAdvCfgPolicy specifies the name of the advanced configuration policy to be applied with this policer." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 23 } tQosEgrPolicerEnableExceedPir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrPolicerEnableExceedPir specifies whether to enable exceeding of PIR for sap-egress policer, i.e., whether the traffic should be forwarded as exceed-profile instead of being dropped." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 24 } tQosEgrPolicerAdminPIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrPolicerAdminPIRPercent specifies the administrative PIR percentage, in centipercent of this policer. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tQosEgrPolicerAdminPIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tQosEgrPolicerAdminRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 25 } tQosEgrPolicerAdminCIRPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrPolicerAdminCIRPercent specifies the administrative CIR percentage, in centipercent of this policer. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tQosEgrPolicerAdminCIRPercent is set to non-default value when the object tQosEgrPolicerAdminRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 26 } tQosEgrPolicerAdminRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolRateTypeRefOrLocalLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosEgrPolicerAdminRateType specifies the type of rate for this policer. When the value of the object is set to 'kbps', the policer rates are specified in kbps. The objects tQosEgrPolicerAdminPIRPercent and tQosEgrPolicerAdminCIRPercent will be set to their default values. When the value of the object is set to 'percentOfLocalLimit' or 'percentReferPortLimit', the rates for this policer are specified in percentage. The objects tQosEgrPolicerAdminPIR and tQosEgrPolicerAdminCIR will be set to their default values." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tQosEgrPolicerEntry 27 } tAdvCfgPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TAdvCfgPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tAdvCfgPolicyTable has an entry for each configuration policy for queue and policer parameters configured on this system." ::= { tQosPolicerObjects 6 } tAdvCfgPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdvCfgPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular configuration policy. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tAdvCfgPolicyName } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyTable 1 } TAdvCfgPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tAdvCfgPolicyName TNamedItem, tAdvCfgPolicyRowStatus RowStatus, tAdvCfgLastChanged TimeStamp, tAdvCfgDescription TItemDescription, tAdvCfgChildAdmnPirPrcnt Unsigned32, tAdvCfgChildAdminRate TAdvCfgRate, tAdvCfgOMGranPirPrcnt Unsigned32, tAdvCfgOMGranRate TAdvCfgRate, tAdvCfgMaxDecPirPrcnt Unsigned32, tAdvCfgMaxDecRate TMaxDecRate, tAdvCfgHiRateHoldTime Unsigned32, tAdvCfgTimeAvgFactor Unsigned32, tAdvCfgSampleInterval Unsigned32, tAdvCfgFastStart TruthValue, tAdvCfgFastStop TruthValue, tAdvCfgAbvOffCapPirPrcnt Unsigned32, tAdvCfgAbvOffCapRate Integer32, tAdvCfgBWDGranPirPrcnt Unsigned32, tAdvCfgBWDGranRate TAdvCfgRate, tAdvCfgMinOnly TruthValue, tAdvCfgDecOnly TruthValue, tAdvCfgChildAdminRateActMinOnly TruthValue, tAdvCfgHiRateHoldTimeActMinOnly TruthValue, tAdvCfgBWDEnqueueOnPIRZero TruthValue, tAdvCfgBWDLimitPIRZeroDrain TruthValue, tAdvCfgBWDLmtUnusedBWInitMinPIR TruthValue, tAdvCfgBWDInternalSchedWghtMode TmnxInternalSchedWeightMode, tAdvCfgAbvOffAUnConsumeAggRPrcnt Unsigned32, tAdvCfgAbvOffADeltaConsAggRPrcnt Unsigned32, tAdvCfgAbvOffAUnConsHiTierRPrcnt Unsigned32, tAdvCfgAbvOffADelConHiTierRPrcnt Unsigned32 } tAdvCfgPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgPolicyName specifies the name of the advanced configuration policy." ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 1 } tAdvCfgPolicyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgPolicyRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of advanced configuration policies." ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 2 } tAdvCfgLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 3 } tAdvCfgDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgDescription specifies the description of this advanced configuration policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 4 } tAdvCfgChildAdmnPirPrcnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgChildAdmnPirPrcnt specifies the percentage of the child's administrative PIR that should be added to the child's offered rate, capped by the child's PIR. When the value of tAdvCfgChildAdmnPirPrcnt is set to '0', offered rate increase from all child policers and queues specified by tAdvCfgPolicyName policy are removed." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 5 } tAdvCfgChildAdminRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdvCfgRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgChildAdminRate specifies the explicit number of kilobits per second that should be added to the child's offered rate. When the value of tAdvCfgChildAdminRate is set to '0', offered rate increase from all child policers and queues specified by tAdvCfgPolicyName policy are removed." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 6 } tAdvCfgOMGranPirPrcnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgOMGranPirPrcnt specifies the granularity percentage of the child's administrative PIR that should be used as the threshold sensitivity to offered rate. When the value of tAdvCfgOMGranPirPrcnt is set to '0', it restores the default offered rate sensitivity behavior to all child policers and queues associated with the policy specified by tAdvCfgPolicyName." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 7 } tAdvCfgOMGranRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdvCfgRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgOMGranRate specifies the explicit number of kilobits per second that should be used as the child's offered rate change sensitivity value. When the value of tAdvCfgOMGranRate is set to '0', the default offered rate sensitivity behavior to all child policers and queues associated with the policy specified by tAdvCfgPolicyName are restored." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 8 } tAdvCfgMaxDecPirPrcnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgMaxDecPirPrcnt specifies the percentage of the child's administrative PIR that should be used as the decrement limit to offered rate change. When the value of tAdvCfgMaxDecPirPrcnt is set to '10000', any currently configured maximum decrement limit for all child policers and queues associated with the policy specified by tAdvCfgPolicyName are removed." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 9 } tAdvCfgMaxDecRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TMaxDecRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgMaxDecRate specifies the explicit number of kilobits per second that should be used as the child's offered rate decrement limit value." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 10 } tAdvCfgHiRateHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..60) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgHiRateHoldTime specifies the time period that the current offered rate should be maintained for a child policer or queue. When tAdvCfgHiRateHoldTime is set to '0', any currently configured hold time for all child policers and queues associated with the policy specified by tAdvCfgPolicyName are removed." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 11 } tAdvCfgTimeAvgFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..64) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgTimeAvgFactor is used the weight the new offered rate with a portion of the previous offered rate. When tAdvCfgTimeAvgFactor is set to '0', time average factor adjustments to new offered rate measurements specified by tAdvCfgPolicyName are removed." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 12 } tAdvCfgSampleInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgSampleInterval specifies the interval for sampling the child's offered rate. A value of '1' of tAdvCfgSampleInterval represents fastest sampling rate available while a value of '8' represents slowest sampling period available. When tAdvCfgSampleInterval is set to '4', time average factor adjustments to new offered rate measurements specified by tAdvCfgPolicyName are removed." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 13 } tAdvCfgFastStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgFastStart specifies the whether fast detection of initial bandwidth on a child policer or queue associated with tAdvCfgPolicyName is enabled/disabled. When the tAdvCfgFastStart is set to 'false', the system uses the normal sampling interval behavior of both newly active and currently active children." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 14 } tAdvCfgFastStop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgFastStop specifies the whether fast detection of lack of offered rate on a child policer or queue associated with tAdvCfgPolicyName is enabled/disabled. When the tAdvCfgFastStop is set to 'false', the system uses the normal sampling interval behavior of both newly active and currently active children." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 15 } tAdvCfgAbvOffCapPirPrcnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgAbvOffCapPirPrcnt specifies the percentage of the child's administrative PIR that should be fair share increase limit, capped by the child's PIR. When the value of tAdvCfgAbvOffCapPirPrcnt is set to '0', the system disables the fair share increase function and configures the actual distribution rate. When the value of tAdvCfgAbvOffCapPirPrcnt is set to '10000', the fair share operational PIR rate increase limit from all child policers and queues associated with tAdvCfgPolicyName policy are removed." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 16 } tAdvCfgAbvOffCapRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..100000000) UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgAbvOffCapRate specifies the explicit number of kilobits per second that should be used as the limit to the child's fair share increase to the operational PIR. When the value of tAdvCfgAbvOffCapRate is set to '0', the system disables the fair share increase function and configures the actual distribution rate. When the value of tAdvCfgAbvOffCapRate is set to '-1', it means maximum rate." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 17 } tAdvCfgBWDGranPirPrcnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgBWDGranPirPrcnt specifies the granularity percentage of the child's administrative PIR that should be used as the rounding step value. When the value of tAdvCfgBWDGranPirPrcnt is set to '0', the system removes the operational PIR rounding behavior from all child policers and queues associated with the policy specified by tAdvCfgPolicyName." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 18 } tAdvCfgBWDGranRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAdvCfgRate UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgBWDGranRate specifies the explicit number of kilobits per second that should be used as the child's rounding step value. When the value of tAdvCfgBWDGranRate is set to '0', the system removes the operational PIR rounding behavior from all child policers and queues associated with the policy specified by tAdvCfgPolicyName." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 19 } tAdvCfgMinOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgMinOnly specifies the system to interpret the increase in tAdvCfgChildAdminRate as a minimum offered rate. When the tAdvCfgFastStop is set to 'false', the system uses the specified increase in tAdvCfgChildAdmnPirPrcnt or tAdvCfgChildAdminRate as a minimum offered rate even for inactive queues or policers associated with tAdvCfgPolicyName." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 20 } tAdvCfgDecOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgDecOnly specifies the tAdvCfgTimeAvgFactor adjustment to be applied if the new offered rate is decreasing compared to the previous offered rate. If the new offered rate is greater than the previous offered rate, the adjustment is not applied. When the tAdvCfgDecOnly is set to 'false', it has no impact on tAdvCfgTimeAvgFactor adjustment." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 21 } tAdvCfgChildAdminRateActMinOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgChildAdminRateActMinOnly specifies whether HQos should use the specified increase in tAdvCfgChildAdmnPirPrcnt or tAdvCfgChildAdminRate as a minimum offered rate only for the active queues or policers associated with this tAdvCfgPolicyName." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 22 } tAdvCfgHiRateHoldTimeActMinOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgHiRateHoldTimeActMinOnly specifies whether HQos should use the specified increase in tAdvCfgChildAdmnPirPrcnt or tAdvCfgChildAdminRate as a minimum offered rate for the time duration specified by tAdvCfgHiRateHoldTime only for the active queues or policers associated with this tAdvCfgPolicyName. The value of tAdvCfgHiRateHoldTimeActMinOnly can only be set to 'true', when the value of tAdvCfgChildAdminRateActMinOnly is set to 'true'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 23 } tAdvCfgBWDEnqueueOnPIRZero OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgBWDEnqueueOnPIRZero specifies whether the queue should enqueue the packets when the value of tAdvCfgBWDGranRate is set to zero." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 24 } tAdvCfgBWDLimitPIRZeroDrain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgBWDLimitPIRZeroDrain specifies whether the queue should throttle its draining when the value of tAdvCfgBWDGranRate is set to zero." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 25 } tAdvCfgBWDLmtUnusedBWInitMinPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgBWDLmtUnusedBWInitMinPIR specifies whether the newly created queue should have minimal PIR when limit-unused-bandwidth (LUB) is enabled in the HQos hierarchy." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 26 } tAdvCfgBWDInternalSchedWghtMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxInternalSchedWeightMode MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgBWDInternalSchedWghtMode specifies the weight-mode applied to this advanced-config-policy." DEFVAL { noOverride } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 27 } tAdvCfgAbvOffAUnConsumeAggRPrcnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgAbvOffAUnConsumeAggRPrcnt specifies the percentage of the unconsumed aggregate rate that can be given to a queue at the end of an H-QoS below CIR, then above CIR, pass. This command is only applicable when the port scheduler is configured to use the above-offered-allowance-control algorithm, otherwise it is ignored." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 28 } tAdvCfgAbvOffADeltaConsAggRPrcnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgAbvOffADeltaConsAggRPrcnt specifies the percentage of the delta (over the current H-QoS below CIR or above CIR pass) consumed aggregate rate that can be given to a queue at the end of an H-QoS below CIR, then above CIR, pass. This command is only applicable when the port scheduler is configured to use the above-offered-allowance-control algorithm, otherwise it is ignored." DEFVAL { 2000 } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 29 } tAdvCfgAbvOffAUnConsHiTierRPrcnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgAbvOffAUnConsHiTierRPrcnt specifies the percentage of the unconsumed higher-tier rate that can be given to a queue at the end of an H-QoS below CIR, then above CIR, pass. Higher tier refers to the Vport aggregate rate and port scheduler level, group and maximum rates. This command is only applicable when the port scheduler is configured to use the above-offered-allowance-control algorithm, otherwise it is ignored." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 30 } tAdvCfgAbvOffADelConHiTierRPrcnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tAdvCfgAbvOffADelConHiTierRPrcnt specifies the percentage of the delta (over the current H-QoS below CIR or above CIR pass) consumed higher-tier rate that can be given to a queue at the end of an H-QoS below CIR, then above CIR, pass. This command is only applicable when the port scheduler is configured to use the above-offered-allowance-control algorithm, otherwise it is ignored." DEFVAL { 500 } ::= { tAdvCfgPolicyEntry 31 } tWrrObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 28 } tHsmdaWrrPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF THsmdaWrrPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tHsmdaWrrPolicyTable contains the information of the Weighted Round Robin (WRR) policies configured on HSMDA queues." ::= { tWrrObjects 1 } tHsmdaWrrPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWrrPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row in tHsmdaWrrPolicyEntry represents a HSMDA Weighted Round Robin (WRR) policy specified by tHsmdaWrrPolicyName." INDEX { tHsmdaWrrPolicyName } ::= { tHsmdaWrrPolicyTable 1 } THsmdaWrrPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tHsmdaWrrPolicyName TNamedItem, tHsmdaWrrPolicyRowStatus RowStatus, tHsmdaWrrPolicyLastChanged TimeStamp, tHsmdaWrrPolicyDescription TItemDescription, tHsmdaWrrPolicyIncludeQueues THsmdaPolicyIncludeQueues, tHsmdaWrrPolicySchedUsingClass THsmdaPolicyScheduleClass, tHsmdaWrrPolicyAggWeightAtClass THsmdaWeightClass } tHsmdaWrrPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaWrrPolicyName specifies the name of the Weighted Round Robin (WRR) policy associated with this HSMDA queue." ::= { tHsmdaWrrPolicyEntry 1 } tHsmdaWrrPolicyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaWrrPolicyRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of entries in the tHsmdaWrrPolicyTable." ::= { tHsmdaWrrPolicyEntry 2 } tHsmdaWrrPolicyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaWrrPolicyLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime for the last change to this row." ::= { tHsmdaWrrPolicyEntry 3 } tHsmdaWrrPolicyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaWrrPolicyDescription specifies the description of the Weighted Round Robin (WRR) policy on this HSMDA queue." ::= { tHsmdaWrrPolicyEntry 4 } tHsmdaWrrPolicyIncludeQueues OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPolicyIncludeQueues MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaWrrPolicyIncludeQueues specifies the queues that can be scheduled in the same class in a Weighted Round Robin (WRR) fashion within the HSMDA scheduler." DEFVAL { q1to2 } ::= { tHsmdaWrrPolicyEntry 5 } tHsmdaWrrPolicySchedUsingClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaPolicyScheduleClass MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaWrrPolicySchedUsingClass specifies which class to schedule the queues specified by tHsmdaWrrPolicyIncludeQueues within the HSMDA scheduler." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsmdaWrrPolicyEntry 6 } tHsmdaWrrPolicyAggWeightAtClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsmdaWeightClass MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsmdaWrrPolicyAggWeightAtClass specifies the weight assigned to the group of queues specified by tHsmdaWrrPolicyIncludeQueues within the HSMDA scheduler." DEFVAL { class1 } ::= { tHsmdaWrrPolicyEntry 7 } tQosDCObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 29 } tQosDCTimeStampObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosDCObjects 1 } tQosDCObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosDCObjects 2 } tQosMatchListObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 30 } tQosPrefixListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosPrefixListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tQosPrefixListTable contains an entry for each prefix list defined in the QoS area." ::= { tQosMatchListObjects 1 } tQosPrefixListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosPrefixListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about prefix list entries defined in QoS area. Entries are created and deleted by user." INDEX { tQosPrefixListType, IMPLIED tQosPrefixListName } ::= { tQosPrefixListTable 1 } TQosPrefixListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosPrefixListType TQosPrefixListType, tQosPrefixListName TNamedItem, tQosPrefixListRowStatus RowStatus, tQosPrefixListLastChanged TimeStamp, tQosPrefixListDescription TItemDescription } tQosPrefixListType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosPrefixListType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPrefixListType specifies the type of prefix list for the prefix list tQosPrefixListName." ::= { tQosPrefixListEntry 1 } tQosPrefixListName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPrefixListName specifies the name given to this prefix list." ::= { tQosPrefixListEntry 2 } tQosPrefixListRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPrefixListRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of prefix list entries." ::= { tQosPrefixListEntry 3 } tQosPrefixListLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPrefixListLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this row. If no changes were made to the row since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosPrefixListEntry 4 } tQosPrefixListDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPrefixListDescription specifies the description for this prefix list entry." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosPrefixListEntry 5 } tQosPrefixListEntryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosPrefixListEntryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPrefixListEntryTable contains prefix entry for the prefix list defined in tQosPrefixListTable." ::= { tQosMatchListObjects 2 } tQosPrefixListEntryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosPrefixListEntryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about prefix entry for the prefix list defined by tQosPrefixListEntry Entries are created and deleted by user." INDEX { tQosPrefixListType, tQosPrefixListName, tQosPrefixListEntryPrefixType, tQosPrefixListEntryPrefix, tQosPrefixListEntryPrefixLen } ::= { tQosPrefixListEntryTable 1 } TQosPrefixListEntryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosPrefixListEntryPrefixType InetAddressType, tQosPrefixListEntryPrefix InetAddress, tQosPrefixListEntryPrefixLen InetAddressPrefixLength, tQosPrefixListEntryRowStatus RowStatus } tQosPrefixListEntryPrefixType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPrefixListEntryPrefixType specifies whether the prefix address specified by tQosPrefixListEntryPrefix is an IPv4 or IPv6 prefix. The value of tQosPrefixListEntryPrefixType must match the value of the object tQosPrefixListType." ::= { tQosPrefixListEntryEntry 1 } tQosPrefixListEntryPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPrefixListEntryPrefix specifies the IP prefix address of this prefix list entry." ::= { tQosPrefixListEntryEntry 2 } tQosPrefixListEntryPrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPrefixListEntryPrefixLen specifies the IP prefix length of this prefix list entry." ::= { tQosPrefixListEntryEntry 3 } tQosPrefixListEntryRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPrefixListEntryRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tQosPrefixListEntryEntry 4 } tQosHsObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 31 } tQosHsTableLastChangedObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosHsObjects 1 } tHsSchedPolicyTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tHsSchedPolicyTableLastChanged indicates the timestamp of last change to the HS (High Scale) scheduler policy table." ::= { tQosHsTableLastChangedObjects 2 } tHsSchedPlcySchdClassTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tHsSchedPlcySchdClassTblLstChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the HS (High Scale) scheduler policy scheduling class table." ::= { tQosHsTableLastChangedObjects 3 } tHsSchedPolicyGroupTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tHsSchedPolicyGroupTblLstChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the HS (High Scale) scheduler policy group table." ::= { tQosHsTableLastChangedObjects 4 } tHsPoolPolicyTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tHsPoolPolicyTblLstChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the HS (High Scale) pool policy table." ::= { tQosHsTableLastChangedObjects 5 } tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolTblLstChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the HS (High Scale) pool policy root pool table." ::= { tQosHsTableLastChangedObjects 6 } tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolTblLstChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the HS (High Scale) pool policy mid pool table." ::= { tQosHsTableLastChangedObjects 7 } tHsPortPoolPolicyTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tHsPortPoolPolicyTblLstChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the HS (High Scale) port pool policy table." ::= { tQosHsTableLastChangedObjects 8 } tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolTblLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolTblLstChg indicates the timestamp of last change to the HS (High Scale) port pool policy standard class pool table." ::= { tQosHsTableLastChangedObjects 9 } tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolTblLstChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolTblLstChg indicates the timestamp of last change to the HS (High Scale) port pool policy alternate class pool table." ::= { tQosHsTableLastChangedObjects 10 } tHsAttachPlcyTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tHsAttachPlcyTblLstChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the HS (High Scale) attachment policy table." ::= { tQosHsTableLastChangedObjects 11 } tHsAttachPlcyQueueTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tHsAttachPlcyQueueTblLstChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the HS (High Scale) attachment policy queue table." ::= { tQosHsTableLastChangedObjects 12 } tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpTblLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpTblLstChgd indicates the timestamp of last change to the HS (High Scale) attachment policy WRR (Weighted Round Robin) group table." ::= { tQosHsTableLastChangedObjects 13 } tQosHsConfigObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosHsObjects 2 } tHsSchedPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF THsSchedPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tHsSchedPolicyTable has an entry for each HS scheduler policy configured on this system." ::= { tQosHsConfigObjects 2 } tHsSchedPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsSchedPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular HS scheduler policy. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tHsSchedPolicyName } ::= { tHsSchedPolicyTable 1 } THsSchedPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tHsSchedPolicyName TNamedItem, tHsSchedPolicyRowStatus RowStatus, tHsSchedPolicyLastChanged TimeStamp, tHsSchedPolicyDescription TItemDescription, tHsSchedPolicyMaxRate THsPirRate } tHsSchedPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsSchedPolicyName specifies the name of the HS scheduler policy." ::= { tHsSchedPolicyEntry 1 } tHsSchedPolicyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsSchedPolicyRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of HS scheduler policies." ::= { tHsSchedPolicyEntry 2 } tHsSchedPolicyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsSchedPolicyLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tHsSchedPolicyEntry 3 } tHsSchedPolicyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsSchedPolicyDescription specifies the description of this HS scheduling policy." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tHsSchedPolicyEntry 4 } tHsSchedPolicyMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsPirRate UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsSchedPolicyMaxRate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, of this HS scheduler policy." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tHsSchedPolicyEntry 6 } tHsSchdPolicySchdClassTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF THsSchdPolicySchdClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tHsSchdPolicySchdClassTable has an entry for each HS scheduler policy scheduling class configured on this system." ::= { tQosHsConfigObjects 3 } tHsSchdPolicySchdClassEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsSchdPolicySchdClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular HS scheduler policy scheduling class. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tHsSchedPolicyName, tHsSchdPolicySchdClass } ::= { tHsSchdPolicySchdClassTable 1 } THsSchdPolicySchdClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tHsSchdPolicySchdClass Unsigned32, tHsSchdPolicySchdClassRowStatus RowStatus, tHsSchdPolicySchdClassLastChngd TimeStamp, tHsSchdPolicySchdClassType INTEGER, tHsSchdPolicySchdClassRate THsPirRate, tHsSchdPolicySchdClassGrpId THsSchedulerPolicyGroupId, tHsSchdPolicySchdClassWghtInGrp THsSchedulerPolicyWeight } tHsSchdPolicySchdClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..6) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsSchdPolicySchdClass specifies the scheduling class for HS scheduler policy." ::= { tHsSchdPolicySchdClassEntry 1 } tHsSchdPolicySchdClassRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsSchdPolicySchdClassRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of HS scheduler policy scheduling class." ::= { tHsSchdPolicySchdClassEntry 2 } tHsSchdPolicySchdClassLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsSchdPolicySchdClassLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tHsSchdPolicySchdClassEntry 3 } tHsSchdPolicySchdClassType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rate (1), group (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsSchdPolicySchdClassType specifies whether the rate configuration, specified by tHsSchdPolicySchdClassRate, or the group and weight configuration, specified by tHsSchdPolicySchdClassGrpId and tHsSchdPolicySchdClassWghtInGrp is valid." DEFVAL { rate } ::= { tHsSchdPolicySchdClassEntry 4 } tHsSchdPolicySchdClassRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsPirRate UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsSchdPolicySchdClassRate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HS scheduler policy scheduling class. An inconsistent value error is returned if the value of object tHsSchdPolicySchdClassRate is set to non-default value and the value of object tHsSchdPolicySchdClassType is set to 'group (2)'. Setting tHsSchdPolicySchdClassRate to any value (including default) while tHsSchdPolicySchdClassGrpId is non-default, results in tHsSchdPolicySchdClassGrpId being set to default, and tHsSchdPolicySchdClassWghtInGrp being set to default." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tHsSchdPolicySchdClassEntry 6 } tHsSchdPolicySchdClassGrpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsSchedulerPolicyGroupId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsSchdPolicySchdClassGrpId specifies the group this HS scheduler policy scheduling class belongs to. If the value is '0', this scheduling class is not assigned to a scheduler policy group. An inconsistent value error is returned if the value of object tHsSchdPolicySchdClassGrpId is set to non-default value and the value of object tHsSchdPolicySchdClassType is set to 'rate (1)'. Setting tHsSchdPolicySchdClassGrpId to non-default value while tHsSchdPolicySchdClassRate is non-default, results in tHsSchdPolicySchdClassRate being set to default." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsSchdPolicySchdClassEntry 7 } tHsSchdPolicySchdClassWghtInGrp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsSchedulerPolicyWeight MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsSchdPolicySchdClassWghtInGrp specifies the weight the HS scheduler policy should apply to this scheduling class within the group it belongs to. The value of tHsSchdPolicySchdClassWghtInGrp will only be used if this scheduling class has been assigned to a group by setting tHsSchdPolicySchdClassGrpId to a non-default value. An inconsistent value error is returned if the value of object tHsSchdPolicySchdClassWghtInGrp is set to non-default value and the value of object tHsSchdPolicySchdClassType is set to 'rate (1)'. The value of tHsSchdPolicySchdClassWghtInGrp is only allowed to be non-default when tHsSchdPolicySchdClassGrpId is non-default." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsSchdPolicySchdClassEntry 8 } tHsSchedPolicyGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF THsSchedPolicyGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tHsSchedPolicyGroupTable has an entry for each HS scheduler policy group configured on this system." ::= { tQosHsConfigObjects 4 } tHsSchedPolicyGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsSchedPolicyGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular HS scheduler policy group. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tHsSchedPolicyName, tHsSchedPolicyGrpId } ::= { tHsSchedPolicyGroupTable 1 } THsSchedPolicyGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tHsSchedPolicyGrpId THsSchedulerPolicyGroupId, tHsSchedPolicyGroupRowStatus RowStatus, tHsSchedPolicyGroupLastChanged TimeStamp, tHsSchedPolicyGroupRate THsPirRate } tHsSchedPolicyGrpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsSchedulerPolicyGroupId (1) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsSchedPolicyGrpId specifies the group for HS scheduler policy. Setting the value of zero (0) is not allowed and a noCreation error will be returned" ::= { tHsSchedPolicyGroupEntry 1 } tHsSchedPolicyGroupRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsSchedPolicyGroupRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of HS scheduler policy group." ::= { tHsSchedPolicyGroupEntry 2 } tHsSchedPolicyGroupLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsSchedPolicyGroupLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tHsSchedPolicyGroupEntry 3 } tHsSchedPolicyGroupRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsPirRate UNITS "megabps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsSchedPolicyGroupRate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, of this HS scheduler policy group." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tHsSchedPolicyGroupEntry 5 } tHsPoolPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF THsPoolPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tHsPoolPolicyTable has an entry for each HS pool policy configured on this system." ::= { tQosHsConfigObjects 5 } tHsPoolPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsPoolPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular HS pool policy. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tHsPoolPolicyName } ::= { tHsPoolPolicyTable 1 } THsPoolPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tHsPoolPolicyName TNamedItem, tHsPoolPolicyRowStatus RowStatus, tHsPoolPolicyLastChanged TimeStamp, tHsPoolPolicyDescription TItemDescription, tHsPoolPolicySystemReserve Unsigned32 } tHsPoolPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPoolPolicyName specifies the name of the HS pool policy." ::= { tHsPoolPolicyEntry 1 } tHsPoolPolicyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPoolPolicyRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of HS pool policies." ::= { tHsPoolPolicyEntry 2 } tHsPoolPolicyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPoolPolicyLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tHsPoolPolicyEntry 3 } tHsPoolPolicyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPoolPolicyDescription specifies the description of this HS pool policy." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tHsPoolPolicyEntry 4 } tHsPoolPolicySystemReserve OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (100..3000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPoolPolicySystemReserve specifies the percentage of HS buffers that will be reserved for internal system use. When this value is set, all the provisioned buffer pool allocation sizes will be re-evaluated. This includes the port class allocations specified by indirectly by tmnxPortIngPoolPercentRate and tmnxPortEgrPoolPercentRate, and root and mid pools specified indirectly by tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolAllocWght and tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolAllocPrcnt." DEFVAL { 500 } ::= { tHsPoolPolicyEntry 5 } tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF THsPoolPolicyRootPoolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolTable has an entry for each HS pool policy root pool configured on this system." ::= { tQosHsConfigObjects 6 } tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsPoolPolicyRootPoolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular HS root pool policy. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tHsPoolPolicyName, tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolId } ::= { tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolTable 1 } THsPoolPolicyRootPoolEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolId Unsigned32, tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolRowStatus RowStatus, tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolLstChanged TimeStamp, tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolAllocWght Unsigned32, tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolSlopePlcy TNamedItemOrEmpty } tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..16) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolId specifies the root-pool identifier for the HS root pool policy." ::= { tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolEntry 1 } tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of HS pool policies." ::= { tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolEntry 2 } tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolLstChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolLstChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolEntry 3 } tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolAllocWght OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolAllocWght specifies the weight applied to the root pool and is divided by the sum of all root pool weights to derive the pool's buffer allocation factor. The default value of this object is 100 when the value of tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolId is equal to 1 and supports the range of 1..100." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolEntry 4 } tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolSlopePlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolSlopePlcy specifies the slope policy associated with this root pool." DEFVAL { "_tmnx_hs_default" } ::= { tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolEntry 5 } tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF THsPoolPolicyMidPoolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolTable has an entry for each HS pool policy mid pool configured on this system." ::= { tQosHsConfigObjects 7 } tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsPoolPolicyMidPoolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular HS mid pool policy. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tHsPoolPolicyName, tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolId } ::= { tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolTable 1 } THsPoolPolicyMidPoolEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolId Unsigned32, tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolRowStatus RowStatus, tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolLstChanged TimeStamp, tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolRootParent Unsigned32, tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolSlopePlcy TNamedItemOrEmpty, tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolAllocPrcnt Unsigned32, tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolOvrSubFactr Unsigned32 } tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..16) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolId specifies the mid-pool identifier for the HS mid pool policy." ::= { tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolEntry 1 } tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of HS pool policies." ::= { tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolEntry 2 } tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolLstChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolLstChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolEntry 3 } tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolRootParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..16) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolRootParent specifies the root pool to which this pool is associated. The value of 0 means no root parent exists for this mid-pool." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolEntry 4 } tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolSlopePlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolSlopePlcy specifies the slope policy associated with this root pool." DEFVAL { "_tmnx_hs_default" } ::= { tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolEntry 5 } tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolAllocPrcnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolAllocPrcnt specifies, indirectly, the size of the mid pool. The specified percentage, in centipercent, determines what percentage of the root pool with which it is associated, as specified by tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolRootParent, will be available to this class. The sum of the mid pool percentages for a root pool may exceed 100 percent(10000 centipercent), allowing the root pool to be oversubscribed. The sum of the mid pool percentages for a root pool may also total less than 100 percent, allowing the root pool to be undersubscribed." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolEntry 6 } tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolOvrSubFactr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolOvrSubFactr specifies the factor by which port bandwidth can be over subscribed." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolEntry 7 } tHsPortPoolPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF THsPortPoolPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tHsPortPoolPolicyTable has an entry for each HS pool policy configured on this system." ::= { tQosHsConfigObjects 8 } tHsPortPoolPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsPortPoolPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular HS port pool policy. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tHsPortPoolPolicyName } ::= { tHsPortPoolPolicyTable 1 } THsPortPoolPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tHsPortPoolPolicyName TNamedItem, tHsPortPoolPolicyRowStatus RowStatus, tHsPortPoolPolicyLastChanged TimeStamp, tHsPortPoolPolicyDescription TItemDescription } tHsPortPoolPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolPolicyName specifies the name of the HS port pool policy." ::= { tHsPortPoolPolicyEntry 1 } tHsPortPoolPolicyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolPolicyRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of HS port pool policies." ::= { tHsPortPoolPolicyEntry 2 } tHsPortPoolPolicyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolPolicyLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tHsPortPoolPolicyEntry 3 } tHsPortPoolPolicyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolPolicyDescription specifies the description of this HS port pool policy." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tHsPortPoolPolicyEntry 4 } tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF THsPortPoolStdClssPoolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolTable has an entry for each HS port pool policy class pool configured on this system." ::= { tQosHsConfigObjects 9 } tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsPortPoolStdClssPoolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular HS class pool port policy. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tHsPortPoolPolicyName, tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolId } ::= { tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolTable 1 } THsPortPoolStdClssPoolEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolId Unsigned32, tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolRowStatus RowStatus, tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolLstChgd TimeStamp, tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolParent Unsigned32, tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolAllocType INTEGER, tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolPrcnt Unsigned32, tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolBwWght Unsigned32, tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolSlopePlcy TNamedItemOrEmpty } tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..6) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolId specifies the class pool identifier for the HS class port pool policy." ::= { tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolEntry 1 } tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of HS class port pool policies." ::= { tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolEntry 2 } tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolLstChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolEntry 3 } tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..16) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolParent specifies mid-pool parent specified by tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolId. The value of 0 specifies that no mid-pool parent exists." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolEntry 4 } tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolAllocType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { portBwWeight (1), explicitPercent (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolAllocType specifies whether the allocation explicit-percent configured, specified by tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolPrcnt, or the port-bandwidth-weight configuration, specified by tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolBwWght is valid." DEFVAL { portBwWeight } ::= { tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolEntry 5 } tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolPrcnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolPrcnt specifies the percentage of parent pool being allocated. An inconsistent value error is returned if the value of object tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolPrcnt is set to non-default value and the value of object tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolAllocType is set to 'portBwWeight (1)'. Setting tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolPrcnt to non-default value while tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolBwWght is non-default, results in tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolBwWght being set to default." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolEntry 6 } tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolBwWght OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolBwWght specifies port bandwidth shared weight being allocated. An inconsistent value error is returned if the value of object tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolBwWght is set to non-default value and the value of object tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolAllocType is set to 'explicitPercent (2)'. Setting tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolBwWght to any value (including default) while tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolPrcnt is non-default, results in tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolPrcnt being set to default." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolEntry 7 } tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolSlopePlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolSlopePlcy specifies the slope policy associated with this class port pool." DEFVAL { "_tmnx_hs_default" } ::= { tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolEntry 8 } tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF THsPortPoolAltClssPoolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolTable has an entry for each HS port pool policy class pool configured on this system." ::= { tQosHsConfigObjects 10 } tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsPortPoolAltClssPoolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular HS class pool port policy. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tHsPortPoolPolicyName, tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolId } ::= { tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolTable 1 } THsPortPoolAltClssPoolEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolId Unsigned32, tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolRowStatus RowStatus, tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolLstChgd TimeStamp, tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolParent Unsigned32, tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolAllocType INTEGER, tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolPrcnt Unsigned32, tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolBwWght Unsigned32, tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolSlopePlcy TNamedItemOrEmpty } tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..6) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolId specifies the alternate class pool identifier for the HS alternate class port pool policy." ::= { tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolEntry 1 } tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of HS alternate class port pool policies." ::= { tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolEntry 2 } tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolLstChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolEntry 3 } tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..16) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolParent specifies mid-pool parent specified by tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolId. The value of 0 specifies that no mid-pool parent exists." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolEntry 4 } tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolAllocType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { portBwWeight (1), explicitPercent (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolAllocType specifies whether the allocation explicit-percent configured, specified by tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolPrcnt, or the port-bandwidth-weight configuration, specified by tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolBwWght is valid." DEFVAL { portBwWeight } ::= { tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolEntry 5 } tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolPrcnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolPrcnt specifies the percentage of parent pool being allocated. An inconsistent value error is returned if the value of object tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolPrcnt is set to non-default value and the value of object tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolAllocType is set to 'portBwWeight (1)'. Setting tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolPrcnt to non-default value while tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolBwWght is non-default, results in tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolBwWght being set to default." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolEntry 6 } tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolBwWght OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolBwWght specifies port bandwidth shared weight being allocated. An inconsistent value error is returned if the value of object tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolBwWght is set to non-default value and the value of object tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolAllocType is set to 'explicitPercent (2)'. Setting tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolBwWght to any value (including default) while tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolPrcnt is non-default, results in tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolPrcnt being set to default." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolEntry 7 } tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolSlopePlcy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolSlopePlcy specifies the slope policy associated with this class port pool." DEFVAL { "_tmnx_hs_default" } ::= { tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolEntry 8 } tHsAttachPlcyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF THsAttachPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tHsAttachPlcyTable has an entry for each HS attachment policy configured on this system." ::= { tQosHsConfigObjects 11 } tHsAttachPlcyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsAttachPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular HS attachment policy. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tHsAttachPlcyName } ::= { tHsAttachPlcyTable 1 } THsAttachPlcyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tHsAttachPlcyName TNamedItem, tHsAttachPlcyRowStatus RowStatus, tHsAttachPlcyLastChanged TimeStamp, tHsAttachPlcyDescription TItemDescription, tHsAttachPlcyLowBurstMaxClass Unsigned32 } tHsAttachPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsAttachPlcyName specifies the name of the HS attachment policy." ::= { tHsAttachPlcyEntry 1 } tHsAttachPlcyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsAttachPlcyRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of HS attachment policies." ::= { tHsAttachPlcyEntry 2 } tHsAttachPlcyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsAttachPlcyLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tHsAttachPlcyEntry 3 } tHsAttachPlcyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsAttachPlcyDescription specifies the description of this HS attachment policy." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tHsAttachPlcyEntry 4 } tHsAttachPlcyLowBurstMaxClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..6) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsAttachPlcyLowBurstMaxClass specifies which class should use the low priority burst threshold. All classes starting from 1, up to and including that specified by tHsAttachPlcyLowBurstMaxClass use the low priority burst threshold. All classes greater than the value of tHsAttachPlcyLowBurstMaxClass up to and including class 6 use the high priority burst threshold." DEFVAL { 6 } ::= { tHsAttachPlcyEntry 5 } tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF THsAttachPlcyWrrGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpTable has an entry for each HS attachment policy WRR group configured on this system." ::= { tQosHsConfigObjects 12 } tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsAttachPlcyWrrGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular HS attachment policy WRR group. Entries cannot be created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tHsAttachPlcyName, tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpId } ::= { tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpTable 1 } THsAttachPlcyWrrGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpId Unsigned32, tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpRowStatus RowStatus, tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpLastChanged TimeStamp, tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpMappingType INTEGER, tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpSchedClassId Integer32 } tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpId specifies the WRR group identifier for the HS attachment policy WRR group." ::= { tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpEntry 1 } tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of HS WRR group attachment policies." ::= { tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpEntry 2 } tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpEntry 3 } tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpMappingType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { schedClass (1), unattached (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpMappingType specifies the type of mapping associated with this HS WRR group attachment policy. An inconsistent value error is returned if the value of object tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpSchedClassId is set to non-default value and the value of object is tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpMappingType is set to 'unattached (3)'." DEFVAL { unattached } ::= { tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpEntry 4 } tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpSchedClassId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..6) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpSchedClassId specifies the scheduling class that is associated with this HS WRR group attachment policy. The value of -1 specifies that no scheduling class is associated with the WRR group." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpEntry 5 } tHsAttachPlcyQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF THsAttachPlcyQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tHsAttachPlcyQueueTable has an entry for each HS attachment policy queue configured on this system." ::= { tQosHsConfigObjects 13 } tHsAttachPlcyQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX THsAttachPlcyQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular HS attachment policy queue. Entries cannot be created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tHsAttachPlcyName, tHsAttachPlcyQueueId } ::= { tHsAttachPlcyQueueTable 1 } THsAttachPlcyQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tHsAttachPlcyQueueId Unsigned32, tHsAttachPlcyQueueRowStatus RowStatus, tHsAttachPlcyQueueLastChanged TimeStamp, tHsAttachPlcyQueueMappingType INTEGER, tHsAttachPlcyQueueSchedClassId Integer32, tHsAttachPlcyQueueWrrGroupId Integer32 } tHsAttachPlcyQueueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsAttachPlcyQueueId specifies the queue identifier for the HS attachment policy queue." ::= { tHsAttachPlcyQueueEntry 1 } tHsAttachPlcyQueueRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsAttachPlcyQueueRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of HS queue attachment policies." ::= { tHsAttachPlcyQueueEntry 2 } tHsAttachPlcyQueueLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsAttachPlcyQueueLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this entry. If no changes were made to the entry since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." ::= { tHsAttachPlcyQueueEntry 3 } tHsAttachPlcyQueueMappingType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { schedClass (1), wrrGroup (2), unattached (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsAttachPlcyQueueMappingType specifies the type of mapping associated with this HS queue attachment policy. An inconsistent value error is returned if the value of object tHsAttachPlcyQueueSchedClassId or tHsAttachPlcyQueueWrrGroupId is set to non-default value and the value of object is tHsAttachPlcyQueueMappingType is set to 'unattached (3)'." DEFVAL { unattached } ::= { tHsAttachPlcyQueueEntry 4 } tHsAttachPlcyQueueSchedClassId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..6) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsAttachPlcyQueueSchedClassId specifies the scheduling class associated with this HS queue attachment policy. The value of -1 specifies that no scheduling class is associated with the queue. An inconsistent value error is returned if the value of object tHsAttachPlcyQueueSchedClassId is set to non-default value and the value of object is tHsAttachPlcyQueueMappingType is set to 'wrrGroup (2)' or 'unattached (3)'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsAttachPlcyQueueEntry 5 } tHsAttachPlcyQueueWrrGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..2) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tHsAttachPlcyQueueWrrGroupId specifies the wrr group associated with this HS queue attachment policy. The value of -1 specifies that no WRR group is associated with the queue. An inconsistent value error is returned if the value of object tHsAttachPlcyQueueWrrGroupId is set to non-default value and the value of object is tHsAttachPlcyQueueMappingType is set to 'schedClass (1)' or 'unattached (3)'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tHsAttachPlcyQueueEntry 6 } tQosPostPolicerMappingObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 32 } tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyTable contains an entry for each post policer mapping policy defined in the QoS area." ::= { tQosPostPolicerMappingObjects 1 } tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about post policer mapping policy defined in the QoS area. Entries are created and deleted by user." INDEX { tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyName } ::= { tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyTable 1 } TQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyName TNamedItem, tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyRowStatus RowStatus, tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyLstChgd TimeStamp, tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyDescr TItemDescription } tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyName specifies the the post policer mapping policy name." ::= { tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyEntry 1 } tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of post policer mapping policy entries." ::= { tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyEntry 2 } tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyLstChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this row. If no changes were made to the row since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyEntry 3 } tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyDescr specifies the description of the post policer mapping policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyEntry 4 } tQosPostPlcrMappingTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosPostPlcrMappingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tQosPostPlcrMappingTable contains FC and Profile mapping information for an egress policed traffic that is mapped to another FC and profile." ::= { tQosPostPolicerMappingObjects 2 } tQosPostPlcrMappingEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosPostPlcrMappingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mapping information about FC and Profile for an egress policed traffic that is mapped to another FC and profile." INDEX { tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyName, tQosPostPlcrMappingFcName, tQosPostPlcrMappingProfile } ::= { tQosPostPlcrMappingTable 1 } TQosPostPlcrMappingEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosPostPlcrMappingFcName TFCType, tQosPostPlcrMappingProfile TEgressProfile, tQosPostPlcrMappingRowStatus RowStatus, tQosPostPlcrMappingLstChgd TimeStamp, tQosPostPlcrMappingMappedFcName TFCTypeOrNone, tQosPostPlcrMappingMappedProfile TEgressProfileOrNone } tQosPostPlcrMappingFcName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPostPlcrMappingFcName specifies the FC (Forwarding Class) which is mapped to another FC specified by tQosPostPlcrMappingMappedFcName." ::= { tQosPostPlcrMappingEntry 1 } tQosPostPlcrMappingProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressProfile MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPostPlcrMappingProfile specifies the profile marking of a packet which is mapped to another profile specified by tQosPostPlcrMappingMappedProfile." ::= { tQosPostPlcrMappingEntry 2 } tQosPostPlcrMappingRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPostPlcrMappingRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of FC and profile mapping entries." ::= { tQosPostPlcrMappingEntry 3 } tQosPostPlcrMappingLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPostPlcrMappingLstChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this row. If no changes were made to the row since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosPostPlcrMappingEntry 4 } tQosPostPlcrMappingMappedFcName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCTypeOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPostPlcrMappingMappedFcName specifies the new FC, tQosPostPlcrMappingFcName is mapped to. The new FC is used to select the egress queue on which the post-policer traffic is placed." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tQosPostPlcrMappingEntry 5 } tQosPostPlcrMappingMappedProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressProfileOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosPostPlcrMappingMappedProfile specifies the new profile tQosPostPlcrMappingProfile is mapped to. The new profile is used to determine the congestion control handling in that queue that is applied to the traffic. The value of 'de' is not supported." DEFVAL { none } ::= { tQosPostPlcrMappingEntry 6 } tQGrpRedirectListObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 33 } tQosQGrpRedirctLstTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosQGrpRedirctLstEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tQosQGrpRedirctLstTable contains an entry for each queue-group redirect list which is used to redirect the traffic to different instances of a queue-group." ::= { tQGrpRedirectListObjects 1 } tQosQGrpRedirctLstEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQGrpRedirctLstEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about queue-group redirect list entries defined in QoS area. Entries are created and deleted by user." INDEX { tQosQGrpRedirctLstPolicyName } ::= { tQosQGrpRedirctLstTable 1 } TQosQGrpRedirctLstEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosQGrpRedirctLstPolicyName TNamedItem, tQosQGrpRedirctLstRowStatus RowStatus, tQosQGrpRedirctLstLastChanged TimeStamp, tQosQGrpRedirctLstType INTEGER } tQosQGrpRedirctLstPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosQGrpRedirctLstPolicyName specifies the queue-group redirect list policy name." ::= { tQosQGrpRedirctLstEntry 1 } tQosQGrpRedirctLstRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosQGrpRedirctLstRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of the queue-group redirect list entries." ::= { tQosQGrpRedirctLstEntry 2 } tQosQGrpRedirctLstLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosQGrpRedirctLstLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this row. If no changes were made to the row since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosQGrpRedirctLstEntry 3 } tQosQGrpRedirctLstType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { vxlanVni (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosQGrpRedirctLstType specifies the type of attribute used for matching fields in ingress or egress packet to redirect traffic to different queue-group instances." DEFVAL { vxlanVni } ::= { tQosQGrpRedirctLstEntry 4 } tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchTable contains an entry for each match condition, when satisfied redirects the packet to the specified queue-group instances." ::= { tQGrpRedirectListObjects 2 } tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about queue-group redirect list match condition entries defined in QoS area. Entries are created and deleted by user." INDEX { tQosQGrpRedirctLstPolicyName, tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchValue } ::= { tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchTable 1 } TQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchValue Unsigned32, tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchRowStatus RowStatus, tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchLstChgd TimeStamp, tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchInstId Unsigned32 } tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..16777215) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchValue specifies the the value of the field in the ingress or egress packet which, when matched, will redirect the packet to the queue-group instance specified by tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchInstId." ::= { tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchEntry 1 } tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of the queue-group redirect list match entries." ::= { tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchEntry 2 } tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchLstChgd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchLstChgd indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this row. If no changes were made to the row since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchEntry 3 } tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchInstId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchInstId specifies the instance of the queue-group template to which the traffic will be redirected. There is no default value for this object. It must be set at the time of row creation." ::= { tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchEntry 4 } tQosMdAutoIdGroupObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 34 } tQosMdAutoIdQosRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosMdAutoPolicyID MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tQosMdAutoIdQosRangeStart specifies start of the qos policy identifier range to be used in model-driven management interface." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosMdAutoIdGroupObjects 1 } tQosMdAutoIdQosRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosMdAutoPolicyID MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tQosMdAutoIdQosRangeEnd specifies end of the qos policy identifier range to be used in model-driven management interface." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosMdAutoIdGroupObjects 2 } tQosMdAutoIdSapIngressQosCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosMdAutoIDCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosMdAutoIdSapIngressQosCount indicates sap ingress qos policy identifiers in-use in model-driven management interface." ::= { tQosMdAutoIdGroupObjects 3 } tQosMdAutoIdSapEgressQosCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosMdAutoIDCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosMdAutoIdSapEgressQosCount indicates sap egress qos policy identifiers in-use in model-driven management interface." ::= { tQosMdAutoIdGroupObjects 4 } tQosMdAutoIdNetworkQosCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosMdAutoIDCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosMdAutoIdNetworkQosCount indicates network qos policy identifiers in-use in model-driven management interface." ::= { tQosMdAutoIdGroupObjects 5 } tEgrRmrkPlcyObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 35 } tEgrRmrkPlcyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TEgrRmrkPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about all egress-remark policies." ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyObjects 1 } tEgrRmrkPlcyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgrRmrkPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Egress remark Policy Entry" INDEX { tEgrRmrkPlcyName } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyTable 1 } TEgrRmrkPlcyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tEgrRmrkPlcyName TLNamedItem, tEgrRmrkPlcyRowStatus RowStatus, tEgrRmrkPlcyDescription TItemDescription, tEgrRmrkPlcyScope TItemScope, tEgrRmrkPlcyLastChanged TimeStamp, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1pMap TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDscpMap TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLspExpMap TLNamedItemOrEmpty } tEgrRmrkPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tEgrRmrkPlcyName specifies the name of the egress remark policy identifying the policy." ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyEntry 1 } tEgrRmrkPlcyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of this policy's entry." ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyEntry 2 } tEgrRmrkPlcyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "user-supplied description of this egress-remark policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyEntry 3 } tEgrRmrkPlcyScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemScope MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scope of the Egress-remark-policy." DEFVAL { template } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyEntry 4 } tEgrRmrkPlcyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tEgrRmrkPlcyTable." ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyEntry 5 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1pMap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1pMap specifies the value of dot1p fc map" DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyEntry 10 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDscpMap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDscpMap specifies the value of dscp fc map" DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyEntry 11 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLspExpMap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLspExpMap specifies the value of lsp-exp fc map" DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyEntry 12 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyObjects 2 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular egress-remark policy's forwarding class mappings to dot1p values. Entries are created/deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tEgrRmrkPlcyName, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCName } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCTable 1 } TEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCName TFCName, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCRowStatus RowStatus, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1PInProfile Dot1PPriority, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1POutProfile Dot1PPriority, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCForceDEValue TDEValue, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDEMark TruthValue, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCInProfDscp TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCOutProfDscp TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLspExpInProfile TLspExpValue, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLspExpOutProfile TLspExpValue, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLastChanged TimeStamp, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1PExceedProfile Dot1PPriority, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1PInPlusProfile Dot1PPriority, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCExceedDscp TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCInPlusDscp TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLspExpExceedProf TLspExpValue, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLspExpInPlusProf TLspExpValue } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "forwarding class name." ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry 1 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this FC." ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry 2 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1PInProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1PInProfile specifies 802.1p value to set for in-profile frames in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry 3 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1POutProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1POutProfile specifies 802.1p value to set for out-profile frames in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry 4 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCForceDEValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDEValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tEgrRmrkPlcyFCForceDEValue specifies the DE value to set for all the frames of this forwarding class regardless of frame's profile status." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry 5 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDEMark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDEMark specifies whether to set DE value in the frames of this forwarding class." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry 6 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCInProfDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tEgrRmrkPlcyFCInProfDscp specifies the DSCP name to set for in-profile frames in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry 7 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCOutProfDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tEgrRmrkPlcyFCOutProfDscp specifies the DSCP name to set for out-profile frames in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry 8 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLspExpInProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLspExpValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the lsp-exp value to used for in-profile traffic." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry 17 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLspExpOutProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLspExpValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the lsp-exp value to use for out-of-profile traffic." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry 18 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp of last change to this row in tEgrRmrkPlcyFCTable." ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry 19 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1PExceedProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1PExceedProfile specifies 802.1p value to set for exceed frames in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry 20 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1PInPlusProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1PInPlusProfile specifies 802.1p value to set for in-plus in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry 21 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCExceedDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tEgrRmrkPlcyFCExceedDscp specifies the DSCP name to set for exceed frames in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry 22 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCInPlusDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tEgrRmrkPlcyFCInPlusDscp specifies the DSCP name to set for in-plus in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry 23 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLspExpExceedProf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLspExpValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLspExpExceedProf specifies the lsp-exp value to be used for exceed profile traffic." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry 24 } tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLspExpInPlusProf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLspExpValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLspExpInPlusProf specifies the lsp-exp value to be used for in-plus profile traffic." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tEgrRmrkPlcyFCEntry 25 } tIngClassObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 36 } tIngClassPlcyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TIngClassPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of entries for the ingress classification policy indexed by tIngClassPlcyName." ::= { tIngClassObjects 1 } tIngClassPlcyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngClassPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Ingress classification policy Entries are created/deleted by user." INDEX { tIngClassPlcyName } ::= { tIngClassPlcyTable 1 } TIngClassPlcyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tIngClassPlcyName TLNamedItem, tIngClassPlcyRowStatus RowStatus, tIngClassPlcyDescription TItemDescription, tIngClassPlcyDscpExpRemark TruthValue, tIngClassPlcyDefActionFC TNamedItem, tIngClassPlcyDefActionProfile TWredSlopeProfile, tIngClassPlcyScope TItemScope, tIngClassPlcyLastChanged TimeStamp, tIngClassPlcyRemark TIngClassRemarkType, tIngClassPlcyDot1pFCMap TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tIngClassPlcyDscpFCMap TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tIngClassPlcyLspExpFCMap TLNamedItemOrEmpty, tIngClassPlcyAllowAttachment INTEGER } tIngClassPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ingress classification policy name used as index for the table." ::= { tIngClassPlcyEntry 1 } tIngClassPlcyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tIngClassPlcyEntry 2 } tIngClassPlcyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyDescription specifies the user provided description of the policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIngClassPlcyEntry 3 } tIngClassPlcyDscpExpRemark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyDscpExpRemark specifies whether to enable/disable dscp-exp-remarking of the policy. This parameter is deprecated and replaced with remark" DEFVAL { true } ::= { tIngClassPlcyEntry 4 } tIngClassPlcyDefActionFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyDefActionFC specifies the forwarding class or the sub forwarding class to be used for this ingress classification policy. Specification of a sub forwarding class is also allowed. The format of a sub forwarding class is the concatenation of the base forwarding class and a sub class identifier in the form base-fc-name[.sub-fc-name] To reference a sub forwarding class, the mapping of the sub forwarding class should be existing in this QoS policy. Unless tIngClassPlcyDefActionFC is specified explicitly, this match will be ignored for classification purposes." DEFVAL { "be" } ::= { tIngClassPlcyEntry 5 } tIngClassPlcyDefActionProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWredSlopeProfile MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyDefActionProfile specifies the default profile assigned to the incoming packet." DEFVAL { out } ::= { tIngClassPlcyEntry 6 } tIngClassPlcyScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemScope MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyScope specifies the scope of this ingress classification policy" DEFVAL { template } ::= { tIngClassPlcyEntry 7 } tIngClassPlcyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyLastChanged specificies the timestamp of last change to this row in tIngClassPlcyTable." ::= { tIngClassPlcyEntry 8 } tIngClassPlcyRemark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngClassRemarkType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyRemark specifies the fields that can be remarked on the classified packets dot1p-exp - only dot1p and exp can be remarked any - dot1p, dscp and exp can be remarked." DEFVAL { any } ::= { tIngClassPlcyEntry 9 } tIngClassPlcyDot1pFCMap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyDot1pFCMap specifies the value of dot1p fc map" DEFVAL { "default" } ::= { tIngClassPlcyEntry 10 } tIngClassPlcyDscpFCMap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyDscpFCMap specifies the value of dscp fc map" DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tIngClassPlcyEntry 11 } tIngClassPlcyLspExpFCMap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyLspExpFCMap specifies the value of lsp-exp fc map" DEFVAL { "" } ::= { tIngClassPlcyEntry 12 } tIngClassPlcyAllowAttachment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { any (1), non-epipe (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyAllowAttachment determines qos profile attachment on epipe SAP Any : Epipe SAPs can only refer to maps that are tagged as any Non-epipe : Epipe SAPs cannot refer to maps that are tagged non-epipe" DEFVAL { any } ::= { tIngClassPlcyEntry 13 } tIngClassPlcyDot1pFCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TIngClassPlcyDot1pFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of all dot1p entries for the ingress classification policy indexed by tIngClassPlcyName and tIngClassPlcyDot1PValue." ::= { tIngClassObjects 2 } tIngClassPlcyDot1pFCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngClassPlcyDot1pFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular dot1p match for the ingress-classification policy. Entries are created by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tIngClassPlcyName, tIngClassPlcyDot1PValue } ::= { tIngClassPlcyDot1pFCTable 1 } TIngClassPlcyDot1pFCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tIngClassPlcyDot1PValue Dot1PPriority, tIngClassPlcyDot1PRowStatus RowStatus, tIngClassPlcyDot1PFC TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIngClassPlcyDot1PProfile TDEWredSlopeProfile, tIngClassPlcyDot1pLastChanged TimeStamp } tIngClassPlcyDot1PValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority (0..7) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyDot1PValue specifies dot1p value to match in the packet. This value is also used as an index so that for any dot1p value there is only one possible disposition queue and priority." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIngClassPlcyDot1pFCEntry 1 } tIngClassPlcyDot1PRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this dot1p value to fc entry." ::= { tIngClassPlcyDot1pFCEntry 2 } tIngClassPlcyDot1PFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tIngClassPlcyDot1PFC specifies the forwarding class or the sub forwarding class to be used to classify all the traffic that matches the specific Dot1p i.e. tIngClassPlcyDot1PValue. Specification of a sub forwarding class is also allowed. The format of a sub forwarding class is the concatenation of the base forwarding class and a sub class identifier in the form base-fc-name[.sub-fc-name] To reference a sub forwarding class, the mapping of the sub forwarding class should be existing in this QoS policy. Unless tIngClassPlcyDot1PFC is specified explicitly, this match will be ignored for classification purposes." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIngClassPlcyDot1pFCEntry 3 } tIngClassPlcyDot1PProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDEWredSlopeProfile MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyDot1PProfile specifies dot1p profile to use for packets that match the dot1p value tIngClassPlcyDot1PValue." DEFVAL { in } ::= { tIngClassPlcyDot1pFCEntry 4 } tIngClassPlcyDot1pLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyDot1pLastChanged specificies the timestamp of last change to this row in tIngClassPlcyDot1pFCTable." ::= { tIngClassPlcyDot1pFCEntry 5 } tIngClassPlcyDSCPFCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TIngClassPlcyDSCPFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of all dscp entries for the ingress classification policy indexed by tIngClassPlcyName and tIngClassPlcyDSCPFCTable." ::= { tIngClassObjects 3 } tIngClassPlcyDSCPFCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngClassPlcyDSCPFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular dscp match for the ingress-classification policy. Entries are created by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tIngClassPlcyName, tIngClassPlcyDSCPName } ::= { tIngClassPlcyDSCPFCTable 1 } TIngClassPlcyDSCPFCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tIngClassPlcyDSCPName TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tIngClassPlcyDSCPRowStatus RowStatus, tIngClassPlcyDSCPFC TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIngClassPlcyDSCPProfile TWredSlopeProfile, tIngClassPlcyDSCPLastChanged TimeStamp } tIngClassPlcyDSCPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyDSCPName specifies the dscp value to match in the packet. This value is also used as an index so that for any dscp value there is only one possible disposition queue and priority." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIngClassPlcyDSCPFCEntry 1 } tIngClassPlcyDSCPRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this dscp value to fc entry." ::= { tIngClassPlcyDSCPFCEntry 2 } tIngClassPlcyDSCPFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyDSCPFC specifies the forwarding class or the sub forwarding class to be used to classify all the traffic that matches the specific dscp i.e. tIngClassPlcyDSCPName. Specification of a sub forwarding class is also allowed. The format of a sub forwarding class is the concatenation of the base forwarding class and a sub class identifier in the form base-fc-name[.sub-fc-name] To reference a sub forwarding class, the mapping of the sub forwarding class should be existing in this QoS policy. Unless tIngClassPlcyDSCPFC is specified explicitly, this match will be ignored for classification purposes." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIngClassPlcyDSCPFCEntry 3 } tIngClassPlcyDSCPProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWredSlopeProfile MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyDSCPProfile specifies the dscp profile to use for packets that match the dscp value tIngClassPlcyDSCPName." DEFVAL { in } ::= { tIngClassPlcyDSCPFCEntry 4 } tIngClassPlcyDSCPLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyDSCPLastChanged specificies the timestamp of last change to this row in tIngClassPlcyDSCPFCTable." ::= { tIngClassPlcyDSCPFCEntry 5 } tIngClassPlcyLspExpFCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TIngClassPlcyLspExpFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of all lsp-exp entries for the ingress classification policy indexed by tIngClassPlcyName and tIngClassPlcyLspExpValue." ::= { tIngClassObjects 4 } tIngClassPlcyLspExpFCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngClassPlcyLspExpFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular lsp-exp match for the ingress-classification policy. Entries are created by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tIngClassPlcyName, tIngClassPlcyLspExpValue } ::= { tIngClassPlcyLspExpFCTable 1 } TIngClassPlcyLspExpFCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tIngClassPlcyLspExpValue TLspExpValue, tIngClassPlcyLspExpRowStatus RowStatus, tIngClassPlcyLspExpFC TNamedItemOrEmpty, tIngClassPlcyLspExpProfile TWredSlopeProfile, tIngClassPlcyLspExpLastChanged TimeStamp } tIngClassPlcyLspExpValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLspExpValue (0..7) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyLspExpValue specifies the lsp exp value to match in the packet. This value is also used as an index so that for any lsp-exp value there is only one possible disposition queue and priority." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tIngClassPlcyLspExpFCEntry 1 } tIngClassPlcyLspExpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this lsp-exp value to fc entry." ::= { tIngClassPlcyLspExpFCEntry 2 } tIngClassPlcyLspExpFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyLspExpFC specifies the forwarding class or the sub forwarding class to be used to classify all the traffic that matches the specific lsp-exp i.e. tIngClassPlcyLspExpValue. Specification of a sub forwarding class is also allowed. The format of a sub forwarding class is the concatenation of the base forwarding class and a sub class identifier in the form base-fc-name[.sub-fc-name] To reference a sub forwarding class, the mapping of the sub forwarding class should be existing in this QoS policy. Unless tIngClassPlcyLspExpFC is specified explicitly, this match will be ignored for classification purposes." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tIngClassPlcyLspExpFCEntry 3 } tIngClassPlcyLspExpProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWredSlopeProfile MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyLspExpProfile specifies the lsp exp profile to use for packets that match the lsp-exp value tIngClassPlcyLspExpValue." DEFVAL { in } ::= { tIngClassPlcyLspExpFCEntry 4 } tIngClassPlcyLspExpLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tIngClassPlcyLspExpLastChanged specificies the timestamp of last change to this row in tIngClassPlcyLspExpFCTable." ::= { tIngClassPlcyLspExpFCEntry 5 } tQosFpResourcePolicyObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 37 } tQosFpResourcePolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosFpResourcePolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tQosFpResourcePolicyTable contains an entry for each FP resource policy which is used to reallocate the hardware queues dynamically between ingress and egress." ::= { tQosFpResourcePolicyObjects 1 } tQosFpResourcePolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosFpResourcePolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about FP resource policy entries defined in QoS area. Entries are created and deleted by user." INDEX { tQosFpResourcePolicyName } ::= { tQosFpResourcePolicyTable 1 } TQosFpResourcePolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosFpResourcePolicyName TLNamedItem, tQosFpResourcePolicyRowStatus RowStatus, tQosFpResourcePolicyLastChanged TimeStamp, tQosFpResourcePolicyDescription TItemDescription, tQosFpResPlcyQIngPrcntOfTotal Unsigned32, tQosFpResPlcyAggShapAutoCreate TruthValue, tQosFpResPlcyHwAggShapSubs TruthValue, tQosFpResPlcyPortsHqosMode INTEGER } tQosFpResourcePolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosFpResourcePolicyName specifies the FP resource policy name." ::= { tQosFpResourcePolicyEntry 1 } tQosFpResourcePolicyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosFpResourcePolicyRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of the FP resource policy entries." ::= { tQosFpResourcePolicyEntry 2 } tQosFpResourcePolicyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosFpResourcePolicyLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this row. If no changes were made to the row since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosFpResourcePolicyEntry 3 } tQosFpResourcePolicyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosFpResourcePolicyDescription specifies the user provided description of the policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosFpResourcePolicyEntry 4 } tQosFpResPlcyQIngPrcntOfTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (400..9700) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosFpResPlcyQIngPrcntOfTotal specifies the number of ingress queues which is configured as a percentage of the total available queues." DEFVAL { 5000 } ::= { tQosFpResourcePolicyEntry 5 } tQosFpResPlcyAggShapAutoCreate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosFpResPlcyAggShapAutoCreate specifies whether aggregate-shapers will be auto-created." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tQosFpResourcePolicyEntry 6 } tQosFpResPlcyHwAggShapSubs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosFpResPlcyHwAggShapSubs specifies whether hardware aggregate shapers are enabled for subscribers." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tQosFpResourcePolicyEntry 7 } tQosFpResPlcyPortsHqosMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { portScheduler (1), hwAggShaper (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosFpResPlcyPortsHqosMode specifies ports HQOS mode." DEFVAL { portScheduler } ::= { tQosFpResourcePolicyEntry 10 } tQosPortListObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 38 } tQosPortListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosPortListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tQosPortListTable contains an entry for each port list defined in the qos area." ::= { tQosPortListObjects 1 } tQosPortListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosPortListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tQosPortListTable." INDEX { IMPLIED tQosPortListName } ::= { tQosPortListTable 1 } TQosPortListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosPortListName TNamedItem, tQosPortListRowStatus RowStatus, tQosPortListLastChanged TimeStamp, tQosPortListDescription TItemDescription } tQosPortListName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tQosPortListName specifies the name given to this port list." ::= { tQosPortListEntry 1 } tQosPortListRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tQosPortListRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tQosPortListEntry 2 } tQosPortListLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tQosPortListLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this row. If no changes were made to the row since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosPortListEntry 3 } tQosPortListDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tQosPortListDescription specifies a description for this row." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosPortListEntry 4 } tQosPortListEntryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosPortListEntryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tQosPortListEntryTable contains an entry for each port defined in any port list defined in the qos area." ::= { tQosPortListObjects 2 } tQosPortListEntryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosPortListEntryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies an entry in the tQosPortListEntryTable. Two entries for the same port list must not overlap." INDEX { tQosPortListName, tQosPortListEntryPortLow, tQosPortListEntryPortHigh } ::= { tQosPortListEntryTable 1 } TQosPortListEntryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosPortListEntryPortLow TTcpUdpPort, tQosPortListEntryPortHigh TTcpUdpPort, tQosPortListEntryRowStatus RowStatus } tQosPortListEntryPortLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the lower value for the TCP/UDP port range. A value assigned to this object must be less than or equal to the value assigned to the corresponding object tQosPortListEntryPortHigh." ::= { tQosPortListEntryEntry 1 } tQosPortListEntryPortHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTcpUdpPort MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the higher value for the TCP/UDP port range. A value assigned to this object must be greater than or equal to the value assigned to the corresponding object tQosPortListEntryPortLow." ::= { tQosPortListEntryEntry 2 } tQosPortListEntryRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object tQosPortListEntryRowStatus specifies the status of this row." ::= { tQosPortListEntryEntry 3 } tPktByteOffsetObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 39 } tPktByteOffsetAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminStateUpDown MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tPktByteOffsetAdminStatus indicates the administrative status of internal header byte offset." DEFVAL { down } ::= { tPktByteOffsetObjects 1 } tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsTable contains the statistics for the traffic entering each SAP queue configured on a LAG." ::= { tQosObjects 40 } tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies an entry in tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsTable." INDEX { tNtwkLagId, tNtwkIngressQueueIndex } ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsTable 1 } TLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNtwkIngressQueueIndex TIngressQueueId, tNtwkLagId LAGInterfaceNumberOrZero, tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsIPFPkt Counter64, tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsIPFOct Counter64, tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsIPDPkt Counter64, tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsIPDOct Counter64, tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsOPFPkt Counter64, tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsOPFOct Counter64, tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsOPDPkt Counter64, tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsOPDOct Counter64 } tNtwkIngressQueueIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TIngressQueueId (1..32) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNtwkIngressQueueIndex indicates the queue ID of the network-ingress." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsEntry 1 } tNtwkLagId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LAGInterfaceNumberOrZero MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNtwkLagId indicates the LAG id the SAP is configured on." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsEntry 2 } tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsIPFPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsIPFPkt indicates the number of in-profile forwarded packets, as determined by the SAP ingress queue." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsEntry 3 } tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsIPFOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsIPFOct indicates the number of in-profile forwarded octets, as determined by the SAP ingress queue." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsEntry 4 } tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsIPDPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsIPDPkt indicates the number of in-profile dropped packets, as determined by the SAP ingress queue." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsEntry 5 } tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsIPDOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsIPDOct indicates the number of in-profile dropped octets, as determined by the SAP ingress queue." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsEntry 6 } tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsOPFPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsOPFPkt indicates the number of out-profile forwarded packets, as determined by the SAP ingress queue." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsEntry 7 } tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsOPFOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsOPFOct indicates the number of out-profile forwarded octets, as determined by the SAP ingress queue." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsEntry 8 } tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsOPDPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsOPDPkt indicates the number of out-profile dropped packets, as determined by the SAP ingress queue." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsEntry 9 } tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsOPDOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsOPDOct indicates the number of out-profile dropped octets, as determined by the SAP ingress queue." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsEntry 10 } tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsTable contains the statistics for the traffic entering each SAP queue configured on a LAG." ::= { tQosObjects 41 } tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies an entry in tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsTable." INDEX { tNtwkLagId, tNtwkEgressQueueIndex } ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsTable 1 } TLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tNtwkEgressQueueIndex TEgressQueueId, tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsIPFPkt Counter64, tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsIPFOct Counter64, tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsIPDPkt Counter64, tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsIPDOct Counter64, tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsOPFPkt Counter64, tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsOPFOct Counter64, tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsOPDPkt Counter64, tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsOPDOct Counter64 } tNtwkEgressQueueIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEgressQueueId (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tNtwkEgressQueueIndex indicates the number of a queue. Zero is not allowed." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsEntry 1 } tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsIPFPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsIPFPkt indicates the number of in-profile forwarded packets, as determined by the SAP egress queue." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsEntry 2 } tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsIPFOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsIPFOct indicates the number of in-profile forwarded octets, as determined by the SAP egress queue." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsEntry 3 } tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsIPDPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsIPDPkt indicates the number of in-profile dropped packets, as determined by the SAP egress queue." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsEntry 4 } tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsIPDOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsIPDOct indicates the number of in-profile dropped octets, as determined by the SAP egress queue." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsEntry 5 } tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsOPFPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsOPFPkt indicates the number of out-profile forwarded packets, as determined by the SAP egress queue." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsEntry 6 } tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsOPFOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsOPFOct indicates the number of out-profile forwarded octets, as determined by the SAP egress queue." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsEntry 7 } tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsOPDPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsOPDPkt indicates the number of out-profile dropped packets, as determined by the SAP egress queue." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsEntry 8 } tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsOPDOct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsOPDOct indicates the number of out-profile dropped octets, as determined by the SAP egress queue." ::= { tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsEntry 9 } tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 42 } tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyTable contains an entry for each hardware aggregate shaper scheduler policy configured on this system." ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyObjects 1 } tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about hardware aggregate shaper scheduler policy entries defined in QoS area. Entries are created and deleted by user." INDEX { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyName } ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyTable 1 } TQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyName TLNamedItem, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyRowStatus RowStatus, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyLastChanged TimeStamp, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyDescription TItemDescription, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyConThrsPrcnt Unsigned32, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRatePrcnt Unsigned32, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRateType TPSPRateType, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRateHi TmnxQosRateHigh32, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRate TmnxQosRateLow32, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMonThrsPrcnt Unsigned32 } tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyName specifies the hardware aggregate shaper scheduler policy name." ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyEntry 1 } tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of the hardware aggregate shaper scheduler policy entries." ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyEntry 2 } tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyLastChanged indicates the sysUpTime at the time of the last modification of this row. If no changes were made to the row since the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains the value zero." ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyEntry 3 } tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TItemDescription MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyDescription specifies the user provided description of the policy." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyEntry 4 } tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyConThrsPrcnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyConThrsPrcnt specifies the congestion threshold level that should be monitored. It is percentage of the max-rate specified by tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRate." DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyEntry 5 } tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRatePrcnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) UNITS "centipercent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRatePrcnt specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth percentage, in centipercent, for this hardware aggregate shaper scheduler. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRatePrcnt is set to non-default value when the object tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRateType is set to 'kbps'." DEFVAL { 10000 } ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyEntry 6 } tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPSPRateType { kbps (1), percentLagActive (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRateType specifies the type of port scheduler rate. When the value of tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRateType is set to 'kbps', the hardware aggregate shaper scheduler max-rate is specified in 'kbps'. The value of tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRatePrcnt will be set to default value. When the value of tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRateType is set to 'percentLagActive', the hardware aggregate shaper scheduler max-rate is specified in percentage of active port bandwidth. The value of tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRate will be set to default value." DEFVAL { kbps } ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyEntry 7 } tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRateHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateHigh32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRateHi specifies the upper 32 bits of the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit of this hardware aggregate shaper scheduler. This value should always be set along with tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRate, otherwise an 'inconsistentValue' error is returned. When the value of tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRateHi along with the value of tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRate is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this hardware aggregate shaper scheduler policy indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyEntry 8 } tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxQosRateLow32 UNITS "kilobps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRate specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit of this hardware aggregate shaper scheduler. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRate is set to non-default value when the value of tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRateType is set to 'percentLagActive'. When the value of tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRateHi along with the value of tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRate is set to 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF), rate for this hardware aggregate shaper scheduler policy indicates maximum rate." DEFVAL { 4294967295 } ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyEntry 9 } tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMonThrsPrcnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMonThrsPrcnt specifies the threshold level that should be monitored. It is percentage of the max-rate specified by tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRate." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyEntry 10 } tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyGrpTable has an entry for each hardware aggregate shaper scheduler group policy configured on this system." ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyObjects 2 } tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row represents a particular hardware aggregate shaper scheduler group. Entries are created and deleted by the user." INDEX { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyName, tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyGrpName } ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyGrpTable 1 } TQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyGrpName TNamedItem, tQosHwAggShaperSchPGrpRowStatus RowStatus, tQosHwAggShaperSchPGrpLastChngd TimeStamp } tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyGrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyGrpName specifies the name of the hardware aggregate shaper scheduler group." ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyGrpEntry 1 } tQosHwAggShaperSchPGrpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShaperSchPGrpRowStatus is used for the creation and deletion of hardware aggregate shaper scheduler group policies." ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyGrpEntry 2 } tQosHwAggShaperSchPGrpLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShaperSchPGrpLastChngd indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management change to this row." ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyGrpEntry 3 } tQosHwAggShaperSchedClassTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TQosHwAggShaperSchedClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShaperSchedClassTable has an entry for each hardware aggregate shaper scheduler policy sched class configured on this system." ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyObjects 9 } tQosHwAggShaperSchedClassEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosHwAggShaperSchedClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShaperSchedClassEntry represents row entry for particular hardware aggregate shaper scheduler policy priority scheduler class. Entries in tQosHwAggShaperSchedClassTable are created when entries are created in tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyTable." INDEX { tQosHwAggShaperSchedPlcyName, tQosHwAggShaperSchedClass } ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedClassTable 1 } TQosHwAggShaperSchedClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tQosHwAggShaperSchedClass TQosHwAggShaperSchedClass, tQosHwAggShaperSchClassLastChngd TimeStamp, tQosHwAggShaperSchClassGroupName TNamedItemOrEmpty, tQosHwAggShaperSchClassGroupWght Unsigned32 } tQosHwAggShaperSchedClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TQosHwAggShaperSchedClass MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShaperSchedClass specifies the scheduling class of this hardware aggregate shaper port scheduler policy." ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedClassEntry 1 } tQosHwAggShaperSchClassLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShaperSchClassLastChngd indicates the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent management change to this row." ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedClassEntry 2 } tQosHwAggShaperSchClassGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShaperSchClassGroupName specifies the group associated with this scheduler policy scheduling class." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedClassEntry 3 } tQosHwAggShaperSchClassGroupWght OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tQosHwAggShaperSchClassGroupWght specifies the weight associated with the group tQosHwAggShaperSchClassGroupName. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned when this object is set to non-default value and tQosHwAggShaperSchClassGroupName is set to default value." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tQosHwAggShaperSchedClassEntry 4 } tDot1pFCMapObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 43 } tDot1pFCMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TDot1pFCMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of entries for the ingress classification policy dot1p fc-map indexed by tDot1pFCMapName." ::= { tDot1pFCMapObjects 1 } tDot1pFCMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDot1pFCMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Ingress classification policy dot1p FC-map Entries are created/deleted by user." INDEX { tDot1pFCMapName } ::= { tDot1pFCMapTable 1 } TDot1pFCMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tDot1pFCMapName TLNamedItem, tDot1pFCMapRowStatus RowStatus, tDot1pFCMapLastChanged TimeStamp, tDot1pFCMapDefActionFC TNamedItem, tDot1pFCMapDefActionProfile TDEWredSlopeProfile } tDot1pFCMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tDot1pFCMapName used as index for the table." ::= { tDot1pFCMapEntry 1 } tDot1pFCMapRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tDot1pFCMapEntry 2 } tDot1pFCMapLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDot1pFCMapLastChanged specificies the timestamp of last change to this row in tDot1pFCMapTable." ::= { tDot1pFCMapEntry 3 } tDot1pFCMapDefActionFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDot1pFCMapDefActionFC specifies the forwarding class to be used. Unless tDot1pFCMapDefActionFC is specified explicitly, this match will be ignored for classification purposes." DEFVAL { "be" } ::= { tDot1pFCMapEntry 4 } tDot1pFCMapDefActionProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDEWredSlopeProfile MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDot1pFCMapDefActionProfile specifies the default profile assigned to the incoming packet." DEFVAL { out } ::= { tDot1pFCMapEntry 5 } tDot1pFCMapDot1pTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TDot1pFCMapDot1pEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of all dot1p entries for the ingress classification policy indexed by tDot1pFCMapName and tDot1pFCMapDot1pValue." ::= { tDot1pFCMapObjects 2 } tDot1pFCMapDot1pEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDot1pFCMapDot1pEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular dot1p match for the ingress-classification policy. Entries are created by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tDot1pFCMapName, tDot1pFCMapDot1pValue } ::= { tDot1pFCMapDot1pTable 1 } TDot1pFCMapDot1pEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tDot1pFCMapDot1pValue Dot1PPriority, tDot1pFCMapDot1pRowStatus RowStatus, tDot1pFCMapDot1pFC TNamedItemOrEmpty, tDot1pFCMapDot1pProfile TDEWredSlopeProfile, tDot1pFCMapDot1pLastChanged TimeStamp } tDot1pFCMapDot1pValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority (0..7) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDot1pFCMapDot1pValue specifies dot1p value to match in the packet. This value is also used as an index so that for any dot1p value there is only one possible disposition queue and priority." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tDot1pFCMapDot1pEntry 1 } tDot1pFCMapDot1pRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this dot1p value to fc entry." ::= { tDot1pFCMapDot1pEntry 2 } tDot1pFCMapDot1pFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tDot1pFCMapDot1pFC specifies the forwarding class to be used to classify all the traffic that matches the specific Dot1p i.e. tDot1pFCMapDot1pValue. Unless tDot1pFCMapDot1pFC is specified explicitly, this match will be ignored for classification purposes." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tDot1pFCMapDot1pEntry 3 } tDot1pFCMapDot1pProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDEWredSlopeProfile MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDot1pFCMapDot1pProfile specifies dot1p profile to use for packets that match the dot1p value tDot1pFCMapDot1pValue." DEFVAL { in } ::= { tDot1pFCMapDot1pEntry 4 } tDot1pFCMapDot1pLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDot1pFCMapDot1pLastChanged specificies the timestamp of last change to this row in tDot1pFCMapDot1pTable." ::= { tDot1pFCMapDot1pEntry 5 } tDscpFCMapObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 44 } tDscpFCMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TDscpFCMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of entries for the ingress classification policy dscp fc-map indexed by tDscpFCMapName." ::= { tDscpFCMapObjects 1 } tDscpFCMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDscpFCMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Ingress classification policy Dscp FC-map Entries are created/deleted by user." INDEX { tDscpFCMapName } ::= { tDscpFCMapTable 1 } TDscpFCMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tDscpFCMapName TLNamedItem, tDscpFCMapRowStatus RowStatus, tDscpFCMapLastChanged TimeStamp, tDscpFCMapDefActionFC TNamedItem, tDscpFCMapDefActionProfile TWredSlopeProfile } tDscpFCMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tDscpFCMapName used as index for the table." ::= { tDscpFCMapEntry 1 } tDscpFCMapRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tDscpFCMapEntry 2 } tDscpFCMapLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDscpFCMapLastChanged specificies the timestamp of last change to this row in tDscpFCMapTable." ::= { tDscpFCMapEntry 3 } tDscpFCMapDefActionFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDscpFCMapDefActionFC specifies the forwarding class to be used. Unless tDscpFCMapDefActionFC is specified explicitly, this match will be ignored for classification purposes." DEFVAL { "be" } ::= { tDscpFCMapEntry 4 } tDscpFCMapDefActionProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWredSlopeProfile MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDscpFCMapDefActionProfile specifies the default profile assigned to the incoming packet." DEFVAL { out } ::= { tDscpFCMapEntry 5 } tDscpFCMapDscpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TDscpFCMapDscpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of all dscp entries for ingress classification indexed by tDscpFCMapDscpName and tDscpFCMapDscpTable." ::= { tDscpFCMapObjects 2 } tDscpFCMapDscpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDscpFCMapDscpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular dscp-fc map for ingress-classification. Entries are created by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tDscpFCMapName, tDscpFCMapDscpName } ::= { tDscpFCMapDscpTable 1 } TDscpFCMapDscpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tDscpFCMapDscpName TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tDscpFCMapDscpRowStatus RowStatus, tDscpFCMapDscpFC TNamedItemOrEmpty, tDscpFCMapDscpProfile TWredSlopeProfile, tDscpFCMapDscpLastChanged TimeStamp } tDscpFCMapDscpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDscpFCMapDscpName specifies the dscp value to match in the packet. This value is also used as an index so that for any dscp value there is only one possible disposition queue and priority." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tDscpFCMapDscpEntry 1 } tDscpFCMapDscpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this dscp value to fc entry." ::= { tDscpFCMapDscpEntry 2 } tDscpFCMapDscpFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDscpFCMapDscpFC specifies the forwarding class to be used to classify all the traffic that matches the specific dscp i.e. tDscpFCMapDscpName. Unless tDscpFCMapDscpFC is specified explicitly, this match will be ignored for classification purposes." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tDscpFCMapDscpEntry 3 } tDscpFCMapDscpProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWredSlopeProfile MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDscpFCMapDscpProfile specifies the dscp profile to use for packets that match the dscp value tDscpFCMapDscpName." DEFVAL { in } ::= { tDscpFCMapDscpEntry 4 } tDscpFCMapDscpLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tDscpFCMapDscpLastChanged specificies the timestamp of last change to this row in tDscpFCMapDscpTable." ::= { tDscpFCMapDscpEntry 5 } tLspExpFCMapObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 45 } tLspExpFCMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TLspExpFCMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of entries for the ingress classification policy lsp-exp fc-map indexed by tLspExpFCMapName." ::= { tLspExpFCMapObjects 1 } tLspExpFCMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLspExpFCMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Ingress classification policy lsp-exp FC-map Entries are created/deleted by user." INDEX { tLspExpFCMapName } ::= { tLspExpFCMapTable 1 } TLspExpFCMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tLspExpFCMapName TLNamedItem, tLspExpFCMapRowStatus RowStatus, tLspExpFCMapLastChanged TimeStamp, tLspExpFCMapDefActionFC TNamedItem, tLspExpFCMapDefActionProfile TWredSlopeProfile } tLspExpFCMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tLspExpFCMapName used as index for the table." ::= { tLspExpFCMapEntry 1 } tLspExpFCMapRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tLspExpFCMapEntry 2 } tLspExpFCMapLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLspExpFCMapLastChanged specificies the timestamp of last change to this row in tLspExpFCMapTable." ::= { tLspExpFCMapEntry 3 } tLspExpFCMapDefActionFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLspExpFCMapDefActionFC specifies the forwarding class to be used. Unless tLspExpFCMapDefActionFC is specified explicitly, this match will be ignored for classification purposes." DEFVAL { "be" } ::= { tLspExpFCMapEntry 4 } tLspExpFCMapDefActionProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWredSlopeProfile MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLspExpFCMapDefActionProfile specifies the default profile assigned to the incoming packet." DEFVAL { out } ::= { tLspExpFCMapEntry 5 } tLspExpFCMapLspExpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TLspExpFCMapLspExpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of all lsp-exp entries for the ingress classification policy indexed by tLspExpFCMapName and tLspExpFCMapLspExpValue." ::= { tLspExpFCMapObjects 2 } tLspExpFCMapLspExpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLspExpFCMapLspExpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular lsp-exp match for the ingress-classification policy. Entries are created by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tLspExpFCMapName, tLspExpFCMapLspExpValue } ::= { tLspExpFCMapLspExpTable 1 } TLspExpFCMapLspExpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tLspExpFCMapLspExpValue TLspExpValue, tLspExpFCMapLspExpRowStatus RowStatus, tLspExpFCMapLspExpFC TNamedItemOrEmpty, tLspExpFCMapLspExpProfile TWredSlopeProfile, tLspExpFCMapLspExpLastChanged TimeStamp } tLspExpFCMapLspExpValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLspExpValue (0..7) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLspExpFCMapLspExpValue specifies the lsp exp value to match in the packet. This value is also used as an index so that for any lsp-exp value there is only one possible disposition queue and priority." ::= { tLspExpFCMapLspExpEntry 1 } tLspExpFCMapLspExpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this lsp-exp value to fc entry." ::= { tLspExpFCMapLspExpEntry 2 } tLspExpFCMapLspExpFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLspExpFCMapLspExpFC specifies the forwarding class used to classify all the traffic that matches the specific lsp-exp i.e. tLspExpFCMapLspExpValue. Unless tLspExpFCMapLspExpFC is specified explicitly, this match will be ignored for classification purposes." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tLspExpFCMapLspExpEntry 3 } tLspExpFCMapLspExpProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TWredSlopeProfile MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLspExpFCMapLspExpProfile specifies the lsp exp profile to use for packets that match the lsp-exp value tLspExpFCMapLspExpValue." DEFVAL { in } ::= { tLspExpFCMapLspExpEntry 4 } tLspExpFCMapLspExpLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tLspExpFCMapLspExpLastChanged specificies the timestamp of last change to this row in tLspExpFCMapLspExpTable." ::= { tLspExpFCMapLspExpEntry 5 } tFCDot1pMapObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 46 } tFCDot1pMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFCDot1pMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of entries for the ingress classification policy dot1p fc-map indexed by tFCDot1pMapName." ::= { tFCDot1pMapObjects 1 } tFCDot1pMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCDot1pMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Ingress classification policy dot1p FC-map Entries are created/deleted by user." INDEX { tFCDot1pMapName } ::= { tFCDot1pMapTable 1 } TFCDot1pMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFCDot1pMapName TLNamedItem, tFCDot1pMapRowStatus RowStatus, tFCDot1pMapLastChanged TimeStamp } tFCDot1pMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tFCDot1pMapName used as index for the table." ::= { tFCDot1pMapEntry 1 } tFCDot1pMapRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tFCDot1pMapEntry 2 } tFCDot1pMapLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCDot1pMapLastChanged specificies the timestamp of last change to this row in tFCDot1pMapTable." ::= { tFCDot1pMapEntry 3 } tFCDot1pMapFCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFCDot1pMapFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of all FC entries for the egress classification policy indexed by tFCDot1pMapName and tFCDot1pMapFCName. Entries are created/deleted by user." ::= { tFCDot1pMapObjects 2 } tFCDot1pMapFCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCDot1pMapFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular egress-remark policy's forwarding class mappings to dot1p values. Entries are created/deleted by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tFCDot1pMapName, tFCDot1pMapFCName } ::= { tFCDot1pMapFCTable 1 } TFCDot1pMapFCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFCDot1pMapFCName TFCName, tFCDot1pMapFCRowStatus RowStatus, tFCDot1pMapFCDot1pInProfile Dot1PPriority, tFCDot1pMapFCDot1pOutProfile Dot1PPriority, tFCDot1pMapFCOutTagDot1pInProf Dot1PPriority, tFCDot1pMapFCOutTagDot1pOutProf Dot1PPriority, tFCDot1pMapFCInTagDot1pInProf Dot1PPriority, tFCDot1pMapFCInTagDot1pOutProf Dot1PPriority, tFCDot1pMapFCDEMark TruthValue, tFCDot1pMapFCForceDEValue TDEValue, tFCDot1pMapFCLastChanged TimeStamp, tFCDot1pMapFCDEMarkInner TruthValue, tFCDot1pMapFCForceDEValueInner TDEValue, tFCDot1pMapFCDEMarkOuter TruthValue, tFCDot1pMapFCForceDEValueOuter TDEValue } tFCDot1pMapFCName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "forwarding class name." ::= { tFCDot1pMapFCEntry 1 } tFCDot1pMapFCRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this FC." ::= { tFCDot1pMapFCEntry 2 } tFCDot1pMapFCDot1pInProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCDot1pMapFCDot1pInProfile specifies 802.1p value to set in the outer VLAN tag of the packet for in-profile frames in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tFCDot1pMapFCEntry 3 } tFCDot1pMapFCDot1pOutProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCDot1pMapFCDot1pOutProfile specifies 802.1p value to set in the outer VLAN tag of the packet for out-profile frames in this forwarding class." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tFCDot1pMapFCEntry 4 } tFCDot1pMapFCOutTagDot1pInProf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCDot1pMapFCOutTagDot1pInProf specifies 802.1p value to set in the outer VLAN tag of the packet for in-profile frames in this forwarding class. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to any value other than '-1', when tFCDot1pMapFCOutTagDot1pOutProf object is set to '-1'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tFCDot1pMapFCEntry 5 } tFCDot1pMapFCOutTagDot1pOutProf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCDot1pMapFCOutTagDot1pOutProf specifies 802.1p value to set in the outer VLAN tag of the packet for out-profile frames in this forwarding class. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to any value other than '-1', when tFCDot1pMapFCOutTagDot1pInProf object is set to '-1'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tFCDot1pMapFCEntry 6 } tFCDot1pMapFCInTagDot1pInProf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCDot1pMapFCInTagDot1pInProf specifies 802.1p value to set in the inner VLAN tag of the packet for in-profile frames in this forwarding class. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to any value other than '-1', when tFCDot1pMapFCInTagDot1pOutProf object is set to '-1'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tFCDot1pMapFCEntry 7 } tFCDot1pMapFCInTagDot1pOutProf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1PPriority MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCDot1pMapFCInTagDot1pOutProf specifies 802.1p value to set in the inner VLAN tag of the packet for out-profile frames in this forwarding class. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to any value other than '-1', when tFCDot1pMapFCInTagDot1pInProf object is set to '-1'." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tFCDot1pMapFCEntry 8 } tFCDot1pMapFCDEMark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCDot1pMapFCDEMark specifies whether to set DE value in the frames of this forwarding class." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tFCDot1pMapFCEntry 9 } tFCDot1pMapFCForceDEValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDEValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCDot1pMapFCForceDEValue specifies the DE value to set for all the frames of this forwarding class regardless of frame's profile status." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tFCDot1pMapFCEntry 10 } tFCDot1pMapFCLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCDot1pMapFCLastChanged specificies the timestamp of last change to this row in tFCDot1pMapFCTable." ::= { tFCDot1pMapFCEntry 11 } tFCDot1pMapFCDEMarkInner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCDot1pMapFCDEMarkInner specifies whether to set inner DE value in the frames of this forwarding class." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tFCDot1pMapFCEntry 12 } tFCDot1pMapFCForceDEValueInner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDEValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCDot1pMapFCForceDEValueInner specifies the inner DE value to set for all the frames of this forwarding class regardless of frame's profile status." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tFCDot1pMapFCEntry 13 } tFCDot1pMapFCDEMarkOuter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCDot1pMapFCDEMarkOuter specifies whether to set the outer DE value in the frames of this forwarding class." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tFCDot1pMapFCEntry 14 } tFCDot1pMapFCForceDEValueOuter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDEValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCDot1pMapFCForceDEValueOuter specifies the outer DE value to set for all the frames of this forwarding class regardless of frame's profile status." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tFCDot1pMapFCEntry 15 } tFCDscpMapObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 47 } tFCDscpMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFCDscpMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of entries for the ingress classification policy dscp fc-map indexed by tFCDscpMapName." ::= { tFCDscpMapObjects 1 } tFCDscpMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCDscpMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Ingress classification policy Dscp FC-map Entries are created/deleted by user." INDEX { tFCDscpMapName } ::= { tFCDscpMapTable 1 } TFCDscpMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFCDscpMapName TLNamedItem, tFCDscpMapRowStatus RowStatus, tFCDscpMapLastChanged TimeStamp } tFCDscpMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tFCDscpMapName used as index for the table." ::= { tFCDscpMapEntry 1 } tFCDscpMapRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tFCDscpMapEntry 2 } tFCDscpMapLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCDscpMapLastChanged specificies the timestamp of last change to this row in tFCDscpMapTable." ::= { tFCDscpMapEntry 3 } tFCDscpMapFCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFCDscpMapFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of all dscp entries for ingress classification indexed by tFCDscpMapName and tFCDscpMapFCName." ::= { tFCDscpMapObjects 2 } tFCDscpMapFCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCDscpMapFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular dscp-fc map for egress-remark policy. Entries are created by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tFCDscpMapName, tFCDscpMapFCName } ::= { tFCDscpMapFCTable 1 } TFCDscpMapFCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFCDscpMapFCName TFCName, tFCDscpMapFCRowStatus RowStatus, tFCDscpMapFCDscpInProfile TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tFCDscpMapFCDscpOutProfile TDSCPNameOrEmpty, tFCDscpMapFCLastChanged TimeStamp } tFCDscpMapFCName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "forwarding class name." ::= { tFCDscpMapFCEntry 1 } tFCDscpMapFCRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this dscp value to fc entry." ::= { tFCDscpMapFCEntry 2 } tFCDscpMapFCDscpInProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCDscpMapFCDscpInProfile specifies the dscp value to match in the packet. This value is also used as an index so that for any dscp value there is only one possible disposition queue and priority." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFCDscpMapFCEntry 3 } tFCDscpMapFCDscpOutProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDSCPNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCDscpMapFCDscpOutProfile specifies the dscp value to match in the packet. This value is also used as an index so that for any dscp value there is only one possible disposition queue and priority." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tFCDscpMapFCEntry 4 } tFCDscpMapFCLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCDscpMapFCLastChanged specificies the timestamp of last change to this row in tFCDscpMapFCTable." ::= { tFCDscpMapFCEntry 5 } tFCLspExpMapObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosObjects 48 } tFCLspExpMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFCLspExpMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of entries for the egress remark policy lsp-exp fc-map indexed by tFCLspExpMapName." ::= { tFCLspExpMapObjects 1 } tFCLspExpMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCLspExpMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular Egress remark policy lsp-exp FC-map Entries are created/deleted by user." INDEX { tFCLspExpMapName } ::= { tFCLspExpMapTable 1 } TFCLspExpMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFCLspExpMapName TLNamedItem, tFCLspExpMapRowStatus RowStatus, tFCLspExpMapLastChanged TimeStamp } tFCLspExpMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tFCLspExpMapName used as index for the table." ::= { tFCLspExpMapEntry 1 } tFCLspExpMapRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status of the entry. This allows creation/deletion of rows in this table." ::= { tFCLspExpMapEntry 2 } tFCLspExpMapLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCLspExpMapLastChanged specificies the timestamp of last change to this row in tFCLspExpMapTable." ::= { tFCLspExpMapEntry 3 } tFCLspExpMapFCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TFCLspExpMapFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of all lsp-exp entries for the egress remark policy indexed by tFCLspExpMapName and tFCLspExpMapFCName." ::= { tFCLspExpMapObjects 2 } tFCLspExpMapFCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCLspExpMapFCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular lsp-exp match for the ingress-classification policy. Entries are created by user. There is no StorageType object, entries have a presumed StorageType of nonVolatile." INDEX { tFCLspExpMapName, tFCLspExpMapFCName } ::= { tFCLspExpMapFCTable 1 } TFCLspExpMapFCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tFCLspExpMapFCName TFCName, tFCLspExpMapFCRowStatus RowStatus, tFCLspExpMapFCLspExpInProfile TLspExpValue, tFCLspExpMapFCLspExpOutProfile TLspExpValue, tFCLspExpMapFCLastChanged TimeStamp } tFCLspExpMapFCName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFCName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "forwarding class name." ::= { tFCLspExpMapFCEntry 1 } tFCLspExpMapFCRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this lsp-exp value to fc entry." ::= { tFCLspExpMapFCEntry 2 } tFCLspExpMapFCLspExpInProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLspExpValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCLspExpMapFCLspExpInProfile specifies the lsp exp value to match in the packet. This value is also used as an index so that for any lsp-exp value there is only one possible disposition queue and priority." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tFCLspExpMapFCEntry 3 } tFCLspExpMapFCLspExpOutProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TLspExpValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCLspExpMapFCLspExpOutProfile specifies the lsp exp value to match in the packet. This value is also used as an index so that for any lsp-exp value there is only one possible disposition queue and priority." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { tFCLspExpMapFCEntry 4 } tFCLspExpMapFCLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tFCLspExpMapFCLastChanged specificies the timestamp of last change to this row in tFCLspExpMapFCTable." ::= { tFCLspExpMapFCEntry 5 } tmnxQosConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRConfs 16 } tmnxQosCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxQosConformance 1 } tmnxQos7450V4v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R4.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV4v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressR2r1Group, tmnxQosNetworkR2r1Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerGroup, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 4 } tmnxQos7750V4v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia SROS series systems release R4.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV4v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressR2r1Group, tmnxQosNetworkR2r1Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerGroup, tmnxQosAtmTdpV3v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosSapIpv6FilterR4r0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 5 } tmnxQos7450V5v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R5.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV4v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV5v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV5v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV5v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 6 } tmnxQos7750V5v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia SROS series systems release R5.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV4v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV5v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV5v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV5v0Group, tmnxQosAtmTdpV5v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosSapIpv6FilterR4r0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 7 } tmnxQos7450V6v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R6.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV6v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV6v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV6v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV5v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV6v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 8 } tmnxQos7750V6v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia SROS series systems release R6.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV6v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV6v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV6v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV5v0Group, tmnxQosAtmTdpV5v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosSapIpv6FilterR4r0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV6v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 9 } tmnxQos7450V6v1Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R6.1." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV6v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV6v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV6v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV5v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV6v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 10 } tmnxQos77x0V6v1Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia SROS series systems release R6.1." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV6v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV6v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV6v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV5v0Group, tmnxQosAtmTdpV5v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosSapIpv6FilterR4r0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV6v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 11 } tmnxQos7450V7v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R6.1." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV6v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV6v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV7v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV5v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV7v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tmnxQosQueueObjGroup, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrQWredGroup } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 12 } tmnxQos77x0V7v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia 7750 SROS series systems release R6.1." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV6v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV6v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV7v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV5v0Group, tmnxQosAtmTdpV5v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosSapIpv6FilterR4r0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV7v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tmnxQosQueueObjGroup, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosMcFrIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcFrEgrGroup, tmnxQosSapEgrQWredGroup } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 13 } tmnxQos7450V8v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R8.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV8v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV8v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV7v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV5v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV7v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tmnxQosQueueObjV8v0Group, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrQWredGroup, tmnxQosPolicerV8v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchPlcyGrpGroup, tmnxQosBurstLimitGroup, tQosFCQGrpFC8v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 14 } tmnxQos77x0V8v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia SROS series systems release R8.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV8v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV8v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV7v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV5v0Group, tmnxQosAtmTdpV5v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosSapIpv6FilterR4r0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV7v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tmnxQosQueueObjV8v0Group, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosMcFrIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcFrEgrGroup, tmnxQosSapEgrQWredGroup, tmnxQosPolicerV8v0Group, tQosQGrpV8v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchPlcyGrpGroup, tmnxQosBurstLimitGroup, tQosFCQGrpFC8v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 15 } tmnxQos77x0V9v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia SROS series systems release R9.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV8v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV8v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV7v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV9v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV8v0Group, tmnxQosAtmTdpV5v0Group, tmnxQosAtmTdpV9v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosSapIpv6FilterR4r0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV7v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV9v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tmnxQosQueueObjV8v0Group, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosMcFrIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcFrEgrGroup, tmnxQosSapEgrQWredGroup, tmnxQosPolicerV8v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerV9v0Group, tQosQGrpV8v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchPlcyGrpGroup, tmnxQosBurstLimitGroup, tmnxQosMacCritVidFltrV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV9v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolV9v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 16 } tmnxQos7450V10v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R10.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV10v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV8v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV7v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV5v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tmnxQosQueueObjV8v0Group, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrQWredGroup, tmnxQosPolicerV8v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchPlcyGrpGroup, tmnxQosBurstLimitGroup, tQosFCQGrpFC8v0Group, tmnxQosPolicyV10v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerSlopeGroup } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 17 } tmnxQos77x0V10v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia SROS series systems release R10.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV10v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV8v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV7v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV9v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV8v0Group, tmnxQosAtmTdpV5v0Group, tmnxQosAtmTdpV9v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosSapIpv6FilterR4r0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV9v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tmnxQosQueueObjV8v0Group, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosMcFrIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcFrEgrGroup, tmnxQosSapEgrQWredGroup, tmnxQosPolicerV8v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerV9v0Group, tQosQGrpV8v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchPlcyGrpGroup, tmnxQosBurstLimitGroup, tmnxQosMacCritVidFltrV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV9v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolV9v0Group, tmnxQosPolicyV10v0Group, tmnxQosQueueGrpPolcrV10v0Group, tmnxQosEgrReClassifyV10v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerSlopeGroup, tmnxQosAdvConfigV10v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV10v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 18 } tmnxQos7450V11v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R11.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV10v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV8v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV7v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV5v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tmnxQosQueueObjV8v0Group, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrQWredGroup, tmnxQosPolicerV8v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchPlcyGrpGroup, tmnxQosBurstLimitGroup, tQosFCQGrpFC8v0Group, tmnxQosPolicyV10v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerSlopeGroup, tmnxQosNetworkV11v0Group, tmnxSapEgressFCV11v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV11v0Group, tmnxQosSchedulerRateV11v0Group, tmnxQosSchedulerV11v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 19 } tmnxQos77x0V11v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia SROS series systems release R11.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV10v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV8v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV7v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV9v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosAtmTdpV5v0Group, tmnxQosAtmTdpV9v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosSapIpv6FilterR4r0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV9v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tmnxQosQueueObjV8v0Group, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosMcFrIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcFrEgrGroup, tmnxQosSapEgrQWredGroup, tmnxQosPolicerV8v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerV9v0Group, tQosQGrpV8v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchPlcyGrpGroup, tmnxQosBurstLimitGroup, tmnxQosMacCritVidFltrV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV9v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolV9v0Group, tmnxQosPolicyV10v0Group, tmnxQosQueueGrpPolcrV10v0Group, tmnxQosEgrReClassifyV10v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerSlopeGroup, tmnxQosAdvConfigV10v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV10v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV11v0Group, tmnxSapEgressFCV11v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV11v0Group, tmnxQosSchedulerRateV11v0Group, tmnxQosSchedulerV11v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 20 } tmnxQos7450V12v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R12.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV10v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV8v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV7v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV5v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tmnxQosQueueObjV8v0Group, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrQWredGroup, tmnxQosPolicerV8v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchPlcyGrpGroup, tmnxQosBurstLimitGroup, tQosFCQGrpFC8v0Group, tmnxQosPolicyV10v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerSlopeGroup, tmnxQosNetworkV11v0Group, tmnxSapEgressFCV11v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV11v0Group, tmnxQosSchedulerRateV11v0Group, tmnxQosSchedulerV11v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrFCDot1pDEV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIPCritExtV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocEsmV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngIPMacCritV12v0Group, tmnxQosPlcyV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrPlcrV12v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchedV12v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 21 } tmnxQos77x0V12v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia SROS series systems release R12.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV10v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV8v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV7v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV9v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosAtmTdpV5v0Group, tmnxQosAtmTdpV9v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosSapIpv6FilterR4r0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV9v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tmnxQosQueueObjV8v0Group, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosMcFrIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcFrEgrGroup, tmnxQosSapEgrQWredGroup, tmnxQosPolicerV8v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerV9v0Group, tQosQGrpV8v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchPlcyGrpGroup, tmnxQosBurstLimitGroup, tmnxQosMacCritVidFltrV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV9v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolV9v0Group, tmnxQosPolicyV10v0Group, tmnxQosQueueGrpPolcrV10v0Group, tmnxQosEgrReClassifyV10v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerSlopeGroup, tmnxQosAdvConfigV10v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV10v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV11v0Group, tmnxSapEgressFCV11v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV11v0Group, tmnxQosSchedulerRateV11v0Group, tmnxQosSchedulerV11v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrFCDot1pDEV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocEsmV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngIPMacCritV12v0Group, tmnxQosPlcyV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrPlcrV12v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchedV12v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 22 } tmnxQos7450V13v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R13.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV10v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV8v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV7v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tmnxQosQueueObjV8v0Group, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrQWredGroup, tmnxQosPolicerV8v0Group, tmnxQosBurstLimitGroup, tQosFCQGrpFC8v0Group, tmnxQosPolicyV10v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerSlopeGroup, tmnxQosNetworkV11v0Group, tmnxSapEgressFCV11v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV11v0Group, tmnxQosSchedulerRateV11v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrFCDot1pDEV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIPCritExtV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocEsmV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngIPMacCritV12v0Group, tmnxQosPlcyV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrPlcrV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV13v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkIngFCV13v0Group, tmnxQosAdvCfgPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosFlowBasedRulesV13v0Group, tmnxQosMatchListV13v0Group, tmnxQosIngressPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrIPCritV13v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchedPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrIpCritGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV13v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 23 } tmnxQos77x0V13v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia SROS series systems release R13.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV10v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV8v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV7v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV9v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosAtmTdpV5v0Group, tmnxQosAtmTdpV9v0Group, tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group, tmnxQosSapIpv6FilterR4r0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV9v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tmnxQosQueueObjV8v0Group, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosMcFrIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcFrEgrGroup, tmnxQosSapEgrQWredGroup, tmnxQosPolicerV8v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerV9v0Group, tQosQGrpV8v0Group, tmnxQosBurstLimitGroup, tmnxQosMacCritVidFltrV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV9v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolV9v0Group, tmnxQosPolicyV10v0Group, tmnxQosQueueGrpPolcrV10v0Group, tmnxQosEgrReClassifyV10v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerSlopeGroup, tmnxQosAdvConfigV10v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV10v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV11v0Group, tmnxSapEgressFCV11v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV11v0Group, tmnxQosSchedulerRateV11v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrFCDot1pDEV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocEsmV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngIPMacCritV12v0Group, tmnxQosPlcyV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrPlcrV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV13v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkIngFCV13v0Group, tmnxQosAdvCfgPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosFlowBasedRulesV13v0Group, tmnxQosMatchListV13v0Group, tmnxQosIngressPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrIPCritV13v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchedPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrIpCritGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV13v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 24 } tmnxQos7450V14v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R14.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV10v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV8v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tmnxQosQueueObjV8v0Group, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerV8v0Group, tmnxQosBurstLimitGroup, tQosFCQGrpFC8v0Group, tmnxQosPolicyV10v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV11v0Group, tmnxSapEgressFCV11v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV11v0Group, tmnxQosSchedulerRateV11v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrFCDot1pDEV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIPCritExtV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocEsmV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngIPMacCritV12v0Group, tmnxQosPlcyV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrPlcrV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV13v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkIngFCV13v0Group, tmnxQosAdvCfgPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosFlowBasedRulesV13v0Group, tmnxQosMatchListV13v0Group, tmnxQosIngressPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrIPCritV13v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchedPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrIpCritGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV13v0Group, tmnxQosEgressGroup, tmnxQosEgressQueuePlcrGroup, tmnxSapIngressIPCritGroup, tmnxQosEgrQGrpGroup, tQosSharedQueueV14v0Group, tQosNetworkV14v0Group, tQosSapIngEgrV14v0Group, tmnxSlopePolicyV14v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 25 } tmnxQos77x0V14v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia SROS series systems release R14.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV10v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV8v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV9v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosAtmTdpV5v0Group, tmnxQosAtmTdpV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapIpv6FilterR4r0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV9v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tmnxQosQueueObjV8v0Group, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosMcFrIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcFrEgrGroup, tmnxQosPolicerV8v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerV9v0Group, tQosQGrpV8v0Group, tmnxQosBurstLimitGroup, tmnxQosMacCritVidFltrV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV9v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolV9v0Group, tmnxQosPolicyV10v0Group, tmnxQosQueueGrpPolcrV10v0Group, tmnxQosEgrReClassifyV10v0Group, tmnxQosAdvConfigV10v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV10v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV11v0Group, tmnxSapEgressFCV11v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV11v0Group, tmnxQosSchedulerRateV11v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrFCDot1pDEV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocEsmV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngIPMacCritV12v0Group, tmnxQosPlcyV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrPlcrV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV13v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkIngFCV13v0Group, tmnxQosAdvCfgPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosFlowBasedRulesV13v0Group, tmnxQosMatchListV13v0Group, tmnxQosIngressPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrIPCritV13v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchedPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrIpCritGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV13v0Group, tmnxQosEgressGroup, tmnxQosEgressQueuePlcrGroup, tmnxSapIngressIPCritGroup, tmnxQosEgrQGrpGroup, tQosSharedQueueV14v0Group, tQosNetworkV14v0Group, tQosSapIngEgrV14v0Group, tmnxSlopePolicyV14v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 26 } tmnxQosV15v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R15.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosNetworkV9v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosAtmTdpV5v0Group, tmnxQosAtmTdpV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapIpv6FilterR4r0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV9v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosMcFrIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcFrEgrGroup, tmnxQosPolicerV9v0Group, tQosQGrpV8v0Group, tmnxQosBurstLimitGroup, tQosFCQGrpFC8v0Group, tmnxQosMacCritVidFltrV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV9v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolV9v0Group, tmnxQosPolicyV10v0Group, tmnxQosQueueGrpPolcrV10v0Group, tmnxQosEgrReClassifyV10v0Group, tmnxQosAdvConfigV10v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV10v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV11v0Group, tmnxSapEgressFCV11v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV11v0Group, tmnxQosSchedulerRateV11v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrFCDot1pDEV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIPCritExtV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocEsmV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngIPMacCritV12v0Group, tmnxQosPlcyV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrPlcrV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV13v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkIngFCV13v0Group, tmnxQosAdvCfgPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosFlowBasedRulesV13v0Group, tmnxQosMatchListV13v0Group, tmnxQosIngressPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrIPCritV13v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchedPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrIpCritGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV13v0Group, tmnxQosEgressQueuePlcrGroup, tmnxSapIngressIPCritGroup, tmnxQosEgrQGrpGroup, tQosSapIngEgrV14v0Group, tmnxSlopePolicyV14v0Group, tmnxQosQueueDropTailGroup, tHsSchedPolicyGroup, tHsSchedPolicySchedClassGroup, tHsSchedPolicyGroupGroup, tHsPoolPolicyGroup, tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolGroup, tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolGroup, tHsPortPoolPolicyGroup, tHsPortPoolClassPoolGroup, tHsPortPoolAltClassPoolGroup, tHsAttachPlcyGroup, tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpGroup, tHsAttachPlcyQueueGroup, tNetworkQueuePolicyHsGroup, tSapEgressHsGroup, tQosEgrQGroupHsGroup, tmnxQosQueueRateGroup, tmnxQosPostPolicerMappingGroup, tmnxQosQGrpRedirectListGroup, tmnxQosTimeStampGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV15v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV15v0Group, tmnxQosEgressV15v0Group, tQosNetworkV15v0Group, tQosSharedQueueV15v0Group, tmnxQosQueueObjV15v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerV15v0Group, tQosNetworkPlcyNameV15v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 27 } tmnxQosV16v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R16.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosNetworkEgrPlcyV16v0Group, tmnxQosMdAutoIdV16v0Group, tmnxQosQueueFIRRateV16v0Group, tmnxQosQCIRNonProfV16v0Group, tNetworkIngIpPrefixListV16v0Grp } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 28 } tmnxQosV19v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia 7450 ESS series systems release R19.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosNetworkV9v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosAtmTdpV5v0Group, tmnxQosAtmTdpV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapIpv6FilterR4r0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV9v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosMcFrIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcFrEgrGroup, tmnxQosPolicerV9v0Group, tQosQGrpV8v0Group, tmnxQosBurstLimitGroup, tQosFCQGrpFC8v0Group, tmnxQosMacCritVidFltrV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV9v0Group, tmnxQosNamedPoolV9v0Group, tmnxQosPolicyV10v0Group, tmnxQosQueueGrpPolcrV10v0Group, tmnxQosEgrReClassifyV10v0Group, tmnxQosAdvConfigV10v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV10v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV11v0Group, tmnxSapEgressFCV11v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV11v0Group, tmnxQosSchedulerRateV11v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrFCDot1pDEV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIPCritExtV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocEsmV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngIPMacCritV12v0Group, tmnxQosPlcyV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrPlcrV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV13v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkIngFCV13v0Group, tmnxQosAdvCfgPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosFlowBasedRulesV13v0Group, tmnxQosMatchListV13v0Group, tmnxQosIngressPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrIPCritV13v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchedPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrIpCritGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV13v0Group, tmnxQosEgressQueuePlcrGroup, tmnxSapIngressIPCritGroup, tmnxQosEgrQGrpGroup, tQosSapIngEgrV14v0Group, tmnxSlopePolicyV14v0Group, tmnxQosQueueDropTailGroup, tHsSchedPolicyGroup, tHsSchedPolicySchedClassGroup, tHsSchedPolicyGroupGroup, tHsPoolPolicyGroup, tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolGroup, tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolGroup, tHsPortPoolPolicyGroup, tHsPortPoolClassPoolGroup, tHsPortPoolAltClassPoolGroup, tHsAttachPlcyGroup, tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpGroup, tHsAttachPlcyQueueGroup, tNetworkQueuePolicyHsGroup, tSapEgressHsGroup, tQosEgrQGroupHsGroup, tmnxQosQueueRateGroup, tmnxQosPostPolicerMappingGroup, tmnxQosQGrpRedirectListGroup, tmnxQosTimeStampGroup, tmnxQosSapIngressV15v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV15v0Group, tmnxQosEgressV15v0Group, tQosNetworkV15v0Group, tQosSharedQueueV15v0Group, tmnxQosQueueObjV15v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerV15v0Group, tQosNetworkPlcyNameV15v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkEgrPlcyV16v0Group, tmnxQosMdAutoIdV16v0Group, tmnxQosQueueFIRRateV16v0Group, tmnxQosQCIRNonProfV16v0Group, tNetworkIngIpPrefixListV16v0Grp, tQosFourWredSlopesV19v0Group, tQosPortSchedHQoSAlgoV19v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 29 } tmnxQosV20v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia 7750 SRS series systems release R20.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosNetworkV9v0Group, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosAtmTdpV5v0Group, tmnxQosAtmTdpV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapIpv6FilterR4r0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV9v0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosMcFrIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcFrEgrGroup, tmnxQosPolicerV9v0Group, tQosQGrpV8v0Group, tmnxQosBurstLimitGroup, tQosFCQGrpFC8v0Group, tmnxQosMacCritVidFltrV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV9v0Group, tmnxQosPolicyV10v0Group, tmnxQosQueueGrpPolcrV10v0Group, tmnxQosEgrReClassifyV10v0Group, tmnxQosAdvConfigV10v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV10v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV11v0Group, tmnxSapEgressFCV11v0Group, tmnxQosHsmdaV11v0Group, tmnxQosSchedulerRateV11v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrFCDot1pDEV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIPCritExtV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocEsmV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngIPMacCritV12v0Group, tmnxQosPlcyV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrPlcrV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV13v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkIngFCV13v0Group, tmnxQosAdvCfgPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosFlowBasedRulesV13v0Group, tmnxQosMatchListV13v0Group, tmnxQosIngressPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrIPCritV13v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchedPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrIpCritGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV13v0Group, tmnxQosEgressQueuePlcrGroup, tmnxSapIngressIPCritGroup, tmnxQosEgrQGrpGroup, tQosSapIngEgrV14v0Group, tmnxSlopePolicyV14v0Group, tmnxQosQueueDropTailGroup, tHsSchedPolicyGroup, tHsSchedPolicySchedClassGroup, tHsSchedPolicyGroupGroup, tHsPoolPolicyGroup, tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolGroup, tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolGroup, tHsPortPoolPolicyGroup, tHsPortPoolClassPoolGroup, tHsPortPoolAltClassPoolGroup, tHsAttachPlcyGroup, tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpGroup, tHsAttachPlcyQueueGroup, tNetworkQueuePolicyHsGroup, tSapEgressHsGroup, tQosEgrQGroupHsGroup, tmnxQosQueueRateGroup, tmnxQosPostPolicerMappingGroup, tmnxQosQGrpRedirectListGroup, tmnxQosTimeStampGroup, tmnxQosEgressV15v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerV15v0Group, tQosNetworkPlcyNameV15v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkEgrPlcyV16v0Group, tmnxQosMdAutoIdV16v0Group, tmnxQosQueueFIRRateV16v0Group, tmnxQosQCIRNonProfV16v0Group, tNetworkIngIpPrefixListV16v0Grp, tQosFpResourcePolicyV20v0Group, tQosFourWredSlopesV19v0Group, tQosPortSchedHQoSAlgoV19v0Group, tQosPercentRateV20v0Group, tQosSapIpPrefixListV20v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV20v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV20v0Group, tQosNetworkV20v0Group, tmnxQosQueueObjV20v0Group, tQosSharedQueueV20v0Group, tQosPortListV20v0Group, tQosVlanQosPlcyPIRV20Group, tQosSapIngIPCriteriaV20v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngPlcrCntV20v0Group, tNetIngressPlcyGroupV20v0Group, tQosPktByteOffsetV20Group, tQosNetEgrPortListV20v0Group, tQueueMgmtPlcyV20v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 30 } tQosFpResPlcyV21v0Compliances MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tQosFpV21v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 31 } tmnxQosV21v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia 7750 SRS series systems release R21.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxQosGlobalGroup, tmnxQosDSCPGroup, tmnxQosFCGroup, tmnxQosSlopeGroup, tmnxQosAtmTdpV5v0Group, tmnxQosAtmTdpV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapIpv6FilterR4r0Group, tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group, tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup, tQosQGrpFCGroup, tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group, tmnxQosMcFrIngrGroup, tmnxQosMcFrEgrGroup, tmnxQosPolicerV9v0Group, tQosQGrpV8v0Group, tmnxQosBurstLimitGroup, tQosFCQGrpFC8v0Group, tmnxQosMacCritVidFltrV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV9v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV9v0Group, tmnxQosPolicyV10v0Group, tmnxQosQueueGrpPolcrV10v0Group, tmnxQosEgrReClassifyV10v0Group, tmnxQosAdvConfigV10v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV10v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkV11v0Group, tmnxSapEgressFCV11v0Group, tmnxQosSchedulerRateV11v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrFCDot1pDEV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIPCritExtV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocV12v0Group, tmnxQosParentLocEsmV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngIPMacCritV12v0Group, tmnxQosPlcyV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrPlcrV12v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV13v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkIngFCV13v0Group, tmnxQosAdvCfgPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosFlowBasedRulesV13v0Group, tmnxQosMatchListV13v0Group, tmnxQosIngressPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrIPCritV13v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchedPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosPortSchPlcyV13v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgrIpCritGroup, tmnxQosSchedulerV13v0Group, tmnxQosEgressQueuePlcrGroup, tmnxSapIngressIPCritGroup, tmnxQosEgrQGrpGroup, tQosSapIngEgrV14v0Group, tmnxSlopePolicyV14v0Group, tmnxQosQueueDropTailGroup, tHsSchedPolicyGroup, tHsSchedPolicySchedClassGroup, tHsSchedPolicyGroupGroup, tHsPoolPolicyGroup, tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolGroup, tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolGroup, tHsPortPoolPolicyGroup, tHsPortPoolClassPoolGroup, tHsPortPoolAltClassPoolGroup, tHsAttachPlcyGroup, tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpGroup, tHsAttachPlcyQueueGroup, tNetworkQueuePolicyHsGroup, tSapEgressHsGroup, tQosEgrQGroupHsGroup, tmnxQosQueueRateGroup, tmnxQosPostPolicerMappingGroup, tmnxQosQGrpRedirectListGroup, tmnxQosTimeStampGroup, tmnxQosEgressV15v0Group, tmnxQosPolicerV15v0Group, tQosNetworkPlcyNameV15v0Group, tmnxQosNetworkEgrPlcyV16v0Group, tmnxQosMdAutoIdV16v0Group, tmnxQosQueueFIRRateV16v0Group, tmnxQosQCIRNonProfV16v0Group, tNetworkIngIpPrefixListV16v0Grp, tQosFpResourcePolicyV20v0Group, tQosFourWredSlopesV19v0Group, tQosPortSchedHQoSAlgoV19v0Group, tQosPercentRateV20v0Group, tQosSapIpPrefixListV20v0Group, tmnxQosSapEgressV20v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngressV20v0Group, tQosNetworkV20v0Group, tmnxQosQueueObjV20v0Group, tQosSharedQueueV20v0Group, tQosPortListV20v0Group, tQosVlanQosPlcyPIRV20Group, tQosSapIngIPCriteriaV20v0Group, tmnxQosSapIngPlcrCntV20v0Group, tNetIngressPlcyGroupV20v0Group, tQosPktByteOffsetV20Group, tQosNetEgrPortListV20v0Group, tQueueMgmtPlcyV20v0Group, tNtwkLagAggrStatsV21v0Group, tQosObjV21v0Group, tQosIngClassPlcyFcMapV21v0Group, tQosEgrRmrkPlcyFcMapV21v0Group, tmnxQosIngClassPlcyV21v0Group, tQosFcDot1pMapInOutV21v0Grp, tQosNetIngPortListV21v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 32 } tmnxQosV22v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for management of QOS features on Nokia 7750 SRS series systems release R22.0." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tQosSapIngHqosPol22v0Group, tQosEnhancedSched22v0Group } ::= { tmnxQosCompliances 33 } tmnxQosGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxQosConformance 2 } tmnxQosGlobalGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosDomainLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting general management of QOS features on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 1 } tmnxQosDSCPGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tDSCPNameRowStatus, tDSCPNameStorageType, tDSCPNameDscpValue, tDSCPNameLastChanged, tDSCPNameTableLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Differential Services Code Points on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 2 } tmnxQosFCGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFCRowStatus, tFCStorageType, tFCValue, tFCNameLastChanged, tFCNameTableLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Forwarding Classes on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 3 } tmnxQosSlopeGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSlopeRowStatus, tSlopeDescription, tSlopeHiAdminStatus, tSlopeHiStartAverage, tSlopeHiMaxAverage, tSlopeHiMaxProbability, tSlopeLoAdminStatus, tSlopeLoStartAverage, tSlopeLoMaxAverage, tSlopeLoMaxProbability, tSlopeTimeAvgFactor, tSlopeLastChanged, tSlopePolicyTableLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Slope policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 7 } tmnxQosSchedulerGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSchedulerPolicyRowStatus, tSchedulerPolicyDescription, tSchedulerPolicyLastChanged, tSchedulerPolicyTableLastChanged, tVirtualSchedulerRowStatus, tVirtualSchedulerDescription, tVirtualSchedulerParent, tVirtualSchedulerLevel, tVirtualSchedulerWeight, tVirtualSchedulerCIRLevel, tVirtualSchedulerCIRWeight, tVirtualSchedulerPIR, tVirtualSchedulerCIR, tVirtualSchedulerSummedCIR, tVirtualSchedulerLastChanged, tVirtualSchedulerTableLastChanged } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Scheduler policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 8 } tQosObsoleteObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressQueueOperPIR, tSapIngressQueueOperCIR, tSapEgressQueueOperPIR, tSapEgressQueueOperCIR } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsolete objects in the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 10 } tmnxQosSapEgressR2r1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressRowStatus, tSapEgressScope, tSapEgressDescription, tSapEgressLastChanged, tSapEgressTableLastChanged, tSapEgressQueueRowStatus, tSapEgressQueueParent, tSapEgressQueueLevel, tSapEgressQueueWeight, tSapEgressQueueCIRLevel, tSapEgressQueueCIRWeight, tSapEgressQueueExpedite, tSapEgressQueueCBS, tSapEgressQueueMBS, tSapEgressQueueHiPrioOnly, tSapEgressQueueCIRAdaptation, tSapEgressQueuePIRAdaptation, tSapEgressQueueAdminPIR, tSapEgressQueueAdminCIR, tSapEgressQueueLastChanged, tSapEgressQueueTableLastChanged, tSapEgressFCRowStatus, tSapEgressFCQueue, tSapEgressFCDot1PValue, tSapEgressFCLastChanged, tSapEgressFCTableLastChanged } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP egress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 12 } tmnxQosNetworkR2r1Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetworkPolicyRowStatus, tNetworkPolicyScope, tNetworkPolicyDescription, tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionFC, tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionProfile, tNetworkPolicyEgressRemark, tNetworkPolicyLastChanged, tNetworkPolicyIngressLerUseDscp, tNetworkPolicyTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDSCPRowStatus, tNetworkIngressDSCPFC, tNetworkIngressDSCPProfile, tNetworkIngressDSCPLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDSCPTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDot1pRowStatus, tNetworkIngressDot1pFC, tNetworkIngressDot1pProfile, tNetworkIngressDot1pLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDot1pTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPRowStatus, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPFC, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPProfile, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPLastChanged, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPTableLastChanged, tNetworkEgressFCDSCPInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDSCPOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLspExpInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLspExpOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDot1pInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDot1pOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLastChanged, tNetworkEgressFCTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueuePolicyRowStatus, tNetworkQueuePolicyDescription, tNetworkQueuePolicyLastChanged, tNetworkQueuePolicyTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueueRowStatus, tNetworkQueuePoolName, tNetworkQueueParent, tNetworkQueueLevel, tNetworkQueueWeight, tNetworkQueueCIRLevel, tNetworkQueueCIRWeight, tNetworkQueueMCast, tNetworkQueueExpedite, tNetworkQueueCIR, tNetworkQueuePIR, tNetworkQueueCBS, tNetworkQueueMBS, tNetworkQueueHiPrioOnly, tNetworkQueueLastChanged, tNetworkQueueTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueueFCRowStatus, tNetworkQueueFC, tNetworkQueueFCMCast, tNetworkQueueFCLastChanged, tNetworkQueueFCTableLastChanged } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Network QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 13 } tmnxQosAtmTdpV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tAtmTdpSir, tAtmTdpPir, tAtmTdpMbs, tAtmTdpMir, tAtmTdpShaping, tAtmTdpServCat, tAtmTdpLastChanged, tAtmTdpDescription, tAtmTdpRowStatus, tAtmTdpDescrType, tAtmTdpCdvt, tAtmTdpPolicing, tAtmTdpIndexNext, tAtmTdpsMaxSupported, tAtmTdpsCurrentlyConfigured, tAtmTdpTableLastChanged } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for ATM Traffic Descriptor Profiles on Nokia SROS series systems release 3.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 15 } tmnxQosSapIpv6FilterR4r0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaRowStatus, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDescription, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaActionFC, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaActionPriority, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpAddr, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourceIpMask, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpAddr, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestIpMask, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaNextHeader, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue1, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortValue2, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaSourcePortOperator, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue1, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortValue2, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDestPortOperator, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaDSCP, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaLastChanged, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaTableLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for Qos Policies related to IPv6 on Nokia SROS series systems release 4.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 16 } tmnxQosQueueV4v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSharedQueuePolicyRowStatus, tSharedQueuePolicyDescription, tSharedQueuePolicyLastChanged, tSharedQueuePolicyTableLastChanged, tSharedQueueRowStatus, tSharedQueuePoolName, tSharedQueueParent, tSharedQueueLevel, tSharedQueueWeight, tSharedQueueCIRLevel, tSharedQueueCIRWeight, tSharedQueueExpedite, tSharedQueueCIR, tSharedQueuePIR, tSharedQueueCBS, tSharedQueueMBS, tSharedQueueHiPrioOnly, tSharedQueueLastChanged, tSharedQueueIsMultipoint, tSharedQueueTableLastChanged, tSharedQueueFCRowStatus, tSharedQueueFCQueue, tSharedQueueFCLastChanged, tSharedQueueFCTableLastChanged, tSharedQueueFCMCastQueue, tSharedQueueFCBCastQueue, tSharedQueueFCUnknownQueue } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of QoS queue policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 4.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 18 } tmnxQosSapIngressV4v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressRowStatus, tSapIngressScope, tSapIngressDescription, tSapIngressDefaultFC, tSapIngressDefaultFCPriority, tSapIngressMatchCriteria, tSapIngressLastChanged, tSapIngressTableLastChanged, tSapIngressQueueRowStatus, tSapIngressQueueParent, tSapIngressQueueLevel, tSapIngressQueueWeight, tSapIngressQueueCIRLevel, tSapIngressQueueCIRWeight, tSapIngressQueueMCast, tSapIngressQueueExpedite, tSapIngressQueueCBS, tSapIngressQueueMBS, tSapIngressQueueHiPrioOnly, tSapIngressQueueCIRAdaptation, tSapIngressQueuePIRAdaptation, tSapIngressQueueAdminPIR, tSapIngressQueueAdminCIR, tSapIngressQueueLastChanged, tSapIngressQueueMode, tSapIngressQueueTableLastChanged, tSapIngressQueuePoliced, tSapIngressDSCPRowStatus, tSapIngressDSCPFC, tSapIngressDSCPPriority, tSapIngressDSCPLastChanged, tSapIngressDSCPTableLastChanged, tSapIngressDot1pRowStatus, tSapIngressDot1pFC, tSapIngressDot1pPriority, tSapIngressDot1pLastChanged, tSapIngressDot1pTableLastChanged, tSapIngressIPCriteriaRowStatus, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDescription, tSapIngressIPCriteriaActionFC, tSapIngressIPCriteriaActionPriority, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpAddr, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpAddr, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask, tSapIngressIPCriteriaProtocol, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue2, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortOperator, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue2, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortOperator, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDSCP, tSapIngressIPCriteriaFragment, tSapIngressIPCriteriaLastChanged, tSapIngressIPCriteriaTableLastChanged, tSapIngressMacCriteriaRowStatus, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDescription, tSapIngressMacCriteriaActionFC, tSapIngressMacCriteriaActionPriority, tSapIngressMacCriteriaFrameType, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSrcMacAddr, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSrcMacMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDstMacAddr, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDstMacMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDot1PValue, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDot1PMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaEthernetType, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDSAP, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDSAPMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSSAP, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSSAPMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSnapPid, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSnapOui, tSapIngressMacCriteriaLastChanged, tSapIngressMacCriteriaTableLastChanged, tSapIngressFCRowStatus, tSapIngressFCQueue, tSapIngressFCMCastQueue, tSapIngressFCBCastQueue, tSapIngressFCUnknownQueue, tSapIngressFCLastChanged, tSapIngressFCInProfRemark, tSapIngressFCInProfDscp, tSapIngressFCInProfPrec, tSapIngressFCOutProfRemark, tSapIngressFCOutProfDscp, tSapIngressFCOutProfPrec, tSapIngressFCProfile, tSapIngressFCTableLastChanged, tSapIngressPrecRowStatus, tSapIngressPrecFC, tSapIngressPrecFCPriority, tSapIngressPrecLastChanged, tSapIngressPrecTableLastChanged } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP ingress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 4.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 19 } tmnxQosSchedulerV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSchedulerPolicyRowStatus, tSchedulerPolicyDescription, tSchedulerPolicyLastChanged, tSchedulerPolicyTableLastChanged, tVirtualSchedulerRowStatus, tVirtualSchedulerDescription, tVirtualSchedulerParent, tVirtualSchedulerLevel, tVirtualSchedulerWeight, tVirtualSchedulerCIRLevel, tVirtualSchedulerCIRWeight, tVirtualSchedulerPIR, tVirtualSchedulerCIR, tVirtualSchedulerSummedCIR, tVirtualSchedulerLastChanged, tVirtualSchedulerUsePortParent, tVirtualSchedulerPortLvl, tVirtualSchedulerPortWght, tVirtualSchedulerPortCIRLvl, tVirtualSchedulerPortCIRWght, tVirtualSchedulerTableLastChanged, tPortSchedulerPlcyRowStatus, tPortSchedulerPlcyDescription, tPortSchedulerPlcyLastChanged, tPortSchedulerPlcyMaxRate, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl1PIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl1CIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl2PIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl2CIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl3PIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl3CIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl4PIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl4CIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl5PIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl5CIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl6PIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl6CIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl7PIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl7CIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl8PIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl8CIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanLvl, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanWeight, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanCIRLvl, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanCIRWght } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Scheduler policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 20 } tmnxQosSapEgressV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressRowStatus, tSapEgressScope, tSapEgressDescription, tSapEgressLastChanged, tSapEgressTableLastChanged, tSapEgressQueueRowStatus, tSapEgressQueueParent, tSapEgressQueueLevel, tSapEgressQueueWeight, tSapEgressQueueCIRLevel, tSapEgressQueueCIRWeight, tSapEgressQueueExpedite, tSapEgressQueueCBS, tSapEgressQueueMBS, tSapEgressQueueHiPrioOnly, tSapEgressQueueCIRAdaptation, tSapEgressQueuePIRAdaptation, tSapEgressQueueAdminPIR, tSapEgressQueueAdminCIR, tSapEgressQueueLastChanged, tSapEgressQueueTableLastChanged, tSapEgressFCRowStatus, tSapEgressFCQueue, tSapEgressFCDot1PValue, tSapEgressFCLastChanged, tSapEgressFCTableLastChanged, tSapEgressQueueUsePortParent, tSapEgressQueuePortLvl, tSapEgressQueuePortWght, tSapEgressQueuePortCIRLvl, tSapEgressQueuePortCIRWght, tSapEgressQueuePortAvgOverhead } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP egress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 21 } tmnxQosNetworkV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetworkPolicyRowStatus, tNetworkPolicyScope, tNetworkPolicyDescription, tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionFC, tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionProfile, tNetworkPolicyEgressRemark, tNetworkPolicyLastChanged, tNetworkPolicyIngressLerUseDscp, tNetworkPolicyTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDSCPRowStatus, tNetworkIngressDSCPFC, tNetworkIngressDSCPProfile, tNetworkIngressDSCPLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDSCPTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDot1pRowStatus, tNetworkIngressDot1pFC, tNetworkIngressDot1pProfile, tNetworkIngressDot1pLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDot1pTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPRowStatus, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPFC, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPProfile, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPLastChanged, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPTableLastChanged, tNetworkEgressFCDSCPInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDSCPOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLspExpInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLspExpOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDot1pInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDot1pOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLastChanged, tNetworkEgressFCTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueuePolicyRowStatus, tNetworkQueuePolicyDescription, tNetworkQueuePolicyLastChanged, tNetworkQueuePolicyTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueueRowStatus, tNetworkQueuePoolName, tNetworkQueueParent, tNetworkQueueLevel, tNetworkQueueWeight, tNetworkQueueCIRLevel, tNetworkQueueCIRWeight, tNetworkQueueMCast, tNetworkQueueExpedite, tNetworkQueueCIR, tNetworkQueuePIR, tNetworkQueueCBS, tNetworkQueueMBS, tNetworkQueueHiPrioOnly, tNetworkQueueLastChanged, tNetworkQueueUsePortParent, tNetworkQueuePortLvl, tNetworkQueuePortWght, tNetworkQueuePortCIRLvl, tNetworkQueuePortCIRWght, tNetworkQueuePortAvgOverhead, tNetworkQueuePIRAdaptation, tNetworkQueueCIRAdaptation, tNetworkQueueTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueueFCRowStatus, tNetworkQueueFC, tNetworkQueueFCMCast, tNetworkQueueFCLastChanged, tNetworkQueueFCTableLastChanged } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Network QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 22 } tmnxQosHsmdaV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyRowStatus, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyDescription, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyMaxRate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLastChanged, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp1Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp2Rate, tSapEgressFCHsmdaQueue, tSapEgressFCDot1PHsmdaProfile, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueRowStatus, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueCIRAdaptn, tSapEgressHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueAdminPIR, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueAdminCIR, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueLastChanged, tSapIngressHsmdaPacketOffset, tSapIngressDefFCHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapIngressDot1pHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapIngressDSCPHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapIngressFCHsmdaQueue, tSapIngressFCHsmdaMCastQueue, tSapIngressFCHsmdaBCastQueue, tSapIngressPrecHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueRowStatus, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueLastChanged, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueCIRAdaptn, tSapIngressHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueAdminPIR, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueAdminCIR, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy, tSapIngressHsmdaQueuePoliced, tHsmdaPoolPolicyRowStatus, tHsmdaPoolLastChanged, tHsmdaPoolDescription, tHsmdaPoolSystemReserve, tHsmdaPoolRoot1AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot2AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot3AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot4AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot5AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot6AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot7AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot8AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolClass1Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass1AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass2Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass2AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass3Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass3AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass4Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass4AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass5Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass5AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass6Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass6AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass7Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass7AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass8Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass8AllocPercent, tHsmdaSlopePolicyRowStatus, tHsmdaSlopeLastChanged, tHsmdaSlopeDescription, tHsmdaSlopeQueueMbs, tHsmdaSlopeHiAdminStatus, tHsmdaSlopeHiStartDepth, tHsmdaSlopeHiMaxDepth, tHsmdaSlopeHiMaxProbability, tHsmdaSlopeLoAdminStatus, tHsmdaSlopeLoStartDepth, tHsmdaSlopeLoMaxDepth, tHsmdaSlopeLoMaxProbability, tSapIngrHsmdaQueueTblLastChngd, tSapEgrHsmdaQueueTblLastChngd, tHsmdaSchedPlcyTblLastChngd, tHsmdaSchedPlcyGrpTblLastChngd, tHsmdaPoolPlcyTblLastChngd, tHsmdaSlopePolicyTableLastChanged, tSapIngressIPCritHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapEgressDSCPRowStatus, tSapEgressDSCPLastChanged, tSapEgressDSCPHsmdaCntrOverride, tSapEgressPrecRowStatus, tSapEgressPrecLastChanged, tSapEgressPrecHsmdaCntrOverride, tSapEgrIPCritRowStatus, tSapEgrIPCritLastChanged, tSapEgrIPCritDescription, tSapEgrIPCritActionHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddrType, tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddr, tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpMask, tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddrType, tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddr, tSapEgrIPCritDestIpMask, tSapEgrIPCritProtocol, tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue1, tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue2, tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortOperator, tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue1, tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue2, tSapEgrIPCritDestPortOperator, tSapEgrIPCritDSCP, tSapEgrIPCritFragment, tSapEgressMatchCriteria, tSapEgressHsmdaPacketOffset } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of QoS policies for HSMDA MDAs on Nokia SROS series systems release 6.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 23 } tmnxQosAtmTdpV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tAtmTdpSir, tAtmTdpPir, tAtmTdpMbs, tAtmTdpMir, tAtmTdpShaping, tAtmTdpServCat, tAtmTdpLastChanged, tAtmTdpDescription, tAtmTdpRowStatus, tAtmTdpDescrType, tAtmTdpCdvt, tAtmTdpPolicing, tAtmTdpCLPTagging, tAtmTdpIndexNext, tAtmTdpsMaxSupported, tAtmTdpsCurrentlyConfigured, tAtmTdpTableLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for ATM Traffic Descriptor Profiles on Nokia SROS series systems release 5.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 24 } tmnxQosSapIngressV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressRowStatus, tSapIngressScope, tSapIngressDescription, tSapIngressDefaultFC, tSapIngressDefaultFCPriority, tSapIngressMatchCriteria, tSapIngressLastChanged, tSapIngressTableLastChanged, tSapIngressQueueRowStatus, tSapIngressQueueParent, tSapIngressQueueLevel, tSapIngressQueueWeight, tSapIngressQueueCIRLevel, tSapIngressQueueCIRWeight, tSapIngressQueueMCast, tSapIngressQueueExpedite, tSapIngressQueueCBS, tSapIngressQueueMBS, tSapIngressQueueHiPrioOnly, tSapIngressQueueCIRAdaptation, tSapIngressQueuePIRAdaptation, tSapIngressQueueAdminPIR, tSapIngressQueueAdminCIR, tSapIngressQueueLastChanged, tSapIngressQueueMode, tSapIngressQueuePoolName, tSapIngressQueueTableLastChanged, tSapIngressQueuePoliced, tSapIngressDSCPRowStatus, tSapIngressDSCPFC, tSapIngressDSCPPriority, tSapIngressDSCPLastChanged, tSapIngressDSCPTableLastChanged, tSapIngressDot1pRowStatus, tSapIngressDot1pFC, tSapIngressDot1pPriority, tSapIngressDot1pLastChanged, tSapIngressDot1pTableLastChanged, tSapIngressIPCriteriaRowStatus, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDescription, tSapIngressIPCriteriaActionFC, tSapIngressIPCriteriaActionPriority, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpAddr, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpAddr, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask, tSapIngressIPCriteriaProtocol, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue2, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortOperator, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue2, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortOperator, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDSCP, tSapIngressIPCriteriaFragment, tSapIngressIPCriteriaLastChanged, tSapIngressIPCriteriaTableLastChanged, tSapIngressMacCriteriaRowStatus, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDescription, tSapIngressMacCriteriaActionFC, tSapIngressMacCriteriaActionPriority, tSapIngressMacCriteriaFrameType, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSrcMacAddr, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSrcMacMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDstMacAddr, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDstMacMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDot1PValue, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDot1PMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaEthernetType, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDSAP, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDSAPMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSSAP, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSSAPMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSnapPid, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSnapOui, tSapIngressMacCriteriaLastChanged, tSapIngressMacCriteriaTableLastChanged, tSapIngressFCRowStatus, tSapIngressFCQueue, tSapIngressFCMCastQueue, tSapIngressFCBCastQueue, tSapIngressFCUnknownQueue, tSapIngressFCLastChanged, tSapIngressFCInProfRemark, tSapIngressFCInProfDscp, tSapIngressFCInProfPrec, tSapIngressFCDE1OutOfProfile, tSapIngressFCOutProfRemark, tSapIngressFCOutProfDscp, tSapIngressFCOutProfPrec, tSapIngressFCProfile, tSapIngressFCTableLastChanged, tSapIngressPrecRowStatus, tSapIngressPrecFC, tSapIngressPrecFCPriority, tSapIngressPrecLastChanged, tSapIngressPrecTableLastChanged } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP ingress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 6.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 25 } tmnxQosSapEgressV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressRowStatus, tSapEgressScope, tSapEgressDescription, tSapEgressLastChanged, tSapEgressTableLastChanged, tSapEgressQueueRowStatus, tSapEgressQueueParent, tSapEgressQueueLevel, tSapEgressQueueWeight, tSapEgressQueueCIRLevel, tSapEgressQueueCIRWeight, tSapEgressQueueExpedite, tSapEgressQueueCBS, tSapEgressQueueMBS, tSapEgressQueueHiPrioOnly, tSapEgressQueueCIRAdaptation, tSapEgressQueuePIRAdaptation, tSapEgressQueueAdminPIR, tSapEgressQueueAdminCIR, tSapEgressQueueLastChanged, tSapEgressQueueTableLastChanged, tSapEgressFCRowStatus, tSapEgressFCQueue, tSapEgressFCLastChanged, tSapEgressFCTableLastChanged, tSapEgressFCDot1PInProfile, tSapEgressFCDot1POutProfile, tSapEgressFCForceDEValue, tSapEgressFCDEMark, tSapEgressFCInProfDscp, tSapEgressFCOutProfDscp, tSapEgressFCInProfPrec, tSapEgressFCOutProfPrec, tSapEgressQueueUsePortParent, tSapEgressQueuePortLvl, tSapEgressQueuePortWght, tSapEgressQueuePortCIRLvl, tSapEgressQueuePortCIRWght, tSapEgressQueuePortAvgOverhead, tSapEgressQueuePoolName } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP egress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 26 } tmnxQosNetworkV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetworkPolicyRowStatus, tNetworkPolicyScope, tNetworkPolicyDescription, tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionFC, tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionProfile, tNetworkPolicyEgressRemark, tNetworkPolicyLastChanged, tNetworkPolicyIngressLerUseDscp, tNetworkPolicyTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDSCPRowStatus, tNetworkIngressDSCPFC, tNetworkIngressDSCPProfile, tNetworkIngressDSCPLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDSCPTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDot1pRowStatus, tNetworkIngressDot1pFC, tNetworkIngressDot1pProfile, tNetworkIngressDot1pLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDot1pTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPRowStatus, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPFC, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPProfile, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPLastChanged, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPTableLastChanged, tNetworkEgressFCDSCPInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDSCPOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLspExpInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLspExpOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDot1pInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDot1pOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLastChanged, tNetworkEgressFCForceDEValue, tNetworkEgressFCDEMark, tNetworkEgressFCTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueuePolicyRowStatus, tNetworkQueuePolicyDescription, tNetworkQueuePolicyLastChanged, tNetworkQueuePolicyTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueueRowStatus, tNetworkQueuePoolName, tNetworkQueueParent, tNetworkQueueLevel, tNetworkQueueWeight, tNetworkQueueCIRLevel, tNetworkQueueCIRWeight, tNetworkQueueMCast, tNetworkQueueExpedite, tNetworkQueueCIR, tNetworkQueuePIR, tNetworkQueueCBS, tNetworkQueueMBS, tNetworkQueueHiPrioOnly, tNetworkQueueLastChanged, tNetworkQueueUsePortParent, tNetworkQueuePortLvl, tNetworkQueuePortWght, tNetworkQueuePortCIRLvl, tNetworkQueuePortCIRWght, tNetworkQueuePortAvgOverhead, tNetworkQueuePIRAdaptation, tNetworkQueueCIRAdaptation, tNetworkQueueTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueueFCRowStatus, tNetworkQueueFC, tNetworkQueueFCMCast, tNetworkQueueFCLastChanged, tNetworkQueueFCTableLastChanged } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Network QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 27 } tmnxQosFrameBasedV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSchedulerPolicyFrameBasedAccnt } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of frame-based queue accounting on Nokia SROS series systems release 6.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 28 } tmnxQosObsoletedV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressFCDot1PValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsolete objects for the QoS on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 29 } tmnxQosNamedPoolPolicyV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNamedPoolPolicyTableLastChanged, tNamedPoolPolicyRowStatus, tNamedPoolPolicyLastChanged, tNamedPoolPolicyDescription, tNamedPoolPolicyQ1DefaultWeight, tNamedPoolPolicyQ1MdaWeight, tNamedPoolPolicyQ1PortWeight, tQ1NamedPoolTableLastChanged, tQ1NamedPoolRowStatus, tQ1NamedPoolLastChanged, tQ1NamedPoolDescription, tQ1NamedPoolNetworkAllocWeight, tQ1NamedPoolAccessAllocWeight, tQ1NamedPoolSlopePolicy, tQ1NamedPoolReservedCbs } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for the named pool policy on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 30 } tmnxQosMcMlpppIngrGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tMcMlpppIngrProfDescription, tMcMlpppIngrProfLastChanged, tMcMlpppIngrProfRowStatus, tMcMlpppIngrProfTableLastChanged, tMcMlpppIngrClassReassemblyTmout, tMcMlpppIngrClassLastChanged, tMcMlpppIngrClassTableLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for the multi-class mlppp ingress information on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 31 } tmnxQosMcMlpppEgrGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tMcMlpppEgrProfDescription, tMcMlpppEgrProfLastChanged, tMcMlpppEgrProfRowStatus, tMcMlpppEgrProfTableLastChanged, tMcMlpppEgrClassMir, tMcMlpppEgrClassWeight, tMcMlpppEgrClassMaxSize, tMcMlpppEgrClassLastChanged, tMcMlpppEgrClassTableLastChanged, tMcMlpppEgrFCClass, tMcMlpppEgrFCLastChanged, tMcMlpppEgrFCTableLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for the multi-class mlppp egress information on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 32 } tmnxQosQueueObjGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosEgrQGroupDescr, tQosEgrQGroupLastChanged, tQosEgrQGroupRowStatus, tQosEgrQGroupTableLastChanged, tQosEgrQTableLastChanged, tQosEgrQueueAdminCIR, tQosEgrQueueAdminPIR, tQosEgrQueueCBS, tQosEgrQueueCIRAdaptation, tQosEgrQueueCIRLevel, tQosEgrQueueCIRWeight, tQosEgrQueueExpedite, tQosEgrQueueHiPrioOnly, tQosEgrQueueLastChanged, tQosEgrQueueLevel, tQosEgrQueueMBS, tQosEgrQueuePIRAdaptation, tQosEgrQueueParent, tQosEgrQueuePoolName, tQosEgrQueuePortCIRLvl, tQosEgrQueuePortCIRWght, tQosEgrQueuePortLvl, tQosEgrQueuePortWght, tQosEgrQueueRowStatus, tQosEgrQueueUsePortParent, tQosEgrQueueWeight, tQosIngQTableLastChanged, tQosIngQGroupDescr, tQosIngQGroupLastChanged, tQosIngQGroupRowStatus, tQosIngQGroupTableLastChanged, tQosIngQueueAdminCIR, tQosIngQueueAdminPIR, tQosIngQueueCBS, tQosIngQueueCIRAdaptation, tQosIngQueueCIRLevel, tQosIngQueueCIRWeight, tQosIngQueueExpedite, tQosIngQueueHiPrioOnly, tQosIngQueueLastChanged, tQosIngQueueLevel, tQosIngQueueMBS, tQosIngQueueMCast, tQosIngQueueMode, tQosIngQueuePIRAdaptation, tQosIngQueueParent, tQosIngQueuePoliced, tQosIngQueuePoolName, tQosIngQueueRowStatus, tQosIngQueueWeight } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for the multi-class mlppp egress information on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 33 } tQosQGrpFCGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressFCQGrp, tSapIngressFCQGrpMCast, tSapIngressFCQGrpBCast, tSapIngressFCQGrpUnknown, tSapEgressFCQGrp, tNetworkEgressFCQGrpQueue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for the multi-class mlppp egress information on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 34 } tmnxQosNetworkV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetworkPolicyRowStatus, tNetworkPolicyScope, tNetworkPolicyDescription, tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionFC, tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionProfile, tNetworkPolicyEgressRemark, tNetworkPolicyLastChanged, tNetworkPolicyIngressLerUseDscp, tNetworkPolicyEgressRemarkDscp, tNetworkPolicyTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDSCPRowStatus, tNetworkIngressDSCPFC, tNetworkIngressDSCPProfile, tNetworkIngressDSCPLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDSCPTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDot1pRowStatus, tNetworkIngressDot1pFC, tNetworkIngressDot1pProfile, tNetworkIngressDot1pLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDot1pTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPRowStatus, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPFC, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPProfile, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPLastChanged, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPTableLastChanged, tNetworkEgressFCDSCPInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDSCPOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLspExpInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLspExpOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDot1pInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDot1pOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLastChanged, tNetworkEgressFCForceDEValue, tNetworkEgressFCDEMark, tNetworkEgressFCTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueuePolicyRowStatus, tNetworkQueuePolicyDescription, tNetworkQueuePolicyLastChanged, tNetworkQueuePolicyTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueueRowStatus, tNetworkQueuePoolName, tNetworkQueueParent, tNetworkQueueLevel, tNetworkQueueWeight, tNetworkQueueCIRLevel, tNetworkQueueCIRWeight, tNetworkQueueMCast, tNetworkQueueExpedite, tNetworkQueueCIR, tNetworkQueuePIR, tNetworkQueueCBS, tNetworkQueueMBS, tNetworkQueueHiPrioOnly, tNetworkQueueLastChanged, tNetworkQueueUsePortParent, tNetworkQueuePortLvl, tNetworkQueuePortWght, tNetworkQueuePortCIRLvl, tNetworkQueuePortCIRWght, tNetworkQueuePortAvgOverhead, tNetworkQueuePIRAdaptation, tNetworkQueueCIRAdaptation, tNetworkQueueTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueueFCRowStatus, tNetworkQueueFC, tNetworkQueueFCMCast, tNetworkQueueFCLastChanged, tNetworkQueueFCTableLastChanged } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Network QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 35 } tmnxQosHsmdaV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyRowStatus, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyDescription, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyMaxRate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLastChanged, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp1Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp2Rate, tSapEgressFCHsmdaQueue, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueRowStatus, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueCIRAdaptn, tSapEgressHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueAdminPIR, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueAdminCIR, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueLastChanged, tSapIngressHsmdaPacketOffset, tSapIngressDefFCHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapIngressDot1pHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapIngressDSCPHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapIngressFCHsmdaQueue, tSapIngressFCHsmdaMCastQueue, tSapIngressFCHsmdaBCastQueue, tSapIngressPrecHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueRowStatus, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueLastChanged, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueCIRAdaptn, tSapIngressHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueAdminPIR, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueAdminCIR, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy, tSapIngressHsmdaQueuePoliced, tHsmdaPoolPolicyRowStatus, tHsmdaPoolLastChanged, tHsmdaPoolDescription, tHsmdaPoolSystemReserve, tHsmdaPoolRoot1AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot2AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot3AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot4AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot5AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot6AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot7AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot8AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolClass1Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass1AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass2Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass2AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass3Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass3AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass4Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass4AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass5Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass5AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass6Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass6AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass7Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass7AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass8Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass8AllocPercent, tHsmdaSlopePolicyRowStatus, tHsmdaSlopeLastChanged, tHsmdaSlopeDescription, tHsmdaSlopeQueueMbs, tHsmdaSlopeHiAdminStatus, tHsmdaSlopeHiStartDepth, tHsmdaSlopeHiMaxDepth, tHsmdaSlopeHiMaxProbability, tHsmdaSlopeLoAdminStatus, tHsmdaSlopeLoStartDepth, tHsmdaSlopeLoMaxDepth, tHsmdaSlopeLoMaxProbability, tSapIngrHsmdaQueueTblLastChngd, tSapEgrHsmdaQueueTblLastChngd, tHsmdaSchedPlcyTblLastChngd, tHsmdaSchedPlcyGrpTblLastChngd, tHsmdaPoolPlcyTblLastChngd, tHsmdaSlopePolicyTableLastChanged, tSapIngressIPCritHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapEgressDSCPRowStatus, tSapEgressDSCPLastChanged, tSapEgressDSCPHsmdaCntrOverride, tSapEgressPrecRowStatus, tSapEgressPrecLastChanged, tSapEgressPrecHsmdaCntrOverride, tSapEgrIPCritRowStatus, tSapEgrIPCritLastChanged, tSapEgrIPCritDescription, tSapEgrIPCritActionHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddrType, tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddr, tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpMask, tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddrType, tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddr, tSapEgrIPCritDestIpMask, tSapEgrIPCritProtocol, tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue1, tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue2, tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortOperator, tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue1, tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue2, tSapEgrIPCritDestPortOperator, tSapEgrIPCritDSCP, tSapEgrIPCritFragment, tSapEgressMatchCriteria, tSapEgressHsmdaPacketOffset, tSapEgrIPCritActionFC, tSapEgrIPCritActionProfile, tSapEgressDSCPfc, tSapEgressDSCPprofile, tSapEgressPrecFC, tSapEgressPrecProfile } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of QoS policies for QMDA MDAs on Nokia SROS series systems release 7.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 36 } tmnxQosSapAtmV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressMacCriteriaAtmVci } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP ATM related QoS policies for Nokia SROS series systems release 7.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 37 } tmnxQosMcFrIngrGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tMcFrIngrProfDescription, tMcFrIngrProfLastChanged, tMcFrIngrProfRowStatus, tMcFrIngrProfTableLastChanged, tMcFrIngrClassReassemblyTmout, tMcFrIngrClassLastChanged, tMcFrIngrClassTableLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for the multi-class Fr ingress information on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 38 } tmnxQosMcFrEgrGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tMcFrEgrProfDescription, tMcFrEgrProfLastChanged, tMcFrEgrProfRowStatus, tMcFrEgrProfTableLastChanged, tMcFrEgrClassMir, tMcFrEgrClassWeight, tMcFrEgrClassMaxSize, tMcFrEgrClassLastChanged, tMcFrEgrClassTableLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for the multi-class Fr egress information on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 39 } tmnxQosSapEgrQWredGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressQueueXPWredQ, tSapEgressQueueXPWredQSlope, tQosEgrQueueXPWredQ, tQosEgrQueueXPWredQSlope } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for the WRED specific SAP egress queue information on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 40 } tmnxQosSapIngressV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressRowStatus, tSapIngressScope, tSapIngressDescription, tSapIngressDefaultFC, tSapIngressDefaultFCPriority, tSapIngressMatchCriteria, tSapIngressLastChanged, tSapIngressTableLastChanged, tSapIngressQueueRowStatus, tSapIngressQueueParent, tSapIngressQueueLevel, tSapIngressQueueWeight, tSapIngressQueueCIRLevel, tSapIngressQueueCIRWeight, tSapIngressQueueMCast, tSapIngressQueueExpedite, tSapIngressQueueCBS, tSapIngressQueueHiPrioOnly, tSapIngressQueueCIRAdaptation, tSapIngressQueuePIRAdaptation, tSapIngressQueueAdminPIR, tSapIngressQueueAdminCIR, tSapIngressQueueLastChanged, tSapIngressQueueMode, tSapIngressQueuePoolName, tSapIngressQueueTableLastChanged, tSapIngressQueuePoliced, tSapIngressDSCPRowStatus, tSapIngressDSCPFC, tSapIngressDSCPPriority, tSapIngressDSCPLastChanged, tSapIngressDSCPTableLastChanged, tSapIngressDot1pRowStatus, tSapIngressDot1pFC, tSapIngressDot1pPriority, tSapIngressDot1pLastChanged, tSapIngressDot1pTableLastChanged, tSapIngressIPCriteriaRowStatus, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDescription, tSapIngressIPCriteriaActionFC, tSapIngressIPCriteriaActionPriority, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpAddr, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpAddr, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask, tSapIngressIPCriteriaProtocol, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue2, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortOperator, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue2, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortOperator, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDSCP, tSapIngressIPCriteriaFragment, tSapIngressIPCriteriaLastChanged, tSapIngressIPCriteriaTableLastChanged, tSapIngressMacCriteriaRowStatus, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDescription, tSapIngressMacCriteriaActionFC, tSapIngressMacCriteriaActionPriority, tSapIngressMacCriteriaFrameType, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSrcMacAddr, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSrcMacMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDstMacAddr, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDstMacMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDot1PValue, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDot1PMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaEthernetType, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDSAP, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDSAPMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSSAP, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSSAPMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSnapPid, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSnapOui, tSapIngressMacCriteriaLastChanged, tSapIngressMacCriteriaTableLastChanged, tSapIngressFCRowStatus, tSapIngressFCQueue, tSapIngressFCMCastQueue, tSapIngressFCBCastQueue, tSapIngressFCUnknownQueue, tSapIngressFCLastChanged, tSapIngressFCInProfRemark, tSapIngressFCInProfDscp, tSapIngressFCInProfPrec, tSapIngressFCDE1OutOfProfile, tSapIngressFCOutProfRemark, tSapIngressFCOutProfDscp, tSapIngressFCOutProfPrec, tSapIngressFCProfile, tSapIngressFCTableLastChanged, tSapIngressPrecRowStatus, tSapIngressPrecFC, tSapIngressPrecFCPriority, tSapIngressPrecLastChanged, tSapIngressPrecTableLastChanged, tSapIngressLspExpRowStatus, tSapIngressLspExpLastChanged, tSapIngressLspExpFC, tSapIngressLspExpFCPriority, tSapIngressLspExpHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapIngressLspExpTableLastChange } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP ingress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 8.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 41 } tmnxQosPolicerV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosPolicerCtrlPolDescr, tQosPolicerCtrlPolLastChgd, tQosPolicerCtrlPolRowStatus, tQosPolicerCtrlPolTblLastChgd, tSapIngPolicerPktOffset, tSapIngPolicerAdminCIR, tSapIngPolicerAdminPIR, tSapIngPolicerCIRAdaptation, tSapIngPolicerDescr, tSapIngPolicerHiPrioOnly, tSapIngPolicerLastChanged, tSapIngPolicerLevel, tSapIngPolicerPIRAdaptation, tSapIngPolicerParent, tSapIngPolicerRowStatus, tSapIngPolicerStatMode, tSapIngPolicerTableLastChanged, tSapIngPolicerCBS, tSapIngPolicerMBS, tSapIngPolicerWeight, tSapEgrPolicerPktOffset, tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIR, tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIR, tSapEgrPolicerCIRAdaptation, tSapEgrPolicerDescr, tSapEgrPolicerHiPrioOnly, tSapEgrPolicerLastChanged, tSapEgrPolicerLevel, tSapEgrPolicerPIRAdaptation, tSapEgrPolicerParent, tSapEgrPolicerRowStatus, tSapEgrPolicerStatMode, tSapEgrPolicerTableLastChanged, tSapEgrPolicerCBS, tSapEgrPolicerMBS, tSapEgrPolicerWeight, tSapIngressFCBCastPolicer, tSapIngressFCMCastPolicer, tSapIngressFCPolicer, tSapIngressFCUnknownPolicer, tQosPolicerArbiterDescr, tQosPolicerArbiterLastChgd, tQosPolicerArbiterLevel, tQosPolicerArbiterParent, tQosPolicerArbiterRate, tQosPolicerArbiterRowStatus, tQosPolicerArbiterTblLastChgd, tQosPolicerArbiterWeight, tQosPolicerCtrlPolMinMBSSep, tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRate, tQosPolicerLevelCumMBS, tQosPolicerLevelLastChgd, tQosPolicerLevelTblLastChgd, tSapEgressFCPolicer, tQosPolicerLevelFixedMBS } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Policer specific objects on Nokia SROS series systems release 8.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 42 } tQosQGrpV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosEgrQGroupFCRowStatus, tQosEgrQGroupFCLastChanged, tQosEgrQGroupFCQueue, tQosEgrQGroupFCTableLastChanged, tQosIngQueueMBSBytes, tQosEgrQueueMBSBytes, tSapEgressQueueMBSBytes, tSapIngressQueueMBSBytes, tQosEgrQueueAdminPIRPercent, tQosEgrQueueAdminCIRPercent, tQosEgrQueueRateType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting the management of QOS Queue Groups on Nokia SROS series systems release 8.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 43 } tQosFCQGrpFC8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressFCQGrpFC } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for the SAP egress information on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 44 } tmnxQosSapEgressV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressRowStatus, tSapEgressScope, tSapEgressDescription, tSapEgressLastChanged, tSapEgressTableLastChanged, tSapEgressQueueRowStatus, tSapEgressQueueParent, tSapEgressQueueLevel, tSapEgressQueueWeight, tSapEgressQueueCIRLevel, tSapEgressQueueCIRWeight, tSapEgressQueueExpedite, tSapEgressQueueCBS, tSapEgressQueueHiPrioOnly, tSapEgressQueueCIRAdaptation, tSapEgressQueuePIRAdaptation, tSapEgressQueueAdminPIR, tSapEgressQueueAdminCIR, tSapEgressQueueLastChanged, tSapEgressQueueTableLastChanged, tSapEgressFCRowStatus, tSapEgressFCQueue, tSapEgressFCLastChanged, tSapEgressFCTableLastChanged, tSapEgressFCDot1PInProfile, tSapEgressFCDot1POutProfile, tSapEgressFCForceDEValue, tSapEgressFCDEMark, tSapEgressFCInProfDscp, tSapEgressFCOutProfDscp, tSapEgressFCInProfPrec, tSapEgressFCOutProfPrec, tSapEgressQueueUsePortParent, tSapEgressQueuePortLvl, tSapEgressQueuePortWght, tSapEgressQueuePortCIRLvl, tSapEgressQueuePortCIRWght, tSapEgressQueuePortAvgOverhead, tSapEgressQueuePoolName } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP egress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 45 } tmnxQosQueueObjV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosEgrQGroupDescr, tQosEgrQGroupLastChanged, tQosEgrQGroupRowStatus, tQosEgrQGroupTableLastChanged, tQosEgrQTableLastChanged, tQosEgrQueueAdminCIR, tQosEgrQueueAdminPIR, tQosEgrQueueCBS, tQosEgrQueueCIRAdaptation, tQosEgrQueueCIRLevel, tQosEgrQueueCIRWeight, tQosEgrQueueExpedite, tQosEgrQueueHiPrioOnly, tQosEgrQueueLastChanged, tQosEgrQueueLevel, tQosEgrQueuePIRAdaptation, tQosEgrQueueParent, tQosEgrQueuePoolName, tQosEgrQueuePortCIRLvl, tQosEgrQueuePortCIRWght, tQosEgrQueuePortLvl, tQosEgrQueuePortWght, tQosEgrQueueRowStatus, tQosEgrQueueUsePortParent, tQosEgrQueueWeight, tQosIngQTableLastChanged, tQosIngQGroupDescr, tQosIngQGroupLastChanged, tQosIngQGroupRowStatus, tQosIngQGroupTableLastChanged, tQosIngQueueAdminCIR, tQosIngQueueAdminPIR, tQosIngQueueCBS, tQosIngQueueCIRAdaptation, tQosIngQueueCIRLevel, tQosIngQueueCIRWeight, tQosIngQueueExpedite, tQosIngQueueHiPrioOnly, tQosIngQueueLastChanged, tQosIngQueueLevel, tQosIngQueueMCast, tQosIngQueueMode, tQosIngQueuePIRAdaptation, tQosIngQueueParent, tQosIngQueuePoliced, tQosIngQueuePoolName, tQosIngQueueRowStatus, tQosIngQueueWeight } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for the multi-class mlppp egress information on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 46 } tmnxQosObsoletedV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressQueueMBS, tSapEgressQueueMBS, tQosIngQueueMBS, tQosEgrQueueMBS } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsolete objects for the QoS on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 47 } tmnxQosPortSchPlcyGrpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortSchPlcyLvl1GrpName, tPortSchPlcyLvl1GrpWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl2GrpName, tPortSchPlcyLvl2GrpWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl3GrpName, tPortSchPlcyLvl3GrpWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl4GrpName, tPortSchPlcyLvl4GrpWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl5GrpName, tPortSchPlcyLvl5GrpWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl6GrpName, tPortSchPlcyLvl6GrpWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl7GrpName, tPortSchPlcyLvl7GrpWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl8GrpName, tPortSchPlcyLvl8GrpWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpLastChanged, tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpTblLastChgd, tPortSchPlcyGrpAdminCIR, tPortSchPlcyGrpAdminPIR, tPortSchPlcyGrpLastChanged, tPortSchPlcyGrpRowStatus, tPortSchPlcyGrpTblLastChgd } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Port Scheduler Policy Group objects for the QoS on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 48 } tmnxQosSchedulerV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSchedulerPolicyRowStatus, tSchedulerPolicyDescription, tSchedulerPolicyLastChanged, tSchedulerPolicyTableLastChanged, tVirtualSchedulerRowStatus, tVirtualSchedulerDescription, tVirtualSchedulerParent, tVirtualSchedulerLevel, tVirtualSchedulerWeight, tVirtualSchedulerCIRLevel, tVirtualSchedulerCIRWeight, tVirtualSchedulerPIR, tVirtualSchedulerCIR, tVirtualSchedulerSummedCIR, tVirtualSchedulerLastChanged, tVirtualSchedulerUsePortParent, tVirtualSchedulerPortLvl, tVirtualSchedulerPortWght, tVirtualSchedulerPortCIRLvl, tVirtualSchedulerPortCIRWght, tVirtualSchedulerTableLastChanged, tPortSchedulerPlcyRowStatus, tPortSchedulerPlcyDescription, tPortSchedulerPlcyLastChanged, tPortSchedulerPlcyMaxRate, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanLvl, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanWeight, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanCIRLvl, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanCIRWght } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Scheduler policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 49 } tmnxQosBurstLimitGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressQueueBurstLimit, tSapEgressQueueBurstLimit, tQosIngQueueBurstLimit, tQosEgrQueueBurstLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Burst-size management objects for the QoS on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 50 } tmnxQosMacCritVidFltrV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressMacCritInnerTagValue, tSapIngressMacCritInnerTagMask, tSapIngressMacCritOuterTagValue, tSapIngressMacCritOuterTagMask, tSapIngressMacCritType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of mac VID filtering objects on Nokia SROS series systems 9.0 release." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 51 } tmnxQosSapEgressV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressQueuePktOffset, tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRPercent, tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRPercent, tSapEgressQueueRateType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP egress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems 9.0 release." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 52 } tmnxQosSapIngressV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRPercent, tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRPercent, tSapIngressQueueRateType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP ingress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems 9.0 release." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 53 } tmnxQosPolicerV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRPercent, tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRPercent, tSapIngPolicerRateType, tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRPercent, tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRPercent, tSapEgrPolicerRateType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Policer specific objects on Nokia SROS series systems release 9.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 54 } tmnxQosAtmTdpV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tAtmTdpWeight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for ATM Traffic Descriptor Profiles added in release 9.0 of SROS." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 55 } tmnxQosHsmdaV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tHsmdaWrrPolicyTblLastChgd, tHsmdaWrrPolicyRowStatus, tHsmdaWrrPolicyLastChanged, tHsmdaWrrPolicyDescription, tHsmdaWrrPolicyIncludeQueues, tHsmdaWrrPolicySchedUsingClass, tHsmdaWrrPolicyAggWeightAtClass, tNetworkQueuePolicyEHWrrPlcy, tNetworkQueuePolicyEHPktBOffst, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueTblLastChgd, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueuePIRPercent, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueWrrWeight, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueMBS, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueLastChanged, tSapEgressHsmdaLowBrstMaxCls, tSapEgressHsmdaWrrPolicy, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueWrrWeight, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueMBS, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueBurstLimit, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueBurstLimit } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of QoS policies for QMDA MDAs on Nokia SROS series systems release 9.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 56 } tmnxQosNetworkV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetworkQueueFCEgrHsmdaQueue } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Network QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 9.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 57 } tmnxQosNamedPoolV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQ1NamedPoolResvCbsAmbrAlrmStep, tQ1NamedPoolResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax, tQ1NamedPoolAmbrAlrmThresh, tQ1NamedPoolRedAlrmThresh } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Network Named Pool policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 9.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 58 } tmnxQosHsmdaObsoletedV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressFCDot1PHsmdaProfile } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects obsoleted supporting management of QoS policies for HSMDA MDAs on Nokia SROS series systems release 9.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 59 } tmnxQosPolicyV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgrPolicyNameId, tSapEgrPolicyNameLastChanged, tSapEgrPolicyNameRowStatus, tSapEgrPolicyNameTableLastChgd, tSapEgressPolicyName, tSapIngPolicyNameId, tSapIngPolicyNameLastChanged, tSapIngPolicyNameRowStatus, tSapIngPolicyNameTableLastChgd, tSapIngressPolicyName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Network QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 10.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 60 } tmnxQosQueueGrpPolcrV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosIngPolicerTableLastChanged, tQosIngPolicerRowStatus, tQosIngPolicerLastChanged, tQosIngPolicerDescr, tQosIngPolicerPIRAdaptation, tQosIngPolicerCIRAdaptation, tQosIngPolicerParent, tQosIngPolicerLevel, tQosIngPolicerWeight, tQosIngPolicerAdminPIR, tQosIngPolicerAdminCIR, tQosIngPolicerCBS, tQosIngPolicerMBS, tQosIngPolicerHiPrioOnly, tQosIngPolicerPktOffset, tQosIngPolicerProfileCapped, tQosIngPolicerStatMode, tQosEgrPolicerTableLastChanged, tQosEgrPolicerRowStatus, tQosEgrPolicerLastChanged, tQosEgrPolicerDescr, tQosEgrPolicerPIRAdaptation, tQosEgrPolicerCIRAdaptation, tQosEgrPolicerParent, tQosEgrPolicerLevel, tQosEgrPolicerWeight, tQosEgrPolicerAdminPIR, tQosEgrPolicerAdminCIR, tQosEgrPolicerCBS, tQosEgrPolicerMBS, tQosEgrPolicerHiPrioOnly, tQosEgrPolicerPktOffset, tQosEgrPolicerProfileCapped, tQosEgrPolicerStatMode, tSapIngressFCPlcrFPQGrp, tSapIngressFCMCastPlcrFPQGrp, tSapIngressFCBCastPlcrFPQGrp, tSapIngressFCUnknownPlcrFPQGrp, tNetworkEgressFCQGrpPolicer, tNetworkIngressFCTableLstChanged, tNetworkIngressFCMultiCastPlcr, tNetworkIngressFCUniCastPlcr, tNetworkIngressFCLastChanged, tQosEgrQueuePktOffset, tQosPolicerCtrlPolProfPref, tSapEgrPolicerProfileCapped, tSapIngPolicerProfileCapped } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Network QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 10.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 61 } tmnxQosEgrReClassifyV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressEthernetCtag, tSapEgressDot1pRowStatus, tSapEgressDot1pLastChanged, tSapEgressDot1pTableLastChanged, tSapEgressDot1pFC, tSapEgressDot1pProfile } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of QoS Egress policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 10.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 62 } tmnxQosPolicerSlopeGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosEgrPolicerSlopeMap, tQosEgrPolicerSlopeMaxDepth, tQosEgrPolicerSlopeMaxProb, tQosEgrPolicerSlopeStartDepth, tQosIngPolicerSlopeMap, tQosIngPolicerSlopeMaxDepth, tQosIngPolicerSlopeMaxProb, tQosIngPolicerSlopeStartDepth, tSapEgrPolicerSlopeMap, tSapEgrPolicerSlopeMaxDepth, tSapEgrPolicerSlopeMaxProb, tSapEgrPolicerSlopeStartDepth, tSapIngPolicerSlopeMap, tSapIngPolicerSlopeMaxDepth, tSapIngPolicerSlopeMaxProb, tSapIngPolicerSlopeStartDepth } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of QoS policer slope on Nokia SROS series systems release 10.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 63 } tmnxQosAdvConfigV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tAdvCfgPolicyTblLastChgd, tAdvCfgPolicyRowStatus, tAdvCfgLastChanged, tAdvCfgDescription, tAdvCfgChildAdmnPirPrcnt, tAdvCfgChildAdminRate, tAdvCfgOMGranPirPrcnt, tAdvCfgOMGranRate, tAdvCfgMaxDecPirPrcnt, tAdvCfgMaxDecRate, tAdvCfgHiRateHoldTime, tAdvCfgTimeAvgFactor, tAdvCfgSampleInterval, tAdvCfgFastStart, tAdvCfgFastStop, tAdvCfgAbvOffCapPirPrcnt, tAdvCfgAbvOffCapRate, tAdvCfgBWDGranPirPrcnt, tAdvCfgBWDGranRate, tQosEgrPolicerAdvCfgPolicy, tQosIngPolicerAdvCfgPolicy, tQosEgrQueueAdvCfgPolicy, tQosIngQueueAdvCfgPolicy, tSapEgrPolicerAdvCfgPolicy, tSapIngPolicerAdvCfgPolicy, tSapEgressQueueAdvCfgPolicy, tSapIngressQueueAdvCfgPolicy, tAdvCfgMinOnly, tAdvCfgDecOnly } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of QoS policer and queue advanced configuration parameters on Nokia SROS series systems release 10.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 64 } tmnxQosHsmdaV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyRowStatus, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyDescription, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyMaxRate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLastChanged, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp1Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp2Rate, tSapEgressFCHsmdaQueue, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueRowStatus, tSapEgressHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueAdminPIR, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueLastChanged, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueRowStatus, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueLastChanged, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueCIRAdaptn, tSapIngressHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueAdminPIR, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueAdminCIR, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy, tSapIngressHsmdaQueuePoliced, tHsmdaPoolPolicyRowStatus, tHsmdaPoolLastChanged, tHsmdaPoolDescription, tHsmdaPoolSystemReserve, tHsmdaPoolRoot1AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot2AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot3AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot4AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot5AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot6AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot7AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot8AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolClass1Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass1AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass2Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass2AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass3Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass3AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass4Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass4AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass5Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass5AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass6Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass6AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass7Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass7AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass8Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass8AllocPercent, tHsmdaSlopePolicyRowStatus, tHsmdaSlopeLastChanged, tHsmdaSlopeDescription, tHsmdaSlopeHiAdminStatus, tHsmdaSlopeHiStartDepth, tHsmdaSlopeHiMaxDepth, tHsmdaSlopeHiMaxProbability, tHsmdaSlopeLoAdminStatus, tHsmdaSlopeLoStartDepth, tHsmdaSlopeLoMaxDepth, tHsmdaSlopeLoMaxProbability, tSapEgrHsmdaQueueTblLastChngd, tHsmdaSchedPlcyTblLastChngd, tHsmdaSchedPlcyGrpTblLastChngd, tHsmdaPoolPlcyTblLastChngd, tHsmdaSlopePolicyTableLastChanged, tSapEgressDSCPRowStatus, tSapEgressDSCPLastChanged, tSapEgressDSCPHsmdaCntrOverride, tSapEgressPrecRowStatus, tSapEgressPrecLastChanged, tSapEgressPrecHsmdaCntrOverride, tSapEgrIPCritRowStatus, tSapEgrIPCritLastChanged, tSapEgrIPCritDescription, tSapEgrIPCritActionHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddrType, tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddr, tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpMask, tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddrType, tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddr, tSapEgrIPCritDestIpMask, tSapEgrIPCritProtocol, tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue1, tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue2, tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortOperator, tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue1, tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue2, tSapEgrIPCritDestPortOperator, tSapEgrIPCritDSCP, tSapEgrIPCritFragment, tSapEgressMatchCriteria, tSapEgressHsmdaPacketOffset, tSapEgrIPCritActionFC, tSapEgrIPCritActionProfile, tSapEgressDSCPfc, tSapEgressDSCPprofile, tSapEgressPrecFC, tSapEgressPrecProfile, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyBrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp1BrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp2BrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1BrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2BrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3BrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4BrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5BrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6BrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7BrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8BrstLimit } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of QoS policies for QMDA MDAs on Nokia SROS series systems release 10.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 65 } tmnxQosNetworkV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetworkEgressDSCPRowStatus, tNetworkEgressDSCPLastChanged, tNetworkEgressDSCPFC, tNetworkEgressDSCPProfile, tNetworkEgressPrecRowStatus, tNetworkEgressPrecLastChanged, tNetworkEgressPrecFC, tNetworkEgressPrecProfile, tNetworkEgrDSCPTableLastChanged, tNetworkEgrPrecTableLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Network QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 10.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 66 } tmnxQosNetworkV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressFCEgressOverrideFC } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Network QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 11.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 67 } tmnxQosSapIngressV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressRowStatus, tSapIngressScope, tSapIngressDescription, tSapIngressDefaultFC, tSapIngressDefaultFCPriority, tSapIngressMatchCriteria, tSapIngressLastChanged, tSapIngressTableLastChanged, tSapIngressQueueRowStatus, tSapIngressQueueParent, tSapIngressQueueLevel, tSapIngressQueueWeight, tSapIngressQueueCIRLevel, tSapIngressQueueCIRWeight, tSapIngressQueueMCast, tSapIngressQueueExpedite, tSapIngressQueueCBS, tSapIngressQueueHiPrioOnly, tSapIngressQueueCIRAdaptation, tSapIngressQueuePIRAdaptation, tSapIngressQueueAdminPIR, tSapIngressQueueAdminCIR, tSapIngressQueueLastChanged, tSapIngressQueueMode, tSapIngressQueuePoolName, tSapIngressQueueTableLastChanged, tSapIngressQueuePoliced, tSapIngressDSCPRowStatus, tSapIngressDSCPFC, tSapIngressDSCPPriority, tSapIngressDSCPLastChanged, tSapIngressDSCPTableLastChanged, tSapIngressDot1pRowStatus, tSapIngressDot1pFC, tSapIngressDot1pPriority, tSapIngressDot1pLastChanged, tSapIngressDot1pTableLastChanged, tSapIngressIPCriteriaRowStatus, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDescription, tSapIngressIPCriteriaActionFC, tSapIngressIPCriteriaActionPriority, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpAddr, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpAddr, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask, tSapIngressIPCriteriaProtocol, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue2, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortOperator, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue2, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortOperator, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDSCP, tSapIngressIPCriteriaFragment, tSapIngressIPCriteriaLastChanged, tSapIngressIPCriteriaTableLastChanged, tSapIngressMacCriteriaRowStatus, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDescription, tSapIngressMacCriteriaActionFC, tSapIngressMacCriteriaActionPriority, tSapIngressMacCriteriaFrameType, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSrcMacAddr, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSrcMacMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDstMacAddr, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDstMacMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDot1PValue, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDot1PMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaEthernetType, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDSAP, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDSAPMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSSAP, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSSAPMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSnapPid, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSnapOui, tSapIngressMacCriteriaLastChanged, tSapIngressMacCriteriaTableLastChanged, tSapIngressFCRowStatus, tSapIngressFCQueue, tSapIngressFCMCastQueue, tSapIngressFCBCastQueue, tSapIngressFCUnknownQueue, tSapIngressFCLastChanged, tSapIngressFCInProfRemark, tSapIngressFCInProfDscp, tSapIngressFCInProfPrec, tSapIngressFCDE1OutOfProfile, tSapIngressFCOutProfRemark, tSapIngressFCOutProfDscp, tSapIngressFCOutProfPrec, tSapIngressFCProfile, tSapIngressFCTableLastChanged, tSapIngressPrecRowStatus, tSapIngressPrecFC, tSapIngressPrecFCPriority, tSapIngressPrecLastChanged, tSapIngressPrecTableLastChanged, tSapIngressLspExpRowStatus, tSapIngressLspExpLastChanged, tSapIngressLspExpFC, tSapIngressLspExpFCPriority, tSapIngressLspExpTableLastChange } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP ingress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 10.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 68 } tmnxQosHsmdaObsoletedV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tHsmdaSlopeQueueMbs, tSapIngressHsmdaPacketOffset, tSapIngressFCHsmdaQueue, tSapIngressFCHsmdaMCastQueue, tSapIngressFCHsmdaBCastQueue, tSapIngressDefFCHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapIngressDot1pHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapIngressPrecHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapIngressDSCPHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapIngressLspExpHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapIngressIPCritHsmdaCntrOvr, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueCIRAdaptn, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueAdminCIR, tSapIngrHsmdaQueueTblLastChngd, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueRowStatus, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueLastChanged, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueCIRAdaptn, tSapIngressHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueAdminPIR, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueAdminCIR, tSapIngressHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy, tSapIngressHsmdaQueuePoliced } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects obsoleted supporting management of QoS policies for HSMDA MDAs on Nokia SROS series systems release 10.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 69 } tmnxSapEgressFCV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressFCQGrpInstanceId, tSapEgressFCPortQGrpQueue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Sap-Egress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 11.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 70 } tmnxQosHsmdaV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosEgrQGroupHsmdaPacketOffset, tQosEgrQGroupHsmdaWrrPolicy, tQosEgrQGroupHsmdaLowBrstMaxCls, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueRowStatus, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueLastChanged, tQosEgrHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueAdminPIR, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueWrrWeight, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueMBS, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueBurstLimit, tSapEgressFCHsmdaQueuePortQGrpQ } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of QoS policies for HSMDA on Nokia SROS series systems release 11.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 71 } tmnxQosSchedulerRateV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tVirtualSchedulerPIRHi, tVirtualSchedulerPIRLo, tVirtualSchedulerCIRHi, tVirtualSchedulerCIRLo } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Scheduler policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 11.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 72 } tmnxQosSchedulerV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSchedulerPolicyRowStatus, tSchedulerPolicyDescription, tSchedulerPolicyLastChanged, tSchedulerPolicyTableLastChanged, tVirtualSchedulerRowStatus, tVirtualSchedulerDescription, tVirtualSchedulerParent, tVirtualSchedulerLevel, tVirtualSchedulerWeight, tVirtualSchedulerCIRLevel, tVirtualSchedulerCIRWeight, tVirtualSchedulerSummedCIR, tVirtualSchedulerLastChanged, tVirtualSchedulerUsePortParent, tVirtualSchedulerPortLvl, tVirtualSchedulerPortWght, tVirtualSchedulerPortCIRLvl, tVirtualSchedulerPortCIRWght, tVirtualSchedulerTableLastChanged, tPortSchedulerPlcyRowStatus, tPortSchedulerPlcyDescription, tPortSchedulerPlcyLastChanged, tPortSchedulerPlcyMaxRate, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanLvl, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanWeight, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanCIRLvl, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanCIRWght } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Scheduler policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 11.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 73 } tmnxQosSchedObsoletedV11v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tVirtualSchedulerPIR, tVirtualSchedulerCIR } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects obsoleted supporting management of QoS Scheduler policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 11.0." ::= { tmnxQosGroups 74 } tmnxQosV12v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxQosGroups 75 } tmnxQosSapEgrFCDot1pDEV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressFCOuterTagDot1PInProf, tSapEgressFCOuterTagDot1POutProf, tSapEgressFCInnerTagDot1PInProf, tSapEgressFCInnerTagDot1POutProf, tSapEgressFCOuterTagForceDEValue, tSapEgressFCOuterTagDEMark, tSapEgressFCInnerTagForceDEValue, tSapEgressFCInnerTagDEMark } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of QoS Sap-Egress policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxQosV12v0Groups 1 } tmnxQosSapIPCritExtV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpFullMask, tSapIngressIPCritDstIpFullMask, tSapIngressIPv6CritSrcIpFullMask, tSapIngressIPv6CritDstIpFullMask, tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask, tSapEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP egress/ingress QoS policies with full mask IP address matching on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxQosV12v0Groups 2 } tmnxQosPolicyV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressParentLocation, tSchedulerPolicyTier1ParentLoc } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP egress QoS and scheduler policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxQosV12v0Groups 3 } tmnxQosSapIngIPMacCritV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressIPCritActionPolicer, tSapIngressMacCritActionPolicer, tSapIngressIPv6CritActionPolicer } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP ingress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxQosV12v0Groups 4 } tmnxQosPlcyV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tAdvCfgChildAdminRateActMinOnly, tAdvCfgHiRateHoldTimeActMinOnly, tAdvCfgBWDEnqueueOnPIRZero, tAdvCfgBWDLimitPIRZeroDrain, tAdvCfgBWDLmtUnusedBWInitMinPIR, tVirtualSchedulerRateLUB } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Advance Qos configuration Policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxQosV12v0Groups 5 } tmnxQosSapEgrPlcrV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgrPolicerProfileOutPreserve } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP egress Qos policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxQosV12v0Groups 6 } tmnxQosPortSchedV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortSchedPlcyDistLagRateShared, tPortSchedPlcyMaxRatePercent, tPortSchedPlcyMaxRateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl1PIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl1CIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl1RateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl2PIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl2CIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl2RateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl3PIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl3CIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl3RateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl4PIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl4CIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl4RateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl5PIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl5CIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl5RateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl6PIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl6CIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl6RateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl7PIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl7CIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl7RateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl8PIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl8CIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl8RateType, tPortSchPlcyGrpPIRPercent, tPortSchPlcyGrpCIRPercent, tPortSchPlcyGrpRateType } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Port Scheduler policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxQosV12v0Groups 7 } tmnxQosParentLocV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSchedulerPolicyTier1ParentLoc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP egress QoS and scheduler policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxQosV12v0Groups 8 } tmnxQosParentLocEsmV12v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressParentLocation } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP egress QoS and scheduler policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 12.0." ::= { tmnxQosV12v0Groups 9 } tmnxQosV13v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxQosGroups 76 } tmnxQosSapIngressV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaFragment } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP Ingress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxQosV13v0Groups 1 } tmnxQosNetworkPlcyV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetworkPolicyIngMatchCriteria, tNetworkIngIPCritTableLstChanged, tNetworkIngIPCritRowStatus, tNetworkIngIPCritLastChanged, tNetworkIngIPCritDescription, tNetworkIngIPCritActionFC, tNetworkIngIPCritActionProfile, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpAddrType, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpAddr, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpMask, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpFullMask, tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpAddrType, tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpAddr, tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpMask, tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpFullMask, tNetworkIngIPCritProtocol, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortValue1, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortValue2, tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortOperator, tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortValue1, tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortValue2, tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortOperator, tNetworkIngIPCritDSCP, tNetworkIngIPCritFragment } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Network QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxQosV13v0Groups 2 } tmnxQosNetworkIngFCV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetworkIngressFCBroadCastPlcr, tNetworkIngressFCUnknownPlcr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Network QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxQosV13v0Groups 3 } tmnxQosAdvCfgPlcyV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tAdvCfgBWDInternalSchedWghtMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Advance Qos configuration Policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxQosV13v0Groups 4 } tmnxQosFlowBasedRulesV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngDynamicCfgTblLastChanged, tSapIngDynamicCfgLastChanged, tSapIngSharedPccRuleInsertPoint, tSapIngSharedPccRuleInsertSize, tSapIngSharedPccRuleNbrInsert, tSapIngSharedPccRuleNbrPolicy, tSapIngDynamicPolicerInsertPoint, tSapIngDynamicPolicerInsertSize, tSapIngDynamicPolicerNbrInsert, tSapIngDynamicPolicerPktOffset, tSapIngDynamicPolicerMBS, tSapIngDynamicPolicerCBS, tSapIngDynamicPolicerParent, tSapIngDynamicPolicerLevel, tSapIngDynamicPolicerWeight, tSapIngDynamicPolicerStatMode, tSapEgrDynamicCfgTblLastChanged, tSapEgrDynamicCfgLastChanged, tSapEgrSharedPccRuleInsertPoint, tSapEgrSharedPccRuleInsertSize, tSapEgrSharedPccRuleNbrInsert, tSapEgrSharedPccRuleNbrPolicy, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerInsertPoint, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerInsertSize, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerNbrInsert, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerPktOffset, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerMBS, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerCBS, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerParent, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerLevel, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerWeight, tSapEgrDynamicPolicerStatMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Flow based Rules for QoS configuration on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxQosV13v0Groups 5 } tmnxQosMatchListV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosPrefixListTableLastChanged, tQosPrefixListRowStatus, tQosPrefixListLastChanged, tQosPrefixListDescription, tQosPrefixListEntryTableLastChgd, tQosPrefixListEntryRowStatus, tSapIngressIPCritSrcIpPrefixList, tSapIngressIPCritDstIpPrefixList, tSapEgrIPCritSrcIpPrefixList, tSapEgrIPCritDstIpPrefixList } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of IP prefix match-list for QoS on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxQosV13v0Groups 6 } tmnxQosIngressPlcyV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressQueuePktOffset, tQosIngQueuePktOffset } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxQosV13v0Groups 7 } tmnxQosSapEgrIPCritV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicer, tSapEgrIPCritActionPortQGrpQueue, tSapEgrIPCritActionQueue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP egress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxQosV13v0Groups 8 } tmnxQosPortSchedPlcyV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortSchedPlcyMaxRate, tPortSchedPolicyLevelTblLastChgd, tPortSchedPolicyLevelLastChanged, tPortSchedPolicyLevelRateType, tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIR, tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIR, tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRPercent, tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRPercent, tPortSchedPolicyLevelGroupName, tPortSchedPolicyLevelGroupWeight, tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminPIR, tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminCIR } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Port Scheduler Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxQosV13v0Groups 10 } tmnxQosPortSchPlcyV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortSchedPlcyMonThresholdPrcnt, tPortSchPlcyGrpMonThresholdPrcnt, tPortSchedPolicyLevelMonThrPrcnt } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Port Scheduler Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxQosV13v0Groups 12 } tmnxQosSapEgrIpCritGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgrIPCritActionPolicerUseFCQ } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos SAP egress IP criteria configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosV13v0Groups 13 } tmnxQosSchedulerV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSchedulerPolicyRowStatus, tSchedulerPolicyDescription, tSchedulerPolicyLastChanged, tSchedulerPolicyTableLastChanged, tVirtualSchedulerRowStatus, tVirtualSchedulerDescription, tVirtualSchedulerParent, tVirtualSchedulerLevel, tVirtualSchedulerWeight, tVirtualSchedulerCIRLevel, tVirtualSchedulerCIRWeight, tVirtualSchedulerSummedCIR, tVirtualSchedulerLastChanged, tVirtualSchedulerUsePortParent, tVirtualSchedulerPortLvl, tVirtualSchedulerPortWght, tVirtualSchedulerPortCIRLvl, tVirtualSchedulerPortCIRWght, tVirtualSchedulerTableLastChanged, tPortSchedulerPlcyRowStatus, tPortSchedulerPlcyDescription, tPortSchedulerPlcyLastChanged, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanLvl, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanWeight, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanCIRLvl, tPortSchedulerPlcyOrphanCIRWght, tPortSchedPlcyDistLagRateShared, tPortSchedPlcyMaxRatePercent, tPortSchedPlcyMaxRateType, tPortSchPlcyGrpPIRPercent, tPortSchPlcyGrpCIRPercent, tPortSchPlcyGrpRateType, tPortSchPlcyGrpLastChanged, tPortSchPlcyGrpRowStatus, tPortSchPlcyGrpTblLastChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Scheduler policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxQosV13v0Groups 14 } tmnxQosSchedObsoletedV13v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortSchedulerPlcyMaxRate, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl1PIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl1CIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl2PIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl2CIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl3PIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl3CIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl4PIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl4CIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl5PIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl5CIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl6PIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl6CIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl7PIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl7CIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl8PIR, tPortSchedulerPlcyLvl8CIR, tPortSchedPlcyLvl1PIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl1CIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl1RateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl2PIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl2CIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl2RateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl3PIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl3CIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl3RateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl4PIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl4CIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl4RateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl5PIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl5CIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl5RateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl6PIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl6CIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl6RateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl7PIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl7CIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl7RateType, tPortSchedPlcyLvl8PIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl8CIRPercent, tPortSchedPlcyLvl8RateType, tPortSchPlcyLvl1GrpName, tPortSchPlcyLvl1GrpWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl2GrpName, tPortSchPlcyLvl2GrpWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl3GrpName, tPortSchPlcyLvl3GrpWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl4GrpName, tPortSchPlcyLvl4GrpWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl5GrpName, tPortSchPlcyLvl5GrpWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl6GrpName, tPortSchPlcyLvl6GrpWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl7GrpName, tPortSchPlcyLvl7GrpWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvl8GrpName, tPortSchPlcyLvl8GrpWeight, tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpLastChanged, tPortSchPlcyLvlGrpTblLastChgd, tPortSchPlcyGrpAdminCIR, tPortSchPlcyGrpAdminPIR } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting management of QoS Scheduler policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 13.0." ::= { tmnxQosV13v0Groups 15 } tmnxQosV14v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxQosGroups 77 } tQosPlcrSlopeObsoletedV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosEgrPolicerSlopeMap, tQosEgrPolicerSlopeMaxDepth, tQosEgrPolicerSlopeMaxProb, tQosEgrPolicerSlopeStartDepth, tQosIngPolicerSlopeMap, tQosIngPolicerSlopeMaxDepth, tQosIngPolicerSlopeMaxProb, tQosIngPolicerSlopeStartDepth, tSapEgrPolicerSlopeMap, tSapEgrPolicerSlopeMaxDepth, tSapEgrPolicerSlopeMaxProb, tSapEgrPolicerSlopeStartDepth, tSapIngPolicerSlopeMap, tSapIngPolicerSlopeMaxDepth, tSapIngPolicerSlopeMaxProb, tSapIngPolicerSlopeStartDepth } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting management of QoS policer slope on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxQosV14v0Groups 1 } tmnxQosEgressGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgrPolicerEnableExceedPir, tSapEgrPolicerEnblDscpPrecRemark, tQosEgrPolicerEnableExceedPir, tSapEgressFCDot1PExceedProf, tSapEgressFCOuterDot1PExcdProf, tSapEgressFCExceedProfDscp, tSapEgressFCExceedProfPrec, tSlopeExceedAdminStatus, tSlopeExceedStartAverage, tSlopeExceedMaxAverage, tSlopeExceedMaxProbability, tSapEgressQueueHiLowPrioOnly, tQosEgrQueueHiLowPrioOnly, tSapEgressQueueWredQSlopeUsage, tSapEgressQueueWredQMode, tQosEgrQueueWredQMode, tQosEgrQueueWredQSlopeUsage, tSapEgressQueueXPWredQSlope, tQosEgrQueueXPWredQSlope } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Egress configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosV14v0Groups 2 } tQosEgrQueueObsoletedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressQueueXPWredQ, tQosEgrQueueXPWredQ } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting management of QoS Queue on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxQosV14v0Groups 3 } tmnxQosEgressQueuePlcrGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosEgrQGroupQsHqosManageable, tSapEgressPolicersHqosManageable, tSapEgrPolicerSchedParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedLevel, tSapEgrPolicerSchedWeight, tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRLevel, tSapEgrPolicerSchedCIRWeight, tSapEgrPolicerSchedUsePortParent, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortLvl, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortWght, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRLvl, tSapEgrPolicerSchedPortCIRWght } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Egress configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosV14v0Groups 4 } tmnxSapIngressIPCritGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressIPCritType, tSapIngressIPv6CritType, tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal1, tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniVal2, tSapIngressIPCritVxlanVniOper, tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal1, tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniVal2, tSapIngressIPv6CritVxlanVniOper } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Ingress IP Criteria configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosV14v0Groups 5 } tmnxQosEgrQGrpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosEgrQueueDynamicMbs, tQosEgrQueueQueueDelay } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Egress queue-group configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosV14v0Groups 6 } tQosQueueObsoletedV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSharedQueueParent, tSharedQueueLevel, tSharedQueueWeight, tSharedQueueCIRLevel, tSharedQueueCIRWeight, tNetworkQueueParent, tNetworkQueueLevel, tNetworkQueueWeight, tNetworkQueueCIRLevel, tNetworkQueueCIRWeight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects supporting management of QoS Shared Queue and Network Queue on Nokia SROS series systems release." ::= { tmnxQosV14v0Groups 7 } tQosSharedQueueV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSharedQueuePolicyRowStatus, tSharedQueuePolicyDescription, tSharedQueuePolicyLastChanged, tSharedQueuePolicyTableLastChanged, tSharedQueueRowStatus, tSharedQueuePoolName, tSharedQueueExpedite, tSharedQueueCIR, tSharedQueuePIR, tSharedQueueCBS, tSharedQueueMBS, tSharedQueueHiPrioOnly, tSharedQueueLastChanged, tSharedQueueIsMultipoint, tSharedQueueTableLastChanged, tSharedQueueFCRowStatus, tSharedQueueFCQueue, tSharedQueueFCLastChanged, tSharedQueueFCTableLastChanged, tSharedQueueFCMCastQueue, tSharedQueueFCBCastQueue, tSharedQueueFCUnknownQueue } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of QoS shared queue on Nokia SROS series systems release 14.0." ::= { tmnxQosV14v0Groups 8 } tQosNetworkV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetworkPolicyRowStatus, tNetworkPolicyScope, tNetworkPolicyDescription, tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionFC, tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionProfile, tNetworkPolicyEgressRemark, tNetworkPolicyLastChanged, tNetworkPolicyIngressLerUseDscp, tNetworkPolicyEgressRemarkDscp, tNetworkPolicyTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDSCPRowStatus, tNetworkIngressDSCPFC, tNetworkIngressDSCPProfile, tNetworkIngressDSCPLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDSCPTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDot1pRowStatus, tNetworkIngressDot1pFC, tNetworkIngressDot1pProfile, tNetworkIngressDot1pLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDot1pTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPRowStatus, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPFC, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPProfile, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPLastChanged, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPTableLastChanged, tNetworkEgressFCDSCPInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDSCPOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLspExpInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLspExpOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDot1pInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDot1pOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLastChanged, tNetworkEgressFCForceDEValue, tNetworkEgressFCDEMark, tNetworkEgressFCTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueuePolicyRowStatus, tNetworkQueuePolicyDescription, tNetworkQueuePolicyLastChanged, tNetworkQueuePolicyTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueueRowStatus, tNetworkQueuePoolName, tNetworkQueueMCast, tNetworkQueueExpedite, tNetworkQueueCIR, tNetworkQueuePIR, tNetworkQueueCBS, tNetworkQueueMBS, tNetworkQueueHiPrioOnly, tNetworkQueueLastChanged, tNetworkQueueUsePortParent, tNetworkQueuePortLvl, tNetworkQueuePortWght, tNetworkQueuePortCIRLvl, tNetworkQueuePortCIRWght, tNetworkQueuePortAvgOverhead, tNetworkQueuePIRAdaptation, tNetworkQueueCIRAdaptation, tNetworkQueueTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueueFCRowStatus, tNetworkQueueFC, tNetworkQueueFCMCast, tNetworkQueueFCLastChanged, tNetworkQueueFCTableLastChanged } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Network QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosV14v0Groups 9 } tQosSapIngEgrV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressIsPolicyActive, tSapEgressIsPolicyActive } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Sap Ingress and Sap Egress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosV14v0Groups 10 } tmnxSlopePolicyV14v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSlopeHighPlusAdminStatus, tSlopeHighPlusStartAverage, tSlopeHighPlusMaxAverage, tSlopeHighPlusMaxProbability } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Slope Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosV14v0Groups 11 } tmnxQosV15v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxQosGroups 78 } tmnxQosQueueDropTailGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgrQDrpTailExcdReductnMbs, tSapEgrQDrpTailHiPlusReductnMbs, tSapEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs, tSapEgrQDrpTailHighReductnMbs, tSapIngQDrpTailLowReductnMbs, tSharedQDrpTailLowReductnMbs, tNetworkQDrpTailLowReductnMbs, tQosIngQDrpTailLowReductnMbs, tQosEgrQDrpTailExcdReductnMbs, tQosEgrQDrpTailHiPlusReductnMbs, tQosEgrQDrpTailHighReductnMbs, tQosEgrQDrpTailLowReductnMbs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of QoS queue drop tail configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosV15v0Groups 1 } tmnxQosQueueRateGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRHi, tSapIngressQueueAdminPIRLo, tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRHi, tSapIngressQueueAdminCIRLo, tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRHi, tSapIngPolicerAdminPIRLo, tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRHi, tSapIngPolicerAdminCIRLo, tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRHi, tSapEgressQueueAdminPIRLo, tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRHi, tSapEgressQueueAdminCIRLo, tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRHi, tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIRLo, tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRHi, tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIRLo, tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRateHi, tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRateLo, tQosPolicerArbiterRateHi, tQosPolicerArbiterRateLo, tPortSchedPlcyMaxRateHi, tPortSchedPolicyLevelPIRHi, tPortSchedPolicyLevelCIRHi, tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminPIRHi, tPortSchPlcyGroupAdminCIRHi } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects enhancing the management of QoS queue rates configuration on Nokia SROS series systems in Release 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosV15v0Groups 2 } tmnxQosPostPolicerMappingGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyTblLstChg, tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyRowStatus, tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyLstChgd, tQosPostPlcrMappingPlcyDescr, tQosPostPlcrMappingTblLstChg, tQosPostPlcrMappingRowStatus, tQosPostPlcrMappingLstChgd, tQosPostPlcrMappingMappedFcName, tQosPostPlcrMappingMappedProfile, tSapEgressPostPlcrMappingPlcy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of QoS post policer mapping configuration on Nokia SROS series systems in Release 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosV15v0Groups 3 } tmnxQosQGrpRedirectListGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosQGrpRedirctLstTblLstChg, tQosQGrpRedirctLstRowStatus, tQosQGrpRedirctLstLastChanged, tQosQGrpRedirctLstType, tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchTblLstChg, tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchRowStatus, tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchLstChgd, tQosQGrpRedirctLstMatchInstId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting management of QoS queue-group redirect list configuration on Nokia SROS series systems in Release 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosV15v0Groups 4 } tmnxQosTimeStampGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressPrecTableLastChanged, tSapEgressDSCPTableLastChanged, tSapEgrIPCritTableLastChanged, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueTblLstChngd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of additional objects supporting management of QoS timestamps on Nokia SROS series systems in Release 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosV15v0Groups 5 } tmnxQosSapIngressV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressRowStatus, tSapIngressScope, tSapIngressDescription, tSapIngressDefaultFC, tSapIngressDefaultFCPriority, tSapIngressMatchCriteria, tSapIngressLastChanged, tSapIngressTableLastChanged, tSapIngressQueueRowStatus, tSapIngressQueueParent, tSapIngressQueueLevel, tSapIngressQueueWeight, tSapIngressQueueCIRLevel, tSapIngressQueueCIRWeight, tSapIngressQueueMCast, tSapIngressQueueExpedite, tSapIngressQueueCBS, tSapIngressQueueCIRAdaptation, tSapIngressQueuePIRAdaptation, tSapIngressQueueLastChanged, tSapIngressQueueMode, tSapIngressQueuePoolName, tSapIngressQueueTableLastChanged, tSapIngressQueuePoliced, tSapIngressDSCPRowStatus, tSapIngressDSCPFC, tSapIngressDSCPPriority, tSapIngressDSCPLastChanged, tSapIngressDSCPTableLastChanged, tSapIngressDot1pRowStatus, tSapIngressDot1pFC, tSapIngressDot1pPriority, tSapIngressDot1pLastChanged, tSapIngressDot1pTableLastChanged, tSapIngressIPCriteriaRowStatus, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDescription, tSapIngressIPCriteriaActionFC, tSapIngressIPCriteriaActionPriority, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpAddr, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpAddr, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask, tSapIngressIPCriteriaProtocol, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue2, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortOperator, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue2, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortOperator, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDSCP, tSapIngressIPCriteriaFragment, tSapIngressIPCriteriaLastChanged, tSapIngressIPCriteriaTableLastChanged, tSapIngressMacCriteriaRowStatus, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDescription, tSapIngressMacCriteriaActionFC, tSapIngressMacCriteriaActionPriority, tSapIngressMacCriteriaFrameType, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSrcMacAddr, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSrcMacMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDstMacAddr, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDstMacMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDot1PValue, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDot1PMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaEthernetType, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDSAP, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDSAPMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSSAP, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSSAPMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSnapPid, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSnapOui, tSapIngressMacCriteriaLastChanged, tSapIngressMacCriteriaTableLastChanged, tSapIngressFCRowStatus, tSapIngressFCQueue, tSapIngressFCMCastQueue, tSapIngressFCBCastQueue, tSapIngressFCUnknownQueue, tSapIngressFCLastChanged, tSapIngressFCInProfRemark, tSapIngressFCInProfDscp, tSapIngressFCInProfPrec, tSapIngressFCDE1OutOfProfile, tSapIngressFCOutProfRemark, tSapIngressFCOutProfDscp, tSapIngressFCOutProfPrec, tSapIngressFCProfile, tSapIngressFCTableLastChanged, tSapIngressPrecRowStatus, tSapIngressPrecFC, tSapIngressPrecFCPriority, tSapIngressPrecLastChanged, tSapIngressPrecTableLastChanged, tSapIngressLspExpRowStatus, tSapIngressLspExpLastChanged, tSapIngressLspExpFC, tSapIngressLspExpFCPriority, tSapIngressLspExpTableLastChange } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP ingress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosV15v0Groups 6 } tmnxQosSapEgressV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressRowStatus, tSapEgressScope, tSapEgressDescription, tSapEgressLastChanged, tSapEgressTableLastChanged, tSapEgressQueueRowStatus, tSapEgressQueueParent, tSapEgressQueueLevel, tSapEgressQueueWeight, tSapEgressQueueCIRLevel, tSapEgressQueueCIRWeight, tSapEgressQueueExpedite, tSapEgressQueueCBS, tSapEgressQueueCIRAdaptation, tSapEgressQueuePIRAdaptation, tSapEgressQueueLastChanged, tSapEgressQueueTableLastChanged, tSapEgressFCRowStatus, tSapEgressFCQueue, tSapEgressFCLastChanged, tSapEgressFCTableLastChanged, tSapEgressFCDot1PInProfile, tSapEgressFCDot1POutProfile, tSapEgressFCForceDEValue, tSapEgressFCDEMark, tSapEgressFCInProfDscp, tSapEgressFCOutProfDscp, tSapEgressFCInProfPrec, tSapEgressFCOutProfPrec, tSapEgressQueueUsePortParent, tSapEgressQueuePortLvl, tSapEgressQueuePortWght, tSapEgressQueuePortCIRLvl, tSapEgressQueuePortCIRWght, tSapEgressQueuePortAvgOverhead, tSapEgressQueuePoolName } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP egress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosV15v0Groups 7 } tmnxQosEgressV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgrPolicerEnableExceedPir, tSapEgrPolicerEnblDscpPrecRemark, tQosEgrPolicerEnableExceedPir, tSapEgressFCDot1PExceedProf, tSapEgressFCOuterDot1PExcdProf, tSapEgressFCExceedProfDscp, tSapEgressFCExceedProfPrec, tSlopeExceedAdminStatus, tSlopeExceedStartAverage, tSlopeExceedMaxAverage, tSlopeExceedMaxProbability, tSapEgressQueueWredQSlopeUsage, tSapEgressQueueWredQMode, tQosEgrQueueWredQMode, tQosEgrQueueWredQSlopeUsage, tSapEgressQueueXPWredQSlope, tQosEgrQueueXPWredQSlope } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Egress configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosV15v0Groups 8 } tQosNetworkV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetworkPolicyRowStatus, tNetworkPolicyScope, tNetworkPolicyDescription, tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionFC, tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionProfile, tNetworkPolicyEgressRemark, tNetworkPolicyLastChanged, tNetworkPolicyIngressLerUseDscp, tNetworkPolicyEgressRemarkDscp, tNetworkPolicyTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDSCPRowStatus, tNetworkIngressDSCPFC, tNetworkIngressDSCPProfile, tNetworkIngressDSCPLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDSCPTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDot1pRowStatus, tNetworkIngressDot1pFC, tNetworkIngressDot1pProfile, tNetworkIngressDot1pLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDot1pTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPRowStatus, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPFC, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPProfile, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPLastChanged, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPTableLastChanged, tNetworkEgressFCDSCPInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDSCPOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLspExpInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLspExpOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDot1pInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDot1pOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLastChanged, tNetworkEgressFCForceDEValue, tNetworkEgressFCDEMark, tNetworkEgressFCTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueuePolicyRowStatus, tNetworkQueuePolicyDescription, tNetworkQueuePolicyLastChanged, tNetworkQueuePolicyTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueueRowStatus, tNetworkQueuePoolName, tNetworkQueueMCast, tNetworkQueueExpedite, tNetworkQueueCIR, tNetworkQueuePIR, tNetworkQueueCBS, tNetworkQueueMBS, tNetworkQueueLastChanged, tNetworkQueueUsePortParent, tNetworkQueuePortLvl, tNetworkQueuePortWght, tNetworkQueuePortCIRLvl, tNetworkQueuePortCIRWght, tNetworkQueuePortAvgOverhead, tNetworkQueuePIRAdaptation, tNetworkQueueCIRAdaptation, tNetworkQueueTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueueFCRowStatus, tNetworkQueueFC, tNetworkQueueFCMCast, tNetworkQueueFCLastChanged, tNetworkQueueFCTableLastChanged } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Network QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosV15v0Groups 9 } tQosSharedQueueV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSharedQueuePolicyRowStatus, tSharedQueuePolicyDescription, tSharedQueuePolicyLastChanged, tSharedQueuePolicyTableLastChanged, tSharedQueueRowStatus, tSharedQueuePoolName, tSharedQueueExpedite, tSharedQueueCIR, tSharedQueuePIR, tSharedQueueCBS, tSharedQueueMBS, tSharedQueueLastChanged, tSharedQueueIsMultipoint, tSharedQueueTableLastChanged, tSharedQueueFCRowStatus, tSharedQueueFCQueue, tSharedQueueFCLastChanged, tSharedQueueFCTableLastChanged, tSharedQueueFCMCastQueue, tSharedQueueFCBCastQueue, tSharedQueueFCUnknownQueue } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of QoS shared queue on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosV15v0Groups 10 } tmnxQosQueueObjV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosEgrQGroupDescr, tQosEgrQGroupLastChanged, tQosEgrQGroupRowStatus, tQosEgrQGroupTableLastChanged, tQosEgrQTableLastChanged, tQosEgrQueueAdminCIR, tQosEgrQueueAdminPIR, tQosEgrQueueCBS, tQosEgrQueueCIRAdaptation, tQosEgrQueueCIRLevel, tQosEgrQueueCIRWeight, tQosEgrQueueExpedite, tQosEgrQueueLastChanged, tQosEgrQueueLevel, tQosEgrQueuePIRAdaptation, tQosEgrQueueParent, tQosEgrQueuePoolName, tQosEgrQueuePortCIRLvl, tQosEgrQueuePortCIRWght, tQosEgrQueuePortLvl, tQosEgrQueuePortWght, tQosEgrQueueRowStatus, tQosEgrQueueUsePortParent, tQosEgrQueueWeight, tQosIngQTableLastChanged, tQosIngQGroupDescr, tQosIngQGroupLastChanged, tQosIngQGroupRowStatus, tQosIngQGroupTableLastChanged, tQosIngQueueAdminCIR, tQosIngQueueAdminPIR, tQosIngQueueCBS, tQosIngQueueCIRAdaptation, tQosIngQueueCIRLevel, tQosIngQueueCIRWeight, tQosIngQueueExpedite, tQosIngQueueLastChanged, tQosIngQueueLevel, tQosIngQueueMCast, tQosIngQueueMode, tQosIngQueuePIRAdaptation, tQosIngQueueParent, tQosIngQueuePoliced, tQosIngQueuePoolName, tQosIngQueueRowStatus, tQosIngQueueWeight } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for the multi-class mlppp egress information on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosV15v0Groups 11 } tmnxQosPolicerV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosPolicerCtrlPolDescr, tQosPolicerCtrlPolLastChgd, tQosPolicerCtrlPolRowStatus, tQosPolicerCtrlPolTblLastChgd, tSapIngPolicerPktOffset, tSapIngPolicerCIRAdaptation, tSapIngPolicerDescr, tSapIngPolicerHiPrioOnly, tSapIngPolicerLastChanged, tSapIngPolicerLevel, tSapIngPolicerPIRAdaptation, tSapIngPolicerParent, tSapIngPolicerRowStatus, tSapIngPolicerStatMode, tSapIngPolicerTableLastChanged, tSapIngPolicerCBS, tSapIngPolicerMBS, tSapIngPolicerWeight, tSapEgrPolicerPktOffset, tSapEgrPolicerCIRAdaptation, tSapEgrPolicerDescr, tSapEgrPolicerHiPrioOnly, tSapEgrPolicerLastChanged, tSapEgrPolicerLevel, tSapEgrPolicerPIRAdaptation, tSapEgrPolicerParent, tSapEgrPolicerRowStatus, tSapEgrPolicerStatMode, tSapEgrPolicerTableLastChanged, tSapEgrPolicerCBS, tSapEgrPolicerMBS, tSapEgrPolicerWeight, tSapIngressFCBCastPolicer, tSapIngressFCMCastPolicer, tSapIngressFCPolicer, tSapIngressFCUnknownPolicer, tQosPolicerArbiterDescr, tQosPolicerArbiterLastChgd, tQosPolicerArbiterLevel, tQosPolicerArbiterParent, tQosPolicerArbiterRowStatus, tQosPolicerArbiterTblLastChgd, tQosPolicerArbiterWeight, tQosPolicerCtrlPolMinMBSSep, tQosPolicerLevelCumMBS, tQosPolicerLevelLastChgd, tQosPolicerLevelTblLastChgd, tSapEgressFCPolicer, tQosPolicerLevelFixedMBS } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Policer specific objects on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosV15v0Groups 12 } tmnxQosQueueObsoletedV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressQueueHiPrioOnly, tSapEgressQueueHiPrioOnly, tSapEgressQueueHiLowPrioOnly, tNetworkQueueHiPrioOnly, tSharedQueueHiPrioOnly, tQosIngQueueHiPrioOnly, tQosEgrQueueHiPrioOnly, tQosEgrQueueHiLowPrioOnly, tSapIngressQueueAdminPIR, tSapIngressQueueAdminCIR, tSapIngPolicerAdminPIR, tSapIngPolicerAdminCIR, tSapEgressQueueAdminPIR, tSapEgressQueueAdminCIR, tSapEgrPolicerAdminPIR, tSapEgrPolicerAdminCIR, tQosPolicerCtrlPolRootMaxRate, tQosPolicerArbiterRate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects for the QoS on Nokia SROS series systems release." ::= { tmnxQosV15v0Groups 13 } tQosNetworkPlcyNameV15v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetworkPolicyName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for the QoS network policy name on Nokia SROS series systems release." ::= { tmnxQosV15v0Groups 14 } tmnxQosV16v0Groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxQosGroups 79 } tmnxQosNetworkEgrPlcyV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetworkPolicyEgrMatchCriteria, tNetworkEgrIPCritTableLstChanged, tNetworkEgrIPCritRowStatus, tNetworkEgrIPCritLastChanged, tNetworkEgrIPCritDescription, tNetworkEgrIPCritActionFC, tNetworkEgrIPCritActionProfile, tNetworkEgrIPCritActionQGrpPlcr, tNetworkEgrIPCritActionQGrpQueue, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpAddrType, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpAddr, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpMask, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcIpFullMask, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpAddrType, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpAddr, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpMask, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstIpFullMask, tNetworkEgrIPCritProtocol, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortValue1, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortValue2, tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortOperator, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortValue1, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortValue2, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortOperator, tNetworkEgrIPCritDSCP, tNetworkEgrIPCritFragment, tNetworkEgrIPCritIcmpType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Network Egress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxQosV16v0Groups 1 } tmnxQosMdAutoIdV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosMdAutoIdQosRangeStart, tQosMdAutoIdQosRangeEnd, tQosMdAutoIdSapIngressQosCount, tQosMdAutoIdSapEgressQosCount, tQosMdAutoIdNetworkQosCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of model-driven CLI auto range of identifiers in Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxQosV16v0Groups 2 } tmnxQosQueueFIRRateV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetworkQueueFIRAdaptation, tNetworkQueueFIR, tQosIngQueueFIRAdaptation, tQosIngQueueAdminFIR, tSapIngressQueueFIRAdaptation, tSapIngressQueueAdminFIRPercent, tSapIngressQueueAdminFIRHi, tSapIngressQueueAdminFIRLo, tSharedQueueFIR } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of queue FIR rate for ingress Qos policies in Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxQosV16v0Groups 3 } tmnxQosQCIRNonProfV16v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosIngQueueCIRNonProfiling, tSapIngressQueueCIRNonProfiling } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of queue cir non marking for ingress Qos policies in Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxQosV16v0Groups 4 } tNetworkIngIpPrefixListV16v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetworkIngIPCritSrcIpPrefixList, tNetworkIngIPCritDstIpPrefixList } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting supporting management of IP prefix match-list for Qos policies in Nokia SROS series systems release 16.0." ::= { tmnxQosV16v0Groups 5 } tmnxQosDCCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxQosConformance 3 } tmnxQosDCGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxQosConformance 4 } tmnxQosHsGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxQosConformance 5 } tHsSchedPolicyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tHsSchedPolicyTableLastChanged, tHsSchedPolicyRowStatus, tHsSchedPolicyLastChanged, tHsSchedPolicyDescription, tHsSchedPolicyMaxRate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of HS Scheduler Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosHsGroups 2 } tHsSchedPolicySchedClassGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tHsSchedPlcySchdClassTblLstChgd, tHsSchdPolicySchdClassRowStatus, tHsSchdPolicySchdClassLastChngd, tHsSchdPolicySchdClassType, tHsSchdPolicySchdClassRate, tHsSchdPolicySchdClassGrpId, tHsSchdPolicySchdClassWghtInGrp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of HS Scheduler Policy scheduling class configuration on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosHsGroups 3 } tHsSchedPolicyGroupGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tHsSchedPolicyGroupTblLstChgd, tHsSchedPolicyGroupRowStatus, tHsSchedPolicyGroupLastChanged, tHsSchedPolicyGroupRate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of HS Scheduler Policy group configuration on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosHsGroups 4 } tHsPoolPolicyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tHsPoolPolicyTblLstChgd, tHsPoolPolicyRowStatus, tHsPoolPolicyLastChanged, tHsPoolPolicyDescription, tHsPoolPolicySystemReserve } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of HS Pool Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosHsGroups 5 } tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolTblLstChgd, tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolRowStatus, tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolLstChanged, tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolAllocWght, tHsPoolPolicyRootPoolSlopePlcy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of HS Pool Policy root pool configuration on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosHsGroups 6 } tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolTblLstChgd, tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolRowStatus, tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolLstChanged, tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolRootParent, tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolSlopePlcy, tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolAllocPrcnt, tHsPoolPolicyMidPoolOvrSubFactr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of HS Pool Policy mid pool configuration on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosHsGroups 7 } tHsPortPoolPolicyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tHsPortPoolPolicyTblLstChgd, tHsPortPoolPolicyRowStatus, tHsPortPoolPolicyLastChanged, tHsPortPoolPolicyDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of HS Port Pool Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosHsGroups 8 } tHsPortPoolClassPoolGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolTblLstChg, tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolRowStatus, tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolLstChgd, tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolParent, tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolAllocType, tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolPrcnt, tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolBwWght, tHsPortPoolStdClssPoolSlopePlcy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of HS Port Pool Policy class pool configuration on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosHsGroups 9 } tHsPortPoolAltClassPoolGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolTblLstChg, tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolRowStatus, tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolLstChgd, tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolParent, tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolAllocType, tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolPrcnt, tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolBwWght, tHsPortPoolAltClssPoolSlopePlcy } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of HS Port Pool Policy class pool configuration on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosHsGroups 10 } tHsAttachPlcyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tHsAttachPlcyTblLstChgd, tHsAttachPlcyRowStatus, tHsAttachPlcyLastChanged, tHsAttachPlcyDescription, tHsAttachPlcyLowBurstMaxClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of HS Attachment Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosHsGroups 11 } tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpTblLstChgd, tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpRowStatus, tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpLastChanged, tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpMappingType, tHsAttachPlcyWrrGrpSchedClassId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of HS Attachment Policy WRR group configuration on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosHsGroups 12 } tHsAttachPlcyQueueGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tHsAttachPlcyQueueTblLstChgd, tHsAttachPlcyQueueRowStatus, tHsAttachPlcyQueueLastChanged, tHsAttachPlcyQueueMappingType, tHsAttachPlcyQueueSchedClassId, tHsAttachPlcyQueueWrrGroupId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of HS Attachment Policy queue configuration on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosHsGroups 13 } tNetworkQueuePolicyHsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetworkQueuePolicyHsAttachPlcy, tNetworkQueueHsMBS, tNetworkQueueHsWrrWeight, tNetworkQueueHsClassWeight, tNetworkQueueHsWredQSlopePlcy, tNetworkQueueHsAltClssPool, tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpTblLstChgd, tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpLastChanged, tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpRatePercent, tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpPIRAdaption, tNetworkQueueHsWrrGrpClassWeight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of HS configuration for QoS network-queue policy on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosHsGroups 14 } tSapEgressHsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressHsAttachPlcy, tSapEgressQueueHsWrrWeight, tSapEgressQueueHsClassWeight, tSapEgressQueueHsWredQSlopePlcy, tSapEgressQueueHsAltClssPool, tSapEgressHsWrrGrpTblLstChgd, tSapEgressHsWrrGrpLastChanged, tSapEgressHsWrrGrpRateType, tSapEgressHsWrrGrpRate, tSapEgressHsWrrGrpRatePercent, tSapEgressHsWrrGrpPIRAdaption, tSapEgressHsWrrGrpClassWeight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of HS configuration for QoS sap-egress policy on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosHsGroups 15 } tQosEgrQGroupHsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosEgrQGroupHsAttachPlcy, tQosEgrQueueHsWrrWeight, tQosEgrQueueHsClassWeight, tQosEgrQueueHsWredQSlopePlcy, tQosEgrQueueHsAltClssPool, tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpTblLstChgd, tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpLastChanged, tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpRateType, tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpRate, tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpRatePercent, tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpPIRAdaption, tQosEgrQGroupHsWrrGrpClassWeight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of HS configuration for QoS egress queue-group templates on Nokia SROS series systems 15.0" ::= { tmnxQosHsGroups 16 } tNetIngressPlcyCompliances MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tNetIngressPlcyGroup } ::= { tmnxQosConformance 6 } tNetIngressPlcyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetIngPlcyIngressClassPolicy, tNetIngPlcyDescription, tNetIngPlcyLastChanged, tNetIngPlcyRowStatus, tNetIngPlcyScope, tNetIngPlcyFCLastChanged, tNetIngPlcyFCMCastPlcr, tNetIngPlcyFCUniCastPlcr, tNetIngPlcyFCRowStatus, tNetIngPlcyPolicerRowStatus, tNetIngPlcyPolicerPIRHi, tNetIngPlcyPolicerPIRLo, tNetIngPlcyPolicerCIRHi, tNetIngPlcyPolicerCIRLo, tNetIngPlcyPolicerStatMode, tNetIngPlcyPolicerMBS, tNetIngPlcyPolicerCBS, tNetIngPlcyPolicerCIRAdaptation, tNetIngPlcyPolicerPIRAdaptation, tNetIngPlcyPolicerLastChanged, tNetIngPlcyTblLastChgd, tNetIngPlcyFCTblLastChgd, tNetIngPlcyPolicerTblLastChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Network Ingress Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 7 } tPortQosPlcyCompliances MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tPortQosPlcyGroup } ::= { tmnxQosConformance 8 } tPortQosPlcyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortQosPlcyRowStatus, tPortQosPlcyDescription, tPortQosPlcyScope, tPortQosPlcyLastChanged, tVlanQosPlcyStatMode, tPortQosPlcyTblLastChgd, tPortQosPlcyQueueRowStatus, tPortQosPlcyQueueCIRAdaptation, tPortQosPlcyQueuePIRAdaptation, tPortQosPlcyQueueQueueMgmt, tPortQosPlcyQueueWrrWeights, tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsRowStatus, tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsMcWeight, tPortQosPlcyWrrWeightsUcWeight, tPortQosPlcyWrrWtsTblLastChgd, tPortQosPlcyQueueSchedulerMode, tPortQosPlcyQueuePIR, tPortQosPlcyQueueCIR, tPortQosPlcyQueuePirWeight, tPortQosPlcyQueueTblLastChgd, tPortQosPlcyFCRowStatus, tPortQosPlcyFCQueue, tVlanQosPlcyFCRowStatus, tVlanQosPlcyFCQueue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Port Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 9 } tQueueMgmtPlcyCompliances MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tQueueMgmtPlcyGroup } ::= { tmnxQosConformance 10 } tQueueMgmtPlcyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQueueMgmtPlcyRowStatus, tQueueMgmtPlcyDescription, tQueueMgmtPlcyMbs, tQueueMgmtPlcyScope, tQueueMgmtPlcyTimeAverageFactor, tQueueMgmtPlcyHiAdminStatus, tQueueMgmtPlcyHiStartAverage, tQueueMgmtPlcyHiMaxAverage, tQueueMgmtPlcyHiMaxProbability, tQueueMgmtPlcyLoAdminStatus, tQueueMgmtPlcyLoStartAverage, tQueueMgmtPlcyLoMaxAverage, tQueueMgmtPlcyLoMaxProbability, tQueueMgmtPlcyLastChanged, tQueueMgmtPlcyTblLastChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Queue Management Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 11 } tVlanQosPlcyCompliances MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tVlanQosPlcyGroup } ::= { tmnxQosConformance 12 } tVlanQosPlcyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tVlanQosPlcyRowStatus, tVlanQosPlcyDescription, tVlanQosPlcyScope, tVlanQosPlcyLastChanged, tVlanQosPlcyTblLastChgd, tVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfRowStatus, tVlanQosPlcyCirWtProfWeight, tVlanQosPlcyQueueRowStatus, tVlanQosPlcyQueuePIRAdaptation, tVlanQosPlcyQueueCIRAdaptation, tVlanQosPlcyQueueQueueMgmt, tVlanQosPlcyQueueQueueType, tVlanQosPlcyQueueCirWtProfId, tVlanQosPlcyQueuePIR, tVlanQosPlcyQueueCIR, tVlanQosPlcyQueueTblLastChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Vlan Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 13 } tQosEgrRmrkPlcyCompliances MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tQosEgrRmrkPlcyGroup } ::= { tmnxQosConformance 14 } tQosEgrRmrkPlcyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tEgrRmrkPlcyRowStatus, tEgrRmrkPlcyDescription, tEgrRmrkPlcyScope, tEgrRmrkPlcyLastChanged, tEgrRmrkPlcyTblLastChgd, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCRowStatus, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1PInProfile, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1POutProfile, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCForceDEValue, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDEMark, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCInProfDscp, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCOutProfDscp, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLspExpInProfile, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLspExpOutProfile, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLastChanged, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCTblLastChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting supporting management of Egress Remark QoS Policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 15 } tIngressClassPlcyCompliances MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tIngressClassPlcyGroup } ::= { tmnxQosConformance 16 } tIngressClassPlcyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIngClassPlcyDescription, tIngClassPlcyDscpExpRemark, tIngClassPlcyDefActionFC, tIngClassPlcyDefActionProfile, tIngClassPlcyRowStatus, tSapIngressIngClassPlcy, tIngClassPlcyLspExpFC, tIngClassPlcyLspExpProfile, tIngClassPlcyLspExpRowStatus, tIngClassPlcyDSCPFC, tIngClassPlcyDSCPProfile, tIngClassPlcyDSCPRowStatus, tIngClassPlcyDot1PFC, tIngClassPlcyDot1PProfile, tIngClassPlcyDot1PRowStatus, tIngClassPlcyScope, tIngClassPlcyLastChanged, tIngClassPlcyRemark, tIngClassPlcyDSCPLastChanged, tIngClassPlcyDSCPTblLastChgd, tIngClassPlcyDot1pLastChanged, tIngClassPlcyDot1PTblLastChgd, tIngClassPlcyLspExpLastChanged, tIngClassPlcyLspExpTblLastChgd, tIngClassPlcyTblLastChgd } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Ingress Classification Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 17 } tIngressClassPlcyV19v7Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIngClassPlcyDescription, tIngClassPlcyDefActionFC, tIngClassPlcyDefActionProfile, tIngClassPlcyRowStatus, tSapIngressIngClassPlcy, tIngClassPlcyLspExpFC, tIngClassPlcyLspExpProfile, tIngClassPlcyLspExpRowStatus, tIngClassPlcyDSCPFC, tIngClassPlcyDSCPProfile, tIngClassPlcyDSCPRowStatus, tIngClassPlcyDot1PFC, tIngClassPlcyDot1PProfile, tIngClassPlcyDot1PRowStatus, tIngClassPlcyScope, tIngClassPlcyLastChanged, tIngClassPlcyRemark, tIngClassPlcyDSCPLastChanged, tIngClassPlcyDSCPTblLastChgd, tIngClassPlcyDot1pLastChanged, tIngClassPlcyDot1PTblLastChgd, tIngClassPlcyLspExpLastChanged, tIngClassPlcyLspExpTblLastChgd, tIngClassPlcyTblLastChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Ingress Classification Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 18 } tIngClassPlcyV19v7Compliances MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { tIngressClassPlcyV19v7Group } ::= { tmnxQosConformance 19 } tIngressClassObsoletedPlcyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIngClassPlcyDscpExpRemark } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsolete objects in in Ingress classification policy." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 20 } tQosFpResourcePolicyV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosFpResourcePolicyRowStatus, tQosFpResourcePolicyLastChanged, tQosFpResourcePolicyDescription, tQosFpResPlcyQIngPrcntOfTotal, tQosFpResourcePolicyTblLastChgd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos FP Resource Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20.0." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 21 } tQosPercentRateV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosPolicerCtrlRootMaxPrcntRate, tQosPolicerCtrlRootMaxRateType, tQosPolicerArbiterPercentRate, tQosPolicerArbiterRateType, tVirtualSchedulerPIRPercent, tVirtualSchedulerCIRPercent, tVirtualSchedulerRateType, tQosEgrPolicerAdminPIRPercent, tQosEgrPolicerAdminCIRPercent, tQosEgrPolicerAdminRateType, tQosIngPolicerAdminPIRPercent, tQosIngPolicerAdminCIRPercent, tQosIngPolicerAdminRateType, tQosIngQueueAdminPIRPercent, tQosIngQueueAdminCIRPercent, tQosIngQueueAdminFIRPercent, tQosIngQueueAdminRateType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Policer Control Policy root max-percentage configuration on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20.0." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 22 } tQosFourWredSlopesV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdAdminStatus, tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdStartAverage, tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdMaxAverage, tQueueMgmtPlcyExcdMaxProbability, tQueueMgmtPlcyHiPlusAdminStatus, tQueueMgmtPlcyHiPlusStartAverage, tQueueMgmtPlcyHiPlusMaxAverage, tQMgmtPlcyHiPlusMaxProbability, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1PExceedProfile, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1PInPlusProfile, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCExceedDscp, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCInPlusDscp, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLspExpExceedProf, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLspExpInPlusProf } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos wred slopes on Nokia SROS 7250 series systems in release 19.10." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 23 } tQosPortSchedHQoSAlgoV19v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPortSchedPlcyHQosAlgorithm, tAdvCfgAbvOffAUnConsumeAggRPrcnt, tAdvCfgAbvOffADeltaConsAggRPrcnt, tAdvCfgAbvOffAUnConsHiTierRPrcnt, tAdvCfgAbvOffADelConHiTierRPrcnt } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos port scheduler H-QoS algorithm configuration on Nokia SROS series systems in release 19.10." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 24 } tQosSapIpPrefixListV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngIPv6CritSrcIpPrefixList, tSapIngIPv6CritDstIpPrefixList } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos SAPs IPv6 Prefix list configuration on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20.0." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 25 } tmnxQosSapEgressV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressRowStatus, tSapEgressScope, tSapEgressDescription, tSapEgressLastChanged, tSapEgressTableLastChanged, tSapEgressQueueRowStatus, tSapEgressQueueParent, tSapEgressQueueLevel, tSapEgressQueueWeight, tSapEgressQueueCIRLevel, tSapEgressQueueCIRWeight, tSapEgressQueueExpedite, tSapEgressQueueCBS, tSapEgressQueueCIRAdaptation, tSapEgressQueuePIRAdaptation, tSapEgressQueueLastChanged, tSapEgressQueueTableLastChanged, tSapEgressFCRowStatus, tSapEgressFCQueue, tSapEgressFCLastChanged, tSapEgressFCTableLastChanged, tSapEgressFCDot1PInProfile, tSapEgressFCDot1POutProfile, tSapEgressFCForceDEValue, tSapEgressFCDEMark, tSapEgressFCInProfDscp, tSapEgressFCOutProfDscp, tSapEgressFCInProfPrec, tSapEgressFCOutProfPrec, tSapEgressQueueUsePortParent, tSapEgressQueuePortLvl, tSapEgressQueuePortWght, tSapEgressQueuePortCIRLvl, tSapEgressQueuePortCIRWght, tSapEgressQueuePortAvgOverhead } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP egress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 26 } tmnxQosSapIngressV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressRowStatus, tSapIngressScope, tSapIngressDescription, tSapIngressDefaultFC, tSapIngressDefaultFCPriority, tSapIngressMatchCriteria, tSapIngressLastChanged, tSapIngressTableLastChanged, tSapIngressQueueRowStatus, tSapIngressQueueParent, tSapIngressQueueLevel, tSapIngressQueueWeight, tSapIngressQueueCIRLevel, tSapIngressQueueCIRWeight, tSapIngressQueueMCast, tSapIngressQueueExpedite, tSapIngressQueueCBS, tSapIngressQueueCIRAdaptation, tSapIngressQueuePIRAdaptation, tSapIngressQueueLastChanged, tSapIngressQueueMode, tSapIngressQueueTableLastChanged, tSapIngressQueuePoliced, tSapIngressDSCPRowStatus, tSapIngressDSCPFC, tSapIngressDSCPPriority, tSapIngressDSCPLastChanged, tSapIngressDSCPTableLastChanged, tSapIngressDot1pRowStatus, tSapIngressDot1pFC, tSapIngressDot1pPriority, tSapIngressDot1pLastChanged, tSapIngressDot1pTableLastChanged, tSapIngressIPCriteriaRowStatus, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDescription, tSapIngressIPCriteriaActionFC, tSapIngressIPCriteriaActionPriority, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpAddr, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourceIpMask, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpAddr, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestIpMask, tSapIngressIPCriteriaProtocol, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortValue2, tSapIngressIPCriteriaSourcePortOperator, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue1, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortValue2, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDestPortOperator, tSapIngressIPCriteriaDSCP, tSapIngressIPCriteriaFragment, tSapIngressIPCriteriaLastChanged, tSapIngressIPCriteriaTableLastChanged, tSapIngressMacCriteriaRowStatus, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDescription, tSapIngressMacCriteriaActionFC, tSapIngressMacCriteriaActionPriority, tSapIngressMacCriteriaFrameType, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSrcMacAddr, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSrcMacMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDstMacAddr, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDstMacMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDot1PValue, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDot1PMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaEthernetType, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDSAP, tSapIngressMacCriteriaDSAPMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSSAP, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSSAPMask, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSnapPid, tSapIngressMacCriteriaSnapOui, tSapIngressMacCriteriaLastChanged, tSapIngressMacCriteriaTableLastChanged, tSapIngressFCRowStatus, tSapIngressFCQueue, tSapIngressFCMCastQueue, tSapIngressFCBCastQueue, tSapIngressFCUnknownQueue, tSapIngressFCLastChanged, tSapIngressFCInProfRemark, tSapIngressFCInProfDscp, tSapIngressFCInProfPrec, tSapIngressFCDE1OutOfProfile, tSapIngressFCOutProfRemark, tSapIngressFCOutProfDscp, tSapIngressFCOutProfPrec, tSapIngressFCProfile, tSapIngressFCTableLastChanged, tSapIngressPrecRowStatus, tSapIngressPrecFC, tSapIngressPrecFCPriority, tSapIngressPrecLastChanged, tSapIngressPrecTableLastChanged, tSapIngressLspExpRowStatus, tSapIngressLspExpLastChanged, tSapIngressLspExpFC, tSapIngressLspExpFCPriority, tSapIngressLspExpTableLastChange } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP ingress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 20.0." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 27 } tQosNetworkV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetworkPolicyRowStatus, tNetworkPolicyScope, tNetworkPolicyDescription, tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionFC, tNetworkPolicyIngressDefaultActionProfile, tNetworkPolicyEgressRemark, tNetworkPolicyLastChanged, tNetworkPolicyIngressLerUseDscp, tNetworkPolicyEgressRemarkDscp, tNetworkPolicyTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDSCPRowStatus, tNetworkIngressDSCPFC, tNetworkIngressDSCPProfile, tNetworkIngressDSCPLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDSCPTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDot1pRowStatus, tNetworkIngressDot1pFC, tNetworkIngressDot1pProfile, tNetworkIngressDot1pLastChanged, tNetworkIngressDot1pTableLastChanged, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPRowStatus, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPFC, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPProfile, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPLastChanged, tNetworkIngressLSPEXPTableLastChanged, tNetworkEgressFCDSCPInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDSCPOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLspExpInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLspExpOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDot1pInProfile, tNetworkEgressFCDot1pOutProfile, tNetworkEgressFCLastChanged, tNetworkEgressFCForceDEValue, tNetworkEgressFCDEMark, tNetworkEgressFCTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueuePolicyRowStatus, tNetworkQueuePolicyDescription, tNetworkQueuePolicyLastChanged, tNetworkQueuePolicyTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueueRowStatus, tNetworkQueueMCast, tNetworkQueueExpedite, tNetworkQueueCIR, tNetworkQueuePIR, tNetworkQueueCBS, tNetworkQueueMBS, tNetworkQueueLastChanged, tNetworkQueueUsePortParent, tNetworkQueuePortLvl, tNetworkQueuePortWght, tNetworkQueuePortCIRLvl, tNetworkQueuePortCIRWght, tNetworkQueuePortAvgOverhead, tNetworkQueuePIRAdaptation, tNetworkQueueCIRAdaptation, tNetworkQueueTableLastChanged, tNetworkQueueFCRowStatus, tNetworkQueueFC, tNetworkQueueFCMCast, tNetworkQueueFCLastChanged, tNetworkQueueFCTableLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Network QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 28 } tmnxQosQueueObjV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosEgrQGroupDescr, tQosEgrQGroupLastChanged, tQosEgrQGroupRowStatus, tQosEgrQGroupTableLastChanged, tQosEgrQTableLastChanged, tQosEgrQueueAdminCIR, tQosEgrQueueAdminPIR, tQosEgrQueueCBS, tQosEgrQueueCIRAdaptation, tQosEgrQueueCIRLevel, tQosEgrQueueCIRWeight, tQosEgrQueueExpedite, tQosEgrQueueLastChanged, tQosEgrQueueLevel, tQosEgrQueuePIRAdaptation, tQosEgrQueueParent, tQosEgrQueuePortCIRLvl, tQosEgrQueuePortCIRWght, tQosEgrQueuePortLvl, tQosEgrQueuePortWght, tQosEgrQueueRowStatus, tQosEgrQueueUsePortParent, tQosEgrQueueWeight, tQosIngQTableLastChanged, tQosIngQGroupDescr, tQosIngQGroupLastChanged, tQosIngQGroupRowStatus, tQosIngQGroupTableLastChanged, tQosIngQueueAdminCIR, tQosIngQueueAdminPIR, tQosIngQueueCBS, tQosIngQueueCIRAdaptation, tQosIngQueueCIRLevel, tQosIngQueueCIRWeight, tQosIngQueueExpedite, tQosIngQueueLastChanged, tQosIngQueueLevel, tQosIngQueueMCast, tQosIngQueueMode, tQosIngQueuePIRAdaptation, tQosIngQueueParent, tQosIngQueuePoliced, tQosIngQueueRowStatus, tQosIngQueueWeight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects for the multi-class mlppp egress information on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 29 } tQosSharedQueueV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSharedQueuePolicyRowStatus, tSharedQueuePolicyDescription, tSharedQueuePolicyLastChanged, tSharedQueuePolicyTableLastChanged, tSharedQueueRowStatus, tSharedQueueExpedite, tSharedQueueCIR, tSharedQueuePIR, tSharedQueueCBS, tSharedQueueMBS, tSharedQueueLastChanged, tSharedQueueIsMultipoint, tSharedQueueTableLastChanged, tSharedQueueFCRowStatus, tSharedQueueFCQueue, tSharedQueueFCLastChanged, tSharedQueueFCTableLastChanged, tSharedQueueFCMCastQueue, tSharedQueueFCBCastQueue, tSharedQueueFCUnknownQueue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of QoS shared queue on Nokia SROS series systems release 15.0." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 30 } tQosNamedPoolObsoletedV20v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressQueuePoolName, tSapIngressQueuePoolName, tNetworkQueuePoolName, tQosEgrQueuePoolName, tQosIngQueuePoolName, tSharedQueuePoolName, tNamedPoolPolicyTableLastChanged, tNamedPoolPolicyRowStatus, tNamedPoolPolicyLastChanged, tNamedPoolPolicyDescription, tNamedPoolPolicyQ1DefaultWeight, tNamedPoolPolicyQ1MdaWeight, tNamedPoolPolicyQ1PortWeight, tQ1NamedPoolTableLastChanged, tQ1NamedPoolRowStatus, tQ1NamedPoolLastChanged, tQ1NamedPoolDescription, tQ1NamedPoolNetworkAllocWeight, tQ1NamedPoolAccessAllocWeight, tQ1NamedPoolSlopePolicy, tQ1NamedPoolReservedCbs, tQ1NamedPoolResvCbsAmbrAlrmStep, tQ1NamedPoolResvCbsAmbrAlrmMax, tQ1NamedPoolAmbrAlrmThresh, tQ1NamedPoolRedAlrmThresh } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsoleted objects for the named pool policy on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 31 } tQosPortListV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosPortListTableLstChng, tQosPortListRowStatus, tQosPortListLastChanged, tQosPortListDescription, tQosPortListEntryTblLstChg, tQosPortListEntryRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Port List configuration on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20.10." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 32 } tQosVlanQosPlcyPIRV20Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tVlanQosPlcyQueuePirWeight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Vlan Policy Queue PIR weight configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 33 } tQosSapIngIPCriteriaV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressIPCriteriaTagId, tSapIngressIPv6CriteriaTagId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos SAPs IP criteria configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 34 } tmnxQosSapIngPlcrCntV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngressPlcrAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of SAP ingress QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 20.0." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 35 } tNetIngressPlcyGroupV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetIngPlcyPlcrAlloc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Network Ingress Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 36 } tQosPktByteOffsetV20Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tPktByteOffsetAdminStatus, tPortQosPlcyPktByteOffset, tVlanQosPlcyPktByteOffset } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos internel packet byte offset configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 37 } tQosNetEgrPortListV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetworkEgrIPCritSrcPortList, tNetworkEgrIPCritDstPortList } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Port List configuration on Nokia SROS series systems in release 20.10." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 38 } tQueueMgmtPlcyV20v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQMgmtPlcyPortSpeed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Queue Management Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 39 } tQosFpV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tQosFpResPlcyAggShapAutoCreate, tQosFpResPlcyHwAggShapSubs, tQosFpResPlcyPortsHqosMode, tSapEgressQueueAggShaperWeight, tSapEgressQueueSchedClass, tSapEgressSchdClssElvRowStatus, tSapEgressSchdClssElvLastChanged, tSapEgressSchdClssElvWght, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyRowStatus, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyLastChanged, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyDescription, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyConThrsPrcnt, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRatePrcnt, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRateType, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRateHi, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMaxRate, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyMonThrsPrcnt, tQosHwAggShapSchPlcyTblLastChgd, tQosHwAggShaperSchPGrpRowStatus, tQosHwAggShaperSchPGrpLastChngd, tQosHwAggShapedSchGrpTblLastChgd, tQosHwAggShaperSchClassLastChngd, tQosHwAggShaperSchClassGroupName, tQosHwAggShaperSchClassGroupWght, tQosHwAggShapSchClassTblLastChgd, tSapEgressQueueFirBurstLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos FP Resource Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 40 } tNtwkLagAggrStatsV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsIPFPkt, tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsIPFOct, tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsIPDPkt, tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsIPDOct, tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsOPFPkt, tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsOPFOct, tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsOPDPkt, tLagNtwkAggQosIngQStatsOPDOct, tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsIPFPkt, tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsIPFOct, tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsIPDPkt, tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsIPDOct, tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsOPFPkt, tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsOPFOct, tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsOPDPkt, tLagNtwkAggQosEgrQStatsOPDOct } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the group of objects supporting the packet and octet counters for traffic entering and exiting a SAP queue on a specified LAG on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 41 } tQosObsoleteObjV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyRowStatus, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyDescription, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyMaxRate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8GrpId, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8WgtInGrp, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLastChanged, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp1Rate, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp2Rate, tSapEgressFCHsmdaQueue, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueRowStatus, tSapEgressHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueAdminPIR, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueLastChanged, tHsmdaPoolPolicyRowStatus, tHsmdaPoolLastChanged, tHsmdaPoolDescription, tHsmdaPoolSystemReserve, tHsmdaPoolRoot1AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot2AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot3AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot4AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot5AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot6AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot7AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolRoot8AllocWeight, tHsmdaPoolClass1Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass1AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass2Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass2AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass3Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass3AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass4Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass4AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass5Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass5AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass6Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass6AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass7Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass7AllocPercent, tHsmdaPoolClass8Parent, tHsmdaPoolClass8AllocPercent, tHsmdaSlopePolicyRowStatus, tHsmdaSlopeLastChanged, tHsmdaSlopeDescription, tHsmdaSlopeHiAdminStatus, tHsmdaSlopeHiStartDepth, tHsmdaSlopeHiMaxDepth, tHsmdaSlopeHiMaxProbability, tHsmdaSlopeLoAdminStatus, tHsmdaSlopeLoStartDepth, tHsmdaSlopeLoMaxDepth, tHsmdaSlopeLoMaxProbability, tSapEgrHsmdaQueueTblLastChngd, tHsmdaSchedPlcyTblLastChngd, tHsmdaSchedPlcyGrpTblLastChngd, tHsmdaPoolPlcyTblLastChngd, tHsmdaSlopePolicyTableLastChanged, tSapEgressDSCPHsmdaCntrOverride, tSapEgressPrecHsmdaCntrOverride, tSapEgressHsmdaPacketOffset, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyBrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp1BrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyGrp2BrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl1BrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl2BrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl3BrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl4BrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl5BrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl6BrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl7BrstLimit, tHsmdaSchedulerPlcyLvl8BrstLimit, tHsmdaWrrPolicyTblLastChgd, tHsmdaWrrPolicyRowStatus, tHsmdaWrrPolicyLastChanged, tHsmdaWrrPolicyDescription, tHsmdaWrrPolicyIncludeQueues, tHsmdaWrrPolicySchedUsingClass, tHsmdaWrrPolicyAggWeightAtClass, tNetworkQueuePolicyEHWrrPlcy, tNetworkQueuePolicyEHPktBOffst, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueTblLastChgd, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueuePIRPercent, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueWrrWeight, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueMBS, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueLastChanged, tSapEgressHsmdaLowBrstMaxCls, tSapEgressHsmdaWrrPolicy, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueWrrWeight, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueMBS, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueBurstLimit, tNetworkEgrHsmdaQueueBurstLimit, tNetworkQueueFCEgrHsmdaQueue, tSapEgressHsmdaQueueTblLstChngd, tQosEgrQGroupHsmdaPacketOffset, tQosEgrQGroupHsmdaWrrPolicy, tQosEgrQGroupHsmdaLowBrstMaxCls, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueRowStatus, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueLastChanged, tQosEgrHsmdaQueuePIRAdaptn, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueAdminPIR, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueSlopePolicy, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueWrrWeight, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueMBS, tQosEgrHsmdaQueueBurstLimit, tSapEgressFCHsmdaQueuePortQGrpQ, tSapEgrIPCritActionHsmdaCntrOvr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of obsolete objects in the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 42 } tQosObjV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapEgressDSCPRowStatus, tSapEgressDSCPLastChanged, tSapEgressDSCPfc, tSapEgressDSCPprofile, tSapEgressPrecFC, tSapEgressPrecProfile, tSapEgressPrecRowStatus, tSapEgressPrecLastChanged, tSapEgressMatchCriteria, tSapEgrIPCritRowStatus, tSapEgrIPCritLastChanged, tSapEgrIPCritDescription, tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddrType, tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpAddr, tSapEgrIPCritSourceIpMask, tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddrType, tSapEgrIPCritDestIpAddr, tSapEgrIPCritDestIpMask, tSapEgrIPCritProtocol, tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue1, tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortValue2, tSapEgrIPCritSourcePortOperator, tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue1, tSapEgrIPCritDestPortValue2, tSapEgrIPCritDestPortOperator, tSapEgrIPCritDSCP, tSapEgrIPCritFragment, tSapEgrIPCritActionFC, tSapEgrIPCritActionProfile } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of QOS objects in the TIMETRA-QOS-MIB." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 43 } tQosIngClassPlcyFcMapV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tDot1pFCMapRowStatus, tDot1pFCMapLastChanged, tDot1pFCMapDefActionFC, tDot1pFCMapDefActionProfile, tDot1pFCMapDot1pRowStatus, tDot1pFCMapDot1pFC, tDot1pFCMapDot1pProfile, tDot1pFCMapDot1pLastChanged, tDscpFCMapRowStatus, tDscpFCMapLastChanged, tDscpFCMapDefActionFC, tDscpFCMapDefActionProfile, tDscpFCMapDscpRowStatus, tDscpFCMapDscpFC, tDscpFCMapDscpProfile, tDscpFCMapDscpLastChanged, tLspExpFCMapRowStatus, tLspExpFCMapLastChanged, tLspExpFCMapDefActionFC, tLspExpFCMapDefActionProfile, tLspExpFCMapLspExpRowStatus, tLspExpFCMapLspExpFC, tLspExpFCMapLspExpProfile, tLspExpFCMapLspExpLastChanged, tIngClassPlcyDot1pFCMap, tIngClassPlcyDscpFCMap, tIngClassPlcyLspExpFCMap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos FP Resource Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 44 } tQosEgrRmrkPlcyFcMapV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFCDot1pMapRowStatus, tFCDot1pMapLastChanged, tFCDscpMapRowStatus, tFCDscpMapLastChanged, tFCLspExpMapRowStatus, tFCLspExpMapLastChanged, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDot1pMap, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCDscpMap, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCLspExpMap, tEgrRmrkPlcyFCRowStatus, tFCDot1pMapFCRowStatus, tFCDot1pMapFCDot1pInProfile, tFCDot1pMapFCDot1pOutProfile, tFCDot1pMapFCDEMark, tFCDot1pMapFCForceDEValue, tFCDot1pMapFCLastChanged, tFCDscpMapFCRowStatus, tFCDscpMapFCDscpInProfile, tFCDscpMapFCDscpOutProfile, tFCDscpMapFCLastChanged, tFCLspExpMapFCRowStatus, tFCLspExpMapFCLspExpInProfile, tFCLspExpMapFCLspExpOutProfile, tFCLspExpMapFCLastChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos FP Resource Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 45 } tmnxQosIngClassPlcyV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tIngClassPlcyAllowAttachment } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Ingress classification policy QoS policies on Nokia SROS series systems release 21.0." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 46 } tQosFcDot1pMapInOutV21v0Grp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tFCDot1pMapFCOutTagDot1pInProf, tFCDot1pMapFCOutTagDot1pOutProf, tFCDot1pMapFCInTagDot1pInProf, tFCDot1pMapFCInTagDot1pOutProf, tFCDot1pMapFCDEMarkInner, tFCDot1pMapFCForceDEValueInner, tFCDot1pMapFCDEMarkOuter, tFCDot1pMapFCForceDEValueOuter } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos FP Resource Policy configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 47 } tQosNetIngPortListV21v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tNetworkIngIPCritSrcPortList, tNetworkIngIPCritDstPortList } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Port List configuration on Nokia SROS series systems in release 21.10." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 48 } tQosSapIngHqosPol22v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tSapIngPolicersHqosManageable, tSapIngPolicerSchedParent, tSapIngPolicerSchedLevel, tSapIngPolicerSchedWeight, tSapIngPolicerSchedCIRLevel, tSapIngPolicerSchedCIRWeight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Sap Ingress policer configuration on Nokia SROS series systems in release 22.2." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 49 } tQosEnhancedSched22v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tVlanQosPlcyQueueSchedPriority } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Qos Vlan Policy enhanced scheduling configuration on Nokia SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxQosConformance 50 } tQosNotifyPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRNotifyPrefix 16 } tQosNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tQosNotifyPrefix 0 } END